Updated on 2024/10/24


UEDA, Atsuko
Faculty of Political Science and Economics
Job title
Professor Emeritus
経済学博士 ( ウィスコンシン大学マディソン校(アメリカ合衆国) )
"Ph. D., Economics" ( University of Wisconsin-Madison(USA) )
経済学修士 ( ウィスコンシン大学マディソン校(アメリカ合衆国) )
"M. S. , Economics" ( University of Wisconsin-Madison(USA) )

Research Experience

  • 2007


  • 2002

    (Associate Professor)

  • 2001

    Assistant Professor, Waseda University, Political Science & Economics

  • 1999

    (Assistant Professor)

  • 1995

    Research Associate, University of Tsukuba, Institute of Policy and Planning Sciences

  • 1994

    Research Associate, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Faculty of Economics

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Education Background


    University of Wisconsin - Madison   Graduate School, Division of Economics   Economics  


    University of Tokyo   Faculty of Economics  

Professional Memberships


    American Economic Association


    Econometric Society



Research Areas

  • Economic statistics / Economic policy / Public economics and labor economics

Research Interests

  • Empirical Economic Analysis



  • 地方景気の先行性・遅行性 -都道府県CIによる分析-

    小野寺敬, 上田貴子, 浅子和美

    経済研究   66 ( 2 ) 127 - 144  2015.04

  • Intergenerational earnings mobility in Taiwan

    Fengye Sun, Atsuko Ueda

    Economics Bulletin, Vol. 35 No. 1 p.A21   Vol. 35 ( No. 1 ) 187 - 197  2015

  • Intergenerational mobility of earnings in South Korea

    Atsuko Ueda

    Journal of Asian Economics   27   33 - 41  2013.08

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    The purpose of this study is to estimate the extent of intergenerational mobility of earnings in the Republic of Korea (South Korea). The elasticity of children's earnings with respect to parent's earnings is estimated using household microdata. When the simulation extrapolation (SIMEX) method is applied along with the multiyear-average method, the elasticity is estimated to be 0.24 or less for sons approximately 30 years old. When the two-stage approach is applied, the elasticity is approximately 0.25 for sons and 0.35 for daughters in their 30s, and approximately 0.35 for sons and 0.4 for daughters from 25 to 54 years old. Nonparametric regression illustrates that sons from low-income families in the younger generation have more equal opportunities than in the older generation. © 2013.



  • Intergenerational Mobility of Earnings and Income in Japan

    Atsuko Ueda

    The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy   9-1, Article 54.  2009  [Refereed]

  • Dynamic model of childbearing and labor force participation of married women: Empirical evidence from Korea and Japan

    Atsuko Ueda

    Journal of Asian Economics   19 ( 2 ) 170 - 180  2008.04

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    The purpose of this study is the empirical investigation of childbirth behavior and labor-force participation of married women in South Korea and Japan. A dynamic discrete choice model is estimated using microdata from household surveys in South Korea and Japan. Estimation results suggest that: (1) only a second child is beneficial and others are not in the case of Korea, although any child is beneficial in the case of Japan
    (2) nursing a newborn is considerably costly
    (3) without considering an earnings effect, low-earnings jobs are costly in both countries, although high-earnings jobs are beneficial in Japan
    and (4) the probability of finding a full-time position for married women after career interruption is estimated as 5-28%. © 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.



  • 将来不安と所得格差認識の分析


    早稲田政治経済学雑誌   370   74 - 90  2008.01

  • A Dynamic Decision Model of Marriage, Childbearing, and Labor Force Participation of Japanese Women

    Atsuko Ueda

    Japanese Economic Review   992 ( 5 ) 852 - 874  2007.12

  • 景気の地域別先行性・遅行性

    浅子和美, 板明果, 上田貴子

    浅子和美・宮川努(編)『日本経済の構造変化と景気循環』第9章 / 東京大学出版会    2007.07

  • 正規雇用者の生活時間


    日本労働研究雑誌   552   34 - 43  2006.07

  • Welfare Cost of Inflation in an Incomplete Market Model with Idiosyncratic and Aggregate Risks: Application to the Japanese Economy

    Yosuke Takeda, Atsuko Ueda

    21COE-GLOPE Working Paper Series No.7    2006

  • 家計消費と家族属性

    上田貴子, 佐々木明果

    フィナンシャル・レビュー   平成17年第4号(通算第78号)   34 - 50  2005.08

  • Intrafamily time allocation of housework: evidence from Japan

    A Ueda

    JOURNAL OF THE JAPANESE AND INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIES   19 ( 1 ) 1 - 23  2005.03  [Refereed]

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    This study empirically examines determinants of intrafamily time allocation of housework. It specifically addresses simultaneous effects of housework time for wives and husbands in Japan. According to estimated results using microdata of the 1996 Survey on Time Use and Leisure Activities, a husband's help reduces his wife's housework time, although a five minute increase in a husband's help reduces only one minute of the wife's housework time in dual-earner households. Results also suggest that higher earnings reduce an individual's housework time and increase the spouse's housework time. (C) 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.



  • Intrafamily Time Allocation of Housework: Evidence from Japan

    Atsuko Ueda

    Journal of the Japanese and International Economies   19 ( 1 ) 1 - 23  2005.03

  • 片親世帯と住居 -平成10年住宅・土地統計調査個票調査から-


    早稲田大学政治経済学雑誌   ( 358 ) 45 - 59  2005.02

  • 韓国における通貨危機の家計への影響分析


    『開放経済の経済・政策分析』早稲田大学現代政治経済研究叢書   20   53 - 77  2004.07

  • Welfare Cost of Inflation in an Incomplete Market Model with Idiosyncratic and Aggregate Risks: Application to the Japanese Economy

    YosukeTakeda, Atsuko Ueda

    21COE-GLOPE Working Paper Series No.7    2004

  • 政策と景気局面

    浅子和美, 上田貴子

    浅子和美・福田慎一(編)『景気循環と景気予測』/東京大学出版会   第6章   157 - 177  2003.07

  • 家族形態と家事時間 -「社会生活基本調査」個票データから-


    早稲田大学政治経済学雑誌   第350・351号、194-217頁  2002

  • 老後生活リスクと家計の金融資産形成行動


    建設省道路局・(財)財政経済協会、 『高齢社会に向けた公共投資のあり方に関する調査研究』    2001

  • 消費者マインドと個人消費行動


    建設省道路局・(財)財政経済協会、『日本経済の構造変化と財政政策に関する調査研究』    2000.03

  • 経済成長、女子労働供給と出生率


    『平成11年度多目的データバンク年報』/筑波大学社会工学系   25-45ページ  2000.03

  • A Growth Model of "Miracle" in Korea

    Atsuko Ueda

    Journal of Policy Modeling   22 (1), 43-59  2000

  • A Growth Model of "Miracle" in Korea

    Atsuko Ueda

    Journal of Policy Modeling   22 (1), 43-59  2000  [Refereed]

  • 財政政策の外部ラグ

    浅子和美, 上田貴子

    建設省道路局・(財)財政経済協会『公共投資の長期的・短期的経済効果の研究』   第5章  1999.03

  • Return to Market Work after Childbearing : the Case of Married Women in Japan

    Nakamura Jiro, Atsuko Ueda

    University of Tsukuba, Discussion Paper Series   /813  1999

  • On the Determinants of Career Interruption by Childbirth among Married Women in Japan

    Nakamura Jiro, Atsuko Ueda

    Journal of the Japanese and International Economies   13 (1), 73-89  1999  [Refereed]

  • Measuring Distortion in Capital Allocation: - the Case of Heavy and Chemical Industries in Korea -

    Atsuko Ueda

    Journal of Policy Modeling   21 (4), 427-452  1999

  • On the Determinants of Career Interruption by Childbirth among Married Women in Japan

    Jiro Nakamura, Atsuko Ueda

    Journal of the Japanese and International Economies   13 (1), 73-89  1999

  • Measuring Distortion in Capital Allocation: - the Case of Heavy and Chemical Industries in Korea -

    Atsuko Ueda

    Journal of Policy Modeling   21 (4), 427-452  1999

  • 既婚女子における就業時間の決定要因分析

    中村二朗, 上田貴子

    (財)労働問題リサーチセンター『女性労働者の雇用と賃金に関する調査研究』   第7章  1997

  • Income Inequality and Growth: A Simulation Study

    Atsuko Ueda

    University of Tsukuba, Institute of Policy and Planning Sciences, Discussion Paper Series 674    1996

  • Dynamic models and Numerical Solutions

    Atsuko Ueda

    University of Tsukuba, Discussion Paper Series   675  1996

  • 動学モデルと数値解法


    University of Tsukuba, Institute of Policy and Planning Sciences, Discussion Paper Series 675    1996

  • Income Inequality and Growth: A Simulation Study

    Atsuko Ueda

    University of Tsukuba, Institute of Policy and Planning Sciences, Discussion Paper Series 674    1996

  • Capital Allocation and Economic Growth in Korea

    Atsuko Ueda

    Ph.D. Thesis / University of Wisconsin - Madison    1994.12

  • Capital Allocation and Economic Growth in Korea

    Atsuko Ueda

    Ph.D. Thesis / University of Wisconsin - Madison    1994.12  [Refereed]

  • A Dynamic Decision Model of Marriage, Childbearing, and Labor Force Participation of Japanese Women

    Atsuko Ueda

    Japanese Economic Review   (in print)

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Research Projects

  • 労働市場、家族の変容と多様な貧困:その要因、帰結と貧困対策

    Project Year :


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    第一に、厚生労働省「国民生活基礎調査」によるデータ解析結果について、研究分担者の名方佳寿子が国内外での研究発表を行った。論文「児童手当の育児支出に与える影響」が専門書籍『少子高齢社会における世代間移転と家族』第6章に掲載、出版された。また、研究論文“Effects of Child Allowance on Family Expenditure”を、大阪大学でのシンポジウム、法政大学での研究会、さらに英国グラスゴー大学において開催された国際学会において報告した。本論文は、児童手当が育児支出額と家計支出に占める割合に及ぼす影響を分析、一部の家庭で児童手当の影響が確認された。具体的には、乳幼児のいる高所得家庭では児童手当が多いと育児支出額も多く家計支出に占める割合も高い一方、所得の低い家庭では児童手当が育児支出以外の家計支出に用いられ、児童手当が重要な収入源であることが示唆されている。第二に、厚生労働省「国民生活基礎調査」、総務省「全国消費実態調査」及び「就業構造基本調査」個票データによる計量分析結果から、相対的貧困世帯では、持ち家率や床面積、貯蓄額、医療保険や公的年金への加入に負の影響があり、さらに片親世帯では追加的に負の影響が見られる。健康やストレス、健康診断の受診率へも負の影響が確認された。第三に、法務省「矯正統計」「少年矯正統計」の個票使用申請が受理され、個票データの整理と予備的な分析を進めた。刑務所収容者データから、高校を卒業していない場合が6割以上、住居不定が2割弱、無職が約7割あり、再犯等との関連が確認された。また、少年鑑別所収容者データから、生活程度が貧困である場合や、虐待経験がある場合に少年院送致割合が高くなり、また貧困の場合に虐待経験割合が高くなっていることも確認された。一昨年度に政府統計個票申請準備に時間がかかったことから、最終申請と個票の入手に若干の遅れが生じ、プロジェクトのスケジュールが全体に、若干後ろ倒しの状態で進められているため。今年度については、以下の計画で研究を進める予定である。第一に、総務省統計局の「就業構造基本調査」の個票データにより、一人親家庭の就業行動を分析する。母子世帯の平均収入は全世帯の平均収入の半分ほどしかないことが知られており、母親の就業状況(正社員、非正社員、無職の別)が関連していると考えられる。そこで、本人の属性(年齢、学歴、職歴、子どもの人数、年齢、訓練・自己啓発の有無等)と、児童手当・児童扶養手当の制度変更の影響等を考慮した分析を行う。第二に、厚生労働省「国民生活基礎調査」、総務省「全国消費実態調査」及び「就業構造基本調査」個票データによる分析結果の論文へのまとめを進める。具体的には、①貧困が住居や家計支出、子どもの教育、精神状況を含めた健康へ与える影響の分析、②世帯類型、特にひとり親世帯、非正規雇用者の世帯、無職者の世帯、介護離職者、高齢者世帯の貧困状況とその要因の分析を進める。第三に、法務省「矯正統計調査」「少年矯正統計調査」個票データによる分析を進め、結果を論文にまとめる。前者は大人の刑務所収容者について、教育状況(高校を卒業しているかどうか)、住居不定者、無職者など犯罪時点での経済状況を制御し、貧困が犯罪の種類や再犯状況に影響を与えているのかどうか計量分析により検証を進める。また、「少年矯正統計調査」少年鑑別所収容者データからは、貧困や虐待と処分状況との関連や、貧困と虐待との関連を検証する。両分析から、特に教育や貧困と犯罪との関連の検証を行い、論文にまとめる

  • An internatinal comparative study on labor market outcomes of highly educated women

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Abe Yukiko, OHNO Yuka, USUI Emiko, OHYAMA Atsushi, Brunello Giorgio, Goffette-Nagot Florence, Daripa Arup

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    The main findings of the project are the following three. First, based on the original survey of STEM field researchers, Takahashi et al. (2018) find that a 6% pay gap exists after controlling for research productivity. They do not find a motherhood wage penalty. Second, Kawabata and Abe (2018) explore intra-metropolitan spatial patterns of female labor force participation in the Tokyo metropolitan area, and find that married mothers residing in the inner suburbs tend to work less than married mothers residing elsewhere. Finally, Kodama et al. (2018) examine the effect of foreign ownership on gender-related employment outcomes and work practices in Japan. The analysis suggests that foreign affiliates in Japan seem to utilize female workforce effectively. Therefore, the foreign direct investment has a potential to improve allocation of female talent

  • Analysis of Current Status and Issues on Young and Woman Economists

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Ueda Atsuko, ABE Yukiko, KOHARA Miki, NOGUCHI Haruko, USUI Emiko, YOSHIDA Keiko, TAKAHASHI Shingo, TAKAHASHI Ana Maria, MIYOSHI Koyo

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    We conducted a survey by questionnaire on Ph.D. students and fixed-term research associates and assistant professors in economics, in order to study young economists’ needs for supporting their research activities. The results of the survey indicate that young researchers actively present research papers at academic meetings and submitting papers to academic journals. However, instructions at graduate schools and research fund might not be provided satisfactory, and young researchers are worried about their research achievements for finding faculty positions. Also, data analyses using national surveys on school and teachers as well as independent surveys indicate that professor classification (salary) are lower for women than men with controlling age (age and professor classification). Ratio of women faculty positively correlates to ratio of woman students and probability to high new women faculty members

  • 日本の若手・女性経済研究者の現状と課題分析

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(B))

    Project Year :


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  • Reforms of political and economic systems and international interdependence in East Asia

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    DAITOH Ichiroh, SERIZAWA Nobuko, KONISHI Hideki, SUZUKI Kumi, SATO Ayano, YU Yang, UEDA Atsuko, WEI Fang, ISHII Yasunori, KIYONO Kazuharu, KIMURA Koichiro

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    This research considers political and economic problems concerning changes in systems and policies of China and their impacts on international interdependence in East Asia. We focus on fiscal and monetary aspects, industry and environment. Theoretical studies include a comparison of fiscal systems in terms of efficiency, the characterization of optimal environmental regulation on industry in a developing economy, relations of firms' cross-shareholdings of equity to government's decision of trade policy, roles of a public firm under mixed oligopoly, and a firm's choice between self-manufacture and market purchase of parts. Empirical studies cover the Chinese social security system, financial functions of microfinance, international comparisons among Japan, Korea and Taiwan in terms of an effect of a tax system on inequality of opportunities, and the effects of government intervention into foreign exchange market on the market efficiency

  • Micro-data analysis on intra-household resource allocation and transmission of inequality

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    UEDA Atsuko

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    The research project has empirically studied intra-household resource allocation and intergenerational transmission of economic status. Analyses using household micro-data showed following results. (A) As regards intra-household resource allocation between the couple, an increase of contribution by the wife to the household income increases consumption ratio for the wife, and also reduces her housework share. (B) The degree of intergenerational transmission of income is rated as moderate in an international comparison, and educational spending contributes 40-50% of the transmission. (C) Low-income family tends to receive more financial aid from parents conditional on parental income. Thus, parental aid tends to be progressive

  • On Determinants of Asset Distributions in Japan: Theory and Evidence

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    TAKEDA Yosuke, UEDA Atsuko, DEJIMA Takahisa

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    The research project addressed effects of economic fluctuations and inflation on determination of assets' distributions. We empirically analyzed the Japanese data, relying upon some theoretical models.Concerning effects of economic fluctuations, we have three publications:“Industrial Spillover of Productivities through R&D and Intermediate Materials: A Case of Road"; “Business Cycle and How of Funds"; “On Determinants of Educational Expenditures by the Japanese Households: Using the Japanese Panel Survey of Consumers."The first paper identifies effects of R&D and intermediate materials on productivities'spillover among industries. The second paper estimates the VAR models where each financial item held by each economic agent (households, corporations or government) is included with some aggregates of economic fluctuations and monetary policy's instruments. The third one gives us some evidence upon how educational expenditures for children's human capital depend upon parents' educational backgrounds, incomes earned or assets held.We also have another two papers upon effects of inflation. A paper entitled as “A Note on the Robustness of the Tobin Effect in Incomplete Market" constructs a model of the Tobin effect where moderate level of inflation can cause an increase in social welfare. The other paper empirically analyzes announcement effects of public or private signals upon asset prices, taking as examples announcements of the Consumer Price Index, the Index for Industrial Production, or monetary policy meetings of the Bank of Japan (“Market Communication: A Case of the Bank of Japan after the New Law")

  • A Study on Changes in Government Functions during a Transition Period of Economic Institution-from a Standpoint of Interrelationships between Japan and China-

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    ISHII Yasunori, KIYONO Kazuharu, UEDA Atsuko, DAITOH Ichiroh, SUZUKI Kumi, YU Yang

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    We wrote the final report in this year as the last year fix our project which consisted of ten chapters and some appendices. Each chapter was very useful and significant because it was written along with the title project and included some original ideas. The final report was organized as followings : Establishing a trade model of an international duopoly that consists of a state-owned firm in China and a private firm in a capitalistic country, this paper examines the world economic implications of the economic liberalization policy of China that releases a Chinese state-owned firm from the burden of output quota. It assumes, considering the new WTO, that while the capitalistic country does not adopt any trade policies, China promotes such a liberalization policy. It first analyzes the effects of China's economic liberalization on industry trade and then discusses its optimal level. The main findings are that China's liberalization policy also serves as a strategic trade policy, and that perfect economic liberalization is not always best for China. Furthermore, we explore how creation of a semi-public joint venture by the multinational firm and the host-country's government affects the welfare of the host country and the profits earned by the multinational firm. As is suggested by the recently developed theory of mixed oligopoly, the semi-public joint venture firm takes account of the host-country's welfare when deciding on its output and has an incentive to produce more than the purely private firm. This commitment effect enhances the consumers' surplus and the profits earned by the joint-venture firm, benefiting both the host country and the multinational firm.Introduction Prefatory Note(by ISHII, Yasunori)Chapter 1 Features and Purposes of This Project(by ISHII, Yasunori)Chapter 2 Perfect Economic Liberalization in China and Its Impacts(by ISHII, Yasunori)Chapter 3 On Optimal Export Policies in an International Duopoly Consisting of a Labor-Managed Firm and a Capitalistic-Private Firm(by ISHII, Yasunori)Chapter 4 International Oligopolistic Market and Strategic Trade Policies in a Developing Country-Unemployment in a Developing Country and Optimal Export Policies in a Developed Country-(by DAITOH, Ichiroh & ISHII, Yasunori)Chapter 5 Strategic Regulation on Inward Direct Investment-Economic Effects of Creating a Semi-Public Joint Venture-(by KIYONO, Kazuharu)Chapter 6 Financial Reform in China-A Study by the Evolutionary Game Theory-(by Suzuki, Kumi & ISHII, Yasunori)Chapter 7 Financial Reform in China-A Study by the Experimental Economics-(Suzuki, Kumi, Satoh, Ayano & Matsuyae, Taisuke)Chapter 8 Fiscal Reform and Changes in Social Security Finance(by U, Yo)Chapter 9 Economic Growth of China : A Comparison with Japan and South Korea(by Atsuko, Ueda)Chapter 10 Late-comer's Growth : Analysis of China's Mobile Handset Industry(by Kimura, Koichiro) Appendix Dat

  • Empirical Analyses on Macroeconomic Effects of Uncertainties in Japan

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    TAKEDA Yosuke, UEDA Atsuko, DEJIMA Takahisa

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    This research project aims at empirically analyzing macroeconomic effects of such uncertainties as unemployment or inflation, which the Japanese has been concerned about. Our focus is in education demand, physical investment, household consumption, monetary policy and rates of interest, which might be influenced by the uncertainties.1. Chapter 1. Liquidity Constraint in Education Demand : Using the Panel Data on Households, we estimated the functions for education expenditure. Our empirical results are not consistent with human capital investment without liquidity constraints, but with either human capital investment with liquidity constraints or education demand as consumption.2. Chapter 2. Investment under Uncertainty: Using the Balance-Sheet Data of Business Enterprises, we estimated the investment functions, among the explanatory variables which there are three 'uncertainty' variables concerning market forecasts, price-earning ratio and real turnovers. The latter two uncertainty variables are negatively significant, which suggests that it is not uncertainty of demand but one of supply for firms to take into account in their investment decisions.3. Chapter 3 Employment Status and Consumption by Households: In a dynamic general equilibrium model, we address precautionary saving motives for possible unemployment. We numerically measure the cost of inflation, in that households cannot smooth consumptions in face of inflation and deteriorated values of nominal savings. In a case of monetary policy during the 1990s, the Bank of Japan causes 0.334% of GDP, the magnitude of which would be even increased by unemployment risk.4. Chapter 4. Monetary Targeting under Discretion: We address the Goodhart's Law that monetary targeting of central banks could cause money demand function to be less stable. In a dynamic general equilibrium model, we consider a regime switching monetary policy rule which depends on monetary targeting following a Markov process. Our model succeeds in generating variability of money velocity in Japan.5. Cher5. Economic Fluctuations and Long-term Interest Rate in the G7 Countries: We apply the Lucas tree model to the Japanese economy, in comparison with other G7 countries. It turns out that why the Japanese long-term interest rates have been lower than other countries lies in both low level of expected inflation rates and negative inflation premium due to larger covariance between consumption growth and inflation.6

  • An Empirical Analysis on the Joint Choice of Marriage, Childbirth, and Labor Force Participation of Women from Panel Data in Four Countries

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    UEDA Atsuko

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    This project has aimed to analyze women's choice of marriage, childbearing, and labor force participation, using micro data from Japan, Korea, Russia, and Jamaica. Analysis results of Japan and Korea are as follows.(A)According to a discrete choice model, (1)better education leads later marriage, fewer childbirth, and more labor force participation, (2)age affects marriage, 'and husband's earnings and the existence of children affect labor supply in Korea, and (3)higher income of the husband leads having more children in Korea, while better education of the husband leads fewer children in Japan.(B)According to a dynamic discrete decision model of life-cycle, (1)negative effects of labor supply on utility are smaller for better educated women, (2)probabilities to find full-time position are 18% for the university educated, and 13% for others, (3)an effect of marriage on utility is significantly negative, and (4)infants ages 0-2 are costly, and the second or subsequent children benefit while the first child is costly when working full-time in Japan. In comparison of married women in Japan and Korea, (1)low-wage work is costly while high-wage work is less costly both in Japan and Korea, and (2)first and second children benefit while the third child benefits less in Japan and even is costly in Korea. Having boys benefits much in Korea

  • ミクロデータを用いた家族の家庭内活動と就業行動の分析

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  • 個票データを用いた分...

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  • 個票データを用いた分析やシミュレーション分析を中心に経済実証分析を行なっています。


Overseas Activities

  • 動学モデルの数値解法と推定の応用研究


    アメリカ   カリフォルニア工科大学

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 日本の若手・女性経済研究者の現状と課題分析


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  • 日本の若手・女性経済研究者の現状と課題分析


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  • 東アジアにおける所得格差の世代間連鎖の実証研究


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     本研究課題は、家計に対する調査の個票データを用いて、東アジア諸国における所得格差の世代間(親子間)の連鎖の程度を数量的に分析することを目的としている。まず、台湾についてPanel Study of Family Dynamics個票を使用して分析結果を得た。連鎖の程度は所得弾力性の推計によって測られ広く国際比較が行われているが、台湾の場合、男性で0.25-0.3程度、女性で0.4程度と推計された。これは、親の所得が2倍になると男性の場合で平均25-30%、女性の場合で40%程度高い所得が得られることを示している。弾力性が高いほど家計の経済状態の世代間連鎖度が高い、つまり所得階層が固定的であることを示しているが、台湾は日本や韓国と類似の水準であり、国際的に見て連鎖の程度は中程度と考えられる。ただし、女性の方が男性よりも連鎖の程度が高いという観点からは、英国や韓国と類似であるが、日本や米国とは逆になっている。本研究結果はワーキング・ペーパーにまとめ、さらに査読付き国際専門誌への掲載を目指して改訂中である。 次に、中国についてChinese Household Income Project個票データを用いて基本分析をほぼ終えている。中国については地域間格差が大きいことや、共産党員かどうかが所得に影響することを考慮にいれて分析を進めた。その結果、男性の場合で0.3-0.5程度、女性の場合には0.5を超える弾力性が推計された。他の調査を用いた中国の先行研究では男女とも0.6以上の弾力性が推計されており、これよりは少し低めの結果であるが、それでも日韓台よりも連鎖度が高くなっている。男性で米国と同程度、女性では米国よりも連鎖度が高い。また、先行研究では対象が都市部に限定されているが、本課題では農村部と農村から都市への移住者についても分析を行った。その結果、女性の移住者の連鎖度が若干低めである他は、都市部と類似の連鎖度が得られた。本研究成果は今後、英語論文にまとめ、研究報告会等を経て査読付き国際専門誌へ投稿見込みである。さらに日本についてこれまで分析が行われていない慶應大学「日本家計パネル調査」第3回(2011年)調査個票データの使用申請を行いデータを入手済みであり、今後分析を進めていく準備済みである。