Professional Memberships
Japan-Ireland Society
Yeats Society Japan
Details of a Researcher
Updated on 2024/12/22
Japan-Ireland Society
Yeats Society Japan
Irish Literature
DruidMurphy: Druid's Cycle Performances
Mikami, Hiroko
Studies in Dramatic Art 45 31 - 49 2021.03 [Refereed]
Authorship:Lead author
Hiroko Mikami
Ilha do Desterro A Journal of English Language, Literatures in English and Cultural Studies 73 ( 2 ) 115 - 126 2020.05 [Refereed]
Tom Murphy's Play of Prophecy: The Sanctuary Lamp and its Religiousness
Mikami, Hiroko
Studies in Dramatic Art 41 1 - 15 2017.03 [Refereed]
Authorship:Lead author
Language & Literature (Japan) 25 1 - 20 2016.12 [Invited]
Narrativised Nation on Screen: on Michael Collins and The Wind that Shakes the
Eire ( 35 ) 21 - 41 2016.03 [Refereed]
Mikami, Hiroko
Japanese Journal of European Studies 3 100 - 111 2015.03
Looking back at the time of the Emergency: Kilroy's Doubl Cross (1986) and McGuinness's Dolly West's Kitchen (1999)
Mikami, Hiroko
Journal of Irish Studies XXVII 19 - 27 2012.10
三神 弘子
演劇映像学(演劇博物館グローバルCOE紀要) 2011 ( 3 ) 209 - 222 2012.03
Frank McGuinness's Dark Masque: Speaking Like Magpies
Hiroko Mikami
Irish University Review 40 ( 1 ) 114 - 125 2010.04
Famine in Context
Hiroko Mikami
Alive in Time: The Enduring Drama of Tom Murphy: New Essays ISBN9781904595457 39 - 55 2010.03
三神 弘子
演劇映像学(演劇博物館グローバルCOE紀要) 2009 ( 3 ) 283 - 296 2010.03
三神 弘子
演劇映像学(演劇博物館グローバルCOE紀要) 2008 ( 2 ) 265 - 282 2009.03
Not 'Lost in Translation': Martin McDonagh in Japan
Mikami, Hiroko
演劇研究センター紀要VI: 早稲田大学21世紀COEプログラム(早稲田大学演劇博物館) ( 6 ) 21 - 25 2006.01
演劇研究センター紀要II: 早稲田大学21世紀COEプログラム(早稲田大学演劇博物館) ( II ) 1 - 10 2004.01
パルコ劇場「ウィートーマス」上演プログラム 2003.11
Kilroy's Vision of Doubleness: the Question of National Identity and Theatricality in Double Cross
Mikami, Hiroko
Irish University Review(A Journal of Irish Studies) 32 ( 1 ) 100 - 109 2002.03
現代アイルランド演劇V(新水社) 288 - 305 2001.12
現代アイルランド演劇V(新水社) 350 - 374 2001.12
現代アイルランド演劇V(新水社) 316 - 335 2001.12
A Post-Colonial Gaze at Ireland's Past: Frank McGuinness's Mary and Lizzie
Mikami, Hiroko
教養諸学研究 ( 106 ) 199 - 225 1999.03
教養諸学研究 ( 104 ) 109 - 135 1998.03
On Psychodrama and Storytelling in <i>Carthaginians</i>
教養諸学研究 ( 102 ) 235 - 253 1997.03
現代アイルランド演劇III(新水社) 220 - 237 1997
On Frank McGuinness's <i>Someone Who'll Watch Over Me</i>
教養諸学研究/政治経済学部教養諸学研究会 ( 100 ) 315 - 333 1996.03
現代アイルランド演劇IV(新水社) 285 - 294
Listening to the Voices Inside: A Interview with Jennifer Johnston
Irish Drama of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries edited and introduced by Christopher Whealty and Kevin Donovan
Journal of Irish Studies
Fifty Key Irish Plays
Mikami, Hiroko( Part: Contributor, Famine (1968) by Tom Murphy)
Routledge 2023 ISBN: 9781032066493 [Refereed]
Irish Theatre and Its Soundscapes
Hiroko Mikami, Naoko Yagi( Part: Joint editor)
Glasnevin Publishing 2015.03 ISBN: 9781908689283
Ireland on Stage: Beckett and After
Hiroko Mikami, Minako Okamuro, Naoko Yagi, eds (Hiroko Mikami. 'The saga will go on, Story as History in Bailegangaire
Ireland on Stage:Beckett and After 2007.03 ISBN: 9781904505235
Frank McGuinness and His Theatre of Paradox
Mikami, Hiroko( Part: Sole author)
Colin Smythe(Ulster Editions & Monographs 12) 2002.03 ISBN: 0861404483
現代アイルランド演劇5 フランク・マクギネス
清水重夫, 的場淳子, 三神弘子
新水社 2001.12 ISBN: 4883850277
現代アイルランド演劇4 トマス・マーフィー
清水重夫, 的場淳子, 三神弘子
新水社 1997.12 ISBN: 4915165868
現代アイルランド演劇3 トマス・キルロイ
清水重夫, 的場淳子, 三神弘子
新水社 1996.05 ISBN: 4915165671
現代アイルランド演劇2 ブライアン・フリール
清水重夫, 的場淳子, 三神弘子
新水社 1994.03 ISBN: 4915165566
現代アイルランド演劇1 トマス・マーフィー
清水重夫, 的場淳子, 三神弘子
新水社 1992.11 ISBN: 4915165523
風呂本武敏編, 三神弘子「トム・マーフィーとフランク・マクギネス( Part: Contributor)
世界思想社 2009.05 ISBN: 9784790714026
豊穣の風土 : 現代アイルランド文学の群像
佐野哲郎, 編, 三神弘子「ブライアン・フリールの『ルーナサの踊り
山口書店 1994.08 ISBN: 4841108521
David Ireland's Cyprus Avenue (2016): A Contemporary Version of Changeling in Post-Good-Friday Agreement Northern Ireland
Mikami, Hiroko
Canadian Association for Irish Studies 2019 Conference (Concordia University) Canadian Association for Irish Studies
Presentation date: 2019.05
"The Reparative Powers of Emotional Authenticity": Frank McGuinness's Adaptations of European Plays
Mikami, Hiroko [Invited]
Frank McGuinness: Symposium: The Theatre of Frank McGuinness (University College Dublin) University College Dublin
Presentation date: 2019.04
Catholicism in Contemporary Ireland
Mikami, Hiroko [Invited]
Presentation date: 2015.09
1916 in 1991: 75th Anniversary of the Rising and Tom Murphy's The Patriot Game
Mikami, Hiroko
The Age of Centenaries: A Century of Irish History & Literature
Presentation date: 2014.10
Tom Murphy in Japan
Mikami, Hiroko [Invited]
International Association for the Study of Irish Literatures: Plenary Panel 2 'Tom Murphy in Translation' (University of Lodz) International Association for the Study of Irish Literatures
Presentation date: 2021.07
Irish Drama and Its Dynamism
Presentation date: 2014.03
On White Woman Street (1992): Sebastian Barry’s American West
International Association for the Study of Irish Literatures (IASIL Japan), Kyoto Notre Dame University
Presentation date: 2013.10
Looking Back at the Time of the Emergency: Kilroy's Double Cross (1986) and McGuinness's Dolly West's Kitchen (1999)
Mikami, Hiroko
International Association for the Study of Irish Literatures (IASIL Japan), Doshisha University
Presentation date: 2011.10
Frank McGuinness's Speaking Like Magpies in Anglo-Irish Context
International Association for the Study of Irish Literatures (IASIL Japan), Shiga University
Presentation date: 2009.10
Famine (1968) in the Context of Irish (Theatrical) History
International Association for the Study of Irish Literatures (IASIL), Universidade do Porto, Portugal
Presentation date: 2008.07
Curtains in Context: W. B. Yeats's Early Plays
Irish Society for Theatre Research (ISTR) University College Dublin
Presentation date: 2008.04
Not 'Lost in Translation': Martin McDonagh in Japan
International Association for the Study of Irish Literatures (IASIL), Charles University, Prague
Presentation date: 2005.07
Irish Popular Culture: On TV Series 'Father Ted'
Presentation date: 2004.06
Presentation date: 2003.11
Presentation date: 2003.07
Words Upon the Window Pane 原作と映画をめぐる考察
Presentation date: 2000.06
日本アイルランド協会年次大会シンポジウム:Odi atque amo アイルランド自由国へのまなざし
Presentation date: 1999.12
Two Films on Bloody Sunday in Derry
The House that Tom Built: Murphy's Theatre and Irish History of Mentalities
Project Year :
Irish National Identity: from the War of Independence to the Troubles in the North
Project Year :
Literary Nationalism in Ireland: from the Young Irelanders to the Easter Rising
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
Comprehensive Studies of Contemporary Irish Theatre and Development of the International Research Centre
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
OKAMURO Minako, MIKAMI Hiroko, YAGI Naoko
科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学) 科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(C))
Project Year :
Literary Nationalism in Ireland: from the Young Irelanders to the Easter Rising
Project Year :
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業
Project Year :
三神 弘子, KO J.-O.M., KO J.-OM
Comprehensive Study of Contemporary Irish Theatre and Establishment of International Research Centre
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
OKAMURO Minako, MIKAMI Hiroko, YAGI Naoko
Studies of Modern Irish Theater and Establishment of a Related Research Center
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
Cross-Disciplinary Studies on Irish Theatre and the Archive Development
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
MIKANI Hiroko, YAGI Naoko
A Study on the Literature of St Patrick's Purgatory in Lough Derg
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
アイルランド Univ.College Dublin
Affiliated organization Global Education Center
The Institute for Irish Studies Director of Research Institute
2019 Hadley, James
2016 岡室美奈子, 八木斉子, 及川和夫
アイルランド演劇の150年: 国際的共同研究の推進と若手研究者の育成
2015 岡室美奈子, 八木斉子, 及川和夫, 清水重夫
2011 清水重夫, 及川和夫
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