Updated on 2025/03/12


MATSUMOTO, Yoshiyuki
Faculty of Education and Integrated Arts and Sciences
Job title
Professor Emeritus
文学修士 ( 早稲田大学 )
文学博士 ( 早稲田大学 )

Education Background


    Waseda University   Graduate School, Division of Letters  


    Waseda University   Faculty of Education  

Professional Memberships













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Research Interests

  • 教育・社会系心理学



  • 大学生における職業価値観の類型


    学術研究 : 人文科学・社会科学編   63   103 - 118  2015.03

  • 課題着手の先延ばしとセルフ・ハンディキャッピング


    学術研究 : 人文科学・社会科学編   62   123 - 133  2014.03

  • 知的障碍児との接触・交流経験が等生化 (ノーマライゼーション) の理解に及ぼす長期的影響


    学術研究 : 人文科学・社会科学編   61   129 - 139  2013.03

  • 日本人と韓国人における表示規則

    李礼真, 松本芳之

    心理学研究   82 ( 5 ) 415 - 423  2011.12

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    Hypothetical stories designed to arouse feelings of happiness, sadness, or anger were presented to Japanese (<I>n </I>= 310) and Koreans (<I>n </I>= 286) university students. They were asked to rate the intensity of the emotion experienced, and to select the corresponding facial expression to display in an individual situation and in a social situation. Analyses of covariance were conducted on the rating scores of facial expression using the intensities of emotion as the covariance, except for happiness where the within-class regression coefficients were not homogeneous. The results showed that Japanese and Koreans shared the emotional display rules about the expressions of emotions in individual situations more than in social situations. Japanese thought that they should suppress emotions more than Koreans did. Moreover, the differences in facial expressions between Japanese and Koreans were greater in the individual situations than in the social situations.


  • Effects of recalled parental childrearing behaviors on self-esteem in Japanese and South Korean undergraduate students : A behavior analytic interpretation

    CHO Sunyoung, MATSUMOTO Yoshiyuki, KIMURA Hiroshi

    Japanese Journal of Social Psychology ( Before 1996, Research in Social Psychology )   27 ( 1 ) 1 - 12  2011.08

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of recalled parental childrearing behaviors on self-esteem in Japanese and South Korean undergraduate students from the viewpoints of behavior analysis. The participants were 201 Japanese students and 206 Korean students. The results showed that the more they recalled that their parents spoke positively about their relatives to others and the more they recalled that they were praised by their parents when they spoke positively about their relatives to others of childhood, the more they were likely in both countries to speak positively about their relatives to others. Furthermore, they were more likely to have high self-esteem. The results also showed that the larger the difference between present self-evaluation and self-evaluation spoken to others, the lower the self-esteem in Japan. On the other hand, the more they had experience of being praised and the more they recalled that they were praised by their parents when they spoke positively about their relatives to others of childhood, the higher the self-esteem in Korea.

    DOI CiNii

  • 回想された親の養育行動が大学生の自尊感情に及ぼす影響の日韓比較:行動分析学的な解釈

    趙善英, 松本芳之, 木村裕

    社会心理学研究   27 ( 1 ) 1 - 12  2011.08

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of recalled parental childrearing behaviors on self-esteem in Japanese and South Korean undergraduate students from the viewpoints of behavior analysis. The participants were 201 Japanese students and 206 Korean students. The results showed that the more they recalled that their parents spoke positively about their relatives to others and the more they recalled that they were praised by their parents when they spoke positively about their relatives to others of childhood, the more they were likely in both countries to speak positively about their relatives to others. Furthermore, they were more likely to have high self-esteem. The results also showed that the larger the difference between present self-evaluation and self-evaluation spoken to others, the lower the self-esteem in Japan. On the other hand, the more they had experience of being praised and the more they recalled that they were praised by their parents when they spoke positively about their relatives to others of childhood, the higher the self-esteem in Korea.

    DOI CiNii

  • [Emotional display rules of Japanese and Koreans].

    Lee Ye-jin, Matsumoto Yoshiyuki

    [Emotional display rules of Japanese and Koreans].   82 ( 5 )  2011

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    :Hypothetical stories designed to arouse feelings of happiness, sadness, or anger were presented to Japanese (n = 310) and Koreans (n = 286) university students. They were asked to rate the intensity of the emotion experienced, and to select the corresponding facial expression to display in an individual situation and in a social situation. Analyses of covariance were conducted on the rating scores of facial expression using the intensities of emotion as the covariance, except for happiness where the within-class regression coefficients were not homogeneous. The results showed that Japanese and Koreans shared the emotional display rules about the expressions of emotions in individual situations more than in social situations. Japanese thought that they should suppress emotions more than Koreans did. Moreover, the differences in facial expressions between Japanese and Koreans were greater in the individual situations than in the social situations.

  • Emotional display rules of Japanese and Koreans

    Lee Ye-jin, Matsumoto Yoshiyuki

    The Japanese journal of psychology   82 ( 5 ) 415 - 423  2011

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    Hypothetical stories designed to arouse feelings of happiness, sadness, or anger were presented to Japanese (n = 310) and Koreans (n = 286) university students. They were asked to rate the intensity of the emotion experienced, and to select the corresponding facial expression to display in an individual situation and in a social situation. Analyses of covariance were conducted on the rating scores of facial expression using the intensities of emotion as the covariance, except for happiness where the within-class regression coefficients were not homogeneous. The results showed that Japanese and Koreans shared the emotional display rules about the expressions of emotions in individual situations more than in social situations. Japanese thought that they should suppress emotions more than Koreans did. Moreover, the differences in facial expressions between Japanese and Koreans were greater in the individual situations than in the social situations.

  • 社会が肢体不自由者に求める像

    土屋(大沼, 理子 松本芳之, 向後礼子

    早稲田大学教育学部 学術研究-教育心理学編-   58   17 - 28  2010.02

  • 公的自己意識と対人不安、自己顕示性の関係への自尊感情の調節効果の日韓比較

    趙善英, 松本芳之, 木村裕

    心理学研究   80 ( 4 ) 313 - 320  2009.10

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    This study examined the moderating effect of self-esteem on the relationship between public self-consciousness and social anxiety, and on the relationship between public self-consciousness and exhibitionism in Japan and South Korea. The participants were 213 university students in Japan and 234 university students in Korea. The results of hierarchical multiple regression analyses showed that self-esteem was a moderator of the relationship between public self-consciousness and social anxiety and of the relationship between public self-consciousness and exhibitionism in Korea, but not in Japan. In Korea, public self-consciousness was related to social anxiety for people with low self-esteem, while for people with high self-esteem, public self-consciousness was related to exhibitionism.

    DOI CiNii


  • 悪化した対人関係への対応行動


    早稲田大学教育学部 学術研究-教育心理学編-   57   19 - 29  2009.02

  • コンピュータの音声ガイドが使用者に及ぼす影響

    中山由紀子, 松本芳之

    実験社会心理学研究   47 ( 1 ) 61 - 68  2007.12

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    This study investigated responses elicited by computerized voice guides on users. Because computerized voice guides operate autonomously, they can lower the users' sense of control over tasks, and hence, they might be cause for reactance. Users may likely devaluate the voice guide, and attribute failure to external causes, i.e. to the computer, such as to retain their sense of control. This supposition was tested in an experiment. Participants, 66 college female and male students, were presented problems formulated as questions, and provided with either positive or negative feedback regardless of their answers. In the text condition, written texts were presented on a computer monitor, and participants followed the directions. In the voice guide condition, the text was also displayed, but the it was read aloud in a synthesized voice. As predicted, in the voice guide condition, participants devaluated the computer. When given feedback of failure, they were confident that they would succeed in future attempts in the text condition, but not for voice guide. It was discussed that these results reflect the lack of sense of control imposed upon computerized voice guides on their users.<br>

    DOI CiNii

  • 帰国子女の母文化に対する捉え方の類型


    早稲田大学教育学部 学術研究-教育心理学編-   55   23 - 33  2007.02

  • 選択理論からみた社会関係の特徴


    早稲田大学教育学部 学術研究-教育心理学編-   54   13 - 25  2006.02

  • 集団所属が情報伝達に及ぼす影響


    早稲田大学教育学部 学術研究-教育心理学編-   53  2005.02

  • ボランティア体験者における知的障害児との接触過程とその影響の質的分析


    早稲田大学教育学部 学術研究-教育心理学編-   52  2004.02

  • 役割期待が自己呈示行動に及ぼす影響


    早稲田大学大学院文学研究科紀要   48  2003.03

  • 組織場面における自己呈示の知覚:取り入りの知覚における個人差の検討


    早稲田大学教育学部 学術研究-教育心理学編-   51  2003.02

  • 相互依存関係とコミットメント


    PSICO   26  2002.11

  • 就職活動における自己呈示の戦略目標

    松本芳之, 木島恒一

    実験社会心理学研究   41  2002.06

  • 伴侶の科学 ロボットと動物のいる風景


    博報堂生活総合研究所 生活技術論   Vol 2  2002.02

  • 実験を通した私的利益と全体利益の関係に関する考察


    「総合的な学習の時間」を生かす複合・学際的テーマと教材作成のプランニングに関する研究成果報告書    2001.03

  • 一人暮らし老人における会話相手の役割

    早稲田大学教育学部 学術研究-教育心理学編-   49号  2001.02

  • 個体分類のためのクラスタ分析法とその有意性検定-2段階分類法とC統計量


    対人行動学研究   17  1999.06

  • 大卒青年層従業員の組織とのかかわり


    早稲田大学教育学部 学術研究-教育心理学編-   47  1999.02

  • 紛争解決の社会心理学

    ナカニシヤ出版    1997.12

  • 職場組織における処遇問題への対応


    産業・組織心理学研究   9;1  1995.09

  • 日本的自己の構造-下位様態と世代差

    高田利武, 松本芳之

    心理学研究   66;3  1995.08

  • 矛盾する行動記述の統合過程と属性判断に関する実験的研究-文章理解からみた印象形成の実験

    松本芳之, 湯田彰夫

    信州大学教養部紀要   28  1994.03

  • 一人暮らし老人におけるコミュニケーションと電話

    松本芳之, 井腰圭介

    電気通信普及財団研究調査報告書   8  1994.01

  • 職場組織におけるきずなの様態としてのポスト・コンフリクト-社会的紛争からみた職場における昇進過程


    社会科学討究   37;3  1992.03

  • 係争点の卓越性が対人紛争に及ぼす影響について


    実験社会心理学研究   29 ( 1 ) 1 - 11  1989.09

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    Using 454 college students, experiment I examined the effects of issue-prominence on the bargaining choices in agreement games. The results indicated that in prominence games prominent alternatives coordinated expectations, but that in noprominence games distinctive expectations did not emerge. In experiment II, which uses 60 college students, the subjects engaged in 2-person agreement games. One of the subjects could make a commitment by choosing first and informing the other of his choices before the other's choice. Bargaining efficiency, ie. the number of agreements, did not differ among the conditions. But the contents of agreements differed clearly. In the congruent condition, where the subject who made a commitment could also take advantage of prominence, the agreements were clearly on his side. In the no-prominence condition, the agreements favored the subject who chose first. In the non-congruent condition, the agreement were favorable to the subjects who took advantage of prominence but did not make a commitment. These results are discussed in relation to the effects of role expectation upon bargaining.

    DOI CiNii

  • 相互依存関係における暗黙の調整


    心理学研究   58   211 - 217  1987.02

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    The purpose of the present study was to examine the tacit coordination in interdependent relationships between two persons. Subjects, 320 college students, were asked to complete the questionnaire in supposed interaction situations. It was shown that in the correspondentsimilar condition, in which each person knew that another person was doing the same, they could concert their expectations with each other without aids of communication or prior arrangement. The degree of coordination depended on the clue that the situation offered. In the control condition, a similar type of coincidence sometimes appeared in individual choices. In correspondent-complementary and noncorrespondent conditions, in which either one or both person tried to act differently from the other, they made their choices more diverge than in the correspondent-similar condition, but in some cases similar coincidence of choices occurred. It was concluded that the situational clues led to high degree of expectatory coordination with others, and also brought about a bias in choices.

    DOI CiNii


  • 観察者効果に関するフィールド研究


    実験社会心理学研究   26   115 - 123  1987

  • 交渉過程における状況的手掛り

    松本芳之, 千葉雄志

    心理学研究   56   335 - 341  1986

  • 自己帰属の理論仮定について


    早稲田大学大学院文学研究科紀要   別冊第9集   1 - 9  1983

  • 交渉過程に関する実験的検討Ⅱ


    実験社会心理学研究   21   1 - 6  1981.08

  • 交渉過程に関する実験的検討Ⅰ


    実験社会心理学研究   20   45 - 53  1980.09

  • 就職活動における失敗への対応


    学術研究 : 人文科学・社会科学編   60   105 - 119

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Internal Special Research Projects

  • 個体分類を目的とする有効なクラスタ分析法とその有効性の検討、および、汎用SASプログラムの提案


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