Research Experience
Waseda University, Associated professor
Waseda University, Part-time lecturer
Waseda University, Part-time lecturer
Details of a Researcher
Updated on 2025/03/14
Waseda University, Associated professor
Waseda University, Part-time lecturer
Waseda University, Part-time lecturer
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sloan School of Management Management
Waseda University Faculty of Political Economics
The Association for Business Communication
The Association of Business Communication
Recent Changes in The Economist's Usage of Restrictive Which and Their Possible Causes
Kazuhisa Konishi
The JASEC Bulletin 29; 1 45 - 59 2020.12
Recent Changes in New York Times' Usage of Restrictive Which: How It Differs from George Orwell's in the 1940s
Kazuhisa Konishi
The JASEC Bulletin 28; 1 17 - 32 2019.12
A Reason for Violating the Relative That/Which RuleーSignaling the Existance of Essential Additional Information in Preceding Context
Kazuhisa Konishi
The JASEC Bulletin 27; 1 51 - 65 2018.12
A Study of the News Media's Use of Restrictive Pronoun That/Which in Appositives
Kazuhisa Konishi
The JASEC Bulletin 26; 1 21 - 35 2017.12
Thoughts on Williams' and Bolinger's Comments on Jacques Barzun's Restrictive Which
Kazuhisa Konishi
The JASEC Bulletin 25; 1 17 - 31 2016.12
The Use of Exceptional Which by the English-language News Media
Kazuhisa Konishi
The JASEC Bulletin 24; 1 ( 1 ) 1 - 24 2015.12
日本英語コミュニケーション学会紀要 15; 1 174 - 176 2006.12
朝日出版社 技術ビジネス英語例文集担当 2005.06
Showa Denko to Mass-produce Negative Electrode Material 他106本
Japan Chemical Week 2005.04
Kazuhisa Konishi
Journal of Liberal Arts 116 ( 116 ) 89 - 106 2004.07
【CD-ROM版】SENTENCE (Database of Japanese-English Sentence Equivalents) (技術ビジネス例文集担当)
(株)朝日出版社 2004.04
Is the Use of Commas a Science or an Art?
Kazuhisa Konishi
The JASEC Bulletin 12; 1 53 - 66 2003.12
Chem-wire Express Japan (35本)
Chemical News & Intelligence (, Reed Business Information, LTD., U.K. 2003.06
A Study of Politeness Strategy in English Business Writing (2): From the Perspective of Negotiation Theories
Kazuhisa Konishi
Journal of Liberal Arts 114 141 - 159 2003.03
Noun Constructions in English Writing: Effective Uses, Defective Uses
Kazuhisa Konishi
The JASEC Bulletin 11; 1 ( 1 ) 1 - 16 2002.09
Computer Software Developed for Automated Tiny Object Production 他約140本
The Japan Chemical Week 2002.04
Major Trading firms Intent on Integrating Chemical Businesses 他約230本
Japan Chemical Week 2001.04
Bayer Planning $ 2 bn Petchem Project in China for Completion around 2006 他 約300本
Japan Chemical Week 2000.04
Microsoft(R) ENCARTA(R) インタラクティブ英会話[ビジネス編]
アルク 2000.04
MITI Program to Convert Waste Paper into Chemicals 他11本
Japan Chemical Week 2000.03
The JASEC Bulletin(日本英語コミュニケーション学会紀要) 8; 1 150 - 151 1999.09
日本英語コミュニケーション学会紀要 10;1 136 - 137 1998.10
学研 1998.09
Negotiation Strategies: "Win-Win" vs. "Win-Lose"
Kazuhisa Konishi
The JASEC Bulletin 7; 1 40 - 51 1998.09
朝日出版社 1997.03
朝日出版社 1996.03
Some Legitimate Uses of the Passive Voice in English Business Writing
Kazuhisa Konishi
The JASEC Bulletin 4; 1 1 - 10 1995.09
The "You-Attitude" — Its Theory and Practice
Kazuhisa Konishi
The JASEC Bulletin 3; 1 7 - 12 1994.10
朝日出版社 1994.04
International Business Correspondence: Proper Form, Proper Closings
Kazuhisa Konishi
The JASEC Bulletin 2; 1 55 - 60 1993.10
International Business Correspondence: Proper Form, Proper Openings
Kazuhisa Konishi
The JASEC Bulletin 1; 1 12 - 16 1992.10
English for Mass Communication 2021 Edition
Kazuhisa Konishi
Asahi Press 2021.01
English for Mass Communication 2020 Edition
Kazuhisa Konishi
Asahi Press 2020.01
CNN English Express
朝日出版社 2019.04
English for Mass Communication 2019 Edition
Kazuhisa Konishi
Asahi Press 2019.01
English for Mass Communication 2018 Edition
Kazuhisa Konishi
Asahi Press 2018.01
English for Mass Communication 2017 Edition
Kazuhisa Konishi
Asahi Press 2017.01
Language, Economics, and Politics 12 Perspectives
Kazuhisa Konishi
Waseda University Press 2016.04
English for Mass Communication 2016 Edition
Kazuhisa Konishi
Asahi Press 2016.01
CNN English Express
朝日出版社 2015.04
English for Mass Communication 2015 Edition
Kazuhisa Konishi
Asahi Press 2015.01
English for Mass Communication 2014 Edition
Kazuhisa Konishi
Asahi Press 2014.01
English for Mass Communication 2013 Edition
Kazuhisa Konishi
Asahi Press 2013.01
English for Mass Communication 2012 Edition
Kazuhisa Konishi
Asahi Press 2012.01
English for Mass Communication 2011 Edition
Kazuhisa Konishi
Asahi Press 2011.01
東京電機大学出版局 2010.03
English for Mass Communication 2010 Edition
Kazuhisa Konishi
Asahi Press 2010.01
朝日出版社 2007.12
E-DIC 英和和英
朝日出版社 2002
Microsoft ENCARTA インタラクティブ英会話【ビジネス編】
アルク 2000.04
辞スパ ニュース英語辞典
学習研究社 1998.09
The Flow of International Business Communication
Kazuhisa Konishi
Asahi Press 1997.03
American and English Slang Dictionary Revised Edition
Kazuhisa Konishi
Asahi Press 1996.02
English for International Business
Kazuhisa Konishi
Asahi Press 1994.04
日本英語コミュニケーション学会関東地区研究フォーラム 日本英語コミュケーション学会
Presentation date: 2014.03
日本英語コミュニケーション学会関東地区研究フォーラム 日本英語コミュケーション学会
Presentation date: 2014.03
日本英語コミュニケーション学会関東地区研究フォーラム 日本英語コミュケーション学会
Presentation date: 2012.03
日本英語コミュニケーション学会関東地区研究フォーラム 日本英語コミュケーション学会
Presentation date: 2010.05
日本英語コミュニケーション学会関東地区研究フォーラム 日本英語コミュケーション学会
Presentation date: 2009.05
日本英語コミュニケーション学会第11回年次大会シンポジウム 日本英語コミュケーション学会
Presentation date: 2002.10
日本英語コミュニケーション学会第9回年次大会シンポジウム 日本英語コミュケーション学会
Presentation date: 2000.10
日本英語コミュニケーション学会第7回年次大会シンポジウム 日本英語コミュケーション学会
Presentation date: 1998.10
米国 オレゴン大学
アメリカ オレゴン大学ジャーナリズム学部