Updated on 2025/03/12


Faculty of Letters, Arts and Sciences
Job title
Professor Emeritus

Professional Memberships











Research Areas

  • Education


  • 「地域そして文化からみる開発教育」『開発教育-公正な地球社会のための教育』


    開発教育協会   ( 50 ) 4 - 12  2004.08

  • 「地域からこれからの開発教育を考える」『自然と人間を結ぶ-農村文化運動』


    農山漁村文化協会   ( 172 ) 11 - 18  2004.04

  • 「開発教育の地域展開に向けて」『開発教育-公正な地球社会のための教育』


    開発教育協会   ( 47 ) 32 - 39  2003.02

  • 「教育方法の基本原理と参加型学習-新しい教育創造に向けての試論-」『開発教育-公正な地球社会のための教育』


    開発教育協議会   ( 42 ) 4 - 10  2000.08

Books and Other Publications

  • 「参加型学習とは何か-豊かな人間関係の構築に向けて-」『やってみよう参加型学習!日本語教室のための4つの手法〜理念と実践〜』


    スリーエーネットワーク  2005.01

  • 「多文化共生に向けての教育を考える」『外国人の定住と日本語教育』


    ひつじ書房  2004.09

  • 「開発教育の視点からみた教育協力」『教育協力-日本と世界の取り組みから-』


    早稲田大学平山郁夫記念ボランティアセンター  2004.03

  • 「新しい教育づくりに向けての学校と地域の連携」『わーい!NGOが教室にやってきた!-学校と地域がつくる国際理解教育-』


    武蔵野市国際交流協会  2003.12

  • 「開発教育の地域展開に向けて-地域の持つ意味を考える」『持続可能な開発のための学び』


    開発教育協会  2003.03

  • 『新教育事典』


    勉誠出版  2002.10

  • 「国際理解教育とは-そのねらいとその方法-」『わーい!外国人が教室にやってきた!-学校と地域がつくる国際理解教育-』


    武蔵野市国際交流協会  2002.06

  • 『開発教育キーワード51』


    開発教育協会  2002.03

  • 「国際化・グローバル化の時代に生きる課題」『生涯学習を拓く』


    ぎょうせい  2001.12

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Research Projects

  • Refugee Issues and Citizenship education in Education for International Understanding; Development of teaching materials based on European collaborative practices

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    YOKOTA Kazuko

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    We examined the development of teaching materials in search of creative approaches to learning about refugee issues in Education for international understanding, and continued to conduct workshops and fieldwork for this purpose.In the process of developing teaching materials, we approached learning about refugee issues from the perspectives of narrative, art, picture books, and relationships in the local community, and aimed to reach out to learners who are usually distant from refugee issues without sounding preachy, but the issue of performer/beholder was deep-rooted, and there were challenges in implementing the practice.
    It has become clear that we need to continue to examine the role of education for international understanding as a basis for confronting global issues and for creating new possibilities of solidarity between communities and individuals.

  • Professional Knowledge and Assessment of Professionalism in a Multicultural Society

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



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    This research aims at establishing an accreditation system for the “Multicultural Society Coordinator”, which approaches problem solving arising from the condition of an increasingly multicultural society in Japan. Firstly, we analyzed the nature of Multicultural Society Coordinators’ intellectual ability results from the “tacit knowledge” and revealed the fact that “practical intelligence” developed through the process of their actions, should be examined. Moreover, as for determination of their professionalism, we sorted out a four element classification of targets of practical intelligence: 1) knowledge, 2) skill, 3) attitude, and 4) philosophy/will and also showed the framework of the professional intelligence assessment.Furthermore, we carried out the provisional qualification assessment to examine our conditional framework effectively functions and in conclusion, the study proposed the approach of the Multicultural Society Coordinator Accreditation System

  • Synthetic Study on Sustainability and Resilience of Education in Asian Countries

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Nagata Yoshiyuki, Kikuchi Eiji, Ichinose Tomoroni, Yoshida Atsuhiko, Yamanishi Yuji, Soga Sachiyo, Yokota Kazuko, Nakata Yuki, Suvendrini Kakuchi, Yoshida Naoko, Tsujimoto Yui, Nagumo Yuta

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    This study focused on five countries in Asia and the Pacific. These are Indonesia, New Zealand, the Philippines, Sri Lanka and Japan. By making the most of questionnaire and interviews in Japan and overseas, the study identified some of the characteristics of sustainability and resilience of these countries. As regard with resilience, which was one of the key concept of the research design, five elements of redundancy, robustness, diversity and autonomy were emphasized and found that some countries were strong while others were weak in terms of autonomy and others. The research also found some of the issues and/or challenges for schools or communities to be more sustainable

  • アジア諸国における教育の持続可能性とレジリエンスに関する総合的研究

    科学研究費助成事業(聖心女子大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(B))

    Project Year :


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  • Synthetic Study on Sustainability and Resilience of Education in Asian Countries

    Project Year :


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    This study focused on five countries in Asia and the Pacific. These are Indonesia, New Zealand, the Philippines, Sri Lanka and Japan. By making the most of questionnaire and interviews in Japan and overseas, the study identified some of the characteristics of sustainability and resilience of these countries. As regard with resilience, which was one of the key concept of the research design, five elements of redundancy, robustness, diversity and autonomy were emphasized and found that some countries were strong while others were weak in terms of autonomy and others. The research also found some of the issues and/or challenges for schools or communities to be more sustainable

  • Comprehensive Research for the Construction of Cooperation between Schools and Local Community by Developing Multilingual and Multicultural Teaching Materials

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    YAMANISHI Yuji, YOSHIMURA Masahito, OKAMOTO Noriko, HATTORI Keiko, FUJIWARA Takaaki, MARUYAMA Hideki, IWASAKA Yasuko, YOKOTA Kazuko, AWANE Hirohide, OYAMA Mayo, KUROKAWA Yusuke, SATO Miwa, TAKEMOTO Sayaka, HATA Sayaka, MIYANO Shoko

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    This project aims to produce teaching materials in terms of multilingualism and multiculturalism which is one of the most important concept in international international education based on the situation at schools and local community. We conducted survey on the multilingual and multicultural situation in Japan and foreign countries, educational practices and teaching materials.Based on these survey, we decided our teaching material's theme: "language and sensitivity"; "problems concerning language(s)"; language (Japanese) and culture; "meta-language skills" and "teaching materials in primary schools" and produced more than 40 materials. In addition, we have opened all materials we produced to the public through website

  • Comprehensive Research for the Construction of Cooperation between Schools and Local Community by Developing Multilingual and Multicultural Teaching Materials

    Project Year :


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    This project aims to produce teaching materials in terms of multilingualism and multiculturalism which is one of the most important concept in international international education based on the situation at schools and local community. We conducted survey on the multilingual and multicultural situation in Japan and foreign countries, educational practices and teaching materials.
    Based on these survey, we decided our teaching material's theme: "language and sensitivity"; "problems concerning language(s)"; language (Japanese) and culture; "meta-language skills" and "teaching materials in primary schools" and produced more than 40 materials. In addition, we have opened all materials we produced to the public through website.

  • Comprehensive Research for the Construction of Cooperation between Schools and Local Community by Developing Multilingual and Multicultural Teaching Materials

    Project Year :


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    This project aims to produce teaching materials in terms of multilingualism and multiculturalism which is one of the most important concept in international international education based on the situation at schools and local community. We conducted survey on the multilingual and multicultural situation in Japan and foreign countries, educational practices and teaching materials.
    Based on these survey, we decided our teaching material's theme: "language and sensitivity"; "problems concerning language(s)"; language (Japanese) and culture; "meta-language skills" and "teaching materials in primary schools" and produced more than 40 materials. In addition, we have opened all materials we produced to the public through website.

  • A Study towards Creation of School Network for ESD(Education for Sustainable Development) in East Asia

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    NAGATA Yoshiyuki, II Naohiro, YAMANISHI Yuji, ASAKAWA Kazuya, YOSHIDA Atsuhiko, MARUYAMA Hideki, YOKOTA Kazuko

     View Summary

    As a good practice of school-based network beyond national borders the Baltic Sea Project was mainly studied, its characteristics were identified through questionnaire and interviews. At the same time possibilities of establishing a similar kind of network in East Asia were examined through a joint project. Additionally present situations and issues of ASPnet schools in various countries and accreditation systems on them as well as cases of ESD practices were studied.

  • A Study towards Creation of School Network for ESD(Education for Sustainable Development) in East Asia

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    NAGATA Yoshiyuki, II Naohiro, YAMANISHI Yuji, ASAKAWA Kazuya, YOSHIDA Atsuhiko, MARUYAMA Hideki, YOKOTA Kazuko

     View Summary

    As a good practice of school-based network beyond national borders the Baltic Sea Project was mainly studied, its characteristics were identified through questionnaire and interviews. At the same time possibilities of establishing a similar kind of network in East Asia were examined through a joint project. Additionally present situations and issues of ASPnet schools in various countries and accreditation systems on them as well as cases of ESD practices were studied

  • An interdisciplinary study for the appropriate language education policy in a multicultural society in Japan - For the new development of the Japanese education policy study of the compound field

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    NOYAMA Hiroshi, ISHII Eriko, KAWAMURA Takaya, SATO Gunei, HIRATKA Fumiya, MATSUMOTO Shigeru, YAMANISHI Yuji, YOKOMIZO Shinichiro

  • International Comparative Study on Publicly-funded Privately-run Schools-with special focus on evaluation of public good

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    NAGATA Yoshiyuki, YAMANISHI Yuji, KIKUCHI Eiji, SAWANO Yukiko, FUKAHORI Satoko, KAJIMA Midori

     View Summary

    As a result of this study we found ‘seeds'for fruitful educational society in the countries with which this study dealt Alternative forms of development were in progress in the countries which have gone through radical reform in education Such systems as quality control function in the way that they do stop widening gap of educational opportunities in a societyIn Australia, though they face various difficulties of disputes between local administration and alternative schools, interesting cases such as publicly-run Waldorf schools can be seen.In Asian countries they seek to find how to create publicly-run privately-operated schools as well. However, at the same time they deal with various types of problem. In Korea an alternative school were pending in court, and in Taipei another experimental school was at issue and nearly closed down. In Japan, there are innovative cases of schools or facilities supported by municipal ordinance. On the other hand, it is not difficult to see ‘pitfalls'for such practices to be trapped in atop-down administrative reform.Apart from these individual cases, there are themes in common among various nations. One of the most important topics is relationships between ‘public sector' and ‘private sector'. Questions posed are what and how the inner should guarantee and what kind of public good the latter create. Collaboration between these sectors are an urgent matter. Again we have found fruitful practices on this as well. Cases particularly from New York City and New Zealand should be worthwhile mentioning

  • A Study on the Educational Relationship of the Transformation in Local Communities and the Prospect of School Communities

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KITA Akito, YAMANISHI Yuji, ARAMAKI Shigeto, TASHIRO Takaaki, MATSUKURA Toshifumi, ABE Yoshie

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    The main points of our study are on teaching practice in Satsunai-kita primary school in Hokkai-do and the School Councils in Tsurugashima-city, Saitama. Results are following.
    First of all, from our research in Satsunai-kita primary school, we know teachers and children need to make good relations of trust for school reformation. And to make such a trust, teachers need to comprehend children as their partners. That is to say, frequent dialogue between them is important. In Satsunai-kita primary school, teachers' zeal and_effort ensure the opportunity for dialogue in teaching practice at school Because this activity requires substantial time, it is called "teaching of waiting." But some parents worry about the activity because it seems not so efficient. Therefore, one of the challenges to continue this activity in this school is making relationships between school (teachers) and parents.
    Secondly, as the research in the School Council in Tsurugashima-city, we conducted the inquiry survey. From the result, we know that at least the adult members think positively about the system of the council which is composed by the representatives of children, parents, community residents and teachers' participation. And as the effect of this council for the school reformation, to make relations between school, parents and community and sharing the information is the most mentioned statement in answers. In addition, the more concrete the effects are, the more needs the members of council feel for the system. We find that many adult members think positively about children's participation. And children participation is more likely to bear concrete effect.

  • A Study on the Transformation of Schools and Other Forms of Education and the Regeneration of Educational Relationship in Communities

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KITA Akito, OKI Kiyotake, YAMANISHI Yuji

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the situations and challenges of parent's and resident's (children's) participation in school administration since school advisor system has been able to set up because of revised enforcement regulatons of schoool education law in January 2000. This was proved those three things as follows ;
    1 School advisor system was in effect of all prefecture schools in Gunmma, Gifu, Mie, Shiga, Oita, Kochi, Tokyo, Nagasaki and Okinawa at April 1st, 2001.
    2 "Survey on the set up situation of school advisor (and similar) system"was conducted in six prefecture except Tokyo, Nagasaki and Okinawa. According to this survey, school has been discussed with advisor and reflected advisor's opinion into school administration on the issues of "school goal and educataonal plan", "school administration general", "school events"and so on. School was found school advisor to be meaningful.
    3 However, there were many challenges. Firstly, the lack of regulations of the duty to protect privileged information caused contents of discussion to be limited. Secondly, school could not pay reward for advisor because the budget was insufficient. Lacking of the budget of carry on the plan, which proposed from advisor, may be this system ineffective. Thirdly, School had a difficulty in distinguishing school advisor from existing organizations such as PTA. It is possible that these challenges threat effectiveness of school advisor system and system itself without any urgent measures.
    Although this tried to clarify the situations and challenges of school advisor system, it has not examined measure solviig challenges yet. A further direction of this study will be examined the measures and surveyed other areas. Additionally this study also did fieldwork in specific areas to find factors of eestablishing and importance of managing participatory system. Fieldwork will be conducted continuously and examined this.

  • Community Movements and their Cultural Backgrounds for Safe and Sustainable Community

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    URANO Masaki, YAMANISHI Yuji, USUI Tuneo, TANADA Hirofumi

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    In this research, the actual conditioner community movements for safe and sustainable community was investigated. Community movements in Tokyo, Kyoto, Kobe, and Yubari-city aiming at disaster-preventive, well-being, sustainabie and vigorous local culture were taken up as targets of field studies. Moreover, investigation was simultaneously done about the conditions and the cultural backgrounds for such local activity being attained.
    While the organizing processes and the backgrounds of the collective movements were modeled as several patterns, knowledge was acquired about the thought typically conceived by leaders of these movements.
    Moreover, stricken areas, such as the Great Hanshin Earthquake and an eruption- calamity of Mt.Unzen Fugen, were investigated for measuring the potentiality of calamity-response and crisis management of the community. According to those factors listed below, they were patterned as some typical local types.
    (1) socioeconomic composition and density of population.
    (2) social damage resulted from calamity, and the chain of the social influences.
    (3) reaction of local residents and their collective activities.
    (4) consciousness of safety culture.
    (5) social system, such as crisis management system, etc.
    The social process from right after the calamity to restoration and reconstruction stages in each type of local community was depicted in model. Furthermore, investigation at the Mikura-area of Nagata, Kobe-city was done in detail.
    As a conclusion, local people were obliged to decide their strategy for family living in a quite early stage of restoration and reconstruction processes with receiving the pressures that vary with each type and position in the social stratification. Without the local collective efforts functionning effectively and successfully in a quite early stage, a local resident's agreement for community reconstruction and future neighbourhood planning was becoming more and more difiicult to make because of loss and disruption of social cohesion.

  • アジア太平洋地域の持続可能な開発のための教育に関する国際研究集会に向けた企画調査

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  • Faculty of Education and Integrated Arts and Sciences   School of Education