Updated on 2024/10/24


MORI, Yuria
Faculty of Letters, Arts and Sciences, School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Job title
博士(文学) ( 2020.07 早稲田大学 )
Mail Address

Research Experience


    20044 早稲田大学文学学術院教授着任









Professional Memberships




    American Academy of Religion








    The Association for Asian Studies

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Research Areas

  • Chinese philosophy, Indian philosophy and Buddhist philosophy

Research Interests

  • Dragon-gate Lineage (Longmen pai)

  • Quanzhen Daoism (Complete Perfection)

  • the immortals (the transcendents)

  • Daoism (Taoism)

  • 中国近世宗教思想(通俗信仰・道教)


  • 日本道教学会賞




  • The Formation of the Extant Text of Min Yide’s “Explanation of the Cure of the World by San Nis in Accordance with Patriarch Lü”: Making Use of the Spirit-Writing Cult to Patriarch Lü around Huzhou Area to Empower the Legitimacy of Mt. Jingai and the “Orthodox Lineage of the Dragon Gate”

    Yuria MORI

    Bulletin of the Graduate School of Letters, Arts and Sciences of Waseda University   68   (13) 1042 - (29) 1026  2023.03

    Authorship:Lead author, Last author, Corresponding author

  • Innner Alchemy Described in Zhu Yuanyu's Wezheng chanyou (Illuminating the Mystery of Awakening the Truth): In Comparison with Yu's Cantongqi chanyou (Illuminating the Mystery of Concordance of the Three Accordance to the Book of Changes)

    Yuria MORI

      ( 140 ) 23 - 50  2022.11  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Last author, Corresponding author

  • Zhu Yuanyu's Cantongqi chanyou and His Inner Alchemical Methods

    Yuria MORI

      ( 137 ) 49 - 74  2021.11  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Last author, Corresponding author

  • A Facet of Making a Narrative of “the Orthodox Lineage of Longmen” in Min Yide’s 閔一得 (1758-1836) Jingai xindeng 金蓋心燈 (The Mind Lamp of Mount Jingai) in Comparison with Zhu Wenzao 朱文藻 and Zhang Fuchun’s 張復純 Jingudong zhi 金鼓洞志 (The Gazetteer of the Grotto of Golden Tabor)

    Yuria MORI

      ( 10 ) 222 - 199  2021.02

    Authorship:Lead author, Last author, Corresponding author

  • Succession of the Complete Perfection Daoism and the Invention of Orthodoxy : Daoists of the Dragon-gate Lineage from the Late Ming to the Early Daoguang Era (1821-1850) and Jiang Yupu's Spirit-Writing Cult to Lü-zu.

    MORI, Yuria

       2020.03  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Last author, Corresponding author

  • Creative Daoism. By Monica Esposito, 2013 (Book Review)

    Mori Yuria

    T’oung Pao   104 ( 3-4 ) 443 - 451  2018.10  [Invited]

    Authorship:Lead author, Last author, Corresponding author


  • The Department of Asia Philosophy Waseda University

      ( 33 ) 45 - 66  2016.03  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Last author, Corresponding author


  • “Tracing Back Wang Changyue’s Precepts for Novices in the History of Daoism.”

    MORI, Yuria

    Daoism: Religion, History and Society   ( 8 ) 207 - 249  2016  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Last author, Corresponding author

  • 道教の出家伝戒儀についての一考察(金明七真、賈善翔、周思得を中心に)-王常月「初真十戒」前史(Ⅱ)


    早稲田大学大学院文学研究科紀要   59 ( I ) 39 - 56  2014.02

    Authorship:Lead author, Last author, Corresponding author


  • 道教の出家伝戒儀三種と沙弥授戒儀—道宣『四分律刪繁補闕行事鈔』との対比を通じて


    多元文化   3 ( 3 ) 5 - 34  2014.02

    Authorship:Lead author, Last author, Corresponding author


  • 「初真十戒」系譜考-王常月「初真十戒」前史(I)


    早稲田大学大学院文学研究科紀要   58 ( IV ) 21 - 38  2013.02

    Authorship:Lead author, Last author, Corresponding author


  • Being Local through Ritual: Quanzhen Appropriation of Zhengyi Liturgy in the "Chongkan Daozang jiyao"


    Xun Liu and Vincent Goossaert eds. Quanzhen Daoists in Chinese Society and Culture, 1500-2010. Institute of East Asian Studies, University of California Berkeley. 2013 (Chinese Research Monograph 70) (学術論文集)     171 - 207  2013  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Last author, Corresponding author

  • 『龍門心法』と『碧苑壇經』-詹太林と閔一得における王常月への異なる視座


    早稲田大学文学研究科紀要(東洋哲学) 57輯   57 ( 57 ) 35 - 52  2012.03

    Authorship:Lead author, Last author, Corresponding author


  • 伍守陽龍門派の正統意識と秘伝-『丹道九篇』の秘術の位相をめぐって


    『東方宗教』116   ( 116 ) 22 - 46  2010.11  [Refereed]


  • 全真教と内丹法-近世的仙道の展開


    工藤元男・李成市編『アジア学のすすめ』(早稲田大学アジア研究機構叢書)3 アジア歴史・思想編 弘文堂    2010.06  [Invited]

  • 翻訳 「時代とともに-全真道士李宗陽と慈禧・同盟会・および清末民初南陽における近代化改革(1890年代〜1930年代)」

    劉迅著, 森由利亜訳

    田中文雄・テリー・クリーマン編『道教と共生思想』大河書房     299 - 337  2009.10

  • 翻訳 「傅金銓の生涯における印刷出版と宗教-四川における道士・金丹家・宗教的指導者・出版業者として」

    エレナ・ヴァルッシ著, 森由利亜訳

    田中文雄・テリー・クリーマン編『道教と共生思想』大河書房     273 - 298  2009.10

  • 中国近世の神仙養生術-『霊宝畢法』の内丹法より


    早大人間総合研究センター監修『現代に生きる養生学』(コロナ社)     100 - 124  2008.01

  • 重刊『道蔵輯要』と清朝四川地域の宗教


    中国古籍研究所編『中国古籍流通学の確立』(『アジア地域文化学叢書』6)雄山閣出版(学術論文集)     339 - 401  2007.03

    Authorship:Lead author, Last author, Corresponding author

  • 清朝四川の全真教と天師道儀礼-『清微宏範道門功課』の成立をめぐって


    堀池信夫・砂山稔編『道教研究の最先端』大河書房(学術論文集)     82 - 108  2006.08

    Authorship:Lead author, Last author, Corresponding author

  • 道教と死-天上の権威と死者世界


    吉原浩人編『東洋における死の思想』春秋社     69 - 90  2006.07

  • 鬼神祭祀と道教-対比のための印象批評的補助線


    土田健次郎編『近世儒学研究の方法と課題』汲古書院     165 - 186  2006.02

  • 清朝全真教の伝戒と呂祖扶乩信仰-天仙戒現行本の成立をめぐって


    『福井文雅博士古稀記念論集-アジア文化の思想と儀礼』春秋社(学術論文集)     441 - 461  2005.06

  • 「全真道伝承與開創国際学術検討会」参加記


    『東方宗教』日本道教学会   ( 105 ) 84 - 95  2005.05

  • 清朝全真教と天師道儀礼の関係に関する覚え書き


    『斎ショウの研究』[平成14年度〜平成16年度科学研究費補助金研究成果報告書(基盤研究B2 研究課題番号14310010) 研究代表者 小林正美]     104 - 135  2005.03

  • 加藤千恵著『不老不死の身体:道教と「胎」の思想』


    『東方宗教』日本道教学会   ( 103 ) 78 - 83  2004.05

  • 全真坐鉢—元明全真教儀礼の伝統


    福井文雅主監『東方学の新視点』五曜書房(学術論文集)     459 - 497  2003.10

  • ダニエル・オーバーマイヤー教授引退記念シンポジウム参加記


    『東洋の思想と宗教』早稲田大学東洋哲学会   ( 20 ) 202 - 213  2003.03


  • Identity and Lineage: The Taiyi jinhua zongzhi and the Spirit-Writing Cult to Prtriarch Lü; in Ching China

    MORI, Yuria

    Daoist Identity: History, Lineage, and Ritual eds. Livia Kohn, Harold Roth (学術論文集)     165 - 184  2002  [Refereed]

  • 『道蔵輯要』と蒋予蒲の呂祖扶ケイ信仰


    『東方宗教』日本道教学会   ( 98 ) 33 - 52  2001.11  [Refereed]


  • 『陰符経』-相克する宇宙の理法を盗む


    増尾伸一郎・丸山宏編『道教経典を読む』大修館書店     69 - 90  2001.05

  • 『度人経』-万人の霊魂を救済する霊宝経典


    増尾伸一郎・丸山宏著『道教経典を読む』大修館書店     188 - 200  2001.05

  • 近世内丹道の三教一致論〈牧常晁と李道純の三教一致論と性命双修説を中心に〉


    福井文雅・山田利明・前田繁樹編『講座・道教』〈道教と中国思想〉(雄山閣出版)(学術論文集)     64 - 82  2000.08

  • 〔国際会議報告〕第二回米日道教研究会議


    東洋の思想と宗教(早稲田大学東洋哲学会)   16  1999.03

  • 呂洞賓と全真教ー清朝湖州金蓋山の事例を中心に


    砂山稔・尾崎正治・菊池章太編『講座・道教』〈道教の神々と経典〉(雄山閣出版)学術論文集     242 - 264  1999.03

  • 道教とエコロジー会議 (国際シンポジウム)を振り返って


    東方学   97  1999.01

  • 『邱祖語録』について〈明末清初の全真教龍門派の系譜観に関する補足的考察〉


    山田利明・田中文雄編『道教の歴史と文化』雄山閣出版社(学術論文集)     257 - 273  1998.05

  • 『太乙金華宗旨』の成立と変遷〈諸版本の序・注の記述を手掛かりに〉


    『東洋の思想と宗教』早稲田大学東洋哲学会   15 ( 15 ) 43 - 64  1998.03  [Refereed]


  • エリック・チュルヒャー (ZU*RCHER, Erik)著『はじめての対話——明末のイエズス会宣教師に関する若干の考察』 (The first dialogue: Some reflections on the Jesuit mission in late Ming China)

    Zurcher, Erik著, 森由利亜訳

    東方学   92  1996.01

  • 全真教龍門派系譜考〈『金蓋心燈』に記された龍門派の系譜に関する問題点について


    道教文化研究会編『道教文化への展望』平河出版社(学術論文集)     180 - 211  1994.11

  • 研究ノート『體玄眞人顯異録』に見える王玉陽の神異譚について


    『東洋哲学論叢』[のち『アジアの思想と文化』に改題]   ( 1 ) 186 - 203  1993.06

  • 『純陽帝君神化妙通紀』に見える全真教的な特徴について


    『東洋の思想と宗教』早稲田大学東洋哲学会   9 ( 9 ) 31 - 47  1992.06  [Refereed]


  • 宋代に於ける呂洞賓説話に関する一試論


    『早稲田大学文学研究科紀要』哲学・史学編   ( 別冊第17集 ) 55 - 65  1990.03  [Refereed]

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Research Projects

  • 中国地方道教史における扶鸞文化の革新的役割に関する学際的研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    志賀 市子, シッケタンツ エリック, 森 由利亜

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  • New Studies of Daoism in Ming-Qing China

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



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    In this study, we have pointed out four important dimensions of Qing Daoism : (1)Literati Daoism, in which lay "Confucian" intellects played essential part; (2)Functions of spirit-writing (fuji) as a tool for penetrating, inventing and even creating "Daoist" traditions; (3) The relationship between lay Daoists and Daoists who left their own family. (4) Interactions between ritual performers of Buddhism and Daoism. (5) Relationship between Zheng-yi Daoist ritual elements and religious rites of diverse people in Southern China since Qing. About Ming Daoism, there is much space for discussion left, though

  • Ritual Texts and Knowledge among the Yao: Their Preservation, Utilization and Transmission.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    RITSUKO Hitora, YOSHINO Akira, MARUYAMA Hiroshi, MATSUMOTO Koichi, MORI Yuria, ASANO Haruji, SENSUI Hidekazu, CAI Wengao, SANO Kenji, TAKAGI Ryo, ZHANG Jinsong, LUCIA Obi, ZHAO Jinfu, FENG Rongjun, PAN Longfu, YE Mingsheng, TERRY F Kleeman, ZHAO Shufeng, YOSHIKAWA Masayuki, UTSUMI Ryoko, MASUNO Takashi, MIMURA Nobutaka, HAMADA Takeshi, TAN Jing

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    Field trips were made to Yao communities in Thailand and Vietnam, as well as mainland China (Langshan, Hunan), in order to make precise records of their ritual practices and the ritual documents correlated to each phase of these practices. It has been revealed from our findings that the three groups of the Yao, now far apart from one another, share a transmitted system of ritual knowledge and still conduct parallel ritual practices in Southeast Asia and China. These findings have been made available on our website and through publications (Institute for the Study of Yao Culture News Letter, no.1-5; Kanagawa University Rekimin Research Report, vol. 12, 14, 17). Research members also conferred with other specialists on the issues of Yao ritual tradition at an international symposium at Changsha and a panel in the 64th Annual Meeting of the Folklore Society of Japan, and were invited to contribute their research results to international conferences

  • A Comprehensive Study on the Birth of Daoism and its Historical Development

    Project Year :


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    Based on the most recent research results of several studies including ones from the field of science and technology and those investigating Daoism in different time periods, this study considered the potential for a new restructuring of Daoism's history through empirical and critical verification of previous scholarship on the birth and the historical development of Daoism. In order to publish the concrete results of our research, we translated the revised and expanded version of A History of Chinese Taoism, edited by Ren Jiyu, and provided detailed annotations based on the results of our research. We also invited one of the authors from the volume to Kogakkan University for an international symposium titled “New Perspectives on the History of Taoism,” where we presented our conclusions on the possibility for a new restructuring of Daoism's history

  • 文明移動としての「仏教」からみた東アジアの差異と共生の研究

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(A))

    Project Year :


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  • A Synthetic Study of the Ritual and Ritual Documents of the Yao

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    HIROTA Ritsuko, YOSHINO Akira, MARUYAMA Hiroshi, MATSUMOTO Koichi, MORI Yuria, ASANO Haruji, SANO Kenji, SENSUI Hidekazu, TAKAGI Ryo, CAI Wengao

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    Du Jie rituals, which was conducted by Yao people in Langshan county, Hunan province, in November 2008, has been systematically analyzed. A great volume of ritual texts and manuscripts used therein have been typed out, corrected, interpreted and translated into modern Japanese. As co-relations between these texts and ritual performances become clear, Yao knowledge of religious rituals can be seen in depth. Search for comparative materials kept in foreign libraries as well as those in Japan has been continued, in which an international network of Yao specialists has well established. Part of the research results were published as “Bulletin of Institute for the Study of Iu Mien Culture” and posted to the Institute’s webpage

  • Study of Ritual Process and Oral Transmissions of Shamanistic Rites in Southwest China

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    MORI Yuria, INAHATA Koichirou

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    This research aims at taking after and developing the study we had had during the Japanese academic year of 2003-2004 under the name of The Study of Daoist and Shamanistic Ritual Documents Transmitted among the Practitioners of Ritual Operas in Southwest China.(Research No. 15520063 ; MORI,Yuria as the Director in Chief.)In the previous study, we, both Japanese and Chinese scholars listed as the member of this research group, recorded one-day ritual(chong nuo 衝儺)performed by the ritual masters in Hekou village, Daozhen prefecture, Guizhou, China, on digital video tapes while we had preliminary interviews with the masters, which successfully established good, reliable relationship between the scholars and the interviewees. In this new study, we focused our examination on the ritual performance we had filmed in Hekou village in the previous research, in regard to which we recurrently had a series of long interviews with the same group of the practitioners to transcribe the whole content of what they chanted and spoke in THAT particular program. In the academic year of 2005, we divided our group into two groups (A and B) to have interviews separately. There, the same ritual masters revived the same speeches and chanting they had performed in 2004 in front of us, who now transcribing the content of them word by word. While practitioners re-acted their performance, they saw the videos we filmed of their own performance in 2004, which proved to be an excellent method to facilitate the interactions between the interviewers and interviewees. However, the grope A did not make as good progress as the group B which mechanically transcribed the content of the performance without giving detailed(and sometimes bothering to the practitioners) questions relevant to the contents and structures of deep knowledge about the ritual during the interviews. After the academic year of 2006, both groups concentrated on the successful method having taken by group B in 2005. Consequently, we successfully finished making word-by-word transcription of the chanting and speech of the one-day ritual opera practiced on a day of 2004, which surpassed the all expectations in terms of quality and quantity we had made before starting our research. Especially, we felt our research attained high standard of reliability when we succeeded in involving every practitioner into checking the written record(that is, our transcription) by reciting them in group in December 2007. Thus, our records were all proofread by the ritual practitioners themselves

  • Study of Daoist and Shamanistic Ritual Documents Transmitted by Performers of Religious Drama in Southwest China

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    MORI Yuria, INAHATA Koichiro, INABA Akiko

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    In this research, we noticed the importance of the feet that numerous ritual documents had been transmitted in the rural villages in Southwestern part of China. These documents reflected various situations where the wu jiao, or shamanism, closely related to other religious activities, namely "Qingwei Lineage," a bunch of tradition having developed among orthodox Daoist activities and shamanistic religions since post-Tang periods.On 19th and 20th in August 2004, we successfully carried out our research project with two groups of practitioners of Shamanistic rites at Daozhen prefecture. One is with master Zhang Fangyi and his disciples, who performed the Rite for the Earth Government, or Di fu dao cheng, at Meijiang village, Hekou county, Daozhen prefecture. The other is with master Yang Hai'an and his disciples performing Chong nuo Rite at Sanba village, Hekou county.In both researches, we recorded the process of all the component rites of the ritual with videos, while we took pictures of the documents used in the rites. We made a series of tables showing in the order of procedures of each rite the combinations of ritual performances, performers, tools (including musical instrument and other items needed for the ritual), documents, and the way the practitioners using the documents. The whole process of this research was recorded and described in our "Final Report." Through this research, we have learnt how to cooperate with local scholars in both recording the whole process of the ritual and in interviewing with local practitioners. In next occasion, we would like to follow the context of each component rite through interviews with the practitioners

  • The Study of the Daoist Zhaijiao Ritual

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KOBAYASHI Masayoshi, MORI Yuria, AZUMA Juji, NIKAIDO Yoshihiro, OKA Sumiaki, YOSHIMURA Makoto

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    Head Investigator Kobayashi Masayoshi completed an article entitled "The Influence of the Jinlu zhaifa on the Formation and Development of Daoist Sculpture, With an Emphasis on the Daoist Cliff Sculptures of Mianyang, Anyue, and Dazu in Sichuan Province," based on the results of a research trip to examine the Daoist cliff sculptures of these three counties conducted in March 2004. The contents of this article were further supplemented by a second research trip to examine the Daoist cliff sculptures of Tanshenyan at Niujiaozhai in Renshou County, Sichuan Province in December 2004.In addition, Kobayashi has completed an article entitled "The Original Form of the Daoist Zhai Ritual : The Establishment and Structure of the Zhijiao zhaifa."During this year, the final year of the research period, the investigators have completed the following articles :Mori Yuria, "Notes Concerning the Relationship of the Quanzhen Movement to the Rituals of the Way of the Celestial Masters During the Qing Dynasty."Azuma Juji, "Concerning the Jingling Palace During the Song Dynasty : Intersections Between Daoist and Confucian Offering Rituals."Nikaido Yoshihiro, "Concerning the Yuanshuai Deities in the Fahai yizhu : The Daoist Jiao Ritual, Popular Belief, and the Yuanshuai."_. "2003 Report on the Temples of Xiamen and Quanzhou."Oka Sumiaki, "The Changes in the Ordination of the Boddhisattva Precepts and the Eight Precepts."Yoshimura Makoto, "The Precepts of Bodhisattva in the Dharmasene's Translation of Bodhisattvabhumi"_. "Report on a Research Trip to Examine the Buddhist and Daoist Sculptures of Sichuan Province."In addition, a list of Daoist and Buddhist texts entered into a digital database at this time has been included in the "Report on Research Results.

  • Research on transmission of the Chinese popular culture in the late Qing and early R.O.C. era as seen in the printing for the general audience

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    OKAZAKI Yumi, INAHATA Koichiro, SUNAOKA Kazuko, HORI Makoto, FURUYA Akihiro, MORI Yuria

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    The interdisciplinary researcher in and outside the country gathered to carry out the research which solves the dynamism of a "circulation form", such as generation, spread, changes, and exchange in Chinese popular culture of Imperial era and modern times from various mutual relation, such as literature, entertainments, art, folk religion, and a language.
    Popular printed matter treated by this research is the new research fields in which the arrangement method itself crossed the domain of the conventional bibliography. And the Furyo collection in Waseda Univ. which are the comparatively big collection are the typical popular printed matter for considering this field. We discussed about Furyo collection over two weeks with the overseas research assignment Prof.Lin, Huang (head of the Fudan university linguistic research institute, Shanghai) and Prof.B.Riftin (top researcher of World Literary Research Institute Science Academy, Russia). And popular printed matter were photoed and digitized on the microfilm to make the base perused and studied easily.
    This report reports the arranging method of Chinese popular culture printed matter by the digitization in this time. Moreover, The Research institute of Chinese Old Book Culture was founded by Waseda University, and established the base to exhibit the result of this research at any time was made.

  • Study of Cultural Substrata of China Mirrored in Archaeological Finds, Ritual, and Performance.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    INAHATA Koichiro, WADA Osamu, MORI Yuria, INABA Akiko

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    We carried out the pre-subject "The Masque of the Southwest China, Research of Basis Culture" paying attention to their appearance, when the <masque> remained in whole China considered generation, development, change, and the special feature of the "basis culture" not only in the history of the Chinese theater but the whole Chinese culuture.
    This research is based on the result of a pre-subject, and the archaeological viewpoint which considers the remains excavated from the ruins of every place over China is also called with the cooperation of the China archaeology community. Opinion exchange was performed during the research with several researchers in archaeology. And Inahata summarized the discovered view on the work "Symphony music of God and a Man : The World of a Chinese Mask" in the 2003 fiscal year. Thus, the necessity of positioning the representation of not only the role in the ceremony courtesy entertainments of a <masque> but the <mask> itself into the China culture and world culture came out. And it is possible.
    The researched points and the investigation about a religious function person which were conducted during the period are summarized in this booklet. In addition to Qianbei area in Guizhou, at the International Nuoxi Society held in Dejiang, Guizhou in 2003, the courtesy of a Qiandongbei area Dejiang and Tongren town was also able to be visited. So many ceremony courtesy remain from Qianbei area to Qiandongbei area. Speaking of Tongren of Qiandongbei area, it is close to the <Chu> cultural sphere in Hunan. I want to open the investigation ground further and to also investigate the representation of a <mask> from now on.

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