Updated on 2025/03/14


Faculty of Human Sciences
Job title
Professor Emeritus
文学修士 ( 1975.03 大阪大学 )
Ph. D. ( 1992.12 Osaka University )
博士(人間科学),1992 ( 大阪大学 )
Mail Address
専門:発達行動学 関心領域:子別れとアロマザリングによる母子の遠心性

Research Experience

  • 2021.04

    Waseda University

  • 2014


  • 2012


  • 2010.09


  • 2004

    Waseda University   Faculty of Human Sciences

  • 2001.05


  • 1998

    Waseda University, Professor

  • 1996

    Waseda University, Associate Professor

  • 1990

    Mukogawa Women's University, Associate Professor

  • 1991

    Edinburgh University, Visiting Researcher

  • 1986

    Mukogawa Women's University, Lecturer

  • 1977

    Osaka University, Research Assistant

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Education Background


    Osaka University   Graduate School, Division of Letters  


    Osaka University   Faculty of Literature  

Professional Memberships


















    International Primatological Society


    International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development



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Research Areas

  • Educational psychology

Research Interests

  • 発達行動学、発達心理学


  • 論文・著作奨励賞

    2022.05   こども環境学会  

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    家庭環境における母子の身体接触遊び行動 ─日英の縦断的比較─

  • 日本心理学会優秀発表賞


  • こども環境学会賞論文賞


  • 発達臨床研究賞

    2006.10   小児保健学会  

  • 発達科学研究教育奨励賞


Media Coverage

  • 日本歯科専門医機構監事


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  • Changes in the governmental weaning guidance and the mothers' choice in Japan, 1997-2017.

    Koichi Nagayama

    Japanese Journal of Medical and Psychological Study of Infants   32 ( 1 ) 51 - 62  2023.09  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • 絆の音楽性 : 乳幼児と養育者のあわいにあるもの


    臨床心理学   23 ( 5 ) 513 - 518  2023.09

    Authorship:Lead author

  • 逆境体験からみた縦断研究


    発達心理学研究   33 ( 4 ) 221 - 233  2022.12  [Refereed]  [Invited]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • A comparative study of mother-infant co-regulation of distance at home in Japan and Scotland

    Koichi Negayama, Colwyn Trevarthen

    Infant Behavior and Development   68  2022.08

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    Mothers and infants co-regulate their distance from one another at home. Continuous, naturalistic home observations of the changes in mother-infant distance were carried out in Japan and Scotland during infant ages of 0–1, 6–7, and 12–13 months. This study examined mutual distance-increasing and distance-reducing behaviours, referred to as parent-infant ‘centrifugalism’ and ‘centripetalism’. Cultural differences emerged in the modes of mother-infant distance co-regulation. Scottish mothers were more active in initiating contact and leaving infants alone to sleep, whereas Japanese mothers showed stronger infant-centredness by maintaining physical contact with infants when they fell asleep and reacting to their crying when they woke up. Age differences were found relating to decrease in sleep and increase in object play in the middle of the first year, which resulted in more separation within a 0.5 m distance at 6–7 months, a compromise between closeness and distancing between mothers and awake infants. Cultural and age differences in the co-regulation of mother-infant distance were discussed in relation to the development of locomotion, object play, and intention-reading.

    DOI PubMed


  • 新型コロナウイルスパンデミック下の親子関係と医学的支援


    乳幼児医学・心理学研究   30 ( 2 ) 67 - 76  2022.04  [Refereed]  [Invited]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • 保育園児の降園場面における行動:沖縄離島と関東都市部の比較

    根ヶ山光一, 河原紀子

    こども環境学研究   17   78 - 84  2022.01  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Comparison of Japanese and Scottish Mother-Infant Intersubjectivity: Resonance of Timing, Anticipation, and Empathy During Feeding.

    Koichi Negayama, Jonathan T Delafield-Butt, Keiko Momose, Konomi Ishijima, Noriko Kawahara

    Frontiers in psychology   12   724871 - 724871  2021  [International journal]

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    Feeding involves communication between mothers and infants and requires precise synchrony in a special triadic relationship with the food. It is deeply related to their intersubjectivity. This study compared the development of mother-infant intersubjectivity through interactional synchrony in feeding between 11 Japanese and 10 Scottish mother-infant dyads, observed at 6 and 9 months by video. Japanese mothers were more deliberate in feeding at an earlier age, whereas Scottish mothers were significantly more coercive than Japanese mothers at an earlier age. Japanese mothers brought the spoon to infants with a pause to adjust the timing of insertion to match their infants' readiness, whereas this pause was not observed in Scottish mothers. Isomorphic mouth opening between mothers and infants was observed. This empathic maternal display is an important element of intersubjectivity in infant feeding that differed between Scottish and Japanese mothers. Scottish mothers' mouth opening always followed their infants' mouth opening, but about half of Japanese mothers preceded their infants. Further, the mouths of Scottish infants and mothers opened almost at the same time as spoon insertion. In contrast, Japanese mothers' mouth opening did not co-occur with the insertion but was close to spoon arrival, a subtle but important difference that allows for greater infant autonomy. The time structure of Scottish mother-infant interactions was simpler and more predictable at 9 months than in Japan, where the structure was more variable, likely due to a stronger regulation by Scottish mothers. In conclusion, Scottish mother-infant intersubjectivity is characterized as more maternally reactive and mother-centered, whereas Japanese mother-infant intersubjectivity is characterized as more maternally empathetic and infant-centered. Cultural differences in intersubjectivity during feeding between Japan and Scotland are further discussed in relation to triadic relationships and parenting styles.

    DOI PubMed


  • Developmental problems concerning children's oral functions, based on a questionnaire administered to dentists and guardians

    Fumiyo Tamura, Shigenari Kimoto, Youichi Yamasaki, Akira Taguchi, Naoyuki Tanuma, Shinya Nakajima, Koichi Negayama, Yasuaki Kakinoki, Hiroyuki Yamada, Hideo Sato, Masahito Sumitomo

    PEDIATRIC DENTAL JOURNAL   30 ( 3 ) 167 - 174  2020.12

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    Objectives: This study aimed to clarify the importance of dental support for eating problems of infants, young children and disabled children, based on a questionnaire survey administered to dentists and guardians. Materials and methods: The respondents consisted of 1001 dentists, pediatric dentistry administrators randomly selected by each prefectural or municipal dental association, and 1031 guardians of preschoolers who attended kindergartens or children's day-care centers. Answers were received from 712 dentists and 844 guardians. We compared answers to question No. 16 for dentists and questions No. 23 & 26 for guardians. Furthermore, we compared free comments to question No. 16 for dentists and answers to No. 27 for guardians. Question No. 27 for dentists and question No. 21 for guardians similarly asked about children's eating problems, and we thus next compared the tendencies noted in answers to these questions. In addition, a componential analysis was conducted for free text answers to question No. 31 for dentists and question No. 34 for guardians to qualitatively examine "free comments to children's eating problems". Free comments were statistically analyzed using a text-mining approach in IBM SPSS Text Analytics for Surveys. Results: The results revealed that guardians had more concerns about the following issues (relative to dentists): "vegetables" (23-fold) and "picky eating/fad eating/biased eating" (eight-fold). Issues of more concern to dentists (relative to guardians) were "mastication/ chewing" (two-fold) and "dental caries/decay" (1.3-fold). Conclusions: This study suggested that guardian's anxieties regarding children's eating problems have variable background factors. (c) 2020 Japanese Society of Pediatric Dentistry. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



  • 家庭環境における母子の身体接触遊び行動


    こども環境学研究   16 ( 2 ) 47 - 53  2020.12  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Early development of maternal holding of infants and mother's perceived difficulty in holding: A longitudinal study

    根ケ山光一, 石島このみ, 百瀬桂子, 河原紀子

    小児保健研究(Web)   79 ( 4 )  2020.07  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author


  • 音楽的コミュニケーションの原点


    音楽教育研究ハンドブック(日本音楽教育学会編、音楽之友社)     20 - 21  2019.10

  • アロマザリングと環境


    発達   ( 159 ) 45 - 50  2019.07

  • 母子関係の基盤としての身体性:へだたり(遠心性)に注目して


    発達   ( 155 ) 16 - 21  2018.07

  • 身体からみた母子関係の遠心性の研究


    日本発達心理学会大会プログラム(CD-ROM)   29th  2018


  • 母親による乳児への抱き行動の縦断的研究

    根ケ山光一, 石島このみ

    日本乳幼児医学・心理学会プログラム・抄録集   28th  2018


  • アロマザリングからみたレジリエンス:桶谷式断乳をめぐる考察

    根ケ山光一, 相川公代

    乳幼児医学・心理学研究   26 ( 2 ) 71 - 80  2017.12

  • 保育所のテラスにおける幼児の靴履き行動の発達的検討

    甲賀崇史, 根ケ山光一

    保育学研究   55 ( 2 ) 52 - 63  2017.11

  • Development of mother–infant interaction in tickling play: The relationship between infants’ ticklishness and social behaviors

    Konomi Ishijima, Koichi Negayama

    Infant Behavior and Development   49   161 - 167  2017.11

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    This study examined the development of mother–infant tickling interaction and the relationship between infants’ ticklishness and social behaviors including infants’ looking at mothers’ face, mothers’ narrative tickling, and mothers’ laughter. Twenty-two Japanese infants aged 5 months (n = 10, five girls) and 7 months (n = 12, four girls) and their mothers were videotaped. Results revealed that the mothers’ narrative tickling was more frequent at 7 than at 5 months and the infants’ strong ticklishness showed the same tendency. The infants’ strong ticklishness was linked with the occurrence of other social behaviors. In conclusion, infants’ ticklishness was heavily connected with social behaviors. The mode of the tickling interaction at 7 months was different from that at 5 months especially in the increase of mother's narrative tickling. A possible function of such mother's narrative tickling to facilitate infant active communication at a higher cognitive level including anticipation, was discussed.

    DOI PubMed


  • 日本の子育てを考える : アロマザリング・国際比較から


    児童心理   71   20 - 25  2017.10

  • 福島原発事故により避難指示の指定を受けた被災者の心的外傷後ストレス症状

    小牧 久見子, 持田 隆平, 岩垣 穂大, 石川 則子, 赤野 大和, 福田 千加子, 桂川 泰典, 増田 和高, 多賀 努, 小島 隆矢, 扇原 淳, 根ヶ山 光一, 熊野 宏昭, 辻内 琢也

    心身医学   57 ( 6 ) 684 - 684  2017.06

  • 福島原子力発電所事故により自主避難する母親の家族関係及び個人レベルのソーシャル・キャピタルとメンタルヘルスとの関連

    岩垣 穂大, 辻内 琢也, 小牧 久見子, 福田 千加子, 持田 隆平, 石川 則子, 赤野 大和, 桂川 泰典, 増田 和高, 小島 隆矢, 根ヶ山 光一, 熊野 宏昭, 扇原 淳

    社会医学研究   34 ( 1 ) 21 - 29  2017.02

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  • Relationships between Individual Social Capital and Mental Health in Elderly People who Left the Prefecture Due to the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Disaster

    Iwagaki Takahiro, Tsujiuchi Takuya, Masuda Kazutaka, Komaki Kumiko, Fukuda Chikako, Mochida Ryuhei, Ishikawa Noriko, Akano Yamato, Yamaguchi Maya, Inomata Tadashi, Negayama Koichi, Kojima Takaya, Kumano Hiroaki, Ogihara Atsushi

    Japanese Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine   57 ( 2 ) 173 - 184  2017

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    <p>Background : As of March 2014, three years after the Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster, 58,624 residents were relocated to other regions within the Fukushima prefecture, and 47,683 residents were relocated to other prefectures. Attenuation of human relationships due to the disruption of regional ties nurtured in the past heightens stress. This highlights the need to create a new community focused on establishing ties with neighbors. Among evacuees, providing support for elderly adults suffering from a decline in physical functioning and a deteriorating mental health is necessary. Objective : This study investigated the relationship between individual social capital and mental health in elderly adults, specifically focusing on the role of social capital in reconstruction after the earthquake. Methods : A self-report questionnaire was conducted at Waseda University and Shinsai Shien Network, Saitama. Evacuees from Fukushima prefecture (n=3,599) who lived in Saitama prefecture and Tokyo were asked to complete the Stress Response Scale-18 comprising questions related to social capital with cognitive and structural indicators. There were 772 replies (response rate=21.5%) and 229 respondents were analyzed. In addition, a multiple logistic regression analysis was performed to examine the relationship between social capital and mental health in elderly adults. Results : The group with low confidence in neighbors relative to the group with high confidence in neighbors had a 5.192 times higher chance of being in the high-stress group (95%CI=1.042-25.865). In addition, the group with lower confidence in acquiring their neighbors assistance if a disaster occurred again, had a 2.172 times higher chance of being in the high-stress group (95%CI=1.051-4.487). Furthermore, people who have never participated in regional activities (e.g., hobbies, sports, entertainment, etc.) had a 3.112 times higher chance of being high-stressed relative to the group who participated two or three times (95%CI=1.059-9.150). Finally, the group that never greeted neighbors had a 3.317 times higher chance of being high-stressed relative to the group that had five or more greeted neighbors (95%CI=1.177-9.346). Conclusion : Lower social-capital cognitive indicators such as "trusting one's neighbors" and "helping one's neighbors" were correlated with higher stress levels. Therefore, elderly adults can presumably maintain good mental health by developing a neighborhood relationship and building mutual trust. Furthermore, lower social-capital structural indicators such as "number of greeted neighbors" and "participation frequency in regional activities" were correlated with higher stress levels. It is important to encourage social participation of evacuees and provide them with support.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • 東日本大震災が生み出した自主的避難者における心的外傷後ストレス症状

    小牧 久見子, 持田 隆平, 岩垣 穂大, 石川 則子, 赤野 大和, 福田 千加子, 桂川 泰典, 増田 和高, 多賀 努, 小島 隆矢, 扇原 淳, 根ヶ山 光一, 熊野 宏昭, 辻内 琢也

    日本心療内科学会誌   20 ( 別冊 ) 109 - 109  2016.12

  • Histrical Changes in Allomothering on Tarama Island (Okinawa) : A Frontier for Developmental Psychology


    The Japanese Journal of Developmental Psychology   27 ( 4 ) 276 - 287  2016.12  [Refereed]  [Invited]


  • Children in an island of allomothering: Kowakare in Tarama Island

    Negayana, koichi

    Annual prpot of educationak psychology   55   219 - 225  2016.03

  • 乳児への食供給場面における母子同期性の日英比較

    根ケ山光一, 石島このみ

    日本乳幼児医学・心理学会プログラム・抄録集   26th  2016


  • Emotional Bonds with Places::As Seen in Loss and Prospects of Residence of Evacuees Caused by The Great East Japan Earthquake

    MOCHIDA Ryuhei, ISHIKAWA Noriko, AKANO Yamato, MASUDA Kazutaka, NEGAYAMA Kouichi, TSUJIUCHI Takuya, KOJIMA Takaya, OGIHARA Atsushi, KATSURAGAWA Taisuke, IWAGAKI Takahiro, KOMAKI Kumiko, FUKUDA Chikako

    ABSTRACTS of the Annual Meeting, The Human Geographical Society of Japan   2016 ( 0 ) 162 - 163  2016

    DOI CiNii

  • Children in an Island of Allomothering:


    The Annual Report of Educational Psychology in Japan   55 ( 0 ) 219 - 225  2016


  • Social Factors Affecting Psychological Stress of the Evacuees Out of Fukushima Prefecture by the Cause of Nuclear Accident after the Great East Japan Earthquake

    Yamaguchi Maya, Tsujiuchi Takuya, Masuda Kazutaka, Iwagaki Takahiro, Ishikawa Noriko, Fukuda Chikako, Hirata Shuzo, Inomata Tadashi, Negayama Koichi, Kojima Takaya, Ogihara Atsushi, Kumano Hiroaki

    Japanese Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine   56 ( 8 ) 819 - 832  2016

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    <p>Backgrounds : This study reports the results of a questionnaire survey conducted in the households consisting of inhabitants of Fukushima Prefecture who have evacuated to Saitama Prefecture or Tokyo Metropolis at one and two years after the Great East Japan Earthquake. The Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011 has been expanded to the nuclear power plant disaster. Consequently, approximately 56,920 inhabitants of Fukushima evacuated to other prefectures as of March 2013. This consequence sets the 2011 earthquake apart from previous natural disasters. Method : This survey was conducted by "Earthquake and human sciences project" of Waseda University and Shinsai Shien Network Saitama. Psychological stress of the evacuees (2,011 households in 2012 ; 1,875 households in Saitama and 2,393 households in Tokyo in 2013) were examined one year and two years after the disaster respectively. The questionnaire also contained such items as severity of housing destruction, Tsunami affection, worries about livelihood sustainability etc. In this study, psychological stress was measured using the Stress Response Scale-18 (SRS-18). Results : The results revealed that the stress reaction level of the evacuees from Fukushima Prefecture living in other prefectures is still "somewhat higher" despite two years passed since the disaster. A chi-square test was used to determine psychosocial factors influencing stress reactions. Results of the survey in 2012 revealed that anxiety about living costs or joblessness influenced stress reactions in men, whereas damaged houses, personal relationships, and compensation problems related to the nuclear power plant influenced stress reactions in women. However, according to the results of the 2013 survey, difficult economic conditions, aggravated health conditions, negative labeling as an evacuee, and dissatisfaction with relationships with family and neighbors influenced stress reactions in both men and women. Conclusion : The results revealed that the psychological stress is strongly related to several social factors ; economic conditions, health status, family and community relationships, and dwelling environments. By the comparison between first year result and second year result, the causes of stressors have been changed from the damage of earthquake disaster itself into the circumstances of shelter life over time. Therefore, the work in cooperation among medicine, clinical psychology, social welfare, and legal support is necessary in order to obtain mental health recovery.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • High-level Post-traumatic Stress Symptoms of the Residents in Fukushima Temporary Housing : Bio-psycho-social Impacts by Nuclear Power Plant Disaster

    Tsujiuchi Takuya, Komaki Kumiko, Iwagaki Takahiro, Masuda Kazutaka, Yamaguchi Maya, Fukuda Chikako, Ishikawa Noriko, Mochida Ryuhei, Kojima Takaya, Negayama Koichi, Ogihara Atsushi, Kumano Hiroaki

    Japanese Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine   56 ( 7 ) 723 - 736  2016

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    Backgrounds : Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster occurred following the Great East Japan Earthquake on March 11, 2011. It bears comparison with the incident in Chernobyl in 1986 in the degree of radiological contamination to the surrounding environment. 164,218 residents were displaced losing their home-land by this serious incident, of which 97,321 were relocated to other regions within the Fukushima prefecture, and 57,135 residents were relocated to other prefectures. The evacuees from Fukushima can be considered the largest number of 'internally displaced persons' or 'domestic refugees' in Japan after the world war two. Objective : This study investigated the scale of post-traumatic stress (PTS) symptoms in the evacuees as of two years after the Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster. It also tried to identify the impact of bio-psycho-social factors related to PTS symptoms. Samples and methods : Questionnaire survey was conducted by Waseda University and Japan Broadcasting Corporation (NHK). 2,425 households living at temporary housings within Fukushima prefecture were asked to answer the Impact of Event Scale-Revised (IES-R) and the self-report questionnaires that we generated in order to evaluate the damage by the disaster in relation to several bio-psycho-social factors in refugee lives. There were 745 replies (the cooperation rate ; 30.7%), of which 661 were analyzed. Besides, multiple logistic regression analysis was performed to examine several bio-psycho-social factors as predictors for probable PTSD. Results : High level PTS symptoms were found. The mean score of IES-R was 34.20±20.56, and 62.56% were over 24/25 cut-off point determined as broadly defined PTSD which means high-risk presence of probable PTSD. The significant differences by chi-square test of high-risk subjects were found among economic difficulty (p=.000), concerns about compensation (p=.000), lost jobs (p=.023), unsatisfying housing (p=.025), unsatisfying environment around temporary housing (p=.000), having chronic disease (p=.003), aggravation of chronic disease (p=.000), affection of new disease (p=.000), lack of necessary information (p=.000), family split-up (p=.031), and lack of acquaintance support (p=.000). By the result of multiple logistic regression analysis, the significant predictors of probable PTSD were economic difficulty (OR : 2.34, 95%CI : 1.30-4.24), concerns about compensation (OR : 4.16, 95%CI 1.26-13.76), aggravation of chronic disease (OR : 2.94, 95%CI : 1.63-5.30), affection of new disease (OR : 2.20, 95%CI : 1.21-3.99), and lack of acquaintance support (OR : 1.92, 95%CI : 1.07-3.42). Conclusion : The findings revealed that there is a high-risk presence of probable PTSD strongly related to a number of bio-psycho-social factors due to the nuclear power plant disaster and its consequent evacuation. Our findings underscore the specific characteristics of the nuclear disaster as man-made disaster. Since the socio-economic problems such as compensation and reparation have not been solved, it is suggested that prolonged uncertainty regarding the insufficient salvation of the evacuees might account for the high-level PTS symptoms.


  • Development of embodied relationship between human mother and child


    Japanese Journal of Animal Psychology   66 ( 1 ) 47 - 51  2016

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    Both positivity and negativity are important components for the development of mother-offspring relationship. The "inter-body antagonism" is an important biological framework to promote offsprings independence from mothers. Weaning, an achievement of nutritional independence in offspring, is a typical situation in which mother-child negativity plays an important role. Human mother-child separation is also actualized by complex sociocultural allomothering systems consisting of objects, persons and institutes. Human triadic relationship in joint attention by mother and infant to object is a basic element of the systems. The relationship is preceded by "Proto-triadic relationship" in which particular body parts are used as targets in human inter-body interactions as in a case of tickling play.Not only object but also person could be a target of attention in triadic relation, and exchange of perspectives with the person is essential in the human infants cultural learning and establishment of social network. A special allomothering by a girl called Moriane in an island of Okinawa is an example of such allomothering.

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 福島原子力発電所事故による自主的避難者のストレス 現居住地の放射線に対する安心感に着目して

    小牧 久見子, 岩垣 穂大, 持田 隆平, 赤野 大和, 福田 千加子, 石川 則子, 桂川 泰典, 増田 和高, 多賀 努, 小島 隆矢, 熊野 宏昭, 扇原 淳, 根ヶ山 光一, 辻内 琢也

    日本心療内科学会誌   19 ( 別冊 ) 93 - 93  2015.11

  • 福島原子力発電所事故による母子避難者のストレス 家族関係とソーシャルキャピタルに着目して

    岩垣 穂大, 小牧 久見子, 赤野 大和, 福田 千加子, 持田 隆平, 石川 則子, 桂川 泰典, 増田 和高, 多賀 努, 小島 隆矢, 根ヶ山 光一, 熊野 宏昭, 扇原 淳, 辻内 琢也

    日本心療内科学会誌   19 ( 別冊 ) 94 - 94  2015.11

  • "アロマザリングの島"における子育て(準備委員会企画シンポジウム3)

    根ケ山 光一, 中島 伸子, 外山 紀子, 小島 康生, 石島 このみ, 川田 学, 白石 優子, 内田 伸子

    日本教育心理学会総会発表論文集   57 ( 57 ) 6 - 7  2015.08

    DOI CiNii

  • Embodied intersubjective engagement in mother-infant tactile communication: a cross-cultural study of Japanese and Scottish mother-infant behaviors during infant pick-up

    Koichi Negayama, Jonathan T. Delafield-Butt, Keiko Momose, Konomi Ishijima, Noriko Kawahara, Erin J. Lux, Andrew Murphy, Konstantinos Kaliarntas

    FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY   6   1 - 13  2015.02  [Refereed]

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    This study examines the early development of cultural differences in a simple, embodied, and intersubjective engagement between mothers putting down, picking up, and carrying their infants between Japan and Scotland. Eleven Japanese and ten Scottish mothers with their 6- and then 9-month-old infants participated. Video and motion analyses were employed to measure motor patterns of the mothers' approach to their infants, as well as their infants' collaborative responses during put-down, pick-up, and carry phases. Japanese and Scottish mothers approached their infants with different styles and their infants responded differently to the short duration of separation during the trial. A greeting-like behavior of the arms and hands was prevalent in the Scottish mothers' approach, but not in the Japanese mothers' approach. Japanese mothers typically kneeled before making the final reach to pick-up their children, giving a closer, apparently gentler final approach of the torso than Scottish mothers, who bent at the waist with larger movements of the torso. Measures of the gap closure between the mothers' hands to their infants' heads revealed variably longer duration and distance gap closures with greater velocity by the Scottish mothers than by the Japanese mothers. Further, the sequence of Japanese mothers' body actions on approach, contact, pick-up, and hold was more coordinated at 6 months than at 9 months. Scottish mothers were generally more variable on approach. Measures of infant participation and expressivity indicate more active participation in the negotiation during the separation and pick-up phases by Scottish infants. Thus, this paper demonstrates a culturally different onset of development of joint attention in pick-up. These differences reflect cultures of everyday interaction.



  • 授乳・離乳の選択とその規定要因の検討

    河原紀子, 根ケ山光一, 外山紀子, 則松宏子

    日本発達心理学会大会論文集   26th  2015


  • 授乳・離乳の選択とその規定要因の検討 その1:全国調査から

    根ケ山光一, 根ケ山光一, 河原紀子

    日本発達心理学会大会論文集   26th  2015


  • 桶谷式断乳による母子関係の変化-桶谷式断乳を実施する母子の観察を通じて-

    相川公代, 根ケ山光一

    日本乳幼児医学・心理学会プログラム・抄録集   25th  2015


  • Discussing post-3.11 disaster’s recovery and emerged environmental issues [2nd Report]-Faced to the psychological and social problems after disaster-

    辻内琢也, 根ケ山光一, 竹中晃二, 増田和高, 佐藤純俊, 佐藤純俊, 高山恒明, 北村浩, 北村浩, 岡本卓大, 岡本卓大, 薄井篤子, 大石美恵子, AUGUSTERFER Eugene F., 菊地靖

    早稲田大学人間科学学術院人間科学研究   28 ( 1/Supplement )  2015


  • Group resilience in incidents of varying degrees of danger and frequency

    Miki Ozeki, Kanako Yonezawa, Koichi Negayama

    Research in Social Psychology   31 ( 1 ) 13 - 24  2015

     View Summary

    Group resilience is the competency of a group to recover from an accident and maintain its activity. It is captured by the sequence of behaviors of its members. In this study, group resilience was defined in terms of four key abilities, namely the ability to prevent undesirable incidents from happening, to keep undesirable incidents from worsening, to recover from an accident after it has already occurred, and to maintain group activity levels.The present study aimed at exploring whether these four abilities were exerted differently according to incidents of varying degrees of danger and frequency.The results of the study showed that moderately dangerous incidents occurring frequently were rarely remained unsolved. Ability to prevent undesirable incidents from happening and ability to keep undesirable incidents from worsening were also shown to be instrumental in solutions for less dangerous incidents that sometimes occurred, though such incidents were hardly ever settled by the group's ability to maintain its levels of activity. Frequent incidents that were a little dangerous were not settled by ability to prevent undesirable incidents.The ability to prevent undesirable incidents from occurring was not effective in such incidents. Furthermore, the study found that if group members did not have prior experience handling rare incidents that were dangerous, group resilience might not be exerted on such circumstances.



  • 食事場面における1,2歳児と養育者の対立的相互作用:課程と保育園の比較から

    河原紀子, 根ヶ山光一

    小児保健研究   73 ( 4 ) 584 - 590  2014.07


  • 隣接領域の統合と発達科学を目指して-発達心理学の理論・方法論の検討-

    谷口清, 近藤清美, 根ケ山光一, 南徹弘, 田島信元

    日本発達心理学会大会論文集   25th  2014


  • 子どもの身体・発達とアロマザリング


    子ども学   ( 2 ) 118 - 135  2014


  • Support for children and family evacuated from Fukushima due to Great East Japan Earthquake through puppet-theater activity


    The Proceedings of the Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association   77   1PM - 093  2013.09


  • 乳児と母親のくすぐり遊びにおける相互作用:文脈の共有を通じた意図の読み取り

    石島このみ, 根ヶ山光一

    発達心理学研究   24 ( 3 ) 326 - 336  2013.09

     View Summary

    This article reports a case study on the development of mother-infant tickling play and ticklishness, with special reference to the intention reading of the infant. Naturalistic observations of mother-infant play were carried out for 3 months in the home of a 5 month-old infant. The results indicated that alternate looking between the tickling mother's hands and her face appeared at 6.5 months. The infant also showed an expectation of ticklishness before the actual touch. A triadic relationship was characterized by rapid alternation of the infant's visual orientation between a target object and the mother, a sign of understanding another person's intention. The situation observed here had a similar structure to that of a triadic relationship focusing on the same target and sharing intention. But it was also somewhat different because the target was not an external object. Based on narrative sharing, the mother and infant seemed to use the mothers' hands as a target of mutual intention two months before the appearance of a true triadic relationship. The present findings may be taken as an evidence of a 'proto-triadic relationship' (Negayama, 2011) which is interpreted as the precursor of a true mother-object-infant triadic relationship.

    DOI CiNii

  • サルの子は親からどう自立するか


    児童心理学   971 ( 11 ) 42 - 47  2013.08


  • 子別れ・アロマザリングから子育てを考える


    乳幼児医学・心理学研究   22 ( 1 ) 1 - 8  2013.06


  • 日英の母子相互作用におけるテンポの同期性の比較


    日本保育学会第66回大会(中村学園大学)    2013.05

  • 子別れと自尊・他尊


    子育て研究   3   3 - 7  2013.03

  • 母子の身体接触遊び場面におけるリズミカルな運動を伴う関わり:乳児による情動表出・能動的参与に着目して

    石島このみ, 根ヶ山光一

    日本発達心理学会第24回大会(明治学院大)    2013.03

  • 身体と同期する認知:対人関係の基盤としての身体接触


    日本発達心理学会第24回大会(明治学院大)    2013.03

  • 震災避難者交流会の実態調査-子どもを対象とした交流会のあり方をめぐって-

    持田隆平, 白石優子, 平田修三, 石島このみ, 石島このみ, 根ケ山光一

    明治安田こころの健康財団研究助成論文集   ( 48 )  2013


  • PB-002 沖縄・多良間村における守姉というアロマザリングの予備的調査 : 離島に残る子育ての風習を探る(発達,ポスター発表)

    白石 優子, 石島 このみ, 根ヶ山 光一

    日本教育心理学会総会発表論文集   55   72 - 72  2013

    DOI CiNii

  • 制度化されたアロケアとしての児童養護施設:貧困の観点から

    平田修三, 根ヶ山光一

    発達心理学研究   23 ( 4 ) 460 - 469  2012.12

     View Summary

    Allocare occurs when a child is raised by individuals other than a parent. This article focuses on the experiences of children living in child protection institutions and graduates of the child protection system, from the viewpoint of poverty in Japan. Residential care of children is equivalent to the institutional allocare systems provided by our society. The system has notable dysfunctions. However, some people with current or past experience receiving institutional care are working to improve their poor situation. There are strong norms in Japanese society dictating that the biological parent should also be the social parent, and these expectations could impede the promotion of allocare systems. This situation may improve in the future as people gradually become aware of the diversity of family styles, which becomes more and more apparent in light of the collapse of the contemporary nuclear family.

    DOI CiNii

  • 貧しさと豊かさ:貧困から発達を考える(特集責任編集)

    根ヶ山光一, 川野健治, 柏木惠子

    発達心理学研究   23 ( 4 ) 361 - 361  2012.12

    DOI CiNii

  • かささぎプロジェクトによる震災避難家族の支援

    平田修三, 根ヶ山光一, 石島このみ, 持田隆平, 白神晃子

    人間科学研究   25 ( 2 ) 265 - 272  2012.09


  • Feeding and weaning from mother's viewpoint: comparison of Japan, France and the US

    Negayama, K, Norimatsu, H, Barratt, M, Bouville, J.-F

    ISSBD2012(Edmonton, Canada)    2012.07

  • Understanding mother's intention of the infant in tickling play: From the viewpoint of proto-triadic relationship

    Ishijima, K. &am, Negayama, K

    ISSBD2012(Edmonton, Canada)    2012.07

  • 沖縄離島におけるアロマザリングとしての守姉:1.予備調査


    日本保育学会第65回大会発表要旨集     912  2012.05

  • 母乳から固形物へ:母子関係と味覚


    小児歯科臨床   17 ( 3 ) 26 - 31  2012.03


  • 母子の身体接触を伴う遊びにおける動作と発話の時系列分析

    百瀬桂子, 根ヶ山光一, 石島このみ, 菊池英明, 誉田雅彰, 市川熹

    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告   111 ( 464 ) 3 - 7  2012.03


  • 母子のくすぐり遊びにおける行動のマイクロ分析

    石島このみ, 根ヶ山光一, 百瀬桂子

    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告   111 ( 565 ) 9 - 14  2012.03


  • 母子のくすぐりにおける乳児による意図の読み取り:視線による意図の読み取りが困難なくすぐりの場合

    石島このみ, 根ヶ山光一

    日本発達心理学会第23回大会論文集   23rd   395  2012.03


  • 日・仏・米における離乳の国際比較

    根ヶ山光一, 則松宏子, M. Barratt, J.-F. Bouville

    日本発達心理学会第23回大会論文集   23rd   506  2012.03


  • 災害と発達支援-「心のケア」を超える発達支援のあり方を探る-被災避難により分断された家族を支援する試み:かささぎプロジェクト


    日本発達心理学会大会論文集   23rd  2012


  • 母子におけるリズミカルな身体接触遊びの発達的変化

    石島このみ, 根ケ山光一

    日本乳幼児医学・心理学会プログラム・抄録集   22nd  2012


  • Japan-France-US comparison of infant weaning from mother's viewpoint

    Koichi Negayama, Hiroko Norimatsu, Marguerite Barratt, Jean-Francois Bouville

    JOURNAL OF REPRODUCTIVE AND INFANT PSYCHOLOGY   30 ( 1 ) 77 - 91  2012  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Background: Breastfeeding and weaning are strongly connected with infant-mother mutual autonomy, and hence are good touchstones to examine the characteristics of the mother-child relationship. Comparison of the weaning practice gives a framework to understand characteristics of the mother-infant relationship. Objective: The purpose of this study was to compare three industrialised countries concerning the relationship between feeding and weaning practices and its reasons, mother's perception of child care, and of breast milk and formula. Methods: A questionnaire study on weaning practice was conducted for 310 Japanese, 756 French, and 222 American mothers with 4- to 20-month-old infants. Results: French mothers expected and had accomplished weaning at an earlier age of the infant, compared to Japanese and American mothers. Perceived insufficiency of breast milk was the leading reason for the termination of breastfeeding for Japanese mothers at the earlier stages, whereas back to work was the more important reason for French mothers. Japanese mothers were more negative in their image of themselves as mothers, whereas French mothers felt more burdened by child-care. Japanese mothers who terminated breastfeeding because of perceived breast milk insufficiency were also those who were less motivated to breastfeed. Conclusion: Weaning is a significant framework to interpret cultural differences in mother-infant relationship. The perceived insufficiency is interpreted as a solution of conflict between the social pressure to breastfeed and its burden.



  • 原発事故による避難家族への支援

    根ヶ山光一, 平田修三, 石島このみ

    臨床発達心理実践研究   7   42 - 46  2012

  • 対人関係の基盤としての身体接触


    根ヶ山光一 根ヶ山光一・仲真紀子編「発達の基盤:身体・認知・情動」(新曜社)     119 - 130  2012

  • 沖縄離島と関東における保育園児の行動比較: 1.降園場面

    根ヶ山光一, 河原紀子

    日本保育学会第64回大会発表論文集(玉川大学)    2011.05

  • Kowakare: A New Perspective on the Development of Early Mother-Offspring Relationship

    Koichi Negayama

    INTEGRATIVE PSYCHOLOGICAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCE   45 ( 1 ) 86 - 99  2011.03  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    The mother-offspring relationship has components of both positivity and negativity. Kowakare is a new concept introduced to explain an adaptive function of the negativity in the early mother-offspring relationship. Kowakare is the psycho-somatic development of the relationship as the process of accumulation in the otherness of offspring. Early human Kowakare has two frameworks, biological inter-body antagonism and socio-cultural allomothering compensating the antagonism. Some features of feeding/weaning, parental aversion to offspring's bodily products, and transition from dyad to triad relationship (proto-triad relationship) in tactile play are discussed. Early human Kowakare is promoted by allomothering with the nested systems of objects/persons/institutions as interfaces between mother and offspring. Kowakare makes mother-offspring relationship a mutually autonomous and cooperative companionship.



  • 幼児における危険性の認識(2):プロトコルの分析から

    河原紀子, 根ケ山光一

    日本発達心理学会第22回大会論文集   22nd   639  2011.03


  • 保育者が危険と認知する遊具における園児の遊び

    白神敬介, 根ケ山光一

    日本発達心理学会第22回大会論文集     548  2011.03

  • 哺乳・離乳・食発達と育児観に関する全国調査

    根ケ山光一, 河原紀子

    日本発達心理学会第22回大会論文集   22nd   516  2011.03


  • 母子のくすぐりにおける乳児による意図の読み取り:視線のやりとりの文脈の検討

    石島このみ, 根ケ山光一

    日本発達心理学会第22回大会論文集   22nd   142  2011.03


  • 親子間における食の受け渡しについて考える(上野論文へのコメント)


    心理学評論   53 ( 3 ) 405 - 407  2011.01


  • 巨大地震への対応にみられる親子関係:子別れの観点からの検討


    発達心理学研究   21 ( 4 ) 386 - 395  2010.12

     View Summary

    This research analyzed the immediate reactions of 315 children (176 boys, 136 girls; 166 first-born) aged 0-16 years (mean=6.1, SD=2.4) to a major earthquake in January 1995 that killed more than 6,400 people. It examined children's ability to avoid hazards from sudden natural disasters. The earthquake onset was at 5:46 AM; 75.2% of the children were reportedly asleep in the same room with their parent(s) at the moment and 10.5% were alone. Parents were surprised by the earthquake, but many children's reactions were much weaker. About 30% of them reported little or no surprise, and even slept through the moment. Younger children had less of a reaction, and a frightened reaction was more notable after 7 years of age. Parents' typical reaction was to make bodily contact by embracing or lying over their children, and many grasped the hands of older children. The reactions of the children and parents were interpreted as developmental indicators of children's autonomous coping and Kowakare (mother-offspring mutual autonomy).

    DOI CiNii

  • 保育園における寝かしつけ行動の日英比較

    根ヶ山光一, 河原紀子

    乳幼児医学・心理学研究   19 ( 2 ) 117 - 123  2010.12


  • 子どもと大人の「共生」を考える:身体性の視点


    幼児の教育   109 ( 7 ) 4 - 7  2010.07


  • 哺乳・離乳スタイルの世代間伝達:関東圏と沖縄離島件の比較

    根ヶ山光一, 河原紀子

    日本発達心理学会第21回大会発表論文集   21st   165  2010.03


  • 母子のくすぐりにおける乳児の意図理解に関する事例的研究

    石島このみ, 根ヶ山光一

    日本発達心理学会第21回大会発表論文集   530   530  2010.03


  • 幼児における危険性の認識

    河原紀子, 根ヶ山光一

    日本発達心理学会第21回大会発表論文集   21st   570  2010.03


  • Developmental Trends in Mother-Infant Interaction from 4-Months to 42-Months: Using an Observation Technique

    Masatoshi Kawai, Kumiko Namba, Yuko Yato, Koichi Negayama, Shunya Sogon, Hatsumi Yamamoto

    JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY   20   S427 - S434  2010.02  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Background: It is clear that early social interaction follows from mother-infant interaction after pregnancy. Many researchers have illuminated this interaction in the first years of life. Most common mother-infant interaction is the attachment behavior of an infant. The Japan Children&apos;s Study (JCS) development psychology group hypothesis is that the early mother-infant interaction will predict later social behaviors. But the method applied to evaluate this interaction mainly comes from the evaluation of the whole observation situation and is dependent upon the coder. We applied a new observational method that checked the on/off status of behavior and recorded sequentially.
    Methods: Using a semi-structured observation setting as our method, we analyzed the developmental change of mother-infant interaction within a toy situation.
    Results: The result indicated that mother-infant interaction with a toy altered at around 9-months and is salient to the usual developmental change of joint attention. Additionally cluster analysis suggested that the developmental pattern is divided into two clusters. This is the first report on a developmental pattern of joint attention.
    Conclusions: These results indicated that the developmental trend of gaze direction and vocalization is one candidate of measure for evaluating the mother infant social interaction from the point of joint attention.



  • Behavioral development of infant holding and its laterality in relation to mothers&apos; handedness and child-care attitude

    K. Negayama, M. Kawai, H. Yamamoto, K. Tomiwa, Y. Sakakihara

    INFANT BEHAVIOR & DEVELOPMENT   33 ( 1 ) 68 - 78  2010.02  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    The holding of 465 Japanese infants by their mothers was longitudinally observed at 4 and 9 months with several checkups and questionnaires of physical and psychological development and child-care attitude in a larger longitudinal study of mother-child relationships. A left side bias in holding was significant for the 4-month-old infants. The infants&apos; increased autonomy in their ability to adopt a posture at 9 months weakened the holding bias. The mothers&apos; handedness was related to different right/left hand contact patterns, but it was significant only for holding on the left side. The infants&apos; reflexes relating to posture did not correlate with the holding bias at 4 months. The meaning and possible determinants of holding laterality are discussed. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.



  • マルチモーダルな音楽性に着目した分析手法の探索的検討-母子のくすぐり遊びの成功事例・失敗事例に着目して-

    石島このみ, 根ケ山光一

    日本乳幼児医学・心理学会プログラム・抄録集   20th  2010


  • An attempt to measure emotional aspects of food preferences by eye movements and dilation of pupil size: A pilot study

    今田純雄, 田崎慎治, PRIBYL Charles B., 根ケ山光一

    浦上財団研究報告書   17  2010


  • Gender differences of children&apos;s social skills and parenting using Interaction Rating Scale (IRS)

    T. Anme, R. Shinohara, Y. Sugisawa, L. Tong, E. Tanaka, T. Watanabe, Y. Onda, Y. Kawashima, M. Hirano, E. Tomisaki, H. Mochizuki, K. Morita, A. Gan-Yadam, Y. Yato, N. Yamakawa

    INNOVATION AND CREATIVITY IN EDUCATION   2 ( 2 ) 260 - 268  2010  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Background: The purpose of this paper is to describe the gender differences of the Interaction Rating Scale (IRS) as an evidence-based practical index of children&apos;s social skills and parenting.
    Methods: The participants in our study, which was conducted as part of a Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) cohort study project, were 370 dyads of children with their caregivers were followed up and surveyed at aged 18, 30, and 42 month. The participants completed the five minute interaction session and were observed using the IRS.
    Results: The results indicated the gender differences of IRS scores. Girls got rather high score at all ages. IRS can measure children&apos;s social skill development and parenting with high validity. Along with the qualitative differences of interaction between boys and girls, the IRS is effective in describing features of social skill development and parenting.
    Conclusion: The IRS provides further evidence of the fact that in order to study children&apos;s social skill development, it is important to evaluate various features of the caregiver-child interaction as a predictor of social skills. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



  • 子どもの身体は親にとって快か不快か: 身体接触・身体産生物・体臭への感情の日仏比較

    根ヶ山光一, 則松宏子

    乳幼児医学・心理学研究   18 ( 2 ) 103 - 115  2009.12


  • サルと遊び:動物行動学からみた遊び


    そだちの科学   12 ( 12 ) 66 - 70  2009.04


  • 子別れの観点からみた保育と家族支援


    発達   118 ( 118 ) 76 - 82  2009.04


  • 子どもの事故:その心理と行動


    発達心理学会第20回大会発表論文集     47  2009.03

  • 乳幼児と保育者の相互作用の日英比較:食事場面に注目して

    河原紀子, 根ヶ山光一, 広瀬美和, Niki Powers

    発達心理学会第20回大会発表論文集   20th   418  2009.03


  • 乳児における抱き行動とそのlaterality:母親による両手の関与・利き手との関連性

    根ヶ山光一, 河合優年, Japan Children's, Study Group

    発達心理学会第20回大会発表論文集   20th   243  2009.03


  • 災害報告書にもとづく小学校での事故の地域比較

    根ケ山光一, 根ケ山光一, 村上八千世

    日本発達心理学会大会論文集   20th  2009


  • 家庭と保育園における乳幼児の行動比較:泣きを手がかりに

    根ヶ山光一, 河原紀子, 福川須美, 星順子

    こども環境学研究   4 ( 3 ) 41 - 47  2008.12


  • Infant responses to maternal still-face at 4 and 9 months

    Yuko Yato, Masatoshi Kawai, Koichi Negayama, Shunya Sogon, Kiyotaka Tomiwa, Hatsumi Yamamoto

    INFANT BEHAVIOR & DEVELOPMENT   31 ( 4 ) 570 - 577  2008.12  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    This study investigated developmental changes in infant responses to maternal still-face (SF) situations. Infants (21 males and 25 females) of Japanese mothers were observed in a face-to-face SF paradigm, comprising four phases. (normal/SF/normal/SF), at two infant ages (4 and 9 months). The infants' facial expression, gaze direction, and vocalization were coded in both SF and normal interaction conditions. The results indicated that infants at both ages showed a decrease in displaying positive facial expression and gazing at their mothers during SF conditions. The 4-month-old displayed emotional expression and directed their gaze toward their mothers more frequently than the 9-month-old. However, the 9-month-old vocalized more often in SF situations, attempting to elicit responses from their mothers. The "carry-over" effect was observed only in 9-month-old. The results were discussed in the context of developmental changes in infants' social skills to cope with an emotionally stressful situation. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.



  • 離島と都会の保育園・小学校における事故の比較

    根ヶ山光一, 河原紀子

    日本心理学会第72回大会発表論文集     1223  2008.09

  • 虐待・反発性・子別れ


    子どもの虐待とネグレクト   10 ( 2 ) 214 - 218  2008.08


  • 家庭型保育室と家庭における幼児の行動の試行的研究

    福川須美, 斎藤多江子, 根ヶ山光一, 河原紀子

    日本保育学会第61回大会発表論文集     426  2008.05

  • 家庭型保育室と家庭における幼児の行動の予備的研究(1):定常場面における泣き行動に注目して

    根ヶ山光一, 河原紀子, 星順子, 福川須美

    日本発達心理学会第19回大会発表論文集     215  2008.03

  • 「抱き」を通した母子相互作用についての研究:母親が感じる「抱きにくさ」に着目して

    山形悦子, 根ヶ山光一

    日本発達心理学会第19回大会発表論文集     786  2008.03

  • 両親の育児方針の一致が子どもの発達に与える影響について

    難波久美子, 矢藤優子, 根ヶ山光一, 荘厳舜哉, 河合優年

    日本発達心理学会第19回大会発表論文集     814  2008.03

  • 子どもの身体への快不快感情からみた親子関係の日仏比較-身体産生物や体臭などに注目して-

    根ケ山光一, 則松宏子

    乳幼児医学・心理学研究   17 ( 2 )  2008


  • 中年成人のネコに対する快・不快感

    甲田菜穂子, 根ケ山光一

    動物心理学研究   58 ( 2 )  2008


  • Touches as young children’s regulation of their relationships after social conflict: Naturalistic observation at a nursery in Japan and UK

    Hirose, M, Negayama, K

    ISSBD    2008

  • Cross-cultural comparison of nursery staff’s tactile tactics to put children into sleep between Japan and Scotland.

    Negayama, K, Kawahara, N, Hirose, M, am, Powers, N

    ISSBD   19 ( 2 ) 117 - 123  2008


  • 施設入所高齢者の給食における食事満足度

    北林蒔子, 本間健, 根ヶ山光一

    日本食生活学会誌   19 ( 3 ) 266 - 272  2008


  • 家庭での自然観察によるつかまり歩きの縦断的発達研究

    白神敬介, 根ヶ山光一

    発達心理学研究   19 ( 4 ) 375 - 388  2008

     View Summary

    The purpose of the present study was to examine the development of cruising, which had seldom been the focus of research on motor development. Naturalistic longitudinal observations were carried out in the homes of four infants, from the perspective of ecological psychology. Cruising was observed in different forms, depending on the environment. So locomotor development should be examined from a perspective of ecological psychology. Cruising behaviors were examined in terms of manual contact with objects, body direction, and duration and frequency of hand/foot motion. The results revealed a transition from quadrupedal to bipedal locomotion types in manual contact with objects. A relation between body direction and exploration behavior was found. Moreover, a bias in laterality was seen in the direction of cruising. It was suggested that the coordination of arms and lower limbs played an important role in the development of proficiency in cruising.

    DOI CiNii

  • 乳幼児のオムツ交換場面における子どもと保育者の対立と調整:家庭と保育園の比較

    村上八千世, 根ケ山光一

    保育学研究   45 ( 2 ) 107 - 114  2007.12

     View Summary

    Previous research has focused only on the aspects of toddlers' excretion independence time and diaper performance. However, such research has paid little attention to communication between toddlers and caretakers while children's diapers are being changed. This research analyzed the actual activity of changing diapers at nursery school and at home using videos to examine and identify different types of communication between child and caretaker. Caretakers at home checked diapers by directly touching toddlers more frequently than caretakers at nursery school. When changing diapers, toddlers resisted their caretakers at home more than at nursery school. The caretakers at home were also using more various ways to change diapers. Toddlers were using the time during diaper changing to attract their parents' attention and to exert some control over them. It was concluded that toddlers easily distinguish between their parents and nursery school caretakers, and change their attitudes accordingly and to their advantage.

    DOI CiNii

  • 子どもの攻撃性の背後にあるもの


    児童心理   867 ( 15 ) 43 - 49  2007.10


  • 発達行動学からみた子どもの食発達


    小児看護   30 ( 7 ) 860 - 865  2007.07


  • 抱っこ研究の萌芽:どのように取り組むか


    日本発達心理学会大18回大会発表論文集     205  2007.03

  • 保育園・学校における子どもの事故の実態:災害報告書資料の分析を通じて


    日本発達心理学会大18回大会発表論文集     285  2007.03

  • 食事場面における乳幼児と保育者の対立と調整の発達的変容

    河原紀子, 根ケ山光一

    日本発達心理学会大18回大会発表論文集     255  2007.03

  • 母子における抱きの発達と抱きにくさに関する研究(その1):双対尺度法を用いて

    山形悦子, 根ケ山光一, 山口創, 京野尚子, 西川晶子

    日本発達心理学会大18回大会発表論文集     731  2007.03

  • 母子における抱きの発達と抱きにくさに関する研究(その2):母親の抱きに対する「意識」と抱きにくさに関する質問紙による分析

    京野尚子, 西川晶子, 根ケ山光一, 山形悦子, 山口創

    日本発達心理学会大18回大会発表論文集     732  2007.03

  • 乳幼児のオムツ交換における子と保育者の対立と調整:保育園と家庭の比較より

    村上八千世, 根ケ山光一

    日本発達心理学会大18回大会発表論文集     361  2007.03

  • 老人福祉施設における入所者の食事満足度

    小山蒔子, 本間健, 下光輝一, 根ケ山光一

    Health Sciences   23 ( 4 )  2007


  • 老人福祉施設入所高齢者の施設給食における食事の満足度

    小山蒔子, 本間健, 下光輝一, 根ヶ山光一

    日本健康科学学会第23回学術大会抄録集   23   327  2007

  • Stillーface場面における母子の行動特性:4か月齢・9か月齢の縦断的変化

    矢藤優子, 河合優年, 萱村俊哉, 根ケ山光一, 荘厳舜哉, 富和清隆, 山本初実

    日本心理学会第70回大会発表論文集     1174  2006.11

  • 対人関係の基盤としての身体接触に関する発達的研究:(1)乳児における身体接触遊びの日英比較


    日本心理学会第70回大会発表論文集   1233   1233  2006.11


  • Age Differences In Children's Immediate Reactions To A Big Earthquake

    Negayama, K

    ISSBD 2006    2006.07

  • Development Of Cruising In The Home From A Viewpoint Of Ecological Psychology

    Shiraga,K. &amp, Negayama, K

    ISSBD 2006    2006.07

  • 'Mother-Infant Vocal Play In Japan And Scotland: Do Vowels Support The Expression And Perception Of Emotions In Early Communication?'

    Powers, N. &amp, Negayama, K

    ISSBD 2006    2006.07

  • サルを通してヒトの子育てを理解する:「子別れ」からの子育て再考


    日本霊長類学会第22回大会    2006.07

  • 家庭と保育園で1歳児の行動はどう切り替わるか:(1)定常場面における泣き

    根ヶ山光一, 河原紀子, 福川須美, 土谷みち子

    日本保育学会第58回大会発表論文集     936 - 937  2006.05

  • 家庭と保育園で1歳児の行動はどう切り替わるか:(2)食事場面における拒否・泣き・制止

    河原紀子, 根ヶ山光一, 福川須美, 土谷みち子

    日本保育学会第58回大会発表論文集     938 - 939  2006.05

  • 0〜2歳児における積み木崩し行動の発達

    武智勇人, 根ヶ山光一

    日本発達心理学会第17回大会発表論文集     612  2006.03

  • 乳児の歩行発達の生態心理学的研究:つかまり歩きに着目して

    白神敬介, 根ヶ山光一

    日本発達心理学会第17回大会発表論文集     399  2006.03

  • ベビーマッサージ場面における親子の行動の縦断的研究

    篠沢薫, 根ヶ山光一

    日本発達心理学会第17回大会発表論文集     339  2006.03

  • 親の体臭に対する子どもの不快の発達的変化


    日本発達心理学会第17回大会発表論文集     486  2006.03

  • 青年期と中年期におけるイヌの排出物に対する不快感

    甲田菜穂子, 根ヶ山光一

    日本発達心理学会第17回大会発表論文集     338  2006.03

  • 三項関係の舞台としての食

    河原紀子, 根ヶ山光一

    日本発達心理学会第17回大会発表論文集    2006.03

  • 愛着ときずな II・愛着とこころのはぐくみ 発達行動学の立場から


    そだちの科学   ( 7 )  2006


  • 保育園0歳児クラスにおける乳児の泣き:保育士による観察記録を手がかりに

    根ヶ山 光一, 星三和子, 土谷みち子, 松永静子, 汐見稔幸

    保育学研究   43 ( 2 ) 65 - 72  2005.12

  • 動物の親子関係:霊長類の子別れを中心に


    研究年報(成長科学協会)   28   357 - 360  2005.08

  • 動物看護師のイヌに対する不快感

    甲田菜穂子, 根ヶ山光一

    第2回日本獣医内科学アカデミー総会抄録集     224  2005.08

  • 保育士による泣きへの対応と理由の解釈

    根ヶ山光一, 星三和子, 松永静子, 汐見稔幸

    日本保育学会第58回大会発表論文集     S2 - S3  2005.05

  • 赤ちゃんの泣きと保育環境・方法に関する研究(4):保育士による泣きへの対応と理由の解釈

    根ヶ山光一, 星三和子, 松永静子, 汐見稔幸

    日本保育学会第58回大会発表論文集     592 - 593  2005.05

  • 母子におけるくすぐり遊びとくすぐったさの発達

    根ヶ山光一, 山口創

    小児保健研究   64 ( 3 ) 451 - 460  2005.05


  • 臨床発達心理士の専門性を考える:他の関連資格との比較から


    日本発達心理学会第16回大会発表論文集    2005.03

  • 保育士による泣きへの対応と理由の解釈


    日本保育学会第58回大会発表論文集     S2 - S3  2005.03

  • 泣きから今日の保育を検討する:(2)保育園現場における泣きの検討


    日本発達心理学会第16回大会発表論文集    2005.03

  • 関係性のシステム間のダイナミックシフトを探る


    日本発達心理学会第16回大会発表論文集    2005.03

  • A Study of Infants' Crying at Day Nurseries through an Observational Record by Nursery Teachers(Part I Free Topic Articles)

    Negayama Koichi, Hoshi Miwako, Tsuchiya Michiko, Matsunaga Shizuko, Shiomi Toshiyuki

    RESEARCH on EARLY CHILDHOOD CARE and EDUCATION in JAPAN   43 ( 2 ) 179 - 186  2005

     View Summary

    This study investigates conditions surrounding infants' crying at day nurseries, and aims to examine the quality of daycare. In the day nurseries, 570 babies were observed. For each subject, the state of each period of crying, as well as its cause and the adult's techniques used to calm the child, were recorded during one day by his/her nursery teacher. The results show: 1. As a whole, the frequency of crying was highest in the morning and then declined; 2. The causes of crying were interpreted by the adults as mostly physical, though social causes increased with age in months; 3. Crying interpreted as having a physical origin was nevertheless dealt with by applying social techniques like holding; 4. The duration and the strength of a baby's crying were related significantly to the length of professional experience of his/her practitioner.

    DOI CiNii

  • 離島の子育て

    宮内 洋, 菅野幸恵, 請川滋大, 岡本依子, 根ヶ山 光一

    財団法人明治安田こころの健康財団研究 助成論文集   39 ( 39 ) 63 - 72  2004.11


  • 大人が用意する保育環境と子どもの能動性の関係


    発達科学研究教育センター    2004.09

  • なぜ小学生は学校のトイレで排便できないのか?

    村上八千世, 根ヶ山光一

    学校保健研究   46 ( 3 ) 303 - 310  2004.08


  • The influence of sources of information on mother’s feeding style: Data from France, Japan, and US

    Norimatsu, H, Bouville, J.-F, Marguerite Barratt, Koichi Negayama

    Cross-cultural comparison of physical/social constraint and support for feeding/weaning practice (ICP2004)    2004.08

  • Characterisitcs of breast feeding mothers in the US, Japan and France

    Marguerite Barratt, Koichi Negayama, Norimatsu, H, Bouville, J.-F

    Cross-cultural comparison of physical/social constraint and support for feeding/weaning practice (ICP2004)    2004.08

  • Cross-cultural comparison of physical/social constraint and support for feeding/weaning practice

    Koichi Negayama, Norimatsu, H.・Bouville, J.-F, Marguerite Barratt

    28th International Congress of psychology (ICP2004)    2004.08

  • The develpment of young children’s regulation of their relationships and reconciliation after conflict

    Hirose, M, Negayama, K

    18th Biennial ISSBD Meeting    2004.08

  • 母から子への攻撃性:発達行動学からの考察


    子どもの心とからだ(日本小児心身医学会雑誌)   13 ( 1 )  2004.06


  • 動物の親子関係:霊長類の子別れを中心に


    心を伝え合う親子関係:コミュニケーションの不思議 (財団法人 成長科学協会 心の発達研究委員会 第17回公開シンポジウム)    2004.06

  • わが国と海外の育児行動の違い


    子育て支援セミナー    2004.05

  • 保育園における乳児の泣き行動:(2)乳児保育室の環境条件と泣き行動

    志村洋子, 星三和子, 根ヶ山光一, 保坂佳一, 松永静子, 汐見稔幸

    第4回日本赤ちゃん学会学術集会発表抄録集   35  2004.04

  • 保育園における乳児の泣き行動:(1)保育士による泣きへの対応とその解釈

    根ヶ山光一, 星三和子, 志村洋子, 保坂佳一, 松永静子, 汐見稔幸

    第4回日本赤ちゃん学会学術集会発表抄録集   35  2004.04

  • 子どものトイレ行動に見るからかい行動・羞恥心の発達:トイレ空間の環境条件による変化

    村上八千世, 根ヶ山光一

    日本発達心理学会第15回大会発表論文集   213  2004.03

  • 母乳哺育において夫は支援要因か,制限要因か:夫婦の性的関係性の視点から

    根ヶ山多嘉子, 根ヶ山光一

    日・米・仏の母親にける哺乳・離乳の選択とその支援・制限要因の比較研究 (平成12-14年度科学研究費補助金(基盤B)研究成果報告書(代表:根ヶ山光一)     165 - 173  2004.03

  • 母乳哺育:語りにみる感情と身体

    根ヶ山多嘉子, 根ヶ山光一

    日本発達心理学会第15回大会発表論文集   436  2004.03

  • 日本における哺乳・離乳の選択とその支援・制限要因:(2)保健センターにおける指導の実態調査

    根ヶ山光一, 高橋万由美

    日・米・仏の母親にける哺乳・離乳の選択とその支援・制限要因の比較研究 (平成12-14年度科学研究費補助金(基盤B)研究成果報告書(代表:根ヶ山光一)     90 - 106  2004.03

  • 日本における哺乳・離乳の選択とその支援・制限要因:(1)母親における実践と意識についての全国調査から


    日・米・仏の母親にける哺乳・離乳の選択とその支援・制限要因の比較研究 (平成12-14年度科学研究費補助金(基盤B)研究成果報告書(代表:根ヶ山光一)     75 - 89  2004.03

  • 食行動にみるサルの子別れ,ヒトの子別れ


    乳児保育と赤ちゃん学   1   18 - 21  2004.03

  • 泣きから今日の保育を検証する:(1)泣きとは何か


    日本発達心理学会第15回大会発表論文集   S125  2004.03

  • 基礎研究領域から臨床発達に迫る


    日本発達心理学会第15回大会発表論文集   S22  2004.03

  • 子どものいざこざの調整・仲直り行動の発達:2.身体接触

    広瀬美和, 根ヶ山光一

    日本発達心理学会第15回大会発表論文集   58  2004.03

  • Japan-France-US comparison of infant feeding and weaning: (2) Mother's choice of feeding-reasons and sources of information.

    Norimatsu, H, Bouville, J.-F, Negayama, K, Barratt, M

    日・米・仏の母親にける哺乳・離乳の選択とその支援・制限要因の比較研究 (平成12-14年度科学研究費補助金(基盤B)研究成果報告書(代表:根ヶ山光一)     12 - 27  2004.03

  • Japan-France-US comparison of infant feeding and weaning:(3) Weaning.

    Negayama, K, Norimatsu, H, Barratt, M, Bouville, J

    日・米・仏の母親にける哺乳・離乳の選択とその支援・制限要因の比較研究 (平成12-14年度科学研究費補助金(基盤B)研究成果報告書(代表:根ヶ山光一)     28 - 72  2004.03

  • Japan-France-US comparison of infant feeding and weaning: (1) Demographic analyses.

    Barratt, M, Negayama, K, Norimatsu, H, a, Bouville, J.-F

    日・米・仏の母親にける哺乳・離乳の選択とその支援・制限要因の比較研究 (平成12-14年度科学研究費補助金(基盤B)研究成果報告書(代表:根ヶ山光一)     3 - 11  2004.03

  • 子どもにおけるいざこざの調整・仲直り行動の発達 (2) 保育園での他児介入に関する縦断的研究

    広瀬美和, 根ケ山光一

    日本心理学会大会発表論文集   68th  2004


  • 「チンパンジーの認知と行動の発達」を読んで


    霊長類研究    2004

  • 人間の「つながり」と「へだたり」を考える


    人間総合研究センター    2003.12

  • 子どもの食


    所沢市教育委員会    2003.11

  • Cross-cultural comparison of infant feeding and weaning

    Negayama, K


  • 母子における「身」と自他性


    日本心理学会第67回大会    2003.09

  • 母から子への攻撃性:発達行動学からの考察


    日本小児心身医学会   21st  2003.09


  • 子どもにおけるいざこざの調整・仲直り行動の発達:(1)保育園の自然観察的研究

    広瀬美和, 根ヶ山光一

    日本心理学会第67回大会発表論文集   1182  2003.09


  • 棒の長さ知覚課題におけるダイナミックタッチの発達的研究

    清水武, 根ヶ山光一

    発達心理学研究   14 ( 2 ) 113 - 123  2003.08

     View Summary

    Wielding an object makes it possible to perceive many physical properties of the object without visualizing it. The purpose of this study was to examine developmental changes of haptic exploration, which is called 'dynamic touch' and is based on Perceptual Systems Theory (Gibson, 1966). The particular focus was on variability in grip patterns and swinging patterns, because the variability associated with skill mastery within and across individuals indicated that the system was moving toward greater stability. Participants in the experiment, 21 elementary school children and 14 college students, reported their perceptions of rod length by dynamic touch. The results indicated that the children explored grip patterns, and college students explored ways to wield the rod. Implications for future research on dynamic touch were also discussed.

    DOI CiNii

  • 胎動に対する語りにみられる妊娠期の主観的な母子関係:胎動日記における胎児への意味づけ

    岡本依子, 菅野幸恵, 根ヶ山光一

    発達心理学研究   14 ( 1 ) 64 - 76  2003.04

     View Summary

    Fetal movement is the only experience through which pregnant women can directly feel their own unborn children. The present study examined how pregnant women (N=33) described fetal movement, in order to consider women's perceptions of and relationships with their fetuses. Participants kept a pregnancy diary, giving particular attention to their thoughts and feelings about fetal movement. Analysis of the 882 diary entries identified two major times when women's perceptions of fetal movement were particularly notable. In 29^<th>-30^<th> weeks of pregnancy, women began to mention the fetal leg. which suggests that they perceived the fetus as human at that point. The other significant change in descriptions came in the 33^<rd>-34^<th> week, when women reported that other people felt tetal movement as the third party entered into the mother-fetus relationship. Finally, this paper discussed changes in the meaning of the spontaneous fetal movements in terms of interactions between pregnant women and fetus.

    DOI CiNii

  • 「タッチケア」研究(2)対児感情と家庭実践の縦断的検討

    西川晶子, 根ヶ山光一

    日本発達心理学会第14回大会発表論文集   310  2003.03

  • 哺乳・離乳の選択とその支援・制限要因の検討 (その5)乳房にかかわるセクシュアリティの変容に基づいて

    根ヶ山多嘉子, 根ヶ山光一

    日本発達心理学会第14回大会発表論文集   303  2003.03

  • 哺乳・離乳の選択とその支援・制限要因の検討 (その1)母親における実践と意識についての全国調査から


    日本発達心理学会第14回大会発表論文集   299  2003.03

  • 母親による授乳様式の選択とその縦断的変化の検討


    日本発達心理学会第14回大会発表論文集   S120  2003.03

  • 子育てにおけるストレス管理:母乳哺育・離乳との関連で


    ストレス科学研究   18   27 - 32  2003.03

  • 「ゆらぎ」ある育児の中の乳離れ


    育児通信   90   2 - 3  2003.03

  • 子どものいざこざの調整・仲直り行動の発達 1.横断的研究

    広瀬美和, 根ヶ山光一

    日本発達心理学会第14回大会発表論文集   254  2003.03

  • 霊長類を通してみたヒト乳幼児の母子関係:反発性の視点から


    心理学評論   45 ( 3 ) 399 - 410  2003.02


  • 水野・竹下論文へのコメント


    心理学評論   45 ( 3 ) 365 - 366  2003.02

  • 行為における身体と空間・モノの関連性について

    川野健治, 根ヶ山光一

    日本心理学会第66回大会発表論文集   S27  2002.09

  • 事故と迷子から空間認知の発達を考える


    日本心理学会第66回大会発表論文集   S44  2002.09

  • Parental perception of contact with children's bodies and bodily products: A JapaneseFrench comparison.

    Negayama, K. &am, Norimatsu, H

    17th Biennial ISSBD Meeting    2002.08

  • 「タッチケア」研究(1)予報

    西川晶子, 根ヶ山光一

    日本発達心理学会第13回大会発表論文集   103  2002.03

  • 臨床発達心理学における地域と大学の連携を考える


    日本発達心理学会第13回大会発表論文集   S14  2002.03

  • 身体接触と間主観性:くすぐり遊びの考察から


    日本発達心理学会第13回大会発表論文集   S64  2002.03

  • 子どもの攻撃性を理解する


    小児医学5学会連合    2001.09

  • 子どもがモノに接触する際の母親による調整

    川野健治, 根ヶ山光一

    ヒューマンサイエンス   13 ( 2 ) 23 - 36  2001.03


  • 子どもがモノに接する際の母親による調整について

    川野健治, 根ヶ山光一

    日本発達心理学会第12回大会発表論文集   276  2001.03

  • 母親による子どものモノ環境の調整(荘厳舜哉企画:発達環境を巡るサブ文化の影響)


    発達心理学会第12回大会発表論文集   S75  2001.03

  • 発達と身体資源(2)「親子関係の長期的変化における「身体接触」の変容」(子の身体およびその産生物に対する嫌悪の発達)


    日本発達心理学会第12回大会発表論文集   S69  2001.03

  • 子どもの身体から発せられるものへの親による嫌悪の発達的変化


    ヒューマンサイエンス   13 ( 2 ) 2 - 13  2001.03


  • 母子の「抱き」における母親の抱き方と乳幼児の「抱かれ行動」の発達

    西條剛央, 根ヶ山光一

    小児保健研究   60 ( 1 ) 82 - 90  2001.01


  • 「くすぐり遊び」における母親と赤ちゃんの間主観性


    安田生命外国人講師招聘講座シンポジウム「クリエイティブな赤ちゃんのこころの世界:間主観性の発達」    2000.12

  • 子どもにおける障害物回避行動の発達に関する実験的研究


    発達心理学研究   11 ( 2 ) 122 - 131  2000.11

     View Summary

    The purpose of this study was to examine the development of children's ability to avoid obstacles in their environment. In Experiment I, 3- to 7-year olds were observed walking over or under a horizontal bar at 10-70% of their height. The older children were more successful at the task. The task was most difficult when the bar was at 40-50% of their height, because of the conflict between passing under and stepping over the bar. 5-year olds were moderately successful at the task, passing through slowly and with few failures, and at this age girls were more cautious than boys. In Experiment II, active avoidance by passing under the still bar and passive avoidance by ducking under the moving bar were observed in 4- to 6-year olds. Passive avoidance produced a wider gap between the bar and the head than did active avoidance. For boys exhibiting active avoidance, the head/bar gap correlated negatively with accident-proneness, suggesting a stronger risk-taking tendency when avoidance was active. The results are relevant to the development of affordance and of children's ability to cope with their environment.

    DOI CiNii

  • コミュニケーションとしての食


    日本心理学会第64回大会発表論文集   S56  2000.11


  • 比較行動学からみた文化心理学


    心理学評論   43 ( 1 ) 109 - 118  2000.07


  • Transition to motherhood during pregnancy:Narrative about fetal movement

    Okamoto, Y, Sugano, Y, am, Negayama, K

    Abstracts of the 16th Biennial Meetings of ISSBD   258  2000.07

  • Weaning and mother-child relationship in Japan with a focus on Dan-nyu (mother-initiated sudden cessation of breast-feeding)

    Negayama, K

    Abstracts of the 16th Biennial Meetings of ISSBD   293  2000.07

  • 離乳の発達行動学的研究:親子間におけるその主導性の分析を中心に


    科学研究費補助金(基盤C)成果報告書/文部省    2000.03

  • ヒトの家族と子育ての特質


    日本発達心理学会第11回大会    2000.03

  • Feeding as a communication between mother and infant in Japan and Scotland.

    Negayama, K

    Annual Report of Research and Clinical Center for Child Development   22   59 - 68  2000.03


  • Development of parental aversion to offspring's bodily products: A new approach to parent-offspring relationships.

    Negayama, K

    Annual Report of Research and Clinical Center for Child Development,1998-1999,   22   51 - 58  2000.03


  • 母性と父性の学際的検討の試み,緒言


    ヒューマンサイエンス   12 ( 1 ) 1 - 2  1999.10


  • 大人が用意する「モノ」環境は子どもの発達をいかに規定するか


    日本心理学会第63回大会発表論文集    1999.09

  • Development of reactions to pain of inoculation in children and their mothers

    K Negayama

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BEHAVIORAL DEVELOPMENT   23 ( 3 ) 731 - 746  1999.09  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    This is a naturalistic study focusing on developmental changes in the immediate reactions of 183 Japanese children under 7 years old and their mothers to pain caused by inoculation of the children. Under the age of 5 crying was a typical child behaviour, whereas 5- and 6-year-olds showed facial expressions instead. Their mothers were generally empathetic to the children's distress on inoculation, but the empathetic reactions tended to decrease as the children grew older. However, children's crying per se did not necessarily cause the reactions, and the mothers of the older children tended to react to the children's pain with a smile. A greater proportion of 3-year-old females cried than males of the same age, but despite this their mothers had a stronger tendency to respond with a smile in comparison with the mothers of male children. The results were discussed with respect to development of emotional independence and competence of social manipulation by children.

  • 発達と身体資源(1)胎児・乳幼児と母親の身体

    根ヶ山光一, 川野健治

    発達心理学会第10回大会発表論文集   125  1999.03

  • 乳児の食行動に対する母親の共感的開口に関する実験的研究


    発達心理学会第10回大会発表論文集   133  1999.03

  • 胎動に対する語りに見られる妊娠期の母子関係(2)-胎動日記における母親の感情の変遷-


    発達心理学会第10回大会発表論文集   252  1999.03

  • 柔らかい方法によって観察される社会・情緒的発達の世界


    日本発達心理学会第11回大会    1999.03

  • 家庭における母子の隔たりと行動の対応に関する研究


    発達心理学会第10回大会発表論文集    1999.03

  • コミュニケーションと子の自立


    日本発達心理学会1998年度公開シンポジウム    1998.12

  • 性とペアレンティング:母性と父性の比較


    人間総合研究センター    1998.10

  • 身体と母子関係


    日本心理学会第62回大会発表論文集   S64  1998.10

  • Feeding as a communication between mother and infant in Japan and Scotland.

    Negayama, K

    Abstracts of the 14th Biennial Meetings of ISSBD    1998.07

  • Development of parental aversion to offspring's body products: a new approach to parent-offspring relationships.

    Negayama, K

    Abstracts of the 14th Biennial Meetings of ISSBD    1998.07

  • 母親と乳児におけるくすぐり遊びの発現に関する発達行動学的研究

    根ヶ山光一, 山口創

    日本発達心理学会第9回大会発表論文集   211  1998.03

  • 親による子どもの身体産生物への不快感からみた親子の分離


    日本発達心理学会第9回大会発表論文集   S5  1998.03

  • 胎動に対する語りにみられる妊娠期の母子相互作用:胎動日記における胎児ボディ・イメージとcommunicability

    岡本依子, 菅野幸恵, 根ヶ山光一

    日本発達心理学会第9回大会発表論文集   502  1998.03

  • 離乳という母子関係


    行動科学/日本行動科学学会   36 ( 1月2日 ) 1 - 11  1997.12

  • 子どもの身体性刺激に対する親の不快感情からみた子別れの心理機制


    日本心理学会第61回大会発表論文集   235  1997.09

  • 動物行動研究は発達心理学に何を示唆しうるか:「こども」とは何かの考察を通じて


    日本発達心理学会第8回発表論文集/日本発達心理学会   S4  1997.03

  • 子どもの事故行動


    日本発達心理学会第8回発表論文集/日本発達心理学会   111  1997.03

  • 子どもの顔におけるかわいらしさの縦断的発達変化に関する研究


    人間科学部紀要/人間科学部   10   61 - 68  1997.03

  • 子どもにおける空間対処能力からみた自立の発達に関する基礎的研究


    科学研究費補助金(基盤C)研究成果報告書/文部省    1997.03

  • サルの母子関係


    日本心理学会第60回大会発表論文集/日本心理学会   S106  1996.09

  • A cross-cultural study of mother-infant interaction in Japan and Korea:

    Negayama, K

    Abstracts of the 14th Biennial Meetings of ISSBD/国際行動発達学会   250  1996.08

  • 親ばなれ・子ばなれの心理:自立性の生涯発達


    児童心理/金子書房   662   1 - 10  1996.06

  • 青少年の健康な心身発達に及ぼす食行動の影響についての基礎的研究


    マツダ財団研究報告書/マツダ財団   9   1 - 12  1996.04

  • 突発的な危機に対し子どもはとっさにどう反応するか


    日本発達心理学会第7回大会発表論文集   166  1996.03

  • 実生活場面における母子関係の日韓比較-医療機関での予防接種場面の観察と家庭での日常生活場面の観察・質問紙調査から


    日韓乳幼児における母子相互作用の比較文化研究(代表:藤永保,平成5〜7年度科学研究費(国際比較研究)研究成果報告書)     23 - 40  1996.03

  • サルの子別れ・ヒトの子別れ


    青少年問題/青少年問題研究会   43 ( 2 ) 26 - 31  1996.02


  • 食嗜好の獲得に関する行動発達学的研究


    浦上食品・食文化振興財団研究助成報告書/浦上食品・食文化振興財団   5   57 - 75  1996


  • サルとヒトの子育て・子別れ


    平成4〜6年度家庭教育研究セミナー・国際セミナー報告書/国立婦人教育会館     55 - 59  1995.11

  • 意欲とエソロジー


    現代のエスプリ/至文堂   333   138 - 146  1995.04

  • About cultural variation in child and adult interaction during everyday activities.

    Negayama, K

    Abstracts of the 16th Biennial Meetings of ISSBD    1994.07

  • Fathers' participation in the lives of their 4 month-old infants: The United States and Japan

    Barratt, M, Negayama, K. &am, Minami, T

    Annual Report of Research and Clinical Center for Child Development/Faculty of Education, Hokkaido University   18   1 - 11  1994

  • Weaning in Japan: a longitudinal study of mother and child behaviours during milk- and solid-feeding

    Negayama, K

    Early Development and Parenting/Wiley   2   29 - 37  1993


  • The social environments of early infancy in Japan and the United States.

    Barratt,M.S, Negayama, K, Minami, T

    Early Development and Parenting   2   51 - 64  1993

  • 飼育ニホンザルの死児に対する母親行動についての事例研究


    武庫川女子大学紀要   38 ( 38 ) 133 - 140  1991


  • A mother-child interaction. Neonatal medical care and mother-child relationship. The mother-child relationship in Macaca fuscata. (a monkey in Japan) Suggestions to humans.


    NICU   3 ( 6 )  1990


  • 幼稚園児の身体図式に関する実験的研究

    根ヶ山光一, 伊藤俊彦, 森下活二

    武庫川女子大学紀要   37 ( 37 ) 137 - 143  1989


  • 霊長類における母子関係の進化


    心理学評論   32 ( 1 ) 21 - 41  1989


  • Early mother-infant relationships of the Arashiyama A and B troops in summer.

    Negayama, K

    Research reports of the Arashiyama West and East groups of Japanese monkeys     67 - 74  1988

  • Basic behavioral profiles among adult of the Arashiyama A troop and the Arashiyama B troop

    Negayama, K, Ando,Hara, Kamada, Kondo-Ikemura, Koyama, Nakamichi,Yoshida

    Research reports of the Arashiyama West and East groups of Japanese monkeys     1 - 17  1988

  • 飼育カニクイザルの母性行動に及ぼす子の行動の効果:麻酔によるその実験的分析


    霊長類研究   4 ( 1 ) 1 - 10  1988

     View Summary

    Anesthesia was used to reduce filial cues to maternal behavior in Macaca fascicularis, and changes thereby in the mothers' behaviors toward their own and alien infants were observed. Effects of infants' general anesthesia on the mothers were obvious in increses in their grooming and sniffing toward younger infants aged 60 days or less, and in decreases in their contact and embrace toward older infants aged 61 days or more. Anesthetized younger infants of the mothers' own were directed contact and grooming more frequently by the mothers than were alien anesthetized younger infants. Aggression was not observed toward the anesthetized infants. Thus, loss of movement in the infants revealed an active role of the mothers of the younger infants to maintain relationships with their offspring, but this active role decreased in the mothers of the older infants. In the second part of the study, an odor of generally anesthetized infants was reduced by hypoesthesia of mothers' olfaction. As a result of this, sniffing decreased toward the younger alien infants and so did grooming toward the younger own infants. The effect of olfactory hypoesthesia in the mothers was thus seen only toward the younger infants, which indicates an active role of young infants' odor in arousing the mothers' positive attention to them.

    DOI CiNii



    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRIMATOLOGY   7 ( 4 ) 365 - 378  1986.08  [Refereed]



    DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOBIOLOGY   19 ( 1 ) 49 - 56  1986.01  [Refereed]

  • 隔離飼育ニホンザルにおける日周期活動性の発達

    根ヶ山光一, 近藤清美

    武庫川女子大学紀要人間関係コース編   2 ( 34 ) 33 - 42  1986


  • 親子の関係: 親と子の対立


    こころの科学   8   40 - 46  1986

  • 初期母子関係:摂餌との関連において


    ニホンザルの生涯発達に関する比較行動学的研究(科学研究費補助金報告書)     2 - 15  1986

  • Affective determinants of occurrence of copulatory behavior in isolation-reared Japanese monkeys.

    Itoigawa,N, Negayama, K. &am, Kondo,K

    Proceedings of the XXIII International Congress of Psychology of the Union of Psychological Science,   5   337 - 346  1985

  • 繁殖システムの中における人類の父親性


    青年心理   51   118 - 122  1985

  • 餌付けニホンザル集団におけるロコモーションの個体発達


    ロコモーションの個体発達と系統発達に関する総合的研究     45 - 51  1984

  • 霊長類における子育ての中の攻撃


    異常行動研究会誌   23   36 - 45  1984

  • 死んだ子ザルへの母ザルの反応・・・ニホンザルの母性行動を考える


    モンキー   191/192   28 - 34  1984

  • 初期母子関係について考える


    助産婦雑誌   37   245 - 247  1983




  • Experimental study on sexual behavior between mother and son in Japanese monkeys (Macaca fuscata)

    N. Itoigawa, K. Negayama, K. Kondo

    Primates   22 ( 4 ) 494 - 502  1981.10

     View Summary

    A mother, her adult son, four adult males and six adult females from a free-ranging group at Katsuyama were paired in a cage in the sexual seasons from 1976 to 1980. The paired subjects were classified into the following three types: mother and son, familiar pairs and unfamiliar pairs. The familiar pairs consisted of monkeys who had been in the Katsuyama group until about six months before the experiment. The unfamiliar pairs consisted of monkeys who had not met each other at all or who had not met each other for more than eight years before the experiment. Serial mounts which terminated with ejaculation occurred in nine of ten unfamiliar pairs, four of five familiar pairs, but there were none between the son and mother. The son and mother did not appear to be sexually aroused between themselves, although they were sexually active to other partners. However, on rare occasions, the son mounted singly on the mother, and on one occasion he ejaculated. Their interaction did not change essentially during the three years. The son rarely mounted serially on a female who had a close relationship with his mother. © 1981 Japan Monkey Centre.





    JOURNAL OF HUMAN EVOLUTION   10 ( 7 ) 523 - 527  1981  [Refereed]

  • コンフリクトとフラストレーション


    現代の心理学(小林出版)     60 - 65  1981

  • 成体ニホンザルオスの攻撃行動に関する実験的研究


    動物心理学年報   31   103 - 111  1981

  • 隔離飼育霊長類の常同行動


    心理学評論   21   19 - 37  1979

  • 霊長類における攻撃行動とその個体発達


    大阪大学人間科学部紀要   5   293 - 316  1979

  • 隔離飼育成体ニホンザルの攻撃行動


    動物心理学年報   27   33 - 41  1977

▼display all

Books and Other Publications

  • からだがかたどる発達:人・環境・時間のクロスモダリティ

    根ヶ山光一, 外山紀子( Part: Joint editor)

    福村出版  2024.03 ISBN: 9784571230691

  • Parent-Infant Centrifugalism and Centripetalism Overcoming the Prison of 'Parenting'

    Koichi Negayama

    Waseda University Press  2022.04

  • 「子育て」のとらわれを超える : 発達行動学的「ほどほど親子」論

    根ヶ山, 光一

    新曜社  2021.03 ISBN: 9784788517134

  • 守姉:琉球の子育てへの視角


    萌文書林  2020.10

  • わたしたちに音楽がある理由 (わけ) : 音楽性の学際的探究

    今川, 恭子, 根ヶ山, 光一, 香田, 啓貴, 関, 義正, 藤井, 進也, 蒲谷, 槙介, 石島, このみ, 服部, 裕子, 高田, 明, 麦谷, 綾子, 市川, 熹, 源, 健宏, 岸本, 健(発達心理学), 福山, 寛志, 横井, 浩史, 横井, 和恵, 矢吹, 佳子, 志村, 洋子, 市川, 恵, 丸山, 槙, 伊原, 小百合, 二俣, 泉, 小井塚, ななえ, 石川, 眞佐江

    音楽之友社  2020.07 ISBN: 9784276139107

  • 「子育てとアロマザリング」 教育・保育の現在・過去・未来を結ぶ論点:汐見稔幸とその周辺に所収

    無藤隆, 大豆生田啓友, 松永静子編著

    エイデル研究所  2019.03

  • 共有する子育て:沖縄多良間島のアロマザリングに学ぶ

    根ケ山光一( Part: Joint editor)

    金子書房  2019.02 ISBN: 9784760824243

  • 絆の音楽性 : つながりの基盤を求めて

    Malloch, Stephen, Trevarthen, Colwyn B., 根ヶ山, 光一, 今川, 恭子, 蒲谷, 槙介, 志村, 洋子, 羽石, 英里, 丸山, 慎

    音楽之友社  2018.04 ISBN: 9784276139091

  • M.Koyasu, S.Iwatate, &K. Negayama, (Eds.) Frontiers in developmental psychology research: Japanese perspectives. (Child-rearing (“Kosodate”) in Japan with special reference to mother-child mutual negativity)

    Negayama, K

    Hituji_shobo  2016.07

  • Frontiers in developmental psychology research : Japanese perspectives

    日本発達心理学会, 岩立, 志津夫, 子安, 増生, 根ヶ山, 光一

    Hituzi Syobo  2016 ISBN: 9784894767980

  • ヒトの親子の特質と日本の子育て

    根ヶ山光一( Part: Contributor)

    金子書房  2015.10

     View Summary


  • 震災直後の避難に伴う家族と子どもの心理(震災後に考える:東日本大震災と向き合う92の分析と提言 所収)(総ページ1003)Pp311-322.

    根ヶ山光一, 平田修三, 石島このみ, 持田隆平, 白石優子

    早稲田大学出版部  2015.07

  • 避難家族と子どもたちの適応:地域との関係を踏まえて(震災後に考える:東日本大震災と向き合う92の分析と提言 所収)(総ページ1003)Pp323&#8722;334..

    平田修三, 石島このみ, 持田隆平, 白石優子, 根ヶ山光一

    早稲田大学出版部  2015.03

  • 無藤隆・子安増生編「発達心理学Ⅱ」P376 (成人期と子別れ,pp.136-141)


    東京大学出版会  2013.09

  • 辻内琢也編著 『ガジュマル的支援のすすめ:東日本大震災と人間科学①』P132(震災避難家族の支援:かささぎプロジェクトの活動、pp.17-39)

    平田修三, 石島このみ, 持田隆平, 根ヶ山光一

    早稲田大学出版部  2013.05

  • 子どもと食 : 食育を超える

    根ヶ山, 光一, 外山, 紀子, 河原, 紀子(発達心理学)

    東京大学出版会  2013.04 ISBN: 9784130513234

  • 子どもと食 P302

    根ヶ山光一, 外山紀子, 河原紀子

    東京大学出版会  2013.04

  • アロマザリングの島の子どもたち : 多良間島子別れフィールドノート

    根ヶ山, 光一

    新曜社  2012.12 ISBN: 9784788513174

  • アロマザリングの島の子どもたち:多良間島子別れフィールドノート 総頁192


    新曜社  2012.12

  • 発達の基盤 : 身体, 認知, 情動

    日本発達心理学会, 根ヶ山, 光一, 仲, 真紀子

    新曜社  2012.09 ISBN: 9784788513020

  • 発達の基礎:身体・認知・情動 P322 (対人関係の基盤としての身体接触,pp.119-130)

    根ヶ山光一, 仲真紀子

    新曜社  2012.09

  • 高石恭子編「子別れのための子育て」(発達行動学からみた子別れ pp.56-82)総頁275


    平凡社  2012.04

  • 秦野悦子・山崎晃(編著)保育のなかでの臨床発達支援(子どもの発達する時間としての乳幼児期と保育,35-42)


    ミネルヴァ書房  2011.03

  • 菊地章夫・二宮克美・堀毛一也・斎藤耕二 編著 社会化の心理学/ハンドブック(乳児の社会的能力,61-74)


    川島書店  2010.11

  • ヒトの子育ての進化と文化 : アロマザリングの役割を考える

    根ヶ山, 光一, 柏木, 恵子, 三浦, 慎悟, 明和, 政子, 太田, 素子( 教育学・教育史), 箕浦, 康子, 高橋, 惠子, 大野, 祥子, 河原, 紀子, 山中, 龍宏, 陳, 省仁, 富田, 庸子, 古沢, 頼雄, 大日向, 雅美

    有斐閣  2010.07 ISBN: 9784641173682

  • ヒトの子育ての進化と文化:アロマザリングの役割を考える(303頁)

    根ヶ山光一, 柏木惠子

    有斐閣  2010.07

  • 根ケ山光一・柏木惠子編著「ヒトの子育ての進化と文化:アロマザリングの役割を考える」(保育園におけるアロマザリング,185-200)

    河原紀子, 根ケ山光一

    有斐閣  2010.07

  • 根ケ山光一・柏木惠子編著「ヒトの子育ての進化と文化:アロマザリングの役割を考える」(子別れとアロマザリング,55-70)


    有斐閣  2010.07

  • 根ケ山光一・柏木惠子編著「ヒトの子育ての進化と文化:アロマザリングの役割を考える」(人間の子育てを理解する窓としてのアロマザリング,1-8)

    根ケ山光一, 柏木惠子

    有斐閣  2010.07

  • 繁多進編 子育て支援に活きる心理学:実践のための基礎知識(子別れの心理学と子育て支援、141-151)


    新曜社  2009

  • 三宅和夫・高橋惠子 編著 縦断研究の挑戦:発達を理解するために(母子交渉と発達:短期縦断研究の結果から見えてくるもの、71-88)

    河合優年, 矢藤優子, 難波久美子, 根ヶ山光一, 荘厳舜哉

    金子書房  2009

  • 「環境」人間科学

    中島, 義明, 根ヶ山, 光一

    朝倉書店  2008.09 ISBN: 9784254505276

  • 南徹弘編 発達心理学(子どもの発達と親:子どもの就寝と子別れについて,144-158)


    朝倉書店  2007.05

  • 「子別れ」としての子育て

    根ヶ山, 光一

    日本放送出版協会  2006.04 ISBN: 4140910569

  • <子別れ>としての子育て


    日本放送出版協会  2006.04

  • 中島義明・根ヶ山光一編 「環境」人間科学 (環境とヒトの行動,75-85)


    朝倉書店  2006

  • 自閉症の子どもたち(分担翻訳)


    ミネルヴァ書房  2005.06

  • 身体から発達を問う : 衣食住のなかのからだとこころ

    根ヶ山, 光一, 川野, 健治

    新曜社  2003.03 ISBN: 478850846X

  • 身体から発達を問う:衣食住のなかのからだとこころ

    根ヶ山光一, 川野健治

    新曜社  2003.03

  • 根ヶ山光一・川野健治編 身体から発達を問う:衣食住のなかのからだとこころ(食べる・排泄する,pp.21-36)


    新曜社  2003.03

  • 発達行動学の視座 : 「個」の自立発達の人間科学的探究

    根ヶ山, 光一

    金子書房  2002.10 ISBN: 4760832319

  • 発達行動学の視座:<個>の自立発達の人間科学的探究


    金子書房  2002.10

  • 母性と父性の人間科学


    コロナ社  2001.12

  • 牧野順四郎・南徹弘・小山高正・田中みどり・加藤克紀編 社会性の比較発達心理学(母子分離と子の自立,173-187)


    アートアンドブレーン社  2001.03

  • 田島信元・西野泰広編 発達研究の技法(比較観察法,123-126)


    福村出版  2000.04

  • 社会と家族の心理学

    東, 洋, 柏木, 恵子, 陳, 省仁, 根ヶ山, 光一, 菅原, ますみ, 大野, 祥子, 土肥, 伊都子, 氏家, 達夫, 斉藤, 浩子, 繁多, 進

    ミネルヴァ書房  1999.09 ISBN: 4623030415

  • 東洋・柏木惠子編 社会と家族の心理学(母親と子の結合と分離:アタッチメント理論の検討を通して,23-45)


    ミネルヴァ書房  1999

  • 竹中晃二編 健康スポーツの心理学(心理発達におよぼす身体活動の影響,116-124)


    大修館書店  1998.04

  • 糸魚川直祐・南徹弘編 サルとヒトのエソロジー(離乳と子の自立,134-147)


    培風館  1998

  • 今田純雄編 食行動の心理学(行動発達の観点から,41-63)


    培風館  1997.12

  • 東洋・北山忍・柏木恵子編 文化心理学(親子関係と自立:日英比較を中心に,160-179)


    東京大学出版会  1997.11

  • たべる : 食行動の心理学

    中島, 義明, 今田, 純雄, 松田, 俊, 中野, 良彦, 太田, 裕彦, 根ヶ山, 光一, 長谷川, 智子, 島井, 哲志, 坂上, 貴之, 長谷川, 芳典, 川合, 伸幸, 谷口, 崇典, 山下, 光

    朝倉書店  1996.09 ISBN: 4254526326

  • 中島義明・今田純雄編 食べる:食行動の心理学(離乳期までの食行動,66-78)


    朝倉書店  1996.09

  • 中島義明・今田純雄編 食べる:食行動の心理学(老年期の食行動,132-145)


    朝倉書店  1996.09

  • 河合優年編 看護実践のための心理学(人の生活空間と心理,84-92)


    メディカ出版  1996

  • 子別れの心理学 : 新しい親子関係像の提唱

    根ヶ山, 光一, 鈴木, 晶夫

    福村出版  1995.04 ISBN: 4571230303

  • 子別れの心理学

    根ヶ山光一, 鈴木晶夫

    福村出版  1995.04

  • 吉川左紀子・中村真・益谷真編 顔と心(顔から年齢を知る、88-106)


    サイエンス社  1993

  • 異常行動研究会編 ノンバーバル行動の実験的研究(霊長類の母子関係と行動発達,121-137)


    川島書店  1993

  • 行動の発達を科学する

    荘厳, 舜哉, 根ヶ山, 光一, 鎌田, 次郎, 磯, 博行, 中谷, 勝哉, 竹内, 伸宜, 今川, 真治, 藤本, 浩一, 山本, 利和, 米谷, 淳, 高橋, 登, 竹村, 和久, 安藤, 明人

    福村出版  1990.05 ISBN: 4571230230

  • 荘厳舜哉・根ヶ山光一編 行動の発達を科学する(発達からみた行動の意味,10-26)


    福村出版  1990

  • ヒューマン・エソロジー

    糸魚川, 直祐, 日高, 敏隆, 今福, 道夫, 根ヶ山, 光一, 山岸, 哲, 長谷川, 寿一, 長谷川, 真理子, 正高, 信男, 小山, 高正, 米谷, 淳, 柴坂, 寿子, 吉田, 敦也, 竹下, 隆, 桃木, 暁子, 菅原, 和孝, 北村, 光二, 谷, 泰, 室伏, 靖子

    福村出版  1989.03 ISBN: 4571205414

  • 糸魚川直祐編 ヒューマンエソロジー(子育ての論理,59-75)


    福村出版  1989

  • 繁殖行動と適応戦略(母子関係と繁殖,128-191)

    糸魚川直祐, 藤井尚教, 根ヶ山光一

    東海大学出版会  1987

  • 岡野恒也編 霊長類心理学I(剥奪飼育と行動変容:行動傷害の発生,191-237)


    ブレーン出版  1983

  • 関・澤田編 現代の心理学(コンフリクトとフラストレーション、60-65)


    小林出版  1981

  • Play, Tickling, and Companionship

    Negayama, K, Nakano, S( Part: Joint author)

  • からだと同期:離乳食場面における母親の共感的開口から(「からだがかたどる発達」所収)

    根ケ山光一( Part: Contributor)


  • 守姉:琉球の子育てへの視角 幼児教育史学会15周年記念出版所収

    根ケ山光一( Part: Contributor)


▼display all


  • Cross-Cultural Comparison of Tickling Play in Japan and Britain



  • くすぐり遊びの 日英比較



  • Study of mother-child separation with respect to house structure


  • Study of Sudden-weaning


  • Follow-up study of solid-feeding


  • Comparative study of mother-child relationship between Japan and Korea


  • 家屋と母子分離の研究


  • 断乳の研究


  • 離乳食摂取行動の追跡研究


  • 母子関係の日韓比較


  • Study on mother-infant relationship in Edinburgh, U. K.


  • 英国エジンバラ市における母子関係の研究


▼display all


  • 保育園新規入園時の0歳児へのヒトとモノによるアロマザリング



    Presentation date: 2024.02

  • 親と子どもの主体性が出会う子育て

    根ケ山光一  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2024.02

  • ヒト・家庭・アロマザリング:遠心性から考える

    根ヶ山光一  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2023.12

  • 幼児期における「友だち」の認識(2):縦断的検討から

    河原紀子, 根ケ山光一


    Presentation date: 2019.03

  • 三次元動作解析を用いた乳児期のくすぐり遊びにおけるマルチモーダルな相互作用の事例的分析:コミュニケーション的音楽性の観点から

    石島このみ, 小林博道, 百瀬桂子, 根ケ山光一


    Presentation date: 2019.03

  • アロマザリングと母子の遠心性

    根ケ山光一  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2019.03

  • 母親による乳児への抱き行動の縦断的研究

    根ケ山光一, 石島このみ

    日本乳幼児医学・心理学会28回大会  (白百合女子大) 

    Presentation date: 2018.12

  • The perception of intimate friends in preschool children: A comparison between children and nursery teachers

    Kawahara, N, Negayama, K

    ISSBD2018  (Gold Coast) 

    Presentation date: 2018.07

  • Cultural comparison between Japanese and Scottish mother-infant tickling interaction

    Ishijima, K, Negayama, K

    ISSBD2018  (Gold Coast) 

    Presentation date: 2018.07

  • Comparison of Japanese children's social experience after day nursery between a remote island and urban areas

    Negayama, K, Kawahara, N

    ISSBD2018  (Gold Coast, Australia) 

    Presentation date: 2018.07

  • 身体からみた母子関係の遠心性の研究

    根ヶ山光一  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2018.03

  • 沖縄県多良間島と東京における子育ての様相と保護者が抱く子どもイメージの比較(石島このみ、白石優子、根ケ山光一)

    石島このみ, 白石優子, 根ケ山光一


    Presentation date: 2018.03

  • 乳児期の母子・父子におけるくすぐり遊びの発達:身体接触部位に着目して

    石島このみ, 根ケ山光一

    日本発達心理学会第28回大会  (広島) 

    Presentation date: 2017.03

  • Development of mother-infant synchrony and dissynchrony in feeding and its cultural comparison

    Negayama, Koichi

    Synchrony as the foundation of cognitive and social development: Mother-infant co-mqnipulation of time structure 

    Presentation date: 2016.07

  • Negativity as an important component of mother-infant negotiation dynamics

    Negayama, K  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2016.07

  • 授乳・離乳の選択とその規定要因の検討 その1:全国調査から(根ケ山光一・河原紀子)


    Presentation date: 2015.03

  • 授乳・離乳の選択とその規定要因の検討 その2:大阪府の場合(河原紀子・根ケ山光一・外山紀子・則松宏子)


    Presentation date: 2015.03

  • 母子におけるくすぐり遊びの日英比較1(石島このみ・根ケ山光一・J.Delafield-Butt・百瀬桂子・河原紀子)


    Presentation date: 2015.03

  • 赤ん坊の抱き上げ行動から


    Presentation date: 2014.09

  • Micro-analysis of interactive feeding behaviours between Japanese mothers and their infants at 6 and 9 months of age (Koichi Negayama, Noriko Kawahara, Keiko Momose, &amp; Konomi Ishijima)

    14th WAIMH World Congress (Edinburgh) 

    Presentation date: 2014.06

  • 離乳食供給・摂取行動の発達に関するマイクロ分析 (根ケ山光一・河原紀子・百瀬桂子・石島このみ)

    日本発達心理学会第25回大会 (京都市) 

    Presentation date: 2014.03

  • 母子における身体接触遊びの初期発達に関する予備的研究 (石島このみ・根ケ山光一)

    日本発達心理学会第25回大会 (京都市) 

    Presentation date: 2014.03

  • 母親の乳児抱き上げ動作の計測と評価(百瀬桂子・根ケ山光一・石島このみ・河原紀子)

    日本機械学会 第26回バイオエンジニアリング講演会 

    Presentation date: 2014.01

  • 震災避難した幼い子どもと家族のストレス (根ケ山光一)


    Presentation date: 2013.09

  • Feeding as mother-infant communication in Japan and Scotland (Negayama, K.)

    16th European Conference on Developmental Psychology (Lausanne, Swiss) 

    Presentation date: 2013.09

  • Kinematic development of infant-mother interactions during specific tasks (Kaliarntas KT, Ishijima K, Momose K, Murphy AJ, Kawahara N, Negayama K, Delafield-Butt J.)

    22nd Annual Meeting of the European Society for Movement Analysis in Adults and Children (ESMAC2013) 

    Presentation date: 2013.09

  • 抱き場面における母親と乳児の相互作用:ビデオとモーションキャプチャを用いて(予報)


    Presentation date: 2013.08

  • 日英の母子における相互作用の同期性 (根ケ山光一)


    Presentation date: 2013.05

  • 子別れ・アロマザリングから子育てを考える


    Presentation date: 2012.11

  • Kowakare as an adaptive side of negativity: a suggestion from Japanese mother-infant relationship

    British Psychological Society Developmental Section Annual Conference 2012 

    Presentation date: 2012.09

  • 食を通した母子関係と子どもの自立


    Presentation date: 2012.05

  • かささぎプロジェクトによる避難家族の支援


    Presentation date: 2012.03

  • 「からだとこころ」の生起と成長:乳幼児期を中心に


    Presentation date: 2011.10

  • Mother-infant companionship mediated by touch and its cross-cultural comparison.

    International Association of Infant Massage 

    Presentation date: 2010.10

  • ベビーマッサージ


    Presentation date: 2009.11

  • Mother-child inter-body relationship: Cross-cultural studies of interactions during play, sleep and infant massage

    The Guild of Infant and Child Massage International Conference 

    Presentation date: 2009.03

  • Cross-cultural comparison of nursery staff’s tactile tactics to put children into sleep between Japan and Scotland ( Negayama, K., Kawahara, N. , Hirose, M. , &amp; Powers, N.)


    Presentation date: 2008.07

  • Touches as young children’s regulation of their relationships after conflicts at day nursery in Japan and UK(Hirose, M. , Negayama, K., Kawahara, N. , &amp; Powers, N.)


    Presentation date: 2008.07

  • 子別れとしての保育:大人と子どものほどよい距離の実現


    Presentation date: 2008.02

  • お産,離乳と子別れ


    Presentation date: 2007.11

▼display all

Research Projects

  • 原発事故被災者の移住・帰還・避難継続における新たな居住福祉に関する人間科学的研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)

    Project Year :


    辻内 琢也, 根ケ山 光一, 扇原 淳, 桂川 泰典, 金 智慧, 多賀 努, 増田 和高, 岩垣 穂大, 平田 修三, 日高 友郎, 小島 隆矢

     View Summary

    本研究は、心身医学的な量的調査と医療人類学的な質的調査を通して、「帰還か移住か避難継続か」の選択を迫られる原発事故被災者が、今後数年間で安心して生活できる新たな居住環境をどのように構築していくのか、現状と問題点を明らかにすることで、「居住福祉」に資する心理社会的ケアの戦略の提言を目指しているものである。「居住は基本的人権である(Housing is a basic human right)」と言われるように、内科学・心身医学・公衆衛生学・臨床心理学・発達行動学・社会学・社会福祉学・平和学・建築学・環境科学といった学融合的な調査研究が必要である。そのため、研究者らは、2011年発災当時から民間支援団体「震災支援ネットワーク埼玉(以下SSN)」を含め、多領域の専門家らとともに原発事故被災者の支援を目指した研究を継続させてきた。

  • 離島の家庭におけるアロマザリングシステムの実態・世代間連鎖・時代推移

    Project Year :


  • 離島と都市部の保育園新入園児における保育場面への移行に関する縦断研究

    Project Year :


     View Summary


  • 幼児期における特定の「親密な友達」の形成過程:「仲間づくり活動」の縦断的観察から

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)

    Project Year :


    河原 紀子, 根ケ山 光一

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  • 幼児期における特定の「親密な友達」の形成過程:「仲間づくり活動」の縦断的観察から

    Project Year :


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  • Early development of parent-infant inter-body relationship at picking up

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research

    Project Year :


    Negayama Koichi, Jonathan Delafield-Butt, KOBAYASHI Hiromichi

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    Infant picking-up from the floor was longitudinally observed at 1.5, 3, 5, and 7 months of infants' age. Mother's holding patterns changed after the infant's head held up steadily, and the speed of picking-up significantly increased at 3 months. Analysis by a motion-capture system also indicated an increase of speed in maternal manual approach with the infants' age.The mothers' sense of difficulty in their own holding was correlated with the paucity of the infants' active participation in the holding at 3 months, whereas it was correlated with the mothers' negative feeling in holding at 5 months.

  • How worries about radiation exposure influence psychological health and development

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Project Year :



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    This study aimed to clarify the psychological effects of the 2011 accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (1F) on mothers and children living in the area.
    Mothers and children living in Fukushima Prefecture were continuously monitored for at least five years after 1F accident, and their worries about potential radioactive contamination due to the disaster and psychological stress were examined. Even 30 years after the Chernobyl disaster, mothers of young children at the time of the study still had intense psychological anxiety and stress in their fifties: given the similarity of the events, prolonged mental health effects are a major concern in Fukushima as well.The findings demonstrated the promise of a psychological program that incorporates concepts from positive psychology for improving the mental health and subjective well-being of mothers living in the area affected by the nuclear disaster.

  • How worries about radiation exposure influence psychological health and development

    Project Year :


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    This study aimed to clarify the psychological effects of the 2011 accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (1F) on mothers and children living in the area.Mothers and children living in Fukushima Prefecture were continuously monitored for at least five years after 1F accident, and their worries about potential radioactive contamination due to the disaster and psychological stress were examined. Even 30 years after the Chernobyl disaster, mothers of young children at the time of the study still had intense psychological anxiety and stress in their fifties: given the similarity of the events, prolonged mental health effects are a major concern in Fukushima as well.The findings demonstrated the promise of a psychological program that incorporates concepts from positive psychology for improving the mental health and subjective well-being of mothers living in the area affected by the nuclear disaster

  • 抱き上げ場面における親子の間身体的相互作用の初期発達に関する研究

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(挑戦的萌芽研究)

    Project Year :


  • Study of allomothering in a solitary island: Focusing on Moriane

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Negayama Koichi, IKEMURA Kiyomi, KAWATA Manabu, KOJIMA Yasuo, TOYAMA Noriko, MIYAUCHI Hiroshi, YAMAGUCHI Hajime, SHIRAISHI Yuko

     View Summary

    Childcare and the children’s behavioral development in the community were investigated in Taramajima island, Okinawa Prefecture. Special attention was given to a traditional custom of childcare by a girl of around 10 years old called Moriane.The results showed that the island is a place of rich allomothering practices including Moriane, and such allomothering practices support and even enrich social networks of the community of the island based on the trust for the caring children, which is quite different from our urban childcare styles. This kind of childcare circumstance was what our urban childcare had in the past and lost now, and gives us an opportunity to reconsider our current practices. However, Moriane has been modified and shrinking these days even in Taramajima, and hence it is necessary to make a follow-up study to consider the change

  • Influence of "Guidelines for breast/formula feeding and weaning" (Guidance) on the practice of feeding.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research

    Project Year :



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    The present study examined influence of “Guidance for supporting breast/formula feeding and weaning” (MHLW) on the practice of feeding. Staff in maternity hospitals (n=204) and health centers (n=35) and mothers (n=231) in Tokyo, Osaka, and Toulouse (France) participated in the questionnaire survey. The age of months to stop breast milk, the advices of breast/ formula feeding given to mother from staff in hospitals and health centers, the mothers’ reaction to the advices, proper reasons to stop breast milk and age of month to start solid feeding were different among the three areas and the three position. Discrepancy between staffs’ opinions of hospitals and health centers, mother’s ideal and actual periods for breastfeeding were found in Tokyo. On the other hand, the staff in health centers and mothers respected children’s initiative in Osaka. Mother’s own decision (work) was greater in importance than advices by hospital staff in France.

  • Tau analysis of mother-infant interaction with bodily contact by a motion-capture system

    Project Year :


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    Mother-infant communication at the situations of put-down/pick-up, solid-feeding, and tactile play was examined at 6 months and 9 months of age with a use of motion-capture system and a video recording system. The results indicate that mothers and infants communicated with each other by coordinating mutual body even at 6 months of age. The infants became more active in the interaction at 9 months, and the mothers and infants attuned each other's behavior in a more integrated way.The mothers and infants showed special greeting-like behaviors to each other, suggesting an existence of personal space around the mother. The Scottish mothers and infants were more active in interacting playfully in the situation of mild separation-reunion. Analyses were also done for the feeding as well as playing situations to compare different types of behavioral attunement

  • Influence of "Guidelines for breast/formula feeding and weaning" (Guidance) on the practice of feeding.

    Project Year :


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    The present study examined influence of “Guidance for supporting breast/formula feeding and weaning” (MHLW) on the practice of feeding. Staff in maternity hospitals (n=204) and health centers (n=35) and mothers (n=231) in Tokyo, Osaka, and Toulouse (France) participated in the questionnaire survey. The age of months to stop breast milk, the advices of breast/ formula feeding given to mother from staff in hospitals and health centers, the mothers’ reaction to the advices, proper reasons to stop breast milk and age of month to start solid feeding were different among the three areas and the three position. Discrepancy between staffs’ opinions of hospitals and health centers, mother’s ideal and actual periods for breastfeeding were found in Tokyo. On the other hand, the staff in health centers and mothers respected children’s initiative in Osaka. Mother’s own decision (work) was greater in importance than advices by hospital staff in France

  • A Cohort Study Examining Genetic and Environmental Factors on Infants and Its Effect on Social Behavior in Childhood

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KAWAI Masatoshi, NEGAYAMA Koichi, SASAKI Megumi, ISHIKAWA Michiko, YAMAKAWA Noriko, NAMBA Kumiko, OBANAWA Wright. Naoko, TANAKA Shigeki, MATSUURA Hitoshi, YAMAMOTO Hatsumi, SUGINO Noriko, TAMAI Kota, SOGON Shunya

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    The purpose of the study is to investigate the relationship between infant behavior, environmental factors and later social behavior. The findings of the study were as follows:1. There is a dividing point at around 9 months of age during the developmental process from infant to childhood. 2. It is assumed that this dividing point is related to the transition from biological mechanism to social mechanism such as interaction with the environment. 3. Biological factors related to later social development are physical features such as head circumference and infant's temporal rhythms during mother-infant interaction. 4. Correlation between questionnaires for infant and social behaviors after enrollment in elementary school were being analyzed. 5. Cognitive reflection-impulsiveness is partly related to later developmental disorder

  • Tau analysis of mother-infant interaction with bodily contact by a motion-capture system

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research

    Project Year :



     View Summary

    Mother-infant communication at the situations of put-down/pick-up, solid-feeding, and tactile play was examined at 6 months and 9 months of age with a use of motion-capture system and a video recording system. The results indicate that mothers and infants communicated with each other by coordinating mutual body even at 6 months of age. The infants became more active in the interaction at 9 months, and the mothers and infants attuned each other's behavior in a more integrated way.The mothers and infants showed special greeting-like behaviors to each other, suggesting an existence of personal space around the mother. The Scottish mothers and infants were more active in interacting playfully in the situation of mild separation-reunion. Analyses were also done for the feeding as well as playing situations to compare different types of behavioral attunement.

  • 家庭・保育園・地域におけるCare sharingの発達行動学的研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 挑戦的萌芽研究

    Project Year :


    根ケ山 光一, 福川 須美, 河原 紀子

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  • Different aspects of development in children's eating : with a special attention to caregiver-child conflict and negotiation

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    NEGAYAMA Koichi, KAWAHARA Noriko, TOYAMA Noriko, IMADA Sumio, HASEGAWA Tomoko, TANAKA Yoshiko

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    Development of breast-/bottle feeding, weaning, and solid-feeding were studied with questionnaire, interviewing, and observation with a special attention to parent-child conflict and negotiation. The results showed that children's eating is a sign of their active participation which brings mutual assertions of care-givers and children resulting in conflict and negotiation. A trend of the times was reflected in it

  • 家庭・保育園・地域におけるCare sharingの発達行動学的研究

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(萌芽研究)

    Project Year :


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  • Study of life-span development in bodily contact as a basis of inter-personal relationships

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

    Project Year :


    NAGAYAMA Koichi, KAWAHARA Noriko, OYABU Yasushi, YAMAGUCHI Hajime, OKAMOTO Yoriko, KANNO Jun

     View Summary

    This study was to investigate a life-span development of bodily contact with focusing on its positive as well as negative function.
    First, fetal movement in mothers' uterus was focused on with a special interest on ‘Onomatopeia' as a way of tactile communication between fetus and the mother. Next, it was approached from several different ways in infancy : holding infants, tactile play between mother and infant, and baby massage. Touch in those situations strongly suggests an active participation of children for the attainment and the continuation of the contact.
    Apart from mother-child relationships, there were important functions of connecting persons in peer and nurse-child relationships. In that aspect, there was a wide cross-cultural variation in the ways of contact.
    At the time of adolescence, a negative aspect of bodily contact causing disgust became apparent, which results in repulsion between peers. Its occurrence in parent-child relations may function as a way to avoid incest between them.
    In the case of senior persons, a meaning of bodily contact further changed as it is used in a context of care, which as demonstrated using a care-robot.
    The findings were shown to each other and the development was discussed together to foster a holistic image of the development.

  • Study of life-span development in bodily contact as a basis of inter-personal relationships

    Project Year :


     View Summary

    This study was to investigate a life-span development of bodily contact with focusing on its positive as well as negative function.
    First, fetal movement in mothers' uterus was focused on with a special interest on ‘Onomatopeia' as a way of tactile communication between fetus and the mother. Next, it was approached from several different ways in infancy : holding infants, tactile play between mother and infant, and baby massage. Touch in those situations strongly suggests an active participation of children for the attainment and the continuation of the contact.
    Apart from mother-child relationships, there were important functions of connecting persons in peer and nurse-child relationships. In that aspect, there was a wide cross-cultural variation in the ways of contact.
    At the time of adolescence, a negative aspect of bodily contact causing disgust became apparent, which results in repulsion between peers. Its occurrence in parent-child relations may function as a way to avoid incest between them.
    In the case of senior persons, a meaning of bodily contact further changed as it is used in a context of care, which as demonstrated using a care-robot.
    The findings were shown to each other and the development was discussed together to foster a holistic image of the development.

  • Comparative study of facilitating and restricting factors of milk-feeding and weaning among mothers in Japan, United States, and France

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    NAGAYAMA Koichi

     View Summary

    Questionnaire study on facilitating and restricting factors of milk-feeding and weaning were administered in Japan, United States, and France. this international comparative study is still under way because of a delay in an approval from the Ethical Committee of Michigan State University, Some other studies with an interview, a questionnaire, or a diary were also carried out in Japan. Those include a nation-wide survey of practices of practices of professional advice given to mothers in the Health Centers, a nation-wide survey of feeding and weaning practices in the mothers of 3-year-olds, comparison of feeding practices in the first-born and second-born children, longitudinal changes in the practice of feeding with infants' development, an interview of mothers' perception of breasts in terms of sexuality and nursing. The main results of these studies are : breast milk is perceived as ideal for psychological as well as nutritional and immunological reasons by mothers ; hence mothers concern much about the amount, and its insufficiency is a major cause of early weaning and their stress in child-rearing ; feeding style is related with their belief of child-rearing, successive child-rearing may cause modification in feeding ; husbands could be a restricting factor because breast bears conflicting functions of nursing and sexuality. Milk-feeding and weaning are thus considered as complex processes based not only on mother-infant relations, but also on their relations with other family members, specialists, and the presence of formula. The main results were reported in the symposium at the 14^<th> annual meeting of the Japan Society of Developmental Psychology in 2003. The report will be published when the data collection of the United States is completed

  • Developmental study of weaning : An analysis of its initiative between mothers and offspring

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    NEGAYAMA Koichi

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    A) Questionnaires on mothers' milk-feedins and weaning practices were distributed to mothers of 3 year olds in local health centers of 26 Prefectures in Japan. 923 mothers-completed them and the data were analyzed with a special reference to initiatives in the weaning practice. The results indicate the general tendencies as follows : (1) Percentages of breast feeding decreased abruptly at 1 year and at 1.5 years, and it was almost absent after 2 years of age ; (2) mothers tended to stop bottle-feeding at 1 and 1.5 years ; (3) solids were introduced mostly at 5 months. The results also show that (4) milk stoppage was caused mainly by children's factors such as their age, bejaviors of eating solids and leaving from breast, and mothers' factors were less important except for lack of milk secretion, but (5) introduction of solids was urged by maternal effort to expose tastes of solids. 421 mothers took initiatives to stop breast-feedins, and 124 mothers left the decision to children. Which side between mothers and offspring has the initiative of weaning did not correlate with any of areas of living, urbanization, children's birth order or sex, or mothers' employment or education. However, in comparison with mothers who weaned following the offspring demands, mothers who took initiative of weaning tended (1) to respect less for offspring's individuality, (2) to wish an earlier weaning, (3) for their own benefit, (4) depending more on medical experts and their own ideas than offsprins's behaviors, (5) based more on the offspring's age than their behaviors.B) Results of (1) behavioral observations and questionnaire studies of sudden weaning called 'Dannyu' and (2) longitudinal observations of weaning practice by focal mothers in La Leche League (a group of mothers who try natural weaning) were analyzed, and were put together with the results of the above to make a synthetic discussion about weaning practice in Japan at the time before the renewal of governmental advice on weaning

  • Preliminary study on development of autonomy in terms of children's abilities in spatial coping.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    NEGAYAMA Koichi, YAMAMOTO Toshikazu

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    This research is concerned with development of autonomy in terms of children's abilities in spatial coping. We have focused on accident and 'maigo' (to be lost) among children.Children's accidents were found most frequent at three years of age, but serious aceidents very often occurred during the first year of life, too. Tytical serious accidents in the youngest age were burn and swallowing. In our perception, house is a place for a safe child-rearing, but it is also a place of serious injury. Presence of adults near the children is not necessarily effective in preventing these accidents. An experimental study showed that 4-year-olds did not avoid an obstacle well when walking, whereas 5-vear-olds became careful not to fall. It was found that the children's behaviors in active and passive avoidances were very different.Two researches, one is an investigation and the other is an experiment, were conducted to get information about maigo. From the investigation for 1319 parents, the 43% children have experienced maigo ; 3-year-old children are easy to be maigo ; boys are easier to be maigo than girls ; almost all the maigo occured in large-sized supermarkets of department-stores. The experiment was executed in order to specify a cause of maigo with 4-year-old kindergarteners. While a subject walked in a toy-house, experimenters recorded his/her bevavior. Obvlous relations between maigo and performances in the experiment were not trcognized. For this result.complex reasons to the occurrence of maigo were discussed

  • A cross-cultural Study of mother-infant interaction in Japan and Korea

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    FUJINAGA Tamotsu, KIM Taelyon, NEGAYAMA Koichi, NAITO Takashi, ITOIGAWA Naosuke, KOSAWA Yorio, KASHIWAGI Keiko, LEE Jung-whan, CHOI Kyoung sook, LEE Chan-woo, SOGON Shunya, YOON Gene

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    This cross-cultural study was designed to investigate for fostering attitude between Japan and Korea. The main theme ware devided into two parts. The former one is behaviral observation study through mother-infant interaction, and the latter one is questionear study translated for Korean language. Both studies were already examined in Japan, and the same procedure were adopted for Korean study. The main findings for former one was a different emotion expression styles between Japanese mother-infant dyad and Korean dyad. Japanese mother and infant express positive emotions during the observation. Contrast with this, Korean mother and infant did not express their positive emotions throughout the observation. Moreover, Korean infants expressed negative emotions under the stress conditions. Proximity of mother-infant dyad is essential feature of attachment. Regarding this, Japanese mother-infant dyads are keeping more long distance during their free play. Contrast with this, Korean mother-infant dyads are keeping more close distance. Regarding this, we strongly suggests the Japanese dyads are more socialized than Korean dyads.The questioneare are divided into two parts. One was focused on the human nature as a fostering attitude, parent-child relations, hauband-wife relations, and other familial interpersonal relations, cross-sexual-relations etc. The other was focused on peer relations, and more general questions for housing, socio-economic conditions etc. The cultural universality is greater than the specificity. However, there is a main cultural boundary between East Asian culture and Western one. The second order boundary exsists between Chinese culture and Japanese-Korean one in the East asian culture. The latter questionear is abstructed the differences for fostering value between Japanese and Korean parents. The main results shouwed that the Korean parents is more evaluates the value of the infants than the Japanese

  • ニホンザルにおける母・子アタッチメントの研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 奨励研究(A)

    Project Year :


    根ケ山 光一

  • ニホンザルにおける行動の硬さに関する研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 奨励研究(A)

    Project Year :


    根ケ山 光一

  • 隔離飼育ニホンザルの行動発達研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 奨励研究(A)

    Project Year :


    根ケ山 光一

  • ニホンザルの母子関係における母親の攻撃行動に関する研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 奨励研究(A)

    Project Year :


    根ケ山 光一

  • 身体から発せられる匂いによって思春期の親子関係はいかに規定されるか

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  • 乳幼児の生活場面移行とそれにともなう行動調整能力の発達

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  • 指定討論(シンポジウム「Communicative musicality(絆の音楽性)と間主観性」)


    乳幼児医学・心理学研究   31 ( 1 ) 43 - 46  2022.09  [Invited]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • The Practice of Social Care on Inter-professional Collaboration: Multi-vocal Analysis of Supporters after Fukushima Nuclear Accident

    KIM Jihye, KIM Jihye, 大橋美の里, JIA Yifan, 岩垣穂大, 岩垣穂大, 岩垣穂大, 増田和高, 増田和高, 増田和高, 辻内優子, 辻内優子, 桂川泰典, 桂川泰典, 小島隆矢, 小島隆矢, 扇原淳, 扇原淳, 根ヶ山光一, 根ヶ山光一, 熊野宏昭, 熊野宏昭, 辻内琢也, 辻内琢也

    日本心身医学会総会ならびに学術講演会抄録集   62nd (CD-ROM)  2021


  • 新型コロナウイルス流行下における親の子育て


    日本乳幼児医学・心理学会プログラム・抄録集   30th  2021


  • Social Factors Related to Psychological Stress Symptoms in Fukushima Nuclear Disaster Victims-From the Analysis of 2020 Survey-

    JIA Yifan, KIM Jihye, KIM Jihye, 大橋美の里, 岩垣穂大, 岩垣穂大, 岩垣穂大, 増田和高, 増田和高, 辻内優子, 辻内優子, 桂川泰典, 桂川泰典, 小島隆矢, 小島隆矢, 扇原淳, 扇原淳, 根ケ山光一, 根ケ山光一, 熊野宏昭, 熊野宏昭, 辻内琢也, 辻内琢也

    日本心身医学会総会ならびに学術講演会抄録集   62nd (CD-ROM)  2021


  • 沖縄離島と関東都市部における小学生の事故:災害報告書の分析をもとに


    日本発達心理学会大会プログラム(CD-ROM)   31st  2020


  • Developmental cascades instigated by the onset of walking

    Toyama Noriko, Nishio Chihiro, Takanashi Katsuya, Negayama Koichi, Takada Akira

    The Proceedings of the Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association   83 ( 0 ) SS - 074-SS-074  2019

    DOI CiNii

  • 離乳と育児についての全国調査(1997~2017年):1.離乳指導と母親の選択の変化


    日本乳幼児医学・心理学会プログラム・抄録集   29th  2019


  • 福島原発事故被災者の社会経済的要因と心的ストレス症状との関連:2017年調査から

    大橋美の里, JIA Iifan, KIM Jihye, 岩垣穂大, 岩垣穂大, 増田和高, 増田和高, 辻内優子, 辻内優子, 桂川泰典, 桂川泰典, 小島隆矢, 小島隆矢, 扇原淳, 扇原淳, 根ケ山光一, 根ケ山光一, 熊野宏明, 熊野宏明, 辻内琢也, 辻内琢也

    日本心身医学会総会ならびに学術講演会抄録集   60th  2019


  • 福島原発事故被災者の社会経済的要因と心的ストレス症状との関連:2016年調査から

    JIA Iifan, 大橋美の里, KIM Jihye, 岩垣穂大, 岩垣穂大, 増田和高, 増田和高, 辻内優子, 辻内優子, 桂川泰典, 桂川泰典, 小島隆矢, 小島隆矢, 扇原淳, 扇原淳, 根ケ山光一, 根ケ山光一, 熊野宏明, 熊野宏明, 辻内琢也, 辻内琢也

    日本心身医学会総会ならびに学術講演会抄録集   60th  2019


  • Development of mother-infant synchrony and dissynchrony in feeding and its cultural comparison

    Koichi Negayama

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY   51   361 - 361  2016.07

    Research paper, summary (international conference)  

  • 桶谷式断乳による母子関係の変化

    相川公代, 根ケ山光一

    日本母乳哺育学会雑誌   9 ( Suppl )  2015


  • 福島原子力発電所事故による強制避難者のストレス-帰還をめぐる予測と気持ちに着目して-

    赤野大和, 小牧久見子, 岩垣穂大, 福田千加子, 持田隆平, 石川則子, 桂川泰典, 増田和高, 多賀努, 小島隆矢, 根ケ山光一, 扇原淳, 熊野宏昭, 辻内琢也, 桂川泰典, 増田和高, 多賀努, 小島隆矢, 根ケ山光一, 扇原淳, 熊野宏昭, 辻内琢也

    日本心療内科学会誌   19  2015


  • 2A32 Measurement of mother's picking-up and holding her infant


      2014 ( 26 ) 275 - 275  2014.01


  • Steps to writing research papers based on observational data: Describing human behavior in time series

    Toyama Noriko, Hosoma Hiromichi, Negayama Koichi, Den Yasuharu, Takanashi Katsuya

    The Proceedings of the Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association   78 ( 0 ) SS - 041-SS-041  2014

    DOI CiNii

  • 離乳食供給・摂取行動の発達に関するマイクロ分析

    根ケ山光一, 根ケ山光一, 河原紀子, 百瀬桂子, 百瀬桂子, 石島このみ, 石島このみ

    日本発達心理学会大会論文集   25th  2014


  • 食から子どもと大人の関係を考える

    根ヶ山 光一

    UP   42 ( 8 ) 18 - 23  2013.08


  • サルの子は親からどう自立するか (特集 反抗期を乗り切る)

    根ヶ山 光一

    児童心理   67 ( 11 ) 938 - 943  2013.08


  • 食を通した母子関係と子どもの自立


    小児歯科学雑誌   50  2012


  • 現代の生活環境における行動研究

    佐野 友紀, 青柳 肇, 佐古 順彦, 根ケ山 光一, 山本 登志哉, 小島 隆矢, 佐藤 将之, 石垣 文, 杉本 英晴, 河原 紀子, 村上 八千世, 三木 香織, 大熊 美佳子, 喜多濃 太香, 白神 敬介, 佐藤 真理恵, 若林 直子, 倉斗 綾子, 遠田 敦

    人間科学研究   23 ( 1 ) 150 - 151  2010.03


  • Overview of the Japan children's study 2004-2009; Cohort study of early childhood development

    Zentaro Yamagata, Tadahiko Maeda, Tokie Anme, Norihiro Sadato, Hideaki Koizumi, Yoko Anji, Yuka Shiotani, Mizue Iwasaki, Aya Kutsuki, Misa Kuroki, Naho Ichikawa, Tomoyo Morita, Haruka Koike, Yusuke Morito, Shunyue Cheng, Hiraku Ishida, Hisakazu Yanaka, Daisuke Tanaka, Kumiko Namba, Tamami Fukushi, Hiroshi Toyoda, Shihoko Kimura-Ohba, Akiko Sawada, Kevin K.F. Wong, Yoichi Sakakihara, Hideo Kawaguchi, Toyojiro Matsuishi, Shunya Sogon, Kiyotaka Tomiwa, Tomonari Awaya, Sigeyuki Matuzawa, Shoji Itakura, Masako Okada, Yoshihiro Komada, Hatsumi Yamamoto, Noriko Yamakawa, Motoki Bonno, Mariko Y. Momoi, Takanori Yamagata, Hirosato Shiokawa, Daisuke N Saito, Hitoshi Uchiyama, Tohru Ozaki, Tamiko Ogura, Hiroko Ikeda, Koichi Negayama, Kayako Nakagawa, Kanehisa Morimoto, Katsutoshi Kobayashi, Tatsuya Koeda, Toshitaka Tamaru, Ayumi Seki, Shinako Terakawa, Ariko Takeuchi, Yukuo Konishi, Osamu Sakura, Masatoshi Kawai, Sonoko Egami, Takahiro Hoshino, Yuko Yato

    Journal of Epidemiology   20 ( SUPPL.2 )  2010

    Book review, literature introduction, etc.  

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    Background: There are still a lot of unknown aspects about the childhood development of sociability which are based on neuroscientific basis. Purpose of the Japan Children's Study (JCS) was to verify the normal process of child development of sociability; the trajectory and factors related development of sociability, and to collect findings and integrate the knowledge to make the plan of long-term and large scale cohort study. Methods: A child cohort study underway in Japan since 2005. There are the cohort study including a infant cohort study at age of 4 months to 30 months and a preschool cohort study at age of 5 years old to 8 years old. Questionnaires, direct observation of children and cognitive testing were performed. Results: In infant cohort study, 465 infants were recruited at 4 months and 367 children were followed up to 30 months, follow up rate was 78.9% and in the preschool cohort study, total 192 children (112 at 2005 and 80 at 2007) at age of 5 years old and 169 followed up to 6 years (follow up rate was 88.0%), and 79 children were followed up to 8 years old (follow up rate was 70.5%) old. Several new measurements to evaluate child sociability were developed. Some factors related to development of child sociability were found for example the 'praise' was related to child sociability in cohort study based on neuroscience findings. Conclusions: Though the trajectory of child sociability development were not clarified, some significant factors related to development of sociability, and the basic findings to conduct a long-term and large scale cohort study were provided. © 2010 by the Japan Epidemiological Association.

    DOI PubMed

  • ベビーマッサージにおける接触様相の発達的変化

    篠沢薫, 根ケ山光一

    日本乳幼児医学・心理学会プログラム・抄録集   19th  2009


  • Fetal movement as physical touch between fetus and mother: analysis of onomatopoeia which pregnant women used to express their baby's movement

    Yoriko Okamoto, Sachie Sugano, Reika Shouji, Miyako Kamei, Akiko Yagishita, Chie Takahashi, Yayoi Aoki, Manabu Kawata, Ayuchi Ishikawa, Koichi Negayama

    Journal of Shohoku College   ( 29 ) 29 - 41  2008

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    How sense does a pregnant woman have at fetal movement? The present study examined how pregnant women (N=38) described fetal movement in order to consider women's perceptions of relationships with their fetuses. Especially, it focused on how onomatopoeia they use to express their sense at fetal movement. Participants kept a pregnancy diary about fetal movement. Analysis of the 1032 diary entries found out that pregnant women used very different kinds of idiomatic onomatopoeia, and also produced temporary onomatopoeia. Further, it also found out that in each of three periods (e.g., before 28th week, 29th – 34th week, and 35th – 40th week), pregnant women used different onomatopoeia for fetal movement. Finally, this paper discussed the meaning of the fetal movement as touch between fetus and mother.


  • ロコモーションの個体発達と系統発達に関する総合的研究


    科研費総合A 成果報告書     45 - 52  1984


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Social Activities

  • 乳幼児医学・心理学会理事長


  • NPO法人保育・子育てアドバイザー協会理事長


Overseas Activities

  • allocareの文化比較


    イギリス   Stirling大学

  • 親子関係と子どもの自立に関する発達行動学的研究


    イギリス   エディンバラ大学

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 先島諸島における最近の子どもの事故傾向


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  • 離島と都市部の保育園新入園児における保育場面への意向に関する縦断研究


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  • 離島と都市地域の保育園児の登園場面における母親からアロマザーへの移行

    2018   小島康生, 外山紀子, 石島このみ

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  • 離島におけるアロマザリングの空間的広がりと時間的つながりの研究

    2018   小島康生, 外山紀子, 石島このみ, 宮内洋, 川田学

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  • 離島の高齢者における子育ての回想についての研究

    2018   外山紀子, 石島このみ, 小島康生

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  • 哺乳・離乳に関する全国調査(第5次)の分析


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  • 離島の多様なアロマザリングネットワークにおける子どもと大人の共生

    2017   小島康生

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    1.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;多良間村立の老人ホーム収容者に個別にインタビューを行い,往時に自分の子ども以外の子どもに母乳を与えた経験があるかどうかを調べたところ,沖縄の本土復帰までは多くの女性が他の母親の乳児に哺乳していた。2.&nbsp; 多良間村立保育所に入園する1歳2か月の子どもを,保育園で入園初日から4日間追跡調査したところ,ほとんど泣きが発現しなかった。3.&nbsp; 都会(武蔵野市)と多良間村で,子育て世代が周囲にどの程度「大事な人」が取り巻いているかを質問紙によって調べたところ,周囲に親しい人がたくさんいた。4.  3~10歳程度までの子どもに対し,集落の各所の写真の場所がわかるか調査したところ,加齢と共におおむね成績は向上した。

  • 母親の哺乳・離乳に関する選択の実態とその要因の時代変化を把握するための全国調査


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  • 離島の多様なアロマザリングネットワークにおける子どもと大人の共生

    2016   小島康生

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  • 母親が感じる乳児の「抱きにくさ」の行動学的解明

    2015   石島このみ

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  • 小学生における集団の統合化過程:震災避難児の人形劇づくり活動を通じて


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  • 沖縄離島における多様なアロマザリングとその時代変化の研究


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    沖縄県多良間島において,守姉に関する聞き取り調査と心理テストを行った。まず島民の戸別訪問による調査では,年配の方における守姉体験の豊富な語りが聴取されたのに対し,若年層ではその形骸化が顕著であり,保育所の設置がその結果をもたらしていると認識されていた。ただし普段の子どもたちの遊び行動の中に守姉的な要素がふんだんに含まれ,育児風土としてなすたれているわけではないことが示された。 地域の保育所を介して、園児の保護者(母親)に対し,妊娠中や出産前後のようす、日常の子育て、あるいは守姉の有無や縁組の仕方や守姉と子どもとの関係などについて1時間程度のインタビューを行った。妊娠中、産褥期、それ以後のすべての時期を通して、島内、あるいは島外(主として出産が行われる宮古島)に暮らす親族が多くの面で援助機能を果たしていること、また島内では親族にかぎらず隣近所にすむ住人どうしでの子どもの見守りが自然に行われていることがわかり、開かれた雰囲気のなかで子どもたちが生き生きと育つようすが確認された。子どもに守姉がいるという人もいたが、前の世代のそれほど濃密な関係ではなく、しかし特別な間柄であるという意識は、親も子も持っていることが示唆された。 「守姉」の心理学的意義を明らかにするために、「守姉」を持っていた50歳以上の成人8名を対象に、1)成人愛着面接と、2)高橋(1997)の親密な関係のネットワークを調べる質問紙(ARS)、3)ドール・ロケーション・テスト(DLT)を行った。その結果、「守姉」は、アタッチメント表象に組み込まれていなかったが、心理的距離としては親に対する以上に近い存在と認識していた。また、親に対するアタッチメント表象が、多くの方で曖昧であったが、その場合、祖母や親戚の女性など、親に代わる対象にアタッチメント表象を持っていた。親が労働で忙しい状況で、アロマザリングがアタッチメント表象に果たす役割が示唆された。 幼稚園児を対象とする調査では、幼稚園児15名に、高橋(1997)が作成したPARTを用いて、親密な関係のネットワークを調べるとともに、役割取得検査によって社会的発達について調べた。その結果、多良間島の子ども達では、親や友達以外の様々な対象が親密な関係のネットワークに含まれていた。特に、きょうだいや祖父母、同居していない親族が、困った場面やものを教わる場面で対象として多く含まれ、高橋(1997)が首都圏で行った「母親タイプ」「友達タイプ」の二分法には当てはまらないタイプが出現した。また、役割取得検査では、年齢に比して高いレベルにある子どもが多くいた。

  • 震災で別離した親子の支援:アロマザリングとしての里親制度に注目して


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    地震に伴う原発事故により母子が関東に避難し父親が現地に残留した分離家族に対し,父母への面接・スカイプ機器貸与・子どものビデオ記録などを通じて家族を繋ぐ「かささぎプロジェクト」を立ち上げ支援を行ってきた。 家族の人間関係の特徴は,空間的な住まい方に反映される(根ヶ山,2007)。事故発生直後に多くの家族がとった母子の実家等への避難と父親の残留という選択には,母親の里帰り出産や父親の単身赴任,あるいは父母子の就寝形態などにその例が見られるような日本的な家族の特性が反映されていた。 避難家族の生活は,時系列にそっていえば,①「生存」を確保する(とりあえず被曝を避けるため,雨露をしのげる場所に移る),② 「生活」の基盤を整える(ひとまず切迫した危機を乗り越え,自律的な環境を確保するとともに,避難者のネットワークを作る),③「人生」を展望する(安定的職業と定住地を確定し,将来を見通した生活形態に入る)に分類できよう。 現在は②から③への移行期として,生活形態の再組織化の兆しがみえるとともに,地域ネットワークからの孤立化や分離の常態化によるストレスや疎遠状態の固定化など,新たな課題も出てきている段階である。とくに③の問題は,家族の分離状態の固定化,地域のネットワークの形成不全と孤立,それと裏腹の子どもの自立の阻害と母子の過剰な結合,終の棲家の確定困難とアイデンティティの浮遊状態の継続など,人生に対する実存的不安定を生みかねないという意味で深刻である。 災害に際して家族集団がとる行動は,極めて短期間のうちに刻々と変化する。自治体から緊急貸与された住宅はいずれ引き払わねばならず,今の地域に根を下ろすという見通しを持ち得ないという事情が,母子の地域でのネットワーク開拓を阻害している。また福島へ回帰することももはやありえないという。子どもも母親も,ともに新旧いずれのネットワークにも組み込まれないまま地域での孤立化を深めかねないと案じられる。また分離の常態化による父親のストレスと孤立化もこれからの大きな懸念材料となるであろう。 今後社会一般の関心の風化も予想されるところであるが,むしろ生活が安定した後に問題が表面化する可能性もある。避難家族の抱える上記のような問題はまさに憲法25条がうたう「生存権」という基本的人権が脅かされた状態である。私たちは家族が求めるニーズを絶えずヒアリングし,柔軟にかつ継続して長期にわたり支援を続けると同時に,このような基本的人権の危機に対して避難家族だけではなく彼らを取り巻く人々にも働きかけて行く必要がある。

  • 沖縄離島におけるアロマザリングとしての「ネエネエヤ」の総合的研究


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    多良間島に古くから存在するが急速にさびれ消滅しつつある「守姉」(現地の言葉でムリ゜アニ,もしくはムレネエネエと呼ばれる,少女が乳幼児の世話を任される独特の風習)について,行動観察と質問紙,インタビューによりその実態の一端を明らかにした。 まず行動観察としては,島にかろうじて残存する守姉3ケースについて,その少女の乳幼児への世話の様子を1時間にわたりビデオカメラで観察した。子どもの遊び相手というに近い関わりであったが,その間乳幼児はその少女に全面的に任され,乳幼児もすっかりその守姉になついて,その世話の間母親はその乳幼児の周囲から全く離れていた。 また,高齢者の島民を中心に,かつて自分が幼かった頃それをした・された体験についてインタビューした。その結果,守姉とは小学生くらいの女の子が,血縁のないもしくは遠縁の親から頼まれて,その赤ん坊の親代わりとなること,少なくとも3歳までは続けられ,その後も一緒に遊んだり世話をしたりして子守りをすること,しかもそれがある一時の助っ人というのではなく,その赤ん坊がずっと大きくなってもその特異的な親しい関係が維持されること,その子どもが長じて結婚するとき式に招待されたり,また壮年になっても交流をもち続け,生涯のかけがえないつながりとなることなどがわかった。守姉と子どもの二者関係にとどまらず,それぞれの家族同士が親類づきあいにも匹敵するような関係に入る。守姉の母親は「ムリ゜アンナ」と呼ばれ,守姉とともに赤ん坊の世話に関わる。いわば家族ぐるみで赤ん坊を育てていくのであり,島のネットワークの維持発展に重要な役割を果たしていた。 60歳前後27名の方に対して守姉の経験に関する簡単な質問紙調査を試行的に行った。まず,自分の子ども時代に守姉をしてもらったことがあるかどうかを尋ねたところ,1名を除いて回答があり,そのうちの15名57.7%もの人があると答えていた。今から半世紀ほど前の多良間島では,生まれてくる子どものなんと6割ほどは母親のほか守姉に(も)育ててもらった経験があった。そしてそのうちの11名,73.3%の人はその守姉に感謝の気持ちを抱いている。27名中女性は11名で,そのうち自ら守姉をしたことがあるかという質問に回答をくれたのが7名,そのうちの4名は経験ありと答えている。当時守姉はするにしろされるにしろ過半数の子どもが関わっていたわけで,ごく当たり前の光景であったことがわかった。 守姉を自身が始めた年齢は早くて7歳,遅くて11歳ということであったから,やはり小学校の中学年あたりから行うもののようだ。一生の間に1人とか2人とか,ごく少人数の世話をするようで,次々と何人も世話の相手を替えていくようなことはしない。 守姉は,少女にとっては赤ん坊に向けられたある種人形遊びのような行動で,それが島の大人の生活にとっても有用だとして許容されかつ重宝され,長い時間のなかで地域のネットワーク作りにも積極的に活用されるようになった風習であろう。今後とも注目していきたい風習である。今や風前の灯火の状況であり,この研究を手始めに研究プロジェクトを立ち上げてグループで集中的に研究していきたい。

  • 居住空間における子どもの「居場所」に関する発達行動学的検討

    2007   河原 紀子, 福川 須美, 星 順子

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    「保育園」と「家庭」という子どもの生活にとって重要な意味をもつ2つのシステムに注目し,その間を往復する子どもが,その場面移行に伴ってどのような行動の調整を行いつつそれに適応しているか,あるいはそれがどう発達するかを通じて,居住空間における子どもの居場所とは何かを検討した。本研究では特に(1)一般の住宅において子どもと血縁のない保育士がひとりもしくは少人数で数人以内の子どもを世話する「家庭型保育室」という場面における子どもの行動を定常場面と食事場面で追跡することと,(2)離島での地域に埋め込まれた保育における家庭と保育園の場面移行に焦点化して調査した。 家庭型保育室の観察では,家庭型保育室に2か月齢から通う幼児2名(第3子の男児と第2子の女児)を対象に、保育室と家庭のそれぞれで1歳半ばから2歳半ばまで3か月ごとに,保育室と家庭において各1回半日間、対象児の様子をデジタルビデオカメラにより自然観察した。観察データのうち定常場面と食場面を分析した。結果は両場面ともに,家庭型保育室が通常の保育園と家庭で園児が見せる行動特徴を混合して生起させる場面であることを示していた。通常の保育園では多数の子どもと少数の保育士という構成が子どもに「公的」行動を促したのに対し、家庭型保育室は、養育者との濃密な接触と子どもの少なさにおいて家庭的な要素ももちつつ、非血縁の専門家のスキルに基づく育児が与えられるという意味で,子どもにとっては独自な居場所であることが示唆された。 また先島諸島における保育園の散歩時及び降園時前後に園児を追跡観察・活動量測定した予備的調査の結果からは,離島の保育が地域に埋め込まれ,周囲の人々の生活と自然に融合し,保育園児にとって地域が意味ある居場所として機能していることが示唆された。今後はそれらの成果をふまえ,さらに家庭・保育園・地域における大人と子どもの共生の姿を明らかにしたい。

  • 食発達と養育者-子ども関係についての総合的検討

    2007   河原 紀子, 外山 紀子

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     (1)これまで2次にわたって行われてきた哺乳・離乳の全国調査に続く第3次調査を行うために,哺乳・離乳の実態と食行動発達,離乳食や通常の食事の内容とそれを支える親の価値観や育児態度,などについて38項目の質問紙を作成した。全都道府県の市部と郡部それぞれから,中央値付近の人口をもつ4自治体を4カ所選び,保健センターで行われる3歳児健診の場で母親に,原則一度だけの配布をお願いし,回答を郵送で回収した。最終的に5499通の質問紙を配り,現時点で655通の回答を得ており(現在も回収継続中),これまでに330通の入力を済ませた。 それによれば,母乳はほぼ全員に近い母親が与えており,その平均終了月齢は11.05か月であった。それは5年前の第2次調査に比べてほぼ1か月の後傾である。人工栄養の終了時期にはそのような後傾は認められず,この5年間における母乳に対する許容度の高まりが確認された。そのことは,母乳に対してそれが自然で,子どもの成長・健康に良いからという理由の高まりにも現れていた。一方で母乳完了の理由として「母乳の出」を挙げる母親が減少し,代わって子の母乳離れや月齢を挙げる母親が増加していた。これらは厚生労働省が母乳期間の長期化を容認する離乳指導の方針を強めてきたことの効果であろうと考察された。 (2)乳幼児の母親が,子育ての情報をどこに求め,その情報をどのように利用しているかを検討するために,小平市健康センターの1歳半健診を訪れた母親に質問紙調査を実施した(64枚回収,回収率27.9%)。その結果,離乳の進め方のみならず,子どもの叱り方,子育て中のいらいら解消まで,母親の多くがインターネットを介して情報を集めていること,祖父母からの情報は信頼のおけるものとは考えられていないことが示された。また子どもが1歳になった直後から3ヶ月に1度,母子の食事場面の縦断的観察を行った。観察時に,子ども観,子育て観,子どもの食に関する悩みとその解決方法についてインタビューを行った。

  • 乳幼児の生活場面移行とそれにともなう行動調整

    2004   河原紀子

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    研究費の額を考慮し,保育園・家庭の縦断的観察という研究の構想を,保育園での縦断観察と家庭・保育園での1回のみの比較観察に切り替えて実施した。0~1歳群5名,2~3歳群7名,合計12名の子どもを対象に,3か月に1回,「食」「着脱衣」「排泄」「睡眠」 の各場面を含む約3時間の保育園における生活場面の観察を行った。(家庭は1事例のみ3時間程度の観察データを収集した。)子どもの「食」「着脱衣」行動におけるおおよその自立プロセスとその発達過程で生じる子どもとおとなの葛藤・対立についての予備的分析を行った。その結果,まず,食行動における子どもの自立のプロセスは,9か月から1歳ごろまでは食べさせてもらうか手づかみが中心であるが,1歳3か月からスプーンやフォークを使い始め,2歳以降はほぼ一人で食べられるようになった。次に,着脱衣については,9か月から1歳6か月ごろまではほぼ全面的におとなが行うが,1歳9か月ごろから自分でしようとし始め,2歳9か月から3歳までには一人で可能になった。これらの自立行動の発達過程における子どもと大人の葛藤・対立の特徴は,9か月から1歳9か月までは①おとなの促し・要求行動に対する子どもの拒否,②子どもの要求行動に対するおとなの非受容,③おとなの援助・手伝いに対する子どもの拒否を特徴とするが,2歳から3歳までには,①②③に加えて,④おとなに共有されない子どもの“こだわり” ⑤子どものつもり・みたてのズレ,などが加わることが特徴であった。 さらに,保育園と家庭の両場面において同一の子ども10名を1~数時間ビデオ観察した。結果の詳細な分析はこれからの課題であるが,泣きの頻度・原因・それへの対応など両場面間で大きく異なり,子どもにおける両場面への対応の差異は1歳を超えたばかりの子どもにも見られる特徴であることがわかった。今後はさらに事例数を増やすとともに正規の分析に着手する。

  • 身体から発せられる匂いによって思春期の親子関係はいかに規定されるか


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  • 親による子供の排泄物への感情と行動の発達的変化


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     親子の分離過程を離乳期における子どもの身体性への親の感情の変化という側面から検討することを目的として、4歳未満の乳幼児の母親・父親(276名)に対し、親による子どもの排泄物などの身体性刺激に対する快・不快感情の強度や彼らの育児観などを質問紙によって尋ねた。その結果、子どもの身体から排出されるさまざまな老廃物は、とくに3歳になると親からはっきりと嫌悪されること、また大便だけは早くも0歳と1歳以降との間に嫌悪感の顕著な増加が見られることなどが明らかとなり、親子の心理的分離がそのような節目を経て段階的に進行するとともに、親によるこれらの嫌悪感情が離乳と関連するものであることが示唆された。そのような嫌悪感のあり方はおおむね親の性別を超えて共通であったが、なかには差の見られる部分があり、差があったものの中では一貫して父親がより嫌悪的であった。大便への不快と養育行動の頻度との間には、母親には有意な対応が見られなかったが、父親の場合、おむつ換え・寝かしつけ・授乳を多数回行う者にはその嫌悪感が少ないという結果が得られた。 また因子分析によって親の育児観の構造を明らかにし、それと大便への嫌悪感との対応を調べたところ、父親の場合は献身性の因子、母親の場合は一体感の因子において、それぞれ有意な負の相関が得られ、子どもの身体性に対する関与の特徴には親の性による差が存在することが明らかにされた。一方、子どもの性別はこの年齢段階では親の嫌悪感にほとんど差をもたらさなかった。さらに、家庭において1歳過ぎまでの子ども(0,1か月齢,6,7か月齢,12,13か月齢あわせて42人,横断的研究)の日常育児場面をビデオにより撮影し、その中にみられる子どもの排泄物処理、すなわち「おむつ換え」時の母親の行動を分析することによって、親における子どもの身体産生物への感情の発達的変化を実際の生活の中で確認した。

  • 父親・母親における子との一体感の発達行動学的研究:離乳食場面における共感反応の発現を通じて


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  • 子どもの顔におけるかわいらしさの発達的変化に関する実験研究


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     本研究は、コンピュータによる画像処理を用いて、さまざまな月齢の乳幼児の正面向き無表情の顔写真から、0~2、3~5、6~8、9~11、12~14、15~17、25~27か月齢のそれぞれの「平均顔」を作り、それを高齢者男女29人(平均59.9歳)、平均3.8(SD=1.1)か月齢の乳児を育児中の父母93人(平均30.1歳)、大学生男女102人(平均20.5歳)、計224人に提示して、それぞれの顔の月齢・かわいらしさの相対評価・かわいらしさの絶対評価などを行ってもらった。 まず月齢の相対評価の全体的傾向からは、父母と学生が正確に月齢変化を読みとっているのに対し、高齢者の評価にはとくに最年少の顔に対する過大評価が見受けられた。かわいらしさの相対評価からは、全体を通じて、最年少の顔がもっともかわいくなく、その後かわいらしさが増して、最後に再びかわいらしさが減じるという変化が指摘された。詳細にみると、育児中の父母にはほぼその子どもの月齢に相当する3~5か月齢の顔についてかわいいという評価が高まる傾向があった。 次にかわいらしさの絶対評価(5段階)をもとに、各顔について世代(3水準)と性(2水準)による2要因分散分析を行ったところ、特に生後半年までの2つの顔について性の主効果が有意で、母親の方が父親よりもかわいらしさを強く感じていた。世代の主効果は3~5か月齢の顔で父母>大学生、25~27か月齢の顔で高齢者>父母・大学生という有意差としてみられた。交互作用はいすれも有意でなかった。 育児中の父母を比較したところ、最年長の2つの顔を除くすべての顔でかわいらしさの強さには母親>父親という差が有意もしくはほぼ有意であったのに対し、大学生では最年少の2つの顔に女子学生>男子学生という有意な差がみられるのみであった。最後に、育児中の父親による親行動の頻度とかわいらしさの絶対評価との相関をとってみると、おむつ換え(尿)や遊びとの正の対応関係が比較的強くみられた。このように、顔のかわいらしさはそれを見る側の性や年齢によって異なることが明らかにされた。

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