Updated on 2025/02/08


NAKAZATO, Hidenori
Faculty of Science and Engineering, School of Fundamental Science and Engineering
Job title
学術博士 ( イリノイ大学 )
Ph.D. in Computer Science ( Universit of Illinois )
科学修士 ( イリノイ大学 )
M.S. in Computer Science ( Universit of Illinois )

Research Experience

  • 1997

    Oki Electric Industry, Co. Ltd, Kansai Laboratories, Research

  • 1993

    Oki Electric Industry, Co. Ltd, Central Switching System Division, Researcher

Education Background


    Universit of Illinois   Computer Science  


    Waseda University   Faculty of Science and Engineering  

Professional Memberships









Research Areas

  • Computer system / Communication and network engineering / Software

Research Interests

  • Information Centric Networking, Distributed Systems, Communication Quality, Performance


  • 電子情報通信学会フェロー


  • 電子情報通信学会通信方式研究会委員長賞




  • D2EcoSys: Decentralized Digital Twin EcoSystem Empower Co-Creation City-Level Digital Twins

    Kenji Kanai, Hidehiro Kanemitsu, Taku Yamazaki, Shintaro Mori, Aram Mine, Sumiko Miyata, Hironobu Imamura, Hidenori Nakazato

    IEICE Transactions on Communications   E107-B ( 1 ) 50 - 67  2024.01  [Refereed]  [Invited]



  • Lookup Parameter Optimization for Kademlia DHT Alternative in IPFS

    Hidehiro Kanemitsu, Kenji Kanai, Hidenori Nakazato

    2023 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops (IPDPSW)    2023.05


  • Information-centric service mesh for autonomous in-network computing

    Kenji Kanai, Toshitaka Tsuda, Hidenori Nakazato, Jiro Katto

    ICN 2022 - Proceedings of the 2022 9th ACM Conference on Information-Centric Networking     159 - 161  2022.09

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    In this paper, we introduce an information-centric service mesh for autonomous in-network computing. The information-centric service mesh offers service-centric networking, not connectivity-based networking provided by the current container orchestration, like Kubernetes (K8s). We implement the information-centric service mesh by adopting an ambassador container style and using Cefore and Cefpyco which is the CCNx software implementation developed by NICT in Japan. For the proof-of-concept test, we demonstrate the end-to-end delay of more complex service chain models (up to 17 nodes) on our K8s cluster.



  • Performance Evaluation of Blockchains Towards Sharing of Digital Twins.

    Keisuke Takahashi, Kenji Kanai, Hidenori Nakazato

    LifeTech     128 - 129  2022



  • A containerized task clustering for scheduling workflows to utilize processors and containers on clouds

    Hidehiro Kanemitsu, Kenji Kanai, Jiro Katto, Hidenori Nakazato

    Journal of Supercomputing   77 ( 11 ) 12879 - 12923  2021.11

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    Recent advancements of virtualization technologies for parallel processing involve scheduling containerized tasks in a workflow. Since a container can include multiple tasks, it can be reused or shared among applications. If every task in a workflow uses its dedicated container without sharing among any tasks, each container image must be downloaded for each task. As a result, many computational resources are required to process and the communication latency related to container image downloading can become a bottleneck for the makespan. In task scheduling algorithms for workflows, this characteristic produces a new challenging issue that how effectively shares containers among tasks to avoid redundant container image download processes and redundant task allocations. One of the fundamental problems is that no policy has been established for simultaneously satisfying effective container sharing, maintaining the degree of task parallelism, and effective computational resource utilization. In this paper, we propose a clustering-based containerized task scheduling algorithm for clouds, namely, shareable functional task clustering for utilizing virtualized resources (SF-CUV). The objective of SF-CUV is to minimize the makespan with less computational resources and containers than other algorithms by clustering tasks and sharing each container among tasks. SF-CUV consists of two phases: (i)task clustering and pre-virtual CPU (vCPU) allocation phase to derive an accurate scheduling priority, and (ii)task ordering and actual task reallocation phase. Experimental results obtained via simulation and in a real environment show that SF-CUV can utilize both vCPUs and containers with a shorter makespan compared with other approaches.



  • VirIoT: A Cloud of Things That Offers IoT Infrastructures as a Service

    Andrea Detti, Hidenori Nakazato, Juan Antonio Martinez Navarro, Giuseppe Tropea, Ludovico Funari, Luca Petrucci, Juan Andres Sanchez Segado, Kenji Kanai

    SENSORS   21 ( 19 )  2021.10

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    Many cloud providers offer IoT services that simplify the collection and processing of IoT information. However, the IoT infrastructure composed of sensors and actuators that produces this information remains outside the cloud; therefore, application developers must install, connect and manage the cloud. This requirement can be a market barrier, especially for small/medium software companies that cannot afford the infrastructural costs associated with it and would only prefer to focus on IoT application developments. Motivated by the wish to eliminate this barrier, this paper proposes a Cloud of Things platform, called VirIoT, which fully brings the Infrastructure as a service model typical of cloud computing to the world of Internet of Things. VirIoT provides users with virtual IoT infrastructures (Virtual Silos) composed of virtual things, with which users can interact through dedicated and standardized broker servers in which the technology can be chosen among those offered by the platform, such as oneM2M, NGSI and NGSI-LD. VirIoT allows developers to focus their efforts exclusively on IoT applications without worrying about infrastructure management and allows cloud providers to expand their IoT services portfolio. VirIoT uses external things and cloud/edge computing resources to deliver the IoT virtualization services. Its open-source architecture is microservice-based and runs on top of a distributed Kubernetes platform with nodes in central and edge data centers. The architecture is scalable, efficient and able to support the continuous integration of heterogeneous things and IoT standards, taking care of interoperability issues. Using a VirIoT deployment spanning data centers in Europe and Japan, we conducted a performance evaluation with a two-fold objective: showing the efficiency and scalability of the architecture; and leveraging VirIoT's ability to integrate different IoT standards in order to make a fair comparison of some open-source IoT Broker implementations, namely Mobius for oneM2M, Orion for NGSIv2, Orion-LD and Scorpio for NGSI-LD.</p>



  • KadRTT: Routing with network proximity and uniform ID arrangement in Kademlia

    Hidehiro Kanemitsu, Hidenori Nakazato

    2021 IFIP Networking Conference, IFIP Networking 2021    2021.06

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    Distributed Hash Table (DHT) has been widely applied to peer-to-peer (P2P) applications for efficient content lookup mechanisms. IPFS, one of the distributed systems for sharing files, websites, and data on a worldwide scale, adopts Kademlia as one of the DHTs, that is included in libp2p on the network layer of IFPS. Though DHT-based content lookup can scale in the number of peers, how to control lookup performance, e.g., lookup latency and lookup hop count, is one of the issues for a very large-scale network. Thus, it is necessary to guarantee both the lookup latency and the hop count even if the network scale becomes larger. In this paper, we propose a Kademlia alternative, called KadRTT, that reduces both the lookup latency and hop count. KadRTT has two functionalities, i.e., (i) RTT-based lookup target selection not to increase the maximum hop count, and (ii) uniform ID arrangement for each k-bucket to shorten the initial ID distance from content ID. Experimental results by the simulation show that KadRTT outperforms other Kademlia-based DHTs in terms of lookup latency and hop count.



  • IoT-centric service function chainingorchestration and its performance validation

    Hibiki Sekine, Kenji Kanai, Jiro Katto, Hidehiro Kanemitsu, Hidenori Nakazato

    2021 IEEE 18th Annual Consumer Communications and Networking Conference, CCNC 2021    2021.01

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    In order to simplify deployment and management of IoT services, Network Function Virtualization (NFV) and Service Function Chaining (SFC) are promising solutions, and much researchers have conducted these topics. To enhance the reliability of former research efforts, in this paper, we propose an orchestration framework for IoT-centric SFC by using Docker and Kubernetes. The framework enables an automatic IoT service deployment by satisfying service requirements and computing and network resource constraints. In such deployment, we apply a Virtual Network Function (VNF)/Service Function (SF) placement problem to achieve efficient utilization of the resources. We set an objective function as minimizing both numbers of SF instances and communications and build a mathematical model based on Integer Linear Programming (ILP). To validate it, we implement a model for the framework and evaluate the performances by carrying out a numerical evaluation and a real experiment. From the evaluation results, we confirm that the proposed approach can reduce the number of SF placements and the number of communications among SF instances.



  • VirIoT: A Cloud of Things That Offers IoT Infrastructures as a Service.

    Andrea Detti, Hidenori Nakazato, Juan A. Martínez 0001, Giuseppe Tropea, Ludovico Funari, Luca Petrucci, Juan Andrés Sánchez Segado, Kenji Kanai

    Sensors   21 ( 19 ) 6546 - 6546  2021



  • Implementation of NDN function chaining using caching for IoT environments

    Yohei Kumamoto, Hidenori Nakazato

    CCIoT 2020 - Proceedings of the 2020 Cloud Continuum Services for Smart IoT Systems, Part of SenSys 2020     20 - 25  2020.11

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    In this paper, we discuss how to implement a mechanism that combines function chaining and cache in Named Data Networking (NDN), an incarnation of information centric networking technology, for real-world IoT environments. We explain our new architecture, called NDN-FC+, for combining function chaining with cache over NDN, and how to extend existing NDN software to support function chaining and caching. The key features discussed in this paper are Interest and Data packet structure, forwarding methods, and naming schemes for a cached content. In particular, it is important to implement the cache, which is one of the major features of NDN. By using the cache, the network will be able to keep contents closer to the users and send them with low latency. Also, by combining function chaining and caching, and caching the content that has been processed by several functions in advance, it will be possible to communicate the processed content without processing. The feasibility of our proposed protocol for caching and forwarding methods is displayed through a prototype implementation. The performance evaluation was performed in a topology that executes the functions chained to the image data from the sensor, assuming use in the real world IoT environment.



  • ThingVisor factory: Thing virtualization platform for things as a service

    Kenji Kanai, Hidenori Nakazato, Hidehiro Kanemitsu, Andrea Detti

    CCIoT 2020 - Proceedings of the 2020 Cloud Continuum Services for Smart IoT Systems, Part of SenSys 2020     7 - 12  2020.11

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    In order to provide interoperability of cross-domain IoT applications involving different IoT platforms, the authors previously proposed a virtual IoT system called VirIoT. The proposed system is composed of two functionalities: ThingVisor and vSilo, and it aims at decoupling IoT device providers and IoT application developers. ThingVisor enables to produce virtual IoT devices, or Virtual Things, from physical IoT devices for sharing the physical devices among cross-domain IoT applications. In addition, vSilo enables to bridge between such Virtual Things and IoT applications for the interoperability of cross-domain IoT devices. In this paper, in order to enhance the VirIoT system, we propose ThingVisor Factory that helps to design ThingVisors in a user-friendly way and deploy them on demand autonomously by following container orchestration methodologies, such as Kubernetes. ThingVisor Factory is based on two concepts: Dataflow programming-based Graphical User Interface (GUI) and service function chaining-based ThingVisor development.



  • Real-World Implementation of Function Chaining in Named Data Networking for IoT Environments

    Yohei Kumamoto, Hiroki Yoshii, Hidenori Nakazato

    2020 IEEE International Workshop Technical Committee on Communications Quality and Reliability (CQR)    2020.05


  • A function clustering algorithm for resource utilization in service function chaining

    Hidehiro Kanemitsu, Kenji Kanai, Jiro Katto, Hidenori Nakazato

    IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing, CLOUD   2019-July   193 - 195  2019.07

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    Abstract-Virtualized service and network functions are deployed on virtual machines (VMs) to realize essential processing to realize service function chaining (SFC). Issues on SFC is SF allocation to a VM and to minimize the response time and number of function instances. In this paper, we propose an SF clustering-based scheduling algorithm, called 'SF-clustering for utilizing virtual CPUs' (SFCUV), to solve the SF allocation and SF selection problems simultaneously. Experimental results show that SF-CUV can utilize vCPUs to minimize the response time.



  • Performance evaluations of iot device virtualization for efficient resource utilization

    Keigo Ogawa, Hibiki Sekine, Kenji Kanai, Kenichi Nakamura, Hidehiro Kanemitsu, Jiro Katto, Hidenori Nakazato

    Global IoT Summit, GIoTS 2019 - Proceedings    2019.06

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    To develop and interoperate smart city applications efficiently, smart city IoT platforms require efficient handling of various types of sensor devices, networking and computing resources, and different domain applications. To address this fact, the authors of this paper proposed a research project named 'Fed4IoT', which is an acronym for federation of IoT and cloud infrastructures, to provide scalable and interoperable smart city applications. The project primarily proposes two key technologies: IoT device virtualization and context-information sharing. In this paper, we introduce the IoT device virtualization (one of key technology in Fed4IoT) that enables efficient utilization of networking and computing resources by applying a micro-service sharing and dynamic resource scaling. In the performance evaluations, we implement three micro services, such as object detection, garbage detection and road damage detection, as smart city applications and dynamically and flexibly allocate computing resources to three micro services by using Docker and Kubernetes. Through the evaluations we validate that the proposed IoT device virtualization achieves the efficient computing resource utilization and reduction of networking resources.



  • IoT Device Virtualization for Efficient Resource Utilization in Smart City IoT Platform

    Keigo Ogawa, Kenji Kanai, Kenichi Nakamura, Hidehiro Kanemitsu, Jiro Katto, Hidenori Nakazato

    2019 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops, PerCom Workshops 2019     419 - 422  2019.03

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    To develop and interoperate smart city applications efficiently, smart city IoT platforms require efficient handling of various types of sensor devices, networking and computing resources, and different domain applications. To address this fact, in this paper, we introduce an IoT device virtualization that enables efficient utilization of computing resources. The proposal applies a micro-service sharing and dynamic resource scaling. In the performance validations, we implement an early prototype using Docker, Kubernetes, and Apache Kafka. Through the preliminary experiment, we confirm that the proposal can improve the application processing time by appropriately sharing and scaling micro services.



  • Multiple workflow scheduling with offloading tasks to edge cloud

    Hidehiro Kanemitsu, Masaki Hanada, Hidenori Nakazato

    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)   11513   38 - 52  2019

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    Edge computing can realize a data locality among a cloud and users, and it can be applied to task offloading, i.e., a part of workload on a mobile terminal is moved to an edge or a cloud system to minimize the response time with reducing energy consumption. Mobile workflow jobs have been widely used due to advance of computational power on a mobile terminal. Thus, how to offload or schedule each task in a mobile workflow is one of the current challenging issues. In this paper, we propose a task scheduling algorithm with task offloading, called priority-based continuous task selection for offloading (PCTSO), to minimize the schedule length with energy consumption at a mobile client being reduced. PCTSO tries to select dependent tasks such that many tasks are offloaded so as to utilize many vCPUs in the edge cloud
    in this manner, the degree of parallelism can be maintained. Experimental results of the simulation demonstration that PCTSO outperforms other algorithms in the schedule length and satisfies the energy constraint.



  • On the optimal number of computational resources in MapReduce

    Htway Htway Hlaing, Hidehiro Kanemitsu, Tatsuo Nakajima, Hidenori Nakazato

    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)   11513   240 - 252  2019

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    Big data computing in the cloud needs faster processing and better resource provisioning. MapReduce is the framework for computing large scale datasets in cloud environments. Optimization of resource requirement for each job to satisfy a specific objective in MapReduce is an open problem. Many factors, e.g., system side information and requirements of each client must be considered to estimate the appropriate amount of resources. This paper presents a mathematical model for the optimal number of map tasks in MapReduce resource provisioning. This model is to estimate the optimal number of the mappers based on the resource specification and the size of the dataset.



  • Information-Centric Networking: Research and Standardization Status

    Keping Yu, Suyong Eum, Toshihiko Kurita, Qiaozhi Hua, Takuro Sato, Hidenori Nakazato, Tohru Asami, Ved P. Kafle

    IEEE Access   7   126164 - 126176  2019

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    Information-centric networking (ICN) is a new approach to networking contents rather than devices that hold the contents. It has recently attracted much attention of network research and standardization communities. National and multi-national funded research projects have progressed worldwide. International Telecommunication Union-Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T) started ICN standardization activities in 2012. In parallel, the standards-oriented research cooperation is progressing in the Information-Centric Networking Research Group (ICNRG) of the Internet Research Task Force (IRTF). All these global efforts have been collectively advancing the novel network architecture of ICN. However, there are very few surveys and discussions on the detailed ICN standardization status. To update the reader with information about the ICN research and standardization related activities, this paper starts with the history of global activities on ICN from 2010, giving references to various projects. It then describes the recent progress in the standardization of ICN component technologies in ITU-T and various documents produced by ICNRG. Lastly, it discusses the future directions for progressing ICN.



  • Performance evaluations of multimedia service function chaining in edge clouds

    Kentaro Imagane, Kenji Kanai, Jiro Katto, Toshitaka Tsuda, Hidenori Nakazato

    2018 15th IEEE Annual Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC)   2018-January   1 - 4  2018.01

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    As mobile multimedia services have significantly evolved and diversified with the spread of smartphones and Internet of Things (IoT) devices, low-delay multimedia cloud computing is the need of the hour. To address this demand, in this study, we introduce an edge cloud system that equips a multimedia service function chaining capability. A prototype implementation of the proposed edge cloud system has three main features: 1) edge computing deployment by using OpenStack, 2) multimedia service slicing and chaining, and 3) efficient resource management in edge networks. Based on these features, the proposed system achieves lower multimedia processing delay compared to a conventional cloud computing platform. We deploy the proposed system in our laboratory and validate the system performance by using typical multimedia application, such as human detection in video surveillance.


  • Request expectation index based cache replacement algorithm for streaming content delivery over ICN

    Haipeng Li, Hidenori Nakazato, Syed Hassan Ahmed

    Future Internet   9 ( 4 )  2017.11

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    Since the content delivery unit over Information-Centric Networking (ICN) has shifted from files to the segments of a file named chunks, solely either file-level or chunk-level request probability is insufficient for ICN cache management. In this paper, a Request Expectation Index (RXI) based cache replacement algorithm for streaming content delivery is proposed. In this algorithm, RXI is introduced to serve as a fine-grained and unified estimation criteria of possible future request probability for cached chunks. RXI is customized for streaming content delivery by adopting both file-level and chunk-level request probability and considering the dynamically varied request status at each route as well. Compared to prior work, the proposed algorithm evicts the chunk with the minimum expectation of future request to maintain a high cache utilization. Additionally, simulation results demonstrate that the RXI-based algorithm can remarkably enhance the streaming content delivery performance and can be deployed in complex network scenarios. The proposed results validate that, by taking fine-grained request probability and request status into consideration, the customized in-network caching algorithm can improve the ICN streaming content delivery performance by high cache utilization, fast content delivery, and lower network traffic.



  • Prior node selection for scheduling workflows in a heterogeneous system

    Hidehiro Kanemitsu, Masaki Hanada, Hidenori Nakazato

    JOURNAL OF PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING   109   155 - 177  2017.11  [Refereed]

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    Many workflow scheduling algorithms for heterogeneous systems have been developed to satisfy multiple requirements such as minimizing schedule length while maximizing throughput. In particular, in list-based scheduling approaches, the schedule length depends on the given nodes as well as the task allocation and ordering policies. This is because the scheduling priority is derived by averaging the execution time and communication time of the given nodes. If the set of nodes can be adjusted before the scheduling tasks, a small schedule length can be achieved. In this paper, we propose a prior node selection algorithm, called lower bound based candidate node selection (LBCNS) to select a subset of given nodes to minimize the schedule length while fairly scheduling each job. Our proposal has two approaches: (i) LBCNS_DEFAULT, which considers the job characteristics and each node's performance, and (ii) priority-based LBCNS, which additionally takes each scheduling priority into account for a dedicated task scheduling algorithm.
    The experimental results of extensive simulations show that LBCNS_DEFAULT has the best fairness for scheduling multiple workflow jobs, while priority-based LBCNS achieves the minimum schedule length with the highest efficiency for a single workflow job and multiple workflow jobs. (C) 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.



  • Efficient producer mobility support in named data networking

    Siran Zhang, Zhiwei Yan, Yong-Jin Park, Hidenori Nakazato, Wataru Kameyama, Kashif Nisar, Ag Asri Ag Ibrahim

    IEICE Transactions on Communications   E100B ( 10 ) 1856 - 1864  2017.10

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    Named Data Networking (NDN) is a promising architecture for the future Internet and it is mainly designed for efficient content delivery and retrieval. However, producer mobility support is one of the challenging problems of NDN. This paper proposes a scheme which aims to optimize the tunneling-based producer mobility solution inNDN. It does not require NDN routers to change their routing tables (Forwarding Information Base) after a producer moves. Instead, the Interest packet can be sent from a consumer to the moved producer using the tunnel. The piggybacked Data packet which is sent back to the consumer will trigger the consumer to send the following Interest packets through the optimized path to the producer. Moreover, a naming scheme is proposed so that the NDN caching function can be fully utilized. An analysis is carried out to evaluate the performance of the proposal. The results indicate that the proposed scheme reduces the network cost compared to related works and supports route optimization for enhanced producer mobility support in NDN.



  • Network Mobility in a Locator/ID Separation Context

    Zhiwei Yan, Syed Hassan Ahmed, Guanggang Geng, Hidenori Nakazato, Yong-Jin Park

    IEEE Access   5   27897 - 27904  2017

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    Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) has proposed an extension based on Mobile IPv6 (MIPv6), named as network mobility basic support protocol (NEMO-BSP), to support NEMO in IPv6 networks. However, NEMO-BSP inherits all the drawbacks of MIPv6, such as inefficient routing path, high handover latency, and packet encapsulation overhead. To address these drawbacks of NEMO-BSP, this paper proposes an NEMO supporting scheme based on a novel Locator/ID Separation (LIDS) architecture, namely LIDS-NEMO. In LIDS-NEMO, Multiple Virtual Mapping (MVM) scheme is proposed to differentiate the intra-NEMO and inter-NEMO mobility. Besides, packets are transmitted through the most optimized route in LIDS-NEMO. The simulation results show that LIDS-NEMO reduces the signaling cost significantly when compared with NEMO-BSP and it will be a promising scheme to provide NEMO support in the LIDS context.



  • Two-Level Popularity-Oriented Cache Replacement Policy for Video Delivery over CCN

    Haipeng Li, Hidenori Nakazato

    IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS   E99B ( 12 ) 2532 - 2540  2016.12  [Refereed]

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    We introduce a novel cache replacement policy to improve the entire network performance of video delivery over content-centric networking (CCN). In the case of the CCN structure, we argue that: 1) for video multiplexing scenario, general cache strategies that ignore the intrinsic linear time characteristic of video requests are unable to make better use of the cache resources, and 2) it is inadequate to simply extend the existing research conclusions of file-oriented popularity to chunk-by-chunk popularity, which are widely used in CCN. Unlike previous works in this field, the proposed policy in this study, named two-level popularity-oriented time-to-hold cache replacement policy (TLP-TTH), is designed on the basis of the following principles. Firstly, the proposed cache replacement strategy is customized for video delivery by carefully considering the essential auto-correlated request feature of video chunks within a video file. Furthermore, the popularity in video delivery is subdivided into two levels, namely chunk-level access probability and file-level popularity, in order to efficiently utilize cache resources. We evaluated the proposed policy in both a hierarchical topology and a real network based hybrid topology, and took viewers departure into consideration as well. The results validate that for video delivery over CCN, TLP-TTH policy improves the network performance from several aspects. In particular, we observed that the proposed policy not only increases the cache hit ratio at the edge of the network but the cache utilization at the intermediate routers is also improved markedly. Further, with respect to the video popularity variation scenario, the cache hit ratio of TLP-TTH policy responds sensitively to maintain efficient cache utilization.



  • Clustering-Based Task Scheduling in a Large Number of Heterogeneous Processors

    Hidehiro Kanemitsu, Masaki Hanada, Hidenori Nakazato

    IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS   27 ( 11 ) 3144 - 3157  2016.11  [Refereed]

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    Parallelization paradigms for effective execution in a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) application have been widely studied in the area of task scheduling. Schedule length can be varied depending on task assignment policies, scheduling policies, and heterogeneity in terms of each processor and each communication bandwidth in a heterogeneous system. One disadvantage of existing task scheduling algorithms is that the schedule length cannot be reduced for a data intensive application. In this paper, we propose a clustering-based task scheduling algorithm called Clustering for Minimizing the Worst Schedule Length (CMWSL) to minimize the schedule length in a large number of heterogeneous processors. First, the proposed method derives the lower bound of the total execution time for each processor by taking both the system and application characteristics into account. As a result, the number of processors used for actual execution is regulated to minimize the Worst Schedule Length (WSL). Then, the actual task assignment and task clustering are performed to minimize the schedule length until the total execution time in a task cluster exceeds the lower bound. Experimental results indicate that CMWSL outperforms both existing list-based and clustering-based task scheduling algorithms in terms of the schedule length and efficiency, especially in data-intensive applications.



  • Social Community Brand

    Hoshiai Takashige, Yoshimi Kenji, Kanemitsu Hideriro, Nakazato Hidenori

    Journal of Information and Management   36 ( 3 ) 23 - 37  2016

    DOI CiNii

  • [Invited Talk] GreenICN: Research Project on Energy-Saving Information Centric Network

    Hidenori Nakazato

    IEICE Technical Repot   IN2015-45  2015.09

  • Energy-Efficient Video Streaming over Named Data Networking Using Interest Aggregation and Playout Buffer Control.

    Yuya Ishizu, Kenji Kanai, Jiro Katto, Hidenori Nakazato, Marie Hirose

    IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Data Intensive Systems(DSDIS)     318 - 324  2015



  • Energy Consumption Evaluation of ICN Toward Power-Saving Video Delivery

    Daiki Aoki, Sakiko Takenaka, Kenji Kanai, Jiro Katto, Hidenori Nakazato, Marie Hirose


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    Information Centric Networking (ICN) is a new networking paradigm in which the network provides users with named content, instead of communication channels between hosts. However, many issues, such as naming, routing, resource control, and security, still need to be resolved before it can be realized practically. Further, the energy efficiency of ICNs has not been sufficiently considered. In this study, we evaluate the energy consumption of an ICN network by first measuring the power consumption of actual PCs/smartphones and constructing an energy consumption model. Then, by using the model and the simulator ndnSIM, we calculate the energy consumed by the network. We also evaluate the energy consumed for video delivery, with a view toward power-saving video delivery.



  • Effective Parallel Algorithm for GPGPU-Accelerated Explicit Routing Optimization

    Ko Kikuta, Eiji Oki, Naoaki Yamanaka, Nozomu Togawa, Hidenori Nakazato


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    The recent development of network technologies that offer centralized control of explicit routes opens the door to the online optimization of explicit routing. For this kind of Traffic Engineering optimization, raising the calculation speeds by using multi-core processors with effective parallel algorithms is a key goal. This paper proposes an effective parallel algorithm for General purpose Programming on Graphic Processing Unit (GPGPU); its massively parallel style promises strong acceleration of calculation speed. The proposed algorithm parallelizes not only the search method of the Genetic Algorithm, but also its fitness functions, which calculate the network congestion ratio, so as to fully utilize the power of modern GPGPUs. Concurrently, each execution is designed for thread-block execution on the GPU with consideration of thread occupancy, local resources, and SIMT execution to maximize GPU performance. Evaluations show that the proposed algorithm offers, on average, a nine fold speedup compared to the conventional CPU approach.

  • QoS Implementation in System Wide Information Management (SWIM) Network Model

    Kiratipong Ongkasae, Hideori Nakazato, Tadashi Koga, Xiaodong Lu


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    A Traditional Air Traffic Management (ATM) system comprises of a wide variety of information services that characterized by many custom communication protocols. Each service is a self-contained information system by itself. Each of these services is custom designed, developed, managed, and maintained individually and locally at a significant cost [1]. System-Wide Information Management (SWIM) is a concept for modern ATM systems that present a complete change in paradigm of how ATM related information is handled and shared while services interoperate. The aim of SWIM is to provide information to users with understandable information. However, such a large amount of information that flow through a network may affect overall system performance. Quality of Service (QoS) describes network performance parameters reflect the quality of the connection and is experienced on end-to-end traffic flow.
    In this paper, we propose a model base on SWIM with implementation of Quality of Service configuration and application of network virtualization technique to separate network traffic into individual services, which intent to improve the quality of end-to-end network traffic. This network model is developed and deployed using Juniper MX series router.



  • Popularity Proportional Cache Size Allocation Policy for Video Delivery on CCN

    Haipeng Li, Hidenori Nakazato, Andrea Detti, Nicola Blefari Melazzi


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    Content Centric Networking (CCN), which is regarded as an innovational architecture of future network, is increasingly gaining attention in recent years. Based on the observation of current Internet usage, CCN presents a content-centric model which focuses on data distribution and retrieval. To enhance the efficiency of content distribution, In-network caching is adopted, which enables routers to temporarily store the passing by data. Thus the scheme of cache management will affect the network performance significantly. In this paper, a cache replacement policy named Popularity Proportional Cache Size Allocation (PPCSA) policy has been proposed, which designed for video content delivery on CCN. Unlike other previous works in this area, which have focused on the popularity of individual content chunks, in this study, we not only consider the title-level popularity of a video which is composed of a set of video segments, but also take the chunk-level probability of video segments within a video title into consideration. We evaluated our policy through simulations, by using a simple 4-level tree topology and a real network based hybrid topology. The results validate that on both scenarios, the proposed approach can increase the average cache hit ratio and shorten the average content delivery distance between requesters and object contents. In addition, we analyzed the energy efficiency of PPCSA policy, and we found that compared to other three cache replacement policies, Least Recently Used (LRU), Least Frequently Used (LFU) and First in First out (FIFO), PPCSA reduced the transmission energy consumption, and improved the energy efficiency in idle time.

  • On-Path Resolver Architecture for Mobility Support in Information Centric Networking

    Hidenori Nakazato, Siran Zhang, Yong Jin Park, Andrea Detti, Dariusz Bursztynowski, Zbigniew Kopertowski, Ioannis Psaras

    2015 IEEE GLOBECOM WORKSHOPS (GC WKSHPS)    2015  [Refereed]

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    Video traffic shares a large portion of the current Internet bandwidth. One of the objectives of designing Named Data Networking (NDN) is to reduce the burden of the large content delivery. Since mobile devices are the prime means of content access for many users, NDN is also required to support mobility. In this paper, we propose an architecture and mechanism called On-Path Resolver Architecture (OPRA) for NDN to support both consumer and producer mobility while maintaining scalability. OPRA exploits the semantics of hierarchical-name-based routing and places route resolvers on multiple points on a path to a content. The series of resolvers on a path provides means to contain naming scope and makes the system scalable while supporting mobility.

  • [Special Invited Talk] Network Coding and Speedup of Data Transfer

    Hidenori Nakazato

    IEICE Technical Repot   CS2014-7  2014.05

  • A progressive approach for cross-browser web data generation

    Jin Zhu, Yoshiyori Urano, Hidenori Nakazato, Qun Jin

    International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering   9 ( 3 ) 235 - 246  2014

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    A layout engine combines markup language (HTML, etc.) with formatting information (CSS, etc.), and displays the combined contents on the screen. It is commonly used for many existing web development applications and web browsers. Especially, web development applications use layout engine to confirm the impact on the layout of web editing results to achieve what you see is what you get (WYSIWYG). At present, different layout engines are adopted by various web development applications and web browsers. As there is not a uniform algorithm adopted by layout engine, the results displayed by web development applications are not necessarily consistent with the display on the web browsers. In addition, the results displayed by web development applications depend on layout engines. Hence, it is difficult to edit the common web contents since it cannot objectively reflect the result on web browsers. In this paper, we propose a progressive WYSIWYG solution, by completely separating web layout design from web data editing to generate cross-browser web data. Our proposed approach does not use layout engine, and thus can avoid the disadvantages mentioned above.© 2014 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.



  • Effective Use of Computational Resources in Multicore Distributed Systems

    Hidehiro Kanemitsu, Masaki Hanada, Takashige Hoshiai, Hidenori Nakazato


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    In the last decades, many kinds of task models such as grid and cloud computing have been developed. In such distributed systems, each task is processed by respective processor in multicored computers e.g., household PCs which we can easily harness in recent years. If there is one policy to automatically decide the "best" combination and the number of processors (and computers), we effectively utilize those computational resources, thereby large number of jobs can be executed in parallel. In this paper, we propose a method for mapping of execution units for such environments. The method adopts a remapping technology after processor-execution unit mapping[11] is finished. Experimental comparisons by a simulation show the advantages of the proposed method.

  • Message routing with counting bloom filter for name-based home ad hoc networks

    Vidanagama, T.N, Nakazato, H

    International Journal of Computer Science and Network   3 ( 1 ) 15 - 23  2014.01

  • Minimal Network Coding Redundancy for Peer-to-Peer Content Distribution

    Dinh Nguyen, Hidenori Nakazato

    2014 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMMUNICATIONS (ICC)     3112 - 3117  2014  [Refereed]

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    Network coding, with the redundant information it generates, has been shown to achieve optimal multicast throughput. Such redundancy plays a key role in maximizing throughput over multiple content delivery paths between network nodes. In this paper, we study the use of network coding to speed up content distribution in peer-to-peer networks where only a constraint number of selected peers can encode, i.e. become network coders. Our goal is to optimize the redundancy network coding generates, i.e. we want to answer the question how much a given network coder should encode. This serves as a step towards understanding how network coding improves content distribution in order to optimize its deployment. Given the network topology, we analytically figure the optimal redundancy ratio at each network coder to achieve shortest distribution time. Simulation results confirm the effectiveness of the proposed coding redundancy in shortening content distribution time while noticeably reducing the amount of encoding.

  • Dynamic Scheduling for Speculative Execution to Improve MapReduce Performance in Heterogeneous Environment

    Hyungjae Jung, Hidenori Nakazato


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    MapReduce framework allows users to quickly develop big-data applications and process big-data effectively. However, unexpected malfunction may be found in cloud environment because a distributed system consists of several hardware, and this malfunction often causes delay of overall processing. MapReduce framework provides Speculative Execution (SE). SE reduces delay in a homogeneous environment by assigning delayed tasks to additional nodes. As cloud computing prevails, cloud computing environment is moving from homogeneous to heterogeneous. Original SE is not perfect and sometimes produces inefficient result in a heterogeneous environment. This paper proposes Dynamic Scheduling for Speculative Execution (DSSE) which enhances performance in a heterogeneous environment by improving existing SE. DSSE prevents wasted SE since it calculates processing capability of each node more objectively and precisely. DSSE has reduced entire processing time approximately 10% compared to original SE. Success rate of SE was 100%.



  • Name-Based Message Forwarding for Home Ad hoc Networks

    Vidanagama, T.N, Nakazato, H

    Journal of Wireless Networking and Communications   3 ( 4 ) 51 - 62  2013.10

  • Mobility in Name-Based Home Ad Hoc Networks

    Vidanagama, T.N, Nakazato, H

    International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology   2 ( 6 ) 87 - 95  2013.08

  • Network Coder Placement for Peer-to-Peer Content Distribution

    Dinh Nguyen, Hidenori Nakazato

    IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS   E96B ( 7 ) 1661 - 1669  2013.07  [Refereed]

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    We study the use of network coding to speed up content distribution in peer-to-peer (P2P) networks. Our goal is to get the underlying reason for network coding's improved performance in P2P content distribution and to optimize resource consumption of network coding. We observe analytically and experimentally that in pure P2P networks, a considerable amount of data is sent multiple times from one peer to another when there are multiple paths connecting those two particular peers. Network coding, on the other hand, when applied at upstream peers, eliminates information duplication on paths to downstream peers, which results in more efficient content distribution. Based on that insight, we propose a network coder placement algorithm which achieves comparable distribution time as network coding, yet substantially reduces the number of encoders compared to a pure network coding solution in which all peers have to encode. Our placement method puts encoders at critical network positions to eliminate information duplication the most, thus, effectively shortens distribution time with just a portion of encoders.



  • 動的なパス設定制御に基づく1+1パスプロテクション維持方式の提案

    鎌村 星平, 島崎 大作, 平松 淳, 中里 秀則

    電子情報通信学会論文誌(B)   Vol.J96-B ( No.2 ) 48 - 58  2013.02


  • Autonomous IP Fast Rerouting with Compressed Backup Flow Entries Using OpenFlow

    Shohei Kamamura, Daisaku Shimazaki, Atsushi Hiramatsu, Hidenori Nakazato

    IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION AND SYSTEMS   E96D ( 2 ) 184 - 192  2013.02  [Refereed]

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    This paper proposes an IP fast rerouting method which can be implemented in OpenFlow framework. While the current IP is robust, its reactive and global rerouting processes require the long recovery time against failure. On the other hand, IP fast rerouting provides a milliseconds-order recovery time by proactive and local restoration mechanism. Implementation of IP fast rerouting is not common in real systems, however; it requires the coordination of additional forwarding functions to a commercial hardware. We propose an IP fast rerouting mechanism using OpenFlow that separates control function from hardware implementation. Our mechanism does not require any extension of current forwarding hardware. On the contrary, increase of backup routes becomes main overhead of our proposal. We also embed the compression mechanism to our IP fast rerouting mechanism. We show the effectiveness of our IP fast rerouting in terms of the fast restoration and the backup routes compression effect through computer simulations.



  • Effective Use of Computational Resources In Multicore Distributed Systems

    Hidehiro Kanemitsu, Masaki Hanada, Takashige Hoshiai, Hidenori Nakazato


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    In the last decades, many kinds of task execution models such as grid and cloud computing have been developed. In such distributed systems, each task is processed by respective processor in multi cored computers e. g., household PCs which we can easily harness in recent years. If there is one policy to automatically decide the "best" combination and the number of processors (and computers), we effectively utilize those computational resources, thereby large number of jobs can be executed in parallel. In this paper, we propose a method for mapping of execution units for such environments. T he method adopts a re-mapping technology after processor-execution unit mapping[6] is finished. Experimental comparisons by a simulation show the advantages of the proposed method.

  • Loop-Free IP Fast Rerouting Considering Double-Link Failures

    Shohei Kamamura, Daisaku Shimazaki, Atsushi Hiramatsu, Hidenori Nakazato

    IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS   E95B ( 12 ) 3811 - 3821  2012.12  [Refereed]

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    IP fast rerouting has widely been studied for realizing millisecond-order recovery on pure IP networks. This paper proposes IP fast rerouting using backup topologies against concurrent double failures. The main issue in recovering from multiple failures is avoiding forwarding loops. To avoid forwarding loops, we propose a deterministic forwarding algorithm, which estimates the concurrently occurring failures from the packet header information. We also propose an efficient backup topology design algorithm which is both loop-free and which reduces the number of backup topologies. Our key idea is preparing the adequate diversity of backup routes for arbitrary source and destination pairs by combination of backup topologies. For efficient computation of diverse routes, we propose a similarity comparison-based algorithm between the original topology and the backup topologies. Our algorithm can achieve nearly optimal loop-free restoration from double failures on realistic topologies without explicit failure notification.



  • Call Admission Control on Single Node Networks under Output Rate-Controlled Generalized Processor Sharing (ORC-GPS) Scheduler

    Masaki Hanada, Hidenori Nakazato, Hitoshi Watanabe

    IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS   E95B ( 2 ) 401 - 414  2012.02  [Refereed]

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    Multimedia applications such as music or video streaming, video teleconferencing and IP telephony are flourishing in packet-switched networks. Applications that generate such real-time data can have very diverse quality-of-service (QoS) requirements. In order to guarantee diverse QoS requirements, the combined use of a packet scheduling algorithm based on Generalized Processor Sharing (GPS) and leaky bucket traffic regulator is the most successful QoS mechanism. GPS can provide a minimum guaranteed service rate for each session and tight delay bounds for leaky bucket constrained sessions. However, the delay bounds for leaky bucket constrained sessions under GPS are unnecessarily large because each session is served according to its associated constant weight until the session buffer is empty. In order to solve this problem, a scheduling policy called Output Rate-Controlled Generalized Processor Sharing (ORC-GPS) was proposed in [17]. ORC-GPS is a rate-based scheduling like GPS, and controls the service rate in order to lower the delay bounds for leaky bucket constrained sessions. In this paper, we propose a call admission control (CAC) algorithm for ORC-GPS, for leaky-bucket constrained sessions with deterministic delay requirements. This CAC algorithm for ORC-GPS determines the optimal values of parameters of ORC-GPS from the deterministic delay requirements of the sessions. In numerical experiments, we compare the CAC algorithm for ORC-GPS with one for GPS in terms of schedulable region and computational complexity.



  • Rarest-first and coding are not enough

    Dinh Nguyen, Hidenori Nakazato

    GLOBECOM - IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference     2683 - 2688  2012

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    Network coding has been applied successfully in peer-to-peer (P2P) systems to shorten the distribution time. Pieces of data, i.e. blocks, are combined, i.e. encoded, by the sending peers before forwarding to other peers. Even though requiring all peers to encode might achieve shortest distribution time, it is not necessarily optimal in terms of computational resource consumption. Short finish time, in many cases, can be achieved with just a subset of carefully chosen peers. P2P systems, in addition, tend to be heterogeneous in which some peers, such as hand-held devices, would not have the required capacity to encode. We therefore envision a P2P system where some peers encode to improve distribution time and other peers, due to limited computational capacity or due to some system-wide optimization, do not encode. Such a system gives rise to a block-selection problem which has never happened in both pure non-coding and full network coding-enabled P2P systems. We identify the problem and fix the current block-selection algorithm to address it. Simulation evaluation confirms the effectiveness of our proposed algorithm without which the system performance degrades considerably. © 2012 IEEE.



  • 計算資源の有効利用を目的としたタスククラスタリング

    金光 永煥, 李 吉憲, 中里 秀則, 星合 隆成, 浦野 義頼

    情報処理学会論文誌(ACS:コンピューティングシステム)   4 ( 1 ) 111 - 146  2011.02


  • Peer-to-Peer Content Distribution in Clustered Topologies with Source Coding

    Dinh Nguyen, Hidenori Nakazato


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    Network coding has been applied successfully in peer-to-peer systems to shorten the distribution time, particularly in extreme conditions where peers in the network are clustered and separated by physical links with limited bandwidth. In this paper, we focus more closely on the use of source coding, i.e. encoding is done only at the source, as an alternative to network coding to facilitate content distribution under such limited bandwidth configuration. We observe analytically and experimentally that, in this specific case, with appropriately chosen expansion factors, source coding can have comparable performance to network coding in terms of distribution time, yet consuming much less computational resources than the latter approach does.

  • User authentication on smart phones using a data mining method

    Yujin Tang, Nakazato Hidenori, Yoshiyori Urano

    2010 International Conference on Information Society, i-Society 2010     173 - 178  2010

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    The 21st century witnessed the wide spread of smart phones such as iPhone. The daily growing importance of smart phones' also implies the increasing amount of user sensitive data stored in a cell phone, which positions mobile user authentication in an even more important role. Existing mobile user authentication methods either require special hardware or are not user transparent. In this paper, we present a mobile user authentication scheme using a data mining method that identifies a user based on cell phones' application history and GPS information. These data can be collected on almost every smart phone without user awareness and are prone to reflect a user's habit and biometric feature. We organize these data in directional graphs and introduce a metric based on which to classify the data. Experiments and results on real data are explained to show our scheme's effectiveness. © 2010 i-Society.



  • Static task cluster size determination in homogeneous distributed systems

    Hidehiro Kanemitsu, Gilhyon Lee, Hidenori Nakazato, Takashige Hoshiai, Yoshiyori Urano

    Software Automatic Tuning: From Concepts to State-of-the-Art Results     229 - 252  2010  [Refereed]

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    In a distributed system, which consists of an unknown number of processors, it is important to derive an appropriate number of processors by which the good schedule length is obtained by a task scheduling. Many task clustering heuristics have been proposed to determine the number of processors and to minimize the schedule length for scheduling a directed acyclic graph (DAG) application. However, those heuristics are not aware of the actual number of existing processors. As a result, the number of processors determined by an existing task clustering may exceed that of actually existing processors. Therefore, conventional approaches adopt merging of each cluster for reducing the number of clusters at the expense of decreasing degree of task parallelism. In this paper, we present a static cluster size determination method, which derives the lower bound of the cluster size with considering the DAG structure and the task size to data size ratio to suppress the schedule length with the small number of processors. Our experimental evaluations by simulations show that the lower bound of each cluster size determined by the proposed method has a good impact on both the schedule length and the processor utilization. © 2010 Springer Science+Business Media LLC.



  • Reduction of Message Misdirection in Description Based Clustered Ad Hoc Networks

    Tharinda Nishantha Vidanagama, Hidenori Nakazato


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    Future home appliances will have many useful built-in functions. A communication network that allows a user to access these built-in functions and to control the appliances is highly desirable. An ad hoc network can be easily deployed to connect these home appliances. For such a home network, ease of use must be given higher consideration. This paper discusses description based ad-hoc network routing where the nodes are given descriptions or keywords such as living room TV, kitchen oven etc. as identifiers. We propose three description based routing mechanisms: Single Routing Cache, Directional Routing Cache, and Proportional-Directional Routing Cache. Through simulation, we show that in all three methods the message delivery is 100% success in our configuration, but the amount of misdirected messages experienced by each method is different. The Proportional-Directional Routing Cache shows the least message misdirection with most preferable resource usage.

  • Output Rate-Controlled Generalized Processor Sharing: End-to-End Delay Bounds Calculation

    Masaki Hanada, Hidenori Nakazato, Hitoshi Watanabe

    TENCON 2010: 2010 IEEE REGION 10 CONFERENCE     779 - 784  2010  [Refereed]

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    Recently multimedia applications such as music or video streaming, video teleconferencing and IP telephony have been flourishing in packet-switched networks. Applications that generate such real-time data can have very diverse quality-of-service (QoS) requirements.
    In order to guarantee diverse QoS requirements, the combined use of a packet scheduling algorithm based on Generalized Processor Sharing (GPS) and leaky bucket traffic regulator is the most successful QoS mechanism. GPS can provide a minimum guaranteed service rate for each session and tight delay bounds for leaky bucket constrained sessions. However, the delay bounds for leaky bucket constrained sessions under GPS are unnecessarily large constant weight until the session buffer is empty. In order to solve the problem, a scheduling policy called Output Rate-Controlled Generalized Processor Sharing (ORC-GPS) has been proposed in [10]. ORC-GPS is a rate-based scheduling like GPS, and controls the service rate in order to lower the delay bounds for leaky bucket constrained sessions.
    In this paper, we extend the delay bounds calculation for single-node networks introduced in [10] to multi-node networks and compare ORC-GPS with GPS in terms of end-to-end delay bounds through numerical experiments.

  • Mobility in a Description based Clustered Ad Hoc Network

    Tharinda Nishantha Vidanagama, Hidenori Nakazato

    2010 IEEE GLOBECOM WORKSHOPS     148 - 152  2010  [Refereed]

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    Wireless mobile ad hoc networks can be used as a means to ease and support life in an ordinary house. As future home appliances will have many useful built-in functions, a communication network that allows a user to access these built-in functions and to control the appliances is highly desirable. This paper proposes a routing algorithm for mobility in a description-based clustered ad-hoc network where the nodes are given descriptions or keywords such as "living room TV", "kitchen oven", etc. as identifiers. In this paper, we discuss and compare the routing and the number of control messages required to achieve a higher message delivery success rate for frequent and infrequent communication of nodes with mobility. When communication is infrequent a search is performed for the destination regardless of mobility. The proposed algorithm handles mobility efficiently while ensuring a high accuracy on message delivery with the least amount of control messages.

  • Analysis of Divisible Load Scheduling with result collection on heterogeneous systems

    Abhay Ghatpande, Hidenori Nakazato, Olivier Beaumont, Hiroshi Watanabe

    IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS   E91B ( 7 ) 2234 - 2243  2008.07  [Refereed]

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    Divisible Load Theory (DLT) is an established framework to study Divisible Load Scheduling (DLS). Traditional DLT ignores the result collection phase, and specifies no solution to the general case where both the network speed and computing capacity of the nodes are heterogeneous. In this paper, the DLS with Result Collection on HETerogeneous Systems (DLSRCHETS) problem is formulated as a linear program and analyzed. The papers to date that have dealt with result collection, proposed Simplistic LIFO (Last In, First Out) and FIFO (First In, First Out) type of schedules as solutions. The main contributions of this paper are: (a) A proof of the Allocation Precedence Condition, which is inconsequential in LIFO or FIFO, but is important in a general schedule. (b) A proof of the Idle Time Theorem, which states that irrespective of whether load is allocated to all available processors, in the optimal solution to the DLSRCHETS problem, at the most one processor that is allocated load has idle time, and that the idle time exists only when the result collection begins immediately after the completion of load distribution.



  • Divisible Load Scheduling with result collection on heterogeneous systems

    Abhay Ghatpande, Hidenori Nakazato, Hiroshi Watanabe, Olivier Beaumont


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    Divisible Load Theory (DLT) is an established mathematical framework to study Divisible Load Scheduling (DLS). However traditional DLT does not comprehensively deal with the scheduling of results back to source (i.e., result collection) on heterogeneous systems. In this paper, the DLSRCHETS (DLS with Result Collection on HETerogeneous Systems) problem is addressed. The few papers to date that have dealt with DLSRCHETS, proposed simplistic LIFO (Last In, First Out) and FIFO (First In, First Out) type of schedules as solutions to DLSRCHETS. In this paper, a new heuristic algorithm, ITERLP, is proposed as a solution to the DLSRCHETS problem. With the help of simulations, it is proved that the performance of ITERLP is significantly better than existing algorithms.

  • Divisible load scheduling with result collection on heterogeneous systems

    Abhay Ghatpande, Hidenori Nakazato, Hiroshi Watanabe, Olivier Beaumont

    IPDPS Miami 2008 - Proceedings of the 22nd IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, Program and CD-ROM   E91-B ( 8 ) 2571 - 2588  2008

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    Divisible Load Theory (DLT) is an established mathematical framework to study Divisible Load Scheduling (DLS). However, traditional DLT does not comprehensively deal with the scheduling of results back to source (i.e., result collection) on heterogeneous systems. In this paper, the DLSRCHETS (DLS with Result Collection on HETerogeneous Systems) problem is addressed. The few papers to date that have dealt with DLSRCHETS, proposed simplistic LIFO (Last In, First Out) and FIFO (First In, First Out) type of schedules as solutions to DLSRCHETS. In this paper, a new heuristic algorithm, ITERLP, is proposed as a solution to the DLSRCHETS problem. With the help of simulations, it is proved that the performance of ITERLP is significantly better than existing algorithms. ©2008 IEEE.



  • Intrusion detection by monitoring system calls with POSIX capabilities

    Takahiro Haruyama, Hidenori Nakazato, Hideyoshi Tominaga

    IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS   E90B ( 10 ) 2646 - 2654  2007.10  [Refereed]

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    Existing anomaly intrusion detection that monitors system calls has two problems: vast false positives and lack of risk information on detection. In order to solve the two problems, we propose an intrusion detection method called "Callchains." Callchains reduces the false positives of existing anomaly intrusion detection by restricting monitoring to the activities with process capabilities prescribed by POSIX 1003. le. Additionally, Callchains provides an administrator information of used POSIX capabilities in sytem call execution as an indicator of risk. This paper shows Callchains' design, its implementation, and experimental results comparing Callchains with existing approaches.



  • 遅延保証を目的とした出力レート制御方式ORC-GPS

    花田真樹, 中里秀則

    電子情報通信学会論文誌 B   J90-B ( 2 ) 113 - 126  2007.02

  • ORC-GPS: Output Rate-Controlled Scheduling Policy for Delay Guarantees

    Masaki HANADA, Hidenori NAKAZATO

    IEICE Transactions on Communications   J90-B ( 2 ) 113 - 126  2007.02

  • ORC-GPS: Output rate-controlled scheduling policy for delay guarantees

    Masaki Hanada, Hidenori Nakazato

    2007 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMMUNICATIONS, VOLS 1-14   J90-B ( 2 ) 530 - 535  2007  [Refereed]

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    Recently packet scheduling algorithms such as Packetized GPS (PGPS), Worst-case Fair Weighted Fair Queueing (WF(2)Q) and Self-Clocked Fair Queueing (SCFQ) have been proposed in order to guarantee deterministic or statistical delay bounds. These algorithms are based on Generalized Processor Sharing (GPS) which is an ideal scheduling algorithm based on fluid flow model in which the traffic is infinitely divisible. GPS provides a minimum guaranteed service rate for each session and tight delay bounds for leaky bucket constrained sessions. However, the delay bounds are unnecessarily large because each session is served according to its associated constant weight until the session buffer is empty. In this paper, we present a scheduling policy called Output Rate-Controlled Generalized Processor Sharing (ORC-GPS). ORC-GPS is a rate-based scheduling like GPS and controls the service rate to lower the delay bounds for leaky bucket constrained sessions. In numerical experiments, we compare ORC-GPS with GPS in terms of delay bounds.

  • Output rate-controlled scheduling policy: End-to-end delay bounds calculation

    Masaki Hanada, Hidenori Nakazato


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    Recently many packet scheduling algorithms based on Generalized Processor Sharing (GPS) and Earliest Deadline First (EDF) have been proposed in order to guarantee deterministiic or statistical delay bounds. GPS provides a minimum guaranteed service rate for each session and tight end-to-end delay bounds for leaky bucket constrained sessions. However, the delay bounds are unnecessarily large because each session is served according to its associated constant weight until the session buffer is empty. EDF is the optimal scheduling algorithm in terms of schedulable region in a single-node network. However, using EDF to provide end-to-end delay bounds is problematic because the traffic will be distorted after traffic aggregation in a multi-node network.
    In this paper, we present a scheduling policy called Output Rate-Controlled Generalized Processor Sharing (ORC-GPS) in order to guarantee deterministic delay bounds. ORC-GPS is a rate-based scheduling like GPS and controls the service rate to lower the delay bounds for leaky bucket constrained sessions. We compare ORC-GPS with GPS and EDF in terms of delay bounds.

  • Output rate-controlled scheduling policy: End-to-end delay bounds calculation

    Masaki Hanada, Hidenori Nakazato

    International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology, ICACT   2   1370 - 1375  2007

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    Recently many packet scheduling algorithms based on Generalized Processor Sharing (GPS) and Earliest Deadline First (EDF) have been proposed in order to guarantee deterministic or statistical delay bounds. GPS provides a minimum guaranteed service rate for each session and tight end-to-end delay bounds for leaky bucket constrained sessions. However, the delay bounds are unnecessarily large because each session is served according to its associated constant weight until the session buffer is empty. EDF is the optimal scheduling algorithm in terms of schedulable region in a single-node network. However, using EDF to provide end-to-end delay bounds is problematic because the traffic will be distorted after traffic aggregation in a multi-node network. In this paper, we present a scheduling policy called Output Rate-Controlled Generalized Processor Sharing (ORC-GPS) in order to guarantee deterministic delay bounds. ORC-GPS is a rate-based scheduling like GPS and controls the service rate to lower the delay bounds for leaky bucket constrained sessions. We compare ORC-GPS with GPS and EDF in terms of delay bounds.



  • 映像配信用マルチキャストトラヒック制御方式Deracs

    西岡淳, 三宅洋一郎, 中里秀則, 富永英義

    電子情報通信学会論文誌 B   J89-B ( 8 ) 1453 - 1463  2006.08


  • Delay-Correlation Driven Rate Control for Streaming Data

    Daisuke Ikegami, Hidenori NAKAZATO, Hideyoshi TOMINAGA

    IEICE Transactions on Communications   J89-B ( 7 ) 1265 - 1274  2006.07


  • ネットワーク遅延時間の相関を用いたストリーミングデータのレート制御方式

    池上大介, 中里秀則, 富永英義

    電子情報通信学会論文誌 B   J89-B ( 7 ) 1265 - 1274  2006.07


  • An approximation analysis of nonpreemptive EDF scheduling

    Masaki Hanada, Hidenori Nakazato

    Electronics and Communications in Japan, Part III: Fundamental Electronic Science (English translation of Denshi Tsushin Gakkai Ronbunshi)   89 ( 2 ) 13 - 23  2006.02  [Refereed]

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    Due to recent advances in multimedia technology, a real-time capability is needed to a certain extent even in information systems, in addition to control systems. In general, information systems are classified as soft real-time systems, which keep operating even if a deadline is missed. In soft real-time systems, it is more important to provide statistical guarantees (probabilistic analysis) than absolute guarantees (deadline guarantees). In current real-time systems, real-time scheduling such as EDF (Earliest Deadline First) is used to meet timing constraints. EDF scheduling simply assigns higher priorities in the order of earlier deadlines. It can be applied to aperiodic tasks without prior knowledge of their starting times. In this paper, it is assumed that each attribute of the task follows a probabilistic distribution. The system performance when a nonpreemptive EDF scheduling is applied is then mathematically analyzed. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.



  • Performance Study on DERACS: A Traffic Control Scheme for Video Multicast

    Jun Nishioka, Yoichiro Miyake, Hidenori Nakazato, Hideyoshi Tominaga


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    QoS control for multicast over the Internet is necessary to provide high quality multicast video streaming. With existing DiffServ multicast schemes, multicast traffic in a DiffServ domain increases as the multicast-group membership grows, and consequently packets guaranteed for delivery may be discarded. Since it is hard to guarantee QoS for all flows over the entire network, we propose DERACS a delivery range control scheme which guarantees QoS in a limited delivery range formed by actively discarding packets. In this paper, we show the delivery range of DERACS through simulation and analysis.

  • Timestamp based optimistic concurrency control

    Quazi Ehsanul Kabir Mamun, Hidenori Nakazato

    TENCON 2005 - 2005 IEEE REGION 10 CONFERENCE, VOLS 1-5   D3-04.1   2551 - +  2006  [Refereed]

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    Optimistic Concurrency control demonstrates a few improvements over pessimistic concurrency controls like two-phase locking protocol or time-stamp based protocol. But the price of coarse detection of conflicts may sometimes be high and consequently discounts the advantage of optimistic concurrency control protocol. In this paper we have reduced the space of coarse detection of conflicts of optimistic concurrency control protocol.

  • Performance Study on DERACS: A Traffic Control Scheme for Video Multicast

    Jun Nishioka, Yoichiro Miyake, Hidenori Nakazato, Hideyoshi Tominaga

    GLOBECOM 2006 - 2006 IEEE GLOBAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS CONFERENCE   J89-B ( 8 ) 1453 - 1463  2006  [Refereed]

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    QoS control for multicast over the Internet is necessary to provide high quality multicast video streaming. With existing DiffServ multicast schemes, multicast traffic in a DiffServ domain increases as the multicast-group membership grows, and consequently packets guaranteed for delivery may be discarded. Since it is hard to guarantee QoS for all flows over the entire network, we propose DERACS a delivery range control scheme which guarantees QoS in a limited delivery range formed by actively discarding packets. In this paper, we show the delivery range of DERACS through simulation and analysis.

  • IEICE/IEEE joint special section on autonomous decentralized systems

    Ryoichi Kawahara, Mika Ishizuka, Kinji Mori, Yasushi Wakahara, Yoshiaki Kakuda, Kenji Ishida, Atsushi Kanai, Hiroki Horiuchi, Isao Kaji, Toshiaki Miyazaki, Satoshi Fukumoto, Atsuhiro Tanaka, Hidenori Nakazato, Tadashi Dohi, Hiroaki Morino, Takeki Aizono, Jin Fan, Radu Popescu-Zeletin, I. Ling Yen, Yongdong Tan, Masaki Aida

    IEICE Transactions on Communications   E88-B ( 12 ) 4417  2005.12



  • Proxy Based Two Phase Commit with Wait for Improved Response Time and Blocking Probability

    Quazi Ehsanul Kabir mamun, Hidenori Nakazato

    roc. of the 17th IASTED International Conference Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems     361 - 366  2005.11

  • Proxy Based Two Phase Commit with Wait for Improved Response Time and Blocking Probability

    Quazi Ehsanul Kabir mamun, Hidenori Nakazato

    roc. of the 17th IASTED International Conference Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems     361 - 366  2005.11

  • A model for time-varying quality of speech services

    Z Chen, H Nakazato

    GLOBECOM '05: IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, Vols 1-6   GC07-2   240 - 244  2005  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Speech services are widely deployed on new communication infrastructures. However, compared with traditional infrastructures, the ever varying conditions are native of these new infrastructures. Modeling the time-varying speech quality becomes an urgent issue. This paper proposes a computable model for time-varying speech quality evaluation, called M-Model. Considering the time-varying issue, EWMA is used in the model. M-Model is validated by a subjective experiment. The model indicates that time-varying quality with extremely high frequency will not affect perceived quality at all. In addition, we observed that the recency effect influences not only the perceived overall quality but also the perceived instantaneous quality.

  • A model for time-varying quality of speech services

    Z Chen, H Nakazato

    GLOBECOM '05: IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, Vols 1-6   GC07-2   240 - 244  2005

     View Summary

    Speech services are widely deployed on new communication infrastructures. However, compared with traditional infrastructures, the ever varying conditions are native of these new infrastructures. Modeling the time-varying speech quality becomes an urgent issue. This paper proposes a computable model for time-varying speech quality evaluation, called M-Model. Considering the time-varying issue, EWMA is used in the model. M-Model is validated by a subjective experiment. The model indicates that time-varying quality with extremely high frequency will not affect perceived quality at all. In addition, we observed that the recency effect influences not only the perceived overall quality but also the perceived instantaneous quality.

  • An approximation analysis for nonpreemptive EDF scheduling

    Masaki HANADA, Hidenori NAKAZATO

    IEICE Transactions on Communications   J87-A ( 12 ) 1518 - 1527  2004.12


  • 非割込み型EDF スケジューリングの近似解析

    花田真樹, 中里秀則

    電子情報通信学会論文誌   J87-A ( 12 ) 1518 - 1527  2004.12


  • P2P live streaming system with low signal interruption

    T Hama, K Asatani, H Nakazato, H Tominaga


     View Summary

    P2P content distribution networks are collecting interest to efficiently deliver rich contents such as audio and video. Stream interruption caused by relay peers dropping out of the P2P network is a problem in P2P live streaming systems. In this paper we propose a P2P live streaming system with low stream interruption. In the proposed system, peers are connected to the peers with low drop-out probability and a wide and short P2P network is constructed. Also, multiple paths to the source is considered. We show the improvement in the interruption time by our algorithm through simulations.

  • Network load measurement for stream data

    D Ikegami, H Nakazato, K Asatani, H Tominaga

    2004 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMMUNICATIONS, VOLS 1-7   QS01-5   1862 - 1866  2004  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    The demand to access multimedia data such as live video is increasing due to the spread of broadband access network. However, the Internet only provides so called best-effort service. The network condition of the Internet shows fluctuation. Delivering video without any control causes degradation of the final video quality. To avoid such degradation, we must control video traffic to adapt to the fluctuating available bandwidth. In this paper, we propose a technique to find available bandwidth for end-to-end stream connections over the Internet. We claim that the correlation coefficient of network delay of an end-to-end stream is closely related to the bottleneck-link load for the end-to-end stream connection. We show and prove the relationship through analysis and simulations.

  • Network load measurement for stream data

    D Ikegami, H Nakazato, K Asatani, H Tominaga


     View Summary

    The demand to access multimedia data such as live video is increasing due to the spread of broadband access network. However, the Internet only provides so called best-effort service. The network condition of the Internet shows fluctuation. Delivering video without any control causes degradation of the final video quality. To avoid such degradation, we must control video traffic to adapt to the fluctuating available bandwidth. In this paper, we propose a technique to find available bandwidth for end-to-end stream connections over the Internet. We claim that the correlation coefficient of network delay of an end-to-end stream is closely related to the bottleneck-link load for the end-to-end stream connection. We show and prove the relationship through analysis and simulations.

  • Rate control on correlation coefficient of network delay

    D Ikegami, H Nakazato, K Asatani, H Tominaga

    GLOBECOM'03: IEEE GLOBAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS CONFERENCE, VOLS 1-7   NG15_4   3118 - 3122  2003  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    The demand to access multimedia data such as live video is increasing due to the spread of broadband access network. However, the Internet only provides so called best-effort service. The network condition of the Internet shows fluctuation. Delivering video without any control causes degradation of the final video quality. In this paper we propose a stream-rate control algorithm RC3 that uses correlation of network delay to evaluate available bandwidth. We show performance of RC3 derived from simulations.

  • Rate control on correlation coefficient of network delay

    D Ikegami, H Nakazato, K Asatani, H Tominaga


     View Summary

    The demand to access multimedia data such as live video is increasing due to the spread of broadband access network. However, the Internet only provides so called best-effort service. The network condition of the Internet shows fluctuation. Delivering video without any control causes degradation of the final video quality. In this paper we propose a stream-rate control algorithm RC3 that uses correlation of network delay to evaluate available bandwidth. We show performance of RC3 derived from simulations.

  • TCP上のストリーム配信におけるレート制御方式の検討

    電子情報通信学会技術研究会報告   NS2001-229  2002.03

  • 分散透過デバッガの開発

    Kuroishi Mitsuo, Nakazato Hidenori

    情報処理学会プログラミング研究会     33 - 33  2002.01


  • ネットワーク負荷測定を用いたストリーミングデータのレート制御方式

    電子情報通信学会 技術研究会報告   IN2001-144  2002.01


  • service differentiationを実現するためのパケットスケジューリング方式EWRRの性能評価と検証

    ONODERA Satoru, NAKAZATO Hidenori, YOKOTA Hidetoshi

    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告   NS2001-98 ( 286 ) 25 - 30  2001.09

     View Summary

    Recently the Internet is used for real-time traffic such as voice and video that requires guarantee on band-width and delay. However, the guarantee is difficult to attain in.the current Internet since packets are forwarded in so called best-effort fashion. We a.re studying class-based service differentiation in order to guarantee bandwidth and delay. Implementation of the service differentiation is achieved by a packet scheduling algorithm that discriminates each service class. In this paper, we propose a scheduling algorithm with priority-based congestion control to be used in a core network for service differentiation. Our algorithm is an extension of the Elastic Weighted Round Robin(EWRR). We show the effectiveness of our algorithm through simulation.


  • Personalized Policy Management Architecture in Distributed Network

    Proc. of the 7th Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications    2001.09

  • 多段キュースケジューリングが可能なネットワークシミュレータの作成

    電子情報通信学会 2001年総合大会講演論文集   通信2,B-7-92  2001.03

  • ユーザ指向アクティブルーティングの提案

    電子情報通信学会 2001年総合大会講演論文集   通信2, B-11-12  2001.03

  • Diffserv網におけるマルチキャストセッションのためのアドミッション制御方法

    HIRANO Takeshi, NAKAZATO Hidenori, URANO Yoshiyori, TOMINAGA Hideyoshi

    電子情報通信学会 2001年総合大会講演論文集   通信2,B-7-138   271 - 271  2001.03


  • Diffserv AFサービスを利用した階層化マルチキャストの検討

    電子情報通信学会 2001年総合大会講演論文集   通信2,B-7-142  2001.03


  • Diffserv網におけるトランスコーダを用いたマルチキャスト映像配信に関する検討

    電子情報通信学会 2001年総合大会講演論文集   通信2,B-7-141  2001.03

  • オブジェクトパッケージ化による分散実行環境の構築

    電子情報通信学会 2001年総合大会講演論文集   情報・システム1,D-3-4  2001.03

  • 分散透過デバッガの開発

    Kuroishi Mitsuo, Nakazato Hidenori

    電子情報通信学会 2001年総合大会講演論文集   情報・システム1,D-3-5   33 - 33  2001.03


  • 光波長多重技術を活用したIPネットワークの課題

    電子情報通信学会 技術研究報告   IN2000-132  2000.11


  • Design of reconfigurable lightpaths in IP over WDM networks

    H Harai, F Kubota, H Nakazato

    IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS   E83B ( 10 ) 2234 - 2244  2000.10  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    The forwarding speed of IP routers must grow to accommodate the skyrocketing amount of traffic on the Internet. MPLS, which relies on the high processing power of lower layers, is a solution and it is under developing. On the other hand, a WDM network has been expected as a high-speed network, but it is also called a stupid network because of lacking its traffic granularity In order to bridge between these two layers, an IP over WDM network by a concept of MPLS has been proposed. This network has a potential to effectively use large transmission capacity provided by WDM technology. In this paper, we design IP over WDM networks that reconfigure IP routing and lightpaths each day or month. We formulate a problem that maximizes the network throughput based on integer linear programming. Through numerical examples, we show that the increase of the network throughput in IP over WDM networks is larger than that of IP networks. We also show the area where this method is applicable to the reconfigurable network.

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Research Projects

  • Application of Distributed Hash Concept to Route Finding in Information Centric Networking

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • 大規模情報指向ネットワークにおける情報取得経路探索に関する研究

    Project Year :


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  • IoT 機器増大に対応した有無線最適制御型電波有効利用基盤技術の研究開発 課題ア 有無線ネットワーク仮想化の自動制御技術


    Project Year :


  • 映像情報の動機によるネットワーク内一時記憶の消滅に関する研究

    電気通信普及財団  研究調査助成

    Project Year :


  • Green Information Centric Networks and Applications

    Project Year :


  • Optimal Encoding Node Placement for Network Coding

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    NAKAZATO Hidenori

     View Summary

    Encoding data at all nodes in a network can maximize data transmission efficiency. Encoding consumes processing power of routers, however. In this research, we investigated the placement of encoding nodes in a part of network nodes and data transmission strategies in such a network while achieving the comparable data transmission efficiency to the one in encoding at every node. We first identified that the reason of data-transfer efficiency improvement resides in the redundancy which help us to avoid duplicated data transmission. We also proposed a encoding-node placement algorithms exploiting indices that expresses features of network topologies and succeeded in improving data transmission efficiency effectively

  • 監視情報のアシュアランスネットワークに関する研究

    Project Year :


  • 多重障害を考慮した高信頼故障回復技術の研究

    Project Year :


  • Study on Parallel Data Transmission for Peer-to-Peer Grid

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    NAKAZATO Hidenori

     View Summary

    This research is concerned with data transmission method for computer-grid applications that are executed in peer-to-peer grid environment(P2P Grid) and require transmission of large amount of data. A P2P Grid is a distributed system that is made of a peer-to-peer network composed of remote personal computers(PCs) mutually connected by networks. We proposed a speed-up method for data transmission by setting up multiple TCP sessions between two nodes and letting the sessions cooperate. Also we studied another speed-up method by utilizing BitTorrent-like parallel transmission. In addition, a method to improve data transmission efficiency by utilizing data encoding in order to use bottleneck communication link efficiently is considered.By utilizing the results of this research, we can apply P2P grid computing to data processing that requires transmission of large data

  • 組み込み機器バックオフィスに関する研究開発

    Project Year :


  • 医療情報を扱うクラウド化事業におけるセキュリティ対策の研究

    Project Year :


  • 情報検索およびホームネットワークプラットフォームの研究

    Project Year :


  • Estimation of Temporal Behavior in Distributed Systems

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    NAKAZATO Hidenori

     View Summary

    We proposed a network architecture for soft-real-time distributed systems. In the architecture, priority scheduling with fixed number of discrete priority levels available in VLAN header in Ethernet packets are used in LAN section of the network. Packet scheduling in WAN section of the network and processor scheduling adopt EDF scheduling. We proposed a priority assignment algorithm for LAN section based on delay constraint in one-hop LAN section which is determined from delay allocation to WAN section and processors, and on distribution of packet priority assignment in LAN section. As processor scheduling, we analytically derived estimation method for response time in EDF scheduling. We also proposed a packet scheduling algorithm called ORC-GPS for WAN section. The algorithm can utilize network efficiently while controlling delay. ORC-GPS provides larger schedulable region than both EDF and GPS. ORC-GPS is a class-based scheduling algorithm. Parameters for scheduling are determined on required maximum delays for classes. Since delay control by priority assignment in LAN section has only limited effect and we cannot vary delay from certain value, delay is mainly controlled in WAN section while delay control by priority classis performed in LAN section. ORC-GPS can be applied to this WAN section delay control. ORC-GPS parameters are determined from the residual delay derived by subtracting delay in LAN section from overall permissible network delay. In this way, the target end-to-end delay canbe realized

  • Research on Server Join/Leave Mechanisms

    Project Year :


  • Development of QoS routing Simulation Software

    Project Year :


  • Stream Information Delivery

    Project Year :


  • QoS Control for Stream Communication Using Active Network

    Project Year :


  • Development of QoS Simulation Software

    Project Year :


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  • Beyond 5G実現を加速させるWeb3に基づく共創型デジタルツインに関する研究開発—Research and Development of Co-creating Digital Twins using Web3 Technologies to Accelerate Beyond 5G—放送技術

    金井 謙治, 山崎 託, 宮田 純子, 金光 永煥, 峯 荒夢, 森 慎太郎, 中里 秀則

    映像情報メディア学会技術報告 = ITE technical report   46 ( 36 ) 1 - 6  2022.11

  • Energy Consumption Evaluation of ICN Networks

      115 ( 483 ) 213 - 217  2016.03


  • B-8-4 Shortening of content forwarding time by the print cache in ICN

    Watanabe Daiki, Nakazato Hidenori

    Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference   2016 ( 2 ) 203 - 203  2016.03


  • BS-6-9 Route Optimization for Producer Mobility in Named Data Networking(BS-6.Network and service Design, Control and Management)

    Zhang Siran, Yan Zhiwei, Park Yong-Jin, Nakazato Hidenori, Kim Heedong

    Proceedings of the Society Conference of IEICE   2015 ( 2 ) "S - 32"-"S-33"  2015.08

     View Summary

    Named Data Networking (NDN) is one of promising architectures for future Internet, which is designed for efficient content delivery. However, producer mobility support is one of the challenging problems of NDN. This paper proposes a scheme that realizes route optimization of tunneling based solution of producer mobility. Upon our previous work, we make improvement by removing mobility function from mobile devices to a network and giving solution to table maintenance. Moreover, mathematic analysis is made to evaluate performance of the network. Compared with a related work, the proposed scheme shows advantage on reducing network cost.


  • BS-3-14 Dynamic File-Level Popularity based Cache Management Scheme for Video Delivery on CCN(BS-3. Advanced Technologies in the Design, Management and Control for Future Innovative Communication Network)

    Li Haipeng, Nakazato Hidenori

    Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference   2015 ( 2 ) "S - 36"-"S-37"  2015.02


  • System Wide Information Management(SWIM)ネットワークモデルでのQoS実装

    中里秀則, ONGKASAE Kiratipong, 古賀禎, 呂暁東

    電子航法研究所研究発表会講演概要   15th  2015


  • Producer Mobility in NDN Based on Interest Redirection

    ZHANG Siran, YAN Zhiwei, HARADA Sho, PARK Yong-Jin, NAKAZATO Hidenori

    IEICE technical report. Communication systems   114 ( 289 ) 75 - 80  2014.11

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    Named Data Networking (NDN) is designed for efficient content delivery, although producer mobility support is one of the challenges. In this paper, the Interest Redirection Scheme (IRS) is proposed to enhance the producer mobility in NDN. IRS does not require routers to change their routing tables (FIBs) after a producer moves. Instead, the Interest packet can be sent from a consumer to the moved producer using tunnel mechanism. The piggybacked Data packet is sent back to the consumer, after which the consumer can send the next Interest packet through a new direct path to the producer. Moreover, we make simulations with the proposed scheme and evaluate performance of the network. Compared with basic NDN and related works, the results indicate that the proposed scheme has shorter handover delay and less average content retrieval time.


  • B-8-28 Caching Method for Video Streaming in Content Centric Network

    Qi Hongguang, Nakazato Hidenori

    Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference   2014 ( 2 ) 300 - 300  2014.03


  • D-19-1 Name Resolution for Interest packets in CCN

    HARIKAWA Kagebumi, NAKAZATO Hidenori

    Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference   2014 ( 2 ) 177 - 177  2014.03


  • A note on content caching and delivery based on AVC and SVC

    Mei Takafuji, Hidenori Nakazato, Hiroshi Watanabe

    IPSJ SIG Notes   2014 ( 3 ) 1 - 5  2014.02

     View Summary

    Content cache effectiveness in video distribution is mathematically analyzed. Targeted video distribution models are two types. One is simulcast, the other is scalable approach. Simple two layer model is used for the analysis. Caching effect is studied focusing on the amount of required transmission data based on some assumptions with a certain cache hit probability. The result shows that the scalable approach cannot improve the caching effect.


  • An Efficient File Transfer Using Helper Peer in BitTorrent

    LEE Gilhyon, KANEMITSU Hidehiro, NAKAZATO Hidenori

    IEICE technical report. Communication systems   113 ( 295 ) 81 - 86  2013.11

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    The Internet is often used to transfer large amount of data due to development of P2P (Peer-to-Peer) technology. BitTorrent is a most popular hybrid P2P application. BitTorrent splits one large file into a number of small pieces and shares the fragments of the file in the swarm. When there is small number of peers in the swarm, the performance of file sharing is not high. In this paper, we propose a method to utilize helper peers on the BitTorrent system in order to improve the file sharing efficiency. We evaluate the efficiency of the proposed method by using simulation.


  • Message Routing with Bloom Filter for Name-Based Home Ad Hoc Networks

    VIDANAGAMA Tharinda Nishantha, NAKAZATO Hidenori

    IEICE technical report. Communication systems   113 ( 295 ) 75 - 80  2013.11

     View Summary

    As future home appliances will have many useful built-in functions; a communication network that allows a user to access these built-in functions and to control the appliances is highly desirable. If the home appliances are fitted with a wireless communication module, a wireless ad hoc network can be used to easily connect the appliances. For ease of use the nodes are given names such as "living room TV", "kitchen oven", etc. for identification. This paper proposes the use of bloom filters as a routing cache for message routing in a name-based home ad hoc network. The paper also discusses the performance of the proposed algorithms via simulation.


  • Network Coding Cache in Information-Centric Networks(Invited Talk)

    NGUYEN Dinh, NAKAZATO Hidenori

    IEICE technical report. Communication systems   113 ( 114 ) 53 - 58  2013.07

     View Summary

    Network coding has been recently applied in information-centric networking to improve its efficiency. When network coding is enabled at a content router, the router, in addition to caching content, may combine available data to produce coded data to send towards content consumers. Coded content, as has been previously shown, can improve content distribution efficiency over multiple delivery paths. Although every content router in information-centric networks is supposed to have caching, and anticipatedly, network coding facilities, the question is where should caching and network coding be carried out. It is beneficial to limit the number of network coding caches as caching consumes storage and network coding both consumes computational resource and incurs additional delay to the delivery process. Our proposal for a network coding cache placement answers such question to efficiently disseminate content in information-centric networks.


  • A Proposal and Evaluation of network cache configuration method for application suitable delay design

    KIKUCHI Shunsuke, NAKAZATO Hidenori

    IEICE technical report. Information networks   113 ( 36 ) 13 - 18  2013.05

     View Summary

    Network virtualization in New Generation Network realizes various customized network in which, network characteristics is specialized to each application. We are focusing on contents distribution as one application. In this paper, we propose "network cache configuration method" in which cache is managed based on content length. It's possible to design network delay characteristics by setting content length, the amount of content, and the cache parameters in contents distribution. We analyzed the relationship of these parameters by numerical model and simulation experiment and showed that proposed method achieved better performance than traditional cache management method.


  • A Proposal and Evaluation of network cache configuration method focusing on the content length


    IEICE technical report. Communication systems   112 ( 309 ) 53 - 58  2012.11

     View Summary

    Network virtualization in New Generation Network realizes various customized network in which network characteristics is focused on each application. In this paper, we propose "content length adaptive cache management method" in which cache is managed based on content length, which is suitable for each application. We analyzed the behavior of this proposed method by numerical model and simulation experiment and proposed method achieved better performance than traditional cache management method.


  • Backup Topology Design for IP Fast Rerouting considering Double-Link Failures

    KAMAMURA Shohei, SHIMAZAKI Daisaku, HIRAMATSU Atsushi, NAKAZATO Hidenori

    IEICE technical report   112 ( 85 ) 37 - 42  2012.06

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    This paper proposes backup topologies design algorithm for IP fast rerouting considering double-link failures. In the IP fast rerouting framework, each router has the set of backup topologies, and then it performs the local repairing using proper backup topology, which avoids failed point. Recovering from the concurrent double failures is realized by preparing the set of backup topologies, which protects arbitrary double links. However, this strategy increases the number of required backup topologies, and then it consumes the memory resources on an IP router. This paper focuses on the fact that backup routes can be provided by combining the routes of backup topologies. Then we propose a novel algorithm for reducing the number of backup topologies by considering the similarity between the original topology and backup topologies.


  • Research on Congestion Control Method to Speed-up Parallel Transfer in GridFTP

    KOJIMA Koji, NAKAZATO Hidenori

    IEICE technical report. Information networks   111 ( 469 ) 169 - 174  2012.03

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    GridFTP protocol that enables safe and efficient data transfer is proposed, and used in Grid environment. The feature of GridFTP is parallel data transfer. TCP Reno is the typical transport protocol used in GridFTP. TCP Reno uses a loss-based congestion control technique to detect which detects congestion by packet loss and controls packet transmission. TCP Reno has the problem that it cannot fully utilize available bandwidth in broadband and high-latency networks, however. On the other hand, TCP Westwood adopts delay-based congestion control technique that measures round-trip time (RTT), estimates bandwidth usage from its variation, and adjusts congestion window size accordingly. Since TCP controls packet flow individually for each end-to-end connection, it is not optimal to be used in the parallel data transmission of GridFTP which establishes multiple TCP connections between one set of source and destination nodes. In this paper, we propose GridFTP with modified TCP Westwood, but not TCP Reno. Furthermore, we compare existing GridFTP and proposal, and show that the proposal can get high throughput by using the technique.


  • Keyword-based Unicast and Multicast in a Cluster-based Ad hoc Network

    VIDANAGAMA Tharinda Nishantha, NAKAZATO Hidenori

    IEICE technical report. Image engineering   111 ( 349 ) 13 - 18  2011.12

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    The Future home appliances will have a wireless control interface additionally to the traditional controls. An ad hoc network can be created using home appliances to ease and facilitate life in a futuristic home. This network can be used to access, control and even receive notifications from the appliances. This paper discusses keyword-based unicast and multicast, where the nodes are given keyword(s) such as [living room, television], [kitchen, oven], [laptop] etc. as identifiers. We will evaluate this proposal by developing a simulation to show the performance and also discuss the pros and cons.


  • Loop-free Fast Rerouting technique considering multiple failures

    KAMAMURA Shohei, SHIMAZAKI Daisaku, HIRAMATSU Atsushi, NAKAZATO Hidenori

    IEICE technical report   111 ( 232 ) 7 - 12  2011.10

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    A spanning tree rerouting (STR) method has been proposed for achieving IP layer fast recovery. However, existing work only considered single link or node failure. If multiple failures occur, the forwarding loop stochastically occurs. In this paper, we extend the existing STR method to Loop-free STR (LF-STR) method which reduces the probability of the forwarding loop when multiple failures occur. The key idea is estimating the past failure link from the packet header information, and then reducing the probability to select the backup route that causes the forwarding loop. We demonstrate the effectiveness in terms of the loop probability reduction by the computer simulation.


  • BS-6-24 User State Detection Using Simple Cell-ID Scheme(BS-6. Planning, Control and Management on Networks and Services)

    Sorianoa Geofrey Cantara, Nakazato Hidenori, Urano Yoshiyori, Shimamura Yasuaki

    Proceedings of the Society Conference of IEICE   2011 ( 2 ) "S - 76"-"S-77"  2011.08


  • B-7-58 Research on Congestion Control Method to Speed-up Parallel Transfer in GridFTP

    Kojima Koji, Nakazato Hidenori

    Proceedings of the Society Conference of IEICE   2011 ( 2 ) 151 - 151  2011.08


  • User Mobility State Detection Using Data Mining Method

    SORIANO Geofrey Cantara, NAKAZATO Hidenori, URANO Yoshiyori, SHIMAMURA Yasuaki

    IEICE technical report   111 ( 198 ) 51 - 56  2011.08

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    Smartphone simplifies the development of cutting-edge and compelling applications in mobile phones. Location-based services used for context-aware pervasive applications are dependent on positioning technologies to obtain user location. Such technologies requires extensive amount of power that leads to battery draining and limits the full potential of Smartphones. We proposed user mobility state detection using data-mining method that identifies user state based on cellular network cell id with timestamp and low-cost computing accelerometer data. Thus, the main usage of recognized state is to control power consuming embedded components for the purpose of power saving. Experiment and results shows effectiveness in detection user mobility state.


  • A Grouping Strategy for Fully Autonomous P2P-Grid

    LUO Wei, KANEMITSU Hidehiro, WANG Huan, NAKAZATO Hidenori

    IEICE technical report   111 ( 117 ) 97 - 102  2011.06

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    Grid computing environment constructed on top of a peer-to-peer system have the advantage of low cost and high performance. Management of peer information required to assign tasks to peers is a problem in this environment since there is no peer to aggregate information. This paper proposes a mechanism for managing information by forming peer groups based on processing speed, bandwidth, and network delay of a peer which affects make span of grid computation, This mechanism can efficiently allocate tasks to peers.


  • BS-4-40 Congestion control within AS(BS-4. Network Design, Management and Control for Future Networked Systems)

    Nguyen Hong Minht, Nakazato Hidenori, Urano Yoshiyori

    Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference   2011 ( 2 ) "S - 87"-"S-88"  2011.02

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    We study a solution to avoid congestion within AS resulted from path selection mechanism by IGP routing protocol, which is not aware of the real network situation. Among IGP routing protocols, link state routing protocol is nowadays preferred thanks to its advantages over distance vector in term of scalability and routing loop avoidance. Thus, our finding aims at solving this problem of link state routing protocol by making it aware of the real network situation through dynamic cost and congestion detection procedure. Whenever congestion is detected the correspondent link's cost will be increased by using dynamic cost indicating that link's congestion level. By this way, it lessen traffic burden on congested link as well as let traffic choose the best path when it is free of congestion.


  • BS-4-20 Strategy for Checkpointing Peer Sharing in P2P-Grid System(BS-4. Network Design, Management and Control for Future Networked Systems)

    Wang Huan, Nakazato Hidenori, Haatiem Mufti

    Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference   2011 ( 2 ) "S - 47"-"S-48"  2011.02

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    We present a checkpointing peer sharing method to improve utilization in P2P-Grid environment. In fact, exclusiveness of checkpointing peers for P2P-Grid working nodes reduces the efficiency of such environment when available nodes are limited, since a large number of tasks need to be distributed to network. The rationale behind our approach is to permit checkpointing peer reuse so that the tasks can be accepted as much as possible when nodes are numbered. Our results show that sharing checkpointing peers is particularly effective in P2P-Grid environment, yielding improvement on the number of tasks executable in parallel relatively to schemes based on private checkpointing peers.


  • A Checkpointing and Recovery Strategy for Peer-to-Peer Grid System

    WANG Huan, NAKAZATO Hidenori, HAATIEM Mufti

    IEICE technical report   110 ( 449 ) 383 - 388  2011.02

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    This paper presents a checkpointing and recovery strategy and multiple-failure handling algorithm as a fault tolerance mechanism on a P2P-Grid system. A way to achieve a checkpointed applications restarting as soon as possible relies on the use of its checkpointed state saved on other nodes. A major challenge in providing such a generic failure detection and recovery mechanism on the P2P-Grid is how to select the effective peers as checkpointing peers for working nodes. This paper describes how to overcome the challenge by using a working candidate peers selection mechanism which is based on the weight values of task execution and data transmission. it presents an experimental evaluation of our solution using simulation, demonstrating the value of supporting multiple failure recovery techniques in P2P-Grid system to achieve improvement of performance in the presence of failures.


  • BS-7-13 Peer-to-Peer Content Distribution with Source Coding(BS-7. Network Planning, Control and Management)

    Dinh Nguyen Quoc, Nakazato Hidenori

    Proceedings of the Society Conference of IEICE   2010 ( 2 ) "S - 69"-"S-70"  2010.08

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    We study the use of source coding in peer-to-peer content distribution, in particular, inside network topologies where peers are severely separated by bottlenecks. The objective is to find source coding's optimal redundancy factor in order to shorten the distribution time. Our findings, both analytically and experimentally, indicate that source coding can achieve significant improvement in terms of time required to finish in those bottlenecked topologies given its relatively low computational resource usage compared to a full system-wide network coding solution.


  • Research on Congestion Control Method to Achieve Speed-up of Parallel Transfer Method in GridFTP

    KASHIWABARA Takayuki, NAKAZATO Hidenori

    IEICE technical report   109 ( 411 ) 87 - 92  2010.01

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    GridFTP protocol that enables safe and efficient data transfer is proposed, and used in Grid environment. GridFTP has the function of the parallel data transfer that establishes plural connections between Server and Client, dynamic adjustment of TCP socket buffer size and control data transfer by the third party. However, GridFTP use TCP Reno that has problem that the bandwidth utilization rate cannot maintain high in long-fat environment. And the TCP global synchronization occurs because GridFTP use TCP with parallel too. In this paper, we propose a new GridFTP algorithm to improve the efficiency to the bandwidth utilization rate and get high speed transfer. The algorithm information on state of network mutually between plural connections of GridFTP and congestion control. We compare existing GridFTP and proposal, and show that the proposal can get high bandwidth utilization rate.


  • Study on Multi-hop Wireless Network Based on Next Generation Cellural System for Large-scale Disasters

    TEZUKA Susumu, NAKAZATO Hidenori

    IEICE technical report   109 ( 411 ) 75 - 80  2010.01

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    After a large-scale disaster occured, calls are greatly increases. When such a time communicative reservation serves as an important proposition. As the measure Ad-Hoc Network, wireless communications between access points(APs), wireless communications between Mobile Terminals attracts attention and which Routing Algorithm, Accessibility of communication and Load Distribution contemplate on all layer. This paper introduces communication control system service at large-scale disaster. This system using concept of existing system that connects to stable area by multi-hop. We propose Wireless Access System by Ad Balloons carried simple eNodeB and LTE Network. This system make traffic balance possible by shift overcrowding packets for GW(Gate Way) having spaces.


  • Offline Download based on Hybrid P2P enviroment implemented on PC and Mobile Phone

    LIN Zhengzhong, YAN Jianfeng, NAKAZATO Hidenori, URANO Yoshinori

    IEICE technical report   109 ( 326 ) 111 - 114  2009.12

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    The Peer-to-peer (P2P) computing has been one of the hottest technologies today, which is popular in distributed file sharing. There are many famous download applications developed such as BitTorrent, Emule, etc. They have been widely studied in terms of network topology, performance and incentive algorithms. In this paper we will propose a new mechanism called P2P Offline download Model. We also make experiential implements on PC and mobile phone. Through our proposed service, we want to provide more efficient P2P download service to users.


  • A-17-5 A Communication Protocol with Oncoming Vehicle

    TOMIZAWA Shintaro, NAKAZATO Hidenori, TOMINAGA Hideyoshi

    Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference   2009   297 - 297  2009.03


  • BS-4-34 Description Based Routing and Addressing in Cluster Based Ad Hoc NetworkBS-4. System, control and design technologies for emerging network)

    VIDANAGAMA Tharinda Nishantha, NAKAZATO Hidenori

    Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference   2009 ( 2 ) "S - 67"-"S-68"  2009.03


  • B-19-20 A Study on Stable Check Point System on P2P-grid

    OTANI Yoshihiro, LEE Gilhyon, KANEMITSU Hidehiro, NAKAZATO Hidenori, TOMINAGA Hideyoshi

    Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference   2009 ( 2 ) 587 - 587  2009.03


  • B-7-84 A Proposal of TCP control method to achieve, high-resolution streaming delivery

    YAMAGUCHI Yuta, NAKAZATO Hidenori, TOMINAGA Hideyoshi

    Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference   2009 ( 2 ) 228 - 228  2009.03


  • A Study of Data Transfer for Improvement of Download Speed on Grid over P2P


    IEICE technical report   108 ( 457 ) 147 - 152  2009.02

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    According to improvement of P2P application and Grid computing technology, it is rapidly increased to transmit large volumes of data through network. Because of the results, it has a problem of network delay and network bottleneck. In order to avoid network bottleneck, it is possible to increase the download speed to use spare upload bandwidth of peer in P2P network. In this paper, we will propose file transmission algorithm based on BitTorrent and experimentally investigate how number of peer improves performance of download speed in P2P network.


  • Study on Multi-hop Wireless Network which Uses Effectively Existing Network for Large-scale Disasters

    TEZUKA Susumu, NAKAZATO Hidenori, OHTA Gen-ichiro, TOMINAGA Hideyoshi

    IEICE technical report   108 ( 457 ) 399 - 403  2009.02

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    After a large-scale disaster occured, calls are greatly increases. When such a time communicative reservation serves as an important proposition. As the measure Ad-Hoc Network and wireless communications between access points (APs) attracts attention. This paper introduces communication control system uses existing network which escaped damage by using concept of Ad-Hoc Network that connects to stable area by multi-hop. In this mechanism, communication realized by sharing transmission of data with the built multi-hop network, and sharing registration with the existing network. In addition, the 4th generation cellular phone is assumed to the user terminal.


  • Peer group construction strategy for task allocation on P2P-Grid Environment

    LU Yi, KANEMITSU Hidehiro, OTANI Yoshihiro, LEE Gilhyo, NAKAZATO Hidenori, URANO Yoshiyori

    IEICE technical report   108 ( 359 ) 19 - 22  2008.12

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    In recent years, P2P-grid, which combines "autonomy" in P2P and "aggregation of computational resources" in grid, attracts attention from research field. However, in a P2P-grid environment in which any computational resources can be shared by several users, one situation that each user can obtain such a resource by only his own accord can not result in the total optimization in terms of a minimization of response time for all jobs. In this paper, we propose a peer grouping method in which each peer can be utilized as a computational resource with referring to each machine speed and each network speed, before job execution in grid. Our experimental simulation shows that proposed method effectively reduces the response time.


  • A Task Clustering for Improving Worst Response Time in Distributed Environment

    KANEMITSU Hidehiro, LU Yi, OTANI Yoshihiro, LEE Gilhyo, NAKAZATO Hidenori, HOSHIAI Takashige, URANO Yoshiyori

    IEICE technical report   108 ( 361 ) 13 - 18  2008.12

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    In various types of task scheduling in a distributed system, "task clusterin", which aggregates several tasks into one task cluster for assigning it to one machine, can effectively reduce response time. In case that the number of task cluster must be adjusted to the number of machines, several task clusters must be aggregated into larger one. Such an process leads to the increase of response time due to the decrease of the degree of parallelism. In this paper, we propose a task clustering algorithm which imposes a lower bound of total execution size in each task cluster to achieve reduction of response time with decreasing number of task cluster. The experimental results show that our proposed algorithm can effectively reduce response time after scheduling when data transfer time among tasks is large with reduced number of machines.


  • A Clustering to Regularize Task Granule for Distributed Environment

    KANEMITSU Hidehiro, NAKAZATO Hidenori, HOSHIAI Takashige, URANO Yoshiyori

    IEICE technical report   108 ( 15 ) 7 - 12  2008.04

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    In a distributed machine environment, it is very important to control task grain size to take balance between each task's execution time and communication delays. We have proposed "Task Merging", which minimizes the increase in the longest path (LP) of DAG and guarantees the lower bound of the grain size in each assigned machine in order to reduce the response time. However, if a degree of parallelism in a original DAG is high, it can not reduce incrernents of length in the LP. If method for controling task grain size is based on task clustering, which put together several tasks without synchronizing execution and communication in each task, such a method may reduce the response time more. In this paper, we study several criteria for performing clustering for task grain size control.


  • A Study of Check Point System on P2P-grid

    OTANI Yoshihiro, KANEMITSU Hidehiro, NAKAZATO Hidenori, HOSHIAI Takashige, TOMINAGA Hideyoshi

    IEICE technical report   107 ( 524 ) 183 - 186  2008.03

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    In the Grid computing, the checkpoint plays an important rolo in the trouble tolerance and evasion. It is possible to reduce the time of the re-calculation by preserving the process in the checkpoint at the failure. However, the checkpoint cannot use the mechanism similar to not the steady one but Grid in P2P-grid. Then, we propose the mechanism of a suitable checkpoint for P2P-grid in this research. And, the proposal technique is evaluted by the expression, and the effectiveness is shown.


  • Resource Information Exchange Method with Bounded Scope on Generic P2P-grid

    IWASAKI Shunsuke, KANEMITSU Hidehiro, NAKAZATO Hidenori, HOSHIAI Takashige, TOMINAGA Hideyoshi

    IEICE technical report   107 ( 524 ) 179 - 182  2008.03

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    P2P-grid where tasks are dispatched autonomously by peers is attracting attention recently. However, we cannot find enough considerations on resource information that is necessary to shorten the total execution time. In this paper, we clarify the information to be exchanged and propose a resource information exchange method. We also confirm the efficiency of the proposed method when peers are divided into groups and the information exchange takes place only within each group. Our proposed method gives short total execution time for tasks with precedence constraints.


  • Intra-organization P2P Patch Download

    LIN Shuo, KUROISHI Mitsuo, NAKAZATO Hidenori, URANO Yoshiyori

    IEICE technical report   107 ( 525 ) 391 - 396  2008.03

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    In the conventional DHCP type quarantine network, clients download patch files from a sever directly. Using such a method will add more burdens to the network while the number of client increases. This paper introduces the technique of performing parallel distributed download using P2P architecture to control the traffic for the clients under the same hub and to avoid the bottleneck of accessing to the server.


  • BS-3-5 Identifying Informative Blocks of Web Page(BS-3. Network Management Technologies for Next Generation Network)

    SUN Socheat, NAKAZATO Hidenori, NAKAMURA Takashi

    Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference   2008 ( 2 ) "S - 19"  2008.03


  • B-7-36 File Transfering Method for Dependent Job with BitTorrent in Distributed Environment

    KONDO Kosuke, Kanemitsu Hidehiro, NAKAZATO Hidenori, HOSHIAI Takashige, TOMINAGA Hideyoshi

    Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference   2008 ( 2 ) 113 - 113  2008.03


  • B-7-34 A Study of Resource Information Exchange Method on P2P-grid

    IWASAKI Shunsuke, KANEMITSU Hidehiro, NAKAZATO Hidenori, HOSHIAI Takashige, TOMINAGA Hideyoshi

    Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference   2008 ( 2 ) 111 - 111  2008.03


  • A task granularity control for reduction of response time at task assignment

    KANEMITSU Hidehiro, NAKAZATO Hidenori, HOSHIAI Takashige, URANO Yoshiyori

    IEICE technical report   107 ( 505 ) 73 - 78  2008.02

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    We present a method for merging tasks in order to control granularity of tasks to be executed in distributed systems. To reduce communication overhead in distributed systems, maintaining task granularity at certain size is effective. By menging tasks into one task, the overall response time of a program may be prolonged. We study some criteria for merging such as "level" and precedence constraints to limit the increase of response time. Our experimental simulation shows that our proposed method reduces the increase in the longest path than other existing approaches.


  • A Study of Data Transferring for Job Execution Time Optimization on P2P-Grid


    IEICE technical report   107 ( 221 ) 5 - 10  2007.09

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    Our Group is Achieved with developing Grid framework over P2P network applicable to greater diversity of applicaations. It is well known fact that the applications which need huge input files like 3DCG rendering or movie encoding are difficult to apply for GRID application, because any input file need to be transffered throush network and the narrow network bandwidth causes delay of job execution. To solve this issue, this paper propose to use BitTorrent which is file transfer protocol work on P2P infrastructure. Besides, we formulated recasting BitTorrent's unchoking argorithm which accounted into job execution graph.


  • A Study of Resource Information Exchange Method on P2P-grid

    IWASAKI Shunsuke, GHATPANDE Abhay, KANEMITSU Hidehiro, NAKAZATO Hidenori, HOSHIAI Takashige, TOMINAGA Hideyoshi

    IEICE technical report   107 ( 221 ) 1 - 4  2007.09

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    Grid computing is attracting attention from research fields which require large amount of computing resources. Current grid adopts client-server model task management. We are studying peer-to-peer grid where each peer manages grid execution as well as its neighbor resource information. We propose a resource information exchange method that each peer manages neighbor peers' information autonomously in this paper. We investigate load variance in ordinary PC and found that the resource information exchange interval among peers can be as long as 1 minute. Also, we evaluated the accuracy of a program execution time estimation scheme using a benchmark program.


  • L-026 Research on distributed download in quarantine network

    Lin Shuo, Kuroishi Mitsuo, Nakazato Hidenori, Urano Yoshiyori

      6 ( 4 ) 61 - 62  2007.08


  • Packet Layer Routing Stability in GMPLS Backbone Network

    YAMAGUCHI Yuta, YAMAMOTO Koudai, IKEGAMI Daisuke, NAKAZATO Hedenori, TOMINAGA Hedeyoshi

    IEICE technical report   107 ( 146 ) 61 - 64  2007.07

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    Recently, contents exchanged over the network often have large size and require timely delivery, and their requirement is heterogeneous. As a technology to satisfy heterogeneous requirement, Generalize Multi-Protocol Label Switching (GMPLS) is collecting interest. GMPLS is an extension of Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS). One of the major problems in GMPLS is inconsistency between IP and optical layers. In this paper, we focus on this inconsistency. IP layer and optical layer are vertically integrated in GMPLS. Due to differences in similar functions existing in both layers and differences in response time of the two layers, IP routing becomes unstable. This paper proposes a technique to improve IP route stability by taking characteristics of actions taken by both layers.


  • B-7-119 A Study on Hybrid IP Traceback System against DDoS Attack

    YANAI Hironori, NAKAZATO Hidenori, TOMINAGA Hideyoshi

    Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference   2007 ( 2 ) 209 - 209  2007.03


  • B-6-35 A Tree Routing Method on Distributed ALM Streaming System with Independent Multi-Tree

    KOGUCHI Atsushi, IKEGAMI Daisuke, NAKAZATO Hidenori, TOMINAGA Hideyoshi

    Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference   2007 ( 2 ) 35 - 35  2007.03


  • B-7-33 Performance Evaluation of Rate Control on Correlation Coefficient of Network Delay

    KUSUNOKI Hitoshi, IKEGAMI Daisuke, NAKAZATO Hidenori, TOMINAGA Hideyoshi

    Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference   2007 ( 2 ) 123 - 123  2007.03


  • B-7-12 Performance Evaluation of Route Selection Method to Satisfy User Fault-tolerance Requirement in GMPLS Network

    YAMAMOTO Kodai, NAKAZATO Hidenori, TOMINAGA Hideyoshi

    Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference   2007 ( 2 ) 102 - 102  2007.03


  • B-7-51 A Study on P2P SIP Sever System

    OTANI Yoshihiro, KOGUCHI Atsushi, NAKAZATO Hidenori, TOMINAGA Hideyoshi

    Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference   2007 ( 2 ) 141 - 141  2007.03


  • B-19-4 A Study on Difficulty of Auto-Parallelized 3DCG Rendering Method

    KONDO Kosuke, IWASAKI Shunsuke, NAKAZATO Hidenori, HOSHIAI Takashige, TOMINAGA Hideyoshi

    Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference   2007 ( 2 ) 566 - 566  2007.03


  • Evaluation of Route Selection Method to Satisfy User Fault-tolerance Requirement in GMPLS Network

    YAMAMOTO Kodai, NAKAZATO Hidenori, TOMINAGA Hideyoshi

    IEICE technical report   106 ( 577 ) 361 - 366  2007.03

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    Recently, making to a large capacity, making in real time, and the diversification generalize needs of the communication. In the backbone network composed by a current IP router, the increase of lack and the equipment cost of advanced strong traffic engeniaring and the forwarding capacity becomes a trouble with the problem. Attention is paid to the GMPLS technology by these backgrounds. However, it is considered independently not to manage and to operate neither accommodation nor them on the two or more service network by the GMPLS architecture. Moreover, there is a problem of a decrease and non-diversification of the number of offered services in the channel selection for GMPLS high-speed recovery to offer the route in an existing technique regardless of user requirements by an original route selection algorithm. Then, the use priority of the network resource is decided in this research, appropriate traffic is consolidated, and it proposes the technique for improving the use efficiency of the band.


  • Proposal for Terminal Management on Quarantine Network using PPPoE

    XU Jingpeng, KUROISHI Mitsuo, NAKAZATO Hidenori, URANO Yoshiyori

    IEICE technical report   106 ( 577 ) 193 - 196  2007.03

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    This paper proposes MAC address registration mechanism in DHCP-based quarantine network. The mechanism exploit PPPoE protocol and authenticate users instead of PCs. We constructed the DHCP quarantine network according to the proposal. We deployed a PPPoE server and implemented user authentication and MAC address registration program in the system.We operated the quarantine network with client PCs with various OSs and made comparison between the previous systems and the proposed system in terms of usability of administrators and users. Experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed quarantine network as an improved system which balances operating cost and operation efficiency.


  • Implementation and Performance Evaluation of Rate Control on Correlation Coefficient of Network Delay in Tandem Router Network

    KUSUNOKI Hitoshi, IKEGAMI Daisuke, NAKAZATO Hidenori, TOMINAGA Hideyoshi

    IEICE technical report   106 ( 577 ) 433 - 436  2007.03

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    Rate control is important to deliver high quality video over the Internet where information delivery is best effort. Focusing on the relation between network load and correlation coeffiecient of network delay, we proposed a rate control method RC^3+ which achieves flexibility to absorb the fluctuation in the Internet and to accommodate heterogeneity in access method. This paper shows the practicality of RC^3+ through implementation and experiment over the real network.


  • Delay-Correlation Based Available Bandwidth Measurement

    IKGEAMI Daisuke, NAKAZATO Hidenori, TOMINAGA Hideyoshi

    IEICE technical report   106 ( 577 ) 443 - 448  2007.03

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    The demand to access multimedia data such as live video is increasing due to the spread of broadband access network. However, the Internet only provides so called best-effort service. The network condition of the Internet shows fluctuation. In this paper, we propose a technique to find available bandwidth for end-to-end stream connections over the Internet. We claim that the correlation of network delay of an end-to-end stream is closely related to the bottleneck-link load for the end-to-end stream connection. We show and prove the relationship through analysis and simulations.


  • Distributed ALM Streaming System with Independent Multi-tree

    KOGUCHI Atsushi, IKEGAMI Daisuke, NAKAZATO Hidenori, TOMINAGA Hideyoshi

    IEICE technical report   106 ( 492 ) 35 - 40  2007.01

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    As broadband network becomes widely available, the demand for video streaming services is becoming evident. Although IP multicast is one efficient technology to provide streaming services, wide spread of IP multicast may not be achievable due to the need for upgrading routers. As an alternative to IP multicast, application level multicast(ALM) is collecting interest. We proposed an algorithm to construct stream trees for ALM in our previous paper [1], but the proposed algorithm had a scalability problem due to centralized control in tree construction. In this paper, we propose a distributed algorithm to improve our previous work and, analyzes its performance.


  • B-6-42 Method of Terminal Grouping for Distributed Downloading in Quarantine Network

    Lin Shuo, Kuroishi Mitsuo, Nakazato Hidenori, Urano Yoshiyori

    Proceedings of the Society Conference of IEICE     42 - 42  2007


  • Performance Evaluation of Rate Control on Correlation Coefficient of Network Delay in Tandem Router Network

    KUSUNOKI Hitoshi, IKEGAMI Daisuke, NAKAZATO Hidenori, TOMINAGA Hideyoshi

    IEICE technical report   106 ( 310 ) 7 - 10  2006.10

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    Rate control is getting more important to offer a higher-quality video over the Internet where information delivery is best effort. Although there have been a number of proposals, they are based on packet loss which results in lower-quality video. Focusing on relation between network load and correlation coeffiecient of network delay, we proposed a rate control method RC^3+ which dose not cause constant packet loss. This paper shows the effectiveness of RC^3+ through computer simulations.


  • Route Selection Method to Satisfy User Fault-tolerance Requirement in GMPLS Network

    YAMAMOTO Kodai, NAKAZATO Hidenori, TOMINAGA Hideyoshi

    IEICE technical report   106 ( 310 ) 1 - 6  2006.10

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    Recently, demand on the Internet is getting more variety including real-time and broadband services as can be seen in such services as VoIP, e-commerce, video conference, and streaming. In addition, further traffic increase is expected. In this environment, advanced traffic engineering (TE) and provisioning of broadband service are important issues in backbone networks. GMPLS(Generalized MPLS) technology that integrates optical IP technology into MPLS(Multi Protocol Label Switching)is collecting attention to solve these problems. One of the problems of GMPLS is that it does not provide mechanism to administer and manage each individual services in a system independently. Quick recovery from failure is important in broadband networks as GMPS networks. Existing failure recovery methods in GMPLS cannot handle services sharing the same network separately. Network resources for failure recovery are wasted for this reason. We propose a mechanism to allocate communication routes according to each user's failur resistance requirement in GMPLS networks in this research.


  • BS-15-3 SPORT: Extended Simulations and Results for Divisible Load Scheduling on Heterogeneous Systems(BS-15.Network Planning, Control, and Management,ENGLISH SESSION)

    Ghatpande Abhay, Nakazato Hidenori, Watanabe Hiroshi

    Proceedings of the Society Conference of IEICE   2006 ( 2 ) "SE - 5"-"SE-6"  2006.09


  • A proposal to consider receiver demand priority on Delivery Range Control Scheme

    SETYORINI Fitri, NAKAZATO Hidenori

    IEICE technical report   106 ( 117 ) 21 - 24  2006.06

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    One of the problem that faced by the current IP network is how to guarantee quality of network. DERACS (Delivery Range Control Scheme) is a mechanism to control the delivery range of multicast packet by priority queuing of the flow at each router. When receiver demand is high on a certain video stream, the stream should be given priority. In previous work, DERACS is proposed based on sender sides priority assignment. In this paper, we propose a method to evaluate receiver demand priority on DERACS


  • Source-spoofed IP Packet Detection System Using BGP

    IWASAKI Shunsuke, IKEGAMI Daisuke, NAKAZATO Hidenori, TOMINAGA Hideyoshi

    IEICE technical report   106 ( 14 ) 61 - 64  2006.04

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    Recently, cyber attack of large-scale worm and distributed denial of service attacks are serious social issues. The source IP addresses of these attack packets are often spoofed, and identifying their senders is difficult. We propose a source-spoofed IP packet detection method using the characteristic of BGP (Boarder Gateway Protocol).


  • Rate Control on Correlation Coefficient of Network Delay in Tandem Router Network

    KUSUNOKI Hitoshi, IKEGAMI Daisuke, NAKAZATO Hidenori, TOMINAGA Hideyoshi

    IEICE technical report   106 ( 14 ) 65 - 68  2006.04

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    Video delivery over the Internet is getting popularity as broadband access networks spread. To offer a higher-quality video over the Internet where information delivery is best effort, we are proposing rate control method RC^3. In this paper, we propose a rate control method based on RC^3 which improves quality in tandem router networks.


  • A Buffer Overflow Detection Technique Using Memory Protection Facility


    IPSJ SIG Notes   2006 ( 26 ) 233 - 238  2006.03

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    Software bugs can cause intrusion. Overwhelming number of incidents exploiting bugs which cause buffer overflow are reported. The attack exploiting buffer overflow corrupts data which is placed after an array. If it is possible to detect buffer overflow when it occurs, data corruption could be prevented. In this research, we propose a buffer overflow detection technique using memory protection facility to prevent the attack exploiting buffer overflow.


  • B-7-97 Performance of Deracs conjunction with FIFO Routers

    NISHIOKA Jun, NAKAZATO Hidenori, TOMINAGA Hideyoshi

    Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference   2006 ( 2 ) 193 - 193  2006.03


  • B-7-87 Bandwidth allocation for maximizing sum of user's satisfaction

    WAKAYAMA Hisaya, NAKAZATO Hidenori, TOMINAGA Hideyoshi

    Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference   2006 ( 2 ) 183 - 183  2006.03


  • B-7-6 Admission control scheme based on measuring transmission time

    KAMAMURA Shohei, NAKAZATO Hidenori, TOMINAGA Hideyoshi

    Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference   2006 ( 2 ) 102 - 102  2006.03


  • A-7-12 Memory Protection Technique to Detect Buffer Overflow

    SHIOKAWA Makito, NAKAZATO Hidenori, TOMINAGA Hideyoshi

    Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference   2006   187 - 187  2006.03


  • Bandwidth allocation for maximizing satisfaction value of service users

    WAKAYAMA Hisaya, NAKAZATO Hidenori, TOMINAGA Hideyoshi

    IEICE technical report   105 ( 526 ) 73 - 78  2006.01

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    In this paper, we proposed bandwidth allocation maximizing the sum of satisfaction of all users, who have different satisfaction-characteristics. First, we make clear the relationship between allocated bandwidth and satisfaction the user may get, and define the satisfaction-characteristics different from every user. Then, we propose the method maximizing sum of satisfaction of all users by reffering the efficiency of satisfaction from formulas, considered the situation that there is the plural bottlenecks in the network consisted of many routers. Our proposal is consisted of LMA (Local Maximization Algorithm), which achieves maximization heuristically, and bandwidth-negotiation algorithm for CAC (Connection Admission Control).


  • Scheduling Algorithm for Maximizing Schedulable Region

    HANADA Masaki, NAKAZATO Hidenori

    IEICE technical report   105 ( 405 ) 59 - 62  2005.11

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    In this paper, we propose a scheduling algorithm for maximizing schedulable region, called Output Rate-Controlled Generalized Processor Sharing(ORC-GPS). The schedulable region is defined in terms of delay bounds that can be guaranteed. Recently many packet scheduling algorithms based on Generalized Processor Sharing(GPS) and Earliest Deadline First(EDF) have been proposed in order to guarantee deterministic or statistical delay bound. ORC-GPS is a rate-based scheduling like GPS and controls the output rate using bucket. As a result, ORC-GPS has almost the same schedulable region as EDF in single-node setting and the schedulable region larger than EDF in multiple-node setting.


  • BS-10-22 A Home Network Framework for Ever Expanding Appliance Functionality(BS-10. Network Planning, Control, and Management)

    YANG Xili Lily, AKITA Yoshihiko, NAKAZATO Hidenori, NAKAMURA Takashi

    Proceedings of the Society Conference of IEICE   2005 ( 2 ) "SE - 51"-"SE-52"  2005.09


  • BS-9-4 SPORT : A Near-Optimal Solution to Divisible Load Scheduling on Heterogeneous Systems(BS-9. Latest Trends on Information Networking Technologies)

    Ghatpande Abhay, Nakazato Hidenori, Watanabe Hiroshi

    Proceedings of the Society Conference of IEICE   2005 ( 2 ) "SE - 7"-"SE-8"  2005.09


  • LO-001 Theory and Experimental Results of Non-Preemptive EDF Scheduling Performance

    HANADA Masaki, NAKAZATO Hidenori

      4   337 - 340  2005.08


  • Backup Routing Method for Fast Re-Routing

    YAMAMOTO Kodai, KAMAMURA Shohei, NAKAZATO Hidenori, TOMINAGA Hideyoshi

    IEICE technical report. Information networks   105 ( 178 ) 143 - 148  2005.07

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    Recently, needs of the Internet have shifted to real-time applications such as VoIP, e-comerce, videoconferencing, the streaming. Fast recovery is needed for real-time applications. ISPs are required to equip advanced traffic engineering (TE) mechanisms for fast recovery. They often use MPLS which provides flexible path setting for this purpose. Fast rerouting (FRR) is a mechanism for fast recovery in MPLS. FRR can switch between paths in a short time. It occupies much network resource, however. We propose local protection strategy and backup-path selection algorithm to be used with FRR in this paper.


  • Applying Earliest Deadline First Scheduling to Multi-Path Network

    KAMAMURA Shohei, NAKAZATO Hidenori, TOMINGAGA Hideyoshi

    IEICE technical report. Information networks   105 ( 178 ) 137 - 142  2005.07

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    In this paper, we propose a routing scheme to guarantee delay over IP networks. In our proposed scheme, we perform a measurement-based Connection Admission Control(CAC) per flow considering network load with cross traffic in multi-path environment. In addition, packets are scheduled by Earliest Deadline First(EDF) scheduler on each path. We evaluate our proposed scheme in terms of guarantee in requested transmission time.


  • B-15-7 A retransmission method by using video sequence information on IEEE 802.11 based wireless link

    ISHIKAWA Yuya, IKEGAMI Daisuke, NAKAZATO Hidenori, TOMINAGA Hideyoshi

    Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference   2005 ( 1 ) 708 - 708  2005.03


  • B-6-141 Routing Method for Effective Utilization of Backup LSP

    Yamamoto Kodai, Kamamura Shohei, NAKAZATO Hidenori, TOMINAGA Hideyoshi

    Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference   2005 ( 2 ) 141 - 141  2005.03


  • B-7-87 A User Policy Embedded Access Point with Access Control

    NAKAMURA Kentaro, NAKAZATO Hidenori, TOMINAGA Hideyoshi

    Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference   2005 ( 2 ) 241 - 241  2005.03


  • B-7-3 DDoS Filtering Based on Retransmission Control

    YANAI Hironori, NAKAZATO Hidenori, TOMINAGA Hideyoshi

    Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference   2005 ( 2 ) 157 - 157  2005.03


  • B-16-9 Intrusion Detection Method on Account of Authority Misuse by Monitoring System Calls

    HARUYAMA Takahiro, NAKAZATO Hidenori, TOMINAGA Hideyoshi

    Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference   2005 ( 2 ) 515 - 515  2005.03


  • Hop-By-Hop Information Propagation in Mobile Ad-hoc Network

    MIWA Isao, NAKAZATO Hidenori

    IEICE technical report   104 ( 689 ) 177 - 180  2005.02

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    This paper is concerned with the mobile ad-hoc network system which propagates information to unspecified general public. In particular, each mobile node in this system spread information by forwarding hop-by-hop. Simple radio network can deliver information only within the reach of radio signal. If the system spread information by repeating broadcast, the information spread without control. In this research, we propose a method to limit the area of information delivery by forwarding information according to the criteria of each mobile node.


  • Delivery Range Control Scheme with Consideration on Receiver Demands

    HATANO Hiroshi, NAKAZATO Hidenori

    IEICE technical report   104 ( 617 ) 5 - 8  2005.01

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    Deracs (DElivery Range Control Scheme)[1] is proposed for video IP multicast using DiffServ AF class. Packet loss arises in many streams with DiffServ multicast and the video quality at receivers deteriorate when network resources are short. Deracs is proposed to solve this problem. Deracs selects forwarded streams based on the priority determined on the contract made between senders and their network service providers. Receiver demands are not taken into consideration. This paper proposes an extension of Deracs to include receiver demands into the equation.


  • A retransmission method of MPEG video sequence on IEEE 802.11 based wireless link

    ISHIKAWA Yuya, IKEGAMI Daisuke, NAKAZATO Hidenori, TOMINAGA Hideyoshi

    IEICE technical report   104 ( 553 ) 75 - 80  2005.01

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    Wireless network is prevalent due to low price wireless devices such as IEEE 802.11 compliant devices. Also due to broadband access networks, video contents such as MPEG are frequently transfered over the network. This paper, proposes a retransmission method on wireless link to improve the quality of playing videos, by using characteristics of MPEG video sequences.


  • B-6-84 Multi-Tree Application Level Multicast Streaming System by Scalable Coding with Independent Data Structure

    KOGUCHI Atsushi, NAKAZATO Hidenori, TOMINAGA Hideyoshi

    Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference     84 - 84  2005


  • A Proposal of a queueuing method for high availability and fairness in a wireless IP phone System during disasters during disasters

    KAMADA Takuhei, OKADA Kazunori, NAKAZATO Hidenori

    IEICE technical report   104 ( 434 ) 7 - 11  2004.11

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    On a major natural disaster, communiation traffic increases steeply. Althogh wireless IP phones and PDAs, which utilizes broadband wireless access points and are expected to be used widely, are good alternaties for communications on disasters, fully satisfying communication demand with those devices is unlikely due to their capacity limitation. However, it is important to provide fair services which allow all users have a chance to talk because the needs of phone calls are very high and urgent. In this paper, we propose a highly available and fair queueing system for IP telephone sessions. We assume IEEE802.11b environment. Call admission control is enforced on IP phone calls. We propose a call control sequence with high availability and fairness. We show the high availability and fairness of our proposed method through simulations.


  • Method of distributing requests in an autonomous distributed server cluster

    NAGANO Sota, NAKAZATO Hidenori

    IEICE technical report   104 ( 354 ) 1 - 4  2004.10

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    Server clusters are frequently used in client-server systems in order to balance load and to improve throughput. However, commonly used centralized server allocation systems where a coordinator allocates a server to a request has limited scalability. As an alternative, we introduce autonomous distributed architecture to server clusters. In this paper, we propose the system where each server autonomously evaluates the load of other servers and assighs client requests to appropriate servers.


  • B-6-16 Analysis of Deracs : A Priority Driven Multicast Delivery Range Control Scheme

    NISHIOKA Jun, NAKAZATO Hidenori, TOMINAGA Hideyoshi

    Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference   2004 ( 2 ) 16 - 16  2004.03


  • D-3-7 Buffer overflow detection by static analysis of C source code

    SHIOKAWA Makito, NAKAZATO Hidenori, TOMINAGA Hideyoshi

    Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference   2004 ( 1 ) 26 - 26  2004.03


  • B-6-142 A proposal on management of QoS requirement from receivers on DiffServ network

    Wakayama Hisaya, NAKAZATO Hidenori, TOMINAGA Hideyoshi

    Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference   2004 ( 2 ) 142 - 142  2004.03


  • B-6-134 Constraint-Based Routing Algorithm with Delay Priority

    KAMAMURA Shohei, NAKAZATO Hidenori, TOMINAGA Hideyoshi

    Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference   2004 ( 2 ) 134 - 134  2004.03


  • B-6-124 Performance of the Rate Control on Correlation Coefficient of Network Delay in Various Topologies

    IKEGAMI Daisuke, NAKAZATO Hidenori, ASATANI Koichi, TOMINAGA Hideyoshi

    Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference   2004 ( 2 ) 124 - 124  2004.03


  • P2P Live Streaming System with Secession Tolerance

    HAMA Takayuki, NAKAZATO Hidenori, ASTANI Kouichi, TOMINAGA Hideyoshi

    IEICE technical report. Information networks   103 ( 692 ) 377 - 380  2004.02

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    P2P content distribution networks are collecting interest to efficiently deliver rich contents such as audio and video. Stream interruption caused by relay peers dropping out of the P2P network is a problem in P2P live streaming systems. In this paper, we propose a P2P live streaming system with secession tolerance. In the proposed system, peers are connected to the peers with low drop-out probability and a wide and short P2P network is constructed. Also, multiple paths to the source is considered. We show the improvement in the interruption time by our algorithm through simulations.


  • Delivery Range Control Behavior of Deracs

    NISHIOKA Jun, NAKAZATO Hidenori, TOMINGAGA Hideyoshi

    IEICE technical report. Information networks   103 ( 692 ) 389 - 392  2004.02

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    We expect QoS control for multicast application is provided by IP multicast support in DiffServ. As multicast-group membership enlarges, and consequently packets guaranteed to be delivered are discarded. Delivery range control scheme called Deracs was proposed to guarantee QoS within a limited delivery range. Deracs is effective for video transmission which is sensitive to packet loss. However, only way we will be able to know the derivery range is through real measurement up to now. In order to start service using Deracs, the service provider, i.e., the sender of video, may want to know the delivery range to pay for the network service. By analyzing Deracs, we will be able to calculate the expected delivery range of the flow before the service starts. In this paper, we analyze Deracs. We present the characteristic of Deracs from analysis and show how pamaraters such as link capacity affect delivery range.


  • Rate Control Mechanism for Multicast Networks

    IKEGAMI Daisuke, NAKAZATO Hidenori, ASATANI Koichi, TOMINAGA Hideyoshi

    IEICE technical report. Information networks   103 ( 692 ) 385 - 388  2004.02

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    The demand to access multimedia data such as live video is increasing due to the spread of broadband access network. It is efficient to use multicast for large scale dlivery. However multicast only support delivery of the same data and cannnot adapt to different network conditions of different users. In this paper, we propse a rate control mechanism over multicast, and evaluate perfomarmance by simulations.


  • Delay Optimizing Dynamic Routing Algorithm with MPLS/DiffServ

    KAMAMURA Shohei, NAKAZATO Hidenori, TOMINGAGA Hideyoshi

    IEICE technical report. Information networks   103 ( 691 ) 65 - 68  2004.02

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    In this paper, we propose a dynamic routing algorithm using MPLS Traffic Engineering and hop-by-hop relative-priority scheme of Diffserv for a scalable IP-QoS System. The Proposed system dynamically assigns pathes to flows so that the delay experienced by the flows is in proportion to the priority given to the flows while the assignment guarantees EF flows and the bandwidth of AF flows. Following the above-mentioned policy, we also examine the load balancing algorithm applicable to realistic networks.


  • Path Allocations for Multiple Level Protection/Restoration in WDM Networks

    AKIMOTO Kengo, NAKAZATO Hidenori

    IEICE technical report. Communication systems   103 ( 314 ) 49 - 52  2003.09

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    We proposed the all-optical Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) mash-based network where two or more protection/restoration schemes were present and examined the method of the optimal path allocation in such a network in this paper. In the proposed network, users can select a protection/restoration function according to the importance of their data and services. Moreover, since the importance of the data and service transmitted in networks differs, network resources can be used efficiently by choosing protection/restoration schemes that satisfy required reliability and by allocating primary and backup paths rationally. Paths allocated by the proposed algorithm were compared with that of the Shortest Path First algorithm by simulation. And the results showed the proposed algorithm could set up paths that reflected the path's feature and priority.


  • Distributed resource discovery with load balancing for computational grid system

    Nagano Sota, Nakazato Hidenori

    Proceedings of the Society Conference of IEICE   2003   167 - 167  2003.09


  • Approximate analysis for non-preemption EDF scheduling

    HANADA Masaki, NAKAZATO Hidenori

    IEICE technical report. Computer systems   103 ( 248 ) 37 - 42  2003.07

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    In soft real-time system, missing deadline doesn't cause failure directly, but it is important to calculate and investigate the average and worst system performance in advance. The well-known algorithm for real-time scheduling is EDF(Earliest Deadline First) scheduling algorithm. EDF scheduling algorithm assigns priorities ac- cording to deadlines, and is able to handle not only periodic tasks but also aperiodic tasks. We analyze system performance(e.g. mean waiting time) on the assumption that the arrival, the exection time and the relative deadline of the task are described in terms of probability distribution functions, and evaluate it through the simulation. Specifically, we assume the system with Poisson arrival, exponential relative deadline, exponential execution time, uniproccessor, infinite buffer size and non-peemption.


  • A Study of User Selective-System of VoIP QoS Strategies

    NAKAJIMA Tomoko, NAKAZATO Hidenori

    IEICE technical report. Information networks   103 ( 56 ) 55 - 60  2003.05

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    Although QoS control for real-time communication is studied extensively, corporate network managers usually install one of those strategies and con figure the network statically. To respond to VoIP users' requirements, an appropriate strategy shuould be selected by the user in each case as traffic condition is changing ever. We discuss about the corporate network where multiple VoIP QoS controls are applied at the same time and users select one of the alternative QoS strategies at the beginning of VoIP session. Such a user-oriented system requires an indicator which provides choices of QoS control strategies with well-founded forecasts corresponding to the traffic condition. We give a way to provide satisfactory VoIP service.


  • A proposal of many to many multicast protocol on Mobile IP

    ISHIKAWA Yuya, NAKAZATO Hidenori, ASATANI Koichi, TOMINAGA Hideyoshi

    IEICE technical report   102 ( 692 ) 351 - 354  2003.03

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    As PDAs and mobile phones prevail and network services are enriched, the demand for location-free network connection increases. Mobile IPv6 is a protocol to serve for the demand. Multicast is an effective mechanism to use the limited bandwidth under mobile environment for many-to-many communications such as video conference. This paper,proposes a multicast protocol that is applicable for many-to-many communications among terminals including mobile IPv6 terminals.


  • A Delivery Range Control Scheme for Scalable DiffServ Multicasting

    MIYAKE Yoichiro, NAKAZATO Hidenori, TOMINGAGA Hideyoshi

    IEICE technical report   102 ( 692 ) 347 - 350  2003.03

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    We expect QoS control for multicast application is provided by IP multicast support in DiffServ. With existing schemes, multicast traffic in a DS domain increase as the multicast-group membership enlarges, and consequently packets guaranteed to be delivered are discarded. Since it is hard to guarantee QoS for all flows in the whole network, we proposed a delivery range control scheme that guarantees QoS in a limited deliverly range that is settled by discarding packets aggressively in each router, but not in the whole network. In this paper, we explain abstract of our proposed scheme and show a characteristic of our scheme from packet-based computer simulations.


  • Performance of Rate Control by Correlation Coefficient of RTT (RC^3)

    IKEGAMI Daisuke, NAKAZATO Hidenori, ASATANI Koichi, TOMINAGA Hideyoshi

    IEICE technical report   102 ( 692 ) 161 - 164  2003.03

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    The demand to access multimedia data such as live video is increasing due to the spread of broadband access network. However, the Internet only provides so called best-effort service. The network condition of the Internet shows fluctuation. Delivering video without any control causes degradation of the final video quality. We proposed the stream-rate control method RC^3 that uses correlation of network delay. In this paper, we present performance of RC^3 derived from simulations.


  • The access control using system-call sequence

    HARUYAMA Takahiro, NAKAZATO Hidenori, ASATANI Kouichi, TOMINAGA Hideyoshi

    Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference   2003 ( 2 ) 684 - 684  2003.03


  • Layered Peer-to-Peer CDN Routing with peer drop-out and importance consideration

    HAMA Takayuki, NAKAZATO Hidenori, ASATANI Kouichi, TOMINAGA Hideyoshi

    Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference   2003 ( 2 ) 173 - 173  2003.03


  • Provision of protection service complying with user's demands for WDM mesh networks

    Akimoto Kengo, Nakazato Hidenori

    Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference   2003 ( 2 ) 103 - 103  2003.03


  • A Study of Distribution Transparent Debugger Interface

    Takagi Toshihiro, Nakazato Hidenori

    Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference   2003 ( 2 ) 51 - 51  2003.03


  • A proposal of Inter-scope Multicast protocol on Mobile IPv6

    ISHIKAWA Yuya, NAKAZATO Hidenori, ASATANI Koichi, TOMINAGA Hideyoshi

    Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference   2003 ( 2 ) 217 - 217  2003.03


  • Dynamic Load Balancing Method for Distributed Real-Time System

    HANADA Masaki, NAKAZATO Hidenori

    Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference   2003 ( 1 ) 158 - 158  2003.03


  • Using XML in Browser/Server Web Application

    Li Xian ting, Zhang Zhen, Urano Yoshiyori, Nakazato Hidenori

    Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference   2003 ( 1 ) 213 - 213  2003.03


  • The study of personalized navigation systems with the consideration of user profile and purpose.

    Nameki Masako, Kadokura Hiroyuki, Ishiwaka Shunji, Nakazato Hidenori, Urano Yoshiyori

    Proceedings of the Society Conference of IEICE   2002   187 - 187  2002.08


  • A Delivery Range Control Scheme for Scalable DiffServ Multicasting

    MIYAKE Yoichiro, NAKAZATO Hidenori, URANO Yoshiyori, TOMINGAGA Hideyoshi

    Technical report of IEICE. RCS   102 ( 205 ) 45 - 50  2002.07

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    We expect QoS control for multicast application is provided by IP multicast support in DiffServ. With existing schemes, multicast traffic in a DS domain increase as the multicast-group membership enlarges, and consequently packets guaranteed to be delivered are discarded. In streaming application such as video, packet loss causes considerable degradation of video quality. To avoid the degradation, QoS control is required when network resources are short. Since it is hard to guarantee QoS for all flows in the whole network, we examine a new scalable multicast scheme that guarantee QoS in a limited deliverly range but not in the whole network.


  • An Improved Multiagent-based Method for Reservation of Backup Optical Paths

    SUEZAWA Kanako, INOUE Shinji, KAKUDA Yoshiaki, NAKAZATO Hidenori

    IEICE technical report   101 ( 715 ) 1 - 8  2002.03

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    When the links in the WDM(Wavelength Division Multiplexing) network fail, the damage due to loss of information being delivered through the links becomes much higher than that in the usual networks. To reduce the damage as much as possible, an fault tolerant technique called redundant path designs is introduced. In these designs,backup paths between source and destination nodes, such that when the primary paths between them fail the primary paths are quickly switched to the backup paths, are prepared. This paper proposes an improved multiagent-based method which can reserve the optimum backup optical paths in the early stage.


  • Multiagent-based Method for Reservation of Backup Optical Paths

    SUEZAWA Kanako, INOUE Shinji, KAKUDA Yoshiaki, NAKAZATO Hidenori

    IEICE technical report. Information networks   101 ( 62 ) 113 - 119  2001.05

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    When the links the WDM (Wavelength Division Multiplexing) network fail in the networks, the damage due to loss of information being delivered through the links becomes much higher than that in the usual networks. To reduce the damage as much as possible, an fault tolerant technique called redundant path designs is introduced. In these designs, backup paths between source and destination nodes, such that when the primary paths between them fail the primary paths are quickly switched to the backup paths, are prepared. In the previous research, the redundant path designs are done by the centralized approach. However, it takes exponential times to compute the smallest number of wavelengths in the network as the size of the network becomes large. This paper, therefore, formulates the two problems for the multiagent-based redundant path designs called VWP and WP and proposes a method for respective problem, which drastically decreases the computation time for obtaining the paths with the smallest number of the wavelengths. The experimental evaluation on the optimality of the proposed method for VWP shows the effectiveness of the proposed method.


  • A Study on Multicast Video Transmission over the Diff-serv Network

    OGAI Masahiko, ICHIKAWA Toshikazu, NAKAZATO Hidenori, YOKOTA Hidetoshi, URANO Yoshiyori, TOMINAGA Hideyoshi

    IEICE technical report. Information networks   100 ( 208 ) 61 - 66  2000.07

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    Layered Multicast is efficient in distributing video streams over the Internet from various viewpoints, such as utilization of network resources and flexible selections of its reception quality. With hierarchical coding as coding technique of a video stream, packet losses in the base layer cause great degradation of the entire quality. In this paper, we present a class assignment method to reduce packet losses in the lower layers by dynamically adapting each layer to a corresponding AF class of Diff-serv.


  • Priority Assignment in Concurrency Control for Real-Time Databases

    NAKAZATO Hidenori

    The Transactions of the Institute of Electronics,Information and Communication Engineers.   78 ( 8 ) 670 - 678  1995.08


  • A concurrency control algorithm for real-time databases

    Nakazato Hidenori

    IEICE technical report. Computer systems     CPSY93 - 55  1994

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    In a real-time database,serializability may be compromised to satisfy transaction deadlines though serializability is mandatory for a conventional database.Such a real-time database requires a concurrency control algorithm that guarantees serializability of transactions requiring it while improves concurrency by exploiting non-serializability of other transactions.In this paper,we present a concurrency control algorithm that allows coexistence of transactions both requiring and not requiring serializability.The algorithm additionally avoids deadlock and makes transaction completion time predictable.


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Industrial Property Rights

  • 辞書検索方法、装置、およびプログラム

    戸川 望, 島﨑 健太, 多和田 雅師, 津田 俊隆, 中里 秀則


  • コンテンツ配信装置、システム、及び方法

    中里 秀則


  • 故障復旧システムおよびノード


    中里 秀則, 鎌村 星平


  • 故障復旧システム、ノード、故障復旧方法およびプログラム


    鎌村 星平, 中里 秀則


  • ユーザ同定システム、ユーザ同定サーバ、携帯機器、ユーザ同定プログラム及び携帯機器のプログラム

    中里 秀則




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  • Faculty of Science and Engineering   Graduate School of Fundamental Science and Engineering

  • Affiliated organization   Global Education Center

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    Waseda Research Institute for Science and Engineering   Concurrent Researcher

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    Global Information and Telecommunication Institute   Concurrent Researcher

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 超大容量分散コンテンツ名解決システムに関 する研究


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  • 映像情報の同期による ネットワーク内一時記憶の削減に関する研究


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  • 家庭内情報システムにおける空間情報の活用に関する研究


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  • 汎用GRIDサービスのための自律的資源割り当ておよびスケジュール法の研究


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    ここで検討したGRIDは、ピアツーピア(P2P)システム上に構築することを前提としている。第1の成果として、P2Pネットワーク上で汎用GRIDを構築する場合の、ジョブ受付に係わる構成をまとめた。ジョブの受付は2段階で行う。まず実行するジョブを受け取ったピアは、そのジョブをどのピアで実行を開始するかを決定する。この判断基準としては、過去の履歴を元にしたBaysianネットワークを用いる手法を取ることとした。次にジョブ受付を割り当てられたピアは、ジョブのプログラムを分析して、並列実行可能な部分に分割する。分割されたプログラムと、観測した近隣ピアの計算資源(空きプロセッサ量、空きメモリ量、ネットワーク帯域など)を元に、各ピアに割り当てるプログラムを決定する。ピアへのプログラム割当は、与えられたジョブの実行時間を最小にすることを目標としている。分割されたプログラムをピアに割り当てる際の一つの基準として、当該プログラムを特定のピアで実行した時の実行時間を利用する。第2の成果はこの実行時間を推定するアルゴリズムであり、現在その評価を行っている。またGRIDを利用して実行するアプリケーションの一つの例としてComputer Graphicsのレンダリングを取り上げ、その分割手法も提案した。その提案が電子情報通信学会の総合大会で発表した論文である。レンダリングをステップに分解し、並列実行した場合の情報転送量を見積もり、プログラム分割方法と転送する情報を提案した。今後この分割手法を一つの参考として、プログラムの分割/割当アルゴリズムに改良を加えていく予定である。

  • Diffserv網リソースパラメータのリアルタイム適応制御に関する研究


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    Diffservネットワークでは、異なるQoSパラメータに対して要求条件が設定されたAssured ForwardingおよびExpedited Forwardingのサービスクラスが規定されているが、これらサービスクラスおよびベストエフォートクラスが共存した場合のQoS経路制御アルゴリズムを検討した。Expedited Forwardingは遅延を最小にするように、最短経路の中で、最もリンク使用率の低いものを割り当て、Assured Forwardingには、Expedited Forwardingの経路設定を妨げないように、最短経路の中でも最もリンク使用率の高い経路を設定するアルゴリズムを提案した。その有効性をシミュレーションによって評価し、2002年画像電子学会 第30回年次大会において発表した。パケットスケジューリングアルゴリズムDEWRRについて、各パラメータの設定とその設定に対する振る舞いの評価を行なった。DEWRRをDIffservのExpedited ForwardingおよびAssured Forwardingに適用する場合のパラメータ設定方法を提案し、その有効性をシミュレーションにより確認した。QoSを制御するために、エージェントを使ったQoS交渉システムとそのアプリケーションプログラムインタフェースを提案した。また、試作行い、提案システムが有効であることを実証した。この結果を2002年電子情報通信学会ソサイエティ大会において発表した。

  • 映像情報配送における通信品質制御のためのネットワーク運用管理方法の研究


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    1. トランスコーダを利用し、異なるネットワークドメイン間を繋ぐリンクにおいて、diffservのAF PHBおよびBest Effortクラスを使った場合について、マルチキャストグループ間での帯域配分方法を検討した。映像配信ではパケット損失による影響が大きいため、グループ毎にAF PHBを使うか、Best Effortクラスを使うかを区別することとし、またネットワークの混雑度を基に、Best Effortクラスの使用率を決定する方法を提案し、評価によりその有効性を確認した。2. アクティブネットワーク技術を用いたモーバイルエージェントによるネットワーク制御のためのアーキテクチャを提案し、実装を行なった。さらに、そのアーキテクチャ上でエージェント実行優先度を利用した通信品質制御方式の評価を行った。3. diffservに対応し、多様なスケジューリング方法、経路制御方法によるシミュレーションを可能にするネットワークシミュレータを一般に公開されているネットワークシミュレータであるns2をベースに開発した。また、輻輳制御機能を付加したdiffservのためのスケジューリング方式を提案し、開発したシミュレータを用いて、評価を行った。さらに、diffservサービスクラスを実現するための経路制御方式を提案し、この提案方式についても開発したシミュレータを用いた評価を行った。4. 映像情報配信の送信レート制御方式として、UDPを用いた場合とTCPを用いた場合それぞれについて制御方式を提案した。UDPの場合は、パケットの送信から受信までの遅延時間を基にネットワークの混雑度を推定し、その混雑度から送信レートを決定する制御する方式である。TCPの場合は、TCPがもともともつ送達保証機能を実現するための送信バッファの情報を使用する。送信バッファの使用状況から映像情報の送信レートを決定する方式を提案した。

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