Updated on 2024/10/24


ITO, Mamoru
Faculty of Education and Integrated Arts and Sciences, School of Education
Job title

Professional Memberships








    Society of Socio-Informatics

Research Areas

  • Sociology

Research Interests

  • Sociology



  • 知の拠点としての再出発に向けてーー「日本メディア学会」とジャーナリズム研究


    新聞研究   ( 838 ) 54 - 57  2021.10

  • 公共と情動的ネットワーク


    思想   ( 1140 ) 59 - 81  2019.04

  • Affect Theory for Cultural Studies: from “structure of feeling” to “animal politics”

    Mamoru ITO

    The Annual Review of Cultural Studies   ( 6 ) 5 - 23  2018.07  [Invited]

  • メディア論 新しいメディア生態系を前にして


    現代思想(特集=現代思想の316冊 ブックガイド2018)   46 ( 6 ) 77 - 86  2018.04  [Invited]

  • Microsociology of Media

    Mamoru ITO

    The Journal of Communication Studies   ( 47 ) 19 - 22  2018.02  [Invited]

  • 『ゼロの未来』――ビッグデータ時代の「幸福」とは


    現代思想(臨時増刊号 総特集=現代を生きるための映像ガイド51)   46 ( 4 ) 164 - 167  2018.02  [Invited]

  • Die japanische Gesellschaft und Medienkultur nach dem 11. März 2011 (aus dem Japanischen von Caroline Block)

    Mamoru ITO

    Orientierungen: Zeitschrift aur Kultur Asiens   ( 28(2016)号 ) 265 - 278  2017.06

  • 社会情報学の<未来>

    社会情報   25 ( 1-2 ) 257 - 259  2017.02

  • デジタルメディア時代における言論空間:理論的探求の対象としての制御,情動,時間


    マス・コミュニケーション研究   ( 89 ) 21 - 43  2016.07  [Refereed]  [Invited]

  • 地すべりするコミュニケーション

      ( 103 ) 57 - 84  2015.07

  • Developing of Television Programs Archives and the Pursuit of New Qualitative Research

    ITO Mamoru

    Japanese Sociological Review   65 ( 4 ) 541 - 556  2015.03  [Refereed]  [Invited]

     View Summary

    Since the 1990s, moving images archives have been widespread means of and Media and Film studies. This paper explores the urgency with which the moving images archival project in Japan has been approached, noting that similar archives in French and United States of America tend to be more substantial in regards to the collecting and conserving of materials, and the access of these materials to the public. This paper then examines the advantages and weakness of qualitative research methods by using the specific case study of television programs archives. Its strengths include an advanced objectivity, pertaining to the openness and accessibility of research materials. However there are issues regarding the limits of this conventional mode of analysis. This paper ultimately seeks to offer a way addressing this weakness in regards to research analyzing television program archives, specifically in regards to the relationship between image and sound, between subject and producer and to certain kinds of interviews. Discourse analysis is offered as an effective alternative in the construction of this alternate method.


  • A Resident’s Consciousness After the Accident of FUKUSHIMA DAIICHI Nuclear Power Plants: From the Survey at KASHIWAZAKI and KARIWA in NIIGATA

    Mamoru ITO

    Seijo University, Social innovation studies   10   23  2015.01  [Invited]

  • A Resident's Consciousness After the Accident of FUKUSHIMA DAIICHI Nuclear Power Plants : From the Survey at KASHIWAZAKI and KARIWA in NIIGATA (In Honor of Professor Shujiro Yazawa)

    Ito Mamoru

    Seijo University, Social innovation studies   10 ( 1 ) 23 - 38  2015.01


  • 社会の地すべり的な転位 コミュニケーション地平の変容と政治的情動


    現代思想(特集=社会学の行方)   42 ( 6 ) 58 - 68  2014.12  [Invited]

  • 社会情報学と世界:新たな共有と創造に向けて (理論編)

    伊藤守, 米山優, 遠藤薫, 伊藤賢一, 田中秀幸

    社会情報学   1巻3号   67 - 90  2013.03

  • 311をめぐるメディア環境と日本社会の課題

    伊藤 守

    学術の動向   18巻1号   8 - 14  2013.01

  • 現代社会学事典

    伊藤 守, カルチュラル・スタディーズ」「マス, コミュニケーション, 目を執筆

    弘文堂    2012.12

  • 『岩波映画の1億フレーム』を読む

    伊藤 守

    UP (東京大学出版会)   481号   7 - 12  2012.11

  • What is Information? : To Release the Information from a framework of Intellectualism(<Special Section Article>Socio-Informatics)

    ITO Mamoru

    Journal of socio-informatics   1 ( 1 ) 3 - 19  2012.09

     View Summary

    What is information? Many researchers have been tried to find the answer to this question for a long time. Definitions of information given by them have something in common. One of them is that these definitions are defined from the viewpoint of intellectualism. In other words, Information processes are thought as "to transmit knowledge or data" But affection, passion and faith are communicated in information processes. The purpose of this paper is to release the concept of information from a framework of intellectualism. Therefore I would like to relate to information with body, genesis and movement to reveal the significance of affective function in information processes. It is very important for this subject to revaluate Jean-Gabriel Tarde's social theory, especially his concept of imitation and G.W. Leibniz's Monadologie which had a significant impact on Tarde's social theory. Finally I will stress such a necessity of extending the idea about information in order to make an analysis of information society more elaborately.


  • 情報概念について:主知主義的な枠組みから解き放つために

    伊藤 守

    社会情報学   1巻1号   3 - 19  2012.09

  • メディア環境の変容とメディア・リテラシー

    伊藤 守

    札幌学院大学総合研究所BOOKLET No.4   4号   11 - 27  2012.03

  • 社会学事典 (日本社会学会編集員会編)

    伊藤 守, ドメスティック・セオリー, 記憶とメディア, 目を執筆

    丸善    2010.09

  • オーディエンス研究再考 : 戦理論と実証の相互検証(ワークショップ4,2009年度春季研究発表会ワークショップ報告)

    伊藤 守

    マス・コミュニケーション研究   77 ( 77 ) 286 - 287  2010.07

    DOI CiNii

  • 映像アーカイブの社会的共有とメディアリテラシー

    伊藤 守

    学術の動向   15巻7号   94 - 97  2010.07

  • 書評 John Tomlinson, 2007, The Culture of Speed

    伊藤 守

    學鐙 (丸善)   VOL.105 No.2   48 - 49  2008.06

  • メディア相互の共振と社会の集合的沸騰

    伊藤 守

    現代思想   vol.36-1   146 - 159  2008.01

  • 見えている、見えているからこその変換=偽装

    伊藤 守

    現代思想   vol.35-14   84 - 108  2007.11

  • グローバル化とメディア空間の再編成

    伊藤 守

    社会学評論   vol.57 No.4   727 - 754  2007.03

  • 書評 いま「反戦」をいかに語りうるのか

    伊藤 守

    図書新聞    2006.08

  • アウラムック コミュニケーション学がわかる


    朝日新聞社    2004.01

  • 抗争するオーディエンス


    思想/岩波書店   956   174 - 190  2003.12

  • 岩波小辞典 社会学 (宮島喬編)

    伊藤 守, メディア, 情報, 文化に関す, 目を執筆

    岩波書店    2003.10

  • なぜメディア研究か

    R.シルバーストーン著, 吉見俊哉, 伊藤守, 土橋臣吾訳

    せりか書房    2003.04

  • 幽霊を見る遊戯の空間


    木野評論   34  2003.03

  • グローバル化とテレビの文化地政学


    言語   vol.31 no.13  2002.12

  • 余白のないメディア


    D/sign   no.3  2002.01

  • Television and violence in the economy of memory

    Mamoru Ito

    International Journal of Japanese Sociology   11 ( 1 ) 19 - 34  2002

     View Summary

    The present paper aims to consider the cultural function of television as a technology for the creation of a public memory. The television system records past images, preserves them, and broadcasts various historical programs. A viewer owns the public memory jointly, through watching/consuming programs. However, the process of production and consumption of programs is linked with the exclusion of other historical memories from the public space. After all, the creation of public memories in depth is related to social power. Through the analysis in concrete terms of a series of programs of Project X and the second episode of the Nippon Hoso Kyokai (NHK
    Japan Broadcasting Corporation) series, Special Edition: Judging War, the relationship between the organization of public memories and social power is explored. Project X depicts the challenges of engineers of middle standing who initiated new industrial and technological developments in the 1960s and 1970s. Special Edition: Judging War is based on coverage of the Women’s International War Crimes Tribunal on Japan’s Military Sexual Slavery. This program was subjected to revision on the eve of its broadcast. What forms of expression were eliminated? These two programs should help us define more clearly what the Japanese media selects for incorporation into the public memory. © 2002 International Journal of Japanese Sociology.



  • テレビ・オーディエンスの歴史的ポジションを測量し直すために

    伊藤 守

    放送学研究/NHK放送文化研究所   no.46  2000.05

  • オーディエンスの変容を記述する視点と方法

    マス・コミュニケーション研究/日本マス・コミュニケーション学会   no.55  1999.10

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Books and Other Publications

  • ポストメディア・セオリーズ : メディア研究の新展開

    伊藤守( Part: Edit)

    ミネルヴァ書房  2021.03 ISBN: 9784623091126

  • Urban Science Encyclopedia

    2021.02 ISBN: 9784861107344

  • Communicative Capitalism and "the Common" : For Analysis of Post-Media Ecology

    ( Part: Edit)

    2019.09 ISBN: 9784130501989

  • 社会科教育と災害・防災学習:東日本大震災に社会科はどう向き合うか

    日本社会科教育学会( Part: Joint author)

    明石書店  2018.08

  • Dialog mit Deutschland

    ( Part: Joint editor)


  • 情動の社会学:ポストメディア時代における”ミクロ知覚”の探求

    伊藤守( Part: Sole author)

    青土社  2017.10

  • コミュニティ事典

    伊藤守, 小泉秀樹, 三本松政之, 似田貝香門, 橋本和孝, 長谷部弘, 日髙昭夫, 吉原直樹( Part: Joint editor)

    春風社  2017.06

  • 知の史的探究:社会思想史の世界

    柳啓明, 千葉直美, 奥谷雄一, 島田昭仁( Part: Joint author)

    八千代出版  2017.03

  • 정동의 힘 –미디어와 공진(共振)하는 신체

    伊藤守( Part: Sole author)

    출판사 : 갈무리  2016.01

  • よくわかる社会情報学

    西垣通, 伊藤守( Part: Joint editor)

    ミネルヴァ書房  2015.05

  • 震災後に考える : 東日本大震災と向きあう92の分析と提言


    早稲田大学出版部  2015.03

  • ニュース空間の社会学:不安と危機をめぐる現代メディア論

    伊藤守, 岡井崇之( Part: Joint editor)

    世界思想社  2015.02

  • After Television Studies

    ( Part: Joint editor)


  • ネグリ、日本と向き合う

    アントニオ・ネグリ, 市田良彦, 伊藤守, 上野千鶴子, 大澤真幸, 姜尚中, 白井聡, 毛利嘉孝( Part: Joint author)

    NHK出版  2014.03

  • 恋愛ドラマとケータイ

    中村隆志( Part: Joint author)

    青弓社  2014.01

  • 情動の権力

    伊藤 守

    せりか書房  2013.05

  • エンサイクロペディア 現代ジャーナリズム (早稲田大学ジャーナリズム教育研究所編)

    伊藤 守, 花田達朗

    早稲田大学出版部  2013.04

  • 311情報学 (高野明彦、吉見俊哉、三浦伸也編)

    伊藤 守

    岩波書店  2012.08

  • 放送番組で読み解く社会的記憶 (早稲田大学ジャーナリズム教育研究所編)

    伊藤守, 花田達朗

    日外アソシエーツ  2012.06

  • コミュニケーション理論の再構築 (正村俊之編)

    伊藤 守, 正村俊之, 山内志朗, 大黒岳彦, 遠藤薫, 柴田邦臣

    勁草書房  2012.04

  • ドキュメント テレビは原発事故をどう伝えたか

    伊藤 守

    平凡社  2012.03

  • 未来のテレビを担う君たちへ (伊藤 守+NHKエンタープライズ 編)

    伊藤 守, 小林宏一, 藤田真文, 丹羽美之, 花田達朗, 毛利嘉孝

    NHK出版  2011.03

  • 社会学ベーシックス 第9巻 政治・権力・公共性 (井上俊・伊藤公雄編)

    伊藤 守, 水嶋一憲

    世界思想社  2011.03

  • 書物と映像の未来:グーグル化する世界の知の課題とは (長尾真 他編)

    伊藤 守, 吉見俊哉, 名和小太郎

    岩波書店  2010.11

  • 多文化社会の文化を問う (岩渕功一編)

    伊藤 守, 清水知子, 林香里, 塩原良和

    青弓社  2010.06

  • 触発する社会学 (田中義久編)

    伊藤 守, 清水瑞久, 小林直毅

    法政大学出版局  2010.03

  • よくわかるメディア・スタディーズ (伊藤守編)

    伊藤 守, 長谷正人, 中村秀之

    ミネルヴァ書房  2009.03

  • 水俣の言説と表象 (小林直毅編)

    伊藤 守, 大石裕, 藤田真文

    藤原書店  2007.06

  • テレビジョン解体 (日本記号学会編)

    伊藤 守, 石田英敬

    慶應大学出版会  2007.06

  • 地球情報社会と社会運動 (伊藤守・新原道信・奥山眞知編著)

    伊藤 守, 新原道信, 奥山眞知

    ハーベスト社  2006.04

  • テレビニュースの社会学 (伊藤守編)

    伊藤 守, 清水瑞久, 岡井崇之, 田中東子

    世界思想社  2006.04

  • 日本人とテレビ (田中義久・小川文弥編)

    伊藤 守

    法政大学出版局  2005.10

  • 記憶・暴力・システム

    伊藤 守

    法政大学出版局  2005.08

  • デモクラシーリフレクション:巻町住民投票の社会学

    伊藤守, 渡辺登, 松井克浩, 杉原奈穂子

    リベルタ出版  2005.06

  • Feeling Asian Modernities

    Mamoru Ito

    Hong Kong University  2004.10

  • 情報秩序の構築 (伊藤守・林利隆・正村俊之編)

    伊藤 守

    早稲田大学出版部  2004.09

  • オリンピックスタディーズ (清水諭編)

    伊藤 守

    せりか書房  2004.07

  • 文化の実践、文化の研究 (伊藤守編著)

    伊藤 守

    せりか書房  2004.04

  • 越える文化、錯綜する境界 (岩渕功一編)

    伊藤 守

    山川出版  2004.04

  • グローバル社会の情報論 (伊藤守・西垣通・正村俊之編)

    伊藤 守

    早稲田大学出版部  2004.03

  • Media Contents und Katastrophen: Beiträge zur medialen Verarbeitung der Großen Ostjapanischen Erdbebenkatastrophe

    Matthias KOCH, Harald MEYER, Takahiro NISHIYAMA, Reinhard ZÖLLNER (Hrsg( Part: Joint author)

    IUDICIUM Verlag, GmbH München 

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  • The Encyclopedia of Sociology

    Artistic work 


  • The Dictionary of Sociology


  • Why study media ?


  • Television ontology and the Transitional Object


  • Television Culture


  • テレビ視聴の構造 (伊藤守・小林直毅 翻訳) 法政大学出版局


  • 現代日本人物事典 朝日新聞社出版局


  • 社会学事典 (見田・田中・栗原編) 弘文堂


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  • The Characteristics of Japanese Documentary Programs in the Digital Media Age

    Mamoru ITO  [Invited]

    The Future of Television in the Digital Media  (Universität Erlangen Nürnberg)  Universität Erlangen Nürnberg

    Presentation date: 2017.12

  • Media Power and Communication Capitalism in Post-Media Society

    Mamoru ITO  [Invited]

    (Ostasiatisches Institut/Japanologie, Universität Leipzig)  Ostasiatisches Institut/Japanologie, Universität Leipzig

    Presentation date: 2017.11

  • 2020 Tokyo Olympic and Media: Olympic and Totalitarianism

    Mamoru ITO  [Invited]

    (Bonn University) 

    Presentation date: 2017.07

  • Global Capitalism, New Collective Action, and the Politics of Affect

    Masaaki Sugimura, Maurizio Lazzarato, Satoshi Ukai, Chikako Nakayama, Mamoru Ito  [Invited]

    Association for Cultural Typhoon 2017 

    Presentation date: 2017.06

  • Micro-perception and Hijacking of Affect

    Mamoru ITO  [Invited]

    한국문화연구학회 2016 가을 정기학술대회[국내학술회의]미디어와 정동의 정치  한국문화연구학회

    Presentation date: 2016.12

  • Keynote Speech: Die japanische Gesellschaft und Medienkultur nach dem 11. März 2011

    Mamoru ITO  [Invited]

    Deutsch-Japanisches Symposium „Tendenz der japanischen Gesellschaft und Kultur nach dem 11. März 2011“  (Japanisches Kulturinstitut Köln) 

    Presentation date: 2016.09

  • Intervention of Affective Power in Body and Memory in Digital Age

    Mamoru ITO  [Invited]

    Digital Studies Conference 2016: Dream and Power in the Digital Age 

    Presentation date: 2016.03

  • 디지털화 속의 일본의 문화-정치

    이토 마모루  [Invited]

    『정동의 힘』출간기념 저자 방한 강연 

    Presentation date: 2016.02

  • Multitude and Power

    International Symposium Multitude and Power 

    Presentation date: 2013.04

  • How did Television report the 3.11 nuclear accident in Fukushima?

    Association for Asian Studies 

    Presentation date: 2013.03

  • What is Information ?

    Association of Socio-Information 

    Presentation date: 2012.09

  • Inspection of Information about the 311 Nuke Crisis: to organize informed consent society

    Examining TV Journalism and social Media Information on the 3.11 Accident of Fukushima Nuclear Power Plants 

    Presentation date: 2012.06

  • Transformation of TV news in Japan

    The International Conference : Mass Media and JournaliSm Studies 

    Presentation date: 2011.03

  • Representation of "okinawa" in AKOUKURO

    Conference : Film, Literature and Art in OKINAWA 

    Presentation date: 2010.11

  • Collective Intelligence and Media

    Symposium : Society and Information 

    Presentation date: 2010.09

  • The Multimodal Features of TV news in Japan

    Symposium:Media and Politics 

    Presentation date: 2010.07

  • Digital Media and Politics

    Synposium: Councillors'Organization for Policy Argument 

    Presentation date: 2010.07

  • Opportunities for the Construction of Deliberative Democracy and the Role of University

    The International Symposium:The Creation of Public Spheres and the Exploration of Normative Theories 

    Presentation date: 2010.06

  • TV News about OKINAWA in 2010

    Conference : OKINAWA, Politics and Culture 

    Presentation date: 2010.05

  • The Monad Connected to Digital Media

    Public Meeting of Meiji University 

    Presentation date: 2010.03

  • A Nature of Digital Media as Tool of Social Movement

    International Symposium: New Communication Tool and New Social Movement 

    Presentation date: 2010.03

  • Image Archive as Common and Media Literacy

    Synposium: Goolge Problems and the public upkeep/application of media culture 

    Presentation date: 2010.01

  • Consumption of Korea's TV Drama and China's TV Drama in Japan

    The International Symposium:The dialogue of an East Asia Citizen throught TV Drama 

    Presentation date: 2009.07

  • The Order of socio-information in global media

    Workshop: Geo-politics in global world and media 

    Presentation date: 2008.02

  • Social Investigation with vulnerability

    Pedagogy of Social Investigation in graduate school 

    Presentation date: 2007.12

  • Affection, Movement and Media

    Internationl Symposium: A Forefront of TV Analysis 

    Presentation date: 2006.05

  • The Expansion of Capitalism and Media Technology

    The Japan Sociological Society Symposium 

    Presentation date: 2003.10

  • Politics, Economy, and Culture in Society of Affect: Is There Any Future for Global Capitalism?

    Masaaki Sugimura, Gary Genosko, Jodi Dean, Mahoro Murasawa, Mamoru Ito  [Invited]

    Association for Cultural Typhoon 2018 

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Research Projects

  • 「ソーシャルメディア型」の世論形成と情動現象の総合的研究

    Project Year :


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  • Towards New Theories of Media and Culture in the Post-Media Era: A Comparative Study of Creative Industries in the UK and Japan

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • Images of Postwar Japan in Television Archives

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



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    The NNN Document series produced by 29 stations nationwide in the NNN(Nippon News Network) is the documentary program with the longest history in Japanese television. Since the start in 1970, the number of broadcasts so far has reached about 2,200. These are valuable records of Japanese contemporary history and broadcast history. In this research, in order to take over these records to the nextgeneration, we digitally archived all the programs, and created a detailed program database, under full cooperation with NNN stations. We also made use of these to explore how television recorded the turning point of postwar Japan. The result will be published by the University of Tokyo Press in 2019 as "NNN Document Chronicle (Tentative)"

  • Political Public sphere and Nationalism in age of Digital Media

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    ITO Mamoru

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    The aim of this research is to clarify the transformation of discourse space after Traditionally, newspapers and television have been responsible for the production and circulation of public sphere. However, The structure of the discourse space has undergone significant transformation by constituting a media environment where public citizens can freely give opinions.Research shows that the material characteristics of social media as mobile media are more deepening the link with user's physicality, becoming "affective network" to inspire emotions, As individual information has the same value as "exchange value", I pointed out that environments that can spread fake news, rumors, and emotions as information also have a negative impact on the public space

  • デジタルメディア時代の政治的公共性とナショナリズム

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(B))

    Project Year :


  • The Media, Publicness and Cultural Citizenship in Multi-Cultural Societies

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    MORI Yoshitaka, ITO Mamoru, TAJIMA Junko, HAYASHI Kaori), SHIOBARA Yoshikazu, SHIMIZU Tomoko, ISHI Angelo

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    How can we develop the public in the media in the rise of multi-cultural societies, by applying the concept of 'cultural citizenship'? It can be summed up as follows; first while the representation of foreign residents in Japan are recognizable to a certain extent in the mass media, in particular, television, most of them are of celebrities or sports players; those of ordinary foreign residents are still limited. Second, the media representation of Chinese or Korean residents can be rarely found; considerable racist and discriminative discourses are sometimes seen instead. Third, foreign residents are not primarily considered as media audiences. Fourth, independent films are important as they show a variety of their representations. Fifth and finally, it may take a long time to accept the idea of 'cultural citizenship' in Japanese society

  • The positive research of the scholarly publishing culture in the 1980s : from the cultural practice by the editors

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    ITO Mamoru

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    The change of the scholarly publishing culture in the 1980s was brought from the activity of the editors in small publishing company. They took a distance from the conventional ‘Kyoyoshugi’, and took a devising of tooling of a book and its design. As a result, they created the route of the new scholarly publishing culture

  • Construction and memory of the Minamata Disease Affair in the media environment

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KOBAYASHI Naoki, ITO Mamoru, OISHI Yutaka, FUJITA Mafumi, KOBAYASHI Yoshihiro, BEPPU Minako, KARASUDANI Masayuki, YAMAKOSHI Shuzou, YAMAGUCHI Hitoshi

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    In 1970s, most of news of the mass media constructed a Minamata Disease Affair as a struggle of "Minamata" by patients and their families and supporters in media environment. Above all, the TV news drew a Minamata Disease Affair as an event to symbolize this time.However, in the Minamata Disease Affair news to construct the struggle of "Minamata" characterizing the times of "the protest" in media environment, as for the media discourse to talk about the historical transformation of the social movement enough, it is not formed.In addition, by the news, "salvation" and "the indemnity" of the patient were placed for equivalent relations, and "the acknowledgement" of the patient came to be said with "indemnity" more that it was equivalent.The TV documentary draws the Minamata Disease Affair as the struggle of "Minamata" in media environment, too. However, the images of the same patient repeated by some documentary programs is one of the records of "Minamata" that TV formed by an inh rent method. And it may be said that experiences to watch such programs form memories of "Minamata" for many people. The archive of such a TV documentary enables the images of TV to represent life and time of patients forced to live in Minamata disease

  • Research and Development of a Knowledge Formulation Aid System taking BOK Formulation in a Discipline as an Example

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    MASUNAGA Yoshifumi, MASAMURA Toshiyuki, ITO Kazunari, ITO Mamoru, ISHIDA Hiroyuki, SHIMIZU Koji, FUKUDA Nobutaka, NAGATA Hiroyasu, YABUKI Taro, TAKAHASHI Toru, CHIBA Masaki, MORITA Takeshi

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    The following three topics were investigated in this research: (1) Research and development of a SIBOK Formulation Aid System named WikiBOK, (2) Research on formulating SIBOK (Body of Knowledge of Social Informatics) using WikiBOK, and (3) Research on validating the SIBOK. By serious efforts, most of the research purpose was successively done in this research period. It should be stressed that the power of the “collective intelligence” was successively proved taking SIBOK formulation as an example in the sense that this research was a pioneering work to a new discipline of the Web era called “social computing.

  • The Media, Publicness and Cultural Citizenship in Multi-Cultural Societies

    Project Year :


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    How can we develop the public in the media in the rise of multi-cultural societies, by applying the concept of 'cultural citizenship'? It can be summed up as follows; first while the representation of foreign residents in Japan are recognizable to a certain extent in the mass media, in particular, television, most of them are of celebrities or sports players; those of ordinary foreign residents are still limited. Second, the media representation of Chinese or Korean residents can be rarely found; considerable racist and discriminative discourses are sometimes seen instead. Third, foreign residents are not primarily considered as media audiences. Fourth, independent films are important as they show a variety of their representations. Fifth and finally, it may take a long time to accept the idea of 'cultural citizenship' in Japanese society.

  • The Creation of Public Spheres and the Exploration of Normative Theories : based on empirical studies of contemporary social problem

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    FUNABASHI Harutoshi, JUFUKU Masami, TOKUYASU Akira, SATOH Shigeki, OKANOUCHI Tadashi, TSUDA Shotarou, MIYAJIMA Takashi, YOSHIMURA Mako, KANBAYASHI Chieko, ISHIZAKA Etsuo, FUJITA Mafumi, OKU Takenori, SUDO Haruo, KANAI Akihito, IKEDA Kanji, TANAKA Mitsuru, HORIKAWA Saburou, SHIMAMOTO Mihoko, HIGUCHI Akihiko, ARAI Youko, HIRATSUKA Maki, MITSUI Sayo, SUZUKI Tomoyuki, TAJIMA Junko, MASUDA Masato, KOBAYASHI Naoki, DOBASHI Shingo, UNO Hitoshi, SUZUKI Munenori, HASEBE Toshiharu, HARADA Etsuko, HABA Kumiko, TANAKA Yoshihisa, YUASA Youichi, ITOH Mamoru, KAMIMURA Yasuhiro, NIWA Yoshiyuki, MIYAMOTO Michiko

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    Based on empirical researches in various fields such as globalization, environmental problem, immigrant minority groups, youth, mass media, ubiquitous society and social care, this project has developed theoretical studies in sociology, focusing social control system, public sphere and normative theory. Key factors for ameliorating controllability in contemporary society are an enrichment of the public sphere and formation of actors who can participate actively in the public sphere. Regarding to normative principles, in addition to the rationality, the reasonability is necessary

  • The Basic Theory of Socio-Informatics in the Ubiquitous Society

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    MASAMURA Toshiyuki, ENDO Kaoru, YAMAUCHI Siro, ITO Mamoru, DAIKOKU Takehiko, SHIBATA Kuniomi

     View Summary

    Firstly、 we introduced three key concepts called the "body" "media" "information space" to build the communication theory as the basics theory of Socio-Informatics. The body is the meta media, and various media functions through the connection with the body. Social communication and the information space have mutual and constitutive relations.Secondly, we proposed an informational view of the world as a new view of the world distinguished by the modern view of the world that put foundations in the material view of the world

  • Regeneration of news studies in the age of globalization

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    ITO Mamoru, EMOTO Mitiyo, KARASUDANI Masahiro, DOBASHI Sinngo, KOBAYASHI Yoshihiro

     View Summary

    This research pays particular attention to political reality that presented through the relationship between television news and its audience. It examines three sides, the actual condition of media using, the characteristic of news text of television, and citizen's political consciousness. In doing so, it assesses that television still influences political judgment of citizens in increase of using time of internet. And the author insists that news text which is constructed of multimodality mode sometimes plays the role of producing "fear" and "affection" of audience. It is difficult for citizen to deliberate various issues in such a media environment.

  • The Comparative Sociological Study on the Acceptance and Opposition for "America" in the Popular Culture in East Asian Cities in the Late 20th Century

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    YOSHIMI Shunya, KANG San-jung, MIZUKOSHI Shin, KITADA Akihiro, MOURI Yoshitaka, IWABUCHI Koichi

     View Summary

    First, we have clarified the multilayered effect of Americanism on the postwar Japanese Popular Culture in 1945-1969. The issue is how what is cut and lost in the process of multilayered changes in the post-war Japan has supported the post empirical order in Eastern Asia. In pursuing the analysis of this, we could connect the global military and political geopolitics to people's feelings and desires and the experience and meaning in daily life, not in the dualistic theory separating superstructure and substructure, micro and macro, text and context.Second, in order to study the culture of American policy in East Asia, we made the digital archive system of the CIE films which was recently discovered in Kiryu City Library. We have had several research meetings on CIE Films.Third, we have integrated the several digital archives administrated by variant universities which contain the materials concerning the theme, War and Media

  • Research of the Media Texts and Discourses of the Minamata Disease Incident Report.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KOBAYASHI Naoki, ITO Mamoru, OISHI Yutaka, FUJITA Mafumi, KOBAYASHI Yoshihiro, BEPPU Minako

     View Summary

    For that Minamata disease was caused by CHISSO, until it was authorized by a government in 1968, at Minamata disease incident report, the discourses that repressively represented the sufferers of Minamata disease and their families were formed. Just as a harm responsibility of CHISSO Minamata Factory wasn't made clear, MIMAIKIN-KEIYAKU (a consolatory money contract) that tried to settle compensation to the sufferers and their families with monetary payment only to be scant, was concluded in December in 1959. Since that, the discourses to talk of the sufferers and their families as existences to receive monetary payment, and the narrative to tell that Minamata disease incident came to an end were formed in media environment.The result, Minamata disease incident didn't occur now, as an event at a media environment.For Economic White Book since 1956, a discourse of economic nationalism that Japanese independence and an international position are established by economic development was formed, the discourse that was formed in Minamata disease incident report also showed a similar ideological characteristic. And furthermore, in a discourse of such a report, a characteristic of ideology of ar after the war Japanese high economic growth that economic development indeed settles various contradiction by that appears.The labor dispute that occurred in CHISSO Minamata Factory in 1962 also in large way was reported as considering that it is an affair that contradiction of an economic policy to persue economic development came to the surface. However, a discourse to report a dispute like this made the scoop in 1963, to disclose that a cause material of Minamata disease was included in drainage of CHISSO Minamata Factory, latent. In other words, a report to be concerning a labor dispute as a contradiction caused economic development obstructed a formation of a discourse that investigated a harm responsibility of CHISSO that was one of a powerful enterprise that supported economic development in those days

  • Analysis of the Mode and Discourses of News Programs in Japan

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    ITO Mamoru, KOBAYASHI Naoki, HUZITA Mahumi, HAYASHI Toshitaka, TANAKA Toko, OISHI Yutaka

     View Summary

    We want to conclude this survey by drawing the main issues. The objects of analysis are linguistic and audio-visual texts of evening news programs and night news programs in commercial broadcasting. To approach to the texts we adopt critical discourse analysis and multi-mode analysis.1 A large part of television news programs is clearly designed as mixture of entertainment and information. So what is involved here can be thought of as a shift in the internal structure of the television, relaxation of the boundary between public affairs and entertainment in television. This shift can be seen in more general terms as part of an intensified "marketization of the television".2 We emphasize Conversationalization in information programs or news show in Japan. It is indeed a hallmark in contemporary social life and the particular structural properties of mass-media communication involved the contradiction between the public nature of media production and the private nature of media consumption. Two connected questions about the tensions and tendencies we have highlighted are related to power relations within the social system. There is an ambivalence in the case of Conversationalization. It cannot be simply dismissed as ideological, indded ofen is, but it does nevertheless represent some degree of cultural democratization

  • Functional Prerequisites of Regional and Community Development in the Process of Making of Global Information Society.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    YAZAWA Shujiro, NIHARA Michinobu, ITO Mamoru, FURUKI Toshiaki, HASEGAWA Yutaka, YAMADA Nobuyuki

     View Summary

    This study tried to clarify the dynamic processes of the rise of global information, network society, and to show that the developments of communal or regional societies are essential in these processes.Theoretically this study examined tree theoretical currents of development, that is, Silicon Valley model of development, developmental state model of development and national development model of development (a variant of EU model of development). It is essential for he best theory of development today to pay attention or network society is rising in the process of Empire like globalization. Silicon Valley model is very important for today's social innovation, but the Empire like globalization is so problematic. Authoritarian States are definitely against the rise of network society. But state can still take very important role in development, if it is radically democratized. Therefore the combination between Silicon valley model and national development model which came from experiences of Scandinavian and Nordic countries.Empirically this study dealt with the Japanese national, regional and local government's policies and plans on information or network society. This study pointed out outstanding examples of these policies and plans. This study also analyzed the role of informatization and network in Okinawa prefecture and Hokkaido. Furthermore this study clarified that environmental issue, welfare issue, gender and age issue are closely related with informatization and network. In the nutshell, to solve these issues will make local, regional and global society possible

  • Research on the Formation of new social relations in region

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    ITO Mamoru, SUGIHARA Nahoko, MATSUI Katsuhiro, WATANABE Noboru

     View Summary

    When the resident voting around the construction of nuclear power plant was practiced in 1996, opposition groups had a victory. There exist two groups to have introduced resident voting (referendum) for a success. First, a meeting to practice resident voting (JUUMIN TOUHYOU WO ZIKOUSUSU KAI). Second, a meeting of Blue sea and Green (AOIUMI TO MIDORINO KAI).
    The woman of 30 and 40 years old charges took part in the former. The man of 40 and 50 years old charges took part in the latter. They insisted that a large scale development is not necessary in Maki-Town and they must take good care of regional nature and tradition when they think about the future of Maki-Town. Therefore, it is important to reform the conventional decision making system. It was a large purpose of this social movement to make a new decision making system that resident in Maki-Town participates in.

  • Development of the Information Society and Communication-actions within the Community

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    TANAKA Yoshihisa, TUNEKI Teruo, FUJIWARA Norimichi, OGAWA Bunya, KOBAYASHI Naoki, ITO Mamoru

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    The recent development of information society has caused transformations of our communicative actions and social relations in communities. In order to make clear this transformations, we made our survey on specific community "Kawagoe", that maintains traditional social relations, and constructs modern relations as suburbs of Tokyo on the other hand.In 1997, the research concentrated on the conditions of community. So we held hearing on the issues of Kawagoe-city from leaders at old town community, stuffs of government and more young persons who had been re-organizing new community net-work (ex."Kuranokai"). In 1998 , we carried out a questionnaire survey at old town district "KYU-JUKKATYO". In1999 , comparative questionnaire survey was conducted in new suburban district "KASUMIGASEKI-KITA". And in 2000, we conducted group-interviews from the community residents and neighborhood groups.The research results showed a trend towards increasing of the people using multiple-media instruments . The another trend is an extension of the residents that have no connections with community..In 1999, we reported a part of the result of questionnaire surveys at Japan Society for Studies in Journalism and Mass communication, and at Japan Society for Socio-Information Studies. And the final output of the project includes the publications of a research report submitted to the Ministry of Educations, Science, Sports and Culture

  • The Commoditization of Differences' and Local identity

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    NAKAMURA Kiyoshi, SUGIHARA Nahoko, INOKUCHI Kin'ya, WATANABE Noboru, ITO Mamoru

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    The aim of this research project is to investigate and analyze the process of the revitalization of local communities by the local people.In the first year, we carried out library research of the preceding studies on this theme in anthropology and sociology and discussed theoretical framework for this research. In the second year, each investigator made some field studies mainly in Niigata : collecting material of local government and tourism related enterprises of his own field, analyzing them and interviewing the local government officials and the local people concerned.Based on the results of each investigation, we wrote up a final report. The contents of this report are as follows : examining the theories in 'cultural studies, ' it is suggested that communication including tourism is deeply involved in political issues and discussing discourses on tourism ; our discussion about theoretical issues confirmed that sociology of media should be indispensable as the theoretical framework for this kind study ; as for case studies, from the analyzes of the policy of touristic development and the relationships between traditional culture and local museum in Ryotsu, either tourism or the local museum plays an important role in engendering local identity ; the discourse analysis on Huis-ten-bosch theme park shows its particular space-time structure ; it is also suggestd the possibilities of local independency from the central government through the analyzes of the participations of local residents in politics concerning the issue of the construction of a nuclear power plant in Maki town and the struggle of meaning through discourses concerning "development" and "tradition" in Bali

  • Communication Act and Information Societies

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    TANAKA Yosihisa, KOBAYASHI Naoki, ITO Mamoru, TSUNEKI Teruo, FUJIWARA Norimichi, OGAWA Bunya

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    Our research project aimed at understanding a social-cultural change of modern japanese society, structured by communication-acts and the quolity of social relations formed by that communication-acts. So, we researched by questionnaire method at kawagoe city, last year. And we follow up the data by group-interview, this year. The result of analysis is1. So called "information society" is accept with differential dimensions by people's cognitive frames at their bodily levels, that regulate their life-consciousness and structures of their life-world.2. That life-consciousness made factors of the difference of people's communication acts at the community and the community-culture.3. The structures of people's communications could be grasped by the relation of their communication acts and their fields of communications.4. That idea , structure of communication propose the conceptual models that mediate the structure of people's life-world to the structure of their community

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Overseas Activities

  • BBCの放送制度ならびに番組の変容についての研究


    イギリス   ロンドン・スクール・オブ・エコノミクス・オブ・ポリティカルサイエンス


  • Faculty of Education and Integrated Arts and Sciences   Graduate School of Education

  • Faculty of Political Science and Economics   Graduate School of Political Science

  • Affiliated organization   Global Education Center

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 1970~80年代における学術出版文化の変容に関する実証的研究:編集者のパーソナルヒストリーの聞き取り調査から


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     本研究の目的は、2011年度から2012年度にかけて行った「1980年代における出版・活字文化の変容に関する実証的研究」を発展させるかたちで、考察の時期を1970年代にまで広げて、学術出版活動における編集者の位置、役割がいかなるものであったか、さらに高度消費社会へと日本社会が大きく変化する中で、編集者自身がどのような問題関心の下で、いかに執筆者との関係をつくりながら、知の生産を行っていたのか、を検討することにあった。1970年代まで考察の範囲を拡大したのは、編集者へのインタビューを通じて、戦後の学問的知の変容、読者層による知の受容や消費の変化はすでに1970年代に根差しており、1970年代から1980年代にかけての通時的な射程から考察する必要性が浮かび上がってきたことによる。 こうした課題を遂行するために、本研究では、長年にわたり書評紙『週刊読書人』の編集長を務め、学術出版の歴史的経緯に詳しい武秀樹氏、月刊『ローリングストーン』(日本版)や季刊『is』(ポーラ文化研究所)の編集長を務めた七字英輔氏、さらに『美術手帖』の編集者として様々な特集号を企画した三上豊氏にインタビュー調査を行うとともに、せりか書房の編集長である船橋純一郎氏にも再度のインタビューを行った。 以上の編集者のインタビューから明らかになった諸点は次のようなものである。いずれの編集者にも共通に抱かれていたのは、仮説として想定したように、1970年代の半ばに、アカデミズムの知の変容とともに読者層の関心や志向の変化が徐々に顕在化し、新たな出版企画を出していかざるを得ない状況が生まれたということである。七字氏によれば、政治的な主張を含みつつもポップな色彩感と大胆な写真構成からなる『ローリングストーン』日本語版は若者世代のライフスタイルの変化を先取りするものであった。また伝統的な絵画や日本画の紹介を中心にしてきた『芸術新潮』とは異なり、現代美術に特化した編集の方針を貫いてきた『美術手帖』も制作者にための雑誌からより広範な読者(美術館の拡大に伴う絵画鑑賞者の急激な増加に対応している)ための紙面構成へと変化した、と述べた三上氏の発言もこの変化を裏付けるものであった。特に、『ぴあ』に代表される細分化した「情報」提供する雑誌、既存の「知識」を提供する雑誌、これらとは一線を画した「ガイド」として「美術手帖」を位置付けた三上氏の発言は、この時期の出版・活字文化の変容と多元化を象徴的に言い表している。このような雑誌文化の変化は、その後、学術出版の分野にも通底することになる。

  • メディアのグローバリゼーションと文化的アイデンティティ―――多言語社会台湾のメディア変容を対象として


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     2000年度の調査時点では、台北で、従来の地上波放送5局をはじめ、音楽専門局、総合編制局、アニメ専門局、映画専門局、日本の番組専門局、宗教専門局、CNNやHBOやESPNなどの欧米系衛星テレビ局を含めて、90チャンネル以上視聴可能である。香港資本が出資するTVBSG局や2000年からSONYが出資した超視に象徴されるように、現在の台湾のテレビメディアは、台湾/欧米/日本/香港のメディア資本が複雑に交錯する経済/政治的環境のもとで、日本語/英語とともに「国語」たる北京語、さらに放送用語として近年使用されはじめてきたミン南語など、多様な言語が飛び交い、異質な文化が重層化する、複合的なメディア空間を作り上げている。基幹的テレビ局である台視(TTV)、中視(CTV)、華視(CTS)の3局は、「国民党寄り」「保守的」とみなされており、とりわけ「娯楽番組」は面白くないとの評価を受けている。他方で、CATVが浸透してからは、番組のスタイルが「ソフト化」したとの評価もある。CATV各局は、チャンネルが濫立し過当競争の状態にあると認識されており、他社との差異化をどうはかり、独自性をいかに発揮するかが課題である。放送内容に関しては、送り手側/受け手側ともに、暴力場面や性的描写が多いことに危惧している。日本の番組に関しては、欧米の番組と比較して、年代を超えて「親しみやすい」「近しい感じ」と受け止められている一方で、「裸のシーンが多い」とのマイナスの評価もある。特に若年層では、日本のアニメについて、「緻密さ」「画面の美しさ」「ストーリー性」で高く評価されていることがわかった。さらに、日本の番組については、その評価が、年代差よりも、「外省人」「本省人」という差異によってかなり異なる、との意見があったことは、大変興味深い。今後の調査で検証すべき点である。 今後は、今回の調査をふまえ、CATV各社の経営体質、外国資本との関係、自主制作番組の割合、制作理念、北京語とミン南語の併用についての局の考え方などより詳しく解明することが必要である。また、多角的な報道がなされていると視聴者が認識しているか、外国の番組とりわけ日本のドラマ番組や情報番組を視聴者がどのように受容/消費しているか等々、オーディエンスの視点からの調査を実施することが、台湾の文化的アイデンティティを考える場合、不可欠であるだろう。