Professional Memberships
Society of Socio-Informatics
Details of a Researcher
Updated on 2025/03/12
Society of Socio-Informatics
新聞研究 ( 838 ) 54 - 57 2021.10
思想 ( 1140 ) 59 - 81 2019.04
Affect Theory for Cultural Studies: from “structure of feeling” to “animal politics”
Mamoru ITO
The Annual Review of Cultural Studies ( 6 ) 5 - 23 2018.07 [Invited]
メディア論 新しいメディア生態系を前にして
現代思想(特集=現代思想の316冊 ブックガイド2018) 46 ( 6 ) 77 - 86 2018.04 [Invited]
Microsociology of Media
Mamoru ITO
The Journal of Communication Studies ( 47 ) 19 - 22 2018.02 [Invited]
現代思想(臨時増刊号 総特集=現代を生きるための映像ガイド51) 46 ( 4 ) 164 - 167 2018.02 [Invited]
Die japanische Gesellschaft und Medienkultur nach dem 11. März 2011 (aus dem Japanischen von Caroline Block)
Mamoru ITO
Orientierungen: Zeitschrift aur Kultur Asiens ( 28(2016)号 ) 265 - 278 2017.06
社会情報 25 ( 1-2 ) 257 - 259 2017.02
マス・コミュニケーション研究 ( 89 ) 21 - 43 2016.07 [Refereed] [Invited]
( 103 ) 57 - 84 2015.07
Developing of Television Programs Archives and the Pursuit of New Qualitative Research
ITO Mamoru
Japanese Sociological Review 65 ( 4 ) 541 - 556 2015.03 [Refereed] [Invited]
A Resident’s Consciousness After the Accident of FUKUSHIMA DAIICHI Nuclear Power Plants: From the Survey at KASHIWAZAKI and KARIWA in NIIGATA
Mamoru ITO
Seijo University, Social innovation studies 10 23 2015.01 [Invited]
A Resident's Consciousness After the Accident of FUKUSHIMA DAIICHI Nuclear Power Plants : From the Survey at KASHIWAZAKI and KARIWA in NIIGATA (In Honor of Professor Shujiro Yazawa)
Ito Mamoru
Seijo University, Social innovation studies 10 ( 1 ) 23 - 38 2015.01
社会の地すべり的な転位 コミュニケーション地平の変容と政治的情動
現代思想(特集=社会学の行方) 42 ( 6 ) 58 - 68 2014.12 [Invited]
社会情報学と世界:新たな共有と創造に向けて (理論編)
伊藤守, 米山優, 遠藤薫, 伊藤賢一, 田中秀幸
社会情報学 1巻3号 67 - 90 2013.03
伊藤 守
学術の動向 18巻1号 8 - 14 2013.01
伊藤 守, カルチュラル・スタディーズ」「マス, コミュニケーション, 目を執筆
弘文堂 2012.12
伊藤 守
UP (東京大学出版会) 481号 7 - 12 2012.11
情報とはなにか? : 情報を主知主義的な枠組みから解き放つために(社会情報学と世界-新たな共有と創造に向けて(理論篇),基調シンポジウム(理論系))
伊藤 守
社会情報学会(SSI)学会大会研究発表論文集 2012 18 - 18 2012.09
What is Information? : To Release the Information from a framework of Intellectualism(<Special Section Article>Socio-Informatics)
ITO Mamoru
Journal of socio-informatics 1 ( 1 ) 3 - 19 2012.09
伊藤 守
社会情報学 1巻1号 3 - 19 2012.09
伊藤 守
札幌学院大学総合研究所BOOKLET No.4 4号 11 - 27 2012.03
社会学事典 (日本社会学会編集員会編)
伊藤 守, ドメスティック・セオリー, 記憶とメディア, 目を執筆
丸善 2010.09
伊藤 守
学術の動向 15巻7号 94 - 97 2010.07
書評 John Tomlinson, 2007, The Culture of Speed
伊藤 守
學鐙 (丸善) VOL.105 No.2 48 - 49 2008.06
伊藤 守
現代思想 vol.36-1 146 - 159 2008.01
伊藤 守
現代思想 vol.35-14 84 - 108 2007.11
伊藤 守
社会学評論 vol.57 No.4 727 - 754 2007.03
書評 いま「反戦」をいかに語りうるのか
伊藤 守
図書新聞 2006.08
アウラムック コミュニケーション学がわかる
朝日新聞社 2004.01
思想/岩波書店 956 174 - 190 2003.12
岩波小辞典 社会学 (宮島喬編)
伊藤 守, メディア, 情報, 文化に関す, 目を執筆
岩波書店 2003.10
R.シルバーストーン著, 吉見俊哉, 伊藤守, 土橋臣吾訳
せりか書房 2003.04
木野評論 34 2003.03
言語 vol.31 no.13 2002.12
D/sign no.3 2002.01
伊藤 守
放送学研究/NHK放送文化研究所 no.46 2000.05
マス・コミュニケーション研究/日本マス・コミュニケーション学会 no.55 1999.10
ポストメディア・セオリーズ : メディア研究の新展開
伊藤守( Part: Edit)
ミネルヴァ書房 2021.03 ISBN: 9784623091126
Urban Science Encyclopedia
2021.02 ISBN: 9784861107344
Communicative Capitalism and "the Common" : For Analysis of Post-Media Ecology
( Part: Edit)
2019.09 ISBN: 9784130501989
日本社会科教育学会( Part: Joint author)
明石書店 2018.08
Dialog mit Deutschland
( Part: Joint editor)
伊藤守( Part: Sole author)
青土社 2017.10
伊藤守, 小泉秀樹, 三本松政之, 似田貝香門, 橋本和孝, 長谷部弘, 日髙昭夫, 吉原直樹( Part: Joint editor)
春風社 2017.06
柳啓明, 千葉直美, 奥谷雄一, 島田昭仁( Part: Joint author)
八千代出版 2017.03
정동의 힘 –미디어와 공진(共振)하는 신체
伊藤守( Part: Sole author)
출판사 : 갈무리 2016.01
西垣通, 伊藤守( Part: Joint editor)
ミネルヴァ書房 2015.05
震災後に考える : 東日本大震災と向きあう92の分析と提言
早稲田大学出版部 2015.03
伊藤守, 岡井崇之( Part: Joint editor)
世界思想社 2015.02
After Television Studies
( Part: Joint editor)
アントニオ・ネグリ, 市田良彦, 伊藤守, 上野千鶴子, 大澤真幸, 姜尚中, 白井聡, 毛利嘉孝( Part: Joint author)
NHK出版 2014.03
中村隆志( Part: Joint author)
青弓社 2014.01
伊藤 守
せりか書房 2013.05
エンサイクロペディア 現代ジャーナリズム (早稲田大学ジャーナリズム教育研究所編)
伊藤 守, 花田達朗
早稲田大学出版部 2013.04
311情報学 (高野明彦、吉見俊哉、三浦伸也編)
伊藤 守
岩波書店 2012.08
放送番組で読み解く社会的記憶 (早稲田大学ジャーナリズム教育研究所編)
伊藤守, 花田達朗
日外アソシエーツ 2012.06
コミュニケーション理論の再構築 (正村俊之編)
伊藤 守, 正村俊之, 山内志朗, 大黒岳彦, 遠藤薫, 柴田邦臣
勁草書房 2012.04
ドキュメント テレビは原発事故をどう伝えたか
伊藤 守
平凡社 2012.03
未来のテレビを担う君たちへ (伊藤 守+NHKエンタープライズ 編)
伊藤 守, 小林宏一, 藤田真文, 丹羽美之, 花田達朗, 毛利嘉孝
NHK出版 2011.03
社会学ベーシックス 第9巻 政治・権力・公共性 (井上俊・伊藤公雄編)
伊藤 守, 水嶋一憲
世界思想社 2011.03
書物と映像の未来:グーグル化する世界の知の課題とは (長尾真 他編)
伊藤 守, 吉見俊哉, 名和小太郎
岩波書店 2010.11
多文化社会の文化を問う (岩渕功一編)
伊藤 守, 清水知子, 林香里, 塩原良和
青弓社 2010.06
触発する社会学 (田中義久編)
伊藤 守, 清水瑞久, 小林直毅
法政大学出版局 2010.03
よくわかるメディア・スタディーズ (伊藤守編)
伊藤 守, 長谷正人, 中村秀之
ミネルヴァ書房 2009.03
水俣の言説と表象 (小林直毅編)
伊藤 守, 大石裕, 藤田真文
藤原書店 2007.06
テレビジョン解体 (日本記号学会編)
伊藤 守, 石田英敬
慶應大学出版会 2007.06
地球情報社会と社会運動 (伊藤守・新原道信・奥山眞知編著)
伊藤 守, 新原道信, 奥山眞知
ハーベスト社 2006.04
テレビニュースの社会学 (伊藤守編)
伊藤 守, 清水瑞久, 岡井崇之, 田中東子
世界思想社 2006.04
日本人とテレビ (田中義久・小川文弥編)
伊藤 守
法政大学出版局 2005.10
伊藤 守
法政大学出版局 2005.08
伊藤守, 渡辺登, 松井克浩, 杉原奈穂子
リベルタ出版 2005.06
Feeling Asian Modernities
Mamoru Ito
Hong Kong University 2004.10
情報秩序の構築 (伊藤守・林利隆・正村俊之編)
伊藤 守
早稲田大学出版部 2004.09
オリンピックスタディーズ (清水諭編)
伊藤 守
せりか書房 2004.07
文化の実践、文化の研究 (伊藤守編著)
伊藤 守
せりか書房 2004.04
越える文化、錯綜する境界 (岩渕功一編)
伊藤 守
山川出版 2004.04
グローバル社会の情報論 (伊藤守・西垣通・正村俊之編)
伊藤 守
早稲田大学出版部 2004.03
Media Contents und Katastrophen: Beiträge zur medialen Verarbeitung der Großen Ostjapanischen Erdbebenkatastrophe
Matthias KOCH, Harald MEYER, Takahiro NISHIYAMA, Reinhard ZÖLLNER (Hrsg( Part: Joint author)
IUDICIUM Verlag, GmbH München
The Encyclopedia of Sociology
Artistic work
The Dictionary of Sociology
Why study media ?
Television ontology and the Transitional Object
Television Culture
テレビ視聴の構造 (伊藤守・小林直毅 翻訳) 法政大学出版局
現代日本人物事典 朝日新聞社出版局
社会学事典 (見田・田中・栗原編) 弘文堂
The Characteristics of Japanese Documentary Programs in the Digital Media Age
Mamoru ITO [Invited]
The Future of Television in the Digital Media (Universität Erlangen Nürnberg) Universität Erlangen Nürnberg
Presentation date: 2017.12
Media Power and Communication Capitalism in Post-Media Society
Mamoru ITO [Invited]
(Ostasiatisches Institut/Japanologie, Universität Leipzig) Ostasiatisches Institut/Japanologie, Universität Leipzig
Presentation date: 2017.11
2020 Tokyo Olympic and Media: Olympic and Totalitarianism
Mamoru ITO [Invited]
(Bonn University)
Presentation date: 2017.07
Global Capitalism, New Collective Action, and the Politics of Affect
Masaaki Sugimura, Maurizio Lazzarato, Satoshi Ukai, Chikako Nakayama, Mamoru Ito [Invited]
Association for Cultural Typhoon 2017
Presentation date: 2017.06
Micro-perception and Hijacking of Affect
Mamoru ITO [Invited]
한국문화연구학회 2016 가을 정기학술대회[국내학술회의]미디어와 정동의 정치 한국문화연구학회
Presentation date: 2016.12
Keynote Speech: Die japanische Gesellschaft und Medienkultur nach dem 11. März 2011
Mamoru ITO [Invited]
Deutsch-Japanisches Symposium „Tendenz der japanischen Gesellschaft und Kultur nach dem 11. März 2011“ (Japanisches Kulturinstitut Köln)
Presentation date: 2016.09
Intervention of Affective Power in Body and Memory in Digital Age
Mamoru ITO [Invited]
Digital Studies Conference 2016: Dream and Power in the Digital Age
Presentation date: 2016.03
Multitude and Power
International Symposium Multitude and Power
Presentation date: 2013.04
How did Television report the 3.11 nuclear accident in Fukushima?
Association for Asian Studies
Presentation date: 2013.03
What is Information ?
Association of Socio-Information
Presentation date: 2012.09
Inspection of Information about the 311 Nuke Crisis: to organize informed consent society
Examining TV Journalism and social Media Information on the 3.11 Accident of Fukushima Nuclear Power Plants
Presentation date: 2012.06
Transformation of TV news in Japan
The International Conference : Mass Media and JournaliSm Studies
Presentation date: 2011.03
Representation of "okinawa" in AKOUKURO
Conference : Film, Literature and Art in OKINAWA
Presentation date: 2010.11
Collective Intelligence and Media
Symposium : Society and Information
Presentation date: 2010.09
The Multimodal Features of TV news in Japan
Symposium:Media and Politics
Presentation date: 2010.07
Digital Media and Politics
Synposium: Councillors'Organization for Policy Argument
Presentation date: 2010.07
Opportunities for the Construction of Deliberative Democracy and the Role of University
The International Symposium:The Creation of Public Spheres and the Exploration of Normative Theories
Presentation date: 2010.06
TV News about OKINAWA in 2010
Conference : OKINAWA, Politics and Culture
Presentation date: 2010.05
The Monad Connected to Digital Media
Public Meeting of Meiji University
Presentation date: 2010.03
A Nature of Digital Media as Tool of Social Movement
International Symposium: New Communication Tool and New Social Movement
Presentation date: 2010.03
Image Archive as Common and Media Literacy
Synposium: Goolge Problems and the public upkeep/application of media culture
Presentation date: 2010.01
Consumption of Korea's TV Drama and China's TV Drama in Japan
The International Symposium:The dialogue of an East Asia Citizen throught TV Drama
Presentation date: 2009.07
The Order of socio-information in global media
Workshop: Geo-politics in global world and media
Presentation date: 2008.02
Social Investigation with vulnerability
Pedagogy of Social Investigation in graduate school
Presentation date: 2007.12
Affection, Movement and Media
Internationl Symposium: A Forefront of TV Analysis
Presentation date: 2006.05
The Expansion of Capitalism and Media Technology
The Japan Sociological Society Symposium
Presentation date: 2003.10
Politics, Economy, and Culture in Society of Affect: Is There Any Future for Global Capitalism?
Masaaki Sugimura, Gary Genosko, Jodi Dean, Mahoro Murasawa, Mamoru Ito [Invited]
Association for Cultural Typhoon 2018
Project Year :
Towards New Theories of Media and Culture in the Post-Media Era: A Comparative Study of Creative Industries in the UK and Japan
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
Images of Postwar Japan in Television Archives
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
Political Public sphere and Nationalism in age of Digital Media
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
ITO Mamoru
The Media, Publicness and Cultural Citizenship in Multi-Cultural Societies
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
MORI Yoshitaka, ITO Mamoru, TAJIMA Junko, HAYASHI Kaori), SHIOBARA Yoshikazu, SHIMIZU Tomoko, ISHI Angelo
The positive research of the scholarly publishing culture in the 1980s : from the cultural practice by the editors
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
ITO Mamoru
Construction and memory of the Minamata Disease Affair in the media environment
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
KOBAYASHI Naoki, ITO Mamoru, OISHI Yutaka, FUJITA Mafumi, KOBAYASHI Yoshihiro, BEPPU Minako, KARASUDANI Masayuki, YAMAKOSHI Shuzou, YAMAGUCHI Hitoshi
Research and Development of a Knowledge Formulation Aid System taking BOK Formulation in a Discipline as an Example
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
MASUNAGA Yoshifumi, MASAMURA Toshiyuki, ITO Kazunari, ITO Mamoru, ISHIDA Hiroyuki, SHIMIZU Koji, FUKUDA Nobutaka, NAGATA Hiroyasu, YABUKI Taro, TAKAHASHI Toru, CHIBA Masaki, MORITA Takeshi
The Media, Publicness and Cultural Citizenship in Multi-Cultural Societies
Project Year :
The Creation of Public Spheres and the Exploration of Normative Theories : based on empirical studies of contemporary social problem
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
FUNABASHI Harutoshi, JUFUKU Masami, TOKUYASU Akira, SATOH Shigeki, OKANOUCHI Tadashi, TSUDA Shotarou, MIYAJIMA Takashi, YOSHIMURA Mako, KANBAYASHI Chieko, ISHIZAKA Etsuo, FUJITA Mafumi, OKU Takenori, SUDO Haruo, KANAI Akihito, IKEDA Kanji, TANAKA Mitsuru, HORIKAWA Saburou, SHIMAMOTO Mihoko, HIGUCHI Akihiko, ARAI Youko, HIRATSUKA Maki, MITSUI Sayo, SUZUKI Tomoyuki, TAJIMA Junko, MASUDA Masato, KOBAYASHI Naoki, DOBASHI Shingo, UNO Hitoshi, SUZUKI Munenori, HASEBE Toshiharu, HARADA Etsuko, HABA Kumiko, TANAKA Yoshihisa, YUASA Youichi, ITOH Mamoru, KAMIMURA Yasuhiro, NIWA Yoshiyuki, MIYAMOTO Michiko
The Basic Theory of Socio-Informatics in the Ubiquitous Society
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
MASAMURA Toshiyuki, ENDO Kaoru, YAMAUCHI Siro, ITO Mamoru, DAIKOKU Takehiko, SHIBATA Kuniomi
Regeneration of news studies in the age of globalization
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
ITO Mamoru, EMOTO Mitiyo, KARASUDANI Masahiro, DOBASHI Sinngo, KOBAYASHI Yoshihiro
The Comparative Sociological Study on the Acceptance and Opposition for "America" in the Popular Culture in East Asian Cities in the Late 20th Century
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
YOSHIMI Shunya, KANG San-jung, MIZUKOSHI Shin, KITADA Akihiro, MOURI Yoshitaka, IWABUCHI Koichi
Research of the Media Texts and Discourses of the Minamata Disease Incident Report.
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
KOBAYASHI Naoki, ITO Mamoru, OISHI Yutaka, FUJITA Mafumi, KOBAYASHI Yoshihiro, BEPPU Minako
Analysis of the Mode and Discourses of News Programs in Japan
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
ITO Mamoru, KOBAYASHI Naoki, HUZITA Mahumi, HAYASHI Toshitaka, TANAKA Toko, OISHI Yutaka
Functional Prerequisites of Regional and Community Development in the Process of Making of Global Information Society.
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
YAZAWA Shujiro, NIHARA Michinobu, ITO Mamoru, FURUKI Toshiaki, HASEGAWA Yutaka, YAMADA Nobuyuki
Research on the Formation of new social relations in region
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
ITO Mamoru, SUGIHARA Nahoko, MATSUI Katsuhiro, WATANABE Noboru
Development of the Information Society and Communication-actions within the Community
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
TANAKA Yoshihisa, TUNEKI Teruo, FUJIWARA Norimichi, OGAWA Bunya, KOBAYASHI Naoki, ITO Mamoru
The Commoditization of Differences' and Local identity
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
Communication Act and Information Societies
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
TANAKA Yosihisa, KOBAYASHI Naoki, ITO Mamoru, TSUNEKI Teruo, FUJIWARA Norimichi, OGAWA Bunya
イギリス ロンドン・スクール・オブ・エコノミクス・オブ・ポリティカルサイエンス
Faculty of Education and Integrated Arts and Sciences Graduate School of Education
Faculty of Political Science and Economics Graduate School of Political Science
Affiliated organization Global Education Center
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