Updated on 2024/12/21


HIGUCHI, Kiyohide
Faculty of International Research and Education
Job title
Professor Emeritus
修士(経済学) ( 早稲田大学 )

Research Experience

  • 2002.09

    Waseda University

  • 1995






Professional Memberships







Research Areas

  • Public economics and labor economics

Research Interests

  • 経済理論、経済政策(含経済事情)



  • 第2章 ITビジネスとしてのアウトソーシングー公共政策のあり方ー」


    (財)国際情報通信経済研究所編『オープンプラットフォーム時代におけるITビジネス』     12 - 22  2005.03

  • 郵便局の評価に関するデータマインニング試論ー決定木手法による分析の評価と可能性

    大江宏子, 樋口清秀

    貯蓄経済理論研究会年報   20   189 - 210  2005.03


  • 地域密着とトヨタ生産方式で成功を収めている地域金融機関


    RITEレポート『World Logistics and Finance』   ( 8 )  2005.02

  • コミュニティにおける情報流通のスモールワールド的考察

    大江宏子, 樋口清秀, 椎名達人

    社会情報学研究   9 ( 2 ) 1 - 19  2005.02

  • 3PLとその問題点


    RITEレポート『World Logistics and Finance』   ( 7 ) 1 - 5  2004.11

  • 米国スーパーコミュニティバンクに学べ


    郵政総研レビュー   ( 5 ) 5 - 9  2004.09

  • ICタグが変える物流のあり方


    RITEレポート『World Logistics and Finance』   ( 5 )  2004.08

  • 主要各国の規制改革について


    RITEレポート『World Logistics and Finance』   4   1 - 8  2003.06

  • ニュージーランドの金融改革と課題


    RITEレポート『World Logistics and Finance』   ( 4 ) 23 - 50  2003.06

  • 第6章 国際電気通信連合ーWTOおよび世界貿易機関ー


    (財)国際通信経済研究所編『主要国・国際機関における情報通信の現状と動向』     299 - 305  2003.02

  • 統一ユーロの法定通貨化とロンドン市場


    『地理と歴史』   ( 553 ) 21 - 27  2002.04

  • 複雑系と環境問題

    人文社会学研究/早稲田大学理工学部複合領域   42,pp.37-54  2002.03

  • 環境クズネッツ曲線と複雑系

    貯蓄理論経済研究会年報/貯蓄経済研究センター   17,pp.273-284  2002.02

  • 道路交通の公共政策論

    日本交通政策研究会    2001.10

  • EU評価論と新たな「共存」モデル

    貯蓄経済理論研究会年報   第15巻  1999.12

  • 金融

    イミダス2000/集英社   70-79ページ  1999.11

  • 保険医療行動科学事典

    メヂカルフレンド社    1999.09

  • エコ効率

    CAP出版    1999.06

  • 高齢化社会における金融のあり方

    生活経済学会    1999.05

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Research Projects

  • A Study of the Impact of Information and Communication Technology with Emphasis on the Contributions to Global Environmental Problems

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    MITOMO Hitoshi, HIGUCHI Kiyohide, OTA Koshiro, JITSUZUMI Toshiya, PHILIP Sugai, OTSUKA Tokio

     View Summary

    This study aims to provide a solution to global environmental problems by utilizing information and communication technology. In addition to direct controls and economic measures, a supplementary measure of providing appropriate information can make people aware of the crisis and motivate them to be more environmentally friendly. Effective provision of information can achieve breakthrough effects to solve the problems. At the same time, despite the awareness, it may result in no action toward the problems. The study has approached the problems through the following three steps :(1) pointing out problems related to public relations about environmental protections through ICT, and considering their solutions ;(2) researching technological and administrative hindrances against the diffusion of the information and communication networks, and investigating into their public interests ; and(3) considering the issues and challenges to construct global information and communication networks.

  • Restructuring Economics Education for the Connection between Senior High School and University and an International Comparative Study of Students' Economic Literacy

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    YAMAOKA Michio, MANO Yoshiki, HIGUCHI Kiyohide, INABA Toshio, ASANO Tadayoshi, ABE Shintaro, TAKAHASHI Keiko

     View Summary

    Disconnection of the contents of economic education between senior high school and university in Japan was examined, and the problems of curriculum in universities for effective and efficient economics learning for students were pointed out. The personal financial literacy test was conducted for senior high school and university students in Japan, and the results were analyzed. The common economic literacy test for university students was administered in Japan, the US, Korea, the Philippines and New Zealand, and the test results made Japanese students' economic understanding clearer.

  • Assessing the Impact of Information and Communications Technology on Consumers

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    HITOSHI Mitomo, ONIKI Hajime, HIGUCHI Kiyohide, OTA Koshiro, JITSUZUMI Toshiya, TAJIRI Nobuyuki

     View Summary

    The purpose of this project is to theoretically and empirically study the impact of Information and Communication Tehchnology on consumers through market mechanisms.
    From FY2005 to FY2007, the current research movement associated with the domestic and international community were investigated, the experts of various field related to ICT were interviewed, theoretical and analytical models were constricted, empirical data were collected by conducting a questionnaire survey, the hypotheses were tested with the empirical data, and imprecations were extracted from researches.
    In the study, the following subtopics were dealt with:
    1. Concluding a research on the impact of ICT on productivity of firms
    2. Researching on the impact of ICT on consumer benefits
    3. Researching consumer protection in association with the Internet
    4. Researching a market uniting communications and broadcast
    First, with respect to subtopic 1, results of studies pertaining to ICT related investments in the production sector were summarized and the relationship between the production sector and consumer sector were shown.
    With respect to subtopic 2, the mechanisms by which the ICT provides consumer surplus was analyzed, especially using behavioral economics, and the characteristics of consumer behavior toward ICT services were explained.
    With respect to subtopic 3, damages caused by Individual information leakage were estimated, and security measures under the Act for Protection of Computer Processed Personal Data held by Administrative Organs were considered.
    Finally, with respect to subtopic 4, the changes that occur after termination of analog broadcasting and complete shift to digital broadcasting in 2011 were studied, and their impact on firms and consumers were forecasted.

  • Research on Economic Education and Economic Literacy among High School and University Students in Asia-Pacific Region

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    YAMAOKA Michio, MANO Yoshiki, HIGUCHI Kiyohide, YAMADA Yukitoshi, ASANO Tadayoshi, ABE Shintaro

     View Summary

    This research project translated the Test of Economic Literacy, 3rd edition (TEL3) into Japanese, and administered the test to determine the present status and problems of economic literacy among Japanese high school and university students. The TEL3 was originally developed and conducted by Walstad of Nebraska University and Rebeck of St.Cloud State University. We conducted the TEL3 on 2,631 Japanese senior high school students in the 10th-12th grades (16 high schools), and on 2,877 university students (29 universities). The major findings from the test results are that there are similarities in economic literacy among high school and university students, with 6.6 % higher scores by university students. The both group demonstrated little understanding in several fundamental economic concepts, such as scarcity or opportunity cost, and that they have a relatively good understanding of microeconomics but not of macroeconomics.
    The research counterparts from Asian-Pacific region such as China, South Korea, the Philippines and New Zealand conducted the same test as well as the United States and Japan. Based on the test result of each country, we had the International Conference on Economic Education in the Asian-Pacific region at Waseda University in August, 2004, and made international comparison on economic literacy among the students in these countries. The investigators and foreign counterparts of this project examined these results and discussed how economic education in the region might be improved. The discussion is summarized in the report shown below in the "references".
    The research project also made a Japanese version of "the Financial Fitness for Life Test" which was also developed by Walstad and Rebeck. The investigators conducted the test in Japan in 2004 and made a presentation about the result of the test in the Annual Conference of NCEE : National Council on Economic Education in Little Rock, Arkansas.

  • 台東区商店街活性化問題


Internal Special Research Projects

  • 複雑系経済学の展開とその政策的応用研究


     View Summary

     本課題研究では、当面する地球環境問題に関して複雑系経済学の研究成果を適用し、合理的な説明とその解決策を模索しようと試みた。経済成長は地球環境には永続的にマイナスの影響をもたらすのか。もしその通りならば、地球環境を守るために、経済成長を抑制していかねばならない。それではこれから発展しようとする国々の人々は先進国の人々に対してその不公平さに大きな不満をもつであろう。ではいかがすべきであろうか。そこで研究では、経済成長(一人あたりのも国民所得の伸び)と環境の質とをクロスセクション分析の結果得られた環境クズネッツ曲線に着目した。 これによれば、低所得からの経済成長では地球環境を汚染していくが、ある一定の所得水準を越えると、環境の質は経済成長とともに改善していくという。この分析結果を政策に応用するならば、発展途上国を早急に経済成長させていくことで環境の質改善は実現させうることになる。果たしてその通りであろうか。複雑系のアイディアを持ちこむならば、環境悪化にしたがって、人々がどのような行動をとるのか検討しなければならない。不の外部効果の発生に対してである。環境汚染が進めば、汚染発生者、被害者双方の負担がますます大きくなっていく。これら大きな負担と犠牲を回避する必要性が経済成長とともに叫ばれるようになる。そしてその改善にむけて規制や技術開発、技術改善が要請され、実現されていく。これが更なる国民所得を挙げていくことになる。 こうした考察により、環境クズネッツ曲線の非線形性には、環境汚染による不の経済外部効果に対して技術開発や改善という経済成長促進行動が重要なポイントであることを立証した。 この成果は、以下の2本の論文「環境クズネッツ曲線と複雑系」貯蓄理論研究会年報、第17巻                平成14年12月、PP.273-284.「複雑系と環境問題」早稲田大学理工学部複合領域『人文社会科学研究』                平成14年3月、PP.37-54.として公表している。