Updated on 2025/03/10


Faculty of Science and Engineering, School of Fundamental Science and Engineering
Job title
工学博士 ( 慶應義塾大学 )
Doctor of Engineering

Research Experience




    1999早稲田大学理工学部コンピュータネットワーク工学科 教授




    19931999 北陸先端科学技術大学院大学 情報科学研究科 助教授


    19921993 カーネギーメロン大学 計算機科学科 研究員


    19911992 ドイツ国立計算機科学研究所 研究員


    19901991 カーネギーメロン大学 計算機科学科 研究員

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Research Areas

  • Software

Research Interests

  • Distributed Systems, Embedded Systems, Ubiquitous Computing


  • Nokia Research Center, Visitng Research Fellow




  • An Extensible Secure OS Architecture for Embedded Systems

    Ning Li, Yuki Kinebuchi, Hiromasa Shimada, Tatsuo Nakajima

    Journal of information processing   21 ( 4 ) 650 - 659  2013.10

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    Some recent researches have shown that using a monitoring service outside the target system above hypervisors is an efficient way to protect the target system. The hypervisors isolate the monitoring service based on MMU-methods to improve security. However, The MMU-method may cause heavy overhead when there is no hardware support, which makes this method not viable for embedded processors that are rarely equipped with hardware virtualization extensions. In addition, the vulnerabilities that exist in hypervisors may compromise the isolation. In this paper, we propose a secure OS architecture that fits embedded systems without the dependency of a hypervisor. It provides a robust isolation between the monitoring service and the guest OS based on local memory, a hardware feature. In order to generalize this architecture, we adopt a secure pager to extend the local memory space (physically small) virtually by a swap mechanism with integrity checking of the monitoring service. The secure pager can also update the monitoring service to extend monitoring functions without disturbing the running of the guest OS. Comprehensive evaluations are made in our framework with one instance of embedded Linux as the guest OS and an isolated monitoring service running with the secure pager. The results demonstrate functions of the secure pager and influence of the secure pager on Linux in our system. On processors with a proper architecture, we can build an extensible secure OS architecture with reasonable resource consumption, without the issue of heavy overhead to the guest OS.

    DOI CiNii


  • A software infrastructure for dependable embedded systems

    Hiromasa Shimada, Alexandre Courbot, Yuki Kinebuchi, Tatsuo Nakajima

    COMPUTER SYSTEMS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING   26 ( 6 ) 491 - 503  2011.11  [Refereed]

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    Recent embedded systems like mobile phones and digital TV appliances have been increasing their functionalities. These systems become very complex, but new products should be developed with short time-to-market. Therefore, future embedded systems that will be more complex require a new software infrastructure that industries can develop new products faster by reusing existing software as much as possible. In our project, we are developing SPUMONE which is able to compose multiple functionalities with a minimum cost. SPUMONE enables multiple OSes to coexist on a single system. Therefore, most of existing application programs require no modification. For satisfying the requirements of embedded systems, one of the most important goal of SPUMONE is to satisfy real-time constraints of real-time OSes. When real-time OS and general purpose OS like Linux run at the same time, the real-time OS can ensure the real-time responsiveness.
    It is also important to ensure security in future embedded systems that is always connected to the Internet. Increasing the complexity and functionality in embedded systems makes the OS kernel more vulnerable from malicious programs. This raises the need of the integrity management system for the general purpose OS kernel. The integrity management system that observes the behavior of kernel activities from the outside of the OS kernel is promising approach to increase the security of the general purpose OS kernel. However, traditional integrity management systems require extra resources and do not take into account the monitoring on a multi-core processor. The monitoring service which is an integrity management system running on SPUMONE as a new OS personality checks the integrity of data structures in the general purpose OS kernel. It also takes into account running on a multi-core processor. Therefore, the monitoring service and the general purpose OS can run on different cores to reduce the overhead of the integrity management.

  • A Library-based Performance Tool for Multicore Pervasive Servers

    Sayaka Akioka, Yuki Ohno, Midori Sugaya, Tatsuo Nakajima

    Journal of information processing   19   421 - 429  2011.08

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    This paper proposes SPLiT (Scalable Performance Library Tool) as the methodology to improve performance of applications on multicore processors through CPU and cache optimizations on the fly. SPLiT is designed to relieve the difficulty of the performance optimization of parallel applications on multicore processors. Therefore, all programmers have to do to benefit from SPLiT is to add a few library calls to let SPLiT know which part of the application should be analyzed. This simple but compelling optimization library contributes to enrich pervasive servers on a multicore processor, which is a strong candidate for an architecture of information appliances in the near future. SPLiT analyzes and predicts application behaviors based on CPU cycle counts and cache misses. According to the analysis and predictions, SPLiT tries to allocate processes and threads sharing data onto the same physical cores in order to enhance cache efficiency. SPLiT also tries to separate cache effective codes from the codes with more cache misses for the purpose of the avoidance of cache pollutions, which result in performance degradation. Empirical experiments assuming web applications validated the efficiency of SPLiT and the performance of the web application is improved by 26%.

    DOI CiNii


  • Persuasion for social dilemma: An application to motivate sustainable behavior using social effects

    Hiroaki Kimura, Tatsuo Nakajima

    Proceedings - 4th International Conference on Interaction Sciences: IT, Human and Digital Content, ICIS 2011     53 - 58  2011

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    Until now, many kinds of persuasive applications have been developed, and most of which are used by individuals for personal benefits. However, one application area that is yet to be explored effectively is persuading users for preserving shared resources including environmental conservation. In this paper, we apply knowledge of social psychology to this kind of persuasive applications. By sharing our experiences of building a persuasive application for reducing CO2 emissions, we expose how the knowledge could be applied. © 2011 AICIT.

  • Designing persuasive applications to motivate sustainable behavior in collectivist cultures

    Hiroaki Kimura, Tatsuo Nakajima

    PsychNology Journal   9 ( 1 ) 7 - 28  2011

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    Until now, many kinds of persuasive applications have been developed, and most of which are used by individuals for personal benefits, example includes better healthcare, better lifestyle and so on. However, one application area that is yet to be explored effectively is persuading users for preserving shared resources including environmental conservation. Unlike existing persuasive applications, these applications do not aim personal benefits and consequently requires radically different persuasion techniques. In this paper, we apply knowledge of cross-cultural understanding to this kind of persuasive applications. We introduce five design strategies for persuasive applications that could be used especially in collectivist cultures. These strategies are organizing group, anonymity, mutual surveillance, development of mutual aid, and combine use of positive and negative feedback. By sharing our experiences of building persuasive application for reducing CO2 emissions named EcoIsland, we expose how these five design strategies could be applied in persuasive applications. The application encourages users to do eco-friendly activities for reducing CO2 by offering game like feedback. The results of our experiment that recruited 6 families/20 persons and took 4 weeks show that two design strategies, mutual surveillance and combine use of positive and negative feedback worked effectively based on the number of eco-friendly activities one participant in each household reports and questionnaires.

  • Hardware-assisted Reliability Enhancement for Embedded Multi-core Virtualization Design

    Tsung-Han Lin, Yuki Kinebuchi, Hiromasa Shimada, Hitoshi Mitake, Chen-Yi Lee, Tatsuo Nakajima


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    In this paper, we propose a virtualization architecture for the multi-core embedded system to provide more system reliability and security while maintaining the same performance without introducing additional special hardware supports or having to implement complex protection mechanism in the virtualization layer. Embedded virtualization design usually uses two kinds of approaches, traditional VMM and microkernel approaches, but both of them suffer from performance or engineering cost problems.
    To achieve better reliability and keep the virtualization layer design lightweighted, a common hardware component called local memory adopted in the multi-core embedded processors is used in this work. By taking this memory architecture's advantage, we can mitigate above-mentioned problems at once. We choose to re-map the virtualization layer's program called SPUMONE, which it runs all its guest systems in kernel space, on the local memory. By doing so, it can provide additional reliability and security for the entire system because the SPUMONE's design in a multi-core platform has each instance being installed on a separated processor core, which is different from the traditional virtualization layer design, and therefore the content of each SPUMONE in the local memory is inaccessible to each others.



  • iDetective: A Location Based Game to Persuade Users Unconsciously

    Akihito Yoshii, Yoshio Funabashi, Hiroaki Kimura, Tatsuo Nakajima


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    Persuasive applications that change user behaviors and attitudes have been used for dietary support and healthcare and so on. When we use persuasive application to solve the social problems such as global warming and health issues, it is necessary that we extend the range of target users to people who are not interested in a problematic behavior. In this paper, we suggested an unconscious persuasive technique to design a persuasive application that is able to encourage people unconsciously. We have developed iDetective as a prototype application that persuades users unconsciously using agent persuasion and consciousness sensing. At the same time, we have evaluated the effectiveness of unconscious persuasion and influence on users through a user study using iDetective. As the result, although the unconscious persuasion on iDetective has yielded desirable effect, we could not find whether our application was able to attract people who are no interested in the target behavior. In addition, we have found that participants were not offended by the fact of unconscious persuasion and obtained possibilities and problems of unconscious persuasion.



  • Temporal and Spatial Isolation in a Virtualization Layer for Multi-core Processor based Information Appliances

    Tatsuo Nakajima, Yuki Kinebuchi, Hiromasa Shimada, Alexandre Courbot, Tsung-Han Lin


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    A virtualization layer makes it possible to compose multiple functionalities on a multi-core processor with minimum modifications of OS kernels and applications. A multi-core processor is a good candidate to compose various software independently developed for dedicated processors into one multi-core processor to reduce both the hardware and development cost. In this paper, we present SPUMONE, which is a virtualization layer suitable for developing multi-core processor based-information appliances.

  • SIGMA System: A Multi-OS Environment for Embedded Systems

    Wataru Kanda, Yu Murata, Tatsuo Nakajima


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    Embedded systems are becoming increasingly sophisticated and there exists a wide variety of requirements such as traditional realtime requirements, multimedia support, etc. It is hard to satisfy all of the requirements by a single OS. Would they be satisfied, the system would become complex and this would cause new problems. A multi OS environment is an efficient approach to deal with these problems and to satisfy complex requirements while keeping the system simple. We propose a multi OS environment named the SIGMA system targeted especially at multiprocessor architectures. On the SIGMA system, guest OSes are corresponded one-to-one with cores. As a result, opposing to existing multi OS environment using virtualization techniques, the system does not degrade the performance of the guest OSes. In addition, the guest OS running on the SIGMA system requires almost no modification to its source code.



  • Composition Kernel: A Multi-core Processor Virtualization Layer for Rich Functional Smart Products

    Tatsuo Nakajima, Yuki Kinebuchi, Alexandre Courbot, Hiromasa Shimada, Tsung-Han Lin, Hitoshi Mitake


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    Future ambient intelligence environments will embed powerful multi-core processors to compose various functionalities into a smaller number of hardware components. This makes the maintainability of intelligent environments better because it is not easy to manage massively distributed processors.
    A composition kernel makes it possible to compose multiple functionalities on a multi-core processor with the minimum modification of OS kernels and applications. A multi-core processor is a good candidate to compose various software developed independently for dedicated processors into one multi-core processor to reduce both the hardware and development cost. In this paper, we present SPUMONE which is a composition kernel for developing future smart products.

  • A Library-based Tool to Improve CPU Assignment for Multicore Processor-based Pervasive Servers

    Yuki Ohno, Sayaka Akioka, Midori Sugaya, Tatsuo Nakajima


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    This paper proposes SPLiT (Scalable Performance Library Tool) as the methodology to improve performance of applications on multicore processors, through CPU, and cache optimizations. SPLiT analyzes applications based on cycle counts, and cache misses, and predicts behavior of the applications according to the analysis. With these acquired knowledge on the target application, SPLiT improves CPU resource allocation determined by operating systems.
    SPLiT, and SPLiT library are designed to achieve resource optimizations based on the combination of hardware information collected by Operating System kernel, and software information collected by applications. Additionally, all the features of SPLiT are immediately available with the small modifications to the application source codes, and the modifications are basically to implant SPLiT library calls into the source code. This simple requirement diminishes programmers' difficulties for performance tuning of multicore applications. Through empirical experiments, we validated the efficiency of SPLiT, and observed that performance of the web application was improved by 26%.



  • mBrace: Fine-Grained Profiling of Multi-Tier Web Applications

    Andrej Van Der Zee, Alexandre Courbot, Tatsuo Nakajima

    International Journal of Web Services Practices   Vol.5 ( No.1 ) 10 - 21  2010

  • A lightweight monitoring service for multi-core embedded systems

    Hiromasa Shimada, Alexandre Courbot, Yuki Kinebuchi, Tatsuo Nakajima

    ISORC 2010 - 2010 13th IEEE International Symposium on Object/Component/Service-Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing   1   202 - 209  2010

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    The recent increase in complexity and functionality in embedded systems makes them more vulnerable to rootkit-type attacks, raising the need for integrity management systems. However, as of today there is no such system that can guarantee the system's safety while matching the low-resource, real-time and multi-core requirements of embedded systems. In this paper, we present a Virtual Machine Monitor (VMM) based monitoring service for embedded systems that checks the actual kernel data against a safe data specification. However, due to the VMM and multi-core nature of the system, the guest OS can be preempted at any time, leading to the checking of potentially inconsistent states. We evaluated two approaches to solve this problem: detecting such invalid states by checking specific kernel data, and detecting system calls using the VMM. © 2010 IEEE.



  • 情報家電向けLinuxのCPU資源制限システムの設計と実装

    菅谷 みどり, 中島 達夫

    電子情報通信学会論文誌 D   Volume J93-D ( No.10 ) 2001 - 2010  2010

  • Applying smart objects for persuading users to change their behavior

    Hiroaki Kimura, Tatsuo Nakajima

    International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering   4 ( 3 ) 21 - 36  2009

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    This paper introduces a novel application area of smart objects, changing users' behavior. By analyzing user contexts acquired by smart objects, applications provide users with appropriate feedbacks to change their behavior. This study demonstrates a concept called ambient lifestyle feedback systems to be used to motivate people to change their undesirable habits to improve their lifestyle. We present three case studies of ambient lifestyle feedback systems, and discuss some findings to design persuasive applications using smart objects. We also discuss future directions of the study.

  • Anomaly Detection System using Resource Pattern Learning

    Yuki Ohno, Midori Sugaya, Andrej van der Zee, Tatsuo Nakajima


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    In this paper, Anomaly Detection by Resource Monitoring (Ayaka), a novel lightweight anomaly and fault detection infrastructure, is presented for Information Appliances.
    Ayaka provides a general monitoring method for detecting anomalies using only resource usage information on systems independent of its domain, target application and programming languages. Ayaka modifies the kernel to detect faults and uses a completely application black-box approach based on machine learning methods. It uses the clustering method to quantize the resource usage vector data and learn the normal patterns with Hidden Markov Model. In the running phase, Ayaka finds anomalies by comparing the application resource usage with learned model. The evaluation experiment indicates that our prototype system is able to detect anomalies, such as SQL injection and buffer overrun, without significant overheads.

  • Building a self-healing embedded system in a multi-OS environment

    Tomohiro Katori, Lei Sun, Dennis K. Nilsson, Tatsuo Nakajima

    Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing     293 - 298  2009

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    In this paper we describe our approach to improve dependability of a commodity OS for embedded systems. Usually it is too difficult for end-users to resolve the problem inside a single OS, especially for embedded systems. We propose a self-healing mechanism for Linux kernel to improve the system dependability without any operations by administrators. This paper presents our white box approach for monitoring and recovering Linux kernel. Key components are a system monitor and a virtual machine monitor. The system monitor is used to detect the inconsistency of data structures inside Linux kernel. The virtual machine monitor provides a multi-OS environment and it isolates the system monitor from Linux kernel. In a multi-OS environment, the system monitor is able to resolve failures inside Linux kernel without stopping crucial services running on another OS. We have developed a prototype for an embedded system to verify our approach. The experiment results show that our system can remove hidden processes and reload buggy kernel modules. The performance evaluation results show that our self-healing mechanism can be used even when Linux kernel is heavily-loaded and the overhead of the system monitor is vanishingly small in actual use. Copyright 2009 ACM.



  • 講座 画像処理技術者のための組込み入門 (第5回)組込みオペレーティングシステム概論

    中島 達夫

    映像情報メディア学会   No.5  2009

  • Constructing a Multi-OS Platform with Minimal Engineering Cost

    Yuki Kinebuchi, Takushi Morita, Kazuo Makijima, Midori Sugaya, Tatsuo Nakajima


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    Constructing an embedded device with a real-time and a general-purpose operating system has attracted attention as a promising approach to let the device balance real-time responsiveness and rich functionalities. This paper introduces our methodology for constructing such multi-OS platform with minimal engineering cost by assuming asymmetric OS combinations unique to embedded systems. Our methodology consists of two parts. One is a simple hypervisor for multiplexing resources to be shared between operating systems. The other is modifying operating systems to allow them to be aware of each other. We constructed an experimental system executing TOPPERS and Linux simultaneously on a hardware equipped with an SH-4A processor. The modification to each operating system kernel limited to a few dozen lines of code and do not introduce any overhead that would compromise real-time responsiveness or system throughput.

  • A Lightweight Anomaly Detection System for Information Appliances

    Midori Sugaya, Yuki Ohno, Andrej van der Zee, Tatsuo Nakajima


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    In this paper, a novel lightweight anomaly and fault detection infrastructure called Anomaly Detection by Resource Monitoring (Ayaka) is presented for Information Appliances.
    Ayaka provides a general monitoring method for detecting anomalies using only resource usage information on systems independent of its domain, target application, and programming languages. Ayaka modifies the kernel to detect faults and uses a completely application black-box approach based on machine learning methods. It uses the clustering method to quantize the resource usage vector data and learn the normal patterns with a hidden Markov Model. In the running phase, Ayaka finds anomalies by comparing the application resource usage with the learned model. The evaluation experiment indicates that our prototype system is able to detect anomalies, such as SQL injection and buffer overrun, without significant overheads.



  • Augmenting User Interaction in a Smart Home Applying Commonsense Knowledge

    Fahim Kawsar, Mostafa Al, Masum Shaikh, Jong Hyuk Park, Mitsuru Ishizuka, Tatsuo Nakajima

    International Journal of Smart Home   Vol. 2 ( No. 4 ) 17 - 32  2008.10

  • 鏡を拡張したコンテクストアウェア情報表示装置

    藤波香織, カウサル ファヒム, 中島達夫

    情報処理学会論文誌   Vol. 49 ( No. 6 ) 1972 - 1983  2008.06

  • Prottoy Middleware Platform for Smart Object Systems

    Fahim Kawsar, Kaori Fujinami, Tatsuo Nakajima

    International Journal of Smart Home   Vol.2 ( No.3 ) 1 - 18  2008.06

  • Reflecting Human Behavior to Motivate Desirable Lifestyle

    Tatsuo Nakajima, Vili Lehdonvirta, Eiji Tokunaga, Hiroaki Kimura

    ACM DIS 2008    2008.02

  • A Document centric approach for supporting incremental deployment of pervasive applications

    Fahim Kawsar, Tatsuo Nakajima, Kaori Fujinami

    MobiQuitous 2008 - 5th International ICST Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services    2008  [Refereed]

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    This paper explores system issues for enabling incremental deploy- ment of pervasive application - the problem of how to deploy and gradually enhance the functionalities of applications in a pervasive environment. We present a system architecture, FedNet that pro- vides the foundation for incremental deployment and uses a docu- ment centric approach utilizing a profile based artefact framework and a task based application framework. Our artefact framework represents an instrumented physical artefact as a collection of ser- vice profiles and expresses these services in generic documents. Pervasive applications are expressed as a collection of functional tasks (independent of the implementation) in a corresponding doc- ument. A runtime component provides the foundation for mapping these tasks to the corresponding service provider artefacts. This mapping is spontaneous and thus enables gradual addition of ser- vices. Primary advantages of our approach are twofold- firstly, it allows end users to deploy pervasive applications and instrumented artefacts easily and gradually. Secondly, it allows developers to write applications in a generic way regardless of the constraints of the target environment. We describe an implemented prototype of FedNet, and show examples of its use in a real life deployment by the end users to illustrate its feasibility.



  • Task Grain Scheduling for Hypervisor-Based Embedded System

    Yuki Kinebuchi, Midori Sugaya, Shuichi Oikawa, Tatsuo Nakajima


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    The emergence of functional embedded systems such as cell-phones and digital appliances brought up a new issue, building a system supporting both real-time and rich services. One of the solutions is leveraging a hypervisor to integrate an RTOS and a commodity OS into a single device. However, this approach induces the limitation of application deployment: all the high priority tasks should reside in the RTOS.
    In this paper, we propose a task grain scheduling for a real-time hypervisor, which enables a flexible application deployment between an RTOS and a commodity OS. We constructed a prototype system with an existing hypervisor an RTOS. and a commodity OS. We measured some basic overheads, and fixed some tasks which were missing their deadlines using the task grain scheduling to meet their deadlines. The overheads were small and the task grain scheduling achieved a flexible real-time scheduling for the hypervisor based system.


  • A Lightweight Kernel Objects Monitoring Infrastructure for Embedded Systems

    Lei Sun, Tatsuo Nakajima


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    In this paper a lightweight system level monitoring infrastructure known as Kernel Objects Monitoring Infrastructure (KOMI) is presented for commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) embedded systems. The kernel objects consist of certain critical kernel data structures and entry points of system calls, which are protected as first-class objects inside the system. KOMI provides specific runtime protections to different kernel objects: kernel data structures are protected by the periodic detection and recovery, the interception of arguments is used to protect vulnerable system calls. Both protection methods can provide not only consistency regulations but also recovery actions for the system. During its runtime deployment, once any system inconsistency has been detected, predefined recovery actions will be invoked. Since KOMI requires few modifications to kernel source code, it is easy to integrate into existing embedded systems. The evaluation experiment results indicate our prototype system can correctly detect the inconsistent kernel data structures caused by security attacks and also prevent kernel from exploits due to vulnerable system calls with acceptable penalty to the system performance. Moreover KOMI is fully software-based without introducing any specific hardware and requires no modifications to system call APIs, therefore legacy applications can be also easily reused.



  • A framework for self-verification of firmwareupdates over the air in vehicle ecus

    Dennis K. Nilsson, Lei Sun, Tatsuo Nakajima

    2008 IEEE Globecom Workshops, GLOBECOM 2008     1 - 5  2008

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    An upcoming trend for automobile manufacturers is to provide firmware updates over the air (FOTA) as a service. Since the firmware controls the functionality of a vehicle, security is important. To this end, several secure FOTA protocols have been d veloped. However, the secure FOTA protocols only solve the security for the transmission of the firmware binary. Once the firm ware is downloaded, an attacker could potentially modify its contents before it is flashed to the corresponding ECU's ROM. Thus, there is a need to extend the flashing procedure to also verify that the correct firmware has been flashed to the ECU. We present a framework for self-verification of firmware updates over the air. We include a verification code in the transmission to the vehicle, and after the firmware has been flashed, the integrity of the memory contents can be verified using the verification code. The verification procedure entails only simple hash functionnsand is thus suitable for the limited resources in the vehicle. Virtualization techniques are employed to establish a truste computing base in the ECU, which is then u ed to perform the verification. The proposed framework allows the ECU it selfto perform self-verification and can thus ensure the successful flashing of the firmwa e © 2008 IEEE.



  • A Framework for Self-healing Device Drivers

    Hiroo Ishikawa, Alexandre Courbot, Tatsuo Nakajima


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    Device drivers are the major cause of operating system failure. Prior research proposed frameworks to improve the reliability of device drivers by means of driver restart. While avoiding any instrumentation of the driver, this approach does not always allow graceful recovery. In this paper, we propose a framework for self-healing device drivers that lets the driver developer consider and implement the failure recovery of device drivers. For this purpose, our framework provides easy to use and light-weight persistent memory that preserves the state of the driver needed to successfully recover We developped a prototype on top of the L4 microkernel, and were able to achieve full recovery of crashed drivers as fast as 0.2 ms for different device drivers. In all cases, recovery was totally transparent for the user.



  • An Operating System Architecture for Future Information Appliances

    Tatsuo Nakajima, Hiroo Ishikawa, Yuki Kinebuchi, Midori Sugaya, Sun Lei, Alexandre Courbot, Andrej van der Zee, Aleksi Aalto, Kwon Ki Duk


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    A software platform for developing future information appliances requires to satisfy various diverse requirements. The operating system architecture presented in this paper enhances the flexibility and dependability through virtualization techniques. The architecture allows a system to use multiple operating systems simultaneously, and to use multi-core processors in a flexible way. Also, dependability mechanisms in our architecture will avoid crashing or hanging a system as much as possible in order to improve the user experience when defects in the software are exposed. We present a brief overview of each component in the operating system architecture and some sample scenarios that illustrate the effectiveness of the architecture.

  • A Lightweight Detection and Recovery Infrastructure of Kernel Objects for Embedded Systems

    Lei Sun, Tatsuo Nakajima


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    The kernel objects consist of critical kernel data structures and system call functions, which are, the most important data for a system, should be protected as first-class candidates. In this paper, a lightweight system-level detection and recovery infrastructure is presented for embedded systems. Inside the infrastructure, specific runtime protections have been implemented for different kernel objects, kernel data structures are protected by the periodic detection and recovery, the interception of arguments is used to protect vulnerable system calls. At runtime once any system inconsistency has been detected, predefined recovery actions will be invoked. The consistency detection regulations and corresponding recovery actions can also be flexibly customized by system developers. The infrastructure requires few modifications to kernel source code, thus it is easy to integrate into existing embedded systems. The evaluation experiment results indicate our prototype system can correctly detect the inconsistent kernel data structures caused by security attacks and also prevent kernel from exploits due to vulnerable system calls with acceptable penalty, to system performance. Moreover it is fully software-based without introducing any specific hardware and requires no modifications to system call APIs, therefore legacy commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) applications can be also easily reused.



  • Deploy spontaneously: Supporting end-users in building and enhancing a smart home

    Fahim Kawsar, Tatsuo Nakajima, Kaori Fujinami

    UbiComp 2008 - Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing     282 - 291  2008

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    This paper explores system issues for involving end users in constructing and enhancing a smart home. In support of this involvement we present an infrastructure and a tangible deployment tool. Active participation of users is essential in a domestic environment as it offers simplicity, greater usercentric control, lower deployment costs and better support for personalization. Our proposed infrastructure provides the foundation for end user deployment utilizing a loosely coupled framework to represent an artefact and its augmented functionalities. Pervasive applications are built independently and are expressed as a collection of functional tasks. A runtime component, FedNet maps these tasks to corresponding service provider artefacts. The tangible deployment tool uses FedNet and allows end users to deploy and control artefacts and applications only by manipulating RFID cards. Primary advantages of our approach are two-fold. Firstly, it allows end users to deploy ubicomp systems easily in a Do-it-Yourself fashion. Secondly, it allows developers to write applications and to build augmented artefacts in a generic way regardless of the constraints of the target environment. We describe an implemented prototype and illustrate its feasibility in a real life deployment session by the end users. Our study shows that the end users might be involved in deploying future ubicomp systems if appropriate tools and supporting infrastructure are provided. Copyright 2008 ACM.



  • A lightweight indoor location model for sentient artefacts using sentient artefacts

    Fahim Kawsar, Kaori Fujinami, Tatsuo Nakajima

    SAC 2007     1024 - 1031  2007.04

  • Experiences with building intelligent environment through sentient artefacts

    Fahim Kawsar, Kaori Fujinami, Tatsuo Nakajima

    IET Conference Publications   ( 531 ) 260 - 267  2007  [Refereed]

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    Sentient artefacts are everyday objects augmented with digital services. Being the building blocks of our surroundings, these artefacts can incrementally integrate computing into environment and can convert it into an intelligent one economically. In this paper, we report our experiences with sentient artefacts to rationalize intelligent environment. We discuss the design principles of sentient artefacts and present a sensor selection framework to convert a regular artefact into a sentient one. In addition, we discuss the application development guideline and lessons that we have learnt through prototyping sentient artefacts and proactive applications.



  • Approaching intelligent environment through sentient artefacts

    Fahim Kawsar, Kaori Fujinami, Tatsuo Nakajima


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    Sentient artefacts are everyday objects augmented with value added digital services. Being the building blocks of our surroundings, these artefacts can incrementally integrate computing into environment and can convert it into an intelligent one economically. In this paper, we report our experiences with sentient artefacts to rationalise intelligent environment. We discuss the design principles of sentient artefacts and present a sensor selection framework to convert a regular artefact into a sentient one. In addition, we discuss the application development guideline and lessons that we have learnt through prototyping sentient artefacts and proactive applications.

  • System Support for Mobile Augmented Reality Services

    Hiroaki Kimura, Eiji Tokunaga, Tatsuo Nakajima

    APPLIED COMPUTING 2007, VOL 1 AND 2     1616 - 1623  2007  [Refereed]

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    Developing and deploying augmented reality (AR) services in pervasive computing environments is quite difficult because almost of all current systems require heavy and bulky head-mounted displays (HMDs) and are based on inflexible centralized architectures for detecting service locations and superimposing AR images. We propose a light-weight mobile AR service framework that combines personal mobile devices most of people own nowadays, visual tags as inexpensive AR techniques, and mobile code that enables easy-to-deploy environments. Our framework enables developers to easily deploy mobile AR services in pervasive computing environments and users to interact them in a both of practical and intuitive way.

  • Constructing Machine Emulator on Portable Microkernel

    Yuki Kinebuchi, Hidenari Koshimae, Tatsuo Nakajima

    APPLIED COMPUTING 2007, VOL 1 AND 2     1197 - 1198  2007  [Refereed]

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    In this paper, we present a new model of virtual execution environment, a flexible machine emulator with dynamic translator constructed on a portable microkernel. Our model offers both high portability and compatibility. Moreover, its flexible interface could be reconfigured to support various types of hardware interfaces.

  • Lifestyle ubiquitous gaming: Computer games making daily lives fun

    Eiji Tokunaga, Masaaki Ayabe, Hiroaki Kimura, Tatsuo Nakajima


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    We propose a novel computer gaming style in which users can enjoy games through their daily lives without paying too much attention and time for the games, we call it lifestyle ubiquitous gaming. Lifestyle ubiquitous games track human daily activities implicitly and incorporate the tracked activities in their game logics. Then they represent decorated and virtualized those activities on ambient displays. We believe that this gaming style enables not only making their boring and messy daily tasks fun but improving their lazy lifestyle and customs. In this paper, we describe our lifestyle ubiquitous gaming concept and framework, and then we show our two case studies implementing distinguishing scenarios.

  • Dynamic translator-based virtualization

    Yuki Kinebuchi, Hidenari Koshimae, Shuichi Oikawa, Tatsuo Nakajima


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    Microkernels and virtual machine monitors are both utilized as platforms for running operating systems. Although there are many similarities in their designs and features, they have opposite advantages and drawbacks. A microkernel based system is highly portable. However, the interface it exposes is inflexible and incompatible with other real hardware interfaces. In contrast, a virtual machine monitor interface is identical to a specific real hardware interface. However, the implementation of virtual machine monitors highly depends on processor architectures and specific hardwares.
    In this paper, we present a new model of virtual machine monitor, a flexible dynamic translator constructed on a portable microkernel. Our model offers both high portability and compatibility. Moreover, its flexible interface could be reconfigured to support various types of hardware interfaces. The results of the evaluation show that the performance of our prototype system is unsatisfactory, so we propose some techniques to improve its performance as future work.

  • Lifestyle ubiquitous gaming: Making daily lives more plesurable

    Tatsuo Nakajima, Vili Lehdonvirta, Eiji Tokunaga, Masaaki Ayabe, Hiroaki Kimura, Ybhei Okuda


     View Summary

    In this paper, we propose a novel computer gaming style Lifestyle Ubiquitous Gaming, where our experience is enriched in our daily lives by using gaming concepts. In lifestyle ubiquitous gaming, human daily activities are implicitly tracked and interpreted. Then, the feedback of the activities are returned to a user as a game system' presentation. The user can enjoy the game without too much conscious. This characteristic has a very big difference from traditional gaming.
    We describe the motivation and conceptual framework of lifestyle ubiquitous gaming, and show two case studies that we have conducted to demonstrate our proposal's feasibility and effectiveness.

  • RoonRoon: A wearable teddy as social interface for contextual notification

    Fahim Kawsar, Kaori Fujinami, Susanna Pirttikangas, Keisuke Hayashi, Tatsuo Nakajima


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    In this paper we present a wearable teddy, RoonRoon (a physical embodiment artefact) that acts as a user interface for information services. It can monitor user's physical activity state (walking, standing, running and sitting) and can provide personalized information in a contextual manner minimizing interruptions. RoonRoon has four notification mechanisms: audible beeps, human voice, ambient sound and vibration. Since RoonRoon is intended primarily for mobile use, interaction is managed completely by voice using natural language. This paper describes the design and implementation of RoonRoon. We also present an informal study that reveals end users' impressions towards wearable toys as social interfaces.

  • CookieFlavors: Rapid composition framework for tangible media

    Hiroaki Kimura, Yohei Okuda, Tatsuo Nakajima


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    We propose an effective design process for tangible media using a novel framework "CookieFlavors". CookieFlavors provides developers with some abstractions which hide cumbersome implementation phase to develop tangible media. Moreover the framework supports developers to do prototyping them easily. From three case studies to develop tangible media using our framework, we have confirmed our design process and derived some future works of our framework.

  • DroPicks - A tool for collaborative content sharing exploiting everyday artefacts

    Simo Hosio, Fahim Kawsar, Jukka Riekki, Tatsuo Nakajima

    UBIQUITOUS COMPUTING SYSTEMS, PROCEEDINGS   4836   258 - +  2007  [Refereed]

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    Emergence of social web services like YouTube[1], Flickr[2] etc. is constantly transforming the way we share our lifestyles with family, friends and colleagues. ne significance of specific contents can be enhanced if shared with the right person, at right location and time. This paper explores this contextual social content sharing mechanism and presents DroPicks that utilizes augmented everyday artefacts as containers for digital information. Many everyday artefacts are immobile, which implicitly restricts contents stored to a location. Such indirect, contextual sharing has advantages over direct communication mechanisms (E-mail, SMS, IM...) as it provides the content in correct context, seeking minimal attention. Considering the lightness of social contents, we argue that our approach is appropriate, as it does not seek immediate attention, but rather offers the content in the background.

  • A study on asymmetric operating systems on symmetric multiprocessors

    Yu Murata, Wataru Kanda, Kensuke Hanaoka, Hiroo Ishikawa, Tatsuo Nakajima

    EMBEDDED AND UBIQUITOUS COMPUTING, PROCEEDINGS   4808   182 - 195  2007  [Refereed]

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    This paper proposes a technique to achieve asymmetric multiple OSes environment for symmetric multiprocessors. The system has a host OS and guest OSes: L4 microkernel and their servers run as the host OS, and modified Linux runs as the guest OS. OS manager which is one of the servers on the host OS manages the guest OSes. Our approach avoids a lot of execution overheads and modification costs of the guest OSes because the each OS can control hardware directly without any virtualization. The results of the evaluation show that our system is much better than the existing virtual machine systems in point of the performance. In addition, a guest OS in our system requires a few amount of modification costs. Consequently, the experiments prove that our system is a practical approach for both performance and engineering cost sensitive systems.

  • Personalization and context aware services: A middleware perspective

    Fahim Kawsar, Kaori Fujinami, Susanna Pirttikangas, Tatsuo Nakajima

    CEUR Workshop Proceedings   197  2006

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    The basic goal of any context aware system is to provide some proactive services adopting users' context. However, often in real life proactive behaviors create complex problems. The end users of the system have an implicit understanding of the system. If the context aware behavior of the system conflicts with their understandings and reacts differently from users' expectation applications success ratio reduces radically. So, personalization is a crucial factor for the success of the proactive applications. In this paper we discuss this particular aspect from a middleware perspective. Initially we present a requirement analysis and propose a classification scheme for structural representation of preference information in proactive systems. Then we present a middleware, part of which exploits this classification to support application developers to facilitate the end users with the flexibility to personalize the context-aware services. This facility stems entirely from the middleware and is independent from the applications.

  • Building mobile augmented reality services in pervasive computing environments

    Hiroaki Kimura, Eiji Tokunaga, Tatsuo Nakajima


     View Summary

    Developing and deploying augmented reality (AR) services in pervasive computing environments is quite difficult because almost of all current systems require heavy and bulky head mounted displays (HMD) and are based on unflexible centralized architectures for detecting service locations and superimposing AR images. We propose a light-weight mobile AR service framework that combines personal mobile devices, visual tags and mobile codes, which enable developers to easily deploy mobile AR services in pervasive computing environments and users to interact them in a both of practical and intuitive way.

  • Real-Time Machオペレーティングシステムの経験

    中島達夫, 追川修一

    コンピュータソフトウエア   23 ( 1 )  2006

  • 高信頼性組み込みソフトウェア開発-最新技術動向と取り組み:4.高信頼・セキュア組み込みオペレーティングシステム

    中島 達夫

    情報処理学会会誌   Vol.47 No.5   506 - 513  2006

  • A software infrastructure for wearable sensor networks

    Kensuke Hanaoka, Ayako Takagi, Tatsuo Nakajima


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    In ubiquitous computing environments, context-awareness is one of the most important research topics. Computers embedded in our surrounding can extract information about a user and the information makes it possible to offer personalized services according to the user's preference. To extract a large amount of context information, wearable sensor devices will become more important in the near future. However, it is not easy to develop context-aware services that use context information from wearable sensor devices because of the gap between low-level sensor information and high-level context that the services require.
    In this paper, we propose a software infrastructure for wearable sensor networks. We first discuss the requirements to retrieve context information from wearable sensor networks. Then, we introduce our software infrastructure named Cinnamon that extracts high-level context from low-level context information retrieved from wearable sensor networks. The software infrastructure makes it dramatically easy to develop context-aware services for wearable sensor networks. We present the design and implementation of Cinnamon, and discuss our current prototype implementation.

  • Accounting System: A fine-grained CPU resource protection mechanism for Embedded System

    Midori Sugaya, Shuichi Oikawa, Tatsuo Nakajima


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    In ubiquitous computing environments, our daily lives will be made convenient by embedded intelligent devices. Those devices, such as car navigation systems, personal digital assistances, and cellular phones, provide various kinds of the complex services. Those devices are networked with each other and provide complicated services, through the Internet. While they provide useful services, there is an increasing possibility of security attacks, which include the unexpected execution of un-secure codes. Current information appliances have not yet fully embodied a resource protection mechanism that prevents misbehaved applications from consuming the whole CPU capacity of system resources.
    In this paper we propose Accounting System, and describe its design and implementation. The system is a resource monitoring and restriction system that has the purpose of improving the system's reliability and security. We developed the system on Linux. Our system is a very generic to offer various services, such as security improvement, overload control, and class-based accounting, that require CPU resource control.


  • Experiences with developing context-aware applications with augmented artefacts

    Fahim Kawsar, Kaori Fujinami, Tatsuo Nakajima

    CEUR Workshop Proceedings   149   111 - 120  2005

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    Context-Awareness is a key concept of future ubiquitous computing. Although various academic and industry researches are going on around the world to realize contextawareness, we are yet to achieve any substantial success. In this paper we have reported our experiences of dealing with context awareness. We have presented our approach for building context-aware applications by demonstrating a real life application development process. Furthermore we have presented two context-aware application frameworks that we have deployed in the roadmap of our research towards contextawareness. We have discussed our findings and learned lessons on various issues of context-awareness.

  • Design and Implementation of Accounting System for Information Appliances.

    Midori Sugaya, Shuichi Oikawa, Tatsuo Nakajima

    Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing - EUC 2005(EUC)     110 - 120  2005



  • Sentient artefacts: Acquiring user's context through daily objects

    Kaori Fujinami, Tatsuo Nakajima

    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)   3823   335 - 344  2005  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    In this paper, we describe an augmentation of everyday artefact called sentient artefact. A sentient artefact is expected to capture the user's specific context implicitly and naturally from its original usage since such an everyday artefact has inherent roles and functionalities. Therefore, a context-aware space is built incrementally using the specific contextual information. We show three types of everyday artefact augmentation, and propose a sensor selection framework that allows an artefact developer to systematically identify desirable sensors. Also, we discuss expectations and issues on the augmentation through prototyping. © IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2005.



  • Towards system software for physical space applications

    Kaori Fujinami, Tatsuo Nakajima

    Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing   2   1613 - 1620  2005  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    In ubiquitous computing era, the notion of context-awareness will play an important role. An application should be aware of its operating context for supporting and enriching human activities. Such contextual information is required to be captured as seamlessly as possible through interaction between users and surrounding environments. This leads to the need for dealing with a wide variety of contextual information from a physical world. In this paper, we propose a conceptual framework, Bazaar, for modeling the physical world and for manipulating the model. It constructs the model with self-descriptive objects represented as a set of triples. Also, a programming model allows a developer to intuitively manipulate the model and develop an application. Moreover, we report experiences with building sample applications. Copyright 2005 ACM.



  • Bazaar: A conceptual framework for physical space applications

    K Fujinami, T Yamabe, T Nakajima

    UBIQUITOUS COMPUTING SYSTEMS   3598   174 - 191  2005  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    In ubiquitous computing era, the notion of context-awaxeness will play an important role. An application should be aware of its operating context for supporting and enriching human activities. Such contextual information is required to be extracted as seamlessly as possible through interaction between users and surrounding environments. This leads to the need for dealing with a wide variety of contextual information from a physical world.
    In this paper, we propose a conceptual framework, Bazaar, for modeling the physical world and for manipulating the model. It constructs the model with self-descriptive objects represented as a set of triples. Additionally, it provides a programming model for a developer so that he/she can intuitively manipulate the model and develop an application. We also report experiences with building a sample application.

  • Middleware supporting various input/output devices for networked audio and visual home appliances

    T Nakajima, N Kobayashi, E Tokunaga

    UBIQUITOUS COMPUTING SYSTEMS   3598   157 - 173  2005  [Refereed]

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    In this paper, we propose universal interaction for networked home appliances, which provides a simple mechanism to fill the gap between traditional user interface systems and advanced user interaction devices. Our middleware enables us to control appliances in a uniform way at any places, and the system allows us to select suitable input and output interaction devices according to our preferences and situations. Our middleware has based on the stateless thin-client system, and translates input and output interaction events according to user interaction devices. Therefore, our system allows us to use a variety of interaction devices without modifying applications using existing GUI toolkits.

  • Resource Management Architecture for Future Information Appliances

    S. Oikawa, T. Nakajima

    Journal of Embedded Computing   1 ( 1 )  2005

  • AwareMirror: A personalized display using a mirror

    K Fujinami, F Kawsar, T Nakajima

    PERVASIVE COMPUTING, PROCEEDINGS   3468   315 - 332  2005  [Refereed]

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    In this paper, we propose a personalized display, "AwareMirror: an augmented mirror". AwareMirror presents information relevant to a person in front of it by super-imposing his/her image. A toothbrush has been chosen as an identification tool while proximity sensors have been utilized to detect a person's position (in front of the mirror). Also, three types of information that can affect a user's decision have been selected. The mirror has been constructed using an acrylic magic mirror board and ordinal computer monitor. The acrylic board has been attached in front of the monitor, and only bright color from the display can penetrate the board. As a result of preliminary evaluation, we found that the mirror is useful to offer information in an unobtrusive manner while preserving its metaphor.

  • Using Virtualized Operating Systems as a Ubiquitous Computing Infrastructure.

    Shuichi Oikawa, Midori Sugaya, Masatoshi Iwasaki, Tatsuo Nakajima

    2nd IEEE Workshop on Software Technologies for Future Embedded and Ubiquitous Systems(WSTFEUS)     109 - 113  2004

    DOI DOI2


  • A Proposal of Meta-Context Information Handling Method in a Context-aware Application Framework and its Application.

    Kaori Fujinami, Tetsuo Yamabe, Tatsuo Nakajima

    Computer Software   21 ( 1 ) 46 - 59  2004  [Refereed]



  • Personal home server: Enabling personalized and seamless ubiquitous computing environments

    T Nakajima, Satoh, I


     View Summary

    In this paper, we propose a personal home server that makes it possible to coordinate various home appliances. Since each person has a different personal home server, it allows us to personalize how to use the appliances according to his preference. Also, our personal home server can discover and configure various appliances at any places, such as railroad stations, cars, and streets as well as houses in a seamless way. We show the design and implementation of a personal home server, and discuss the current design and future work.

  • ユビキタス環境における複合現実感のためのミドルウエア

    徳永英治, Andrej Van der Zee, 倉橋誠, 根本将寛, 中島達夫

    コンピュータソフトウエア   21 ( 1 )  2004

  • コンテクストアウェアなアプリケーションフレームワークにおけるメタコンテキスト情報の利用方法の提案とその応用

    藤波香織, 山邊哲生, 中島達夫

    コンピュータソフトウエア   21 ( 1 )  2004

  • Pervasive Servers: A framework for creating a society of appliances

    Tatsuo Nakajima

    PERSONAL AND UBIQUITOUS COMPUTING   7 ( 3-4 ) 182 - 188  2003.07  [Refereed]

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    The paper proposes a framework to support spontaneous interaction among information appliances in our daily computing environments by creating a society of appliances. Our framework, that we call Pervasive Servers, embeds micro-servers called stationary pervasive servers everywhere. Also, a personal pervasive server that is carried by each person coordinates the embedded servers that are near to the person. The framework is very attractive because it is easy to personalise the coordination according to each person's policy. We also show four applications using our framework.



  • System support for distributed augmented reality in ubiquitous computing environments

    M Kurahashi, A van der Zee, E Tokunaga, M Nemoto, T Nakajima


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    Ubiquitous computing will dramatically change our lives due to the enhancement of our real world. Augmented reality (AR) is a promising technique for realizing the enhancement by superimposing computer generated images on video images. However, it is not easy to build applications using augmented reality techniques since the developer needs to deal with issues like distribution and context-awareness. It is desirable to provide a software infrastructure to hide the complexities from programmers.
    In this paper, we propose a middleware called TEAR (Toolkit for Easy Augmented Reality) supporting augmented reality for ubiquitous computing environments. Our middleware provides several multimedia components that process video streams using AR techniques. New components to provide more complex functionality can be developed by composing these components.

  • A case study on a component-based system and its configuration

    H Ishikawa, T Nakajima

    SOFTWARE AND COMPILERS FOR EMBEDDED SYSTEMS   2826   198 - 210  2003  [Refereed]

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    Ubiquitous computing proliferates complexity and heterogeneity of software. Component software provides better productivity and configurability by assembling software from several components. The purpose of this paper is to investigate system configurations on a component-based system and the side effects of the configurations. We have implemented a component-based Java virtual machine named Earl Gray, by modifying an existing Java virtual machine. The case study revealed several problems to use the current component framework when configuring software. We report three experiments of those problems and present a future direction to solve the problem.

  • Webプロトコルを用いたホームコンピューティングミドルウエアの統合

    上野乃毅, 中島達夫, 佐藤一郎, 副島康太

    情報処理学会論文誌:コンピューティングシステム   44 ( SIG10(ARC2) )  2003

  • コンテクストアウェアなアプリケーション構築のためのフレームワーク

    藤波香織, 中島達夫

    情報処理学会論文誌:コンピューティングシステム   44 ( SIG10(ARC2) )  2003

  • Applications Requirements for Middleware for Mobile and Pervasive Systems

    K.Raatikainen, H.B.Christensen, T.Nakajima

    Mobile Computing and Communications Review   6 ( 4 )  2002

  • Experiences with building middleware for audio and visual networked home appliances on commodity software

    Tatsuo Nakajima

    10th ACM International Conference on Multimedia 2002    2002

  • 組込みシステム用OSとしてのLinux

    中島 達夫

    情報処理学会会誌   43 ( 2 )  2002

  • Middleware Component Supporting Flexible User Interaction for Networked Home Appliances


    ACM Computer Architecture News   ( 12 )  2001.12

  • Middleware for building adaptive migratory continuous media applications

    T Nakajima, H Aizu


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    In this paper, we propose a middleware system for building adaptive migratory continuous media applications. In future computing environments, a variety of objects at home and in offices will embed computers, and various applications will be moved among these computers according to the user's locations. For example, a computer that executes an application may be changed to another computer according to the location of the ap plication's user for monitoring his behavior. However, since the computers may have dramatically different hardware and software configurations, the application cannot be moved without taking into account the configurations of the computers that the application is migrated. Therefore, migratory applications should be aware of environments where they are executed.
    The paper focuses on middleware for building adaptive migratory continuous media applications that are one of the most important classes of migratory applications. Our middleware consists of three components. The first component is an environment server that monitors computing environments that applications run, and it notifies the changes of the environments to the applications. The second component is a continuous media toolkit that enables us to build adaptive migratory continuous media applications easily. The toolkit enables us to build continuous media applications in a highly configurable way. This makes applications to be adapted to every computing environment by changing their configurations. The third component is a migration manager that makes applications migratory. We also show an example of a migratory application, and describe some experiences with building the application.

  • System Software for Audio and Visual Networked Home Appliances on Commodity Operating Systems

    Tatsuo Nakajima

    IFIP/ACM International Conference on Distributed Systems Platforms    2001

  • Building audio and visual home appliances on commodity software

    K Soejima, M Matsuda, T Iino, T Hayashi, T Nakajima


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    In this paper, we describe our currently ongoing work to build distributed middleware for networked audio and visual home appliances, which is executed on commodity software components, Linux and Java.

  • Practical explicit binding interface for supporting multiple transport protocols in a CORBA system

    T Nakajima


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    This paper proposes an extension To the standard CORBA interfaces to support explicit binding. The extended interface enables a program to select a suitable transport protocol for. each method invocation. and it provides a flexible and versatile framework to control various transport protocols. The interface is compatible with the object model of CORBA, and it is carefully designed to take into account the portability of an application to other CORBA implementations. The extended interface has implemented in omniORB2, which is a CORBA 2.0 compliant system that has been developing at. AT&T Laboratories, Cambridge.

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Books and Other Publications

  • Case Study of Middleware Infrastructure for Ambient Intelligence Environments", In Handbook of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments

    Tatsuo Nakajima

    Springer  2009

Research Projects

  • Study on Distributed Consensus by Using Synchronizing Vibration

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • Robust on-body device localization and its applications

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Fujinami Kaori

     View Summary

    The purpose of this research is to increase the degree of freedom in carrying portable devices such as smartphones. The major achievements in this study are summarized in the following three topics: 1) a two-tiered classifier and an ensemble classifier structure to recognize the device carrying position with high accuracy during various activities, 2) a combination of novelty detection and clustering techniques to register the user's inherent carrying position as the recognition target on-the-fly, and 3) an active learning method that integrates selection of a core classifier that has the largest compatibility with the user in candidate classifiers.

  • Technologies for Distributed Systems with NvRAM and Atomic Clocks

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Satoh Ichiro

     View Summary

    We propose a next-generation distributed transaction technology with new devices, e.g., non-volatile memory and ultra-small atomic clocks, and cloud computing, and implement and evaluate it. We expected these devices to bring significant changes in transaction implementation technology and significant improvements in performance and functionality, although existing distributed transactions are seriously and essentially affected by communication latency. For example, non-volatile memory allows distributed transactions to avoid operations for persistence and atomic clocks enables messages to be ordered based on the times of their transmits in the sender side rather than the receiver side, because these messages have precise time-stamps generated from atomic clocks in the sender side.
    We also evaluate our proposed methods in comparison with conventional synchronization mechanism such as two-phase commit in their consistency and performance.

  • Building and managing adaptive distributed systems.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Ichiro Satoh, NAKAJIMA Tatsuo, MINAMI Kazuhiro

     View Summary

    This work address an approach to make distributed systems flexible and robust. Distributed systems are dynamic by nature like biological systems. To support various and unknown changes in distributed systems, we need a novel approach for managing distributed systems. Biological mecahnisms are useful to such an approach. It supports the notions of differentiation and dedifferentiation in cellular slime molds. When a service delegates a function to another component coordinating with it, if the former has the function, this function becomes less-developed and the latter's function becomes well-developed. When some differentiated services are not available, it enables remaining services to automatically support the functions provided from the unavailable services. The approach was constructed as a middleware system and allowed us to define general-purpose agents as Java objects. The proposed approach has academic and practical contributions

  • A Game Middleware for Power Management and Security

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    NAKAJIMA Tatsuo

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    For solving a serious social problem, it is important to take into account human behavior changes. In particular, for building a sustainable society, we need a distributed middleware infrastructure to use information technologies. In our research, by using the crowdsourcing concept, we tried to develop a middleware for reducing energy for navigating collective human behavior. Actually, we have developed a middleware namsed micro-crowdfunding. Micro-crowdfunding enables to navigate collective human behavior by using virtuality. Our research have developed several methods to introduce virtuaity and discuss the effectiveness of the methods

  • Highly Scalable Monitoring Architecture for Information Explosion Environments

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    NAKAJIMA Tatsuo, MURAOKA Yoichi, GOTO Shigeki, YAMANA Hayato, KATTO Jiro, OIKAWA Shuichi, AKIOKA Sayaka

     View Summary

    In this project, a monitoring system architecture consists of a set of software to protect information infrastructures, social infrastructures and human everyday life. The goal of the project is to integrate research areas that are independently discussed before.The project developed several monitoring systems for computer systems, network systems and the real world to investigate the future information infrastructure.

  • Self-organization and adaptation for distributed systems

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    SATOH Ichiro, NAKAJIMA Tatsuo

     View Summary

    To construct and operate sustainable distributed systems, we introduce two kinds of bio-inspired mechanisms to distributed systems. The first is to treat a distributed system stable as a synchronizing and oscillating system. The second is an adaptation mechanism for each distributed software component like cellular or tissues

  • 組み込みOSに関する研究

    Project Year :


  • Analysis of Brain Information Components and Its Transmission to Humanoids

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



     View Summary

    This grant was applied to the unification of the human movement, the animation, and the humanoid over the computer network. The injection of the brain signal to the humanoid is another objective. The following results were obtained.(1)This research group was able to find the method to unify the human body motion, the cartoon character and the humanoid over the network environment. The designed system includes the recognition of human body motions. The system finds the body motion's abstract expression in a language level. The APNNA Best Paper Award for Application Oriented Research was given in 2004 to the research paper on this method,(2)Because of the abstraction to the language level, the human body motion can be transmitted and used as a command to different humanoids and other robots. In other words, the machine independence between humanoids was obtained.(3)It is not yet possible to obtain granular commands from brain signals because the resolution is still low by the contemporary technology. But, this study found that the abstract commands of (2)can be combined with the overwriting urgent signal from the brain. This method was found useful.(4)For the estimation method of active states of the brain, this study developed the f-ICA which includes the conventional ICA method as a special case. The new method is applicable to a wide class of information sources ; not limited to the brain signal. These targets include digital images and DNA segments, for which successful results were obtained

  • 次世代センサーリッチ携帯端末に関する研究

    Project Year :


  • 情報家電のためのミドルウエアに関する研究

    Project Year :


  • Operating System Supports for Distributed Multimedia Systems

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    NAKAJIMA Tatsuo, TOKUDA Hideyuki

     View Summary

    In this research, we investigated operating system supports which are required for multimedia applications. We developed a network server and a storage system on Real-Time Mach Which has been developed by CMU,Keio University and Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology. Real-Time Mach provides real-time facilities which enables applications to satisfy timing constraints. The facilities are suitable for supporting multimedia applications. We also extended Real-Time Mach for supporting dynamic QOS control. The dynamic QOS control is required when several multimedia applications run simultaneously. and it enables us to control these applications very flexibly

  • Acquisition and Modeling of Fault Diagnostic Knowledge for A Heterogeneous Network

     View Summary

    The new research results obtained through the project are as follows;1.Analysis of network diagnosis expertise In the early stage of our research, we performed several case studies to collect expertise of network diagnosis by interviewing an expert. We succeeded in formalizing reasoning processes and knowledge types used in his fault diagnosis processes.2.Construction of Conceptual Model for a fault diagnostic expert system We identified the background principle of the expert system as a protocol stack search problem, and constructed the conceptual model for a fault diagnostic expert system.3.Development of prototype system We developed a prototype of the expert system which produces a fault diagnostic tree representing all of possible cause-effect relationships between symptoms and fault hypotheses. The capability of the first prototype system was, however, limited, because it works on a fixed hardware configuration.4.Refinement of the Fault Diagnosis Model We refined the model to deal with the fault hypotheses changes on the objective hardware configurations related to symptoms by incorporating knowledge about network hardware configuration.5.Improvement of the prototype We enhanced the capability of the prototype by incorporating with the diagnosis model mentioned in item (4)

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  • Data Mining Algorithms Classified Based on Data Access Patterns

    AKIOKA Sayaka, MURAOKA Yoichi, YAMANA Hayato, NAKAJIMA Tatsuo

      72   105 - 106  2010.03


  • 21世紀COEプロジェクト「プロダクティブICTアカデミア」

    上田 和紀, 大石 進一, 甲藤 二郎, 中島 達夫, 村岡 洋一, 山名 早人

    情報処理   46 ( 4 ) 410 - 416  2005.04


  • Report on 3^<rd> Workshop on Mobile Computing, Systems, and Applications

    NAKAJIMA Tatsuo

    IEICE technical report. Computer systems   100 ( 654 ) 13 - 13  2001.03

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    In this presentation, we report on 3rd workshop on Mobile Computing, Systems, and Applications held at Monterey, California, USA.


  • Adaptive/Extensible System Software

    NAKAJIMA Tatsuo

    Technical report of IEICE. SS   99 ( 682 ) 25 - 32  2000.03

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    In this paper, we describe some experiences with building adaptive and extensible system software in our projects. The projects include multimedia middleware based on a microkenel operating system, a toolkit for building adaptive multimedia mobile applications, a model for atomic objects, and flexible networks researches.Next, we describe our current research on building system software for ultra heterogeneous distributed computing environments, and show why adaptive and extensible system software is important for realizing the goal.Finally, weshow several issues for building future adaptive and extensible sytsem software.


  • A flexible framework for controlling devices flexibly in ubiquitous computing environments


    IPSJ SIG Notes. MBL   2000 ( 14 ) 65 - 71  2000.02

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    This paper proposes a new software architecture for controlling devices in ubiquitous computing. Our architecture has the following three characteristics that are not provided by existing ubiquitous computing architecture. The first charactersitics is that a user's PDA can be used as a remote controller for controlling respective A / V devices. The second charactersitics is that several devices can be composed, and it is controlled as a single device. The third charactersitics is that a user can customize a way to control devices according to the user's location and situation. Since our architecture is general purpose, it also can be used to control applications executed on computers.


  • Thin-client Computing and Active Office : How the VNC System is Used by the Devloppers?

    NAKAJIMA Tatsuo

    IPSJ Magazine   40 ( 5 ) 503 - 506  1999.05


  • Memory Reservation System in Real - Time Mach

    NAKAJIMA Tatsuo

    IPSJ SIG Notes   1998 ( 15 ) 55 - 60  1998.02


  • Dynamic QOS Control and Resource Reservation

    NAKAJIMA Tatsuo

    IEICE technical report. Computer systems   97 ( 569 ) 25 - 32  1998.02

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    In this paper, we describe an adaptive QOS mapping scheme where the QOS parameters of applications are mapped into resource requirements dynamically, and the resources for the applications are reserved based on the measured resource utilization. Real-Time Mach pro-vides resource reservation facilities that are suitable for supporting the adaptive QOS mapping scheme, and weshow the effectiveness of the resource reservation facilities when the adaptive QOS mapping scheme is adopted.


  • Operating Systems for Mobile Computing Environments.

    NAKAJIMA Tatsuo

    The Journal of the Institute of Electronics,Information and Communication Engineers   80 ( 4 ) pp.324 - 330  1997.04


  • 3. Mobile Software Technologies 3-2 Distributed Object Technologies and Mobile Agents (<Special Issue>Mobile Computing)

    Nakajima Tatsuo, Watanabe Takuo

    The Journal of the Institute of Electronics, Information, and Communication Engineers   80 ( 4 ) 357 - 363  1997.04

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    モバイルエージェントやJavaなどのWebページ記述用言語に代表される移動可能プログラムをいつでもどこでも計算機を使用可能とするモバイルコンピューティング環境と組み合わせることによって, 計算機の可能性は飛躍的に向上する. 本稿では, 移動可能プログラムと移動可能プログラムをモバイルコンピューティング環境上で実行するために必要となる適応可能なソフトウェアアーキテクチャに関して紹介する.


  • Mobility Support for Mobile Applications using Service Proxies

    HOKIMOTO Akihiro, NAKAJIMA Tatsuo

    IEICE technical report. Data engineering   96 ( 288 ) 37 - 42  1996.10

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    In this paper, we describe mobility support for mobile applications using service proxies. The service proxy is a framework for constructing adaptive applications in mobile computing environments. Our framework especially focus applications accessing services on the Internet, such as WWW browsers.


  • A model for constrcuting adaptive mobile applications

    NAKAJIMA Tatsuo

    IEICE technical report. Data engineering   96 ( 288 ) 25 - 30  1996.10

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    In this paper, we propose a model for constructing adaptive mobile applications. In our model, mobile applications consist of small objects connected by a graph that we call object graph. For adapting to a new operational environment, an object in the object graph is replaced by an adaptive object. For building the adaptive object, the degradation lattice is created according to the state transition graph representing various operational environments. Each node of the degradation lattice provides a different QOS of the adaptive objects.


  • An Approach for Constructing Adaptive Applications in a Mobile Computing Environment

    HOKIMOTO Akihiro, NAKAJIMA Tatsuo

    IPSJ SIG Notes   1995 ( 115 ) 75 - 80  1995.11

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    In this paper, we describe our approach for constructing adaptive applications in a mobile computing environment.


  • Adaptive Continuous Media Processing based on Resource Reservation

    NAKAJIMA Tatsuo

    IEICE technical report. Computer systems   95 ( 125 ) 13 - 18  1995.06

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    Supporting continuous media applications will be important in future operating systems. In this paper, we propose a methodology which integrate resource reservations and scalable continuous media objects to process continuous media flexiblly.


  • Adaptive Continuous Media Processing based on Resource Reservation

    NAKAJIMA Tatsuo

    IPSJ SIG Notes   1995 ( 59 ) 49 - 54  1995.06

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    Supporting continuous media applications will be important in future operating systems. In this paper, we propose a methodology which integrate resource reservations and scalable continuous media objects to process continuous media flexiblly.


  • Applications and Operating System Supports for Mobile Computing

    NAKAJIMA Tatsuo, HOKIMOTO Akihiro

    IPSJ Magazine   35 ( 12 ) 1088 - 1092  1994.12


  • 移動計算機環境に適した柔軟なソフトウェアの構築法

    中島 達夫, 渡部 卓雄, 保木本 晃弘

    全国大会講演論文集   49   49 - 50  1994.09

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  • Operating System Supports for Continuous Media

    Nakajima Tatsuo

    ITEJ Technical Report   18 ( 39 ) 43 - 48  1994.07

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    In distributed multimedia systems, the concepts of quality of services (QOS) for continuous media data such as digital video and audio will become important. We have been developping Real-Time Mach for distributed multimedia computing, which is a real-time microkernel supporting these concepts. This paper presents several issues of operating system supports for continuous media.


  • Using object-oriented techniques in microkernel based operating systems

    Nakajima Tatsuo

    Research report   94   1 - 10  1994.07


  • Recovery management in multiversion objects

    Nakajima Tatsuo

    Research report   94   1 - 19  1994.07


  • Possible Execution in Multiversion Atomic Objects.

    NAKAJIMA Tatsuo, Tatsuo Nakajima, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

      10 ( 6 ) 475 - 490  1993.11


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Industrial Property Rights

  • ネットワーク機器汎用相互通信装置


    中島 達夫


  • 機器統合のためのネットワーク構築装置


    中島 達夫, 佐藤 一郎




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Overseas Activities

  • 次世代組込みシステムに関する研究


    フィンランド   ヘルシンキ大学

    フィンランド   ノキア研究センター


  • Faculty of Science and Engineering   Graduate School of Fundamental Science and Engineering

  • Affiliated organization   Global Education Center

Research Institute

  • 2023

    Waseda Center for a Carbon Neutral Society   Concurrent Researcher

  • 2022

    Waseda Research Institute for Science and Engineering   Concurrent Researcher

Internal Special Research Projects

  • アンビエント意思決定支援システム


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    我々の住む実世界を拡張するための様々な情報技術が開発されている.我々は,拡張現実技術を用いて実世界を拡張するための手法を開発し,その有効性を示すサービスの開発をおこなった.技術の背景は,実世界から情報を抽出するセンサー技術の発展である.様々なセンサーの発展により実世界で人々がどのように行動しているかを把握することが容易になり,その情報を利用して,サービスが状況に依存することが可能となった.また,プロジェクターや3次元CG技術はリアリティのある情報表現を可能とする.今年度の研究では,我々は3つの新しいサービスの構築をおこなった.1つ目は,Virtual Aquariumである.このシステムは,人間の日々の歯磨きの行動を支援する.心理学的な手法を用いて,現在の歯磨きの状態をリアルタイムにユーザにフィードバックする.これにより,ユーザは自分の現在の行動が望ましい物か,望ましくない物かを意識し,それにより行動を改変することになる.2つ目は, Augmented Goである.このシステムでは,現在の碁の対戦を碁盤をカメラでリアルタイムに認識することにより,次の手へのヒントを提供する.これは,意思決定を支援するための基本的な基盤を拡張現実技術が実現出来ることを示している.3つ目のシステムは,Augmented Trading Card Gameである.このシステムは遠隔地で対戦するプレーヤが対戦相手を仮想キャラクターとして表現することにより,プライバシーを改善する.以上のシステムの最も重要な点は,計算機を利用した仮想化を促進するのではなく,人間が使い慣れた物理的な物を拡張することで,リアリティを失わない用にすることである.実際に我々が開発したシステムのユーザ評価を行った結果では,物理的な感触はリアリティを失うことで使っているユーザの興味を失わない用にするために非常に重要であることがわかった.成果は3つの国際会議において論文発表をおこなった.それぞれの会議で,今年度の研究成果の有効性を伝えることができた.