Updated on 2024/12/21


MOTONO, Eiichi
Faculty of Political Science and Economics, School of Political Science and Economics
Job title
文学修士 ( 東京大学 )
Master of Literature
Doctor of Philosophy ( University of Oxford )

Education Background


    University of Tokyo   Faculty of Literature   Oriental Study  

Professional Memberships











Research Areas

  • Economic history

Research Interests

  • Modern Chinese History, Study of the Treaty Port Society in China,Foreign Trade and Finance in China



  • ”The Nationalist Government’s Failure to Establish a Trademark Protection System, 1927-1931,”

    Eiichi Motono

    Modern Asian Studies Review   Volume 4   59 - 89  2013.03


  • 「中国商標法(一九二三)施行前後の外国企業商標保護体制—中日・中英商標権侵害紛争を中心にー」

    『東洋史研究』   第71巻 ( 第4号 ) 64 - 94  2013.03

  • 「清末民初期の市場システム 1870〜1919年—在華外国商人の役割を中心とした一考察-」


    『中国の市場秩序:17世紀から20世紀前半を中心に』     203 - 225  2013.02

  • 「在華外国人側より見た『大閙会審公廨案(1905)』に関する一考察」


    『モリソンパンフレットの世界』(東洋文庫論叢)   75   109 - 145  2012.03

  • "Anglo-Japanese Trademark Conflict in China and the Birth of the Chinese Trademark Law (1923), 1906-1926"

    East Asian History   ( 37 ) 9 - 26  2011.12

  • 「『知的所有権』をめぐる在華外国企業と中国企業間の紛争ー外国側より見た中国商標法(一九二三年)の意義-」


    『近代アジアの自画像と他者ー地域社会と「外国人」問題ー』(京都大学学術出版会)     229 - 256  2011.03

  • 清末民初における商標権侵害紛争—日中関係を中心にー

    社会経済史学   75 ( 3 ) 3 - 21  2009.09

  • 「光緒新政期商標保護制度の挫折と日英対立」

    『社会経済史学』   74 ( 3 ) 3 - 22  2008.09

  • 「国民革命前夜の中英経済関係に関する一考察ー二つの合辧事業計画案の分析を中心にー」

    『東洋学報』   88 ( 2 ) 101 - 127  2006.09

  • 「対外通商紛争に於ける『中華民族主義』の役割ー森下仁丹商標権侵害訴訟(1917-22)を中心とした一考察ー」(平成15年度〜平成17年度日本学術振興会科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(A)(1)「不平等条約体制下、東アジアにおける外国人の法的地位に関する事例研究 課題番号:15202014

    研究成果報告書所収    2005.03

  • 「在華イギリス籍会社登記制度と英中、英米経済関係、1916〜1926」

    『早稲田政治経済学雑誌』   ( 357 ) 140 - 158  2004.11


  • 「香港会社法令を利用する中国人とイギリス政府ー『ゴム株式恐慌』前後を中心にー」


    『辛亥革命の多元構造』[汲古書院、2003年]     110 - 141  2003

  • 「上海に於ける輸出子口半税制度規制の挫折ー崇明島棉花買い付け体制の背後にある中英経済秩序理念ー」

    『アジア文化研究別冊11号、魚住昌良教授・斯波義信教授退職記念 「都市と平和」特集号』     181 - 194  2002.09

  • 「辛亥革命期上海の中英債権債務処理紛争ー1910年『ゴム株式恐慌』後の民事訴訟事例分析ー」

    『東洋史研究』   60 ( 2 ) 58 - 90  2001.09

  • 「辛亥革命期上海の信用構造維持問題ー1910年『ゴム株式恐慌』を中心にー」

    『近きに在りて』   ( 39 ) 269 - 280  2001.08

  • 「訴訟問題から見た清末民初の中英経済関係」

    『歴史評論』   ( 604 ) 42 - 57  2000.08

  • "A Study of the Development of a Comprador-Merchant Network in the Jiangnan Districts, 1882-1904"

    呉倫霓霞, 何佩然

    『中国海関史論文集』[香港中文大学崇基学院出版]     527 - 552  1997.12

  • 「在華イギリス企業株主の株価支払い責任をめぐる中英紛争ー恵通銀行事件を中心にー」

    『史学雑誌』   106 ( 10 ) 1 - 38  1997.10

  • "H. A. Giles v. Huang Chengyi: Sino-British Conflict over the Mixed Court, 1884-1885"

    East Asian History   12   135 - 157  1996.12

  • "Bonded Warehouses and the Indent System, 1886-95: A Study of the Political Power of British Merchants in the Asian Trade"

    A. J, H. Latham, Heita Kawakatsu

    .Japanese Industrialization and the Asian Economy (London and New York, Routledge 1994)     108 - 128  1994

  • 「下関条約第六条第二項第四問題再考-イギリス側史料を中心とした一考察-」

    『中国近代史研究』   7   1 - 40  1992.07

  • "A Study of the Legal Status of the Compradores during the 1880s with Special Reference to the Three Civil Cases between David Sassoon Sons & Co. and Their Compradores, 1884-1887"

    Acta Asiatica   ( 62 ) 44 - 70  1992.02

  • 「1860年代上海に於ける買辧登録制度の挫折と輸出取引機構の改変-ジャーディン・マセソン商会の活動を中心に-」

    『史学雑誌』   99 ( 7 ) 1 - 41  1990.07

  • 「安昌・裕康洋行対上海潮恵会館事件-芝罘協定後のアヘン貿易紛争に関する一考察-」

    『中国近代史研究』   6   33 - 64  1988.09

  • 「1870年代の中国金融市場と在華外国商人の中国通貨制度改革運動」

    『土地制度史学』   ( 114 ) 13 - 31  1987.11



    MODERN CHINA   12 ( 1 ) 75 - 102  1986.01  [Refereed]

  • 「アロー戦争後の長江中下流域の信用構造と世界市場ーアメリカ南北戦争の影響を中心にー」

    『史学雑誌』   93 ( 10 ) 35 - 67  1984.10

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Books and Other Publications

  • フェルメールの帽子


    岩波書店  2014.05 ISBN: 9784000246965

  • アジアの軍事革命ー兵器から見たアジア史ー


    昭和堂  2012.04

  • 上海租界興亡史


    昭和堂  2009.01

  • 伝統中国商業秩序の崩壊ー不平等条約体制と「英語を話す中国人」ー


    名古屋大学出版会  2004.06 ISBN: 4815804869

  • Conflict and Cooperation in Sino-British Business, 1860-1911: The Impact of the Pro-British Commercial Network in Shanghai

    Macmillan/St. Antony's series  2000.05 ISBN: 0333754271


  • 清末民国期の上海会審衙門、臨時法院、中国各地審判庁に関する史料調査



  • 民国初期商標保護制度をめぐるイギリス、台湾での史料調査



  • Archival research concerning Company Registration System and Sino-Foreign Enterprises in the Early Republican China in UK



  • Archival research concerning the Collapse of the late Qing Merchant-Control System in USA and UK




  • Sino-foreign Contract breach issues in late Qing and early Republican Shanghai: with special relation to the attempts by American firms attempts

    Summer Seminar for the historians for Ming-Qing periods 2014 

    Presentation date: 2014.08

  • The Establishment of the Protection of Intellectual Property of Foreign Firms in China- with special relationship with Anglo & Japanese Trademarks

    The Society of Oriental Researchers 

    Presentation date: 2011.11

  • The Market System in Late Qing and Early Republican Period, 1870-1919: An analysis of the Role of Foreign Merchant

    the XVth World Economic History Congress 

    Presentation date: 2009.08

  • The Significance of the Chinese Trademark Law (1923) with the special relation to Japan and UK

    Presentation date: 2008.10

Research Projects

  • Reform of Taxation and Legal System in Republican China for prohibiting pseudo foreigners' name and nationality

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • Historical Reexamination of Modern East Asia: from the Shelves of the George Morrison Pamphlet Collection

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    OKAMOTO Takashi, KOIZUMI Junko, TACHIBANA Makoto

     View Summary

    This research project aimed at two points. The first point was to establish an environment for more effective utilization of the George Morrison Pamphlet Collection, by creating a database with summaries in English of the items in the Pamphlet Collection. Over the course of the project, we finished summarizing more than 800 items in the Pamphlet Collection.The second point was to promote researches to utilize the items in the Pamphlet Collection. Through the efforts to explore many items, we have discovered the value and the potential of the Pamphlet Collection as an appealing and informative historical resources. We have written articles and essays not only on academic journals, but we have also jointly published a book on modern East Asian history that contains our research papers utilizing the Pamphlet Collection. We have thus achieved the above-stated objectives of the research project that demonstrates the value and potential of the Pamphlet Collection

  • Study of the Institution of Sino-foreign civil case court in late Qing and Early Republican China

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    MOTONO Eiichi

     View Summary

    I analyzed what took place when Chinese creditors sued their British surety firm for collecting debt from their Chinese debtors; and what took place when Western firms, mainly American firms did their Chinese sureties for contract breach in the early twentieth century. In the former case, I analyzed one typical case, "Tung Ta, Hung Yuen, Tsing Chong, Ye Tung-theong and Vow Cheng Banks v. the Chartered Ban of India, Australia and China, 1904-1907," and revealed once a Western firm was arranged to be a surety of their Chinese comprador, they were forced to guarantee the debt of their Chinese comprador's debt whatever the unfavorable condition. Meanwhile, analyzing various civil cases between US firms and their Chinese debtors and surety for contracting breach, I revealed these cases brought about the establishing of Chinese commercial court in 1918

  • Creation and dissemination of a new view on modern East Asian history based on utilization of the George Morrison Pamphlet Collection

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    NIIMURA YOKO, SHIBA Yoshinobu, YABUKI Susumu, MOTONO Eiichi, KISHI Toshihiko, MATSUSHIGE Mitsuhiro, SHIROYAMA Tomoko, OKAMOTO Takashi, YOSHIZAWA Seiichiro, MURAKAMI Ei, HAMASHITA Takeshi, YAMAMURA Yoshiteru

     View Summary

    The objectives of this research project were twofold. The first was to establish an environment for more effectively utilizing the George Morrison Pamphlet Collection(hereinafter, GMPC), by creating a catalog with a summary of each item in the GMPC. Over the course of the project, we were able to summarize a total of 483 items in the GMPC.The second was to promote research that utilizes items in the GMPC. Based on experimental efforts to explore items,we have discovered the value and the potential of the GMPC as an appealing and informative historical resources. As individuals, we have reported on the value of the GMPC in academic papers.In addition we have jointly published a book on Modern East Asia,that contains several papers utilizing GMPC. The book has garnered worldwide attention.We have thus achieved the above-stated objectives of the research project by creating catalog of items in the GMPC and by publishing a book that demonstrates the value and potential of the GMPC

  • Creation and dissemination of a new view on modern East Asian history based on utilization of the George Morrison Pamphlet Collection

    Project Year :


     View Summary

    The objectives of this research project were twofold. The first was to establish an environment for more effectively utilizing the George Morrison Pamphlet Collection(hereinafter, GMPC), by creating a catalog with a summary of each item in the GMPC. Over the course of the project, we were able to summarize a total of 483 items in the GMPC.
    The second was to promote research that utilizes items in the GMPC. Based on experimental efforts to explore items,we have discovered the value and the potential of the GMPC as an appealing and informative historical resources. As individuals, we have reported on the value of the GMPC in academic papers.In addition we have jointly published a book on Modern East Asia,that contains several papers utilizing GMPC. The book has garnered worldwide attention.We have thus achieved the above-stated objectives of the research project by creating catalog of items in the GMPC and by publishing a book that demonstrates the value and potential of the GMPC.

  • Creation and dissemination of a new view on modern East Asian history based on utilization of the George Morrison Pamphlet Collection

    Project Year :


     View Summary

    The objectives of this research project were twofold. The first was to establish an environment for more effectively utilizing the George Morrison Pamphlet Collection(hereinafter, GMPC), by creating a catalog with a summary of each item in the GMPC. Over the course of the project, we were able to summarize a total of 483 items in the GMPC.
    The second was to promote research that utilizes items in the GMPC. Based on experimental efforts to explore items,we have discovered the value and the potential of the GMPC as an appealing and informative historical resources. As individuals, we have reported on the value of the GMPC in academic papers.In addition we have jointly published a book on Modern East Asia,that contains several papers utilizing GMPC. The book has garnered worldwide attention.We have thus achieved the above-stated objectives of the research project by creating catalog of items in the GMPC and by publishing a book that demonstrates the value and potential of the GMPC.

  • Study of the Trademark Registration System in Republican China

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    MOTONO Eiichi

     View Summary

    This research project dealt with the infringement of foreign firms' trademarks by Chinese merchants since the 1890s, and how it influenced the first Chinese trademark law in 1923. The Chinese merchants manufactured imitation goods of popular imported goods by themselves or committed this task to Japanese manufactures in Osaka and Kobe. After 1915 when the unti-Japanese goods boycott movement prevailed, some Japanese intended to manufacture Western imitation goods and exports them through Chinese merchants. Due to the increase of Japanese made Western imitation goods, the Japanese and the British governments could not cooperate with each other to force the Chinese government to prohibit the infringement of their firms' trademarks by the Chinese. This was the genuine background in which the Chinese government succeeded in promulgating its own trademark law in 1923

  • The Comprehensive Research on Legal Positions of "Foreigners" in East Asia from 17th to 20th Century

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KISHI Toshihiko, ARANO Yasunori, KOKAZE Hidemasa, SHIBAYAMA Mamoru, TAKAMIZAWA Osamu, KAWASHIMA Shin, MOTONO Eiichi, HIROSUE Masashi, MATSUSHIGE Mitsuhiro, SON Ansuk, CHEN Laixing, SUGAYA Nariko, KATAOKA Kazutada, TERAUCHI Itaro, YOKOYAMA Yoshinori, MATSUBARA Takatoshi, TOMIYAMA Kazuyuki, INOUE Osamu, KOBAYASHI Somei

     View Summary

    From a lot of our studies, we could recognize that an international relation had extremely brought the important effect to the construction of the governance over "Foreigner" in East Asia. And we could point out that the system of law over "Foreigner" had been not made uniformed in the country but these laws systems had various patterns based on the city or the region. Moreover, we could confirm that there was a certain kind of phenomenon in which legal ream rings beyond a national area were constructed in East Asia. Of course, these rings were constructed not only under the influence of Empire Japan, but also in the whole areas of East Asia outside its area

  • Studies of East Asian Community with Reference to the Legacy of Empires

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    UMEMORI Naoyuki, MOURI Kazuko, WAKATABE Masazumi, MOTONO Eiichi, NAGAYO Susumu, OKAMOTO Koichi, KUDO Motoo, RI Sonshi, AMAKO Satoshi, TSUBOI Yoshiharu, FUKAGAWA Yukiko, RYU Ketsu, SHINODA Toru, OBIBATA Sumio, ANZAI Kunio, GOTO Kenichi, KURODA Kazuo, SONODA Shigeto, HIRANO Keniciro

     View Summary

    Our project has contributed to scholarly investigations on East Asian Community in terms of the collection of historical materials on "Asianism" in postwar Japan, the promotion of mutual historical understandings between Japan and Korea, and the development of new methodologies for Asian Studies. The Construction of the database of Japan Socialist Party documents, the publication of three volume bulletins on "Historical Recognition in Japan and Korea," and three volume book series "Ajiagaku no susume (Introduction to Asian Studies)" are the examples of our accomplishments.

  • The Social Influence of the British Private Law System upon the Chinese Society in the Early Twentieth Century

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    MOTONO Eiichi

     View Summary

    My research activity under the grant between 2001 and 2003 was mainly carried out for obtaining British Foreign Office Consular Archives (FO228) concerning company registration system from 1916 to 1927 from the National Archives (previously called Public Record Office), and collecting sources from Jardine Matheson Archives at Cambridge University Library. The materials I collected at Cambridge University Library were used for revising my previous journal articles into an independent monograph, The Collapse of the Commercial Order in Traditional China (Nagoya University Press, forthcoming), which will be released soon. Meanwhile, the photocopies of the British Foreign Office Consular Archives were used for writing two Japanese journal articles ('The role of Foreigners' society in Early Republican China" Rekishi-Hyoron, 600, Dec. 2003 ; "A Study of Sino-British Economic Relationship in Early Republican China" Toyo Gakuho forthcoming) and one seminar paper, "British Company Registration System and Anglo-Chinese, Anglo-American Relationship, 1916-1926" (paper presented to the annual meeting of Political Economy and Economic History Society, October 18, 2003, at Kyushu International University), which will be revised into an English working paper for COE-CAS, Creation of New Contemporary Asian Studies of Waseda University

  • 不平等条約体制下の外国人問題の法的措置に関する国際共同研究-中国の都市と法-

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Overseas Activities

  • 20世紀第1四半期に於ける中国の社会経済秩序の変容


    イギリス   オックスフォード大学


  • Faculty of Political Science and Economics   Graduate School of Economics

  • Affiliated organization   Global Education Center

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 名義貸しと外国国籍利用から見た民国期中国の対外経済関係


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    本年度の研究成果は、20世紀初頭になって史料に頻発するようになった、債権者によって上海会審衙門に債権回収訴訟を起こされ、これに敗訴した中国人が、在華イギリス人法律事務所の名義もしくはマカオ、もしくは日本でポルトガル、日本国籍を取得することで会審衙門の追求の手を逃れようとした代表的な事例を四件取り上げて分析した。その成果は、6月26日に韓国、ソウルの高麗大学を会場にして開かれた国際学会、AAS-in-Asia のSesson 152で英語による報告を行った。なお、この成果は、このセッションを主催した香港Baptist大学のStephanie Po Yun Chung教授が編者となった英文論文集に収録される予定である。

  • 近代中国における知的財産権保護制度の確立とその限界

    2004   本野英一

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    成果は、国内外の以下の査読雑誌論文として刊行した。1.「光緒新政期商標保護制度の挫折と日英対立」(『社会経済史学』第74巻第3号、2008年9月)、3〜22頁。2.「清末民初における商標権侵害紛争—日中関係を中心にー」(『社会経済史学』第75巻第3号、2009年9月)、3〜21頁。3.「外国側より見た中国商標法(1923)の意義—日本とイギリスを中心に−」(貴志俊彦編『変容する国際社会と「外国人」問題』(京都大学学術出版会 2011年)、229〜56頁。4."Anglo-JapaneseTrademark Conflict in China and the Birth of the Chinese Trademark Law (1923),1906-1926," East Asian History 37 (December 2011), pp. 9-26    5. ”The Nationalist Government’sFailure to Establish a Trademark Protection System, 1927-1931,” Modern Asian Studies Review Volume 4,Mar. 2013, pp. 59-89.6.「中国商標法(一九二三)施行前後の外国企業商標保護体制—中日・中英商標権侵害紛争を中心にー」(『東洋史研究』第71巻第4号、2013年3月)、64〜94頁。

  • 「英語を話す中国人」の活動を通して見た中国の近代化


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     上記の課題に関する研究は、申請時の予定を超えて3編の学術雑誌論文に結実した。1999年秋に東洋史研究会で行った学会報告は、その後「辛亥革命前夜の中英債権債務処理問題―1910年『ゴム株式恐慌』を中心に―」という論文にまとまり、昨年年末に『東洋史研究』に投稿し、2001年9月刊行の第60巻第2号に掲載が決定した。本編の姉妹編ともいうべき論文、「辛亥革命前夜の信用制度問題―1910年『ゴム株式恐慌』後を中心に―」の執筆を雑誌『近きに在りて』から依頼された。こちらは今年の7月に刊行され、同時に中国語に翻訳され、今年の10月に中国で開催される辛亥革命90周年記念国際シンポジウムに提出されることになっている。 最後に、「清末民国初期上海、香港に於ける会社登記制度問題―株主の有限責任制を中心に―」は執筆が予定より遅れた。こちらは来年刊行予定の邦文著書に含める予定である。

  • 清末民国初期、中国買辧商人の経済活動とその制度的基盤


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     昨年特定課題研究助成費の支給を受けて行った研究活動の成果の一部は、11月3日に京都大学で開催された東洋史研究会大会での研究報告「辛亥革命期上海に於ける株式先物取引規制と破産処理―1910年ゴム株恐慌をめぐる一考案―」にまとめられた。これは夏休み中に読み終えた史料のみに基づく中間報告であり、これ以外にもイギリス外務省領事報告、中国側史料を読んで補わなくてはならない部分がかなり残っている。幸い、上記の学会報告の内容は京都大学東洋史研究会主催者側の好評を得ることが出来、今年11月末日までに論文にまとめて提出するようにとの依頼を受けることが出来た。目下はこの論文作成の準備作業として前述の史料を読む作業を進行中である。 もう一つ、1998年に学習院大学で開かれた社会経済史学会での自由論題報告「在華イギリス会社登記制度をめぐる中国商人の動向とイギリス政府当局の対応―上海租界・香港を中心に―」を論文にまとめるための準備作業については、昨年12月に特定課題研究費の補助を受けて香港歴史档案館に出張し、日本では入手不可能である上海に設立されながら香港に「イギリス籍有限株式会社」として登記された会社の中国人株主のリストを数多く入手することが出来た。この史料を追加して上記学会報告を論文にまとめなおす作業は今年前半に完成させる予定である。