Updated on 2024/07/03


IKEO, Aiko
Faculty of Commerce, School of Commerce
Job title
経済学修士 ( 一橋大学(日本) )
Master Degree in Economics ( Hitotsubashi University (Japan) )
博士(商学) ( 早稲田大学(日本) )
Doctor Degree in Commercial Science ( Waseda University (Japan) )

Research Experience

  • 2008

    Duke University, Senior Research Fellow

  • 2004

    _Waseda Business Review_ Editor in Chief

  • 2002

    nstitute for Research in Business Administration, Waseda University, Vice-director

  • 2000

    Kokugakuin University, Part-time Lecturer

  • 2000

    Waseda University, Professor

  • 1985

    Kokugakuin University, Assistant Professor,Associate Professor, Professor

  • 1999

    Waseda University, Part-time Lecturer

  • 1996

    Institute for Japanese Culture and Classics at Kokugakuin University, Professor

  • 1996

    Tokyo Woman's University, Part-time Lecturer

  • 1996

    Yokohama National University, Part-time Lecturer

  • 1994

    University of Tokyo, Visiting Scholar

  • 1992

    Suruga University, Part-time Lecturer

  • 1992

    Hitotsubashi University, Part-time Lecturer

  • 1991

    Kanto Gakuin University, Part-time Lecturer

  • 1988

    Duke University, Visiting Scholar

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Education Background


    Hitotsubashi University   Graduate School of Economics   Economic Theory and Statistics  


    Hitotsubashi University   Faculty of Social Sciences  

Professional Memberships


    CIEC: コンピュータ利用教育協議会


    International Network for Economic Method


    American Economic Assocition


    Japanese Economic Association


    Japanese Society for the History of Economic Thought


    Socio-Economic History Society


    History of Economics Society


    International Ninomiya Sontoku Association


    Society for the History of Japanese Economic Thought

▼display all

Research Areas

  • Economic doctrines and economic thought / Economic policy / Economic history

Research Interests

  • Economic Development in East Asia, Tameyuki Amano (1861-1938), Energy Economics, and Intellectual History



  • Tamayuki Amano as Editor of the Toyo Keizai Shimpo

    Aiko Ikeo

    Waseda Commercial Review   ( 459 ) 1 - 50  2020.09

  • Tanzan Ishibashi's Wartime Journalistic Activities and Offering of Information to Overseas

    Aiko Ikeo

    Ishibashi Tanzan Studies   ( 3 ) 121 - 148  2020.03

  • Introduction to the Symposium on Japanese Economic Thought during the Reconstruction Period after 1945

    Aiko Ikeo

    History of Japanese Economic Thought   ( 20 ) 18 - 21  2020.03  [Invited]

  • Ōdō Tanaka’s Pragmatism and its Relationship with Economic Thought

    Aiko Ikeo

    Journal of Asia-Pacific Studies     129 - 145  2019.01  [Invited]

  • American Economists on Ishibashi Tanzan: Tracing the Debate over the Post-war Inflation

    Aiko Ikeo

    History of Japanese Economic Thought   ( 18 ) 1 - 19  2018.03  [Refereed]

  • On the Economic Articles in The Oriental Economist, 1934-1960

    Aiko Ikeo

    Waseda Commercial Review   ( 449/450 ) 1 - 17  2017.06


  • Reading Tameyuki Amano's _Commercial Reader_: Invention, International Trade, and Yukichi Fukuzawa

    Aiko Ikeo

    Waseda Commercial Review   ( 445 ) 251 - 276  2016.03

  • 「天野為之と日本の近代化:明治期の経済学者、ジャーナリスト、教育者」


    『早稲田商学』   ( 441/442 ) 313 - 329  2015.03


  • 「日本のエネルギー政策思想──技術進歩,化石燃料,および電力供給──」


    『早稲田商学』   ( 438 ) 549 - 562  2013.12

  • 「中山伊知郎」、「天野為之」、「安井琢磨」、「赤松要」


    『エコノミスト』9/13, 9/24, 10/29, 12/3    2013.09

  • 「石橋湛山の多面的評価に向けて」


    『自由思想』   ( 130 ) 26 - 37  2013.08


  • 「書評:根岸隆著『一般均衡論から経済学史へ』ミネルヴァ書房、2012年」


    『日本経済思想史研究』   ( 13 ) 77 - 80  2013.06

  • Boor review: Taashi Negishi, From the general equilibrium theory to the history of economics, Minerva shobo, 2011

    Aiko Ikeo

    History of Japanese Economic Thought   13   77 - 80  2013.03  [Invited]

  • 「天野為之と二宮尊徳の教義:推譲、仕法、そして経済教育」


    『報徳学』   ( 10 ) 45 - 60  2013.03

  • 「エネルギー問題の経済学説史」


    『経済セミナー』   ( 669 ) 30 - 34  2012.12

  • 「経済学の歴史:危機が起きるたびに進化し多様化してきた経済学」


    『エコノミスト』   90 ( 26 ) 40 - 41  2012.06

  • 「書評:荒川憲一著『戦時経済体制の構想と展開:日本陸海軍の経済史的分析』岩波書店、2011年」


    『日本歴史』   ( 766 ) 126 - 128  2012.03

  • 「天野為之と『マクロ経済学』の形成—経済学史上の再評価」


    『早稲田商学』   ( 431 ) 645 - 683  2012.03

  • A history of Japanese developments in econometrics

    Aiko Ikeo

    History of Political Economy   43 ( Supplement ) 188 - 210  2011.12

  • A Comparison of the East Asian Currency Crisis of 1997 and the American Financial Crisis of 2008

    Aiko Ikeo

    Waseda Commercial Review   ( 429 ) 153 - 176  2011.09


  • 「M.ブロンフェンブレナーと戦後日本経済の再建(1947-1952年)」


    『日本問題研究』(河北大学)   25 ( 3 ) 1 - 8  2011.09

  • 「M.ブロンフェンブレナーと戦後日本経済の再建(1947〜1952年)」


    『日本経済思想史研究』   (11)   39 - 56  2011.06

  • 「書評:Bettina Gramlich-Oka and Gregory Smits (eds) Economic Thought in Early Modern Japan, Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2010」


    『日本経済思想史研究』   ( 12 ) 69 - 72  2011.06

  • 「美国始発的金融危機及其対策」


    宋志勇・鄭蔚編『全球化的時代東亜的制度変革』天津人民出版社     53 - 63  2011.02

  • A History of Japanese Developments in Econometrics

    Aiko Ikeo

    HISTORY OF POLITICAL ECONOMY   43 ( Supplement ) 188 - 210  2011  [Refereed]



  • 「世界金融危機の進行、2007-2010年」


    『早稲田商学』   ( 423 ) 489 - 514  2010.03


  • 一般討論「日本における経済学の発展と『経済研究』」(『経済研究』60周年記念シンポジウム)


    一橋大学経済研究所ウェブサイト http://www.ier.hit-u.ac.jp/Japanese/publication/sympo20100126.pdf    2010.01

  • Negishi's general equilibrium approach to trade theory: Trade between similar countries and infant industry protection

    Aiko Ikeo

    A History of Economic Theory: Essays in honour of Takashi Negishi     46 - 67  2009.04



  • 「荒川氏の書評に寄せて」


    『経済学史研究』    2008.12

  • Japan, Economics in

    Tamotsu Nishizawa, Aiko Ikeo

    The New Palgrave: A Dictionary of Economics, eds by L.M. Blume and S.N. Durlauf, eds by L.M. Blume and S.N. Durlauf, London: Macmillan.     603 - 612  2008.05

  • 「書評:鈴木信雄編『日本の経済思想2』(経済思想10)日本経済評論社、2006年」


    『日本経済思想史研究』   ( 8 )  2008.03

  • 「東アジアでのエネルギー安全保障を考える-資源獲得のグローバル競争を背景にして-」


    早稲田商学   ( 413/414 ) 183 - 200  2007.12

  • 「書評:大森郁夫責任編集『日本の経済思想1』(経済思想10)日本経済評論社、2006年」


    『社会経済史学』   73 ( 2 ) 213 - 215  2007.07

  • 「書評:横井陽一・竹原美佳・寺崎友芳著『躍動する中国石油石化—海外資源確保と中下流発展戦略—』化学工業日報社、2007」


    『中国研究所月報』   61 ( 7 ) 52 - 53  2007.07

  • 「東アジア共同体の形成とグローバル組織・フォーラムの活用」


    『早稲田商学』   ( 411/412 ) 33 - 45  2007.06


  • 予定討論「日中対話:日中関係とエネルギー・環境問題」セッション2-1「将来の展望」


    セッション2主催:グローバル・フォーラム、日本国際フォーラム、中国国家開発委員会能源研究所、東京(2007/1/23-24)    2007.01

  • グローバル競争下における非典型雇用の未来、『現代中国の経済改革』を読む、中国企業の『走出去』戦略について、EU官僚に学び、東アジア官僚の誕生を期待する、東アジアのエネルギー安全保障、等


    政策掲示板『議論百出』グローバル・フォーラム(http://www.gfj.jp/jpn.htm)    2007.01

  • 「東アジア共同体の形成とグローバル組織・フォーラムの活用-エネルギー協力を軸に-」


    南開大学日本研究院主催国際シンポジウム「東アジア地域統合の進展及び地域協力」(2006/11/6-8)    2006.11

  • 「東アジア地域協力とASEAN東アジア協力センター」「東アジア・エネルギー・環境協力の可能性」 他


    政策掲示板『議論百出』グローバル・フォーラム(http://www.gfj.jp/jpn.htm)    2006.09

  • 「書評論文:橘川武郎著『松永安左エ門—生きているうちに鬼といわれても』」


    『日本経済思想史研究』   ( 6 ) 87 - 90  2006.03

  • Institutions for economic cooperation: A phase of the internationalization of economics

    Aiko Ikeo

    Waseda Commcercial Review   ( 406 ) 397 - 171  2005.12

  • 「日本における経済学の国際化と国際経済学の展開-20世紀交流の知的交流を背景に-」


    『早稲田商学』   ( 405 ) 201 - 280  2005.09

  • 「能源経済学:日本和東南亜-経済全球化与合作」


    『東北亜学刊』(天津社会科学院東北亜研究所)   ( 17 ) 28 - 29  2005.08

  • Japanese Economists and International Trade Friction: Turning Point of 1985

    Aiko Ikeo

    History of Economic Thought Society of Australia, Sydney (2005/7/5-8)    2005.07

  • Japanese Economists and International Trade Friction: Turning Point of 1985

    Aiko Ikeo

    History of Economics Society, Tacoma (05/06/25-28)    2005.06

  • 「(師を語る)国際舞台への水先案内人たち」


    『学術月報』   58 ( 4 ) 314 - 315  2005.04

  • 国際学会リポート:北米経済学史学会第31回年次大会, 於ヴィクトリア大学, カナダ・トロント, 2004年6月


    『経済学史学会ニュース』    2005.01

  • 「経済学の歴史と展望論文-根岸(2004)-に寄せて」


    『経済学史学会年報』   ( 46 ) 97 - 99  2004.11

  • 「ケインズの経済学からケインズ経済学へ-日本の場合-」


    『早稲田商学』   ( 402 ) 567 - 603  2004.09

  • Energy Economics, ASEAN-Japan

    Aiko Ikeo

    産研ワーキングペーパー・シリーズ (No. 2004-01)    2004.08

  • 「グローバル・ネットワークと中国」


    Waseda.com on asahi.com (http://www.asahi.com/ad/clients/waseda/)    2004.07

  • Negishi and the History of Economics / Session in Honor of Professor Takashi Negishi

    Aiko Ikeo

    History of Economics Society, Toronto (04/06/25-28)    2004.06

  • Energy Economics, ASEAN-Japan

    Aiko Ikeo

    Beijing Forum on the Transnational Cooperation of Energy Security (Beijing Normal University, 04/06/19-20)    2004.06

  • 「国際経済摩擦と日本の経済学者たち:1985年の転換点」


    『産業経営』(早稲田大学)   ( 35 ) 75 - 95  2004.06

  • 「国際経済摩擦と日本の経済学者たち:1985年の転換点」


    『産業経営』(早稲田大学)   ( 35 ) 75 - 95  2004.06

  • Re-making the Boundaries of Economics in the 20th Century

    Aiko Ikeo

    Annual Meetings of the Allied Social Science Associations (San Diego, 2004/1/3-5)    2004.01

  • 「日本とASEAN-国境を超えるビジネスの将来-」


    『産研公開講演会』(早稲田大学産業経営研究所)   (29), 5-19  2003.12

  • 「日本における経済学の国際化-国際通貨制度をめぐって-」


    『商学研究科紀要』(早稲田大学)   ( 57 ) 1 - 11  2003.11

  • 「問題提起:日本とASEAN-国境を超えるビジネスの将来-」


    早稲田大学産業経営研究所公開講演会(東京, 2003/10/17)    2003.10

  • 「ジョン・ケネス・ガルブレイス」


    『国際交流』   ( 100 ) 77 - 83  2003.07

  • Structural reforms and economists in Japanese government: From the 1980s to the present

    Aiko Ikeo

    経済学史学会(京都, 2003/5/24-25)    2003.05

  • Structural reforms and economists in Japanese government: From the 1980s to the present

    Aiko Ikeo

    『経済学史学会大会報告集』(第67回全国大会)    2003.05

  • 「私のお薦め経済書3冊:グローバリゼーションを読む」


    『論座』/朝日新聞社   ( 95 ) 39  2003.03

  • 「社会科学教育とピア・レビュー(学生間批評)-コンピュータ・ネットワークを利用して-」


    早稲田大学 公開シンポジウム「21世紀型大学教育の可能性を求めて」 (2003/2/1)    2003.02

  • 「国際学会レポート:国際経済学協会:第13回世界大会, ポルトガル・リスボン, 2002年9月9-13日」


    『経済学史学会ニュース』   ( 21 ) 14 - 14  2003.01

  • History of economics in Japan: A turning point

    Aiko Ikeo

    The Future of the History of Economics, Annual Supplement to Volume 34 of the History of Political Economy, edited by E. R. Weintraub, Duke University Press   34   166 - 175  2002.12

  • Japanese Society for the History of Economic Thought

    Aiko Ikeo

    Information Bulletin of the The Union of National Economic Associations in Japan   22 ( 22 ) 20 - 30  2002.12

    DOI CiNii

  • History of economics in Japan: A turning point

    Aiko Ikeo

    The Future of the History of Economics, History of Political Economy, edited by E. R. Weintraub, Duke University Press   34 ( Supplement ) 166 - 175  2002.12

  • Peer review initiative in teaching social sciences with computers and networks

    Aiko Ikeo

    Computer & Education   ( 13 ) 116 - 122  2002.11

  • 「社会科学系教育とピア・レビュー(学生間批評)—ネットワーク・ツールを利用して—」


    『コンピュータ&エデュケーション』   13 ( 13 ) 116 - 122  2002.11

     View Summary

    As a result of deregulation (easing of previous regulations) by the Ministry of Education, Sciences, Culture and Sports, new e-learning tools have being developed and some of them are proving useful in teaching social sciences at universities. We propose that "wisely guided peer review" with the use of e-learning tools is effective in enhancing the quality of student course essays.

    DOI CiNii

  • Structural reforms and economists in Japanese government: From the 1990s to the present

    Aiko Ikeo

    International Economic Association, Lisbon (2002/9/9-13)    2002.09

  • Structural reforms and economists in Japanese government: From the 1990s to the present

    Aiko Ikeo

    Proceedings of the 13th World Congress of the International Economic Association   CD-ROM  2002.09

  • 「双方向性実験授業「現代社会科学論」-グローバル化とピア・レビュー-」


    PCカンファレンス (東京, 2002/8/6-7)    2002.08

  • History of economics in Japan: A turning point

    A Ikeo

    HISTORY OF POLITICAL ECONOMY   34 ( Supplement ) 165 - 175  2002  [Refereed]

  • The social sciences and the Internet

    Aiko Ikeo

    Waseda Commercial Review   (391), 23-40  2001.12

  • 「社会科学とコンピュータ・ネットワーク利用」


    『早稲田商学』   ( 391 ) 409 - 426  2001.12

  • History of economics in Japan: A social science

    Aiko Ikeo

    経済学史学会 (2001/11/10-11)    2001.11

  • 経済学者が前面に立つ時代


    『論座』/朝日新聞社   ( 77 ) 50 - 59  2001.09

  • History of Japanese economic thought: the present and the future.

    Aiko Ikeo

    Annals of the Society for the History of Economic Thought   ( 39 ) 94 - 102  2001.06

  • 書評: A. W. Coats ed. The Development of Economics in Western Europe since 1945, London: Routledge, 2000.


    『経済学史学会年報』   ( 39 ) 199 - 200  2001.06

  • History of Japanese economic thought: the present and the future.

    Aiko Ikeo

    『経済学史学会年報』   ( 39 ) 94 - 102  2001.06

  • History of economics in Japan: A social science

    Aiko Ikeo

    HOPE Conference on 'The Future of the History of Economics', Duke University, Durham, NC (2001/4/27-29)    2001.04

  • 国際経済学協会:第12回世界大会, ブエノスアイレス, 1999年8月.


    『経済学史学会ニュース』   ( 16or17 ) 21 - 21  2000.08

  • Comments on Ronald Dore's 'Reform? The Dubious Benefits of Marketisation'

    Aiko Ikeo

    Conference on 'Economic Reform in Japan: Can the Japanese Change?' origanized by Craig Freedman at Macquarie University, Sydney     48 - 52  2000.07

  • 『エコノミックス事始め』

    小谷正守, 伊木誠, 池尾愛子, 安部直樹

    ミネルヴァ書房   332頁  1999.09

  • Monetary Economics and Policy in Pre-WWII Japan

    Aiko Ikeo

    ASOCIACION ARGENTINA DE ECONOMIA POLITICAhttp://www.aaep.org.ar/12worldcongress/congress/papers/abstracts/ikeo.htm    1999.09

  • Monetary Economics and Policy in Pre-WWII Japan

    Aiko Ikeo

    International Economic Association, Buenos Aires (1999/8/23-27)    1999.08

  • 『日本の経済学と経済学者—戦後の研究環境と政策形成—』


    日本経済評論社   347頁  1999.01

  • 一般均衡の存在問題の研究史:日本から見た展開


    経済学史学会(1998/10/24-25)    1998.10

  • Economic development and economic thought after World War II: non Marxian economists on development, trade and industry

    Aiko Ikeo

    S. Sugihara and T. Tanaka eds Economic Thought and Modernization in Japan, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar     131 - 151  1998.10

  • The spread of classical economics in Japan

    Aiko Ikeo

    History of Economics Society, Montreal (1998/6/19-22)    1998.06

  • 中山伊知郎と国際経済問題


    『日本文化研究所紀要』   ( 83 ) 63 - 78  1998.03

  • 紹介:ヤン・バク・チョイ準教授『1945年以降の韓国の経済学』と『規範と慣習』


    『経済学研究』(國學院大學大学院)   ( 29 ) 7 - 19  1998.03

  • Japanese economists and learned societies

    Aiko Ikeo

    Kokugakuin Keizaigaku   46 ( 1 ) 1 - 45  1998.02

  • 日本の経済学者たちと学会活動


    『国学院経済学』   46 ( 1 ) 1 - 45  1998.02

  • 1945年以降の日本の経済学-国際比較に向けて-


    経済学史学会(1997/11/8)    1997.11

  • Keynes and Keynesian economics in pre-WWII Japan

    Aiko Ikeo

    Transactions of the Insitute for Japanese Culture and Classics   ( 80 ) 271 - 308  1997.09

  • Keynes and Keynesian economics in pre-WWII Japan

    Aiko Ikeo

    『日本文化研究所紀要』   ( 80 ) 271 - 308  1997.09

  • 紹介:国学院大学日本文化研究所編『グローバル化と民族文化』新書館


    『國學院大學学報』   ( 436 ) 5  1997.04

  • The study of the existence of general equilibrium: A history as viewed from Japan

    European Conference on the History of Economics, Athens (1997/4/17-19)    1997.04

  • Three women economists in Japan : Kikue Yamakawa, Koko Sanpei and Setsu Tanino

    Aiko Ikeo

    Transactions of the Institute for Japanese Culture and Classics   ( 79 ) 98 - 126  1997.03

  • Three women economists in Japan: Kikue Yamakawa, Koko Sanpei and Setsu Tanino

    Aiko Ikeo

    『日本文化研究所紀要』   ( 79 ) 98 - 126  1997.03

  • Economic Development in Twentieth Century East Asia: The International Context

    Aiko Ikeo

    London: Routledge   Pp.256  1997.01

  • The internationalization of economics in Japan

    Aiko Ikeo

    The Post-1945 Internationalization of Economics, Annual Supplement to Volume 28 of the History of Political Economy, edited by A.W.Coats Duke University Press   28 ( Supplement ) 121 - 139  1996.12

  • The internationalization of economics in Japan

    Aiko Ikeo

    The Post-1945 Internationalization of Economics, History of Political Economy, edited by A.W.Coats Duke University Press   28 ( Supplement ) 121 - 139  1996.12

  • 報告要旨:三人の女性エコノミストたち—山川菊栄、三瓶孝子、谷野せつ—


    『日本経済思想史研究会会報』   ( 6 ) 12 - 13  1996.10

  • Chuhei Sugiyama, Origins of Economic Thought in Modern Japan, London and New York: Routledge, 1994


    The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought   3 ( 3 ) 516 - 519  1996.09

  • 経済学の国際化と日本の経済学


    『國學院大學日本文化研究所報』   33 ( 2 ) 1 - 3  1996.07

  • The advent of marginalism in Japan

    Aiko Ikeo

    Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology   14   217 - 245  1996.06

  • Three Japanese women economists in Japan: Kikue Yamakawa, Koko Sanpei and Setsu Tanino. The international monetary policy discussion in Japan.

    Aiko Ikeo

    History of Economics Society, Vancouver (1996/6/29-7/1)    1996.06

  • Marxist economics in Japan

    Aiko Ikeo

    『国学院経済学』   44 ( 3/4 ) 425 - 451  1996.06


  • The advent of marginalism in Japan

    Aiko Ikeo

    The Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology, edited by Warren J.Samuels and Jeff E.Biddle   14   217 - 245  1996.06

  • The advent of marginalism in Japan

    Aiko Ikeo

    The Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology, edited by Warren J.Samuels and Jeff E.Biddle   14   217 - 245  1996.06

  • A case study of a Japanese government economist during 1937-60 : Saburo Okita as an officer

    Aiko Ikeo

    Kokugakuin Keizaigaku   44 ( 2 ) 389 - 412  1996.03

  • 試論:日本における政府エコノミスト集団の誕生—大来佐武郎を中心に—


    『国学院経済学』   44 ( 2 ) 389 - 412  1996.03

  • The development of Keynesian-type economics in Japan.

    Aiko Ikeo

    European Conference on the History of Economics, Lisbon (1996/2/8-9)    1996.02

  • The internationalization of economics

    A Ikeo

    HISTORY OF POLITICAL ECONOMY   28   123 - 141  1996  [Refereed]

  • How mathematics changed economics through the study of the existence problem.

    Aiko Ikeo

    International Economic Association, Tunis (1995/12)    1995.12

  • Takuo Dome, History of Economic Theory, Edward Elgar, 1994


    『経済学史学会年報』   ( 33 ) 176  1995.10

  • 報告要旨:The Post-1945 Internationalization of Economics: Japan


    『日本経済思想史研究会会報』   ( 5 ) 9 - 10  1995.10

  • The development of 'Keynesian economics' in Japan.


    経済学史学会(1995/10/28-29)    1995.10

  • How mathematics changed economics through the study of the existence problem.


    理論・計量経済学会(1995/9/23-24)    1995.09

  • 戦後経済学者のネットワーク


    『経済セミナー』   ( 487 ) 30 - 35  1995.08

  • 国際学会リポート:第1回ヨーロッパ経済学史会議,於エラスムス大学,オランダ・ロッテルダム,1995年2月


    『経済学史学会ニュース』   ( 6 ) 15 - 17  1995.08

  • Comments on Dajin Peng's 'Does Confucianism matter? -- The role of East Asian culture in East Asian economic development'.

    Aiko Ikeo

    The Second International Symposium on East Asia, Kokugakuin University, Tokyo (1995/8/31-9/1).    1995.08

  • 1920年頃以降の経済学の展開—日本と世界


    『私学研修』   ( 138 ) 40 - 48  1995.07

  • 1945年以降の日本の経済学.


    日本経済思想史研究会(1995/6/3-4)    1995.06

  • Post-1945 Internationalization of Economics: Japan

    Aiko Ikeo

    HOPE-Duke Conference (1995/4/7-9)    1995.04

  • When economics harmonized mathematics in Japan : A history of stability analysis

    Aiko Ikeo

    The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought.   ( 3 ) 577 - 599  1994.10

  • When economics harmonized mathematics in Japan: A history of stability analysis

    Aiko Ikeo

    The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought   1 ( 3 ) 577 - 599  1994.10

  • When economics harmonized mathematics in Japan: A history of stability analysis

    Aiko Ikeo

    The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought   1 ( 3 ) 577 - 599  1994.09

     View Summary

    This article discusses how economics was mathematized by Japanese theoretical economists with the cooperation of Japanese mathematicians before 1950. Mathematicians played the leading part in assimilating European scientific ideas and providing an internationally oriented attitude in Japan from the mid nineteenth century. They began to publish many updated textbooks in Japanese from around 1930 on. In the 1940s, Japanese mathematical economists were intensively studying the so-called stability problem, thereby mathematizing economics more rapidly than ever before. Their research activity will give us an interesting example of a process of organizing economic knowledge by introducing more mathematics into the economics literature. © 1994, Taylor &amp
    Francis Group, LLC. All rights reserved.



  • 栗田啓子著『エンジニア・エコノミスト』東京大学出版会, 1992年


    『国学院経済学』   2 ( 2 ) 155 - 161  1994.03

  • 三土修平著『経済学史』新世社, 1993年


    『SAPIO』/小学館   6(3) 2月24日   66  1994.02

  • Early econometric works on rice

    Aiko Ikeo

    The Annual Bulletin of the Society for the History of Economic Thought   ( 31 ) 80 - 89  1993.11

  • Japan's modernization and the savings campaign

    Aiko Ikeo

    Kokugakuin Keizaigaku   43 ( 3/4 ) 323 - 338  1993.11

  • Japan's modernization and the savings campaign

    Aiko Ikeo

    『国学院経済学』   41 ( 3/4 ) 323 - 338  1993.11

  • 米市場についての統計学的研究—日本における初期の計量経済学研究—


    『経済学史学会年報』   ( 31 ) 80 - 89  1993.11

  • The advent of marginalism in Japan

    Aiko Ikeo

    Veblen Society, Chicago (1993/9/11)    1993.09

  • 日本の近代化と草の根貯蓄運動日本経済思想史研究の発展


    Symposium on the economic and social thought and modernization in East Asia, Beijing (1993/4/27-29)    1993.04

  • 米市場についての統計学的研究--日本における初期の計量経済学研究


    経済学史学会(1992/11/7)    1992.11

  • 日本の経済思想の諸断面:日本経済思想史研究会金沢例会 1992年5月


    『評論』/日本経済評論社   ( 83 ) 2 - 5  1992.09

  • When economics harmonized mathematics in Japan: A history of stability analysis, 1945-1950

    Aiko Ikeo

    International Economic Association, Moscow (1992/8/24)    1992.08

  • Wicksell on Capital, Finance and Economic Science

    Aiko Ikeo

    The Annual Bulletin of the Society for the History of Economic Thought   ( 29 ) 1 - 11  1991.10

  • The introduction of the general eguilibrium theory in Japan : A comparison with the English-speaking world

    Aiko Ikeo

    Kokugakuin Keizaigaku   38 ( 3/4 ) 430 - 480  1991.10

  • Philip Mirowski, More Heat than Light, Cambridge U P, 1989


    『経済学史学会年報』   ( 29 ) 40  1991.10

  • The introduction of the general equilibrium theory in Japan: A comparison with the English-speaking world

    Aiko Ikeo

    『国学院経済学』   38 ( 3/4 ) 430 - 480  1991.10

  • K.ヴィクセルの経済学とその歴史的背景


    『経済学史学会年報』   ( 29 ) 1 - 11  1991.10

  • Mary S Morgan, The History of Econometric Ideas, Cambridge U P, 1990


    『経済評論』   40 ( 9 ) 96 - 103  1991.09

  • Japanese modern economics, 1930-1945

    Aiko Ikeo

    History of Economics Society, Washington D. C. (1991/6/15-17?)    1991.06

  • クヌート・ヴィクセルの資本理論と貨幣理論


    経済学史学会(1990/11/11)    1990.11

  • Japanese economics from another sociologiacal perspective

    Aiko Ikeo

    Kokugakuin Keizaigaku   39 ( 1 )  1990.10

  • The Introduction of the general equilibrium theory in Japan: A comparison with the English-speaking world.


    理論・計量経済学会(1990/10/13-14?)    1990.10

  • Japanese economics from another sociological perspective

    Aiko Ikeo

    『国学院経済学』   39 ( 1 ) 112 - 128  1990.10

  • Wicksell's missing equation and banking : A way around an old problem

    Aiko Ikeo

    Kokugakuin Keizaigaku   38 ( 2 ) 105 - 126  1990.05

  • 平井俊顕氏のリジョインダーに反論する


    「専修大学社会科学研究所月報」   (5月20日) ( 322 ) 35 - 37  1990.05

  • Wicksell's missing equation and banking: A way around an old problem

    Aiko Ikeo

    『国学院経済学』   38 ( 2 ) 105 - 126  1990.05


  • 国際学会リポート:メンガー会議『カール・メンガーと彼の知的遺産』, デューク大学, アメリカ合衆国ノースカロライナ州, 1989年4月


    『経済学史学会年報』   ( 27 ) 142 - 146  1989.11

  • 国際学会リポート:北米経済学史学会第16回年次大会, 於ヴァージニア大学, アメリカ合衆国ヴァージニア州, 1989年6月


    『経済学史学会年報』   ( 27 ) 137  1989.11

  • 平井俊顕著『ケインズ研究』東京大学出版会, 1987年


    『経済学論集』/東京大学   54 ( 2 ) 145 - 148  1988.08

  • 『おカネと豊かさ—歴史的・経済的・社会的アプローチ—』


    貯蓄経済研究センター 第2章「貯蓄の理論的物語とその歴史」     41 - 86  1988.03

  • 国際学会リポート:北米経済学史学会第13回年次大会, 於バーナード・カレッジ, アメリカ合衆国ニューヨーク, 1986年6月


    『経済学史学会年報』   ( 24 ) 112 - 113  1986.11

  • Classicals' and J. M. Keynes

    Aiko Ikeo

    Kokugakuin Keizaigaku   34 ( 3/4 ) 155 - 178  1986.10

  • 「古典派」経済学者たちとJ・M・ケインズ


    『国学院経済学』   34 ( 3/4 ) 155 - 178  1986.10

  • Wicksell and Keynes on the mulfunction of the irterest rate

    Aiko Ikeo

    Kokugakuin Keizaigaku   33 ( 4 ) 362 - 345  1985.10

  • 利子率の調整不良—ヴィクセルとケインズ—


    『国学院経済学』   33 ( 4 ) 362 - 345  1985.10

  • ヴィクセル静態体系と銀行組織


    『経済研究』/一橋大学   36 ( 3 ) 228 - 238  1985.07

  • Wicksell's system of stationary state and the banking system

    Aiko Ikeo

    The Economic Review   36 ( 3 ) 228 - 238  1985

  • 利子率の調整不良-ヴィクセルとケインズ-


    経済学史学会(1984/11/10-11)    1984.11

  • 根岸隆著『経済学の歴史』東洋経済新報社, 1983年


    『一橋論叢』   91 ( 3 ) 450 - 456  1984.03

  • Leijonhufvud on Keynes

    Aiko Ikeo

    The Hitotsubashi Review   90 ( 2 ) 272 - 278  1983.08

  • レィヨンフーヴッドとケインズ解釈


    『一橋論叢』   90 ( 2 ) 272 - 278  1983.08

▼display all

Books and Other Publications

  • ‘Japanese Women’s Economics, 1818-2005,’ Routledge Handbook of Women’s Economic Thought

    Kirsten Madden, Robert Dimand( Part: Contributor)

    Routledge  2018.09

  • Globalization Reconsidered

    Aiko Ikeo( Part: Sole author)

    Soseisha  2017.05 ISBN: 9784794431790

  • A History of Economic Science in Japan: The Internationalization of Economics in the Twentieth Century

    Aiko Ikeo

    Routledge  2014.04

  • A History of Economic Theory: Essays in honour of Takashi Negishi

    eds) Aiko Ikeo, Heinz D. Kurz

    Routledge  2009.04 ISBN: 9780415433044

  • 東亜共同体的建設与国際組織、論壇的運用--以能源合作機軸


    楊棟梁他編『東亜一体化的進展及其区域合作的路経』天津出版社, 121-133  2008.03

  • 赤松要-わが体系を乗りこえてゆけ


    日本経済評論社  2008.02

  • 報告書『日中対話:日中関係とエネルギー・環境問題』(予定討論セッション2-1「将来の展望」)


    グローバル・フォーラム・ホームページ(http://www.gfj.jp/jpn.htm)  2007.02

  • グローバル・ネットワークと日本人


    諏訪春雄責任編集『グローバル化時代の日本人』勉誠出版  2006.07

  • 日本の経済学-20世紀における国際化の歴史


    名古屋大学出版会  2006.04

  • 商学部カリキュラムの現状 担当(c)他大学商学部・経営学部のカリキュラムとの比較


    商学部百年史編集委員会編『早稲田大学商学部百年史』  2004.09

  • Comments on Ronald Dore's 'Reform? The Dubious Benefits of Marketisation'

    Aiko Ikeo

    Craig Freedman ed. Economic Reform in Japan: Can the Japanese Change, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar  2001.11

  • A Biographical Dictionary of Women Economists

    Robert W. Dimand, Mary An Dimand, Evelyn L. Forget eds( Part: Contributor)

    Edward Elgar  2000.11

     View Summary

    Koko (Takako) Sanpei (1903-78); Setsu Tanino (Setsuko Ochiai); Kikue Yamakawa (1890-1980)

  • 大熊信行, I. カーズナー, 後藤誉之助, T. シュルツ, 園正造, 中山伊知郎, 安井琢磨, A. ワルト.


    経済学史学会編『経済思想史辞典』丸善  2000.06

  • (Ed.)Japanese Economics and Economists since 1945

    Aiko Ikeo

    Routledge  2000.04

  • (Co-authoreed) Adam Smith in Japan,neconsidered from a non-Marxian porspective

    Aiko Ikeo, Masazumi Wakatabe

    Adam Smith across Nations, Oxford University Press  2000.04

  • Adam Smith in Japan (abridged). (杉原四郎「日本におけるアダム・スミス」.大河内一男編『国富論研究III』筑摩書房, 1972年)

    Aiko Ikeo

    Adam Smith across Nations, edited by Cheng-chung Lai, Oxford University Press  2000.04

  • Adam Smith in Japan, reconsidered from a non-Marxian perspective

    Aiko Ikeo, Masazumi Wakatabe

    Adam Smith across Nations, edited by Cheng-chung Lai, Oxford University Press  2000.04

  • (Ed.) Japanese Economics and Economists since 1945

    Aiko Ikeo

    London: Routledge  2000.04

  • (Co. ed)Introduction to Economics

    Aiko Ikeo

    Minerva Shobo  1999.09

  • (Coauthored)Professor Hideo Aoyama and econmics

    Talashi Negishi, Aiko Ikeo

    Professor Hideo Aoyama's Research and Education  1999.04

  • 青山秀夫教授と経済学

    根岸隆, 池尾愛子

    青山秀夫著作集刊行会編『青山秀夫先生の学問と教育』創文社  1999.04

  • (共著)青山秀夫教授と経済学

    根岸隆, 池尾愛子

    『青山秀夫先生の学問と教育』(青山秀夫著作集刊行会編、創文社)  1999.04

  • (Ed.)Japanese Economics and Economists since 1945

    Aiko Ikeo

    Nihon Keizai Hyoron-sha  1999.04

  • Japanese Political Economy

    Aiko Ikeo

    The Encyclopedia of Political Economy, edited by Phillip O'Hara, Routledge  1999.02

  • (編著)日本の経済学と経済学者-戦後の研究環境と政策形成


    日本経済評論社  1999.01

  • Economics development and economic thought after World WarII : non-Marxian economists on development, trade and industry

    Aiko Ikeo

    Economic Thought and Moderization in Japan, Edward Elgar  1998.10

  • Economic development and economic thought after World War II: non-Marxian economists on development, trade and industry

    Aiko Ikeo

    Economic Thought and Modernization in Japan, edited by Shiro Sugihara and Toshihiro Tanaka, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar  1998.10

  • 「今井賢一」「大川一司」「統制経済」


    藤井隆至編『経済思想』(日本史小百科近代)東京堂出版  1998.09

  • (Coauthored)Toward the World of Economics

    Aiko Ikeo

    Yuhikaku  1998.08

  • 『経済学の世界へ—経済の歴史と経済学の歩み—』

    太田一廣, 井上泰夫, 安藤金男, 池尾愛子, 有泉哲

    有斐閣  1998.08

  • Classical Economics in Japan

    Aiko Ikeo

    Companion to Classical Economics edited by Heinz Kurz and Neri Salvadori, Edward Elgar  1998.06

  • (Ed. )Economic Development in Twentieth Century East Asia : The International Context

    Aiko Ikeo

    Routledge  1997.01

  • (Ed.) Economic Development in Twentieth Century East Asia: The International Context

    Aiko Ikeo

    London: Routledge  1997.01

  • The Internationalization of Economics in Japan

    Aiko Ikeo

    The Post-1945 Internationalization of Economics. Duke University Press  1996.12

  • The mathematization of economics and the development of theoretical economics : Contributions by Japanese

    Aiko Ikeo

    Mainstream and Heresies in Economics, edited by Toshiaki Hirai and Asahi Noguchi, Minerva  1995.04

  • 経済学の数学化と理論経済学の展開—日本人の貢献を中心に—


    平井俊顕・野口旭編『経済学における正統と異端—クラシックからモダンへ—』昭和堂  1995.04

  • J. M. Keynes and the mixed economy

    Aiko Ikeo

    Paradigms in Economics, edited by Takashi Negishi, Yuhikaku  1995.01

  • J.M.ケインズと混合経済—不況・失業の経済学から現代へ—


    根岸隆編『経済学のパラダイム—経済学の歴史と思想から—』有斐閣  1995.01

  • 日本的現代化与儲蓄運動


    朱家?、叶坦編『東亜経済・社会思想与現代化』山西経済出版社  1994.09

  • 日本的現代化与儲蓄運動


    朱家?、叶坦編『東亜経済・社会思想与現代化』山西経済出版社  1994.09

  • 20世紀の経済学者ネットワーク-日本からみた経済学の展開


    有斐閣  1994.04

  • Japan's modernization and the savings campaign.

    Aiko Ikeo

    Economic-Social Thought and Modernization in East Asia  1994

  • The Network of Economists in the 20th Century : The Development of Economics as Viewed from Japan

    Aiko Ikeo

    Yuhikaku  1994

  • Japanese modern economics, 1930-1945

    Aiko Ikeo

    Perspectives on the History of Economic Thought, published by Edward Elgar  1993.06

  • Japanese modern economics, 1930-1945

    Aiko Ikeo

    Perspectives on the History of Economic Thought, edited by R.F.Hebert  1993.06

  • 一般均衡論と計量経済学の展開


    経済学史学会編『経済学史:課題と展望』九州大学出版会  1992.11

  • Savings in Japan

    Aiko Ikeo

    Money and Amenity  1988.03

▼display all


  • J. Dewey's Pragmatism and Odo Tanaka's Study of Sontoku Ninomiya

    Aiko Ikeo

    International Ninomiya Sontoku Association, the 8th meeting  (Qufu Normal University)  International Ninomiya Sontoku Association

    Presentation date: 2018.10

  • Tanaka Odo (1867-1932) and His Study of Sontoku Ninomiya

    Aiko Ikeo

    Annual Meeting  (Nagaoka University)  Society of the History of Japanese EconomicThought

    Presentation date: 2018.06

  • American Economists on Ishibashi Tanzan: Tracing the Debate over the Post-war Inflation

    Aiko Ikeo

    Socio-Economic History Society, The Annual Meeting  (Osaka University)  Socio-Economic History Society

    Presentation date: 2018.05

  • On the Economic Articles in The Oriental Economist, 1934-1960

    Aiko Ikeo  [Invited]

    Symposium on the English Edition of _Toyo Keizai Shinpo_ and Its Era  (Hosei University, Tokyo)  Kakenhi-supported Project by a Young Scholar (15K16987)

    Presentation date: 2017.12

  • Tameyuki Amano and Japan's Modernization: International Trade, Invention, and Technical Progress

    Aiko Ikeo

    Fifth Forum on Japanese Learning: China-Japan Collaboration and its Future from the viewpoint of East Asia  (Jinan, Shandong Province, PRC)  Association of Japanese Language Instructors, Shandong Province, and the Society for the History of Japanese Economic Thought

    Presentation date: 2017.09

  • Discussion in absentia on _Women and Economics in Japan_, edited by K. Kurita, H. Matsunoo, and K. Ikegaki, Hokkaido University Press, 2016

    Aiko Ikeo  [Invited]

    IGS Seminar on Women and Economics in Japan  (Ochanomizu University, Tokyo)  Institute of Gender Studies, Ochanomizu University

    Presentation date: 2017.02

  • On the Economic Articles of the Oriental Economist, 1934-1960

    Aiko Ikeo

    Society of Ishibashi Tanzan, the 4th meeting  (Risho University)  Society of Ishibashi Tanzan

    Presentation date: 2016.12

  • Japanese Household Economics and the Teachings of Sontou Ninomiya

    Aiko Ikeo

    International Association of Ninomiya Sontoku, The 7th Conference  (Meiji University)  International Association of Ninomiya Sontoku

    Presentation date: 2016.08

  • 日本女性の経済学

    Aiko Ikeo

    History of Economics Society, Annual Meeting  (Duke University)  History of Economics Society

    Presentation date: 2016.06

  • Japanese versus Non-Japanese Economists on Technology Transfer and Foreign Direct Investment in East Asia in the 20th Century

    Aiko Ikeo

    History of Economics Society, Annual Conference  (Duke University)  History of Economics Society

    Presentation date: 2016.06

  • Reading Tameyuki Amano's _Commercial Reader_: Invention, International Trade, and Yukichi Fukuzawa

    Aiko Ikeo

    Society for the History of Japanese Economic Thought, West Japan Meeting  (Kwansei Gakuin University)  Society for the History of Japanese Economic Thought

    Presentation date: 2015.11

  • Japanese Economic Thought and the Great Depression of the 1930

    The 17th World Economic History Congress, August 3-7 

    Presentation date: 2015.08

  • Reading _Commercial Reader_ edited by Tameyuki Amano: Invention makes social progress and trade changes the world

    Society for the History of Economic Thought, Annual Meeting, June 13-14 

    Presentation date: 2015.06

  • Thinking of Trade in the 1940s and Beyond

    Osaka University International Symposium "Legacies of World War II, Part 3" 9-10 January 2015 

    Presentation date: 2015.01

  • A Route of Japan's Business Education: Tameyuki Amano and the Teachings of Sontoku Ninomiya

    The 6th biannual conference, International Ninomiya Sontoku Association, Tsinghua University, Beijing, October 18-19 

    Presentation date: 2014.10

  • Tameyuki Amano and Japan's modernization: an economist, journalist and educator

    The Society for the History of Japanese Economic Thought, Regular Meeting 

    Presentation date: 2014.10

  • Tameyuki Amano and Japan's modernization: an economist, journalist and educator

    International Symposium on Japan's Modernization, Reforms, Social Dynamics, and Governance, September 6-7 

    Presentation date: 2014.09

  • Martin Bronfenbrenner (1914-1997) in Japan, 1945-1952: American University Collections and The Oriental Economist

    Presentation date: 2014.06

  • Tameyuki Amano and the Teachings of Sontoku Ninomiya: The Japanese Foundation of Modern Economics


    Presentation date: 2014.06

  • Tameyuki Amano and the Teachings of Sontoku Ninomiya: Bundo, Suijo, and Shiho as the Japanese Foundation of Modern Economics

    The Society for the History of Japanese Economic Thought, Regular Meeting 

    Presentation date: 2013.10

  • Energy Economics, ASEAN-Japan

    Beijing Forum on the Transnational Cooperation of Energy Security (Beijing Normal University) 

    Presentation date: 2013.06

  • International Symposium on Japanese Energy Policy Thought: Long- and Mid-term Economic Forecasting, Technical Progress, and Energy Policy

    The Society for the History of Japanese Economic Thought, Annual Meeting 

    Presentation date: 2013.06

  • Negishi and the History of Economics / Session in Honor of Professor Takashi Negishi

    History of Economics Society, Toronto (04/06/25-28) 

    Presentation date: 2013.06

  • Tameyuki Amano and the Teachings of Sontoku Ninomiya: Suijo, Shiho and Economic Education

    The 218th Meeting of the KG Society for the History of Economic Thought 

    Presentation date: 2012.12

  • M. Bronfenbrenner et al. on Tanzan Ishibashi: over the Reconstruction Process of the Japanese Economy, 1945-1952

    Society for the History of Japanese Economic Thought, Annual Conference 

    Presentation date: 2012.06

  • The Americans on Tanzan Ishibashi and his Keynesianism

    Japanese Society for Monetary Economics (Special Panel Session on Tanzan Ishibashi) 

    Presentation date: 2012.05

  • The American Economist Martin Bronfenbrenner (1914-1997) and the Reconstruction of the Japanese Economy (1947-1952)

    The sixteenth World Congress of the International Economic Association, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 4-8 July 2011 

    Presentation date: 2011.07

  • Tameyuki AMANO (1859-1938) and Waseda University (School of Commerce): His 'macroeconomic theory' and practical approach to the institutional settings

    The Society for the History of Japanese Economic Thought, Anual meeting, Saga University, 4-5 June 2011 

    Presentation date: 2011.06

  • The development of econometrics and Japanese contributions: Eiichi Sugimoto, Shinichi Ichimura, Micio Hatanaka, and Takeshi Amemiya

    The Society for the History of Japanese Economic Thought, a regular meeting 

    Presentation date: 2011.04

  • A comparison between the East Asian Currency Crisis of 1997 and the American Financial Crisis of 2008

    International Symposium "East Asian Models and Regional Development: Rethinking under the Global Financial Crisis" Nankai University, Institute for Japanese Study, September 10-12. 

    Presentation date: 2010.09

  • Martin Bronfenbrenner (1914-1997) in Japan, 1949-1952

    Socio-Economic History Society, Annual Meeting at Kwansei Gakuin University, June 19-20. 

    Presentation date: 2010.06

  • Martin Bronfenbrenner (1914-1997) in Japan, 1949-1952

    Society for the History of Japanese Economic Thought, Annual Meeting at Niigata University, June 5-6. 

    Presentation date: 2010.06

  • A History of Japanese Developments in Econometrics

    HOPE Conference (Duke University), April 23-25. 

    Presentation date: 2010.04

  • Martin Bronfenbrenner (1914-1997) in Japan, 1949-1952

    Japanese Economic Association, Fall Meetings, Senshu University, October 10-11 

    Presentation date: 2009.10

  • American Financial Crisis and its Counterneasures

    International Symposium "Institutional Changes in East Asia for Globalaization" Nankai University, Institute for Japanese Study, September 12-14. 

    Presentation date: 2009.09

  • American Financial Crisis and its Counterneasures

    Northeast Asia Development Forum 2009, Liaoning University, Shenyang, September 15. 

    Presentation date: 2009.09

  • How Modern Algebra was used in Economic Science in the 1950s: Breaking the Glass Wall to the Scientific Acceptance

    Hisotry of Economics Society, Annual Meeting (University of Colorad at Denver, June 26-29) 

    Presentation date: 2009.06

  • Japanese Contributions to the Study of General Equilibrium Theory with Special Focus on the Existence Question

    Conference on 'General Equilibirum as Knowledge' (University of Paris 1) 

    Presentation date: 2007.09

  • Thinking of Regional Cooperation for Energy Security in East Asia

    Beijing Conference co-organized by the Institute of Japanese Study, CASS, and the International Association of the Study for Asian Community 

    Presentation date: 2007.07

  • Kaname Akamatsu: His Economics of Natural Resorces, Regional Economy (Including the Fieldwork of South East Asia), the World Economy, Techonological Progress and Long-term Fluctuation, and Dialectic

    Society for the History of Japanese Economic Thought 

    Presentation date: 2007.06

  • Chair: Re-making the Boundaries of Economics in the 20th Century

    Annual Meetings of the Allied Social Science Associations (San Diego, 2004/1/3-5) 

    Presentation date: 2004.01

  • Structural reforms and economists in Japanese government: From the 1980s to the present

    Japanese Society for the History of Economic Thought 

    Presentation date: 2003.05

  • 社会科学教育とピア・レビュー(学生間批評)−コンピュータ・ネットワークを利用して−

    早稲田大学 公開シンポジウム「21世紀型大学教育の可能性を求めて」 (2003/2/1) 

    Presentation date: 2003.02

  • Structural reforms and economists in Japanese government: From the 1990s to the present

    International Economic Association, Lisbon (2002/9/9-13) 

    Presentation date: 2002.09

  • 双方向性実験授業「現代社会科学論」−グローバル化とピア・レビュー−

    PCカンファレンス (東京, 2002/8/6-7) 

    Presentation date: 2002.08

  • History of economics in Japan: A social science

    Presentation date: 2001.11

  • History of economics in Japan: A social science

    HOPE Conference on 'The Future of the History of Economics', Duke University, Durham, NC (2001/4/27-29) 

    Presentation date: 2001.04

  • Comments on Ronald Dore's 'Reform? The Dubious Benefits of Marketisation'

    Conference on 'Economic Reform in Japan: Can the Japanese Change?' origanized by Craig Freedman at Macquarie University, Sydney 

    Presentation date: 2000.07

  • Monetary Economics and Policy in Pre-WWII Japan

    International Economic Association, World Congress (1999/8/23-27) 

    Presentation date: 1999.09

  • 一般均衡の存在問題の研究史:日本から見た展開


    Presentation date: 1998.10

  • The spread of classical economics in Japan

    History of Economics Society, Montreal (1998/6/19-22) 

    Presentation date: 1998.06

  • 1945年以降の日本の経済学−国際比較に向けて−


    Presentation date: 1997.11

  • The study of the existence of general equilibrium: A history as viewed from Japan

    European Conference on the History of Economics, Athens (1997/4/17-19) 

    Presentation date: 1997.04

  • Three Japanese women economists in Japan: Kikue Yamakawa, Koko Sanpei and Setsu Tanino. The international monetary policy discussion in Japan

    History of Economics Society, Vancouver (1996/6/29-7/1) 

    Presentation date: 1996.06

  • The development of Keynesian-type economics in Japan

    European Conference on the History of Economics, Lisbon (1996/2/8-9) 

    Presentation date: 1996.02

  • How mathematics changed economics through the study of the existence problem

    International Economic Association, Tunis (1995/12) 

    Presentation date: 1995.12

  • The development of 'Keynesian economics' in Japan


    Presentation date: 1995.10

  • How mathematics changed economics through the study of the existence problem.

    Presentation date: 1995.09

  • Comments on Dajin Peng's 'Does Confucianism matter? -- The role of East Asian culture in East Asian economic development'

    The Second International Symposium on East Asia, Kokugakuin University, Tokyo (1995/8/31-9/1) 

    Presentation date: 1995.08

  • Post-1945 Internationalization of Economics: Japan

    HOPE-Duke Conference (1995/4/7-9) 

    Presentation date: 1995.04

  • The advent of marginalism in Japan

    Veblen Society, Chicago (1993/9/11) 

    Presentation date: 1993.09

  • 日本の近代化と草の根貯蓄運動日本経済思想史研究の発展

    Symposium on the economic and social thought and modernization in East Asia, Beijing (1993/4/27-29) 

    Presentation date: 1993.04

  • 米市場についての統計学的研究−−日本における初期の計量経済学研究


    Presentation date: 1992.11

  • When economics harmonized mathematics in Japan: A history of stability analysis, 1945-1950

    International Economic Association, Moscow (1992/8/24) 

    Presentation date: 1992.08

  • Japanese modern economics, 1930-1945

    History of Economics Society, Washington D. C. (1991/6/15-17?) 

    Presentation date: 1991.06

  • Knut Wicksell's Captal Theory and Monetary Theory

    Japanese Society for the History of Economic Thought 

    Presentation date: 1990.11

  • The Introduction of the general equilibrium theory in Japan: A comparison with the English-speaking world

    Presentation date: 1990.10

  • 利子率の調整不良−ヴィクセルとケインズ−


    Presentation date: 1984.11

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Research Projects

  • Continuity in the History of Japanese Economic Thought and the Global History

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • Historical Research on Japanese Energy Policy Thought

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    IKEO Aiko, MAKINO Kuniaki, YIN Xiaolian, LIM Chaisung, ARAKAWA Kenichi

     View Summary

    Thanks to our international research collaboration, we have confirmed that energy has close relationship with the technology available at each time. Coal facilitated Japan’s international trade and industrialization after Japan's opening. It was realized in the 19th century, when electricity was introduced into our life, that electric power would become significantly important in modernization and industrialization. Private enterprises began to supply electric power in Japan. Petroleum has been an important import item for Japan since it became fuel for transportation. Japan’s oil policy depends on international relations, international environment, and the business strategy of oil-exporting companies. Thanks to the policy of “Atoms for Peace”, atomic power was introduced into electric power generation, and now China is constructing an increasing number of atomic power plants. The energy trend in the rest of the world should be considered in making energy policy for Japan

  • 日本のエネルギー政策思想についての国際歴史共同研究

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(C))

    Project Year :


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  • A Joint Research on the history of Japanese Energy Policy Thought

    Project Year :


     View Summary

    Thanks to our international research collaboration, we have confirmed that energy has close relationship with the technology available at each time. Coal facilitated Japan’s international trade and industrialization after Japan's opening. It was realized in the 19th century, when electricity was introduced into our life, that electric power would become significantly important in modernization and industrialization. Private enterprises began to supply electric power in Japan. Petroleum has been an important import item for Japan since it became fuel for transportation. Japan’s oil policy depends on international relations, international environment, and the business strategy of oil-exporting companies. Thanks to the policy of “Atoms for Peace”, atomic power was introduced into electric power generation, and now China is constructing an increasing number of atomic power plants. The energy trend in the rest of the world should be considered in making energy policy for Japan

  • The Econometric Society History Initiative

    Project Year :


  • History of econometrics as an exact and inseparate science

    Project Year :


  • General equilibrium as knowledge

    Project Year :


  • Paradigms in Economics

    Project Year :


  • A Comparative Study of Economics, Social Sciences and Media for Education in Advanced Countries

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    IKEO Aiko

     View Summary

    The social sciences and media in Japan Computers and networks have been dramatically spread in both research and education in the social sciences for three years. Many national and international organizations (including the International Economic Association) established their Web site, and began to provide with the latest information and resolutions. The research style of many scholars has been changed due to the on-line resources including official data and scientific journals. In teaching social sciences at universities I proposed that "wisely guided peer review" with the use of e-learning tools is effective enough to enhance the quality of student course essays.Japanese political economy I focused on the role of economists in Japanese government since 1945 with referring to existing and on-going international comparative studies. Japanese economists became conspicuous in the policy-making process during the period of economic reconstruction after the loss of WWII (1945-52), the reform of the Japan National Railway in the 1980s, and the discussion for economic reforms (including deregulation) after the mid 1990s compared with attending government deliberation committees. This study shows that a number of Japanese economists (who were specialized in economic policies) changed their attitude toward economic research from theory-oriented to application-oriented during 1995-96, when the US government and several American economists vehemently criticized the Japan's "protectionist" policies

  • The Future of the History of Economics

    Project Year :


  • A statistical study of Japanese economics since 1945

    Project Year :


  • A Statistical Study of Japanese Economics since 1945

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    IKEO Aiko, AKAMA Michio, NOGUCHI Asahi, KAWAMATA Masahiro, YAGI Kiichiro, MINOGUCHI Takeo, NISHIZAWA Tamotsu

     View Summary

    This project aims at making an objective study of Japanese economics with some statistical data and analysis, and at summarizing the characteristics of Japanese economics both in academy and policy making. We have several observations as follows : (1) In Japan, several societies for economists were established in the 1940s and economists resumed active research a few years after the conclusion of the Pacific part of WWII.Japanese economists were interested in variety of fields, not only mathematical economics but also non-mathematical, policy argument and historical research. (2) With regards to the international contribution written in English by Japanese economists, we have statistically confirmed that Japanese economists have made great contributions to theoretical and mathematical economics rather than the study of economic policies. (3) We emphasize that Japanese economists have published many works on economic policies in Japanese. In the post-WWII period, they cooperated with officers and clarified the peculiarity of the Japanese economy and Japan's ability to pay reparations. From 1995 on, they participate in numerous councils on Japan's economy, industries and international relations with other economies, teach officers in intensive courses on advanced economics, join research institutes at ministries and agencies, and give direct advice to minsters and officers. Thus, formally and informally they exert some influence on Japan's policy making and policy makers. (4) We have confirmed statistically that Japanese Marxian economists made substantial contributions to the study of the history of economic thought

  • The Post-1945 Internationalization of Economics

    Project Year :


  • Marginalism at the Margins

    Project Year :


  • The development of international economics focused on Japan since the 20th century

     View Summary

    (1) East Asian Regional Economic IntegrationThe Chinese and Indian economies have been growing rapidly for years and began to show some impacts on its neighboring countries including Japan. I participated in two conferences held in P.R.C. and tried to inform the common understanding and perceptions held by Japanese scholars relating to regional economic integration and its historical background. At the international symposium on The development of East Asian economic integration and regional cooperation' held at Nankai University, Tianjin, in November 2006, I presented the paper The formation of the East Asian Community and the relationship with global institutions and forums : Centered on energetic cooperation. At the conference co-organized by the International Society for an Asian Community and the Institute of Japanese Study, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, I presented the paper'Thinking of energy security in East Asia'in July 2007. Through the intensive discussion, we have confirmed that the transfer of energy-saving technology, which will also contribute to the reduction of the environmental problems, should be the first important topic which Chinese, Korean and Japanese can discuss sincerely to make a step forward to the mutual understanding for the community building.(2) The history of international economics in JapanI made a special study of the economist, Kaname Akamatsu (1896-1974). Akamatsu studied philosophy and economics in Germany during 1924-25 and in the US for a couple of months in 1926 and he invented the flying-geese-pattern theory of development based on his empirical study of Japan's woolen and cotton textile industry in the 1930s. The theory became known in the world after he published 2 papers in English. Akamatsu was the first Japanese economist with knowledge of distribution of natural resources in East Asia thanks to his participation in the field study of natural resources in the north part of P.R.C. and then in Singapore, Malaysia, and Indonesia in the early 1940s. I interviewed with his best student Kiyoshi Kojima and received several materials from him in December 2006, and Ryuzo Sato, who learned the theory in Akamatsu's course at Hitotsubashi University and became an able mathematical economist in the US, in February 2007. My research result was published as Critical Biography: Kaname Akamatsu in February 2008. I also made a special study of Takashi Negishi stayed in the US in the late 1950s and in Australia in the late 1960s, and published a series of papers and a book in general equilibrium theory and trade theory. Negishi built a various formal models to clarify the focal points of the issues relating to the real world such as infant industry protection policy and monopolistic competition among a few firms. I co-authored the entry ‘Japan, Economics in' for the revised version of A New Palgrave: A Dictionary of Economics with T. Nishizawa, and write the parts in international economics, neoclassical economics and general equilibrium theory. I obtained the important documents relating to the roundtable conference of the International Economic Association which was held in Gamagori, near Nagoya, in 1960 from Ichiro Hotta, a student of Ichiro Nakayama's. It was the first international economic conference to be held in Japan and its theme was 'Economic development with special reference to East Asia'. I plan to use the materials including the conference volume, newspaper articles and memorial pictures in my research in the future

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Overseas Activities

  • 国際経済学の歴史的展開-日本との国際比較研究-


    アメリカ   デューク大学


  • Faculty of International Research and Education   Graduate School of Asia Pacific Studies

  • Affiliated organization   Global Education Center

  • Faculty of Commerce   Graduate School of Commerce

Research Institute

  • 2019

    Research Institute of Business Administration   Concurrent Researcher

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 天野為之と発明・企業論、国際貿易、ジェンダー問題


     View Summary

     2017年5月に出版した『グローバリゼーションがわかる』に、天野為之の発明論(技術・技術進歩)と国際貿易に関する議論を組み入れることができ、天野為之研究の成果を専門学会や早稲田大学の枠を越えて発表することができた。石橋湛山が1934年に創刊した『オリエンタル・エコノミスト』(The Oriental Economist)について、立正大学石橋湛山研究センターにおいて特別研究員として共同研究に従事することができ、同誌は『東洋経済新報』の単純な英訳ではなく、性質が異なる雑誌であるとの結論に達した。日本女性の経済学について考察を進め、英文ハンドブックの1章となる予定の原稿を仕上げた。

  • 天野為之と企業論、国際貿易、実業教育、経済雑誌: 福澤諭吉を参照して


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     北米経済学史学会年次大会(米デューク大学)において、天野為之と福沢諭吉の企業論・国際貿易論を含めて東アジアでの海外直接投資の進展について発表した。石橋湛山研究学会において、英文雑誌 Oriental Economist の経済記事の特徴について1930-50年代を中心に発表した。Oriental Economistは敗戦後の日本経済の再建と、国際貿易・海外投資の展開にむけて、日本情報発信のプラットフォームとなっていたといえる。19世紀終盤に創刊された『東洋経済新報』が、国際貿易・海外投資の展開に必要な内外の情報を掲載していたのと重なり合うといえる。

  • 天野為之と経済学、経済雑誌、実業教育


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  • 経済学の歴史における天野為之と石橋湛山:経済雑誌と「学理と実際の調和」


     View Summary


  • 20世紀半ば以降の経済学者の知的交流と経済学の国際化


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     20世紀以降における経済学の国際化にはいくつかの原因や局面がある。今回のプロジェクトでは、経済学者の知的交流と統計学の利用について調査を進めた。 第1に、アメリカ人経済学者マーティン・ブロンフェンブレナーが、占領期に日本に数ヶ月以上滞在して日本人経済学者たちと交流した唯一の外国人経済学者であったことに注目した。彼の公刊論文と未公刊自伝をたどることにより、アメリカ側が、石橋蔵相追放、ドッジ・ライン実施、シャウプ使節団による税制改革勧告、貿易再建までを、日本経済復興のための必要諸条件として理解していたことを明らかにした。まず、日本語論文の公刊を予定している。 第2に、北米やヨーロッパの経済学史研究においては、1980年代から統計学の利用や計量経済学の発展が注目されていた。背景には、コンピュータやソフトウェアの低廉化と性能向上、データベースの品質の向上がある。計量経済学史の国際比較プロジェクトに参加し、日本について、杉本栄一、市村真一、畠中道雄、雨宮健の貢献を中心にまとめあげ、日本の計量経済学研究の特徴が、マクロ計量経済モデルの熱心な作成にあることを強調した。赤池弘次や佐和隆光の貢献については、今後の課題として残っている。 第3に、1997年東アジア通貨危機と2008年世界金融危機の比較を試みた論文を、中国でのシンポジウムで発表した。1997年危機について、中国と、韓国・日本では理解の仕方が異なっていることがわかってきた。今後も、戦後金融史研究を続けていく予定である。

  • 先進国と発展途上国の政治経済学とIT革命の影響-日本中心の国際比較研究-


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     本研究では、とくに貿易論や国際経済学の展開に注目した。7月に出席したオーストラリア経済学史学会では、「貿易論史をいかに書くか」というセッションが組まれることがわかっていたので、「日本の経済学者と国際経済摩擦:1985年の転換点」という題で発表する際に、日本における貿易論や国際経済学の展開についての議論を組み込んでおいた。学会では、国際経済学全般の歴史を含めて、オーストラリアの研究者の視点からの討議が繰広げられた。貿易論を数学化した功績が最も大きいと目されるマーレィ・ケンプ氏(オーストラリア出身、アメリカで課程博士号取得)の参加も得て、オーストラリア人中心に大いに盛り上がった。ケンプ氏とは多くの日本人経済学者たちが共同論文を書いたり、研究交流を行なったりしているので、その面からも大変貴重な対面議論に臨むことができた。 8-9月の国際経済学協会モロッコ大会では、国際経済学のセッションが多数あり、理論的研究、実証的研究、国際機関や政府関係者の発表もあり、世界大会にふさわしい諸研究の諸断面を見ることができた。ここでも、国際機関関係者から、日本政府の対応についてのコメントをえるなど、個別の情報収集をすることもできた。 研究成果は、論文と章がある。

  • 先進国の経済学・社会科学の比較研究


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     平成12年度科学研究費補助金対象となったプロジェクト「先進国の経済学・社会科学および教材メディアの比較研究」について、アンケート調査を実施・出力するなど補足するために、特定課題研究助成費を利用させていただいた。1.社会科学の中で最も国際化の進んだ経済学においてすら、「欧米の経済学」という括りは適切ではない。先進国における社会科学を比較する際、オーストラリア・ニュージーランドの取り扱いに注意する必要がある。成果の一部は、拙編 Japanese Economics and Economists since 1945 と、書評The Development of Economics in Western Europe since 1945, ed. by A. W. Coatsとして公表。7月にシドニィで開催された「日本の経済改革」をめぐる国際会議の記録は、2001年夏に出版予定。2.戦後日本における経済学史研究は、社会科学研究の一環として行われてきた側面がある。アンケート調査に基づいて、先進国における「経済学史の将来」を議論する会議用論文 ‘History of Economics in Japan: A Form of Social Science' を作成し、早稲田大学産業経営研究所 Working Paper Series No. 2000-05 として配布。2001年4月26-29日にアメリカ合衆国ノースカロライナ州ダラムにあるデューク大学で開催された Duke-HOPE 会議 'The Future of the History of Economics' において、発表。日本の経済思想史研究には、日本の社会思想や「哲学」、伝統文化に関する研究も含まれ、注目すべき成果をあげている。依頼論文 'History of Japanese Economic Thought' として公表。

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