Updated on 2025/03/13

Faculty of Education and Integrated Arts and Sciences, School of Education
Job title
Master of Education ( Naruto University of Education )

Research Experience

  • 2005

    Waseda University

  • 2001

    Waseda University   School of Education

  • 1998

    同 助教授

  • 1997

    Ministry of Education,Culture,Sports,Science and Technology

  • 1988


Education Background


    Naruto University of Education   Graduate School, Division of School Education  


    Kyoto University of Education   Faculty of Education  

Professional Memberships


    Japan Society for Information and Media Studies


    Japan Society for Educational Technology



Research Areas

  • Educational technology

Research Interests

  • 大学授業改善、授業評価調査、メディア教材構造分析、情報教育


  • WASEDA e-Teaching Award

    2015.05   Waseda University, Center for Higher Education Studies  

    Winner: MIO, Tadao

  • 日本教育工学会『論文賞』




  • 教職新科目「教育ICT」にかかわる一考察(2)-幼保系人材養成の視点から-

    波多野 和彦, 中村 佐里, 三尾 忠男

    日本教育工学会研究報告集   2022 ( 2 ) 102 - 105  2022.06

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  • プログラミング教育の指導に対する不安を軽減するための試案

    中村 佐里, 三尾 忠男, 波多野 和彦

    日本教育工学会研究報告集   2022 ( 2 ) 90 - 95  2022.06

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  • 小学校でのプログラミングの教育指導にかかわる不安要因について

    中村 佐里, 三尾 忠男, 波多野 和彦

    日本教育工学会研究報告集   2022 ( 1 ) 147 - 150  2022.05

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  • 学んだ知識を実践に活かすための働きかけ(2)

    波多野 和彦, 中村 佐里, 三尾 忠男

    日本教育工学会研究報告集   2021 ( 4 ) 17 - 20  2021.12

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    DOI CiNii

  • 学んだ知識を実践に活かすための働きかけ

    波多野 和彦, 中村 佐里, 三尾 忠男

    日本教育工学会研究報告集   2021 ( 3 ) 186 - 189  2021.10

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    DOI CiNii

  • 幼保系人材育成課程から見た算数指導とプログラミング教育に関わる一考察(5)

    波多野 和彦, 中村 佐里, 遠藤 敏喜, 三尾 忠男

    日本教育工学会研究報告集   19 ( 3 ) 69 - 72  2019.07

  • 授業観察から見た思考のアクティブ化を目指すための課題

    波多野 和彦, 中村 佐里, 三尾 忠男

    教育総合研究 : 江戸川大学教職課程センター紀要     5 - 6  2019.03

  • 初学者の視点を踏まえたプログラミング授業の設計と実践-「情報Ⅰ」へのスムースな移行に備えて‐

    中村佐里, 波多野 和彦, 三尾 忠男

    日本情報科教育学会   11 ( 1 ) 43 - 48  2019  [Refereed]

  • 初学者が抱く「難しさ」に着目したプログラミング授業の設計と実践

    中村佐里, 波多野和彦, 三尾忠男

    日本教育工学会研究報告集   18 ( 5 ) 179 - 182  2018.12

  • 幼保人材育成課程から見た算数指導とプログラミング教育に関わる一考察(3)

    波多野和彦, 中村佐里, 遠藤敏喜, 三尾忠男

    日本教育工学会研究報告集   18 ( 5 ) 155 - 158  2018.12


  • 幼保人材育成課程から見た算数指導とプログラミング教育に関わる一考察(2)

    波多野和彦, 中村佐里, 遠藤敏喜, 三尾忠男

    日本教育工学会研究報告集   18 ( 4 ) 105 - 108  2018.10


  • 情報教育からみた幼稚園教諭等に求められる資質能力にかかわる一考察

    波多野和彦, 中村佐里, 三尾忠男

    日本教育工学会研究報告集   18 ( 3 ) 67 - 70  2018.07


  • 文系学生に対するプログラミング学習体験が及ぼす影響について

    中村佐里, 自由学園最高学部, 波多野和彦, 三尾忠男

    日本教育工学会研究報告集   18 ( 1 ) 29 - 32  2018.05

  • 幼保系人材育成課程から見た算数指導とプログラミング教育に関わる一考察

    波多野和彦, 中村佐里, 遠藤敏喜, 最高, 三尾忠男

    日本教育工学会研究報告集   18 ( 2 ) 161 - 164  2018.05


  • 幼保人材育成課程での学びから見たプログラミング教育にかかわる一考察

    波多野和彦, 川大, 中村佐里, 最高, 三尾忠男

    日本教育工学会研究報告集   18 ( 1 ) 137 - 140  2018.03

  • 持続可能なアクティブ・ラーニングの実施にかかわる諸課題と実践

    波多野和彦, 中村佐里, 三尾忠男

    江戸川大学 こどもコミュニケーション研究紀要   1   37 - 44  2018.03  [Refereed]

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  • Design and practice of programming class in high school for beginners‐Toward to reconsideration on subject "Information" for all students ‐

    Nakamura Sari, Hatano Kazuhiko, Mio Tadao

    Journal of Japanese Association for Education of Information   11 ( 1 ) 41 - 46  2018

    DOI CiNii

  • 大学生の情報リテラシーと情報端末の画面サイズとの関連における一考察

    河村研, 中村佐里, 濱中征司, 学大, 三尾忠男

    日本教育工学会研究報告集   17 ( 5 ) 175 - 180  2017.12

  • 作業課題を思考のアクティブ化に結びつけるための試み

    波多野和彦, 中村佐里, 三尾忠男

    日本教育工学会研究報告集   17 ( 5 ) 1 - 4  2017.12

  • 大学生の質問行動に関する調査研究 : 主体的な質問行動と知能観に着目して

    武藤浩子, 三尾忠男

    日本教育工学会研究報告集   17 ( 1 ) 391 - 398  2017.03

  • 持続可能なアクティブ・ラーニングの実施にかかわる一考察

    波多野和彦, 中村佐里, 三尾忠男

    教育システム情報学会研究報告   31 ( 6 ) 69 - 70  2017

  • 制約のある授業におけるアクティブ・ラーニング実施にかかわる一考察

    波多野和彦, 中村佐里, 三尾忠男

    情報コミュニケーション学会(第21回研究会)研究報告   13 ( 4 ) 29 - 30  2016

  • タブレット端末活用にかかわる一考察 ~ 授業等のためにタブレット端末を共同利用するために ~

    波多野, 和彦, 中村, 佐里, 永嶋, 昌博, 三尾, 忠男

    Informatio : 江戸川大学の情報教育と環境 / 江戸川大学情報環境研究所 [監修]   12   25 - 28  2015.03  [Refereed]


  • 消費者教育につなげるメディア・リテラシー教育に関する考察

    横室宏紀, 三尾忠男

    日本教育工学会研究報告集   16 ( 1 ) 501 - 506  2015.03

  • 私立総合大学教員養成課程におけるマイクロティーチングの導入

    三尾忠男, 牧野智和

    早稲田教育評論   24 ( 1 ) 159 - 167  2010.03  [Refereed]


  • これからの子どもに求められる能力にかかわる一考察-全米教育技術能力基準・生徒版に対するイメージ調査-

    波多野和彦, 奥野雅和, 文教高等学校, 山路進(日本私学教育研究所, 三尾忠男, 坂元昂, 日本教育工学振

    日本教育工学会   JSET 09 ( 2 ) 145 - 148  2009.05

  • 規模クラスにおけるフィードバック作業の負荷を軽減する試み 2

    波多野和彦, メディア教育開発センタ, 三尾忠男

    日本教育工学会研究報告集   JSET08 ( 2 ) 75 - 78  2008.05


  • 大規模クラスにおけるフィードバック作業の負荷を軽減する試み

    波多野和彦, メディア教育開発センタ, 三尾忠男

    日本教育工学会研究報告集   JSET07 ( 4 ) 175 - 178  2007.10

  • Effect of Experience in Immersive VR on Application Image

    Ayako MIO, Tadao MIO, Kanji AKAHORI

        1385 - 1392  2006.03

  • 学生側からの「大学生の学力」観構築に向けて一調査

    牧野智和, 三尾忠男

    日本教育工学会研究報告集   JET02 ( 6 ) 45 - 52  2002.12


  • Development of Structural Gategories and Media Complexity Scales in Audiovisual Materials

    MIO Tadao

    Japan Journal of Educational Technology   21 ( 2 ) 129 - 141  1997  [Refereed]

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    This paper presents an analyzing method by structural description and morphologic characteristics of elements in audiovisual materials. Three TV programs were used from the University of the Air lecture series. For each program, audiovisual information was divided into image and sound. A categorized system was developed which separately classified information by structural elements and presentation techniques. Whole and partial characteristics can be compared by using relative appearance time, average continuity time and time domain transition charts. In addition, the whole tendency was analyzed with a state transition chart, as state transition of information elements can be shown clearly by converted categories to state patterns with weight of presentation functions. For preparation of media complexity scale, state patterns were scored to get multiplicity for function of audiovisual information. As a result of analyzing the structural description and state transition charts, a different characteristic classification of material structure was shown from shot analysis.

    DOI CiNii

  • 映像教材の画像情報と音響情報の構造分析1構造カテゴリーとメディア複雑性の開発

    日本教育工学会研究報告集   92/2  1992

  • 日本語音声入力法に対する"親しみやすさ"への要因間交互作用の検討(共著)

    日本教育工学雑誌   12 ( 4 ) 121 - 127  1989.03  [Refereed]


  • 一次情報の提供を可能とする教材管理検索システム

    永野和男, 田村剛啓, 三尾忠男

    日本教育工学会研究報告集   87 ( 1 ) 89 - 94  1987

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Books and Other Publications

  • 早稲田教育ブックレット31 私学の教員養成を探る

    湯川次義, 堀江敏彦, 三尾忠男, 野口穂高( Part: Joint author, デジタル時代の私学での教員養成の在り方-オンライン教育の新時代-)

    早稲田大学教育総合研究所  2024.03 ISBN: 9784762032981

  • 早稲田大学が創る教師教育

    早稲田大学教育総合研究所( Part: Joint author, 教師教育改革の現状と教職支援センターの役割)

    学文社  2017.03 ISBN: 9784762027215

  • 授業評価活用ハンドブック

    山地弘起, 三尾忠男ほ

    玉川大学出版  2007.04 ISBN: 9784472403378

  • FD(ファカルティ・ディベロップメント)で大学教育が変わる

    三尾忠男, 吉田 文

    文葉社  2002.10 ISBN: 4998090763

  • バーチャル・ユニバーシティ-IT革命が日本の大学を変える(共著)

    (株)アルク  2001


  • 学生と変える大学教育:FDを楽しむという発想

    大学教育学会第31回大会 ラウンドテーブル 

    Presentation date: 2009.06

Research Projects

  • オンライン学習を視野に入れたアクティブ・ラーニングの連続性に着目した指導法の開発

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    三尾 忠男, 波多野 和彦

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    初年度は、研究課題1,2を主に実施した。調査の試行段階とし、大学生へのアンケート調査を実施し、調査項目と分析方法を検討する。研究課題3については、学習指導要領、学士力、社会人基礎力、2 1世紀型学力(以降、「4種の学力観」と呼ぶ)について学生を交え、4種の学力観の要素の関係マップを試作を開始する。

  • Support for Sustainable Active Learning Classes on University, and The Effect Measurement using the Information and Communication apparatuses

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



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    In a university of our country, introduction of the active learning advances for a class. The class not to make active learning decreased in most end-point by class evaluation research. The lecturer needs the confirmation of the effect of the active learning. We should add up the satisfaction of the student by a class of every time using clickers. The lecturer’s motivation lasts and can carry out appropriate active learning by a class. Furthermore, with teaching portfolio, we list the job portfolio which expanded the schedule in a week. Class preparations showed that it was possible more effectively by referring to it. This will be requirements necessary to continue inquiring into good classes, too.

  • 大学教員・学生の授業観と授業改善、学士力を結びつける授業評価のモデル開発

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(C))

    Project Year :


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  • A practical study on development of teaching which assure the university students' ability

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    HASHIMOTO Tateo, OTSUKA Yusaku, MIO Tadao, SUZUKI Makoto, KOMIYAMA Kiyoko, KAWAKAMI Shogo, SUGIMOTO Kousaku, ASHIMOTO Yukari, SUZUKI Keiko

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    The quality of university education is asked their significance as higher education became more diversified. Thus, universities are faced with the challenge of how to accomplish an idea of what university education ought to be, and how to assure ability of graduate students in their education. Faculty development and teaching evaluation questionnaire by university students have been carried out to improve teaching for these purposes. Although these efforts are helpful to uplift awareness of faculty, it is not enough to enhance student's ability. Faculty need to image how student will be on graduation, and have to share the image each others. In addition, faculties need to develop their class to bring the students close to the image. This study define image of students who are educated in every university as "students who has abilities which involve the task, think themselves, express their view, and prove themselves", and examined how to foster the ability in various classes.
    There are various major and classes in universities. Members of this research have developed their class to foster the ability of students who were defined in above. As result of two years practice, we realize

  • Research of Class Evaluation Investigation that Supports Growth of Teacher of University

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    MIO Tadao, NAGASHIMA Hitonori, KIKUCHI Eiji, NANBU Masatoshi, URANO Hiroshi, HATANO Kazuhiko

     View Summary

    The difference between the perception about the present state of affairs and the problem consideration arranged how the teacher of the university grew up as those who taught it by individual's seeing the class and. investigating the class evaluation in the following points for practice by those who taught it who were the person in charge of the subject of a certain. teacher-training course arranged the case in the effect of giving it.
    1.Effect on class improvement of accumulation to make teaching portfolio Those who taught it recognized the viewpoint of a high class improvement of concreteness or more by exchanging making to the electron and that of the material of a lecture, related material of the result, the class evaluation investigation result(summary), and the facilities equipment(The photograph is included) among those who taught it, and it was possible to try actually. Moreover, it was effective to a more appropriate method and making the standard by exchanging these information on the evaluation of learning results.
    2. The class evaluation investigation and usual Mio, the southern part, Urano, and Hatano by the mark sheet analyzed Mio and Hatano by the adult number class(2

  • Acase study of making the staff who link the faculty members and the office workers in university.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    HAYASHI Tomomi, HASHIMOTO Tateo, SHIGECHI Toru, OTUKA Yusaku, SUZUKI Makoto, MIO Tadao

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    The aim of this study is making the new university reform model in Japan. This model shows efforts at making the staff that links the faculty members and the office workers in university. The staff is looked to advance the concrete reforms.
    Since 2007, we had tried to fostering staff abilities for her to take part in some committees, secretariats, and academic parties in faculty of education, Nagasaki University. We analyzed this experiences and extracted factors to link the faculty members and the office workers.
    As a result, we could reveal the staff's demanded ability. It was the proposition to carry out plans for solving issues. While we realized it was difficult to make the new area of work, we convinced to be able to make it nicely. It is needed that the faculty members and the office workers stepped in the mutual spheres and consulted as to what to do.
    This study resulted in showing possibility of the new area of work. However, it had limitations that we couldn't get the new university reform model because we analyzed only one case study. Hereafter, we will need to adapt the experience of Nagasaki University to another university and will need to confirm the usefulness.

  • Basic Study on Child Development and Curriculum Development from the Viewpoint of Brain Sciences

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    ABIKO Tadahiko, NAKAGAKI Kei, SAKATSUME Kazuyuki, MIO Tadao

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    The purpose of this study is to develop the effective curriculum on the base of the results of brain sciences on child development.
    First, on the development of children from the age of zero to t hat of twelve the classical Piaget's theory might be mostly restressed by Professor K Fischer, Harvard University, and in addition, Professor Nakagaki discovered the'jump or stage'around the age of 9 in'change of phase'whether children can distinguish the real world from the possible world, based on the change which we can make a more'general developmental stages'that has been wondered so fat Moreover, Dr. J.Giedd (NIB) and his group found that new neurons should be produced to make the neuron network renewal around the age of 9, the early adolescence.
    Second, Dr. Sakatsume is eager to invent a good method of assessment of developmental disorder children from the viewpoint of higher brain functions, in terms of neuropsychology and clinical psychology. He developed a manual of assessment method and instructional method in practices.
    Third, Professor Mio tried to collect a lot of data from his experimental lessons for teachers who had 10 years experience, and he got a temporal system of Imme

  • Development of a training program for faculties to improve their ability of teaching

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KAZUHIKO Hatano, MIWA Makiko, AOKI Kumiko, NANBU Masatoshi, MURASE Koichiro, MIO Tadao

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    We have visited Generation YES (USA), SCRE (The Scottish Council for Research in Education) in Glasgow University, GUIDE (Glasgow University Initiative in Distance Education), BETT (UK), Education Show (UK), Teachers' TV (UK), and WISE consortium (USA). And we have classified cases to use ICT for education in UK and USA.
    We have selected keywords for sampling some instructional modules from broadcast contents, and arranged a usage of those modules by trial and error in some teacher training course of university.
    We have surveyed in Web contents on professional development provided by Japanese universities. We have tracked a trainee of self-improvement course of their class. And we have selected abilities of teaching in universities.
    On the basis of the activity mentioned above, we have made basic data on professional development for Japanese universities.

  • A proving study on the system for improving university classes with student's evaluation and faculty development

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    HASHIMOTO Tateo, OTSUKA Yusaku, YAMAJI Hiroki, SUZUKI Makoto, MIO Tadao, KIHARA Hiroshi

     View Summary

    The university classes must give understandings and accomplishments to each student. For ten years, we have tried to improve the methods of classes using faculty developments. So, we analyzed and discussed the situation carefully, on student's evaluation of universities classes. we thought that it was impossible to make the fixed style for improving classes in universities. Therefore, each researcher push forward with the ideas for improving classes with student participation. these activities are as follows ;
    (1)Improvement of classes using teacher training.
    (2)Improvement of classes using the in crease of student's accomplishment.
    (3)Improvement of classes using the analysis of student's evaluations.
    (4)Improvement of classes using the e-learning.
    And, we connected these improvements with faculty developments of each university.

  • Research into competence and measurement of teaching evaluation by faculty and students for the improvement of higher education

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    YAMAJI Hiroki, OTSUKA Yusaku, MIO Tadao, HATANO Kazuhiko, NAKAMURA Tomoyasu, TAGUCHI Mana

     View Summary

    This research stresses the interaction of teacher and student characteristics regarding evaluative criteria and competence. Its achievement is as follows :
    Year 1
    1 A theoretical framing from the interactive viewpoint for delineating common directions of teaching improvement.
    2 Exploration of free response data regarding student conceptions of class teaching, evaluation, and meta-cognition of learning.
    3 Exploration of teacher conceptions in the context of FD and collaborative class development.
    4 Development of an accountability perspective on student ratings of class teaching.
    5 A statistical investigation into evaluation measures and class description schemes.
    6 Evaluation of inexpensive evaluation support systems.
    Year 2
    7 Exploration of student conceptions of class teaching, evaluation, and meta-cognition of learning by questionnaire and interview studies.
    8 Exploration of teacher conceptions of class teaching, evauation, learning evaluation, and evaluation standards by observation and questionnaire studies.
    9 A set of action research into a combination of shuttle methods and summative evaluation, and a comprehensive evauation study at the Kyoto University Faculty of Engineeri

  • Development of university lesson improvement method through co-operative work with digital teaching portfolios by two teachers.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    MIO Tadao, HATANO Kazuhiko

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    The aim of this research is to develop the method of improving lesson plans between two teachers at different organizations through the co-operative analysis using their electric teaching portfolios (TP). TPs are made for assessing objectively the contents of their lessons. Information on each stage has been shared between teachers from the early developing stage as the trial, the evaluation and the improvement one. The teachers are at different organizations but in the same specialty.
    (1)Accumulating Electric Teaching Portfolios of two teachers, who are author and the partaker.
    Every materials, students' evaluation and pre- post self evaluation on each lesson are recorded as Electric TP. As for new subject, logs of mutual comments, which are categorized, on contents and student information are added on it. Electric TP making is simple work and helps teachers more precise improvement. However we found that this method is not applicable for every year as the work for improvement makes teachers' work heavy load.
    (2)Analysis on the co-operative working process of developing the lesson materials and its method of evaluating students.
    Mutual evaluation processes are analyzed on material

  • 学生による大学授業の評価調査結果の活用に関する研究

    Project Year :


  • エル・ネット「オープンカレッジ」放送番組の評価調査

    Project Year :


  • 大学授業の自己改善を目的としたティーチング・ポートフォリオ活用に関する研究

    科学研究費助成事業(メディア教育開発センター)  科学研究費助成事業(奨励研究(A))

    Project Year :


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    学生による大学授業の評価調査結果からから具体的な授業改善に結びつく情報を得る手段として、過去の調査データとの比較とTeac hing Portfolioを参照するという方法を検証した。

  • Development of a Support System for School Librarians on ICT Education

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    HATANO Kazuhiko, MURAYAMA Isao, MATSUDA Toshiki, YAMAJI Hiroki

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    School librarians are expected to play a part in "media specialists" from a link in the chain of a policy on ICT (Information and Communications Technology) education (MEXT 1998). We have focused on training school librarians in skills of appropriate uses of ICT in their educational activities.
    1. We have developed the Materials Management System, by which users are able to search target modules by keywords, select them by clicking, and make HTML documents automatically.
    2. We have worked on a plan to make school librarians to train on using ICT for their educational activities, and our members have tried it in practice.
    3. By using our Materials Management System, we have worked on a plan to revise materials have prepared for classroom learning to self-support materials easily.
    4. With making visits to educational institutions, we have collected knowledge on flexible learning environments in practice.
    5. We have worked on a plan to evaluate, improve and spread materials and results And we have made some report on research meeting and have made a final report.

  • 高等教育におけるメディア教育・情報教育の高度化に関する研究

    科学研究費助成事業(京都大学)  科学研究費助成事業(特定領域研究(A))

    Project Year :


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  • R & D of Media-focused Faculty Development and Flexible Learning

    Project Year :


  • 大学教員のティーチング・ポートフォリオの作成支援に関する研究開発

    科学研究費助成事業(メディア教育開発センター)  科学研究費助成事業(奨励研究(A))

    Project Year :


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    本研究では、大学教員が日常の教育活動を簡潔にまとめ、コンピュータで情報管理することを通して授業の自己改善に結びつける方法を開発することを目的としている。そして、その情報を第3者で共有可能なTeaching Portfolioの制作支援するシステムの開発を目指している。今年度は、実際の授業(3種4授業)について作成を試みた。非常勤講師依頼とシラバス作成から、毎回の授業の準備と評価、最後の成績評価までの活動を記録にとり、関連資料をデータベース(ファイルメーカPro)で管理し、整理した。なお、ノートパソコンと小型スキャナ、デジタルカメラを常に携帯し、授業直後のできるだけ早い時期に、授業者の所見など主観評価を入力した。これらの作業は、昨年開発したデータベース構造によりかなり省力化された。

  • Measurement of Student Competency for Evaluating College Courses.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    YAMAJI Hiroki, HATANO Kazuhiko, MIO Tadao, OTSUKA Yusaku, NAKAMURA Tomoyasu

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    The research examined different aspects of competency used by students to evaluate college courses in view of elucidating their validity when implemented in real situations. Year 1 was spent in literature review regarding course evaluation by students and general methodology of measurement and evaluation. Several practices of course evaluation were also executed and examined both from the statistical viewpoint and content analysis, with the former bearing the observation of overall statistical stability with mean rating values, despite a wide variety among student population, as well as the latter qualitative analysis leading to a key perspective of dialogic participation of each constituent of learning communication. Year 2 focused on student cognition related to the validity of course evaluation and its further development. Free descriptions and importance rating of evaluation items revealed that, although the students do have a distinct set of perspectives evaluating class teaching, they are hardly certain of their response criteria due to little prior experience of course evaluation, ignorance of standard teaching efficacy and little awareness of other students' responses. Thos

  • Instructional methods and materials to support students' self-directed learning in psychology courses.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    ITOH Hideko, MIYAMOTO Masakazu, MIYAMOTO Tomohiro, MIO Tadao, NAKAZAWA Jun, OHNOGI Hiroaki

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    Purpose :
    This project aimed at studying instructional methods and materials to support students' self-directed learning in psychology courses.
    Major Outcomes :
    1. Studies of classroom instruction and evaluation of their effectiveness
    (1) Various kinds of teaching methods were applied to support students' self-directed learning. They included the following activities : Teaching developmental psychology through debate method ; Video production on educational problems such as bully, school phobia, learning disability ; Experiencing learning, instruction and evaluation ; Developing test items for school subjects in educational psychology ; Combination of video watching and discussion with constructive encounter group ; Realistic job previews (RJP) in a teacher training course. (2) Survey of classroom instruction revealed active participation by students and teachers in improving psychology education. (3) Self-efficacy as a measure of active participation was investigated in relation to goal settings, evaluation, conception of ability, and academic performance.
    2. Survey of audiovisual instructional materials
    A survey of audiovisual instructional materials revealed university teachers'

  • Research and Development on Optimization of Learning through Multimedia

    Project Year :



    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    MIO Tadao, MIYAZAKI Yayoi, KUME Horoshi

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    Structuring Operation of Teaching Records DataBase and its pragmatic Utilization have been studied in this research. Higher education has been included as well as primary & secondary education which are popular subjects.
    There are 4 study tasks as follow, 1) to review Data Structure of Teaching Records in past and to extract common ones as meaningful and creative for Teaching Studies, 2) to electronize past verbal Teaching Records and put them in DB (in short as DataBase) for Case Reference for teacher training, 3) to examine Media Environment suitable for teachers to input their teaching history by themselves in their daily work, and 4) to propose how to use DataBased Teaching Records. The method for input operation and its management of verbal Teaching Records have been studied on the above tasks in this study.
    Input Operation Method has been studied through Electronization of Teaching Records, including figures & lists and researchers* comments for them, with 83 Teaching Records in past as materials for DB Structure Study (reported on "Learn from Teaching Records" series in "Teaching Guidance Induction Course" (Education Development Institution))
    The method to utilize them effec

  • The Study of the New Technology-Based Higher Education as Open Learning

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    IKEDA Terumasa, TODAYAMA Kazuhisa, YAMADA Fumiyasu, MIO Tadao, NAKAI Toshiki, CHIKADA Masahiro

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    We have investigated the new technology-based distance higher education in USA, Canada, UK, Australia, and Japan in terms of the concept called "Open Learning". The findings which we can summarize are as follows :
    (1) USA has been leading the new technology-based distance higher education among the five countries above-mentioned. We can find the development of the on-line courses at the graduate level education which have targeted on the market of employees who work for companies.
    (2) As for the in-house training programs based on learning technology which companies are doing, the situations among the five countries is same as low in use. But the Japanese situation is the lowest.
    (3) In addition to the distance program delivered by the distance education institutions, the traditional universities have developed their own distance programs based on new learning technologies. Japan is very delayed in developing the distance program designed for the market of cooperate employees.

  • 動画像教材のビデオフレームアルバムによる要約手法の研究

    科学研究費助成事業(メディア教育開発センター)  科学研究費助成事業(奨励研究(A))

    Project Year :


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  • Standardization of Evaluative Scales for Class Teaching and Materials

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    OTSUKA Yusaku, MIYAMOTO Tomohiro, MIO Tadao, NAKAMURA Tomoyasu, YAMAJI Hiroki

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    Tasks of this year were to collect course evalution by students and to analyze characteristics of item means, utilizing the NIME's support system for evaluation of learning and instruction in higher education. Evaluative data for various lectures were accumulated. One of the major findings was the difference in item means regarding two different types of courses taught by the same lecturer. One lecutre was titles "Statistics for Education", a relatively tough subject for education majors. The course was basically a lecture series of the textbook contents, using a blackboard. the other lecture was titled "Instructional Psychology", in which every class began with a question as a warm-up 'think' exercise for the topics introduced in the lecture. Differences of means were detected on the items reflecting course characteristics, such as "difficulty of contents ("Statistics" was higher)", "lecture guided students to think ("Instructional Psychology" was higher)". Little difference was observed regarding the perception of the lecturere and learning styles of students. These results suggest that course characteristics are adequately reflected on item means of evaluation survey based on st

  • Development of teaching methods for undergraduate psychology courses and evaluation of their effectiveness.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    ITOH Hideo, OHNOGI Hiroaki, FUJITA Keiji, MIO Tadao, OTSUKA Yusaku, SAGA Hiroko

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    Purpose :
    This study aimed at developing teaching methods for undergraduate psychology courses and evaluating their effectiveness.
    Major Outcomes :
    1. Studies of classroom instruction
    (1) Survey of classroom instruction revealed teachers' active participation in improving teaching and learning. This included the effects of self-modeling on teaching improvements, and changes of instructional self-efficacy before and after the instruction and video watching. (2) Research on instructional design and media education in Western countries was reviewed, in order to develop effective teaching methods. (3) Digital modes of learning in educational media were critically examined. (4) Effective teaching methods were studied by translating handbooks for the teaching of psychology.
    2. Studies of learning
    (1) Structures and changes of learning self-efficacy were examined in classes where problem solving approaches are applied. (2) The relation of learning self-efficacy, expected grade, conception of ability, and academic performance was investigated through students a university course.
    3. Studies of print materials
    (1) Issues of effective production and usage of university textbooks were discuss

  • Developing a taxonomy of university instructional processes and improving teaching strategies based on the analysis of video-logged classes

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    FUJITA Keiji, MIO Tadao, KUBOTA Ken-ichi, ODA Kijun, OHNOGI Hiroaki, ITOH Hideko

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    Purpose : This project aims at developing multimedia support systems to improve higher education based on the analysis of video-recorded instructional processes.
    Focus : This study includes the following foci : (1) A taxonomic study of university instructional activities in terms of teacher-student interactions ; (2) Development of video-recording systems easily controlled by instructors during on-going classroom activities ; (3) Development of quantitative methods for describing characteristics of instructional activities by time-sampled video printings ; (4) Development of self-directed learning and evaluation programs for teachers and learners by the use of video-images of their own classroom activities.
    Major Outcomes : Various types of instructional activities such as lectures, seminars, and practica were video-recorded and analyzed by the use of the time-sampled video picture printing system mentioned below which enabled us to measure teaching behaviors in qantitative as well as qualitative terms. The Automatic Printing System of Time Sampled Video Pictures provides us with a series of still pictures on video printing sheets (max. 144 pictures on an A4 size sheet) can then be

  • 社会調査における映像地図・文字データの統合的処理システムの開発研究

    科学研究費助成事業(放送教育開発センター)  科学研究費助成事業(試験研究(B))

    Project Year :


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  • 映像教材における画像・音響情報の構造分析法の開発

    科学研究費助成事業(放送教育開発センター)  科学研究費助成事業(奨励研究(A))

    Project Year :


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  • A Theoretical and Experimental Study of the Transformational Process of Iconic and Verbal Information in Audiovisual Instructional Materials

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    FUJITA Keiji, MIO Tadao, SAKAMOTO Isao, KOMACHI Masayuki, FUKUDA Shigeru

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    The present study aimed at developing an analytical technique of audiovisual instructional materials in terms of iconic and verbal information processing. Fifty-three Japaneses and foreign educational TV programs were analyzed into auditory and visual components of different categories. The amount of information intended to convey by the sender was assumed to be proportional to the time length of presentation for each shot, so that a shot length measured in second is composed of auditory and visual presentation time components. A compound exponential model was introduced to approximate a variety of distributions of shot lengths of the video programs in terms of the two parameters alpha and beta respectively related to the auditory and visual presentation time components. The agreement between the therectical and the observed distributions for all the programs was very good. In order to explore the practical implications of the two parameters, qualitative as well as quantitative analysis of shoes was carried out in terms of number of presenters, content of subject, relative amount of lecture presentation and "media complexities". All these findings were fairly conducive to the two c

  • 放送教材の探索的分析システムの開発

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    三尾 忠男

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  • 大学授業の評価と改善について、個々人で取り組む研究法の開発をしています。大学授業の特殊性や受講学生の変容、そして教員自身の成長など身近なところに、研究課題を見つけて取り組んでいます。



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  • Faculty of Education and Integrated Arts and Sciences   Graduate School of Education

  • Affiliated organization   Global Education Center

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 大学生によるタブレット端末による協調学習の功罪の検討


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  • 大学生にとってのプログラミング的思考の意義に関する調査


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  • A.I.を含むデジタル・リテラシーへの文系学生の意識を高める大学授業の試行


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    A.I.とビッグデータ活用が加速する社会で文系学生もデジタル・リテラシーとして批判的に両技術への接し方、関連知識の必要性の認識を目指す授業を試行した。文系学部選択科目で既存内容に次を追加した。第1フェーズは、「身の回りの情報化・情報格差」の考察。次にAIとBig dataに関するアンケートで自身の理解度を確認。第2フェーズは、Society5.0などの理解。第3フェーズで人間・機械の共生の研究動向を学習。最終課題は、Big dataとAI推論の社会を想定した情報リテラシーの育成方法の提案とし科目専門性を担保した。次に、AI的なコーディング、ビックデータを実際に処理する演習の開発を目指す。

  • 人工知能とデジタル・リテラシーに関する文系学生の印象と教養としての重要度の検討


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  • アクティブ・ラーニングの有効性と連続性の自覚を促す学習の振り返りとその指導法開発


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  • 大学生からみた初等・中等教育のプログラミング教育の連続性について


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     2020年度より初等教育にプログラミング的思考』の育成を目的としてプログラミング教育が導入される。しかし、高等教育での学びにどのように繋がるのかについては未知である。そこで、大学生が「プグラミング教育」についてどのように考えるかを調査し、大学におけるプログラミング教育、特に『プログラミング的思考』の必要性を探る。秋学期の学部選択科目で、 小学校プログラミング教育のねらい等の講義と疑似体験を実施した。プログラミング的思考の必要性についての印象は、小学生に「ある程度あればいいと程度」90%であった。また、小学校でのプログラミング的思考が現在の自分にどの程度あるかは、「完璧に習得」10%、「ある程度は習得」40%、「少しは習得」50%という印象であった。別途、体験の感想には、「子どもの頃から、こういったものに触れることは論理的思考力の底上げにつながると思う」という肯定的な意見は散見される程度である。

  • 大学生の学修からみた小学校プログラミング教育の効果に関する考察


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  • タブレット端末による協調学習型授業の設計演習の開発


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     タブレットPCを生徒一人ひとりが活用する高度なICT活用型授業の初等・中等学校での実践に備え、大学における教員養成課程での体験が必要である。本研究ではこれまで個別に実践してきたタブレットPCの協調学習環境を導入した授業の準備と実践の経験を元に、タブレットPCによる協調学習環境MetaMoji Classroomを用いた授業設計演習まで含めたコースを開発した。ICT活用の基礎と事例、協調学習支援ソフトの操作の習得、各自がミニ授業の設計作業、ミニ授業演習というパッケージを試行し、各受講者からの事後アンケートで概ね、高い評価を得た。来年度は、本学の教員免許更新講習の講座としても導入する。

  • アクティブ・ラーニングの効果向上のためのICT活用の実践研究


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  • オーディエンス・レスポンス・システムを活用した対話型授業の効果に関する実証研究


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  • 大学教員・学生の授業観と授業改善、学士力を結びつける授業評価のモデル開発


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     私立大学の学部教職課程科目「教育方法研究」3クラスで実践的アプローチをとり、協同での授業開発を実施している。3クラスを担当する教員は、教員Aは同大学専任教員で本科目担当11年目、教員Bは非常勤講師として本科目担当9年目で教員AとBは、これまでに資料の統一化、ピアレビューなどを協同で実施している。教員Cは、同大学の非常勤講師1年目で当該科目は他大学では担当している。 前年度末に、教員A,B共通で使用している配布プリント、教員Bが使用した提示スライドを教員Cに提供し、シラバスを合議で最小限の改訂に押さえて共通のものにした。(1)LMSで資料の共有化 授業支援ポータルWaseda-net Course N@vi(以降Course N@vi)は早稲田大学が独自に開発したLMS(Learning Management System)である。全ての科目が登録されており、今回、教員A,B,Cは相互に授業担当者に準じる権限でそれぞれのクラスに参加している。毎回実施し、回収する出席カード機能をもつ授業アンケートをPDF化したものをそれぞれのクラスに学生へ非公開の資料としてアップしている。 また、学生がCourseN@vi上の課題として回答した各種レビューについても参照しあうことができる。(2)On Demandによる資料解説 CourseN@viでは、On Demandコンテンツを使用することができる。必要に応じて、授業で扱うトピックや映像資料の使用について、その解説とこれまでの授業実践で判明した留意する箇所についての説明を授業で使用する提示スライドとともに教員AがOn Demandコンテンツとして作成して教員B,Cが閲覧できるようにした。(3)授業コーディネーター 教員Aは、専任教員であることを活かし、教員B,Cの教務関係を補佐するとともに、毎週、配布資料の確認と授業展開案を提示し、授業運営の協調と進度の調整を行っている。(4)ピアレビュー 教員Cは、教員A,Cのクラスの授業を参観するとともに、教員Aは教員Cのクラスを適時参観し、教室環境の確認と必要に応じて補佐をしている。その内容は、毎週、情報交換して次回へ活かしている。教員Cにとって受講学生の特徴理解に効果がある。授業改善を継続的に行い続けるためには、孤立せず協同研究者との実践的アプローチが重要であり、複数で行う場合は時間的制約を取り除くために、LMSを活用したオンデマンド型ティーチング・ポートフォリオを利用することを提案した。学期修了後に総括的な授業アンケート結果等を用いて比較を行い、その効果を検討する予定である。

  • 大学教員・学生の授業観相違と授業改善を結びつける授業評価調査に関するモデル開発


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     大学授業において、履修意識に幅のある教員免許資格関連科目を調査対象として履修の動機、履修の重要度などを学期当初と学期末にアンケート調査し、同時に実施した授業評価アンケート結果との関係の分析を試みた。 本学教職科目履修者を中心とした学生意識調査に関する質問紙調査を、前期に以下の方法で実施した。対象:早稲田大学教職課程「教育方法研究」2クラス。回答者211名、実施日:2010年7月15日、マークシート、記述併用型の質問紙1枚。 結果として、教職に就くという明確な動機のある学生は約半数であり、志望した時期は中学、高校時代が7割を占めている。 今、教員免許取得制度の議論の1つに、4+α年という意見がある。そこで、「教員免許取得にあたり、大学院修士課程が義務づけられていたと仮定して」教師を[目指した/躊躇した/断念した]については、表3のようになった。この表からは、「教職に就く」ことを目的としている学生の過半数がその延長を肯定的に捉えているといえよう。ただし、社会人経験者による教員採用も進むなか、「資格取得のみ」の学生の多くが、教員免許取得を「断念」「躊躇」すると答えている。さらに、学部での教育実習の期間の不足を指摘する意見があることから、「在籍中に1年間程度の教育実習(例として、集中が3週間程度、他は週1回程度)が義務づけられた」と仮定した場合に、教職を目指すことについて「教職希望者」の3割、「資格取得のみ」は9割が否定的(躊躇+断念)であった。 調査用紙(試行)による追加調査を、2011年1月に、教職課程科目1科目2クラス、学部教育学専修専門科目1科目、教育学研究科1科目で実施し、現在、集計分析中である。

  • 大学教員・学生の授業観と授業改善を結びつける授業評価調査のあり方に関する研究


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     本研究では、授業評価調査の在り方について受講学生からの意見を収集を実施した。大学授業についての学生アンケートの実施について、学期末実施の総括的な評価調査では得にくいより詳細な情報を得るために、毎回、アンケート等を実施することが望ましい。代表的な方法として、マークシートによる学生アンケートとコメントシート(例えば「大福帳」)がある。昨年度の実践によりコメントシートを使用したクラスの方がマークシート使用のクラスより総合的な満足度が毎回の授業で高くなり、総括的授業アンケートの結果もより良い評価であったことがわかっている。しかし、授業者の負担(毎週、着数十人の学生にコメントを書く)が大きく、広める課題となっていた。 本年度は、2クラスで、コメントへの返却を2週に1回、3週に1回という頻度で実施して、授業者の負担軽減と授業への学生の満足度の相違を調査した。 授業者は、2週もしくは3週分のコメントについてまとめて返信をする。単純にクラスを2等分もしくは3等分するのでは、欠席した学生にとっては、1週、余分に返信の間隔が開くことになるため、学生のコメント2回もしくは3回に返信を1度というペースで行った。 その結果、150名を超えるクラスにおいて、2週に1度という頻度でのコメント交換が総合的な満足度の維持に必要であろうという第1次的な結論を得た。 学期末の総括的授業アンケートの自由記述より、「大福帳」という教員と学生個々とのコメント交換の機能が毎回の授業の振り返りに効果的に働くことは間違いないようであるが、隔週もしくは2週間の間隔があくと、学生にとって教員との心的距離が狭まることにマイナスにはたらいくようである。 本中間的な成果を受け、翌年度は、同じ試みを実施して妥当性を検証する予定である。

  • 大学教員・学生の授業観と授業改善を結びつける授業評価調査のあり方に関する研究


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