Updated on 2025/03/12

Faculty of Human Sciences
Job title
Professor Emeritus
Ph.D. in Instructional Design & Technology, Foreign Lang. Edu. ( The Ohio State University 1987 U.S.A. )

Research Experience

  • 2024.06

    Waseda University   Faculty of Human Sciences   Professor emeritus

  • 2000.04

    Waseda University   Faculty of Human Sciences   Professor

  • 2012.10

    University of Oxford   Wolfson College   Visiting Scholar

  • 1992.04

    Hiroshima University   International Student Center   Visiting Researcher

  • 2009.04

    London University   Education Dept.   Visiting Scholar

  • 1987.04

    Kanagawa University   Faculty of Foreign Languages   Instructor, Assistant Professor, Full Professor

  • 1995.07

    Massachusetts Institute of Technology   Dept. of Linguistics   Visiting Researcher

  • 1981.09

    The Ohio State University   Continuing Education   Instructor

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Education Background

  • 1980.12

    U.S.A The Ohio State University   Graduate School, Division of Educational Communication   Media Education Foreign Lang. Edu. , Educational Communication  

  • 1973.04

    Kanazawa University   School of Law  

Committee Memberships

  • 2005.04

    Education Center, Tokorozawa-shi, Saitame -ken  Member on Training Stuff

  • 1998.04

    Association of Language Education & Technology  Member on LETJournal

  • 1995.04

    Association of Language Education & Technology  Member on Management, Kanto Division

  • 2002.04

    NPO; Association of International Friendship Community  Member on Executive Board

Professional Memberships

  • 2006.04

    Association of

  • 2000.04

    The Japan Association for Educational Media Study

  • 1986.04

    Japan Society of Educational Technology

  • 1996.04

    Association of Language Education & Technology

  • 1990.09

    Association for Educational Communications &and Technology

Research Areas

  • Others   Educational Communication Studies / Foreign language education   Language Communication Studies / Educational technology

Research Interests

  • Edu. Communication, Language Edu. (Jp&Eg), Media Literacy Edu., Experiential Learning



  • Design, implementation, and evaluation of the class, "Media Production Studies" to enhance creative production and learning through collaborative working

    Hozaki Norio, Tominaga Asami

      92 ( 1-2 ) 69 - 85  2023.10

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Analysis of How Comprehensive Learning Outcomes is Generated in Collaborative Work in Synchronized Online Class of Media Production

    Tominaga Asami, Hozaki Norio

    Japanese Journal of Educational Media Research   29 ( 2 ) 29 - 41  2023.04  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author

  • Transformation of College Student Attitude and Consciousness in Collaborative Work Experience in Synchronized Online MediaーProduction Class

    Tominaga Asami, Hozaki Norio

    WASEDA Journal of Human Sciences   36 ( 1 ) 15 - 27  2023.03  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author

  • Guided Reflection to EnhanceDiscussion Leader Effectiveness in a Japanese as a Foreign Language Environment

    Eri Terada Mari Noda & Norio Hozaki

    Kyoto University Researches in Higher Education   ( 25 ) 25 - 36  2019.12  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author

  • A Case Study of Analysis of Class Activities observed by Teaching Assistants

    FUJISHIRO, Haruka, HOZAKI, Norio

    Kyoto University Researches in Higher Education   ( 24 ) 45 - 54  2018.12  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author

  • A study of recognition of hand-writing and hand-written words

    Eri Terada, Norio Hozaki

    Japan Journal of Educational Technology   42 ( Suppl. ) 145 - 148  2018  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author

     View Summary

    Recognition of hand writing and hand-written words was investigated amont three groups,<br />
    1) ordonary college students, 2) calligraphers, and 3) e-school students.<br />
    The result indicated e-school students, with a higher mean of age, showed a positive reaction toward online writing, prpbably because they are learning 100% online.

  • Construction of an English Discussion Board Using TED Talks Videos and its Practice: Focusing on intercollegiate discussions

    Norio Hozaki

    Gunnma Kosen Review   ( 35 ) 39 - 45  2016.11

    Authorship:Last author

     View Summary

    Construction of an Online English Discussion Board is introduced. The participaing college students on Moodle-based online discussion system showed a great interest in the learning system.

  • An Analysis of Student Interaction and English Language Use Through Online Discussion

    Norio Hozaki

    Journal of Center for Educational Research and Development, Tokai Univeristy   1   27 - 41  2016.11  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author

     View Summary

    After introducing the design of a customized Moodle communication system called &quot;TEDiscussion,&quot; actual online write-ins are introduced and analyzed. Aspects analyzed include (1) how the information from the video clips, speech scripts and subtitles affected the students&#039; comprehensikon, (2) whhat kind of questions effectively broke the ice for the students during discussion.

  • Multimedia courseware development and evaluation of the use of the English lessons for elementary school students by classroom teachers

    HOZAKI Norio, KITAMURA Fumito, DOSHO Kanami

    Japanese Journal of Educational Media Research   23 ( 1 ) 47 - 57  2016.09  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

     View Summary

    This study reports the development and evaluation of the usability of the multimedia courseware of English lessons for elementary school students. The courseware consists of seven chapters (Mime-time, Tokotoko Street, Short English stories, Chants-chants, Nihongo and English, Yasumatsu monkeys, and Unknown stories of Tokorozawa). Each chapter incorporated English phonology, familiar characters and animations, explanations of topics related to the local city the students live in. Further, the pace of the lessons was carefully considered during the production of the courseware. In addition, each chapter is free standing, so the teachers could use any chapter and part flexibly according to their teaching plan, as requested by the teachers before the development of the program.The overall evaluation of the usability of the courseware, which was given by 142 homeroom teachers who used the courseware in their classes for one year showed a positive tendency overall, with 3.92 out of 5 points on a Likert scale (1. Poor to 5. Excellent). Factor analysis also identified five factors used to describe the courseware. They are 1) overall appropriateness of the courseware, 2) familiarity with t

    DOI CiNii

  • Analysis of Evaluation and Reflective Comments through Participating in a Small-scale "Short Study Tour" program at college

    Norio Hozaki

    Journal of Society for Interdisciplinary Science   ( 第15号 ) 45 - 50  2016.05  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    A small-scaled US field trip for two weeks was analyzed. The data of the questionnaire before- and after-the trip was analyzed. The results interestingly show learning of not English development or enhancement of presentation skills but cooperartive group antivities were<br />
    learned through the trip.

  • 小学校5年生における映像メディア制作授業の実践と評価 ー児童、担任、授業補助者の省察ー

    Yuuki Suga Norio Hozaki

    Japanese Journal of Educational Media Research   15 ( 2 ) 83 - 94  2009.03  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author

     View Summary

    Today more teachers are beginning to recognize that development of media literacy is indispensable in education, even for children at elementary school children. In the present workshop-type activity, our college lab, collaborating with a nearby elementary school, conducted a program called "You can make a kid abroadcaster!" to develop media literacy of students. The program was evaluated by adapting the method of triangulation of evaluators (students, homeroom teachers and college students as school aides). The results of a questionnaire and group interviews indicated: 1) Elementary school students learned how media is constructed through the process of editing a video clip; 2) Homeroom teachers recognized that videoproduction is effective for linking several concepts across subject areas; and 3) Student aids effectively reflected on how to teach students in collaborative group activities and became aware of how to function as a student teacher. Additionally, homeroom teachers reported they re-vitalized their observation of class activities and teaching per se because they shared class teaching with college students.

    DOI CiNii

  • Seamless transition of English edcucation from elementary to junior high school

    Norio Hozaki

    Research report of Education Center of Tokorozawa city, Saitama Pref.   ( No. 254 )  2008.12

     View Summary

    Report of the curriculum material, Tokorozawa English Adventure and how it was used in regular class activities.

  • 早稲田大学人間科学部eスクールでの経験知における「気づき」「まなび」と「工夫」 --新米eスクール教師の試行錯誤--

    保崎則雄, 北村, 史

    Japanese Journal of Educational Media Research   13 ( 1 ) 25 - 30  2006.10  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

     View Summary

    The School of Human Sciences at Waseda University implemented e-school education by using the Internet in April, 2003. This state-of-the-art educational system, now in its 4th year, has been conducted smoothly, overcoming unforeseen challenges almost on a day-to-day basis. In the process of teaching courses, the present writers have faced several unexpected problems and tasks requiring detailed care and attention. Quite interestingly, one noticeable consequence of e-school teaching has been the need to re-train the present writers as e-school novice teachers. This report intends to introduce several notable experiences involving learning, with examples of efforts made and improvements realized Specifically, courseware development, meaningful refocusing of phone use, and BBS communication are analyzed and discussed from the perspective of novice e-school teachers. It is of interest, at the same time, that the process of encountering the challenges associated with e-learning has also given us more than several research questions to be reconsidered in their application to teaching, and distance education.

    DOI CiNii

  • Effectivel teaching methods by using "English Learning Notebook"

    Norio Hozaki

    Research report of Education Center of Tokorozawa city, Saitama Pref.   ( No. 252 )  2006.03

     View Summary

    How &quot;English Learning Notebook&quot; was used in class was introduced.

  • Analyssis of effective communication process and application to FD by using body and artifacts

    Norio Hozaki

        1 - 50  2006.03

    Authorship:Lead author

     View Summary

    For more effective communication, non-verbal skills and mediated artifacts are important. The relaterd skills are to be elaborately trained and learned.

  • 初級ESL学習者の音声付映像における英語字幕提示タイミングに関する検知限と許容限の調査

    保崎則雄, 斎藤孝枝

    Journal of Society for Interdisciplinary Science   ( 3 ) 37 - 44  2004.04  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • 身体、アーティファクトを用いた効果的コミュニケーション過程の分析とFDへの応用


    科学研究費補助金{基盤研究C}研究成果報告書   研究課題番号 16500608  2004.04

  • コミュニティーに根ざしたメディアリテラシー育成とケーブルテレビ用の映像制作の実践


    「”人間科学”授業アーカイブの開発とCATV網を利用した障害学習への適用」平成13-15年度科学研究費補助金 報告書     41 - 59  2004.03

  • ファカルティデベロップメント実践に行き着く前の共通理解として

    大学教育と情報/私立大学情報教育協会   12;1  2003.06

  • Importance of on-going process data

    Norio Hozaki

    Opinions of Japan Comprehensive Education   2   28 - 28  2003.04

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Media Production & Presentation

    神奈川大学心理・教育研究論文集/神奈川大学   21   97 - 107  2002.03

  • テクノロジーが支える教育活動

    大学教育と情報/私立大学情報教育協会   10; 3  2002.01

  • 総合学習としてのプレゼンテーション

    研究報告「英語プレゼンテーション講座の試み」/メディア教育開発センター   28  2001.12

  • 米国大学におけるOnline Educationの特徴

    高等教育のおける高度情報通信技術の活用/ 1998〜2000年度科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(B) (2) 研究成果報告書 課題番号10041048   pp.95-102  2001.03

  • マイクロプレゼンテーションのクリニック

    研究報告「高等教育におけるメディア活用と教員の教授能力開発 V. 検収プログラム提案事例集」/メディア教育開発センター(NIME)   27  2001.03

  • コミュニケーションとしてのプレゼンテーション

    研究報告「高等教育におけるメディア活用と教員の教授能力開発 IV. メディアを活用する教員支援のための提案」/メディア教育開発センター(NIME)   26  2001.03

  • Hot, Hazy, Humane . . . .

    LL通信/ソニー   322  2000.10

  • 国際理解教育について:話題と笑いの重要性

    ニューズレター/掛川国際都市交流協会   14  2000.03

  • メディア製作の授業実践:基礎ゼミ99

    保崎 則雄

    神奈川大学 心理・教育研究論集   /19,126-136  2000

  • 国際理解教育について:帰国生の参加

    ニューズレター/掛川国際都市交流協会   13  1999.11

  • 声をだすことと言葉を発すること

    ニューズレター/掛川国際都市交流協会   12  1999.07

  • よいコミュニケーターになるためには

    ニューズレター /掛川国際都市交流協会   11  1999.03

  • 『情報教育の発信と受信についての-考察』メディアリテラシーの育成をめぐって

    保崎 則雄

    神奈川大学心理・教育論集   /17,165-170  1998.04

  • LLを活性化する異文化理解を目的としたマルチメディア語学学習システムの開発

    1995〜1997年度科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(B)(1) 研究成果報告書 課題番号07558027    1998.04

  • 情報教育でなかなか教えてくれないこと

    図書館だより/神奈川大学   95  1997.07

  • メディア教育を実践しつつ学ぶこと

    ニューズレター/神奈川大学外国語研究センター   21  1997.07

  • 字幕付き映像の理解を高める提示方法についての一考察

    Language Laboratory/ランゲージラボラトリー学会   34   42 - 62  1997.06  [Refereed]

  • 視線運動分析に基づく字幕・映像付音声教材利用の効果的英語聴解訓練システムの開発

    1994-1996年度 文部省科学研究費補助金 (基盤研究B)研究成果報告書    1997.04

  • 字幕つき映像の視聴過程を知るための視線運動分析について

    Norio Hozaki

    神奈川大学心理・教育研究論文集/神奈川大学   16   58 - 67  1997.04

  • The effective use of closed-captioned video in understanding English and content

    Suzuki Hiroko, Hozaki Norio

    Language Laboratory   34   53 - 73  1997  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Closed-captioned(cc) videos are designed to help students listen to authentic English that is spoken fast with many reduced forms. Our previous studies have concluded that the burden on reading CC beyond the learner's reading skills has presumably interfered with their listening and viewing processes. In fact, the viewing pattern of the beginning learner is inconsistent between visuals and CC, while that of the advanced learner is the consistent triangular process; visuals to the beginning of CC, and to the end of CC, then back to visuals. Thus, it is hypothesized if they are given appropriate reading practice of the target CC, their comprehension will be enhanced by relying more on viewing and listening to dialogues. The present study attempts to discuss when and how CC benefits and interferes with the learners' listening process in using EFL video materials. The original approach here is to show a video excerpt to the EFL learners and compare each pattern of their eye movements before and after different reading exercises on the target CCs. Their eye movements are traced, recorded and analyzed by the eye-mark recording system. This system makes quantitative analyses feasible by plotting the fixation points against the duration time of their eye movements. This paper is demonstrated those physical evidences.

    DOI CiNii

  • 英語上級者モデルの字幕視聴パターンについての一考察

    保崎則雄, 鈴木広子

    Japanese Journal of Educational Media Research   3/2,25-37 ( 2 ) 25 - 37  1997  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

     View Summary

    It is suggested beginning learners with limited abilities of listening and reading cannot effectively capitalize captions because the speed of presentation of the captions is too fast for them to read. Also, it has been indicated beginning learners are not good processors of three information modes, picture, sound and caption. Previous studies have shown captions are often distractive to beginning learners. In the meantime, advanced learners can use the modes in a quite effective way to enhance understanding. Why does this happen? What goes on in their processing? In order to investigate the viewing process, analysis of eye movement is considered to be a reasonable and effective way. In this article, visual literacy models of an advanced learner and a native English speaker in viewing captioned video are introduced with analysis of their eye movement. The triangular pattern of information processing by an advanced EFL learner, the poligonal pattern by a native English speaker, the native speaker's established reading pattern, different fixation time between advanced and beginning learners are introduced with a brief review of related literature.

    DOI CiNii

  • What needs to be considered about creativity and media use in a group-oriented society?

    Norio Hozaki

    Journal of Educational Media International   33   12 - 16  1996  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • コンピュータ利用における課題

    Norio Hozaki

    メディア活用マニュアル 語学ラボラトリー学会(LLA)編     178 - 188  1995.06

    Authorship:Lead author, Last author

  • (CG)による[動画][静止画]複合利用のインターアクティブ日本語教材開発研究

    1992〜1994年度科学研究費補助金 一般研究(C) 研究成果報告書 課題番号04680293    1995.04

  • 研究・教育におけるパーソナルコンピュータの活用(共著)

    保崎 則雄

    神奈川大学「言語研究」   17   133 - 143  1994  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author


  • 個人差(学習認知差)を重視した[ビデオ]と[CG]複合利用の教材研究

    1989〜1991年度 科学研究費補助金 一般研究(C) 課題番号0150288    1993.04

  • 外国人のための日本語/文化(CAIビデオソフト)の開発研究

    放送文化基金研究助成費報告書    1992.04

  • アニメーションの教育利用と研究

    視聴覚教育/日本視聴覚教育協会   45:5  1991.05

  • 英語CAIビデオ教材の開発研究(1)

    Norio Hozaki

    言語研究/神奈川大学言語研究センター   13  1991.04  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • 個性を活かす教育メディア

    授業研究双書/才能開発教育研究財団   No.8 pp.24-30  1990.04

  • Development of Interactive Video Lessons

    Hozaki Norio

    Kanagawa University studies in language   13   117 - 134  1990

     View Summary

    Marriage between computer technology and video technology can provide us with several wonderful things in the field of English as a Foreign Language education. Research indicates visual information along with auditory information is effective for language learning as well as language acquisition. Development of interactive video lessons is easy and fun with some assistance of advanced technology. All you need is innovative and creative ideas in which this new media, interactive video, can be fully utilized. This new instructional system, however, needs more intensive research in terms of visualized instruction, answer processing, questioning, and the level of interaction since it is recently introduced to the teaching/learning situation. This short paper, as the first part of the on-going experimental study our research group has been working on, attempts to introduce basic knowledge of video production and the development of CAI lessons, and how to develop an interactive video lesson in the field of foreign language education.


  • The Effects of Field Dependence /Independence and Visualized Instruction in a Lesson of ORIGAMI, Paper Folding upon Performance and Comprehension

    Hozaki Norio

    Dissertation of The Ohio State University    1987.12

    Authorship:Lead author

  • New application of traditikonal language laboratory system

    Norio Hozaki

    Modern English Teaching     38 - 40  1987.03  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

     View Summary

    The quality of courseware materials in EFL has not been improved. It is becuse class teachers, without enough and approproate knowledge of instructional design and formative/summative evaluation, cannot produce qality materials by themselves. CAI, computer-assisted instruction is a state-of-the-art technology and needs to be more cultivated based on the reflection of LL maerials. This short article advocates what is quickly needed to re-construct LL materials in EFL education.

  • Media Center III: Assigment, Vista, and Research

    Norio Hozaki

    Audiovisual Education   38 ( 10 ) 44 - 48  1984.08  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

     View Summary

    How media center at US university could be applied to a Japanese situation in terms of assignment, vista, and research is pointed. Several possibilities and elaborative preparation is necessary before introducing it to Japanese university.

  • Media Center II: at Elementary to Secondary School

    Norio Hozaki

    Audiovisual Education   38 ( 9 ) 35 - 39  1984.06  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Woring as a graduate research assistant in Edgar Dale Media Center at the Ohio State University, various function such as walking tour, workshop of curriculum development, book order, censorship, etc. are introduced for school teachers at elementary to secondary school.

  • Media Center: at college

    Norio Hozaki

    Media Educaation Journal   38 ( 8 ) 32 - 37  1984.04  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

     View Summary

    Edgar Dale Media Center is introduced with model activities and workshops the author has been involved for severa years. The pre- and in-service teacher education courses are integralted with the media center which posesses various kinds of realia, models, print materials, photos, graphs, etc.

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Books and Other Publications

  • 共生社会の大学教育:コミュニケーション実践力の育成に向けて

    山地弘起編著( Part: Contributor, 第2章 「対立や調整に調整が埋め込まれている大学授業の創造、実施、評価」)

    東信堂  2024.04 ISBN: 9784798918990

  • Creating the new online-based instructional design by focusing on interactive dialogue

    Hozaki Norio, Tominaga Asami, Kitamura Fumito( Part: Joint author, Preface. Chapter 1 & 5)

    Yuigaku publishing company  2023.06 ISBN: 9784908407406

  • Overseas Training x Deep Active Learning

    Hozaki Norio, Fujishiro Haruka( Part: Joint author, Preface Introduction Chapter 1 Concluding remarks)

    Waseda University Press  2021.04 ISBN: 9784657210050

  • Creative activities of visual representation in an authentic situation

    Hozaki Norio( Part: Contributor, Chapter 8:)

    Nakanishiya Pub. Co. Ltd.  2016.07 ISBN: 9784779509759

  • Proposed suggestions of FLES by using Eigo Manabi Nooto

    Norio Hozaki( Part: Contributor)

    Journal of Educational Center, Tokorozawa  2009.12

     View Summary

    By using the courseware material developed by Educatrion Center of Tokorozawa city, Saitama Pref, Tokorozawa English Adventure II," how English class at elementary school could be consructed and practiced was introduced.

  • Educational Communication

    Norio Hozaki( Part: Contributor)

    Asakura Publishing Company  2008.10

     View Summary

    Introducting the fundamental concept of Educational Communication studies by means of the author's specialized areas such as language communication and media commnications studies.

  • 大学の英語教育を変える 第1章「英語コミュニケーション教育をどのように創り上げるか」

    Norio Hozaki( Part: Contributor)

    玉川大学出版  2008.05 ISBN: 9784472403637

     View Summary

    For English communication to be enhanced, the following three aspects are to be trained and instructed on an individual basis and comphrehensively.
    1) Human-related representation,
    2) Language-based expressions, and
    3) Media (symbol system) -assisted representation.

  • メディアの高度活用とは何か

    Hozaki, Norio (writing chpt 1 )( Part: Contributor, Chapter 1 writing)

    「高等教育とIT」山地、佐賀編 玉川大学出版部  2003.10

  • 映像利用における様々な問題点と課題

    保崎 則雄( Part: Contributor)

    「映像の言語学」城生編 おうふう  2002.01

  • 複合メディア英語教育論

    浅野 博ほか( Part: Contributor)

    リーベル出版  1997.02

  • Problems in educational use of computer technology

    Norio Hozaki( Part: Contributor)

    Liber Press  1995.04 ISBN: 4897985021

     View Summary

    Possibility and assignment of educational use of computer technology was suggested.

  • 個性化と教育メディアの役割

    Hozaki Norio( Part: Contributor)

    (財)才能開発教育研究財団  1990

  • Educational Use of Interactive Video

    Hozaki Norio( Part: Contributor)

    Kanagawa Univeristy Press  1989.09

     View Summary

    A computer-assisted interactivevideo system is introduced. Educationa application of interactive video is also suggested for more effective instruction.

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  • NIhonGO_NOW!教科書シリーズ

    Noda, Mari, Director) Hozaki, Norio (Location manager  Educational material 


  • DVD [Tokorozawa English Adventure」English program

    Tokorozawa Boar, of Education  Educational material 


  • DVD [Tokorozawa English Adventure」English program

    Tokorozawa Boar, of Education  Educational material 


  • How parents can develop kids' communication skills



  • Analysis of online class discussion thread in e-School of Waseda University

    Tominaga Asami, Nishimura Shoji, Hozaki Norio

    Presentation date: 2024.03

    Event date:
  • Various aspects of creative disconformity-based communication in college teaching

    Yamaji Hiroki, Tanaka Tohko, Tani Mina, HOZAKI Norio, Gehrtz Misumi Tomoko

    Presentation date: 2022.03

    Event date:
  • Analysis of consensus building and dialogue in collaborative group work of college students

    Tominaga Asami, Hozaki Norio

    Presentation date: 2022.03

    Event date:
  • Practice and evaluation of ”Reflection sheet” between students and the instructor, not included toward course grade

    Hozaki, Norio, Tominaga Asami

    Presentation date: 2022.03

    Event date:
  • Practical problems in CLIL and EMI at J.H.S. to college class

    Saito Takae, Hozaki Norio, Dosho Kanami, Sekine Hanna

    Presentation date: 2021.03

    Event date:
  • Analysis of collaborative group work embedded into online media production class

    Tominaga Asami, Fujishiro Haruka, Hozaki Norio

    Presentation date: 2021.03

    Event date:
  • Students' relations in online learning settings: how teachers recognize and anticipate

    Yamaji Hiroki, Misumi Tomoko, Hozaki Norio, Tani MIna, Tanaka Tohko

    Presentation date: 2021.03

    Event date:
  • Consideration of ICT use mediating curriculum materials at J.H.S., S.H.S. and college

    Hozaki Norio, Saito Takae, Dosho Kanami, Sekine Hanna

    Presentation date: 2021.03

    Event date:
  • A hope list of re-evaluating parameters and actual problems to solve in EMI-based "media production studies" class

    Norio Hozaki, Haruka Fujishiro, Hannah Sekine, Takae Saito

    The 7th International Conference on Foreign Language Education and Technology (FLEAT) 

    Presentation date: 2019.08

  • Introducing of significant and applicable aspects in educational settings in Denmark

    Hannah Sekine, Haruka Fujishiro, Norio Hozaki

    The 7th International Conference on Foreign Language Education and Technology (FLEAT) 

    Presentation date: 2019.08

  • Analysis of the perspective of Japanese students' peer-evaluation for in-class presentation

    Haruka Fujishiro, Yukari Narahara, Norio Hozaki

    44th Annual Conference of Improving University Teaching 

    Presentation date: 2019.07

  • ストリートダンサーの語りからみる”教える経験”を通した指導観の変容に関する事例研究

    垣堺菜生, 藤城晴佳, 保崎 則雄

    第25回大学教育研究フォーラム 口頭発表 

    Presentation date: 2019.03

  • Teaching and evaluation of EMI-based media production class

    Norio Hozaki, Haruka Fujishiro

    The 58th Annual Conference of The Japan Association of LanguageEducation and Technology  (Toyonaka, Osaka)  Japan Association of Language Education & Technology

    Presentation date: 2018.08

     View Summary

    Analysis of summarive class eveluation of the EMI class, Media Production Srtudies, was reported. The interest in the English level changed rather quickly after the class started each year and the most students concentrated on class contents as class went on.

  • 「対話」重視のリフレクション活動が制作・表現型授業における学びに与える影響の分析

    保崎則雄, 藤城晴佳

    第24回大学教育研究フォーラム  (京都)  京都大学大学教育研究開発センター

    Presentation date: 2018.03

     View Summary

    大学専門科目「Media Production Studies」(EMI)における学習者のリフレクションシートの分析をしたもの。授業言語から授業コンテンツへの学びの集中に視点が移動したことを紹介した。

  • Creative recognition through peer learning among other students with a focus on reflective activities in "Media Production" class

    Haruka Fujishiro, Norio Hozaki


    Presentation date: 2017.03

     View Summary

    Reflective activities, caused by peer evaluationa and class discussion of the visual products, would generate met-cognitive regognition in class of Media Prouction Studies.

  • Analysis and proposed renovation of the current teacher training course in Japan

    Haruka Fujishiro, Norio Hozaki

    The 44th Annual Conferene of the Oceania Comparative and International Education Society 

    Presentation date: 2016.11

     View Summary

    Re-evaluating the current teacher training course in teacher education at a local university in the metoropolitan area of Tokyo was introduced with data collected through teaching method courses.

  • Analysis and proposed renovation of the current teacher training course in Japan toward development of more effective teacher education program

    Fujishiro Haruka, Hozaki Norio

    Oceania Comparative and International Education Society 

    Presentation date: 2016.11

  • An Analysis of 100-Word Essays Through Interaction and Independent Learning: The Motivation of Writing

    Terada, Eri, Hozaki, Norio

    Improving University Teaching Poster presentation  (London) 

    Presentation date: 2016.07

     View Summary

    By re-evaluating what the communication sheet (100-word essay writing) meant to the student, a new concept as shown in the Revised Bloom's Taxonomy was found and was discussed. This poster won the Best Poster award of this year at IUT.

  • Application of Performed cuture approach in Japanese as a Foregin Language Education

    Norio Hozaki, Mari Noda

    The 22nd Annucal Meeting of College Education Forum  (Kyoto)  Higher Education Center of Kyoto Univeristy

    Presentation date: 2016.03

     View Summary

    Performed Culture Approach was introduced in JAFL and EFL education with samples of actual education practice.

  • Active learning and problems of "Study abroad" with various contents and purposes

    Norio Hozaki, Toru Nagahama, Kanami Dosho, Shuya Wakayama, Haruka Fujishiro

    The 21st annucal forum of college education 

    Presentation date: 2015.03

  • A new look at educational influence of transfer of schools

    Masahiro Yoshida, Norio Hozaki

    The 40th Annucal Conference of Japan Association for Educational Technology 

    Presentation date: 2014.10

  • Effecrtive enhancement of communication activities by using somatics and language

    Norio Hozaki, Haruka Fujishiro, Takashi Kase

    The 40th Annucal Conference of Japan Association for Educational Technology 

    Presentation date: 2014.10

  • Evaluation and problems in an online course blended with ondemand- and face-to-face class

    Norio Hozaki

    Educational Reformation by Information, Communication and Technology 2014 

    Presentation date: 2014.09

  • Development of the discussion board by using SNS -toward untaught English education-

    Yasuhiko Sugawara, Hiroko Suzuki, Norio Hozaki

    Educational Reformation by Information, Communication and Technology 2014 

    Presentation date: 2014.09

  • Analysis of an online course, "Fundamentals of Effective Presentation" in terms of students' attitude and messages on the discussion board

    Norio Hozaki, Ririko Izawa

    International Conference of Media and Education 2014 Korea 

    Presentation date: 2014.08

  • Analysis of acquired knowledge and skills generated through studying abroad

    Norio Hozaki

    The 54th Annucal Conference of Association of Language Education and Technology 

    Presentation date: 2014.08

  • Analysis of Factors of Student Satisfaction in a Language and Culture Exchange Program at a Japanese University

    Haruka Fujishiro, Norio Hozaki

    Improving University Teaching 

    Presentation date: 2014.07

  • Effects of colloborative activities in a short "study abroad" program of college students

    Norio Hozaki

    The 53rd National Conference of the Japan Association for Language Educationl & Technolllogy 

    Presentation date: 2013.08

  • Toward development of communication education at college

    Hiroki Yamaji, Tohko Tanaka, Tomoko Misumi, Norio Hozaki

    The 19th annucal forum of college education 

    Presentation date: 2013.03

  • Analysis through life history of English learning and maintenace of adavanced ESL learners

    SungYon Kim, Norio Hozaki

    The 127th Kanto Chapter Conference of Japan Association for Language Education and Technolog 

    Presentation date: 2011.11

  • Effect of BBS write-ins of a library of elementary school in problem solving activities

    Satona Arai, Norio Hozaki

    JAET 37th annual conference at Tamba 

    Presentation date: 2011.10

  • Analysis of at elementary school

    Miyu Chiba, Norio Hozaki

    JAET 37th annual conference at Tamba 

    Presentation date: 2011.10

  • Meaningful application of language, body and media to deliver messages and communiate

    Norio Hozaki

    The 47th Annual National Conference of Association of Teaching Methods 

    Presentation date: 2011.10

  • Learning in an authentic and complicated situation of US seminar camp

    The 51st Annual National Conference of Japan Association for Language Education and Technology 

    Presentation date: 2011.08

  • Analysis of a facilitator's talk in the educational workshop

    Kikuchi Emiko, Kitamura Fumito, Hozaki Norio

    Presentation date: 2011

    Event date:
  • Development and evaluation of multimedia material for English Education at elementary school

    Fumito Kitamura, Takahiro Yuuki, Norio Hozaki

    JAET 36th annual conference at Joetsu 

    Presentation date: 2010.11

  • Evaluation of the multimedia instructional program,"Eigo Manabi Note" (Tokorozawa version)

    The 49th Annual Conference of the Japan Association for Language Education and Technology (LET) 

    Presentation date: 2009.08

  • Evaluation and issues of "Engeki Workshop" provided for students in an English teacher-training course

    The 49th Annual Conference of the Japan Association for Language Education and Technology (LET) 

    Presentation date: 2009.08

  • A survey of Kana use and the attitude to it in a pronunciation practice at elementary education

    The 9th annual conference of Japanese English S 

    Presentation date: 2009.07

  • Development and evaluation of multimedia couseware, Tokorozawa English Adventure III

    JAET 34th annual conference at Mie 

    Presentation date: 2008.11

  • 小学校英語活動における少人数授業と一斉授業と教員の発話量の質の変化

    Eri Terada, Norio Norio

    Association of Lanauage Education and Technology 

    Presentation date: 2007.08

  • Comparative analysis of the function of TA in a lecture and a seminar

    Fumito Kitamura, Eri Terada, Norio Hozaki

    Associartion of Improving University Teaching Jaen, Spain 

    Presentation date: 2007.07

    Event date:
  • What was experienced and learned from attributes of e-school practice

    Norio Hozaki

    The 116th meeting of Language Education and Technology, Kanto division 

    Presentation date: 2006.06

  • Practice of e-learing at college education for peopole at work

    Norio Hozaki

    Presentation date: 2005.10

  • Theoretical backgournd and problems of English education at elementary school

    Norio Hozaki  [Invited]

    Sympojium at Tokorozawa Education Center 

    Presentation date: 2005.08

  • First hands-on experience of nonlinear video editing

    Norio Hozaki

    The 45th annual meeting of LET 

    Presentation date: 2005.07

  • Practice and problems in e-school learing

    Norio Hozaki

    Study meeting of FD 

    Presentation date: 2005.03

  • Effective use and blending of educational media

    Norio Hozaki  [Invited]

    Presentation date: 2005.01

  • How to survive in media-oriented society

    Norio Hozaki  [Invited]

    Workshop at Meiho Elementary School 

    Presentation date: 2004.08

  • Re-evaluation of English education at elementary school

    Norio Hozaki  [Invited]

    Sympojium at Tokorozawa Eduxxation Center 

    Presentation date: 2004.08

  • A New Style of Field Trip with an Emphasis on Students' Active Participation

    Norio Hozaki

    The 44th nnual meeting of LET 

    Presentation date: 2004.07

  • EMI-based "Media Production" class

    Norio Hozaki

    The 10th annucal forum of college education 

    Presentation date: 2004.03

  • Guidelines for FD and SD by using IT-applied higher education

    Norio Hozaki

    Sympojium at NIME 

    Presentation date: 2004.03

  • How to get along well with media technology

    Norio Hozaki  [Invited]

    Workshop at Haihara High School in Shizuoka Prefecture 

    Presentation date: 2004.02

  • Development of media literacy through video production

    Norio Hozaki

    The 29th annucal conference for Japan Association of Educational Technology 

    Presentation date: 2003.11

  • The current issues of public access of cable television in Japan

    Norio Hozaki

    The 29th annual conference of Japan Association of Educational Technology 

    Presentation date: 2003.11

  • Report of e-learning system, "SVIC" of School of Human Sciences of Waseda University

    Norio Hozaki  [Invited]

    Workshop of NIME 

    Presentation date: 2003.09

  • Analysys of English-mediated Instruction of college class

    Norio Hozaki

    The 9th annual conference of college education 

    Presentation date: 2003.03

  • Effective use of media technology

    Norio Hozaki

    The Study meeting of "Higher Education and Faculty Development at NIME 

    Presentation date: 2003.03

  • A study of the effective timing of inserting captions to enhance English listening

    Takae Saito, Norio Hozaki

    The annucal conference of Japan Society of Educational Technology 

    Presentation date: 2002.11

  • Development of CM analysis table with statistical processing applied

    Norio Hozaki

    The 28th annucal conference of Japan Association for Educational Tenonolygy 

    Presentation date: 2002.11

  • Evaluation, analysis and issues of the class conducted by EMI

    Hozaki Norio, Kurahachi Junko, Nakajima Kazuko, Shimizu Ryo

    JACET conference, 41 

    Presentation date: 2002.09

    Event date:
  • Media and human right: co-existence with media

    Hozaki Norio

    Human rights in Kanagawa Prefecture 

    Presentation date: 2001.11

    Event date:
  • Use and problems of computer technology as a communication tool

    Hozaki Norio

    School health association of Ka nagawa Pref. 

    Presentation date: 2001.05

    Event date:
  • How to design and create computer-assisted curriculum materials with analysis of visuals embedded

    Hozaki Norio

    Presentation date: 2000.03

    Event date:
  • New media into educational communication

    Hozaki Norio  [Invited]

    Presentation date: 1999.12

  • Present situation and problems of computer application for English learning and evaluation

    Hozaki Norio

    Study meeting of Collec Entrance Exams 

    Presentation date: 1999.10

    Event date:
  • How local community intereacts with other people

    Hozaki Norio

    Rokkakubashi community center, Yokohama 

    Presentation date: 1999.10

    Event date:
  • A practical report: visual-based voicing

    Hozaki Norio

    Presentation date: 1999.10

  • ハイテク機器と青少年のコミュニケーション


    Presentation date: 1999.03

    Event date:
  • Communicative features in video

    Y Hirasawa, N Hozaki


    Presentation date: 1999

    Event date:
  • How to accept and understand international cultural aspects

    Hozaki, Norio  [Invited]

    Presentation date: 1998.06

    Event date:
  • 映像教材における字幕の効果:アイマークレコーダによる視線運動の分析から


    Presentation date: 1998.04

    Event date:
  • 映像表現の教育利用


    Presentation date: 1998.03

    Event date:
  • 映像の学習効果:映像を利用すべき方法と様相


    Presentation date: 1998.03

    Event date:
  • Presentation in English

    Hozaki Norio

    Presentation date: 1998.03

  • Multimedia into second language education

    Hozaki Norio  [Invited]

    Presentation date: 1998.01

  • A brief report of Japan's Educational Technology Conference 1996-97

    Hozaki Norio

    Association for Educational Communications and Technology 25: 2 

    Presentation date: 1997.12

  • Media-assisted class reflection

    Hozaki Norio


    Presentation date: 1997.11

  • Development of media literacy and communication

    Hozaki Norio  [Invited]

    Presentation date: 1997.09

  • School district and colleges in the U .S.A.

    Hozaki Norio  [Invited]

    Joint lectures for Kanagawa-ward citizens sponsored by Yokohama City University 

    Presentation date: 1997.09

  • 字幕の読みと内容理解の視線運動分析


    Presentation date: 1997.08

    Event date:
  • A study of the effective size of captions in terms of comprehension

    Hozaki Norio

    Presentation date: 1997

  • Use of Closed-captioned Video in EFL: Effectitve or Elusive? : A learner model and preview activities

    HOZAKI Norio, SUZUKI Hiroko

    Presentation date: 1996.11

    Event date:
  • A brief report on the current situation of Ed Tech research and other related areas in Japan, 1994-1995

    Hozaki Norio

    Association for Educational Communications and Technology 

    Presentation date: 1995.12

  • Possible practice of ESL immersion program on Internet

    Hozaki Norio

    Presentation date: 1994.10

  • Use of captioned visual materials based on eye tracking analysis

    Presentation date: 1994.10

  • 映像と語学学習に関する研究のデータベース構築


    Presentation date: 1994.08

    Event date:
  • Development of a learning system to enhance visual comprehension by using captioned visual materials based on analysis of eye tracking data

    Hozaki Norio


    Presentation date: 1994.08

  • HYPERHAIKU: Japanese poetry as an intercultural lesson

    Association for the Development of Computer-Based Instructional Systems (ADCIS) 

    Presentation date: 1994.02

    Event date:
  • Development of hyぺrHAIKU for JSA learners

    Hozaki Norio

    Presentation date: 1993.11

  • Field dependence/independence の知覚テスト(GEFT)における視線運動の分析


    Presentation date: 1993.10

    Event date:
  • Development of non-verbal communication materials for JSL learners

    Hozaki Norio

    Presentation date: 1993.10

  • 海外教育ソフトの外国語教育利用に関する評価と学習効果


    Presentation date: 1992.10

    Event date:
  • Development of an interactive video lesson in JASL education

    Hozaki Norio


    Presentation date: 1992.02

  • Interactive video in EFL education: A Japanese case

    Association for Educational Communications and Technology, U.S.A. 

    Presentation date: 1991.02

    Event date:

▼display all

Research Projects

  • 大学生における対人葛藤の創造的調整を促進する介入モデルの開発と効果検証

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)

    Project Year :


    山地 弘起, 保崎 則雄, 三隅 友子, 田中 東子, 谷 美奈

     View Summary


  • 工学分野の語学と実習を同時に学べる多言語e-learning教材の開発と授業実践

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)

    Project Year :


    土井 香乙里、保崎則雄

     View Summary

    コロナ渦以来、遠隔授業中心であったため、学内でのオンライン教材の使い方にも学生が慣れており、手始めに授業で主に使用してきた「Google Form」形式のオンライン自主学習教材の開発を行ってきた。
    今後も、研究期間の間に、さらに専門分野の用語等を使い、学習コンテンツを増やす予定である。また、これまでGoogle Formでコンテンツ制作を行ってきたが、オンライン教材の媒体として、e-learning制作ソフトを活用し、さらに学習しやすい、また、学生たちが興味をっもって学習可能な教材制作を行っていく予定である。制作した教材を「技術英語」などの授業で試用し、学習効果等を測り、また、教材の形態での学習の違いや効果について、制作したオンライン教材の評価を行う予定である。

  • とっさの判断から展開する対話、表現活動を取り入れた授業内活動の設計、実施と評価

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)

    Project Year :


    保崎 則雄、藤城晴佳、山地弘起、斎藤隆枝、土井香乙里、北村史

     View Summary


  • Development of a socioemotional learning program aiming at authentic self-expression and functional social adjustment among college students

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


    YAMAJI Hiroki

     View Summary

    In this research, we developed pilot courses that would promote awareness and mutual exploration of college students' communication habits, and that would make possible the utilization and construction of newly learned knowledge and skills in one's communication activities. After separate practical studies in four communication domains (somatic, verbal, media, and cross-cultural), it was suggested that the general guidelines common to all domains include the preparation of a rather unusual learning context that engenders deep relating and mutual support, whereby each student is able to experience collaborative achievement through some kind of interpersonal conflict.

  • Comprehensive analysis of blended learning in studetns' BBS comments and grade

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


    Hozaki Norio

     View Summary

    The present study intended to clarify the process of online communication/discussion on BBS in the blended class, Presentation Basics, with five on-demand classes followed by one face-to-face class session. On BBS discussion, the most frequent kind of postings was linear 2-3 writing chain as was anticipated. One main reason for the chain of postings to end was caused by consolidating and concluding comments. On the other hand, for a writing chain to continue was because of raising questions and expanding topics through personal experiences. Quite interestingly, the second writing followed by the first writing after seeing the class video was found significantly important when considered the continuity and expansion of the discussion.

  • Construction of of an Internet English Learning Community Based on Mutual Learning by Using SNS and Evaluation of Participants' Online Output

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


    Iino Kazuhiko

     View Summary

    In this research project, firstly, we constructed an “English Learning Community” on the Internet based on participants’ mutual learning by using SNS, which is now one of the major communication tools among young people. Secondly, we analyzed the English used by participants in the learning community and their eagerness to participate and discuss in the community. The analysis shows limited proficiency level students try to express themselves by using already-known English expressions with little consciousness of other participants. On the other hand, intermediate students try to understand other participants’ opinions well and then try to express their own opinions in English. With regards to the participants’ eagerness to discuss in the community, their English level doesn’t have a strong influence, but their interest in the discussion topics is a crucial factor for participation.

  • What you can/cannot see the inside Japan from the outside Japan

    Project Year :


    Hozaki, Norio, Fujishiro, Haruka

  • Practice and evaluation of collaborative activities to make happen and internalize the EFL learners' use of English in sophisticated and authentic situations embedded with actual problems

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


    HOZAKI Norio, SUZUKI Hiroko, TAMAJI Hiroki, KITAMURA Fumito

     View Summary

    In a class and a workshop of media production and acting, the participants worked individually and collaboratively by PBL(Project-Based Learning) toward actual production. The activities were conducted approximately 70% in English. The participants presented with their products in English. The end-of-course evaluation indicated that through working collaboratiely inside and outside class promoted active and independed learning as well as reflection-in-action.
    Also, another project of collaborative U.S. seminar camp was conducted for about 10 days and was evaluated after the students returned to Japan. The after-the-camp reflection and evaluation indicates active learning was naturally and unconsciously generated as they began to participate in collaborative activities such as giving presentations and working as Jap teaching assistants. This suggests the above activities as "mediating artifacts" in acquiring and learning English worked effectively enough in authentic situations.

  • The development of a college-level integrative curriculum of communication education toward faculty development

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


    YAMAJI Hiroki, HOZAKI Norio, MISUMI Tomoko, TANAKA Toko

     View Summary

    To propose a college-level integrative curriculum of critical and creative communication that expands the scope of basic skills training in interpersonal relations, language, and ICT use, this project applied research in communication studies and learning sciences for case survey and module development in four major domains (body and emotion, cognition and language, media and ICT, and society and culture), thereby designing a pilot program of an integrative curriculum as well as producing a faculty development textbook.

  • Development, Practice and Evaluation of the Techer Training Program with Art-related Activities Embedded

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


    HOZAKI Norio, NAKANO Michiko, SUZUKI Hiroko, KITAMURA Fumito

     View Summary

    The present study investigated the following two aspects of teacher education. One is how art-related workshop activities were accepted and evaluated by the three different but closely related groups, namely : the students registered in the teacher certificate course, teachers-to-be (ready to take job interviews in municipal/prefectural boards of education after graduation of college), and in-service teachers. The other is an investigation of the UK's educational practices such as the Creative Partnerships Program, Creativity Culture and Education and Find Your Talent in terms of how effective those nation-based activities are, and what kind of problems arise as each school raises their hand to request workshops at their school given the limited budget.
    More exactly, act workshops and media production workshops were conducted for the above three groups. Together with the workshops, a class of Media Production, offered to the students in the teacher certificate course, was conducted and evaluated. The result of the questionnaire shows the workshops were highly appreciated by the three groups. However, in-service teachers mentioned more exact situations in which what was learned in the workshops could be applied.
    The investigation (including an interview with the director of Find Your Talent) of the British educational system indicates tangible effects in several aspects. One is there are more and more requests coming from each school. Another is there are more students who would like to pursue their career related to the content of the workshops. There is also a problem in this system, namely, how the workshops can be incorporated into the curricula of each school requesting workshops, given the limited budget. There will be further investigations as well as practices of these kinds of workshops in teacher education within Japan.

  • Analysis of effective communication process by using body and artifact for faculty Development

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


    HOZAKI Norio, NAKANO Michiko, SUZUKI Hiroko, YAMAJI Hiroki, NAKAJIMA Yoshiaki, NISHIMURA Shoji

     View Summary

    Based on the analysis of college lecture class and English class at elementary school by using Observational System for Instructional Analysis originally developed by Hough and Duncan, the followings were found. The OSIA analysis, starting with transcription of class activities, takes the form of matrix and timeline.
    1) Compared with college class, the level of interaction was significantly higher and there were more students' talk observed in an elementary English class
    2) More experienced Assistant Language Teacher(ALT, native speaker of English) created higher level of interaction between teacher and students by not just starting repetition practice but waiting for students' utterances after showing visual materials at an elementary English class. This created more energetic class activities with a higher sense of participation.
    3) Richer facial expression of teachers increased positive class atmosphere.
    4) More experienced ALT used short sentences and phrases elaborately and effectively as feedback each time students answered.
    5) Class proceeded effectively and smoothly when appropriate artifact was used for instruction.

  • Development of the lesson archives of Human sciences and a trial of it through cable TV network for the life long education.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

    Project Year :


    NOJIMA Eiichiro, NISHIMURA Shoji, NOZAKI Norio, ASADA Tadashi, YOSHINO Shiho, SAITOH Miho

     View Summary

    At the beginning of our project, we had intention to acquire our own cable channel which is available to our application concerned to life long education. But, the wave of the reform of university is very urgent, we are asked to build a e-school in Tokorozawa Campus by our president. So, we had presented our proposal to ministry of education. And we got permission to start our e-school at 2003.
    The e-school is targeted towards working adults. Contents of the e-school courses were mainly constructed by videotaping live performances of instructors in the classes of the Faculty of human sciences. The curriculum of the e-school is almost the same as that of the traditional counterpart in the school of Human Sciences.
    Half of the school system is common to traditional universities, but the other half consists of private companies involved in the administration of networks and the development of instructional content. Thus, we call our e-school system a hybrid school system.
    A tutor is assigned to each class of 30 students. He or she assists students' learning of particular subjects. Each tutor must have a master's degree.
    Advantages of an e-school are as follows.
    1) Expansion of educational functions in time and space.
    2) Improvement of the quality of instruction by making it public.
    3) Realization of individualized instruction by the aid of BBS' and tutors.
    4) Financial and educational reward systems for graduate students by providing them with positions as tutors.
    Challenges an e-school faces
    1) Higher tuitions in comparison to other correspondence courses.
    2) Difficulty of offering various kinds of classes such as laboratory sessions, field research, seminars, etc.
    3) Heavy work load of instructors in preparing teaching materials and supervising students.
    4) Instructors' negative attitude towards e-schools.
    5) Difficulty of employing and training tutors.

  • アクションリサーチを応用したインターネット利用による日米協同学習の評価

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 特定領域研究(A)

    Project Year :


    野嶋 栄一郎, 齋藤 美穂, 保崎 則雄, 佐古 順彦, 石川 真, 西村 昭治

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    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Project Year :


    ASANO Hiroshi, SUGAWARA Yasuhiko, HOZAKI Norio, IINO Kazuhiro, TAKAI Osamu, OHARA Osamu

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    The new term and the concept, multlmedia, have been advocated in the field of foreign language education for the last one decade. In this educational trend, three modes of presentatlon : sound, written language and vlsuals, were elaborately focused in the present study for more effective learning.
    More precisely, the study intended to develop a prototype of multimedia-based Instructional materials with the following three tasks embedded in the lessons.
    1) Movies, 3 presentation modes were to be effectively used in the lesson.
    2) A tota1 instructional system was to consist of iodividua1ized instruction by applying the concept of CALL (Computer-Assisted Language Learning) and group instruction with an enough amount of oral activities.
    3) A content-based teaching method embedded with cultural information and understanding of the content was to be developed to avoid excessive emphasis of pure language instruction.
    Two different types of movies, Back to the Future and The Field of Dreams were Selected for the lessons after careful investigation of the content and the vocabulary as well as the speed of the speech. What was obtained in the present study is summarized as the following 3 points :
    1) Three different modes of presentation within the frame of CALL was used to achieve cach learning task by considering different learners' learning styles. This elaboraton enabled the learner to find out his/her learning style as well as an effective learning method.
    2) In the developed learning system, functioning as an introductory module, the locus ol control in his/her learning lled upon the learner and the following class instruction effectively enhanced furthcr learning including culture and interactlon through English. A pilot study (Fulleda, 1997) showed significant enhancement in the speaking test.
    3) A program within the lesson was developed to investigate the learning process. The program made clear the learner's learning process : frequency and the total time of duration on how a learner navigated in the lesson. The findings were reported at the annual TESOL conference of 1998 (Suzuki & Fujieda, 1998).

  • Development of an Effective ESL Listening Lesson by Using Captioned Visuals with Sound with the Basis of the Analysis of Eye Movement

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Project Year :


    HOZAKI Norio, SUZUKI Hiroko

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    There kinds of experiments were conducted in this project to investigate how the captioned video should be used. The first experiment attempted to investigate the effect of preview exercise before the subject saw the captioned video when the caption interferes with his/her understanding. The experiment showed a beginning ESL learner did not see the visuals or read the caption effectively. In the meantime, it was also found an advaced ESL learner applied the triangular processing pattern of viewing among the three presentation modes such as visuals, sound, and captions. More exactly, an adavanced ESL learner's eye movement typically moves to the visual first, focuses on the beginning part of the caption right after it is presented, repeats fixation, mini-movement and saccade to understand written dialogue, and then moves back to some part of the visual.
    The result of the first experiment showed some subjects received assistantce from the excercise. Subjects with the limited English, by contrast, were not assisted with the exersie and achieved the traiangular viewing pattern with more comprehension.
    The second experiement attempted to investigate the effect of different leves/kinds of preview exercise considering the subjects' English level. The short exercise mainly included receptive kinds such as the reading and listening of the caption, whiile a long exercise included both receptive and productive kinds like reading loudly and translation. It was found the appropriate exercise helped the subject with various English levels to use the additional informational mode of captions effectively.
    In addition to the above, how the different size of the caption, small (24 points), medium (32) and large (40), affects the understanding and the viewing attitude of the subject in the third experiment early this year. Athough analysis still continues at the time of writing this report, the result roughly suggesteds many learners did not notice the difference of the size of captions.

  • Development of ineractiveJASL curriculummaterials applying CG-based

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for General Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


    KOIKE Eiichi, HOZAKI Norio

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    This study focuses on development of interactive instructional materials in Japanese as a Second Language (JASL) Education. The development started with analysis of the questionnaire conducted by NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation) in 1991, which surveyed JASL instructors.In addition, the present researchers' experiences in JASL and culture teaching and JASL teacher education. It was found culture-based Japanese expressions were one of the most needed areas for instructional materials.
    The lesson includes the follwing two domains :
    1) introduction of Haiku in English and
    2) introduction of nonverbal communication, which, many JASK learners think, is difficult to master.
    Also, a survey was conducted to find out characteristics of software programs available in market and research institutes.
    Several-time field tests revealed the followings :
    1) A combination of visuals, audio and a written language is effective for culture learning.
    2) Elaborative insertion of animate visuals into a series of inanimate visuals.
    3) Younger learners tend to prefer a high level of interaction between learners and the instructional material.
    For future research, 1) language learning would have to include human teachers in the center, using additional materials effectively and 2) learning of culture should use symbol systems of visuals, audio and a written language effectively. Exposure to real situations is also necessary for JASL learners.

  • Japanese courseware for JASL learners with typical Japanese expressions embedded

    Nihon Housou Kyokai  Houso Bunka Foundation

    Project Year :


    Koike Eiichi Hozaki Norio

  • A Study of Instructional Materials With Different Visual Modes in Consideration of Cognitive Style

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for General Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


    KOIKE Eiichi, HOZAKI Norio, WATANABE Keiko, MATSUYAMA Masao, SUETAKE Kunihiro

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    This study, first of all, reconfirned that visual materials with different modes (from noneto realistic video image) were particularly effective for learning when the content of the learning was closely related to a part or all of the presented visual material in tenns of comprehension as well as motivation. This supports Paivio's Dual-Coding theory perse.
    The instructional materials which were made and used in this study were "Nokidding."in EFL(English as a Foreign Language and Haiku, the Japanese traditional poetry, in JASL(Japanese As a Second Language). Both lessons contained graphical images and/or realistic video images. The Haiku lesson also adopted the concept of"clockwise presentation of information" and "prevention of information overflow on one screen page."
    In the EFL lesson, the result of learning of the nonverbal cue was measured using videotaped conversation while comprehension check out was conducted in the Haiku lesson.
    Additionally, combination of animate and still images was found quite effective probably because the animation night have captured the leamer's attention when the balance between animate and still images was adequate. Auditory information which was provided along with the information in the written language apparently enhanced learning in both lessons. Although this study did not attempt to disclose the limit of human information processing presenting multiple media symbol systems/attributes, it might be very interesting to investigate the overflow of human visual information processing.
    GEFT(Group Embedded Figures Test) has not helped to classify the participants of the experiment all through this study because of ceiling effect of the score for some unknownreason.
    Necessary further studies related to this project would include (1) why GEFT scores of Japanese college students were * all higher compared to those of U.S. students, (2) to what extent a learner can process multiple visual information, and (3) * and how much a field dependent/independent learner actually sees visual materials presented on a screen (eye fixation) in * ontext of comprehension.

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  • Development of promotion video of small-scale companies in Saitama Prefecture


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    ”Media lab" conducted by Hozaki seminar of Waseda U, School of Human Sciences, made promotion video clips of small-scale companies in Saitama Pref. each year until 2021. The project was managed by Saitama Prefectural Government. The lab made 4 videos each year from 2012 to 2020.

  • Project of Elementary School English Education


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    In this lecture of English Education at a local elementary school in Tokorozawa, the following topics were introduced with several suggestions. 1) How to use appropriately "Eigo Note" published by Min. of Education and Science 2) Effective communication between homeroom teachers and assistannt E. teachers 3) How to bridge between elementary and junior high school in English education

  • My School, Tokorozawa


Teaching Experience

  • Teaching methods of ESL 4

    School of Education  


  • Teaching methods in ESL 1,2,3

    School of Education、Waseda University  


  • Graduate thesis: Educational Communication Studies)

    Waseda U. Graduate School of Human Sciences  


  • Graduate Seminar:Media Communication Studies

    Waseda U. Graduate School of Human Sciences  


  • Undergradute Seminar I & II (Media Communication) eSchool

    Waseda U. School of Human Sciences (e School)  


  • Media Communication Special Studies

    Waseda U. Graduate School of Human Sciences  


  • Media Communication Studies

    School of Human Sciences: eSchool、Waseda Uにversionty  


  • Seminar of Graduation Thesis

    School of Human Sciences、Waseda University  


  • Undergraduate seminar (Media Communication) I & II

    School of Human Sciences、Waseda University  


  • Media Communications Studies

    School of Human Sciences, Waseda University,  


     View Summary

    Each student intends to think, evaluate, develop, and finally establish her/his media literacy concept along with the study of media attributes through using and exposing to media environment of every day.

  • Academic Listening Advanced

    Waseda U. School of Human Sciences  


  • Media Production Studies ( Media Production and Presentations, till 2012)

    School of Human Sciences、Waseda University  


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    Established as "Exportable class" since it started, or EMI (English Mediated Instruction) since 2000.

  • Academic Writing Intermediate

    Waseda U. School of Human Sciences  


  • Basic Seminar I

    Waseda U. School of Human Sciences  


  • Presentation studies (advances level)

    Global Education Center (previously Open Education Center), Waseda University  


  • Fundamental skills and knowledge of Presentations

    Global Education Center (previously Open Education Center), Waseda University  


  • 20-year training for teachers

    Saitama Pref.  


  • General English

    Kanagawa University  


  • Educational Methods

    Kanagawa Prefectural College of Foreign Studies  


  • Media Communication Studies

    J. F. Oberlin University  


  • English I, II, III

    The Open University of Japan  


  • Seminar of Teaching Certificate

    The University of Electro-Communications  


  • Methods of JAFL

    Kanagawa University  


  • Media production, presentations, programming, authoring

    Edgar Dale Midia Center, College of Education, The Ohio State University  


  • Japanese culture and language

    Continuing Education, The Ohio State University  


  • All subjects of Junior High School

    The Japanese Language School, Columbus, OH U.S.A.  


  • English (Gr. 10~12)

    SEIAN girls' senior high school, Kyoto  


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Social Activities

  • BSi(TBSのBS)



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  • NHK「いっと6けん」



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Overseas Activities

  • 米国マサチュウセッツ州、ボストン市における教員の質向上のための研修の分析と同州におけるメディアリテラシ育成の教育の分析


    アメリカ   Dartmouth College、Boston College

Internal Special Research Projects

  • eスクール授業における教授者からの書き込みの時間差が受講生の学びに与える影響

    2023   冨永麻美

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    2023年度は、昨年度の対面型の授業「Media Production Studies」の授業の分析をもとに関連分野の学会誌に投稿したもの(研究成果発表を参照)を踏まえて、同じオンラインでの学び、コミュニケーションの分析を、春学期の社会人大学、eスクール科目「メディアコミュニケーション学」の14週の授業をもとにして分析した。分析対象としたのは、主に、毎回のオンデマンド授業映像視聴後に各受講生がMoodle上のフォーラムに書き込む2種類の書き込みメッセージである。2種類の書き込みは、1)授業映像視聴に関する理解、疑問などのコメント、2)他の受講生の書き込みについてのコメントや追加情報、意見など、の2種類である。分析の結果、明らかになったことは以下のと通りである。授業内容がフォーラムでのディスカッションでのコメントのしやすさという要素と関係してはいたが、その書きやすさというのは教員側の書き込みのタイミング、文体、創発性といったことばかりではなく、社会人受講生の書き込みのマナーや問題提起のやり方、お互いのコメントへの関わり方といったことに起因していることが、学期最後の「授業の振り返り」の内容を読んで明らかになった。同様に1)ディスカッション活動への参加の肯定感、2)教員側からのコメント内容の有用性、3)オンデマンド授業映像の内容や文字でのディスカッションへの手応えというものが、学びへの積極性へとつながっていることが明らかになった。これらのことから総合的にオンラインのみでの授業において、学びが深まる要素というのは、教え方の適切性、わかりやすさというだけではなく、学びのコミュニティ(教える側と学ぶ側)における参加者属性というものが大きな影響を与えることが再確認されたということは、授業の原点回帰のような視点で考えて興味深い。

  • 対面式とオンライン式授業のリフレクション活動での受講生の意識と評価の違いの分析

    2022   冨永麻美

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    授業がオンライン中心になって3年目であり、リフレクション活動も手書きのものからMoolde 上でのタイプ打ちでの提出に慣れが出てきた。研究者らはこの「書く」という活動と「タイプ打ち」という作業の中間地点を模索した。それは、少々ややこしい作業ではあるが、タイプ打ち→Word fileでのLMSであるMoodleに提出されたものを紙媒体に印刷し、授業担当者である研究者が手書き文字、イラストなどを使ってコメントするという方式を実践してみた。2022年度のみの分析と3年を総括した分析を併せて現在研究成果を共同研究者と出版すべく原稿を書いている。その出版が年度を超える予定である。

  • 短期海外研修に参加し、主体的な活動をした学生の活動後の振り返りを総括的に分析する

    2021   藤城晴佳

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    2020年度は、COVID-19の影響で本研究対象の「短期米国研修」(9月)の実施ができなかったため、2019年度までに18年間継続して実施した同種の研修を分析し、過去の研修参加者のリフレクションを試みた。その内容を分析したものを以下分類して記述する。参加者は2001年度から2018年度まで18年間に渡る。まず研修の構造を3つのステージに分けて分析した。1)準備の段階(Preparation stage)&nbsp;「状況に埋め込まれ学習」「米国入植史」などの輪読2)実践の段階(Improvisation stage)その場で判断した言動の実践3)評価の段階(Reflection stage)次年度に繋げる省察

  • 評価対象としない授業の振り返りにおける相当教員とのトランザクション対話の効果

    2019   藤城晴佳

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  • 「対話」重視のリフレクション活動が制作・表現型授業における学びに与える影響の分析

    2018   山地弘起

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    This study intended to clarifyhow college students differently learn in college class and “sprung out ofcollege” production activities based on the contract. What is to be learned incollege class is generally and comprehensively fixed or rigidly constructed as inthe situation, teacher vs. student, or evaluator vs. evaluatee. Extracurricularactivities outside college class could provide totally different but stillquite educational experiences as well as various aspects of learning embeddedin the process of video production in this study. An activity of producing promotionvideos of small-sized enterprises in Saitama Pref. by working together withSaitama Prefectural Government implies very educationally meaningful learning. Moreimportantly, this study has been focusing on what and how students learnthrough “revising” once submitted video products more than twice by the requestscoming from, not a class teacher but the clients and/or the public employees. Students/participantsgradually modify and expand their learning through this negotiating and sometimesfrustrating process. Students’ best products may or may not be the mostdesirable end products to the enterprises. The interviews with students showtheir learning was sometimes unexpectedly modified and re-purposed in theactivities. @font-face { font-family: "Cambria Math";}@font-face { font-family: 游明朝;}@font-face { font-family: "MS Pゴシック";}@font-face { font-family: "@MS Pゴシック";}@font-face { font-family: "@游明朝";}p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal { margin: 0mm 0mm 0.0001pt; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; font-family: "游明朝", serif; }.MsoChpDefault { font-size: 12pt; font-family: "游明朝", serif; }div.WordSection1 { }

  • TAの授業への参与観察に注目した受講学生の授業リフレクションに関する調査と分析

    2017   藤城晴佳

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    映像制作の授業「Media Production Studies」においてTAが授業に参与観察し、学生のリフレクションを分析した結果、1)映像制作という想像的な学びを行う学習課題によってリフレクションの構成要素の差異、2)フィールドノーツを主とした記述的分析から、学びにおけるリフレクションは、①自己の理解や認識を深める(俯瞰的な)もの、②他者に向けて意見をまとめ発表する(発信型)2種類の目的が存在すること、3)新たなメタ認知的な省察、が明らかになった。加えて、協働学習についての分析で、表現モードごとの相互コミュニケーションが学びのプロセス過程で行われていることが明らかになった。

  • オンデマンド授業視聴後のディスカッションでの多様なfeedback効果の分析


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    本研究では、2014年度の予備的な実践、評価(伊澤、保崎、2014)を踏まえ、2015年度にオンマントと対面授業をブレンドした「プレゼン基礎」の授業での実践、また、関連して「TED discussion」(飯野他、2015)でのオンラインコミュニティでの英語でのコミュニケーション活動を実施した。その結果、現時点では、以下のことが明らかになり継続して分析が必要である。1)指導教員のフォローするコメントの内容により、書き込みの内容が明らかに変化し、学生は能動的にも受動的にも変容する傾向がある。2)当該活動に熱心な学生ほど、ひとつのトピックを継続して書き込み、展開する傾向が観察される。

  • 言語の習得と異文化の学びを目的とした流動的な協働、協調的な学習活動の構造的な分析

    2014   Mizuki Eguchi, Toru Nagahama, Ako Kobayashi, Haruka Fujishiro

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    This study was conducted in two ways.The first one is the general evaluation of the present LCE (Language andCultural Exchange) program and in the second way, more precise questionnairewas developed by the present researchers.The preliminary survey of the LCE program was originally conducted byInternational Communication Center, Waseda University, Japan,&nbsp;andre-evaluated by the present researchers, indicated 1) perceived improvement inlistening (41%) and conversational skills (55%). A number of responses in thequestionnaire also implied the process of the development of friendshipafforded the participants an opportunity to use the target language morefrequently and to understand the target culture at a deeper level. Another result showed statisticallysignificant correlation between satisfaction of the entire LCE program and thatof the matching of language partners (n=195, r=0.75, p&lt;0.001). The factor analysis of the questionnaire given to as many as 31 student-participantsin the LCE program extracted the following four factors (caring/responsibility,flexible adjustment for the&nbsp; partner, personal and academic similarity,and personal characteristics). Also, the qualitative analysis of the30 students' descriptive responses revealed two orientations in their(un)satisfaction with the experience in the LCE: friendship-oriented andpartnership-oriented satisfaction.

  • 日本語少人数グループ授業における異なる日本語力を持つファシリテータ機能の分析


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    本研究では、ドイツ、ハイデルベルグ大学において、日本語を学んでいる3学期生の学生の日本語作文において、少人数制指導を用い、グループリーダーを4 つのグループに各1 名ずつ配置した場合、どのような教え、学び、ファシリテーションが生じるのであろうかということを調査し、それぞれのグループに配置した日本語母語者、日本語非母語者のファシリテーションの様子を、受講学生の語りと合わせて分析した。その際、グループリーダー4名の日本語力、指導経験が異なるような配置を計画的に行い、それぞれの指導の仕方にどのような相違点が出るのかということをリーダー、学生へのインタビュー調査、質問紙調査、そして、研究者による観察をもと包括的、且つ個別的に分析した。それぞれのグループに配置されたドイツ人日本語学習者は、3~4名であり、グループ内でバランスを取り、日本語を学び始めて3学期目という括りは同じであったが、その中でも習熟度が上、中、下位というようになるように配置した。 参加者全員の、時系列的な語りを総合的、構造的に分析した結果、グループリーダーの異なる日本語力が指導に影響を与えたことが確認でき、母語話者が指導するメリットと、学生の日本語学習の少し先を行く日本語中級者(JLPT N2レベル)のリーダー、あるいは、さらにその先を行く日本語上級者(JLPT N1レベル)が指導するときのメリットの違いがそれぞれ明らかになった。また、グループリーダーが母語話者かどうかということや指導経験の差に関わらず、アクティブラーニングの実践は十分可能だということがわかった。正統的な教え・学びの活動に参加することで、アクティブ・ラーニングが自然発生的に生成されるということが明らかになったことは非常に興味深い。このことは、アクティブラーニングの特質に深く関わるものであり、カリキュラムを決め、段階を決めて「教え込む」形式の授業スタイルとの対比として、自主学習、グループリーダーを含めた協働学習の発生、生起といったものが学習対象言語の習熟度と正比例的に関係する部分とグループリーダーの教育歴が教授法といった部分で、関わってくるものであり、必ずしも日本語習熟度、教育歴の量が学びの過程、結果に単純に比例すると言えないということを意味するものである。また、ZPD(ヴィゴツキー)やi+1(クラシェン)といったことの具体例が確認されたという点からも興味深い。現在、継続してデータ収集を行うと同時に、成果としての日本語作文の分析を、定量的にも定性的にも進めている。

  • 小学校英語活動教材での映像、音声情報の呈示が発音習得に与える影響についての調査


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    本研究は、所沢市内の小学校5年生(被験者)9名の、口唇映像視聴の発音習得のストラテジーについて、調査した。一昨年から始まった小学校英語活動における小学生の英語発音の習得を効果的に増進するための基礎研究としての位置づけである。具体的には、まず日本人英語上級者である帰国学生をモデルとして、小学校英語活動で頻出する単語の発音を録画し、顔全体の中で口の動きがわかりやすいようにノンリニア編集を行った。完成した映像を使用して3種類の実験群の映像を制作した。3群は、映像のみ、音声のみ、映像と音声である。映像と音声が同時提示された実験映像は、情報の質量ともに一番多く、効果的であろうという予測であり、音声のみの実験材料は音から口の形、動きを小学5年生がどのような方略を用いて近似させるのか、ということを調査する目的で設定した。さらに、映像のみの実験材料は、見えるものと発音がどのようにつながるのかという音声とは逆の実験材料である。音声のみのものとは異なり、映像のみのものでは、マガーク効果(McGurk, H. and McDonald, J., 1976)のように、ある音(GA, BAのような音)を視聴して同じ音の生産を要求した場合、口の形、動きを見て、実際の音とは異なった音(BAの口唇映像を見て、GAと誤解するような)が生産されるということを想定したものである。データは、被験者の発音を視聴前の発音と比較し、英語のネイティブに変化を点数で評価してもらい、比較した。サンプル数がまだ少ないため統計処理は行うことをしていないが、明らかになったことは、1)映像+音声 のものは発音が一番よくなっていた。2)音声のみ のものは音は映像+音声のものと比較してもかなり近い発音となっていた。3)映像のみは3つの中では一番発音の習得が低かった。今回の実験では、音声のみの条件では予想通りにかなりの効果が得られたが、映像のみの条件では、予想した以上に小学5年生の被験者の努力のあとが見られ、発音は近似的であった。サンプル数が少なく、一般化をすることは難しいのであるが、このことは、マガーク効果が日本人にはそれほど大きな差とならない、ということを示唆していたものを支持する結果となった。さらの多くのサンプルを収集する必要があるが、今回の実験は、マガークのような単音ではなく、単語レベルであるため、単音の組み合わせ、つまり形態素での実験であるので、さらに精査が必要であろう。さらに被験者の事後インタビューから、発音動作に至るまでのストラテジーに大きな違いがあった。特に映像だけの場合、必死で試行錯誤し、過去の近似の発音した口唇の動きを真似、映像の発音者に近づけるための苦労、努力が想像以上に大きかったことがわかった。音s婦負だけの場合には先行知識から比較的容易に音を再生することができたことが述べられていた。その後わかったことであるが、映像+音声の条件では、音声なしの映像を見せ、次に音を聞かせ、最後に映像+音声の映像を視聴されることの効果が大であることがわかったことは大きな収穫であった。今後、小学生に英語音声(単語レベルでの)を習得させるときに、たとえ英語ネイティブであっても、口唇映像をじっくり見せ、発音の形を理解させて、音を独立して聞かせ、最後に両方を提示する方法がかなり効果的であろうということが明らかになった。現状では、ほとんどの小学校英語活動では、英語発音練習時には、見せることと聞かせることが重複している。この研究の知見から、初学者にはまず情報処理の限界も考慮し、別々に提示し練習、習得をすることが正当性が明らかになった。今後は、指導法につなげることが次の目標である。

  • 「日英語の音」「心と身体の動き」を扱う小学生の英語素地養成の教材制作と評価

    2010   北村 史

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     本研究では、小学校英語活動の教材「Tokorozawa English Adventure」の一部に身体表現(非言語表現)のレッスンを入れるべく制作した。文科省制作の「英語ノート」をベースとして、所沢市立教育センターが制作したマルチメディア教材である「Tokorozawa English Adventure」のチャプター1に、パントマイムとして組み入れた。その中でたとえば、「相手にリンゴを勧める」というメッセージを非言語表現で行なうとどのようなものになるのか、それが児童(5、6年生)にどのように理解されるのか、ということをAET(Assistant English Teacher)が登場するビデオクリップとして制作した。文科省の学習指導要領に記載されている小学校英語活動の狙いに、「コミュニケーション能力の素地づくり」という内容がある。本来、この素地にどのようなものが含まれるのかという提示は特にない。しかしながら、実際にメッセージを伝えるときに、我々は言語のみを使用するものでもない。身体動作はその重要な素地の一部になるということが、現在までの小学校英語活動の研究指導(所沢市)でわかっている。 研究代表者は、そのことを確認するため、2011年1月に所沢市内の小学校4年生3クラスにて、素地を音、身体、しぐさ、語順という観点から紹介する授業を行う事ができた。授業を録画したものを分析した結果、児童のコミュニケーション力を促進する素地として、身体動作、それから、音の使い方、ひいては呼吸の仕方に大きなヒントがあることがわかった。本教材では、言語をまったく使用せず、身体動作(非言語コミュニケーション)でメッセージを伝えることの例示を3~5分程度のビデオクリップとして丁寧に行なっている。 また、実際に制作された教材を授業で使用された結果、児童は馴染みのある先生、AETが登場することで動機づけが高まり、また、見てわかる内容であったため、理解が容易であるとの評価を得ている。また、制作者からの評価としては、コミュニケーション能力の素地を作るという点からも確認されている。 小学校4年生を対象とした教材の評価において、興味がわいた、英語が身近になった、やれば出来そうという主旨の評価がいくつもあったことから、本教材は意義のあるものであったと確信した。

  • 英語活動授業を担当する小学校教員と中学校英語教員の英語力と不安の比較調査


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  • 視線運動分析によるe―learning教材画面の視聴過程の解析と構成評価


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    本年度は、まずeスクールで使用されている画面の分析を行なった。プログラム開始当時は、講師の講義、板書、その他キーワードというような画面構成であったが、現時点では、そのようなウィンドウが3つというパターンは、あまりない。理由は、学習者の見やすさ、わかりやすさというものが中心であった。本研究者は、担当の科目「学習とメディア」において、試験的に、1画面方式のビデオ授業を12回分、自主制作し、学習者にその見やすさを調査した。その結果、画面に集中できるという点で、1画面方式がわかりやすく、視聴しやすいとの意見が多かった。次に、1画面での視聴過程を調べたところ、Talking headでの話者を中心とした視聴プロセスが認められた。また、画面に文字情報が呈示されると、視線は、文字情報、というよりも新しい情報、動く情報へと吸い寄せられるように微動しつつ、飛越運動をすることが確認された。このことは、伊藤(1997)、鈴木、保崎(1997)の先行研究の結果と同様の結果となった。ただ、今回はまだみやすさ、内容の理解度という点からの結果がデータ収集中にで部分的にしか出ておらず、4月から5月に関して、そのデータが継続収集され、分析されれば、さらに明らかになるものと思われる。この事に関しては、7月上旬のImproving University Teaching International Conference (Jaen, Spain)での報告が決まっており、そのことには、さらに詳しい結果が判明すると期待される。また、それとは前後するが、本研究テーマに関する発表論文として、以下のものがある。この論文では、教授側と教育コーチの役割、連携が学習者との新しい教育コミュニケーションをつくり出し、独特のパターンが存在することを「実践知」「経験知」をベースにまとめた。具体的には、BBSでの教育コミュニケーションは、講義科目であれば、議論の「核」となる授業内容があり、比較的質疑応答もスムーズに行なわれるが、演習のようなややもすれば、Individual Studyのような様相を持っている科目では、議論が活発化しにくく、たとえBBSでの書き込みであっても、結局は1対1の個別指導という形式になる。ところが、せっかく学習コミュニティを形成している(はずの)BBSであるのだから、それを活かすべく努力が必要となる。そのひとつとして、古典的な方法ではあるが、「ことば掛け」を多用するという方法でいくらかの効果を得た。これからさらにあれこれの方法を駆使して、より活発な議論、卒業研究完成へと進めて行く必要があるとの結論に達した。

  • 学習者の他教科学習内容に対応した小学校英語教育のカリキュラムの開発


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    本研究は、1)小学校英語活動の様相を分析、2)新しい教授法を試行、教員、生徒の反応を確認、3)公立小学校が「総合的な学習の時間」内で行うことのできる英語活動を模索すること、の3点であった。実施したことは、1)授業担当教員、教育センター指導主事との打ち合わせの後、授業を3回録画した。(2004年11月、2005年2月、2005年11月)学年は、3、4年生、カメラ2台で1授業を録画した(教員の動き、表情と子供らの反応)。2)録画した授業は、担当教員が事後視聴し、反省会を行い、改善点などについて意見交換した。その結果、授業者は、授業を第3者として観察することができ、授業中の動き、発語などに関して、確認した。3)授業中の全対話を記述し、使用言語量(日本語と英語)の比較をした。3回目の授業になって、かなりスムーズな授業になったことが確認された。4)合科制の授業(英語で算数を教える)を2005年度から始め、11月の研究授業では、かなりの成果を観察することができた。3回目の授業では、英語母語者による算数の授業を行った。児童は積極に参加した。小学校英語授業は、近未来に科目化することが予想されるが、どこまでの習得を目標にし、中学校の英語授業にどのようにつなげて行くのか、という点が重要である。本研究では、もし、小学校英語活動において、従来のJET, AET, HRTの3者での授業から、最終的にはHRT一人で行うということを目指すのであるならば、1)英語力をつける2)教材のバリエーションを充実させる3)英語教授法(TESOL)の履修を必修化4)教員養成を確立というようなことが不可欠である。本研究では、主に教員の研修(FD)に焦点を合わせ、養成と現職研修のあり方が重要であるとの結論を実証的に示したが、今後は、2)の教材研究と合わせて学習環境(英語の部屋:e-room)について発展して行くと予定される。

  • 英語環境における遠隔教育を利用した国際情報コミュニケーション教育の実践と評価


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    英語力を育成するには、1)英語だけを教える初期段階、2)目的を持って英語力を練成する中期段階、3)英語環境にて学習活動を行う最終段階の3ステージが噛み合う必要があるが、多くの高等教育機関では、1)、2)の段階までの教育である。さきほど文部科学省から発表された2002年度のデータによると、「外国語による授業の実施状況」は、国立79校、公立29校、私立210校と前年度から20%ほど増加している。本実践研究では、ゼミ(メディアコミュニケーション)履修の3年生13人を対象にして、最終段階での教育を、「情報教育」の中のメディアコミュニケーション課題(日米TVCM比較分析、映画スターのCM、ペットボトル茶のCM)において行った。具体的には、人間科学部の海外協定校である、米国オハイオ州クリーブランド市のCase Western Reserve Universityと連携して、1)事前交流としてのメールによる自己紹介、情報交換、2)相手校でのプレゼンテーション、3)相手校でのTAとしての経験、4)相手校での他分野での授業聴講 の4種類をすべて英語使用環境で実施した。学生への面談、担当者評価を中心とした調査結果として、以下のことが明らかになった。1)伝達方法としての英語力は、コンテンツの理解の度合いが深いほど気にならなくなった。2)コンテンツを理解したことをを文化の違う相手に伝えて同様の理解をしてもらうためには、言語負荷を軽減させる手段としてのメディア活用が重要である。3)なによりも英語で意思疎通をすることの難しさと重要性を体験的に理解できた。4)伝達するメッセージのモード(映像、音声、文字、身体動作)には効果的な組み合わせがあり、それは伝達場面で決定されるものである。5)メディア使用、英語使用に関しての意欲は、間接体験、実体験の両方を行うことにより増した。6)仮想体験と実体験の組み合わせにより学習は完結する。

  • 英語力、メディア、身体動作を融合させる効果的なプレゼンテーションに関する研究


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     本研究の主たる狙いは、まず、自分のプレゼンテーションの特徴と実態を知り、向上させるという点である。そのため参加学生10人は、筆者が担当する2000年度人間科学部の通年自由科目『上級英語 I』の後期授業の3週目に、まず自分のプレゼンテーションを録音、録画したものを視聴した。その後、メディア利用、非言語コミュニケーション活動、言語使用についての研修を7週間授業で行い、11週目に再度同じトピックでプレゼンテーションを行った。それを録音、録画したものを前回のものと見比べた結果、以下の諸点が確認された。なお、授業はすべて英語で行われ、90分の授業のうち、前半部分は、全体的な英語力を向上させるため、聴解、読み、言語使用、文法などの種々の英語の問題に取り組み、後半部分で、研修を行った。また、各自のプレゼンテーションは、各自のプレゼンテーションが終了後、本人を除く全員で評価表を用いて評価し、参考のため、結果は本人にまとめて通知された。1) プレゼンテーション研修において、メディア資料の存在が言語活動の負荷を減らすということが明らかになった。2) 非言語コミュニケーション行動は、訓練の結果、かなりの程度効果的に向上することが確かめられた。3) プレゼンテーションを録画し、自分で視聴することにより、自分の言動と伝達方法を客観的に評価することができる態度が形成された。4) プレゼンテーションの音声録音の事後聴取を行う事によって、日本語使用の認識と向上が観察された。参加者の感想として、録画した自分のプレゼンテーションを事後視聴することにより、自分の特徴、改善すべき点が自分でよくわかった、また、自分ひとりで視聴できたので、安堵感もあった、ということを述べている。この結果を踏まえ、今年度は、さらに個人の特徴を基にして、ひとりひとりのプレゼンテーション能力の向上を計るために、クリニック形式での研修、身体言語という分野の研修をさらに多く含めていく予定である。また、新しい分析手法として、プレゼンターの眼球運動のデータを取り、調査を進めていく事を行いたいと考える。

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