Research Experience
Waseda University Senior High School Mathematics Teacher
Details of a Researcher
Updated on 2025/03/08
Waseda University Senior High School Mathematics Teacher
Tohoku University Graduate School of Science Doctoral Program of the Mathematical Institute
Tohoku University Graduate School of Science Master's Program of Mathematical Institute
Shizuoka University Faculty of Science Department of Mathematics
2024早稲田整数論研究集会 主催者
2023 Number Theory Workshop of Waseda University_organizer
2022 Number Theory Workshop of Waseda University_organizer
2021 Number Theory Workshop of Waseda University organizer
2019 Number Theory Workshop of Waseda University organizer
2019早稲田整数論研究集会 主催者
2018 Number Theory Workshop of Waseda University organizer
2018早稲田整数論研究集会 主催者
2017 Number Theory Workshop of Waseda University organizer
2017早稲田整数論研究集会 主催者
2016 Number Theory Workshop of Waseda University organizer
2016早稲田整数論研究集会 主催者
18th Hakuba Autumn Workshop on Number Theory " Geometrical Applications of Modular Forms of Several Variables " organizer
18th Hakuba Autumn Workshop on Number Theory " Geometrical Applications of Modular Forms of Several Variables " 世話人
2015 Number Theory Workshop of Waseda University organizer
2015早稲田整数論研究集会 主催者
17th Hakuba Autumn Workshop on Number Theory "Explicit theory of Jacobi forms and modular forms of several variables" organizer
17th Hakuba Autumn Workshop on Number Theory "Explicit theory of Jacobi forms and modular forms of several variables" 世話人
The 18th. Number Theory Workshop of Waseda University organizer
2014早稲田整数論研究集会 主催者
The 17th. Joint Workshop on Number Theory between Japan and Taiwan organizer
2013早稲田整数論研究集会 主催者
Number Theory Seminar (Friday Seminar) at WASEDA University manager
早稲田大学整数論セミナー 主催者
2012 Number Theory Workshop of Waseda University organizer
2012早稲田整数論研究集会 主催者
Number Theroy
Trace formula for Jacobi forms of odd squarefree level
Hiroshi Sakata
JOURNAL OF NUMBER THEORY 182 57 - 82 2018.01 [Refereed]
N. コブリッツ(上田勝・浜畑芳紀 訳):楕円曲線と保型形式,シュプリンガー・ジャパン,2006, 書評
Hiroshi SAKATA
数学 (日本数学会編集 岩波書店発売) 66 ( 1 ) 96 - 100 2014.01 [Refereed]
On Hermitian modular forms of small weight over imaginary quadratic fields
Hisashi Kojima, Yasuhide Miura, Hiroshi Sakata, Yasushi Tokuno
Kodai Mathematical Journal 36 ( 1 ) 50 - 55 2013 [Refereed]
On Eisenstein series of half integral weight and theta series over imaginary quadratic fields
Hisashi Kojima, Yasuhide Miura, Hiroshi Sakata, Yasushi Tokuno
Commentarii Mathematici Universitatis Sancti Pauli 62 ( 1 ) 1 - 10 2013 [Refereed]
On the Kohnen-Zagier formula in the case of '4 x general odd' level
Hiroshi Sakata
NAGOYA MATHEMATICAL JOURNAL 190 63 - 85 2008.06 [Refereed]
A Study on the Kohnen —Zagier Formula in the case of High Power Level and related Modular Forms
Hiroshi SAKATA
Ph. D. Thesis, Waseda University 1 - 88 2007.12 [Refereed]
Jacobi 形式を決定するために必要な条件
Hiroshi SAKATA
早稲田大学高等学院研究年誌 50 245 - 252 2006.03
On the Kohnen-Zagier formula in the case of level 4p(m)
Hiroshi Sakata
MATHEMATISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT 250 ( 2 ) 257 - 266 2005.06 [Refereed]
Jacobi cusp 形式全体からなる空間の核関数に関する諸注意
坂田 裕
早稲田大学高等学院研究年誌 45号 156 - 162 2001.03
Construction of Jacobi cusp forms
Hiroshi Sakata
坂田 裕
早稲田大学高等学院研究年誌 42 129 - 140 1998.03
Founer-Coefficients of Jacobi-Eisenstein Series of Half-Integral weight
Hiroshi SAKATA
研究年誌/高等学院 41 148 - 158 1997.03
Proceedings of the workshop on Number Theory 2012
Hiroshi SAKATA( Part: Contributor)
Institute of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Waseda University 2012.11
Hiroshi SAKATA( Part: Contributor)
第19回整数論サマースクール(20110905-0909) 2011.09
2004数論セミナー静岡 報告集
坂田 裕( Part: Contributor)
2004数論セミナー静岡 2004.08
2003 数論セミナー静岡 報告集
Hiroshi SAKATA( Part: Contributor)
2003 数論セミナー静岡 2004.02
Hiroshi SAKATA( Part: Contributor)
Institute of Mathematics, Waseda University 2003.05
坂田 裕( Part: Contributor)
2000年度第8回整数論サマースクール(2000/7/12-7/15) 2001.03
On the sign change of Fourier coefficients of Jacobi cusp forms which are eigenfunctions for the Atkin-Lehner operators
Hiroshi SAKATA [Invited]
1st Oita Number Theory Conference (Oita University, Oita City, Oita Prefecture) Nobuhiro Terai (Oita University)
Presentation date: 2019.08
On certain level-index changing operators on Jacobi cusp forms
Hiroshi SAKATA [Invited]
Oberseminar, Institut für Mathematik, Universität Mannheim (Institut für Mathematik, Universität Mannheim) Prof. Dr. Siegfried Böcherer, Institut für Mathematik, Universität Mannheim
Presentation date: 2019.01
On certain level-index changing operators on Jacobi cusp forms
Hiroshi SAKATA [Invited]
Hauptseminar Modulformen,Mathematisches Institut, Ruprecht-Karls-Uni.Heidelberg (Mathematisches Institut, Ruprecht-Karls-Uni.Heidelberg) Prof. Dr. Winfried Kohnen, Mathematisches Institut, Ruprecht-Karls-Uni.Heidelberg
Presentation date: 2019.01
Hiroshi SAKATA
Seminar on Complex Analytic Geometry in Shizuoka (School of Management and Information, University of Shizuoka) Seminar on Complex Analytic Geometry in Shizuoka
Presentation date: 2018.07
A certain level-index changing operator on Jacobi cusp new forms
Hiroshi Sakata
Work Shop 2018 `Automorphic forms/representaions on covering groups' (The Faculty of Science, Okayama University) Yoshihiro Ishikawa (The Faculty of Science, Okayama University)
Presentation date: 2018.03
On certain level-index changing operators on Jacobi cusp new forms
Hiroshi SAKATA
Workshop On Jacobi Forms and Applications (University of Nottingham) Number Theory and Geometry seminar, University of Nottingham
Presentation date: 2018.03
Jacobi cusp new forms 上で定義されるレベル‐指数入れ替え写像の具体的構成
Hiroshi SAKATA
上越整数論セミナー (Joetsu University of Education, Niigata) 上越教育大学整数論セミナー
Presentation date: 2017.12
A certain level-index changing operator on Jacobi cusp new forms
Hiroshi SAKATA
3rd Japanese-German Number Theory Workshop November 20 - 24, 2017 (Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, Bonn) 3rd Japanese-German Number Theory Workshop 2017
Presentation date: 2017.11
On a trace formula for Jacobi forms and it's structure
Hiroshi SAKATA
愛知数論セミナー (The Aichi Institute of Technology, Motoyama Campus) 愛知数論セミナー
Presentation date: 2014.12
Hiroshi SAKATA
2014 年度第 1 回講演会 (城西大学坂戸キャンパス) 城西大学理学研究科数学専攻
Presentation date: 2014.12
A trace formula for Jacobi forms and it's applications
Hiroshi SAKATA
17th Autumn Workshop on Number Theory”Explicit theory of Jacobi forms and modular forms of several variables” (Hakuba High Mount Hotel, Nagano) 17th Autumn Workshop on Number Theory
Presentation date: 2014.11
坂田 裕
2014年度第6回早稲田大学整数論セミナー (Waseda University Nishiwaseda Campus) 早稲田大学整数論セミナー
Presentation date: 2014.05
Some remarks on the trace formula for Jacobi forms of prime power level
Hiroshi SAKATA
Explicit Theory of Automorphic Forms 2014 (Shanghai Tongji University, Shanghai) Explicit Theory of Automorphic Forms 2014
Presentation date: 2014.03
A certain relation between Eisenstein series of half-integral weight and Theta series over imaginary quadratic fields (joint work with H.Kojima, Y.Miura and Y.Tokuno)
Hiroshi SAKATA
三浦康秀先生ご退職記念研究集会 “Dynamics and Special Functions" (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Iwate University) Yoshihiro Onishi(Yamanashi Univ.), Yoshitaka Odai(Iwate University)
Presentation date: 2014.02
Hiroshi SAKATA
岡山大学理学部 フロンティアサイエンティスト特別コース フロンティアサイエンティストリテラシー講義 (Faculty of Science, Okayama University) Faculty of Science, Okayama University
Presentation date: 2013.10
Hiroshi SAKATA
Number Theory Seminar (The Faculty of Science, Okayama University) Yoshihiro Ishikawa (The Faculty of Science, Okayama University)
Presentation date: 2013.10
A remark on the trace formula for Jacobi forms of prime power level
Hiroshi SAKATA
日本数学会2013年度秋季学会代数学分科会 (Ehime University) 日本数学会
Presentation date: 2013.09
On a Level-Index changing operator on Jacobi forms
Hiroshi SAKATA
Kagawa Number Theory Seminar (The Faculty of Education, Kagawa University) Kagawa Number Theory Seminar
Presentation date: 2012.11
Jacobi 形式のレベルと指数を入れ替える写像の構成について
Hiroshi SAKATA
東京理科大学理工学部数学科2012年度第07回談話会 (Tokyo University of Science, Faculty of Science and Technology, Department of Mathematics) 東京理科大学理工学部数学科
Presentation date: 2012.11
On Trace Formula for Jacobi forms and certain level-index changing operator on Jacobi new forms
Hiroshi SAKATA
Workshop on Modular Forms at Kyushu University 2012 (Kyushu University, Ito Campus) Masanobu Kaneko (Kyushu University)
Presentation date: 2012.09
Trace formula for Jacobi forms and it's application
Hiroshi SAKATA
2012 Number Theory Workshop at Waseda University (Nishiwaseda campus, Waseda University) Institute of Pure and Applied Mathematics of Waseda University
Presentation date: 2012.03
On certain level-index changing operator on Jacobi new forms
Hiroshi Sakata
Work Shop 2012 `H-periods, Functoriality and RTF' (The Faculty of Science, Okayama University) Work Shop 2012 `H-periods, Functoriality and RTF'
Presentation date: 2012.03
A trace formula for Jacobi forms and it's application
Hiroshi SAKATA
第 5 回ゼータ若手研究集会 (Nagoya Uiversity) 名古屋大学大学院多元数理科学研究科学生プロジェクト「幅広い数論」
Presentation date: 2012.02
青木 宏樹, 坂田 裕
2011年度第6回室蘭整数論セミナー (MURORAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY) 室蘭整数論セミナー
Presentation date: 2011.11
A trace formula for Jacobi forms and it's applications
Hiroshi SAKATA
第125回北陸数論セミナー (Kanazawa University) 北陸数論セミナー
Presentation date: 2011.10
Shimura correspndence Part 1, Shimura correspndence Part 2
Hiroshi SAKATA
2011 19th Number Theory Summer School `Lifting Theory of Modular Forms' (FUJI HAKONE LAND SCHOLE PLAZA HOTEL) 2011年度第19回整数論サマースクール
Presentation date: 2011.09
On the trace formulas for Hecke operators on Jacobi forms and the level-index changing operator
Hiroshi SAKATA
Ueda Memorial Conference on Automorphic Forms (Nara Wonen's University Memorial Hall) Ueda Memorial Conference on Automorphic Forms
Presentation date: 2011.01
On some trace relations for Hecke operators on modular forms
Hiroshi SAKATA
13th Autumn Workshop on Number Theory” Automorphic representations, automorphic forms on covering groups” (Hakuba High Mount Hotel, Nagano) 13th Autumn Workshop on Number Theory
Presentation date: 2010.11
Jacobi new form からなる異なる2つの空間の間の Hecke 同型写像について
Hiroshi SAKATA
日本数学会2010年度秋季学会代数学分科会 (Nagoya University) 日本数学会
Presentation date: 2010.09
On the level-index changing operator on the space of Jacobi new forms
Hiroshi SAKATA
24th Automorphic Forms Workshop (Hawaii University Manoa Campus) American Mathematical Society
Presentation date: 2010.03
On the level-index changing operator for Jacobi new forms
Hiroshi SAKATA [Invited]
Oberseminar (Universität Mannheim, Institut für Mathematik) Siegfried Böcherer (Universität Mannheim )
Presentation date: 2010.03
Trace Formula for Jacobi Forms of level p
Hiroshi SAKATA
Hauptseminar Modulformen (Mathematisches Institut, Ruprecht-Karls-Uni.Heidelberg) Hauptseminar Modulformen,Mathematisches Institut, Heidelberg Uni.
Presentation date: 2009.06
On the Kohnen-Zagier formula in the case of high power level and an application of it
Hiroshi SAKATA
Kochi University, Department of Mathematics, Seminars 2008.4.1- (Kochi University) Kochi University, Department of Mathematics
Presentation date: 2008.12
A Study on the Kohnen-Zagier Formula in the case of High Power Level and related Modular Forms
Hiroshi SAKATA
2007Waseda Number Theory Seminar (Waseda University Nishiwaseda Campus) Waseda Number Theory Seminar
Presentation date: 2007.10
On certain relations between Fourier coefficients of Half-integral weight modular forms and central values of the automorphic L-function, and it's application
Hiroshi SAKATA
森田康夫先生還暦記念研究集会 (Touhoku University) 森田康夫先生還暦記念研究集会
Presentation date: 2005.11
On some conditions with respect to the determination of Half-integral weight modular forms
Hiroshi SAKATA
藤井昭雄先生還暦記念整数論小研究集会 (Rikkyo University) 藤井昭雄先生還暦記念整数論小研究集会
Presentation date: 2005.01
半整数の重さを持つ保型形式を決定する際に必要な Fourier 係数の個数について
Hiroshi SAKATA
Tokyo Metropolitan University Number Theory Seminar (Tokyo Metropolitan University) Tokyo Metropolitan University Number Theory Seminar
Presentation date: 2004.10
Luo – Ramakrishnan の結果に関する諸注意
Hiroshi SAKATA
日本数学会2004年度秋季学会代数学分科会 (HOKKAIDO University) 日本数学会
Presentation date: 2004.09
On Kohnen-Zagier's Formula in Higher Multiplicity Cases
Hiroshi SAKATA
2003 Number Theory Symposium at Waseda University (Okubo campus, Waseda University) Institute of Mathematics of Waseda University
Presentation date: 2003.03
Level 4p^2 のKohnen 空間に属する Hecke eigen form の Fourier 係数に関する注意
Hiroshi SAKATA
日本数学会2002年度秋季学会代数学分科会 (Shimane University) 日本数学会
Presentation date: 2002.09
level 4p^m の Kohnen 空間に属する cusp 形式の Fourier 係数と保型 L 関数の central value との関係について
Hiroshi SAKATA
日本数学会2001年度秋季学会代数学分科会 (Kyushu University) 日本数学会
Presentation date: 2001.10
半整数ウエイトの保型形式のフーリエ係数と保型 $L$ 関数の特殊値の間の関係に関する概説 ー W. Kohnen ―D. Zagier の与えた結果の紹介ー
Hiroshi SAKATA
2000 8th Number Theory Summer School `Introduction to Modular Forms of Half Integral Weight' (Shiga, Omihachiman City, National Park Resorts Kyukamura Ohmi-Hachiman) 2000年度第 8 回整数論サマースクール
Presentation date: 2000.07
Hiroshi SAKATA
日本数学会1999年度秋季学会代数学分科会 (Hiroshima University) 日本数学会
Presentation date: 1999.09
Hiroshi SAKATA
1997 Waseda Number Theory Seminar (Waseda University, Nishiwaseda Campus) Waseda Number Theory Seminar
Presentation date: 1997.06
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業
Project Year :
坂田 裕
Explicit construction of a lifting map which exchanges the level and the index of Jacobi forms
The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research <KAKENHI>
Project Year :
Linear Algebra for Human Sciences
School of Human Sciences (Online Degree Program)
2025 fall semester
Differential and Integral Calculus for Human Sciences
School of Human Sciences (Online Degree Program)
2025 spring semester
ドイツ ジーゲン大学他
Faculty of Human Sciences School of Human Sciences
Faculty of Human Sciences School of Human Sciences (Online Degree Program)
2023 小嶋 久祉
2022 小嶋久祉
2021 小嶋 久祉
2009 N.P.Skoruppa
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