Updated on 2025/02/07


Faculty of Social Sciences, School of Social Sciences
Job title
博士(商学) ( 慶應義塾大学 )
経済学修士 ( 慶應義塾大学 )

Research Experience

  • 1997

    Waseda University, Associate Professor

  • 1996

    Waseda University, Assistant Professor

  • 1993

    Tokai University, Assistant Professor

  • 1990

    Tokai University, Research Assistant

Education Background


    Keio University   Graduate School, Division of Economics  


    Keio University   Faculty of Economics  

Professional Memberships


    Society for Environmental Economics and Policy Studies


    Pan Pacific Association of Input-Output Studies


    The International Input-Output Association


    The Institute of Life Cycle Assessment,Japan


    The Japan Institute of Energy


    Japan Society of Energy and Resources

▼display all

Research Areas

  • Environmental impact assessment

Research Interests

  • Econometrics(Input-Output Analysis)


  • 廃棄物資源循環学会論文賞「食に関するライフスタイル変化の環境影響評価−廃棄物産業連関(WIO)分析の応用−」


  • EcoDesign2005 Best Presentation Award


  • 第5回 日経地球環境技術賞




  • Better social infrastructure matters: Impacts of perceptional and behavioral smartization on food-related household emissions and wastes

    Sayaka Ita, Ayu Washizu, Yiyi Ju

    Urban Climate   56   102007 - 102007  2024.07



  • Input-output Analysis of the Changes in CO2 Emissions of Optimal Inter-regional Power Flow and Its Application for Analysis of Next-generation Energy System

    Ayu Washizu, Sayaka Ita

    Environmental science   36 ( 4 ) 145 - 159  2023.07  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author


  • Exploring the characteristics of smart agricultural development in Japan: Analysis using a smart agricultural kaizen level technology map

    Ayu Washizu, Satoshi Nakano

    Computers and Electronics in Agriculture   198   107001 - 107001  2022.07  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author



  • Empirical analysis of the effect of advanced management on energy consumption: Taking the steel industry as an example

    Ayu Washizu, Satoshi Nakano

      IASS WP 2022-J003   1 - 20  2022.06

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Estimating the CO2 emission intensity of houses and private cars for measuring the effect of smart cities: An analysis using the "Statistical Survey of CO2 Emissions in the Household Sector" by the Ministry of the Environment in 2018

    Ayu Washizu, Satoshi Nakano

    IASS WP   2022-J002   1 - 17  2022.05

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Creation of 2015 Input-output table for analysis of next-generation energy system (IONGES) for the future of 2030

    Ayu washizu, Satoshi Nakano

    IASS WP   2022-J001   1 - 22  2022.04

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Toward a structural analysis of a smart society using input-output economics

    Ayu Washizu

      19 ( 1 ) 83 - 101  2022.03

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Creation and Application of the 2015 Input-Output Table for Analysis of Next-generation Energy Systems: Analysis of the Effects of Introducing Carbon Tax

    Satoshi Nakano, Ayu Washizu

    RIEEM Discussion Paper Series   No.2103   1 - 25  2022.02

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

  • Penetration of ZEB Ready Measures in Large Ofce Buildings

    Ayu Washizu, Hiroki Onuma, Toshihide Arimura

    Environmental Science   35 ( 1 ) 19 - 27  2022.01  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

  • Development of a Method for Estimating Household CO2 Emissions by Region: Toward the Formulation of Environmental Policies by Region

    Ayu Washizu, Satoshi Nakano

      43 ( 1 ) 15 - 24  2022.01  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

  • 2011年次世代エネルギーシステム分析用産業連関表・地域間表(地域間IONGES)の作成について

    新井園枝, 鷲津明由

    経済統計研究   49 ( 2 ) 14 - 37  2021.09

    Authorship:Corresponding author

  • スマート農業の実情調査の分析:SAKL(Smart Agricultural Kaizen Level)技術マップに基づく分析

    鷲津 明由, 中野 諭

    早稲田大学 先端社会科学研究所 ワーキングペーパー   IASS WP 2021-J003   1 - 33  2021.08

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Will smart cities enhance the social capital of residents? The importance of smart neighborhood management

    Satoshi Nakano, Ayu Washizu

    Cities   115   103244 - 103244  2021.08  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Corresponding author



  • Analysis of inter-regional effects caused by the wide-area operation of the power grid in Japan: an implication for carbon pricing schemes

    Satoshi Nakano, Ayu Washizu

    Environmental Economics and Policy Studies   23 ( 3 ) 535 - 556  2021.07

     View Summary

    In this research, we examine the socioeconomic impact of carbon pricing (CP) mechanism-related energy policies under the technical constraints of Japan. For this, we have created the Inter-Regional Input–Output Table for a Next Generation Energy System (IONGES) in 2030, considering these technical constraints. Namely, we created three Inter-Regional IONGESs with different assumptions for the wide-area operation of the power grid. The results show that the technical constraints of the power grid influence the interregional distribution of renewable energy. Top ten regional renewable energy sectors (TOP10), which has a large production scale, account for approximately 54% of renewable energy generation, which was found to be biased. From the viewpoint of consumers in each region, we analyzed the share of the electricity cost required to support their consumption. If the CP mechanism is implemented under the technical constraints of the current power grid, consumers in each region will be impacted unequally. However, it was found that such inequality will be solved under the wide-area operation of the power grid.



  • 2015年次世代エネルギーシステム分析用産業連関表(組込表)の作成

    鷲津 明由, 中野諭

    早稲田大学 先端社会科学研究所 ワーキングペーパー   IASS WP 2021-J002   1 - 15  2021.06

    Authorship:Lead author

  • 家庭内生産関数に基づく食生活のスマート化についての考察

    鷲津 明由, 中野 諭

    早稲田大学 先端社会科学研究所 ワーキングペーパー   IASS WP 2021-J001   1 - 23  2021.05

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Analysis of Mexican-American Interdependence Using the World Input-Output Table (WIOD)

    Ayu Washizu, Satoshi Nakano

      IASS WP 2020-J005   1 - 21  2021.03

    Authorship:Lead author

  • An assessment of carbon taxation by input–output analysis: Upstream or downstream?

    Ayu Washizu, Satoshi Nakano

    Economics, Law, and Institutions in Asia Pacific     151 - 179  2021

     View Summary

    To analyze the ripple effects of CO2 emissions from the introduction of renewable energy power plants, this study developed input–output tables for analysis of next-generation energy systems (IONGES). The results revealed that the environmental benefits obtained from investing in power plants of the same capacity vary significantly depending on the type of renewable energy. Using the IONGES, under assumptions of three carbon taxation methods (upstream, midstream, and downstream), we calculated the taxable CO2 emissions induced when producing each good or service and estimated the carbon tax burden associated with the final demand. We found that, in the upstream method, the taxation effects of one unit of carbon tax is concentrated in energy goods such as coal products and petroleum basic, while the effects are relatively dispersed in the downstream taxation method. If renewable energy is added to the government target level in 2030, taxable CO2 emissions will decrease by 12–13.3%. Compared with the upstream taxation method, in the midstream and downstream methods, the CO2 emissions induced by each final demand are distributed more evenly across various goods and services. Compared to the downstream taxation method, upstream taxation leads to higher CO2 emissions from exports, but lower CO2 emissions from household consumption. This is because energy-intensive industries such as machinery have high export ratios. We analyzed which expenditure categories contribute to the carbon tax burden associated with household consumption. In the case of upstream taxation, households mainly focus on reducing electricity consumption
    in the case of downstream taxation, households reduce consumption of various energy-intensive goods and services.



  • Toward an input-output analysis of economic and environmental effects brought about by a smart society: Analysis using the Basic Survey on Corporate Activities

    Ayu Washizu, Satoshi Nakano

      IASS WP 2020-J004   1 - 27  2021.01

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Estimation of Energy Consumption Intensity of Residential Houses based on Social Statistics

    Ayu Washizu, Satoshi Nakano

      41 ( 6 ) 282 - 289  2020.11  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • An analysis of the renewable energy supply chain using an input-output table for the analysis of a next-generation energy system (IONGES)

    Ayu Washizu, Satoshi Nakano

    ECOS 2020 - Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems     1340 - 1351  2020

     View Summary

    An input-output table for the analysis of a next-generation energy system (IONGES) was created. This IONGES effort incorporates renewable-energy sectors into the 2011 input-output table published by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, Japan. The sectors incorporated in the IONGES data cover power generation facility construction sectors and power generation sectors for 15 types of renewable energy. The IONGES data consist of the following two types of table: a table incorporating renewable-energy sectors as they existed in 2011 (2011 IONGES) and a table incorporating renewable-energy sectors up to the composition ratio assumed in 2030 (2030 IONGES). The assumption of the power supply composition ratio for 2030 IONGES was based on the long-term energy supply-demand outlook prepared by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Japan. For the IONGES effort, special attention was paid to the following points. First, we created equipment sectors for solar and wind power generation. Second, we divided the biomass power sectors in detail (eight divisions) according to their roles and described the relationship between the biomass power generation sectors and sectors supplying fuel to them. IONGES was used to compare the input structure of each renewable-energy sector and each supply chain brought about by it. The ripple effect of the supply chain on entire economy was also visualized as a "unit structure." IONGES can make it possible to verify new input-output structures by using renewable energy.

  • Creation and application of the 2011 input-output table for the next-generation energy system

    Ayu Washizu, Satoshi Nakano

      IASS WP IASS WP 2019-E001   1 - 18  2020

  • Aiming for better use of convenience food: an analysis based on meal production functions at home

    Satoshi Nakano, Ayu Washizu

    Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition   39 ( 3 ) 1 - 16  2020  [Refereed]

  • Construction and application of the Input–Output table for analysis of Next Generation Energy System (2011 IONGES)

    Satoshi Nakano, Ayu Washizu

      27 ( 1 ) 90 - 105  2020  [Refereed]

  • 日本におけるICTを活用したスマート農業の実態把握に向けたパイロット・スタディ

    鷲津 明由, 中野 諭

    早稲田大学 先端社会科学研究所ワーキングペーパー   IASS WP 2020-J001   1 - 27  2020

  • スマートシティのソーシャル・キャピタル分析:横浜みなとみらい21地区を事例として

    鷲津 明由, 中野 諭

    早稲田大学 先端社会科学研究所ワーキングペーパー   IASS WP 2020-J002   1 - 29  2020

  • 時間帯別ディマンドサイドマネジメント(DSM)の受け入れ意思に関するアンケート調査結果分析

    鷲津 明由, 中野 諭

    早稲田大学 先端社会科学研究所ワーキングペーパー   IASS WP 2020-J003   1 - 26  2020

  • On the Acceptability of Electricity Demand Side Management by Time of Day

    Satoshi Nakano, Ayu Washizu

    Energies   13 ( 3665 ) 1 - 21  2020  [Refereed]

  • Smart!

    Ayu Washizu

    Energy and Resources   40 ( 10 ) 78 - 78  2019.07  [Invited]

  • An application of inter-regional input-output table for analysis of next-generation energy system: expectations for smart grid penetration from consumers' point of view

    Ayu Washizu, Satoshi Nakano

    Smart Grid   60 ( 4 ) 26 - 29  2019.07  [Refereed]

  • Willingness to Pay for Home Energy Management Systems: A Survey in New York and Tokyo

    Ayu Washizu, Satoshi Nakano, Hideo Ishii, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    Sustainability   11 ( 17 ) 1 - 20  2019  [Refereed]



  • In Which Time Slots Can People Save Power? An Analysis Using a Japanese Survey on Time Use

    Satoshi Nakano, Ayu Washizu

    Sustainability   11 ( 16 ) 1 - 19  2019  [Refereed]



  • Acceptance of energy efficient homes in large Japanese cities: Understanding the inner process of home choice and residence satisfaction

    Satoshi Nakano, Ayu Washizu

    Journal of Environmental Management   225   84 - 92  2018.11  [Refereed]



  • Induced Effects of Smart Food/Agri-Systems in Japan: Towards a Structural Analysis of Information Technology

    Satoshi Nakano, Ayu Washizu

    Telecommunications Policy   42 ( 10 ) 824 - 835  2018.11  [Refereed]



  • 変動電源の出力抑制を考慮した地域間次世代エネルギーシステム分析用産業連関表と応用

    経済統計研究   46 ( 3 ) 13 - 28  2018.11

  • A Comprehensive Analysis of Induced Effects of Large-scale Hydrogen Utilization System Based on the Government Prospect

    Satoshi Nakano, Ayu Washizu

      26 ( 1 ) 35 - 49  2018.08  [Refereed]


  • An analysis on Consumers’ Introduction Intention to Home Energy Management Systems (HEMS)

    Satoshi Nakano, Ayu Washizu

      97 ( 7 ) 205 - 215  2018.07  [Refereed]


  • 政府見通しに基づく水素関連部門の投入係数ベクトルの作成

    鷲津 明由, 中野 諭

    早稲田大学 先端社会科学研究所ワーキングペーパー   IASS WP 2018-J001   1 - 20  2018.06


    Ayu Washizu, Satoshi Nakano, Naoko hirayu

      44  2018.04  [Refereed]

  • Development and application of an inter-regional input-output table for analysis of a next generation energy system

    Satoshi Nakano, Sonoe Arai, Ayu Washizu

    Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews   82   2834 - 2842  2018.02

     View Summary

    Inter-regional and inter-sectoral considerations are important for more effective use of renewable energies. We have developed an input-output table for a next generation energy system (IONGES) that includes new sectors related to renewable energies. In this study, we expand the national IONGES to include the inter-regional table. The inter-regional IONGES has two sets of extended tables: extended renewable energy sectors for 2005 (Ex2005, actual data of 2005) and extended renewable energy sectors for 2030 (Ex2030, hypothetical data for 2030). More than half of renewable energy potential is located in eastern Japan. The potential of residential solar power is large in regions that have metropolitan areas. Some renewable energies induce more output and create more jobs than conventional electricity, but at the same time such renewable energies are more expensive than conventional electricity. When we evaluate the effects of introducing renewable energies in each region, we must consider both types of effects. We calculated the induced production in every sector of every region based on one million JPY of consumption in each region. Comparing the induced electricity (which is interpreted as the electricity fee embodied in consumption) of Ex2030 and that of Ex2005, the inducements are largely decreased in those regions where the composition ratio of wind power is high. We calculated the supposed CO2 reductions attributed to a decline in conventional electricity induced by consumption. It seems that the effective use of residential solar power in metropolitan areas and the effective use of locality-specific renewable energies in rural areas are important for CO2 reductions. We calculated cost-push effects following the abolition of FIT. There are significant effects on regions where the composition ratio of solar power is high. Analyses using inter-regional input-output tables will be a useful analytical tool for effective use of renewable energy facilities that have already been installed, as well as for future designs of smart energy systems.



  • 時間帯別家庭の省エネポテンシャル量の推計:社会生活基本調査B票集計結果に基づいて

    平湯直子, 鷲津明由

    早稲田大学 先端社会科学研究所ワーキングペーパー   IASS WP 2017-J002   1 - 24  2018.02

  • 東京都の建築物による一次エネルギー消費データベースの作成

    中野諭, 鷲津明由

    早稲田大学 先端社会科学研究所ワーキングペーパー   IASS WP 2017-J003   1 - 10  2018.02

  • 2011年版次世代エネルギーシステム分析用産業連関表・再生可能エネルギー部門の投入係数ベクトルの作成

    中野諭, 鷲津明由

    早稲田大学 先端社会科学研究所ワーキングペーパー   IASS WP 2017-J004   1 - 14  2018.02

  • Development and application of an inter-regional input-output table for analysis of a next generation energy system

    Satoshi Nakano, Sonoe Arai, Ayu Washizu

    Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews   82   2834 - 2842  2018.02  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Inter-regional and inter-sectoral considerations are important for more effective use of renewable energies. We have developed an input-output table for a next generation energy system (IONGES) that includes new sectors related to renewable energies. In this study, we expand the national IONGES to include the inter-regional table. The inter-regional IONGES has two sets of extended tables: extended renewable energy sectors for 2005 (Ex2005, actual data of 2005) and extended renewable energy sectors for 2030 (Ex2030, hypothetical data for 2030). More than half of renewable energy potential is located in eastern Japan. The potential of residential solar power is large in regions that have metropolitan areas. Some renewable energies induce more output and create more jobs than conventional electricity, but at the same time such renewable energies are more expensive than conventional electricity. When we evaluate the effects of introducing renewable energies in each region, we must consider both types of effects. We calculated the induced production in every sector of every region based on one million JPY of consumption in each region. Comparing the induced electricity (which is interpreted as the electricity fee embodied in consumption) of Ex2030 and that of Ex2005, the inducements are largely decreased in those regions where the composition ratio of wind power is high. We calculated the supposed CO2 reductions attributed to a decline in conventional electricity induced by consumption. It seems that the effective use of residential solar power in metropolitan areas and the effective use of locality-specific renewable energies in rural areas are important for CO2 reductions. We calculated cost-push effects following the abolition of FIT. There are significant effects on regions where the composition ratio of solar power is high. Analyses using inter-regional input-output tables will be a useful analytical tool for effective use of renewable energy facilities that have already been installed, as well as for future designs of smart energy systems.



  • Economic impacts of Japan’s renewable energy sector and the feed-in tariff system: using an input–output table to analyze a next-generation energy system

    Satoshi Nakano, Sonoe Arai, Ayu Washizu

    Environmental Economics and Policy Studies   19 ( 3 ) 555 - 580  2017.07  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    We construct an input–output table to analyze a next-generation energy system. Based on this table, we estimate the effect of using renewable energy on Japan’s economic structure as well as the feed-in tariff’s contribution to the cost structure. The results clearly show that, induced by demand, existing power generation options and the production of existing passenger vehicles would be reduced and replaced by electric vehicles (EVs), plug-in hybrid vehicles (PHVs), and the renewable energy sector. Furthermore, the demand for production in the supply chain of these sectors would change. While the feed-in tariff seems to benefit the overall Japanese economy, the benefits are not divided equally among the sectors because the positive effect of the feed-in tariff system is greater than the negative effect in energy and energy-intensive industries, while the negative effect is greater in the service sectors, on which the cost of the feed-in tariff system is levied. However, renewable-energy-induced service activities, such as research and business services, are becoming more pervasive. Therefore, this inequality may be resolved in the long term and could be assisted by policies that accelerate this change.



  • Economic impacts of Japan’s renewable energy sector and the feed-in tariff system: using an input–output table to analyze a next-generation energy system

    Satoshi Nakano, Sonoe Arai, Ayu Washizu

    Environmental Economics and Policy Studies   19 ( 3 ) 555 - 580  2017.07

     View Summary

    We construct an input–output table to analyze a next-generation energy system. Based on this table, we estimate the effect of using renewable energy on Japan’s economic structure as well as the feed-in tariff’s contribution to the cost structure. The results clearly show that, induced by demand, existing power generation options and the production of existing passenger vehicles would be reduced and replaced by electric vehicles (EVs), plug-in hybrid vehicles (PHVs), and the renewable energy sector. Furthermore, the demand for production in the supply chain of these sectors would change. While the feed-in tariff seems to benefit the overall Japanese economy, the benefits are not divided equally among the sectors because the positive effect of the feed-in tariff system is greater than the negative effect in energy and energy-intensive industries, while the negative effect is greater in the service sectors, on which the cost of the feed-in tariff system is levied. However, renewable-energy-induced service activities, such as research and business services, are becoming more pervasive. Therefore, this inequality may be resolved in the long term and could be assisted by policies that accelerate this change.



  • Changes in consumer behavior as a result of the Home Appliance Eco-Point System: an analysis based on micro data from the Family Income and Expenditure Survey

    Satoshi Nakano, Ayu Washizu

    Environmental Economics and Policy Studies   19 ( 3 ) 459 - 482  2017.07

     View Summary

    The Home Appliance Eco-Point System refers to the project executed by the Japanese government from May 2009 to March 2011. The system, while showing signs of slowing down in the latter half of the implementation period, has, to a certain extent, facilitated a demand-promoting effect. Those effects are relatively large, particularly in regions outside the greater national capital district and in households with senior citizens. It can be attributed to the Eco-Point system that “electrical appliances became widespread in those households that had rarely made an effort to save on energy consumption”. Moreover, it can be inferred that the Eco-Point system enhanced the relative utility levels for refrigerators in households in major cities, and for air conditioners and televisions in households with elderly members in small cities. Thus, when implementing environmental policy, we believe that the policy effects can be made more impactful by reasonably determining the household types to target for each good, by setting the subsidy rates according to the differences in the targeted households, and by considering the desirable method of the information provision policy.



  • 地域間次世代エネルギーシステム分析用産業連関表の作成

    中野 諭, 新井 園枝, 鷲津 明由

      58 ( 10 ) 13 - 18  2017.07  [Invited]


  • 家庭における時間帯別省エネポテンシャルデータベースの作成方法-『社会生活基本調査』と「家庭の省エネ百科」による-

    鷲津 明由, 平湯 直子

      IASS WP 2017-J001   1 - 35  2017.06

  • 4-3-3 An Input-Putput Analysis of the Effect of Government Forecast of Hydrogen and Fuel Cells

    NAKANO Satoshi, WASHIZU Ayu

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of The Japan Institute of Energy   26 ( 0 ) 160 - 161  2017

     View Summary

    <p>The objective of this study is to analyze, from a comprehensive perspective, the economic and environmental effects induced by constructing and operating hydrogen utilization systems presented by METI's roadmap. We focused on a marine transport system for hydrogen produced offshore, hydrogen gas turbine power generation, fuel cell vehicles (FCVs) and hydrogen stations, as well as residential fuel cell systems (RFCs). In this study, using an Input-Output Table for Next Generation Energy Systems (IONGES) with newly established renewable energies and hydrogen-related sectors, we evaluated the induced output, labor and CO2 from construction and operation of these hydrogen technologies using a uniform approach. Initial investments in facilities based in foreign countries that produce hydrogen, transport it through organic hydride, and supply it to a power station of 1 GW capacity yield an induced production of 2.7 times. This investment can exploit a new opportunity for the utilization of unused renewable energy sources that are abundantly available in foreign countries and reduce significant CO2 emissions. Additional investments in domestic hydrogen supply systems, FCVs, and RFCs yield an induced production of 2.6 times each. From a comprehensive point of view, the construction of a hydrogen utilization system may result in cost and CO2 reductions.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • A Panoramic Analysis of Hydrogen Utilization Systems: Using an Input-Output Table for Next Generation Energy Systems

    Satoshi Nakano, Ayu Washizu

    24TH CIRP CONFERENCE ON LIFE CYCLE ENGINEERING   61   779 - 784  2017  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    The objective of this study is to analyze a government proposal, from a panoramic perspective, concerning the economic and environmental effects associated with the construction and operation of hydrogen utilization systems by the year 2030. We focused on a marine transport system for hydrogen produced offshore, hydrogen gas turbine power generation, fuel cell vehicles (FCVs) and hydrogen stations, as well as residential fuel cell systems (RFCs). In this study, using an Input-Output Table for Next Generation Energy Systems (IONGES), we evaluated the induced output, labor and CO2 emissions from the construction and operation of these hydrogen technologies using a uniform approach. This may be helpful when considering future designs for the Japanese energy system. In terms of per 1 t-H-2 of hydrogen use, CO2 reductions from the use of FCVs are considerably higher than the additional CO2 emissions from foreign production and transportation of hydrogen. Because new construction of a hydrogen pipeline network is not considered to be realistic, RFCs is assumed to consume hydrogen generated by refining town gas. In this case, the CO2 reductions from using RFCs will decline under the electricity composition estimated for 2030, on the condition of a substantial expansion of electricity generation from renewable energy sources. However, under the present composition of electricity production, we can expect a certain amount of CO2 reductions from using RFCs. If hydrogen is directly supplied to RFCs, CO2 reductions increase substantially. Thus, we can reduce a significant amount of CO2 emissions if various unused energy sources dispersed around local areas or unharnessed renewable energies, such as solar and wind power, can be converted into hydrogen to be supplied to FCVs and RFCs. (C) 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.



  • Changes in Consumer Behavior as a Result of the Home Appliance Eco-Point System ―An Analysis based on Micro Data from the Family Income and Expenditure Survey―

    Satoshi Nakano, Ayu Washizu

    Environmental Economics and Policy Studies     1 - 24  2016.03  [Refereed]


  • What Increase Satisfaction of Smart Satoshi Nakano, Ayu Washizu, Takeshi MoriguchiCity Residents?

    Satoshi Nakano, Ayu Washizu, Takeshi Moriguchi

        529 - 532  2016.02

  • An input-output analysis of two green microalgae oil production systems

    Satoshi Nakano, Ayu Washizu

    Nihon Enerugi Gakkaishi/Journal of the Japan Institute of Energy   95 ( 1 ) 123 - 138  2016

     View Summary

    The objective of this paper is to show the economic and environmental effects induced by construction and operation of a system that produces fuel from green microalgae using input-output analysis. We compared two systems. The first is a simplified photobioreactor (PBR) that utilizes fallow and domestic farmland. The second system is comprised of large and open ponds in overseas with relatively long hours of sunlight. A large part of the induced economic effect in constructing a small system comes from the cost of plastic materials needed to build the PBR. When constructing a large system overseas, civil engineering and water costs are quite high. Electricity costs make up a large part of the induced economic effect from operations. We also analyzed the sensitivity of plant profitability to change in growth and oil content rates of microalgae, and to how residue remaining after oil extraction is used. It is important to improve oil productivity of microalgae and to make high quality products from residue such as fertilizer or feedstuff, in order to improve profitability. However, production of high-quality products from residue emitted more CO2 than production of low-quality products such as solid fuels.

    DOI CiNii

  • An input-output analysis of two green microalgae oil production systems

    Satoshi Nakano, Ayu Washizu

    Nihon Enerugi Gakkaishi/Journal of the Japan Institute of Energy   95 ( 1 ) 123 - 138  2016

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    The objective of this paper is to show the economic and environmental effects induced by construction and operation of a system that produces fuel from green microalgae using input-output analysis. We compared two systems. The first is a simplified photobioreactor (PBR) that utilizes fallow and domestic farmland. The second system is comprised of large and open ponds in overseas with relatively long hours of sunlight. A large part of the induced economic effect in constructing a small system comes from the cost of plastic materials needed to build the PBR. When constructing a large system overseas, civil engineering and water costs are quite high. Electricity costs make up a large part of the induced economic effect from operations. We also analyzed the sensitivity of plant profitability to change in growth and oil content rates of microalgae, and to how residue remaining after oil extraction is used. It is important to improve oil productivity of microalgae and to make high quality products from residue such as fertilizer or feedstuff, in order to improve profitability. However, production of high-quality products from residue emitted more CO2 than production of low-quality products such as solid fuels.


  • Consumer Questionnaire Research on Promotion of Home Energy Management Systems (HEMS)

    Satoshi Nakano, Ayu Washizu

      2015-5   1 - 26  2016.01

  • An Input-output analysis of Two Green Microalgae Oil Production Systems

    Satoshi Nakano, Ayu Washizu

    Journal of the Fuel Society of Japan   96   123 - 138  2016.01  [Refereed]

  • Effects of the Home Appliance Eco-Point System on Consumers: Using Micro Data of the Family Income and Expenditure Survey

    Satoshi Nakano, Ayu Washizu

    早稲田大学社会科学総合学術院ワーキングペーパー   ( 2015-4 ) 1 - 18  2015.12

  • Input-output analysis of Japan’s introduction of renewable energy and feed-in-tariff system

    Ayu Washizu, Satoshi Nakano, Sonoe Arai

      2015-3   1 - 27  2015.12

  • スマートエネルギー社会の産業連関分析に向けて―次世代エネルギーシステム分析用産業連関表の作成と応用―

    鷲津明由, 中野諭, 新井園枝

    経済統計研究   43 ( 3 ) 12 - 31  2015.12

  • Input-Output Analysis of Japan’s Use of Renewable Energy

    Ayu Washizu, Satoshi Nakano, Sonoe Arai

    Proceedings of 9th International Symposium on Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing Eco Design 2015     824 - 830  2015.12

  • Economic and Environmental Impact Analysis of Biofuel Production from Micro Algae by Extended Input-Output Table

    Science and Technology Foresight Center, NISTEP, MEXT   126   1 - 62  2015.11

  • 再生可能エネルギー利用社会の産業連関分析

    中野 諭, 新井 園枝, 鷲津 明由

    第34回エネルギー・資源学会研究発表会 講演論文集     187 - 188  2015.06

  • Future Electric Power System Using PV and Wind Power:An Input-output Study of Investment in Power System Stabilization

    NAKANO Satoshi, WASHIZU Ayu

    ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE   28 ( 4 ) 291 - 303  2015  [Refereed]

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    We estimated the induced effects of construction and equipment operation spending on the installation of photovoltaic and wind power generation plants and corresponding smart-grid systems in Japan. We conducted an input-output analysis based on the assumptions made in technical reports published by METI and CRIEPI. The analysis based on METIʼs findings shows that it is better to control power output rather than introduce large-scale battery storage systems in order to stabilize a power system. Lower costs and reduced CO2 emissions per GWh also show the merits of shifting consumersʼ electricity usage over time. The analysis based on CRIEPIʼs findings shows that it is less expensive to use thermal power plant control in order to stabilize a power system, but associated CO2 emissions are higher. Our study shows that emissions decrease with the increase in the amount of energy produced by renewable sources. We also show that the introduction of certain measures to ease the limiting conditions for instantaneous supply-demand balance of electric power are likely to decrease the costs of and CO2 emissions from the electricity utility. One such measure is to shift consumersʼ electricity usage over time. We intend to examine the impact of this measure in our future research.

    DOI CiNii

  • 消費者のHEMSの導入意向に関するアンケート調査分析

    中野 諭, 鷲津 明由

    第31回エネルギーシステム・経済・環境コンファレンス 講演論文集     91 - 92  2015.01

  • 次世代電力システムの産業連関分析

    中野 諭, 鷲津 明由

    第31回エネルギーシステム・経済・環境コンファレンス 講演論文集     659 - 660  2015.01

  • Economic and environmental effects of utilizing unused woody biomass

    Satoshi Nakano, Akito Murano, Ayu Washizu

    Nihon Enerugi Gakkaishi/Journal of the Japan Institute of Energy   94 ( 6 ) 522 - 531  2015  [Refereed]

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    We calculate the amount of output, employment, energy consumption, and CO2 emissions induced by constructing and operating a power plant fueled by unused woody biomass. To do this, we use an input-output table developed to analyze the effects of introducing renewable energy sources. The results show that the power plant can increase the output of and employment in the forestry industry and can reduce economy-wide CO2emissions. Because the income of the forestry industry would increase, operating such a power plant may result in preservation of nearby forests. We also estimate the amount of public benefit obtained from preserving that area.

    DOI CiNii

  • 出力変動をともなう再生可能エネルギー大量導入時の次世代電力システムに関する産業連関分析

    中野 諭, 鷲津 明由

    早稲田大学社会科学総合学術院ワーキングペーパー   No.2014-3   1 - 27  2014.11

  • Economic and Environmental Effects of Utilizing Unused Woody Biomass

    Satoshi Nakano, Akito Murano, Ayu Washizu

    Grand Renewable Energy 2014 Proceedings   O-Bm-11-1  2014.07

  • 電源構成モデルの解に基づく太陽光及び風力発電導入の試行的シミュレーション

    中野 諭, 鷲津 明由

    早稲田大学社会科学総合学術院ワーキングペーパー   No.2014-1   1 - 18  2014.05

  • 風力発電の産業連関分析に向けて


    風力エネルギー   38(通巻109) ( 1 ) 19 - 23  2014.05  [Invited]

    DOI CiNii

  • 再生可能エネルギー分野における構成型研究アプローチ

    小林直人, 鷲津明由, 澤谷由里子, 本村陽一

    スマートグリッド   4 ( 2 ) 53 - 59  2014.04  [Refereed]


  • 家庭での省エネと機器の利用意向に関するアンケート調査結果について』早稲田大学社会科学総合学術院ワーキングペーパー,No.2013-9,2014年3月,p.1~27

    濱田大器, 鷲津明由

    早稲田大学社会科学総合学術院ワーキングペーパー   No.2013-9   1 - 27  2014.03

  • 消費者の次世代技術の受容可能性―次世代自動車の利用意向に関するアンケート調査結果報告

    中野諭, 平湯直子, 鷲津明由

    第9回LCA学会講演要旨集     138 - 139  2014.03

  • Information of CO2 Emitted During the Sales Process by Store Characteristic and Product Category: A Case Study of Food Supermarkets

    HIRAYU Naoko, TAKASE Koji, ITA Sayaka, WASHIZU Ayu

    Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, Japan   10 ( 1 ) 25 - 39  2014.01  [Refereed]

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    Objective. The purpose of this research is to compute the CO2 emissions during the sales process of foods, and to offer information convenient for consumers. Using operating data offered by 8 stores, we calculated the CO2 emissions for each food and store from electricity and gas use, waste disposal, plastic tray production, resource waste material recycling, customer automobile use, and the amount of recyclable waste collected from customers.<BR>Results and Discussion. The main CO2 emission factors during the sales process of goods are supermarket electricity and gas use and customer automobile use. The amounts depend on the characteristics of the store in which the foods are sold, for example, the area of the store, the sales numbers per unit area, the distance from the store to the closest station, the percentage of customers from surrounding neighborhoods, average customer spend, age-group of main customers. At present the CO2 reduction effect by recycling of resource waste material is relatively small. According to our simulation analysis, electricity and gas-saving measures through energy management contributes greatly to the reduction of CO2 emitted during the sales process of goods.<BR>Conclusions. To reduce CO2 emission during sales process, it is important for the store to take measures to reduce consumption of both electricity and gas, and to control the extent of customer automobile usage. If consumers know CO2 emission factors as well as stores' managers, they can understand what they must do. It's desirable to make the information of CO2 emissions during the sales process as best we are able. This paper shows an example of such information. This research clearly shows that the operating data companies collect daily can be very useful in calculating CO2 emitted during the sales process of goods.

    DOI CiNii

  • 巻頭言『地熱利用の産業連関分析に向けて


    日本地熱学会誌   36 ( 1 ) 1 - 2  2014.01  [Invited]

  • 未利用木質バイオマスの発電利用がもたらす経済および環境効果の試算

    中野 諭, 村野 昭人, 鷲津 明由

    早稲田大学社会科学総合学術院ワーキングペーパー   No.2013-8   1 - 21  2013.12

  • Development of a Japanese Input-Output Table for Renewable Energy and Smart Grid Systems

    Satoshi Nakano, Ayu Washizu

    早稲田大学社会科学総合学術院ワーキングペーパー   No.2013-7   1 - 16  2013.10

  • 拡張産業連関表による再生可能エネルギー発電施設建設の経済・環境への波及効果分析』NISTEP DISCUSSION PAPER, No. 96, 科学技術・学術政策研究所,2013年8月,p.1~56

    鷲津明由, 中野 諭, 朝倉 啓一郎, 高瀬 浩二, 古川 貴雄, 新井 園枝, 林 和弘, 奥和田 久美

    NISTEP DISCUSSION PAPER   No. 96   1 - 56  2013.08

  • Carbon Footprint of Products (CFP) as a Communication Tool with Consumers : Based on a Case Study of Skylark Co., Ltd.

    HIRAYU Naoko, TAKASE Koji, KANDA Makoto, WASHIZU Ayu

    Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, Japan   9 ( 3 ) 221 - 233  2013.07  [Refereed]

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    Objective. The recent Carbon Footprint of Products (CFP) program puts an emphasis on communicating with consumers and can be used to indicate Life Cycle CO2 emissions (LC-CO2) of products. Under the program, suppliers offer LC-CO2 information for their own products, and then consumers can act in an environmentally conscious way based on that information. We calculated LC-CO2 emissions for three representative restaurant menus (serving Japanese, American, and Chinese-style dishes), based on cost accounting data provided by Skylark Co., Ltd., information from the CFP database, and 3EID. Our objective is to show that Skylark's cost accounting data has the potential to calculate LC-CO2 indicators, which can be helpful for environmentally conscious consumers.<BR>Results and Discussion. Per-serving LC-CO2 indicators of representative restaurants' menu were 2,637g-CO2 for Japanese-style dishes, 4,080g-CO2 for American-style dishes, and 1,742g-CO2 for Chinese-style dishes. Comparing CO2 emissions per serving between restaurant dishes and homemade dishes shows that there is a difference in emission structures. By clarifying those structures, consumers become better able to understand the route of CO2 emissions and to control them. We evaluated the CO2 emissions of restaurant customers through the use of a questionnaire which asked respondents which style of dishes they tended to choose, and which method of transportation they used when visiting restaurants. The results showed that consumers who prefer Japanese-style dishes generated low CO2 emissions per serving. When a consumer used a personal vehicle to get to the restaurant, it generated about the same CO2 emission as the dish which the consumer ordered. The specific CO2 emissions per serving can be lowered either by reducing energy input and waste discharge in restaurant operations or by reducing the use of vehicles.<BR>Conclusions. Our research shows that we can estimate useful indicators of LC-CO2 emissions from restaurant dishes by using corporate accounting data. This data must be complemented with information from secondary databases, but we can derive a lot of useful information for both consumers and important policies. As this type of accounting data is regularly tallied and collected as part of daily company operations, using such data for LC-CO2 indicators per serving could potentially contribute to the construction and diffusion of CFP program without adding any additional costs.

    DOI CiNii

  • 電気自動車の普及可能性に関する考察-次世代自動車の利用意向に関するアンケート調査結果分析を中心として-

    濱田大器, 中野諭, 鷲津明由

    早稲田大学社会科学総合学術院ワーキングペーパー   No.2013-2   1 - 29  2013.07

  • 次世代自動車の利用意向に関するアンケート調査『自動車の車種選択とライフスタイル』-単純集計結果-

    平湯直子, 鷲津明由

    早稲田大学社会科学総合学術院ワーキングペーパー   No.2013-6   1 - 59  2013.07

  • 再生可能エネルギー電力施設建設アクティビティの作成と太陽光発電導入及び系統安定化の試行的シミュレーション

    中野諭, 鷲津明由

    早稲田大学社会科学総合学術院ワーキングペーパー   No.2013-1   1 - 28  2013.06

  • 販売過程におけるCO2排出量の算定と排出削減効果-食品スーパーマーケットを事例に-

    平湯直子, 高瀬浩二, 板明果, 鷲津明由

    早稲田大学社会科学総合学術院ワーキングペーパー   No.2012-2   1 - 25  2013.03

  • 再生可能エネルギー電力施設建設アクティビティの作成と静学的波及効果の推計

    中野諭, 鷲津明由

    早稲田大学社会科学総合学術院ワーキングペーパー   No.2012-3   1 - 34  2013.03

  • 電気機械器具製造業における規模弾性の計測‐『工業統計調査』のマイクロデータによる推定結果-

    中野諭, 鷲津明由

    早稲田大学社会科学総合学術院ワーキングペーパー   No.2012-1   2 - 82  2012.11

  • Evaluation of the environmental conservation effect by utilization of domestic wood

    Murano Akito, Takase Koji, Washizu Ayu

    Abstracts   2011 ( 0 ) 32 - 32  2012.03


  • The Changes in Consumer Behavior for the Eco-point System

    Ita Sayaka, Nakano Satoshi, Washizu Ayu

    Abstracts   2011 ( 0 ) 133 - 133  2012.03


  • The visualization of CO2 in the sales phase and green consumer awareness


    Abstracts   2011 ( 0 ) 130 - 130  2012.03


  • 販売過程におけるCO2の見える化とグリーンコンシューマーの啓発-食品にともなうライフサイクルCO2排出量の算出-

    平湯直子, 鷲津明由

    早稲田大学社会科学総合学術院ワーキングペーパー   No.2011-3   1 - 20  2012.03

  • 家電エコポイント制度が需要サイドに与えた影響評価-『家計調査』のマイクロデータに基づく分析-

    中野諭, 鷲津明由

    早稲田大学社会科学総合学術院ワーキングペーパー   2011-1   1 - 89  2011.11

  • 『市場取引活動における環境配慮型新制度の導入効果についての理論的・実証的検討

    赤尾健一, 鷲津明由

    日立環境財団   ( 161 ) 124 - 134  2011.05


  • The Environmental Impacts of the Household Menu Selection and its Effect on Dietary Habits

    ITA Sayaka, TSUDA Toshie, WASHIZU Ayu

    Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, Japan   7 ( 2 ) 164 - 174  2011.04

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    Objective. Some social changes, such as increment of occupied female population or aged population, effect on households' dietary habit. In general, menus with small number of dishes or using more home-meal replacement become to be more popular than before. The environmental impacts of such changes, however, has not been clear in previous studies. In this paper we inquired about actual condition of households' dietary habit and estimated environmental impacts of 12 "representative menus" which reflect usual consumers' everyday eating habit. The final goal of our research is to evaluate LCA effects of households' dietary habit caused by social reasons as mentioned above.<BR>Results and Discussion. The data were assembled by questionnaires from randomly-selected 194 households in Kanto Area of Japan (Tokyo, Kanagawa, Saitama and Chiba) about menu and food ingredients used for each menu on everyday meals (3 meals [breakfast, lunch, dinner] for 365 days). Based on analyses of the households data, we found that the availability of home-meal replacement and the choice of menu type (Japanese, Western, Chinese cuisines) have affected by several factors such as available spare time for cooking, rate of family involvement to a meal, and wife's age. Based on the data we set 12 "representative menus", and estimated the LCA impacts from each of them. As a result, the LCA impact of Japanese style menu has relatively small although it has relatively many dishes. On the other hand, the LCA impact of Western style menu has relatively large although it has relatively small dishes.<BR>Conclusions. Using the results of LCA impacts from the representative menus, we estimated the change of CO2 emission induced by dietary habit which occurs when occupied female population or aged population will grow. To avoid increasing emission of CO2 induced by dietary habit, it will be effective to use home meal replacement or restaurant service appropriately as well as to reduce cooking energy.


  • A Simulation Analysis of Environmental Consumer Policies:The Case Study of the City of Yokohama

    Satoshi Nakano, Takuya Takase, Hiroyuki Shimizu, Ayu Washizu

    Abstracts   2010 ( 0 ) 142 - 142  2011.03


  • The Environmental Impacts of the Household Menu Selection and its Effect on Dietary Habits

    Sayaka Ita, Tshie Tsuda, Ayu Washizu

    Abstracts   2010 ( 0 ) 141 - 141  2011.03


  • Choice behavior of restaurant menu and Environmental load(LC-CO2):Analysis of model menu in SKYLARK Co. Ltd.


    Abstracts   2010 ( 0 ) 132 - 132  2011.03


  • A Simulation Analysis of Environmental Consumer Policies: The Case Study of the City of Yokohama

    NAKANO Satoshi, TAKASE Takuya, SHIMIZU Hiroyuki, WASHIZU Ayu

    Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, Japan   7 ( 1 ) 48 - 58  2011.03

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    Objective. In this paper, we focus on the environmental administration of local government and the environmental activities of consumers. First, using the National Survey of Family Income and Expenditure for the City of Yokohama, we analyze the existing consumption activities of citizens and the associated CO2 emissions. Next, we calculated CO2 emissions by utilizing the CO2 emission factor which is equivalent to the carbon-footprint for each expense item. Finally, we estimate price elasticities for each item and simulate the effect of environmental policies, such as the promotion of organic farming, the eco-point system, and price changes for electricity and fuels.<BR>Results and Discussion. We found that different consumers react differently to such environmental policies depending on their expenditure patterns. If the information concerning carbon-footprints for various goods and items is readily available in the future, policy assessments and simulation analysis will become increasingly accurate.<BR>Conclusions. Our paper shows that the role of local government is essential in carrying out environmental policies. This especially holds true for policies affecting consumers. Local governments can ascertain the current status of individual households much better than the national government can, so they will have a more important role in creating a sustainable consumption society.


  • Input-output table for analyzing carbon storage by organic farming


    Abstracts   2010 ( 0 ) 129 - 129  2011.03


  • 環境マネジメントシステムと企業行動

    赤尾健一, 鵜殿倫朗, 角田光弘, 黒川哲志, 鷲津明由

    早稲田大学社会科学総合学術院ワーキングペーパー   No.2010-6   1 - 36  2011.03

  • 販売プロセスにおけるCFP評価-食品にともなうライフサイクルCO2排出量算出方法の検討と試算-

    平湯直子, 鷲津明由

    早稲田大学社会科学総合学術院ワーキングペーパー   No.2010-4   1 - 37  2011.02

  • 外食サービス部門におけるCO2の見える化(CFP評価)-外食メニュー(和食・洋食・中華)の消費者選択行動と環境負荷-

    平湯直子, 高瀬浩二, 神田誠, 鷲津明由

    早稲田大学社会科学総合学術院ワーキングペーパー   No.2010-5   1 - 21  2011.02

  • 環境省費政策のシミュレーション分析:横浜市を事例として

    中野諭, 高瀬卓弥, 清水裕之, 鷲津明由

    日本LCA学会誌   7 ( 1 ) 48 - 58  2011.01


  • 食生活(外食・中食、購買行動)に関するネットアンケート調査-集計結果-

    平湯直子, 鷲津明由

    早稲田大学社会科学総合学術院ワーキングペーパー   No.2010-2   1 - 29  2010.12

  • 環境に関するインターネットアンケート調査Ⅰ-集計結果

    平湯直子, 峯嶋宏行, 鷲津明由

    早稲田大学社会科学総合学術院ワーキングペーパー   No.2010-1   1 - 228  2010.11

  • 店舗特性を考慮した食品にともなうライフサイクルCO2排出量の算出—データ整理と算出

    平湯直子, 鷲津明由

    早稲田大学社会科学総合学術院ワーキングペーパー   No.2009-7   1 - 21  2010.02


    Ayu Washizu, Satoshi Nakano

    ECONOMIC SYSTEMS RESEARCH   22 ( 2 ) 181 - 192  2010  [Refereed]

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    In this study, we undertake some hypothetical experiments and predict the environmental effects of some changes in consumer behavior, using the Japanese Input-Output Table and the Family Income and Expenditure Survey for 2000. We estimate the demand function in a linear expenditure system (LES) and attempt to determine how changes in consumer behavior affect the environmental load induced by household consumption, using the 'willingness to pay' concept. Furthermore, we define an index to show the eco-efficiency of consumer behavior. Through such a study, we can determine what action is appropriate for a 'sustainable consumption' society. If some change of consumer behavior greatly improved utility while increasing the environmental load, then technological progress to reduce the environmental load must be stimulated. However, if other changes in consumer behavior increase the environmental load while not improving utility very much, then such changes should be strongly discouraged.



  • 横浜市民のライフスタイルと環境保全-市施策と市民消費実態の現状-

    中野諭, 高瀬卓弥, 清水裕之, 鷲津明由

    早稲田大学社会科学総合学術院ワーキングペーパー   No.2009-1   1 - 62  2009.10

  • 今後の環境施策の在り方に関する考察 OECD Environmental Outlook Chapter21‘Institutions and Approaches for Policy Implementation’へのコメント

    赤尾健一, 黒川哲志, 鷲津明由, 宮本拓郎

    早稲田大学社会科学総合学術院ワーキングペーパー   No.2009-2   1 - 38  2009.10

  • 食に関するライフスタイル変化の環境影響評価—廃棄物産業連関(WIO)分析の応用—

    板明果, 高瀬浩二, 近藤康之, 鷲津明由

    廃棄物資源循環学会論文誌   20 ( 2 ) 119 - 132  2009.03

  • アジア発展の構造分析(二)-レオンチェフ〜尾崎研究をふまえて


    早稲田社会科学総合研究   9 ( 2 ) 48 - 64  2008.12

  • 消費者行動変化の環境影響に関する考察—AIDS需要関数と産業連関的環境家計簿を用いた分析—

    中野諭, 鈴木将之, 鷲津明由

    日本LCA学会誌   4 ( 4 ) 367 - 376  2008.10


  • アジア発展の構造分析(一)-レオンチェフ〜尾崎研究をふまえて

    早稲田社会科学総合研究   9 ( 1 ) 25 - 42  2008.07


  • 外食及び余暇サービス利用の環境影響評価:産業連関的環境家計簿とLES消費需要関数の接合

    中野諭, 篠崎美貴, 鷲津明由

    日本LCA学会誌   3 ( 3 ) 168 - 177  2007.07


  • 廃棄物産業連関モデルによる消費者行動の分析:所得と生活時間を考慮した環境負荷の計測

    高瀬浩二, 近藤康之, 鷲津明由

    日本LCA学会誌   2 ( 1 ) 48 - 55  2006.01


  • 4th International Symposium on Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing EcoDesign2005最優秀講演論文賞


  • 接続環境分析用産業連関表による環境家計簿分析

    第1回日本LCA学会研究発表会(2005/12/1〜2)    2005.12

  • 所得と時間に関するリバウンド効果を考慮した消費者行動分析 「消費技術」と廃棄物産業連関モデル

    第1回日本LCA学会研究発表会(2005/12/1〜2)    2005.12

  • An analysis of sustainable consumption by the waste input-output model

    Koji Takase, Yasushi Kondo, Ayu Washizu

    Journal of Industrial Ecology   9 ( 1-2 ) 201 - 219  2005.12

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    The extension of the waste input-output (WIO) model to analyze households' sustainable consumption patterns is presented in this article. We estimate direct and indirect emission loads induced by household consumption by the WIO model. The WIO model is much more suitable for the analysis of sustainable consumption than the conventional input-output model because it can deal with the disposal stage of consumed goods as well as the purchase and use stages. A simple method for evaluating income rebound effects is also introduced. As indicators of environmental loads, we estimate carbon dioxide (CO 2) emissions and landfill consumption induced by house-hold consumption. The model is applied to some typical sustainable consumption scenarios: shifting transportation modes from a private car to public transportation, the longer use of household electric appliances, and eating at restaurants instead of cooking at home. We found that the income rebound effects should be considered to evaluate environmental loads induced by different consumption patterns. © 2005 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Yale University.



  • 接続環境分析用産業連関表による環境家計簿分析」

    環太平洋産業連関分析学会第16回(2005年度)大会(2005/11/12〜13)    2005.11

  • 消費者の生活時間を考慮した環境負荷の分析:「消費技術」と廃棄物産業連関モデル

    環境経済・政策学会2005年大会( 2005/10/9〜10)    2005.10

  • 廃棄物産業連関モデルを用いた消費者行動の分析:所得と時間に関するリバウンド効果

    第16回廃棄物学会研究会発表会(2005/10/31〜11/2)    2005.10

  • 持続可能な消費社会の検討

    イノベーション&amp;I-Oテクニーク産業連関,環太平洋産業連関分析学会   13 ( 3 ) 40 - 51  2005.10

  • 持続可能な消費社会の検討

    篠崎美貴, 中野諭, 鷲津明由

    産業連関   13 ( 3 ) 40 - 51  2005.10

  • An Analysis of Sustainable Consumption by the Waste Input-Output Model

    Journal of Industrial Ecology, Vol.9,Issues 1-2-Winter-Spring 2005   9 ( 1,2 )  2005.06

  • 接続環境分析用産業連関表による環境家計簿分析—持続可能な消費の視点から—

    Keio Economic Observatory Occasional Paper/慶應義塾大学産業研究所   95   1 - 57  2005.03

  • Toward Sustainable Consumption Society:-Factor Decomposition Analysis using 1985-90-95 Linked Input-Output Table-


    Input-Output Analysis   13 ( 3 ) 40 - 51  2005

    DOI CiNii

  • Factor decomposition analysis of 1985-90-95 linked environmental household accounts using input-output table

    Ayu Washizu, Miki Shinozaki, Satoshi Nakano

    Fourth International Symposium on Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing, Proceedings     502 - 506  2005  [Refereed]

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    Recently UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme) has advocated an action plan focused on new systems of production and consumption as a final step towards sustainable society, after its decades of work on cleaner production. To achieve the goal, however, so-called "rebound effects" require serious attention, for such effects might offset the environmental benefits of eco-efficient products. In this study, we try to quantitatively clarify the effect based on the method we have developed, i.e. environmental household accounts using input-output table. We first extend the analysis using 1985-90-95 input output table in "linked" form, and then decompose the change in the induced CO2 emission in the decade into three parts; the effect of the change in consumption structure, the effect of the income increase, and the effect of the technological change. Through the analysis, we identify the changes that are attributable to the rebound effect, and their causes are clarified. The present method, together with the results, provides a base for the design plan for the construction of sustainable consumption society.

  • Consumers' Behavior and Environmental Impact of Time Use: An analysis by the waste input-output model and a consumer model

    Koji Takase, Yasushi Kondo, Ayu Washizu

    Fourth International Symposium on Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing, Proceedings     70 - 73  2005  [Refereed]

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    For evaluating environmental impacts of consumption, a new model will be introduced. The model consists of two components; one is the waste input-output (WIO) model and the other is an economics model describing consumer's behavior. The model deals with the time-use aspect of consumer's behavior as well as the income aspect. The rebound effects with respect to both income and time can be considered in this model. Environmental impacts of some alternative consumption technologies are evaluated by this model. We found that some typical scenarios of sustainable consumption are literally more sustainable than the current consumption pattern.

  • 家計の消費,廃棄行動に起因する環境負荷の分析

    第15回廃棄物学会研究会発表会(2004/11/17〜19)    2004.11

  • An Environmental Housekeeping Book by the Waste Input-Output Model

    The Sixth International Conference on EcoBalance 25-27/10/2004    2004.10

  • 廃棄物産業連関モデルによる持続可能な消費の分析

    環境経済・政策学会2004年大会( 2004/9/25〜26)    2004.09

  • 環境と家計-産業連関的環境家計簿について

    季刊 家計経済研究/家計経済研究所   63 ( 63 ) 11 - 21  2004.07


  • 産業連関的環境家計簿分析の応用-ライフスタイルの違いがCO2誘発にもたらす効果について-

    早稲田社会科学総合研究 第5巻第1号,p.89〜105,2004年7   5 ( 1 ) 89 - 105  2004.07


  • 持続可能な消費社会の産業連関分析-廃棄物環境家計簿の作成と分析-


    イノベーション&amp;I-Oテクニーク産業連関,環太平洋産業連関分析学会   12 ( 1 ) 25 - 33  2004.02

    DOI CiNii

  • 消費と廃棄物の環境家計簿:廃棄物産業連関表の応用

    第14回廃棄物学会研究会発表会(2003/10/22〜24/ポスターセッション)    2003.10

  • 消費と廃棄物排出の環境家計簿の作成-廃棄物環境家計簿

    環太平洋産業連関分析学会第14回(2003年度)大会(2003/10/31〜11/2)    2003.10

  • Towards Ecological Lifestyle Design - An Application of 1995 Waste Input-Output Table

    3rd International Symposium on Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing EcoDesign2003 9〜11/12/2003    2003.09  [Refereed]

  • 環境調和型のライフスタイル・デザインに向けて:1995年廃棄物産業連関表の応用分析

    エコデザイン2002ジャパンシンポジウム(2002/12/5〜6)    2003.09

  • 持続可能な消費社会構築のための廃棄物環境家計簿

    環境経済・政策学会2003年大会 (2003/9/27〜28 )    2003.09

  • 環境家計簿の国際比較:EDEN1990を用いて


    イノベーション&amp;I-Oテクニーク産業連関,環太平洋産業連関分析学会   11 ( 2 ) 28 - 37  2003.06

    DOI CiNii

  • Analysis of economic and environmental interdependency in East Asian countries

    H Sakuramoto, K Ishida, M Shimizu, A Washizu, N Takenaka

    GLOBAL WARMING AND THE ASIAN PACIFIC   G-112   75 - 102  2003  [Refereed]

  • Towards ecological lifestyle design - An application of 1995 waste input-output table

    A Washizu, K Takase


     View Summary

    Convenient life in general is achieved at the cost Of ecological side effects. One of the current issues, in particular in European societies, is to re-consider consumers' behavior from the view of sustainable consumption. However, methodology for rational decision-making is still lacking. The methodology must be presented to people in an intuitive manner, so that it can be put into everyday practice. In this study, we extend the concept of Waste Input-Output Table (WIO), and propose the use of landfill volume as the index of waste discharge, to incorporate not only direct and indirect discharges, but also recycled matters as negative discharges. The result obtained is shown as the "Waste Household Accounts", an intuitive and easy-to-use form to assist consumer's decision towards sustainable society.

  • 環境調和型のライフスタイル・デザインに向けて:1995年廃棄物産業連関表の応用分析(共著)

    エコデザイン2002ジャパンシンポジウム論文集     300 - 301  2002.12

  • アジア諸国の環境家計簿比較分析:EDEN1990の推計結果を用いて

    Keio Economic Observatory Occasional Paper/慶應義塾大学産業研究所   81  2002.12

  • アジア諸国の環境家計簿比較分析:EDEN1990の推計結果を用いて

    環太平洋産業連関分析学会第13回(2002年度)大会(2002/11/2〜3)   81   1 - 8  2002.11


  • 昭60-平2-7年接続環境分析用産業連関表-推計方法及び計測結果-

    日本学術振興会未来開拓学術研究推進事業複合領域「アジア地域の環境保全」KEO DISCUSSION PAPER   G-157   1 - 44  2002.02

  • アジア地域における産業技術および家計消費構造の違いと環境問題—EDEN1990の推計結果を用いて

    Washizu Ayu

    早稲田社会科学総合研究,早稲田大学社会科学学会   2 ( 2 ) 61 - 89  2002.01

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    EDEN (Economic Development and Environment Navigation) is the Input-Output database focusing on the Asian economical statistics for energy and environment. It has 5 tables (energy input table, energy consumption table, calorific table and CO_2・SO_2 generation table) of 9 nations in Asia (Japan, Korea, China, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines and Taiwan). EDEN provides the view of the present situation of economy/environmental problems in a unified frame. In this paper, the author made following analysis based on EDEN 1990. 1) The fact-finding about CO_2・SO_2 generation in each country. 2) The effect of production technologies used in each industry of each country upon environmental problems : the energy efficiency of the production technology of an industry is reflected in the physical input-output relationship of that sector. 3) The effect of household consumption structure upon environmental problems : the environmental household accounting method is applied, and the environmental issue due to different lifestyles in each country is clarified.


  • 家庭用エネルギー需要関数の推定に向けて-家庭用エネルギーデータの実際と考察

    日本学術振興会未来開拓学術研究推進事業複合領域「アジア地域の環境保全」KEO DISCUSSION PAPER   G-141   1 - 32  2002.01

  • 中国の省別環境・経済データベースの作成と環境シミュレーション

    環太平洋産業連関分析学会    2001.11

  • アジア地域におけるCO2波及効果-EDEN1990の応用

    環太平洋産業連関分析学会    2001.11

  • 環境家計簿のためのCO2排出点数表

    日本統計学会   69   235 - 236  2001.09


  • CO2排出に見る東アジア地域の相互依存関係

    環境経済・政策学会    2001.09

  • アジア諸国の産業構造とエネルギー消費,CO2・SO2発生—EDEN1990による分析—

    KIM Yoon Kyung, WASHIDU Ayu

    イノベーション&amp;I-Oテクニーク産業連関,環太平洋産業連関分析学会   10 ( 1 ) 4 - 12  2001.06

    DOI CiNii

  • アジア地域におけるCO2波及効果 EDEN1990の応用

    日本学術振興会未来開拓学術研究推進事業複合領域「アジア地域の環境保全」KEO DISCUSSION PAPER   G-132   1 - 21  2001.06

  • CO2排出点数表の作成と環境家計簿の実践-1995年環境分析用産業連関表

    日本学術振興会未来開拓学術研究推進事業複合領域「アジア地域の環境保全」KEO DISCUSSION PAPER   G-131   1 - 41  2001.06

  • クリーン開発メカニズム(CDM)ガイドブック

    日本学術振興会未来開拓学術研究推進事業複合領域「アジア地域の環境保全」KEO DISCUSSION PAPER   G-125   1 - 40  2001.03

  • ”IT革命”の産業連関的現状分析-1985-90-95年接続産業連関表による-

    Washizu Ayu

    早稲田社会科学総合研究   1 ( 2 ) 59 - 92  2001.01

     View Summary

    So-called "IT Revolution" can influence national economy in various ways. In this study, I first selected a set of coefficients in Input-Output Table in which the influence can potentially be observed. Then the impact of IT upon Japanese economic structure is analyzed using numerical values in 1985-90-95 Linked Input-Output Table and its appendix table (Labor Matrix Table). It was found that it is still in its early stage. Through the investigation, the followings have been clarified. 1. The impact of IT appears directly in service sectors, and subsequently in manufacturing industries. 2. The interdependence between service sectors, as well as that between service sectors and manufacturing industries, is now deepening. Therefore the effect of IT will soon spread over the whole economy. 3. For further analysis, conventional Input-Output Table might have to be expanded to include more terms concerning service sectors.


  • アジア諸国のCO2・SO2排出とエネルギー消費実態-EDEN1990によるファクトファインディング

    日本学術振興会未来開拓学術研究推進事業複合領域「アジア地域の環境保全」KEO DISCUSSION PAPER   G-118   1 - 32  2000.10

  • 水道需要の決定要因に関する考察

    早稲田社会科学総合研究   1 ( 1 )  2000.07

  • 東アジア諸国における経済と環境の相互依存分析

    日本学術振興会未来開拓学術研究推進事業複合領域「アジア地域の環境保全」KEO DISCUSSION PAPER   G-111   1 - 23  2000.07

  • Energy Consumption and CO2・SO2 Generation of Asia : Fact Findings from EDEN 1990

    Research for the Future Program, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science「Inter-Disciplinary Studies for Sustainable development in Asian Countries」KEO DISCUSSION PAPER   G-107   1 - 33  2000.06

  • 『環境家計簿作成のためのCO2排出点数表』

    日本学術振興会未来開拓学術研究推進事業複合領域「アジア地域の環境保全」KEO DISCUSSION PAPER   G-110   1 - 24  2000.06

  • アジア諸国のCO2・SO2排出の現状とエネルギー消費の現状-EDEN1990によるファクトファインディング

    日本学術振興会未来開拓学術研究推進事業複合領域「アジア地域の環境保全」KEO DISCUSSION PAPER   G-106   1 - 31  2000.06

  • アジア諸国の環境・エネルギー問題分析用産業連関表(EDEN Data Base)〜作成方法と観測事実について

    日本学術振興会未来開拓学術研究推進事業複合領域「アジア地域の環境保全」KEO DISCUSSION PAPER   G-79   1 - 35  2000.02

  • 東アジア諸国における経済と環境の相互依存分析

    日本学術振興会未来開拓学術研究推進事業複合領域「アジア地域の環境保全」KEO DISCUSSION PAPER   G-78   1 - 27  2000.02

  • 大気汚染物質の推計:EDEN1990を対象に

    日本学術振興会未来開拓学術研究推進事業複合領域「アジア地域の環境保全」KEO DISCUSSION PAPER   G-73   1 - 11  2000.02

  • 中国環境モデルによる環境シミュレーション

    日本学術振興会未来開拓学術研究推進事業複合領域「アジア地域の環境保全」KEO DISCUSSION PAPER   G-71   1 - 19  2000.01

  • 中国地域データベースの作成と環境シミュレーション

    環境経済・政策学会(1999/9/25)    1999.09

  • 家計調査に基づく環境家計簿分析

    KEO Disucussion Paper/慶應義塾大学産業研究所   56   1 - 31  1999.08


  • 家計の消費構造とCO2排出に関する時系列分析—1985年と1990年の環境分析用産業連関表による—

    KEO Disucussion Paper/慶應義塾大学産業研究所   57   1 - 22  1999.08

  • 中国の地域別CO2排出量の計測

    日本統計学会(1999/7/30)   29 ( 3 ) 401 - 402  1999.07


  • 家計における環境家計簿分析

    日本統計学会(1999/7/30)   29 ( 3 ) 402 - 402  1999.07


  • アジア地域の経済と環境-公表されたマクロ統計データに基づいて

    早稲田社会科学研究   58 ( 58 ) 171 - 198  1999.03


  • On the Economic and Environmental Condition of Asian Countries-Fact-findings from Macro Statistics-

    KEO Discussion Paper/Keio Economic Observatory   58   171 - 198  1999

  • 中国地域データベースの作成とCO2排出量の概算-中国環境経済モデル構築へむけて

    日本学術振興会未来開拓学術研究推進事業複合領域「アジア地域の環境保全」KEO DISCUSSION PAPER   G-27   1 - 36  1998.11

  • 中国省別産業別CO2およびSO2排出量の推計に向けて

    早稲田社会科学研究   57   87 - 110  1998.10

  • 過程の消費構造とCO2排出に関する時系列分析-1985年と1990年の環境分析用産業連関表による

    社団法人 資源協会    1998.03

  • 中国におけるSOx排出の実情分析-遼寧省瀋陽市と四川省成都市のケース・スタディ

    日本学術振興会未来開拓学術研究推進事業複合領域「アジア地域の環境保全」KEO DISCUSSION PAPER   G-5   1 - 41  1998.03

  • Toward the Detailed Estimation of CO2 and SO2 Emission in China by Province and Industry

    KEO Discussion Paper/Keio Economic Observatory   57 ( 57 ) 87 - 110  1998


  • 中国遼寧省瀋陽市のボイラ分析とSOx排出に関する実情分析

    環境経済・政策学会    1997.09

  • Who is Producer of Business Survey?

    Waseda Journal of Social Siences   54 ( 54 ) 43 - 64  1997.03


  • わが国製造業の動態と構造変化の分析-「工業統計」の集計データと「事業所動態統計表」に基づく分析

    製造業における新規事業分野進出への構造分析に関する修査研究-工業統計表に基づく製造業事業所の動態分析/通産統計協会    1996.10

  • 年金世帯を中心とする家計調査の比較-日本とスウェーデン

    社会保障制度の国際比較-わが国と北欧の年金制度の比較/スウェーデン社会研究所     65 - 87  1996.10

  • On the Regional Restructuring of Japanese Manufacture…Using the Census of Manufacture 1985&amp;90

    Waseda Journal of Social Siences   53   75 - 89  1996.10

  • 接続国際産業連関表の作成と課題-1985年表と1990年表の接続に向けて

    Keio Economic Observatory Occasional Paper/慶應義塾大学産業研究所   43  1996.10

  • 接続国際産業連関表に基づく分析の視点と手法

    Keio Economic Observatory Occasional Paper/慶應義塾大学産業研究所   44  1996.10

  • Applications of Input-Output Approach in Environmrntal Analysis(8)…A Life-Cycle Assessment of Automobiles

    Business Journal of PAPAIOS   6 ( 4 ) 40 - 57  1996.05

  • The CO2 Emission Score Table for the Compilation of Household Accounts

    Ikeda Ayu, Suga Mikio, Wong Yu Ching

    KEO Discussion Paper/Keio Economic Observatory   8 ( 8 ) 89 - 103  1996.03


  • Recommending the Use of Blast Furnace Cement to Reduce CO2 Emission

    Fujiwara Koichi, Ikeda Ayu, Suga Mikio, Wong Yu Ching

    KEO Discussion Paper/Keio Economic Observatory   8 ( 8 ) 135 - 144  1996.03


  • A Simulation Analysis of the Environmental Effects of Energy Saving House

    KEO Discussion Paper/Keio Economic Observatory   8 ( 8 ) 115 - 133  1996.03


  • 産業連関分析

    生涯環境影響調査方法の開発/産業環境管理協会    1996.03

  • 産業構造変化が労働生産性にもたらす影響の考察

    産業の競争力と国際化に関する産業連関分析の調査研究/産業研究所    1996.03

  • 家計消費に伴うエネルギー需要誘発の考察-1990年環境分析用産業連関表による推計結果

    平成7年度科学技術庁委託調査報告書-生活資源のライフサイクルエネルギーに関する調査/資源協会    1996.03

  • 欧州調査報告

    企業統計パネルデータの活用による企業の雇用創出効果の分析に関する調査研究/機械振興協会・経済研究所    1996.03  [Refereed]

  • わが国製造業の動態と構造変化の分析-「工業統計」の集計データと「事業所動態統計表」に基づく分析

    製造業における新規事業分野進出への構造分析に関する調査研究-工業統計表に基づく製造業事業所の動態分析/通産統計協会    1996.03

  • わが国製造業における構造変化-2桁産業分類ベースのファクト・ファインディング

    製造業の構造変化分析に関する調査研究-工業統計表に基づくわが国製造業の分析/通産統計協会    1996.03

  • On the Regional Characteristics of Japanese Manufactures-from Isard's Location Theory-

    Ikeda Ayu

    Journal of the School of Humanities and Cultre Tokai University   26   259 - 276  1996.03


  • 家計消費に伴うエネルギー 需要誘発の考察-1990年環境分析用産業連関評による推計結果

    生活資源のライフサイクルエネルギーに関する調査    1996

  • わが国製造業における構造変化-2桁産業分類ベースのファクトファインディング

    製造業の構造変化分析に関する調査研究報告書    1996

  • 産業連関分析

    生涯環境影響調査方法の開発報告書    1996

  • 産業構造変化が労働生産性にもたらす影響の考察

    産業の競争力と国際化に関する産業連関分析の調査研究/産業研究所    1996

  • 欧州調査報告

    企業統計パネルデータの活用による企業の雇用創出効果の分析に関する調査研究/機械振興協会・経済研究所    1996

  • 環境産業連関分析

    ヴィーダー/日本環境リサーチ   26  1996.01

  • 第5回日経地球環境技術賞

    日本経済新聞社    1995.11

  • Interdependency of Economic Activity and CO2 Emission

    KEO Discussion Paper/Keio Economic Observatory   42  1995.05

  • Evaluating CO2 Emissions from Family Expenditure -An example of CO2 Household Accountsー

    Ikeda Ayu

    Journal of the School of Humanities and Culture Tokai University   25   53 - 68  1995.03


  • 固定発生源による大気汚染物質排出量の推計-環境分析用産業連関表の作成にむけて-

    Keio Economic Observatory Occasional Paper/慶應義塾大学産業研究所   37  1994.12

  • 中国の経済発展と環境問題

    エネルギー・資源   15 ( 6 ) 45 - 51  1994.11

  • 環境の産業連関分析-環境家計簿のすすめ-

    ESTRELA/統計情報研究開発センター   8月号   24 - 31  1994.08

  • 環境の産業連関分析-環境家計簿のすすめ-

    ESTRELA/統計情報研究開発センター   7月号   23 - 27  1994.07

  • Industry Location and Urban ReconstructionーA Study of Kobeー

    Ikeda Ayu

    Journal of Behavioral and Social Sciences   45   23 - 48  1994.05


  • 環境分析用産業連関表を用いた研究の成果報告

    慶応義塾大学産業研究所(KEO)    1994

  • マクロ経済からみた環境管理問題

    講習会「環境管理規格化の国際動向と我国の対応」 (社)化学工学会関東支部    1994

  • 新しい価値理念の経済学-「高度技術社会の価値理念-〈生活実現〉の構想-」を読んで-

    「高度技術社会」ニュース   44   7 - 11  1994

  • Estimation of Air Pollutions and Evaluating CO&lt;SUB&gt;2&lt;/SUB&gt; Emissions from Production Activities : Using, Japan's 1985 Input-Output

    Journal of Applied Input-Output Analysis   1 ( 2 ) 29 - 45  1993.10

  • Applications of Input-Output Approach for Environment Analysis(IV) : -A Simulation of Utilizing Blast Furnace Slag on the Cement Industry-

    Business Journal of PAPAIOS   4 ( 3 ) 21 - 28  1993.10

  • 省エネ住宅の環境負荷に対するシミュレーション分析-環境分析用産業連関表の応用-(共著)

    Keio Economic Observatory Occasional Paper/慶應義塾大学産業研究所   32  1993.09

  • Applications of Input-Output Approach for the Environment Analysis(III) : -A Simulation of Promoting Energy Saving Houses-

    Business Journal of PAPAIOS   4 ( 2 ) 26 - 39  1993.04

  • 中国四川省成都市的環境和経済

    中日合作"中国城市(成都示范区)環境総合調査及基対策"研究課題鑒定会 成都市環保研究所 及び 慶応義塾大学地域研究センター    1993

  • 消費生活で発生するCO2

    日本短波放送「薬学の時間」 日本薬剤師会    1993

  • Applications of Input-Output Approach for the Environment Analysis(II) : Evaluating CO2 Emissions from Household Activities as 'Booking CO2 Household Accounts'

    Business Journal of PAPAIOS   4 ( 1 ) 37 - 57  1993.01

  • Applications of Input-Output Approach for the Environment Analysis : Causes and Effects of CO2 Emissions Generated by Production Activities

    Business Journal of PAPAIOS   3 ( 4 ) 31 - 47  1992.10

  • 環境分析のための産業連関表の作成

    Keio Economic Observatory Occasional Paper/慶應義塾大学産業研究所   26  1992.10


  • On the Intersectioral Transmission of Technological Changes -An Input-Output Approach-

    Ikeda Ayu



  • Interindustry Table for Environmental Analysis-Compilation Process and its Uses

    YOSHIOKA Kanji, HAYAMI Hitoshi, IKEDA Ayu

    Business Journal of PAPAIOS   2 ( 3 ) 14 - 24  1991.07

    DOI CiNii

  • An Empirical Study of the Interdependence between the Environment and the Economic System : An Input-Output Approach

    Ikeda Ayu



  • 資本に体化された技術変化の基礎的研究

    Keio Economic Observatory Occasional Paper/慶應義塾大学産業研究所   10  1989.12

  • On the Basis of International Input-Output Analysis

    MITA GAKKAI ZASSHI (Mita Journal of Economics)   82 ( 3 ) 317 - 231  1989.10


  • Economies of Scale and Structural Change

    MITA GAKKAI ZASSHI (Mita Journal of Economics)   81 ( 4 ) 1 - 21  1989.01


  • 1980年代の日本の貿易構造-スカイライン分析の適用


  • 自動車生産のマテリアル・エネルギー 波及のCO2 負荷


▼display all

Books and Other Publications

  • Sustainable Development Disciplines for Society. Sustainable Development Goals Series

    Urata, S, Akao, KI, Washizu, A( Part: Joint editor, Chapter 10 Structure of Development in a Smart Society: An Application of Input–Output Analysis)

    Springer  2023 ISBN: 9789811951459

  • 北米移民メキシコ人のコミュニティ形成

    吉野, 孝, 山崎, 真次( Part: Joint author, 第4章 世界産業連関表(WIOD) を用いた米墨間相互依存関係の分析)

    東信堂  2022.09 ISBN: 9784798917825

  • 食品トレンド2022~2023

    鷲津明由, 中野諭( Part: Other, p.34-37 地域特性を考慮した家庭のエネルギー消費起源CO2排出原単位の簡便な推定方法の提案)

    日本食糧新聞社  2022.07 ISBN: 9784889270266

  • カーボンプライシングのフロンティア : カーボンニュートラル社会のための制度と技術

    有村, 俊秀, 杉野, 誠, 鷲津, 明由( Part: Joint editor, 第7章 次世代エネルギーシステム分析用産業連関表について)

    日本評論社  2022.03 ISBN: 9784535540125

  • Carbon Pricing in Japan

    Arimura T.H, Matsumoto S( Part: Joint author, Chapter 9 An Assessment of Carbon Taxation by Input–Output Analysis: Upstream or Downstream?)

    Springer, Singapore  2021 ISBN: 9789811569630

  • 'Analysis of economic and environmental interdependency in East Asian countries'"jointly worked"

    C.Chang, R.Mendelsohn, D.Shaw "Global Warming and the Asian Pacific" Chapter5, Edward Elgar Publishing  2003

  • 『環境の産業連関分析』第3章「家計支出の環境評価」

    日本評論社  2003

  • 『「豆炭」実験と中国の環境問題』第6章「バイオブリケット普及のシュミレーション」

    慶應義塾大学出版会  2001.06

  • 『講座 ミクロ統計分析3 地域社会経済の構造』第5章1.3節「全国消費実態調査に基づく環境家計簿分析」

    日本評論社  2000

  • 『中国の環境問題』第9章「中国におけるSOx排出の実情分析」

    慶応義塾大学出版会  2000

  • 『実証経済分析の基礎』第3章「産業連関分析」

    慶應義塾大学出版会  1997

  • 間接部門からの視点:産業連関表による間接部門の影響評価

    エネルギー・資源ハンドブック オーム社  1996

  • 『中国環境研究-四川省成都市における事例研究』第6章「中国四川省成都市の環境と経済」

    勁草書房  1995.06

▼display all


  • 4th International Symposium on Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing EcoDesign2005 ‘Consumer’s Behavior and Environmental Impact of Time Use: An Analysis by the Waste Input-Output Model and a Consumer Model


  • 4th International Symposium on Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing EcoDesign2005 ‘Factor Decomposition Analysis of 1985-90-95 Linked Environmental Household Accounts Using Input-Output Table’


  • 環境経済・政策学会2005年大会 「消費者の生活時間を考慮した環境負荷の分析:「消費技術」と廃棄物産業連関モデル」


  • 第16回廃棄物学会研究会発表会「廃棄物産業連関モデルを用いた消費者行動の分析:所得と時間に関するリバウンド効果」


  • 環太平洋産業連関分析学会第16回(2005年度)大会「接続環境分析用産業連関表による環境家計簿分析」


  • 第1回日本LCA学会研究発表会「接続環境分析用産業連関表による環境家計簿分析」


  • 第1回日本LCA学会研究発表会「所得と時間に関するリバウンド効果を考慮した消費者行動分析 「消費技術」と廃棄物産業連関モデル」


  • The Sixth International Conference on EcoBalance ”An Environmental Housekeeping Book by the Waste Input-Output Model"


  • 第15回廃棄物学会研究会発表会「家計の消費,廃棄行動に起因する環境負荷の分析」


  • 3rd International Symposium on Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing Eco Design 2003‘Towards Ecological Lifestyle Design - An Application of 1995 Waste Input-Output Table’


  • 環太平洋産業連関分析学会第14回(2003年度)大会 「消費と廃棄物排出の環境家計簿の作成−廃棄物環境家計簿」


  • 第14回廃棄物学会研究会発表会 「消費と廃棄物の環境家計簿:廃棄物産業連関表の応用」(ポスターセッション)


  • 環境経済・政策学会2003年大会「持続可能な消費社会構築のための廃棄物環境家計簿」


  • 廃棄物産業連関モデルによる持続可能な消費の分析環境経済・政策学会2004年大会 「廃棄物産業連関モデルによる持続可能な消費の分析」


  • エコデザイン2002ジャパンシンポジウム 「環境調和型のライフスタイル・デザインに向けて:1995年廃棄物産業連関表の応用分析」


  • 環太平洋産業連関分析学会第13回(2002年度)大会 「アジア諸国の環境家計簿比較分析:EDEN1990の推計結果を用いて」


  • 環太平洋産業連関分析学会第12回(2001年度)大会発表, 「アジア地域におけるCO2波及効果−EDEN1990の応用」


  • 環太平洋産業連関分析学会第12回(2001年度)大会発表, 「中国の省別環境・経済データベースの作成と環境シミュレーション」


  • 環境経済・政策学会2001年大会発表, 「CO2排出に見る東アジア地域の相互依存関係」


  • 日本統計学会2001年(第69回)総会および研究報告会発表, 「環境家計簿のためのCO2排出点数表」


  • 環境経済・政策学会1999年大会 9月25日-26日 於立命館大学、「中国地域データベースの作成と環境シミュレーション」


  • 日本統計学会1999年(第67回)総会および研究報告会 7月28日-31日7月28日-31日 於岡山理科大学,「家計における環境家計簿分析」


  • 日本統計学会1999年(第67回)総会および研究報告会 7月28日-31日 於岡山理科大学,「中国地域別CO2排出量の計測」


  • 環境経済・政策学会1997年大会発表「中国遼令省瀋陽市のボイラ分析とSOx排出に関する実情分析」


  • 文部省重点領域研究「高度技術社会のパースペクティブ」研究懇談会講演「四川省成都市における環境総合調査」


  • 化学工業学会講演会「マクロ経済からみた環境管理問題-環境管理規格化の国際動向とわが国の対応-」


  • (社)資源協会「生活資源ライフサイクルエネルギー総合検討会」委員


  • (社)通産統計協会「製造業の構造変化分析検討委員会」委員


  • 環境分析用産業連関表の応用-消費者向け情報の提供- 理論・計量経済学会1994年度大会発表


  • (社)資源協会「原子力エネルギー等社会システム総合検討会ワーキンググルプ」委員


  • 中国都市環境の改善および環境科学技術発展促進の研究 -四川省成都市を中心としたケーススタディー-


  • International Input-Output Association Tenth International Conference on Input-Output Techniques 'Estimations of Air Pollutions and Evaluating CO2 Emissions from Production Activities'


  • (財)地球産業文化研究所「環境経済政策研究会」委員


  • 日本薬剤師会企画・日本短波放送「薬学の時間」出演"消費生活で発生するCO2"


  • 環太平洋産業連関分析学会1993年度学会総会発表「省エネ住宅の環境負荷に対するシミュレーション分析」,「高炉セメント利用のすすめ」


  • 日本統計学会第61回大会発表「環境家計簿作成のためのCO2排出点数表-環境分析用産業連関表の応用-」


  • (財)連合総合生活開発研究所「経済と環境研究委員会」委員


  • 環太平洋産業連関分析学会1992年度学会総会発表「生産活動にともなうCO2の排出量とその要因-環境分析用産業連関表の応用-」


  • 日本統経学会(第60回大会)発表「環境分析のための産業連関表の作成:固定発生源による大気汚染物質の排出について」


  • 通商産業省「国際産業連関表作成会議」委員


▼display all


  • Agriculture Sustainability Transition

    Ayu Washizu, Takashi Nozu, Hideaki Maruki, Tomoya Kageura

    Presentation date: 2023.08

    Event date:
  • The impact of sustainable diets and smart food services on environment and well-being: a case of Japanese household

    Y. Ju, A. Washizu, S. Ita

    The 7th International Conference on Economic Structures (ICES 2023) 

    Presentation date: 2023.03

    Event date:
  • Empirical analysis of smart and sustainable diets

    Ayu Washizu, Sayaka Ita: Ju Yiyi

    Presentation date: 2023.03

    Event date:
  • Development of an Input-Output Table Extended in Virtual Power Plant Business

    Ayu Washizu, Akira Yoshida, JU Yiyi, Masashi Tayama, Yoshiharu Amano

    Presentation date: 2023.01

    Event date:
  • Empirical Analysis of Dietary Habits in Smart Society

    Presentation date: 2022.12

    Event date:
  • Input-output table for analysis of next-generation energy system for 2015: Extended renewable energy sectors for 2030

    Presentation date: 2022.10

    Event date:
  • 最適な地域間潮流がもたらす効果の産業連関分析:地域間次世代エネルギーシステム分析用産業連関表の応用

    鷲津明由, 板明果


    Presentation date: 2022.09

  • 産業用エネルギー供給システム評価指標の提案と初期的検討

    吉田彬, 田山真史, 鷲津明由, 天野嘉春

    第41回エネルギー・資源学会 研究発表会 

    Event date:
  • Economic and environmental impacts of energy management instruments: the Virtual Power Plant business in Japan

    Ju, Y, Washizu, A, Yoshida, A, Tayama, M

    AAERE (Asian Association of Environmental and Resource Economics) 

    Presentation date: 2022.08

  • Temporal variation in household consumption-based carbon emission inventories from 1990 to 2020 in Japan

    Event date:
  • Compilation and Application of a National Input-Output Table Extended in Virtual Power Plant Business

    Y. Ju, A. Washizu, A. Yoshida, M. Tayama

    The 6th International Conference on Economic Structures (ICES 2022) 

    Presentation date: 2022.03

  • Effects of changes in consumer lifestyles and energy-saving technologies in the long-term environmental household account book (2)

    Sayaka Ita, Ayu Washizu

    Presentation date: 2022.03

    Event date:
  • Input-Output Analysis Extended in Virtual Power Plant Business

    Presentation date: 2022.01

  • Consideration on the desirable way of smart agriculture in Japan

    Ayu Washizu, Satoshi Nakano

    Going Green-EcoDesign 2021, December 1-3, 2021, Online conference 

    Presentation date: 2021.12

  • Creation and application of 2015 Input-output table for analysis of next-generation energy system (IONGES)

    Presentation date: 2021.10

  • Creation of 2015 Input-output table for analysis of next-generation energy system (IONGES)

    Presentation date: 2021.09

  • Analysis of the effects of changes in consumer lifestyles and energy-saving technologies in the long-term environmental household account

    Presentation date: 2021.08

  • An analysis of the impact of renewable energy on the economic and environmental structure between regions: Estimated results of the input-output table for analysis of next-generation energy systems between regions

    Presentation date: 2021.08

  • Development of a Method for Estimating Household CO2 emissions by region: Toward the Formulation of Environmental Policies by Region

    Presentation date: 2021.08

  • An analysis of the carbon taxation method using the 2011 input-output table for the next-generation energy system

    Ayu Washizu, Satoshi Nakano

    International Conference on Economic Structures (ICES) 2021 

    Presentation date: 2021.03

  • Unit structures of renewable energy activities: An analysis using the 2011 input-output table for the next-generation energy system

    Ayu Washizu, Satoshi Nakano

    The 14th Biennial International Conference on EcoBalance (EcoBalance 2020) 

    Event date:
  • Toward Analysis of Economic and Environmental Impacts of Smart Agriculture

    Ayu Washizu, Satoshi Nakano

    Presentation date: 2021.03

  • Social Capital in a Smart City: A Case Study of Yokohama Minato Mirai 21

    Ayu Washizu, Satoshi Nakano

    Presentation date: 2021.01

  • Analysis of the current state of smart agriculture

    Ayu Washizu, Satoshi Nakano

    Presentation date: 2020.11

  • 炭素税課税段階の検討:2011年次世代エネルギーシステム分析用産業連関表の応用分析

    鷲津明由, 中野諭

    環境科学会2020年会  (オンライン開催) 

    Presentation date: 2020.09

  • Measuring consumers' willingness to accept demand-side management (DSM)

    Presentation date: 2020.08

  • Estimation of Energy Consumption Intensity of Residential Houses based on Social Statistics

    Presentation date: 2020.07

  • A questionnaire survey regarding willingness to accept demand side management (DSM) by time of day

    Presentation date: 2020.03

  • An Analysis of supply chain of renewable energy: using the 2011 Input-output table for analysis of next-generation energy system

    Presentation date: 2020.01

  • Consumers’ acceptance of smart homes with new advanced technologies: Applying a social-psychological approach

    Ayu Washizu, Satoshi Nakano

    Presentation date: 2019.10

  • n estimation of effects of energy saving measures in office buildings in Tokyo

    A. Washizu, H. Onuma, T.Arimura

    Presentation date: 2019.09

  • An Analysis using 2011 input-output table for analysis of next-generation energy system: An examination of carbon taxation method

    Ayu Washizu, Satoshi Nakano

    Presentation date: 2019.09

  • Survey on energy saving measures and technologies of large office building in Japan

    A. Washizu, H. Onuma, T.Arimura

    Presentation date: 2019.08

  • Who can respond to Power Savings? Estimation of Energy Saving Potential Curves

    Ayu Washizu, Satoshi Nakano

    Sustainable Built Environment Conference (SBE) 2019 

    Presentation date: 2019.08

  • An analysis of effect of introducing renewable energy using the 2011 Input-output table for analysis of next generation energy system (IONGES)

    Ayu Washizu, Satoshi Nakano

    Presentation date: 2019.08

  • Estimation of electricity saving potential using 'Survey on Time Use and Leisure Activities

    Ayu Washizu, Satoshi Nakano

    Presentation date: 2019.08

  • Analysis of inter-regional effects caused by the wide-area operation of the power grid in Japan

    A. Washizu, S. Nakano

    International Conference on Economic Structures 2019 

    Presentation date: 2019.03

  • Estimation of energy conservation and energy saving potential in large-scale office building: Suggestions for carbon pricing system

    A. Washizu, H. Onuma, T.Arimura

    Presentation date: 2019.03

  • Evaluation of a Next Generation Energy System Supply Chain from the Perspective of Consumer

    A. Washizu, S. Nakano

    Presentation date: 2019.01

  • Estimation of household energy saving potential considering living time:An analysis using Survey on Time Use and Leisure Activities

    Ayu Washizu, Satoshi Nakano

    Presentation date: 2018.12

  • 豊かさと便利さを兼ね備えた食卓の実現にむけて-スマートフードチェーンシステム構築のための一考察-

    鷲津明由, 中野諭

    環太平洋産業連関分析学会大会第29回(2018年度)全国大会  (愛知学院大学 名城公園キャンパス) 

    Presentation date: 2018.11

  • Induced Effects of Smart Food/ Agri-System - Toward Structural Analysis of Information Technology

    Ayu Washizu, Satoshi Nakano

    Presentation date: 2018.10

  • Measurement of demand function for HEMS: comparison between Japan and the United States

    A. WASHIZU, S. NAKANO, C. Chen, H. Ishii, Y Hayashi

    EcoBalance 2018 

    Presentation date: 2018.10

  • Broadening of Power System and Carbon Pricing: Consideration based on Inter-Regional Input–Output Table for Next Generation Energy System (IONGES)

    Ayu Washizu, Satoshi Nakano

    Presentation date: 2018.09

  • Willingness to Pay for Home Energy Management System: A Cross-Country Comparison

    X. Xu, C.Chen, A. Washizu, H. Ishii, Y. Hayashi

    (Portland, OR, USA) 

    Presentation date: 2018.08

  • Inter-Regional Input–Output Table for Next Generation Energy System (IONGES) with output suppression of variable power

    Ayu Washizu, Satoshi Nakano

    Presentation date: 2018.08

  • Comparison of demand functions for HEMS between Japan and the US

    Presentation date: 2018.08

  • Analysis of regional induced effect caused by liberalization of the electricity marke

    Ayu Washizu, Satoshi Nakano

    Grand Renewable Energy 2018 International Conference 

    Presentation date: 2018.06

  • A Study on Acceptability of High Performance Houses in Metropolitan Area

    Ayu Washizu, Satoshi Nakano

    Presentation date: 2018.06

  • A panoramic analysis of impacts of smart food /agri-technology

    Ayu Washizu, Satoshi Nakano

    Presentation date: 2018.03

  • Comparison of Consumer Acceptance to HEMS in the US and Japan: Based on Contingent Valuation Method

    Ayu Washizu, Satoshi Nakano, Chien-fei Chen, Hideo Ishii, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    Presentation date: 2018.03

  • Comparison between willingness to pay for HEMS in Japan and the United States: Based on the results of a large-scale Japan-US common questionnaire survey

    Ayu Washizu, Satoshi Nakano

    Presentation date: 2018.01

  • 社会生活基本調査に基づく家庭の省エネポテンシャル

    平湯直子, 鷲津明由

    第4回Behavior, Energy & Climate Change Conference (BECC JAPAN 2017) 

    Presentation date: 2017.09

  • 省エネ住宅改修による消費者の便益分析―全国消費実態調査のマイクロデータを用いて―

    鷲津明由, 中野諭

    第4回Behavior, Energy & Climate Change Conference (BECC JAPAN 2017) 

    Presentation date: 2017.09

  • Consumers' Benefit Analysis through Energy Saving Housing Renovation- Using Micro Data of National Survey of Family Income and Expenditure -

    Ayu Washizu, Satoshi Nakano

    Presentation date: 2017.06

  • A Panoramic Analysis of Hydrogen Utilization Systems: Using an Input-Output Table for Next Generation Energy Systems

    Ayu Washizu, Satoshi Nakano

    Presentation date: 2017.03

  • Evaluation of hourly energy-saving potential in the home:Analysis using the Survey on Time Use and Leisure Activities

    Presentation date: 2017.03

  • A Comprehensive Analysis of Induced Effects from Large-scale Hydrogen Utilization System

    Presentation date: 2017.02

  • Interregional Effects Induced from Utilization of Renewable Energy

    Presentation date: 2017.02

  • Development and Application of Inter-Regional Input- Output Table for Analysis of Next Generation Energy System

    Presentation date: 2016.12

  • An Input-output analysis of Hydrogen Utilization Systems

    Presentation date: 2016.09

  • Inter-Regional Input-Output Analysis of Introducing Renewable Energies

    Presentation date: 2016.09

  • 環境性能を有する住宅の選択と居住者満足に関する研究

    鷲津明由, 中野諭

    第3回Behavior, Energy & Climate Change Conference (BECC JAPAN 2016) 

    Presentation date: 2016.09

  • 木材の国産資源活用による環境保全効果の評価


    Presentation date: 2012.03

  • 販売段階におけるCO2の見える化とグリーンコンシューマーの啓発


    Presentation date: 2012.03

  • Economic structure of Japan’s use of renewable energy: An approach using “input-output table for analysis of next-generation energy system”

    Ayu Washizu, Satoshi Nakano, Sonoe Arai

    9th International Symposium on Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing EcoDesign2015 

    Presentation date: 2012.03

  • 有機農法による土壌の炭素貯留効果分析用産業連関表の作成と応用


    Presentation date: 2011.03

  • 外食メニューの選択行動と環境負荷-すかいらーくのモデルメニュー分析に基づいて-


    Presentation date: 2011.03

  • メニュー選択がもたらす環境負荷と食のライフスタイル


    Presentation date: 2011.03

  • 環境省費政策のシミュレーション分析:横浜市を事例として


    Presentation date: 2011.03

  • 食生活のライフサイクル環境影響評価に向けて-廃棄物産業連関表(WIO)の応用分析


    Presentation date: 2009.03

  • 消費者行動変化の環境影響に関する考察—AIDS需要関数と産業連関的環境家計簿を用いた分析—


    Presentation date: 2008.02

  • On the ecological effect of changing in our services consumption structure: a simulation analysis using the demand function in the AIDS and the environmental input-output table

    Eco Design 2007 Asia Pacific Symposium 

    Presentation date: 2007.12

  • Towards the Lifestyle of Sustainable Consumption Society: A Simulation Analysis Using the Demand Function in the AIDS and the Environmental Input-Output Table

    16th International Conference on Input-Output Techniques 

    Presentation date: 2007.07

  • 外食および余暇サービス利用の環境影響評価


    Presentation date: 2007.03

  • 食に関するライフスタイル変化の環境影響評価:WIO分析の応用


    Presentation date: 2006.11

  • 持続可能な社会の実現に向けて:線形支出体系の需要関数を使ったシミュレーションと環境分析用産業連関表

    Eco Design 2006 Asia Pacific Symposium 

    Presentation date: 2006.11

  • On the Lifestyle Appropriate for Sustainable Society: A Simulation Analysis Using the Demand Function in LES and Environmental Input-Output Table

    2006 Intermediate Input-Output Meetings on Sustainability, Trade &amp; Productivity 

    Presentation date: 2006.07

  • Environmental Impacts of Income and Time Use: Evaluating Alternative Consumption “technologies” by Waste Input-Output Model

    2006 Intermediate Input-Output Meetings on Sustainability, Trade &amp; Productivity 

    Presentation date: 2006.07

  • Consumer’s Behavior and Environmental Impact of Time Use: An Analysis by the Waste Input-Output Model and a Consumer Model

    4th International Symposium on Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing EcoDesign2005 

    Presentation date: 2005.12

  • Factor Decomposition Analysis of 1985-90-95 Linked Environmental Household Accounts Using Input-Output Table

    4th International Symposium on Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing EcoDesign2005 

    Presentation date: 2005.12

  • Input-Output Analysis of the Introduction of Renewable Energy and Smart Grid Systems

    Ayu Washizu, Keiichiro Asakura, Satoshi Nakano, Koji Takase

    21st International Input-Output Conference & the Third Edition of the International School of Input-Output Analysis 

  • 再生可能エネルギー発電とスマートグリッド分析用産業連関表の開発と応用

    鷲津 明由, 中野諭, 朝倉啓一郎, 古川貴雄, 新井園枝, 横橋正利, 露木かおり


  • 拡張産業連関表による再生可能エネルギー発電施設建設の経済・環境への波及効果分析

    古川 貴雄, 林 和弘, 中野 諭, 朝倉 啓一郎, 鷲津 明由


  • 風力発電の産業連関分析にむけて

    鷲津明由  [Invited]


  • 消費者の次世代技術の受容可能性―次世代自動車の利用意向に関するアンケート調査結果報告

    鷲津明由, 中野諭, 平湯直子


  • Economic and Environmental Effects of Utilizing Unused Woody Biomass

    Satoshi Nakano, Akito Murano, Ayu Washizu

    Grand Renewable Energy 2014 International Conference and Exhibition 

  • 出力変動をともなう再生可能エネルギー大量導入時の次世代電力システムに関する産業連関分析

    中野諭, 鷲津明由


  • Input-output Analysis of Introducing Smart Grid Systems in Japan (Poster)

    Satoshi Nakano, Ayu Washizu

    EcoBalance 2014, the 11th International Conference on EcoBalance 

  • Ecological Effects from Operating a Biomass Power Plant

    Akito Murano, Satoshi Nakano, Ayu Washizu

    EcoBalance 2014, the 11th International Conference on EcoBalance 

  • 消費者のHEMSの導入意向に関するアンケート調査分析

    鷲津明由, 中野諭


  • 次世代電力システムの産業連関分析

    鷲津明由, 中野諭


  • 再生可能エネルギー利用社会の産業連関分析

    鷲津明由, 中野諭


  • An Analysis of Consumer’s Choice and its GHG Implication under Monetary Budget and Time Constraint

    Koji TAKASE, Yasushi KONDO, Ayu WASHIZU

    International Society for Industrial Ecology(ISIE)2015 

  • 「スマートな」消費生活のすすめ:時間と予算制約を考慮した消費モデル

    高瀬浩二, 鷲津明由


  • 次世代エネルギーシステム分析用産業連関表の作成と応用

    中野諭, 新井園枝, 横橋正利, 露木かおり, 鷲津明由


  • What Increase Satisfaction of Smart City Residents?

    Satoshi Nakano, Ayu Washizu, Takeshi Moriguchi

  • An Input-Putput Analysis of the Effect of Government Forecast of Hydrogen and Fuel Cells

    Ayu Washizu, Satoshi Nakano

  • Effect of introducing renewable energy: An analysis using the input-output table for next-generation energy system for 2011

    A. Washizu, S. Nakano

    11th International Symposium on Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing (EcoDesign 2019) 

  • A Comparative Analysis of Renewable Power Generation Using the 2011 Input-Output Table for Analysis of Next-Generation Energy System (IONGES)

  • An analysis of the renewable energy supply chain using an input-output table for the analysis of a next-generation energy system (IONGES)

    A. Washizu, S. Nakano

    33rd International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems (ECOS) 

  • Attitude survey report on demand side management (DSM)

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Research Projects

  • 産業連関表を用いたスマート社会の環境家計簿分析

    文部科学省  科学研究費

    Project Year :


  • Social cost-benefit analysis of smart farming systems

    Project Year :


  • 「想像の共同体」MexAmericaの構築をめぐる米墨の相克

    Project Year :


  • Environmental and economic effects of a hydrogen energy society considering changes in consumer behavior

    Project Year :


  • Environmental effects of smart food system and food lifestyle

    Project Year :


  • スマートフードシステムと食のライフスタイルがもたらす環境効果分析

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(C))

    Project Year :


  • Consideration about the impact of diversity of consumption on the environmental load and sustainable life style

    Project Year :


     View Summary

    We considered consumer lifestyle of sustainable consumption society with effective use of the renewable energy. For that purpose, we conducted the following research.(1)We constructed an input-output table to analyze a next-generation energy system. Based on this table, we estimate the effect of using renewable energy on Japan’s economic structure as well as the feed-in tariff’s contribution to the cost structure. (2)We estimated the induced effects of introduction of photovoltaic and wind power generation plants and corresponding smart-grid systems in Japan. (3)We showed the economic and environmental effects induced by a system that produces fuel from green microalgae using input-output analysis. (4)Using Ajzen’s theory of planned behavior, we developed a hypothesis about consumer behavior regarding the choice of smart homes and satisfaction with them. We conducted a web-based questionnaire survey and tested the hypothesis using a multivariate probit analysis

  • 消費の多様性が環境負荷にもたらす影響と持続可能なライフスタイルに関する考察

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(B))

    Project Year :


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  • Consideration about the impact of diversity of consumption on the environmental load and sustainable life style

    Project Year :


     View Summary

    We considered consumer lifestyle of sustainable consumption society with effective use of the renewable energy. For that purpose, we conducted the following research.(1)We constructed an input-output table to analyze a next-generation energy system. Based on this table, we estimate the effect of using renewable energy on Japan’s economic structure as well as the feed-in tariff’s contribution to the cost structure. (2)We estimated the induced effects of introduction of photovoltaic and wind power generation plants and corresponding smart-grid systems in Japan. (3)We showed the economic and environmental effects induced by a system that produces fuel from green microalgae using input-output analysis. (4)Using Ajzen’s theory of planned behavior, we developed a hypothesis about consumer behavior regarding the choice of smart homes and satisfaction with them. We conducted a web-based questionnaire survey and tested the hypothesis using a multivariate probit analysis

  • 環境経済の政策研究・研究分野3効果的な環境政策形成に関する研究公募分野6・日本における環境政策と経済の関係の統合的な分析・評価のための研究:市場取引活動における環境配慮型新制度の導入効果についての理論的・実証的検討

    Project Year :


  • A Study of New Lifestyles for Sustainable-Consumption Society : Applications of Environmental Household Account Using Input-Output Table

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



     View Summary

    Our whole study consists of three parts. In the first study, we focus on the environmental administration of local government and the environmental activities of consumers. First, using the National Survey of Family Income and Expenditure for the City of Yokohama, we analyze the existing consumption activities of citizens and the associated CO_2 emissions. Next, we calculated CO_2 emissions by utilizing the CO_2 emission factor which is equivalent to the carbon-footprint for each expense item. Finally, we estimate price elasticities for each item and simulate the effect of environmental policies, such as the promotion of organic farming, the eco-point system, and price changes for electricity and fuels. This study shows that the role of local government is essential in carrying out environmental policies. This especially holds true for policies affecting consumers. Local governments can ascertain the current status of individual households much better than the national government can, so they will have a more important role in creating a sustainable consumption society.In the second study, some social changes, such as increment of occupied female population or aged population, effect on households' dietary habit. In general, menus with small number of dishes or using more home-meal replacement become to be more popular than before. The environmental impacts of such changes, however, has not been clear in previous studies. In this paper we inquired about actual condition of households' dietary habit and estimated environmental impacts of 12 "representative menus" which reflect usual consumers' everyday eating habit. The final goal of our research is to evaluate LCA effects of households' dietary habit caused by social reasons as mentioned above. Using the results of LCA impacts from the representative menus, we estimated the change of CO_2 emission induced by dietary habit which occurs when occupied female population or aged population will grow. To avoid increasing emission of CO_2 induced by dietary habit, it will be effective to use home meal replacement or restaurant service appropriately as well as to reduce cooking energy.The third study has two objectives. The first is the performance of a Life Cycle Assessment of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions using three representative restaurant menus (Japanese, American, and Chinese style dishes), based on the amount and price of ingredients provided by Skylark Co., Ltd. The second objective involved evaluating the sustainable usage of restaurant services. We evaluated the GHG emissions of restaurant customers through the use of a questionnaire which asked respondees which method of transportation they used when visiting restaurants, and which type of restaurant they tended to visit. Our calculation of GHG emissions from three menus pioneers the approach of assessing carbon footprint (CFP) of services, because restaurants are one of the biggest service industries. Our result shows that there are many external GHG emitting sources associated with restaurant service production, like company headquarters and maintenance operations. Therefore, in calculating GHG emissions based upon restaurants menus, we must carefully determine which processes must be included in the final tally. In regards the second objective, a number of suggestions can be made to improve the sustainable use of restaurant services. Reducing the use of disposable chopsticks, and reducing the use of personal vehicles when traveling to restaurants, are two examples of effective methods that would lower GHG emissions and make for more sustainable food services

  • The Change in the Structure of the Japanese and East-Asian Economies : A Quantitative Analysis of the Effect of Trade Liberalization

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    WASHIZU Ayu, URATA Shujiro, KONDO Yasushi

     View Summary

    The liberalization of Trade had contributed to East-Asia's Economic Development. However after the currency crisis in Asia, that happened in 1997, the development seemed to be stopped To prevent such crisis from occurring again, East-Asian countries have strengthened their economic relations in broader range of areas. Many countries have been making effort for concluding Free Trade Agreement (FTA)s that liberalize trade only among certain countries. While the history of FTAs is short, now many countries are endeavoring to establish wider ranges of FTAs. So FTAs are of particularly high interest to us.
    Urata studied about FTAs in all aspects and found out that FTAs have promoted international trade among the member nations. Furthermore he showed that in theory FTAs restrict the trade with nonmember nations, but that in practice they don't.
    Kondo has developed the efficient calculation method to rearrange the rows and columns in a triangle. The triangular system of Input-Output table, in which all the squares fall below the diagonal running from upper left corner to the lower right corner of the matrix, is the most important analytical tool to clarified the structure of an economy. He also applied the method to Waste Input-Output Table (WIO) and examined the efficient recycling strategy.
    Washizu clarified the structure of East-Asian development from the aspect of Input-Output analysis. First I reviewed previous studies which are showed by W. Leontief for the structure of American development and by Iwao Ozaki for the structure of Japanese development respectively. As the result it was showed that the structure of present East-Asia's development can be reinterpreted with reference to those studies. Due to a lack of statistical information, it should be difficult for us to demonstrate the structure of East-Asia's development directly. For that reason, the review of previous study, along with fragmented information, helped us to understand the economic meaning of present East-Asia's development.

  • アジア地域における経済および環境の相互依存と環境保全に関する学際的研究

    Project Year :


  • On the Environmental Effect of Industrial Structure and Household Consumption structure in Asian Nations

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



     View Summary

    My research results consist of the following three parts ; (1) the application of Japanese Environmental Input-output Table, (2) the research on Chinese Environmental problem, (3) the research into interdependence of economy and environment in East-Asia. The summaries of each research part are as follows. (1) : First, The 1995 Japanese Environmental Input-output Table was estimated. Second, fact findings from the 1995 table were summarized and the comparison between that table and the previous tables were made. Third, I applied that table for the analysis of environmental household accounts, and clarified the structure of CO_2 emission from Japanese various households. Fourth, because heating and lighting expenses are deeply related to CO2 emission, I clarified the structure of those expenses of Japanese various households. (2) : The most important environmental problem in china is SO_2 emission from coal consumption. So I investigated the actual conditions of Chinese coal consumption and SO_2 emission and did simulation analysis under the condition of new technology. (3) : EDEN (Economic Development and Environment Navigation) is the Input - Output database focused on economical statistics for energy and environment factor of Asia 9 nations (Japan, Korea, China, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines and Taiwan). Using the EDEN1990 I analyzed the relationship between environmental problem and production technology or household consumption structure

  • System improvement of the second statistics mainly on industry connection and expansion of an analysis

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    SHIMIZU Masahiko, IKEDA Ayu, KAWAI Hiroki, SAKURAMOTO Hikaru, SUGA Mikio

     View Summary

    Input-Output table has been produced every five years since 1955 it is the comfiled statistical table which is based on Leontief's input-output analysis. Based on this comfiled statistical table, econometric analysis of production structure conducted regularlly. In particular, in case of input-output table following the open static model, production structure is described as input matrix in each production section. It is considered that the input coefficient that is an element of this matrix is a parameter of Leontief type production function. In this study, we tried to analyse the theoretical hypothesis in input-output table by using micro data of Manufacturing Census. After constructing the panel data using this census data, we divided the establishment groups which controlled production items (sixth digit of standard industrial classification) by, (1) continuation, (2) new entry, (3) exit, and estimate labor input coefficient. As a result it became clear that labor input coefficients differ substantially among different business conditions (i.e. continuation, entry and exit) ever within the same industrial classification code. For example, for companies whose greatest production item is same in 1990, coefficient is smallest for companies with exit (3), and the largest for companies with continuation (1). The other industry with digits of industrial classification code shows statistically significant differences, in coefficient values. To improse statistical accuracy of input-output table, it may be advisable to select samples, taking into account of distribution of input coefficients. The labor input coefficients

  • 中国都市の環境改善および環境科学技術発展促進の研究-四川省成都市を中心としたケース・スタディー-

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  • 中国都市環境の改善および環境科学技術発展促進の研究ー四川省成都市を中心としたケーススタディー

     View Summary


  • 環境と技術および消費構造の相互依存関係に関する計量的研究(産業連関の手法による)

     View Summary


  • 環境保全と技術および消費構造の変化に関する計量的研究-環境分析用産業連関表を用いて-

     View Summary


  • 環境保全と技術および消費構造の変化に関する計量的研究

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  • 環境保全と技術および産業構造の変化に関する計量的研究-環境分析用産業連関表をもちいて-

     View Summary


  • 産業、消費、および技術の構造変化が環境に与える影響の計量的研究

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  • 廃棄物産業連関モデルを用いたライフスタイルの環境効率指標

    高瀬 浩二, 近藤 康之, 鷲津 明由

    廃棄物学会研究発表会講演論文集   17   296 - 298  2006.11


  • An analysis of consumers' behavior by the waste input-output model : Environmental impact of income and time use(Working Paper Series)

    TAKASE Koji, KONDO Yasushi, WASHIZU Ayu

    Working paper series   503   1 - 18  2005.07

     View Summary

    For evaluating environmental impacts of consumption, a new model will be introduced. The model consists of two components; one is the waste input-output (WIO) model and the other is an economics model describing consumer's behavior. The model deals with the time-use aspect of consumer's behavior as well as the income aspect. The rebound effects with respect to both income and time can be appropriately considered in this model. Environmental impacts of some alternative consumption technologies are evaluated by this model. We found that some typical scenarios of sustainable consumption are literally more sustainable than the current consumption pattern.




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  • Faculty of Social Sciences   Graduate School of Social Sciences

  • Faculty of Political Science and Economics   Graduate School of Economics

  • Affiliated organization   Global Education Center

  • Faculty of Science and Engineering   Graduate School of Environment and Energy Engineering

Research Institute

  • 2024

    Institute for Economic Analysis of Next-generation Science and Technology   Director of Research Institute

  • 2023

    Waseda Center for a Carbon Neutral Society   Concurrent Researcher

  • 2022

    Waseda Institute for Advanced Study   Concurrent Researcher

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 地域循環共生圏の事業展開メソッドの開発:EUの経験とスマート社会技術とのコラボレーション


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  • 人にやさしいスマートシティ(スマートコミュニティ)の研究


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    Input-output table for analysis of next-generation energy system for 2015: Extended renewable energy sectors for 2030In order to comprehensively analyze the effects of next-generation energy systems that introduce renewable energy on the environment, economy, and society, we have added the renewable energy sectors to the input output table of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, and we have created input-output tables for analysis of next-generation energy system (IONGES). For the 2015 version of IONGES, we have published an "embedded table" that considers only the renewable energy that actually existed in 2015. Following that, we created an "extended table" when the composition ratio of renewable energy power increased to the target level of 2030 (the level of "ambitious efforts" in the "6th Basic Energy Plan"). In the extended table, we have added new sectors such as electric vehicle (electric vehicle, fuel cell vehicle, plug-in hybrid vehicle, hybrid vehicle) sectors and in-vehicle Li-ion battery sector, charging equipment construction sector.

  • スマートフードチェーンシステムの産業連関的研究


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    食卓の家庭内生産関数モデルによれば,スマート化の効果は食卓フロンティアの拡張と考えられるが,その効果は個人のスマート化に対応した調理行動の変化を伴ってはじめて実現する。そして実証分析した結果,大都市のように情報環境が整備されている地域では望ましい効果がみられるものの,非大都市ではそうではない(個人のスマート化に対応した調理行動の変化を伴っていない)という状況が確認された(IASSWP 2021-J001)。また,スマート化の効果を定量的に評価するための長期産業連関的環境家計簿データベースを整備し,1990年から2000年までにみられる観測事実を整理しBECC JAPAN 2021で発表した。

  • 2015年版次世代エネルギーシステム分析用産業連関表の作成と応用研究

    2020   中野諭

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  • スマートアグリシステムの産業連関分析

    2019   中野諭

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    We defined indicators of cooking effort and usageintensity of convenience food, and presented a model wherein a “meal” is home-produced.In the model, a home cook decides the optimal cooking effort to apply for agiven usage intensity of convenience food. Using an empirical form of theproposed model, we performed multiple regression analysis and calculated “theelasticity of cooking effort with respect to the usage intensity of conveniencefood” for home cooks, with each attribute defined by a combination of differentpersonality and demographic factors, using the estimated coefficients. Regressionanalysis results revealed a negative correlation between cooking effort and theusage intensity of convenience food, which is consistent with our theoreticalmodel of home meal production. The results showed that home cooks who havespecial food preferences may not be satisfied with accepting convenience foodspurchased from the market as they are and that these home cooks will require ahigher cooking effort to obtain higher satisfaction. The elasticity of elderlyhome cooks was low, implying that they are not flexible enough to acceptconvenience food. The results revealed that existing convenience foods do nothave the same impact on home cooks with attributes.

  • 大都市におけるスマートエネルギーシステム構築の効果に関する基礎的考察

    2018   中野諭

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    東京都ETS制度の事後評価をするとともに,今後目指されるべき地域的エネルギーマネジメントシステムの構築の可能性について考察し,ETS制度のさらなる進化の方向性に対して提言するための基礎データを整備する目的で,東京都都市計画地理情報システムデータ(GISデータ)における土地利用現況調査と日本サステナブル建築協会 非住宅建築物の環境関連データベース(DECC)を利用して,東京都全域の一次エネルギー消費MAPの作成を行った。また,住宅建物の一次エネルギー消費量についても,平成27年度エネルギー消費状況調査(民生部門エネルギー消費実態調査)報告書から導出した原単位を用いて推計した。

  • 再生可能エネルギーの高度利用に向けての実証経済分析

    2017   中野諭

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    これまでウェブページで公開してきた2005年地域間次世代エネルギーシステム分析用産業連関表(2005地域間IONGES)を,電力広域的運営推進機関(OCCTO)による,電力システム運用上の技術的制約を考慮に入れて改訂した。改訂された2005地域間IONGESについて,地域間送電に関する次の3つの前提の下で3種類の表を作成し,電力システムの広域化の効果を検証した。 ケース1:再生可能エネルギーを地域間送電の対象としない現在の状況ケース2:再生可能エネルギーが事業用発電と同じ比率で地域間送電されるケース3:日本全体のグリッドが連携し,全電力が完全に地域間融通される

  • スマートシティに対する消費者の受容可能性についての調査研究


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    Widespread use of energy efficiency homes that use advanced technologies is a goal of Japan's energy policy as well as its science and technology policy. Many previous studies verifying the consumers’ acceptability of new technologies have adopted social-psychosocial approaches.In this study, using social-psychosocial factors, we developed a hypothesis about consumer behavior regarding the choice of energy efficiency homes and satisfaction with them. We hypothesize that a consumer’s decision to choose an energy efficiency home is influenced by their environmental perceptions and evaluation of energy efficiency homes, and that they derive satisfaction from energy efficiency homes once they are familiar with new advanced technologies and focus more on their neighbors and health maintenance. We conducted a web-based questionnaire survey and – using the data –evaluated the effect of each social factor. Our hypothesis holds for residents of energy efficiency condominium buildings in a favorable surrounding environment. Residents of such condominiums who are familiar with the functions of the advanced systems and devices in their homes significantly demonstrate a higher probability of being satisfied with their homes. Therefore, a marketing strategy that directs consumer attention to advanced systems and devices in energy efficiency homes may be effective.

  • 未来型再生可能エネルギー利用がもたらす地域的経済・環境影響評価分析

    2015   中野諭

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  • HEMS普及社会における消費者ライフスタイルの変化予測

    2014   中野諭

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    The objective of thispaper is to assess consumer acceptance of Home Energy Management Systems(HEMS), which are expected to play an important role in constructing new smartgrid systems. In order to do that, we carried out a questionnaire survey to determinewhat personal characteristics are shared by consumers who are more interestedin HEMS. We conducted probit analysis on the survey responses. The resultsshowed that environmental consumers are more interested in HEMS. There arethree types of environmental consumers: consumers who scrupulously try toreduce electricity use, those who are more interested in energy-saving airconditioners or refrigerators, and those who are more interested in advancedenergy saving items such as photovoltaic units and heat pumps. The results alsoshowed that each group of consumers can be characterized differently. Consumerswho are more interested in advanced energy saving items tend to be younger,have small children, and spend more time at home. Consumers who are positive aboutthe introduction of HEMS include those who hope to have home renovations done,and those who are favorably-disposed toward HEMS automatic control.

  • ライフスタイルと技術変化に着目した産業連関データの作成と時点間波及効果の可視化


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    本研究の目的は,「再生可能エネルギーとスマートグリッド分析用産業連関表の開発と応用分析」研究の一環として,Home Energy Management System (HEMS)の消費者の利用意向に関するアンケート調査を実施し,その分析結果を報告することである。HEMSは,家庭内の家電機器のほか,太陽電池,燃料電池,蓄電池(蓄電池として電気自動車のバッテリーが利用できる)をITネットワークで結ぶことにより,家庭内のエネルギー消費を見える化するとともに,家庭の光熱費の節約を可能にするための設備である。さらに将来的には,スマートグリッドの重要な構成要素として,太陽光発電の出力変動を緩和したり,ピークシフトに協力したりして,系統電力の安定化ばかりでなく国全体のエネルギー効率の向上に寄与していくことが期待されている。スマートグリッドとは,「電力網と情報網の高度融合ネットワーク」のことである。すなわち,電力システム全体として1次エネルギー消費量やCO2排出量を最小化できるように,電力の需要側と供給側の機器を,双方向通信を通じて最適に制御しようとする巨大な管理システムのことである。家庭の電力需要行動(ひいては消費者のライフスタイル)をこのネットワークに接続する役割を果たすのがHEMSである。現在,HEMSの実用化に向けて,通信プロトコルの標準化,実際の運用方法を構築するための実証実験など,技術開発研究が進められている。しかし,優れたHEMS機器が開発されたとしても,実際にそれがどの程度電力ネットワークに組み込まれていくかは,一般消費者のHEMSに対する受容可能性に依存する。そこで,この受容可能性はどの程度と見込まれるのか,もしその見込みが望ましい電力ネットワークを構築するには不足している場合には,どのような普及促進策が有効と考えられるかを考察することが重要である。そこで,どのような消費者がどの程度,現在HEMSを認知しているか,将来的な利用意志はどうか,また,HEMSを利用した新しいサービスが加わった時その利用意志は変化しそうかを探るために,インターネットを利用したアンケート調査を実施した。

  • スマートグリットに対する消費者の受容可能性に関する研究


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  • 持続可能な消費のためのライフスタイルに関する産業連関的研究


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  • 日本及び東アジア地域の環境家計簿分析 -産業連関分析の手法を用いて-


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  • アジア地域における産業技術及び家計消費構造の違いと環境問題


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  • 家計の消費活動による環境影響に関する研究-便利さの追求と環境保全の両立に向けて-


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     本研究では、まず1995年環境分析用産業連関表の推計結果を用いて、国民一人あたり消費活動によって誘発されたCO2排出量を計算した。この計算には、たとえば衣服について衣服そのものおよびその原料となる化学繊維を作るときに排出されるCO2や流通段階において排出されるCO2などがすべて含まれている。それによると1995年に一人の国民の消費活動は5.5tのCO2排出を直接間接に誘発していた。どのような財からの誘発排出が多いかを剤別に見てみると、食料費関係、交通費関係、光熱費関係の消費による誘発が多かった。次に、同表を用いて「環境家計簿作成のためのCO2排出点数表」を作成した。CO2排出点数とは、ある財を1万円あたり消費するときに直接間接に排出されるCO2の量をCO21kg=1点として点数化したものである。これをみると、化学製品やエネルギー財を中心に排出点数の高い消費財(しかも比較的必需性の高い財)の目立つことがわかった。この点数表を「家計調査」の結果に当てはめることによって“平均的”家計の“環境家計簿”の試算を行った。それによれば、年齢や所得、居住地域の違いが各家計のCO2排出構造に特徴的な影響を与えていることが読み取れた。所得の低い世帯では光熱費からの、若い世帯では交通通信費からの、高齢世帯では食料費と教養娯楽費からのCO2排出構成比が大きい。地域別には寒冷地域では光熱費からの、北陸地域からは交通通信費からの、大都市圏からは食料費からのCO2排出構成比が相対的に高めである。 次に、家計から出るCO2の多くはそのエネルギー消費によるものなので、家計のエネルギー需要構造に関する研究も行った。そこではまず、家計のエネルギー需要を捉えるとすればどのような統計が利用可能で、それぞれの特徴点はなにか、各統計から得られる情報の範囲はどうか、ということについてサーベイした。そのうち、家計のエネルギー需要をもっともきめ細かく捉えている『家庭用エネルギー統計年報』を用いて、そこでの観測事実を細かくまとめ、家庭用エネルギー需要関数の測定を試みた。その際、家電等の技術進歩によるエネルギー利用効率の変化を分析に取り入れることが重要と考えられた。そこでそのようなデータの収集に努めたが、望ましい情報が得られなかった、というのが現状である。 ところで研究の過程で、家計の消費活動を含む経済活動が及ぼす環境負荷の大きさは、最近の情報技術の進展に大きく左右されると言うことに気づいた。そこで、今後このような研究に着手するための予備的考察として、本研究の分析的基礎となる産業連関表において、IT革命の進展がどのように捉えられているかを検討した。

  • 産業および消費構造がアジアの環境問題に与える影響に関する実証的研究


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     本課題において行った研究の内容は 1.中国の省別産業別環境分析 2.日本の家計消費活動における環境分析(環境家計簿の作成) 3.東アジア地域の環境分析の3つである。これら各項目について研究は同時進行的に行っており、また2000年度以降もこれらの研究は続けられる予定である。各項目に関する1999年度の研究進捗状況は以下の通りである。 1.中国の環境分析については中国の省別、産業別エネルギー消費量、CO2排出量、SO2排出量の推計方法を開発した。推計に際しては中国の主力エネルギーである石炭の消費状況および石炭起源の汚染物質について、日本で蓄積されている中国の各地域産石炭の性状データを分析する等、特に注意を払った。推計結果を見ると、中国では繊維、食料品などの軽工業による汚染物質の発生が、重工業によるものと同じくらい重大であることがわかった。今後はこのデータを用いて、新技術導入による中国の環境改善効果などを分析することが目標であるが、その手始めとして、石炭火力発電の方法として中期的に重要と考えられている諸技術について情報を収集し、それらにかかる費用とCO2削減効果について考察した。さらに現在の中国で特に問題視されているSO2の削減対策について、どのような方策が現在検討されているかについても情報収集した。しかし集まったデータは工学的なものであるため、これを経済分析に活用するための方法を現在検討している。 2.日本の家計消費活動における環境分析は、家計調査や全国消費実態調査で把握されている家計の属性別(世帯主の年齢別、所得階級別、居住地域別、居住形態別など)消費パターンの違いが、各家計がもたらす環境負荷の大きさ(CO2排出量)にどのような影響を与えているかを詳しく分析することである。家計がもたらす環境負荷には、灯油、ガソリンなどの消費による直接的負荷のほかに、消費財が生産されるときにもたらされる間接的負荷をも考慮する必要がある。後者の負荷は産業連関モデルによる誘発分析を応用することによって知ることができる。現段階では、1985年、90年についてこれらの分析を行い結果の比較などを行っている。また家計調査の時系列データの整理、ゼロエネルギー住宅などの普及によるマクロ的環境影響の推計などの研究にも着手し、情報収集等を行っている。 3.東アジア地域の環境分析については、ASEAN諸国、韓国、台湾などアジアの主要国におけるエネルギー消費の状況やCO2、SO2の排出状況について、各方面でまとめられているマクロデータを整理し、経済発展が環境問題に与える影響について考察する。現在は、集められたデータの解析を行う一方、データの精度について確認作業中である。 

  • 東アジアの経済と環境問題

    1998   浦田 秀次郎, 弦間 正彦, 長谷川 信次, 赤尾 健一, 中村 愼一郎

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  • 経済活動と環境負荷の相互依存関係に関する実証研究―中国に関する事例研究―


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     公表されたデータにもとづいて、中国の環境問題を経済活動との関連でみると、中国はエネルギー構造や産業構造、個別の環境保全技術技術といったさまざまな局面で問題を抱えていることが分かった。とりわけ、沿岸地域に比べると経済のダイナミズムが少ない一方、重化学工業比率の高い東北地域の省で、そのような問題が深刻であった。 今後中国の環境対策を模索するにあたって、日本産業界の持つ過去の公害の克服という経験は非常に役に立つと思われる。しかし日本の経験がそのまま、中国の問題に当てはまるとは限らない。日本では有効だった方策が、中国でも有効とは限らないのであり、真に中国にふさわしい方法が吟味されていく必要がある。 そのような問題意識から本研究では、中国遼寧省(旧満州地区)を例にとり、まず公表データによって経済と環境の状況を分析した。その結果、同省は著しく重化学工業偏重の経済であること、とくに中小規模の燃焼装置において環境対策(本研究ではSOx対策に限定)が遅れていることがわかった。 その一方、中国のSOx対策としてはどのような方法が現実的でふさわしいかを工学的文献に基づいて検討した。その結果、中国においては日本と同様の方法ではなく、効果は劣るものの、より廉価な方法(流動層ボイラの採用と燃料のブリケット化)が有効であることが示唆された。またもしこれらの方法が遼寧省の工業で採用されたとするとどれだけSOx排出が削減できるかを試算したところ、92.3%が削減できるという結果を得た。この試算値には、家計や非工業による排出は考慮されていないので、それを考慮すれば効果はもう少し小さなものとなるかもしれないが、この計算結果は中国において適切な環境対策を実行していくことの重要性を示唆している。

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