Updated on 2025/03/13


Faculty of Education and Integrated Arts and Sciences, School of Education
Job title
博士(理学) ( 早稲田大学 )

Professional Memberships









Research Areas

  • Educational technology / Science education

Research Interests

  • e-learning, WBT



  • Toward construction of a corpus of english learners' utterances annotated with speaker proficiency profiles: Data collection and sample annotation

    Yasunari Harada, Kanako Maebo, Mayumi Kawamura, Masanori Suzuki, Yoichiro Suzuki, Noriaki Kusumoto, Joji Maeno

    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)   4938   171 - 178  2008  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    The first author has designed and implemented college English classes emphasizing face-to-face oral interactions within small groups of students in class, presupposing and expecting further cultivation of learners' ability to learn for themselves, by themselves and among themselves. Previous experiences confirm such expectations, and the authors are currently working on collecting learners' spoken interactions with high-quality digital audio and video recording devices along with written materials, scores of language proficiency tests and questionnaire responses of those students. In this presentation, we describe the scope and objective of our project, summarize class activities and recording procedures, and then touch on expected transcription procedures and possible tools for annotation. It may be interesting to notice, in passing, how introduction of various recording devices positively affect students' motivations and performances in their language learning activities. © 2008 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.



  • Face-to-face Oral Interaction Practice and Multi-track Audio Hard-disk Recorder

    HARADA Yasunari, TATSUMI Takeo, MAENO Joji, KUSUMOTO Noriaki, SUZUKI Yoichiro

    IPSJ SIG Notes   80 ( 62 ) 25 - 32  2005.06

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    The first author previously proposed an oral interaction practice format in a face-to-face small group environment in which one of a group of three students will be designated as the questioner, who reads aloud a question typed on a name-card size sheet of paper, another as the respondent, who answers the question without looking at the card, and the third as the time-keeper, who scores the response along with the questioner. Students in an English class will form groups of three and change their roles after one question is answered and the response scored in a review sheet. This practice, together with essay writing and peer review process, has proved to be fairly effective in improving students' communicative skills in English and otherwise. In this presentation, we discuss design and use of multi-track audio hard-disk recorder for digitally recording students' oral interactions and how introduction of such recorder, along with video cameras change students' performances in those practices.


  • Group Activities and Project Management

    HARADA Yasunari, TATSUMI Takeo, MAENO Joji, KUSUMOTO Noriaki

    IPSJ SIG Notes   78 ( 15 ) 121 - 128  2005.02

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    Interactive skills in oral and written communication are a prerequisite for successful social and/or academic achievements. The Japanese educational system however has failed to address the task of cultivating such skills among students so far. Practice of oral presentations and real-time interactions along with writing extended passages logically and coherently should be an integral part of education throughout various levels and subjects of the school system. Specifically such training in basic literacy should be emphasized at university liberal arts classes. Moreover project management skills in group activities should be considered as focal point of such cultivation of oral and written communication skills. Group activities are being much more emphasized as student-centered approach are introduced in classroom and preparing students for possible pitfalls in those activities should be considered an integral part of those pedagogical approaches. In this article, we discuss why this is important and how such issues should be tackled.


  • A Study of Learning System using Learning History

    ITO Atsushi, FUKUSHIMA Hideaki, KOHARA Hiroyuki, SAKAMOTO Sumiko, MAENO Joji, KUSUMOTO Noriaki, TATSUMI Takeo, HARADA Yasunari

    IPSJ SIG Notes   75 ( 68 ) 49 - 56  2004.07

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    We are studying learning system by using personal learning history and personal profile to realize effective learning. Recently, progress of IT realizes to collect learning information not only correct/incorrect answer, but also duration of accessing learning system, the number of answering questions and total learning time. Also, it is possible to analyze such huge information by using PC. We propose a learning system based on personal learning history. In this paper, we firstly define personal learning history. Then we propose a learning system to minimize learning cost by using learning history of other person and considering dependency and multi dimensionality of learning items.


  • 「学習履歴の有効活用を目指して:携帯電話による英語語彙学習」

    原田康也, 楠元範明, 前野譲二, Gerrit van Wingerden, 阪原淳, 伊藤篤, 福島秀顕

    平成15年度情報処理教育研究集会講演論文集/文部科学省・北海道大学 ISSN 0919-9667.     421 - 422  2003.11

  • 「実務能力の向上を考慮した情報教育カリキュラム」

    前野譲二, 原田康也, 楠元範明

    平成15年度情報処理教育研究集会講演論文集/文部科学省・北海道大学 ISSN 0919-9667.     145 - 148  2003.11

  • 携帯電話を活用した英語語彙学習:学習履歴の有効活用をめざして」

    原田康也, 楠元範明, 前野譲二, Gerrit van Wingerden, 阪原淳, 伊藤篤, 福島秀顕

    平成15年度大学情報化全国大会事例発表資料集/私立大学情報教育協会     92 - 93  2003.09

  • Duality of e-Learning Profiles

    HARADA Yasunari, MAENO Joji, KUSUMOTO Noriaki, TATSUMI Takeo

    IPSJ SIG Notes   70 ( 70 ) 1 - 8  2003.07

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    Proliferation of e-learning systems offers us unprecedented opportinuty to utilize real-world data of learning activities, but many commercially and otherwise available Learning Management Systems provide only partial and limited access to those data for teachers and contents developers. We propose to view learning profiles as a Cartesian product between learners and items. Any analysis that we would like to conduct on learners would have a dual on items: which learner spend worked on the greatest number of items vs. which item was worked on by the greatest number of learners, etc.


  • 「学習履歴のネットワークを通じた利害調整」

    前野譲二, 原田康也, 楠元範明, 辰己丈夫

    第65回(平成15年)全国大会講演論文集(5) 情報処理学会   5   543 - 546  2003.03

  • 植物組織からの簡易・迅速DNA抽出法III 夏の自然から入手可能な材料(草本)の検討

    石川稔矩, 安斎寛, 楠元範明, 楠元守

    生物教育学雑誌   14   17 - 22  2003

  • 植物組織からの簡易・迅速DNA抽出法IV 夏の自然から入手可能な材料(木本)の検討

    石川稔矩, 安斎寛, 楠元範明, 楠元守

    生物教育学雑誌   14   23 - 28  2003

  • 「高等教育機関におけるネットワーク運用ガイドライン」

    電子情報通信学会/情報処理学会/電気学会    2003.01

  • 「情報と職業」

    駒谷昇一, 辰己丈夫, 楠元範明

    オーム社 ISBN4-274-13266-8    2002.12

  • Liberty, Equity, and Security in Network-Mediated Learning and Testing

    HARADA Yasunari, TATSUMI Takeo, KUSUMOTO Noriaki, MAENO Joji

    Proceedings of ETHICOMP 2002     575 - 588  2002.11

  • 「早稲田大学メディアネットワークセンターにおける導入教育の課題」

    前野譲二, 原田康也, 楠元範明, 瀧澤武信

    平成14年度情報処理教育研究集会講演論文集/文科省・東京大学     175 - 178  2002.10

  • 「早稲田大学メディアネットワークセンターのカリキュラムデザイン:マッピングとマッチング」.

    原田康也, 前野譲二, 楠元範明, 瀧澤武信

    平成14年度情報処理教育研究集会講演論文集/文科省・東京大学     171 - 174  2002.10

  • 「遠隔システムを利用した高度専門教育支援」

    伊藤篤, 柳原広昌, 中島康之, 米山暁夫, 斉藤雅弘, 原田康也, 楠元範明, 前野譲二

    平成14年度情報処理教育研究集会講演論文集/文科省・東京大学     331 - 334  2002.10

  • 「文献情報配信システムを利用した高度専門教育支援」

    帆足啓一郎, 井ノ上直己, 橋本和夫, 伊藤篤, 前野譲二, 楠元範明, 原田康也

    CIEC(コンピュータ利用教育協議会) 2002 PCカンファレンス 早稲田大学 予稿集     66 - 69  2002.08

  • 「教育の情報化」三原則と数学のe-Teacher

    辰己丈夫, 瀧澤武信, 楠元範明, 原田康也

    CIEC(コンピュータ利用教育協議会) 2002 PCカンファレンス 早稲田大学 予稿集     262 - 265  2002.08

  • Feasibility Evaluation of a Bibliographical Information Dissemination System

    Keiichiro Hoashi, Naomi Inoue, Kazuo Hashimoto, Atsushi Ito, Takeo Tatsumi, Joji Maeno, Noriaki Kusumoto, Yasunari Harada

    Proceedings of ITHET 2002    2002.07

  • 教育機器・メディア利用


    「教職課程マニュアル」/早稲田大学教職課程     27 - 27  2002

  • The importance of privacy protection measures in network-mediated learning and testing

    Y Harada・T Tatsumi, J, Maeno, N Kusumoto


  • 『情報科の教員養成における「情報倫理」と「情報と職業」』

    辰己丈夫, 楠元範明

    平成13年度情報処理教育研究集会 ISSN 0919-9967     32 - 35  2001.10

  • 「PhonePass SET-10 を利用した口頭英語運用能力の測定」

    原田康也, 楠元範明, 寄高秀洋, 藤田真一, Jared Bernstein, 阪原淳

    平成13年度情報処理教育研究集会 ISSN 0919-9967     576 - 579  2001.10

  • 「情報倫理と情報科教育法における情報倫理分野の取扱」

    辰己丈夫, 前野譲二, 原田康也, 楠元範明

    情報処理学会コンピュータと教育研究会 SSS2001講演論文集     287 - 294  2001.09

  • 「早稲田大学法学部総合英語の授業におけるATR CALLの学習効果」

    山田玲子, 原田康也, Jared Bernstein, 楠元範明, 久保理恵子, 鈴木陽一郎

    第15回私情協大会事例発表抄録/社団法人私立大学情報教育協会     73 - 73  2001.09

  • 「PhonePassを利用した口頭英語の運用能力測定に基づく学習効果の判定」

    原田康也, 楠元範明, 寄高秀洋, 藤田真一, Jared Bernstein, 阪原淳

    第15回私情協大会事例発表抄録/社団法人私立大学情報教育協会     62 - 63  2001.09

  • 「情報科教育法における情報倫理教育の役割」

    辰己丈夫, 橘孝博, 半田亨, 楠元範明, 原田康也

    CIEC(コンピュータ利用教育協議会) 2001 PCカンファレンス 金沢大学 予稿集     162 - 163  2001.08

  • 「情報倫理教育におけるネットワーク技術講習の必要性」

    楠元範明, 橘孝博, 半田亨, 前野譲二, 辰己丈夫, 多田武丸, 原田康也

    CIEC(コンピュータ利用教育協議会) 2001 PCカンファレンス 金沢大学 予稿集     160 - 161  2001.08

  • 「総合的運用力向上を目指した英語授業実践と口頭英語実力テスト」

    原田康也, 楠元範明, 寄高秀洋, 藤田真一, Jared Bernstein, 阪原淳

    第9回情報教育方法研究発表会資料集/社団法人私立大学情報教育協会     76 - 77  2001.07

  • SDI Application in Education and Research Support: Restrictive Information Sharing of Bibliographical Resources

    Keiichiro Hoashi, Kazuo Hashimoto, Atsushi Ito, Takeo Tatsumi, Noriaki Kusumoto &amp, Yasunari Harada

    Proceedings of ITHET01 ISBN4-87755-109-3     484 - 489  2001.07

  • Whose Learning is it Anyway? Copyright and Privacy Issues in Web-Based Training in Proceedings of the Fifth Internatinal Conference on The Social and Ethical Impacts of Information and Communication Technologies

    TATSUMI Takeo, MAENO Joji, KUSUMOTO Noriaki &amp, HARADA Yasunari

    ETHICOMP2001 ISBN83-7278-141-4     285 - 294  2001.06

  • 高校成績、入試成績、大学成績の関係

    椎名乾平, 櫻井英博, 楠元範明

    早稲田教育評論/早稲田大学教育総合研究所   15 ( 1 ) 49 - 56  2001.03


  • 教育用素材・教材データベースとその電子認証に関する基礎的考察


    学術研究 教育・社会教育・体育学編/早稲田大学教育学部    2001

  • Reduction of ferredoxins by photosynthetic reaction center complex from the green sulfur bacterium Chlorobium tepidum. S11-026

    Daisuke Seo, Atusi Tomioka, Noriaki Kusumoto, Masaharu Kamo, Isao Enami, Hidehiro Sakurai

    Proc. 12th Congress of Photosynthesis (Brisbane) 4 pages CD + Online ISBN: 0643067116    2001

  • Comparison of electron transfer properties of bound iron-sulfur clusters between green sulfur bacterial reaction center and photosystem I

    Hidehiro Sakurai, Daisuke Seo, Noriaki Kusumoto, Pierre Setif

    Proc. 12th Congress of Photosynthesis (Brisbane) 4 pages CD + Online ISBN: 0643067116    2001

  • 植物組織からの簡易・迅速DNA抽出法II 商店で入手可能な材料の検討

    楠元守, 安斎寛, 楠元範明, 石川稔矩

    生物教育学雑誌   12   1 - 6  2001

  • Purification of ferredoxins and their reaction with purified reaction center complex from the green sulfur bacterium Chlorobium tepidum

    D Seo, A Tomioka, N Kusumoto, M Kamo, Enami, I, H Sakurai

    BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-BIOENERGETICS   1503 ( 3 ) 377 - 384  2001.01  [Refereed]

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    Four ferredoxin (Fd) fractions, namely, FdA-D were purified from the green sulfur bacterium Chlorobium tepidum. Their absorption spectra are typical of 2[4Fe-4S] cluster type Fds with peaks at about 385 and 280 nm and a shoulder at about 305 nm. The A(385)/A(280) ratios of the purified Fds were 0.76-0.80. Analysis of the N-terminal amino acid sequences of these Fds (15-25 residues) revealed that those of FdA and FdB completely agree with those deduced from the genes, fdx3 and fdx2, respectively, found in this bacterium (Chung and Bryant, personal communication). The N-terminal amino acid sequences of FdC and FdD (15 residues) were identical, and agree with that deduced from the gene fdx1 (Chung and Bryant, personal communication). The A(385) values of these Fds were unchanged when they were stored for a month at -80 degreesC under aerobic conditions and decreased by 10-15% when they were stored for 6 days at 4 degreesC under aerobic conditions, indicating that they are not extremely unstable. In the presence of Fd-NADP(+) reductase from spinach, and a purified reaction center (RC) preparation from C. tepidum composed of five kinds of polypeptides, these Fds supported the photoreduction of NADP(+) at room temperature with the following K-m and V-max (in mu mol NADP(+) mu mol BChl a(-1) h(-1)): FdA, 2.0 muM and 258; FdB, 0.49 muM and 304; FdC, 1.13 muM and 226; FdD, 0.5 muM and 242; spinach Fd, 0.54 muM and 183. The V-max value of FdB was more than twice that previously reported for purified RC preparations from green sulfur bacteria. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

  • 大学教育における「視聴覚教育」の現代化 学校教育・生涯学習職員養成のための情報倫理の構築とマルチメディア環境整備に向けて

    早稲田教育評論/早稲田大学教育総合研究所   14 ( 1 ) 99 - 122  2000.03

  • 「情報教育の情報化」

    情処研報/情報処理学会   2000-CE-55   41 - 48  2000

  • 「情報教育 -「情報科の教育」と「教科教育の情報化」-」

    情報処理学会 第60回全国大会論文集(4)   ( 4 ) 359 - 360  2000

  • 「情報教育学の夜明け前」

    私情協ジャーナル/(社)私立大学情報教育協会   8 ( 4 ) 8 - 9  2000

  • Education of Information andInformation-Oriented Education

    Kusumoto Noriaki/Tatsumi Takeo/Harada Yasunari

    Waseda review of education   14 ( 1 ) 123 - 131  2000


  • Electron transfer kinetics in purified reaction centers from the green sulfur bacterium Chlorobium tepidum studied by multiple-flash excitation

    N Kusumoto, P Setif, K Brettel, D Seo, H Sakurai

    BIOCHEMISTRY   38 ( 37 ) 12124 - 12137  1999.09  [Refereed]

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    Reaction center preparations from the green sulfur bacterium Chlorobium tepidum, which contain monoheme cytochrome c, were studied by flash-absorption spectroscopy in the near-UV, visible, and near-infrared regions. The decay kinetics of the photooxidized primary donor P840(+), together with the amount of photooxidized cytochrome c, were analyzed along a series of four flashes spaced by 1 ms: 95% of the P840(+) was reduced by cytochrome c with a t(1/2) of approximate to 65 mu s after the first flash, 80% with a t(1/2) of approximate to 100 mu s after the second flash, and 23% with a t(1/2) of approximate to 100 mu s after the third flash; after the fourth flash, almost no cytochrome c oxidation occurred. The observed rates. the establishment of redox equilibrium after each flash, and the total amount of photooxidizable cytochrome c are consistent with the presence of two equivalent cytochrome c molecules per photooxidizable P840. The data are well fitted assuming a standard free energy change Delta G degrees of -53 meV for electron transfer from one cytochrome c to P840(+), Delta G degrees being independent of the oxidation state of the other cytochrome c. These observations support a model with two monoheme cytochromes c which are symmetrically arranged around the reaction center core. From the ratio of menaquinone-7 to the bacteriochlorophyll pigment absorbing at 663 nm, it was estimated that our preparations contain 0.6-1.2 menaquinone-7 molecules per reaction center, However, no transient signal due to menaquinone could be observed between 360 and 450 nm in the time window from 10 ns to 4 mu s. No recombination reaction between the primary partners P840(+) and A(0)(-) could be detected under normal. conditions. Such a recombination was observed (t(1/2) approximate to 19 ns) under highly reducing conditions or after accumulation of three electrons on the acceptor side during a series of flashes, showing that the secondary accepters can stabilize three electrons. From our data, there is no evidence for involvement of menaquinone in charge separation in the reaction center of green sulfur bacteria.

  • 緑色硫黄細菌Chlorobium tepidumフェレドキシンの精製と光化学反応中心における電子伝達の分光的研究

    第38回日本植物生理学会大会   -105  1999.03

  • 合格者の出身地区 偏差値から見た最近10年間の全国大学入試合格者の動向

    教育総合研究所   13;1(29-39)  1999.03

  • 14号館教育学部視聴覚教育教室の設計理念とその仕様

    学術研究-教育・社会教育・体育学編/教育学部   47; (9-19)  1999.02

  • 植物組織からの簡易・迅速DNA抽出法

    生物教育   40 ( 1 ) 13 - 20  1999

  • Information Ethics as Science and Technology Education and Simulated Network Emergency Exercises for Information Teachers.

    ETHICOMP99 CD ISBN 88-900396-0-4    1999

  • 緑色硫黄細菌Chlorobium tepidum精製反応中心の電子伝達の分光的研究

    日本植物学会第62回大会   -83  1998.09

  • Studies of electron trasfer in the purified reaction cenetr complex from the green sulfur bacterium Chlorobium tepidum

    proceedings/10 th International symposium on photoprokaryotes    1998.09

  • 緑色硫黄細菌反応中心複合体とFdの相互作用

    日本植物生理学会1998年度年会   -69  1998.05

  • 情報教育の現状と要望

    早稲田教育評論/早稲田大学教育総合研究室   第12巻;第1号/P27-86  1998.03

  • Activities and Kinetics of Electron Transfer in a Reaction Center Complex from the Green Sulfur Bacterium Chlorobium Tepidum

    D. Seo, N. Kusumoto, H. Sakurai, K. Brettel, P. Sétif

    Photosynthesis: Mechanisms and Effects     563 - 566  1998


  • 植物組織培養の教材化に関する研究 I -アサガオの初代培養におけるカルス形成と分化について

    生物教育学雑誌/神奈川県生物教育研究会・日本生物教育学会   8;1(1-8)  1998

  • Webを用いた基礎生物学履修コースの構築研究

    コロキウム/早稲田大学教育総合研究室   No24/P10  1997.12

  • インターネットの教育利用とそのサポート:Webを用いた基礎生物学履修コースの構築研究 (「インターネット社会における大学の取組み」

    明治大学情報科学センター年報/明治大学情報科学センター    1997.11

  • Electron transfur from cytochrome to ferredoxin in purified reaction center complexes from Chlorobium tepidum

    <I>Workshop on Green and Heliobacteria</I> /Europian Science Foundation   Proceeding  1997.08

  • 光合成細菌ヘリオバクテリアの光化学反応中心粒子の精製とその性質

    日本植物生理学会年会要旨集/日本植物生理学会    1997.03

  • 大学入試から見た高校間格差の研究(第4報)-全国の高校に関する分析

    早稲田教育評論/早稲田大学教育総合研究室   11;1  1997.03

  • Electric and Vibrational Structure of the Radical Cation of P840 in the Putative Homodimeric Reaction Center from Chlorobium tepidum as Studied by FTIR Spectroscopy

    Biochemistry/American Chemical Society   35;48  1996.11

  • 緑色硫黄光合成細菌Chlorobium tepidumおよびヘリオバクテリアHeliobacillus mobilisの光化学反応中心複合体の分光学的研究

    生物物理/日本生物物理学会年会   36;suppl.  1996.11

  • FTIRによる緑色硫黄細菌Chloborium tepidumのホモダイマー反応中心蛋白質におけるP840+の構造と分子相互作用

    生物物理/日本生物物理学会年会   36;suppl.  1996.11

  • 緑色硫黄光合成細菌Chlorobium tepidum光化学反応中心粒子の電子伝達に関する研究

    日本植物学会大会/日本植物学会 日本植物学会大会研究発表記録    1996.11

  • ヘリオバクテリアHeliobacillus mobilisの光化学反応中心の分光学的解析

    日本植物学会大会/日本植物学会 日本植物学会大会研究発表記録    1996.11

  • Function of the reaction center of green sulfur bacteria

    H Sakurai, N Kusumoto, K Inoue

    PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY   64 ( 1 ) 5 - 13  1996.07  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    The reaction center (RC) of green sulfur bacteria belongs to the Fe-S type RC, as do the photosystem I of oxygenic photosynthetic organisms and the RC of heliobacteria. The core parts of the green sulfur bacterial and the heliobacterial RC are assumed to be homodimeric, in contrast to those of purple bacteria, photosystem I and photosystem II. This paper describes recent advances in the study of the function of the green sulfur bacterial RC.

  • 光合成細菌Chlorobiumフェレドキシンの精製とNADP+光還元活性

    日本植物生理学会1996年度年会    1996.03

  • 水銀処理によって特異的に破壊された鉄硫黄センターBの機能的再構成条件の再検討

    日本植物生理学会1996年度年会    1996.03

  • 光還元されるFe-Sセンターを有するHeliobacillus mobilisの光化学反応中心複合体

    日本植物生理学会1996年度年会    1996.03

  • 光化学活性を有するヘリオバクテリアHeliobacillus mobilisの光化学系反応中心複合体の単離

    日本植物学会第59回大会    1995.09

  • 緑色硫黄光合成細菌Chlorobium tepidum光化学反応中心複合体の電子伝達の分光学的研究

    第33回日本生物物理学会    1995.09

  • Preparation and characterization of a photoactive reaction center complex from the heliobacterium Heliobacillus mobilis

    K Inoue, M Akaike, A Hattori, N Kusumoto, H Sakurai

    PHOTOSYNTHESIS: FROM LIGHT TO BIOSPHERE, VOL II   2   199 - 202  1995  [Refereed]

  • Biochemical and optical studies of photoactive reaction center complex from the green sulfur bacterium Chlorobium tepidum

    N Kusumoto, K Inoue, H Nasu, A Tomioka, H Sakurai

    PHOTOSYNTHESIS: FROM LIGHT TO BIOSPHERE, VOL II   2   203 - 206  1995  [Refereed]

  • 「情報化社会に参画する態度」の扱い方について」

    情報処理学会 コンピュータと教育研究会 SSS99 シンポジウム講演論文集     167 - 174

  • 「早稲田大学における情報倫理を重視したコンテンツ主導授業の実践」

    情報処理教育研究集会 講演論文集(ISSN 0919-9667)     55 - 58

  • 大学における視聴覚教育の現代化(その2)-博物館学芸員養成・電子書籍化・情報化処理技術者育成の視点から-

    矢口徹也, 久保内加菜, 上河辺康子, 楠元範明

    早稲田教育評論/早稲田大学教育総合研究所   15 ( 1 ) 189 - 212

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  • 電子情報通信学会「高等教育機関の運用する情報ネットワークの運用に関わるガイドライン」策定ワーキング・グループ

Research Projects

  • Data Collection and Annotation of Relatively Spontaneous Utterances by Japanese Learners of English

    Project Year :


     View Summary

    We collected relatively spontaneous utterances during group activities among first-year students in a Japanese university over 30 weeks / class sessions throughout the academic years. Each student took Versant English Test, an automated test of spoken English delivered over the phone, four times within the academic year, namely in April, July, October and January, so we can verify any longitudinal changes of the students' proficiency in speaking and listening. The data collected showed a number of interesting interactional phenomena that had not previously been fully recognized. As the data collection was conducted in a relatively uniform fashion over a total period of eight years, including the three years in a preceding project, we can fathom the annual changes of English fluency among the first-year students in this particular university.

  • English learning with handheld devices : Study of individualized learning utilizing learners' profile and difficulty level of questions

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    MAENO Joji, HARAD Yasunari, KUSUMOTO Noriaki

     View Summary

    We have developed a prototype interface for English vocabulary learning system on cellular devices. For vocabulary learning, we have classified about 10,000 words into 8 levels according to dictionaries and other published difficulty data. We have also examined about automated question making in accordance with Item Response Theory for individualized learning.

  • Utterance Data Collection from College Learners of English in Japan : Toward Construction of a Learners Corpus of English

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    HARADA Yasunari, NAKANO Michiko, ISAHARA Hitoshi, KUSUMOTO Noriaki, KITAHARA Mafuyu, HOSHII Makiko, KAWAMURA Mayumi, MAEBO Kanako

  • 構造的分子計算理論-自律的計算系の解析と設計のための基礎理論

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(特定領域研究)

    Project Year :


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    (1)膜計算モデルにおける新しい計算モデルの提案:神経細胞系をモデルとして,膜計算の新しいモデル「Spiking Neural P-Systems」を提案し,受理器と生成器の両タイプにおいてその計算能力の万能性を示した。
    (4)抽象化学反応計算モデルの研究:微分方程式系などでは解析が困難な少数分子の化学反応系の振る舞いについて計算機実験と数理的解析により検討し,特にBelousov-Zhabotinsk (BZ)反応の数理モデルであるBrruselatorとOregonatorについて,分子数が少数になることによる不安定性について解析した。

  • MNC=Kacis,メディアビジョン「構造的文書作成とドキュメント管理による知識・情報の効率的な活用の実証性に関わる共同研究」

    Project Year :


  • MNC=シスコシステムズ共同研究「ネットワーク技術者教育の実証性に関わる共同研究」

    Project Year :


  • MNC=KDDIグループ共同研究「生涯学習サポートシステムにおけるネットワーク利用環境技術に関する研究」

    Project Year :


  • 情報処理振興事業協会(IPA)平成12年度未踏ソフトウェア創造事業 WWWを用いた視覚による統計教材ソフトの開発とその評価について 分担者 (2001)

    Project Year :


  • Basic Research on the Language Learning Environment that Utilizes Web Server/Mobile Technology

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    OHIWA Hajime, NISHIGOORI Jiro, HARADA Yasunari, NAKAGAWA Masaki, TATSUMI Takeo, SANO Hiroshi

     View Summary

    In this research, there are three main areas of focus: the methodology of using computer software for language studies, the research of effective ways to teach language, and the application of mobile technology to language study. The goal is to develop a language study environment that Is multilingual and available whenever and wherever one goes. This research Is targeted at the fundamental level of the goal. The fruits of this research include: the expansion creation of a database of foreign language education know-how, the examination of the fundamentals involved in the modularization of educational content (structure of study content), and the research of the techniques needed in the automatic generation and conversion of language education materials.We will discuss the following three points in more detail: (1) the results of a survey on the methodology of using computer software for language studies, and the research of effective ways to teach language. (2) The expansion of educational content from one language to multilingual content and a formula to gather and record teaching materials in order to expand their media forms. (3) The creation of a database of foreign language education know-how and the examination of the fundamentals involved in the modularization of educational content (structure of study content).(1) Research on ways to improve language teaching and teaching materialsThe possibility of separating application software and content was considered. The examination of the structure of educational content data, foreign language content, and the modularization of study guidance took place. A sample of multilingual content was created. While considering the idea of multilingual teaching material, in the sample, one Item of study was explained in several languages. The design of student guidance was evaluated,, the linguistic relationship between one's target language and his/her main language, the degree of recognition and comprehension, and the effects on study were also examined. The connection between having multiple types of font in the same content and Internet technology was investigated. Based on these results, a system was built using Java (programming language) and Web-DB.(2) Research on the expansion of teaching material contentLanguage teaching materials created by language departments from universities across the nation were gathered and evaluated. Language teaching services provided via Internet sites were collected, including foreign sites. Along with character code problems, the problem of changing site content into database form was tackled. Various problems were considered and organized, such as revising and updating a web site, and the practical use and management of data.(3) Research on the efficient and practical use of teaching material contentUsing several samples of teaching materials, a detailed analysis of the teaching materials that target different levels and students was conducted. Foreign language education know-how and the modularization of educational content (the separation of study content and study guide) were also examined. A writing form was suggested. Through an interview with a teaching material developer, the breakup of language teaching material development was made clear. The problems associated with the concentration and management of content and the application and practical use of application software were considered. Teaching materials and software for sale are mostly for the study of English. Especially for Asian languages, teaching materials and educational software are lacking. Ways to improve the situation were discussed. We collected educational material on East Asian languages, and accumulated basic teaching material data

  • ALIC (先進学習基盤協議会)相互運用性部会EduSign(著作権を考慮した協調作成型認証付教材・素材登録利用システム)WG

    Project Year :



    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    SAKURAI Hidehiro, KUSUMOTO Noriaki

     View Summary

    In the reaction center complex (PS-C) from the green sulfur bacterium Chlorobium tepidum, A_0 and three Fe-S clusters function on the accepter side of the electron transfer chain and two molecules of cyt c-551 on the donor side. From multiple-flash-induced spectroscopy, we found that cyt c-551 was reduced with half-lives of about 60 and 100 μs after the first and the second flash, respectively. These behaviors of cyt c-551 are explained by a model of two functionally equivalent cyt c, and are consistent with a homodimeric model on the donor side. The above apparently different rates are explained by the fact that after the first flash, two cyt c-551 are available for electron donation to P840, while only one is available in the majority of PS-C after the second flash. When PS-C was exposed to air, a rapid inactivation occurred on the acceptor side, the actual site of inactivation remaining to be investigated.Four ferredoxins (Fds) of 2[4Fe-4S] type were purified from C.tepidum. In the presence of PS-C and FNR from spinach, all of them supported efficient NADP^+ reduction. Fds from green sulfur bacteria were reported to be extremely sensitive to oxygen. However, these Fds from C.tepidum was relatively insensitive to oxygen, and inactivated by only 10-15% by storage under aerobic conditions at 4℃. We have purified two Fds from Heliobacillus mobilis. One of them was extremely sensitive to oxygen, but the other relatively insensitive to oxygen as are Fds from C.tepidum


    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    SAKURAI Hidehiro, INOUE Kazuhito, KUSUMOTO Nariaki

     View Summary

    In the reaction center complex (PS-C) from the green sulfur bacterium Chlorobium tepidum, A_0 and three Fe-S clusters function on the accepter side of the electron transfer chain and two molecules of cyt c-551 on the donor side. From multiple-flash-induced spectroscopy, we could not find any possibilities of functioning of quinone in the main electron transfer chain. On the donor side, the reduction rate of P840^+ after the first flash differed from that after the second flash, which was adequately explained by a functionally equivalent two cyt c-551 model. From the difference spectra of PS-C after the 1^<st>, 2^<nd> and the 3^<rd> flash, functioning of three Fe-S clusters was confirmed, corroborating the non-involvement of quinines on the acceptor side in the electron transfer chain, From the rereduction rates of P840^+, the rates of charge recombination between P840^+ and three Fe-S clusters and those of the leak of electron to the reaction mdeium were estimated. Analyses of the results indicate that the E_0 value of the most exposed Fe-S cluster is not the highest among the three. Four ferredoxins (Fd) were purified from C.tepidum. All of these Fd supported very high rate of NADP^+ photoreduction in the presence of PS-C from C.repidum and FNR from spinach, although their affinities differ each other.RC (PS-H) from Heliobacillus mobilis was solubilized with a detergent, and partially purified by sucrosedensity centrifugation, and by chromatography. The PS-H preparation contained several polypeptides, showed a low Fd-reducing activity, and was sensitive to oxygen. Two Fd were purified from the bacterium. One of them had high affinity with PS-C and the other low affinity

  • Spectroscopic studies of green-bacterial reaction center

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    SAKURAI Hidehiro, BRETTEL Klaus, SETIF Pierre, INOUE Kazuhito, KUSUMOTO Noriaki

     View Summary

    Electron transfer kinetics in the reaction center (Re) complex from the green sulfur bacterium Chlorobium tepidum which binds two cytochrome c (cyt c) were studied by flash-absorption spectroscopy. Photooxidized P84O^+ was reduced 95% and 80% after 1 ms by cyt c with t^<1/2> of about 65 mus and 100 muz s after the 1st and the 2nd flashes, respectively . The observed rates, the establishment of redox equilibrium after each flash and the total amount of photooxidizable cyt c are consistent with the presence of 2 equivalent cyt c per photooxidizable P840. The data were well fitted assuming a midpoint potential difference of -53 mV for electron transfer from one cyt c to P8404^+, * Em being independent of the oxidation state of the other cyt c. These observations support a model with 2 monoheme cyt c which are symmetrically arranged around the RC core. The purified RC complex binds 0.6-1.2 menaquinone-7 (MQ) . However, no transient signal due to MQ could be observed between 360 and 450 nm in the time window from 10 ns to 4 mu s. On the acceptor side, purified RC can stably hold up to 3 electrons in the mu s time range.However, after the 4th flash, a charge recombination reaction with t^<1/2> of 20 ns was first observed. From our data, there is no evidence for involvement of MQ in charge separation in the RC of green sulfur bacteria

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  • VALIS : Distributed Network Support for Annotation and Constrained Sharing of Utterance Data Obtained from Japanese College Learners of English

    KAWAMURA Mayumi, MAEBO Kanako, KUSUMOTO Noriaki, MAENO Joji, HARADA Yasunari

    IPSJ SIG Notes   2008 ( 13 ) 155 - 162  2008.02

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    In this paper, we report on the hardware and software architecture for a network-based distributed support system for transcribing and otherwise annotating multi-media language data obtained from learners of English during activities in Japanese college English classes. A typical audio file recording students' interactions in English and Japanese with a sampling rate of 96 kHz in 24 bit sampling running from 20 to 80 minutes constitutes a file of size 400 to 600 mega bytes. Using annotation tools such as Table Trans, those files are manually sliced into segments and down-converted into smaller audio files. Annotators, with proper authentication, can then access particular files via web browsers and either transcribe or otherwise annotate the target audio files. In this paper, we will mainly outline our software architecture and how we process those audio files.


  • 英語授業におけるコンピュータ・リテラシの付随的獲得

    原田 康也, 楠元 範明, 辰己 丈夫

    情報教育研究集会講演論文集 / 情報教育研究集会企画・プログラム委員会 編   2008年度   129 - 132  2008


  • VALIS: {Vast | Versatile | Visual} {Accumulative | Autonomous | Acoustic} {Learner | Learning | Language} {Information | Interaction} {Storage | System}

    HARADA Yasunari, MAEBO Kanako, KAWAMURA Mayumi, MAENO Joji, KUSUMOTO Noriaki, SUZUKI Yoichiro, SUZUKI Masanori

    IPSJ SIG Notes   2007 ( 12 ) 169 - 176  2007.02

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    The first author has implemented college English classes emphasizing face-to-face oral interactions within small groups of students in class, presupposing and expecting further cultivation of learners' ability to learn for themselves, by themselves and among themselves. Previous experiences confirm such expectations, and the authors are currently working on compiling spoken corpora of learners' interactions with relatively high-quality audio and video recordings of those interactions. It is interesting to notice, in passing, how introduction of digital audio recorder with cabled microphones and digital hard-disk video cameras with Bluetooth wireless microphones positively affect students' motivations and performances in those practices.


  • 学習履歴のネットワークを通じた利害調整

    前野, 譲二, 原田, 康也, 楠元, 範明, 辰己, 丈夫

    第65回全国大会講演論文集   2003 ( 1 ) 255 - 256  2003.03


  • Information technologies for distance education of language and linguistics

    TATSUMI Takeo, KUSUMOTO Noriaki

    IPSJ SIG Notes   2001 ( 34 ) 17 - 24  2001.03

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    For using of information technologies in the stages of language and linguistic education, we will discuss "the four stages of informatization of education." Especially, we will list the items which must be considerated necessary for memorizing vocabularies using distance education systems. In addition, we will propose a learning model for distance education of language and linguistics. We think that companies of WBT must establish the center for management of personal history of WBT to avoid unwanted disclosure of learners privacies and illegal modification of learners scores of tests.




    PHOTOSYNTHESIS RESEARCH   34 ( 1 ) 131 - 131  1992.10

    Research paper, summary (international conference)  



    PHOTOSYNTHESIS RESEARCH   34 ( 1 ) 123 - 123  1992.10

    Research paper, summary (international conference)  




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Industrial Property Rights

  • 学習管理システム

    原田 康也, 楠元 範明, 前野 譲二


  • 文献情報管理方法及びシステム

    原田 康也, 楠元 範明



  • Think ques...

     View Summary

    Think quest @Japan 2000,2001,2003,2004審査員, (2002は事情により辞退) NPO法人 ILA(Internet Learning Academy) 運営委員

  • Think quest @Japan 2000,2001,2003,2004審査員, (2002は事情により辞退) NPO法人 ILA(Internet Learning Academy) 運営委員



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  • Affiliated organization   Global Education Center

Research Institute

  • 2022

    Waseda Research Institute for Science and Engineering   Concurrent Researcher

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 緑色硫黄光合成細菌光化学反応中心複合体電子伝達系の分光学的解析


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    緑色硫黄光合成細菌の光化学反応中心(PS-C)は光化学反応系I(PSI)と相同性が高いことが示唆されている。PSIにおいては、PsaDサブユニットがFdを結合することにより、末端電子受容体FBからFdへと効率よく電子伝達がなされるが、PS-Cではそのしくみは明らかではない。そこでFdを精製し、PS-CからFdへの電子伝達の情報を得ることを目的として研究を進めた。 緑色硫黄細菌Chlorobium tepidumより嫌気条件下で調製したPS-C複合体は、65(Core: PscA), 41(FMO), 32(Fe-S: PscB), 23(Cyt c: PscC), 18 kDa (Unknown: PscD)の5種のサブユニットにより構成され、Cyt cから末端電子受容体Fe-Sまでの高い電子伝達活性を持っていた。 同様に菌体を破砕し、DEAE陰イオン交換クロマトグラフィー、Sephadexゲルバーミエイションクロマトグラフィー、mono Q陰イオン交換クロマトグラフィー、Superdex75ゲルバーミエイションクロマトグラフィーを経て、Fdを精製した。最終精製標品においてはFdの精製度を表すひとつの指標であるA375nm/A280nmの値が0.7を超えており、高度に精製されていることが示された。 これらのC.tepidum PS-C,Fdとホウレンソウより精製したFNRを用い、NADP+光還元活性を測定したところ313 μmols/mg BChla/hrという高い活性が得られた。C.tepidumFdの代わりにホウレンソウFdを用いた場合は光還元活性は1/3程度であった。これにより、PS-Cは高い効率でC.tepidum Fdに電子を渡すことができることが示された。

  • 水銀化合物による特異的破壊法を用いた緑色細菌型光化学反応中心鉄硫黄センターの研究


     View Summary

     緑色硫黄光合成細菌の反応中心(PS-C)における電子伝達は、反応中心の酸素感受性が高いために精製された試料の調製が困難で最近まで研究が遅れていた。われわれは、試料調製の全過程において嫌気性の維持に細心の注意を払うことにより、好熱性の緑色硫黄光合成細菌Chlorobium tepidumから活性の高いPS-Cの調製に成功した。この標品は5種のサブユニットにより構成され、連続光により還元される3つの鉄硫黄センター(CFA,CFB,CFX)を持ち、閃光によって酸化されるシトクロムを結合していた。高等植物の光化学反応系I(PSI)粒子においては、塩化第2水銀処理により3種の鉄硫黄センター((FA,FB,FX)のうちFBのみを選択的に破壊する方法を当研究室で開発している。同様な方法によりPS-Cにおいても鉄硫黄センターが選択的に破壊されるかどうかを検討した。我々は極低温EPRでCFBB-由来(4K連続光照射による、(条件1))、および(CFA+CFB)2-よび(CFA+CFB)2-由来(連続光照射をしながら凍らせる(条件2)もしくは化学的還元条件下(条件3))のそれぞれのスペクトルを既に得ているが、後者のスペクトルは2つの成分のインタラクションフォームであると考えられている。水銀化合物を用いてCFAもしくはCFBを選択的に破壊することができれば、(条件1)下ではCFBのスペクトルが観察されるかもしくはスペクトルが観察されないことが期待された。そこで塩化第2水銀の濃度・処理時間を変え、極低温EPRにより鉄硫黄センターを測定した。しかしながら処理により(条件1、2)下ではスペクトルが観察されず、鉄硫黄センターの光還元活性が失われたと考えられたので、(条件3)下で測定を行った。その結果、濃度・処理時間に応じて段階的にCFA+CFBのスペクトルが全体のプロフィルは変えずに大きさが変化することがわかった。このことから、塩化第2水銀は非選択的に鉄硫黄センターを破壊することが示唆された。