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アマノ ヨシハル
天野 嘉春
理工学術院 基幹理工学部
博士(工学) ( 早稲田大学 )


  • 2008年

    早稲田大学理工学術院   機械科学・航空宇宙学科   教授

  • 2008年

    スイス連邦工科大学ローザンヌ校 客員教授

  • 2002年

    早稲田大学理工学総合研究センター 助教授(准教授)

  • 2000年

    早稲田大学理工学総合研究センター 専任講師

  • 1998年

    早稲田大学理工学総合研究センター 客員講師

  • 1994年

    早稲田大学理工学総合研究センター 助手



  • 1991年04月

    早稲田大学   大学院理工学研究科   機械工学専攻  


  • 1987年04月

    早稲田大学   理工学部   機械工学科  


  • 2019年

    エヌエフ基金 研究開発奨励賞  選考委員会委員

  • 2019年04月

    Dutch Research Council (NWO) | Domain Applied and Engineering Sciences (AES) オランダ  評価委員











  • 地球資源工学、エネルギー学 / 制御、システム工学 / 機械力学、メカトロニクス / ロボティクス、知能機械システム


  • エネルギーシステム最適化,システム工学,フィールドバス,自律移動,GNSS,UAV,3次元地図


  • SICE Annual Conference International Award

    2021年09月   計測自動制御学会   Device Data Utilization Use Case Analysis for FDT Technology in Industrial Control System  

    受賞者: Ito, Akio, Chan, Sin Wai, Takeuchi, Tetsuo, Amano, Yoshiharu

  • Best Paper Award Second Place

    2016年06月   ECOS 2015   Economic Evaluations of Residential Energy Systems Based on Prediction-Operational Planning- Control Method using Time-of-Use Prices  

    受賞者: Ryohei Ogata, Akira Yoshida, Yu Fujimoto, Noboru Murata, Shinji Wakao, Shin-ichi Tanabe, Yoshiharu Amano

  • JRM表彰

    2012年05月   日本機械学会   3D Terrain Reconstruction by Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Using SIFT-Based Monocular SLAM  

    受賞者: 鈴木 太郎,天野 嘉春,橋詰 匠(早稲田大学),鈴木 真二(東京大学)


    2011年05月   日本機械学会   GPS時刻同期と環境の三次元地図情報を用いた屋外遠隔運転システムの開発(第15回ロボティクス・シンポジア)  

    受賞者: 鈴木 太郎, 西岡 甲太郎, 安岡 洋一, 天野 嘉春, 橋詰 匠(早稲田大学), 瀧口 純一(三菱電機)

  • IEEE-ICRA 2011 Best Automation Paper Award - Finalist


  • 論文賞・友田賞

    2006年10月   計測自動制御学会   ロボットと時空間GISの連携による段階的な震災データ収集システムの開発  

    受賞者: 早稲田大学 目黒 淳一、石川貴一朗、京都大学 畑山 満則、 三菱電機 瀧口 純一、早稲田大学 天野 嘉春、橋詰 匠

  • 熱工学部門講演論文表彰

    2005年03月   日本機械学会   アンモニア吸収式冷凍機の吸収器内における過渡的な状態変化とポンプ異常発生との関連  

  • 実用化技術賞

    2005年03月   日本ロボット学会   GPS自律移動監視システム  

    受賞者: 瀧口純一,廣川類,梶原尚幸,島嘉宏,黒崎隆二郎(三菱電機(株)),目黒淳一,石川貴一朗,天野嘉春,橋詰匠(早稲田大学)


    1997年   ASME  




  • Modeling the distributed energy resource aggregator services in a macroeconomic framework: The application to Japan

    Ayu Washizu, Yiyi Ju, Akira Yoshida, Masashi Tayama, Yoshiharu Amano

    Energy    2024年12月



  • High-Resolution Point Cloud Registration Method for Three-Dimensional Piping Measurements

    Jin Akiyama, Yuan Zong, Naoki Shinada, Taro Suzuki, Yoshiharu Amano

    Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics    2023年12月



  • 34th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems (ECOS 2021)

    Yoshiharu Amano, Brian Elmegaard, Enrico Sciubba, Vladimir Stevanovic

    Energy   261  2022年12月



  • ツイン CMG によるドローンの姿勢制御

    大内茂人, 稲葉毅, 小谷斉之, 天野嘉春, 長谷部信行, 野口宏実

    日本機械学会論文集   88 ( 913 ) 22 - 00067  2022年09月  [査読有り]


  • Economic analysis of a proton exchange membrane electrolyser cell for hydrogen supply scenarios in Japan

    Akira Yoshida, Hiroto Nakazawa, Naoki Kenmotsu, Yoshiharu Amano

    Energy   251  2022年07月  [査読有り]



    Hydrogen production using variable renewable energy surplus electricity that called Power-to-Gas is attracting attention as a grid stabilization technology. However, there is an issue that Power-to-Gas is low economically viable to use only for stabilizing of variable renewable energy output. The objective of this article is to evaluate the economic efficiency of the Power-to-Gas system based on the optimal operation strategies by using electricity from both an on-site photovoltaic system and an electric power exchange market, assuming a specific situation in Japan in the near future. The Power-to-Gas plant considered in this article consists of a 1 MW proton exchange membrane electrolyser cell, which has already started demonstration tests, a hydrogen storage tank, and a 3 MW photovoltaic system. An operational planning problem of the plant to optimize the annual hydrogen production schedule is formulated as a mixed-integer linear programming problem, and the economic efficiency is evaluated using the optimized unit price of hydrogen production as an evaluation index. The result shows that the hydrogen unit price is improved by using the power exchange market in addition to on-site photovoltaic due to the improvement of the utilization rate of cell. Case 1 with no constraints of hydrogen storage which has a large impact on hydrogen unit price marks 46.8 JPY/NM3 of the best hydrogen unit price, and Case 2-1, in which a fixed amount of hydrogen is produced continuously and transported by gas piping, improves 5.8 JPY/Nm3 of the hydrogen unit price compared to Case 2-2, in which batch transportation by a loader. From the sensitivity analysis of varying the depreciation cost of electrolyser cell and the price of the power market, it was concluded that the target unit cost of hydrogen production of less than 30 JPY/Nm3 can be obtained by decreasing the depreciation cost of the cell by 50% and the price of the market by 30%.



  • Device Data Application Phase1 on Trusted Data Platform GAIA-X for Decarbonization in Industry

    Akio Ito, Akira Sakaino, Shinichiro Chino, Takashi Horikoshi, Mitsushiro Fujishima, Shuichi Ogawa, Tetsuo Takeuchi, Yoshiharu Amano




    We started investigation of a proving test equipment development which corresponds to field device tool (FDT (R), IEC62453) ver. 3.0 (FDT 3.0) to study theoretically the issues of field device level requirements for industrial smart system design. We select carbon emission data international trade system using European secure data-sharing platform GAIA-X as the target future production system which utilizes FDT3.0. We created a proving test equipment architecture for all automation industry domain including process automation (PA) and factory automation (FA). Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) study part of the proving test equipment for FA side is constructed and demonstrated at IIFES2022 in collaboration with IAF. We will continue our research to show the use cases which utilizes device data effectively.



  • Dealing with uncertainty in automated operational planning for residential fuel cell system: A comparative study of state-of-the-art approaches

    Yuta Tsuchiya, Yu Fujimoto, Akira Yoshida, Yoshiharu Amano, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    ENERGY AND BUILDINGS   255  2022年01月


    Polymer electrolyte fuel cell cogeneration systems (PEFC-CGSs) provide hot water by utilizing exhaust heat produced in electricity generation process. The energy saving potential of PEFC-CGSs can be maximized by optimal operational plans, and most state-of-the-art approaches implement operational planning function (OPF) based on energy demand time-series prediction by using machine learning techniques. In general, prediction of demand time-series with small expected average errors is regarded as the most important point in obtaining appropriate operational plans; however, several recent studies have revealed that other complex factors such as the direction and timing of forecast errors greatly affect the quality of operational plans in some cases. Core ideas proposed in these previous studies are broadly classified into seven types. The purpose of this study is to characterize these OPFs from the two aspects: the output form of prediction model and prediction target variable, and to clarify "what kind of uncertainty should be focused on" and "how this uncertainty should be handled" in designing OPF. The seven kinds of OPFs were comprehensively evaluated via numerical simulations using real-world data. The results show the significance of OPF based on prediction of expected operational cost surface using multiple output prediction model. (C) 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.


  • Editorial - 33rd International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems 2020

    Yoshiharu Amano, Ryohei Yokoyama

    Renewable Energy   179   982 - 982  2021年12月



  • Demonstration of the revised procedure to explore configurations for an arbitrary absorption cycle based on the cycle simplicity index

    Wataru Ito, Keisuke Takeshita, Yoshiharu Amano

    Energy   235  2021年11月  [査読有り]



    Energy-conversion systems are optimized in three stages: synthesis (structure, configuration), design (operating characteristics at the rated load), and operation. The performance of energy systems, including the thermal efficiency, can be improved by increasing the complexity of the cycle configuration. Therefore, when two thermodynamic cycles are compared, they must be evaluated at the same level of their complexity. The SYNTHSEP methodology, which presents a general procedure to derive a complex thermodynamic cycle configuration operating with a pure working fluid, has been proposed in the literature. In this methodology, a cycle configuration is represented as a superimposition of elementary thermodynamic cycles (ETC), consisting of four basic processes (compression, heating, expansion, and cooling). This methodology has been formulated and codified for the derivation of candidate configurations, which are then narrowed down to the effective candidates. The complexity of the cycle configuration can be expressed by the number of elementary thermodynamic cycles. In previous works, the authors expanded the methodology to cover the absorption refrigeration cycle, which is also represented by superimposing elementary thermodynamic cycles operating with different working fluids. The purpose of this paper is to propose a revised methodology for configuration optimization that can be applied to any absorption cycle, including absorption power cycles, such as the Kalina cycle. The cycle complexity defined using a cycle simplicity index based on the number of ETCs and the number of mixing and splitting points of the ETC. The authors have derived candidate configurations for the simplest absorption cycle, defined by this index. Then, the proposed methodology for configuration optimization is demonstrated by performing a case study on an absorption power cycle and refrigeration cycle. Thus, designers can compare the configurations of absorption power and cooling or heating cycles with certified simplicity. This study establishes a methodology for configuration optimization and maximizes an objective function for an arbitrary absorption cycle. In principle, this methodology can also be applied to the absorption power and cooling cycle.



  • Device Data Utilization Use Case Analysis for FDT Technology in Industrial Control System

    Akio Ito, Jason Chan Sin Wai, Tetsuo Takeuchi, Yoshiharu Amano

    2021 60th Annual Conference of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers of Japan, SICE 2021     1351 - 1356  2021年09月


    To achieve increased stability in industrial control systems (ICS) and reduction in maintenance cost, the asset management application in addition to control application is evaluated important. In that situation, device data must be integrated to upper layer in a standardized way under various field networks and field devices environment. FDT (IEC62453) is a standard technology which allows integration of devices and networks to engineering tools, e.g. for ICS asset management systems. FDT can integrate device data to upper layer in a standardized way regardless of process automation or factory automation. Recently FDT technology is upgraded to FDT3.0 (FDT version 3) which enables the FDT IIoT Server™ (FITS™) concept. This paper focuses the device data utilization use case analysis for FDT technology in ICS. We show concrete image of use cases and several benefits obtained from FDT technology in which FDT3.0 realizes attractive role in IIoT for device integration in ICS.

  • Estimation of the utility value of unused heat sources for a CO2 network system in Tokyo

    Takahiro Nagano, Jungo Kajita, Akira Yoshida, Yoshiharu Amano

    Energy   226   120302 - 120302  2021年07月  [査読有り]



    District heating and cooling (DHC) systems have attracted interest in reducing CO2 emissions. A fifth-generation DHC (5GDHC) system that supplies a heat-transport medium at a temperature close to the ground and uses various unused heat sources is proposed. Meanwhile, some DHC systems installed in Japan are first-generation DHC (1GDHC) systems that use fossil fuels as a heat source. Based on these scenarios, this study focuses on the energy-saving effects of introducing a CO2 network system in Tokyo, which is based on the same concepts as the 5GDHC systems. The purpose of this study is to estimate the utility value of unused heat sources for the CO2 network system. An analytical model is developed that calculates the energy consumption of the system under exogenous conditions, such as those for energy consumers and heat sources. Applying a model to a domestic urban area in Tokyo, where a conventional 1GDHC system was introduced, it was confirmed that for a total head of groundwater of 50 m, river water of 10 m, and sewage water of 10 m, the potential annual CO2 reduction is approximately 5,000 ton/y compared with the 1GDHC system. These values are feasible in Tokyo, and therefore, this system looks promising.



  • NLOS Multipath Classification of GNSS Signal Correlation Output Using Machine Learning

    Taro Suzuki, Yoshiharu Amano

    Sensors   21 ( 7 )  2021年04月  [査読有り]



    This paper proposes a method for detecting non-line-of-sight (NLOS) multipath, which causes large positioning errors in a global navigation satellite system (GNSS). We use GNSS signal correlation output, which is the most primitive GNSS signal processing output, to detect NLOS multipath based on machine learning. The shape of the multi-correlator outputs is distorted due to the NLOS multipath. The features of the shape of the multi-correlator are used to discriminate the NLOS multipath. We implement two supervised learning methods, a support vector machine (SVM) and a neural network (NN), and compare their performance. In addition, we also propose an automated method of collecting training data for LOS and NLOS signals of machine learning. The evaluation of the proposed NLOS detection method in an urban environment confirmed that NN was better than SVM, and 97.7% of NLOS signals were correctly discriminated.

    DOI PubMed


  • Minimizing the unit price of hydrogen production in Power-to-Gas plants by utilizing the Electric Power Exchange

    Hiroto Nakazawa, Akira Yoshida, Shin Onodera, Naoki Kemmotsu, Yoshiharu Amano

    ECOS 2021 - 34th International Conference on Efficency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems     1017 - 1028  2021年


    The introduction of variable renewable energy (VRE) has been increasing to reduce CO2 emissions. With the rapid introduction of VREs, it is necessary to take measures against excess power generation to stabilize the power system. Hydrogen production using VRE surplus electricity that called Power-to-Gas (P2G), is attracting attention as a new means. However, it has been reported that P2G is low economically viable when introduced as a countermeasure for VRE surplus power, and improving the economics of P2G systems is the issue. In this study, two methods of procuring electricity to the P2G plant will be used: one is electricity generated by photovoltaic (PV) panels annexed the P2G plant, and the other is electricity purchased from the Electric Power Exchange (EPX). By using these two methods together, the authors will increase the operating ratio of the P2G plant and study the economics when producing hydrogen in a stable manner. The target P2G plant consists of a 1 MW proton exchange membrane electrolyzer cell (PEMEC), a hydrogen storage tank, and 3 MW PV. In this study, three conditions are assumed for the power used for P2G: only EPX, only PV, and the combination of EPX and PV. For each case, the economically optimal operation that minimizes the operating cost is derived using mixed integer linear programming. Results of Japan's FY2019 estimates, it was confirmed that the hydrogen production by using both PV and EPX to procure electricity for the P2G system has the effect of lowering the unit price of hydrogen production by 1.51-15.1 yen/Nm3 compared with the case of PV only. Based on the results for FY2019, the authors derived the assumed unit cost of hydrogen in 2030 when electricity is procured using both PV and EPX and confirmed that it can be kept below the target of 30 yen/Nm3

  • Hierarchical Residential Aggregation Method Incorporating Energy Demand Forecast

    Akira Yoshida, Toranosuke Saito, Takahiro Kashikawa, Koichi Kimura, Yoshiharu Amano

    ECOS 2021 - 34th International Conference on Efficency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems     1511 - 1521  2021年


    The smart energy grid is expected to have a mechanism that demand-side and supply-side get managed onto the whole energy grid to balance. The research question is which energy management architecture is suitable to operate a large-scale energy system within a specific limited time step for computing and communicating. The previous work has proposed a hierarchical management method, which handles local status in the demand-side Energy Management System layer and global status in the aggregation layer. The hierarchical method appeals to scalable, robust, and privacy protection merits compared to a centralized method. The performance of hierarchical management, including demand forecast, is still an open question. This article shows on incorporating energy demand forecast into the hierarchical management method. The paper also evaluates the energy storage capacity needed to balance under the effect on forecast error of energy demand.

  • Deep-Neural-Network-based Process Data Simulation Model for Production Well of a Geothermal Power Plant

    Atsuhiro Imagawa, Akira Yoshida, Yoshiharu Amano

    ECOS 2021 - 34th International Conference on Efficency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems     531 - 542  2021年


    Some production wells of geothermal power plants sometimes shut down unintentionally. Before the unintentional shutdown, unstable fluctuations in pressure and flow rate at the wellhead are observed. Because of the difficulties in observing the ground, it is constrained to predict the performance of the steam at the wellhead. If the abrupt shutdown symptoms can be detected and the shutdown prevented, then the power generation continuation can be achieved. The authors have proposed a method for detecting anomalies using 1-Dimensional convolutional neural networks (1D-CNN) to predict this phenomenon. There is an empirical rule that opening the bypass valve can prevent a sudden pressure drop. It is necessary to conduct a comparative experiment between cases relevant to valve operation. This comparative experiment is difficult to conduct because the condition of the well differs from case to case, and therefore the authors could not measure it. Thus, the authors proposed another 1D-CNN model to predict the pressure at the wellhead. It was verified that this model steadily predicts the pressure performance several hours in advance. Consequently, the authors can virtually compare the past measured data with the predicted data to investigate the validity of the valve operation.

  • A recommendation system of an operational strategy for heat pumps with thermal energy storage

    Akira Yoshida, Yoshiharu Amano

    Proceedings of the International Conference on Power Engineering 2021, ICOPE 2021    2021年


    Virtual Power Plant (VPP) is a power grid stabilization technology which responds demand response (DR) signal for management of demand-side energy resources. Our research group has intended to construct widely applicable VPP system to several types of demand-side energy resources such as generator, load, and storage. From those resources, existing heat pump (HP) and thermal storage tank (TST) onto residential, commercial, and industrial sectors are attractive energy resources to DR because it is easy to shift peak power by storage. The difficulty of VPP depends on system configuration to compensate for forecast error, for example, whether the system has a backup power source, whether the system has enough buffer or not. In this context, the difficulty of the system consisting of HP and TST is that it generally does not have a backup power source, so it is necessary to improve the accuracy of demand forecast and to develop operational strategy with sufficient supply capacity. The paper shows the concept that extending our previous works on VPP management method, the paper proposes to add a function block of operation guidance to help operator's decision making in DR periods.

  • Evaluation of a CO<inf>2</inf> Network System for District Heating and Cooling Using Energy Storage Tanks

    Jungo Kajita, Akira Yoshida, Yoshiharu Amano

    Proceedings of the International Conference on Power Engineering 2021, ICOPE 2021    2021年


    District heating and cooling (DHC) systems have attracted interest in reducing CO2 emissions, and a 5th-generation DHC (5GDHC) is being proposed in Europe, which supplies a heat-transport medium at ambient temperature and utilizes various unused heat sources. 5GDHC systems have the characteristics of being nonlinear, bi-directional and decentralized. The CO2 network system has similar concepts in these aspects, but the system adopts CO2 refrigerant as heat-transport medium and uses the latent heat of vaporization of CO2 refrigerant to transport and exchange unused heat to specific areas via decentralized heat pumps (DHPs). Previous studies have confirmed that the CO2 network system can reduce the total annual energy consumption by up to 80% compared to the conventional 1st-generation DHC (1GDHC) system using fossil fuels as heat source in Japan. In this study, evaluation of the CO2 network system, properly storing surplus variable renewable energy (VRE) into storage tanks (STs), is clarified by a flexible grid operation. In addition, it is confirmed that the “zero CO2 emission” can be achieved by the CO2 network with STs in optimal operation. The effectiveness of the CO2 network system with STs is quantified compared to the 1GDHC system.

  • Forest data collection by uav lidar-based 3d mapping: Segmentation of individual tree information from 3D point clouds

    Taro Suzuki, Shunichi Shiozawa, Atsushi Yamaba, Yoshiharu Amano

    International Journal of Automation Technology   15 ( 3 ) 313 - 323  2021年


    In this study, we develop a system for efficiently measuring detailed information of trees in a forest environment using a small unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) equipped with light detection and ranging (lidar). The main purpose of forest measurement is to predict the volume of wood for harvesting and delineating forest boundaries by tree location. Herein, we pro-pose a method for extracting the position, number of trees, and vertical height of trees from a set of three-dimensional (3D) point clouds acquired by a UAV lidar system. The point cloud obtained from a UAV is dense in the tree’s crown, and the trunk 3D points are sparse because the crown of the tree obstructs the laser beam. Therefore, it is difficult to extract single-tree information from 3D point clouds because the characteristics of 3D point clouds differ significantly from those of conventional 3D point clouds using ground-based laser scanners. In this study, we segment the forest point cloud into three regions with different densities of point clouds, i.e., canopy, trunk, and ground, and process each region individually to extract the target information. By comparing a ground laser survey and the proposed method in an actual forest environment, it is discovered that the number of trees in an area measuring 100 m × 100 m is 94.6% of the total number of trees. The root mean square error of the tree position is 0.3 m, whereas that of the vertical height is 2.3 m, indicating that single-tree information can be measured with sufficient accuracy for forest manage-ment.



  • Preface

    Yoshiharu Amano, Brian Elmegaard, Enrico Sciubba

    ECOS 2021 - 34th International Conference on Efficency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems     i  2021年

  • Radiation dose and its protection in the Moon from galactic cosmic rays and solar energetic particles: at the lunar surface and in a lava tube

    Masayuki Naito, Nobuyuki Hasebe, Mana Shikishima, Yoshiharu Amano, Junichi Haruyama, Jose A Matias-Lopes, Kyeong Ja Kim, Satoshi Kodaira

    Journal of Radiological Protection   40 ( 4 ) 947 - 961  2020年12月  [査読有り]  [国際誌]


    The lunar surface is directly and continuously exposed to Galactic Cosmic ray (GCR) particles and Solar energetic particles (SEPs) due to the lack of atmosphere and lunar magnetic field. These charged particles interact with the lunar surface materials producing secondary radiations such as neutrons and gamma rays. In a departure from precise GCR and SEP data, we estimated the effective dose equivalent at the lunar surface and in a lunar lava tube in this paper by using PHITS, a Monte Carlo simulation tool. The effective dose equivalent due to GCR particles at the lunar surface reached 416.0 mSv yr-1 and that due to SEPs reached 2190 mSv/event. On the other hand, the vertical hole of the lava tube provides significant radiation protection. The exposure by GCR particles at the bottom of the vertical hole with a depth of 43 m was found to be below 30 mSv yr-1 while inside a horizontal lava tube, the value was less than 1 mSv yr-1 which is the reference value for human exposure on the Earth. We expect that the lunar holes will be useful components in the practical design of a lunar base to reduce radiation risk and to expand mission terms.

    DOI PubMed


  • Combinatorial Optimization-based Hierarchical Management of Residential Energy Systems as Virtual Power Plant

    Toranosuke Saito, Akira Yoshida, Takahiro Kashikawa, Koichi Kimura, Yoshiharu Amano

    2020 59th Annual Conference of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers of Japan, SICE 2020     1833 - 1839  2020年09月  [査読有り]



    © 2020 The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers - SICE. The supply-demand adjustment market in Japan will be opened in 2021, and it is expected to contribute to a virtual power plant (VPP) to gather distributed energy resources even from residential sector. The problem is to integrate residential sector that respond differently depending on the characteristics of each household, with keeping protecting consumer privacy. This article proposes a hierarchical management method that realizes VPP in residential sector. The proposed framework meets the requirements to join a market. The proposed method gets evaluated in numerical experiments. We aim to aggregate 1 MW controllable electricity with 4, 000 detached household. The results show that the proposed method could achieve an amount of electricity of the procurement target in computing time of 10 minutes.

  • Rotating GNSS Antennas: Simultaneous LOS and NLOS Multipath Mitigation

    Taro Suzuki, Kazuki Matsuo, Yoshiharu Amano

    GPS Solutions   24 ( 3 )  2020年07月



    © 2020, Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature. Urban environments present significant challenges to global navigation satellite system (GNSS) positioning. GNSS signals are often obstructed by buildings and other obstacles, leading to reflection and diffraction, which cause major line-of-sight (LOS) and non-line-of-sight (NLOS) multipath positioning errors. We propose a new, precise GNSS positioning technique that can simultaneously mitigate LOS and NLOS multipath errors by rotating the GNSS antenna arm horizontally at a certain angular velocity. The key idea behind this technique is to use the antenna motion to mitigate the LOS multipath effect and detect the NLOS multipath signals. The relative carrier phase between the direct signal and the multipath signal frequently changes when a GNSS antenna is moving. As a result, the effect that the strong reflected signal affects the direct signal can be reduced. We use this characteristic to mitigate LOS multipath errors by generating antenna motion. By rotating a GNSS antenna, the Doppler frequency is produced by the antenna motion. If the received GNSS signal is the NLOS signal, the direction of incoming signals is different from that of direct signals. In this situation, the phase of the generated Doppler frequency will be different, and NLOS signals can be detected by comparison with the ideal Doppler frequency. We conducted an experiment to evaluate the proposed method. The positioning error of the proposed method using LOS multipath mitigation and NLOS exclusion by the rotating antenna was decreased from 18.96 to 2.83 m. In addition, the availability of GNSS positioning increased from 44.29 to 100%.



  • Optimal Condition of Finite Number of Heat-Recovery Cycles for a Non-Isothermal Heat Source

    Keisuke Takeshita, Yoshiharu Amano



    This study analyzes a temperature condition that produces maximal power from a non-isothermal heat source under a finite number of heat-recovery thermodynamic cycles. Some previous studies have theoretically analyzed a system utilizing thermal energy from heat sources under multiple thermodynamic cycles assuming a constant heat-source temperature. However, many heat sources for heat-recovery thermodynamic cycles are non-isothermal, where the temperature changes considerably during heat exchange with the cycles. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the temperature change of the heat source. First, a condition that maximizes the power generated by a combination of single/multiple Carnot cycles from constant-specific-heat heat sources is analyzed, and the optimal temperature is derived analytically. Subsequently, simulations of the Rankine cycle and several patterns of the Kalina cycle are compared with those of the analytical model. These comparisons reveal that the proposed model effectively estimates the condition for heat-recovery cycles that produce maximal power from a non-isothermal heat source. Using the proposed method, the required number of cycles and their operating conditions under a given heat source condition are estimated, without any information about cycle configurations, types of working fluids, and iteration of simulation calculation under inappropriate conditions. In addition, a systematic exploration of the optimal system can be started from the proper initial condition.


  • Operational Planning of a Residential Fuel Cell System for Minimizing Expected Operational Costs Based on a Surrogate Model

    Yuta Tsuchiya, Yu Fujimoto, Akira Yoshida, Yoshiharu Amano, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    IEEE Access   8   173983 - 173998  2020年  [査読有り]


    This study proposes a novel operational planning method for polymer electrolyte fuel cell cogeneration systems (PEFC-CGSs). PEFC-CGSs provide hot water by utilizing waste heat produced in the electricity generation process, and hot water is stored in an attached tank. Generating and storing hot water based on an optimal operational plan according to household demand leads to further energy saving; therefore, operational planning methods based on household demand prediction have received significant attention. However, the improvement in the demand prediction accuracy does not necessarily lead to efficient PEFC-CGS operation in terms of operational costs; in other words, the accuracy in the demand prediction does not directly indicate the resulting operational efficiency. In this study, the authors propose a novel approach based on a surrogate model for deriving an appropriate plan that minimizes the expected operational costs among the operational plan candidates. In the proposed scheme, the error between expected and actual operational costs explicitly represents the relevance of the operational plan, so that the optimal operational plan can be selected directly from the perspective of the resulting operational efficiency. The practicality of the proposed approach is evaluated with the existing demand prediction-based approach via numerical simulations using real-world measurements of multiple customers in Japan. The proposed method reveals 30% reduction of the excessive operational costs by avoiding the inefficient operation of the auxiliary gas-heater in the experiments and will further enhance the value of introducing highly efficient residential fuel cell system that contributes to a low-carbon society.



  • Fast hierarchical coordination using price signal for town-scale home-EMSs aggregation with digital annealer

    Toranosuke Saito, Shinya Katayama, Akira Yoshida, Takahiro Kashikawa, Koich Kimura, Yoshiharu Amano, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    ECOS 2020 - Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems     1662 - 1673  2020年  [査読有り]



    © ECOS 2020.All right reserved. The demand response (DR), which balances power supply and demand, is attracting attention as a method of absorbing fluctuations in renewable energy when output is unstable. Since the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011, Japan has made progress toward the liberalization of electricity and the introduction of renewable energy. In 2021, a supply and demand adjustment market will be opened. Unlike companies and factories, which can control large amounts of power for long periods, household demand has a small capacity and is short term. However, household demand is expected to be able to respond quickly to emergencies and to secure capacity by consolidating multiple households via an aggregator. This study concerns two problems in assessing town-scale residential DR capability. First, we evaluate residential DR response capacity. This capacity is assumed to be pre-cooling heating by an air conditioner according to thermal insulation and heat capacity characteristics, and energy storage by a hot water storage tank and a power storage device. Next, we investigate implementing the optimization of the town-scale DR by an aggregator. Optimal town-scale aggregation proposals are often formulated in large-scale combinatorial optimization problems. The challenge is that the calculation tends to be time-consuming and difficult to solve. In this research, we propose a framework that can be solved at high speed using digital annealer. Finally, we evaluate the possibility of town-scale residential DR in specific areas of Tokyo.

  • Feasibility of 100% renewable energy system in residential area and a multi-dwelling building with photovoltaic and electric vehicle

    Hiroto Nakazawa, Shinya Katayama, Akira Yoshida, Yoshiki Nagasaki, Shin Onodera, Kazuyuki Kobayashi, Yoshiharu Amano

    ECOS 2020 - Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems     1295 - 1306  2020年  [査読有り]



    © ECOS 2020.All right reserved. The utilization of "100% renewable energy" has recently attracted considerable interest in view of the objective of achieving a low-carbon society. An approach that seems effective to realize this goal is the purchase of renewable electricity from the power grid. However, the amount of renewable electricity that the power grid can supply at various seasons and periods is limited. In view of this, it is necessary to consider the use of energy systems that can exploit renewable energy, such as the installation of photovoltaics in households. The purpose of this study is to investigate the feasibility of 100% renewable energy systems in residential areas and multi-dwelling buildings. The area and building examined are limited to a set of "all-electric houses" with electric vehicles, photovoltaics, and heat pump water heaters. In each case, the electricity self-sufficiency ratio and electricity self-consumption ratio resulting from the use of photovoltaics are derived. In this study, an operation that minimizes CO2 emissions during the evaluation period is developed. It is found that the use of 100% renewable energy in residential areas without relying on the renewable electricity from the power grid is possible as demonstrated by the high feasibility of using 100% renewable energy in rural areas. In multidwelling buildings, this feasibility is lower than that in residential areas. To achieve the utilization of 100% renewable energy using the renewable electricity from the power grid, the grid should increase its supply of renewable electricity at dawn and in the evening. In winter, the renewable electricity from the photovoltaic power alone is insufficient; hence, the power grid requires other renewable electricity sources, such as windgenerated power. To improve the electricity self-sufficiency ratio of multi-dwelling buildings, the use of an energy system that allows electricity sharing from the residential areas to multi-dwelling buildings is found effective.

  • Environmental efficiency evaluation in high solar wind penetration region with fractional optimization-based operational planning

    Akira Yoshida, Kuniaki Yabe, Hideo Ishii, Yoshiharu Amano, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    ECOS 2020 - Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems     1686 - 1698  2020年  [査読有り]



    © ECOS 2020.All right reserved. The article develops and demonstrates the fractional optimization to evaluate the environmental efficiency of the regional-scale energy system with heat pumping and thermal storage. The fractional optimization gets converted into the equivalent quadratic one via the proposed iterative algorithm. The proposed method makes converting a fractional equation into a different one with an auxiliary variable, and it makes us free from heuristic parameter tuning that makes balancing the weight of objective coefficient when the objective function is composed of some terms. We consider the operational planning problem of the mixed energy grid, including electricity and heat. It manages power generations and a heat pump with thermal storage as an application. The numerical studies take into account the open data measured by the most western region of Japan, where the region gets applied the installation/connection of variable renewable energy sources of 25.7 GW at the moment even not every capacity starts operation. As a result, the CO2conversion factor reaches 0.21 kg-CO2/kWh in the best case. It is confirmed that a heat pump with thermal storage can absorb the electrical output from variable renewable energy sources up to 2.72 TWh/y.

  • A study into the feasibility of introducing a CO2 network system for district heating and cooling in Tokyo

    Takahiro Nagano, Jungo Kajita, Akira Yoshida, Yoshiharu Amano

    ECOS 2020 - Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems     1792 - 1803  2020年  [査読有り]



    © ECOS 2020.All right reserved. Reducing CO2emissions by the effective use of renewable energy is one of the most important issues globally. Therefore, research has focused on both the development of individual high-performance equipment and also district heating and cooling systems. In Japan, installations of the conventional district heating and cooling system, which utilizes steam and chilled water, are rare. In recent years, a promising alternative, the CO2network system, has been proposed by researchers at Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne. The system uses the latent heat of vaporization of the CO2refrigerant to transport and exchange unused heat to specific areas via decentralized heat pumps on the demand-side. The proposed system is expected to significantly reduce energy consumption compared with the conventional system. In this study, we analyzed the energy-saving effects of introducing a CO2network system in Tokyo, with consideration of the environmental conditions and the typical energy demand profiles. The effects of modifying the central unit and the demand-side decentralized heat pump systems were examined in the context of Tokyo. When using the CO2network, the annual energy consumption resulting from equipment operation can be reduced by approximately 80% compared with the conventional system. This effect is almost of the same magnitude as the effect observed in previous research conducted in Switzerland. Furthermore, we examined the optimum connection pattern of the decentralized heat pumps and the optimum temperature of the CO2supplied to the network.

  • A convolutional neural network model for prediction of pressure-drop at wellhead in geothermal power plant

    Akira Yoshida, Atsuhiro Imagawa, Norihiro Fukuda, Yoshiharu Amano

    ECOS 2020 - Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems     1352 - 1363  2020年  [査読有り]



    © ECOS 2020.All right reserved. The objective of the research is to develop an optimal management and control framework to contribute to improving the capacity factor of the geothermal power plant. As the initial consideration of the study, the article aims to identify the phenomenon that causes to decrease capacity factor from the analysis of a process data, to detect the phenomenon to support the decision-making of operators. For achieving the latter goal, we construct the framework that announces the operator to how much anomaly with a convolutional neural network model, which can capture non-stationary and nonlinearity of process data. Through the literature survey and the analysis of the process data, we confirmed that the steam flow rate and pressure of wellbore having two feed zones oscillate, and the wellbore reached the spurts stop of the steam due to oscillation growth. We confirmed that the pressure-drop events occurred six times in 2018, and it would be one of the causes to decrease capacity factor. As numerical results of the proposed framework, before the pressure-drop happens, they are increased that the amplitude of the second harmonic wave, the period of the first harmonic wave, and the anomaly score we derived. We could conclude that the pressure-drop, as mentioned above indexes made by the proposed method, could predict the pressure-drop at the one minute ahead, even in the case that pressure time-series have the nature of non-stationarity and nonlinearity.

  • Demonstration of bottom-up procedure to explore configurations for absorption power cycle

    Wataru Ito, Keisuke Takeshita, Yoshiharu Amano

    ECOS 2020 - Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems     2415 - 2424  2020年  [査読有り]



    © ECOS 2020.All right reserved. The SYNTHSEP methodology that presents a general procedure to derive a complex system configuration of thermodynamic systems operating with a pure working fluid was proposed by A. Lazzaretto and A. Toffolo et al. In this methodology, the designers focus on a set of fundamental thermodynamic processes (compression, heating, expansion, and cooling) in the flowsheet, which is called as the "basic configuration", and it is defined by aggregating certain elementary thermodynamic cycles. In previous studies, this methodology was applied to the absorption refrigeration cycle by Seki et al. for a water-lithium bromide system used as a working fluid pair. By aggregating certain elementary thermodynamic cycles, the cycle configuration and operating point equivalent to the absorption refrigerator that had been considered optimal were demonstrated by a case study. Based on these works, this study redefines a part of the bottom-up synthesis methodology to apply to an absorption power system. In a case study considered for this research, elementary thermodynamic cycles were operated with an ammonia-water mixture. The proposed methodology for optimization is demonstrated by performing a case study for an absorption power cycle with thermal efficiency as an objective function.

  • NLOS multipath detection using convolutional neural network

    Taro Suzuki, Kazuki Kusama, Yoshiharu Amano

    Proceedings of the 33rd International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation, ION GNSS+ 2020     2989 - 3000  2020年  [査読有り]



    © 2020 Proceedings of the 33rd International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation, ION GNSS+ 2020. All rights reserved. In global navigation satellite system (GNSS) positioning, GNSS satellites are often obstructed by buildings, leading to reflected and diffracted signals, which are known as non-line-of-sight (NLOS) signals. Such signals cause major GNSS positioning (also known as “NLOS multipath”) errors. In this paper, a novel NLOS multipath detection technique using a machine-learning approach to improve the positioning accuracy in urban environments is proposed. The key idea behind this technique is to construct a classifier that discriminates NLOS multipath signals from the output of the multiple GNSS signal correlators of a software GNSS receiver. In the case of an NLOS signal, there are no direct signals; the first reflected signal has low power compared to a direct signal. Hence, the correlation function is expected to be more distorted in the case of an NLOS signal correlation. We use this phenomenon to detect NLOS signals. To consider the change in shape of the correlation values of NLOS signals and their temporal variation, we propose a method for constructing a convolutional neural network (CNN)-based NLOS discriminator. Furthermore, we propose a method for applying the NLOS probability, which is the output of the CNN, to the positioning calculation. To evaluate the proposed technique, we conducted NLOS classification experiments using signal correlation data acquired at different locations in the Shinjuku area of Japan. We compared the proposed method with a method using a simple NN. As the experiment results indicate, the proposed method can correctly discriminate approximately 98% of NLOS multipath signals, and the discrimination rate of the proposed CNN-based method is higher than that of the simple NN-based approach. Furthermore, we improved the positioning accuracy from 34.1 to 1.6 m using the proposed method and concluded that the proposed approach can increase the positioning accuracy in urban environments.



  • Hot Water Demand Prediction Method for Operational Planning of Residential Fuel Cell System

    Yuta Tsuchiya, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Yu Fujimoto, Akira Yoshida, Yoshiharu Amano

    7th International Conference on Smart Grid, icSmartGrid 2019     46 - 51  2019年12月


    © 2019 IEEE. This study proposes a hot water demand prediction method for operational planning of polymer electrolyte fuel cell cogeneration systems (PEFC-CGSs). PEFC-CGSs provide hot water by utilizing waste heat produced in the electricity generation process. An optimal operational plan according to household demand leads to further energy saving. Therefore, operational planning methods based on household demand prediction have received intense focus. In particular, the prediction of the amount of hot water demand is important for efficient operation. The authors have attempted to improve the hot water prediction method based on multivariate random forest (MRF), which uses the average of many decision trees' outputs as the prediction result. However, some experimental results show that a prediction strategy based on averaging the outputs of decision trees does not always lead to the best solution. In this study, the authors propose a novel prediction method utilizing the quantile of the estimation results derived in MRF. By setting the appropriate quantile, we can evade the demand underestimation, which has a higher negative impact on operational efficiency than overestimation. The usefulness of the proposed approach is evaluated via numerical simulations using real-world demand data.



  • Robust UAV Position and Attitude Estimation using Multiple GNSS Receivers for Laser-based 3D Mapping

    Taro Suzuki, Daichi Inoue, Yoshiharu Amano

    IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems     4402 - 4408  2019年11月  [査読有り]



    © 2019 IEEE. Small-sized unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have been widely investigated for use in a variety of applications such as remote sensing and aerial surveying. Direct three-dimensional (3D) mapping using a small-sized UAV equipped with a laser scanner is required for numerous remote sensing applications. In direct 3D mapping, the precise information about the position and attitude of the UAV is necessary for constructing 3D maps. In this study, we propose a novel and robust technique for estimating the position and attitude of small-sized UAVs by employing multiple low-cost and light-weight global navigation satellite system (GNSS) antennas/receivers. Using the 'redundancy'' of multiple GNSS receivers, we enhance the performance of real-time kinematic (RTK)-GNSS by employing single-frequency GNSS receivers. This method consists of two approaches: hybrid GNSS fix solutions and consistency examination of the GNSS signal strength. The fix rate of RTK-GNSS using single-frequency GNSS receivers can be highly enhanced to combine multiple RTK-GNSS to fix solutions in the multiple antennas. In addition, positioning accuracy and fix rate can be further enhanced to detect multipath signals by using multiple GNSS antennas. In this study, we developed a prototype UAV that is equipped with six GNSS antennas /receivers. From the static test results, we conclude that the proposed technique can enhance the accuracy of the position and attitude estimation in multipath environments. From the flight test, the proposed system could generate a 3D map with an accuracy of 5 cm.



  • Performance of single- and double-effect operable mechanical vapor recompression desalination system adaptable to variable wind energy

    Yeongmin Kim, Dong kook Kim, Yoshiharu Amano, Kim Choon Ng, Wongee Chun

    International Journal of Energy Research   43 ( 9 ) 4606 - 4612  2019年07月  [査読有り]


    © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. This paper deals with the development and operation of a mechanical vapor recompression (MVR) desalination system with improved energy efficiency in harnessing wind energy, which is non-dispatchable. Its design, construction, and operation details are presented in this paper. Especially, the main focus of developing the system was on the operation of the system in conjunction with variable loads of new and renewable power sources, in particular, varying wind power. That is, the present work has been carried out to assess the feasibility of its operation in light of capacity modulation to match the power generated under various wind speeds. Optimal operation modes of the system were studied, in which single- and double-effect operations were analyzed for their improvement in energy efficiency. The compression ratio of the proposed MVR system was 1.55 at an inverter speed of 55 Hz, which agreed well with its design value. Operation of the main heat exchanger remained stable within the limits of its operable range, although the temperature differences in the main heat exchanger did not remain constant because of the pressure variations in the evaporator. The daily freshwater yield was between 28 and 51 tons. The power consumption per ton of freshwater produced was about 43 kW for a single effect and about 23 kW for a double effect, which is about twice as efficient.



  • Estimation of expected cost curve on operation parameter space for planning residential PEFC-CGS

    Yuta Tsuchiya, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Yu Fujimoto, Akira Yoshida, Yoshiharu Amano

    2019 IEEE Milan PowerTech, PowerTech 2019    2019年06月  [査読有り]


    © 2019 IEEE. This study proposes an operation planning method for polymer electrolyte fuel cell cogeneration systems (PEFC-CGSs). PEFC-CGSs provide hot water by utilizing waste heat produced in the electricity generation process. An appropriate operation plan according to household demand will lead to further energy saving. The authors have discussed a framework for estimating expected operation costs of individual operation plans to select an appropriate candidate that minimizes the cost. In this scheme, the expected cost under each corresponding operation was independently estimated. This approach can be expected to provide accurate prediction of costs under individual operations. However, one open issue remains; it may not work well in estimating relative goodness compared to other operations. In this study, the authors propose a new cost estimation approach, focusing on relative appropriateness in candidate plans based on a multiple output prediction. The usefulness of the proposed approach is proved via a numerical simulation.



  • Development of Complex Energy Systems with Absorption Technology by Combining Elementary Processes

    Kosuke Seki, Keisuke Takeshita, Yoshiharu Amano

    Energies   12 ( 3 )  2019年02月  [査読有り]



    © 2019 by the authors. Optimal design of energy systems ultimately aims to develop a methodology to realize an energy system that utilizes available resources to generate maximum product with minimum components. For this aim, several researches attempt to decide the optimal system configuration as a problem of decomposing each energy system into primitive process elements. Then, they search the optimal combination sequentially from the minimum number of constituent elements. This paper proposes a bottom-up procedure to define and explore configurations by combining elementary processes for energy systems with absorption technology, which is widely applied as a heat driven technology and important for improving system’s energy efficiency and utilizing alternative energy resources. Two examples of application are presented to show the capability of the proposed methodology to find basic configurations that can generate the maximum product. The demonstration shows that the existing absorption systems, which would be calculated based on the experience of designers, could be derived by performing optimization with the synthesis methodology automatically under the simplified/idealized operating conditions. The proposed bottom-up methodology is significant for realizing an optimized absorption system. With this methodology, engineers will be able to predict all possible configurations and identify a simple yet feasible optimal system configuration.



  • 2030年を目指した標準住戸の需要規模がCO2排出量最少となる住設機器構成に与える影響の分析

    片山 慎也, 永井 俊行, 吉田 彬, 天野 嘉春

    エネルギー・資源学会論文誌   39 ( 6 ) 19 - 28  2019年02月  [査読有り]


  • Analysis of operation plans of residential PEFC–CGS: a perspective of cost optimality under demand uncertainty

    Yuta Tsuchiya, Yu Fujimoto, Akira Yoshida, Yoshiharu Amano, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    Journal of International Council on Electrical Engineering   9 ( 1 ) 105 - 112  2019年01月


  • An online HEMS scheduling method based on deep recurrent neural network

    Akira Yoshida, Yu Fujimoto, Yoshiharu Amano, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    ECOS 2019 - Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems     1327 - 1335  2019年  [査読有り]


    © ECOS 2019 - Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems. All rights reserved. For a daily-basis scheduling of an energy system, energy management system often enough to use not a global optimal scheduling but a near optimal scheduling. The article proposes an online scheduling framework without online optimization. The framework is built from two encoder-decoder architectures to extract features of time series; a multi-layer long short-term memory regression model for multi-step time-series forecasting, and multi-class and single-label classification model for on/off scheduling of a device. The models are estimated at offline, and return scheduling from historical time series as input, at online. We evaluate the accuracy of scheduling from the viewpoint of Kullback-Leibler divergence which measures the dissimilarity between two probability distributions. Through the numerical experiments, we demonstrate the usefulness of the proposed framework.

  • General bottom-up procedure for exploring configurations of energy systems that use absorption technology

    Wataru Ito, Kousuke Seki, Keisuke Takeshita, Yoshiharu Amano

    ECOS 2019 - Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems   2019-June   4515 - 4527  2019年  [査読有り]



    © 2019 Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems.All rights reserved. It is extremely difficult to conduct fundamental research on optimizing the system configuration and design parameters of energy conversion systems because many parameters need to be considered. This study ultimately aims to develop a methodology for realizing an energy system that utilizes available resources to generate a maximum product that employs the minimum number of components. Several studies have been conducted to find an optimal system configuration by decomposing energy systems into primitive process elements and sequentially searching for the optimal combination that uses the minimum number of constituent elements. This paper proposes a bottom-up methodology for defining and exploring configurations that combine elementary processes of energy systems with absorption technology. Absorption technology is a widely applied heat driven technology that is important for improving the energy efficiency of systems and also utilizes alternative energy resources. A specific procedure using a codification method is presented that generates new candidate configurations for the absorption system with respect to the optimization problem and enables an optimization algorithm to be used to implement the organized rules. When applying the proposed methodology to optimization, designers should narrow promising solutions by conducting the optimization under simplified and/or idealized conditions, and then adjusting the solutions by considering certain real conditions. One example of applying this optimization is shown to reveal the capability of the proposed methodology in clarifying a basic configuration that generates the maximum product under constant heat source capacity conditions. The demonstration shows that the existing absorption system, which is calculated based on the experience of designers, could be derived by automatically performing the optimization using this methodology. The proposed methodology is significant for use in realizing an optimized absorption system, and it allows designers to predict all possible configurations in advance and clarify a simple and feasible optimal system configuration.

  • A Status-transition Model for CO2 Heat Pump Water Heater Based on Modified Lorentz cycle

    Y. Bando, H. Hattori, Y. Amano

    International Journal of Thermodynamics   22 ( 1 ) 26 - 33  2019年  [査読有り]



    2019 © International Journal of Thermodynamics. All Rights Reserved. Energy management is a systematic activity for improving energy performances of a target system, and an energy management system is expected to solve operational planning problems and report or suggest opportunities for performance improvement. An equipment model is required to reflect the characteristics of the actual equipment’s performance and to have a simple structure to apply to operational planning problems. The model should be able to diagnose changes with performance degradation over time. In this study, we proposed a thermodynamically-sound model of a CO2 heat pump water heater, suitable for solving operational planning problems and diagnosing degradation of equipment. The proposed model consists of a heat pump unit (HP) and a hot water storage tank (ST). The HP model is a status-transition model, constructed based on the Lorentz efficiency, which is identified by experimental values and a theoretical maximum coefficient of performance (COP) for a trans-critical heat pump cycle. The ST model is simplified and can describe temperature distribution in the ST because the unit COP of the HP influences the thermal stratification of the ST. The proposed model is preferable in its simplicity and robust performance for a wide temperature range by comparison with a conventional statistical regression model.



  • Optimal configuration of residential energy systems with energy sharing among multiple households in smart building

    Shinya Katayama, Akira Yoshida, Yoshiharu Amano

    ECOS 2019 - Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems     1235 - 1246  2019年  [査読有り]



    © ECOS 2019 - Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems. All rights reserved. To reduce CO2 emissions in the residential sector, the installation of high-efficiency energy supply equipment and development of zero energy house are progressing in Japan. It is important to appropriately select energy system configuration, such as the number of installed equipment and capacity when designing the system configuration. There are various studies on the configuration of energy systems. The purpose of this study, we analyze the trends of the relationship between optimal configuration and household characteristics. Then, based on the derived configuration, we evaluate the system configuration from a long-term perspective. We assume a smart residential building consisting of multiple households that introduces photovoltaics (PV) and battery (BT) as common assets and has variations in the number of occupants and demand profile. In addition, we consider various thermal devices, which is a gas-fired water heater (GH), heat pump water heater (HPWH), and solid oxide fuel cell cogeneration systems (SOFC). Deriving the optimal configuration of energy systems over the year is difficult from the viewpoint of calculation load. Therefore, we select 7 representative days for each month and derive optimal configuration such as minimizing CO2 emissions in each evaluation period. Then, we aggregate the results and decide the optimal configuration of the residential building in the target year. As a result, when the CO2 conversion factor for electricity is 0.400 kg/kWh or more, installing SOFC to the few-person household is effective. On the other hand, in the case of the many-person household, the SOFC installation effect is lower than the HPWH from the viewpoint of CO2 emissions.

  • Optimal temperature conditions of finite heat-recovery cycles from a non-isothermal heat source

    Keisuke Takeshita, Yoshiharu Amano

    ECOS 2019 - Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems     1337 - 1348  2019年  [査読有り]



    © ECOS 2019 - Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems. All rights reserved. In this paper, an analysis of the temperature condition producing maximal power from a sensible heat source by finite heat-recovery thermodynamic cycles is presented. Some studies have been conducted that theoretically analyzed a system utilizing thermal energy from heat sources by multiple thermodynamic cycles in cascade with the assumption of constant heat-source temperature. However, many heat sources for heat-recovery thermodynamic cycles are sensible, in which the temperature changes considerably with the cycles during heat exchange. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the temperature change of the heat source. First, a temperature condition that maximizes the power generated by a combination of single/multiple Carnot cycles from constant-specific-heat heat sources is analyzed, and the optimal temperature is derived analytically. Subsequently, simulations of the Rankine cycle and several patterns of the Kalina cycle are compared to the analytical model. These comparisons reveal that the Carnot cycle model provides an effective estimation of the temperature conditions for the heat-recovery cycles that produce maximal power from a sensible heat source.

  • Operation planning method for home air-conditioners considering characteristics of installation environment

    Ryoichi Kuroha, Yu Fujimoto, Wataru Hirohashi, Yoshiharu Amano, Shin-ichi Tanabe, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    Energy and Buildings   177   351 - 362  2018年10月  [査読有り]


    © 2018 Elsevier B.V. Home energy management systems (HEMSs) are the system to manage the energy usage in houses. The use of HEMSs, and especially those which are capable of automatically controlling home energy appliances such as air-conditioners (ACs), is expected to manage energy utilized in domestic field effectively. In the present study, we focused on automatic AC operation by HEMS with the combined goal of improving thermal comfort while reducing electricity costs. In general, the room temperature and electricity consumption of an AC are highly dependent on the characteristics of the installation environment, so that the derivation of an appropriate AC operation plan is generally a difficult task. To tackle this problem, an energy management method to provide AC operation plan tailor-made for the target AC installation environmental by learning the characteristics of the installation environment (CIE) from the historical operation result data is proposed. The efficacy of the proposed method is verified via numerical and real-world experiments.



  • Optimal operating conditions and cost-effectiveness of a single-stage ammonia/water absorption refrigerator based on exergy analysis

    Keisuke Takeshita, Yoshiharu Amano

    Energy   155   1066 - 1076  2018年07月



    © 2017 IMEKO This study presents optimal design conditions by considering the cost effectiveness and operability of a single-stage ammonia/water absorption refrigerator (AAR) via exergy analysis. Chemical exergy change constitutes complexity with respect to exergy analysis of absorption systems. In the study, Gibbs free energy is considered in exergy analysis to precisely evaluate absorption and rectification processes including chemical exergy change. The theoretical maximum exergy efficiency of AAR and the influence of its design/operating conditions on exergy efficiency/destructions are investigated in an ideal condition. The analysis indicates the importance of the evaporator outlet liquid (bleed) ammonia mass fraction and desorber temperature. A condition of bleed mass fraction control is illustrated. The study also involves performing sensitivity analysis of design parameters (pinch temperatures) with respect to exergy efficiency and optimal desorber temperature. Finally, design conditions that maximize exergy efficiency per cost are derived relative to the sum of thermal conductance as a cost parameter. The study demonstrates the potential for downsizing of AAR without reducing exergy efficiency. The results indicate that approximately 39% total thermal conductance reduction, maintaining nominal efficiency, or 19% total thermal conductance reduction with an exergy efficiency increase of 16% are expected when compared to those in a commercial AAR.



  • Curb detection and accessibility evaluation from low-density mobile mapping point cloud data

    Kiichiro Ishikawa, Daisuke Kubo, Yoshiharu Amano

    International Journal of Automation Technology   12 ( 3 ) 376 - 385  2018年05月  [査読有り]



    © 2018, Fuji Technology Press. All rights reserved. Our goal is to automatically classify objects from Mobile Mapping System data to enable the automatic construction of dynamic maps. We aimed at the extraction of curbstones and classification of curb types. Although there is much research about curbstones being recognized from laser-scanned point clouds, there are few methods to classify curb types. In this paper, we propose a method to extract curbstones from low-density-type laser scan data. We also propose a method to distinguish whether curbstones allow access to off-road facilities. Evaluation tests give an F-measure of ≥94.4% and an accessibility classification accuracy of ≥99.6%. Moreover, the results of applying multiple filters to noise removal are compared.



  • Asynchronous ADMM HEMS aggregation scheme in smart grid

    Akira Yoshida, Yu Fujimoto, Yoshiharu Amano, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    ECOS 2018 - Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems    2018年  [査読有り]



    © 2018 University of Minho. All rights reserved. There is a high demand that aggregating Home Energy Management System (HEMS) as demand response service. Aggregation scheme is divided into the centralized and decentralized approach. On the one hand, in a centralized fashion, a controller manages all device. On the other hand, in a decentralized fashion, a local controller manages own devices and exchanges information for achieving the global optimum. Our previous work has proposed decentralized HEMS aggregation with Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers (ADMM) to address scalability and privacy issue. The main idea of this method is that we decompose the large-scale aggregated scheduling problem into individual HEMS scheduling problem by introducing local upper limit which stands for the maximum purchasable electricity from an electrical grid. This article reports that we extend the previous decentralized HEM method to asynchronous fashion in order to improve convergence time efficiency from the practical implementation perspective. We propose the waiting ratio which represents the minimum HEMS number for updating the next local upper limit. We also evaluate the algorithm processing time with changing waiting ratio and the number of households. As a result, it is confirmed that though the result shows 53% of acceleration at the most accompanied by barely 2% increase cost, the asynchronous process does not always accelerate the processing time. It may be reasonable to suppose that the degree of acceleration is decreased, as the degree of asynchrony increases, because iteration number until fulfilling converging criteria is increased.

  • Evaluation of CO<inf>2</inf> heat pump water heater model for operational planning

    Yasuaki Bando, Hironori Hattori, Yoshiharu Amano

    ECOS 2018 - Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems    2018年  [査読有り]


    © 2018 University of Minho. All rights reserved. Energy management is systematic activity to improve energy performances of target system, and it has already been introduced in the industrial and commercial field. Energy management system is expected to solve operational planning problem and report or suggest opportunities for performance improvement. In recent years, CO2 heat pump water heater (HPWH) is attracting attention as one of the high-efficiency devices to meet domestic hot water demand. Equipment model is required to reflect the characteristics of the actual equipment’s performance and to have a simple structure to apply to operational planning problem and should diagnose the changes with the performance degradation overtime. However, few studies have been reported which proposes the thermodynamically-sound model of HPWH for energy management. In this paper, we proposed a simple model suitable for solving operational planning problem and diagnosing aging deterioration or degradation of equipment in energy management system. Firstly, we constructed function model consisting of a heat pump unit (HP) and a hot water storage tank (ST). HP model is simply composed of start-up, steady state, and shut-down status-transition model. The steady state model is constructed based on the Lorentz efficiencyand theoretical maximum coefficient of performance (COP) for trans-critical heat pump cycle. The Lorentz efficiency is identified by experiment on typical domestic hot water demand with variation of ambient temperature, inlet/outlet water temperature at the gas-cooler. While the heat pump system is operating, unit COP of the HP is influenced on the thermal stratification of ST. The ST model is a simplified model that can describe temperature distribution in ST. Secondly, we validated the model. Proposed model reproduced experimental values with sufficient accuracy for day-ahead planning problem. Finally, we confirmed that the proposed model is preferable in its simplicity and robust performance for wide temperature range by comparing with a conventional statistical regression model.

  • Optimal design method for absorption heat pump based on energy-utilization diagram

    Kosuke Seki, Hironori Hattori, Yoshiharu Amano

    ECOS 2018 - Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems   22 ( 1 ) 9 - 17  2018年  [査読有り]



    © 2018 University of Minho. All rights reserved. Some general procedures for optimizing energy systems have previously been presented. However, it is practically difficult to obtain an optimal design of thermodynamic systems that have several system parameters. The optimization is considered at three levels: synthesis (configuration), design (component characteristics), and operation. In this paper, the syntheses of two absorption heat pump systems are evaluated and their design/operation optimization is performed efficiently based on an energy-utilization diagram (EUD) for performance improvement. Cycle models of an absorption heat pump system, including an absorber heat exchanger (AHX) and a solution heat exchanger (SHX), are constructed. These models consider exergy destruction caused by heat transfer and pressure loss. The exergy analysis is performed to evaluate the system performance, and an EUD is drawn to evaluate the margins for improvement. The design parameters and operating points are improved for reducing the exergy destruction in the components where dominant exergy destruction occurs, based on an EUD. Before improvements, COP and exergy efficiency are higher in the SHX cycle, while the margin for improvement is larger in the AHX cycle. In the absorber, exergy destruction is reduced by adjusting the operating point to make the temperature slopes at the hot and cold sides coincide. In other components, exergy destruction is reduced by adjusting the design parameters to improve the heat transfer performances. The results show that exergy efficiency is improved by the distribution of exergy destruction of each component. After these improvements, COP is higher in the SHX cycle, while exergy efficiency is higher in the AHX cycle. It is concluded that we can efficiently realize the design/operation optimization of a thermodynamic system using an EUD. This is because an EUD presents both exergy destruction and margin for improvement at the components comprehensively, as well as the operating point of the system.



  • Versatile Modeling Platform for Cooperative Energy Management Systems in Smart Cities

    Hayashi, Yasuhiro, Fujimoto, Yu, Ishii, Hideo, Takenobu, Yuji, Kikusato, Hiroshi, Yoshizawa, Shinya, Amano, Yoshiharu, Tanabe, Shin-Ichi, Yamaguchi, Yohei, Shimoda, Yoshiyuki, Yoshinaga, Jun, Watanabe, Masato, Sasaki, Shunsuke, Koike, Takeshi, Jacobsen, Hans-Arno, Tomsovic, Kevin

    Proceedings of the IEEE   106 ( 4 ) 594 - 612  2018年  [査読有り]


    © 2018 IEEE. With growing attention to sustainability and recognition of the impact of global warming problems, energy supply and consumption have become critically important. This paper presents the construction of a modeling platform accommodating cooperative energy management systems (EMSs), which virtually produces the model of a smart city with a distribution network (DN) by using a wide range of data obtained from the real world. The platform involves models of various EMSs, governing the operation of a power system or controlling consumer-installed devices, and simulating the power flow, electrical losses, and voltage in the DN. In addition, indices measuring the sustainability of the model city, such as CO2 emission, are estimated from scenarios, for example, photovoltaic system installation, electric vehicle penetration, etc. The results can be visually displayed and the platform is highly versatile and applicable to various types of issues associated with smart cities. Two case studies are presented in detail.



  • Distributed energy management for comprehensive utilization of residential photovoltaic outputs

    Yu Fujimoto, Hiroshi Kikusato, Shinya Yoshizawa, Shunsuke Kawano, Akira Yoshida, Shinji Wakao, Noboru Murata, Yoshiharu Amano, Shin Ichi Tanabe, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid   9 ( 2 ) 1216 - 1227  2018年  [査読有り]


    © 2016 IEEE. The introduction of photovoltaic power systems is being significantly promoted. This paper proposes the implementation of a distributed energy management framework linking demand-side management systems and supply-side management system under the given time-of-use pricing program for efficient utilization of photovoltaic power outputs; each system implements a consistent management flow composed of forecasting, operation planning, and control steps. In our framework, demand-side systems distributed in the electric distribution network manage individual energy consumption to reduce the residential operating cost by utilizing the residential photovoltaic power system and controllable energy appliances so as not to inconvenience residents. On the other hand, the supply-side system utilizes photovoltaic power maximally while maintaining the quality of electric power. The effectiveness of the proposed framework is evaluated on the basis of an actual Japanese distribution network simulation model from both the supply-side and demand-side viewpoints.



  • Stochastic receding horizon control minimizing mean-variance with demand forecasting for home EMSs

    Akira Yoshida, Jun Yoshikawa, Yu Fujimoto, Yoshiharu Amano, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    Energy and Buildings   158   1632 - 1639  2018年01月  [査読有り]


    © 2017 Elsevier B.V. As demand-side energy management system (EMS) has not only a function to maximize owner's utility by automatic control but also a potential capability to respond a demand activation, demand-side EMS is expected to fulfill the key role for intelligent control of community energy management. To achieve the stable control result of EMS against the uncertain environment, it needs approach from both forecast and operation sides. The objective of this study is to construct a control scheme for a home EMS from a practicable implementation perspective and to evaluate the control performance of the scheme proposed. The scheme is composed of operational planning with receding horizon and energy demand forecasting. The goal of the scheme is to maximize householder's utility only by retrofitting the home EMS to a residential household. Throughout numerical results, it is revealed that the better control performance comes from the conservative operational strategy derived from the multiple scenarios.



  • Development of prediction-based operation planning method for domestic air-conditioner with adaptive learning of installation environment

    Ryoichi Kuroha, Yu Fujimoto, Wataru Hirohashi, Yoshiharu Amano, Shin Ichi Tanabe, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    2017 IEEE Power and Energy Society Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference, ISGT 2017    2017年10月  [査読有り]


    © 2017 IEEE. The world is more aware of the need for saving energy because of increasing world energy consumption and environmental problems. To promote saving energy in the domestic field, the use of home energy management systems (HEMSs) is rapidly spreading. The HEMS which has automatically controlling function can control domestic electrical appliances including air-conditioners (ACs). In this research, we focus on AC operation plans to improve thermal comfort and reduce electricity costs for residents. However, AC control planning is generally a difficult task because the operation results greatly depend on the environmental characteristics in which the HEMS is installed. To solve this problem, we proposed an AC planning method that accounts for environmental characteristics and uncertainty in prediction by using historical data.



  • 小型UAV搭載レーザスキャナによる災害環境の高精度三次元計測

    丹羽 啓介, 高橋 佑允, 鈴木 太郎, 天野 嘉春

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2017   1P1 - R09  2017年


    <p>This paper describes an extrinsic parameter calibration of light detection and ranging (LiDAR) for a 3D measurement system using an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). Recently, the use of small UAVs becomes widespread in 3D measurements because small UAVs are highly useful. We target 10 cm accuracy of 3D measurement aiming for use in disaster environments. 3D measurements using small UAV need estimating not only accurate position and attitude of UAV but also accurate extrinsic parameters of the LiDAR. We propose a calibration method of extrinsic parameters of the LiDAR using reflectors. The proposed method estimates the angle of the LiDAR that minimizes the RMS error of the distance between the reference points of the reflectors and the measured 3D points. As the result of the calibration, vertical RMS error of 3D measurements was 0.0408 m and horizontal RMS error was 0.0472 m.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • 小型UAV搭載レーザスキャナによる災害環境の高精度三次元計測

    佐々木 涼平, 高橋 佑允, 鈴木 太郎, 天野 嘉春

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2017   1P1 - R10  2017年


    <p>This paper describes a precise attitude estimation method for a 3D measurement system using LiDAR on a small unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). Recently, the use of small UAVs becomes widespread in 3D measurements because small UAVs are highly useful. In 3D measurement using LiDAR, the precise attitude of the UAV is necessary because attitude estimation errors influence the 3D measurement accuracy. However, it is difficult to estimate the attitude of small UAVs because they are too small to be equipped with large and precise inertial measurement unit (IMU). Therefore, we proposed a method using six global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) receivers and a low-cost and light-weight IMU to estimate the precise attitude. The method combines Euler angles calculated statistically using six GNSS receivers with angular velocities measured by the IMU. As a result of evaluation, the proposed method is effective on improvement of the attitude estimation accuracy.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • NLOS マルチパス信号の機械学習による都市環境における自己位置推定の高精度化

    中野 裕介, 鈴木 太郎, 天野 嘉春

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2017   2P2 - B05  2017年


    <p>This paper describes a method of non-line-of-sight (NLOS) multipath detection by using machine learning of signal correlation value of grobal positioning system (GPS) for precise positioning in urban environments. GPS is widely used for estimating self-position in many scenes. However, in urban canyons, GPS positioning accuracy is deteriorated due to NLOS multipath signals. Because of obstacles between NLOS satellites and a GPS antenna, GPS signals omitted from GPS satellites are reflected or diffracted by obstacles. We propose the method to detect NLOS multipath signals using support vector machine (SVM) based on a machine learning of GPS signal correlation values. GPS signal correlation values can be obtained by using a software receiver. We extract the features of NLOS multipath signals from signal correlation value and create the NLOS multipath detection program by machine learning of its feature. As the result of the evaluation, the proposed method is effective to detect NLOS multipath signal.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • Stochastic model predictive control of residential fuel cell cogeneration unit with periodic forecast update for distributed architecture

    Akira Yoshida, Jun Yoshikawa, Yu Fujimoto, Yoshiharu Amano, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    30th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, ECOS 2017    2017年


    © 2017 IMEKO As communication standard, such as SEP 2.0 and ECHONET Lite, for digital communication of home appliances has been established, the research of networked control system is progressing in the domain of residential house. Instead of building new power station to fulfil new electricity requirement, such as electric vehicle charging, the concept, that an aggregator coordinates massive amount of home energy management system (HEMS) to supply negawatt power, is proposed. The aggregator requires to manipulate electricity consumption through massive amount of HMES as networked control system. As fundamental study for control algorithm of distributed architecture, this paper constructed one of the networked supervisory control system formulated as stochastic model predictive control scheme, and analysed primary energy consumption sensitivity against update interval of energy demand forecasting and operational strategy in addition to changing number of scenarios. The mainly results are concluded that: as the energy saving ratio in the case of 6 hours update interval has enough high point, which is 9.5% in comparison with the case of 24 hours update interval, the stochastic model predictive control scheme proposed in the case using six scenarios can downsample until 6 hours update interval.

  • Impact on energy saving under energy interchanges among buildings concerning demand profiles

    Harunobu Ikegami, Akira Yoshida, Yoshiharu Amano

    30th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, ECOS 2017    2017年  [査読有り]



    © 2017 IMEKO In order to reduce energy consumption, the installation of combined heat and power (CHP) has been promoted. However, when the heat to power ratio of CHP and the energy demand do not match, performance of CHP is depreciated. As one of the solutions to improve performance of the CHP and to reduce the energy consumption, energy interchanges have attracted attention and gradually increased in importance in the commercial sector. The objective of this study was to analyze the impact of the difference between demand profiles in buildings employing power and heat interchanges on energy saving. Specifically, we formulated the optimal planning problem of building energy systems by Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) from the viewpoint of energy consumption minimization. The analysis was applied to three model areas with different demand profiles by changing the component ratio of each building in a city with the same total floor area. The main results showed that the energy reduction effects of three model areas with different demand profiles were due to power and heat interchanges. We also found that employing power and heat interchanges increased both the installed capacity of CHPs in buildings and the contributing ratio of CHPs for electricity demand.

  • Design of an ejector-absorption heat pump based on entropy generation minimization

    Hironori Hattori, Haruka Matsumoto, Yoshiharu Amano

    30th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, ECOS 2017    2017年  [査読有り]



    © 2017 IMEKO This paper presents the design method for an ejector-absorption heat pump based on entropy generation minimization (EGM). This cycle is driven by low-temperature waste heat below 90 °C. A cycle model of the ejector-absorption heat pump with an ammonia-water mixture as the working fluid has been constructed. The required model parameters to represent the thermodynamic and geometric characteristics were determined from an experimental study. Cycle simulation specifies the dominant locations of irreversibility and operability. Parametric analysis is performed to investigate the effects of the geometry of the cycle components on entropy generation. This study considers the entropy generation from two components: one associated with the frictional pressure drop and the other including heat transfer in each heat exchanger. The geometric parameter for each component is set based on the results of the parametric analysis. The performance of the designed heat pump is evaluated by its modified coefficient of performance (COP) based on the primary energy consumption. The results show that the dominant entropy generation occurs in the solution heat exchanger and absorber, and the design using EGM produces an improved COP. The results of the sensitivity analysis for the overall unit size of the designed heat pump are also shown.

  • Optimal configuration of energy system in multiple households with power interchange for reduction of CO2 emissions in Japan

    Toshiyuki Nagai, Akira Yoshida, Yoshiharu Amano

    30th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, ECOS 2017    2017年  [査読有り]



    © 2017 IMEKO As a replacement for conventional sources, which cause CO2 emissions, the installation of photovoltaics (PV) has increased extensively in residential sectors. However, large-scale PV installation causes voltage violations of low-voltage distribution grids, particularly in the residential sector. According to previous studies, energy storage systems and power interchange methods are effective in utilizing PV surplus electricity and saving energy. The objective of this study is to derive the optimal configuration of energy systems in multiple households under power interchange for the minimization of total CO2 emissions. Two methods for solving this complicated and large-scale problem are proposed. First, we considered a calculation of the optimal configuration of energy systems in multiple households as an optimal unit sizing of energy systems in a single household. Second, we examined the operational planning problem as mixed integer linear programming (MILP) with an enumeration method. We found that a heat pump water heater (HP) can be installed as the heat supply equipment regardless of the PV installation ratio by the year 2030 in Japan, when the CO2 conversion factor of the electrical grid will be 0.37 kg/kWh. In addition, the maximum impact of power interchange on CO2 emissions will lead to its reduction by 85 kg, at 75 % of PV installation ratio.

  • Impact of utilizing PV surplus electricity on CO<inf>2</inf> emissions from the residential energy systems

    Toshiyuki Nagai, Akira Yoshida, Yoshiharu Amano

    ASME 2017 11th International Conference on Energy Sustainability, ES 2017, collocated with the ASME 2017 Power Conference Joint with ICOPE 2017, the ASME 2017 15th International Conference on Fuel Cell Science, Engineering and Technology, and the ASME 2017 Nuclear Forum    2017年  [査読有り]



    Copyright © 2017 ASME. In order to reduce CO2 emissions in the residential sector, the installation of photovoltaics (PV) has been increasing extensively. However, such large-scale PV installations cause problems in the low-voltage distribution grid of the residential sector, such as PV related voltage surges. In this study, the utilization of suppressed PV output through energy storage devices was proposed. Using demand side energy storage devices reduces voltage surge, transmission loss, and CO2 emissions from the residential buildings. The objective of this study was to add voltage constraints of the low-voltage distribution grid to an operational planning problem that we developed for the residential energy systems, and to quantitatively evaluate the potential of heat pump water heater (HP) to utilize the PV surplus electricity, while considering the electrical grid constraints based on the minimization of CO2 emissions. We found that when a 4.5 kW HP with 370 L storage, which utilizes PV output, was added to the system, the reduction in CO2 emissions was more than twice compared with that in the case of adding 4 kWh battery (BT) to a PV and gas fired water heater configuration. Further, the effect of utilizing the suppressed PV electricity by HP was almost equivalent to that by the BT. Therefore, the potential of HP in utilizing PV surplus electricity is higher than that of the BT in terms of CO2 emissions reduction in the residential sector.



  • Evaluation of Coordinated Energy Management System for Grid and Home in Distribution System with PVs

    Shinya Yoshizawa, Akira Yoshida, Shunsuke Kawano, Yu Fujimoto, Yoshiharu Amano, Yasuhiro Hayashi

    Journal of International Council on Electrical Engineering   6 ( 1 ) 126 - 133  2016年06月  [査読有り]



    Matsumoto, H, Hattori, H, Amano, Y

    Proceedings of the First Pacific Rim Thermal Engineering Conference   1 ( 15084 ) 1 - 5  2016年03月



    Furuichi, T, Yoshida, A, Amano, Y

    Proceedings of the First Pacific Rim Thermal Engineering Conference   ( PRTEC-14607 ) 1 - 5  2016年03月  [査読有り]


    Yoshikawa, J, Yoshida, A, Amano, Y

    Proceedings of the First Pacific Rim Thermal Engineering Conference   ( PRTEC-15105 ) 1 - 5  2016年03月  [査読有り]

  • Optimal scheduling for residential PEM fuel cell cogeneration system under uncertainty of PV output and energy demand using MISOCP approach

    Akira Yoshida, Jun Yoshikawa, Yu Fujimoto, Shinji Wakao, Yoshiharu Amano

    ECOS 2016 - Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimisation, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems    2016年


    © 2016 University of Ljubljana. The degree of operational freedom of home appliances is increasing with introducing controllable demand-side appliances by using Home Energy Management System with some communication standard. This situation increases the demands on methodology achieving customer utility maximization, which is able to plan operational strategies of a variety of appliances under various exogenous variables such as energy demand, outlet temperature, and power output of Photovoltaic power generator. Energy demand and photovoltaic output have some uncertainty or variation in the parameter. The objective of this study is to analyze a solution behavior of an operational planning problem adapting Mixed Integer Second-Order Cone Programming extended from traditional Mixed Integer Linear Programming model. The objective function of the mathematical optimization involves mean and its variance by extracting naturally Markowitz model. Above proposed model is intended to sophisticate robust operational planning method, and is also evaluated on the EMS simulation platform that we are developing. As a result, it is found that involving variance to objective function affects to computational time meaning computational load rather than robustness of planned schedule. Additionally, using several scenario results in more robust schedule than using plausible one scenario.

  • Precise UAV Position and Attitude Estimation by Multiple GNSS Receivers for 3D Mapping

    Taro Suzuki, Yusuke Takahashi, Yoshiharu Amano



    Recently, small unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have been widely investigated for a variety of applications, including remote sensing and aerial surveying. For such applications, current small UAV platforms use a camera to generate a 3D map from aerial images obtained by the UAV. To generate a 3D map, accurate position and attitude data of the UAV is necessary. However, the typical positioning accuracy of a single frequency global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receiver is 1-3 m, and the attitude accuracy obtained from a low-cost micro electro mechanical system (MEMS) sensor is limited to approximately 1-3°. This accuracy is not sufficiently high for accurate 3D mapping. The goal of this study is establish an accurate position and attitude determination technique by using low-cost GNSS receivers for small UAVs. The key idea behind the proposed method is using multiple low-cost and single-frequency GNSS antennas/receivers to accurately estimate the position and attitude of a UAV. Using the "redundancy" of multiple GNSS receivers, we improve the performance of Real-time kinematic (RTK)-GNSS by using the single-frequency GNSS receivers. This method consists of two approaches: hybrid GNSS fix solutions and consistency check of the GNSS signal strength. In multipath environments, the carrier-phase multipath affects the ambiguity resolution of RTK-GNSS. Different GNSS signal propagation paths are caused at each GNSS antenna. As a result, different multipath errors are caused in each GNSS receiver. It can be used to detect the multipath signals. With this method, we can enhance the availability of carrier-phase ambiguity solutions by using a single-frequency GNSS receiver. Furthermore, we propose a direct attitude estimation technique for a small UAV by using the multiple GNSS receivers. To estimate the absolute attitude of the UAV, we used relative GNSS antenna positions determined by GNSS carrier-phase measurements. It is difficult to resolve the ambiguity for a low-cost single-frequency receiver. In this paper, baseline length constraints can be applied between the GNSS antennas to estimate a reliable ambiguity. To evaluate the proposed method, we conducted a static test in a narrow-sky environment. First, we determined the attitude by using the proposed technique. Using the proposed method, we could almost perfectly solve the GNSS carrier-phase ambiguity by using low-cost single-frequency GNSS receivers in multipath environments. Next, we evaluated the position determination by using the proposed technique. The fix rates are improved in every GNSS antenna by using the proposed multipath elimination technique. Finally, the fix rate reaches 99.9 %, and it can be concluded that the proposed technique offers increased positioning accuracy in urban environments.



  • An optimal predictive control of 0.75 kW PEM fuel cell cogeneration with home appliances for efficient PV utilization

    Yoshida, A., Yoshikawa, J., Fujimoto, Y., Amano, Y.

    ASME International Conference on Fuel Cell Science, Engineering and Technology, FUELCELL 2016, Collocated with the ASME Power Conference and the ASME International Conference on Energy Sustainability    2016年  [査読有り]


    © Copyright 2016 by ASME. This paper proposes an optimal predictive control of 0.75 kW PEM fuel-cell cogeneration with home appliances. This paper also models fuel cell system for design and operation evaluation of building equipment based on actual measurement of residential fuel cell system on sale. As one application of constructed model and proposed control method, this paper discusses concerning home EMS for efficient PV utilization.


  • Current Development Status of an X-ray Generator for X-ray Fluorescence Analysis on Space Mission

    Hiroki Kusano, Nobuyuki Hasebe, Hiroshi Nagaoka, Masayuki Naito, Miho Mizone, Yoshiharu Amano, Eido Shibamura, Haruyoshi Kuno

    Proceedings of International Symposium on Radiation Detectors and Their Uses (ISRD2016)   11  2016年  [査読有り]



  • An Investigation of Elemental Composition of Martian Satellites by Gamma-ray and Neutron Spectrometer

    Nobuyuki Hasebe, Toru Ohta, Yoshiharu Amano, Masayuki Naito, Hiroki Kusano, Hiroshi Nagaoka, Kohei Yoshida, Takuto Adachi, Timothy J. Fagan, Haruyoshi Kuno, Eido Shibamura, Akira Hitachi, José A, Matias Lopes, Jesus Martínez-Frías, Tomoki Nakamura, Shingo Kameda, Yuichiro Cho, Naoki Shirai, Hideaki Miyamoto, Takafumi Niihara, Takashi Mikouchi, Tatsuaki Okada, Yuzuru Karouji

    Proceedings of International Symposium on Radiation Detectors and Their Uses (ISRD2016)   11  2016年  [査読有り]



  • 3D Reconstruction Using Multibaseline Omnidirectional Motion Stereo Based on GPS/Dead-reckoning Compound Navigation System

    Jun-ichi Meguro, Jun-ichi Takiguchi, Yoshiharu Amano, Takumi Hashizume

    The International Journal of Robotics Research   26 ( 6 ) 625 - 636  2016年


    This paper presents a motion-stereo device using the GPS/DR (dead reckoning) combination along with omnidirectional cameras to reconstruct 3-D environments by means of sensors small enough to be installed on a mobile robot. The proposed technique is based on the fact that it is possible to determine epipolar lines by using the precise positions and heading angles measured by a combination of GPS and various sensors; high-precision stereo matching may then be performed by means of geometrical restrictions. Furthermore, in comparison to the other stereo techniques, it is also possible to establish longer baselines for peripheral objects and simultaneously provide a higher precision in calculating the distances to far objects by applying voting processing to a series of distant motion-stereo images, which can be attained by using more than one baseline length, in 3-D spaces based on the precise positions and heading angles. In short, the proposed technique provides a substantial increase in measurement precision as compared to that with the well-known SFM (structure from motion) technique for reconstructing 3-D environments with monocular cameras; this is because the proposed technique utilizes a greater number of mobile parameters, which are determined using precise cameras. In this experiment, the measurement precision of the proposed technique has been evaluated in reconstructing the shapes of vehicles parked alongside a road; the measurements were found to have a standard deviation of 140 mm within a range of 10 m. It can be stated that the proposed omnidirectional motion-stereo technique is robust to environmental perturbations and can accurately estimate distances in the case of highly textured objects. © 2007 SAGE Publications.



  • オープンソースGNSSライブラリを用いた遊歩道環境での自律移動ロボットナビゲーションのための位置推定

    塚越 貴哉, 明比 建, 北村 光教, 鈴木 太郎, 天野 嘉春

    計測自動制御学会論文集   52 ( 5 ) 276 - 283  2016年


    This paper describes the localization method based on global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) technology for autonomous navigation of mobile robots. The accurate and robust position estimation of the robot is the key to the autonomous navigation. GNSS was usually not used in localization in urban environments because its positioning has multipath errors and problems in availability. In this paper, we propose the GNSS positioning technique that is suitable for the autonomous navigation of mobile robots. We use an open source GNSS positioning library to compute the GNSS fix solutions. The techniques, which select the GNSS observations using the GNSS signal strength and validate GNSS fix solutions, are proposed. Then the GNSS fix solutions are integrated with inertial sensors and an odometer through the extended Kalman filter. From the experiment in the &quot;Real World Robot Challenge (RWRC)&quot;, it was confirmed that the effectiveness of our proposed technique and the feasibility of its highly accurate positioning.

    DOI CiNii

  • NLOS Satellite Detection Using a Fish-Eye Camera for Improving GNSS Positioning Accuracy in Urban Area

    Shodai Kato, Mitsunori Kitamura, Taro Suzuki, Yoshiharu Amano

    Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics   28 ( 1 ) 31 - 39  2016年


    © 2016, Fuji Technology Press. All rights reserved. In recent years, global navigation satellite systems (GNSSs) have been widely used in intelligent transport systems (ITSs), and many countries have been rapidly improving the infrastructure of their satellite positioning systems. However, there is a serious problem involving the use of kinematic GNSS positioning in urban environments, which stems from significant positioning errors introduced by non-line-of-sight (NLOS) satellites blocked by obstacles. Therefore, we propose the method for positioning based on NLOS satellites detection using a fish-eye camera. In general, it is difficult to robustly extract an obstacle region from the fish-eye image because the image is affected by cloud cover, illumination conditions, and weather conditions. We extract the obstacle region from the image by tracking image feature points in sequential images. Because the obstacle region on the image moves larger than the sky region, the obstacle region can be determined by performing image segmentation and by using feature point tracking techniques. Finally, NLOS satellites can be identified using the obstacle region on the image. The evaluation results confirm the GNSS positioning accuracy without the NLOS satellites was improved compared with using all observed satellites, and confirm the effectiveness of the proposed technique and the feasibility of implementing its highly accurate positioning capabilities in urban environments.


  • Communication schedule optimization of cascade control using foundation fieldbus

    Sangsuwan, T., Pongswatd, S., Julsereewong, A., Morioka, Y., Amano, Y.

    ICIC Express Letters   10 ( 1 ) 197 - 204  2016年


    © 2016 ICIC International. This paper presents a technique to optimize the communication schedules generated for synchronization of Foundation Fieldbus H1 devices in cascade control loop. A level-to-flow cascade control operated by the Harmonas-DEO host system is examined as an illustrative case study. Major objectives of the optimization are not only to minimize the latency of the control loop but also to maximize the availability of the network bandwidth. The proposed technique can be applied for H1 segment macrocycle schedules performing the control functions in both of the host controller and the field devices. Three examples for optimizing communication schedules generated from different control block assignments are described. The validation of the optimization methods can be determined by using two metrics: control loop latency improvement and publication gap availability improvement. Experimental results confirm that the proposed technique works effectively to operate the studied H1 segment for cascade control without any problems.

  • Impact of electric battery degradation on cost- and energy-saving characteristics of a residential photovoltaic system

    Akira Yoshida, Tomikazu Sato, Yoshiharu Amano, Koichi Ito

    Energy and Buildings   124   265 - 272  2016年


    © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. In Japan, a feed-in tariff scheme has been implemented to promote the use of photovoltaic power generators in combination with electric batteries. Although many researchers have assessed the operation of grid-connected photovoltaic systems with electric batteries, little attention has been paid to the impact of the electric batteries' degradation characteristics. This paper evaluates the operation of a grid-connected photovoltaic/electric-battery system in a house in terms of cost savings and energy savings. We constructed a long-term operational optimization model considering the degradation characteristics of the electric battery. This model contains two objective functions: energy savings and operating costs. We create a scenario of power rates and photovoltaic/battery system configurations. To reveal the optimal operational strategy for the photovoltaic/battery system, the multi-objective optimization problem was solved. As a result, Pareto-optimal solutions were obtained, and trade-off relationships between cost and energy savings are presented. In this study, the utilization of a grid-connected photovoltaic system with an electric battery was expected to be most effective in energy-saving priority operation.


  • Attitude Determination using Single Frequency GNSS Receivers for Small UAVs

    Suzuki Taro, Akehi Takeshi, Massubuchi Takuma, Amano Yoshiharu

    The ... international conference on advanced mechatronics : toward evolutionary fusion of IT and mechatronics : ICAM : abstracts   2015 ( 6 ) 112 - 112  2015年12月


    This paper describes an accurate attitude determination technique using multiple global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers and antennas for small unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). A laser survey using a small UAV needs highly accurate attitude information for reconstructing 3D models. The proposed technique uses the multiple GNSS antenna&#039;s positions computed by the GNSS carrier phase measurements to estimate the UAV&#039;s attitude. To solve the GNSS carrier phase ambiguity, the reliable ambiguity search is performed with a couple of constraints for the base line vector. The performance of the proposed technique is evaluated in the static test. From the test, the proposed technique could estimate UAV&#039;s yaw angle in 0.1 degree accuracy.

    DOI CiNii

  • Performance Evaluation of Kinematic Positioning Using Multi-GNSS in an Urban Area

    Kato, S, Kitamura, M, Suzuki, T, Amano

    Proc. of International Symposium on GNSS 2015   1   204 - 210  2015年11月  [査読有り]

  • Personalized Energy Management Systems for Home Appliances Based on Bayesian Networks

    Shoji, T, Hirohashi, W, Fujimoto, Y, Amano, Y, Tanabe, S, Hayashi, Y

    Journal of International Council on Electrical Engineering   5 ( 1 ) 64 - 69  2015年11月  [査読有り]


  • A multi-stage renewal planning of an energy supply system for a hospital based on the mathematical optimization method

    Shu Yoshida, Koich Ito, Akira Yoshida, Yoshiharu Amano

    ECOS 2015 - 28th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems    2015年  [査読有り]



    The multi-stage renewal planning problem is studied here for an energy supply system installed into a hospital from the long- Term economic viewpoint by applying the mathematical optimization method. This problem is mathematically formulated as a large-scale mixed-integer linear programming one, and the average annual total cost during the evaluation period is set as the objective function to be minimized. In this problem, by taking the deterioration of performance efficiency of the existing pieces of equipment, the renewal system is assumed to be composed by installing new pieces of equipment with improved efficiency by reflecting technical progress. By optimizing the system's operational policy for hourly and seasonally changing energy demands through years of the evaluation period, the renewal years and the system's configurations at each multi-stages are determined optimally. A numerical study is carried out for a really existing hospital with total floor area of 25000m2, and many comprehensive and useful results are obtained by comparing 13 alternative renewal plans by using the CPLEX solver.

  • Economic evaluations of residential energy systems based on the prediction-operational planning-control method using time-of-use prices

    Ryohei Ogata, Akira Yoshida, Yu Fujimoto, Noboru Murata, Shinji Wakao, Shin Ichi Tanabe, Yoshiharu Amano

    ECOS 2015 - 28th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems   ( 50898 ) 1 - 12  2015年  [査読有り]


    Demand-side electricity saving is an important factor in the reduction of the installed capacity of power-supply facilities. In order to save electricity automatically while maintaining comfort levels, home energy management systems (HEMS) have attracted attention. These systems can control residential energy equipment cooperatively to reduce electricity consumption while considering benefits to consumers. Although many researchers have evaluated HEMS, no one has conducted a study which considers the control of various types of residential energy equipment in real time along with the uncertainties of energy demands. This paper proposes a single HEMS method which connects prediction, operational planning and control steps and enables the evaluation of operational planning methods of HEMS connected with many kinds of residential energy equipment currently in use in Japan while considering the uncertainties. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the economic potential of residential energy systems based on the proposed method with the uncertainties of energy demands and photovoltaic (PV) output under time-of-use prices. The results allowed us to establish a framework to quantitatively evaluate the operational planning methods of HEMS with the uncertainties of energy demands and PV output. In addition, the usability of the proposed method was confirmed by comparing the operational costs to those of a reference method.

  • Advantage of a home energy management system for PV utilization connected to grid

    Akira Yoshida, Shinya Yoshizawa, Yu Fujimoto, Noboru Murata, Shinji Wakao, Shin Ichi Tanabe, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Yoshiharu Amano

    ECOS 2015 - 28th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems     1 - 12  2015年  [査読有り]


    Residential houses are in the process of introducing power generators such as photovoltaic (PV) power generators and fuel cell cogeneration systems. Under current laws in Japan, surplus electricity from a residential PV system can be sold by feeding it back into the electrical grid. However, when a lot of neighboring power generators make and feed back electricity at the same time, there is an issue of an upper voltage violation of the provisions of the laws and regulations relating to the Electricity Business Act in the distribution system of the electrical grid. The issue has been solved by stopping power generators when they reach an upper voltage limit, 107V. Another solution is to acknowledge demand response signal from electrical grid operator to store electricity in residential batteries using Home Energy Management System (HEMS). The research question is that how to collaborate HEMS and Grid Energy Management System (GEMS). This paper developed an evaluation framework for the cooperative behavior between HEMS and GEMS. Using this evaluation framework, this paper demonstrated the optimal operational strategy of HEMS including PV in the case that HEMS is informed voltage profile from GEMS, and also assessed amount of PV suppression quantitatively in residential sector in practical aspect.

  • Future lunar mission Active X-ray Spectrometer development: Surface roughness and geometry studies

    Naito, M., Hasebe, N., Kusano, H., Nagaoka, H., Kuwako, M., Oyama, Y., Shibamura, E., Amano, Y., Ohta, T., Kim, K. J., Lopes, J. A. M.

    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment   788   182 - 187  2015年


    © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. The Active X-ray Spectrometer (AXS) is considered as one of the scientific payload candidates for a future Japanese mission, SELENE-2. The AXS consists of pyroelectric X-ray generators and a Silicon Drift Detector to conduct X-Ray Fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF) on the Moon to measure major elements: Mg, Al, Si, Ca, Ti, and Fe; minor elements: Na, K, P, S, Cr and Mn; and the trace element Ni depending on their concentration. Some factors such as roughness, grain size and porosity of sample, and the geometry of X-ray incidence, emission and energy will affect the XRF measurements precision. Basic studies on the XRF are required to develop the AXS. In this study, fused samples were used to make homogeneous samples free from the effect of grain size and porosity. Experimental and numerical studies on the XRF were conducted to evaluate the effects from incidence and emission angles and surface roughness. Angle geometry and surface roughness will be optimized for the design of the AXS on future missions from the results of the experiment and the numerical simulation.


  • Effects of a MIP start for solving weekly operational planning problem of a residential energy system

    Akira Yoshida, Jun Yoshikawa, Noboru Murata, Yoshiharu Amano

    ICOPE 2015 - International Conference on Power Engineering   2015 ( 12 ) "ICOPE - 15-1025-1"-"ICOPE-15-1025-10"  2015年


    An optimal operational planning problem of residential energy system has been formulated by Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP). The decision variables of optimal operational planning problem are energy and mass flows, equipment's operating statuses, and energy level of storage. Many kinds of energy supply equipment are available for householders in Japan. Of course, in operational planning problem, the increase of integer variables which means equipment's on/off status, is linked to the increase of calculation time. It is important to assess the impact of introducing an energy system for a house based on the suitable planning horizon of this problem. Energy storage brings the energy in the form of hot water and electricity to the next d a y. The operational strategy of energy system including storage should be evaluated through few days toward various energy demand. The optimal planning problems become large scale because many pieces of equipment to introduce and long evaluation period are required. This paper analyzes characteristics of energy systems caused by planning horizon. Additionally, we propose a hierarchical method as heuristic method for solving large MILP problem easily, and the proposed method is tested the effectiveness. Our finding shows that the proposed search method for better feasible solution has good performance in comparison with default settings of conventional MILP solver in terms of calculation time.

    DOI CiNii

  • 太陽電池・蓄電池組込み型PEFCシステムの省エネルギー性評価

    吉田彬, 伊東弘一, 天野嘉春

    日本機械学会論文集   80巻816号 ( 816 ) 1 - 12  2014年08月  [査読有り]


    DOI CiNii

  • An Active X-Ray Spectrometer for the SELENE-2 Rover

    Ja KIM Kyeong, AMANO Yoshiharu, V. BOYNTON William, KLINGELHÖFER Gostar, BRÜCKNER Johannes, HASEBE Nobuyuki, HAMARA Dave, D. STARR Richard, F. LIM Lucy, JU Gwanghyeok, J. FAGAN Timothy, OHTA Tohru, SHIBAMURA Eido



    The Active X-ray Spectrometer (AXS) for the Japanese SELENE-2 rover has been proposed for elemental analysis on the lunar surface to measure the major elements: Mg, Al, Si, Ca, Ti, and Fe; the minor elements, Na, K, P, S, Cl, Cr, and Mn and the trace element Ni, all depending on their concentrations at a landing site. The elemental data of the AXS allow us to not only classification but also quantification of surface rocks on the Moon. The AXS is a compact low-weight instrument for elemental analysis based on the principle of X-ray fluorescence spectrometry using an X-ray spectrometer and two (four) pyroelectric crystals as X-Ray Generators (XRG). This paper introduces the current status of the pre-project to develop an AXS for the SELENE-2 Rover including the investigations on the generation of X-ray flux of the XRG, required surface roughness for the XRS measurement, and a thermal design of the AXS.

    DOI CiNii

  • Autonomous navigation of a mobile robot based on GNSS/DR integration in outdoor environments

    Suzuki, T., Kitamura, M., Amano, Y., Kubo, N.

    Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics   26 ( 2 ) 214 - 224  2014年  [査読有り]


    This paper describes the development of a mobile robot system and an outdoor navigation method based on global navigation satellite system (GNSS) in an autonomous mobile robot navigation challenge, called the Tsukuba Challenge, held in Tsukuba, Japan, in 2011 and 2012. The Tsukuba Challenge promotes practical technologies for autonomous mobile robots working in ordinary pedestrian environments. Many teams taking part in the Tsukuba Challenge used laser scanners to determine robot positions. GNSS was not used in localization because its positioning has multi-path errors and problems in availability. We propose a technique for realizing multipath mitigation that uses an omnidirectional IR camera to exclude "invisible" satellites, i.e., those entirely obstructed by a building and whose direct waves therefore are not received. We applied GPS/dead reckoning (DR) integrated based on observation data from visible satellites determined by the IR camera. Positioning was evaluated during Tsukuba Challenge 2011 and 2012. Our robot ran the 1.4 km course autonomously and evaluation results confirmed the effectiveness of our proposed technique and the feasibility of its highly accurate positioning.


  • Improving availability and accuracy of multi- GNSS positioning using QZSS

    M. Kitamura, T. Ota, Y. Amano

    27th International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation, ION GNSS 2014   3   2341 - 2345  2014年  [査読有り]



    Copyright © (2014) by the Institute of Navigation All rights reserved. This paper describes a new positioning method that improves the availability and accuracy of Multi-global navigation satellites system (GNSS) positioning by using QZSS satellites in urban canyon environments. Standard multi-GNSS is problematic because one satellite is defined as the master satellite in each GNSS, leaving insufficient numbers of satellites for positioning roles. Our new method uses QZSS as the sole master satellite. To this end, we solve the ambiguity of QZSS by the wide- lane method and the QZSS LEX signal, and preserve that double-difference (DD) ambiguity is integral number. We also estimate the inter system bias (ISB). The GNSS used in our method includes GPS, QZSS, GLONASS, Galileo, and BeiDou satellites. Static evaluation tests were conducted in open-sky and narrow-sky environments. The open-sky evaluation confirmed the accurate positioning ability of our proposed method (horizontal RMS error: 1.6 cm), whereas the narrow-sky evaluation confirmed that our proposed method operates with accurate positioning and high availability in urban canyon environments (fixed ratio: 92.7%, horizontal RMS error: 4.2 cm). In conclusion, our method realizes high accuracy and availability high-coverage positioning.

  • Development of an X-ray generator using a pyroelectric crystal for X-ray fluorescence analysis on planetary landing missions

    Kusano, Hiroki, Oyama, Yuki, Naito, Masayuki, Nagaoka, Hiroshi, Kuno, Haruyoshi, Shibamura, Eido, Hasabe, Nobuyuki, Amano, Yoshiharu, Kim, Kyeong J., Matias Lopes, Jose A.

    Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering   9213   921311  2014年  [査読有り]


    © 2014 SPIE. The chemical element abundance on planetary surface is essential for planetary science. We have been developing an active X-ray spectrometer (AXS), which is an in-situ chemical element analyzer based on the X-ray uorescence analysis for future planetary landing missions. The AXS consists of an X-ray detector and multiple X-ray sources. Although a pyroelectric X-ray generator is promising for the AXS as an X-ray source, the raise of emission X-ray intensity is necessary for short-time and precise determination of elemental composition. Also, in order to enhance the detection efficiency of light major elements such as Mg, Al, and Si, we have tested the low energy X-ray emission by changing the target material. In this study, the X-ray emission calculation at the target by Monte Carlo simulation and the X-ray emission experiments were carried out. More than 106 cps of the time-averaged X-ray emission rate was achieved in maximum using a LiTaO3 crystal with 4 mm thickness and Cu target with 10 μm thickness. The performance of pyroelectric X-ray generator is presented in this paper.



  • Energy-Saving Evaluation of SOFC Cogeneration Systems With Solar Cell and Battery

    Akira Yoshida, Koichi Ito, Yoshiharu Amano

    Journal of Fuel Cell Science and Technology   11 ( 6 ) 061001  2014年  [査読有り]



    Copyright ©2014 by ASME. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the maximum energy-saving potential of residentia energy supply systems consisting of a solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) cogeneration syste (CGS) combined with a solar cell (SC) and a battery (BT), compared with reference system (RS). This study applies an optimization theory into an operational plannin problem to measure actual energy demands over the course of 1 year. Eight differen types of energy supply system were compared with each other by changing the component of the SOFC-CGS, SC, BT, and RS. Meaningful numerical results are obtained indicating the maximum potential energy savings.



  • Impact of electric battery ’ s degradation on economic and energy saving characteristics of residential photovoltaic system

    Yoshida, Akira Sato, Tomikazu Amano, Yoshiharu, Ito, Koichi


  • Evaluation of optimal capacity of hot water tank in PEM cogeneration system for residential energy demand profiles

    Akira Yoshida, Yoshiharu Amano

    27th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, ECOS 2014   2014-June   1 - 13  2014年  [査読有り]


    Various residential cogeneration systems have been studied and developed as parts of distributed energy supply system. A residential fuel cell cogeneration system is composed of three units: a fuel cell unit, a thermal storage unit and a back-up boiler. Those three-parts are necessary to compensate a gap between system output with a rigid heat-to-power ratio and heat and power demand. It is difficult to operate the fuel cell system with frequent starts and stops. The peak thermal load is far greater than the maximum thermal output capacity of the fuel cell unit alone. Generally, a cogeneration system performs effectively when all of the recovered heat was utilized in a day. The common issues in promoting residential fuel cell cogeneration systems are the unit price and size. The size must be reduced for use in apartment houses, which constitute about half of the households in Japan. The objectives of this study are to evaluate the rational hot water tank capacity for individual households in order to provide a guide for hot water tank capacity sizing. Sensitivity analysis on the hot water tank capacity from energy saving and economic viewpoints based on an optimal operational planning problem was carried out. Additionally, residential energy demand profiles with different climate conditions are analysed. Our findings show that, in Japan, commutative duration of hot water demand is about 10% or less of the time in one year, and domestic hot water demand rarely observed above 4 kWh in any quarter of an hour. Annual primary energy consumption and operating costs rarely fell when the hot water tank capacity was 7 kWh or more. Additionally, reducing the hot water tank capacity to 5 kWh had only a small effect on the objective values. This suggests that the hot water tank could be smaller than that currently in use. The daily hot water demand gives an excellent estimation of the maximum stored heat of the hot water tank. It was found that the hot water tank capacity can be estimated from the regression lines, or from the fraction of daily hot water demand.

  • Evaluation of the Communication Load of a Real-Time Fieldbus Using Concepts of Periodical Communication

    Yoshitsugu Morioka, Yoshiharu Amano

    SICE Journal of Control, Measurement, and System Integration   Vol.6 ( No.5 ) 316 - 321  2013年09月


    To implement and design an application of a real time fieldbus segment, engineers are obliged to estimate the communication load factor of the communication to secure the operation. According to the recent increase of the node number per segment, communication load management becomes a real issue. This paper gives the definition of the communication load and the procedure to estimate and measure the communication load of a real time fieldbus: FUNDATIONTM fieldbus and thus establish the theoretical and experimental base of the guidance to keep the periodical/stationary communication load less than 70%.

    DOI CiNii

  • Development of simple firefly luciferin analogs emitting blue, green, red, and near-infrared biological window light

    Satoshi Iwano, Rika Obata, Chihiro Miura, Masahiro Kiyama, Kazutoshi Hama, Mitsuhiro Nakamura, Yoshiharu Amano, Satoshi Kojima, Takashi Hirano, Shojiro Maki, Haruki Niwa

    TETRAHEDRON   69 ( 19 ) 3847 - 3856  2013年05月


    Simple firefly luciferin analogs emitting blue, green, and red light were developed. The longest emission maximum was observed at 675 nm, which belongs to the NIR biological window (650-900 nm), useful for deep site bioimaging of living animals. The analogs showed a slow rise of emission intensity compared with the rapid emission of natural luciferin. The light emission of the adenylated analogs was strongly enhanced compared with those of analogs themselves. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


  • Mobile Mappingデータにおける大規模三次元点群からの道路周辺地物の認識(第5報):柱状物体の位置関係を用いた空中架線の抽出

    外村 史輝, 石川 貴一朗, 天野 嘉春

    精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集   2013   623 - 624  2013年



    DOI CiNii

  • Optimal operation of a residential photovoltaic/fuel-cell energy system using scenario-based stochastic programming

    Akira Yoshida, Yoshiharu Amano, Koichi Ito

    Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, ECOS 2013    2013年  [査読有り]


    The operational degree of freedom in a residential energy system has dramatically increased recently because an energy system tends to be composed of many devices including some energy buffers. It is challenging to construct the framework of the operational planning problems, which update the plan based on the short-span predictions. This framework has to plan the operation before uncertain demand and PV output are realized; hence the plan is based on ex-ante decisions. The aim of this paper is to apply a stochastic programming framework to the operational planning of a residential energy system considering the prediction, and is to show basic directions for the planning. The residential energy system includes a fuel cell cogeneration system with a hot water tank, the photovoltaic system with an electrical battery. The parameters of the numerical experiments are three kinds of temporal precision and the number of predicted scenarios. The operation means the timing of the fuel cell's start-stop, and the stored energy levels of the battery and the hot water tank. As a result, the expected value based on scenarios was 21% greater than the minimized value based on perfect information in terms of daily primary energy consumption. The number of predicted scenarios was reasonable around 10 at 15-min temporal precision, because the great number of input scenarios made a decision not to operate the fuel cell cogeneration system for the entire day, and needed a great deal of the computational time.

  • Basic studies on x-ray fluorescence analysis for active x-ray spectrometer on SELENE-2

    Kusano, Hiroki, Hasebe, Nobuyuki, Nagaoka, Hiroshi, Kodama, Takuro, Oyama, Yuki, Tanaka, Reiko, Amano, Yoshiharu, Kim, Kyeong J., Matias Lopes, Jose A.

    Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering   8852  2013年


    An active X-ray spectrometer (AXS) is now being developed as a payload candidate for the rover on SELENE-2, the next Japanese lunar exploration mission. The AXS will determine the chemical compositions of lunar rocks and regolith around the landing site. The surface of lunar rock samples will be ground using a rock abrasion tool. Thus, fundamental studies on the X-ray fluorescence analysis for lunar rocks and regolith are required to design and develop the AXS. In this study, we have investigated the X-ray fluorescence analysis in order to evaluate the effects of surface roughness of samples and the angle of incident and emergent X-rays. It was found that the fluorescent X-ray yield for low energy X-rays, i.e. the light elements, decreases at rough surface samples. This effect of surface roughness becomes small for smooth surface samples. It was also found that the fluorescent X-ray yield depends on the incident angle, which is attributed to the fact that the X-ray fluorescence occurs closer to the sample surface at larger incident angles. Since the emergent X-rays are affected by the detection geometry and surface roughness, the incident angle effect also depends on the above conditions. © 2013 SPIE.



  • Vehicle Teleoperation Using 3D Maps and GPS Time Synchronization

    T. Suzuki, Y. Amano, T. Hashizume, N. Kubo

    IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications   33 ( 5 ) 82 - 88  2013年  [査読有り]


    In conventional vehicle teleoperation systems, using low-bandwidth, high-delay transmission links causes a serious problem for remote control of the vehicles. To solve this problem, a proposed teleoperation system employs 3D maps and GPS time synchronization. Two GPS receivers measure the transmission delay, which the system uses to estimate the vehicle's location and orientation. Field experiments show that the 3D-map-based interface lets users easily comprehend the remote environment while navigating a vehicle. The experiments also show that taking communication delays into account improves maneuverability. © 2013 IEEE.



  • Path Planning for Mobile Mapping System Considering the Geometry of the GPS Satellite

    Kiichiro Ishikawa, Yoshiharu Amano, Takumi Hashizume

    Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics   25 ( 3 ) 545 - 552  2013年  [査読有り]


    In this paper, we propose a path planning method for a Mobile Mapping System (MMS) considering GPS geometry for the purpose of increasing GPS availability. We calculate Position Dilution of Precision (PDOP) using aerial laser survey data that provides geography and height of buildings near roads. PDOP is used for weighting road network data. By using the Chinese postman problem, we then calculate the optimum path that passes through all routes at least once. We describe currentMMS operation first and clear up problems with the current method. We then describe the proposed method in detail. Finally, we conduct evaluation tests and describe results in detail. The evaluation test verifies that the proposed method increases the GPS FIX ratio by 5% under the same GPS geometry and proves the effectiveness of the proposed method.


  • A Comparison of Optimal Operation of a Residential Fuel Cell Co-Generation System Using Clustered Demand Patterns Based on Kullback-Leibler Divergence

    Akira Yoshida, Yoshiharu Amano, Noboru Murata, Koichi Ito, Takumi Hasizume

    Energies   6 ( 1 ) 374 - 399  2013年  [査読有り]


    When evaluating residential energy systems like co-generation systems, hot water and electricity demand profiles are critical. In this paper, the authors aim to extract basic time-series demand patterns from two kinds of measured demand (electricity and domestic hot water), and also aim to reveal effective demand patterns for primary energy saving. Time-series demand data are categorized with a hierarchical clustering method using a statistical pseudo-distance, which is represented by the generalized Kullback-Leibler divergence of two Gaussian mixture distributions. The classified demand patterns are built using hierarchical clustering and then a comparison is made between the optimal operation of a polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell co-generation system and the operation of a reference system (a conventional combination of a condensing gas boiler and electricity purchased from the grid) using the appropriately built demand profiles. Our results show that basic demand patterns are extracted by the proposed method, and the heat-to-power ratio of demand, the amount of daily demand, and demand patterns affect the primary energy saving of the co-generation system. © 2013 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.


  • Path Planning for Autonomous Vehicles Using QZSS and Satellite Visibility Map

    Mitsunori Kitamura, Yoichi Yasuoka, Taro Suzuki, Yoshiharu Amano, Takumi Hashizume

    Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics   25 ( 2 ) 400 - 407  2013年  [査読有り]



    This paper describes a path planning method that uses the Quasi-Zenith Satellites System (QZSS) and a satellite visibility map for autonomous vehicles. QZSS is a positioning system operated by Japan that has an effect similar to an increase in the number of GPS satellites. Therefore, QZSS can be used to improve the availability of GPS positioning. A satellite visibility map is a special map that simulates the number of visible satellites at all points on the map. The vehicle can use the satellite visibility map to determine the points that receive more satellite signals. The proposed method generates the artificial potential fields from the satellite visibility map and obstacle information around the vehicle, and it generates the path following the potential fields. Thereby, the vehicle can select the path that has more satellite signals, improving the availability of GPS fixed solutions. Hence, the vehicle can reduce the accumulated error by dead reckoning, and it can improve the safety of self-control. In this study, we evaluate the satellite visibility maps and the path planning method. The results show that the proposed method does improve the availability of GPS fixed solutions.


  • 病院用エネルギー供給システムの更新計画における初期システムの影響分析

    吉田修, 吉田彬, 伊東弘一, 天野嘉春

    日本機械学会論文集(B編)   79 ( 806 ) 2312 - 2323  2013年  [査読有り]



  • 揺動式水蒸気圧縮機における気液二相圧縮過程の解析と実験

    菱木翼, 中村宗平, 天野嘉春, 日野俊行

    日本機械学会論文集(B編)   79 ( 808 ) 2826 - 2835  2013年  [査読有り]



  • GNSSマルチパス波判別を複合した精密単独測位による屋外移動ロボットの位置推定

    鈴木 太郎, 北村 光教, 天野 嘉春, 橋詰 匠

    計測自動制御学会論文集   Vol.48 ( No.7 ) 399 - 405  2012年07月


    This paper describes a GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) precise point positioning (PPP) technique that can be applied to mobile robots in urban environments. The multipath signals, which from invisible satellites in urban area, cause serious effect on the GNSS positioning. Our proposed technique mitigates GNSS multipath signals by means of an omnidirectional infrared (IR) camera that can eliminate the need for invisible satellites by using IR images. With an IR camera, the sky appears distinctively dark. This facilitates the detection of the borderline between the sky and the surrounding buildings, which are captured in white, because of the difference in the atmospheric transmittance rates between visible light and IR rays. Positioning evaluation was carried out only with visible satellites that have less multipath errors. The evaluation results confirm the effectiveness of the proposed technique and the feasibility of its highly accurate positioning.

    DOI CiNii

  • Mobile Mappingデータにおける大規模三次元点群からの道路周辺地物の認識(第3報):局所領域の点群孤立度に着目した柱状物体の認識

    外村 史輝, 石川 貴一朗, 天野 嘉春, 橋詰 匠

    精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集   2012   283 - 284  2012年



    DOI CiNii

  • Effect of initial systems on the renewal planning of energy supply systems for a hospital

    Shu Yoshida, Koichi Ito, Yoshiharu Amano, Shintaro Ishikawa, Takahiro Sushic, Takumi Hashizume

    Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization and Simulation of Energy Conversion Systems and Processes, ECOS 2012   7   107 - 118  2012年


    In recent years, many types of energy supply systems have come into use in various buildings for spaceheating/ cooling and hot water supply. Lifetimes of buildings are generally more than 60 years, but those of energy supply systems are around 15~25 years. Therefore, these systems must be renewed several times during lifetimes of buildings. In the study, this renewal planning problem is formulated mathematically as an optimization one, in which the objective function to be minimized is the average value of annual total cost during system's evaluation period. Namely, this optimization problem is formulated as a large-scale mixed-integer linear programming problem, and the programming language AMPL solver is adopted here as the solving tool to derive the numerical solution. A numerical study is carried out for a hospital with the total floor area of 25 000m2, where electrical (e.g., heat pump) and gas (e.g., gas engine cogeneration) systems are compared together with their hybrid system. The analysis is particularly focused on the influence of initial system's difference on the renewal planning of energy supply system. Through this study, the following results are mainly obtained: a) If the initial system is gas one, it is better to renew it to the electrical one as soon as possible due to relatively low energy efficiency of gas utilizing pieces of equipment, the high price of gas input energy in Japan, and so on. b) If the initial system is electrical one, the optimal renewal year becomes relatively later year, because it is economically better to use the initially installed high efficiency system as long as possible. c) Theoretically, the hybrid system is of course the best renewal one. However, there is no economic difference between the hybrid and the electrical systems.

  • Development of a Positioning Technique for an Urban Area Using Omnidirectional Infrared Camera and Aerial Survey Data

    Jun-ichi Meguro, Taishi Murata, Yoshiharu Amano, Takumi Hasizume, Jun-ichi Takiguchi

    Advanced Robotics   22 ( 6 ) 731 - 747  2012年  [査読有り]


    This paper describes an outdoor positioning system for vehicles that can be applied to an urban canyon by using an omnidirectional infrared (IR) camera and a digital surface model (DSM). By means of omnidirectional IR images, this system enables robust positioning in urban areas where satellite invisibility caused by buildings hampers high-precision GPS measurements. The omnidirectional IR camera can generate IR images with an elevation of 20-70° for the surrounding area of 360°. The image captured by the camera is highly robust to light disturbances in the outdoor environment. Through the IR camera, the sky appears distinctively dark; this enables easy detection of the border between the sky and the buildings captured in white due to the difference in the atmospheric transmittance rate between visible light and IR rays. The omnidirectional image, which includes several building profiles, is compared with building-restoration images produced by the corresponding DSM in order to determine the self-position. Field experiments in an urban area show that the proposed outdoor positioning method is valid and effective, even if high-rise buildings cause satellite blockage that affects GPS measurements. © 2008 VSP.



  • A comparison of optimal operation of residential energy systems using clustered demand patterns based on kullback-leibler divergence

    Akira Yoshida, Yoshiharu Amano, Noboru Murata, Koichi Ito, Takumi Hashizume

    Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization and Simulation of Energy Conversion Systems and Processes, ECOS 2012   3   1 - 16  2012年  [査読有り]


    Residential energy demand varies widely in terms of time-series behaviors, amounts consumed between families, and even within one family. Residential energy demand profiles have a high degree of uncertainty in their essentials because the demand profile is entirely based on the occupant-driven load. When evaluating residential energy systems like co-generation systems, hot water and electricity demand profiles are critical. In this paper, in order to clarify rational energy system selection guidelines and rational operation strategies, authors aim to extract basic demand time-series patterns from two kinds of measured demand (electricity and domestic hot water), measured over 26307 days of data in Japan. Authors also aim to reveal the relationship between primary energy consumption and demand patterns. Demand time-series data are categorized by means of a kind of "unsupervised" learning, which is a hierarchical clustering method using a statistical pseudo-distance. The statistical pseudo-distance is calculated from the generalized Kullback-Leibler divergence with the Gaussian mixture distribution fitted to the demand time-series data. The classified demand patterns are built using a hierarchical clustering and then a comparison is performed between the optimal operation of the two systems (a polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell co-generation system, and a CO2 heat pump system) and the operation of a reference system (a conventional combination of a condensing gas boiler and electricity purchased from the grid) using the demand profiles appropriately built. Our results show that basic demand patterns are extracted by the proposed method. The demand patterns, the amount of daily demand and heat-to-power ratio of demand affect the primary energy reduction ratio of the polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell co-generation system.

  • Evaluation for Vehicle Positioning in Urban Environment Using QZSS Enhancement Function

    Mitsunori Kitamura, Taro Suzuki, Yoshiharu Amano, Takumi Hashizume

    Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics   24 ( 5 ) 894 - 901  2012年


    In this paper, we have evaluated the performance and availability enhancement of Quasi-Zenith Satellite System (QZSS) in urban environments. In urban environments, QZSS can be expected to be fairly effective because of the high elevation angle of satellite and enhancement functions. Therefore, we conducted performance and availability enhancement evaluation tests to verify thus. In performance enhancement evaluation test, in order to evaluate the improvement of GPS accuracy by L1 Submeter-class Augmentation with Integrity Function (L1-SAIF) broadcasted by QZSS satellite, we compared the positioning errors of only GPS positioning and L1-SAIF positioning in open sky environment. In availability enhancement evaluation test, we performed the static and kinematic observation test. In static observation test, in order to evaluate the improvement of GPS accuracy by availability enhancement, we observed GPS and QZSS statically in narrow-sky environment. And we compared the positioning errors of only GPS positioning and positioning using availability enhancement. In kinematic observation test, in order to evaluate the availability of QZSS based on the visibility of QZSS satellite in urban environment, we observed QZSS and SBAS from moving vehicle. And we compared the visibility of QZSS and SBAS satellites. From these evaluation tests, it was confirmed that the performance and availability enhancement of QZSS have high availability and effectiveness.


  • フィールドバス技術とプロセスおよびフィールド機器診断

    橋詰匠, 天野嘉春

    バルブ技報   26 ( 2 ) 18 - 31  2011年09月

  • Mobile Mapping Systemの三次元点群処理に関する研究:複数レーザを利用した対向車除去

    小倉 徹也, 石川 貴一朗, 天野 嘉春, 橋詰 匠

    精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集   2011   137 - 138  2011年



    DOI CiNii

  • Mobile Mapping Systemの災害復興への活用に関する研究

    山崎 敏宣, 石川 貴一朗, 天野 嘉春, 橋詰 匠

    精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集   2011   139 - 140  2011年



    DOI CiNii

  • Comparative study on renewal planning of alternative energy supply systems for a hospital

    Shu Yoshida, Masahiro Inoue, Akira Okano, Koichi Ito, Yoshiharu Amano, Takumi Hashizume

    Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, ECOS 2011     1372 - 1382  2011年


    In this paper, a method of rationally determining an optimal renewal plan is proposed for energy supply systems based on the optimization approach. In the planning of this proposed method, it becomes necessary to consider many factors such as the deterioration of each pieces of existing equipment, candidate pieces of equipment with upgraded efficiency reflecting technology improvement in the proper renewal year, the structure of renewal system, and so on. It is also necessary to determine the system's operational policy to match energy demands, which change daily and hourly through the year. A numerical study is carried out for a hospital with the total floor area of 25 000m2, where electrical (e.g., heat pump) and gas (e.g., gas engine cogeneration) systems are compared together with their combination of gas and electricity driven equipment (hybrid) system. Through this numerical study, the following results are obtained: a) Theoretically, the hybrid system is, of course, the best renewal system. However, the economic difference between the hybrid and the electrical systems is very small. b) The gas system is worse economically than the electrical one relatively due to the low energy efficiency of the related equipment, the high price of energy, and so on.

  • Evaluation of a positioning correction method in GPS blockage condition

    Yu Sakuma, Kiichiro Ishikawa, Toshinori Yamazaki, Yoshiharu Amano, Takumi Hashizume

    Proceedings of the SICE Annual Conference     1670 - 1674  2011年


    A next-generation digital road map (DRM) is expected to be an effective technology for achieving detailed navigation and driving safety assistance. As certain precise road information is required to make the next-generation DRM, the mobile mapping system (MMS) has attracted considerable attention as an efficient and precise survey method to gather such information. Since the MMS is a vehicle equipped with a GPS/inertial measurement unit along with a navigation system, cameras, and laser scanners, it can acquire precise, detailed 3D road information. However, when the MMS surveys are carried out during a GPS blockage, the positioning precision is reduced. In such a case, the MMS corrects its position by observing landmarks (LMs) which is surveyed its position by conventional method to calculate the precise position. In this study, we performed simulations of the positioning correction method to evaluate optimum landmark intervals and estimated the acceptable observation errors. We also conducted a field test to evaluate the effectiveness of the abovementioned positioning correction method. © 2011 SICE.

  • Evaluation for vehicle positioning in urban environment using QZSS L1-SAIF augmentation

    Mitsunori Kitamura, Taro Suzuki, Yoshiharu Amano, Takumi Hashizume

    Proceedings of the SICE Annual Conference     491 - 494  2011年


    In this paper, we have evaluated the L1 submeter-class augmentation with integrity function (L1-SAIF) broadcasted by the Quasi-Zenith Satellite System (QZSS) in an urban environment for vehicle positioning. In urban environments, the augmentation of QZSS can be expected to be fairly effective because of the high elevation angles. Therefore, we conducted static and kinematic evaluation tests to verify thus. In the static evaluation test, for evaluating the positioning accuracy, we compared the positioning errors for only GPS positioning and augmentation of QZSS positioning. In the kinematic evaluation test, for evaluating the availability, we compared the visibility of QZSS and SBAS satellites. From the evaluation tests, it was confirmed that the QZSS augmentation has better availability and effectiveness than the SBAS augmentation. © 2011 SICE.

  • Improvement of GPS and GLONASS Positioning Accuracy by Multipath Mitigation Using Omnidirectional Infrared Camera

    Mitsunori Kitamura, Taro Suzuki, Yoshiharu Amano, Takumi Hashizume

    Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics   23 ( 6 ) 1125 - 1131  2011年


    This paper describes a precision positioning technique that can be applied to vehicles or mobile robots in urban or leafy environments. The availability of satellite positioning is currently expected to improve due to the presence of positioning satellites such as US GPS, Russia's Glonass and Europe's Galileo. Due to the serious multipath impact on positioning accuracy in urban or leafy areas, however, improvements in satellite positioning availability do not necessarily facilitate highprecision positioning. Our proposed technique mitigates the GPS and Glonass multipath using an omnidirectional infrared (IR) camera that can eliminate the need for invisible satellites using IR images. With an IR camera, the sky appears distinctively dark. This facilitates the detection of the borderline between the sky and surrounding buildings and foliage due to the difference in atmospheric transmittance between visible light and IR rays, since buildings and foliage appear white. The proposed technique can automatically and robustly mitigate the GPS and Glonass multipath by excluding invisible satellites. Positioning was evaluated with visible satellites, which have less multipath error and without using invisible satellites. Evaluation results confirmed the effectiveness of the proposed technique and the feasibility of its highly accurate positioning.


  • Development of a SIFT based monocular EKF-SLAM algorithm for a small unmanned aerial vehicle

    Taro Suzuki, Yoshiharu Amano, Takumi Hashizume

    Proceedings of the SICE Annual Conference     1656 - 1659  2011年


    This paper describes a simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) algorithm using a monocular camera for a small unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). A small U AV is attracted the attention for effective means of the collecting aerial information. However, there are few practical applications due to its small payloads for the 3D measurement. We propose extended Kalman filter (EKF) SLAM to increase UAV position and attitude data and to construct 3D terrain maps using a small monocular camera. We propose 3D measurement based on scale-invariant feature transform (SIFT) triangulation features extracted from captured images. Field-experiment results show that our proposal effectively estimates U AV position and attitude of the U AV and construct the 3D terrain map. © 2011 SICE.

  • Multipath Mitigation using Omnidirectional Infrared Camera for Tightly Coupled GPS/INS Integration in Urban Environments

    Yoshiharu Amano



    This paper describes a precision positioning technique that can be applied to vehicles or mobile robots in urban environments. Currently, the availability of satellite positioning is anticipated to improve because of the presence of various positioning satellites such as U.S.'s GPS, Russia's GLONASS and Europe's GALILEO systems. However, because of the serious impact of multipath on their positioning accuracy in urban areas, such improvements in the availability of satellite positioning do not necessarily also facilitate high precision positioning. In this study, we propose a precision positioning technique that can be applied to vehicles or mobile robots in urban environment using a single frequency GNSS receiver, and we propose a technique to realize code multipath mitigation that uses an omnidirectional IR (infrared) camera to exclude invisible satellites. With the IR camera, the sky is distinctively dark. This makes it easy to detect the borderline between the sky and the obstacles such as the buildings, which are captured in white, due to the difference in the atmospheric transmittance rates between visible light and far-IR rays. Moreover we apply a tightly coupled GPS/INS (inertial navigation system) integration based on code and carrier phase from visible satellites determined by the omnidirectional IR camera. In a situation of degraded GNSS availability because of elimination of invisible satellites however a tightly coupled configuration is capable of updating the filter with only one visible satellite. Positioning evaluation was carried out only with visible satellites that have less multipath errors and without using invisible satellites. The evaluation results confirm the effectiveness of the proposed technique and the feasibility of its highly accurate positioning.

  • High-accuracy GPS and GLONASS positioning by multipath mitigation using omnidirectional infrared camera

    Taro Suzuki, Mitsunori Kitamura, Yoshiharu Amano, Takumi Hashizume

    IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation     311 - 316  2011年  [査読有り]


    This paper describes a precision positioning technique that can be applied to vehicles or mobile robots in urban or leafy environments. Currently, the availability of satellite positioning is anticipated to improve because of the presence of various positioning satellites such as GPS of the U.S., GLONASS of Russia and GALILEO of Europe. However, because of the serious impact of multipath on their positioning accuracy in urban or leafy areas, such improvements in the availability of satellite positioning do not necessarily also facilitate high precision positioning. Our proposed technique mitigates GPS and GLONASS multipath by means of an omnidirectional infrared (IR) camera that can eliminate the need for invisible satellites by using IR images. With an IR camera, the sky appears distinctively dark. This facilitates the detection of the borderline between the sky and the surrounding buildings, which are captured in white, because of the difference in the atmospheric transmittance rates between visible light and IR rays. The proposed technique can automatically and robustly mitigate GPS and GLONASS multipath by excluding the invisible satellites. Positioning evaluation was carried out only with visible satellites that have less multipath errors and without using invisible satellites. The evaluation results confirm the effectiveness of the proposed technique and the feasibility of its highly accurate positioning. © 2011 IEEE.



  • 3D terrain reconstruction by small Unmanned Aerial Vehicle using SIFT-based monocular SLAM

    Suzuki, T., Amano, Y., Hashizume, T., Suzuki, S.

    Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics   23 ( 2 ) 292 - 301  2011年


    This paper describes a Simultaneous Localization And Mapping (SLAM) algorithm using a monocular camera for a small Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). A small UAV has attracted the attention for effective means of the collecting aerial information. However, there are few practical applications due to its small payloads for the 3D measurement. We propose extended Kalman filter SLAM to increase UAV position and attitude data and to construct 3D terrain maps using a small monocular camera. We propose 3D measurement based on Scale-Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) triangulation features extracted from captured images. Field-experiment results show that our proposal effectively estimates position and attitude of the UAV and construct the 3D terrain map.


  • 空調システムの最適更新計画における経済性と環境性のトレードオフ分析

    吉田 修, 伊東弘一, 天野嘉春, 橋詰匠

    空気調和・衛生工学会論文集   ( 159 ) 1 - 8  2010年06月

  • Generation of Large Mosaic Images for Vegetation Monitoring Using a Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

    Taro Suzuki, Yoshiharu Amano, Takumi Hashizume, Shinji Suzuki, Atsushi Yamaba

    JOURNAL OF ROBOTICS AND MECHATRONICS   22 ( 2 ) 212 - 220  2010年04月


    This paper describes low-cost flexible vegetation monitoring and compares it to with conventional remote sensing systems such as airplanes and satellites. The small lightweight Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) we have developed has visible and near-infrared cameras that create a high-resolution wide-area mosaic image for observing vegetation. We propose integrating a GPS receiver, inertial sensors, and an image sensor to accurately estimate the UAV location and altitude to generate a mosaic image. The vegetation index is then calculated from the generated mosaic image to evaluate vegetation status. Monitoring experiment results at the Yawata moor in Hiroshima Prefecture showed that our small UAV both effectively and usefully provided low-cost flexible vegetation monitoring.



  • 6-DOF Localization for a Mobile Robot Using Outdoor 3D Point Clouds

    Taro Suzuki, Yoshiharu Amano, Takumi Hashizume

    Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics   22 ( 2 ) 158 - 166  2010年04月

    DOI CiNii


  • 空調システムの最適更新計画における経済性と環境性のトレードオフ分析

    吉田 修, 伊東 弘一, 天野 嘉春, 橋詰 匠

    空気調和・衛生工学会 論文集   35 ( 159 ) 11 - 18  2010年



    DOI CiNii

  • Vision based localization of a small UAV for generating a large mosaic image

    Taro Suzuki, Yoshiharu Amano, Takumi Hashizume

    Proceedings of the SICE Annual Conference     2960 - 2964  2010年


    This paper describes a way to generate mosaic image using a small lightweight UAV for effective remote sensing. Payload limits are the source of most error in small lightweight UAVs to generate accurate mosaic images. We have overcome inherent small lightweight UAV drawbacks by providing them with integration of a GPS receiver, inertial sensors, and an image sensor to generate a large mosaic image. Position and attitude data of a UAV is estimated using onboard sensors and image correlation from SIFT features between overlapped images. A nonlinear optimization algorithm is used to optimize the position and attitude of the UAV. We demonstrated that our proposed mosaic image effectively enables low-cost remote sensing using a small lightweight UAV. © 2010 SICE.

  • Erratum to “Impact Analysis of Carbon Tax on the Renewal Planning of Energy Supply System for an Office Building” [Energy 35 (2010) 1040–1046]

    Y. Amano, K. Ito, S. Yoshida, K. Matsuo, T. Hashizume, D. Favrat, F. Maréchal

    Energy   35 ( 12 ) 5507  2010年  [査読有り]


  • 6-DOF Localization for a Mobile Robot using Outdoor 3D Voxel Maps

    Suzuki, Taro, Kitamura, Mitsunori, Amano, Yoshiharu, Hashizume, Takumi

    IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems     5737 - 5743  2010年  [査読有り]


    This paper describes outdoor localization for a mobile robot using a laser scanner and a three-dimensional (3D) voxel map that is based on outdoor point clouds. A mobile mapping system (MMS) measures outdoor 3D point clouds easily and precisely. The complete 6D state of a mobile robot is estimated by combining dead reckoning and the 3D voxel map. The 2D position and orientation are extended to 3D by using the 3D voxel map and by assuming that the mobile robot remains in continuous contact with the road surface. Our approach applies a particle filter to correct position errors in the laser measurement model for a 3D point cloud space. Field experiments were performed to evaluate the accuracy of our proposed method. Our results confirmed that it is possible to achieve a localization precision of 0.2 m (RMS) using our proposed method. ©2010 IEEE.



  • Impact analysis of carbon tax on the renewal planning of energy supply system for an office building

    Y. Amano, K. Ito, S. Yoshida, K. Matsuo, T. Hashizume, D. Favrat, F. Maréchal

    Energy   35 ( 2 ) 1040 - 1046  2010年


    An optimal planning method is proposed for the renewal-planning problem of an energy supply system installed into building from economic viewpoint. In this method, the objective function to be minimized is the average annual total cost during the evaluation period of the objective system based on the annualized costs method, and the renewal year is considered as a decision variable together with the renewal system's structure, equipment capacities, and system's operational strategy. This problem is formulated as one of the mixed-integer linear programming problem, and a numerical study is carried out for an office building with the total floor area of 15,000 m2 by using the GAMS/CPLEX solver. Impact analysis of the carbon tax introduction is mainly studied on the renewal planning mentioned above, and the following results are obtained:. (a) The optimal renewal strategy is not affected by the future carbon tax introduction at the standard rate such as 655 Japanese Yen/t-CO2 (=4.1 €/t-CO2) argued presently in Japan. (b) By increasing the above tax rate more than 13 times higher, structure of the optimal renewal system changes suddenly, and equipment with high energy conversion efficiency becomes to be installed in spite of its expensive initial cost. © 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


  • Tunnel Cross-Section Measurement System Using a Mobile Mapping System

    Kiichiro Ishikawa, Jun-ichi Takiguchi, Yoshiharu Amano, Takumi Hashizume, Takashi Fujishima

    Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics   21 ( 2 ) 193 - 199  2009年04月

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  • Development of low-cost and flexible vegetation monitoring system using small unmanned aerial vehicle

    Taro Suzuki, Yoshiharu Amano, Jun Ichi Takiguchi, Takumi Hashizume, Shinji Suzuki, Atsushi Yamaba

    ICCAS-SICE 2009 - ICROS-SICE International Joint Conference 2009, Proceedings     4808 - 4812  2009年


    This paper describes a low-cost and flexible vegetation monitoring system and compares it with traditional remote sensing systems such as airplanes and satellites. We have developed a small unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) equipped with visible and infrared cameras for vegetation observation. This system can automatically generate widespread high-resolution mosaic image and calculate the vegetation index from the multiple aerial images collected by an autonomous flight of the UAV. We performed monitoring experiments at Yawata moor in Hiroshima Prefecture. From the experimental results, we concluded that the small UAV system was effective and useful for carrying out low-cost and flexible vegetation monitoring. © 2009 SICE.

  • Aerial cable localization and management using a mobile mapping system

    Kiichiro Ishikawa, Syuhei Ono, Jun Ichi Takiguchi, Yoshiharu Amano, Takumi Hashizume

    ICCAS-SICE 2009 - ICROS-SICE International Joint Conference 2009, Proceedings     2491 - 2495  2009年


    Aerial cables in urban area are complicated. On the other hand, to check interferences between heavy machines and road features, a safety and efficient 3D road environment survey system's necessity is increasing in the field of civil engineering. In this paper, efficient and robust aerial cable measurement method using a Mobile Mapping System (MMS) and its automatic extraction method from 3D point cloud model are introduced. And the MMS enables to measure the road 3D environment and reconstruct 3D environment efficiently. The MMS can acquire road environment data at the cruising speed. The MMS enables to detect aerial cables in excess of 6mm, and its detection ratio is 99.6%. The extracted aerial cable is registered to GIS and the result of registration to a GIS is introduced. © 2009 SICE.


    Yoshiharu Amano



    A multi-stage optimal renewal planning method is proposed for an energy supply system installed into building from economic viewpoint. Based on the annualized costs method, the average annual total cost during the total evaluation period is formulated as the objective function to be minimized. This is formulated as one of the mixed-integer linear programming problem, and the numerical solution is carried out by using the GAMS/CPLEX solver. A numerical study is carried out for an energy supply system installed into an office building with total floor area of 15 000m2, and the optimal renewal system is proposed as the one of installing high performance equipment properly at each optimal renewal year.

  • GPS Multipath Mitigation for Urban Area Using Omnidirectional Infrared Camera

    J.-i. Meguro, T. Murata, J.-i. Takiguchi, Y. Amano, T. Hashizume

    IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems   10 ( 1 ) 22 - 30  2009年  [査読有り]


    This paper describes a precision positioning technique that can be applied to vehicles in urban areas. The proposed technique mitigates Global Positioning System (GPS) multipath by means of an omnidirectional infrared (IR) camera that can eliminate the need for invisible satellites [a satellite detected by the receiver but without line of sight (LOS)] by using IR images. Some simple GPS multipath mitigation techniques, such as the installation of antennas away from buildings and using choke ring antennas, are well known. Further, various correlator techniques can also be employed. However, when a direct signal cannot be received by the antenna, these techniques do not provide satisfactory results because they presume that the antenna chiefly receives direct signals. On the other hand, the proposed technique can mitigate GPS multipath, even if a direct signal cannot be received because it can recognize the surrounding environment by means of an omnidirectional IR camera. With the IR camera, the sky appears distinctively dark; this facilitates the detection of the borderline between the sky and the surrounding buildings, which are captured in white, due to the difference in the atmospheric transmittance rate between visible light and IR rays. Positioning is performed only with visible satellites having fewer multipath errors and without using invisible satellites. With the proposed system, static and kinematic evaluations in which invisible satellites are discriminated through observation using an omnidirectional IR camera are conducted. Hence, signals are received even if satellites are hidden behind buildings; furthermore, the exclusion of satellites having large errors from the positioning computation becomes possible. The evaluation results confirm the effectiveness of the proposed technique and the feasibility of highly accurate positioning. © 2006 IEEE.



  • 小型自律飛行ロボットを用いた災害時における情報収集システムの構築

    鈴木 太郎, 目黒 淳一, 天野 嘉春, 橋詰 匠, 久保 大輔, 土屋 武司, 鈴木 真二, 廣川 類, 辰己 薫, 佐藤 幸一, 瀧口 純一

    日本ロボット学会誌   26 ( 6 ) 553 - 560  2008年08月


    This paper presents the disaster prevention and mitigation system using a small unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) . Immediate assessments of damage information and continuous collection of information for constructing a revival plan are important for damage mitigation when natural disasters such as huge earthquakes occur. In this study, we divide the period that follows a natural disaster on the basis of three processes, and propose the use of the small UAV for gathering information in such situations. The field experiments were conducted to evaluate the proposed system employing the small UAV. From the results of our experiments, it can be concluded that the small UAV system is effective for disaster prevention and mitigation.

    DOI CiNii

  • Effects of aromatic substituents of electrochemically generated hypervalent iodine oxidant on oxidation reactions

    Yoshiharu Amano, Shigeru Nishiyama

    HETEROCYCLES   75 ( 8 ) 1997 - 2003  2008年08月


    Phenolic oxidation of 4-hydroxyphenylpropionic acid (5) with electrochemically generated hypervalent iodine oxidant, was performed using a variety of iodobenzene derivatives. Iodobenzene derivatives carrying electron-deficient aromatic moieties showed oxidant activity comparable to that of bis(2,2,2-trifluoroethoxy)phenyliodine(III) 1, and better than those carrying electron-donating groups with the exception of a methyl group. In our electrochemical procedure, the oxidant from 1-iodo-4-nitrobenzene was obtained as a stable solid, while other oxidants that did not precipitate from the reaction mixture, were used in situ. Conversion of the methoxyamide 7 into the corresponding azaspiro derivative 3 was also performed by the oxidants carrying aromkatic substitutions.

  • Buckling investigation and design consideration for new water tunnel structure

    J. H. Wang, N. Mitsuda, Y. Amano, A. Koizumi

    EASEC-11 - Eleventh East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction    2008年


    The public water supply line is required to build depth underground in an urban district in recent years. However the construction method has not been completely established especially for a large diameter water tunnel built in the congested urban district. As the latest water tunnel structure the separated-type water tunnel structure composite of steel liner and RC segments linings has been proposed in Japan. However the buckling of steel liner has not been solved which is obstructing the application of new water tunnel structure considering the high hydrostatic pressure is inevitably built up in the void between RC lining and liner during an operation period. In this article the study on buckling of locally supported steel liner encased in RC linings is carried out using the numerical analysis. The encased liner fails in single-lobe buckling and the critical pressure is related to not only the geometries of steel liners but also the initial gap are identified. Meanwhile the existing buckling equations are examined and discussed and the design procedure for locally supported steel liner is presented.

  • 2620 アンモニア吸収式冷凍機における冷媒採取測定方法に関する実験(S32 高効率ヒートポンプの要素技術とその応用,21世紀地球環境革命の機械工学:人・マイクロナノ・エネルギー・環境)

    竹崎 万恭, 天野 嘉春, 橋詰 匠, 武居 俊孝

    年次大会講演論文集   2008   197 - 198  2008年


    This paper presents a measurement method of refrigerant mass faction in an ammonia-absorption refrigerator. The proposed method is modified from conventional sampling method In the conventional method, a certain volume of solution from the outlet of condenser is sampled under the atmospheric pressure. With the nature of the high volatility of ammonia, it is difficult to measure the solution volume with high precision. Therefore, authors modified experimental set-up with pressurized chamber in which the solution volume is measured with high precision. The experimental results showed good match with results of a prediction method developed by authors.

    DOI CiNii

  • Multi-objective optimal renewal planning of energy supply systems for buildings from economic and environmental viewpoints

    Shu Yoshida, Koichi Ito, Yoshiharu Amano, Takumi Hashizume

    ECOS 2008 - Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems     1545 - 1552  2008年


    In this paper, based on the multi-objective optimization approach, a renewal planning method is proposed for the energy supply system to determine the optimal renewal one by selecting optimal renewal year and system's structure from both economic and environmental viewpoints simultaneously. In this method, one objective function is the annual total cost of the system, which is the summation of the annual capital, operational and maintenance costs based on the annualized cost method during the evaluation years. The other objective function is the average annual total amount of CO2 emission during the evaluation years. The numerical optimal solution is derived for the system of an office building by the conventional mixed integer linear programming algorithm together with the ε-constraint method. As a result, the set of Pareto optimal solutions is derived, and the trade-off relationship between economy and environment is analyzed. Through the result of the set of Pareto optimal solutions, tolerating the increase of the system's annual total cost up to 1%, we can reduce the amount of CO2 emission from the system up to 15%. One main result also obtained shows that it is necessary to introduce different types of electrically-driven equipment such as heat pumps to reduce CO2 emission.

  • Real-time hazard map generation using small unmanned aerial vehicle

    Taro Suzuki, Daichi Miyoshi, Jun-ichi Meguro, Yoshiharu Amano, Takumi Hashizume, Koich Sato, Jun-ich Takiguchi

    SICE Annual Conference     443 - 446  2008年  [査読有り]


    This paper presents a disaster mitigation system that uses a small unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). The immediate assessment of damage and the continuous collection of information when natural disasters such as large earthquakes strike are important for developing a disaster recovery plan for damage mitigation. In this study, we develop a small prototype UAV and onboard software using a GPS navigation system and propose a unique disaster mitigation system that generates digital real-time hazard maps with the aid of the UAV. The effectiveness of the proposed system is confirmed by a flight experiment. © 2008 SICE.



  • Information collecting system based on aerial images obtained by a small UAV for disaster prevention

    Taro Suzuki, Jun-ichi Meguro, Yoshiharu Amano, Takumi Hashizume, Rui Hirokawa, Kaoru Tatsumi, Koichi Sato, Jun-ichi Takiguchi

    ICMIT 2007: MECHATRONICS, MEMS, AND SMART MATERIALS, PTS 1 AND 2   6794  2008年  [査読有り]


    This paper presents a disaster prevention system using aerial images obtained by a small unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). The immediate assessment of damage information and the continuous collection of information for constructing a revival plan are important for damage mitigation when natural disasters such as large earthquakes occur. In this study, we develop a small prototype UAV and onboard software using a GPS navigation system and propose a unique disaster prevention system that employs the small UAV and a geographical information system (GIS). We divide the period that follows a natural disaster on the basis of three processes, and we propose the use of the small UAV for gathering and integrating information into the GIS. We conducted field experiments to evaluate the proposed system employing the small UAV. From the results of our experiments, we concluded that the system is effective in disaster prevention.


  • GPS accuracy improvement by satellite selection using omnidirectional infrared camera

    J.-i. Meguro, T. Murata, J.-i. Takiguchi, Y. Amano, T. Hashizume

    IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems     1804 - 1810  2008年  [査読有り]


    This paper describes a precision positioning technique that can be applied to vehicles in urban areas. The proposed technique mitigates GPS multipath by means of an omnidirectional infrared (IR) camera that can eliminate the need for invisible satellites (a satellite detected by the receiver but without LOS (Line Of Sight)) by using IR images. Some simple GPS multipath mitigation techniques such as installation of antennas away from buildings and using choke ring antennas are well known. Further, various correlator techniques can also be employed. However, when a direct signal cannot be received by the antenna, these techniques do not provide satisfactory results because they presume that the antenna chiefly receives direct signals. On the other hand, the proposed technique can mitigate GPS multipath even if a direct signal cannot be received because it can recognize the surrounding environment by means of an omnidirectional IR camera. With the IR camera, the sky appears distinctively dark; this facilitates the detection of the borderline between the sky and the surrounding buildings, which are captured in white, due to the difference in the atmospheric transmittance rate between visible light and the IR rays. Positioning is performed only with visible satellites having less multipath errors, and without using invisible satellites. With the proposed system, static and kinematic evaluations in which invisible satellites are discriminated through observation using an omnidirectional IR camera are conducted. Hence, signals are received even if satellites are hidden behind buildings; furthermore, exclusion of satellites having large errors from the positioning computation becomes possible. The evaluation results confirm the effectiveness of the proposed technique and the feasibility of highly accurate positioning. ©2008 IEEE.



  • A Mobile Mapping System for Precise Road Line Localization Using a Single Camera and 3D Road Model

    Kiichiro Ishikawa, Yoshiharu Amano, Takumi Hashizume, Jun-ichi Takiguchi, Naoyuki Kajiwara

    JOURNAL OF ROBOTICS AND MECHATRONICS   19 ( 2 ) 174 - 180  2007年04月


    Precise highway alignment data to be used in car navigation and ITS to increase driving safety must be kept up-to-date and accurate. A Mobile Mapping System (MMS) provides a highway alignment database and offers unparalleled productivity when combined with navigation and videogrammetry tools. The MMS we propose features a GPS/Dead Reckoning (DR) combined navigation system, a three-axis GPS-Gyro/ Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU), laser scanners, nearly horizontal cameras, and network-based Positioning Augmentation Services (PAS (TM)) (Mit-subishi Electric Corporation) and measures centerline and side-line locations precisely based on a 3D road surface model. The carrier-phased D-GPS/DR navigation system and GPS-Gyro/IMU conducts highly accurate positioning in centimeters and posture estimation at 0.073 degrees rms for heading, 0.064 degrees rms for pitch, and 0.116 degrees for roll. It provides 0.095 m rms accuracy for both center-line and side-line measurement when GPS visibility is sufficient. A comparison of accuracy between static RTK-GPS measurement and MMS measurement on the Tateyama Kurobe alpine route confirmed MMS dynamic measurement accuracy and effectiveness.



  • 0507 アンモニアを作動流体とする温泉熱温度差発電に関する研究 : 第2報 作動流体がシステムの動作点及び体格に及ぼす効果(S51-2 自然エネルギー,SOFC,S51 分散エネルギー技術)

    渡邉 裕一, 吉田 監, 天野 嘉春, 橋詰 匠, 丹澤 祥晃

    年次大会講演論文集   2007   45 - 46  2007年


    This paper discusses a hot spring power generation system using the thermal energy obtained from the temperature difference between the hot water drawn up and the hot water supply to the hot spring facilities. In order to clarify the feature of a hot spring power generation system using ammonia (NH_3) as the working fluid, the thermal efficiency, required hot water flow rate, and sizes of heat exchangers and turbine rotor are calculated compared with the conventional system using chlorofluorocarbon (R134a, R123, R22 ) as the working fluid. As the results, it shows the effectiveness of a hot spring power generation system using NH_3.

    DOI CiNii

  • Energy saving characteristics of gas engine home cogeneration systems

    Kenichi Kitani, Koichi Ito, Yoshiharu Amano, Takumi Hashizume

    ECOS 2007 - Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems   2   925 - 932  2007年


    The energy saving potential of micro-scale gas engine cogeneration systems installed in detached residential houses was studied experimentally and theoretically. First, the energy demands for electricity and hot water were measured experimentally, with a 1-minute sampling time interval, in two houses for one year. Based on these measured data, a simulation model was built to analyse and compare the energy saving characteristics of the cogeneration systems with a corresponding conventional system. The estimated results show that the total primary energy consumption of the cogeneration system in the two houses was 4.5% and 10.1% higher than that of conventional system. Therefore it did not contribute to energy saving in these houses. Next, the maximum potential energy saving characteristics of the cogeneration system was investigated by constructing a mathematical model which optimises the system's operation to minimise total primary energy consumption. It became clear that under theoretically optimal conditions the above total primary energy consumption ratios could be decreased by up to 5.5% and 6.6% in the two houses.

  • Study on optimal operational planning of an advanced co-generation system on a hotel's energy demand

    Tomizawa, M., Amano, Y., Hashizume, T.

    WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment   105   333 - 342  2007年  [査読有り]


    In order to empirically study a cogeneration system, an advanced co-generation system (ACGS) was built in Waseda University in 1999. The ACGS consists of a gas turbine system, a steam turbine system, an ammonia-water mixture turbine system, an ammonia absorption refrigerator system and an ice storage system. In the bottoming stage of ACGS, by activating an ammonia-water mixture turbine system and an ammonia absorption refrigerator system, both of which are effective for heat recovery of low temperatures, the system is made up positively using the heat cascade, which is unique compared to other systems. At present, for the introduction of the co-generation system, its practicality is not fully considered and a method has not yet been established which would lead to an operating method fitting the characteristics of the customer requirements. So it is considered very important to propose the most suitable system construction, taking an overall view of the annual earnings and cost of energy for the customers. In this paper, we cover an assumed system which changed the part of composition of ACGS and, in order to find out the initial advantages of the system, seek the most suitable composition and the most suitable operational planning of a system for cooling, electricity and heat demand of a typical hotel, and then propose an example of the system design guide.



  • A study of precise road feature localization using mobile mapping system

    Kiichiro Ishikawa, Yoshiharu Amano, Takumi Hashizume, Jun-ichi Takiguchi

    IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics     811 - +  2007年  [査読有り]


    In the near future, precise digital map data is said to be applied to the next generation car navigation system as well as ITS to increase the driving safety. It is important to maintain digital map data's freshness and accuracy. A MMS (Mobile Mapping System) can acquire this highway database, while offering unbeatable productivity with the combination of navigation and videogrammetry tools. The proposed MMS, featuring a GPS/DR combined navigation system, a GPS-Gyro/IMU, nearly horizontal cameras, laser scanners, high sampling rate road data measurement logger, and the network-based RTK-GPS PASTM can acquire road feature location like snow-poles, guard-rails, road signs and road line precisely at normal cruising speed considering 3D road surface model. The carrier phased D-GPS/DR combined navigation system and GPS-Gyro/IMU performs highly accurate positioning performance at a few centimeter and posture estimation at 0.073 [deg rms] for heading and 0.064 [deg rms] for pitching, and 0.116 [deg rms] for rolling. Furthermore, the proposed road feature digitizing method, featuring 2D camera image projection to the 3D road surface model, allows users to understand complicated 3D point-cloud data intuitively and to designate desired road feature with few mistakes. The accuracy comparison between the static RTK-GPS/Total-Station measurement with the dynamic MMS mobile measurement reveal that the system allows 0.3 [m] road feature measurement accuracy with unbeatable productivity when sufficient GPS visibility is obtained. ©2007 IEEE.



  • Development of positioning technique using omni-directional IR camera and aerial survey data

    Jun-ichi Meguro, Taishi Murata, Hidetoshi Nishimura, Yoshiharu Amano, Takumi Hasizume, Jun-ichi Takiguchi

    IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics     352 - +  2007年  [査読有り]


    This paper describes an outdoor positioning system that can be applied for an urban canyon by using an omni-directional IR camera and the DSM (Digital Surface Model). The image captured by an IR camera has high robustness to light disturbances in the outdoor environment. The omni-directional image, which includes several building profiles, is compared with building-restoration images that are calculated from the corresponding DSM in order to identify the self-position. Field experiments at Fujisawa City show that the proposed outdoor positioning method is valid and effective even if high-rise buildings cause satellite blockages affecting GPS measurements. ©2007 IEEE.



  • Study on optimal operational planning of an advanced co-generation system on a hotel’s energy demand

    M. Tomizawa, Y. Amano, T. Hashizume

    Energy and Sustainability   105   333 - 342  2007年


    In order to empirically study a cogeneration system, an advanced co-generation system (ACGS) was built in Waseda University in 1999. The ACGS consists of a gas turbine system, a steam turbine system, an ammonia-water mixture turbine system, an ammonia absorption refrigerator system and an ice storage system. In the bottoming stage of ACGS, by activating an ammonia-water mixture turbine system and an ammonia absorption refrigerator system, both of which are effective for heat recovery of low temperatures, the system is made up positively using the heat cascade, which is unique compared to other systems. At present, for the introduction of the co-generation system, its practicality is not fully considered and a method has not yet been established which would lead to an operating method fitting the characteristics of the customer requirements. So it is considered very important to propose the most suitable system construction, taking an overall view of the annual earnings and cost of energy for the customers. In this paper, we cover an assumed system which changed the part of composition of ACGS and, in order to find out the initial advantages of the system, seek the most suitable composition and the most suitable operational planning of a system for cooling, electricity and heat demand of a typical hotel, and then propose an example of the system design guide.



  • 4611 高含水廃棄物を対象としたヒートポンプ式蒸発脱水システムの基礎特性(G06-2 伝熱(2),G06 熱工学)

    藤澤 太一, 天野 嘉春, 橋詰 匠, 日野 俊之

    年次大会講演論文集   2006   163 - 164  2006年


    Drying of wet wastes is expected to be effective in reduction and recycling of them. However, water-evaporation operations of concentration and drying are typical energy-intensive processes because the latent heat of vaporization of water is quite a lot. Therefore, an unique technology to achieve energy savings is studied. In this system, the output steam generated in drying wet wastes is compressed, and the heat of the steam is utilized to heat the material itself. This paper describes the basic characteristics of this system. Experiments in which water was used as the heated material, availability analyses to estimate which components cause bigger losses, and calculations to estimate the effects of the efficiency changes of each components to the system were conducted.

    DOI CiNii

  • Development of a Vehicle-Mounted Road Surface 3D Measurement System

    Kiichiro Ishikawa, Takashi Onishi, Yoshiharu Amano, Takumi Hashizume, Jun-ichi Takiguchi, Takashi Fujishima, Yoichi Tanaka

    2006 Proceedings of the 23rd International Symposium on Robotics and Automation in Construction, ISARC 2006     569 - 573  2006年


    In recent years, automation system based on IT technology becomes very popular not only for manufacturing industries but also for the construction and civil engineering industries. The conventional location survey method in the civil engineering construction site is pinpoint location survey for a broad objective area. The conventional method has severe constraints when it comes to measure the broad objective area as macro or to estimate general distinctive geometrical features. In this study, a unique vehicle-mounted mobile measurement system which can measure dense 3D point-cloud data for wide construction site is presented. The proposed MMS (Mobile Mapping System) is equipped with the carrier phased D-GPS/DR combined navigation system, the GPS gyro, and a laser scanner. The MMS, which measures unleveled round surface at 40 [km/h] using laser scanner's range data and vehicle attitude stabilization algorithm, can construct continuous dense road surface 3D model. The functional and performance test as a mobile measurement instrument is revealed.


  • Precise Road Line Localization Using Single Camera and 3D Road Model

    Kiichiro Ishikawa, Takashi Onishi, Yoshiharu Amano, Takumi Hashizume, Jun-ichi Takiguchi, Shogo Yoneyama

    2006 Proceedings of the 23rd International Symposium on Robotics and Automation in Construction, ISARC 2006     675 - 680  2006年


    In the near future, precise road line location data is said to be applied to car navigation system and ITS to increase the driving safety. It is important to maintain road data freshness and accuracy. A MMS(Mobile Mapping System) can acquire this road database, while offering an unbeatable productivity with the combination of navigation, and videogrammetry tools. The proposed MMS, featuring a GPS/DR(Dead Reckoning) combined navigation system, the 3 axes GPS-Gyro/IMU(Inertial Measurement Unit) , laser scanners, and nearly horizontal cameras, can measure centerline and side-line location precisely considering 3D road surface model based on a laser scanner. The carrier phased D-GPS/DR combined navigation system and GPS-Gyro/IMU performs highly accurate position and posture estimation at a few centimeter and 0.1 degree order. It can be said that the proposed MMS and its unique road signs positioning method is valid and effective as the road sign location error is within 100[mm] even in the slanted road by considering the 3D road surface model.


  • Demonstration of a hybrid power and refrigeration ammonia-water cycle

    Keisuke Takeshita, Yoshiharu Amano, Takumi Hashizume

    Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2006, Vol 4   4   469 - 474  2006年  [査読有り]


    This paper reports on the demonstration of a hybrid power generation and refrigeration cycle in a turbine system which employs ammonia-water mixture as the working fluid. The hybrid cycle is the one in which the ammonia-water mixture turbine cycle and the ammonia absorption refrigerator are combined. To demonstrate the performance enhancement of the hybrid cycle, its steady state characteristics were experimentally investigated. The increase of the coefficient of performance (COP) and the performance improvement of the cycle are mainly due to a reduction of the heat of rectification at the ammonia absorption refrigerator. Therefore, the authors especially focused on the COP, the heat source steam consumption rate, and the heat of rectification when the ammonia mass fraction at the rectifier inlet increased. Results showed the COP and heat source steam consumption rate improved about 20% in hybrid operation, compared with normal operation which drives the ammonia absorption refrigerator and the ammonia-water mixture turbine cycle separately. Copyright © 2006 by ASME.



  • 3D reconstruction by a mobile robot using multi-baseline omni-directional motion stereo based on GPS/DR compound navigation system

    Jun-ichi Meguro, Jun-ichi Takiguchi, Yoshiharu Amano, Takumi Hashizume



    In this paper, a unique dense 3D shape reconstruction method featuring GPS/DR coupled omni-direction multi-baseline motion stereo system is presented. The epipolar plane equation between two Omni Directional Vision images is computed from the GPS/DR s position and posture information. Then, the precise epipolar lines can be obtained robustly by projecting the intersection line between the epipolar plane and the ODV s image plane. The robust matching method featuring hybrid use of the future based matching and the area based matching, as well as the bi-directional matching which chose common mutual matching points to improve robustness is also presented. Voting process using multi-baseline is used to reduce distance error of motion stereo. Hundreds of dense range images are unified based on the precise position/posture information to generate the successive dense 3D outdoor model. The range estimation accuracy within 10 [m] area is 140 [mm], which is equal to a laser radar. It can be said that the propos d omni-directional stereo vision has robustness toward environmental complication and accurate distance estimation performance for rich textured object. ©2006 IEEE.



  • A Mobile Mapping System for road data capture based on 3D road model

    Kiichiro Ishikawa, Jun-ichi Takiguchi, Yoshiharu Amano, Takumi Hashizume

    IEEE International Conference on Control Applications     638 - 643  2006年  [査読有り]


    The development of road telematics requires the management of continuously growing road database. A MMS(Mobile Mapping System) can acquire this road database, while offering an unbeatable productivity with the combination of navigation, and videogrammetry tools. The proposed MMS, featuring a GPS/DR(Dead Reckoning) combined navigation system, a GPS-Gyro/IMU(Inertial Measurement Unit) , laser scanners, nearly horizontal cameras and high sampling rate road data measurement logger, can measure centerline and side-line location precisely considering 3D road surface model based on a laser scanner. The carrier phased D-GPS/DR combined navigation system and GPS-Gyro/IMU performs highly accurate position and posture estimation at a few centimeter and 0.1 degree order. It can be said that the proposed MMS and its unique road signs positioning method is valid and effective as the road sign location error is within 100[mm] even in the slanted road by considering the 3D road surface model©2006 IEEE.



  • Phased Disaster Data Collection System using Cooperation between Mobile Robots and Spatial Temporal GIS

    Jun-ichi Meguro

    Transactions of the SICE   E-5 ( 10 ) 1 - 10  2006年

  • GPS自律移動監視システム

    瀧口純一, 梶原尚幸, 島嘉春, 廣川類, 黒崎隆二郎, 目黒淳一, 石川貴一朗, 天野嘉春, 橋詰匠

    日本ロボット学会誌23巻8号(12月号)    2005年12月

  • ロボットと時空間GISの連携による段階的な震災データ収集システムの開発

    目黒淳一, 石川貴一朗, 畑山満則, 瀧口純一, 天野嘉春, 橋詰匠

    計測自動制御学会論文集   41 ( 12 ) 981 - 988  2005年12月

    DOI CiNii

  • 3638 アンモニア・水系発電・冷凍ハイブリッドシステムの顕熱性熱源に対する有効性(G08-2 エネルギ有効利用,G08 動力エネルギーシステム)

    竹下 恵介, 長島 明徳, 天野 嘉春, 橋詰 匠

    年次大会講演論文集   2005   313 - 314  2005年


    This paper reports the effectiveness evaluation of a power and refrigeration hybrid cycle which is driven by a sensible heat source. The hybrid cycle employs ammonia-water mixture (AWM) as working fluid; in the configuration with which the ammonia absorption refrigerator and the AWM turbine cycle are connected by several pipelines. The authors carried out the simulation calculation, and investigate the performance of the hybrid system when the heat source flow rate ratio changes. In order to compare the consequences of the calculations, the exergy efficiency and the exergy availability are defined. The exergy efficiency or the exergy availability increase correspond the effect of hybridization. The increase of the exergy efficiency becomes maximum (5.1%) when the flow rate ratio is 0.25, and that of the exergy availability becomes maximum (2.9%) when the flow rate ratio is 0.75.

    DOI CiNii

  • 3506 需要量の出現頻度に注目したシステムの導入計画(S52-2 次世代地域分散エネルギー供給技術(SMART)(2),S52 次世代地域分散エネルギー供給技術(SMART))

    堀 晋一郎, 井上 諭, 冨澤 昌雄, 天野 嘉春, 橋詰 匠

    年次大会講演論文集   2005   171 - 172  2005年


    Generally, it takes a lot of time for us to solve the liner programming that is modeled in the round to plan a optimal co-generation system. In this paper, we suggest one method to handle demand data in advance according with a frequency data of the demand. Preliminary calculation of the cost implies us some possible choice of the optimal system size and structure, before solving the optimal plan in co-generation system.

    DOI CiNii

  • Experimental investigations of oscillatory fluctuation in an ammonia-water mixture turbine system

    Yoshiharu Amano, Keisuke Kawanishi, Takumi Hashizume

    Proceedings of the ASME Advanced Energy Systems Division   45   391 - 398  2005年  [査読有り]


    This paper reports results from experimental investigations of the dynamics of an ammonia-water mixture turbine system. The mixture turbine system features Kalina Cycle technology [1]. The working fluid is an ammonia-water mixture (AWM), which enhances the power production recovered from the low-temperature heat source [2], [3]. The Kalina Cycle is superior to the Rankine Cycle for a low temperature heat source [4], [5].
    The ammonia-water mixture turbine system has distillation-condensation processes. The subsystem produces ammonia-rich vapor and a lean solution at the separator, and the vapor and the solution converge at the condenser. The mass balance of ammonia and water is maintained by a level control at the separator and reservoirs at the condensers. Since the ammonia mass fraction in the cycle has a high sensitivity to the evaporation/condensation pressure and vapor flow rate in the cycle, the pressure change gives rise to a flow rate change and then level changes in the separators and reservoirs and vice versa. From the experimental investigation of the ammonia-water mixture turbine system, it was observed that the sensitivity of the evaporating flow rate and solution liquid density in the cycle is very high, and those sensitivity factors are affected by the ammonia-mass fraction. This paper presents the experimental results of a study on the dynamics of the distillation process of the ammonia-water mixture turbine system and uses the results of investigation to explain the mechanism of the unstable fluctuation in the system.



  • Performance improvement of an ammonia-water mixture turbine cycle with ejector

    Yoshiharu Amano, Keisuke Takeshita, Takumi Hashizume

    Proceedings of the ASME Power Conference 2005, Pts A and B   PART B   1291 - 1297  2005年  [査読有り]


    This paper presents the results of a preliminary investigation into the effect of installing an ejector in an ammonia-water mixture turbine cycle, also called a Kalina cycle. To enhance the availability of the cycle, we focus on the pressure difference in the cycle. The temperature difference between the heat source and sink enhances the efficiency of the thermodynamic cycle, as does the pressure difference in the cycle. To improve the heat recovery in the cycle, other heat exchangers are required, and to utilize the pressure difference in the cycle, an ejector is a reasonable choice. From the viewpoint of the impact on the initial cost of the plant, the heat exchanger option is more costly than the ejector option. The authors investigated a simple AWM turbine cycle with an ejector driven by the high-pressure solution stream to vacuum the turbine exhaust. Simulations of several AWM turbine cycle configurations, with or without heat recovery exchangers and ejectors were performed. The specific power, which is the output power per unit mass flow rate of the heat source, of the proposed cycle EJT34 was 103% that of the WMTS. The thermal conductance is only about 24% of that of the WMTS, which is almost the same as the value of the KCS34. The results shows that the EJT34 produced as much power as that from the WMTS with 24% of the heat transfer area.


  • Comparison of hybrid configurations of power generation and refrigeration cycles using ammonia-water mixture

    Keisuke Takeshita, Masao Tomizawa, Akinori Nagashima, Yoshiharu Amano, Takumi Hashizume

    Proceedings of the ASME Power Conference 2005, Pts A and B   PART B   1039 - 1044  2005年  [査読有り]


    This paper describes performance comparison of two types of hybrid configuration of power generation and refrigeration cycles using ammonia-water mixture by simulation calculation. Difference between two configurations is the ammonia mass fraction of solution from the turbine system (power generation cycle) to the ammonia absorption refrigerator (refrigeration cycle). The newer configuration (configuration 2) supplies higher mass fraction solution to the refrigerator. As a result, both configurations show larger system net power than separate operations when the basic composition (the ammonia mass fraction of the evaporator in the turbine system) is 0.45 kg/kg. The performance gains of configuration 1 and 2 are 13.6% and 13.8%, respectively.


  • Study on optimal operational planning of advanced co-generation system in consideration of annual demand analysis

    Masao Tomizawa, Keisuke Takeshita, Tatsuhiro Akita, Yoshiharu Amano, Takumi Hashizume

    Proceedings of the ASME Power Conference 2005, Pts A and B   PART B   1491 - 1495  2005年  [査読有り]


    This paper presents the optimal plan in an assumed co-generation system based on Advanced Co-generation system built in Kikui-cho campus and suggests the introductory technique of co-generation system. At first, we analyzed the annual change of the electric power and cooling demand for a typical consumer and completed the assumed model by formulating. In hospital, hotel, etc., it was checked that electric power and cooling demand have the high correlation with outside temperature, and the daily maximum temperature is effective as an explaining variable especially. We verified the optimal planning according to the consumer using this assumed demand.


  • Creating spatial temporal database by autonomous mobile surveillance system (a study of mobile robot surveillance system using spatial temporal GIS part1)

    Jun-Ichi Meguro, Kiitirou Ishikawa, Yoshiharu Amano, Takumi Hashizume, Jun-Ichi Takiguchi, Ryujirou Kurosaki, Michinori Hatayama

    Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE International Workshop on Safety, Security and Rescue Robotics   2005   143 - 150  2005年  [査読有り]


    This study describes mobile robot surveillance system using spatial temporal GIS. This paper specially describes the method of collecting spatial temporal data by an autonomous mobile robot system used in a factory premises with some high-rise buildings. This system consists of a wireless LAN network, a base station and an autonomous vehicle. The vehicle is equipped with a GPS/INS navigation system using the network-based Real-Time Kinematic GPS (RTK-GPS) with Positioning Augmentation Services (PAS™, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation 2003), an Area Laser Radar (ALR), a slaved camera, and an Omni-Directional Vision (ODV) sensor for surveillance and reconnaissance. The vehicle switches control modes according to the vehicle navigation error. It has three modes, "Normal", "Road tracking", and "Crossing recognition". A field test result shows that the vehicle can track the planned-path within 0.10 [m] accuracy at straight paths and within 0.25 [m] for curved paths even if RTK fixed solutions are not available. Field experiments and analyses have proved that the proposed navigation method can provide sufficient navigation and guidance accuracy under poor satellite geometry and visibility. Omni-directional image and ALR's scan data, which is synchronized with both position and GPS time, is memorized as spatial temporal. This spatial temporal data enables the operator to search everywhere in the factory premises efficiently by way of arbitrary position or measured time. The field test reveals that the spatial temporal database is confirmed to be useful for remote surveillance. © 2005 IEEE.



  • Parking-vehicles recognition using spatial temporal data (a study of mobile robot surveillance system using spatial temporal GIS part 2)

    Kiichirou Ishikawa, Jun-Ichi Meguro, Yoshiharu Amano, Takumi Hashizume, Jun-Ichi Takiguchi, Ryujirou Kurosaki, Michinori Hatayama

    Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE International Workshop on Safety, Security and Rescue Robotics   2005   151 - 157  2005年  [査読有り]


    In this paper, the unique omni-directional motion stereo method featuring robust epipolar estimation and hybrid use of the feature/area based matching, and the change-region recognition technique which uses dense color-textured depth map and 3D-GIS data for segmentation, are presented. The dense stereo imaging data, which is acquired by the coupled use of an ODV (Omni-Directional Vision) and a GPS/INS (Inertial Navigation Systems) by the motion stereo method, is classified in "change region" or "registered region" by the 3D-GIS's geometric model of the building. Hence, the changeable region like a parking-vehicle on the road is modeled as a hexahedron through surface recognition process, the position of vertexes and the image texture of three surfaces are measured, and are additionally registered in the Spatial Temporal GIS (Geographic Information System) as new object data. The proposed method can be applicable to a mobile robot surveillance system which is used in a site immediately after a disaster. © 2005 IEEE.



  • Experimental study of advanced cogeneration system with ammonia–water mixture cycles at bottoming

    Keisuke Takeshita, Yoshiharu Amano, Takumi Hashizume

    Energy   30 ( 2-4 SPEC. ISS. ) 247 - 260  2005年


    In this study, an advanced cogeneration system (ACGS) composed of three turbine systems and an ammonia absorption refrigerator is presented. The overall system configurations and some experimental results of the steady state are shown. The effectiveness of the bottoming stage that employs an ammonia-water mixture (AWM) as the working fluid is confirmed by experimental investigation. The experimental investigation shows that the AWM bottoming power-refrigeration cycles contributes to a higher bottoming efficiency, which is about 7.0% in electric power. Otherwise. the efficiency at the middle stage in conventional combined gas and steam turbine power plants is 4.6%. The cogeneration efficiency at the bottoming reached about 26.5% which is the heat and power ratio to the heat input from the heat recovery steam generator. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


  • Most Interesting Reading 賞設計工学会誌38巻11号(2003)「アンモニアを作動媒体とする冷凍機」


    設計工学/日本設計工学会    2004年05月

  • Experimental results of an ammonia-water mixture turbine system (effectiveness with a low temperature heat source)

    Keisuke Takeshita, Kouji Morimoto, Yoshiharu Amano, Takumi Hashizume

    Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2004   7   455 - 460  2004年


    This paper presents an experimental investigation of the effectiveness of an AWM (Ammonia-Water Mixture) turbine system with low temperature heat sources. The AWM turbine system (AWMTS) features Kalina cycle technology, namely, it employs an ammonia-water mixture as the working fluid and includes a separation / absorption process of NH3-H2O. Since AWM is a non-azeotropic mixture, its temperature changes during evaporation and condensation. This behavior gives AWMTS the advantage of heat recovery from a sensible heat source such as exhaust gas. It is known that an AWMTS can generate more power than a Rankine cycle system from 250-650 °C sensible heat sources. The authors constructed a 70 KW-experimental facility and investigated the practical applications of AWMTS. It is located at the bottoming stage below a conventional combined cycle composed of a gas turbine and a steam turbine. Its heat source is the exhaust steam from a back pressure steam turbine at the middle stage of the system. The experiment was carried out with changing the back pressure of the steam turbine. The experimental results show that power generation is possible from 138 to 162 °C heat source steam.



  • エジェクタつきアンモニア・水混合媒体タービンシステムの特性調査(水素製造・アンモニア利用技術,水素エネルギー技術)

    川西 圭輔, 竹下 恵介, 天野 嘉春, 橋詰 匠

    年次大会講演論文集   2004   273 - 274  2004年


    In this paper, authors propose and investigate an Ammonia-Water Mixture (AWM) turbine system with ejector. The AWM turbine system is a power cycle which is similar to a Kalina cycle. The AWM turbine system without ejector has high pressure solution which is led to the condenser through the reducing valve without using potential of the pressure. For using the pressure difference effectively, a new cycle configuration which installs ejector is proposed. The results of simulations show that the turbine system with ejector generates larger output power than that without ejector under the same condition. And the simple configuration cycle can be expected to generate almost as much output as more complicated cycle by installation of ejector.

    DOI CiNii

  • 熱源温度から見たアンモニア・水混合媒体タービンシステムの特性調査(水素製造・アンモニア利用技術,水素エネルギー技術)

    竹下 恵介, 森本 浩司, 天野 嘉春, 橋詰 匠

    年次大会講演論文集   2004   277 - 278  2004年


    This paper presents an experimental investigation on effectiveness of the AWM (Ammonia-Water Mixture) turbine system to the lower temperature heat sources. The system features two subsystems: a distillation/condensation subsystem (DCSS) and a vapor generator subsystem (VGSS). The experimental result and calculation results show that DCSS functions when the heat source is higher than 100 [℃], and VGSS functions when the heat source is over than 180 [℃]. Since the main application of the AWM turbine system is the heat recovery and there are abundant 100-200 [℃] exhaust heats as unused heat sources, effectiveness of the system to the lower temperature heat source, especially from 100 to 200 [℃], is very important. The experiment was carried out with changing the back pressure of the steam turbine.

    DOI CiNii

  • アンモニア吸収式冷凍機の吸収器内における過渡的な状態変化とポンプ異常発生との関連(冷熱利用技術,熱工学部門一般講演)

    西脇 栄嗣, 恩田 直樹, 竹下 恵介, 天野 嘉春, 橋詰 匠, 武居 俊孝

    年次大会講演論文集   2004   23 - 24  2004年


    This paper reports about the mechanism of pump error at starting-up of ammonia-absorption refrigerator, and the countermeasure for it. First, the authors analyzed relations between the pump error and the transitional change of state at the absorber. Then, the starting-up experiments to evaluate the countermeasure for the pump error are carried out. Consequently, there is the optimum ammonia-water solution flow rate through the spray nozzle of the absorber. And no pump error occurs at the solution flow rate.

    DOI CiNii

  • アドバンスト・コージェネレーションシステムに関する研究 : 第9報 年間運転計画例(S53 システムの最適化)

    井上 諭, 安田 俊一郎, 竹下 恵介, 天野 嘉春, 橋詰 匠, 秋田 達弘

    年次大会講演論文集   2004   7 - 8  2004年


    This paper presents the optimal plan in an assumption co-generation system based on Advanced Co-generation system built on Kikui-cho campus and suggest the introductory technique of co-generation system. At first, we analyzed the change in a year of the electric power and cooling demand in a typical consumer and completed the assumption model by formulizing. In the hospital, the hotel, etc., it was checked that electric power and cooling demand have the high correlation with outside temperature, and the maximum temperature in one day is effective as an explanation variable especially. We verified about the optimal planning according to the consumer using this assumption demand.

    DOI CiNii

  • Influence of Refrigerant Mass Fraction in the Performance of an Ammonia Absorption Refrigerator

    Keisuke TAKESHITA, Yoshiharu AMANO, Takumi HASHIZUME, Toshitaka TAKEI, Masao TOMIZAWA

    JSME International Journal Series B   47 ( 2 ) 242 - 248  2004年


    The performance of the rectifying column affects the coefficient of performance (COP) of an ammonia absorption refrigerator. Ammonia mass fraction of refrigerant is one of the key parameters indicating the performance of the rectifying column. We propose a method to estimate the refrigerant mass fraction with mass and energy balance equations around the separator at the inlet of the evaporator, and describe the results of experiments which measured the refrigerant mass fraction by sampling from the refrigerant receiver. Throughout these investigations, the refrigerant mass fraction turned out to be lower than the expected value calculated from the condition of dry-saturated vapor at the top of the rectifying column. The refrigerant mass fraction can be estimated within an accuracy of 0.3% by the estimation method based on mass and energy balance equations.


  • アンモニアを作動媒体とする冷凍機

    天野 嘉春

    設計工学/日本設計工学会   Vol.38; No.11 ( 11 ) 552 - 557  2003年11月


  • Flexible heat-to-power ratio co-generation system with ammonia-water mixture cycles at bottoming

    Keisuke Takeshita, Yoshiharu Amano, Takumi Hashizume, A. Akira Usui, Yoshiaki Tanzawa

    Proceedings of the 2003 International Joint Power Generation Conference     993 - 998  2003年


    This paper presents the experimental study of a unique co-generation system which the authors call the "Advanced Co-Generation System (ACGS)". It mainly consists of three turbine systems and an ammonia absorption refrigerator (AAR). The specialty of the ACGS is the bottoming stage employing an ammonia-water mixture (AWM) as the working fluid. First, the overall system configuration and some experimental results at the steady state are shown. The experimental investigation shows that the AWM bottoming cycles contribute to a higher efficiency of the system. An increase of 5-10% in electric power compared to a conventional co-generation system (CGS) is confirmed. Next, a hybrid configuration of the AWM turbine (AWMT) cycle and the AAR is investigated. A simulation model is constructed. The results of the simulation show that the hybrid configuration performs at about 14% higher efficiency.



  • 2212 アドバンスト・コージェネレーションシステムに関する研究(第 8 報典型的な需要例)

    井上 諭, 秋田 達弘, 竹下 恵介, 冨澤 昌雄, 天野 嘉春, 橋詰 匠

    年次大会講演論文集   2003   199 - 200  2003年


    The advanced co-generation system (ACGS) was built at Waseda University in 1999. We used MILP as the mathematical plan that has shown the example of an operation plan. In this paper, optimal operation planning of the bottoming stage of the ACGS with practical cases of the cooling demands 'such as a hotel and a hospital' in a day is discussed. The difference between the continuous operation cases (of 24 hours), and the daily start/stop operation cases is also discussed.

    DOI CiNii

  • 自然媒体を利用したコージェネレーションシステム

    設計工学/設計工学会   Dec.37  2002年12月

  • Experimental results of an ammonia-water mixture turbine system (Part 2: Effect of the Ammonia Mass Fraction)

    Keisuke Takeshita, Yoshiharu Amano, Takumi Hashizume, Akira Usui, Yoshiaki Tanzawa

    Proceedings of the 2002 International Joint Power Generation Conference     959 - 964  2002年


    This paper is an additional report to the paper by Amano (2001). In this paper, the authors report the additional experimental results of the effect of an ammonia mass fraction at the inlet of the AWM (Ammonia-Water Mixture) vapor generator in the AWM turbine system. The AWM turbine system features the Kalina Cycle technology. The 70KW-experimental facility was built in order to gain knowledge for practical applications. The heat source is the exhaust steam from a back-pressure steam turbine. The AWM turbine system is installed at the bottoming stage of a combined cycle which has a gas turbine, a steam turbine and an AWM turbine for cascade utilization of heat. The authors designed and constructed an experimental facility, the ACGS (the Advanced Co-Generation System), to investigate various energy-saving technologies for a distributed energy supply system in the Advanced Research Institute for Science and Engineering at Waseda University. One of the main targets is a hybrid combined heat and power supply system that uses AWM as its working fluid. The AWM turbine system was developed for the bottoming stage of a "trinary turbine cycle system" which is composed of a gas turbine, a steam turbine and the AWM turbine systems. The experimental results of the ammonia mass fraction to the cycle efficiency are investigated with a range of the ammonia mass fraction between 0.4 [NH3kg/kg] to 0.7 [NH3kg/kg]. It shows that there are optimal operating conditions depending on the heat source temperature with an ammonia mass fraction of the cycle. The simulation model of the AWM turbine system shows good agreement with the experimental data.



  • E233 アンモニア・水混合媒体を用いた発電・冷凍ハイブリッドサイクルのある熱源条件における最適な接続形態

    竹下 恵介, 天野 嘉春, 橋詰 匠

    熱工学講演会講演論文集   2002   465 - 466  2002年


    In this paper, authors propose a hybrid power and refrigeration system which employs ammonia-water mixture (AWM) as the working fluid. The hybrid system is composed of an AWM turbine system and an ammonia absorption refrigerator. The AWM turbine system is a power cycle which is similar to a Kalina cycle. The ammonia absorption refrigerator is a single-stage absorption chiller. The results of the simulations show that the hybrid system generates larger output power than that of separate configuration of the AWM turbine system and the ammonia absorption refrigerator under the condition of the same refrigerating capacity.

    DOI CiNii

  • 2
  • Modeling of the Main Component of the Bottoming Stage in an Advanced Co-Generation System on the Operational Planning.

    Masao TOMIZAWA, Keisuke TAKESHITA, Keisuke TSURI, Yoshiharu AMANO, Masashi AKIBA, Takumi HASHIZUME

    JSME International Journal Series B   45 ( 3 ) 446 - 450  2002年


    The advanced co-generation system (ACGS) was built at Waseda University in 1999. The ACGS consists of a gas turbine, a steam turbine, an ammonia-water mixture turbine, an ammonia absorption refrigerator and an ice storage system. These turbine systems have a cascade relation upon the utilization of energy. Meanwhile, the ammonia-water mixture turbine and the ammonia absorption refrigerator located in the bottoming stage of the ACGS to utilize the lower temperature steam. In this paper, a mathematical model of the bottoming stage of the ACGS is established according to the experimental data. And, the operational planning of the bottoming stage with three cases of the cooling demand during the nighttime is also discussed.


  • Experimental results of an ammonia-water mixture turbine system

    Yoshiharu Amano, Keisuke Takeshita, Takumi Hashizume, Masashi Akiba, Akira Usui, Yoshiaki Tanzawa

    Proceedings of the International Joint Power Generation Conference   2   69 - 76  2001年


    The Advanced Research Institute for Science and Engineering at Waseda University designed and constructed an experimental facility, the ACGS (the Advanced Co-Generation System), to investigate various kinds of energy-saving technology for a distributed energy supply system. One of the main targets is a hybrid combined heat and power supply system that uses AWM (ammonia-water mixture) as its working fluid (Amano et. al., 1999). The AMW turbine system was developed for the bottoming stage of "trinary turbine cycle system." The trinary cycle system is the main part of the ACGS and consists of a gas turbine cycle in the topping stage, a steam turbine cycle in the middle stage and the AWM turbine cycle in the bottoming stage. The AWM turbine system is capable of simulating various vapor mixture conditions observed in the heat exchangers proposed for use in the Kalina cycle and other thermodynamic cycles that use AWM as their working fluid. We call the AWM turbine system the Waseda Ammonia-Water Mixture Turbine System (W-MTS). The ACGS project team has constructed an experimental facility for the AWM turbine system and carried out the first trial run. This paper discusses the basic characteristics of the AWM turbine cycle and describes its input/output characteristics. Steady state characteristics experiments were carried out on the W-MTS to investigate the following: (1) the effect on the distillation/condensation subsystem (DCSS), namely, the effect of temperature at the inlet of the separator in the DCSS and the effect of the reflux loop, which enhances heat transfer in the condensing process, and (2) the effect on the vapor generator subsystem, (VGSS), namely, the effect of evaporating pressure and the effect of changes in the heat source. From the experimental results, we derived the basic characteristics of the turbine cycle as an input/output model, and the planning and control guide to be used in the turbine system in the bottoming stage.

  • ガスタービン,スチームタービン,アンモニア・水混合媒体タービンによるトライナリサイクルとアドバンスト・コージェネ

    日韓シンポジウム「21世紀の電力事業」/早稲田大学    2000年02月

  • Dynamic behavior of a directly combined binary turbine system using a mixture (R134a/R123)

    Yoshiaki Tanzawa, Takumi Hashizume, Yoshiharu Amano, Akira Usui

    American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Advanced Energy Systems Division (Publication) AES   40   585 - 590  2000年


    Our previous binary turbine system, which employs steam as the primary working fluid, used R11 as the secondary working fluid because R11 has good characteristics as a working fluid in power plants. However, substitute LBMs (Low Boiling temperature Mediums) are being developed because of the ozone layer depletion by CFCs. We investigated the system using R123 in the next stage. Because R123 is also controlled, in the previous paper, modeling of the dynamics of a directly combined binary turbine system using a mixture of R134a and R123 are described. In this paper, the steady state characteristics and dynamic behavior of the system using a mixture of R134a and R123 are investigated taking into account the mole fraction of the mixture. In addition to the investigation using the experimental system, the following are clarified using our model: In the steady-state characteristics, there are remarkable differences in pressure based on the thermodynamic properties and in the load allotment of the two turbines. However, in the dynamic characteristics, the effect of the mole fraction could hardly be observed on the response characteristics of the rotating components to the load change.



  • アドバンスト・コージェネレーションの紹介(2つのアンモニア・水混合媒体サイクルの導入)

    天野嘉春, 橋詰匠

    クリーンエネルギー/日本工業出版   9:10 ( 10 ) 18 - 22  1999年10月



  • 早稲田大学におけるアドバンスト・コージェネレーションシステムでのアンモニア/水系サイクルの構築


    講習会「分散利用型燃料電池・アンモニア/水系エネルギーシステムの展望」/日本機械学会   99-61   35 - 35  1999年10月


  • 2基の熱交換器を並列および直列に接続する系の動特性に関する考察

    日本機会学会論文集/日本機械学会   65;630-B  1999年02月

  • Effectiveness of an ammonia-water mixture turbine system to hot water heat source

    Takashi Suzuki, Hideki Noguchi, Yoshiharu Amano, Takumi Hashizume, Masashi Akiba, Yoshiaki Tanzawa, Akira Usui

    American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Power Division (Publication) PWR   34  1999年


    An ammonia-water mixture (AWM) turbine system, the so-called Waseda ammonia-water Mixture Turbine System (W-MTS), is described. Results of cycle simulation are discussed which show that the W-MTS is superior to the other simple Kalina cycles (KCS1 and KCS34) to pressurized hot water and steam as a latent and a sensible heat source at a temperature of 160°C.

  • Dynamics of two-heat exchanger network

    Amano, Y., Hashizume, T.

    Nihon Kikai Gakkai Ronbunshu, B Hen/Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Part B   65 ( 630 ) 755 - 760  1999年


    The dynamics of heat exchanger networks, parallel and series connections of two heat exchangers are investigated. Experiments of two steam-condensers cooled by water in tubes are performed and show intersting phenomena on both parallel- and series-heat exchanger networks. The characteristics of the parallel systems are mainly influenced by a stream splitting, i.e., the flow rate distribution and the transportation lag-time in the pipe connecting each heat exchanger and a confluence point. The magnitude and phase of water (cold stream) outlet temperature change against a water flow rate change input show fluctuations in the lower frequency range. In the same manner, the magnitude and phase of the series systems also show a fluctuation in a lower frequency range. These behaviors are caused by the effect of the size ratio of the primary heat exchanger to the secondary one and the lag-time in the pipe connecting each heat exchanger. Consequently, it is clarified that both the parallel and series systems are sensitive to the transportation lag-time in the pipe. The results shows the importance of a fluid transportation model in the pipe on the dynamics of the system.



  • Modeling and experimental investigation of dynamics of a directly combined binary turbine system using steam and R123

    Yoshiaki Tanzawa, Ryo Kato, Yukio Terashima, Takumi Hashizume, Yoshiaru Amano, Akira Usui

    American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Advanced Energy Systems Division (Publication) AES   38   35 - 40  1998年


    The binary turbine system that employs steam as the primary working fluid has used R11 as the secondary working fluid, because R11 has good characteristics as a working fluid in power plants. However, substitute LBMs (low boiling-temperature mediums compared with water) are being developed because of the destruction of the ozone layer by CFCs. In this paper, modeling and experimental investigations into the dynamics of a directly combined binary turbine system using R123 instead of R11 are described. The system consists mainly of a steam- and an R123-turbine, an R123 vapor generator, and an AC generator. The dynamic behavior of the system is discussed from the viewpoint of the network theory. The components of the system are represented as two- or three-port elements of the network and the vapor flow rate and shaft torque are appropriated as the through variable, and the vapor pressure and rotational speed as the across variable. As a result, a very simple network model based on the dynamics of various turbine systems like this was derived. The validity of the model was proven through comparison with our experimental results, which are the frequency responses examined with respect to generator load changes. In addition, we demonstrate that the model is very effective in predicting the dynamic behavior and power generation mechanism of directly combined binary turbine systems.



  • Modeling of the dynamics of a two-heat-exchanger network connected in parallel and the effect of the auxiliaries

    Yoshiharu Amano, Keisuke Fujiwara, Takumi Hashizume

    Nippon Kikai Gakkai Ronbunshu, B Hen/Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Part B   63 ( 608 ) 1389 - 1396  1997年04月


    In this paper we present a model of the dynamics of a two-heat-exchanger network connected in parallel. The model is represented using the inner admittances, which represent the dynamics of each heat exchanger, in series. The series connection of the inner admittances indicates the complexity of the two-heat-exchanger network. The complexity mainly depends on the characteristic of the confluent process. The fluid temperature behavior in the pipe between the heat exchangers and the confluent junction markedly influences the characteristic of the confluent process. We investigate the dynamics of the two-heat-exchanger network with respect to the effect of the piping and the confluence.



  • 熱交換器の回路論的動特性モデルに関する研究

    日本機会学会   III;97-1  1997年03月

  • Investigation of condensing process from the viewpoint of the network theory

    Yoshiharu Amano, Takumi Hashizume

    American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Power Division (Publication) PWR   32   135 - 140  1997年


    This paper shows the effects of the thermodynamic properties of several working fluids and operating conditions on the dynamics of condensing process from the network theoretic viewpoint. The authors have presented an approach to modeling of the dynamics of shell-and-tube type heat exchangers. These models are integrated to apply a wide variety of heat transfer modes, namely, condensing, evaporating, and heat transfer without phase change. We now present a more specific version of the condensing process. Investigation of the effects of thermodynamic property and confirmation of the validity of an approximation of internal energy with enthalpy are presented. As working fluids, R11, R12, R22, R123, R134a, ammonia and water (steam) are examined.

  • 7-3.回路論的視点から見た熱交換器の動特性(Session(7)熱利用システム・解析)

    天野 嘉春, 橋詰 匠

    日本エネルギー学会大会講演要旨集   6   203 - 206  1997年

    DOI CiNii

  • 7-5.混合媒体サイクルの運転動作点に関する調査(Session(7)熱利用システム・解析)

    山下 眞輝, 天野 嘉春, 橋詰 匠, 丹澤 祥晃, 宇須井 章

    日本エネルギー学会大会講演要旨集   6   211 - 214  1997年

    DOI CiNii

  • Modeling the dynamics of a two-heat-exchanger network connected in parallel and the effects of auxiliaries

    Amano, Y., Hashizume, T., Fujiwara, K.

    Heat Transfer - Asian Research   26 ( 5 ) 275 - 291  1997年


    In this paper we present a model for the dynamics of a two-heat-exchanger network connected in parallel. The model is represented using the inner admittances, which represent the dynamics of each heat exchanger, in series. The series connection of the inner admittances indicates the complexity of the two-heat-exchanger network. The complexity mainly depends on the characteristic of the confluent process. The fluid temperature behavior in the pipe between the heat exchangers and the confluent junction markedly influences the characteristic of the confluent process. We investigate the dynamics of the two-heat-exchanger network with respect to the effect of the piping and the confluence. © 1998 Scripta Technica.



  • 動特性を考慮した熱交換器の一設計指針

    日本機会学会   III;96-15  1996年09月

  • Dynamic characteristics of two shell-and-tube heat exchangers connected in parallel

    Yoshiharu Amano, Shigesuke Yaegashi, Takumi Hashizume, Tadahiro Machiyama

    American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Power Division (Publication) PWR   3   79 - 85  1995年


    The results of the theoretical and experimental investigations on the dynamic characteristics of two shell-and-tube heat exchangers connected in parallel are presented. The relationship between the size and flow rate ratio of the heat exchanger and the difference between transportation times from the heat exchanger outlet to the confluence influence the dynamics of the system under the specified parameters. This suggests the importance of matching the size and operating condition of each heat exchanger and the piping arrangement to the confluent junction.

  • Dynamic characteristics of various shell-and-tube heat exchangers and modeling from the viewpoint of the network theory

    Yoshiharu Amano, Takumi Hashizume, Tadahiro Machiyama

    American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Power Division (Publication) PWR   25   159 - 164  1994年


    This paper presents a network-theoretical approach to the modeling on the dynamic characteristics of the shell-and-tube heat exchangers. Taking into account the phase conditions of hot and cold fluids upon heat-exchange, the shell-and-tube heat exchangers are classified into four types. At the same time, not only the steady state but also dynamic characteristics of the heat exchangers are classified into four types. Therefore they are usually considered and treated as different heat exchangers. In this paper, the dynamic characteristics of the four types of shell-and-tube heat exchangers are investigated theoretically. As a result, we derived the model on the dynamic characteristic of each type of the heat exchangers from the viewpoint of the network theory. In this model, the hot and cold fluid processes are represented as 2-port network elements interconnected, and each process consists of through variable sources and admittances in parallel. According to this model, the investigation on these admittances gives us important information on the dynamic characteristics of the shell-and-tube heat exchangers.

  • シェルアンドチューブ式熱交換器の動的特性に関する回路論的考察

    天野 嘉春, 橋詰 匠, 町山 忠弘

    日本機械学会論文集 B編   60 ( 576 ) 2895 - 2903  1994年


    The shell-and-tube heat exchangers mentioned in this paper are the typical types of heat exchangers. We divide them into four classes, on the basis of the fluid condition. That is, (1) one fluid condenses and the other vaporizes, (2) one fluid condenses and the other does not change its phase upon heating, (3) one fluid vaporizes and the other does not change its phase upon cooling, and (4) neither fluid changes its phase upon heat-exchange. In this paper, the dynamic characteristics of the four types of shell-and-tube heat exchangers mentioned above are investigated experimentally and theoretically. In the theoretical study, the dynamic characteristics were investigated from the viewpoint of the network theory. As a result, a very simple network model was derived. It is shown that this model is adaptable for all types of shell-and-tube heat exchangers regardless of the operational condition and the kind of fluids in the heat exchanger. The validity of the model was proven by comparison with the experimental results.

    DOI CiNii



  • 33rd International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems (ECOS 2020)

    Ryohei Yokoyama, Yoshiharu Amano( 担当: 編纂)

    Curran Associates, Inc.  2020年09月

  • 工場の低温排熱発電と排熱利用技術

    河合素直編, 野嘉春

    サイエンス&テクノロジー  2011年07月 ISBN: 9784864280242

  • 機械工学便覧 応用システム編 エネルギー供給システム


    日本機械学会  2005年05月

  • 冷凍空調技術に関するシミュレーション技術II

    秋澤,齋藤, 藤居, 天野,宮崎



  • Feasibility Study of Realizing Carbon Neutral Society by Smart Industrial Energy Management Systems

    Akio Ito, Tetsuo Takeuchi, Akira Yoshida, Yoshiharu Amano

    2023 62nd Annual Conference of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers of Japan (SICE)  

    発表年月: 2023年09月

  • “Automation” from the Perspective of an Energy Management System

    Yoshiharu Amano  [招待有り]

    SICE Annual Conference 2022  

    発表年月: 2022年06月

  • 太陽光発電の余剰電力活用が家庭用エネルギーシステムの CO2 排出量に与える影響

    永井俊行, 吉田彬, 天野嘉春

    第35回エネルギー・資源学会研究発表会   エネルギー・資源学会  

    発表年月: 2016年06月

  • Impact of Forecasting Accuracy of Demand Profile on Energy Consumption Characteristics of Residential PEM-FC CGS


    2016 JST-NSF-DFG-RCN Workshop on Distributed Energy Management Systems   (ハイデルベルク)  DFG  

    発表年月: 2016年05月

  • 一周波RTK-GNSSと慣性センサの複合による高精度車両位置推定

    髙橋佑允, 鈴木太郎, 天野嘉春

    平成28年度測位航法学会全国大会   (東京)  測位航法学会  

    発表年月: 2016年04月

  • PV出力抑制下における家庭用エネルギー管理システムの運用成績評価

    小方亮平, 吉田彬, 田辺新一, 天野嘉春

    第32回エネルギーシステム・経済・環境コンファレンス講演会   エネルギー・資源学会  

    発表年月: 2016年02月

  • 家庭用エネルギー管理システムにおける需要予測精度が運用成績に与える影響の分析

    吉川潤, 吉田彬, 田辺新一, 天野嘉春

    第32回エネルギーシステム・ 経済・環境コンファレンス   (東京)  エネルギー・資源学会  

    発表年月: 2016年02月

  • 実測に基づく燃料電池・コージェネレーションシステムの 特性評価に関する研究

    吉田 彬, 古市 匠, 天野 嘉春

    日本機械学会 2015 年度年次大会   (札幌)  日本機械学会  

    発表年月: 2015年09月

  • 家庭用 PEFC-CGS における 需要予測精度が省エネルギー性に与える影響の分析

    吉川 潤, 吉田 彬, 天野 嘉春

    日本機械学会 2015 年度年次大会   日本機械学会  

    発表年月: 2015年09月

  • 未利用低温排熱駆動のためのヒートポンプサイクルの検討

    松本 遥香, 兵頭 達也, 天野 嘉春

    日本機械学会 2015 年度年次大会   (札幌)  日本機械学会  

    発表年月: 2015年09月

  • アンテナを用いた マルチコプタの高精度姿勢推定手法の検討

    鈴木太郎, 明比建, 増渕拓馬, 天野嘉春

    第33回日本ロボット学会学術講演会   (東京)  日本ロボット学会  

    発表年月: 2015年09月

  • カメラ傾斜角を考慮したスカイラインマッチングによる 惑星探査ローバの自己位置推定

    明比建, 北村光教, 大津恭平, 大槻真嗣, 天野嘉春

    第14回「運動と振動の制御」シンポジウム   日本機械学会 機械力学・計測制御部門  

    発表年月: 2015年06月

  • 福島第一原発での教訓を踏まえた突入撤退判断システム (第4報)

    塚越貴哉, 小林正尚, 天野嘉春, 石川喜一朗, 山口芳裕, 久保田勝明

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2015   (京都)  日本機械学会  

    発表年月: 2015年05月

  • 都市部における衛星測位精度向上のための3 次元地図と魚眼カメラを用いたNLOS 衛星判別手法の開発

    加藤尚大, 渡邉研, 北村光教, 天野嘉春

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会   (京都)  日本機械学会  

    発表年月: 2015年05月

  • 予測・運用計画・制御手法に基づく家庭用エネルギーシステム の時間帯別料金を考慮した経済性評価


    発表年月: 2015年01月

  • 快適性を考慮した家庭用エネルギーシステムの最適運用方策の検討


    発表年月: 2014年09月

  • 発電冷凍ハイブリッドサイクルの理論最適サイクルによる評価


    発表年月: 2014年09月

  • 家庭用PEFCシステムにおける級長需要予測誤差が省エネルギー性に及ぼす影響の評価


    発表年月: 2014年06月

  • 確率計画法を用いたエネルギー需要シナリオに対する家庭用PEFCシステムの最適運用方策の検討


    発表年月: 2014年06月

  • ピンチ解析による VCC プロセスの造粒乾燥システムへの複合効果の評価


    発表年月: 2014年06月

  • スカイラインマッチングによる方位角推定を用いた惑星探査ローバの自己位置補正

    2014 JSME Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics  

    発表年月: 2014年05月

  • 準天頂衛星を利用した都市部環境下における マルチ GNSS 複合測位の利用性向上に関する研究

    2014 JSME Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics  

    発表年月: 2014年05月

  • GPS 不可視衛星棄却のための可視光魚眼カメラ画像を用いた障害物抽出

    2014 JSME Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics  

    発表年月: 2014年04月

  • 準天頂衛星を利用した都市部環境下における マルチ GNSS 複合測位の利用性向上

    平成26年度 測位航法学会 全国大会  

    発表年月: 2014年04月



    発表年月: 2014年04月



    発表年月: 2014年04月

  • ベイジアンネットワークを適用した 機器使用傾向学習型 HEMS の開発


    発表年月: 2014年03月

  • ベイジアンネットワークを適用した機器使用傾向学習型HEMSの開発


    発表年月: 2014年03月

  • 地域別エネルギー需要特性に対する家庭用PEFCシステムの運用方策の検討


    発表年月: 2014年01月

  • 早稲田大学 天野研究室 つくばチャレンジ2013における自律移動ロボットの開発


    発表年月: 2014年01月

  • つくばチャレンジ2013における自律移動ロボットの開発


    発表年月: 2013年12月

  • アクティブサスペンションによるフロート型水上飛行機の耐波性向上に関する検討


    発表年月: 2013年11月

  • 典型的需要パターンが及ぼすエネルギー供給システムへの影響分析手法の検討

    計測自動制御学会 システム・情報部門 学術講演会2013(SSI2013)  

    発表年月: 2013年11月

  • コリオリ質量流量計における測定管の減肉診断減肉模擬およびシミュレーションによる診断指標の評価

    計測自動制御学会 産業応用部門・流体計測制御部会  

    発表年月: 2013年10月

  • Mobile Mappingデータにおける大規模三次元点群からの道路周辺地物の認識(第5報) -柱状物体の位置関係を用いた空中架線の抽出-


    発表年月: 2013年09月

  • アンモニア・水混合媒体による発電冷凍ハイブリッドサイクルの多目的最適化

    日本機械学会 2013年度年次大会�  

    発表年月: 2013年09月

  • Basic studies on x-ray fluorescence analysis for active x-ray spectrometer on SELENE-2

    SPIE 2013  

    発表年月: 2013年09月

  • 稜線画像と数値標高モデルを用いたスカイラインマッチングによるローバの自己位置同定手法


    発表年月: 2013年08月

  • Optimal operation of a residential photovoltaic/fuel-cell energy system using scenario-based stochastic programming


    発表年月: 2013年07月

  • Lunar Surface Investigation using an Active X-ray Spectrometer for the SELENE-2 Rover


    発表年月: 2013年06月

  • 水蒸気圧縮機における気液二相圧縮過程の解析と実験

    日本機械学会 第18回動力・エネルギー技術シンポジウム  

    発表年月: 2013年06月

  • 家庭用PVシステムと併用する蓄電池の劣化特性を考慮した検討


    発表年月: 2013年06月

  • Development of a Pyroelectric X-ray Generator for Active X-ray Spectrometer of SELENE-2

    ISTS 2013  

    発表年月: 2013年06月

  • An Active X-Ray Spectrometer for the SELENE-2 Rover

    ISTS 2013  

    発表年月: 2013年06月

  • 屋内外で利用可能な可搬型三次元計測装置の開発


    発表年月: 2013年05月

  • MMS の計測経路計画のリアルタイム更新


    発表年月: 2013年05月

  • 小型UAVにおけるGPSジャイロ/IMU複合を用いた姿勢計測手法の構築�


    発表年月: 2013年05月

  • 樹木隣接環境下におけるGPSマルチパス誤差調査に関する研究


    発表年月: 2013年05月

  • 準天頂衛星LEX信号を用いたタイトカップリング型GNSS/IMU複合航法の構築


    発表年月: 2013年05月


    ISRS 2013  

    発表年月: 2013年05月

  • Mobile Mappingデータにおける大規模三次元点群からの道路周辺地物の認識(第4報) -Mobile Mappingデータにより作成した識別器の他システムにおける性能評価-


    発表年月: 2013年03月

  • 太陽光発電導入各種エネルギー供給システムの経済性・省エネルギー性比較分析


    発表年月: 2013年01月

  • SELENE-2用月面探査車搭載に向けた化学分析装置AXSの開発


    発表年月: 2013年01月

  • つくばチャレンジ2012における自律移動ロボットの開発


    発表年月: 2013年01月

  • Recognition of Road Objects from 3D Mobile Mapping Data

    Asian Conference on Design and Digital Engineering  

    発表年月: 2012年12月



    発表年月: 2012年10月

  • Mobile Mappingデータにおける大規模三次元点群からの道路周辺地物の認識(第3報)-局所領域の点群孤立度に着目した柱状物体の認識-


    発表年月: 2012年09月

  • アンモニア・水混合媒体を用いた発電・冷凍ハイブリッドサイクルのエクセ ルギー評価

    日本機械学会 2012 年度年次大会  

    発表年月: 2012年09月

  • An Active X-Ray Spectrometer (AXS) for the Rover of the SELENE-2


    発表年月: 2012年08月

  • A Comparison of Optimal Operation of Residential Energy Systems Using Clustered Demand Patterns Based on Kullback-Leibler Divergence

    Proc. ECOS2012  

    発表年月: 2012年06月

  • 水蒸気圧縮過程における水噴霧効果の解析


    発表年月: 2012年06月

  • 理論最適サイクルに基づく発電・冷凍ハイブリッドサイクルの評価法


    発表年月: 2012年06月

  • 複数の一周波GPS受信機を用いた小型UAVの高精度姿勢計測


    発表年月: 2012年05月

  • 大規模三次元点群からの機械学習による柱状物体の認識


    発表年月: 2012年05月

  • Mobile Mapping Systemによる道路視点からの 東日本大震災被災地域調査 —時系列三次元点群比較による道路周辺環境の変化域抽出—


    発表年月: 2012年05月

  • GPSとGLONASS複合による移動体測位の 信頼性の向上に関する研究


    発表年月: 2012年05月

  • 小型自律飛行ロボットを用いた機械学習による植生分類図作成


    発表年月: 2012年05月

  • GNSSの可視性を考慮したMobile Mapping Systemの計測経路計画


    発表年月: 2012年05月

  • 準天頂衛星と可視衛星数地図を用いた自律移動システムの経路計画


    発表年月: 2012年05月


    Europian Lunar Symposium, DLR Berlin  

    発表年月: 2012年04月


    43rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2012)  

    発表年月: 2012年03月


    43rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2012)  

    発表年月: 2012年03月

  • SVM機械学習による大規模三次元点群からの道路周辺地物の認識


    発表年月: 2012年03月

  • 未利用低温廃熱に適した小型発電システムの評価


    発表年月: 2012年03月


    The 6th KAGUYA (SELENE) Science Working Team Meeting  

    発表年月: 2012年01月

  • 月面でのその場元素分析のための能動型蛍光X線分光計AXSの開発状況

    第12回 宇宙科学シンポジウム  

    発表年月: 2012年01月

  • 実測データに基づく1kW級PEFCシステムの特性分析


    発表年月: 2012年01月

  • SELENE-2 搭載に向けたその場元素分析のための能動型蛍光X 線分光計AXS の開発

    第33回 太陽系科学シンポジウム  

    発表年月: 2011年11月

  • Mobile Mapping Systemによる広域環境モニタリングの実証研究


    発表年月: 2011年10月

  • アポロ試料の主要元素組成に基づく宇宙風化度の定量


    発表年月: 2011年09月

  • Mobile Mapping Systemの災害復興への活用に関する研究


    発表年月: 2011年09月

  • Mobile Mapping Systemの三次元点群処理に関する研究


    発表年月: 2011年09月

  • 時間拡張2Dグリッドマップを用いた小型自律移動クローラシステムの開発


    発表年月: 2011年09月

  • Mobile Mapping System における広域三次元計測のためのレーザスキャナを利用したカメラ外部パラメータの推定

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2011 講演論文  

    発表年月: 2011年09月

  • マルチパス判別を複合したタイトカップリングGPS/INS複合航法による移動体位置推定

    第29回日本ロボット学会学術講演会 講演予稿集  

    発表年月: 2011年09月

  • 700W級PEFCシステムのCO2排出量分析


    発表年月: 2011年09月

  • Comparative evaluation of residential energy systems to reduce CO2 emission

    Proc. World Engineers Convention 2011  

    発表年月: 2011年09月

  • Multipath Mitigation Using Omnidirectional Infrared Camera for Tightly Coupled GPS/INS Integration in Urban Environment

    Proc. of ION GNSS 2011  

    発表年月: 2011年09月

  • Development of a SIFT based Monocular SLAM Algorithm for a Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

    Proc. of SICE Annual Conference 2011  

    発表年月: 2011年09月

  • Evaluation of A Positioning Correction Method in GPS Blockage Condition

    Proc. of SICE Annual Conference 2011  

    発表年月: 2011年09月

  • Comparative Study on Renewal Planning of Alternative Energy Supply Systems for a Hospital

    Proc. ECOS2011.  

    発表年月: 2011年07月

  • 1000W級PEFCシステムのCO2排出量分析


    発表年月: 2011年06月

  • 三次元地図を用いたGNSS反射マルチパス識別による都市環境での測位手法の検討


    発表年月: 2011年05月

  • GPS衛星不可視環境下における位置標定の高精度化に関する研究

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2011 講演論文集  

    発表年月: 2011年05月

  • High-Accuracy GPS and GLONASS Positioning by Multipath Mitigation using Omnidirectional Infrared Camera

    Proc. of 2011 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation  

    発表年月: 2011年05月


    Proc. 10th IEA Heat Pump Conference  

    発表年月: 2011年05月


    Proc. 10th IEA Heat Pump Conference  

    発表年月: 2011年05月

  • 三次元地図と赤外全周カメラを用いた屋外環境における車両の三次元位置姿勢推定


    発表年月: 2011年03月

  • GNSSマルチパス波判別を複合した精密単独測位による屋外移動ロボットの位置推定


    発表年月: 2011年03月

  • 6-DOF Localization for a Mobile Robot using Outdoor 3D Voxel Maps

    IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems  

    発表年月: 2010年10月

  • Mobile Mapping Systemの三次元点群に活用に関する研究


    発表年月: 2010年09月

  • Mobile Mapping System による三次元点群 と時系列画像を用いた道路面補完に関する研究


    発表年月: 2010年09月

  • 環境の三次元地図と赤外全周カメラを用いたパーティクルフィルタによる屋外位置推定


    発表年月: 2010年09月

  • Vision Based Localization of a Small UAV for Generating a Large Mosaic Iamge

    SICE Annual Conference 2010  

    発表年月: 2010年08月

  • 家庭用PEFCシステムの省エネルギー性・環境性・経済性評価


    発表年月: 2010年06月

  • 戸建住宅における電力・給湯需要に対する各種エネルギー供給システムの比較分析


    発表年月: 2010年06月

  • 小型UAVによるSIFT特徴を用いた単眼カメラSLAMアルゴリズム構築

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2010 講演論文集  

    発表年月: 2010年06月

  • 屋外環境下で用いる自律移動システムに関する研究−第57報 GPS衛星不可視環境下における道路地物の測量値を用いた位置補正手法の評価−

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2010 講演論文集  

    発表年月: 2010年06月

  • 屋外環境下で用いる自律移動システムに関する研究—第56 報 低周波数無線による通信遅延を考慮した屋外遠隔運転—

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2010 講演論文集  

    発表年月: 2010年06月

  • A Multi-Stage Optimal Renewal Planning of an Energy Supply System for Office Building from Economic Viewpoint

    ECOS 2010  

    発表年月: 2010年06月

  • GPS 時刻同期と環境の三次元地図情報を用いた屋外遠隔運転システムの開発


    発表年月: 2010年03月

  • 蒸発脱水プロセスの超省エネルギー化を可能とするVCC技術の研究開発


    発表年月: 2010年01月

  • 下水汚泥のVCC蒸発脱水プロセスによるエネルギー資源化の可能性


    発表年月: 2010年01月

  • 屋外環境下で用いる自律移動システムに関する研究 第54報 GPS時刻同期を用いた車両の遠隔運転システムに関する研究

    第10回 計測自動制御学会 システムインテグレーション部門講演会(SI2009) 講演論文集  

    発表年月: 2009年12月

  • モービルマッピングシステムを用いた次世代道路地図作成システムに関する研究

    第10回 計測自動制御学会 システムインテグレーション部門講演会(SI2009) 講演論文集  

    発表年月: 2009年12月

  • A Multi-Stage Optimal Renewal Planning for an Energy Supply System from Economic Viewpoint

    International Conference on Power Engineering-09 (ICOPE-09)  

    発表年月: 2009年11月

  • Aerial Cable Localization and Management Using a Mobile Mapping System

    Proc. of ICROS-SICE International Joint Conference 2009  

    発表年月: 2009年08月

  • Development of Low-Cost and Flexible Vegetation Monitoring System Using Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

    ICROS-SICE International Joint Conference 2009  

    発表年月: 2009年08月

  • 家庭用ガスエンジン・コージェネレーションシステムの省エネルギー性最大ポテンシャルの分析


    発表年月: 2009年05月

  • 小型自律飛行機による可視・近赤外画像を利用した植生評価システムの構築

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2009 講演論文集  

    発表年月: 2009年05月

  • 屋外環境下で用いる自律移動システムに関する研究 第52報 環境の三次元地図情報を用いた車両の運転支援に関する研究

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2009 講演論文集  

    発表年月: 2009年05月

  • モービルマッピングシステムと小型自律飛行機を用いた堤防の三次元復元に関する研究

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2009 講演論文集  

    発表年月: 2009年05月

  • 屋外環境下で用いる自律移動システムに関する研究 第53報 環境の三次元点群情報を用いた位置推定手法の検討

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2009 講演論文集  

    発表年月: 2009年05月

  • モービルマッピングシステムを用いた次世代道路地図作成システムに関する研究

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2009 講演論文集  

    発表年月: 2009年05月

  • モービルマッピングシステムを用いた道路オルソモザイク生成に関する研究

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2009 講演論文集  

    発表年月: 2009年05月

  • モービルマッピングシステムによる高分解能DEMを用いた路面形状の管理に関する研究

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2009 講演論文集  

    発表年月: 2009年05月

  • 道路地物の測量値とGPS/IMUを複合した自己位置標定手法の研究

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2009 講演論文集  

    発表年月: 2009年05月

  • 屋外環境下で用いる自律移動システムに関する研究 (第51報 環境の三次元点群情報を用いた車両の遠隔運転に関する研究)

    第9回 計測自動制御学会 システムインテグレーション部門講演会  

    発表年月: 2008年12月

  • 小型自律飛行機による植生観測手法の構築

    第9回 計測自動制御学会 システムインテグレーション部門講演会  

    発表年月: 2008年12月


    ITS World Congress 2008  

    発表年月: 2008年11月

  • モービルマッピングシステムを用いた道路周辺三次元空間モデリングシステム


    発表年月: 2008年09月

  • 小型自律飛行ロボットを用いた災害時における情報収集システムの構築


    発表年月: 2008年09月

  • 家庭用ガスエンジン・コージェネレーションシステムの省エネルギー性分析


    発表年月: 2008年08月

  • 小型自律飛行機を用いた災害時のための実時間情報収集システムの構築


    発表年月: 2008年06月

  • モービルマッピングシステムを用いた架空線・電柱位置管理に関する研究


    発表年月: 2008年06月

  • アンモニア吸収式冷凍機における冷媒採取測定方法に関する実験


    発表年月: 2008年06月

  • Multi-Objective Optimal Renewal Planning of Energy Supply Systems for Buildings from Economic and Environmental Viewpoints

    21st International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems (ECOS’08)  

    発表年月: 2008年06月

  • Impact Analysis of Carbon Tax on the Renewal Planning of Energy Supply System for an Office Building

    21st International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems (ECOS’08)  

    発表年月: 2008年06月

  • モービルマッピングシステムを用いたトンネル断面形状管理に関する研究

    ロボティクスメカトロニクス講演会2008 長野  

    発表年月: 2008年06月

  • 小型自律飛行機を用いた災害時のための実時間情報収集システムの構築

    ロボティクスメカトロニクス講演会2008 長野  

    発表年月: 2008年06月

  • 小型自律飛行ロボットを用いた情報収集・計測による防災システムの構築


    発表年月: 2008年03月

  • 小型自律飛行ロボットを用いた情報収集・計測による防災システムの構築


    発表年月: 2008年03月

  • 家庭用ガスエンジン・コージェネレーションシステムにおける発電効率向上の影響分析


    発表年月: 2008年01月

  • Development of Positioning Technique using Omni-directional IR Camera and Aerial Survey Data

    2007 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics  

    発表年月: 2007年09月

  • アンモニアを作動流体とする温泉熱温度差発電に関する研究 第2報


    発表年月: 2007年09月

  • 排ガス駆動アンモニア水混合媒体発電・冷凍ハイブリッドサイクルの特性

    JSME第12回動力・エネルギー 技術シンポジウム講演論文集  

    発表年月: 2007年06月

  • 小型自律飛行機を用いた高精度三次元計測

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス 講演会(秋田)  

    発表年月: 2007年06月

  • Energy Saving Characteristics of Gas Engine Home Cogeneration Systems

    ECOS 2007  

    発表年月: 2007年06月

  • 熱源状態変動に対するアンモニア・水混合媒体タービンシステムの特性調査


    発表年月: 2007年03月

  • 機器部分負荷および外気温特性を考慮したヒートポンプとガス吸収式冷温水機の経済性評価


    発表年月: 2007年03月

  • 最適化に基づく家庭用ガスエンジン・コージェネレーションシステムの省エネルギー性分析

    第23回 エネルギーシステム・経済・環境コンファレンス 講演論文集  

    発表年月: 2007年01月

  • 屋外環境下で用いる自律移動システムに関する研究 (第47報 赤外線全周カメラを用いたマルチパス除去による測位の高精度化)

    計測自動制御学会 システムインテグレーション部門 講演会  

    発表年月: 2006年12月

  • 小型自律飛行機と時空間GISを用いた高解像度モザイク画像

    計測自動制御学会 システムインテグレーション部門 講演会  

    発表年月: 2006年12月

  • 赤外線全周カメラを用いたGPS測位の高精度化


    発表年月: 2006年11月

  • アンモニア吸収式冷凍機の起動時における溶液ポンプ異常抑制に関する研究−冷媒蒸気発生タイミングの影響−


    発表年月: 2006年10月

  • キャピラリーチューブを用いた中規模ヒートポンプシステムに関する研究

    2006年度日本冷凍空調学会年次会 講演論文集  

    発表年月: 2006年10月

  • 3D Reconstruction by a Mobile Robot using Multi-Baseline Omni-Directional Motion Stereo based on GPS/DR Compound Navigation System

    IEEE International Conference on Control Applications, Munich, Germany  

    発表年月: 2006年10月

  • 高含水廃棄物を対象としたヒートポンプ式蒸発脱水システムの基礎特性

    日本機械学会 2006年度年次大会 講演論文集  

    発表年月: 2006年09月

  • 温泉熱温度差発電システムにおける作動流体としての自然系媒体の評価


    発表年月: 2006年09月

  • アンモニアを作動流体とする温泉熱温度差発電に関する研究


    発表年月: 2006年09月

  • 家庭用ガスエンジン・コージェネレーションシステムの特性分析

    第25回 エネルギー資源学会研究発表会 講演論文集  

    発表年月: 2006年06月

  • 屋外環境下で用いる自律移動システムに関する研究 (第43報 モービルマッピングシステムによる道路三次元モデルを用いた白線位置計測)

    日本機械学会 ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会  

    発表年月: 2006年06月

  • 屋外環境下で用いる自律移動システムに関する研究 (第44報 全周赤外カメラと航空測量レーザデータを用いた測位)

    日本機械学会 ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会  

    発表年月: 2006年06月

  • 屋外環境下で用いる自律移動システムに関する研究 (第45報 自動計測システムを用いた継続的な被災情報の収集)

    日本機械学会 ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会  

    発表年月: 2006年06月

  • 屋外環境下で用いる自律移動システムに関する研究 (第46報 屋外自律移動監視システムでの環境地図の使用による遠隔操縦機能の付加)

    日本機械学会 ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会  

    発表年月: 2006年06月


    Proc. GT2006, ASME TURBO EXPO 2006/ASME  

    発表年月: 2006年05月

  • 複数の基線長を利用したGPS/DR複合型全周モーションステレオによる屋外三次元環境復元

    第11回ロボティクス・シンポジア箱根 (査読付) 2006.3  

    発表年月: 2006年03月

  • 屋外環境下で用いる自律移動システムに関する研究 (第41報 航空測量データと全方位視覚センサ画像のマッチングによる移動体の位置・姿勢角推定)

    第6回 (社)計測自動制御学会 システムインテグレーション部門 講演会  

    発表年月: 2005年12月

  • 屋外環境下で用いる自律移動システムに関する研究(第42報 モービルマッピングシステムによる被災地の状況把握)

    第6回 (社)計測自動制御学会 システムインテグレーション部門 講演会  

    発表年月: 2005年12月

  • GPS自律移動監視システム


    発表年月: 2005年12月

  • ロボットと時空間GISの連携による段階的な震災データ収集システムの開発


    発表年月: 2005年12月

  • Experimental Investigation of Oscillatory Fluctuation in an Ammonia-Water Mixture Turbine System

    Proc. IMECE 2005  

    発表年月: 2005年11月

  • 全周視覚センサと航空測量データを用いた都市部での高精度測位に関する研究

    GPS/GNSSシンポジウム2005 ビギナーズセッション  

    発表年月: 2005年11月

  • 屋外環境下で用いる自律移動システムに関する研究 (第40報 RTK-GPS/INS/高分解能ODVを用いたマルチベースラインモーションステレオ)

    第6回 (社)計測自動制御学会 システムインテグレーション部門 講演会  

    発表年月: 2005年11月

  • 屋外環境下で用いる自律移動システムに関する研究 (第39報構内自律移動監視システムにおける高速遠隔手動操縦の実現)


    発表年月: 2005年09月

  • アンモニア−水系発電・冷凍ハイブリッドサイクルの実証試験

    日本機械学会 第15回環境工学シンポジウム講演論文集  

    発表年月: 2005年07月

  • アンモニア・水混合媒体を用いた縦型流下液膜式吸収・凝縮器の特性調査

    日本機械学会 第15回環境工学シンポジウム講演論文集  

    発表年月: 2005年07月

  • アンモニア吸収式冷凍機の冷媒濃度低下時におけるサイクル内の各状態量調査

    日本機械学会 第15回環境工学シンポジウム講演論文集  

    発表年月: 2005年07月

  • キャピラリーチューブを用いたCO2ヒートポンプシステムに関する研究(第1報 キャピラリーチューブの定常特性)

    日本機械学会 第10回動力・エネルギー技術シンポジウム講演論文集  

    発表年月: 2005年06月

  • キャピラリーチューブを用いたCO2ヒートポンプシステムに関する研究(第2報 実機システムの運転性能評価)

    日本機械学会 第10回動力・エネルギー技術シンポジウム講演論文集  

    発表年月: 2005年06月

  • Creating Spatial Temporal Database by Autonomous Mobile Surveillance

    IEEE Int. Workshop on Safety,Security, and Rescue Robotics (SSRR), Kobe,  

    発表年月: 2005年06月

  • Parking-vehicles Recognition using Spatial Temporal Data (A Study of

    IEEE Int. Workshop on Safety,Security, and Rescue Robotics (SSRR), Kobe,  

    発表年月: 2005年06月

  • 屋外環境下で用いる自律移動システムに関する研究 (第34報 3次元GISを用いたGPS衛星遮蔽を考慮した棄却処理によるマルチパス対策)

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会'05 神戸  

    発表年月: 2005年06月

  • 屋外環境下で用いる自律移動システムに関する研究 (第37報マルチベースラインOMSVによる距離推定精度の向上)

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会'05 神戸  

    発表年月: 2005年06月

  • Comparison of Hybrid Configurations of Power Generation and Refrigeration Cycles Using Ammonia-Water Mixture

    PWR2005/ ASME Power, ICOPE05/ASME,JSME  

    発表年月: 2005年04月

  • Study on Optimal Operational Planning of Advanced Cogeneration System in Cosideration of Annual Demand Analysis


    発表年月: 2005年04月

  • Performance Improvement of an Ammonia-Water Mixture Turbine Cycle with Ejector


    発表年月: 2005年04月

  • Omni-directional Motion Stereo Vision based on Accurate GPS/INS Navigation System

    2nd Workshop on Integration of Vision and Inertial Sensors  

    発表年月: 2005年04月

  • アンモニア吸収式冷凍機の吸収器内における過渡的な状態変化とポンプ異常発生との関連

    日本機械学会 年次大会講演論文集  

    発表年月: 2004年09月

  • アドバンスト・コージェネレーションシステムに関する研究(第9報 年間運転計画例)

    日本機械学会 年次大会講演論文集  

    発表年月: 2004年09月

  • 熱源温度から見たアンモニア・水混合媒体タービンシステムの特性調査

    日本機械学会 年次大会講演論文集  

    発表年月: 2004年09月

  • エジェクタつきアンモニア・水混合媒体タービンシステムの特性調査

    日本機械学会 年次大会講演論文集  

    発表年月: 2004年09月

  • アンモニア・水混合媒体発電・冷凍ハイブリッドシステムの接続形態による性能比較

    日本機械学会 年次大会講演論文集  

    発表年月: 2004年09月

  • Experimental Results of an Ammonia-Water Mixture Turbine System (Effectiveness with a low temperature heat source)

    ASME Turbo Expo 2004/ASME  

    発表年月: 2004年06月

  • アンモニア吸収式冷凍機の起動特性実験(システムの小型化にともなう起動時の諸問題について)


    発表年月: 2003年11月

  • アンモニアを作動媒体とする冷凍機


    発表年月: 2003年11月

  • Measurement Method of Refrigerant Mass Fraction in Ammonia Absorption Refrigerator


    発表年月: 2003年11月

  • Availability of Ice Storage System in the Operational Planning of ACGS Based on Modeling Components with Delay


    発表年月: 2003年11月

  • アンモニア・水混合媒体吸収器・凝縮器の特性調査(実運用化での基本性能調査)


    発表年月: 2003年10月

  • アドバンスト・コージェネレーションシステムに関する研究(第8報 典型的な需要例)


    発表年月: 2003年08月


    IJPGC03:2003 International Joint Power Conference Atlanta, Georgia, USA/ASME  

    発表年月: 2003年06月

  • アンモニア吸収式冷凍機の冷媒濃度推定法および冷媒採取実験について


    発表年月: 2003年03月

  • アンモニア・水混合媒体を用いた発電・冷凍ハイブリッドサイクルのある熱源条件における最適な接続形態


    発表年月: 2002年11月

  • Hybrid Configuration of Power Cycle and Absorption Refrigeration Cycle with Ammonia-Water Mixture

    Zero Leakage-Minimum Charge/IIR,The Royal Institute of Technology(Sweden)  

    発表年月: 2002年08月

  • Experimental Results of An Ammonia-Water Mixture Turbine System (Part 2: Effect of the Ammonia Mass Fraction)


    発表年月: 2002年06月

  • アンモニア・水混合媒体タービンシステムの定常特性実験(第2報 アンモニア濃度がシステムに及ぼす影響)


    発表年月: 2002年03月

  • アドバンスト・コージェネレーションシステムに関する研究(第7報 機器の遅れを考慮した最適運用計画)

    関東支部第8期 総会講演会/日本機械学会  

    発表年月: 2002年03月

  • あるCGSに付帯する冷凍システムの最適運用における氷蓄熱機能の効果


    発表年月: 2002年03月

  • Experimental Study of Advanced Co-Generation System with Ammonia-Water Mixture Cycles at Bottoming

    RAN 2001  

    発表年月: 2001年12月

  • Modeling of the Main Component of the Bottoming Stage in an Advanced Co-Generation System on the Operating Planning

    The 2001 ICOPE / CSPE, JSME, ASME  

    発表年月: 2001年10月

  • アンモニア吸収式冷凍機の制御性能に関する実験検討


    発表年月: 2001年06月

  • Experimental Results of an Ammonia-Water Mixture Turbine System

    Proceedings of The 2001 IJPGC / ASME  

    発表年月: 2001年06月

  • 研究用アンモニア-水系吸収冷凍機の実施例の紹介


    発表年月: 2001年03月

  • アンモニア・水混合媒体タービンシステムの定常特性実験


    発表年月: 2001年03月

  • アドバンスト・コージェネレーションシステムに関する研究(第6報 ボトミングステージの構成機器のモデル化と運用計画に関する研究)


    発表年月: 2001年03月

  • 800KW/100USRTアドバンスト・コージェネレーションシステムに関する研究(第2報)


    発表年月: 2001年03月

  • プレート式熱交換器を用いたコンパクトなアンモニア吸収式冷凍機の特性


    発表年月: 2001年01月

  • Dynamic Behavior of a Directly Combined Binary Turbine System Using a Mixture (R134a/R123)

    ASME Advanced Energy System Division (ASME 2000)  

    発表年月: 2000年11月

  • アドバンスト・コージェネレーションシステムに関する研究(第5報 氷蓄熱糟の非線形性を考慮した最適運用計画)


    発表年月: 2000年10月


    The 4th JSME-KSME Thermal Engineering Conference  

    発表年月: 2000年10月

  • 800KW/100USRTアドバンスト・コージェネレーションシステムに関する研究(第1報 システム構成と試運転結果)


    発表年月: 2000年10月

  • A Hybrid Power Generation and Refrigeration Cycle with Ammonia-Water Mixture

    The 2000 IJPGC / ASME  

    発表年月: 2000年07月

  • アドバンストコージェネレーションシステムに関する研究(第4報 構成機器の体格と氷蓄熱の運用計画に関する考察)

    北陸信越支部 第37期総会講演会論文集/日本機械学会  

    発表年月: 2000年03月

  • アンモニア・水混合媒体による発電サイクルと冷凍サイクルの接続について


    発表年月: 1999年11月

  • アドバンストコージェネレーションシステムに関する研究(第3報 種々の冷熱需要に応じた氷蓄熱の運用計画)


    発表年月: 1999年11月

  • 早稲田大学におけるアドバンスト・コージェネレーションシステムでのアンモニア/水系サイクルの構築


    発表年月: 1999年10月

  • ある直接接触式熱交換器の定常特性について

    日本機械学会 山梨地方講演会  

    発表年月: 1999年10月

  • アドバンストコージェネレーションシステムに関する研究(第2報 種々の氷蓄熱の特性に応じた運用計画)


    発表年月: 1999年07月

  • Effectiveness of an Ammonia-Water Mixture Turbine System to Hot Water Heat Source

    The 1999 IJPGC-ICOPE / ASME,JSME  

    発表年月: 1999年07月


    Renewable and Advanced Energy Systems for the 21st Century /ASME  

    発表年月: 1999年04月

  • アンモニア・水混合媒体を用いた発電・冷凍システムのハイブリッド化に関する研究


    発表年月: 1999年03月

  • アドバンスト・コージェネレーションシステムに関する研究?第1報 氷蓄熱の運用計画


    発表年月: 1999年03月

  • 2基の熱交換器を並列および直列に接続する系の動特性に関する考察


    発表年月: 1999年02月

  • 潜熱性熱源に対するアンモニア・水混合媒体タービンシステムについて


    発表年月: 1998年11月



    発表年月: 1998年11月

  • Investigation of Condensing Process from the Viewpoint of the Network Theory


    発表年月: 1997年11月

  • 混合媒体サイクルの運転動作点に関する調査


    発表年月: 1997年07月

  • 回路論的視点から見た熱交換器の動特性


    発表年月: 1997年07月

  • Dynamics of Two-Heat-Exchanger Network


    発表年月: 1997年07月



  • 脱炭素実現に向けたFEMS連携システムの創出と標準化

    国立研究開発法人科学技術振興機構  戦略的イノベーション創造プログラム



  • 地熱発電持続可能性維持のためのIoT-AI技術開発

    新エネルギー・産業技術総合開発機構  地熱発電導入拡大研究開発



  • CO2を熱輸送媒体とする地域熱供給システムの最適設計基盤の構築

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)



    天野 嘉春, 吉田 彬


    2019年度には,論文1件,国内学会3件で成果を公表した.具体的には,未利用熱源を活用した CO2 冷媒を熱輸送媒体とする地域熱供給システムの日本への導入効果の基礎的な検討結果を日本機械学会論文として,関東都市部への導入を想定した数値解析の結果を定量的に示した.
    (1)機器運用に起因する年間のエネルギー消費量を従来システムと比較して約80%削減可能であり,その結果,年間のCO2排出量を約60%削減可能であることを明らかにした.すなわち,東京都市部における環境条件および需要特性においても欧州での先行研究に近い効果を発揮しうることが明らかになった.また,未利用熱源として河川水よりも地下水を利用することによる全体効率向上の割合を定量的に示した,特に夏期には提案システム全体の効率(COP) が,従来システム用の空調設備に比べて 2 倍程度高いことを明らかにした.
    (2) ネットワークから供給される 冷媒としてのCO2 と既存ヒートポンプの冷媒 R410A が熱交換する接続形態と,CO2 を分散ヒートポンプの冷媒として直接利用する接続形態とでは,CO2 を分散ヒートポンプの冷媒として直接利用する接続形態の方が,エネルギー消費量が低いことを明らかにした.

  • 協調エネルギー管理システム実現手法の創出とその汎用的な実証および評価の基盤体系構築

    科学技術振興機構  戦略的創造研究推進事業



  • 地熱発電システムにおける運転等の管理高度化に係る技術開発

    新エネルギー・産業技術総合開発機構  地熱発電高度利用化技術開発



  • 次世代エネルギーシステムの最適更新計画

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(C))





  • 高精度GPS技術と小型UAVフォーメーションフライトの融合による地物の解析

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(C))



    瀧口 純一, 天野 嘉春, 橋詰 匠, 橋詰 匠, 天野 嘉春


    小型自律飛行機(UAV)の複数台の運用、複数回の飛行により取得される連続画像を用いて、取得した連続画像の特徴点とGCP(Ground Control Point)を画像処理により複合追跡することで、地物の精密な三次元地物計測手法の開発を行った。提案手法を評価するため、神奈川県三浦半島において干潟の地形観測を行いその結果、平面分解能2cm、奥行き分解能15cmという高分解能な三次元計測を達成し、本手法の有効性を確認した。

  • JAUSを用いた群システム協調のためのミドルウェア開発

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(C))



    橋詰 匠, 天野 嘉春, 瀧口 純一, 天野 嘉春, 瀧口 純一


    群無人システムのための通信規格を中心としたアーキテクチャ仕様であるJAUS を実用化されている無人機に導入することで、システムの流用性を含めた柔軟な運用手法を開発した。無人機を2台用いてプラトーン走行を実施し、先頭車両を基地局からの遠隔操縦によって操縦し、その軌跡を後方車両に追従させる試験を行い、従来では困難であった制御動作中の前後車両の入れ替えも、遠隔基地局から伝送するコマンドを変更するだけで対応ができ、システムの運用変更を容易に実現することが可能となった。

  • 高含水バイオマス省エネルギー蒸発脱水技術の研究開発



  • アドバンスト発電システムに関する研究




  • 陸上競技用ランニング動作自律移動型計測システム及び多次元解析システムの開発

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(B))



    橋詰 匠, 天野 嘉春, 涌井 徹也


    本研究は,全周の視野情報をリアルタイムに取得する全周撮像装置ODV(OmniDirectional Vision system)を用いることで,中距離走者の走行についての定量的なデータベースを構築し,さらには走行モデルの構築を通して,最適なトレーニング方法をユーザにフィードバックするものである.

  • アドバンスト発電システムに関する研究




  • アンモニア・水混合媒体吸収器および凝縮器に使用する直接接触式熱交換器の研究

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(奨励研究(A))



    天野 嘉春


    1) アンモニア・水混合媒体の熱力学的物性推算式は、Tillner-Roth等の推奨するHelmholtz Free Energyを基礎とした状態方程式による方法が、現状では最も信頼が置ける。しかしながら、この方法は、物性値推算において2次の微分項を含む演算があり、たとえばIbrahim等の推奨する提案する状態方程式を元にした方法に比べて、収束演算時間がかかることが不利な点として残る。また、修正SRK方程式を元にした方法で推算すると、特に密度からアンモニア濃度を算定する際に、他の上記方式に比べて大きくその値がずれることが確認された。現状では、系内のアンモニア濃度をオンライン計測する方法としては、密度計による液相部濃度の推算が唯一であることから、注意すべき点である。
    2) 直接接触熱交換プロセスの基礎的な特性を定常特性実験により評価した。シェル内に流入した水蒸気に、冷却水を液柱(動作点によっては液滴)状に熱交換器上



  • LiDAR点群とSfM点群を組み合わせた屋外インフラの健全性評価に向けた3次元点群モデルの構築

    秋山仁, ZONG Yuan, 鈴木太郎, 天野嘉春

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2023  2023年


  • 電力市場取引のための需要家側エネルギーリソース運用制御手法

    吉田 彬, 柏川 貴弘, 木村 浩一, 天野 嘉春

    オペレーションズ・リサーチ : 経営の科学   67 ( 6 ) 297 - 304  2022年06月  [査読有り]  [招待有り]



  • HDマップ更新に向けたMMS-Probe開発における自己位置推定精度と標識認識精度の向上

    大和田 凌, 宗 源, 荒木 悠吾, 王 凱, 瀧口 純一, 天野 嘉春

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2022   1P1-E01  2022年


  • Power-to-Gasシステムの最適運用方策を実現する制御則の導出

    田山 真史, 吉田 彬, 釼持 尚紀, 天野 嘉春

    動力・エネルギー技術の最前線講演論文集 : シンポジウム   2022.26   D125  2022年


  • UAVからの放射温度計測における太陽光外乱への耐性の向上方策

    秋山 仁, 荒木 悠吾, 品田 直樹, 天野 嘉春

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2022   1A1-E07  2022年


  • 地熱発電所配管の異常検出に向けたUAVによる3次元計測精度向上手法の提案

    宗 源, 品田 直樹, 荒木 悠吾, 天野 嘉春

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2022   1A1-E10  2022年


  • デマンドレスポンスに対する需要家側エネルギー資源の最適運用モデル開発

    吉田 彬, 天野 嘉春

    動力・エネルギー技術の最前線講演論文集 : シンポジウム   2022.26   B242  2022年


  • 小型UAVによる3次元地図を用いた配管異常の検出

    宗 源, 品田 直樹, 鈴木 太郎, 天野 嘉春

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2021   2P1-A18  2021年

    DOI CiNii

  • フロアマップを用いたナビゲーション手法の研究―地物の方位と距離を利用した特徴量による位置推定と道なり走行によるナビゲーション―

    品田 直樹, 四宮 雄平, 天野 嘉春

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2021   1P1-L17  2021年

    DOI CiNii

  • 第5世代地域熱供給システムに対する未利用熱源のエクセルギー評価

    梶田 純吾, 吉田 彬, 天野 嘉春

    動力・エネルギー技術の最前線講演論文集 : シンポジウム   2021.25   E231  2021年

    DOI CiNii

  • 電気自動車と太陽光発電を有する住宅地域におけるRE100実現に向けた検討

    中澤 寛人, 片山 慎也, 吉田 彬, 長崎 芳樹, 小野寺 真, 小林 和幸, 天野 嘉春

    日本機械学会関東支部総会講演会講演論文集   2020   16D01  2020年03月

    DOI CiNii

  • 標識情報およびスキャン情報を用いた未知環境におけるナビゲーション

    四宮 雄平, 久保 大輔, 石川 貴一朗, 天野 嘉春

    日本機械学会関東支部総会講演会講演論文集   2020   17C06  2020年03月

    DOI CiNii

  • マルチパス環境におけるGNSSアンテナの回転・切り替えによる測位精度向上

    松尾 一毅, 四宮 雄平, 鈴木 太郎, 天野 嘉春

    日本機械学会関東支部総会講演会講演論文集   2020   16E02  2020年03月

    DOI CiNii

  • 複数住宅の断熱・蓄熱性能と住設機器の 組み合わせを考慮した協調節電効果の分析

    齋藤 寅之輔, 片山 慎也, 吉田 彬, 天野 嘉春

    日本機械学会関東支部総会講演会講演論文集   2020   16D02  2020年03月

    DOI CiNii

  • CNNを用いたGNSS相関波形の機械学習による衛星の可視性判別

    草間 一輝, 伊藤 航, 鈴木 太郎, 天野 嘉春

    日本機械学会関東支部総会講演会講演論文集   2020   16E03  2020年03月

    DOI CiNii

  • 複数のGNSSドップラー速度を複合した小型UAVの姿勢推定

    井上 大地, 鈴木 太郎, 天野 嘉春

    日本機械学会関東支部総会講演会講演論文集   2020   16E01  2020年03月

    DOI CiNii

  • 需要の冷温熱量比に対するCO2ネットワークの最適な機器構成と動作点の導出

    永野 貴大, 梶田 純吾, 天野 嘉春

    日本機械学会関東支部総会講演会講演論文集   2020   16D04  2020年03月

    DOI CiNii

  • 吸収式動力システムの構成最適化手法の基礎的検討

    伊藤 航, 竹下 恵介, 天野 嘉春

    日本機械学会関東支部総会講演会講演論文集   2020   16D05  2020年03月

    DOI CiNii

  • 機械学習を用いた家庭用エネルギー機器の最適運用方策の導出と検討

    片山 慎也, 吉田 彬, 天野 嘉春

    日本機械学会関東支部総会講演会講演論文集   2020   16D03  2020年03月

    DOI CiNii

  • トンネル定期点検に向けたトンネル内位置推定

    佐藤 暁貴, 江﨑 陸, 天野 嘉春, 石川 貴一朗

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2020   1P2-L09  2020年

    DOI CiNii

  • CO2を熱輸送媒体とする地域エネルギー供給システムの基礎的検討

    永野 貴大, 天野 嘉春

    日本機械学会論文集   86 ( 883 ) 19-00365 - 19-00365  2020年

    DOI CiNii

  • 複数GNSSを利用したUAVによるレーザ三次元地図生成

    鈴木太郎, 天野嘉春

    電子情報通信学会大会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2019  2019年


  • 高磁界環境下における小型UAVのRTK-GNSSを用いた方位角推定

    足立 智貴, 松尾 一毅, 鈴木 太郎, 天野 嘉春, 堤 則彦, 甘利 治雄, 鎌原 健志

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2019   1P1-N09  2019年

    DOI CiNii

  • GNSS衛星選択とドップラー速度複合による一周波RTK-GNSS測位の精度向上

    清水 南良, 草間 一輝, 鈴木 太郎, 天野 嘉春

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2019   2A1-D02  2019年

    DOI CiNii

  • 複数のGNSSアンテナを搭載した小型UAVによるリアルタイム三次元計測

    井上 大地, 太田 慧, 鈴木 太郎, 天野 嘉春

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2019   2A2-D03  2019年

    DOI CiNii

  • 屋外環境下で用いる自律移動システムに関する研究:第59報―景観評価によるVisual Quality値を用いた自己位置推定の検討―

    四宮 雄平, 天野 嘉春, 石川 貴一朗

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2019   1A1-G06  2019年

    DOI CiNii

  • MMSデータからの縁石車両出入口部の認識[第二報]—車両出入口部奥の空間認識と縁石モデル化

    久保 大輔, 石川 貴一朗, 天野 嘉春

    精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集   2018S   551 - 552  2018年03月



    DOI DOI2 CiNii

  • 複数のGNSSを用いたUAVの高精度位置姿勢推定と三次元計測

    鈴木太郎, 天野嘉春

    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告   118 ( 176(SAT2018 28-47)(Web) )  2018年


  • 屋外環境下で用いる自律移動システムに関する研究:第58報-自己位置に対する確信度の導入による経路逸脱認識手法の構築-

    久保 大輔, 秋池 諒, 天野 嘉春, 石川 貴一朗

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2018   1P1-G04  2018年

    DOI CiNii

  • UAV搭載LiDARとカメラによる色情報付き三次元点群生成

    松尾 一毅, 丹羽 啓介, 鈴木 太郎, 天野 嘉春

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2018   2P1-K01  2018年

    DOI CiNii

  • ニューラルネットワークを用いたGPS相関波形の機械学習による衛星の可視性判別

    草間 一輝, 中野 裕介, 鈴木 太郎, 天野 嘉春

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2018   1A1-I04  2018年

    DOI CiNii

  • 複数のGNSSアンテナを用いた小型UAVのリアルタイム位置姿勢推定

    井上 大地, 鈴木 太郎, 天野 嘉春

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2018   2P1-L05  2018年

    DOI CiNii

  • MMSデータからの縁石車両出入口部の認識

    久保 大輔, 石川 貴一朗, 天野 嘉春

    精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集   2017A   533 - 534  2017年



    DOI CiNii

  • 天空画像の色情報と雲領域の時間変化に基づくPV発電量短周期予測手法の提案

    横木 達哉, 吉田 彬, 天野 嘉春

    動力・エネルギー技術の最前線講演論文集 : シンポジウム   2017.22   E134  2017年

    DOI CiNii

  • エネルギーマネジメントのためのCO2ヒートポンプ給湯機のモデル化手法の検討

    坂東 泰彬, 天野 嘉春

    動力・エネルギー技術の最前線講演論文集 : シンポジウム   2017.22   C121  2017年

    DOI CiNii

  • 太陽光発電の余剰電力活用が家庭用エネルギーシステムのCO₂排出量に与える影響

    永井 俊行, 吉田 彬, 天野 嘉春

    エネルギー・資源学会研究発表会講演論文集   35   33 - 38  2016年06月


  • 月着陸探査に向けた能動型蛍光X線分光計

    草野 広樹, 長谷部 信行, 長岡 央, 柴村 英道, 天野 嘉春, 太田 亨, Fagan Timothy J., 久野 治義

    応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集   2016.1   523 - 523  2016年03月


  • 火星衛星探査に向けたガンマ線・中性子分光計

    草野 広樹, 長谷部 信行, 長岡 央, 柴村 英道, 天野 嘉春, 太田 亨, Fagan Timothy J., 久野 治義

    応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集   2016.1   526 - 526  2016年03月


  • 福島県における温泉熱発電に関する研究(1)

    平林 天人, 古内 亀治郎, 橋詰 匠, 丹澤 祥晃, 天野 嘉春

    環境工学総合シンポジウム講演論文集   2016.26   407  2016年

    DOI CiNii

  • ウェアラブルカメラ・監視カメラ複合による屋内測位手法の構築

    塩澤 駿一, 鈴木 太郎, 天野 嘉春, 甘利 治雄, 南雲 俊喜

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2016   2A1-18b5  2016年

    DOI CiNii

  • 福島第一原発での教訓を踏まえた突入撤退判断システム(第5報)-画像とレーザスキャナを用いた走行可能領域判別手法の構築-

    秋池 諒, 天野 嘉春, 石川 貴一朗, 山口 芳裕

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2016   2A1-16b5  2016年

    DOI CiNii

  • バイオマス燃料を用いた発電設備におけるVRCを含む熱交換器網の最適設計

    楊 明, 正木 亮, 松本 遥香, 服部 弘憲, 天野 嘉春

    動力・エネルギー技術の最前線講演論文集 : シンポジウム   2016.21   C112  2016年

    DOI CiNii

  • 複数のGNSSアンテナ搭載UAVを用いた高精度位置姿勢推定と精密三次元計測

    鈴木 太郎, 明比 建, 増渕 拓馬, 天野 嘉春

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2016   1A2-09a4  2016年

    DOI CiNii

  • 低温排熱駆動アンモニア吸収式ヒートポンプとガスヒートポンプを組み合わせたシステムの年間運用評価

    松本 遥香, 服部 弘憲, 天野 嘉春

    動力・エネルギー技術の最前線講演論文集 : シンポジウム   2016.21   C134  2016年

    DOI CiNii

  • 一周波RTK-GNSSと慣性センサの複合による高精度車両位置推定

    髙橋 佑允, 鈴木 太郎, 天野 嘉春

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2016   2P2-07b7  2016年

    DOI CiNii

  • 複数地点でのスカイラインマッチングを用いた惑星探査ローバ位置推定の高精度化

    鈴木 太郎, 明比 建, 天野 嘉春

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2016   2A2-16b2  2016年

    DOI CiNii

  • 将来の月着陸ミッションのためのアクティブX線スペクトロメータの計器概要

    NAGAOKA Hiroshi, HASEBE Nobuyuki, KUSANO Hiroki, AMANO Yoshiharu, SHIBAMURA Eido, OHTA Tohru, FAGAN Timothy J., NAITO Masayuki, KUNO Haruyoshi, LOPES Jose A. Matias, LOPES Jose A. Matias

    JPS Conference Proceedings (Web)   11  2016年


  • 将来の月着陸探査機搭載能動型蛍光X線分光計の概要とその開発状況

    NAGAOKA Hiroshi, HASEBE Nobuyuki, KUSANO Hiroki, AMANO Yoshiharu, SHIBAMURA Eido, OHTA Tohru, FAGAN Timothy, NAITO Masayuki

    日本地球惑星科学連合大会予稿集(Web)   2016  2016年


  • 重力天体着陸探査に向けた元素分析装置「能動型蛍光X線分光計」の開発

    長岡央, 長谷部信行, 柴村英道, 内藤雅之, 天野嘉春, 太田亨, TIMOTHY Fagan

    日本惑星科学会秋季講演会予稿集(Web)   2016  2016年


  • S0830203 家庭用PEFC-CGSにおける需要予測精度が省エネルギー性に与える影響の分析

    吉川 潤, 吉田 彬, 天野 嘉春

    年次大会 : Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan   2015   "S0830203 - 1"-"S0830203-5"  2015年09月


    The main objective of this study is to clarify the impact of energy demand prediction accuracy on optimal operating result of residential energy supply system. In this paper, the energy system consists of polymer electrolyte fuel cell cogeneration system and electrical-driven heating, ventilating and air conditioning system. Primary energy of operational results with various demand prediction patterns are calculated in order to analyze the effect of demand prediction error. As a result, it is concluded that prediction error of energy demand causes 54.3 MJ/day increase of daily primary energy in the worst case, and annual primary energy consumption can be reduced by 13.2% with the best prediction in comparison with the worst one. Furthermore, the impact of energy demand prediction accuracy on daily primary energy has relationship with the amount of hot water demand. Therefore, the effectiveness of using the amount of hot water demand as a parameter for demand prediction is suggested in terms of energy saving.


  • S0830104 実測に基づく燃料電池・コージェネレーションシステムの特性評価に関する研究

    吉田 彬, 古市 匠, 天野 嘉春

    年次大会 : Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan   2015   "S0830104 - 1"-"S0830104-5"  2015年09月


    The objective of this paper is to identify the model parameter of PEM fuel cell cogeneration in order to contribute to the building performance simulation for design and operation. As cogeneration system has many operational alternative strategies, the simulation using the mathematical model of cogeneration needs to predict accurate prime mover's thermal and electrical output, and also needs to represent characteristics of both steady state and transient state, for the aim of evaluate accurate energy performance and CO2 emissions. We made a test environment for parameter identification of PEM fuel cell cogeneration, and examined operational characteristics on steady state and transient state. As a result, the model parameter of PEM fuel cell cogeneration was identified, and was also validated.


  • A108 カメラ傾斜角を考慮したスカイラインマッチングによる惑星探査ローバの自己位置推定(OS2 宇宙機・宇宙ロボットのダイナミクスと制御2)

    明比 建, 北村 光教, 大津 恭平, 大槻 真嗣, 天野 嘉春

    「運動と振動の制御」シンポジウム講演論文集   2015 ( 14 ) 35 - 40  2015年06月


    This paper presents that the skyline matching algorithm with considering camera tilt. Skyline matching is the method that estimating position and attitude by comparing two skylines. One skyline is simulated one from a digital elevation model (DEM). The other one is gotten from camera images taking around view. We conducted field experiments in Oshima Island. As a result, we conclude that considering camera tilt has a significant influence.


  • C121 VRCによるバイオマス燃料を用いた発電設備の最適設計(OS4 省エネルギー・コジェネ・ヒートポンプ(1))

    正木 亮, 中村 宗平, 天野 嘉春

    動力・エネルギー技術の最前線講演論文集 : シンポジウム   2015 ( 20 ) 61 - 64  2015年06月


    Drying process consumes great amount of energy, but, by attaching the evaporation-dehydration system called VRC (Vapor Re-Compression), energy consumption can be reduced significantly. In this study, authors take up a biomass power plant that burns empty fruit bunches (EFB) as fuel. In this paper, an original process is called P-org. Ho et.al. proposed a process (P-Ho) attached SSD (Super-heated Steam Dryer) and HAD (Hot Air Dryer) to P-org. The authors proposed a process (P-VRC) replaced with VRC instead of HAD in P-Ho. Then, P-VRC.HEN is derived by optimizing HEN (Heat Exchanger Network) in P-VRC. P-Ho and P-VRC.HEN are processes optimized in operating point. As a result, net thermal efficiency is maximized in P-VRC.HEN, 30.1%, which is 2.2 points higher than that of P-Ho.


  • 2A2-L08 都市部における衛星測位精度向上のための3次元地図と魚眼カメラを用いたNLOS衛星判別手法の開発

    加藤 尚大, 渡邉 研, 北村 光教, 天野 嘉春

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2015   "2A2 - L08(1)"-"2A2-L08(2)"  2015年05月


    This paper describes a Non-Line-of-Sight (NLOS) satellites detection method for improving GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) positioning accuracy in urban area. In general, NLOS satellites which are shielded by obstacle such as buildings and elevated bridges cause large multipath errors in positioning results. Therefore, our method extracts obstacle area in a fish-eye camera image by projecting 3D map on it, and detects NLOS satellites existed on obstacle area. However, camera's position and orientation on 3D map coordinate are essential in projecting 3D map, and we estimate them using particle filter. As a result of evaluation test in urban area, it is confirmed the proposed method is effective on improving positioning accuracy.


  • 1A1-T09 福島第一原発での教訓を踏まえた突入撤退判断システム(第4報) : 不整地における自律走行のための経路計画

    塚越 貴哉, 小林 正尚, 天野 嘉春, 石川 貴一朗, 山口 芳裕, 久保田 勝明

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2015   "1A1 - T09(1)"-"1A1-T09(3)"  2015年05月


    We propose and develop Attack Judgment System referring the lesson from Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. In this study, we developed path planning method for autonomous control on uneven ground in Attack Judgment System. In this paper, I describe proposed algorithm and the result of simulation supposed on uneven ground. This algorithm consists of six processes. I have just tested at uneven dirt road, sloop, and bush growing tall weed. As a result, I succeed at the former two.


  • S0830202 未利用低温排熱駆動のためのヒートポンプサイクルの検討

    松本 遥香, 兵頭 達也, 天野 嘉春

    年次大会   2015   _S0830202- - _S0830202-  2015年

    DOI CiNii

  • 次期月惑星着陸探査計画に向けた蛍光X線分析法の検討-試料の表面粗さと特性X線強度比の関係-

    内藤雅之, 長谷部信行, 長岡央, 草野広樹, 桑古昌輝, 大山裕輝, 柴村英道, 天野嘉春, 太田亨, MATIAS LOPES Jose A.

    日本地球惑星科学連合大会予稿集(Web)   2015  2015年


  • 月着陸探査に向けた能動型蛍光X線分光計の開発状況

    NAGAOKA Hiroshi, HASEBE Nobuyuki, KUSANO Hiroki, NAITO Masayuki, SHIBAMURA Eido, AMANO Yoshiharu, OHTA Tohru, FAGAN Timothy

    日本地球惑星科学連合大会予稿集(Web)   2015  2015年


  • エアコン・窓システムを対象とした学習型空調自動制御の提案 (電力技術 電力系統技術合同研究会・(1)電力技術・電力系統技術一般,(2)分散電源)

    松本 直也, 庄司 智昭, 藤本 悠, 天野 嘉春, 田辺 新一, 林 泰弘

    電気学会研究会資料. PE   2014 ( 66 ) 57 - 61  2014年09月


  • 予測・運用・制御の一貫したGEMSの電圧制御とHEMSの電熱運用手法との協調EMS手法の評価 (電力技術 電力系統技術合同研究会・(1)電力技術・電力系統技術一般,(2)分散電源)

    芳澤 信哉, 河野 俊介, 吉田 彬, 藤本 悠, 村田 昇, 若尾 真治, 田辺 新一, 天野 嘉春, 林 泰弘

    電気学会研究会資料. PE   2014 ( 66 ) 63 - 67  2014年09月


  • P2-32 将来の惑星探査に向けた小型放射線分光装置の提案(ポスターセッション2,ポスター発表)

    長岡 央, 長谷部 信行, 草野 広樹, 内藤 雅之, 柴村 英道, 天野 嘉春, 太田 亨, フェイガン ティモシー, Waseda AXS team

    日本惑星科学会秋期講演会予稿集   2014   "P2 - 32"  2014年09月


  • S0840101 快適性を考慮した家庭用エネルギーシステムの最適運用方策の検討([S084]分散型エネルギーシステム,動力エネルギーシステム部門)

    吉田 彬, 藤本 悠, 村田 昇, 若尾 真治, 田辺 新一, 天野 嘉春

    年次大会 : Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan   2014   "S0840101 - 1"-"S0840101-5"  2014年09月


    The main objectives of this study are to consider both thermal comfort and energy consumption on operational planning problem of residential energy system, and to handle uncertainty of energy demand and PV output for the future as a scenario-based stochastic programming problem. The energy system consists of photovoltaic power generator, electrical-driven room air-conditioner and PEM type fuel-cell cogeneration system. We introduce mathematical optimization theory for operational planning problem, because the targeted system has many alternative operations. As a result, the optimal operational planning problem, which is extended by considering PMV and future scenarios as constraints, concludes that the residential energy system achieves 33% of energy saving ratio in the case of 1.0 of PMV.


  • S0840102 発電冷凍ハイブリッドサイクルの理論最適サイクルによる評価([S084]分散型エネルギーシステム,動力エネルギーシステム部門)

    正垣 淳, 関 良高, 天野 嘉春

    年次大会 : Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan   2014   "S0840102 - 1"-"S0840102-5"  2014年09月


    Three configurations of power and refregiration hybrid cycle with ammonia-water mixture are evaluated based on the theoretical optimum cycle. The first cycle is APC by D. Zheng et al, which is complicated configuration. The second is CPC by J. Wang et al, which is most simpliest configuration of the three. The last is PRPC by N. Zhang et al, whose configuration is atacched two heat exchangers and booster pump to CPC. For each cycle, investigated operating points which maximize the net power or cooling capacity on each heat source temperature with a unit mass flow rate of heat source. The cycles are compared with the theoretical optimum cycle on T-S diagram. From the diagram, the effects of configuration differences on system performance are confirmed and validated with numerical simulation.


  • C122 ピンチ解析によるVCCプロセスの造粒乾燥システムへの複合効果の評価(OS4 省エネルギー・コジェネ・ヒートポンプ(2))

    正木 亮, 中村 宗平, 日野 俊之, 天野 嘉春

    動力・エネルギー技術の最前線講演論文集 : シンポジウム   2014 ( 19 ) 85 - 88  2014年06月


    Drying process consumes great amount of energy, but, by attaching the evaporation-dehydration system called VCC (Vapor Compression and Condensation), energy consumption can be reduced significantly. VCC is an open-type heat pump cycle uses water. ln this study, authors take up a granulating-drying system for sewage disposal process. It is called as case-A as a reference. The adaptability of the VCC to the system is evaluated by comparing two sets of process, case-B and C. Case-B is the cascading combination of the VCC and the granulating-drying system. VCC preprocess the dehydrating process in order to relaxing the drying-load of existing centrifugal hydro-extractor. Then, to enhance the energy recovery in the process, the integrated process was derived by pinch method; that is case-C. These three cases are compared with primary energy consumption. As a result, compared with Case-A, primary energy consumption of Case-B is reduced 42.8%, and Case-C is reduced 50.5%.


  • C131 確率計画法を用いたエネルギー需要シナリオに対する家庭用PEFCシステムの最適運用方策の検討(OS4 省エネルギー・コジェネ・ヒートポンプ(3))

    吉田 彬, 小方 亮平, 村田 昇, 天野 嘉春

    動力・エネルギー技術の最前線講演論文集 : シンポジウム   2014 ( 19 ) 93 - 96  2014年06月


    The subject of this study is to plan the operation of residential energy system with uncertain parameters based on ex-ante decision before uncertain parameters are realized. This paper applies a scenario-based stochastic programming framework to the operational planning problem having uncertain energy demand as parameters. Based on predicted energy demand scenarios, the operational strategies, which indicates the prime mover's start-stop status and the level of hot water tank, are decided. The decided operational strategies and realized values of energy demand are input to optimal control problem, which is formulated by dynamic programming. Finally we consider the operational performance of dynamic programming using the decided operational strategies based on predicted demand scenarios. As a result, the proposed stochastic programming framework decided the optimal strategies, and showed that effectiveness.


  • C132 家庭用PEFCシステムにおける給湯需要予測誤差が省エネルギー性に及ぼす影響の評価(OS4 省エネルギー・コジェネ・ヒートポンプ(3))

    小方 亮平, 吉田 彬, 村田 昇, 天野 嘉春

    動力・エネルギー技術の最前線講演論文集 : シンポジウム   2014 ( 19 ) 97 - 100  2014年06月


    Nowadays, PEFC-CGS is getting attention as a distributed energy system. It has high efficiency, and a lot of studies of PEFC-CGS were reported. But almost of them didn't consider energy prediction error. In this study, in order to evaluate energy-saving performance of PEFC-CGS for residential use with energy prediction error, I made PEFC-CGS control low input optimal operational plan based on energy prediction value. Consequently, operational plan to start PEFC-CGS in the morning or avoiding unneeded power runup and low load operation of PEFC-CGS can make control low of PEFC-CGS improved.


  • 1P2-L06 スカイラインマッチングによる方位角推定を用いた惑星探査ローバの自己位置補正(宇宙ロボット)

    明比 建, 北村 光教, 大津 恭平, 大槻 真嗣, 天野 嘉春

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2014   "1P2 - L06(1)"-"1P2-L06(4)"  2014年05月


    This paper presents that the method of position error correction for planetary rovers by using skyline matching azimuth estimation. Skyline matching is the method that estimating position and attitude by comparing two skylines. One skyline is simulated one from a digital elevation model (DEM). The other one is gotten from camera images taking around view. We focus on using azimuth attitude estimated by skyline matching to correct accumulation error of IMU. We modeled IMU angular velocity bias increases linearity. We conducted field experiments in Oshima Island and Chiba. As a result, estimated relative azimuth errors are lower than 1 degree. IMU azimuth errors decreased by 67% (6.25 deg to 2.15 deg ) and IMU position errors decreased by 70% (3.33m to 1.04m).


  • 1P1-W08 GPS不可視衛星棄却のための可視光魚眼カメラ画像を用いた障害物抽出(ロボットビジョン)

    渡邉 研, 太田 哲平, 北村 光教, 天野 嘉春

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2014   "1P1 - W08(1)"-"1P1-W08(3)"  2014年05月


    This paper describes a method of obstacle detection in the fish-eye camera image for GPS-Non-Line-Of-Sight(NLOS) satellites detection. Recently the development of the autonomous mobile system(AMS) is more expected for example an auto-pilot car. A GPS measurement is widely used for estimating self-position for such AMS. It can measure the position without premeasured emvironmental data like a map-matching. However, in the urban canyon, GPS measurement accuracy deteriorates seriously using NLOS satellite. Because of obstacles between NLOS satellites and GPS antenna, electrical waves omitted from GPS satellites are reflected or diffracted by obstacles. We propose the method to detect the obstacle using a fish-eye camera image to detect NLOS satellite. Firstly fish-eye image is parted into various small segments by k-means clustering method. And the segments are divided into sky and obstacle areas according to its movement using SIFT matching. The result of a field experiment shows the proposed method is effective to detect GPS-NLOS satellites.


  • 1P2-G08 福島第一原発での教訓を踏まえた突入撤退判断システム(第2報) : 消防活動のための遠隔無人情報収集システムの開発(サーチ&レスキューロボット・メカトロニクス(2))

    塚越 貴哉, 天野 嘉春, 石川 貴一朗, 山口 芳裕, 久保田 勝明

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2014   "1P2 - G08(1)"-"1P2-G08(2)"  2014年05月


    When the nuclear accident at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant happened, TOKYO Fire Department member were send for cooling the nuclear reactor. But there isn't means to get information of disaster site by unmanned and fire fighter had to rush into Nuclear Power Plant with taking a risk of radiation exposure. Therefore in this study, we propose Attack and Retreat Judgment System Referring the Lesson from Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. In this paper, we mainly describe Attack Judgment System, consisting of remote-control information gathering system and geographical information system. Remote-control information gathering system gets disaster site information with remote-control unmanned ground vehicle and geographical information system registers the information.


  • 2A2-T06 準天頂衛星を利用した都市部環境下におけるマルチGNSS複合測位の利用性向上に関する研究(移動ロボットの自己位置推定と地図構築)

    北村 光教, 渡邉 研, 太田 哲平, 天野 嘉春

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2014   "2A2 - T06(1)"-"2A2-T06(3)"  2014年05月


    This paper describes a new positioning method which improves the availability and accuracy of multi-GNSS positioning in urban canyon environment using QZSS satellite. In our proposal method, we use GNSSs including GPS, QZSS, GLONASS, Galileo, and Beidou. Furthermore, we use the QZSS as an only master satellite. We conducted a static evaluation test in a narrow-sky environment with many obstacles above the GNSS antenna.The results of the static evaluation test show that our proposal method is highly available and has accurate positioning (fixed ratio: 92.7%, horizontal RMS error: 4.2cm) in urban canyon. In contrast, the number of DD measurements of the conventional multi-GNSS positioning method is 4 or less nearly all the time, indicating that this positioning does not work most of the time.


  • 月惑星探査に向けた能動型蛍光X線分光器AXSの基本特性(IV)

    内藤雅之, 長谷部信行, 草野広樹, 長岡央, 大山裕輝, 桑古昌輝, 天野嘉春, 柴村英道, 久野治義, FAGAN T.J., 太田亨, 内田悦生

    応用物理学会春季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM)   61st  2014年


  • アクティブサスペンションによるフロート型水上飛行機の耐波性向上に関する検討

    篠崎 啓幸, 石川 貴一朗, 天野 嘉春

    日本船舶海洋工学会講演会論文集   ( 17 ) 273 - 276  2013年11月


  • G061014 アンモニア・水混合媒体による発電冷凍ハイブリッドサイクルの多目的最適化([G061-01]熱工学部門,一般セッション(1) : エネルギー利用等)

    関 良高, 天野 嘉春

    年次大会 : Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan   2013   "G061014 - 1"-"G061014-5"  2013年09月


    Two configurations of power/cooling cycle with ammonia-water mixture are evaluated. At first, an ammonia-absorption hybrid cycle (AAH), which is one of the simplest configurations, is evaluated on temperature entropy diagram to introduce the insight for enhancement. The other configuration, which was proposed by Goswami, is also evaluated. It is a candidate for an enhanced in producing power. The multi-objective optimization for net-work output, refrigerating capacity and total thermal conductance are carried out to derive the pareto front. The optimization is carried out by epsilon-constraint method. The results show that T-S diagram is a good tool for derive the enhancement. Goswami cycle has about quarter cooling capacity while 123.8% net output power comparing with AAH.


  • J056055 太陽電池・蓄電池導入各種エネルギー供給システムの災害時対応機能の分析・評価(〔J056-05〕再生可能エネルギー(水力・太陽光)(5))

    吉田 修, 伊東 弘一, 天野 嘉春

    年次大会 : Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan   2013   "J056055 - 1"-"J056055-5"  2013年09月


    In this paper, three conventional energy supply systems are compared from economic and energy saving characteristic points of view for an office building with total floor area of 5000m^2. These systems are consuming mainly electricity (E-system), heavy oil (D-system), and city gas (G-system) as primary energy source, respectively. For hourly and daily changing energy demands, the daily input energy cost or primary input energy is minimized through one year for these systems by considering disaster occurring three days, respectively. As a result, economic and energy saving superiorities of E-system are resulted to those of respective D- and G-ones. For disaster occurring situation, effects of installing solar cell and battery are also evaluated by changing capacities of them numerically.


  • A02 稜線画像と数値標高モデルを用いたスカイラインマッチングによるローバの自己位置同定手法(M-OS13-1:宇宙ロボットの高度な移動システムI,M-OS13 宇宙機・宇宙ロボットのダイナミクスと制御,「海を越え,国を越え,世代を超えて!」)

    太田 哲平, 北村 光教, 石川 貴一朗, 天野 嘉春

    「運動と振動の制御」シンポジウム講演論文集   2013 ( 13 ) "A02 - 1"-"A02-10"  2013年08月


    This paper describes an outdoor localization method by matching skyline. On a surface of the moon, we cannot use either the GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System), information of artificial landmark or map matching. However a lot of planetary probe's missions need absolute coordinates. Therefore we propose a method that uses DEM (Digital Elevation Model) and panoramic photo image, and compares skylines made by them. Extracting skylines from image uses k-means clustering method with color information. A skyline made by panoramic photo image is determined uniquely by 4 parameters. However the proposed method fixes 2 parameters and uses a rough calculation, assuming that the place to get the photo image is horizontality. As the result of experiments at Oshima Island, it was confirmed that it is possible to estimate location in error by 65 m or 19 m by using the proposed method. One of prospective causes of an error is the assumption of horizontality in the place getting photo images, so we expect to improve accuracy of estimating location if this method is used with attitude sensor.


  • B213 水蒸気圧縮機における気液二相圧縮過程の解析と実験(OS4 省エネルギー・コジェネ・ヒートポンプ(2))

    菱木 翼, 中村 宗平, 日野 俊之, 天野 嘉春

    動力・エネルギー技術の最前線講演論文集 : シンポジウム   2013 ( 18 ) 267 - 270  2013年06月


    The steam compressors are usually developed for the purpose of large size and special VRC (vapor re-compression) application. However, it seems to have a considerable ripple effect on the various purposes if the small size and high performance steam compressor are practical use. In this study, the authors suggest the two-phase compression process models which are based on the various assumptions. In addition, an experimental set-up which uses 7.5kW - wing type compressor is made to validate calculation results and enabled to confirm reduced discharge temperature and effect of compression work reduction. An effect of two-phase compression of the steam is reported by comparing calculation results with experimental results.


  • A223 蓄電池の劣化特性を考慮した家庭用PV-BTシステムの検討(OS2 再生可能エネルギー(4))

    佐藤 富一, 吉田 彬, 天野 嘉春, 伊東 弘一

    動力・エネルギー技術の最前線講演論文集 : シンポジウム   2013 ( 18 ) 235 - 238  2013年06月


    Promoting utilization of photovoltaic (PV) cell, for residential use has become urgent issue recently. One approach is to use an electrical battery (BT) in the house in order to maximize consuming the electricity generated by the photovoltaic power generator. The energy systems including energy buffer like electrical batteries have a lot of operational flexibility. The mathematical optimization technique is useful for rational energy use The objective of this study is to making operational optimization models considering degradation characteristic of a battery. As a result, the four types of operational optimization models, which consider degradation characteristics caused by battery cycle life, were formulated on the mixed integer linear programming problems. Consequently, it was found that the appropriate optimal operational strategy should be derived from the model including the degradation characteristics on DOD.


  • 1P1-H02 小型UAVにおけるGPSジャイロ/IMU複合を用いた姿勢計測手法の構築(移動ロボットの自己位置推定と地図構築(2))

    渡邉 研, 太田 哲平, 北村 光教, 天野 嘉春, 橋詰 匠

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2013   "1P1 - H02(1)"-"1P1-H02(4)"  2013年05月


    This paper describes about the attitude measuring method for a small unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) using GPS-gyro combined with inertial measurement unit (IMU) by EKF. A small UAV attracts people's attention as the effective means for collecting aerial information. However the conventional attitude measuring methods have some issues, which cannot measure the attitude angle everywhere easily and absolutely against the earth. GPS observables are interpolated with cubic spline to do time synchronization among three GPS receivers (Master, Slave1, and Slave2). Using the attitude angle estimated by EKF, the correct solution is searched from among the candidates of integer ambiguity every epoch. The result of a field experiment shows the proposed method is effective to estimate attitude for the small UAV.


  • 1P1-H04 準天頂衛星LEX信号を用いたタイトカップリング型GNSS/IMU複合航法の構築(移動ロボットの自己位置推定と地図構築(2))

    北村 光教, 渡邉 輝, 天野 嘉春, 橋詰 匠

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2013   "1P1 - H04(1)"-"1P1-H04(3)"  2013年05月


    This paper describes a positioning method by GNSS/IMU integration using tightly coupled kalman filter and LEX signal. Tightly coupled kalman filter uses pseudorange and doppler frequency for observation update. Therefore, if a vehicle is in narrow sky environment, this filter could update states by using observation. LEX signal is GPS and QZSS performance enhancement function emitted from QZSS satellite. Therefore, it is expected that positioning accuracy is improved by using LEX signal. In this paper, the proposed method is evaluated on the course of Real World Robot Challenge at post processing.


  • 1P1-H05 樹木隣接環境下におけるGPSマルチパス誤差調査に関する研究(移動ロボットの自己位置推定と地図構築(2))

    北村 光教, 竹下 知宏, 大西 正光, 天野 嘉春, 橋詰 匠

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2013   "1P1 - H05(1)"-"1P1-H05(3)"  2013年05月


    The need of high precision location information has been increasing. Therefore, correcting the multipath error is needed. Especially, the multipath caused by trees are said to be difficult to correct. In this paper, we propose a new index called foliage parameter. This index is made by measuring the tree with the 3D laser scanner and shows the density distribution of the tree by the amount of leaves. By looking the multipath error and the foliage parameter, we study the correlation between them and plan to use it to correcting the multipath errors caused by trees.


  • 1P1-J07 屋内外で利用可能な可搬型三次元計測装置の開発(3次元計測/センサフュージョン)

    藤原 浩平, 千野 遼平, 太田 哲平, 石川 貴一朗, 天野 嘉春, 橋詰 匠

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2013   "1P1 - J07(1)"-"1P1-J07(3)"  2013年05月


    We developed portable 3D measurement device. It is available where cars cannot run and GPS is not available. This device consists of camera, laser scanner and PC for data acquisition. Using this devise we propose a method combining camera data and scan data. First, the method calculates standardizes a self-position with Structure from Motion (SFM) and reflects the data which a laser scanner acquired in the three-dimensional space. Then we correct unevenness of the point cloud with Principal Component Analysis (PCA). We conducted evaluation test. The evaluation test verified that we can comprehend rough indoor and outdoor shape reconstruction result by 3D measurement device.


  • 2A1-Q03 MMS の計測経路計画のリアルタイム更新(【交通・物流部門】カー・ロボティクスとITS)

    藤原 浩平, 石川 貴一朗, 天野 嘉春, 橋詰 匠

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2013   "2A1 - Q03(1)"-"2A1-Q03(2)"  2013年05月


    For the purpose of increasing the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) availability and efficient measurement, a path planning for Mobile Mapping System (MMS) is proposed. However, this is not real time planning. Therefore, measurement precision decreases when MMS run in traffic jam. In this paper, we propose recalculation method of a path planning for MMS with Nearest Neighbor method. And, we conducted evaluation test. The evaluation test verified that the proposed method can increase 3.1% of the epoch that gets GNSS fix solution (FIX ratio) and 12.3% of the distance that gets GNSS fix solution (FIX cover ratio) under the same geometry of the GNSS.


  • Mobile Mappingデータにおける大規模三次元点群からの道路周辺地物の認識(第4報)—Mobile Mappingデータにより作成した識別器の他システムにおける性能評価

    外村 史輝, 石川 貴一朗, 天野 嘉春, 橋詰 匠

    精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集   2013S   857 - 858  2013年



    DOI CiNii

  • 月惑星探査に向けた能動型蛍光X線分光器AXSの基本特性(II)

    長谷部信行, 草野広樹, 長岡央, 児玉拓郎, 大山裕輝, 田中玲子, 天野嘉春, 柴村英道, 久野治義, FAGAN T.J., 太田亨, 岡田達明, KIM K.J., GWANGHYEOK J., KLINGELHOEFER G., BRUECKNER J., BOYNTON W., HAMARA D., LIM L., STARR R.

    応用物理学会春季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM)   60th  2013年


  • 月惑星探査に向けた能動型蛍光X線分光器AXSの基本特性(III)

    内藤雅之, 長谷部信行, 草野広樹, 長岡央, 児玉拓郎, 大山裕輝, 田中玲子, 天野嘉春, 柴村英道, 久野治義, FAGAN T. J., 太田亨, 岡田達明, KIM K. J.

    応用物理学会秋季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM)   74th  2013年


  • G080013 アンモニア・水混合媒体を用いた発電・冷凍ハイブリッドシステムのエクセルギー評価

    森 一馬, 関 良高, 天野 嘉春

    年次大会 : Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan   2012   "G080013 - 1"-"G080013-4"  2012年09月


    This paper describes performance comparison of separate and hybrid systems of power and cooling cycle that is combined with Kalina cycle and ammonia absorption refrigeration cycle. Authors emphasis on utilization of T-S diagram in order to visualize the factors of the improvement in net output power by comparing with idealized cycle such as Maximum Power cycle and Minimum input compression work for refrigeration cycle. Results of case study show that exergy efficiency of the hybrid system combining with Kalina and ammonia absorption cycle is 16.9% higher than that of the separate operation of each cycle. However, the total thermal conductance of the hybrid system is 5.32% larger than that of separate one.


  • F213 水蒸気圧縮過程における水噴霧効果の解析(OS4 省エネルギー・コジェネ・ヒートポンプ)

    藤原 史明, 日野 俊之, 天野 嘉春

    動力・エネルギー技術の最前線講演論文集 : シンポジウム   2012 ( 17 ) 441 - 444  2012年06月


    Steam compressor is the key unit of VRC (vapor recompression) technology. The analytical and experimental investigation on the steam compressor had been revealed that the relatively high temperature of steam at the outlet of it made it difficult to developing cost-effective steam compressor with high efficiency. The authors have been investigated on VCC (Vapor Compression and Condensation) system which is redefined from VRC technique for dehydration of wet-materials, such as wet-biomass. To reduce temperature increase at the outlet of the compressor, the effectiveness of liquid-vapor 2-phase compression process by utilizing the water injection is investigated. The case study on the 7.5kW-wing type compressor is taken up, and maximum droplet radius for the injection water which are completely evaporate in a period of a compression process.


  • F214 理論最適サイクルに基づく発電・冷凍ハイブリッドサイクルの評価法(OS4 省エネルギー・コジェネ・ヒートポンプ)

    蓮井 大介, 天野 嘉春, 橋詰 匠

    動力・エネルギー技術の最前線講演論文集 : シンポジウム   2012 ( 17 ) 445 - 448  2012年06月


    Evaluation method of power cycle and refrigeration cycle are usually based on first low of thermodynamics. In other words, usability of power cycle and refrigeration cycle are determined by energy efficiency and COP. In this paper, we focus on second low of thermodynamics. We compare two Hybrid power and refrigeration cycles by theoretical optimum cycles and exergy efficiency. Specifically, we simulated cooling capacity and exergy efficiency, draw T-s diagrams, and compared with theoretical optimum cycles. When using T-s diagrams, entropy is multiplied by flow rate, because hybrid power and refrigeration cycles are composed of several flow.


  • 1A1-H03 小型自律飛行ロボットを用いた機械学習による植生分類図作成(農業用ロボット・メカトロニクス)

    太田 哲平, 高橋 貴大, 天野 嘉春, 橋詰 匠, 鈴木 真二, 士屋 武司, 山場 淳史

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2012   "1A1 - H03(1)"-"1A1-H03(2)"  2012年05月


    This paper proposes a novel vegetation classification method using an airborne imagery obtained by the small unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). A conventional method used in the vegetation classification uses the value of reflected intensity in airborne images obtained by airplanes and satellites. However, it is difficult to classify the type of vegetations because of the restriction of the image resolution. The small UAV can fly at low attitude, it can obtain a high resolution airborne imagery. The proposed method aims to make a vegetation classification map using the texture analysis and Adaboost machinery learning. We use the texture, color, and NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) calculated from airborne imagery as the classification features. From the result of classification test, we concluded that proposed method is effective to classify the type of vegetation using a small UAV.


  • 2P1-R08 Mobile Mapping Systemによる道路視点からの東日本大震災被災地域調査 : 時系列三次元点群比較による道路周辺環境の変化域抽出(ITSとロボット・メカトロ技術)

    桐生 翔太, 石川 貴一朗, 佐久間 裕, 外村 史輝, 天野 嘉春, 橋詰 匠

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2012   "2P1 - R08(1)"-"2P1-R08(2)"  2012年05月


    A devastating earthquake and tsunami damaged large area in the Pacific coast of Japan, Tohoku district on March 11th 2011. In such a huge disaster, it is important to collect recovery information at regular intervals for speedy recovery work and disaster prevention. For information collecting work, aerial photos and conventional survey have been used, but these methods cost much. Thus, we have developed Mobile Mapping System (MMS) as an efficient survey method to collect information when disaster occurs. To collect information about the environment of disaster area and to record recovery process, we conducted a survey of the Tohoku district in June and November, 2011. This paper provides methods for extracting road environment changes around roads, such as postseismic crustal movement and reconstruction, by comparing time series 3D point clouds acquired from these two surveys.


  • 2P1-R07 大規模三次元点群からの機械学習による柱状物体の認識(ITSとロボット・メカトロ技術)

    外村 史輝, 石川 貴一朗, 天野 嘉春, 橋詰 匠

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2012   "2P1 - R07(1)"-"2P1-R07(3)"  2012年05月


    As the practical uses of point cloud generated by the Mobile Mapping System (MMS) spread, modeled data are applied to many fields. However, the cost of modeling process increases with the size of data. So, in order to make the process efficient, we have proposed recognizing pole-like objects method. The proposed method recognizes pole-like objects focusing on local area of segments and using Support vector Machine (SVM). The method recognized pole-like objects robustly and its recognition accuracy is 91.4%. However, this method recognized walls as pole-like objects (miss recognition) and wasn't able to recognize tilt pole-like objects. Thus, we added two improvements to the method. One is tilt correcting in machine learning and recognition phase. The other is making local area search active. With these improvements, the total recognition accuracy became 97.4%.


  • 2P1-R06 GNSSの可視性を考慮したMobile Mapping Systemの計測経路計画(ITSとロボット・メカトロ技術)

    石川 貴一朗, 天野 嘉春, 橋詰 匠

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2012   "2P1 - R06(1)"-"2P1-R06(2)"  2012年05月


    This paper describes a path planning for Mobile Mapping System (MMS) considering with GPS availability. In a MMS survey, accuracy and efficiency are important factor. The accuracy depends on GNSS availability, which is affected by the road environment. Also, in some operations, MMS have to survey every road in an area. Because of these conditions, it is difficult for navigators to decide MMS's path in the surveys. Thus, we proposed a path planning for MMS considering with GNSS availability. The proposed method weights all links based on the number of visible GNSS and distance between nodes. The number of visible GNSS is calculated by aerial laser survey point cloud and GNSS almanac data. Since the number of visible GNSS changes, the weight of a link is recalculated hour by hour. In a field test, the proposed method improved the GNSS availability and we confirmed the effectiveness of the proposed method.


  • 2P1-R09 GPSとGLONASS複合による移動体測位の信頼性の向上に関する研究(ITSとロボット・メカトロ技術)

    大西 正光, 北村 光教, 鈴木 太郎, 天野 嘉春, 橋詰 匠, 金子 幸司

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2012   "2P1 - R09(1)"-"2P1-R09(2)"  2012年05月


    For the realization of the 3D measurement such as MMS (Mobile Mapping System), the needs of high precision location information has been increasing. Therefore, by combining the United States GPS (Global Positioning System) , the Russian GLONASS(Global Navigation Satellite System), and the INS(Inertial Navigation System), it is possible to increase the number of satellites in reception. Moreover, it enables high precision and improvement of convenience. However, due to the effects of multipath, it is necessary to evaluate the reliability of the positioning solution obtained by the GPS and GLONASS combined positioning. In this paper, we propose an algorithm which automatically selects the reliable positioning solution.


  • 1A2-F10 準天頂衛星と可視衛星数地図を用いた自律移動システムの経路計画(車輪型/クローラ型移動ロボット(2))

    北村 光教, 安岡 洋一, 鈴木 太郎, 天野 嘉春, 橋詰 匠

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2012   "1A2 - F10(1)"-"1A2-F10(4)"  2012年05月


    This paper described a path planning method using Quasi Zenith Satellites System (QZSS) and the map for the number of visible satellites. QZSS is a positioning system in japan. And, it has effect increasing the number of satellites. The map of the number of satellites is used for path planning considering the number of visible satellites. This proposed method improving GPS positioning availability by increasing the number of satellites. In this paper, we carried out evaluation test for this proposed method. As the result of this test, it is confirm that proposed method had effectiveness for improving GPS positioning availability.


  • 1A2-B08 複数の一周波GPS受信機を用いた小型UAVの高精度姿勢計測(3次元計測/センサフュージョン(2))

    鈴木 太郎, 間野 直哉, 北村 光教, 天野 嘉春, 橋詰 匠

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2012   "1A2 - B08(1)"-"1A2-B08(2)"  2012年05月


    This paper describes an attitude determination technique for small UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles). Small UAVs are attracted the attention for effective means of the collecting aerial information. However, there are few practical applications, because the accurate attitude data cannot be obtained due to its small payloads. We propose the attitude determination technique using the multiple single frequency GPS receivers. We install three GPS antennas on the wing of the UAV. We resolve the integer ambiguity of the carrier frequency of GPS observation data using the geometric constrain of the antennas to estimate the attitude of the UAV. In the result of the static test, we conclude the proposed method is effective to estimate the attitude for the small UAV.


  • 2A1-J09 準天頂衛星のL1-SAIFを利用したGPS単独測位の高精度化(移動ロボットの自己位置推定と地図構築(1))

    北村 光教, 鈴木 太郎, 天野 嘉春, 橋詰 匠

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2012   "2A1 - J09(1)"-"2A1-J09(4)"  2012年05月


    This paper describes an improvement for the accuracy of GPS single point positioning using L1-SAIF signal and carrier smoothing. L1-SAIF is a performance enhancement function of Quasi-Zenith Satellites System (QZSS). Carrier smoothing is the method for smoothing a pseudorange by precise carrier phase. The proposed technique mitigates systematic and accidental errors of GPS positioning. But, carrier smoothing has two problems. One is increasing the positioning error in long-time smoothing. Another is vulnerability to cycle slip. So, in this paper, we propose the method for decreasing the effects of these problems using L1-SAIF. The evaluation results confirm the effectiveness of the proposed technique and the feasibility of its highly accurate positioning.


  • 八幡湿原自然再生事業地におけるUAV空撮画像解析による開放水面および草本群落の区分法の検討

    山場淳史, 太田哲平, 天野嘉春, 橋詰匠, 鈴木太郎, 土屋武司, 鈴木真二, 佐久間智子

    応用生態工学会研究発表会講演集   2012  2012年


  • SVM機械学習による大規模三次元点群からの道路周辺地物の認識

    外村 史輝, 石川 貴一朗, 天野 嘉春, 橋詰 匠

    精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集   2012S   521 - 522  2012年


    Mobile Mapping Systemにより取得した大規模三次元点群内の道路周辺地物の利用が高まっている.そこで本研究では,大規模三次元点群から道路周辺地物を認識することを目的としている.本論文では地物の局所領域から抽出した特徴量をSVM機械学習させパターン認識を行う手法を提案する.また本手法を実環境の大規模三次元点群に適用した結果について述べ,地物ごとの認識率の違いや課題について述べる.

    DOI CiNii

  • J081051 700W級PEFCシステムのCO_2排出量([J08105]燃料電池(5))

    長田 勝也, 池田 一樹, 伊東 弘一, 天野 嘉春, 橋詰 匠

    年次大会 : Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan   2011   "J081051 - 1"-"J081051-4"  2011年09月


    The CO_2 emission characteristic is evaluated for 700W PEFC cogeneration systems used for residential houses based on the mathematical optimization method. First the mathematical model is built based on the measured data through one year. Then, for energy demand data measured at 10 houses through one year, the optimal potential of CO_2 emission reduction ratios are analyzed by optimizing the operational policy of the system. By comparing with the conventional system composed by the condensing gas boiler and electric grid, the reduction ratios of the CO_2 emission are ?5.42%〜-0.10%, and it is concluded that this system has no high potential to contribute for CO_2 reduction.


  • G080014 ビル用エネルギー供給システムの最適更新計画における各種代替システムの経済性評価([G08001]動カエネルギーシステム部門一般セッション(1):動力エネルギーシステムの高度化1)

    吉田 修, 井上 雅博, 岡野 瑛, 伊東 弘一, 天野 嘉春, 橋詰 匠

    年次大会 : Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan   2011   "G080014 - 1"-"G080014-5"  2011年09月


    In this paper, a method of rationally determining an optimal renewal plan is proposed for energy supply systems based on the optimization approach. In the planning of this proposed method, it becomes necessary to consider many factors such as the deterioration of each pieces of existing equipment, candidate pieces of equipment with upgraded efficiency reflecting technology improvement in the proper renewal year, the structure of renewal system, and so on. It is also necessary to determine the system's operational policy to match energy demands, which change daily and hourly through the year. A numerical study is carried out for a hospital with the total floor area of 25 000m2, where electrical (e.g., heat pump) and gas (e.g., gas engine cogeneration) systems are compared together with theircombination of gas and electricity driven equipment (hybrid) system. Through this numerical study, the following results are obtained: a) Theoretically, the hybrid system is, of course, the best renewal system. However, the economic difference between the hybrid and the electrical systems is very small. b) The gas system is worse economically than the electrical one relatively due to the low energy efficiency of the related equipment, the high price of energy, and so on.


  • S081012 業務用給湯用C0_2ヒートポンプシステムの機器容量および貯湯槽容量最適化([S08101]高効率ヒートポンプの要素技術とその応用)

    吉田 修, 星野 恵介, 伊東 弘一, 天野 嘉春, 橋詰 匠

    年次大会 : Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan   2011   "S081012 - 1"-"S081012-5"  2011年09月


    An electrically driven heat pump using CO^2 as the refrigerant is developed to supply hot water with a high coefficient of performance for use in buildings such as hospitals, hotels, and so on. In addition, these values of conventional heat pumps which use alternative chlorofluorocarbon gas are also increasing step by step in recent years. This study compares several alternative heat pump and hot water tank systems as well as a gas-fired boiler system from economic points of view based on a mathematical optimization method considering ambient temperature. A hospital is taken as the objective of this study, and the energy demand for hot water supply is estimated hourly and monthly through one year. As there are alternative modes for the system's operation, a mathematical optimization method is applied at this stage for responding to changing energy demands in a timely manner. The economic evaluation of the systems is done by applying the annualized costs method. Our results show that there exists an economically optimal combination of heat pumps and hot water tank of proper capacity. It is also seen that systems adopting heat pumps have advantages over gas systems from economic, energy saving and environmental points of view.


  • アポロ試料の主要元素組成に基づく宇宙風化度の定量

    太田 亨, FAGAN T., 天野 嘉春, 長谷部 信行

    日本鉱物科学会年会講演要旨集   2011   21 - 21  2011年09月


  • 1A2-Q13 GPS衛星不可視環境下における位置標定の高精度化に関する研究 : ランドマーク観測誤差低減による位置補正の高精度化(ITSとロボット・メカトロ技術)

    佐久間 裕, 石川 貴一朗, 天野 義春, 橋積 匠, 島 嘉宏

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2011   "1A2 - Q13(1)"-"1A2-Q13(2)"  2011年05月


    Mobile Mapping System(MMS) come to be widely used in survey. Although MMS can survey precisely in open sky condition, the quality of positioning is reduced in GPS blockage conditions like urban area because errors which accumulated by inertial measurement unit cannot be reset. Since GPS satellite geometries change hour by hour, the precision of survey data at same position is different. This paper describes a positioning correction method using road features which are common for multiple survey data. This method references road feature coordinates extracted from high-precision data, then correct low-precision data by observing same road feature coordinates. The result of positioning of this method depends on observation errors occurred when a user selects the two coordinates. Thus, this paper also proposes an observation error reduction method calculating road feature center coordinates from 3D point clouds.


  • 1A2-Q15 Mobile Mapping Systemにおける広域三次元計測のためのレーザスキャナを利用したカメラ外部パラメータの推定(ITSとロボット・メカトロ技術)

    鈴木 太郎, 石川 貴一朗, 天野 嘉春, 橋詰 匠, 島 嘉宏, 瀧口 純一

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2011   "1A2 - Q15(1)"-"1A2-Q15(2)"  2011年05月


    This paper describes an extrinsic camera parameter estimation method for a 3D measurement using a mobile mapping system (MMS). MMS can acquire the 3D information of the road environment efficiently using the laser scanner. However, a measurement range is limited because of the performance of the laser scanner, the use of camera for the 3D measurement is expected. In the 3D measurement using the camera, the accurate extrinsic camera parameter estimation is required. We propose an automatic camera parameter estimation method that uses the measurement data of laser scanner acquired by the MMS. In the result of experiment, it is confirmed that the proposed method can estimate the extrinsic camera parameter to an accuracy of 0.07 degree.


  • 2A1-M01 準天頂衛星(みちびき)L1-SAIFを利用した都市部環境下における移動体測位評価(移動ロボットの自己位置推定と地図構築)

    北村 光教, 鈴木 太郎, 天野 嘉春, 橋詰 匠

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2011   "2A1 - M01(1)"-"2A1-M01(2)"  2011年05月


    This paper describes an evaluation of the L1-SAIF (L1 Submeter-class Augmentation with Integrity Function) augmentation broadcasted by Quasi-Zenith Satellite System (QZSS) in the urban environment for the vehicle positioning. In urban environment, it is expected that the augmentation of QZSS is quite effective because of its high elevation angle. Therefore, we carried out the static and moving evaluation test. In static evaluation test, we compared with the positioning error between the only GPS positioning and augmentation of QZSS positioning for evaluation of the positioning accuracy. In moving evaluation test, we compared with the visibility of QZSS and SBAS satellites for evaluation of availability. As the result of the evaluation test, it was confirmed that the augmentation of QZSS has better availability and effectiveness than the augmentation of SBAS.


  • 1P1-K02 時間拡張2Dグリッドマップを用いた小型自律移動クローラシステムの開発(車輪型/クローラ型移動ロボット)

    渡邉 輝, 安岡 洋一, 鈴木 太郎, 天野 嘉春, 橋詰 匠, 矢野 寛, 天野 久徳

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2011   "1P1 - K02(1)"-"1P1-K02(2)"  2011年05月


    This paper describes a development of a small autonomous mobile crawler system using a temporal expansive two-dimensional grid map for the purpose of exploring the disaster site. The environmental map generated from the laser scanner and gyroscope is unsuitable for the actual environment because of the use of low-precision sensors. Therefore we propose the temporal expansion two-dimensional grid map to differentiate the overlapping of the grid map by time-tagging measurements of a laser scanner. As a result of the actual environment test, it can be concluded that the proposed crawler system can estimate the accurate location to differentiate the overlapping using the proposed temporal expansive two-dimensional grid map.


  • 三次元地図と赤外全周カメラを用いた屋外環境における車両の三次元位置姿勢推定

    北村光教, 鈴木太郎, 天野嘉春, 橋詰匠

    ロボティクスシンポジア予稿集   16th  2011年


  • GNSSマルチパス波判別を複合した精密単独測位による屋外移動ロボットの位置推定

    鈴木太郎, 北村光教, 天野嘉春, 橋詰匠

    ロボティクスシンポジア予稿集   16th  2011年


  • マルチパス判別を複合したタイトカップリングGPS/INS複合航法による移動体位置推定

    鈴木太郎, 北村光教, 天野嘉春, 橋詰匠

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM)   29th  2011年


  • Mobile Mapping Systemの三次元点群処理に関する研究—断面に着目したグルーピングによる対向車除去

    小倉 徹也, 石川 貴一朗, 天野 嘉春, 橋詰 匠

    精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集   2011S   719 - 720  2011年


    近年、Mobile Mapping System(MMS)による道路周辺環境の3次元計測が注目されている。しかしながら、MMSの計測データには対向車など不要なデータも計測されるため、使用用途によっては対向車を効率的に除去する必要がある。本報では、レーザ計測の一断面に着目し、対向車や路面、その他といった道路地物ごとにグルーピングする手法を提案し、そのグルーピング結果に基づいた対向車除去手法について述べる。

    DOI CiNii

  • B104 戸建住宅における電力・給湯需要に対する各種エネルギー供給システムの比較分析(OS3 省エネルギー・コジェネ技術),動力エネルギーシステム部門20周年,次の20年への新展開)

    吉田 彬, 小川 雅也, 天野 嘉春, 伊東 弘一, 橋詰 匠

    動力・エネルギー技術の最前線講演論文集 : シンポジウム   2010 ( 15 ) 49 - 52  2010年06月


    Comparative evaluation has been studied on energy systems to supply hot water for detached houses, which are CO_2 heat pump, small scale gas engine and polymer electrolyte fuel cell cogeneration systems together with gas fired hot water boiler with latest heat recovery. For energy demand data measured at 15 houses through one year, energy saving and CO_2 emission characteristics of systems are evaluated comparatively by applying mathematical optimization method. As the numerical result, it is concluded that CO_2 heat pump system has advantage of saving energy and of reducing CO_2 emission compared with other systems.


  • 家庭用PEFCシステムの省エネルギー性・環境性・経済性評価

    池田 一樹, 伊東 弘一, 天野 嘉春

    エネルギー・資源学会研究発表会講演論文集   29   265 - 268  2010年06月


  • 小型UAVを用いたSIFT特徴観測SLAMによる三次元地形図の生成

    鈴木太郎, 間野直哉, 天野嘉春, 橋詰匠, 鈴木真二

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM)   28th  2010年


  • GPS時刻同期と環境の三次元地図情報を用いた屋外遠隔運転システムの開発

    鈴木太郎, 西岡甲太郎, 安岡洋一, 天野嘉春, 橋詰匠, 瀧口純一

    ロボティクスシンポジア予稿集   15th  2010年


  • 高精度な三次元道路地図を用いた燃費推定手法の提案-三次元地図から算出した視距と高分解能な勾配情報による燃費推定アルゴリズム-

    安岡洋一, 鈴木太郎, 佐久間裕, 石川貴一朗, 天野嘉春, 橋詰匠

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM)   28th  2010年


  • 赤外全周カメラを用いたマルチパス削減によるGPS/GLONASS複合測位の高精度化

    鈴木太郎, 北村光教, 天野嘉春, 橋詰匠

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2010  2010年


  • Mobile Mapping Systemによる三次元点群と時系列画像を用いた対向車点群の除去

    石川 貴一朗, 小倉 徹也, 天野 嘉春, 橋詰 匠

    精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集   2010A   57 - 58  2010年


    近年,車両に航法センサと環境計測センサを搭載したMobile Mapping System (MMS)が開発されている.MMSは,道路周辺の三次元情報や画像を交通規制なく効率的に計測できるため都市空間モデリングなど様々な応用が期待されている.しかし,計測時に対向車などの不必要なデータも計測されるためこれらを除去する必要がある.本論文ではMMSの時系列画像と三次元点群を用いた対向車の点群の除去手法および評価結果について述べる.

    DOI CiNii

  • 1P1-B10 屋外環境下で用いる自律移動システムに関する研究 : 第57報 GPS衛星不可視環境下における道路地物の測量値を用いた位置補正手法の評価

    山崎 敏宣, 石川 貴一朗, 天野 嘉春, 橋詰 匠

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2010   "1P1 - B10(1)"-"1P1-B10(3)"  2010年


    In these days, the next generation digital road map (DRM) is expected to one of the method to achieve detailed navigation and driving safety assistance. Also, Mobile Mapping System (MMS) is getting attention as effective method to generate the next DRM. The MMS consists of a GPS/IMU combined navigation system, cameras and laser scanners on the top of the vehicle. Though the MMS can measure road environment accurately and efficiently in open sky condition, the positioning accuracy is reduced in GPS blockage conditions. Thus, we proposed a positioning correction method in GPS blockage conditions that using a landmark which is pre-surveyed by conventional method. We carried out field test and its effectiveness is confirmed. The positioning accuracy is improved with the increased number of landmark observations, but the survey cost becomes high as the number of landmarks is increased. Therefore, in this paper we simulated without GPS conditions and evaluate the proposed positioning performance and the optimum landmark distance.


  • 1P1-B09 屋外環境下で用いる自律移動システムに関する研究 : 第55報 Mobile Mapping Systemによる三次元点群と時系列画像を用いた道路面補完に関する研究

    小倉 徹也, 石川 貴一朗, 瀧口 純一, 天野 嘉春, 橋詰 匠

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2010   "1P1 - B09(1)"-"1P1-B09(2)"  2010年


    In recent years, a mobile mapping system (MMS) is expected to make 3D road environment measurement highly efficient and accurately. The MMS which is a vehicle consists of GPS/IMU combined navigation system, cameras and Laser scanners, can acquire the road environment 3D information efficiently. The MMS is used in as-built survey, urban modeling, and so on. The MMS can measure the road environment without any traffic regulation. However, other vehicle sometimes interferes with measurement of road facilities. Thus, the road facilities data is sometimes missed. The purpose of this paper is to create road environment model without missing area in one survey. Therefore, we propose other moving vehicles point cloud removal and point cloud imputation algorithm using 3D point cloud model and sequential images. Furthermore, in this paper, we describe the result of application of the proposed algorithm.


  • 1A2-C14 災害情報収集のための小型UAV搭載シンバルカメラを用いた物体追跡に関する研究

    間野 直哉, 鈴木 太郎, 天野 嘉春, 橋詰 匠, 瀧口 純一

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2010   "1A2 - C14(1)"-"1A2-C14(3)"  2010年


    This paper describes an information gathering system at the time of a disaster using a small unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). Small UAVs are highly portable, have a low operational cost, and can be operated safely in comparison to manned airplanes. The object tracking system which can effectively gather the information is demand for small UAVs. This system is developed by installing the gimbals camera with two degree of freedom in the small UAV. The particle filter which uses color information on the aerial movie is developed to track the object in realtime processing. This system is evaluated by the ground experiments, and it is confirmed that the proposed system is effective in the object tracking for gathering disaster information.


  • 2A2-E09 屋外環境下で用いる自律移動システムに関する研究 : 第56報 低周波数無線による通信遅延を考慮した屋外遠隔運転

    安岡 洋一, 西岡 甲太郎, 鈴木 太郎, 天野 嘉春, 橋詰 匠

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2010   "2A2 - E09(1)"-"2A2-E09(3)"  2010年


    Our research developed a novel teleoperation system for an UGV (unmanned ground vehicle) using a low-bandwidth communication. In this system, the 3D environmental map measured by mobile mapping System is used for the remote control interface. The low-bandwidth and high-delay transmission links cause a serious problem for the vehicle control. To solve this problem, the time synchronization by two GPS receivers is proposed in this paper. The transmit delay time can be measured by two GPS receivers, and the current position and attitude of the UGV can be estimated from the delay time. The result of the field experiment showed that the proposed system was easy to grasp the remote environment for teleoperation.


  • C208 リフラックスポンプシステムを付帯しないアンモニア吸収式冷凍機の性能 : 乾式蒸発器の適用可能性(OS4 省エネルギー・小型分散電源・コジェネ技術)

    小出 徹, 天野 嘉春, 橋詰 匠, 武居 俊孝

    動力・エネルギー技術の最前線講演論文集 : シンポジウム   2009 ( 14 ) 329 - 332  2009年06月


    This paper reports the primacy of dry expansion type Ammonia Absorption Refrigerator (AAR) without reflux pump system over the ordinary cycle (ARS) especially about COP. AAR is demanded to compact for the market. AAR without reflux pump system was developed, but revealed surplus cold energy at bleed. For the solution of that, dry expansion type AAR without reflux pump system is contrived. As a result, when compared with ARS, this system is effective at an evaporating temperature over -45[℃] about COP. In addition, it doesn't need reflux pump system, bleed heat exchanger, gas-liquid separator and receiver, but the number of trays in the rectifying column increases at an evaporating temperature under -30[℃].


  • 1A1-D18 モービルマッピングシステムと小型自律飛行機を用いた堤防の三次元復元に関する研究

    石川 貴一朗, 鈴木 太郎, 小野 修平, 藤島 崇, 鈴木 真二, 瀧口 純一, 天野 嘉春, 橋詰 匠

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2009   "1A1 - D18(1)"-"1A1-D18(3)"  2009年05月


    This paper describes river-bank management method using a Mobile Mapping System (MMS) and a small Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). As the class A river-bank's traditional management method is differential leveling at management cross section, it is difficult to obtain continuous longitudinal profile or arbitrary cross section. Proposed method using the MMS and the UAV can acquire continuous 3D shapes of the river-bank. In this paper, MMS and small UAV is introduced, and the comparison between traditional measurement result and the MMS measurement result and the small UAV measurement result is introduced. The field test in Edogawa river-bank proves the validity and efficiency of the proposed method.


  • 1A1-F07 屋外環境下で用いる自律移動システムに関する研究 : 第53報 環境の三次元点群情報を用いた位置推定手法の検討

    鈴木 太郎, 天野 嘉春, 橋詰 匠, 瀧口 純一

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2009   "1A1 - F07(1)"-"1A1-F07(4)"  2009年05月


    g method for a mobile robot using a laser scanner and 3D point cloud data. The 3D point cloud of the outdoor environment is measured easily and precisely by the mobile mapping system (MMS). The full six-dimensional state of the mobile robot is estimated using a combination of the dead reckoning and 3D point cloud data. In addition, our approach applies a particle filter to correct the position error using the laser measurement model in the 3D point cloud space. The field experiment is conducted to evaluate the accuracy of the proposed method. As the result of the experiment, it was confirmed that it is possible to achieve a positioning precision of 0.3 m (RMS) by using the proposed method.


  • 1A2-C09 屋外環境下で用いる自律移動システムに関する研究 : 第52報 環境の三次元地図情報を用いた車両の運転支援に関する研究

    西岡 甲太郎, 中村 敦, 鈴木 太郎, 天野 嘉春, 橋詰 匠, 曽根 久雄, 瀧口 純一

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2009   "1A2 - C09(1)"-"1A2-C09(2)"  2009年05月


    This paper proposes a novel tele-operation system for the UGV (Unmanned Ground Vehicle) in the outdoor environment. The unique remote control interface using 3D environmental map measured by MMS (Mobile Mapping System) is addressed. The driver can control the vehicle by looking at a virtual vehicle model on the pre-obtained environmental map. In addition, the obstacle information measured by a laser scanner and a stereo camera is also displayed on the map. It is easy to grasp the whole environment around the vehicle and is effective to control the vehicle with safety and speedy. From result of the remote control experiment, this system is proved to be valid and effective to find the obstacles compared with the usual on-board camera image.


  • 1A2-C11 モービルマッピングシステムを用いた道路オルソモザイク生成に関する研究

    石川 貴一朗, 高野 雅史, 小野 修平, 瀧口 純一, 天野 嘉春, 橋詰 匠

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2009   "1A2 - C11(1)"-"1A2-C11(2)"  2009年05月


    In recent years, the necessity of efficient and high accuracy mapping method research is increasing. Aerial photogrammetry is one of the mainstream methods of mapping wide area. But the information, under elevated structures, in tunnels, shadow of buildings, and under street trees etc, cannot be captured from aerial photogrammetry. Therefore, the efficient data acquisition technique is required under those environments. This paper describes a data acquisition method using a Mobile Mapping System (MMS). MMS is a vehicle, which consists of GPS-Gyro/IMU combined navigation system and a CCD camera. In this paper, a road ortho mosaic creation algorithm is proposed and the result of road ortho mosaic image is introduced. And this paper describes advantage of road ortho mosaic over the aerial photogrammetry.


  • 1A2-B22 モービルマッピングシステムによる高分解能DEMを用いた路面形状の管理に関する研究

    石川 貴一朗, 高野 雅史, 島 嘉宏, 瀧口 純一, 天野 嘉春, 橋詰 匠

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2009   "1A2 - B22(1)"-"1A2-B22(2)"  2009年05月


    The total extension of Japanese road is over 1.25 million km. It is said that the development of efficient road maintenance and management system will become a mainstream of road related research works in the near future. This paper describes a road surface management system using a Mobile Mapping System (MMS). The proposed MMS, which consists of a GPS-Gyro/IMU combined navigation system, CCD cameras, and laser scanners on the top of the vehicle, can measure road 3D environment in high resolution and high accuracy. In this paper, road surface roughness survey and rut survey and road management method using the MMS and GIS (Geographic Information System) is described. The field survey result proves that the proposed method is valid and effective.


  • 1A2-B17 小型自律飛行機による可視・近赤外画像を利用した植生評価システムの構築

    桑原 侑吉, 三好 大地, 鈴木 太郎, 天野 嘉春, 橋詰 匠, 瀧口 純一, 鈴木 真二, 山場 淳史

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2009   "1A2 - B17(1)"-"1A2-B17(2)"  2009年05月


    This paper describes a vegetation survey system using a small Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). A handy and effective means to observe vegetation for the agriculture and forestry environment are highly desirable. Accordingly, a more useful and low-cost vegetation survey system than traditional methods which use satellites or manned air planes is developed by our research. This system autonomously collects the aerial images using the visible and near-infrared digital cameras equipped on the UAV. In addition, this system makes a widespread mosaic image of aerial pictures, and makes land cover classification image of a mosaic image by the unique classification method based on the k-means method. The field experiments were conducted at Kirigatani moor in Hiroshima Prefecture. It was confirmed that this system is effective and low-cost for the vegetation survey by the results of experiments.


  • スイス連邦工科大学ローザンヌ校

    天野 嘉春

    エネルギー・資源 = Energy and resources   30 ( 3 ) 188 - 189  2009年05月


  • 道路地物の測量値とGPS/IMUを複合した自己位置標定手法の研究

    石川貴一朗, 高野 雅史, 梶原 尚幸, 瀧口 純一, 天野 嘉春, 橋詰 匠

    日本機械学会ロボティクス メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集, 2009     "1A2 - B20(1)"-"1A2-B20(2)"  2009年


    In recent years, the necessity of efficient and high accuracy mapping method is increasing. Aerial survey is one of the mainstream methods of mapping. The aerial survey can measure wide area in one flight, but it cannot measure tunnels and those objects under elevated road or roadside trees. Therefore, the efficient land survey technique is required under those environments. A Mobile Mapping System (MMS), which consists of GPS/IMU combined navigation system, cameras and laser scanners, is one of the powerful terrestrial survey methods to compensate the disadvantages of the aerial survey. On the other hand, positioning performance of the GPS/IMU combined navigation system is depreciated by the long-term GPS blockage as well. Therefore, the landmark update method using the conventional survey results and the GPS/IMU combined navigation system is addressed in this paper. Road survey research, which is executed under elevated road where GPS blockage occurred, showed the accuracy of the proposed method.


  • モービルマッピングシステムを用いた次世代デジタル道路地図作成システムに関する研究

    高野雅史, 石川 貴一朗, 瀧口 純一, 島 嘉宏, 天野 嘉春, 橋詰 匠

    ロボティクス メカトロニクス講演会, 2009     "1A2 - B21(1)"-"1A2-B21(2)"  2009年


    In these years, various research and development for achievement of the driving safety support systems (DSSS) in next generation Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) are increasing. At the same time, more detail and various road data like road alignments, road gradients, intersection detail data and lane detail data are demanded for the achievement of next generation ITS. But these road data are not recorded in the present digital road map (DRM) which is used in car navigation system. In addition, aerial survey which is one of the mainstream methods of measuring DRM data is not the ideal method on the point of cost and efficiency. A Mobile Mapping System (MMS) that is a vehicle consists of GPS/IMU combined navigation system, cameras, laser scanners, is one of the methods to measure detail road data with high precision. This paper describes the algorithm for measuring detail and various road data for creating next generation DRM using MMS.


  • B-25 家庭用ガスエンジン・コージェネレーションシステムの省エネルギー性分析

    奥田 裕樹, 伊東 弘一, 天野 嘉春, 橋詰 匠

    学術講演会論文集   20 ( 2 ) 813 - 816  2008年08月


    In this study, a mathematical optimization model is constructed to analyze the energy saving characteristics of gas engine home cogeneration system (say, GE-CGS). Energy saving characteristic is analyzed by comparing GE-CGS with the corresponding conventional system composed of a gas boiler and electricity purchased from outside grid. The system's operation is determined by the optimization model, by which the annual primary energy consumption is minimized for the energy demands measured actually through one year. Energy saving characteristics is analyzed for 5 houses. As the result, no apparent energy saving improvement was observed.


  • 家庭用ガスエンジン・コージェネレーションシステムにおける発電効率向上の影響分析

    木谷 健一, 伊東 弘一, 天野 嘉春, 橋詰 匠

    エネルギーシステム・経済・環境コンファレンス講演論文集 = Proceedings of the ... Conference on Energy, Economy, and Environment   24   25 - 28  2008年01月


  • 小型自律飛行ロボットを用いた情報収集・計測による防災システムの構築

    鈴木太郎, 目黒淳一, 天野嘉春, 橋詰匠, 廣川類, 辰己薫, 佐藤幸一, 瀧口純一

    ロボティクスシンポジア予稿集   13th  2008年


  • 1A1-G21 モービルマッピングシステムを用いた架空線・電柱位置管理に関する研究(ITSとロボット・メカトロ技術)

    小野 修平, 石川 貴一朗, 瀧口 純一, 島 嘉宏, 天野 嘉春, 橋詰 匠

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2008   _1A1-G21_1 - _1A1-G21_3  2008年

    DOI CiNii

  • モービルマッピングシステムを用いたトンネル断面形状管理に関する研究

    石川貴一朗, 村石 隆介, 瀧口 純一, 天野 嘉春, 橋詰 匠, 藤島 崇

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2008     "1A1 - G22(1)"-"1A1-G22(2)"  2008年


    This paper describes tunnel cross-section measurement system using a Mobile Mapping System. The topography of Japan is mountainous, so there are many tunnels in Japan and total length of Japanese tunnel on road is over 3000 km, and 80 km tunnel are built every year. As far as some old tunnels are concerned, collision accidents sometimes happens because of old tunnel's diameter shortage. Thus, tunnel cross-section measurement method without highway traffic regulation is demanded nowadays. The proposed Mobile Mapping System (MMS), featuring the carrier phase D-GPS/DR (Dead Reckoning) combined navigation system and the GPS-Gyro/IMU(Inertial Measurement Unit), performs highly accurate positioning performance in centimeters and posture estimation at 0.073[deg](1σ) for heading, 0.064[deg](1σ) for pitch and 0.116[deg](1σ) for roll. The proposed Mobile Mapping System that can measure 3D shape of the tunnel at 40 km/h cruising speed without traffic restriction is proved to be valid and effective for tunnel cross-section maintenance through field experiments


  • 2P1-A11 小型自律飛行機を用いた災害時のための実時間情報収集システムの構築(サーチ&レスキューロボット・メカトロニクス)

    三好 大地, 鈴木 太郎, 目黒 淳一, 瀧口 純一, 佐藤 幸一, 天野 嘉春, 橋詰 匠

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2008 ( 0 ) _2P1 - A11_1-_2P1-A11_4  2008年


    This paper presents a disaster mitigation system using a small unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). When natural disasters such as large earthquakes strike, immediate assessment of damages and continuous collection of information is necessary for saving disaster victims and constructing revival plans. We develop a small prototype UAV and an onboard software using a GPS navigation system and propose a unique disaster information collection system. This system enables us to collect disaster information in real-time by processing aerial pictures transmitted by the UAV and integrate it to the geographic information system (GIS). The usability of this system is confirmed by flight experiments.


  • 小型自律飛行ロボットを用いた災害時における情報収集システムの構築

    鈴木 太郎, 目黒 淳一, 天野 嘉春, 橋詰 匠, 久保 大輔, 土屋 武司, 鈴木 真二, 廣川 類, 辰己 薫, 佐藤 幸一, 瀧口 純一

    ロボット学会誌   26 ( 6 ) 85 - 92  2008年


    This paper presents the disaster prevention and mitigation system using a small unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) . Immediate assessments of damage information and continuous collection of information for constructing a revival plan are important for damage mitigation when natural disasters such as huge earthquakes occur. In this study, we divide the period that follows a natural disaster on the basis of three processes, and propose the use of the small UAV for gathering information in such situations. The field experiments were conducted to evaluate the proposed system employing the small UAV. From the results of our experiments, it can be concluded that the small UAV system is effective for disaster prevention and mitigation.

    DOI CiNii

  • OS4-6 排ガス駆動アンモニア水混合媒体発電・冷凍ハイブリッドサイクルの特性(OS4 省エネルギー・小型分散電源・コジェネ技術,循環型社会における動力エネルギー技術)

    片山 雄介, 小嶋 雄介, 天野 嘉春, 橋詰 匠

    動力・エネルギー技術の最前線講演論文集 : シンポジウム   2007 ( 12 ) 183 - 186  2007年06月


    This paper reports brief results of effectiveness evaluation of a power (Kalina Cycle) and refrigeration (Ammonia Absorption Refrigerator) hybrid cycle which is driven by exhaust gas of a sensible heat source. The hybrid cycle employs ammonia-water mixture (AWM) as working fluid. The hybrid cycle is consists of the ammonia absorption refrigerator and the Kalina cycle system-1 or 34 with several pipelines. The authors carried out simulation, and investigate the performance of the hybrid cycle when heat source temperature and heat source delivery ratio changes. In order to compare the consequences of the calculations, the exergy efficiency and the exergy availability are defined. In consequence, we clarify the preferable combination of the hybrid cycle with parameters of heat source temperature and heat source delivery ratio.


  • 1P1-K07 屋外環境下で用いる自律移動システムに関する研究 : 第48報 三次元環境モデルと単眼カメラを用いた道路標識位置計測に関する研究(3次元計測/センサフュージョン)

    村石 隆介, 石川 貴一朗, 瀧口 純一, 島 嘉宏, 天野 嘉春, 橋詰 匠

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2007   "1P1 - K07(1)"-"1P1-K07(3)"  2007年05月


    This paper describes road sign localization using a single camera and 3D environmental model. The proposed Mobile Mapping System (MMS), featuring the carrier phase D-GPS/DR (Dead Reckoning) combined navigation system and the GPS-Gyro/IMU(Inertial Measurement Unit), performs highly accurate positioning performance in centimeters and posture estimation at 0.073[deg](1σ) for heading, 0.064[deg](1σ) for pitch and 0.116[deg](1σ) for roll. In road sign measurement environment, there are many kinds of objects near a road sign which cause serious misidentification. The proposed localization method utilizes different LOS images to identify collect road sign's corresponding laser data to improve localization accuracy.


  • K12 熱源状態変動に対するアンモニア・水混合媒体タービンシステムの特性調査(K1 熱工学5)

    水野 慎吾, 土屋 直大, 天野 嘉春, 橋詰 匠

    日本機械学会九州支部講演論文集   2007 ( 60 ) 385 - 386  2007年03月


  • 最適化に基づく家庭用ガスエンジン・コージェネレーションシステムの省エネルギー性分析

    木谷 健一, 伊東 弘一, 天野 嘉春, 橋詰 匠

    エネルギーシステム・経済・環境コンファレンス講演論文集 = Proceedings of the ... Conference on Energy, Economy, and Environment   23   125 - 128  2007年01月


  • 小型自律飛行ロボットシステムの開発とその活用による簡便な地物計測の実現

    廣川類, 辰己薫, 佐藤幸一, 瀧口純一, 久保大輔, 土屋武司, 鈴木真二, 鈴木太郎, 目黒淳一, 天野嘉春, 橋詰匠

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM)   25th  2007年


  • 2A2-B05 小型自律飛行機を用いた高精度三次元計測(飛行ロボット・メカトロニクス)

    鈴木 太郎, 目黒 淳一, 瀧口 純一, 佐藤 幸一, 畑山 満則, 天野 嘉春, 橋詰 匠

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2007 ( 0 ) _2A2 - B05_1-_2A2-B05_4  2007年


    This paper presents 3D measurement method using a small UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) which is loaded with limited payload sensors and can fly at lower altitude than manned-aircrafts. The proposal is based on motion stereo technique using high accuracy 3D-camera motion estimation by means of combination of GPS/INS, image features and ground control points tracking. As a result of field experiments, it can be stated that the proposed 3D measurement method is robust to environmental perturbations and can realize accurately/high resolution distance estimation.


  • 小型自律飛行ロボットと時空間GISの活用による防災システムの構築

    鈴木太郎, 目黒淳一, 天野嘉春, 橋詰匠, 佐藤幸一, 瀧口純一, 畑山満則

    地理情報システム学会講演論文集   16   179 - 182  2007年

  • 208 温泉熱温度差発電システムにおける作動流体としての自然系媒体の評価(熱工学II)

    桐原 知里子, 吉田 監, 天野 嘉春, 橋詰 匠

    日本機械学会東北支部秋季講演会講演論文集   2006 ( 42 ) 47 - 48  2006年09月


  • 207 アンモニアを作動流体とする温泉熱温度差発電に関する研究(熱工学II)

    吉田 監, 桐原 知里子, 天野 嘉春, 橋詰 匠, 丹澤 祥晃

    日本機械学会東北支部秋季講演会講演論文集   2006 ( 42 ) 45 - 46  2006年09月


  • OS4-12 ハイブリッド発電・冷凍サイクル実証実験における2つの接続形態の比較(OS4 省エネルギー・小型分散電源・コジェネ技術,分散と集中の共存)

    小嶋 雄介, 竹下 恵介, 天野 嘉春, 橋詰 匠

    動力・エネルギー技術の最前線講演論文集 : シンポジウム   2006 ( 11 ) 279 - 282  2006年06月


    This paper reports results of comparative experiment between two kinds of configurations of hybrid power and refrigeration cycle which employs ammonia-water mixture (AWM) as working fluid. The hybrid cycle mainly consists of an ammonia absorption refrigerator and an AWM turbine cycle ; these are connected by several pipelines. One configuration (configuration-1) takes higher mass fraction solution out from low-pressure condensor. The other configuration (configuration-2) takes it from high-pressure condensor. The experiment were carried out by changing the flow rate of higher mass fraction solution from the AWM turbine section to the refrigerator section. Focusing on the refrigerator section, both configurations achieved higher COP than the separate opperation. Othrewise, thermal efficiency of the AWM turbine section by configuration-2 decreased about 29% at a minimum. Thermal efficiency by configuration-1 rather increased about 77% at a maximam.


  • 家庭用ガスエンジン・コージェネレーションシステムの特性分析

    木谷 健一, 伊東 弘一, 天野 嘉春, 橋詰 匠

    研究発表会講演論文集 / エネルギー・資源学会 [編]   25   269 - 272  2006年06月


  • 2P2-E35 屋外環境下で用いる自律移動システムに関する研究 : 第43報 モービルマッピングシステムによる道路三次元モデルを用いた白線位置計測

    石川 貴一朗, 大西 尭, 瀧口 純一, 天野 嘉春, 橋詰 匠

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2006   "2P2 - E35(1)"-"2P2-E35(3)"  2006年


    The development of road telematics requires the management of continuously growing road database. A MMS(Mobile Mapping System) can acquire this road database. The proposed MMS, featuring a GPS/IMU(Inertial Measurement Unit) combined navigation system, a GPS-Gyro/IMU, laser scanners, nearly horizontal cameras, can measure centerline and side-line location precisely considering 3D road surface model based on a laser scanner. The carrier phased D-GPS/IMU combined navigation system and GPS-Gyro/IMU performs highly accurate position and posture estimation at a few centimeter and 0.1 degree order. It can be said that the proposed MMS and its unique road signs positioning method is valid and effective as the road sign location error is within 100 [mm] even in the slanted road by considering the 3D road surface model.


  • 2P1-D23 屋外環境下で用いる自律移動システムに関する研究 : 第46報屋外自律移動監視システムでの環境地図の使用による遠隔操縦機能の付加

    川崎 裕二, 安藤 伸吾, 目黒 淳一, 瀧口 純一, 天野 嘉春, 橋詰 匠

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2006 ( 0 ) _2P1 - D23_1-_2P1-D23_3  2006年


    This paper describes a remote control procedure for the autonomous Mobile Surveillance System. In general, there are some problems for camera-based remote vehicle control system, such as the telecommunication rate, time delay, and narrowness in the camera view field. To solve these problems, real-time environmental map, which is made by the distance information from LRF and the accurate position from the GPS/INS, is used to compensate these problems. It can be said that obstacle recognition and the distance measurement ability of an operator can be improved by the proposed method.


  • 屋外環境下で用いる自律移動システムに関する研究(第45報 自動計測システムを用いた継続的な被災情報の収集)

    飯澤諒, 目黒淳一, 石川貴一朗, 瀧口純一, 畑山満則, 野田五十樹, 天野嘉春, 橋詰匠

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会'06   2006   "2P2 - D33(1)"-"2P2-D33(4)"  2006年


    This paper describes a unique disaster-information collection technique that involves the collaboration of automatic measurement system and a GIS. Disaster information is collected effectively by different types of automatic measurement system and transmitted to the "Spatial-temporal GIS" using MISP.


  • 429 アンモニア-水系発電・冷凍ハイブリッドサイクルの実証試験(エネルギー有効利用,環境保全型エネルギー技術)

    竹下 恵介, 天野 嘉春, 橋詰 匠

    環境工学総合シンポジウム講演論文集   2005 ( 15 ) 431 - 432  2005年07月


    This paper reports the demonstration experiment of a power and refrigeration hybrid cycle which employs ammonia-water mixture (AWM) as working fluid. The hybrid cycle is the cycle which an ammonia absorption refrigerator and the AWM turbine cycle are connected by several pipelines. To demonstrate the performance enhancement of the hybrid cycle, steady state characteristics are experimentally investigated. The authors especially focused on the COP, heat source steam consumption rate and heat of rectification when the ammonia mass fraction of rectifier inlet strong solution becomes higher. As a result, the COP and heat source steam consumption rate improved about 20%.


  • 451 アンモニア・水混合媒体を用いた縦型流下液膜式吸収・凝縮器の特性調査(吸収式冷凍機・吸着式冷凍機,環境保全型エネルギー技術)

    石井 巌康, 竹下 恵介, 天野 嘉春, 橋詰 匠

    環境工学総合シンポジウム講演論文集   2005 ( 15 ) 507 - 510  2005年07月


    This paper deals with characteristics of falling film absorber and condenser in the bottoming cycles which employ ammonia-water mixture as working fluid. The authors constructed a unique co-generation system, named ACGS, at the campus and are investigating various kinds of energy saving technologies under practical situations. ACGS has the power and the refrigeration cycles using ammonia-water mixture as working fluid at the bottoming stage. The absorber and the condensers largely affect the performance of both cycles. It is necessary to investigate the absorption process detailed condition for designing the absorber and condenser, because the condensation with absorption process of mixture is more complicated than a single medium. Then, liquid film condition of condenser was calculated with finite difference analysis. It shows the mass fraction distribution and temperature distribution, and the number of tubes and the tube length filled operating point.


  • 452 アンモニア吸収式冷凍機の冷媒濃度低下時におけるサイクル内の各状態量調査(吸収式冷凍機・吸着式冷凍機,環境保全型エネルギー技術)

    木下 靖之, 西脇 栄嗣, 竹下 恵介, 天野 嘉春, 橋詰 匠, 武居 俊孝

    環境工学総合シンポジウム講演論文集   2005 ( 15 ) 511 - 514  2005年07月


    Ammonia absorption refrigerator is an energy conservation equipment that can be driven by waste heat comes from primary generators in cascade. Some of the challenges for the ammonia absorption refrigerator are high efficiency, low-cost, and lowering the heat source temperature. The authors have been shown that lowering the ammonia mass fraction of the refrigerant makes the heat source temperature. This paper reports some results of experimental investigations on an ammonia absorption refrigerator to confirm the validity of our theory. The experimental refrigerator is a single-stage absorption refrigerator of 350[kW] cooling capacity. The rating heat source temperature is 161[℃] and the refrigerant mass fraction is 99.8% at the top of the rectifying column. Experimental investigations are carried out with a parameter of the temperature at the top of the rectifying column which determine the ammonia mass fraction of the refrigerant.


  • OS4-06 キャピラリーチューブを用いたCO2ヒートポンプシステムに関する研究 : 第1報 キャピラリーチューブの定常特性(OS4 省エネルギー・小型分散電源コジェネ技術)

    原口 一希, 高山 啓輔, 天野 嘉春, 橋詰 匠, 佐々木 道生

    動力・エネルギー技術の最前線講演論文集 : シンポジウム   2005 ( 10 ) 173 - 174  2005年06月


    The expansion valve is mainly used CO_2 heat pump systems as an expansion device. Use of the capillary tube in place of the expansion valve, however, is expected to simplify the design, reduce the size and lower the cost. The purpose of this paper is to derive a calculation model for the capillary tube and simulate its characteristics. The capillary tube model is an adiabatic linear flow type. The model is constructed with control volumes, one of which estimates pressure drop of 1kPa. The optimal size is determined based on this model. It has an inside diameter of 3.6mm and a length of 3.23m. The relations between the CO_2 inlet, outlet conditions and mass flow rate in a steady state are clarified.


  • OS4-07 キャピラリーチューブを用いたCO2ヒートポンプシステムに関する研究 : 第2報 実機システムの運転性能評価(OS4 省エネルギー・小型分散電源コジェネ技術)

    高山 啓輔, 原口 一希, 天野 嘉春, 橋詰 匠, 佐々木 道生

    動力・エネルギー技術の最前線講演論文集 : シンポジウム   2005 ( 10 ) 175 - 176  2005年06月


    This paper describes the CO2-heat pump system using the capillary tube, which is a simple expansion device. The capillary tube is a thin steel tube from 2 to 6m in length, and is an inner diameter of 3.6mm. The system is operated with plural capillary tubes connected in parallel to various operating conditions. In the paper actual operating test results and the effectiveness of the capillary tube in the CO2-heat pump are clarified.


  • 1P1-N-076 全方位カメラとズームカメラのハイブリッド撮像器を用いた陸上競技用動作解析システムの開発(バイオメカトロニクス/感覚運動・計測1,生活を支援するロボメカ技術のメガインテグレーション)

    伊東 孝二, 栄野 隼一, 鈴木 秀次, 瀧口 純一, 天野 嘉春, 橋詰 匠

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2005   63 - 63  2005年06月


  • 3935 屋外環境下で用いる自律移動システムに関する研究 : 第39報 構内自律移動監視システムにおける高速遠隔手動操縦の実現(J18-1 自律型グラウンドビークル,エアビークルの新展開(1),J18 自律型グラウンドビークル,エアビークルの新展開,2005年度年次大会)

    安藤 伸吾, 川崎 裕二, 目黒 淳一, 瀧口 純一, 天野 嘉春, 橋詰 匠

    年次大会講演論文集   2005 ( 0 ) 261 - 262  2005年


    This paper describes the hi-speed remote manual control for the autonomous Mobile Surveillance System. In general, there are some problems for camera-based remote vehicle control, such as narrowness in camera view field, image time delay, and lack of distance information. To solve these problems, real-time environmental map made by the distance information from LRF and highly accurate position from the GPS/INS is used to compensate these problems. Experimental data reveals that the proposed method is valid and effective for hi-speed remote vehicle control.

    DOI CiNii

  • 1A1-N-082 屋外環境下で用いる自律移動システムに関する研究 : GPS/DR/IRカメラ複合による移動体の高精度測位(3次元計測/センサフュージョン1,生活を支援するロボメカ技術のメガインテグレーション)

    梶原 尚幸, 目黒 淳一, 瀧口 純一, 橋詰 匠, 天野 嘉春

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2005 ( 0 ) 23 - 23  2005年


  • 1P1-N-082 屋外環境下における自律移動システムに関する研究 : 第36報 ODV/GPS/INS複合モーションステレオ視のベースライン最適選択による距離推定精度向上(3次元計測/センサフュージョン2,生活を支援するロボメカ技術のメガインテグレーション)

    安藤 伸吾, 福安 徹也, 目黒 淳一, 瀧口 純一, 天野 嘉春, 橋詰 匠

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2005 ( 0 ) 64 - 64  2005年


  • 1P1-N-084 屋外環境下で用いる自律移動システムに関する研究 : 第35報 RTK-GPS/INS/ODV複合による障害物回避システムの開発(3次元計測/センサフュージョン2,生活を支援するロボメカ技術のメガインテグレーション)

    福安 徹也, 目黒 淳一, 瀧口 純一, 天野 嘉春, 橋詰 匠

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2005 ( 0 ) 64 - 64  2005年


  • 1P2-N-083 屋外環境下で用いる自律移動システムに関する研究 : 第34報 三次元GISを用いたGPS衛星遮蔽を考慮した棄却処理によるマルチパス・回折波対策(3次元計測/センサフュージョン3,生活を支援するロボメカ技術のメガインテグレーション)

    西村 英敏, 一瀬 篤史, 目黒 淳一, 瀧口 純一, 天野 嘉春, 橋詰 匠

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2005 ( 0 ) 108 - 108  2005年


  • 屋外環境下で用いる自律移動システムに関する研究 (第42報モービルマッピングシステムによる被災地の状況把握)

    大西尭, 石川貴一朗, 目黒淳一, 畑山満則, 瀧口純一, 天野嘉春, 橋詰匠

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門学術講演会SICE SI2005 講演論文集    2005年

  • D164 アンモニア吸収式冷凍機の起動特性実験 : システムの小型化にともなう起動時における諸問題について

    恩田 直樹, 竹下 恵介, 天野 嘉春, 橋詰 匠

    熱工学コンファレンス講演論文集   2003   165 - 166  2003年11月


    This paper reports some of the problems on downsizing of an ammonia absorption refrigerator and their work-arounds. One of the problems of the downsizing is a solution pump error on starting-up. Focusing solution pump error, authors investigated the cause of the error and conducted experiments on starting-up performance on modifying poor ammonia solution valve characteristic. The experiments of the control system and modification of the control equipment result in restrained the error.


  • 815 アンモニア吸収式冷凍機の冷媒濃度推定法および冷媒採取実験について

    恩田 直樹, 竹下 恵介, 天野 嘉春, 橋詰 匠, 武居 俊孝

    日本機械学会関東支部総会講演会講演論文集   2003 ( 9 ) 69 - 70  2003年03月


    Performance of rectifying column affects the coefficient of performance (COP) in an ammonia absorption refrigerator (AAR). Refrigerant mass fraction is one of the key parameters to discuss the performance of the rectifying column. Focusing on the refrigerant mass fraction, this paper presents a method to estimate the refrigerant mass fraction with mass and energy balance and the result of the experiment which measures refrigerant mass fraction by sampling from the refrigerant receiver. Through out these investigations, the refrigerant mass fraction became lower than the expected value which is calculated from the condition of saturated vapor at the top of the rectifying column. We confirm that the refrigerant mass fraction could be estimated with sufficient accuracy from mass and energy balance equations around the separator at the inlet of the evaporator.



    TOMIZAWA Masao, TAKESHITA Keisuke, AMANO Yoshiharu, HASHIZUME Takumi

    Proceedings of the International Conference on Power Engineering : ICOPE   2003 ( 2 ) "2 - 49"-"2-53"  2003年


    An advanced co-generation system (ACGS) was built at Waseda University. The ACGS consists of a gas turbine, a steam turbine, an ammonia absorption refrigerator, an ammonia-water mixture turbine and an ice storage system. In this paper, at first, each component of the bottoming stage of the ACGS is modeled based on experimental data. Especially for the ammonia absorption refrigerator, we introduced the new characteristic modeling, which was expressed by some spaced straight lines, to improve the precision of operational planning. Secondly, we discuss the effect of the delay of components on the operational planning. In concrete terms, the delays of the output of both the AAR and the AWMT were considered based on experimental data. Further, the operational planning to various demand patterns of real civilian sector is studied. The calculation results show that the optimum operational planning is derived and the bottoming stage of the ACGS is available for actual demand patterns.



    TAKESHITA Keisuke, TOMIZAWA Masao, AMANO Yoshiharu, HASHIZUME Takumi, TAKEI Toshitaka

    Proceedings of the International Conference on Power Engineering : ICOPE   2003 ( 2 ) "2 - 141"-"2-144"  2003年


    Performance of rectifier affects the coefficient of performance (COP) of an ammonia absorption refrigerator. Ammonia, namely refrigerant mass fraction, is one of the key parameters to discuss the performance of the rectifier. Focusing on the refrigerant mass fraction, this paper presents a method to estimate the refrigerant mass fraction with mass and energy balance and the results of the experiments which measures refrigerant mass fraction by sampling from the refrigerant receiver. Through out these investigations, the refrigerant mass fraction was lower than that of the expected value which is calculated from the condition of dry-saturated vapor at the top of the rectifier. The refrigerant mass fraction can be estimated within an accuracy of 0.7% from mass and energy balance equations around the separator at the inlet of the evaporator.


  • 316 アドバンスト・コージェネレーションシステムに関する研究 : 第 7 報機器の遅れを考慮した最適運用計画

    冨澤 昌雄, 竹下 恵介, 石山 雄一, 天野 嘉春, 橋詰 匠

    日本機械学会関東支部総会講演会講演論文集   2002 ( 8 ) 129 - 130  2002年03月


    The advanced co-generation system (ACGS) was built at Waseda University in 1999. The ACGS consists of a gas turbine, a steam turbine, an ammonia-water mixture turbine, an ammonia absorption refrigerator and an ice storage system. Three turbine systems have a cascade relation upon the utilization of energy. In addition, the ammonia-water mixture turbine and the ammonia absorption refrigerator are located in the bottoming stage of the ACGS to utilize the lower temperature steam. In this paper, a mathematical model of the bottoming stage of the ACGS is established according to the experimental date. And the batter mechanism of ice storage system is discussed from the view of optimal planning with component-lag.


  • 712 アンモニア・水混合媒体タービンシステムの定常特性実(第 2 報 アンモニア濃度がシステムに及ぼす影響

    竹下 恵介, 石神 保, 五箇野 武利, 天野 嘉春, 橋詰 匠

    日本機械学会九州支部講演論文集   2002 ( 55 ) 219 - 220  2002年03月


  • 831 全周撮像装置による擬似視野拡大システムの開発

    栄野 隼一, 高士 智史, 天野 嘉春, 瀧口 純一, 橋詰 匠

    東海支部地区講演会講演論文集   2002   255 - 256  2002年


  • 619 研究用アンモニア-水系吸収冷凍機の実施例の紹介(自然作動媒体利用吸収サイクル)(OS.8 自然作動媒体と冷凍空調技術)

    武居 俊孝, 竹下 恵介, 天野 嘉春, 橋詰 匠

    日本機械学会関東支部総会講演会講演論文集   2001 ( 7 ) 211 - 212  2001年03月


    Ammonia is natural working fluid which has no green house effect and no ozone layer depletion effect. The experimental application of the ammonia absorption refrigerator with various kinds of sensing instruments has installed at the bottoming stage of the advanced co-generation system (ACGS) at Waseda university. This paper presents outline of the experimental application and some results and a subject of the research work so far.


  • 820 800KW/100USRTアドバンスト・コージェネレーションシステムに関する研究 : 第2報 システムの経済・環境性評価と考察(動力エネルギーの基盤技術I)(OS.9 動力エネルギーの基盤技術 : 動力エネルギーシステム部門企画)

    竹下 恵介, 高田 潤, 石山 雄一, 天野 嘉春, 橋詰 匠

    日本機械学会関東支部総会講演会講演論文集   2001 ( 7 ) 227 - 228  2001年03月


    Advanced co-generation systems which is composed of a gas turbine, a steam turbine, an ammonia absorption refrigerator, an ammonia-water mixture turbine and an ice storage tank is installed at Waseda university. In this paper, a valuation of this system is discussed. To evaluate the effectiveness of the ACGS, the ACGS and a system supplied same electric power by conventional thermal power plant are investigated from economic, environmental, and energy viewpoints.


  • 821 アンモニア・水混合媒体タービンシステムの定常特性実験(動力エネルギーの基盤技術I)(OS.9 動力エネルギーの基盤技術 : 動力エネルギーシステム部門企画)

    竹下 恵介, 市川 瑞夏, 天野 嘉春, 橋詰 匠

    日本機械学会関東支部総会講演会講演論文集   2001 ( 7 ) 229 - 230  2001年03月


    The advanced co-generation system (ACGS) was constructed at Waseda university. An ammonia-water mixture turbine system (AWMTS) which is a power generation cycle installed at the bottoming stage of the ACGS employs ammonia-water mixture as working fluid. This paper introduces the ACGS and the AWMTS then refers to some static characteristics of the AWMTS. Especially, the influences of separator-2 inlet temperature, reflux flow rate at low-pressure condenser, turbine inlet pressure and steam flow rate are clarified by the experimental investigation.


  • 822 アドバンスト・コージェネレーションシステムに関する研究 : 第6報 ボトミングステージの構成機器のモデル化と運用計画に関する考察(動力エネルギーの基盤技術I)(OS.9 動力エネルギーの基盤技術 : 動力エネルギーシステム部門企画)

    冨澤 昌雄, 竹下 恵介, 天野 嘉春, 橋詰 匠, 秋葉 雅史

    日本機械学会関東支部総会講演会講演論文集   2001 ( 7 ) 231 - 232  2001年03月


    The advanced co-generation system (ACGS) was built at Waseda University in 1999. The ACGS consists of a gas turbine, a steam turbine, an ammonia-water mixture turbine, an ammonia absorption refrigerator and an ice storage system. These turbine systems have a cascade relation upon the utilization of energy. Meanwhile, the ammonia-water mixture turbine and the ammonia absorption refrigerator are located in the bottoming stage of the ACGS to utilize the lower temperature steam. In this paper, a mathematical model of the bottoming stage of the ACGS is established according to the experimental data. And the optimal operational planning of the bottoming stage with three case of the cooling demand during the nighttime is also discussed.


  • プレート式熱交換器を用いたコンパクトなアンモニア吸収式冷凍機の特性

    竹下 恵介, 天野 嘉春, 橋詰 匠, 武居 俊孝

    エネルギーシステム・経済・環境コンファレンス講演論文集 = Proceedings of the ... Conference on Energy, Economy, and Environment   17   447 - 452  2001年01月


  • 608 アドバンスト・コージェネレーションシステムに関する研究 : 第5報 氷蓄熱槽の非線形性を考慮した最適運用計画(O.S. 応用熱工学II)(応用熱工学)

    竹下 恵介, 釣 啓介, 冨澤 昌雄, 天野 嘉春, 橋詰 匠

    山梨講演会講演論文集 : Yamanashi district conference   2000   179 - 180  2000年10月


  • 912 アドバンスト・コージェネレーションシステムに関する研究 : 第4報 構成機器の体格と氷蓄熱の運用計画に関する考察(O.S.9-2 熱エネルギーの貯蔵に関する新しい展開2)(オーガナイズドセッション9 : 熱エネルギの貯蔵に関する新しい展開)

    冨澤 昌雄, 天野 嘉春, 橋詰 匠, 秋葉 雅史, 釣 啓介

    講演論文集   2000 ( 37 ) 359 - 360  2000年03月


  • 800KW/100USRTアドバンスト コージェネレーションに関する研究(第1報)

    竹下, 石山 雄一, 天野 嘉春, 橋詰 匠

    日本機械学会山梨講演会講演論文集     181 - 182  2000年


  • 技術報告 「新タイプのコージェネレーション」システムについて

    橋詰 匠, 天野 嘉春

    コ-ジェネレ-ション   15 ( 1 ) 22 - 30  2000年




  • 地熱発電プラントの坑井特性推定システム、及びその坑井特性推定方法並びに坑井特性推定プログラム、地熱発電プラント

    福田 憲弘, 齊藤 象二郎, 辻井 一記, 天野 嘉春, 川副 聖規, 大里 和己



  • コリオリ質量流量計


    吉野 晶紀, 小山 弘, 角口 開道, 渡邉 敦, 天野 嘉春



  • 発電・冷凍システム


    橋詰 匠, 天野 嘉春, 秋葉 雅史



  • 非共沸混合蒸気タービン装置ならびにその利用装置

    天野 嘉春, 秋葉 雅史, 五個野 武利








  • Scientific Committee Chair of ICOPE-2023



  • Conference Chair of ECOS 2021


    ECOS 2022 Committee  

  • Conference Chair of ECOS 2020


    ECOS 2020 Local Organizing Committee  

  • Secretariat of the Executive Council, ECOS International Society, Incorporated


    President, ECOS International Society, Incorporated  

  • 日本機械学会関東支部 支部長




  • エネルギーシステムの最適化に関する研究


    スイス   連邦工科大学ローザンヌ校


  • 理工学術院   大学院基幹理工学研究科


  • 2024年

    動力エネルギーシステム研究所   プロジェクト研究所所長

  • 2022年

    理工学術院総合研究所   兼任研究員

  • 2022年

    カーボンニュートラル社会研究教育センター   兼任センター員

  • 2022年

    大学総合研究センター   兼任センター員


  • 次世代EMSにおける再生可能エネルギーの急変検知と階層的最適予測制御の検討



    再生可能エネルギーの急変検知:太陽光発電システム(PV)の導入がより進むにつれて,PV 出力の急激な減少(主に雲により引き起こされる)は配電系統の電圧・周波数の安定性に悪影響を与え,電力品質や変動電源の価格にも直接的に影響を与える.この問題の解決策として,PV出力が急激に減少することをあらかじめ検知し,宅内の蓄電機能を持つ機器より電力変動幅が小さくなるよう調整し,電力需要の変動幅を一定範囲内にすることで配電系統側の負担を抑える方法などが想定されている.そのためには予め日射量が急激に落ちる時間と変動幅を予測する必要がある.2016年度は,天空画像の歪み補正,k-means クラスタリングを用いた雲領域の抽出,太陽位置からの距離に応じた快晴領域と雲領域の割合(晴天指標)の抽出,PV発電量の高周波数成分の除去,各特徴量と太陽光発電量の間の相関調査を実施した.その結果をまとめると以下の通り.・天空画像から RBR値・S値を元に閾値処理を施した結果得られた雲画像から,天空画像内の太陽位置からの距離に応じた晴天指標を定義し,算出したところ,太陽が雲に覆われる場合には値が小さくあり,天空画像内に湿る雲領域の割合傾向を反映することを確かめた.・晴天指標の時間変化によりPV 発電量の時間変動を評価できる.・天空画像全体の彩度の平均値を用いることで,PV 発電量を推定可能である.課題として,薄曇に覆われる場合には,PV 発電量が大きいにも関わらず晴天指標の値が小さくなり,正確にPV発電量を反映していないことも確認した.研究成果は,2017年度 第22回 動力・エネルギー技術シンポジウムにて講演にて公表する.階層的最適予測制御の検討:家庭用固体高分子型燃料電池コージェネレーションシステムを対象に,翌日の電力,給湯不可を予測し,最適運用計画を導出するフレームワークを対象に,計画階層的な制御システムを提案して,この効果を評価するシステムを構築した.まず,詳細な負荷特性実験装置によって機器特性モデルのパラメータを同定し,サンプリング間隔1 min間隔での詳細な入出力特性(95%以上の確度でエネルギー消費量を再現)を導出した.これにより,家庭用エネルギーシステムのマネジメントシステムを構築・評価するため,高い確度でシミュレーション評価が可能な環境を構築できた.

  • 次世代エネルギーシステムの最適更新計画



     プロセス制御システムの分野では,末端機器同士における双方向ディジタル通信規格が普及し始めている.フィールド機器が通信機能を装備することによって,プロセス系の制御は新たな制御目的をターゲットとしてとらえることが出来るようになってきた.通信は,単なる物理量の信号のやり取りだけではなく,機器状態や通信データの信頼度を含むステータス情報など,さまざまな種類の,大量の情報をやり取りすることによって,新たなプラント情報を抽出可能にしつつある. このような背景のもと,動力システムおよびプロセス制御の分野では,「スマートプラント」と呼ばれる新たな研究トピックが国際会議のテーマとして取り上げられ始めている.従来の,一方向的な物理量信号のやり取りを基盤とした制御はもちろん,より広範な種類の情報を通信によって獲得することで,従来は不可能であった特定のプロセスの状態のより詳細な状態や,物理量信号の信頼度情報を利用した,モード遷移によるイベント駆動型の制御が様々なプラントで稼働している.そしてプロセスの状態量を計測,あるいは操作する機器内部の状態診断,また,それらを元にした新しいアセットマネージメントが可能になりつつある.しかし,現状,フィールドバスを用いた診断に関する研究は,バルブポジショナや伝送器一部の機器について取り上げられ,いくつかのベンダーを中心に研究されているが,それをシステム制御およびシステム計画に対してどのように取り込むべきか,有効な手法は提起されていない状況にある.これまでの製品品質コスト最小化を目的としたプロセス制御から,プラントのライフサイクル全体に亘ってのより広い意味での経済性すなわち,プラントのライフサイクルコスト最小化を目的としたプラント制御計画問題が,「スマートプラント」のための最適計画問題として今後ますます注目されると思われる.本研究は再生可能電源導入住宅エネルギーシステム構成を対象に,その有効性を試算した.その結果,蓄電池などのバッファ要素の追加がシステム運用成績へ与える影響を明らかにし,コージェネと蓄電池やEVの組み合わせなど,様々なモデルケースを想定して解析するためのフレームワークを完成した.2012年度第1四半期にかけて,実運用データを収集し,蓄電池系などの構成要素のモデルパラメータを精緻化するための作業を継続している.一方,家庭用コージェネレーションシステムの実需要に対応する最適運用については,特に実運用データを反映した最新型PEFCコージェネレーションシステムを対象に,エネルギー需要パターンとシステムとの整合性を整理した.需要データのクラスタリングよる省エネルギー性評価手法は本研究における研究者との共同研究成果の一つであり,2012年度6月に国際会議にて発表する.そのほか,ユーザにとって最適な現在市販されている家庭用エネルギーシステムの導入指針を与え,システム運用の重要性を提示した.

  • 蒸発プロセスの超省エネルギー化を可能にする水蒸気圧縮技術の研究開発

    2010年   日野俊之



  • 再生可能エネルギー利活用のためのシステムインテグレーションによる最適化



    本研究室で開発に取り組んでいるVapor Compression and Condensation (VCC)技術を脱水・蒸発プロセスに組み込むことで,脱水・蒸発過程で消費されるエネルギーを格段に減少させることができ,固形燃料としてエネルギー利得が得られることを明らかにした.これまでWetバイオマス系の処理方法には嫌気性消化によるガス化プロセスが活発に研究開発されてきたが,これを上回る有望な処理システムの構築が見込めることを明らかにした.一方,エネルギーシステムを適切に評価するに当たり,対象規模に応じて,家庭レベルから大規模な事業所レベルまでの最適運用計画・設計問題として定式化し,システムのポテンシャル比較の枠組をより多くの実データを取り込む事に成功した.具体的には,日本国内の典型的な事務所ビルにおけるエネルギー供給システムの更新計画問題を取り上げ,これを0-1混合整数計画問題として定式化し,炭素税が導入された場合の,システム更新計画に与える影響を評価した.その結果,環境省案(655 円/t-CO2)は,直接システム更新に与える影響はほとんどなく,13倍程度の税率になって初めて,システム更新に高効率機器が導入されるインセンティブを与えられるようになることを明らかにした.この結果は,従来のトップダウンアプローチによる評価結果とほぼ整合し,本研究のボトムアップ方式による評価方法の有効性を示唆するものと成った.

  • 低温熱源利用が可能な低温アンモニア吸収冷凍機に用いる改良型精留器の実証試験



    吸収式冷凍機,ヒートポンプは,排熱駆動が可能であるため,熱のカスケード利用におけるボトミング機器として注目されている.吸収式冷凍機には,冷媒にアンモニア,吸収剤に水を用いるいわゆるアンモニア吸収式と,冷媒に水を,吸収剤に臭化リチウム水溶液を用いる臭化リチウムとがある.一般に,臭化リチウム式が市場に多く出回っている.これは,装置が比較的小さく,かつ,成績係数がアンモニア式に比べて若干勝るためである.しかし,臭化リチウムは水を冷媒とするため,零度以下の冷熱を発生させることが一般できには困難である.そのため,空調用の冷温水発生機として開発,利用されている. 一方で,アンモニア式はアンモニアを冷媒とするためマイナス60℃付近までの低温冷熱を出力することが可能であるが,装置が大型化する傾向にあり,産業用,業務用のプラント技術として発展してきた.ところが,低温度の冷熱を出力するためには熱力学的には高温度の熱源を必要とするが,サイクル内の濃度バランスを適切に調節することで,もっとも大きな構成要素である精留器を小型化し,リフラックス制御による冷媒濃度調整なしにシステムを運転することができることを,現有の実稼働設備(100USRT)を用いて予備実験を行った.その結果,サイクル内での濃度バランスを,ブリード量を適切に調整し,溶液サイクルバランスを適切に保つことで,精留器内での精留に必要な熱量の削減が確認できた.この結果,成績係数が若干低下するも,これまで常識とされてきたほど高濃度に精留しないことで,システムを簡素に,かつ小型化が可能であることが示された.

  • 水蒸気圧縮による高含水廃棄物の省エネルギー蒸発脱水技術研究

    2004年   日野俊之


    バイオマスは本質的に高含水である場合が多い。たとえば汚水、下水汚泥、家畜糞尿などの高含水廃棄物では含有する有機物の割合が相対的に少なくエネルギー密度も小さい上、分離、貯蔵、運搬等の処理全体に高含水であるが故、ハンドリングコストが高くついてしまう欠点がある。その結果、これらのバイオマスは十分に再生、リサイクルされにくい。しかしながら社会全体からの排出量は膨大で、我が国では年間数億トンにも及ぶ。有機性高含水廃棄物は発生した場所、その地域で脱水処理することで、有用物質の分離、運搬、貯蔵における負荷を大幅に削減できる。しかし、濃縮、乾燥などの水分蒸発操作は、水の蒸発潜熱が約2.3[MJ/kg]と大きいことに起因して、典型的なエネルギー多消費プロセスとなっている。さらに、乾燥過程で化石燃料を燃焼させる方法を採用してしまうと、バイオマスを利用、再生するメリットが相殺されてしまう。 そこで、本研究では蒸発脱水プロセスを省エネルギー化するための手法として、蒸発させた水蒸気を再圧縮し、昇温、昇圧下後、蒸気の潜熱を高含水廃棄物の蒸発へ再生利用する水蒸気再圧縮プロセスを用いて、溶液の濃縮、蒸発脱水における既成の省エネルギー技術の数倍の効率向上を目指す。具体的な想定開発対象として、数kW~数十kWクラスの分散型蒸発脱水装置への適用を意図して、高含水物質を蒸発脱水するプロセスにおいて化石燃料燃焼を代替し、CO2排出量を大幅に低下させるため技術開発の基礎研究として取り組んだ。いったん発生した蒸気を圧縮して加熱源として再生利用する手法は、化学工学プラントなどの大型装置で利用されている技術として知られている。この蒸気再圧縮プロセスをベースに基本的な実現可能性評価を行った後、基本的なサイクルの構成要素の特性と、それぞれの構成機器がサイクル特性へ与える影響度を評価した。 まず、現在知られている脱水乾燥技術と性能を比較した。具体的には重油だきの熱伝導式乾燥機、高温燃焼ガスとの直接接触による乾燥機、マイクロウエーブによる電磁加熱蒸発器とを比較した。既存技術のうちもっとも一次エネルギー換算で高効率な重油だき熱伝導式乾燥機の約16倍の効率向上が見込めることを確認した。ここで、評価指標には、投入エネルギー(一次換算)に対する脱水に必要な交換熱量を成績係数COPとして定義し、用いた。 また、実際に蒸発脱水処理量約100[kg/h]の実験装置を設置し、バッチ運転における基礎的な装置の特性データを収集、解析した。その結果、COP=10.5~7.0程度で動作することを確認した。また構成要素のエクセルギー評価を行った結果、コンプレッサーにおける圧縮仕事と熱交換器における熱交換プロセスに起因する不可逆損失がほぼ同程度で、もっとも大きなエクセルギー損失要素であることを確認し、具体的な要素開発課題を明らかにした。

  • 年間COPを考慮した低温熱源利用可能な高性能アンモニア吸収冷凍機の研究

    2004年   武居 俊孝, 竹下 恵介


     排熱駆動可能な冷熱源機器として、吸収式の冷凍機がある。主に空調用には3~7[°C]程度までの冷水を出力可能な臭化リチウム式が一般的に広く普及している。しかし、臭化リチウムによる吸収式冷凍機は冷媒を水とすることにより、一般には氷点下以下の出力を得ることはできないため、氷蓄熱などの用途には適用できない欠点がある。一方、アンモニアを冷媒とし水を吸収剤とするアンモニア吸収式冷凍機は、-60[°C]程度の低温を出力可能である利点を持つが、一部10[kW]程度の小型機も空調用として発売されてはいるものの、大部分は大型の冷凍装置としての需要に対応した製品として開発されてきた。また、低温を出力するために、熱力学的な意味での代償として、駆動熱源の温度を低下させることが困難であった。特に、冷媒濃度を高めることが効率向上に不可欠であるとする常識的なとらえ方から離れて、あえて冷媒のアンモニア純度をある程度犠牲にしても、ブリードサイクルの容量アップや乾式の蒸発器を採用することにより、溶液サイクルにおける濃度幅(濃溶液と希溶液とのアンモニア濃度差)の低下を極力抑えて精留熱を大幅に低下させ、これにより精留機能を実現する精留塔の大幅な小型化とリフラックスサイクルの削除を可能にするサイクルを提案した。 提案サイクルの実現可能性を調査するために、現有のアンモニア吸収式冷凍機を用いて、蒸発温度を操作して冷媒濃度を変更し、サイクル内各部における状態量変化の詳細な調査をおこなった。その結果、乾式の蒸発器を採用し、蒸発器周りの構成要素を変更することで提案サイクルによって再生器出口における熱源温度を設計点より10[°C]程度低下させても運転が十分可能であることを確認した。同時に、乾式の蒸発器を採用する利点と、冷媒濃度変化が凝縮圧力に及ぼす影響を、プレート式熱交換器を使用した場合について、実験によって整理した。 また、サイクル内の過渡的な状態量変化の調査を、吸収器周りについて詳細に行った結果、起動時にみられる吸収器内での溶液濃度の過渡的な変化に起因するポンプ異常のメカニズムを解明した。

  • 混合媒体の呼吸作用を利用した発電・冷凍システムの研究



     アンモニア・水混合媒体(AWM: Ammonia-Water Mixture)を作動媒体とし、吸収作用を利用することで電気動力を必要としない、排熱駆動型の熱源機器として、アンモニア吸収式冷凍機が古くから利用されてきた。サイクル論的には、この吸収冷凍サイクルと逆である、発電サイクルの一つにカリーナサイクルは1980年代後期から注目され、様々な研究が行われてきたが、実際の運用を意識した詳細な研究開発は世界的にも数例しか報告されていない。本学では、環境に優しい自然系冷媒であるアンモニアと水を用いた、発電・冷凍サイクルの実証研究を行うための研究設備として、喜久井町キャンパスに「喜久井町キャンパス発電所」を設置した。このコージェネレーションプラントは、ガスタービンをトッピングに持ち、その排熱を蒸気タービンで動力回収するだけでなく、さらにその排出蒸気を駆動源とする、AWMを作動媒体とする吸収式冷凍機とAWMタービンシステムとを並列に設置したユニークなものである。コージェネレーションシステムの出力である熱と動力(電気)とを負荷の状況に対応してバランスよく運用できるよう意図したシステム構成となっている。本研究は、このボトミングに位置するAWMを作動媒体とする吸収冷凍サイクルと発電サイクルとを、対象に、それらをハイブリッド化することで、単独で運転する場合に比べて約10%以上高効率に運転可能であることを実証するための基礎研究である。現在までに、ハイブリッド化するための基礎条件を明らかにすべく、発電サイクルと冷凍サイクルを個別に特性評価を行い、基本特性をシミュレートするモデルを構築した。 これらの発電サイクル、冷凍サイクルはともに、吸収作用を利用することを特徴とするが、吸収器の性能が非常にシステムの全体性能に大きく影響する。したがって、特にそれぞれの熱交換特性の評価と制御性の評価を行った。実験結果から、発電サイクル側の吸収作用を伴う凝縮器での性能低下が著しいことを確認し、この性能低下を防ぐための循環系統の設置が有効であることを確認した。

  • 混合媒体を用いた発電システムのサイクル論的研究



     独自に考案したアンモニア・水混合媒体を用いるタービンシステムの60KW実験装置を完成した。これを対象に基礎データ取得のための実験検討を行った。 これにより、これまで一般に用いられてきた水やアンモニアなどの単体媒体を用いるランキンサイクルや、濃度調整機構のない混合媒体サイクルであるローレンツサイクルよりもさらに高効率で動力を回収するカリーナサイクルを基本とした、独自のサイクル形態を有す本システムの有効性を確認した。調整運転を経てシステムの運転操作方法を確立し、設計点より若干低濃度域でのシステムの静的特性データを得た。これにより、システムの起動、停止方法の確立およびそれにかかる時間短縮への指針を明らかにした。このほかにR123/R134aの混合媒体サイクルについてのシステムを対象としたダイナミクスを検討、報告した。 具体的には、タービンへの媒体ソースとしての蒸発器系サブシステムと、タービン排気側媒体シンクとしての凝縮・再生系サブシステムの二つのサブシステムに注目してそれらの特性評価を行うことで、システムの動力抽出性に関する具体的な効果を明らかにした。すなわち、蒸発器系を特性評価した結果からは、システムへの流入熱源の変化に応じたシステム内のAWM流量制御が動力抽出性に対して支配的であることを明らかにした。また、凝縮・再生器系の機能については、つぎの2点に注目して評価した。すなわち、凝縮機能の回復機構としての循環系の効果と濃度分配機能を大きく左右するセパレータ入口温度の影響度である。これらはどちらもサイクルパターンによって最適な値が存在すること、またその影響度は同程度でシステムの最大定格出力に対して約20%程度であったことを明らかにした。 これらの結果から、システムを運転制御する上で、これら2つのサブシステムをそれぞれ最適になるよう制御して運転することが動力抽出性から重要であり、それぞれの制御系がほぼ独立して操作可能であることからこのようなシステムの運転制御系の構築指針とその運転指針を明らかにした。 また、カリーナサイクルと同様な吸収過程を有するアンモニア吸収式冷凍機についても制御性、構成要素の特性評価をまとめ、コンパクト化への指針を示した。
