Updated on 2025/03/12


OKUBO, Takaji
Faculty of Letters, Arts and Sciences, School of Culture, Media and Society
Job title
Master of Literature ( Waseda University )

Education Background


    Waseda University   Graduate School, Division of Letters   Department of Sociology  


    Waseda University   Faculty of Literature   Liberal Arts  

Professional Memberships











Research Areas

  • Sociology

Research Interests

  • Sociology



  • 清水幾太郎における原風景—時間・空間・物語—


    早稲田大学大学院文学研究科紀要   54  2009.02

  • 清水幾太郎における「庶民」のゆくえ


    社会学年誌(早稲田社会学会)   ( 48 ) 103 - 126  2007.03

  • ポピュラーカルチャーとライフストーリー


    早稲田大学第一文学部社会学専修    2006.03

  • 清水幾太郎における戦中と戦後の間


    早稲田大学大学院文学研究科紀要   第51輯第1分冊   91 - 105  2006.02

  • コーホート間比較による戦後日本の家族変動の研究

    熊谷苑子, 大久保孝治編

    日本家族社会学会全国家族調査委員会    2005.05

  • 家族の寝方に関する考察-C中央型とM中央型をめぐって


    熊谷苑子・大久保孝治編『コーホート比較による戦後日本の家族変動の研究』日本家族社会学会全国家族調査委員会     113 - 126  2005.05

  • 戦後日本の人生問題とライフヒストリー


    早稲田大学第一文学部社会学専修    2005.04

  • 清水幾太郎の「内灘」


    社会学年誌/早稲田社会学会   45  2004.03

  • そして彼らは30代の半ばになった—バブル崩壊の前後に大学を卒業した若者たちのライフストーリー


    早稲田大学第一文学部社会学専修    2004.03

  • 介護経験の「双系化」


    渡辺秀樹他編『現代家族の構造と変容』(東京大学出版会),pp.159-172    2004.01

  • 回想の中の人生


    発達レポート/早稲田大学人間総合研究センター   13  2003.07

  • 子どもの誕生と育児をめぐる変化


    全国調査「戦後日本の家族の歩み」(NFRJ-S01)/日本家族社会学会    2003.03

  • 第19章 事例分析的アプローチ


    野々山久也・清水浩昭編著『家族社会学の分析視角』(ミネルヴァ書房),pp.385-403    2001.09

  • 彼女はどの親を介護したか


    石原邦雄・大久保孝治編『現代家族におけるサポート関係と高齢者介護』日本家族社会学会全国家族研究会,pp.153-168    2001.09

  • 現代家族におけるサポート関係と高齢者介護

    石原邦雄, 大久保孝治

    日本家族社会学会全国家族調査研究会    2001.09

  • 第7章 生活史分析


    斎藤耕ニ・本田時雄編著『ライフコースの心理学』(金子書房),pp.66-75    2001.06

  • 第13章 転機


    斎藤耕ニ・本田時雄編著『ライフコースの心理学』(金子書房),pp.122-131    2001.06

  • 近代日本における「人生の物語」の生成


    大久保孝治編著『変容する人生ーライフコースにおける出会いと別れ』(コロナ社),pp.1-25    2001.04

  • サンドイッチ世代の困難

    大久保孝治, 杉山圭子

    藤崎宏子編『親と子 交錯するライフコース』(ミネルヴァ書房),pp.211-233    2000.07

  • 「30歳」の風景—回想と展望—


    発達レポート/早稲田大学人間総合研究センター   12;PP98-114  1999.11

  • しあわせになるということ—幸福の社会学的考察


    早稲田大学第一文学部社会学専修    1999.03

  • 忘れられつつある思想家—清水幾太郎論の系譜


    大学院文学研究科紀要/大学院文学研究科   44;1,pp.133-148  1999.02

  • エルダー『大恐慌の子どもたち』


    『社会学文献大事典』/弘文堂   266ページ  1998.02

  • 大人になるということ 大学卒業6年目のライフコース


    早稲田大学第一文学部社会学専修    1997.09

  • 自伝の変容-清水幾太郎の3冊の自伝をめぐって

    社会学年誌/早稲田社会学会   38  1997.03

  • 中野卓・桜井厚編『ライフヒストリーの社会学』


    社会学評論/日本社会学会   47;3  1996.12

  • 人生の浮沈と転機


    文学部社会学会研究室    1996.07

  • 昭和史と個人史分析篇


    文学部社会学研究室    1996.03

  • 卒業2年目の生活と自己への評価


    発達レポート/人間総合研究センター   11  1995.11

  • 家族呼弥の発達論的研究

    大久保孝治, 篠田有子

    家庭教育研究所紀要/(財)小平記念会   17  1995.11

  • 卒業1年目の生活と自己への評価


    発達レポート/人間総合研究センター   10  1995.07

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Books and Other Publications

  • 日常生活の社会学


    学文社  2008.03 ISBN: 9784762018015

  • 『変容する人生 ライフコースにおける出会いと別れ』


    コロナ社  2001.04

  • きみたちの今いる場所


    数研出版  2000.03

  • 新訂生活学入門 日常生活の探求

    大久保孝治, 嶋﨑尚子

    放送大学教育振興会  1998.03

Research Projects

  • Ikutaro Shimizu and their age

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    OHKUBO Takaji

     View Summary

    Ikutaro Shimizu, a renowned sociologist and one of the opinion leaders in Japan following World War II, confessed “I am also one of the common people." in the article “ Shomin" (1950). Why did he make such a confession? First, he came from the lower classes, and had both pride and shame in the fact. Secondly, the common people embodied directly the human nature that occupied an important position in his sociological theory. Thirdly, he was actively involved in the national movement for peace. In short, he wanted to distinguish himself from other progressive intellectuals in terms of sympathy and solidarity with the common people.But the concept of the common people lost effectiveness through the 1950's and 1960's. They were transformed into the new crowds in the development of the mass media, particularly TV, and high economic growth. On the other hand, Shimizu parted from the movement for peace, and came to concentrate on academic research. For Shimizu, the new crowds were not objects of sympathy and solidarity any longer, but objects that had to be criticized severely in comparing with aristocrats. In his later years, Shimizu came to insist on the necessity of patriotism and sociability to get over mass society

  • The Life Course of Former Coal Mine Workers : Construction of Work Career Data Base and Sociological analysis

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    MASAOKA Kanji, FUJIMI Sumiko, SHIMAZAKI Naoko, SAWAGUCHI Keiichi, NISHINO Michilko, OHKUBO Takaji

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    The objectives of this study is to describe in detail the historical economic and sociological significance of the development and demise of the coal mining industry in Japan which sustained the basis of heavy capitalism by supplying primary energy during the 19^<th> to the mid-20^<th> Century through an example in Northeast Japan. Also we stored comparative historical records and data in a retrievable system. The above objective was accomplished through the following five steps.
    (1) Construction of a large data base of micro-data regarding the careers of 89% of the workers who were once employed by the Joban Coal Mine Co.
    (2) Longitudinal analysis of various careers of individual miners from the initial employment to the termination of employment.
    (3) Analyses of the connection between the careers at the mine and those of the jobs after the closure of the mine and of the effect of involuntary career interruption.
    (4) Construction of data base and analysis of the process of separation from work for the former miners who had once worked at the Joban Coal Mine Co..
    (5) Public usage of the large-scale micro data after digitizing the various micro data.
    All records of workers' employment during the late 1950s to early 60s (about 80,000 events) were digitized and a large-scale data base of the detailed careers of the entire 6,459 coal-mine workers was constructed. On the other hand, there were 4,209 workers at the mine closure in 1971. Eighty-nine percent of them, namely 3,747 people, whose careers were severed by the closure of the mine were traced and surveyed (survey completed 1,427 people (34%), survey impossible 879 people (21%), death confirmed 1,441 people (34%)). The career data of these people during employment at the mine and those after the closure of the mine were connected and a career data base for their entire lives was constructed.
    The effects of involuntary interruption of careers, careers after disruption of employment, and their lives during retirement were analyzed using the above career data for the entire lives, and the results were published. A part of the large-scale micro-data base archive constructed by this study is open to the public on our website.

  • Study of the changing trends in contemporary Japanese families.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    WATANABE Hideki, ISHIHARA Kunio, OHKUBO Takaji, FUJIMI Sumiko, MASAOKA Kanji, MATSUDA Sonoko

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    The aim of this project is 1)to do the second survey following the first survey of National Family Research of Japan in 1998 (NFRJ98) produced by Japan Society of Family Sociology, 2)to analyze the direction and trends of family changes by this data, and 3)to make and provide this data as a public use data for many researchers. In the year 2002 and 2003, we continued to have opportunities to discuss for both making questionnaires and planning sampling design, and we had finally completed the questionnaire on December 2003. With regard to sampling of the respondents, we reexamined sampling design and method of NFRJ98 and clarify the problem of them (these works were printed in Watanabe et.al.(Eds.), "Structure and change in contemporary Japanese families", University of Tokyo Press, 2004).After these works, we did sampling in October 2003 by stratified two-stage random sampling method for either man or woman who was born in between 1926 and 1965, and were living in Japan. We did self administered survey within duration from January 2004 to February 2004, and we got totally 5,054 samples as respondents. In the year 2004, we started with the cleaning work of the data sets delivered in August, and had completed these work in November. We shared this cleaned data mainly among co-researchers of this project, and published a primary working report in March 2005, which we did descriptive analysis. At the same time, we had continued the secondary cleaning work of the data, and we shared cleaned data among co-researchers. Although NFRJ03 data had tendency of lowering rate of the single household resident, results of the comparison with national statistics in Japan showed that NFRJ03 data was enough to good for the use as a public use data

  • National Survey of Family Change in post-War Japanese

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    MATSUDA Sonoko, SUGIOKA Naoto, WATANABE Yoshikazu, SHIMIZU Hiroaki, ANDOH Yoshimi, OHKUBO Takaji

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    Though family change in post-War Japanese society is taken for granted, we have few sociological discussion on the mechanism of change. We hope our research would be an asset for such discussion. The survey was planned to supplement National Family Research (NFRJ98) conducted by Japan Society for Family Sociology in 1998. Data from retrospective survey on family career and family event was analyzed through cohort comparison.1. Survey Design: Probabilistic samples were extracted from women born between 1920 and 1969 (aged from 32 to 81 as of January 2002). 2. Field Survey: Structured questionnaires were distributed by research assistants, left to be filled in by informants themselves and collected by research assistants. Effective sample of 3475 were collected.3. Data-base Comparison: After data cleaning, data-base was designed to be processed by SPSS. 4. Analysis and Findings: Findings from cohort comparison of family career, family event, occupational career, and care experience propose a hypothesis that family change in post-War Japanese society is not an unilinear process toward "modernization"/"westernization". Verification of the hypothesis and development of this research is the task left for us. 5. Report: Preliminary result with simple tabulation is prepared. Report of further analyses will be read at the annual meeting of Japan Society of Family Sociology in September 2003. 6. Disclosure of Data: Data-base is planned to be disclosed, finishing necessary data cleaning

  • Study of Life Transition from College life to Adulthood by Panel Method

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    OKUBO Takaji, SHIMAZAKI Naoko, FUJIMI Sumiko, MASAOKA Kanji, SAWAGUCHI Keiichi, NISHINO Michiko

     View Summary

    In 1990, we chose a group of college students (1,570 persons) as research objects. At the period when they were still registered at a college, the first research was conducted. Since then, the time of twelve years has passed. In the meantime, the five times of research were carried out for them.
    The last research was conducted in 2002. The objects are 519 persons who were the respondents of the fourth research in 1998. The respondents of the last research are 379 persons (73 percent of the objects). Refer to "Development Report" vol.13 (Advanced Research Center for Human Science, Waseda University, 2003) about their basic attributes and life-style.
    In addition, we tried the life-story interview to 98 persons who are the respondents of the last research. Refer to "And They Became in the Middle Age of 30's." (Department of Sociology in Waseda University, 2004) about it.

  • National Survey of Japanese Family -First Wave-

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    MORIOKA Kiyomi, FUJIMI Sumiko, MASAOKA Kanji, WATANABE Hideki, MATSUDA Sonoko, OHKUBO Takaji

     View Summary

    National survey of Japanese family was planned to collect nation wide data on post-War family change and behavioral change in family setting, using random sampling method. Members of Japan Society of Family Sociology volunteered, under the head investigator, for the first wave of the survey.1. Survey Design : Through examination of previous researches and analysis of the pilot survey conducted in 1998 October, it was decided to choose samples from specific birth cohort groups. Using 1995 Population Census as sampling frame, probablistic samples were extracted from those born between 1921 and 1970 (aged from 28 to 77 as of 1998). 2. Fieldwork : Field period was January and February 1999. Structured questionnaires were distributed by research assistants, left to be filled in by informants themselves and collected by research assistants. Effective samples of about 7000 were collected. 3. Data-base Compilation : After extensive effort of data cleaning by research collaborators, data-base designed to be processed by SPSS and SAS was compiled. Then it was distributed among investigators and research collaborators. 4. Analysis : About eighty members were divided into nine groups : "Family and Kinship Structure", "Family Career", "Husband-wife", "Parent-child", "Support", "Care", "Attitude", "Occupation" and "Life Style/Sibling/Community". Analysis and discussion was developed within each research group. 5. Report : Preliminary report with simple tabulation had been released upon which several papers were read at the 10th annual meeting of Japan Society of Family Sociology, September 2000, and at International Workshop in Korea (November 2000). Final report is now in the press. 6. Disclosure of Data : Data-base of the pilot survey had been deposited at SSJ (Social Science Japan Data Archive) and SORD (Social and Opinion Research Database). Database of the first wave will be disclosed early in June 2001. 7. Preparation for the Second Wave. Through the analysis of the first wave data. the indispensability of the second wave was confirmed. Second wave is planned to be conducted five years after the first wave (in 2003)

  • Ikutaro Shimizu and his period

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    OKUBO Takaji

     View Summary

    Ikutaro Shimizu, a famous sociologist and one of the opinion leaders in Japan following World War II, has written three autobiographies about his life.Shimizu was 42 years old when he wrote the first autobiography. In an ordinary sense, Shimizu was too young to write an autobiography. But at that time, Shimizu was standing at a critical turning point in his life course. It was necessary for him to look back upon the past, not to yearn for the past, but to take steps toward a changed life course.Shimizu was 48 years old when he wrote the second autobiography. Only six years had passed since he had written the first autobiography. But Shimizu did not merely rehash the contents of the first autobiography. In the first autobiography, Shimizu told about his public life, or his educational and professional career. In contrast, he told about his private life, or his family career, in the second autobiography. The contents of the second autobiography complement the information presented in the first one. There is one other factor that is important in the second autobiography. The loneliness Shimizu faced at the beginning of his new life stage is projected onto the episodes that are recounted in the second autobiography.Shimizu was 67 years old when he composed the third autobiograthy. Twenty years had passed since the publication of the second autobiography. Therefore, Shimizu was able to incorporate into the new autobiography many new episodes that occurred during his 40's and 50's. At the same time, Shimizu included many old episodes of his life, experiences from his teens, his 2O's, and his 30's, which had been already told in the first and second autobiographies. Some of the old episodes were clearly or more subtly modified. Shimizu was concerned with the details of each episode, and he tried to exclude dramatization from his last autobiography as much as he possibly could. Moreover, Shimizu positively expressed his opinions about up-to-the-minute social problems through the telling of the old episodes. The third autobiography is a dialogue between the past and the present

  • 家族社会学による全国家族調査研究

    科学研究費助成事業(慶應義塾大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(C))

    Project Year :


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    本研究では,全国規模での家族の実態および家族の意識についての信頼性の高い基本データの作成とその分析を目指し,日本家族社会学会が組織的に取り組んで調査の実施の準備を進めてきた.具体的には,調査実施を担う組織つくりと,調査実施の基本的枠組みについての検討,調査票の作成を行い,さらに予備調査を実施した.組織化では,全国から有志者を集った研究会をひらくとともに,いくつかの部会にわかれてテーマごとに会合をひらいて,以下の事柄について討論を重ねた. 1,調査研究のための概念的整理,2,サンプル数やサンプル抽出法についてを含む調査デザイン,3,データ収集の方法,4,データの公開や管理についての基本原則など継続調査研究のあり方について,である.海外を含めた既存調査のサーベイおよび公開されている海外の全国サンプルの家族調査データの再分析と検討もあわせてすすめた上で,質問項目インベントリーを作成し,それらを踏まえた質問調査票を作成した.ついで,首都圏で予備調査を実施し,そこで得られた結果をもとに修正を加えて,本調査に用いる調査票を完成させた.本調査の実施に当たっては,研究メンバーが全国の調査会社の支局に赴き,調査員へのインストラクションに参加し,調査の精度向上につとめた.現在,調査でえられたデータの分析および公開にむけて,さらに準備を進めている.

  • Inter-and Intra-Cohort Comparisons on Life Course Patterns in a Long-Lived Society

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    MASAOKA Kanji, IKEOKA Yoshitaka, ISHIHARA Kunio, FUJIMI Sumiko, MOCHIZUKI Takashi, AOI Kazuo

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    This project carried out the two waves of field surveys in Fukushima city in 1989 and 1990. The sample of first wave survey numbered 879 male and female, who were born between 1914 and 1958, their ages expnanded between 74 and 30 years old. They were sampled randomly from residents' registers. They were asked for the items on their redidential, educational, occupational, familial career development, household, health, socioeconomic status history, as well as their attitudes and assessment for their lives from their birth up to the point of observation, basically using the structured questionaires. The second wave of field survey conducted in 1990 collected their life history data on subjective perceptions of individuals' life course were conducted to a part of the sample who had participated in the former year's research (120 male and female). In 1991, a research report "People Who Lived the Drastic Era of Showa : A Life Course Comparion among Five Successive Cohorts" came out.
    Findings :
    This project studied people's role gain and lost, role timing and sequencing, and role transitions in each particular phase (for exapmple, In the youth, early adulthood, adulthood, and later years after retirement) over the life span.
    Since much of the variability in life course patterns is socially structured, this project examined how people's lives depend on the particular roles they play, the situations they encounter, the others who become significant to them, and how these others in turn act, think, and feel.
    This research found out a body of findings about people's formation of their life course in a particular social and historical situation they encountered. A few of findings on inter-cohort difference and intra-cohort differentiation will be described.
    1. Great prevalence of the normatively sequencing pattern in transition from youth to early adulthood.
    As the cohort gets younger, there is an increasing tendency toward the normative life pattern (ordered sequence of transitional events --school completion of f=full-time job participation-getting married).
    2. Emergence of women's normative pattern and accelerating Prvalence
    Great change between the female cohorts is observed in the fact that in the young cohorts the rate of the normative transition pattern registered a sharp increase, rapidly approximation to the male pattern. 3. Counter-transition is significant in both early and later life transitions in particular.
    As individuals move because of aging from one role to another, their significant other undergo counterpart transitions, for example, desease or death of one's spouse, or a family crisis, such as parent's divorce or death in one's childhood, requires simultaneous transitions by all family members, with complex economic and social as well as psychological consequences foe the lives of the individuals.

  • 地域の教育力と住民の学習ニーズの相互関係に関する実証的研究

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  • 日本家族の趨勢に関する基礎的研究

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  • Faculty of Letters, Arts and Sciences   Graduate School of Letters, Arts and Sciences

  • Affiliated organization   Global Education Center

  • Faculty of Human Sciences   Graduate School of Human Sciences

Research Institute

  • 1989

    Advanced Research Center for Human Sciences   Concurrent Researcher

Internal Special Research Projects

  • パネル法による大学卒業生の成人前期の人生移行に関する研究

    2001   正岡 寛司, 嶋崎尚子, 白井千晶

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     われわれは今回の研究女性を受ける以前より、首都圏の4年制私立大学を1991~93年に卒業した若者たちを対象にして、①4年在学中、②卒業直後の6月、③卒業翌年の6月という3時点の追跡調査を、さらに④1998年11月に「30代への移行調査(第1回)」を実施してきた。そして今回の助成を受けて、2002年11月に「30代への移行調査(第2回)」を実施することになった。(今回の助成は2002年3月までだが、引き続き科研費の助成を受けられることになったので、11月の実査に支障はない)。 この2年間はわれわれの長期にわたるパネル調査の最終回である「30代への移行調査(第2回)」の実施へ向けての準備作業を行なった。具体的には、第一に、①~③調査の縦断データセットの構築を行なった。この作業には膨大な時間を要したが、コードブックも完成し、パネル項目(反復質問項目)の個人水準での推移について単純集計結果を出した。このデータセットに④および⑤の調査データを連結すれば、大学卒業後約10年間にわたる成人前期のライフコースの展開過程を詳細に分析することが可能になる。 第二に、定期的な研究会をグループ内でもち、パネルデータを用いた縦断分析の方法論の検討を行ない、その成果を日本社会学会大会や、家計経済研究所主催のパネル調査カンファレンスで報告した。また、これまでの研究成果の一部をまとめて大久保孝治編著『変容する人生』(コロナ社)を刊行した。 第三に、⑤の調査の対象予定者に継続して調査への協力をお願いするべく(同時に住所データベースの管理のために)、ニューズレター『ディベロプメント』12号(2001年8月)と13号(2002年1月)を発行し、対象者に発送した。

  • 近代日本の知識人:清水幾太郎とその時代を中心に


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  • 清水幾太郎とその時代―自伝の索引づくりと関係者へのインタビュー


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