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Updated on 2025/03/12
Applied Economics
Chapter 8 Valuing Ecosystem services in macroeconomic
Smith, Rodney, Masahiko Gemma
Handbook on the Economics of Ecosystem Services and Biodiversity, Springer 130 - 152 2014.05
第10章 弦間正彦 横松宗太 Rodney B.W.Smith 鷲津明由 高瀬浩二
弦間正彦, 横松宗太, Rodney B, W.Smith, 鷲津明由, 高瀬浩
再生可能資源と役立つ市場取引 堀口健冶編著 御茶ノ水書房 2014.03
第5章 東アジア統合の政治経済・環境協力
世界政治経済と日本, 米国・中国
東洋経済新報社 藪下監修 吉野・弦間編著 東アジア統合の政治経済・環境協力 93 - 101 2011.03
Chapter 14 Intelligent Agrifood Chains and Networks: Current Status, Future Trends and Real-life Cases from Japan
Mihily Voros, Masahiko Gemma
Wiley-Blackwell, Edited by Michael Bourlakis, Ilias Vlachos, Vasileios Zeimpekis, Intelligent Agrifood Chains and Networks 227 - 247 2011.03
Climate Change and Local Efforts: Cases of the U.S. and Japan
Bochniarz, Z, M. Gemma
A paper presented at the USJI Seminar on Climate Change Policies in the U.S. and Japan, Washington, DC, February 11, 2011 2011.02
Trade Liberalization and Productivity Growth in Asian Agriculture
Gemma, Masahiko
A paper presented in the Korea-Japan-China International Seminar 2010 of the Summer Academy Convention 2010 organized by the Korean Agricultural Economics Association, Seoul, Korea, June 18, 2010 2010.06
第2章 気候変動問題への対応
東洋経済新報社 藪下監修 秋葉・弦間・吉野編著 世界政治経済と日本・米国・中国 21 - 27 2010.03
Divergence of Performance in Agriculture before and after the EU Integration in Central and Eastern European Countries
Gemma, Masahiko
A paper presented at an international conference called ‘Food sector in Poland and directions of global agriculture development’ organized by the National Research Institute of Agricultural and Rural Economies in Poland, Pultusk, Poland, November 30-December 2, 2009 2009.12
Productivity Growth in New Members of the EU
A paper presented at the Mini-Symposium of the 27th International Conference organized by the International Association of Agricultural Economists, Beijing, China, August 15-21, 2009 2009.08
第11章 EU共通農業政策と東方拡大
成文堂 福田耕治編著 EU・欧州統合研究 リスボン条約以後の欧州ガバナンス 212 - 225 2009.07
第9章 国際貿易体制の変化と農業における生産性、効率性、技術進歩:アジアとEUの事例研究
アジア経済研究所 野田・黒子・吉野編著 貿易指数と貿易構造の変化 253 - 267 2009.03
Transition and sustainability: Empirical analysis of environmental Kuznets curve for water pollution in 25 countries in Central and Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States
Sandra O. Archibald, Zbigniew Bochniarz, Masahiko Gemma, Tanja Srebotnjak
Environmental Policy and Governance 19 ( 2 ) 73 - 98 2009
Sources of Growth in Agricultural Development Before and After the EU Integration in Central and Eastern European Countries
Gemma, Masahiko
A paper presented at an international conference called ‘Food sector in Poland and directions of global agriculture development’ organized by the National Research Institute of Agricultural and Rural Economies in Poland, Pultusk, Poland, December 8-10, 2008 2008.12
Stabilization Value of Groundwater in Tank Irrigation Systems
Palanisami, K, Gemma, M, Ranganathan
Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, Indian Society of Agricultural Economics 63 ( 1 ) 126 - 134 2008.04
The Stabilization Value of Groundwater and Conjunctive Water Management under Uncertainty
Gemma, M, Y. Tsur
Review of Agricultural Economics, American Agricultural Economic Association Vol. 29 Number 3 540 - 548 2007.08
EUへの市場統合と農業発展 -ポーランドとリトアニアの事例研究-
早稲田大学社会科学総合研究 8 ( 1 ) 1 - 20 2007.07
経済共同体への展望』(シリーズ東アジア共同体の構築),岩波書店 245 - 271 2007.03
Effectiveness of Public Spending on Agricultural and Rural Development in Transition Economies
International Seminar on Agricultural, Rural Development, pages, Februar, Olsztyn, Poland, Held at the, W-MODR Olsztyn, Poland
The Stabilization Value of Groundwater and Conjunctive Water Management under Uncertainty
Gemma, Masahiko, Yacov Tsur
A paper presented at the meetings of the Allied Association of Social Sciences, Chicago, January, 2007 2007.01
Reducing Obesity: What Americans can learn from the Japanese
Senauer, B, M. Gemma
Choices, American Agricultural Economic Association The Fourth Quarter 265 - 269 2006.12
Senauer, B., Gemma, M.
Is Obesity a Result of Faulty Economic, Policies?, The Case of the, United, States, Japan
Proceedings of the 24th International Congress of International Association of Agricultural Economists, Goldcoast, Australia 2006.08
Private Sector Development in Uzbekistan Agriculture: Challenges and Opportunities
Djalalov, S, M. Gemma
Policy Reforms and Agricultural Development in Central Asia, Chapter 15, Springer 311 - 346 2006.04
Policy Reforms in Central Asia: Problems and Perspectives
Djalalov, S, M. Gemma
Policy Reforms and Agricultural Development in Central Asia, Chapter 4, Springer 71 - 101 2006.04
Market Reform and Producer Responses in Central Asia
Djalalov, S, M. Gemma
Policy Reforms and Agricultural Development in Central Asia, Chapter 13, Springer 267 - 276 2006.04
Impact of Policy Reforms on Farm Production in Uzbekistan
Djalalov, S, M. Gemma
Policy Reforms and Agricultural Development in Central Asia, Chapter 11, Springer 239 - 256 2006.04
Public Spending on Agricultural and Rural Development: An International Comparison
Gemma, Masahiko
2005 International Conference on Lanyang Studies, Proceedings of the2005 International Conference on Lanyang Studies 2005.12
Effectiveness of Public Spending on Agricultural and Rural Development in Transition Economies
Gemma, M
International Seminar on Agricultural and Rural Development 2005.09
Sustainable Farm Management Practices in the Enlarged EU: A Case Study of Integrated Eco Farm in the Central Hungary Region
Voros, M, M. Gemma
International Farm Management Association, Proceedings of the 15th International Farm Management Congress: Volume 2. Developing Entrepreneurship Abilities to Feed the World in a Sustainable Way 46 - 58 2005.08
Environmental Sustainability of CEE Transformation: A Distance Function Approach
Gemma, Masahiko
American Agricultural Economic Association, Mini-Symposium entitled 'From Transformation to Integration: Assessing Economic, Social and Environmental Sustainability of Agriculture and Rural Areas in Central and East European Countries' 12 pages 2005.08
Effectiveness of Public Spending on Agricultural and Rural Development in East Asia
Gemma, Masahiko
Rural Economy Society of Taiwan, Proceedings of the 2005 International SeminarOn Agricultural and Resource Economics 46 - 58 2005.06
The Stabilization Value of Groundwater and Conjunctive Water Management under Uncertainty
Gemma, M, Y. Tsur
Presented at the meetings of the Allied Association of Social Sciences 2005.04
早稲田大学社会科学総合研究 ( 5 ) 43 - 52 2005.03
財)国際開発高等教育機構 55ページ 2005.03
日本貿易振興機構アジア経済研究所、「移行経済諸国における改革と開発」 75 - 94 2005.03
『移行経済諸国における改革と開発』,日本貿易振興機構アジア経済研究所 75 - 94 2005.03
Technical Efficiency and Water Management in Central Asia: Case of Private Farms in Uzbekistan
Gemma, M
New Challenges facing Asian Agriculture under Globalization, Asian Society of Agricultural Economists, Universiti Putra Malaysia Press 674 - 682 2005.01
Public Spending and Agricultural & Rural Development in East Asia
Gemma, Masahiko
American Agricultural Economic Association, Mini-Symposium for Rural Public Investment, Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction 16 pages 2004.08
論壇 農業・農村の活性化-EU統合を迎えたハンガリーの事例-
早稲田大学学生部、「新鐘」 42 - 45 2004.07
第6章 中東欧諸国における自然環境分野の改革
アジア経済研究所、「移行経済諸国における社会主義の負の遺産と開発」 133 - 148 2004.03
Assessing Progress Towards Sustainable Development in Central and East European Countries and Newly Independent States
Archibald, S, Z. Bochniarz, M. Gemma, C. Lum
Proceedings of the 10th International Sustainable Development Research Conference ERP Environment 2004.03
Sources of Growth for Agriculture in Central Asia
Gemma, Masahiko
The 4th Conference of the Central Eurasian Studies Society at Harvard University 2003.10
Water Management and Agricultural Development in Central Asia: Case of Uzbekistan
Gemma, Masahiko
International Farm Management Association, Proceedings of the 13th International Farm Management Congress 386 - 396 2003.08
EU Accession and Sustainability in Hungary: Challenges for Farm and Rural Businesses
Voros, M, M. Gemma
International Farm Management Association, Proceedings of the 13th International Farm Management Congress 397 - 408 2003.08
早稲田大学現在政治経済研究所、「日EUシンポジウム報告書」 35 - 45 2003.05
Technical Efficiency and Water Management in Central Asia: Case of Private Farms in Uzbekistan
Gemma, Masahiko
Asian Society of Agricultural Economists, Proceedings of the Fourth Conference of the Asian Society of Agricultural Economists 2002.07
Technical Efficency in Transition Agriculture: Case of Private farms in Uzbekistan
Gemma, Masahiko
Proceedings of the Second Asian Conference on Efficency and Productivity Growth 2002.06
第5章 中央アジアの農業発展
アジア経済研究所、「移行経済諸国における経済改革と開発の展望」 107 - 128 2002.03
第3章 中央アジアの農業発展
アジア経済研究所、「中央アジア諸国における経済改革-東欧や日本の経験を踏まえて-」 75 - 90 2002.03
社)ロシア東欧貿易会、アゼルバイジャン産業政策セミナー報告論文集 25 - 37 2002.03
The Rice Economy in Taiwan's Demand and Supply Determinants and Prospects
Gemma, Masahiko
International Rice Research Institute, 'Developments in the Asian Rice Economy' 241 - 259 2002
Sustainable Agriculture in Japan and Its Implications to Hungarian Agriculture
Gemma, Masahiko
University of Debrecen Press, 'Environmental Problems and Results in Transition Agriculture’ 54 - 72 2002
Dominance of Premium Varieties in the Japanese Rice Economy: Reasons and Implications
Gemma, Masahiko
Asian Society of Agricultural Economists, 'Sustainable Agriculture, Poverty and Food Security’ 238 - 244 2002
The Rice Economy in Taiwan: Demand and Supply Determinats and Prospects
International Workshop on Medium and Long-term Prospects of Rice Supply and Demand in the 21st Centuray, International Rice Research Institute, Las Banos, the Phillipines 24 pages 2001.12
Effectiveness of Government Spending for Productivity Growth, Income Disparity Improvement and Food Security in Japanese Agriculture
Proceedings of the International Conference on Rural Investment, Growth and Poverty, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing, China 47-56 47 - 56 2001.11
Water Resource Management in Japan
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Agriculture and Water Resource Management, Rural Economics Society of China (Taiwan) 2月12日 2001.09
Social Sciences in Higher Education: the lessons from the Japanese Experience
The Proceedings of the Annual Conference on the Roles of Humanities and Social Sciences in the Arab Countries, UAE University, UAE 18 pages 2001.04
Macroeconomic Conditions in Transition Economies: A Comparative Study of the Uzbekistan Economy
早稲田大学社会科学学会ワーキングペーパー、2001-1 55 pages 2001.02
Export and Agriculture in Uzbekistan
早稲田大学社会科学学会ワーキングペーパー、2001-2 30 pages 2001.02
第四章 農業発展
勁草書房「中央アジア諸国の開発戦略」橋田坦編 111-135 111 - 135 2000.11
Dominance of Premium Rice Varieties in the Japanese Rice Economy : Reasons and Implications
Proceedings of the theThird Congress of AAAE, Asian Association of Agricultural Economists 10 pages 2000.10
Profitability in Hungarian Private Agriculture
International Association of Agricultural Economists, Poster Session, Berlin, Germany 8 pages 2000.08
Industrial Development in Transition Economies: Lessons and Implications
早稲田社会科学研究,早稲田社会科学学会 Vol.1, No.1, 19-31 19 - 31 2000.07
早稲田大学社会科学研究 60,pp.35-61 35 - 61 2000.03
ODA評価研究会報告「プロジェクトのフォローアップ・アフターケアー」,世界経営協議会 210-217 210 - 217 2000.03
Industrial Policy and Small and Medium Sized Enterprises in Transition Economies, International Conference on Capacity Building for Mongolian Development Strategy
Mongolian Social Economic Research Institute 10 pages, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia 2000.03
ウズベキスタン産業政策セミナー報告論文集、 社),ロシア東欧貿易会, タシュケント、ウズベキスタン 35-41 35 - 41 2000.02
農業経済研究(日本農業経済学会論文集)別冊、日本農業経済学会 pp.512-514 512 - 514 1999.12
Determinants of Profitability in Hungarian Agriculture
22nd Conference of the European Agricultural Economic Association, Poster Session 7 pages 1999.08
Sustainable Agriculture in Transition Economies: Case of Hungary
Proceedings of the 12th International Farm Management Congress, International Farm Management Association pp.138-144 138 - 144 1999.07
報告書/外務省経済協力局評価室 pp1-15 1 - 15 1999.03
報告書/大蔵省財政金融研究所 pp1-39 1 - 39 1999.03
Book Review: Political Economics of Development by Esho Hideki
Waseda Journal of Asian Studies/Center for International Education, Waseda University 20, pp79-82 79 - 82 1999.03
Sustainable Agriculture in Japan and Its Implications to Hungarian
Proceedings/Agricultural University of Debrecen pp1-15 1 - 15 1999.02
Nitrogen Balance of Agricultural Soils of Hungary
Soil Pollution/Agricultural University of Debrecen pp184-189 84 - 189 1998.10
Environmentally Friendly Agriculture in Japan
Proceedings of the Conference on Decision Analysis for Farm Management pp103-120 103 - 120 1998.10
我が国の農林業開発協力40年史/国際農林業協力協会 pp160-164 60 - 164 1998.07
日本社会における農村地域の役割と発展方向に関する研究/早稲田大学農村地域研究会研究会 pp107-119 107 - 119 1998.03
早稲田フォーラム/教務部 78;pp48-56 48 - 56 1998.03
ODA評価研究会報告「事後評価分野別分析からの教訓」/世界経営協議会 pp89-105、資料編 pp84-131 84 - 131 1998.03
Implications of the Minimum Access Rice Import on Supply and Demand Balance of Rice in Japan
Agricultural Economics/International Agricultural Economics Association 16, pp193-204 193 - 204 1997.11
Environmental Problems and Policies in Hungarian Agriculture
Proceedings of the 11th international Farm Management Congress/International Farm Management Association 1, pp397-412 393 - 414 1997.07
Rice Quality,Yields and Prices in Japan
Waseda Journal of Asian Studies 18(P1-10) 1 - 10 1996.10
Institutional and Organizational Development for the Economies in Transition
早稲田大学社会科学研究 53(P36-55) 36 - 55 1996.10
Rajkai,K.and M.Gemma,Factors Accounting for the Changes in Wheat Yields and the Environmental Implications in Hungaraian Agriculture
1996年大会環境経済・政策学会報告要旨集(英語) P98-101 98 - 101 1996.09
ロシア・東欧の農業 8;1(P2-28) 2 - 28 1996.06
歴史と地理/山川出版社 485 1995.10
Projections and Policy Implications of Supply and Demand of Rice in South Korea
農業経済/神戸大学 28-29 28 - 29 1995.07
ロシア・東欧の農業/(社)国際農林業協力協会 7;4 1995.03
社会科学研究/社会科学学会 52 1995.03
The Rice Economies in East Asia: the Case of Taiwan
Discussion Paper/APEC Study Center & Institute of Developing Economies 3 1995.03
Economic Analysis of Food Values: An International Comparison Study
Project Year :
Change of Japanese Agriculture due to Introduction of Foreign Labors
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
Project Year :
Certifications to improve market values of agricultural and food products: an international comparison study on developing and transitions countries
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
GEMMA Masahiko
Economic Integration and Trade Liberalization, and Agricultural Development: Convergence of Agricultural Productivity and Prices
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
GEMMA Masahiko
Workers of Japanese Farms including Technical Intern Trainees
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
Horiguchi Kenji, GEMMA Masahiko, KOJIMA Hiroshi, AKIYAMA Kunihiro, UCHIYAMA Tomohiro, ANDO Mitsuyoshi, RI Hyon, RI Eria
Determinants of Efficiency and Productivity Measures for Agriculture in Transition Economies
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
GEMMA Masahiko
Comparative Study on Agricultural and Rural Development, and Policies and Institutions in Central and Eastern Europe
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
GEMMA Masahiko
Economic Analysis of Institutions and Policies on Water Resources: Case of South India
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
GEMMA Masahiko
Study on the changing pattern of consumers' behavior of Polish and Lithuanian citizen after the accession to EU
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
YOSHINO Etsuo, GEMMA Masahiko
Institutions and Agriculture in Transition Economics
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
GEMMA Masahiko, KAKO Toshiyuki
Agricultural Organizations in Transition Economies
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
GEMMA Masahiko
Agriculture and Environmental Policies in Eastern Europe
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
GEMMA Masahiko, HONDAI Susumu, KOWALSKI Andrzej, VOROS Mihaly, TOMCZAK Franciszek, RAJKAI Kalman
Changes in the Environment and Agriculture for the Economies in Transition
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
GEMMA Masahiko
Projections and Policy Implication of Supply and Demand
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
KAKO Toshiyuki, WAILES J.Eric, KANEKO Jihei, GEMMA Masahiko, KURODA Yoshimi, ITO Shoichi, HUANG Chung-Huang, GEENWALT Bert, PARK Joon-Keun
Production Structure of Polish Agriculture and its Reform
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
GEMMA Masahiko, HONDAI Susumu, REMBISZ Wlodzimierz, TOMCZAK Franciszek
Creative Inquiry in Social Sciences:Sustainability Course B
School of Social Sciences
2025 fall semester
Creative Inquiry in Social Sciences:Sustainability Course A
School of Social Sciences
2025 fall semester
SeminarIII (Economic Analysis of the World Economy/fall semester)
School of Social Sciences
2025 fall semester
SeminarIII (Economic Analysis of the World Economy/spring semester)
School of Social Sciences
2025 spring semester
SeminarII (Economic Analysis of the World Economy/fall semester)
School of Social Sciences
2025 fall semester
SeminarII (Economic Analysis of the World Economy/spring semester)
School of Social Sciences
2025 spring semester
SeminarI (Economic Analysis of the World Economy/fall semester)
School of Social Sciences
2025 fall semester
Understanding the Japanese Economy: Microeconomic Perspectives
School of Social Sciences
2025 spring semester
Agricultural and Food Economies in the Asia-Pacific Region (E)
Graduate School of Asia-Pacific Studies
2025 summer term
Eurasian, and Global Food and Resource Economic Studies II (fall semester)
Graduate School of Social Sciences
2025 fall semester
Eurasian, and Global Food and Resource Economic Studies II (spring semester)
Graduate School of Social Sciences
2025 spring semester
Eurasian, and Global Food and Resource Economic Studies I (fall semester)
Graduate School of Social Sciences
2025 fall semester
Eurasian, and Global Food and Resource Economic Studies I (spring semester)
Graduate School of Social Sciences
2025 spring semester
アメリカ アメリカ研究センター、ミネソタ大学・ハンプフリー公共政策研究所
Faculty of Science and Engineering Graduate School of Environment and Energy Engineering
Faculty of Social Sciences Graduate School of Social Sciences
Affiliated organization Global Education Center
Faculty of International Research and Education Graduate School of Asia Pacific Studies
Institute of Japan-US Studies Director of Research Institute
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