Updated on 2025/03/13


Faculty of Sport Sciences, School of Sport and Sciences
Job title
教育学博士 ( 東京大学 )
教育学修士 ( 東京大学 )

Education Background


    University of Tokyo   Faculty of Education  

Professional Memberships







Research Areas

  • Nutrition science and health science / Sports sciences

Research Interests

  • Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine,Sports Science



  • Impact of awareness of the Japanese Food Guide Spinning Top on eating behaviour

    Kanae Takaizumi, Kazuhiro Harada, Ai Shibata, Yoshio Nakamura

    PUBLIC HEALTH NUTRITION   15 ( 3 ) 399 - 406  2012.03  [Refereed]

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    Objective: To investigate whether awareness of the Japanese Food Guide (JFG) can promote changes in eating behaviour.
    Design: A longitudinal study was conducted in 2007 and 2009 by means of an Internet-based survey. Awareness status of the JFG and a sixteen-item scale for calculating eating behaviour scores were obtained.
    Setting: Japan.
    Subjects: In total, 787 Japanese adults (20-59 years) who registered with an Internet research service organization were included in the study. The respondents were divided into three groups. The respondents who were aware of the JFG in 2007 were categorized into Group 1. Those who were not aware of the JFG in 2007 were categorized into either Group 2 or Group 3. Group 2 became aware of the JFG by 2009, and Group 3 was not aware of the JFG in 2009.
    Results: In Group 2, the eating behaviour score increased significantly by 0.8 points from 4.7 in 2007 to 5.5 in 2009 (P=0.004). The eating behaviour score of Group 1 (6.5 points in 2007; 6.3 points in 2009) and Group 3 (3.8 points in 2007; 4.1 points in 2009) did not change significantly from 2007 to 2009.
    Conclusions: Awareness of the JFG promoted eating behaviour change in the Japanese population. The results indicate that awareness of nutrition information from sources such as the JFG would promote healthy eating.



  • 東日本大震災がウォーキングイベントの開催に与えた影響:開催か中止かの判断を下した後の対応と問題.

    早乙女 誉, 中村 好男

    スポーツ産業学研究   22 ( 1 ) 179 - 185  2012.03

  • 中国におけるスポーツ振興くじ公益金を活用した “健身路経” の事例

    何 慧群, 原田 和弘, 中村 好男

    スポーツ産業学研究   22 ( 1 ) 101 - 109  2012.03

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    "Jian Shen Lu Jing" (JSLJ) is an installation site located in places like parks, residential areas, etc. At such places, health appliances are installed, which use one' s body weight as the load, and JSLJ are a public sports establishment for physical activity. JSLJ was first established in September 1996 at the TianHe Gymnasium of Guangzhou, China. The health appliances are mainly used outdoors. Further, their durability, maintenance, and safety design are taken into consideration. On the basis these facets, the basic apparatus gymnastics tools such as iron bar and wall bar are included. Additionally, some original health appliances are also installed to strengthen the entire muscles of the body and to improve the joint movements, which become feeble as we grow older.<BR>    The Chinese State General Administration of Sports and the Sports Bureau play a vital role in developing JSLJ. The Chinese State General Administration of Sports had conducted 12 fitness programs from 1997 to 2008. The total number of JSLJ maintained throughout the country is 8,727. The eastern region comprises of 1,958 centers, whereas the middle and western regions have 3,091 and 3,678 fitness centers respectively. The development of JSLJ is based on regions; in the middle and western region (the internal region) , there are a higher number of JSLJ as compared to the ones in the eastern region. In China, it is considered that the development of JSLJ tends to move from the coastal area towards the internal region. JSLJ complements the lack of adequate public sports establishment and it has shown that the regional health disparity can be alleviated or minimized through policy intervention.

    DOI CiNii

  • 首都圏自治体の介護予防事業における東日本大震災の影響

    荒木 邦子, 原田 和弘, 塩田 琴美, 中村 好男

    スポーツ産業学研究   22 ( 1 ) 187 - 196  2012.03

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    PURPOSE : The purpose of this study was to report on influence of earthquake disasters on the Tokyo metropolitan municipalities nursing care prevention management.<BR>METHODS : The research targets were the people who were engaged in nursing care prevention projects operated by 3 local governments in the Tokyo metropolitan municipality. There were 13 people in total. The research period started after the earthquake from March 17th to April 27th, 2011. The research focused on the management of the participants after the earthquake. Interviews on the cases of some participants were conducted with the people engaged. Then a memo was taken and a record and analysis was made.<BR>RESULTS : The results showed that the program was suspended in S-ward for 1 week, for 20 days in C-ward, and in K-ward there was a non-exclusive license. S-ward and C-ward gave priority to safety of elderly persons, and K-ward gave priority to dealing with anxiety in the elderly persons. <BR>DISCUSSION : After the East Japan earthquake, the nursing care prevention project of the Tokyo metropolitan municipality was analyzed regarding environmental change regarding property safety and aftershock, as well as psychological factors due to anxiety.

    DOI CiNii

  • 東日本大震災後のスポーツ業界の復興支援活動の実態と活動が与えた影響〜日本を元気にするスポーツの力の実態〜

    齊藤 恵理称, 中村 好男

    スポーツ産業学研究   22 ( 1 ) 209 - 214  2012.03

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    In this article, the authors studied how the strength of sports could contribute to reconstructing Japan after the great East Japan earthquake, based on the following two researches. One was a survey of the sports-related associations and companies to figure out the actual situation of the kind activities they carried out for reconstruction. The other one was a survey of people who were living in the ruined area caused by the great East Japan earthquake to assess how they felt about the efforts for reconstruction which the sports-related associations and companies did and what effects these efforts had on them.<BR>    The study revealed that about 80% of the sports-related association and companies carried out some efforts for reconstruction, such as monetary donations, charity events and relief supplies. On the other hand, it showed that very few people in the disaster area had met these efforts for reconstruction. However, regarding TVCM including the message from sport athletes to encourage people for reconstruction, it showed that 80% of people in the ruined area watched TVCM and more people who watched TVCM answered "sports can contribute to reconstruction" in comparison with people who did not watch TVCM.<BR>    These results lead to the suggestion that the power of sports could contribute to reconstructing Japan and that promoting the communication of efforts by the sports-related associations and companies for reconstruction will help to enhance the power of sports for reconstruction.

    DOI CiNii

  • 東日本大震災が “ランニング・イベント” に与えた影響

    山内 やよい, 中村 好男

    スポーツ産業学研究   22 ( 1 ) 245 - 248  2012.03

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    Purpose : The purpose of this study was to investigate the number of the running events held or canceled after the Tohoku region Pacific coast earthquake, and to determine how many people lost the opportunity to participate in running events.<BR>Methods : The large internet running information site "RUNNET" was utilized. First of all, our survey was conducted by using a "detail search" on RUNNET to investigate the number of events scheduled to be held from January through May in 2010 and also in 2011. Then each event scheduled was investigated with regard to whether it was held or cancelled after March 11th, 2011. Subsequently, our survey checked the number of applicants for each event, according to their official homepage or RUNNET event report page.<BR>Results : The results showed that there were 38 events held in the 1st week of March in 2011, but there was a dramatic decrease in the number of events to 7 in the week following the earthquake. Overall, 118 events were cancelled in the 3 months after the earthquake. The findings of our investigation showed that a total of over 270,000 runners lost opportunities. <BR>Discussion : The investigation confirmed that cancelled events were not only limited to the Tohoku region, but also occurred in areas not affected. It possibly suggests that there were concerns for victims and affected areas. The canceling of many events may have caused behavioral changes for people who tried to start or maintain their healthy lives through participation in running events.

    DOI CiNii

  • 健康的な食生活リテラシー尺度の信頼性および妥当性

    高泉早苗, 原田和弘, 柴田 愛, 中村好男

    日本健康教育学会   20 ( 1 ) 30 - 40  2012.02

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    Objective: The purpose of this study was to examine the reliability and validity of the healthy eating literacy (HEL) scale among Japanese adults.<br>Methods: The cross-sectional questionnaire survey was conducted via the Internet in December 2010. The participants were 6045 Japanese male and female adults(20- 59 years) who were registered with a social research company. Construct validity was estimated from confirmatory factor analysis and criterion-related validity. Criterion-related validity was determined by examining the relationship between HEL and the stages of change. The reliability was evaluated by assessing the internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha coefficient) and a 14-days test-retest(n=100).<br>Results: Totally, 1252 respondents completed the survey (response rate: 20.7%). The good goodness-of-fit indices were obtained using the confirmatory factor analysis (GFI=0.988, AGFI=0.957, CFI=0.990, RMSEA=0.080). Analysis of Covariance revealed that HEL was positively associated with the stages of change (F=19.7, p<0.001). Both the internal consistency (α=0.87) and the test-retest reliability (r=0.742, p<0.001) were good.<br>Conclusions: This study indicated the reliability and validity of the proposed scale to evaluate HEL among Japanese adults.

    DOI CiNii

  • Impact of Awareness of the Japanese Food Guide Spinning Top on Eating Behavior.

    Kanae Takaizumi, Kazuhiro Harada, Ai Shibata, Yoshio Nakamura

    Public Health Nutrition   15 ( 3 ) 399 - 406  2012

  • Association of self-reported physical activity patterns and socio-demographic factors among normal-weight and overweight Japanese Men.

    Liao Y, Harada K, Shibata A, Ishii K, Oka K, Nakamura Y, Inoue S, Shimomitsu T

    BMC public health   12   278  2012  [Refereed]

  • The Relationship between Change in Perceived Motivational Climate and Change in Goal Orientations among Japanese Ice Hockey Players

    Homare Saotome, Kazuhiro Harada, Yoshio Nakamura

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCE & COACHING   7 ( 1 ) 81 - 88  2012  [Refereed]

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between change in the perceived motivational climate created by coaches and change in goal orientations over time among Japanese high-school ice hockey players. One hundred and forty-six players completed surveys twice over the course of the athletic season. The results showed that a change in task-involving climate was positively associated with change in task orientation over the course of the season. Changes in both task-involving climate and ego-involving climate were positively associated with change in ego orientation over time. These results demonstrated that the task-involving climate created by coaches may influence not only players task goal orientations but also their ego orientation in Japanese youth sports settings. On the other hand, an ego-involving climate created by coaches may influence players' ego goal orientations.



  • Psychological, social and environmental factors associated utilization of the senior center among older adults in Korea.

    Kim HS, Miyashita M, Harada K, Park JH, So JM, Nakamura Y

    Journal of preventive medicine and public health    2012

  • 食事バランスガイドの認知レベルの経時変化と人口統計学的特徴および健康特性との関連.

    高泉佳苗, 原田和弘, 中村好男

    日本公衆衛生雑誌   58 ( 11 ) 948 - 958  2011.11

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    Objectives The purpose of this study was to examine the sociodemographic and health-related characteristics of those who are unaware of the Japanese Food Guide Spinning Top (Food Guide).<br/>Methods A longitudinal study was conducted using an Internet-based questionnaire with 1,012 Japanese adults (40.2±10.0 years, mean±SD) recruited from registrants of a Japanese social research company. Conducted between November 2007 (T1) and December 2008 (T2), the survey included items on awareness level ("I know the contents." "I have heard of this Guide." or "I have not heard of this Guide.") of the Food Guide as the dependent variable, and demographics factors (e.g., age, education status, marital status, household income, and employment status) and health-related characteristics (obesity, abdominal obesity, and insufficient physical activity) as the independent variables. Multivariate logistic regression analysis was used to analyze the relation between awareness level and each variable. The relation between change of awareness level (T1–T2) and each variable was analyzed using a chi-square test. All the analyses were stratified by gender.<br/>Results In the multivariate logistic regression analysis adjusted for all variables, men with a household income of 5,000,000–10,000,000 yen (OR=1.78; 95% CI=1.10–2.88) were positively associated with awareness level ("I have heard of this Guide."). In contrast, unmarried women were negatively associated with awareness level in T1 ("I know the contents"; OR=0.35; 95% CI=0.17–0.70. "I have heard of this Guide"; OR=0.50; 95% CI=0.27–0.92). In men, the awareness level of the Food Guide increased from T1 to T2, change of awareness level (T1; "I have not heard of this Guide") and education status being related (P=0.023). In women, the awareness levels overall did not improve from T1 to T2, but change of awareness level (T1; "I have heard of this Guide") was associated with household income (P<0.001). In both men and women, change of awareness level was not associated with health-related characteristics.<br/>Conclusion The results of this study suggest that awareness of the Food Guide has increased among those with health risk factors, such as obesity and low levels of physical activity. The promotion strategy of the Food Guide might need to target males with low-level education, unmarried women, and women with a high household income.

    DOI CiNii

  • 高校アイスホッケー部活動における動機づけ雰囲気と目標志向性との関連

    早乙女 誉, 原田和弘, 中村好男

    スポーツ産業学研究   21 ( 2 ) 111 - 120  2011.09

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    &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between perceived motivational climate and goal orientations among Japanese high school ice hockey players. One hundred eighty-five male ice hockey players completed questionnaires in their athletic season (mid-October) . Among the research items, the dependent variable was perceived motivational climate. The independent variables included goal orientations (task orientation and ego orientation) . Multiple regression analysis was utilized for examining the predictor of contemplation. Exploratory factor analysis suggested that the perceived motivational climate contained two higher-order scales (Task-Involving and Ego-Involving) , each with two subscales (Task : Cooperative and Important Role, Effort/Improvement; Ego: Unequal Recognition, Punishment for Mistakes) . Results of confirmatory factor analysis to test the factor structure of the motivational climate supported the validity of the oblique four-factor model and oblique hierarchical model. Multiple regression analysis revealed that Task-Involving climate alone positively predicted task orientation, while ego-involving climate didn&rsquo; t emerge as significant. In addition, the analysis indicated that the Task-Involving climate and the Ego-Involving climate were significant predictors of ego orientation. These results indicate that a perceived motivational climate may influence goal orientations. Therefore, it would be important for youth sport coaches to understand their athletes&rsquo; perceptions of the motivational climate

    DOI CiNii

  • スポーツソーシャルサポート尺度開発—信頼性および妥当性の検討

    菅 宏規, 庄司博人, 岡 浩一朗, 中村好男, 間野義之

    スポーツ産業学研究   21 ( 2 ) 169 - 177  2011.09

  • 60〜74歳における筋力トレーニングの開始・継続に関連する要因の質的分析

    原田和弘, 李 恩兒, 片山祐実, 柴田 愛, 岡 浩一朗, 中村好男

    スポーツ産業学研究   21 ( 2 ) 187 - 194  2011.09

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    Purpose : To understand the factors associated with the initiation and maintenance of strength training among older people, a qualitative approach would be useful. The purpose of the present study was to explore the initiation processes involved in strength training, and the facilitators and barriers to maintain strength training among people aged 60-74 years.<BR>Methods : Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 15 members of a sports club. The interview consisted of questions related to initiation processes, facilitators, and barriers of strength training. Transcripts of the interviews were reviewed and categorizations were conducted.<BR>Results : The initiation processes consisted of "coping with physical inactivity or health problems," "encouragement from others," "increase in leisure time," "feeling good program," "interests in physical activity," and "enjoyment of other sports," The common categories between facilitators and barriers were "physical factors," "psychological factors," "social factors," and "environmental factors." In addition, "daily life factors" and "other factors" were categorized as facilitators, and "uncontrollable factors" were categorized as barriers.<BR>Discussion : These results indicate that 1) the initiation of strength training would be associated with interests in health problems and physical activity, increase of leisure time, encouragement from others, or presence of a good program, and that 2) the maintenance of strength training would be associated with environmental factors and daily life factors as well as physical and psychosocial factors.

    DOI CiNii

  • Jリーグシーズンチケット購買率の距離減衰率と競合クラブの関係性

    庄司博人, 間野義之, 中村好男

    スポーツ産業学研究   21 ( 2 ) 207 - 215  2011.09

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    It is important to clarify the impact of competition among J-League clubs on the distance decay parameters of season ticket purchase rate for J-clubs marketing.<BR>    The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between the distance decay parameters of J-league season ticket purchase rate and the other competing clubs when two clubs are located close together, using the distance decay model.<BR>    All of the respondents were J-League season ticket holders of four clubs: theYokohama F·Marinos, Shonan Bellmare, Gamba Osaka and Cerezo Osaka. Postal code were collected in 2008 January. Season ticket purchase rate and the distance between each stadium and center of cities were calculated using geographic information system. Through the distance decay model, we estimated the distance decay parameters.<BR>    The results of the present study suggested that the season ticket purchase rates of the higher performance clubs are widely distributed (distance decay slope is gentle) , while the season ticket purchase rates of the lower performance clubs are precipitously distributed (distance decay slope is steep) . In conclusion, it is possible that the distance decay parameters of J-League season ticket purchase rates are affected by the existence of other competing when two clubs are located close together.

    DOI CiNii

  • "Strength Conditioning Exercise Class"for Community Dwelling Elderly:A Case Report

    Kuniko ARAKI, Yoshio NAKAMURA

    Journal of Japan Society of Sports Industry   21 ( 2 ) 229 - 234  2011.09

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    The aim of the present report was to analyze the primary factors for implementation of a "strength conditioning exercise class" and to introduce a process for promotion of health and preventive care.<BR>    Kita-ku, Tokyo, planned a "strength conditioning exercise class" in order to promote the health status of elderly residents and to reduce their health care costs. The characteristic factors for the program were the following ; 1) classroom naming, 2) participation procedures, conditions and costs, 3) leader, 4) program contents, 5) assembly hall secured.<BR>    The numbers of the annual participants increased from 4,828 in 2002 to 52,623 in 2009 according to the increase of the venues and the budget. In addition to the suitable naming, the free participation fee, the free reservations, and other factors reduced the participation barriers for the elderly residents.<BR>    The present case provides information on business planning for local governments in promoting the health status of elderly residents.

    DOI CiNii

  • 地域高齢者を対象とした「筋力アップ体操教室」の事例

    荒木邦子, 中村好男

    スポーツ産業学研究   21 ( 2 ) 229 - 234  2011.09

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    The aim of the present report was to analyze the primary factors for implementation of a "strength conditioning exercise class" and to introduce a process for promotion of health and preventive care.<BR>    Kita-ku, Tokyo, planned a "strength conditioning exercise class" in order to promote the health status of elderly residents and to reduce their health care costs. The characteristic factors for the program were the following ; 1) classroom naming, 2) participation procedures, conditions and costs, 3) leader, 4) program contents, 5) assembly hall secured.<BR>    The numbers of the annual participants increased from 4,828 in 2002 to 52,623 in 2009 according to the increase of the venues and the budget. In addition to the suitable naming, the free participation fee, the free reservations, and other factors reduced the participation barriers for the elderly residents.<BR>    The present case provides information on business planning for local governments in promoting the health status of elderly residents.

    DOI CiNii

  • 子育て支援プロダクトとしての運動プログラムの開発と実践

    相澤 景太, 中村好男

    スポーツ産業学研究   21 ( 2 ) 275 - 280  2011.09

  • The Relationship between Perceived Motivation Climate and Goal Orientations among Japanese High School Ice Hockey Players

    Homare SAOTOME, Kazuhiro HARADA, Yoshio NAKAMURA

    Journal of Japan Society of Sports Industry   21 ( 2 ) 112 - 120  2011.09

  • Development of a Social Support Scale for Sports:Examination of Reliability and Validity

    Koki SUGA, Hiroto SHOJI, Koichiro OKA, Yoshio NAKAMURA, Yoshiyuki MANO

    Journal of Japan Society of Sports Industry   21 ( 2 ) 169 - 178  2011.09

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    The purpose of this study was to develop a Social Support Scale for Sports and to clarify the differences in evaluations of social support according to differences in the frequency of participation in sports.<BR>    The survey was carried out by a questionnaire mailed to 5,000 people aged 18 and over, randomly selected from the Basic Resident Register in "city A" .<BR>    Using factor analysis, 2 factors were extracted : "instrumental support" and "emotional support." The results showed that both factors' social support scores showed higher values as the participation in sports became more frequent. <BR>    The results suggest that the Social Support Scale for Sports has validity for sports.

    DOI CiNii

  • Factors Associated with Initiation and Maintenance of Strength Training among People Aged 60-74Years:A Qualitative Analysis

    Kazuhiro Harada, Euna LEE, Yumi KATAYAMA, Ai SHIBATA, Koichiro OKA, Yoshio NAKAMURA

    Journal of Japan Society of Sports Industry   21 ( 2 ) 187 - 194  2011.09

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    Purpose : To understand the factors associated with the initiation and maintenance of strength training among older people, a qualitative approach would be useful. The purpose of the present study was to explore the initiation processes involved in strength training, and the facilitators and barriers to maintain strength training among people aged 60-74 years.<BR>Methods : Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 15 members of a sports club. The interview consisted of questions related to initiation processes, facilitators, and barriers of strength training. Transcripts of the interviews were reviewed and categorizations were conducted.<BR>Results : The initiation processes consisted of "coping with physical inactivity or health problems," "encouragement from others," "increase in leisure time," "feeling good program," "interests in physical activity," and "enjoyment of other sports," The common categories between facilitators and barriers were "physical factors," "psychological factors," "social factors," and "environmental factors." In addition, "daily life factors" and "other factors" were categorized as facilitators, and "uncontrollable factors" were categorized as barriers.<BR>Discussion : These results indicate that 1) the initiation of strength training would be associated with interests in health problems and physical activity, increase of leisure time, encouragement from others, or presence of a good program, and that 2) the maintenance of strength training would be associated with environmental factors and daily life factors as well as physical and psychosocial factors.

    DOI CiNii

  • Relationship between Distance Decay of J-League Seoson Tickets Purchase Rate and the Other Comperting Clubs

    Hiroto SHOJI, Yoshiyuki MANO, Yoshio NAKAMURA

    Journal of Japan Society of Sports Industry   21 ( 2 ) 207 - 216  2011.09

  • 運動疫学分野における「筋力向上活動」という用語の提案

    原田和弘, 柴田愛, 岡浩一朗, 中村好男

    運動疫学研究   13 ( 2 ) 146 - 150  2011.09

  • Development and Implementation of a Pelvis Exercise Program for Mother in a Child-Rearing Service Center

    Keita AIZAWA, Yoshio NAKAMURA

    Journal of Japan Society of Sports Industry   21 ( 2 ) 275 - 280  2011.09

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    The purpose of the present article was to describe the process of developing and implementing a pelvis exercise program for mothers in the Child-Rearing Service Center operated by the local government of Abiko City, Japan. After assessment of a trial event, the present program, which was aimed to satisfy the mother' s needs, was developed and carried out three times. As a result, the number of the users of the center showed the highest value among each month (T-score 76-94) . The program would have possibilities not only for developing pelvis alignment, but also for enhancing communication among the mothers in the center.

    DOI CiNii

  • Strength-Training Behavior and Perceived Environment Among Japanese Older Adults

    Kazuhiro Harada, Koichiro Oka, Ai Shibata, Kaori Ishii, Yoshio Nakamura, Shigeru Inoue, Teruichi Shimomitsu

    JOURNAL OF AGING AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY   19 ( 3 ) 262 - 272  2011.07  [Refereed]

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    The authors examined the relationship between strength-training behavior and perceived environment in older Japanese adults. An Internet-based survey was conducted of 293 adults age 68.2 +/- 2.8 yr. The dependent variable was regular strength-training behavior. The IPAQ environment module, access to facilities for strength training, and home equipment for strength training were environmental factors. Logistic-regression analysis was employed. After demographic variables (gender, age, educational background, household income, body-mass index, self-rated health status, smoking habit, and residential area) were adjusted for, home equipment for strength training (OR = 2.14, 95% CI = 1.50-3.06), access to facilities for strength training (OR = 2.53, 95% CI = 1.32-4.85), and observing active people (OR = 2.20, 95% CI = 1.06-4.58) were positively correlated with regular strength-training behavior. In conclusion, environmental factors associated with strength-training behavior were access to facilities for strength training, having home equipment for strength training, and observing active people.

  • Perceived Environmental Factors Associated with Physical Activity among Normal-Weight and Overweight Japanese Men

    Yung Liao, Kazuhiro Harada, Ai Shibata, Kaori Ishii, Koichiro Oka, Yoshio Nakamura, Shigeru Inoue, Teruichi Shimomitsu


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    Although it is crucial to examine the environmental correlates of physical activity (PA) for developing more effective interventions for overweight populations, limited studies have investigated differences in the environmental correlates on body mass index (BMI). The purpose of the present study was to examine the perceived environmental correlates of PA among normal-weight and overweight Japanese men. Data were analyzed for 1,420 men (aged 44.4 +/- 8.3 years), who responded to an internet-based cross-sectional survey of answering the short version of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire and its Environment Module. Binary logistic regression analyses were utilized to examine the environmental factors associated with meeting the PA recommendation (150 minutes/week) between the normal-weight and overweight men. After adjusting for socio-demographic variables, common and different environmental correlates of PA were observed among normal-weight and overweight men. Furthermore, significant interactions regarding PA were observed between BMI status and two environmental correlates: access to public transportation (P = 0.03) and crime safety during the day (P = 0.01). The results indicated that BMI status is a potential moderator between perceived environmental factors and PA and suggested that different environmental intervention approaches should be developed for overweight populations.



  • 身体活動と環境要因に関する研究の考え方とその動向

    原田和弘, 柴田 愛, 中村好男

    スポーツ産業学研究   21 ( 1 ) 1 - 7  2011.03

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    The purpose of this review article is to describe the background and trends of physical activity and environment studies in the health promotion area. Because environmental factors are expected to have a long-term and substantial impact on large population, the importance of environment as a determinant of physical activity is highlighted. Previous studies have developed questionnaires for evaluating perceived environment, examined objectively assessed environmental factors, and identified environmental attributes specific to certain behavior. More recently, longitudinal studies, intervention studies, studies examining moderators, and studies investigating the effects on various outcomes have been conducted. The importance of developing effective strategies for changing the neighborhood environment itself is pointed out.

    DOI CiNii

  • アディダスが展開した“迷走ランナー”向けアプローチ

    齊藤恵理称, 中村好男

    スポーツ産業学研究   21 ( 1 ) 85 - 90  2011.03

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    In this article, the authors introduce an interesting and fresh marketing approach for the running market. Adidas, one of the world' s top sports brands, conducted consumer research on 1,000 runners from all over Japan and released a previously unknown fact that 80% of Japanese general runners were sharing the same inner problems such as, "I had lost my aim or purpose in running" , "I was uncertain of appropriate running techniques" and "I was not realizing any benefit from running." Adidas set this large group as their primary target consumers. Then, they used the name "Meiso Runners" and promoted this concept in the mass media as a highly influential communication technique.<BR>    They executed the marketing communication activities with using "Strategic PR" for their service and products. They created the concept of "Meiso Runners" , and consequently they made a strong impact on the running market through the big media coverage and achieved a great success in their business; increasing their sales to 120% of the previous year.<BR>    It is believed that by creating the concept of "Meiso Runners" and by clearly defining the concerns of this group of runners, Adidas was able to catapult running into discussions across a broad spectrum of society, and acquire awareness about which of their products and services provided ideal solutions to meet the runners' needs.

    DOI CiNii

  • 指定管理者制度導入が公共スポーツ施設利用者満足度に与える影響-A体育館における既存利用者と新規利用者の比較

    本目えみ, 庄子博人, 間野義之, 中村好男

    スポーツ産業学研究   21 ( 1 ) 57 - 66  2011.03

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    The aim of this study was to clarify the effect of introduction of Compulsory Competitive tendering (CCT) on "existing" and "new" customers' satisfaction in a public sports center. A questionnaire (consisting of 19 items) and interview was conducted in "A" sports center, which introduced CCT in April 2006. The survey before CCT was conducted in February 2006 and after CCT in every February of 2007, 2008, and 2009. In total, 1,941 respondents answered the questionnaire. The interviews were conducted by facility managers in June 2007 and May 2008. <BR>Results of ANOVA and two-way ANOVA were following ; <BR>—  For "existing" customers, the mean scores of 9 items were significantly higher after CCT than before, but "Number of people in the pool" , "Number of people in the activity spaces" , and "Overall satisfaction" showed opposite results. <BR>—  For "new" customers, there were significant differences in 3 items. For example, the mean scores of items about staff in 2007 and 2008 were lower than in 2006. <BR>—  From two-way ANOVA, there ware interaction between <existing/new> and <year> in four items. This suggests that the effect of the CCT on customers' satisfaction of "existing" customers and "new" customers was not the same.

    DOI CiNii

  • 趣味・余暇活動への興味を高めることを意図とした介入が運動無関心者の心理的準備性に及ぼす効果

    片山祐実, 原田和弘, 中村好男

    スポーツ産業学研究   21 ( 1 ) 27 - 39  2011.03

  • 小学生のレジスタンストレーニング実施の適否に関する保護者の認識とサーキットトレーニングプログラム利用意向との関連

    原豪志, 原田和弘, 間野義之, 中村好男

    スポーツ産業学研究   21 ( 1 ) 41 - 48  2011.03

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    The purpose of this study was 1) to examine whether parents have the intention to recommend resistance training (RT) as the circuit training (CT) program for their children, and 2) to identify the perception of resistance training associated with the intention. <BR>    The participants were 694 parents of children attending public elementary school in Tokyo. Questionnaire survey was conducted. Research items were 1) perception of Children′s RT, 2) perception of Children′s training (9 items) , 3) intention to recommend Children′s CT program. Logistic regression analysis was utilized to identify the perceptions related to intention to recommend. <BR>    As results, the answers of 403 participants were valid. Regarding the perception of Children′s RT, 45.1% of participants' answers were negative, and 9.7% were positive. In contrast, regarding the intention to recommend Children′s CT program, 9.6% were negative, and 43.2% were positive. Among the perceptions, enjoyment of RT (OR=4.32 ; %CI=2.38-7.85) , RT for busy children (OR=3.16 ; %CI=1.79-5.59) , RT for health promotion (OR=3.02; %CI=1.02-8.94) , RT of continuance to adult (OR=2.07 ; %CI=1.13-3.79) , and RT for prevention of injury and disability (OR=2.02 ; %CI=1.02-4.03) were significantly associated with the intention. No significant associations were observed with perception of Children′s RT (OR=2.73 ; %CI=0.95-7.85) and safety of RT (OR=1.52 ; %CI=0.73-3.19) . <BR>    These results indicate that there would be a possibility to provide the RT through the CT program even if the perception of parents toward child RT is negative, that enjoyment of RT might be more important than safety of RT for promoting the direct intention.

    DOI CiNii

  • 虚弱高齢者を対象とした介護予防運動プログラムの開発と実践—千葉県市川市「いきいき健康教室Cクラス」の事例—

    木下昌代, 中村好男

    スポーツ産業学研究   21 ( 1 ) 67 - 72  2011.03

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    For frail elderly, long-term support is important for maintaining an independent and active life. From April of 2008, the local government of Ichikawa-City held a new exercise program called the "Iki-Iki Kenkou Kyoshitsu (Classroom for Healthy Living) , C class ", which consisted mainly of sitting exercises. The number of participants has been favorably increasing. As the results, the program was held at five sites (seven classes) in May of 2010. Moreover, most of the participants reported favorable changes in both physical and psychological aspects. The satisfaction with the program contributed to the increase of the participants.

    DOI CiNii

  • エクササイズガイド2006の認知度と身体活動量の変化

    原田和弘, 柴田 愛, 李 恩兒, 岡 浩一朗, 中村好男

    日本公衆誌   58 ( 3 ) 190 - 198  2011.03

  • 運動指針2006の認知度と身体活動の促進

    原田和弘, 中村好男

    体育の科学   61 ( 2 ) 103 - 107  2011.02


  • Influence of awareness of the Japanese Food Guide Spring Top on eating behavior and obesity

    Kanae Takaizumi, Kazuhiro Harada、Ai Shibata, Yoshio Nakamura

    Asia Paciffic Journal of Clinical Nutrition   20 ( 1 ) 95 - 101  2011  [Refereed]

  • Oxidised Low-Density Lipoprotein Concentrations and Physical Activity Status in Older Adults: The WASEDA Active Life Study

    Jong-Hwan Park, Masashi Miyashita, Masaki Takahashi, Kazuhiro Harada, Kanae Takaizumi, Hyun-Shik Kim, Katsuhiko Suzuki, Yoshio Nakamura

    JOURNAL OF ATHEROSCLEROSIS AND THROMBOSIS   18 ( 7 ) 568 - 573  2011  [Refereed]

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    Aim: Oxidised low-density lipoprotein (LDL) is considered a risk marker for cardiovascular disease. However, it remains unclear whether oxidised LDL concentrations differ with the physical activity status in older adults. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between the amount of physical activity and oxidised LDL in older adults.
    Methods: Twenty-seven older adults (aged 69.9 +/- 4.3 years, mean +/- SD.; 16 female and 11 male) were analysed in the cross-sectional design. Prior to blood collection, participants were asked to wear an uniaxial accelerometer for 4 consecutive weeks to determine the physical activity status. After a 48-h period of physical activity avoidance and a 10-h overnight fast, fasting venous blood samples were obtained from each participant.
    Results: Fasting plasma oxidised LDL concentrations and plasma monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 concentrations were negatively correlated with the amount of physical activity (r = -0.409, p = 0.034; r = -0.385, p = 0.047, respectively).
    Conclusions: This study demonstrates that regular physical activity may play a protective role in the oxidation of LDL in older adults.

  • The Effects of Group-based Walking Program on Daily Physical Activity in Middle Aged and Older Adults.

    Takeda N, Oka K, Sakai K, Itakura M, Nakamura Y

    International Journal of Sport and Health Science    2011

  • Use of senior center and the health-related quality of life in Korean older adults.

    Kim H-S, Harada K, Lee E-A, Park J-K, Miyashita M, Nakamura Y

    Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health.   44   149 - 156  2011

  • Physical activity status and postprandial lipaemia in older adults.

    Miyashita M, Park J-H, Takahashi M, Burns SF, Kim S-K, Suzuki K, Nakamura Y

    International Journal of Sports Medicine.    2011  [Refereed]

  • Demographic and health-related characteristics associated with awareness of the long-term care insurance system in Korean older adults.

    Kim H-S, Harada K, Miyashita M, Lee E, Park J-K, Nakamura Y

    Journal of Global Senior Health Promotion.    2011

  • Socio-demographic and health-related characteristics associated with awareness of the Long-term care insurance system in Korea older adults.

    Kim HS, Harada K, Miyashita M, Lee EA, Park JK, Nakamura Y

    Journal of Global Senior Health Promotion   1 ( 1 ) 29 - 40  2011

  • Joint associations of physical activity and screen time with overweight among Japanese adults.

    Liao Y, Harada K, Shibata A, Ishii K, Oka K, Nakamura Y, Sugiyama T, Inoue S, Shimomitsu T

    Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act   8   131  2011  [Refereed]

  • 余暇時間の過ごし方に関する生活習慣情報紙を用いた介入が大学生の身体活動に与える影響

    片山祐実, 原田和弘, 李 恩兒, 中村好男

    ウォーキング研究   14   61 - 66  2010.12

  • ウォーキングを主目的としないイベントによるウォーカーの増大効果

    李 恩兒, 原田和弘, 中村好男

    ウォーキング研究   14 ( 14 ) 117 - 119  2010.12




    Jpn.J.Phys.Fitness Sports Med/体力科学   59 ( 5 ) 495 - 504  2010.10  [Refereed]

  • 高齢者の筋力トレーニングに対する認識:筋力トレーニング実施者における質的分析

    原田和弘, 李 恩兒, 片山祐実, 柴田 愛, 岡 浩一朗, 中村好男

    スポーツ産業学研究   20 ( 2 ) 191 - 197  2010.09

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    Purpose : The purpose of the present study was to explore the perception of strength training among older adults who engaged in strength training.<BR>Methods : Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 15 participants aged 60-74 years who engaged in strength training in a sports facility. The questions of the interview included those regarding the mode of exercises they perceived as strength training, and perception about typical people engaged in strength training. Interviews were audio-taped and transcribed verbatim. The three interviewers reviewed the transcripts and categorized the perceptions.<BR>Results : Nine categories of current perceptions of strength training were identified: structured exercises (n=15) , exercises for particular people (n=9) , exercises which those with positive outlook participated in (n=7) , easy exercises (n=6) , lifestyle activities (n=5) , exercises in which healthy people participated (n=5) exercises done in particular place (n=3) , vigorous-intensity exercises (n=2) , and unconcerned exercise (n=2) . Thirteen of participants mentioned the previous perceptions to strength training: unconcerned exercise (n=9) , exercises for particular people (n=7) , structured exercises (n=4) , vigorous-intensity exercises (n=3) , exercises done in particular place (n=1) , and others (n=4) .<BR>Discussions : These results indicate that some older adults who engaged in strength training perceived strength training as an easy and lifestyle-based exercise, and that the perceptions might have been changed in the process of behavioral change for strength training.

    DOI CiNii

  • 運動無関心者の心理的準備性の変化と趣味・余暇活動との関連

    原田和彦, 片山祐実, 中村好男

    スポーツ産業学研究   20 ( 2 ) 199 - 209  2010.09

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    PURPOSE : The purpose of the present study was to examine the longitudinal relationship between interests in leisure activity and motivational readiness for exercise behavior among those who did not intend to do exercise in the age group of 40-59 years.<BR>METHODS : The study was a longitudinal study, using an internet-based questionnaire. Data were collected at baseline (T1) and 8 weeks (T2) . The respondents were 536 adults in the pre-contemplation (PC) stage regarding stages of change for exercise behavior (aged 40-59) at T1, recruited from the registrants of a Japanese social research company. Among research items, the dependent variable was stages of change for exercise behavior at T2. Independent variables included interests in 29 leisure activities. Logistic regression analysis was conducted, adjusting for interests in other leisure activities, gender, age, and household income level.<BR>RESULTS : At T2, 26.7% (n=143) moved from PC to other stages. Interest in watching sports (OR=1.79 ; 95%CI : 1.12-2.86) and interest in shopping (OR=1.89 ; 95%CI : 1.15-3.09) were positively associated with the transition from PC to other stages. In contrast, negative relationship was observed between interest in amusement parks or theme parks (OR=0.32 ; 95%CI : 0.15-0.66) and the transition from PC to other stages.<BR>CONCLUSION : These results indicate that interests in watching sports and in shopping are positively associated with motivational readiness for exercise behavior among those in PC, though interests in some types of leisure activities (amusement parks and theme parks) are negatively associated.

    DOI CiNii

  • 40-59歳における健康診断未受診と特定健康診査・特定保健指導の認知及び人口統計学的要因との関連-自営業者と勤務者との比較

    川口亜佑子, 原田和弘, 李恩兒, 中村好男

    スポーツ産業学研究   20 ( 2 ) 217 - 225  2010.09

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    Health Checkups and Health Guidance (HCHG) have been provided to insured individuals between the ages of 40 to 74 by health insurance providers from 2008. However, attendance percentage has not reached the target value yet. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors associated with those who do not attend Health Checkups and the relation between non-attendance behavior and awareness of HCHG and metabolic syndrome, sociodemographics, regular exercise, and body composition in office workers or the self-employed. The 424 respondents were above the age of 40 (male : n=331, female : n=93, 49.1±5.6 years) and were obtained from the registrants of a Japanese social research company. The web-based questionnaire survey was conducted in February 2009. The study design was a cross-sectional survey using an internet questionnaire. χ2 analysis was utilized. As a result of this study, non- attendance behavior was shown to be significantly correlated with the office workers whose house- income is under 5,000,000 yen (χ2 [4] =20.30, p<0.001) . For the self-employed, significant relations were found for men who do not attend Health Checkups (χ2 [2] =3.83, p<0.05) and people who don' t aware HCHG (χ2 [2] =4.29, p<0.05) . This study shows that many self-employed men do not attend Health Checkups. Also, it suggests that this problem may have some relation with the awareness HCHG and attendance behavior. This further suggests that we need to consider promotion strategies for attendance behavior according to such factors as respondent' s gender and occupation.

    DOI CiNii

  • 地域在住高齢者における足部に関する問題と転倒経験・転倒不安との関連

    原田 和弘, 岡 浩一朗, 柴田 愛, 蕪木 広信, 中村 好男

    日本公衛誌   57 ( 8 ) 612 - 623  2010.08

  • 運動基準2006,運動指針2006と行動変容

    岡 浩一朗, 中村好男

    体育の科学   60 ( 6 ) 411 - 414  2010.06

  • 30-40歳代の日常生活場面におけるウォーキング行動の類型化

    須藤 英彦, 原田 和弘, 岡 浩一朗, 中村 好男

    Jpn.J.Phys.Fitness Sports Med/体力科学   59 ( 3 ) 323 - 332  2010.06

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    The purpose of this study was to explore patterns of lifestyle walking behavior among Japanese adults aged 30-49 and to identify their sociodemographic characteristics.<br>A sample of 5,009 was collected from registrants of a social research company. The study was a cross-sectional survey using the Internet. Measured variables were walking behavior in five domains (commuting, working, shopping, exercising and other movement) and sociodemographic characteristics. Hierarchical cluster analysis was utilized to identify walking patterns.<br>Four walking behavior clusters were identified: cluster 1 (N=1,089) walking while commuting, working and shopping; cluster 2 (N=381) walking while commuting; cluster 3 (N=1,257) walking for exercise; cluster 4 (N=1,161) walking while shopping. Cluster 1 had the highest proportion of walkers who met physical activity recommendations. Also it had a high proportion of women who were unmarried, employed, without children, or finished university or graduate school. Cluster 2 showed a high proportion of men who were married, with children, with high household income, or finished university or graduate school, and women who were married, employed, without children, with high household income, or finished university or graduate school. Cluster 3 had a high proportion of women aged 40-49. Cluster 4 showed a low proportion of men with high household income and a high proportion of women who were married, unemployed, or with children.<br>This study indicated that walking behavior patterns in both genders was different depending on marital status, number of children, educational level and household income. In addition, the employment status of women had apparent effects on these patterns.

    DOI CiNii


  • 農林水産省による食事バランスガイド普及啓発の取組

    高泉 佳苗, 中村 好男

    スポーツ産業学研究   20 ( 1 ) 139 - 142  2010.03

  • 特定健康診査・特定保健指導の認知変化に有効なメッセージチャネルの検討

    李 恩兒, 原田和彦, 中村好男

    スポーツ産業学研究   20 ( 1 ) 65 - 72  2010.03

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    Since April 2008, health insurance providers have carried out health checkups and health guidance (HCHG) to insured individuals between the ages of 40 and 74. The purpose of this study was to find effective message channels to lead people to aware what HCHG is. The 525 respondents were obtained from the registrants of a Japanese social research company and were above 40 years of age (male : n=265, female : n=260, 48.4±5.5 years) . This longitudinal survey was carried out by using an internet-based questionnaire. We did the survey in November 2007 (T1) and December 2008 (T2) . The rates of awareness of HCHG were 47.8% at T1 and 77.3% at T2. The awareness level was significantly increased (p<.001) . Major factors regarding the degree of awareness about HCHG were female (OR=3.74, 95%CI=1.44-9.66) and participation in health check up (OR=1.91, 95%CI=1.05-3.48) , and health information from papers in hospital and pharmacy (OR=2.37, 95%CI=1.14-4.90) . The number of reference message channels in the awareness group was significantly higher than that in the no awareness group (t (272) =4.82, p<.001).

    DOI CiNii

  • Effect of Walking Program with the E-mail Function of Cellular Phone

    Kanako Yamawaki, Koitiro Oka, Yoshio Nakamura

    Inter National Journal of Sport and Health Science   6   264 - 273  2010.01

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    This study examined whether a walking program encouraged using the e-mail function of participants' cellular phones promotes behavior changes. Study participants were persons who wanted to join a walking program for their health. The experimental group had 1,111 members (male: n=554, female: n=557, 30-49 yrs) and the control group had 1,190 members (male: n=598, female: n=592, 30-49 yrs). The participants in the experimental group were encouraged to execute a walk behavior with e-mails using their cellular phones twice a week for one month . The contents of the e-mails depended on the level of walking as determined before the study for each participant. The main points studied were the time (in minutes) of walking per week and the extent of changes in the walking behavior. The analysis of results after receiving encouraging e-mail messages for one month showed more time spent walking for the experimental group in comparison with the time of the control group [Mean inter-group difference in change: 70.1 min/week, (p<0.05)]. The extent of changes in walking behavior (expressed as a percentage) was higher in the experimental group (38.5%) than in the control group (22.3%) (χ2=61.19, p<0.05). These results indicates that the walking program, encouraged by e-mail messages received on a cellular phone, promotes walking behavior in people.

    DOI CiNii

  • ウォーキングに興味・関心のある30〜40歳代成人のウォーキング行動の特徴

    小椋一也, 原田和弘, 柴田 愛, 石井香織, 中村好男, 岡 浩一朗

    ウォーキング研究   ( 13 ) 225 - 234  2009.12

  • 中高齢者における特定健康診査・特定保健指導の認知度と運動実施との関連

    李 恩兒, 金 賢植, 原田和弘, 高泉佳苗, 中村好男

    スポーツ産業学研究   19 ( 2 ) 197 - 203  2009.09

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    From April, 2008, health check ups and health guidance (HCHG) have been provided to insured individuals between the ages of 40 and 74 by health insurance providers. The purpose of this study was to determine the awareness level of HCHG and identify its relationship to exercise behavior. The 816 respondents were above the age of 40 (male : n=402, female : n=414, 50.4±7.9 years) and obtained from the registrants of a Japanese social research company. The study design was a cross-sectional survey using an internet questionnaire. Logistic regression analysis was utilized. Awareness of the HCHG was 48.3% and that of Metabolic Syndrome was 97.2% of the sample. The Higher level awareness of HCHG was significantly correlated with exercise behavior (OR=1.57, 95%CI=1.15-2.14) . There was, however, no significant relationship between awareness of MS and exercise behavior (OR=1.59, 95%CI=0.67-3.76) . A promotion strategy for enhancing awareness of HCHG will be needed.

    DOI CiNii

  • 距離減衰モデルを用いた公共スポーツ施設利用者の地理的分布-公共スポーツ施設A体育館の利用頻度レベルに着目して-

    庄子博人, 新名謙二, 間野義之, 中村好男

    日本スポーツ産業学研究   19 ( 2 ) 217 - 222  2009.09

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    The purpose of this study was to clarify the geographic distribution of public sports center users with regard to the distance decay model, and to verify the difference of the parameters of the use frequency level. The findings of the analyses are summarized as follows ; <BR>    A logarithmic relationship was observed between the distance from sports center and number of users (R2=.572) . This suggests that the distribution of public sports center users is affected by the distance.<BR>    And the distance decay parameter of low frequency users is much smaller than that of high and middle frequency users. This suggests that there is a possibility that users who live a short distance from the sports center would be higher frequency users than those who live a long distance from the sports center.

    DOI CiNii

  • Jリーグシーズンチケット購買率の距離減衰率とその規定要因

    庄子博人, 倉本匡史, 間野義之, 中村好男

    日本スポーツ産業学研究   19 ( 2 ) 119 - 127  2009.09

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    The purpose of this study was to estimate the distance decay parameters of J-League season ticket purchase rate, and to clarify the relationship between the distance decay parameters and population densities/competition of catchment areas. The total number of the sample was 53,727 which came from the season ticket holders of 20 J-League clubs in 2007. The distance and the population were calculated by using Geographic Information System. The findings of the analyses are summarized as follows;<BR>    A gradually weakening relationship between J-League season ticket purchase rate and distance from stadium was observed. Also it was shown that the distance factor has an effect on the J-League season ticket purchase rate. The distance decay rate of densely populated area is low (distance decay slope is gentle) , while the distance decay rate of thinly populated area is high (distance decay slope is steep) . The catchment areas of J-league season ticket compete with other clubs′ catchment areas in the densely populated regions. That is to say the spatial demand, which is the distance decay rate of J-League season tickets, is affected by the difference of city size and the existence of other competing clubs.

    DOI CiNii

  • 30〜40歳代におけるウォーキング行動の実施状況と推奨身体活動基準を充たす者の特徴

    須藤英彦, 原田和弘, 小椋一也, 岡 浩一朗, 中村好男

    スポーツ産業学研究   19 ( 2 ) 205 - 216  2009.09

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    Objective This study aimed to estimate the prevalence of walking behavior and investigate demographic correlates of recommended physical activity levels with five domains (exercise, commuting, working, shopping, and other movement) of walking behavior among Japanese adults aged 30-49.<BR>Methods The sample was 5,009 Japanese adults collected from the registrants of a Japanese social research company. The study design was a cross-sectional study using an Internet questionnaire. The dependent variable was meeting physical activity recommendation levels (more than 150 min/1week) . Independent variables were demographic variables (e.g., gender, age, educational level, household income level, hour per day with TV watching, and hour per day with internet usage) . Logistic regression analysis was utilized.<BR>Results Of all participants, 45.5% of men and 44.8% of women met physical activity recommendations. Regardless of meeting recommended physical activity levels, they walked for exercise less than 20%. The characteristics of those who met the recommendation levels were higher education, long Internet use and having a small number of children for men, and higher education, higher income and having a small number of children for women. As compared with those who did not meet physical activity recommendations, in lifestyle time men walked for shopping and other movement and women walked for shopping.<BR>Conclusion Commuting and shopping for men and shopping for women were identified as a key factor for increasing walking behavior. It would be necessary for women to develop an intervention program which considers demographic factors such as marital status, employment status and household children.

    DOI CiNii

  • 身体活動・運動への興味を高める方略としての趣味・余暇活動ゲートウェイの可能性

    原田和弘, 中村好男

    スポーツ産業学研究   19 ( 2 ) 129 - 149  2009.09

  • ウォーキングの効用について


    ストレスアンドヘルスケア   192   3 - 4  2009

  • ATという幻想


    体育の科学   59 ( 3 ) 157 - 161  2009

  • ウォーカーを対象とした集団栄養教育とリーフレット郵送を組み合わせた栄養教育

    高泉佳苗, 原田和弘, 李 恩兒, 中村好男

    栄養学雑誌   67 ( 3 ) 141 - 147  2009

  • ウォーキング行動の変容ステージとセルフエフィカシー尺度の開発-30-49歳を対象としたインターネット調査による横断研究-

    山脇加奈子, 原田和弘, 李 恩兒, 岡 浩一朗, 中村好男

    日本健康教育学会   17 ( 2 ) 87 - 96  2009

  • Prevalence and Demographic Correlates of Meeting the Physical Activity Recommendation Among Japanese Adults

    Ai Shibata, Koichiro Oka, Yoshio Nakamura, Isao Muraoka

    JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY & HEALTH   6 ( 1 ) 24 - 32  2009.01  [Refereed]

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    Background: Although engaging in the recommended amount of physical activity provides disease-prevention benefits, few studies have examined the proportion and correlates of meeting the Japanese physical activity recommendation. This study investigated the prevalence and demographic correlates of attaining the recommended value on the Exercise and Physical Activity Reference for Health Promotion 2006. Methods: Data were analyzed for 5177 Japanese adults who took an Internet-based cross-sectional survey. The International Physical Activity Questionnaire and 6 possible demographic correlates were obtained. Respondents were divided into 3 groups recommended, insufficient, and inactive according to their estimated weekly physical activity level. A multivariate logistic regression analysis was used. Results: Overall, 26.6% of respondents were physically active according to the recommendation criterion. Gender, employment status, age, marital status, and educational level were statistically significant. In men, being employed and in women, being 30 to 39 years of age were negatively associated with the attainment of the recommendation. Being male, being a married woman, and having a college education or higher for women were positively correlated with the attainment of the recommendation. Conclusions: Different associations of demographic correlates with the physical activity recommendation for men and women were found, suggesting that gender-specific strategies for targeting the population or specific interventions might be more effective in promoting physical activity among Japanese adults.

  • ソーシャル・マーケティングを活用した介護予防の普及活動-行動変容関連指標および費用に対する効果-

    西方佳子, 柴田 愛, 中村好男, 岡 浩一朗

    応用老年学   3 ( 1 ) 26 - 35  2009


  • 都市部における高齢者の自主グループ活動を推進する要因

    橋口博行, 李 恩兒, 大渕修一, 柴田 愛, 中村好男, 岡 浩一朗

    応用老年学   3 ( 1 ) 68 - 77  2009


  • Psychological,social,and environmental factors to meeting physical activity recommendations among Japanese adults

    Ai Shibata, Koichiro Oka, Kazuhiro Harada, Yoshio Nakamura, Isao Muraoka

    International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity    2009  [Refereed]

  • Perception about Activities for Muscular Fitness Improvenment and its Intergeneration Difference in Japanese Adults

    Kazuhiro Harada, Koitiro Oka, Yoshio Nakamura

    International Journal of Sport and Health Science   7 ( 7 ) 96 - 102  2009

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    The present study identified what kinds of activities Japanese adults perceived as activities for muscular fitness improvement and examined the relationship between age and the perception about such activities. The sample was 1,636 Japanese adults (40.2±12.2years) collected from the registrants of a Japanese social research company. The study design was cross-sectional study using an internet questionnaire. The respondents selected all activities which they perceived as activities for muscular fitness improvement from 14 activities: push-ups, sit-ups, cleaning room, swimming, playing with child, going up and down stairs and slope, yoga, machines exercise, dumbbells exercise, stretching exercise, squat, jogging, rubber bands and tubes exercise, and walking. A chi-square test was utilized for examining the association between the perception and age groups. More than half of respondents treated sit-ups (82.1%), push-ups (72.3%), dumbbells exercise (66.4%), machines exercise (62.1%), squat (58.2%), rubber bands and tubes exercise (55.7%), and swimming (55.6%) as activities for muscular fitness improvement. On the other hand, 30-49% of them also perceived going up and down stairs and slope (46.7%), walking (32.5%), stretching exercise (31.7%), and jogging (30.4%) asactivities for muscular fitness improvement. Compared with younger people, older people were more likely to perceive walking and going up and down stairs and slopes as activities for muscular fitness improvement (p<0.05). It was concluded that the perception of activities for muscular fitness improvement in Japanese adults would be different from the activities for muscular fitness improvement recommended by current guidelines of the American College of Sports Medicine and the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.

    DOI CiNii

  • 健康づくりのための運動指針2006の認知状況と他の健康づくり施策の認知および人口統計学的変数との関連

    原田和弘, 高泉佳苗, 柴田 愛, 岡 浩一朗, 中村好男

    日本公衛誌   56 ( 10 ) 737 - 743  2009

  • 膝痛を有する中高齢女性の痛み対処方略と痛みの程度,痛みによる活動制限との関係

    野呂美文, 岡 浩一朗, 柴田 愛, 中村好男

    日本老年医学会雑誌   45 ( 5 ) 539 - 545  2008.09

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    Aim: The present study examined the association of pain coping strategy with pain and activity restriction among middle-aged and elderly women with the knee pain.<br> Methods: The participants were 134 female community residents (62.1±8.2 years) with knee pain. The pain and activity restriction were assessed with the Japanese Knee Osteoarthritis Measure (JKOM). The pain coping strategy was evaluated using the Japanese short version of the Coping Strategy Questionnaire (CSQ). A theoretical model was developed to explain the relationships among age, pain, activity restriction, and pain coping strategy. This model was then tested using structural equation modeling (SEM).<br> Results: The overall fit index was adequate for the final model (GFI=.980, AGFI=.946, CFI=.995, RMSEA=.022). SEM indicated that increasing age had a significant association with increasing pain, and indirect influence on progressive activity restriction. Also, aggravating pain was significantly associated with adopting more "praying or hoping", "catastrophizing", and "increasing pain behavior" as pain coping strategy, and indirectly affected progress in activity restriction.<br> Conclusions: The results indicate that reducing the use of maladaptive coping strategy would be important to promote the ability of pain self-management among middle-aged and elderly women with knee pain. The present study suggests that it would be necessary to incorporate the cognitive-behavioral approaches in order to modify the use of maladaptive coping strategy in existing therapeutic exercise intervention for knee pain.<br>

    DOI CiNii


  • 体操教室を中心とした地域高齢者ボランティア活動を継続運営する上での課題の抽出

    李 恩兒, 武田典子, 秋山由里, 中村好男

    応用老年学   2 ( 1 ) 71 - 76  2008.05

  • 虚弱な高齢者を対象とした運動特異的主観的健康度・機能状態尺度の開発

    原田 和弘, 太田暁美, 柴田 愛, 岡 浩一朗, 中村好男, 村岡功

    応用老年学   2 ( 1 ) 40 - 49  2008.05

  • 成人における運動に関する行動的スキルと運動行動の変容ステージの関連

    武田典子, 岡 浩一朗, 坂井健介, 中村好男

    行動医学研究   14 ( 1 ) 8 - 14  2008.03


  • 大学生の睡眠習慣に対する介入とセルフ・エフィカシーの般化についての検討

    原田和弘, 平井 啓, 荒井弘和, 岡 浩一朗, 中村好男

    行動医学研究   14 ( 1 ) 22 - 29  2008.03

  • Prevalence and Correlates of Strength Training among Japanese Adults:Analysis of the SSF National Sports-Life Survey 2006

    原田 和弘, 岡 浩一朗, 太田暁美, 柴田 愛, 中村好男

    International Journal of Sport and Health Science   6   66 - 71  2008

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    The purpose of the present study was to examine the prevalence of strength training among Japanese adults, and to identify the characteristics of individuals who engage in strength training regularly. The current data was collected from 3000 randomly selected Japanese adults in the SSF National Sports-Life Survey 2006 (Sasakawa Sports Foundation, 2006). The response rate was 62.2%. As a result, the prevalence of regular strength training (more than 2 times per week) was 3.9%. In particular, the rates of regular strength training were low in older individuals (60-69 years were 2.5%, over 70 years were 0.6%). Logistic regression analysis revealed that age, gender, smoking habit, and self-rated physical fitness were significantly correlated with regular strength training. These findings indicate that the majority of Japanese do not participate strength training, especially among the elderly, women, smokers, and those with a lower degree of physical fitness.

    DOI CiNii

  • 要介護者のためのBedside Mobility Scaleの開発

    牧迫 飛雄馬, 阿部 勉, 島田裕之, 阿部恵一郎, 小林聖美, 小口理恵, 大沼 剛, 木村英生, 中村好男

    理学療法学   35 ( 3 ) 81 - 88  2008

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    This study was intended to develop a Bedside Mobility Scale (BMS) and evaluate its reliability and validity for community-dwelling physically handicapped people. This preliminary study used a consensus exercise with five physical therapists to verify the BMS items that are essential to mobility assessment in a bed and indoors. The BMS was developed with 10 items with established face/content validity. The ten BMS items are rolling, changing to a preferred position on a bed, lying to sitting (plus sitting to lying), holding a sitting position, picking up something, sitting to standing, holding a standing position, transfers, locomotion inside (walking or handling a wheelchair independently). For each item, the BMS score is 0-4. Consequently, the maximum BMS score is 40. A physical therapist (A) evaluated its test-retest reliability by assessing 13 patients (5 males, 8 females; mean age 80.0 ± 10.5 years). Inter-rater reliability was examined by assessing 10 patients (3 males, 7 females; mean age 84.8 ± 7.7 years) by independent raters (physical therapist B and nurse C). Results indicate that BMS has high inter-rater (ICC = 0.97; p < 0.01) and test-retest (ICC = 0.97; p < 0.01) reliability. The second phase of this study was conducted at three home-visit nursing stations. Participants in the study were 163 physically handicapped patients who practiced home-based rehabilitation with a physical therapist or occupational therapist. For each patient, one assessor (a physical therapist or occupational therapist in charge) administered the BMS .at a patient's residence. Patients were assessed through direct observation of their performance at their bedside and indoors. The total BMS score was related significantly to the Barthel Index (r = 0.88, p < 0.01), the certified care levels (Government-Certified Disability Index) (r = - 0.70, p < 0.01) and the criterion of independence degree of daily living in the handicapped elderly (bed-ridden degree) (r = -0.85, p < 0.01). Moreover, the BMS score showed a significant difference between groups classified by the certified care levels and ADL of disabled elderly persons. These findings indicate that, when using the BMS to assess physically handicapped people, similar results are obtainable by different raters. These results support the use of the BMS, which is demonstrably reliable and valid. The BMS might enable classification of mobility and examination of physical therapy outcomes. Especially, findings in this study indicate that the BMS might be a valuable outcome in severely handicapped patients.


  • 虚弱高齢者における身体運動機能評価を目的とした5回椅子立ち座りテストの改良とその信頼性の検証

    牧迫飛雄馬, 太田暁美, 瀬高英之, 原田正彦, 中村好男, 村岡功

    スポーツ科学研究   5   71 - 78  2008


  • ウォーカーにおける生活習慣病の保有状況及びウォーキング実施による保有変化

    高泉佳苗, 原田和弘, 柴田 愛, 中村好男

    スポーツ科学研究   5   120 - 127  2008


  • ケアハウス居住者に実施した体操プログラムの継続的参加に関連する要因の検討

    トンプソン雅子, 太田暁美, 渡邊恵, 李 恩兒, 宮地正弘, 秋山由里, 中村好男

    スポーツ科学研究   5   137 - 143  2008


  • 運動器の機能向上に必要な行動心理学

    原田和弘, 中村好男

    高齢者ケアと医療がわかるGPnet   ( 9 ) 58 - 63  2008

  • Factors Associated with the Stages of Change for Strength Training Behavior

    Kazuhiro Harada, Koichiro Oka, Ai shibata, Akemi Ota, Junichi Okada, Yoshio Nakamura

    International Journal of Sport and Health Science   6   251 - 263  2008

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    The stages of change (Precontemplation, Contemplation, Preparation, Action, and Maintenance) are a key concept of the transtheoretical model. The present study, designed as a cross-sectional study using an Internet questionnaire, was intended to identify characteristics of stages of change for strength training behavior and to examine the relationship between them and self-efficacy for strength training behavior. Measured variables included stages of change for strength training behavior, moderate-vigorous physical activity, type of strength training, self-efficacy for strength training behavior, and socio-demographic variables. Subjects (5,177 Japanese adults; 40.1±12.0 years; recruited from registrants of a social research company) were in the following stages: 39.5% in Precontemplation; 25.1% in Contemplation; 21.0% in Preparation; 5.6% in Action; and 8.8% in Maintenance. The most common types of strength training activities were done at home (74.3%), used the subject's own body weight (60.4%), and were done in the subject's own way (85.1%). ANCOVA results showed a significant association between stages of change and moderate-vigorous physical activity. Subjects who were women, older, unemployed, with lower education levels, or with lower income significantly tended to be classified into the two earlier stages with the χ2 and Kruskal-Wallis tests. In multiple logistic regression analysis, self-efficacy predicted stages of change. Approaches to promote strength training such as enhancement of self-efficacy targeting those who were in earlier stages (e.g. older women) would be needed.

    DOI CiNii

  • ウォーカーを対象とした通信型栄養教育による栄養情報が食習慣と内臓脂肪面積に及ぼす効果-情報提供3ヶ月後のフォローアップ調査-

    高泉佳苗, 原田和弘, 李 恩兒, 中村好男

    肥満研究   14 ( 2 ) 151 - 158  2008

  • 「エクササイズガイド」の普及度と歩行習慣促進との関連性

    肥後梨恵子, 中村好男

    スポーツ産業学研究   18 ( 2 ) 45 - 51  2008

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    The purpose of this study was to identify the relationship between the Exercise and Physical Activity Guide (thereafter EPAG), formulated by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW), and those who have a walking habit. The survey in the study employed the same method as the one adopted by MHLW for the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, which aimed at evaluating the recognition level of the national health promotion policy. It was conducted on the Internet for 5 days in November 2007. The 1, 726 subjects chosen were above the age of 20 (40.3±12.3 age). Each questionnaire item was compared, and the results showed that there were significant differences in the recognition level of EPAG among the subjects; 40% of the people in the group that knew the contents of EPAG had the habit of walking more than 10, 000 steps a day.

    DOI CiNii

  • ウォーキング人口推計の課題-“ウォーキング実施者”の定義による差違-

    原田和弘, 中村好男

    ウォーキング研究   12 ( 12 ) 227 - 230  2008


  • Strength and Thickness of Knee Extensor Muscles in Frail Elderly People at Different Levels of Certified and Thickness of Knee Extensor Muscles in Frail Elderly People at Different Levels of Certified Care Need

    Akemi Ota, Megumi Ota, Yoshio Nakamura, Tetsuo Fukunaga, Isao Muraoka

    International Journal of Sport and Health Science   6   91 - 97  2008

  • ウォーキング習慣の定着を意図したウォーキング授業が大学生の身体活動に及ぼす効果

    李 恩兒, 片山祐実, 山脇加奈子, 秋山由里, 岡 浩一朗, 中村好男

    ウォーキング研究   12 ( 12 ) 213 - 220  2008


  • 米国におけるウォーキングと健康づくりに関する研究の動向

    原田和弘, 柴田 愛, 李 恩兒, 庄子博人, 木内虹平, 金 賢植, 片山祐実, 岡 浩一朗, 中村好男

    ウォーキング研究   12 ( 12 ) 221 - 225  2008


  • 高等学校における長距離歩行行事の意義と運営における問題点とその対処方法

    木内虹平, 原田和弘, 中村好男

    ウォーキング研究   12 ( 12 ) 127 - 133  2008


  • ウォーキングによるCo2削減

    中村好男, 赤木達規

    ウォーキング研究   12 ( 12 ) 83 - 86  2008


  • Factors Related to Participation in an Exercise Program for Nursing Home Residents

    Masako Thompson, Yoshio Nakamura, Isao Muraoka

    International Journal of Sport and Health Science    2008

  • The Effect of Perceived Satisfaction with Care-prevention Exercise Programs on Their Continuation of the Programs

    Akemi Ota, Masako Thompson, Yoshio Nakamura

    International Journal of Sport and Health Science   6   54 - 59  2008

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of perceived satisfaction with care-prevention exercise programs on the continuation of such programs. Thirty-two subjects out of 81 residents at an apartment home for seniors volunteered for this study as subjects. The subjects participated in either of two group exercise programs (GEP's) or the fragility screening battery test (FST) held in the residence. In the GEP's, the continuing participants showed significantly higher scores of satisfaction than the not-continuing participants (F=8.15, p<0.05), while there was no significant difference in satisfaction of FST between continuing and not-continuing participants. These results suggest that perceived satisfaction is important for continuation with care-prevention exercise programs.

    DOI CiNii

  • Determinants of Participation in Walking Program with Information Technology

    Kazuhiro Harada, Kanako Yamawaki, Yuri Akiyama, Koichiro Oka, Yoshio Nakamura

    International Journal of Sport and Health Science    2008

  • 高等学校における強歩大会の実態調査

    木内 虹平, 原田 和弘, 秋山 由里, 中村 好男

    ウォーキング研究   11 ( 11 ) 89 - 93  2007.12


  • ウォーカーにおける内臓脂肪蓄積に関与する生活習慣の検討

    高泉 佳苗, 原田 和弘, 李 恩兒, 中村 好男

    ウォーキング研究   11 ( 11 ) 225 - 229  2007.12


  • 携帯電話のメール機能を活用したウォーキングプログラムの開発

    山脇 加菜子, 岡 浩一朗, 中村 好男

    ウォーキング研究   11 ( 11 ) 231 - 237  2007.12


  • 長距離歩行における歩行環境の好みに関する調査

    佐藤 邦弘, 中村 好男

    ウォーキング研究   11 ( 11 ) 85 - 88  2007.12


  • 膝痛を有する中高齢女性を対象とした膝痛改善プログラムの効果

    野呂美文, 内藤健二, 鳥居 俊, 岡 浩一朗, 中村好男

    体力科学   56 ( 5 ) 501 - 508  2007.10

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    Objective : The present study examined the effects of the self-management print media intervention on improving quality of life. Methods : The study was designed as an intervention study. We conducted questionnaire research on women (JKOM, Japanese style CSQ) over 40 years old who had knee pain. After program relevance determination, self-management print media intervention and an exercise intervention were implemented. The participants were 63 women (self-management print media intervention), and 80 women (exercise intervention). We examined valiances of pain intensity and activity limitation and pain coping strategies on each intervention using Wilcoxon signed-ranks test. Results : Pain intensity and activity limitation improved in both interventions. On the other hand, pain coping strategies differed. In the self-management print media intervention, the scores of diverting attention, praying or hoping, increasing activity level and increasing pain behavior significantly decreased. For the exercise intervention, a significant decrease was seen in coping, self-statements, catastrophizing, increasing activity level, and increasing pain behavior. Conclusion : The results indicated that the self-management print media intervention had greater effect than the exercise intervention for women with knee pain. As one health assistance measure, this self-management print media intervention should become widely used.

    DOI CiNii


  • レクリエーション指導者が主体となった地域健康増進活動の事例-埼玉県狭山市「青空の会」について-

    李 恩兒, 秋山 由里, 中村好男

    Leisure & Recreation 自由時間研究   ( 30 ) 40 - 45  2007.03

  • ウォーキングクラブにおける集団歩行が個々のウォーカーの歩行ペースに及ぼす影響

    原田正彦, 秋山由里, 中村好男

    Leisure & Recreation 自由時間研究   ( 30 ) 74 - 78  2007.03

  • 身体活動に対する意識と歩行時間との関連

    関部和典, 中村好男

    Leisure & Recreation 自由時間研究   ( 30 ) 79 - 83  2007.03

  • 行動科学に基づく個別通信教育型ウォーキングプログラムの効果

    秋山由里, 古一眞未, 宮地正弘, 武田典子, 酒井健介, 岡 浩一朗, 中村好男

    体力科学   56 ( 1 ) 157 - 166  2007.02

  • Recommended level of physical activity and health-related quality of life among japanese adults

    Ai shibata, Koichiro Oka, Yoshio Nakamura, Isao Muraoka

    Health and Quality of Life Outcomes    2007  [Refereed]

  • 在宅要介護者の主介護者における介護負担感に関与する要因についての研究

    牧迫飛雄馬, 阿部 勉, 阿部恵一郎, 小林聖美, 小口理恵, 大沼 剛, 島田裕之, 中村好男

    日本老年医学会雑誌   45 ( 1 ) 59 - 67  2007

  • ウォーキング行動評価尺度の開発

    山脇加菜子, 武田典子, 秋山由里, 岡 浩一朗, 中村好男

    ウォーキング研究   10 ( 10 ) 109 - 113  2006.12


  • ウォーキングイベントの集客プロモーションにおける情報媒体の有効性

    武田典子, 中村好男

    ウォーキング研究   10 ( 10 ) 193 - 197  2006.12


  • 生涯スポーツの方法

    秋山由里, 中村好男

    体育の科学   56 ( 2 ) 101 - 102  2006.02

  • Stage of Change of Exercise Affects Health-Related Quality of Life.

    Y. Nakamura, H. Kikuchi, K. Oka, A. Ota, T. Miyauchi

    International Journal of Sport and Health Science   4   67 - 73  2006

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    This study examines the relationship between exercise and Health-related Quality of Life (HR-QOL). The HR-QOL was evaluated through a questionnaire survey, the SF-36, which is used world wide as a measure of HR-QOL. Normative data were gained from a lay away plan survey using a questionnaire containing the SF-36 and a stage of change for exercise (SCE). The questionnaire was sent to 1000 randomly selected subjects aged 20 or above with a response rate of 48.3% (n=483) at the baseline and 33.65% (n=257) at the 2-year follow-up stage. Findings suggest the SCE transition was associated with General Health and Vitality, while subjects who displayed a physically active lifestyle showed an increased tendency in Physical Functioning and Mental Health.

    DOI CiNii

  • 2) The effect of the perceived satisfaction with the care-prevention exercise programs to the continuation of the programs.

    A. Ohta, M. Tompthon, Y. Nakamura

    International Journal of Sport and Health Science   4  2006

  • 長距離歩行における車道側道の「歩きにくさ」に関する調査

    佐藤邦弘, 中村好男

    スポーツ科学研究   3   93 - 103  2006

  • 異なる形態のウォーキングプログラム参加者の特徴-運動行動の変容段階及び日歩数の観点からの検討-

    李恩兒, 宮地正弘, 秋山由里, 武田典子, 岡 浩一朗, 中村好男

    Walking Research   9  2005.12

  • 後期高齢者のQOL向上(介護予防)を目的とした運動プログラムの開発

    トンプソン雅子, 李恩兒, 日野水挙, 中村好男

    スポーツ科学研究   2 ( 1 ) 113 - 121  2005.12


  • 運動行動変容段階の無関心期における健康関連ステータスの特徴

    板倉正弥, 武田典子, 渡辺雄一郎, 酒井健介, 岡 浩一朗, 中村好男

    日本健康教育学会   13 ( 2 )  2005.12

  • 血流阻止および非血流阻止中の静的掌握運動時組織酸素動態

    河原弥生, 中村好男, 村岡功

    スポーツ科学研究   2   72 - 85  2005.07


  • 大学競泳用プールにおける地域中高齢者を対象とした水泳プログラムの開発

    渡邊 恵, 中村好男

    スポーツ科学研究   2   86 - 96  2005.07


  • Greater adenosine A2A receptor densities in cardiac and skeletal muscle in endurance-trained men: a [11C]TMSX PET study.

    M. Mizuno, Y. Kimura, K. Tokizawa, K. Ishii, K. Oda, T. Sasaki, Y. Nakamura, I. Muraoka, K. Ishikawa

    Nuclear Medicine and Biology   32   831 - 836  2005.07

  • 運動ソーシャルサポートおよびウォーキング環境認知と身体活動・運動の促進との関係

    板倉正弥, 古一眞未, 岡浩一朗, 武田典子, 中村好男, 酒井健介

    体力科学   54 ( 3 ) 219 - 228  2005.06

  • 運動(ウォーキング)定着のための介入プログラムが栄養摂取状況に及ぼす影響

    酒井健介, 竹並恵里, 板倉正弥, 武田典子, 古一眞未, 岡浩一郎, 中村好男

    ウォーキング研究   8 ( 8 ) 163 - 169  2004.12


  • 通信教育型ウォーキングプログラム参加者の特徴

    秋山由里, 宮地正弘, 古一眞未, 武田典子, 岡浩一朗, 中村好男

    ウォーキング研究   8 ( 8 ) 183 - 186  2004.12


  • トップスポーツビジネスの最前線 (平田竹男・中村好男編著)

    平田竹男, 中村好男

    友人社    2004.10

  • BMIおよび血中脂質(TG)に及ぼす運動週間の影響-この10年間(1991年および2001年)の国民栄養調査結果の比較- (小島満壽男、中村好男)

    小島満壽男, 中村好男

    体育の科学   54(9):749-752  2004.09

  • プリントメディアを用いたウォーキングプログラムの効果 (龍雅仁、酒井健介、岡浩一郎、板倉正弥、武田典子、中村好男)

    龍雅仁, 酒井健介, 岡浩一郎, 板倉正弥, 武田典子, 中村好男

    ヒューマンサイエンスリサーチ   13:245-253  2004.08

  • 行動変容初期段階の動機づけの準備性に及ぼすウォーキングプロモーションビデオの効果 (古一眞未、酒井健介、岡浩一郎、中村好男)

    古一眞未, 酒井健介, 岡浩一郎, 中村好男

    ヒューマンサイエンスリサーチ   13:235-244  2004.08

  • 紙誌広告による健康情報の需要に関する運動行動変容段階の影響 (トンプソン雅子、中村好男)

    トンプソン雅子, 中村好男

    ヒューマンサイエンスリサーチ   13:211-220  2004.08

  • アンチエイジング医学身体活動(運動)処方


    日本抗加齢医学会専門医・指導士認定委員会編「アンチエイジング医学の基礎と臨床」。メジカルビュー社。   pp.200-202  2004.06

  • Potential of [11C]TMSX for the evalluation of adenosine A2A receptors in the skeletal muscle by positron emission tomography.

    K. Ishikawa, M. Mizuno, Y. Kimura, K. Kawamura, K. Oda, T. Sasaki, Y. Nakamura, I. Muraoka, K. Ishii

    Nuclear Medicine and Biology   31   946 - 945  2004.06

  • ウォーキングプログラムの開発におけるゲートウェイとしての食事・栄養情報の活用

    酒井健介, 岡浩一朗, 板倉正弥, 渡邊雄一郎, 武田典子, 古一眞未, 中村好男

    日本健康教育学会誌   12 ( 1 ) 29 - 38  2004.04

    DOI CiNii

  • 飛騨流葉自然休養園「飛騨流葉カントリーウォーク」調査研究

    武田典子, 中村好男

    ストレス科学研究   19  2004.03

  • 身体活動・運動行動と健康支援〜行動変容技法を用いた効果的な介入プログラムの開発に向けて〜(岡浩一郎、武田典子、中村好男)

    岡浩一郎, 武田典子, 中村好男

    現代のエスプリ   440, pp.128-137  2004.03

  • Regional differences in blood volume and blood transit time in resting skeletal muscle. (M. Mizuno, Y. Kimura, T. Iwakawa, K. Oda, K. Ishii, K. Ishikawa, Y. Nakamura, and I. Muraoka)

    M. Mizuno, Y. Kimura, T. Iwakawa, K. Oda, K. Ishii, K. Ishikawa, Y. Nakamura, I. Muraoka

    Jpn. J. Physiol.   53(6): 467-470  2003.12  [Refereed]

  • 職域におけるプリントメディアを用いたウォーキングプログラムの開発。(龍雅仁、酒井健介、岡浩一郎、板倉正弥、武田典子、中村好男)

    龍雅仁, 酒井健介, 岡浩一郎, 板倉正弥, 武田典子, 中村好男

    ウォーキング研究   7:141-149  2003.12

  • 成人の運動行動と運動ソーシャルサポートの関係。(板倉正弥、岡浩一郎、武田典子、渡辺雄一郎、中村好男)

    板倉正弥, 岡浩一郎, 武田典子, 渡辺雄一郎, 中村好男

    ウォーキング研究   7:151-158  2003.12

  • ウォーキング教室終了後の運動実施に影響を及ぼす要因。 (渡辺真実、村岡功、中村好男)

    渡辺真実, 村岡功, 中村好男

    健康・体力・栄養   9(1):14-21  2003.12

  • トップスポーツビジネス


    新鐘:「早稲田に聞け!スポーツ」   69  2003.12

  • ウォーキング推進のための社会マーケティングモデル。(中村好男)


    ウォーキング研究   7:35-39  2003.12

  • 行動科学に基づいたウォーキング推進ビデオの開発とその概要〜にこにこウォーキングのススメ〜。(古一眞未、酒井健介、岡浩一郎、中村好男)

    古一眞未, 酒井健介, 岡浩一郎, 中村好男

    ウォーキング研究   7:131-139  2003.12

  • Calcineurin is not involved in some mitochondrial enzyme adaptations to endurance exercise training in rat skeletal muscle. (S. Terada, H. Nakagawa, Y. Nakamura, and I. Muraoka)

    S. Terada, H. Nakagawa, Y. Nakamura, I. Muraoka

    Eur. j. Appl. Physiol.   90: 210-217  2003.07

  • Regional differences in blood flow and oxygen consumption in resting muscle and their relationship during recovery from exhaustive exercise. (M. Mizuno, Y. Kimura, T. Iwakawa, K. Oda, K. Ishii, K. Ishikawa, Y. Nakamura, and I. Muraoka)

    M. Mizuno, Y. Kimura, T. Iwakawa, K. Oda, K. Ishii, K. Ishikawa, Y. Nakamura, I. Muraoka

    J. Appl. Physiol   95:2204-2210  2003.07

  • 運動・スポーツの実施と健康関連QOL。(菊池広人、岡浩一郎、中村好男、村岡功)

    菊池広人, 岡浩一郎, 中村好男, 村岡功

    体育の科学   53(6):455-459  2003.06

  • Blood pressure and muscle sympathetic nerve activity during cold pressor stress: Fitness and gender. (R.K. Dishman, Y. Nakamura, E.M. Jackson, and C.A. Ray)

    R.K. Dishman, Y. Nakamura, E.M. Jackson, C.A. Ray

    Psychophysiology   40(3): 370-380  2003.05  [Refereed]

  • 行動科学に基づいたグループ学習型ウォーキングプログラムの開発。(武田典子、酒井健介、板倉正弥、中村好男)

    武田典子, 酒井健介, 板倉正弥, 中村好男

    運動疫学研究   5:58-65  2003.04

  • Physical Activity Promotionの系譜と今後の課題


    運動疫学研究   5:13-16  2003.04

  • 簡易加速度計における運動強度指標とMETsとの関係性。(板倉正弥、中村好男)

    板倉正弥, 中村好男

    早稲田大学体育学研究紀要   35: 81-85  2003.03

  • 総合型地域スポーツクラブの育成・運営評価のための会計試案。(中村好男、菊池広人、間野義之、木村和彦、宮内孝知)

    中村好男, 菊池広人, 間野義之, 木村和彦, 宮内孝知

    スポーツ産業学研究   13(1):79-85  2003.03

  • 下腿の運動強度及び低圧阻血が前腕と下腿の同時運動時における循環系応答に及ぼす影響。(時沢健、水野正樹、中村好男、村岡功)

    時沢健, 水野正樹, 中村好男, 村岡功

    体育学研究   48(2): 225-235  2003.03

  • 高強度自転車運動後の回復期における筋酸素動態。(河原弥生、水野正樹、大森一伸、中村好男、村岡功)

    河原弥生, 水野正樹, 大森一伸, 中村好男, 村岡功

    運動生理学雑誌   10(1):9-16  2003.03

  • 乳酸は筋活動の限界因子となるか


    体育の科学   53;2, pp.81-84  2003.02

  • Blood pressure and muscle sympathetic nerve activity during cold pressor stress: Fitness and gender.

    Psychophysiology   40(3): 370-380  2003  [Refereed]

  • 「転倒予防教室〜転倒予防への医学的対応〜、第二版(武藤芳照ほか編)」、「高齢者の運動処方の基本的概念」(pp.51-57).


    日本医事新報社    2002.12

  • 身体活動量増進のためのソーシャルマーケティング手法の導入—ウォーキングプログラム参加者の特徴—

    武田典子, 中村好男

    ウォーキング研究   No.6、pp.167-171  2002.11

  • プログラム前の日常生活活動量の違いからみたウォーキング奨励プログラムの効果

    萩原あいか, 中村好男, 林葉子, 村岡功

    ウォーキング研究   No.6,pp.173-177  2002.11

  • 中高年齢者を対象としたウォーキング活動中の発汗量と汗中ミネラル成分の検討

    酒井健介, 稲葉洋美, 坪井理恵, 太田篤胤, 中村好男

    ウォーキング研究   No.6、pp.109-113  2002.11

  • 潜在的ウォーキング人口の特徴

    菊池広人, 中村好男

    ウォーキング研究   No.6、pp.161-165  2002.11

  • Influence of fittness and gender on blood pressure responses during active or passive stress

    Psychophysiology   39:568-576  2002.10

  • Influence of fittness and gender on blood pressure responses during active or passive stress

    R.K. Dishman, E.M. Jackson, Y. Nakamura

    Psychophysiology   39:568-576  2002.10

  • 自転車ペダリングにおける筋活動様式に及ぼす足位置の影響

    中本洋平, 中村好男

    早稲田大学体育学研究紀要   34:81-86  2002.08

  • 運動・スポーツ実践者の増加におよぼす総合型地域スポーツクラブの役割

    笹渕拓郎, 菊池広人, 中村好男, 村岡功

    体育の科学/杏林書院   vol.52:no,6;pp491-495  2002.06

  • 高齢者の運動処方の基本概念


    CLINIKAL CALCIUM/医療ジャーナル社   12:4;21-26  2002.04

  • 運動時心拍変動の定量と評価


    自律神経   39巻2号  2002.04

  • 系統発生的動作か個体発生的動作か—歩くと走る—


    才能教育論—スポーツ科学からみて—/財団法人放送大学教育振興会    2002.03

  • 潜在的スポーツ人口のスポーツニーズ

    菊池広人, 中村好男, 遠藤大哉, 木村和彦, 宮内孝知

    スポーツ産業学研究/日本スポーツ産業学会   vol.12,No.1:31-38  2002.03

  • 長時間運動後の糖質・タンパク質混合物摂取が日本人陸上長距離選手の回復期の血中エネルギー基質ならびに関連ホルモン動態に及ぼす影響

    寺田新, 大森一伸, 中村好男, 村岡功

    日本運動生理学雑誌   9;1:47-52  2002.02

  • スキルの生理学


    スポーツ生理学/市村出版    2001.11

  • 運動と循環

    加賀屋淳子, 中村好男

    有)ナップ    2001.10

  • ウォーキングの組織づくり

    木谷道宣, 中村好男

    ウォーキング学会叢書/ウォーキング学会    2001.08

  • サイクリストと非サイクリストにおけるペダリング運動中の大腿部の筋酸素化動態の比較

    岩川孝志, 中村好男, 村岡功

    体力科学/日本体力医学会   50;4:492-499  2001.08

  • 健康作りのために-運動-


    公共建築/社団法人公共建築協会   43-3♯169:11-15  2001.07

  • 中高年者のウオーキング参加とその継続


    ウォーキング科学   4:27-32  2001.03

  • 遠隔講座を利用したウォーキングプログラムの開発


    早稲田大学体育研究紀要   33:43-49  2001.03

  • 歩行における速度増加時に歩幅あるいは歩調で対応する人々の比較

    笹渕拓郎, 鳥居俊, 中村好男, 村岡功

    ウォーキング科学   4:79-82  2001.03

  • 高齢者の筋骨格系機能維持のための運動処方の開発と評価

    中村好男, 江明玲, 鳥居俊, 岡田純一, 村岡功

    研究報告書/財)総合健康推進財団   15回 H10年度助成事業:112-119  2001.02

  • A walking program using satelite communication

      33/,43-49  2001

  • ウォーキングプログラム終了一年後の運動習慣と身体活動量の推理

    武田典子, 萩原あいか, 渡辺真実, 中村好男

    ウォーキング研究/ウォーキング学会   NO.5:87-93  2001

  • 実施頻度別に見たウォーキングイメージの検討

    笹渕拓郎, 中村好男

    ウォーキング研究/ウォーキング学会   No5:95-99  2001

  • どう進むスポーツ科学


    体育科教育   49(1):26-29  2001.01

  • 健康づくりのためのフィットネスファーム

    中村好男, 村岡功, 宮内孝知, 鳥居俊, 岡田純一

    岡田守彦他編「高齢者の生活機能増進法地域システムと具体的ガイドライン」/ナップ東京   pp.253‐258  2000.12

  • 地域スポーツクラブにおける中高年者のスポーツ活動


    早稲田大学生涯スポーツ研究所シンポジウム    2000.12

  • 生活活動量から見た高齢者フィットネスプログラム効果の特異性

    江明玲, 岡田純一, 中村好男, 鳥居俊, 村岡功

    岡田守彦他編「高齢者の生活機能増進法地域システムと具体的ガイドライン」/ナップ東京   pp.361‐363  2000.12

  • 日常生活活動度に及ぼすウォーキング奨励プログラムの効果

    萩原あいか, 林葉子, 中村好男, 村岡功

    体力科学   49: 571-580  2000.10

  • 健康的ライフスタイルの獲得と定着の個人差を生む要因


    小野スポーツ科学   8:47-58  2000.10

  • Assessment of regional change of glucose metabolism after high-intensity exercise in exercised muscle using positron emission tomography.

    K. Ohmori, Shin-ya Kuno, Y. Kimura, M. Mizuno, Y. Nakamura, I. Muraoka, F. Ohta, M. Mishima, H. Toyama, M. Senda

    Adv. Exerc. Sports Physiol   6(3):81-84  2000.10

  • Heart rate variability, trait anxiety, and perceived stress among physically fit men and women.

    R.K. Dishman, Y. Nakamura, M.E. Garcia, R.W. Thompson, A.L. Dunn, S.N. Blair

    Int. J. Psychophysiol.   37: 121-133,  2000.08  [Refereed]

  • ウォーキングによる体脂肪率減少効果における肥満度特異性

    渡辺真実, 村岡功, 中村好男

    健康・体力・栄養   7:11-15  2000.03

  • ストレス回復とスポーツ〜リフレッシュウォーキングプログラムの開発〜

    中村好男, 村岡功, 笹渕拓郎, 上田雅夫

    ストレス科学研究   15,pp.70-82  2000.03

  • 高齢者の健康増進を目的としたウォーキングプログラムの開発


    早稲田大学体育研究紀要   32:67-73  2000.03

  • スポーツ生理学の理論と競技力向上


    早稲田大学体育研究紀要   32:15-21  2000.03

  • ジュニア期のフィットネス評価システム構築に関する研究—第1報—Ⅲ.データベース活用システム


    平成11年度日本体育協会スポーツ医・科学研究報告    2000.03

  • 「ウォーキング」が日常生活活動に及ぼす効果

    萩原あいか, 中島葉子, 中村好男, 村岡功

    ウォーキング科学   3,pp.77-83  2000.02

  • Walking Program for Healthy Elderly

      32/,67-73  2000

  • Sientific Aids Sports : Physiological Aspect

      32/,15-21  2000

  • Heat rate varaiability, trait anxiety, and preceived stress among physically fit men and women

    Int. J. Psychopysysiol.   37/,121-133  2000  [Refereed]


      49/,571-580  2000  [Refereed]

  • Determinants of indivisual difference for adherence of active lifestyle

      8/,47-58  2000

  • Assessment of Regional change of Grucose Metabolisum after High exersize in Exercized Musculde using Positron Emission Tomography

    Adv. Exerc. Sports Physiol.   6/3,81-84  2000

  • スポーツ的肉体改造にみる性差〜生理学的アプローチ〜


    第5回「性と生殖」公開シンポジウム/早大人総研    1999.12

  • 身体加工のゆくえ


    現代スポーツ評論   1,pp.20-39  1999.11

  • ペダリング運動時の下肢関節トルクにおけるサイクリストと非サイクリストの比較

    星川秀利, 玉木啓一, 藤本浩志, 木村裕一, 斉藤浩一, 佐藤吉朗, 中村好男, 村岡功

    体力科学   48;5,pp.547-558  1999.10

  • フルクトース摂取が長時間運動終盤における高強度運動時のパフォーマンスに及ぼす影響

    寺田新, 大森一伸, 中村好男, 村岡功

    体力科学   48;3,pp.343-352  1999.06

  • 無酸素性作業閾値にみる科学的データの恣意性Ⅲ〜科学的データの恣意性〜


    体育科教育   47;4,pp.64-66  1999.04

  • 健康戦略としてウォーキングを選択する人々の意識

    中村好男, 中島葉子, 萩原あいか, 村岡功

    人間科学研究   12;pp.129-136  1999.03

  • 無酸素性作業閾値にみる科学的データの恣意性 II 〜閾値判定の恣意性〜


    体育科教育   47;4 pp.60-62  1999.03

  • 無酸素性作業閾値にみる科学的データの恣意性 I 〜呼吸データ計測における先入見の役割〜


    体育科教育   47;3 pp.53-55  1999.02


      48/3,343-352  1999  [Refereed]


      48/5,547-558  1999  [Refereed]

  • 運動中の血液循環と酸素供給:血液循環に関わる中枢制御と末梢制御


    日本体育学会第49回大会:運動生理学シンポジウム    1998.10

  • 運動時の循環調節に心理的要因がどのように影響するか


    J. Exerc. Sci.   8; pp.52-54  1998.10

  • 最大下での間欠的持久運動が血中カテコールアミン、インスリンおよびエネルギー基質の応答に及ぼす影響

    大森一伸, 村岡功, 中村好男, 太田冨貴雄

    体力科学   47;5 pp.499-508  1998.10

  • エアロビックパワー


    呼吸-運動に対する応答とトレーニング効果(宮村実晴ほか編)/ナップ   pp.194-205  1998.09

  • エアロビックパワー


    呼吸-運動に対する応答とトレーニング効果(宮村実晴ほか編)/ナップ   pp.194-205  1998.09  [Refereed]

  • エアロビックパワー


    呼吸-運動に対する応答とトレーニング効果(宮村実晴ほか編)/ナップ   pp.194-205  1998.09

  • 運動時血液循環に関わる末梢調節の意義(問題提起)


    第5回「運動と循環」研究会    1998.07

  • スポーツによる生理的変化


    アスレチックトレーナーのためのスポーツ医学(宮永・河野・白木編)/南江堂   pp.18-22  1998.07

  • 連載:インターネット時代のスポーツ科学(第13章〜第20章)


    体育の科学   48;4-48;11  1998.04

  • からだの入れ替え:組織内機能としての個体の互換性


    日本運動生理学雑誌   5;1, pp.113-114  1998.03

  • 高温環境下での長時間運動における糖質摂取が体温調節、呼吸循環系ならびに血中エネルギー基質に及ぼす効果

    大森一伸, 村岡功, 中村好男, 太田冨貴雄

    早稲田大学体育学研究紀要   30, pp.45-53  1998.03

  • Temporal effect of muscle contraction on respiratory sinus arrhythmia.

    Y. Nakmaura, N. Hayashi, I. Muraoka

    Meth. Inform. Med.   36, pp.268-270  1997.12  [Refereed]

  • 運動時の循環調節に心理的要因がどのように影響するか


    日本女子体育大学基礎体力研究所第8回研究フォーラム J. Exerc. Sci.   8:52-54  1997.11

  • 中高年者のスポーツ・体力づくりの原則


    中高年のスポーツ医学(田島直也ほか編)/南江堂   pp.19-26  1997.05

  • Little effect of endurance training on heart rate and heart rate variability at sitting rest.

    N. Hayashi, Y. Nakamura, I. Muraoka

    Adv. Exerc. Sports Physiol.   3;1, pp.17-22  1997.05

  • 連載:インターネット時代のスポーツ科学(第1章〜第12章)


    体育の科学   47;4-48;3  1997.04

  • 日常生活活動の行為決定要因についての基礎的検討


    ヒューマンサイエンス   9;2  1997.03

  • Temporal Effect of Muscle Contraction on Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia

    Methods of Information in Medicine   36/,268-270  1997  [Refereed]

  • 換気閾値と乳酸閾値


    からだの「仕組み」のサイエンス〜運動生理学の最前線〜(宮下・加賀谷編)/杏林書院    1997.01

  • 健康のための運動と体力-その経緯と展望-


    ヒューマンサイエンス   9;1  1996.11

  • 呼吸のしくみ


    トレーニング科学ハンドブック(トレーニング科学研究会編)/朝倉書店    1996.10

  • 乳酸と疲労


    メカライフ   44  1996.06

  • 持久的トレーニングが安静時の心拍数および自律神経活動に及ぼす影響

    林直亨, 中村好男, 村岡功

    心臓リハビリテーション   1;1  1996.05

  • レジスタンストレーニングにおける高速度運動が筋横断面積および運動速度に及ぼす影響

    久枝光, 中村好男, 久野譜也, 福永哲夫, 村岡功

    体力科学   45;2  1996.04

  • 先行する腕運動が脚による最大運動時のパフォーマンスに及ぼす影響

    中島葉子, 長洲亜希子, 中村好男, 村岡功

    体育学研究紀要/体育局   28  1996.03

  • 運動処方における「快適強度」の意味


    人間科学研究/人間科学部   9  1996.03

  • Cardiac Autonomic Control and Muscle Sympathetic Nerve Activity during Dynamic Exercise

    M. Saito, Y. Nakamura

    Jpn. J. Physiol./日本生理学会   45  1995.12  [Refereed]

  • 心拍ゆらぎが意味するもの-自律神経とカオス?


    Jpn. J. Sports Sci./日本バイオメカニクス学会   14;5  1995.10

  • AT,LT,OBLAとは


    循環器Now 10「運動指導・運動療法」/南江堂   pp.65-67  1995.10

  • On the fractal nature of heart rate variability in humans: effects of vagal blockade

    Y. Yamamoto, Y. Nakamrua, H. Sato, M. Yamamoto, K. Kato, R. L. Hughson

    Am. J. Physiol./American Physiological Society   269  1995.10  [Refereed]

  • 身体トレーニングが自律神経系機構に与える影響

    中村好男, 林直亨, 村岡功

    体力研究/明治生命厚生事業団   88  1995.05

  • シンポジウム-ゆらぎ現象解析とその意義「ゆらぎ現象解析は役に立つか-a critical review」


    「第34回日本ME学会大会」医用電子と生体工学/日本ME学会   33;suppl.  1995.05

  • 一過性の運動中および運動後の自律神経活動に及ぼす運動強度の影響

    林直亨, 中村好男, 村岡功

    体力科学/日本体力医学会   44;2  1995.04

  • On the fractal nature of heart rats variability in humans : effects of vagal blockade.

    American Journal of Physiology   269/,R830-R837  1995  [Refereed]

  • Exercise Prescription for Beginner's Cycling : A Case Report

    WASEDA Studies in Human Sciences   8/1,191-198  1995

  • Effect of Physical Training on Autonomic Nervons System

    Bulletin of the Physical Fitness Research Institute   /88,65-73  1995

  • Effect of Exercise Intensity on Autonomic Nervous System Activity during and after Acute Exercises

    Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine   44/2,279-286  1995

  • Cardiac Antonomic control and muscle sympathetic nerve activity during dynamic exercise.

    Japanese Journal of Physiology   45/,961-977  1995  [Refereed]

  • 初心者を対象としたサイクリング運動処方の事例


    早稲田大学人間科学研究   8/1,191-198  1995

  • 心拍変動パワースペクトルからみた自律神経活動


    体育の科学   44:6;432-436  1994.06

  • 人間科学から考えた身体とスポーツ

    体育の科学   44/4,280-286  1994

  • Autonomic regulation after submaximal exercise studied by heart rate variability

    Tokyo Journal of Sport and Physical Education   35-40  1993

  • Autonomic control of heart rate during physical exercise and fractal dimension of heart rate variability

    Journal of Applied Physiology   74/2,875-881  1993  [Refereed]

  • 心拍変動からみた運動後自律神経応答におよぼす加齢の影響


    東京体育学研究1993年度報告   35-40  1993

  • 心拍数の神経性調節および心拍変動の定量的意義


    Japanese Journal of SPORTS SCIENSES   12:8;489-493  1993

  • スポーツと科学


    東京体育学研究1993年度報告   38423  1993

  • ペダリング運動におけるスキルの評価

    星川秀利, 木村裕一, 玉木啓一, 藤本浩志, 中村好男, 村岡功

    バイオメカニズム学会誌   17/3,173-182  1993

  • Work Intensity during Pedal-Stepping Exercise Determined Using A Stair Simulator Based On Vertical Velocity

    Jpn. J. Phys. Fitness Sports Med.   15008  1992

  • Cardiac Autonomic Regulation after moderate and exhaustive exercise

    Ann. Physiol. Anthrop.   38659  1992

  • Autonomic Nervous System Responses to Exercise in Relation to Ventilatory Threshold

    Chest   101  1992  [Refereed]

  • 階段登行を模した足踏運動の運動強度評価の問題点

    中村好男, 恩田悦守, 村岡功

    体力科学   15008  1992

  • 体力指標としてのいわゆるATの意味


    臨床スポーツ医学   38602  1992

  • 一般健常人と持久競技選手における換気閾値、乳酸閾値、OBLAの標準値について


    トレーニング科学   38443  1992

  • Ventilatory Threshold As A Event of Sympatho-Vagal Transition in Autonomic Nervous Controls

    Bull. Phys. Fitness Res. Institute   77  1991

  • Excess CO2 Output Independent of Hyperventilation During Constant-Load Exercise

    Jpn. J. Phys. Fitness Sports Med.   14732  1991

  • 心拍変動のスペクトルとフラクタル

    中村好男, 山本義春

    体育の科学   15158  1991

  • 健康の維持・増進のための適正な運動強度の探索

    中村好男, 山本義春

    体力研究   77  1991

  • 一定負荷運動中のガス交換動態からみた換気高進と二酸化炭素過剰排出との連関について

    中村好男, 恩田悦守, 村岡功

    体力科学   14732  1991

  • Spertral Analysis of Heart Rate Variability during Constant and pseudorandom exercise.

    Ann. Physiol. Anthrop.   38597  1990

  • 東日本大震災の電力不足及び放射能拡散が首都圏京阪神圏在住成人の身体活動に与えた影響に関する意識調査

    荒木邦子, 原田和弘, 塩田琴美, 中村好男

    スポーツ科学研究   9   332 - 337

▼display all

Books and Other Publications

  • メタボリックシンドロームに効果的な運動・スポーツ 第6章-2ウォーキング(分担執筆p.93-105)


    NAP  2011.11 ISBN: 9784905168119

  • アンチエイジング医学の基礎と臨床 改訂2版 Ⅲアンチエイジング身体活動(運動)処方(p.292-293)

    日本抗加齢医学会, 専門医, 指導士認定委員会, 編集

    メディカルビュー  2008.11 ISBN: 9784758304788

  • 健康と運動の疫学入門 4.2健康施策との観点から 4.2.1健康日本21(分担執筆、p.214-222)

    熊谷 秋三

    医学出版  2008.10 ISBN: 9784287190012

  • ゆるみ筋&こわばり筋のコンディショニング

    矢野史也, 中村好男

    道和書院  2008.06 ISBN: 9784810521078

  • 健康運動指導マニュアル Ⅳ.2.エアロビック・エクササイズ①②(分担執筆、pp:217-225)

    佐藤祐造, 川久保清, 田畑泉, 口満

    文光堂  2008.02

  • 行動科学を活かした身体活動運動支援

    下光輝一, 中村好男, 岡浩一朗

    大修館書店  2006.09

  • トップスポーツビジネスの最前線─「勝利」「マーケット」「普及」のトリプルミッション

    平田竹男, 中村好男

    講談社  2006.07

  • トップスポーツビジネスの最前線─勝利と収益を生む戦略

    平田竹男, 中村好男

    講談社  2006.07

  • トップスポーツビジネスの最前線─スポーツライティングから放映権ビジネスまで

    平田竹男, 中村好男

    講談社  2006.07

  • 運動と循環

    加賀屋淳子, 中村好男

    NAP  2001.10 ISBN: 493141124X

  • AT:その変遷と新しい理解

    中村好男, 山本義春

    ブックハウスHD  1993

  • ATの話

    中村好男, 山本義春

    ブックハウスHD  1989

▼display all

Research Projects

  • Physical activity promotion strategy for eldery person based on a social cognitive theory

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Nakamura Yoshio

     View Summary

    The purpose of this study was investigate the effects of social cognitive approach on promoting physical activity for elderly people. The health monitoring group was developed for this investigation. The personal reviews of acquaintance were more effective than Web media to promote walking activity for elderly people. Physical activity promotion might have a limited strategy for opportunities on improving the quality of life through health promotion of the elderl

  • Strategy for physical activity promotion from a view point of perceived benefits of walking

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    NAKAMURA Yoshio

     View Summary

    The purpose of this study aimed at verifying the relationship between Eco-Friendly-Attitude (EFA) and physical activity from a view point of perceived benefits from walking behavior. EFA was confirmed for reliability and validity in four items. EFA was significantly related to total physical activity (150 minutes or more / week) as confirmed by logistical regression analysis. These results suggested that EFA is related to physical activity

  • Developing water-based exercise for preventing long-term care among the frail elderly with lower-limb pain

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    MURAOKA Isao, NAKAMURA Yoshio, OKA Koichiro, SHIBATA Ai

     View Summary

    The present study examined the short-and long-term effect of water-based exercise program on functional fitness, health-related QOL among frail elderly women with lower-limb pain. Elderly women aged 65 years or older with confirmed knee and/or low back pain participated in a 12-week water-based exercise program. The findings indicate that the water-based exercise program can not only improve functional mobility and lower muscular strength, but also enhance general health perception and reduce bodily pain perception on health-related QOL among elderly women with lower-limb pain.

  • Development of the pain self-management model among middle-aged and older adults with knee pain

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    OKA Koichiro, NAKAMURA Yoshio, SHIBATA Ai

  • Developing long-term care prevention program and establishing its operating system on the view of sports science

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



     View Summary

    In order to practice the appropriate screening, management, provided program, and evaluation for physiological, psychological, and behavioral characteristics of participants such as healthy elderly, frail elderly in long-term care prevention, the current study was conducted on 5following areas based on prepared long-term care prevention system in the first year : identifying physical, psychological, behavioral correlates of elderly needed long-term care prevention, 2) developing exercise programs for long-term care prevention, 3) developing assessment tools related to long-term care prevention, 4) developing long-term care prevention promoting programs, and 5) establishing environmental projects and operating system of long-term care prevention projects. On the 1st area, physiological characteristics(skeletal muscle mass and thickness) in wide-aged range of the elderly and behavioral correlates of engaging in resistance training and health-related physical activity were investigated. Additionally, the studies were conducted for not only the frail elderly but also healthy elderly and those with chronic disease such as cardiovascular diseases and knee osteoarthritis. On the 2nd area, exercise programs and equipments were developed based on the result of the first area and examined its effectiveness. On the 3rd area, physical functional measures and psychological scale to evaluate effectiveness of the long-term care prevention programs in the frail elderly, which has not been previously studied, were developed and demonstrated its validity and reliability. Also, scales to assess communication skill and self-efficacy in the care-giver were newly developed and evaluated. On the 4th area, developing the dissemination activity to participate in promotional program of long-term care prevention and cultivating program of community-based volunteer supporters were conducted. Finally, operating systems on various provided situations of long-term care prevention services such as comprehensive community support center and private consignment organizations(fitness companies and organizations conducted the long-term care prevention programs with public facility) were established on the5th area.

  • Development and Evaluation Social Marketing Approach for physical activity promotion.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    NAKAMURA Yoshio

     View Summary

    The aim of this study was to develop and evaluate the social marketing approach for physical activity promotion based on the "walking promotion" strategy. Three kinds of promotion media, group instruction on face-to-face, postal correspondence course, and video, were compared from a view point of physical activity enhancement.In the first year, three kinds of walking program, (1) the group walking instruction program on the community basis, (2) the print-media program at the workplace, and (3) the walking promotion video contents for early stage population on TTM, were developed and tried for the respective targeted subjects. The comparison of the group walking instruction around the community center (n=43) with the health education programs on diet, nutrition and physical activity (n=19) suggested that walking practice would have an important role for increasing physical activity, especially pedometer counts and moderate and vigorous physical activity. The print-media program at workplace intervention (n=65) revealed the limitation of the non face-to-face approach. The effect of a walking promotion video could have possibility to change the motivation and readiness for walking on the early stage population.In the second year, five kinds of research projects were executed as following ; (1) the cost analysis of the walking promotion programs, (2) the social and physical environmental influences associated with the group walking program, (3) "Walking-Mileage" as an incentive for physical activity promotion, (4) the characteristics of the participants in walking programs, (5) the effect of community based intervention using the individual feedback information in a correspondence course type walking program based on behavioral strategy.In the final year, three kinds of research projects were executed as following ; (1) data analysis and documentation including the follow-up phase on the community based intervention, (2) the development of the walking behavior assessment scale, (3) effectiveness of the information media in walking event promotion for attracting new participants.These results suggested the effectiveness of the walking experience with face-to-face instruction and also the inexpensive correspondence program by print-media with the proper information from the view points of behavioral technique

  • Effect of job creation according to privatization of public sport facilities

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    MANO Yoshiyuki, YOKOTA Masatoshi, NAKAMURA Yoshio, KIMURA Kazuhiko, SAKUNO Seiichi, MIYAUCHI Takanori

     View Summary

    The purpose of this research was to have clarified the employment created by privatizing public sports facilities. It was assumed that this research was ended based on the finding obtained by this, some new subjects are added, and it succeeded to project number 18000213. Therefore, this report is a process of our research.1. Results on Questionnaire survey execution and making of databaseWe conducted questionnaire survey for 15,068 facilities which joined Japan Sports Facilities Association (JSFA) in cooperation with JSFA in 2005.#1 Question items ;a) Characteristics : facility type, scale, year of construction, Establisher etc.b) Employment : number of staff, personnel expenses etc.c) Expenses for consignment contractsd) Income and expenditure#2 Results.i) 2,974 useful questionnaires were returned (return rate is 19.7%)ii) We are never satisfied with this rate, but it is the first time that such a research was performed and as a result of having been provided this time, it is valuable and we are convinced that it help a future study very much.iii) And we used Geographic Information System (GIS) Data (2000 Census of Japan),analyzed geographical convenience environment, peripheral people, a family income, competing facilities and traffic convenience into every facility where there was an answer.#3 Our DatabaseTherefore, the database which we made combined an answer of a questionnaire with analysis of GIS. This will help a certain facility when it examines privatization.2. Results on Interview Research in England#1 PurposeResearch on privatization case with public sports facilities in London ; we interviewed some managers of facilities, municipal government and researchers on privatization of public sports facilities.#2 Findingsa) PFI of public sports facilities in England is not advanced too much compared with Japan. The reason is that England facilities are supported by Lottery funding.b) It was clarified to privatization in England that there was able to be not only private enterprises but also consignment to the non-profit organizations

  • Effects of Active Lifestyle on Health Related Quality of Life

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    NAKAMURA Yoshio, MIYAUCHI Takanori, MURAOKA Isao

     View Summary

    The purpose of this study was to reveal the relationship between physically active lifestyle and health related quality of life (HRQOL) based on the follow up investigation for the participants in the previous investigation.
    In the first year, one year follow up study for the participants in the previous walking program was revealed 1) group instruction had an effect on maintaining the daily physical activity, and 2) volunteered exercise had only a short-term effect on promoting physical activity. Segmenting on the stage of behavioral change, most of the subjects in "maintenance" kept the same stage while those in "contemplation/preparation" returned their original stage from the temporal improvement of daily physical activity.
    In the second year, the follow up study for the randomly sampled residents in the area around campus revealed 1) participation of community sports club had a role on maintaining the active lifestyle, and 2) the stage of behavioral change related to same sub-scores of HRQOL such as physical functioning, general health, vitality, social functioning.
    These results suggested that the physically active people had higher score of HRQOL in general, but that the temporal intervention program had only limited effect on maintaining the physically active lifestyle.

  • Fitness farm for health promotion

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    MURAOKA Isao, TORII Suguru, NAKAMURA Yoshio, MIYAUCHI Takanori, OKADA Jun-ichi

     View Summary

    The purpose of this study was to investigate 1) the characteristics of the participants in fitness program for health promotion, 2) the effects of fitness program on the physical fitness and lifestyle activity for the participants, and 3) the factors for sustaining healthy lifestyle.
    In the first year, the randomly sampled residents in the area around campus volunteered for questionnaire including lifestyle activity, exercise adherence, health awareness, and QOL. Based on the reference data, we analyze the characteristics of the participants in the fitness program for health promotion. The prior items were, 1) women, 2) over 50 yrs, 3) housewives or non-occupation, 4) the amount of affordable time, 5) awareness for exercise shortage, 6) exercise adherence for health promotion.
    In the second year, the sustaining level of lifestyle activity was investigated especially in the participants of walking program. The two issues for sustaining the enhanced lifestyle activity were 1) the class-walking, 2) the low level of the lifestyle activity before intervention.
    The frame of fitness-farm presented in this study gave the informative infrastructure to develop and evaluate the various programs for health promotion.

  • Development and evaluation of exercise prescription to maintain musculoskeletal function in the aged

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    TORII Suguru, MURAOKA Isao, OKADA Jun-iti, NAKAMURA Yoshio

     View Summary

    (1) Development of the new concept of physical therapy for low-graded knee osteoarthritis(OA) and its evaluation.
    Thirty middle and high aged women with mild symptoms of knee OA were recruited for the subjects of this study. They ware received our intervention program to increase muscle strength about knee and hip joint by those exocises of open kinematic chain. Muscle strength of the most of the subjects increased and their gonalgia reduced.
    Gait analysis revealed that those who widened their stride significantly increased hip strength, especially adductor strength, and that these who have stronger adductor strength show lesser lateral displacement of the knee at stance phase.
    Although, until now, the exercise program for knee OA aimed to increase muscle strength about the knee, our results suggest the effect of the exercise aimed to increse muscle strength of about the hip.
    (2) Development of the new concept of physical therapy for prevention of osteoporosis (OP) and its evaluation.
    36 female subjects older than 40 years were recruited for this study. They were instructed of the special exercise to load lower extremities and trunk once a week. In addition, they made exercise schedule in their daily life. Bone mineral density of lumbar spine (DEXA) were maintained and bone stiffness score of calcaneus (QUS) increased. But, EMD of the subjects of menopausal phase decreased. Although bone specific AlP increased and urine deoxypyridinoline decreased from baseline to mid, the fomer decreased and the latter increased from mid to postintervention. These phenomenon suggest that the load of the exercise after adaptation and protocol for subjects of menopausal phase should be improved.

  • Effects of voluntary exercise on physical fitness and lifestyle activity

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of voluntary exercise (walking) on physical fitness and lifestyle activity. The subjects were recruited from the community around the university, and volunteered to eight weeks intervention. The intervention groups were class-walking group (A : n=32) , voluntary walking group (B : n=34) , blood-pressure monitor group (C : n=22) , and activity monitor group (D : n=48) . Although there was no significant difference among groups in the daily activity before the intervention, there were significant difference between any groups except C and D during intervention. As for A group, the intended steps due to group walking (9025±584 steps) enhanced the daily activity in the class-walking day (16191±3988 steps) comparig with that except in the class-walking day (11719±3454 steps) , but also signigicantly attenuated the voluntary steps in the class-walking day (7166±3892 steps) , which was not significantly different from base line of the daily activity. There were significant enhancement of daily activity at 4 months after the intervention for A (11487±4057) and B (9564±2545) , but not for C (9070±3485) comparing with base-line daily activity. One year follow-up data also showed similar results. These data suggests that the instruction and the intended steps including the class-walking enhance the daily activity, and that the voluntary steps would play more important role for maintaining the lifestyle activity after the intervention.

  • 心拍変動スペクトル解析による自律神経系活動評価に関わる標準値の作成

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  • 「運動時の循環調節メカニズム」の共同研究に関する企画調査

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  • 運動時循環調節に関する先進的共同研究課題の探索

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    「運動時の循環調節」のメカニズム解明には1)中枢主体の制御,2)末梢主体の制御,3)中枢と末梢の相互影響の面から解決すべき問題点を整理する必要のあることが示されている。そこで,本企画調査においては、上記の観点から、国内外の研究者間の論議を深め,現時点で解決すべき重点課題を探索すると共に先進的な研究成果をあげるための共同研究の準備を行うことを目的とした.本企画調査では、班員全体と小テーマ毎の討論を行って問題を整理した上で、国外からの研究者を交えた総合討論を行った。解決すべき課題は1)血管および血流調節の立場から(松田、前田、宮地、狩野、前田)、2)神経系との関連の立場から(斎藤、中村、定本)、3)呼吸・筋代謝との関連から(古賀、福場、石田、久野、浜岡、三浦、篠原)、4)筋活動との関係から(森谷、西保、加賀谷)から検討された。そして、「運動時の循環調節」は血管と血流量の調節、呼吸と代謝、トレーニングと加齢に焦点をあてて検討すべきであることが明瞭になった。そこで、国外から、John R.Halliwill (Mayo Clinic and Foundation、USA)とGoran Radegran (Copenhagen Muscle Research Center, Denmark)を招聘し、運動時循環研究の展望について、前者とは"Mechanisms and clinical implications of post-exercise hypotension in humans"、後者とは"Regulation of human skeletal muscle exercise hyperaemia"に焦点を当てた意見交換を行った。そのどちらについても加齢やトレーニングを視野に入れた共同研究の重要性と技術提携の必要性が指摘された

  • ゲートウェイ理論を用いた身体活動量促進戦略のモデル構築

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  • Economic Evaluation of Exercise Programs for Long-term Care Prevention

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    In order to investigate the economic evaluation of exercise programs for long-term care prevention, the present study conducted to examine 1) the cost and benefit of community-based water-based exercise program among the elderly with lower-limb pain, 2) the impact of its water-based exercise program on medical expenditure and consultation behavior, 3) the effect of body-weighted strength training on the cost of long-term care among the frail elderly. From the results, the exercise programs implemented in the present study were cost-effective and seemed to have a small but positive impact of the medical expenditure and cost for long-term care

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Industrial Property Rights

  • 美容上適当な運動プログラムの決定方法

    中村 好男, 本仮屋 雅美




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Social Activities

  • 読売新聞



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  • 北日本新聞



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  • 公明新聞



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  • テレビ東京



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  • 夕刊フジ



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  • 産経新聞



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  • YBS山梨放送



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  • 信濃毎日新聞



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Overseas Activities

  • 身体活動促進施策の開発を目的とした健康スポーツ環境の調査


    韓国他   東亜大学他


  • Faculty of Human Sciences   Graduate School of Human Sciences

  • Faculty of Sport Sciences   Graduate School of Sport Sciences

  • Affiliated organization   Global Education Center

Research Institute

  • 2021

    Research Institute for Sports Industry   Director of Research Institute

  • 1989

    Advanced Research Center for Human Sciences   Concurrent Researcher

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 地域在住高齢者を対象とした幸福度向上プログラムの開発とその運営システムの構築


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  • 新たな地域介護予防事業における運動プログラム導入とその運営システムの構築

    2014   荒木邦子

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  • 食健康リテラシー(HEL)の観点から見た健康情報非認知集団へのアプローチ


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    食事バランスガイドは国民の食生活を向上させるためのツールとして作成され、施策として普及啓発されてきた。申請者らのこれまでの研究により、食事バランスガイドを認知できる人の食行動は促進されていく一方で、認知できない人の食行動レベルは停滞したままであるという、健康づくり上の格差が生じてしまうことが示唆されている。このような健康づくり上の格差が生じる要因には、ヘルスリテラシーというスキルのレベルが関わっているため、申請者らは食行動に特化したリテラシー(Healthy Eating Literacy:HEL)評価尺度を開発してきた。本申請課題は、食情報による健康づくりを効果的に推進するために、HELと食事バランスガイドの認知および食行動との関連を検討した上で、ヘルスリテラシーの低い国民に対して、どの情報源から食情報を発信することが有効なのかを検討することを目的とした。 まず、社会調査モニター1252名を対象にWebによる質問紙調査を実施し、HELのレベルと食事バランスガイドの認知および食行動との関連性を検討した。その結果、食事バランスガイドの認知度は、HELが低い集団で有意に低かった(HEL高群:53.0%、HEL:低群42.9%、p<0.001)。また、実践している健康的な食行動はHEL低群が有意に少なかった(HEL高群:7.0±4.0食行動、HEL低群:4.7±3.5食行動、p<0.001)。 次に、HELのレベルと情報源(政府・自治体・保健機関、家族、テレビ、雑誌、医療従事者・専門家、友人・知人、新聞、インターネット、ラジオ)との関連を検討した結果、食情報を入手するために検索している情報源は、HEL高群・低群ともにインターネット(HEL高群:5.0回/月、HEL低群:2.8回/月)が最も多く、続いてテレビ(HEL高群:3.4回/月、HEL低群:2.2回/月)であった。HELのレベルに影響を与えている情報源は、雑誌(OR=1.11,95%CI=1.02-1.21)とインターネット(OR=1.05,95%CI=1.02-1.08)であった(性別、年齢、学歴で調整)。 以上の結果から、HELが低い人ほど食情報を認知しづらく食行動も不十分であることが明らかとなった。そのため、食情報による健康づくりを効果的に推進するためには、ヘルスリテラシーを考慮した食情報の発信が必要であり、雑誌やインターネットから食情報を発信することが有効である可能性が示された。

  • 運動無関心者を活動的な生活習慣へ誘うための行動心理的アプローチ:ゲートウェイ戦略が奏功する機序の解明


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    運動無関心者に運動を普及するためには、彼らの運動に対する関心(心理的準備性)を高めることは重要な課題である。心理的準備性を高める手段として、申請者らのこれまで研究により、趣味・余暇活動へ働きかけることが有効であることが示唆されている。ただし、この示唆を実践プログラムに応用するためには、そのメカニズムを検証することが必要である。そこで本申請課題の目的は、趣味・余暇活動に関する変容プロセスのうち、どの段階の変容が、運動無関心者の心理的準備性(運動に対する関心)の向上に関わっているのかを明らかにすることであった。 まず、横断研究として、社会調査モニター5581名を対象にWebによる質問紙調査を実施し、趣味・余暇活動に対する「気づき」「信念」「意図」および「行動」の程度を評価する尺度を開発した。また、この調査のデータに関してパス解析を行った結果、上記4つの概念のうち、意図(パス係数:0.25)と行動(パス係数:0.09)が高いことが、心理的準備性が高いことと有意に関連していた。 次に、介入研究(運動無関心者119名に趣味・余暇活動情報を8週間提供)のデータを分析し、これら4つの概念の中で、どの概念の変化が、心理的準備性の向上と関連しているのかを検証した。その結果、介入期間中に趣味・余暇活動に関する意図が高まった群の方が、介入期間中に意図が高まらなかった群よりも、心理的準備性が向上した者の割合が有意に高かった(意図が高まった群63.4% vs. 意図が高まらなかった群43.6%)。一方、その他の概念(気づき、信念、行動)の変化については、心理的準備性の向上との間に有意な関連性が認められなかった。 以上の2つの分析結果から、趣味・余暇活動が運動無関心者の心理的準備性を高めるメカニズムとして、趣味・余暇活動に対する意図の高まりが徳に関与していることが明らかとなった。従って、運動無関心者の心理的準備性を高めるには、「趣味・余暇活動をやってみたい」という意図へ働きかけるような趣味・余暇活動プログラムとすることが効果的であると思われる。

  • 高齢者の筋機能向上トレーニングを促す環境要因と知識・行動との関連


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  • 健康情報プロモーション受容者の認知・行動モデルの構築


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    身体活動・運動を通じた健康づくりを推進していくためには、「身体活動・運動は健康に良い」という科学的知見の蓄積では不十分であり、その知見を「国民に対して如何にプロモーションし」「国民の身体活動・運動の実施を促すのか?」という課題を体系的に整備することが必要不可欠である。我々は、上述の問題認識に基づき、身体活動・運動の実施を促すプロモーション効果の予測・検証を可能とするような定量モデルを将来的に構築することを目指して、本研究を行った。 本年度は、「健康づくりのための運動指針2006(エクササイズガイド2006)」と、「筋力トレーニング(筋肉を鍛えること)」に注目して、その認知状況と効果的なプロモーション方策の開発に向けた研究を行った。 社会調査モニターを対象に調査を行った結果、エクササイズガイド2006の認知状況は、「内容を知っている」が1.4%、「聞いたことはあるが内容は知らない」が11.0%、「聞いたことがない・今回の調査で始めて知った」が87.6%であり、他の健康づくり施策より認知状況が低かった。しかし、エクササイズガイド2006を認知している者の方が、歩行習慣者の割合が多かった。他の健康づくり施策の認知は、歩行習慣との関連性が認められなかった。これらの結果から、エクササイズガイド2006のプロモーションは十分に行われていないものの、そのプロモーションは歩行習慣者の増大に寄与する可能性が示された。 また、筋力トレーニングの認知状況について評価したところ、米国スポーツ医学会やエクササイズガイド2006で筋力増強運動として扱われている運動種目以外に関しても、「水泳」は55.6%、「ウォーキング」は32.5%、「ストレッチ」は31.7%、「ジョギング」は30.4%、「ヨガ」は18.0%、「掃除」は13.9%、「子どもと遊ぶこと」は9.4%の者が「筋肉を鍛えることを目的とした運動」と認識していた。そのため、成人が認識している筋力トレーニングと、米国スポーツ医学会やエクササイズガイド2006が推奨する筋力トレーニングとの間には不一致があることが示唆された。

  • 介護予防マネジメントにおける地域高齢者ネットワークの活用とその展開モデルの開発


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  • 健康増進をアウトカムとしたスポーツ・身体活動プロモーション効果のモデル構築


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    健康増進のために適切な運動習慣を持つことが大切であることは論を待たない。しかしながら、「運動は身体によい」という理論だけでは人々がスポーツや運動へと誘うには不十分であり、「如何に人々の行動を変容させるか」という観点の重要性が指摘されているが、ソーシャルマーケティングを活用したプロモーションの効果に関しては、その重要性が説かれているものの十分な検証がなされていない。我々は、上述の問題認識に基づき、人々がスポーツ・運動あるいは日常身体活動という健康行動に時間を費やすような行動変容を誘発するための人為的働きかけ(プロモーション)の効果について、予測・検証を可能とするような定量モデルを将来的に構築することを目指して本研究を行った。本年度は、「ウォーキング」を普及促進させるためのプロモーションの方法論と効果について、まず始めに、マーケティングの観点から「ウォーキングプロモーションの分析モデル」について俯瞰した上で、「地域でのウォーキングイベント参加へのプロモーション手法の効果検証」、「通信型ウォーキングプログラム参加者の特徴」、「携帯メールを利用したモバイルウォーキングプログラム参加者の特徴」について、実践検証を行った。その結果、地域でのウォーキングイベント参加者募集のプロモーション効果としては、 (1)手渡しや学校を通じた連絡によるチラシ配布により1.0~1.2%の応答率がある,(2)設置チラシを持参した者は応答率が高い,(3)新聞折込チラシは参加者を集める有効な手段であるが,配布枚数に対する応答率は低い,(4)市報は費用がかからないことや自治体によって発行され信頼感のあることなどを考慮するとプロモーションの重要な方法の1つである,(5)友人からの誘い・口コミは,チラシや市報という情報を提供する方法と比較して,「参加する」という行動まで影響を与える重要な手段である,の5 つ知見がえられた。また、通信型ウォーキングプログラム携帯電話のメールマガジンによるウォーキングプログラムなどの新たな媒体の活用によって、通常の地域イベントとは異なるターゲットに訴求することができることがわかった。これらの個別事例のデータを通じて、「プロモーション」→「行動変化」→「健康効果」の各々の変数間の関連について検討することが、今後の課題である。

  • 介護予防マネジメントにおける地域高齢者ネットワークの活用とその展開モデルの開発


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  • 健康的ライフスタイルの獲得と定着の個人差を生む要因


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  • 高齢者の健康増進を目的としたウォーキングプログラムの開発


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  • インターネット時代のからだと健康問題


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     情報化時代の入り口であった20世紀の後半、私たち人類は合理化・競争化・省力化といった様々な環境変化にさらされ、様々な適応を果たした。そのような適応のうちの「省力化」だけに注目して「運動不足病」という概念が提案され、それは体育学者の主要な研究テーマの一つとなった。殊に運動生理学は、「運動不足」がもたらす様々な弊害とそれに対する処方としての身体活動の効果をみごとに例証してきた。しかし、<インターネット>の普及にともなう本格的な情報化時代への突入を控え、「合理化・競争化」といった情報化社会の本質的要素までをも総合した視座によって身体の適応を探求する必要がある。 本研究ではこれまでの「身体観」ならびに「身体とメディアの関わり」について広範な文献資料を踏まえた上で、日常生活におけるインターネットへの依存が精神情緒機能に生理的影響を及ぼすだけでなく、コンピュータネットワークという新たななぞらえの出現によって人々の抱く身体観が大きく変わるということを示したうえで、そこでは<皮膚>という身体の境界が揺らぎ始め、コンピュータ配線を含めた新たな<神経系>の存在を認識し出す可能性があることを論じた。このような論考を踏まえて、本研究では以下のような「インターネット時代の身体と健康問題」へのアプローチを提言した。 1.拡張された身体についての生理学的説明。 2.インターネットがもたらす新たな「なぞらえ」の模索。 3.20世紀後半の健康増進ムーブメントの再評価。 4.インターネットに依存する身体の想像。

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