Updated on 2025/03/14


WADA, Osamu
Faculty of Letters, Arts and Sciences, School of Culture, Media and Society
Job title
Associate Professor
文学修士 ( 早稲田大学 )

Professional Memberships







Research Areas

  • Cultural anthropology and folklore / Japanese literature

Research Interests

  • Aesthetics (incl. Arts),History of Japanese Drama,folklore studies



  • 『芝居絵に見る/江戸・明治の歌舞伎』

    和田 修

    小学館     4 - 43  2003.07

  • 「『安永四年金沢芝居再興』をめぐる考察」

    和田 修

    『石川県史資料』近世編(4)     14 - 18  2003.03

  • 『小松市史 資料編5/曳山』

    和田 修

    新修小松市史編集委員会     90 - 129  2003.03

  • 『鹿児島県東郷町文弥節人形浄瑠璃調査報告書』

    和田 修


  • 対馬北部の盆踊

    演劇研究   23  2000.03

  • 『大鹿歌舞伎 研究編』

    和田 修

    大鹿村教育委員会    2000.03

  • 歌舞伎舞踊—「踊り」の表現するもの—

    国文学   45;2  2000.01

  • 見世物と歌舞伎・浄瑠璃

    新宿書房    1999.10

  • 橋本裕之著『王の舞の民俗学的研究』

    演劇学/早稲田大学演劇学会   40,pp.115-121  1999.03

  • 「対馬 厳原の盆踊」調査報告書

    厳原町教育委員会    1999.03

  • 『大鹿歌舞伎 資料編』

    和田 修

    大鹿村教育委員会    1999.03

  • 江戸古浄瑠璃の衰退と歌舞伎

    岩波講座『歌舞伎・文楽』第7巻/岩波書店   pp.231-260  1998.08

  • 山本角太夫

    岩波講座『歌舞伎・文楽』第7巻/岩波書店   pp.179-200  1998.08

  • 『西国卅三番順礼記』と花山院伝承

    演劇学   38  1996.12

  • 元禄期の宇治座と竹本座

    演劇研究会会報/演劇研究会   21  1995.06

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Books and Other Publications

  • 対馬における芸能と村落

    和田 修

    海のクロスロード対馬  2007.03

Research Projects

  • 佐渡古浄瑠璃の研究基盤構築とデジタル化保存に関する総合的研究

    Project Year :


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  • Study of local spread of the stage entertainments in the Edo period

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    WADA Osamu

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    It is the purpose of my research, to know how the play in the early Edo period was transmitted to the Japanese whole country. From 2004 to 2006,1 took up "Furyu-Odori" and "Kojoruri-Ningyo" as the material, and investigated several points.1. I investigated "Bon-Odori", that is handed down to Tsushima Island of Nagasaki Pref. My survey item was the route, historic changes, present transmission situation and folklore of "Tsushima Bon-Odori". "Tsushima Bon-Odori" differs largely from "Bon-Odori" in the latter Edo period. However, there is the common point called "Bon Furyu-Odori" in them. I evaluate "Tsushima Bon-Odori" was carried out in the mainland and handed down to until today. "Tsushima Bon-Odori" was based on various "Furyu-Odori". In 2004, I investigated "Furyu-Odori" of Tsushima Island periphery area and also Kyushu all area. In 2005, I investigated "Furyu-Odori" of Kyushu northwest department in detail. In 2006, I investigated "Furyu-Odori" of the detached island of the Kyushu south. There is a Tokara Island in Kagoshima Pref. I discovered that the song of "Tokara Bon-Odori" resemble "Tsushima Bon-Odori". I compared the "Tokara Bon-Odori" song with the song book of Kabuki. I investigated even the "Bon-Odori" of the island of the periphery. I tried the comparison of those songs.2. I investigated "Kojoruri-Ningyo" of Niigata Pref. Sado city and Kagoshima Pref. Tougou-cho. I tidied and analyzed old recording of "Sado Bunya-Joruri". I recorded the play not performed recently. Those were written by Monzaemon Chikamatsu. In Togo, I investigated historical material, and studied "Togo Bunya-Joruri" about the time and route of transmission. I asked the situation in the past to the transmission person of Togo, and knew about the changes since the Meiji period. I summarized that "Kabuki-Odori" and "Ningyo-Joruri" were transmitted to many areas in the early Edo period. Those were appreciated and changed every place

  • Basic Study of Joururi by comprehensive research and reprint from original Joururi Shou-hon which have yet been reprinted

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



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    1.Making text criticism on Joururi Shou-hon scripts (scripts of Joururi) and collecting photocopies of themThere are a lot of Joururi Shou-hon scripts throughout Japan. But it is not easy for contemporary Japanese to read original Joururi Shou-hon scripts because of old characters used in Edo Period. There fore, we have to publish Joururi Shou-hon scripts in Modern characters.First, we collated as many Joururi Shou-hon scripts as possible. We confirmed the whereabouts of Joururi Shou-hon scripts that are listed in Gidayu Nenpyou Kinsei-hen (Chronology of Gidayu narration and Bunraku puppet theatre in Edo period) published in 1990,and we could find some titles of Joururi Shou-hon scripts which had been unknown in 1990. Second, being based on these researches, we investigated Joururi Shou-hon scripts for the purpose of reprinting from original ones. Finally we selected two texts per title : sourse texts and texts for collation. Furthermore, we made photocopies or took photos of these Joururi Shou-hons.2.Making a manual for reprinting from original Joururi Shou-hon scripts.We cannot write all of original Joururi Shou-hon characters with computers or word processors because some of characters are not in JIS-code (equivalent ASCII-code) and original Joururi Shou-hon scripts include not only texts but also Mojifu (a score for narrating and singing). We considered this feature of Joururi Shou-hon scripts, and discussed problemes which had occurred through reprinting works with computers. Through these attempts, we developed a manual.3.Making high-quality textsTo make a high-quality text, we checked the text through 5 steps. Each text was checked by 3 researches. In these 4 years, we made 14 title texts of Jourui scripts.4.For publishing a bookIn the 4 years, we made an effort to look for publishers. Fortunately, we came up with a publisher who will publish some titles in 2005 and this project will be continued.5.Completing a reportWe completed a report about these 4 years research

  • Research of rice field formation and the water field rice culture in east Asia (Center on Japan)'.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    EBISAWA Tadashi, OKAUTI Mituzane, HORIGUTI Kenzi, NAKASIMA Minehiro, WADA Osamu, NISIMURA Masao

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    The purpose of this research is to clarify the characteristic of the rice field society which extends to east Asia. Tsushima and Bali were chosen as the investigation field. It aimed to clarify a traditional form of the rice field and the village on these ground, and to do the comparison research on the water field rice culture. The digitalization of the survey material with a remarkable evolution was positively used now, and the restoration research on the rice field, the village, and etiquette was advanced interdisciplinary.
    The focus was decided in 豆酸(ツツ) located in the south end in Tsushima. An environment of the rice field where the red-kerneled rice divine service was held and historical details of the etiquette were investigated on this ground. In that case, it gave priority to digging up the history material. It investigated emphatically in the Tsushima history folk customs material pavilion. Nagasaki prefectural library, and Kongoin Temple, etc. The historical materials of about 6000 points was digitalized. These were input to the personal computer, it made to the table at once, and it used it to investigate the restoration. Moreover. 1/2000 topographical maps were made from the aerophotograph in this region by digital work, historical materials was used, and the spectacle restoration was advanced. As mentioned above, a pinpoint investigation of the village was advanced, and it served to clarify a historical role of Tsushima in this sea area.
    On the other hand, the existence of the autonomous village having been supported by the etiquette of Hinduism so far was known in Bali. Terraced paddy fields exist in whole island in Bali, and progressing the arts of the play, music, the sculpture, and the painting, etc. has been paid to attention. Mainly this time. Subak (irrigation organization in Bali) was investigated. The comparison research in the rice field irrigation form named Bali Basangalas and Tsushima Tsutsu (豆酸) was done. As a result, the traditional irrigation form of the Bali village having evolved more than Japan became clear. These results were able to be brought together in the report 'Research of rice field formation and the water field rice culture in east Asia (Center on Japan)'.

  • Study of Cultural Substrata of China Mirrored in Archaeological Finds, Ritual, and Performance.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    INAHATA Koichiro, WADA Osamu, MORI Yuria, INABA Akiko

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    We carried out the pre-subject "The Masque of the Southwest China, Research of Basis Culture" paying attention to their appearance, when the <masque> remained in whole China considered generation, development, change, and the special feature of the "basis culture" not only in the history of the Chinese theater but the whole Chinese culuture.This research is based on the result of a pre-subject, and the archaeological viewpoint which considers the remains excavated from the ruins of every place over China is also called with the cooperation of the China archaeology community. Opinion exchange was performed during the research with several researchers in archaeology. And Inahata summarized the discovered view on the work "Symphony music of God and a Man : The World of a Chinese Mask" in the 2003 fiscal year. Thus, the necessity of positioning the representation of not only the role in the ceremony courtesy entertainments of a <masque> but the <mask> itself into the China culture and world culture came out. And it is possible.The researched points and the investigation about a religious function person which were conducted during the period are summarized in this booklet. In addition to Qianbei area in Guizhou, at the International Nuoxi Society held in Dejiang, Guizhou in 2003, the courtesy of a Qiandongbei area Dejiang and Tongren town was also able to be visited. So many ceremony courtesy remain from Qianbei area to Qiandongbei area. Speaking of Tongren of Qiandongbei area, it is close to the <Chu> cultural sphere in Hunan. I want to open the investigation ground further and to also investigate the representation of a <mask> from now on

  • アジア地域文化に関する共同研究:演劇


    Project Year :


  • Basic research of the actor prints about the material utility.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    UCHIYAMA Mikiko, AKAMA Ryo, KOIKE Shotaro, WADA Osamu, TERADA Shima, KODAMA Ryuichi

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    (1) We have a workshop every month during 3 years. In this workshop all member report at out some works of the Toyokuni I. We are sharing them in Internet. We used some concerned material of Kabuki, e.g. Banduke or brochure of kabuki music which are belonged in Theatre Museum. Some member research about other museum and took a picture of Toyokuni I's works. We also have a skilled experience of Kabuki researching. Therefore the results of ascertaining are completely accurate. We have confidence in our self.(2) We created and are running a database of the actor prints in the Internet. By the database, all researcher can gain our information and research results at any time.(3) In the research of Ukiyoe, the signature of artist is a important factor. We need to trace the history of the signature. Some predecessors try to make the list of Toyokuni I, but sometime they mistook the puplishing period. By the database, we can make a latest list of an artist's signature list an artist's signature list all the time. In this report book, we added the print out sample list for someone's reference.(4) The commissioner's seal on the prints is also important for Ukiyoe researching. By the pattern of the seal, we can judge the period published. At the Bunka era, Ukiyoe had a special seal. We call it "Gyoji fuku-in". We have a list of Gyoji fuku-in which made by Kendo Ishii. But the list is not enough. We collected some samples of Gyoji fuku-in, then we made a new list on the report book. This is not enough yet but also the first useful list and disquisition about Gyoji fuku-in

  • Research of the masque of South west China and it's basis of culture

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    INAHATA Koichiro, WADA Osamu, HASHIMOTO Hiroyuki, HOSOI Naoko, INABA Akiko

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    Although the masque that remains in the Chinese whole country had a very important meaning when considering not only the history of the China Theater but the China culture, it did not attract attention until recently. Issei Tanaka "the history of the China Theater", the masque accompanying rural ceremony and courtesy could be ripened as a fixed research genre at last.As a following stage, marking will be asked to attach into culture supposing a certain kind of "basis culture" with a larger viewpoint, while developing the enhanced analysis of structure research of courtesy, a dance and a chant by themes. This research starts it.Professor Tuo Xiuming from Guizhou Ethnic Institute is asked the co-ordination of the China investigation as an overseas co-operator from the beginning. He looks down a south-west area as "Introduction to the Nuo-xi in south-west" based on the actual result of the Guizhou area investigation of a ten or so past year. Chen Yuping from this institute are developing original viewpoint about Nuo-xi in Qianbei area from an angle of the private sector ceremony and courtesy for a local community. From the research exchange with the Anshun area investigation and the local researcher covering two or more times, Japan side Inaba discovers and presents the exception of a "rehearsal tone" and a "production tone" about the structure of the words and the song of Anshun-Dixi. Moreover, from Nuo-xi study group in the Meitan area and the Folk Religion Office in Daozhen area that is a local cooperator offered the precious materials at the spot.Although the idea "basis culture" tended to be wide and vague, in this research, each member tried to solve steadily by narrowing down a concrete material setting up the limited period of two years. I believe it is possible to clarify the outline by accumulating each study in the future

  • Ceremony and Arts in "Nuo-xi" at South west China

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    ITO Hiroshi, HASHIMOTO Hiroyuki, HOSOI Naoko, INAHATA Koichirou, INABA Akiko, WADA Osamu

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    "Nuo-xi", the farm village ritual, which remains in the whole China, is very important when considering not only the history of the Chinese Theater but the Chinese culture. The "Nuo-xi" was developed in the form indivisible from a folk ritual, a ceremony and private sector religion in a farm village, therefore the past literati and the researcher tended to overlook them. It is clear that it is folkloric effective data as a " living fossil of demon purification event", besides, there is a meaningful problem included when considering generating of theater. This is clear in the "the history of the Chinese theater" by Mr. Issei Tanaka.Researchers paid attention to the area which corresponds to a marginal district for successive regime of Chinese southwest. Then analyzed "Anshun Di-xi" with strong dramatic aspect that remained in the stationing village of the army dispatched in Ming era from the center and "Nuo-xi" with strong ritualistic aspect that distributed on the outskirts. In this research, a person in charge visited the filed repeatedly and analyzed a material deeply. I believe this could lead the foundation to a new idea.During a research period, Hosoi mainly conducted listening comprehension investigation 3 times at Duangong in Sichuan Province, and many opinions were searched from many scholars through an exhibition held at theater museum which display the whole aspect of masks and puppets. About Qianbei district, Ito, Hashimoto, and Inaba investigated Meitan, Zunyi, etc., and active arguments were exchanged with a local researcher called the Meitan Zunyi study group. An overseas joint researcher, Guizhou Ethnic Institute investigated the document and the tool used for ceremony courtesy mainly around Daozhen of Qianbei as a new investigation ground. About the Anshun area, Inaba investigated verious places on an angle of original viewpoint. In this report, Hosoi reports the Duangong of Sichuan Province, and Inaba reports a stratified overlap of the entertainment of Narrative Literature in Anshun area in detail

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  • Affiliated organization   Global Education Center

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 近世芸能の地方伝播比較とデジタルアーカイブ構築研究


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     2003年度は主として九州の風流芸能の分布状況の把握と、伝承地の調査に重点を置いて研究を進めた。8月の旧盆時期にトカラ列島十島村悪石島の盆踊、鹿児島県坊津町久志の太鼓踊、同県加治木町の太鼓踊、9月に同県与論町の十五夜踊を調査した。 悪石島の盆踊は、元禄17年刊行の『落葉集』所収の踊歌と一致するものがあり、古い時期に都から伝来した歌謡であることがわかる。さらにその歌謡が、わずかながら長崎県対馬の盆踊歌とも一致するものがあり、両者に直接的な関係があるとは思われないので、中央の歌謡が長崎や鹿児島の離島にまで伝播し、他では失われてしまった後も、今日まで伝承されてきたと考えることができる。近世の都市の盆踊について、こうした伝播の関係は従来ほとんど知られておらず、きわめて珍しい例であるといえよう。 加治木町の太鼓踊については、近世中期の文献が残っており、現在までの変遷を知ることができる。近世中期には文弥節を踊歌として取り入れるなど、当時の流行歌の摂取につとめており、新奇な趣向を競っていたことが明らかである。薩摩藩では近世中期まで藩外からの文化の流入を拒む傾向にあったといわれることが多いが、先端的な文化を求める欲求が庶民の中に根強かったことが知られる。 与論町の十五夜踊は、琉球にも共通する豊年祭の形式の中に、狂言「末広かり」、元禄歌舞伎に関連のある「大隈川」、野郎歌舞伎風の「頼朝公」などが伝承されており、従来からヤマトの芸能との関連を示すものとして注目されている。これが中央と直接の関係を示すのか、薩摩藩からの伝来なのかは、あまりにも伝承が退化していて判然としない。 このように、調査対象の芸能は、いずれも都市芸能の地方伝播を検討する上で、極めて興味深い事例を提供してくれている。今後はさらに文献資料の調査と合わせて、伝播の時期や経路の把握に努めたい。 なお、2004年度は科学研究費採択のため特定課題としては廃止した。