Updated on 2024/07/03


Faculty of Education and Integrated Arts and Sciences, School of Education
Job title
文学修士 ( 早稲田大学 )

Research Experience

  • 2004

    Waseda University   School of Education

  • 2004

    Waseda University   School of Education

  • 1997

    Waseda University   School of Education

  • 1994

    Waseda University   School of Education

  • 1993

    Waseda University   School of Education

  • 1989

    早稲田大学日本語研究教育センター 助手

  • 1987

    Aomori Akenohoshi Junior College

  • 1982

    東京都立南葛飾高等学校 教諭

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Education Background


    Waseda University   Graduate School, Division of Letters  


    Tokyo Gakugei University   Faculty of Education  

Professional Memberships



















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Research Areas

  • Japanese language education / Japanese linguistics

Research Interests

  • 文法、語彙、教材・教具論、国語学・日本語学



  • 複合辞研究史Ⅴ 「形式副詞」との関連性——山田孝雄から奥津敬一郎まで——

    文学研究科紀要/早稲田大学大学院文学研究科   51輯 ( 第3分冊 )  2006.03

  • 複合辞研究史Ⅵ 「後置詞」というとらえ方

    学術研究—国語・国文学編—/早稲田大学教育学部   54  2006.02

  • 分析的傾向と複合辞——複合辞研究史Ⅲ 田中章夫の通時的研究——

    論理的な日本語表現を支える複合辞形式に関する記述的総合研究/科研費報告書     139 - 151  2005.03

  • 複合辞研究史Ⅱ 初期の複合辞研究——水谷修・佐伯哲夫の複合辞研究——

    学術研究—国語・国文学編—/早稲田大学教育学部   53  2005.02

  • 引用と話法

    日本語学/明治書院   24 ( 1 ) 60 - 70  2005.01

  • 平成十四年国語国文学界の動向 国語学 現代語

    文学・語学/全国大学国語国文学会   178  2004.03

  • 大学における文法教育の意義と課題

    早稲田大学国語教育研究   24  2004.03

  • 複合辞研究史Ⅰ「複合辞」の提唱 ——永野賢の複合辞研究——

    学術研究—国語・国文学編—/早稲田大学教育学部   52  2004.02

  • 文法研究——単文から複文、そして文章・談話へ——

    早稲田日本語研究   11  2003.03

  • 連体修飾節——構造的把握と意味的把握——

    早稲田大学教育学部 学術研究—国語・国文学編—   51  2003.02

  • 文法研究——複文から文章・談話へ——

    早稲田大学日本語学会    2002.12

  • 何を引用ととらえるか——日本語学の立場から——

    国文学研究/早稲田大学国文学会   136  2002.03

  • 引用と話法に関する覚書

    文学研究科紀要/早稲田大学大学院文学研究科   47  2002.03

  • 「話法」表現の段階性について

    国語学 研究と資料/国語学研究と資料の会   25  2002.03

  • 「代物」の評価性について

    表現研究/表現学会   73  2001.03

  • 評価的な名詞の連体修飾構造について

    学術研究─国語・国文学編─/早稲田大学教育学部   49  2001.02

  • 連体修飾節のとらえ方—序説

    早稲田日本語研究   8 ( 8 ) 1 - 9  2000.03


  • 「とみえ(て)」をめぐって—出現度数対照表を検証する

    学術研究—国語・国文学編—/早稲田大学教育学部   47  1999.02

  • 「思う」を中心とする接続形式について

    学術研究—国語・国文学編—/早稲田大学教育学部   46  1998.02

  • 視覚動詞の文法化と複合辞

    国立国語研究所複合辞研究会    1998.01

  • 「思う」を中心とする接続形式について──話し手の認識の一貫性を手がかりに──

    中部日本・日本語学研究会    1997.05

  • 「見る」の文法化-「てみると」「てみれば」「てみたら」を例として

    早稲田日本語研究/早稲田大学国語学会   5  1997.03

  • 「見えること」と引用表現

    電子ジャーナル 状況と認知/早稲田大学   vol.1  1997.03

  • 「と思うと」の連続性

    学術研究—国語・国文学編—/早稲田大学教育学部   45  1997.02

  • 「とみえる」の表現性-「らしい」との比較を通して

    表現研究/表現学会   64  1996.10

  • 複合辞の表現性-「とみえ(て)」を例として

    第33回表現学会全国大会    1996.06

  • 引用の形式をとる複合辞について-引用から複合辞へ

    学術研究-国語・国文学編/早稲田大学教育学部   44  1996.02

  • 引用と複合辞-引用らしい引用と複合辞らしい複合辞-

    (要旨:早稲田日本語研究 5)/早稲田大学国語学会    1996.01

  • 複合助詞の特性

    月刊言語/大修館書店   24;11  1995.11

  • 時制と視点—「はずだ」を中心に—

    学術研究—国語・国文学編—/早稲田大学教育学部   43  1995.02

  • 「〜はずだった」と「〜はずがない」—過去形・否定形と話者の視点—

    学術研究—国語・国文学編—/早稲田大学教育学部   42   1 - 14  1994.02

  • 現代日本語論への新しい視点—複合辞

    国文学 解釈と教材の研究/学燈社   38 ( 12 ) 54 - 59  1993.11

  • 「の」と終助詞の複合形をめぐって

    日本語学/明治書院   12 ( 11 ) 51 - 64  1993.10

  • 文末表現と視点

    紀要/早稲田大学日本語研究教育センター   5   27 - 51  1993.03

  • 「見ること」と文法研究

    日本語学/明治書院   11 ( 9 ) 57 - 71  1992.08

  • 初級文型応用表現練習法(3)

    講座 日本語教育/早稲田大学日本語研究教育センター   27  1992.03

  • 複合接続助詞の特質

    紀要 別冊(文学・芸術学編)/早稲田大学大学院文学研究科   18   115 - 127  1992.02

  • 初級文型応用表現練習法(2)

    講座 日本語教育/早稲田大学日本語研究教育センター   26  1991.03

  • 複合辞の認定基準・尺度設定の試み

    紀要/早稲田大学日本語研究教育センター   2   27 - 52  1990.03


  • 初級文型応用表現練習法(1)

    講座 日本語教育/早稲田大学日本語研究教育センター   25  1990.03

  • いくつかの類義表現の異同に関する考察

    紀要/青森明の星短期大学   15   57 - 70  1989.03

  • 現代日本語助詞の使い分け能力—帰国子女と一般中・高校生の比較を中心に—

    紀要/青森明の星短期大学   14   16 - 30  1988.03

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Books and Other Publications

  • 視点と文体——引用構造を用いた文体の特徴——

    表現と文体/明治書院  2005.03

  • 日本語文法

    白帝社  2000.03

  • 複合辞性をどうとらえるか—現代日本語における複合接続助詞を中心に—

    辻村敏樹教授古稀記念論文集 日本語史の諸問題/明治書院  1992.03

  • 日本語表現文型—用例中心・複合辞の意味と用法—

    アルク  1989.05

Research Projects

  • An integrated study of 'fukugouji'(compound particle) in Japanese

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    FUJITA Yasuyuki, SUNAKAWA Yuriko, TANOMURA Tadaharu, MATSUKI Masae, NAKAHATA Takayuki, YAMAZAKI Makoto

     View Summary

    This research project aimed at a more advanced understanding of 'fukugouji'---compound function words---in Japanese grammar. The project was based upon the results of the researches on 'fukugouji' by the head investigator and others over the last few years, and intended to develop them further theoretically as well as descriptively. The researches conducted centered around the following two tasks :
    1)to survey the studies on 'fukugouji' in the past
    2)to analyze the usage of specific 'fukugouji' forms
    With regard to the first task, Fujita, the head investigator, made a presentation entitled "Descriptive studies on 'fukugouji'--a survey and the present state of art", in which he revealed questions to be addressed in the future. Matsuki, one of the investigators, also published a series of papers in which she surveyed the history of the studies on 'fukugouji' in detail.
    As for the second task, a number of 'fukugouji' forms were analyzed in detail by the members of the project. The specific 'fukugouji' forms dealt with include :
    a)compound case postpositions : 'ni tuite', 'ni oite', 'o megutte', 'ni kagitte', 'bu yotete'
    b)compound conjunctive postpositions : 'to site', 'karaniwa', 'bakari ka', 'kuse ni', 'ni turete', 'ni sitagatte', 'ue de', 'kotomo atte', 'kotodasi'
    c)compound auxiliaries : 'dokoro dewa nai'
    The results of these analyses were published as a form of research papers.
    In addition to these two tasks, the investigators studied various issues of Japanese grammar related to 'fukugouji', and published the results as research papers.
    We believe that this research project succeeded in enhancing our understanding of 'fukugouji' to a considerable degree.

  • An integrated study of 'fukugouji'(compound particle) in Japanese

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    FUJITA Yasuyuki, SUNAKAWA Yuriko, TANOMURA Tadaharu, MATSUKI Masae, NAKAHATA Takayuki, YAMAZAKI Makoto

     View Summary

    This research project aimed at a more advanced understanding of 'fukugouji'---compound function words---in Japanese grammar. The project was based upon the results of the researches on 'fukugouji' by the head investigator and others over the last few years, and intended to develop them further theoretically as well as descriptively. The researches conducted centered around the following two tasks :1)to survey the studies on 'fukugouji' in the past2)to analyze the usage of specific 'fukugouji' formsWith regard to the first task, Fujita, the head investigator, made a presentation entitled "Descriptive studies on 'fukugouji'--a survey and the present state of art", in which he revealed questions to be addressed in the future. Matsuki, one of the investigators, also published a series of papers in which she surveyed the history of the studies on 'fukugouji' in detail.As for the second task, a number of 'fukugouji' forms were analyzed in detail by the members of the project. The specific 'fukugouji' forms dealt with include :a)compound case postpositions : 'ni tuite', 'ni oite', 'o megutte', 'ni kagitte', 'bu yotete'b)compound conjunctive postpositions : 'to site', 'karaniwa', 'bakari ka', 'kuse ni', 'ni turete', 'ni sitagatte', 'ue de', 'kotomo atte', 'kotodasi'c)compound auxiliaries : 'dokoro dewa nai'The results of these analyses were published as a form of research papers.In addition to these two tasks, the investigators studied various issues of Japanese grammar related to 'fukugouji', and published the results as research papers.We believe that this research project succeeded in enhancing our understanding of 'fukugouji' to a considerable degree

  • 複合辞形式の記述的総合研究

    Project Year :


  • Making a Database of Expressions and Developing New Analytic Methods in the Description of Contemporary Japanese Grammar

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    MATSUKI Masae

     View Summary

    The purposes of this research are as follows:1. Making a database of contemporary Japanese expressions useful for grammatical analysis.2. Developing some new methods in descriptive Japanese grammar.The results of this research are as follows:1. I have made a database of contemporary Japanese expressions with context, especially, conjunctives, compound particles, attributive clauses, sentence-end expressions, and citations.2. First, I have looked up unsettled questions in preceding researches. Secondly, using the above database, I have analyzed numbers of such synonymic expressions as "to-mieru" and "rashii," "inner attributive clause" and "outer attributive clauses," "to-iu" and "te-iu," and so forth, adding further considerations on quotings and reported speechs. Through this research I have found some new viewpoints that should contribute to grammatical analysis in descriptive Japanese grammar

  • Making a Database of Expressions and Developing New Analytic Methods in the Description of Contemporary Japanese Grammar

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    MATSUKI Masae

     View Summary

    The purposes of this research are as follows:
    1. Making a database of contemporary Japanese expressions useful for grammatical analysis.
    2. Developing some new methods in descriptive Japanese grammar.
    The results of this research are as follows:
    1. I have made a database of contemporary Japanese expressions with context, especially, conjunctives, compound particles, attributive clauses, sentence-end expressions, and citations.
    2. First, I have looked up unsettled questions in preceding researches. Secondly, using the above database, I have analyzed numbers of such synonymic expressions as "to-mieru" and "rashii," "inner attributive clause" and "outer attributive clauses," "to-iu" and "te-iu," and so forth, adding further considerations on quotings and reported speechs. Through this research I have found some new viewpoints that should contribute to grammatical analysis in descriptive Japanese grammar.

  • Study on Compound Auxiliary Words

    Project Year :


  • Cognitive Linguistics

    Project Year :


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Overseas Activities

  • 日本語の文法・意味記述の可能性-認知言語学的アプローチを用いて-


    アメリカ   スタンフォード大学・ハーバード大学・アイオワ大学


  • Faculty of Education and Integrated Arts and Sciences   Graduate School of Education

Research Institute

  • 1989

    Institute for Advanced Studies in Education   Concurrent Researcher