Updated on 2024/10/24


UMEMORI, Naoyuki
Faculty of Political Science and Economics, School of Political Science and Economics
Job title
Ph. D(Political Science) ( The University of Chicago )

Professional Memberships







Research Areas

  • Politics

Research Interests

  • political science



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Books and Other Publications

  • フォルモサ・イデオロギー : 台湾ナショナリズムの勃興1895-1945

    呉, 叡人, 梅森, 直之, 山本, 和行

    みすず書房  2023.10 ISBN: 9784622096498

  • 兆民先生 : 他八篇

    幸徳, 秋水, 梅森, 直之

    岩波書店  2023.04 ISBN: 9784003312599

  • アポリアとしての和解と正義 : 歴史・理論・構想

    梅森, 直之, 野尻, 英一

    明石書店  2023.03 ISBN: 9784750355924

  • 和解学の試み : 記憶・感情・価値

    浅野, 豊美, 梅森, 直之

    明石書店  2021.08 ISBN: 9784750352541

  • 初期社会主義の地形学 (トポグラフィー) : 大杉栄とその時代

    梅森, 直之

    有志舎  2016.09 ISBN: 9784908672057

  • 歴史的和解と移行期正義 : 特集

    梅森, 直之

    めこん : 早稲田大学アジア研究機構事務所  2014.02 ISBN: 9784839602796

  • 歴史の中のアジア地域統合

    梅森, 直之, 平川, 幸子, 三牧, 聖子

    勁草書房  2012.06 ISBN: 9784326546275

  • 文化の受容と変貌

    荒, このみ, 生井, 英考, 梅森, 直之, 阿部, 珠理, 倉石, 一郎, 村山, 淳彦, 小林, 剛, 細川, 周平, 吉原, 真里, 都甲, 幸治, 當間, 麗, 朴, 根好, 野林, 健, Napier, Susan Jolliffe, 有光, 道生, 辻, 秀雄, 歌田, 明宏, 油井, 大三郎, 上杉, 忍

    ミネルヴァ書房  2007.11 ISBN: 9784623049455

  • ベネディクト・アンダーソングローバリゼーションを語る

    Anderson, Benedict R. O'G. (Benedict Richard O'Gorman), 梅森, 直之

    光文社  2007.05 ISBN: 9784334034016

  • 近代による超克 : 戦間期日本の歴史・文化・共同体

    Harootunian, Harry D., 梅森, 直之

    岩波書店  2007 ISBN: 9784000225571

  • 「帝国」編成の系譜

    酒井, 哲哉, 井上, 勝生, 梅森, 直之, 浅野, 豊美, 呉, 豪人, 石川, 健治, 苅部, 直, 有馬, 学, 井上, 高聡, 米谷, 匡史

    岩波書店  2006.02 ISBN: 9784000112512

  • 大正デモクラシーと大山郁夫

    藤原, 保信, 荻原, 隆, 梅森, 直之

    新評論  2005.08 ISBN: 479480671X

  • 帝国を撃て : 平民社100年国際シンポジウム

    梅森, 直之

    論創社  2005.03 ISBN: 4846003426

  • 『藤原保信著作集』第六巻

    荻原隆, 梅森直之編

    新評論  2005

  • 幕末維新期の情報活動と政治構想 : 宮島誠一郎研究

    由井, 正臣, 阿部, 恒久, 大庭, 邦彦, 友田, 昌宏, 梅森, 直之, 中川, 壽之, 望月, 雅士, 勝田, 政治, 大日方, 純夫, 安在, 邦夫, 金子, 宏二

    梓出版社  2004.03 ISBN: 4872621077

  • Modernization through colonial mediations : the establishment of the police and prison system in Meiji Japan

    梅森, 直之

    UMI Dissertation Services  2002

  • 水戸イデオロギー : 徳川後期の言説・改革・叛乱

    Koschmann, J. Victor, 田尻, 祐一郎, 梅森, 直之

    ぺりかん社  1998.07 ISBN: 4831508462

  • 家永豊吉と明治憲政史論

    太田, 雅夫, 梅森, 直之, 中川, 志世美

    新泉社  1996.04 ISBN: 4787796070

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  • Graduate Education of Political Science in Japan: Challenges and Opportunities Facing Waseda University

    Naoyuki Umemori

    Workshop in Joint Programs at Thammasat University 

    Presentation date: 2006.07

    Event date:
  • 変奏するアナーキズム:初期社会主義の思想的可能性

    梅森直之  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2021.11

  • Effects of global police power on Meiji state formation

    Naoyuki Umemori

    New Directions in the Study of Global Police Power 

    Presentation date: 2021.10

  • The Past and Future of Campus Asia: A Historical Review

    Naoyuki Umemori

    Beijing Forum 

    Presentation date: 2021.07

  • 社会学は多声性と共存しうるか: 大谷栄一『日蓮主義とはなんだったのか』の方法論読解

    第 23 回「仏教と近代」研究会「『日蓮主義とはなんだったのか』とは何か」 

    Presentation date: 2020.05

  • Competing Modernities in Colony and Metropole

    Naoyuki Umemori

    Routledge Series on Political Theories in East Asian Context 2nd International Workshop of 2019 

    Presentation date: 2019.12

  • 基調講演:「一帯一路」信仰と平和



    Presentation date: 2019.11

  • Multilateralism and Greater East Asian Co-prosperity Sphere: An Epistemological Analysis

    Naoyuki Umemori

    Workshop: Global History and Multilateralism 

    Presentation date: 2019.11

  • The Importance of Liberal Arts Education for the Future of East Asia: A Japanese Perspective

    Naoyuki Umemori

    Beijin Forum 

    Presentation date: 2019.11

  • 緊急討論: 植民地時代に対する批判的記憶はいかに可能か?


    グローバルな記憶空間としての東アジア:再現と遂行性(Representation and Performativity) 

    Presentation date: 2019.09

  • Kuroshio and Japonesia

    Naoyuki Umemori

    “Islands and Mainlands—Center-Periphery Relations in the Context of Nationalism and State-formation” Workshop 

    Presentation date: 2019.09

  • Opening Forum: Engaging Empires through Border-crossing: Taiwan Studies and Beyond

    Naoyuki Umemori

    North American Taiwan Studies Association 

    Presentation date: 2019.05

  • Between nation state and colonial state: the establishment of the police and prison system in Meiji Japan

    Naoyuki Umemori

    Competing Imperialisms in Northeast Asia: Concepts and Approaches 

    Presentation date: 2019.04

  • ロックフェラー財団と 文学者たち: Faulkner at Nagano をめぐって


    国際シンポジウム 日中戦争をめぐるジャーナリズムとプロパガンダ 

    Presentation date: 2018.12

  • 『初期社会主義の地形学』再考:ユートピアの思想史に向けて



    Presentation date: 2018.11

  • Ideological Foundation of Reconciliation Studies: Victimization and Cold War

    Naoyuki Umemori

    Lecture at University of Warsaw 

    Presentation date: 2018.10

  • The Revival of Conservatism in Post-War Japan: An Attempt of Transpacific Analysis

    Naoyuki Umemori

    Political Philosophy Workshop_SYSU_Zhuhai 

    Presentation date: 2018.10

  • The Topography of Early Japanese Socialism: Kōtoku Shūsui and His Age

    Naoyuki Umemori

    Global Justice Workshop SYSU_Zhuha 

    Presentation date: 2018.10

  • Topography of Early Socialism in Japan

    Naoyuki Umemori

    Dahrum University History Workshop 

    Presentation date: 2018.05

  • Japan in America/ America in Japan: Some Reflections on Reconciliation Studies

    Naoyuki Umemori

    St. Andrews University History Workshop 

    Presentation date: 2018.04

  • Some Reflections on Reconciliation Studies With Special Reference to Traditional Justice in Japanese Intellectual History

    Naoyuki Umemori


    Presentation date: 2018.03

  • America in Japan/ Japan in America: Towards a Topographical Analysis of Japanese Intellectual History from KOTOKU Shusui (1871-1911) to ETO Jun (1932-1999)

    Naoyuki Umemori

    The Najita Distinguished Lecture Series 

    Presentation date: 2018.01

  • Significance of Harry Harootunian's Japanese Studies

    Naoyuki Umemori

    Starting with the Now: Critical Studies of East Asia Past, Present, Future 

    Presentation date: 2017.12

  • 国民と非国民のあいだ:大逆事件と安重根事件をめぐって



    Presentation date: 2016.03

  • 戦後日本における記憶レジームの生成と変容


    国際シンポジウム「東アジアのメモリーレジームの変革と記憶の行為 者」(国際学会) 

    Presentation date: 2016.02

  • Karl Jaspers and Transitional Justice

    Naoyuki Umemori

    U.S. Challenges and Opportunities to Enhance Trilateral Cooperation 

    Presentation date: 2016.01

  • Between the universal republic and the emperor system: Some reflections on recent transformations of democratic leadership in Japan

    Naoyuki Umemori

    International Symposium II, 2014 Democratic Leadership in East Asian Context 

    Presentation date: 2014.12

  • 戦後「保守」思想の誕生:江藤淳のアメリカ経験を中心に



    Presentation date: 2014.06

  • J School in Japan

    Naoyuki Umemori

    International News Media System at University of Missouri-Columbia 

    Presentation date: 2014.03

  • 占領中心史観を超えて: 江藤淳のアメリカ経験を中心に



    Presentation date: 2013.12

  • 近代日本と植民地主義



    Presentation date: 2013.12

  • 大杉栄が残したもの


    Presentation date: 2013.06

  • Between Nation State and Colonial State

    Naoyuki Umemori

    Lecture at St Olaf College 

    Presentation date: 2013.03

  • 「親米愛国」の歴史的起源: 江藤淳のアメリカ経験を中心に



    Presentation date: 2012.12

  • 地域研究としての日本学



    Presentation date: 2012.12

  • Between nation state and colonial state: Meiji State Formation from Colonial Perspective

    International Conference on Comparative Colonialism and Culture 

    Presentation date: 2012.09

  • The Perceptions of Capitalism before Marxism: With special references to Early Socialism in Japan

    International Workshop on Marxism in East Asia 

    Presentation date: 2012.06

  • From Wall Street to San Francisco:Rethinking of the US Occupation of Japan

    Sixty Years after the San Francisco Peace Treaty:Peace, Conflict, and Historical Reconciliation in the Asia-Pacific 

    Presentation date: 2011.11

  • Civilization as Measles: Rethinking Fukuzawa Yukichi's "Escaping from Asia"

    Naoyuki Umemori

    2010 ARI’s International Conference Searching for a New East Asian Order: Historical Reflections and Current Issues 

    Presentation date: 2010.03

  • Colony of Mirrors: Post-War Japan and Comparative Colonial Studies

    Naoyuki Umemori

    Comparative Perspective on Colonialism and Culture at Academia Sinica 

    Presentation date: 2008.09

  • モダニティの歴史叙述の倫理性:ハリー・ハルトゥーニアン 『近代による超克』をめぐって



    Presentation date: 2008.03

  • モダニティの歴史叙述の倫理性:ハリー・ハルトゥーニアン 『近代による超克』をめぐって



    Presentation date: 2008.01

  • 社会問題の顕在化と早稲田大学



    Presentation date: 2007.12

  • Some characteristics of Japanese colonial government

    Colonizations and Repressions (Université Denis Diderot / Paris 7) 

    Presentation date: 2007.11

  • 暴力のアウトソーシング: 帝国支配における台湾統治の位置



    Presentation date: 2007.10

  • 初期社会主義における「時間の政治」


    Presentation date: 2007.05

  • Between proletarian novel and mystery: power and anti-colonial imaginations in 1920s in Japan

    Naoyuki Umemori

    Workshop: Edogawa Rampo: Delinquency and Crimes of the Modern 

    Presentation date: 2007.04

  • On some characteristics of Japanese colonial government in Korea: Collusive relationship between nation state and colonial state

    ICKS 2nd International Forum on Korean Studies 

    Presentation date: 2006.06

  • 総督府の警察制度における統治実践と正義

    日韓共同学術会議 第七回 於ソウル大学 

    Presentation date: 2006.05

  • 「感染」する統治: 占領をめぐる日米の交錯



    Presentation date: 2006.04

  • On some characteristics of modern Japanese police system: Collusive relationship between nation state and colonial state

    Naoyuki Umemori

    Beijing Conference 

    Presentation date: 2005.12

  • The Itinerary of Discipline: The Emergence of the Modern Police System in Meiji Japan

    Methods and, Metaphors in Japanese Studies, The Second Japan At, Chicago Conference

    Presentation date: 2004.05

  • Modernization through Colonial Mediations: the Establishment of the Police System in Meiji Japan

    Naoyuki Umemori  [Invited]

    Reimagining Taiwan: Nation, Ethnicity, and Narrative 

    Presentation date: 2003.12

    Event date:
  • The Japanese Constitution from the Perspective of Political Refugee: Oyama Ikuo and Chicago Shimpo in Postwar Politics

    Naoyuki Umemori

    Association for Asian Studies 

    Presentation date: 2002.04

  • 笞杖刑の政治学:日本における植民地統治の形成



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Research Projects

  • 近現代社会運動のグローバルな拡散のメカニズムに関する思想史的研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)

    Project Year :


    田中 ひかる, 阿部 小涼, 崎山 直樹, 関口 寛, 山本 健三, 竹本 真希子, 篠田 徹, 山口 守, 山本 明代, 櫻田 和也, 梅森 直之

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  • International coordination for building Reconciliation Studies

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • Total arrangement of every section and cordination with other international projects

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (Research in a proposed research area)

    Project Year :


  • 移行期正義論・紛争解決学を応用した東アジア歴史認識問題解決の思想基盤構築

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 新学術領域研究(研究領域提案型)

    Project Year :


    梅森 直之, 小林 聡明, 岩崎 稔, 上杉 勇司, 松谷 基和, 野尻 英一, 澤井 啓一, 小山 淑子, 齋藤 純一, 最上 敏樹, 土佐 弘之, 田中 孝彦

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    本思想・理論班では、ⅰ)欧米発の紛争解決学や平和学の成果に学びつつ、儒教や仏教などのアジア的な宗教的 理念と紛争・和解との関連を思想的に探求し、あわせて東アジア型近世秩序から近代的な国際法体系への移行の 意味を理論的に検討することで、東アジア型「和解学」の思想的・理論的基礎を確立する、ⅱ)現在世界的に和 解推進の基準となっている移行期正義概念を批判的に検討し、移行期正義の東アジアにおける適用可能性をネー ションの形成と展開の歴史とともに探究することで、移行期正義の東アジア・モデルを創造する、ⅲ)実証的な 歴史学の方法論では対処しきれない記憶の噴出という現在の東アジアの歴史認識問題を理論的に検証し、記憶と 感情の多層的次元を解明する新しい歴史の基礎理論を構築する、ことを目的に、政治思想、国際政治史、紛争解決学、記憶研究の四分野から、重層的に共同研究を推進した。記憶研究としては、西江大学との共同でグローバルメモリーを主題とする国際カンファレンスを主催し、東アジアにおける記憶政治の現状とその問題点について議論した。国際政治史としては、バーゼル大学グローバルヨーロッパ研究所と共同で国際カンファレンスを開催し、ヨーロッパとアジアにおける紛争の国際比較を進めた。政治思想としては、和解をめぐる基礎理論としての合意形成の重要性に着目し、理論的・歴史的研究を進め、その成果を発表した。紛争解決学としては、紛争の分析を、個人内の葛藤や心理的軋轢へと拡張していくアプローチの研究を進めたほか、それを具体的な教育プログラムとして学部教育へとフィードバックし、その成果を批判的に検討した。また、日常的に海外からの研究者を招へいするセミナーシリーズを開催し、若手研究者のネットワーク構築を進めると同時に、こうした研究成果を、『ワセダアジアレビュー』を通じて公表した。国際的な研究ネットワークの構築が進展した。とりわけ西江大学とバーゼル大学との国際共同研究は、若手研究者の育成を含めた、持続的な長期研究プログラムへと発展した。西江大学とのグローバルメモリーに関する国際シンポジウムは、2018年度の早稲田大学における開催に続き、2019年度には西江大学における開催が決定している。また、バーゼル大学とのグローバルヒストリーをめぐる国際会議は、2018年度のバーゼル大学での開催に続き、2019年度には早稲田大学における開催が決定している。また、ほぼ月二回のペースで、若手研究者を招聘するグローバルアジアセミナーを開催することにより、若手研究者による国際的なネットワーク構築が進展した。若手研究者育成のための制度づくりが進展した。早稲田大学からの支援を受けて、ジョージタウン大学、ケンブリッジ大学、中山大学などの拠点期間から、グローバルヒストリー、グローバルメモリーに関する専門家を招聘し、集中講義や連続セミナーを開催する体制を整えた。これを通じ、大学院生が、正規科目として紛争や和解を主題とする歴史研究や思想研究を履修する体制が整ったほか、若手研究者が、こうした海外の専門家から継続的に研究指導を受けられるようになった。研究上の成果を教育カリキュラムとしてフィードバックする体制づくりが進んだ。日本・韓国・中国の大学が共同して新しい学部教育プログラムを開発し実践するキャンパスアジアプログラムのいくつかの科目において、和解をめぐる研究上の成果を実験的に活用し、その効果を測定した。こうした研究・教育上の成果を、WEBを通じて日常的に情報発信したほか、『ワセダアジアレビュー』21号における和解学特集の一部として公刊した。これまで大きな進展をみた、国際研究ネットワークの構築、若手研究者育成のための環境整備、研究と教育の有機的連関に関しては、これまで以上にその発展に向けた努力を継続する。今後はそれに加えて、思想・歴史班全体としての、また研究分担者それぞれの研究成果の公表に向けた活動を強化していく。あわせて政治外交班、歴史家ネットワーク班、市民運動班、文化記憶班など本新領域研究を構成する他の研究グループとの連携を一層深めていく

  • 近代日本文学と思想の共謀

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 特別研究員奨励費

    Project Year :


    梅森 直之, HURLEY BRIAN

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  • A historical study of thoughts on the transnational interaction of modern social movements

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Project Year :


    TANAKA Hikaru

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    The first part of the achievement of this research is that it is pointed out that the phenomenon of development of social movements in every place of the world is the result of the interaction of ideas and movements across the borders based on the concrete examples from the 19th century to the present. The compilation of this result is the work "Global History of Social Movement" (Minerva Publishing, 2018) . The second part of the achievement of this research is demonstrating that the new framework of "transnational diffusion of ideas and social movements" is better to analyze more wider objects than the "transnational interaction of ideas and movement".

  • 20世紀日本における反共主義と社会秩序と民主主義の関係

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 特別研究員奨励費

    Project Year :


    梅森 直之, HOFMANN RETO

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  • Studies on Historical Reconciliation in East Asia

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

    Project Year :


    Umemori Naoyuki

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    In East Asia, dialogues among nations are frequently interrupted by seemingly insurmountable disputes over history and attempts at historical reconciliation are generally evaluated as a “failure”. In East Asia, the promotion of historical reconciliation presents two specific difficulties. While people in Europe have problematized historical reconciliation as issues of war responsibilities, people in East Asia are more attentive to the issues of colonial responsibilities. Also, people in East Asia experienced the process of democratization and hyper-economic development differently in terms of their chronologies and political implications. As a result, people in East Asia can promote historical reconciliation more effectively by paying more attention to the historical specificities in East Asia in terms of colonialism, democratization, and economic development, as well as by critically reviewing the current theoretical framework of international law.

  • International reporting and propaganda on Sino-Japanese War

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Project Year :


    Tsuchiya Reiko, UMEMURA Suguru, QU Yang, LIU Qian, AKAMI Tomoko, CHIN Sei Jeong, CONNOR Peter O', CHEN Yasai, MUMINOV Sherzod

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    Our findings are (1) "Asian-hand" journalists of major Japanese newspapers had close relationship with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, although they shifted their priority to relationship with Japanese Army after Manchurian Incident in 1931, (2) Contents of Chinese newspapers published under control of Japanese army, and intelligence activities using women in China by Japanese army, (3) propaganda by UK in Asia originally relied on news distribution by Reuters, but after outbreak of the war against Japan, English propaganda organizations in the Far Eastern Office and Chongqing were reorganized as Englishmen who grew up in China or came from Australia with work experience in advertisement joined, and radio broadcasting in Asian languages became reinforced, (4) as for radio, details on formation and development of Taiwan Broadcasting Corporation, and a basic policy to use radio broadcasting in psychological warfare by USA from Japan-China war to Korean War and Vietnam War

  • 東アジアにおける歴史和解のための総合的研究

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(A))

    Project Year :


  • Rethinking on the history of American social movement: from a perspective that connects the Atlantic World and the Pacific Ocean World

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Project Year :



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    Firstly, this study demonstrated that the immigrants, who came from Europe, Africa, Caribbean to the United States and participated to the social movements in the United States, associated to the social movements of their homelands; being influenced transnationally by the social movements of their homelands, immigrants’ social movements developed in the United States. Secondly, it was also revealed that the immigrants who came from Atlantic rim and Ocean rim constructed their social movements commonly in the United States; these movements influenced of the social movement in their homelands, especially in Japan and China. Thirdly, it is pointed out, that there are some materials indicating the possibility of the influence of American social movement to the American people in Japan, who had connection to the Japanese social movement

  • Intelligence and Censorship in Occupied Japan

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Project Year :


    UMEMORI Naoyuki, YAMAMOTO Taketoshi, KATO Tetsuro, KAWAGISHI Norikazu, TSUCHIYA Reiko, IKAWA Mitsuo, KOBAYASHI Somei

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    Our international symposium:“Reconsidering Censorship History in Japan and East Asia”held in July 2013, was published in Intelligence No.14. The website for Historical Studies of Censorship in Japan and the World(http://www.waseda.jp/prj-Kennetsu/) was launched in May 2014 to give information about Japanese censors employed by GHQ, CCD during the occupation period, which based on 6 lists of their names, jobs and salaries, found by our project member. 12 volume of CIA diclassified Japanese files with commentary were also published by our project member

  • Positive Studies of Information and Media Policy by Civil Information & Education Division, GHQ/SCAP in Occupied Japan

    Project Year :


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    To reveal the continuity of policies and activities of the psychological warfare branches of the Allied Powers and the Office of War Information (OWI), USA, during WWII with regard to those of the Civil Information and Education (CIE) Section, SCAP/GHQ, in Occupied Japan after the war, "CIE Weekly Reports" were investigated. The CIE produced many research reports and public opinion polls in cooperation with Japanese public opinion research institutions. The activities of one organization, the Suenaga Public Opinion Institute, has been revealed through this project. It was also shown that the CIE information and propaganda policies included the intervention of the CIE radio section into news coverage of the Korean War by NHK radio in Tokyo, the controlled coverage of the atomic bomb and atomic power in southern Korea and the extension of the VOA in Asia

  • Positive Studies of Information and Media Policy by Civil Information & Education Division, GHQ/SCAP in Occupied Japan

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Project Year :


    TSUCHIYA Reiko, YAMAMOTO Taketoshi, KATOU Tetsurou, UMEMORI Naoyuki, IKAWA Mitsuo, KOBAYASHI Soumei

     View Summary

    To reveal the continuity of policies and activities of the psychological warfare branches of the Allied Powers and the Office of War Information (OWI), USA, during WWII with regard to those of the Civil Information and Education (CIE) Section, SCAP/GHQ, in Occupied Japan after the war, "CIE Weekly Reports" were investigated. The CIE produced many research reports and public opinion polls in cooperation with Japanese public opinion research institutions. The activities of one organization, the Suenaga Public Opinion Institute, has been revealed through this project. It was also shown that the CIE information and propaganda policies included the intervention of the CIE radio section into news coverage of the Korean War by NHK radio in Tokyo, the controlled coverage of the atomic bomb and atomic power in southern Korea and the extension of the VOA in Asia.

  • Co-research Project with Interdisciplinary Approach on Formation and Transformation of Post-War Japanese Society by analyzing various discourses in Occupied Japan

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Project Year :


    TANIKAWA Takeshi, UMEMORI Naoyuki, TSUCHIYA Reiko, MATSUDA Saori, MIYOKAWA Kikuo, MUNAKATA Kazushige, YAMAMOTO Taketoshi, HARADA Kenichi, KOTO Keiko, KAWASAKI Kenko, YOSHIDA Noriaki, MUNAKATA Kazushige, OOMORI Kyoko

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    This research project aimed to reconfirm unconscious intension of the Japanese people who achieved construction of post-war Japanese society, by verifying on foreign words imported from the U.S., newly invented Japanese coinage from English, vulgarized, abbreviated words or jargon which were peculiar during confused era, from the occupation period of Japan after being defeated and under the background of one's sense of values were revolutionized. The fruits of this project were edited as the final report which include about 100 words in occupation era, and will be published on commercial base during year 2010

  • Studies of East Asian Community with Reference to the Legacy of Empires

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Project Year :


    UMEMORI Naoyuki, MOURI Kazuko, WAKATABE Masazumi, MOTONO Eiichi, NAGAYO Susumu, OKAMOTO Koichi, KUDO Motoo, RI Sonshi, AMAKO Satoshi, TSUBOI Yoshiharu, FUKAGAWA Yukiko, RYU Ketsu, SHINODA Toru, OBIBATA Sumio, ANZAI Kunio, GOTO Kenichi, KURODA Kazuo, SONODA Shigeto, HIRANO Keniciro

     View Summary

    Our project has contributed to scholarly investigations on East Asian Community in terms of the collection of historical materials on "Asianism" in postwar Japan, the promotion of mutual historical understandings between Japan and Korea, and the development of new methodologies for Asian Studies. The Construction of the database of Japan Socialist Party documents, the publication of three volume bulletins on "Historical Recognition in Japan and Korea," and three volume book series "Ajiagaku no susume (Introduction to Asian Studies)" are the examples of our accomplishments.

  • Studies of East Asian Community with Reference to the Legacy of Empires

    Project Year :


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    Our project has contributed to scholarly investigations on East Asian Community in terms of the collection of historical materials on "Asianism" in postwar Japan, the promotion of mutual historical understandings between Japan and Korea, and the development of new methodologies for Asian Studies. The Construction of the database of Japan Socialist Party documents, the publication of three volume bulletins on "Historical Recognition in Japan and Korea," and three volume book series "Ajiagaku no susume (Introduction to Asian Studies)" are the examples of our accomplishments.

  • ポスト冷戦期における日本の国民的アイデンティティと日露関係

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 特別研究員奨励費

    Project Year :


    梅森 直之, BUKH A., BUKH Alexander

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    ・本年度においては、Alexander Bukhが行った研究とその成果は、下記の通りである。
    ・同氏は、その研究の一部を2007年8月に行われたアジア研究者国際学会(ICAS)クアラルンプール大会及び2008年3月に行われたこくさ関係学(ISA)サンフランシスコ学会にて報告した。クアラルンプールにて研究の問題意識と全体像について報告を行い、サンフランシスコ学会にて日本のナショナル・アイデンティティと北方領土問題及びアイヌとの関連について報告を行ってきた。クアラルンプール学会でおこなった発表に基づいた論文をEuropean Journal of International Relations誌に投稿し、受理された。この論文は2008年中に掲載される予定である。サンフランシスコ学会で行った発表にもとづいた論文をAlternatives:Local,Global,Political誌に投稿し、現在査読中である。

  • Toward Political Economy of Social Justice : Synthesis of Researches by Economics, Political Science, and Legal Studies

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


    SUGA Koichi, YOSHIHARA Naoki, YABUSHITA Shiro, IIJIMA Shozo, FUNAKI Yukihiko, WAKAMATSU Yoshiki, UMEMORI Naoyuki, KAWAGISHI Norikazu, SHIMIZU Kazumi, WAKATABE Masazumi, YAZAWA Masashi

  • Toward Reconstruction of Political Economy : A Synthetic Study of Ideas and Institutions by Economics, Political Science, and Jurisprudence

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


    SUGA Koichi, YABUSHITA Shiro, IIJIMA Shozo, FUNAKI Yukihiko, UMEMORI Naoyuki, KAWAGISHI Norikazu

     View Summary

    The conclusion which we obtain in this research project is as follows. First, there is no complete correspondence between the political system and the economic system as well as the economic development, and the economic consequence. But the democratic political system requests market economy. Second, idea of market economy is freedom and efficiency, on the other hand, idea of democracy is respect of personality and fairness. The possibility of reconciling both ideas had been pursued by the welfare state, but several severe conditions are necessarily required in their actual compatibility. Generally speaking, idea of democracy contradicts idea of market economy, and also the market system and democracy are often conflicting with each other. Third, the government which appears in order to overcome the market failure comes into another type of failure. Perhaps egalitarian policies cannot be achieved by democratic systems.
    The concrete results of individual researches are as follows. First, with the consideration regarding the methodology of political economy, we verified the necessity which makes clear the role of positive theory and normative theory when we promote expanded dialogue among the political science, economics, and jurisprudence. Second, political requirement of distribution/redistribution policy and education policy is decided irrespectively of the economic performance, and does not connect directly to egalitarianism conclusion or prioritarianism conclusion. Third, how the important principles in the history of thought are related with the actual system design depends on the correlation between historical conditions of each country and value idea of the existing system. Forth, when we reexamined social contract theory, the role of social contract and the egalitarianism in system designing was made clear. Fifth, the forward-looking agenda in social contract theory is consistency between the concept of cooperation imbedded in the contract of the social system and the modern ideas such as the concept of the public as well as privacy. John Roemer's criticism to the normative theory being reexamined, we have advanced the research regarding the role of"the veil of ignorance" to derive justice principles. Sixth, the axiomatic research of justice principles was applied to the case of the maximin principle for the problem of equity between the generations.

  • Toward Reconstruction of Political Economy : A Synthetic Study of Ideas and Institutions by Economics, Political Science, and Jurisprudence

    Project Year :


     View Summary

    The conclusion which we obtain in this research project is as follows. First, there is no complete correspondence between the political system and the economic system as well as the economic development, and the economic consequence. But the democratic political system requests market economy. Second, idea of market economy is freedom and efficiency, on the other hand, idea of democracy is respect of personality and fairness. The possibility of reconciling both ideas had been pursued by the welfare state, but several severe conditions are necessarily required in their actual compatibility. Generally speaking, idea of democracy contradicts idea of market economy, and also the market system and democracy are often conflicting with each other. Third, the government which appears in order to overcome the market failure comes into another type of failure. Perhaps egalitarian policies cannot be achieved by democratic systems.
    The concrete results of individual researches are as follows. First, with the consideration regarding the methodology of political economy, we verified the necessity which makes clear the role of positive theory and normative theory when we promote expanded dialogue among the political science, economics, and jurisprudence. Second, political requirement of distribution/redistribution policy and education policy is decided irrespectively of the economic performance, and does not connect directly to egalitarianism conclusion or prioritarianism conclusion. Third, how the important principles in the history of thought are related with the actual system design depends on the correlation between historical conditions of each country and value idea of the existing system. Forth, when we reexamined social contract theory, the role of social contract and the egalitarianism in system designing was made clear. Fifth, the forward-looking agenda in social contract theory is consistency between the concept of cooperation imbedded in the contract of the social system and the modern ideas such as the concept of the public as well as privacy. John Roemer's criticism to the normative theory being reexamined, we have advanced the research regarding the role of"the veil of ignorance" to derive justice principles. Sixth, the axiomatic research of justice principles was applied to the case of the maximin principle for the problem of equity between the generations.

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Overseas Activities

  • 日本近代思想史の再検討-植民地と亡命者の視座から


    アメリカ   シカゴ大学


  • Faculty of Political Science and Economics   Graduate School of Political Science

  • Affiliated organization   Global Education Center

Research Institute

  • 2023

    Waseda Taiwan Research Institute   Director of Research Institute