Updated on 2025/03/13


KUBO, Sumiko
Faculty of Education and Integrated Arts and Sciences, School of Education
Job title
Doctor of Science ( Tokyo Metropolitan University )

Research Experience

  • 2006

    Professor, School of Education, Waseda University

  • 2001

    Associate Professor, School of Education, Waseda University

  • 1998

    Associate Professor, Chuo-gakuin University

  • 1995

    Lecturer, Chuo-gakuin University

Professional Memberships


    国際第四紀研究連合(International Union for Quaternary Research)







Research Areas

  • Others   Physical Geography, Geomorphology, Quaternary Science

Research Interests

  • Physical Geography, Geomorphology, Quaternary Science


  • AJG Award

    2017   Association of Japanese Geographers  

  • AJG Award

    2016   Association of Japanese Geographers  

  • 日本第四紀学会 学術賞


  • 日本第四紀学会 論文賞




  • Assessing the significance of leaf chlorophyll content for measuring the vegetation health in mangrove species along the Kerala Coast, India – A multi-proxy approach

    K.Ch.V. Naga Kumar, K.K. Basheer Ahammed, Nikhil Lele, N. Nimmi, Sumiko Kubo, Kakani Nageswara Rao, P.S. Harikumar, Girish Gopinath, Bimal K. Bhattacharya

    Regional Studies in Marine Science   77   103702 - 103702  2024  [Refereed]



  • Unraveling the history of land from the topography of rivers and plains: The case of the Tone and Arakawa River Lowland

    KUBO Sumiko

    The Quaternary Research   62 ( 2 ) 47 - 60  2023.05


  • 太田川上流豊平高原における砂鉄採取(鉄穴流し)による地形改変について(概報) : 航空レーザ測量DEMに基づく「赤色立体地図」の判読を通して

    貞方 昇, 千葉 達朗, 角田 徳幸, 德安 浩明, 鈴木 瑞穂, 熊原 康博, 久保 純子, 松本 誠子

    たたら研究 : Journal of Historical Iron and Steel / たたら研究会 編   ( 59 ) 20 - 36  2021.01  [Refereed]


  • Holocene evolution and Anthropocene destruction of the Krishna Delta on the east coast of India: Delta lobe shifts, human impacts, and sea-level history

    Kakani Nageswara Rao, Yoshiki Saito, K. Ch V. Naga Kumar, Sumiko Kubo, Shilpa Pandey, Zhen Li, G. Demudu, A. S. Rajawat

    Marine Geology   427  2020.09  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    © 2020 Elsevier B.V. The Holocene evolution of the Krishna Delta was inferred using landform characteristics and 11 sediment cores with 59 Accelerator Mass Spectrometry 14C dates. The landform assemblages in a 5880 km2 area of the Krishna Delta indicate an upper (landward) river-built fluvial plain and a lower (seaward) marine-built beach-ridge plain. Holocene sediment unconformably overlying a Pleistocene basement consists of 11 sedimentary facies, mainly shallowing-upward and deltaic succession. Sea level indicators such as the basal mangrove peat layers above the Pleistocene basement and the foreshore sediments indicate that the sea level rose from −9 m to −3 m during 8.3–6.3 cal ky BP, and stabilised at the present level around 5 cal ky BP. The 3539 km2 area of the Krishna Delta beach-ridge plain developed in five major stages during the last 6 cal ky, with distinct lateral and seaward migration of delta lobes (depocentre shifts). Delta progradation accelerated in the last 500 years, forming an out-building lobate delta. However, predominant erosion along the sediment-starved coast during the past five decades, due to impoundment of riverine inputs at the burgeoning upstream dams, has pushed the Krishna Delta into a persistent destruction phase.



  • Paleoclimate and Holocene relative sea-level history of the east coast of India

    Kakani Nageswara Rao, Shilpa Pandey, Sumiko Kubo, Yoshiki Saito, K. Ch. V. Naga Kumar, Gajji Demudu, Bandaru Hema Malini, Naoko Nagumo, Rei Nakashima, Noboru Sadakata

    JOURNAL OF PALEOLIMNOLOGY   64 ( 2 ) 71 - 89  2020.08  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    The Holocene sea-level history of the east coast of India is relatively unexplored. We analysed a 17.37-m-long sediment core from Kolleru Lake, a fresh waterbody located in a deltaic setting along the east coast of India, to reconstruct the climate, environmental, and sea-level history of the region. Sedimentary facies and pollen assemblages, with nine accelerator mass spectrometry C-14 dates (two mollusk shells and seven plant samples) from the core revealed Holocene relative sea-level changes, and provide the first insights into the climate of the region from the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) to present. A layer of anhydrous calcium sulfate at the core bottom, along with a C-14 age of 18.4 cal ka BP, combined with the absence of pollen in mottled yellowish clay, indicated a desiccated lake surface, reflecting a dry LGM climate. Palynomorphs in the overlying calcareous-concretion-bearing light brown silty clay showed a change from arid terrestrial herbaceous plants to freshwater taxa, indicating a change from dry to wet climate after the LGM and before 8.0 cal ka BP. Further upward in the core, black, sticky silty clay with abundant mangrove pollen and mollusk shells indicated a marine environment in Kolleru Lake and aggradational sediment stacking related to the middle Holocene sea-level rise from 8.0 to 4.9 cal ka BP. The uppermost sandy/silty clay, with terrestrial/aquatic pollen and a C-14 age of 3.7 cal ka BP indicated a freshwater environment during the late Holocene. Our results show that Kolleru Lake, on the east coast of India, changed from a desiccated state during the dry LGM to a brackish lagoon during the middle Holocene, and then to a freshwater lake by the late Holocene, under the influence of climate and relative sea-level changes.



  • (総論)平野の地形と遺跡立地―変化する環境と人々の活動―、


    考古学ジャーナル   723 ( 723 ) 3 - 4  2019  [Invited]

  • 防災の基礎としての地形分類図

    平井幸弘, 久保純子, 熊木洋太

    地理   63 ( 10 ) 26 - 30  2018


  • 洪水ハザードマップとその利用


    都市問題   109 ( 6 ) 64 - 74  2018  [Invited]


  • Geographical survey of Sambor Prei Kuk -A World Heritage Archaeological Site in Cambodia-.


    Gakujutsu Kenkyu (Academic Studies and Scientific Research) Cultural Science and Social Science   ( 66 ) 153 - 168  2018

  • Sediment accumulation owing to backwater effect in the lower reach of the Stung Sen River, Cambodia

    Naoko Nagumo, Sumiko Kubo, Toshihiko Sugai, Shinji Egashira

    GEOMORPHOLOGY   296   182 - 192  2017.11  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    We examined channel bars at two sites in the lower reach of the Stung Sen River, which flows into Lake Tonle Sap, Cambodia, to identify sediment transport and accumulation processes during monsoon-related flood events and to investigate how sediment transport capacity changes as a result of enhanced backwater effect of the lake. Channel bars in the lower reach of the Stung Sen River that emerge in the dry season were classified into type A (lateral bars), type B (point bars), type C (concave-bank benches) and type D (diagonal and island bars, or fluvial dunes) based on Nagumo et al.'s previous study. Type B, type C, and type D channel bars were at our study sites of SEN-01 and SEN-02, about 83 and 77 km from the river mouth respectively. Computation of water surface profiles showed that sediment transport capacity of the Stung Sen River decreased abruptly after the peak flow stage because of the backwater effect from Lake Tonle Sap during the decreasing flow stage. Our observations suggest that alternating layers of sand and silt to clay layers accumulate to form type C channel bars, corresponding to changes in sediment transport capacity controlled by backwater effects from Lake Tonle Sap and by changes in flow depths and associated slackwater systems. The accumulation of alternating silt and sand layers of type B channel bars results from lateral sediment transportation that is accelerated with an increase of secondary flow, whereas development of type D channel bars is related to bedload mobility. (C) 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.



  • Monitoring of Eco-Restoration of Mangrove Wetlands through Time Series Satellite Images: A Study on Krishna-Godavari Delta Region, East Coast of India.


    Geographical Review of Japan Series B   90   66 - 75  2017  [Refereed]

  • Geospatial Analysis of the Changing Environment of Kolleru Lake, the Largest Freshwater Wetland in India

    K. Ch. V. Naga Kumar, G. Demudu, B. Hema Malini, Kakani Nageswara Rao, Sumiko Kubo

    WETLANDS   36 ( 4 ) 745 - 758  2016.08  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Kolleru Lake, the largest freshwater wetland in India is highly degraded because of siltation, weed infestation and large-scale aquaculture encroachments. Restoration of the lake involves data on the original extent of this shrinking lake and on its extant condition. Previous studies indicated that the lake was a coastal lagoon abutting the Bay of Bengal during the mid-Holocene and later turned into a freshwater body as the seashore prograded 30 km and several rivulets continued to drain into the lake. However, the original extent of the lake is unknown. Mapping of geomorphic features from satellite images and facies recognition from the subsurface sediments recovered from 40 boreholes revealed that the lake initially extended over 1050 km(2). Analysis of time series satellite images indicated that aquaculture activity was absent in 1977 in the 493 km(2) designated Kolleru Wildlife Sanctuary within the 5 ft (similar to 1.5 m) contour but appeared in 12 % of the area in 1990 and expanded to 64 % by 2004. Despite the demolition of fishponds by the government during 2005-2006, they reappeared in 28 % of the sanctuary area by 2008 and further increased to 43 % by 2015, as encroachments continued unabated.



  • Radiocarbon ages and stratigraphy in the city area of the Sambor Prei Kuk Pre-Angkor archaeological site, Cambodia.


    早稲田大学大学院教育学研究科紀要   ( 26 ) 43 - 55  2016

  • Issues of geomorphological surfaces corresponding to Marine Oxygen Isotope Stage 3 in Japan

    KUBO, S

    Geographical Reports of Tokyo Metropolitan University   ( 51 ) 1 - 12  2016

  • Palaeogeography and evolution of the Godavari delta, east coast of India during the Holocene: An example of wave-dominated and fan-delta settings

    Kakani Nageswara Rao, Yoshiki Saito, K. Ch. V. Nagakumar, G. Demudu, A. S. Rajawat, Sumiko Kubo, Zhen Li


     View Summary

    We investigated the Holocene evolution of the Godavari delta along the east coast of India, by analyses of landforms and 11 borehole cores collected from the delta plain during 2010-2013 with 113 C-14 dates. The Godavari delta covering an area of 5820 km(2) is one of the world's largest wave-dominated deltas fringed by a -30 km wide beach-ridge plain. Our analysis of sediment facies and their ages indicated that the Holocene marine sequence thickens seaward from -10 m to more than 50 m and that the local relative sea level rapidly rose from 43.5 m to 7.5 m below the present sea level during 10.9-8.0 cal ky BP followed by a slow rise up to its current level around 5 cal icy BP. Spatio-temporal variations in sediment accumulation rates and palaeo-shorelines for the last 6 Icy revealed successive changes of the main depocentre (delta lobe). We recognised six stages of delta evolution with distinct cyclic shifts of delta lobes controlled by avulsions. A linear beach ridge located 12-14 km inland from the present shoreline, which separates the first three lobes from the last three, represents the effect of coastal erosion of past cuspate delta lobes, as does the current linear shoreline of the central part of the delta. Our study documents continuous net progradation during the Holocene on millennial to centennial time scales. However, a considerable decrease of sediment discharge due to dam construction and water diversion since the 1970s has exacerbated coastal erosion, resulting in shrinking of the Godavari delta plain and tipping it into a persistent destruction phase. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.



  • Fluvial Geomorphology and Characteristics of Modern Channel Bars in the Lower Stung Sen River, Cambodia.

    Nagumo, N, Sugai, T, Kubo, S

    Geographical review of Japan series B   87 ( 2 ) 115 - 121  2014  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Tributaries of Lake Tonle Sap in the Lower Mekong Basin are strongly influenced by seasonal changes of water level in Lake Tonle Sap and discharge of the Mekong River. The aim of this research was to gain a better understanding of the fluvial geomorphology of the Stung Sen River, a tributary of Lake Tonle Sap. We used stereopairs of aerial photographs and satellite images to identify the microtopography of the floodplain and riverbed, and field surveys to observe bankside topography and deposits. We recognized four types of channel bar in the lower Stung Seng River: lateral bars (type A), point bars (type B), concave-bank benches (type C), and diagonal and island bars (type D). Type A appears to have a complementary relationship with type D. In some instances types A and D bars transition to type B bars and, in rare instances, into type C bars. These changes are probably related to channel sinuosity and changes in the volume of transported sediment. Sediment transport and construction of the channel bars appears to be controlled by shifts of the flow regime of the Stung Sen River related to differences in the rate of water level rise in the river compared to those in Lake Tonle Sap. The riverine environment differs greatly from that of the floodplain, where sediment is deposited from suspension during periods of inundation.

    DOI CiNii


  • Late Quaternary floodplain development along the Stung Sen River in the Lower Mekong Basin, Cambodia

    Naoko Nagumo, Toshihiko Sugai, Sumiko Kubo

    GEOMORPHOLOGY   198   84 - 95  2013.09  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    The Stung Sen River, the biggest tributary to Lake Tonle Sap in the Lower Mekong Basin in Cambodia, is characterized by large seasonal changes of water discharge under the Asian monsoon climate and seasonal changes in water level that reach at least 7 m and are controlled by the water level of the lake. The Stung Sen River floodplain consists of two geomorphic units: meander belt along the river channel and backmarsh. Coupled observations of outcrops along the river channel and arrays of sediment cores across the floodplain north of Kampong Chheuteal village and Kampong Thom City, c. 150 km and c. 70 km, respectively, reveal that floodplain environmental changes at c. 11 ka were possibly associated with the Holocene onset of the southeast Asian monsoon and probably with the emergence of Lake Tonle Sap. These observations also show that the present backmarsh-meander belt system was established about 5.5 ka along with the unique Mekong-Tonle Sap connection, characterized by a reversal in flow direction during the monsoon season. The meander belt materials are replaced as the river channel shifts on a decadal to centennial timescale. Backmarsh sediments at sites Kampong Chheuteal and Kampong Thom had a constant accumulation rate of about 0.5 mm/y during the Holocene, contrasting with rates of 0.1 mm/y during the late Pleistocene. At around 11 ka, a sand layer was deposited over all of the valley around Kampong Chheuteal, while wetlands enlarged around Kampong Thom, probably because of increased rainfall triggered by an enhancement of the Asian summer monsoon. This 11 ka horizon has since been covered by clayey sediments keeping pace with the accumulation of lacustrine sediments in Lake Tonle Sap. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.



  • カンボジア,メコン川下流平野における2011年洪水と河川微地形

    南雲直子, 久保純子

    日本地理学会E-Joirnal GEO   8 ( 1 ) 141 - 152  2013  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    We conducted field research around Phnom Penh in the Cambodian lower Mekong plain, which was damaged by heavy flooding between August and October 2011. Flooded areas shown by satellite images and inundation depths measured in the field corresponded to the distribution of micro landforms. Flood water flowed through the Mekong River floodplain, and the area along the Tonle Sap River was heavily inundated. The flood water also reached higher alluvial surfaces, which are rarely inundated during the usual monsoon season. Although the flooding was comparable to that occurring in 2000, there was relatively less damage to infrastructure. In this region with cyclic annual flooding, people in local settlements make adaptations to maintain traditional lifestyles and land use patterns to minimize the risk of floods.

    DOI CiNii

  • Geomorphology, Archaeostratigraphy, and 14C Ages of Sambor Prei Kuk Pre-Angkorean Site, Central Cambodia.

    KUBO Sumiko, SHIMAMOTO Sae, NAGUMO Naoko, YAMAGATA Mariko, HIM Sophorn, SO Sokuntheary, CHANG Vitharong, LUN Votey, SHIMODA Ichita, NAKAGAWA Takeshi

    The Bulletin of the Graduate School of Education of Waseda University (早稲田大学大学院教育学研究科紀要)   ( 22 ) 73 - 90  2012.03


  • Shifting of the Arakawa River in the Kanto Plain, Central Japan, during the Late Holocene: A Geomorphological Approach.

    Kubo, S

    Geographical Review of Japan, Ser. B   84 ( 2 ) 71 - 80  2012.03  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    A geomorphological survey map of the Arakawa Lowland (the lower Arakawa River basin in the Kanto Plain, central Japan) documents several groups of paleomeanders suggestive of channel shifts of the Arakawa River during historical times (last ca. 2,000 years). However, the sequence and timing of these changes of the river are unclear. I examined geomorphological features of paleomeanders and lithological analyses of natural levee deposits, along with historical records on channel modifications, to summarize the current state of knowledge. I differentiate four groups of paleomeanders with different meander wavelengths along the present Arakawa River. The set with the smallest wavelengths is on the Moto-Arakawa River, considered to be a distributary prior to river modifications starting in the 17th century. The second smallest is of late 19th century derived from earlier topographic maps. The set with middle-sized wavelengths can be correlated with the main trunk in the Middle Ages, and the set with the largest wavelengths is suggested to be from an ancient large river that combined the flows from the Tone and Arakawa Rivers. Lithological analyses of deposits along the large paleomeander indicate sediment input from the Tone River watershed. More historical and geomorphological evidence and dating results are required to confirm these arguments.

    DOI CiNii

  • 平野の地形が語る土地の歴史


    水循環 貯留と浸透   Vol.86   23 - 28  2012  [Invited]


  • 関東平野中央部における旧石器時代以降の地形変化


    季刊考古学   115 ( 115 ) 89 - 92  2011  [Invited]

    DOI CiNii

  • Characteristics of fluvial lowland in the lower reach of the Stung Sen river, Central Cambodia.

    Nagumo, N, Sugai, T, Kubo, S

    Transactions. Japanese Geomorphological Union   32 ( 2 ) 142 - 151  2011  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    The Stung Sen River is a major tributary of the Tonle Sap River systems, and several pre-Angkor strongholds are located in its drainage basin. Geomorphological characteristics and development of floodplain in lower reach of the Stung Sen River is discussed by sedimentary core analysis and field survey. The floodplain is composed of more than 10m of fluvial deposits which overlay the heavily weathered basement. Five depositional units and alternation of sandy channel deposits and suspended deposits are distinguished. The accumulation rate of the successive floodplain deposits is calculated as 0.1-0.6mm/yr by AMS-^<14>C ages, while the rate near the Stung Sen main channel is large, to be replaced frequently by the channel shifts. Fluctuation in the groundwater level is shown by the deposits color. This represents distinct seasonal environmental changes caused by monsoon.


  • Location of a pre-Angkor capital city in relation to geomorphological features of lower reach of the Stung Sen River, central Cambodia

    Naoko Nagumo, Toshihiko Sugai, Sumiko Kubo

    GEODINAMICA ACTA   23 ( 5-6 ) 255 - 266  2010.09  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    The Sambor Prei Kuk archaeological site in lower reach of the Stung Sen River, central Cambodia, is the site of the capital city of the pre-Angkor state of Chen la. The location of Sambor Prei Kuk is discussed in relation to the geomorphological characteristics of lower reach of the Stung Sen River and the requirements of the inhabitants. The uplands were divided into upland I, which is characterized by hills, and uplands II and III, both of which have flat surfaces, with upland III lower than upland II. The present river follows a meandering course within a conspicuous meander scroll zone, and deposits along the channel are repeatedly eroded and redeposited. Back marsh areas have gradually filled with suspended flood water sediments during the last 4600 years at an accumulation rate of 0.6 mm/yr. The floodplain and lake plain were divided into five zones to evaluate the monsoonal flood risk and accessibility to upland, considering uplands distribution. Sambor Prei Kuk on upland II with the port town adjacent the river is situated on the place where water transport is feasible and the risk of monsoonal flood is low, which means the people accommodated to the highly different dry and monsoonal environment. (C) 2010 Lavoisier SAS. All rights reserved



  • 多摩川左岸における立川段丘面区分の再検討

    久保純子, 小山善雅

    早稲田大学教育学部 学術研究—地理学・歴史学・社会科学編-   58 ( 58 ) 23 - 41  2010.02


  • 宮ヶ瀬ダム建設前後の中津川河川敷の変化

    久保純子, 須田康平

    早稲田大学教育学部 学術研究-地理学・歴史学・社会科学編-   57 ( 57 ) 27 - 47  2009.02


  • Geomorphological features and subsurface geology of the Lower Mekong Plain around Phnom Penh city, Cambodia (Southeast Asia)

    S. KUBO

    Revista Geografica Academica   Vol.2, ( No.1 ) 20 - 32  2008  [Invited]


  • アジアモンスーン地域における農業水利用変化予測モデルの開発

    増本隆夫, 丹治 肇, 小川茂男, 堀川直紀, 力丸 厚, 久保純子, 宗村広昭, ファム タイン, ハイ, ラウション カマール

    農村工学研究所報告   46 ( 46 ) 67 - 90  2007.03


  • 最終氷期以降の青森平野の環境変遷史

    久保純子, 辻 誠一郎, 村田泰輔, 辻 圭子, 後藤香奈子

    植生史研究   ( 特別第2号 ) 7 - 17  2006.11  [Refereed]

  • Land, water nad land use in the Lower Mekong Plain (Cambodia): Geomorphological integration

    Proc. International Conference on "Mekong Research for the People of the Mekong"     309 - 316  2006.10

  • メコン川下流平野(カンボジア)における微地形と洪水特性、土地利用・水利用の特色


    早稲田大学教育学部「学術研究」地理学・歴史学・社会科学編   ( 54 ) 1 - 9  2006.02


  • Geomorphological features, flood characters, land-use and water-use in the Lower mekong Plain in Cambodia


    Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Integrated Mekong River Management     201 - 205  2004.10

  • 日本全国地形・地盤分類メッシュマップの構築

    若松加寿江, 松岡昌志, 久保純子, 長谷川浩一, 杉浦正美

    土木学会論文集   759/I-67   213 - 232  2004.04  [Refereed]


  • 日本全国地形・地盤分類メッシュマップ構築のための既存データ収集と問題点

    久保純子, 若松加寿江

    早稲田大学大学院教育学研究科紀要   14 ( 14 ) 53 - 71  2004.03

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    We constructed a GIS-based digital map named Japan Engineering Geomorphological Land Classification Map (JEGM) that covers all over Japan with unified category, consisting of a total of approximately 380, 000 grid cells of c. 1 * 1 km each in size. For constructing the JEGM, we had been referred various kind of geomorphologic maps, geologic maps, reports and papers. This paper examines source data and maps for constructing the JEGM, and presents some problems in the existing maps such as the geomorphologic database that included the Digital National Land Information of National Land Agency. For example, the geomorphologic database in the National Land Information has problems in land classification criteria that are not unified over all prefectures. It was compiled from separate geomorphological maps of 1 : 200, 000 prepared by each prefecture in 1970s.


  • JEGM(Japan Engineering Geomorphologic Classification Map) for nationwide

    K.Walamatsu, M. Matsuoka, K. Hasegawa, S. Kubo

    GIS Development   8 ( 3 ) 32 - 33  2004.03

  • 利根川中下流域における歴史時代の河道変遷——埼玉県東部、


    国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告   118 ( 118 ) 77 - 91  2004.02


  • カンボジア中部、ソンボープレイクック遺跡(7世紀)の調査——1998・1999年度調査より——

    古城泰, 久保純子

    早稲田大学大学院教育学研究科紀要   ( 13 ) 15 - 31  2003.03


  • Geomorphological features and flood characters around Phnom Penh, lower Mekong river plain.


    Proceedings of the First International Conference on Hydrology and Water Resources in Asia Pacific region,   2   692 - 696  2003

  • Buried Tachikawa terraces in the lower Tama River plain corresponding to Marine Isotope Stage 3


    Geographical Reports of Tokyo Metropolitan University   37 ( 37 ) 15 - 24  2002


  • Geomorphological features of the Thu Bon River Plain, Central Vietnam, and their relations on flood hazards in 1999.


    Gakujutsu Kenkyuu, School of Education, Waseda University   ( 50 ) 1 - 12  2002


  • Geomorphological features around Hoi An, the 17th-Century international trade city in central Vietnam.


    Bulletin of the Institute of Comparative Cultures, Chuo-gakuin University   ( 14 ) 73 - 94  2000


  • Environmental Changes in the Tokyo Lowland during the Historical Times (Last ca. 2000 Years)


    Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History   81 ( 81 ) 101 - 113  1999


  • 1999年2月26日秋田県沖の地震とその被害(共著)

    若松加寿江, 久保純子

    土と基礎、(社)地盤工学会   47 ( 8 ) 36 - 37  1999


  • 歴史時代における利根川下流低地(香取平野)の環境変遷に関する問題点


    中央学院大学比較文化研究所紀要   ( 12 ) 41 - 56  1998

  • ホイアン周辺の地形と河川-1997年度第1回調査報告-(共著)

    大矢雅彦, 久保純子

    昭和女子大学国際文化研究所紀要   ( 4 ) 225 - 235  1998


  • 相模川下流平野の埋没段丘からみた酸素同位体ステージ5a以降の海水準変化と地形発達


    第四紀研究   36 ( 3 ) 147 - 163  1997  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    The Sagami River mouth faces the Sagami Trough without a distinct continental shelf, and the lower Sagami plain has well-developed marine and fluvial terraces. This area is also favorable for interpreting the tephrochronology of the Last Glacial Cycle using tephras from Fuji and Hakone volcanoes. The subaerial terraces and their constituent deposits in the lower Sagami plain correspond to the Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) 5c-5a (S1-S3 terraces), 3 (N and T) and 2 (M), respectively.<br>The buried terraces were examined by bore-hole logs and correlated with subaerial ones in the upper reaches using morphological continuity and tephra sequence lying on the terraces. These buried terraces and deposits correspond to the MISs 5a, 4, 3, and 2, based on tephrostratigraphy.<br>The landform development of the lower Sagami plain since the MIS 5a is as follows: A broad fan-deltaic plain was formed in the culmination of the MIS 5a. A deep and narrow valley incised the plain during the MIS 4, because of the sea-level drop. During the MIS 3, this deep valley was filled, and a relatively wide plain of compound fans developed. A deep and narrow valley was formed again in the MIS 2. Sagami Bay has intruded into the lower Sagami plain in the MIS 1.<br>Relative sea-level changes are shown by subtracting tectonic components from the observed heights of buried terraces near the present river mouth. The tectonic component (average uplift rate) is estimated to be 0.07m/ky near the present river mouth. The calculated sea-level height at the culmination of each stage was as follows: -30 to -40m in the MIS 5a, ; -95 to 110m in the MIS 4; -80 to -90m in the MIS 3; and -100 to -110m in the MIS 2. These results suggest a low sea level for the MIS 4 and that a relatively low sea-level remained throughout the MIS 3.

    DOI CiNii

  • Recognation and Distribution of Buried Terraces in the Lower Sagami Plain, Southern Kanto


    Geographical Reports of Tokyo Metropolitan University   31   53 - 64  1996


  • Buried terraces in the lower Sagami plain, central Japan: Indicators of sea levels and landforms during the Marine


    東京都立大学大学院理学研究科学位請求論文   147  1995


  • Geomorphological features of Northwestern Bangladesh and some problems on flood mitigation

    Sumiko Kubo

    GeoJournal   31 ( 4 ) 313 - 318  1993.12  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    The northwest region of Bangladesh is divided into four geomorphological units which show different flood features. The region has suffered severe flood damage both in 1987 and 1988. After these floods Bangladesh Action Plan for Flood Control was established by the World Bank. In the northwest region the plan proposed two major projects, namely, an interceptor drain and a diversion channel. A Polder Project is also going on in this region. However these major projects are mainly on structural methods and require much cost for long embankments. The author suggests smaller but reasonable projects combining structural and non-structural methods in the region. © 1993 Kluwer Academic Publishers.



  • バングラデシュ北西部の地形・洪水特性からみた水害対策計画の問題点


    地学雑誌   102 ( 1 ) 50 - 59  1993  [Refereed]

    DOI CiNii

  • Geomorphological Land Classification Map of the Northern Coast of the Sagami Bay

    Oya Masahiko, Matsubara Akiko, Kubo Sumiko, Kodera Koji

    Map, Journal of the Japan Cartographers Association   29 ( 4 ) 23 - 26  1991

    DOI CiNii

  • 庄内平野の地形分類図にあらわれた活褶曲


    東北地理   43 ( 3 ) 188 - 194  1991  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Shonai Plain is located in the lower reach of the Mogami River, which flows into the Japan Sea in Northeast Japan. The Amarume Anticline, where Amarume and other oil fields are located, runs from north to south in the eastern part of the plain. Deformations of the plain surface are seen as evidences of an active fold on this plain.<br>During the revision of the "Geomorphologic Land Classification Map of the Shonai Plain illustrating features of flooding and soil liquefaction" (Oya et al., 1982, 1989), it was found that the Amarume Anticline influenced the river courses in the Shonai Plain. By studying historical maps based on a geomorphologic land classification map, I found that the Mogami River has changed its course repeatedly within a entrenched meandering belt of the river along the Amarume Anticline from 17th century to the present. The relative height of a natural levee from the former Mogami river bed is 2.65m along the anticline. Furthermore, the Aizawa River, a small tributary which flows into the Mogami River near Sagoshi, is entrenching the alluvial surface of the plain with its relative height of 4.5m. The Kyoden River from Mt. Haguro shows an incised meander along the Amarume Anticline. These phenomena descrived above can be used to determine the existence of an active fold—Amarume Anticline.<br>Geomorphologic land classification maps serve many purposes. For example, one was used to determine the site of bridge at the Brahmaputra-Jamna River by Oya (1979). Geomorphologic land classification maps can also be used to indicate the presence of an active fold. Moreover, they illustrate how river cources change with time.

    DOI CiNii

  • Geomorphological Features of Valleys Dissecting the Uplands of the Kanto Plain


    Geog. Rep. Tokyo Met. Univ.   25 ( 25 ) 125 - 138  1990


  • The Uplands and Lowlands of Tokyo: A Geomorphological Outline

    Sumiko Kubo

    Geographical review of Japan, Series B.   63 ( 1 ) 73 - 87  1990  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Landforms of the main part of Tokyo Metropolis consist of Pleistocene uplands and Holocene lowlands. The original forms of upland surfaces are sea bottoms of the Last Interglacial Age, or the fluvial surface of the Last Glacial. These terrace surfaces are covered with thick air-laid tephra layers. They were supplied by westerly sitting volcanoes such as Mt. Fuji and the Hakone Caldera during the late Pleistocene. The uplands are dissected by valleys whose heads are situated on the upland surface. Some valleys in the upland were formed by remnant streams on the upland surface where tephras were accumulated. The origin of these valleys dates back to the Last Glacial. The lowlands were the places where some large valleys were cut during the Last Glacial. The marine deposits of the Postglacial Transgression buried these valleys. Fluvial systems, including the Japan's largest river Tone, developed after that. These deposits formed the “soft ground”. The outline of the evolution of Tokyo Lowland during the late Holocene is shown by the method of historical ge-omorphology. Since the 17th century, river courses have been changed artificially and the coastal area along Tokyo Bay has been reclaimed and filled up. The Tokyo Lowland is the most transformed area by human activities in Japan. The characteristics of the mobile belt such as crustal movements and volcanic activities have played as important a role as the eustatic changes in the landform of the uplands and lowlands of Tokyo. Human activities are increasing on the landform of Tokyo. © 1990, The Association of Japanese Geographers. All rights reserved.



  • 東京低地における縄文海進以降の地形の変遷


    早稲田大学教育学部 学術研究   38 ( 38 ) 75 - 92  1989


  • 相模野台地・武蔵野台地を刻む谷の地形-風成テフラを供給された名残川の谷地形-


    地理学評論   61A   25 - 48  1988  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    In this study, geomorphological and geological features of valleys which dissect the diluvial uplands of Sagamino and Musashino, unto Plain, are investigated and a model of their evolution is also shown.<br> Diluvial uplands of the Kanto Plain such as Sagamino and Musashino have thick air-laid tephra layers on their surfaces. These tephras were supplied from westward volcanoes such as Haone and Fuji, and are estimated to have been supplied constantly by many intermittent eruptions father than by a few eruptions in short duration.<br> There must have been two processes on the upland surfaces following the formation of the uplands: stream erosion and tephra deposition for which the evolution of these valleys can be understood as a result of these reciprocal processes.<br> The purpose of this study is to clarify the evolution of these valleys under the conditions mentioned above. Geornorphological features are investigated in their planforms, longitudinal profiles and cross section forms of valleys. Geological stratigraphy along the valleys is analysed from boring data and observations of outcrops in the investigated areas.<br> Valleys investigated are those of Sakai River, Hikiji River and Hato River in Saamino and Kanda R., Shakujii R., Sen R., No R., urome R. and Toshitorazu R. in Musashlno (Fig. 1).<br> The Saamino Upland consists of some terraces groups: Zama Hills (lama stage), Koza Hills (Simosueyoshi stage), Sagamihara Surface (usasino stage), Tanahara Surface and Minahara Surface (both Tacikawa stage). The surfaces from Sagamihara Surface on are dissected fan terraces, and are covered with thick tephra layers: 17-20m on Sagamihara Surface, 6-7m on Tanahara. Surface and 2-4m on Minahara Surface. Thickness varies depending on their forming age (Figs. 2 and 3). formed by the removal of tephras along the former river courses. The model (Fig. 17) shows the evolutional history of these valleys: 1) A former river course remains on a terrace surface; 2) Remnantstreams flows away falling tephras along the former river course; 3) Tephras accumulated on both side of the stream form a &ldquo;valley&rdquo; and 4) A water spring may create another valley.<br> When additional &ldquo;fossil channels&rdquo; on diluvial uplands are discovered, they will offer further data for reconstructing river hydrology or palaeoenvironmental studies.

    DOI CiNii


  • 早稲田大学周辺の地形-武蔵野台地と神田川の非対称谷に関連して


    早稲田大学教育学部 学術研究   ( 37 ) 57 - 73  1988


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Books and Other Publications

  • 世界の地域問題100

    漆原和子, 藤塚吉浩, 松山洋, 大西宏治編( Part: Contributor, 首都圏の洪水リスクを考える)

    ナカニシヤ出版  2021.12 ISBN: 9784779516139

  • 『新狛江市史 通史編』

    ( Part: Contributor, 第Ⅰ編 狛江の土地の成り立ち)

    東京都狛江市  2021

  • 『港区史 自然編』

    ( Part: Contributor, 第1章 地形地質)

    東京都港区  2020

  • 『写真と図でみる地形学 増補新装版』

    貝塚爽平・太田陽子・小疇 尚・小池一之・野上道男・町田 洋・米倉伸之 編、久保純子・鈴木毅彦増補

    東京大学出版会  2019

  • 『さいたま市史 自然編 ―気象・地形・地質―』

    さいたま市( Part: Contributor)

    さいたま市  2019

  • 『図解 日本列島100万年史2 大地のひみつ』

    山崎晴雄, 久保純子( Part: Supervisor (editorial))

    講談社  2018

  • 『図解 日本列島100万年史1 誕生のふしぎ』

    山崎晴雄, 久保純子監修( Part: Supervisor (editorial))

    講談社  2018

  • 『地形の辞典』

    日本地形学連合編( Part: Contributor)


  • 『わかる!取り組む!災害と防災』シリーズ 第4巻「豪雨・台風」、第5巻「土砂災害・竜巻・豪雪」の一部

    帝国書院編( Part: Supervisor (editorial))

    帝国書院  2017

  • 『自然地理学事典』朝倉書店、のうち「第四紀」「河川流路の人工改変」他

    小池一之ほか編( Part: Contributor)

    朝倉書店  2017

  • 『日本列島100万年史 大地に刻まれた壮大な物語』

    山崎晴雄, 久保純子( Part: Joint author)

    講談社ブルーバックス  2017

  • 水害とハザードマップ、ほか 鈴木康弘編『防災・減災につなげる ハザードマップの活かし方』

    鈴木康弘編( Part: Contributor)

    岩波書店  2015

  • 江戸の地形環境――武蔵野台地と利根川デルタ――、江戸遺跡研究会編『江戸の開府と土木技術』吉川弘文館

    ( Part: Contributor)

    吉川弘文館  2014

  • 明治の地図で読む東京の地形・地盤、構造デザインマップ編集委員会編『構造デザインマップ 東京』

    構造デザインマップ編集委員会編( Part: Contributor)

    総合資格出版  2014

  • 序章 日野・八王子地域とその周辺の地形、原田信男編『地域開発と村落景観』


    思文閣  2011

  • 河川と地形(総論)、高橋 裕ほか編『川の百科事典』


    丸善  2009

  • 第4章 相模川がつくった段丘の地形と地質(一部)、相模原市総務局総務課市史編さん室編『相模原市史 自然編』


    相模原市総務局総務課  2009

  • 酸素同位体ステージ3の時代の武蔵野台地、比田井民子ほか編『後期旧石器時代の成立と古環境復元』(考古学リーダー14)、124-134


    六一書房  2008

  • 平野と海岸の地形、高橋日出男・小泉武栄編著『自然地理学概論』、106-116


    朝倉書店  2008

  • 多摩川の流路変遷と野川・多摩川間の地形の変遷——立川段丘の区分に関連して——、「野川流域の旧石器時代」フォーラム記録集刊行委員会監修・明治大学校地内遺跡調査団編『野川流域の旧石器時代』(考古学リーダー11)、75-84


    六一書房  2007

  • 「常総の内海」香取平野の地形と歴史時代における環境変遷、市村高男監修・茨城県立歴史館編『中世東国の内海世界』、39-64


    高志書院  2007

  • 『日本の地形・地盤デジタルマップ』

    若松加寿江, 久保純子, 松岡昌志, 長谷川浩一, 杉浦正美

    東京大学出版会  2005.11

  • 干拓地・埋立地の風景、中村和郎・新井 正・岩田修二・米倉伸之編『日本の地誌1 日本総論Ⅰ(自然編)』、257-261


    朝倉書店  2005.11

  • メコン川下流(カンボジア)の地形と洪水災害に関する研究

    平成13年度〜15年度科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(B)(2))研究成果報告書  2004.03

  • 地球システムと水、円城寺 守編著『地球環境システム』、78-108

    久保純子, 高橋一馬

    学文社  2004

  • 流域の治水と開発 利根川、寺阪昭信・平岡昭利・元木靖 編『関東Ⅱ 地図で読む百年』

    松田磐余, 久保純子

    古今書院  2003.03

  • 江戸から東京へ——世界都市の夢と現実 東京、寺阪昭信・平岡昭利・元木靖 編『関東Ⅰ 地図で読む百年』

    寺阪昭信, 久保純子

    古今書院  2003.03

  • 「東京低地の開発」、小野正敏編『図解・日本の中世遺跡』

    久保純子, 谷口 榮

    東京大学出版会  2001

  • 「三郷の地形と水」・「都市化の進行と治水・水利」、埼玉県三郷市『三郷市史 水利水害編』


    埼玉県三郷市  2001

  • 歴史時代の自然環境変化-平野の微地形を手がかりとして-、『地方史研究の新方法』


    八木書店  2000

  • 「5-6(3)相模野台地と相模川低地」、貝塚爽平・小池一之・遠藤邦彦・山崎晴雄・鈴木毅彦編『日本の地形4 関東・伊豆小笠原』


    東京大学出版会  2000

  • 「5-3(3)荒川扇状地とその周辺の丘陵・台地」・「5-4関東平野中部と東京湾」、貝塚爽平・小池一之・遠藤邦彦・山崎晴雄・鈴木毅彦編『日本の地形4 関東・伊豆小笠原』

    小池一之, 久保純子

    東京大学出版会  2000

  • 「3-3(2)相模川と支流の河成段丘——山間部河谷の侵食と堆積」、貝塚爽平・小池一之・遠藤邦彦・山崎晴雄・鈴木毅彦編『日本の地形4 関東・伊豆小笠原』

    貝塚爽平, 久保純子

    東京大学出版会  2000

  • 「東京低地の古環境を知る」、大矢雅彦ほか『地形分類図の読み方・作り方』


    古今書院  1998

  • 第一章第一節東京低地の形成

    『江東区史上巻』(東京都江東区, 分担執筆)  1997

  • 第3章 ヨーロッパの外因性地形/第9章 バリスカン・ヨーロッパより9.1〜9.5(共訳)

    『ヨーロッパの地形(上)』(大明堂)  1997

  • 「東京の歴史時代の地形環境」

    地方史研究協議会編『地方史・研究と方法の最前線』  1997

  • Physical Geography of the Kanto Plain

    The Kanto Plain and the Yangtze Delta  1996

  • 中央学院大学とその周辺の自然環境(共著)

    中央学院大学30周年記念論集『国際化時代の法と経済・社会』  1996

  • Buried terraces in the Lower Sagami Plain, Central Japan : Indicators

    Doctoral Dissertation submitted to Tokyo Metropolitan University  1995

  • 東京低地の中世の自然環境

    『東京低地の中世を考える』(名著出版, 分担執筆)  1995

  • 東京低地の地形の変遷

    東京低地の中世を考える(名著出版;共著)  1995

  • 東京低地の水域・地形環境の変化

    『アトラス日本列島の環境変化』(朝倉書店, 分担執筆)  1995

  • 新修蕨市史 通史編(分担執筆)

    埼玉県蕨市  1995

  • 東京低地の水域・地形の変遷と人間活動

    防災と環境保全のための応用地理学(古今書院;共著)  1994

  • 淀川水害地形分類図および説明書(共著)

    建設省淀川工事事務所  1993

  • 三郷市史 自然編(共著)

    埼玉県三郷市  1992

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Research Projects

  • 人新世に関わる人為活動活発化の評価:太田川下流域をモデルケースとして

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    久保 純子, 熊原 康博

  • History of Funan, an early polity of Southeast Asia: reconsideration based on archaeological materials recently unearthed at the Oc Eo site in Vietnam.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • インドシナ半島における河川環境の変化が遺跡立地に与える影響

    Project Year :


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    インドシナ半島東部に位置するデルタ平野において、長期的な気候変動と河道変遷に対応した人々の居住空間の変遷を、ボーリング掘削や歴史資料によって明らかにする。特にこれまで詳細なボーリングコア分析が行われていないベトナム中部の河川地形や、遺跡立地と地形の関係が十分に議論されていない北部の紅河、南部のメコン川の形成する地形に注目し、古地図やボーリング調査、遺跡データや空中写真、衛星写真などから過去に巨大洪水が発生した時期や場所、河道変遷の形跡を探り、インドシナ半島の各地における長期的な環境変動に対する人間活動の応答について、地形学の視点から比較・検討する。平成31年度にはベトナムのアンザン省とクァンナム省において現地調査を実施した。その具体的内容、意義、重要性は以下の通りである。(1)研究代表者・船引と研究分担者・久保はベトナム中部クァンナム省ホイアンおよびダナン周辺において、トゥボン川下流域の地形について踏査し、海岸部の浜堤列において堆積物を採取した。さらにクァンナム省チャーキュウ遺跡の踏査を行い、河川堆積物を採取した。本研究では、トゥボン川低地においてボーリングコアの掘削を予定しており、そのための事前調査となった。(2)研究代表者・船引はベトナム南部社会科学院が行っている、アンザン省オケオ遺跡での発掘調査に同行し、2-3世紀頃まで使われていたという運河跡のトレンチにおいて層相を観察し、年代測定、花粉、珪藻分析用のサンプルを採取した。花粉分析はベトナム考古学院のNguyen Thi Mai Huong博士、珪藻分析はハノイ国家大学のNguyen Thi Thu Cuc博士に依頼した。オケオ遺跡は 1世紀から 7世紀にかけてメコンデルタ(現在のカンボジア、ベトナム南部)から 東北タイ南部 にかけて栄えた古代国家、扶南国の港市である。当該地での河川環境の調査は、オケオ周辺の堆積環境のみならず、メコンデルタの形成史に関する研究を大きく前進させる資料である。(3)研究分担者・米澤はベトナム中部クァンナム省ダナンを中心とした野外調査データ(標高測量データ)を用いて微細な地形データ(DEM:Digital Elevation Model)を作成し、作成したDEMの検証をおこなった。(4)研究代表者・船引と研究分担者・久保は東南アジア考古学会主催の研究集会内『ベトナム南部・オケオ遺跡をめぐる近年の調査動向:「扶南外港」の実態解明を目指して』において、これまでのインドシナ半島東部に位置するデルタ平野と遺跡に関する研究成果について、講演発表を行った。(1)ベトナム中部クァンナム省ホイアン周辺はトゥボン川の下流域にあたり、数千年スケールでのデルタの地形変化を明らかにするため、ボーリング調査の実施を予定している地点だが、現地での聞き取りの結果、海岸部の砂丘地域は工業地域としての開発が進んでおり、地権者との交渉は難航することが予想される。またトゥボン川中流のチャーキュウ遺跡では、2018年秋に水田で農民による遺跡破壊(水田の深い耕起)が発生し、現地行政機関が遺跡の現況を変えることに敏感になっているという現状について確認できた。そのため、日本からの考古学分野の発掘調査の実施も難しく、ボーリング調査においても困難が予想される。(2)ベトナム南部、メコンデルタにおけるアンザン省オケオ遺跡では、7点の放射性年代測定を行うことができた。運河の最下部からは2-3世紀の年代を示す試料が多く得られ、深いところでは地表から2-3mまで掘りこんでいることがわかった。また運河の下に見られる沖積層からは8000-3000年前の年代が得られた。花粉や珪藻などの微化石分析は、主に運河の下に見られる沖積層からサンプルを採取した。完新世初期の海水準上昇期の花粉は、バックマングローブを始め、海と陸との境界付近に生育する植物の花粉が多くみられる。5000年前頃の高海水準期の層準からは、より海側に生育するマングローブなどの花粉が多く検出された。珪藻は汽水域のものが多く、完新世の海水準高頂期における内陸までの潮汐の影響が及んでいたと考えられる。(3)ダナン市周辺のDEM 作成においては、パラメータ設定の影響を詳細に検証し、DEM作成における適切なパラメータ設定基準を提案した。作成したDEMはダナン市のような平坦な地形についても効果的であることがわかった。また、水文解析や洪水ハザードゾーネーションの分野においても有効に利用することができる。(1)チャーキュウ遺跡発掘などの中部のホイアン周辺でのボーリングに関しては、ベトナム側との交渉が進んでおらず、来年度以降のチャーキュウ遺跡付近の調査に合わせて打診を行う予定である。(2)フランス国土地理院への協力要請を行い、ベトナム中部のホイアン・ダナン周辺や南部のオケオ遺跡周辺での古地形図や航空写真の取得を目的として、フランスへの渡航を検討している。(3)地形解析に関しては、これまで作成したダナン周辺のDEMに加え、画像解析ソフトMetashapeを用いて航空写真からもDEMを作成し、両者を統合して高精度な地形データを作成する。(4)2019年度の調査で得られたオケオ遺跡における放射性炭素年代値、珪藻や花粉分析の結果をもとに、完新世を通じたオケオ周辺の環境変化について整理と研究、報告を行う。オケオの運河はメコン川の本流が南流するのに対し、カンボジア国境付近からタイ湾に向けて西流する。流路が短くなるという利点もあるが、既往研究ではこの流路を旧河道とする者もある。運河と旧流路との関係を明らかにすることを目的とする。オケオ遺跡においては、ベトナム南部社会科学院による学術調査が続いており、運河内における微化石分析も進められている。今後は彼らの進める研究成果も参考に、メコンデルタにおける河川環境の変化について検討を進める。(5)しかしながら、新型コロナウイルスの世界的な感染状況などを鑑み、今後2年間の研究に関してはどれほどの進展があるか予想が難しい状況である。昨年度の成果については、2020年5月にハノイにおいてオケオ遺跡の研究成果に関する国際シンポジウム、8月にトルコで開催予定の国際地理学会で発表する予定であったが、新型コロナウイルスの影響でそれぞれ中止、延期となっている。今後はベトナム側とも協力し、入手可能な資料を最大減に活用し、研究成果を上げていく方針である

  • インドシナ半島における河川環境の変化が遺跡立地に与える影響

    Project Year :


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  • Early state formation in the Indochina peninsula: an approach from the Tra Kieu site in Vietnam.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • インド東海岸ゴダバリ・クリシュナデルタの形成と人類の活動に関する地形学的研究

    Project Year :


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    「インド東海岸ゴダバリ・クリシュナデルタの形成と人類の活動に関する地形学的研究」本研究はインド東海岸ゴダバリ・クリシュナデルタを対象に、微地形分布と堆積物の分析によりデルタの形成史を明らかにするとともに、遺跡分布から人類の活動史を追跡し、地形条件とデルタの開発・居住に関する地形学的研究を行うことを目的とした。インド、アンドラ大学のK.Nageswara Rao教授を中心に、これまでゴダバリ・クリシュナデルタ地域でボーリング調査を行い、堆積物の分析によるデルタ形成史の解明が進められてきた。また、両デルタ海岸部におけるマングローブ林の変化、両デルタの間に位置するコレル湖の形成と人為による縮小など、地形形成と人類の関わりの研究を行い、それらは以下の国際誌に公表された。Nageswara Rao et al.(2015) Palaeo-3, 440: 213-233/ Naga Kumar et al.(2016) Wetlands, 36: 745-758/ KUBO et al. (2017) Geographical Review of Japan Ser.B, 90: 66-75/ Nageswara Rao et al.(2020) J.of Paleolimnology, DOI 10.1007/s10933-020-00124-2さらに、デルタ上に分布する遺跡の堆積物分析と年代測定を行い、デルタの形成史と居住に関わる調査を進め、国際地理学連合大会で発表の予定である。2019年度末に、今後の研究方針を含めた打ち合わせをアンドラ大学にて実施する予定であったが、新型コロナウイルス感染症の影響で実施できなかった。また、2020年8月にトルコで開催予定の国際地理学会議で報告の予定であったが、新型コロナウイルス感染症の影響で、学会の開催が1年延期となった。2019年度に、山口大学貞方昇名誉教授の助言により、流域の人間活動がデルタ形成に与えた影響を堆積物の分析から考察するモデルケースとして、広島県太田川を対象とした研究に着手した。今後もゴダバリ・クリシュナデルタや東南アジアのメコン川流域などで同様の分析を行いたい

  • Geographical study toward enhancing ability of hazard maps for forecasting disaster and providing emergency information

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Suzuki Yasuhiro, YAMAOKA Kosyun, OKAMOTO Kohei, KUROKI Takahito, MATSUTA Nobuhisa, KUMAKI Yohta, ISHIGURO Satoshi, UNE Hiroshi, NAKAJIMA Hidetoshi, Yamaguchi Masaru

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    Hazard maps have been rapidly developed over the past 20 years. However, since the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake, many problems have come to light each time a large-scale disaster occurs. Specific problems include, (1) variations in the definitions and concepts for each disaster type, (2) unmerged functions of "disaster prediction" and "evacuation information provision" for hazard maps, (3) insufficient spatial resolution of information corresponding to actual land conditions, and (4) excessive dependence on calculation results, without consideration of uncertainty. This study therefore aims to 1) systematically organize hazard maps, 2) advance disaster prediction maps, 3) strengthen the emergency information provision function, 4) contribute to disaster prevention geographical education, and 5) propose a comprehensive method of hazard map development from the viewpoint of geography

  • Distribution of archaeological sites and geomorphology of the Godavari and Krishna Deltas, East coast of India

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KUBO Sumiko

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    This research project aims to reveal the formation process of the Godavari and krishna Deltas in East coast of India during the Holocene. The prime researcher performed the study with the help of researchers in Andhra University in India. The study composed of 1) analyzing bore hole core samples obtained by Andhra University, 2) mapping of geomorphological features in the research area, and 3) to examine the relationship between geomorphological features and distribution of archaeological sites.As the result we demonstrated the detailed formation process of the deltas, geomorphological map of the area, and obtained several radiocarbon dates from archaeological sites.We presented these results at XIX INQUA Congress in 2015, and published a paper in "Palaeo-3"

  • Archaeological research on Linyi, the ancient polity of Nanhai

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



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    This research focuses on the emergence and formation of Linyi, one of the earliest polities in Nanhai, namely, Southeast Asia. The Japanese-Vietnamese collaborative project has been carried out at the Tra Kieu site in central Vietnam, which has been identified as an old capital of Linyi. Two seasons’ excavations on the eastern rampart of Tra Kieu were conducted by the project team, with the intention of verifying the date and structure. As a result of this work, two rows of brick walls were unearthed with infill clay layers between them, regarded as the main structure of initial rampart dating from the latter half of the third century to the fourth century CE. This structure was subsequently enlarged at least twice, and these works probably ranged from the fourth to the beginning of the sixth century CE. These results of excavations have brought new perspectives on historical study of Linyi, and other ancient polities in Southeast Asia.

  • クメール帝国の空間構造と地方拠点都市遺跡に関する研究

    科学研究費助成事業(名城大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(A))

    Project Year :


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  • Geomorphological approach to the location of ancient Khmer capitals and reconstruction of their production system

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KUBO Sumiko, SUGAI Toshihiko, YAMAGATA Mariko, SUGAI Toshihiko, YAMAGATA Mariko, NAGUMO Naoko

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    This study aims to clarify the location of the Pre-Angkorean(5-9th century) capital cities from the field of natural science and geomorphology in and around Cambodia. Using aerial photography and remote sensing data of the target area, we carried out field survey by the method of geomorphology and land use, sampling, analysis and dating of sediment, and archaeological trench investigation.As a result, we discussed the location of the Sambor Prei Kuk archaeological site in Central Cambodia, by analysis of microtopography and sediments of the floodplain of Sen river in Tonle Sap River basin. In addition, we conducted research in archaeological trenches in Sambor Prei Kuk and Wat Phou in Laos, to clarify the stratigraphy and age with C-14 dating.The result of this research was presented at the 2011 INQUA Congress etc, and published in international journals such as Nagumo et al.(2010) and Nagumo et al.(2011)

  • Scientific Research on Provincial Ancient Khmer Cities and Temples

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    MIZOGUCHI Akinori, NAKAGAWA Takeshi, SHIMODA Ichita, UCHIDA Etsuo, KUBO Sumiko, OGAWA Hidefumi, KUROKOUCHI Hiromasa, ONO Kunihiko, YAMAGATA Mariko, SATO Katsura

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    This study aims to clarify various aspects of provincial cities and temples of the ancient Khmer Empire, which dramatically developed from 9^<th> to 15^<th> century, including geographical relationship with the neighboring countries. Based on detailed recording by field surveys at several archaeological sites build along the "Royal Road" from Angkor, especially Koh Ker and Beng Mealea, from architectural, geomorphological, petrological, art historical and archaeological points of view, we analyze method and process of temple and city design and construction, as well as complete monument inventories with maps and drawings, which will contribute to future conservation planning of these provincial sites.

  • Spatial Composition of Power Centers in Medieval and Early-Modern Vietnam

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    MOMOKI Shiro, YAO Takao, YAMAGATA Mariko, SHIMAO Minoru, YOSHIKAI Masato, KUBO Shumiko, NIKI Hiroshi, KYORAKU Hahoko, MATSUO Nobuyuki, HASUDA Takashi

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    We studied the location and functions of medieval and early modern power centers in present-day northern and central Vietnam, the most important center being Thang Long (Hanoi). For each center, we made literary research and field surveys. Referring recent research of Chinese and other East/Southeast Asian capitals, we proposed a number of new understandings of the spatial segmentations and the disposition of functions outside the citadel wall of Thang Long. Besides, we collected abundant materials and information of other power centers, including those of Champa

  • Research on the micro landforms of the coastal and alluvial lowlands in relation to the Holocene geo-environment.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    UMITSU Masatomo, NAKAMURA Toshio, KUBO Sumiko, FUJIMOTO Kiyoshi, OKUNUKI Keiichi, HORI Kazuaki

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    Objective of this research is to clarify the formation and evolution of micro landforms of the riverine coastal plains in relation to the sedimentary environments in late Holocene. Detail analysis of the micro landforms and the sediments were done on the Nobi plain. Evolution of the plain was clarified in relation to the distribution of archaeological sites in the plain, and it is clarified that the landforms of the plain developed not in order but step by step according to the change of deposition area. Change of the river course and deposition area was also studied in relation to the buried forest in the Yahagi river lowland.Detail micro landform and its relation to the flooding were studied in the upper stream of the Mekong River delta in Cambodia. Coastal change and evolution of mangroves were also studied in the northeastern Mekong River delta. Mangrove peat can be seen in the area around 50-80 km inland from the present coastline and the ages of them are 6000-7000 cal BR After 6000 cal BP, deposition of fluvial sediments covered mangroves and formed fluvial landforms in the area.Effects of the micro landforms to the flooding and tsunami disaster were also studied especially on the case of the tsunami disaster caused by the giant earthquake off Smatra on December 26, 2004. Run up and back wash tsunami flows were distinguished in the Nam Khem coastal plain, Thailand. Thick tsunami deposits in the plain are seen in the depression as swales between the ridges

  • Research on Geomorphological Features and Floods in the Lower Mekong Plain in Cambodia

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KUBO Sumiko

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    This study aims to clarify geomorphologic and flood features of the Lower Mekong River Plain in Cambodia, where the political condition in the late 20th century made it difficult to study the area till very recent.Collection and interpretation of topographic maps, aerial photographs and sattelite images were done in 2001. Geomorphological mapping around Phnom Penh and examination of relationships between micro-land forms and inundation were carried in 2002. In 2003, Geomorphological mapping in the Lower Mekong Plain, investigation of subsurface geology of the plain, and examination of floods in the last two decades by satellite images were continued.Natural levees and back marshes are common in the Lower Mekong Plain. Flooding characters varied by these micro land forms and geomorphic features of the plain. Study in subsurface geology suggested that base rock occurs in shallow parts in the Northern part, while a valley is buried with alluvial deposits in the Southern part.These results provide basic understanding of land forms and deposits of the Lower Mekong Plain

  • Environmental Change and Environmental prediction of the Red River Delta

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    HARUYAMA Shigeko, SHIMAO Minoru, HIRAI Yukihiro, MATSUMOTO Jun, OHKURA Hiroshi

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    In fact, with the position and the distribution in Vietnamese economy, the Red River Delta has an important role. People are trying to understand more about the formation of the Delta. The natural environmental conditions in present years in the Red River Delta have being considered and researched properly. There is a relation between the geological position, river dynamics, climate and formation of the Delta. With the influence of the embankment system had been set up from a lomg time, the formation of the Delta has been affected by humans activities. As a result, there is a mangrove forest and mangrove ecosystem in the river mouths. Sea level changing had had a relation with the formation of the Delta, now it also affects on the coastal area, changes the coastline by erosion. Climatic changes with the impact of global warming affect directly on the environmental condition of the low land in the coastal area. The lack of precipitation in summer causes the decrease in river discharge, was followed by the salinity intrusion in the river mouths changing in the coast, in where there is increase in sea product cultivation's square. It is necessary to study and research about, the changes of natural environment, gain knowledge and estimate its influences. It also helps people to live in matural environment and improve it

  • Development of a Nationwide GIS-Based Engineering Geomorphologic Classification Map

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    WAKAMATSU Kazue, SUGIURA Masam, KUBO Sumiko, MATSUOKA Masashi, HASEGAWA Kouichi

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    The present study aims to create a nationwide GIS-based digital map with a 1 X 1 km^2 size pixels for geomorphologic and geotechnical conditions, which can be applicable for compiling various kinds of hazard maps, damage assessments and emergency response for natural disasters, and analysis of damage data and strong motion data. To create the map, land classification mapping system is developed using the topological, geomorphologic and geologic information included in the Digital National Land Information and existing analog maps.A 1 x 1 km cell is constrained to assign to a single geomorphologic unit that occupied the greatest area of the cell in case of multi-units being actually exist within the cell. Nevertheless, the precision of the digital mapping would be remarkably improved by geomorphologic classification being performed with large scale. Hence, our geomorphologic classification study has been carried out, in principle, at a scale of 1:50,000. This indicates higher-precision classification mapping than available with the land classification databases in the DNLI at a scale of 1:200,000. A prototype of the engineering geomorphologic map was created for approximately 400,000 grid cells of entire Japan.As geology and a slope-steepness parameter and geology are an important factor in the evaluation of landslide and slope-failure potential in mountainous region, a practical criteria of land classification for mountainous regions based on combination of and geologic time and average gradient of ground surface were developed for mountainous regions. The average gradient of ground surface for each cell was calculated using the Digital Elevation Model. To verify validity of the criteria, relationships between sediment yield and our classification were investigated for main drainage basins in Shizuoka Prefecture. As the results a combine use of average gradient of ground surface and geologic time was found to obtain good correlations than an individual use of relative relief or geology that were used in previous mappings

  • Chronological Studies of Mountain Uplift with the Use of Identification and Correlation of the Widespread Tephra Layers.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    YAMAZAKI Haruo, YAMAGATA Kotaro, NAGAOKA Shinji, KUBO Sumiko, SUGAI Toshihiko

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    1. Three types of the uplift history were distinguished from the mountains in the Japanese Islands through the information obtained from the chronological studies of Quaternary sediments in and around the mountain area.2. Two widespread tephra layers, that are useful for clarifying the uplift history of mountains in central Japan, were identified and correlated between central Japan and other Quaternary sedimentary basins.3. The Kannawa fault along the onshore plate boundary zone in central Japan has ceased its activity since 0.2-0.3 Ma. Recent activity is replaced by the young active faults.4. Four tephras in the plio-pleistocene sediments being consisted of the Nishi-kubiki Mountains, southwestem Niigata Prefecture, were identified and correlated with some pyroclastic flows in the Hida Mountains, central Japan. This information suggests that the Nishi-kubiki Mountains commenced their uplift at about 2.7 Ma.5. Tilting rate obtained from the terrace heights along the Kurobe river suggests that the Hida mountains had experienced more intense uplift in the middle Pleistocene than in the present.6. Tephra layers on the Kureha Hills in Toyama have possibility to be identified with the mid-Quaternary pyroclastic flows in the Hida Mountains.7. Detailed analysis of the deep drilling cores from the Nobi sedimentary basin revealed that the Nobi tilting movement started its activity at early Pleistocene and has accelerated sharply since the middle Pleistocene.8. Tephrochronological studies for the plio-pleistocene sediments in southwest Japan revealed that the Kyushu and Shikoku Mountains started their uplift movements at 2-3 Ma. These result from the increasing of E-W compression caused by the oblique subduction of PHS and eastward migration of the Amurian Plate

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Overseas Activities

  • インドの河川地域の研究


    インド   ヴィシャカパトナム・アンドラ大学


  • Faculty of Letters, Arts and Sciences   Graduate School of Letters, Arts and Sciences

  • Faculty of Education and Integrated Arts and Sciences   Graduate School of Education

  • Affiliated organization   Global Education Center

Research Institute

  • 2022

    Waseda Research Institute for Science and Engineering   Concurrent Researcher

Internal Special Research Projects

  • モンスーンアジアの河川下流部における平野形成と人類の活動:地理学の視点からの考察


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     本研究はインド東海岸やインドシナ半島、東アジアなどのモンスーンアジア諸河川流域を対象に、洪水特性、平野の微地形、表層堆積物の分析による完新世後半の環境変遷を明らかにし、モンスーンアジアの自然環境・河川の特色と人類の活動史との関わりを地理学的に考察することを目的とした。 2020年度は新型コロナウイルスの影響で海外での調査は実施できなかったが、広島県太田川を中心に、歴史時代の人間活動と平野形成に関する調査を進めた。そして、太田川下流の広島デルタは自然堆積によるものは小規模であり、たたら製鉄に伴う砂鉄採取による廃土が最上部層の形成に大きく影響したことを明らかにした。

  • インドシナ半島部の河川下流域における古代国家の立地環境


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     本研究はインドシナ大河川下流域の沖積平野の地形環境と古代国家の都市や生産基盤を結びつけ、考古学や歴史学とも協働しながら地理学の立場から古代国家の立地環境を考察することを目的とする。 研究方法は、1)微地形に注目して平野の地形環境を明らかにする、2)ボーリング調査などにより表層地質の解明と年代資料の採取を行う、3)考古学研究者と遺跡やその周辺の共同調査をすすめる、などである。  2019年度は、ベトナム、メコンデルタのオケオ遺跡の試料分析のほか、河川上流域における人間活動と下流域の平野形成という視点から、広島県の太田川流域をモデルケースとして予察的な調査を行った(2019年8月)。また、東南アジアにおいて最も早い時期にヒンドゥー文化を受け入れたとされるインドネシア、カリマンタンのマハカム川流域の現地踏査を実施した(2019年9月)。

  • インド東海岸ゴダバリ・クリシュナデルタにおける地形環境変化

    2014   K. Nageswara Rao

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     本研究は日本学術振興会科学研究費助成研究「インド東海岸ゴダバリ・クリシュナデルタにおける遺跡分布と地形」(平成26年度)と合わせて実施した。インド、アンドラ大で実施、保管している対象地域のボーリング試料の観察・記載を行い、年代測定を実施した。 ゴダバリ・クリシュナデルタ地域のDPコア(17.37m)のこれまで分析の結果、最下部からは約15000年前(更新世)の年代値が、8~11m付近からは7000年頃の値が得られた。これらに加えさらに3点の年代測定を行ったところ、3m付近と6.7m付近からの2点はmodern、7.3m付近が約7000年の値が得られた。

  • インド南東部ゴダバリ川・クリシュナ川平野における地形形成と人類の活動の環境史

    2010   貞方 昇

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     本研究は、インド亜大陸でガンジス・インダスに次ぐ流域面積をもち、東海岸の主要稲作地帯を擁するゴダバリ川・クリシュナ川流域を対象として、平野の地形形成と人類の活動との関係を複数の視点から分析し、平野の環境史を解明することを目的とする。 研究代表者は2010年11月よりインド、アンドラ大学に研究滞在し、アンドラ大学のナゲシュワラ ラオ教授(共同研究者)とともに2010年度はゴダバリ川下流デルタ地域の研究を開始した。 インドではセキュリティ上の理由で地形図ならびに空中写真の利用ができないため、人工衛星によるリモートセンシングデータを利用した。現地調査ではポータブルGPSを利用し、調査箇所はアメリカのLANDSAT衛星画像やGoogle Earth上に表示させた。また、スペースシャトルによる標高データ(SRTM)をあわせて利用した。さらに、日本のALOS衛星データを入手し、ステレオ実体視による地形判読をおこなった。 2010年12月~2011年1月にゴダバリデルタにおいて現地調査をおこなった。アンドラ大学のナゲシュワラ ラオ教授によるボーリング調査に参加し、3ヶ所で合計約80mを掘削し、試料を採取した。ボーリング試料は産総研の斎藤文紀博士とアンドラ大で記載・分析をおこなっているが、年代測定など一部を分担の予定である。 山口大学の貞方 昇教授も現地調査に参加の予定であったが、勤務の都合で現地調査を行うことができなかった。 このほか、ゴダバリデルタの先史遺跡に関するデータ収集(主として文献資料)、ゴダバリ・クリシュナデルタのマングローブ林の変化に関する調査もおこなった。 2011年度には福武科学研究財団の助成が採択され、引き続き研究を継続する予定である。

  • メコン川下流平野(カンボジア)の地形と洪水、土地利用・水利用に関する統合的研究


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     本研究は、モンスーンの影響で雨季と乾季の水文条件が大きく異なるメコン川下流平野において、空中写真判読と野外調査により微地形と表層地質の分布と特色を明らかにし、また、雨季と乾季両方の時期に現地調査をおこない、土地利用、水利用の季節サイクルに注目して、地形や水文環境との関係を考察した。その結果、微地形や水位季節変化に対応した稲作システムが展開され、持続的な土地利用が行われていることがわかった。 また、カンボジアとその周辺に分布するアンコール期・プレアンコール期の遺跡についても地形・表層地質条件と当時の土地利用・水利用システムとの関係の考察を行った。本研究ではとくに7世紀~9世紀の都城とされるイシャナプラ(カンボジア、コンポントム州)を中心に、周辺の微地形条件、表層地質、水文条件の調査をおこない、当時の土地条件や水利システム、稲作などの生産施設の復元をめざし、微地形区分図の作成や簡易ボーリングを実施し、試料のC14年代測定を行った。

  • 洪水ハザードマップの応用地形学的再検討


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    本研究助成により、2006年度は以下の研究をおこなった。1)全国の主要河川・平野における洪水ハザードマップの整備状況の調査 洪水ハザードマップの全国的な作成状況の調査をおこなった。2)近年の水害における浸水域とハザードマップの比較 大分県内、岡山県内、東京23区などで近年発生した水害の状況に関するデータを収集した。3)メコン川下流における地形分類図作成 科学研究費ならびに科学技術振興調整費によりおこなってきたメコン川下流の調査を引き継ぎ、現地調査および地形分類図の作成をおこなった。 

  • 2004年中越地震による小中学校の被災と地形地質条件


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     2004年10月23日17時56分に発生した新潟県中越地震により、新潟県中部の十日町市から長岡市にかけて大きな被害が生じ、越後川口町では震度7を記録した。被害の大きかった地域は信濃川・魚野川の氾濫原、および魚沼丘陵とその周辺地域であり、丘陵地域では地すべりなどの斜面災害により深刻な被害がみられた。また、信濃川の氾濫原では液状化などによる被害も多発した。 本研究では、主に信濃川の氾濫原である沖積低地を対象に、平野の微地形と地盤災害との関係に注目し、なかでも義務教育の場であり、かつ、住民の避難場所としても指定されている地域の小中学校を中心に、被害と地形地質条件の関係を調査した。 調査は以下の手順ですすめた。①地震後に国土地理院により撮影されたカラー空中写真を入手し、地盤液状化などの変状を確認する、②地震後の調査報告などから被害分布を明らかにする、③1940年代米軍撮影空中写真判読により平野の微地形区分をおこなう、④長岡市内の小中学校およびその周辺の表層地質データの収集。 調査の結果、長岡市周辺は信濃川の扇状地が自然堤防地帯に遷移する部分にあり、扇状地上に位置する市街地での被害は小さかったが、周辺の水田地帯で砂利採取をおこなったあとに客土した地域では多数の液状化が認められたことがわかった。また、液状化による下水道施設の被害も、埋設管周辺の客土によるものが主であった。一方、長岡市北部では自然堤防と後背湿地の地形が明瞭になり、自然堤防縁辺部で液状化の分布が認められた。 今後は以上のような微地形と地形地盤との関連にもとづく地震被害から、小中学校周辺の土地条件をさらに詳細に検討する予定である。

  • 微地形区分を基礎とした全国平野地形GISデータベース整備とその防災への応用


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     本研究は全国の平野部を対象とした統一基準による地形・地盤データベース整備を目的とする。 大規模地震や水害など、全国を対象とした防災システムには統一基準で作成されたデータが必要である。もっとも基礎的データとして、地形・地盤データが挙げられる。国土数値情報の整備に伴い、全国が緯度経度によるメッシュに区分され、各メッシュごとの地形・地質データが作成されたが、国土数値情報の地形分類データや地質データを全国的に利用する場合は凡例の不統一のため、そのままでは各区分が意味をなさなかった。また、メッシュマップでは微地形による地表環境の違いや災害との対応が十分反映されなかった。そこで本研究ではとくに平野部の微地形に注目し、平野地形のGISデータ整備をめざした。 これまでの関連する研究において、防災的な見地から全国の地形・地盤メッシュマップを作成したが、地質区分は「(第四紀)火山岩」「第四系」「第三系」「先第三系」とし、地形区分は「山地、丘陵地、山麓地」「火山地」「台地」「低地」の中をそれぞれ起伏量や堆積物等により細分した。とくに、低地はかなり詳細な区分とした。山地・丘陵地・台地部に分布する河川沿いの狭長な低地を「谷底平野」として独立させ、それ以外の広い沖積低地を「扇状地」、「後背湿地」、「三角州・海岸低地」に区分した。さらに、「自然堤防」、「旧河道」、「砂州・砂礫州」、「砂丘」に区別した。また、「干拓地」と「埋立地」を区別した。これら低地の微地形の区分は、国土地理院の土地条件図や、大矢雅彦らによる水害地形分類図で用いられているものである。 以上の方法で地形・地盤分類デジタルマップ(メッシュマップ)を作成したが、今後は地形区分ごとのポリゴンデータ整備をめざすとともに、地震や水害などの広域ハザードの入力・解析をすすめ、今後予測される大規模ハザードの被害予測における有効性を検討してゆく予定である。

  • メコン川下流平野(カンボジア)の地形と洪水災害に関する予察的研究


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     本研究は平成13年度科学研究費助成研究「メコン川下流(カンボジア)の地形と洪水に関する研究」とあわせて実施した。両研究の目的は、メコン川下流部平野の地形の特色と洪水の挙動を明らかにするとともに、平野の形成史を解明することである。科研費による研究期間は、平成13年~15年度を予定している。 本年度は人工衛星データの入手とともに、カンボジアにおける地形図・空中写真の入手・判読、関係資料収集、地形ならびに洪水状況に関する現地調査をおこなった。また、GISデータと人工衛星データ解析のためのハード・ソフトを導入した。これらをもとに、プノンペン市周辺部の予察的な地形学図を作成し、あわせて2000年9月洪水における状況と地形条件との対応を検討した。 その結果、プノンペン周辺におけるメコン川・トンレサップ川・バサック川沿いの地域は自然堤防・後背湿地の分布域であり、2000年洪水の浸水域と地形との間に明瞭な対応関係が認められた。

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