Updated on 2024/10/24


IKEOKA, Yoshitaka
Faculty of Human Sciences
Job title
Professor Emeritus

Professional Memberships


    The Society for Comparative Family History


    The Kantoh Sociological Society


    The Japanese Association for Rural Studies


    The Japan Sociological Society


    The Council on Family Relations


    Japan Society of Family Sociology

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Research Areas

  • Social welfare / Sociology

Research Interests

  • 社会学(含社会福祉関係)



  • The History of the Japanese Journal of Family Sociology and the Purpose of the Special Issue.

    Yoshitaka Ikeoka

    Japanese Journal of Family Sociology   30 ( 2 ) 197 - 203  2018.10  [Invited]

  • Book Review

    Yoshitaka Ikeoka

    Annals of Family Studies   ( 42 ) 59 - 64  2018.03  [Invited]

  • The Progress of Family Sociology in the Postwar Era and its Contemporary Phases.

    Yoshitaka Ikeoka

        9 - 32  2017.09

  • The "Small Household" in Japanese Family Sociology

    Yoshitaka Ikeoka

    Journal of Social Security Research   2 ( 1 ) 77 - 89  2017.06  [Invited]

  • 喜多野清一の農村社会学への道程:初期研究の背景とその展開過程


    岩上真珠・池岡義孝・大久保孝治編著『変容する社会と社会学:家族・ライフコース・地域社会』     251 - 276  2017.02

  • Reality of Post-war Japanese Society and Family from the Viewpoint of Family Sociology.

    Yoshitaka Ikeoka

    Reality of Post-war Japanese Sociology     3 - 43  2016.10

  • The Peer Review System and Guideline for Japanese Journal of Family Sociology.

    Yoshitaka Ikeoka

    The Japanese Journal of Nursing Research   48 ( 7 ) 700 - 704  2015.12  [Invited]

  • Following Changes and Consistency of Japanese Families:Message to World Sociologists from the Japan Society of Family Sociology.

    Masako Ishi-Kuntz, Yoshitaka Ikeoka・Rokuro Tabuchi, Hideki Nakazato

    Japanese Journal of Family Sociology   26 ( 2 ) 151 - 156  2014.10  [Invited]

    DOI CiNii

  • The Family Sociology of Professor Hiroshi Oikawa:Its Formative Processes and Features

    Yoshitaka Ikeoka, Isao Kido, Hideki Watanabe

    Annals of Family Studies   36 ( 36 ) 121 - 139  2011.07  [Invited]


  • 高齢者所在不明問題とその背景 (特集 今、高齢者をどう見守るか)


    月間福祉/全国社会福祉協議会   94 ( 2 ) 12 - 15  2011.01

  • The Progress of Family Sociology in the Postwar Era and its Contemporary Phases

    IKEOKA Yoshitaka

    KASYA   22 ( 2 ) 141 - 153  2010

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    The aim of this paper is mainly to throw light on the general outline of the development of Family Sociology over the past 20 years, which is the task of this anniversary theme session. In retrospect, from the late 1980s, the preliminary period of the Japan Society of Family Sociology, to the present, there was a grouping period seeking a new paradigm of Family Sociology, as the Nuclear Family Paradigm and Group Theory Paradigm, on which postwar Family Sociology had been relying, lost momentum and persuasiveness. For these 20 years, extrication from a dependence on Nuclear Family Paradigm and Group Theory Paradigm and seeking a new paradigm have been the overriding issues for Family Sociology. Both sides of the institution and research dyad before the 1980s had maintained their cohesive force but they were divided and became widely dispersed. This paper plans to give an overview by depicting the outline of the past 20 years on both sides, considering thereafter the present circumstances and future prospects of current Family Sociology.

    DOI CiNii

  • 山根家族社会学の形成過程 (小特集 山根常男先生追悼)


    家族研究年報/家族問題研究学会   ( 34 ) 49 - 62  2009.09

  • 第二〇巻『論文選集』解題


    戦後家族社会学文献選集 解説・解題/日本図書センター     189 - 197  2009.04

  • 第Ⅰ期解説


    戦後家族社会学文献選集 解説・解題/日本図書センター     15 - 30  2009.04

  • 人間科学部卒業生追跡調査

    池岡義孝, 浅田匡, 松井辰則, 宮崎清孝

    人間科学研究   22   142 - 142  2009.03

  • 家族問題研究会にみる戦後日本の家族社会学の展開 (家族問題研究会設立50周年記念シンポジウム 家族問題研究会と戦後日本の家族研究--回顧と展望)


    家族研究年報/家族問題研究会   ( 32 ) 11 - 20  2007.07

  • 父親、父権、家父長制 (特集 父親像をめぐって)


    教育と医学/慶應義塾大学出版会   52 ( 6 ) 67 - 75  2004.06

  • 戦後家族社会学の成立と家族調査 (特集 社会調査の知識社会学)


    年報社会科学基礎論研究/社会科学基礎論研究会   ( 2 ) 61 - 77  2003.06


  • 家族社会学における質的方法の新たな展開


    社会学年誌/早稲田社会学会   ( 44 ) 1 - 13  2003.03

  • 家族社会学における量的/質的方法の二分法的理解とその成立


    家族社会学研究/日本家族社会学会   12 ( 1 ) 55 - 66  2000.07

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    The purpose of this paper is to examine the formulation of social research method in Post-World War II Japanese family sociology from the epoch of its establishment. With regard to social research method in sociology in general, it is quite popular to distinguish between quantitative and qualitative method, mutually compensating each other, placing more importance on the former than on the latter. The same dichotomized distinction has spread widely in the field of family sociology up to now, too. In this paper, we try to demonstrate that such a dichotomized distinction between quantitative and qualitative method in Japanese family sociology has been brought into existence around 1960s when the Japanese family sociology has been formed as a normal science. The examination is done from both sides : family sociology of its own and sociology or social research method in general. And finally, we will roughly trace the path by which this dichotomized distinction has influenced on the development of family sociology since then.

    DOI CiNii

  • 単身生活者による家族の構築-構築主義的な家族研究のアプローチの試み(共著)

    池岡義孝, 木戸功, 志田哲之, 中正樹

    人間科学研究/早稲田大学人間科学部   12 ( 1 ) 75 - 92  1999.07

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    The purpose of this paper is to present some aspects of the family recognition of the single dweller. Main streems of Japanese family sociology in the post World War II era, based on structural-functionalism, has focused on the family as small group and has analyzed mainly its changing processes from traditional stem-family system to modern conjugal-family system and its inner structure: family roles and family relationships. In these approaches, regardless of age and sex, the single dweller, never forming family group, has been excluded from study of family sociology, or placed in a marginal objects at best. But it is worth while to examine these subjects more closely. The single dweller may have those close family relationships as mutual supports and affections with someone who are now not living together. As the matter of fact, many family sociologist have refered to the existence and living conditions of the single dweller in various ways. Nevertheless, most of their perspectives have standardized the single dweller uniformly without considering the family recognition of single dweller concerned. In this paper, after summarizing the historical streems about the study of single dweller in Japanese family sociology, we present our research findings about the family recognition of the single dweller, and discuss the adaptation of theoretical framework of constructionist approach to the family study.


  • 家族の変化と子ども


    環境情報科学/環境情報科学センター   27 ( 3 ) 11 - 14  1998.08

  • 現代中国都市住民の家族認識の構造


    家族研究年報/家族問題研究会   ( 22 ) 48 - 69  1997.03

  • 「核家族論争」再考試論(共著)

    池岡義孝, 木戸功

    ヒューマンサイエンス/人間総合研究センター   9 ( 1 ) 126 - 140  1996.11


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Books and Other Publications

  • 変容する社会と社会学 : 家族・ライフコース・地域社会

    岩上真珠, 池岡義孝, 大久保孝治編著

    学文社  2017 ISBN: 9784762027062

  • 現代日本の家族社会学を問う : 多様化のなかの対話

    藤崎宏子, 池岡義孝編著

    ミネルヴァ書房  2017 ISBN: 9784623081196

  • 戦後日本社会学のリアリティ : せめぎあうパラダイム

    池岡義孝, 西原和久編

    東信堂  2016 ISBN: 9784798913926

  • 論文選集

    渡辺秀樹, 池岡義孝監修

    日本図書センター  2009 ISBN: 9784284500746

  • 戦後家族社会学文献選集

    渡辺秀樹, 池岡義孝監修

    日本図書センター  2008 ISBN: 9784284500531

  • 現代日本人のライフコース

    森岡清美, 青井和夫編

    日本学術振興会;丸善(発売)  1991 ISBN: 4818191051

  • 自然災害の行動科学

    安倍北夫, 三隅二不二, 岡部慶三編

    福村出版  1988 ISBN: 4571205333

  • 友達の友達 : ネットワーク、操作者、コアリッション

    ジェレミー・ボワセベン著, 岩上真珠, 池岡義孝訳

    未來社  1986

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Research Projects

  • The Formation and Progress of Family Sociology in the Postwar Japan.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    IKEOKA Yoshitaka, KIDO Isao, MATSUKI Hiroto

     View Summary

    The purpose of this study is to examine the formation and progress of family sociology in the postwar Japan in detail. It was done through the literature study and interview to elderly researchers. Especially, being able to clarify the flow of various researches like the group of not only the mainstream of the family sociology but also the group of the family problem research, the group of the Marxism family sociology, and women's studies and the feminism research group was a significant outcome. The result of this study is to be able to acquire the viewpoint that plurally understood progressing the family sociology in the postwar Japan.

  • The Formation and Progress of Family Sociology in the Postwar Japan.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    IKEOKA Yoshitaka, KIDO Isao, MATSUKI Hiroto

     View Summary

    The purpose of this study is to examine the formation and progress of family sociology in the postwar Japan in detail. It was done through the literature study and interview to elderly researchers. Especially, being able to clarify the flow of various researches like the group of not only the mainstream of the family sociology but also the group of the family problem research, the group of the Marxism family sociology, and women's studies and the feminism research group was a significant outcome. The result of this study is to be able to acquire the viewpoint that plurally understood progressing the family sociology in the postwar Japan.

  • Study on change of City and Village in Contemporary Chaina

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    AOI Kazuo, KINOSHITA Eiji, NAKAMURA Norihiro, YOSHIZAWA Shiro, KAKIZAKI Kyoichi, IKEOKA Yoshitaka, NEBASHI Shoichi, YASUHARA Sigeru, LU Xue-yi, XU An-qi, DING Shu-mu, ZHANG Hou-yi

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    This is positive study about social exchange in city and village of modern china. Fierd work was done in SHANGHAI City and SHANG DONG Province for 3 years from 1993 for this purpose.
    1 Survey group of city;
    (1) On history, organization, function and activity of Neighborhood Committee in Shaghai, intensively investigate from cadres of the Committee and Shanghai city administration authority.
    (2) On present condition and policy of the housing problems, as living environment, research from Shanghai city authority.
    (3) Reports themes on meeting for discussing research findings are followers. (1)basic framework of studies, (2)outline of research points, (3)organization and activities of neighborhood committee, (4)life structure and life course of residents.
    2 Survey group of rural village ; Proceeded comparative study between 2 village of different types. One is F village, based on the traditional society and developing village-run industry slowly, the other is M village, which was located in the suburbs and proceeding village-run industry rapidly and on the large scale.
    The remarkable result of the survey was the characteristic of social exchange was influenced by following points:
    (1) Management system of farm land after disorganization of People's Commune (cooperation or individualization)
    (2) source of capital for village-run factory (inside farming or outside farming)
    (3) character of village leader (farmer or non-farmer)
    Above all,these show the social exchange of M village of the latter case individualization, capital outside farming, and leadership of non-farmer has become more intense and social problems are more serious.

  • Study on change of City and Village in Contemporary Chaina

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    AOI Kazuo, KINOSHITA Eiji, NAKAMURA Norihiro, YOSHIZAWA Shiro, KAKIZAKI Kyoichi, IKEOKA Yoshitaka, NEBASHI Shoichi, YASUHARA Sigeru, LU Xue-yi, XU An-qi, DING Shu-mu, ZHANG Hou-yi

     View Summary

    This is positive study about social exchange in city and village of modern china. Fierd work was done in SHANGHAI City and SHANG DONG Province for 3 years from 1993 for this purpose.1 Survey group of city;(1) On history, organization, function and activity of Neighborhood Committee in Shaghai, intensively investigate from cadres of the Committee and Shanghai city administration authority.(2) On present condition and policy of the housing problems, as living environment, research from Shanghai city authority.(3) Reports themes on meeting for discussing research findings are followers. (1)basic framework of studies, (2)outline of research points, (3)organization and activities of neighborhood committee, (4)life structure and life course of residents.2 Survey group of rural village ; Proceeded comparative study between 2 village of different types. One is F village, based on the traditional society and developing village-run industry slowly, the other is M village, which was located in the suburbs and proceeding village-run industry rapidly and on the large scale.The remarkable result of the survey was the characteristic of social exchange was influenced by following points:(1) Management system of farm land after disorganization of People's Commune (cooperation or individualization)(2) source of capital for village-run factory (inside farming or outside farming)(3) character of village leader (farmer or non-farmer)Above all,these show the social exchange of M village of the latter case individualization, capital outside farming, and leadership of non-farmer has become more intense and social problems are more serious

  • Inter-and Intra-Cohort Comparisons on Life Course Patterns in a Long-Lived Society

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    MASAOKA Kanji, IKEOKA Yoshitaka, ISHIHARA Kunio, FUJIMI Sumiko, MOCHIZUKI Takashi, AOI Kazuo

     View Summary

    This project carried out the two waves of field surveys in Fukushima city in 1989 and 1990. The sample of first wave survey numbered 879 male and female, who were born between 1914 and 1958, their ages expnanded between 74 and 30 years old. They were sampled randomly from residents' registers. They were asked for the items on their redidential, educational, occupational, familial career development, household, health, socioeconomic status history, as well as their attitudes and assessment for their lives from their birth up to the point of observation, basically using the structured questionaires. The second wave of field survey conducted in 1990 collected their life history data on subjective perceptions of individuals' life course were conducted to a part of the sample who had participated in the former year's research (120 male and female). In 1991, a research report "People Who Lived the Drastic Era of Showa : A Life Course Comparion among Five Successive Cohorts" came out.
    Findings :
    This project studied people's role gain and lost, role timing and sequencing, and role transitions in each particular phase (for exapmple, In the youth, early adulthood, adulthood, and later years after retirement) over the life span.
    Since much of the variability in life course patterns is socially structured, this project examined how people's lives depend on the particular roles they play, the situations they encounter, the others who become significant to them, and how these others in turn act, think, and feel.
    This research found out a body of findings about people's formation of their life course in a particular social and historical situation they encountered. A few of findings on inter-cohort difference and intra-cohort differentiation will be described.
    1. Great prevalence of the normatively sequencing pattern in transition from youth to early adulthood.
    As the cohort gets younger, there is an increasing tendency toward the normative life pattern (ordered sequence of transitional events --school completion of f=full-time job participation-getting married).
    2. Emergence of women's normative pattern and accelerating Prvalence
    Great change between the female cohorts is observed in the fact that in the young cohorts the rate of the normative transition pattern registered a sharp increase, rapidly approximation to the male pattern. 3. Counter-transition is significant in both early and later life transitions in particular.
    As individuals move because of aging from one role to another, their significant other undergo counterpart transitions, for example, desease or death of one's spouse, or a family crisis, such as parent's divorce or death in one's childhood, requires simultaneous transitions by all family members, with complex economic and social as well as psychological consequences foe the lives of the individuals.

  • Inter-and Intra-Cohort Comparisons on Life Course Patterns in a Long-Lived Society

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    MASAOKA Kanji, IKEOKA Yoshitaka, ISHIHARA Kunio, FUJIMI Sumiko, MOCHIZUKI Takashi, AOI Kazuo

     View Summary

    This project carried out the two waves of field surveys in Fukushima city in 1989 and 1990. The sample of first wave survey numbered 879 male and female, who were born between 1914 and 1958, their ages expnanded between 74 and 30 years old. They were sampled randomly from residents' registers. They were asked for the items on their redidential, educational, occupational, familial career development, household, health, socioeconomic status history, as well as their attitudes and assessment for their lives from their birth up to the point of observation, basically using the structured questionaires. The second wave of field survey conducted in 1990 collected their life history data on subjective perceptions of individuals' life course were conducted to a part of the sample who had participated in the former year's research (120 male and female). In 1991, a research report "People Who Lived the Drastic Era of Showa : A Life Course Comparion among Five Successive Cohorts" came out.Findings :This project studied people's role gain and lost, role timing and sequencing, and role transitions in each particular phase (for exapmple, In the youth, early adulthood, adulthood, and later years after retirement) over the life span.Since much of the variability in life course patterns is socially structured, this project examined how people's lives depend on the particular roles they play, the situations they encounter, the others who become significant to them, and how these others in turn act, think, and feel.This research found out a body of findings about people's formation of their life course in a particular social and historical situation they encountered. A few of findings on inter-cohort difference and intra-cohort differentiation will be described.1. Great prevalence of the normatively sequencing pattern in transition from youth to early adulthood.As the cohort gets younger, there is an increasing tendency toward the normative life pattern (ordered sequence of transitional events --school completion of f=full-time job participation-getting married).2. Emergence of women's normative pattern and accelerating PrvalenceGreat change between the female cohorts is observed in the fact that in the young cohorts the rate of the normative transition pattern registered a sharp increase, rapidly approximation to the male pattern. 3. Counter-transition is significant in both early and later life transitions in particular.As individuals move because of aging from one role to another, their significant other undergo counterpart transitions, for example, desease or death of one's spouse, or a family crisis, such as parent's divorce or death in one's childhood, requires simultaneous transitions by all family members, with complex economic and social as well as psychological consequences foe the lives of the individuals

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Internal Special Research Projects

  • 戦後日本における家族社会学の成立と展開


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    本研究は、戦後日本における家族社会学の成立と展開を、終戦直後の1940年代の後半から60年代および70年代の前半にかけてのおよそ20余年の時間幅のなかで検討するものであり、それを主要文献の検討と、関係者へのインタビューの両面から実施した。 主要文献の検討は、定期的に研究会を開催して報告とディスカッションを行い、それを録音したものをテープ起こしして活字化し、資料とした。また、関係者へのインタビューについては、湯沢雍彦先生(お茶の水女子大学名誉教授)のお話を詳しくお聞きして、貴重なインタビューデータを作成することができた。湯沢先生は、1955年の小山隆による「家族問題研究会」の設立に東京家庭裁判所の調査官の立場から参加協力し、以降長年にわたって同研究会の事務局を担当した方で、この家族問題研究会が戦後の家族社会学の成立をも支えた最も重要な組織であるため、戦後家族社会学の成立期の生き証人ともいえる方である。もともと家庭裁判所の調査官のお仕事をされていた方であり、学問的背景も社会学だけでなく法学にもまたがっており、現実的・実際的な家族問題への対処を重視されていたので、その後の家族社会学の理論重視の志向性に対して批判的で一定の距離をお持ちであることが、つよく印象づけられた。 また、もうお一方、戦後家族社会学の主流とは一線を画するマルクス主義的な傾向をもつ家族社会学研究の代表者として、札幌学院大学学長の布施晶子先生へのインタビューも予定し、9月に日本家族社会学の大会が同大学で開催されたのに合わせて研究会を当地で行った。しかし、布施先生が多忙であったため、予定していた詳しいインタビューは実施できず、これについては今後の課題として残された。