2025/03/12 更新


スガノ シゲキ
菅野 重樹
理工学術院 創造理工学部
工学博士 ( 早稲田大学 )


  • 2007年04月

    早稲田大学   創造理工学部   教授

  • 2020年09月

    早稲田大学   理工学術院   学術院長

  • 2014年09月

    早稲田大学   創造理工学部   学部長

  • 1998年04月

    早稲田大学   理工学部   教授

  • 1992年04月

    早稲田大学   理工学部   助教授

  • 1993年09月

    スタンフォード大学   機械工学科   訪問研究院

  • 1990年04月

    早稲田大学   理工学部   専任講師

  • 1986年04月

    早稲田大学   理工学部   助手



  • 1983年04月

    早稲田大学 大学院   理工学研究科 博士後期課程   機械工学専攻 単位取得退学  

  • 1981年04月

    早稲田大学 大学院   理工学研究科 修士課程   機械工学専攻  

  • 1977年04月

    早稲田大学   理工学部   機械工学科  


  • 2023年03月

    (一社)日本ロボット学会  会長

  • 2017年03月

    (公社)計測自動制御学会  会長

  • 2007年04月

    International Journal of Advanced Robotics  編集長



    IEEE Robotics & Automation Soceity



















  • 知能ロボティクス / 機械力学、メカトロニクス / ロボティクス、知能機械システム


  • 機械知能


  • 優秀講演賞

    2018年12月   計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会  

  • 論文賞

    2018年09月   日本ロボット学会  

  • SI2017 優秀講演賞

    2017年12月   計測自動制御学会  

    受賞者: 菅野 重樹

  • 文部科学大臣表彰(科学技術賞・研究部門)

    2017年04月   文部科学省  

    受賞者: 菅野 重樹

  • 論文賞

    2016年09月   計測自動制御学会  

    受賞者: 菅野 重樹

  • ICAM2015 Honorable Mention

    2015年12月   日本機械学会  

    受賞者: 菅野 重樹


    2015年10月   IEEE  

    受賞者: 菅野 重樹

  • IEEE-CYBER Best Paper Award Finalist

    2015年06月   IEEE  

    受賞者: 菅野 重樹

  • 功労賞

    2012年10月   日本ロボット学会  

    受賞者: 菅野 重樹

  • SI 優秀講演賞

    2011年12月   計測自動制御学会  

    受賞者: 菅野 重樹

  • ICROS Best Application Paper Award Finalist

    2011年09月   IEEE  

    受賞者: 菅野 重樹

  • フェロー称号

    2011年09月   計測自動制御学会  

    受賞者: 菅野 重樹

  • フェロー称号

    2008年09月   日本ロボット学会  

    受賞者: 菅野 重樹

  • 建設ロボットシンポジウム 優秀論文賞

    2008年09月   建設ロボット研究連絡協議会  

    受賞者: 菅野 重樹

  • Fellow Award

    2007年01月   IEEE  

    受賞者: 菅野 重樹

  • フェロー称号

    2006年04月   日本機械学会  

    受賞者: 菅野 重樹

  • 日本機械学会ロボティクスメカトロニクス部門学術業績賞


  • ロボティクスメカトロニクス部門ROBOMECH表彰

    2000年05月   日本機械学会  

    受賞者: 菅野 重樹

  • 日本機械学会論文賞


  • 日本ロボット学会技術賞





  • Developing a Framework for Natural Human Movement Mimicry of Low-Dynamic Motions in Mobile-Based Humanoids

    Simon Gormuzov, Yushi Wang, Pinchu Yang, Tamon Miyake, Tetsuya Ogata, Shigeki Sugano

    2025 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration (SII)     942 - 948  2025年01月


  • Preliminary design and evaluation of a ducted-fan type pipeline robot

    Shota Miyake, Kento Yoshida, Shigeki Sugano, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki

    ROBOMECH Journal   11 ( 1 )  2024年12月



    Pipelines are crucial infrastructure supporting human life, yet their maintenance costs are substantial, necessitating the development of time-efficient robotic systems. Therefore, this study proposes an in-pipe mobile robot powered by wind generated using a ducted fan rotor, enabling faster movement within pipelines than conventional methods, e.g., inchworm. Deriving the propulsion force from wind requires analyzing airflow within the pipeline, which is challenging due to the confined space and complexity, especially when considering the presence of robots. Hence, we developed a prototype of a ducted-fan type pipeline robot (DPR) and experimentally investigated duct shapes that enhance the propulsion of the DPR within pipelines. As a result, we identified duct shapes that amplify the propulsion force generated by the ducted fan within pipelines. Additionally, we also experimentally elucidated the relationship between the distance from the pipe’s end and the propulsion force of the robot. Furthermore, we demonstrated the capabilities of the DPR by traversing a pipeline with a diameter of 110 mm, achieving speeds of 1500 mm/s in horizontal pipes and 700 mm/s while ascending vertical pipes. The results show that DRP has the potential for in-pipe inspection.



  • H‐PME: Development of a Robot Skin Using Halbach Array Permanent Magnet Elastomer

    Qichen Wang, Devesh Abhyankar, Yushi Wang, Peizhi Zhang, Tito Pradhono Tomo, Shigeki Sugano, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki

    Advanced Intelligent Systems    2024年10月


    This article presents a novel 3‐axis Halbach permanent magnet elastomer (H‐PME) sensor for the robotic application, which effectively reduces crosstalk along when two sensors are used simultaneously in close proximity, for example, during grasping of thin and delicate objects, needle threading, etc. This sensor integrates a Halbach‐array magnetic elastomer, a 3×3 Hall sensor matrix, and a silicone layer. The magnetic elastomer is produced by combining NdFeB powders with a diameter of 5 μm into silicone, following a weight ratio of 50%, and then magnetized using 2D Halbach‐array magnets. Simulation results reveal the capability to adjust magnetic field strength and distribution by altering the magnet's orientation. The sensor's efficacy in 3‐axis sensing is validated through calibration with a linear model, achieving a good root‐mean‐square error below 0.7 N in force measurement. The H‐PME sensor, with a thickness of merely 4.5 mm, can detect forces up to 50 N. It's simple 3‐layer design allows the thickness to be reduced to as low as 2 mm, while also offering ease of replacement. Crucially, crosstalk evaluation experiments show that the proposed H‐PME sensor can dramatically mitigate crosstalk interference.



  • Development and Evaluation of a Treadmill-based Video-see-through and Optical-see-through Mixed Reality Systems for Obstacle Negotiation Training.

    Tamon Miyake, Mohammed Al-Sada, Abdullah Iskandar, Shunya Itano, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Tatsuo Nakajima, Shigeki Sugano

    IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics   PP  2024年07月  [国際誌]


    Mixed reality (MR) technologies have a high potential to enhance obstacle negotiation training beyond the capabilities of existing physical systems. Despite such potential, the feasibility of using MR for obstacle negotiation on typical training treadmill systems and its effects on obstacle negotiation performance remains largely unknown. This research bridges this gap by developing an MR obstacle negotiation training system deployed on a treadmill, and implementing two MR systems with a video see-through (VST) and an optical see-through (OST) Head Mounted Displays (HMDs). We investigated the obstacle negotiation performance with virtual and real obstacles. The main outcomes show that the VST MR system significantly changed the parameters of the leading foot in cases of Box obstacle (approximately 22 cm to 30 cm for stepping over 7cm-box), which we believe was mainly attributed to the latency difference between the HMDs. In the condition of OST MR HMD, users tended to not lift their trailing foot for virtual obstacles (approximately 30 cm to 25 cm for stepping over 7cm-box). Our findings indicate that the low-latency visual contact with the world and the user's body is a critical factor for visuo-motor integration to elicit obstacle negotiation.

    DOI PubMed


  • Dynamic Collaborative Workspace Based on Human Interference Estimation for Safe and Productive Human-Robot Collaboration.

    Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Tomohiro Wada, Shigeki Sugano

    IEEE Robotics Autom. Lett.   9 ( 7 ) 6568 - 6575  2024年07月



  • Tactile Object Property Recognition Using Geometrical Graph Edge Features and Multi-Thread Graph Convolutional Network

    Shardul Kulkarni, Satoshi Funabashi, Alexander Schmitz, Tetsuya Ogata, Shigeki Sugano

    IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters    2024年04月  [査読有り]



  • Video presentation based on multiple-flying camera to provide continuous and complementary images for teleoperation

    Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Masahiro Miyata, Shigeki Sugano

    Automation in Construction   159   105285 - 105285  2024年03月



  • EMG-Based Detection of Minimum Effective Load With Robotic-Resistance Leg Extensor Training

    T. Miyake, H. Ito, N. Okamura, Y. Kobayashi, M. G. Fujie, S. Sugano

    IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems   54 ( 1 ) 34 - 43  2024年02月  [査読有り]

  • Prototype Design of a Multi-Mode Switching Module with Locking Mechanism for Water-Proof Pipeline Inspection Robots

    Wenbo Zheng, Xinheng Jiang, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Chenyu Tai, Peizhi Zhang, Tamon Miyake, Shota Miyake, Xiaomeng Liu, Yasuo Nakatsuka, Shigeki Sugano

    2024 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration (SII)    2024年01月


  • Human Velocity Estimation Using Kalman Filter and Least Squares with Adjustable Window Sizes for Mobile Robots

    Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Michiaki Hirayama, Ryosuke Kono, Yusuke Tsuburaya, Shigeki Sugano

    IEEE Access     1 - 1  2024年


  • Visual Illusion Created by a Striped Pattern through Augmented Reality for the Prevention of Tumbling on Stairs

    Satoshi Miura, Ryota Fukumoto, Naomi Okamura, Masakatsu G. Fujie, Shigeki Sugano

    IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics     1 - 12  2024年


  • Preliminary Study on the Feasibility of Using Permanent Magnetic Elastomer as a Stretchable Skin Sensor.

    Devesh Abhyankar, Yushi Wang, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Qichen Wang 0004, Shigeki Sugano

    SII     526 - 531  2024年



  • Encircling Skin Structure for Covering the Palmar and Dorsal Side of Robot Hand Joints with Thick 3-Axis Tactile Sensors

    Keigo Torii, Satoshi Funabashi, Alexander Schmitz, Shigeki Sugano

    2023 IEEE-RAS 22nd International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids)    2023年12月


  • Design and Development of ExoGlove for Obtaining Human Hand Data

    Prathamesh Sathe, Alexander Schmitz, Satoshi Funabashi, Tito Pradhono Tomo, Sophon Somlor, Sugano Shigeki

    2023 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO)    2023年12月


  • Geometric Transformation: Tactile Data Augmentation for Robotic Learning

    Gang Yan, Jun Yuyeol, Satoshi Funabashi, Tito Pradhono Tomo, Sophon Somlor, Alexander Schmitz, Shigeki Sugano

    2023 IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning (ICDL)    2023年11月


  • Vision-Touch Fusion for Predicting Grasping Stability Using Self Attention and Past Visual Images

    Gang Yan, Zhida Qin, Satoshi Funabashi, Alexander Schmitz, Tito Pradhono Tomo, Sophon Somlor, Lorenzo Jamone, Shigeki Sugano

    2023 IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning (ICDL)    2023年11月


  • FingerTac - An Interchangeable and Wearable Tactile Sensor for the Fingertips of Human and Robot Hands

    Prathamesh Sathe, Alexander Schmitz, Tito Pradhono Tomo, Sophon Somlor, Satoshi Funabashi, Sugano Shigeki

    2023 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)    2023年10月


  • Structured Motion Generation with Predictive Learning: Proposing Subgoal for Long-Horizon Manipulation

    Namiko Saito, João Moura, Tetsuya Ogata, Marina Y. Aoyama, Shingo Murata, Shigeki Sugano, Sethu Vijayakumar

    2023 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)    2023年05月


  • Preliminary Study of Tactical-Level Interaction for Highly-Automated Vehicles: Its Application to Touchscreen Interface.

    Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Udara Eshan Manawadu, Masaaki Ishikawa, Shigeki Sugano

    IEEE Trans. Intell. Veh.   8 ( 2 ) 1944 - 1956  2023年02月



  • Toward Error-Tolerant Robot Navigation: Sequential Inducement Based on Intent Conveyance from Robot to Human and Its Achievement.

    Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Ryosuke Kono, Ayano Kobayashi, Hayato Yanagawa, Tomoya Onishi, Yusuke Tsuburaya, Moondeep C. Shrestha, Shigeki Sugano

    Int. J. Soc. Robotics   15 ( 2 ) 297 - 316  2023年02月



  • 深度カメラを用いた天井クレーン地切り前位置補正のための吊り紐角度・緩み度推定システムの開発

    平野 貴大, 亀﨑 允啓, 藤田 翔, 飯田 達仁, 菅野 重樹

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2023   2P2-A19  2023年


  • Image Inpainting を用いたハンドル映り込み画像における運転者姿勢推定の高精度化

    岩崎 陽馬, 林 弘昭, 亀﨑 允啓, 菅野 重樹

    自動車技術会論文集   54 ( 3 ) 528 - 533  2023年


    バス運転者の視線や姿勢をモニタリングするカメラは,視界の妨げにならないようハンドルの後ろに配置せざるを得ない.ハンドルが体の一部を遮るため,姿勢推定の精度低下が問題となる.本研究ではImage Inpaint技術を活用し,画像からハンドルを認識・除去・修復する手法を提案する.実験により姿勢推定の精度向上を確認できた.


  • 時系列クラスタリング手法を用いた実環境下での運転行動評価に関する研究

    Hiroaki HAYASHI, Mitsuhiro KAMEZAKI, Naoki OKA, Shigeki SUGANO

    The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec)   2023   2A2 - C24  2023年


  • Feasibility Study on Parameter Adjustment for a Humanoid Using LLM Tailoring Physical Care.

    Tamon Miyake, Yushi Wang, Pin-Chu Yang, Shigeki Sugano

    ICSR (1)     230 - 243  2023年



  • Acquisition of Inducing Policy in Collaborative Robot Navigation Based on Multiagent Deep Reinforcement Learning.

    Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Ryan Ong, Shigeki Sugano

    IEEE Access   11   23946 - 23955  2023年



  • Skeleton recognition-based motion generation and user emotion evaluation with in-home rehabilitation assistive humanoid robot

    Tamon Miyake, Yushi Wang, Gang Yan, Shigeki Sugano

    2022 IEEE-RAS 21st International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids)    2022年11月


  • Position-based Treadmill Drive with Wire Traction for Experience of Level Ground Walking from Gait Acceleration State to Steady State

    Tamon Miyake, Shunya Itano, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Shigeki Sugano

    2022 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)    2022年10月


  • Proposal of a Control Strategy Using Fuzzy Logic and Support Vector Classifier for MR Fluid Actuator with Variable Impedance Mechanism

    Yushi Wang, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Shan He, Ryuichiro Tsunoda, Peizhi Zhang, Shigeki Sugano

    2022 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM)    2022年07月


  • 3-Axis Force Estimation of a Soft Skin Sensor using Permanent Magnetic Elastomer (PME) Sheet with Strong Remanence

    Yushi Wang, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Qichen Wang, Hiroyuki Sakamoto, Shigeki Sugano

    2022 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM)    2022年07月


  • Development and Evaluation of a Backdrivable Vane-Type Rotary Actuator Using Magnetorheological Fluids

    Peizhi Zhang, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Kenshiro Otsuki, Shan He, Zhuoyi He, Gonzalo Aguirre Dominguez, Shigeki Sugano



    Robot systems with both "intrinsic safety" and "high output" are expected to be implemented in heavy-duty industries such as construction and manufacturing. But there are currently no effective solutions. In our previous work, a backdrivable piston using magnetorheological fluid (MRF) whose viscosity can vary with the applied magnetic field was developed. However, it was a passive device, and its active control scheme was not proposed. The design was complex enough to hinder its implementation to robot arms. In this article, we develop an easily implementable rotary actuator using MRF and propose a basic controller. The actuator was designed based on a vane motor and was driven by hydraulic oil (i.e., MRF), so it can generate high torque. It also has a built-in MRF valve in the vane which can change the output torque and backdrivability with the magnetic field controlled by coil current. Each component was designed to maximize the dynamic range of output torque and backdrivability based on a multiphysics coupling model of electromagnetics, MRF magnetization, and fluid dynamics. Moreover, three basic control modes including backdrivable, high-response, and power-efficiency modes were designed and tested. The experimental results showed that the proposed MRF actuator had both high output and intrinsic backdrivability, and control modes could show the advantages of the MRF actuator.



  • Reactive, Proactive, and Inducible Proximal Crowd Robot Navigation Method Based on Inducible Social Force Model

    Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Yusuke Tsuburaya, Taichi Kanada, Michiaki Hirayama, Shigeki Sugano

    IEEE ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION LETTERS   7 ( 2 ) 3922 - 3929  2022年04月


    To smoothly and efficiently enable autonomous mobile robots to move in human crowd environments, path planning based on human movement-prediction, reactive movement toward human movement, and active motion-inducing physical interaction to avoid getting stuck are required. In this study, we developed a reactive, proactive, and inducible proximal crowd navigation (PCN) method that is based on a newly developed inducible social force model (i-SFM). The PCN first reactively generates multiple paths including avoidance, proximal, and inducible physical-touch paths based on the waypoint-i-SFM fused-path planning method, proactively predicts human movement based on i-SFM, selects an optimal path based on the movement cost including robot-movement efficiency and the crowd-invasion index (impulsive and touch forces applied to the humans), and finally reactively moves in the crowd based on the forces applied on it. The proposed PCN method works not only when the robot enters crowds but also when it is already in a crowd and avoids humans who enter the crowd, so we also applied our PCN method to both situations. Simulation and experimental results indicated that our PCN method can adequately predict the movement of human crowds and achieve higher movement efficiency without stuck, compared with a conventional non-proximal navigation methodusing the SFM.



  • Multi-Fingered In-Hand Manipulation With Various Object Properties Using Graph Convolutional Networks and Distributed Tactile Sensors

    Satoshi Funabashi, Tomoki Isobe, Fei Hongyi, Atsumu Hiramoto, Alexander Schmitz, Shigeki Sugano, Tetsuya Ogata

    IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters   7 ( 2 ) 2102 - 2109  2022年04月


  • A Wheeled Robot Chain Control System for Underground Facilities Inspection Using Visible Light Communication and Solar Panel Receivers

    Wen Zhao, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Kaoru Yamaguchi, Minoru Konno, Akihiko Onuki, Shigeki Sugano

    IEEE-ASME TRANSACTIONS ON MECHATRONICS   27 ( 1 ) 180 - 189  2022年02月


    The underground facilities require to be inspected regularly for long term and safe-use. Several mobile inspection systems are widely used, but some crucial problems with the limited inspection distance still exist due to the unstable wireless communication and cable restrictions in complex facilities. To solve these problems, we propose a wheeled robot chain control system (RCCS) for underground facilities inspection based on visible light communication (VLC) and solar panel receivers. The RCCS consists of a leader and follower robot and can extend the inspection range with special "optical signal relay" technology. VLC can provide not only illumination for inspection but also less attenuation, higher information security, and stronger antielectromagnetic interference capability, compared with conventional radio communication in complex underground facilities. Using solar panels can increase the receiving area of optical signals, environmental adaptability, and system robustness, compared with conventional photodiode (PD) receivers. Moreover, to ensure longer and more stable communication, we develop an optical signal relay mechanism along-side an attenuation control module. We performed several experiments to evaluate the signal waveform, communication quality, effective communication region, and cooperative movement. The results indicated that the proposed system could extend the inspection range with higher communication quality and environmental adaptability than VLC-based system with PD receivers.



  • 運転者の生体・行動・主観的指標を用いた運転負担推定に関する研究—~半教師あり学習による識別モデルの高精度化~

    岩崎 陽馬, 亀﨑 允啓, 江馬 敬明, 菅野 重樹

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2022   1A1-H09  2022年


  • 吊り紐の張力制御に基づく天井クレーンの地切り前位置補正システムの開発

    飯田 達仁, 亀﨑 允啓, 板野 峻也, 菅野 重樹

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2022   1A1-G01  2022年


  • 運動モデルを考慮した狭隘空間における対向二輪型モビリティの軌道計画—~後進・切り返し・事前幅寄せの利用~

    葛西 優介, 亀﨑 允啓, 松繁 怜, 菅野 重樹

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2022   2P1-P01  2022年


  • 平地歩行感覚再現に着目した無限歩行装置に関する研究―紐牽引によるトレッドミル床加速時の慣性力の打ち消し―

    板野 峻也, 三宅 太文, 亀﨑 允啓, 菅野 重樹

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2022   2P2-F04  2022年


  • JointFlow: A Foot Motion Tracking Model Combining Pose Estimation Model with Optical Flow.

    Hiroaki Hayashi, Hirofumi Aoki, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Kan Shimazaki, Kunitomo Aoki, Shigeki Sugano

    ITSC     2875 - 2881  2022年



  • A Wearable Fingertip Cutaneous Haptic Device with Continuous Omnidirectional Motion Feedback.

    Peizhi Zhang, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Yutaro Hattori, Shigeki Sugano

    ICRA     8869 - 8875  2022年



  • Development of a 'Calf Muscle Pump' Inspired Reconfigurable Soft Pump Module Using Permanent Magnetic Elastomer.

    Peizhi Zhang, Qichen Wang 0004, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Zhuoyi He, Yuhiro Iwamoto, Yasushi Ido, Hiroyuki Sakamoto, Shigeki Sugano

    AIM     1115 - 1120  2022年



  • 4
  • Dynamic Waypoint Navigation: Model-Based Adaptive Trajectory Planner for Human-Symbiotic Mobile Robots.

    Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Ayano Kobayashi, Ryosuke Kono, Michiaki Hirayama, Shigeki Sugano

    IEEE Access   10   81546 - 81555  2022年



  • Preliminary Investigation of Collision Risk Assessment with Vision for Selecting Targets Paid Attention to by Mobile Robot

    Masaaki Hayashi, Tamon Miyake, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Junji Yamato, Kyosuke Saito, Taro Hamada, Eriko Sakurai, Shigeki Sugano, Jun Ohya

    RO-MAN 2022 - 31st IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication: Social, Asocial, and Antisocial Robots     624 - 629  2022年


    Vision plays an important role in motion planning for mobile robots which coexist with humans. Because a method predicting a pedestrian path with a camera has a trade-off relationship between the calculation speed and accuracy, such a path prediction method is not good at instantaneously detecting multiple people at a distance. In this study, we thus present a method with visual recognition and prediction of transition of human action states to assess the risk of collision for selecting the avoidance target. The proposed system calculates the risk assessment score based on recognition of human body direction, human walking patterns with an object, and face orientation as well as prediction of transition of human action states. First, we investigated the validation of each recognition model, and we confirmed that the proposed system can recognize and predict human actions with high accuracy ahead of 3 m. Then, we compared the risk assessment score with video interviews to ask a human whom a mobile robot should pay attention to, and we found that the proposed system could capture the features of human states that people pay attention to when avoiding collision with other people from vision.



  • Tactile Transfer Learning and Object Recognition With a Multifingered Hand Using Morphology Specific Convolutional Neural Networks

    Satoshi Funabashi, Gang Yan, Fei Hongyi, Alexander Schmitz, Lorenzo Jamone, Tetsuya Ogata, Shigeki Sugano

    IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems     1 - 15  2022年


  • Reactive, Proactive, and Inducible Proximal Crowd Robot Navigation Method Based on Inducible Social Force Model.

    Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Yusuke Tsuburaya, Taichi Kanada, Michiaki Hirayama, Shigeki Sugano

    IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters   7 ( 2 ) 3922 - 3929  2022年



  • Utilization of Image/Force/Tactile Sensor Data for Object-Shape-Oriented Manipulation: Wiping Objects With Turning Back Motions and Occlusion.

    Namiko Saito, Takumi Shimizu, Tetsuya Ogata, Shigeki Sugano

    IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters   7 ( 2 ) 968 - 975  2022年



  • Performance evaluation of self-healable torque transmission mechanism using phase change of low-melting-point-metal and application to robot joints

    Shota Miyake, Shunsuke Nagahama, Shigeki Sugano

    Smart Materials and Structures   31 ( 1 ) 015040 - 015040  2021年12月



    Self-healing properties of robots can aid in achieving a high level of motion continuity despite the absence of manual maintenance. Therefore, various studies have been conducted on self-healing materials and mechanisms to incorporate self-healing properties in robots. However, the self-healing performance of a motor rotation system, which is the power source of existing robots, has not been realized owing to the unsuitability of the self-healing method and material strength. Therefore, we propose a self-healable torque transmission mechanism using a low-melting-point metal that can be applied to transmission elements because of its strength and rigidity. Additionally, heating for self-healing can be performed without contact through induction heating. Hence, a self-healable torque transmission mechanism with a simple structure can be applied to a motor drive system where continuous rotation occurs. We evaluated the performance of the proposed mechanism experimentally by measuring the transmittable torque and the amount of energy absorbed when the torque transmission is interrupted. The results verify that the healing performance and energy absorption of the proposed mechanism remain stable, and the mechanism can heal without any performance degradation. Furthermore, the proposed mechanism was implemented in a robot to demonstrate its practical applications. It was found that this mechanism enables the robot to re-operate by self-repair even if it receives a load that can destroy the joint due to overload, and the robot’s ability to continue motion could thus be improved.


  • Basic Input-Output Gain Tuning System Based on Control Input Histogram Leveling for Human-Operated Machines

    Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano

    IEEE-ASME TRANSACTIONS ON MECHATRONICS   26 ( 6 ) 2857 - 2869  2021年12月


    This article explores a scheme of tuning a basic input-output (I/O) gain (BIOG) depending on usage conditions for improving the work performance of human-operated machines. I/O gain tuning is effective for improving operability and workability, but continual and/or huge changes makes operators confuse the machine dynamics, and then degrade the operability. Thus, the proposed tuning system tunes the BIOG at long terms according to comprehensive characteristics of the work content and operator, collected from a control lever input histogram. The target value is specified by a Gaussian distribution, meaning that all ranges of the spring-type control lever are equally used. This approach was chosen because leveling the control lever histogram independently of the operator and work content provides a consistent operational experience, leading to comfortable operations. In this article, BIOG curves are specified as a polygonal line involving a break and saturation point. These points are adjusted by reciprocal conversion of differential areas between the Gaussian distribution and obtained histogram curves. Experimental results obtained with a robot arm indicated that the developed BIOG tuning system could improve time efficiency by decreasing the differential area and increase the subjective usability as compared to a conventional fixed BIOG system. Moreover, the relationship between the histogram and BIOG curve could reveal features of both the work content and the operator's skill level.



  • A situational understanding enhancer based on augmented visual prompts for teleoperation using a multi-monitor system

    Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Junjie Yang, Ryuya Sato, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano




  • A framework of physically interactive parameter estimation based on active environmental groping for safe disaster response work

    Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Yusuke Uehara, Kohga Azuma, Shigeki Sugano

    ROBOMECH JOURNAL   8 ( 1 )  2021年10月


    Disaster response robots are expected to perform complicated tasks such as traveling over unstable terrain, climbing slippery steps, and removing heavy debris. To complete such tasks safely, the robots must obtain not only visual-perceptual information (VPI) such as surface shape but also the haptic-perceptual information (HPI) such as surface friction of objects in the environments. VPI can be obtained from laser sensors and cameras. In contrast, HPI can be basically obtained from only the results of physical interaction with the environments, e.g., reaction force and deformation. However, current robots do not have a function to estimate the HPI. In this study, we propose a framework to estimate such physically interactive parameters (PIPs), including hardness, friction, and weight, which are vital parameters for safe robot-environment interaction. For effective estimation, we define the ground (GGM) and object groping modes (OGM). The endpoint of the robot arm, which has a force sensor, actively touches, pushes, rubs, and lifts objects in the environment with a hybrid position/force control, and three kinds of PIPs are estimated from the measured reaction force and displacement of the arm endpoint. The robot finally judges the accident risk based on estimated PIPs, e.g., safe, attentional, or dangerous. We prepared environments that had the same surface shape but different hardness, friction, and weight. The experimental results indicated that the proposed framework could estimate PIPs adequately and was useful to judge the risk and safely plan tasks.



  • EPM-MRE: Electropermanent Magnet-Magnetorheological Elastomer for Soft Actuation System and Its Application to Robotic Grasping

    Peizhi Zhang, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Zhuoyi He, Hiroyuki Sakamoto, Shigeki Sugano

    IEEE ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION LETTERS   6 ( 4 ) 8181 - 8188  2021年10月


    Conventional soft robotic grippers have been developed based on soft pneumatic actuators or using smart soft materials, but they need external pressure sources, are easily deteriorated or used in millimetric-scale, which leads to increase of the independency, instability, and vulnerability. In this study, we propose an EPM-MRE (Electropermanent Magnet-Magnetorheological elastomer) actuation system, which strengthens the independency and stability of soft actuation by non-contact magnetic force. We established its fundamental principle and investigated parameter design through developing a suction cup as a robotic gripper. We prototyped an EPM-MRE actuated suction cup based on magnetic-charge and tensile modeling as well as optimized the structure of EPM by introducing axisymmetric EPM with frustum pole and suction cup by introducing bi-silicone structure to uniformly activate MRE membrane. The activation of EPM by different current pulses and suction force affected by contact shapes and air gaps were tested. Evaluations showed that the suction cup could be activated with 10 ms and generate a maximum suction force of 9.2 N at a steady state with 0 J energy consumption. In conclusion, the EPM-MRE soft actuation system can be used as a robotic gripper.



  • Tool-Use Model to Reproduce the Goal Situations Considering Relationship Among Tools, Objects, Actions and Effects Using Multimodal Deep Neural Networks

    Namiko Saito, Tetsuya Ogata, Hiroki Mori, Shingo Murata, Shigeki Sugano

    Frontiers in Robotics and AI   8  2021年09月


    We propose a tool-use model that enables a robot to act toward a provided goal. It is important to consider features of the four factors; tools, objects actions, and effects at the same time because they are related to each other and one factor can influence the others. The tool-use model is constructed with deep neural networks (DNNs) using multimodal sensorimotor data; image, force, and joint angle information. To allow the robot to learn tool-use, we collect training data by controlling the robot to perform various object operations using several tools with multiple actions that leads different effects. Then the tool-use model is thereby trained and learns sensorimotor coordination and acquires relationships among tools, objects, actions and effects in its latent space. We can give the robot a task goal by providing an image showing the target placement and orientation of the object. Using the goal image with the tool-use model, the robot detects the features of tools and objects, and determines how to act to reproduce the target effects automatically. Then the robot generates actions adjusting to the real time situations even though the tools and objects are unknown and more complicated than trained ones.



  • Development of a Situational Awareness Estimation Model Considering Traffic Environment for Unscheduled Takeover Situations

    Hiroaki Hayashi, Naoki Oka, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Shigeki Sugano



    In semi-autonomous vehicles (SAE level 3) that requires drivers to takeover (TO) the control in critical situations, a system needs to judge if the driver have enough situational awareness (SA) for manual driving. We previously developed a SA estimation system that only used driver's glance data. For deeper understanding of driver's SA, the system needs to evaluate the relevancy between driver's glance and surrounding vehicle and obstacles. In this study, we thus developed a new SA estimation model considering driving-relevant objects and investigated the relationship between parameters. We performed TO experiments in a driving simulator to observe driver's behavior in different position of surrounding vehicles and TO performance such as the smoothness of steering control. We adopted support vector machine to classify obtained dataset into safe and dangerous TO, and the result showed 83% accuracy in leave-one-out cross validation. We found that unscheduled TO led to maneuver error and glance behavior differed from individuals.



  • Repeated exposure to tripping like perturbations elicits more precise control and lower toe clearance of the swinging foot during steady walking

    Tamon Miyake, Federica Aprigliano, Shigeki Sugano, Silvestro Micera, Vito Monaco

    Human Movement Science   76  2021年04月


    Controlling minimum toe clearance (MTC) is considered an important factor in preventing tripping. In the current study, we investigated modifications of neuro-muscular control underlying toe clearance during steady locomotion induced by repeated exposure to tripping-like perturbations of the right swing foot. Fourteen healthy young adults (mean age 26.4 ± 3.1 years) participated in the study. The experimental protocol consisted of three identical trials, each involving three phases: steady walking (baseline), perturbation, and steady walking (post-perturbation). During the perturbation, participants experienced 30 tripping-like perturbations at unexpected timing delivered by a custom-made mechatronic perturbation device. The temporal parameters (cadence and stance phase ), mean, and standard deviation of MTC were computed across approximately 90 strides collected during both baseline and post-perturbation phases, for all trials. The effects of trial (three levels), phase (two levels: baseline and post-perturbation) and foot (two levels: right and left) on the outcome variables were analyzed using a three-way repeated measures analysis of variance. The results revealed that exposure to repeated trip-like perturbations modified MTC toward more precise control and lower toe clearance of the swinging foot, which appeared to reflect both the expectation of potential forthcoming perturbations and a quicker compensatory response in cases of a lack of balance. Moreover, locomotion control enabled subjects to maintain symmetric rhythmic features during post-perturbation steady walking. Finally, the effects of exposure to perturbation quickly disappeared among consecutive trials. %

    DOI PubMed


  • Repeated exposure to tripping like perturbations elicits more precise control and lower toe clearance of the swinging foot during steady walking

    Tamon Miyake, Federica Aprigliano, Shigeki Sugano, Silvestro Micera, Vito Monaco

    HUMAN MOVEMENT SCIENCE   76  2021年04月


    Controlling minimum toe clearance (MTC) is considered an important factor in preventing tripping. In the current study, we investigated modifications of neuro-muscular control underlying toe clearance during steady locomotion induced by repeated exposure to tripping-like perturbations of the right swing foot. Fourteen healthy young adults (mean age 26.4 +/- 3.1 years) participated in the study. The experimental protocol consisted of three identical trials, each involving three phases: steady walking (baseline), perturbation, and steady walking (post perturbation). During the perturbation, participants experienced 30 tripping-like perturbations at unexpected timing delivered by a custom-made mechatronic perturbation device. The temporal parameters (cadence and stance phase%), mean, and standard deviation of MTC were computed across approximately 90 strides collected during both baseline and post-perturbation phases, for all trials. The effects of trial (three levels), phase (two levels: baseline and post-perturbation) and foot (two levels: right and left) on the outcome variables were analyzed using a three-way repeated measures analysis of variance. The results revealed that exposure to repeated trip-like perturbations modified MTC toward more precise control and lower toe clearance of the swinging foot, which appeared to reflect both the expectation of potential forthcoming perturbations and a quicker compensatory response in cases of a lack of balance. Moreover, locomotion control enabled subjects to maintain symmetric rhythmic features during post-perturbation steady walking. Finally, the effects of exposure to perturbation quickly disappeared among consecutive trials.



  • Gait phase detection based on muscle deformation with static standing-based calibration

    Tamon Miyake, Shintaro Yamamoto, Satoshi Hosono, Satoshi Funabashi, Zhengxue Cheng, Cheng Zhang, Emi Tamaki, Shigeki Sugano

    Sensors (Switzerland)   21 ( 4 ) 1 - 16  2021年02月


    Gait phase detection, which detects foot-contact and foot-off states during walking, is important for various applications, such as synchronous robotic assistance and health monitoring. Gait phase detection systems have been proposed with various wearable devices, sensing inertial, electromyography, or force myography information. In this paper, we present a novel gait phase detection system with static standing-based calibration using muscle deformation information. The gait phase detection algorithm can be calibrated within a short time using muscle deformation data by standing in several postures; it is not necessary to collect data while walking for calibration. A logistic regression algorithm is used as the machine learning algorithm, and the probability output is adjusted based on the angular velocity of the sensor. An experiment is performed with 10 subjects, and the detection accuracy of foot-contact and foot-off states is evaluated using video data for each subject. The median accuracy is approximately 90% during walking based on calibration for 60 s, which shows the feasibility of the static standing-based calibration method using muscle deformation information for foot-contact and foot-off state detection.

    DOI PubMed


  • Gait Phase Detection Based on Muscle Deformation with Static Standing-Based Calibration

    Tamon Miyake, Shintaro Yamamoto, Satoshi Hosono, Satoshi Funabashi, Zhengxue Cheng, Cheng Zhang, Emi Tamaki, Shigeki Sugano

    SENSORS   21 ( 4 )  2021年02月


    Gait phase detection, which detects foot-contact and foot-off states during walking, is important for various applications, such as synchronous robotic assistance and health monitoring. Gait phase detection systems have been proposed with various wearable devices, sensing inertial, electromyography, or force myography information. In this paper, we present a novel gait phase detection system with static standing-based calibration using muscle deformation information. The gait phase detection algorithm can be calibrated within a short time using muscle deformation data by standing in several postures; it is not necessary to collect data while walking for calibration. A logistic regression algorithm is used as the machine learning algorithm, and the probability output is adjusted based on the angular velocity of the sensor. An experiment is performed with 10 subjects, and the detection accuracy of foot-contact and foot-off states is evaluated using video data for each subject. The median accuracy is approximately 90% during walking based on calibration for 60 s, which shows the feasibility of the static standing-based calibration method using muscle deformation information for foot-contact and foot-off state detection.



  • Investigation on image signal receiving performance of photodiodes and solar panel detectors in an underground facility visible light communication system.

    Wen Zhao, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Kaoru Yamaguchi, Minoru Konno, Akihiko Onuki, Shigeki Sugano

    Optics express   29 ( 2 ) 692 - 705  2021年01月  [国際誌]


    For the safety, underground facilities are required to be inspected regularly, especially with image analysis. Traditional wireless and wired transmission techniques have a weakness of limited transmission range in narrow underground environments. In this study, a new image transmission method based on visible light communication (VLC) has been thus proposed. Two types of detectors as an image signal receiver have been tested and discussed in the following experiments. The photodiodes (PDs) are widely used as a common image signal detector in VLC technology, but image signal detection using solar panels (SPs) has not been studied. PDs have a higher sensitivity and faster response time but a limited detection area and high cost. Besides, PDs require the lens to focus light. On the other hand, SPs have much larger optical signal receiving areas and stronger optical signal capture capabilities. They can realize lens-free detection and are inexpensive. These features of PD were firstly verified in experiments with several receiving areas and angles of detectors. The experimental result revealed that PD had better image detection and recovery capabilities than those of SP. Then, we found that a larger receiving area obtained by using double PDs/SPs improved the brightness of the restored image. In a supplementary experiment, the influence of different RGB optical components on VLC, especially the VLC-based image transmission, has been investigated by using two-dimensional Fourier transform frequency analysis. We found that the red optical component significantly increased the intensity and energy of the restored image as the image low-frequency signals were larger than the restored image using ordinary mixed white light, and moreover, the blue optical component decreased the low-frequency part of the image.

    DOI PubMed


  • Investigation of Relationship between Multi-Point Mechanical Stimuli on Shoulder and Overall Pain on Backpack Wearers

    Nenta Wako, Tamon Miyake, Shigeki Sugano

    2021 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration, SII 2021     363 - 368  2021年01月


    With the increasing use of backpacks on a daily basis, appropriate assessment of shoulder load, which has adverse effects on the body, has become more important. We focused on nociceptive pain, which is a physiological warning signal, and performed a subjective evaluation of loading conditions. In this study, we investigated the relationship between multi-point mechanical stimuli set at38 measuring points on the shoulder, and overall pain. In the experiment, eight subjects rated their pain levels at 24 loading conditions (combinations of 3 weight, 2 weight-distance, 2 weight-height, and 2 padding conditions) using a pain scale. In the statistical analysis, the overall pain intensities at different loading conditions were compared through ANOVA, and weight and distance from body were confirmed as main contributing factors. In the regression analysis, four different models were used to fit the overall data. A generalized linear model (GLM) with polynomial sigmoid function resulted in the best fit. GLM fitting was also performed on the data after these have been divided into 8 groups based on combinations of distance-height-padding. The independent variables, the selected combinations of loads at the measuring points, differed depending on the loading conditions. For more accurate regression, loads that contribute to the determination of overall pain intensity should be appropriately selected according to the loading conditions. These results can be used to comprehensively evaluate backpack design based on shoulder pain.



  • Extraction of Shoulder Parts to Avoid Heavy Load Based on Pain while Walking with Backpack

    Nenta Wako, Tamon Miyake, Shigeki Sugano

    2021 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration, SII 2021     357 - 362  2021年01月


    When using a backpack, proper shoulder load reduction is required. We focused on pain (nociceptive pain), which is a warning signal to protect the human body, and we aimed to extract the shoulder parts to avoid heavy loads while walking with a backpack. We set 19 measuring points on each shoulder and 12 measuring points on the lower back. Using three-axis tactile sensors, we then recorded the interface load on the shoulders and lower back under two back panel conditions: general flat panel and panel with lumbar pad. With 180 data for mean load and 150 data for peak load on each measuring point, we confirmed the load distribution and load shift effects using a lumbar pad by comparing the shoulder load and the lower back load. Then, the shoulder load data was normalized by the pain threshold for a single-point pressure stimulus at each measuring point of the subject. The pain threshold was estimated by an approximate expression with a sigmoid function for pain scores, which were collected by subjective evaluation with a pain scale. In statistical analysis, through multiple comparisons (Steel-Dwass test) for the mean values of the normalized shoulder load on each measuring point and its mean value of the entire shoulder, we extracted seven potential high-risk points (coracoid process, medial and lateral part of the clavicle regions, medial and lateral part of the ridgeline of the shoulder, and supraspinatus). Moreover, we observed that high-risk loads remained locally behind a significant reduction of the entire shoulder load with a lumbar pad. These results can be used to improve backpack design for proper loads on the shoulder.



  • Feasibility Evaluation of Mixed Reality Obstacles on Treadmill using HoloLens to Elicit Real Obstacle Negotiation

    Tamon Miyake, Mohammed Al-Sada, Tingting Zhong, Wei Wang, Shigeki Sugano

    2021 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration, SII 2021     756 - 761  2021年01月


    An ability of visually-guided and anticipatory adjustments of locomotion corresponding to upcoming obstacles is important to avoid trip-induced fall. For establishing gait training based on visually-guided and anticipatory adjustments, techniques reproducing realistic training environment are essential. Although some previous works proposed virtual obstacles using mixed reality, the feasibility of virtual obstacles encouraging people to perform realistic obstacle negotiation on a treadmill, where gait training is usually conducted, is still unclear. In this study, we investigated toe heights when stepping over the obstacle in both cases of virtual and real obstacles during walking on the treadmill. Five participants stepped over two types of mixed reality boxes and real boxes, with box placements close and distant from them. The results generally indicate that the toe heights of the leading foot tended to be similar between mixed reality and real obstacles in cases where the obstacle was located distant from participants, a condition that enabled participants to predict when obstacles approached. However, the toe heights of the trailing foot tended to be lower when stepping over the MR obstacles than the real obstacles. We discuss the feasibility and shortcomings of the future use of MR HMDs as replacement for traditional gait training setup.



  • Twisted String Actuator and its Control Mechanism

    Shunsuke Nagahama, Shigeki Sugano

    Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan   39 ( 9 ) 799 - 802  2021年


  • 歩行者を考慮した通行容易性推定に基づくパーソナルモビリティの自動速度調整システムの提案

    葛西 優介, 亀﨑 允啓, 森 大河, 松繁 怜, 菅野 重樹

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2021   1P3-H13  2021年

    DOI CiNii

  • MRFロボットアームのための力学的・幾何的順応性を高める基本制御システムの試作

    角田 龍一朗, 亀﨑 允啓, 張 裴之, シェムベカール サヒル, 何 卓頤, 菅野 重樹

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2021   1A1-E10  2021年

    DOI CiNii

  • 多自由度災害対応ロボットの環境適応性強化に関する研究—~タスク判別と学習済み制御則の再利用に基づく動作学習の効率化~

    亀﨑 允啓, 飯田 達仁, 大久保 覚子, 上原 悠輔, 東 宏河, 菅野 重樹

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2021   1P1-I14  2021年

    DOI CiNii

  • Towards a Driver's Gaze Zone Classifier using a Single Camera Robust to Temporal and Permanent Face Occlusions

    Catherine Lollett, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Shigeki Sugano

    2021 32ND IEEE INTELLIGENT VEHICLES SYMPOSIUM (IV)     578 - 585  2021年


    Although exists several drivers' gaze direction classifiers to prevent traffic accidents caused by inattentive driving, making this classification while the driver's face is temporarily or permanently occluded remains exceptionally challenging. For example, drivers using masks, sunglasses, or scarves and daily light variations are non-ideal conditions that recurrently appear in an everyday driving scenario and are frequently overlooked by the existing classifiers. This paper presents a single camera framework gaze zone classifier that operates robustly even during non-uniform lighting, non-frontal face pose, and faces undergo temporal or permanent occlusions. The usage of a normalized dense aligned face pose vector, the classification result of a pre-processed right eye area pixels, and the classification result of a pre-processed left eye area pixels is the cornerstone of the feature vector used in our model. The key of this paper is double-folded: firstly, the usage of a normalized dense alignment for a robust face, landmark, and head-pose direction detection and secondly, the processing of the right and left eye images using computer vision and deep learning techniques for refining, modifying, and finally labeling eyes information. Experiments on a challenging dataset involving non-uniform lighting, non-frontal face pose, and faces with temporal or permanent occlusions show each feature's importance towards making a robust gaze zone classifier under unconstrained driving situations.



  • Development of a Permanent Magnet Elastomer (PME) Infused Soft Robot Skin for Tactile Sensing

    Sahil Shembekar, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Peizhi Zhang, Zhuoyi He, Yuhiro Iwamoto, Yasushi Ido, Hiroyuki Sakamoto, Shigeki Sugano



    The skin is an important organ which enables humans to interact with the unstructured environment around. It is perfectly soft and covers the entire body providing immediate feedback even when that part is not directly in the field of vision. With the human skin as an inspiration, in this paper, we develop a novel completely soft robot skin for tactile sensing. The skin utilizes a new type of material called as Permanent Magnet Elastomer (PME) to replace the traditionally used hard permanent magnet for hall effect based tactile sensors. PME is formed by mixing Neodymium particles in a polymer base and using strong magnetization (up to 6 T) for anisotropy and to achieve strong and complete magnetization. The 6-axis soft PME is a perfect replacement for powerful hard magnets. We also do a thorough analysis of this material by infusing it in different types of silicone and as a result the most suitable combinations are selected. Performance tests show that the sensor can detect minute forces like 0.1 N. Moreover, the hysteresis test is carried out and the hysteresis error for our skin is found to be only 1.402%. An overloading test is also performed by loading the skin up to 64 N to check the robustness. In conclusion, the skin can produce reliable Triaxial force measurements and we present two models of it for smaller and large force range measurements respectively.



  • EEG-based System Using Deep Learning and Attention Mechanism for Driver Drowsiness Detection

    Miankuan Zhu, Haobo Li, Jiangfan Chen, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Zutao Zhang, Zexi Hua, Shigeki Sugano



    The lack of sleep (typically <6 hours a night) or driving for a long time are the reasons of drowsiness driving and caused serious traffic accidents. With pandemic of the COVID-19, drivers are wearing masks to prevent infection from it, which makes visual-based drowsiness detection methods difficult. This paper presents an EEG-based driver drowsiness estimation method using deep learning and attention mechanism. First of all, an 8-channels EEG collection hat is used to acquire the EEG signals in the simulation scenario of drowsiness driving and normal driving. Then the EEG signals are pre-processed by using the linear filter and wavelet threshold denoising. Secondly, the neural network based on attention mechanism and deep residual network (ResNet) is trained to classify the EEG signals. Finally, an early warning module is designed to sound an alarm if the driver is judged as drowsy. The system was tested under simulated driving environment and the drowsiness detection accuracy of the test set was 93.35%. Drowsiness warning simulation also verified the effectiveness of proposed early warning module.



  • Towards a Driver's Gaze Zone Classifier using a Single Camera Robust to Temporal and Permanent Face Occlusions.

    Catherine Lollett, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Shigeki Sugano

    IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium(IV)     578 - 585  2021年



  • EEG-based System Using Deep Learning and Attention Mechanism for Driver Drowsiness Detection.

    Miankuan Zhu, Haobo Li, Jiangfan Chen, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Zutao Zhang, Zexi Hua, Shigeki Sugano

    IV Workshops     280 - 286  2021年



  • Development of a Permanent Magnet Elastomer (PME) Infused Soft Robot Skin for Tactile Sensing.

    Sahil Shembekar, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Peizhi Zhang, Zhuoyi He, Yuhiro Iwamoto, Yasushi Ido, Hiroyuki Sakamoto, Shigeki Sugano

    IROS     6039 - 6046  2021年



  • Bayesian Estimation of Model Parameters of Equivalent Circuit Model for Detecting Degradation Parts of Lithium-ion Battery

    Tamon Miyake, Tomoyuki Suzuki, Satoshi Funabashi, Namiko Saito, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Takahiro Shoda, Tsutomu Saigo, Shigeki Sugano

    IEEE Access    2021年


    Nowadays, the use of electric vehicles is increasing leading to a growing demand for more efficient use of lithium-ion batteries. The state-of-charge (SOC) has been estimated in previous studies to optimize energy management of batteries. For more efficient battery utilization, detecting degradation is important. However, it is difficult for conventional methods to distinguish the effect of the model parameters including different time constants. Identifying model parameters of multiple RC parallel branches, which represent the impedance of wider frequency ranges, is a necessary requirement to detect the degradation of parts. In this study, we present a method for estimating the model parameters of multiple RC parallel branches. We designed the Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithm by setting a search range limit and moving window, which enable estimation of the model parameters of parallel branches of different time constants. Through validation of the algorithm based on simulation, the model parameters of a third-order circuit were estimated to be within the error range of 15.2 %. In addition, impedance was calculated from the estimated model parameters in the test using a real battery dataset. The error of impedance was less than 10 % from 0.01 to 100 Hz which was sufficiently low to monitor the change of the parameters owing to degradation. As the impedance in the high-frequency band above 0.1 Hz is more likely to change because of degradation, the proposed method can be used to monitor the model parameters that change as a result of degradation.



  • Toward Health-Related Accident Prevention: Symptom Detection and Intervention Based on Driver Monitoring and Verbal Interaction

    Hiroaki Hayashi, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Shigeki Sugano



    Professional drivers are required to safely transport passengers and/or properties of customers to their destinations, so they must keep being mentally and physically healthy. Health problems will largely affect driving performance and sometimes cause loss of consciousness, which results in injury, death, and heavy compensation. Conventional systems can detect the loss of consciousness or urgently stop the vehicle to prevent accidents, but detection of symptoms of diseases and providing support before the driver loses consciousness is more reasonable. It is challenging to earlier detect symptoms with high confidence. Toward solving these problems, we propose a new method with a multi-sensor based driver monitoring system to detect cues of symptoms quickly and a verbal interaction system to confirm the internal state of the driver based on the monitoring results to reduce false positives. There is almost no data that records abnormal conditions while driving and tests with unhealthy participants are dangerous and ethically unacceptable, so we developed a system with pseudo-symptom data and did outlier detection only with normal driving data. From data collection experiments, we defined the confidence level derived from cue signs. The results of evaluation experiments showed that the proposed system worked well in pseudo headache and drowsiness detection scenarios. We found that signs of drowsiness varied with individual drivers, so the multi-sensor based driver monitoring system was proved to be effective. Moreover, we found that there were individual differences in how the cue signs appeared, so we can propose an online re-training method to make the system adapt to individual drivers.



  • Investigation on image signal receiving performance of photodiodes and solar panel detectors in an underground facility visible light communication system

    Wen Zhao, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Kaoru Yamaguchi, Minoru Konno, Akihiko Onuki, Shigeki Sugano

    OPTICS EXPRESS   29 ( 2 ) 692 - 705  2021年01月


    For the safety, underground facilities are required to be inspected regularly, especially with image analysis. Traditional wireless and wired transmission techniques have a weakness of limited transmission range in narrow underground environments. In this study, a new image transmission method based on visible light communication (VLC) has been thus proposed. Two types of detectors as an image signal receiver have been tested and discussed in the following experiments. The photodiodes (PDs) are widely used as a common image signal detector in VLC technology, but image signal detection using solar panels (SPs) has not been studied. PDs have a higher sensitivity and faster response time but a limited detection area and high cost. Besides, PDs require the lens to focus light. On the other hand, SPs have much larger optical signal receiving areas and stronger optical signal capture capabilities. They can realize lens-free detection and are inexpensive. These features of PD were firstly verified in experiments with several receiving areas and angles of detectors. The experimental result revealed that PD had better image detection and recovery capabilities than those of SP. Then, we tbund that a larger receiving area obtained by using double PDs/SPs improved the brightness of the restored image. In a supplementary experiment, the influence of different RGB optical components on VLC, especially the VLC-based image transmission, has been investigated by using two-dimensional Fourier transform frequency analysis. We found that the red optical component significantly increased the intensity and energy of the restored image as the image low-frequency signals were larger than the restored image using ordinary mixed white light, and moreover, the blue optical component decreased the low-frequency part of the image. (C) 2021 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreement



  • EPM-MRE: Electropermanent Magnet-Magnetorheological Elastomer for Soft Actuation System and Its Application to Robotic Grasping.

    Peizhi Zhang, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Zhuoyi He, Hiroyuki Sakamoto, Shigeki Sugano

    IEEE Robotics Autom. Lett.   6 ( 4 ) 8181 - 8188  2021年



  • Development of a Situational Awareness Estimation Model Considering Traffic Environment for Unscheduled Takeover Situations.

    Hiroaki Hayashi, Naoki Oka, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Shigeki Sugano

    Int. J. Intell. Transp. Syst. Res.   19 ( 1 ) 167 - 181  2021年



  • How to select and use tools : Active Perception of Target Objects Using Multimodal Deep Learning

    Namiko Saito, Tetsuya Ogata, Satoshi Funabashi, Hiroki Mori, Shigeki Sugano

    IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters     1 - 1  2021年


  • Environmental camera placements for skilled operators in unmanned construction

    Ryuya Sato, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Mitsuru Yamada, Takeshi Hashimoto, Shigeki Sugano, Hiroyasu Iwata



    Work efficiency of unmanned construction is 40% lower than that of on-board operation because of lack of visual information. Despite previous researches to acquire external views using drones and image processing, finding out optimum and allowable camera placements on actual construction machinery for chosen scenario and machine has been difficult. This work therefore documents the derivation of optimum and allowable camera placements with skilled subjects and using an actual construction machinery for digging and releasing tasks. The experimental results indicate an optimum pan angle of 90 degrees, allowable pan angles of 60 degrees-90 degrees and allowable tilt angles of > 45 degrees during digging, and allowable pan angles of 45 degrees-135 degrees, an optimum tilt angle of 90 degrees, and al-lowable tilt angles of 60 degrees-90 degrees during releasing. These results can be referred to the camera placements for unmanned construction sites to improve work efficiency. We will derive the camera placements for other scenarios.



  • Characterization of shoulder load for backpack shoulder strap design based on the relationship between interface pressure and shoulder pain

    Nenta Wako, Tamon Miyake, Shigeki Sugano

    Proceedings of the IEEE RAS and EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics   2020-November   30 - 35  2020年11月


    With the increasing use of backpacks in recent years, proper reduction of shoulder load has become essential. We focused on nociceptive pain, which is a physiological warning signal, and performed subjective evaluation as an index to determine appropriate loading. In this paper, we investigated the relationship between a single-point pressure stimulus on the shoulder and pain and characterized pain sensitivity for each region of the shoulder. In the experiment, seven subjects rated their pain level upon stimulation using a pain scale. In data analysis, the rating scores were revised to an equivalence scale, and the relation between the pain score and stimulus intensity was approximated by a sigmoid function. Moreover, pain thresholds were estimated by approximate expression and classified into four sensitivity levels after normalizing. Combining the measurement points, we proposed characterization mapping of pain sensitivity and showed the pain sensitivity level at each measurement point. The results of pain rating for the strongest stimulus in the experiment, characterization mapping, and the results of pain sensitivity at each measurement point were anatomically matched. As such, we clarified the shoulder regions that can actively support load and those that should avoid loading. These results can be used to evaluate and improve backpack strap design.



  • Development and evaluation of a linear series clutch actuator for vertical joint application with static balancing

    Shardul Kulkarni, Alexander Schmitz, Satoshi Funabashi, Shigeki Sugano

    IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems     6353 - 6360  2020年10月


    Future robots are expected to share their workspace with humans. Controlling and limiting the forces that such robots exert on their environment is crucial. While force control can be achieved actively with the help of force sensing, passive mechanisms have no time delay in their response to external forces, and would therefore be preferable. Series clutch actuators can be used to achieve high levels of safety and backdrivability. This work presents the first implementation of a linear series clutch actuator. It can exert forces of more than 110N while weighing less than 2kg. Force controllability and safety are demonstrated. Static balancing, which is important for the application in a vertical joint, is also implemented. The power consumption is evaluated, and for a payload of 3kg and with the maximum speed of 94mm/s, the power consumed by the actuator is 11W. Overall, a practical implementation of a linear series clutch actuator is reported, which can be used for future collaborative robots.



  • Computational design of balanced open link planar mechanisms with counterweights from user sketches

    Takuto Takahashi, Hiroshi G. Okuno, Shigeki Sugano, Stelian Coros, Bernhard Thomaszewski

    IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems     6466 - 6471  2020年10月


    We consider the design of under-actuated articulated mechanism that are able to maintain stable static balance. Our method augments an user-provided design with counter-weights whose mass and attachment locations are automatically computed. The optimized counterweights adjust the center of gravity such that, for bounded external perturbations, the mechanism returns to its original configuration.Using our sketch-based system, we present several examples illustrating a wide range of user-provided designs can be successfully converted into statically-balanced mechanisms. We further validate our results with a set of physical prototypes.



  • Development of exo-glove for measuring 3-axis forces acting on the human finger without obstructing natural human-object interaction

    Prathamesh Sathe, Alexander Schmitz, Harris Kristanto, Chincheng Hsu, Tito Pradhono Tomo, Sophon Somlor, Sugano Shigeki

    IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems     4106 - 4113  2020年10月


    Measuring the forces that humans exert with their fingers could have many potential applications, such as skill transfer from human experts to robots or monitoring humans. In this paper we introduce the "Exo-Glove"system, which can measure the joint angles and forces acting on the human finger without covering the skin that is in contact with the manipulated object. In particular, 3-axis sensors measure the deformation of the human skin on the sides of the finger to indirectly measure the 3-axis forces acting on the finger. To provide a frame of reference for the sensors, and to measure the joint angles of the human finger, an exoskeleton with remote center of motion (RCM) joints is used. Experiments showed that with the exoskeleton the quality of the force measurements can be improved.



  • A Study on the Elongation Behaviour of Synthetic Fibre Ropes under Cyclic Loading

    Deoraj Asane, Alexander Schmitz, Yushi Wang, Shigeki Sugano

    2020 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)    2020年10月


  • Gait training robot with intermittent force application based on prediction of minimum toe clearance

    Tamon Miyake, Masakatsu G. Fujie, Shigeki Sugano

    IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems     3416 - 3422  2020年10月


    Adaptive assistance of gait training robots has been determined to improve gait performance through motion assistance. An important control role during walking is to avoid tripping by controlling minimum toe clearance (MTC), which is an indicator of tripping risk, to avoid its decrease among gait cycles. No conventional gait training robots can adjust assistance timing based on MTC. In this paper, we propose a system that applies force intermittently based on the MTC prediction algorithm to encourage people to avoid lowering the MTC. This prediction algorithm is based on a radial basis function network, the input data of which include the angles, angular velocities, and angular accelerations of the hip, knee, and ankle joints in the sagittal and coronal planes at toe-off. The cable-driven system that can switch between assistance and non-assistance modes applies force when the predicted MTC is lower than the mean value. Nine participants were asked to walk on a treadmill, and we tested the effect of the system. The MTC data before, during, and after the assistance phase were analyzed for 120 s. The results showed that the minimum and first quartile values of MTC could be increased after the assistance phase.



  • Programming Stepwise Motility into a Sheet of Paper Using Inkjet Printing

    Hiroki Shigemune, Shingo Maeda, Eiji Iwase, Shuji Hashimoto, Shigeki Sugano, Hideyuki Sawada

    Advanced Intelligent Systems     2000153 - 2000153  2020年10月


  • End-to-End Tactile Feedback Loop: From Soft Sensor Skin Over Deep GRU-Autoencoders to Tactile Stimulation

    Andreas Geier, Rawleigh Tucker, Sophon Somlor, Hideyuki Sawada, Shigeki Sugano

    IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters   5 ( 4 ) 6467 - 6474  2020年10月


  • Gait event detection based on inter-joint coordination using only angular information

    Tamon Miyake, Yo Kobayashi, Masakatsu G. Fujie, Shigeki Sugano

    Advanced Robotics   34 ( 18 ) 1190 - 1200  2020年09月


    The detection of gait events with wearable sensors is necessary for a robotic system interacting with walking people. Conventional gait phase detection methods are based on machine learning. However, this method cannot detect a gait event every gait cycle because it is difficult to extract characteristic points. Additionally, using only angular information for detection is beneficial because angular information is needed for the control and evaluation of the robots. This paper proposes a novel algorithm for the detection of heel contact and toe-off using the inter-joint coordination of the hip, knee, and ankle joints that has a lower-dimensional structure. The proposed algorithm derives the four planes in the angular space and finds the switching points of the planes. Seven participants walked on force plates that measured the force of the foot against the floor. The error was less than 0.035 s when the gait events were detected after calculating planes using the first gait datum. The change in the patterns of the inter-joint coordination reflected the change in gait phases. Although the data were calculated offline, the results show that the heel contact and toe-off could be detected as soon as the angles were sensed once the planes were derived.



  • Gait event detection based on inter-joint coordination using only angular information

    Tamon Miyake, Yo Kobayashi, Masakatsu G. Fujie, Shigeki Sugano

    ADVANCED ROBOTICS   34 ( 18 ) 1190 - 1200  2020年09月


    The detection of gait events with wearable sensors is necessary for a robotic system interacting with walking people. Conventional gait phase detection methods are based on machine learning. However, this method cannot detect a gait event every gait cycle because it is difficult to extract characteristic points. Additionally, using only angular information for detection is beneficial because angular information is needed for the control and evaluation of the robots. This paper proposes a novel algorithm for the detection of heel contact and toe-off using the inter-joint coordination of the hip, knee, and ankle joints that has a lower-dimensional structure. The proposed algorithm derives the four planes in the angular space and finds the switching points of the planes. Seven participants walked on force plates that measured the force of the foot against the floor. The error was less than 0.035 s when the gait events were detected after calculating planes using the first gait datum. The change in the patterns of the inter-joint coordination reflected the change in gait phases. Although the data were calculated offline, the results show that the heel contact and toe-off could be detected as soon as the angles were sensed once the planes were derived.



  • A Basic Framework of View Systems Allowing Teleoperators to Pre-Acquire Spatial Knowledge from Survey and Route Perspectives

    Ryuya Sato, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Shigeki Sugano, Hiroyasu Iwata

    PRESENCE-VIRTUAL AND AUGMENTED REALITY   27 ( 3 ) 309 - 332  2020年07月


    One of the most important problems in teleoperation of heavy machinery is that the work efficiency of teleoperation is lower than half that of a typical boarding operation. This difference is primarily caused by operators' difficulty in creating mental representations (i.e., cognitive maps) of work sites. Operators have two opportunities to acquire information, namely before work and during work, because the introduction of teleoperation requires about one week. Therefore, we have developed a view system to be used before work to provide environmental information concerning work sites on the basis of human spatial cognition. Cognitive maps can be built by acquiring knowledge from two perspectives-the survey perspective and the route perspective. We display an external view from any viewpoint to acquire knowledge from a survey perspective and a view from an operator's viewpoint, which can be modified by the operator's intention to acquire knowledge from the route perspective. Experimental results using a simulator suggested that a proposed view system could help operators acquire cognitive maps, which may lead to a decrease in task time, the number of stops, and the moving distance and an increase in speed during grasping.


  • A multimodal, adjustable sensitivity, digital 3-axis skin sensor module

    Alexis Carlos Holgado, Tito Pradhono Tomo, Sophon Somlor, Shigeki Sugano

    Sensors (Switzerland)   20 ( 11 )  2020年06月


    This paper presents major improvements to a multimodal, adjustable sensitivity skin sensor module. It employs a geomagnetic 3-axis Hall effect sensor to measure changes in the position of a magnetic field generated by an electromagnet. The electromagnet is mounted on a flexible material, and different current values can be supplied to it, enabling adjustments to the sensitivity of the sensor during operation. Capacitive sensing has been added in this iteration of the module, with two sensing modalities: "pre-touch" detection with proximity sensing and normal force capacitive sensing. The sensor has been designed to be interconnected with other sensor modules to be able to cover large surfaces of a robot with normal and shear force sensing and object proximity detection. Furthermore, this paper introduces important size reductions of the previous sensor design, calibration results, and further analysis of other sensor characteristics.

    DOI PubMed


  • Preliminary study of a separative shared control scheme focusing on control-authority and attention allocation for multi-limb disaster response robots

    Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Takahiro Katano, Kui Chen, Tatsuzo Ishida, Shigeki Sugano

    ADVANCED ROBOTICS   34 ( 9 ) 575 - 591  2020年05月


    We previously developed a four-arm, four-flipper disaster response robot called OCTOPUS to perform complex tasks at severe disaster sites. Its 22 degrees of freedom (DOF) enable advanced mobility and workability, but requires a minimum of two operators to control it. Considering the limitations of the current automated systems and the need to reduce human resources, it is practical to control OCTOPUS through a shared control. This entails a human-automation (HA) control system that independently allocates control authority between a human and automated system so as to simultaneously cover all DOF in what we call 'separative shared control'. To establish an HA control system, control authority allocation (CAA) must be carefully designed. We first performed experiments with a human-human (HH) control system using a VR simulator. We determined four tasks and five CAAs and then selected the optimum CAA by analyzing the results. We then developed an HA control system utilizing the selected CAA that replaces either human operator with a simple automated system. We compared the performance of the HH and HA control systems in the above four tasks using the VR simulator and found that the HA achieved less workload and higher subjective usability than the HH.



  • 料理ロボットのための道具の選択・使用深層学習モデル – 道具と食材の配置に応じた料理のよそい動作の実現

    斎藤菜美子, 呉雨恒, 尾形哲也, 森裕紀, 王丹阳, 陽品駒, 菅野重樹

    情報処理学会第82回全国大会     5U-08  2020年03月

  • Autonomous Mobile Robot Moving Through Static Crowd: Arm with One DOF and Hand with Involute Shape to Maneuver Human Position

    Noriaki Imaoka, Kazuma Kitazawa, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Shigeki Sugano, Takeshi Ando

    Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics   32 ( 1 )  2020年02月  [査読有り]

  • Improvements on a Sensitivity Adjustable 3-Axis Soft Skin Sensor with an Electromagnet

    Alexis C. Holgado, Javier A. Alvarez Lopez, Tito Pradhono Tomo, Sophon Somlor, Shigeki Sugano

    Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration, SII 2020     68 - 73  2020年01月


    The sensitivity and measuring range of sensors are usually characteristics set before the production stage. However, sensors which are used as part of skin for robots would benefit from the ability to actively adjust their sensitivity during operation. Adjustable sensitivity implicitly broadens the range of operation of the sensor, which in turn is beneficial for interacting with both light and heavy objects. In this letter, we present the second iteration of a prototype sensor module that can be used as a skin sensor for robots. The sensor uses a flat electromagnet above a 3-axis magnetic sensor, separated by a layer of flexible material. The sensitivity of the sensor can be adjusted by changing the current that flows through the flat electromagnet. Each sensor module includes a microcontroller, providing digital output, multimodal and distributed sensing capabilities. Enhancements on the previous module version are discussed and implemented. Furthermore, we present results on temperature and magnetic field strength of the new coil board, and experiments on two possible different flexible materials to be used as a middle layer.



  • Deep GRU-ensembles for active tactile texture recognition with soft, distributed skin sensors in dynamic contact scenarios

    Andreas Geier, Gang Yan, Tito Pradhono Tomo, Sophon Somlor, Shigeki Sugano

    Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration, SII 2020     127 - 132  2020年01月


    Tactile feedback is an important sensory information that contributes to our ability to perform various manipulation tasks. Soft sensor skin aims at providing, e.g., anthropomorphic robot hands with the sense of touch to resemble this ability in teleoperation or prosthetic applications. However, the exploration of an objects texture using a robot hand involves various dynamic contact scenarios. Depending on the relative dynamics between the soft sensor skin and the object, the difficulty and the dimensionality of the recognition task changes dynamically during the manipulation of an object. We deployed a deep gated recurrent unit (GRU)-ensemble with unweighted averaging that allows the texture recognition algorithm to dynamically scale with the number of contact points during active tactile texture exploration while maintaining a high accuracy. We experimentally verify the approach by evaluating the prediction performance of the GRU-ensemble on the data that was gathered during the active tactile exploration of four objects of daily living by means of a uSkin sensor module providing up to 16 3-axis force vectors at 100Hz sampling frequency. The accuracy of 100% suggests that deep GRU-ensembles offer a scalable option for reliable texture recognition in active tactile exploration for the implementation into tactile feedback systems.



  • Iterative Dynamic Waypoint Navigationによる複数移動障害物の回避軌道計画とその計算効率化

    平山 三千昭, 亀﨑 允啓, 河野 遼介, 菅野 重樹

    年次大会   2020   J16106  2020年

    DOI CiNii

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  • Development of an Abnormal Sign Detection System based on Driver Monitoring and Voice Interaction for Preventing Medical-Condition-Caused Car Accidents

    Hiroaki Hayashi, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Naoki Oka, Shigeki Sugano



    The number of medical-condition-caused car accidents (MCCCAs) in transport industry (bus, truck, and taxi) recently increases. MCCCAs including cerebrovascular and cardiovascular disease lead to loss of consciousness, thus result in injury and loss of life, and heavy compensation payment. Toward this problem, conventional systems detect closing of eyes, and fallen down state as to prevent car collisions. However, the support is taken after driver losing consciousness. To prevent MCCCAs, it is important to find out abnormal signs before driver losing consciousness. It is challenging to detect abnormal signs not only early but also with high confidence level (CL). This paper proposes a novel method that multi-modally monitors driver to detect abnormal signs which can be cues for estimating a driving-disable state in future and performs voice interaction based on the result of monitoring to clarify the internal state of the driver. Considering no data of abnormal signs, this study developed the system using normal data and pseudo abnormal data, and method of outlier detection was used for abnormal signs detection. As results of experiment, we found the relationship between cue signs and CL, and the proposed system can detect 'sleepiness' state with accuracy of 80%. Voice interaction system did not increase driver's mental demand.

  • A Prototype Power Transmission System with Backdrivability and Responsiveness using Magnetorheological Fluid Direction Converter and Clutch

    Zhuoyi He, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Peizhi Zhang, Sahil Shembekar, Ryuichiro Tsunoda, Shigeki Sugano



    Transmission systems that enable speed, torque, and direction conversion with high responsiveness and backdrivability are strongly required for higher performance robotic systems. Engagement states can be changed by clutches, but traditional clutches cannot change the direction and provide sufficient backdrivability. On the other hand, direction conversion can be realized by gear box such as bevel gears, but its backdrivability is poor. Thus, we newly develop a prototype transmission system with backdrivablity and responsiveness integrating clutch and direction converter using magnetorheological fluid (MRF). MRF is a functional fluid consisted of magnetic particles and carrier fluids which can change its viscosity rapidly and continuously according to the strength of magnetic field. MRF clutch consists of driving and driven shaft connected by vanes and coils for controlling MRF. MRF direction converter consists of bevel gears, brake, and MRF for reversing the output direction. In addition to traditional functions, such as speed and torque conversion, the proposed power transmission system provides five working modes: forward direction, reverse direction, and three kinds of free, according to states of the MRF clutch, MRF direction converter, and brake. Preliminary experiments revealed that the proposed transmission system could adequately realize implemented functions.

  • A Robust Driver's Gaze Zone Classification using a Single Camera for Self-occlusions and Non-aligned Head and Eyes Direction Driving Situations

    Catherine Lollett, Hiroaki Hayashi, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Shigeki Sugano



    Distracted driving is one of the most common causes of traffic accidents around the world. Recognizing the driver's gaze direction during a maneuver could be an essential step for avoiding the matter mentioned above. Thus, we propose a gaze zone classification system that serves as a base of supporting systems for driver's situation awareness. However, the challenge is to estimate the driver's gaze inside not ideal scenarios, specifically in this work, scenarios where may occur self-occlusions or non-aligned head and eyes direction of the driver. Firstly, towards solving miss classifications during self-occlusions scenarios, we designed a novel protocol where a 3D full facial geometry reconstruction of the driver from a single 2D image is made using the state-of-the-art method PRNet. To solve the miss classification when the driver's head and eyes direction are not aligned, eyes and head information are extracted. After this, based on a mix of different data pre-processing and deep learning methods, we achieved a robust classifier in situations where self-occlusions or non-aligned head and eyes direction of the driver occur. Our results from the experiments explicitly measure and show that the proposed method can make an accurate classification for the two before-mentioned problems. Moreover, we demonstrate that our model generalizes new drivers while being a portable and extensible system, making it easy-adaptable for various automobiles.

  • Development of a Vacuum Suction Cup by Applying Magnetorheological Elastomers for Objects with Flat Surfaces

    Peizhi Zhang, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Kenshiro Otsuki, Zhuoyi He, Hiroyuki Sakamoto, Shigeki Sugano



    In this paper, we present a suction cup by applying magnetorheological elastomers (MREs) that can be used for the wall climbing robot and picking application. MRE is a smart material in which the ferromagnetic particles are dispersed in the elastomer. In conventional research, MREs are often used as a vibration absorber, since the physical or mechanical properties can be altered upon the application of a magnetic field. In this paper, we focus on the expansion of the use of MRE material. When the magnetic field is added, the MRE will be attracted to the magnetic generator due to the ferromagnetic particles inside. The basic mathematical model between magnetic force and elasticity is discussed by us, which supports the working principle of building MRE suction cup. The MRE suction cup contains a permanent magnetic field generator unit and a MRE membrane unit. A servo motor is used to control the ON/OFF of the magnetic generator, so that the MRE membrane can be activated and deactivated. In this prototype, we focus on picking objects with flat surfaces as the first attempt. The proposed suction cup can achieve appropriate suction force, low noise, energy-saving. In this paper, the operation method of MREs, the design of the suction cup, and the evaluation of the prototype are conducted.

  • An Experimental Analysis of Pipe Inspection using Solar Panel Receiver for Visible Light Communication and Energy Harvesting

    Wen Zhao, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Kaoru Yamaguchi, Minoru Konno, Akihiko Onuki, Shigeki Sugano



    The maintenance of water pipelines is quite essential since the leakage, deformation, and damage can bring fatal problems to the stable supply and safe use of water resource. In our former study, the transmission approach of information (image, sensor data, etc.) from water pipe based on visible light relay communication technology has been proposed since the visible light has less signal attenuation, stronger anti-electromagnetic interference capability, and smaller bit error ratio (BER) than traditional wireless solutions in the water pipe. However, each inspection sensor in the pipe is still powered by the battery, and thus, the operation time of the sensor is severely restricted by the battery consumption. Solar panel has been introduced in the visible light communication (VLC) technology due to its large signal receiving area and higher efficiency than traditional photodiode (PD) receivers. In this study, the performance of the solar panel receiver for VLC and energy harvesting (EH) has been analyzed. Since the LED owns low irradiation energy for energy harvesting, the received power of solar panel is low. To solve these problems, a solution by using sunlight for EH and LED light for VLC was proposed. We performed several experiments to evaluate the energy harvesting based on current and voltage, and VLC quality based on waveform and BER. The results indicated that the hybrid transmission method could increase the receiving current of solar panel with less influence on the VLC quality.

  • A Robust Driver's Gaze Zone Classification using a Single Camera for Self-occlusions and Non-aligned Head and Eyes Direction Driving Situations.

    Catherine Lollett, Hiroaki Hayashi, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Shigeki Sugano

    2020 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics(SMC)     4302 - 4308  2020年



  • A Prototype Power Transmission System with Backdrivability and Responsiveness using Magnetorheological Fluid Direction Converter and Clutch.

    Zhuoyi He, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Peizhi Zhang, Sahil Shembekar, Ryuichiro Tsunoda, Shigeki Sugano

    2020 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics(SMC)     3702 - 3707  2020年



  • Development of an Abnormal Sign Detection System based on Driver Monitoring and Voice Interaction for Preventing Medical-Condition-Caused Car Accidents.

    Hiroaki Hayashi, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Naoki Oka, Shigeki Sugano

    23rd IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems(ITSC)     1 - 8  2020年



  • An Experimental Analysis of Pipe Inspection using Solar Panel Receiver for Visible Light Communication and Energy Harvesting.

    Wen Zhao, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Kaoru Yama-guchi, Minoru Konno, Akihiko Onuki, Shigeki Sugano

    IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics(AIM)     1848 - 1853  2020年



  • Development of a Vacuum Suction Cup by Applying Magnetorheological Elastomers for Objects with Flat Surfaces.

    Peizhi Zhang, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Kenshiro Otsuki, Zhuoyi He, Hiroyuki Sakamoto, Shigeki Sugano

    IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics(AIM)     777 - 782  2020年



  • A Basic Framework of View Systems Allowing Teleoperators to Pre-Acquire Spatial Knowledge from Survey and Route Perspectives.

    Ryuya Sato, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Shigeki Sugano, Hiroyasu Iwata

    Presence Teleoperators Virtual Environ.   27 ( 3 ) 309 - 332  2020年


  • Preliminary study of a separative shared control scheme focusing on control-authority and attention allocation for multi-limb disaster response robots.

    Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Takahiro Katano, Kui Chen, Tatsuzo Ishida, Shigeki Sugano

    Adv. Robotics   34 ( 9 ) 575 - 591  2020年



  • Wiping 3D-objects using Deep Learning Model based on Image/Force/Joint Information.

    Namiko Saito, Danyang Wang, Tetsuya Ogata, Hiroki Mori, Shigeki Sugano

        10152 - 10157  2020年



  • Variable In-Hand Manipulations for Tactile-Driven Robot Hand via CNN-LSTM.

    Satoshi Funabashi, Shun Ogasa, Tomoki Isobe, Tetsuya Ogata, Alexander Schmitz, Tito Pradhono Tomo, Shigeki Sugano

        9472 - 9479  2020年



  • Stable In-Grasp Manipulation with a Low-Cost Robot Hand by Using 3-Axis Tactile Sensors with a CNN.

    Satoshi Funabashi, Tomoki Isobe, Shun Ogasa, Tetsuya Ogata, Alexander Schmitz, Tito Pradhono Tomo, Shigeki Sugano

        9166 - 9173  2020年



  • Implementation of a remote center of motion robot finger with tactile sensors in the joints

    Chincheng Hsu, Alexander Schmitz, Gagan Khullar, Harris Kristanto, Zhen Wang, Prathamesh Sathe, Shigeki Sugano

    IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, ROBIO 2019     247 - 252  2019年12月


    Robot grippers and hands are commonly used to grasp various objects. However, for multi-link fingers, it is challenging to cover the joints with tactile sensors, which limits the safety and sensitivity of such fingers. In the current paper we use a remote center of motion (RCM) mechanism for the joints, which enables us to cover also the joints completely with soft and thick tactile sensors, in particular distributed 3-axis sensors. The RCM joints are implemented as 6-bars, and we evaluate their robustness in simulation. A real implementation of the gripper is tested by grasping various objects, and the resulting tactile sensor readings are presented.



  • A soft, distributed, digital 3-axis skin sensor employing a hybrid permanent-adjustable magnetic field

    Alexis Carlos Holgado, Javier Alejandro Alvarez Lopez, Tito Pradhono Tomo, Sophon Somlor, Shigeki Sugano

    IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, ROBIO 2019     241 - 246  2019年12月


    In this letter, we present a new iteration of a prototype sensor module that can be used as a skin sensor for robots. The sensor uses a hybrid arrangement that consists in a small permanent magnet and an electromagnet working together above a 3-axis magnetic sensor. Both layers are separated by a flexible material that provides compliance to the sensor module. The sensitivity of the sensor can be adjusted by changing the flow of current on the electromagnet, while the permanent magnet increases the intensity of the overall magnetic field to optimize the utilization of the bandwidth of the sensor. Each sensor module includes a microcontroller with digital output that offers multimodal and distributed sensing capabilities. Problem areas of the previous version are indicated, the magnet array idea is presented and tested, and finally experiments are performed on different shapes of a flexible material to be used as middle layer.



  • Development of a 3-axis human fingertip tactile sensor with an ortho-planar spring

    Harris Kristanto, Prathamesh Sathe, Chincheng Hsu, Alexander Schmitz, Tito Pradhono Tomo, Sophon Somlor, Shigeki Sugano

    IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, ROBIO 2019     297 - 302  2019年12月


    Human experts have mastered many manual skills. Transferring those skills to robots or human novices is challenging. Not only the movements, but also the exerted forces are of importance. In this paper we propose a sensor that can measure the force vector acting on the human fingertip, without covering the part of the fingertip that is contact with the touched object. Compared to our previous iterations of this sensor, we use a spring instead of viscoelastic material as the deformable material for the sensor. While it is challenging to include a spring in the given form factor, springs have the benefit of lower hysteresis than viscoelastic materials. This paper presents the integration of the spring in the sensor and shows experimental validation with 8 subjects. Compared to our previous version of the sensor with 2 Hall effect sensors, we achieved improved sensing characteristics.



  • Cognitive Untunneling Multi-View System for Teleoperators of Heavy Machines Based on Visual Momentum and Saliency

    Ryuya Sato, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Satoshi Niuchi, Shigeki Sugano, Hiroyasu Iwata

    Automation in Construction   110   1 - 9  2019年12月  [査読有り]



  • Human-Centered Intervention Based on Tactical-Level Input in Unscheduled Takeover Scenarios for Highly-Automated Vehicles

    Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Horyaki Hayashi, Udara Eshen Manawadu, Shigeki Sugano

    International Journal of Intelligent Transportatin Systems Research (IJIT)   18 ( 3 ) 1 - 10  2019年12月  [査読有り]



  • A Visible Light Relay Image Transmission System for Water Pipe Inspection

    Wen Zhao, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Kento Yoshida, Kaoru Yamaguchi, Minoru Konno, Akihiko Onuki, Shigeki Sugano

    Proceeding of 1st Workshop on Optical Wireless Communication for Smart City     57 - 59  2019年12月  [査読有り]

  • Achieving Human–Robot Collaboration with Dynamic Goal Inference by Gradient Descent

    Shingo Murata, Wataru Masuda, Jiayi Chen, Hiroaki Arie, Tetsuya Ogata, Shigeki Sugano

    In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP 2019)     579 - 590  2019年12月  [査読有り]



  • Real-time Liquid Pouring Motion Generation: End-to-End Sensorimotor Coordination for Unknown Liquid Dynamics Trained with Deep Neural Networks

    Namiko Saito, Nguyen Ba Dai, Tetsuya Ogata, Hiroki Mori, Shigeki Sugano

    Proceeding of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (Robio 2019)     1077 - 1082  2019年12月  [査読有り]



  • Computational Design of Zero-Stiffness Mechanisms

    Takuto takahashi, Hiroshi G. Okuno, Takuto Takahashi, Shigeki Sugano, Stelian Coros, Bernhard Thomaszewski

    Proceedings of 2019 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS-2019)    2019年11月  [査読有り]

  • A Preliminary Experimental Analysis of In-Pipe Image Transmission Based on Visible Light Relay Communication

    Wen Zhao, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Kaoru Yamaguchi, Minoru Konno, Akihiko Onuki, Shigeki Sugano

    Sensors   19 ( 21 ) 1 - 20  2019年11月  [査読有り]



  • Development of self-healing linear actuator unit using thermoplastic resin

    Shota Miyake, Shusnuke Nagahama, Shigeki Sugano

    Advanced Robotics   33 ( 23 ) 1235 - 1247  2019年11月  [査読有り]



  • Computational Design of Statically Balanced Planar Spring Mechanisms

    Takuto Takahashi, Jonas Zehnder, Hiroshi G. Okuno, Shigeki Sugano, Stelian Coros, Bernhard Thmaszewski

    IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters   4 ( 4 ) 4438 - 4444  2019年10月  [査読有り]



  • 無人化施工における奥行感の把握が必要な手先作業時における外部カメラの最適・好適配置の実験的導出

    佐藤隆哉, 亀?允啓, 山田充, 橋本毅, 菅野重樹, 岩田浩康

    第19回建設ロボットシンポジウム論文集(SCR2019)     1 - 6  2019年10月  [査読有り]

  • Prediction Algorithm of Parameters of Toe Clearance in the Swing Phase

    Tamon Miyake, Masakatsu G. Fujie, Shigeki Sugano



    The adaptive control of gait training robots is aimed at improving the gait performance by assisting motion. In conventional robotics, it has not been possible to adjust the robotic parameters by predicting the toe motion, which is considered a tripping risk indicator. The prediction of toe clearance during walking can decrease the risk of tripping. In this paper, we propose a novel method of predicting toe clearance that uses a radial basis function network. The input data were the angles, angular velocities, and angular accelerations of the hip, knee, and ankle joints in the sagittal plane at the beginning of the swing phase. In the experiments, seven subjects walked on a treadmill for 360 s. The radial basis function network was trained with gait data ranging from 20 to 200 data points and tested with 100 data points. The root mean square error between the true and predicted values was 3.28 mm for the maximum toe clearance in the earlier swing phase and 2.30 mm for the minimum toe clearance in the later swing phase. Moreover, using gait data of other five subjects, the root mean square error between the true and predicted values was 4.04 mm for the maximum toe clearance and 2.88 mm for the minimum toe clearance when the walking velocity changed. This provided higher prediction accuracy compared with existing methods. The proposed algorithm used the information of joint movements at the start of the swing phase and could predict both the future maximum and minimum toe clearances within the same swing phase.



  • Looking Back and Ahead: Adaptation and Planning by Gradient Descent

    Shingo Murata, Hiroki Sawa, Shigeki Sugano, Tetsuya Ogata

    In Proceedings of the Ninth Joint IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning and on Epigenetic Robotics (ICDL-EpiRob 2019)     151 - 156  2019年08月  [査読有り]



  • 無人化施工の掘削・リリース作業における側面カメラの最適および好適配置の実験的導出

    佐藤隆哉, 亀?允啓, 山田充, 橋本毅, 菅野重樹, 岩田浩康

    日本機械学会論文集   85 ( 876 ) 1 - 12  2019年08月  [査読有り]


  • Development of Anti-Sedimentation Magnetorheological Fluids and Its Implementation to MRF Damper

    Peizhi Zhang, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Kenshiro Otsuki, Zhuoyi He, Hiroyuki Sakamoto, Shigeki Sugano

    Proceedings of 2019 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM2019)     400 - 405  2019年07月  [査読有り]

  • A Preliminary Study of Interactive Navigation Framework with Situation-Adaptive Multimodal Inducement: Pass-by Scenario

    Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Ayano Kobayashi, Yuta Yokoyama, Hayato Yanagawa, Moondeep Shrestha, Shigeki Sugano

    International Journal of Social Robotics   1 ( 1 ) 1 - 22  2019年07月  [査読有り]



  • Soft Magnetic Powdery Sensor for Tactile Sensing

    Shunsuke Nagahama, Kayo Migita, Shigeki Sugano

    Sensors   19 ( 12 ) E2677  2019年06月  [査読有り]

  • A Driver Situational Awareness Estimation System Based on Standard Glance Model for Unscheduled Takeover Situations

    Hiroaki Hayashi, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Udara E. Manawadu, Takahiro Kawano, Takaaki Ema, Tomoya Tomita, Lollett Catherine, Shigeki Sugano

    Proceedings of 2019 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV 2019)     718 - 723  2019年06月  [査読有り]

  • A Coordinated Wheeled Gas Pipeline Robot Chain System Based on Visible Light Communication and Illuminace Assessment

    Wen Zhao, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Kento Yoshida, Kaoru Yamaguchi, Minoru Konno, Akihiko Onuki, Shigeki Sugano

    Sensors   19 ( 10 ) 1 - 20  2019年05月  [査読有り]



  • A Life-linkage Services Platform Supporting Diverse Lifestyles based on Individual Demands

    Namiko Saito, Peizhi Zhang, Tamon Miyake, Shigeki Sugano, Kinji Mori

    Proceedings - 2019 IEEE 14th International Symposium on Autonomous Decentralized Systems, ISADS 2019    2019年04月


    Although conventional service providers are independent from each other when attending most of the population, demanded services are changing along with the social structure. Especially in the case of Taiwan, the number of co-working families has been increasing, and self-employed households occupy a large proportion of all working forms. Due to their diverse lifestyles and work styles, services that are suitable for personal objectives and that optimize the use of time are required. To meet this demand, it is important to connect people and city facilities to make it easier to provide suitable services. Based on those backgrounds, an innovated personal service platform in Taiwan is proposed, focusing on three factors, including time, place and personal information to connect people and city service facilities. Among various kinds of services, we targets services purchased in cities such as sales, mobility services, health services, government services and so on. It aims to link these services flexibly and dynamically to achieve personal objectives according to each situation. And, it can provide suitable services for a variety of every-day living situations. With this system, people can increase satisfaction and free time, improving life quality while making the economy more dynamic.



  • Development of Human-Like Driving Decision Making Model based on Human Brain Mechanism.

    Tsuyoshi Sakuma, Satoshi Miura, Tomoyuki Miyashita, Masakatsu G. Fujie, Shigeki Sugano

    IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration, SII 2019, Paris, France, January 14-16, 2019     770 - 775  2019年04月  [査読有り]



  • Development of Anti-Sedimentation Magnetorheological Fluids and Preliminary Evaluation

    Peizhi Zhang, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Kenshiro Otsuki, Zhuoyi He, Hiroyuki Sakamoto, Shigeki Sugano

    Proceedings of 2019 IEEE-RAS International Conference on Soft Robotics (Robosoft2019),     1 - 2  2019年04月  [査読有り]

  • 重機の遠隔操作性向上のためのマルチカメラ最適配置に関する研究−第二報 掘削・配置作業におけるパン・チルト角が及ぼす作業効率への影響の実験的検証−

    佐藤隆哉, 亀?允啓, 山田充, 橋本毅, 菅野重樹, 岩田浩康

    第24回ロボティクスシンポジア予稿集     1 - 6  2019年03月  [査読有り]

  • One-DOF Wire-Driven Robot Assisting Both Hip and Knee Flexion Motion

    Tamon Miyake, Yo Kobayashi, Masakatsu G. Fujie, Shigeki Sugano

    JOURNAL OF ROBOTICS AND MECHATRONICS   31 ( 1 ) 135 - 142  2019年02月


    Gait assistance robots are used to improve gait performance ability or perform gait motion with an assistance for several articular motions. The sparing use of a gait assistance robot to decrease the duration of the robot's assistance is important for keeping the ability to perform a movement when the robot assists walking. In previous research, methods of ensuring a compliance mechanism and control method have been studied, and assistance for articular motions has been conducted independently using actuators corresponding to each articular motion. In this paper, we propose a wire-driven gait assistance robot to aid both hip and knee articular flexion motions by applying just one force to assist motion in the swing phase. We focused on a force that assists hip and knee flexion motion, and designed a robot with a compensation mechanism for the wire length. We used an assistance timing detection method for the robot, conducting tensile force control based on information from the hip, knee, and ankle angles. We carried out an experiment to investigate the controlled performance of the proposed robot and the effect on hip and knee angular velocity. We confirmed that the proposed robotic system can aid both hip and knee articular motion with just one force application.


  • Development of driving intention prediction system based on human cognitive mechanism

    Tsuyoshi Sakuma, Satoshi Miura, Tomoyuki Miyashita, Masakatsu G. Fujie, Shigeki Sugano

    2018 IEEE International Conference on Real-Time Computing and Robotics, RCAR 2018     573 - 578  2019年01月


    © 2018 IEEE. The advance of driving assistance technologies such as Electronic Stability Control (ESC) or auto break system, drivers are released from complicated driving tasks. On the other hand, there is concern that it reduces pleasure feelings of a driver if these system&#039;s behaviors are different from the driver&#039;s intention. To avoid such problem, it is important to evaluate the driver&#039;s intention and decision-making process, and design the assistance system to fit it. Although methods such as sensory subjective evaluation are commonly used, the human cognitive mechanism design behind them is not yet fully understood. In this paper, we introduce a novel method for evaluating driver&#039;s decision-making process based on the numerical simulation of the driver&#039;s behavior. By using this method, the assistance system can substitute the driver appropriately and driver can accept the system&#039;s maneuver because which is same as the driver&#039;s intention. As an example of this method we evaluate the relationship between decision-making timing and estimation time length of the driver&#039;s model. One possible method to simulate the driver&#039;s decision-making is machine learning. Reinforcement learning has been studied for simulating the human&#039;s brain function to learn and decide as action and state model. We used machine learning to create the reinforcement learning driver model, and a simple vehicle simulation model which are combined as a human-vehicle model. We used the simple vehicle and driver model because the aim of this research is to investigate whether the driver&#039;s decision-making process can be simulated or not. Then the model is simulated to learn to drive on a highway with 3 lanes and other vehicles. The simulated driver made some single lane change to pass a slower vehicle in front or to go out from highway at an interchange. Results showed that the decision-making timing depend on the estimation time of the reinforcement learning model. We exposed that the model behaves similar to general driver&#039;s behavior when the estimation time was settled as 7sec which is derived from human brain&#039;s cognitive mechanism. In conclusion, our simulation model based on human cognitive mechanism can simulate the driver&#039;s lane change decision-making behavior adequately.



  • One-DOF wire-driven robot assisting both hip and knee flexion motion

    Tamon Miyake, Yo Kobayashi, Masakatsu G. Fujie, Shigeki Sugano

    Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics   31 ( 1 ) 135 - 142  2019年


    Gait assistance robots are used to improve gait performance ability or perform gait motion with an assistance for several articular motions. The sparing use of a gait assistance robot to decrease the duration of the robot’s assistance is important for keeping the ability to perform a movement when the robot assists walking. In previous research, methods of ensuring a compliance mechanism and control method have been studied, and assistance for articular motions has been conducted independently using actuators corresponding to each articular motion. In this paper, we propose a wire-driven gait assistance robot to aid both hip and knee articular flexion motions by applying just one force to assist motion in the swing phase. We focused on a force that assists hip and knee flexion motion, and designed a robot with a compensation mechanism for the wire length. We used an assistance timing detection method for the robot, conducting tensile force control based on information from the hip, knee, and ankle angles. We carried out an experiment to investigate the controlled performance of the proposed robot and the effect on hip and knee angular velocity. We confirmed that the proposed robotic system can aid both hip and knee articular motion with just one force application.



  • Prediction algorithm of parameters of toe clearance in the swing phase

    Tamon Miyake, Masakatsu G. Fujie, Shigeki Sugano

    Applied Bionics and Biomechanics   2019  2019年


    The adaptive control of gait training robots is aimed at improving the gait performance by assisting motion. In conventional robotics, it has not been possible to adjust the robotic parameters by predicting the toe motion, which is considered a tripping risk indicator. The prediction of toe clearance during walking can decrease the risk of tripping. In this paper, we propose a novel method of predicting toe clearance that uses a radial basis function network. The input data were the angles, angular velocities, and angular accelerations of the hip, knee, and ankle joints in the sagittal plane at the beginning of the swing phase. In the experiments, seven subjects walked on a treadmill for 360 s. The radial basis function network was trained with gait data ranging from 20 to 200 data points and tested with 100 data points. The root mean square error between the true and predicted values was 3.28 mm for the maximum toe clearance in the earlier swing phase and 2.30 mm for the minimum toe clearance in the later swing phase. Moreover, using gait data of other five subjects, the root mean square error between the true and predicted values was 4.04 mm for the maximum toe clearance and 2.88 mm for the minimum toe clearance when the walking velocity changed. This provided higher prediction accuracy compared with existing methods. The proposed algorithm used the information of joint movements at the start of the swing phase and could predict both the future maximum and minimum toe clearances within the same swing phase.



  • A Life-linkage Services Platform Supporting Diverse Lifestyles based on Individual Demands

    Namiko Saito, Peizhi Zhang, Tamon Miyake, Shigeki Sugano, Kinji Mori



    Although conventional service providers are independent from each other when attending most of the population, demanded services are changing along with the social structure. Especially in the case of Taiwan, the number of co-working families has been increasing, and self-employed households occupy a large proportion of all working forms. Due to their diverse lifestyles and work styles, services that are suitable for personal objectives and that optimize the use of time are required. To meet this demand, it is important to connect people and city facilities to make it easier to provide suitable services. Based on those backgrounds, an innovated personal service platform in Taiwan is proposed, focusing on three factors, including time, place and personal information to connect people and city service facilities. Among various kinds of services, we targets services purchased in cities such as sales, mobility services, health services, government services and so on. It aims to link these services flexibly and dynamically to achieve personal objectives according to each situation. And, it can provide suitable services for a variety of every-day living situations. With this system, people can increase satisfaction and free time, improving life quality while making the economy more dynamic.

  • Development of virtual pipe simulation system for inspection robot design

    Satoshi Miura, Kazuya Kawamura, Masakatsu Fujie, Shigeki Sugano, Tomoyuki Miyashita

    Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering Design, ICED   2019-August   3611 - 3620  2019年  [査読有り]


    © 2019 Design Society. All rights reserved. Pipe inspection robots have been developed to reduce the cost and time required for gas pipe inspection. However, these robots have been developed using a scrap and build method and are not used in practice. In this paper, we propose a method of virtual pipe inspection simulation to clarify the parameters that are important in increasing the robot's ease of use. This paper presents the results obtained by a feasibility study with regard to pipe simulation. We developed a virtual pipe by simulating eight actual turns of an external gas pipe, and a robot equipped with camera at the tip. In the experiments, three individuals working in the field of gas inspection carried out the operation. We obtained questionnaire, time, and brain activity data. The results revealed various important points that must be considered in practical simulation and robot design. In conclusion, the virtual pipe simulation can be useful in developing the design of a pipe inspection robot.



  • A Preliminary Experimental Study on Control Technology of Pipeline Robots based on Visible Light Communication

    Wen Zhao, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Kento Yoshida, Kaoru Yamaguchi, Minoru Konno, Akihiko Onuki, Shigeki Sugano

    Proceedings of 2019 IEEE/SICE International Conference on System Integration (SII 2019),     22 - 27  2019年01月  [査読有り]

  • Derivation of an Optimum and Allowable Range of Pan and Tilt Angles in External Sideway Views for Grasping and Placing Tasks in Unmanned Construction Based on Human Object Recognition

    Ryuya Sato, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Satoshi Niuchi, Shigeki Sugano, Hiroyasu Iwata

    Proceedings of 2019 IEEE/SICE International Conference on System Integration (SII 2019),     776 - 781  2019年01月  [査読有り]

  • Experimental Investigation of Optimum and Allowable Range of Side Views for Teleoperated Digging and Release Works by Using Actual Construction Machinery

    Ryuya Sato, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Mitsuru Yamada, Takeshi Hashimoto, Shigeki Sugano, Hiroyasu Iwata

    Proceedings of 2019 IEEE/SICE International Conference on System Integration (SII 2019),     794 - 798  2019年01月  [査読有り]

  • Morphology-Specific Convolutional Neural Networks for Tactile Object Recognition with a Multi-Fingered Hand

    Satoshi Funabashi, Gang Yan, Andreas Geier, Alexander Schmitz, Tetsuya Ogata, Shigeki Sugano

    IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2019)     57 - 63  2019年  [査読有り]



  • Morphology-Speci?c Stepwise Learning of In-Hand Manipulation with a Four-Fingered Hand

    Satoshi Funabashi, Alexander Schmitz, Shun Ogasa, Shigeki Sugano

    IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics    2019年01月  [査読有り]



  • Compound locomotion control system combining crawling and walking for multi-crawler multi-arm robot to adapt unstructured and unknown terrain

    Kui Chen, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Takahiro Katano, Taisei Kaneko, Kohga Azuma, Tatsuzo Ishida, Masatoshi Seki, Ken Ichiryu, Shigeki Sugano

    ROBOMECH Journal   5 ( 1 )  2018年12月  [査読有り]


    How to improve task performance and how to control a robot in extreme environments when just a few sensors can be used to obtain environmental information are two of the problems for disaster response robots (DRRs). Compared with conventional DRRs, multi-arm multi-flipper crawler type robot (MAMFR) have high mobility and task-execution capabilities. Because, crawler robots and quadruped robots have complementary advantages in locomotion, therefore we have the vision to combine both of these advantages in MAMFR. Usually, MAMFR (like four-arm four-flipper robot OCTOPUS) was designed for working in extreme environments such as that with heavy smoke and fog. Therefore it is a quite necessary requirement that DRR should have the ability to work in the situation even if vision and laser sensors are not available. To maximize terrains adaption ability, self-balancing capability, and obstacle getting over capability in unstructured disaster site, as well as reduce the difficulty of robot control, we proposed a semi-autonomous control system to realize this compound locomotion method for MAMFRs. In this control strategy, robot can explore the terrain and obtain basic information about the surrounding by its structure and internal sensors, such as encoder and inertial measurement unit. Except that control system also can recognize the relative positional relationship between robot and surrounding environment through its arms and crawlers state when robot moving. Because the control rules is simple but effective, and each part can adjust its own state automatically according to robot state and explored terrain, MRMFRs have better terrain adaptability and stability. Experimental results with a virtual reality simulator indicated that the designed control system significantly improved stability and mobility of robot in tasks, it also indicated that robot can adapt complex terrain when controlled by designed control system.



  • Printed self-oscillatory mechanism inspired by an electric bell

    Hiroki Shigemune, Shingo Maeda, Akihiro Imai, Shuji Hashimoto, Shigeki Sugano, Hideyuki Sawada

    MHS 2018 - 2018 29th International Symposium on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science   MHS ( 2018 ) 109 - 110  2018年12月  [査読有り]


    © 2018 IEEE. In this paper, we propose a printed self-oscillatory mechanism inspired by an electric bell. We have proposed paper mechatronics to make a robot with printing methods. In the paper mechatronics, we also aim to fabricate a controller with printing methods. We attempt to obtain a control signal from a mechanism. An electric bell generates an oscillatory signal with a coupling mechanism between a coil and a magnet. We develop a printed electric bell on a paper with printing methods. We propose the design of the electric bell which can be fabricated on a sheet of paper. The coil and the wiring were printed on the paper, and the device was fabricated by folding the paper. We demonstrate that the device oscillates for 23 min by applying a 0.5 A of constant current. The design is scalable to be applied for microsystems with using printing methods.



  • Tool-use Model Considering Tool Selection by a Robot using Deep Learning

    Namiko Saito, Kitae Kim, Shingo Murata, Tetsuya Ogata, Shigeki Sugano

    In Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE-RAS 18th International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids 2018)     814 - 819  2018年11月  [査読有り]



  • Evaluation of Compensatory Movement by Shoulder Joint Torque during Gain Adjustment of a Powered Prosthetic Wrist Joint

    Akira Kato, Haruno Nagumo, Miyake Tamon, Masakatsu G. Fujie, Shigeki Sugano

    Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS   2018-July   1891 - 1894  2018年10月


    Powered prostheses with low degree of freedom (DoF) have been developed for people with disabilities to assist daily tasks. These prostheses neglect the user's compensatory movements caused by the low degree of freedom. We assume that the movements can be reduced by well-designed controller of the devices. This paper explores an optimal control gain of the powered prosthesis to prevent the user from compensatory movements through experiments. In the experiments, we developed 1-DoF hand prosthesis with a position-controlled servo, which includes the constant gain as a feed-forward term. The compensatory movements are regarded as a joint torque at a shoulder (abduction/adduction). 4 intact subjects performed a pick-and-place task, using the prosthesis with several control gains. The empirical results show that there was the optimal gain for each subject, which reduces their compensatory movement.

    DOI PubMed


  • Prediction of Minimum Toe Clearance with a Radial Basis Function Network at the Start of the Swing Phase

    Tamon Miyake, G. Masakatsu Fujie, Shigeki Sugano

    Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS   2018-July   1664 - 1667  2018年10月


    Prediction of minimum toe clearance (MTC) during walking can decrease the risk of tripping. In this paper, we proposed a novel MTC prediction method using a radial basis function network. Input data were the angles, angular velocities, and angular accelerations of the hip, knee, and ankle joints in the sagittal plane at the start of the swing phase. In experiments, five subjects walked on a treadmill for 360 s. The radial basis function network was trained with 60 s of gait data and tested with the remaining 300 s of gait data. The root mean square error between the true and predicted MTC values was lower than 2.79 mm in all subjects.

    DOI PubMed


  • An Automatic Tracked Robot Chain System for Gas Pipeline Inspection and Maintenance Based on Wireless Relay Communication

    Wen Zhao, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Kento Yoshida, Minoru Konno, Akihiko Onuki, Shigeki Sugano

    Proceedings of 2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2018)     3978 - 3983  2018年10月  [査読有り]

  • Machine Learning Based Skill-level Classification for Personal Mobility Devices Using Only Operational Characteristics

    Yifan Huang, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Taiga Mori, Udara E. Manawadu, Tatsuya Ishihara, Masahiro Nakano, Kohjun Koshiji, Naoki Higo, Toshimitsu Tubaki, Shigeki Sugano

    Proceedings of 2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2018),     5469 - 5476  2018年10月  [査読有り]

  • A Preliminary Investigation into Human Motion Reaction Against a Robot’s Forearm Contact

    Moondeep C. Shrestha, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Yusuke Tsuburaya, Ryosuke Kono, Shigeki Sugano

    Workshop on From freezing to jostling robots: Current challenges and new paradigms for safe robot navigation in dense crowds, 2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2018)     1 - 2  2018年10月  [査読有り]

  • Utilizing Robot’s Forearm Contact for Handling Space Constraints in Congested Environment

    Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Moondeep C. Shrestha, Yusuke Tsuburaya, Ryosuke Kono, Shigeki Sugano

    Workshop on From freezing to jostling robots: Current challenges and new paradigms for safe robot navigation in dense crowds, 2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2018)     1 - 2  2018年10月  [査読有り]

  • Dielectric elastomer actuators with carbon nanotube electrodes painted with a soft brush

    Hiroki Shigemune, Shigeki Sugano, Jun Nishitani, Masayuki Yamauchi, Naoki Hosoya, Shuji Hashimoto, Shingo Maeda

    Actuators   7 ( 51 ) 1 - 11  2018年09月  [査読有り]


    © 2018 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. We propose a simple methodology to paint carbon nanotube (CNT) powder with a soft brush onto an elastomer. A large deformation of dielectric elastomer actuator (DEA) occurs according to the small constraint of the electrodes. Uniform painting with a soft brush leads to a stable deformation, as demonstrated by the results of multiple trials. Unexpectedly, painting with a soft brush results in aligned materials on the elastomer. The oriented materials demonstrate anisotropic mechanical and electronic properties. This simple methodology should help realize innovative DEA applications.



  • Dynamic Motion Generation by Flexible-Joint Robot based on Deep Learning using Images

    Yuheng Wu, Kuniyuki Takahashi, Hiroki Yamada, Kitae Kim, Shingo Murata, Shigeki Sugano, Tetsuya Ogata

    In Proceedings of the Eighth Joint IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning and on Epigenetic Robotics (ICDL-EpiRob 2018)     169 - 174  2018年09月  [査読有り]



  • Detecting Features of Tools, Objects, and Actions from Effects in a Robot using Deep Learning

    Namiko Saito, Kitae Kim, Shingo Murata, Tetsuya Ogata, Shigeki Sugano

    In Proceedings of the Eighth Joint IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning and on Epigenetic Robotics (ICDL-EpiRob 2018)     91 - 96  2018年09月  [査読有り]



  • ダンプトラックの燃費向上・長寿命化に向けた状態抽出に関する基礎検討

    山下真司, 亀?允啓, 佐藤隆哉, 菅野重樹, 岩田浩康

    第18回建設ロボットシンポジウム論文集(SCR2018)     1 - 6  2018年09月  [査読有り]

  • A Preliminary Study of a Control Framework for Forearm Contact During Robot Navigation

    Moondeep Shrestha, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Yusuke Tsuburaya, Tomoya Onishi, Ayano Kobayashi, Ryuosuke Kono, Shigeki Sugano

    Proceedings of 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN2018)     410 - 415  2018年08月  [査読有り]

  • A Communicating Directional Intent in Robot Navigation using Projection Indicators

    Moondeep Shrestha, Tomoya Onishi, Ayano Kobayashi, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Shigeki Sugano

    Proceedings of 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN2018)     746 - 751  2018年08月  [査読有り]

  • Tactical-Level Input with Multimodal Feedback for Unscheduled Takeover Situations in Human-Centered Automated Vehicles

    Udara E. Manawadu, Takaaki Ema, Hiroaki Hayashi, Takahiro Kawano, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Shigeki Sugano

    Proceedings of 2018 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM2018)     1 - 6  2018年07月  [査読有り]

  • Modeling and Simulation of FLC-based Navigation Algorithm for Small Gas Pipeline Inspection Robot

    Wen Zhao, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Kento Yoshida, Minoru Konno, Akihiko Onuki, Shigeki Sugano

    Proceedings of 2018 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM2018)     1 - 6  2018年07月  [査読有り]

  • Preliminary Design of a Pseudo-Inertia Adjustable Mechanism Based on Bidirectional Releasing of Stored Kinetic Energy

    Peizhi Zhang, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Kenshiro Otsuki, Shan He, Gonzalo Aguirre Dominguez, Shigeki Sugano

    Proceedings of 2018 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM2018)     1 - 6  2018年07月  [査読有り]

  • 高度自動運転車における半自動制御のための相互作用型力触覚インタフェースの提案

    亀?允啓, マナワドゥ ウダーラ, 河野陽大, 石川雅晃, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会論文集   84 ( 864 ) 1 - 13  2018年07月  [査読有り]


  • Multiclass Classification of Driver Perceived Workload Using Long Short-Term Memory based Recurrent Neural Network

    Udara E. Manawadu, Takahiro Kawano, Shingo Murata, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Junya Muramatsu, Shigeki Sugano

    Proceedings of 2018 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV 2018),     2009 - 2014  2018年06月  [査読有り]

  • Human-Agent Collaborative Control in Automated Vehicles for Takeover Situations in Dynamic Unstructured Urban Environments

    Udara E. Manawadu, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Shigeki Sugano

    Workshop on Robot Teammates Operating in Dynamic, Unstructured Environments (RT-DUNE), 2018 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA2018)     1 - 2  2018年05月  [査読有り]

  • Swinging paper actuator driven by conduction electrohydrodynamics

    Hiroki Shigemune, Shigeki Sugano, Hideyuki Sawada, Shuji Hashimoto, Yu Kuwajima, Yuki Matsushita, Shingo Maeda, Vito Cacucciolo, Matteo Cianchetti, Cecilia Laschi

    2017 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, ROBIO 2017   2018-January   379 - 384  2018年03月  [査読有り]


    © 2017 IEEE. Paper mechatronics has been proposed as a concept to fabricate robots with printing methods in our previous studies. Actuators fabricated by printing on a sheet material can be low-cost and lightweight. In this paper, we propose a swinging paper actuator driven by conduction Electrohydrodynamics (EHD). EHD is a phenomenon that generates flow by applying voltage to a dielectric liquid. The EHD flow is generated by the applied voltage in a wiring made by silver ink printed with an inkjet printer. The silver wiring was printed on a sheet of paper, and the paper with the wiring was folded manually to form its structure. We explored the possibility to manufacture EHD actuators by using the printing techniques developed in paper mechatronics. We expected to obtain high performance from the generated actuators due to the light weight of the paper printed structures. Finally, we succeeded in activating the swinging actuator by applying the high voltage to the paper electrode. We applied sine and square inputs, and investigated several characteristics. We found conditions to obtain the largest displacement in our situation. The swinging actuator proves a new concept to incorporate two alluring researches which are printed paper actuator and EHD phenomenon.



  • 重機の遠隔操作性向上のためのマルチカメラ最適配置に関する研究-第一報 パン・チルト角による作業性への影響の検証-

    仁内智志, 亀﨑允啓, 佐藤隆哉, 菅野重樹, 岩田浩康

    第23回ロボティクスシンポジア予稿集     1 - 6  2018年03月  [査読有り]

  • RNNを備えた二台ロボット間インタラクションの複雑性解析

    澤弘樹, 山田竜郎, 村田真悟, 森裕紀, 尾形哲也, 菅野重樹

    情報処理学会第80回全国大会, 予稿集     5N-07  2018年03月

  • Simultaneous printing of multiple origami structures

    Hiroki Shigemune, Shigeki Sugano, Shingo Maeda, Shuji Hashimoto

    MHS 2017 - 28th 2017 International Symposium on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science   2018-January   1 - 2  2018年02月  [査読有り]


    © 2017 IEEE. We developed a self-folding method of a printed paper. The paper self-folds along the printed line with a desktop inkjet printer to get 3D structure. In this paper, we introduce a method to fabricate multiple 3D structures simultaneously. Multiple development designs were arranged on A4 sized paper, and the A4 sized paper is printed to self-fold multiple developments. The proposed method has an advantage especially in small scale, because when design of the development is smaller, more numbers of structures can place in A4 sized paper and construct. Plenty of small and light 3D structures are fabricated simultaneously with low-cost. The feature has good affinity with swarm robotics, and many paper robots may locomote using their own structural intelligence obtained by the self-folding.



  • 昇降段の支援に向けた拡張現実感による錯視誘発システムの開発

    福本 亮太, 三浦 智, 岡村 尚美, 藤江 正克, 菅野 重樹

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2018   2A1 - B15  2018年


    <p>Fall in stair is a serious problem. The misidentification of the stair height is one of the cause of fall. This paper presents an optical illusion induction system with augmented reality for support of ascending and descending stairs. The head-mounted display shows the vertical on the stair edge when ascending or horizontal line on the stair surface when descending. Human showed the AR system to perceive the stair higher when ascending or narrower when descending than actual. We constructed the model of the foot clearance by optical illusion based on the contrast sensitive function approximated with Gaussian function. In experiment, 10 participants climb and descend with AR system while we measured the foot trajectory. As a result, the coefficient of determination is over 0.7 when ascending, over 0.6 when descending in all participants. Furthermore, the toe height is significant higher during AR system than before in ascending (p<0.05). And, the horizontal toe distance is significant lower during AR system than before in descending (p<0.05). We concluded that the AR system make the participants perceive the optical illusion so the foot clearance increased enough.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • Effect of the timing of force application on the toe trajectory in the swing phase for a wire-driven gait assistance robot

    Tamon Miyake, Yo Kobayashi, Masakatsu G. Fujie, Shigeki Sugano



    We propose an effective timing of intermittent force application by a gait assistance robot with a wire-driven system to increase the toe trajectory throughout the swing phase. We tested different timings of force application at the shank, employing the short-term assistance of the robot to increase toe clearance throughout the swing phase. The force was applied to the shank to generate knee flexion torque because the shank motion generated by the knee flexion motion makes the largest contribution to toe clearance. Four timings of the force application were considered: when starting knee flexion before toe-off, when lifting the foot, while maintaining knee flexion after toe-off, and when finishing knee flexion after toe-off. Furthermore, we evaluated changes in the toe trajectory and articular angles of the lower limb for each timing condition. We used a timing detection method for the robot conducting tensile force control based on information from the hip, knee, and ankle angles. For all participants, an increase in the knee flexion angle in the early swing phase due to the force application increased the toe clearance throughout the swing phase. We thus conclude that force application when the user begins lifting their toe is effective in increasing toe clearance throughout the swing phase.


  • Rethinking Self-driving: Multi-task Knowledge for Better Generalization and Accident Explanation Ability.

    Zhihao Li, Toshiyuki Motoyoshi, Kazuma Sasaki, Tetsuya Ogata, Shigeki Sugano

    CoRR   abs/1809.11100  2018年

  • A prototype of a small tracked robot for gas pipeline inspection and maintenance

    Wen Zhao, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Kento Yoshida, Minoru Konno, Ryoichi Toriumi, Shigeki Sugano

    Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing   722   137 - 142  2018年  [査読有り]


    The gas pipeline networks cover approximately 200,000, km in urban region in Japan. The risk caused by severe leakage, cracking, or corrosion will lead to a big accidence for human. Therefore, the gas pipeline robots for regular inspection and maintenance are very essential for the safe operation and supply of gas. In this paper, as a fundamental study of pipeline inspection robots, a new small wireless tracked robot for gas pipeline inspection and maintenance has been developed. Due to robot’s special kinematics, it is capable of moving in straight pipe, turn at elbow and also climb the inclined pipe flexibly and efficiently. Compared with previous robots, it owns two working modes: self-navigation (automated control) and manual control mode for pipeline inspection. Moreover, a preliminary experiment has been implemented with a typical M-pipeline in 10, cm diameter/4, m length. The experiment results revealed that self-navigation could improve the efficiency of inspection.



  • Usability test in different types of control-authority allocations for multi-operator single-robot system OCTOPUS

    Kui Chen, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Takahiro Katano, Taisei Kaneko, Kohga Azuma, Masatoshi Seki, Ken Ichiryu, Tatsuzo Ishida, Shigeki Sugano

    Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing   607   675 - 685  2018年  [査読有り]


    Four-arm four-flipper disaster response robot called OCTOPUS, which has 26 degrees of freedom (DOF), has been developed to engage in complex disaster response work. OCTOPUS adopts a multi-operator single-robot (MOSR) control system, and two operators manually control the robot. The pattern of control-authority allocation (CAA) for two operators largely affects performance of MOSR systems, so this study conducts usability tests in various CAAs, and derives a reasonable CAA pattern. So far, there are no uniform standard allocation rules for flippers and crawlers in multi-limb robots like OCTOPUS, therefore we specify five CAA patterns for investigation. Three fundamental tasks that whole body of the robot must be cooperatively controlled were conducted to test the usability in each CAA pattern. From the results of analysis, we found that pattern 1, which one operator controls front two arms, flippers, and crawlers, and another operator controls remaining back parts, had best scores for all tasks, as well as pattern 2 had the best distribution of workload between two operators.



  • Continuous Wrist Joint Control Using Muscle Deformation Measured on Forearm Skin

    Kato A, Hirabayashi M, Matsurnoto Y, Nakashima Y, Kobayashi Y, Fujie M.G, Sugano S

    Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation     1818 - 1824  2018年  [査読有り]



  • Estimating driver workload with systematically varying traffic complexity using machine learning: Experimental design

    Udara E. Manawadu, Takahiro Kawano, Shingo Murata, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Shigeki Sugano

    Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing   722   106 - 111  2018年  [査読有り]


    Traffic complexity is one of the factors affecting driver workload. In order to study the relationship between traffic complexity levels and workload, a designed experiment is required, especially to vary traffic flow parameters systematically in a simulated environment. This paper describes the experimental design of a simulator study for developing a computational model to estimate the behavior of driver workload based on traffic complexity. Driving simulators allow creating and testing different traffic scenarios and manipulating independent variables to improve the quality of data, as compared to real world experiments. Physiological responses such as heart rate, skin conductance, and pupil size have been found to be related to workload. By adapting a data-driven method, we integrated electrocardiography sensors, electro-dermal activity sensors, and eye-tracker to acquire driver physiological signals and gaze information. Preliminary results show a positive correlation between traffic complexity levels and corresponding physiological responses, performance, and subjective measures.



  • Intermittent Force Application of Wire-Driven Gait Training Robot to Encourage User to Learn an Induced Gait.

    Tamon Miyake,Array, Masakatsu G. Fujie, Shigeki Sugano

    IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, ROBIO 2018, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, December 12-15, 2018     433 - 438  2018年  [査読有り]



  • Investigation of Effective Intensity of Static Stretching Exercise Based on Spring-Pot Viscoelastic Model: Intensity Based on Maximum Tolerance Joint Torque Affects Viscoelastic Ratio of Muscle During Static Stretching.

    Naomi Okamura, Ritaro Kasai, Yo Kobayashi, Shigeki Sugano, Masakatsu, G. Fujie

    IEEE International Conference on Real-time Computing and Robotics, RCAR 2018, Kandima, Maldives, August 1-5, 2018     433 - 438  2018年  [査読有り]



  • Estimating wrist joint angle with limited skin deformation information

    Akira Kato, Yuya Matsumoto, Ryu Kato, Yo Kobayashi, Hiroshi Yokoi, Masakatsu G. Fujie, Shigeki Sugano

    Journal of Biomechanical Science and Engineering   13 ( 2 )  2018年  [査読有り]


    Ascertaining a person's motion intentions through muscle activity is important for controlling various assistive devices for people with disabilities. Several techniques have been proposed for estimating the extent of intended joint angle motion using skin deformation information derived from muscle contractions. The objective of this study is to verify our signal processing procedure for estimating intended wrist joint angle with skin deformation information in able-bodied subjects and subjects with an upper-limb amputation. Skin deformation was measured with a tactile sensor consisting of 48 distance sensors over a large measurement area. The root-mean-square error (RMSE) of the measured and estimated angles are evaluated offline using multiple linear regression in one individual with an upper-limb amputation and five able-bodied participants. In all tests, subjects undertook a wrist flexion and extension task guided by visual feedback, measured in real time. Sensors are selected in descending order of the standard deviation of each sensor's value. Strong relationships occur between the position and displacement of the area of greatest skin deformation and the intended wrist joint angle in all subjects. The minimum RMSE was 8.19° for the individual with an upper-limb amputation using 48 sensors as input, and 2.24° for able-bodied individuals using 16 sensors. One-way repeated-measures analysis of variance showed that at least 16 sensors are needed to reliably record skin deformation. Skin deformation analyzed with multiple linear regression is a plausible means of estimating intended wrist joint angle in persons with an upperlimb amputation. Even when a limited number of sensors (≥16) are used, continuous joint angle can be estimated reliably. These findings will inform the design of assistive devices that must noninvasively determine muscle activity.



  • Covering a Robot Fingertip With uSkin: A Soft Electronic Skin With Distributed 3-Axis Force Sensitive Elements for Robot Hands

    Tomo, T.P, Schmitz, A, Wong, W.K, Kristanto, H, Somlor, S, Hwang, J, Jamone, L, Sugano, S

    IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters   3   124 - 131  2018年  [査読有り]



  • Evaluation of Series Clutch Actuators With a High Torque-to-Weight Ratio for Open-Loop Torque Control and Collision Safety

    Wang, Y, Schmitz, A, Kobayashi, K, Alvarez Lopez, J.A, Matsuo, Y, Sakamoto, Y, Sugano, S

    IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters   3   297 - 304  2018年  [査読有り]

  • Large Range Impedance Shaping for Physical Human Robot Interaction Through Light Quantity Measurement Based Torque Regulation

    Wang, W, Wei, C, Suga, Y, Kuo, C, Schmitz, A, Sugano, S

    IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters   3   187 - 194  2018年  [査読有り]



  • Effective Input Order of Dynamics Learning Tree

    C. Kim, S. Hama, R. Hirai, K. Takahashi, H. Yamada, T. Ogata, S. Sugano

    Advanced Robotics   32 ( 3 ) 122 - 136  2018年  [査読有り]



  • Learning to Achieve Different Levels of Adaptability for Human?Robot Collaboration Utilizing a Neuro-dynamical System

    S. Murata, Y. Li, H. Arie, T. Ogata, Sugano

    IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems   10 ( 3 ) 1 - 14  2018年01月  [査読有り]

  • An Adjustable Force Sensitive Sensor with an Electromagnet for a Soft, Distributed, Digital 3-Axis Skin Sensor

    Holgado, A.C, Alvarez Lopez, J.A, Schmitz, A, Tomo, T.P, Somlor, S, Jamone, L, Sugano, S

    IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2018)    2018年  [査読有り]



  • Object Recognition Through Active Sensing Using a Multi-Fingered Robot Hand with 3D Tactile Sensors

    Funabashi, S, Morikuni, S, Geier, A, Schmitz, A, Ogasa, S, Tomo, T.P, Somlor, S, Sugano. S

    IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2018)     2589 - 2595  2018年  [査読有り]



  • A New Silicone Structure for uSkin - a Soft, Distributed, Digital 3-axis Skin Sensor - and its Integration on the Humanoid Robot iCub

    Tomo, T.P, Regoli, M, Schmitz, A, Natale, L, Kristanto, H, Somlor, S, Metta, G, Sugano, S

    IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L)   3 ( 4 ) 2584 - 2591  2018年  [査読有り]



  • A Wearable Three-Axis Tactile Sensor for Human Fingertips

    Kristanto, H, Sathe, P, Schmitz, A, Tomo, T. P, Somlor, S, Sugano, S

    IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L)   3 ( 4 ) 4313 - 4320  2018年  [査読有り]



  • Development of a capacitive-type 6-axis force-torque sensor

    S. Somlor, A. Schmitz, H. Jinsun, T. P. Tomo, S. Sugano

    Proceedings of IEEE Sensors   2017-   1 - 3  2017年12月  [査読有り]


    Force sensing is a crucial task for robots, especially when end effectors such as fingers and hands need to interact with unknown environments
    to sense such forces, a force-torque (F/T) sensor is an essential component. In this paper, we propose a small-sized 6-axis F/T sensor with a novel arrangement of 12 transducers using the force transducer we have previously developed. The copper beryllium used in our sensor reduces hysteresis in each transducer. Additionally, the sensor provides digital output via I2C bus to reduce the susceptibility to noise, and reduce the number of required wires. Sensor characteristics such as its sensitivity, signal-to-noise ratio, linearity, and hysteresis are determined. More importantly, we showed that our sensor can detect and measure the 6-axis F/T.



  • A semi-autonomous compound motion pattern using multi-flipper and multi-arm for unstructured terrain traversal

    Kui Chen, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Takahiro Katano, Taisei Kaneko, Kohga Azuma, Tatsuzo Ishida, Masatoshi Seki, Ken Ichiryu, Shigeki Sugano

    IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems   2017-   2704 - 2709  2017年12月  [査読有り]


    Disaster response crawler robot OCTOPUS has four arms and four flippers for better adaptability to disaster environments. To further improve the robot mobility and terrain adaptability in unstructured terrain, we propose a new locomotion control method called compound motion pattern (CMP) for multi-limb robots like OCTOPUS. This hybrid locomotion by cooperating the arms and flippers would be effective to adapt to the unstructured terrain due to combining the advantages of crawling and walking. As a preliminary study on CMP, we proposed a fundamental and conceptual CMP while clarifying problems in constructing CMP, and developed a semi-autonomous control system for realizing the CMP. Electrically-driven OCTOPUS was used to verify the reliability and correctness of CMP. Results of experiments on climbing a step indicate that the proposed control system could obtain relatively accurate terrain information and the CMP enabled the robot to climb the step. We thus confirmed that the proposed CMP would be effective to increase terrain adaptability of robot in unstructured environment, and it would be a useful locomotion method for advanced disaster response robots.



  • Development of a tendon-driven mechanism with liquid circulation system for improving wear resistance

    Shota Miyake, Shunsuke Nagahama, Shigeki Sugano

    2017 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO)    2017年12月


  • A Reliable Communication and Localization Method for Gas Pipeline Robot Chain based on RSSI Theory,

    Wen Zhao, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Kento Yoshida, Minoru Konno, Ryoichi Toriumi, Shigeki Sugano

    Proceedings of 2017 IEEE/SICE International Conference on System Integration (SII 2017)     1 - 6  2017年12月  [査読有り]

  • Compound Manipulation Mode for Improving Task-Ability of Multi-Arm Multi-Flipper Crawler Robot

    Kui Chen, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Takahiro Katano, Taisei Kaneko, Kohga Azuma, Yusuke Uehara, Tatsuzo Ishida, Masatoshi Seki, Ken Ichiryu, Shigeki Sugano

    Proceedings of 2017 IEEE/SICE International Conference on System Integration (SII 2017)     1 - 6  2017年12月  [査読有り]

  • Synthesis of high-strength and electronically conductive triple network gels with self-healing properties by the restraint method

    Shunsuke Nagahama, Kayo Migita, Shigeki Sugano

    2017 IEEE 17th International Conference on Nanotechnology, NANO 2017     752 - 754  2017年11月  [査読有り]


    In this study, we synthesized a self-healing electrically conductive gel based on Agar/hydrophobically associated polyacrylamide (HPAAm) by a restraint-assisted method. Recently, self-healing conductive materials based on such gels have been widely researched. However, as gels are generally weak, the gel-based materials are also often low in strength. Therefore, in this study, we applied the restraint method for adding pyrrole to Agar/HPAAm, which is a self-healing high-strength gel. The synthesized product was a high-strength conductive gel with self-healing abilities. Tensile tests confirmed that the swelling of the synthesized gel caused a low tensile breaking stress. Additionally, electrical conductivity measurements showed that the conductivity was increased by the addition of polypyrrole. These measurements were also carried out after the gel underwent self-healing. 30% of the strength and 54% of the conductivity of the undamaged gel were recovered, indicating the good self-healing performance of the gel proposed in this research.



  • A preliminary study on a groping framework without external sensors to recognize near-environmental situation for risk-tolerance disaster response robots

    Kui Chen, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Takahiro Katano, Taisei Kaneko, Kohga Azuma, Yusuke Uehara, Tatsuzo Ishida, Masatoshi Seki, Ken Ichiryu, Shigeki Sugano

    SSRR 2017 - 15th IEEE International Symposium on Safety, Security and Rescue Robotics, Conference     181 - 186  2017年10月  [査読有り]


    This paper proposes a basic near-environmental recognition framework based on groping for risk-tolerance disaster response robot (DRR). In extreme disaster sites, including high radiation and heavy smog, external sensors such as cameras and laser range finders do not work properly, and such sensors may be broken in accidents in the tasks. It is hoped that DRRs can continue to perform tasks, even if the external sensors cannot work, and at least, they can safely evacuate from the site. In this preliminary study, for recognizing near environments without using external sensors, we proposed a groping method. In this method, a robot actively touches the environment using arms or other movable parts, records the contact information, and then reconstructs a three-dimensional local map around the robot by the detected information, e.g., robot arm's position and reactive force. The proposed groping system can recognize the existence of three situations, such as an object, step, and pit, and those geometry, by exploring the designated space using arms. The groping strategy was designed considering both robot specification, time limitation, and required resolution. Experiments were performed using four-arm and four-crawler robot OCTOPUS. The results indicate that the proposed framework could recognize step, pit, and object, and calculate the position and size of the object, and confirm that the robot successfully removed the object on the basis of groped data.



  • A Pre-offering View System for Teleoperators of Heavy Machines to Acquire Cognitive Maps

    Ryuya Sato, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Satoshi Niuchi, Shigeki Sugano, Hiroyasu Iwata

    Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics 2017 (SSRR 2017)     61 - 66  2017年10月  [査読有り]

  • Experimental Characterization of a Magnetorheological Damper with Multiple Cylindrical Passages and Toroidal Magnetic Field Generator

    Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Peizhi Zhang, Kenshiro Otsuki, Shan He, Gonzalo Aguirre Dominguez, Shigeki Sugano

    Proceedings of the 10th JFPS International Symposiums on Fluid Power (JFPS2017)     1 - 6  2017年10月  [査読有り]

  • Exploiting the slip behavior of friction based clutches for safer adjustable torque limiters

    Yushi Wang, Alexander Schmitz, Kento Kobayashi, Javier Alejandro Alvarez Lopez, Wei Wang, Yuki Matsuo, Yoshihiro Sakamoto, Shigeki Sugano

    IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, AIM     1346 - 1351  2017年08月  [査読有り]


    Torque limiters are a proven way to enhance the safety in robots. To further increase the safety, adjustable torque limits depending on the task and the joint configuration (joint angles, velocity, acceleration) would be preferable. Friction clutches can be used as adjustable torque limiters (ATL). In contact free motion the ATL can be set with torque limits higher than the required torque, thereby not influencing the position tracking performance. At an impact, the torque is intrinsically limited, enhancing the safety. Furthermore, depending on the implementation, friction clutches have another relevant property. They can have different torque limits for static and kinetic friction: When the static torque limit is exceeded (as it would be the case in an incidental contact situation), the clutch starts slipping, and the torque output automatically decreases, thereby reducing the forces in a quasi-static contact, as defined in ISO/TS 15066:2016. The current paper implements and profiles an ATL, which exhibits a kinetic torque limit of only 50.4% of the static torque limit at 10rpm. This ensures both an adjustable torque limit fitting to the task requirement and a lower but not zero torque after impact for enhanced safety. Impact experiments validate the safety benefits outlined above.



  • Change detection technique for muscle tone during static stretching by continuous muscle viscoelasticity monitoring using wearable indentation tester

    Naomi Okamura, Yo Kobayashi, Shigeki Sugano, Masakatsu G. Fujie

    IEEE International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics     1686 - 1691  2017年08月  [査読有り]


    Static stretching is widely performed to decrease muscle tone as a part of rehabilitation protocols. Finding out the optimal duration of static stretching is important to minimize the time required for rehabilitation therapy and it would be helpful for maintaining the patient's motivation towards daily rehabilitation tasks. Several studies have been conducted for the evaluation of static stretching
    however, the recommended duration of static stretching varies widely between 15-30 s in general, because the traditional methods for the assessment of muscle tone do not monitor the continuous change in the target muscle's state. We have developed a method to monitor the viscoelasticity of one muscle continuously during static stretching, using a wearable indentation tester. In this study, we investigated a suitable signal processing method to detect the time required to change the muscle tone, utilizing the data collected using a wearable indentation tester. By calculating a viscoelastic index with a certain time window, we confirmed that the stretching duration required to bring about a decrease in muscle tone could be obtained with an accuracy in the order of 1 s.

    DOI PubMed


  • Timing of intermittent torque control with wire-driven gait training robot lifting toe trajectory for trip avoidance

    Tamon Miyake, Yo Kobayashi, Masakatsu G. Fujie, Shigeki Sugano

    IEEE International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics     320 - 325  2017年08月  [査読有り]


    Gait training robots are useful for changing gait patterns and decreasing risk of trip. Previous research has reported that decreasing duration of the assistance or guidance of the robot is beneficial for efficient gait training. Although robotic intermittent control method for assisting joint motion has been established, the effect of the robot intervention timing on change of toe clearance is unclear. In this paper, we tested different timings of applying torque to the knee, employing the intermittent control of a gait training robot to increase toe clearance throughout the swing phase. We focused on knee flexion motion and designed a gait training robot that can apply flexion torque to the knee with a wire-driven system. We used a method of timing detecting for the robot conducting torque control based on information from the hip, knee, and ankle angles to establish a non-time dependent parameter that can be used to adapt to gait change, such as gait speed. We carried out an experiment in which the conditions were four time points: starting the swing phase, lifting the foot, maintaining knee flexion, and finishing knee flexion. The results show that applying flexion torque to the knee at the time point when people start lifting their toe is effective for increasing toe clearance in the whole swing phase.

    DOI PubMed


  • Development of a Prototype Electrically-Driven Four-Arm Four-Flipper Disaster Response Robot OCTOPUS

    Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Kui Chen, Kohga Azuma, Takahiro Katano, Taisei Kaneko, Tatsuzo Ishida, Masayuki Nakayama, Masatoshi Seki, Ken Ichiryu, Shigeki Sugano

    Proceedings of 2017 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA 2017)     1019 - 1024  2017年08月  [査読有り]

  • A multimodal human-machine interface enabling situation-Adaptive control inputs for highly automated vehicles

    Udara E. Manawadu, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Masaaki Ishikawa, Takahiro Kawano, Shigeki Sugano

    IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, Proceedings     1195 - 1200  2017年07月  [査読有り]


    Intelligent vehicles operating in different levels of automation require the driver to fully or partially conduct the dynamic driving task (DDT) and to conduct fallback performance of the DDT, during a trip. Such vehicles create the need for novel human-machine interfaces (HMIs) designed to conduct high-level vehicle control tasks. Multimodal interfaces (MMIs) have advantages such as improved recognition, faster interaction, and situation-Adaptability, over unimodal interfaces. In this study, we developed and evaluated a MMI system with three input modalities
    touchscreen, hand-gesture, and haptic to input tactical-level control commands (e.g. lane-changing, overtaking, and parking). We conducted driving experiments in a driving simulator to evaluate the effectiveness of the MMI system. The results show that multimodal HMI significantly reduced the driver workload, improved the efficiency of interaction, and minimized input errors compared with unimodal interfaces. Moreover, we discovered relationships between input types and modalities: location-based inputs-Touchscreen interface, time-critical inputs-haptic interface. The results proved the functional advantages and effectiveness of multimodal interface system over its unimodal components for conducting tactical-level driving tasks.



  • Condition-Based Less-Error Data Selection for Robust and Accurate Mass Measurement in Large-Scale Hydraulic Manipulators

    Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano

    IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT   66 ( 7 ) 1820 - 1830  2017年07月  [査読有り]


    This paper proposes a practical scheme for measuring the mass of an object grasped by the end-effector of a large-scale hydraulic manipulator. Such a measurement system requires high accuracy and robustness considering the nonlinearity and uncertainty in hydraulic pressure-based force measurement during rigorous outdoor work. It is thus difficult to precisely model system behaviors and completely remove error force components (white-box modeling) under such conditions, so our scheme adopts a less-error data selection approach to relatively improving the accuracy and reliability of the measurand (gray-box modeling). It first removes dominant error forces, i.e., gravity and dynamic friction forces, then defines the on-load state by evaluating measurement conditions to omit data in indeterminate conditions, then extracts data during the object-grasp state identified by a grasp motion model and removes high-frequency components by a simple low-pass filter, and finally integrates data from multiple sensors using the posture-based priority and averages all selected data. Evaluation experiments were conducted using an instrumented hydraulic arm. Results indicate that our scheme can precisely measures the mass of the grasped object under various detection conditions with fewer errors.



  • Investigation on Effect of Angular Deviation from Perpendicular Line to Lateral View Camera on Work Efficiency for Teleoperated Construction Machines

    Satoshi Niuchi, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Ryuya Sato, Shigeki Sugano, Hiroyasu Iwata

    Proceedings of 2017 International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC2017)     1 - 2  2017年07月  [査読有り]

  • Pre-offering Work-Site Views to Acquire Spatial Knowledge from Survey and Route Perspective for Advanced Teleoperation of Construction Machines

    Ryuya Sato, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Satoshi Niuchi, Shigeki Sugano, Hiroyasu Iwata

    Proceedings of 2017 International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC2017),     1 - 2  2017年07月  [査読有り]

  • Tool-body assimilation model considering grasping motion through deep learning

    Kuniyuki Takahashi, Kitae Kim, Tetsuya Ogata, Shigeki Sugano

    ROBOTICS AND AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS   91   115 - 127  2017年05月  [査読有り]


    We propose a tool-body assimilation model that considers grasping during motor babbling for using tools. A robot with tool-use skills can be useful in human robot symbiosis because this allows the robot to expand its task performing abilities. Past studies that included tool-body assimilation approaches were mainly focused on obtaining the functions of the tools, and demonstrated the robot starting its motions with a tool pre-attached to the robot. This implies that the robot would not be able to decide whether and where to grasp the tool. In real life environments, robots would need to consider the possibilities of tool grasping positions, and then grasp the tool. To address these issues, the robot performs motor babbling by grasping and nongrasping the tools to learn the robot's body model and tool functions. In addition, the robot grasps various parts of the tools to learn different tool functions from different grasping positions. The motion experiences are learned using deep learning. In model evaluation, the robot manipulates an object task without tools, and with several tools of different shapes. The robot generates motions after being shown the initial state and a target image, by deciding whether and where to grasp the tool. Therefore, the robot is capable of generating the correct motion and grasping decision when the initial state and a target image are provided to the robot. (C) 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.



  • Proposal and Preliminary Feasibility Study of a Novel Toroidal Magnetorheological Piston

    Gonzalo Aguirre Dominguez, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Shigeki Sugano

    IEEE-ASME TRANSACTIONS ON MECHATRONICS   22 ( 2 ) 657 - 668  2017年04月  [査読有り]


    A new magnetorheological piston head design inspired by toroidal electromagnets was proposed in previouswork as an alternative to conventional annular dampers. A prototype with a circular valve array integrated inside the piston head was built and tested to measure its passive performance. The mechanical, electromagnetic, and hydraulic models used in the new design were explained, and the relevant parameters of the actuator were analyzed to construct a mathematical model to estimate its performance. These works showed the feasibility of the concept and its potential as an alternative to current damper technology, but lacked a baseline for comparison. This paper reviews and widens this groundwork. It adds a magnetic finite element method study to address the previously found leakage, and a new set of experiments, including a force controller, to compare its performance against a conventional annular piston head. The new findings show how the current force limitations can be overcome by striking a balance between the coil space and the size of electromagnet cores to achieve the performance of current dampers. They also highlight its potential in force control applications to provide a wider range of customization options, such as number and size of holes, electromagnets, and coils, and a better use of the active area of the gap.



  • Learning to Perceive the World as Probabilistic or Deterministic via Interaction With Others: A Neuro-Robotics Experiment

    Shingo Murata, Yuichi Yamashita, Hiroaki Arie, Tetsuya Ogata, Shigeki Sugano, Jun Tani

    IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NEURAL NETWORKS AND LEARNING SYSTEMS   28 ( 4 ) 830 - 848  2017年04月  [査読有り]


    We suggest that different behavior generation schemes, such as sensory reflex behavior and intentional proactive behavior, can be developed by a newly proposed dynamic neural network model, named stochastic multiple timescale recurrent neural network (S-MTRNN). The model learns to predict subsequent sensory inputs, generating both their means and their uncertainty levels in terms of variance (or inverse precision) by utilizing its multiple timescale property. This model was employed in robotics learning experiments in which one robot controlled by the S-MTRNN was required to interact with another robot under the condition of uncertainty about the other's behavior. The experimental results show that self-organized and sensory reflex behavior-based on probabilistic prediction-emerges when learning proceeds without a precise specification of initial conditions. In contrast, intentional proactive behavior with deterministic predictions emerges when precise initial conditions are available. The results also showed that, in situations where unanticipated behavior of the other robot was perceived, the behavioral context was revised adequately by adaptation of the internal neural dynamics to respond to sensory inputs during sensory reflex behavior generation. On the other hand, during intentional proactive behavior generation, an error regression scheme by which the internal neural activity was modified in the direction of minimizing prediction errors was needed for adequately revising the behavioral context. These results indicate that two different ways of treating uncertainty about perceptual events in learning, namely, probabilistic modeling and deterministic modeling, contribute to the development of different dynamic neuronal structures governing the two types of behavior generation schemes.



  • Printed Paper Robot Driven by Electrostatic Actuator

    Hiroki Shigemune, Shingo Maeda, Vito Cacucciolo, Yoshitaka Iwata, Eiji Iwase, Shuji Hashimoto, Shigeki Sugano

    IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters   2 ( 2 ) 1001 - 1007  2017年04月  [査読有り]


    © 2017 IEEE. Effective design and fabrication of 3-D electronic circuits are among the most pressing issues for future engineering. Although a variety of flexible devices have been developed, most of them are still designed two-dimensionally. In this letter, we introduce a novel idea to fabricate a 3-D wiring board. We produced the 3-D wiring board from one desktop inkjet printer by printing conductive pattern and a 2-D pattern to induce self-folding. We printed silver ink onto a paper to realize the conductive trace. Meanwhile, a 3-D structure was constructed with self-folding induced by water-based ink printed from the same printer. The paper with the silver ink self-folds along the printed line. The printed silver ink is sufficiently thin to be flexible. Even if the silver ink is already printed, the paper can self-fold or self-bend to consist the 3-D wiring board. A paper scratch driven robot was developed using this method. The robot traveled 56 mm in 15 s according to the vibration induced by the electrostatic force of the printed electrode. The size of the robot is 30 × 15 × 10 mm. This work proposes a new method to design 3-D wiring board, and shows extended possibilities for printed paper mechatronics.



  • Wayang robot with gamelan music pattern recognition

    Tito Pradhono Tomo, Alexander Schmitz, Guillermo Enriquez, Shuji Hashimoto, Shigeki Sugano

    Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics   29 ( 1 ) 137 - 145  2017年02月  [査読有り]


    This paper proposes a way to protect endangered wayang puppet theater, an intangible cultural heritage from Indonesia, by turning a robot into a puppeteer successor. We developed a seven degrees-offreedom (DOF) manipulator to actuate the sticks attached to the wayang puppet body and hands. The robot can imitate 8 distinct human puppeteer’smanipulations. Furthermore, we developed a gamelan music pattern recognition, towards a robot that can perform based on the gamelan music. In the offline experiment, we extracted energy (time domain), spectral rolloff, 13 Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCCs), and the harmonic ratio from 5 s long clips, every 0.025 s, with a window length of 1 s, for a total of 2576 features. Two classifiers (3 layers feed-forward neural network (FNN) and multi-class Support Vector Machine (SVM)) were compared. The SVMclassifier outperformed the FNN classifier with a recognition rate of 96.4%for identifying the three different gamelan music patterns.



  • Design & implementation of an emergency stop function for on-power clutch based adjustable torque limiters.

    Yushi Wang, Alexander Schmitz,Javier Alejandro Alvarez Lopez, Kento Kobayashi, Shigeki Sugano

    IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration, SII 2017, Taipei, Taiwan, December 11-14, 2017     463 - 468  2017年  [査読有り]



  • 神経回路モデルを用いた感覚不確実性の予測による状況変化に対する適応的行動生成

    増田 航, 村田 真悟, 富岡 咲希, 尾形 哲也, 菅野 重樹

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2017   1P2 - N08  2017年


    <p>Robots working in the real environment need to respond to necessary sensory inputs. However, if the sensory inputs are not necessary for action generation, robots need to stably generate action without being affected by unnecessary sensory inputs. To realize such adaptive action generation against situational changes, robots should automatically decide how much sensory inputs are necessary for action generation. In this research, we propose a method which automatically decides the ratio of actual and predicted sensory inputs based on predicted sensory uncertainty. As a result of robot experiments, the robot with proposed mechanism could conduct adaptive action generation against situational changes.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • Preliminary Measurement and Analysis of Microwave Transmission Attenuation in Small Gas Pipeline

    Wen Zhao, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Kento Yoshida, Shigeki Sugano, Minoru Konno, Ryoichi Toriumi

    2017 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MECHATRONICS (ICM)     342 - 347  2017年  [査読有り]


    The gas pipelines need to be inspected in the case of existence of pipeline's inner problems. Usually, inspection for leakage of gas pipeline has been carried out by wired probes or wired robots equipped with a CCD camera. However, the above inspection approaches are restricted by the cable in the pipe. This study thus focuses on an inspection approach based on microwave communication. However, obtaining the transmission properties (i.e., transmission loss, RSSI (received signal strength indication), maximum transmission distance, etc) in gas pipeline is crucial to determine which frequency is feasible to the further development. In this paper, a communication system for microwave communication in 2.4 and 5.8 GHz band is developed. Then, the transmission loss and RSSI of these microwaves in 2.5 x 100 cm (straight), 5 x 100cm (straight) and 5 x 200cm M-type curved steel gas pipe (with L-junctions) are then measured. The experimental results revealed that the microwave in 2.4 GHz band owns much stronger communication capability in complicated gas pipeline in consideration of few transmission loss, and three approximate linear functions could be modeled on the basis of the measured data.

  • Mixing actual and predicted sensory states based on uncertainty estimation for flexible and robust robot behavior

    Shingo Murata, Wataru Masuda, Saki Tomioka, Tetsuya Ogata, Shigeki Sugano

    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)   10613   11 - 18  2017年  [査読有り]


    In this paper, we propose a method to dynamically modulate the input state of recurrent neural networks (RNNs) so as to realize flexible and robust robot behavior. We employ the so-called stochastic continuous-time RNN (S-CTRNN), which can learn to predict the mean and variance (or uncertainty) of subsequent sensorimotor information. Our proposed method uses this estimated uncertainty to determine a mixture ratio for combining actual and predicted sensory states of network input. The method is evaluated by conducting a robot learning experiment in which a robot is required to perform a sensory-dependent task and a sensory-independent task. The sensory-dependent task requires the robot to incorporate meaningful sensory information, and the sensory-independent task requires the robot to ignore irrelevant sensory information. Experimental results demonstrate that a robot controlled by our proposed method exhibits flexible and robust behavior, which results from dynamic modulation of the network input on the basis of the estimated uncertainty of actual sensory states.



  • Similarity evaluation of multiple muscles hardness change due to static stretching using wearable indentation testers: A pilot study.

    Naomi Okamura,Array, Masakatsu G. Fujie, Shigeki Sugano

    IEEE International Conference on Cyborg and Bionic Systems, CBS 2017, Beijing, China, October 17-19, 2017     18 - 23  2017年  [査読有り]



  • Probabilistic neural network applied to eye tracking control to alter the direction of an endoscopic manipulator

    Yang Cao, Satoshi Miura, Quanquan Liu, Yo Kobayashi, Shigeki Sugano, Masakatsu G. Fujie

    Mechanical Engineering Journal   4   1 - 15  2017年  [査読有り]


    <p>In this study, we propose a novel endoscopic manipulation system that is controlled by a surgeon's eye movements. The optical axis direction of the endoscopic manipulator is altered intuitively based on the surgeon's pupil movements. A graphical user interface was developed by dividing the monitor screen into several areas with shape boundaries, so that the movement direction of the endoscope can be identified by the area gazed at by the operator. We used a probabilistic neural network (PNN) to decide the regional distribution proportion to recognize the direction in which the operator would want the endoscopic manipulator to move. The PNN model was trained by individual calibration data. We hypothesized that PNN model training could be completed immediately after calibration, which also determines the boundary of the regional distribution portion (RDP). We designed an experiment and recorded the path of direction change to verify the PNN's effectiveness in our proposed system. All participants, including four who wore glasses, completed the requested task. Moreover, wearing glasses had no significant effect on the performance of the proposed system. Furthermore, the PNN training duration only took 2% of the entire time of the procedure to handle individual differences. We conclude that our method can handle individual differences in operators' eyes through machine learning of personal calibration data over a short time frame, which will not take significant extra preoperative setup time.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • Repeatable Folding Task by Humanoid Robot Worker using Deep Learning

    P. Yang, K. Sasaki, K. Suzuki, K. Kase, S. Sugano, T. Ogata

    IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters   2 ( 2 ) 397 - 403  2017年  [査読有り]



  • Dynamic motion learning for multi-DOF flexible-joint robots using active-passive motor babbling through deep learning

    Kuniyuki Takahashi, Tetsuya Ogata, Jun Nakanishi, Gordon Cheng, Shigeki Sugano

    ADVANCED ROBOTICS   31 ( 18 ) 1002 - 1015  2017年  [査読有り]


    This paper proposes a learning strategy for robots with flexible joints having multi-degrees of freedom in order to achieve dynamic motion tasks. In spite of there being several potential benefits of flexible-joint robots such as exploitation of intrinsic dynamics and passive adaptation to environmental changes with mechanical compliance, controlling such robots is challenging because of increased complexity of their dynamics. To achieve dynamic movements, we introduce a two-phase learning framework of the body dynamics of the robot using a recurrent neural network motivated by a deep learning strategy. The proposed methodology comprises a pre-training phase with motor babbling and a fine-tuning phase with additional learning of the target tasks. In the pre-training phase, we consider active and passive exploratory motions for efficient acquisition of body dynamics. In the fine-tuning phase, the learned body dynamics are adjusted for specific tasks. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methodology in achieving dynamic tasks involving constrained movement requiring interactions with the environment on a simulated robot model and an actual PR2 robot both of which have a compliantly actuated seven degree-of-freedom arm. The results illustrate a reduction in the required number of training iterations for task learning and generalization capabilities for untrained situations.



  • Closed Loop Trajectory Optimization Based on Reverse Time Tree

    Chyon Hae Kim, Shigeki Sugano

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONTROL AUTOMATION AND SYSTEMS   14 ( 6 ) 1404 - 1412  2016年12月  [査読有り]


    This paper addresses the general methods for creating the approximately optimal closed loop stabilization controllers that depend on given rigid body systems. The optimal stabilization controllers calculate the optimal force (torque) inputs that depend on the current states of the systems. In this paper, a creation method for approximately optimal controllers named closed loop optimizer based on reverse time tree (CLO-RTT) is proposed. In the open loop optimization phase, this method creates approximately optimal open loop solutions using rapid semi-optimal motion planning (RASMO). In the closed loop optimization phase, this method selects a solution from the RTT according to the measured current state of a system. The proposed method was validated in the time optimal stabilization problem of a double inverted pendulum model. The proposed method successfully stabilized the model quickly. When the resolution of RASMO was higher, the motion time was shorter.



  • An image processing method for changing endoscope direction based on pupil movement

    Yang Cao, Satoshi Miura, Quanquan Liu, Yo Kobayashi, Kazuya Kawamura, Shigeki Sugano, Masakatsu G Fujie

    ROBOMECH Journal   3 ( 1 )  2016年12月  [査読有り]



  • Achieving Different Levels of Adaptability for Human?Robot Collaboration Utilizing a Neuro-Dynamical System

    Yuxi Li, Shingo Murata, Hiroaki Arie, Tetsuya Ogata, Shigeki Sugano

    The 2016 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2016)     1 - 6  2016年10月  [査読有り]

  • Tree Based Trajectory Optimization Based on Local Linearity of Continuous Non-Linear Dynamics

    Chyon Hae Kim, Shigeki Sugano

    IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL   61 ( 9 ) 2610 - 2617  2016年09月  [査読有り]


    This technical note addresses a tradeoff in the tree based trajectory optimization algorithms for open-loop optimal control problem of rigid body system. In this technical note, linear prediction based uniform state sampling method (LPUSS), which relaxes the tradeoff between solutions' quality and computational efficiency, is proposed on the basis of the local linearity of motion equations. LPUSS has a lower calculation order than randomized kinodynamic planning (RKP) and rapid semi-optimal motion planning (RASMO). In the validation using multi degree-of-freedom (DOF) under actuated manipulator models, the solutions' quality and the computational efficiency of LPUSS were better than those of RKP and RASMO. LPUSS finished the optimization for the 6 DOF model within 40 minutes. This was the world's first success of the optimization of the swing up motion of a 6 DOF under actuated manipulator model.



  • Non-verbal Cues and Expressiveness; Motion Planning and Navigation in Human-Centered Environments

    Moondeep Shrestha, Ayano Kobayashi, Tomoya Onishi, Hayato Yanagawa, Yuta Yokoyama, Erika Uno, Alexander Schmitz, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Shigeki Sugano

    Proceedings of 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN2016)    2016年08月  [査読有り]

  • Communicating Directional Intent in Robot Navigation using Projection and Display Indicators

    Moondeep Shrestha, Ayano Kobayashi, Tomoya Onishi, Hayato Yanagawa, Yuta Yokoyama, Erika Uno, Alexander Schmitz, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Shigeki Sugano

    Proceedings of 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, (RO-MAN2016)     415 - 416  2016年08月  [査読有り]

  • Design and Characterization of a Three-Axis Hall Effect-Based Soft Skin Sensor

    Tito Pradhono Tomo, Sophon Somlor, Alexander Schmitz, Lorenzo Jamone, Weijie Huang, Harris Kristanto, Shigeki Sugano

    SENSORS   16 ( 4 ) 11 pages  2016年04月  [査読有り]


    This paper presents an easy means to produce a 3-axis Hall effect-based skin sensor for robotic applications. It uses an off-the-shelf chip and is physically small and provides digital output. Furthermore, the sensor has a soft exterior for safe interactions with the environment; in particular it uses soft silicone with about an 8 mm thickness. Tests were performed to evaluate the drift due to temperature changes, and a compensation using the integral temperature sensor was implemented. Furthermore, the hysteresis and the crosstalk between the 3-axis measurements were evaluated. The sensor is able to detect minimal forces of about 1 gf. The sensor was calibrated and results with total forces up to 1450 gf in the normal and tangential directions of the sensor are presented. The test revealed that the sensor is able to measure the different components of the force vector.



  • 遠隔操作オペレータの環境把握性を高める非映像化情報の可視化と推奨注視映像への誘導

    亀﨑允啓, 佐藤隆哉, 楊俊傑, 岩田浩康, 菅野重樹

    第21回ロボティクスシンポジア予稿集     1 - 6  2016年03月  [査読有り]

  • 遠隔操作オペレータの環境把握性を高める非映像化情報の可視化と推奨注視映像への誘導

    亀?允啓, 佐藤隆哉, 楊俊傑, 岩田浩康, 菅野重樹

    第21回ロボティクスシンポジア予稿集     50 - 55  2016年03月  [査読有り]

  • Improving IMES Localization Accuracy by Integrating Dead Reckoning Information

    Kenjiro Fujii, Hiroaki Arie, Wei Wang, Yuto Kaneko, Yoshihiro Sakamoto, Alexander Schmitz, Shigeki Sugano

    SENSORS   16 ( 2 ) 21 pages  2016年02月  [査読有り]


    Indoor positioning remains an open problem, because it is difficult to achieve satisfactory accuracy within an indoor environment using current radio-based localization technology. In this study, we investigate the use of Indoor Messaging System (IMES) radio for high-accuracy indoor positioning. A hybrid positioning method combining IMES radio strength information and pedestrian dead reckoning information is proposed in order to improve IMES localization accuracy. For understanding the carrier noise ratio versus distance relation for IMES radio, the signal propagation of IMES radio is modeled and identified. Then, trilateration and extended Kalman filtering methods using the radio propagation model are developed for position estimation. These methods are evaluated through robot localization and pedestrian localization experiments. The experimental results show that the proposed hybrid positioning method achieved average estimation errors of 217 and 1846 mm in robot localization and pedestrian localization, respectively. In addition, in order to examine the reason for the positioning accuracy of pedestrian localization being much lower than that of robot localization, the influence of the human body on the radio propagation is experimentally evaluated. The result suggests that the influence of the human body can be modeled.



  • CNNによる二次元物体画像から実ロボットでの把持動作生成

    鈴木 彼方, 新古 眞純, 陽 品駒, 高橋 城志, 菅野 重樹, 尾形 哲也

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2016   2P1-12b7  2016年

    DOI CiNii

  • Executing optimized throwing motion on robot arm with free joint

    Chyon Hae Kim, Shigeki Sugano

    ADVANCED ROBOTICS   30 ( 24 ) 1571 - 1578  2016年  [査読有り]


    We address the throwing motion optimization for robot. In order to pursue the best throwing motion, we may need heuristics/intuition free methods. We propose a throwing method that is composed of rapid semi-optimal motion-planning and output zeroing method. So as to execute the optimized trajectories in real rigid body systems, we need some compensations for the noises around the optimized trajectories. We introduce a compensation method for the optimized throwing motions of a robot arm with a free joint. To validate the effectiveness of the proposed method, we conducted a throwing experiment using a two-link arm. As a result of the experiment, the robot arm threw a ball with 63.7 km/h, which was the best record through the past experiments of this arm.



  • Analysis of Operation Strategy in a Multi-Operator Control System for Four-Arm Disaster Response Robot OCTOPUS

    Kui Chen, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Takahiro Katano, Tatsuzo Ishida, Masatoshi Seki, Ken Ichiryu, Shigeki Sugano



    Disaster response robot with four arms and flippers OCTOPUS has high mobility and task-execution capabilities. Owing to the higher number of degrees of freedom, OCTOPUS is controlled by two operators, however this kind of robots is inherently difficult to be operated. To design easy-to-use human machine interfaces and intelligent control systems, we need to analyze and quantify a reasonable operation strategy in multi-operator control systems. Thus, three different types of essential disaster response tasks were conducted by using OCTOPUS and we analyzed results of operations and work performance, by focusing on each operator and each pair. As the results, we derived basic operation strategies as follow; operators with higher number of simultaneously-operated joints (Ns) can control OCTOPUS more smoothly, and pairs with higher rate of cooperated operations (Rc) can finish tasks more efficiently. We also found that Ns and Rc can be used to quantify operational skills. Revealed strategies and parameters could be useful to design new human-machine interface and intelligent control system.

  • A Combined Approach of Doppler and Carrier-based Hyperbolic Positioning with a Multi-channel GPS-pseudolite for Indoor Localization of Robots

    Kenjiro Fujii, Ryosuke Yonezawa, Yoshihiro Sakamoto, Alexander Schmitz, Shigeki Sugano



    A combined method of Doppler positioning and carrier-based hyperbolic positioning with a multi-channel GPS-pseudolite is proposed for indoor localization. This method uses carrier-phase output from a GPS/pseudolite receiver. The carrier-phase observable is precise but does not provide range information between the pseudolite and receiver antennas necessary for position calculation. This is because of the existence of carrier ambiguity. This problem can be solved by using the proposed combined method. In the present work, the positioning theory is established and experimentally evaluated with actual devices including a robot. The experimental result shows that a positioning accuracy of more than 10 cm is achievable.

  • Wrist Joint Angle Estimation by Means of Muscle Bulge Based on Deformation of the Forearm Skin Surface

    Akira Kato, Yuya Matsumoto, Yo Kobayashi, Shigeki Sugano, Masakatsu G. Fujie

    2016 WORLD AUTOMATION CONGRESS (WAC)    2016年  [査読有り]


    The objective of this paper is to develop a method to estimate the wrist joint angle based on the deformation of the forearm skin surface during muscle contraction. We have focused on the longitudinal movement of the muscle bulge along the forearm. We previously confirmed a one-to-one relationship between the movement of the muscle bulge and the wrist joint angle, and validated the feasibility of the estimation of the joint angle using this relationship. However, the relationship between the movement of the muscle bulge and the wrist joint was previously difficult to perform because of the misalignment of the sensor on the muscle. Here we use a tactile sensor that can measure three-dimensional data on the forearm skin surface to map the muscle bulge location. We measured a large 32 x 96 mm area on the forearm skin with 48 skin distance sensors. We calculated x and y components of the barycentric coordinates from the measured data. We observed a one-to-one relationship between the y-component of the barycentric coordinate from the distribution of the movement of the muscle bulge on the forearm skin surface. We then calculated the RMSE between the measured and estimated wrist joint angle using our joint angle estimation algorithm. We found that the RMSE from our technique was greater than from the conventional method. While we validated the feasibility of our estimation method further research is required to reduce our estimation error by improving the extraction and interpretation of our sensor data.

  • Fundamental Development of a Virtual Reality Simulator for Four-Arm Disaster Rescue Robot OCTOPUS

    Kui Chen, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Takahiro Katano, Junjie Yang, Tatsuzo Ishida, Masatoshi Seki, Ken Ichiryu, Shigeki Sugano



    This paper presents a virtual reality (VR) simulator for four-arm disaster response robot OCTOPUS, which has high capable of both mobility and workability. OCTOPUS has 26 degrees of freedom (DOF) and is currently teleoperated by two operators, so it is quite difficult to operate OCTOPUS. Thus, we developed a VR simulator for training operation, developing operator support system and control strategy. Compared with actual robot and environment, VR simulator can reproduce them at low cost and high efficiency. The VR simulator consists of VR environment and human-machine interface such as operation-input and video-and sound-output, based on robot operation system (ROS) and Gazebo. To enhance work performance, we implement indicators and data collection functions. Four tasks such as rough terrain passing, high-step climbing, obstacle stepping over, and object transport were conducted to evaluate OCTOPUS itself and our VR simulator. The results indicate that operators could complete all the tasks but the success rate differed in tasks. Smooth and stable operations increased the work performance, but sudden change and oscillation of operation degraded it. Cooperating multi-joint adequately is quite important to execute task more efficiently.

  • Relation between Magnitude of Applied Torque during Pre-Swing Phase and Toe Clearance Change to Prevent Trip of Elderly People

    Taman Miyake, Yo Kobayashi, Masakatsu G. Fujie, Shigeki Sugano



    Elderly people are at risk of falling because of their low toe clearance. Gait training to improve toe clearance could be instrumental in avoiding tripping. We propose using a gait-training robot that applies torque during the pre-swing phase to achieve this goal. It is still possible to revert to their original trajectory after the training, however, depending on the magnitude of the applied torque. We investigated the relation between the magnitude of the applied torque and the change in toe clearance before and after application of torque. We developed a robot and carried out an experiment in which a motor pulls a string embedded on the robotic frame worn by the participants, thereby applying torque during the pre-swing phase. The experimental task included walking on a treadmill for 50 s. We applied torque to the knee during the pre-swing phase for 20 s. The phases before and after applying torque were 15-s normal walking phases with no interference from the robot. We compared toe clearance during the phases before and after applying torque. We found that the toe clearance increased after applying a torque of 8 Nm. We were thus able to verify the influence of torque on toe clearance.



  • Joint Angle Estimation using the Distribution of the Muscle Bulge on the Forearm Skin Surface of an Upper Limb Amputee

    Akira Kato, Yuya Matsumoto, Yo Kobayashi, Masakatsu G. Fujie, Shigeki Sugano



    A novel joint angle estimation method is proposed using a new bio-signal for an amputee subject. We used the muscle bulge movement on the forearm skin surface as a new bio-signal for estimating the extent of motion in a previous study. We found that it is feasible to estimate the intended wrist joint angle using the distribution of the muscle bulge for intact subjects. Thus, in the present paper, we validate the feasibility of our method for an amputee. In applying our method to an amputee subject, we improved our distance sensor device so that it can accommodate the position of the muscle, which is variable for an amputee subject. In addition, we improved the algorithm that estimates the wrist joint angle using linear multiple regression for calculating the relationship between the intended wrist joint angle and the distribution of the muscle bulge. As a result, we found that the distribution of the muscle bulge changes for the amputee as for intact subjects. The movement of the position of the muscle bulge on the forearm skin corresponded to the extent of the intended wrist joint angle. According to the result of the estimation of the wrist joint angle, the root-mean-square error of the estimated angle with respect to the measured angle for the amputee was slightly larger than the error for intact subjects. Nevertheless, the root-mean-square error for the amputee was smaller than that when employing the previous method for intact subjects. Finally, it is feasible to use the muscle bulge movement on the forearm skin to estimate the intended wrist joint angle for the upper limb amputee.



  • Design of Four-Arm Four-Crawler Disaster Response Robot OCTOPUS

    Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Hiroyuki Ishii, Tatsuzo Ishida, Masatoshi Seki, Ken Ichiryu, Yo Kobayashi, Kenji Hashimoto, Shigeki Sugano, Atsuo Takanishi, Masakatsu G. Fujie, Shuji Hashimoto, Hiroshi Yamakawa



    We developed a four-arm four-crawler advanced disaster response robot called OCTOPUS. Disaster response robots are expected to be capable of both mobility, e.g., entering narrow spaces over very rough unstable ground, and workability, e.g., conducting complex debris-demolition work. However, conventional disaster response robots are specialized in either mobility or workability. Moreover, strategies to independently enhance the capability of crawlers for mobility and arms for workability will increase the robot size and weight. To balance environmental applicability with the mobility and workability, OCTOPUS is equipped with a mutual complementary strategy between its arms and crawlers. The four arms conduct complex tasks while ensuring stabilization when climbing steps. The four crawlers translate rough terrain while avoiding toppling over when conducting demolition work. OCTOPUS is hydraulic driven and teleoperated by two operators. To evaluate the performance of OCTOPUS, we conducted preliminary experiments involving climbing high steps and removing attached objects by using the four arms. The results showed that OCTOPUS completed the two tasks by adequately coordinating its four arms and four crawlers and improvement in operability needs.



  • Relationship between Magnitude of Applied Torque in Pre-Swing Phase and Gait Change for Prevention of Trip in Elderly People

    Tamon Miyake, Mariko Tsukune, Yo Kobayashi, Shigeki Sugano, Masakatsu G. Fujie



    Elderly people are at risk of tripping because of their narrow range of articular motion. To avoid tripping, gait training that improves their range of articular motion would be beneficial. In this study we propose a gait-training robot that applies a torque during the pre-swing phase to achieve this goal. We investigated the relationship between magnitude of applied torque and change in the range of knee-articular motion while walking before and after the application of this torque. We developed a wearable robot and carried out an experiment on human participants in which a motor pulls a string embedded on the robotic frame, applying torque in the pre-swing phase for a period of 20 [s]. Before and after applying torque the participant walked normally for 15 [s] without interference from the robot. We found that knee flexion angle increased after applying the torque if the torque was within the range of approximately 6-8 [Nm]. Therefore, we were able to verify that a new range of knee articular motion can be learned through application of torque.

    DOI PubMed


  • Pupil Variation Applied to the Eye Tracking Control of an Endoscopic Manipulator.

    Yang Cao 0006, Satoshi Miura, Yo Kobayashi, Kazuya Kawamura, Shigeki Sugano, Masakatsu G. Fujie

    IEEE Robotics Autom. Lett.   1 ( 1 ) 531 - 538  2016年  [査読有り]



  • Pupil Variation for Use in Zoom Control

    Yang Cao, Yo Kobayashi, Satoshi Miura, Kazuya Kawamura, Masakatsu G. Fujie, Shigeki Sugano



    We are developing an endoscopic manipulator control system based on eye tracking, which uses pupil variation to improve control performance. In this paper, we propose a new approach for the control of camera zoom for an endoscopic manipulator using pupil variation, which has not been previously attempted. Before using pupil variation for the zoom function, we observed how pupil variation was related to controlling the timing for zooming in or out while a surgeon performed suturing tasks. After we confirmed the potential application for zoom control based on the variation of the size of pupil, we developed a zoom judge algorithm and integrated it into our endoscopic manipulator control system. We set up an experimental task to evaluate our proposal, and conclude that pupil variation has a significant effect on adjusting the zoom magnification for the endoscopic manipulator. Moreover, it shows better performance than zoom control by pedal input.



  • 操作入力量ヒストグラムの波形整形に基づく基本入出力ゲインの自動調整システム

    亀?允啓, 岩田浩康, 菅野重樹

    日本ロボット学会誌   Vol. 34 ( No. 1 ) 56 - 64  2016年01月  [査読有り]


  • Intent Communication in Navigation through the Use of Light and Screen Indicators

    Moondeep C. Shrestha, Ayano Kobayashi, Tomoya Onishi, Erika Uno, Hayato Yanagawa, Yuta Yokoyama, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Alexander Schmitz, Shigeki Sugano



    Human's ability to perceive intent plays a crucial role in achieving smooth and efficient navigation. At the present state, even with the state-of-the-art anthropomorphic robots, displaying human-like non-verbal communication (kinesics) is a challenging task. This poses a significant difficulty in performing legible navigation behavior for robots. In this paper, we look into light (turn indicator) and screen (arrow indicator) indicators as a means of overcoming the shortcomings of the robot's non-verbal communication abilities. Our results show a statistically significant improvement in perceived comfort, predictability, and performance with the use of light indicators.



  • SNR Modeling and Material Dependency Test of a Low-cost and Simple to Fabricate 3D Force Sensor for Soft Robotics

    Tito Pradhono Tomo, Wai Keat Wong, Alexander Schmitz, Harris Kristanto, Sophon Somlor, Jinsun Hwang, Shigeki Sugano



    This paper presents a low cost, easy to produce, small tactile sensor system, that can be embedded in a soft material and limited space. In the current implementation, we use a Hall-effect sensor and a magnet to measure the force. One sensor module can measure 3D force vector and temperature. This chip is planted inside a 55 x 55 x 8 mm of the silicon layer. The module has I2C digital output, requiring only four wires for each module. The experiment shows that the signal to noise ratio (SNR) for this module is relatively high, 21.4658 dB when 20g load is applied. The experiment also indicates that the sensor module measured loads differently depending on the type of material that is in contact.



  • Development of Robotic Fingertip Morphology for Enhanced Manipulation Stability

    Keung Or, Alexander Schmitz, Satoshi Funabashi, Mami Tomura, Shigeki Sugano



    This study aims to develop a fingertip in order to improve the manipulation performance of posture interpolation control for a multifingered robot hand.Increasing the contact area between the fingertips and object is one solution for improving grasping and manipulation stability.A reasonable fingertip shape design and material selection can increase the contact area.In this paper, we compare an anthropomorphic shape to a cylindrical body with a semispherical tip.In order to test the practical property such as contact area size of our proposed fingertip, a pressure experiment was conducted for comparing the two fingertip shapes under different workloads. Finally, we installed the fingertips on a commercial available robot hand Allegro Hand.Two tasks were conducted for evaluating our proposed fingertip with posture interpolation control. The results show that our proposed fingertip could improve manipulation performance by comparing the success rate in both the experiments.



  • Position-Force Combination Control with Passive Flexibility for Versatile In-Hand Manipulation Based on Posture Interpolation

    Keung Or, Mami Tomura, Alexander Schmitz, Satoshi Funabashi, Shigeki Sugano



    In-hand manipulation is often needed to accomplish a practical task after grasping an object. In-hand manipulation of variously sized and shaped objects in multi-fingered hands without dropping the object is challenging. In this paper we suggest a combined strategy of force control and passive adaptation through soft fingertips with simple interpolation control to achieve in-hand manipulation between various postures and with various objects. While passive compliance can be achieved in numerous ways, this paper uses soft skin, as it does not require complex mechanisms and was easy to integrate in the robot hand (Allegro hand). Softness has proven to significantly ease object grasping, and the current paper shows the importance of softness also for in-hand manipulation. In particular, the simple interpolation strategy between various postures is successful when combined with soft fingertips, with or without force control, but fails with hard fingertips. Objects of varying size, shape and hardness were reliably manipulated. While the soft fingertips enabled good results in our experiments, a sufficiently precise definition of the postures and object size was required. When combining the interpolation control with a force control strategy, bigger errors in defining the posture and object size are possible, without deforming or dropping the object, and the resultant force is lower. As a result, we achieved robust in -hand manipulation between various postures and with objects of different size, shape and hardness.



  • A Study on Fingertip Designs and their Influences on Performing Stable Prehension for Robot Hands

    Keung Or, Shu Morikuni, Shun Ogasa, Satoshi Funabashi, Alexander Schmitz, Shigeki Sugano



    This research aims to clarify and analyze potential factors in fingertip designs and conditions which may affect prehension performances in addition to the control strategy. In this paper, four factors of fingertip designs and conditions are considered: hardness, thickness of the skin, shape and the surface friction condition of the fingertip. Six fingertips were made in order to compare these factors and their influences on grasp stability under different conditions (high and low workload). An evaluation experiment was conducted in order to investigate how the proposed properties affect the grasping performance under different workloads. Results show an unexpected effectiveness of the soft skin grasping performance compared to less deformable materials, even with reduced friction; also the orientation of the fingertips significantly affects the grasping performance in the case of anthropomorphic fingertips. These results can be useful for designing a new robot hand and a control strategy, which can potentially lead to a better stability and efficient performance.



  • A Modular, Distributed, Soft, 3-Axis Sensor System for Robot Hands

    Tito Pradhono Tomo, Wai Keat Wong, Alexander Schmitz, Harris Kristanto, Alexandre Sarazin, Lorenzo Jamone, Sophon Somlor, Shigeki Sugano



    Integrating distributed sensors in the skin of robot hands is challenging, as the space is limited. This paper presents a dense and small tactile sensor system that can be installed on robotic hands. In the current implementation, the system is constituted by modules that are 26mm long and 27mm wide and they have been successfully integrated on the internal side of each finger phalange of the commercially available Allegro Hand (except the fingertips). Each sensor module contains 16 tri-axial taxels; each taxel is able to measure the applied 3D force vector using a Hall effect sensor and a magnet. The sensor modules are 4mm high, including the printed circuit board (PCB) with the sensors and the soft silicone with the magnets. The back of the PCB is flat without any components mounted, which eases the integration. Each sensor has I2C digital output, and each sensor module is connected to four I2C buses, requiring only seven wires for each module. The tri-axial taxels are close to each other (4.7 mm from the center of one taxel to the next), but experiments proved that independent force vectors can be measured and that the crosstalk is limited.



  • Development of a dipping wire method to improve the abrasion resistance of a plastic wire

    Shunsuke Nagahama, Junichi Tanabe, Shigeki Sugano



    In this study, the concept of a self-repairing wire for tendon-driven robots was proposed. A wire in a tendon-driven robot is worn by friction between the tendon and pulley and also between the tendon and guide rail. A worn tendon may lead to breakage of the tendon and makes it difficult to control the robot. In this study, a method to continuously protect the wire surface was proposed to inhibit tendon abrasion. A polymer layer was formed around the catalyst by coating the surface of the wire with a catalyst and supplying liquid resin to the surface. The layer protected the wire from abrasion and the wire re-formed itself when it was worn by abrasion. Specifically, when the wire was abraded, the catalysts reacted with the liquid resin to re-form the coating. In the study, three experiments were conducted and the results confirmed that the wire was protected from abrasion by re-coating itself.



  • Body Model Transition by Tool Grasping During Motor Babbling Using Deep Learning and RNN

    Kuniyuki Takahashi, Hadi Tjandra, Tetsuya Ogata, Shigeki Sugano

    ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS AND MACHINE LEARNING - ICANN 2016, PT I   9886   166 - 174  2016年  [査読有り]


    We propose a method of tool use considering the transition process of a body model from not grasping to grasping a tool using a single model. In our previous research, we proposed a tool-body assimilation model in which a robot autonomously learns tool functions using a deep neural network (DNN) and recurrent neural network (RNN) through experiences of motor babbling. However, the robot started its motion already holding the tools. In real-life situations, the robot would make decisions regarding grasping (handling) or not grasping (manipulating) a tool. To achieve this, the robot performs motor babbling without the tool pre-attached to the hand with the same motion twice, in which the robot handles the tool or manipulates without graping it. To evaluate the model, we have the robot generate motions with showing the initial and target states. As a result, the robot could generate the correct motions with grasping decisions.



  • Emergence of Interactive Behaviors between Two Robots by Prediction Error Minimization Mechanism

    Yiwen Chen, Shingo Murata, Hiroaki Arie, Tetsuya Ogata, Jun Tani, Shigeki Sugano



    This study demonstrates that the prediction error minimization (PEM) mechanism can account for the emergence of reciprocal interaction between two cognitive agents. During interactive processes, alternation of forming and deforming interactions may be triggered by various internal and external causes. We focus in particular on external causes derived from a dynamic and uncertain environment. Two small humanoid robots controlled by an identical dynamic neural network model using the PEM mechanism were trained to achieve a set of coherent ball-playing interactions between them. The two robots predict each other in a top-down way while they try to minimize the prediction errors derived from the unstable ball dynamics or the external cause in a bottom-up way by using the PEM mechanism. The experimental results showed that switching among the set of trained interactive ball plays between the two robots appears spontaneously. The analysis clarified how each complementary behavior can be generated via mutual adaptation between the two robots by undertaking top-down and bottom-up interaction in each individual dynamic neural network model by using the PEM mechanism.



  • Analysis of Imitative Interactions between Humans and a Robot with a Neuro-dynamical System

    Shingo Murata, Kai Hirano, Hiroaki Arie, Shigeki Sugano, Tetsuya Ogata



    Human communicative behavior is both dynamic and bidirectional. This study aims to analyze such behavior by conducting imitative interactions between human subjects and a humanoid robot that has a neuro-dynamical system. For this purpose, we take a robot-centered approach in which the change in robot performance according to difference in human partner is analyzed, rather than adopting the typical human-centered approach. A small humanoid robot equipped with a neuro-dynamical system learns imitative arm movement patterns and interacts with humans after the learning process. We analyze the interactive phenomena by different methods, including principal component analysis and use of a recurrence plot. Through this analysis, we demonstrate that different classes of interactions can be observed in the contextual dynamics of the neuro-dynamical system.



  • A Haptic Feedback Driver-Vehicle Interface for Controlling Lateral and Longitudinal Motions of Autonomous Vehicles

    Udara E. Manawadu, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Masaaki Ishikawa, Takahiro Kawano, Shigeki Sugano



    Autonomous vehicles will significantly change the existing driver-vehicle relationship, since only a destination input from the human driver will suffice. However, reduced degree of human-control could result in lack of driving pleasure and excitement. Thus, we proposed a method to increase the flexibility in controlling of an autonomous vehicle by allowing the driver to control its lateral and longitudinal motions with a time lag. We first derived a set of vehicle movements to improve driver experience and related them to a set of control functions that the driver can input. We then created two types of driver-vehicle interfaces (DVIs) for vehicle control; a haptic interface with kinesthetic and tactile feedback, and a hand-gesture interface with augmented reality feedback. The joystick-type haptic interface provides feedback on driver input by dynamically varying its degrees of freedom through controlling the current supplied to axis motors, and through vibration motors. The gesture interface is based on Leap Motion controller and provides visual feedback to driver. We conducted driving experiments in a VR simulator using twenty drivers to evaluate the effectiveness of these DVIs. The results showed that haptic interface significantly reduced the average input time and input error, and drivers preferred the haptic interface due to its ability to provide immediate, active, and passive feedback.



  • A Hand Gesture based Driver-Vehicle Interface to Control Lateral and Longitudinal Motions of an Autonomous Vehicle

    Udara E. Manawadu, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Masaaki Ishikawa, Takahiro Kawano, Shigeki Sugano



    Autonomous vehicles would make the future roads safer by keeping the human driver out of the loop. However, reduced degree of human-control could result in loss of the feeling of driving for some drivers. Therefore, in this study we proposed a method of interaction between the driver and autonomous vehicle by allowing the driver to control the vehicle's lateral and longitudinal motions. We adopted hand gestures as input modality because it can reduce driver's visual and cognitive demands. We first derived seven fundamental vehicle maneuvers to improve driver experience, and related them to seven independent hand gestures. We then created a hand gesture interface to control an autonomous vehicle, using Leap Motion as the gesture recognition platform. We conducted driving experiments involving twenty drivers in a virtual reality driving simulator to investigate the effectiveness of this interface for vehicle control. We evaluated the driving experience and drivers' opinions regarding the gestural interface. The results proved that semi-autonomous controlling using the hand gesture interface significantly reduced drivers' perceived work-load.



  • Gaze Pattern Analysis in Multi-Display Systems for Teleoperated Disaster Response Robots

    Ryuya Sato, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Shigeki Sugano, Hiroyasu Iwata



    In unmanned construction, work efficiency is lower than that in manned construction due to lack of visual information. Thus, we previously developed an autonomous camera control system to provide various visual information suited to work states through multiple displays. However, that system increased the cognitive load on operators, and required them to have much experience to choose appropriate views for various situations. Next, we should investigate the degree of effectiveness for each view in a certain state. Thus, in this study, we analyzed gaze patterns to clarify which are the displays that operators often watch in work states, i.e., moving, grasping, transport, and releasing. We then derived which gaze patterns have higher work performance, including time efficiency and safeness. We clustered gaze patterns using Ward's method, which is a criterion applied in hierarchical clustering. To evaluate the objective of this study, we conducted experiments involving debris transport tasks, using a virtual reality simulator. The results indicated that gaze patterns differed in operators and we found that better time efficiency related to specific gaze patterns for each work state.



  • Design Optimisation and Performance Evaluation of a Toroidal Magnetorheological Hydraulic Piston Head

    Gonzalo Aguirre Dominguez, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Shan He, Somlor Sophon, Alexander Schmitz, Shigeki Sugano



    The advantages of mechanical compliance have driven the development of devices using new smart materials. A new kind of magnetorheological piston based on a toroidal array of magnetorheological valves, has been previously tested to prove its feasibility. However, being an initial prototype its potential was still limited by its complex design, and low output force. This study presents the revisions done to the design with several improvements targeting key performance parameters. An improved annular piston design is also introduced as comparison with conventional devices. The toroidal and annular piston head prototypes are built and tested, and their force performance compared with the previous iteration. The experimental results show an overall performance improvement of the toroidal assembly. However, the force model used in the study still fails to accurately predict the magnetic flux at the gaps of the piston head. This deviation is later verify and corrected using a FEM analysis. The force performance of the new toroidal assembly is on par with the commonplace annular design. It also displays a more linear behaviour, at the expense of lower energy efficiency. Finally, it also shows potential for a greater degree of customisation to meet different system requirements.



  • Performance Evaluation of a Compliant Magnetorheological Piston Actuator

    Gonzalo Aguirre Dominguez, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, He Shan, Shigeki Sugano



    Compliant actuation is an indispensable element for safe physical human robot interaction. However, there is a lack of devices, which can integrate the high power density of hydraulic actuators with intrinsically safe mechanisms. This drove the development a new type of hydraulic magnetorheological piston. This device includes a novel toroidal array of magnetorheological valves in its head. In previous studies, the system performance was evaluated only as a traditional damping system. Now, the piston is connected to a pump to create a hydraulic compliant actuator. This novel compliant piston is capable to control the piston speed and force independently by using the pump and electromagnet voltages respectively. In this way, different combinations of these parameters can be used to achieve diverse system properties; e.g. low response time or energy efficiency. Several experiments are conducted to evaluate its performance, including force, friction, speed, and step response. The results display the potential of the devices to be used as an active system for compliant hydraulic robotic applications. They also hint to the possibilities to improve by using a more sophisticated control system for its speed and force.



  • An Iterative Design Methodology for the Performance Optimisation of Magnetorheological Piston Head Configurations

    Gonzalo Aguirre Dominguez, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Morgan French, Shigeki Sugano



    This work focuses on the analysis of the performance parameters of a new magneto-rheological device. Previously, a mathematical model of the actuator head was introduced; however, the complex relations between its parameters made its optimisation challenging, causing the device not to reach its full potential. In this work, the previous model is updated to fit a revised version of the toroidal design, as well as an annular design for comparison. The relations between different parameters are studied to find their trade-offs, and understand how they affect the performance of the actuators. Finally, an optimisation based on an iterative search for valid permutations of parameters, is used to find optimal combinations. Two prototypes are built and tested to validate the results of the optimisation. The study revealed the critical parameters of each design, which mostly depend on the relations between the magnetic flux density, and the active area exposed to the MRF; and successfully optimised the performance of the devices. However, work needs to be done to create a more complete tool with concrete guidelines for specific applications.



  • Exploring the Use of Light and Display Indicators for Communicating Directional Intent

    Moondeep C. Shrestha, Ayano Kobayashi, Tomoya Onishi, Hayato Yanagawa, Yuta Yokoyama, Erika Uno, Alexander Schmitz, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Shigeki Sugano



    Legible robot behavior is a key element for smooth and efficient navigation among humans. However, at present, even the state-of-the-art robots cannot communicate its internal state of directional intent by displaying human-like non-verbal cues. In this paper, we explore various modes for communicating directional intent of a robot across three different scenarios as a means of overcoming the shortcomings of the robot's non-verbal communication abilities. Specifically, we look into turn indicators, display indicators, and their combinations with sound and investigate their effectiveness across different passing scenarios. Our study shows us that using auxiliary communicating methods significantly improves the perceived feelings of our dependent measures. Further, communicating intention also helps in improving cooperation. However, the effectiveness greatly varies with the modes and the passing scenarios. In the case of 90 degrees crossing scenario, even though participants have positive perceived feelings, this does not necessarily translate into smooth and efficient navigation.



  • Robust in-hand manipulation of variously sized and shaped objects

    Satoshi Funabashi, Alexander Schmitz, Takashi Sato, Sophon Somlor, Shigeki Sugano

    IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems   2015-   257 - 263  2015年12月  [査読有り]


    Moving objects within the hand is challenging, especially if the objects are of various shape and size. In this paper we use machine learning to learn in-hand manipulation of such various sized and shaped objects. The TWENDY-ONE hand is used, which has various properties that makes it well suited for in-hand manipulation: a high number of actuated joints, passive degrees of freedom and soft skin, six-axis force/torque (F/T) sensors in each fingertip, and distributed tactile sensors in the skin. A dataglove is used to gather training samples for teaching the required behavior. The object size information is extracted from the initial grasping posture. After training a neural network, the robot is able to manipulate objects of untrained sizes and shape. The results show the importance of size and tactile information. Compared to interpolation control, the adaptability for the initial posture gap could be greatly extended. Final results show that with deep learning the number of required training sets can be drastically reduced.



  • Feature Extraction by Deep Learning with the Aim of Improved In-Hand Manipulation

    Satoshi Funabashi, Takashi Sato, Alexander Schmitz, Shigeki Sugano

    JSME International Conference on Advanced Mechatronics 2015     2 pages  2015年12月  [査読有り]

  • Visual Attention to Appropriate Monitors and Parts Using Augmented Reality for Decreasing Cognitive Load in Unmanned Construction

    Ryuya Sato, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Junjie Yang, Shigeki Sugano, Hiroyasu Iwata

    Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Advanced Mechatronics 2015 (ICAM2015)   1A1-23   45 - 45  2015年12月  [査読有り]


    In unmanned construction, operators watch multi views to know situations at a disaster site. However, such a vision system requires much cognitive load of the operators to determine monitors and its parts which they should watch according to situation. In order to decrease cognitive load, we developed a system to provide appropriate monitors and its parts by inducing visual attention using augmented reality.

    DOI CiNii

  • Analysis of Spatial Perception Ability Based on Human Eyesight for Teleoperators

    Kui Chen, Junjie Yang, Takahiro Katano, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Shigeki Sugano

    Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Advanced Mechatronics 2015 (ICAM2015)   2A2-28   351 - 352  2015年12月  [査読有り]


    In this paper, we analyzed spatial perception ability based on human eyesight for teleoperation. Recognizing the space relationship between different objects by human eyesight from a two dimensional monitor quickly and correctly is a hard task. On the basis of the analysis about visual perception error, we make some assumptions about the alignment of multi monitors. The reasons which cause visual perception error were then investigated using our virtual reality simulator,and experiments were implemented to verify our assumptions. Results show when objects were fixed, continuously moving the viewpoint around the fixed objects, the position of viewpoint obviously affected spatial perception accuracy of human subjects. We also found that subjects tend to estimate object position deeper than its real position.

    DOI CiNii

  • Analysis of Preference for Autonomous Driving Under Different Traffic Conditions Using a Driving Simulator

    Udara Eshan Manawadu, Masaaki Ishikawa, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Shigeki Sugano

    Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics (JRM)   Vol. 27 ( No. 6 ) 660 - 670  2015年12月  [査読有り]



  • Scenario Authoring for a Driving Simulator to Evaluate Driver Experience in Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles

    Udara Manawadu, Masaaki Ishikawa, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Shigeki Sugano

    Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Advanced Mechatronics 2015 (ICAM2015)   1A1-18   94 - 95  2015年12月  [査読有り]


    In this study, we focused on creating different scenarios and traffic conditions in a driving simulator to evaluate the differences in driving experience in conventional and autonomous vehicles. We conducted experiments using two groups of drivers and evaluated their subjective workload and preference for each driving method for different traffic conditions and scenarios.

    DOI CiNii

  • A Novel Toroidal Design for Magnetorheological Dampers

    Gonzalo Aguirre Dominguez, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Shan He, Shigeki Sugano

    Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Advanced Mechatronics 2015 (ICAM2015)   1A2-28   113 - 114  2015年12月  [査読有り]


    In recent years there has been interest in the development of magnetorheological actuators for robotic applications with adjustable compliance. In this paper we explore the conceptualization, design and test of a new kind magnetorheological piston head design. Inside the head of this new damper a circular assembly of magnetorheological valves is used to control the damping force of the piston. The results show the feasibility of the new design, and its potential for compliant robotic applications.

    DOI CiNii

  • Feature Extraction by Deep Learning for Improved In-Hand Manipulation

    Satoshi Funabashi, Takashi Sato, Alexander Schmitz, Shigeki Sugano

    Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Advanced Mechatronics (ICAM2015)     2 pages  2015年11月  [査読有り]

  • A novel tri-axial capacitive-type skin sensor

    Sophon Somlor, Richard Sahala Hartanto, Alexander Schmitz, Shigeki Sugano

    ADVANCED ROBOTICS   29 ( 21 ) 1375 - 1391  2015年11月  [査読有り]


    This paper introduces a novel tri-axial capacitive force sensor. The sensor can measure the force vector, is embedded in soft 7mm-thick silicone skin, enables temperature sensitivity compensation and has digital output. To measure the force vector, tilted capacitive sensor elements are used which are facing in different directions to differentiate the tangential forces. The sensor is intended for distributed contact sensing in a robotic skin, but could be also used for other applications such as novel haptic user interfaces in wearable devices. A series of experiments was performed and showed good sensor characteristics. The concept of the tilted force transducers has been proven to have the capability of detecting the force vector acting on the local sensor surface.



  • Investigation of the Effect of Joint Angle on Muscle Hardness in Static Stretching of the Gastrocnemius

    Naomi Okamura, Mariko Tsukune, Yo Kobayashi, Shigeki Sugano, Masakatsu G Fujie

    Proceedings of the 2015 JSME/RMD International Conference on Advanced Mechatronics (ICAM2015)   2015   267 - 268  2015年11月  [査読有り]


    Static stretching is one of the most popular ways to decrease muscle tone. Muscle tone is evaluated by muscle hardness. To evaluate how muscle tone decreases during static stretching, we have proposed a method that involves using a wearable muscle hardness meter. In a previous study on the rectus femoris, we sometimes observed a muscle hardness increase during self-static stretching. We did not consider the degree of elongation of the muscle; however, this does actually affect muscle hardness. In this paper, we investigate the effect of joint angle on muscle hardness in self-static stretching of the gastrocnemius. We measured the muscle hardness of the medial head and the lateral head of the gastrocnemius and the dorsiflexion angle of the ankle joint during static stretching. In some cases, when the joint angle increased during static stretching, muscle hardness tended to increase. This result suggests that we should consider muscle elongation when evaluating muscle hardness during static stretching.

    DOI CiNii

  • The Influence of Applying Torque in the Pre-swing Phase on the Minimum Toe Clearance for Prevention of Falls in Elderly People

    Tamon Miyake, Mariko Tsukune, Yo Kobayashi, Shigeki Sugano, Masakatsu G Fujie

    Proceedings of the 2015 JSME International Conference on Advanced Mechatronics     2 pages  2015年11月  [査読有り]

  • Hyperbolic Positioning with Antenna Arrays and Multi-Channel Pseudolite for Indoor Localization

    Kenjirou Fujii, Yoshihiro Sakamoto, Wei Wang, Hiroaki Arie, Alexander Schmitz, Shigeki Sugano

    SENSORS   15 ( 10 ) 25157 - 25175  2015年10月  [査読有り]


    A hyperbolic positioning method with antenna arrays consisting of proximately-located antennas and a multi-channel pseudolite is proposed in order to overcome the problems of indoor positioning with conventional pseudolites (ground-based GPS transmitters). A two-dimensional positioning experiment using actual devices is conducted. The experimental result shows that the positioning accuracy varies centimeter- to meter-level according to the geometric relation between the pseudolite antennas and the receiver. It also shows that the bias error of the carrier-phase difference observables is more serious than their random error. Based on the size of the bias error of carrier-phase difference that is inverse-calculated from the experimental result, three-dimensional positioning performance is evaluated by computer simulation. In addition, in the three-dimensional positioning scenario, an initial value convergence analysis of the non-linear least squares is conducted. Its result shows that initial values that can converge to a right position exist at least under the proposed antenna setup. The simulated values and evaluation methods introduced in this work can be applied to various antenna setups; therefore, by using them, positioning performance can be predicted in advance of installing an actual system.



  • Modelling and Simulation of a New Magnetorheological Linear Device

    Gonzalo Aguirre Dominguez, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Morgan French, Shigeki Sugano

    Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE International Symposium on Robotics and Intelligent Sensors (IRIS2015)     235 - 240  2015年10月  [査読有り]

  • 無人化施工における視覚情報の強化に関する研究−作業状況に応じた環境カメラの自動制御と拡張現実技術を用いた注視支援−

    亀?允啓, 佐藤隆哉, 楊俊傑, 岩田浩康, 菅野重樹

    第15回建設ロボットシンポジウム論文集(SCR2015)   paper no. O-24   8 pages  2015年09月  [査読有り]

  • Visibility Enhancement using Autonomous Multicamera Controls with Situational Role Assignment for Teleoperated Work Machines

    Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Junjie Yang, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano

    Journal of Field Robotics   Vol. 0 ( No. 0 ) 1 - 23  2015年04月  [査読有り]

  • Efficient Space Utilization for Improving Navigation in Congested Environments

    Moondeep Shrestha, Hayato Yanagawa, Erika Uno, Shigeki Sugano

    ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction   02-05-   157 - 158  2015年03月  [査読有り]


    In this paper, we have looked into some two behaviors for 'efficient space utilization' by humans in a congested situation. From observations, we have noticed that 'last minute avoidance' and 'shoulder turning' are two crucial behaviors in achieving efficient navigation in crowded environments. The presented study verifies the shoulder turning behavior and investigates the typical values for these behaviors. These results will form an initial framework for local avoidance planner for future research.



  • Feasibility Study on Joint Angle Estimation by Means of Muscle Bulge Movement Longitudinally along the Forearm

    Akira Kato, Yuya Matsumoto, Yo Kobayashi, Shigeki Sugano, Masakatsu G. Fujie

    Proceedings of the 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC 2015)     7 pages  2015年03月  [査読有り]

  • An fMRI Pilot Study Evaluating Brain Activation During Different Finger Training Exercises

    Zhenjin Tang, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano



    The recovery of motor function after stroke is widely considered to result from brain plasticity. However, what kind of training exercise can better provoke brain plastic processes is still unclear. Studying regional brain activation during a specific training exercise may provide value information that can help design more effective therapeutic approaches. In this paper, we monitored brain activation when subjects performed four different finger training exercises: left middle finger passive movement (LMFP), left middle finger active movement (LMFA), middle finger self-motion control movement (MF), and both middle fingers active movement (BMFA). Eight healthy volunteers were involved in this study. The results indicated that the LFMA results in stronger brain activation than the LMFP in the left insular, left inferior frontal cortex, right middle cingulate cortex, left S1, bilateral cerebellum, SMA, and right inferior frontal areas. However, we did not find a significant difference when comparing the the MF and the BMFA conditions.

  • Development and Evaluation of an MRI Compatible Finger Rehabilitation Device for Stroke Patients

    Zhenjin Tang, Shigeki Sugano, Hiroyasu Iwata



    This paper presents the design, development and magnetic resonance imagining (MRI) compatibility evaluation of a small size, compact and adjustable different finger phalange lengths rehabilitation device. This device employs ultrasonic motor as its actuator and adopts a novel six-link mechanism to drive the finger. The final system enables to provide two joints (the MCP and the PIP) in each finger to do flexion and extension motion with one degree of freedom (DOF). The MRI compatibility of the robot was also evaluated. The results demonstrate that there is neither an effect from the MRI environment on the robot performance, nor significant degradation on MRI images by the introduction of the robot in the MRI scanner. Finally, an fMRI study with subject was carried out, the result shows a stable brain activation was observed when the middle finger of the subject was driven to implement passive rehabilitation motion inside the MRI scanner.

  • Development of an endoscopic manipulator control system with intention recognition based on pupil movement.

    Yang Cao 0006, Quanquan Liu, Yo Kobayashi, Kazuya Kawamura, Shigeki Sugano, Masakatsu G. Fujie

    2015 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, ROBIO 2015, Zhuhai, China, December 6-9, 2015     1637 - 1642  2015年  [査読有り]



  • Tool-Body Assimilation Model Based on Body Babbling and Neurodynamical System

    Kuniyuki Takahashi, Tetsuya Ogata, Hadi Tjandra, Yuki Yamaguchi, Shigeki Sugano

    MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING   Article ID 837540   1 - 15  2015年  [査読有り]


    We propose the new method of tool use with a tool-body assimilation model based on body babbling and a neurodynamical system for robots to use tools. Almost all existing studies for robots to use tools require predetermined motions and tool features; the motion patterns are limited and the robots cannot use novel tools. Other studies fully search for all available parameters for novel tools, but this leads to massive amounts of calculations. To solve these problems, we took the following approach: we used a humanoid robot model to generate random motions based on human body babbling. These rich motion experiences were used to train recurrent and deep neural networks for modeling a body image. Tool features were self-organized in parametric bias, modulating the body image according to the tool in use. Finally, we designed a neural network for the robot to generate motion only from the target image. Experiments were conducted with multiple tools for manipulating a cylindrical target object. The results show that the tool-body assimilation model is capable of motion generation.



  • A 3D Sensing Model and Practical Sensor Placement Based on Coverage and Cost Evaluation

    Junjie Yang, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano



    This paper proposes a sensor model in three dimensional (3D) space, where the height of sensor above ground is variable and the position of sensor on the ground is limited. Traditional sensor models treat the sensor placement area as a film and there is no placement limits as well. As a consequence, the number of sensors is very large and the performance is not such ideal as simulation. In this paper, we develop a novel model for sensor placement, which makes sensors possible to be set at different height above ground, so that the coverage rate can be analyzed in 3D space and the simulation result can be more dependable. We also propose a corresponding 3D coverage rate evaluation method to be used for our proposed 3D model. In order to test our proposed model and evaluation method, the system is designed and numerical and graphical simulators are developed. Experiments are conducted to quantify trade-off relationship between coverage rate and cost, i.e., the number of sensors, which can make sensor placement strategy more practical. From the experimental results, we confirmed that the proposed 3D model and evaluation method is effective in a 3D space.



  • Evaluating Proficiency on a Laparoscopic Suturing Task through Pupil Size

    Yang Cao, Yo Kobayashi, Bo Zhang, Quanquan Liu, Shigeki Sugano, Masakatsu G. Fujie



    Eye-tracking technology has been applied to surgical skill improvement and can observe differences in gaze data between the experienced and novice surgeon. Some eye trackers can even detect pupil diameter. We hypothesized that differences in technical proficiency among surgeons affect the extent of changes in pupil diameter, because the higher mental workload a laparoscopic task requires, the larger the person's pupil diameter dilates. In this study, we recorded the pupil diameters of pediatric surgeons while they performed a suturing task in a dry box environment. The more proficient surgeons exhibited a smaller distribution in pupil diameter than did the less proficient surgeons. Our data indicate that an individual's suturing proficiency is closely related to the degree of dispersion of pupil diameter.



  • Analysis of Individual Driving Experience in Autonomous and Human-Driven Vehicles Using a Driving Simulator

    Udara Manawadu, Masaaki Ishikawa, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Shigeki Sugano



    Intelligent vehicles capable of autonomous driving will be commercially available in near future. To formulate a beneficial relationship between driver and vehicle, it is important to analyze how the drivers would react to autonomous vehicles compared to human-driven (conventional) vehicles. In this study, we focused on analyzing individual driving experience in several road conditions for autonomous and conventional vehicles among experienced and novice drivers. We first developed a simplified driving simulator that can connect arbitrary interfaces, create virtual environments consisting of scenarios and events that drivers encounter in real-world driving, and implement fully autonomous driving. We then conducted experiments to clarify differences of driving experiences for autonomous driving between the two groups. The experimental results showed that experienced drivers opt for conventional driving mainly due to the flexibility and driving fun it offers, while novices tend to prefer autonomous driving due to its inherent easiness and safety. An in-depth analysis indicated that drivers preferred to use both the driving methods interchangeably depending on the road and traffic conditions.



  • A Haptic Interface with Adjustable Stiffness Using MR Fluid

    Sophon Somlor, Gonzalo Aguirre Dominguez, Alexander Schmitz, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Shigeki Sugano



    This paper describes a combined tactile sensor and haptic interface that can change its stiffness using magnetorheological fluids (MR fluid). The tactile sensor consists of 6 distributed capacitive sensors that can sense the location and the amount of applied force. Above the sensors is a chamber filled with MR fluid. By changing the magnetic field, the hardness of the MR fluid, and thereby of the haptic interface, can be changed. Fast changes of the magnetization direction lead to a sensation of vibration. The resulting device can be used for novel haptic input devices or for robotic grippers. A prototype device has been constructed, and the effects of the varying magnetic field and the resulting varying stiffness of the MR fluid on the distributed force sensing with the capacitive sensors has been evaluated. We discovered that the measured forces vary very little with changes in the strength of the magnetic field.



  • A Concept for a Robot Arm with Adjustable Series Clutch Actuators and Passive Gravity Compensation for Enhanced Safety

    Alexander Schmitz, Soumya Bhavaraju, Sophon Somlor, Gonzalo Aguirre Dominguez, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Wei Wang, Shigeki Sugano



    Passive compliance is useful for robotic arms to ensure their safety. Often springs are used, but they are problematic because they reduce the achievable accelerations and can lead to underdamped oscillations. Torque limiters enhance the safety, but usually the torque limit cannot be adjusted to a desired torque. Electronically adjustable torque limiters, also known as series clutch actuators, have several benefits, especially for robotic arms, but they also have severe limitations. This paper suggests incorporating series clutch actuators into a gravity compensated arm. Consequently, gravity should not limit the isotropically achievable force anymore and in the case of power outage the arm keeps its position. The benefits and limitations of a series clutch actuator in a gravity compensated arm are discussed, and a prototype of such an arm is presented. Commercially available magnetic friction clutches are used. Preliminary experiments demonstrate that the safety can be increased.



  • Accurate Indoor Positioning using IMES Radio

    Kenjiro Fujii, Wei Wang, Yuto Kaneko, Yoshihiro Sakamoto, Hiroaki Arie, Shigeki Sugano



    Indoor positioning still remains as an open problem, for the reason that it is difficult to achieve a satisfactory level of accuracy within indoor environment, using current radio based localization technology. Thus we try to investigate the utilization of IMES radio for high accuracy indoor positioning, because of its higher resolution radio map. Signal propagation model of IMES radio has been well investigated, based on which algorithms of trilateration and extended kalman filter are developed for both static and dynamic localization of a mobile robot using IMES radio. Experiments results show that a higher localization accuracy could be achieved.



  • Predictive Learning with Uncertainty Estimation for Modeling Infants’ Cognitive Development with Caregivers: A Neurorobotics Experiment

    Shingo Murata, Saki Tomioka, Ryoichi Nakajo, Tatsuro Yamada, Hiroaki Arie, Tetsuya Ogata, Shigeki Sugano

    Proceedings of the Fifth Joint IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning and on Epigenetic Robotics (ICDL-EpiRob 2015)     302 - 307  2015年  [査読有り]



  • Performance Analysis in Advanced Tele-operation System Based on Introduction of Danger-Avoidance View

    Junjie Yang, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Ryuya Sato, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano

    INTELLIGENT ROBOTICS AND APPLICATIONS (ICIRA 2015), PT III   9246   401 - 412  2015年  [査読有り]


    Unmanned construction machines are used after disasters. Compared with manned construction, time efficiency is lower because of incomplete visual information, communication delay, and lack of tactile experience. We have developed an autonomous camera control system to supply appropriate visual information. In order to let operator easy to avoid unexpected collision, we first introduce the frame for each viewport according to its contents. And then, we exchange the danger view with an overlook view. The purpose of this study is to attract operators' attention to the danger area when there is a probable collision if operator won't stop or change their action. Besides, we also want to reveal the relationship between gaze habit and performance. The experimental results conducted using our virtual reality simulator confirms that operator tends to watch danger view when it appears. In addition, work strategy may influence the danger avoidance and work time efficiency in opposite way.



  • Using Contact-based Inducement for Efficient Navigation in a Congested Environment

    Moondeep C. Shrestha, Yosuke Nohisa, Alexander Schmitz, Shouichi Hayakawa, Erika Uno, Yuta Yokoyama, Hayato Yanagawa, Keung Or, Shigeki Sugano



    As robots progressively continue to enter human lives, it becomes important for robots to navigate safely and efficiently in crowded environments. In fact, efficient navigation in crowded areas is an important prerequisite for successful coexistence between humans and robots. In this paper, we explore an unconventional idea wherein a robot tries to achieve a more efficient navigation by influencing an obstructing human to move away by means of contact. First, preliminary human reaction experiments were conducted wherein we established that we can successfully induce a human to move in a desired direction. Following this result, we have proposed a novel motion planning approach which considers inducement by contact. The system is then verified through simulation and real experiments. The results show us that the proposed method can be utilized for safer and more efficient navigation in a crowded, but relatively static environment.



  • Method to obtain only targeted substances from an artificial circulatory system

    Shunsuke Nagahama, Shotaro Iidat, Hiroki Yoneyama, Shigeki Sugano

    2015 IFToMM World Congress Proceedings, IFToMM 2015     91 - 95  2015年  [査読有り]


    In this paper, we propose a filter system that can selectively obtain the required substances from an artificial circulatory system. The blood circulatory system of the human body keeps us healthy. We consider this system to be useful for a robot system to maintain its condition. To realize an artificial circulatory system like a human body, it is important to deliver various substances with only a single vessel and extract only the required substances from them. We propose a method to deliver encapsulated substances. By using this method, each substance can be delivered without mixing for easy separation. We developed a filter system that can trap only the required substances without clogging based on differences in the capsule size. We conducted experiments to evaluate the separation performance of the system. We were able to obtain only the targeted substances with this system. We developed an impurity filtration system as an application of our system.



  • Effective Motion Learning for a Flexible-Joint Robot Using Motor Babbling

    Kuniyuki Takahashi, Tetsuya Ogata, Hiroki Yamada, Hadi Tjandra, Shigeki Sugano



    We propose a method for realizing effective dynamic motion learning in a flexible-joint robot using motor babbling. Flexible-joint robots have recently attracted attention because of their adaptiveness, safety, and, in particular, dynamic motions. It is difficult to control robots that require dynamic motion. In past studies, attractors and oscillators were designed as motion primitives of an assumed task in advance. However, it is difficult to adapt to unintended environmental changes using such methods. To overcome this problem, we use a recurrent neural network (RNN) that does not require predetermined parameters. In this research, we propose a method for facilitating effective learning. First, a robot learns simple motions via motor babbling, acquiring body dynamics using a recurrent neural network (RNN). Motor babbling is the process of movement that infants use to acquire their own body dynamics during their early days. Next, the robot learns additional motions required for a target task using the acquired body dynamics. For acquiring these body dynamics, the robot uses motor babbling with its redundant flexible joints to learn motion primitives. This redundancy implies that there are numerous possible motion patterns. In comparison to a basic learning task, the motion primitives are simply modified to adjust to the task. Next, we focus on the types of motions used in motor babbling. We classify the motions into two motion types, passive motion and active motion. Passive motion involves inertia without any torque input, whereas active motion involves a torque input. The robot acquires body dynamics from the passive motion and a means of torque generation from the active motion. As a result, we demonstrate the importance of performing prior learning via motor babbling before learning a task. In addition, task learning is made more efficient by dividing the motion into two types of motor babbling patterns.



  • Inducement of Visual Attention Using Augmented Reality for Multi-Display Systems in Advanced Tele-operation

    Junjie Yang, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Ryuya Sato, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano



    Unmanned construction machines are used after disasters. Compared with manned construction, time efficiency is lower because of incomplete visual information, communication delay, and lack of tactile experience. We have developed an autonomous camera control system to supply appropriate visual information. In order to inform operators the potential data in the views, we introduced several augmented reality (AR) elements to induce visual attention to suitable images in a scenario. The purpose of this study is to develop an attention inducement system using AR technique and evaluate it under different conditions. We first improve our autonomous camera control system and then implement several kinds of AR items suitable for each work situation. The experimental results conducted using our virtual reality simulator confirm that AR items can supply a better positional relationship between machine and objects in the environment which makes operator handle the conditions as experienced. The results from eye-tracker data also indicate that AR items can induce visual attention to images suitable for situations.



  • Development of a Backdrivable Magnetorheological Hydraulic Piston for Passive and Active Linear Actuation

    Gonzalo Aguirre Dominguez, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Morgan French, Shigeki Sugano



    A new design of a magnetorheological piston prototype intended for passive or active force control in robotic applications for human robot interaction is introduced. It is based in a novel toroidal array of valves, contained within the piston head, which are used to control the output force of the actuator in order to achieve a high degree of reliability, size efficiency, and safety, by exploiting the material properties of magnetorheological fluids and permalloy metals. This paper describes the main points in the development of the magnetorheological piston prototype, the mathematical modelling of the magnetic circuit, and the results of the experiments conducted using a universal testing machine to evaluate the passive performance of the prototype. Results show the feasibility and performance of the new toroidal magnetic circuit of the magnetorheological hydraulic piston prototype. Improvements in order to be able to test the active performance of the design together with a pump setup are proposed.



  • Development of a Hall-Effect Based Skin Sensor

    Tito Pradhono Tomo, Sophon Somlor, Alexander Schmitz, Shuji Hashimoto, Shigeki Sugano, Lorenzo Jamone

    2015 IEEE SENSORS     1007 - 1010  2015年  [査読有り]


    In this paper we introduce a prototype of a novel hall-effect based skin sensor for robotic applications. It uses a small sized chip that provides 3-axis digital output in a compact package. Our purpose was to evaluate the feasibility of measuring 3-axis force while maintain a soft exterior for safe interactions. Silicone was used to produce the soft skin layer with about 8 mm thickness. An MLX90393 chip was installed at the bottom of layer, with a small magnet approximately 5mm above it to measure 3-axial magnetic field data. To evaluate the sensor's performance, an experiment was conducted by measuring normal and shear force when applying total forces of 0.7-14N in the normal and tangential directions of the sensor. The test revealed that the sensor prototype was able to differentiate the components of the force vector, with limited crosstalk. A calibration was performed to convert the measurements of the magnetic field to force values.

  • An Investigation into the Social Acceptance of Using Contact for Inducing an Obstructing Human

    Moondeep C. Shrestha, Ayano Kobayashi, Tomoya Onishi, Erika Uno, Hayato Yanagawa, Yuta Yokoyama, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Alexander Schmitz, Shigeki Sugano



    In densely populated scenarios with cramped spaces, it is very difficult to achieve safe and efficient navigation without cooperation from humans. One way in which we can seek cooperation from humans is by using contact to influence them to give way. However, such a method may incur certain psychological implications and therefore requires an acceptability check to ensure whether such action is acceptable or not. For this purpose, we investigate the participant subjective response towards robot-initiated touch during the course of navigation. We conducted a 2 (robotic experience vs. none) x 2 (warning vs. none) between-subject experiment with 44 people in which a mobile robotic platform exerted contact on an unaware and obstructing participant to make way towards its goal. Our results show that prior experience with robots produces slightly better response even though the results are not statistically significant. However, a verbal warning prior to contact yielded much more favorable response. In general, the participants did not find contact to be uncomfortable and were not opposed to robot-initiated contact if deemed necessary.



  • Efficient Motor Babbling Using Variance Predictions from a Recurrent Neural Network

    Kuniyuki Takahashi, Kanata Suzuki, Tetsuya Ogata, Hadi Tjandra, Shigeki Sugano

    NEURAL INFORMATION PROCESSING, PT III   9491   26 - 33  2015年  [査読有り]


    We propose an exploratory form of motor babbling that uses variance predictions from a recurrent neural network as a method to acquire the body dynamics of a robot with flexible joints. In conventional research methods, it is difficult to construct real robots because of the large number of motor babbling motions required. In motor babbling, different motions may be easy or difficult to predict. The variance is large in difficult-to-predict motions, whereas the variance is small in easy-to-predict motions. We use a Stochastic Continuous Timescale Recurrent Neural Network to predict the accuracy and variance of motions. Using the proposed method, a robot can explore motions based on variance. To evaluate the proposed method, experiments were conducted in which the robot learns crank turning and door opening/closing tasks after exploring its body dynamics. The results show that the proposed method is capable of efficient motion generation for any given motion tasks.



  • First Results of Tilted Capacitive Sensors to Detect Shear Force

    Sophon Somlor, Alexander Schmitz, Richard Sahala Hartanto, Shigeki Sugano



    This paper proposes a new soft capacitive-type 3-axis force sensor. The prototype version which can detect a multi-axis force vector is embedded inside 7mm-thick silicone skin, and provides digital output via an I2C bus. Tilted capacitive force transducers were used to measure the force vector; the transducers faced different directions to differentiate the tangential forces. Preliminary experiments were performed and the concept of the tilted force transducers has been proven to have the capability of differentiating the force vector acting on the sensor surface. (c) 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B. V.



  • Interpolation Control Posture Design for In-Hand Manipulation

    Keung Or, Mami Tomura, Alexander Schmitz, Satoshi Funabashi, Shigeki Sugano



    Object handling and manipulation are important functions of dexterous anthropomorphic hands. As it is difficult to create a manipulation model analytically for performing complex tasks as humans do, a simple way to accomplish generic in-hand manipulation is desirable for robotic hands, especially for robot hands with few sensors. In this paper, we designed standard grasping postures based on the grasping behavior of humans. Interpolation control is used to control the robot hand. The combination of these postures results in versatile object manipulation. This control strategy is evaluated by testing it with the 16 degrees of freedom Allegro Hand grasping different sizes of spheres.



  • Methods for Improving IMES Transmitters: Transmission Diversity, Variable Beamwidth Antenna, and Leaky Coaxial Cable

    Kenjiro Fujii, Takamasa Kawaguchi, Hisanori Matsumoto, Makoto Tanikawara, Takashi Toyama, Yoshihiro Sakamoto, Wei Wang, Hiroaki Arie, Alexander Schmitz, Shigeki Sugano



    IMES is an indoor messaging and positioning system. In the present work, three methods for improving the IMES transmitter are proposed based on the result of a radio acquisition analysis: transmission diversity, a variable beamwidth antenna, and a leaky coaxial cable (LCX). The transmission diversity method increases the possibility of signal acquisition in areas with weak signal. A small-sized variable beamwidth antenna is developed to mitigate the multipath interference in narrow spaces. A field experiment with a LCX in an actual train setup is conducted to verify the effect of the LCX for the positioning of moving vehicles. The evaluation results of the proposed methods suggest their potential to be applied to practical applications.



  • Estimating a Joint Angle by Means of Muscle Bulge Movement along Longitudinal Direction of the Forearm

    Akira Kato, Yuya Matsumoto, Yo Kobayashi, Shigeki Sugano, Masakatsu G. Fujie



    Bio-signal processing is a major topic in the field of robotics. Especially, prostheses have been studied for a long time to detect amputee's intentions from bio-signals because they do not have their limbs. However, controlling prostheses using bio-signals such as from the brain and surface electromyograms (sEMG), is complex and nonlinear because these signals are noisy and varied. It is not easy to determine the extent of motion such as a joint angle, and previous research used complex models or machine learning based on bio-signals. To estimate a joint angle easily and accurately, we propose a new bio-signal derived from the muscle bulge movements measured on the skin. We hypothesized a simple relationship between the muscle bulge movement longitudinally along a muscle and the corresponding joint angle, because the muscle contraction causes the change in the joint angle. We estimated a wrist joint angle as a function of the muscle bulge movement longitudinally along the extensor carpi radialis longus that is the agonist muscle of wrist extension. From the experimental results, the following three achievements were obtained. First, we extracted a linear relationship from the raw data with a high determination coefficient. Second, we showed that the estimation error using the proposed method was not much different from that of using sEMG in related work. Third, we established that the proposed method could estimate the joint angle robustly for the external loads on a limb.



  • A practical operator support scheme and its application to safety-ensured object break using dual-arm machinery

    Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano

    ADVANCED ROBOTICS   28 ( 23 ) 1599 - 1615  2014年12月  [査読有り]


    A practical operator support system for disaster response work using construction machinery is applied to object-break operations using a dual-arm machine. An object-break operation, which separates an object into two different parts by applying massive pulling force, requires skillful force and trajectory controls. Operators typically have trouble visually perceiving the movement of the manipulator because the target object is strongly restrained. As a result, after the object has been separated into two pieces, the operator may continue performing lever operations because of unavoidable perception reaction time and the manipulator may collide with the surrounding environment. A control input cancellation system based on object-break identification is proposed to reduce the time difference between the object break and operation stoppage. A support system for disaster response situations must be safe and efficient and accommodate operators with various skill levels; thus, common physical phenomena related to the object breakage should be exploited. The system cancels control inputs to stop the movement of the manipulator when an object-break flag is detected, which is defined as a situation where the force applied to each joint of a manipulator decreases rapidly when a lever operation and load on the inside of the grapple are detected. Demolition experiments were conducted using a hydraulic dual-arm system. The results indicate that the displacement of the end-point after the object breaks is greatly decreased and the completion time of the task is reduced as well.



  • A Pragmatic Approach to Modeling Object Grasp Motion Using Operation and Pressure Signals for Demolition Machines

    Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano

    SICE Journal of Control, Measurement, and System Integration (JCMSI)   Vol. 7 ( No. 6 ) 356 - 363  2014年11月  [査読有り]


    In this paper, an object grasp motion, which is a requisite condition to make a demolition machine grasp an object, is pragmatically modeled, considering accurate and robust identification. Grasping an object is a highly difficult task that requires safe and precise operations, particularly in disaster response work. Identifying a grasp or non-grasp state is essential for providing operational support. These types of outdoor machines lack visual and tactile sensors, so pragmatically available lever operation and cylinder pressure sensors are adopted as parameters for modeling. The grasp motion is simply defined by using sequential transitions of the on-off state of the operation signal and cylinder pressure data for the grapple and the manipulator. The results of experiments conducted to transport objects using an instrumented hydraulic arm indicated that the modeled grasp motion model effectively identifies a grasp or non-grasp state with high accuracy, independently of operators and work environments.

    DOI CiNii

  • Time-series primitive static states for detailing work state and flow of human-operated work machine

    Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano

    ADVANCED ROBOTICS   28 ( 20 ) 1357 - 1374  2014年10月  [査読有り]


    This paper proposes a quantification method for a comprehensive work flow in construction work for describing work states in more detail on the basis of analyzing state transitions of primitive static states (PSS), which consist of 16 symbolic work states defined by using on-off state of the lever operations and joint loads for the manipulator and end-effector. On the basis of the state transition rules derived from a transition-condition analysis, practical state transitions (PST), which are common and frequent transitions in arbitrary construction work, are defined. PST can be classified into essential state transition (EST) or nonessential state transitions (NST). EST extracts common phases of work progress and estimates positional relations between a manipulator and an object. NST reveals wasted movements that degrade the efficiency and quality of work. To evaluate comprehensive work flows modeled by combining EST and NST, work-analysis experiments using our instrumented setup were conducted. Results indicate that all the PSS definitely changes on the basis of PST under various work conditions, and work analysis using EST and NST easily reveals work characteristics and untrained tasks related to wasted movements.



  • Motion optimization using state-dispersion-based phase space partitions

    Chyon Hae Kim, Shota Yamazaki, Shigeki Sugano

    MULTIBODY SYSTEM DYNAMICS   32 ( 2 ) 159 - 173  2014年08月  [査読有り]


    This paper addresses a phase space partitioning problem in motion planning systems. A class of kinematic and dynamic motion planning systems, including rapid semioptimal motion-planning (RASMO), uses partitions for phase spaces in cumulative optimization criteria. In these systems, a partition results in a uniquely planned motion with a quality that is determined by a selected optimization criterion. In this paper, state-dispersion-based phase space partitioning (SDPP) that generates adaptive partitions is proposed. These partitions allow the motion planning systems to plan better motions. Uniform partitions and adaptively fixed partitions of SDPP are compared under several conditions using RASMO and a double inverted pendulum model while setting the optimality criterion of RASMO to time. The results reveal that RASMO with SDPP plans smaller time motions than those obtained with RASMO using uniform partitions.



  • A Basic Framework of Virtual Reality Simulator for Advancing Disaster Response Work Using Teleoperated Work Machines

    Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Junjie Yang, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano

    Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics (JRM)   Vol. 26 ( No. 4 ) 486 - 495  2014年08月  [査読有り]



  • Force masking humanoid robot system

    Chyon Hae Kim, Kenta Yonekura, Shigeki Sugano

    Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics   26 ( 2 ) 264  2014年  [査読有り]


    This force masking humanoid robot system had been developed for a psychological experiment that confirms the rhythmic modalities required by humans when they play rope turning with a robot. Although a person feels many types of rhythms in physical rhythmic cooperation with a robot, what rhythms are required for the cooperation had not been investigated yet. This system is an effective tool to investigate the effectiveness of the force rhythm in physical cooperations.



  • Doppler pose estimation using multiple IMES transmitters for indoor localisation

    Y. Sakamoto, T. Ebinuma, K. Fujii, S. Sugano

    Journal of Location Based Services   8 ( 1 ) 36 - 53  2014年  [査読有り]


    We propose a Doppler pose estimation method for an indoor messaging system (IMES) ('pose' refers to both position and orientation). With this method, both the position and orientation of a receiver are estimated simultaneously by using Doppler shifts produced by moving a receiver antenna with two or more IMES transmitters. The proposed method is evaluated through the identical experiments conducted in two different locations. In these experiments, the position and orientation of the receiver is estimated using two transmitters, and the achievable accuracy is evaluated by changing the separation distance between the transmitter antennas. The experimental results demonstrate that a positioning accuracy higher than a few decimetres and orientation estimation accuracy of higher than a few degrees are achievable when the measurement condition is relatively good (i.e. when the proper separation distance is set between two transmitter antennas and cycle slips do not occur). We also conducted an analysis for the convergence of initial values (which are used for the iterative position and orientation calculation in the nonlinear least-squares method). The results show that the initial values basically converge to appropriate position and orientation values as long as an inverse matrix in the position and orientation estimation process can be calculated. Moreover, we analysed the effect of the number of transmitters on position and orientation estimation precision. The results show that, as the number of transmitters increases, the precision of the position and orientation estimation also increases, and the precision is particularly high in the area surrounded by the transmitters. © 2014 © 2014 Taylor &amp



  • Rope turning humanoid robot system

    Chyon Hae Kim, Kenta Yonekura, Shigeki Sugano

    Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics   26 ( 1 ) 101 - 102  2014年  [査読有り]


    This paper describes a humanoid robot system that simultaneously controls the three factors, energy transmission, rotational axis and centrifugal force in rope turning tasks. As a result, this system realized both rope turning with one fixed end and with a human rope turner.



  • A plainly designed robot for the experiments regarding the psychological boundaries of robots

    Chyon Hae Kim, Yumiko Yamazaki, Shunsuke Nagahama, Shigeki Sugano

    Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics   26 ( 1 ) 109  2014年  [査読有り]


    We have developed a simply designed robot for the purpose of the psychological research confirming human recognition of the boundaries of robot agents. The physical boundary and the agent's boundary of a robot are considered to have different shapes in human recognition. Results of the experiment indicated that we controlled the agent's boundary successfully.



  • Output Torque Regulation through Series Elastic Actuation with Torsion Spring Hysteresis

    Wei Wang, Shigeki Sugano



    Series elastic actuation (SEA) has been widely used for output force/torque regulation, however, the non-linearity introduced by its torsion spring hysteresis will greatly affect the quality of feedback control. Thus an experimental procedure is conducted for the modeling and identification of spring hysteresis effect, based on which a compensated control scheme is given. Experiment results show that the compensated control can improve the control performance compared with ordinary linear controller.

  • An Autonomous Multi-Camera Control System Using Situation-Based Role Assignment for Tele-Operated Work Machines

    Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Junjie Yang, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano



    A method to autonomously control multiple environmental cameras, which are currently fixed, for providing more adaptive visual information suited to the work situation for advanced unmanned construction is proposed. Situations in which the yaw, pitch, and zoom of cameras should be controlled were analyzed and imaging objects including the machine, manipulator, and end-point and imaging modes including tracking, zoom, posture, and trajectory modes were defined. To control each camera simply and effectively, four practical camera roles combined with the imaging objects and modes were defined as the overview-machine, enlarge-end-point, posture-manipulator, and trajectory-manipulator. A role assignment system was then developed to assign the four camera roles to four out of six cameras suitable for the work situation, e.g., reaching, grasping, transport, and releasing, on the basis of the assignment priority rules, in the real time. Debris removal tasks were performed by using a VR simulator to compare fixed camera, manual control, and autonomous systems. Results showed that the autonomous system was the best of the three at decreasing the number of grasping misses and error contacts and increasing the subjective usability while improving the time efficiency.



  • Tool-body Assimilation Model using a Neuro-dynamical System for Acquiring Representation of Tool Function and Motion

    Kuniyuki Takahshi, Tetsuya Ogata, Hadi Tjandra, Yuki Yamaguchi, Yuki Suga, Shigeki Sugano



    In this paper, we propose a tool-body assimilation model that implements a multiple time-scales recurrent neural network (MTRNN). Our model allows a robot to acquire the representation of a tool function and the required motion without having any prior knowledge of the tool. It is composed of five modules: image feature extraction, body model, tool dynamics feature, tool recognition, and motion recognition. Self-organizing maps (SOM) are used for image feature extraction from raw images. The MTRNN is used for body model learning. Parametric bias (PB) nodes are used to learn tool dynamic features. The PB nodes are attached to the neurons of the MTRNN to modulate the body model. A hierarchical neural network (HNN) is implemented for tool and motion recognition. Experiments were conducted using OpenHRP3, a robotics simulator, with multiple tools. The results show that the tool-body assimilation model is capable of recognizing tools, including those having an unlearned shape, and acquires the required motions accordingly.



  • Analysis of Effective Environmental-Camera Images Using Virtual Environment for Advanced Unmanned Construction

    Junjie Yang, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano



    Unmanned construction machines are used after disasters. Compared with manned construction, time efficiency is lower because of incomplete visual information, communication delay, and lack of tactile experience. Visual information is the most fundamental items for planning and judgment, however, in current vision systems, even the posture and zoom of cameras are not adjusted. To improve operator's visibility, these parameters must be adjusted in accordance with the work situation. The purpose of this study is thus to analyze effective camera images from some comparison experiments, as a fundamental study of advanced visual support. We first developed a virtual reality simulator to enable experimental conditions to be modified easier. To effectively derive required images, experiments with two different camera positions and systems (fixed cameras and manually controllable cameras) were then conducted. The results indicate that enlarged views to show the manipulator is needed in object grasping and tracking images to show the movement direction of the manipulator is needed in largely end-point movement. The result also confirms that the operational accuracy increases and blind spot rate decreases by using the manual system, com-pared with fixed system.



  • Learning and recognition of multiple fluctuating temporal patterns using S-CTRNN

    Shingo Murata, Hiroaki Arie, Tetsuya Ogata, Jun Tani, Shigeki Sugano

    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)   8681   9 - 16  2014年  [査読有り]


    In the present study, we demonstrate the learning and recognition capabilities of our recently proposed recurrent neural network (RNN) model called stochastic continuous-time RNN (S-CTRNN). S-CTRNN can learn to predict not only the mean but also the variance of the next state of the learning targets. The network parameters consisting of weights, biases, and initial states of context neurons are optimized through maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) using the gradient descent method. First, we clarify the essential difference between the learning capabilities of conventional CTRNN and S-CTRNN by analyzing the results of a numerical experiment in which multiple fluctuating temporal patterns were used as training data, where the variance of the Gaussian noise varied among the patterns. Furthermore, we also show that the trained S-CTRNN can recognize given fluctuating patterns by inferring the initial states that can reproduce the patterns through the same MLE scheme as that used for network training. © 2014 Springer International Publishing Switzerland.



  • Learning to generate proactive and reactive behavior using a dynamic neural network model with time-varying variance prediction mechanism

    Shingo Murata, Hiroaki Arie, Tetsuya Ogata, Shigeki Sugano, Jun Tani

    ADVANCED ROBOTICS   28 ( 17 ) 1189 - 1203  2014年  [査読有り]


    This paper discusses a possible neurodynamic mechanism that enables self-organization of two basic behavioral modes, namely a 'proactive mode' and a 'reactive mode,' and of autonomous switching between these modes depending on the situation. In the proactive mode, actions are generated based on an internal prediction, whereas in the reactive mode actions are generated in response to sensory inputs in unpredictable situations. In order to investigate how these two behavioral modes can be self-organized and how autonomous switching between the two modes can be achieved, we conducted neurorobotics experiments by using our recently developed dynamic neural network model that has a capability to learn to predict time-varying variance of the observable variables. In a set of robot experiments under various conditions, the robot was required to imitate other's movements consisting of alternating predictable and unpredictable patterns. The experimental results showed that the robot controlled by the neural network model was able to proactively imitate predictable patterns and reactively follow unpredictable patterns by autonomously switching its behavioral modes. Our analysis revealed that variance prediction mechanism can lead to self-organization of these abilities with sufficient robustness and generalization capabilities.



  • Tool-body assimilation model based on body babbling and a neuro-dynamical system for motion generation

    Kuniyuki Takahashi, Tetsuya Ogata, Hadi Tjandra, Shingo Murata, Hiroaki Arie, Shigeki Sugano

    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)   8681   363 - 370  2014年  [査読有り]


    We propose a model for robots to use tools without predetermined parameters based on a human cognitive model. Almost all existing studies of robot using tool require predetermined motions and tool features, so the motion patterns are limited and the robots cannot use new tools. Other studies use a full search for new tools
    however, this entails an enormous number of calculations. We built a model for tool use based on the phenomenon of tool-body assimilation using the following approach: We used a humanoid robot model to generate random motion, based on human body babbling. These rich motion experiences were then used to train a recurrent neural network for modeling a body image. Tool features were self-organized in the parametric bias modulating the body image according to the used tool. Finally, we designed the neural network for the robot to generate motion only from the target image. © 2014 Springer International Publishing Switzerland.



  • An Adaptive Basic I/O Gain Tuning Method Based on Leveling Control Input Histogram for Human-Machine Systems

    Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano



    A method to tune a basic input/output gain (BIOG) according to usage conditions for human-machine systems is proposed for improving work performance. Adapting a BIOG is effective in terms of improving operability and work efficiency, but frequent changes using a gain scheduling strategy degrade the operability by confusing the machine dynamics. The proposed tuning system adjusts a BIOG at long intervals on the basis of comprehensive features in operator and work content obtained from the histogram of control lever input. The target value is set to the normal distribution, meaning that all ranges of the control lever are evenly used in a spring-type lever, as leveling the histogram independent of an operator and work content provides the consistent operational feeling, which leads to comfortable operability. To ensure practicality and effectiveness, a BIOG curve is set to a polygonal line involving a break point and a saturation point that are tuned by equivalent transform of area differences between the obtained histogram and normal distribution curves. Two types of experimental task were performed using a hydraulic arm system. Results showed that the proposed BIOG tuning system improves time efficiency by reducing the area difference while increasing the subjective usability compared with a conventional fixed BIOG system.



  • Generation of Sensory Reflex Behavior versus Intentional Proactive Behavior in Robot Learning of Cooperative Interactions with Others

    Shingo Murata, Yuichi Yamashita, Hiroaki Arie, Tetsuya Ogata, Jun Tani, Shigeki Sugano



    This paper investigates the essential difference between two types of behavior generation schemes, namely, sensory reflex behavior generation and intentional proactive behavior generation, by proposing a dynamic neural network model referred to as stochastic multiple-timescale recurrent neural network (S-MTRNN). The proposed model was employed in an experiment involving robots learning to cooperate with others under the condition of potential unpredictability of the others' behaviors. The results of the learning experiment showed that sensory reflex behavior was generated by a self-organizing probabilistic prediction mechanism when the initial sensitivity characteristics in the network dynamics were not utilized in the learning process. In contrast, proactive behavior with a deterministic prediction mechanism was developed when the initial sensitivity was utilized. It was further shown that in situations where unexpected behaviors of others were observed, the behavioral context was re-situated by adaptation of the internal neural dynamics by means of simple sensory reflexes in the former case. In the latter case, the behavioral context was re-situated by error regression of the internal neural activity rather than by sensory reflex. The role of the top-down and bottom-up interactions in dealing with unexpected situations is discussed.



  • The Development of Magnetic Powdery Sensor

    Shunsuke Nagahama, Yosuke Kimura, Chyon Hae Kim, Shigeki Sugano

    2014 IEEE SENSORS     783 - 786  2014年  [査読有り]


    In this work, we developed a contact-type displacement sensor called the magnetic powdery sensor (MPS) that consists of magnets and iron powder. The self-repairing functions of the components of robots, such as wires, sensors, and actuators, have an important role in extending the life of robots. To realize the self-repairing functions of such components, we proposed a magnetic powdery wire (MPW) in our earlier research. The success of this study led us to consider other components of robots where the repairing mechanism could to be applied, leading to the development of the MPS. The key features of the MPS are its simple structure and self-repairing capability. The MPS is implemented with two sets of parallel Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) plates with a magnet fixed at the center. The distance between the plates varies between 7 mm and 23 mm, and their magnetic fields are in the same direction. We implemented the MPS by dispersing iron powder between the plates. The resistance decreases as the distance between the plates reduces. Through experimental results, we confirmed that the displacement can be measured by the MPS and that the MPS has self-repairing capability. As the sensor part of the MPS is composed of iron powder, it can be repaired in the same way as the MPW. These results demonstrate that the life of the magnetic powdery displacement sensor can be extended.



  • Tactile Object Recognition using Deep Learning and Dropout

    Alexander Schmitz, Yusuke Bansho, Kuniaki Noda, Hiroyasu Iwata, Tetsuya Ogata, Shigeki Sugano

    2014 14th IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids)     1044 - 1050  2014年  [査読有り]


    Recognizing grasped objects with tactile sensors is beneficial in many situations, as other sensor information like vision is not always reliable. In this paper, we aim for multimodal object recognition by power grasping of objects with an unknown orientation and position relation to the hand. Few robots have the necessary tactile sensors to reliably recognize objects: in this study the multifingered hand of TWENDY-ONE is used, which has distributed skin sensors covering most of the hand, 6 axis F/T sensors in each fingertip, and provides information about the joint angles. Moreover, the hand is compliant. When using tactile sensors, it is not clear what kinds of features are useful for object recognition. Recently, deep learning has shown promising results. Nevertheless, deep learning has rarely been used in robotics and to our best knowledge never for tactile sensing, probably because it is difficult to gather many samples with tactile sensors. Our results show a clear improvement when using a denoising autoencoder with dropout compared to traditional neural networks. Nevertheless, a higher number of layers did not prove to be beneficial.



  • A Prototype Force Sensing Unit for a Capacitive-type Force-Torque Sensor

    S. Somlor, A. Schmitz, R. S. Hartanto, S. Sugano



    Force sensing is a crucial task for robots, especially when the end effectors such as fingers and hands need to interact with an unknown environment, for example in a humanoid robot. In order to sense such forces, a force/torque sensor is an essential component. Many available force/torque sensors are based on strain gauges, but other sensing principles are also possible. In this paper we describe steps towards a capacitive type based sensor. Several MEMS capacitive sensors are described in the literature; however very few larger sensors are available, as capacitive sensors usually have disadvantages such as severe hysteresis and temperature sensitivity. On the other hand, capacitive sensors have the advantage of the availability of small sized chips for sensor readout and digitization. We employ copper beryllium for the transducer, which has been modified from the ones described in the literature to be able to be used in a small sized, robust force/torque sensor. Therefore, as the first step toward the goal of building such a sensor, in this study we have created a prototype sensing unit and have tested its sensitivity. No viscoelastic materials are used for the sensing unit, which usually introduce severe hysteresis in capacitive sensors. We have achieved a high signal-to-noise ratio, high sensitivity and a range of 10 Newton.



  • Robust Object-Mass Measurement Using Condition-Based Less-Error Data Selection for Large-Scale Hydraulic Manipulators

    Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano



    A practical framework for measuring the mass of an object grasped by the end-effector of a large-scale hydraulic manipulator, such as construction manipulators, is proposed. Such a measurement system requires high accuracy and robustness considering the nonlinearity and uncertainty in hydraulic pressure-based force measurement. It is thus difficult to precisely model the system behaviors and completely remove error force components, so our framework adopts a less-error data selection approach to improving the reliability of the measurand. It first detects the on-load state to extract reliable data for mass measurement, including evaluating measurement conditions to omit sensors in indeterminate conditions and redefining three-valued outputs such as on, off, or not determinate, to improve robustness, then extracts data during the object-grasp state identified by the grasp motion model and removes high-frequency component by a simple low-pass filter, to improve accuracy, and finally integrates date from plural sensors using the posture-based priority and averages all selected data, to improve reliability. Evaluation experiments were conducted using an instrumented hydraulic arm. Results indicate that our framework can precisely measures the mass of the grasped object in various detection conditions with less errors.



  • Learning to reproduce fluctuating time series by inferring their time-dependent stochastic properties: Application in Robot learning via tutoring

    Shingo Murata, Jun Namikawa, Hiroaki Arie, Shigeki Sugano, Jun Tani

    IEEE Transactions on Autonomous Mental Development   5 ( 4 ) 298 - 310  2013年12月  [査読有り]


    This study proposes a novel type of dynamic neural network model that can learn to extract stochastic or fluctuating structures hidden in time series data. The network learns to predict not only the mean of the next input state, but also its time-dependent variance. The training method is based on maximum likelihood estimation by using the gradient descent method and the likelihood function is expressed as a function of the estimated variance. Regarding the model evaluation, we present numerical experiments in which training data were generated in different ways utilizing Gaussian noise. Our analysis showed that the network can predict the time-dependent variance and the mean and it can also reproduce the target stochastic sequence data by utilizing the estimated variance. Furthermore, it was shown that a humanoid robot using the proposed network can learn to reproduce latent stochastic structures hidden in fluctuating tutoring trajectories. This learning scheme is essential for the acquisition of sensory-guided skilled behavior. © 2013 IEEE.



  • 人間共存ロボットTWENDY-ONEによるコンプライアントマニピュレーション

    菅野 重樹, 岩田 浩康, 菅岩 泰亮

    日本ロボット学会誌   Vol. 31 ( No. 4 ) 347 - 352  2013年05月  [査読有り]

    DOI CiNii

  • Usability and performance of a wearable tele-echography robot for focused assessment of trauma using sonography

    Keiichiro Ito, Shigeki Sugano, Ryohei Takeuchi, Kyota Nakamura, Hiroyasu Iwata

    MEDICAL ENGINEERING & PHYSICS   35 ( 2 ) 165 - 171  2013年02月


    Focused Assessment with Sonography for Trauma (FAST) is widely used as a first lifesaving step for patients suffering from internal bleeding. Because it may take a long time to transport such patients to a hospital, a wearable and portable tele-echography robot that a paramedic can attach to the patient has been developed. In the current study, experiments were conducted to evaluate the usability and performance of attached FAST.
    The proposed robot must be attached to 4 areas to perform FAST. The time required for attachment and the positions of attachment completed by 9 non-medical staff members, as well as the time it took for the FAST to reach a medical doctor, were measured. The echo images obtained when the patient's body was in motion were evaluated by a medical doctor.
    The robot could be attached to all 4 areas within approximately 5 min, and the maximum gap was 4.8 cm. This indicates that a paramedic who has received training in emergency medical care should be able to attach the robot to a patient quickly and accurately. Additionally, it was confirmed that the robot could be used to complete FAST under a doctor's control within 9 min and that the extracted echo images were suitable for FAST.
    A comparison of the results with current ambulance transportation time confirmed that FAST could be completed approximately 14 min before the patient reached the hospital. The results of the current study indicate that the robot is worth using, is suitable for FAST, and will be effective in emergency medical care. (c) 2012 IPEM. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



  • Foreword

    Shigeki Sugano, Makoto Kaneko

    IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems    2013年  [査読有り]



  • Recognition for psychological boundary of robot

    Chyon Hae Kim, Yumiko Yamazaki, Shunsuke Nagahama, Shigeki Sugano

    ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction     161 - 162  2013年  [査読有り]


    We discuss the recognition of robot's boundaries. Humans think about psychological boundaries of robots in addition to physical ones while interacting with them. We made two hypotheses regarding psychological boundaries. Firstly, these boundaries are affected by the context surrounding the robot. Secondly, these boundaries are controllable. We conducted an experiment with 60 Japanese males and females aged 18-27. Each participant was told a message that 'slide me slightly' from a robot while the participant was interacting with it. We analyzed the participants' actions and questionnaires so as to confirm where of their sight was considered to be 'me'. From this analysis, we confirmed that our hypotheses are both true. © 2013 IEEE.



  • Recognition for Psychological Boundary of Robot

    Chyon Hae Kim, Yumiko Yamazaki, Shunsuke Nagahama, Shigeki Sugano



    We discuss the recognition of robot's boundaries. Humans think about psychological boundaries of robots in addition to physical ones while interacting with them. We made two hypotheses regarding psychological boundaries. Firstly, these boundaries are affected by the context surrounding the robot. Secondly, these boundaries are controllable. We conducted an experiment with 60 Japanese males and females aged 18-27. Each participant was told a message that "slide me slightly" from a robot while the participant was interacting with it. We analyzed the participants' actions and questionnaires so as to confirm where of their sight was considered to be "me". From this analysis, we confirmed that our hypotheses are both true.

  • A GPU parallel computing method for LPUSS

    Chyon Hae Kim, Shigeki Sugano

    ADVANCED ROBOTICS   27 ( 15 ) 1199 - 1207  2013年  [査読有り]


    We discuss the effective implementation of parallel processing for linear prediction-based uniform state sampling (LPUSS). In previous work, we proposed LPUSS as an optimization algorithm for mechanical motions that assures high optimality of the solutions and computational efficiency. In parallel computation, LPUSS requires balanced memory allocation and managed processing timing. In this paper, we propose an effective parallel computing method that assures high optimality and calculation efficiency in parallel processing using GPU processor. We conducted two experiments to validate the proposed method. In the first experiment, we compared single-thread processing for LPUSS and the proposed parallel processing. As a result of this experiment, calculation speed of LPUSS was about 4-20 times faster than that with single-thread CPU. In the second experiment, we applied the proposed method to the optimization of sixtuple inverted pendulum. As a result, the proposed method optimized the motion within 40 minutes. According to our survey, there is no other optimization method that is applicable to higher than quadruple inverted pendulum models with standard constraints.



  • A Finger Exoskeleton for Rehabilitation and Brain Image Study

    Zhenjin Tang, Shigeki Sugano, Hiroyasu Iwata



    This paper introduces the design, fabrication and evaluation of the second generation prototype of a magnetic resonance compatible finger rehabilitation robot. It can not only be used as a finger rehabilitation training tool after a stroke, but also to study the brain's recovery process during the rehabilitation therapy (ReT). The mechanical design of the current generation has overcome the disadvantage in the previous version[13], which can't provide precise finger trajectories during flexion and extension motion varying with different finger joints torques. In addition, in order to study the brain activation under different training strategies, three control modes have been developed, compared to only one control mode in the last prototype. The current prototype, like the last version, uses an ultrasonic motor as its actuator to enable the patient to do extension and flexion rehabilitation exercises in two degrees of freedom (DOF) for each finger. Finally, experiments have been carried out to evaluate the performances of this device.

  • Design and Evaluation of An One DOF Finger Rehabilitation Device

    Zhenjin Tang, Shigeki Sugano, Hiroyasu Iwata



    This paper presents our second generation prototype of a magnetic resonance compatible finger rehabilitation robot. It can not only be used as a finger rehabilitation training tool after a stroke, but also to study the brain's recovery process during the rehabilitation therapy (ReT). The finger driving mechanism in current generation is an one degrees of freedom (DOF) driving mechanism, which could overcome the disadvantage that can't provide precise finger trajectories during flexion and extension motion existing in previous version [11]. In addition, this design can also be adjustable to different persons' finger phalanges, as well as the gap between one finger to another can be easily changed. Furthermore, the kinematic analysis of the finger driving mechanism is detailed in this paper; Following, the describes of the control system and a self-motion control mode are presented. Finally, experiments have been carried out to evaluate the performances of this device.

  • Visualization of comprehensive work tendency using end-point frequency map for human-operated work machines

    Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano

    Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation     760 - 765  2013年  [査読有り]


    This paper proposes a framework for visualizing comprehensive work tendency using a frequency plot map of the end-point of a manipulator as a fundamental study of work analysis using long-term data for human-operated work machines. A visualization system requires high generality and commonality to enable to extract various characteristics to be extracted on an arbitrary time scale independently of the work machine specifications, work contents and environment, and machine operator. The proposed framework meets this requirement by first creating a two-dimensional end-point plot map with its origin fixed at the yaw joint of the manipulator to deal with arbitrary usage conditions. It then extracts arbitrary characteristics by using hierarchical feature extraction filters, including binary, quantity, and advanced filters, defined by three kinds of essential data: operation, movement, and load. Finally, it quantifies the filtered map by gridding and normalization to visually grasp its frequency distribution. Two experiments in which the work environments and completion time differed were conducted using an instrumented hydraulic arm. Results indicated that the comprehensive work tendency revealed by using the proposed framework corresponds to the actual work results independently of the various conditions. © 2013 IEEE.



  • Real-time Kinematic Doppler Pose Estimation for IMES

    Yoshihiro Sakamoto, Takuji Ebinuma, Kenjiro Fujii, Shigeki Sugano



    In order to achieve the indoor localization with centimeter- to decimeter-level positioning accuracy under the use of the transmitters of "indoor messaging system" (IMES), a method called "real-time kinematic (RTK) Doppler pose estimation" is proposed. In this method, Doppler shifts are produced in the carrier waves transmitted from the IMES transmitters by moving the receiver antennas. The pose (position and orientation) of the receiver is then determined in real-time by using the Doppler shifts, inclination of the receiver, and geometric relation between the receiver antennas and transmitters. To evaluate the proposed method, an experiment with a mobile robot is conducted. The results of the experiment show that the proposed method can achieve a positioning accuracy of about 10 cm.



  • Footstep detection and classification using distributed microphones

    Kazuhiro Nakadai, Yuta Fujii, Shigeki Sugano

    International Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services     1 - 5  2013年  [査読有り]


    This paper addresses footstep detection and classification with multiple microphones distributed on the floor. We propose to introduce geometrical features such as position and velocity of a sound source for classification which is estimated by amplitude-based localization. It does not require precise inter-microphone time synchronization unlike a conventional microphone array technique. To classify various types of sound events, we introduce four types of features, i.e., time-domain, spectral and Cepstral features in addition to the geometrical features. We constructed a prototype system for footstep detection and classification based on the proposed ideas with eight microphones aligned in a 2-by-4 grid manner. Preliminary classification experiments showed that classification accuracy for four types of sound sources such as a walking footstep, running footstep, handclap, and utterance maintains over 70% even when the signal-to-noise ratio is low, like 0 dB. We also confirmed two advantages with the proposed footstep detection and classification. One is that the proposed features can be applied to classification of other sound sources besides footsteps. The other is that the use of a multichannel approach further improves noise-robustness by selecting the best microphone among the microphones, and providing geometrical information on a sound source. © 2013 IEEE.



  • Learning to Reproduce Fluctuating Behavioral Sequences Using a Dynamic Neural Network Model with Time-Varying Variance Estimation Mechanism

    Shingo Murata, Jun Namikawa, Hiroaki Arie, Jun Tani, Shigeki Sugano



    This study shows that a novel type of recurrent neural network model can learn to reproduce fluctuating training sequences by inferring their stochastic structures. The network learns to predict not only the mean of the next input state, but also its time-varying variance. The network is trained through maximum likelihood estimation by utilizing the gradient descent method, and the likelihood function is expressed as a function of both the predicted mean and variance. In a numerical experiment, in order to evaluate the performance of the model, we first tested its ability to reproduce fluctuating training sequences generated by a known dynamical system that were perturbed by Gaussian noise with state-dependent variance. Our analysis showed that the network can reproduce the sequences by predicting the variance correctly. Furthermore, the other experiment showed that a humanoid robot equipped with the network can learn to reproduce fluctuating tutoring sequences by inferring latent stochastic structures hidden in the sequences.



  • An Object Grasp Motion Model using Control Signal and Cylinder Pressure in Demolition Machines for Disaster Response Work

    Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano

    2013 PROCEEDINGS OF SICE ANNUAL CONFERENCE (SICE)     307 - 312  2013年  [査読有り]


    The purpose of this paper is to model and identify an object grasp motion, which is a requisite condition to make a demolition machine grasp an object. Grasping an object is a highly difficult task that requires safe and precise operations, so identifying a grasp or non-grasp is necessary for providing operational support, particularly in disaster response work. These types of outdoor machines lack visual and tactile sensors, so practically available lever operation and cylinder pressure sensors are adopted. The grasp motion is modeled by using sequential transitions of the on-off state of the control signal and cylinder pressure data for the grapple and the manipulator. The results of experiments conducted to transport objects using an instrumented hydraulic arm indicated that the modeled grasp motion effectively identifies a grasp or non-grasp with high accuracy, independently of operators and environments.

  • Sensor Prediction and Grasp Stability Evaluation for In-Hand Manipulation

    Kohei Kojima, Takashi Sato, Alexander Schmitz, Hiroaki Arie, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano



    Handling objects with a single hand without dropping the object is challenging for a robot. A possible way to aid the motion planning is the prediction of the sensory results of different motions. Sequences of different movements can be performed as an offline simulation, and using the predicted sensory results, it can be evaluated whether the desired goal is achieved. In particular, the task in this paper is to roll a sphere between the fingertips of the dexterous hand of the humanoid robot TWENDY-ONE. First, a forward model for the prediction of the touch state resulting from the in-hand manipulation is developed. As it is difficult to create such a model analytically, the model is obtained through machine learning. To get real world training data, a dataglove is used to control the robot in a master-slave way. The learned model was able to accurately predict the course of the touch state while performing successful and unsuccessful in-hand manipulations. In a second step, it is shown that this simulated sequence of sensor states can be used as input for a stability assessment model. This model can accurately predict whether a grasp is stable or whether it results in dropping the object. In a final step, a more powerful grasp stability evaluator is introduced, which works for our task regardless of the sphere diameter.



  • Development of proactive and reactive behavior via meta-learning of prediction error variance

    Shingo Murata, Jun Namikawa, Hiroaki Arie, Jun Tani, Shigeki Sugano

    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)   8226 ( 1 ) 537 - 544  2013年  [査読有り]


    This paper investigates a possible neurodynamic mechanism that enables autonomous switching between two basic behavioral modes, namely a "proactive mode" and a "reactive mode." In the proactive mode, actions are generated as intended, whereas in the reactive mode actions are generated in response to the sensory state.We conducted neurorobotics experiments to investigate how these two modes can develop and how a robot can learn to switch autonomously between the two modes as necessary by utilizing our recently developed dynamic neural network model. Tasks designed for the robot included switching between proactive imitation of other's predictable movements using acquired memories and reactive following of other's unpredictable movements through iterative learning of alternating predictable and unpredictable movement patterns. The experimental results revealed that this "meta-learning" capability can lead to self-organization of adequate contextual dynamical structures that can perform autonomous switching between the different behavioral modes. © Springer-Verlag 2013.



  • Practical Object-Grasp Estimation without Visual or Tactile Information for Heavy-Duty Work Machines

    Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano



    This paper proposes a practical framework to estimate whether or not a grapple installed in demolition machines is in a grasp state. Object grasp is a highly difficult task that requires safe and precise operations, so identifying a grasp or non-grasp state is important for assisting an operator. These types of outdoor machines lack visual and tactile sensors, so the proposed framework adopts practically available lever operation and cylinder pressure sensors. The grasp is formed by a grasp motion, which is operations to make the grapple pinch an object, and the grasp state, where the grapple holds the object in any manipulator movements. Thus, the framework determinately confirms the grasp motion through the requisite conditions defined by using sequential changes of binarized operation and pressure data for the grapple and the manipulator, and stochastically confirms the grasp state through the enhancement conditions defined by using force and movement vectors including vertical downward force, movement in the longer direction, and horizontal reciprocating movement. The results of experiments conducted to transport objects using an instrumented hydraulic arm indicated that the proposed framework is effective for identifying grasp/non-grasp with high accuracy, independently of various operators and environments.



  • Signal transmission with magnetic powdery wire in a pipeline

    Shunsuke Nagahama, Shotaro Iida, Chyon Hae Kim, Shigeki Sugano



    In this paper, we discuss a signal transmission function of an artificial circulatory system. We proposed a biomimetic circulatory system so as to imitate the homeostatic function of the human circulation system [1]. The following blood functions were imitated in the system: (1) clotting, (2) energy supply, and (3) motor cooling. However, the circulatory system has other functions, for example, signal transduction by hormones. Thus, we propose adding a signal transmission function to our artificial circulatory system. The proposed function was realized with iron powder and a magnetic field. Particles of iron powder aligned along the direction of the magnetic field lines and formed as a wire. We defined this as a magnetic powdery wire (MPW). The MPW has a self-repairing function. When the wire collapsed, iron powder was transferred to the MPW, and it was repaired. As a result of a signal transmission experiment, we confirmed that the pulse signals were transmitted properly. In the experiment, we observed a time lag in the rise time and fall time on the pulse waveforms. We hypothesized that this was because the wire consisted of iron powder, and the magnetic field became similar to that of a coil. As a result of the self-repairing experiment, we confirmed that the wire repaired itself after being broken and transmitted pulse signals properly. These results demonstrate that our system is able to transmit information and self-repair with iron powders and a magnetic field. Additionally, the observed phenomenon will be the basis for a new device.



  • Development of a Tele-Operation Simulator Based on Virtual Reality Environment for Advanced Unmanned Construction

    Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Gonzalo Aguirre Dominguez, Junjie Yang, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano



    This paper describes a tele-operation simulator using a virtual reality (VR) environment for advanced unmanned construction. VR simulators, which can measure arbitrary data, reproduce the same situations, and change the machine and environmental configurations more easily, compared with actual environments, are effective to create tele-operation technologies and quantitatively evaluate them as well as to improve operational skills in complex disaster response works. In this basic study, a VR simulator including a VR environment, operation-input, and video-output components was developed. (i) The VR environment is built using a basic graphic library and dynamics engine. (ii) The operation-input component consists of control levers for a demolition machine with a grapple and environmental cameras with yaw, pitch, and zoom functions. (iii) The video-output component consists of a two-dimensional monitor for displaying an in-vehicle camera view, environmental camera views, and machine status. The results of experiments conducted to transport debris using the VR simulator indicated that the operators adequately completed the debris transport in the VR environment while watching the monitor views from the in-vehicle and environmental cameras.

  • 欧文誌 (Advanced Robotics) 発行の歴史

    菅野 重樹

    日本ロボット学会誌   30 ( 10 ) 959 - 961  2012年12月

    DOI CiNii

  • A Pragmatic Load Detecting System Based on Uncertainty Evaluation for Construction Manipulator

    Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano

    SICE Journal of Control, Measurement, and System Integration (JCMSI)   5 ( 6 ) 366 - 373  2012年11月  [査読有り]


    A pragmatic framework for detecting (identifying the on-off state of) the external force applied to a construction manipulator (front load) by using a hydraulic sensor is proposed. Such a load detecting system requires high accuracy and robustness considering the uncertainty in pressure-based force measurement. The proposed framework first identifies the dominant error force component, including self-weight and driving force, using theoretical and experimental estimation and binarizes the analog cylinder external force. It then evaluates detection conditions to address indeterminate conditions such as stroke-end, singular posture, and impulsive or oscillatory force and redefines three-valued outputs such as on, off, or not determinate (ND). It finally outputs the front load decision by combining all the cylinder decisions to improve robustness through priority analysis. Experiments were conducted using an instrumented hydraulic arm. Results indicate that the proposed framework detects on, off, and ND outputs of the front load more accurately, robustly, and stably in various detection conditions.

    DOI CiNii

  • Development of a portable and MRI Compatible Hand Exoskeleton for Finger Rehabilitation

    ZhenJin Tang, Shigeki Sugano, Hiroyasu Iwata

    The 30th annual conference of the robotics society of Japan.    2012年09月

  • Doppler Positioning with a Movable Receiver Antenna for High-Accuracy IMES Localization

    Yoshihiro Sakamoto, Takuji Ebinuma, Kenjirou Fujii, Shigeki Sugano

    the SICE Journal of Control,Measurement, and System Integration (SICE JCMSI)   Vol.5 ( No.5 ) 259 - 267  2012年09月

    DOI CiNii

  • プロアクティブ・リアクティブな行為とその自律的な切り替えの学習

    村田真悟, 並川淳, 有江浩明, 谷淳, 菅野重樹

    日本ロボット学会 第30回記念学術講演会   4N3-5  2012年09月

  • 腹部血管変位下における非侵襲的血流量計測手法に関する研究

    伊藤慶一郎, 鶴田功一, 朝山智史, 菅野重樹, 中村京太, 岩田浩康

    日本機械学会ロボティクスメカトロニクス講演会’12   1P1-O05  2012年05月

  • IMESを用いた移動ロボットのためのリアルタイム・キネマティック・ドップラー測位

    坂本義弘, 海老沼拓史, 藤井健二郎, 菅野重樹

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2012(ROBOMECH2012)   CD-Proc  2012年05月

  • Imitating others by composition of primitive actions: A neuro-dynamic model

    Hiroaki Arie, Takafumi Arakaki, Shigeki Sugano, Jun Tani

    ROBOTICS AND AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS   60 ( 5 ) 729 - 741  2012年05月


    This paper introduces a novel neuro-dynamical model that accounts for possible mechanisms of action imitation and learning. It is considered that imitation learning requires at least two classes of generalization. One is generalization over sensory-motor trajectory variances, and the other class is on cognitive level which concerns on more qualitative understanding of compositional actions by own and others which do not necessarily depend on exact trajectories. This paper describes a possible model dealing with these classes of generalization by focusing on the problem of action compositionality. The model was evaluated in the experiments using a small humanoid robot. The robot was trained with a set of different actions concerning object manipulations which can be decomposed into sequences of action primitives. Then the robot was asked to imitate a novel compositional action demonstrated by a human subject which are composed from prior-learned action primitives. The results showed that the novel action can be successfully imitated by decomposing and composing it with the primitives by means of organizing unified intentional representation hosted by mirror neurons even though the trajectory-level appearance is different between the ones of observed and those of self-generated. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.



  • 操作型作業機械の知能化に関する研究〜第7報:時系列遷移情報の利用による基底作業状態の識別性能向上〜

    亀崎允啓, 岩田浩康, 菅野重樹

      1A2 ( F02 )  2012年05月

  • Identification of Dominant Error Force Component in Hydraulic Pressure Reading for External Force Detection in Construction Manipulator

    Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Yosuke Shimada, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano

    Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics   24 ( 6 ) 95 - 104  2012年02月  [査読有り]



  • Blood flow measurement system using ultrasound Doppler under non-periodic displacement of an artery

    Keiichiro Ito, Tomofumi Asayama, Shigeki Sugano, Hiroyasu Iwata

    Proceedings of the IEEE RAS and EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics     781 - 786  2012年  [査読有り]


    The purpose of this paper is to propose blood flow measurement algorithms under non-periodic displacement of an artery by controlling an ultrasound (US) probe. Detecting the position and velocity of a bleeding source is required as the first step in treating internal bleeding in emergency medicine. However, the current methods for detecting a bleeding source involve an invasive approach and cannot quantitatively estimate the velocity of bleeding. Therefore, current emergency medical care requires an alternative system to address these problems. In this study, we aim to develop a blood flow measurement system for detecting a bleeding source by using a non-invasive modality, such as a US imaging device. Some problems related to the measurement error still need to be addressed before we can create this system. In particular, the blood flow measurement error in the abdominal area is typically large because the displacement of the artery is too large and non-periodic to adequately control the probe. As the first step in solving these problems, we focused on the displacement of the artery towards the out-of-plane state of a US image and developed measurement algorithms to control the probe under the displacement based on respiratory information. We conducted cross-sectional area and flow rate measurement experiments using an ultrasound phantom containing an artery model and a manipulator equipped with a US probe (BASIS-1). The results represent the first experimental validation of the proposed algorithms. © 2012 IEEE.



  • Linear Prediction Based Uniform State Sampling for Sampling Based Motion Planning Systems

    Chyon Hae Kim, Shimon Sugawara, Shigeki Sugano

    2012 12th IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids)     747 - 754  2012年  [査読有り]


    We discuss the optimality and computational efficiency of sampling based motion planning (SBMP), which calculates dynamically precise and approximately optimal state transitions using arbitrarily selected nonlinear control system models. To ensure high optimality and computational efficiency, SBMP requires an approximately uniform state sampling function, though the non-linearity of the system models does not allow a perfect function. We propose linear prediction-based uniform state sampling (LPUSS) that samples approximately uniform state points while ensuring a dynamically correct state transition profile with a small calculation cost. LPUSS samples a state by using the given non-linear control system model after determining the input values by using a local linear transition model. We developed a mechanical motion planning system using LPUSS, articulated body algorithm, and parallel computing techniques. To validate LPUSS, we conducted experiments on double, triple, and sixtuple inverted pendulum models. LPUSS showed better optimality and computational efficiency with the double and triple inverted pendulum models, compared with randomized kinodynamic planning (RKP), which is based on rapid random tree (RRT), and our previously proposed rapid semi-optimal motion-planning method in which state sampling is based on uniform inputs. In particular, compared with our previous method, LPUSS was respectively 130 times and 3,000 times faster on double and triple inverted pendulum models under the condition of the same optimality. LPUSS found an approximately optimal swing up motion for the sixtuple inverted pendulum model within 40 minutes. According to our survey, there is no other optimization method that is applicable to higher than quadruple inverted pendulum models with standard constraints.

  • Rhythm-based Adaptive Localization in Incomplete RFID Landmark Environments

    Kenri Kodaka, Tetsuya Ogata, Shigeki Sugano



    This paper proposes a novel hybrid-structured model for the adaptive localization of robots combining a stochastic localization model and a rhythmic action model, for avoiding vacant spaces of landmarks efficiently. In regularly arranged landmark environments, robots may not be able to detect any landmarks for a long time during a straight-like movement. Consequently, locally diverse and smooth movement patterns need to be generated to keep the position estimation stable. Conventional approaches aiming at the probabilistic optimization cannot rapidly generate the detailed movement pattern due to a huge computational cost; therefore a simple but diverse movement structure needs to be introduced as an alternative option. We solve this problem by combining a particle filter as the stochastic localization module and the dynamical action model generating a zig-zagging motion. The validation experiments, where virtual-line-tracing tasks are exhibited on a floor-installed RFID environment, show that introducing the proposed rhythm pattern can improve a minimum error boundary and a velocity performance for arbitrary tolerance errors can be improved by the rhythm amplitude adaptation fed back by the localization deviation.

  • Finding and Utilizing Self-preserving Functions in Blood Pulsation -Development for Ethanol Based Artificial Circulation System-

    Chyon Hae Kim, Yuki Nishi, Syunsuke Nagahama, Shigeki Sugano



    In this paper, we discuss the self-preserving function in the pulsation of circulation systems. Humans and many animals have circulation systems, which send blood with pulsation. However, how the pulsation is supporting the survival capability of them is not studied sufficiently. We propose an artificial circulation system that imitates homeostatic functions of natural blood circulation systems. The proposed system uses mixed fuel solution instead of blood, which is able to exclude the affection of the clotting function of blood platelet. Thus, the proposed system provides easy discussion for the affection of blood pulsation for clotting. As a result of a clotting experiment, we found the phenomena that pulsation helps clotting capability. As a result of energy supply experiment, pulsation helped smooth filtering for pure solution. These results show the importance of pulsation in artificial hearts. Also, the results are applicable to fuel supply systems so as to increase their safety.

  • Mechanical Design of a Magnetic Resonance Compatible Device Used for Finger Rehabilitation and Brain Imagine Studying

    ZhenJin Tang, Shigeki Sugano, Hiroyasu Iwata



    This paper presents the design, fabricate and evaluation of a Magnetic Resonance compatible finger rehabilitation device, which could not only be used as a finger rehabilitation training tool after stroke, but also to study the brain's recovery process during the rehabilitation therapy (ReT).
    The mechanics of this device are designed to be adjustable to different persons' finger phalanges, and also the gap between one finger to another can be easily changed. By using an ultrasonic motor as its actuator, the device has been designed to be portable, with a high torque output. In addition, the mechanical has been developed into two working models (passive and active) in order to overcome the intrinsic shortage of non-back drivability in ultrasonic motor. The result system enables the client to do extension and flexion rehabilitation exercises in two degrees of freedom (DOF) for each finger as well as one DOF motion on the thumb. Finally, experiment has been carried out to evaluate the performance of the device.

  • Doppler Positioning with Orientation Estimation by Using Multiple Transmitters for High-accuracy IMES Localization

    Yoshihiro Sakamoto, Takuji Ebinuma, Kenjiro Fujii, Shigeki Sugano



    A Doppler positioning method with orientation estimation for an indoor messaging system (IMES) is proposed. With this method, both position and orientation of a receiver are estimated simultaneously by using Doppler shifts produced by moving a receiver antenna under the use of two or more IMES transmitters. The proposed method is evaluated through an experiment in which the interval of two transmitters is varied. The results of the experiment demonstrate that centimeter- to decimeter-level positioning accuracy and orientation-estimation accuracy of +/- 3 degrees are achieved; these results were largely consistent with the theoretical values calculated from dilution of precision. In addition, magnetic-compass error indoors was experimentally investigated; the results show that a magnetic-compass is a large error source if it is used indoors. Lastly, which initial values of a nonlinear least-square used for the proposed method converge to appropriate position and orientation solutions is analyzed; the results of the analysis suggest that if an initial position is set to the midmost of two transmitters, a proper solution is obtained except in the case that initial orientation is 180 degrees opposite from the correct orientation.

  • Solve Inverse Kinematics Through A New Quadratic Minimization Technique

    Wei Wang, Yuki Suga, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano



    A new technique was developed to solve inverse kinematics based on quadratic minimization. Firstly the inverse kinematic problem was formulated as a quadratic minimization problem through the constitution of a quadratic objective function derived from quaternion based kinematic description, then a new technique is developed to solve the quadratic minimization problem. The iteration procedures of the new technique are organized in two main phases: compute the search direction based on dynamic system synthesis; seek for acceptable step along the search direction. Numerical examples showed that inverse kinematic solutions can be delivered in a robust and time-efficient way, to meet the requirements coming across in the application field of every daily living support.

  • Improvement for Action Strategy Learning in Classification Task using Classification Probalilities

    Chyon Hae Kim, Shota Yamazaki, Hiroshi Tsujino, Shigeki Sugano



    In this paper, we address the autonomous evidence accumulation when a system classifies an object into one of predetermined categories. We propose a reinforcement learning system that effectively selects actions to speed up the classification process. The proposed system accelerates its learning using classification probabilities calculated by a classification system. We conducted three binary classification experiments to evaluate the learning speed and correctness of the proposed system. In the first experiment, we examined a random action selection strategy that does not learn its selection parameters while accumulating evidence. In the second experiment, we examined Paletta's reinforcement learning system that observes the state of the object and learns action selection strategy. In the third experiment, we examined the proposed system that observes both the object state and the classification probability. The proposed system showed the fastest learning.

  • Indoor Positioning based on Difference between Carrier-phases Transmitted from Proximately-located Antennas of a Multi-channel Pseudolite

    Yoshihiro Sakamoto, Yui Totoki, Takuji Ebinuma, Kenjiro Fujii, Shigeki Sugano



    A novel positioning method based on the difference between phases of carrier waves transmitted from closely located pseudolite antennas is proposed. This method can avoid the major problems with the conventional positioning method using pseudolites. A three-channel pseudolite applying the proposed method was developed, and its positioning performance was experimentally evaluated. In the experiment, carrier-phase differences were measured at thirty-three points in a field of 4 x 4 m; their two-dimensional positions were estimated. The experimental measurements show that the method can achieve decimeter- to meter-level positioning accuracy. They also show that many factors, such as dilution of precision, carrier-to-noise density ratio, multipath propagation, and phase-center variation of antennas, affect the positioning performance.

  • Intuitive Operation of A Wheelchair Mounted Robotic Arm for The Upper Limb Disabled: The Mouth-only Approach

    Wei Wang, Zeming Zhang, Yuki Suga, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano



    A new interfacing device that enables intuitive operation of a wheelchair mounted robotic arm is proposed. Three kinds of physical signals: jaw movement, breathing strength and head movement are captured using this device, and then be used to drive motion primitives of robotic arm in an intuitive way. This device is designed to operate in a mouth-only manner, thus enables usage for the upper limb disabled. Experiments are also conducted making use of this device and wheelchair mounted robotic arm to complete tasks in activities of daily living.

  • Operational Support for Ensuring Safety Object-Removal Using Dual-Arm Construction Machinery

    Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Yosuke Shimada, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano



    This paper describes an operational support system to simplify removing objects from a building structure in demolition work using dual-arm construction machinery. An operator cannot recognize the manipulator movement visually when a target object is strongly restrained in an unmovable environment, so the operator continues large lever-operations for a while after the object has been removed. This could lead to a collision against the surrounding environment. An operational support in construction machinery filed requires the compatibility among efficiency, quality, and safety and the commonality among various operator skill levels. The proposed support system thus identifies the moment when an object has been removed and cancels any operational inputs to ensure safety work when generating intensive force applied to a manipulator, focusing only on the common physical phenomena. An object-removal flag is defined as a situation where force applied to the end-point of a manipulator decrease rapidly in which lever operation and hand load are detected. Demolition experiments are conducted using a hydraulic dual arm system. Result indicates that the displacement of end-effector after removal and the number of error contacts are decreased while decreasing time consumption.

  • A symbolic constructionwork flow based on state transition analysis using simplified primitive static states

    Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano

    Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics   24 ( 6 ) 939 - 948  2012年  [査読有り]


    In this paper, a quantitative analysis method for a comprehensive work flow in construction work for identifying work states in more detail is proposed. The proposed method is based on analyzing state transitions of simplified primitive static states (s-PSS), which consist of four symbolic work states defined by using the on-off state of lever operations and manipulator loads. First, practical state transitions (PST), which are common and frequent transitions in arbitrary construction work, are defined on the basis of the transition rules, according to which an operation flag changes arbitrarily and a load flag changes only during a lever operation. Second, PST is notionally classified into essential (EST) and nonessential (NST) state transitions whose definitions change depending on the task phase, including reaching, contacting, loadworking, and releasing. Third, closed loops formed by EST represent work content and those formed by NST represent wasted movements. In work-analysis experiments using our instrumented setup, results indicated that all s-PSS definitely changes on the basis of PST under various experimental conditions and that work analysis using EST and NST easily reveals untrained tasks related to wasted movements.



  • 内側収穫ロボットを用いたイチゴ果実への接近収穫方法の検討

    林茂彦, 山本聡史, 齋藤貞文, 山下智輝, 田中基雅, 坂本直樹, 柏原直哉, 菅野重樹

    農業機械学会誌   74 ( 4 ) 325 - 333  2012年



    DOI CiNii

  • Magnetic Resonance Compatible Hand Rehabilitation Robot

    ZhenJin Tang, Shigeki Sugano, Hiroyasu Iwata

    International Journal of Mechatronics and Automation    2012年

  • Design of an MRI compatible robot for finger rehabilitation

    ZhenJin Tang, Shigeki Sugano, Hiroyasu Iwata

    2012 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation, ICMA 2012     611 - 616  2012年


    Studying the brain's recovery process after a stroke during the rehabilitation therapy (ReT) can help to provide important information leading to new rehabilitation treatment and also may help physiotherapists to tailor an optimized training plan for each patient. However, there are few devices that could be used as daily training rehabilitation tool and also can be used for studying the brain activity during ReT. Therefore, in our research, we developed an MRI compatible robot for finger rehabilitation, which possesses the required functions both. The mechanics of this robot were designed to be adjustable to different persons' finger phalanges, and also the gap between one finger to another can be easily changed. By using an ultrasonic motor as its actuator, the device has been designed to be portable, with a high torque output. It enables the client to do extension and flexion rehabilitation exercises in two degrees of freedom (DOF) for each finger. Finally, experiments have been carried out to evaluate the performance of the device. © 2012 IEEE.



  • 生体の働きを模擬した多機能一体型循環器系システムの開発

    長濱俊介, 西佑起, 金天海, 菅野重樹

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会    2012年

  • 移動ロボットによる物体識別のための探索行動の自律的獲得

    郷湖学, 小林祐一, 金天海

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会    2012年

  • 移動ロボットを用いた物体識別のための探索行動の学習

    郷湖学, 小林祐一, 金天海

    人工知能学会全国大会    2012年

  • 身体イメージ転移に対する視触覚刺激の時間的同期性の影響

    石井 孝洋, 金 天海, 仁科 繁明, 菅野 重樹

    人工知能学会全国大会論文集   2012 ( 0 ) 3N1OS217 - 3N1OS217  2012年



    DOI CiNii

  • 物-ロボット間の心の乗り移りに対する認知の評価

    長濱峻介, 山崎由美子, 菅野 重樹, 金天海

    ヒューマンインタフェースシンポジウム    2012年

  • 循環器系システムにおける拍動による自己修復促進とフィルタの目詰まり抑制

    長濱峻介, 西佑起, 金天海, 菅野重樹

    ロボット学会学術講演会    2012年

  • 局所線形性を利用した非線形動作最適化手法

    金天海, 菅原志門, 菅野重樹

    ロボット学会学術講演会    2012年

  • ウェアラブル人工可動耳介

    金天海, 中臺一博, 辻野広司

    ロボット学会学術講演会    2012年

  • 強化学習を用いた物体識別行動の獲得

    郷古学, 小林祐一, 金天海

    ロボット学会学術講演会    2012年

  • Motion Planning using State-dispersion-based Phase Space Partition

    Chyon Hae Kim, Shota Yamazaki, Hiroshi Tsujino, Shigeki Sugano



    This paper addresses a phase space partitioning problem in motion planning systems. In a previous study, we developed a kinematic and dynamic motion planning system, known as rapid semi-optimal motion-planning (RASMO), that ensures the optimality of the planned motions with rapid calculations using a partition for the phase space. The shape of the partition determines the optimality of the motion. We propose a state-dispersion-based phase space partitioning (SDPP) method that generates adaptive partitions for RASMO and the same class of motion planning systems. These partitions allow motion planning systems to plan motions with better optimality. To validate SDPP method, we compared the optimality of RASMO in several conditions using a double inverted pendulum model while setting the optimality criterion of RASMO to time. Results show that RASMO with SDPP planned smaller time motions than that obtained RASMO with a uniform partition. Once this method is applied to a machine (e.g. industrial or space robots), the planning system provides better motions with the same calculation cost.



  • An asymptotically optimal NMPC core for multi degrees of freedom rigid bodies

    Chyon Hae Kim, Shimon Sugawara, Shigeki Sugano

    IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline)   4 ( 1 ) 207 - 212  2012年


    We address the applicability of nonlinear model predictive control (NMPC) to rigid bodies with multi degrees of freedom. These systems have complicated nonlinear motion equations that cause large computational time for NMPC.We propose an asymptotically optimal NMPC core based on the uniform state sampling concept. We examined the optimality and the computational cost of the proposed core using double and triple inverted pendulum models. The result showed that the proposed core calculates sub-time-optimal motions with 100 and 1,000 times faster than the competing cores with maintaining the same optimality. We applied the proposed core to a sixth inverted pendulum model. The result showed that the proposed NMPC core is able to calculate a sub-time-optimal motion of the model. © 2012 IFAC.



  • A role of multi-modal rhythms in physical interaction and cooperation

    Kenta Yonekura, Chyon Hae Kim, Kazuhiro Nakadai, Hiroshi Tsujino, Shigeki Sugano



    As fundamental research for human-robot interaction, this paper addresses the rhythmic reference of a human while turning a rope with another human. We hypothyzed that when interpreting rhythm cues to make a rhythm reference, humans will use auditory and force rhythms more than visual ones. We examined 21-23 years old test subjects. We masked perception of each test subject using 3 kinds of masks, an eye-mask, headphones, and a force mask. The force mask is composed of a robot arm and a remote controller. These instruments allow a test subject to turn a rope without feeling force from the rope. In the first experiment, each test subject interacted with an operator that turned a rope with a constant rhythm. 8 experiments were conducted for each test subject that wore combinations of masks. We measured the angular velocity of force between a test subject/the operator and a rope. We calculated error between the angular velocities of the force directions, and validated the error. In the second experiment, two test subjects interacted with each other. 1.6 - 2.4 Hz auditory rhythm was presented from headphones so as to inform target turning frequency. Addition to the auditory rhythm, the test subjects wore eye-masks. The first experiment showed that visual rhythm has little influence on rope-turning cooperation between humans. The second experiment provided firmer evidence for the same hypothesis because humans neglected their visual rhythms.



  • Internal Bleeding Detection Algorithm Based on Determination of Organ Boundary by Low-Brightness Set Analysis

    Keiichiro Ito, Shigeki Sugano, Hiroyasu Iwata



    This paper proposes an organ boundary determination method for detecting internal bleeding. Focused assessment with sonography for trauma (FAST) is important for patients who are sent into shock by internal bleeding. However, the FAST has a low sensitivity, approximately 42.7 %, and delays of lifesaving treatment due to internal bleeding being missed have become a serious problem in emergency medical care. This study aims, therefore, to construct an automatic internal bleeding detection robotic system on the basis of ultrasound (US) image processing to improve the sensitivity. Internal bleeding has two key features: it is extracted from low-brightness areas in US images and accumulates between organs. We developed method for extracting low-brightness areas and determining algorithms of organ boundaries by low-brightness set analysis, and we detect internal bleeding by combining these two methods.
    Experimental results based on clinical US images of internal bleeding between Liver and Kidney showed that proposed algorithms had a sensitivity of 77.8% and specificity of 95.7%.



  • Noninvasive Internal Bleeding Detection Method by Measuring Blood Flow under Ultrasound Cross-Section Image

    Keiichiro Ito, Koichi Tsuruta, Shigeki Sugano, Hiroyasu Iwata



    The purpose of this paper is to propose noninvasive internal bleeding detection method by using ultrasound (US) image processing under US cross-section image. In this study, we have developed a robotic system for detecting internal bleeding based on the blood flow measured by using a noninvasive modality like an US imaging device. Some problems related to the measurement error, however, still need to be addressed.
    In this paper, we focused on US image processing under US cross-section image, and constructed blood flow measurement algorithm under US cross-section image for internal bleeding detection. We conducted preliminary blood flow measurement experiments using a phantom containing artery model and a manipulator equipped with a US probe (BASIS-1). The results present the experimental validation of the proposed method.

  • Organ Boundary Determination Algorithm for Detecting Internal Bleeding

    Keiichiro Ito, Shigeki Sugano, Hiroyasu Iwata



    The purpose of this paper is to propose an organ boundary determination method for detecting internal bleeding. Focused assessment with sonography for trauma (FAST) is important for patients who are sent into shock by internal bleeding. However, the FAST has a low sensitivity, approximately 42.7 %. This study aims, therefore, to construct an automatic internal bleeding detection robotic system on the basis of ultrasound (US) image processing to improve the sensitivity. We developed method for determining algorithms of organ boundaries by low-brightness set analysis, and we detected internal bleeding by the proposed method.
    Experimental results based on clinical US images of internal bleeding between Liver and Kidney showed that proposed algorithms had a sensitivity of 77.8% and specificity of 95.7%.

  • Blood Flow Measurement System Using Ultrasound Doppler under Non-periodic Displacement of an Artery

    Keiichiro Ito, Tomofumi Asayama, Shigeki Sugano, Hiroyasu Iwata



    The purpose of this paper is to propose blood flow measurement algorithms under non-periodic displacement of an artery by controlling an ultrasound (US) probe. Detecting the position and velocity of a bleeding source is required as the first step in treating internal bleeding in emergency medicine. However, the current methods for detecting a bleeding source involve an invasive approach and cannot quantitatively estimate the velocity of bleeding. Therefore, current emergency medical care requires an alternative system to address these problems.
    In this study, we aim to develop a blood flow measurement system for detecting a bleeding source by using a non-invasive modality, such as a US imaging device. Some problems related to the measurement error still need to be addressed before we can create this system. In particular, the blood flow measurement error in the abdominal area is typically large because the displacement of the artery is too large and non-periodic to adequately control the probe. As the first step in solving these problems, we focused on the displacement of the artery towards the out-of-plane state of a US image and developed measurement algorithms to control the probe under the displacement based on respiratory information. We conducted cross-sectional area and flow rate measurement experiments using an ultrasound phantom containing an artery model and a manipulator equipped with a US probe (BASIS-1). The results represent the first experimental validation of the proposed algorithms.



  • A Blood Flow Measurement Robotic System: Ultrasound Visual Servoing Algorithm under Pulsation and Displacement of an Artery

    Keiichiro Ito, Tomofumi Asayama, Shigeki Sugano, Hiroyasu Iwata

    Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics    2012年

  • ポータブルな体幹装着型遠隔超音波診断システムの世界初の具現化に向けた改良と移動体搬送下における診断試験結果の報告

    伊藤慶一郎, 鶴田功一, 中村京太, 竹内良平, 菅野重樹, 岩田浩康

    消研輯報 65号    2012年

  • 内出血患者の救命を支援する迅速簡易超音波検査のための体幹装着型ロボットシステム

    伊藤慶一郎, 菅野重樹, 中村京太, 竹内良平, 岩田浩康

    バイオメカニズム     43 - 53  2012年

  • GPS-compatible Indoor-positioning Methods for Indoor-outdoor Seamless Robot Navigation

    Yoshihiro Sakamoto, Takuji Ebinuma, Kenjiro Fujii, Shigeki Sugano



    The difficulty of applying "pseudolites" (i.e., pseudo-satellites) and the "indoor messaging system" (IMES) to indoor robot navigation is investigated. Moreover, as an alternative to these methods, "high-accuracy IMES using real-time kinematic Doppler positioning" is introduced and experimentally evaluated. The evaluation showed that this method can achieve centimeter- to decimeter-level positioning accuracy. This result implies the feasibility of indoor-outdoor seamless robot navigation with a GPS/IMES receiver.



  • Active-localization methods for mobile robots in a coarsely structured environment with floor-embedded RFID tags and indoor GPS

    Yoshihiro Sakamoto, Kenri Kodaka, Takuji Ebinuma, Kenjiro Fujii, Shigeki Sugano

    2012 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation, ICMA 2012     539 - 545  2012年


    Two active-localization methods for mobile robots, namely, "rhythm-based adaptive localization" for floor-embedded RFID tags and "real-time kinematic Doppler positioning" for indoor GPS (an indoor messaging system, or IMES), are proposed. Both methods increase the positioning accuracy of a robot by moving the sensor attached to the robot. The results of a positioning experiment with floor-embedded RFID tags show that the rhythm-based adaptive-localization method can achieve a positioning accuracy of 25 cm under the conditions that noise is intentionally added to the value of a wheel encoder, the installation interval of tags is 30 cm, and the tag installation is incomplete (i.e., some tags are missing). On the other hand, the results of a positioning experiment using IMES show that the real-time kinematic Doppler-positioning method can achieve centimeter to decimeter-level positioning accuracy even if the number of visible transmitters is only one (i.e., trilateration is not used). © 2012 IEEE.



  • Quantification of Comprehensive Work Flow Using Time-Series Primitive Static States for Human-Operated Work Machine

    Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano



    This paper proposes a quantification method for a comprehensive work flow in construction work for describing work states in more detail on the basis of analyzing state transitions of primitive static states (PSS), which consist of 16 symbolic work states defined by using on-off state of the lever operations and joint loads for the manipulator and end-effector. On the basis of the state transition rules derived from a transition-condition analysis, practical state transitions (PST), which are common and frequent transitions in arbitrary construction work, are defined. PST can be classified into essential (EST) or nonessential state transitions (NST). EST extracts common phases of work progress and estimates positional relations between a manipulator and an object. NST reveals wasted movements that degrade the efficiency and quality of work. To evaluate comprehensive work flows modeled by combing EST and NST, work-analysis experiments using our instrumented setup were conducted. Results indicate that all the PSS definitely changes on the basis of PST under various work conditions, and work analysis using EST and NST easily reveals work characteristics and untrained tasks related to wasted movements.



  • Real-time Indoor Positioning with a Single IMES Transmitter and a Rotation-type Doppler Measurement Unit

    Yoshihiro Sakamoto, Takuji Ebinuma, Kenjirou Fujii, Shigeki Sugano

    International Global Navigation Satellite Systems (IGNSS) 2011    2011年11月

  • Development of a Load Detecting System with Three-Valued Output for Construction Manipulator

    Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Kosuke Nakamura, Satoshi Hashimoto, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano

    Proceedings of SICE Annual Conference 2011 (SICE2011)     2194 - 2199  2011年09月

  • Initial Value Analysis of a Nonlinear Least-Square Method for Indoor Doppler Positioning with a Single Pseudolite

    Yoshihiro Sakamoto, Hiroaki Arie, Takuji Ebinuma, Kenjiro Fujii, Shigeki Sugano

    SICE Annual Conference 2011     2411 - 2412  2011年09月

  • Semi-optimal Motion Control for Nonholonomic Systems with a Passive Joint

    Chyon Hae Kim, Keisuke Nakamura, Hiroshi Tsujino, Shigeki Sugano

    in Proceedings of the SICE Annual Conference 2011    2011年09月

  • 人間とロボットとの協調移動制御 -移動中の接触による働きかけを実現する全身制御手法

    市川健太郎, 菅岩泰亮, 高橋城志, 長嶺伸治, 前代アト夢, 加納弘之, 野口博史, 岩田浩康, 金道敏樹, 菅野重樹

    第29回日本ロボット学会学術講演会   3H3-2  2011年09月

  • 人間とロボットとの協調移動制御 〜接触による働きかけを利用した移動動作計画〜

    市川健太郎, 菅岩泰亮, 野口博史, 長嶺伸治, 前代アト夢, 加納弘之, 岩田浩康, 金道敏樹, 菅野重樹

    第29回日本ロボット学会学術講演会   3H3-1  2011年09月

  • 円柱形道具の精密操作のための把持・操り制御

    高橋城志, 菅岩泰亮, 加納弘之, 岩田浩康, 菅野重樹

    第29回日本ロボット学会学術講演会   3E2-7  2011年09月

  • 汎化学習による円柱形物体の姿勢を考慮した操り運指軌道制御

    小島康平, 菅岩泰亮, 加納弘之, 有江浩明, 岩田浩康, 菅野重樹

    第29回日本ロボット学会学術講演会   3E2-7  2011年09月

  • 分散的ランドマーク環境における適応リズムによる移動ロボットの誤差低減

    小鷹研理, 尾形哲也, 菅野重樹

    第29回日本ロボット学会学術講演会   3N1-2  2011年09月

  • 状態遷移先の分散を最小化した状態空間量子化手法

    山崎翔太, 金天海, 辻野広司, 菅野重樹

    人工知能学会全国大会予稿集 2011    2011年06月

  • 建機マニピュレータの手先外力ベクトル計測〜内在誤差範囲推定に基づく相対的計測精度向上〜

    亀允啓, 中村晧祐, 橋本諭, 岩田浩康, 菅野重樹

      1A1-C03  2011年05月

  • 単一スードライトと可動型受信機を用いたロボットのための屋内測位

    坂本義弘, 有江浩明, 海老沼拓史, 藤井健二郎, 菅野重樹

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2011(ROBOMECH2010),   CD-Proc.  2011年05月

  • GPU及び位相空間分割を用いた準最適機械運動高速探索手法

    金天海, 菅原志門, 山崎翔太, 辻野広司, 菅野重樹

    計算工学講演会論文集 2011    2011年05月

  • Decoupling MDPs Step by Step from a POMDP

    Chyon Hae Kim, Hiroshi Tsujino, Hiroyuki Nakahara

    in Proceedings of International Conference on Autonomous Robots and Multirobot Systems 2011    2011年05月

  • OpenVR: A software tool contributes to research of robotics

    Wei Wang, Yuki Suga, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano

    2011 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration, SII 2011     1043 - 1048  2011年  [査読有り]


    This paper gives an overview of OpenVR, a software tool that is able to construct a virtual robot and its working environment from CAD source files. The virtual robot can be played with the same as a real robot by providing corresponding controller and sensor interfaces, thus contribute to the research of robotics in concept visualization, robot design, and algorithm and software development. General purposed algorithms are also given to simplify the effect for the execution of complex manipulation tasks. © 2011 IEEE.



  • Rapid Approximation for Optimal Paths in Phase Space

    Chyon Hae Kim, Hiroshi Tsujino, Shigeki Sugano



    This paper addresses optimal motion for general machines. Approximation for optimal motion needs a global path planning algorithm that precisely calculates the whole dynamics of a machine in a brief calculation. We propose a path planning algorithm that is composed of a path searching algorithm and a pruning algorithm. The pruning algorithm is based on our analysis for the resemblances of states. To confirm the precision, calculation cost, optimality, and applicability of the proposed algorithm, we conducted several shortest time path planning examinations for the dynamic models of double inverted pendulums. The precision to reach the goal state of the pendulums was better than other algorithms. The calculation was at least 58 times faster. There was a positive correlation between the optimality and the resolutions of the proposed algorithm. As a result of torque based feedback control simulation, we confirmed applicability of the proposed algorithm under noisy situation.

  • Rhythmic Reference of a Human while a Rope Turning Task

    Kenta Yonekura, Chyon Hae Kim, Kazuhiro Nakadai, Hiroshi Tsujino, Shigeki Sugano



    This paper addresses the rhythmic reference in physical human-robot interaction. Human refers to a rhythm from multiple sensing modalities when turning a rope with another human synchronously. This study verifies a hypothesis that some humans mix several rhythms of the modalities into a rhythm (rhythmic reference). Six participants, four males and two females, 21-23 years old, took part in eight experiments which examined the hypothesis. In each experiment, we masked the perception of each participant using eight combination of three kinds of masks, an eye-mask, headphones, and a force mask. Each participant interacted with an operator that turned a rope with a constant frequency. As a result of the experiments, a participant increased the controlling error as the number of masks was increased regardless the types of masked modalities. The result strongly supported our hypothesis.

  • Discussion on the Forward-Backward Configuration Effect of Reader Antennas in Floor-Installed RFID System”

    Kenri Kodaka, Shigeki Sugano

    Advanced Robotics   25 ( 3-4 ) 313 - 333  2011年



  • Comprehensive state transition analysis using simplified primitive static states in construction machinery

    Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano

    2011 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, ROBIO 2011     2908 - 2913  2011年


    This paper proposes an analysis method for a comprehensive work flow in construction work for identifying work states in more detail on the basis of analyzing state transitions of simplified primitive static states (s-PSS), which consist of four symbolic work states defined by using on-off state of the lever operations and manipulator loads. First, practical state transitions (PST), which are common and frequent transitions in arbitrary construction work, can be defined on the basis of the transition rules, according to which an operation flag changes arbitrary and load flag only changes during a lever operation. Second, PST can be classified into essential (EST) or nonessential state transitions (NST), and NST changes its definition depending on the task phase. Third, EST and NST represent work contents and wasted movements, respectively, so work-analysis experiments using our instrumented setup were conducted. Results indicate that all the s-PSS definitely changes on the basis of PST under various experimental conditions and that work analysis using EST and NST easily reveals untrained tasks related to wasted movements. © 2011 IEEE.



  • A practical load detection framework considering uncertainty in hydraulic pressure-based force measurement for construction manipulator

    Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano

    Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation     5869 - 5874  2011年


    This paper proposes a practical framework for detecting (identifying the on-off state of) the external force applied to a construction manipulator (front load) by using a hydraulic sensor. Such a detection system requires high accuracy and robustness considering the uncertainty in pressure-based force measurement. Our framework is thus organized into (i) identifying the dominant error force component (self-weight and driving force) using theoretical and experimental estimation and binarizing the analog external cylinder force, (ii) evaluating detection conditions to address indeterminate conditions such as stroke-end, singular posture, and impulsive or oscillatory force and redefining three-valued outputs such as on, off, or not determinate (ND), and (iii) outputting the front load decision by combining all the cylinder decisions to improve robustness through priority analysis. Experiments were conducted using an instrumented hydraulic arm. Results indicate that our framework adequately detects on, off, and ND outputs of the front load in various detection conditions without misidentification. © 2011 IEEE.



  • Relative Accuracy Enhancement System Based on Internal Error Range Estimation for External Force Measurement in Construction Manipulator

    Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano



    This paper proposes a practical framework for measuring the external force applied to a construction manipulator (front load vector) by using a hydraulic sensor. Such a force measurement system requires high accuracy and robustness considering the uncertainty in the construction machinery field, but it inevitably includes measurement errors owing to difficult-to-reduce modeling errors. Our framework thus adopts a relative accuracy improvement strategy without correcting the models for the practicality. It comprises (i) quantifying the internal error range (IER) by using the sum of the maximal measurement errors of static and dynamic friction forces, which change in postural and kinematic conditions, (ii) calculating the error force vector by using IER to select cylinders (sensors) that have less error, and (iii) outputting the front load vector using the cylinders whose error force vector is minimum. Experiments were conducted using an instrumented hydraulic arm. The results indicate that our framework can enhance the relative accuracy of external force measurement independently of various postural and kinematic conditions.



  • Doppler Positioning with a Movable Receiver Antenna and a Single Pseudolite for Indoor Localization

    Yoshihiro Sakamoto, Hiroaki Arie, Takuji Ebinuma, Kenjiro Fujii, Shigeki Sugano



    Pseudolites are one of the most promising technologies for indoor localization because they can directly use off-the-shelf GPS/GNSS receivers with minor change of their firmware. However, pseudolites have some fundamental issues such as near-far, multipath, and synchronization problems. Many of these issues derive from using more than one transmitter and trilateration. In this paper, we propose a novel indoor positioning method using a movable receiver antenna and a single pseudolite. In this method, the position is determined by using the Doppler shift produced by a moving antenna. We conducted an experiment by testing different conditions of the moving antenna. The results show that our method has the potential to achieve the positioning with decimeter level accuracy.



  • High-Accuracy IMES Localization Using a Movable Receiver Antenna and a Three-axis Attitude Sensor

    Yoshihiro Sakamoto, Hiroaki Arie, Takuji Ebinuma, Kenjirou Fujii, Shigeki Sugano



    A method to improve positioning accuracy of an indoor messaging system (IMES) was developed. This method uses Doppler shifts (produced by moving a receiver antenna) and three-dimensional attitude to determine the position of the receiver. A rotation-type Doppler-measurement system applying this method was developed. To evaluate the system, two experiments were conducted: in one, rotation radius of a movable receiver antenna was varied; in the other, position where positioning is conducted was varied. The experimental results show that the method can achieve centimeter- to decimeter-level positioning accuracy.



  • Physical Control of the Rotation of a Flexible Object - Rope Turning with a Humanoid Robot

    Chyon Hae Kim, Kenta Yonekura, Hiroshi Tsujino, Shigeki Sugano

    ADVANCED ROBOTICS   25 ( 3-4 ) 491 - 506  2011年


    Rope turning tasks are useful to explore rhythmic physical human-robot interaction. However, in traditional studies, a robot was not able to turn a rope by itself, because simultaneous control of three factors, i.e., energy transmission, rotational axis and centrifugal force, is difficult when a robot rotates a flexible object such as a rope. In this paper, we propose a method to control these three factors simultaneously. We developed the method by adding a compensator to an attractor that attracts the end-effector of a robot to a uniform circular motion within a fixed radius. In a rope turning simulation, the end-effector of a robot and the center of mass of a simplified rope converged to uniform circular motions. In addition, we applied the proposed method to a rope turning task performed by a humanoid robot. The robot was able to turn a rope with one fixed end or in cooperation with a human. (C) Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden and The Robotics Society of Japan, 2011



  • Rapid short-time path planning for phase space

    Chyon Hae Kim, Hiroshi Tsujino, Shigeki Sugano

    Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics   23 ( 2 ) 271 - 280  2011年


    This paper addresses optimal motion for general machines. Approximation for optimal motion requires a global path planning algorithm that precisely calculates the whole dynamics of a machine in a brief calculation. We propose a path planning algorithm that consists of path searching and pruning algorithms. The pruning algorithmis based on our analysis of state resemblance in general phase space. To confirm precision, calculation cost, optimality and applicability of the proposed algorithm, we conducted several shortest time path planning experiments for the dynamic models of double inverted pendulums. Precision to reach the goal states of the pendulums was better than other algorithms. Calculation cost was 58 times faster at least. We could tune optimality of proposed algorithm via resolution parameters. A positive correlation between optimality and resolutions was confirmed. Applicability was confirmed in a torque based position and velocity feedback control simulation. As a result of this simulation, the double inverted pendulums tracked planned motion under noise while keeping within torque limitations.



  • Online Motion Selection for Semi-Optimal Stabilization using Reverse-Time Tree

    Chyon Hae Kim, Hiroshi Tsujino, Shigeki Sugano



    This paper presents a general method for creating an approximately optimal online stabilization system. An optimal stabilization system is an ideal online system that can calculate each optimal motion leading to a stable mechanical goal state depending on the current state. We propose a system that selects each semi-optimal motion according to the current state from a reverse-time tree. To create the reverse-time tree, we applied rapid semi-optimal motion planning method (RASMO) to a reverse-time search from a stable state. We also developed an online motion selection technique. To validate the proposed method, we simulated the stabilization of a double inverted pendulum. When we used an optimization criteria, time optimal, the system quickly stabilized the pendulum's posture and velocity. When we used higher resolution RASMO, the time approached the optimal time. The general framework proposed here is applicable to a variety of machines.



  • Handling and grasp control with additional grasping point for dexterous manipulation of cylindrical tool

    Taisuke Sugaiwa, Kuniyuki Takahashi, Hiroyuki Kano, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano

    2011 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, ROBIO 2011     733 - 738  2011年


    This study aims to construct a handling and grasp control method by multi-fingered robot hand with soft skin for the precision operation of cylindrical tools. We believe that the key to the improvement of the accuracy of the tool operation is to use an additional grasping point to reduce the tool's posture fluctuation derived from the external force exerted at the tool nib. We focus two factors that cause the tool's posture fluctuation. One is the rotation movement of the tool around the axis between two contacts by finger-tips. The other one is the deflection of the soft skin. We propose the effective allocation of the addition grasping point from the view point of the reduction of the tool's posture fluctuation. Our control architecture is a customized combination of resolved motion rate control and hybrid control which maintains stable grasping and handles the tool along with the desired trajectory of the tool nib. It is validated through the physical tests using the actual multi-fingered robot hand that the accuracy of the tool nib trajectory is improved by proposed control method. © 2011 IEEE.



  • Exploring movable space using rhythmical active touch in disordered obstacle environment

    Kenri Kodaka, Tetsuya Ogata, Hirotaka Ohta, Shigeki Sugano

    2011 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration, SII 2011     485 - 490  2011年


    We propose a novel navigation system for adaptively exploring an obstacle space using diverse ways of touching an object. Conventional navigation models are typically based on the avoidance of obstacles, i.e., avoiding collision. However, actual disordered space may be full of various kinds of obstacles. To reach a destination in such a space, a robot requires an active approach for avoiding a deadlock with obstacles or changing the obstacle configuration to find an open space using diverse ways of touching an object. We solved this problem by generating locally diverse moving patterns by using an action model with rhythmical oscillation in addition to a localization model using a particle filter. The proposed model was demonstrated to be effective through an experiment where a robot navigated to a destination behind partially movable obstacles using rhythmical active touch. © 2011 IEEE.



  • A novel, MRI compatible hand exoskeleton for finger rehabilitation

    Zhen Jin Tang, Shigeki Sugano, Hiroyasu Iwata

    2011 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration, SII 2011     118 - 123  2011年


    Robotic technology can be used to effectively regain the previous dexterity of stroke patients in clinical therapy. At the same time, brain images taken with MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) are important for new rehabilitation treatments, and therefore it is useful to develop MRI compatible robot. With these ideas in mind, a novel, MRI compatible finger rehabilitation device was created (Fig.1.). It was also designed to be usable by many different people: it can be adjusted to different finger knuckles, and also the gap between one finger to another can be easily changed. By using an ultrasonic motor as its actuator, the device has been designed to be portable, with a high torque output. It enables the client to do extension and flexion rehabilitation exercises in two degrees of freedom (DOF) for each finger. Finally, several experiments have been carried out to evaluate the performance of the device. © 2011 IEEE.



  • Evaluation of a Wearable Tele-Echography Robot System: FASTele in a Vehicle Using a Mobile Network

    Keiichiro Ito, Koichi Tsuruta, Shigeki Sugano, Hiroyasu Iwata



    This paper shows the focused assessment with sonography for trauma (FAST) performance of a wearable tele-echography robot system we have developed that we call "FASTele". FAST is a first-step way of assessing the injury severity of patients suffering from internal bleeding who may be some time away from hospital treatment. So far, we have only verified our system's effectiveness under constantly wired network conditions. To determine its FAST performance within an emergency vehicle, we extended it to a WiMAX mobile network and performed experiments on it. Experiment results showed that paramedics could attach the system to FAST areas on a patient's body on the basis of the attaching position and procedure. We also assessed echo images to confirm that the system is able to extract the echo images required for FAST under maximum vehicle acceleration.

  • Blood Flow Measurement Algorithms to Detect Bleeding Source Noninvasively

    Keiichiro Ito, Tomofumi Asayama, Shigeki Sugano, Hiroyasu Iwata



    The purpose of this paper is to propose ultrasound visual servoing algorithms for controlling a robotic system equipped with an ultrasound probe for large pulsation and a displacement towards the out-of-plane of a US image.
    In this study, we aim to develop a robotic system for detecting bleeding source based on the blood flow measured by using a non-invasive modality like an ultrasound (US) imaging device. Some problems related to the measurement error still need to be addressed. As the first step in solving these problems, we focused on the large pulse amplitude and displacement of the artery towards the out-of-plane of a US image, and developed US visual servoing algorithms to control the probe. We conducted preliminary blood flow measurement experiments using an phantom containing artery model and a manipulator equipped with a US probe (BASIS-1). The results present the first experimental validation of the proposed algorithms.

  • Measurement algorithms of cross-section area and blood speed for noninvasive blood flow measurement system

    Keiichiro Ito, Tomofumi Asayama, Shigeki Sugano, Hiroyasu Iwata

    2011 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, ROBIO 2011     263 - 268  2011年


    The purpose of this paper is to propose measurement algorithms of cross-section area and blood speed of an artery by controlling a robotic system equipped with an ultrasound probe for large pulsation and a displacement towards the out-of-plane of a US image. Detecting the position and speed of a bleeding source is required as the first step in treating internal bleeding in emergency medical medicine. However, the current methods for detecting a bleeding source involve an invasive approach and cannot quantitatively estimate the speed of bleeding. Therefore, current emergency medical care requires an alternative system to address these problems. In this study, we aim to develop a robotic system for detecting bleeding source based on the blood flow measured by using a noninvasive modality like an ultrasound (US) imaging device. Some problems related to the measurement error still need to be addressed before we can create this system. In particular, the blood flow measurement error in the abdominal area is typically large, because the pulse amplitude and displacement of the artery is too large even to adequately control the probe. As the first step in solving these problems, we focused on the large pulse amplitude and displacement of the artery towards the out-of-plane of a US image, and developed measurement algorithms to control the probe. We conducted flow volume measurement experiments using an ultrasound phantom containing artery model and a manipulator equipped with a US probe (BASIS-1). The results present the first experimental validation of the proposed algorithms. © 2011 IEEE.



  • 出血源位置推定システムのための体幹適応型RTエコーデバイスBASIS-1の開発〜フリージョイント機構を用いた体幹左右駆動の性能評価〜

    伊藤慶一郎, 鶴田功一, 菅野重樹, 中村京太, 岩田浩康

    第11回SICEシステムインテグレーション部門講演会    2010年12月

  • 早期治療戦略立案のための非侵襲的出血源推定手法の提案

    伊藤慶一郎, 鶴田功一, 菅野重樹, 中村京太, 岩田浩康

    第11回SICEシステムインテグレーション部門講演会    2010年12月

  • Hydraulic Pressure-Based Dominant Error Force Component Identification for Detecting External Force Applied to Construction Manipulator

    Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano

    International Conference on Advanced Mechatronics 2010 (ICAM2010)   2010   313 - 318  2010年10月


    The purpose of this paper is to develop a fundamental external force detection framework for construction manipulator. Such industrial application demands practicality that satisfies detection requirements such as accuracy and robustness while ensuring (i) low cost, (ii) wide applicability, and (iii) simple detection algorithm. To satisfy (i) and (ii), our framework adopts hydraulic sensors as force sensor. Hydraulic sensor essentially detects error force components that generate depending on joint kinetic state and differ in identification- difficulty due to nonlinear and uncertain hydromechanical system. To satisfy (ii) and (iii), theoretical, experimental, and conditional identification methods without complex modeling are applied in static, uniform motion, and accelerated motion states for identifying self-weight, driving, inertial forces defined as dominant error components. Experiments were conducted using our instrumented hydraulic arm system. Result of no-load task indicates that our framework lowers a threshold to determine the on-off state of external force application, independent of joint kinetic states. Result of on-load task confirms that our framework robustly identifies off states in which external force is not applied to hydraulic cylinder.

    DOI CiNii

  • Pseudolite Indoor Localization Using Multiple Receivers - Performance Analysis of Increasing Receivers and Transmitters -

    Yoshihiro Sakamoto, Haruhiko Niwa, Takuji Ebinuma, Kenjiro Fujii, Shigeki Sugano

    2010 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation     CD - R  2010年09月

  • 人間共存ロボットの主体的判断による知能移動

    菅野重樹, 菅岩泰亮, 岩田浩康, 市川健太郎, 金道敏樹

    第28回日本ロボット学会学術講演会     3J.3 - 7  2010年09月

  • RPPPSとノイズキャンセルを用いた動作計画システム

    金天海, 菅原志門, 辻野広司, 菅野重樹

    ロボット学会学術講演会     2P1 - 7  2010年09月

  • 歌唱によるリズム提示を用いた人・ロボット間協調作業

    米倉健太, 金天海, 中臺一博, 辻野広司, 菅野重樹

    ロボット学会学術講演会     1H2 - 6  2010年09月

  • 油圧センサを用いた建機マニピュレータの外力手先負荷有無システムの開発

    亀允啓, 橋本諭, 岩田浩康, 菅野重樹

    第12回建設ロボットシンポジウム     323 - 328  2010年09月

  • Pressure Control on Whole Surface of Human-mimetic Multi-fingered Hand with Tactile Sensing,

    Taisuke SUGAIWA, Kunihiro IWAMOTO, Hiroyasu IWATA, Shigeki SUGANO

    SICE Annual Conference 2010     TA18  2010年08月

  • Task Execution of a Wheelchair Mounted Robotic Arm Incorporated with Active Compliance Control

    Wei Wang, Yuuki Nishi, Shigeki Sugano

    Proceeding of SICE Annual Conference 2010     FA16.13  2010年08月

  • A Practical Approach to Detecting External Force Applied to Hydraulic Cylinder for Construction Manipulator

    Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano

    SICE Annual Conference 2010 (SICE2010)     1255 - 1256  2010年08月

  • Indoor Positioning with Pseudolites

    Yoshihiro Sakamoto, Haruhiko Niwa, Takuji Ebinuma, Kenjiro Fujii, Shigeki Sugano

    SICE Annual Conference 2010     CD - R  2010年08月

  • Human in Loop Integration of an Arm Mounted Wheelchair Robot Based on RT Middleware

    Wei Wang, Yuki Suga, Shigeki Sugano

    Proceedings for the joint conference of ISR 2010 (41st International Symposium on Robotics) and ROBOTIK 2010 (6th German Conference on Robotics)     387 - 392  2010年06月

  • 人間形ハンド・アームによる道具の微細操作に関する研究 —受動柔軟性を活用した動作計画及び把持・作用力・軌道制御—

    菅岩泰亮, 江崎佳奈子, 鼠家正則, 岩田浩康, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集     2A2 - C23  2010年06月

  • 未知重量・摩擦・剛性対象物に対する把持力設定手法 —受動柔軟性を利用した持ち上げ前特性計測の活用—

    菅岩泰亮, 藤井元気, 鹿貫悠多, 加納弘之, 岩田浩康, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集     2A2 - C21  2010年06月

  • Development of Wearable Robot for Emergency Tele-Echography Guided Diagnosis

    Keiichiro Ito, Shigeki Sugano, Kyota Nakamura, Ryohei Takeuchi, Hiroyasu Iwata

    日本生体医工学会講演会’10     FC17 - 1  2010年06月

  • 遠隔救急治療のための体幹装着型ポータブル超音波診断ロボットFASTele の操作インタフェースに関する検討

    後濱龍太, 伊藤慶一郎, 菅野重樹, 中村京太, 竹内良平, 岩田浩康

    日本機械学会ロボティクスメカトロニクス講演会’10     2A2 - G28  2010年06月

  • 救急搬送時における出血源位置抽出のための体幹適応型RT エコーデバイスBASIS-1 の開発

    伊藤慶一郎, 鶴田功一, 後濱龍太, 菅野重樹, 岩田浩康

    日本機械学会ロボティクスメカトロニクス講演会’10     2A2 - G27  2010年06月

  • マルチエージェントタスクを考慮した二階層型強化学習

    金天海, 辻野広司, 中原裕之

    人工知能学会全国大会     1A3 - 4  2010年06月

  • 位相空間分割による高速枝刈り・軌道計画アルゴリズム

    金天海, 辻野広司

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会     2P1 - C13  2010年06月

  • 受口追口切りを可能とする樹木伐倒ロボットの開発

    福岡隆信, 笹川瑞貴, 竹内誠, 菅佑樹, 白井裕子, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会 ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会'10     1A2 - A27  2010年06月

  • 街路樹剪定作業支援のための木登りロボットWOODY-2の開発−把持力調整機能の実装と評価−

    竹内誠, 菅佑樹, 白井裕子, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会 ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会'10     1A2 - A21  2010年06月

  • マニピュレータの運動状態に応じた負荷要因同定に基づく油圧シリンダの外力負荷有無検出手法の提案

    亀允啓, 橋本諭, 岩田浩康, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会 ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会'10     1A1 - A30  2010年06月

  • Human in loop Integration of A Wheelchair Mounted Robotic Arm through Brain Machine Interface

    汪 偉, 菅 佑樹, 西, 佑起, 菅野 重樹

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス部門(ROBOMEC2010)     1A2 - F09  2010年06月

  • Multiplexing Receivers to Improve Positioning Success Rate for Pseudolite Indoor Localization

    Yoshihiro Sakamoto, Haruhiko Niwa, Takuji Ebinuma, Kenjiro Fujii, Shigeki Sugano

    7th International Symposium on Mechatronics and its Application, ISMA2010     CD - R  2010年04月

  • 搬送時における緊張性気胸患者救命のための真空圧力装着型自動穿刺ロボットAIDEDの試作

    後濱龍太, 伊藤慶一郎, 菅野重樹, 中村京太, 竹内良平, 岩田浩康

    第26回日本医工学治療学会     82  2010年04月

  • 外傷患者のための体幹装着型超音波診断ロボット:FASTele-1の開発

    伊藤慶一郎, 岩田浩康, 菅野重樹, 中村京太, 竹内良平

    第26回日本医工学治療学会     141  2010年04月

  • Indoor positioning with pseudolites: The effect of the number of receivers and transmitters

    Yoshihiro Sakamoto, Haruhiko Niwa, Takuji Ebinuma, Kenjiro Fujii, Shigeki Sugano

    Proceedings of the SICE Annual Conference     398 - 399  2010年


    Pseudolite is expected to be one of the best solutions for indoor positioning because of its compatibility with GPS and its positioning accuracy. However, since cycle slips frequently occur indoors and it is difficult to predict their occurrence, it is not so easy to retain a sufficient number of observation equations for position calculation. To avoid this problem, there are two possible methods
    increasing transmitters, which is known as an effective way for outdoor GPS, and increasing receivers. In this paper, we evaluate the performance of these two methods for indoor positioning in terms of positioning success rate and positioning accuracy. The experiment we conducted shows that increasing the number of receivers is more effective than increasing the number of transmitters. © 2010 SICE.

  • Integrative Learning between Language and Action: A Neuro-Robotics Experiment

    Hiroaki Arie, Tetsuro Endo, Sungmoon Jeong, Minho Lee, Shigeki Sugano, Jun Tani

    ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS-ICANN 2010, PT II   6353   256 - +  2010年  [査読有り]


    This paper introduces a model for associative learning combining both linguistic and behavior modalities. The model consists of language and behavior modules both implemented by a hierarchical dynamic network model and interacting densely through hub-like neurons, the so-called parametric biases (PB). By implementing this model for a humanoid robot with the task of manipulating multiple objects, the robot was tutored to associate sentences of two different grammatical types with corresponding sensory-motor schemata. The first type was a verb followed by an objective noun such as "hold red" or "hit blue"; the second was a verb followed by an objective noun and further followed by an adverb phrase such as "Put red on blue". Our analysis of the results of a learning experiment showed that two clusters corresponding to these two types of grammatical sentences appear in the PB activity space, such that a specific micro structure is organized for each cluster.

  • Motion-planning Method with Active Body-Environment Contact for a Hand-Arm System including Passive Joints

    Taisuke Sugaiwa, Masanori Nezumiya, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano



    Human-symbiotic humanoid robots that can perform tasks dexterously using their hands are needed in our homes, welfare facilities, and other places as the average age of the population increases. To improve the task performance of human-symbiotic humanoid robots, a motion-planning method with active body-environment contact was developed. Taking into account the positive and negative effect of mechanical passive elements implemented in joints, this motion-planning method can enables the hand-arm system to establish the active BE contact at the appropriate body-site and to select the joints that perform the movement for executing the given task. Control algorithms for the tool operation, namely, writing with a pen, were also constructed. The motion-planning method was validated through actual experiments on a prototype human-symbiotic humanoid robot.



  • A methodology for setting grasping force for picking up an object with unknown weight, friction, and stiffness

    Taisuke Sugaiwa, Genki Fujii, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano

    2010 10th IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots, Humanoids 2010     288 - 293  2010年


    A methodology for setting the reference value of a grasping force when a multi-finger robotic hand grasps and lifts up an object without knowing its characteristic weight, coefficient of static friction, and stiffness was devised. The grasping force must be set to avoid dropping or deforming the object. To fulfill this requirement, the methodology measures object characteristics by detecting the moment of deformation or slipping according to the deflection of a mechanical passive element. The reference value of grasping force is set according to an upper limit to avoid crushing and a lower limit for lifting up the object calculated from the object's above-mentioned characteristics. The degree of the accuracy of object characteristic measurements was evaluated through experiments using an actual human-mimetic hand-arm system. Finally we validated that the system can pick up objects with the grasping force set by our methodology. ©2010 IEEE.



  • Wearable echography robot for trauma patient

    Keiichiro Ito, Shigeki Sugano, Hiroyasu Iwata

    IEEE/RSJ 2010 International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS 2010 - Conference Proceedings     4794 - 4799  2010年


    The purpose of this report is to propose a diagnosis and treatment scenario by assistance of bystander and echography robot for trauma patient. Quick treatment is important for patients who have shock by internal bleeding. Therefore, focused assessment with sonography for trauma (FAST), which is a simple and quick diagnostic method, was developed as a first lifesaving step in a hospital. However, a shock patient has little time, and transportation to a hospital may take too long. Therefore, we aim at development of a system which enables FAST at injury scene by assistance of bystander. To develop the system, life-saving flow and a FAST device are significant issues. First, we constructed a diagnosis and treatment scenario. Then, we developed a tele-echography robot system which has 4-DOF that a bystander could attach. This robot is attached to each roughly FAST areas of patient body by a bystander and remotely fine-tuned position by a doctor in a hospital. In this way, a bystander may not do an exact positioning. In addition, the robot has a mechanism to generate contact force between echo probe and patient body surface by two springs. This mechanism not only fit in patient body motion but also reducing the number of controlled axis. To confirm the medical applications of the scenario and the robot, we performed experiments with some examinees and doctors. We confirmed effectiveness of the mechanism and that a bystander could attach the robot to each roughly FAST areas of patient body. We also confirmed that a doctor could do FAST with the robot by remote-controlled on the roughly FAST areas in approximately three minutes. These results show that the robot would enable FAST by assistance of bystander, and the scenario would make FAST faster than the time required transporting the patient to the hospital. ©2010 IEEE.



  • Portable and Attachable Tele-Echography Robot system: FASTele

    Keiichiro Ito, Shigeki Sugano, Hiroyasu Iwata



    The purpose of this report is to propose portable and attachable tele-echography robot system: FASTele. Focused assessment with sonography for trauma (FAST) is important for patients who have shock by internal bleeding. However, the patient has little time, and transportation to a hospital may take too long. A system which enables FAST more quickly is required. Therefore, we aim to develop a tele-echography (FAST) robot system that can be used by a paramedic easily for shock patient in ambulance or at injury scene. To develop the system, portability and usability (for paramedic) are significant issues. We developed a tele-echography robot system which has 4-DOF. The robot is attached to each roughly FAST areas of patient body (body-based set up) and remotely fine-tuned position by a specialist in a hospital. The robot can control the posture of probe by curvature rails. The mechanism that maintains passively the contact force between the probe and patient&apos;s body surface by using springs enables the robot small and lightweight. Feasibility experiments of FAST are reported.



  • Development of attachable tele-echography robot by a bystander at injury scene

    Keiichiro Ito, Shigeki Sugano, Hiroyasu Iwata

    2010 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation, ICMA 2010     1270 - 1275  2010年


    This paper reports a wearable tele-echography robot that a bystander could attach to a patient at injury scene. Quick diagnosis and treatment are important for patients who have shock by internal bleeding. Therefore, focused assessment with sonography for trauma (FAST), which is a simple and quick diagnostic method, was developed as a first lifesaving step in a hospital. However, a shock patient has little time, and transportation to a hospital may take too long. Therefore, a system which enables FAST at injury scene by assistance of bystander is important. First, we constructed a medical treatment scenario from the victim's discovery to FAST and treatment at the injury scene. Then, we developed a remote-controlled FAST robot that a bystander could attach to a patient. This robot is attached to each roughly FAST areas of patient body by a bystander and remotely fine-tuned position by a doctor in a hospital. In this way, a bystander may not do an exact positioning. In addition, the robot has two springs to generate contact force between echo probe and patient body surface. This mechanism not only fit in patient body motion but also downsizing based on reducing the number of controlled axis. To confirm the effectiveness of the robot, we performed experiments with some examinees and doctors. We confirmed effectiveness of the mechanism and that a bystander could attach the robot to each roughly FAST areas of patient body. We also confirmed that a doctor could do FAST with the robot by remote-controlled on the roughly FAST areas in approximately three minutes. These results show that the robot would enable FAST at injury scene by assistance of bystander, and FAST would be faster than the time required transporting the patient to the hospital with the robot. This is effective in improving the survival rate for traumatic shock patients. © 2010 IEEE.



  • Reader Antennas' Configuration Effects for Two Wheeled Robots on Floor-Installed RFID Infrastructure - Analysis of Forward-Backward Configuration Effect

    Kenri Kodaka, Shigeki Sugano



    Reader antennas' configuration for two wheeled robots were evaluated to estimate their posture from floor-installed RFID tags. RFID systems where IC tags are installed under/on floors have widely been utilized in recent years as the next positioning infrastructure. The reader antennas should be properly placed on a robot so that such an environment can give full play to its potential capabilities of positioning the robot. This problem calls for guidelines in designing the configuration of reader antennas. Experiments using actual robots cannot offer sufficient data because of time and physical limitations, which prevent helpful and reproducible evaluations. We overcame this problem by constructing a simulation environment using a localization model and by evaluating the effects of configurations on positioning accuracy using computations. Of particular note, we found a "forward-backward configuration effect" from the results and had a detailed a discussion on how it occurred. Finally, a simple experiment using an actual robot validated the effect.



  • Contact Detection and Reaction of a Wheelchair Mounted Robotic Arm Equiped with Mechanical Gravity Canceller

    Wei Wang, Yuki Suga, Shigeki Sugano



    Safety issue has become the primary concern in wheelchair mounted robotic arm applications. We introduced mechanical gravity canceller in the design to realize a light weight manipulator, which also yield the greatly simplify of manipulator dynamics. Based on the simplified dynamics, sensor based contact detection can be easily implemented to enable safety. Contact reaction schemes are also applied through a impedance control law to achieve desired backdrivability. Experiments are conducted to illustrate the proposed method.



  • Task Execution Support of a Wheelchair Mounted Robotic Arm in Activity of Daily Livings

    Wei Wang, Yuki Suga, Shigeki Sugano



    In order to relieve the user cognitive burden as well as time consumption of task execution for the "wheelchair mounted robotic arm" application, we proposed a "Task knowledge representation" method that is able to model a large number of tasks coming across in activity of daily livings. Based on the mathematically represented task knowledge, a "Dynamical exploring method" was applied to explore the feasible and optimal robot action sequences that are executed automatically to accomplish the task execution. An integration framework to manage the system complexity is also introduced based on the RT middleware technology. Experiment was conducted to validate our method through the execution of a robotic scenario.



  • A Framework of State Identification for Operational Support based on Task-Phase and Attentional-Condition Identification

    Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano



    This paper proposes a state identification framework to support the complicated dual-arm operations in construction work. The operational support in construction machinery filed requires the compatibility with different types of support and the commonality among various operator skill levels. The proposed framework is therefore organized into two functions: real-time task phase identification and time-series attentional condition identification. The task phase is defined by utilizing the joint load applied according to the environment constraint condition. The attentional condition is defined as one of the internal work-state condition classified by the necessity level of operational support, and is dependent on the vectorial or time-series date selected by the identified task phase. Experiments are conducted using the hydraulic dual arm system to perform transporting and removing tasks. Results show that the number of error contacts, internal force applied, and mental workload is decreased without time-consumption increase. The result confirmed that the proposed framework greatly contribute to improving each operator's work performance.



  • Development of a Dual Robotic Arm System to Evaluate Intelligent System for Advanced Construction Machinery

    Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Satoshi Hashimoto, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano



    This paper reports a newly developed hydraulic dual robotic arm system to create and evaluate intelligent systems, which support complicated machine operations, for advanced construction machinery. This kind of machine system (test-bed) requires functions to quantify its dynamic characteristics and operational difficulty (influential factors). In particular, construction manipulator nonlinearly changes its dynamics depending on various internal and external factors. To quantify such influential factors, our proposed test-bed is equipped with standard hydromechanical system which includes two manipulators and grapples, and practical sensing system which detects control input, oil pressure, oil temperature, and cylinder stroke data. Using the developed test-bed, fundamental experiments were conducted to clarify hydromechanical system characteristics. Experimental results indicate that the test-bed quantifies its hysteresis, pressure loss, and time delay, and show that variable dynamics complicates intuitive and precise machine operations and external force measurement. This analysis confirms the developed machine system is useful to quantify influential factors for creating intelligent system.



  • 林業高度化に向けたロボティクスへの期待

    白井裕子, 菅野重樹

    日本ロボット学会誌   28 ( 1 ) 43 - 48  2010年

    DOI CiNii

  • A Framework to Identify Task-Phase and Attentional-Condition for Supporting Complicated Dual-Arm Operations

    Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano

    Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics   22 ( 4 ) 447 - 455  2010年

  • "ハードウェアをカスタマイズできるコミュニケーションロボットに関する研究"

    守良真, 山崎由美子, 近藤裕樹, 菅佑樹, 尾形哲也, 菅野重樹

    第10回SICEシステムインテグレーション部門講演会   2F1-2  2009年12月

  • "屋内スードライト測位において測位成功率を向上させるための受信機多重化"

    坂本義弘, 丹羽治彦, 海老沼拓史, 藤井健二郎, 菅野重樹

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門学術講演会   3I2-3  2009年12月

  • "円柱形対象物の重量による転がりを利用した握り込み制御"

    菅岩泰亮, 笠井栄良, 岩田浩康, 菅野重樹

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門学術講演会   2O1-7  2009年12月

  • "能動的な身体環境接触を利用した手腕協調制御"

    菅岩泰亮, 山口泰正, 岩田浩康, 菅野重樹

    第27回日本ロボット学会学術講演会   3C3-03  2009年12月

  • "床面配置型RFIDシステムにおける前後検出問題の解析"

    小鷹研理, 丹羽治彦, 菅野重樹

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門学術講演会SI2009講演論文集   3I2-5  2009年12月

  • "救急移動体における緊張性気胸の遠隔穿刺治療支援RT の開発"

    岩田浩康, 後濱龍太, 伊藤慶一郎, 菅野重樹, 中村京太, 竹内良平

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門学術講演会SI2009講演論文集   1E4-3  2009年12月

  • "遠隔救急超音波診断のための体幹装着型ロボットFASTele-1 の開発"

    伊藤慶一郎, 菅野重樹, 中村京太, 竹内良平, 岩田浩康

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門学術講演会SI2009講演論文集   1E4-2  2009年12月

  • "麻痺側足底圧を対側肢体にバイパス呈示するBF型知覚支援RT"

    岩田浩康, 菅野重樹, 駒形亮吉

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門学術講演会SI2009講演論文集   1E3-2  2009年12月

  • "麻痺手の自己受容感覚を健側へバイパス呈示する知覚支援RT の手指リハへの応用"

    岩田浩康, 菅野重樹, 圓成寺弘希

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門学術講演会SI2009講演論文集   1E3-3  2009年12月

  • "脳卒中片麻痺リハビリにおける両肢角度誤差BFシステムの試作と評価"

    岩田浩康, 有村和隆, 菅野重樹

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門学術講演会SI2009講演論文集   1E3-4  2009年12月

  • "把持安定性と引裂耐性を考慮した指先柔軟肉設計"

    岩田浩康, 菅野重樹

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門学術講演会SI2009講演論文集   201-6  2009年12月

  • "多自由度アームの大縄回し制御則に関する速度限界を考慮した解析"

    米倉健太, 金天海, 菅野重樹, 辻野広司

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会   2F2-2  2009年12月

  • "操作型作業機械の知能化に関する研究〜第5報:簡易化基底作業状態を用いた大局的状態遷移の分析〜"

    亀允啓, 岩田浩康, 菅野重樹

    第10回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会論文集(SI2009)     344 - 345  2009年12月

  • "A Robot Taking Lead in Rope Turning Task"

    Kenta Yonekura, Chyon Hae Kim, Shigeki Sugano, Hiroshi Tsujino

    IEEE Young Reseachers Workshop     9  2009年12月

  • 街路樹登りロボットWOODY-2の開発

    竹内誠, 難波宏旭, 菅佑樹, 白井裕子, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス部門(ROBOMEC2009)   1A2-D07  2009年12月

  • Hand-Arm Coordinated Manipulation using Active Body-Environment Contact


    Proc. of IEEE-RAS Int. Conf. on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids2009)     653 - 659  2009年11月

  • "緊張性気胸の遠隔穿刺治療を支援する前胸部装着型RT"

    岩田浩康, 後濱龍太, 伊藤慶一郎, 菅野重樹, 中村京太, 竹内良平

    第18回日本コンピュータ外科学会大会     236 - 237  2009年11月

  • "Design of Anthropomorphic Dexterous Hand with Passive Joints and Sensitive Soft Skins"

    Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano

    Proc. of 2009 IEEE/SICE Int. Symp. on System Integration (SI International 2009)     11  2009年11月



  • "救急搬送下遠隔FASTを可能とする体幹装着型ポータブルデバイスの開発"

    岩田浩康, 伊藤慶一郎, 菅野重樹, 中村京太, 竹内良平

    日本救急医学会雑誌 第37回日本救急医学会総会号     593  2009年10月

  • "Cycle-slip Reduction Method with Multiple Receivers -A Practical Application of Indoor GPS-"

    Haruhiko Niwa, Kenri Kodaka, Takuji Ebinuma, Yoshihiro Sakamoto, Shigeki Sugano

    Proc. Of the 6th International Conference on Ubiqutous Robots and Ambient Intelligence (URAI 2009)     97  2009年10月

  • "Reduction of Positioning-Error Induced by Cycle-Slip in Indoor GPS with Multiple Pseudolite's Transceivers and Receivers"

    丹羽治彦, 小鷹研理, 坂本義弘, 菅野重樹

    第27回日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集   1F3-04  2009年09月

  • "床面配置型RFIDタグ環境上のローカライゼーションにおける装着リーダのコンフィグレーションについて"

    小鷹研理, 丹羽治彦, 菅野重樹

    第27回日本ロボット学会学術講演会   3Q2-03  2009年09月

  • "身体感覚への注意を促すBF型知覚支援RTの片麻痺リハ応用"

    岩田浩康, 菅野重樹

    計測自動制御学会 第24回生体・生理工学シンポジウム論文集(BPES2009)     97 - 100  2009年09月

  • "片麻痺リハビリにおける両肢角度誤差BFリハビリ支援システムの試作と評価"

    岩田浩康, 有村和隆, 圓成寺弘希, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会福祉工学シンポジウム2009講演論文集     205 - 206  2009年09月

  • "運動感覚伝達装置を活用した麻痺指伸展リハビリプログラムの開発及び検証"

    岩田浩康, 圓成寺弘希, 有村和隆, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会福祉工学シンポジウム2009講演論文集     207 - 208  2009年09月

  • ロボットの実用化に関する一考察

    白井 裕子, 菅野 重樹

    日本ロボット学会誌   27 ( 6 ) 634 - 639  2009年07月

    DOI CiNii

  • 人間共存ロボットにおける生活支援のためのビジョン技術

    菅野重樹, 菅岩泰亮, 岩田浩康

    日本ロボット学会誌   vol.27 ( no.6 ) 596 - 599  2009年07月

    DOI CiNii

  • Work State Identification using Primitive Static States ?Implementation to Demolition Work in Double-Front Work Machines-

    Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano

    Proceedings of 2009 International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction, Texas USA     278 - 287  2009年06月

  • 油圧駆動型双腕ロボットアームシステムの開発〜次世代知能化建機の研究・開発用プラットフォーム〜

    亀允啓, 橋本諭, 島田陽介, 中島義統, 岩田浩康, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2009   1A2-D05  2009年05月

  • “Operation Skill Analysis using Primitive Static States in Human-Operated Work Machine”

    Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano

    Proceedings of The 3rd International Conference on Construction Engineering and Management, Jeju, Korea   ( 27-30 ) 230 - 236  2009年05月

  • 触覚バイオフィードバックに基づく歩行リハビリ支援システム〜第8報:麻痺側加重余裕のBFに基づく筋活動調整手法の提案〜

    岩田浩康, 駒形亮吉, 圓成寺弘希, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(Robomec09)   1A2-L05  2009年05月

  • 触覚バイオフィードバックに基づく歩行リハビリ支援システム〜第9報:誤学習抑制のための両肢角度誤差BFリハビリシステムの試作と評価〜

    岩田浩康, 有村和隆, 駒形亮吉, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(Robomec09)   1A2-K13  2009年05月

  • 体性感覚バイオフィードバックに基づく手指リハビリ支援システム〜第2報:短期臨床における痙性抑制効能の検証〜

    岩田浩康, 圓成寺弘希, 駒形亮吉, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(Robomec09)   1A2-K12  2009年05月

  • 緊張性気胸患者の搬送時救命治療を支援する胸部装置型自動穿刺治療ロボットAIDEDの開発

    後濱龍太, 伊藤慶一郎, 菅野重樹, 中村京太, 竹内良平, 岩田浩康

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(Robomec09)   2A1-M10  2009年05月

  • 遠隔救急超音波診断ロボット:FASTele-1の評価〜通信遅れが及ぼす診断性能への影響〜

    岩田浩康, 伊藤慶一郎, 遠藤嘉将, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(Robomec09)   2A1-M08  2009年05月

  • 人間共存ロボットの觝触適応行動〜第26報:作業拘束の段階的解除による人間追従性と作業性の両立手法〜

    岩田浩康, 山下福太郎, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(Robomec09)   2A1-D17  2009年05月

  • 全面柔軟被覆を備えた人間形ハンドのための接触頻度・寄与度に基づく触覚センサ設計

    岩田浩康, 鼠家正則, 木村謙大, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(Robomec09)   2A2-A20  2009年05月

  • 受動柔軟性を活用したハンド持ち替え制御と安定化手法

    岩田浩康, 塩澤裕樹, 木村謙大, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(Robomec09)   2A2-A21  2009年05月

  • "操作型作業機械の知能化に関する研究〜第5報:操作支援に着目した作業特性および操作支援フラグの識別〜"

    亀允啓, 島田陽介, 中島義統, 岩田浩康, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2009論文集(Robomec’09)   1A2-D04  2009年05月

  • Creating novel goal-directed actions at criticality: A neuro-robotic experiment

    Hiroaki Arie, Tetsuro Endo, Takafumi Arakaki Shigeki, Sugano Jun Tani

    New Mathematics and Natural Computation   Vol.5, No.1   307 - 334  2009年03月

  • Development of 4-DOF Anthropomorphic Tactile Interaction Manipulator with Passive Joint


    Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics   Accepted  2009年

  • RTミドルウェアを用いた車椅子搭載型ロボットアーム・システムの開発

    菅佑樹,汪偉, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス部門(ROBOMEC2009)   2A1-D06  2009年

  • 自己形態主張を行うカスタマイズ可能なコミュニケーションロボットの研究

    守良真, 近藤裕樹, 奥出京司郎, 菅佑樹, 尾形哲也, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス部門(ROBOMEC2009)   1P1-F11  2009年

  • ハードウェアをカスタマイズできるコミュニケーションロボットにおける研究

    近藤裕樹, 守良真, 奥出京司郎, 菅佑樹, 尾形哲也, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス部門(ROBOMEC2009)   1P1-E21  2009年

  • 機能的階層性を利用した目標指向行動の生成モデル −カオスニューラルネットを利用した新規な行動の生成−

    有江浩明, 新垣貴史, 遠藤哲郎, 菅野重樹, 谷淳

    第27回日本ロボット学会学術講演会   2F1-04  2009年

  • 他者の動作から発見した運動プリミティブの組み合わせによる模倣動作の生成

    新垣貴史, 遠藤哲郎, 有江浩明, 谷淳, 菅野重樹

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2009   2A1-A20  2009年

  • Active Localization of a Robot on a Lattice of RFID Tags by using an Entropy Map

    Kenri Kodaka, Haruhiko Niwa, Shigeki Sugano



    We have developed a novel way for robots to estimate their pose dynamically in an environment in which RFID tags have been arranged. We previously developed a method for localizing robots using a particle filter. Testing in a room equipped with a lattice of RFID tags at 300-mm intervals revealed that the estimation fails when the robot&apos;s RFID readers are near the center of the robot&apos;s rotation because the reader could not detect enough tags by rotating movements when the robot&apos;s positions are not suitable. We have overcome this problem by developing an active localization algorithm that generates an entropy, map from the RFID arrangement information, predicts the pose using a particle filter, and attracts the robot to the target using a dynamic model, the fundamental unit of which is rotation-based angular velocity. Testing demonstrated that a robot using this algorithm and an entropy map can estimate its pose robustly without falling into a dead zone by moving only about 20 cm at most.



  • Transport Services on Indoor Map Generating System using Spatially Distributed RFID Tags for Home Environment

    Kenri Kodaka, Haruhiko Niwa, Yoshihiro Sakamoto, Masaumi Otake, Yuki Kanemori, Shigeki Sugano



    This paper proposes a methodology for generating an indoor map of the home environment using widely installed RFID tags, which is being experimentally developed in the model room in the WABOT-HOUSE Laboratory[1]. Our laboratory is studying a system that generates and renews an environmental map of a room in real time in cooperation with three subsystems: a tag infrastructure where many RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) tags are widely installed over the environment, indoor RT(Robot Technology) modules, such as robots and furniture with embedded computing technology, and a home server module that monitors their spatial information. In this paper, we describe the basic concept and contents of the system, then we propose a method of localizing the robot and of moving to a destination while avoiding obstacles. Finally we report an experiment on which the robot succeed in advancing to a resident in the room, as an example of transport services making use of our system.



  • Reader Placement Design for Two Wheeled Robots on Floor-Installed RFID System - Extracting Backward Sensing Problem

    Kenri Kodaka, Haruhiko Niwa, Shigeki Sugano



    This paper offers a significant evaluation of reader&apos;s placement for two wheeled robots to estimate their posture from a lattice of RFID tags. RFID systems where IC tags are installed under/on floors have widely been utilized in recent years as the next positioning infrastructure. The readers&apos; antennas should be properly configured on a robot so that such an environment can give full play to its potential capabilities of positioning the robot. This problem calls for something like guidelines in designing the placement of readers. We constructed a simulation environment using a localization model and evaluated the effects of configurations on positioning accuracy by using detailed computations. Then we obtained the simulation results, which enabled us to identify some useful clues in designing where readers should be placed. We especially focus on a backward sensing problem and discuss how the problem occurs. In addition, a validation experiment using an actual robot verified the validity of the simulation results.



  • 格子状に配置されたRFIDタグの床面を移動するロボットの姿勢推定

    小鷹研理, 丹羽治彦, 坂本義弘, 菅野重樹

    計測自動制御学会論文誌   Vol.45 ( No.7 ) 379 - 387  2009年


  • Rotation-Based Dynamic Localization at an Initial Dead-Zone Avoidance Stage on an RFID Tag Lattice

    Kenri Kodaka, Haruhiko Niwa, Shigeki Sugano

    Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics   Vol.21 ( No.4 ) 460 - 468  2009年

  • 他者の状態予測を用いた階層型強化学習

    金天海, 辻野広司, 中原裕之, 菅野重樹

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会    2009年

  • なじみを備えた多指ロボットハンドにおける手指姿態・触覚情報の汎化学習に基づく操り動作の安定化

    菊池大輔, 笠井栄良, 金天海, 岩田浩康, 菅野重樹

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会    2009年

  • 不支持物体に対する仮想円を用いたエネルギー伝達制御 −ヒューマノイドロボットを用いた大縄回し−

    金天海, 米倉健太, 辻野広司, 菅野重樹

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会    2009年

  • Development of Operator Support System with Primitive Static States for Intelligent Construction Machinery

    Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano

    2009 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MECHATRONICS, VOLS 1 AND 2   ThC1-1 ( 14-17 ) 345 - 350  2009年


    Double-front construction machinery (DFCM), which has been developed for adaptation to complicated work, demands higher operational skills to control double fronts with more multiple joints. To handle DFCM skillfully for performing more complicated works, intelligent functions that can autonomously distinguish between diverse states and also provide informational and operational supports to their operators are inevitably required. In particular, a state identification method strongly requires high reliability, and robustness due to the complexity of the construction work environment and the variety of the operator's skill level. However, most of the current construction machinery has unique functions that only reproduce the movements that are originated by the operator. In this study, which focuses on DFCM, we addressed the need for a new conceptual design of an operator support system (OSS) and evaluated it using our newly developed simulator. Our experimental results showed that the OSS improves the work performance, including decreasing the operational time for completing a task, reducing the mental workload on the operators, and the number of error operations.



  • Primitive Static States for Intelligent Operated-Work Machines

    Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano



    Advanced operated-work machines, which have been designed for complicated tasks and which have complicated operating systems, requires intelligent systems that can provide the quantitative work analysis needed to determine effective work procedures and that can provide operational and cognitive support for operators. Construction work environments are extremely complicated, however, and this makes state identification, which is a key technology for an intelligent system, difficult. We therefore defined primitive static states (PSS) that are determined using on-off information for the lever inputs and manipulator loads for each part of the grapple and front and that are completely independent of the various environmental conditions and variation in operator skill level that can cause an incorrect work state identification. To confirm the usefulness of PSS, we performed experiments with a demolition task by using our virtual reality simulator. We confirmed that PSS could robustly and accurately identify the work states and that untrained skills could be easily inferred from the results of PSS-based work analysis. We also confirmed in skill-training experiments that advice information based on PSS-based skill analysis greatly improved operator's work performance. We thus confirmed that PSS can adequately identify work states and are useful for work analysis and skill improvement.



  • "Hand-Arm Coordinated Manipulation Using Active Body-Environment Contact"

    Taisuke SUGAIWA, Hiroyasu IWATA, Shigeki SUGANO

    SICE Journal of Control, Measurement, and System Integration Robotics and Mechatronics (JCMSI)   Vol.2 ( No.6 ) 348 - 356  2009年


  • A motion control for dexterous manipulation with human mimetic hand-arm system

    Taisuke Sugaiwa, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano

    9th IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots, HUMANOIDS09     653 - 659  2009年


    Human-symbiotic humanoid robots that can perform tasks dexterously using their hands are needed in our homes, welfare facilities, and other places. To improve their task performance, we propose a motion control scheme aimed at appropriately coordinated hand and arm motions. By observing human manual tasks, we identified active body-environment contact as a kind of human manual skill and devised a motion control scheme based on it. We also analyzed the effectiveness of active body-environment contact in glass-placing and drawer-opening tasks. We validated our motion control scheme through actual tests on a prototype human-symbiotic humanoid robot. ©2009 IEEE.



  • Dexterous Hand-Arm Coordinated Manipulation using Active Body-Environment Contact

    Taisuke Sugaiwa, Yasumasa Yamaguchi, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano



    Human-symbiotic humanoid robots that can perform tasks dexterously using their hands are needed in our homes, welfare facilities, and other places. To improve their task performance, we propose a motion control scheme aimed at appropriately coordinated hand and arm motions. By observing human manual tasks, we identified active body-environment contact as a kind of human manual skill and devised a motion control scheme based on it. We also analyzed the effectiveness of active body-environment contact in glass-placing and drawer-opening tasks. We validated our motion control scheme through actual tests on a prototype human-symbiotic humanoid robot.



  • Creating novel goal-directed actions using chaotic dynamics

    Hiroaki Arie, Tetsuro Endot, Takafumi Arakaki, Shigeki Sugano, Jun Tani



    The present study examines the possible roles of cortical chaos in generating novel actions for achieving specified goals. The proposed neural network model consists of a sensory-forward model responsible for parietal lobe functions, a chaotic network model for premotor functions and prefrontal cortex model responsible for manipulating the initial state of the chaotic network. Experiments using humanoid robot were performed with the model and showed that the action plans for satisfying specific novel goals can he generated by diversely modulating and combining prior-learned behavioral patterns at critical dynamical states. Although this criticality resulted in fragile goal achievements in the physical environment of the robot, the reinforcement of the successful trials was able to provide a substantial gain with respect to the robustness. The discussion leads to the hypothesis that the consolidation (if numerous sensory-motor experiences into the memory, meditating diverse imagery in the memory by cortical chaos, and repeated enaction and reinforcement of newly generated effective trials are indispensable for realizing an open-ended development of cognitive behaviors.



  • Design of human symbiotic robot TWENDY-ONE

    Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano

    Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation     580 - 586  2009年


    In this paper, we propose a sophisticated design of human symbiotic robots that provide physical supports to the elderly such as attendant care with high-power and kitchen supports with dexterity while securing contact safety even if physical contact occurs with them. First of all, we made clear functional requirements for such a new generation robot, amounting to fifteen items to consolidate five significant functions such as "safety", "friendliness", "dexterity", "high-power" and "mobility". In addition, we set task scenes in daily life where support by robot is useful for old women living alone, in order to deduce specifications for the robot. Based on them, we successfully developed a new generation of human symbiotic robot, TWENDY-ONE that has a head, trunk, dual arms with a compact passive mechanism, anthropomorphic dual hands with mechanical softness in joints and skins and an omni-wheeled vehicle. Evaluation experiments focusing on attendant care and kitchen supports using TWENDY-ONE indicate that this new robot will be extremely useful to enhance quality of life for the elderly in the near future where human and robot co-exist.© 2009 IEEE.



  • Physical control of the rotation center of an unsupported object - Rope turning by a humanoid robot

    Chyon Hae Kim, Kenta Yonekura, Hiroshi Tsujino, Shigeki Sugano

    9th IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots, HUMANOIDS09     148 - 153  2009年


    The paper describes a physical control method for rotating an object that has no support from below. Conventionally, physical correction of the rotational center of an unsupported object while maintaining rotation around an axis that is located outside the object is difficult. In particular, for the case in which the object is soft and pliable, control is more difficult because gravity can easily affect the shape of the object. As an example, we selected a task in which a robot turns a rope using an end effector. In order to accomplish this task, we propose a novel control method. To control the rotational center to a target position while fixing the shape by centrifugal force, we formulated a method whereby a compensator is added to a control rule that enables the trajectory of the end effector to converge to a limit-cycle within a fixed radius. We applied the proposed control method to a simplified rope simulator. The results of the simulation revealed that the end effector of the robot and the center of mass of the simplified rope converge to a limit-cycle attractor. This result indicates that the system applies the forces that stabilize the shape of the rope and the location of the rotational center. In addition, we applied the proposed method to a rope turning task performed by a humanoid robot. The robot was able to turn a rope with one fixed end and could collaborate with a human. Both tasks could be realized by the same control method. ©2009 IEEE.



  • "空間情報構造のデザインと実証的評価"

    菅野重樹, 小鷹研理, 丹羽治彦

    計測と制御   Vol.48 ( No.12 ) 884 - 889  2009年

  • "Reader Placement Effects of a Moving Robot on Floor-Installed-Type RFID Systems"

    Kenri Kodaka, Haruhiko Niwa, Shigeki Sugano

    SICE Journal of Control, Measurement, and System Integration Robotics and Mechatronics (JCMSI)   Vol.2 ( No.6 ) 334 - 340  2009年

    DOI CiNii

  • "双腕作業機の知能化インタフェースに関する研究〜環境の複雑性および操作者の多様性に非依存な基底作業状態〜"

    亀允啓, 岩田浩康, 菅野重樹

    計測自動制御学会論文集   Vol. 45 ( No. 12 ) 646 - 653  2009年


  • Operator Support System Based on Primitive Static States in Intelligent Operated Work Machines

    Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano

    ADVANCED ROBOTICS   23 ( 10 ) 1281 - 1297  2009年


    Intelligent functions that can autonomously identify the current work states and also provide informational or operational support to their operators are inevitably required for double-front construction machinery (DFCM), which has been developed for complicated tasks. In this study, which focuses on DFCM, we address the need for a new conceptual design of an operator support system. In particular, a state identification method strongly requires high reliability and robustness to address the complexity of the construction work environment and the variety of the operator's skill level. We, therefore, define primitive static states (PSS) that are determined using on-off information for the]ever inputs and manipulator loads for each part of the grapple and front. We develop an intelligent system that provides a reduction of operational gain to make precise work easier and an indication of an enlarged image of the end-effector from a different viewpoint to assist depth perception based on PSS identification, and evaluate it using our newly developed simulator. Our experimental results show that the operator support system improves the work performance, including decreasing the operational time for completing a task, reducing the mental workload on the operators and the number of error operations. (C) Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden and The Robotics Society of Japan, 2009



  • 街路樹登りロボットWOODY-2の開発

    竹内誠, 難波宏旭, 菅佑樹, 白井裕子, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス部門(ROBOMEC2009)   1A2-D07  2009年

  • 倣い作業における触覚センサ情報の統合による手腕協調制御手法

    菅岩泰亮, 岩本国大, 岩田博康, 菅野重樹

    第8回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会    2008年12月

  • 操作型作業機械の知能化に関する研究〜第4報:基底作業状態を用いた操作者支援システムの開発〜

    亀允啓, 岩田浩康, 菅野重樹

    第9回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会     405 - 406  2008年12月

  • 双腕建機のための操作者支援システムの開発設計

    岩田浩康, 亀允啓, 菅野重樹

    建設の施工企画   Vol.706   60 - 66  2008年12月

  • 人間共存ロボットの觝触適応行動〜第25 報:人間追従下における二次的被害防止のための作業拘束解除手法〜

    岩田浩康, 山下福太郎, 平塚和俊, 菅岩泰亮, 菅野重樹

    第8回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会    2008年12月

  • 受動柔軟関節を活用した多指ロボットハンドの柔軟対象物把持手法

    岩田浩康, 堀内大介, 塩沢裕樹, 菅岩泰亮, 菅野重樹

    第8回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会    2008年12月

  • 手指手掌全面に柔軟肉を搭載した多指ロボットハンドの触覚センサ設計〜人による対象物把持における接触頻度・寄与度の高い部位の導出〜

    岩田浩康, 鼠家正則, 木村謙大, 菅岩泰亮, 菅野重樹

    第8回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会    2008年12月

  • ハードウェアをカスタマイズできるコミュニケーションロボットにおける研究

    近藤裕樹, 奥出京司郎, 岩丸大二郎, 守良真, 菅佑樹, 尾形哲也, 菅野重樹

    第9回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会   3C1-4  2008年12月

  • スードライトを用いた屋内GPSによるロボットポジショニング

    丹羽治彦, 小鷹研理, 坂本義弘, 大竹正海, 金森道, 菅野重樹, 海老沼拓史

    第9回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会    2008年12月

  • ばねによる受動関節機構を備えた多指ハンドのばね剛性設計論

    藤井元気, 岩本国大, 堀内大介, 岩田浩康, 菅岩泰亮, 菅野重樹

    第8回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会    2008年12月

  • Services Using DSRC for Autonomous Base Stations


    Proc. of IEEE-RAS Int. Conf. on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids2008)   WP1-28  2008年12月

  • RTミドルウェアを用いた名刺受けマスコットロボットの開発

    菅佑樹, 坂本義弘

    第8回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会   1L3-6  2008年12月

  • RFID配列情報を用いたロボットの動的な姿勢推定

    小鷹研理, 丹羽治彦, 菅野重樹

    第9回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会    2008年12月

  • Development of an Operation Skill-Training Simulator for Double-Front Construction Machinery (Training Effect for a House Demolition Work)


    Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics   vol.20   602 - 609  2008年12月

  • 実用になる人間共存ロボットの試作

    菅野 重樹

    日本ロボット学会誌   26 ( 8 ) 860 - 863  2008年11月

    DOI CiNii

  • Localization of a Robot using Particle Filter on a?Lattice of RFID Tags

    Kenri Kodaka, Haruhiko Niwa, Shigeki Sugano

    the 5th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots and Ambient Intelligence     489 - 493  2008年11月


  • Indoor GPS and Receiver for Robot Navigation - Seamless Positioning between Indoor and Outdoor Space

    Haruhiko Niwa, Kenri Kodaka, Yoshihiro Sakamoto, Takuji Ebinuma, Shigeki Sugano

    Proc. of International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots and Ambient Intelligence    2008年11月

  • Indoor GPS Receiver for Mobile Robot

    Haruhiko Niwa, Kenri Kodaka, Yoshihiro Sakamoto, Takuji Ebinuma, Shigeki Sugano

    Proc. of International Symposium on GPS/GNSS 2008(GNSS 2008)    2008年11月

  • 能動的環境接触を考慮した柔軟マニピュレータの肘関節設計

    菅岩泰亮, 岩田浩康, 高川元, 菅野重樹

    第26回日本ロボット学会学術講演会    2008年09月

  • 多関節マニピュレータ用操作支援システムの構築.手先速度制御と各関節速度制御の重ね合わせ手法

    遠藤ちひろ, 岡田欣也, 菅佑樹, 菅野重樹

    第26回ロボット学会学術講演会   3E3-02  2008年09月

  • 操作型作業機械の知能化に関する研究〜第3報:基底作業状態を利用した操作者のスキル解析と操作トレーニングへの応用〜

    亀允啓, 河合雄一郎, 島田陽介, 岩田浩康, 菅野重樹

    第26回日本ロボット学会学術講演会   1N2-06  2008年09月

  • 双腕建機における知能化インタフェースに関する研究〜基底作業状態識別に基づく操作者支援システムの開発〜

    亀允啓, 島田陽介, 河合雄一郎, 岩田浩康, 菅野重樹

    第11回建設ロボットシンポジウム     335 - 340  2008年09月

  • 双腕建機における操作技能訓練用シミュレータの開発〜訓練効果の検証および操作補助手法の検討〜

    亀允啓, 島田陽介, 河合雄一郎, 岩田浩康, 菅野重樹

    第11回建設ロボットシンポジウム     0.329 - 334  2008年09月

  • 人間共存ロボットTWENDY-ONE 〜汎用生活支援ツールとしての可能性と課題〜

    菅野重樹, 岩田浩康, 菅岩泰亮

    福祉介護機器Techno+   9月号  2008年09月

  • 床面RFIDタグを用いたロボットの姿勢同定とリーダの配置デザインの検討

    小鷹研理, 丹羽治彦, 坂本義弘, 大竹正海, 金森道, 菅野重樹

    第26回日本ロボット学会学術講演会    2008年09月

  • 形態主張型コミュニケーションロボットにおける研究〜形態主張行動の解かり易さのユーザへの影響に関する考察〜

    近藤裕樹, 坂上徳翁, 奥出京司郎, 岩丸大二郎, 菅佑樹, 尾形哲也, 菅野重樹

    第26回ロボット学会学術講演会   3J2-02  2008年09月

  • 屋内GPSを用いた移動ロボットの実時間ポジショニング -移動ロボット実装用としてのGPS 受信機開発-

    丹羽治彦, 海老沼拓史, 小鷹研理, 坂本義弘, 大竹正海, 金森道, 藤井健二郎, 菅野重樹

    第26回日本ロボット学会学術講演会    2008年09月

  • Development of an Operation Skill-Training Simulator for Double-Front Work Machine ?Training Effect for House Demolition Work-


    Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics   vol.20, No.4   602 - 609  2008年09月

  • A QoS management technique of urgent information provision in ITS services using DSRC for autonomous base stations

    Akitoshi Shimura, Takeiki Aizono, Masashi Hiraiwa, Shigeki Sugano

    IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION AND SYSTEMS   E91D ( 9 ) 2276 - 2284  2008年09月


    A QoS management technique based on an autonomous decentralized mobility system, which is an autonomous decentralized system enhanced to provide mobile stations with information about urgent roadway situations. is proposed in this paper. This technique enables urgent messages to be flexibly and quickly transmitted to mobile stations by multiple decentralized base stations using dedicated short range communication. It also supports the easy addition of additional base stations. Each station autonomously creates information-delivery communities based on the urgency of the messages it receives through the roadside network and the distances between the senders and receivers. Each station dynamically determines the urgency of messages according to the message content and the speed of the mobile stations. Evaluation of this technique applied to the Smart Gateway system, which provides driving-assistance services to mobile stations through dedicated short-range communication, demonstrated its effectiveness and that it is suitable for actual systems.



  • Whole-body Coordinated Control for Task Execution and Human Following


    Proc. of CISM-IFToMM Symp. on the Theory and Practice of Robots and Manipulators     209 - 216  2008年08月

  • Development of User-Adaptive Value System of Learning Function using Interactive EC

    Yuki SUGA, Yoshinori IKUMA, Tetsuya OGATA, Shigeki SUGANO

    Proceeding of the 17th IFAC World Congress Conference 2008   17 ( 1 PART 1 ) 9156 - 9161  2008年07月



  • 未来型住居を想定したロボット群によるホームサービスの試み

    金森道, 小鷹研理, 丹羽治彦, 坂本義弘, 大竹正海, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2008    2008年06月

  • 生活支援を目的とした車椅子搭載型ロボットアームの開発〜自重補償機構による軽量・コンパクト性を目指したシリアルリンク型ロボットアーム〜

    岡田欣也, 遠藤ちひろ, 菅佑樹, 岩田浩康, 菅野重樹, 森田寿郎, 千原健司, 藤井勝敏, 稲葉昭夫, 長縄正裕, 鳥井勝彦

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2008   2P1-E04  2008年06月

  • 人間共存ロボットTWENDY-ONEのデザイン

    菅野重樹, 岩田浩康, 菅岩泰亮

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2008   2A1-D23  2008年06月

  • 神経調節機能を参考とした自律エージェントの神経制御器の開発

    菅佑樹, 小林大三, 尾形哲也, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2008   2P1-G05  2008年06月

  • 床面格子状に配置されたRFIDタグによる移動ロボットの位置・姿勢推定

    小鷹研理, 丹羽治彦, 坂本義弘, 大竹正海, 金森道, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2008    2008年06月

  • 小型・軽量な柔軟関節マニピュレータのための粘弾性機構設計

    菅岩泰亮, 岩田浩康, 森裕貴, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2008   2A1-G02  2008年06月

  • リスクカーブに基づく衝突安全被覆設計

    菅岩泰亮, 岩田浩康, 中村卓磨, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2008   1A1-D19  2008年06月

  • ユーザのカスタマイズを受容・拒否できる機構を持つロボットシステムの開発

    近藤裕樹, 坂上徳翁, 奥出京司郎, 岩丸大二郎, 菅佑樹, 尾形哲也, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2008   1P1-G11  2008年06月

  • スードライトを用いたDGPSによる屋内測位システム —屋内と屋外のシームレス測位実現に向けて—

    丹羽治彦, 小鷹研理, 坂本義弘, 大竹正海, 金森道, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2008    2008年06月

  • カスタマイズ可能なロボットにおける形態主張の効果と検証

    岩丸大二郎, 近藤裕樹, 坂上徳翁, 奥出京司郎, 菅佑樹, 尾形哲也, 菅野重樹

    第22回人工知能学会   1I1-04  2008年06月


  • "操作型作業機械の知能化に関する研究〜第2報:環境・操作者に非依存な基底作業状態の提案〜"

    亀允啓, 島田陽介, 河合雄一郎, 岩田浩康, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2008   2P1-B20  2008年06月

  • Structuralizing the Home Environment for Robot Moving

    Kenri Kodaka, Haruhiko Niwa, Yoshihiro Sakamoto, Masaumi Otake, Yuki Kanemori, Shigeki Sugano

    Proc. of the 7th France-Japan Congress on Mecatronics   No.113  2008年05月

  • 3710 ポータブル型遠隔エコー診断支援ロボットの開発(S55-2 生物医学工学における計測と制御(2),21世紀地球環境革命の機械工学:人・マイクロナノ・エネルギー・環境)

    岩田 浩康, 遠藤 嘉将, 伊藤 慶一郎, 菅野 重樹, 太田 現一郎, 野一色 泰晴, 中村 京太, 竹内 良平

    年次大会講演論文集   2008   253 - 254  2008年


    We newly report a tele-echo guided portable robot, FASTele-1 that assists early echo-diagnosis for wounded patients through long-distance. Especially, the robot will be used for primary diagnosis called FAST [Focused Assessment with Sonography for Trauma] looking for in-body spaces filled with blood caused by shock In addition, it can be attached onto the patients body even by novices without expert knowledge who encounters at the scene. Four degrees of freedom involving pitching, rolling, translational movement and adjustment for sticking to the body surface are given to it, A mechanical spring allowing stable contacts with the patient body surface is adopted to reduce an actuator and a corset enabling easily fitting to various body forms is used as a base part. Evaluation experiments indicating FASTele-1 enables to send Sonography of in-body cavity enough for FAST diagnosis by medical specialists in the separated area confirm the effectiveness of the proposed design method.

    DOI CiNii

  • 3729 片麻痺患者の認知運動治療を促進するバイオフィードバック型知覚支援RTの開発(J27 知能機械に人間の高次脳機能の知見を積極的に活用,融合した新分野を切り拓く研究・技術,ジョイントセッション,21世紀地球環境革命の機械工学:人・マイクロナノ・エネルギー・環境)

    岩田 浩康, 菅野 重樹

    年次大会講演論文集   2008   249 - 250  2008年


    We propose a new locomotion rehabilitation RT device, PARTY (Perception-Assisting Robotics TechnologY) that enables the paralyzed to get a perception-bypass communication path via a non-paralyzed-part body for recognizing foot contact pressures on the paralyzed-side. Clinical tests for four patients indicate the locomotion rehabilitation system allow hemiplegia to improve the adjusting capability of foot pressure transitions on the usage of them.

    DOI CiNii

  • 3639 手指手掌全体で面接触を可能とするヒューマンミメティックハンドの構造設計(J24-2 ライフサポート(2),ジョイントセッション,21世紀地球環境革命の機械工学:人・マイクロナノ・エネルギー・環境)

    岩田 浩康, 菅野 重樹

    年次大会講演論文集   2008   209 - 210  2008年


    Installation of passivity on the skin and inside joints of the robotic hand becomes a key-technology to remarkably enhance the stability of handling and manipulation. Based on this idea, in this paper a sophisticated mechanism design of TWENDY-ONE hands with mechanical springs in DIP and MP joints and whole-part covered soft skins is presented.

    DOI CiNii

  • 遠隔救急エコー診断のための体幹装着型4自由度ロボット:FASTele-1の開発

    岩田 浩康, 伊藤 慶一郎, 遠藤 嘉将, 菅野 重樹, 太田 源一郎, 野一色 泰晴, 中村 京太, 竹内 良平

    ライフサポート   20   119 - 119  2008年

    DOI CiNii

  • 物体操作に関する脳の情報処理構造を参考にした運動学習モデル〜身体モデルと目標運動軌道との並行学習〜


    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会   2P1-G06  2008年

  • 神経回路モデル用いたロボットの行動計画手法の提案視覚情報を含む行動のメンタルイメージの作成


    第26回日本ロボット学会学術講演会   2O2-02  2008年

  • 自己組織化回路素子SONEの制御回路構造形成メカニズム

    金天海, 阿部博行, 出澤純一, 尾形哲也, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会    2008年

  • Reinforcement Signal Propagation Algorithm for Logic Circuit

    Chyon Hae Kim, Tetsuya Ogata, Shigeki Sugano

    Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics   Vol.20 No.5 ( 5 ) 757 - 774  2008年



  • Human-Adaptive Robot Interaction Using Interactive EC with Human-Machine Hybrid Evaluation,

    Yuki SUGA, Tetsuya OGATA, Shigeki SUGANO

    Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics   Vol.20 No4 ( 4 ) 610 - 620  2008年



  • A Stepwise Training Method for Complex Task Solving Using Reinforcement Learning

    キムマーガレット, 金天海, 竹内誉羽, 辻野広司

    人工知能学会 第22回全国大会    2008年


  • GPS-based indoor positioning system with multi-channel pseudolite

    Haruhiko Niwa, Kenri Kodaka, Yoshihiro Sakamoto, Masaumi Otake, Seiji Kawaguchi, Kenjirou Fujii, Yuki Kanemori, Shigeki Sugano



    Wabot-House Research Laboratory is working on a project that will enable integrating robots into our everyday life. We believe that a "structured environment" (SE) will be one of most important concepts for this project. An SE generally means that objects near people that have some database or intelligence provide certain information to those people. An SE will also assist robot recognition or movement planning. Now, we focus on a global positioning system (GPS), which is a global SE that gives users or robots their positions whenever and wherever they are outdoors all over the world. GPS will strongly support robot self-positioning. However, GPS has the problem that it cannot be used when the robots are indoors. To solve this problem, we experimentally mounted four pseudolites ('pseudo' means imitated and 'lite' means satellite) in our laboratory and developed indoor GPS. The system worked well unless the robot was near the wall, where cycle slip often occurred. To examine the characteristics and reason for cycle slip, we measured the radio-wave environment in the laboratory. The first half of this paper introduces this system. The last reports results and findings about this experiment.



  • New Visco-Elastic Mechanism Design for Flexible Joint Manipulator

    Taisuke Sugaiwa, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano



    We describe a space-efficient visco-elastic mechanism design for a small lightweight flexible joint of a human-symbiotic robot arm. Human-symbiotic robots that can provide daily life support will be required in houses, offices, facilities, and other places. Since they will often make physical contact with humans, their arms should have mechanical flexible joints to absorb the contact force and follow the human's motion. Our design has two coaxial rotary elements: a torsion bar made from GUMMETAL and a rotary disk damper with the output hole at its center. These two elements are combined in parallel and coaxially, making our design highly space-efficient. This paper presents the specifications of the shear elastic characteristics of GUMMETAL measured in experiments using 1DOF (degree-of-freedom) test equipment. The results confirm that its shear elastic modulus is linear and has a small elastic hysteresis loop and our mechanism can provide the advantage for the robot servo control. Compared with the conventional design, our design can make a smaller lighter flexible joint.



  • Development of an Operation Skill-Training Simulator for Double-Front Work Machine

    Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano



    This paper reports a newly developed simulator for operation skill training in Double-Front Construction Machinery (DFCM) that allows novices to virtually experience tough operations repeatedly using DFCM under various conditions, including dangerous congestion. First, we selected several situations targeted where the DFCM needs to be used to provide a high level of operation skills: sorted dismantling for recycling and reusing resources, rescue and recovery work in disaster areas, and building construction. In addition, we developed an operation skill-training simulator that enables novice operators to repeatedly train with the high level of operation skills needed to easily and safely handle the DFCM in even more complicated works. This simulator system has two joysticks (set in front of a monitor) to dependently control the two fronts of the animated DFCM on the monitor. Several modes involving basic construction tasks are provided and the effects of improvement in operability achieved by the training simulator can be verified. Evaluation experiments indicated that repeated training using the simulator successfully decreased the operation time to complete a task and enhanced positioning accuracy in cooperative transportation with the two fronts. The results confirm the effectiveness of the developed simulator.



  • Pose Estimation of a Mobile Robot on a Lattice of RFID Tags

    Kenri Kodaka, Haruhiko Niwa, Yoshihiro Sakamoto, Masaurni Otake, Yuki Kanemori, Shigeki Sugano



    A method of estimating pose of a robot on a lattice of RFID tags is described. In recent years, radio frequency identification (RFID) technology has become a very popular method for localizing robots because it is robust to disturbances such as lighting and obstacles, which adversely affect the conventional methods that use cameras, supersonic waves and so on. Despite the advantage that RFID tags, especially passive tags, can be inexpensively mass-produced, previous studies using RFID have not targeted the detailed work of robots because they have made use of RFID tags dotted over a wide area as landmarks. Therefore, it is still difficult to use the technology at home. There is a model room in WABOT-HOUSE Laboratory of Waseda University where the floor is equipped with a lattice of RFID tags at 300mm intervals, simulating a future home environment where robots interact symbiotically with humans. We speculate that such an environment, where the tags are distributed at regular intervals, is one of the most probable infrastructures of the near future and propose a method that use Monte Carlo localization to estimate the pose of robot on the lattice. Our experiments show that robots can localize their position more precisely than the interval of tags and also estimate their orientation successfully by using the proposed method when two readers are placed in appropriate positions.



  • Design of Autonomous Decentralized Mobility System: Implementation for ITS Services using DSRC

    A. Shimura, M. Hiraiwa, S. Sugano



    A group management model was previously proposed in which several base stations (BSs) autonomously judge whether to create a group in order to provide cruise-assist services, such as accident-reporting, and multimedia services, such as maps and music, for a moving vehicle by using multiple Dedicated Short Range Communication (DSRC) BSs flexibly and quickly. In this paper, an Autonomous Decentralized Mobility System Architecture to implement this model within an actual system is discussed. In the architecture, each BS autonomously judges whether to create a group for information provision. Each BS that participates in a group shares content regarding the vehicle and the service progress and provides information for the vehicle based on the urgency and the properties of the imformation. This paper also describes an evaluation of this architecture applied to test the actual system effectiveness.



  • Shock Absorbing Skin Design for Human-Symbiotic Robot at the Worst Case Collision

    Taisuke Sugaiwa, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano



    In this paper, we proposed a soft skin design method of human symbiotic robots which achieves collision safety in all collision situations. At the same time, soft skin design has to be optimized for the collision safety and the workability. Therefore we evaluate effectiveness of soft skin at each position on arm in longer-direction, and optimize its thickness along collision position. Firstly we discuss parameters for describing the collision between human and human-symbiotic robots, and identify the worst case collision including the out-of-control condition of the robots. Next we conducted actual collision experiments duplicating the worst case collision and apply the proposed method to soft skin covering of human-symbiotic robot "TWENDY-ONE". In consequence, TWENDY-ONE acquires both of collision safety and the workability.



  • 双腕建機における知能化インタフェースに関する研究〜基底作業状態識別に基づく操作者支援システムの開発〜

    亀允啓, 島田陽介, 河合雄一郎, 岩田浩康, 菅野重樹

    第11回建設ロボットシンポジウム    2008年

  • マルチチャネルスードライトによるGPSに基づいた室内測位システム

    丹羽治彦, 小鷹研理, 坂本義弘, 大竹正海, 金森道, 菅野重樹

    第8回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(SI 2007)    2007年12月

  • GPSによるロボット制御

    菅野重樹, 丹羽治彦, 小鷹研理, 坂本義弘, 大竹正海, 金森道

    GPS/GNSSシンポジウム2007    2007年11月

  • Advanced Robotics: Preface

    Satoshi Tadokoro, Shigeki Sugano

    Advanced Robotics   21 ( 14 ) 1601  2007年10月



  • 自己組織化回路素子SONEにおけるノイズの抑制

    金 天海, 出澤 純一, 尾形 哲也, 菅野 重樹

    日本ロボット学会誌 = Journal of Robotics Society of Japan   25 ( 6 ) 913 - 920  2007年09月


    In the recent years, neural networks or other learing networks are frequently used in the field of robotics. However, the needed conditions of the learning system are not fulfilled enough in autonomous robot, because the variety of the needed conditions let it difficult to accomplish. So, integration of the functions is inevitable to create an effective learning system in autonomous robot. In traditional methods, it was difficult to accomplish "autonomous exploration of the effective output", "simple external parameters", and "low calculation cost" together in a learning system. Thus, we proposed a new learning method self-organizing network elements (SONE) against this problem. All of these conditions are fulfilled by SONE, however there is a need to enhance the ability against noises. Therefore, we propose a technique to restrain noises in SONE. In our experiments, more resistance against noises was confirmed with this technique. Also in a robot simulation, the performance of the robot was improved by this novel method.

    DOI CiNii

  • "It's a Robot Life"

    Shigeki Sugano, Yoshihiro Sakamoto, Kenjiro Fujii, Ivan G. Petrovski, Makoto Ishii, Kazuki Okano, Seiya Kawaguchi

    GPS World   Vol. 18   48 - 55  2007年09月

  • 能動的な身体・環境接触を利用した対象物操作の安定化 〜プレーシング作業における衝撃低減効果の検証〜

    菅岩泰亮, 岩田浩康, 菅野重樹

    第25回日本ロボット学会学術講演会, 習志野    2007年09月

  • 1P1-M10 双腕建機における操作技能トレーニング用シミュレータの開発(建設・解体ロボット・メカトロニクス)

    亀崎 允啓, 岩田 浩康, 菅野 重樹

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2007   _1P1-M10_1 - _1P1-M10_3  2007年

    DOI CiNii

  • クオリティオブライフ 3.QOLにおけるロボティクス技術

    菅野 重樹

    映像情報メディア学会誌   61 ( 8 ) 1092 - 1095  2007年

    DOI CiNii

  • ニューラルネットによる腱駆動ロボットアームの制御

    有江浩明, 尾形哲也, 谷淳, 菅野重樹

    第8回システムインテグレーション部門講演会 (SI2007)   1B4-6  2007年

  • 自己組織化論理回路におけるノイズの抑制

    金天海, 出澤純一, 尾形哲也, 菅野重樹

    日本ロボット学会誌   Vol.25, No.6   115 - 122  2007年

  • Reinforcement learning of a continuous motor sequence with hidden states

    Hiroaki Arie, Tetsuya Ogata, Jun Tani, Shigeki Sugano

    ADVANCED ROBOTICS   21 ( 10 ) 1215 - 1229  2007年


    Reinforcement learning is the scheme for unsupervised learning in which robots are expected to acquire behavior skills through self-explorations based on reward signals. There are some difficulties, however, in applying conventional reinforcement learning algorithms to motion control tasks of a robot because most algorithms are concerned with discrete state space and based on the assumption of complete observability of the state. Real-world environments often have partial observablility; therefore, robots have to estimate the unobservable hidden states. This paper proposes a method to solve these two problems by combining the reinforcement learning algorithm and a learning algorithm for a continuous time recurrent neural network (CTRNN). The CTRNN can learn spatio-temporal structures in a continuous time and space domain, and can preserve the contextual flow by a self-organizing appropriate internal memory structure. This enables the robot to deal with the hidden state problem. We carried out an experiment on the pendulum swing-up task without rotational speed information. As a result, this task is accomplished in several hundred trials using the proposed algorithm. In addition, it is shown that the information about the rotational speed of the pendulum, which is considered as a hidden state, is estimated and encoded on the activation of a context neuron.



  • Constructive Approach to Understanding the Active Learning Process of Adaptation within a Given Task

    Hiroaki Arie, Shigeki Sugano, Jun Tani

    The 2nd International Symposium on Mobiligence     77 - 80  2007年

  • Enhancement of self organizing network elements for supervised learning

    Chyon Hae Kim, Tetsuya Ogata, Shigeki Sugano



    We have proposed self-organizing network elements (SONE) as a learning method for robots to meet the requirements of autonomous exploration of effective output, simple external parameters, and low calculation costs. SONE can be used as an algorithm for obtaining network topology by propagating reinforcement signals between the elements of a network. T!raditionally, the analysis of fundamental features in SONE and their application to supervised learning tasks were difficult because the learning method of SONE was limited to reinforcement learning. Here the abilities of generalization, incremental learning, and temporal sequence learning were evaluated using a supervised learning method with SONE. Moreover, the proposed method enabled our SONE to be applied to a greater variety of tasks.



  • スードライトとRFIDを用いた屋内ロボットナビゲーション手法の提案

    坂本義弘, 大竹正海, 菅野重樹

    第7回システムインテグレーション部門講演会 (SI 2006)   2B2-3  2006年12月

  • ”人間共存ロボットの觝触適応行動 〜第24報:ポテンシャル法による人間追従・作業遂行・環境回避の機能統御〜

    岩田浩康, 菅岩泰亮, 中村卓磨, 九谷俊行, 菅野重樹

    第24回日本ロボット学会学術講演会   3K14  2006年09月

  • RTビジネスの戦略

    菅野 重樹

    日本ロボット学会誌 = Journal of Robotics Society of Japan   24 ( 3 ) 278 - 283  2006年04月

    DOI CiNii

  • 「人間とロボットが共存する社会システム構築に向けて」〜WABOT0−HOUSE研究所が取り組むロボット総合技術の研究について〜


    第9回かわさきロボット技術交流会    2006年03月

  • Acquisition of Motion Primitives of Robot in Human-Navigation Task

    Ogata Tetsuya, Sugano Shigeki, Tani Jun

    Information and Media Technologies   1 ( 1 ) 305 - 313  2006年


    A novel approach to human-robot collaboration based on quasi-symbolic expressions is proposed. The target task is navigation in which a person with his or her eyes covered and a humanoid robot collaborate in a context-dependent manner. The robot uses a recurrent neural net with parametric bias (RNNPB) model to acquire the behavioral primitives, which are sensory-motor units, composing the whole task. The robot expresses the PB dynamics as primitives using symbolic sounds, and the person influences these dynamics through tactile sensors attached to the robot. Experiments with six participants demonstrated that the level of influence the person has on the PB dynamics is strongly related to task performance, the person's subjective impressions, and the prediction error of the RNNPB model (task stability). Simulation experiments demonstrated that the subjective impressions of the correspondence between the utterance sounds (the PB values) and the motions were well reproduced by the rehearsal of the RNNPB model.

    DOI CiNii

  • Robot design and environment design - Waseda robot-house project

    Shigeki Sugano, Yuko Shirai

    2006 SICE-ICASE International Joint Conference     I31 - I34  2006年  [査読有り]


    The robot technology for human-robot symbiosis including robot adaptability to human and environment, which is urgently required in the rapidly aging society, is unfortunately yet to advance. This is because conventional robotics research has focused solely on the advanced function of the robot itself. We should establish the system by integrating robot technology and environments, especially the structures and functions of the houses and facilities. Based on this concept, robotics engineers, architects, IT researchers and fine artists in Waseda University take part in the WABOT-HOUSE (WAseda roBOT HOUSE) project, and we try to design an optimal system from robotic and architectural points of view to realize the truly practical symbiosis between human and robots. In this paper, I will introduce the project "WABOT-HOUSE", robots in WABOT-HOUSE including humanoid robots, design of a structured environment, and a contribution to the growth of the robotics industry by means of the collaboration with small &amp
    medium-sized companies and the development of active system-integrators. © 2006 ICASE.



  • Dynamic perception after visually guided grasping by a human-like autonomous robot

    M Suzuki, K Noda, Y Suga, T Ogata, S Sugano

    ADVANCED ROBOTICS   20 ( 2 ) 233 - 254  2006年  [査読有り]


    We will explore dynamic perception following the visually guided grasping of several objects by a human-like autonomous robot. This competency serves for object categorization. Physical interaction with the hand-held object gives the neural network of the robot the rich, coherent and multi-modal sensory input. Multi-layered self-organizing maps are designed and examined in static and dynamic conditions. The results of the tests in the former condition show its capability of robust categorization against noise. The network also shows better performance than a single-layered map does. In the latter condition we focus on shaking behavior by moving only the forearm of the robot. In some combinations of grasping style and shaking radius the network is capable of categorizing two objects robustly. The results show that the network capability to achieve the task largely depends on how to grasp and how to move the objects. These results together with a preliminary simulation are promising toward the self-organization of a high degree of autonomous dynamic object categorization.

  • Design of humanoid robot for human-robot interaction - Waseda robots: Wendy and Wamoeba

    Shigeki Sugano


  • Evolutionary approach for designing the behavior generator of communication robot

    Yuki Suga, Tetsuya Ogata, Shigeki Sugano

    2006 SICE-ICASE INTERNATIONAL JOINT CONFERENCE, VOLS 1-13     5016 - +  2006年  [査読有り]


    Our goal is to create the robot system which interacts with human users keeping their interest during a long period. We focus on the Interactive Evolutionary Computation (IEC) technique to achieve this goal. Although the IEC enables users to design various systems which reflect their subjective preferences, it forces users to evaluate a huge number of individuals in the genetic pool during the evolution period. To solve this problem, we propose a refined IEC technique, named Human-Machine Hybrid Evaluation (HMHE), which selects the representative genes for user evaluation and estimates the evaluation results of the other genes. It can increase the population size without increasing the users' evaluation processes. We carried out some simulations where a humanoid robot with our method interacted with a user. The experimental results demonstrated that the HMHE could continue to generate the various robot behaviors by adapting to the transition of user's subjective preferences.

  • 自己組織化論理回路における学習アルゴリズムの解析

    金天海, 尾形哲也, 菅野重樹

    第6回 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会    2006年

  • ローカルルールに基いた論理回路の自己組織化アルゴリズム

    金天海, 尾形哲也, 菅野重樹

    計測自動制御学会論文集   Vol.42, No.4   334 - 341  2006年


  • Reinforcement learning algorithm with CTRNN in continuous action space

    Hiroaki Arie, Jun Namikawa, Tetsuya Ogata, Jun Tani, Shigeki Sugano



    There are some difficulties in applying traditional reinforcement learning algorithms to motion control tasks of robot. Because most algorithms are concerned with discrete actions and based on the assumption of complete observability of the state. This paper deals with these two problems by combining the reinforcement learning algorithm and CTRNN learning algorithm. We carried out an experiment on the pendulum swing-up task without rotational speed information. It is shown that the information about the rotational speed, which is considered as a hidden state, is estimated and encoded on the activation of a context neuron. As a result, this task is accomplished in several hundred trials using the proposed algorithm.

  • Improvement against noises in self-organizing logic circuit

    Chyon Hae Kim, Jyun-ichi Idesawa, Shigeki Sugano, Tetsuya Ogata



    We proposed and evaluated a network learning method called self-organizing network elements (SONE). Autonomous exploration of effective output, the use of simple external parameters, and low calculation costs were functions achieved for a robot system with this method. However, there is the need to improve performance against noises for learning more complicated tasks. Therefore, we propose a technique to adjust thresholds in a self-organizing logic circuit based on SONE. In our experiments, performing 3-bit operation tasks, controlling a Khepera robot, and generating new elements was appropriately controlled with this technique. Also, network performance against noises was improved as a result of using the proposed method.



  • Adaptive human-robot interaction system using interactive EC

    Yuki Suga, Tetsuya Ogata, Chihiro Endo, Daizo Kobayashi, Takeshi Matsumoto, Shigeki Sugano



    We created a human-robot communication system that can adapt to user preferences that can easily change through communication. Even if any learning algorithms are used, evaluating the human-robot interaction is indispensable and difficult. To solve this problem, we installed a machine-learning algorithm called Interactive Evolutionary Computation (IEC) into a communication robot named WAMOEBA-3. IEC is a kind of evolutionary computation like a genetic algorithm. With EEC, the fitness function is performed by each user. We carried out experiments on the communication learning system using an advanced EEC system named HMHE. Before the experiments, we did not tell the subjects anything about the robot, so the interaction differed among the experimental subjects. We could observe mutual adaptation, because some subjects noticed the robot's functions and changed their interaction. From the results, we confirmed that, in spite of the changes of the preferences, the system can adapt to the interaction of multiple users.



  • Efficient organization of network topology based on reinforcement signals

    Chyon Hae Kim, Shigeki Sugano, Tetsuya Ogata



    We developed a learning system for autonomous robots that allows for autonomous exploration of the effective output, and has simple external parameters and a low calculation cost. We propose the concept of self-organizing network elements (SONE) for creating learning systems with these characteristics. We created and evaluated a self-organizing logic circuit by using this concept. Our results indicated this learning system had the characteristics.



  • CTRNNを用いた連続な状態空間における強化学習法の提案

    有江浩明, 尾形哲也, 谷淳, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会ロボティクスメカトロニクス講演会    2006年

  • CTRNNを用いた強化学習法による連続な行動出力の獲得

    有江浩明, 尾形哲也, 谷淳, 菅野重樹

    第24回日本ロボット学会学術講演会    2006年

  • 隠れ状態を有する連続な状態空間での強化学習法の提案

    鈴木貴晴, 有江浩明, 尾形哲也, 谷淳, 菅野重樹

    第7回システムインテグレーション部門講演会 (SI2006)   2C2-7  2006年

  • 人間共存ロボットの觝触適応行動 〜第21報:触覚刺激の時間遷移に応じた觝触状態推移出力システムの提案〜

    岩田浩康, 菊池大輔, 小林徹也, 菅野重樹

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門学術講演会SI2005講演論文集   2N1-4  2005年12月

  • 触覚インタラクション4自由度マニピュレータの開発

    岩田浩康, 蒋 梁中, 菅野重樹

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門学術講演会SI2005講演論文集   1G3-5  2005年12月

  • Human-robot-contact-state identification based on tactile recognition

    Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano

    IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics   52 ( 6 ) 1468 - 1477  2005年12月


    In this paper, we propose a method for designing an identification system for human-robot contact states based on tactile recognition. The following ideas are incorporated: experimentation for human-robot contact, verbalization of contact states, extraction of characteristic parameters from acquired tactile information, quantification of the recipient's tactile recognition incorporating its redundancy (identification confusability among contact states), evaluation of the identification confusability with a new criterion, and identification of contact states based on the received tactile stimulation. The proposed method allows a robot to quantify tactile recognition of a human (recipient) touched by other people (touch initiator), in which the verbal response by the recipient is matched with tactile stimulation acquired during physical contact utilizing a tactile interface. In addition, the method enables a robot that comes into contact with a human to identify contact states nearly similar to that of the recipient, based on the features of the received tactile stimulation. At this point, the reproduction of the identification confusability of the recipient's tactile recognition is also accomplished by using a neural network called modified counterpropagation (MCP). Once a tactile stimulation is induced on the robot body, the probability of corresponding contact states is calculated and outputted by the system, based on the degree of similarity of the characteristics between the newly received and previously stored tactile stimulation. Experimental results indicate that the constructed system allows a successful quantification of the recipient's contact-state recognition incorporating the identification confusability and the accomplishment of a high level of accuracy in contact-state identification. These results confirm that the proposed method is useful for identifying human-robot contact states based on tactile recognition. © 2005 IEEE.



  • Control System and Mechanism Design for Human-Robot Safe Physical Interaction


    TUM presents: Frontier Sciences at The University of Tokyo and Kyoto University - Workshop 4 on Humanoid Robots: Locomotion and Cognition, Tokyo (Japan)    2005年10月

  • 身体の動力学的特性に基づいた運動プリミティブの獲得-2自由度リンク系のランダムな運動の分節化の試み

    有江浩明, 尾形哲也, 菅野重樹

    第23回日本ロボット学会学術講演会    2005年09月

  • 実ロボットを用いた対話型進化的計算によるコミュニケーション学習

    生熊良規, 長尾大輔, 菅佑樹, 尾形哲也, 菅野重樹

    第23回日本ロボット学会学術講演会    2005年09月

  • Human Robot Contact Identification based on Tactile Recognition


    The 2nd COE-CIR Joint Workshop on Future Technologies of Mechatronics for Its Growing Role in Symbiotic Society with Human, Kitakyushu (Japan)    2005年08月

  • 操作力多面体に基づく力方向操作性と安定性を考慮した力作業姿勢制御

    梶尾祐介, 岩田浩康, 徳舛佳洋, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集   2A1-S-047  2005年06月

  • 人間共存ロボットの觝触適応行動 〜第20報:環境との接触を回避しつつ人間追従性と作業性の両立が可能な全身運動制御〜

    中村卓磨, 岩田浩康, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集   2A1-N-060  2005年06月

  • 人間共存ロボットの觝触適応行動 〜第19報:受け手の状態を考慮した觝触動作生成モデルの提案〜

    岩田浩康, 小林徹也, 小橋征爾, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集   2A1-N-056  2005年06月

  • Human Robot Physical Interference Adapting Control Coordinating Human Following and Task Execution


    The 1st CIR-COE Joint Workshop on Intelligent Robot Technologies to Enhance the Quality of Life for Senior Citizens in the Near Future, Jeju Island (Korea )    2005年02月

  • Acquisition of motion primitives of robot in human-navigation task towards human-robot interaction based on "quasi-symbols"

    Tetsuya Ogata, Shigeki Sugano, Jun Tani

    Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence   20 ( 3 ) 188 - 196  2005年


    A novel approach to human-robot collaboration based on quasi-symbolic expressions is proposed. The target task is navigation in which a person with his or her eyes covered and a humanoid robot collaborate in a context-dependent manner. The robot uses a recurrent neural net with parametric bias (RNNPB) model to acquire the behavioral primitives, which are sensory-motor units, composing the whole task. The robot expresses the PB dynamics as primitives using symbolic sounds, and the person influences these dynamics through tactile sensors attached to the robot. Experiments with six participants demonstrated that the level of influence the person has on the PB dynamics is strongly related to task performance, the person's subjective impressions, and the prediction error of the RNNPB model (task stability). Simulation experiments demonstrated that the subjective impressions of the correspondence between the utterance sounds (the PB values) and the motions were well reproduced by the rehearsal of the RNNPB model.



  • Open-end human-robot interaction from the dynamical systems perspective: mutual adaptation and incremental learning

    T Ogata, S Sugano, J Tani

    ADVANCED ROBOTICS   19 ( 6 ) 651 - 670  2005年


    In this paper, we experimentally investigated the open-end interaction generated by the mutual adaptation between humans and robot. Its essential characteristic, incremental learning, is examined using the dynamical systems approach. Our research concentrated on the navigation system of a specially developed humanoid robot called Robovie and seven human subjects whose eyes were covered, making them dependent on the robot for directions. We used the usual feed-forward neural network (FFNN) without recursive connections and the recurrent neural network (RNN) for the robot control. Although the performances obtained with both the RNN and the FFNN improved in the early stages of learning, as the subject changed the operation by learning on its own, all performances gradually became unstable and failed. Next, we used a 'consolidation-learning algorithm' as a model of the hippocampus in the brain. In this method, the RNN was trained by both new data and the rehearsal outputs of the RNN not to damage the contents of current memory. The proposed method enabled the robot to improve performance even when learning continued for a long time (open-end). The dynamical systems analysis of RNNs supports these differences and also showed that the collaboration scheme was developed dynamically along with succeeding phase transitions.



  • Interactive evolution of human-robot communication in real world

    Y Suga, Y Ikuma, D Nagao, S Sugano, T Ogata



    This paper describes how to implement interactive evolutionary computation (IEC) into a human-robot communication system. EEC is an evolutionary computation (EC) in which the fitness function is performed by human assessors. We used IEC to configure the human-robot communication system. We have already simulated EEC's application. In this paper, we implemented IEC into a real robot. Since this experiment leads considerable burdens on both the robot and experimental subjects, we propose the human-machine hybrid evaluation (HMHE) to increase the diversity within the genetic pool without increasing the number of interactions. We used a communication robot, WAMOEBA-3 (Waseda Artificial Mind On Emotion BAse), which is appropriate for this experiment. In the experiment, human assessors interacted with WAMOEBA-3 in various ways. The fitness values increased gradually, and assessors felt the robot learnt the motions they desired. Therefore, it was confirmed that the IEC is most suitable as the communication learning system.



  • Design of anthropomorphic 4-DOF tactile interaction manipulator with passive joints

    H Iwata, S Kobashi, T Aono, S Sugano



    In this paper, we describe the design method of an anthropomorphic 4-DOF tactile interaction manipulator with mechanically passive joints giving robots to accomplish high performance force-following and tactile-based contact state recognition despite physical interference and contact with humans occurring at links and at joints. The shape and appearance of this manipulator was based on statistical data on the Japanese male physique to allow for human-like contact interaction recognition. Joint are passively compliant, consisting of a mechanical leaf spring and rotary damper giving the manipulator high passivity. Cylindrical or spherical surfaces of the body including the elbow and wrist are overlaid with distributed tactile sensors acquiring accurate contact information. Evaluation experiments indicate that the manipulator provides high performance of force-following and tactile stimulation measurement, during physical interference and contact with humans and confirmed its effectiveness in improving human/robot symbiosis.



  • Self-organizing algorithm for logic circuit based on local rules

    CH Kim, T Ogata, S Sugano



    This study discusses a learning algorithm for autonomous robots that has five characteristics including autonomous exploration of effective output, low calculation costs, capability for multi-tasking, reusing past knowledge, and handling time series. We propose the use of self-organizing network elements (SONE) as a method for creating learning systems that provide these characteristics. Using this method, we created and evaluated a Self-organizing Logic Circuit. The results of our experiments showed that this learning system met the requirements by being capable of creating a basic logic circuit, learning additional knowledge, controlling a simple robot in a simulation, and solving a maze problem.

  • 触覚に基づく人間・ロボット触れあい状況識別

    岩田浩康, 蒋 梁中, 菅野重樹

    計測自動制御学会第5回システムインテグレーション部門学術講演会   2D4-5  2004年12月

  • 情緒交流ロボットWAMOEBA-3 人間-ロボット間コミュニケーション研究プラットフォームの開発

    有江浩明, 菅佑樹, 尾形哲也, 菅野重樹

    計測自動制御学会第5回システムインテフレーション部門学術講演会    2004年12月

  • ローカルルールに基づいたネットワーク素子の生成淘汰アルゴリズム

    金 天海, 尾形哲也, 菅野重樹

    計測自動制御学会第5回システムインテフレーション部門学術講演会    2004年12月

  • Acquisition of Motion Primitives of Robot in Human-Navigation Task:Towards Human-Robot Interaction Based on 'Quasi-Symbol'


    Proc. of The Second Internatinal Woekshop on Man-Machine Symbiotic Systems     315 - 326  2004年11月

  • Human Robot Interference Adapting Control Coordinating Human Following and Task Execution


    Proc. of IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems(IROS'2004)     2879 - 2885  2004年10月

  • Development of Emotional Communication Robot, WAMOEBA-3


    Proc. of Int. Conf. on Advanced Mechatronics(ICAM2004)     413 - 418  2004年10月

  • Editorial

    Shigeki Sugano, Hideki Hashimoto

    IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics   9 ( 3 ) 465 - 466  2004年09月  [査読有り]



  • 動作プリミティブを介した人間とロボットの協調

    尾形哲也, 菅野重樹, 谷淳

    第22回日本ロボット学会学術講演会    2004年09月

  • 人間共存ロボットの觝触適応行動〜第18報:受動柔軟関節と全面に触覚機能を備えた肘・手首の開発〜

    岩田浩康, 小橋征爾, 青野達人, 小林徹也, 菅野重樹

    第22回日本ロボット学会学術講演会   3E21  2004年09月

  • 人間共存ロボットの觝触適応行動〜第17報:受け手の觝触特徴量推定に基づく能動的觝触認知〜

    岩田浩康, 亀村隆史, 小林徹也, 菅野重樹

    第22回日本ロボット学会学術講演会   3E22  2004年09月

  • Human-Robot Communivation Using Multiple Recurrent Neural Networks


    Proc. of IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems(IROS2004)     1574 - 1579  2004年09月

  • Human Robot Collaboration Using Behavioral Primitives


    Proc. of IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems(IROS2004)     1592 - 1597  2004年09月


  • Flexible assembly work cooperating system based on work state identifications by a self-organizing map

    Y Hayakawa, T Ogata, S Sugano

    IEEE-ASME TRANSACTIONS ON MECHATRONICS   9 ( 3 ) 520 - 528  2004年09月


    This paper presents a method of realizing flexible assembly work cooperation where the assembler is free to carry out the work, without constraints in the process. To realize such systems, there exists an issue of identifying work states during the assembly and to determine when and what kind of support is necessary. As an approach to solve such issues we took a self-organizing approach in constructing a work model, as an abstract model describing typical work states during the assembly. The necessity of support is judged by detecting uncommon work states occurring, and the type of support is determined by detecting the work state. Examples of work state identifications by the self-organized map are shown. We carried out experiments to evaluate the judgment of situational necessity of support and to verify the correct identification rate of typical work states. Finally a robotic support system was constructed that gives supports of autonomously holding and handing out assembly pieces by the judging of situational necessity of support.



  • Acquisition of Reactive Motion for Communication Robots Using Interactive EC


    Proc. of IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems(IROS2004)     1198 - 1203  2004年09月


  • 動作模倣による人間とロボットのインタラクション-手先軌道データを用いた動作予測システムの構築-

    菅佑樹, 秋和祐介, 尾形哲也, 菅野重樹

    日本機会学会ロボティクスメカトロニクス講演会   2A1-H-61  2004年06月

  • 人間共存ロボットの觝触適応行動〜第16報:能動的觝触認知のための触覚・運動情報の統合化処理〜

    岩田浩康, 亀村隆史, 小林徹也, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会   2P2-H-39  2004年06月

  • 人間共存ロボットの觝触適応行動〜第15報:触覚インタラクションアーム肘・手首関節の設計〜

    岩田浩康, 小橋征爾, 青野達人, 高野恭一, 小林徹也, 亀村隆史, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会   2P2-H-38  2004年06月

  • Interactive ECを用いた自律移動ロボットの進化に冠する基礎研究

    菅佑樹, 尾形哲也, 菅野重樹

    日本機会学会ロボティクスメカトロニクス講演会   2P2-L1-24  2004年06月

  • Editorial note

    Shigeki Sugano, Hideki Hashimoto


  • Development of Emotional Communication Robot, WAMOEBA-3(Power Assist and Nursing 1,Session: TA1-C)

    SUGA Yuki, ARIE Hiroaki, OGATA Tetsuya, SUGANO Shigeki

    The Abstracts of the international conference on advanced mechatronics : toward evolutionary fusion of IT and mechatronics : ICAM   2004   41 - 41  2004年

    DOI CiNii

  • Open-end human robot interaction from the dynamical systems perspective: Mutual adaptation and incremental learning

    T Ogata, S Sugano, J Tani

    INNOVATIONS IN APPLIED ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE   3029   435 - 444  2004年  [査読有り]


    This paper describes interactive learning between human subjects and robot using the dynamical systems approach. Our research concentrated on the navigation system of a humanoid robot and human subjects whose eyes were covered. We used the recurrent neural network (RNN) for the robot control. We used a "consolidation-leaming algorithm" as a model of hippocampus in brain. In this method, the RNN was trained by both a new data and the rehearsal outputs of the RNN, not to damage the contents of current memory. The proposed method enabled the robot to improve the performance even when learning continued for a long time (open-end). The dynamical systems analysis of RNNs supports these differences.

  • Imitation based human-robot interaction - Roles of joint attention and motion prediction

    Y Akiwa, Y Suga, T Ogata, S Sugano



    Behavior imitation is crucial for the acquisition of intelligence as well as in communication. This paper describes two kinds of experiments of human-robot communication based on behavior imitation. One compared results obtained when the robot did and did not predict the experimental subject's behaviors by using past datasets, and the other compared results obtained with and without target objects in the simulator environment. The result of former experiment showed that the prediction of the subject's behaviors increase the subject's interest. The result of the latter experiment confirmed that the presence of objects facilitates joint attention and make human-robot communication possible even when the robot uses a simple imitation mechanism. This result shows that in human-robot communication, human not only recognizes the behaviors of the robot passively but also adapts to the situation actively. In conclusion, it is confirmed that motion prediction and the presence of objects for joint attention are important for human-robot communication.

  • Constructivist approach to human-robot emotional communication - design of evolutionary function for WAMOEBA-3

    Y Suga, H Arie, A Ogata, S Sugano



    By applying a self-preservation function and communication capability, we investigated the emergence of the emotional behavior of robots to propose an "evaluation function for self-preservation," a " model of endocrine system," and a "MA model." We also developed a new hardware platform, WAMOEBA-3, to install our new knowledge into the robot. WAMOEBA-3, a wheel type, independent robot, was designed for easy maintenance and customization. As a new function for WAMOEBA-3, we introduced an evolutionary function for the acquisition of reactive motion that uses an interactive evolutionary computation method. We show the results of simulation experiments and discuss real world applications.

  • 人間共存ロボットのための接触制御システム

    岩田浩康, 蒋 梁中, 菅野重樹

    第4回SICEシステムインテグレーション部門講演会   paper no.1F2-6  2003年12月

  • コミュニケーションを指向した反射的行動の獲得-対話型進化計算を用いたアプローチの提案-

    菅佑樹, 尾形哲也, 菅野重樹

    計測自動制御学会第4回システムインテグレーション部門学術講演会     1004 - 1005  2003年12月

  • A System Design for Tactile Recognition of Human-Robot Contact State


    Proc. of IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems(IROS'2003)     7 - 12  2003年10月

  • 対話型進化的計算手法を用いたロボットの反射行動の獲得

    菅佑樹, 尾形哲也, 菅野重樹

    第21回日本ロボット学会学術講演会   3J31  2003年09月

  • 人間共存ロボットの觝触適応行動〜第14報:関節可動部における触覚インタフェース〜

    岩田浩康, 亀村隆史, 小林徹也, 菅野重樹

    第21回日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集   paper no.3H35  2003年09月

  • 人間共存ロボットの觝触適応行動〜第13報:觝触認知性能に応じた触覚センサ仕様の導出〜

    岩田浩康, 小林徹也, 亀村隆史, 菅野重樹

    第21回日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集   paper no.3H34  2003年09月

  • 人間とロボットのインタラクティブな学習に関する研究

    尾形哲也, 真砂紀孝, 菅野重樹, 谷淳

    第21回ロボット学会学術講演会   1l26  2003年09月

  • Compliance Control of Mobile Manipulators


    Workshop on "New Developments in Mobile Robot Manipulation" IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation    2003年09月

  • Collaboration Development through Interactive Leaning between Human and Robot


    Proc. of 3rd Int. Workshop on Epigenetic Robotics     99 - 106  2003年08月

  • 人間共存ロボットの觝触適応行動〜第12報:触覚機能を備えた肘関節の試作〜

    岩田浩康, 亀村隆史, 菅野重樹

    日本機会学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会(Robomec'03)   1p1-3F-C5  2003年05月

  • 情緒交流ロボットWAMOEBA-3Aの開発 -トルクセンサ内臓関節の設計-

    土屋尚文, 有江浩明, 日野貴司, 尾形哲也, 菅野重樹

    日本機会学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会(Robomec'03)   2P2-2F-1F  2003年05月

  • メカノクリーチャー -生物から学ぶデザインテクノロジー-

    尾形哲也, 菅野重樹

    日本機会学会     172 - 203  2003年

  • AI事典 第2版


    共立出版     32 - 33  2003年

  • 作業性と人間追従性を両立する動作制御手法

    岩田浩康, 星野勇人, 森田寿郎, 菅野重樹

    日本ロボット学会   vol.21, no.1 ( 1 ) 118 - 125  2003年01月


    This paper proposes a flexible adapting system for human symbiotic robots that stably performs given tasks as preplanned even if physical contacts and interferences with humans occur during movement. In order to accomplish tasks stably while compliantly adapting to human motion keeping contacts, task constraints state transition and four types of motion phases (Preset motion, Human following motion, Task continuing motion, Posture recovering motion) which are switched according to contact situations are incorporated in this system. As a result of evaluation experiments, it was confirmed that the proposed system is effective for human-robot coordination to realize both high task performance and adaptability to humans.

    DOI CiNii

  • Quantification of human-robot physical contact states based on tactile sensing

    H Iwata, K Tomita, S Sugano



    In this paper, we propose a method for quantfying human-robot physical contact states based on tactile sensory data as a first step to realize real-tune contact state identification systems Artificial tactile cognition for robots constructed by this metW which performance, is herein nears, copies human's tactile cognition per presented First, we have made robots learn the relationship between characteristics of tactile stimuli sensed and expressions to the stimuli verbalized by a human (receiver) when he/she is touched by other people As a result of learning by a neural network called MCP (Modified Counter Propagation), Self ftanxing Maps that contain the quantitative relationship are formed Next, in order to quantify the performance of receiver's tactile cognition, confusion matrix that numerically explains confision probability among contact states is proposed Connection weights in the neural network are applied to calculate it matrix enables robots that come into contact with a human to recognize and infer the aspect of contact states almost the saw as the receiver represents, based on only tactile sensing Finally, from experiments, we confirmed that the proposed method is useful for quantifying human-robot contact states.



  • Flexible assembly work cooperation based on work state identifications by a self-organizing map

    Y Hayakawa, T Ogata, S Sugano



    This study presents a method of realizing flexible assembly work cooperation in cases where neither the assembly process, nor the final form of the completed task is pre-defined in advance. To realize such systems, there exists an issue of identifying work states during the assembly, and determine when and what kind of support is necessary. As an approach of solving such issues, identifying the work states from a work model built by self-organizing assembly motions of human is taken. Examples of the work state identifications and a support system, which judges the situational necessity of support and selects whether to hand out or holds assembly parts are shown. The support is carried out based on the work states identified by the self-organized map. Experiments indicate that work state identification by a self-organizing map is effective in flexibly cooperating with human during assembly work.



  • A novel mechanism design for gravity compensation in three dimensional space

    T Morita, F Kuribara, Y Shiozawa, S Sugano



    In this paper, we propose a passive gravity compensation mechanism named "Mechanical Gravity Canceller". The effectiveness of the MGC mechanism is evaluated by analyzing several articulated robot manipulators from the aspects of kinematics and dynamics.



  • Robust modeling of dynamic environment based on robot embodiment

    K Noda, M Suzuki, N Tsuchiya, Y Suga, T Ogata, S Sugano



    Recent studies on embodied cognitive science have shown us the possibility of emergence of more complex and nontrivial behaviors with quite simple designs if the designer takes the dynamics of the system-environment interaction into account properly. In this paper, we report our tentative classification experiments of several objects using the human-like autonomous robot, "WAMOEBA-2Ri". As modeling the environment, we focus on not only static aspects of the environment but also dynamic aspects of it including that of the system own. The visualized result of this experiment shows the integration of multimodal sensor dataset acquired by the system-environment interaction ("grasping") enable robust categorization of several objects. Finally, in discussion, we demonstrate a possible application to making "invariance in motion" emerge consequently by extending this approach.

  • Interactive learning in human-robot collaboration

    T Ogata, N Masago, S Sugano, J Tani



    In this paper we investigated interactive learning between human subjects and robot experimentally, and its essential characteristics are examined using the dynamical systems approach. Our research concentrated on the navigation system of a specially developed humanoid robot called Robovie and seven human subjects whose eyes were covered, making them dependent on the robot for directions. We compared the usual feed-forward neural network (FFNN) without recursive connections and the recurrent neural network (RNN). Although the performances obtained with both the RNN and the FFNN improved in the early stages of learning, as the subject changed the operation by learning on its own, all performances gradually became unstable and failed. Results of a questionnaire given to the subjects confirmed that the FFNN gives better mental impressions, especially from the aspect of operability. When the robot used a consolidation-learning algorithm using the rehearsal outputs of the RNN, the performance improved even when interactive learning continued for a long time. The questionnaire results then also confirmed that the subject mental impressions of the RNN improved significantly. The dynamical systems analysis of RNNs support these differences.

  • Robot Mind-Emotional Communication by the Autonomous Robot WAMOEBA-2R-


    Commemorative International Symposium,Osaka Electro-Communication University    2002年11月

  • 身体性に基づいた環境・ロボット自身における新奇性検出

    野田邦昭, 鈴木基高, 尾形哲也, 菅野重樹

    第20回日本ロボット学会学術講演会   1C31  2002年10月

  • Generation of the joint attention in human-robot interaction and internal representation


    IEEE Workshop on Sensory-motor Coordinaion in Human-Robot Interaction,Lausanne,Switzerland    2002年10月

  • 人間共存ロボットの觝触適応行動〜第11報:觝触認知構築手段の提案〜

    岩田浩康, 冨田邦嗣, 亀村隆史, 菅野重樹

    第20回日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集   3D33  2002年09月

  • Human Symbiotic Humanoid Robot with Whole-body Compliance


    Proc. of CISM/IFToMM Int. Symposium RoManSy     537 - 548  2002年07月

  • 模倣を主体とした人間とロボットのコミュニケーション〜コミュニケーションにおける共同注意の役割〜

    大竹正海, 坂本義弘, 尾形哲也, 菅野重樹

    日本機会学会ロボティクスメカトロニクス講演会   1P1-K03  2002年06月

  • 分散エージェントを用いた全身強調による動作生成

    小宮孝章, 野田邦昭, 土屋尚文, 尾形哲也, 菅野重樹

    日本機会学会ロボティクスメカトロニクス講演会   2P1-D06  2002年06月

  • 人間共存ロボットの觝触適応行動〜第10報:触覚情報分析に基づく觝触状態識別システムの設計〜

    岩田浩康, 冨田邦嗣, 亀村隆史, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会ロボティクスメカトロニクス講演会講演論文集   2A1-K11  2002年06月

  • 人間共存ロボットのための全身触覚インタフェース

    岩田浩康, 星野勇人, 森田寿郎, 菅野重樹

    日本ロボット学会誌   Vol.20 No.5 ( 5 ) 543 - 549  2002年06月


    In this paper, we propose a whole-body haptic interface for human symbiotic robots. First, tactile and force information are specified to accurately detect physical interferences with humans, on the entire surface of human symbiotic robots. Next, a design method of whole-body surface cover sensors which enables robots to detect accurate force vectors applied on various surfaces of the body is described. The basic structure of the cover sensor utilizes a force-torque sensor and is surrounded with several touch sensors. The cover structure was implemented on a humanoid robot, WENDY. Finally, experiments were carried out to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method as human-robot haptic interface. The results show high capabilities of locus tracking on the surface and arm motion-processing based on the detected tactile and force information, and indicate that the proposed design method for realizing whole-body haptic interface is capable of enhancing human-robot symbiosis.

    DOI CiNii

  • Whole-body Covering Tactile Interface for Human Robot Coordination


    Proc. of IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation   Vol.3   3818 - 3824  2002年05月


  • Human-Robot Symbiosis


    IEEE Workshop on Human-Robot Interaction,WashingtonD.C,U.S.A    2002年05月

  • Humanoid robots in Waseda University - Hadaly-2 and WABIAN

    S Hashimoto, S Narita, H Kasahara, K Shirai, T Kobayashi, A Takanishi, S Sugano, J Yamaguchi, H Sawada, H Takanobu, K Shibuya, T Morita, T Kurata, N Onoe, K Ouchi, T Noguchi, Y Niwa, S Nagayama, H Tabayashi, Matsui, I, M Obata, H Matsuzaki, A Murasugi, T Kobayashi, S Haruyama, T Okada, Y Hidaki, Y Taguchi, K Hoashi, E Morikawa, Y Iwano, D Araki, J Suzuki, M Yokoyama, Dawa, I, D Nishino, S Inoue, T Hirano, E Soga, S Gen, T Yanada, K Kato, S Sakamoto, Y Ishii, S Matsuo, Y Yamamoto, K Sato, T Hagiwara, T Ueda, N Honda, K Hashimoto, T Hanamoto, S Kayaba, T Kojima, H Iwata, H Kubodera, R Matsuki, T Nakajima, K Nitto, D Yamamoto, Y Kamizaki, S Nagaike, Y Kunitake, S Morita

    AUTONOMOUS ROBOTS   12 ( 1 ) 25 - 38  2002年01月


    This paper describes two humanoid robots developed in the Humanoid Robotics Institute, Waseda University. Hadaly-2 is intended to realize information interaction with humans by integrating environmental recognition with vision, conversation capability (voice recognition, voice synthesis), and gesture behaviors. It also possesses physical interaction functions for direct contact with humans and behaviors that are gentle and safe for humans. WABIAN is a robot with a complete human configuration that is capable of walking on two legs and carrying things as with humans. Furthermore, it has functions for information interactions suite for uses at home.



  • 印象角と印象長を用いた音色と演奏法の関係の記述

    渋谷恒司, 浅田貴司, 菅野重樹

    ヒューマンインタフェース学会論文誌   3 ( 4 ) 269 - 277  2001年11月  [査読有り]

  • Influence of the Eye Motions in Human-Robot Communication and Motion Generation based on the Robot Body Structure


    proc. of IEEE/RAS Int. Conf. on Humanoid Robots(Humanoids 2001)     83 - 89  2001年11月

  • 模倣を主体とした人間 -ロボットコミュニケーションに関する基礎実験-

    大竹正海, 山本大介, 尾形哲也, 菅野重樹

    第19回日本ロボット学会学術講演回講演論文集     109 - 110  2001年09月

  • 把持安定性向上のための指先と関節の柔軟構造設計

    森田寿郎, 林隆志, 須崎春樹, 岩田浩康, 蒋梁中, 菅野重樹

    第19回日本ロボット学会学術講演会講演論文集     411 - 412  2001年09月

  • 内分泌系モデルによる強化学習パラメータの動的調整

    尾形哲也, 松本典剛, 菅野重樹

    第19回日本ロボット学会学術講演会講演論文集     1239 - 1240  2001年09月

  • 人間共存ロボットの觝触適応行動〜第9報:触認知の人間模倣〜

    岩田浩康, 冨田邦嗣, 平塚和俊, 森田寿郎, 菅野重樹

    第19回日本ロボット学会学術講演会講演論文集     655 - 656  2001年09月

  • 人間共存ロボットの觝触適応行動〜第8報:作業性と人間追従性を両立する動作移行システム〜

    岩田浩康, 冨田邦嗣, 三浦岳大, 森田寿郎, 菅野重樹

    第19回日本ロボット学会学術講演会講演論文集     1265 - 1266  2001年09月

  • 格構造の解析に基づく環境モデリングと作業プランニング手法

    森田寿郎, 辻勝長, 足立義仁, 岩田浩康, 菅野重樹

    第19回日本ロボット学会学術講演会講演論文集     283 - 284  2001年09月

  • 人間共存ロボットの觝触適応行動〜第7報:作業拘束に応じた移行動作生成システム〜

    岩田浩康, 森田寿郎, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集   paper no.2A1-N8  2001年06月

  • 身体性に基づいた状態表現機能を持つロボットと人間とのコミュニケーション

    野田邦昭, 井田真高, 尾形哲也, 菅野重樹

    日本機会学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集   paper no.1P1-D10(1)  2001年06月

  • 感性情報の動的変化に対応したモーションプランニングの実験と評価

    尾形哲也, 志村明俊, 渋谷恒司, 菅野重樹

    第6回ロボティクスシンポジア     402 - 407  2001年03月

  • Human-robot interaction - Waseda robots: Hadaly and WENDY -

    S Sugano, T Morita



    This study aims to develop human symbiotic robots, which have the abilities of carrying out physical, informational, and psychological interaction with human, and support daily work in human's living space. In this paper, mechanism design methodologies, specifications, and control strategies of humanoid type human-symbiotic-robot systems, Hadaly-2 and WENDY are described.
    In order to develop WENDY (Waseda ENgineering Designed sYmbiont), mobility and dexterity of the humanoid robot Hadaly-2, which was developed in 1997, were improved on. The performances of WENDY were evaluated by experiments of safety motion, object manipulation and egg breaking, which require high revel integration of whole body system for human-robot closely interaction.

  • 機械的3次元自重補償手法の提案

    森田寿郎, 栗原史好, 菅野重樹

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門学術講演会講演論文集     356 - 366  2001年

  • 感性情報の動的変化に対応したモーションプランニングの実現と評価

    尾形哲也, 志村明俊, 渋谷恒司, 菅野重樹

    第6回ロボティクスシンポジア講演論文集     402 - 407  2001年

  • 印象格と印象長を用いた音色と演奏法の関係記述

    渋谷恒司, 浅田貴司, 菅野重樹

    ヒューマンインタフェース学会論文誌   Vol.3, No.4   55 - 63  2001年

  • Force detectable surface covers for humanoid robots

    H Iwata, H Hoshino, T Morita, S Sugano



    In this paper, we herein describe force detectable surface covers for humanoid robots to realize naturally physical interaction with humans. The covers can detect various tactile and force information, such as accurate external force vector and contact positions, from a widely range of the robot body surface. First a basic surface cover structure composed of a force-torque sensor and several touch sensors is proposed. Next, we present a design method to implement such a cover structure onto dual arms of an actual humanoid robot. Finally, from basic experiments for verifying the characteristics of the proposed force-detectable surface cover systems, it was confirmed that high measurement accuracy of a contact position and force vector is accomplished. In addition, from an application experiment, where some humans actually occur physical interference with an actual humanoid robot overlaid with the covers, it was confirmed that the capability of the covers' sensing even several contacts on several parts of robots' body is effective for realizing high level human-robot symbiosis.

  • Motion generation of the autonomous robot based on body structure

    T Ogata, T Komiya, S Sugano



    This study aims to investigate the intelligence which can make robots adapt to the human environment. This paper points out the problems of the behavior-based robot, and proposes the methods which can generate whole body motions based on body structure and integrates the reflection motions to make the behaviors continuous. The motion performances are compared in two kinds of environments, such as a dynamic environment and a static environment, by using a simulator of the autonomous robot WAMOEBA-2Ri, developed in this research. Finally, we show that the integration parameters of the proposal method reflect the body structure of the robot and environmental structures.

  • Development of a Whole-Sensitive Robot Arm Cover


    6th. IEEE Int.Conf.on Control,Automation,Robotics and Vision(ICARCV'2000)   paper no.376  2000年12月

  • 総予測 21世紀の技術革新 〜10.ロボット技術〜


    工業調査会     140 - 151  2000年11月

  • 把持安定性向上のための指先と関節の柔軟構造設計

    森田寿郎, 林隆志, 須崎春樹, 岩田浩康, 蒋 梁中, 菅野重樹

    第19回 日本ロボット学会学術講演会講演論文集     411 - 412  2000年09月

  • 人間共存ロボットの觝触適応行動(第5報:全身柔軟機能を有するロボットと人間の物理インタラクション)

    岩田浩康, 冨田邦嗣, 森田寿郎, 蒋 梁中, 菅野重樹

    第18回日本ロボット学界学術講演会予稿集   Vol.1   593 - 594  2000年09月

  • 人間共存ロボットの觝触適応行動(第6報:作業性と安全性を両立可能な抵触適応動作制御)

    岩田浩康, 星野勇人, 森田寿郎, 蒋 梁中, 菅野重樹

    第18回日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集   Vol.1   461 - 462  2000年09月

  • 人間と自律ロボットのコミュニケーションに関する実験的考察〜システム設計と心理評価の異母集団比較

    尾形哲也, 松山佳彦, 小宮孝章, 井田真高, 野田邦昭, 菅野重樹

    第18回日本ロボット学会学術講演会     479 - 480  2000年09月

  • 格構造の解析に基づく環境モデリングと作業プランニング手法

    森田寿郎, 辻勝長, 足立義仁, 岩田浩康, 菅野重樹

    第19回 日本ロボット学会学術講演会講演論文集     283 - 284  2000年09月

  • Human Robot Physical Interaction Utilizing Force Detectable Tactile Covers


    Proc. IEEE/RAS Int. Conf. on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids 2000)   Paper no.87  2000年09月

  • Emotional Communivation Robot:WAMOEBA-2R -Emotin Model and Evaluation Experiments-


    Proc. of IEEE/RAS Int. Conf. on Humanoid Robots(Humanoids 2000)   paper no.93  2000年09月

  • Emotional communication between humans and the autonomous robot WAMOEBA-2 (Waseda amoeba) which has the emotion model

    T Ogata, S Sugano



    In this paper, we discuss the communication between autonomous robots and humans through the development of a robot which has an emotion model. The model depicts the endocrine system of humans and has four kinds of hormone parameters to adjust Various internal conditions such as motor output, cooling fan output and sensor gain. We surveyed 126 visitors at the '97 International Robot Exhibition held in Tokyo, Japan (Oct. 1997) to evaluate their psychological impressions of the robot. As a result, the human friendliness of the robot was confirmed and some factors of human-robot emotional communication were discovered.



  • 身体性に基づくロボットと人間とのコミュニケーション

    尾形哲也, 菅野重樹

    bit別冊「身体性とコンピュータ」,岡田美智男,三嶋博之,佐々木正人編,共立出版     195 - 207  2000年08月

  • The adaptive motion by the endocrinesystem model in an autonomous robot


    International Symposium on Adaptive Motion of Animals and Machines   paper no. E30  2000年08月

  • Coordinated motion planning for a mobile manipulator considering stability and manipulation

    Q Huang, K Tanie, S Sugano

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROBOTICS RESEARCH   19 ( 8 ) 732 - 742  2000年08月


    For a mobile manipulator to be used in areas such as offices and houses, it is desirable that the mobile platform be small sized In the case of a small-sized platform, the mobile manipulator may tip over when moving at high speed or executing task in the presence of disturbances. Therefore, it is necessary to simultaneously consider both stabilization and manipulation while coordinating vehicle motion and manipulator motion. In this paper we first present the concept of the valid stable region to evaluate stability in the presence of disturbances. Next, we propose a method for coordinating vehicle motion planning including manipulator configuration, and manipulator motion planning including platform stability. Then, the optimal problem of vehicle motion is formulated, taking into account vehicle dynamics, manipulator workspace, and system stability. Also, the manipulator motion is derived, considering stability compensation and manipulator configuration. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed method is demonstrated by simulation examples.



  • Design Strategies of Human Symbiotic Robot WENDY


    Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics   Vol.12, No.3   224 - 230  2000年07月

  • 心理実験によるバイオリン演奏における音色表現語とボーイング・パラメータの関連付け

    渋谷恒司, 菅野重樹

    バイオメカニズム15   15   153 - 164  2000年06月  [査読有り]


    Recently, human skills have received a great deal of attention from researchers. Human skills have two aspects: one is motion ability and the other is spiritual ability. Violin playing, which involves both skills, was selected as an example. In this paper, we focus on Kansei as the spiritual ability in human skills. Kansei is a Japanese word that is similar in meaning to sensibility. Kansei affects human motion. The effects of Kansei on human motion have not been clarified, however. In this paper, timbre words, which are adjectives such as "bright", are considered as Kansei information, and playing parameters are considered as motion parameters. In a previous paper, the relationship between timbre words and playing parameters was analyzed in terms of a professional violinist's performance. As the next step in this study, we will analyze a listener's Kansei. The goal of this paper, therefore, is to clarify the relationship between timbre words, bowing parameters, and harmonic tone patterns from the results of sensory tests and sound analyses using fast fourier transforms (FFT). First, the process of converting a musical score into human motion that can play musical instruments is discussed and the five items of information are analyzed. These items are musical score, image, sound information, playing parameters, and playing motion. We assume that Kansei affects the process of converting a musical score into playing parameters. In order to analyze the relationship between timbre words and the three bowing parameters, we performed sensory tests on a single violin sound. Violin sounds were produced by a bowing machine that we constructed. This machine can control three bowing parameters. Each bowing parameter was set at three scales, and the sounds were evaluated by eleven subjects using twelve timbre words. The sounds were then analyzed using FFT. From the analysis of the data, we clarified the relationship between bowing parameters and timbre words, and derived the following results; (1) Eight timbre words of the twelve contributed to sound evaluation. The eight timbre words were divided into two groups: "bright" and "lean." (2) The harmonic tone patterns were divided into five groups, and two of them were evaluated by eight timbre words. (3) Bow force and sounding point (the place where the bow touches the string) affected the image of violin sounds.

    DOI CiNii

  • 動作・生体情報処理による工作機械操作中の個人情報認識

    早川 泰久, 菅野 重樹

    精密工学会誌   66 ( 5 ) 796 - 800  2000年05月


    This paper deals with personal information recognition in machine tool operation. First, a measuring system concerning a lathe was constructed. The system samples pulse, respiration, and galvanic skin response as biological information and revolution of handles and grip pressure changes as operative information. Next, the relationships between the processed indexes and personal Information were investigated. A personal Information identifying system capable of recognizing "concentration", "mental strain" and "less consciousness" in real-time as well as skill of the operator during machine tool operation was developed. The results of the experiments confirm the possibility of identifying the personal information.

    DOI CiNii


  • 動作・生体情報に基づく旋盤作業中の人間の状態識別

    早川泰久, 菅野重樹

    精密工学会誌   Vol.66, No.5   796  2000年05月

  • 人間共存ロボットの觝触適応行動(第4報:双腕・体幹を用いた觝触追従動作生成法)

    岩田浩康, 森田寿郎, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会 2000講演論文集   2P2-79-103  2000年05月

  • 自律ロボットWAMOEBA-2Rの開発〜アームシステムの搭載と心理実験

    尾形哲也, 松山佳彦, 小宮孝章, 井田真高, 野田邦昭, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会ロボティクスメカトロニクス講演会   1A1-80-114  2000年05月

  • Human Symbioric Robot Design based on Division and Unification of Function Requirements


    Proc. of IEEE Int.Conf.on Robotics and Automation(ICRA'2000)     2229 - 2234  2000年04月

  • An Assembling Support System based on a Human Model -Provision of Physical Support According to Implicit Desire for Support-


    Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics   Vol.12, No.2   118 - 125  2000年04月

  • A Robotic Co-operation System based on a Self-organization approaced Human Work Model


    Proc. ofIEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation(ICRA'2000)     4058 - 4063  2000年04月

  • 未知作業支援に適応可能な作業状態モデル生成手法に関する研究

    早川泰久, 佐竹賢亮, 内田信宏, 尾形哲也, 菅野重樹

    第5回ロボティクスシンポジア    2000年03月

  • 人間共存ロボットの觝触適応行動〜第3報:双腕・体幹適応のための双腕觝触検出機構〜

    岩田浩康, 星野勇人, 森田寿郎, 菅野重樹

    第5回ロボティクスシンポジア予稿集     254 - 259  2000年03月

  • 人間との接触検出・安全制御のための人間形ロボット双腕カバー

    岩田浩康, 星野勇人, 森田寿郎, 菅野重樹

    2000年度精密工学会春季大会学術講演会講演論文集     496  2000年03月

  • アミューズメントと工学(<特集>アミューズメントと工学)

    菅野 重樹

    精密工学会誌   66 ( 2 ) 177 - 180  2000年02月

    DOI CiNii


  • Violin playing algorithm considering the change of phrase impression

    Tetsuya Ogata, Akitoshi Shimura, Koji Shibuya, Shigeki Sugano

    Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics   2   1342 - 1347  2000年


    This study focused on the dynamics of KANSEI information and aims to propose the algorithm of motion planning using KANSEI. Concretely, the violin playing is regarded as the target motion which will be greatly influenced by KANSEI. This study introduced the multi-agent algorithm in which four physical bowing parameters are agents to adapt the impression transition smoothly maintaining the relationships between the parameters. We realized the violin performance suiting for the timbre words by introducing the proposed agent algorithm into the bowing machine developed in this research. As a result of the experiments, it was confirmed that there were various playing performances according to a single impression transition.

  • Robotic co-operation system based on a self-organization approached human work model

    Yasuhisa Hayakawa, Tetsuya Ogata, Shigeki Sugano

    Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation   4   4057 - 4062  2000年


    This study presents a method of human co-operating systems, which can determine when support behavior is necessary by a human work model. We focus on assembly work as the target and propose a self-organizing approach of human work models by sampled human information by vision sensors. The support is determined according to the work model. Such a system would realize provision of support without a strict model of the assembly target and enable support in cases where neither the assembly process, nor the final form of the completed task, is known to the system in advance. First, a method of measuring human information and extracting states where support is necessary, from the human work model is presented. Next, a support system for assembly work co-operation according to the work model, with physical interaction capabilities is described. Experiments were carried out to evaluate and verify the effectiveness of the system. The results show that the constructed assembly support system is effective in both improving performance and increasing friendliness.

  • 力触覚ベーストビヘイビア-表皮センサの開発-

    岩田浩康, 森田寿郎, 菅野重樹

    第1回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門学術講演会論文集     219 - 220  2000年

  • 人間とロボットの情緒的コミュニケーションの実験的評価〜アーム・ハンドによる人間との物理的インタラクション〜

    尾形哲也, 菅野重樹

    システム制御情報学会論文誌   Vol.13 No.12 ( 12 ) 566 - 574  2000年

    DOI CiNii

  • 情動表現生成のためのロボット構造とシステムの統合

    尾形哲也, 菅野重樹

    第1回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門学術講演会論文集     35 - 36  2000年

  • 情緒交流と自律的行動生成のためのロボットの構造

    尾形哲也, 菅野重樹

    第6回IFToMM会議シンポジウム     14 - 17  2000年

  • 指先圧力調節による人間共存ロボット用ハンドアイシステムの把持機能向上

    森田寿郎, 須崎春樹, 児嶋環, 菅野重樹

    第1回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門学術講演会論文集     37 - 38  2000年

  • フレーズの印象変化を考慮したバイオリン演奏アルゴリズムの構築

    尾形哲也, 志村明俊, 宇野格, 渋谷恒司, 菅野重樹

    第21回バイオメカニズム学会学術講演会     173 - 176  2000年

  • Acquisition of internal representation in robots - toward human-robot communication using primitive language

    T Ogata, Y Matsuyama, S Sugano

    ADVANCED ROBOTICS   14 ( 4 ) 277 - 291  2000年


    This research aims to clarify behavior intelligence and human cooperation intelligence of robots by emotion models which are based on the robot's hardware structure. In this paper, a human's mental image (internal expression) is given consideration as a method for emotional expression of robots. The hypothesis model for the acquisition of the internal expression of robots and experimental results using a real autonomous robot are described.



  • 人間機械系におけるリズムに基づく操作支援

    早川泰久, 大山陽揚, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会誌   66 ( 642 ) 573 - 578  2000年



  • Development of arm system for human-robot emotional communication

    T Ogata, T Komiya, S Sugano



    This study aims to clarify the cooperation intelligence of robots with the emotion model referring to the human biological system. This paper describes the functions of the arm system of the behavior-based robot, WAMOEBA-2, which has an emotion model arid can communicate with humans. The specifications of the arm system were determined based on the study of the human robot physical interaction. Each joint of the at-in is equipped with a torque sensor; and the arm is controlled by a distributed agent network system. The network architecture is acquired in a neural network by the feedback-error-learning algorithm. In the experiment, human beings can play with the arm system by physical interaction.



  • A violin playing algorithm considering the change of phrase impression

    T Ogata, A Shimura, K Shibuya, S Sugano



    This study focused on the dynamics of KANSEI information and aims to propose the algorithm of motion planning using KANSEI Concretely: the violin playing is regarded as the target motion which will be greatly influenced by KANSEI. This study introduced the multi-agent algorithm in which four physical bowing parameters are agents to adapt the impression transition smoothly maintaining the relationships between the parameters. Ire realized the violin performance suiting for the timbre words by introducing the proposed agent algorithm into the bowing machine developed in this research. As a result of the experiments, it was confirmed that there were various playing performances according to a single impression transition.

  • Human-humanoid physical interaction realizing force following and task fulfillment

    H Iwata, H Hoshino, T Morita, S Sugano



    In this paper. Ire herein describe the control methods used for a humanoid's compliant behavior following human force and motions while fulfilling given tasks under various constraint conditions during physical Interference (PIF) with a human. PIF is a form of physical interaction viewed from the robots point of view.
    in cases of PIF occurrence, PIF Adapting Behaviors for attenuating physical influences caused by PIF on both a human body and a robots' task are required First a base control method for compliantly following PIF by coordinating multiple joints of the arms and trunk is presented By utilizing this method PIF force produced on several areas of the robot's entire body is efficiently reduced Next, the control methods for fulfilling git en tasks, as well as following PIF at the same time, are proposed rn these methods, the idea is incorporated that if the utilization of redundancy is needed for task fulfillment or constraint conditions and attributes of the given task are changed, the role of each joint needs to change as well. Adapting to the diversity of task attributes and also the necessity of utilizing redundancy, the proposed control methods enable the robots to realize both force following and task fulfillment at the same time. Finally from the evaluation of the experiments, it vas confirmed that the proposed methods realize a humanoid's capability of compliantly adapting to human motions while fulfilling tasks by efficiently utilizing redundancy.

  • Development of emotional communication robot: WAMOEBA-2R - Experimental evaluation of the emotional communication between robots and humans

    T Ogata, Y Matsuyama, T Komiya, M Ida, K Noda, S Sugano



    This study aims to clarify the cooperation intelligence of robots. This paper describes the autonomous robot named WAMOEBA-2R which can communicate with humans by both an informational and physical way. WAMOEBA-2R has two arms of which each joint has a torque sensor to realize the physical interaction with humans, the function of the voice recognition and the face recognition. The arms are controlled by a distributed agent network system. The network architecture is acquired in a neural network by the feedback-error-learning algorithm. We surveyed 150 visitors at the '99 International Robot Exhibition held in Tokyo (Oct. 1999) to evaluate their psychological impressions of WAMOEBA-2R. As the result, some factors of the human-robot emotional communication were discovered.

  • The Relationship Between Bowing Parameters and Timbre of Single and "A" Major Scale Sounds in Violin Playing

    Koji Shibuya, Shigeki Sugano

    The Second International Symposium on HUmanoid RObots (HURO'99, Tokyo, Japan)     86 - 91  1999年10月

  • The Relationship between KANSEI and Bowing Parameters in the Scale Playing on the Violin

    Koji Shibuya, Takaharu Koyama, Shigeki Sugano

    1999 IEEE International Conference on Systems Man and Cybernetics (SMC'99, Tokyo, Japan)   IV   305 - 310  1999年10月  [査読有り]

  • 組立作業支援を目的としたシンセシスモデル構築に関する研究—組立動作情報を基にした時系列NNによる構造化

    精密工学会春季学術講演会論文集   PP534  1999年03月

  • 人間のリズム特性に基づく親和性向上のための工作機械特性の適応制御

    早川泰久, 清水敏男, 藤本光雄, 菅野重樹

    2000年度精密工科学会春季学術講演回論文集    1999年03月

  • 指先−物体間の接触状態を調節可能なロボット指の機構設計

    森田寿郎, 児嶋環, 橋本和幸, 蒋梁中, 菅野重樹

    第4回ロボティクス・シンポジア   PP121-124   121 - 124  1999年03月

  • 作業者の精神的負担による工作機械特性の自動調節

    精密工学会春季学術講演会論文集   PP619  1999年03月

  • 工作作業スキル要素の抽出とその支援に関する研究

    精密工学会春季学術講演会論文集   PP618  1999年03月

  • ロボットと人間の情緒交流—ロボットにおける前言語発生の考察

    尾形哲也, 松山佳彦, 菅野重樹

    第4回ロボティクス・シンポジア   PP44-49   44 - 49  1999年03月

  • Rhythm adaptation for human machine co-operation `Operation torque adaptation according to respiration rhythm in machine operation'

    Yasuhisa Hayakawa, Shigeki Sugano

    IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, AIM     191 - 196  1999年


    In order to realize human co-operative machinery, this study focuses on machine adaptation to human. Machinery which adapts to human states and characteristics, are easy to use and human friendly, will enable human to use the best of their abilities. Such systems are named HOMES (Human Oriented MEchanical Systems). This paper describes the role of human rhythms in machine operation concerning different skilled operators. First basic characteristics of operation and biological rhythms concerning different experienced operators are examined. High correlation between operation torque and respiration was observed in experienced operators. A system, which adapts to human by generating torque rhythms according to respiration rhythms was constructed for improving friendliness of system and performance. Experiments were carried out to examine the validity of the adaptation as assistance of inexperienced operators. The results show the rhythm adaptation control is effective for improving both friendliness and performance in operators.



  • Emotional Communication between Humans and the Autonomous Robot WAMOEBA-2 (Waseda Amoeba) which has the Emotion Model

    Tetsuya Ogata, Shigeki Sugano

    Nihon Kikai Gakkai Ronbunshu, C Hen/Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Part C   65 ( 633 ) 1900 - 1906  1999年


    This study discusses the communication between autonomous robots and humans through the development of a robot which has an emotion model. The model refers to the internal secretion system of humans and it has four kinds of the hormone parameters to use to adjust various internal conditions such as motor output, cooling fan output and sensor gain. We surveyed 126 visitors at ’97 International Robot Exhibition held in Tokyo (Oct. 1997) in order to exaluate psychological impressions of the robot. As the result, the human friendliness of the robot was confirmed and some factors concerning with the human-robot emotional communication were discovered. © 1999, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. All rights reserved.



  • Stability compensation of a mobile manipulator by manipulator motion: feasibility and planning

    Q Huang, K Tanie, S Sugano

    ADVANCED ROBOTICS   13 ( 1 ) 25 - 40  1999年  [査読有り]


    In order for a mobile manipulator to move stably (without overturning) and execute end-effector tasks simultaneously, a manipulator with redundancy is effective. Using this redundancy, it is possible to perform tasks at an expected manipulator configuration when the robot is stable and compensate system stability when the robot is unstable. However, the ability to compensate stability by this manipulator motion is limited. Thus, in order to ensure the feasibility of stability compensation, the task plan or vehicle motion must be within this ability. In this paper, first the concept of the stability compensation range by static posture change is proposed. Then, within the stability compensation range, the compensation motion of a redundant manipulator considering an expected manipulator configuration and the system stability is derived, given the end-effector trajectory and the vehicle motion. Finally, the effectiveness of this method is illustrated by simulation examples.

  • 内分泌系モデルを組込んだロボットハードウェア

    尾形哲也, 菅野重樹

    バイオメカニズム学会誌   Vol.23,No2 ( 2 ) 106 - 111  1999年

    DOI CiNii

  • 人間型ロボットハンドの義手への応用可能性

    森田寿郎, 児嶋環, 岩田浩康, 蒋梁中, 菅野重樹

    第20回バイオメカニズム学会学術講演会   CD-ROM(1C21)  1999年

  • 人間共存ロボットの觝触適応行動〜第2報:動作・感覚情報に基づく觝触状況判別〜

    岩田浩康, 星野勇人, 森田寿郎, 蒋梁中, 菅野重樹

    第17回日本ロボット学会学術講演会   Vol.3   1177 - 1178  1999年

  • 人間共存ロボットの觝触適応行動〜第1報:腕部表皮カバーと基本的觝触適応動作〜

    岩田浩康, 森田寿郎, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会’99   CD-ROM,2P1-78-105  1999年

  • 人間とロボットの物理的コミュニケーション−アームシステムの開発と分散エージェントによる行動獲得−

    尾形哲也, 小宮孝章, 菅野重樹

    第17回日本ロボット学会学術講演会     423 - 424  1999年

  • 人間−ロボット協調作業時の衝突発生状況の分析−事故鑑定工学と動作分析の導入−

    森田寿郎, 岩田浩康, 菅野重樹

    第17回日本ロボット学会学術講演会   Vol.2   725 - 726  1999年

  • 情動モデルを有する自律ロボットWAMOEBA−2と人間との情緒交流

    尾形哲也, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会論文誌C編   Vol.65,No.633 ( 1900 ) 1906  1999年



  • 情緒交流ロボットWamoeba-2のアームハンド機構の開発〜分散エージェントによる動作再生〜

    尾形哲也, 日塔潔, 小宮孝章, 松本典剛, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会   2P2-79-103  1999年

  • 指先柔軟性・関節連動性を備えたロボットハンドの開発

    菅野重樹, 森田寿郎, 児嶋環, 岩田浩康, 蒋梁中

    第17回日本ロボット学会学術講演会   Vol.3   939 - 940  1999年

  • 指先圧力調節可能なロボットハンド機構の設計と開発

    森田寿郎, 児嶋環, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会’99   CD-ROM,1P1-50-079  1999年

  • メカニカルソフトネスとコンプライアンス調節

    森田寿郎, 菅野重樹

    日本ロボット学会誌   Vol.17,No6 ( 6 ) 790 - 794  1999年

    DOI CiNii

  • Robot Arm Surface Covers for Physical Interference Adapting Motion


    CD−ROM IEEE/ASME Int. Conf.on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics(AIM'99)     671 - 676  1999年

  • Total Design of Body Mechanism for Realizing Human-Robot Symbiosis


    2nd Int. Symposium on HUmanoid RObots(HURO'99)     181 - 186  1999年

  • A technology map for standardizing safety measurements of human symbiotic robots

    T Morita, S Sugano

    ADVANCED ROBOTICS   13 ( 3 ) 307 - 308  1999年

  • Human Robot Communication by Physical Interaction-Distributed Agent Control System and The Learning Algorithm-


    Proc. of IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC'99)     1005 - 1010  1999年

  • Emotional communication between humans and the autonomous robot which has the emotion model

    T Ogata, S Sugano



    This study discusses the communication between autonomous robots and humans through the development of a robot which has art emotion model. The model refers to the internal secretion system of humans a,ld it has four kinds of the hormone parameters to use to adjust various internal conditions such as motor output, cooling fan output and sensor gain. We surveyed 126 visitors at '97 International Robot Exhibition held in Tokyo, Japan (Oct. 1997) in order to evaluate psychological impressions of the robot. As a result, the human friendliness of the robot was confirmed and some factors of the human-robot emotional communication were discovered.

  • Emotional Communication Between Humans and Robots-Consideration of Primitive Language in Robots-


    Proc. of IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intellegent Robots and Systems(IROS'99)     870 - 875  1999年


  • Development of Human Symbiotic Robot:WENDY


    Proc. of IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation(ICRA'99)   Vol..3   3183 - 3188  1999年

  • A Physical Interference Adapting Hardware System Using MIA Arm and Humanoid Surface Covers


    Proc. of IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems(IROS'99)   Vol.2   1216 - 1221  1999年

  • A Mechanism Design and Control Strategy of Human Symbiotic Robot


    Proc. of IEEE 2nd Int.Conf.on Recent Advances in Mechatronics(ICRAM'99)     94 - 99  1999年

  • 早稲田大学におけるヒュ—マノイド研究

    第4回JSMEロボメカ・シンポジア   PP34-37  1999年01月

  • 安定性と作業性を両立させた移動型マニピュレータの協調運動計画

    黄 強, 谷江 和雄, 菅野 重樹

    計測自動制御学会論文集   35;1, PP97-104 ( 1 ) 97 - 104  1999年01月


    In order for a mobile manipulator to be used in areas such as offices and houses, the mobile platform must be small-sized. In the case of a small-sized platform, the mobile manipulator may fall down when moving at high speed, or executing tasks in the presence of disturbances. Therefore, it is necessary to consider both stabilization and manipulation simultaneously while coordinating vehicle motion and manipulator motion. In this paper, we propose a method for coordinating vehicle motion planning including manipulator configuration, and manipulator motion planning including platform stability. Specifically, first, the optimal problem of vehicle motion is formulated, taking into account vehicle dynamics, manipulator workspace and system stability. Next, the manipulator motion is derived, considering stability compensation and manipulator configuration. Finally, the effectiveness of this method is demonstrated by simulation examples.

    DOI CiNii

  • 人間共存ヒューマノイド

    人工知能ロボットフェア'98    1998年12月

  • 人間のシンセシス活動の抽出とモデル化—人間機械協調システムを用いた一考察

    日本学術振興会未来開拓事業人間指向シンセシスの科学早稲田慶応成果報告会(第2回)講演論文集   PP70-73  1998年12月

  • 組立作業支援システムの構造—人間指向シンセシスの解釈

    日本機械学会設計工学・システム部門講演会   PP169-170  1998年11月

  • 人間の進化形

    ロボット(日本ロボット工業会機関誌)   125, PP59-60  1998年11月

  • 上肢と下肢の協調運動分析とロボットへの応用

    佐藤 雅晴, 菅野 重樹

    バイオメカニズム14   PP249-260   249 - 260  1998年11月


    Currently, most of the manipulators used in industry are fixed in a single position, and the work range is limited. From now on, to expand the ability of a manipulator, it is necessary that a manipulator itself will have a mobile ability like that of human beings. A human being performs a variety of work by coordinating hands, arms, and legs. This study aims to clarify basic rules of human motion, from the standpoint of biomechanism, by analyzing the results of an experiment in handling a mainpulator based on a guide shaft with body movements, and to apply them to task planning for a mobile anthropomorphic manipulator. This is a different approach from the conventional method, which uses an evaluation function with weighting coefficient. This paper presents the analysis of human motions between the upper body and legs, and application of the rule to a two-wheeled robot with a 7-degrees-of-freedom manipulator and 1 degree of freedom for rotating the manipulator itself. The experiment was conducted under conditions which require 1500-mm hand movement from three different start positions and angles. From the analysis of the results, three basic rules are derived as follows: (1) Human beings change the direction of the body as the first step in the motion to obtain mobility for walking. (2) Human beings do not change posture in the body coordinate, and mainly conduct the work by the legs. They keep an upper body posture for which the manipulability measure is high, and it is approximately 60% to 80% in the maximum work range of the arm. (3) In a straight line trajectory, human beings keep the same velocity of movement and hand, and keep a track parallel to the given hand trajectory. These basic rules are applied to the task planning algorithm for a mobile anthropomorphic manipulator which needs to determine the path of the two-wheeled robot and the redundancy of the manipulator. From the simulation, the hand is always determined in the range of 60% to 80% in the maximum work range of the arm in which the manipulability measure is high, and the minimum radius path is considered for the wheeled robot. The simulation result shows that it can make a plan which considers the manipulability of the manipulator and the motion of the wheeled robot.

    DOI CiNii

  • ロボットにおけるホルモン系モデルとその影響—身体制御と環境適応

    第19回バイオメカニズム学術講演会   PP71-72  1998年11月

  • バイオリン演奏における感性と運動−音色表現語・運動パラメータ変換アルゴリズム

    第19回バイオメカニズム学術講演会   PP163-164  1998年11月

  • 情緒コミュニケーションに必要な機能と形態

    日本機械学会第76期全国大会講演資料集   PP284-285  1998年10月

  • 機械インピーダンスを調節可能な力制御ロボットアームの開発

    森田 寿郎, 冨田 信義, 植田 武男, 菅野 重樹

    日本ロボット学会誌   16; 7, PP1001-1006 ( 7 ) pp.1001 - 1006  1998年10月


    This study aims to realize passive impedance control of the robot joint by mechanical elements (MIA), and to develop an anthropomorphic manipulator using this mechanism. The mechanism has the advantage of conventional method of the force control in realizing high compliance. The manipulator which employs this joint mechanism is suitable for the human-robot coordination, because each joint can realize safety motion. This paper presents a development of the anthropomorphic robot arm (seven-D.O.F. MIA Arm) which consists of shoulder, elbow, and wrist. This paper also describes experimental evaluations of the seven-D.O.F. MIA Arm by means of compliance and damping adjustment, force following motion, and trajectory control. The experimental results show that the seven-D.O.F. MIA Arm can realize high performance in motion control with consideration to the effect of self-weight and damping.

    DOI CiNii

  • Mechanisums of Internal Secretion System for Intellectual Robots -Towards an Emergence of Emotion in Robots

    IEEE International Workshop on Robot and Human Communication   PP50-55  1998年10月

  • Humanoid Robots in Waseda University -Hadaly-2 and WABIAN−

    IARP First International Workshop on Humanoid and Human Friendly Robotics   I-2; PP1-10  1998年10月

  • Extraction of Human Factors for Designing Human-Machine Co-operating Systems

    7th IEEE International Workshop on Robot And Human Communication   PP377-382  1998年10月

  • Emergence of Primitive Verbal Communication in Robots

    5th International Conference on Soft Computing and Information / Intelligent Systems   PP284-287  1998年10月

  • Design of Humanoid Surface Sensor for Tactile Interference with Human

    IEEE International Workshop on Robot and Human Communication   PP549-554  1998年10月

  • 頭部・手部の作業三角形パターン抽出による組立作業支援ロボットシステム

    第16回日本ロボット学会学術講演会   PP21-22  1998年09月

  • 接触面積調節可能な指先形状を備えた多指ロボットハンドの開発

    第16回日本ロボット学会学術講演会   PP1437-1438  1998年09月

  • 人間共存ロボットの対人安全技術のマッピング

    第16回日本ロボット学会学術講演会   PP955-956  1998年09月

  • 人間・ロボット觝触適応制御のための表皮カバーの設計

    第16回日本ロボット学会学術講演会   PP961-962  1998年09月

  • 基準化生理指標導入による精神的負担の簡易計測とインタフェースへの応用

    第14回ヒューマン・インタフェース・シンポジウム論文集   PP107-110  1998年09月

  • 音色表現による感性情報を用いたバイオリン演奏ロボットのプラニング

    第16回日本ロボット学会学術講演会   PP1373-1374  1998年09月

  • 移動型マニピュレータの安定性と作業性を考慮したマニピュレータの運動計画

    第16回日本ロボット学会学術講演会   PP491-492  1998年09月

  • ロボットの前言語的表現とコミュニケーション

    第16回日本ロボット学会学術講演会   PP645-646  1998年09月

  • ロボットにおける感覚行動マップと行動計画への展開

    第16回日本ロボット学会学術講演会   PP429-430  1998年09月

  • 運動決定過程における感性の影響−ボーイングパラメータ決定アルゴリズムの構築とその実システムへの適用

    第37回計測自動制御学会学術講演会   PP477-478  1998年07月

  • Stability Compensation Range of Manipulator Motion for a Mobile Manipulator

    Symposium on Image, Speech, Signal Processing and Robotics   Vol.1, PP369-374  1998年07月

  • Influences of Operaton Torque Changes on Human during Lathe Operation Manufacturing Agility and Hybrid Automation-II

    Manufacturing Agility and Hybrid Automation-II   PP513-516  1998年07月

  • A Manipulator Design Method for Human-Robot Symbiosis

    Twelfth CISM-IFToMM Symposium on the Theory and Practice of Robots and Manipulators   ROMANSY12, PP237-244  1998年07月

  • 人間共存ロボットWENDYの頭部・腰部・移動部の開発

    日本機械学会ロボティクスメカトロニクス講演会   CD-ROM (1BI2-5)  1998年06月

  • 移動型マニピュレータの安定性と作業性を考慮したマニピュレータの運動計画

    工業技術院機械技術研究所発表会   PP10  1998年06月

  • ロボットの身体性に基づく感情モデルと内部表象獲得モデル

    日本機械学会ロボティクスメカトロニクス講演会   PaperNo. 2CII4-3  1998年06月

  • ロボットの自律系モデルによる情緒表現と評価実験

    日本機械学会ロボティクスメカトロニクス講演会   PaperNo. 2BII1-6  1998年06月

  • ヒューマノイドロボットによるジェスチャー表現−文脈情報を利用したジェスチャー動作のプラニング

    日本機械学会ロボティクスメカトロニクス講演会   CD-ROM  1998年06月

  • 人間共存ロボットWENDYの身体システム構成

    第3回ロボティクスシンポジア   PP113-118  1998年05月

  • 感性情報を用いたバイオリン奏法プラニング—音色表現語の拡張と奏法決定アルゴリズムの構築

    日本人間工学会第39回大会(人間工学 第34巻 特別号)   PP318-319  1998年05月


  • ロボットと人間の情緒交流—自律系モデルの効果と試行実験

    第3回ロボティクス・シンポジア   PP41-46  1998年05月

  • Acquisition of Holophrastic Speech in Autonomous Robots-Toward the Emergence of Verbal Communication in Robots

    Toward a Science of Consciousness "Tucson III   PaperNo.250  1998年04月

  • 組立作業分析に基づく人間協調組立システムの設計

    1998年度精密工学会春季学術講演会/精密工学会   p.40  1998年03月

  • 組立作業における頭部・手部の相対位置に基づく人間の意図理解

    1998年度精密工学会春季学術講演会   p.41  1998年03月

  • 旋盤におけるハンドル操作力制御が作業者に与える影響

    1998年度精密工学会春季学術講演会/精密工学会   p.651  1998年03月

  • 人間共存ロボット「Hadaly-2」を解剖−人間とのコミュニケーションにどう挑むか?

    エレクトロニクス/オーム社   pp.27-30  1998年03月

  • 作業中の精神的負担の実時間簡易計測

    1998年度精密工学会春季学術講演会/精密工学会   p.592  1998年03月

  • ヒューマノイドを目指して

    化学工学/化学工学会   62;3,pp.124-126  1998年03月

  • 人間共存ロボットを求めて

    自動化推進/自動化推進協会   27;1,pp.8-12  1998年02月

  • 人間共存ロボットマニピュレータの衝突安全設計と制御

    日本ロボット学会誌/日本ロボット学会   16;1,pp.102-109  1998年01月


  • 行動型自律ロボットWAMOEBA-2と人間との情緒的インタラクション実験

    第3回重点領域研究「知能ロボット」シンポジウム   pp.149-152  1998年01月

  • Motion planning for a mobile manipulator considering stability and task constraints

    Q Huang, S Sugano, K Tanie



    In order for a mobile manipulator to be used in areas such as offices and houses, the mobile platform must be small-sized. In the case of a small-sized platform, the mobile manipulator may fall down when moving at high speed, or executing tasks in the presence of disturbances. Therefore, it is necessary to consider both stabilization and manipulation simultaneously while coordinating vehicle motion and manipulator motion. In this paper, we propose a method for coordinating vehicle motion planning considering manipulator task constraints, and manipulator motion planning considering platform stability. Specifically, first, the optimal problem of vehicle motion is formulated considering vehicle dynamics, manipulator workspace and system stability. Next, the manipulator motion is derived, considering stability compensation and manipulator configuration. Finally, the effectiveness of this method is demonstrated by simulation.

  • Design and control of mobile manipulation system for human symbiotic humanoid: Hadaly-2

    T Morita, K Shibuya, S Sugano



    The objective of this study is to investigate design and control strategies for realizing human-robot symbiosis, and to develop a human symbiotic humanoid robot, Hadaly-2, which can communicate and collaborate with human. In this paper, mechanism design methodologies, specifications, and control strategies of a mobile manipulation system of the Hadaly-2 will be described.
    First, mechanism design concepts of the manipulation system for the human symbiotic robot are proposed. Next, two force controlled anthropomorphic manipulators (WAM-10R, and L) and a body-vehicle mechanism are developed in consideration of the design concepts.
    Then, the communication and collaboration abilities of Hadaly-2 are evaluated by means of several behaviors, such as gesture motion, shaking hands with human, and block carrying tasks. From the results of evaluation experiments, it is confirmed that the Hadaly-2 can realize efficient interaction and collaboration with human.

  • Real-time simple measurement of mental strain in machine operation

    Y Hayakawa, S Sugano



    In human adaptive machinery, mental workload is one of the most important factors of human the machine needs to identify. This paper proposes a real-time identifying method of mental strain based on easy to measure indexes. :First, a mental arithmetic test, which can apply different levels of mental strain on the subjects, was used to measure the relationships between mental strain and biological indexes. An algorithm capable of identifying mental strain in realtime based on normalized scores was developed. In order to examine the validity of the algorithm, the recorded data sampled during the arithmetic tests were used. The mental strain identified by the algorithm had better estimations against values identified by multiple regression analysis. Furthermore, data sampled during lathe operation were put thorough the real-time mental-strain identifying algorithm. From the results, it was confirmed that the real-time mental strain identifying algorithm is capable of identifying attitudes of mental strain in machine operation.

  • Human intention based physical support robot system in assembling work - Extraction of behaviour support trigger from "Work triangle"

    Y Hayakawa, Kitagishi, I, S Sugano



    In order to realise human co-operative machinery, the machine's ability of understanding human intention becomes an important issue. This paper proposes a method of extracting human intention from the shape of Work Triangle, which consists of head and hands of the human. A system, which samples the Work Triangle during assembly work by vision sensors, was constructed With the system the patterns of the Work Triangle of different skilled subjects were sampled. A kohonen neural network was used for categorising the patterns of the Work Triangle. The categorised patterns between skilled and unskilled subjects were examined. The patterns, which only appear in unskilled subjects, were extracted as states of "Needing support". A physical support prototype system, which carries out: supports by the "Needing support" state, was constructed.

  • Communication between behavior-based robots with emotion model and humans

    T Ogata, S Sugano



    This study discusses the communication between autonomous robots and humans through the development of a robot which has an emotion model. The model refers to the internal secretion system of humans and it has four kinds of the hormone parameters to use to adjust various internal conditions such as motor output, cooling fan output and sensor gain. We surveyed 126 visitors at '97 International Robot Exhibition held in Tokyo, Japan (Oct. 1997) in order to evaluate psychological impressions of the robot. As a result, the human friendliness of the robot was confirmed and some factors of the human-robot emotional communication were discovered.

  • An algorithm to convert KANSEI data into human motion

    K Shibuya, T Asada, S Sugano



    The goal of this study is to clarify the effects of human KANSEI an human motion. The bowing in violin playing was selected as an example. The relationship between the timbre terms that are KANSEI data and the bowing parameters that are motion parameters were analyzed via factor analysis. An algorithm to convert timbre terms into bowing parameters was constructed by using the results from factor analysis, and violin sounds were produced by using this algorithm.

  • ヒューマノイド−人間形高度情報処理ロボット−

    情報処理/情報処理学会   38;11,pp.959-969  1997年11月

  • 非言語情報のための人間形ロボット

    日本ロボット学会誌/日本ロボット学会   15;7,pp.975-978  1997年10月


  • 生体情報を基にした工作作業中のリアルタイム個人状態識別

    第13回ヒューマン・インタフェース・シンポジウム/計測自動制御学会   pp.173-176  1997年10月

  • Yasuhisa Hayakawa Shigeki Sugano, Real-time Identification of Personal Information in Machine Tool Operation


  • 人間共存ロボットHadaly-2の動作生成手法

    第15回日本ロボット学会学術講演会/日本ロボット学会   pp.407-408  1997年09月

  • 人間共存ヒューマノイド:Hadaly-2

    第15回日本ロボット学会学術講演会/日本ロボット学会   pp.761-762  1997年09月

  • 人間共存ヒューマノイドHadaly-2の指と腕によるジェスチャー表現

    第15回日本ロボット学会学術講演会/日本ロボット学会   pp.381-382  1997年09月

  • 自律ロボットの人間との対話表現の獲得

    第15回日本ロボット学会学術講演会/日本ロボット学会   pp.397-398  1997年09月

  • 異種ロボット間のインタラクション試行実験

    第15回日本ロボット学会学術講演会/日本ロボット学会   pp.833-834  1997年09月

  • 安定性と作業性を両立させた移動型マニピュレータの協調運動計画

    第15回日本ロボット学会学術講演会/日本ロボット学会   pp.319-320  1997年09月

  • ロボットにおける自律的情動反応の生成

    第15回日本ロボット学会学術講演会/日本ロボット学会   pp.385-386  1997年09月

  • インターネットにおける物理メディアとしてのロボットシステム

    第15回日本ロボット学会学術講演会/日本ロボット学会   pp.823-824  1997年09月

  • 人間共存型ヒューマノイドHadaly-2の開発—運動系の構築および人間との共同作業—

    第2回ロボティクスシンポジア/日本機械学会   pp.127-132  1997年08月

  • 上肢と下肢の協調運動分析とロボットへの応用

    第15回バイオメカニズムシンポジウム/バイオメカニズム学会   pp.321-332  1997年08月

  • Emergence of emotional expression of robots based on the internal secretion

    The Brain and Sels Workshop: Toward a Science of Consciousness    1997年08月

  • 人間と機械の心的交流

    第36回計測自動制御学会学術講演会/計測自動制御学会   pp.1327-1328  1997年07月

  • 自己保存に基づくロボットの行動生成−方法論と機械モデルの実体化−

    日本ロボット学会誌/日本ロボット学会   15;5,pp.54-65  1997年07月

  • 運動決定における感性 −音色を考慮した演奏法決定アルゴリズムの構築−

    第36回計測自動制御学会学術講演会/計測自動制御学会   pp.683-384  1997年07月

  • 早大機械科新カリキュラムでのメカトロニクス実験実習

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会'97/日本機械学会   pp.737-734  1997年06月

  • 人間指向工作機械システムにおける熟練度判定アルゴリズムの構築

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会'97/日本機械学会   pp.909-910  1997年06月

  • 人間共存型ヒューマノイドHadaly-2の運動系構成

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会'97/日本機械学会   pp.371-372  1997年06月

  • ロボットにおける自律系−WAMOEBA-2の自律系ハードウエアとその影響−

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会'97/日本機械学会   pp.567-568  1997年06月

  • ニューラルネットワークによるビヘイビアネットワークの自己組織化

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会'97/日本機械学会   pp.1169-1170  1997年06月

  • Personal Information Recognition in Machine Tool Operation

    Proceedings of the International Congerence on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics '97/IEEE,ASME    1997年06月

  • Mechanical Systems for Autonomic Nervous System in Robots

    Proceedings of the International Congerence on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics '97/IEEE,ASME    1997年06月

  • Double Safety Measure for Human Symbiotic Manipulator

    Proceedings of the International Congerence on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics '97/IEEE,ASME    1997年06月

  • ヒューマノイドロボットとその応用

    日本機械学会モノづくり未来論コンファレンス/日本機械学会   pp.232-237  1997年05月

  • バイオリン奏法プラニングのための感性情報とボーイングパラメータの対応付け

    日本人間工学会第38回大会/日本人間工学会   33;特別号,pp.392-393  1997年05月


  • 人間−機械系における生体リズムと操作リズムの整合に関する一考察

    1997年度精密工学会春期大会学術講演会論文集/精密工学会   pp.1301-1302  1997年03月

  • 工作機械における切削抵抗制御が人間に与える心的影響

    1997年度精密工学会春期大会学術講演会論文集/精密工学会   pp.561-562  1997年03月

  • Safety Materials and Control of Human: Cooperative Robots

    Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics/Fuji Technology Press Ltd.   9;1,pp.33-40  1997年02月

  • Humanoid robot - Development of an information assistant robot Hadaly

    S Hashimoto, S Narita, H Kasahara, A Takanishi, S Sugano, K Shirai, T Kobayashi, H Takanobu, T Kurata, K Fujiwara, T Matsuno, T Kawasaki, K Hoashi



    This paper describes a humanoid robot "Hadaly," that was developed as a basic model for the final version of Humanoid. In this study, the authors feature an attempt to find the configurations and functions that are reguired for a humanoid. Hadaly consists of four systems; an audio-visual system, a head system, a speech system and an arm system. The configurations and functions reguired for a humanoid robot are clarified based on the results of the information assistance experiment with Hadaly.

  • 人との情緒交流のための機械知能の研究「ロボットにおける自律系の導入」

    第2回重点領域「知能ロボット」シンポジウム予稿集   pp.111-114  1997年01月

  • ロボットと人間の心のインタフェース

    バイオメカニズム学会誌/バイオメカニズム学会   21;1  1997年01月


  • Development and evaluation of seven-DOF MIA ARM

    T Morita, S Sugano



    This study aims to realize passive impedance control of the robot joint by mechanical elements (MIA), and to develop mt anthropomorphic manipulator using this mechanism. The mechanism has the advantage of conventional method of the force control in realizing high compliance. The manipulator which employs this joint mechanism is appropriate for the human-robot cooperative tasks because each joint can realize safety motion.
    This paper presents a development of the anthropomorphic manipulator (seven-D.O.F. MIA ARM) which consists of shoulder, elbow, and wrist. This paper also describes a dynamic model of multiple-D.O.F. MIA and an experimental evaluation of the seven-D.O.F. MIA ARM by means of trajectory control The experimental results show that the seven-D.O.F. MIA ARM can realize high performance in motion control with consideration to the effect of dynamics, selfweight and damping.

  • Development of an anthropomorphic force-controlled manipulator WAM-10

    T Morita, S Sugano



    This evaluation manipulator WAM-10 (Waseda Automatic Manipulator #10). The manipulator consists of a seven-D.O.F. whole arm, and a thirteen-D.O.F. four-fingered hand.
    A target of the WAM-10 is realization of human-robot symbiosis and collaboration ensuring collision safety. The developed arm employs an original joint mechanism, MIA (Mechanical Impedance Adjuster), which can realize ideal compliance and safety motion. The hand is designed with consideration of human interactive tasks, such as palmer grip.
    The results of the evaluation experiments show that the WAM-10 has capability of realizing high performance in compliant motion control.

  • The planning of violin playing robot with KANSEI information - Algorithm to decide bowing parameters from timbre

    K Shibuya, Y Chikaoka, T Koyama, S Sugano



    The goal of this paper is to design an algorithm to decide bowing parameters using KANSEI in order to plan the motion of an anthropomorphic violin playing robot. Sensuous tests were performed to clarify the relationship between bowing parameters and timbres of a violin which are example of KANSEI information, and harmonic tone patterns of violin sounds. From the results of sensuous test, the algorithm to decide bowing parameters from timbre terms were designed.

  • Human motion planning in violin playing using KANSEI

    K Shibuya, S Sugano



    The goal of this paper is to clarify the effects of human KANSEI to motion by taking human motion planning in violin playing into account ''KANSEI'' is a Japanese word which is similar in meaning to ''sensibility''. Violin bowing was selected as an example. Sensuous tests were performed in order to clarify the relationship between timbre terms( which are example of KANSEI ) and bowing parameters. Using the results obtained, the methods that can plan human motion using KANSEI were analyzed.

  • Emotional behavior adjustment system in robots

    T Ogata, S Sugano



    To cope with dynamically changing environments, creatures have not only "motor nervous system" but "autonomic nervous system" as an infernal adjustment mechanism. However conventional robots have been equipped with only the motor nervous system. We developed an autonomous mobile robot implemented a internal adjustment model based on self-preservation. This model involves the original system named "Behavior-Adjustment System", which influences a whole condition of the robot. This paper describes the concrete methodology for application of the behavior-adjustment system to robots. We confirmed the feasibility of the proposed system for the mobile robot in two practical experiments; 'obstacle avoidance problem' and 'effect of the voltage of battery'.

  • ハプティックインタフェース

    自動化推進/自動化推進協会   25;6,pp.18  1996年12月

  • 多自由度MIAアームによる対人安全性の確保−安全カバーと衝突処理動作の適用

    第14回日本ロボット学会学術講演会/日本ロボット学会   pp.227-228  1996年11月

  • 人間形ロボットによるジェスチャーと会話の協調−ジェスチャーの分類および会話との協調方法の検討

    第14回日本ロボット学会学術講演会/日本ロボット学会   pp.705-706  1996年11月

  • 人間とロボットの情緒交流に関する研究−情緒の表出とその形態に関する一考察

    第14回ロボット学会学術講演会/日本ロボット学会   pp.1149-1150  1996年11月

  • 人間との物理的・情報的インタラクションを意識した多指ハンドの開発−設計コンセプトと製作

    第14回日本ロボット学会学術講演会/日本ロボット学会   pp.417-418  1996年11月

  • 移動型マニピュレータでのマニピュレータによる安定性補償運動

    第14回日本ロボット学会学術講演会/日本ロボット学会   pp.301-302  1996年11月

  • ロボットの自律的行動計画の生成−神経回路による時系列オートマトンの獲得とその応用

    第14回日本ロボット学会学術講演会/日本ロボット学会   pp.699-700  1996年11月

  • ロボットにおける自律系の機構

    第14回日本ロボット学会学術講演会/日本ロボット学会   pp.389-390  1996年11月

  • 7自由度MIAアームの関節制御特性の評価

    第14回日本ロボット学会学術講演会/日本ロボット学会   pp.619-620  1996年11月

  • An anthropomorphic manipulator design for human robot interaction

    Proceedings of the U.S.-Japan Graduate Student Forum in Robotics   pp.148-151  1996年10月

  • 大腿義足膝継手の機械特性と義足歩行との関連性−流体制御方式と定摩擦方式膝継手を用いて−

    バイオメカニズム13/バイオメカニズム学会   pp.279-290  1996年08月


  • ヒューマンインタフェース(機械工学年鑑)

    日本機械学会誌/日本機械学会   99;8,pp.696  1996年08月

  • バイオリン演奏における感性表現としての音色と運動の関係

    渋谷 恒司, 菅野 重樹

    計測自動制御学会論文集/計測自動制御学会   32;8,pp.1259-1266 ( 8 ) 1259 - 1266  1996年08月


    It is considered that KANSEI is an important human characteristic, and it affects on human motion. However, the relationship between KANSEI and human motion have not been discussed. So, this study aims to clarify the effect of KANSEI on human motion. In this study, "KANSEI" is defined as follows: "KANSEI is one of human abilities to get, process and evaluate information, like sound and color, that consists of many parameters". Violin playing is selected as an example of human motion strongly affected by KANSEI. This paper describs a model of planning of violin playing and the results of experiments based on the model.<br>The model is divided by two phases. One is task planning and the other is motion planning. In the work planning, notes information and KANSEI information are derived from music notes. Bow force, bow speed, sounding point and fingering are derived from them. In the motion planning, motion trajectory of the right and left arms and fingers is determined from the playing information. As a result, the sound is produced through playing a violin. From above consideration, it is assumed that KANSEI information affects the task planning mainly.<br>In the experiments, scales were played by three professional violinists to clarify the effects of KANSEI information. Eleven timbre describing terms like "bright", "dark" in Japanese were given to them as KANSEI information. Bow speed, sounding point and fingering are measured by videotape, and bow force was measured by strain gauges attached to the bow.<br>From the analysis of the data, it is found that according to the change of KANSEI information, bow force and sounding point change, but bow speed does not change.

    DOI CiNii

  • Human Individual Information Processing in Lathe Operation

    Manufacturing Agility and Hybrid Automation-1/The IEA Press   pp.109-112  1996年08月

  • 運動決定過程における感性−バイオリン演奏における音色表現語と演奏パラメータとの対応

    第35回計測自動制御学会学術講演会/計測自動制御学会   pp.679-680  1996年07月

  • 移動型マニピュレータの安定化制御−マニピュレータによる安定性補償範囲

    第35回計測自動制御学会学術講演会/計測自動制御学会   pp.155-156  1996年07月

  • ヒューマノイド型ロボット

    第35回計測自動制御学会学術講演会/計測自動制御学会   pp.25-26  1996年07月

  • Representation of Skill in Musical Instrument Playing

    International Workshop on Verbalization of Tacit Knowledge Using Inductive Inference/Keio University   pp.233-234  1996年07月

  • A Strategy for the Finger-Arm Coordinated Motion: Analysis of Human Motion in Violin Playing


  • 旋盤作業における個人状態導出と人間へのフィードバック

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会'96/日本機械学会   pp.660-661  1996年06月

  • 人間協調ロボットの安全素材と動作制御

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会'96/日本機械学会   pp.1167-1170  1996年06月

  • 人間とロボットの情緒交流に関する研究−評価ロボットWAMOEBA-2の設計と製作

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会'96/日本機械学会   pp.449-452  1996年06月

  • 移動ロボットにおける行動計画のための時系列情報獲得−刺激蓄積効果による時系列ネットワークの生成

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会'96/日本機械学会   pp.133-136  1996年06月

  • メカニカルインピーダンス調節機構を用いた7自由度マニピュレータの構成と評価

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会'96/日本機械学会   pp.861-862  1996年06月

  • ヒューマンインタフェース

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会'96/日本機械学会   pp.1525-1528  1996年06月

  • 人間共存ロボットにおける情緒の意義

    第1回JSMEロボメカ・シンポジア−ヒューマン・ロボット・シンポジア−/日本機械学会   pp.97-100  1996年05月

  • ヒューマンロボットシステムにおけるヒューマノイド

    第1回JSMEロボメカ・シンポジア−ヒューマン・ロボット・シンポジア−/日本機械学会   pp.189-190  1996年05月

  • バイオリン演奏におけるボーイング動作の分析−手部および上肢各関節インピーダンスの算出および分析

    渋谷 恒司, 菅野 重樹

    日本人間工学会第37回大会講演集/日本人間工学会   33;特別号,pp.96-97   96 - 97  1996年05月

    DOI CiNii

  • 7自由度MIAアームの開発

    第1回ロボティクス・シンポジア/日本ロボット学会   pp.179-184  1996年05月

  • 知能ロボットのめざすもの

    計測と制御/計測自動制御学会   35;4,pp.305-322  1996年04月

  • ロボット教育・研究の現状と課題

    日本ロボット学会誌/日本ロボット学会   14;3,pp.322-325  1996年04月


  • 動作・生体情報に基づく旋盤作業中の人間の状態識別

    1995年度精密工学会春期学術講演会論文集/精密工学会    1996年03月

  • ピアノ演奏ロボット

    メカライフ/日本機械学会   43  1996年03月

  • Preface

    Shigeki Sugano

    Advanced Robotics   11 ( 6 ) 555 - 557  1996年01月  [査読有り]



  • メカニカルインピーダンス調節機構による関節制御−機構の提案とロボット指への適用

    日本ロボット学会誌/日本ロボット学会   14;1  1996年01月


  • Emergence of mind in robots for human interface - Research methodology and robot model

    S Sugano, T Ogata


  • Development of 4-DOF manipulator using mechanical impedance adjuster

    T Morita, S Sugano


  • Sense syncretic model toward the construction of ''robot-original-language''

    T Ogata, S Sugano



    To syncretize and/or abstract the sense information is indispensable work so that an agent can arrange the behavior planning, recognize the environment and communicate with other agents. In this paper, a sense syncretic model based on the physiology and a ''desire'' emergence algorithm based on an evaluation of self-preservation are presented. The model and the algorithm are implemented into a real robot model. As the results of the experiments, it is suggested that the syncretized information has the possibility of application to a new human-machine communication tool: ''robot-original-language''.

  • Motion planning of stabilization and cooperation of a mobile manipulator - Vehicle motion planning of a mobile manipulator

    Q Huang, S Sugano



    It is desired that a vehicle-mounted mobile manipulator can move with stability and can operate tasks in various environments in the presence of disturbances. In this paper, a mobile manipulator cooperative motion planning algorithm is proposed, consisting of a rough motion planning and a local motion modification. As a step to realize the cooperative motion, the vehicle motion planning is discussed, given the end-effector trajectory. First, the vehicle path is planned. Then the optimal problem of determining the passing time of the vehicle along the planned path is formulated, considering the vehicle acceleration, the manipulator workspace and the system stability. Using a gradient projection method, the vehicle motion is derived. Finally, the effectiveness of this method is illustrated by simulation.

  • Construction of KANSEI model for the planning of bowing in violin playing

    K Shibuya, H Tanabe, T Asada, S Sugano



    This study aims to clarify the effect of KANSEI information on human motion through considering the planning of violin playing. To clarify the relationship between timbre which are considered as KANSEI information, playing parameters and the frequency spectrum of the sounds, sensuous tests by SD method and frequency analysis by FFT were carried out. This paper describe the results of the sensuous tests and frequency analysis on violin sounds and the KANSEI model constructed from them.

  • Stability compensation of a mobile manipulator by manipulator motion: Feasibility and planning

    Q Huang, S Sugano, K Tanie



    In order for a mobile manipulator to move stably (not overturn) and execute the given motions of the end-effector and the vehicle simultaneously, a manipulator must have redundancy. By using this redundancy, it is possible to perform tasks at an optimal manipulation configuration when the robot is stable, and recovering the systems's stability when the robot is unstable. The ability to recover stability by this manipulator compensation motion is limited. Thus in order to ensure the feasibility of stability compensation, the task plan or vehicle motion must be within this ability. In this paper, first the concept of stability compensation range by static posture change is proposed. Then, within the stability compensation range, the compensation motion of a redundant manipulator considering the manipulation configuration and the system stability is derived, given the motions of the end-effector and the vehicle. Finally, the effectiveness of this method is illustrated by simulation experiments.

  • Generation of behavior automaton on neural network

    T Ogata, K Hayashi, Kitagishi, I, S Sugano



    To plan behavior procedures, if is necessary for an agent to have a world model concerning the temporal sequences information. in this paper, a temporal information learning algorithm is proposeed with a three layer neural network implemented the "effectiveness of simulation accumulation" algorithm. This algorithm can construct "behavior automaton" in the neural network. From the results of some learning experiments using a mobile robot simulation, the generated automaton express the complexity of the simulation environments. The robot agent acquires a behavior automaton for obstacle avoidance behavior which is influenced by the simulation environment.

  • Stability compensation of a mobile manipulator by manipulator motion: Feasibility and planning

    Q Huang, S Sugano, K Tanie



    In order for a mobile manipulator to move stably (not overturn) and execute the given motions of the end-effector and the vehicle simultaneously, a manipulator must have redundancy. By using this redundancy, it is possible to perform tasks at an optimal manipulation configuration when the robot is stable, and recovering the systems's stability when the robot is unstable. The ability to recover stability by this manipulator compensation motion is limited. Thus in order to ensure the feasibility of stability compensation, the task plan or vehicle motion must be within this ability. In this paper, first the concept of stability compensation range by static posture change is proposed. Then, within the stability compensation range, the compensation motion of a redundant manipulator considering the manipulation configuration and the system stability is derived, given the motions of the end-effector and the vehicle. Finally, the effectiveness of this method is illustrated by simulation experiments.

  • 人間形ロボットによるバイオリン演奏の実現へ向けて−ボーイング動作における指腕の協調

    第13回日本ロボット学会学術講演会/日本ロボット学会    1995年11月

  • 機械的インピーダンス特性を調節可能な関節を用いたマニピュレータの開発−4 自由度アームの評価

    第13回日本ロボット学会学術講演会/日本ロボット学会    1995年11月

  • 移動型マニピュレータの安定と協調の運動制御−ヴィークルの運動計画

    第13回日本ロボット学会学術講演会/日本ロボット学会    1995年11月

  • 安定性を考慮した移動型冗長マニピュレータの運動計画

    第13回日本ロボット学会学術講演会/日本ロボット学会    1995年11月

  • ロボットにおける自律系と移動方向判断アルゴリズム

    第13回日本ロボット学会学術講演会/日本ロボット学会    1995年11月

  • ロボットが心を持つ可能性に関する研究−内外感覚の統合

    第13回日本ロボット学会学術講演会/日本ロボット学会    1995年11月

  • バイオリン演奏におけるスキルの研究−上肢各関節インピーダンスの算出および分析

    第16回バイオメカニズム学術講演会/バイオメカニズム学会    1995年11月

  • 家庭用ロボットの作業移動

    日本ロボット学会誌/日本ロボット学会   13;7  1995年10月


  • バイオリン演奏の弓圧調節における上肢各関節の役割分担

    人間工学/日本人間工学会   31;5  1995年10月


  • 1995年知能ロボットとシステムに関する国際会議(1995 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems)

    日本ロボット学会誌/日本ロボット学会   13;7  1995年10月

  • 1995 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation

    計測と制御/計測自動制御学会   34;9  1995年09月

  • 受動的柔軟性を備えた関節による多自由度マニピュレ−タ構成

    電気学会 電子ゾ霾鵐システム部門大会/電気学会    1995年08月

  • 感性情報を用いたバイオリン演奏プラニング−プラニングの基本モデルと演奏法の分析

    第34回計測自動制御学会学術講演会/計測自動制御学会    1995年07月

  • 移動型マニピュレータのヴィークルの運動計画

    第34回計測自動制御学会学術講演会/計測自動制御学会    1995年07月

  • ヴィークル搭載型マニピュレータの安定化制御−安定規範とマニピュレータによる補償運動

    計測自動制御学会論文集/計測自動制御学会   31;7  1995年07月


  • 人間とロボットの情緒交流に関する研究−ロボットの内部状態の表出

    ロボティクスメカトロニクス講演会'95/日本機械学会    1995年06月

  • メカニカルインピ−ダンス調節機構を用いたマニピュレ−タの開発−4自由度ア−ムの開発と評価

    ロボティクスメカトロニクス講演会'95/日本機械学会    1995年06月

  • ロボットが心をもつ可能性

    計測と制御/計測自動制御学会   34;4  1995年04月

  • Design and development of a new robot joint using a mechanical impedance adjuster



  • The effect of KANSEI information on human motion - Basic model of KANSEI and analysis of human motion in violin playing

    K Shibuya, S Sugano


  • Manipulator motion planning for stabilizing a mobile-manipulator



  • Development of one-DOF robot arm equipped with mechanical impedance adjuster



  • バイオリン右腕ボ-イング動作におけるスキルの分析

    渋谷恒司, 菅野重樹, 加藤一郎

    人間工学   30 ( 6 ) 345 - 403  1994年12月  [査読有り]


  • 感性の運動決定過程に及ぼす影響:感性情報とバイオリン演奏

    渋谷 恒司, 菅野 重樹, 加藤 一郎

    人間工学   30   334 - 335  1994年

    DOI CiNii




  • パーソナルロボットの現状と技術課題

    菅野 重樹

    電氣學會雜誌   113 ( 6 ) 455 - 460  1993年06月

    DOI CiNii

  • バイオリン演奏動作の分析:ボーイング動作, フィンガリング動作, 支持方法の分析

    渋谷 恒司, 菅野 重樹, 加藤 一郎

    人間工学   29   308 - 309  1993年

    DOI CiNii




  • 拘束作業における手・腕協調動作の分析

    菅野 重樹, 波元 英世, 加藤 一郎

    バイオメカニズム   11   247 - 259  1992年


    A large part of the work performed daily by humans is so-called constraint work, in which the object of work is under some external constraint. Under constraint conditions, it is difficult to mechanically regulate the force of the hands and arms so as not to apply undue force to the object of work, but humans perform this with ease. This study aims to clarify the human hand and arm mechanism of force control by analyzing constraint work performed by humans from the standpoint of biomechanism, and to study a manipulator control strategy on the basis of it. This paper presents the results of an experiment and analysis of human motions in handling a bead on a guide shaft as an example of constraint work with 1 degree of freedom (d. o. f.), and observations of the roles that the hand and arm play in manual work. It also deals with applications to manipulator control. In the experiment conducted on the working the handling bead on a shaft by a seated human being, the change in translational force and rotational force applied to the shaft during the work and the shaft position and hand position were detected, combining the following four conditions in various ways: (1) Upper body d. o. f. (2) Hand d. o. f. (3) Forced displacement (4) Direction of motion The results of the experiments are summarized below. (1) Humans do not use the d. o. f. of the upper body to absorb the translational and rotational forces generated on a constraint surface. (2) Humans absorb the rotational force generated by constraint using the d. o. f. of the hand. (3) Humans absorb the translational force generated from the translational displacement of the shaft by the d. o. f. of the arm, and absorb translational forces by the arm regardless of the direction of motion. (4) There is a direction of motion or a posture in which translational force can be better absorbed because the degree of absorption of translational force varies depending on the direction of motion. As regards the application to robots of compliance control using finger-arm coordination, compliance control of the arm is discussed. Thus, the rotational component of compliance is disregarded, while only the relationship of translational force with translational displacement in the hand is dealt with. Simplifying the relational expression of force and displacement, the end-point compliance matrix can be expressed as a symmetrical matrix with 6 elements. A desired translational compliance can be set in the end-point of a manipulator having an arm with 6 d. o. f or more.

    DOI CiNii

  • 鍵盤楽器演奏における指・腕協調運動の分析とそのロボットへの適用

    菅野 重樹, 高柳 英彰, 鈴木 浩之, 松本 治, 加藤 一郎

    バイオメカニズム   9   231 - 240  1988年


    This study aims at improving robot dexterity and intellectual faculties by developing an anthropomorphic robot which can perform information processing tasks expressed as a sequence of continuous changes in positioning the points of fingertips in such movements as playing keyboard instrument. Humans achieve these complicated movements skillfully using finger-arm coordination. Therefore, it would also be advantageous for a robot to use fingers and arm properly in coordination. However, in design of the finger-arm coordination system, a problem arises since the system has redundant degrees-of-freedom (DOF) and it becomes necessary to allocate tasks to fingers and arm as a coordination control standard. This paper describes the observation and the analysis of human movement involved in playing a high-level tune on a keyboard instrument. From such observation and analysis, the coordination control standard will be derived. This paper also describes the development of the new manipulator WAM-8 R. Results of the analysis show that the thumb, which has three joints named CM, MP and IP, plays the pivotal role among the five fingers when keyboard playing is performed using finger-arm coordination. The following two points summarize the result. 1. During the playing, the CM joint of the thumb is mainly used to position the fingertip on the specific key of the keyboard. The IP joint has the function of placing the thumb in a suitable posture while the thumb and a finger strike the key with finger-arm coordination. In other words, precise striking is realized by coordination of three joints (CM, MP, IP) while finger and arm are coordinated. 2. Wrist movement and change in hand direction are much used with a change in the thumb posture to expand the movable range in finger-arm coordination. According to the result of the analysis described above, the new manipulator WAM-8 R was developed which has a four-DOF-thumb configuration having almost the same function as a human thumb. To estimate the WAM-8 R, we calculate the movable range in finger-arm coordination of WAM-8 R and compare it with that of a human hand. The AREA Table is introduced to represent the movable range in finger-arm coordination. Reference to the AREA Table makes it possible to refer to the type of finger capable of processing the next work point on the basis of the type of finger currently processing a work point and the distance between the present work point and the next work point. As a result, it was found that the movable range of WAM-8 R was almost equivalent to that of a human hand.

    DOI CiNii

  • The robot musician 'wabot-2' (waseda robot-2)

    Ichiro Kato, Sadamu Ohteru, Katsuhiko Shirai, Toshiaki Matsushima, Seinosuke Narita, Shigeki Sugano, Tetsunori Kobayashi, Eizo Fujisawa

    Robotics   3 ( 2 ) 143 - 155  1987年  [査読有り]


    The wabot-2 is an anthropomorphic robot playing keyboard instruments, developed by the study group of Waseda University's Science and Engineering Department. The wabot-2 is equipped with hands tapping softly on keys, with legs handling bass keys and expression pedal, with eyes reading a score, and with a mouth and ears to converse with humans. Based on wabot-2, wasubot has been developed by Sumitomo Electric Industries Ltd., whose artistic skill has been demonstrated in performing music at the Japanese Government Pavillion in Expo'85. The present paper summarizes the wabot-2's motion, visual and vocal subsystems as well as its supervisory system and singing voice-tracking subsystem. © 1987.



  • 多自由度人間形人工の手の開発 : 5本指,腕の構成

    菅野 重樹, 中川 潤, 田中 良治, 加藤 一郎

    バイオメカニズム   7   114 - 124  1984年


    Studies on artificial hands are done at many laboratories all over the world. The necessary functions for artificial hands hereafter may be dexterity, speediness, flexible handling, intelligence, and so forth. The playing of keyboards can be considered human activity which is highly dependent on these functions. This study aims to have an anthropomorphic robot play a keyboard (an electric organ in the first step of this study), with a focus on its degree-of-freedom mechanism and speediness, with the intent of developing artificial hands for more universal uses. The following three points are keys for the development of an anthropomorphic robot with the capability to play keyboards: 1) the integration of multiple degrees of freedom at the fingers, 2) the speed of finger and arm motions, and 3) the composition of a microcomputer system to control the mechanism for the multiple degrees of freedom. The design was to have 2 degrees of freedom for the thumb and 3 degrees for each finger, totalling 14 degrees, based on the analysis of motions of human fingers. As to finger driving units, it is impossible for actuators (DC sevomotors), which drive the multiple freedom mechanism, to be installed at the fingers. Therefore, actuators are installed in the body of the robot, and their power is transmitted through reduction gears to the fingers by wires and outer-wire tubes. Moreover, spring elements are introduced in the power transmission units to minimize the effects of friction forces between wires and outer-wire tubes on the responses of finger motions. Fingers are made of CFRP (Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastics) to reduce the load on the arm. The experiments on a five-finger model have resulted in realization of 10 (Hz) tapping. In terms of an arm, the basic necessary data for design and control methods of an artificial arm were obtained through the analysis of human postures and of motions of the arm as a linking mechanism. The artificial arm is designed to be humanlike in size, shape, and functions, and to have 7 degrees of freedom including one redundant degree. Actuators are DC servomotors, sensors are velocity and position sensors, and the arm is made of CFRP, as are the fingers. Velocity and position control have enabled speedy, smooth motion of the arm. Concerning the computer system, a hierarchically structured multi-micro computer system has been composed, because total degrees of freedom are near to 50 when the degrees of freedom of four limbs are totalled. As a result, this robot system has realized the fluent play of tunes for beginners on a keyboard instrument.

    DOI CiNii

  • Dynamical aspects of ortho-para conversion on magnetic surfaces

    Y. Ishii, S. Sugano

    Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics   17 ( 11 ) 2049 - 2062  1984年  [査読有り]


    The theory of the ortho-para conversion of a hydrogen molecule on magnetic surfaces is developed with special account taken of the dynamical properties of the solid surface. The transition probability of the ortho-para conversion is obtained in terms of the convolution of the spectral functions, namely the Fourier transform of the correlation function for the relevant physical quantity. The correlation functions are estimated within the stochastic model. The temperature dependence of the transition probability is determined by the static spin fluctuation and the broadening of the spectral functions. A variety of resulting temperature dependences are discussed.


  • Versatile In-Hand Manipulation of Objects with Different Sizes and Shapes Using Neural Networks

    Funabashi, S, Schmitz, A, Sato, T, Somlor, S, Sugano, S

    IEEE-RAS 18th International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids 2018)     1 - 9  [査読有り]



  • Continuous Sensing Ability of Robot Finger Joints with Tactile Sensors

    HSU, Chincheng, Schmitz, Alexander, Kusayanagi, Kosuke, Sugano, Shigeki

    IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM 2019)    [査読有り]

  • Robot Finger with Remote Center of Motion Mechanism for Covering Joints with Thick Skin.

    Chincheng HSU, Alexander SCHMITZ, Kosuke KUSAYANAGI, Shigeki SUGANO

    IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2019)    [査読有り]

  • Sequential clustering for tactile image compression to enable direct adaptive feedback

    Andreas Geier, Yan Gang, Tito Pradhono Tomo, Shun Ogasa, Sophon Somlor, Alexander Schmitz, Shigeki Sugano

    IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2019)    [査読有り]

  • Development of a 3-Axis Human Fingertip Tactile Sensor Based on Distributed Hall Effect Sensors

    Harris Kristanto, Prathamesh Sathe, Alexander Schmitz, Chincheng HSU, Tito Pradhono Tomo, Sophon Somlor, Shigeki Sugano

    IEEE-RAS 19th International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids 2019)    [査読有り]

  • Magnetic 3-Axis Soft and Sensitive Fingertip Sensors Integration for the iCub Humanoid Robot

    Alexis Carlos Holgado, Nicola Piga, Tito Pradhono Tomo, Giulia Vezzani, Alexander Schmitz, Lorenzo Natale, Shigeki Sugano

    IEEE-RAS 19th International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids 2019)    [査読有り]



  • 接触による内的ダイナミクス知覚に基づく内発的動機を誘発する人間協調ロボットの研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    菅野 重樹, 亀崎 允啓, 重宗 宏毅, 三宅 太文

  • 一人に一台一生寄り添うスマートロボット

    科学技術振興機構  戦略的な研究開発の推進 ムーンショット型研究開発事業



    菅野 重樹



  • 観察と洞察に基づく人間ロボット協調制御の創出

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    菅野 重樹, 石井 裕之, 亀崎 允啓



  • 人工循環系による人工物の安定化と不安定化に関する研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    長濱 峻介, 菅野 重樹



  • ヒトの身体性に柔軟に協調するインタフェースの制御手法の構築

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    宮下 朋之, 山川 宏, 菅野 重樹, 高信 英明, Parque Victor, 三浦 智


    「(A) 各軸方向の反力のモデル化」については、これまでの開発したインタフェースは、各軸方向に入力した分だけロボットの速度量を調整するシステムであり、操作者は各軸方向の入力量を知覚しにくいという問題点が存在している。これを解決するためには、操作者がどのように荷重を作用させインタフェースを操作するかを的確に把握することが重要である。このため、回転反力推定の実験と並進反力推定の実験を実施した。さらに、新たなインタフェースに適用可能なモデル開発を実施した。「(B) AIを用いた各入力識別」については、人間が機械を操作する場合において、機械の構造を必ずしも把握していない。このため、制御機構と人間の動作において、方向に関する干渉が発生する。この干渉を解消するために機械学習による解決を考えている。準備段階で実施していたドローンを用いた実験データにより検討を重ね、追加実験を実施した後に、機械学習用のデータを取得した。「(C)利き手/非利き手の協調制御の構築」では、ロボットによる作業のうち、複雑かつ大規模なものを想定している。すなわち、操作に関して、両手、両足などを用いて、ロボット全体を操作するような状況を想定する。まずは、両手として、利き手・非利き手の連動を想定して研究を実施するが、複数のインタフェースを用いた実験環境の構築を進めた。

  • 人間型ロボットの触覚制御に関する研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    菅野 重樹, SCHMITZ Alexander


    As we have pointed out in "Work package 3 : Tactile object recognition" in the application for the JSPS postdoctoral fellowship, while interesting work on object recognition through tactile sensing has been presented in the past, there are limitations : usually the objects are fixated, so that they do not move during exploration, and they are oriented in a certain direction ; often grippers, and not dexterous hands are used ; if distributed pressure data is used, it comes from flat tactile arrays. The hands of TWENDY-ONE provide richer tactile data than any other robotic hand. It is equipped not only with distributed tactile skin sensors on most of the hand and 6-axis F/T sensors in each fingertip, but includes also somatic sensors such as motor angles and spring displacements. We have used that multifingered hand and normal grasping actions for tactile object recognition. The objects are allowed (and indeed expected) to move between grasping actions. When using tactile sensors, it is not clear what kinds of features are useful for object recognition. Recently, deep learning has shown promising results. Nevertheless, deep learning has rarely been used in robotics and to our best knowledge never for tactile sensing, probably because it is difficult to gather many samples with tactile sensors. We have employed deep learning techniques for tactile object recognition. The robot had to identify 20 different objects, the most challenging set ever used for tactile object recognition. Our results show a clear improvement when using a denoising autoencoder compared to traditional neural networks. We achieved a recognition rate of about 88%. This is one of the highest recognition rates reported so far for recognizing grasped objects with unknown orientation and translation relative to the hand. The results have also been submitted to the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) 2014 conference.

  • 人間共存ロボットの人間追従制御手法に関する研究

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(A))



    菅野 重樹, 岩田 浩康



  • 人間共存ロボットの衝突安全動作に関する研究

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(B))



    菅野 重樹, 岩田 浩康, 森田 寿郎



  • 機械インピーダンス調節機構を搭載したロボットの力制御に関する研究

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(B))



    菅野 重樹


    1. 7自由度MIAアームに多指ハンドを装着して作業を行わせるために,アームハードウェアの改良・性能向上を行った.具体的には,肩・肘部MIA関節を再設計し,関節のトルク・重量比を肩部で20%,肘部で16%向上した.この結果,可搬重量および動作速度は,最悪姿勢で手先荷重2.5kg,手先速度1.0m/secとなり,物体を多指ハンドで把持した状態で高速動作が可能となった.
    2. 人間とのインタラクションを作業内容を含むマニピュレーションを実現するために,状態遷移ネットワークの概念を利用した運動制御用オペレーティングシステムを構築した.このシステムを用いることで,複雑な拘束条件や状況変化に適応した運動が記述可能となった.
    3. 高速,かつ高精度な動作を実現するために,多自由度MIAマニピュレータの動力学モデルを構築し,リャプノフ安定解析を行った.この結果,ダンピング調節を用いることでMIAマニピュレータが安定に制御可能であることを明らかにした.また,人間との協調作業時の衝突安全性確保に注目し,緩衝カバー設計論と関節制御則(状況に応じた関節コンプライアンスと緊急停止の切り替え)を含む2重構造安全対策を導出した.
    4. 導出した制御則を用いて実際にシステムを制御するために,粘弾性調節系の動特性分析,リンクパラメータの同定を行った.また,MIAアームに多指ハンドを装着し,人間共存ロボットの手・腕部サブシステムを構成した.このシステムを用いて,未知形状物の包絡および人間への手渡しなどの実作業を行い,未知拘束条件下での力制御に対する有効性の評価を行った.実験結果から,位置・力ともに正確な追従動作が確認され,本研究の有効性が示された.

  • 人間機械協調システムに関する研究

    科学研究費助成事業(東京大学)  科学研究費助成事業(重点領域研究)



    佐藤 知正, 橋本 秀紀, 中野 栄二, 安西 祐一郎, 菅野 重樹



  • ECにおける人間中心生産システムの調査

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(国際学術研究)



    中沢 弘, KNAVE B., 野呂 影勇, 菅野 重樹, 菅野 重樹


    1.Prof. Dr. B. Knave, Department of Neuromedicine National Institute of Occupational Health : Knave教授はヨーロッパのコンピュータ作業における健康問題の第一人者である.ヨーロッパにおけるこの分野の研究は進んでおり,人間中心生産システムの調査研究に大変有益であった.まずコンピュータ作業における健康問題としては目に関するもの,筋,骨格に関するもの,ストレス,皮膚に関するもの,電気に対するハイパーセンシティビテイなど多岐にわたる.これらに対する対策として興味あるのは,物理的な環境や装置の改善だけでは根本的な解決にならないということであった.コンピュータリゼーションは上記以外に仕事が単調で退屈になり,しかも低賃金になるという問題も含んでおり,これらの根本的な解決策としてはグループ作業を含めた精神的な満足が大切であることが判明した.これは正に人間中心生産システムを早急に実現しなければならないことを意味しており,本システムがヨーロッパで重要視されている一つの背景が明らかとなった.
    2.Dr. Dietrich Brandt, University of Techonolgy, Aachenは人間中心的なシステムの制御の研究ではヨーロッパの第一人者である.今回は人間中心工作機械のためのヒューマン・マシン・インターフェースの設計法に関する,ヨーロッパの最先端の研究を知ることが出来た.しかも,これは工作機械だけだなくあらゆるシステムに適応できるものである.またその設計基準はわれわれが従来研究開発してきた人間中心生産システムのコンセプトと大変似ていることに驚かされた.
    その設計方法論は以下の通りである.ますタスク-人工物サイクルに従った分析と設計サイクルが提案される.この分析と設計プロセスに別に提案している人間の物理的メンタルモデルを適用して,最適なインターフェースの設計が行われる.この一つの応用例は作業場指向型プログラミング(Workshop-Oriented Programming WOP)用システムである.これは上記の手法を適用するとグラフィカル・インタラクティブなシステムが良いと結論された.この手法を用いてドイツのKeller社はCNC工作機械用ヒューマン・マシン・インターフェースを開発した.このプロトタイプは次の3つの操作モードを持つ.
    3.Dr. Ernst Andreas Hartmann, John Deere Werke Mannheimは University of Technology Aachenからこの企業に移ったがヨーロッパにおける人間中心生産システムの実際的な研究の中心的な人物である.彼は現在所属するジョン・ディール・マンハイムのトラクター工場において実施された人間中心的な新トラクター組立工場の設計について報告された.これはヨーロッパにおける人間中心的な工場建設の最新の情報であった.

  • 多自由度ロボットにおける指と腕の協調制御

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    菅野 重樹

  • タスク環境に適応するための行為の能動的学習過程の構成論的解明

    科学研究費助成事業(独立行政法人理化学研究所)  科学研究費助成事業(特定領域研究)

  • 神経系の働きを含めた模擬循環器系の構成論構築とその応用

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(挑戦的萌芽研究)

  • 人間共存型ロボットの能動的な働きかけによる人間協調技術の研究

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(S))

  • 手・腕・胴・脚の協調動作のバイオメカニクスに関する研究

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(重点領域研究)

  • 循環系および運動系の力学的解析に基づくウェイトリフティングの最適訓練法の提唱

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(一般研究(C))

  • マルチモーダルな対話機能を有し人間と共同作業をする次世代ロボットの基礎研究

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(一般研究(A))

  • 感性が運動決定に与える影響に関する研究

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(萌芽的研究)

  • 人間共存型ロボットに関する研究

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(A))

  • 人間ロボット間の情緒的コミュニケーションに関する研究

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(萌芽的研究)

  • 生体模倣部品開発プロジェクト


  • マルチモーダルコラボレーションロボット




  • 協働作業者の行動推定に基づく協働作業ロボットの依頼・支援行動システム

    亀崎允啓, 亀崎允啓, 濱田太郎, 山口皓大, 三宅太文, 櫻井絵梨子, 菅野重樹

    Bio Industry   41 ( 2 )  2024年


  • FMCW Radar-Based Robot Arm Motion Safety in Collaborative Control

    Chen Smiao, Guo Han, Wu Yuxin, Tomo Tito, Pradhono, Somlor Sophon, Schmitz Alexander, Sugano Shigeki

    第24回SICEシステムインテグレーション部門講演会(SI2023)    2023年12月

  • Verification of Safety in Collaborative Robots Using Series Clutch Actuator Joints

    Guo Han, Yang Yuchen, Kage Yuta, Chen Simiao, Wu Yuxin, Schmitz Alexander, Sugano Shigeki

    第24回SICEシステムインテグレーション部門講演会(SI2023)    2023年12月

  • 重機の転倒防止を目的としたエネルギー安定余裕に基づく操作支援システムの開発

    國土雄也, 亀﨑允啓, 飯田達仁, 菅野重樹

    第24回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(SI2023)    2023年12月

  • 可視光通信と太陽光パネルを用いた地下施設検査用ロボットチェインシステム

    鄭文博, 亀﨑允啓, 趙聞, 山口薫, 菅野重樹

    第24回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(SI2023)    2023年12月

  • ソフトアクチュエータ用伸縮センサーとしての永久磁石エラストマーの特性に関する研究

    アビヤンカルデベシュ, 王語詩, 亀﨑允啓, 岩本悠宏, 菅野重樹

    第32回MAGDAコンファレンス(MAGDA2023)    2023年11月

  • 二重反転ロータを有するダクテッドファン型管内走行ロボットの設計と試作

    三宅章太, 亀﨑允啓, 吉田健人, 菅野重樹

    第41回日本ロボット学会学術講演会論文集(RSJ2023)    2023年09月

  • 解析解と数値解を用いたDynamic Waypoint Navigationの軌道計画高速化に関する研究

    今西優登, 亀﨑允啓, 今治諭志, 山口皓大, 櫻井絵梨子, 三宅太文, 菅野重樹

    第41回日本ロボット学会学術講演会論文集(RSJ2023)    2023年09月

  • 多次元LSTMとGMMを用いた教師無し学習による特徴量間の関係を考慮した運転行動評価システム

    岩崎陽馬, 亀﨑允啓, 林弘昭, 菅野重樹

    第41回日本ロボット学会学術講演会論文集(RSJ2023)    2023年09月

  • 協働作業者の行動推定と譲り合いに基づく協働作業ロボットの適応的行動決定システム

    山口皓大, 亀﨑允啓, 櫻井絵梨子, 三宅太文, 山口皓大, 今治諭志, 菅野重樹

    第41回日本ロボット学会学術講演会論文集(RSJ2023)    2023年09月

  • 時系列クラスタリング手法を用いた実環境下での運転行動評価に関する研究~時系列の形状的・時間的成分を反映した類似度計算~

    林弘昭, 亀﨑允啓, 岡直樹, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2023論文集(Robomech’23)    2023年06月

  • 待機・迂回を含む後退的行動と接近・接触を含む前進的行動を併せ持つ自律移動ロボットの統合的軌道計画

    今治諭志, 亀崎允啓, 亀崎允啓, 金田太智, 濱田太郎, 斎藤喬介, 櫻井絵梨子, 菅野重樹

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM)   40th  2022年


  • 人存在領域推定に基づく動的制限空間による人-ロボット協調安全システムの提案

    亀崎允啓, 亀崎允啓, 山口皓大, 和田智博, 菅野重樹

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM)   40th  2022年


  • 永久磁石エラストマーシートを用いたロボットスキンセンサの試製

    王啓臣, 王語詩, 亀崎允啓, 坂本裕之, 菅野重樹

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM)   40th  2022年


  • 永久磁石エラストマーを用いた脱着可能なソフトポンプモジュールの開発

    亀ヶ谷友宏, 何卓頤, 張裴之, 亀崎允啓, 岩本悠宏, 井門康司, 坂本裕之, 菅野重樹

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM)   40th  2022年


  • Image Inpaintingを用いたハンドル映り込み画像における運転者姿勢推定の高精度化

    岩崎陽馬, 林弘昭, 亀崎允啓, 菅野重樹

    自動車技術会大会学術講演会講演予稿集(Web)   2022  2022年


  • 力覚・振動提示および握り入力機構を統合した相互作用型多機能ジョイスティックの開発

    亀崎允啓, 関口宣人, 宮田雅博, 菅野重樹

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM)   23rd  2022年


  • 筋電図変化に基づく最小リハビリ負荷印加装置の開発

    三宅太文, 伊藤寛将, 岡村尚美, 藤江正克, 菅野重樹

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM)   23rd  2022年


  • 複数機検査を想定した二機連結型小径ガス管路網検査ロボットおよび自動制御手法の開発

    亀崎允啓, TAI Chen Yu, 山口薫, ZHAO Wen, 三宅太文, 菅野重樹

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM)   23rd  2022年


  • 人共存型パーソナルモビリティに搭載されたカメラにより獲得される動画像からの深層学習に基づく屋外路面の通行容易性推定

    中山瑛介, 大谷淳, 大和淳司, 亀崎允啓, 葛西優介, 菅野重樹

    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告(Web)   121 ( 420(IMQ2021 10-69) )  2022年


  • 人共存型自律移動ロボットにおけるステレオカメラと機械学習を用いた周辺人物の状態認識および行動予測

    林正晃, 大谷淳, 大和淳司, 亀崎允啓, 斎藤恭介, 濱田太郎, 櫻井絵梨子, 菅野重樹

    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告(Web)   121 ( 420(IMQ2021 10-69) )  2022年


  • タスク内容と人・環境との相互作用の予測に基づく自律移動ロボットの適応的ゴール位置探索手法に関する研究

    櫻井絵梨子, 亀崎允啓, 亀崎允啓, 濱田太郎, 斎藤喬介, 金田太智, 菅野重樹

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM)   22nd  2021年


  • 観察と接触を用いた多段階準備作業推定に基づく災害対応ロボットの多腕協調制御

    亀崎允啓, 飯田達仁, 東宏河, 上原悠嗣, 菅野重樹

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM)   22nd  2021年


  • 並進・回転を含む拡張エネルギー安定余裕に基づく重機の転倒予測

    國土雄也, 亀崎允啓, 上原悠嗣, 板野峻也, 飯田達仁, 菅野重樹

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM)   22nd  2021年


  • 人共存型自律移動ロボットの統合的軌道計画システムの構築と実環境での長期間走行評価

    斎藤喬介, 亀崎允啓, 亀崎允啓, 濱田太郎, 金田太智, 平山三千昭, オン ライアン, 菅野重樹

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM)   39th  2021年


  • 永久磁石エラストマーを用いた触覚センサを一体化させたソフトロボットスキンの開発

    シェムベカール サヒル, 王啓臣, 亀崎允啓, 張裴之, 何卓頤, 岩本悠宏, 井門康司, 菅野重樹

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM)   39th  2021年


  • 目的地周辺状況とタスク内容に応じた移動ロボットの動的ゴール位置探索手法の開発

    櫻井絵梨子, 亀崎允啓, 亀崎允啓, 平山三千昭, 斎藤喬介, 濱田太郎, 金田太智, 菅野重樹

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM)   39th  2021年


  • 近接移動と譲り合い機能を備えた自律移動ロボットにおける移動効率性と社会受容性

    濱田太郎, 亀崎允啓, 亀崎允啓, 斎藤喬介, 金田太智, 平山三千昭, オン ライアン, 菅野重樹

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM)   39th  2021年


  • 永電磁石とMRエラストマーを用いたソフト吸盤機構の開発とグリッパーへの応用

    張裴之, 亀崎允啓, 何卓頤, 坂本裕之, 菅野重樹

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM)   39th  2021年


  • 人パラメータ推定に基づく移動ロボットの動作パラメータ学習に関する研究

    平山三千昭, 亀崎允啓, 亀崎允啓, 濱田太郎, 斎藤喬介, 金田太智, 菅野重樹

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM)   39th  2021年


  • 接触力と連続的な剪断力を指先に提示可能な3軸ウェアラブルハプティックデバイスの開発

    服部悠太郎, 亀崎允啓, 張裴之, 何卓頤, 角田龍一朗, 菅野重樹

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM)   39th  2021年


  • 永久磁石エラストマーを用いたセンサ開発に向けた衝撃応答調査

    美奈川拓真, 岩本悠宏, 井門康司, ZHANG Peizhi, 菅野重樹, 亀崎允啓

    MAGDAコンファレンス講演論文集   30th (CD-ROM)  2021年


  • マルチモーダルモニタリングと音声対話によるドライバーの異常兆候検知システム

    林弘昭, 亀崎允啓, 岡直樹, 菅野重樹

    自動車技術会大会学術講演会講演予稿集(Web)   2021  2021年


  • 骨盤の動きを考慮したバックパックの可動式ランバーパッドの提案

    若生然太, 三宅太文, 菅野重樹

    人間生活工学   22 ( 1 )  2021年


  • Iterative Dynamic Waypoint Navigationによる複数移動障害物の回避軌道計画とその計算効率化

    平山三千昭, 亀崎允啓, 亀崎允啓, 河野遼介, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会年次大会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2020  2020年


  • 遠隔ロボット操作者個人に適した映像タイプを診断する基本フレームワークに関する基礎的研究

    板野峻也, 亀崎允啓, 宮田雅博, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2020  2020年


  • 通行容易性指標の推定に基づくパーソナルモビリティのためのプロアクティブ操作支援システムの提案

    松繁怜, 亀崎允啓, 亀崎允啓, LAN Dongwon, 森大河, 瀬古俊一, 倉橋孝雄, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2020  2020年


  • Inducible Social Force Modelを用いた複数人移動予測に基づく混雑環境下でのロボットの接近・接触移動

    金田太智, 亀崎允啓, 亀崎允啓, 円谷優佑, 平山三千昭, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2020  2020年


  • 認知行動の基準モデルに基づくテイクオーバー時の状況認識不足推定手法の開発

    岡直樹, 林弘昭, MANAWADU Udara E., 江馬敬明, 亀崎允啓, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2020  2020年


  • Inducible Social Force Modelに基づく混雑環境下での自律移動ロボットの被接近時回避手法の開発

    金田太智, 亀崎允啓, 亀崎允啓, 円谷優佑, 平山三千昭, 菅野重樹

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM)   38th  2020年


  • 移動ロボット軌道計画のロバスト化に関する研究~人の速度ベクトルの保持可能性および測定誤差の推定~

    斎藤喬介, 河野遼介, 平山三千昭, 亀崎允啓, 亀崎允啓, 菅野重樹

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM)   38th  2020年


  • 安全性と生産性の両立を目的とした人移動予測に基づくロボットアームの軌道調整手法

    和田智博, 亀崎允啓, 亀崎允啓, 坂本義弘, 菅野重樹, 佐藤葉介, 金天海, 寧霄光, 赤木哲也, 出澤純一, 菅原志門

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM)   38th  2020年


  • 自律移動ロボットのサービスタスク運用のための先導・追従行動計画フレームワークの提案

    濱田太郎, 斎藤喬介, 金田太智, 平山三千昭, 亀崎允啓, 亀崎允啓, 菅野重樹

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM)   38th  2020年


  • 螺旋型脚車輪機構と単屈曲関節を有する小径ガス管路網移動ロボットの試作

    山口薫, 亀崎允啓, 趙聞, 吉田健人, 今野実, 大貫彰彦, 菅野重樹

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM)   38th  2020年


  • 磁気粘性流体を作動流体とした逆可動性と高出力性を有するロボットアームの開発

    角田龍一朗, 亀崎允啓, 張裴之, シェムベカール サヒル, 何卓頤, 菅野重樹

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM)   38th  2020年


  • ギア・クラッチ・ブレーキを組み合わせた逆可動性と高応答性を有する動力伝達機構の試作

    何卓頤, 亀崎允啓, 張裴之, シェムベカール サヒル, 角田龍一郎, 菅野重樹

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM)   38th  2020年


  • 異なるコンテキスト下での自律移動ロボットの行動に対する人の行動・心象分析

    斎藤喬介, 亀崎允啓, 亀崎允啓, 柳川勇人, 大西智也, 小林彩乃, SHRESTHA Moondeep, 菅野重樹

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM)   21st  2020年


  • 深層強化学習シミュレータを用いた人混み環境における移動ロボットの能動的働きかけ効果の検証

    濱田太郎, 亀崎允啓, 亀崎允啓, LI Yuhan, 菅野重樹

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM)   21st  2020年


  • 操作入力と動作出力の差分に注目したパーソナルモビリティの不整地運転支援システムの開発と評価

    松繁怜, 亀崎允啓, 亀崎允啓, 葛西優介, 菅野重樹

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM)   21st  2020年


  • ファジィPIDとクラス分類手法を用いた慣性・粘弾性可変機構を有するMRFアクチュエータ制御手法の提案

    角田龍一朗, 亀崎允啓, HE Shan, ZHANG Peizhi, 菅野重樹

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM)   21st  2020年


  • つまずき予防のための歩行訓練ロボットの開発

    三宅太文, 藤江正克, 菅野重樹

    地域ケアリング   22 ( 5 )  2020年


  • 磁気粘性流体を用いた逆可動性を有する油圧ロータリーアクチュエータの開発

    張裴之, 亀崎允啓, 大槻健史郎, 何卓頤, 菅野重樹

    磁性流体連合講演会講演論文集   2019  2019年


  • 作業傾向に基づく支援提供のための適応的作業状態分類~目的特徴量の変動幅を最大化する特徴量空間の抽出~

    亀崎允啓, 板野峻也, 峰田健司, 森島洋忠, 岩田浩康, 菅野重樹

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM)   37th  2019年


  • MRエラストマーを用いたサクションカップユニットの開発

    張裴之, 亀崎允啓, 何卓頤, 角田龍一朗, シェンベカル サヒル, 坂本裕之, 菅野重樹

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM)   37th  2019年


  • 磁気粘性流体を用いた低摺動ベーン形ロータリアクチュエータの開発

    大槻健史郎, 亀崎允啓, 張裴之, 何卓頤, 坂本裕之, 菅野重樹

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM)   37th  2019年


  • 重機の遠隔操作性向上のためのマルチカメラ最適配置に関する研究-第三報 搭乗操作熟練者における掘削・配置作業でのパン・チルト角が及ぼす作業効率への影響の実験的検証-

    佐藤隆哉, 亀崎允啓, 山田充, 橋本毅, 菅野重樹, 岩田浩康

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM)   37th  2019年


  • 反復的行動探索の効率化による複数移動障害物の回避軌道計画

    亀崎允啓, 亀崎允啓, 金田太智, 平山三千昭, 小林彩乃, 河野遼介, 菅野重樹

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM)   37th  2019年


  • インボリュート形状を有する1自由度アームによる接触働きかけを行う人ごみ内自律移動ロボットの開発

    今岡紀章, 北澤一磨, 亀崎允啓, 菅野重樹, 安藤健

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM)   37th  2019年


  • 人・ロボット系における相互の譲り合いを考慮した主張・同調的軌道計画手法

    亀崎允啓, 亀崎允啓, 小林彩乃, 河野遼介, 菅野重樹

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM)   37th  2019年


  • パーソナルモビリティの不整地移動に関する研究~操作主体感を考慮した半自律制御システムの提案~

    松繁怜, 亀崎允啓, 森大河, ラン ドンウォン, 石原達也, 倉橋孝雄, 中野将尚, 矢野裕貴, 椿俊光, 越地弘順, 肥後直樹, 菅野重樹

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM)   37th  2019年


  • 多自由度災害対応ロボットにおける人と自動化機能との協調に関する研究~人の動作目的入力に着目した操作権限の動的配分手法~

    上原悠嗣, 亀崎允啓, 東宏河, 片野貴裕, CHEN Kui, 菅野重樹

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM)   20th  2019年


  • 二重課題を用いた無人化施工におけるCognitive Tunnelingを低減可能な視覚提示手法における認知負荷改善検証

    佐藤隆哉, 亀崎允啓, 仁内智志, 菅野重樹, 岩田浩康

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM)   20th  2019年


  • 交通負荷情報と運転者の生体・行動・主観指標を用いた再帰型深層学習による運転負担推定に関する研究

    岡直樹, 河野陽大, MANAWADU Udara Eshan, 江馬敬明, 亀崎允啓, 菅野重樹

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM)   20th  2019年


  • 操作型作業機械の知能化に関する研究~第13報:重回帰分析を用いた作業分析に基づく操作支援~

    板野峻也, 亀崎允啓, 森島洋忠, 岩田浩康, 菅野重樹

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM)   20th  2019年


  • 主観評価を取り入れた基本入出力ゲイン調整に関する研究~使いやすさと作業効率性の関連性分析~

    松繁怜, 亀崎允啓, 小坂拓未, 岩田浩康, 菅野重樹

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM)   20th  2019年


  • 平面可動型力覚グリップと入出力状態提示モニタを用いた車両制御インタフェースの開発

    亀崎允啓, 岡直樹, 石川雅晃, MANAWADU Udara Eshan, 河野陽大, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2019  2019年


  • テイクオーバー時の認知的関与度の推定に関する研究~基準視線パターンの導出と視線誘導支援システムの評価~

    林弘昭, MANAWADU Udara Eshan, 河野陽大, 江馬敬明, 富田智哉, 亀崎允啓, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2019  2019年


  • ファジィ論理を用いた小径管内移動ロボットの経路計画モデリングとシミュレーション

    亀崎允啓, 山口薫, ZHAO Wen, 吉田健人, 今野実, 大貫彰彦, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2019  2019年


  • 操作型作業機械の知能化に関する研究~第12報:重回帰分析を用いた作業効率に係る要因解析~

    亀崎允啓, 板野峻也, 森島洋忠, 岩田浩康, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2019  2019年


  • 多自由度災害対応ロボットの環境適応性に関する研究~実空間での能動的情報探索と仮想空間での高効率動作探索~

    亀崎允啓, 上原悠輔, 大久保覚子, 片野貴裕, 東宏河, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2019  2019年


  • 運動エネルギーの双方向充放機構による擬似慣性可変システムの提案

    ZHANG Peizhi, 亀崎允啓, 大槻健史郎, HE Zhuoyi, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2019  2019年


  • 重機の遠隔操作における作業状態の変化に適応可能な拡張現実技術を用いた低認知負荷リマインド手法の構築

    佐藤隆哉, 亀崎允啓, 山下雄輝, 菅野重樹, 岩田浩康

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2019  2019年


  • リスクとベネフィットの推定と調整に基づく接近接触移動フレームワークに関する研究

    亀崎允啓, 亀崎允啓, 金田太智, 大西智也, 円谷優佑, 小林彩乃, 河野遼介, SHRESTHA Moondeep, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2019  2019年


  • 操作特徴量のみを用いた機械学習に基づく電動車いす操作者の基本操作技能レベル判定手法の提案

    森大河, 亀崎允啓, 亀崎允啓, HUANG Yifan, MANAWADU Udara, 石原達也, 中野将尚, 越地弘順, 肥後直樹, 椿俊光, 菅野重樹

    LIFE講演概要集(CD-ROM)   2019  2019年


  • ドライバー・コンピテンシー・アセスメント・システム(D-CAS)の実現に向けて : ドライバーの状況認識推定システムの開発

    亀﨑 允啓, 菅野 重樹

    研究結果報告書集 : 交通安全等・高齢者福祉   25   5 - 8  2019年


  • リチウムイオン電池の等価回路モデル解析による劣化箇所推定に関する研究

    三宅太文, 鈴木智幸, 船橋賢, 亀崎允啓, 荘田隆博, 石居真, 菅野重樹

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM)   20th  2019年


  • Development of an optical sensor based torque regulation system with friction observer

    Chang Wei, Wei Wang, Chiahao Kuo, Quanhe Li, Shigeki Sugano

    SII 2017 - 2017 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration   2018-January ( SII ) 869 - 874  2018年02月


    © 2017 IEEE. Physical human robot interaction has drawn widely interest and is going to be future trend. To realize this, impedance shaping, the ability to achieve an arbitrary impedance behavior is required. In this paper, we introduce an optical sensor based torque regulation method to realize large range impedance shaping, and we design a friction observer to improve positioning accuracy. Experimental results are presented to show it excellent performance.


  • 災害対応ロボットの能動的環境接触による相互作用パラメータの推定

    上原悠嗣, 亀崎允啓, 東宏河, 石田健蔵, 菅野重樹

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM)   19th  2018年


  • Dynamic Waypoint Navigationによる移動障害物の実時間回避軌道探索手法の提案

    小林彩乃, 河野遼介, 平山三千昭, 亀崎允啓, 亀崎允啓, 菅野重樹

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM)   19th  2018年


  • パーソナルモビリティの運転評価手法に関する研究~操作入力と動作出力に係る調和性指標の提案~

    森大河, 亀崎允啓, 佐藤淳平, 河野陽大, 菅野重樹, 石原達也, 中野将尚, 矢野裕季, 越地弘順, 肥後直樹, 椿俊光

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM)   19th  2018年


  • 重機遠隔操作者の視線を作業状態に応じた映像に誘導可能な映像提示手法の構築

    佐藤隆哉, 亀崎允啓, 仁内智志, 菅野重樹, 岩田浩康

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM)   19th  2018年


  • 運転者の負荷に応じて伝達モダリティを調整する注意喚起システムの開発

    富田智哉, 亀崎允啓, MANAWADU Udara Eshan, 河野陽大, 江馬敬明, 林弘昭, 菅野重樹

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM)   19th  2018年


  • カルマンフィルタの誤差分散および近似式窓長の調整に基づく推定精度と実時間性を両立する歩行者の速度ベクトル推定

    平山三千昭, 河野遼介, 円谷優佑, 亀崎允啓, 亀崎允啓, 菅野重樹

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM)   19th  2018年


  • アームとフリッパの協調制御に基づく多自由度災害対応ロボットの半自律不整地移動手法の提案

    東宏河, 亀崎允啓, 陳奎, 片野貴裕, 金子大靖, 上原悠嗣, 石田健蔵, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2018  2018年


  • グローピング動作に基づく災害対応ロボットの近接環境理解に関する基礎研究

    上原悠嗣, 亀崎允啓, CHEN Kui, 片野貴裕, 金子大靖, 東宏河, 石田健蔵, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2018  2018年


  • 小径ガス管検査のためのRSSIを用いたロボットチェインシステムの提案

    吉田健人, 亀崎允啓, ZHAO Wen, 今野実, 大貫彰彦, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2018  2018年


  • 人の移動性指標に基づく自律移動ロボットの軽接触移動制御手法の提案

    円谷優佑, 亀崎允啓, 亀崎允啓, 大西智也, 柳川勇人, 小林彩乃, 河野遼介, MOONDEEP Shrestha, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2018  2018年


  • 自動運転システムとの多感覚相互作用を提供する円環型インタフェースの開発

    江馬敬明, 亀崎允啓, 石川雅晃, 河野陽大, MANAWADU Udara Eshan, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2018  2018年


  • 高度自動運転システムとの協調運転のためのタクティカルレベル入力型マルチモーダルインタフェース

    江馬敬明, 亀崎允啓, マナワドゥ ウダーラ, 河野陽大, 石川雅晃, 菅野重樹

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM)   35th   ROMBUNNO.2G1‐05  2017年09月


  • 多自由度災害対応ロボットにおける人と自動化機能との分散型共有操作システムの提案

    片野貴裕, 亀崎允啓, 金子大靖, 東宏河, 陳奎, 石田健蔵, 関雅俊, 一柳健, 菅野重樹

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM)   35th   ROMBUNNO.1K3‐04  2017年09月


  • 自律移動ロボットにおける軽接触を用いた人の移動誘導~人の向き・接触部位・方向に応じた人の移動性評価~

    円谷優佑, 亀崎允啓, 大西智也, 柳川勇人, 小林彩乃, 河野遼介, シュレスタ ムーンディプ, 菅野重樹

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM)   35th   ROMBUNNO.3G2‐01  2017年09月


  • 電動型4腕式極限作業ロボットE‐OCTOPUSの開発

    亀崎允啓, 東宏河, 陳奎, 片野貴裕, 金子大靖, 石田健蔵, 中山正之, 関雅俊, 一柳健, 菅野重樹

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM)   35th   ROMBUNNO.1K2‐01  2017年09月


  • 側面カメラ映像における撮影対象との垂直度が遠隔操作者の奥行き感把握に与える影響の調査

    仁内智志, 亀崎允啓, 佐藤隆哉, 菅野重樹, 岩田浩康

    建設ロボットシンポジウム論文集(CD-ROM)   17th   ROMBUNNO.P2‐1  2017年08月


  • ヒトの認知構造に基づいた事前の環境把握映像提示による災害対応遠隔重機作業の効率化に関する研究

    佐藤隆哉, 亀崎允啓, 仁内智志, 菅野重樹, 岩田浩康

    建設ロボットシンポジウム論文集(CD-ROM)   17th   ROMBUNNO.O3‐2  2017年08月


  • タクティカルレベル入力に基づく自動運転システムとの協調運転~タッチパネルインタフェースを用いた位置変化入力~

    亀崎允啓, 江馬敬明, 石川雅晃, 河野陽大, MANAWADU, Udara Eshan, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2017   ROMBUNNO.2P2‐D08  2017年05月


  • 磁性流体を利用した能受動型直動デバイスの開発と基本コントローラの設計

    HE Shan, 亀崎允啓, 大槻健史郎, ZHANG Peizhi, AGUIRRE DOMINGUEZ Gonzalo, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2017   ROMBUNNO.1A1‐H08  2017年05月


  • 磁性流体を用いた逆可動性を有するベーン形ロータリアクチュエータの開発

    亀崎允啓, 大槻健史郎, ZHANG Peizhi, HE Shan, AGUIRRE DOMINGUEZ Gonzalo, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2017   ROMBUNNO.1A1‐H09  2017年05月


  • 深層強化学習を用いた自律移動ロボットの人ごみ対応行動シミュレータ(第一報:シミュレータの基本設計と動作検証)

    難波孝彰, 安藤健, 今岡紀章, 北澤一磨, 亀崎允啓, 菅野重樹

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM)   18th  2017年


  • タスク入力の即時性に着目した車両制御用エンボディドインタフェースの開発

    河野陽大, 亀崎允啓, 江馬敬明, 石川雅晃, MANAWADU Udara E., 菅野重樹

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM)   18th  2017年


  • 小径ガス管内検査ロボットのための管内無線通信減衰の計測と分析

    亀崎允啓, 吉田健人, ZHAO Wen, 今野実, 鳥海良一, 菅野重樹

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM)   18th  2017年


  • 連続的な働きかけによる協調移動手法の提案~ロボットから人への意図伝達度に着目した人状態推定技術~

    河野遼介, 亀崎允啓, 小林彩乃, 柳川勇人, 大西智也, 円谷優佑, SHRESTHA Moondeep, 菅野重樹

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM)   18th  2017年


  • 遠隔操作導入前の映像提示システムによる直接描画法を用いた操作者の認知地図への影響分析

    佐藤隆哉, 亀崎允啓, 仁内智志, 菅野重樹, 岩田浩康

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM)   18th  2017年


  • マルチ飛行カメラを用いた遠隔ロボット操作用映像提示システム~映像の連続性と映像間の相補性を考慮したカメラの動的配置~

    宮田雅博, 亀崎允啓, 菅野重樹

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM)   18th  2017年


  • 多自由度災害対応ロボットにおける操作権限分配とユーザビリティの関連性評価

    金子大靖, 亀崎允啓, 片野貴裕, 東宏河, 上原悠嗣, KUI Chen, 石田健蔵, 関雅俊, 一柳健, 菅野重樹

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM)   18th  2017年


  • 災害対応重機の遠隔操作における操作者視点映像の事前提供による環境把握性効果の検証

    佐藤隆哉, 亀崎允啓, 仁内智志, 菅野重樹, 岩田浩康

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2017  2017年


  • 監視対象からの信号および現象の検知により自己発電するIoTセンサデバイスの試作

    長濱峻介, 亀崎允啓, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2017  2017年


  • 多自由度災害対応ロボットにおける人と自動化システムの協調制御のための操作権限分配の調査

    片野貴裕, 亀崎允啓, 金子大靖, 東宏河, CHEN Kui, 石田健蔵, 関雅俊, 一柳健, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2017  2017年


  • 人の感情と印象に基づく協調移動時のロボットの行動評価と関連性分析

    亀崎允啓, 小林彩乃, 横山悠太, 柳川勇人, SHRESTHA Moondeep, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2017  2017年


  • 機械操作者のプランニング技能の定量化に関する研究~操作手順と操作意識に着目した特徴量の抽出~

    亀崎允啓, 佐藤淳平, 三矢隆史, 岩田浩康, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2017  2017年


  • つまずき予防のためのワイヤ駆動型歩行訓練ロボットによる短期的トルク印加手法の構築

    三宅太文, 小林洋, 藤江正克, 菅野重樹

    日本生体医工学会大会プログラム・抄録集(Web)   56th  2017年


  • Wizard of Ozと深層学習によるロボットの柔軟物折り畳み作業

    陽品駒, 佐々木一磨, 鈴木彼方, 加瀬敬唯, 高橋城志, 高橋城志, 菅野重樹, 尾形哲也, 尾形哲也

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM)   34th  2016年


  • 人とロボットの協調移動におけるロボットの行動と人の感情の関連性評価

    小林彩乃, 横山悠太, 柳川勇人, 亀崎允啓, 菅野重樹

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM)   34th  2016年


  • ロボットの移動方向表出システムが人間の移動に及ぼす影響に関する調査

    大西智也, SHRESTHA Moondeep Chandra, 宇野絵莉香, 柳川勇人, SCHMITZ Alexander, 亀崎允啓, 菅野重樹

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM)   34th  2016年


  • ロボットの移動効率と人の心理面に配慮した人-ロボット協調移動フレームワークの提案

    横山悠太, 柳川勇人, 小林彩乃, SCHMITZ Alexander, 亀崎允啓, 菅野重樹

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM)   34th  2016年


  • ハンドジェスチャーを用いた自動運転車両制御用インタフェースの開発

    亀崎允啓, 石川雅晃, MANAWADU Udara E., 河野陽大, 菅野重樹

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM)   17th  2016年


  • 操作型作業機械の知能化に関する研究~第11報:操作量ヒストグラムを用いた操作者の技能分析~

    亀崎允啓, 佐藤淳平, 小坂拓未, 岩田浩康, 菅野重樹

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM)   17th  2016年


  • 双方向インタラクションのための自動運転車両制御用力覚インタフェースの開発

    河野陽大, MANAWADU Udara E., 石川雅晃, 亀崎允啓, 菅野重樹

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM)   17th  2016年


  • 磁場解析に基づくMRピストンヘッドの構成パラメータとパフォーマンスの関連性評価

    亀崎允啓, HE Shan, DOMINGUEZ Gonzalo Aguirre, 菅野重樹

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM)   17th  2016年


  • 人とロボットの協調移動におけるロボットの行動と人の印象の関連性評価

    小林彩乃, 亀崎允啓, 横山悠太, 柳川勇人, 菅野重樹

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM)   17th  2016年


  • ウォード法を用いた複数映像提供型遠隔操作における視線パターンのクラスタリング

    佐藤隆哉, 亀崎允啓, 菅野重樹, 岩田浩康

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM)   17th  2016年


  • 4腕式極限作業ロボットOCTOPUSのための遠隔操作シミュレータの開発

    亀崎允啓, 片野貴裕, CHEN Kui, 石田健蔵, 関雅俊, 一柳健, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2016  2016年


  • 手先位置頻度マップを用いた作業傾向の分析と操作技能の推定

    亀崎允啓, 峰田健司, 橋本諭, 岩田浩康, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2016  2016年


  • 磁気粘性流体ダンパのためのトロイダル型ピストンヘッドの開発

    亀崎允啓, HE Shan, AGUIRRE DOMINGUEZ Gonzalo, FRENCH Morgan, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2016  2016年


  • 無意識の注意誘導のための両眼加算を用いた情報表示手法の検証 (ヒューマン情報処理)

    田中 裕也, 仁科 繁明, 菅野 重樹

    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 = IEICE technical report : 信学技報   115 ( 345 ) 39 - 44  2015年12月


  • 無意識の注意誘導のための両眼加算を用いた情報表示手法の検証 (コンシューマエレクトロニクス ヒューマンインフォメーション)

    田中 裕也, 仁科 繁明, 菅野 重樹

    映像情報メディア学会技術報告 = ITE technical report   39 ( 46 ) 39 - 44  2015年12月


  • J1630301 視覚障害者のスリップ防止に向けた白杖による路面の滑りやすさ推定手法の構築

    黒川 悠輔, 川崎 基資, 築根 まり子, 呂 筱薇, 菅野 重樹, 藤江 正克

    年次大会 : Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan   2015   "J1630301 - 1"-"J1630301-5"  2015年09月


    One of the risk factors for falls in visually impaired persons is difficulty to recognize a change of road surface slipperiness by white cane. Therefore, we propose a detector system of slipperiness change by measuring a coefficient of static friction between the white cane and road surface using the white cane with force sensor and inertial sensor. However, when the white cane knocks road surface, impulsive force acting on the white cane makes estimating the coefficient of static friction difficult. Therefore, we investigated a minimum time interval between knocking road surface and starting sliding the white cane that can estimate the slipperiness change by the coefficient of static friction, because the impulsive force decrease as the time interval increases. We measured and compared the coefficient of static friction of three road materials at different time intervals using an equipment swing and sliding the white cane. The result suggested that the slipperiness change which have the fall risk can be estimated, when the time interval is 0.10[s] and over.


  • 2P1-S06 再帰型神経回路モデルによる分散予測を用いた柔軟関節ロボットの身体ダイナミクスの探索

    鈴木 彼方, 高橋 城志, Hadi Tjandra, 村田 真悟, 菅野 重樹, 尾形 哲也

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2015   "2P1 - S06(1)"-"2P1-S06(2)"  2015年05月


    We propose an exploratory motor babbling utilizing variance prediction of recurrent neural network as a method to explore body dynamics of robot with flexible joints. With conventional research methods, practical use with real robots is difficult because of the large numbers of required motor babbling motions. With the proposed method, over-fitting of predictable motions is reduced by sequentially learning appropriate motion for body model from unpredictable motions. To evaluate the method, an experiment where the robot additionally learns crank turning task after the exploration of body dynamics were conducted. The results show that the proposed method is capable of efficient motion generation in any given motion task.


  • 2A1-O03 ロボットのための電波伝搬モデルを用いたIMES測位の精度向上に関する研究

    金子 雄人, 汪 偉, 坂本 義弘, 有江 浩明, 藤井 健二郎, 菅野 重樹

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2015   "2A1 - O03(1)"-"2A1-O03(3)"  2015年05月


    In this paper, a novel technique for high-accuracy indoor positioning using a GPS-compatible positioning system called IMES (Indoor Messaging System) is proposed, especially aiming to apply it to robot navigation. The radio wave propagation is modeled in order to obtain the distances between IMES transmitters and a receiver. The position of the receiver is calculated based on the principle of triangulation with those distances. In addition, an Extended Kalman filter combined with the travel distance acquired from wheel encoders of a robot is used to smooth the positioning result. The result of a positioning experiment shows that the positioning accuracy more than 1 meter is achievable without giving an initial position and direction to the robot.


  • 2P1-L04 接触による働きかけを用いた協調移動 : 人間共存環境に応じた移動・働きかけ戦略の構築

    野久 陽介, 宇野 絵莉香, 柳川 勇人, 横山 悠太, 早川 正一, Shrestha Moondeep Chandra, Schmitz Alexander, 菅野 重樹

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2015   "2P1 - L04(1)"-"2P1-L04(4)"  2015年05月


    In our research, we aimed to construct a strategy to plan a path of the robot that includes the inducement of humans depending on environmental factors such as road width, position of obstacle, position and posture of humans. By using RRT (rapidly exploring random tree algorithm), a probabilistic path-planning calculation method, we proposed constructing moving strategy based on the environmental factors. We implemented the proposed strategy into the robot and conducted experiments in several environments. From the experiment, we saw the robot move and induce the human accordingly to the environment, and the usefulness of the proposed method was demonstrated.


  • 2P1-L05 非接触な働きかけを用いた協調移動 : 腕部動作による人間軌道への影響の定量的評価

    早川 正一, 野久 陽介, 横山 悠太, 柳川 勇人, 宇野 絵莉香, Shrestha Moondeep Chandra, Schmitz Alexander, 菅野 重樹

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2015   "2P1 - L05(1)"-"2P1-L05(4)"  2015年05月


    In this paper, the results from the experiment show that human inducement done by changing the values of parameters of the arm movement of the robot changes the evaluation of human movement. Analyzed results from the experiment are, the longer the distance becomes for when the robots starts its signal to the human, the avoiding of the robot by the human starts from a greater distance, when the speed of the arm movement is constant the efficiency loss becomes smallest, and when the movement angle becomes larger the avoidance distance becomes larger and also the loss of the moving efficiency becomes larger.


  • 2P1-L06 人間とロボットの協調移動の接触に対する人間軌道傾向のモデリング

    宇野 絵莉香, 野久 陽介, 早川 正一, 柳川 勇人, 横山 悠太, Shrestha Moondeep Chandra, Schmitz Alexander, 菅野 重樹

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2015   "2P1 - L06(1)"-"2P1-L06(3)"  2015年05月


    Robot path planning based on inducement of humans by touch requires a model of human reaction against robot's inducement. In this paper, we aimed to make a human trajectory tendency model for inducement by contact to be implemented into collaborative movement path algorithm. In order to achieve this, we conducted 2 experiments. First, we placed a human in the place of the robot to observe human reaction against inducement by touch to determine parameters that affect human movement. From the parameters taken from the first experiment, we then conducted the second experiment with the actual robot. From the results, the direction the robot touches the human and touching by the robot's arm surface has an effect on the human to move in the desired direction.


  • 2A2-W01 A Design for Distributed Capacitive-Type Skin Sensor : A new tactile sensor design aimed for robotic skin

    HARTANTO Richard Sahala, SOMLOR Sophon, SCHMITZ Alexander, SUGANO Shigeki

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2015   "2A2 - W01(1)"-"2A2-W01(4)"  2015年05月


    Humanoid robots require a skin sensor that allows them to identify objects and to perform in-hand manipulation accurately. Current robots, however, are still unable to achieve the desired accuracy. To achieve such a task, this paper introduces a new design of a capacitive force sensor for the skin. Equipped with temperature sensitivity compensation and digital output. Although the sensor is intended for distributed contact sensing on the skin, it has a wide range of applications. The experiment conducted gave satisfying results, allowing the concept to be tested further to confirm its functionality.


  • 1A1-G05 次世代知能化車両におけるユーザエクスペリエンス評価のためのドライビングシミュレータの開発

    亀崎 允啓, マナワドゥ ウダーラ, 石川 雅晃, 菅野 重樹

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2015   "1A1 - G05(1)"-"1A1-G05(4)"  2015年05月


    Advanced intelligent vehicles capable of autonomous driving will be commercially available in near future. To build a beneficial relationship between driver and vehicle, it is important to analyze how the drivers would react to autonomous driving compared to conventional human-driven driving. In this study, we develop a driving simulator for analyzing individual driving experience in several road conditions for autonomous and human-driven vehicles. The driving simulator incorporates fundamental functions to connect arbitrary interfaces, create virtual environments consisting of scenarios and events that drivers encounter in real-world driving, and reproduce fully autonomous driving. The results of preliminary experiments showed that experienced drivers opt for human-driven driving mainly due to the flexibility and driving fun it offers, while novices tend to prefer autonomous driving due to its inherent easiness and safety.


  • 2P1-P04 遠隔重機作業の高度化に関する研究 : 拡張現実感を利用した映像の注視・解釈支援手法の開発

    亀崎 允啓, 佐藤 隆哉, 楊 俊傑, 岩田 浩康, 菅野 重樹

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2015   "2P1 - P04(1)"-"2P1-P04(4)"  2015年05月


    An autonomous environmental camera control system we previously developed can provide operators with various and variable visual information suited to the work situation for unmanned construction. However, cognitive load of operators may increase, so we propose a selective visual attention and situational awareness support system using augmented reality (AR) to enhance the ability of visual attention. The components include (i) monitor frame, (ii) obscuration, (iii) distance arrow, and (iv) end-point vertical arrow, with variable color and flashing effect to facilitate understanding the situation. Moreover, the system adaptively draws visual attention by changing types and parameters of AR components according to situations. Debris removal tasks were conducted using a VR simulator to compare without and with AR support. Results showed that the AR support reduced the frequent changes of point of gaze and provided the sense of depth and attention to potential collisions.


  • 2P1-P05 BIOG調整システムにおける入出力情報を用いた作業および操作者の特性分析

    亀崎 允啓, 小坂 拓未, 岩田 浩康, 菅野 重樹

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2015   "2P1 - P05(1)"-"2P1-P05(4)"  2015年05月


    A basic input/output gain (BIOG) tuning system for a human-operated machine was previously proposed. It adjusts a BIOG at long intervals to conform the histogram of control input, representing global features in operator and work content, to a normal distribution curve, meaning that all ranges of control lever are evenly used. Experimental results showed that the system improved time efficiency and the subjective usability. As the next step, we analyze features of work and operator on the basis of input-output information in the BIOG tuning system. We first analyze relationship among I/O information, workability, and operability, and then analyze time-series variation of I/O information. The results indicate that some axes largely affected both workability and operability. We also found from the results that the form of BIOG map in each axis reveals the feature of operator and work content such as the movement direction of end-point where precise operations require, and also reveals improvements on the BIOG tuning system.


  • JCMA報告 平成24年度 研究開発助成 成果報告(その2)無人化施工の効率・安全性を高める映像の注視・解釈支援に関する調査研究

    亀﨑 允啓, 岩田 浩康, 菅野 重樹

    建設機械施工 = Journal of JCMA : 一般社団法人日本建設機械施工協会誌   67 ( 3 ) 64 - 73  2015年03月


  • JCMA報告 無人化施工における環境カメラのための半自動制御システムの基礎研究

    亀﨑 允啓, 岩田 浩康, 菅野 重樹

    建設機械施工 = Journal of JCMA : 一般社団法人日本建設機械施工協会誌   67 ( 2 ) 92 - 100  2015年02月


  • RTCによる深層学習モデルと柔軟関節ロボットの統合~道具身体化モデルの学習データ収集と動作実現~

    陽品駒, 高橋城志, 高橋城志, 尾形哲也, 菅祐樹, 菅野重樹

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM)   33rd  2015年


  • 識別性能の粒度を高める操作・運動・負荷情報を用いた拡張基底作業状態の提案

    亀崎允啓, 三矢隆史, 森島洋忠, 峰田健司, 岩田浩康, 菅野重樹

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM)   16th  2015年


  • 複数画面を使った遠隔操作における注視映像と作業パフォーマンスの関連性分析

    亀崎允啓, 佐藤隆哉, YANG Junjie, 岩田浩康, 菅野重樹

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM)   16th  2015年


  • 拡張現実感を利用した複数の視線誘導手法による遠隔操作者の認知負荷軽減に関する研究

    佐藤隆哉, 亀崎允啓, YANG Junjie, 菅野重樹, 岩田浩康

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM)   16th  2015年


  • 被覆率とコスト評価に基づく3次元異方性センサ群の実用的配置手法の提案

    亀崎允啓, 楊俊傑, 岩田浩康, 菅野重樹

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM)   33rd  2015年


  • 人間・ロボット間インタラクションにおけるエージェント像認識の揺らぎ

    金 天海, 山崎 由美子, 菅野 重樹, KIM Chyon Hae, YAMAZAKI Yumiko, SUGANO Shigeki

    電子情報通信学会論文誌 A   97 ( 6 ) 411 - 417  2014年06月


    人の認識システムがもつ柔軟さはヒューマンロボットインタラクションにおけるシナリオのデザインを困難なものとする場合がある.特に近年開発が進んでいる再構成可能な身体をもつロボットなどでは,ロボットの「物理的な身体の境界(物理境界Physical Boundary)」と「エージェントとしての境界(エージェント境界Agent Boundary)」とが異なる境界として認識される可能性があり,インタラクションシナリオの構成が困難となることが予想される.ロボティクスの分野では人の認識システムがもつこの種の柔軟さはほとんど議論されていない.また,心理学の分野では人が抱く自身に対するエージェント性や身体保有感はよく議論されているが,ロボットの身体に対して人間が抱く認識の研究は進んでいない.本論文では,ロボットに対する身体境界の認識に関連した二つの仮説を検証する.一つ目の仮説は「エージェント境界の認識はロボットを取り巻くコンテクストに依存する」(仮説1)であり,二つ目の仮説は「エージェント境界の認識は可制御である」(仮説2)である.現在,多くのロボット設計者は物理境界とエージェント境界が一致するという仮説(仮説3)のもとインタラクションシナリオを設計しているが,仮説1-2が正しければ仮説3は棄却され,新たな設計手法の構築が求められることになる.本実験には18-27歳の男女60名が被験者として参加し,それぞれの被験者は様々なコンテクストのもとあるロボットとのインタラクションを行った.インタラクションの中でこのロボットは「ワタシヲ スコシ ヨコニ ズラシテクダサイ」というメッセージを見せた.各被験者に対して,この文中にある「ワタシ」が何に対応するとして認識されたのかを調べるために,被験者の行った行動を観察するとともに,実験後にはアンケートを実施した.あるコンテクストにおいてある被験者(被験者1)はロボットが置かれたテーブルを動かした.別のコンテクストにおいて別の被験者(被験者2)はテーブルに置かれたロボットを動かした.アンケートにおいて被験者1はロボットが見せた動作はテーブルが行った感情表現であると答えた.これらの実験結果から仮説1-2はいずれも真であることが分かった.また,エージェント境界の認識に特に強い影響を与えるコンテクストは環境の未知性であることが示唆された.


  • 3P2-Q03 異なる神経メカニズムによる能動的・受動的行動の選択(脳・神経・認知ロボティクス)

    村田 真悟, 山下 祐一, 有江 浩明, 尾形 哲也, 谷 淳, 菅野 重樹

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2014   "3P2 - Q03(1)"-"3P2-Q03(2)"  2014年05月


    In this paper, we discuss possible neural mechanisms that enable adaptive behavior. In order to investigate the mechanisms, we developed a novel hierarchical neural network model that can learn to predict not only the next sensory input but also its predictability. We conducted neuro-robotics experiments in which a robot controlled by our proposed network was required to generate cooperative behavior with a human controlled robot. Our experimental results demonstrate that two distinct neural mechanisms that select proactive and reactive behavior based on the predictability can be self-organized through learning.


  • 3P2-P02 神経回路モデルと身体バブリングによる道具身体化と道具機能の獲得(脳・神経・認知ロボティクス)

    高橋 城志, 尾形 哲也, Tjandra Hadi, 野田 邦昭, 村田 真悟, 有江 浩明, 菅野 重樹

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2014   "3P2 - P02(1)"-"3P2-P02(2)"  2014年05月


    We propose a tool-body assimilation model based on body babbling and a neuro-dynamical system for robots to use tools and acquire representaion of tool function. We took the following approach: We used a humanoid robot model to generate random motions based on human body babbling. These rich motion experiences were used to train recurrent and deep neural networks for modeling a body image. Tool features were self-organized in parametric bias, modulating the body image according to the tool in use. Finally, we designed a neural network for the robot to generate motion only from the target image. Experiments were conducted with multiple tools for manipulating a cylindrical target object. The results show that the tool-body assimilation model is capable of motion generation.


  • 1P1-K02 遠隔重機作業の高度化に関する研究 : 作業状況に応じたロールアサインメントに基づく環境カメラの向き・画角調整(建設・解体ロボット・メカトロニクス)

    亀崎 允啓, 楊 俊傑, 岩田 浩康, 菅野 重樹

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2014   "1P1 - K02(1)"-"1P1-K02(4)"  2014年05月


    A method to autonomously control multiple environmental cameras for providing more adaptive visual information suited to the work situation for advanced unmanned construction is proposed. Situations in which the yaw, pitch, and zoom of cameras should be controlled were analyzed and imaging objects and imaging modes were defined. To control each camera simply and effectively, four practical camera roles combined with the imaging objects and modes were defined. A role assignment system was then developed to assign the four camera roles to four out of six cameras suitable for the work situation, on the basis of the assignment priority rules. Debris removal tasks were performed by using a VR simulator to compare fixed, manual control, and autonomous systems. Results showed that the autonomous system was the best of the three at decreasing the number of grasping misses and increasing the subjective usability while improving the time efficiency.


  • 神経力学モデルと身体バブリングに基づく道具身体化と動作生成

    HadiTjandra, 高橋城志, 村田真悟, 有江浩明, 山口雄紀, 尾形哲也, 菅野重樹

    第76回全国大会講演論文集   2014 ( 1 ) 399 - 400  2014年03月


    神経回路モデル を用いた道具身体化と動作の獲得を提案する.従来の道具使用モデルでは,道具の特徴量,身体モデル,動作を設計する必要があった.我々は,事前設計を必要としない手法を神経回路モデルで行う.道具の特徴量は,Self Organized Mapを用いて画像から自己組織的に獲得する.動作については,人間の発達過程にみられる身体バブリングを参考に学習させる.具体的には,ランダム動作中の感覚運動データから,神経回路モデルMultipleTime-scales Neural Network(MTRNN)に自己の身体モデルを獲得させる.道具使用時は学習済みのMTRNNにParametric Biasを付加することで獲得した身体モデルを変更することなく動作生成を実現する.実験はシミュレーション 上で, 素手による物体操作で身体モデルの学習後,T字型の道具による物体操作を行った.結果として, 目標画像を与えることでその目標状態に近くなるように引き寄せ動作を生成することが確認できた.


  • S-CTRNNを用いた複数時系列パターンの記憶学習

    村田真悟, 有江浩明, 尾形哲也, 谷淳, 菅野重樹

    第76回全国大会講演論文集   2014 ( 1 ) 11 - 12  2014年03月


    これまで時系列パターンの記憶学習に,現状態と文脈情報から次状態を予測することが可能な再帰結合神経回路(recurrent neural network: RNN)モデルが広く用いられてきた.しかし,決定論モデルであるという特性から教示時系列に潜む確率的な構造を獲得することができないという問題がある.また,複数パターン間でノイズの程度(分散)が異なると,小さな分散のパターンが大きな分散のパターンに埋もれてしまい,全パターンを安定的に学習することが出来ないという問題もある.本研究では,従来の学習方法である二乗誤差最小化に基づく点予測の枠組みを拡張し,尤度最大化に基づき確率分布の予測学習が可能なStochastic Continuous Time RNN(S-CTRNN)を用いることで,前述の問題が解決可能であることを示す.


  • マルチモーダル情報を利用した未知語を含む発話のドメイン選択精度の向上

    高橋裕己, 中野幹生, 岩橋直人, 左祥, 船越孝太郎, 岡夏樹, 菅野重樹

    第76回全国大会講演論文集   2014 ( 1 ) 443 - 444  2014年03月


    マルチドメイン対話システムにおいては,ユーザの各発話が,どのタスクドメインの発話かを判定する必要がある.このとき,発話中に未知語,すなわち音声認識・理解部にとっての未登録語があると,音声認識・理解の誤りが起こり,ドメインの判定が難しくなる.本論文では,音声認識確信度や文型との適合性などの特徴を用いて未知語検出とドメイン推定を同時に行い,さらに音声認識の結果に加えて,カメラの画像からの特徴も用いてマルチモーダルにドメイン選択を行うを提案する. また,提案手法を発話コーパスに適用したドメイン推定・未知語検出の実験の結果を示す.


  • 操作量ヒストグラムを用いたBIOG自動調整手法~操作頻度の平準化による操作感の統一~

    亀崎允啓, 小坂拓未, 谷川雄介, 岩田浩康, 菅野重樹

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM)   32nd  2014年


  • 低輝度領域と臓器境界線の画像識別に基づく内出血領域抽出手法

    岩田 浩康, 菅野 重樹

    Journal of Japan Society of Computer Aided Surgery : J.JSCAS   15 ( 2 ) 94 - 95  2013年08月


  • 2A1-R09 Human-Robot Collaborative Control in Mobile Environment : A Simulation Study of the Adaptive Contact-based Trajectory Control for Prioritizing the Robot(車輪型/クローラ型移動ロボット(1))

    Moondeep Chandra Shrestha, Kentaro ICHIKAWA, Katsuya IKAMI, Shoichi HAYAKAWA, Shigeki SUGANO, Hiroyasu IWATA

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2013   "2A1 - R09(1)"-"2A1-R09(4)"  2013年05月


    Conventional researches on human-robot collaborative motion, almost in its entirety, always emphasize on safety and therefore prioritize humans. However, in a congested area this approach will result in a highly inefficient robot motion. This paper proposes a method wherein, we utilize contact and shoulder turning behavior to induce a desired trajectory on a passing human. Through the use of contact and shoulder turning we try to prioritize the robot. We analyze the effectiveness of our proposed system through simulations. The results of the simulations show that the above method can be realized to produce a safe and highly efficient motion.


  • 1A2-B03 糖質を摂取する自己充足可能なロボットのための小型食物粉砕システムの提案(バイオミメティクス・バイオメカトロニクス(2))

    木村 洋介, 長濱 峻介, 飯田 翔太郎, 金 天海, 菅野 重樹

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2013   "1A2 - B03(1)"-"1A2-B03(2)"  2013年05月


    We propose the carbohydrate ingestion system of a self-sustainable robot. Based on the hardware requirements of this robot-, 1) Eating capability independent of postures, 2) Crushing food to obtain Carbohydrate, 3) Capable for continuous working. To meet them, propose system consist of 3 mechanisms: 1) Primary crusher, 2) Food holder, 3) Secondary crusher. Measuring energy consumption, we confirmed that positive energy balances when Carbohydrate response is ideal. These result show this system can be useful for the self-sustainable robot in this research.


  • 2A1-P05 林地内走破を実現するロボットシステムの研究 : 登坂性能向上に向けたメカニズムの提案と開発(特殊移動ロボット(1))

    遠藤 寛士, 白井 裕子, 菅野 重樹

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2013   "2A1 - P05(1)"-"2A1-P05(3)"  2013年05月


    In this paper, we introduce new hybrid mechanism which composed of "Traction Arm" and crawlers for forestry robot. Traction Arm is new method to improve climbing ability of crawler robot. With 3-DOF robot arm, generate piercing and pulling motion of ground contact point. We are developing the robot system, which combine "Traction Arm" and crawlers. We made the prototype machine and confirmed effectiveness of the new mechanism through field tests.


  • 1A2-D05 触覚バイオフィードバックに基づく歩行リハビリ支援システム : 第10報:知覚共感ウェアの提案(リハビリテーションロボティクス・メカトロニクス(2))

    岩田 浩康, 飯村 直之, 佐藤 勇起, 安田 和弘, 菅野 重樹

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2013   "1A2 - D05(1)"-"1A2-D05(2)"  2013年05月


    This paper proposes a new perception empathy wearable device. Therapist and patient wear the same biofeedback device to share paralyzed-side foot contact of the patient on the back. It allows the therapist to detect abnormal contact state by patient at the early stage, then leading to enable patient to gradually acquire the training way with appropriate body motion. Preliminary testing confirms that the proposed design allows a therapist to attach the perception-empathy wearable device to a hemiparetic patient within 90 sec, which indicates clinical acceptability.


  • 1A1-Q10 操作型作業機械の知能化に関する研究 : 第10報:手先の外力・移動方向を用いた物体把持推定の高精度化(建設・解体ロボット・メカトロニクス)

    亀崎 允啓, 石井 孝洋, 岩田 浩康, 菅野 重樹

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2013   "1A1 - Q10(1)"-"1A1-Q10(4)"  2013年05月


    In this paper, a method to accurately estimate whether a grapple grasps an object or not for construction machinery is proposed on the basis of extending the requisite condition for grasp, considering robustness and practicality. Accurate grasp estimation requires confirmation that the hand and arm loads continue to be observed during arbitrary manipulator movements. Enhancement conditions are thus defined by using force and movement at the end-point, including (i) vertical downward force, (ii) longer direction movement, and (iii) horizontal direction reciprocating movement. In transport experiments conducted by using an instrumented hydraulic arm, results indicated that the ratio of error estimation decreases as formed conditions increase, and confirmed that the proposed method estimates grasp/non-grasp accurately and robustly.


  • 未知語の存在を考慮したユーザ発話のドメイン推定

    高橋裕己, 中野幹生, 菅野重樹

    第75回全国大会講演論文集   2013 ( 1 ) 511 - 512  2013年03月




  • 体幹設置型遠隔診断エコーデバイスにおける人体装着機構に応じた装着容易性と安定性の比較評価

    朝山 智史, 伊藤 慶一郎, 鶴田 功一, 菅野 重樹, 中村 京太, 岩田 浩康

    計測自動制御学会論文集 = Transactions of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers   49 ( 1 ) 86 - 92  2013年01月


  • 負荷変化率を用いた操作入力の無効化による双腕引き剥がし作業の安全性向上

    亀崎允啓, 島田洋介, 岩田浩康, 菅野重樹

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM)   31st  2013年


  • GPS互換技術と利用した人とロボットのための屋内外シームレス測位

    坂本 義弘, 菅野 重樹

    計測と制御 = Journal of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers   51 ( 6 ) 512 - 517  2012年06月


  • 1P1-J04 受動柔軟ハンドのための把持計画手法 : 複数関節のばね伸展バランスを考慮した指姿勢の決定(ロボットハンドの機構と把持戦略(3))

    藤合 理詠, 菅岩 泰亮, 江崎 佳奈子, 小島 康平, 岩田 浩康, 菅野 重樹

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2012   "1P1 - J04(1)"-"1P1-J04(4)"  2012年05月


    We propose a planning of grasp form for a robot hand with passivity. The purpose is to realize more stable grasping and changing forms. We design two indices: "displacement balance of joint-springs" and "finger-tip compliance." First grasp form candidates are calculated by grasping force and size of object. Then these indices extract the moderate grasp form from these candidates. The former index is to avoid both over-displacement and non-displacement. Because of these displacements, fingers can't absorb model errors. The latter one is to avoid fluctuations of grasping force. We also report grasping and drawing experiment to check the effects this method. The results show that this method realizes more stable grasping and drawing.


  • 1A2-T10 創発的バイオフィードバック体操による運動継続支援手法の構築(人間機械協調(2))

    後濱 龍太, 菅野 重樹, 岩田 浩康

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2012   "1A2 - T10(1)"-"1A2-T10(2)"  2012年05月


    This paper is about a system which supports continuation of daily physical exercise. According to the motivation theory, an intrinsic motivation is a key to acquire the physical exercise habit. An intrinsic motivation develops in self-determinable situations, so we developed a gymnastics system, which allows its participants to determine how they move and exercise. The system should satisfy conditions below: (i) Guides its participants to rhythmic and big-motioned exercise using four major muscles, (ii) Allows its participants to determine how they exercise, and (iii) Maintains exercise intensity from 55 to 65 %HRmax. We newly defined abstracted-quantity, which represents expansion of exercise, and invent the biofeedback exercise program to achieve the conditions above. Evaluations indicated the efficiency of developed system.


  • 1A2-U10 RTによる起立支援に関する研究 : 動作抵抗の変化による個人対応を考慮した動作教示(人間機械協調(2))

    清水 俊雅, 番匠 雄介, 菅岩 泰亮, 岩田 浩康, 菅野 重樹

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2012   "1A2 - U10(1)"-"1A2-U10(4)"  2012年05月


    With advance of a low birthrate aged society in recent years, the shortage of care workers poses a big problem. The care support by RT is expected as the solution. Since standing-up motion is fundamental capability required for everyday life, support of the standing-up motion by RT is indispensable. The important thing in the case of standing-up motion support is not offering superfluous support in consideration of the physical strength in which a care worker remains, so that independence may not be spoiled. In this paper, the method of teaching the suitable standing-up motion in consideration of the care worker's physical strength and independence was proposed to elderly people or a disabled person.


  • 1A2-M07 触覚バイオフィードバックに基づく歩行リハビリ支援システム : 第9報:触刺激の呈示領域と強度変化率に応じた可知性への影響(リハビリテーションロボティクス・メカトロニクス(2))

    岩田 浩康, 飯村 直之, 飯田 翔太郎, 佐藤 慶彦, 菅野 重樹

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2012   "1A2 - M07(1)"-"1A2-M07(2)"  2012年05月


    We propose new rehabilitation RT devices, PARTY (Perception-Assisting Robotics Technolog Y) that enable the paralyzed to get a perception-bypass communication path via a non-paralyzed-part skin. To evaluate the mental workload of tactile BF-based rehabilitations we proposed, we should reveal the tendency for allocation of attentional resource for spatial and temporal cognition of stimulations. In this paper, we describe the psychophysical validation for spatial cognitive characteristics of tactile stimulations on the back, and propose the policy to apply the findings to tuning of tactile BF device.


  • 1A2-M06 体性感覚バイオフィードバックに基づくリハビリ支援システム : 第5報:RTを用いた教師あり学習と強化学習における運動学習効果の比較検証(リハビリテーションロボティクス・メカトロニクス(2))

    岩田 浩康, 飯田 翔太郎, 飯村 直之, 菅原 志門, 菅野 重樹

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2012   "1A2 - M06(1)"-"1A2-M06(2)"  2012年05月


    We have been proposing new rehabilitation-assisting RT devices for post-stroke patients. They were useful for rehabilitation but there was a problem that not paying enough attention to the biofeedback during training may lead to the unsuccessful training. Thus we examined the effect of attention on RT-assisted rehabilitation by comparing the effect of motor learning on upper limb using the rehabilitation-assisting RT devices in paying and not paying attention conditions. The conclusion is that not paying enough attention to the training and biofeedback from the device will block the rehabilitation and the phenomenon was more obvious for reinforcement learning.


  • 2A1-V06 車椅子搭載型ロボットアームを操作するための6自由度オーラルインターフェースの開発 : 下顎運動と呼吸運動の利用(福祉ロボティクス・メカトロニクス(2))

    張 哲明, 汪 偉, 岩田 浩康, 菅野 重樹

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2012   "2A1 - V06(1)"-"2A1-V06(3)"  2012年05月


    In this research, we are currently developing a 6-Dof oral Interface in order to help quadriplegic patients operate a wheelchair mounted robotic arm independently. We are focusing on building a device capable of measuring the amount of jaw's movement and respiratory pressure and changing it into electronic signals by using joysticks and air-pressure sensors. We come up with a control method which is adapted to the robot arm's 6-Dof tool coordinate system and can be used to operate the wheelchair mounted robotic arm without using hands or legs. The device can be installed instantly by connecting it to the computers with a single USB cable. The device is in a small size of 220×200×90[mm] and weighs 680[g] for compact purpose.


  • 確率的意図推定に基づき対話管理を行う情報検索対話システム

    山?翔太, 中野幹生, 菅野重樹

    全国大会講演論文集   2012 ( 1 ) 203 - 205  2012年03月




  • 操作型作業機械の知能化に関する研究~第8報:手先位置頻度マップを用いた大局的作業傾向の可視化~

    亀崎允啓, 橋本諭, 岩田浩康, 菅野重樹

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM)   30th  2012年


  • IRoA 2011 welcome message from workshop organizers ITCS 2011

    James J. Park, Shigeki Sugano

    Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering   107   xv - xx  2012年



  • いちご収穫ロボット「M型3号機」用RTコンポーネントの開発

    山下 智輝, 田中 基雅, 山本 聡史, 林 茂彦, 齋藤 貞文, 菅野 重樹

    計測自動制御学会論文集   48 ( 1 ) 51 - 59  2012年


    We are now developing the strawberry harvest robot called &amp;ldquo;M-3&amp;rdquo; prototype robot system under the 4th urgent project of MAFF. In order to develop the control software of the M-3 robot more efficiently, we innovated the RT-middleware &amp;ldquo;OpenRTM-aist&amp;rdquo; software platform. In this system, we developed 9 kind of RT-Components (RTC): Robot task sequence player RTC, Proxy RTC for image processing software, DC motor controller RTC, Arm kinematics RTC, and so on. In this paper, we discuss advantages of RT-middleware developing system and problems about operating the RTC-configured robotic system by end-users.

    DOI CiNii

  • 血流量測定のための変動血管に追従可能な呼吸情報を用いたビジュアルサーボシステムの開発

    朝山 智史, 伊藤 慶一郎, 鶴田 功一, 菅野 重樹, 岩田 浩康

    Journal of Japan Society of Computer Aided Surgery : J.JSCAS   13 ( 3 ) 320 - 321  2011年11月


  • 農業支援 いちご収穫ロボットプロジェクト--表裏両面から収穫可能なロボットの提案

    菅野 重樹, 林 茂彦, 山下 智輝

    画像ラボ   22 ( 6 ) 1 - 6  2011年06月


  • 1A1-A03 果実の着果状態に着目したいちご収穫ロボットの収穫難易度判定方法の検証(農業用ロボット・メカトロニクス)

    菅原 英剛, 中尾 真梨子, 菅野 重樹, 山下 智輝, 田中 基雅, 山本 聡史, 林 茂彦, 齋藤 貞文

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2011   "1A1 - A03(1)"-"1A1-A03(2)"  2011年05月


    We are currently developing a strawberry-harvesting robot which includes machine vision, five-axis manipulator, end-effector and fluit-tray-exchanger. Because the working hours are limited, the density of berries is very important for harvesting robot. So we try to sort berries by density. In this paper, the way of density and the results of experiment are shown in detail.


  • 1P1-Q03 逆時間方向探索木を用いた準最適安定化制御(【機械力学・計測制御部門】ロボットシステムのダイナミクス&デザイン)

    金 天海, 辻野 広司, 菅野 重樹

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2011   "1P1 - Q03(1)"-"1P1-Q03(4)"  2011年05月


    This paper addresses online optimal motion planning for a machine. The proposed online controller selects semi-optimal motion from a reverse-time search tree while stabilizing a machine. We made the tree using a framework, rapid semi-optimal motion planning (RASMO), that plans semi-optimal motions rapidly. To validate the proposed controller, we conducted several simulations using double inverted pendulums. As a result, the proposed controller selected and controlled the motion of the pendulums online, and stabilized the pendulums quickly. The high resolution of the mesh improved the control precision.


  • 2A1-D09 自己形態主張カスタマイズロボットの開発 : ユーザの自己効力感向上がインタラクションに与える効果の検証(コミュニケーション-ロボット)

    山崎 由美子, 守 良真, 菅 祐樹, 尾形 哲也, 菅野 重樹

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2011   "2A1 - D09(1)"-"2A1-D09(2)"  2011年05月


    Our goal is to crate a robot which can communicate with people for a long time. To make this possible, we are developing a customizable communication robot "WEAR (Waseda Extendable ARchitecture)". We also provided modules, and experimental subjects can customize the robot by inserting them into the module-port. At the same time, the robot can recognize the customize, and it also can express its autonomy by rejecting the customization by ejecting the module. In this paper, we proposed the communication model to grow self-efficacy. And as the result of the experiments, we found that the proposed communication model is preferred by user than all-accept communication model.


  • 1A1-L09 準最適運動計画のための機械モデルに応じた位相空間分割手法(動作計画と制御の新展開)

    山崎 翔太, 金 天海, 辻野 広司, 菅野 重樹

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2011   "1A1 - L09(1)"-"1A1-L09(4)"  2011年05月


    This paper addresses optimal motion planning for a machine. We discuss a problem of discretization error for the planning in continuous state space. We propose a method to divide state space considering state transition according to a mechanical model. In the proposed method, we define discretization error as a divergence of state transition and we organize an optimal discretization that minimizes discretization error using a binary tree. To validate the proposed dividing method, we conducted several motion planning simulations in phase space using double inverted pendulums. As a result, the planned motion in discretized phase space by the proposed method showed higher optimality than that by uniform discretization on equal calculation time.


  • 2P1-F01 オートグラスピングが可能な車椅子搭載型ロボットハンドの開発(福祉ロボティクス・メカトロニクス(1))

    松尾 雄希, 汪 偉, 菅 佑樹, 岩田 浩康, 菅野 重樹

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2011   "2P1 - F01(1)"-"2P1-F01(4)"  2011年05月


    In this research, we are currently developing a robotic arm which is mounted on a wheel chair to help disabled people in daily life. But it is difficult for these people to manipulate it by using a joystick. So we aim to make an automatic manipulator, and this year, we developed a robot hand which can grasp objects automatically. This time we tried 3 tasks. They are to grasp a PET bottle, a straw and a handle. To realize these tasks, this robot hand has 30[N] grip force produced with four-bar linkage system, and carries a supersonic sensor, infrared proximity sensors and pressure sensors. Finally we succeeded to create a map of environment, and to carry out them.


  • 2P1-C03 血流量測定のための変動血管対応型ビジュアルサーボシステムの開発(医療ロボティクス・メカトロニクス)

    伊藤 慶一郎, 朝山 智史, 鶴田 功一, 菅野 重樹, 岩田 浩康

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2011   "2P1 - C03(1)"-"2P1-C03(2)"  2011年05月


    We report a visual servo system which can search the position of a bleeding source by blood flow measurement. Conventional method of blood flow measurement using by ultrasound can't measure blood velocity under large vessel displacement. We developed a new visual servo system which contains two kinds of controls: a cyclic follow-up control and a control which decides the follow-up control start timing and position using by diameter comparison. As a result of experiments of following up a vessel and measuring blood velocity, proposed method appropriately worked and the possibility that we can measure blood flow under large vessel displacement using by ultrasound was suggested.


  • 2P2-E04 体性感覚バイオフィードバックに基づくリハビリ支援システム : 第4報:誤差覚知RTによる学習再誘引時の脳賦活評価(リハビリテーションロボティクス・メカトロニクス)

    岩田 浩康, 有村 和隆, 飯村 直之, 菅野 重樹

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2011   "2P2 - E04(1)"-"2P2-E04(2)"  2011年05月


    We proposed a new biofeedback system for rehabilitation of hemiplegia, which restrain patients from learning incorrect movements by perceiving the difference between non-paralyzed-side and paralyzed-side. In this paper, we verified the changes of brain activity using fMRI during the re-motor-learning by proposed system.


  • 2P2-D10 体性感覚バイオフィードバックに基づくリハビリ支援システム : 第3報:健側の能動探索による対側位置覚同定手法(リハビリテーションロボティクス・メカトロニクス)

    岩田 浩康, 飯村 直之, 有村 和隆, 菅野 重樹

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2011   "2P2 - D10(1)"-"2P2-D10(2)"  2011年05月


    We propose new rehabilitation RT devices, PARTY (Perception-Assisting Robotics TechnologY) that enable the paralyzed to get a perception-bypass communication path via a non-paralyzed-part body. Previously, to identify the sense of position and recognize joint angle, our device synchronizes non-paralyzed-side with the action of paralyzed-side. However, tests on ankle joint for six normal subjects indicate active search is more effective than passive synchronization to improve the adjusting capability of joint angle. Then, we applied this new method for patient, and saw hemiplegia able to adjust paralyzed-side to target-angle with accuracy of normal subject.


  • 準最適時間機械運動探索のための低計算オーダによる位相空間上探索木枝刈り手法

    菅原志門, 金天海, 辻野広司, 菅野重樹

    第73回全国大会講演論文集   2011 ( 1 ) 405 - 406  2011年03月


    機械の運動は位相空間上の遷移として定義できる. 我々は準時間最適機械運動探索を高速化するための位相空間上探索木の枝刈り手法を提案する. 我々は提案する枝刈り法を位相空間特性を利用して構成した.提案法はメッシュを用いることで探索木上の類似する枝を定数オーダで削除するため, 低計算コストであり,解の精度も保証できる.二重倒立振子モデルを用いた単スレッドシミュレーション上において準最適時間運動探索試験を行った.提案法の結果は他の手法と比べて計算速度が58倍以上となり,目標状態到達誤差は半分以下であった.今後は並列計算を用いての複雑な機械への適用や,実時間での運動を探索・実行を行っていく予定である.


  • Development of robotic strawberry harvester to approach target fruit from hanging bench side

    Satoshi Yamamoto, Shigehiko Hayashi, Sadafumi Saito, Yoshiji Ochiai, Tomoki Yamashita, Shigeki Sugano

    IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline)   3  2010年12月


    To reduce the labor involved in strawberry production, we have developed a strawberry harvesting robot that can operate on a hanging bench culture. In the hanging bench culture, a plant is grown on a bench that has been hung from a beam of the greenhouse. The bench is set at a height of approximately 1.0 m from the floor. In general, mature fruits are located behind immature fruits as viewed from the aisle side. In such a case, a conventional robotic harvester tends to fail in approaching the target fruit because of obstacles such as neighboring immature fruits. As viewed from the hanging bench side, mature fruits are located in front of the immature fruits. Considering this case, our robot has a unique feature that it approaches the target fruit from the hanging bench side and positions itself right below the hanging bench. We have developed a traveling platform for the robot to traverse on and accomplish complete harvesting tasks in a 2D area in a greenhouse. The traveling platform has a gantry structure that moves on a set of three rails. The performance of the traveling platform has been tested, and basic stable movements have been observed in the transverse and the path direction. A negative longitudinal slippage has been observed when a weight of 200 kg was loaded. Basic performance tests of the robotic harvester have confirmed that the robot can successfully harvest mature fruits.

  • 緊張性気胸の遠隔穿刺治療を支援する前胸部装着型RT : 第2報 : 車両の走行振動下における穿刺可能性に関する検討

    後濱 龍太, 伊藤 慶一郎, 菅野 重樹, 中村 京太, 竹内 良平, 岩田 浩康

    Journal of Japan Society of Computer Aided Surgery : J.JSCAS   12 ( 3 ) 218 - 219  2010年11月


  • 1P1-F06 バイオフィードバックを用いた自己受容感覚リハビリ支援システム : 第1報:異種運動速度を取り入れた知覚・運動モデル再構築手法

    岩田 浩康, 菅原 志門, 有村 和隆, 菅野 重樹

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2010   "1P1 - F06(1)"-"1P1-F06(2)"  2010年


    From the standpoint of motor learning theory, to study the movement of a human somatosensory feedback and inverse model must be proper. This is the healthy subjects were trained from left to right tilt angle of the trunk in a sitting position. However, conduct the training by changing the angle of tilt in the right purpose, and angle for the target to be examined whether somatosensory and inverse model is rebuilt. This proposed training methods including, comparing the three different ways and investigate how effective the training. Consequently suggested that the proposed training method is most effective.


  • 1P1-C19 自己形態主張型カスタマイズロボットの開発 : カスタマイズ要求時における音を用いた主張行動の検証

    山崎 由美子, 守 良真, 近藤 裕樹, 菅 佑樹, 尾形 哲也, 菅野 重樹

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2010   "1P1 - C19(1)"-"1P1-C19(4)"  2010年


    Our goal is to create a robot which can communicate with people for a long time. To make this possible, we are developing a customizable communication robot "WEAR (Waseda Extendable ARchitecture)". We also provided modules, and experimental subjects can customize the robot by inserting them into the module-port. At the same time, the robot can recognize the customize, and it also can express its autonomy by rejecting the customization by ejecting the module. In this paper, we propose to introduce a requesting behavior (making sound and moving the module-port) into the robot as well as the rejecting behavior. As the result of experiments, we found that the impression of the sound differs among subjects in the view point of understanding the robot's request.


  • 1P1-F05 バイオフィードバックを用いた自己受容感覚リハビリ支援システム : 第2報:体勢感覚回復訓練における視覚依存回避手法の提案

    岩田 浩康, 有村 和隆, 圓成寺 弘希, 菅原 志門, 菅野 重樹

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2010   "1P1 - F05(1)"-"1P1-F05(2)"  2010年


    We proposed a Perception Assisting Robot TechnologY system (PARTY), which suggests significant effect on walking ability. However, the rehab effect did not last so long after taking off the PARTY. We found that this was because most of the patients often use their visual feedback instead of proprioceptive feedback which they trained from the PARTY. Relying too much on visual feedback may accidentally make false steps or releasing objects which may cause some serious accidents. Therefore, this paper describes how to avoid the visual-feedback-dependency and increasing the natural usage of proprioceptive feedback.


  • 1A1-D14 収納機構を備えた軽量・コンパクトな車椅子搭載型ロボットアームの開発

    西 佑起, 汪 偉, 菅 佑樹, 岩田 浩康, 菅野 重樹, 森田 寿郎, 千原 健司, 稲葉 昭夫, 中西 快夫, 鳥井 勝彦, 長縄 正裕

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2010   "1A1 - D14(1)"-"1A1-D14(2)"  2010年


    In this research, we are currently developing a robotic arm which is mounted on a wheel chair to help some disabled people in daily living. The robotic arm should be safe and compact, so we installed a weight-compensating mechanism into the robotic arm to reduce its actuators' weight. And we can put away the robotic arm in storage area on the wheelchair. In this paper, newly developed robotic arm is shown. It is 7 D.O.F. Robotic arm with the weight-compensating mechanism and a simple gripper hand. It is 1070 [mm] long, and it weighs 5.05 [kg]. We confirmed 2.0 [kg] maximum load and the same height as the armrest with storage position.


  • 2A2-B21 科学計算システムscilabのためのRTミドルウエア接続ツール「RTC-scilab」の開発

    菅 佑樹, 菅野 重樹

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2010   "2A2 - B21(1)"-"2A2-B21(2)"  2010年


    In this paper, the RT-middleware toolbox "RTC-scilab" which interconnects RT-components and scientific modeling tool "scilab" is shown. Our goal is to reduce the developer's load when they implement their own algorithm into a robotic system. First, the difficulty of re-using the RTCs which directly depend on the hardware platform, like inverse-kinematics algorithm, is discussed. Next, the RTC-scilab is shown. Finally, an RTC which is programmed by using RTC-scilab is shown.


  • 2A2-B22 RTCの繋ぎ替えによるロボット制御管理ソフトウエア「FIROSOPHY」の開発

    菅 佑樹, 菅野 重樹

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2010   "2A2 - B22(1)"-"2A2-B22(2)"  2010年


    In this paper, the robot behavior designer called "FIROSOPHY" which sequentially changes connections of RT-components is shown. First, it is pointed out that most of the recently developed RT-systems are constructed as a central controlling system which has various problems, such as complexity of development, debugging and maintaining. Next, the FIROSOPHY is shown. In FIROSOPHY architechture, the RT-task is provided as sequentially executing the RT-systems that achieve premitive skills like reaching, walking, etc. Using FIROSOPHY, prural research results on the same hardware platform can be easily combined.


  • 1A1-A19 RTミドルウェアを用いたいちご収穫ロボットのシステム設計

    菅原 英剛, 堀内 大介, 中尾 真梨子, 菅野 重樹, 山下 智輝, 坂本 直樹, 山本 聡史, 林 茂彦

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2010 ( 0 ) _1A1 - A19_1-_1A1-A19_2  2010年


    We are currently developing a strawberry-harvesting robot which includes machine vision, five-axis manipulator, end-effector and fruit-tray-exchanger. Because the relative technologies, such as recognition of strawberry fruits, are still being investigated, it is expected that the robot will be customized. Therefore, the robot is installed 'OpenRTM-aist (Ver. 1.0.0-RELEASE)' which is one of a 'RT middleware'. 'RT middleware' is the software platform in which all functional units are composed to an 'RT-Component'. In this paper, The RT-components we developed are shown in detail.

    DOI CiNii

  • 1C2-1 片麻痺患者のための知覚支援RTの開発と光脳機能イメージングによる効能評価(認知・運動機能の計測・支援II,一般講演)

    岩田 浩康, 相子 文孝, 駒形 亮吉, 菅野 重樹

    福祉工学シンポジウム講演論文集   2008   41 - 42  2008年09月


    We propose a new locomotion rehabilitation RT device, PARTY (Perception-Assisting Robotics Technology) that enables the paralyzed to get a perception-bypass communication root via a non-paralyzed-part body for recognizing foot contact pressures of the paralyzed-side. This paper reports a remarkable rehabilitation outcome through validation with Functional Near-infrared Spectroscopy demonstrating reinforced attentiveness to the paralytic-side body was achieved thanks to a PARTY for locomotion rehabilitation.


  • 1C2-2 脳梁交連線維と両側性支配に着目したBypass刺激呈示部位の検討(認知・運動機能の計測・支援II,一般講演)

    岩田 浩康, 駒形 亮吉, 西野 純貴, 菅野 重樹

    福祉工学シンポジウム講演論文集   2008   43 - 45  2008年09月


    We propose a new locomotion rehabilitation RT device, PARTY (Perception Assisting Robotics TechnologY) that enables the paralyzed to get a perception-bypassed communication root via a non-paralyzed-part body for recognizing foot contact pressures of the paralyzed-side. This paper indicates an optimal body part used for the bypassing from the viewpoint of neuron communication theory, especially focusing on the bilateral innervations and the commissural fiber where communications between both brain sides are reinforced.


  • 1C2-3 麻痺手の運動感覚を非麻痺手で感知させる手指リハビリ支援装置(認知・運動機能の計測・支援II,一般講演)

    岩田 浩康, 圓成寺 弘希, 駒形 亮吉, 菅野 重樹

    福祉工学シンポジウム講演論文集   2008   46 - 47  2008年09月


    We propose a new rehabilitation RT device, PARTY (Perception Assisting Robotics TechnologY) that creates a new bypass-route for perception signal communication between both fingers to enable the paralyzed to feel somatic sensation of a paralyzed finger through a non-paralyzed finger using biofeedback technology. A somatic sensation-biofeedback system enabling patient to feel MP joint angle of a paralyzed finger through the non-paralyzed finger is herein designed.


  • 人間共存ロボット「TWENDY-ONE」 (特集 ヒューマンサポートロボット--福祉介護とロボットの融合(2))

    菅野 重樹, 岩田 浩康, 菅岩 泰亮

    福祉介護機器technoプラス   1 ( 9 ) 17 - 22  2008年09月


  • 1P1-D14 体性感覚バイオフィードバックに基づく手指リハビリ支援システム : 第1報 : 麻痺指の姿態・運動状態を非麻痺指で体感可能な自立リハビリ支援装置の試作(リハビリテーションロボティクス・メカトロニクス)

    岩田 浩康, 圓成寺 弘希, 相子 文孝, 駒形 亮吉, 菅野 重樹

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2008   "1P1 - D14(1)"-"1P1-D14(2)"  2008年06月


    We propose a new rehabilitation RT device, PARTY(Perception Assisting Robotics TechnologY) that creates a new bypass-route for perception signal communication between both fingers to enable the paralyzed to feel somatic sensation of a paralyzed finger through a non-paralyzed finger using biofeedback technology. A somatic sensation-biofeedback system enabling patient to feel MP joint angle of a paralyzed finger through the non-paralyzed finger is herein designed.


  • 1P1-D15 触覚バイオフィードバックに基づく歩行リハビリ支援システム : 第6報 : 脳賦活促進のための脳梁交連性を考慮した足底圧バイパス呈示Unitの設計(リハビリテーションロボティクス・メカトロニクス)

    岩田 浩康, 西野 純貴, 駒形 亮吉, 菅野 重樹

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2008   "1P1 - D15(1)"-"1P1-D15(2)"  2008年06月


    We propose a new locomotion rehabilitation RT device, PARTY (Perception Assisting Robotics TechnologY) that enables the paralyzed to get a perception-bypassed communication path via a non-paralyzed-part body for recognizing foot contact pressures on the paralyzed-side. This paper indicates an optimal body part used for the bypass from the viewpoint of neuron communication theory, especially focusing on the bilateral nerve control and the commissural fiber where communications between both brain sides are reinforced.


  • 1P1-D16 触覚バイオフィードバックに基づく歩行リハビリ支援システム : 第7報 : 近赤外分光を用いた脳機能計測(fNIRS)による麻痺側への注意力向上効果の検証(リハビリテーションロボティクス・メカトロニクス)

    岩田 浩康, 相子 文孝, 駒形 亮吉, 菅野 重樹

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2008   "1P1 - D16(1)"-"1P1-D16(2)"  2008年06月


    We propose a new locomotion rehabilitation RT device, PARTY (Perception-Assisting Robotics TechnologY) that enables the paralyzed to get a perception-bypass communication path via a non-paralyzed-part body for recognizing foot contact pressures on the paralyzed-side. This paper reports a remarkable rehabilitation outcome through validation with Functional Near-infrared Spectroscopy demonstrating reinforced attentiveness to the paralytic-side body was achieved thanks to a leg-PARTY.


  • 2A1-C22 遠隔救急治療のための体幹装着型ポータブル超音波診断ロボットFASTele-1の開発(医療・福祉ロボティクス・メカトロニクス)

    岩田 浩康, 遠藤 嘉将, 伊藤 慶一郎, 菅野 重樹, 太田 現一郎, 野一色 泰晴, 中村 京太, 竹内 良平

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2008   "2A1 - C22(1)"-"2A1-C22(2)"  2008年06月


    We newly report a tele-echo guided portable robot, FASTele-1 that assists early echo-diagnosis for wounded patients through long-distance. Especially, the robot will be used for primary diagnosis called FAST [Focused Assessment with Sonography for Trauma] looking for in-body spaces filled with blood caused by shock In addition, it can be attached onto the patient's body even by novices without expert knowledge who encounters at the scene. Four degrees of freedom involving pitching, rolling, translational movement and adjustment for sticking to the body surface are given to it. A mechanical spring allowing stable contacts with the patient body surface is adopted to reduce an actuator and a corset enabling easily fitting to various body forms is used as a base part. Evaluation experiments indicating FASTele-1 enables to send Sonography of in-body cavity enough for FAST diagnosis by medical specialists in the separated area confirm the effectiveness of the proposed design method.


  • 1A1-A02 TWENDY-ONEハンドの触覚センサ設計とセンサフュージョン(ロボットハンドの機構と把持戦略)

    岩田 浩康, 林 隆志, 塩澤 裕樹, 木村 謙大, 菅野 重樹

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2008   "1A1 - A02(1)"-"1A1-A02(2)"  2008年06月


    In this paper, we present a design method of tactile sensors for highly dexterous robotic hands. They are necessary for recognition of volume and softness of a grasped object as well as improvement of handling and manipulation. We also reports experiments demonstrating object recognition based on somatic sensation information detected with them and applications to robust control.


  • 2P2-D24 全方向移動台車を用いた安全走行制御システムの開発(車輪移動ロボット)

    岩田 浩康, 梶尾 祐介, 菅野 重樹

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2008   "2P2 - D24(1)"-"2P2-D24(2)"  2008年06月


    This study handles a safely maneuvouring control system developed for human symbiotic robots with an omni-wheeled vehicle. In this paper, we propose a flexible control method for getting over a difference in level, according to conditions of limitation to maneuvour caused by the structure and motion performance of the vehicle by itself.


  • 2P1-B20 操作型作業機械の知能化に関する研究 : 第2報:環境・操作者の多様性に非依存な基底作業状態の提案(建設・解体ロボット・メカトロニクス)

    亀崎 允啓, 島田 陽介, 河合 雄一郎, 岩田 浩康, 菅野 重樹

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2008   "2P1 - B20(1)"-"2P1-B20(4)"  2008年06月


    In complicated work machines represented by Double-Front Construction Machinery, an intelligent system to which can provide operational and cognitive supports for an operator is essential. In construction work, a) work objects change consistently, b) environment is complicated, and c) operation methods are different by operators. We understand that there are so many unknown parameters that state identification technique to cover all is very difficult. Therefore, we think that the state unit in total independence of varieties of environmental condition and operator&#039;s skill level condition is important. We designed the state unit - PSS (Primitive Static States) with ON / OFF information of lever input and manipulator load divided into &quot;end-effecter&quot; and &quot;except end-effecter&quot;. PSS classified working states in 256 (double front) ways every sampling period. As a result of having experimented with between different operators and between different environments with PSS, we confirmed that PSS have properties &quot;in total independence of varieties of environmental condition and operator&#039;s skill&quot;.

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 手指手掌に受動柔軟性を備えた高巧緻多指ハンドの構造設計

    岩田浩康, 林 隆志, 塩澤 裕樹, 木村 謙大, 石井 聡, 坂神 啓介, 太田 智道, 岩本 国大, 菅野 重樹

    ロボティクス メカトロニクス講演会'08論文集     "1A1 - A01(1)"-"1A1-A01(2)"  2008年


    Installation of passivity on the skin and inside joints of the robotic hand becomes a key-technology to remarkably enhance the stability of handling and manipulation. Based on this idea, in this paper a sophisticated mechanism design of TWENDY-ONE hands with mechanical springs in DIP and MP joints and whole-part covered soft skins is presented.


  • 屈曲型広圧排面リトラクタの開発と評価

    岩田 浩康, 遠藤 嘉将, 菅野 重樹

    Journal of Japan Society of Computer Aided Surgery : J.JSCAS   9 ( 3 ) 316 - 317  2007年12月


  • MG221 触覚バイオフィードバックに基づく歩行リハビリ支援システム : 第5報:立位バランスと接地パターン識別性能による評価(MG22 上肢訓練・下肢訓練・リハビリテーション2,あたり前のことを知る)

    岩田 浩康, 相子 文孝, 駒形 亮吉, 菅野 重樹

    福祉工学シンポジウム講演論文集   2007   170 - 171  2007年09月


    We have proposed a new locomotion rehabilitation system for strokes based on tactile-biofeedback that provides foot contact pressures on the paralytic side onto their non paralytic body. The system is composed of two tactile interfaces: one of which enables to detect foot contact pressures on the paralytic side during locomotion and the other provides pushing contact senses onto a non paralytic surface, based on contact pressures detected on the paralytic foot Clinical testing for stroke patients indicates this system allows the paralytics to enhance correctness rate of foot contact state identification and to improve the adjusting capability of weight balance at a balancing training with the interfaces after a short training on its usage. The result confirms that our proposed locomotion rehabilitation system has a high potential to enable paralytics to regain the sense of earthing on the paralytic foot and to promote motor recovery after stroke.


  • 2A2-F12 触覚バイオフィードバックに基づく歩行リハビリ支援システム : 第4報 : 支持有り歩行リハビリプログラムの開発(リハビリテーションロボティクス・メカトロニクス)

    岩田 浩康, 駒形 亮吉, 相子 文孝, 菅野 重樹

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2007   "2A2 - F12(1)"-"2A2-F12(2)"  2007年05月


    We have constructed a locomotion rehabilitation system based on tactile-biofeedback for stroke patients that provides foot contact pressures on the paralytic side onto the body of their non-paralytic one. We newly propose a design method of walking rehabilitation program that enables hemiplegia to gradually learn how to change foot pressure patterns using the biofeedback system while walking. The proposed program is planned diversely based on combinations of three principles in walking: (a) COP moving (Center Of foot contact Pressures) from heel to toe; (b) COG switched over between two legs (Center Of Gravity); (c) Switching between earthing and contact-free. A program menu for the sitting phase is applied at the first stage of the walking training, following training programs that make patients take a standing posture with legs side by side and with a leg behind another. Clinical tests for four patients indicate the locomotion rehabilitation system and proposed program allow hemiplegia to improve the adjusting capability of foot pressure transitions on the usage of them.


  • 2A2-F11 触覚バイオフィードバックに基づく歩行リハビリ支援システム : 第3報 : 全訓練相に適用可能な足底圧呈示インタフェースの設計(リハビリテーションロボティクス・メカトロニクス)

    岩田 浩康, 駒形 亮吉, 相子 文孝, 菅野 重樹

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2007   "2A2 - F11(1)"-"2A2-F11(2)"  2007年05月


    We newly propose a locomotion rehabilitation system for stroke patients based on tactile-biofeedback that provides foot contact pressures on the paralytic side onto the body of their non-paralytic side. The earlier system composed of foot pressure detecting interface and providing one has two problems: One is moving cycle which takes too long to use it in walking practice. The other is limitation of provided region. It can be only put on forearm. To resolve these issues, we replace tactile stimulation-providing actuator with proportion control solenoids to improve moving cycle. In addition, a new design method using panel structure (composed of Common part and Custom one) is adopted, to put on to every region. Using the new interface, we carried out psychology physics experiments to investigate region order. The result indicates the order of identifiability is back→Hipper arm→shoulder→waist, which will be useful for clinical tests to stroke patients.


  • 2A1-G12 腹腔性状を考慮した術野確保リトラクタの圧排面設計(手術支援ロボティクス・メカトロニクス)

    遠藤 嘉将, 岩田 浩康, 野間 喜浩, 菅野 重樹

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2007   "2A1 - G12(1)"-"2A1-G12(2)"  2007年05月


    We newly developed a flexable retractor with large contact areas and roundish corners that allows stably and safely manipulating organs in the narrow abdominal cavity. The retractor has been revised in terms of contact safety form and human finger-sized retracting surface design. Compared to earlier ones, it has a smaller retracting surface to retract targeted organs stably while avoiding unexpected physical injury to surrounding ones during laparoscopic surgery. The retracting surface enables to spread from a φ 12[mm] thin bar to 8^*6[cm^2] plane corresponding to areas of four fingers laid close which are used when surgeons make retraction of small intestine in open surgery. In addition, the head of retracting surface is formed to make all projections 120[deg] and have roundish corners to disperse and reduce risks to injure organs. In vivo experiments indicating the retractor enables to easily move away small intestine to identify a targeted rectum without causing any injury and bleeding confirm the effectiveness of the proposed design method.


  • 2A1-G11 腹腔鏡下手術のための剥離手技訓練装置の開発設計(手術支援ロボティクス・メカトロニクス)

    岩田 浩康, 野間 喜浩, 遠藤 嘉将, 菅野 重樹, 梅津 光生, 田中 淳一

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2007   "2A1 - G11(1)"-"2A1-G11(2)"  2007年05月


    We propose a surgical dissection training device that allows residents to repeatedly practice through self-trainings surgical skills needed for exposures and dissections in laparoscopic surgery. The device (100^*100^*8[mm]) is composed of three elements: 1) a pair of silicone membranes to sandwich other elements at the top and bottom which imitate peritoneums; 2) nonwoven membrane(s) placed between the silicone membranes, imitating adipose tissues which can decrease visibility; 3) silicone tube(s) covered with cotton fabrics having a loose weave, to imitate vessel(s) surrounded over with adipose tissues. The mechanical properties are decided to become in accordance with those of actual porcine intestines measured through tensile and peel tests in terms of toughness, elasticity and peeling strength. In addition, a surgical dissection training system was developed, with which residents practice surgical maneuvers, viewing operation fields on a computer monitor connected with a CCD camera. In vitro experiments indicating novices could perform a dissection task after a short training faster than when without any training confirm usefulness of the proposed dissection training system.


  • 1E2-05 触覚バイオフィードバックに基づく歩行リハビリ支援システム : 第2報:足圧取得・呈示インタフェースを用いた座位・立位リハビリプログラムの構築(OS 歩行支援システム)

    岩田 浩康, 小橋 征爾, 桜井 大地, 甲斐 聡, 菅野 重樹

    福祉工学シンポジウム講演論文集   2006   101 - 103  2006年09月


    We newly propose a locomotion rehabilitation system for stroke patients based on tactile-biofeedback that provides foot contact pressures on the paralytic side onto the body of their non-paralytic side. The proposed system is composed of two tactile interfaces: one of which enables to detect foot contact pressures on the paralytic side during locomotion and the other provides pushing contact senses onto a non-paralytic body surface, based on the contact pressures detected on the paralytic foot. Clinical testing for three stroke patients indicates this system allows the paralytics to improve the adjusting capability of weight and balance at a balancing training with the interfaces after a short training on its usage. The result confirms that our proposed locomotion rehabilitation system has a high potential to enable paralytics to regain the sense of earthing on the paralytic foot and to promote motor recovery after stroke.


  • 2E1-02 起立動作介助における膝関節負荷を軽減可能な手先誘導軌道 : 移動型力介助マニピュレータによる高齢者の自立支援の促進(起立・歩行支援)

    岩田 浩康, 亀崎 允啓, 相子 文孝, 金子 真, 菅野 重樹

    福祉工学シンポジウム講演論文集   2006   168 - 170  2006年09月


    We propose a method for designing the hand-guiding movement that enables to lessen knee joint torques of the elderly in standing-up motion support. The movement was derived based on the geometric analysis of transitional postures during a standing-up motion for an assisted person expressed with four link models comprising of a shoulder, waist, knee and feet. The postures satisfying the derived movement in which the center of gravity goes in a place near the toe in the foot contact area allows the elderly to reduce knee joint torques during the standing-up motion even if the burden grows most. Simulations and experiments using an actual robot for evaluation indicating the derived trajectory successfully lessens knee joint torques of the elderly confirm the validity of the proposed method.

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 2P1-D12 人間共存ロボットの觝触適応行動 : 第22報:障害物回避・作業遂行のための先行的力ベクトル場を用いた人間追従との機能統合手法の提案

    岩田 浩康, 九谷 俊行, 菅岩 泰亮, 菅野 重樹

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2006   "2P1 - D12(1)"-"2P1-D12(2)"  2006年


    We have proposed the whole-body coordination control method to allow human symbiotic robots to concurrently accomplish significant functions such as human following, task execution and obstacle collision avoidance despite physical interference and contact with humans. However, we faced on a significant problem that is this method prevents avoiding deadlocking caused by counterbalanced forces of repulsion and attraction for the functions. In this paper, then, we propose a new whole-body coordination control method using the Laplacian Potential Field that enables task performable human following consolidated with obstacle collision avoidance while avoiding deadlocking states. Evaluation experiments confirmed the proposed method is useful for multiple-jointed robots to consolidate the three functions without deadlocking in the real world.


  • 2P2-A15 触覚バイオフィードバックに基づく歩行リハビリ支援システム : 第1報:足圧呈示インタフェースの設計と基本性能評価

    岩田 浩康, 小橋 征爾, 桜井 大地, 甲斐 聡, 菅野 重樹

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2006   "2P2 - A15(1)"-"2P2-A15(2)"  2006年


    We newly propose a locomotion rehabilitation system for stroke patients based on tactile-biofeedback that provides foot contact pressures on the paralytic side onto the body of their non-paralytic side. The proposed system is composed of two tactile interfaces: one of which enables to detect foot contact pressures on the paralytic side during locomotion and the other provides pushing contact senses onto a non-paralytic body surface, based on the contact pressures detected on the paralytic foot. Clinical testing for three stroke patients indicates this system allows the paralytics to improve the adjusting capability of weight and balance at a balancing training with the interfaces after a short training on its usage. The result confirms that our proposed locomotion rehabilitation system has a high potential to enable paralytics to regain the sense of earthing on the paralytic foot and to promote motor recovery after stroke.


  • 2P1-D13 人間共存ロボットの觝触適応行動 : 第23報:觝触特徴量の時間遷移に応じた觝触状態の連続的同定手法の提案

    岩田 浩康, 菊池 大輔, 小林 徹也, 菅野 重樹

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2006   "2P1 - D13(1)"-"2P1-D13(2)"  2006年


    In this paper, we propose a design method for constructing a continuous human-robot contact identification system based on transitional contact feature data. In the learning phase, our proposed system acquires a relationship, using a neural network called MCP, between verbalized contact states and contact features of tactile stimulation that allows distinguishing contact states such as 'stroke' and 'push', etc. In the cognition phase (where new contacts occur), transitional identification probabilities among contact states are provided every sampling time after matching in real time transitional contact feature data stored in the MCP in advance with those newly extracted in a constant duration traced back from any time. Experiments indicating that contact identifications were continuously gained every sampling time (0.02[s]) even if a contact is continuing or contact states discretely change such as from 'stroking' to 'pushing' confirm the effectiveness of the proposed method.


  • 2P1-D14 立ち上がり支援における被介助者の膝関節負荷低減が可能な手先誘導軌道に関する研究

    岩田 浩康, 相子 文孝, 金子 真, 菅野 重樹

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2006   "2P1 - D14(1)"-"2P1-D14(2)"  2006年


    We propose a method for designing the hand-guiding movement that enables to lessen knee joint torques of the elderly in standing-up motion support. The movement was derived based on the geometric analysis of transitional postures during a standing-up motion for an assisted person expressed with four link models comprising of a shoulder, waist, knee and feet. The postures satisfying the derived movement in which the center of gravity goes in a place near the toe in the foot contact area allows the elderly to reduce knee joint torques during the standing-up motion even if the burden grows most. Simulations and experiments using an actual robot for evaluation indicating the derived trajectory successfully lessens knee joint torques of the elderly confirm the validity of the proposed method.


  • 2P1-D18 IECを用いたコミュニケーションロボットにおける人間の主観変化への適応

    遠藤 ちひろ, 小林 大三, 松本 猛, 菅 佑樹, 尾形 哲也, 菅野 重樹

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2006   "2P1 - D18(1)"-"2P1-D18(2)"  2006年


    As the learning function of a communication robot, we are using Interactive Evolutionary Computation (IEC). The IEC is an evolutionary computation where the fitness function is performed by a user, so it is available for the learning of the user's subjective preference. In this paper, we show the adaptability of the IEC to the interaction between various users and a robot. We installed the IEC function into a real robot named WAMOEBA-3. In the experiment, various interactions were shown because we did not tell subjects anything about the robot. However, the robot's motion changed to the behavior the users liked and the fitness values are gradually increased. Therefore, the adaptability of the IEC is confirmed.


  • 2P1-D19 人間-ロボット間コミュニケーションのための自律系と情動表出の段階的進化

    菅 佑樹, 高田 広太郎, 尾形 哲也, 菅野 重樹

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2006   "2P1 - D19(1)"-"2P1-D19(2)"  2006年


    Since quantitative evaluation of the human-robot interaction is quite difficult, we are using the Interactive Evolutionary Computation (IEC) to realize the adaptive interaction robot. However, if the IEC is applied to a complicated robot, the search space becomes very vast. Therefore, in this paper, we propose an incremental evolution technique where the evolution is carried out in two steps. First, the robot is evaluated automatically on the basis of the principle of Self-Preservation. Next, the robot is evaluated by the users. As the results of the experiment, the advantage of our proposed method is confirmed.


  • 2A1-E03 自己組織化ネットワーク素子群における対ノイズ性能の向上

    出澤 純一, 金 天海, 尾形 哲也, 菅野 重樹

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2006   "2A1 - E03(1)"-"2A1-E03(4)"  2006年


    The network learning method named Self-Organizing Network Elements (SONE) was proposed and has been investigated by us. Autonomous exploration of effective output, simple external parameters, and low calculation costs are achieved as functions of a robot system with this method. However, there is the necessity of improving performance against noises for learning more complicated tasks. Therefore, we propose the technique for adjusting the thresholds in Self-Organizing Logic Circuit in this paper. In our experiments, 3Bit operation tasks and controlling Khepera robot, the generation of new elements was appropriately controlled with this technique, and also the network performance against noises is improved.


  • 2A1-A21 広圧排面を備えた屈曲型小腸圧排リトラクタの試作

    岩田 浩康, 遠藤 嘉将, 野間 喜浩, 菅野 重樹

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2006   "2A1 - A21(1)"-"2A1-A21(2)"  2006年


    We successfully developed a new flexing retractor that allows stably manipulating small intestines with large contact areas in laparoscopic surgeries. The retractor in thin bar easily going into the coelom from the outside through a trocar with diameter of 12[mm] allows to spread to a palm-sized plane with contact areas of 150^*70[mm] in the abdominal cavity. In addition, it can be flexed to 60[deg] maximum whichever spread or unspread, helping surgeons intuitively move intestines in the desired direction. In vivo experiments indicating that the retractor is superior to a flexing retractor with a small-area contact and an unflexible retractor with large-area contact in terms of both time required to move away and number of failures to retract small intestines confirm the effectiveness of the developed retractor.


  • 人間共生型のロボット

    菅野 重樹



    少子高齢化社会では, 生活支援分野において人間共生ロボットの高いニーズがある.人間共生ロボットは, 産業用ロボットと異なり, 人間と接触しつつ作業をすることが多くなる.そのため, 人間との衝突や触れ合いを前提とした安全設計を取り入れる必要がある.人間に柔軟に対応できるためには, ロボット表面の圧力センサなどにより人間との接触状態を認識し, 人間に適切に追従できなければならない.また, リスクアセスメントに基づき許容可能なリスクを抽出することで, 本質的に安全な設計としなければならない.


  • Interactive ECを用いたコミュニケーションロボットのための反射的行動の獲得(進化・学習とロボティクス3)

    菅 佑樹, 尾形 哲也, 菅野 重樹

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2004   188 - 188  2004年06月


  • ロボットのヒューマンインタフェース

    菅野 重樹

    自動車技術 = Journal of Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan   58 ( 5 ) 28 - 33  2004年05月


  • "情"が作る真のコミュニケーション (特集 ロボットから人間を読み解く)

    菅野 重樹, 尾形 哲也

    日経サイエンス   34 ( 1 ) 34 - 40  2004年01月




  • 高運動性能マニピュレータのための機械的3次元自重補償機構の開発

    森田寿郎, 塩澤 裕樹, 中井 英俊, 栗原 史好, 菅野 重樹

    日本機械学会ロボティクス メカトロニクス講演会'02講演論文集     94 - 94  2002年


    本研究では, マニピュレータ運動性能(加速度, 速度, 動作範囲, 姿勢)の大幅な向上を実現する本質的な解決策としての機構開発を目的とする。従来, その手法として自重補償の効果が特に大きいことから, カウンターバランスやばねー平行リンク機構などが提案されてきた。しかし, いずれも総重量, 補償精度, 可動領域, 自由度数という点で課題が残されていた。そこで本報告では, これらを解決する新しい機械的3次元自重補償機構を開発し, これを備えた4自由度マニピュレータによる検証実験にて本機構の運動性能向上に対する有効性を示す。


  • (1) 情動モデルを有する自律ロボット WAMOEBA-2 と人間との情緒交流

    尾形 哲也, 菅野 重樹

    日本機械学會誌   104 ( 990 ) 259 - 259  2001年05月


  • 夢の家庭用ロボット

    菅野 重樹

    日本機械学会誌   103 ( 983 ) 681 - 684  2000年10月


  • 人間と共存できるロボットの形態と機能

    菅野 重樹

    経営システム = Management systems : a journal of Japan Industrial Management Association   9 ( 2 ) 77 - 82  1999年07月


  • 情報処理最前線ヒューマノイド-人間形高度情報処理ロボット-

    橋本 周司, 成田 誠之助, 白井 克彦, 小林 哲則, 高西 淳夫, 菅野 重樹, 笠原 博徳

    情報処理   38 ( 11 ) 959 - 969  1997年11月


  • ロボットと心

    菅野 重樹

    日本機械学会誌   98 ( 914 ) 53 - 56  1995年01月








  • 附属機関・学校   グローバルエデュケーションセンター

  • 理工学術院   大学院創造理工学研究科


  • 2023年

    データ科学センター   兼任センター員

  • 2022年

    理工学術院総合研究所   兼任研究員

  • 2022年

    カーボンニュートラル社会研究教育センター   兼任センター員

  • 2020年

    ヒューマン・ロボット共創研究所   プロジェクト研究所所長

  • 1989年

    人間総合研究センター   兼任研究員


  • 人の血液循環器系を模倣した機械システムの自己修復メカニズムに関する研究

    2017年   長濱峻介


     本研究は,人工循環器システムを用いて材料の修復および機能維持を行うことが目的である.人間の血液循環系は,物質を細胞に供給することにより細胞を維持し体内のホメオスタシスを実現している.この仕組みを機械システムに導入する. 本年度は,循環系を用いた材料修復技術構築のために,材料と構造の研究を行った.材料の研究では,トリプルネットワークゲルの合成手法を提案し,構造を維持したまま導電性などの機能を高強度のゲルに付与する手法を構築した.構造の研究では,微小突起構造などの構造を,MEMS技術を用いて構築する技術を開発した.また循環系と組み合わせることで材料の摩耗を抑え,摺動部の潤滑が可能な機構の開発も行った.

  • 人の血液循環器系を模倣した機械システムの自己修復メカニズムに関する研究



     In order to realize our proposal, it is necessary to develop (1) a mechanism of robots which has flow path to deliver repairing agent, and(2) a material adsorbing to the damaged area and repairing the area. In this year, we developed a robot which has an artificial circulatory system, a self-repairable high strength triple-network gel and a gel capable of controlling adsorption by temperature. As for robot development, by covering the skeleton of the robot with artificial skin and integrating an artificial circulatory system inside robot, it became possible to transport the liquid to everywhere inside the robot. As a result, it was possible to supply the repairing agent to many damaged area. As for self-repairing gels, we developed a Triple Network (TN) gel. The developed gel has high tensile strength property, and self-repairing ability by contacting the fracture surface at room temperature. However, the timing of adsorption could not be controlled with the above gel, a gel capable of controlling adsorption according to temperature change was developed. A polymer of a self-repairing gel was replaced with a thermo-responsive polymer (LCST type), and it was possible to control binding by temperature change when the fracture surface each other were in contact.

  • 情動・神経の働きを含んだ模擬循環器系に関する構成論の解明



     本研究の目的は,生物の循環器系システム及び循環器系を制御している情動システムや神経回路網の働きを工学的に模擬することにより,生物に近い循環器系システムを生物の血液循環器系を模擬したシステムを構築し,これを機械をはじめとした様々なシステムに応用することにある. 神経系とホルモン系をシステムに組み込むと極めて煩雑なシステムになってしまうため,本年度はまず人工血液(片栗粉と水とエタノールの混合液)とポンプ,エタノール燃料電池,フィルター,チューブを用いた単純なシステムを構築した.1)断裂したチューブの修復,2)温度調整(水冷),3)フィルターを用いた混合液からのエタノール分離による燃料電池へのエネルギー供給の3つの機能を有する血液循環器系システムを構築し,その有効性を確かめた.システム構築の過程で周期的なパルスで混合液を送液するポンプ(拍動流ポンプ)と一定量の混合液を送液するポンプ(無拍動流ポンプ)の凝固作用の差異を確かめることを目的としたチューブの破壊・修復実験を行い,拍動流ポンプを用いると人工血液の凝固が促進されることを確認した.また拍動流はフィルターの目詰まり防止にも有効に働き,無拍動流ポンプでは数分でフィルターの目詰まりが生じてしまいエタノールの抽出が不可能になったが,拍動流ポンプでは長時間安定してエタノールの抽出が可能であった. 拍動流が液体の凝固を促進することは確かめられた事例はなく,また本研究の結果を医学的観点から見ると血液の凝固と拍動が関係していると考察されるため,このシステムが医療分野の研究にも有用であることが示唆される.また,このシステムの3つの機能は,システムの恒常性を保つために必要な機能であり,これらの機能を流体と拍動流ポンプのみを用いて実現できた工業的な意義は大きい. 今後は本年度製作したシステムに,神経系や情動系を模倣したシステムを組み込むことにより,より医学的に意義のあるシステムや工業的に有用なシステムを構築し,新たな知見や工業的なアプリケーションを開発していく.

  • 複数の人間と共に移動可能なヒューマノイドロボットの安全モビリティに関する研究




  • 安全な人間追従を可能にする人間共存ロボットの表面カバーに関する研究



     人間と共存するロボットは,人間と直接的に触れ合っても安全である機能が要求される.本研究では,この機能実現のために,以下の3課題の研究を進めた.(1) 基礎評価用表面カバーの開発(2) 人間による接触認知の実験(3) 実験・計測用マニピュレータの設計・試作 人間とロボットとが接触しても安全であるためには,まず人間同士が共同作業をする際に生じるさまざまな触れ合い状態を,コンテキストとして分析し,力学的な解析と組み合わせることで,触れ手側と受け手側とのデータの特徴として表現することを試みた.この実験のために,分布型触覚センサと6軸力センサを用いて評価用表面カバーを試作し,これを人間の前腕部に装着して共同作業中の触れ合い状態を計測した.また,作業のシナリオ/コンテキストに基づき,接触が生じる場面,時間的推移,接触の程度の関連性を検討し,接触情報の認知と接触制御手法について考察した. さらにこのデータを基に,ロボットの接触検出用表面カバーとしての仕様を検討し,合わせて,安全なロボットマニピュレータシステムを構築するために,これまでに本研究で提案しその有効性を実証してきた関節メカニズム(MIA: Mechanical Impedance Adjuster)をベースとして,この関節機能と表面カバーの機能とをうまく両立させたシステムの構築を検討した. 以上より,触れた際にそこに込められた意味,例えば,気付かせる,注意する,促すなどを接触情報から区分けする方法を見出し,逆にその接触情報を人間に与えられれば,同様の情報伝達が可能であることを確認した.これらの知見を,ロボットマニピュレータ全体の制御にインプリメントし,人間とロボットとの相互の触れ合い情報伝達の基礎実験の準備を行った.

  • 全身協調により安全に人間追従が可能な人間共存ロボットの設計に関する研究



     ロボットアームの柔軟性は,受動柔軟性として機能する被覆と関節,能動柔軟性として機能する制御である.本研究では,安全に人間に追従できる人間共存ロボットアームの実現を目指し,能動柔軟性と受動柔軟性とを統合した設計論を導出することを目的とした. まず,分類した三つの柔軟要素を,被覆には理想的な弾性要素と粘性要素を並列に配置したフォークトモデルを,関節には負荷側と駆動側の慣性を考慮した2慣性系モデルを,制御には軸のねじれ検出を利用した位置制御ベースの能動インピーダンス法を採用してモデル化した.このモデルを用いて,被覆の厚さとその粘弾性パラメータ,関節の機械ばねストロークとその粘弾性パラメータ,関節駆動モータのロータ慣性と位置制御・インピーダンス制御の制御パラメータを基に,MATLABによる設計シミュレーションを行った. 被覆・関節系: 高応答性が要求される衝突では,高い衝撃吸収性が期待できる被覆・関節系の柔軟性の統合について検討した.評価基準には,自動車の衝突安全評価指標として広く利用されている頭部傷害基準(HIC: Head Injury Criteria)を採用した.衝撃吸収時における粘弾性素材の底付きは撃力増大を招くが,粘弾性被覆を厚くすることも難しい.そこで,HICと粘弾性被覆の厚さを考慮に入れた被覆設計のための衝突シミュレーションを行った. 関節・制御系: 追従に関する評価基準として,接触安定性と周波数特性に着目した.接触安定性については,接触系ループゲインである関節の機械ばね定数・位置制御ゲイン・仮想コンプライアンスを小さく抑え,周波数特性に関しては,関節に機械的な粘弾性を付加することで柔軟性を発揮できる周波数帯域の調整を可能とした. 衝突シミュレーションの結果,人間共存ロボットアームの重量配分の範囲では,関節の柔軟性はHIC評価の下では衝突安全に貢献できず,被覆のみの独立した設計が可能であることが示された.また,人間の頭部がロボットアーム前腕中心に衝突する状況を想定し被覆設計を行った結果,薄くてかつ底付きを容認しないという条件から,比較的高いヤング率が要求されることを明らかにした.関節・制御系設計のための外力追従シミュレーションでは,関節機能と制御の効果的な融合により,アクチュエータおよび関節機械ばねの設計を容易にでき,小型・軽量化設計に寄与することを明らかにした.

  • 機械的インピーダンス調節機構を備えた7自由度マニピュレータの開発



     マニピュレータの力制御に関する研究の多くは、手首部の力センサ信号に基づくソフトウェアサーボにより先端に仮想的なバネ特性を持たせることで、作業対象-手先間の力を調節する方法を用いているため手先作業に限定されている。これに対して、各関節の柔軟性を独立に制御してマニピュレータ全体を柔軟に動作させれば、より汎用性を持たせることが可能となる。しかし、実現段階においては高減速比減速器などに内在する非線形要素のため、理想的な関節柔軟性を実現することは困難であるという指摘がなされてきた。 本研究では、柔軟要素であるバネと粘性要素であるブレーキを関節に直接組み込むという機械設計の発想により理想的な関節柔軟性を実現、さらにこれを任意に変化できる機構(MIA:Mechanical Impendance Adjuster)を開発し、7自由度力制御マニピュレータを構成した。具体的な研究成果を以下に示す。 1.7自由度マニピュレータのハードウェア開発 マニピュレータの手首は、3つの関節軸が直交していることが運動学的に望ましい、そこで、提案しているMIAのモジュール化設計と改良を行い、小型・軽量な手首メカニズムを開発した。また、この3自由度手首と既に開発済の4自由度アームを用いて、7自由度人間形力制御マニピュレータを構成した。 2.動力学的影響を考慮したMIA関節制御則の構築 MIAは、関節部にバネ要素を搭載しているため、高速動作時には各関節に顕著な動力学的干渉が生じる。そこで、MIAを搭載した多自由度マニピュレータの運動方程式の導出、制御系の安定性解析を行い、動力学的影響を考慮したMIA関節制御則を構築した。 3.拘束環境下におけるマニピュレータの実現 構築した7自由度マニピュレータに関節制御則を適用し、高い関節柔軟性を実現しつつ高速なマニピュレーションを実現した。

  • 機械的インピーダンス調節機構を備えた4自由度マニピュレータの開発



    ロボットマニピュレータに拘束条件下の作業を行わせる場合,マニピュレータ自体に柔軟性を持たせることが有効である。この柔らかさは,静力学的要素のコンプライアンスと,動力学的要素のダンピングを加えたインピーダンスの調節により実現されることが理想的である。本研究では,理想的柔軟性を実現可能な新しいインピーダンス制御手法として,機械的に柔軟性が調節可能な関節機構(メカニカルインピーダンス調節機構)の開発とその制御手法の確立を研究目的としている。具体的には,ダイナミックな力制御が要求される腕関節にメカニカルインピーダンス調節機構を実際に適用することを目指し,本手法を用いた4自由度評価用アームの開発および関節制御則の構築を行った。 開発した4自由度マニピュレータは人間の肩・肘部に相当する自由度で構成されており,各リンク長,可動範囲,運動速度は成人男子とほぼ同等となるように設計されている。提案している関節機構をマニピュレータに用いたことで,力制御に一般的に用いられるダイレクト・ドライブ・アームに比べて小型・軽量化が実現された。 また,制御面についてはコンプライアンス・ダンピング特性実験を行うとともに,多自由度アームの逆運動学,関節の力学モデル化,自重による定常偏差の補償則などロボットアームの動作制御に必要な基本的な制御則を構築した。 更に,開発したハードウェアに運動制御則を適用して本機構の力制御に対する評価実験を行った。評価内容としては,理想的な関節柔軟性と正確な手先軌道追従性が必要となる垂直平面に対する静的な接触作業を取り上げた。 以上の成果から,本機構および関節制御手法がロボットアームの力制御に対して有効であることが示された。
