Education Background
The University of Tokyo
The University of Tokyo
Details of a Researcher
Updated on 2025/02/22
The University of Tokyo
The University of Tokyo
Joint Workshops on Linguistics and Language Processing Steering Committee Standing Member
Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation Steering Committee member
日本ビジネスコミュニケーション学会 理事
電子情報通信学会 思考と言語研究専門委員会顧問
日本ビジネスコミュニケーション学会 President
社団法人私立大学情報教育協会 英語教育FD/IT活用研究委員会委員
日本認知科学会 運営委員
日本英語教育学会 President
日本言語情報学会 President
電子情報通信学会 思考と言語研究専門委員会委員長
Logico-Linguistic Society of Japan Presidenta
電子情報通信学会 思考と言語研究専門委員会委員
日本認知科学会 運営委員・常任運営委員
特定非営利活動法人インターネット・ラーニングアカデミー 理事
電子情報通信学会 異文化コラボレーション時限研究専門委員会 SIGIC 委員
特定非営利活動法人インターネット・ラーニングアカデミー 運営委員
社団法人私立大学情報教育協会 英語教育IT活用研究委員会委員
CIEC (Council for Improvement of Education through Computers) 理事
電子情報通信学会 ネットワーク運用ガイドラインWG委員
社団法人私立大学情報教育協会 英語情報教育研究委員会委
特定非営利活動法人インターネット・ラーニングアカデミー 設立準備委員会推進委員
CIEC(コンピュータ利用教育協議会)・全国大学生活協同組合連合会 電子教材専門委員会委員
ALIC (先進学習基盤協議会) 相互運用性部会 EduSign(著作権を考慮した協調作成型認証付教材・素材登録利用システム) WGリーダー
Institute for New Generation Computer Technology Working Group member for the Japanese Phrase Structure Grammar
cognitive science, computational linguistics, formal semantics and pragmatics, language e-learning, information ethics education
Highlights from panel on developing students’ 21st century skills through interaction
Newspaper, magazine
Author: Other
Promotional material
Author: Other WASEDA.COM on オピニオン
Promotional material
Author: Other
JIEM 株式会社教育測定研究所, CASEC EYE 2003年11月号
Newspaper, magazine
Author: Other
Newspaper, magazine
Author: Other
教育家庭新聞社 教育家庭新聞マルチメディア号
Author: Other
All About Japan All About Japan
Nikkei Nikkei Press Release
Author: Other
Newspaper, magazine
Author: Other
日本教育新聞 日本教育新聞
Newspaper, magazine
Author: Other
現代教育新聞 現代教育新聞
Newspaper, magazine
Author: Other
現代教育新聞 現代教育新聞
ネット教育のフロンティア:1 早稲田大学
Author: Other
日経 日経ネットナビ
LLA 第39回大会特集インタビュー
Newspaper, magazine
Author: Other
教育家庭新聞社 教育家庭新聞
Effect of forest bathing for mindwandering
Atsushi Ito, Yuko Hiramatsu, Kazutaka Ueda, Madoka Hasegawa, Yasunari Harada
AHFE International 2024
Dramaturgy in Costa-Gavras’ film Z: Nomenclature and Cognition
Yasunari HARADA
800 - 803 2023.09
Emergent Inference in Grammatical Machineries: Incorporation of Associative Knowledge into Deductive Systems
IEICE Technical Report 122 ( 419 ) 30 - 35 2023.03
169 - 196 2023.03
Negotiations with Semiotic Environments and Autonomous Learning of Foreign Languages: How to Make Sense out of Linguistic and Acoustic Landscapes
IEICE Technical Report 122 ( 304 ) 10 - 15 2022.12
Quiet Noises of Absolute Silence: ICT-enabled Therapeutic Tourism Development
128 ( 131 ) 2022.09
Development of Tourism Resources Utilizing Healing Effects
Ito, A, Hiramatsu, Y, Ueda, K, Harada, Y, Nakayama, H, Hasegawa, M, Morishita, M, Sato, M, Sasaki, A, Chansawang, R
AHFE Open Access, vol 41 2022.07 [Refereed]
Linguistic landscapes and language understanding through scan translation of English
IEICE Technical Report 122 ( 103 ) 46 - 51 2022.07
"Linguistic landscapes and language understanding through scan translation of Chinese and other languages
IEICE Technical Report 122 ( 103 ) 52 - 57 2022.07
A study on contents structure of sightseeing application
IEICE Technical Report 121 ( 440 ) 25 - 30 2022.03
Identification of Possible Cognitive and Behavioral Changes among Japanese University Students through Analysis of Reflections on Study Abroad Programs
IEICE Technical Report 121 ( 440 ) 31 - 35 2022.03
Semiotic and Cognitive Interactions in Cyberspace/Heterotopia: Cultural Appropriation, Cultural Aggression and Cultural Wars
IEICE Technical Report 121 ( 440 ) 80 - 85 2022.03
Designing sightseeing support system in Oku-Nikko using BLE beacon
Atsushi Ito, Haruto Kawakami, Haruka Nakayama, Yuko Hiramatsu, Madoka Hasegawa, Yasunari Harada, Kazutaka Ueda, Akira Sasaki
Eurocast 2022 140 - 141 2022.02
Types and degrees of stress experienced by students before and after studying abroad
IEICE Technical Report 120 ( 304 ) 20 - 22 2021.12
Cognitive Interactions with Linguistic and Semiotic Environments: Those Obscure Signs of Directions in Intercultural Communication
788 - 794 2021.09
All Those Noises: support, empathy and masking in autonomous mutual learning
328 - 335 2021.09
Significance of Classroom 'Noises' in Autonomous Mutual Learning
IEICE Technical Report 121 ( 87 ) 15 - 19 2021.06
Designing a smartphone application to support a trip around healing spots
IEICE Technical Report 121 ( 87 ) 30 - 33 2021.06
Analysis of behavior during sightseeing using brain wave
IEICE Technical Report 120 ( 427 ) 32 - 37 2021.03
日本人EFL学習者の Zoom Breakout Room に対する認識と評価
鍋井 理沙, 原田 康也
言語学習と教育言語学:2021 年度版 Language Learning and Educational Linguistics 2020-2021 2021年度版 47 - 53 2021 [Refereed]
A study on the development of tourist support system using ict and psychological effects
Akira Sasaki, Fu Xiang, Rina Hayashi, Yuko Hiramatsu, Kazutaka Ueda, Yasunari Harada, Hiroyuki Hatano, Hiroshi Hasegawa, Atsushi Ito
Applied Sciences (Switzerland) 10 ( 24 ) 1 - 25 2020.12
Toward Online Class-Embedded Oral Interaction Exercises for Japanese Learners of English
278 - 287 2020.09
Students' Retrospective Self-evaluation on the basis of the Theory of Multiple Intelligences
247 - 253 2020.09
Yuko Hiramatsu, Yasunari Harada, Miwa Morishita, Atsushi Ito, Masashi Saraki
EDULEARN Proceedings 2020.07
"A Survey to Create Attractive Contents for Tourism: To Comprehend Other Cultures
Yuko Hiramatsu, Atsushi Ito, Akira Sasaki, Kazutaka Ueda, Rina Hayashi, Yasunari Harada, Hiroyuki Hatano, Fumihiro Sato
Computer Aided Systems Theory: EUROCAST 2019 407 - 415 2020.04
Evaluation of Sightseeing Support Application Using BLE Beacon in Oku-Nikko
Akira Sasaki, Rina Hayashi, Atsushi Ito, Yuko Hiramatsu, Kazutaka Ueda, Yasunari Harada, Hiroyuki Hatano, Fumihiro Sato
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 12014 425 - 433 2020
What could “hot sand” and “waves gushing against a rock” possibly mean in Japanese restaurants and sweet shops?"
IEICE Technical Report 119 ( 352 ) 67 - 72 2019.12
Adverse Effects of Katakana Words in Japanese for Japanese Learners of English
508 - 516 2019.09
Inbound Tourists’ Cognitive Interactions with Information Environments: Linguistic and Semiotic Landscapes of Heterotopia
1040 - 1046 2019.09
A Study on Local Sightseeing Guide Application Using AI
1063 - 1072 2019.09
Shiroganese versus Ohtaka-sienne: Those Awful Katakana Morphemes (in Japanese)
Yasunari Harada
IEICE Technical Report TL2019-1 119 ( 114 ) 1 - 6 2019.07
Difference between L1 and L2 Language Processing in the Use of Subcategorization Information: Evidence from Syntactic Priming
( 155 ) 1 - 33 2019.03 [Refereed]
Yasunari Harada, Miwa Morishita, Masanori Suzuki, Daisuke Yokomori, Tomoko Endo, Kanako Maebo, Lisa Nabei, Nanako Kuwahara, Hiroaki Yamada, Mayumi Kawamura
118 ( 516 ) 17 - 22 2019.03
Linguistic Landscape in Nikko, The World Heritage Site: Tradition and Trend (in Japanese)
Yuko Hiramatsu, Miwa Morishita, Yasunari Harada, Masashi Saraki
118 ( 516 ) 83 - 88 2019.03
Contextual and Individual Variations in Apologetic Expressions in Japanese
Takayuki Konishi, Ai Kanato, Yasunari Harada, Sachiko Shudo
118 ( 516 ) 103 - 107 2019.03
Characteristics and Historic Background of Linguistic Landscape in Kobe (in Japanese)
Miwa Morishita, Yuko Hiramatsu, Yasunari Harada
118 ( 516 ) 89 - 94 2019.03
14 - 17 2019.03
Flavor Wheel Terminology and Challenges in Translation: Focusing on English and Japanese Vocabulary for Wine, Sake and Soy Sauce
Nami Fukutome, Yasunari Harada
Proceedings of the 32nd Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation: 25th Joint Workshop on Linguistics and Language Processing 867 - 872 2018.12
SF における語と指示対象の関係:意味の理論と翻訳可能性
27 - 35 2018.12
A Study of Chinese Notation in the Tourist Spot (in Japanese)
Xiang Fu, Ming Sung Kang, Chaoyi Chang, Atsushi Ito, Yuko Hiramatsu, Hiroyuki Hatano, Akira Sasaki, Miwa Morishita
A Language Landscape along the Traditional Pilgrimage Path in Nikko: Translation, Translanguaging and Transcending Cultures and Heritage (in Japanese)
Yuko Hiramatsu, Atsushi Ito, Yasunari Harada, Miwa Morishita, Masashi Saraki
A Study of Psychological Approach to Design Sightseeing Support Mobile Application
Akira Sasaki, Atsushi Ito, Rina Hayashi, Yuko Hiramatsu, Kazutaka Ueda, Yasunari Harada, Miwa Morishita, Hiroyuki Hatano, Fumihiro Sato
INES 2018 - IEEE 22nd International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems, Proceedings 000087 - 000092 2018.11
Two Spins in Art Thinking (in Japanese)
Akio Shimogori, Minatsu Ariga, Yasunari Harada
IEICE Technical Report TL2018-42 118 ( 271 ) 19 - 22 2018.10
傅翔, 康茗淞, 張昭誼, 伊藤篤, 平松裕子, 原田康也, 佐々木陽, 羽多野裕之
日本認知科学会第33回大会発表論文集 278 - 287 2018.08
森下美和, 原田康也
日本認知科学会第33回大会発表論文集 274 - 277 2018.08
原田康也, 森下美和, 平松裕子, 福留奈美, 佐良木昌
日本認知科学会第33回大会発表論文集 261 - 263 2018.08
森下美和, 有賀三夏, 原田康也, 阪井和男, 富田英司
日本認知科学会第33回大会発表論文集 502 - 511 2018.08
A Survey of Language Landscape in Nikko Area: English Translations as Found in Signs and Posters Intended for Inbound Tourist(in Japanese)
Yuko Hiramatsu, Yasunari Harada, Atsushi Ito, Miwa Morishita, Kazutaka Ueda, Fumihiro Sato
IEICE Technical Report TL2017-60 117 ( 519 ) 7 - 12 2018.03
Production of Wh-question Sentences by Japanese EFL Learners in Interactions with Native Speakers of English (in Japanese)
Miwa Morishita, Mayumi Kawamura, Yasunari Harada
IEICE Technical Report TL2017-55, vol. 117 117 ( 341 ) 63 - 68 2017.12
Ethics of Information Education for Living With Robots
Murakami, Y, T. Tatsumi, T. Otani, Y. Harada
ORBIT Journal 1 ( 1 ) 1 - 13 2017.09
A Cognitive Model of Sightseeing for Mobile Support System
Atsushi Ito, Yuko Hiramatsu, Fumihiro Sato, Kazutaka Ueda, Yasunari Harada, Miwa Morishita, Akira Sasaki, Rina Hayashi, Hiroyuki Hatano, Kenji Shoji, Mie Sato
Proceedings of IEEE 8th International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications: CogInfoCom 2017 57 - 62 2017.09
森下美和, 原田康也
日本認知科学会第34回大会発表論文集 1057 - 1060 2017.09
原田康也, 森下美和, 鈴木正紀
日本認知科学会第34回大会発表論文集 1124 - 1131 2017.09
Syntactic Priming by Japanese EFL Learners in Dialogue Contexts based on Different Task Types
Miwa Morishita, Yasunari Harada
Proceedings of the 21st Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue 166 - 167 2017.08
Building Frameworks for International Collaborations and Interactions in the Study of Language and Information for Humans and Machines
Yasunari Harada
The teaching of Foreign Languages in Japan and International Academic Activities, Kazuko Sunaoka & Yoshiyuki Muroi (eds.), Asahi Press 43 - 52 2017.03
Yasunari Harada, Kazuo Sakai, Ken Kuriyama
Language Learning and Educational Linguistics 2016-2017 37 - 46 2017.03
Yasunari Harada, Miwa Morishita
IEICE Technical Report TL2016-64 116 ( 368 ) 133 - 137 2016.12
原田康也, 森下美和, 伊藤篤
日本認知科学会第33回大会発表論文集 251 - 256 2016.09
全国英語教育学会第42回(統一体第16回)研究大会予稿集 426 - 429 2016.08
Application of Language Technology to Language Assessment: Measuring different aspects of language proficiency of Japanese learners of English with different automated tests (in Japanese)
Masanori Suzuki, Miwa Morishita, Yasunari Harada
IEICE Technical Report TL2016-9 / NLC-9 116 ( 77 ) 41 - 46 2016.05
早稲田大学現代政治経済研究所研究叢書『日本発多言語国際情報発信の現状と課題:ヒューマンリソースとグローバルコミュニケーションのゆくえ』 113 - 119 2016.03
[Panel Discussion] Organized Session: Art Thinking and Design Thinking(in Japanese)
Minatsu Ariga, Mari Murayama, Yukari Akiyama, Hiroto Toda, Akinori Abe, Yasunari Harada, Kazuo Sakai
IEICE Technical Report TL2015-64 115 ( 441 ) 53 - 58 2016.01
Yasunari Harada, Miwa Morishita
IEICE Technical Report TL2015-45 115 ( 361 ) 29 - 34 2015.12
遠藤智子, 横森大輔, 河村まゆみ, 原田康也
日本認知科学会第32回大会発表論文集 940 - 946 2015.09
日本人英語学習者のwh 疑問文の知識と運用に関する調査:習熟度の観点から
森下美和, 原田康也
日本認知科学会第32回大会発表論文集 947 - 951 2015.09
原田康也, 森下美和
日本認知科学会第32回大会発表論文集 952 - 960 2015.09
Up to the Singularity of Artificial Intelligence; 2001: A Space Odyssey (in Japanese)
Yasunari Harada
IPSJ Magazine 56 ( 8 ) 753 - 755 2015.07
Tomoko Endo, Mayumi Kawamura, Daisuke Yokomori, Yasunari Harada
Proceedings of the 44th Annual Meeting of the English Language Education Society of Japan 9 - 16 2015.03
Chie Nakamura, Manabu Arai, YasunariHarada
Proceedings of the 44th Annual Meeting of the English Language Education Society of Japan 61 - 68 2015.03
原田康也, 森下美和
情報コミュニケーション学会第12回全国大会論文集 112 - 119 2015.02
Production of wh-questions by Japanese EFL learners: Preliminary classroom data collection
Miwa Morishita, Yasunari Harada
Linguistic Research 32 1 - 13 2015
Integration of Knowledge and Performance in University English Classes: Practice for Automatization and Interaction (in Japanese)
Yasunari Harada, Miwa Morishita
IEICE Technical Report TL2014-47 114 ( 385 ) 19 - 24 2014.12
Future Research Road Map for Thought and Language
Sakai Kazuo, Kondo Tadahisa, Saraki Masashi, Kuroda Kow, Yokono Hikaru, Harada Yasunari
Technical report of IEICE. Thought and language 114 ( 100 ) 61 - 64 2014.06
Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author
YAMADA Hiroaki, ISHII Yutaka, HARADA Yasunari
Technical report of IEICE. Thought and language 114 ( 100 ) 55 - 60 2014.06
Technical report of IEICE. Thought and language 114 ( 100 ) 43 - 48 2014.06
Fillers in relatively spontaneous utterances by Japanese EFL Learners (in Japanese)
Daisuke Yokomori, Tomoko Endo, Mayumi Kawamura, Masanori Suzuki, Yasunari Harada
Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Meeting of the English Language Education Society of Japan 89 - 96 2014.03
NABEI Lisa, HARADA Yasunari
Technical report of IEICE. Thought and language 113 ( 354 ) 71 - 76 2013.12
Authorship:Last author
That's all. Thank you.: Emergence of Formulaic Protocols among Japanese EFL Learners
Yasunari Harada, Mayumi Kawamura, Daisuke Yokomori, Tomoko Endo
Proceedings of the 17th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue 197 - 198 2013.12
Chie Nakamura, Manabu Arai, Yasunari Harada
Studies in Language Sciences 12 43 - 69 2013.11
Technical report of IEICE. Thought and language 113 ( 174 ) 1 - 6 2013.07
Language Processing and Proficiency of Japanese Learners of English: Versant English Test and Oxford Quick Placement Test (in Japanese)
Yasunari Harada, Miwa Morishita
IEICE Technical Report TL2013-14 113 ( 174 ) 1 - 6 2013.07
Yasunari Harada, Mayumi Kawamura, Daisuke Yokomori, Masanori Suzuki
Learner Corpus Studies in Asia and the World: Vol.1 Papers from LCSAW2013 (International Symposium Commemorating the Completion of the ICNALE Project Learner Corpus Studies in Asia and the World 2013) 1 179 - 197 2013.03
The Importance of Being Earnest: Responding to questions that involve ethical dilemmas (in Japanese)
Yasunari Harada
Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Meeting of the English Language Education Society of Japan 63 - 70 2013.03
What have we learned today. Learning English as a Foreign Language and Teaching English as a Foreign Language (in Japanese)
Yasunari Harada
Humanitas ( 51 ) xi - xxii 2013.02
原田康也, 阪井和男, 栗山健
情報コミュニケーション学会第9回研究会論文集 44 - 51 2012.06
Yasunari Harada
New Approaches to English Language Education for Students of Science and Engineering in Japan 1 - 10 2012.03
横森大輔, 河村まゆみ, 原田康也
日本英語教育学会第41回年次研究集会発表論文集 49 - 55 2012.03
Daisuke Yokomori, Mayumi Kawamura, Yasunari Harada
Proceedings of the 41st Annual Meeting of the English Language Education Society of Japan 43 - 48 2012.03
Yasunari Harada
Proceedings of the 41st Annual Meeting of the English Language Education Society of Japan 1 - 6 2012.03
Yasunari Harada
Humanitas ( 50 ) 100 - 91 2012.02
A Contrastive Study on the Adnominal Case Constructions in Japanese and Korean Based on Relative Frequency of '-no' vs. '-ui'
Jae-Woong Choe, Sachiko Shudo, Yasunari Harada
Language Information 14 151 - 171 2012
CHOE Jae-Woong, SHUDO Sachiko, HARADA Yasunari
Technical report of IEICE. Thought and language 111 ( 320 ) 61 - 66 2011.11
Longitudinal Survey of Listening/Speaking Fluency of Students Entering a Japanese College
SUZUKI Masanori, HARADA Yasunari
Technical report of IEICE. Thought and language 111 ( 320 ) 37 - 42 2011.11
Reporting activity in English using books for Extensive Reading
TSUBOTA Yasushi, KANEKO Emiko, NAMBA Ayako, MAEBO Kanako, HARADA Yasunari, DANTSUJI Masatake
Technical report of IEICE. Thought and language 111 ( 320 ) 31 - 36 2011.11
Reporting activity in English using books for Extensive Reading (in Japanese)
Yasushi Tsubota, Emiko Kaneko, Ayako Namba, Kanako Maebo, Yasunari Harada, Masatake Dantsuji
IEICE Technical Report TL2011-44 111 ( 320 ) 31 - 36 2011.11
Masanori Suzuki, Yasunari Harada
IEICE Technical Report TL2011-45 111 ( 320 ) 37 - 42 2011.11
A Contrastive Study on the Adnominal Constructions in Japanese and Korean: Relative Frequency of '-no' vs. '-ui'
Jae-Woong Choe, Sachiko Shudo, Yasunari Harada
IEICE Technical Report TL2011-49 111 ( 320 ) 61 - 66 2011.11
Situated Evaluation of Written and Spoken Text
Maebo Kanako, Namba Ayako, Tsubota Yasushi, Dantsuji Masatake, Harada Yasunari
Technical report of IEICE. Thought and language 111 ( 98 ) 37 - 42 2011.06
Situated Evaluation of Written and Spoken Text (in Japanese)
Kanako Maebo, Ayako Namba, Yasushi Tsubota, Masatake Dantsuji, Yasunari Harada
IEICE Technical Report TL2011-7 111 ( 98 ) 37 - 42 2011.06
Let's go to IEICE Workshops!:Thought and Language (TL)
HARADA Yasunari
IEICE Fundamentals Review 5 ( 2 ) 179 - 179 2011
NAKAMURA Chie, ARAI Manabu, HARADA Yasunari
Technical report of IEICE. Thought and language 110 ( 407 ) 13 - 18 2011.01
Chie Nakamura, Manabu Arai, Yasunari Harada
IEICE Technical Report TL2010-48 110 ( 407 ) 13 - 18 2011.01
Word-final Insertion of Prolonged Vowels in English Learners' Speech (in Japanese)
YOKOMORI Daisuke, KAWAMURA Mayumi, HARADA Yasunari
Technical report of IEICE. Thought and language 110 ( 313 ) 29 - 34 2010.11
Technical report of IEICE. Thought and language 110 ( 163 ) 13 - 18 2010.07
2010 ( 10 ) 1 - 8 2010.05
Longitudinal Survey of Listening/Speaking Fluency of Students Entering a Japanese College
HARADA Yasunari, SUZUKI Masanori
Technical report of IEICE. Thought and language 110 ( 63 ) 21 - 25 2010.05
2010 ( 10 ) 1 - 8 2010.05
Masanori Suzuki, Yasunari Harada
IEICE Technical Report TL2011-45 110 ( 63 ) 21 - 25 2010.05
English Learner Corpus: Global Perspectives with an Asian Focus
Chu-Ren Huang, Winnie Cheung, Yasunari Harada, Huaqing Hong, Sophia Skoufaki, Helen K, Y. Chen
A New Look at Language Teaching and Testing: English as Subject and Vehicle: Selected Papers from the 2009 LTTC International Conference on English Language Teaching and Testing, March 6-7 85 - 117 2010.03
第16回大学教育研究フォーラム発表論文集 126 - 127 2010.03
Language e-Learning 2.0
Alan Schwartz, 原田康也
平成 21 年度情報教育研究集会講演論文集 363 - 366 2009.11
Evaluating the Use of Speech Recognition in CALL Systems
Alan Schwartz, Caroline Huang, Jidong Tao, Jean-Manuel Van Thong, Peter Wolf, Yasunari Harada
電子情報通信学会技術報告(信学技報)TL2009-34 109 ( 297 ) 29 - 34 2009.11
首藤佐智子, 原田康也
日本認知科学会第26回大会発表論文集 154 - 155 2009.09
原田康也, 首藤佐智子
日本認知科学会第26回大会発表論文集 218 - 219 2009.09
河村まゆみ, 前坊香菜子, 楠元範明, 前野譲二, 鈴木正紀, 原田康也
第12回 CMS 研究会資料集 25 - 32 2009.09
One for All: Providing a Supportive Language Learning Environment for Japanese College Learners of English (in Japanese)
Yasunari Harada
Humanitas 47 61 - 84 2009.02
原田康也, 前坊香菜子, 河村まゆみ, 前野譲二, 楠元範明, 鈴木陽一郎, 鈴木正紀
第3回音声ドキュメント処理ワ-クショップ講演資料集 97 - 102 2009.02
Incorporating music into the study of algorithms and computer programming.
Tatsumi Takeo, Yoshiaki Nakano, Kiyoshi Tajitsu, Haruhiko Okumura, Harada Yasunari
Second Workshop on Child, Computer and Interaction(WOCCI) 69 - 76 2009 [Refereed]
原田康也, 前坊香菜子, 河村まゆみ, 鈴木陽一郎, 鈴木正紀
平成20年度情報教育研究集会講演論文集 2008 177 - 180 2008.12
原田康也, 前坊香菜子
情報コミュニケーション学会第4回研究会資料集 10 - 13 2008.11
学習者コーパスに基づく英語ライティング能力の評価法に関する研究:平成17年度〜平成19年度科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(C))研究成果報告書 71 - 89 2008.06
首藤佐智子, 原田康也
日本言語学会大会論文集 2008.06
Mayumi Kawamura, Yasunari Harada, Kanako Maebo, Noriaki Kusumoto, Joji Maeno
IPSJ SIG Technical Reports 2008-CE-93 (22) 2008 ( 13 ) 155 - 162 2008.02
Toward construction of a corpus of English learners' utterances annotated with speaker proficiency profiles: Data collection and sample annotation
Yasunari Harada, Kanako Maebo, Mayumi Kawamura, Masanori Suzuki, Yoichiro Suzuki, Noriaki Kusumoto, Joji Maeno
LARGE-SCALE KNOWLEDGE RESOURCES 4938 ( 4938 ) 171 - + 2008 [Refereed]
原田康也, 前坊香菜子, 河村まゆみ, 前野譲二, 楠元範明, 鈴木陽一郎, 鈴木正紀
平成19年度情報教育研究集会論文集 486 - 489 2007.11
VALIS: Collection of English Learners’ Profiles and Utterances (in Japanese)
Yasunari Harada, Kanako Maebo, Mayumi Kawamura, Masanori Suzuki
Technical Report of IEICE TL2007-11, (2007-12) TL2007 ( 11 ) 25 - 30 2007.11
VALIS: 英語学習者発話データの書き起こし
原田康也, 前坊香菜子, 河村まゆみ
情報処理学会研究報告 IPSJ SIG Technical Reports 2007-CE-90 (1), 学術刊行物 情処研報 2007 ( 69 ) 1 - 8 2007.07
On Audience Ethics of Internet Communication
Ru-Dong Chen, Yasunari Harada
Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference, Glocalisation: Bridging the Global Nature of Information and Communication Technology and the Local Nature of Human Beings: ETHICOMP 2007 89 - 90 2007.03
Yasunari Harada, Kanako Maebo, Mayumi Kawamura, Joji Maeno, Noriaki Kusumoto, Yoichiro Suzuki, Masanori Suzuki
IPSJ SIG Technical Reports 2007-CE-88 (24) 2007 ( 12 ) 169 - 176 2007.02
原田康也, 楠元範明, 前野譲二, 鈴木正紀, 鈴木陽一郎
平成18年度大学教育・情報戦略大会抄録 244 - 245 2006.09
The importance of Rotating Seating Assignments (in Japanese)
Yasunari Harada
Proceedings of JACET 45th Annual Convention 135 - 136 2006.09
原田康也, 辰己丈夫, 前野譲二, 楠元範明, 鈴木陽一郎
平成17年度情報処理教育研究集会講演論文集 pp. 487 - 490 2005.11
原田康也, 鈴木正紀, 伴野崇生
FIT2005 第4回情報科学技術フォーラム一般講演論文集第3分冊 pp. 431 - 434 2005.09
Face-to-face Oral Interaction Practice and Multi-track Audio Hard-disk Recorder
HARADA Yasunari, TATSUMI Takeo, MAENO Joji, KUSUMOTO Noriaki, SUZUKI Yoichiro
IPSJ SIG Notes 80 ( 62 ) 25 - 32 2005.06
中條清美, 西垣知佳子, 内山将夫, 原田康也, 山崎淳史
日本大学生産工学部研究報告B(文系) 第38巻 pp. 17 - 37 2005.06
A Common Testing Framework for Measuring Spoken Language Skills of Non-Native Speakers
Yasunari Harada, Masanori Suzuki
Proceedings of IWLeL 2004: an Interactive Workshop on Language e-Learning, edited by Lawrence Anthony, Shinichi Fujita and Yasunari Harada 115 - 122 2005.03
A Common Framework for Developing Automated Spoken Language Tests in Multiple Language
Balogh Jennifer, Barbier Isabella, Bernstein Jared, Suzuki Masanori, Harada Yasunari
日本テスト学会誌 Vol. 1, No. 1 ( 1 ) pp.67 - 79 2005.03
Group Activities and Project Management
HARADA Yasunari, TATSUMI Takeo, MAENO Joji, KUSUMOTO Noriaki
IPSJ SIG Notes 78 ( 15 ) 121 - 128 2005.02
Using speech recognition for an automated test of spoken Japanese
Masanori Suzuki, Yasunari Harada
PACLIC 19: The 19th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation 317 - 323 2005 [Refereed]
中條清美, 西垣知佳子, 原田康也
CIEC 会誌『コンピュータ&エデュケーション』 Vol. 17 pp. 83 - 91 2004.12
原田康也, 鈴木正紀, ジャレッド バーンスタイン
信学技報 Technical Report of IEICE TL2004-23 WIT 2004-57 (2004-12) ( 503 ) pp. 23 - 28 2004.12
平成16年度情報処理教育研究集会講演論文集 pp. 33 - 36 2004.11
平成16年度情報処理教育研究集会講演論文集 pp. vii - x 2004.11
Plaza グローバル経営「一貫した英語学習:実践的コミュニケーション能力向上を目指して」
月刊グローバル経営 ( No. 276, 2004年10月号 ) pp. 28 - 29 2004.10
Liberal Arts Classroom Implementation with Search Engine Awareness (in Japanese)
Yasunari Harada
IPSJ SIG Technical Reports 2004-CE-76 (3) 2004 ( 学術刊行物 情処研報 Vol. 2005 ) pp.17 - 24 2004.10
Extensive Reading with Penguin Readers Embedded in Integrated Tasks (in Japanese)
Yasunari Harada
Proceedings of JACET 43rd Annual Convention pp.166 - 167 2004.09
平成16年度大学情報化全国大会資料集 pp. 202 - 203 2004.09
辰己丈夫, 布施泉, 中平勝子, 原田康也
2004PC Conference論文集 pp. 34 - 37 2004.08
辰己丈夫, 布施泉, 中平勝子, 原田康也
情報処理学会シンポジウムシリーズ / 情報教育シンポジウム論文集 ( No. 9 ) pp. 207 - 214 2004.08
A Study of Learning System Using Learning History (in Japanese)
Atsushi Ito, Hideaki Fukushima, Hiroyuki Kohara, Sumiko Sakamoto, Joji Maeno, Noriaki Kusumoto, Takeo Tatsumi, Yasunari Harada
IPSJ SIG Technical Reports 2005-CE-75 (7) 学術刊行物 情処研報 Vol. 2004, No. 15 pp.49 - 56 2004.07
増市博, 大熊智子, 原田康也
情報処理 vol.45, 通巻473号 ( No. 7 ) pp.729 - 734 2004.07
平成16年度全国大学情報教育方法研究発表会予稿集 pp. 40-41 2004.07
Developing an automated test of spoken Japanese
Yasunari Harada, Masanori Suzuki, Jared Bernstein
PACLIC 18: Proceedings of the 18th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation 291 - 298 2004 [Refereed]
内山将夫, 佐野洋, 菅谷史昭, 宮田高志, 中條清美, 西垣知佳子, 原田康也
電子情報通信学会技術報告(信学技報) 103 ( 487 ) 25 - 33 2003.12
原田康也, 楠元範明, 前野譲二, Gerrit van Wingerden, 阪原淳, 伊藤篤, 福島秀顕
平成15年度情報処理教育研究集会講演論文集 pp. 421 - 422 2003.11
前野譲二, 原田康也, 楠元範明
平成15年度情報処理教育研究集会講演論文集 pp. 145 - 148 2003.11
日本テスト学会第一回大会発表論文集 pp. 67 - 70 2003.10
原田康也, 楠元範明, 前野譲二, Gerrit van Wingerden, 阪原淳, 伊藤篤, 福島秀顕
平成15年度大学情報化全国大会事例発表資料集 pp. 92-93 2003.09
web pageにおける文字テキストとアノテーション:伝言ゲームとホームページ作成依頼実習の試み
片岡朋子, 原田康也
平成15年度大学情報化全国大会事例発表資料集 pp. 170-171 2003.09
English Interaction Practice with Multi-card for Improving Oral Communication Skills (in Japanese)
Yasunari Harada
Proceedings of JACET 42nd Annual Convention pp.49 - 50 2003.09
Duality of e-Learning Profiles
HARADA Yasunari, MAENO Joji, KUSUMOTO Noriaki, TATSUMI Takeo
IPSJ SIG Notes 70 ( 70 ) 1 - 8 2003.07
片岡朋子, 原田康也
第11回全国大学情報教育方法研究発表会資料集 pp. 20-21 2003.07
原田康也, 中條清美, 井佐原均, 内山将夫, 中村隆宏, 宮田高志, 渡辺隆行, 宮崎佳典
日本認知科学会第20回大会発表論文集 pp.396 - 401 2003.06
日本認知科学会第20回大会論文集 pp. 352 - 353 2003.06
e-language vol. 16 2003.05
Oral Interaction Practice with Printed Text on Business Cards (in Japanese)
Yasunari Harada
IPSJ SIG Technical Reports 2003-CE-69 (3) pp.17 - 22 2003.05
前野譲二, 原田康也, 楠元範明, 辰己丈夫
pp 2003.03
The treatment of Japanese focus particles based on Lexical-Functional Grammar
T Ohkuma, H Masuichi, H Yoshimura, Y Harada
Japanese parser on the basis of the lexical-functional grammar formalism and its evaluation
H Masuichi, T Ohkuma, H Yoshimura, Y Harada
PhonePass SET-10:電話を利用した英語リスニング・スピーキング自動テスト:早稲田大学法学部1年生のスコアからの考察
原田康也, Jared Bernstein
シンポジウム「『英語が使える日本人』を考える」 29 - 54 2002.12
Automated Test of Spoken English over Telephone: Pilot Study with School of Law Freshmen at Waseda University (in Japanese)
Yasunari Harada
Technical Report of IEICE TL2002-41 pp.49 - 54 2002.12
Liberty, Equity, and Security in Network-Mediated Learning and Testing
HARADA Yasunari, TATSUMI Takeo, KUSUMOTO Noriaki &, MAENO Joji
Proceedings of ETHICOMP 2002 pp. 575 - 588 2002.11
前野譲二, 原田康也, 楠元範明, 瀧澤武信
平成14年度情報処理教育研究集会講演論文集 pp.175 - 178 2002.10
原田康也, 前野譲二, 楠元範明, 瀧澤武信
平成14年度情報処理教育研究集会講演論文集 pp.171 - 174 2002.10
辰己丈夫, 前野譲二, 原田康也
平成14年度情報処理教育研究集会講演論文集 pp.86 - 89 2002.10
伊藤篤, 柳原広昌, 中島康之, 米山暁夫, 斉藤雅弘, 原田康也, 楠元範明, 前野譲二
平成14年度情報処理教育研究集会講演論文集 pp.331 - 334 2002.10
半澤文華, 大久保昇, 伊藤博康, 伊澤久美, 原田康也
第28回全日本教育工学研究協議会全国大会・第16回コンピュータ教育研究協議会全国大会・第8回全日本情報教育研究協議会全国大会2002年栃木大会研究発表論文集 pp. 89 - 92 2002.10
平成14年度情報処理教育研究集会講演論文集 pp.601 - 604 2002.10
Automatic Measurement of Spoken English Skills: consistent benchmarks for English learning
Jared Bernstein &, Yasunari Harada
Proceedings of 41st Annual Convention of the Japan Association of College English Teachers 41 pp. 273 - 274 2002.09
半澤文華, 伊澤久美, 伊藤博康, 大久保昇, 原田康也
2002PCカンファレンス論文集 192 ( 193 ) pp. 192 - 193 2002.08
帆足啓一郎, 井ノ上直己, 橋本和夫, 伊藤篤, 前野譲二, 楠元範明, 原田康也
2002PCカンファレンス論文集 pp. 66 - 69 2002.08
辰己丈夫, 瀧澤武信, 楠元範明, 原田康也
2002PCカンファレンス論文集 pp. 262 - 265 2002.08
伊藤篤, 帆足啓一郎, 楠元範明, 原田康也
2002PCカンファレンス論文集 pp. 126 - 129 2002.08
2002PCカンファレンス論文集 pp. 258 - 261 2002.08
The importance of privacy protection measures in network-mediated learning and testing
HARADA Yasunari, MAENO Joji, KUSUMOTO Noriaki &, TATSUMI Takeo
Special Workshop on Multidisciplinary Aspects of Learning, European Society for the Study of Cognitive Systems 2002.01
平成13年度情報処理教育研究集会講演論文集, 文部科学省・和歌山大学 pp. 255-256, 2001.10
PhonePass SET-10 を利用した口頭英語運用能力の測定
平成13年度情報処理教育研究集会講演論文集, 文部科学省・和歌山大学 pp.576-579 2001.10
平成13年度情報処理教育研究集会講演論文集, 文部科学省・和歌山大学 647-650 2001.10
平成13年度情報処理教育研究集会講演論文集, 文部科学省・和歌山大学 pp.253-254 2001.10
平成13年度情報処理教育研究集会講演論文集, 文部科学省・和歌山大学 pp.186-189 2001.10
早稲田大学法学部総合英語の授業におけるATR CALLの学習効果
第15回私情協大会事例発表抄録, 社団法人私立大学情報教育協会 pp. 72-73 2001.09
第15回私情協大会事例発表抄録, 社団法人私立大学情報教育協会 pp. 62-63 2001.09
2001PCカンファレンス論文集, 2001PCカンファレンス実行委員会編集, CIEC(コンピュータ利用教育協議会)・全国大学生活協同組合連合会発行 pp. 136-137, 2001.08
2001PCカンファレンス論文集, 2001PCカンファレンス実行委員会編集, CIEC(コンピュータ利用教育協議会)・全国大学生活協同組合連合会発行 pp. 316-317 2001.08
2001PCカンファレンス論文集, 2001PCカンファレンス実行委員会編集, CIEC(コンピュータ利用教育協議会)・全国大学生活協同組合連合会発行 pp. 252-253 252 - 253 2001.08
2001PCカンファレンス論文集, 2001PCカンファレンス実行委員会編集, CIEC(コンピュータ利用教育協議会)・全国大学生活協同組合連合会発行 pp. 82-83 2001.08
2001PCカンファレンス論文集, 2001PCカンファレンス実行委員会編集, CIEC(コンピュータ利用教育協議会)・全国大学生活協同組合連合会発行 pp. 110-113 2001.08
2001PCカンファレンス論文集, 2001PCカンファレンス実行委員会編集, CIEC(コンピュータ利用教育協議会)・全国大学生活協同組合連合会発行 pp. 162-163 2001.08
2001PCカンファレンス論文集, 2001PCカンファレンス実行委員会編集, CIEC(コンピュータ利用教育協議会)・全国大学生活協同組合連合会発行 pp. 160-161 2001.08
2001PCカンファレンス論文集, 2001PCカンファレンス実行委員会編集, CIEC(コンピュータ利用教育協議会)・全国大学生活協同組合連合会発行 pp. 176-177, 2001.08
第9回情報教育方法研究発表会資料集, 社団法人私立大学情報教育協会 pp. 76-77, 2001.07
Whose Learning is it Anyway? Copyright and Privacy Issues in Web-Based Training
Keiichiro Hoashi, Kazuo Hashimoto, Atsushi Ito, Takeo Tatsumi, Noriaki Kusumoto, & Yasunari Harada
Proceedings of the Fifth Internatinal Conference on The Social and Ethical Impacts of Information and Communication Technologies, ETHICOMP2001, Centre for Computing and Social Responsibility, De Montfort University pp. 285-294, ISBN83-7278-141-4 2001.06
日本認知科学会第18回大会論文集, 日本認知科学会 2001.06
言語処理学会第7回大会論文集 347 - 350 2001.03
言語処理学会第7回大会論文集 74 - 77 2001.03
語研フォーラム ( 14 ) 115 - 143 2001.03
Harada Yasunari
早稲田教育評論, 早稲田大学教育総合研究所 Vol.15, No. 1, pp. 79-94 79 - 94 2001.03
Pragmatic Inference with Conditionals and Concessives in Japanese
Yasunari Harada, Kumiko Honda
Proceedings of the 15th Pacific Asia Confernce on Language, Information and Computation, Benjamin K. T'sou, Olivia O. Y. Kwong and Tom B. Y. Lai (eds.) 223 - 234 2001.02
2001年情報学シンポジウム講演論文集, 社団法人情報処理学会発行 25 - 32 2001.01
平成12年度情報処理教育研究集会講演論文集, 文部省・京都大学 657 - 660 2000.12
平成12年度情報処理教育研究集会講演論文集 60 - 62 2000.12
平成12年度情報処理教育研究集会講演論文集 19 - 22 2000.12
平成12年度情報処理教育研究集会講演論文集 71 - 74 2000.12
293 - 296 2000.12
平成12年度情報処理教育研究集会講演論文集 410 - 413 2000.12
414 - 415 2000.12
72 - 73 2000.09
私立大学情報教育協会大会事例発表資料集, 私立大学情報教育協会 70 - 71 2000.09
60 - 61 2000.09
72 - 73 2000.06
75 - 90 2000.03
95 - 98 2000.03
289 - 290 2000.03
359 - 360 2000.03
( 44 ) 89 - 101 2000.03
8 ( 4 ) 8 - 9 2000.03
Education of Information andInformation-Oriented Education
Kusumoto Noriaki/Tatsumi Takeo/Harada Yasunari
Waseda review of education 14 ( 1 ) 123 - 131 2000.03
語学教育研究所紀要/早稲田大学語学教育研究所 No55, pp.1-19, ISSN 0285-936X ( 55 ) 1 - 19 2000.03
教科教育情報化の4段階推移過程:英語教育の情報化, 学習者コーパスに基づく音声付発信型電子教材作成に関する研究
平成10年度〜平成11年度科学研究補助金(基盤 C-2)研究成果報告書, 課題番号:10680290, 研究代表者中野美知子 pp. 75-90 2000.03
Accessibility among Situations: Pragmatics of Disjunction In Japanese
Yasunari Harada, Kumiko Honda
Proceedings of the 14th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation, ed. Ikeya, Akira and Kawamori, Masahito pp. 97-108 2000.02
情報処理学会研究報告, Vol.2000, No.20, コンピュータと教育 55-6 41 - 48 2000.02
原田康也, 筧捷彦
情報処理教育研究集会講演論文集/文部省・東北大学 51 - 54 1999.11
Information Ethics Education as Science Education and Simulated Network Emergency Exercises for Information Teachers
Takeo Tatsumi, Yasunari Harada, Noriaki Kusumoto
International Conference on the Social and Ethical Impacts of Information and Communication Technologies 1999.10
語研フォーラム ( 11 ) 81 - 103 1999.10
Panasonic LL研究, 第39回LL全国研究大会特別号・早稲田大学特集号/松下通信工業株式会社AVシステム事業部営業部(教育システム課) 3 - 10 1999.08
信州大学, PCカンファランス, CIEC 1999.08
信州大学, PCカンファランス予稿集/PC カンファランス実行委員会, CIEC(コンピュータ利用教育協議会) 167 - 170 1999.08
私立大学情報教育協会情報教育方法研究発表会資料集/社団法人私立大学情報教育協会 12 - 13 1999.07
"How Quantification Emerges in Natural Language," Proceedings of Joint Conference of ICCS/JCSS99,
Yasunari Harada, Kumiko Honda
Proceedings of Joint Conference of ICCS/JCSS99 424 - 429 1999.07
Why Information Ethics Education Fails.
Tatsumi Takeo, Harada Yasunari
Educating professionals for network-centric organisations : IFIP TC3 WG3.4 International Working Conference on Educating Professionals for Network-Centric Organisations, August 23-28, Saitama, Japan 17 55 - 63 1999.06
情報処理学会誌「人文科学とコンピュータ」特集号 40 ( 3 ) 990 - 997 1999.03
言語処理学会第5回年次大会発表論文集/言語処理学会 pp.321-324 1999.03
情報処理学会「コンピュータと教育」研究会 98-CE-50, pp.33-40 33 - 40 1998.11
88 - 89 1998.09
前野譲二, 谷津貴久, 門馬隆雄, 原田康也
早稲田教育叢書5 「英語教育とコンピュータ」 153 - 167 1998.07
MNC Communications 1 1998.06
原田康也, 本多久美子
言語処理学会第4回年次大会発表論文集 434 - 437 1998.03
Iwabuchi Tadasu, Ogasawara Yoshihide, Kusumoto Noriaki, Sakurai Hidehiro, Daishido Tsuneaki
早稲田教育評論 12 ( 1 ) 27 - 86 1998.03
Information Ethics: Preaching the unpreachable (in Japanese)
Yasunari Harada
Technical Report of IEICE FACE 97 25 - 30 1997.11
文法的機械 (番外編その2)*計算機環境を利用した英文作法指導の試みに関する極めて私的な報告 Part 2
語研フォーラム/語学教育研究所 ( 5 ) 165 - 197 1996.10
情報科学センター年報/明治大学情報科学センター 8 80 - 84 1996.08
平成8年度電大学気工学教育研究集会分科会予稿集 43 - 50 1996.07
Semantics and Pragmatics of Adnominal Particle NO in Quixote
Hiroshi Tsuda, Yasunari Harada
Studies on the Universality of Constraint-Based Phrase Structure Grammars, Report of the International Scientific Research Program: Joint Research Project, No. 06044133 Supported by the Ministry of Education, Science, and Culture, Japan (T. Gunji ed.) / 191 - 201 1996.03
Indefinites, Conditionals, and Quantification
Mark Gawron, Yasunari Harada
H. Nakagawa (ed.), A Cognitive Study of Situatedness in English and Japanese: Toward Flexible Natural Language Processing Systems 81 - 96 1996
Situated Disambiguation with Properly Specified Representation
Hideyuki Nakashima, Yasunari Harada
Semantic Ambiguity and Underspecification (K. van Deemter & S. Peters eds.)/Center for the Study of Language and Information, Stanford Univeristy 77 - 98 1996
野口直彦, 原田康也
日文研叢書 10. 制約に基づく日本語の構造の研究:国際日本文化研究センター共同研究報告(郡司隆男編)/国際日本文化研究センター 145 - 166 1996.01
Situated Disambiguation with Properly Specified Representation
Hideyuki Nakashima, Yasunari Harada
ETL Technical Report, Electrotechnical Laboratory TR-95-22 1995.06
文法的機械 (番外編その1)外国語教育の現代化: 語学教育と情報教育の統合化をめざして: または: 計算機環境を利用した英文作法指導の試みに関する極めて私的な報告
人文論集, 早稲田大学法学会 No.33,pp. 89-101 1995.02
私情協ジャーナル 3 ( 1 ) 20 - 21 1994.06
Situated Dialog Model for Software Agents
Hideyuki Nakashima, Yasunari Harada
Speech Communication 15 275 - 281 1994 [Refereed]
日本音響学会誌 50 ( 4 ) 338 - 339 1994
エージェントの状況依存対話モデル A Mechanical Communication Model for Agents
レクチャーノート/ソフトウェア学5 石田亨 編, 『マルチ・エージェントと協調計算 II 日本ソフトウェア科学会 MACC '92』, 株式会社近代科学社 pp. 45-59, ISBN 4-7649-0217-6 C3350 1993.12
Situated Dialog Model for Software Agents
Hideyuki Nakashima, Yasunari Harada
Proceedings of ISSD-93, International Symposium on Spoken Dialogue: New Directions in Human and Man-Machine Communication 267 - 270 1993.11
日本認知科学会第10回大会論文集 48 - 49 1993.05
日本認知科学会第10回大会論文集, 日本認知科学会, pp. 96-97 1993.05
Semantic and Pragmatic Interpretation of Japanese Sentences with 'dake'(only)
Naohiko Noguchi, Yasunari Harada
Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Computational Linguistics, International Committee on Computational Linguistics 1 219 - 225 1992.07
On the Semantics and Pragmatics of 'dake' and 'only
Yasunari Harada, Naohiko Noguchi
SALT II, Proceedings of the Second Conference on Semantics and Linguistic Theory, May 1-3, 1992 ( 40 ) 125 - 144 1992.07 [Refereed]
スタンフォードの片隅から (4)
( 22 ) 32 - 38 1992.04
スタンフォードの片隅から (3)
Welcom News ( 21 ) 18 - 21 1992.01
スタンフォードの片隅から (2)
Welcom News ( 20 ) 27 - 29 1991.10
スタンフォードの片隅から (1)
Welcom News ( 19 ) 20 - 23 1991.07
On the Distinction between Complement and Adjunct in Japanese
Yasunari Harada
Language Research 27 ( 1 ) 41 - 67 1991.03
On Reduced Juxtaposition in Japanese
Yasunari Harada
Language Research, Language Research Institute, Seoul National University Vol. 27, No. 1, pp. 41-67, ISSN 0254-4474 1991.03
人文論集 ( 29 ) 69 - 102 1991.02
On the Distinction between Complement and Adjunct in Japanese
The Sixth Japanese-Korean Joint Conference on Formal Linguistics: Proceedings of the Sixth Japanese-Korean Joint Workshop, ed. Akira Ikeya, Logico-Linguistic Society of Japan pp. 35-48 1991.01
On Reduced Juxtaposition in Japanese
Yasunari Harada
Proceedings of SICONLP '90, The Seoul International Conference on Natural Language Processing, Language Research Institute, Seoul National University pp. 1-10 1990.11
句構造文法と `argument structure':語彙主義の立場からみた下位範疇化と意味役割付与の扱い
早稲田大学語学教育研究所 紀要, 早稲田大学語学教育研究所 No. 41, pp. 1-36, ISSN 0285-936X ( 41 ) p1 - 36 1990.09
On Describing Natural Languages in Unification Environments
Duisburg Papers on Research in Language and Culture 6 83 - 96 1990
JPSG: A Phrase Structure Grammar for Japanese
Yasunari Harada, Takao Gunji, Hideo Miyoshi, Hidetosi Sirai, Koiti Hasida
Advances in Software Science and Technology, 日本ソフトウェア科学会 発行, Academic Press, Inc. and Iwanami Shoten, Publishers 発売 ( 1 ) 1 - 15 1989.12
Subcat on Bobcat(CSLI 再訪)
Welcom News ( 12 ) 1 - 10 1989.10
On Island Constraints: A Phrase Structure Grammar Perspective
Yasunari Harada
Islands in Syntax, Proceedings of the Symposium on Island Constraints, ed. Takao Gunji, ICOT Research Center Technical Memorandum, 財団法人 新世代コンピュータ技術開発機構 TM-0813, pp. 29-49 1989.10
Stanford 大学 CSLI (Center for the Study of Language and Information) を訪問して
Welcom News ( 9 ) 16 - 21 1989.04
白井英俊, 富岡豊, 原田康也, 橋田浩一
昭和63年度科学研究費特定研究 (1) 課題番号 63101004 「言語情報処理の高度化」研究報告会発表資料 1989.02
Current Topics in JPSG
( 27 ) 35 - 74 1989.02
人文論集 ( 27 ) 23 - 52 1989.02
白井英俊, 富岡豊, 原田康也
特定研究「機械処理のための言語構造の言語間対照研究昭和63年度研究発表会要旨集」 49 - 51 1988.12
Grammatical Description with Local Constraints
Takao Gunji, Hidetosi Sirai, Koiti Hasida, Yasunari Harada
Proceedings of US-Japan AI Symposium 1987.11
A Prolog Implementation of SUHG
Yasunari Harada
Linguistic Research 4 7 - 20 1987.06
16 ( 29 ) 55 - 57 1987.04
Toward Grammatical Descriptions of Natural Languages in Extended Unification Environments
Yasunari Harada
Linguistic Research 5 1987
三吉秀夫, 郡司隆男, 白井英俊, 橋田浩一, 原田康也
コンピュータソフトウェア 3 ( 4 ) 39 - 45 1986.10
50 - 51 1986.06
Double Feature or Everyone is Bound to be in Trouble, Aren't They?
Linguistic Research 3 1985.04
Easy to Solve?
Linguistic Research 3 1985.04
Reduced Coordination and Transformations: a Review of Current Approaches to Semantic Regularities
Yasunari Harada
Linguistic Research 1 64 - 74 1981.10
人文論集 ( 28 ) 87 - 104 1900.02
Papers on and around the Linguistics of BA 2017
Yasunari Harada, Sachiko Shudo, Makiko Takekuro
Institute for Digital Enhancement of Cognitive Development of Waseda University 2017.03 ISBN: 9784905166092
横川博一, 定藤規弘, 吉田晴世( Part: Joint author)
松柏社 2014.03
polibits, Number 43 January - June 2011, Thematic Issuee: Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing
Yasunari Harada
Instituto Politecnico Nacional 2011.06
Proceedings of the 24th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation
Ryo Otoguro, Kiyoshi Ishikawa, Hiroshi Umemoto, Kei Yoshimoto, Yasunari Harada
Institute for Digital Enhancement of Cognitive Development of Waseda University 2010.11 ISBN: 9784905166009
Studies in Korean and Japanese Linguistics and Natural Language Processing
Yasunari Harada, Jong-Bok Kim
WIT, Inc. 2006.06 ISBN: 4990314204
Proceedings of IWLeL 2004: an Interactive Workshop on Language e-Learning
Laurence Anthony, Shinichi Fujita, Yasunari Harada
2005.03 ISBN: 4921112142
Proceedings of PACLIC 18: The 18th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation
Hiroshi Masuichi, Tomoko Ohkuma, Kiyoshi Ishikawa, Yasunari Harada, Kei Yoshimoto
PACLIC 18 Organizing Committee and PACLIC Steering Committee 2004.12
郡司隆男, 原田康也
岩波書店 2001.12 ISBN: 4000057367
郡司隆男, 原田康也
2001.03 ISBN: 4000057359
International Symposium on Spoken Dialogue : new directions in human and man-machine communication, November 10-12, 1993, International Conference Center, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan
白井, 克彦, 小林, 哲則, 原田, 康也
ISSD Organizing Committee 1993.11 ISBN: 4990026918
EMI in Japan + Cultivating Japanese with English Proficiency: Reality Check
Yasunari Harad
NextEdu-198: the 198th Meeting of Association for Next Generation Higher Education
Presentation date: 2023.05
25 years of data collection from Japanese learners of English and Autonomous Mutual Learning of English
Yasunari Harada, Miwa Morishita [Invited]
The 197th Meeting of Association for Next Generation Higher Education
Presentation date: 2023.03
The effect of accented English of Japanese university students on employment decisions
Yasunari Harada, Lisa Nabei
The 57th RELC International Conference: Rethinking English Language Teaching and Learning for a COVID-19 Endemic World: Global, Glocal and Local Perspectives
Presentation date: 2023.03
Linguistic landscapes in Japan and Australia and how language learners perceive them
Yasunari Harada, Miwa Morishita
The 57th RELC International Conference: Rethinking English Language Teaching and Learning for a COVID-19 Endemic World: Global, Glocal and Local Perspectives
Presentation date: 2023.03
"Emergent Inference in Grammatical Machineries: Incorporation of Associative Knowledge into Deductive Systems
Presentation date: 2023.03
Intercultural Linguistic Landscapes and Authenticity in International Cuisine
Miwa Morishita, Nami Fukutome, Yasunari Harada
The 32nd Joint Workshop on Linguistics and Language Processing
Presentation date: 2023.03
The Effect of Accented English of Japanese University Students on Employment Related Decisions
Lisa Nabei, Yasunari Harada
Presentation date: 2023.03
Negotiations with Semiotic Environments and Autonomous Learning of Foreign Languages: How to Make Sense out of Linguistic and Acoustic Landscapes
Presentation date: 2022.12
日本英語教育学会・日本教育言語学会・日本ビジネスコミュニケーション学会主催 臨時研究集会
Presentation date: 2022.11
Presentation date: 2022.11
原田康也 [Invited]
大阪電気通信大学 FD/SD研修会
Presentation date: 2022.09
Quiet Noises of Absolute Silence: ICT-enabled Therapeutic Tourism Development
Presentation date: 2022.09
Linguistic landscapes and language understanding through scan translation of English
Presentation date: 2022.07
"Linguistic landscapes and language understanding through scan translation of Chinese and other languages
Presentation date: 2022.07
Use and misuse of non-Japanese found in linguistic landscapes in Japan
Miwa Morishita & Yasunari Harada
INPRA2020: the 9th International Conference on Intercultural Pragmatics and Communication
Presentation date: 2022.06
All those noises: online vs. face-to-face interactions for autonomous mutual learning
Yasunari Harada, Lisa Nabei, Miwa Morishita
The 56th RELC International Conference: Equitable and Inclusive Language Education
Presentation date: 2022.03
A study on contents structure of sightseeing application
Presentation date: 2022.03
Identification of Possible Cognitive and Behavioral Changes among Japanese University Students through Analysis of Reflections on Study Abroad Programs
Presentation date: 2022.03
Linguistic Landscape along the Historic Pilgrimage Path in Nikko: Established Traditions and Innovative Revisions regarding Designations of Cultural Objects
Presentation date: 2022.03
Semiotic and Cognitive Interatsions in Cyberspace/Heterotopia: Cultural Appropriation, Cultural Aggression and Cultural Wars
Presentation date: 2022.03
Presentation date: 2022.02
Designing sightseeing support system in Oku-Nikko using BLE beacon
Atsushi Ito, Haruto Kawakami, Haruka Nakayama, Yuko Hiramatsu, Madoka Hasegawa, Yasunari Harada, Kazutaka Ueda, and Akira Sasaki
Eurocast 2022
Presentation date: 2022.02
原田康也 [Invited]
Presentation date: 2022.01
原田康也 [Invited]
Presentation date: 2022.01
To develop a new travel experience to be relaxed in nature
Atsushi Ito, Yuko Hiramatsu, Kazutaka Ueda, Yasunari Harada, Miwa Morishita, Akira Sasaki
Presentation date: 2022.01
Presentation date: 2021.12
Presentation date: 2021.11
中山春佳, 川上晴人, 平松裕子, 原田康也, 上田一貴, 森下美和, 伊藤篤
Presentation date: 2021.10
All those noises: securing well-being of students and teachers through online interactions in Japanese college English-language classes
Yasunari Harada
SOCIALIA 2021: a world on a trajectory of suffering - Axiological, social, mental problems, deficits and omissions resulting from the SarsCov2 Pandemic. Diagnosis, therapy and support, International scientific conference
Presentation date: 2021.10
Inbound Tourists' Cognitive Interactions with Information Environments: Linguistic and Semiotic Landscapes of Heterotopia
Presentation date: 2021.09
Cognitive Interactions with Linguistic and Semiotic Environments: Those Obscure Signs of Directions in Intercultural Communication
Presentation date: 2021.09
All Those Noises: support, empathy and masking in autonomous mutual learning
Presentation date: 2021.09
原田康也 [Invited]
東洋大学文学部日本語教員養成プログラム日本語カフェ2021 外国語教育セミナー
Presentation date: 2021.07
Significance of Classroom 'Noises' in Autonomous Mutual Learning
Presentation date: 2021.07
Designing a smartphone application to support a trip around healing spots
Presentation date: 2021.07
原田康也 [Invited]
Presentation date: 2021.06
Presentation date: 2021.05
The Unbearable Lightness of Being Digital: online interactions in Japanese college English classes for students' and teachers' well-being
Yasunari Harada
Fourth ERL Online Session: linguistic wel-being (before, during, and after the pandemic)
Presentation date: 2021.05
Autonomous mutual learning of English essay writing in Japanese college classes
Yasunari Harada, Miwa Morishita
The 55th RELC International Conference - Sustainable Language Education: Standards, Strategies and Systems
Presentation date: 2021.03
Oral and written interactions in online classes for well-being under COVID-19 lockdowns
Yasunari Harada, Miwa Morishi
The 55th RELC International Conference - Sustainable Language Education: Standards, Strategies and Systems
Presentation date: 2021.03
Production of wh-questions by Japanese EFL learners during information exchange tasks
Miwa Morishita, Yasunari Harada
The 55th RELC International Conference - Sustainable Language Education: Standards, Strategies and Systems
Presentation date: 2021.03
Analysis of behavior during sightseeing using brain wave
Presentation date: 2021.03
Types and degrees of stress experienced by students before and after studying abroad
Presentation date: 2020.12
Toward Online Class-Embedded Oral Interaction Exercises for Japanese Learners of English
Presentation date: 2020.09
Students' Retrospective Self-evaluation on the basis of the Theory of Multiple Intelligences
Presentation date: 2020.09
Presentation date: 2020.07
Online Visualization of Online Oral Interactions
Presentation date: 2020.07
Surveys about local traditional objects in Nikko, The World Heritage Site: Intercultural contacts and understanding other cultures
Hiramatsu, Y, Harada, Y, Morishita, M, Saraki, M
12th Annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies: Edulearn2020
Presentation date: 2020.06
Presentation date: 2020.05
「サンドイッチ」は「サンド」と省略しても "sandwich" を "sand" と省略してはいけない理由を考えてみた
原田康也, 平松裕子, 森下美和, 佐良木昌
Presentation date: 2020.02
What could “hot sand” and “waves gushing against a rock” possibly mean in Japanese restaurants and sweet shops?
Presentation date: 2019.12
原田康也, 森下美和
Presentation date: 2019.12
森下美和, 原田康也
Presentation date: 2019.12
平松裕子, 森下美和, 原田康也, 佐良木昌
Presentation date: 2019.12
Presentation date: 2019.12
What we should expect when a Japanese restaurant is offering "Hot Sands" and "Waves against a Rock"
Yasunari Harada, Miwa Morishita, Yuko Hiramatsu, Masashi Saraki
The 28th Joint Workshop on Linguistics and Language Processing
Presentation date: 2019.12
ホットサンドを hot sand と英語に訳してはいけない理由
原田康也, 平松裕子, 森下美和, 佐良木昌
Presentation date: 2019.11
インタラクションを通じた外国語のオンライン・実時間学習: 言語学習と芸術思考
原田康也, 森下美和
Presentation date: 2019.09
原田康也, 森下美和
Presentation date: 2019.09
Linguistic Landscapes of Heterotopia: from the Cyberpunk Imagery of 1980's to the City Views of Babel 2020
Yasunari Harada, Miwa Morishita
The 27th Joint Workshop on Linguistics and Language Processing
Presentation date: 2019.09
Adverse Effects of Katakana Words in Japanese for Japanese Learners of English
Presentation date: 2019.09
A Study on Local Sightseeing Guide Application Using AI
Presentation date: 2019.09
NPO ALR辞書プロジェクト会議第二期第十回会議
Presentation date: 2019.08
Shiroganese versus Ohtaka-sienne: Those Awful Katakana Morphemes (in Japanese)
Yasunari Harada
IEICE TL (早稲田大学8号館)
Presentation date: 2019.07
Linguistic Landscapes of Heterotopia: Distinctive Features as Depicted in Hollywood Films, Japanese Animes and YouTube Video Clips
Yasunari Harada, Miwa Morishita
ABCJ-2019/07 & NextEdu-156 (Waseda University) 次世代大学教育研究会
Presentation date: 2019.07
原田康也, 森下美和
第155回次世代大学教育研究会 (内田洋行グローバルリミテッド) 次世代大学教育研究会
Presentation date: 2019.06
Invited Talk: Language Learning in Interaction: How can we Induce Real-time Learning through Mental Processing of Linguistic Information?
Yasunari Harada, Miwa Morishita
JWLLP-26: The 26th Joint Workshop on Linguistics and Language Processing concurrently with 2019 Joint Conference of the Korean Society of Corpus Linguistics and Kyung Hee Institute for the Study of Language and Information (Kyung Hee University, Seoul)
Presentation date: 2019.05
原田康也, 森下美和
第153回次世代大学教育研究会 (京都工芸繊維大学ノートルダム館) 次世代大学教育研究会
Presentation date: 2019.04
Linguistic Landscape in Nikko, The World Heritage Site: Tradition and Trend (in Japanese)
Yuko Hiramatsu, Miwa Morishita, Yasunari Harada, Masashi Saraki
Joint Workshop of IEICE SIG on Thought and Language and Waseda University Institute for Digital Enhancement of Cognitive Development (早稲田大学8号館303/304/305会議室)
Presentation date: 2019.03
Characteristics and Historic Background of Linguistic Landscape in Kobe (in Japanese)
Miwa Morishita, Yuko Hiramatsu, Yasunari Harada
Joint Workshop of IEICE SIG on Thought and Language and Waseda University Institute for Digital Enhancement of Cognitive Development (早稲田大学8号館303/304/305会議室)
Presentation date: 2019.03
Autonomous Mutual Learning through Interaction: Difficulties in Automatization of Language Processing for Japanese EFL Learners (in Japanese)
Yasunari Harada, Miwa Morishita, Masanori Suzuki, Daisuke Yokomori, Tomoko Endo, Kanako Maebo, Lisa Nabei, Nanako Kuwahara, Hiroaki Yamada, Mayumi Kawamura
Joint Workshop of IEICE SIG on Thought and Language and Waseda University Institute for Digital Enhancement of Cognitive Development (早稲田大学8号館303/304/305会議室)
Presentation date: 2019.03
Contextual and Individual Variations in Apologetic Expressions in Japanese
Takayuki Konishi, Ai Kanato, Yasunari Harada, Sachiko Shudo
電子情報通信学会思考と言語研究会・早稲田大学情報教育研究所共催研究会 (早稲田大学8号館303/304/305会議室)
Presentation date: 2019.03
シンポジウム:外国語学習者の言語情報処理の自動化プロセスをさぐる, 日本ビジネスコミュニケーション学会2018年度第2回研究集会(ABCJ-2019/03)合同開催第152回次世代大学教育研究会(NextEdu-152)合同開催教育の国際化研究会(IE-2019/03) (早稲田大学8号館3階303/304/305会議室)
Presentation date: 2019.03
Adverse Effects of Loan Words in Japanese for Japanese Learners of English
Yasunari Harada
the 54th RELC International Conference and 5th Asia-Pacific LSP and Professional Communication Association Conference (SEAMEO Regional Language Centre)
Presentation date: 2019.03
360度全天球カメラ RICHO Theta V と 3Dマイクロフォン audio-technica TA-1 を応答練習の収録に利用する試み
原田康也, 桒原奈な子
日本英語教育学会・日本教育言語学会第49回年次研究集会:教えない教え方 (早稲田大学8号館3階303/304/305会議室) 日本英語教育学会・日本教育言語学会
Presentation date: 2019.03
遠藤美香, 原田康也, 森下美和
日本英語教育学会・日本教育言語学会第49回年次研究集会:教えない教え方 (早稲田大学8号館3階303/304/305会議室) 日本英語教育学会・日本教育言語学会
Presentation date: 2019.03
日本英語教育学会・日本教育言語学会第49回年次研究集会:教えない教え方 (早稲田大学8号館3階303/304/305会議室) 日本英語教育学会・日本教育言語学会
Presentation date: 2019.03
原田康也, 河村まゆみ
第150回次世代大学教育研究会 (琉球大学) 次世代大学教育研究会
Presentation date: 2019.01
傅翔, 康茗淞, 張昭誼, 伊藤篤, 平松裕子, 原田康也, 波田野裕之, 佐々木陽, 森下美和
2018科研費合同研究集会@早稲田大学 (早稲田大学) 言語環境・言語景観と言語学習・言語習得, 早稲田大学情報教育研究所・早稲田大学言語情報研究所
Presentation date: 2018.12
平松裕子, 伊藤篤, 原田康也, 森下美和, 佐良木昌
2018科研費合同研究集会@早稲田大学 (早稲田大学) 言語環境・言語景観と言語学習・言語習得, 早稲田大学情報教育研究所・早稲田大学言語情報研究所
Presentation date: 2018.12
原田康也, 桒原奈な子, 河村まゆみ, 森下美和
2018科研費合同研究集会@早稲田大学 (早稲田大学) 言語環境・言語景観と言語学習・言語習得, 早稲田大学情報教育研究所・早稲田大学言語情報研究所
Presentation date: 2018.12
SF における語と指示対象の関係:意味の理論と翻訳可能性
科研費合同研究集会:シンポジウム:高度翻訳知識に基づく高品質言語サービスの研究 (早稲田大学) 早稲田大学情報教育研究所・早稲田大学言語情報研究所
Presentation date: 2018.12
Do you have my car?:カタカナ語がヤバイ
原田康也, 河村まゆみ
2018科研費合同研究集会@早稲田大学:高等教育と英語学習への多様な取り組み (早稲田大学) 早稲田大学情報教育研究所・早稲田大学言語情報研究所
Presentation date: 2018.12
鍋井理沙, 森下美和, 原田康也
(早稲田大学) 早稲田大学情報教育研究所・早稲田大学言語情報研究所
Presentation date: 2018.12
森下美和, 原田康也
2018科研費合同研究集会@早稲田大学:高等教育と英語学習への多様な取り組み (早稲田大学) 早稲田大学情報教育研究所・早稲田大学言語情報研究所
Presentation date: 2018.12
I choiced this class because I want to improve my English.:カタカナ語の英語学習に対する影響
第149回次世代大学教育研究会 (愛媛大学) 次世代大学教育研究会
Presentation date: 2018.12
阪井和男, 原田康也, 栗山健
第149回次世代大学教育研究会 (愛媛大学城北キャンパス) NPO法人学習分析学会・明治大学サービス創新研究所・明治大学サービスイノベーションデザイン研究所・早稲田大学情報教育研究所・情報コミュニケーション学会・日本ビジネスコミュニケーション学会・芸術思考学会・日本英語教育学会
Presentation date: 2018.12
Flavor Wheel Terminology and Challenges in Translation: Focusing on English and Japanese Vocabulary for Wine, Sake and Soy Sauce
Nami Fukutome, Yasunari Harada
the 32nd Pacific-Asia Conference on Language Information and Computation
Presentation date: 2018.12
下郡啓夫, 有賀三夏, 原田康也
Presentation date: 2018.10
阪井和男, 森下美和, 原田康也
Presentation date: 2018.10
Impact of short-term Study Abroad and Internship Programs on Participants Multiple Intelligence Measures
Yasunari Harada, Miwa Morishita, Kazuo Sakai, Minatsu Ariga
ICPEAL17-CLDC9, The 17th Conference on the Processing of East Asian Languages and The 9th Conference on Language, Discourse, and Cognition (National Taiwan University) Graduate Institute of Linguistics, National Taiwan University,Department of Psychology, National Taiwan University,Imaging Center for Integrated Body, Mind and Culture Research, National Taiwan University
Presentation date: 2018.10
Syntactic priming in interactions between a Japanese EFL learner and a native speaker of English
Miwa Morishita, Mayumi Kawamura, Yasunari Harada
ICPEAL17-CLDC9, The 17th Conference on the Processing of East Asian Languages and The 9th Conference on Language, Discourse, and Cognition (National Taiwan University) Graduate Institute of Linguistics, National Taiwan University,Department of Psychology, National Taiwan University,Imaging Center for Integrated Body, Mind and Culture Research, National Taiwan University
Presentation date: 2018.10
阪井和男, 原田康也
Presentation date: 2018.09
Differences between self-noticing and interacitonal noticing through dictogloss activities
Lisa Nabei, Miwa Morishita, Yasunari Harada
EuroSLA 28 (University of Munster)
Presentation date: 2018.09
傅翔, 康茗淞, 張昭誼, 伊藤篤, 平松裕子, 原田康也, 佐々木陽, 羽多野裕之
Presentation date: 2018.08
森下美和, 原田康也 [Invited]
Presentation date: 2018.08
原田康也, 森下美和, 平松裕子, 福留奈美, 佐良木昌
Presentation date: 2018.08
森下美和, 有賀三夏, 原田康也, 阪井和男, 富田英司
Presentation date: 2018.08
National Geographic Learning
Presentation date: 2018.08
Featured Speaker Presentation: Preparing Students to Respond to and Formulate Meaningful and Interesting Questions in English
Yasunari Harada [Invited]
2018 TESOL International Association China Assembly, English Education in China: Striding into a New Era (Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai)
Presentation date: 2018.07
Gaps in Education: discrepancy in knowledge vs performance
Yasunari Harada, Miwa Morishita
The 16th Asia TEFL International Conference and The 6th Hong Kong Association for Applied Linguistics Conference and The 1st Macau Association for Applied Linguistics Conference (University of Macau, Macau SAR)
Presentation date: 2018.06
How Repeated Exposure Influences Syntactic Processing by Japanese EFL Learners
Miwa Morishita, Yasunari Harada
The 16th Asia TEFL International Conference and The 6th Hong Kong Association for Applied Linguistics Conference and The 1st Macau Association for Applied Linguistics Conference (University of Macau, Macau SAR)
Presentation date: 2018.06
Unstressed Elements in Listening Comprehension for Japanese Learners of English
Lisa Nabei, Miwa Morishita, Yasunari Harada
The 16th Asia TEFL International Conference and The 6th Hong Kong Association for Applied Linguistics Conference and The 1st Macau Association for Applied Linguistics Conference (University of Macau, Macau SAR)
Presentation date: 2018.06
平松裕子, 佐良木昌, 原田康也, 森下美和
Presentation date: 2018.06
Plenary Talk: Adverse Effects of Katakana Words and Expressions in Japanese on Communication among Native Speakers of Japanese
Yasunari Harada
The 24th Joint Workshop on Linguistics and Language Processing concurrently with 2018 Joint Conference of the Korean Society of Corpus Linguistics and Kyung Hee Institute for the Study of Language and Information (Kyung Hee University, Seoul)
Presentation date: 2018.06
原田康也, 森下美和
Presentation date: 2018.05
阪井和男, 有賀三夏, 森下美和, 原田康也
Presentation date: 2018.05
阪井和男, 有賀三夏, 森下美和, 原田康也
Presentation date: 2018.04
平松裕子, 原田康也, 伊藤篤, 森下美和, 上田一貴, 佐藤文博
Presentation date: 2018.03
Presentation date: 2018.03
Presentation date: 2018.03
原田康也, 平松裕子, 阪井和男
Presentation date: 2018.03
Diversity of Tests and Test Scores of Japanese Learners of English
Miwa Morishita, Yasunari Harada
53rd RELC International Conference: 50 Years of English Language Teaching and Assessment? Reflections, Insights and Possibilities (SEAMEO Regional Language Centre)
Presentation date: 2018.03
Positive Impact of Intrusive Recording Devices on Foreign Language Learning
Yasunari Harada, Lisa Nabei, Miwa Morishita
53rd RELC International Conference: 50 Years of English Language Teaching and Assessment? Reflections, Insights and Possibilities (SEAMEO Regional Language Centre)
Presentation date: 2018.03
Presentation date: 2018.03
Presentation date: 2018.03
言語表現の underspecification と言語理解におけるアブダクション
Presentation date: 2018.02
Presentation date: 2018.01
Impact of Recording Devices on Students Performance in English Classes in Japanese Universities
Lisa Nabei, Miwa Morishita, Yasunari Harada
The 23rd Joint Workshop on Linguistics and Language Processing jointly organized with the Fifth International Workshop on Linguistics of Ba
Presentation date: 2017.12
Language Understanding and Abductive Reasoning: Abductive Reasoning in L2 English Dictation Tasks and in Interpreting L1 Japanese "NP1-no NP2" Constructions
Yasunari Harada, Miwa Morishita, Sachiko Shudo, Kazuo Sakai
The 23rd Joint Workshop on Linguistics and Language Processing jointly organized with the Fifth International Workshop on Linguistics of Ba
Presentation date: 2017.12
森下美和, 河村まゆみ, 原田康也
Presentation date: 2017.12
原田康也, 坪田康, 森下美和, 富田英司, 阪井和男
Presentation date: 2017.12
原田康也, 赤塚祐哉
National Geographic Learning
Presentation date: 2017.10
原田康也, 森下美和, 鈴木正紀
Presentation date: 2017.09
森下美和, 原田康也
Presentation date: 2017.09
A Cognitive Model of Sightseeing for Mobile Support System
Atsushi Ito, Yuko Hiramatsu, Fumihiro Sato, Kazutaka Ueda, Yasunari Harada, Miwa Morishita, Akira Sasaki, Rina Hayashi, Hiroyuki Hatano, Kenji Shoji, Mie Sato
IEEE 8th International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications: CogInfoCom 2017
Presentation date: 2017.09
佐良木昌, 原田康也, 森下美和
Presentation date: 2017.09
Syntactic Priming by Japanese EFL Learners in Dialogue Contexts based on Different Task Types
Miwa Morishita, Yasunari Harada
SIGDIAL/SemDial 2017 (Saarland University, Saarbrucke)
Presentation date: 2017.08
原田康也, 阪井和男
Presentation date: 2017.07
原田康也, 首藤佐智子, 阪井和男
Presentation date: 2017.07
赤塚祐哉, 家本修, 阪井和男, 坪田康, 徳永健伸, 原田哲男, 原田康也, 平畑奈美, 八木智裕
Presentation date: 2017.07
鍋井理沙, 原田康也
Presentation date: 2017.07
坪田康, 原田康也
Presentation date: 2017.07
国際バカロレア「Language B(English)」評価・学習から捉える高校英語教育:高大接続に向けて
赤塚祐哉, 原田康也
Presentation date: 2017.07
伊藤篤, 森下美和, 原田康也
Presentation date: 2017.06
Ethics of Information Education for Living with Robots
Yuko Murakami, Takeo Tatsumi, Takushi Otani, Yasunari Harada
CEPE/ETHICOMP 2017 (University of Turin)
Presentation date: 2017.06
英語教育の情報化:我々は今どこまで来たのか, 第一部:教育の情報化は英語学習をどう変えたか
Presentation date: 2017.05
英語教育の情報化:我々は今どこまで来たのか, 第二部:英語教育と情報教育はいかに統合されるべきか
Presentation date: 2017.05
原田康也, 森下美和
Presentation date: 2017.05
原田康也, 森下美和
Presentation date: 2017.04
Application of Speech and Language Technology in Language Assessment
Masanori Suzuki, Miwa Morishita, Yasunari Harada
Joint Postgraduate Student Symposium on Language, Culture and Cognition Cum JWLLP-VariAMU Joint Workshop (香港理工大学, 香港)
Presentation date: 2017.04
Presentation date: 2017.03
原田康也, 森下美和
Presentation date: 2017.03
Learning to Communicate in English through Interactions: Promoting and Prompting Japanese University Students to Ask and Answer Questions in English
Yasunari Harada, Miwa Morishita, Masanori Suzuki
Presentation date: 2017.03
遠藤智子, 横森大輔, 河村まゆみ, 原田康也
Presentation date: 2017.03
原田康也, 河村まゆみ, 森下美和
Presentation date: 2017.01
原田康也, 森下美和
Presentation date: 2017.01
Lexical Priming in Oral Response Practices by Japanese EFL Learners: Priming Effects in Natural Interactions(in Japanese)
Yasunari Harada, Miwa Morishita
The Fourth International Workshop on Linguistics of Ba Institute for the Study of Language and Information, Waseda University,Institute for Digital Enhancement of Cognitive Development, Waseda University
Presentation date: 2016.12
Lexical Priming in Oral Response Practices by Japanese EFL Learners: Priming Effects in Natural Interactions(in Japanese)
Yasunari Harada, Miwa Morishita
JWLLP-21 (2016/12): The 21st Joint Workshop on Linguistics and Language Processing: Situation-embedded and Location Sensitive Communication Institute for the Study of Language and Information, Waseda University,Institute for Digital Enhancement of Cognitive Development, Waseda University
Presentation date: 2016.12
森下美和, 原田康也, 富田英司
Presentation date: 2016.12
Invited Paper: Measuring Diversified Proficiency of Japanese Learners of English
Yasunari Harada [Invited]
The 30th Pacific Asia Conference on Language (Kyung-Hee University, Seoul) the Korea Society of Language and Information, Kyung Hee University Institute of Study of Language and Information, and KAIST
Presentation date: 2016.10
原田康也, 森下美和, 伊藤篤
Presentation date: 2016.09
How L2 Proficiency Interacts with Structural Priming in Japanese EFL Learners
Miwa Morishita, Franklin Chang, Yasunari Harada
the 22nd AMLaP conference, Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing (University of the Basque Country) BCBL: Basque Center on Cognition, Brain and Language and UPV-EHU
Presentation date: 2016.09
Reproduction and Elicited Production of English Question Sentences by Japanese EFL Learners
Yasunari Harada, Miwa Morishita
the 22nd AMLaP conference, Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing (University of the Basque Country) BCBL: Basque Center on Cognition, Brain and Language and UPV-EHU
Presentation date: 2016.09
原田康也 [Invited]
Presentation date: 2016.08
原田哲男, 原田康也, 赤塚祐哉
Presentation date: 2016.07
鈴木正紀, 森下美和, 原田康也
Presentation date: 2016.07
鈴木正紀, 森下美和, 原田康也
Presentation date: 2016.06
Application of Language Technology to Language Assessment measuring different aspects of language proficiency of Japanese learners of English with different automated tests
Masanori Suzuki, Miwa Morishita, Yasunari Harada
Spring Joint Conference of English Linguistics Society of Korea and Korean Society for Language and Information (Kyung Hee University, Seoul)
Presentation date: 2016.05
原田康也, 森下美和
Presentation date: 2016.04
原田康也, 森下美和
Presentation date: 2016.03
Promoting and Prompting Japanese University Students to Ask Questions in English Classes
Yasunari Harada, Miwa Morishita
the 51st RELC International Conference on Teaching Literacies: Emerging Pathways and Possibilities in Language Education
Presentation date: 2016.03
多様な英語能力の測定:Versant English Test・Versant Writing Test・Oxford Quick Placement Test などからの知見
原田康也, 鈴木正紀
Presentation date: 2016.03
原田康也, 富田英司, 森下美和
Presentation date: 2016.03
山田寛章, 森下美和, 原田康也
Presentation date: 2016.03
原田康也, 森下美和
Presentation date: 2016.03
有賀三夏, 村山眞理, 秋山ゆかり, 戸田博人, 阿部明典, 原田康也, 阪井和男 [Invited]
Presentation date: 2016.01
Production of English Question Sentences by Japanese EFL Learners: Reproduction of and Conversion into Question Sentences
原田康也, 森下美和
Presentation date: 2015.12
遠藤智子, 横森大輔, 河村まゆみ, 原田康也
Presentation date: 2015.09
日本人英語学習者のwh 疑問文の知識と運用に関する調査:習熟度の観点から
森下美和, 原田康也
Presentation date: 2015.09
原田康也, 森下美和
Presentation date: 2015.09
How L2 Proficiency Interacts with Implicit Learning in Structural Priming among Japanese EFL Learners
Miwa Morishita, Yasunari Harada, Franklin Chang
2015 EuroSLA Conference (Aix-en-Provence)
Presentation date: 2015.08
【招待講演】英語教育における e-learning と ICT の活用について
原田康也 [Invited]
Presentation date: 2015.08
原田康也, 首藤佐智子, 森下美和
Presentation date: 2015.07
Integration of research and learning in language learning: data collection and phonological loop enhancement
Yasunari Harada, Miwa Morishita
The 18th Korea-Japan Workshop on Linguistics and Language Processing (Kyung Hee University, Seoul)
Presentation date: 2015.05
Presentation date: 2015.03
原田康也, 森下美和
Presentation date: 2015.03
Presentation date: 2015.03
原田康也, 森下美和
Presentation date: 2015.02
Presentation date: 2015.01
原田康也, 森下美和
Presentation date: 2015.01
原田康也, 森下美和
Presentation date: 2014.12
森下美和, 原田康也
Presentation date: 2014.09
高野陽太郎, 柳生崇志, 李承玉, 森島泰則, 玉岡賀津雄, 原田康也
Presentation date: 2014.09
原田康也, 森下美和
Presentation date: 2014.08
技術(スキル)としての英文法(その5):アルゴリズム体操+データ収集 = 自動化訓練プログラム
原田康也, 森下美和
Presentation date: 2014.08
阪井和男, 富田英司, 坪田康, 原田康也, 森下美和
Presentation date: 2014.07
原田康也, 森下美和
Presentation date: 2014.07
河村まゆみ, 遠藤智子, 横森大輔, 原田康也
Presentation date: 2014.06
原田康也, 森下美和
Presentation date: 2014.06
山田寛章, 石井雄隆, 原田康也
Presentation date: 2014.06
L2 learners' use of verb subcategorization information in processing filler-gap dependencies
Nakamura, Chie, Arai, Manabu, Harada, Yasunari, Hirose, Yuki
Presentation date: 2014.05
Why do you think it is so difficult for the Japanese students to ask questions in English?: Cognitive Difficulty of Producing Question Sentences for Japanese Learners of English
Miwa Morishita, Yasunari Harada
The 16th Korea-Japan Workshop on Linguistics and Language Processing (Kyung Hee University, Seoul)
Presentation date: 2014.05
Japanese EFL Learners' Cognitive Difficulty in Producing English Question Sentences
Yasunari Harada, Miwa Morishita
The 2014 conference of the American Association for Applied Linguistic (Portland Marriott Downtown Waterfront (Portland, Oregon)) The American Association for Applied Linguistic
Presentation date: 2014.03
Structural Priming and Lexical Boost in Early L2 Learners
Miwa Morishita, Franklin Chang, Yasunari Harada
The 2014 conference of the American Association for Applied Linguistic (Portland Marriott Downtown Waterfront (Portland, Oregon)) The American Association for Applied Linguistic
Presentation date: 2014.03
Presentation date: 2014.03
森下美和, 原田康也
Presentation date: 2014.03
遠藤智子, 河村まゆみ, 横森大輔, 原田康也
Presentation date: 2014.03
Presentation date: 2014.02
技術としての英文法 (3):リスニングにおける文法知識の活用調査
原田康也, 鍋井理沙
Presentation date: 2014.01
That's all. Thank you.: Emergence of Formulaic Protocols among Japanese EFL Learners
Yasunari Harada, Mayumi Kawamura, Daisuke Yokomori, Tomoko Endo
SEMDial 2013, DialDam, the 17th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue (University of Amsterdam) Raquel Fernandez and Amy Isard (eds.)
Presentation date: 2013.12
Comprehension of unstressed elements in English sentences by Japanese learners of English
Risa Nabei, Yasunari Harada
Workshop on Linguistic Analyses of Foreign Language Learning: Automatization in Real-Time Comprehension and Production in conjunction with The 15th Korea-Japan Workshop on Linguistics and Language Processing (Waseda University)
Presentation date: 2013.12
That's all. Thank you.: A case of naturally-occurring cooperative learning in Japanese EFL classrooms
Tomoko Endo, Daisuke Yokomori, Mayumi Kawamura, Masanori Suzuki, Yasunari Harada
Workshop on Linguistic Analyses of Foreign Language Learning: Automatization in Real-Time Comprehension and Production in conjunction with The 15th Korea-Japan Workshop on Linguistics and Language Processing (Waseda University)
Presentation date: 2013.12
Use of Verb Subcategorization Information in L2 Sentence Processing
Chie Nakamura, Manabu Arai, Yasunari Harada
Workshop on Linguistic Analyses of Foreign Language Learning: Automatization in Real-Time Comprehension and Production in conjunction with The 15th Korea-Japan Workshop on Linguistics and Language Processing (Waseda University)
Presentation date: 2013.12
鍋井理沙, 原田康也
Presentation date: 2013.12
Presentation date: 2013.12
Presentation date: 2013.09
首藤佐智子, 原田康也
Presentation date: 2013.09
森下美和, 原田康也
Presentation date: 2013.09
横森大輔, 遠藤智子, 河村まゆみ, 鈴木正紀, 原田康也
Presentation date: 2013.09
Syntactic Priming Effects Revisited: Reconsidering Potential Priming Effects in Interactional Tasks by Japanese EFL Learners
Yasunari Harada, Miwa Morishita
Cross-linguistic Priming in Bilinguals: Perspectives and Constraints (Huize Heyendael, Radboud University Nijmegen)
Presentation date: 2013.09
Priming of an initially adopted structure in L2 processing
Chie Nakamura, Manabu Arai, Yasunari Harada
19th Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing (Aix-Marseille University, Marseille)
Presentation date: 2013.09
日本人英語学習者の言語処理と言語運用能力:Versant English Test のスコアを中心に
原田康也, 森下美和
Presentation date: 2013.08
'Global Human Resource Development' in Japan and Theory of Knowledge in International Baccalaureate
Yasunari Harada
2013 International Conference on English Linguistics (Korea University and Korea Military Academy, Seoul) International Conference on English Linguistics
Presentation date: 2013.07
Syntactic priming of the initial analysis in L2 comprehension: Evidence from a self-paced reading study with Japanese EFL learners
Chie Nakamura, Manabu Arai, Yasunari Harada
Presentation date: 2013.06
To Bear the Unbearable: College-level Information Ethics Education Incorporating Discussions of Ethical Dilemmas
Takeo Tatsumi, Yoshiaki Nakano, Noriaki Kusumoto, Joji Maeno, Yasunari Harada
ETHICOMP 2013 (University of Southern, Kolding)
Presentation date: 2013.06
原田康也 [Invited]
Presentation date: 2013.03
Data Collection and Annotation of Relatively Spontaneous and Relatively Extended Elicited Utterances by English Learners in Undergraduate Japanese Courses
Yasunari Harada, Mayumi Kawamura, Daisuke Yokomori, Masanori Suzuki
International Symposium Commemorating the Completion of the ICNALE Project Learner Corpus Studies in Asia and the World 2013 (LCSAW2013) (Kobe University)
Presentation date: 2013.03
【会長講演】グローバル人材育成と International Baccalaureate:言語情報から見た Theory of knowledge の意義
Presentation date: 2013.03
横森大輔, 遠藤智子, 河村まゆみ, 鈴木正紀, 原田康也
Presentation date: 2013.03
Fillers in relatively spontaneous utterances by Japanese EFL Learners
Daisuke Yokomori, Mayumi Kawamura, Masanori Suzuki, Yasunari Harada
The 14th Korea-Japan Workshop on Linguistics and Language Processing (Kyung Hee University, Seoul)
Presentation date: 2013.03
Presentation date: 2013.03
Presentation date: 2013.02
Presentation date: 2013.01
原田康也, 阪井和男
Presentation date: 2012.12
原田康也, 首藤佐智子
Presentation date: 2012.12
Data Collection and Annotation of Spontaneous Utterances by Japanese Learners of English
Yasunari Harada, Mayumi Kawamura, Daisuke Yokomori, Masanori Suzuki
2012 International Conference for the KACL (Pusan National University)
Presentation date: 2012.12
Data Collection of Spontaneous Extended Utterances by Japanese Learners of English
Yasunari Harada, Mayumi Kawamura, Masanori Suzuki
The 13th Korea-Japan Workshop on Linguistics and Language Processing: Corpora, Annotation and Human Language Processing
Presentation date: 2012.12
Linguistics of BA: the Concept of BA in the Theory of Communicating Agents
Yasunari Harada
MIC Sorbonne 2012 New Standards for Language Studies: The 3rd International Interdisciplinary Workshop (Sorbonne (University of Paris iV)) Center for Theretical and Applied Linguistics, Sorbonne (University of Paris iV)
Presentation date: 2012.11
Presentation date: 2012.07
原田康也, 阪井和男, 栗山健
Presentation date: 2012.06
Presentation date: 2012.03
Only Trivially True: "Study of Language and Information" considered as Liberal Arts Education
Yasunari Harada
The 12th Korea-Japan Workshop on Linguistics and Language Processing (Kyung Hee University, Seoul)
Presentation date: 2012.03
Relations R Us: Semantics and Pragmatics of Adnominal Constructions in Korean and Japanese
Jae-Woong Choe, Sachiko Shudo, Yasunari Harada
an International Workshop on Linguistics of BA Institute for the Study of Language and Information and Institute for Digital Enhancement of Cognitive Development of Waseda University
Presentation date: 2011.12
Location-sensitive File Access Control: an ICT Application of Formal Linguistics
Atsushi Ito, Yasunari Harada
an International Workshop on Linguistics of BA Institute for the Study of Language and Information and Institute for Digital Enhancement of Cognitive Development of Waseda University
Presentation date: 2011.12
A Contrastive Study on the Adnominal Constructions in Japanese and Korean: Relative Frequency of '-no' vs. '-ui'
Jae-Woong Choe, Sachiko Shudo, Yasunari Harada
A Joint Workshop of SIG TL (Thought and Language) of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers and the Institute for Digital Enhancement of Cognitive Development, Waseda University SIG TL (Thought and Language) of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers,the Institute for Digital Enhancement of Cognitive Development, Waseda University
Presentation date: 2011.11
坪田康, 金子恵美子, 難波彩子, 前坊香菜子, 原田康也, 壇辻正剛
Presentation date: 2011.11
鈴木正紀, 原田康也
Presentation date: 2011.11
Data-collection, Annotation and Analysis of Relatively Spontaneous Utterances of Japanese Undergraduate English Learners
Mayumi Kawamura, Daisuke Yokomori, Yasunari Harada
Presentation date: 2011.09
Taking "Interaction" Seriously: Communication-based Language Learning
Yasunari Harada
Presentation date: 2011.09
To cultivate communication skills and "zest for living": from Listenership to Leadership to Followership
Ayako Namba, Kanako Maebo, Yasushi Tsubota, Masatake Dantsuji, Yasunari Harada
Presentation date: 2011.09
Toward a Longitudinal Observation of Oral English Proficiencies among Japanese Undergraduate English Learners
Masanori Suzuki, Yasunari Harada
Presentation date: 2011.09
Use of verbs' subcategorization information in processing garden-path sentences: comparison between Japanese EFL learners and native English speakers
Chie Nakamura, Manabu Arai, Yasunari Harada
Presentation date: 2011.09
指定討論者, 原田康也, 坪田康, 阪井和男
Presentation date: 2011.06
前坊香菜子, 難波彩子, 坪田康, 壇辻正剛, 原田康也
Presentation date: 2011.06
Taking "Interaction" Seriously: how to engage Japanese learners of English in oral and/or written communication in college language classes
Yasunari Harada
Enlish Linguistics Society of Korea (Kyung Hee University,Seoul)
Presentation date: 2011.06
坪田康, 壇辻正剛, 難波彩子, 前坊香菜子, 原田康也
Presentation date: 2011.05
原田康也, 前坊香菜子, 難波彩子, 坪田康, 壇辻正剛
Presentation date: 2011.05
前坊香菜子, 原田康也
Presentation date: 2011.04
倫理的葛藤を内包する応答課題の意義 + 就活準備としての英語発表訓練
Presentation date: 2011.03
Presentation date: 2011.03
L1 談話方略から見た日本人英語学習者の自発発話における母音延伸
横森大輔, 河村まゆみ, 原田康也
Presentation date: 2011.03
中村智栄, 新井学, 原田康也
Presentation date: 2011.03
Phrase-final Insertion and/or Lengthening of Vowels in Utterances by Japanese Learners of English
Daisuke Yokomori, Mayumi Kawamura, Yasunari Harada
The 10th Korea-Japan Workshop on Linguistics and Language Processing (Kyung Hee University)
Presentation date: 2011.03
中村智栄, 新井学, 原田康也
Presentation date: 2011.02
原田康也, 前坊香菜子, 坪田康, 壇辻正剛
Presentation date: 2010.12
横森大輔, 河村まゆみ, 原田康也
Presentation date: 2010.11
Accessibility of Information and Default Interpretation among Communicating Agents
Yasunari Harada
MIC Sorbonne 2010 Context-bound Communication (Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris) Ecole Normale Superieure
Presentation date: 2010.11
Taking "Interaction" Seriously: A Case Study of Employing Versant English Test at Waseda University
Yasunari Harada
Pearson Kirihara Teacher's Conference 2010 (Toyo Gakuen University)
Presentation date: 2010.10
e-learning は『きょうどう学習』にどのような solution を提供するのか?
坪田康, 前坊香菜子, 原田康也, 壇辻正剛
Presentation date: 2010.10
中村智栄, 原田康也, 石崎俊
Presentation date: 2010.08
中村智栄, 原田康也, 石崎俊
Presentation date: 2010.06
Presentation date: 2010.06
原田康也, 鈴木正紀
Presentation date: 2010.05
中村智栄, 原田康也, 石崎俊
Presentation date: 2010.05
小澤隆, 松澤豊彦, 浜地道雄, 原田康也, 小林征雄
Presentation date: 2010.05
原田康也, 首藤佐智子, 阪井和男
Presentation date: 2010.04
How Japanese-English Learners Pay Attention to Prosodic Cues in English Spoken Sentence
Chie Nakamura, Yasunari Harada, Shun Ishizaki
ELSJ 3rd International Spring Forum 2010 (Aoyama Gakuin University)
Presentation date: 2010.04
Presentation date: 2010.03
Taking "Interaction" Seriously: how to engage Japanese learners of English in oral and/or written communication in college language classes
Yasunari Harada
CUHK MoE-Microsoft Key Laboratory of Human-Centric Computing and Interface Technologies & Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages Seminar (Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Presentation date: 2010.03
Presentation date: 2010.03
Presentation date: 2010.03
前坊香菜子, 原田康也
Presentation date: 2010.01
Some Aspects of Semantics and Pragmatics of Japanese Adnominal Particle 'No'
Yasunari Harada
The 8th Korea-Japan Workshop on Linguistics and Language Processing (Kyung Hee University,Seoul)
Presentation date: 2009.12
Evaluating the Use of Speech Recognition in CALL Systems
Alan Schwartz, Caroline Huang, Jidong Tao, Jean-Manuel Van Thong, Peter Wolf, Yasunari Harada
Presentation date: 2009.11
Alan Schwartz, 原田康也
Presentation date: 2009.11
Presentation date: 2009.10
音声認識を活用した言語学習:Language e-Learning 2.0
Alan Schwartz, 原田康也
Presentation date: 2009.09
河村まゆみ, 前坊香菜子, 楠元範明, 前野譲二, 鈴木正紀, 原田康也
Presentation date: 2009.09
原田康也, 首藤佐智子
Presentation date: 2009.09
首藤佐智子, 原田康也
Presentation date: 2009.09
Presupposition manipulation as a politeness strategy: politeness through ostensive inferential communication
Sachiko Shudo, Yasunari Harada
the 11th lnternational Pragmatics Conference
Presentation date: 2009.07
Human Use of Human Beings in Learner Utterance Data Collection: or Why I may not be Employing the Optimally Efficient Data Collection Methods
Yasunari Harada [Invited]
2009 LTTC International Conference on English Language Teaching and Testing (The Language Training and Testing Center (LTTC), Taipei) The Language Training and Testing Center (LTTC)
Presentation date: 2009.03
原田康也, 前坊香菜子, 河村まゆみ, 前野譲二, 楠元範明, 鈴木陽一郎, 鈴木正紀
Presentation date: 2009.02
原田康也, 楠元範明, 辰己丈夫, 前野譲二
Presentation date: 2008.12
原田康也, 前坊香菜子, 河村まゆみ, 鈴木陽一郎, 鈴木正紀
Presentation date: 2008.12
Coherence and Diversity in Japanese Interactive Communication
Yasunari Harada
The 7th Korea-Japan Workshop on Linguistics and Language Processing (Kyung Hee University,Seoul)
Presentation date: 2008.12
原田康也, 前坊香菜子
Presentation date: 2008.11
Coherence under Diversity in Japanese Texts: Toward a Theory of Field of Communication
Yasunari Harada
International Conference on Discourse Coherence: Text and Theory (Sorbonne (University of Paris iV)) CELTA
Presentation date: 2008.09
首藤佐智子, 原田康也
Presentation date: 2008.06
Toward Construction of a Corpus of English Learners’Utterances Annotated with Speaker Proficiency Profiles: Data Collection and Sample Annotation
Yasunari Harada, Kanako Maebo, Mayumi Kawamura, Masanori Suzuki, Yoichiro Suzuki, Noriaki Kusumoto, Joji Maeno
The 3rd International Conference on Large-scale Knowledge Resources (LKR 2008) (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Presentation date: 2008.03
VALIS: Distributed Network Support for Annotation and Constrained Sharing of Utterance Data Obtained from Japanese College Learners of English
Mayumi Kawamura, Yasunari Harada, Kanako Maebo, Noriaki Kusumoto, Joji Maeno
ETHICOMP 2007: Glocalisation: Bridging the Global Nature of Information and Communication Technology and the Local Nature of Human Beings
Presentation date: 2008.02
Transcriptions, Annotation Tools and Other Issues: an Interim Report on Compiling Students’Impromptu Oral Responses to Questions
Yasunari Harada
The 6th Korea-Japan Workshop on Linguistics and Language Processing (Kyung Hee University,Seoul)
Presentation date: 2007.12
Presentation date: 2007.11
VALIS: 英語学習者のプロフィールと発話データの収集
原田康也, 前坊香菜子, 河村まゆみ, 鈴木正紀
Presentation date: 2007.11
原田康也, 前坊香菜子, 河村まゆみ, 前野譲二, 楠元範明, 鈴木陽一郎, 鈴木正紀
Presentation date: 2007.11
VALIS: 英語学習者発話データの書き起こし
原田康也, 前坊香菜子, 河村まゆみ
Presentation date: 2007.07
Presentation date: 2007.06
Decentralization of Communication Channels in Class
Yasunari Harada [Invited]
Presentation date: 2007.06
Presentation date: 2007.03
On Audience Ethics of Internet Communication
Ru-Dong Chen, Yasunari Harada
ETHICOMP 2007: Glocalisation: Bridging the Global Nature of Information and Communication Technology and the Local Nature of Human Beings: The Ninth International Conference on the Social and Ethical Impacts of Information and Communication Technology (Global e-SCM Research Center, Meiji University,Tokyo)
Presentation date: 2007.03
原田康也 [Invited]
Presentation date: 2007.02
VALIS: 学習者プロファイルに基づく学習者音声コーパス構築を目指して
原田康也, 前坊香菜子, 河村まゆみ, 前野譲二, 楠元範明, 鈴木陽一郎, 鈴木正紀
Presentation date: 2007.02
Do Japanese learners of English learn for themselves, by themselves and/or among themselves?: An Interim Report on the Collection of Learner Profiles and Utterance Data
Yasunari Harada
Presentation date: 2007.02
Language E-Learning: How Language Technology and Language Resources can contribute to a Better Language Learning for (Asian) Students
Yasunari Harada
The 5th Korea-Japan Workshop on Linguistics and Language Processing (Kyung Hee University,Seoul)
Presentation date: 2006.12
原田康也, 鈴木正紀
Presentation date: 2006.11
自律的学習を促す学習者主体の英語学習環境の構築に向けて: The importance of Rotating Seating Assignments
Presentation date: 2006.09
原田康也, 楠元範明, 前野譲二, 鈴木正紀, 鈴木陽一郎
Presentation date: 2006.09
楠元範明, 瀧澤武信, 前野譲二, 筧捷彦, 辰己丈夫, 原田康也 [Invited]
Presentation date: 2006.03
筧捷彦, 楠元範明, 前野譲二, 瀧澤武信, 辰己丈夫, 原田康也
Presentation date: 2006.01
Using Speech Recognition for an Automated Test of Spoken Japanese
Masanori Suzuki, Yasunari Harada
PACLIC 19: The 19th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation (Academia Sinica,Taipei) Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica and the Association for Computational Linguistics and Chinese Language Processing (ACLCLP)
Presentation date: 2005.12
Presentation date: 2005.11
原田康也, 辰己丈夫, 前野譲二, 楠元範明, 鈴木陽一郎
Presentation date: 2005.11
PhonePass SET-10: an Automated Spoken English Test
Yasunari Harada
31st Annual International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning & Educational Materials Exposition (Granship Convention Center, Shizuoka)
Presentation date: 2005.10
原田康也, 鈴木正紀, 伴野崇生
Presentation date: 2005.09
原田康也, 辰己丈夫, 前野譲二, 楠元範明, 鈴木陽一郎
Presentation date: 2005.06
Development of an Automated Test of Spoken Japanese
Yasunari Harada, Masanori Suzuki
CALICO 2005 (Michigan State University) Computer Assisted Language Instruction Consortium
Presentation date: 2005.05
Presentation date: 2005.03
原田康也, 辰己丈夫, 前野譲二, 楠元範明
Presentation date: 2005.02
Development of an Automated Spoken Japanese Test
Yasunari Harada
Computational Semantics Lab Seminar (Korea University (Anam Main Campus),College of Liberal Arts Building, 高麗大学) Research Institute for Language and Information
Presentation date: 2005.02
原田康也, 鈴木正紀, ジャレッド バーンスタイン
Presentation date: 2004.12
A Common Testing Framework for Measuring Spoken Language Skills of Non-Native Speakers
Yasunari Harada, Masanori Suzuki
IWLeL 2004: an Interactive Workshop on Language e-Learning (International Conference Center, Waseda University, Tokyo) Language and Speech Science Research Laboratories, Waseda University Institute for DECODE, Waseda University and National Institute of Information and Communications Technology
Presentation date: 2004.12
Developing an Automated Test of Spoken Japanese
Yasunari Harada, Masanori Suzuki, Jared Bernstein
PACLIC 18: The 18th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation (International Conference Center, Waseda University, Tokyo) Logico-Linguistic Society of Japan
Presentation date: 2004.12
Presentation date: 2004.11
Presentation date: 2004.11
Presentation date: 2004.10
Presentation date: 2004.09
Penguin Readers を用いた extensive reading の試み
Presentation date: 2004.09
伊藤篤, 福島秀顕, 小原広行, 坂本純子, 前野譲二, 楠元範明, 辰己丈夫, 原田康也
Presentation date: 2004.07
Presentation date: 2004.07
PhonePass SET をどう使うか?PhonePass SET で何がわかるか?
Presentation date: 2004.05
文法理論と自然言語処理:Syntactic Structuresから LinGO Matrixまで
Presentation date: 2004.01
原田康也, 楠元範明, 前野譲二, Gerrit van Wingerden, 阪原淳, 伊藤篤, 福島秀顕
Presentation date: 2003.11
前野譲二, 原田康也, 楠元範明
Presentation date: 2003.11
Presentation date: 2003.10
Japanese Parser on the basis of LFG Formalism and its Evaluation
Hiroshi Masuichi, Tomoko Ohkuma, Hiroki Yoshimura, Yasunari Harada
NLP5-PACLIC17: The 17th Asia Pacific Conference (Sijori Resort Sentosa)
Presentation date: 2003.10
The treatment of Japanese Focus Particles based on Lexical-Functional Grammar
Hiroshi Masuichi, Tomoko Ohkuma, Hiroki Yoshimura, Yasunari Harada
The 17th Asia Pacific Conference (Sijori Resort Sentosa)
Presentation date: 2003.10
web page における文字テキストとアノテーション:「伝言ゲーム」と「ホームページ作成依頼」実習の試み
片岡朋子, 原田康也
Presentation date: 2003.09
原田康也, 楠元範明, 前野譲二, Gerrit van Wingerden, 阪原淳, 伊藤篤, 福島秀顕
Presentation date: 2003.09
Presentation date: 2003.09
原田康也, 前野譲二, 楠元範明, 辰己丈夫
Presentation date: 2003.07
prolog で学ぶ句構造文法
Presentation date: 2003.07
片岡朋子, 原田康也
Presentation date: 2003.07
Presentation date: 2003.06
Presentation date: 2003.05
Presentation date: 2003.05
Presentation date: 2003.05
前野譲二, 原田康也, 楠元範明, 辰己丈夫
Presentation date: 2003.03
Presentation date: 2002.12
Liberty, Equity, and Security in Network-Mediated Learning and Testing
Harada Yasunari, Tatsumi Takeo, Kusumoto Noriaki, Maeno Joji
ETHICOMP 2002 (Universidade Lusiada, Lisbon)
Presentation date: 2002.11
半澤文華, 大久保昇, 伊藤博康, 伊澤久美, 原田康也
Presentation date: 2002.11
Presentation date: 2002.10
Presentation date: 2002.10
Presentation date: 2002.10
伊藤篤, 柳原広昌, 中島康之, 米山暁夫, 斉藤雅弘, 原田康也, 楠元範明, 前野譲二
Presentation date: 2002.10
Presentation date: 2002.10
川成美香, 原田康也, Jared Bernstein
Presentation date: 2002.10
川成美香, 原田康也, Jared Bernstein
Presentation date: 2002.10
前野譲二, 原田康也, 楠元範明, 瀧澤武信
Presentation date: 2002.10
原田康也, 前野譲二, 楠元範明, 瀧澤武信
Presentation date: 2002.10
辰己丈夫, 前野譲二, 原田康也
Presentation date: 2002.10
Automatic Measurement of Spoken English Skills: consistent benchmarks for English learning
Jared Bernstein, Yasunari Harada
41th Annual Convention of the Japan Association of College English Teachers
Presentation date: 2002.09
『教育の情報化』三原則と英語の e-Teacher
Presentation date: 2002.08
『教育の情報化』三原則と数学の e-Teacher
辰己丈夫, 瀧澤武信, 楠元範明, 原田康也
Presentation date: 2002.08
半澤文華, 伊澤久美, 伊藤博康, 大久保昇, 原田康也
Presentation date: 2002.08
伊藤篤, 帆足啓一郎, 楠元範明, 原田康也
Presentation date: 2002.08
帆足啓一郎, 井ノ上直己, 橋本和夫, 伊藤篤, 前野譲二, 楠元範明, 原田康也
Presentation date: 2002.08
Feasibility Evaluation of a Bibliographical Information Dissemination System
Keiichiro Hoashi, Naomi Inoue, Kazuo Hashimoto, Atsushi Ito, Takeo Tatsumi, Joji Maeno, Noriaki Kusumoto, Yasunari Harada
International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training (Budapest)
Presentation date: 2002.07
New Education Expo' 2002 in Sendai
Presentation date: 2002.06
New Education Expo' 2002 in Fukuoka
Presentation date: 2002.05
New Education Expo' 2002 in Tokyo
Presentation date: 2002.05
電話による英語口頭表現力の自動診断テスト PhonePass SET-10: 動作原理・試用結果・今後の可能性
Jared Bernstein, 原田康也
Presentation date: 2002.01
The importance of privacy protection measures in network-mediated learning and testing
Harada Yasunari, Maeno Joji, Kusumoto Noriaki, Tatsumi Takeo
Special Workshop on Multidisciplinary Aspects of Learning (Clichy, Paris) European Society for the Study of Cognitive Systems
Presentation date: 2002.01
Potential Impact of an Automated Proficiency Test of Spoken English
Yasunari Harada, Jared Bernstein
JALT2001 (Kitakyushu International Conference Center, Kokura) Japan Association for Language Teaching
Presentation date: 2001.11
PhonePass SET-10 を利用した口頭英語運用能力の測定
原田康也, 楠元範明, 寄高秀洋, 藤田真一, Jared Bernstein, 阪原淳
Presentation date: 2001.10
鈴木陽一郎, 大前研二, 上田卓司, 原田康也
Presentation date: 2001.10
前野譲二, 原田康也, 滝沢武信
Presentation date: 2001.10
小棹理子, 原田康也
Presentation date: 2001.10
原田康也, 大久保昇, 伊藤博康, 伊澤久美, 半澤文華
Presentation date: 2001.10
伊澤久美, 伊藤博康, 大久保昇, 森田彰, 原田康也
Presentation date: 2001.10
楠元範明, 橘孝博, 半田亨, 前野譲二, 辰己丈夫, 多田武丸, 原田康也
Presentation date: 2001.10
前野譲二, 原田康也
Presentation date: 2001.10
原田康也, 楠元範明, 寄高秀洋, 藤田真一, Jared Bernstein, 阪原淳
Presentation date: 2001.09
早稲田大学法学部総合英語の授業におけるATR CALLの学習効果
山田玲子, 原田康也, Jared Bernstein, 楠元範明, 久保理恵子, 鈴木陽一郎
Presentation date: 2001.09
辰己丈夫, 前野譲二, 原田康也, 楠元範明
Presentation date: 2001.08
柳原広昌, 中島康之, 米山暁夫, 寄高秀洋, 原田康也
Presentation date: 2001.08
前野譲二, 原田康也
Presentation date: 2001.08
前野譲二, 原田康也, 滝沢武信
Presentation date: 2001.08
伊澤久美, 伊藤博康, 大久保昇, 原田康也
Presentation date: 2001.08
藤田真一, 寄高秀洋, 阪原淳, Jared Bernstein, 原田康也
Presentation date: 2001.08
前野譲二, 原田康也
Presentation date: 2001.08
辰己丈夫, 橘孝博, 半田亨, 楠元範明, 原田康也
Presentation date: 2001.08
楠元範明, 橘孝博, 半田亨, 辰己丈夫, 多田武丸, 原田康也
Presentation date: 2001.08
鈴木陽一郎, 大前研二, 上田卓司, 原田康也
Presentation date: 2001.08
原田康也, 楠元範明, 寄高秀洋, 藤田真一, Jared Bernstein, 阪原淳
Presentation date: 2001.07
SDI Application in Education and Research Support: Restrictive Information Sharing of Bibliographical Resources
Keiichiro Hoashi, Kazuo Hashimoto, Atsushi Ito, Takeo Tatsumi, Noriaki Kusumoto, Yasunari Harada
International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training (KKR Hotel Kumamoto, Kumamoto)
Presentation date: 2001.07
Performance of PhonePass SET-10 with Waseda University Students
Yasunari Harada
2001 Summer KATE International Conference: Teaching English as a Global Language in the Asian Context (Ewha Womans University, Seoul) Korean Association of Teachers of English
Presentation date: 2001.06
Whose Learning is it Anyway? Copyright and Privacy Issues in Web-Based Training
Tatsumi Takeo, Maeno Joji, Kusumoto Noriaki, Harada Yasunari
the Fifth Internatinal Conference on The Social and Ethical Impacts of Information and Communication Technologies, ETHICOMP2001 (Technical University of Gdansk) Technical University of Gdansk
Presentation date: 2001.06
本多久美子, 原田康也
Presentation date: 2001.06
本多久美子, 原田康也
Presentation date: 2001.03
本多久美子, 原田康也
Presentation date: 2001.03
原田康也 [Invited]
Presentation date: 2001.02
Presentation date: 2001.01
Presentation date: 2001.01
伊澤久美, 伊藤博康, 大久保昇, 原田康也
Presentation date: 2000.12
石堂陽子, 原田康也
Presentation date: 2000.12
辰己丈夫, 原田康也, 楠元範明
Presentation date: 2000.12
鈴木陽一郎, 原田康也
Presentation date: 2000.12
前野譲二, 原田康也
Presentation date: 2000.12
原田康也, 藤田真一
Presentation date: 2000.12
小棹理子, 原田康也
Presentation date: 2000.12
Presentation date: 2000.12
E PLURIBUS UNUM 情報教育における評価
辰己丈夫, 楠元範明, 前野譲二, 原田康也
Presentation date: 2000.10
Is Japanese a logical language? Is the Japanese discourse style logical? Toward the Japanese Language and Discourse in the New Millennia, Linguistic and Pedagogical Considerations
Yasunari Harada
Colloquium Japan-France (Chateau de la Fleunie, Condat Sur Vezere)
Presentation date: 2000.10
伊藤博康, 原田康也, 伊藤岳, 川島治英
Presentation date: 2000.09
石堂陽子, 原田康也
Presentation date: 2000.09
鈴木陽一郎, 薄準一, 薮潤二郎, 坂本幸輝, 原田康也
Presentation date: 2000.09
前野譲二, 原田康也
Presentation date: 2000.08
本多久美子, 原田康也
Presentation date: 2000.06
原田康也 [Invited]
New Education Expo' in Nagoya
Presentation date: 2000.06
原田康也 [Invited]
New Education Expo' in Osaka
Presentation date: 2000.06
原田康也 [Invited]
New Education Expo' in Tokyo
Presentation date: 2000.05
楠元範明, 辰己丈夫, 原田康也
Presentation date: 2000.03
小棹理子, 原田康也
Presentation date: 2000.03
原田康也, 本多久美子
Presentation date: 2000.03
原田康也 [Invited]
Presentation date: 2000.02
原田康也, 辰己丈夫, 楠元範明
Presentation date: 2000.02
Multimedia Learning Environment at Waseda University: Computer Literacy for Critical Thinking and Academic Networking for Collective Collaborative Learning
Yasunari Harada
First International Workshop on Linguistics and Education in Multimedia Age Logico-Linguistic Society Japan
Presentation date: 2000.02
Accessibility among Situations: Pragmatics of Disjunction In Japanese
Yasunari Harada & Kumiko Honda
The 14th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation Logico Linguistic Society Japan
Presentation date: 2000.02
Panel Presentation in "Linguistics in the New Millenium"
Yasunari Harada
The 14th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation Logico-Linguistic Society Japan
Presentation date: 2000.02
原田康也, 辰己丈夫
Presentation date: 2000.01
Presentation date: 2000.01
小棹理子, 原田康也
Presentation date: 1999.11
辰己丈夫, 原田康也, 楠元範明
Presentation date: 1999.11
原田康也, 筧捷彦
Presentation date: 1999.11
Information Ethics Education as Science Education and Simulated Network Emergency Exercises for Information Teachers
Takeo Tatsumi, Noriaki Kusumoto, Yasunari Harada
the Fourth ETHICOMP International Conference on the Social and Ethical Impacts of Information and Communication Technologies (Research Centre in Information Systems LUISS Guido Carli University, Rome)
Presentation date: 1999.10
原田康也 [Invited]
Presentation date: 1999.08
辰己丈夫, 原田康也
Presentation date: 1999.08
効果的な CALL 授業・教室設計コース
原田康也 [Invited]
Presentation date: 1999.08
How Quantification Emerges in Natural Language
Yasunari Harada, Kumiko Honda
Joint Conference of ICCS/JCSS99
Presentation date: 1999.07
原田康也 [Invited]
Presentation date: 1999.07
辰己丈夫, 原田康也
Presentation date: 1999.07
原田康也 [Invited]
New Education Expo'99 in Osaka
Presentation date: 1999.06
原田康也 [Invited]
New Education Expo'99 in Tokyo
Presentation date: 1999.06
原田康也, 本多久美子, 野口直彦
Presentation date: 1999.03
原田康也 [Invited]
Presentation date: 1999.03
Scales of Likelihood: Indefinites and Quantification in Natural Language
Yasunari Harada, Kumiko Honda
Linear Logic Workshop
Presentation date: 1999.02
Presentation date: 1999.01
辰己丈夫, 原田康也
Presentation date: 1998.11
辰己丈夫, 原田康也, 前野譲二
Presentation date: 1998.10
前野譲二, 谷津貴久, 原田康也
Presentation date: 1998.09
Why information ethics education fails
Tatsumi Takeo, Yasunari Harada
International Federation for Information Processing Working Group 3.4 Educating Professionals for Network-Centric Organizations
Presentation date: 1998.08
前野譲二, 原田康也, 辰己丈夫
Presentation date: 1998.08
前野譲二, 谷津貴久, 門馬隆雄, 原田康也
Presentation date: 1998.07
原田康也, 本多久美子
Presentation date: 1998.06
原田康也 [Invited]
New Education Expo'98 in Nagoya
Presentation date: 1998.06
原田康也 [Invited]
New Education Expo'98 in Tokyo
Presentation date: 1998.05
原田康也, 本多久美子
Presentation date: 1998.03
Presentation date: 1997.12
Presentation date: 1997.11
The Internet and Communication Meltdown:情報倫理教育は可能か
Presentation date: 1996.11
原田康也 [Invited]
Presentation date: 1996.08
Of MICE and MEN:文科系教育におけるメディア利用の諸問題
Presentation date: 1996.07
Presentation date: 1996.07
原田康也, 本多久美子
Presentation date: 1996.06
Presentation date: 1996.05
Presentation date: 1996.05
Every Which Way You Choose: Toward a Proper Treatment of Essential Variables in Semantics
Kumiko Honda & Yasunari Harada
UPSG workshop
Presentation date: 1995.12
Semantics and Pragmatics of Adnominal Particle NO in Quixote
Hiroshi Tsuda, Yasunari Harada
UPSG workshop
Presentation date: 1995.12
WWW Serverを一般ユーザに開放し、HTML教育に用いる試みの経過報告
辰己丈夫, 筧捷彦, 原田康也
Japan World-Wide-Web Conference '95 at KOBE
Presentation date: 1995.11
原田康也 [Invited]
Presentation date: 1995.11
Presentation date: 1995.07
語学教育におけるコンピュータ利用の可能性 :インターネット時代のアカデミック・スキルズ
Presentation date: 1994.11
野口直彦, 原田康也
Presentation date: 1994.10
Semantic and Pragmatic Interpretation of Japanese Sentences with 'pragmatic particles'
Naohiko Noguchi, Yasunari Harada
A Cognitive Study of Situatedness in English and Japanese: toward a flexible natural language processing system
Presentation date: 1994.10
Situated Dialog Model for Software Agents
Hideyuki Nakashima, Yasunari Harada
International Symposium on Spoken Dialogue: New Directions in Human and Man-Machine Communication
Presentation date: 1993.11
野口直彦, 原田康也
Presentation date: 1993.05
中川裕志, 今仁生美, 郡司隆男, 田窪行則, 原田康也, 森辰則
Presentation date: 1993.05
中島秀之, 原田康也
Presentation date: 1993.05
Separating Pragmatics from Syntax and Semantics: Interpreting Japanese 'no'
Megumi Kameyama, Yasunari Harada
Semantics Workshop, CSLI (Stanford University) CSLI
Presentation date: 1993.02
Situated Dialogue
Yasunari Harada, Hideyuki Nakashima
Dagstuhl Seminar "Semantic Formalisms for Natural Language Processing" (German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence(DFKI), Saarbruecken)
Presentation date: 1993.02
中島秀之, 原田康也
Presentation date: 1992.12
On the Semantics and Pragmatics of 'dake' and 'only'
Yasunari Harada [Invited]
Presentation date: 1992.08
Semantic and Pragmatic Interpretation of Japanese Sentences with 'dake'(only)
Naohiko Noguchi, Yasunari Harada
Fifteenth International Conference on Computational Linguistics (Nantes)
Presentation date: 1992.07
原田康也 [Invited]
Presentation date: 1992.06
On the Semantics and Pragmatics of `dake' and 'only'
Yasunari Harada, Naohiko Noguchi
The Second Conference on Semantics and Linguistic Theory (The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio)
Presentation date: 1992.05
A Pragmatic Account of 'Dake'
Naohiko Noguchi, Yasunari Harada
CSLI Workshop on Japanese Language in Action: approaches from computation, processing and linguistics (Stanford University) CSLI
Presentation date: 1991.10
On 'No'
Yasunari Harada, Megumi Kameyama
CSLI Workshop on Japanese Language in Action: approaches from computation, processing and linguistics (Stanford University) CSLI
Presentation date: 1991.10
On 'No': Interpretation and Inference
Yasunari Harada
International Symposium on Japanese Sentence Processing (Duke University, North Carolina)
Presentation date: 1991.10
Presentation date: 1991.03
Presentation date: 1991.02
原田康也 [Invited]
Presentation date: 1991.01
On Reduced Juxtaposition in Japanese
Yasunari Harada
The Seoul International Conference on Natural Language Processing (Seoul National University)
Presentation date: 1990.11
NLU + PSG 合同 WG ワークショップ
Presentation date: 1990.03
'Argument Structure' in Phrase Structure Grammar or Subcategorization and Semantic Role Assignment from a Lexicalist Point of View
Yasunari Harada
Symposium on Argument Structure of Japanese and Korean
Presentation date: 1989.12
An informal Introduction to JPSG: Part 2
Yasunari Harada
Center for the Study of Language and Information (Stanford University) Stanford University
Presentation date: 1988.08
An informal Introduction to JPSG: Part 1
Yasunari Harada
Center for the Study of Language and Information (Stanford University) Stanford University
Presentation date: 1988.08
On Describing Natural Languages in Unification Environments
Yasunari Harada
13th International L.A.U.D. Symposium on Linguistic Approaches to Artificial Intelligence (University of Duisburg) Linguistic Agency
Presentation date: 1988.03
Unbounded Dependency Workshop
Presentation date: 1987.05
Support technique for the development of tourism resources utilizing the healing effects of forest bathing: For tourism after COVID-19
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
Research and Application of Cultural Information Transfer Based on Linguistic Landscape
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業
Project Year :
難波 彩子, 片岡 邦好, 原田 康也
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業
Project Year :
佐良木 昌, 阪井 和男, 原田 康也, 森下 美和
Supporting Tourism Resource Development through ICT: Improving Expectations by Applying Psychological Effects
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
Ito Atsushi
What speaking proficiency is presupposed in the workplace? an exploratory research
Project Year :
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業
Project Year :
平松 裕子, 佐良木 昌, 原田 康也, 森下 美和, 伊藤 篤
Research on high-quality service for translation based on the professional knowledge
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
Saraki Masashi
Autonomous Mutual Learning through Interactions among Japanese Learners of English
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
Harada Yasunari
An investigation of the automatization process in second language processing with respect to noticing, attention and interactive alignment
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学) 科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(B))
Project Year :
Building database of sentence construction familiarity for Japanese EFL learners
Project Year :
The role of listenership in contemporary Japanese society: The intersection between generation, gender, and cross-culture
Project Year :
Linguistics of 'Ba': Emergence of Meaning in Ba
Project Year :
Linguistic Analysis of Language Use in Legal Contexts
Project Year :
The Relationship Between Foreign Language Ability and the Foreign Language Side Effect: Are the Amounts of Reduction in Thinking Ability Identical When the Foreign Language Abilities are Identical?
Project Year :
Age Factor in the Mechanism of Spoken English Acquisition: An Analysis of Production Patterns and English Proficiencies
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
SUDO Michiko, HARADA Yasunari
Japanese EFL learners' use of verb subcategorization information in processing filler-gap dependency structures: A study using eye-tracking technique in reading
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
Psycholinguistic Study on Listening Comprehension and Automatization of Syntactic Processing by Japanese EFL Learners
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
A study of listenership in intercultural pragmatics
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
A study of listenership in intercultural pragmatics
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
Exploring limits for presupposition manipulation
Project Year :
An investigation of the automatization process in language processing with respect to the development of foreign language proficiency
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
YOKOKAWA Hirokazu, SADTO Norihiro, YOSHIDA Haruyo, HARADA Yasunari, TANABE Hiroki, HAYASHI Ryoko, MATSUMOTO Eriko, YOSHITOMI Asako, TOYA Mitsuyo, MURAKAMI Masayuki, YABUUCHI Satoshi, SUGAI Kosuke
科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学) 科学研究費助成事業(挑戦的萌芽研究)
Project Year :
Psycholinguistic Study on Listening Comprehension and Automatization of Syntactic Processing by Japanese EFL Learners
Project Year :
A study of listenership in intercultural pragmatics
Project Year :
Data Collection and Annotation of Relatively Spontaneous Utterances by Japanese Learners of English
Project Year :
科学研究費補助金(2009年4月-2014年3月)基盤研究 (B):課題番号21320109 『属性付与英語学習者発話コーパスの拡充と分析:大学新入生英語発話能力の経年変化調査』研究代表者
Project Year :
Project Year :
Toward Construction of Linguistics of BA : Semantics and Pragmatics of BA
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
HARADA Yasunari, IDE Sachiko, KATAGIRI Yasuhiro, YOSHIMOTO Kei, SAKAI Kazuo, SHUDO Sachiko, TAKEKURO Makiko, MAEBO Kanako, YOKOMORI Daisuke, ENDO Tomoko, HELENE Wlodarczyk, CHOE Jae-woong
Toward Construction of Linguistics of BA : Semantics and Pragmatics of BA
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
HARADA Yasunari, IDE Sachiko, KATAGIRI Yasuhiro, YOSHIMOTO Kei, SAKAI Kazuo, SHUDO Sachiko, TAKEKURO Makiko, MAEBO Kanako, YOKOMORI Daisuke, ENDO Tomoko, HELENE Wlodarczyk, CHOE Jae-woong
科学研究費補助金(2009年4月-2012年3月)挑戦的萌芽研究:課題番号21652041 『「場の言語学」の構築:場の意味論と語用論』研究代表者
Project Year :
Project Year :
English learning with handheld devices : Study of individualized learning utilizing learners' profile and difficulty level of questions
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
MAENO Joji, HARAD Yasunari, KUSUMOTO Noriaki
English learning with handheld devices : Study of individualized learning utilizing learners' profile and difficulty level of questions
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
MAENO Joji, HARAD Yasunari, KUSUMOTO Noriaki
Utterance Data Collection from College Learners of English in Japan : Toward Construction of a Learners Corpus of English
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
HARADA Yasunari, NAKANO Michiko, ISAHARA Hitoshi, KUSUMOTO Noriaki, KITAHARA Mafuyu, HOSHII Makiko, KAWAMURA Mayumi, MAEBO Kanako
早稲田大学特定課題研究助成費 (特定課題B)課題番号2008B-025『場の言語学:待遇表現の形式意味論・形式語用論』研究代表者
Project Year :
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
HARADA Yasunari, NAKANO Michiko, ISAHARA Hitoshi, KUSUMOTO Noriaki, KITAHARA Mafuyu, HOSHII Makiko, KAWAMURA Mayumi, MAEBO Kanako
An experimental study on "Sensitive Period"of foreign speech acquisition
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
YAMADA Reiko, KATO Hiroaki, ADACHI Takahiro, KUBO Rieko, YAMADA Tsuneo, IKUMA Yuko, TAJIMA Keiichi, KOMAKI Ryo, OKIHARA Katsuaki, HAYASHI Ryoko, ISHIKAWA Shinichiro, HARADA Yasunari, WATANABE Hideyuki, MURASAKI Chizu
Project Year :
Research on L2 Writing Assessment Based on a'Learner Corpus
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
NARITA Masumi, SUGIURA Masatoshi, HARADA Yasunari, ISAHARA Hitoshi
Support of Foreign Language Pronunciation Training of Primary School Students Based on Comprehensive Description of the Pronunciation
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
MINEMATSU Nobuaki, HIROSE Keikichi, HARADA Yasunari, YAMAUCHI Yutaka, KOCHIYAMA Akiko, MAKINO Takehiko
Project Year :
Project Year :
Utterance Data Collection from College Learners of English in Japan : Toward Construction of a Learners Corpus of English
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
HARADA Yasunari, NAKANO Michiko, ISAHARA Hitoshi, KUSUMOTO Noriaki, KITAHARA Mafuyu, HOSHII Makiko, KAWAMURA Mayumi, MAEBO Kanako
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
NAKABAYASHI Toshitaka, KISHIMOTO Hajime, TAKAHASHI Tadashi, INAGAKI Shigenori, TATUMI Takeo, HARADA Yasunari
科学研究費補助金(2004年4月-2007年3月)基盤研究(A) (2):課題番号16200048『知的障害者(児)のコミュニケーションを促進する支援技術機器の開発』(研究代表者:神戸大学・発達科学部・発達基礎論講座中林稔尭教授)研究分担者
Project Year :
a Contrastive Study of Syntax and Semantics between Korean and Japanese and Feasibility of Porting and Cross-Development of Grammars between LFG/XLE and HPSG/LKB Frameworks
Project Year :
Project Year :
Project Year :
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業
Project Year :
原田 康也, 川口 義一, 細川 英雄, 戸田 貴子
科学研究費補助金(2004年4月-2006年3月)萌芽研究:課題番号16652040 『電話による日本語リスニング・スピーキング自動試験の運用性・信頼性・妥当性の検証』
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業
Project Year :
原田 康也, 川口 義一, 細川 英雄, 戸田 貴子
Project Year :
Project Year :
Project Year :
Project Year :
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
NAKABAYASHI Toshitaka, INAGAKI Shigeniri, TAKAHASHI Tadashi, KISHIMOTO Hazime, HARADA Yashunari, TATUMI Takeo
科学研究費補助金(2000.1-2003.3)基盤研究(A2):課題番号 13308012 『知的障害児と健常児のコミュニケーションを促進するための情報マティリアルの開発』(研究代表者:神戸大学・発達科学部・発達基礎論講座中林稔尭教授)研究分担者
Project Year :
A Model of Self-access Learning of English
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
HATTORI Akio, IWAI Hiroki, HARADA Yasunari
Basic Research on the Language Learning Environment that Utilizes Web Server/Mobile Technology
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
OHIWA Hajime, NISHIGOORI Jiro, HARADA Yasunari, NAKAGAWA Masaki, TATSUMI Takeo, SANO Hiroshi
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
NAKANO Michiko, HARADA Yasunari, TANABE Yoji, KOIKE Ikuo, OHYA Masanori, SAITO Toshiharu
Universality of Constraint-based Phrase Structure Grammars
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
GUNJI Takao, YATABE Shuichi, HARADA Yasunari, MATSUI Michinao, NAKAGAWA Hiroshi, HASIDA Koiti, TONOIKE Toshiyuki, TSUDA Hiroshi, SIRAI Hidetoshi, SHIRAI Ken-ichiro, UDA Chiharu, IMANI Ikumi, IGARASHI Yoshiyuki, FLICKINGER Dan, SELLS Peter, SAG Ivan
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
NAKAGAWA Hiroshi, DALRYMPLE Mary, KAMEYAMA Megumi, PETERS Stanley, TAKUBO Yukinori, NAKASHIMA Hideyuki, IMANI Ikumi, KATAGIRI Yasuhiro, HARADA Yasunari, GAWRON Jean mark
A Comparative Study of Views of Nature in Japan and Thailand-Visualization of the effects of forest bathing-
佐藤陽生, 中山春佳, 平松裕子, 伊藤篤, 上田一貴, 原田康也, 長谷川まどか
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告(Web) 122 ( 419(TL2022 34-45) ) 2023
ICT Application and Narrative to Describe Food Culture
工藤遥, 高橋喜幸, 福留奈美, 原田康也, 平松裕子, 伊藤篤
日本認知科学会大会発表論文集(CD-ROM) 40th 2023
65 ( 8 ) 36 - 37 2016.10
5 ( 2 ) 179 - 179 2011
4 ( 2 ) 161b - 162 2010
認知科学の基礎2 言語への認知的接近 1 - 59 1991.12
原田 康也, 楠元 範明, 前野 譲二
原田 康也, 楠元 範明
中華民国 国立清華大学
アメリカ スタンフォード大学
Affiliated organization Global Education Center
Center for Data Science Concurrent Researcher
Institute for Digital Enhancement of Cognitive Development Director of Research Institute
2019 森下美和, 赤塚祐哉
2018 首藤 佐智子, 武黒 麻紀子, 赤塚 祐哉
2017 赤塚祐哉
2008 首藤 佐智子
2005 中野美知子, 楊達, 首藤佐智子
2005 中野美知子, 北原真冬, グレン・ストックウェル, 楠元範明, 前野譲二
2004 中野美知子, 砂岡和子, 楊立明, 楊達
2004 中野美知子, 森田彰, 楠元範明, 前野譲二
PACLIC 18(アジア太平洋地域における言語理論とその応用研究)
2003 吉田惠似子, 益子真由美, Chu-Ren Huan, Chungmin Lee, Benjamin T'sou, Kim Teng Lua, 池谷彰, 石川彰, 石川潔, 松本裕治, 井佐原均, 内山将夫, 増市博, 大熊智子, 吉村宏樹
Click to view the Scopus page. The data was downloaded from Scopus API in February 21, 2025, via and .