Updated on 2025/02/05


Faculty of Science and Engineering, School of Fundamental Science and Engineering
Job title
理学博士 ( 東京大学 )
Doctor of Science
理学博士 ( 東京大学 )

Professional Memberships



Research Areas

  • Basic analysis

Research Interests

  • partial differential equations, functional analysis, real analysis



  • Two-dimensional stationary Navier-Stokes equations with 4-cyclic symmetry

    Masao Yamazaki

    MATHEMATISCHE NACHRICHTEN   289 ( 17-18 ) 2281 - 2311  2016.12  [Refereed]

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    This paper is concerned with the stationary Navier-Stokes equation in the whole plane and in the two-dimensional exterior domain invariant under the action of the cyclic group of order 4, and gives a condition on the potentials yielding the external force, and on the boundary value, sufficient for the unique existence of a small solution equivariant with respect to the aforementioned cyclic group. (C) 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim



  • Two-dimensional stationary Navier–Stokes equations with 4-cyclic symmetry

    Yamazaki, Masao

    Mathematische Nachrichten   289 ( 17-18 ) 2281 - 2311  2016.12

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    © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, WeinheimThis paper is concerned with the stationary Navier–Stokes equation in the whole plane and in the two–dimensional exterior domain invariant under the action of the cyclic group of order 4, and gives a condition on the potentials yielding the external force, and on the boundary value, sufficient for the unique existence of a small solution equivariant with respect to the aforementioned cyclic group.



  • Rate of convergence to the stationary solution of the navier-stokes exterior problem

    Masao Yamazaki

    Advances in Mathematical Fluid Mechanics - Dedicated to Giovanni Paolo Galdi on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday   none   459 - 482  2016

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    This paper is concerned with the nonstationary Navier-Stokes equation in two-dimensional exterior domains with stationary external forces, and provides the rate of convergence of solutions to the stationary solution under the smallness condition of the stationary solution.



  • Concentration-diffusion phenomena of heat convection in an incompressible fluid

    Reinhard Farwig, Raphael Schulz, Masao Yamazaki

    ASYMPTOTIC ANALYSIS   88 ( 1-2 ) 17 - 41  2014  [Refereed]

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    We study in the whole space R-n the behaviour of solutions to the Boussinesq equations at large distances. Therefore, we investigate the solvability of these equations in weighted L-infinity-spaces and determine the asymptotic profile for sufficiently fast decaying initial data. For n = 2, 3 we are able to construct initial data such that the velocity exhibits an interesting concentration-diffusion phenomenon.



  • On a Stationary Problem of the Stokes Equation in an Infinite Layer in Sobolev and Besov Spaces

    Takayuki Abe, Masao Yamazaki

    JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL FLUID MECHANICS   12 ( 1 ) 61 - 100  2010.03  [Refereed]

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    This paper is concerned with the stationary problem of the Stokes equation in an infinite layer and provides a condition on the external force sufficient for the existence of the solution. Since the Poiseuille flow is a solution to the homogeneous equation, the solution is not unique when p = a. It is also proved that, under some suitable conditions, solutions to the homogeneous equation are limited only to the Poiseuille flow.



  • Uniform estimates in the velocity at infinity for stationary solutions to the Navier-Stokes exterior probliem

    Yoshihiro Shibata, Masao Yamazaki

    Japan. J. Math. (2)   31 ( 2 ) 225 - 279  2005.12

  • Semilinear heat equations with distributions in Morrey spaces as initial data

    Masao Yamazaki, Xiaofang Zhou

    Hokkaido Mathematical Journal   30 ( 3 ) 537 - 571  2001

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    This paper is a continuous study to the paper [27]. Here we consider in Morrey spaces the Cauchy problem of the general semilinear heat equation with an external force. Both the external force and initial data belong to suitable Morrey spaces. When the norm of the external force is small, we proved the unique existence of small solution to the corresponding stationary problem. Moreover, if the initial data is close enough to the stationary solution, we verified the time-global solvability of the Cauchy problem, which leads to the stability of the small stationary solution. © 2001 by the University of Notre Dame. All rights reserved.



  • Solutions in the Morrey spaces of the Navier-Stokes equations with time-dependent external force

    Masao Yamazaki

    Funkcialaj Ekvacioj   43 ( 3 ) 419 - 460  2000.12

  • The Navier-Stokes equations in the weak-Ln space with time-dependent external force

    Masao Yamazaki

    Math. Ann.   317 ( 4 ) 638 - 675  2000.08  [Refereed]

  • Uniqueness criterion of weak solutions to the stationary Navier-Stokes equations in exterior domains

    H Kozono, M Yamazaki

    NONLINEAR ANALYSIS-THEORY METHODS & APPLICATIONS   38 ( 8 ) 959 - 970  1999.12  [Refereed]

  • 種々の函数空間におけるNavier-Stokes方程式

    山崎 昌男

    数学   51 ( 3 ) 291 - 308  1999.07


  • Distributionを初期値とするNavier-Stokes方程式

    山崎 昌男

    東京大学数理学セミナリーノート16/東京大学数理科学研究科    1999.06

  • Existence, uniqueness and stability of stationary solutions in the weak-Ln</> space to the Navier-Stokes exterior problem

    Masao Yamazaki

    Recent Topics on Mathematical Theory of Viscous Incompressible Fluid, Proc. Regional Workshop of MSJ, Univ. Tsukuba, 1996, H. kozono and Y. Shibata, eds., Kinokuniya   16   225 - 270  1998.12

  • Exterior problem for the Navier-Stokes equations, existence, uniqueness and stability of stationary solutions

    Hideo Kozono, Masao Yamazaki

    Theory of the Navier-Stokes equations, Proc. third Int. Conf. At Oberwolfach, Germany, J. G. Heywood, K. Masuda, R. Rautmann and V. A. Solonnikov, eds., World Scientific   47   86 - 98  1998.10

  • On a larger class of stable solutions to the Navier-stokes equations in exterior domains

    Hideo Kozono, Masao Yamazaki

    Math. Z.   228 ( 4 ) 751 - 785  1998.08  [Refereed]

  • M. E. Taylor, Pseudodifferential Operators and Nonlinear PDE, Progress in Mathematics, Vol.100, Birkh&auml;user, Boston, 1991

    山崎 昌男

    数学   50 ( 3 ) 325 - 327  1998.07

  • Exterior problem for the stationary Navier-stokes equations in the Lorentz space

    Hideo Kozono, Masao Yamazaki

    Math. Ann.   310 ( 2 ) 279 - 305  1998.02  [Refereed]

  • The Cauchy problem in the Lorentz space for the Navier-stokes equation in exterior domains

    Masao Yamazaki

    Proc. Fourth MSJ International Research Institute, Nonlinear Waves, R. Agemi, Y. Giga and T. Ozawa, eds., Gakuto Int. Ser. Math. Sci. Appl. Vol. 10, Gakk&ocirc;tosho     243 - 248  1997.08

  • The Navier-Stokes equation with distributions as intial data and application to self-similar solutions

    Hideo Kozono, Masao Yamazaki

    Proc. Conf. New Trends in Microlocal Analysis, J.-M. Bony and M. Morimoto, eds., Springer     125 - 141  1997.04

  • Representation formula, net force and energy relation to the stationary navier-stokes equations in 3-dimensional exterior domains

    Hideo Kozono, Hermann Sohr, Masao Yamazaki

    Kyushu Journal of Mathematics   51 ( 1 ) 239 - 260  1997



  • The Cauchy problem for a class of 2x2 hyperbolic systems of conservation laws with unbounded propagtion speed

    Masao Yamazaki, Taeko Yamazaki

    Adv. Differential Equations   1 ( 5 ) 817 - 856  1996.09

  • The stability small stationary solutions in Morrey spaces of the Navier-Stokes equation

    Hideo Kozono, Masao Yamazaki

    Indiana Univ. Math. J.   44 ( 4 ) 1307 - 1336  1995.12


  • Small stable stationary solutions in Morrey spaces of the Navier-Stokes equation

    Hideo Kozono, Masao Yamazaki

    Proc. Japan Acad., Ser. A   71 ( 9 ) 199 - 201  1995.10

  • The exterior problem for the non-stationary Navier-Stokes equation with data in the space Ln,∞

    Hideo Kozono, Masao Yamazaki

    C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, S&eacute;r. I   320 ( 6 ) 685 - 690  1995.09

  • The Navier-Stokes exterior problem with Cauchy data in the space Ln,∞

    Hideo Kozono, Masao Yamazaki

    Proc. Conf. Advances in Geometric Analysis and Continuum Mechanics, P. Concus and K. Lancaster, eds., International Press     160 - 174  1995.08

  • Local and global unique solvability of the Navier-Stokes exterior problem with Cauchy data in the space L(n,infinity)

    H Kozono, M Yamazaki

    HOUSTON JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS   21 ( 4 ) 755 - 799  1995  [Refereed]

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    The initial-boundary problem for the Navier-Stokes equation in exterior domains is considered for initial data in the space L(n,infinity) + L(q) with some q &gt; n, and some sufficient conditions for the uniqueness, local solvability and global solvability are given. Even in the case n = 2, some solutions with behavior different from that of Leray-Hopf solutions are treated.



    COMMUNICATIONS IN PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS   19 ( 5-6 ) 959 - 1014  1994  [Refereed]

  • Semilinear heat equations and the Navier-Stokes equation with distributions as intial data

    Hideo Kozono, Masao Yamazaki

    C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, S&eacute;r. I   317 ( 12 ) 1127 - 1132  1993.06



    OSAKA JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS   29 ( 2 ) 175 - 202  1992.06  [Refereed]

  • On the microlocal smoothing effect of dispersive partial differential equations, I. Second-order linear equations


    Algebraic Analysis, M. Kashiwara and T. Kawai, eds., Academic Press   ( 2 ) 911 - 926  1989.08




    ADVANCES IN MATHEMATICS   74 ( 1 ) 31 - 56  1989.03  [Refereed]

  • A quasi-homogeneous version of the microlocal analysis for nonlinear partial defferential equations

    Masao Yamazaki

    Japan. J. Math (2)   14 ( 2 ) 225 - 260  1988.12

  • Boundedness of product type pseudodifferential operators on spaces pf Besov type

    Masao Yamazaki

    Math. Nachr.   133   297 - 315  1987.10  [Refereed]



    LECTURE NOTES IN MATHEMATICS   1256   442 - 466  1987  [Refereed]

  • A quasi-homogeneous version of paradifferential operators,II. A symbol calculus

    Masao Yamazaki

    J. Fac. Sci. Univ. Tokyo, IA   33 ( 2 ) 311 - 345  1986.10



    JOURNAL OF THE MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN   38 ( 2 ) 199 - 225  1986.04  [Refereed]

  • A quasi-homogeneous version of paradifferential operators,I. Boundedness on spaces of Besov type

    Masao Yamazaki

    J. Fac. Sci. Univ. Tokyo, IA   33 ( 1 ) 131 - 174  1986.04



    PROCEEDINGS OF SYMPOSIA IN PURE MATHEMATICS   45 ( 2 ) 573 - 577  1986  [Refereed]

  • The Lp-boundedness of pseudo-differential operatoras satisfying estimates of parabolic type and product type, II

    Masao Yamazaki

    Proc. Japan Acad., Ser. A   61 ( 4 ) 95 - 98  1985.04  [Refereed]

  • Regularit&eacute; microlocale quasi homog&egrave;ne des solutions d'&eacute;quations aux d&eacute;riv&eacute;es partielles non lin&eacute;aires

    Masao Yamazaki

    C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, S&ecirc;r. I   298 ( 10 ) 225 - 228  1984.09




  • Continuit&eacute; des op&eacute;rateurs pseudo-diff&eacute;rentiels et para-diff&eacute;rentiels dans les espaces de Besov et des espaces de Triebel-Lizorkin non-isotropes

    Masao Yamazaki

    C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, S&eacute;r. I   296 ( 13 ) 533 - 536  1983.10

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Research Projects

  • Real analytic research on the Navier-Stokes equations on exterior domains with external force

    Project Year :


  • Construction of mathematical theory to investigate the macro structure and the mesostructure of the fluid motion

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Shibata Yoshihiro, YAMAZAKI Masao, HISHIDA Toshiaki, SHIMIZU Senjo, SUZUKI Yukihito, SOLONNIKOV Vsevolod, GALDI Giovanni, HIEBER Matthias, ZAJACZKOWSKI Wojciech, SCHONBECK Maria, DENK Robert

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    In our macroscopic studies on mathematical fluid dynamics, we proved the unique existence theorem of locally in time solution of free boundary problems for the Navier-Stokes equations in general domains, employing the theory based on the R boundedness. The unique existence of globally in time solutions and their asymptotic behavior of free boundary problems for the Navier-Stokes equations in both bounded and unbounded domains are also proved based on the spectral analysis of the Stokes operator. In mesoscopic studies, a stochastic differential equation for oscillations of a bubble is derived and analyzed to obtain the unique global solution and its asymptotic behavior. Numerical simulations are also performed based on analysis mentioned above. We developed the theory of Dirac reduction and applied it to Rivlin-Ericksen fluids aiming to formulate a variational principle of fluid dynamics. The Lagrange-Galerkin method was developed and utilized to simulate a rising bubble

  • 実解析とエネルギー法による非有界領域上のNavier-Stokes 方程式の研究

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(C))

    Project Year :


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  • Study on the Navier-Stokes equations on unbounded domains by way of real analysis

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    YAMAZAKI Masao, SHIBATA Yoshihiro, TANAKA Kazunaga

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    This research is concerned with the Navier-Stokes equations on either the whole plane or two-dimensional exterior domains. It was shown that, if there exists a small stationary external force with strong symmetry, the equation has a small stationary solution decaying rapidly at infinity. It was also shown that, if the stationary solution above is sufficiently small, it is stable under initial perturbation without restriction on the size. The Navier-Stokes equaions in an infinite layer is also studied. It is shown that, if the equation is treated in the Besov spaces, nontrivial solutions with no external forces exist if p is infinite, and that these solutions correspond to the Poiseuille flows.

  • Research on the Navier-Stokes equations in various unbounded domains by using theory of function spaces

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    YAMAZAKI Masao, SHIBATA Yoshihiro, TANAKA Kazunaga, ENOMOTO Yuko

  • Study of the stability of solutions to some nonlinear evolution equations based on recent development of real analysis

    Project Year :


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    We study the spectral analysis of Stokes equations based on the recent development of the real analysis, Fourier analysis and functional analysis and its application to the Naveir-Stokes equations in several different situations arising from the mathematical physics.
    1) We studied an inncompressible viscous flow past a rigid body, which is mathematically described by Oseen equations. We studied the decay properties of the Oseen semigroup in the exterior domain and showed global in time stability Navier-Stokes flow past a rigid body
    2) We studied an inncompressible viscous flow in a perturbed half-space which describes for example flow past high buildings. We studied an optimal decay properties of solutions to the Stokes equations in a perturbed half-space and proved a global in time unique existence of solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations in a perturbed half-space with small initial data.
    3) We proved the maximal regularity of solutions to the Stokes equation with the Neumann boundry condition in a bonded domain. We use some recent development of the operator-valued Fourier analysis by Weis and Denk-Hieber-Pruss. Our method is very simple compared with previous results and seems to be applicable to linear evoulution equations of parabolic type. Moreover, we proved local in time unique existence of strong solutions with arbitrary initial data and global in time unique existence of strong solutions with some small initial data of the free boundary problem of Navier Stokes equations which describes the transient motion of an isolated volume of viscous incompressible fluid
    4) We studied an inncompressible viscous flow past a rotating rigid body. This problem was already studied by Galdi and Galdi and Silvestre in the L_2 framework. Our main contribution is to show the decay estimate of the continuous semigroup associated with linearized problem. The main difficulty comes from first order differential system with polynomially growing coefficients which is not subordinated by the Laplacian. We developed new technique to investigate the high frequency part of the spectrum.

  • Research of the Navier-Stokes exterior problem by using dual semigmups and the Lorentz spaces

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    YAMAZAKI Masao, SHIBATA Yoshihiro, TANAKA Kazunaga, FUJITA Takahiko, ISHIMURA Naoyuki

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    In a joint work with Yoshihiro Shibata, we obtained a sufficient condition on time-independent external forces for the unique existence of a stationary solution in a certain class of the Navier-Stokes equation in exterior domains of dimension n greater than or equal to 3 by using the duality between the Lorentz spaces and real interpolation. Our class is a natural generalization of the so-called physically reasonable solutions, and our suffirient condition gives a unified view for the case with zero velocity at infinity and the case with non-zero velocity at infinity.
    Next, in a joint work with Yuko Enomoto and Yoshihiro Shibata, we verified the stability in the weak-Ln space of the stationary solution above for time-evolution under small initial perturbation in the weak-Ln space, and showed that the smallness above can be taken uniformly in the velocity at infinity of the stationary solution.
    Furthermore, by using real interpolation for sublinear operators, we generalized these results for time-dependent external forces, and obtained a sufficient condition for the unique existence of the corresponding time-periodic or almost periodic solutions. We also showed the stability of these solutions in weak-Ln spaces under perturbations on the external forces and initial data uniform in the velocity at infinity of the solutions.
    On the other hand, as a preparation for generalized the results above for general unbounded domains, we generalized the Lp-theory on the boundary value problem for the Stokes equation in a layer domain, in a joint work with Takayuki Abe for higher-order Sobolev spaces and Besov spaces, and obtained a sufficient condition on the external forces for the unique existence of the solution of the boundary value problem. In particular, we showed that the uniqueness of the solution fails in the case p=infinity, and that the Poiseuille flow can be characterized as the solution with zero as the external forces and boundary values.

  • Real analytic approach to the stability theory of nonlinear evolution equations

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    SHIBATA Yoshihiro, YAMAZAKI Masao, KAJI Hajime, TANAKA Kazunaga, KOBAYASHI Takayuki, SHIMIZU Senjo

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    1.Stability of the Oseen flow in the n-dimensional exterior domain (n>2).
    2.Stability of the Couette flow and the Poiseuille flow in the infinite layer.
    3.Rate of convergence of the non-stationary flow to the stationary flow of compressible viscous fluid.
    4.Resolvent estimate of solutions to the Stokes equation with Neumann boundary condition.

  • Galois connection in mathematical clone theory

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    MACHIDA Hajime, YAMADA Hiromichi, YAMASAKI Hideki, IWASAKI Shiro

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    For a set A, a clone on A is a set of multi-variable functions which is closed under composition. Denote by L_A the set of all clones on A. In this reseach, for the set M_A of all monoids consisting of unary functions on A, we considered a naturally defined Galois connection between M_A and L_A. For a monoid M, the centralizer M^* of M is the set of all multi-variable functions which 'commutes' with every unary function in M.1. <Some fundamental properties of the Galois connection> : (i) We showed that all centralizers of monoids are contained in some particular maximal clones. (ii) Also, we showed that for every pair of distinct monoids their centralizers are always distinct.2. <Characterization of the centralizers of the symmetric group and the alternating group> : We established the characterization of the centralizers of both the symmetric group and the alternating group, the latter being more complex than the former.3. <Classification of the centralizers for a sequence of monoids which contain the symmetric group> : A typical sequence {N_i} of monoids containing the symmetric group was defined. The centralizers of all N_i's have been determined. Most of them coincide with the least clone.4. <Monoids whose centralizer is the least done> : It is 'natural' to think that under a Galois connection a small monoid corresponds to a big monoid. However, against this naive intuition, some small monoids have been discovered whose centralizer is the least clone.5. <Application of the Kuznetsov criterion> : The power of the criterion established by Kuznetsov was shown to be quite useful in our study

  • Studies on the structure of the lattice of clones consisting of multiple-valued logical functions

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    MACHIDA Hajime, FUJITA Takahiko, YAMADA Hiromochi, IWASAKI Shiro, ISHIMURA Naoyuki, YAMAZAKI Masao

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    A clone is a set of k-valued logical functions which is closed under composition and contains all the projections. The set of all clones consisting of k-valued logical functions is denoted by LィイD2kィエD2. Whereas the structure of LィイD22ィエD2 is completely determined, our knowledge about the structure of LィイD2kィエD2 for k > 2 at present is very little. The main objective of this research is to clarify the structure of LィイD2kィエD2 and we have obtained the following results.1. The structure of LィイD23ィエD2 as a metric spaceWe have introduced a metric into the lattice LィイD2kィエD2 of clones and showed that LィイD2kィエD2 is a compact metric space. Moreover, we constructed continuous mappings, based on the meet operation, from LィイD23ィエD2 onto LィイD22ィエD2 and studied the images of maximal clones in LィイD23ィエD2 and those of some clones being accumulation points under such mappings.2. Minimal clones in LィイD2kィエD2 and related topicsSince the classification of minimal clones is far from complete, the study of various properties of minimal clones are very important. We have studied a particular problem concerning minimal clones: Given a pair (CィイD21ィエD2, CィイD22ィエD2) of minimal clones, we call it gigantic pair if the union CィイD21ィエD2∪CィイD22ィエD2 generates the whole set of functions. We proved a characterization theorem of gigantic pairs and showed that gigantic pairs exist for most k's.3. Study of hyperclonesRecently, I. G. Rosenberg initiated the study of hyperclones. We continued his work and proved the following: The cardinality of the lattice of all hyperclones on the set {0,1} is of continuum. This is interesting as the cardinality of the lattice of all (ordinary) clones on {0, 1} is countable.4. Study of partial clones consisting of partial functionsWe investigated the following problems on partial clones : (1) The minimal number of maximal partial clones whose meet is the trivial partial clone. (2) The minimal number of minimal partial clones whose join is the clone of all partial operations. This is a joint work with Professors L. Haddad and I.G. Rosenberg

  • 多値論理におけるクローン束の構造の解明

    科学研究費助成事業(一橋大学)  科学研究費助成事業(一般研究(C))

    Project Year :


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    一方、与えられたクローンが有限生成であるかどうかを問う問題は、普遍代数(universal algebra)の研究者からも注目されている基本的な問題である。クローンが距離空間として見たクローン空間の中で孤立点になることは、そのクローンが有限生成であることと密接な関係があるが、本研究では、クローンが孤立点であることを普遍代数の方で用いられている。“collapsing"という概念によって特徴づけることができた。

  • 実解析学及び積分曲線の方法による偏微分方程式の研究

    科学研究費助成事業(一橋大学)  科学研究費助成事業(奨励研究(A))

    Project Year :


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  • オプション価格理論への確率解析の応用

    科学研究費助成事業(一橋大学)  科学研究費助成事業(一般研究(C))

    Project Year :


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    研究代表者は、主にC.I.Rモデルと呼ばれるデリヴァディブ(金融派生商品)の価格決定理論の研究を行った。これは、Cox,Ingersol,Rossが1985年に発表したstochastic volatilityを持ちさらに、解の具体的表現が得られるモデルで、現在においても、理論面、実務面の両方の見地から見ても重要なモデルである。代表者は、発表予定の論文(ストカスティック ヴオラティリティを持つモデルとその周辺)において、C.I.Rモデルを数学的に整理し、その応用について調べ、また、その自然な拡張となるモデルを提唱し、その価格決定解析を行った。これらは、最近の金融業界の情勢から見ても緊急かつ重要なテーマであると思われる。

  • 多値論理関数のクローン束の構造の解析

    科学研究費助成事業(一橋大学)  科学研究費助成事業(一般研究(C))

    Project Year :


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  • フラクタル上の確率過程の研究

    科学研究費助成事業(一橋大学)  科学研究費助成事業(一般研究(C))

    Project Year :


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    研究代表者藤田岳彦は以下について調べた。複素多様体上では等角不変な拡散過程が存在しholomorphic diffusionと呼ばれている。論文では.複素次元が2の場合にケーラー性と対称なholomorphic diffusionの存在性が同値であることを示し.また.対称なholomorphic diffusionが存在しないような多様体の例を挙げた.また.同様の問題を複素次元が3以上の場合について調べた。これらの研究は等角構造とフラクタルの関連を調べるうえにおいても基本的な結果であると思われる。
    分担者の宮地晶彦は.主にCp^αという関数空間の性質を研究した。与えられた関数を2つの関数の積に分解する因数分解の問題やC^α_P(Ω)の関数をC^α_P(R^n)の関数に延長することに関する結果をMathematica Japonicaに発表した。
    分担者の永島孝は主に第1階古典述語論理系およびそれを拡張した一種の無限述語論理系についての研究を行った。古典述語論理については.函数概念の扱いを研究し.その成果の一つとしてスコーレムの定理の新しい証明をHitotsubashi J.Arts Sci.に発表した。

  • 種々の関数空間とその応用の研究

    科学研究費助成事業(一橋大学)  科学研究費助成事業(一般研究(C))

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    研究代表者は,主にCp^αという関数空間の性質を研究した.これは,以前から何人かの研究者によって考えられていたシャープ最大関数を用いて定義される関数空間で,基本的な性質はDeVoreとSharpleyによって調べられていたものである.我々の研究の特色は最大関数を用いた実関数論的な方法を徹底して用いることである.我々の方法のひとつの長所は,ユークリッド空間R^nの任意の開集合Ω上のCp^α=Cp^α(Ω)について(Ωに全く制限を付けずに),結果が得られることである.まず,Cp^α(Ω)のアトム分解についての結果を得た.ΩがR^n全体でないときには,関数のアトム分解の伴って関数のgenetic part(と我々は呼ぶ)という滑らかな関数が現れるが,このgenetic partの評価を詳しく調べた.次に,この結果を利用して,Cp^α(Ω)の関数たちの各点毎の積を作る掛け算と,その逆に,与えられた関数を2つの関数の積に分解する因数分解の問題とについて,結果を得た.掛け算と因数分解に関する結果は,よく知られたSobolev空間に対しても新しい事実を教えるものである.これらの結果は現在,論文にまとめている.また,Cp^α(Ω)の関数をCp^α(R^n)の関数に延長することに関する結果をMathematica Japonicaに発表した.
    担者の藤田岳彦は正則(holomorphic)拡散過程の性質を調べ,結果をHitotsubashi Journal of Arts and Sciencesに発表した.

  • 離散的問題に対する計算量の解析

    科学研究費助成事業(一橋大学)  科学研究費助成事業(一般研究(C))

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    ブール関数の拡張である多値論理関数についても、とくにクローン (clone)の分類について研究を行い、いくつかの成果をおさめた。クローンの分類にとって重要な役割を果たすと思われる「本質的極小クローン」という概念を数年前に町田が導入したが、この本質的極小クローンについて今年度2つの論文を発表した。1つは、無限集合上の本質的極小クローンの中に2変数関数をすでに無限個含むものが存在すること、すなわち、本質的極小クローンの中には大きなクローンが存在することを示したものである。もう1つの論文では、有限集合上の本質的極小クローンで2変数関数によって生成されるものを研究対象とし、これらをすべて決定することを試みた。この決定にはいくつかの場合分けが必要になり、そのうちの極めて難しい1,2の場合についてはまだ分類が完成していない。今後、残された場合の分類の完成に努めるとともに、3変数以上の関数で生成される本質的極小クローンについても分類の研究を試みる予定である。

  • Mathieu群を中心とする単純群の研究

    科学研究費助成事業(一橋大学)  科学研究費助成事業(一般研究(C))

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    1.研究代表者岩崎は,5つのMathieu群のそれぞれに付随する幾何である5つの(Mathieu-)Wittシステムをできるだけ自然かつ初等的統一的に把握する研究の一環として,今年度は3つの大きなシステム W_<24>,W_<23>,W_<22>の存在の一意性の新しい初等的統一的な証明を与えることができた.すなわち,これら3つのシステムの一意性ーーこれら3つと同一のパラメーターをもつSteinerシステムはそれぞれ同型である ーーを,初等的で単純な同一の方法ーー問題になっているパラメーターをもつ3つのSteinerシステムに対し,ある一定の方法に従って,全ての点に適当な名前をつけることができるという点の命名法と全てのブロックを明示することができるというブロックの書き上げ法を具体的に提示したーーで証明した.またこの証明は,3つのシステムの存在・構成をも与えている.

  • 実関数論的方法による調和解析

    科学研究費助成事業(一橋大学)  科学研究費助成事業(一般研究(C))

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    宮地は,ユ-クリッド空間IR^n開集含Ω上のCp^αという関数空間について,Ωが(ε,δ)領域であればCp^a(Ω)の関数はCp^α(IR^n)の関数に拡張できる,という結果を得た。(ε,δ)領域は以前にP.W.Jonesが導入したもので,JonesはΩが(ε,δ)領域ならば,Ω上のBMO空間やSobolev空間の関数がIR^n上の対応する関数空間の関数に拡張できる,という結果を示していた。関数空間Cp^αはR.A.DeVoreとR.C.Sharpleyとが導入した関数空間で,DeVoreとSharpleyは,ΩがLipschitz領域ならば,Cp^α(Ω)の関数はCp^a(IR^n)の関数に拡張できる,という結果を出していた。(ε,δ)領域はLipschitz領域より一般的であり,Cp^α空間は Sobolev空間を特殊の場合として含んでいるので,今年度の宮地の結果はJonesやDeVoreーSharpleyの結果の一般化・精密化となっている。この結果は一部を論文として今年度に出版し,残りは現在,論文を準備中である。

  • 代数的組合せ論における直交多項式の研究

    科学研究費助成事業(一橋大学)  科学研究費助成事業(一般研究(C))

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  • 境界値問題の超局所解析

    科学研究費助成事業(東京大学)  科学研究費助成事業(一般研究(C))

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  • 非線型問題の数理と現象の解明

    科学研究費助成事業(東京大学)  科学研究費助成事業(一般研究(C))

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  • Fourier解析と摂動論の方法による偏微分方程式の研究

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  • フラクタルと数の同時近似について

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  • Hardy空間と補間理論を用いる偏微分方程式の研究

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  • Research on the Navier-Stokes equations by interpolation spaces and perturbation theory.

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    We studied the existence, the uniqueness and the stability of stationary solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations in exterior domains, which is regarded as a model describing the motion of fluids, by functional analytic methods.For n-dimensional spaces, the function space L^n is mainly employed in previous works on this direction. We showed during the period from April, 1997 to March, 1998 that, when the space dimension is 3, solutions in the function space L^3 exist only in very limited cases, and hence we must consider a some-what larger space L^<3, *> as the function space in which solutions exist. Moreover, for the Navier-Stokes equation in the whole space, we gave a condition on the external forces sufficient for the unique existence of small stationary solutions belonging to the Morrey spaces, which is strictly larger than the space L^<n, *>. We furthermore showed that the stationay solutions above are stable under small initial perturbation in function spaces which contain distributions other than Radon measures.We studied the exterior problem of the Navier-Stokes equations in the space for n<greater than or equal>3 during the period from April, 1998 to March, 1999. We then showed the unique existence of small stationary solutions in the function space under the condition that the external forces are given as the first order derivatives of potentials small in the function space L^<n/2, *>. We also showed that the stationary solutions above are stable under small initial perturbations in the function space L^<n, *>. This result is applicable to external forces more general than those which can be treated by previous results obtained by potential theoretical methods, and is applicable to the 3-dimensional case which could not be treated by functional analytic methods before

  • Vertex operator algebras with group action

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    In 1997 a subalgebra having order three symmetry of a vertex operator algebra associated with a rank two root lattice of type A was discovered and its properties were studied. In particular its automorphism group was determined and its simple modules were classified. The results were written in a joint paper Ternary codes and vertex operator algebras. Relations between this vertex operator algebra and the Monster module still remain to be studied. Moreover, Borwein type identity was studied from a point of view of vertex operator algebra. The results were written in a joint paper Borwein identity and vertex opertor algebras.In 1998 all highest weight vectors with weight at most two of a vertex operator algebra associated with a root lattice of type A were classified. Highest weight vectors are important, because once they are known then a vertex operator algebra can be decomposed into a direct sum of simple modules for a tensor product of Virasoro vertex operator algebras. Although not all highest weight vectors are known, much information about the structure of the vertex operator algebra can be obtained from highest weight vectors with weight at most two. For example, a vertex operator algebra having a symmetry of order 4 was constructed by using these highest weight vectors. Recently all highest weight vectors were classified in the case of rank three root lattice of type A.In order to generalize this result to a root lattice of arbitrary rank, a new idea would be required

  • Research of the Navier-Stokes equations by using the theory of Fourier analysis and semigroup theory

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    We studied the Navier-Stokes equation on the whole space or on exterior domains. We have already studied the unique existence and the stability under initieal perturbations of stationary solutions with external forces independent of time. In this research we considered the case where external force depends on the time-variable, and studied the unique existence and the stability of solutions. This research generalizes similar researches on time-periodic solutions and solutions almost periodic in time.On the whole space we employ the Morrey spaces as the space of solutions, and succeeded in generalizing the results for usual L^p-spaces obtained by Professors Hideo Kozono, Mitsuhiro Nakao and Yasushi Taniuchi. On exterior domains we employ the weak-L^p spaces as the space of solutions, and we succeeded in relaxing the assumptions on the external forces very much, and firstly obtained conditions sufficient for the unique existence of solutions in 3-dimensional exterior domains.The results for the Morrey spaces can be obtained in a manner similar to that employed in our previous study. On the other hand, in the proof of the results for weak-L^p spaces, it is essential to show that the integral of functions with values in a Banach space converges, where the integral is considered to diverge in general. In order to show this fact, we first consider the family of the Lorentz spaces which generalizes the weak-L^pA spaces, and we improved estimates of L^p-L^q type, which is often employed in previous studies, by using real interpolation, and the we used the duality property between the Lorentz spaces

  • Study on the global behavior of solutions for the fluid equation

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    We have undertaken our research projects mainly on the following two subjects.(1) Results are obtained for the analysis on the structure of solutions to the steady state of the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky (KS) equation and/or to the Blasius equation. Both equations are related to the fluid dynamics and have the similar third-order differential operator. By use of the monotonicity, the reduction of the third-order equation into the second-order one is performed. In view of this reduction, the existence of blowing-up solutions for the steady state of the KS equation is proved. These kind of solutions have not been mentioned in the literature so far. Moreover, an elementary existence proof of blowing-up solutions for the Blasius equation is also given, which may shed light on the validity of the Blasius equation itself with regard to the Prandtl boundary layer theory.(2) Free boundary problems arise in a wide variety of nonlinear sciences, including one-phase fluid flow problem. Here we are concerned with the pricing of American put option. We present an exact integral formula for the solution

  • Study of nonlinear differential equations via variational methods

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    We study the existence and multiplicity of solutions of nonlinear differential equations via variational methods. In particular, we study singular perturbation problems.1.We study the existence and multiplicity of solutions of nonlinear scalar field equations : -Δu+V(x)u=f(u) in R^N. Usually in such a problem global conditions on nonlinearity f(u)(ex.global Ambrosetti-Rabinowitz condition) are required to ensure the existence of solutions. In this study we tried to obtain an existence result without such global assumptions and we find that it is possible if we require sufficiently fast decay of the potential V(x).2.We also study singular perturbation problem : -Δu+λ^2a(x)u=|u|^<p-1>u in R^N, where a(x)【greater than or equal】0. As a limit problem as λ→∞, a Dirichlet boundary value problem -Δu=|u|^<p-1>u, u|_<∂Ω>=0 in Ω≡{x ∈R^N;a(x)=0} appears. We assume Ω consists of several bounded connected components Ω_1,【triple bond】, Ω_κ and for given solutions u_i(x) of the Dirichlet problem in Ω_i, we try to find a solution u_λ(x) in R^N whose limit is u_i(x) in Ω_i (connecting problem). We succeed to find a solution joining Mountain Pass solutions without non-degeneracy conditions. Also we show that there are infinitely many sign-changing solutions that are connectable with Mountain Pass solutions.3.For 1-dimensional Allen-Cahn equations and Schrodinger equaitons, we study the characterization of a family of solutions in the setting of singular perturbation. More precisely, we consider a family of solutios with increasing number of layers or spikes. We give a characterization of such a family using "limit enery function" or "envelop function". Conversely for addmissible patterns we construct corresponding families of solutions via variational methods

  • Variational study of nonlinear problems

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    We study nonlinear elliptic partial differential equations and Hamiltonian systems via variational meth-ods. We put emphasis on singular perturbation problems.1. We study the existence of high frequency solutions-families of solutions whose numbers of spikes or layers increase to ∞ as the singular perturbation parameter ε goes to 0. We give the existence and the characterization of such families for 1 dimensional elliptic problems including nonlinear Schrodinger equations, Allen-Cahn equations, Fisher equations and Girerer-Meinhardt systems. Especially for Girerer-Meinhardt systems, we introduce and analyze a limit equation using adiabatic invariants. We also give a precise estimate of the number of positive solutions of nonlinear Schrodinger equations.2. We also study a singular perturbation problem for -ε^2△μ+V(χ)μ =g(μ) in R^N. Under very general conditions on g(μ), which is related to the work of Berestycki, Gallouet-Kavian, we prove the existence of a concentrating solution for N=1,2.3. We also study the prescribed energy problem for singular first order Hamiltonian systems. We suc-ceed to obtain the existence of periodic orbit under conditions which generalize the strong force condition of Gordon. We remark that our condition is given as a property of the energy surface S={(q, p);H(q, p) =E} not on the Hamiltonian H(q, p)

  • A comprehensive study of nonlinear problems via variational approaches

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    We study nonlinear problems via variational approaches. Especially (1) we study singular perturbation problems for nonlinear Schrodinger equations and systems. We introduce a new purely variational method which enables us to construct concentrating solutions in a very general setting. (2) We study nonlinear elliptic equations and systems in various settings. We give a new variational construction of radially symmetric ground states. We also study stability and instability of solutions. (3) We also study highly oscillatory solutions in 1-dimensional singular perturbation problems. We give characterization and existence result

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  • Faculty of Science and Engineering   Graduate School of Fundamental Science and Engineering

Research Institute

  • 2022

    Waseda Research Institute for Science and Engineering   Concurrent Researcher