Updated on 2025/03/13


Faculty of Human Sciences
Job title
Professor Emeritus
博士(人間科学) ( 早稲田大学 )

Research Experience

  • 1991

    Waseda University, Assistant Professor

  • 1987

    Waseda University, Lecturer

  • 1982

    Waseda University, Research Assistant

Education Background


    Waseda University   Graduate School, Division of Letters  


    Waseda University   Faculty of Education  

Professional Memberships



Research Areas

  • Archaeology

Research Interests

  • 考古学(含先史学)



  • 一五世紀の沖縄先島の農耕をめぐって―石垣島仲筋貝塚出土土器の植物珪酸体分析―

    東アジアの歴史・考古・民俗/雄山閣     276 - 294  2009.03

  • 沖縄の玉とその交易

    日琉交易の黎明/森話社     285 - 303  2008.10

  • 江戸の大名屋敷の考古学と尾張藩邸

    尾張藩への誘い/新宿歴史博物館    2006.10

  • 江戸と周辺村落の墓制

    多摩のあゆみ   ( 117 ) 8 - 17  2005.02

  • 都市における遺構の保存と活用

    第165回江戸東京フォーラム よみがえれ江戸遺跡    2004.12

  • 江戸の墓の埋葬施設と副葬品

    墓と葬送の江戸時代/吉川弘文館     224 - 250  2004.08


  • 発掘された江戸の町

    第10回安芸まほろばフォーラム 近世宿場町の景観と流通    2003.11

  • 江戸の相撲玩具

    文明のクロスロード Museum Kyusyu   19 ( 4 ) 53 - 57  2003.02

  • 江戸の胞衣納めと乳幼児の葬法

    母性と父性の人間科学/コロナ社    2001.12

  • 近世墓標の普及の様相

    ヒューマンサイエンス   14 ( 1 ) 22 - 31  2001.11

  • 江戸の火葬墓

    歴史と建築のあいだ/古今書院    2001.11

  • 江戸の生活史と考古学

    民衆史研究   57 ( 57 ) 39 - 54  1999.05


  • 近世都市江戸の考古学の課題

    発掘が語る千代田の歴史/千代田区教育委員会     44 - 49  1998.12

  • 江戸の生活史と考古学

    民衆史研究会シンポジウム 生活史の魅力と可能性    1998.11

  • 瑞聖寺出土の伊達家の胞衣桶について

    港区文化財調査集録   ( 4 ) 18 - 22  1998.03

  • 発掘された江戸の庭園

    日本造園学会誌ランドスケープ研究   61 ( 3 ) 218 - 222  1998.01

  • 江戸の近世墓と六道銭

    近世の出土銭Ⅰ-論考篇-/兵庫埋蔵銭調査会     173 - 182  1997.10

  • 江戸の墓

    考古学がわかる/朝日新聞社    1997.06

  • 仏教考古学の世界

    日本の仏教/法蔵館   5   121 - 131  1996.04

  • 江戸及び周辺村落における墓制の変遷

    帝京大学山梨文化財研究所シンポジウム報告集「中世」から「近世」へ/名著出版     135 - 158  1996.02

  • 江戸の墓の埋葬施設と副葬品

    江戸遺跡研究会第9回大会江戸時代の墓と墓制     125 - 140  1996.02


  • 江戸の相撲と玩具

    相撲の宇宙論/平凡社     223 - 255  1993.11

  • 考古学からみた近世都市江戸

    史潮   新32 ( 32 ) 25 - 45  1993.03


  • Excavating Edo's Cemeteries : Graves as Indicaors of Status and Class

    Japanese Journal of Religious Stdies   19 ( 2・3 ) 271 - 297  1992.06

  • 地下に埋もれた民俗資料

    月刊文化財   ( 11月号 ) 20 - 25  1991.11


  • 江戸の墓地の発掘-身分・階層の表徴としての墓-

    甦る江戸/新人物往来社     79 - 111  1991.04

  • 江戸の考古学の方法をめぐって

    江戸のくらし/新宿区立新宿歴史博物館     94 - 102  1990.10

  • 近世墓標の変遷と家意識


    史観   121 ( 121 ) 2 - 16  1989.09


  • 近世墓標の類型

    考古学ジャーナル   288   26 - 30  1988.03

  • 古代天皇巡幸伝説考

    古代探叢II/早稲田大学出版部     477 - 497  1985.12

  • 古代の狩猟伝承について

    学術研究   33 ( 33 ) 15 - 28  1984.12


  • 近世墓塔の形態分類と編年について

    早稲田大学大学院文学研究科紀要別冊   10   175 - 186  1984.01

  • 大殿祭考

    学術研究   32 ( 32 ) 1 - 18  1983.12


  • 古代の新嘗祭に関する一考察

    古代探叢/早稲田大学出版部     537 - 552  1980.10

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  • Excavation of Todoyamamae site on Maruyamamachi in Chiba



  • Excavation of Hachiman-jinja site on Toshimamura in Tokyo



  • 静岡県賀茂郡南伊豆町下条遺跡の考古学的調査



  • 千葉県安房郡白浜町見上遺跡の考古学的調査



  • Excavation of Early Modern City Edo



Research Projects

  • 超高齢多死社会を見据えた葬墓制システムの再構築:多様な生前と死後をつなぐために

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    山田 慎也, 土居 浩, 朽木 量, 金 セッピョル, 田中 大介, 問芝 志保, 谷川 章雄, 瓜生 大輔, 鈴木 岩弓, 小谷 みどり, 玉川 貴子, 森 謙二

  • Rituals for the Deceased in Contemporary Japan: Aiming to Construct Communities Between the Living and Deceased

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    YAMADA Shinya

     View Summary

    In this project report, we make clear that community not after but before death is important in the communal graves of senior citizen housing complexes and cooperatives, hospital-lead funeral assistance endeavors, and other new forms of relationships that are not based on conventional local or blood ties. Also, we discuss the emergence of new forms of representing the dead such as digital portraits and online memorials. Additionally, we argue that the graves, memorial tablets, and funerals that have been understood as “traditional” are always changing in accordance with social structures and living conditions and that we can only precisely grasp the present-day situation by engaging in detailed historical examinations of such processes of change.

  • Medieval and early modern history by study for stone monuments

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    SEKINE Tatsuhito, KUTSUKI Ryo, ISHIGAMI Hiroyuki, SEKIGUCHI Yoshihisa, SHIBUYA Yuuko, TASAKA Riho

     View Summary

    This study is collaborative investigation of archeology, documents historical study, epigraphy, the natural science about stone monuments such as gravestones of the medieval ages and early modern . We performed complete survey of stone monuments built from medieval ages to early modern in three places of port towns, Mikuni, Tsuruga, Obama in Fukui pref. We investigated stone monuments in conjunction with the marine transportation in the early modern times in the port towns of the Sea of Japan coast to Yamaguchi from Aomori and Hokkaido. Interchange of persons, supplies, the information and the ups and downs of the port towns became clear by these investigations.The effectiveness and the possibility of the history study using stone monuments which there was not of attracting attention too much were checked until now by this study

  • Conflict between individual and groups on the System of Funeral and Grave in Contemporary Japan

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    SUZUKI Iwayumi, MORI Kenji, TANIGAWA Akio, MURAKAMI Koukyou, YAMADA Shin'ya, KOTANI Midori, KUTUKI Ryou, DOI Hiroshi, MAKIMURA Hisako, TAKIZAWA Katuhiko

     View Summary

    The system of funeral ceremony and cremation changes greatly in contemporary Japan, recently. In the rear, there is a fight of sense of values between the individual-centered modern society and the group-centered traditional social sense of values. In this research, we find out the mechanism of the relations between the dead and the living from the standpoint of interdisciplinary method

  • The study for northern trade of Middle Ages and early modern times and infiltration of Ezochi

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    SEKINE Tatsuhito, EMORI Susumu, KIKUCHI Isao, NAKAMURA Kazuyuki, KITANO Nobuhiko, FUKASAWA Yuriko, TANIGAWA Akio, FUJISAWA Ryosuke, KUTSUKI Ryo, HASEGAWA Seiichi, NARA Takashi

     View Summary

    This study clarified the actual situation of the movement of persons and supplies beyond Tsugaru Strait and Soya Channel based on both variety of archaeological remains and ancient documents. This study elucidated it how and when Japanese went into the Hokkaido, Sakhalin, Chishima area called Ezochi in history. As a result, the process that Ezochi was infiltrated in politically or economically by Japan became clear. I considered it what kind ofinfluence advance of Japanese and the Japanese products to Ezochi Ezo place had on the formation and transformation of the Ainu culture

  • The fundamental study for social system and changes in population during the Edo period indicated by gravestones and old documents for demography

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    SEKINE Tatsuhito, TAKAGI Masao, TANIGAWA Akio, KUTSUKI Ryo

     View Summary

    We researched all gravestones and necrology belonging to the Edo period in Matsumae, Hokkaidou Prefecture, where was the northernmost castle town and the north important position on the trade over the Sea of Japan. We could explain the changes in population and the social system of early modern period in Matsumae by comparing more than ten thousand records of dead persons with documentary historical material

  • A Comparative Study of 'Nationalism' and 'Essentialism' in Archaeological Representation

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    YOGO Takuma, OGAWA Hidefumi, TANIGAWA Akio, TERASAKI Shuichiro

     View Summary

    1. Collecting data and Analyses:(1) All investigators collected and referenced published matters and studies deal with the archaeological data such 'essentialism' or 'nationalism', additionally, analyzed the discourses of the past in their fields.(2) TANIGAWA and TAKANASHI, O (Amami museum) organized their Nansei Shoto area materials, and revealed many archaeological problems caused by the boundary recognitions of past researchers. (3) SASAKI, M (Waseda University Honjo Senior High School) connected with korean experts, and clarified Japan-Korea differences of historical perception about past people and technology exchanges. (4) YOGO and OGAWA made firsthand observations about ideas of cultural policies and the status of archaeological sites as tourism resources in southeast asia (Philippines, Indonesia). (5) TERASAKI conducted field surveys in Honduras and Guatemala, As a result, demonstrated the close connection between rights of indigenous peoples and values of cultural heritages.2. Workshops:The collaboration workshops were held 11 times in Tokyo, Amami-oshima, Fukuoka, and Manila (Philippines). The topic of the workshops were about such as "Afterimage of Wildness-Ideological Magnetic Field on the Past", "Symbol of Indigenous Cultural Heritage/Resource in Central America", "Recent Criticized Points in Japanese Archaeology", "Archaeological methodology and representational activity", "Cultural heritage and Archaeology in Modern Japan", "Differences of Historical Consciousness between Ryukyu and Amami", "Remarkable Transition of JOMON Period Images" and "Reconsideration the Relationship between Modern Philippines Archaeology and National Identity".Then investigators analyzed local characteristics and problems in archaeological activities, and make suggestions on how to offer solutions on issues concerning in their fields


    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KIKUCHI Tetsuo, OKAUCHI Mitsuzane, TAKAHASHI Ryuzaburo, KONDO Jiro, TERASAKI Shuichiro, TANIGAWA Akio

     View Summary

    This study focuses on the dynamics of complexity, stratification, and urbanization of prehistoric and ancient societies. We investigated several cases in Japan, Korea, China, Egypt, Western Asia, North America, Mesoamerica, and South America, and have conducted cross-cultural studies attempting to establish methodology for comparative archaeology.For instance, in 2002, Kikuchi (the head investigator) along with four other investigators studied the ancient cities of the Mayan civilization in Mesoamerica. We consider these as primary and crucial examples for our research topic. In fact, these examples provided us valuable insights in our respective investigations.Kikuchi, Takahashi, and a few other members conducted archaeological and ethnological fieldwork along the Northwest Coast (2003), Queen Charlotte Islands (2004), and some sites of the Mississippian culture (2005) in North America. From this series of studies, we accumulated important evidences for comparative studies of prehistoric societies in the world, and produced three articles for publication in a scholarly journal.In December 2004, we held an international conference titled "Kokogaku kara Mita Shakai no Fukuzatsuka (Archaeological Approaches to the Organizational Dynamics of Social Complexity)," and along with the investigators of this project (Kikuchi, Okauchi, Takahashi, Kondo, Terasaki, and nine other researchers presented their respective case studies. This was a very good opportunity to compare the outcomes of our work, and all the researchers once again congregated to discuss the same issue in January 2005. The results of the meeting were published by Doseisha, Tokyo, in a book titled"Shakai Kokogaku no Kokoromi (Preliminary Approaches of Social Archaeology)."We conducted several case studies to improve our research in 2005. However, in a limited period of our years, it is very difficult to conclude this ambitious project concerning the major theme. Therefore, if possible, we hope to follow up on this research issue

  • Archaeological Study of Cremation Graves in Early Modern

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



     View Summary

    In this research, the data of excavations with cremation graves were collected from early modern cities Edo, Osaka, Kyoto, and Sakai, etc. The analysis of the following points was tried.1. The transition of the ratio of cremations and burials2. The relation of structure of burial facilities and cremations3. The classification and transition of cinerary urns4. Sex, age, and weight of cremated bones5. The relation to crematoryIn the 17th century, graveyard where the ratio of cremations was high and a low were seen in Edo, and there might be the relation between the temple and the crematory in the background of the difference. As for such a situation, the comparative study of graveyards in Sakai where the ratio of the cremations is high and a low is needed.After the 18th century in Edo, as the whole the ratio of cremation graves decreased. It is thought that crematories were integrated in the background. At the same time, the order of the grave system of Edo was completed. The decrease of the ratio of cremations, is thought possibility with the influence of Confucianism and the orientation to Shogun graves that were burials. At this time, it was recognized to be the high ratio of cremations in the graveyard of the Jodoshin sect, and the tendency that the weight of the cremated bones increased.In this research, it was demonstrated that the transition of cremation graves, and the relation of the cremation and the burial in the grave system of Japa

  • Research of The Military Viceroy's of the Western Region (Xiyu duhufu) at Han Dynasty.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    OKAUCHI Mitsuzane, NAGASAWA Kazutoshi, KIKUCHI Tetsuo, OHASHI Katsuaki, YOSHIMURA Sakuji, TANIGAWA Akio

     View Summary

    Between 2000 and 2002, the Silk Road research Institute of Waseda University conducted a research on the history of the Silk Road. The main focus of the research was on the Military Viceroy's Office in the Western Region (Xiyu duhufu 西域都護府) of the Western Han Empire. The Military Viceroy's Office is a management base in the Western Han Empire and its approximate location can be assumed through the record of"History".The expansion of Han Empire to the west is one of the important factors considering the formation of the Silk Road. The Military Viceroy's Office in the Western Region is attested to the city-state of Wulei(烏壘城), which its location is unknown. If we can identify its location, it will contribute to the understanding of the administration system of the Western Han Empire in the Western Region. With such research aim in mind, we conducted a survey in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous region jointly with the Xinjiang Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology.The survey was carried out in three seasons : September 2000, May 2001, and May 2002. We assumed that Wulei must be located either in the Luntai(輪台) prefecture or the chaidir(策大爾) village. In both locations we found structural remains and artifact scatters. Since we could not excavate both locations, we were not able to obtain the defiant evidence of Wulei. However, from the result of the survey, we have collected valuable information on the possible settlement plan of the Military Viceroy's Office in the region.In addition, we conducted the survey in the Tianshan northern (天山北路) and southern (天山南路) routes of the Silk Road. We also observed artifacts stored in the local museums along the above routes. Through this, we collected data on the ancient cities in the Xinjiang region.In 2001 we held an international workshop on the Silk Road at Waseda University. In 2002 we presented our results at the 8th Symposium of the Japan Society for Chinese Archaeology. In both meetings we were able to exchange opinions and information with other scholars.Currently we are processing the data obtained from the three survey seasons and hope to publish the final report soon. We are also constructing a database of our survey to contribute to the future study of the Xinjiang region

  • A Syunthetic Study of Yarukhoto old group tombs at Tunrufann region in Xinjiang, China

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KIKUCHI Tetsuo, OHASHI Kazuaki, OKAUCHI Mituzane, NAGASAWA Kazutoshi, TANIGAWA Akio, TANAKA Yoshiyuki

     View Summary

    This year, we had an eye to arrangement and analysis of data we have ever collected. In our study, we thought an arrangement of foundation data most impossible, and made a plan to prepare topographical map and tomb distribution map. We almost accomplished that until last year. This year, we had follow-up survey, and supplemented data. Those map and data support us to understand character of tombs. We input data with pictures, and formed data-base. Based on data-base, we are able to grasp some tendency of tombs formation. Next we suggest possibility of study, based on data-base by pointing out our result to analyze dataFor Jushi Gaochang state period, we show five points.(1) Distinction in each district as to whether constructing tombs in or out Rang yu.(2) tendency of Rang yu entrance direction.(3) difference in each district as to Rang yu scale.(4) Inconplete finish of tombs construction in Rang yu(5) Almost Rang yu has a large tomb in more inner part. For Tang-Xizhou period we show that tradition were followed against intervention by Tang dynasty.In the future, we need identification of tombs investigated by Huang-wenpi as inner development and comparison with circunference region as exterior development

  • Study of Graves in Early Modern City Edo and the Surrounding Villages

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



     View Summary

    The purpose of this study was to examine the graves in Edo and the surrounding villages. Especially, I took a look gravestones and burial facilities to examine changes in the graves of Edo and the surrounding villages, and to point out similarity and difference between city and villages.I made lists of cemeteries of daimyo (lords) and hatamoto (bannerman) in document, excaveted burial facilities and grave goods in Edo and the surrounding villages.In conclusion of this study, I pointed out similar changes in the graves between. Edo and the surrounding villages, but Edo's graves reflected status and class

  • わが国葬送墓制の現代的変化に関する実証的研究-<個>と<群>の相克-

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Internal Special Research Projects

  • 近世位牌の変遷・普及および階層性に関する考古学的研究

    2021   都築由理子

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     本研究の目的は、近世を対象にして、位牌の変遷・普及、階層性、漆塗り位牌の製作技法や製作工程のあり方と位牌の変遷・普及、階層性の関係を解明し、日本の死者供養の習俗における位牌の位置づけを明らかにすることである。従来の位牌の考古学的研究は低調であり、文化財科学的分析もほとんど行われてこなかった。 本研究の内容は、以下の2点であった。①江戸遺跡出土位牌および伝世した寺位牌・内位牌の変遷・普及と階層性についての分析:江戸遺跡から出土した位牌を発掘調査報告書から集成し分析する。②文化財科学的手法による、漆塗り位牌の製作技法・製作工程の解明:製作に用いられる下地、顔料の材質や製作技法、製作工程を明らかにする。        ①については、位牌のあり方が、「近世墓の変遷」における17世紀後葉と18世紀前葉という画期、および都市の武家・町人、村落の農民に見られる「近世墓」の階層性との関係を明らかにした。  ②については、位牌の型式、全長(高さ)、戒名、装飾の材質・技法には強い相関があり階層性を示す指標となることがわかった。

  • 近世都市江戸の葬具に関する考古学的研究

    2020   都築由理子

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  • 近世の葬具に関する考古学的研究


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    本研究は、近世の寺院・墓地などの遺跡から出土した葬具の考古学的研究である。近世都市江戸の寺院・墓地などの主要な遺跡出土の葬具を集成した。これは、A. 枕飾り、B. 納棺、C. 葬列、D. 埋葬. E. 供養という一連の葬送儀礼において用いられたものであり、近世都市江戸の葬送儀礼の復元を行うことが可能であるという見通しを得た。また、狛江市泉龍寺の位牌の調査データを整理した。位牌型式の変遷は、①16世紀末から18世紀中葉の雲形位牌が主体を占める時期、②18世紀後葉から江戸時代の終わり頃までの札形位牌が増加しつつ、雲形位牌、廟所形位牌が併存する時期、③明治時代以降の札形位牌が主体となる時期に区分できることがわかった。

  • 近世火葬墓の考古学的研究


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  • 沖縄八重山諸島における玉類の考古学的研究


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     沖縄本島のグスク時代及び先島地方の12~15世紀の遺跡から、石製・ガラス製の勾玉・丸玉・小玉などの玉類が出土する。しかしながら、こうした玉類の考古学的研究は現在までほとんど手つかずの状態にある。先島地方に限って見ても、下地馨によって勾玉に関する民俗資料・文献史料とともに、勾玉の形態・石質等に言及されたことがあったが、その後は白木原和美が問題にしているのみである。したがって、沖縄の玉類の考古学的研究は、製作技法の観察、石材の同定、ガラスの成分分析など基礎的な研究からスタートしなければならない状況にある。 こうした現状を踏まえて、本研究では、沖縄先島地方のなかの八重山諸島出土の玉類について、基礎的な考古学的研究を行なった。実施した作業は以下のとおりである。 1.これまでの発掘調査によって出土した玉類の集成およびその観察・実測・写真撮影 2.伝世資料の観察・実測・写真撮影 3.採集資料の観察・実測・写真撮影 4.ガラス製勾玉・丸玉・小玉の成分分析 5.石製勾玉の石材同定 上述の作業を通して、いくつかの成果を得ることができた。まず第一に、石垣市教育委員会保管の発掘調査によって出土した玉類のなかに、未成品が含まれていたことが判明した。これは、ビロースク遺跡及び山原貝塚出土の勾玉で穿孔前のもので、形態からも明らかに未成品と考えられる。このことは石垣島で石製勾玉の製作が行われていたことを示している。 また、ガラス製玉類の成分分析及び石製勾玉の石材同定を実施したが、現段階では対比資料が乏しいため、早急に結論を得ることは難しい。今後の資料の増加を待つことにしたい。