Education Background
Nagoya University Graduate School of Sciences Department of Earth Sciences
Chiba University Faculty of Science Department of Earth Sciences
Details of a Researcher
Updated on 2025/03/12
Nagoya University Graduate School of Sciences Department of Earth Sciences
Chiba University Faculty of Science Department of Earth Sciences
Japan Geoparks Committee Adviser
日本ジオパーク委員会 顧問
Japan Geoparks Committee Committee member
日本ジオパーク委員会 委員
Geoparks Assisting Committee of the Geological Society of Japan Committee member
日本地質学会ジオパーク支援委員会 委員
Japanese Society for Active Fault Studies
Tokyo Geographical Society
Japan Geoscience Union
Geological Society of Japan
The Geological Society of Korea Award for Distinguished Service
The Geological Society of Japan Young Scientist Award
Development of a method for presuming the density and effective atomic number of mineral samples by utilizing medical X-ray CT scanning
2020.11 [Refereed]
Deformation conditions and kinematics of fault rocks in the Hatagawa Fault Zone and the Shajigami Shear Zone, Northeast Japan: Insights from calcite and quartz microstructures
Watanuki, S, Hisada, T, Onoda, J, Hisasue, S, Kanai, T, Takagi, H
Journal of Structural Geology 137 2020.08 [Refereed]
Variations in the proportions of high schools offering basic and advanced Earth science classes in prefectures throughout Japan
Yoshida, K, Takagi, H
Journal of Geography(Chigaku Zasshi) 129 ( 3 ) 2020.06 [Refereed]
Evaluation of geosites in Shimonita Geopark -For sustainable geotourism management
Takagi, H, Kishida, K
( 5 ) 67 - 80 2020.03 [Refereed]
Evaluation of 34 new geosites in Geopark Chichibu and their improvements
Takagi H, Hirose, S
Bulletin of the Saitama Museum of Natural History [new series] ( 14 ) 1 - 10 2020.03 [Refereed]
Evaluation and unilization of geosites in Sanriku Geopark
Takagi, H, Nagata, S
GAKUJUTSU KENKYU, Academic Studies and Scientific Researches ( 68 ) 27 - 49 2020.03
Identification of the youngest activity of the Median Tectonic Line at Hiji outcrop, Ina City, Nagano Prefecture
Takagi, Hideo
Active Fault Research ( 50 ) 1 - 12 2019.06 [Refereed]
持続可能なジオツーリズムのためのジオサイトの評価 −三陸ジオパークの例
高木秀雄, 鈴木ドロータ, 橋長晃平
ジオパークと地域資源 ( 2 ) 2018.01 [Refereed]
綿貫 峻介, 金井 拓人, 坂 秀憲, 高木 秀雄
地質学雑誌 123 ( 7 ) 533 - 549 2017.07 [Refereed]
Identification of prospective geosites that show features of the active continental margin in eastern Kii Peninsula, Southwest Japan
Suzuki, D, Takagi, H
Acta Geotouristica 8 19 - 31 2017 [Refereed]
Low-angle structural boundaries in northern marginal area of the Kanto Mountains
Takagi, H, Arai, H, Miyashita, A
Journal of the Geological Society of Japan 122 ( 7 ) 305 - 324 2016.07 [Refereed]
Kanai, Y, Moriyama, K, Mukoyoshi, H, Takagi, H
Journal of Geological Society of Japan 121 ( 11 ) 421 - 427 2015.11 [Refereed]
Determination of the exact surface trace of the Median Tectonic Line in the Ise area, southwest Japan
Suzuki, D, Takagi, H, Kawamoto, K, Nakamura, Y, Nakamura R
Journal of Geography 124 ( 4 ) 587 - 605 2015.04 [Refereed]
R programming language to calculate the direction of crystal axis from the results of crystallographic orientation using SEM-EBSD method
Takuto Kanai, Hideo Takagi
Gakujutu Kenkyu ( 63 ) 1 - 11 2015.03
Takagi Hideo, Takahashi Masaki, Hayashi Hiroki, Kasahara Keiji, Horie Kenji, Asahara Yoshihiro, Iwano Hideki, Yamamoto Toshiya, Sekiguchi Shoji
The Journal of the Geological Society of Japan 121 ( 9 ) 325 - 337 2015 [Refereed]
Paleostress analyses by means of mixed Bingham distributions of healed microcracks in the Ryoke granites, Central Japan
Kanai, T, Yamaji, A, Takagi, H
Journal of the Geological Society of Japan 120 ( 1 ) 23 - 35 2014.01 [Refereed]
Mylonitization of older dikes in the Ryoke Belt, Awaji Island, SW Japan
Kano, H, Takagi, H
Journal of the Geological Society of Japan 119 ( 12 ) 776 - 793 2013.12 [Refereed]
Geoscience education using geoparks (Report)
Takagi, H
早稲田大学教育総合研究所 早稲田教育評論 27 ( 1 ) 165 - 182 2013.03 [Refereed]
Takagi, H, Miwa, S, Yamada, T, Nishijima, K, Yamazaki, S, Enjoji, M
Journal of the Geological Society of Japan 118 ( 9 ) 571 - 581 2012.09 [Refereed]
Integrated estimates of the thickness of the fault damage zone in granitic terrain based on penetrative mesocracks and XRD analyses of quartz
Hideo Takagi, Kazuhiro Takahashi, Koji Shimada, Kosuke Tsutsui, Reiko Miura, Narumi Kato, Shigeru Takizawa
Journal of Structural Geology 35 64 - 77 2012.02 [Refereed]
高木秀雄, 武田佳明, 石井 徹
地質学雑誌 117 ( 8 ) 453 - 457 2010.08 [Refereed]
佐藤隆恒, 高木秀雄
地質学雑誌 116 ( 6 ) 309 - 320 2010.06 [Refereed]
Takagi, H, Shimada, K, Iwano, H, Danhara, T
Journal of the Geological Society of Japan 116 ( 1 ) 45 - 50 2010.01 [Refereed]
高木秀雄, 岩野英樹, 檀原 徹
月刊 地球 32 ( 1 ) 46 - 51 2010.01
Excavation history of the Sanbagawa belt deduced from the Aoiwa Conglomerate, Kanto Mountains
Takagi Hideo, Arai Hiroyoshi, Iwasaki Ichiro, Takahashi Masaki
Jour. Geol. Soc. Japan 115 ( 5 ) IX - X 2009
高木秀雄, 三輪成徳, 横溝佳侑, 西嶋 圭, 円城寺守, 水野 崇, 天野健治
地質学雑誌 114 ( 7 ) 321 - 335 2008.07 [Refereed]
Geoparks from the viewpoints of field trips of the university
Takagi Hideo
Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan 2008 24 - 24 2008
Handa Satsuki, Takagi Hideo, Shigematu Norio, Kanagawa Kyuichi
Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan 2008 194 - 194 2008
Factor of healed microcrack setting in granitic rocks: Example in Awaji Island
Yamada Tetsushi, Takagi Hideo
Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan 2008 435 - 435 2008
高木秀雄, 石井 徹, 戸邉恵里, 曽田祐介, 鈴木和博, 岩野英樹, 檀原 徹
地質学雑誌 113 ( 1 ) 1 - 14 2007.01 [Refereed]
Origin and mechanical significance of foliated cataclastic rocks in the cores of crustal-scale faults: Examples from the Median Tectonic Line, Japan
S. P. Jefferies, R. E. Holdsworth, T. Shimamoto, H. Takagi, G. E. Lloyd, C. J. Spiers
Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth 111 ( B12 ) B12303 - B12303 2006.12 [Refereed]
戸邉恵里, 高木秀雄, 高橋雅紀
地質学雑誌 112 ( 1 ) 97 - 102 2006.01 [Refereed]
高木秀雄, 高橋雅紀
地質学雑誌 112 ( 1 ) 64 - 70 2006.01 [Refereed]
高木秀雄, 鈴木宏芳, 高橋雅紀, 濱本拓史, 林 広樹
地質学雑誌 112 ( 1 ) 52 - 63 2006.01 [Refereed]
高木秀雄, 辻森 樹
地質学雑誌 111 ( 4 ) XI - XII 2005.04 [Refereed]
Soda Yusuke, Takagi Hideo
Jour. Geol. Soc. Japan 111 ( 2 ) 120 - 120 2005
O-158 Geological correlation of the basement cores of the Iwatsuki and Matsubuse boreholes and location of the Median Tectonic Line in the Kanto Plane
Takagi Hideo, Suzuki Hiroyoshi, Hamamoto Takuji, Takahashi Masaki, Hayashi Hiroki
Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan 2004 104 - 104 2004
高木秀雄, 澤口 隆, 在田一則, 小林恵子, 淡路動太
月刊 地球/海洋出版 24 ( 4 ) 241 - 249 2002.04
在田一則, 大平寛人, 板谷徹丸, 松田高明, 高木秀雄
地学雑誌 111 ( 3 ) 430 - 435 2002 [Refereed]
阿部龍巳, 高木秀雄, 島田耕史, 木村慎治, 池山恵介, 宮下 敦
地質学雑誌/日本地質学会 107 ( 5 ) 337 - 353 2001.05 [Refereed]
Shimada, K, Kobari, Y, Okamoto, T, Takagi, H, Saka, Y
地質学雑誌 107 ( 2 ) 117 - 128 2001.02 [Refereed]
Elongated orthopyroxene porphyroclasts as a shear sense indicator and kinematic history of the Horoman Peridotite Complex, Hokkaido, Japan
Sawaguchi, T, Goto, K, Takagi, H
Journal of the Geological Society of Japan 107 ( 2 ) 165 - 178 2001.02 [Refereed]
高木秀雄, 島田耕史, 坂 幸恭, 荒井誠一, 小針雄一郎, 岡本孝之
地質学雑誌/日本地質学会 107 ( 2 ) III - IV 2001.02 [Refereed]
Timing of the hydrothermal alteration associated with fault activities along the Ulsan Fault Zonhe, southeast Korea
Cho, K-H, Takagi, H, Awaji,D, Iwamura, D, Chang, T-W, Itaya, T
Journal of the Korea Society of Economic and Environmental Geology 34 583 - 593 2001 [Refereed]
小林靖弘, 高木秀雄, 加藤 潔, 山後公二, 柴田 賢
地質学論集 ( 56 ) 65 - 88 2000.03 [Refereed]
小林靖弘, 高木秀雄
地質学論集 ( 56 ) 103 - 122 2000.03 [Refereed]
新井宏嘉, 村上慎二郎, 高木秀雄
地質学論集 ( 56 ) 123 - 136 2000.03 [Refereed]
高木秀雄, 曽田祐介, 吉村浄治
地質学論集 ( 56 ) 213 - 220 2000.03 [Refereed]
戸邉恵里, 高木秀雄, 柴田 賢
地質学論集 ( 56 ) 221 - 228 2000.03 [Refereed]
島田耕史, 高木秀雄, 諏訪兼位, 林田守生
日本地質学会第106年学術大会見学旅行案内書 141 - 162 1999.10 [Refereed]
構造地質 ( 43 ) 21 - 31 1999.10 [Refereed]
Ductile deformation of the Horoman peridotite complex, Hokkaido, Japan.
Sawaguchi, T, Takagi, H
Field Excursion Guidebook-Hidaka Collision Zone, The Second Joint Meeting of Korean and Japanese STRG. 3 - 21 1999.08
CHIME monazite age of granitic rocks in the Sunchang shear zone, Korea:timing of dextral ductile shear.
Cho, K-H, Takagi, H, Suzuki, K
Geoscience Journal 3 ( 1 ) 1 - 15 1999.03 [Refereed]
四国鳥形山地域黒瀬川帯,三滝花崗岩類のK-Ar 年代とその意義.
高木秀雄, 柴田 賢, 内海 茂
早稲田大学教育学部学術研究 (生物学・地学編) 47 ( 47 ) 1 - 5 1999.02
月刊地球 21 50 - 54 1999.02
The Journal of the Geological Society of Japan 104 ( 12 ) 825 - 844 1998.12 [Refereed]
高木秀雄, 澤口 隆, 島田耕史, 阿部龍巳
月刊地球/海洋出版 20 ( 2 ) 113 - 119 1998.02
月刊地球/海洋出版 19 ( 2 ) 111 - 116 1997.02
Inverted ductile shear movement of the Horoman peridotite complex in the Hidaka metamorphic belt, Hokkaido, Japan
Sawaguchi, T, Takagi, H
地質学論集 ( 47 ) 193 - 208 1997.01 [Refereed]
高木秀雄, 柴田 賢
テクトニクスと変成作用(原郁夫先生退官記念論文集)/創文 211 - 219 1996.12 [Refereed]
Identification of natural and syntheric rock-crystals by FT-IR and Cathodoluminescence method method
Hayashi, M, Nonaka, Y, Takagi, H
宝石学会誌/宝石学会日本 21;1-4 1996.12 [Refereed]
地質学雑誌/日本地質学会 102;8 1996.04 [Refereed]
Makimoto, H, Takagi, H, Miyachi, Y, Nakano, S, Kato, H, Yoshioka, T
地域地質研究報告「5万分の1地質図幅」/地質調査所 1 - 114 1996.03 [Refereed]
田中秀実, 高木秀雄, 井上 良
構造地質 ( 41 ) 31 - 44 1996.03 [Refereed]
高木秀雄, 小林健太, 坂 幸恭, 加藤 潔, 松田達生, 江原宏幸
構造地質 41 ( 41 ) 1 - 15 1996.03 [Refereed]
Pressure fringes and pressure shadows indicative of progressive deformation
Takagi, H., Ishii, K., Kanagawa, K.
地質学雑誌/日本地質学会 102;3 1996.03 [Refereed]
山田直利, 柴田 賢, 佃 栄吉, 内海 茂, 松本哲一, 高木秀雄, 赤羽久忠
地質調査所月報 43 ( 12 ) 759 - 779 1992.12 [Refereed]
Development of composite planar fabrics in mylonites along the Median Tectonic Line, southwest Japan
Takagi, H
The Island Arc 1 92 - 102 1992.08 [Refereed]
月刊 地球/海洋出版 14 ( 4 ) 241 - 246 1992.04
寄居変成岩-関東山地北縁部の異地性変成岩体 その1.泥質片麻岩中のざくろ石の化学組成について
早稲田大学教育学部 学術研究 (生物学・地学編) 40 ( 40 ) 9 - 25 1991.12
柴田 賢, 杉山雄一, 高木秀雄, 内海 茂
地質調査所月報 39 ( 12 ) 759 - 781 1988.12 [Refereed]
構造地質 ( 33 ) 1 - 11 1988 [Refereed]
伊藤真弓, 高木秀雄
構造地質 ( 33 ) 59 - 67 1988 [Refereed]
早稲田大学教育学部学術研究(生物学・地学編) 32 ( 12 ) 47 - 60 1983.12
早稲田大学教育学部学術研究(生物学・地学編) 31 49 - 57 1982.12
Shibata, K, Takagi, H
地質学雑誌 87 ( 4 ) 259 - 262 1981.04 [Refereed]
A study on orthoquartzitic clasts in the Tertiary Hatabu Formation in Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi Prefecture, Southwest Japan
Takagi, H
Journal of Earth Sci., Nagoya Univ. 26/27 19 - 47 1979.12
500 Million Years History of Japanese Islands Read by Topography and Geology
Hideo Takagi( Part: Supervisor (editorial))
Takarajimasya 2020.03 ISBN: 9784299003324
Basic Earth Science (3rd.ed.)
2019.08 ISBN: 9784254160741
Geo-World Boso Peninsula
( Part: Edit)
Earth, Environment and Resources-to build a harmonious relationship between the Earth and human beings (2nd.ed.)
Etsuo Uchida, Hideo Takagi( Part: Edit)
Kyoritsu Pub. Co., Ltd. 2019.03 ISBN: 9784320047341
Beautiful Earth traced by World Natural Heritage
Hideo Takagi( Part: Supervisor (editorial))
Shinsei Publishing Co.,Ltd. 2018.12 ISBN: 9784405108080
500 Million Year History of Japanese Islands
Hideo Takagi( Part: Supervisor (editorial))
Yosensha 2018.05 ISBN: 9784800314338
Geological and geomorphological feature of Japan viewed in chronological order
Takagi, Hideo( Part: Sole author)
2017.01 ISBN: 9784416517031
高木秀雄, 本間岳史, 露木和男( Part: Joint author)
日本地質学会(地質リーフレットたんけんシリーズ5) 2016.03
日本地質学会構造地質部会編, 編集委員長, 高木秀雄
朝倉書店 2012.05 ISBN: 9784254162738
早稲田大学出版部 2012.04 ISBN: 9784657123039
内田悦生, 高木秀雄
共立出版 2008.09
中島 隆, 高木秀雄, 石井和彦, 竹下 徹
共立出版 2004.05
地球環境システム(2.高木秀雄 地震と活断層)
円城寺 守
学文社 2004.03
西村祐二郎, 鈴木盛久, 今岡照喜, 高木秀雄, 金折裕司, 磯崎行雄
朝倉書店 2002.10
Fault-related rocks-a photographic atlas.
Snoke, A. W, Tullis, J, Todd, V. R., ed
Princeton Univ. Press 1998.11
改訂 基礎地質図学
大杉 徴, 坂 幸恭, 高木秀雄
前野書店 1997.04
地球環境の復元 (第6章 関東山地北部の異地性岩体とナップ構造)
大原 隆 編
朝倉書店 1992.07
地球の探求 (第9章 岩石の流動と変形小構造)
大原 隆, 西田 孝, 木下 肇 編
朝倉書店 1989.05
Rheology of Solids and of the Earth (19. Ductile shear zones : microstructures of mylonites)
Karato, S, Toriumi, M
Oxford University Press 1989
固体と地球のレオロジー 5-2章 Shear zoneの形成 マイロナイトの微細構造
唐戸俊一郎, 鳥海光弘
東海大学出版会 1986.10
Progress of geopark activities of Japan in last 10 years
Takagi, H, Watanabe, M
The 2nd. IGCP608 symposium, Waseda Univ.
Presentation date: 2014.09
The Coordinating Committee for Geoscience Programmes in East and Southeast Asia (CCOP) 2013 in Sendai
Presentation date: 2013.10
Use of Geoparks in Redevelopment of the Sanriku Region (which was Damaged by a Huge Tsunami of the M9.0 Tohoku Earthquake of March 11, 2011)
The 5th International UNESCO Conference on Geoparks
Presentation date: 2012.05
Microstructural studies of rocks from the 25 S oceanic core complex, along the Central Indian Ocean Ridge
EGU General Assembly Vol. 12, EGU2010-5715-2
Presentation date: 2010.12
Why have Japanese Geoparks been established so rapidly in the last three years?
Joint Meeting of Korean and Japanese Geological Societies -Muroto Geopark-
Presentation date: 2010.08
Estimation of regional paleostress field by intracrystalline healed microcracks in quartz grains from granitic bodies
AOGS Meeting, Busan, SE52-A004
Presentation date: 2008.06
Fission-track dating of zircons in pseudotachylytes from a brittle-ductile shear zone and an active fault in Japan, and from a large-scale landslide in Langtang, Nepal
EGU General Assembly A-04746
Presentation date: 2007.04
3-D geometric analyses of intragranular and transgranular, healed and sealed microcracks in granite: examples near the Nojima Fault, SW Japan
Annual Meeting of the Geological Societyt of America, Salt Lake City, 89-5
Presentation date: 2005.10
Occurrence of pseudotachylytes from cataclastic-plastic transition and near-surface crustal levels
AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, T23A-0552
Presentation date: 2004.12
Pseudotachylyte dating by zircon fission track thermochronology
Goldschmidt Conference Abstracts 2003 A314
Presentation date: 2004.08
3-D analyses of healed and sealed intragranular and transgranular cracks
32nd International Geological Congress, Florence, Abstracts G23-05, 309-25
Presentation date: 2004.08
Strike-slip inversion along the MTL-TTL, major along-arc faults in Japan
32nd International Geological Congress, Florence, Abstracts G23-03, 12-37
Presentation date: 2004.08
Selective frictional melting in the composite small-scale brittle-ductile shear zones, SW japan
32nd International Geological Congress, Florence, Abstracts G23-05, 309-26
Presentation date: 2004.08
AMS variation across a small-scale shear zone in granite-influence of composite planar fabric
32nd International Geological Congress, Florence, Abstracts G23-05, 309-28
Presentation date: 2004.08
larifying the western extension of the Median Tectonic Line thorough Kyushu, Japan
32nd International Geological Congress, Florence, Abstracts G10-02, 29-26
Presentation date: 2004.08
Occurrence of fault-related dark intrusive breccia in granite
Abstracts of the TSG meeting of the Transport and flow Processes in Shear Zones, Geol. Soc. London
Presentation date: 2002.09
Cyclic generation of cataclasite (pseudotachylyte) and ultramylonite in granites along the Hatagawa fault zone
Proceedings of International Symposium on Slip and Flow Processes in and below the Seismogenic Region 445-118
Presentation date: 2001.11
Kinematic history of the Main Central Thrust Zone in the Langtang area, Nepal.
Tectonic Evolution of East Asia: Abstracts of the Third Joint Meeting of Japanese and Korean STRG, Daejeon
Presentation date: 2001.08
Tectonic evolution of the Japanese Islands: Evidence from the Paleo-Ryoke and Kurosegawa Terranes.
Tectonic Evolution of East Asia: Abstracts of the Third Joint Meeting of Japanese and Korean STRG, Daejeon.
Presentation date: 2001.08
K-Ar dating of fault gouges from major active faults from Japan and Korea.
Tectonic Evolution of East Asia: Abstracts of the Third Joint Meeting of Japanese and Korean STRG, Daejeon
Presentation date: 2001.08
Fault-related dark intrusive breccia in granitic rocks.
Tectonic Evolution of East Asia: Abstracts of the Third Joint Meeting of Japanese and Korean STRG, Daejeon
Presentation date: 2001.08
Restoration of an almost lost terrane, Paleo-Ryoke Terrane, interleaved between the paired metamorphic belts, Southwest Japan
2000 Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting Program/ American Geophysical Union
Presentation date: 2000.07
Maximum and minimum estimation of the displacement of the Median Tectonic Line, SW Japan.
Abstracts of the 2nd. Joint Meeting of Korean and Japanese Structure and Tectonic Research Groups, Hokkaido, 72-73
Presentation date: 1999.08
'Degree of stair stepping' and 'area coefficient' of the 'porphyroclast region' in mylonites.
Abstracts of the 2nd. Joint Meeting of Korean and Japanese Structure and Tectonic Research Groups, Hokkaido, 96-97.
Presentation date: 1999.08
Strain analysis of boudinaged porphyroclasts in mylonite along the Median Tectonic Line, southwest Japan: implication for the lineation-normal stretch of ductile shear regime.
Canadian Tectonic Group 18th Annual Meeting Abstract (without page) ,Canmore Alberta Canada,
Presentation date: 1998.09
Karasaki mylonite - Possible constituent of the Paleo-Ryoke terrane along the Median Tectonic Line, SW Japan.
Tectonic Evolution of East Asia: First joint meetin of Japanese and Korean structure and tectonic research group, Seoul Korea 185-190
Presentation date: 1998.08
Tectonic evolution of the Atokura nappe, Kanto mountains, Central Japan.
Tectonic Evolution of East Asia: First joint meetin of Japanese and Korean structure and tectonic research group, Seoul Korea. 109-112
Presentation date: 1998.08
Implication of the simultaneous mylonitization and folding of the Ryoke schistose granitoids to the transpressional sructural evolution of the Median Tectonic Line, SW Japan
Tectonic Evolution of East Asia: First joint meetin of Japanese and Korean structure and tectonic research group, Seoul Korea. 173-178
Presentation date: 1998.08
Geological structures of the Sambagawa metamorphic belt in Kanto mountains, Central Japan.
Tectonic Evolution of East Asia: First joint meetin of Japanese and Korean structure and tectonic research group, Seoul Korea. 103-108
Presentation date: 1998.08
Fault rocks generated in cataclastic-plastic transition zone.
Tectonic Evolution of East Asia: First joint meetin of Japanese and Korean structure and tectonic research group, Seoul Korea 179-184
Presentation date: 1998.08
Structural analysis and determination of the timing of dextral ductile shear in the Soonchang shear zone in Korea.
Short Papers for the International Symposium on the Occasion of the 50th Anniversary of the Geol. Soc. Korea
Presentation date: 1997.09
Geotectonic significance of Ailao Shan shear zone, a high T/lowT metamorphic boundary, Yunnan, China.
Short Papers for the International Symposium on the Occasion of the 50th Anniversary of the Geol. Soc. Korea.
Presentation date: 1997.09
Tectonic evolution of the Atokura nappe, Kanto mountains, Central Japan.
Tectonic Evolution of East Asia: First joint meetin of Japanese and Korean structure and tectonic research group, Seoul Korea.
Presentation date: 1997.09
Movement history and its tectonic implication of the Median Tectonic Line, Southwest Japan.
30th IGC Abstracts, Beijing, China 3 (WB-1)
Presentation date: 1996.08
Inverted ductile shear deformation of the Horoman peridotite complex, Hokkaido, Japan.
Sawaguchi, T. and Takagi, H.
Presentation date: 1996.08
Movement diretion of the Atokura Nappe in the Sambagawa belt viewed from structural analysis of basal fault plane
29th IGC abstracts, Kyoto I-3-35
Presentation date: 1992.08
ntracrystalline strain of quartz grains in fault rocks estimated by X-ray line broadening
29th IGC abstracts, Kyoto I-3-35
Presentation date: 1992.08
Re-examination of the movement history of the Median Tectonic Line in Ina area
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
Takagi Hideo
Exhumation processes of the high-P metamorphic rocks constrained by integrated radiogenic ages of zircon in the clasts of the Miocene conglomerates
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
Internal Structure of the Median Tectonic Line fault zone revealed by analysis of continuous borehole core
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
Determination of the history of fault activity using pseudotachylyte from the Median Tectonic Line and from the Atotsugawa Fault
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
Reconstruction of the paleostress field on the basis of 3-D analyzes of healed miocrocracks in granitic rocks
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
Project Year :
Integrated studies on Himalayan uplift and climatic changes - A case of Kathmandu Nappe
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
ARITA Kazunori, SAKAI Tetsuya, TAKAGI Hideo, WATANABE Teiji, SAKAI Harutaka, KIMURA Kazuo
Distribution Characteristics of Mineral Deposits in Southwestern China
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
SHOJI Tetsuya, KOBAYASHI Shoichi, KANEDA Hiroaki
Restoration of the Paleo Ryoke Terrane - Geotectonic Evolwtion of Kyshu
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
TAKAGI Hideo, SUZUKI Kazuhiro
Distribution characteristics of mineral deposits in Yunnan, China
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
SHOJI Tetsuya, LUO Junlie, SATO Kohei, TAKAGI Hideo, KOBAYASHI Shoichi, ITAYA Tetsumaru, KANEDA Hiroaki, ZHAO Min, DING Jun, MENG Xianguo, ZHAO Pengda
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業
Project Year :
高木 秀雄
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業
Project Year :
高木 秀雄
Activities of the Geological Society of Japan in support of reconstruction after the 2011 Tohoku earthquake disaster
Takagi, H
Proceedings of the Thematic Session, 49th CCOP Annual Session, 22-23 0ct. 2013, Sendai, Japan, GSJ Open-File Report. ( 609 ) 1 - 8 2014.11 [Invited]
飯塚亮太, 高木秀雄, 岩野英樹, 石田章純, 佐野有司
日本地質学会学術大会講演要旨 121st 2014
Geological framework and fission track dating of pseudotachylyte of the atotsugawa fault, magawa area, central Japan
Hideo Takagi, Kosuke Tsutsui, Hiroyoshi Arai, Hideki Iwano, Tohru Danhara
Island Arc 22 ( 3 ) 318 - 337 2013.09 [Refereed]
Geological framework and fission track dating of pseudotachylyte of the Atotsugawa Fault, Magawa area, central Japan
Hideo Takagi, Kosuke Tsutsui, Hiroyoshi Arai, Hideki Iwano, Tohru Danhara
ISLAND ARC 22 ( 3 ) 318 - 337 2013.09
Geological framework and fission track dating of pseudotachylyte of the Atotsugawa Fault, Magawa area, central Japan
Takagi, H, Tsutsui, K, Arai, H, Iwano, H, Danhara, T
Island Arc in press 1 - 20 2013
ジオパークを活用した地学教育の実践 (報告)
早稲田大学教育総合研究所 早稲田教育評論 27 ( 1 ) 165 - 182 2013
早稲田大学教育総合研究所 早稲田教育評論 27 ( 1 ) 165 - 182 2013
Integrated estimates of the thickness of the fault damage zone in granitic terrain based on penetrative mesocracks and XRD analyses of quartz
Hideo Takagi, Kazuhiro Takahashi, Koji Shimada, Kosuke Tsutsui, Reiko Miura, Narumi Kato, Shigeru Takizawa
Integrated estimates of the thickness of the fault damage zone in granitic terrain based on penetrative mesocracks and XRD analyses of quartz
Hideo Takagi, Kazuhiro Takahashi, Koji Shimada, Kosuke Tsutsui, Reiko Miura, Narumi Kato, Shigeru Takizawa
JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY 35 64 - 77 2012.02 [Refereed]
The first (U-Th)/He thermochronology of pseudotachylyte from the Median Tectonic Line, southwest Japan
Kunimi Yamada, Takahiro Hanamuro, Takahiro Tagami, Koji Shimada, Hideo Takagi, Ryuji Yamada, Koji Umeda
JOURNAL OF ASIAN EARTH SCIENCES 45 17 - 23 2012.02 [Refereed]
Integrated estimates of the thickness of the fault damage zone in granitic terrain based on penetrative mesocracks and XRD analyses of quartz
Hideo Takagi, Kazuhiro Takahashi, Koji Shimada, Kosuke Tsutsui, Reiko Miura, Narumi Kato, Shigeru Takizawa
Admissions policy of the Department of Earth Sciences, School of Education, Waseda University
The Quaternary research 50 S139 - S141 2011.04
Takagi, H, Shimada, K, Iwano, H, Danhara, T
Journal of the Geological Society of Japan 116 ( 1 ) 45 - 50 2010.01 [Refereed]
高木秀雄, 岩野英樹, 檀原 徹
月刊 地球 32 ( 1 ) 46 - 51 2010.01 [Refereed]
関東山地東縁部,比企丘陵中新統青岩礫岩中の変成岩礫のK-Ar 年代
新井宏嘉, 高木秀雄, 岩崎一郎, 浅原良浩, 高橋雅紀
地質学雑誌 115 ( 5 ) 223 - 241 2009.05 [Refereed]
S-24 Geoparks from the viewpoints of field trips of the university
Takagi Hideo
115 13 - 13 2008.09
P-100 Paleostress analyses and estimation of bending of the Median Tectonic Line using healed microcracks from the Ryoke granites
Aizawa Shinsuke, Takagi Hideo
115 221 - 221 2008.09
O-142 Drilling of the Median Tectonic Line to understand the fault internal structure
Shigematsu N., Koizumi N., Fujimoto K., Wallis S., Takahashi M., Nakajima T., Kimura N., Uehara S., Takesita T., Takagi H.
115 102 - 102 2008.09
O-136 Relations between misorientation of quartz boundary and etching effect : Method of grain boundary detection for quartz aggregate in mylonites
Handa Satsuki, Takagi Hideo, Shigematsu Norio, Kanagawa Kyuichi
115 99 - 99 2008.09
Clockwise 180 degrees rotation of slip direction in a superficial nappe pile emplaced upon a high-P/T type metamorphic terrane in central Japan
Hiroyoshi Arai, Kenta Kobayashi, Hideo Takagi
GONDWANA RESEARCH 13 ( 3 ) 319 - 330 2008.04
O-152 Shear deformation and K-Ar age of the basement plutonic rocks of the Kukizaki core, southern Tsukuba Town
Takagi Hideo, Takahashi Masaki, Hayashi Hiroki, Kasahara Keiji, Yamamoto Toshiya
114 137 - 137 2007.09
O-133 Development of quartz microstructure and the crystallographic preffered orientation during the mylonitization in the MTL, the eastern Kii Peninsula
Shigematsu N., Handa S., Takagi H., Kanagawa K., Shimada K.
114 127 - 127 2007.09
P-105 Brittle deformation aspects along the Median Tectonic Line, central Japan
Yasuhara Takeo, Takagi Hideo, Kawamoto Kazurou
114 268 - 268 2007.09
P-107 Fault zone analyses and paleostress transition in the eastern part of the Tanzawa tonalite complex
Sato Takatsune, Takagi Hideo
114 269 - 269 2007.09
P-101 Method of grain boundary detection for quartz in mylonites using etching
Handa Satsuki, Takagi Hideo, Shigematsu Norio, Kanagawa Kyuichi
114 266 - 266 2007.09
P-106 Dark intrusive rocks in Ryoke granitic rocks : possibility of slow-cooling type pseudotachylyte
Arai Yusuke, Hosomi Yukinobu, Arai Hiroyoshi, Takagi Hideo
114 268 - 268 2007.09
Timing of the Tsergo Ri landslide, Langtang Himal, determined by fission-track dating of pseudotachylyte
Hideo Takagi, Kazunori Arita, Tohru Danhara, Hideki Iwano
JOURNAL OF ASIAN EARTH SCIENCES 29 ( 2-3 ) 466 - 472 2007.02 [Refereed]
O-23 The correlation of Pliocene garnet tephras in the southern Kanto area and the volcanic activity in the Tanzawa area at about 2.5 Ma
73 73 - 73 2007
Origin and mechanical significance of foliated cataclastic rocks in the cores of crustal-scale faults: Examples from the Median Tectonic Line, Japan
Jefferies, S. P, Holdsworth, R. E, Shimamoto, T, Takagi, H, Lloyd, G. E, Spiers, C. J
Journal of Geophysical Research 111 ( B12303 ) B12303 - B12303 2006.12
三輪成徳, 高木秀雄, 西嶋圭, 横溝佳侑, 円城寺守, 水野崇
日本地質学会学術大会講演要旨 113th 208 2006.09
Geotectonic boundary between Northeast and Southwest Japan concealed beneath the Kanto Plain : integrated approach of surface and subsurface geology
Takagi Hideo, Takahashi Masaki
Journal of the Geological Society of Japan 112 ( 1 ) 1 - 1 2006.01
Tobe Eri, Takagi Hideo, Takahashi Masaki
Journal of the Geological Society of Japan 112 ( 1 ) 98 - 103 2006
Takagi Hideo, Takahashi Masaki
Journal of the Geological Society of Japan 112 ( 1 ) 65 - 71 2006
Takagi Hideo, Suzuki Hiroyoshi, Takahashi Masaki, Hamamoto Takuji, Hayashi Hiroki
Journal of the Geological Society of Japan 112 ( 1 ) 53 - 64 2006
Takagi Hideo, Ishii Toru, Tobe Eri, Soda Yusuke, Suzuki Kazuhiro, Iwano Hideki, Danhara Tohru
Journal of the Geological Society of Japan 113 ( 1 ) 1 - 14 2006
Dating of fault gouges from the major active faults in southwest Japan: Constraints from integrated K-Ar and XRD analyses
Hideo Takagi, Akira Iwamura, Dohta Awaji, Tetsumaru Itaya, Toshinori Okada
AAPG Memoir 85 ( 85 ) 287 - 301 2005
Fault-related dark intrusive breccia in granitic rocks
Shimadzu Misako, Hosomi Yukinobu, Takagi Hideo
257 - 257 2003
高木秀雄, 澤口 隆, 在田一則, 小林恵子, 淡路動太
月刊 地球/海洋出版 24 ( 4 ) 241 - 249 2002.04 [Refereed]
Shimada, K, Kobari, Y, Okamoto, T, Takagi, H, Saka, Y
地質学雑誌 107 ( 2 ) 117 - 128 2001.02
Sawaguchi Takashi, Goto Kentaro, Takagi Hideo
Journal of the Geological Society of Japan 107 ( 2 ) 165 - 178 2001
New Model of the Restoration of Paleo-Ryoke Kurosegawa Terrane Along the Median Tectonic Line, Japanese Islands
Hideo Takagi, Hiroyoshi Arai
Gondwana Research 4 ( 4 ) 795 - 796 2001 [Refereed]
Book review, literature introduction, etc.
Elongated orthopyroxene porphyroclasts as a shear sense indicator and
Sawaguchi, T, Goto, K, Takagi, H
地質学雑誌 107 ( 2 ) 165 - 178 2001
Ductile deformation of the Horoman peridotite complex, Hokkaido, Japan.
Sawaguchi, T, Takagi, H
Field Excursion Guidebook-Hidaka Collision Zone, The Second Joint Meeting of Korean and Japanese STRG. 3 - 21 1999.08
Ductile deformation of the Horoman peridotite complex, Hokkaido, Japan.
Sawaguchi, T, Takagi, H
Field Excursion Guidebook-Hidaka Collision Zone, The Second Joint Meeting of Korean and Japanese STRG. 3 - 21 1999.08 [Refereed]
四国鳥形山地域黒瀬川帯,三滝花崗岩類のK-Ar 年代とその意義.
高木秀雄, 柴田 賢, 内海 茂
早稲田大学教育学部学術研究 (生物学・地学編) ( 47 ) 1 - 5 1999.02 [Refereed]
月刊地球 21 50 - 54 1999.02 [Refereed]
高木秀雄, 澤口 隆, 島田耕史, 阿部龍巳
月刊地球/海洋出版 20 ( 2 ) 113 - 119 1998.02 [Refereed]
月刊地球/海洋出版 19 ( 2 ) 111 - 116 1997.02 [Refereed]
Inverted ductile shear movement of the Horoman peridotite complex in the Hidaka metamorphic belt, Hokkaido, Japan
Sawaguchi, T, Takagi, H
地質学論集 ( 47 ) 193 - 208 1997.01
231. Ductile shear deformation in the Sambagawa belt in the Kanto Mountains : examples along the Ogawa route
Kimura Shinji, Takagi Hideo
100 451 - 451 1993.03
230. Kinematics of the Median Tectonic Line viewed from asymmetric fablics of fault gouge
Inoue Makoto, Tanaka Hidemi, Takagi Hideo
100 450 - 450 1993.03
355. Permian granitic rocks in Japanese Islands : their distribution and occurrence
Takagi Hideo, Shibata Ken
100 581 - 581 1993.03
月刊 地球/海洋出版 14 ( 4 ) 241 - 246 1992.04 [Refereed]
Development of composite planar fabric in mylonites along the Median Tectonic Line, southwest Japan
Hideo Takagi
Island Arc 1 ( 1 ) 92 - 102 1992
寄居変成岩-関東山地北縁部の異地性変成岩体 その1.泥質片麻岩中のざくろ石の化学組成について
早稲田大学教育学部 学術研究 (生物学・地学編) 40 9 - 25 1991.12 [Refereed]
447 マイロナイトに発達するShear band foliationについて
高木 秀雄, 伊藤 真弓, 大澤 英昭, 林 正貴
日本地質学会学術大会講演要旨 93 560 - 560 1986.04
早稲田大学教育学部学術研究(生物学・地学編) 32 ( 12 ) 47 - 60 1983.12 [Refereed]
早稲田大学教育学部学術研究(生物学・地学編) 31 49 - 57 1982.12
Shibata, K, Takagi, H
地質学雑誌 87 ( 4 ) 259 - 262 1981.04 [Refereed]
A study on orthoquartzitic clasts in the Tertiary Hatabu Formation in Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi Prefecture, Southwest Japan
Takagi, H
Journal of Earth Sci., Nagoya Univ. 26/27 19 - 47 1979.12
Faculty of Science and Engineering Graduate School of Creative Science and Engineering
Affiliated organization Global Education Center
Waseda Research Institute for Science and Engineering Concurrent Researcher
Institute for Advanced Studies in Education Concurrent Researcher
2002 小川 誠, 澤口 隆
2000 小川 誠, 重松 紀生
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