Updated on 2025/03/12


Faculty of Education and Integrated Arts and Sciences, School of Education
Job title
理学博士 ( 名古屋大学 )

Education Background

  • 1978.04

    Nagoya University   Graduate School of Sciences   Department of Earth Sciences  

  • 1974.04

    Chiba University   Faculty of Science   Department of Earth Sciences  

Committee Memberships

  • 2015.05

    Japan Geoparks Committee  Adviser

  • 2015.05

    日本ジオパーク委員会  顧問

  • 2008.05

    Japan Geoparks Committee  Committee member

  • 2008.05

    日本ジオパーク委員会  委員

  • 2014.08

    Geoparks Assisting Committee of the Geological Society of Japan  Committee member

  • 2014.08

    日本地質学会ジオパーク支援委員会  委員

▼display all

Professional Memberships


    Japanese Society for Active Fault Studies


    Tokyo Geographical Society


    Japan Geoscience Union


    Geological Society of Japan

Research Areas

  • Solid earth sciences

Research Interests

  • Geology


  • The Geological Society of Korea Award for Distinguished Service


  • The Geological Society of Japan Young Scientist Award




  • Development of a method for presuming the density and effective atomic number of mineral samples by utilizing medical X-ray CT scanning

       2020.11  [Refereed]

  • Deformation conditions and kinematics of fault rocks in the Hatagawa Fault Zone and the Shajigami Shear Zone, Northeast Japan: Insights from calcite and quartz microstructures

    Watanuki, S, Hisada, T, Onoda, J, Hisasue, S, Kanai, T, Takagi, H

    Journal of Structural Geology   137  2020.08  [Refereed]

  • Variations in the proportions of high schools offering basic and advanced Earth science classes in prefectures throughout Japan

    Yoshida, K, Takagi, H

    Journal of Geography(Chigaku Zasshi)   129 ( 3 )  2020.06  [Refereed]

  • Evaluation of geosites in Shimonita Geopark -For sustainable geotourism management

    Takagi, H, Kishida, K

      ( 5 ) 67 - 80  2020.03  [Refereed]

  • Evaluation of 34 new geosites in Geopark Chichibu and their improvements

    Takagi H, Hirose, S

    Bulletin of the Saitama Museum of Natural History [new series]   ( 14 ) 1 - 10  2020.03  [Refereed]

  • Evaluation and unilization of geosites in Sanriku Geopark

    Takagi, H, Nagata, S

    GAKUJUTSU KENKYU, Academic Studies and Scientific Researches   ( 68 ) 27 - 49  2020.03

  • Identification of the youngest activity of the Median Tectonic Line at Hiji outcrop, Ina City, Nagano Prefecture

    Takagi, Hideo

    Active Fault Research   ( 50 ) 1 - 12  2019.06  [Refereed]

  • Evaluation of Geosite for Sustainable Planning and Management in Geotourism

    Dorota Anna Suzuki, Hideo Takagi

    Geoheritage   10 ( 1 ) 123 - 135  2018.03  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Geosites are sites of scientific interest based on geology or geomorphology that can serve various purposes such as research, conservation, education, tourism, and sustainable development. Quantifying their value to potential visitors and researchers is widely recognized as a useful tool for the effective development and management and for the protection of geological heritage of a certain area. Although many quantitative evaluation schemes have been proposed for various types of sites in Europe, over the past two decades, the schemes can give widely variable results for the same sites due to differences in needs and expectations, which can present difficulties for inter-site comparison for management purposes. It therefore remains necessary to develop a uniform evaluation scheme with low overall complexity to assist with prioritization and management. This study presents a new evaluation scheme based on the most commonly used attributes for quantifying geosites as applied to geomorphological landscapes and geological processes with natural and/or cultural heritage. The utility of the evaluation scheme is demonstrated through application to selected geosites in Japan, Germany, and Poland. The results clearly show the present condition of geosites, identify their promotional advantages and disadvantages, and provide a widely applicable reference for planning and development of such sites for geotourism.



  • 持続可能なジオツーリズムのためのジオサイトの評価 −三陸ジオパークの例

    高木秀雄, 鈴木ドロータ, 橋長晃平

    ジオパークと地域資源   ( 2 )  2018.01  [Refereed]

  • 青森県白神山地西部に発達する入良川マイロナイト帯の変形微細構造

    綿貫 峻介, 金井 拓人, 坂 秀憲, 高木 秀雄

    地質学雑誌   123 ( 7 ) 533 - 549  2017.07  [Refereed]

  • Identification of prospective geosites that show features of the active continental margin in eastern Kii Peninsula, Southwest Japan

    Suzuki, D, Takagi, H

    Acta Geotouristica   8   19 - 31  2017  [Refereed]

  • Low-angle structural boundaries in northern marginal area of the Kanto Mountains

    Takagi, H, Arai, H, Miyashita, A

    Journal of the Geological Society of Japan   122 ( 7 ) 305 - 324  2016.07  [Refereed]


  • Determination of the stress conditions of the ductile-to-brittle regime along the Asuke Shear Zone, SW Japan

    Takuto Kanai, Hideo Takagi

    Journal of Structural Geology   85   154 - 167  2016.04  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    The stress conditions of the ductile-to-brittle regime have been assessed along the Asuke Shear Zone (ASZ), which strikes NE-SW in the Cretaceous Ryoke granite terrain in SW Japan. Along the ASZ, pseudotachylyte and mylonitized pseudotachylyte are locally developed together with cataclasite. The simultaneous operation of dislocation creep and grain-size-sensitive creep, as indicated by the coexistence of the Z-maximum and relatively random c-axis lattice preferred orientations as well as the sizes of dynamically recrystallized quartz grains (6.40-7.79 mu m) in the mylonitized pseudotachylyte, suggest differential stresses of 110-130 MPa at similar to 300 degrees C. The e-twin morphology, twinning ratio, and distribution of the glide direction on the e-twin plane of the twinned calcite in the amygdules of the pseudotachylyte suggest the stress conditions of the sigma(1) and sigma(3) axes trend 228 degrees and 320 degrees and plunge 55 degrees and 1 degrees, respectively, and indicate differential stresses of 40-80 MPa at 150-200 degrees C. Based on kinematic indicators in the fault rocks, the stress conditions estimated from calcite twins, and the cooling history of the granitic protolith, the ASZ is inferred to have been activated under a stress state that caused sinistral normal movements before and after pseudotachylyte formation at 70-50 Ma. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



  • Preparation condition of rock thin section for electron backscatter diffraction analysis: Examples of quartz and calcite

    Kanai, Y, Moriyama, K, Mukoyoshi, H, Takagi, H

    Journal of Geological Society of Japan   121 ( 11 ) 421 - 427  2015.11  [Refereed]

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    Crystallographic orientations of minerals were determined by electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) under a scanning electron microscope. In this study, we introduce a technique for vibratory polishing of rock samples using colloidal silica (CS), for EBSD analysis of quartz in granite and calcite in limestone. Evaluation of the surface state consisted of a band contrast (BC) measure to represent the surface state, a hit rate to represent the success rate of indexing, and a mean angular deviation (MAD) to represent the accuracy of indexing. The factor that most affected the BC and the hit rate was the total amount of displacement of the sample. However, the BC and hit rate also showed a dependency on the crystallographic orientation. When eight Kikuchi bands were detected, the value of the MAD was < 1°, and the MAD was independent of the BC. The BC measure showed that the optimal CS polishing times for quartz and calcite were 3 hours and 1 hour, respectively. When preparing a sample with for the first time, CS polishing for 3 hours and detection of the eight Kikuchi bands provide the most effective method for determining crystallographic orientations.

    DOI CiNii

  • Determination of the exact surface trace of the Median Tectonic Line in the Ise area, southwest Japan

    Suzuki, D, Takagi, H, Kawamoto, K, Nakamura, Y, Nakamura R

    Journal of Geography   124 ( 4 ) 587 - 605  2015.04  [Refereed]

  • R programming language to calculate the direction of crystal axis from the results of crystallographic orientation using SEM-EBSD method

    Takuto Kanai, Hideo Takagi

    Gakujutu Kenkyu   ( 63 ) 1 - 11  2015.03

  • Estimation of size distribution of quartz particles in brittle fault rocks using image analyses

    IKEYA Masami, KANAI Takuto, TAKAGI Hideo

    Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan   2015   525 - 525  2015

    DOI CiNii

  • Geological relationships between the Mikabu belt and the Chichibu belt, eastern Kanto Mountains.

    Kawashima Yosuke, Takagi Hideo

    Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan   2015   412 - 412  2015

    DOI CiNii

  • Deformation mechanisms of ultrafine carbonate vein along the Doshigawa Fault, Tanzawa area.

    Hisasue Shuya, Takagi Hideo

    Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan   2015   510 - 510  2015

    DOI CiNii

  • Cathodoluminescence spectra properties of quartz in fault rocks

    Tano Kotaro, Kanai Takuto, Takagi Hideo

    Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan   2015   509 - 509  2015

    DOI CiNii

  • Integrated isotopic ages and correlation of the basement plutonic rocks of the borehole (Kukizaki core) at southern Tsukuba City, Japan

    Takagi Hideo, Takahashi Masaki, Hayashi Hiroki, Kasahara Keiji, Horie Kenji, Asahara Yoshihiro, Iwano Hideki, Yamamoto Toshiya, Sekiguchi Shoji

    The Journal of the Geological Society of Japan   121 ( 9 ) 325 - 337  2015  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    We investigated the petrology and geochronology of Pre-Neogene basement core samples obtained at Kukizaki (southern Tsukuba observatory well) in 2006 by the National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention (NIED). The depths of the excavated core samples of the basement rocks were 801-804 m, 944-947 m, 1,111-1,114 m, and 1,114-1,117 m. The basement rocks consisted mainly of mylonitized hornblende biotite tonalite (shallower cores) and hornblende gabbro (deeper cores). In the 944-947-m core, the mylonitic foliation dips northward at low to high angles (average dip, ~40°), as determined from an oriented sample. The thickness of the mylonite zone is at least 200 m. Kinematic indicators within the oriented mylonite sample indicate a top-to-the-southwest thrust/sinistral shear sense. The K-Ar hornblende age obtained on the gabbro (depth, 1,115 m)is 66.1±1.1 Ma, and the SHRIMP U-Pb zircon age of tonalite (depth, 803 m) is 86.3±0.6 Ma. Initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios (SrI), calculated using the U-Pb ages of whole-rock samples of both tonalite (depth, 803 m) and gabbro (depth, 1,115 m), are 0.7067 and 0.7073, respectively. These isotopic ages and SrI values of rocks from the Kukizaki core are concordant with those of the Ryoke granitic rocks, including the Iwatsuki mylonite obtained at a depth of 3506.6 m in the Kanto Plain, whereas the ages are discordant with the Tsukuba granitic rocks, which are younger in age (ca. 60 Ma) and show higher SrIs (>0.711). However, zircon fission-track age dating of the tonalite sample (depth, 803 m) yielded an age of 16.9±0.6 Ma (Miocene), which is discordant with the U-Pb age but is similar to the K-Ar biotite age of 17.65±0.29 Ma of the Iwatsuki quartz porphyry (depth, 3346-2864 m), suggesting that thermal effects of the acidic intrusion at Iwatsuki extend eastward to Kukizaki. Considering the isotopic data and the sinistral/thrust shear sense in the Kukizaki core, we infer that the mylonite zone in the Kukizaki core is the northeastern extension of the mylonite zone observed in the Ryoke belt along the Median Tectonic Line in the Kanto region.

    DOI CiNii

  • Paleostress analyses by means of mixed Bingham distributions of healed microcracks in the Ryoke granites, Central Japan

    Kanai, T, Yamaji, A, Takagi, H

    Journal of the Geological Society of Japan   120 ( 1 ) 23 - 35  2014.01  [Refereed]

  • Mylonitization of older dikes in the Ryoke Belt, Awaji Island, SW Japan

    Kano, H, Takagi, H

    Journal of the Geological Society of Japan   119 ( 12 ) 776 - 793  2013.12  [Refereed]

  • Geological framework and fission track dating of pseudotachylyte of the Atotsugawa Fault, Magawa area, central Japan

    Hideo Takagi, Kosuke Tsutsui, Hiroyoshi Arai, Hideki Iwano, Tohru Danhara

    Island Arc   22 ( 3 ) 318 - 337  2013.09  [Refereed]

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    This paper describes newly discovered pseudotachylyte along the Atotsugawa Fault at the Magawa outcrop, where this fault divides Quaternary deposits in the SW from Triassic Hida granitic rocks to the NE. Within several meters of the fault surface, pseudotachylyte veins are found with a thickness of less than 10cm, but are displaced by fault brecciation. Zircon fission track dating of pseudotachylyte samples yields ages of 48.6-50.2 Ma (sample AT-A), 55.1 Ma (AT-A'-1) and 60.9 Ma (AT-D-1); the latter is similar to the fission track ages of 56.1-60.1 Ma for granitic protoliths. The results of fission track length analyses in zircon suggest that pseudotachylytes (AT-A and AT-D-1) and protolith granite are mostly annealed. Consequently, the pseudotachylyte (AT-A) reached the highest temperature during 48.6-50.2 Ma, thereby resetting the fission track system totally in zircon during faulting. Another pseudotachylyte (AT-A'-1) and its wall rock granite contain shortened tracks within zircon grains suggesting partial annealing. The age distribution pattern of the former also contains decomposed age after the normality test (Shapiro-Wilk test) in which the major age yields 52.5 Ma. Accordingly, these pseudotachylytes yield a peak age of about 50 Ma, whereas the peak ages of one pseudotachylyte (AT-D-1) and the protolith Hida granitic rocks are about 60 Ma, representing the thermal effects not caused by frictional heating but by intrusions of Late Cretaceous to Paleogene granitoids that are probably concealed below the exposed Triassic Hida granitic rocks. Such thermal effects did not affect the K-Ar muscovite age (149 Ma) for the protolith granite because of the higher closure temperature of this system. Using the new geochronological data, we can elucidate the cooling history of the Hida granitic rocks, and constrain the timing of the main pulse of pseudotachylyte generation along the Atotsugawa Fault at about 50 Ma.



  • Geoscience education using geoparks (Report)

    Takagi, H

    早稲田大学教育総合研究所 早稲田教育評論   27 ( 1 ) 165 - 182  2013.03  [Refereed]


  • Estimation of paleostress field from 3-D orientation distribution of microcracks and their geothermal conditions in the Cretaceous granitic rocks in the northern Awaji Island, central Japan

    Takagi, H, Miwa, S, Yamada, T, Nishijima, K, Yamazaki, S, Enjoji, M

    Journal of the Geological Society of Japan   118 ( 9 ) 571 - 581  2012.09  [Refereed]

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    Measurements of temporal changes in the three-dimensional (3D) orientation and density of intracrystalline healed and sealed (open) microcracks in quartz grains have enabled the reconstruction of paleostress fields and determination of the history of microcracking in the Late Cretaceous Nojima Granodiorite of northern Awaji Island. This in turn has allowed the determination of the relationship between these features and the Nojima Fault, which was seismically reactivated during the 1995 Kobe Earthquake. The 3D orientations of healed microcracks (HC) indicate that σ3 stress directions had N–S orientations at almost all locations, whereas sealed microcracks (SC) preserve evidence of NW–SE and N–S σ3 orientations. K–Ar biotite ages for the Nojima Granodiorite and fluid inclusion formation temperatures (c. 320–370°C) suggest that the healed microcracks formed at around 80 Ma. Fission-track ages of associated pseudotachylytes indicate that initial movements on the Nojima Fault probably occurred at around 56 Ma, with spatial variations in microcrack density indicating that initial faulting occurred after HC formation but before SC formation. This indicates a NW–SE σ3 orientation during HC formation (after restoration incorporating the clockwise rotation of SW Japan at c. 15 Ma), with the subsequent formation of NE–SW and E–W trending high-angle SCs filled with limonite or iron oxides. These SCs probably formed at shallower crustal depths than the HCs. The fact that the σHmax SC orientation is not consistent with the current NW–SE or WNW–ESE regional stress field means that SC formation must have ceased by the Quaternary. In addition, the HC σ3 orientation is nearly normal to the general trend of the Median Tectonic Line, suggesting the existence of a significant NW–SE extensional stress field prior to the clockwise rotation of SW Japan, rather than a NW–SE regional compressive field that would be conformable with oceanic plate movement directions during the Late Cretaceous.

    DOI CiNii

  • Integrated estimates of the thickness of the fault damage zone in granitic terrain based on penetrative mesocracks and XRD analyses of quartz

    Hideo Takagi, Kazuhiro Takahashi, Koji Shimada, Kosuke Tsutsui, Reiko Miura, Narumi Kato, Shigeru Takizawa

    Journal of Structural Geology   35   64 - 77  2012.02  [Refereed]

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    We estimated the thickness of the fault damage zone in granitoid along the linan transect at the Median Tectonic Line (MTL) and along the Magawa transect at the Atotsugawa Fault, southwest Japan, based on the density of penetrative mesocracks, and on analyses of intracrystalline strain in pulverized quartz using X-ray line broadening (beta) and the crystallinity index (Cl). The mesocrack density and intracrystalline strain show an increase toward the MTL, from similar to 400 m from the fault. High amounts of intracrystalline strain in quartz, characterized by large beta and low CI. reflect the presence of dense, heterogeneous tangles of short dislocations. For the Atotsugawa Fault, in contrast, we observed no increase in intracrystalline strain within quartz, even within highly fractured rock showing high mesocrack density located close to the fault (similar to 10 m). This difference in the intensity of intracrystalline strain close to the fault between the MTL and the Atotsugawa Fault suggests that dislocation substructures did not accumulate at shallower levels in the brittle regime, but accumulated at deeper levels. Accordingly, analyses of intracrystalline strain in pulverized quartz, using X-ray line broadening and CI are useful in evaluating the degree of cataclasis of quartz-bearing rocks at deeper levels of the brittle regime. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



  • The first (U-Th)/He thermochronology of pseudotachylyte from the Median Tectonic Line, southwest Japan

    Kunimi Yamada, Takahiro Hanamuro, Takahiro Tagami, Koji Shimada, Hideo Takagi, Ryuji Yamada, Koji Umeda

    Journal of Asian Earth Sciences   45   17 - 23  2012.02  [Refereed]

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    To constrain the thermal and its spatial conditions of pseudotachylyte formation and cooling, we dated zircons from a pseudotachylyte in the Ryoke belt obtained about 100 m north from the Median Tectonic Line in the Taki area, southwest Japan, and its host rock, the Hatai Tonalite, by the (U-Th)/He method. The ages obtained are 60.3 +/- 2.7 and 55.5 +/- 4.5 (1SE) Ma, respectively, which are essentially the same within the error. This is the first (U-Th)/He age directly measured for a pseudotachylyte. The coincidence between these ages indicates that the pseudotachylyte formed at ca. 60 Ma under the ambient temperature of about 180 degrees C, the closure temperature of zircon (U-Th)/He method. The Fish Canyon Tuff zircon, one of the most well-known geological age standards, was also dated to confirm the validity of our analyses, which yielded the weighted mean age of 29.6 +/- 1.5 (1SE) Ma, consistent with other reported ages. The average cooling rates and denudation rates of the host rock were calculated based on these ages, reported zircon fission-track ages (ca. 70 Ma) and apatite fission-track ages (ca. 40 Ma) as about 12 degrees C/Myr and about 0.6 mm/yr from 70 to 60 Ma, and about 4 degrees C/Myr and about 0.2 mm/yr from 60 to 40 Ma, respectively, assuming that the closure temperatures of zircon and apatite FT methods are 300 degrees C and 110 degrees C, respectively, and a geothermal gradient of 20 degrees C/km. One possible reason of this slow down of denudation rates is the decrease of convergent rate and change in the movement direction of the Pacific Plate relative to the Eurasian Plate along the southwest Japan in the Paleogene. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



  • Unit structures in the Sanbagawa schists: unit-boundary deformation and K-Ar ages in the Kanto Mountains

    Arai Hiroyoshi, Miyashita Atsushi, Takagi Hideo, Yagi Koshi, Itaya Tetsumaru

    Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan   2012   432 - 432  2012

    DOI CiNii

  • K-Ar ages of the schist clasts from the Hiwada-toge Formation in the Kumakogen area, Shikoku

    Takagi Hideo, Sakisaka Yojiro

    Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan   2012   174 - 174  2012

    DOI CiNii

  • Miocene dextral movement of Tanakura Shear Zone: Evidence from the Western Marginal Fault, Hanawa Town, Northeast Japan

    Dohta Awaji, Ryota Sugimoto, Hiroyoshi Arai, Kenta Kobayashi, Hideo Takagi

    Island Arc   19 ( 4 ) 561 - 564  2010.12  [Refereed]

    DOI CiNii


  • 関東平野温泉ボーリングのカッティングスの岩石記載とその帰属ーつくば市下原および野田市花井(報告)

    高木秀雄, 武田佳明, 石井 徹

    地質学雑誌   117 ( 8 ) 453 - 457  2010.08  [Refereed]

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    This report describes the subsurface geology, based on the petrography of rock cuttings taken from bore holes at spa sites, at Shimohara, Tsukuba City, Ibaraki Prefecture, and at Hanai, Noda City, Chiba Prefecture, both upon the Kanto Plain. The cutting samples from Tsukuba (four samples from 1241–1210 m depth) are hornfels, biotite-muscovite schist, and sillimanite-andalusite gneisses that resemble the Tsukuba metamorphic rocks. A single cutting sample from Noda (1295–1300 m depth) is mylonitized biotite granite that is similar in lithology to the Late Cretaceous Name Granite in the Shimonita area, Gunma Prefecture. These results provide new information on the eastern extension of the Ryoke Metamorphic Belt and the southern extension of the Tsukuba Metamorphic Belt. The occurrence of mylonite from Noda also provides important information in terms of constraining the eastern extension of the Median Tectonic Line.

    DOI CiNii

  • 関東平野に見出された2.5Maの含ざくろ石テフラ (口絵)

    高木秀雄, 田村糸子, 山崎晴雄

    地質学雑誌   116 ( 7 ) IX - X  2010.07  [Refereed]


  • 南関東に分布する2.5Maの広域テフラ:丹沢-ざくろ石軽石層

    田村糸子, 高木秀雄, 山崎晴雄

    地質学雑誌   117 ( 7 ) 360 - 373  2010.07  [Refereed]

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    We report a distinct garnet-bearing pumiceous tephra in Lower Pleistocene (following the geological time scale in ISC chart 2009) sediments (Kazusa Group) from outcrops in Choshi (Na-G), Kamakura (KGP), and Aikawa-cho (Kanagawa, Mk19), and from a spot core sample (depth: 1217 m) at Koto (Tokyo, KT1217) in the Southern Kanto region. To correlate these garnet-bearing tephras and discuss their possible source, we examined their petrography and performed EPMA and grain-size analyses of constituent garnets, as well as considering their stratigraphic context.<br>The garnet-bearing tephras contain sponge- and fiber-shaped glass shards, abundant garnet grains that contain ilmenite inclusions, minor amphibole (orthoamphibole and hornblende), minor biotite, and rare ortho- and clinopyroxenes and cordierite. They also contain rock fragments of green schist and minor granitic rocks. The range of chemical compositions of garnet is XFe=0.50−0.59, XMn=0.18−0.26, XMg=0.14−0.17, and XCa=0.07−0.11, similar to that of garnet phenocrysts from rhyolite (c. 2.5 Ma) in the Nakagawa area, southern Tanzawa Mountains. This garnet composition is markedly different from that of garnet phenocrysts from other Neogene-Quaternary tephras and volcanic rocks in central Japan. The age of the studied garnet tephras is estimated at about 2.5 Ma, based on the stratigraphic horizons at the CN12b-CN12c zone (Okada and Bukry, 1980), the NPD9 zone (Yanagisawa and Akiba, 1998), and the N.21 zone (Yanagisawa, 2006), as well as the magnetostratigraphy of the lower part of the Matuyama Chron.<br>The results indicate that the garnet tephras at the four locations are clearly correlatives, representing the newly defined Tanzawa garnet pumice (Tn-GP). The likely source of Tn-GP is located west of Aikawa-cho, in the Tanzawa Mountains, given the westward increase in garnet grain size, the existence of green schist fragments that correlate with the Tanzawa Group, and the existence of ∼2.5 Ma garnet-bearing rhyolite that intrudes into the Tanzawa Group. Tn-GP is likely to play an important role in terms of constraining the P/P boundary in the new geological time scale, the age of the Kurotaki Unconformity, and the subsurface geology of the Kanto Plain.

    DOI CiNii

  • Sequential deformation from serpentinite mylonite to metasomatic rocks along the Sashu Fault, SW Japan

    Yusuke Soda, Hideo Takagi

    Journal of Structural Geology   32 ( 6 ) 792 - 802  2010.06  [Refereed]

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    The deformation of serpentinites along the Sashu Fault, Saganoseki Peninsula, SW Japan, involved both mylonitization and brecciation. The brecciation was accompanied by metasomatism, and the metasomatized rocks record additional ductile deformation. Serpentinite mylonite is composed mainly of antigorite, with minor magnetite and Cr-spinel. Foliation and lineation in this rock type are defined by the shape preferred orientation of antigorite and the alignment of fine-grained magnetite and carbonate minerals. The antigorite also shows a lattice preferred orientation (LPO), as measured with a universal stage, with c axes oriented near-perpendicular to the foliation and b axes oriented parallel to the lineation. Brecciation is concentrated in the reaction zone along the boundary between serpentinites and surrounding country rocks. Talc and chlorite schists developed in this zone as a result of associated metasomatism and deformation; consequently, they contain composite planar fabrics and drag folds. The breccias themselves are composed of serpentinite fragments cut by veins of calcite and talc. Analyses of fluid inclusions in calcite from the breccia indicate that brecciation occurred at 200-300 degrees C at depths of 3.8-11.8 km. Metasomatic reactions, particularly the formation of talc, contributed to weakening of this serpentinite-bearing fault zone. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    DOI CiNii


  • 丹沢トーナル岩体における石英中のマイクロクラックから推定された古応力場の変遷と伊豆弧の衝突

    佐藤隆恒, 高木秀雄

    地質学雑誌   116 ( 6 ) 309 - 320  2010.06  [Refereed]

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    This paper discusses the paleostress field and its history in the Tanzawa tonalite body in the Izu arc-Honshu arc collision zone, as determined from the 3-D orientation of healed and sealed intracrystalline microcracks in quartz grains, in conjunction with microthermometry of fluid inclusions in healed microcracks. Crosscutting relationships indicate that the healed microcracks formed prior to the formation of sealed (and possibly open) microcracks. Both healed and sealed microcracks strike NNE-SSW and dip vertically. It is estimated that healed microcracks were formed at a pressure range of 0.20-0.29 GPa and a temperature range of 275-410°C, based on isochores inferred from microthermometry of the fluid inclusions and with reference to the geothermal gradient (30-50°C/km). The formation temperature of the healed microcracks can be correlated with the closure temperature of the biotite K-Ar system, considering that the Azegamaru and Yushin plutons of the Tanzawa tonalite body yield K-Ar biotite ages of 5-4 Ma. The healed microcracks probably formed in the early Pliocene during collision of the Tanzawa block against the Honshu arc. Because the dominantly NNE-SSW trending microcracks were rotated clockwise by 10° during the collision of the Izu block against the Honshu arc at about 1 Ma, as deduced from reported paleomagnetic data, the orientation of maximum horizontal stress (σHmax) in the Tanzawa tonalite body during and after its collision is inferred to have trended nearly N-S. Recently reported in situ stress measurements in the Tanzawa tonalite body indicate that σHmax trends NNE-SSW. Accordingly, the N-S to NNE-SSW trends in σHmax have not changed greatly during or after the formation of healed microcracks in the Tanzawa tonalite body, which occurred at about 5-4 Ma.

    DOI CiNii

  • Comparison of petrofabrics with composite magnetic fabrics of S-C mylonite in paramagnetic granite

    Takaaki Ono, Yukinobu Hosomi, Hiroyoshi Arai, Hideo Takagi

    Journal of Structural Geology   32 ( 1 ) 2 - 14  2010.01  [Refereed]

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    An anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) analysis was conducted for a typical S-C mylonite in a small-scale ductile shear zone derived from Late Cretaceous magnetite-free granite in the Ryoke Belt, Teshima Island, southwest Japan. In such mylonites, paramagnetic minerals such as biotite and hornblende, which define foliations, are assumed to control the AMS. Accordingly, we attempted to measure the orientations of both minerals to correlate the S-C-C&apos; fabric to the AMS using techniques of microscopic and back-scattered electron (BSE) image analyses. A measured magnetic fabric of the S-C mylonite that is expressed by a K(min) normal plane (K(max)-K(int) plane) approximated S foliation, K(max) orientation coincided well with the orientations of mean resultant vectors for long axes of biotite and minor hornblende, whereas K(max) did not coincide well with those of the mean resultant vectors for long axes of the brighter domain (aggregates of biotite and minor hornblende) from the binary BSE image. These results show that the magnetic fabric fairly reflects the shape preferred orientation of individual grains of paramagnetic monoclinic minerals, especially biotite, which forms the S-C-C fabric. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

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  • Oldest record of brittle deformation along the Median Tectonic Line: fission-track age for pseudotachylyte in the Taki area, Mie Prefecture

    Takagi, H, Shimada, K, Iwano, H, Danhara, T

    Journal of the Geological Society of Japan   116 ( 1 ) 45 - 50  2010.01  [Refereed]

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    Fission-track (FT) dating of pseudotachylyte (PST) associated with the Median Tectonic Line (MTL) in the Taki area, Mie Prefecture, SW Japan, provides new constraints on the timing of movement upon this fault. A PST vein with a thickness of about 5 cm yields a zircon FT age of 60.0 ± 3.5 Ma (1σ). In contrast, a weighted average of zircon FT ages obtained for protolith samples (cataclastic mylonitized Hatai Tonalite) collected 10 cm and 15 m from the PST vein boundary is 69.8 ± 1.2 Ma, which is significantly older than the age of the PST. Decomposition of feldspars in the PST suggests that the temperature exceeded 1100°C, which is sufficient to completely erase previous fission tracks in zircon within several seconds. The distribution of fission-track lengths in zircon from the PST vein also supports the interpretation that the zircon FT age was completely reset during frictional fusion of the PST vein. Considering an apatite FT age of 38.0 ± 1.5 Ma for the host rock, the age of the PST indicates that the frictional fusion was occurred during cooling of the Ryoke granite at temperatures between 250°C (closure temperature of the zircon FT system) and 100°C (closure temperature of the apatite FT system). This PST age is comparable with the oldest K-Ar age obtained for fine fractions of MTL fault gouge derived from both the Sanbagawa pelitic schist and the Izumi Group in Shikoku, indicating that the initiation of brittle fault movement associated with formation of the PST and/or fault gouges along the MTL had occurred by 60 Ma.

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  • シュードタキライトのフィッショントラック年代測定-最近の成果-

    高木秀雄, 岩野英樹, 檀原 徹

    月刊 地球   32 ( 1 ) 46 - 51  2010.01

  • 関東山地東縁部,比企丘陵中新統青岩礫岩中の変成岩礫のK-Ar 年代

    新井宏嘉, 高木秀雄, 岩崎一郎, 浅原良浩, 高橋雅紀

    地質学雑誌   115 ( 5 ) 223 - 241  2009.05

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    The exhumation of high-P/T metamorphic rocks plays a key role in the rearrangement of the geotectonic framework in arc-trench systems. The deposition of clasts of exhumed rocks constrains the timing of exhumation and the denudation history. We obtained the K-Ar ages of clasts from the Miocene Aoiwa Conglomerate, Hiki Hills, eastern Kanto Mountains. The Aoiwa Conglomerate is an unsorted breccia (maximum clast diameter up to ca. 3 m) composed of clasts of high-P/T metamorphic rocks (greenstones and crystalline schists), granitic rocks, low-P/T metamorphic rocks (mafic to felsic plutono-metamorphic rocks), and sedimentary rocks.<br>The clasts of high-P/T metamorphic rocks were previously considered to have been derived from the Sanbagawa metamorphic rocks, which have been exposed nearby since the Miocene. However, schist clasts yield K-Ar phengite ages of 127.2-121.0 and 98.4-80.7 Ma, significantly older than ages obtained for the Sanbagawa metamorphic rocks in the Kanto Mountains, although the mineral assemblage and metamorphic grade of clasts are similar.<br>Clasts of granitic rocks and low-P/T metamorphic rocks yield K-Ar hornblende ages of 131.5-114.0 Ma and phengite ages of 97.8-88.9 Ma, significantly older than ages obtained for Ryoke granites in the Kanto Mountains. In addition, a tonalite mylonite clast yields a lower 87Sr/86Sr initial ratio (0.70510-0.70520 or 0.70498-0.70505) than that of the Ryoke granites.<br>Based on the results of K-Ar dating and a detailed petrologic study of the clasts, we conclude that the schist clasts were derived from an older unit within the Sanbagawa metamorphic rocks and that granitic and mafic metamorphic clasts were derived from the paleo-Ryoke terrane, which previously overlaid the Sanbagawa metamorphic rocks and today occurs only as sporadic allochthonous rocks. The Aoiwa Conglomerate was probably deposited in association with denudation of the paleo-Ryoke and uppermost Sanbagawa terranes. Deposition was accelerated during exhumation of Sanbagawa metamorphic rocks during the Middle Miocene.

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  • Excavation history of the Sanbagawa belt deduced from the Aoiwa Conglomerate, Kanto Mountains

    Takagi Hideo, Arai Hiroyoshi, Iwasaki Ichiro, Takahashi Masaki

    Jour. Geol. Soc. Japan   115 ( 5 ) IX - X  2009

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  • 土岐花崗岩中の石英に発達するマイクロクラックの三次元方位分布による古応力場の復元と生成環境

    高木秀雄, 三輪成徳, 横溝佳侑, 西嶋 圭, 円城寺守, 水野 崇, 天野健治

    地質学雑誌   114 ( 7 ) 321 - 335  2008.07  [Refereed]

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    Based on the 3-D orientations of intracrystalline healed, sealed and open extension microcracks in quartz grains in the Late Cretaceous Toki Granite, we discuss the paleostress field and the history of microcracking combining the microthermometry of fluid inclusions in healed microcracks and sealing material identification in sealed microcracks. Twenty one oriented samples are collected from the DH-15 core (240-1000 mabh) drilled by Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) and additionally five oriented samples from outcrops in the Tono region. 3-D orientations of healed microcracks indicate the σ_<Hmax> orientation of N-S to NW-SE in almost all sites, whereas those of sealed and open microcracks indicate the dominant σ_<Hmax> orientation of E-W. Two or three orthogonal sets of microcracks are common in both healed and sealed (+ open) microcracks. The formation of these sets can be attributed to the switch of principal stress axis due to stress release just after the crack formation. Healed microcracks probably reflect more regional paleostress field because of consistency of the orientations than the case of sealed and open microcracks that show rather scattering orientations. N-S to NW-SE trending healed microcracks are formed around 60 Ma on the basis of K-Ar biotite ages of the Toki Granite and formation temperature (c. 300-400℃) of fluid inclusions estimated from microthermometry in the case of intrusion depth (3.5 km = 100 MPa) of the Toki Granite. Thus the σ_<Hmax> orientation trended NW-SE after the restoration of clockwise rotation of SW Japan at c. 15 Ma. Following the healed microcrack formation, E-W trending high-angle sealed microcracks filled with carbonate mineral are formed. Open microcracks presumably formed at near-surface at the last stage of sealed microcrack formation after c. 20 Ma when the Mizunami Group deposited unconformably on the granite.

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  • Geoparks from the viewpoints of field trips of the university

    Takagi Hideo

    Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan   2008   24 - 24  2008

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  • Relations between misorientation of quartz boundary and etching effect:Method of grain boundary detection for quartz aggregate in mylonites

    Handa Satsuki, Takagi Hideo, Shigematu Norio, Kanagawa Kyuichi

    Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan   2008   194 - 194  2008

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  • Factor of healed microcrack setting in granitic rocks: Example in Awaji Island

    Yamada Tetsushi, Takagi Hideo

    Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan   2008   435 - 435  2008

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  • Clockwise 180° rotation of slip direction in a superficial nappe pile

    Arai, H, Kobayashi, K, Takagi, H

    Gondwana Research   13 ( 3 ) 319 - 330  2008  [Refereed]

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    Understanding the exhumation process of deep-seated material within subduction zones is important in comprehending the tectonic evolution of active margins. The deformation and slip history of superficial nappe pile emplaced upon high-P/T type metamorphic rocks can reveal the intimate relationship between deformation and transitions in paleo-stress that most likely arose from changes in the direction of plate convergence and exhumation of the metamorphic terrane. The Kinshozan-Atokura nappe pile emplaced upon the high-P/T type Sanbagawa (=Sambagawa) metamorphic rocks is the remnant of a pre-existing terrane located between paired metamorphic terranes along the Median Tectonic Line (MTL) of central Japan. Intra- and inter-nappe structures record the state of paleo-stress during metamorphism and exhumation of the Sanbagawa terrane. The following tectonic evolution of the nappes is inferred from a combined structural analysis of the basal fault of the nappes and their internal structures. The relative slip direction along the hanging wall rotated clockwise by 180 degrees, from S to N, in association with a series of major tectonic changes from MTL-normal contraction to MTL-parallel strike-slip and finally MTL-normal extension. This clockwise rotation of the slip direction can be attributed to changes in the plate-induced regional stress state and associated exhumation of the deep-seated Sanbagawa terrane from the Late Cretaceous (Coniacian) to the Middle Miocene. (C) 2007 International Association for Gondwana Research. Published by Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.



  • Aso-4火砕流堆積物中の花崗岩マイロナイト異質礫の岩石学と放射年代および荷尾杵花崗岩との対比

    高木秀雄, 石井 徹, 戸邉恵里, 曽田祐介, 鈴木和博, 岩野英樹, 檀原 徹

    地質学雑誌   113 ( 1 ) 1 - 14  2007.01  [Refereed]

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    Aso-4 pyroclastic flow is one of the largest volcanic activities in Japan and formed huge caldera of the Aso volcano at about 90,000 years b.p.. This pyroclastic flow brought about accidental clasts of granitic mylonite in the Aso-4 pyroclastic deposit in northern area of the caldera. These granitic mylonite clasts were investigated petrologically and geochronologically, and compared with the Nioki Granite in the Asaji area to the east of the volcano. The Aso-4 granitic clasts are characterized by garnet-muscovite bearing adamelite-granite, and all of them are moderately to strongly mylonitized and show porphyroclastic texture. Their SiO_2 content ranges 71-74 wt.%. The range of garnet composition of the Aso-4 granitic clasts is Alm_<69〜78>, Sps_<14〜27>, Pyr_<0.2〜3.3>, Grs_<1.0〜9.3>. These mineral and chemical compositions are quite similar to those of the Nioki Granite. The K-Ar muscovite age for Aso-4 granitic clasts is 98.4±2.1 Ma, whereas Nioki Granite is 98.8±2.1 Ma. The heat of magma of the volcano did not affect the K-Ar closure system for muscovite when the pyroclastic flow took place, because heating has not fundamentally shortened the fission tracks within zircon grains in the dated clast. Accordingly, the Aso-4 granitic mylonite clasts are correlative with the Nioki Granite, which is also weakly to moderately mylonitized. The intrusive age of the Nioki Granite is also determined using CHIME monazite dating, and the result is 106±4 Ma. This suggests that subsurface ductile mylonite zone initiated around 100 Ma of the major fault extends from Asaji area to the Aso volcano. This fault coincides with the Oita-Kumamoto Tectonic Line, along which the active fault segment has been known. The occurrence of EW extending mylonite zone is also significant evidence in considering the western extension of the Median Tectonic Line in Kyushu.

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  • Origin and mechanical significance of foliated cataclastic rocks in the cores of crustal-scale faults: Examples from the Median Tectonic Line, Japan

    S. P. Jefferies, R. E. Holdsworth, T. Shimamoto, H. Takagi, G. E. Lloyd, C. J. Spiers

    Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth   111 ( B12 ) B12303 - B12303  2006.12  [Refereed]

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    The Median Tectonic Line (MTL) is Japan's largest onshore fault and has been active since the mid-Cretaceous. Foliated cataclastic fault rocks are exceptionally well exposed in the fault core at Anko, Nagano Prefecture. Following an early phase of mylonitization and exhumation during left-lateral shearing, brittle fracture and cataclasis occurred leading to the development of centimeter- to submillimeter-spaced, fault zone parallel fracture systems. These fracture systems established an initial architectural hierarchy that influenced the subsequent development of foliated cataclasites and gouge. Initially, fracture systems coalesced to form interconnected zones of fine-grained ultracataclasite. Fluid influx at the onset of grain-scale brittle deformation led to precipitation of fibrous chlorite within the ultracataclasites, ultimately leading to the development of an interconnected network of foliated, phyllosilicate-rich cataclasites and gouges in the core of the MTL. The brittle reduction of grain size and ingress of a chemically active fluid phase simultaneously promoted reaction softening and diffusive mass transfer in the foliated ultracataclasites, leading to rate-dependent "frictional-viscous" flow at sub-Byerlee friction values. Associated weakening is indicated by the preferential localization of deformation within the ultracataclasites. A protracted sequence of carbonate mineralization and cementation events is also recognized during the fault rock evolution and suggests episodic periods of fluid overpressuring. A crustal-scale fault zone model is proposed, suggesting that the foliated cataclasites/gouges are weak in the long term and represent shallower crustal equivalents of phyllonitic fault rocks exposed in more deeply exhumed fault zones, including other parts of the MTL.

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  • Dating pseudotachylyte of the Asuke Shear Zone using zircon fission-track and U-Pb methods

    Masaki Murakami, Jan Kosler, Hideo Takagi, Takahiro Tagami

    Tectonophysics   424 ( 1-2 ) 99 - 107  2006.09  [Refereed]

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    Zircon fission-track (FT) and U-Pb analyses were performed on zircon extracted from a pseudotachylyte zone and surrounding rocks of the Asuke Shear Zone (ASZ), Aichi Prefecture, Japan. The U-Pb ages of all four samples are similar to 67-76 Ma, which is interpreted as the formation age of Ryoke granitic rocks along the ASZ. The mean zircon FT age of host rock is 73 +/- 7 (2 sigma) Ma, suggesting a time of initial cooling through the zircon closure temperature. The pseudotachylyte zone however, yielded a zircon FT age of 53 +/- 9 (2 sigma) Ma, statistically different from the age of the host rock. Zircon FTs showed reduced mean lengths and intermediate ages for samples adjacent to the pseudotachylyte zone. Coupled with the new zircon U-Pb ages and previous heat conduction modeling, the present FT data are best interpreted as reflecting paleothermal effects of the frictional heating of the fault. The age for the pseudotachylyte coincides with the change in direction of rotation of the Pacific plate from NW to N which can be considered to initialize the NNE-SSW trending sinistral-extensional ASZ before the Miocene clockwise rotation of SW Japan. The present study demonstrates that a history of fault motions in seismically active regions can be reconstructed by dating pseudotachylytes using zircon FT thermochronology. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

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  • シュードタキライトの選択的生成場 -足助剪断帯の例-

    酒巻秀彰, 島田耕史, 高木秀雄

    地質学雑誌   112 ( 8 ) 519 - 530  2006.08  [Refereed]

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    Ductile to brittle fault rocks including pseudotachylyte are narrowly distributed along the NE-SW trending Asuke Shear Zone in the Inagawa granite bodies of the Ryoke Belt, Chubu region, SW Japan. The Asuke Shear Zone is composed of many small-scale shear zones with left-stepping en echelon arrangement (P shear orientation for sinistral shear zone). Kinematic indicators and stretching lineations in mylonite and foliated pseudotachylyte of the small-scale shear zones indicate sinistral - extensional shear. These lines of evidence suggest that the Asuke Shear Zone has thicken under transtensional tectonic regime. The existence of mylonitized pseudotachylyte and mylonitized cataclasite, and fractured mylonite suggests that the major deformation along the shear zone took place in cataclastic-plastic transition regime. Pseudotachylyte fault veins tend to generate along the P shear whereas cataclasite along the Y and R_1 shear surfaces. This result is explained by that frictional fusion preferentially occurs along mesoscopically transpressional fault surface where the rate of heat production per unit area is relatively high.

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  • 棚倉破砕帯の脆性領域における運動履歴

    淡路動太, 山本大介, 高木秀雄

    地質学雑誌   112 ( 3 ) 222 - 240  2006.03  [Refereed]

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    The Tanakura Shear Zone is a NNW-SSE trending major fault which divides pre-Neogene basement rocks into NE and SW Japan. Within the study area, the fracture zone is 3 to 4km in width, and consists of various kinds of fault rocks derived from the Jurassic accretionary complex of the Yamizo Belt, together with metamorphic and granitic rocks derived from the Abukuma Belt. Distribution patterns of brittle faults, fabric patterns and shear senses of fault gouge within the fault zone are described to interpret kinematics of the Tanakura Shear Zone during the Late Cenozoic. Based on paleo stress fields estimated from shear senses of fault gouge by multiple inverse methods (a technique to separate stresses based on heterogeneous fault-slip data), two brittle deformation stages (D_1 and D_2) are identified. During the Paleogene, a sinistral brittle fault set was originally generated. During exhumation of the shear zone, the fault kinematics inverted from a sinistral (D_1: 17Ma) to a dextral movement (D_2: 15Ma). Therefore, from Paleogene to the mid-Miocene, fault gouges within the Tanakura Shear Zone were reactivated under switched stress fields.

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  • Timing of the Tsergo Ri landslide, Langtang Himal, determined by fission-track dating of pseudotachylyte

    Takagi, H, Arita, K, Danhara, T, Iwano, H

    Journal of Asian Earth Sciences (Elsevier)   29 ( 2-3 ) 466 - 472  2006.02  [Refereed]

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    Fission-track dating was carried but on zircon grains from pseudotachylyte associated with a Late Pleistocene landslide (Tsergo Ri landslide) in Langtang Himal, Nepal. Zircon grains were separated from an injection pipe of glassy and vesicular pseudotachylyte about 10 cm in diameter. The resulting age of 51 +/- 13 Ka lies between the two subpeaks (70 and 20 Ka) of the Wurm glacial period, and is concordant with the previous age estimate from geomorphological evidence (i.e. older than 25-30 Ka). This is the first reliable isotopic age for a landslide-generated pseudotachylyte excluding the possibility of contamination by an inherited age. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



  • O-175 K-Ar ages of metamorphic and mylonitic clasts from the Miocene Aoiwa Conglomerate around the Hiki Hills, Saitama Prefecture

    Takagi Hideo, Arai Hiroyoshi, Hayashi Takanori, Iwasaki Ichiro, Takahashi Masaki

    Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan   2006   130 - 130  2006

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  • P-78 Variation of deformation microstructures across small-scale shear zones : examples in Teshima Island, Seto Inland Sea, SW Japan

    Arai Yusuke, Takagi Hideo

    Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan   2006   207 - 207  2006

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  • P-96 Origin of the schistose microbreccia along the Median Tectonic Line, central Japan

    Yasuhara Takeo, Takagi Hideo

    Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan   2006   216 - 216  2006

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  • 関東平野東端に孤立して分布するジュラ系〜中新統の構造地質学的意義

    安藤寿男, 高橋雅紀, 高木秀雄

    地質学雑誌   112 ( 1 )  2006.01  [Refereed]


  • Basement rocks below the Kanto Plain

    Takagi Hideo, Hayashi Hiroki, Takahashi Masaki, Iwasaki Ichiro

    The Journal of the Geological Society of Japan   112 ( 1 ) I - I  2006  [Refereed]

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  • 銚子半島先白亜系愛宕山層群中の花崗岩礫のK-Ar年代

    戸邉恵里, 高木秀雄, 高橋雅紀

    地質学雑誌   112 ( 1 ) 97 - 102  2006.01  [Refereed]

  • 松伏SK-1坑井基盤岩試料からみた関東平野の中央構造線

    高木秀雄, 高橋雅紀

    地質学雑誌   112 ( 1 ) 64 - 70  2006.01  [Refereed]

  • 関東平野岩槻観測井基底部の基盤岩類の帰属と中央構造線の位置

    高木秀雄, 鈴木宏芳, 高橋雅紀, 濱本拓史, 林 広樹

    地質学雑誌   112 ( 1 ) 52 - 63  2006.01  [Refereed]

  • カリフォルニア州Hollisterにみられる断層クリープ

    高木秀雄, 辻森 樹

    地質学雑誌   111 ( 4 ) XI - XII  2005.04  [Refereed]

  • Erratum : Mineral chemistry of ultramafic rocks associated with the Asaji metamorphic rocks, eastern Kyushu

    Soda Yusuke, Takagi Hideo

    Jour. Geol. Soc. Japan   111 ( 2 ) 120 - 120  2005

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  • Overview of fault rocks in cataclastic-plastic transition zone and their softening processes

    Takagi Hideo

    Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan   2005   7 - 7  2005

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  • Estimation of paleostress field and geothermal condition using microcracks in grantic rocks along hte Nojima Fault, Awaji Island

    Miwa Shigenori, Nishijima Kei, Yamazaki Satoshi, Takagi Hideo, Enjoji Mamoru

    Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan   2005   257 - 257  2005

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  • Occurrence of granite porphyry mylonite in the Ryoke belt, Awaji Island

    KANO Hiromichi, TAKAGI Hideo

    Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan   2005   256 - 256  2005

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  • Analyses of paleostress using healed microcracks in quartz from the Toki granite core samples

    Yokomizo Yoshiyuki, Nishijima Kei, Takagi Hideo, Mizuno Takashi

    Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan   2005   256 - 256  2005

    DOI CiNii

  • Possible northern extension of the Hatagawa Tectonic Line, with special reference to the Taiheizan grantic mass, Akita Prefecture

    Saka Hidenori, Takagi Hideo

    Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan   2005   270 - 270  2005

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  • Structural analysis of the South Tibetan Detachment System in the Annapurna region, central Nepal

    Bamba Atsushi, Takagi Hideo, Arita K.

    Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan   2005   268 - 268  2005

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  • Dating of fault gouges from the major active faults in southwest Japan: Constraints from integrated K-Ar and XRD analyses

    Hideo Takagi, Akira Iwamura, Dohta Awaji, Tetsumaru Itaya, Toshinori Okada

    AAPG Memoir   85 ( 85 ) 287 - 301  2005  [Refereed]

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    Fault gouges were mapped and collected along the Atotsugawa fault, one of the major active faults in Japan, and along the Mozumi-Sukenobu fault, branching off from the Atotsugawa fault. Most of the fault gouge samples contain mica clay minerals, chlorite, smectite, and quartz. To constrain the timing of faulting, K-Ar and x-ray diffraction analyses (XRD) were carried out on mica clay minerals separated from the gouge samples. Each gouge sample was divided into four grain-size fractions of 5-2, 2-1, 1-0.35, and 0.35-0.05 μm. Kübier illite crystallinity indices for the finer grain-size fractions (0.05-1 μm
    illite crystallinity = 0.4-0.8) were found to be higher than those for the coarser fractions (1-5 μm
    illite crystallinity = 0.3-0.6), indicating the relatively higher concentration of authigenic mica clay minerals. The genesis of the clay minerals was probably related to hydrothermal alteration events associated with fault activity in the finer fractions. K-Ar ages were younger for the finer fractions of all samples. One sample from the Atotsugawa fault yields the youngest age of 61 Ma for the finer two fractions, which probably dates the thermal activity associated with the fault because of a similar age for the finer two fractions. This also suggests that the contamination of protolith mica is negligible for these samples. The finest fraction of the Mozumi-Sukenobu fault gouge derived from the interbedded sandstone and mudstone of the Tetori Group (Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous) gives a K-Ar age of 45 Ma. Although this gouge sample is derived from mudstone and sandstone and, thus, the contamination of protolith illite cannot be identified by illite crystallinity, the age probably approximates that of a hydrothermal alteration event associated with the fault activity, because the age is significantly younger than the sedimentary age of the protolith Tetori Group. These K-Ar ages from the Atotsugawa and Mozumi-Sukenobu faults are compared with previous K-Ar ages of fault gouges from major active faults in Japan, including the Median Tectonic Line in Shikoku-Kinki and the Atera fault. The K-Ar data from these faults indicate that the major active faults in the Inner Zone of Southwest Japan were initiated at 60-50 Ma. Heterogeneity in and around the Late Cretaceous granitic terrane, especially the boundary of rigid granitic body and soft accretionary complex, seems to be the preferred sites for fault initiation. Copyright © 2005 by The American Association of Petroleum Geologists.



  • 朝地変成岩類に伴われる超マフィック岩類の鉱物化学組成とその意義

    曽田祐介, 高木秀雄

    地質学雑誌   110 ( 11 ) 698 - 714  2004.11  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    The Asaji metamorphic rocks have previously been considered as a member of the Ryoke belt. However, the occurrence of ultramafic bodies interlayered in the Chokai Unit and the Hikata Unit has led to an alternative suggestion for the correlation of the Asaji metamorphic rocks with other terranes, such as the Sambagawa terrane or the Kurosegawa terrane. To discuss these possibilities, we examined the petrological characteristics of the ultramafic rocks and chemical compositions of chromian spinel. The ultramafic body is composed mainly of pyroxenites and serpentinite. Spinel in the serpentinite has high Cr# (Cr/(Cr+Al) atomic ratio) of 0.7-0.9 and very low TiO_2content (<0.5 wt%). Although the ultramafic body suffered weak contact metamorphism, chemical composition of chromian spinel has preserved those in the peridotite stage. The spinel chemistry suggests that the original peridotite is a refractory residue after the extraction of basaltic magma. The pyroxenites are subdivided into clinopyroxenite, olivine-clinopyroxenite and olivine-websterite. Compositions of clinopyroxene from the pyroxenites are similar to those of arc comulates. It suggests that the peridotites (now completely serpentinitized) and pyroxenites were formed in a subduction zone. Chemical compositions of spinel in the serpentinites from the Saganoseki area (the Sambagawa metamorphic belt), the Sashu Fault on the southern margin of the Sambagawa metamorphic belt, and the Miemachi and Usuki area (the Kurosegawa belt) exposed near the Asaji metamorphic rocks were analyzed for comparison. Spinels from the Saganoseki area are clearly different in Cr# and TiO_2, content from those from the Asaji area and also from the Sashu Fault. On the other hand, the chemical compositions of spinels from the Miemachi and Usuki area (the Kurosegawa belt) resemble to those from the Asaji area, suggesting a similar tectonic setting for the formation of those ultramafic rocks.

    DOI CiNii

  • P-226 Strain localization of the Ailao Shan - Red River Shear Zone, Yunnan, China

    Sato Choji, Takagi Hideo, Simada Koji, Shoji Tetsuya, Kaneda Hiroaki, Ding Jun, Hu Changshou

    Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan   2004   272 - 272  2004

    DOI CiNii

  • P-172 Possible northern extension of the Hatagawa Tectonic Line, with special reference to the Taiheizan, Akita Prefecture

    Saka Hidenori, Takagi Hideo

    Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan   2004   245 - 245  2004

    DOI CiNii

  • P-137 Serpentinite mylonite along the Sashu Fault, eastern Kyushu

    Soda Yusuke, Takagi Hideo

    Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan   2004   228 - 228  2004

    DOI CiNii

  • P-136 Variation of the AMS across a small-scale ductile shear zone in granite

    Ono Takaaki, Shimada Koji, Takagi Hideo

    Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan   2004   227 - 227  2004

    DOI CiNii

  • P-133 3-D fabric analysis of healed and sealed cracks in the granitic rocks along the Nojima Fault, Awaji Island

    Yamazaki Satoshi, Takagi Hideo, Miura Koichi, Mizuno Takashi

    Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan   2004   226 - 226  2004

    DOI CiNii

  • P-135 Mylonitization along the Inner shear zone of the Ryoke Belt in Awaji Island

    Kano Hiromichi, Takagi Hideo

    Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan   2004   227 - 227  2004

    DOI CiNii

  • O-158 Geological correlation of the basement cores of the Iwatsuki and Matsubuse boreholes and location of the Median Tectonic Line in the Kanto Plane

    Takagi Hideo, Suzuki Hiroyoshi, Hamamoto Takuji, Takahashi Masaki, Hayashi Hiroki

    Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan   2004   104 - 104  2004

    DOI CiNii

  • Restoration of exotic terranes along the Median Tectonic Line, Japanese Islands: overview

    Takagi, H, Arai, H

    Gondwana Research   6 ( 4 ) 657 - 668  2003.10  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    This paper reviews recent progress on the geotectonic evolution of exotic Paleozoic terranes in Southwest Japan, namely the Palco-Ryoke and Kurosegawa terranes. The Palco-Ryoke Terrane is composed mainly of Permian granitic rocks with hornfels, mid-Cretaceous high-grade metamorphic rocks associated with granitic rocks, and Upper Cretaceous sedimentary cover. They form nappe structures on the Sambagawa metamorphic rocks. The Permian granitic rocks are correlative with granitic clasts in Permian conglomerates in the South Kitakami Terrane, whereas the mid-Cretaceous rocks are correlative with those in the Abukuma Terrane. This correlation suggests that the elements of Northeast Japan to the northeast of the Tanakura Tectonic Line were connected in between the paired metamorphic belt along the Median Tectonic Line, Southwest Japan. The Kurosegawa Terrane is composed of various Paleozoic rocks with serpentinite and occurs as disrupted bodies bounded by faults in the middle part of the Jurassic Chichibu Terrane accretionary complex. It is correlated with the South Kitakami Terrane in Northeast Japan. The constituents of both terranes are considered to have been originally distributed more closely and overlay the Jurassic accretionary terrane as nappes. The current sporadic occurrence of these terranes can possibly be attributed to the difference in erosion level and later stage depression or transtension along strike-slip faults. The constituents of both exotic terranes, especially the Ordovician granite in the Kurosegawa-South Kitakami Terrane and the Permian granite in the Paleo-Ryoke Terrane provide a significant key to reconstructing these exotic terranes by correlating them with Paleozoic granitoids in the eastern Asia continent.

    DOI CiNii


  • Zircon crystal morphology of the granitic rocks from middle Kyushu

    TOBE Eri, TAKAGI Hideo

    Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan   2003   266 - 266  2003

    DOI CiNii

  • The fault gouge zone in the Tanakura Western Marginal Fault

    AWAJI Dohta, SUGIMOTO Ryota, ARAI Hiroyoshi, KOBAYASHI Kenta, SAKAMAKI Hideaki, TAKAGI Hideo

    Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan   2003   254 - 254  2003

    DOI CiNii

  • Pseudotachylyte generation in the transtensional regime along the Asuke Shear Zone, SW Japan

    Sakamaki Hideaki, Takagi Hideo, Shimada Koji

    Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan   2003   120 - 120  2003

    DOI CiNii

  • Kinematic history of the Main Central Thrust zone in the Langtang area, Nepal

    Takagi, H, Arita, K, Sawaguchi, T, Kobayashi, K, Awaji, D

    Tectonophysics   366 ( 3-4 ) 151 - 163  2003  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    This paper describes for the first time evidence for a northeastward brittle extensional movement of the Main Central Thrust (MCT) zone overprinting the southward ductile thrust movement. The MCT zone is the major tectonic boundary between the Lesser Himalayan metasedimentary sequence (LHS) and Higher Himalayan. crystalline sequence (HHS) and contributes to the kinematic and tectonic evidence of continent-continent collision in the Neogene. The Langtang area, 50 km north of Kathmandu, is a matter of interest in considering the movement of the Kathmandu Nappe because the general trend of foliation of the HHS and the underlying MCT zone is turned from WNW-ESE to N-S or NNE-SSW. The major tectono-lithostratigraphic units of the MCT zone in the study area are divided into three: the lower and middle units included in the LHS and the upper unit even included in the HHS. Characteristic mesoscopic quartz lenses are developed in the schists of the Lower unit forming asymmetric boudins. This asymmetry indicates an extensional (top-to-the-NE) shear sense. However, a thrust sense of top-to-the-SW is also preserved in microscopic ductile shear bands and mica fish. The extensional shear movement in the Lower unit took place after the major thrust movement in the MCT zone as a negative inversion. The Middle unit contains Ulleri-type augen gneiss (Syabru Bensi augen gneiss) which is widely distributed in the MCT zone in the other parts of the Nepalese Himalaya. Asymmetric clast-tails (or clast-pressure shadows) and asymmetric boudins observed in the Syabru Bensi augen gneiss give a dextral-thrust oblique sense of shear. This dextral component is regarded as movement of a N-S-trending lateral ramp during the overthrusting of the Kathmandu Nappe. The Upper unit above the MCT is commonly made up of kyanite-bearing medium pressure type amphibolite-facies pelitic gneiss. Asymmetric deformational features such as mica fish and shear bands in the pelitic gneisses commonly show a thrust (top-to-the-W) sense of movement.
    After the emplacement of the Kathmandu Nappe (similar to 9-6 Ma), brittle extensional shear occurred only in the crystalline schists of the Lower unit presumably associated with layer-parallel slip. This extensional movement in the Lower unit is probably caused by the change in strike of foliations, e.g., from a general trend of E-W in the other areas to N-S as seen in the study area. This is because N-S contraction during continued continent-continent collision produced E-W extension normal to the contraction axis (N-S), thus the relative east-directed movement on normal faults took place only in the N-S trending domain of the MCT zone. Another possibility for the extensional movement is squeezing of the upper part of the LHS between the MCT above and an out-of-sequence thrust or the Main Detachment Fault below. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

    DOI CiNii


  • ネパールヒマラヤ,ランタン地域のMCT帯の剪断運動史

    高木秀雄, 澤口 隆, 在田一則, 小林恵子, 淡路動太

    月刊 地球/海洋出版   24 ( 4 ) 241 - 249  2002.04

  • O-267 Mylonite zone penetrated by the Aso Volcano

    Takagi Hideo, Ishii Toru, Tobe Eri

    Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan   2002   132 - 132  2002

    DOI CiNii

  • ヒマラヤの上昇と断層運動に関する熱放射年代学的研究(予報)

    在田一則, 大平寛人, 板谷徹丸, 松田高明, 高木秀雄

    地学雑誌   111 ( 3 ) 430 - 435  2002  [Refereed]

    DOI CiNii

  • New model of the restoration of Paleo-Ryoke-Kurosegawa Terrane along the Median Tectonic Line, Japanese Islands.

    Takagi, H, Arai, H

    Gondwana Research   4,4 ( 4 ) 795 - 796  2001.10  [Refereed]



  • 関東山地三波川変成岩類の延性剪断変形

    阿部龍巳, 高木秀雄, 島田耕史, 木村慎治, 池山恵介, 宮下 敦

    地質学雑誌/日本地質学会   107 ( 5 ) 337 - 353  2001.05  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    This paper aims to document the principal features of the ductile shear deformation of the Sambagawa metamorphic rocks in the Ogawa-Ayukawa area, Kanto Mountains by integrating geological, petrological, microstructural and kinematic data. Metamorphic zones change northward from chlorite in the south to garnet, biotite and again garnet. Lithologic layering and metamorphic zone boundaries are generally parallel.A penetrative horizontal stretching lineation trending WNW-ESE is well developed, and is almost parallel to the trend of the Sambagawa Belt. Convincing shear sense determination using shear bands, oblique shape and c-axis fabrics of quartz grains in XZ thin sections was possible for about 14% of all samples collected. Top-to-the-west sense of shear is dominant in the study area, but minor domains with opposite sense of but shear (top-to-the-east) also occur particularly in the northern and southern areas. Quartz shape fabric and shear bands in opposite limbs of small-scale recumbent fold (F_1) indicate the same sense of shear. This suggests that the shearing postdates or was synchronous with the recumbent folding. The distribution of metamorphic zoning has been interpreted as the result of a macroscopic recumbent fold with northward vergence, however, studies of the distribution of lithology, mineral assemblages and shear-sense indicators gave no evidence in support of a large-scale recumbent fold in the area. Domains showing opposite oblique quartz shape fabrics and related interference colors with the gypsum plate inserted are observed in some quartz schists. The boundaries of the domains showing inverted sense of shear indicator are subparallel to the schistosity. Quartz c-axis fabrics have cleft girdle patterns suggesting uniaxial stretching deformation. The shortest axis of each quartz grain is parallel to Y or subsidiary to Z, suggesting that not only Z-parallel shortening but also Y-parallel shortening is dominant. Minor folds (crenulation) are commonly observed in YZ sections. These lines of evidence suggest that the bulk shear flow (fundamentally westward flow) was partitioned into the domains with opposite sense of shear and that X-parallel stretching is dominant.These features suggest the dominant deformation in the area is a ductile flow with partitioning into kinematically distinct domains and associated with overall uniaxial extension. This ductile flow is probably related to a tectonic framework such as oblique subduction of oceanic plate relative to continental plate during and after the peak metamorphism of the Sambagawa Belt. No evidence of dip-slip ductile to brittle shear which support the extrusion model of the high-P metamorphic rocks has been found in the study area.

    DOI CiNii

  • Pseudotachylyte veins associated with granitic cataclasite along the Median Tectonic Line, eastern Kii Peninsula, SW Japan

    Shimada, K, Kobari, Y, Okamoto, T, Takagi, H, Saka, Y

    地質学雑誌   107 ( 2 ) 117 - 128  2001.02  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Fault-generated pseudotachylytes showing reddish, greenish and grayish color have recently been found from the mylonitized Ryoke Granites along the Median Tectonic Line (MTL). These pseudotachylytes are suggested to have a melt origin on the basis of petrographic observations of typical melt-quenched microstructures such as microlites and amygdales. Preferential melting of low melting point minerals is the most probable melting process. The absence of lithic fragments of hornblende and biotite, and systematic decrease of bulk SiO_2 contents in the pseudotachylytes compared with their host rocks support this interpretation. These pseudotachylytes were formed after mylonitization and were post-dated by weak cataclasis resulting from movement of the MTL. Similar orientation of the MTL, fault veins of pseudotachylytes, and mylonitic foliation indicate that the deformation sequence of mylonite, pseudotachylyte, and cataclasite formation probably progressed under a single tectonic stress field. These pseudotachylytes are examples of the remnants of ancient faulting with frictional melting indicating seismic activity of the MTL.

    DOI CiNii

  • Elongated orthopyroxene porphyroclasts as a shear sense indicator and kinematic history of the Horoman Peridotite Complex, Hokkaido, Japan

    Sawaguchi, T, Goto, K, Takagi, H

    Journal of the Geological Society of Japan   107 ( 2 ) 165 - 178  2001.02  [Refereed]

  • 領家帯から産出するシュードタキライト

    高木秀雄, 島田耕史, 坂 幸恭, 荒井誠一, 小針雄一郎, 岡本孝之

    地質学雑誌/日本地質学会   107 ( 2 ) III - IV  2001.02  [Refereed]

  • P-144 "Naguri Fault", the Kurosegawa Terrane in the Kanto Mountains

    Fujita Kazuhiro, Shimamura Tetsuya, Takagi Hideo, Saka Yukiyasu

    Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan   2001   268 - 268  2001

    DOI CiNii

  • P-151 Mineral chemistry of ultramafic rocks of the Asaji metamorphic rocks, eastern Kyushu

    Soda Yusuke, Takagi Hideo

    Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan   2001   272 - 272  2001

    DOI CiNii

  • P-118 Fault-related dark intrusive breccia in granitic rocks

    Hosomi Yukinobu, Takagi Hideo

    Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan   2001   255 - 255  2001

    DOI CiNii

  • Timing of the hydrothermal alteration associated with fault activities along the Ulsan Fault Zonhe, southeast Korea

    Cho, K-H, Takagi, H, Awaji,D, Iwamura, D, Chang, T-W, Itaya, T

    Journal of the Korea Society of Economic and Environmental Geology   34   583 - 593  2001  [Refereed]

  • 骨材資源のための岩石学

    高木秀雄, 井上秀雄

    骨材資源   33 ( 131 ) 169 - 184  2001  [Refereed]


  • Ultramylonite bands derived from cataclasite and pseudotachylyte in granites, northeast Japan

    Takagi, H, Goto, K, Shigematsu, N

    Journal of Structural Geology   22 ( 9 ) 1325 - 1339  2000.09  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Small-scale ultramylonite and cataclasite bands, millimeters to tens of centimeters thick, are developed in granitic rocks west of the Hatagawa Fault Zone (HFZ) in the Abukuma Belt, northeast Japan. They occur as single or paired bands with sharp planar boundaries trending NNE-SSW, and often form networks and conjugate sets. The very small S-C angle and the high displacement/thickness ratio of the bands suggest that the shear strain is high. The ultramylonite bands are commonly associated with cataclasite bands and mineral veins, and rarely with pseudotachylyte. Some cataclasite bands contain mylonitized layers in which quartz fragments are strongly deformed and dynamically recrystallized. On the other hand, some ultramylonites are fractured producing fragments that have rotated during later cataclasis.
    The major element content of the ultramylonite bands is similar to that of the surrounding granitic rocks, strongly suggesting that the ultramylonite bands have formed through in-situ deformation of the granitic protolith without significant mass transfer. Mineralogy and microstructures of some ultramylonites suggest the strong possibility that they are derived from pseudotachylyte. The ultramylonite bands are interpreted as forming in the 10-15-km-deep cataclastic-plastic transition zone under greenschist facies conditions where co-seismic fracturing and aseismic plastic flow have alternated. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

    DOI CiNii


  • 古領家帯の構成要素と古領家-黒瀬川地帯の復元

    高木秀雄, 柴田 賢

    地質学論集   56 ( 56 ) 1 - 12  2000.03  [Refereed]


  • 日本の古生代花崗岩類の岩石化学的性質とその対比

    小林靖弘, 高木秀雄, 加藤 潔, 山後公二, 柴田 賢

    地質学論集   ( 56 ) 65 - 88  2000.03  [Refereed]

  • 南部北上帯氷上花崗岩類の岩相区分,構造および岩石化学

    小林靖弘, 高木秀雄

    地質学論集   ( 56 ) 103 - 122  2000.03  [Refereed]

  • 関東山地跡倉層の後背地

    新井宏嘉, 村上慎二郎, 高木秀雄

    地質学論集   ( 56 ) 123 - 136  2000.03  [Refereed]

  • 九州東部大野川層群の花崗岩礫のK-Ar年代

    高木秀雄, 曽田祐介, 吉村浄治

    地質学論集   ( 56 ) 213 - 220  2000.03  [Refereed]

  • 九州肥後帯水越層中の花崗岩礫のK-Ar年代

    戸邉恵里, 高木秀雄, 柴田 賢

    地質学論集   ( 56 ) 221 - 228  2000.03  [Refereed]

  • O-288 SHRIMP ages of the Hiji tonalite and the Asakawazawa granite in the Ryoke belt, southwest Japan

    Sakashima Toshihiko, Takagi Hideo, Terada Kentaro, Takeshita Toru, Hayasaka Yasutaka, Sano Yuji

    Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan   2000   155 - 155  2000

    DOI CiNii

  • O-217 Kinematic analysis of the Kinshozan Nappe superposing on the Atokura Nappe, Kanto Mountains

    ARAI Hiroyoshi, KOBAYASHI Kenta, AWAJI Dohta, TAKAGI Hideo

    Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan   2000   119 - 119  2000

    DOI CiNii

  • O-227 Nanometer textures of melt origin in pseudotachylyte

    TAKIZAWA Shigeru, TAKAGI Hideo, NISHIDA Norimasa, OHNO Yoshiki, SHIMUZU Masahiro

    Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan   2000   124 - 124  2000

    DOI CiNii

  • P-146 Occurrence of pseudotachylyte bearing fault rocks generated in the cataclastic-plastic transition zone : Example in the Hatagawa Fracture Zone

    Suzuki Tomoaki, Shigematsu Norio, Takagi Hideo

    Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan   2000   279 - 279  2000

    DOI CiNii

  • P-167 Heterogeneity of ductile shear deformation in the Sambagawa Belt : Examples in the Kanto Mountains

    Takagi Hideo, Abe Tatsumi, Shimada Koji, Miyashita Atsushi

    Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan   2000   290 - 290  2000

    DOI CiNii

  • P-120 Origin of ultramafic rocks of the Asaji metamorphic rocks, eastern Kyushu

    Soda Yusuke, Takagi Hideo

    Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan   2000   267 - 267  2000

    DOI CiNii

  • P-147 Dark intrusive rocks in the Ryoke Granites in Teshima Island, Seto Inland Sea : Occurrence and origin

    Hosomi Yukinobu, Takagi Hideo

    Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan   2000   280 - 280  2000

    DOI CiNii

  • P-115 Structural analysis at the boundary between Nishidohira and Hitachi metamorphic rock

    Mizuno Takashi, Takagi Hideo

    Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan   2000   264 - 264  2000

    DOI CiNii

  • 四国西部,唐崎マイロナイトの構造解析と地体構造上の位置づけ

    吉村浄治, 高木秀雄

    地質学雑誌   105 ( 11 ) 739 - 756  1999.11  [Refereed]

    DOI CiNii

  • 紀伊半島の中央構造線と領家帯の変形.

    島田耕史, 高木秀雄, 諏訪兼位, 林田守生

    日本地質学会第106年学術大会見学旅行案内書     141 - 162  1999.10  [Refereed]

  • 分配テクトニクス:トランスプレッション場における走向移動とスラスト(褶曲)の運動論的分配


    構造地質   ( 43 ) 21 - 31  1999.10  [Refereed]

  • Ductile deformation of the Horoman peridotite complex, Hokkaido, Japan.

    Sawaguchi, T, Takagi, H

    Field Excursion Guidebook-Hidaka Collision Zone, The Second Joint Meeting of Korean and Japanese STRG.     3 - 21  1999.08

  • CHIME monazite age of granitic rocks in the Sunchang shear zone, Korea:timing of dextral ductile shear.

    Cho, K-H, Takagi, H, Suzuki, K

    Geoscience Journal   3 ( 1 ) 1 - 15  1999.03  [Refereed]

  • 四国鳥形山地域黒瀬川帯,三滝花崗岩類のK-Ar 年代とその意義.

    高木秀雄, 柴田 賢, 内海 茂

    早稲田大学教育学部学術研究 (生物学・地学編)   47 ( 47 ) 1 - 5  1999.02


  • 断層活動年代の精密測定と活動の歴史の解明.


    月刊地球   21   50 - 54  1999.02

  • Geometry of the porphyroclast region, the introduction of 'Degree of Stair Stepping' and 'Area coefficient'

    Shimada Koji, Takagi Hideo, Jun Ding

    Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan   1999   246 - 246  1999

    DOI CiNii

  • K-Ar age of the granitic clasts from the Mizukoshi Formation in the Higo belt, western Kyushu

    Tobe Eri, Takagi Hideo, Shibata Ken

    Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan   1999   62 - 62  1999

    DOI CiNii

  • Geotectonic evolution in transpressional regime : time and space relationships between mylonitization and folding in the southern Ryoke belt, eastern Kii Peninsula, southwest Japan

    SHIMADA Koji, TAKAGI Hideo, OSAWA Hideaki

    The Journal of the Geological Society of Japan   104 ( 12 ) 825 - 844  1998.12  [Refereed]

    DOI CiNii

  • 関東山地,跡倉ナップの構造発達: 押被せ褶曲の復元.

    新井宏嘉, 高木秀雄

    地質学雑誌   104 ( 12 ) 861 - 876  1998.12  [Refereed]

    DOI CiNii

  • 破砕-塑性遷移領域の断層岩類


    地質学論集   ( 50 ) 59 - 72  1998.07  [Refereed]


  • 剪断センスの指標を使用する際の留意点-とくに形態ファブリックについて-

    高木秀雄, 澤口 隆, 島田耕史, 阿部龍巳

    月刊地球/海洋出版   20 ( 2 ) 113 - 119  1998.02

  • Geological structures of the Sambagawa belt in the Kanto Mountains

    Abe Tatsumi, Takagi Hideo, Miyashita Atsushi

    Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan   1998   P051  1998

    DOI CiNii

  • Petrochemical characteristics of the Permian and Ordovisian-Devonian granitic rocks in Japanese Islands

    Kobayashi Yasuhiro, Takagi Hideo, Katoh Kiyoshi, Sango Koji, Suzuki Kazuhiro

    Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan   1998   422 - 422  1998

    DOI CiNii

  • Paleo-Ryoke Terrane in Kanto Mountains, Shikoku and Kyushu: Western extension of South Kitakami and Abukuma Terranes?

    Takagi Hideo, Shibata Ken

    Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan   1998   414 - 414  1998

    DOI CiNii

  • Tectonic evolution of the Atokura-Kinshozan Nappes

    ARAI Hiroyoshi, TAKAGI Hideo, KOBAYASHI Kenta

    Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan   1998   416 - 416  1998

    DOI CiNii

  • 畑川破砕帯西部,阿武隈花崗岩中に発見されたシュードタキライト

    久保和也, 高木秀雄

    地質学雑誌/日本地質学会   103 ( 8 ) 798 - 801  1997.08  [Refereed]

    DOI CiNii

  • 九州東部,臼杵-八代構造線沿いの臼杵川石英閃緑岩の同位体年代とその地質学的意義

    高木秀雄, 柴田 賢, 鈴木和博, 田中 剛, 上田 寛

    地質学雑誌   103 ( 4 ) 368 - 376  1997.04  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    K-Ar and Rb-Sr age determinations were carried out on the Usukigawa quartzdiorite and associated metamorphic rocks along the Usuki-Yatsushiro Tectonic Line in eastern Kyushu, Southwest Japan. The Usukigawa quartzdiorite is composed of hornblende-biotite quartzdiorite to tonalite, and those in the western area of the body are strongly mylonitized. K-Ar hornblende ages of four samples of the Usukigawa quartzdiorite range from 252 to 272 Ma. Rb-Sr whole-rock isochron for four quartzdioritic rocks and three aplitic rocks gives an age of 275 ± 56 Ma with an initial 87Sr/86Sr ratio of 0.7040. On the other hand, K-Ar hornblende age of amphibolite which is intercalated as a small lenticular body along the northern boundary fault of the quartzdiorite is 124 Ma. The results of age and initial Sr isotope ratio of the Usukigawa quartzdiorite suggest that this Permian granitoid is correlative to the Kinshozan quartzdiorite which forms a nappe structure on the Mikabu green rocks in the Kanto Range, and is also correlative to the granitic clasts in the Usuginu-type conglomerate in South Kitakami belt. On the other hand, the K-Ar hornblende age of amphibolite and lithology of pelitic gneiss which is intercalated along the southern boundary fault of the quartzdiorite suggest that these high-grade metamorphic rocks are correlative to the Oshima metamorphic rocks in the Maana belt in western Shikoku and the Yorii metamorphic rocks in Kanto Range, and also correlative to the Takanuki metamorphic rocks in the Abukuma belt. The correlation of rocks mentioned above and close association and occurrence of three rock types
    Permian granitoid Early Cretaceous high-grade metamorphic rocks and Late Cretaceous terrigenous sediments strongly suggest that the rocks of South Kitakami and Abukuma belts remain as a nappe on the Sambagawa metamorphic rocks in both Kanto and eastern Kyushu.

    DOI CiNii


  • 中部地方領家帯のマイロナイト化の時期


    月刊地球/海洋出版   19 ( 2 ) 111 - 116  1997.02

  • 141 Ailao Shan shear zone,Yunnan,China : The strain localization along the HT/LT metamorphic boundary

    SHIMADA Koji, TAKAGI Hideo, DING Jun, HU Changshou

    Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan   1997   173 - 173  1997

    DOI CiNii

  • 158 Sandstone composition and geologic structure of the Atokura Formation,Kanto Range,central Japan

    ARAI Hiroyoshi, TAKAGI Hideo

    Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan   1997   181 - 181  1997

    DOI CiNii

  • 140 Structural analysis and determination of the timing of dextral ductile shear in the Soonchang shear zone in Korea

    CHO Kyu Hwan, TAKAGI Hideo, SUZUKI Kazuhiro

    Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan   1997   172 - 172  1997

    DOI CiNii

  • 165 Geologic constitu ents of the South Kitakami and Abukuma belts in Kyushu and western Shikoku

    TAKAGI Hideo, ARAI Hiroyoshi, YOSHIMURA Joji

    Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan   1997   185 - 185  1997

    DOI CiNii

  • 250 Lithofacies and structure of the Hikami granitic rocks,South Kitakami Terrane,Northeast Japan

    KOBAYASHI Yasuhiro, TAKAGI Hideo

    Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan   1997   226 - 226  1997

    DOI CiNii

  • 213 Geological and thermal structures of the Sambagawa belt in the Kanto Range

    Abe Tatsumi, Takagi Hideo, Miyashita Atsushi

    Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan   1997   208 - 208  1997

    DOI CiNii

  • Kyanite Inclusion in Natural Diamond

    Hayashi M

    Journal of The Gemmological Society of Japan   22 ( 1 ) 35 - 35  1997

    DOI CiNii

  • Natural Albite Closely Resembling Jadeite

    Hayashi M

    Journal of The Gemmological Society of Japan   22 ( 1 ) 34 - 35  1997

    DOI CiNii

  • Inverted ductile shear movement of the Horoman peridotite complex in the Hidaka metamorphic belt, Hokkaido, Japan

    Sawaguchi, T, Takagi, H

    地質学論集   ( 47 ) 193 - 208  1997.01  [Refereed]

  • 古領家帯の復元

    高木秀雄, 柴田 賢

    テクトニクスと変成作用(原郁夫先生退官記念論文集)/創文     211 - 219  1996.12  [Refereed]

  • Identification of natural and syntheric rock-crystals by FT-IR and Cathodoluminescence method method

    Hayashi, M, Nonaka, Y, Takagi, H

    宝石学会誌/宝石学会日本   21;1-4  1996.12  [Refereed]

  • 中国雲南省哀牢山-紅河剪断帯における延性剪断変形構造

    地質学雑誌/日本地質学会   102;8  1996.04  [Refereed]

  • 高遠地域の地質

    Makimoto, H, Takagi, H, Miyachi, Y, Nakano, S, Kato, H, Yoshioka, T

    地域地質研究報告「5万分の1地質図幅」/地質調査所     1 - 114  1996.03  [Refereed]

  • 中部地方中央構造線に伴う断層破砕岩類の変形・変質様式と断層活動史

    田中秀実, 高木秀雄, 井上 良

    構造地質   ( 41 ) 31 - 44  1996.03  [Refereed]

  • 野島地震断層に形成された鏡肌と条線の姿勢と組織

    高木秀雄, 小林健太, 坂 幸恭, 加藤 潔, 松田達生, 江原宏幸

    構造地質   41 ( 41 ) 1 - 15  1996.03  [Refereed]


  • 断層ガウジとマイロナイトの複合面構造-その比較組織学

    高木秀雄, 小林健太

    地質学雑誌   102 ( 3 ) 170 - 179  1996.03  [Refereed]


  • Pressure fringes and pressure shadows indicative of progressive deformation

    Takagi, H., Ishii, K., Kanagawa, K.

    地質学雑誌/日本地質学会   102;3  1996.03  [Refereed]


  • 309 Western extension of the granitic and metamorphic rocks of the South Kitakami and Abu kuma belts

    TAKAGI Hideo, SHIBATA Ken, SUZUKI Kazuhiro, TANAKA Tsuyoshi, UEDA Kan

    Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan   1996   245 - 245  1996

    DOI CiNii

  • 281 Intrastructure of the Atokura Nappe : recumbent fold of the Atokura Formation, Kanto Mountains

    ARAI Hiroyoshi, TAKAGI Hideo

    Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan   1996   231 - 231  1996

    DOI CiNii

  • 290 Time and space relationship between mylonitization and folding in the Ryoke belt, Iinan-Iidaka area, Mie Prefecture, Southwest Japan

    SHIMADA Koji, TAKAGI Hideo

    Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan   1996   236 - 236  1996

    DOI CiNii

  • FT-IRとCL(カソードルミネッセンス)像による分析例 : 特に水晶ロック・クリスタル)について

    林 政彦, 高木 秀雄

    宝石学会誌   21 ( 1 ) 80 - 80  1996

    DOI CiNii

  • 関東山地,山中地溝帯三山層中の花崗岩礫のK-Ar年代

    高木秀雄, 朴 容世, 益子竜行, 田中秀実, 小泉雅一, 板谷徹丸, 坂 幸恭

    地質学雑誌   101 ( 8 ) 648 - 658  1995.08  [Refereed]

    DOI CiNii

  • 24. K-Ar ages of granitic clasts from Cretaceous San-yama Formation in Sanchu graben, Kanto Range, central Japan

    TAKAGI Hideo, PARK Yong-se, MASUKO Tatsuyuki, TANAKA Hidemi, KOIZUMI Masakazu, SAKA Yukiyasu

    Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan   1995   87 - 87  1995

    DOI CiNii

  • 飛騨地帯の延性剪断帯の運動像とテクトニクス

    高木秀雄, 原 崇

    地質学雑誌   100 ( 12 ) 931 - 950  1994.12  [Refereed]

    DOI CiNii

  • 275. Ductile shear deformation and kinematics of the Horoman peridotite complex,Hokkaido

    SAWAGUCHI Takashi, TAKAGI Hideo

    Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan   1994   189 - 189  1994

    DOI CiNii

  • 赤石山地,青崩峠地域の戸台構造帯の花崗岩類とその放射年代

    柴田 賢, 高木秀雄, 稲崎富士, 内海 茂

    地質学雑誌   99 ( 2 ) 135 - 144  1993.02  [Refereed]

    DOI CiNii


  • 阿寺断層周辺地域の火成岩類の放射年代と断層活動の時期

    山田直利, 柴田 賢, 佃 栄吉, 内海 茂, 松本哲一, 高木秀雄, 赤羽久忠

    地質調査所月報   43 ( 12 ) 759 - 779  1992.12  [Refereed]

  • 断層ガウジのK-Ar年代測定-中央構造線における例

    高木秀雄, 柴田 賢

    地質学論集   ( 40 ) 31 - 38  1992.12  [Refereed]


  • 四国西部,砥部衝上断層における中新世中期の正断層運動

    地質学雑誌/日本地質学会   98,11  1992.11  [Refereed]


  • 関東山地北縁部,跡倉層中の花崗岩礫のK-Ar年代

    高木秀雄, 柴田 賢, 内海 茂, 山田隆司

    地質学雑誌   98 ( 10 ) 971 - 974  1992.10  [Refereed]

    DOI CiNii

  • Development of composite planar fabrics in mylonites along the Median Tectonic Line, southwest Japan

    Takagi, H

    The Island Arc   1   92 - 102  1992.08  [Refereed]

  • シアバンドの形成過程


    月刊 地球/海洋出版   14 ( 4 ) 241 - 246  1992.04

  • 阿武隈山地東縁,社地神剪断帯の断層岩の変形と運動

    久田 司, 高木秀雄

    地質学雑誌/日本地質学会   98 ( 2 )  1992.02  [Refereed]



  • 355 Yorii metamorphic rocks : Allochthonous metamorphic bodies in the Sambagawa belt, northern margin of the Kanto Mountains

    Takagi Hideo

    Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan   1992   471 - 471  1992

    DOI CiNii

  • 241 Microstructural analysis off fault gouge of the Tanakura Shear Zone

    Araki Yasuhiko, Ge Min, Sibata Ken, Takagi Hideo, Uchiumi Shigeru, Tanaka Hidemi, Saka Yukiyasu

    Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan   1992   349 - 349  1992

    DOI CiNii

  • 寄居変成岩-関東山地北縁部の異地性変成岩体 その1.泥質片麻岩中のざくろ石の化学組成について


    早稲田大学教育学部 学術研究 (生物学・地学編)   40 ( 40 ) 9 - 25  1991.12


  • 中部地方における中央構造線の断層ガウジとフェルサイト岩脈のK-Ar年代

    高木秀雄, 柴田 賢, 内海 茂

    地質学雑誌   97 ( 5 ) 377 - 384  1991.05  [Refereed]



  • 167 Movement direction of the Atokura Nappe in the Kanto Mountains viewed from intrastructures of fault

    Kobayashi Kenta, Takagi Hideo

    Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan   1991   291 - 291  1991

    DOI CiNii

  • 地震の化石-シュードタキライト


    地質ニュース   437 ( 437 ) 15 - 25  1991.01  [Refereed]



    TAKAGI Hideo

    ITE Technical Report   14 ( 43 ) 35 - 40  1990

    DOI CiNii

  • Pseudotachylyte : its occurrence and genesis

    Takagi Hideo

    Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan   1990   482 - 482  1990

    DOI CiNii

  • Concordance between K-Ar ages of K-feldspar and fission-track ages of zircon in Cretaceous granitic rocks from Japan

    Shibata, K, Danhara T, Takagi, H

    Geochemical Journal   24 ( 3 ) 187 - 192  1990  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    The closure temperature for zircon in the fission-track dating has been poorly estimated because of interpolation between minerals with very different closure temperatures. We find that K-Ar ages and fission-track ages of coexisting K-feldspars and zircons in Cretaceous granitic rocks from Japan are concordant within the experimental errors, with the exception of a few cataclastically deformed samples near the Median Tectonic Line. The concordance between the two systems suggests that the closure temperature for zircon in the fission-track system may be lower than 200-degrees-C.

    DOI CiNii


  • 関東山地北縁部の異地性花崗岩体

    藤森秀彦, 高木秀雄

    地質学雑誌   95 ( 9 ) 663 - 685  1989.09  [Refereed]

    DOI CiNii


  • 関東山地北部の花崗岩類の年代,同位体からみた中央構造線と棚倉構造線との関係

    柴田 賢, 高木秀雄

    地質学雑誌   95 ( 9 ) 687 - 700  1989.09  [Refereed]

    DOI CiNii


  • 関東山地北縁部の花崗岩類のK-Ar年代

    高木秀雄, 柴田 賢, 内海 茂, 藤森秀彦

    地質学雑誌   95 ( 5 ) 369 - 380  1989.05  [Refereed]


  • 三重県粥見地域の中央構造線沿いに分布する諸岩石の同位体年代

    高木秀雄, 柴田 賢, 内海 茂

    岩石鉱物鉱床学会誌   84 ( 3 ) 75 - 88  1989.03  [Refereed]

    DOI CiNii

  • Tectonic nelationship between the Median Tectonic Line and Tanakura Tectonic Line viewed from ages and isotopes of the granitic rocks in the northern Kanto region

    Shibata Ken, Takagi Hideo

    Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan   1989   96 - 97  1989

    DOI CiNii

  • 関東山地東方吉見丘陵の変成岩類とそのK-Ar年代

    高木秀雄, 柴田 賢, 内海 茂

    岩石鉱物鉱床学会誌   84 ( 1 ) 15 - 31  1989.01  [Refereed]

    DOI CiNii

  • 奈良県吉野地域の中央構造線沿いに分布する諸岩石の同位体年代

    柴田 賢, 杉山雄一, 高木秀雄, 内海 茂

    地質調査所月報   39 ( 12 ) 759 - 781  1988.12  [Refereed]

  • 領家帯内部剪断帯における石英の変形-大阪府岸和田地域の例-

    高木秀雄, 水谷知世, 廣岡圭一

    地質学雑誌   94 ( 11 ) 869 - 886  1988.11  [Refereed]


  • 252 K-Ar ages of the granitic and metamorphic rocks from the northern marginal area of the Kanto Mountains

    Takagi Hideo, Fujimori Hidehiko, Uchiumi Shigeru, Shibata Ken

    Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan   1988   352 - 352  1988

    DOI CiNii

  • 中央構造線沿いのマイロナイト微小構造とテクトニクス


    構造地質   ( 33 ) 1 - 11  1988  [Refereed]

  • 後方散乱電子像によるマイロナイト微小構造の観察

    伊藤真弓, 高木秀雄

    構造地質   ( 33 ) 59 - 67  1988  [Refereed]

  • The use of asymmetric pressure shadows in mylonites to determine the sense of shear

    Takagi, H, Ito, M

    Journal of Structural Geology   10 ( 4 ) 347 - 360  1988  [Refereed]

    DOI CiNii


  • 中央構造線沿いの岩石および断層内物質の同位体年代-長野県分杭峠の例-

    柴田 賢, 高木秀雄

    地質学雑誌   94 ( 1 ) 35 - 50  1988.01  [Refereed]

    DOI CiNii

  • 蛇紋岩メランジェ帯としての,志摩半島,五カ所-安楽島構造線

    坂 幸恭, 手塚茂雄, 岡田洋一, 市川昌則, 高木秀雄

    地質学雑誌   94 ( 1 ) 19 - 34  1988.01  [Refereed]



  • 長野県南部における中央構造線沿いの圧砕岩にみられる再結晶石英の形態ファブリック

    林 正貴, 高木秀雄

    地質学雑誌   93 ( 5 ) 349 - 359  1987.05  [Refereed]


  • 関東山地北東縁部比企丘陵の領家帯

    高木秀雄, 長濱裕幸

    地質学雑誌   93 ( 3 ) 201 - 215  1987.03  [Refereed]


  • Mylonitic rocks in the Kishiwada area, Ryoke Belt

    Takagi Hideo, Hirooka Keiichi

    Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan   1987   571 - 571  1987

    DOI CiNii

  • Isotopic ages of rocks along the Median Tectonic Line in the Yoshino district, Nara Prefecture

    Shibata Ken, Sugiyama Yuichi, Takagi Hideo

    Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan   1987   577 - 577  1987

    DOI CiNii

  • Implications of mylonitic microstructures for the geotectonic evolution of the Median Tectonic Line, central Japan


    Journal of Structural Geology   8 ( 1 ) 3 - 14  1986  [Refereed]

    DOI CiNii


  • 紀伊半島東部粥見地域における領家帯の圧砕岩類


    地質学雑誌   91 ( 9 ) 637 - 651  1985.09  [Refereed]


  • マイロナイトの小構造により推定される剪断帯の運動像 : 長野県高遠地域の例 : 構造地質

    長浜 裕幸, 高木 秀雄

    日本地質学会学術大会講演要旨   1985   494 - 494  1985

    DOI CiNii

  • 長野県高遠〜市野瀬地域における中央構造線沿いの圧砕岩類


    地質学雑誌   90 ( 2 ) 81 - 100  1984.02  [Refereed]


  • 中央構造線沿いの圧砕岩類に認められるカタクラスティックな重複変形-長野県上伊那地方の例


    早稲田大学教育学部学術研究(生物学・地学編)   32 ( 12 ) 47 - 60  1983.12

  • 和歌山県有田川上流地域における黒瀬川構造帯

    坂 幸恭, 高木秀雄

    地質学雑誌   89 ( 4 ) 223 - 237  1983.04  [Refereed]


  • マイロナイトの定義及び圧砕岩類の分類に関する問題点


    早稲田大学教育学部学術研究(生物学・地学編)   31   49 - 57  1982.12

  • Isotopic ages of gneiss clasts from the Tertiary Hatabu Formation in Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi Prefecture

    Shibata, K, Takagi, H

    地質学雑誌   87 ( 4 ) 259 - 262  1981.04  [Refereed]

    DOI CiNii

  • A study on orthoquartzitic clasts in the Tertiary Hatabu Formation in Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi Prefecture, Southwest Japan

    Takagi, H

    Journal of Earth Sci., Nagoya Univ.   26/27   19 - 47  1979.12

▼display all

Books and Other Publications

  • 500 Million Years History of Japanese Islands Read by Topography and Geology

    Hideo Takagi( Part: Supervisor (editorial))

    Takarajimasya  2020.03 ISBN: 9784299003324

  • Basic Earth Science (3rd.ed.)

    2019.08 ISBN: 9784254160741

  • Geo-World Boso Peninsula

    ( Part: Edit)


  • Earth, Environment and Resources-to build a harmonious relationship between the Earth and human beings (2nd.ed.)

    Etsuo Uchida, Hideo Takagi( Part: Edit)

    Kyoritsu Pub. Co., Ltd.  2019.03 ISBN: 9784320047341

  • Beautiful Earth traced by World Natural Heritage

    Hideo Takagi( Part: Supervisor (editorial))

    Shinsei Publishing Co.,Ltd.  2018.12 ISBN: 9784405108080

  • 500 Million Year History of Japanese Islands

    Hideo Takagi( Part: Supervisor (editorial))

    Yosensha  2018.05 ISBN: 9784800314338

  • Geological and geomorphological feature of Japan viewed in chronological order

    Takagi, Hideo( Part: Sole author)

    2017.01 ISBN: 9784416517031

  • 長瀞たんけんマップー荒川が刻んだ地球の窓をのぞいてみようー

    高木秀雄, 本間岳史, 露木和男( Part: Joint author)

    日本地質学会(地質リーフレットたんけんシリーズ5)  2016.03

     View Summary


  • 日本の地質構造百選

    日本地質学会構造地質部会編, 編集委員長, 高木秀雄

    朝倉書店  2012.05 ISBN: 9784254162738

  • 三陸にジオパークをー未来のいのちを守るために


    早稲田大学出版部  2012.04 ISBN: 9784657123039

  • 地球・環境・資源-地球と人類の共生をめざして-

    内田悦生, 高木秀雄

    共立出版  2008.09

  • フィールドジオロジー第7巻「変成・変形作用」

    中島 隆, 高木秀雄, 石井和彦, 竹下 徹

    共立出版  2004.05

  • 地球環境システム(2.高木秀雄 地震と活断層)

    円城寺 守

    学文社  2004.03

  • 基礎地球科学

    西村祐二郎, 鈴木盛久, 今岡照喜, 高木秀雄, 金折裕司, 磯崎行雄

    朝倉書店  2002.10

  • Fault-related rocks-a photographic atlas.

    Snoke, A. W, Tullis, J, Todd, V. R., ed

    Princeton Univ. Press  1998.11

  • 改訂 基礎地質図学

    大杉 徴, 坂 幸恭, 高木秀雄

    前野書店  1997.04

  • 地球環境の復元 (第6章 関東山地北部の異地性岩体とナップ構造)

    大原 隆 編

    朝倉書店  1992.07

  • 地球の探求 (第9章 岩石の流動と変形小構造)

    大原 隆, 西田 孝, 木下 肇 編

    朝倉書店  1989.05

  • Rheology of Solids and of the Earth (19. Ductile shear zones : microstructures of mylonites)

    Karato, S, Toriumi, M

    Oxford University Press  1989

  • 固体と地球のレオロジー 5-2章 Shear zoneの形成 マイロナイトの微細構造

    唐戸俊一郎, 鳥海光弘

    東海大学出版会  1986.10

▼display all


  • Progress of geopark activities of Japan in last 10 years

    Takagi, H, Watanabe, M

    The 2nd. IGCP608 symposium, Waseda Univ. 

    Presentation date: 2014.09

  • 日本地質学会による2011年東日本大震災の復興支援活動

    The Coordinating Committee for Geoscience Programmes in East and Southeast Asia (CCOP) 2013 in Sendai 

    Presentation date: 2013.10

  • Use of Geoparks in Redevelopment of the Sanriku Region (which was Damaged by a Huge Tsunami of the M9.0 Tohoku Earthquake of March 11, 2011)

    The 5th International UNESCO Conference on Geoparks 

    Presentation date: 2012.05

  • Microstructural studies of rocks from the 25 S oceanic core complex, along the Central Indian Ocean Ridge

    EGU General Assembly Vol. 12, EGU2010-5715-2 

    Presentation date: 2010.12

  • Why have Japanese Geoparks been established so rapidly in the last three years?

    Joint Meeting of Korean and Japanese Geological Societies -Muroto Geopark- 

    Presentation date: 2010.08

  • Estimation of regional paleostress field by intracrystalline healed microcracks in quartz grains from granitic bodies

    AOGS Meeting, Busan, SE52-A004 

    Presentation date: 2008.06

  • Fission-track dating of zircons in pseudotachylytes from a brittle-ductile shear zone and an active fault in Japan, and from a large-scale landslide in Langtang, Nepal

    EGU General Assembly A-04746 

    Presentation date: 2007.04

  • 3-D geometric analyses of intragranular and transgranular, healed and sealed microcracks in granite: examples near the Nojima Fault, SW Japan

    Annual Meeting of the Geological Societyt of America, Salt Lake City, 89-5 

    Presentation date: 2005.10

  • Occurrence of pseudotachylytes from cataclastic-plastic transition and near-surface crustal levels

    AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, T23A-0552 

    Presentation date: 2004.12

  • Pseudotachylyte dating by zircon fission track thermochronology

    Goldschmidt Conference Abstracts 2003 A314 

    Presentation date: 2004.08

  • 3-D analyses of healed and sealed intragranular and transgranular cracks

    32nd International Geological Congress, Florence, Abstracts G23-05, 309-25 

    Presentation date: 2004.08

  • Strike-slip inversion along the MTL-TTL, major along-arc faults in Japan

    32nd International Geological Congress, Florence, Abstracts G23-03, 12-37 

    Presentation date: 2004.08

  • Selective frictional melting in the composite small-scale brittle-ductile shear zones, SW japan

    32nd International Geological Congress, Florence, Abstracts G23-05, 309-26 

    Presentation date: 2004.08

  • AMS variation across a small-scale shear zone in granite-influence of composite planar fabric

    32nd International Geological Congress, Florence, Abstracts G23-05, 309-28 

    Presentation date: 2004.08

  • larifying the western extension of the Median Tectonic Line thorough Kyushu, Japan

    32nd International Geological Congress, Florence, Abstracts G10-02, 29-26 

    Presentation date: 2004.08

  • Occurrence of fault-related dark intrusive breccia in granite

    Abstracts of the TSG meeting of the Transport and flow Processes in Shear Zones, Geol. Soc. London 

    Presentation date: 2002.09

  • Cyclic generation of cataclasite (pseudotachylyte) and ultramylonite in granites along the Hatagawa fault zone

    Proceedings of International Symposium on Slip and Flow Processes in and below the Seismogenic Region 445-118 

    Presentation date: 2001.11

  • Kinematic history of the Main Central Thrust Zone in the Langtang area, Nepal.

    Tectonic Evolution of East Asia: Abstracts of the Third Joint Meeting of Japanese and Korean STRG, Daejeon 

    Presentation date: 2001.08

  • Tectonic evolution of the Japanese Islands: Evidence from the Paleo-Ryoke and Kurosegawa Terranes.

    Tectonic Evolution of East Asia: Abstracts of the Third Joint Meeting of Japanese and Korean STRG, Daejeon. 

    Presentation date: 2001.08

  • K-Ar dating of fault gouges from major active faults from Japan and Korea.

    Tectonic Evolution of East Asia: Abstracts of the Third Joint Meeting of Japanese and Korean STRG, Daejeon 

    Presentation date: 2001.08

  • Fault-related dark intrusive breccia in granitic rocks.

    Tectonic Evolution of East Asia: Abstracts of the Third Joint Meeting of Japanese and Korean STRG, Daejeon 

    Presentation date: 2001.08

  • Restoration of an almost lost terrane, Paleo-Ryoke Terrane, interleaved between the paired metamorphic belts, Southwest Japan

    2000 Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting Program/ American Geophysical Union 

    Presentation date: 2000.07

  • Maximum and minimum estimation of the displacement of the Median Tectonic Line, SW Japan.

    Abstracts of the 2nd. Joint Meeting of Korean and Japanese Structure and Tectonic Research Groups, Hokkaido, 72-73 

    Presentation date: 1999.08

  • 'Degree of stair stepping' and 'area coefficient' of the 'porphyroclast region' in mylonites.

    Abstracts of the 2nd. Joint Meeting of Korean and Japanese Structure and Tectonic Research Groups, Hokkaido, 96-97. 

    Presentation date: 1999.08

  • Strain analysis of boudinaged porphyroclasts in mylonite along the Median Tectonic Line, southwest Japan: implication for the lineation-normal stretch of ductile shear regime.

    Canadian Tectonic Group 18th Annual Meeting Abstract (without page) ,Canmore Alberta Canada, 

    Presentation date: 1998.09

  • Karasaki mylonite - Possible constituent of the Paleo-Ryoke terrane along the Median Tectonic Line, SW Japan.

    Tectonic Evolution of East Asia: First joint meetin of Japanese and Korean structure and tectonic research group, Seoul Korea 185-190 

    Presentation date: 1998.08

  • Tectonic evolution of the Atokura nappe, Kanto mountains, Central Japan.

    Tectonic Evolution of East Asia: First joint meetin of Japanese and Korean structure and tectonic research group, Seoul Korea. 109-112 

    Presentation date: 1998.08

  • Implication of the simultaneous mylonitization and folding of the Ryoke schistose granitoids to the transpressional sructural evolution of the Median Tectonic Line, SW Japan

    Tectonic Evolution of East Asia: First joint meetin of Japanese and Korean structure and tectonic research group, Seoul Korea. 173-178 

    Presentation date: 1998.08

  • Geological structures of the Sambagawa metamorphic belt in Kanto mountains, Central Japan.

    Tectonic Evolution of East Asia: First joint meetin of Japanese and Korean structure and tectonic research group, Seoul Korea. 103-108 

    Presentation date: 1998.08

  • Fault rocks generated in cataclastic-plastic transition zone.

    Tectonic Evolution of East Asia: First joint meetin of Japanese and Korean structure and tectonic research group, Seoul Korea 179-184 

    Presentation date: 1998.08

  • Structural analysis and determination of the timing of dextral ductile shear in the Soonchang shear zone in Korea.

    Short Papers for the International Symposium on the Occasion of the 50th Anniversary of the Geol. Soc. Korea 

    Presentation date: 1997.09

  • Geotectonic significance of Ailao Shan shear zone, a high T/lowT metamorphic boundary, Yunnan, China.

    Short Papers for the International Symposium on the Occasion of the 50th Anniversary of the Geol. Soc. Korea. 

    Presentation date: 1997.09

  • Tectonic evolution of the Atokura nappe, Kanto mountains, Central Japan.

    Tectonic Evolution of East Asia: First joint meetin of Japanese and Korean structure and tectonic research group, Seoul Korea. 

    Presentation date: 1997.09

  • Movement history and its tectonic implication of the Median Tectonic Line, Southwest Japan.

    30th IGC Abstracts, Beijing, China 3 (WB-1) 

    Presentation date: 1996.08

  • Inverted ductile shear deformation of the Horoman peridotite complex, Hokkaido, Japan.

    Sawaguchi, T. and Takagi, H. 

    Presentation date: 1996.08

  • Movement diretion of the Atokura Nappe in the Sambagawa belt viewed from structural analysis of basal fault plane

    29th IGC abstracts, Kyoto I-3-35 

    Presentation date: 1992.08

  • ntracrystalline strain of quartz grains in fault rocks estimated by X-ray line broadening

    29th IGC abstracts, Kyoto I-3-35 

    Presentation date: 1992.08

▼display all

Research Projects

  • Re-examination of the movement history of the Median Tectonic Line in Ina area

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Takagi Hideo

     View Summary

    From this research, the researcher got the following two results.1. One of the faults along the Median Tectonic Line (MTL) transects a terrace deposit at Hiji Outcrop. We extracted volcanic glass shards from the deposit and determined bulk chemical composition of the glasses. The result is that the glasses are correlative with those from the Ontake tephra (On-Pm1), which was erupted at 100 Ka. Accordingly the MTL fault was reactivated as an active fault.2. We collected fault gouges from several outcrops of the MTL and examined K-Ar ages and illite polytype component from four grain-size fractions divided. As a result, the fault gouges are formed by hydrothermal alteration associated with major fault movement at about 15 Ma , which is correlative with the beginning of the collision of Izu arc against the Honshu arc

  • Exhumation processes of the high-P metamorphic rocks constrained by integrated radiogenic ages of zircon in the clasts of the Miocene conglomerates

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    TAKAGI Hideo, SANO Yuji

     View Summary

    Exhumation processes of high pressure type metamorphic rocks (Sanbagawa metamorphics) was examined using various radiogenic dating method (phengite K-Ar, zircon fission-track and zircon U-Pb) for the schist samples from exposures and from the clasts of Miocene and Eocene conglomerates in Shikoku and Kanto. Our results are as follows; (1) The exhumation age of the clasts in the older (Eocene) conglomerate is older than those in the Miocene conglomerate and even than schists from current exposures, except the case of Eocene conglomerate in the Shimanto Belt in Shikoku. (2) Protolith of the Sanbagawa metamorphics dated is early Late Cretaceous, therefore is correlative with the accretionary complex of the Shimanto belt. (3) Duration time of the exhumation of the Sanbagawa metamorphics is estimated about 60 m.y., longer than previously estimated

  • Internal Structure of the Median Tectonic Line fault zone revealed by analysis of continuous borehole core

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



     View Summary

    A drill hole penetrates the Median Tectonic Line (MTL) at 473.9m depth which is the boundary between the Ryoke granitic rocks and the Sanbagawa metamorphic rocks. The internal structure of MTL fault zone was revealed by the drillcore samples, and has evolved through a series of faulting events under various temperature conditions from 450℃ to the surface. The evolution history of the fault zone can be divided into four stages based on the stress inversion analysis, and the fault zone experienced the brittle-plastic transition at the first stage during their evolution. A microstructure analysis revealed the stress state around the brittle-plastic transition zone. Analyses of altered minerals revealed the hydrothermal activities within the fault zone during the evolution. Raman spectroscopy of carbonaceous matter revealed the frictional heating along the MTL fault zone during the brittle faulting

  • Determination of the history of fault activity using pseudotachylyte from the Median Tectonic Line and from the Atotsugawa Fault

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    TAKAGI Hideo

     View Summary

    Fission-Track (FT) ages for zircon in granitic rocks along the MTL and Atotsugawa Fault were determined. The FT ages for the MTL yield about 60 Ma, suggesting the oldest brittle deformation along the MTL, whereas those for the Atotsugawa Fault yields two bimodal ages ; 60+Ma and about 45Ma, even though the protolith age is Jurassic. The older age suggests the rejuvenation of concealed younger granitoid and younger age suggest the formation of the PT. On the basis of these data and previous ages of fault gouges, major faults in granitic crust of SW Japan were probably initiated from early Paleogene

  • Reconstruction of the paleostress field on the basis of 3-D analyzes of healed miocrocracks in granitic rocks

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    TAKAGI Hideo, ENJOJI Mamoru

     View Summary

    To estimate the influence of the bending of the Median Tectonic Line(MTL) by the late Miocene collision of the Izu-Ogasawara arc, we examined the 3-D orientations of healed microcracks in the Ryoke granitic rocks and the Tanzawa Tonalite and determined the paleostress field. The results are as follows :1. δHmax directions recorded as the orientation of healed microcracks from the Nojima Granodiorite(Awaji Island), Misugi Tonalite(Mie Pref.) and Shinshiro Tonalite(Aichi Pref.)are nearly parallel to the current strike of the MTL. These results suggest that the microcrack-bearing granitic bodies along the MTL are rotated together with the MTL during the arc-arc collision. However, those from the Takato Granite(Nagano Pref.) are almost normal to that of the MTL. It is not able to be explained by the bending, and open to research more.2. δHmax directions recorded as the orientation of both healed and sealed microcracks from the Tanzawa Tonalite which was collided at c. 5Ma are fairly constant throughout the body(NNE-SSW). Geothermometry on fluid inclusions constituting healed microcracks suggest that the formation of them was occurred at the condition of 300〜400℃. This trend was explained by the divergent δHmax trajectories at the northeastern side of colliding center which has the movement direction of NW

  • ルミノスコープを用いた微小割れ目による応力場解析に関する基礎研究

    Project Year :


  • Integrated studies on Himalayan uplift and climatic changes - A case of Kathmandu Nappe

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    ARITA Kazunori, SAKAI Tetsuya, TAKAGI Hideo, WATANABE Teiji, SAKAI Harutaka, KIMURA Kazuo

     View Summary

    We studied uplift processes and the resultant climatic and environmental changes since the Late Miocene in central Nepal including the Kathmandu basin, which is located on the Kathmandu Nappe and is archives of paleoclimate in the Himalaya, from interdisciplinay viewpoints such as geology, sedimentology, magnetostratigraphy, pollen and diatom analyzes, geomorphology and glaciology.Main results are as follows:1. Kathmandu Nappe consists of a single thrust sheet. It is edged by the underlying Main Central Thrust zone and cut on the north by an out-of-sequence thrust which has resulted in the rapid uplift since the latest Miocene of the Higher Himalaya to the north.2. The Main Central Thrust zone has been a normal fault in brittle condition since 3 Ma, although it has been thrust zone in ductile condition until 9 〜 6Ma.3.The stratigraphy of the upper Pliocene to Pleistocene Paleo-Kathmandu lake deposits has been established and the vertical and lateral changes of their sedimentary fades have been elucidated. But it is still unsolved whether the changes has been caused by mountain uplift or by fluctuation of water-level due to climatic changes.4. The changes of the sedimentary environment and paleoclimate in the Kathmandu basin has been made clear.5. The pollen analysis shows that the Kathmandu area has been cooler and more dry than the present around 25 ka.6. The Paloe-Kathmandu lake has been the largest with a maximum shore-level upto 1440 m above sea level around 30 ka and then has been gradually reduced.7. The temperature at the Last glacial maximum in the Sub-Himalaya to the south of Kathmandu was 7-8℃ lower and more dry than the present. Thereafter it has been gradually warm with cyclic humid climate and became to the present climate around 5 ka.8. Three borings upto 221 m, 65 m and 5 m depth were performed in the Kathmandu basin

  • Distribution Characteristics of Mineral Deposits in Southwestern China

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    SHOJI Tetsuya, KOBAYASHI Shoichi, KANEDA Hiroaki

     View Summary

    According to the original program, the field survey focused the Southwestern China, especially Sichuan and Guizhou. In 1998, however, it was heavily rained, and water flowed out the middle Yantze river. For this reason the program was changed, and the Shandong and Xiaqingling areas were added. The samples collected in the areas as well as Sichuan and Guizhou were characterized, and gave the following results: 1) The Panzhihua deposit belongs to the orthomagmatic type, and supplies considerable amounts of titanium and vanadium as byproducts. The recovery of the elements is difficult, because they. constitute magnetite as members of the solid solution. 2) Many gold deposits occur around the Kanding area, western Sichuan, though they are small in scale. 3) Many gold deposits of the vein type occur in the Xiaqinglin area. The Tonggou deposit is a typical example. The auriferous quartz veins occupy a fractured zone in this area. 4) The gold deposits in Shandong Peninsula are divided into two types: the one is called the Jiaojia type, which is characterized by silica alteration, and the other is called the Linglong type, which belongs to the vein type. The Yikazhang deposit is one of Xialong type deposits. Alteration zoning is observer around a vein. The characterizing minerals are quartz near the vein, and K-feldspar outwards. 5) The Al/Is ordering state of the K-feldspar occurring in the alteration zone in Yingezhuang deposit is high. This point is quite different from the Japanese Tertiary gold deposits which are characterized by adularia. 6) The rodingite samples collected in the Ailaoshan metamorphic belt, central Yunnan has high titanium garnet 7) The primary gold deposits of China are clearly classified into main product and byproduct types. Gold grades of deposits of each type show a lognormal distribution. 8) The placer gold deposits of China are classified into high and low gold grade types Gold grades of deposits of each type show a lognormal distribution. 9) The grade- cumulative tonnage relation indicates that Chinese gold deposits consist of high, intermediate and low-grade types 10) The critical grade of low-grade deposits is nearly equal to the lowest value of operating mines, and hence the Chinese gold resources are not optimistic

  • Restoration of the Paleo Ryoke Terrane - Geotectonic Evolwtion of Kyshu

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    TAKAGI Hideo, SUZUKI Kazuhiro

     View Summary

    K-Ar age determinations were carried out for granitic clasts from the Cretaceous Onogawa Group, Yamanaka Granodiorite distributed to the north of Onogawa Group in eastern Kyushu, and granitic clast from Permian Mizukoshi Formation in the Higo Terrane, western Kyushu. CHIME monazite and zircon age determina-tions were also carried out for Higo metamorphic rocks. The major results are as follows :1. K-Ar hornblende and biotite ages for four granitic clasts from Onogawa Group are concentrated in 103-108 Ma.K-Ar hornblende, biotite and K-feldspar ages for Yamanaka granodiorite are 103, 104 and 75.1Ma, respectively. These results suggest that the granitic clasts in the Onogawa Group were supplied from the Asaji metamorphic terrane on the north. However, the origin of Asaji metamorphic rocks remains unsolved.2. K-Ar hornblende age for tonalite clast from the Mizukoshi Formation is 260 ± 13 Ma. The initial isotopic Sr ratio ranges from 0.7037 to 0.7053. The XRF whole rock analyses show that the granitic clasts in the Mizukoshi Formation has characteristics of M-type volcanic arc granite. These results are identical to the characteristics of the granitic clasts in the Usuginu-type conglomerate in the South Kitakami and Kurosegawa Terranes, and also as those of the Permian granitic rocks constituting Paleo-Ryoke Terrane. Accordingly, the terrane from where the granitic clasts were supplied in Permian time must be immature island arc extending an order of 1000 km where M-type granitic rocks were exposed.3. CHIME monazite ages of the Higo metamorphic rocks concentrate about 120 Ma, whereas CHIME zircon ages have a peak of 250 Ma. The younger age shows peak metamorphic age, whereas the older age is considered to be inherited age retained in the detrital zircon

  • Distribution characteristics of mineral deposits in Yunnan, China

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    SHOJI Tetsuya, LUO Junlie, SATO Kohei, TAKAGI Hideo, KOBAYASHI Shoichi, ITAYA Tetsumaru, KANEDA Hiroaki, ZHAO Min, DING Jun, MENG Xianguo, ZHAO Pengda

     View Summary

    The availability of GPS (Global Positioning System) has been examined in three areas. The first is a fixed point. Measured values are scattered within 100 m from the true position. The second area was selected because topographic maps (1/25000) are published. Each GPS value was compared with the position given from a topographic map. The deviation is within 300 m. The third area is Yunnan Province, southwestern China, where foreigners are prohibited to use topographic maps. The accuracy was checked by the reproducibility. When 4 satellites were found in wide areas, values were scattered in a circle whose diameter was 200 m. When 4 satellites were found in narrow areas, the diameter was 500 m. When only 3 satellites were found, the diameter was 1000 m. The result suggests that the GPS can provide location data with the accuracy enough to regional geoscience discussions.An ore value-tonnage diagram has been proposed for assessing mineral resources. Diagrams of W+Mo, and Pb+Zn deposits show a good linearity between ore value and logarithms of cumulative ore tonnage. Diagrams of the massive sulfide, orthomagmatic, placer, porphyry, replacement, and stratabound types are also linear. It is assumed, therefore, that deposits of each of these commodities and these types belong to a single population. In contrast, the ore value-tonnage relations of all the deposits analyzed here is approximated by the combination of two exponential functions. The same feature is seen for deposits of the Cu+W+Mo, Cu+Pb+Zn, and Au+Ag commodities, and of the vein and unconformity-related types. This suggests that deposits belonging to each of such categories are divided into the high and low value groups

  • 中央構造線に近接する諸岩石の構造地質学的研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    高木 秀雄

  • 中央構造線沿いに分布する圧砕岩類に関する地質学的岩石学的研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    高木 秀雄

  • 日本列島のペルム紀花崗岩類の形成場とそのテクトニックな意義

     View Summary


  • 震源域物質研究プロジェクトの準備-地質学と地球物理学のカップリングによる地震発生機構の解明-

     View Summary


▼display all


  • Activities of the Geological Society of Japan in support of reconstruction after the 2011 Tohoku earthquake disaster

    Takagi, H

    Proceedings of the Thematic Session, 49th CCOP Annual Session, 22-23 0ct. 2013, Sendai, Japan, GSJ Open-File Report.   ( 609 ) 1 - 8  2014.11  [Invited]

  • 四国地方および関東地方における始新統および中新統中の結晶片岩礫に含まれるジルコンのU-Pb年代測定

    飯塚亮太, 高木秀雄, 岩野英樹, 石田章純, 佐野有司

    日本地質学会学術大会講演要旨   121st  2014


  • 混合ビンガム分布を適用したヒールドマイクロクラックによる古応力解析:中部地方領家花崗岩類における例

    金井拓人, 山路 敦, 高木秀雄

    地質学雑誌   120   23 - 35  2014


  • 混合ビンガム分布を適用したヒールドマイクロクラックによる古応力解析:中部地方領家花崗岩類における例

    金井拓人, 山路 敦, 高木秀雄

    地質学雑誌   120  2014


  • Geological framework and fission track dating of pseudotachylyte of the atotsugawa fault, magawa area, central Japan

    Hideo Takagi, Kosuke Tsutsui, Hiroyoshi Arai, Hideki Iwano, Tohru Danhara

    Island Arc   22 ( 3 ) 318 - 337  2013.09  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    This paper describes newly discovered pseudotachylyte along the Atotsugawa Fault at the Magawa outcrop, where this fault divides Quaternary deposits in the SW from Triassic Hida granitic rocks to the NE. Within several meters of the fault surface, pseudotachylyte veins are found with a thickness of less than 10cm, but are displaced by fault brecciation. Zircon fission track dating of pseudotachylyte samples yields ages of 48.6-50.2 Ma (sample AT-A), 55.1 Ma (AT-A'-1) and 60.9 Ma (AT-D-1)
    the latter is similar to the fission track ages of 56.1-60.1 Ma for granitic protoliths. The results of fission track length analyses in zircon suggest that pseudotachylytes (AT-A and AT-D-1) and protolith granite are mostly annealed. Consequently, the pseudotachylyte (AT-A) reached the highest temperature during 48.6-50.2 Ma, thereby resetting the fission track system totally in zircon during faulting. Another pseudotachylyte (AT-A'-1) and its wall rock granite contain shortened tracks within zircon grains suggesting partial annealing. The age distribution pattern of the former also contains decomposed age after the normality test (Shapiro-Wilk test) in which the major age yields 52.5 Ma. Accordingly, these pseudotachylytes yield a peak age of about 50 Ma, whereas the peak ages of one pseudotachylyte (AT-D-1) and the protolith Hida granitic rocks are about 60 Ma, representing the thermal effects not caused by frictional heating but by intrusions of Late Cretaceous to Paleogene granitoids that are probably concealed below the exposed Triassic Hida granitic rocks. Such thermal effects did not affect the K-Ar muscovite age (149 Ma) for the protolith granite because of the higher closure temperature of this system. Using the new geochronological data, we can elucidate the cooling history of the Hida granitic rocks, and constrain the timing of the main pulse of pseudotachylyte generation along the Atotsugawa Fault at about 50 Ma. © 2013 Wiley Publishing Asia Pty Ltd.


  • Geological framework and fission track dating of pseudotachylyte of the Atotsugawa Fault, Magawa area, central Japan

    Hideo Takagi, Kosuke Tsutsui, Hiroyoshi Arai, Hideki Iwano, Tohru Danhara

    ISLAND ARC   22 ( 3 ) 318 - 337  2013.09

     View Summary

    This paper describes newly discovered pseudotachylyte along the Atotsugawa Fault at the Magawa outcrop, where this fault divides Quaternary deposits in the SW from Triassic Hida granitic rocks to the NE. Within several meters of the fault surface, pseudotachylyte veins are found with a thickness of less than 10cm, but are displaced by fault brecciation. Zircon fission track dating of pseudotachylyte samples yields ages of 48.6-50.2 Ma (sample AT-A), 55.1 Ma (AT-A'-1) and 60.9 Ma (AT-D-1); the latter is similar to the fission track ages of 56.1-60.1 Ma for granitic protoliths. The results of fission track length analyses in zircon suggest that pseudotachylytes (AT-A and AT-D-1) and protolith granite are mostly annealed. Consequently, the pseudotachylyte (AT-A) reached the highest temperature during 48.6-50.2 Ma, thereby resetting the fission track system totally in zircon during faulting. Another pseudotachylyte (AT-A'-1) and its wall rock granite contain shortened tracks within zircon grains suggesting partial annealing. The age distribution pattern of the former also contains decomposed age after the normality test (Shapiro-Wilk test) in which the major age yields 52.5 Ma. Accordingly, these pseudotachylytes yield a peak age of about 50 Ma, whereas the peak ages of one pseudotachylyte (AT-D-1) and the protolith Hida granitic rocks are about 60 Ma, representing the thermal effects not caused by frictional heating but by intrusions of Late Cretaceous to Paleogene granitoids that are probably concealed below the exposed Triassic Hida granitic rocks. Such thermal effects did not affect the K-Ar muscovite age (149 Ma) for the protolith granite because of the higher closure temperature of this system. Using the new geochronological data, we can elucidate the cooling history of the Hida granitic rocks, and constrain the timing of the main pulse of pseudotachylyte generation along the Atotsugawa Fault at about 50 Ma.


  • 淡路島の領家帯古期岩脈のマイロナイト化作用

    加納大道, 高木秀雄

    地質学雑誌   119   776 - 793  2013


  • Geological framework and fission track dating of pseudotachylyte of the Atotsugawa Fault, Magawa area, central Japan

    Takagi, H, Tsutsui, K, Arai, H, Iwano, H, Danhara, T

    Island Arc   in press   1 - 20  2013


  • ジオパークを活用した地学教育の実践 (報告)


    早稲田大学教育総合研究所 早稲田教育評論   27 ( 1 ) 165 - 182  2013

  • ジオパークを活用した地学教育の実践


    早稲田大学教育総合研究所 早稲田教育評論   27 ( 1 ) 165 - 182  2013

  • Integrated estimates of the thickness of the fault damage zone in granitic terrain based on penetrative mesocracks and XRD analyses of quartz

    Hideo Takagi, Kazuhiro Takahashi, Koji Shimada, Kosuke Tsutsui, Reiko Miura, Narumi Kato, Shigeru Takizawa

    JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY   35   64 - 77  2012.02

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    We estimated the thickness of the fault damage zone in granitoid along the linan transect at the Median Tectonic Line (MTL) and along the Magawa transect at the Atotsugawa Fault, southwest Japan, based on the density of penetrative mesocracks, and on analyses of intracrystalline strain in pulverized quartz using X-ray line broadening (beta) and the crystallinity index (Cl). The mesocrack density and intracrystalline strain show an increase toward the MTL, from similar to 400 m from the fault. High amounts of intracrystalline strain in quartz, characterized by large beta and low CI. reflect the presence of dense, heterogeneous tangles of short dislocations. For the Atotsugawa Fault, in contrast, we observed no increase in intracrystalline strain within quartz, even within highly fractured rock showing high mesocrack density located close to the fault (similar to 10 m). This difference in the intensity of intracrystalline strain close to the fault between the MTL and the Atotsugawa Fault suggests that dislocation substructures did not accumulate at shallower levels in the brittle regime, but accumulated at deeper levels. Accordingly, analyses of intracrystalline strain in pulverized quartz, using X-ray line broadening and CI are useful in evaluating the degree of cataclasis of quartz-bearing rocks at deeper levels of the brittle regime. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


  • Integrated estimates of the thickness of the fault damage zone in granitic terrain based on penetrative mesocracks and XRD analyses of quartz

    Hideo Takagi, Kazuhiro Takahashi, Koji Shimada, Kosuke Tsutsui, Reiko Miura, Narumi Kato, Shigeru Takizawa

    JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY   35   64 - 77  2012.02  [Refereed]

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    We estimated the thickness of the fault damage zone in granitoid along the linan transect at the Median Tectonic Line (MTL) and along the Magawa transect at the Atotsugawa Fault, southwest Japan, based on the density of penetrative mesocracks, and on analyses of intracrystalline strain in pulverized quartz using X-ray line broadening (beta) and the crystallinity index (Cl). The mesocrack density and intracrystalline strain show an increase toward the MTL, from similar to 400 m from the fault. High amounts of intracrystalline strain in quartz, characterized by large beta and low CI. reflect the presence of dense, heterogeneous tangles of short dislocations. For the Atotsugawa Fault, in contrast, we observed no increase in intracrystalline strain within quartz, even within highly fractured rock showing high mesocrack density located close to the fault (similar to 10 m). This difference in the intensity of intracrystalline strain close to the fault between the MTL and the Atotsugawa Fault suggests that dislocation substructures did not accumulate at shallower levels in the brittle regime, but accumulated at deeper levels. Accordingly, analyses of intracrystalline strain in pulverized quartz, using X-ray line broadening and CI are useful in evaluating the degree of cataclasis of quartz-bearing rocks at deeper levels of the brittle regime. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

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  • The first (U-Th)/He thermochronology of pseudotachylyte from the Median Tectonic Line, southwest Japan

    Kunimi Yamada, Takahiro Hanamuro, Takahiro Tagami, Koji Shimada, Hideo Takagi, Ryuji Yamada, Koji Umeda

    JOURNAL OF ASIAN EARTH SCIENCES   45   17 - 23  2012.02  [Refereed]

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    To constrain the thermal and its spatial conditions of pseudotachylyte formation and cooling, we dated zircons from a pseudotachylyte in the Ryoke belt obtained about 100 m north from the Median Tectonic Line in the Taki area, southwest Japan, and its host rock, the Hatai Tonalite, by the (U-Th)/He method. The ages obtained are 60.3 +/- 2.7 and 55.5 +/- 4.5 (1SE) Ma, respectively, which are essentially the same within the error. This is the first (U-Th)/He age directly measured for a pseudotachylyte. The coincidence between these ages indicates that the pseudotachylyte formed at ca. 60 Ma under the ambient temperature of about 180 degrees C, the closure temperature of zircon (U-Th)/He method. The Fish Canyon Tuff zircon, one of the most well-known geological age standards, was also dated to confirm the validity of our analyses, which yielded the weighted mean age of 29.6 +/- 1.5 (1SE) Ma, consistent with other reported ages. The average cooling rates and denudation rates of the host rock were calculated based on these ages, reported zircon fission-track ages (ca. 70 Ma) and apatite fission-track ages (ca. 40 Ma) as about 12 degrees C/Myr and about 0.6 mm/yr from 70 to 60 Ma, and about 4 degrees C/Myr and about 0.2 mm/yr from 60 to 40 Ma, respectively, assuming that the closure temperatures of zircon and apatite FT methods are 300 degrees C and 110 degrees C, respectively, and a geothermal gradient of 20 degrees C/km. One possible reason of this slow down of denudation rates is the decrease of convergent rate and change in the movement direction of the Pacific Plate relative to the Eurasian Plate along the southwest Japan in the Paleogene. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


  • Integrated estimates of the thickness of the fault damage zone in granitic terrain based on penetrative mesocracks and XRD analyses of quartz

    Hideo Takagi, Kazuhiro Takahashi, Koji Shimada, Kosuke Tsutsui, Reiko Miura, Narumi Kato, Shigeru Takizawa

    JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY   35   64 - 77  2012.02

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    We estimated the thickness of the fault damage zone in granitoid along the linan transect at the Median Tectonic Line (MTL) and along the Magawa transect at the Atotsugawa Fault, southwest Japan, based on the density of penetrative mesocracks, and on analyses of intracrystalline strain in pulverized quartz using X-ray line broadening (beta) and the crystallinity index (Cl). The mesocrack density and intracrystalline strain show an increase toward the MTL, from similar to 400 m from the fault. High amounts of intracrystalline strain in quartz, characterized by large beta and low CI. reflect the presence of dense, heterogeneous tangles of short dislocations. For the Atotsugawa Fault, in contrast, we observed no increase in intracrystalline strain within quartz, even within highly fractured rock showing high mesocrack density located close to the fault (similar to 10 m). This difference in the intensity of intracrystalline strain close to the fault between the MTL and the Atotsugawa Fault suggests that dislocation substructures did not accumulate at shallower levels in the brittle regime, but accumulated at deeper levels. Accordingly, analyses of intracrystalline strain in pulverized quartz, using X-ray line broadening and CI are useful in evaluating the degree of cataclasis of quartz-bearing rocks at deeper levels of the brittle regime. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

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  • Admissions policy of the Department of Earth Sciences, School of Education, Waseda University

    TAKAGI Hideo

    The Quaternary research   50   S139 - S141  2011.04


  • 跡津川断層真川露頭のシュードタキライトの産状とフィッショントラック年代

    筒井宏輔, 高木秀雄, 新井宏嘉, 岩野英樹, 檀原徹

    日本地質学会学術大会講演要旨   118th  2011


  • Miocene dextral movement of Tanakura Shear Zone: Evidence from the Western Marginal Fault, Hanawa Town, Northeast Japan

    Dohta Awaji, Ryota Sugimoto, Hiroyoshi Arai, Kenta Kobayashi, Hideo Takagi

    ISLAND ARC   19 ( 4 ) 561 - 564  2010.12  [Refereed]


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  • Sequential deformation from serpentinite mylonite to metasomatic rocks along the Sashu Fault, SW Japan

    Yusuke Soda, Hideo Takagi

    Journal of Structural Geology   32 ( 6 ) 792 - 802  2010.05  [Refereed]

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  • Comparison of petrofabrics with composite magnetic fabrics of S-C mylonite in paramagnetic granite

    Takaaki Ono, Yukinobu Hosomi, Hiroyoshi Arai, Hideo Takagi

    JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY   32 ( 1 ) 2 - 14  2010.01  [Refereed]

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    An anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) analysis was conducted for a typical S-C mylonite in a small-scale ductile shear zone derived from Late Cretaceous magnetite-free granite in the Ryoke Belt, Teshima Island, southwest Japan. In such mylonites, paramagnetic minerals such as biotite and hornblende, which define foliations, are assumed to control the AMS. Accordingly, we attempted to measure the orientations of both minerals to correlate the S-C-C&apos; fabric to the AMS using techniques of microscopic and back-scattered electron (BSE) image analyses. A measured magnetic fabric of the S-C mylonite that is expressed by a K(min) normal plane (K(max)-K(int) plane) approximated S foliation, K(max) orientation coincided well with the orientations of mean resultant vectors for long axes of biotite and minor hornblende, whereas K(max) did not coincide well with those of the mean resultant vectors for long axes of the brighter domain (aggregates of biotite and minor hornblende) from the binary BSE image. These results show that the magnetic fabric fairly reflects the shape preferred orientation of individual grains of paramagnetic monoclinic minerals, especially biotite, which forms the S-C-C fabric. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

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  • Oldest record of brittle deformation along the Median Tectonic Line: fission-track age for pseudotachylyte in the Taki area, Mie Prefecture

    Takagi, H, Shimada, K, Iwano, H, Danhara, T

    Journal of the Geological Society of Japan   116 ( 1 ) 45 - 50  2010.01  [Refereed]

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    Fission-track (FT) dating of pseudotachylyte (PST) associated with the Median Tectonic Line (MTL) in the Taki area, Mie Prefecture, SW Japan, provides new constraints on the timing of movement upon this fault. A PST vein with a thickness of about 5 cm yields a zircon FT age of 60.0 ± 3.5 Ma (1σ). In contrast, a weighted average of zircon FT ages obtained for protolith samples (cataclastic mylonitized Hatai Tonalite) collected 10 cm and 15 m from the PST vein boundary is 69.8 ± 1.2 Ma, which is significantly older than the age of the PST. Decomposition of feldspars in the PST suggests that the temperature exceeded 1100°C, which is sufficient to completely erase previous fission tracks in zircon within several seconds. The distribution of fission-track lengths in zircon from the PST vein also supports the interpretation that the zircon FT age was completely reset during frictional fusion of the PST vein. Considering an apatite FT age of 38.0 ± 1.5 Ma for the host rock, the age of the PST indicates that the frictional fusion was occurred during cooling of the Ryoke granite at temperatures between 250°C (closure temperature of the zircon FT system) and 100°C (closure temperature of the apatite FT system). This PST age is comparable with the oldest K-Ar age obtained for fine fractions of MTL fault gouge derived from both the Sanbagawa pelitic schist and the Izumi Group in Shikoku, indicating that the initiation of brittle fault movement associated with formation of the PST and/or fault gouges along the MTL had occurred by 60 Ma.

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  • シュードタキライトのフィッショントラック年代測定-最近の成果-

    高木秀雄, 岩野英樹, 檀原 徹

    月刊 地球   32 ( 1 ) 46 - 51  2010.01  [Refereed]

  • 関東山地東縁部,比企丘陵中新統青岩礫岩中の変成岩礫のK-Ar 年代

    新井宏嘉, 高木秀雄, 岩崎一郎, 浅原良浩, 高橋雅紀

    地質学雑誌   115 ( 5 ) 223 - 241  2009.05  [Refereed]

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    The exhumation of high-P/T metamorphic rocks plays a key role in the rearrangement of the geotectonic framework in arc-trench systems. The deposition of clasts of exhumed rocks constrains the timing of exhumation and the denudation history. We obtained the K-Ar ages of clasts from the Miocene Aoiwa Conglomerate, Hiki Hills, eastern Kanto Mountains. The Aoiwa Conglomerate is an unsorted breccia (maximum clast diameter up to ca. 3 m) composed of clasts of high-P/T metamorphic rocks (greenstones and crystalline schists), granitic rocks, low-P/T metamorphic rocks (mafic to felsic plutono-metamorphic rocks), and sedimentary rocks.<br>The clasts of high-P/T metamorphic rocks were previously considered to have been derived from the Sanbagawa metamorphic rocks, which have been exposed nearby since the Miocene. However, schist clasts yield K-Ar phengite ages of 127.2-121.0 and 98.4-80.7 Ma, significantly older than ages obtained for the Sanbagawa metamorphic rocks in the Kanto Mountains, although the mineral assemblage and metamorphic grade of clasts are similar.<br>Clasts of granitic rocks and low-P/T metamorphic rocks yield K-Ar hornblende ages of 131.5-114.0 Ma and phengite ages of 97.8-88.9 Ma, significantly older than ages obtained for Ryoke granites in the Kanto Mountains. In addition, a tonalite mylonite clast yields a lower 87Sr/86Sr initial ratio (0.70510-0.70520 or 0.70498-0.70505) than that of the Ryoke granites.<br>Based on the results of K-Ar dating and a detailed petrologic study of the clasts, we conclude that the schist clasts were derived from an older unit within the Sanbagawa metamorphic rocks and that granitic and mafic metamorphic clasts were derived from the paleo-Ryoke terrane, which previously overlaid the Sanbagawa metamorphic rocks and today occurs only as sporadic allochthonous rocks. The Aoiwa Conglomerate was probably deposited in association with denudation of the paleo-Ryoke and uppermost Sanbagawa terranes. Deposition was accelerated during exhumation of Sanbagawa metamorphic rocks during the Middle Miocene.

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  • S-24 Geoparks from the viewpoints of field trips of the university

    Takagi Hideo

      115   13 - 13  2008.09


  • P-100 Paleostress analyses and estimation of bending of the Median Tectonic Line using healed microcracks from the Ryoke granites

    Aizawa Shinsuke, Takagi Hideo

      115   221 - 221  2008.09


  • O-142 Drilling of the Median Tectonic Line to understand the fault internal structure

    Shigematsu N., Koizumi N., Fujimoto K., Wallis S., Takahashi M., Nakajima T., Kimura N., Uehara S., Takesita T., Takagi H.

      115   102 - 102  2008.09


  • O-136 Relations between misorientation of quartz boundary and etching effect : Method of grain boundary detection for quartz aggregate in mylonites

    Handa Satsuki, Takagi Hideo, Shigematsu Norio, Kanagawa Kyuichi

      115   99 - 99  2008.09


  • Clockwise 180 degrees rotation of slip direction in a superficial nappe pile emplaced upon a high-P/T type metamorphic terrane in central Japan

    Hiroyoshi Arai, Kenta Kobayashi, Hideo Takagi

    GONDWANA RESEARCH   13 ( 3 ) 319 - 330  2008.04

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    Understanding the exhumation process of deep-seated material within subduction zones is important in comprehending the tectonic evolution of active margins. The deformation and slip history of superficial nappe pile emplaced upon high-P/T type metamorphic rocks can reveal the intimate relationship between deformation and transitions in paleo-stress that most likely arose from changes in the direction of plate convergence and exhumation of the metamorphic terrane. The Kinshozan-Atokura nappe pile emplaced upon the high-P/T type Sanbagawa (=Sambagawa) metamorphic rocks is the remnant of a pre-existing terrane located between paired metamorphic terranes along the Median Tectonic Line (MTL) of central Japan. Intra- and inter-nappe structures record the state of paleo-stress during metamorphism and exhumation of the Sanbagawa terrane. The following tectonic evolution of the nappes is inferred from a combined structural analysis of the basal fault of the nappes and their internal structures. The relative slip direction along the hanging wall rotated clockwise by 180 degrees, from S to N, in association with a series of major tectonic changes from MTL-normal contraction to MTL-parallel strike-slip and finally MTL-normal extension. This clockwise rotation of the slip direction can be attributed to changes in the plate-induced regional stress state and associated exhumation of the deep-seated Sanbagawa terrane from the Late Cretaceous (Coniacian) to the Middle Miocene. (C) 2007 International Association for Gondwana Research. Published by Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.


  • O-152 Shear deformation and K-Ar age of the basement plutonic rocks of the Kukizaki core, southern Tsukuba Town

    Takagi Hideo, Takahashi Masaki, Hayashi Hiroki, Kasahara Keiji, Yamamoto Toshiya

      114   137 - 137  2007.09


  • O-133 Development of quartz microstructure and the crystallographic preffered orientation during the mylonitization in the MTL, the eastern Kii Peninsula

    Shigematsu N., Handa S., Takagi H., Kanagawa K., Shimada K.

      114   127 - 127  2007.09


  • P-105 Brittle deformation aspects along the Median Tectonic Line, central Japan

    Yasuhara Takeo, Takagi Hideo, Kawamoto Kazurou

      114   268 - 268  2007.09


  • P-107 Fault zone analyses and paleostress transition in the eastern part of the Tanzawa tonalite complex

    Sato Takatsune, Takagi Hideo

      114   269 - 269  2007.09


  • P-101 Method of grain boundary detection for quartz in mylonites using etching

    Handa Satsuki, Takagi Hideo, Shigematsu Norio, Kanagawa Kyuichi

      114   266 - 266  2007.09


  • P-106 Dark intrusive rocks in Ryoke granitic rocks : possibility of slow-cooling type pseudotachylyte

    Arai Yusuke, Hosomi Yukinobu, Arai Hiroyoshi, Takagi Hideo

      114   268 - 268  2007.09


  • Timing of the Tsergo Ri landslide, Langtang Himal, determined by fission-track dating of pseudotachylyte

    Hideo Takagi, Kazunori Arita, Tohru Danhara, Hideki Iwano

    JOURNAL OF ASIAN EARTH SCIENCES   29 ( 2-3 ) 466 - 472  2007.02  [Refereed]

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    Fission-track dating was carried but on zircon grains from pseudotachylyte associated with a Late Pleistocene landslide (Tsergo Ri landslide) in Langtang Himal, Nepal. Zircon grains were separated from an injection pipe of glassy and vesicular pseudotachylyte about 10 cm in diameter. The resulting age of 51 +/- 13 Ka lies between the two subpeaks (70 and 20 Ka) of the Wurm glacial period, and is concordant with the previous age estimate from geomorphological evidence (i.e. older than 25-30 Ka). This is the first reliable isotopic age for a landslide-generated pseudotachylyte excluding the possibility of contamination by an inherited age. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


  • O-23 The correlation of Pliocene garnet tephras in the southern Kanto area and the volcanic activity in the Tanzawa area at about 2.5 Ma

    TAMURA Itoko, TAKAGI Hideo, YAMAZAKI Haruo

      73   73 - 73  2007


  • Origin and mechanical significance of foliated cataclastic rocks in the cores of crustal-scale faults: Examples from the Median Tectonic Line, Japan

    Jefferies, S. P, Holdsworth, R. E, Shimamoto, T, Takagi, H, Lloyd, G. E, Spiers, C. J

    Journal of Geophysical Research   111 ( B12303 ) B12303 - B12303  2006.12

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  • 土岐花崗岩を貫くボーリングコア中にみられるマイクロクラックの三次元方位分布と生成環境の復元

    三輪成徳, 高木秀雄, 西嶋圭, 横溝佳侑, 円城寺守, 水野崇

    日本地質学会学術大会講演要旨   113th   208  2006.09


  • Dating pseudotachylyte of the Asuke Shear Zone using zircon fission-track and U-Pb methods

    Masaki Murakami, Jan Kosler, Hideo Takagi, Takahiro Tagami

    TECTONOPHYSICS   424 ( 1-2 ) 99 - 107  2006.09  [Refereed]

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    Zircon fission-track (FT) and U-Pb analyses were performed on zircon extracted from a pseudotachylyte zone and surrounding rocks of the Asuke Shear Zone (ASZ), Aichi Prefecture, Japan. The U-Pb ages of all four samples are similar to 67-76 Ma, which is interpreted as the formation age of Ryoke granitic rocks along the ASZ. The mean zircon FT age of host rock is 73 +/- 7 (2 sigma) Ma, suggesting a time of initial cooling through the zircon closure temperature. The pseudotachylyte zone however, yielded a zircon FT age of 53 +/- 9 (2 sigma) Ma, statistically different from the age of the host rock. Zircon FTs showed reduced mean lengths and intermediate ages for samples adjacent to the pseudotachylyte zone. Coupled with the new zircon U-Pb ages and previous heat conduction modeling, the present FT data are best interpreted as reflecting paleothermal effects of the frictional heating of the fault. The age for the pseudotachylyte coincides with the change in direction of rotation of the Pacific plate from NW to N which can be considered to initialize the NNE-SSW trending sinistral-extensional ASZ before the Miocene clockwise rotation of SW Japan. The present study demonstrates that a history of fault motions in seismically active regions can be reconstructed by dating pseudotachylytes using zircon FT thermochronology. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

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  • Geotectonic boundary between Northeast and Southwest Japan concealed beneath the Kanto Plain : integrated approach of surface and subsurface geology

    Takagi Hideo, Takahashi Masaki

    Journal of the Geological Society of Japan   112 ( 1 ) 1 - 1  2006.01


  • K-Ar ages of granitic clasts in the pre-Cretaceous Atagoyama Group, Choshi Peninsula(<Special Issue>Geotectonic boundary between Northeast and Southwest Japan concealed beneath the Kanto Plain-integrated approach of surface and subsurface geology-)

    Tobe Eri, Takagi Hideo, Takahashi Masaki

    Journal of the Geological Society of Japan   112 ( 1 ) 98 - 103  2006

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    Choshi Peninsula, is one of the very limited localities in the Kanto Plain where pre-Cretaceous strata are exposed and thus is a significant location for considering the geological connection of SW Japan and NE Japan. Pre-Cretaceous Atagoyama Group is composed of clastic sediments, chert and limestone, and considered to be correlative with Jurassic accretionary terrane which is widely distributed in SW Japan. We described and dated granitic clasts from the conglomerate in the Atagoyama Group, and discussed their significance. The granitic clasts are medium-grained hornblende-biotite granodiorite to tonalite. They contain primary magnetite grains, which cause high magnetic susceptibility showing magnetite-series characteristics. The K-Ar ages of two clasts are 255 Ma (biotite) and 270 Ma (hornblende). Such Permian granitic clasts can be correlative with the Kinshozan quartzdiorite constituting Paleo-Ryoke terrane forming a nappe structure on the Sambagawa metamorphic belt and with the granitic clasts in Permian Usuginu-type conglomerate in the South Kitakami and Kurosegawa terranes.

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  • Geological correlation of the deepest core from the Matsubushi SK-1 and location of the Median Tectonic Line in the Kanto Plain(<Special Issue>Geotectonic boundary between Northeast and Southwest Japan concealed beneath the Kanto Plain-integrated approach of surface and subsurface geology-)

    Takagi Hideo, Takahashi Masaki

    Journal of the Geological Society of Japan   112 ( 1 ) 65 - 71  2006

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    Deep well core samples provide significant clues to clarifying the location of the Median Tectoic Line (MTL) in the Kanto Plain which is covered by thick Cenozoic sediments. Pre-Miocene basement cores from the Matsubushi SK-1 drilled in 1957 by Japan Petroleum Exploration Co., Ltd. were re-examined petrologically and geochronologically. Eight core samples collected from 1,922m to 1,948m are mainly composed of weakly mylonitized hornblende-biotite tonalite and finegrained mafic rock. A K-Ar age of hornblende from weakly mylonitized tonalite is about 67 Ma. The core samples are correlative geochronologically with the plutonic rocks of the Ryoke belt. The mineral composition and microstructures of core samples are quite similar to those of the Hiji gneissose tonalite and associated basic rocks distributed along the MTL in the Chubu Region and Hiki Hills in the Kanto Mountains. Degree of mylonitization estimated by grain size of recrystallized quartz suggests that the MTL extends within 500-1,500m to the south of the borehole site, and a possible superficial extension of the estimated MTL position is also about 1-3km south if the MTL has a dip of moderate angle.

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  • Geological correlation of the basement cores of the Iwatsuki borehole and location of the Median Tectonic Line in the Kanto Plain(<Special Issue>Geotectonic boundary between Northeast and Southwest Japan concealed beneath the Kanto Plain-integrated approach of surface and subsurface geology-)

    Takagi Hideo, Suzuki Hiroyoshi, Takahashi Masaki, Hamamoto Takuji, Hayashi Hiroki

    Journal of the Geological Society of Japan   112 ( 1 ) 53 - 64  2006

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    The eastern extension of geotectonic belts and of the Median Tectonic Line (MTL) in Southwest Japan becomes ambiguous in the Kanto Plain region because of the thick cover of Neogene-Quaternary sediments. Deep well core samples provide significant clues to clarifying the location of the MTL. More than 3500m samples of the Iwatsuki borehole drilled in 1971 by the National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention were re-examined petrologically and geochronologically. The deepest part of the core (Layer H : 3505.0-3510.5m) is mainly composed of garnet-hornblende tonalitic mylonite and mylonitized epidote amphibolite. EPMA analytical data for garnet, hornblende and plagioclase all suggest that the rocks are not derived from a high P/T Sambagawa metamorphic belt as previously suggested, but from a higher T plutono-metamorphic complex. K-Ar ages of hornblende from two samples are 77.4 and 83.1 Ma, and a Rb-Sr mineral age gives 69.8 Ma. Consequently, correlation of the deepest core samples with the Paleo-Ryoke (Abukuma) Terrane (existing as nappes with the 105-112 Ma high T Yorii plutono-metamorphic complex on the Sambagawa rocks) is neglected, and the rocks are instead correlated with the Ryoke belt. The second deepest part of the core (Layer G : 2943-3327m) is composed of tonalitic quartz porphyry. It contains biotite phenocrysts and their K-Ar age is 17.7 Ma. This age suggests that the quartz porphyry is difficult to correlate with the felsic intrusions of Setouchi volcanic rocks along the Median Tectonic Line in SW Japan. The degree of mylonitization in Layer H and of cataclasis in both Layer G and H suggests that the MTL extends within 500m to the south of the core site, and a possible superficial extension of the estimated MTL is slightly oblique to the NW-SE trending Ayasegawa-Fukaya Fault, major active fault in the Kanto Plain. Further thought should be given to clarify the significance of the relationship between the MTL and the Ayasegawa-Fukaya Fault in the Kanto Plain.

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  • Petrology and radiogenic age of accidental clasts of granitic mylonite from the Aso-4 pyroclastic flow deposit and their correlation to the Nioki Granite

    Takagi Hideo, Ishii Toru, Tobe Eri, Soda Yusuke, Suzuki Kazuhiro, Iwano Hideki, Danhara Tohru

    Journal of the Geological Society of Japan   113 ( 1 ) 1 - 14  2006

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    Aso-4 pyroclastic flow is one of the largest volcanic activities in Japan and formed huge caldera of the Aso volcano at about 90,000 years b.p.. This pyroclastic flow brought about accidental clasts of granitic mylonite in the Aso-4 pyroclastic deposit in northern area of the caldera. These granitic mylonite clasts were investigated petrologically and geochronologically, and compared with the Nioki Granite in the Asaji area to the east of the volcano. The Aso-4 granitic clasts are characterized by garnet-muscovite bearing adamelite-granite, and all of them are moderately to strongly mylonitized and show porphyroclastic texture. Their SiO_2 content ranges 71-74 wt.%. The range of garnet composition of the Aso-4 granitic clasts is Alm_<69〜78>, Sps_<14〜27>, Pyr_<0.2〜3.3>, Grs_<1.0〜9.3>. These mineral and chemical compositions are quite similar to those of the Nioki Granite. The K-Ar muscovite age for Aso-4 granitic clasts is 98.4±2.1 Ma, whereas Nioki Granite is 98.8±2.1 Ma. The heat of magma of the volcano did not affect the K-Ar closure system for muscovite when the pyroclastic flow took place, because heating has not fundamentally shortened the fission tracks within zircon grains in the dated clast. Accordingly, the Aso-4 granitic mylonite clasts are correlative with the Nioki Granite, which is also weakly to moderately mylonitized. The intrusive age of the Nioki Granite is also determined using CHIME monazite dating, and the result is 106±4 Ma. This suggests that subsurface ductile mylonite zone initiated around 100 Ma of the major fault extends from Asaji area to the Aso volcano. This fault coincides with the Oita-Kumamoto Tectonic Line, along which the active fault segment has been known. The occurrence of EW extending mylonite zone is also significant evidence in considering the western extension of the Median Tectonic Line in Kyushu.

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  • Dating of fault gouges from the major active faults in southwest Japan: Constraints from integrated K-Ar and XRD analyses

    Hideo Takagi, Akira Iwamura, Dohta Awaji, Tetsumaru Itaya, Toshinori Okada

    AAPG Memoir   85 ( 85 ) 287 - 301  2005

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    Fault gouges were mapped and collected along the Atotsugawa fault, one of the major active faults in Japan, and along the Mozumi-Sukenobu fault, branching off from the Atotsugawa fault. Most of the fault gouge samples contain mica clay minerals, chlorite, smectite, and quartz. To constrain the timing of faulting, K-Ar and x-ray diffraction analyses (XRD) were carried out on mica clay minerals separated from the gouge samples. Each gouge sample was divided into four grain-size fractions of 5-2, 2-1, 1-0.35, and 0.35-0.05 μm. Kübier illite crystallinity indices for the finer grain-size fractions (0.05-1 μm
    illite crystallinity = 0.4-0.8) were found to be higher than those for the coarser fractions (1-5 μm
    illite crystallinity = 0.3-0.6), indicating the relatively higher concentration of authigenic mica clay minerals. The genesis of the clay minerals was probably related to hydrothermal alteration events associated with fault activity in the finer fractions. K-Ar ages were younger for the finer fractions of all samples. One sample from the Atotsugawa fault yields the youngest age of 61 Ma for the finer two fractions, which probably dates the thermal activity associated with the fault because of a similar age for the finer two fractions. This also suggests that the contamination of protolith mica is negligible for these samples. The finest fraction of the Mozumi-Sukenobu fault gouge derived from the interbedded sandstone and mudstone of the Tetori Group (Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous) gives a K-Ar age of 45 Ma. Although this gouge sample is derived from mudstone and sandstone and, thus, the contamination of protolith illite cannot be identified by illite crystallinity, the age probably approximates that of a hydrothermal alteration event associated with the fault activity, because the age is significantly younger than the sedimentary age of the protolith Tetori Group. These K-Ar ages from the Atotsugawa and Mozumi-Sukenobu faults are compared with previous K-Ar ages of fault gouges from major active faults in Japan, including the Median Tectonic Line in Shikoku-Kinki and the Atera fault. The K-Ar data from these faults indicate that the major active faults in the Inner Zone of Southwest Japan were initiated at 60-50 Ma. Heterogeneity in and around the Late Cretaceous granitic terrane, especially the boundary of rigid granitic body and soft accretionary complex, seems to be the preferred sites for fault initiation. Copyright © 2005 by The American Association of Petroleum Geologists.


  • P-173 九州中軸部花崗岩類のSHRIMPU-Pb年代(19. テクトニクス)

    戸邉恵里, 高木秀雄, 寺田健太郎

    日本地質学会学術大会講演要旨   111  2004.09


  • Restoration of exotic terranes along the Median Tectonic Line, Japanese islands: Overview

    H Takagi, H Arai

    GONDWANA RESEARCH   6 ( 4 ) 657 - 668  2003.10  [Refereed]

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    This paper reviews recent progress on the geotectonic evolution of exotic Paleozoic terranes in Southwest Japan, namely the Palco-Ryoke and Kurosegawa terranes. The Palco-Ryoke Terrane is composed mainly of Permian granitic rocks with hornfels, mid-Cretaceous high-grade metamorphic rocks associated with granitic rocks, and Upper Cretaceous sedimentary cover. They form nappe structures on the Sambagawa metamorphic rocks. The Permian granitic rocks are correlative with granitic clasts in Permian conglomerates in the South Kitakami Terrane, whereas the mid-Cretaceous rocks are correlative with those in the Abukuma Terrane. This correlation suggests that the elements of Northeast Japan to the northeast of the Tanakura Tectonic Line were connected in between the paired metamorphic belt along the Median Tectonic Line, Southwest Japan. The Kurosegawa Terrane is composed of various Paleozoic rocks with serpentinite and occurs as disrupted bodies bounded by faults in the middle part of the Jurassic Chichibu Terrane accretionary complex. It is correlated with the South Kitakami Terrane in Northeast Japan. The constituents of both terranes are considered to have been originally distributed more closely and overlay the Jurassic accretionary terrane as nappes. The current sporadic occurrence of these terranes can possibly be attributed to the difference in erosion level and later stage depression or transtension along strike-slip faults. The constituents of both exotic terranes, especially the Ordovician granite in the Kurosegawa-South Kitakami Terrane and the Permian granite in the Paleo-Ryoke Terrane provide a significant key to reconstructing these exotic terranes by correlating them with Paleozoic granitoids in the eastern Asia continent.

    DOI CiNii

  • Kinematic history of the Main Central Thrust zone in the Langtang area, Nepal

    H Takagi, K Arita, T Sawaguchi, K Kobayashi, D Awaji

    TECTONOPHYSICS   366 ( 3-4 ) 151 - 163  2003.05

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    This paper describes for the first time evidence for a northeastward brittle extensional movement of the Main Central Thrust (MCT) zone overprinting the southward ductile thrust movement. The MCT zone is the major tectonic boundary between the Lesser Himalayan metasedimentary sequence (LHS) and Higher Himalayan. crystalline sequence (HHS) and contributes to the kinematic and tectonic evidence of continent-continent collision in the Neogene. The Langtang area, 50 km north of Kathmandu, is a matter of interest in considering the movement of the Kathmandu Nappe because the general trend of foliation of the HHS and the underlying MCT zone is turned from WNW-ESE to N-S or NNE-SSW. The major tectono-lithostratigraphic units of the MCT zone in the study area are divided into three: the lower and middle units included in the LHS and the upper unit even included in the HHS. Characteristic mesoscopic quartz lenses are developed in the schists of the Lower unit forming asymmetric boudins. This asymmetry indicates an extensional (top-to-the-NE) shear sense. However, a thrust sense of top-to-the-SW is also preserved in microscopic ductile shear bands and mica fish. The extensional shear movement in the Lower unit took place after the major thrust movement in the MCT zone as a negative inversion. The Middle unit contains Ulleri-type augen gneiss (Syabru Bensi augen gneiss) which is widely distributed in the MCT zone in the other parts of the Nepalese Himalaya. Asymmetric clast-tails (or clast-pressure shadows) and asymmetric boudins observed in the Syabru Bensi augen gneiss give a dextral-thrust oblique sense of shear. This dextral component is regarded as movement of a N-S-trending lateral ramp during the overthrusting of the Kathmandu Nappe. The Upper unit above the MCT is commonly made up of kyanite-bearing medium pressure type amphibolite-facies pelitic gneiss. Asymmetric deformational features such as mica fish and shear bands in the pelitic gneisses commonly show a thrust (top-to-the-W) sense of movement.
    After the emplacement of the Kathmandu Nappe (similar to 9-6 Ma), brittle extensional shear occurred only in the crystalline schists of the Lower unit presumably associated with layer-parallel slip. This extensional movement in the Lower unit is probably caused by the change in strike of foliations, e.g., from a general trend of E-W in the other areas to N-S as seen in the study area. This is because N-S contraction during continued continent-continent collision produced E-W extension normal to the contraction axis (N-S), thus the relative east-directed movement on normal faults took place only in the N-S trending domain of the MCT zone. Another possibility for the extensional movement is squeezing of the upper part of the LHS between the MCT above and an out-of-sequence thrust or the Main Detachment Fault below. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

    DOI CiNii

  • Fault-related dark intrusive breccia in granitic rocks

    Shimadzu Misako, Hosomi Yukinobu, Takagi Hideo

        257 - 257  2003


  • ネパールヒマラヤ,ランタン地域のMCT帯の剪断運動史

    高木秀雄, 澤口 隆, 在田一則, 小林恵子, 淡路動太

    月刊 地球/海洋出版   24 ( 4 ) 241 - 249  2002.04  [Refereed]

  • 中国雲南省哀牢山帯の地質構造

    高木 秀雄, 島田 耕史, 小杉 尚子, 丁 俊, 胡 長寿

    春季大会講演集. I, 資源編   14 ( 1 ) 69 - 70  2002.03


  • Pseudotachylyte veins associated with granitic cataclasite along the Median Tectonic Line, eastern Kii Peninsula, SW Japan

    Shimada, K, Kobari, Y, Okamoto, T, Takagi, H, Saka, Y

    地質学雑誌   107 ( 2 ) 117 - 128  2001.02

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    Fault-generated pseudotachylytes showing reddish, greenish and grayish color have recently been found from the mylonitized Ryoke Granites along the Median Tectonic Line (MTL). These pseudotachylytes are suggested to have a melt origin on the basis of petrographic observations of typical melt-quenched microstructures such as microlites and amygdales. Preferential melting of low melting point minerals is the most probable melting process. The absence of lithic fragments of hornblende and biotite, and systematic decrease of bulk SiO_2 contents in the pseudotachylytes compared with their host rocks support this interpretation. These pseudotachylytes were formed after mylonitization and were post-dated by weak cataclasis resulting from movement of the MTL. Similar orientation of the MTL, fault veins of pseudotachylytes, and mylonitic foliation indicate that the deformation sequence of mylonite, pseudotachylyte, and cataclasite formation probably progressed under a single tectonic stress field. These pseudotachylytes are examples of the remnants of ancient faulting with frictional melting indicating seismic activity of the MTL.

    DOI CiNii

  • Elongated orthopyroxene porphyroclasts as a shear sense indicator and kinematic history of the Horoman Peridotite Complex, Hokkaido, Japan

    Sawaguchi Takashi, Goto Kentaro, Takagi Hideo

    Journal of the Geological Society of Japan   107 ( 2 ) 165 - 178  2001

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    Elongated orthopyroxene porphyroclasts commonly form stretching lineations in deformed peridotites or metabasic rocks. Internal obliquity of (100) exsolution lamellae with respect to elongation direction is a candidate for a shear sense indicator in these rocks. However, it requires statistical analyses of shape and lattice preferred orientation of orthopyroxene porphyroclasts with reference to another reliable shear-sense indicator such as lattice preferred orientation (LPO) of olivine. We measured three geometrical parameters ; R : aspect ratio, θ : long axis orientation, φ : (100) exsolution lamellae orientation on the XZ (foliation normal, lineation parallel) plane, for 1100 porphyroclasts in 160 thin sections selected from 5 structural zones in the Horoman Peridotite Complex, Hokkaido, Japan.Bimodal distributions of internal obliquity are shown in R-φ and θ-φ diagrams of all structural zones. The equigranular zone and the internal shear zone (ISZ) show high contrast of aspect ratio between opposite internal obliquity. This asymmetry is explained by a higher R being attained by synthetic slip on the (100) slip plane, whereas the other peak consists of grains which were deformed by antithetic slip on (100) and rotated towards an unfavorable orientation for slip. The asymmetric features of geometry of elongated orthopyroxene porphyroclasts and LPO of olivine consistently indicate a top-to-the-south sense of shear. On the other hand, high R symmetric bimodal distribution of internal obliquity in the basal shear zone (BSZ), where LPO and shape preferred orientation (SPO) of olivine show apparent asymmetry (a top-to-the-north sense of shear), can not be explained by a single progressive shear deformation. But it implies inverted shear movement in the basal shear zone.Statistical analyses of internal obliquity and aspect ratio of elongated orthopyroxene porphyroclasts can be used as an independent shear-sense indicator for deformed peridotites. Furthermore, these analyses compared with the LPO of olivine can decipher a more complex kinematic history which can not be revealed only by olivine fabrics.

    DOI CiNii

  • New Model of the Restoration of Paleo-Ryoke Kurosegawa Terrane Along the Median Tectonic Line, Japanese Islands

    Hideo Takagi, Hiroyoshi Arai

    Gondwana Research   4 ( 4 ) 795 - 796  2001  [Refereed]

    Book review, literature introduction, etc.  


  • Elongated orthopyroxene porphyroclasts as a shear sense indicator and

    Sawaguchi, T, Goto, K, Takagi, H

    地質学雑誌   107 ( 2 ) 165 - 178  2001

     View Summary

    Elongated orthopyroxene porphyroclasts commonly form stretching lineations in deformed peridotites or metabasic rocks. Internal obliquity of (100) exsolution lamellae with respect to elongation direction is a candidate for a shear sense indicator in these rocks. However, it requires statistical analyses of shape and lattice preferred orientation of orthopyroxene porphyroclasts with reference to another reliable shear-sense indicator such as lattice preferred orientation (LPO) of olivine. We measured three geometrical parameters ; R : aspect ratio, θ : long axis orientation, φ : (100) exsolution lamellae orientation on the XZ (foliation normal, lineation parallel) plane, for 1100 porphyroclasts in 160 thin sections selected from 5 structural zones in the Horoman Peridotite Complex, Hokkaido, Japan.Bimodal distributions of internal obliquity are shown in R-φ and θ-φ diagrams of all structural zones. The equigranular zone and the internal shear zone (ISZ) show high contrast of aspect ratio between opposite internal obliquity. This asymmetry is explained by a higher R being attained by synthetic slip on the (100) slip plane, whereas the other peak consists of grains which were deformed by antithetic slip on (100) and rotated towards an unfavorable orientation for slip. The asymmetric features of geometry of elongated orthopyroxene porphyroclasts and LPO of olivine consistently indicate a top-to-the-south sense of shear. On the other hand, high R symmetric bimodal distribution of internal obliquity in the basal shear zone (BSZ), where LPO and shape preferred orientation (SPO) of olivine show apparent asymmetry (a top-to-the-north sense of shear), can not be explained by a single progressive shear deformation. But it implies inverted shear movement in the basal shear zone.Statistical analyses of internal obliquity and aspect ratio of elongated orthopyroxene porphyroclasts can be used as an independent shear-sense indicator for deformed peridotites. Furthermore, these analyses compared with the LPO of olivine can decipher a more complex kinematic history which can not be revealed only by olivine fabrics.

    DOI CiNii

  • Ultramylonite bands derived from cataclasite and pseudotachylyte in granites, northeast Japan

    H Takagi, K Goto, N Shigematsu

    JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY   22 ( 9 ) 1325 - 1339  2000.09  [Refereed]

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    Small-scale ultramylonite and cataclasite bands, millimeters to tens of centimeters thick, are developed in granitic rocks west of the Hatagawa Fault Zone (HFZ) in the Abukuma Belt, northeast Japan. They occur as single or paired bands with sharp planar boundaries trending NNE-SSW, and often form networks and conjugate sets. The very small S-C angle and the high displacement/thickness ratio of the bands suggest that the shear strain is high. The ultramylonite bands are commonly associated with cataclasite bands and mineral veins, and rarely with pseudotachylyte. Some cataclasite bands contain mylonitized layers in which quartz fragments are strongly deformed and dynamically recrystallized. On the other hand, some ultramylonites are fractured producing fragments that have rotated during later cataclasis.
    The major element content of the ultramylonite bands is similar to that of the surrounding granitic rocks, strongly suggesting that the ultramylonite bands have formed through in-situ deformation of the granitic protolith without significant mass transfer. Mineralogy and microstructures of some ultramylonites suggest the strong possibility that they are derived from pseudotachylyte. The ultramylonite bands are interpreted as forming in the 10-15-km-deep cataclastic-plastic transition zone under greenschist facies conditions where co-seismic fracturing and aseismic plastic flow have alternated. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

    DOI CiNii

  • Ductile deformation of the Horoman peridotite complex, Hokkaido, Japan.

    Sawaguchi, T, Takagi, H

    Field Excursion Guidebook-Hidaka Collision Zone, The Second Joint Meeting of Korean and Japanese STRG.     3 - 21  1999.08

  • Ductile deformation of the Horoman peridotite complex, Hokkaido, Japan.

    Sawaguchi, T, Takagi, H

    Field Excursion Guidebook-Hidaka Collision Zone, The Second Joint Meeting of Korean and Japanese STRG.     3 - 21  1999.08  [Refereed]

  • CHIME monazite age of granitic rocks in the Sunchang shear zone, Korea:timing of dextral ductile shear.

    Cho, K-H, Takagi, H, Suzuki, K

    Geoscience Journal   3 ( 1 ) 1 - 15  1999.03  [Refereed]

    DOI CiNii

  • 四国鳥形山地域黒瀬川帯,三滝花崗岩類のK-Ar 年代とその意義.

    高木秀雄, 柴田 賢, 内海 茂

    早稲田大学教育学部学術研究 (生物学・地学編)   ( 47 ) 1 - 5  1999.02  [Refereed]

  • 断層活動年代の精密測定と活動の歴史の解明.


    月刊地球   21   50 - 54  1999.02  [Refereed]

  • 剪断センスの指標を使用する際の留意点-とくに形態ファブリックについて-

    高木秀雄, 澤口 隆, 島田耕史, 阿部龍巳

    月刊地球/海洋出版   20 ( 2 ) 113 - 119  1998.02  [Refereed]

  • 中部地方領家帯のマイロナイト化の時期


    月刊地球/海洋出版   19 ( 2 ) 111 - 116  1997.02  [Refereed]

  • Inverted ductile shear movement of the Horoman peridotite complex in the Hidaka metamorphic belt, Hokkaido, Japan

    Sawaguchi, T, Takagi, H

    地質学論集   ( 47 ) 193 - 208  1997.01

  • 関東山地三波川帯,跡倉ナップの諸問題


    構造地質     152 - 154  1994


  • 231. Ductile shear deformation in the Sambagawa belt in the Kanto Mountains : examples along the Ogawa route

    Kimura Shinji, Takagi Hideo

      100   451 - 451  1993.03


  • 230. Kinematics of the Median Tectonic Line viewed from asymmetric fablics of fault gouge

    Inoue Makoto, Tanaka Hidemi, Takagi Hideo

      100   450 - 450  1993.03


  • 355. Permian granitic rocks in Japanese Islands : their distribution and occurrence

    Takagi Hideo, Shibata Ken

      100   581 - 581  1993.03


  • シアバンドの形成過程


    月刊 地球/海洋出版   14 ( 4 ) 241 - 246  1992.04  [Refereed]

  • Development of composite planar fabric in mylonites along the Median Tectonic Line, southwest Japan

    Hideo Takagi

    Island Arc   1 ( 1 ) 92 - 102  1992

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    Abstract Mylonites along the Median Tectonic Line, southwest Japan commonly contain shear bands comprising S(‐C)‐Ss fabrics. This paper stresses the lithologic control on the orientation, dimension and development of shear bands by comparing the microstructure of the shear bands in different rock types (P mylonites, F mylonites, micaceous phyllonite and quartzose phyllonite). There is no significant change of the α angles (average 21–24°) between Ss and S toward the centre of the shear zone (viz. increasing the intensity of mylonitization) and it is different from the S‐C relationship in a narrow sense. The generation of the composite planar fabric can be classified into four different strain partitioning models: S only type without any slip surface (model A)
    S‐C type (model B)
    S‐Ss type with Ss‐slip precedence (model C), and S‐Ss type with S‐slip precedence (model D). Model C is proposed in this paper and is similar to the model for the generation of Riedel shears in brittle shear zones. An unstable slip between porphyroclasts and the matrix during ductile flow can easily initiate shear bands. Formation of a composite planar fabric is initiated according to model A, followed by model C in conditions of increasing strain, and then model D when the angle between S and the shear zone boundary becomes small enough (α/2 = 10°) to produce S‐slip. Thus the generation of the shear bands probably begins in the early stages of shear deformation and continues until the latest stages. Copyright © 1992, Wiley Blackwell. All rights reserved


  • 寄居変成岩-関東山地北縁部の異地性変成岩体 その1.泥質片麻岩中のざくろ石の化学組成について


    早稲田大学教育学部 学術研究 (生物学・地学編)   40   9 - 25  1991.12  [Refereed]



    GEOCHEMICAL JOURNAL   24 ( 3 ) 187 - 192  1990

    Rapid communication, short report, research note, etc. (scientific journal)  

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    The closure temperature for zircon in the fission-track dating has been poorly estimated because of interpolation between minerals with very different closure temperatures. We find that K-Ar ages and fission-track ages of coexisting K-feldspars and zircons in Cretaceous granitic rocks from Japan are concordant within the experimental errors, with the exception of a few cataclastically deformed samples near the Median Tectonic Line. The concordance between the two systems suggests that the closure temperature for zircon in the fission-track system may be lower than 200-degrees-C.

    DOI CiNii

  • The use of asymmetric pressure shadows in mylonites to determine the sense of shear

    Ito, M, Takagi, H

    Journal of Structural Geology   10 ( 4 ) 347 - 360  1988

    DOI CiNii

  • 447 マイロナイトに発達するShear band foliationについて

    高木 秀雄, 伊藤 真弓, 大澤 英昭, 林 正貴

    日本地質学会学術大会講演要旨   93   560 - 560  1986.04


  • Imprications of mylonitic microstructures for the geotectonic evolution of the Median Tectonic Line, central Japan

    Takagi, H

    Journal of Structural Geology   8 ( 1 ) 3 - 14  1986

    DOI CiNii

  • 中央構造線沿いの圧砕岩類に認められるカタクラスティックな重複変形-長野県上伊那地方の例


    早稲田大学教育学部学術研究(生物学・地学編)   32 ( 12 ) 47 - 60  1983.12  [Refereed]

  • マイロナイトの定義及び圧砕岩類の分類に関する問題点


    早稲田大学教育学部学術研究(生物学・地学編)   31   49 - 57  1982.12

  • Isotopic ages of gneiss clasts from the Tertiary Hatabu Formation in Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi Prefecture

    Shibata, K, Takagi, H

    地質学雑誌   87 ( 4 ) 259 - 262  1981.04  [Refereed]

    DOI CiNii

  • A study on orthoquartzitic clasts in the Tertiary Hatabu Formation in Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi Prefecture, Southwest Japan

    Takagi, H

    Journal of Earth Sci., Nagoya Univ.   26/27   19 - 47  1979.12

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Internal Special Research Projects

  • 脆性断層岩の粒径解析ならびに粒形解析法の開発


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  • 中央構造線沿いに発見されたシュードタキライトの年代測定


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     本年度の研究費で,三重県多気町(伊勢自動車道勢和多気インター付近)で発見された中央構造線の花崗岩由来のシュードタキライトについて,ジルコンを分離し,周囲の花崗岩とともにフィッショントラック年代測定を実施した.測定は,京都フィッションとラック(株)に依頼した.その結果,シュードタキライトは27個のジルコン粒子について60.0±3.5Ma(百万年)という値が,また,母岩の領家花崗岩については,30個のジルコン粒子について70.2±2.7Maという値が得られた.母岩の花崗岩については,ジルコンの閉鎖温度(250℃程度)を考慮すると,同じ花崗岩の黒雲母K-Ar年代と調和的な値である.一方,シュードタキライトは断層の摩擦熱融解で生成した脈状岩石であり,この試料については融解-急冷を経て生成したことがすでに明らかにされている(Shimada et al., 2001).この値が,中央構造線の地震性の高速すべりを起こした年代を意味し,中央構造線における脆性変形の初期の年代を示している.そのことは,四国中央構造線の活断層部の断層ガウジのK-Ar年代として60Maという値の集中があり,その年代と一致していることは重要な意味を持つ.国内で初めてシュードタキライトのフィッショントラック年代が報告された野島断層(兵庫県南部地震を発生させた断層)でも,その値が56Ma(Murakami and Tagami, 2004)であるとされており,今回の中央構造線の結果と近いことは注目に値する.そのほか中部~近畿地方の跡津川断層などの活断層の断層ガウジのK-Ar年代が概ね60-50Maに集中する(Takagi et al., 2005).今回の結果がこの値を指示していることは,西南日本内帯の主要な活断層の発生と,白亜紀後期の花崗岩の貫入後のテクトニクスを考察する上で重要な成果である. なお,愛媛県湯谷口で新たに発見されたシュードタキライトについてもジルコンの分離を試みたが,ジルコンは入っていなかったので,三重の試料を優先させた.

  • 花崗岩類・変成岩類の帰属からみた九州中軸部の地体構造の解明


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    九州中軸部の地体構造の解明を目的とし,中央構造線の延長部と想定される大分-熊本構造線の北側と南側の花崗岩類,変成岩類の地質調査と試料採取を実施し,それらの年代測定を行なった. 花崗岩類については,大分県国東半島および朝地変成岩に伴われる花崗岩類,熊本県阿蘇火山の北部の阿蘇-4火砕流堆積物に含まれる異質礫としての花崗岩礫,熊本県菊池花崗岩,さらに,天草下島の高浜変成岩に伴われる高度変成岩について,検討の対象とした.それらのうち,大分-熊本構造線の北側に分布する国東半島の花崗岩類1試料と菊池花崗岩1試料について,ジルコンを分離し,広島大学のSHRIMPにてU-Pb年代測定を行なった.その結果,国東半島の黒津崎花崗岩から113.4±5.0 Ma, 菊池花崗岩から110.4±3.3 Maという値が得られた.この結果は,従来領家帯の延長と考えられ,それまで知られていた領家帯のモナザイトCHIME年代の95-65Maの年代範囲をもとに,100Maよりは若いであろうと予想されていたものが覆され,大分-熊本構造線の南側に分布する朝地帯~肥後帯の花崗岩類の年代(120-100Ma)の年代範囲と同じという結果が得られた.このことは,次の2つの問題を提起する.すなわち,大分-熊本構造線より北側の領家帯は,本州~四国の領家帯と異なる,あるいは(2)九州の領家帯とされた花崗岩類は,すべて肥後帯に属するものであり,領家帯は九州には延びていない.現段階では,両者のどちらが正しいかを判断することはできないが,今後の重要な課題を提起することになった.そのほかの花崗岩類,変成岩類については,鉱物分離の困難さや広島大学の機器の状況から,年代測定が予定より大幅に遅れてしまったが,阿蘇-4火砕流堆積物の異質礫については,ざくろ石と白雲母を含有し,マイロナイト化を受けていることから,朝地地域の荷尾杵花崗岩類に対比され,現在両者の白雲母分離を行ないつつあり,K-Ar年代測定で年代を決める予定である. 天草下島の高浜変成岩類は,近年三波川帯の延長と考えられており,したがって,その変成岩の構造的上位に断層を境に分布するマイロナイト化した中圧タイプの高度変成岩(天草マイロナイト)の帰属は,著者が永年行なって来た関東の三波川帯の上に乗る古領家帯のメンバーそのものと考えられる.構成岩類としては,ざくろ石緑簾石角閃岩,ざくろ石白雲母泥質片麻岩,結晶質石灰岩などで,それらの岩種構成は肥後帯のものと一致する.構造的下位にある三波川変成岩との年代の差を,従来知られているK-Ar年代では不明確であるため,今回Ar-Ar年代測定を実施するため,白雲母を分離し,現在岡山理科大学蒜山研究所に測定を依頼中である(結果が届いたのは2006年8月)で,論文準備中.)また,高浜変成岩に対比される変成岩は長崎半島にも分布しており,九州西部では三波川帯が北に著しく張り出して分布することが最近明らかになっている.このことは,大分-熊本構造線の北側の花崗岩類(上記)全体が,領家帯ではなく,肥後帯のメンバーである可能性を暗示しており,西南日本の地体構造論に大きな飛躍をもたらす可能性がある.今回の研究では,その重要なきっかけが得られた. 

  • 活断層の発生時期と発生機構の解明

    2002   小川 誠, 澤口 隆

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  • 断層ガウジの精密年代測定による断層活動史の解明

    2000   小川 誠, 重松 紀生

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     1999-2000年度のわれわれの成果は、次のようにまとめられる。(1)日本列島でも有数の活断層である中部地方の跡津川断層系について、跡津川断層の露出の良好な天生露頭と、茂住断層を貫いた調査坑道内の断層ガウジを採取し、水篩・遠心機・超遠心機を用い、その細粒部分を5-2、2-1、1-00.35、0.35-0.05μmのフラクションに分離して、XRDによる粘土鉱物学的性状とK-Ar年代を明らかにした。その結果、跡津川断層系ではその断層活動に伴う熱水変質の年代を最も良く示す細粒部で約60Maの年代を示すことが分かった。この値は、従来予察的に求められてきた中央構造線の活断層部(四国)のガウジの年代や、中部地方の阿寺断層の年代(60-50Ma)とほぼ一致し、日本列島の活断層の発生は、従来考えられていたものよりもずっと古く、白亜紀末期~暁新世まで遡ることが明らかにされた。(2)韓国南東部には、数年前より活断層が発見されており、日本の活断層との活動履歴の比較が重要のテーマとなっている。そこで、われわれは最も露頭が発達した蔚山断層(Ulsan Fault)の断層ガウジを採取し、その粘土鉱物学的性状とK-Ar年代測定を実施した。その結果、まだデータは不足しているものの約40Maと28Maという値が得られている。蔚山断層は南北走向で東傾斜の逆断層であり、東西圧縮場で活動したことが明らかにされている。したがって、40Ma前後に東西圧縮場になった要因として、太平洋プレートの運動方向が北北西から西北西へと転換した時期と、年代的にほぼ一致する点が重要であると考えられる。今後、この解釈をより確かなものにしたい。(3)棚倉構造線から約40~50Maの年代が求められ、この年代が、断層ガウジと母岩の鉱物学的検討から、母岩の変質の時期に相当することが明らかにされた。現在、断層ガウジの微細構造から読み取れる断層の運動の歴史とK-Ar年代との対応を検討中であり、今年中にはその成果を発表する予定である。(4)ネパールヒマラヤ、ランタン地域の主中央衝上断層帯(MCT)には、衝上運動の後に、正断層の運動が重複していることがわれわれの調査で初めて明らかにされつつある。その中でも、断層ガウジを伴う若い断層活動の時期を明らかにするため、断層ガウジのK-Ar年代測定を実施した。その結果、約3Maという若い年代が明らかになった。これは、MCTの最終的な活動時期を示しており、ヒマラヤの上昇を抑制する運動として位置付けることができる。(5)断層の年代測定として、この研究で採取したシュードタキライト(地震の化石)について、Ar-Ar、 Rb-Sr、ESR、FT年代などを測定する予定である。

  • 脆性―延性遷移領域の断層岩類の構造岩石学的研究


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     脆性-延性遷移領域で変形した断層岩類が露出している場として、98年度は愛知県足助地域の調査を行う予定であったが、これまで進めてきた畑川破砕帯(福島県浪江地域小出谷川沿い)の中に、大変重要な露頭を見い出したことから、本年度はこの断層帯の検討を実施した。具体的には、露頭の詳細なスケッチと、ドリルによるコアサンプルの採取およびその偏光顕微鏡ならびにBSE像の観察を実施した。その結果、次の事実が明らかとなった。1.本露頭は黒色小剪断帯がネットワーク状に発達し、北東―南西走向と北西―南東走向の共役関係の剪断帯が認められる。2.この共役関係から導かれた最大圧縮応力の方向はほぼ東西である。3.一部の剪断帯にシュードタキライトが発見された。その産出は、畑川破砕帯で2箇所目のものである。4.共役関係のどちらの剪断帯にも、カタクレーサイト(シュードタキライト)とウルトラマイロナイト~マイロナイトが密接に伴っている。5.カタクレーサイトやシュードタキライトが塑性変形を受けて、ウルトラマイロナイト化している部分がある。6.ウルトラマイロナイトバンドの幅の変化、すなわち変位量の変化が、そのバンドから派生するカタクレーサイトを伴う剪断によって調節されている可能性がある。 以上の産状は、この小剪断帯が、脆性-延性遷移領域(より厳密には破砕-塑性遷移領域)で形成されたことを強く示唆する。その形成環境は、構成鉱物組み合わせから緑色片岩相低温部であると結論される。

  • 九州肥後帯の地体構造の解明


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    今回、九州肥後帯(大分-熊本構造線と臼杵-八代構造線に挟まれた地帯)の地体構造の解明を目的として、大分市南方の白亜系大野川層群中の花崗岩礫について、その岩石学的諸性質を明らかにするとともに鉱物分離を行い、4岩石試料についてK-Ar年代を決定した。また、肥後帯との地質学的関連性を評価するため、四国西部三波川帯にナップをなす唐崎マイロナイト中の角閃石についても、同様にK-Ar年代測定を行った。その結果、下記のことが明らかとなった。1.大野川層群霊山層中の花崗岩礫はチタン鉄鉱系列の花崗岩に属し、トーナル岩、花崗閃緑岩、花崗岩に属する。組成的には、Srの量が350ppm前後と比較的高く、Y-Nb図、Rb-(Y+Nb)図においては、火山弧起源のテクトニックセッティングを示す。2.K-Ar年代は、角閃石4試料、黒雲母1試料ともよく一致し、103~108Maの値が得られた。3.岩石学的性質と年代値だけからみると、この花崗岩礫の供給源として、領家帯と肥後帯(古領家帯)のどちらかを限定することは難しく、今後の検討課題が残された。4.唐崎マイロナイト中の角閃石のK-Ar年代は119Maと122Maとなり、大島変成岩や寄居変成岩などの古領家帯のメンバーおよび肥後変成岩の年代と一致する結果が得られた。 以上より、九州肥後帯の基盤岩類には、関東山地の場合と同様ペルム紀と白亜紀アルビアン期の花崗岩類・変成岩類がかつては広く分布しており、それらが対の変成帯の間に挟まれていた古領家帯をなしていたことが、明確にされた。その古領家帯は日本列島よりも未成熟の島弧を構成していたものと推定される。

  • 関東山地三波川帯におけるナップ構造の復元


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     関東山地北部の雄川~鮎川上流地域の三波川帯において、その地質構造、温度構造および剪断のセンスの決定を試みた。その結果、次のようなことが明らかとなった。 1.地質構造:本地域には、構造的下位より三波川ユニットと御荷鉾ユニットが、東西走向南傾斜の衝上断層を境にして累重する。全体に結晶片岩の片理面は南西に低角~中角で傾斜するが、中位層準では波長数10mオーダーの緩やかな正立褶曲群により傾斜方向が繰り返す。伸張線構造の方向は地域全体でほぼ一貫して西北西-東南東で、水平に近い。 2.温度構造:三波川ユニットの温度構造は、調査地域西部では南から北に向かってざくろ石帯、緑泥石帯、ざくろ石帯、黒雲母帯、ざくろ石帯の順に分帯されるが、中部および東部では、緑泥石帯を欠いている。東部地域の黒雲母帯の南縁付近には衝上断層を境に温度構造のギャップが見い出されたが、西部地域ではその断層の延長を押さえることができていない。 3.剪断センス:センス決定の指標として主にシアバンドを用い、付随的に曹長石斑状変晶に伴う非対称プレッシャーシャドウや白雲母フィッシュを用いた。その結果得られた剪断センス雄川ルートでは戦場以南が一部を除き上盤西であるのに対し、戦場以北では上盤東であるものが多い。一方、鮎川ルートでは、鹿島以南ではすべて西のセンスを示すが鹿島以北では東西両方のセンスが繰り返す。このように、調査地域北方では上盤東のセンスが出現し、それが出現し始める南縁境界の位置は、黒雲母帯の南縁部に相当する。 延性剪断変形時の剪断センスがプレート収束域で一様で上盤西であったと考えられる事から、剪断センスの逆転は伸張線構造形成後の構造的逆転、すなわち横臥褶曲の存在を示す証拠になる。ただしその形態は、大規模なものではなく、小規模の横臥褶曲が繰り返しており、一部に南傾斜の衝上断層が存在することが明らかとなった。

  • カソードルミネッセンスによる岩石中のマイクロクラックの同定


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    カソードルミネッセンス(CL)観察の機器として市販されているルミノスコープを偏光顕微鏡に装着し,岩石中の癒合割れ目(healed microcrack)を観察し,通常の顕微鏡では観察できない流体移動の軌跡を調査するのが本研究の目的である。 95年度は,本研究を遂行する上での基礎研究として,発光の弱く,また発光の原因がまだ解明されていない石英について,溶液から沈殿した未変形の水晶のCL像を観察し,その特徴を押さえた。次に,予察的に中央構造線や跡津川断層沿いの花崗岩や,秩父帯の石灰岩を貫く癒合割れ目についても観察した。結 果1. 石英のCL像 試料はブラジル(熱水鉱床),長野県川端下(接触交代鉱床),神奈川県玄倉(石英閃緑岩中),山梨県竹森(堆積岩中の脈石英)の水晶について観察し,あわせて合成水晶についても検討した。その結果,天然の水晶のCL像はほとんど結晶外形に平行なゾーニングが認められた。一方,合成水晶にはCL像は観察されず,その原因として微量の鉄の存在がquencherとして働いたと考えられる。2. 岩石のマイクロクラックのCL像 石灰岩中のものは一般に周囲の方解石に比べて明るく発光し,脈どうしの微妙な発光の違いで切断関係が分かる場合もある。 花崗岩中のものは通常マイクロクラックを膠結する部分の方が発光が弱い。石英の場合,通常の偏光顕微鏡下で認められる流体包有物の配列などが,ゾーニングは殆ど見られず発光は微弱であるものの,ある幅を持ったマイクロクラックのCL像が識別できた。また,偏光顕微鏡ではまったく識別できない部分が,CL像ではマイクロクラックとして明瞭に識別できることが判明した。さらに,カリ長石や斜長石のCL像にもマイクロクラックが石英以上に明瞭に観察された。従って,地殻内部の岩石中の流体移動-再沈殿のプロセスを解明する上で,CL像が果たす役割は大きい。

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