Updated on 2024/09/15


IWAMURA, Mitsuru
Faculty of Commerce
Job title
Professor Emeritus
経済学士 ( 東京大学 )
bachelor /economics
博士(国際情報通信学) ( 早稲田大学 )
doctor of science / global information and telecommunication studies

Research Experience

  • 1998

    Professor, Waseda University

Education Background


    University of Tokyo   Faculty of Economics  

Professional Memberships





Research Areas

  • Public economics and labor economics

Research Interests

  • Public Finance,Money & Bankin,Information Economy



  • 財政政策と金融政策


    日本の成長戦略(単行本・川邊信雄ほか編・中央経済社)   - ( - ) 2 - 19  2012.03

  • The bursting of housing bubbles a jamming phase transition

    katsuhiro Nushinari, Yukiko Umeno Saito, Mitsuru Iwamura, Tsutomu Watanabe

    Journal of Physics, Conference Series 221(2010)   2010 ( - ) 12006 - 12014  2010.07

  • 産業再生機構の果たした役割

    岩村充, 杉本和士, 長野聡

    企業と法創造(早稲田大学グローバルCOE/企業法制と法創造)   7 ( 1 ) 15 - 23  2010.04

  • 危機企業のガバナンス問題

    長野聡, 岩村充, 杉本和士

    企業と法創造(早稲田大学グローバルCOE/企業法制と法創造)   7 ( 1 ) 55 - 63  2010.04

  • 財政規律と金融政策

    岩村充 渡辺努

    ESP   - ( 434 ) 37 - 40  2008.06

  • Do lager firms have more interfirm relationships?

    Saito, e

    Physica A   - ( 383 ) 158 - 163  2007.07


  • 金融取引と付加価値税制

    岩村充, 新堂精士, 吉田倫子

    ノモス(関西大学法学研究所)   - ( 20 ) 29 - 43  2007.06

  • 企業会計における不確実性表示の意味を考える


    會計(森山書店)   171 ( - ) 538 - 551  2007.04

  • ハイブリッド商品の意義と発展可能性


    証券アナリストジャーナル(日本証券アナリスト協会)   45 ( 3 ) 8 - 19  2007.03

  • 金利プライシングの統計的分析

    岩村充, 渡辺努, 齊藤有希子

    FRI Economic Review(富士通総研)   10 ( 3 ) 70 - 89  2006.07

  • 金融取引と付加価値税制

    岩村充, 新堂精士, 吉田倫子

    FRI Economic Review(富士通総研)   10 ( 3 ) 50 - 69  2006.07

  • 企業成長の履歴効果

    齊藤有希子, 渡辺努, 岩村充

    素粒子論研究   113 ( 2 ) 72 - 75  2006.05

  • 電子マネーと金融政策

    岩村充 渡辺努

    ESP   - ( 407 ) 53 - 57  2006.03

  • インフレターゲッティングと財政規律

    渡辺努 岩村充

    ESP   - ( 407 ) 48 - 52  2006.03

  • 交渉ゲームにおける鍵自己暴露戦略のインパクト

    宮崎邦彦, 岩村充, 松本勉, 佐々木良一, 吉浦裕, 松木武, 秦野康生, 手塚悟, 今井秀樹

    情報処理学会論文誌   46 ( 8 ) 1871 - 1879  2005.08

  • Monetary and Fiscal Policy in a Liquidity Trap : The Japanese Experience 1999-2004

    Iwamura, e

    NBER Working Paper (published by University Chicago Press "Monetary Poliscy with Very Low Inflation in the Pacific Rim"2006)   - ( 11151 ) 1 - 38  2005.02

  • Digitally signed document sanitizing scheme with disclosure condition control

    K Miyazaki, M Iwamura, T Matsumoto, R Sasaki, H Yoshiura, S Tezuka, H Imai


     View Summary

    A digital signature does not allow any alteration of the document to which it is attached. Appropriate alteration of some signed documents, however, should be allowed because there are security requirements other than that for the integrity of the document. In the disclosure of official information, for example, sensitive information such as personal information or national secrets is masked when an official document is sanitized so that its nonsensitive information can be disclosed when it is demanded by a citizen. If this disclosure is done digitally by using the current digital signature schemes. the citizen cannot verify the disclosed information correctly because the information has been altered to prevent the leakage of sensitive information. That is, with current digital signature schemes, the confidentiality of official information is incompatible with the integrity of that information. This is called the digital document sanitizing problem, and some solutions such as digital document sanitizing schemes and content extraction signatures have been proposed. In this paper, we point out that the conventional digital signature schemes are vulnerable to additional sanitizing attack and show how this vulnerability can be eliminated by using a new digitally signed document sanitizing scheme with disclosure condition control.

  • 情報化社会における時間の稀少性


    情報秩序の構築(単行本・伊藤守ほか編・早稲田大学出版部)   - ( - ) 29 - 53  2004.04

  • Monopolies in the Information Society

    Iwamura, Mitsuru

    Asia-Pacific review(Carfax Publishing)   10 ( 2 ) 146 - 159  2003.11

  • 政府の貨幣価値コミットメントと金融政策の限界

    岩村充 渡辺努

    FRI Economic Review(富士通総研)   7 ( 4 ) 26 - 46  2003.10

  • 第三者機関への依存度に基づく長期利用向け電子署名技術評価手法の提案

    宮崎邦彦, 吉浦裕, 岩村充, 松本勉, 佐々木良一

    情報処理学会論文誌   44 ( 8 ) 1955 - 1969  2003.08

     View Summary

    Digital signature is used as a technology which assures authenticity of digital documents. No one can issue a digital signature without a private-key, so if the private-key is kept secret for everyone except the signer, the document signed by him must be his document. However, it might not adequate for long-term usage that only signer knows the private-key. Then some technologies are proposed for long-term usage, that is, time-stamping, hysteresis signature, signature extension server, and so on. In this paper, we notice that each technology requires some third parties implicitly or explicitly. We clarify what kinds of third parties are required by each technology. In addition, we clarify how much each third party, especially existance assure party, is required by introducing the concept of trustworthiness of third party.


  • 株主総会の情報化

    岩村充, 坂田絵里子

    法とコンピュータ(法とコンピュータ学会)   21   122 - 128  2003.07

  • 電子社会と競争の変質


    電子社会と法システム(単行本・中里実/石黒一憲編・新世社)   - ( - ) 20 - 37  2002.10

  • ゼロ金利制約下の物価調整

    渡辺努 岩村充

    フィナンシャル・レビュー(財務省財務総合政策研究所)   64 ( - ) 110 - 139  2002.08

  • 電子株主総会の可能性と問題点

    岩村充, 坂田絵里子

    ジュリスト(有斐閣)   1215 ( - ) 88 - 94  2001.12

  • IT革命と時間の稀少性

    岩村充, 新堂精士, 長島直樹, 渡辺努

    FRI Economic Review(富士通総研)   5 ( 3 ) 10 - 38  2001.07

  • 情報と企業経営


    証券アナリストジャーナル(証券アナリスト協会)   39 ( 1 ) 45 - 54  2001.01

  • 転換期を迎える日本の証券決済制度


    ジュリスト(有斐閣)   増刊号2000—11 ( - ) 61 - 67  2000.11

  • Electronic Money and Information Society

    Mitsuru Iwamura

    Legal Aspect of Globalization (Kluwer Law International)   - ( - ) 13 - 33  2000.02

  • クロスボーダー問題としての電子商取引


    日本国際経済法学会年報(日本国際経済法学会)   8 ( - ) 141 - 158  1999.09

  • 電子商取引と認証


    法とコンピュータ(法とコンピュータ学会)   17 ( - ) 7 - 12  1999.07

  • 電子マネーは金融政策を変えるか


    電子貨幣論(単行本・西田通偏・NTT出版)   - ( - ) 73 - 104  1999.06

  • 電子マネーと経済社会


    フィナンシャル・レビュー(大蔵省財政金融研究所)   51 ( - ) 152 - 181  1999.06

  • 金融法制と金融システム


    ジュリスト(有斐閣)   1155 ( - ) 192 - 198  1999.05

  • 金融ネットワークの将来像


    電子情報通信学会誌   81 ( 4 ) 414 - 419  1998.04

  • 新しいコンピュータ技術と法


    法とコンピュータ(法とコンピュータ学会)   15 ( - ) 85 - 92  1997.07

  • 金融負債の時価評価をめぐって


    COFRIジャーナル(企業財務制度研究会)   26 ( - ) 38 - 45  1997.03

  • 金融機関の将来像


    ジュリスト(有斐閣)   1095 ( - ) 59 - 64  1996.08

  • 日本の金融システムとセキュリタイゼーション


    資産流動化研究(日本資産流動化研究所)   2 ( - ) 1 - 17  1996.04

  • データマネーの登場と銀行業の将来


    金融の情報通信革命(単行本・堀内昭義編・東洋経済新報社)   - ( - ) 159 - 184  1996.04

  • 市場機能の活用と投信の未来


    フィナンシャル・レビュー(大蔵省財政金融研究所)   36 ( - ) 83 - 112  1995.12

  • Electronic Money - The Legal Implication

    MItsuru Iwamura

    Business Law Asia (law Asia)   - ( - )  1995.12

  • 日本の企業金融における資本構成の意義と実際

    岩村充, 福澤恵二

    証券アナリストジャーナル(日本証券アナリスト協会)   33 ( 11 ) 13 - 23  1995.11

  • データ保護の技術と法

    岩村充, 神田秀樹

    法とコンピュータ(法とコンピュータ学会)   13 ( - ) 109 - 120  1995.07

  • 金融システム活性化のために


    金融研究(日本銀行金融研究所)   14 ( 1 ) 13 - 83  1995.03

  • 資産証券化の展望と問題点


    公社債月報(公社債引受協会)   437 ( - ) 23 - 33  1993.01

  • 預金保険とモラルハザード


    金融研究(日本銀行金融研究所)   11 ( 3 ) 51 - 72  1992.10

  • 統計データの個票公開とプライバシーの保護

    岩村充, 西島裕子

    金融研究(日本銀行金融研究所)   10 ( 4 ) 67 - 93  1991.12

  • 短期金融市場の金利決定モデル


    金融研究(日本銀行金融研究所)   10 ( 4 ) 11 - 26  1991.12

  • 金融市場における量と金利の決定メカニズム


    金融研究(日本銀行金融研究所)   10 ( 2 ) 33 - 59  1991.07

  • 劣後債に関する法的問題

    岩村充, 神田秀樹

    金融法務事情(金融財政事情研究会)   1126 ( - ) 6 - 14  1986.07

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Books and Other Publications

  • 中央銀行が終わる日

    岩村充( Part: Sole author)

    新潮社  2016.03 ISBN: 4106037823

  • コーポレート・ファイナンス-CFOを志す人のために-


    中央経済社  2013.01

  • 貨幣進化論


    新潮社  2010.09

  • 貨幣の経済学


    集英社  2008.09

  • 企業金融講義


    東洋経済新報社  2005.07

  • 新しい物価理論

    渡辺努 岩村充

    岩波書店  2004.02

  • 電子株主総会の研究

    岩村充, 神田秀樹

    弘文堂  2003.12

  • 金融システムの将来展望


    金融財政事情研究会  2002.04

  • 企業金融の理論と法

    岩村充, 鈴木淳人

    東洋経済新報社  2001.11

  • 特別講義:IT革命を読み解く


    技術評論社  2001.11

  • サイバーエコノミー


    東洋経済新報社  2000.10

  • レバレッジド・バイアウト


    東洋経済新報社  2000.02

  • 電子マネー入門


    日本経済新聞社  1996.11

  • 銀行の経営革新


    東洋経済新報社  1995.09

  • 入門企業金融論


    日本経済新聞社  1994.10

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Research Projects

  • Development of Economical Evaluation Method on Information System Investment during Monetary Crisis

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    UKAI Yasuharu, SUDA Kazuyuki, IWASA Yoichi, SHIBA Kenji, WATANABE Shinji, TAKEDA Koichi

     View Summary

    This research started from the recognition that the measurement of information technology assets contribution to the firms' value in the stock market is proper to the evaluation of industries' information system investment but not to one of firms' specific information system. At first, we selected technical efficiency index defined by the distance of the actual inputs and output combination from the production frontier in order to take cross section analyses of the interaction between individual banks' several types of assets and this efficiency during the time of 1993-99. Our statistical computer software was LIMDEP ver.8.0, Econometric Software Inc. the most difficult condition to this efficiency was how to define the production of bank. We tried five types of definition to measure it. The largest number of the statistically significant cases was founded when we used the definition of total value of deposit and net loans: loans deducted by nonperforming loans. It was also cleared that the computer software asset always had stable positive effect to this efficiency. This evaluation method will be applied to time series analysis of individual bank.Second, we realized that organization constitution and human capital of individual bank were decisive factors to information system working. We developed a statistical evaluation method of these factors. We mailed 600 IT strategy questionnaires to the blanch bureaus of Japan Postal Service by stratified sampling. The final number of returned answers was 326. The analyses of cross tabulation for these answers derived our third finding that on the job training and management decentralization were important to improve the technical efficiency concerning IT investment. Finally, balanced scorecards of four largest Japanese banking groups were introduced in order to diversify IT investment evaluation. Financial data were reciprocal movement to the other data including IT index. This was our forth finding

  • Research for establishing a legal framework for law, transactions, and enterprises in the era of the globalization - from the view point of private law, private international law, financial law and insolvency law

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KONO Toshiyuki, DOGAUCHI Masato, HAYAKAWA Shinichiro, IWAMURA Mitsuru, NOMURA Yoshiaki, KANDA Hideki

     View Summary

    This research project aimed at analysis of legal problems under the influence of the globalization. After many discussions we decided to focus on legal issues, which are being and will be caused by the development of the E-commerce. Since the E-commerce is in a sense an extreme way, in which the globalization has emerged, since the border does not have meaning any more. We discussed about financial law, insolvency law, contract law and tort law. We invited also some foreign colleagues to our meetings. The fruits of our final meeting will be published in coming summer as a book, Kono/Paulus/Rajak (ed.), Legal Problems of E-Commerce. I myself published two articles on the Internet auction and legal issues from the viewpoint of civil and commercial laws

  • Joint Research on Policy in Converging Telecom and Broadcast

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    NAKAMURA Kiyoshi, URANO Yoshinori, MITOMO Hitoshi, AGATA Koichiro, IWAMURA Mitsuru, SUGAYA Minoru

     View Summary

    Digital convergence poses a challenge to broadcasting and telecommunications policy on a global scale. Particularly digital innovation in the broadcasting sector enhances a rapid market convergence, which makes the boundary between the carriages of telecommunications and television signals blurry. Not only does digital convergence change the size and scope of telecommunications and broadcasting markets but it also has a great impact on our economic society. In order to enjoy the potential benefits of digital convergence, the public policy should be a pro-competitive one, since competitive pressures in the markets will bring opportunities for market players to provide new services and improve the quality of services, It is important to let competition work and let the players experiment with new ideas because it is competition that stimulates efficiency and ensures consumer sovereignty. We have organized an international research group to examine the current situation of digital convergence of telecommunications and broadcasting in Japan, United Kingdom and Germany, and to study the major policy issues, focusing on regulatory challenges those nations face from the international comparative point of view. The major implication that were distilled from our international comparative study is that a new regulatory paradigm is needed because competition can no longer be defined in terms of traditional markets alone. Competition policy must be analyzed across broadcasting and telecommunications industries. Since it is difficult to envisage the future deployment of digital convergence, reliance on competition policy would be the best solution. The immediate task of the government is to set the rules of the game as a way of enhancing fair competition and innovation. It is competition rather than regulation that simulates efficiency and diversification. Our study is published a book entitled Convergence of Telecommunications and Broadcasting in Japan, United Kingdom and Germany, Curzon Press, UK, 2001

Industrial Property Rights

  • 電子決済仲介方法、電子決済仲介システム、および電子決済仲介プログラム


    岩村 充
