Education Background
Doshisha University Graduate School of Economics Doctor Course
Doshisha University Graduate School Economics Master Course
Doshisha University Faculty of Economics
Details of a Researcher
Updated on 2025/02/07
Doshisha University Graduate School of Economics Doctor Course
Doshisha University Graduate School Economics Master Course
Doshisha University Faculty of Economics
Corporate Finance
Corporate Governance
Experimental Finance
Asset Pricing
Informed traders, beauty contest and stock price volatility: Evidence from laboratory markets
Shinichi Hirota, Takao Kusakawa, Tatsuyoshi Saijo, Yasuhiko Tanigawa
Pacific Economic Review 29 ( 3 ) 354 - 396 2024.08 [Refereed]
Money, Inflation, and Stock Prices
75 ( 2・3 ) 177 - 202 2023.12
Profitability or Longevity? Cross-Country Variations in Corporate Performance
Ryoichi Arai, Shinichi Hirota
Sustainability 15 ( 10 ) 2023.05 [Refereed]
Authorship:Corresponding author
Shareholder Primacy or Stakeholder Orientation? Cross-Country Perspective
Shinichi Hirota
Securities Analysts Journal 58 ( 11 ) 18 - 29 2020.11
Varieties of CSR: A Cross-Country Comparison
Shinichi Hirota
2018 While Paper on CSR (The Tokyo Foundation for Policy Research) 101 - 110 2018
How Are Stock Prices Determined?
Shinichi Hirota
in T. Saijo (ed.), Human Behavior and Market Design (Frontier of Experimental Science Vol. 2), Tokyo, Keiso Shobo. 2016.06
How Corporations Create Social Value? A Study of Incomplete Contracts in Corporate Governance
Satoshi Kawanishi, Teruyuki Tamura, Shinichi Hirota
Economics Today 36 ( 4 ) 巻頭1 - 3,1-30 2016.02
Corporate Governance in Modern Wealthy Society
Shinichi Hirota
Securities Analysts Journal 50 ( 5 ) 28 - 38 2012.05
Corporate Financial Risks and the Role of Main Banks in Japan : Relational Contract Approach
Shinichi Hirota
Waseda Commercial Review ( 431 ) 841 - 882 2012.03
Corporate Financing Behavior of Japanese Firms: Pursuing Corporate Perpetuity
Shinichi Hirota
in H. Miyajima (ed.), Corporate Govrnance in Japan, Tokyo, Toyo Keizai Shinposha. 2011.06
Are Strong Shareholder Rights Desirable? An Incomplete Contract Approach
Shinichi Hirota
Contemporary Finance 29 75 - 102 2011 [Refereed]
What does finance theory have to say about asset price bubbles?
Shinichi Hirota
Security analysts journal 47 ( 5 ) 6 - 15 2009.05
Stakeholders of the Listed Firms in the U.S. and Japan: An Examination of Corporate Mission Statement
Shinichi Hirota, Junichi Yamanoi
in H. Miyajima (ed.), Frontier of Research in Corporate Governance, Tokyo, Nihon Hyoronsha 2008.09
Corporate Governance in Japan
Shinichi Hirota
in A. Kuroda (ed.), Contemporary Financial System, Tokyo, Kinyu Zaisei Jijo Kenkyukai 2008.02
Determination Mechanism of Stock Prices: Evidence from Experiment
Shinichi Hirota
in Y. Saijo (ed.), Introduction to Experimental Economics, Tokyo, NTT Publication 2007.11
リスク学入門2:経済から見たリスク (橘木俊詔編著)/ 岩波書店 2007.10
Is Fundamental Analysis Profitable? Evidence from Experimental Stock Markets
Shinichi Hirota
Securities Analysts Journal 45 ( 1 ) 52 - 65 2007.01
When Do Stock Prices Have a Life of Their Own? Experimental Evidence
Shinichi Hirota
Securities Analysts Journal 44 ( 2 ) 59 - 69 2006.02
Control Mechanism in the Japanese Firms: A Role of Mission Statement
Katsuyuki Kubo, Shinichi Hirota, Hideaki Miyajima
The Quarterly Review of Corporation Law and Society ( 4 ) 2005.05
Is the Shareholder Governance Necessary? An Interview and Theoretical Study
Kohei Kawamura, Shinichi Hirota
in H. Itoh (ed.), The Japanese Firm in Transition, Tokyo, Toyo Keizai Shinposha 2002.09
Shinichi Hirota
Waseda Commercial Review 391 ( 391 ) 69 - 103 2001.12
Has the Main Bank Governance Changed? A Comparison between 1990s and the After-Oil-Shock Era
Shinichi Hirota, Hideaki Miyajima
Contemporary Finance 10 ( 10 ) 35 - 61 2001.09 [Refereed]
Bank-Firm Relationships and Corporate Governance in Japan
Shinichi Hirota
Finance, Governance and Economic Performance in Pacific and South East Asia (D. G. Dickinson eds.) / Edward Elgar 2001.03
Recent Changes of the Main Bank Relationships in Japan
Shinichi Hirota, Toshihiro Horiuchi
Review of Monetary and Financial Studies ( 17 ) 90 - 98 2001.03 [Refereed]
Experimental Economics in Finance: A Study of the Takeover Mechanism
Shinichi Hirota, Tatsuyoshi Saijo, Yasuyo Hamaguchi, Toshiji Kawagoe
Financial Review ( 53 ) 58 - 83 2000.04
Is the Bank-Oriented System in Japan Changing? Interview Evidence
Shinichi Hirota
Waseda Commercial Review ( 383 ) 143 - 168 1999.09
The Main Bank Relationships in Japan: A Descriptive Analysis in 1990s
Shinichi Hirota
Kinyu (Japanese Bankers Association Review) 609 ( 609 ) 4 - 12 1997.12
Corporate Financing Decisions of Japanese Firms
Shinichi Hirota
in S. Itoh (ed.), Japanese Economy and Finance, Kyoto, Koyo Shobo 1997.03
The Main Bank Relationships in Japan: 1964-1992
Shinichi Hirota
Doshisha Economic Review 48 ( 3 ) 131 - 156 1997.03
Two Roles of Debt and Optimal Capital Structure
Shinichi Hirota, Kazuhito Ikeo
4 ( 2 ) 57 - 63 1997.02
Corporate Governance in Japanese Capital Markets: An Empirical Study
Shinichi Hirota
in T. Tachibanaki and Y. Tsutsui (eds.), Japanese Capital Markets, Tokyo, Nihon Hyoronsha 1996.09
Corporate Finance and Managerial Efficiency
Shinichi Hirota, Kazuhito Ikeo
in H. Itoh (ed.), The Japanese Firm as a System, Tokyo, University of Tokyo Press 1996.06
Theories on Corporate Governance and the Japanese Firm
Shinichi Hirota
ESP (Economy, Society, Policy) ( 276 ) 33 - 37 1995.04
Implicit Contracts in Japanese Loan Markets
Shinichi Hirota
経済学論叢 / 同志社大学 46 ( 2 ) 505 - 529 1995.03
Why Does the Main Bank Rescue the Firm? An Event Study Analysis
Shinichi Hirota, Atsuo Fukuda
Doshisha Economic Review 46 ( 2 ) 289 - 302 1995.02
Interpreting the Loan Rate Variations in Japan: Risk Sharing and the Full-cost Principle
Shinichi Hirota
in T. Tachibanaki and K. Matsuura (eds.), Japanese Financial System: Markets and Institutions, Tokyo, Nihon Hyoronsha 1994.10
Choice among Equity, Debt, and the Main Bank Borrowing: An Optimal Capital Stricture of Japanese Firms
Shinichi Hirota, Atsuo Fukuda
Review of Monetary and Financial Studies ( 7 ) 42 - 52 1994.07 [Refereed]
Corporate Capital Structure and the Main Bank in Japan
Kazuhito Ikeo, Shinichi Hirota
in A. Horiuchi and N. Yoshino (eds.), Structural Analyses of the Japanese Financial System, Tokyo, University of Tokyo Press 1992.06
Scope Economies in the Japanese Banking Industry
Shinichi Hirota, Yoshiro Tsutsui
in A. Horiuchi and N. Yoshino (eds.), Structural Analyses of the Japanese Financial System, Tokyo, University of Tokyo Press 1992.06
Corporate Capital Structure and the Role of Banks in Japan
Kazuhito Ikeo, Shinichi Hirota
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Society for the Economic Studies of Securities ( 27 ) 1992.05
The Relationship between the Size and the Growth in Japanese Financial Industries: Empirical Evidence
Shinichi Hirota
Doshisha Economic Review 42 ( 3 ) 67 - 78 1991.03
The Determinants of the Profit Rates in the Japanese Banking Industry: Empirical Evidence
Shinichi Hirota
Doshisha Economic Review 42 ( 2 ) 63 - 79 1991.02
The Risk Sharing Role of the Main Banks in Japan: An Empirical Study
Shinichi Hirota
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Japan Society of Monetary Economics ( 71 ) 1991.01
On the Economic Role of Options
Yoshio Itaba, Tokujiro Kubo, Atsunobu Sugimoto, Shinichi Hirota
Doshisha Economic Review 42 ( 1 ) 74 - 90 1990.12
The Economic Role and Pricing of Options: Re-examination on the Option Theory under Asymmetric Information
Shinichi Hirota
Shoken Keizai ( 173 ) 79 - 95 1990.10
The Risk Sharing Role of the Main Banks in Japan: An Empirical Study
Shinichi Hirota
Doshisha Economic Review 41 ( 3 ) 158 - 178 1990.03
The Stability of the Main Bank in Japan: A Survey and a Theoretical Analysis
Shinichi Hirota
Doshisha Economic Review 41 ( 2 ) 39 - 63 1989.11
Theoretical Analysis on the Security Underwriting Syndicate
Shinichi Hirota
経済学論叢 / 同志社大学 40 ( 2 ) 274 - 300 1988.11
Corporate Finance and Governance in Stakeholder Society: Beyond Shareholder Capitalism
Shinichi Hirota( Part: Sole author)
Routledge 2015
広田真一( Part: Sole author)
東洋経済新報社 2012.06
宍戸善一, 広田真一, 日本取締役協会
東洋経済新報社 2004.07
黒田晃生, 米澤康博, 新保惠志, 広田真一
東洋経済新報社 1998.06
Corporate Governance and Performance around the World: A Stakeholder Approach
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
Hirota Shinichi
Corporate Governance and Firm Growth: Understanding the Changing Corporate Governance System in Japan and toward its Reforms
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
Miyajima Hideaki
A New Paradigm in Corporate Finance and Governance Research
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
Hirota Shinichi
Redesigning the Diversified Corporate Governance in Japan: Understanding their Characteristics and Performance
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
MIYAJIMA Hideaki, HIROTA Shinichi, KUBO Katsuyuki, ARIKAWA Yasuhiro, AOKI Hidetaka, SAITO Takuji, NITTA Keisuke, NAKAMURA Masao, KAWAMURA Kohei, USHIJIMA Tatsuo, KAWANISHI Takuya, HODA Takaaki, KATAKURA Yoko, OGAWA Ryo, FRANKS Julian, MAYER Colin, JACKSON Gregory, YAFEH Yishay, I MAD' EDDINE Gael, RAU Rague
Analysis and Design of Market Institutions
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
SAIJO Tatsuyoshi, NISHIMURA Naoko, HIROTA Shinichi, TARUI Nori, SHICHIJO Tatsuhiro, KUSAKAWA Takao, SHEN Junyi
Changing Corporate Governance and its Impact on Performance in Japan : Complimentarity among Organization, Ownership and Competition
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
MIYAJIMA Hideaki, HIROTA Shinichi, KUBO Katsuyuki, ARIKAWA Yasuhiro, AOKI Hidetaka, SAITO Takuji
Analysis of portfolio selection and saving behavior by means of questionnaire survey and economic experiment
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
TSUTSUI Yoshiro, IKEDA Shinsuke, OHTAKE Fumio, HIRUMA Fumihiko, HIROTA Shinichi, IZAWA Hiroshi, HORI Keiichi
Behavioral Biases among Institutional Investors and Price Mechanism of Japanese Securities Market : Fusion of Survey and Experimental Study Approaches
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
UNO Jun, SUTO Megumi, TANIGAWA Yasuhiko, HIROTA Shinichi, SUSAI Masayuki, MORIYASU Hiroshi
The Formation and Maintenance of Cooperation under the Open Economy
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
FUNAKI Yukihiko, HIROTA Shin'ichi
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業
Project Year :
広田 真一
池尾和人と語る(塩入篤・向井基信編、池尾愛子監修)/文藝春秋企画出版部 2022.06
Look at the Varieties of Capitalism and Firms
Shinichi Hirota
The Nikkei newspaper 2019.12
Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media)
Good Management and Good Governance All over the World
Shinichi Hirota
Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media)
Varieties of CSR: A Cross-Country Comparison
Shinichi Hirota
Web Page of the Tokyo Foundation For Policy Research. 2019
Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media)
FACULTY NEWS : Upon the Retirement of Professor Fumihiko HIRUMA
Shinichi Hirota
Waseda Commercial Review 449 ( 449 ) 97 - 104 2017.06
Book review, literature introduction, etc.
Book Review: Firm Commitment by Colin Mayer (Oxford University Press)
Shinichi Hirota
British Journal of Industrial Relations 53 ( 4 ) 33 - 37 2015
Book review, literature introduction, etc.
Corporate Governance of Modern Corporation
Shinichi Hirota
Web Page of RIETI (The Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry) 2012
Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media)
A Book Review of A New Paradigm of Japanese Corporate Governance., by Tadao Kagono, Nobuyuki Isagawa, and Norihisa Yoshimura (Tokyo, Yuhikaku, 2010)
Shinichi Hirota
Accounting 62 ( 10 ) 141 - 141 2010.10
Book review, literature introduction, etc.
Shinichi Hirota
Shosai no Mado ( 568 ) 58 - 62 2007.10
Book review, literature introduction, etc.
Corporate Governance or Corporate Culture?
Shinichi Hirota
Web Page of RIETI (The Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry). 2007
Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media)
Is the Conducting of Experiments Possible to Stock Markets?
Shinichi Hirota
Keizai Seminar ( 623 ) 38 - 42 2007.01
Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media)
Emergence of Bubbles: Insights from Stock Market Experiments
Shinichi Hirota
The Nikkei newspaper 2006.11
Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media)
書評:高月昭年著 「笛吹く政府、踊れぬ国民:職人不在の日本経済」
金融ジャーナル ( 2009/9 ) 30 - 30 2003.09
Shinichi Hirota
Keizai Seminar 2003年2月号 ( 577 ) 18 - 22 2003.02
Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media)
広田 真一, 筒井 義郎
金融経済研究 96 - 99 2001.02
Considering the Society through Experimental Economics
Shinichi Hirota
Keizai Seminar 2000年4月号 ( 543 ) 16 - 19 2000.04
Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media)
A Book Review of Irrational Exuberance by Robert J. Shiller (Princeton University Press, 2000)
Shinichi Hirota
Economics and Policy ( 2000年秋 ) 182 - 183 2000
Book review, literature introduction, etc.
Do School Ties Affect the Decision of Employment? Evidence from Job Markets in Japan
Shinichi Hirota, Koji Kawano
Keizai Seminar 1999年1月号 ( 528 ) 59 - 63 1999.01
Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media)
Is the Japanese Main Bank System Changing?
Shinichi Hirota
Keizai Seminar 1998年2月号 ( 517 ) 20 - 24 1998.02
Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media)
A Book Review of Japan’s Financial System: Markets, Banks, and Their Stability, by Shiro Yabushita (Tokyo, University of Tokyo Press, 1995)
Shinichi Hirota
Review of Monetary and Financial Studies ( 11/12 ) 225 - 226 1997.03
Book review, literature introduction, etc.
Shinichi Hirota
Shoken Keizai ( 192 ) 167 - 172 1995.06
Book review, literature introduction, etc.
Shinichi Hirota
Keizai Seminar ( 472 ) p31 - 36 1994.05
Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (other)
Banks and Financial Intermediaries
Shinichi Hirota
in R. Tachi (ed.), Dictionary of Banking and Finance, Tokyo, Toyo Keizai Shinposha 1994.03
Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (other)
Information Asymmetries and Financial Intermediation
Shinichi Hirota, Kazuhito Ikeo
in R. Tachi (ed.), Dictionary of Banking and Finance, Tokyo, Toyo Keizai Shinposha 1994.03
Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (other)
Faculty of Commerce Graduate School of Commerce
Research Institute of Business Administration Concurrent Researcher
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