Updated on 2025/03/14


Faculty of International Research and Education
Job title
Professor Emeritus
法学士 ( 1974 東京大学 )
Mail Address

Research Experience

  • 2022.04

    Emeritus Professor,Waseda University

  • 1997.04


  • 1991.04

    Associate Professor/Professor, SEIKEI UNIVERSITY

  • 1974.07

    Researcher/ Senior Researcher, Institute of Developing Economies

Education Background

  • 1970

    The University of Tokyo   Faculty of Law   Political Science  

Research Areas

  • Politics / History of Asia and Africa / Area studies

Research Interests

  • Mainland Southeast Asia, Modern Thai history, History of modern Thai-Japanese relations, Buddhist nationalism, Exchanges between Japanese Buddhism and Theravada Buddhism, Modern history of Theravada Buddhism, Political movements of overseas Chinese, Japanese communities in Thailand.



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Books and Other Publications

  • 30 Years in Siam by Amada Rokurou ed. by Eiji Murashima(Downloadable from Waseda University repository)

    Murashima Eiji

    Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, WASEDA University  2019.03

  • Memoir of Lt. Col. Ryuji Horii on Japanese Kempeitai in Thailand(1942-45)(Downloadable from Waseda University repository)

    Eiji Murashima

    Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, Waseda University  2017.03

  • 礒辺啓三編『ベトナムとタイ、経済発展と地域協力』大明堂

    村嶋英治, 1940年代におけるタイの植民地体制脱却化とインドシナの独立運動

    大明堂  1998.12 ISBN: 4470500593

  • Hayao Fukui,Charnvit Kasetsiri eds,Jipun-Thai-Utsakhane(Japanese Scholarships on Thailand and Southeast Asia),Eiji Murashima สัมพันธมิตรไทย-ญี่ปุ่นกับชาวจีนในประเทศไทยสมัยสงครามโลกครั้งที่สอง

    Eiji Murashima

    Munnithi Khrongkan Tamra,Bangkok (in Thai)  1998.01 ISBN: 9748960897

  • การเมืองจีนสยาม : การเคลื่อนไหวทางการเมืองของชาวจีนโพ้นทะเลในประเทศไทย ค.ศ. ๑๙๒๔ - ๑๙๔๑(Downloadable from Waseda University repository)

    Eiji Murashima(author, translated by Eiji Murashima, Wǭrasak Mahatthanōbon

    ศูนย์จีนศึกษา สถาบันเอเชียศึกษา จุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย  1996 ISBN: 9746329618

  • 村嶋英治・萩原宜之・岩崎育夫編『ASEAN諸国の政党政治』


    アジア経済研究所  1993.01 ISBN: 4258044261

  • The Making of Modern Thai Political Parties

    Eiji Murashima,Nakharin Mektrairat, Somkiat Wanthana

    JRP Series No.86,Institute of Developing Economies,Tokyo.  1991

  • 萩原宜之・村嶋英治編『ASEAN諸国の政治体制』

    村嶋英治, タイにおける政治体制の周期的転換, 執筆

    アジア経済研究所  1987.03 ISBN: 4258043575

  • Vietnam-Indochina-Japan relations during the Second World War : documents and interpretations

    Shiraishi Masaya, Nguyễn, Văn Khánh, Lockhart, Bruce McFarland( Part: Contributor, pp.155-195 Eiji Murashima,Thailand and Indochina 1945-1951)

    Waseda University Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies (WIAPS)  2017.02 ISBN: 9784902590715

  • 『アジア・太平洋戦争辞典』、吉川弘文館

    Eiji Murashima


  • 『Kanpathiwat lae Kanplianplaeng nai Prathet Sayam』(矢田部保吉著『シャム国革命政変の回顧』タイ語訳第2版)

    Eiji Murashima, Nakharin Mektrairat訳

    Matichon  2014.06 ISBN: 9789743239779

  • 『タイと共に歩んで、泰国日本人会百年史』,pp.10-46所収、「戦前期タイ国の日本人会および日本人社会:いくつかの謎の解明」


    泰国日本人会  2013.09

  • 戦前の財団法人日本タイ協会会報集成解題

    村嶋英治, 吉田千之輔編著

    早稲田大学アジア太平洋研究センター、研究資料シリーズ第4号  2013.02

  • Pasuk Phongpaichit;Baker, Christopher John eds,Essays on Thailand's economy and society : for Professor Chatthip Nartsupha at 72

    Eiji Murashima( Part: Joint author, pp.127-155 The Origins of Chinese Nationalism in Thailand)

    Sangsan  2013.01 ISBN: 9789749936252

  • 『Phu Banchakan Chaophut:khwam songcham khong naiphon Nakamura kiaokap muangthai samai songkhram maha echia burapha』(中村明人著『ほとけの司令官ー駐タイ回想録』のタイ語訳第3版)

    Eiji Murashima, Nakharin Mektrairat訳

    Matichon  2012.06

  • 『岩波講座 東アジア近現代通史、第二巻(日露戦争と韓国併合)』pp.222-243.

    村嶋英治, タイ華僑社会における中国ナショナリズムの起源( Part: Joint author)

    岩波書店  2010.10

  • 『アジア学のすすめ、第1巻、アジア政治・経済論』


    弘文堂  2010.06 ISBN: 9784335501111

  • 『現代タイ動向 2006−2008』


    めこん  2008.12 ISBN: 9784839602192

  • 歴史学研究会編『世界史史料、第9巻』

    村嶋英治, シャムのチャクリー改革

    岩波書店  2008.06

  • kanpathiwat lae kanplianplaeng nai prathet sayam(矢田部保吉『シャム国革命政変の回顧』tタイ語全訳)

    Eiji Murashima, Nakharin Mektraira, 和文タイ語訳(in, Tha

    Matichon  2007.06

  • 歴史学研究会編『世界史史料、第10巻』

    村嶋英治, タイ立憲革命, 泰緬鉄道, の項執筆

    岩波書店  2006.12 ISBN: 4000263889

  • kanpathiwat lae kanplianplaeng nai prathet sayam(矢田部保吉『シャム国革命政変の回顧』タイ語全訳)

    Eiji Murashima, Nakharin Mektrairat

    Faculty of Political Science,Thmasat University seminar(Dec.2004) paper 56p.  2004.12

  • 黒田日出男他編『日本史文献事典』

    村嶋英治, ピブーン, 岩波書店, 年, の項執筆

    弘文堂  2003.12 ISBN: 4335250584

  • Phu Banchakan Chaophut:khwam songcham khong naiphon Nakamura kiaokap muangthai samai songkhram maha echia burapha中村明人『ほとけの司令官ー駐タイ回想録』の1991年タイ語訳版の第二版

    Eiji Murashima, Nakharin Mektrairat和文タイ語訳

    Matichon (in Thai)  2003.11 ISBN: 9743230602

  • 綾部恒夫・林行夫編『タイを知るための60章』

    村嶋英治は, 植民地にならなかったタイ, 絶対王制と立憲君主制, 「チュラーロンコーン」「ピブーン, ソンクラーム」執筆

    明石書店  2003.05 ISBN: 475031725X

  • 『岩波講座、東南アジア史、別巻』

    村嶋英治, タイ語史料, 項執筆

    岩波書店  2003.01 ISBN: 4000110705

  • 矢田部会編『特命全権公使 矢田部保吉』

    村嶋英治, 矢田部公使のタイ研究及び留学生事業, 今日への遺産, 章執筆

    個人書店  2002.12 ISBN: 4860910443

  • 『岩波講座東南アジア史、第8巻』

    村嶋英治, タイにおける共産主義運動と中国革命, 章執筆

    岩波書店  2002.02 ISBN: 4000110683

  • Paul H. Kratoska ed.,Southeast Asian Minorities in the Wartime Japanese Empire,

    Eiji Murashima"The Thai-Japanese Alliance, the Chinese of Thailand

    Routledge Curzon  2002 ISBN: 070071488X

  • 『岩波講座東南アジア史、第7巻』

    村嶋英治, タイ国の立憲革命期における文化とナショナリズム, 章執筆

    岩波書店  2002.01 ISBN: 4000110675

  • 石井米雄・桜井由躬雄編『東南アジア史 Ⅰ』

    村嶋英治, タイ近代国家の形成, 章執筆

    山川出版社  1999.12 ISBN: 4634413507

  • 『歴史学事典、第7巻、戦争と外交』および『歴史学事典、第12巻、王と国家』

    村嶋英治は各, 大タイ主義」, チュラーロンコーン王, の項執筆

    弘文堂  1999 ISBN: 433521037X

  • 西川長夫他編『アジアの多文化社会と国民国家』

    村嶋英治, タイにおける国民国家, 歴史と展望, 章執筆

    人文書院  1998.09 ISBN: 4409230301

  • 『ASEAN諸国の官僚制』

    村嶋英治, 章執筆

    アジア経済研究所,  1996.03 ISBN: 4258044601

  • 『世界民族問題事典』

    村嶋英治, チャート, の項執筆

    平凡社  1995 ISBN: 4582132014

  • 安中章夫編『東南アジア:政治・社会』(地域研究シリーズ6)

    pp.221-242 村嶋英治, タイ国における地方選挙と地方リーダー, ナコンサワン県のケーススタディ( Part: Joint author)

    1993.08 ISBN: 425822006X

  • 原不二夫編『東南アジア華僑と中国』

    村嶋英治, タイ華僑の政治活, 運動から日中戦争まで

    アジア経済研究所  1993.08 ISBN: 4258044369

  • 『タイの事典』

    村嶋英治, 対外関係, 民族主義, 項目執筆

    同朋社  1993 ISBN: 4810408531

  • 上智大学アジア文化研究所編『入門 東南アジア研究』

    村嶋英治, 章, 国家と政治, 章執筆

    めこん  1992.05 ISBN: 483960066X

  • 矢野暢編『東南アジアの政治』(講座東南アジア学第7巻)

    村嶋英治, 軍部支配と政治統合

    弘文堂、  1992.03 ISBN: 4335000278

  • Phu Banchakan Chaophut(Nakamura Aketo, Hotoke no Shireikan, in Japanese translated into Thai)ー駐タイ回想録』のタイ語訳

    Eiji Murashima, Nakharin Mektraira, 和文タイ語訳

    Munnithi Khrongkan Tamra,Bangkok,209p.  1991.12

  • 『戦後史大事典』

    村嶋英治, 戦後史文献解題ータイ, の項執筆

    三省堂  1991 ISBN: 4385154325

  • 岡部達味編『ASEANにおける国民統合と地域統合』

    村嶋英治, タイにおける中国人のタイ人化, の章執筆

    国際問題研究所  1989.03 ISBN: 4819301063

  • 『東南アジアを知る事典』

    村嶋英治, タイの文化, タイの政治, の項執筆

    平凡社  1986 ISBN: 4582126049

  • Political Thoughts of the Thai Military in Historical Perspective

    Eiji Murashima, Nakharin Mektrairat

    JRP Series No.55,Institute of Developing Economies,Tokyo  1986

  • 『タイ国労働保護法解説』


    バンコク日本人商工会議所、232p.  1985.11

  • 『アジア・太平洋地域の将来展望に関する研究』(NIRA10周年記念研究)

    村嶋英治, 章執筆

    総合研究開発機構編  1985.10 ISBN: 4795544697

  • 『平凡社大百科大事典』第8巻

    村嶋英治, タイの政治, の項執筆

    平凡社  1985

  • タイ国主要穀菽類の収穫後処理実態調査

    Eiji Murashima, Ueda Katsumiタイ文和訳

    国際協力事業団,農開技JR 83-45,157頁  1983.06

  • 『タイ国労働法及び関係内務省令』


    バンコク日本人商工会議所、119p.  1982

  • 山崎利男・安田信之編『アジア諸国の法制度』

    村嶋英治, タイの法制度, 章執筆

    アジア経済研究所  1980.03 ISBN: 4258090972

  • アジア経済研究所編『発展途上国の自動車産業』

    村嶋英治, 章執筆

    アジア経済研究所  1980.01

  • 坂梨・林編『発展途上国の肥料産業』

    村嶋英治, 章執筆

    アジア経済研究所  1979.03

  • 『1978年次経済報告ータイ』(アジア経済研究所経済開発分析プロジェクトチーム編『アジア諸国の経済概況Ⅱ』1979年に再録)

    Eiji Murashima

    アジア経済研究所、144p.  1979

  • 『1977年次経済報告ータイ』


    アジア経済研究所、152p.  1978

  • 『アジア動向年表―1976年』pp.287-337

    Eiji Murashima( Part: Contributor, タイの動向)

    Institute of Developing Economies  1976.03

  • 『アジア動向年表―1975年』pp.275-322

    Eiji Murashima( Part: Contributor, タイの動向)

    Institute of Developing Economies  1975.03

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Research Projects

  • 19世紀後半に於けるタイ王国の仏教ナショナリズム創出の実相の具体的且つ詳細な解明

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    Eiji Murashima

  • 在タイ日本人の個人文書を初めて本格利用した近代国家移行期タイの社会構造の実態解明

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    村嶋 英治

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  • Japanese Buddhists in Modern Thailand from 1888 to 1945

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Murashima Eiji

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    Though both Japan and Thailand are Buddhist countries where majority of population believe in Buddhism, there exists no previous in-depth historical studies on religious exchange and intercourse between two countries. This research attempted to find Japanese Buddhist monks who traveled to Thailand from 1888 to 1945. They made research, observation or practices in Thai Theravada monastery. Such Japanese monks, well-known or unknown, were Oda Tokunou, Shaku Soen, Kamimura Kanko, Omune Gyokujo,Endo Ryumin,Tani Dogen, Shaku Daisin, Matsuoka Kankei, Fujii Shinsui,Yoshioka Chikyo, Asano Kenshin, Byodo Tsusho, Yamamoto Kairyu, Ueda Tenzui, Sasaki Kyogo etc.. This research discovered four typical attitudes of these monks regarding Theravada Buddhism. That is, (1) explorer approach to investigate Theravada, (2) unification movement of Mahayana and Theravada sects , (3) underestimation of Theravada and conceit of Mahayana supremacy, (4) Buddhist Unification as a tool of international politics.

  • Comprehensive Study for New Development on Japan-French Indochina-Vietnam relations and the socio-political-cultural changes in the countries of Indochina and Thailand during the Second World War

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

    Project Year :


    Shiraishi Masaya, Hayase Shinzo, Murasima Eiji, Sasagawa Hideo, Iwatsuki Junichi, Tachikawa Kyoichi, Furuta Motoo

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    On various issues about Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and Thailand during the Second World War, ten core members in Japan conducted 5-year joint research with the cooperation of specialists in Vietnam and other concerned countries. Especially in 2014 and 2015 we held international workshops in Tokyo, to overview the existing major scholarship in concerned countries and to share information about the holdings of archival documents in each country. We printed the results as a collection of essays in 2015 and 2018 respectively.
    In the meantime, in 2015 on the occasion of the 70th year since the end of World War Ⅱ, we held an international symposium in Hanoi, where about 30 researchers from 8 countries read papers reflecting their latest achievements. We published the collection of carefully edited papers (more than 300 pages) in 2017.

  • A Detailed Study of Modern History of Cross-Border Politics in Mainland Southeast Asia

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

    Project Year :


    MURASHIMA Eiji, SHIRAISHI Masaya, SASAGAWA Hideo, NAMBA Chizuru, ITO Tomomi

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    The purpose of this research is to increase historical and contemporary knowledge on cross-border politics in mainland Southeast Asia (mainly Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos) relying on the primary archival documents written in vernacular and Western languages. The following topics are treated, such as Buddhism intercourse among Thailand, Cambodia and Laos in the 19th Century, Communist cooperation among Thailand, Laos, Vietnam in the 1920-30s, Thai-Indochina relations and social changes in the age of independence in the 1940s, and cooperation for development in the Mekong border areas in Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos. As the result 32 articles and 8 research papers were published.

  • Chino-Siamese Society in 20^<th> Century Thailand

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

    Project Year :


    MURASHIMA Eiji, ENDO Gen, ITO Tomomi, ABE Tsuruyo

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    In order to explore political, economic, and socio-cultural dimensions of Chinese descendents in Thailand in the twentieth century, our team collected archival documents related to overseas Chinese in National Archives of Thailand, photographed old Chinese newspapers published in Thailand which are preserved at National Library of Thailand, and conducted anthropological field researches in Chinese descendent communities in Bangkok and provincial cities. As a result of this study, we clarified the origin and development of Chinese nationalism in Thailand, Chinese Communist movements in Thailand, the religious faiths of Chinese descendents, the Chinese distribution capitals in provincial cities, and the structure of Chinese community organizations.

  • Detailed Historical Studies of Communism Movements in Thailand

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

    Project Year :


    MURASHIMA Eiji, HARA Fujio, KIKUCHI Youko, ITO Tomomi

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    The purpose of this study is the following two points :
    1) To describe the history of the Communist Party of Siam(CPS, the Communist Party of Thailand after 1941) and its relationship to communist movements and national liberation movements in the neighboring countries, such as China, Malaya, Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia ; and
    2) To clarify the relationship and antagonism between the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the Kuomintang (KMT) based in Thailand ; Because serious conflicts broke out after CP was established after KMT. The communist movement in Thailand began among ethnic Chinese first and gradually expanded among ethnic Thais.
    In 2005 we continued our research from the previous year and collected materials about the relationship between the CPM and the CCP. We visited libraries of Singapore National University and Hong Kong University and extensively looked through documents (including periodicals) regarding the CCP and KMT. In Bangkok at the National Library of Thailand I collected materials about this topic and thoroughly read Chinese newspapers published in the post-WWII period, including the official periodical publication by the Thailand branch of the CCP, the newspaper published by the CPT, and the official periodical publication of the Thailand branch of the KMT. We also had a look at Chinese newspapers in general, which were published in the 1930s, because members of the CPM contributed their articles in the cultural columns. At the same time, we interviewed former cadets of the CPT living in Bangkok. Also, our team conducted extensive research in Malaysia and Laos in order to collect materials and interview with former cadets in communist parties who had close relationship with the CPT.
    Through the whole research we discovered many facts and materials which had been little known among historians of Southeast Asia. Our new findings included a serious conflict in 1926-1927 between the KMT general branch in Siam and the special section of KMT in Siam under the leadership of the leftist director of the KMT for overseas activities ; close relationship of the latter members with overseas activities of the CCP in Siam after 1927 ; details of the CCP members' exile to Siam after April 1927 ; and roles of the sub-publications of Chinese newspapers in propagation of communism.

  • Japan-Thai Relationship in the Period of the 2nd World War

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :



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    This report is composed by three chapters as follows ; Chapter 1, discourses on Japan by Thai elite before the second World War, Chapter 2, Thai studies and student exchange programs by Yasukichi YATABE, Japanese Minister to Siam from 1928 to 1936, Chapter 3, Thai-Japan Relations in the latter half of 1943 and Greater East Asia Conference in Japan.
    How Siamese elite compared Thai cases with Japanese ones and attempted to follow Japanese examples in the important turning points in the modern Thai history, are discussed in Chapter1. It is in the 1930s that arguments on "Japanization of Siam" appeared. However, this chapter demonstrates empirically that Siamese elite were deeply influenced by Japanese examples even before the decade of 1930. Siam experienced strong Japanese Boom after the 1932 Constitutional Revolution and number of Siamese travelers to Japan increased remarkably. Such Japanese boom is proved by the rapidly increased publications of Thai books on Japan as listed in the appendix.
    As for Chapter 2, endeavors of a Japanese diplomat, YATABE, to promote Thai studies among Japanese and prepare facilities for Thai students in Japan in order to attract more Thai students to Japan are focused on. A list of YATABE's books and articles is appended.
    Chapter 3 treats the turning and most important period of Thai-Japan relationship during the Pacific War, that is the latter half of 1943. In this chapter, the effects of recovery of former territories approved by Prime Minister Tojo in July 1943, widening split between Premier Phibul and Foreign Minister Vichitra Vadakan, and intended nonat endance of Phibul to Greater East Asia Conference in Tokyo in November 1943 are discussed.

  • International Migration and Socio-Cultural Transformation in the Asia Pacific

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Special Purpose.

    Project Year :


    HIRANO Kenichiro, MURASHIMA Eiji, KOBAYASHI Hideo, GOTOH Ken'ichi, SHIMIZU Hajime, SHIRAISHI Masaya

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    As a result of joint research activities with this grant for two grant years of 1999-2000, we formulated a larger joint research plan and proposed to establish with it a special research field under the titie of "Polyhedric Studies on Globalization and Social Transformation in the Asia Pacific". This is a plan to investigate into social and cultural transformations taking place under the impact of recent globalization in all the societies of the Asia Pacific region. Investigations should be carried out by area studies specialists over many relevant aspects, with bird's-eye-view methods and with international cooperation. The research activities in the past two yoars proved to be indispensable for designing this large scale research proposal which we firmly believe has an utmost value and necessity to be carried out.
    In our proposal we list a dozen aspects to be investigated in which serious social and cultural transformations are taking place under the globalization. Initial investigations over some of those aspects have already been taken up by the members of this grant project. They are such aspects as international migration, transformations in ethnic relations, internationalization of corporate activities, transformations of work culture. IT and education, transborder traffic and trade, and cultural diversity and cultural management.
    Other than the major result just mentioned, we carried out a pilot study, with the Population Research Center of Chulalongkorn University, of Thai-Japanese migration originating from certain villages in north-eastern Thailand, published some results of Japanese migration studies on an international journal, and constructed an English web site in order to disseminate internationally information of migration and ethnic studies in Japan.

  • Socio-Cultural Transformation in Asian Countries : International Comparative Studies

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for international Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    HIRANO Kenichiro, MURASHIMA Eiji, KOBAYASHI Hideo, GOTOH Kenichi, SHIRAISHI Masayo

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    This is the final report from a joint research project carried out under the title of "Socio-Cultural Transformation in Asia Countries : International Comparative Studies" with a 1999 grant-in-aid for international scientific research provided by the Ministry of Education.
    Right now, all the societies in the Asia-Pacific region are experiencing rapid and acute socio-cultural transformation due to current phenomena known as "globalization". Those transformations which reach not only cities but village directly are considered to be different from earlier socio-cultural changes, because they deeply disrupt people's living and endanger irreplaceable cultural heritages. People have begun calling for policy measures to prevent such dangers and preserve cultural diversities.
    This research project is an attempt to investigate into the actual conditions of socio-cultural transformations taking place in various places an Asia and also the ideas and measures of corresponding policies begin adopted. Five members respectively visited certain places in Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines, Vietnam and Laos, and Portugal in relation with East Timor, to observe and record transformations. Then, we held a small international workshop at which we had discussion with other area specialists invited from abroad and from Japan, presenting our interim reports. This is a collection of our reports in Japanese and outcomes of the workshop which was carried out in English.
    The researches done so far are pilot studies for further researched planned on a bigger scale. We have already collected cases in which people's transboarder migrations are causing direct changes to villages in Asia, drastically transforming people's attitude and consciousness. At issue is how to preserve cultural identities, and cultural diversities in the world as a whole. It is our convection that it is urgent to carry out this kind of studies on a larger scale, if we are to take appropriate policy measures.

  • タイ近現代政治史における日本政治モデルをめぐる諸論争

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 一般研究(C)

    Project Year :


    村嶋 英治

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Internal Special Research Projects

  • 在タイ日本人の個人文書を初めて本格利用した近代国家移行期タイの社会構造の実態解明


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    主に1945年以前に渡タイした日本人仏教者に関して、その人名、期間、関連資料等を調査した。同時に、日本人仏教者が在タイした当時のタイ仏教の実態について、当時のタイ官報、関連雑誌、アーカイブズ資料、葬礼記念本等、タイ語資料を幅広く閲覧した。 また、日本の領事館がバンコクにおかれた1897年以来、1941年まで毎年在バンコク領事が、本省に報告した在タイ日本人の人口、職業調査を、アジア歴史資料センター及び外交史料館(コロナ対策のため閲覧時間に制限はあったが)で収集し、在タイ日本人の職業の特徴についての分析を行った。

  • 在タイ日本人の個人文書を初めて本格利用した近代国家移行期のタイ社会構造の実態解明


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  • 近代タイ仏教社会における日本仏教者:タイ地域研究の新展開に向けて


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    近代以降の在タイ日本人に関する本格的な調査は極めて限られている。従来、資料が乏しいからリサーチも乏しいのであると誤解されてきた。本調査は、このテーマに関する新たな資料を、大幅に発掘しつつある。それらを基に、2018年度には下記の研究成果を公表した。村嶋英治『バンコクの日本人、タイ国日本人会月刊誌クルンテープ連載』(全602頁、早稲田大学リポジトリ掲載済)&nbsp;村嶋英治編集・解説『天田六郎氏遺稿、シャムの三十年など』(早稲田大学アジア太平洋研究センター、研究資料シリーズ No.8, 本文316頁+ 目次・索引、2019年3月

  • 近代タイ仏教社会における日本仏教者:タイ地域研究の新展開に向けて


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  • 近代タイ仏教社会における日本仏教者の知的営為:タイ地域研究の新展開と拡大に向けて


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  • 近代在タイ国日本人個人商店主と日本人社会の研究


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  • タイ・インドシナ諸国間の国境政治の多面的体系的解明:一次資料の相互比較を通じて


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    本特定課題研究は、2011-2014年に科研費基盤(A)の助成を受けて実施予定であるタイ・インドシナ間の国境政治に関する研究の予備的研究として実施した。 同研究の意義は次の点にある。すなわち、今日の東南アジア大陸部の国境をめぐる状況は、経済的越境活動の活発化が見られる一方で、遺跡の帰属に関してタイ・カンボジア間に武力衝突が生じるなど、複雑さを増している。1世紀前の国境線出現に起因して生じた諸制度、政治活動、越境移民、紛争などを「国境政治」と総称すれば、国境政治に関する研究は今日的意義が極めて大きい。 科研費による本研究では、国境両側から、すなわちタイ、カンボジア、ラオス、ベトナムの双方向から国境政治の歴史と現状を明らかにする計画であるが、本特定課題研究では、まずタイ側の資料収集に重点を置き、19世紀末のタイの唯一の日刊新聞バンコク・タイムズ記事の収集、および同時期のタイ官報における関連資料の収集を行った。研究成果は、『アジア太平洋討究』等に発表予定である。

  • 未利用巨大基礎史料に依拠した在タイ華僑・華人近現代史の多面的解明


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  • タイ国における華人・華僑の政治運動1920―1960年


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     本研究は、報告者の既存研究『シャム華人の政治ータイ華僑の政治運動1924―1941年』(タイ国、チュラーロンコーン大学アジア研究所中国研究センター双書第一号、1996年、237ページ、タイ語)を基礎に、同研究時には利用できなかった台湾における国民党政府、国民党資料を利用し、しかも時期も戦後にまで延長して研究の深化を図ろうとしたものであった。このため、98年8月に台湾に出張して、2週間に亘って、国民党党史委員会、国史館(国立公文書館)、中央研究院において集中的に資料収集を実施した。収集資料から、在タイ中国系の人々の中国政府との連絡、在タイ国民党組織と人事、自由タイ運動と中国国民党政権との協力の実態などについて、既存研究では未だ利用されたことがない詳細な事実が判明した。現在、これらの収集資料を利用して、報告者の上記研究書の改訂に努めており、改訂版はタイ語のみならず、日本語でも作成する予定である。 研究成果は、『上智アジア学』第17号(1999年度)に「タイの歴史記述における記念顕彰本的性格」として出版した。この他にもアジア太平洋研究センターの紀要である『アジア太平洋討究』に掲載予定である。

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