Updated on 2025/02/16


MUROI, Yoshiyuki
Faculty of Political Science and Economics, School of Political Science and Economics
Job title
文学修士 ( 早稲田大学 )

Research Experience

  • 1999

    Waseda University, Professor

  • 1997

    Waseda University, Associate Professor

  • 1991

    Hokkaido University, Associate Professor

  • 1985

    Research Assistant, Waseda University

Education Background


    Waseda University   Graduate School, Division of Letters  


    Waseda University   Faculty of Literature  

Committee Memberships

  • 2018.05

    Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Germanistik in Japan e.V.  Vorstandsmitglied

  • 2018.05

    公益財団法人ドイツ語学文学振興会  理事

  • 2015.05

    Japanische Gesellschaft für Germanistik  Vorstandsmitglied

  • 2015.05

    日本独文学会  理事

  • 2014.05

    Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Germanistik in Japan e.V.  Haushaltsprüfer

  • 2014.05

    公益財団法人ドイツ語学文学振興会  監事

  • 2011.06

    Japanische Gesellschaft für Germanistik  Präsident

  • 2011.06

    日本独文学会  会長

  • 2009.05

    Japanische Gesellschaft für Germanistik  Vorstandsmitglied

  • 2009.05

    日本独文学会  理事

  • 2002

    Japanischer Deutschlehrerverband  Vorstandsmitglied

  • 2002

    日本独文学会ドイツ語教育部会  幹事

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Professional Memberships


    The Linguistic Society of Japan


    Arbeitskreis für deutsche Grammatik


    Japanische Gesellschaft für Germanistik

Research Areas

  • Linguistics

Research Interests

  • German Linguistics,Linguistics (Cognitive Semantics)



  • Detransitivität und Modalität im Deutschen und im Japanischen

    Yoshiyuki Muroi

    Tagungsband der «Asiatischen Germanistentagung 2016 in Seoul»   3   153 - 163  2022

  • Semantik und Konstruktion der Gefühlsadjektive im Deutschen und Japanischen

    Yoshiyuki Muroi

    Hiroyuki Miyashita, Yasuhiro Fujinawa, Shin Tanaka (Hg.):: Form, Struktur und Bedeutung     219 - 234  2020.05  [Refereed]

  • Adjectives and mode of expression.

    Yoshiyuki Muroi

    Thetics and Categoricals     179 - 197  2020  [Refereed]

  • Zustand und Eigenschaft, Subjektstärke und Salienz: Thetik-Kategorik beim Gefühlsadjektiv im Deutschen und Japanischen.

    Yoshiyuki Muroi

    Abraham, Werner / Leiss, Elisabeth / Tanaka, Shin (Hg.): Zur Architektur von Thetik und Kategorik: Deutsch, Japanisch, Chinesisch und Norwegisch. (=Studien zur deutschen Grammatik, 97)     243 - 265  2020.01  [Refereed]

  • German Studies in Japan in the International Context: International Oriented Activities of the Japanese Association for German Studies (JGG) and Some Other Cases

    Yoshiyuki Muroi

    Sunaoka, Kazuko & Muroi, Yoshiyuki (ed.): The Teaching of Foreign Languages in Japan and International Academic Activities.     53 - 67  2017.03

  • 感情形容詞における構文一心理動詞との関連において


    日本独夫学会研究叢書     5 - 17  2016.05

  • ドイツ語学文学の国際交流と国際発信 -日本独文学会の国際交流事業を中心に


    砂岡和子・室井禎之(編著)『日本発多言語国際情報発信の現状と課題:ヒューマンリソースとグローバルコミュニケーションのゆくえ』     9 - 23  2016.03

  • Gefühlsadjektive –ihre Semantik und Konstruktion im Deutschen und Japanischen

    Yoshiyuki Muroi

    Zhu, Jianhua, Zhao, Jin, Szurawitzki, Michael (Hg.) : Germanistik zwischen Tradition und Innovation   2   155 - 160  2016  [Refereed]

  • Adjektive und Nomina – Deutsch und Japanisch im Vergleich

    Yoshiyuki Muroi

    Akio Ogawa (Hg.) Wie gleich ist, was man vergleicht?     240 - 262  2016  [Refereed]

  • コミュニケーション論的言語哲学の可能性


    日本独文学会研究叢書   104   48 - 59  2014.09

  • Aspekte moderner Sprachskepsis: Dargelegt anhand literarischer Texte aus der ersten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts.

    Yoshiyuki Muroi

    Wirkendes Wort   64 ( 2 ) 299 - 315  2014.08  [Refereed]

  • ドイツ語学文学の国際交流・国際発信—日本独文学会の国際交流事業を中心に


    早稲田大学現代政治経済研究所Working Paper Series   ( J1302 )  2014

  • Dimensionsausdrücke - Deutsch / Japanisch kontrastiv

    Yoshiyuki Muroi

    Linguistische Berichte   ( 223 ) 297 - 329  2010.08  [Refereed]

  • 少人数で学ぶ口頭コミュニケーション中心のドイツ語授業—早稲田大学における「ドイツ語チュートリアル」の試み

    星井牧子, 生駒美喜, 室井 禎之

    日本独文学会ドイツ語教育部会『ドイツ語教育』   ( 12 ) 105 - 115  2007.10

  • 語の意味のルール—その見取り図

    日本独文学会『ドイツ文学』   ( 127 ) 1 - 13  2006.03

  • Multilateral Interpretation of Corpus-based Semantic Analysis - The Case of the German Verb of Movement fahren -

    Yoshiyuki Muroi


  • 環境問題語彙の連想関係—エネルギー問題によるケーススタディ

    北海道大学ドイツ語学・文学研究会『独語独文学研究年報』   ( 31 ) 245 - 257  2004.12

  • 「あがる」と「のぼる」—意味の構成原理に関する例示的試論

    早稲田大学文学研究科紀要   49, 第2分冊   151 - 165  2004.02

  • ドイツ語親族名称の諸相—家族、ジェンダー、連想関係—

    早稲田大学政治経済学部『教養諸学研究』   114   99 - 116  2003.03

  • コミュニケーション環境と意味-ことばのエコロジー序説

    早稲田大学政治経済学部「教養諸学研究」   110   175 - 195  2001.03

  • 意味研究における連続性モデルの限界と離散性モデルの再評価

    『連続性概念による言語モデルの再構築 -ドイツ語学研究の諸相から-』(平成8〜9年度科学研究費補助金研究成果報告書     59 - 90  1999.03

  • Methodische Überlegungen zu einer korpusbasierten Semantikanalyse

    Yoshiyuki Muroi

    大木健一郎先生追悼論文集     173 - 190  1998.11

  • ことばの意味を考える

    『ことばについて考える』     61 - 70  1998.09

  • 言語における意味の問題

    ことばについて考える(佐藤俊一、上田雅信編)/北海道大学言語文化部研究報告叢書   26   101 - 115  1998.03

  • コミュニケーションの原理

    ことばについて考える(佐藤俊一、上田雅信編)/北海道大学言語文化部研究報告叢書   26   117 - 129  1998.03

  • Wortschatzarbeit-読解授業における多義語、慣用句、複合語の扱いについて

    北海道大学言語文化部研究報告叢書   8   33 - 48  1996.03


  • 積極的な態度は異文化交流成功の秘訣か -現代学生の異文化理解に対する一つのイメージとその位置づけについて

    北海道大学言語文化部編「大学生と異文化接触」     48 - 65  1995.05

  • 意味を生み出すことばのしくみ

    北海道大学言語文化部研究報告叢書   2   81 - 89  1995.03

  • Zu den peripheren Verwendungen von <I>fahren</I> und <I>fliegen</I>

    ドイツ文学/日本独文学会   93   136 - 144  1994.10

  • コンピュータ利用によるコロケーション分析の実際とその言語研究上の意義について

    北海道大学言語文化部紀要   22   153 - 167  1992.10

  • Zur Szene von 'fahren' -Aus einer Kollokationsanalyse

    Yoshiyuki Muroi

    エネルゲイア/ドイツ文法理論研究会   18   59 - 75  1992.06

  • Zur Didaktik der Nominalisierungen. Energeia (Academic Journal,1990) 16

    Yoshiyuki Muroi

    エネルゲイア/ドイツ文法理論研究会   16   81 - 93  1990.06

  • Untersuchungen zur semantischen Aktualisierung des Verbs im Satz auf der Grundlage des syntaktischen Realisierungsmodells.

    Yoshiyuki Muroi

    Zeitschrift für Germanistik   9 ( 1 ) 34 - 42  1988.02

  • 隠喩の特徴づけのための一試論

    早稲田大学文学部「ヨーロッパ文学研究」   34   89 - 102  1986.03

  • 移動動詞における隠喩的用法

    早稲田大学大学院文学研究科紀要別冊(文学・芸術学編)   12   1 - 11  1985.01

  • 多義語の意味現勢化に親ける統辞構造の役割

    早稲田大学大学院文学研究科紀要別冊(文学・芸術学編)   11   1 - 10  1984.01

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Books and Other Publications

  • The Teaching of Foreign Languages in Japan and International Academic Activities

    Kazuko Sunaoka, Yoshiyuki Muroi( Part: Joint editor)

    Asahi Press  2017.03

  • Voices from Japan in a Multilingual World:Prospects for Fostering Human Resources and Global Communication

    Kazuko Sunaoka, Yoshiyuki Muroi( Part: Joint editor)

    Asahi Press  2016.03

  • Gotō Hajime: Studien zur Geschichte der Nō-Masken

    Günter Zobel, Shizuo Ogino, Yoshiyuki Muroi( Part: Joint translator)

    Iudicium  2011.06


  • Predication function of German copula and its Japanese correspondents

    Yoshiyuki Muroi

    Germanistische Gesellschaft in Hokkaido 

    Presentation date: 2019.12

  • Adjective and predication type

    Yoshiyuki Muroi

    51st Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea  (Tallinn)  Societas Linguistica Europaea

    Presentation date: 2018.08

  • Gefühlsadjektive in attributiver und prädikativer Verwendung

    Yoshiyuki Muroi

    Österreichische Linguistiktagung  (Klagenfurt) 

    Presentation date: 2017.12

  • 脱他動化構文、モダリティー、および関連現象 –ドイツ語と日本語の対照から


    早稲田ドイツ語学・文学会  早稲田ドイツ語学・文学会

    Presentation date: 2016.09

  • Detransitiviät und Modalität im Deutschen und im Japanischen

    Yoshiyuki Muroi

    Asiatische Germanistentagung 2016 Seoul  Koreanische Gesellschaft für Germanistik

    Presentation date: 2016.08

  • Gefühlsadjektive - ihre Semantik und Konstruktion im Deutschen und Ja-panischen

    Yoshiyuki Muroi

    13. IVG-Kongress Shanghai 2015. (2015年8月25日)  Internationale Vereinigung der Germanistik

    Presentation date: 2015.08

  • 感情形容詞における構文 -心理動詞との関連において-


    日本独文学会2015年春季研究発表会シンポジウム『ドイツ語における有生性』  日本独文学会

    Presentation date: 2015.05

  • Nomina und Adjektive – Deutsch/Japanisch im Vergleich

    Humboldt-Kolleg Kyoto 2014 

    Presentation date: 2014.03

  • Potentiale einer kommunikativ orientierten Sprachphilosophie

    Japanische Gesellschaft für Germanistik 

    Presentation date: 2013.09

  • Lexikalische Semantik und Sprachphilosophie

    Asiatische Germanistentagung 2012 

    Presentation date: 2012.08

  • 言語懐疑の類型論の試み


    Presentation date: 2011.10

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Research Projects

  • A fundamental study for building an empirically grounded grammtical theory on relativised subjecthood after "categorical/thetic judgment"

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • Japanese/German contrasitve Investigation for Semantics and Construction of Psychadjektives

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Muroi Yoshiyuki

     View Summary

    Between Japanese and German psychadjectives, the following parallelisms are observed: 1) If the semantic focus lies on the OBJEKT of the sensation or emotion the argument with the OBJEKT-role occupies the subject position and the EXPERIENCER-role occurs in an oblique case. 2) If the EXPERIENCER is focused semantically he become the subject and the OBJEKT appears as an adverbial. 3) There are cases in which no distinguished difference in saliency between the OBJEKT and the EXPERIENCER. This characteristic can be also observed in the detransitive constructions. It is especially interesting that the certain psychadjectives show a parallelism to detransitive constructions with modality (German sein + zu infinitive, sich lassen construction and Japanese construction of possibility and volition) which are individual-level expression. The series of parallelisms suggest that these findings belong to linguistic universality and can consist a foundation for further investigations

  • Integrated study of modern Russian Platonism

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    SHUICHI Sugiura, YAMADA Kichijiro, NEMURA Ryo, SHIMOSATO Toshiyuki, TONAI Yuzuru, KAIZAWA Hajime, KITAMI Satoshi, SAKANIWA Atsushi, KAWANA Takashi, MUROI Yoshiyuki, WATANABE Kei, IMANI Naoto, HORIKOSHI Shigeko, HORIE Hiroyuki, SAITO Shohei, YAMAMOTO Kenso

     View Summary

    It is the aim of this study to reconstruct the Russian modern cultural history of the 19th - 20th century from the perspective of Russian Platonism. As a result of this research it became clear that under the influence of Western anti-positivist thinkers the Russian thinkers of the beginning of 20 century uniquely processed western established approaches or framework in different ways, for example by displacement and replacement of them, or anticipated them rather than simply accepted them. And this study found that there was affluent prehistory of perceptions of Platonism in the first half of 19 century in Russia. Generally speaking, as a result of this study it became clear that the framework of the Russian Platonism is an important thread of guidance in order to reconsider the works of thinkers who have hitherto been difficult to understand within the established schematic understanding of intellectual and cultural history of Russia in the 19th -20th centuries

  • Language learning settings and the development of learner language by Japanese learners of German

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    HOSHII Makiko, IKOMA Miki, MUROI Yoshiyuki

     View Summary

    This research investigated the contributions of different language learning settings to the development of learner language by Japanese learners of German. During the research period, 38 learners received oral interviews in German. Video and audio recordings of the students' performances were made and then transcribed. From the transcripts a database of different aspects of their performances was made. Developmental changes appeared in learners in a small group setting ; these developments ranged from their phonetical, lexical, and syntactic performances, through to their use of communication strategies.

  • Small Group Lessons and the Development of the Learner Language by Japanese Learners of German

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    HOSHII Makiko, IKOMA Miki, MUROI Yoshiyuki

     View Summary

    This research investigated the contributions of small group lessons to the development of learner language by Japanese learners of German. It is often said that Japanese learners of German have difficulty in oral production and communication, when they learn the target language only in their home country. The aim of this project was to explore how Japanese learners of German develop their learner language, when they get opportunities to learn in a small group (4-5 learners per group) with a native speaker of German and to communicate in the target language. The topics of the analysis were : 1) phonetic, 2) lexical, 3) syntactic development and 4) development in the use of communication strategies. The participants were students at Waseda University, who took part in small group lessons for German (Tutorial German), then received oral interviews from native speakers of German. During the research period (2004-2006), 73 interviews were given to a total of 55 learners ; 19 learners participated in more than two interviews, 7 learners in more than three interviews. The tasks were as follows : 1) free conversation (2-3 minutes, as warming up), 2) retelling the story of a silent film, which they saw before, 3) roll playing (situation : a summer course in Germany) and 4) reading an open-ended skit. Video and audio recordings of the students' performances were made and then transcribed. Developmental changes appeared in the position and duration of poses, response time, use and quality of fillers, complexity in the use of lexical unites, syntactic structures, and communication strategies. Results, however, varied to a degree from one participant to another. It would be necessary to take into account the learners' background and experiences with the target language for the analysis.


    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    SATO Shunichi, MUROI Yoshiyuki, SHIMIZU Makoto, HASHIMOTO Satoshi, EGUCHI Yutaka, UEKI Michiko

     View Summary

    Human language is articulated and discrete, and we arbitrarily divide the continuous world. Articulation has two aspects. One is to separate things and is relevant to discreteness. The other is to group things and is relevant to continuity. Continuity participates in the fundamental cognitive activity of categorization. We do not recognize things which we perceive and experience individually, but do organize things into groups by extracting generality and noticing similarities. This activity of categorization has close relationship with conceptualization and sense-making. All members gathered into the same category are not equivalent. There are gradations in the degree of typicality from the one considered prototype to questionable ones. Boundaries between categories are not clear. We have studied the following problems :prototype categories in syntax ; the appearance and function of hedge expressions in discourse ; corpus analysis of conjunctions and agentivity involved in tansitivity ; changes over language levels ; grammatical structures of West Frisian by comparison with German, Dutch and English ; the theoretical positioning of continuity by the analysis of movement verbs, and the revaluation of discreteness as the principle of semantic functions ; nonlinear-phonological analysis of sound-fusion in the word boundary ; the syntactic relation and semantic continuity of modal words ; syntactic coherence and semantic cohesion in text and discourse

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Overseas Activities

  • 形容詞の意味に関する日本語・ドイツ語対照研究


    ドイツ   ミュンヘン大学

  • 空間認知にかかわる日独言語表現の意味論的・語用論的研究


    ドイツ   テュービンゲン大学


  • Faculty of Letters, Arts and Sciences   School of Humanities and Social Sciences

  • Faculty of Letters, Arts and Sciences   Graduate School of Letters, Arts and Sciences

  • Affiliated organization   Global Education Center

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 形容詞の叙述機能の独日対照―感情形容詞を中心に


     View Summary

    感情表現における経験者項と対象項とが同じように焦点化可能である点に由来するlinking problemと呼ばれる現象を感情を表す動詞、脱他動化構文、叙述機能(Thetic/Categorical, Stage-/Individual-level)らとの関連でとらえようとする。形容詞の振舞の観察分析はその成果を論文にまとめ、論文集へ寄稿した。脱他動化構文、叙述機能については現在分析を進めているが、いずれにおいても事象記述と属性記述の違いが重要な役割を果たしていることが確認されている。すなわち脱他動化構文、本来経験者を主語とする形容詞が述語用法において対象が主語となる場合において、属性表現となる傾向があることが判明した。