Updated on 2024/07/03

Faculty of Political Science and Economics, School of Political Science and Economics
Job title

Professional Memberships


    エコノメトリック・ソサエティ(Econometric Society)


    アメリカ経済学会(American Economic Association)



Research Interests

  • 経済理論



  • A reconsideration of the (induced) likelihood relation

    Takashi Oginuma

    The Waseda journal of political science and economics   No 363 ( 363 ) 92 - 104  2006.04


  • The significance of rationality in economicsr-from the standpoint of bounded rationality-(in Japanese)

    Keizaigaku no Suuri to Ronri(Mathematics and Logic in Economics)/rWasedadaigakushuppannbu(Waseda Univ. Pr.)   158-185  2001.03

  • 経済学における合理性概念の意義-限定合理性の観点から-

    経済学の数理と論理(早稲田大学出版部)    2001.03

  • 経済学入門

    東洋経済新聞社    2000.04

  • Free Contract System and its Rectificationr-from the standpoint of incomplete information-(in Japanese)

    Waseda Seijikeizaigaku Zasshi   340  1999.10

  • 自由な契約システムとその補正-情報不完備性の視点から-

    早稲田大学政治経済学雑誌   340  1999.10

  • Uncertainty and Decision-Making (in Japanese)

    Waseda Seijikeizaigaku Zasshi   339  1999.07

  • 不確実性と意思決定

    早稲田大学政治経済学雑誌   339  1999.07

  • Economics from the standpoint of methodology of science(in Japanese)

    Waseda Seijikeizaigaku Zasshi   333  1998.01

  • 科学の方法から見た経済学

    早稲田政治経済学雑誌   333  1998.01

  • An Axiomatic Formulation for Subjective Probability and Nonexpected Utility

    Working Paper/ Istitute of Economic Research KUC   157  1996.04

  • An Axiomatic Formulation for Subjective Probability and Nonexpected Utility

    Working Paper/ Institute of Economic Research, KUC   157  1996.04

  • Reconsideration of Resolution Schemes for the Liberal Paradox

    Working Paper/ Institute of Economic Research.KUC   153  1995.08

  • Reconsideration of Resolution Schemes for the Liberal Paradox

    Working Paper/ Institute of Economic Research KUC   153  1995.04

  • 倫理理論と規模的経済学

    商大論集/神戸商科大学   46;3  1994.12

  • Reconsideration of the formulation of the liberal paradox

    Working Paper/ Istitute of Economic Research KUC   149  1994.10

  • A Theory of Expected Utility with Nonadditive Probability

    Journal of Mathematical Economics/ Elsevier   23; 451-473  1994

  • A Theory of expected utility with non additive probability

    Journal of Mathematical Economics   23  1994  [Refereed]

  • 資本・階級・搾取-選択理論的アプローチ

    季刊理論経済学   39;2  1988.06

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Overseas Activities

  • 不確実性・限定合理性を考慮した意思決定理論およびゲーム理論の経済学への応用


    イギリス   London School of Economics

    アメリカ合衆国   南カルフォルニア大学


  • Faculty of Political Science and Economics   Graduate School of Economics

  • Faculty of Social Sciences   Graduate School of Social Sciences

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 非期待効用理論を用いた不確実性とゲーム均衡についての理論的研究


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