Updated on 2025/03/12


HARA, Tomoaki
Faculty of Human Sciences, School of Human Sciences
Job title
博士(文学) ( 2003.03 早稲田大学 )

Research Experience

  • 2020

    Waseda University   Faculty of Human Sciences

  • 2014

    Waseda University   Faculty of Human Sciences

  • 2012

    Shizuoka University   Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

  • 2007

    Shizuoka University

  • 2002

    Shizuoka University

  • 1998

    Oita Prefectural College of Arts and Culture   Department of International Culture

  • 1996

    Waseda University   School of Letters, Arts and Sciences I

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Education Background

  • 1995

    Waseda University   Graduate School of Letters, Arts and Sciences  

  • 1993

    Waseda University   Graduate School of Letters, Arts and Sciences  

  • 1989

    Waseda University   School of Letters, Arts and Sciences I  

Committee Memberships

  • 2020

    現代文化人類学会  理事

  • 2020

    日本文化人類学会  『文化人類学』編集委員

  • 2003

    日本文化人類学会  広報情報化委員

  • 2018

    日本文化人類学会  研究大会運営検討委員

  • 2016

    日本文化人類学会  Japanese Review of Cultural Anthropology 編集委員

  • 2014

    現代文化人類学会  事務局長

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Professional Memberships







Research Areas

  • Cultural anthropology and folklore

Research Interests

  • 文化的持続可能性

  • 共生

  • 持続可能な開発

  • 地域づくり

  • 消費

  • メディア

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  • フルブライト奨学金 研究員プログラム




  • 文化的持続可能性の概念に関する一考察

    原 知章

    比較文化研究   ( 149 ) 15 - 27  2022  [Refereed]

  • An Anthropological Approach to Consumption Practices in Contemporary Asia: Introduction

    HARA Tomoaki

    Japanese Review of Cultural Anthropology   21 ( 1 ) 147 - 170  2020  [Refereed]

  • The Sugar Revolution and the Construction of Ethnic Boundaries in Hawai`i, 1850-1920

    Hara Tomoaki

    Studies in Humanities   63 ( 2 ) 59 - 81  2013  [Refereed]

    DOI CiNii

  • 「コミュニティ」とは何か――地域SNS をめぐる政策から考える

    原 知章

    国立民族学博物館調査報告 = Senri Ethnological Reports   106 ( 106 ) 15 - 40  2012  [Refereed]

    DOI CiNii

  • US Military Bases and Funshi: The Anti-Base Movement and Community Development in Yomitan Village, Okinawa

    HARA Tomoaki

    Japanese Review of Cultural Anthropology   12   67 - 100  2011  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    One of the unprecedented features of our contemporary world is the global scale of US military bases. In what aspects, and to what extent, have US bases abroad affected adjacent communities? How have these communities responded to the presence of the US bases? In addressing these questions, this paper explores the development and significance of the 1997 municipal master plan of Yomitan Village in Okinawa. The municipal master plan of Yomitan is unique in all of Japan in that it uses funshi (feng shui) as one of its aesthetic principles. This paper is concerned with how Yomitan's officials relied on the notion of funshi to forge their cultural identity despite the looming presence of US bases. By examining the history of the and-base movement and of community development in Yomitan, this paper demonstrates how a reliance on funshi was used to counter and resist the presence and influence of these military bases.

    DOI CiNii

  • On the Internal Diversity and Complexity of Okinawan Identity

    Hara Tomoaki

    Asian studies   6 ( 6 ) 87 - 95  2011  [Refereed]

    DOI CiNii

  • Imploding the "Multicultural Coexistence" Policy : The Case of Kyojukon in the Okubo District of Shinjuku, Tokyo

    HARA Tomoaki

    Japanese Journal of Cultural Anthropology   74 ( 1 ) 136 - 155  2009  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    This paper critically examines the problems of Japan's "multicultural coexistence" policy (MCP) and explores the possibility of "imploding" the MCP. The MCP has been vigorously discussed and promoted by the Japanese government in recent years. The paper first examines the problems in the MCP based on discussions on multiculturalism by Lisa YONEYAMA [2003, 2006]. YONEYAMA identifies three categories of discourse on multiculturalism - namely, corporate multiculturalism, liberal multiculturalism, and critical multiculturalism - and critically examines the former two from the perspective of critical multiculturalism. Although the MCP has some significance in promoting a comprehensive national policy towards foreign residents, it shares similar problems with corporate multiculturalism and liberal multiculturalism. One of the most important problems of the MCP is its reification of the boundary between Japanese and foreigners, thus reinforcing the culutural hegemony of the dominant Japanese. While YONEYAMA advocates critical multiculturalism instead of corporate multiculturalism and liberal multiculturalism, some scholars argue that critical multiculturalism does not necessarily lead to the empowerment of minority people [cf. SHIOBARA 2005]. In light of such considerations, how can we envisage the possibility of imploding the MCP? The author sees the chances of that happening in the activities of "Kyojukon," a citizen group based in the Okubo district of Shinjuku ward in Tokyo. The population of foreign residents in the Okubo district has been rapidly increasing since the late 1980s. Under these circumstances, Kyojukon, established in 1992, has been engaged in various activities to promote multicultural coexistence between Japanese and foreign residents in the Okubo district. Kyojukon has also been conducting fieldwork over the years to understand the situation in the district, and as a result, they recently introduced the concept of "multidimensional culture," which takes into account not only ethnicity and nationality, but also gender, age, occupation, class, ability/disability, and other traits. In the latter part of this paper, the author argues the significance of Kyojukon's concept of multidimensional culture and its activities based on the concept from the perspective of "multiculturalism within" [MORRIS-SUZUKI 2002].

    DOI CiNii

  • Rethinking the Concept of Culture

    Journal of Cultural Economics   6 ( 1 ) 3 - 12  2008  [Refereed]

    DOI CiNii

  • Okinawan Studies in Japan, 1879-2007

    HARA Tomoaki

    Japanese Review of Cultural Anthropology   8   101 - 136  2007  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    The purposes of this paper are to track the main trends of Okinawan studies by Japanese scholars from the Meiji period to the present and to discuss the prospects for future studies. Before the Asian-Pacific War, most scholars embraced and attempted to verify the hypothesis called Nichiryu dosoron in which the Okinawan and Yamato peoples were thought to have a common racial and ethnic ancestry. After the war, however, interest in the origins of the Okinawan and Japanese peoples declined while interest in the socio-religious aspects of Okinawan culture increased. In the last two decades, Okinawan studies have become more diversified and specialized than ever before under the influence of postmodernism and postcolonialism. There are still, however, important subjects that remain almost untouched in Okinawan studies. Along with exploring subjects that have been ignored in the past, practitioners of Okinawan studies should strive to provide a common platform for promoting dialogue among themselves.

    DOI CiNii

  • Scope of Media Anthropology

    HARA Tomoaki

    Japanese Journal of Cultural Anthropology   69 ( 1 ) 93 - 114  2004  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    <p>The concern with "media" has greatly increased over the last decade in Anglo-American anthropology. This growing interest in media has opened the way for "media anthropology", an emergent sub-field of sociocultural anthropology. This paper first examines the concept of media, and then critically reviews the two prevalent kinds of Anglo-American media anthropology. The purpose of the paper is to clarify the scope of media anthropology and to provide a new framework for future studies. Chapter two takes up the concept of "media". First, I examine the concept of media and define it broadly as "something people use as a means of encoding, transmitting, decoding, storing, or converting socially significant information". Secondly, I focus on "mass media", that is, newspapers, TV, radio, and other print and electronic media, because in Anglo-American anthropology, and for that matter in Japanese anthropology, the recent concern has been almost exclusively with mass media. Most Anglo-American anthropologists equate the word "media" with the term "mass media"; I would, however, like to make a distinction between the two, as stated above, and to take into consideration forms of media other than mass media. Broadly speaking, media theorists recognize four major forms of media : oral language, written symbol systems, print media, and electronic media. As a sub-field of the discipline with perspectives on the history of humankind, media anthropology should take all these major forms into consideration and recognize the particular characteristics of each of these forms, even if the focus is on mass media. Thirdly, I introduce the model of social communication proposed by Toshiro TAKEUCHI to clarify the scope of media anthropology. TAKEUCHI provides four ideal types of social communication in terms of anonymity of participants in communication : interpersonal communication, club (or small group) communication, organizational communication, and public communication. TAKEUCHI's model is, I think, more exhaustive than models given by other communication theorists because he does not connect each type of communication (e.g. public communication) with a particular type of medium (e.g. mass media), as other theorists often do. Using his model, we can take an overall view of carious types of communication, such as interpersonal communication by electronic media, or public communication by oral language, both of which have been frequently ignored by other theorists. I would like to include the use of mass media as a means of interpersonal communication, club communication, or organizational communication, among the scope of media anthropology. It is also important to take into account social communication by various other media that grows out of mass media (e.g. media fandom). Chapter three critically reviews the two prevalent kinds of Anglo-American media anthropology. For convenience, I would like to call one of them "Media Anthropology I", and then other "Media Anthropology II". Media Anthropology I, that has been emerging since the 1990s, comprises "ethnographically informed, historically grounded, and context-sensitive analyses of the ways in which people use and make sense of media technologies". I argue that cultural studies, especially those works by British scholars such as Raymond WILLIAMS and Stuart HALL have provided the prevalent framework for Media Anthropology I, while other media studies have been almost completely ignored. The concern with mass media as an object of anthropological study is, as stated above, only a recent affair. Media Anthropology II, however, emerged as early as the 1970s. It can be defined as a field "that synthesizes aspects of journalism and anthropology for the explicit purpose of sensitizing as many of Earth's citizens as possible to</p><p>(View PDF for the rest of the abstract.)</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • 沖縄の風水と文化創造──読谷村における将来地域構想と風水

    原 知章

    アジア遊学   ( 47 ) 131 - 141  2003  [Refereed]


  • 沖縄・読谷村の都市計画マスタープランと「風水」

    原 知章

    都市計画   52 ( 4 ) 21 - 24  2003  [Refereed]


  • 八重山諸島から見た日本/沖縄 『境界の島々』の歴史(四)

    原 知章

    人権21   ( 162 ) 53 - 59  2003  [Refereed]


  • 八重山諸島から見た日本/沖縄 『境界の島々』の歴史(五)

    原 知章

    人権21   ( 165 ) 43 - 49  2003  [Refereed]


  • Building a Learning Community on the Web: Two Cases of Distance Education Projects Based on WWW Technology

    HARA Tomoaki

      9   163 - 173  2002  [Refereed]

  • 八重山諸島から見た日本/沖縄 『境界の島々』の歴史(一)

    原 知章

    人権21   ( 159 ) 32 - 39  2002  [Refereed]


  • 八重山諸島から見た日本/沖縄 『境界の島々』の歴史(二)

    原 知章

    人権21   ( 160 ) 56 - 63  2002  [Refereed]


  • 八重山諸島から見た日本/沖縄 『境界の島々』の歴史(三)

    原 知章

    人権21   ( 161 ) 38 - 45  2002  [Refereed]


  • 儀礼と社会変動――沖縄・与那国島における死者儀礼の事例より

    原 知章

    日本民俗学   ( 217 ) 32 - 62  1999  [Refereed]


  • Who Are the "Islanders" ?: Preliminary Analysis for the Anti-Ethnographic Holism

    HARA Tomoaki

    Shikan : the historical review   ( 138 ) 86 - 110  1998  [Refereed]


  • Canonization of Oral Tradition : a case of folklore intertwined with anthropological discourse in Yonaguni, Okinawa

    HARA Tomoaki

    Japanese Journal of Ethnology   62 ( 2 ) 147 - 168  1997  [Refereed]

    DOI CiNii

  • 風水研究の諸前提について

    原 知章

    早稲田大学大学院文学研究科紀要 第4分冊   ( 41 ) 163 - 172  1995  [Refereed]


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Books and Other Publications

  • 文化的持続可能性とは何か : 文化のゆるやかな共鳴を捉えるために

    原, 知章, 松田, 俊介, 酒井, 貴広, 都築, 由理子, 大澤, 誠, 山越, 英嗣

    ナカニシヤ出版  2023.08 ISBN: 9784779517280

  • モノとメディアの人類学

    藤野, 陽平, 奈良, 雅史, 近藤, 祉秋( Part: Contributor)

    ナカニシヤ出版  2021 ISBN: 9784779515484

  • 沖縄

    谷川, 健一, 大和, 岩雄( Part: Contributor)

    大和書房  2019 ISBN: 9784479861140

  • 多文化社会の教育課題 : 学びの多様性と学習権の保障

    川村, 千鶴子( Part: Contributor)

    明石書店  2014 ISBN: 9784750339764

  • 「ハーフ」とは誰か : 人種混淆・メディア表象・交渉実践

    岩渕, 功一( Part: Contributor)

    青弓社  2014 ISBN: 9784787233714

  • ハワイを知るための60章

    山本, 真鳥, 山田, 亨( Part: Contributor)

    明石書店  2013 ISBN: 9784750337531

  • 統計データで読み解く移動する人々と日本社会 : ライフサイクルの視点から情報分析を学ぶ : ディスカッション:多文化共生社会を考える

    川村, 千鶴子, 郭, 潔蓉, 原, 知章, 貫, 真英( Part: Joint author)

    ナカニシヤ出版  2013 ISBN: 9784779507649

  • フィールドワーカーズ・ハンドブック = Fieldworkers handbook

    鏡味, 治也, 関根, 康正, 橋本, 和也, 森山, 工, 日本文化人類学会( Part: Contributor)

    世界思想社  2011 ISBN: 9784790715269

  • 多文化社会の「文化」を問う : 共生/コミュニティ/メディア

    岩渕, 功一( Part: Contributor)

    青弓社  2010 ISBN: 9784787233165

  • 比較考古学の新地平

    菊池, 徹夫( Part: Contributor)

    同成社  2010 ISBN: 9784886215093

  • 沖縄民俗辞典

    渡辺, 欣雄, 岡野, 宣勝, 佐藤, 壮広, 塩月, 亮子, 宮下, 克也( Part: Contributor)

    吉川弘文館  2008 ISBN: 9784642014489

  • 文化人類学

    内堀, 基光, Stewart, Henry( Part: Contributor)

    放送大学教育振興会  2008 ISBN: 9784595308246

  • 電子メディアを飼いならす : 異文化を橋渡すフィールド研究の視座

    飯田, 卓, 原, 知章, 増田, 研, 南, 真木人, 大西, 秀之, 門田, 修, 湖中, 真哉, 吉岡, 政徳, 山中, 速人, 松田, 凡, 赤嶺, 淳, 川村, 清志, 岡田, 浩樹, 川田, 牧人, 大森, 康宏, 大村, 敬一( Part: Joint editor)

    せりか書房  2005 ISBN: 4796702660

  • 文化人類学文献事典

    小松, 和彦, 田中, 雅一, 谷, 泰, 原, 毅彦, 渡辺, 公三( Part: Contributor)

    弘文堂  2004 ISBN: 4335561016

  • 民俗文化の現在 : 沖縄・与那国島の「民俗」へのまなざし

    原, 知章( Part: Sole author)

    同成社  2000 ISBN: 4886211917

  • 間主観性の人間科学 : 他者・行為・物・環境の言説再構にむけて

    川野, 健治, 円岡, 偉男, 余語, 琢磨, 太田, 俊二( Part: Contributor)

    言叢社  1999 ISBN: 4905913667

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Research Projects

  • 沖縄・竹富島におけるホスト―ゲスト関係の変容をめぐる観光人類学的研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    原 知章

  • A cultural anthropological study on U.S. military base redevelopment in Okinawa: the case of Yomitan Village

    Project Year :


     View Summary

    This study aims to trace the history of a US military base redevelopment project in Yomitan Village, Central Okinawa, and identify the achievements and challenges of the project. The project was created by the joint effort of former landowners and the local government, and it was intended to develop 70 percent of the land for agriculture and the rest for public use. Previous studies have described this unique project as a possible example of“endogenous development” in Okinawa. This study, however, reveals that the project faced many difficulties, for example, the emergence of differences in opinion amongst the landowners over agriculture-oriented development

  • Exploring multiple senses of belonging and imagining a multicultural Japanese society

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KAWAI Yuko, KAWABATA Kohei, KO Mika, TANAKA Toko, TORIGOE Chie, HARA Tomoaki, YAMAMOTO Atsuhisa, WATARAI Tamaki, IMOTO Yuki, KUDO Masako, IWABUCHI Koichi, HORIGUCHI Sachiko

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    Reviewing relevant theoretical literature and ethnic minorities’ media self-representations, we adopted “koosaku,” an expanded notion of intersectionality, as the central concept of this research project. “Koosaku,” literally meaning “complex web,” offers a useful perspective to challenge the binary opposition of the Japanese and the foreigner as well as highlight people’s multiple senses of belonging without neglecting structural power relations. In two international research meetings with Korean and Taiwanese researchers, we reaffirmed the importance of “koosaku” to debunk the myth of national homogeneity, a common multicultural issue in the three societies. Conducting interviews, fieldwork, and media analysis, we investigated complex power relations in which race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, class, and others intersect and examined how such relations were constitutive of identities of people with various cultural backgrounds in Japanese society

  • A Study on the Continuity and Change of the Okinawan Community in Metropolitan Honolulu, Hawai` i

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    HARA Tomoaki

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    The Okinawan community in Hawaii has become a significant object of historical and ethnographic studies in cultural anthropology and its neighboring disciplines these days. This study focuses on the continuity and change of the Okinawan community in Metropolitan Honolulu that tries to promote and perpetuate Okinawan culture. The study revealed that the contemporary Okinawan community has diversified its membership in terms of ethnicity or ideology, and that this internal diversity of the community has become an important source of its strength

  • 「国境の島」・与那国島における文化的動態に関する歴史人類学的研究

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  • 沖縄のマルチメディア民族誌の構築とその民族誌論的意義に関する研究

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  • 沖縄・読谷村における米軍と「地域文化」の相互作用に関する文化人類学的研究

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  • 研究室だより――人間環境科学科開発人類学研究室

    原 知章

    人間科学研究 = Waseda Journal of Human Sciences   31 ( 1 ) 31 - 32  2018


  • 【書評】米城惠著『よみがえるドゥナン――写真が語る与那国の歴史』(南山舎)

    原 知章

    琉球新報   ( 朝刊 )  2015.05

  • 基地を耕す

    原 知章

    出版ニュース   ( 2369 ) 50 - 50  2015

  • ハワイ、沖縄、フィリピンの歴史が交錯する街

    原 知章

    月刊みんぱく   35 ( 6 ) 16 - 17  2011

  • 【書評】Christopher T. Nelson, Dancing with the Dead: Memory, Performance, and Everyday Life in Postwar Okinawa. Durham: Duke University Press

    HARA Tomoaki

    Comparative Studies in Society and History   53 ( 2 ) 441 - 442  2011  [Refereed]

  • 戦前ハワイの沖縄文化について

    原 知章

    ハワイ報知    2010.08

  • Okinawan Culture in Prewar Hawai`i

    HARA Tomoaki

    The Hawai`i Herald   31 ( 16 ) 10 - 13  2010

  • 【書評】蔵持不三也監修『エコ・イマジネール──文化の生態系と人類学的眺望』(言叢社)

    原 知章

    週間読書人     4 - 4  2007.10

  • 資源とネットワーク

    原 知章

    資源人類学 DATA&REPORT   ( 8 ) 11 - 11  2006

  • バーチャル・ユニバーシティがもたらす学び

    原 知章

    ハイパーフラッシュ   ( 20 ) 10 - 11  2001

  • 【書評】西江雅之著『花のある遠景』(大巧社)

    原 知章

    琉球新報   ( 朝刊 )  2000.12

  • A Folklore That Wasn't Revived: Exploring the Potential of a Constructionist Approach

    Tomoaki Hara

    Bulletin of Oita Prefectural College of Arts and Culture   38   41 - 54  2000

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    A trend in Japanese folklore studies in the last ten years has been the rise and establishment of studies which introduce "invention of tradition" and "objectification of culture" as key concepts. In spite of this trend, however, these concepts have been rarely scrutinized so far. "Invention of tradition" and "objectification of culture" have become cliches, and the studies introducing these concepts are in danger of being perceived as merely adding a new sub-discipline to folklore studies. These two concepts, however, raise a general problem that concerns the epistemology and methodology of folklore studies as a whole. And, these two concepts resonate with a trend variously called "constructionism" or "constructivism" in neighboring disciplines, especially in sociology. This essay explores the potential of a constructionist approach in folklore studies. In the first half of the essay, I reexamine the arguments of Richard Handler and Jocelyn Linnekin who have a great influence on the studies of "invention of tradition" and "objectification of culture." Then I write an overview of constructionism in sociology and show that the arguments of Handler and Linnekin resonate with constructionsim. In the latter half of the essay, I raise some important points when introducing the constructionist approach to folklore studies. Then I cite an event I encountered in Okinawa, and I examine the event from both objectivist and constructionist perspectives, and argue that the latter perspective has a clear advantage. By these arguments, I suggest that the constructionist approach will revitalize the studies of "invention of tradition" and "objectification of culture" in Japanes folklore studies.


  • 世界を結ぶ早稲田の学術調査──八重山・与那国島の調査から(2)

    原 知章

    早稲田ウィークリー   ( 854 )  1998

  • 世界を結ぶ早稲田の学術調査──八重山・与那国島の調査から(1)

    原 知章

    早稲田ウィークリー   ( 853 )  1998

  • 【新刊紹介】川田順造著, 『ブラジルの記憶――「悲しき熱帯」は今』, 東京, NTT出版, 1996年7月, 238頁, 1,500円

    原 知章

    民族學研究   61 ( 4 ) 661 - 661  1997  [Refereed]

    DOI CiNii

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  • Faculty of Human Sciences   School of Human Sciences (Online Degree Program)

  • Faculty of Human Sciences   Graduate School of Human Sciences

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 日本における「文化的持続可能性」概念の意義と可能性に関する検討


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    近年海外では、文化と持続可能な開発/持続可能性の関わりをめぐって、「文化的持続可能性(cultural sustainability)」を鍵概念とする研究が様々な分野で活発になりつつある。本研究では、先行研究の里程標として位置づけることができる欧州科学技術研究協力機構による「文化的持続可能性の検討」という大規模な学際的・学融合的な研究プロジェクトに特に注目した。そして、同プロジェクトに関連する研究を中心に先行研究の検討を進め、同プロジェクトの報告書において提示された文化的持続可能性をめぐる3つの視点の複合の可能性を織り込んだ、持続可能な開発に関する新たな概念枠組みの構築に取り組んだ。

  • 文化的持続可能性とは何か:日本から問い直す


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    近年海外、特にヨーロッパ、アメリカ合衆国、オーストラリアを中心とする欧米圏では、持続可能な開発をめぐる議論において「文化的持続可能性(cultural sustainability)」という概念が提起され、文化的持続可能性を鍵概念とする研究が様々な分野で活発になりつつある。しかし管見では、日本においてはこの概念や関連する先行研究の検討はほとんど行なわれていない。そこで本研究では、先行研究を整理・検討し、これらの先行研究に対して、日本からどのような応答ができるか、また、文化的持続可能性の概念にどのような意義を見いだすことができるか考察した。

  • 沖縄・竹富島における内発的観光開発の展開に関する歴史人類学的研究


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  • 沖縄・竹富島における内発的観光開発の展開に関する歴史的人類学的研究


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  • 沖縄・竹富島におけるホストーゲスト間の関係に関する観光人類学的研究


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  • 沖縄における米軍基地跡地開発の文化人類学的研究-読谷村の事例より


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  • 沖縄における米軍基地跡地開発の文化人類学的研究―読谷村の事例より


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  • 沖縄における米軍基地跡地開発の文化人類学的研究-読谷村の事例より


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  • 沖縄における米軍基地跡地開発の文化人類学的研究--読谷村の事例より


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  • 現代ハワイにおけるエスニック関係モデルの再検討


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  • 国境の島の「伝統」と「近代」―沖縄・与那国島における歴史人類学的研究―


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    97年7月下旬から9月下旬にかけて、主な調査地である与那国島を中心に、沖縄県内にて現地調査を実施した。そしてその成果にもとづいて、いくつかの研究成果を発表することができた。 9月には論文「伝承の正典化―沖縄・与那国島の事例より―」(『民族学研究』62巻2号、日本民族学会)を発表することができた。この論文では、与那国島に伝わる伝承が、過去100年間にどのように変化し、また持続してきたのかということを「沖縄学」の趨勢の変化という歴史的コンテクストのもとで論じた。この研究は沖縄(特に与那国島)におけるメディア発達の歴史と文化変容の相関という歴史人類学的研究の課題の一環として行なったものである。 また、97年度は、与那国町史編纂作業に携わり、『与那国町史別巻I 記録写真集 与那国』(与那国町史編纂委員会編、与那国町発行)が刊行された。沖縄では地域史づくりが盛んであるが、今後は、こうした地域史編纂作業への関わりを通して沖縄における地域史という活字メディアの興隆が、地域住民の歴史意識や文化的アイデンティティの変容とどのように関わっているのか、という問題についても考察していきたいと考えている。 98年3月にはこれらの研究の認識論的な基盤を整理した論文「島民とは誰か―反民族誌的全体論のための予備的考察―」(『史観』第138冊、早稲田大学史学会発行)を発表した。現地調査にもとづくその他の成果として、来年度には共著『沖縄のエイサー』(沖縄市観光課・平和文化振興市史編集室編、那覇出版刊)が刊行される予定である。

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