Updated on 2025/02/07


Faculty of Human Sciences, School of Human Sciences
Job title
Ph.D.(medicine) ( 1999.03 University of Tokyo )

Prof. Takuya TSUJIUCHI is a psychiatrist and medical anthropologist currently conducting a research team and made a lot of quantitative and qualitative surveys to evaluate mental health and social sufferings of refugees from Fukushima in Japan.

1992 Hamamatsu University School of Medicine, license of Medical Doctor.

1999 Graduate School of Medicine, University of Tokyo, Ph.D. (Medicine), Stress sciences and Psychosomatic medicine.

2004 Graduate school, Division of Social Sciences and Humanities, Chiba University, Cultural Anthropology.

Since 2003, he has been lecturing Medical Anthropology and Narrative Based Medicine in Waseda University. He is also currently a Lecturer of Medical Anthropology, at Hamamatsu University School of Medicine, and a board certified specialist physician, The Japanese Society of Psychosomatic Medicine.

On the occasion of The Great Hanshin (Kobe) Earthquake in 1995, he worked as a volunteer medical doctor for the victims. His original paper “Psychosomatic Problems after The Great Hanshin Earthquake in January 1995; Physical Stress Responses. (Jpn J Psychosom Med 36: 657-665, 1996)” was given the 1997 Memorial Award by Japanese Society of Psychosomatic Medicine. After the Great East Japan (Tohoku) Earthquake on 2011, Prof. Tsujiuchi has been supporting evacuees from Fukushima nuclear disaster as a committee member of private support group Shinsai Shien Network Saitama (SSN) in Saitama and Tokyo area. In 2013, he stayed in Boston U.S. as a Research Fellow of Harvard Program in Refugee Trauma (HPRT), Harvard Medical School, and Department of Psychiatry, Massachusetts General Hospital. In 2014, he established Waseda Institute of Medical Anthropology on Disaster Reconstruction (WIMA), and started organizing holistic researches to evaluate medical, mental health, socio-economic, and cultural issues after disasters.

Research Experience

  • 2016.04

    Waseda University   Faculty of Human Sciences   Professor

  • 2016.04

    Hmamatsu University School of Medicine

  • 2014.10

    Director, Waseda Institute of Medical Anthropology on Disaster Reconstruction

  • 2007.04

    Associate Professor, Faculty of Human Sciences, Waseda University

  • 2013.04

    Research Fellow, Harvard Program in Refugee Trauma, Massachusetts General Hospital Psychiatry

  • 2003.04

    Associatte Professor, Faculty of Human Sciences, Waseda University

  • 2002.04

    Kyoritsu Women's University   Faculty of Home Economics

  • 2001.04

    Hamamatsu University School of Medicine (Public Heatlh)   Faculty of Medicine

  • 2002.04

    Waseda University   Graduate School of Letters, Arts and Sciences

  • 2002.01

    The University of Tokyo   Psychomatic Medicine, Faculty of Medicine University Hospital

  • 1999.04

    Head of the Department of Medical Care, KENSEIKAI Clinic, Psyciatry & Psycho-somatic Medicine

  • 1994.06

    Legal Medical Officer, Kanto Medical and Juvenile Training Institute

  • 1992.05

    Clinical Resident, Tokyo Metropolitan Police Hospital, Internal Medicine

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Education Background


    Chiba University   Graduate School, Division of Social Sciences and Humanities   Department of Health and Environment  


    University of Tokyo   Graduate School, Division of Medical Sciences   Internal Medicine, Psychosomatic medicine  


    Hamamatsu University school of Medicine   Faculty of Medicine   Department of Medicine  

Professional Memberships


    Japanese Society for Traumatic Stress Studies


    Japanese Association of Qualitative Psychology


    The Japan Society for Oriental Medicine


    Japanese Association for Suicide Prevention


    Japanese society of Public Health


    Japanese society for the Study of Social Welfare


    Japanese society for Clinical Thanatology


    Japanese society of Psychosomatic internal Medicine


    Waseda Society of Cultural Anthropology


    The Japanese Society of Cultural Anthropology


    Japanese Society of Psychosomatic Medicine

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Research Areas

  • Cultural anthropology and folklore   medical anthropology / Psychiatry   psychiatry / Medical management and medical sociology   medical sociology / Hygiene and public health (non-laboratory) / General internal medicine

Research Interests

  • Fukushima Nuclear Accident

  • Great East Japan Earthquake

  • Medical Anthropology

  • Mental Health

  • Clutural Anthropology

  • psychiatry

  • Social Meidicine

  • Psychosomatic Medicine

  • Post-traumatic Stress Disorder: PTSD

  • Global Health

  • complementary and Alternative Medicine

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  • Society's Incentive Award

    2021.08   Japanese Society for Traumatic Stress Studies  

  • Takagi Encouragement Award

    2018   Japan Society of Acupuncture and Moxibustion  

    Winner: Tomoaki Takanashi, Keiichi Nishimura, Takuya Tsujiuchi

  • 第16回(2014年度)身体疾患と不安・抑うつ研究会賞


  • Social Pharmacy Award


    Winner: Mami Kikuchi, Takuya Tsujiuchi

  • 第11回(1997年度)日本心身医学会石川記念賞


Media Coverage

  • The emotional burden of nuclear evacuees: What support do they need?

    TV or radio program

    Author: Myself  



  • 分断の果てに“原発事故避難者”は問いかける

    TV or radio program

    Author: Other  

    日本放送協会(NHK)   明日へつなげよう(NHK総合)  



  • “分断”された故郷で~原発事故7年 めざした復興の今~

    TV or radio program

    Author: Other  

    日本放送協会(NHK)   東北ココから(仙台放送局)  



  • 震災6年 埋もれていた子どもたちの声 ~“原発避難いじめ”の実態

    TV or radio program

    Author: Other  

    日本放送協会(NHK)   クローズアップ現代【No.3947】  



  • 心をサポートする体制作り

    TV or radio program

    Author: Other  

    日本放送協会(NHK)   視点・論点  



  • 原発事故・避難者アンケート―何が福島の人々を苦しめているのか―

    TV or radio program

    Author: Other  

    日本放送協会(NHK)   ハートネットTV(Eテレ)  



  • “帰りたい… 帰れない…”~福島の避難者 それぞれの選択~

    TV or radio program

    Author: Other  

    日本放送協会(NHK)   クローズアップ現代【No.3629】  



  • 被災者1万人の声~復興はどこまで進んだのか~〔シリーズ東日本大震災 震災4年〕

    TV or radio program

    Author: Other  

    日本放送協会(NHK)   NHKスペシャル  



  • Fukushima:Two Years Later

    TV or radio program

    Author: Other  

    NHK World  


  • 3.11あの日から2年、福島のいまを知っていますか~西田敏行が見つめる福島のいま~

    TV or radio program

    Author: Other  

    日本放送協会(NHK)   NHKスペシャル  


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  • Lessons from 12 years of experiences after Fukushima nuclear accident- From the dialogue between young victims and researchers : The second session

    Jihye Kim, Shuzo Hirata, Haruka Sato, Yosuke Yagi, Mayuka Arai, Ai Atsumi, Natsuko Fujimoto, Ryota Funane, Niina Tanba, Yu Kasada, Taito Akimitsu, Hanna Kanno, Shizuka Tsunori, Souta Nohara, Wakana, Itsuki Watanabe, Shiyu Enomoto, Takaya Kojima, Takahiro Akedo, Tomoo Hidaka, Atsushi Ogihara, Tsutomu Taga, Takuya Tsujiuchi

    Waseda Journal of Human Sciences   37 ( 1 ) 214 - 226  2024.03

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

  • High-level Post-traumatic Stress Symptoms of the Residents in Fukushima Temporary Housing: Bio-psycho-social lmpacts by Nuclear Power Plant Disaster

    Takuya Tsujiuchi, Kumiko Komaki, Takahiro Iwagaki, Kazutaka Masuda, Maya Yamaguchi, Chikako Fukuda, Noriko Ishikawa, Ryuhei Mochida, Takaya Kojima, Koichi Negayama, Atsushi Ogihara, Hiroaki Kumano

    Jpn J Psychosom Med   56 ( 7 ) 723 - 736  2016.07  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author


  • High Prevalence of Post-Traumatic Stress Symptoms in Relation to Social Factors in Affected Population One Year after the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster

    Takuya Tsujiuchi, Maya Yamaguchi, Kazutaka Masuda, Marisa Tsuchida, Tadashi Inomata, Hiroaki Kumano, Yasushi Kikuchi, Eugene F. Augusterfer, Richard F. Mollica

    PLOS ONE   11 ( 3 )  2016.03  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    This study investigated post-traumatic stress symptoms in relation to the population affected by the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster, one year after the disaster. Additionally, we investigated social factors, such as forced displacement, which we hypothesize contributed to the high prevalence of post-traumatic stress. Finally, we report of written narratives that were collected from the impacted population.
    Design and Settings
    Using the Impact of Event Scale-Revised (IES-R), questionnaires were sent to 2,011 households of those displaced from Fukushima prefecture living temporarily in Saitama prefecture. Of the 490 replies; 350 met the criteria for inclusion in the study. Multiple logistic regression analysis was performed to examine several characteristics and variables of social factors as predictors of probable post-traumatic stress disorder, PTSD.
    The mean score of IES-R was 36.15 +/- 21.55, with 59.4% having scores of 30 or higher, thus indicating a probable PTSD. No significant differences in percentages of high-risk subjects were found among sex, age, evacuation area, housing damages, tsunami affected, family split-up, and acquaintance support. By the result of multiple logistic regression analysis, the significant predictors of probable PTSD were chronic physical diseases (OR = 1.97), chronic mental diseases (OR = 6.25), worries about livelihood (OR = 2.27), lost jobs (OR = 1.71), lost social ties (OR = 2.27), and concerns about compensation (OR = 3.74).
    Although there are limitations in assuming a diagnosis of PTSD based on self-report IES-R, our findings indicate that there was a high-risk of PTSD strongly related to the nuclear disaster and its consequent evacuation and displacement. Therefore, recovery efforts must focus not only on medical and psychological treatment alone, but also on social and economic issues related to the displacement, as well.



  • Kanpo Medicine and the patients who have a long relationship with their doctors


    Kanpo & the Newest Therapy   32 ( 3 ) 231 - 236  2023.08  [Invited]

    Authorship:Last author

  • Lessons from 10 years of experiences after the Fukushima nuclear accident: From the dialogue between young victims and researchers

    Shuzo Hirata, Jihye Kim, Takuya Tsujiuchi

      35 ( 2 ) 353 - 362  2022

    Authorship:Last author

  • The Importane of Listening and Learning from the Narrative of Survivors

    Yuko Hagiwara, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Yutaka Aiko, Tadashi Inomata, Takuya Tsujiuchi

      35 ( 1 ) 261 - 265  2022

    Authorship:Last author

  • Lessons from 10 years of experiences after the Fukushima nuclear accident - From the dialogue between young victims and researchers

    Syuzo Hirata, Jihye Kim, Takuya Tsujiuchi

      35 ( 1 ) 249 - 252  2022

    Authorship:Corresponding author

  • The Meaning of Taking and Stopping Medication: A Narrative Case Study of People Living with HIV

    Mayumi Shudo, Katsumi Suzuki, Ayumi Nomura, Takuya Tsujiuchi

    Journal of Japan Academy of Nursing Science   42   588 - 594  2022  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author


  • Relationship between the Mental Health and Living Conditions of Evacuees Post the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Disaster:Based on Shinsai Shien Network Saitama’s (SSN) 2018 Survey

    Takahiro Iwagaki, Takuya Tsujiuchi, Jihye Kim, Minori Ohashi, Jia Yifan, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Yutaka Aiko, Tadashi Inomata, Atsuchi Ogihara

    Jpn J Psychosom Med   61 ( 7 ) 629 - 641  2021.10  [Refereed]

  • Covid19!No More Searching for Werewolves - Thinking through the Uncertainties of Science and Medicine

    Takuya Tsujiuchi

      ( 24 ) 21 - 25  2021

  • The Actual Damage to Evacuees of the Nuclear Power Plant Accident: From Psychiatric Perspective

    Takuya Tsujiuchi

      ( 558 ) 9 - 13  2021

  • The Practice of Social Care on Inter-professional Collaboration: Multi-vocal Analysis of Supporters after Fukushima Nuclear Accident

    Jihye Kim, Kazutaka Masuda, Takuya Tsujiuchi

      ( 15 ) 33 - 47  2021  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author

  • Policy Proposal to the Reconstruction Agency - From the Fieldwork on the Nuclear Accident and Support

    Takuya Tsujiuchi

      26 ( 3 ) 52 - 57  2021  [Invited]

  • Symposium: Considering Empathy in Healthcare

    Takuya Tsujiuchi, Tetsuya Abe

    Jpn J Psychosom Med   60 ( 7 ) 589 - 591  2020


  • Medical Anthropology of Fukushima: Social Abuse Theory by Structural Violence

    Takuya Tsujiuchi

    Japanese Journal of N: Narrative and Care   ( 10 ) 35 - 45  2019  [Invited]

  • The Value of Field Medicine from the View Point of Medical Anthropology

    Takuya Tsujiuchi

    Jpn J Psychosom Med   59 ( 4 ) 337 - 344  2019


  • The Effects of Person-to-Person and Person-to-Community Ties on Mental and Physical Health

    Iwagaki Takahiro, Tsujiuchi Takuya

    Japanese Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine   59 ( 4 ) 328 - 336  2019  [Invited]

    Authorship:Last author

     View Summary

    <p>With the revision of Japan's Long-Term Care Insurance Act in 2015, the government built community-based comprehensive care systems. It relies on reciprocity among local residents to provide some of the assistance the elderly need to avoid having to be moved into care facilities. Facilities providing support services have been required to arrange for places of social activities to be held and to create roles for elderly residents in the hope of increasing their participation in the community.</p><p>The person-to-person and person-to-community ties that created during these types of activities involving reciprocity among local residents can be understood as the concept of social capital (SC). SC is based on trust, shared norms, and networking. We have already shown in a study of the association between elderly people's mental health and SC that people with deep relationships of trust with others, many friends, and those who participate in community activities are psychologically healthier.</p><p>In this study, we use SC to discuss the effects of person-to-person and person-to-community ties on mental and physical health based on contrasts between the cases of A and B, whom we encountered while working at a community-based comprehensive support center. They lived in the same community, but case A had no contact with any local organizations and refusing public assistance, ended up isolated and dying alone. In contrast, case B lived independently, had ties to the community and to volunteers, participated in a variety of activities, had a role in the community, and something to live for. These two contrasting cases are used to illustrate topics related to social services for the elderly in Japan and what our future objectives should be. In addition, we use the example of "Daredemo Shokudou" ("Everyone's Diner" events held by local organizations that provide an inexpensive meal and activities for community members) to show the importance of providing independent living assistance for the elderly so that they may create ties with the community and build relationships of trust through community-based activities.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • Disaster Resistant Community Development Efforts on Use of Social Capital: Based on the Experience of Accepting Out of Prefecture Evacuees of the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Accident

    Takahiro Iwagaki, Takuya Tsujiuchi, Atsushi Ogihara

      ( 12 ) 21 - 29  2018  [Refereed]


  • 原発災害が被災住民にもたらした精神的影響


    学術の動向   22 ( 4 ) 8 - 13  2017.04  [Invited]


  • Relationships between Individual Social Capital and Mental Health in Elderly People who Left the Prefecture Due to the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Disaster

    Takahiro Iwagaki, Takuya Tsujiuchi, Kazutaka Masuda, Kumiko Komaki, Chikako Fukuda, Ryuhei Mochida, Noriko Ishikawa, Yamato Akano, Maya Yamaguchi, Tadashi Inomata, Koichi Negayama, Takaya Kojima, Hiroaki Kumano, Atsushi Ogihara

    Jpn J Psychosom Med   57 ( 2 ) 173 - 184  2017.02  [Refereed]


  • Qualitative Study of the Healing and Recovery Process of Patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome

    Hitomi Kawanishi, Takuya Tsujiuchi, Yasushi Fujii, Shinobu Nomura

    Jpn J Psychosom Med   57 ( 1 ) 59 - 68  2017  [Refereed]

  • Social Capital and Mental Health in Major Disaster: Findings and Suggestions from the Survey and ASocial-support after Fukushima Nuclear Disaster

    Takahiro Iwagaki, Takuya Tsujiuchi, Atsushi Ogihara

    Jpn J Psychosom Med   57 ( 10 ) 1013 - 1019  2017  [Refereed]


  • Panel Discussion: Psychosomatic Medicine for the Stress of Catastrophic Disasters

    Takuya Tsujiuchi, Noriko Murakami

    Jpn J Psychosom Med   57 ( 10 ) 997 - 998  2017  [Invited]

  • Relationships between individual-level social capital, family relationships and mental health in mothers who have remained voluntary evacuees due to the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident

    Takahiro Iwagaki, Takuya Tsujiuchi, Kumiko Komaki, Chikako Fukuda, Ryuhei Mochida, Noriko Ishikawa, Yamato Akano, Taisuke Katsuragawa, Kazutaka Masuda, Takaya Kojima, Koichi Negayama, Hiroaki Kumano, Atsushi Ogihara

    Bulletin of Social Medicine,   34 ( 1 ) 21 - 29  2017  [Refereed]

  • Development and evaluation of an electromagnetic hypersensitivity questionnaire for Japanese people.

    Sachiko Hojo, Mikiko Tokiya, Masami Mizuki, Mikio Miyata, Kumiko T Kanatani, Airi Takagi, Naomi Tsurikisawa, Setsuko Kame, Takahiko Katoh, Takuya Tsujiuchi, Hiroaki Kumano

    Bioelectromagnetics   37 ( 6 ) 353 - 72  2016.09  [International journal]

     View Summary

    The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the validity and reliability of a Japanese version of an electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS) questionnaire, originally developed by Eltiti et al. in the United Kingdom. Using this Japanese EHS questionnaire, surveys were conducted on 1306 controls and 127 self-selected EHS subjects in Japan. Principal component analysis of controls revealed eight principal symptom groups, namely, nervous, skin-related, head-related, auditory and vestibular, musculoskeletal, allergy-related, sensory, and heart/chest-related. The reliability of the Japanese EHS questionnaire was confirmed by high to moderate intraclass correlation coefficients in a test-retest analysis, and high Cronbach's α coefficients (0.853-0.953) from each subscale. A comparison of scores of each subscale between self-selected EHS subjects and age- and sex-matched controls using bivariate logistic regression analysis, Mann-Whitney U- and χ(2) tests, verified the validity of the questionnaire. This study demonstrated that the Japanese EHS questionnaire is reliable and valid, and can be used for surveillance of EHS individuals in Japan. Furthermore, based on multiple logistic regression and receiver operating characteristic analyses, we propose specific preliminary criteria for screening EHS individuals in Japan. Bioelectromagnetics. 37:353-372, 2016. © 2016 The Authors. Bioelectromagnetics Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

    DOI PubMed


  • Social Factors Affecting Psychological Stress of the Evacuees Out of Fukushima Prefecture by the Cause of Nuclear Accident after the Great East Japan Earthquake: Suggestions from Longitudinal Questionnaire Survey

    Maya Yamaguchi, Takuya Tsujiuchi, Kazutaka Masuda, Takahiro Iwagaki, Noriko Ishikawa, Chikako Fukuda, Shuzo Hirata, Tadashi Inomata, Koichi Negayama, Takaya Kojima, Atsuchi Ogihara, Hiroaki Kumano

    Jpn J Psychosom Med   56 ( 8 ) 819 - 832  2016.08  [Refereed]


  • Physicians' Experience of Cooperative Care with Acupuncturists in Home Palliative Care

    Tomoaki Takanashi, Keiichi Nishimura, Takuya Tsujiuchi

    Jornal of the Japan Society of Acupuncture and Moxibustion   66 ( 2 ) 90 - 100  2016  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author

  • 心身医学的見地からみた化学物質過敏症


    アレルギーの臨床   36 ( 6 ) 530 - 534  2016

  • Survey to Determine How Community Pharmacists Recognize the Necessity for and Frequency of Touching Patients during Home Care

    Mami Kikuchi, Takuya Tsujiuchi

    Jpn. J. Soc. Pharm.   35 ( 1 ) 10 - 22  2016  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author

  • 原発事故広域避難者のトラウマに対する社会的ケアの構築


    分子精神医学   15 ( 3 ) 238 - 241  2015.07

  • ポスト3.11の災害復興と環境問題を考える[第2報]:災害に伴う心理的課題・社会的課題に対峙する

    辻内琢也, 根ケ山光一, 竹中晃二, 増田和高, 佐藤純俊, 高山恒明, 北村浩, 岡本卓大, 薄井篤子, 大石美恵子, ユージン・F, オーガスタファー

    人間科学研究   28 ( 1 ) 157 - 167  2015.03


  • 緩和ケア病棟を有する医療機関での鍼灸治療の実態調査

    高梨知揚, 西村桂一, 前田樹海, 辻内琢也

    Palliative Care Research(日本緩和医療学会誌)   10 ( 1 ) 329 - 333  2015.03

     View Summary

    Purpose:The purpose of this study was to clarify the practice of acupuncture and moxibustion in medical institutions with a palliative care unit. Methods:A selfadministered questionnaire was mailed to the physicians in charge of the ward or the chief nurses of 244 medical institutions with a palliative care unit. Results:Responses were obtained from 98 institutions. Among these, it was obvious that acupuncture and moxibustion therapy were performed in six institutions(6.1%). The conditions of patients treated with acupuncture and moxibustion were pain, fatigue, constipation, and displeasure. Regarding acupuncturists being concerned with a palliative care field, it was described that acupuncturists could have one of the important role in clinical field in palliative care. On the other hand, it was indicated that there were difficulties associated with the practice of acupuncture and moxibustion therapy in a hospital. Conclusion:Although acupuncture and moxibustion therapy are considered to have usefulness as a variety of care, to practice acupuncture and moxibustion therapy in a medical institution, it is necessary to examine create the practice system.

    DOI CiNii

  • How Do Community Pharmacists Feel and Recognize the Acts of Touching Patients during Home Care ?─The Legal Validity of Acts and the Pharmacist’s Feelings of Resistance─

    Mami Kikuchi, Takuya Tsujiuchi

    Jpn. J. Soc. Pharm.   34 ( 2 ) 81 - 96  2015  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author

  • Healthy Aging and Concerns Among Elderly Japanese: A Text Analysis Approach.

    Yoko Tsuchiya, Naoki Shida, Takuya Tsujiuchi, Kazuhiko Machida

    International quarterly of community health education   35 ( 3 ) 215 - 26  2015  [International journal]

     View Summary

    Japan is facing an unprecedented aging society. In 2013, 25.1% of the total population in Japan was 65 years old and over. One third of the population in Japan will be at least 65 years old in 2035
    healthy aging is crucial for public health and society in Japan. Under the budget limitations of social security, policies and frequent policy changes have created great uncertainty and concern for the elderly population. Given these circumstances, we conducted questionnaire surveys in 2010 to examine concerns in this age-group. In 2010, we sent questionnaires to university graduates 65 years old and older, randomly selected from a list of an alumni association of 11 universities. The questionnaires were open-ended and asked them to write any concerns that they had about health care, health policy, health systems, and their future. We received 344 responses. Among those who responded, 271 (78.8%) respondents said that they had concerns. We conducted a text analysis (Trend Search–Keyword Associator 2008) and extracted the keywords from their responses. The keywords that were extracted frequently included hospitals, doctors, health-care system, health care, Japanese government policies, government, medical insurance system for the elderly, support, increase, copayment, health (their own), scarcities, and burdens. In this study, many elderly people in Japan are concerned about health-care expenditures, health-care systems, and health policies. This may be caused by frequent health policy changes and uncertainty due to frequent administration changes such as the lack of clarity concerning raising the out of pocket payment rate from 10% to 20% for elderly people under budget constraints in Japan. Correct policy making and determination to eliminate the concerns from this vulnerable population in Japan are necessary for healthy aging.

    DOI PubMed


  • 末期がん患者ケアを実践している在宅療養支援診療所医師と鍼灸師の連携に関する調査

    高梨知揚, 西村桂一, 辻内琢也

    全日本鍼灸学会雑誌   64 ( 4 ) 196 - 203  2014.11

  • ポスト3.11の災害復興と環境問題を考える[第1報]:被災当事者・支援者の立場から

    辻内琢也, 増田和高, 井戸川克隆, 高山恒明, 佐藤純俊, 大石美恵子, 北村浩, 岡本卓大, 簿井篤子

    人間科学研究   27 ( 2 ) 241 - 254  2014.10


  • 従業員の自殺を経験した中小製造業A社における再発防止の取組みとその効果

    中原登世子, 鈴木勝己, 辻内琢也, 小野充一

    心身医学   54 ( 7 ) 692 - 702  2014.07

     View Summary

    Background : In Japan, over 30,000 people per year have commited suicide in the course of 14 years since 1998. It is clear that many workers suffer from workplace stress. Mental health wellness is addressed by the industrial world yet mental health insurance coverage for individual workers is extremely difficult. The purpose of this case study is to improve the conditions of, and make changes for, the workers of a small to mid-sized company (company XYZ) whose employee had committed suicide from a psychosomatic point of view. Methods : We investigated the mental state and the workplace relationships of the eleven coworkers who were left behind by the one who committed suicide. Through interviews and participant-observer approach, the coworkers' conversational data were collected, and then analyzed by the KJ method, to reveal their relationships to each other and their socio cultural background. Two years after measures to prevent the recurrence of suicide were implemented, the coworkers were interviewed again and pre- and post-preventative measure implementation differences were analyzed. Results : Immediately after the suicide, in a social context, interviewees expressed their suffering as physical, mental, social, and existential pain. In addition to being an employee, the one who committed suicide had social roles as a father and husband. After his death, his personal financial hardship and his lack of interpersonal relationships at the workplace were revealed. Many of his coworkers were dissatisfied with company xyz's feudal culture. Their suffering, which stemmed from the work environment and business procedures, was improved by the implementation of mental health education and measures to prevent the recurrence of suicide ; this resulted in vast improvements to employer-employee relationships and their understanding of each other. They have started to care for each other and their behaviors have started to change. Discussion : It is best when industrial medical professionals take care of workers from a psychosomatic perspective. If that cannot happen, outside resources like consultants and non medical professionals, as well as the employees themselves, have the potential to improve health by carrying out a medical anthropological approach to prevent the recurrence of suffering.

    DOI CiNii

  • 深刻さつづく原発事故被災者の精神的苦痛:帰還をめぐる苦悩とストレス


    岩波書店「世界」 臨時増刊   852   103 - 114  2014.01

  • 原子力発電所事故による県外非難に伴う近隣関係の希薄化:埼玉県における原発避難者大規模アンケート調査をもとに

    増田和高, 辻内琢也, 山口摩弥, 永友春華, 南雲四季子, 粟野早貴, 山下奏, 猪股正

    厚生の指標   60 ( 8 ) 9 - 16  2013.08


  • 医療人類学はいかに臨床に貢献できるか?:糖尿病臨床を事例に

    辻内琢也, 杉本正毅, 濱雄亮, 浮ヶ谷幸代, 鈴木勝己

    文化人類学研究   13   56 - 75  2012.12


  • 原発避難者への官民協同支援体制の構築:埼玉県を事例に

    辻内琢也, 増田和高, 千田瑛子, 永友春華, 伊藤康文, 中上綾子, 鈴木勝己, 猪股正

    日本心療内科学会誌   16 ( 4 ) 261 - 268  2012.11

  • 原発事故避難者の深い精神的苦痛:緊急に求められる社会的ケア


    岩波書店「世界」   835 ( 835 ) 51 - 60  2012.10


  • メタボリックシンドローム言説の社会的危険性[第1報]:批判的医療人類学の観点から見た診断基準をめぐる医学的課題


    心身医学   52 ( 10 ) 918 - 926  2012.10

     View Summary

    The term "metabolic syndrome" is one of the worldwide concepts in order to prevent various life-style related diseases, and it is utilized for national health programs in Japan. However, many problems and confusion are argued in clinical and health fields. This study aims to clarify social risks of the discourse of metabolic syndrome from the viewpoint of critical medical anthropology. Problems in the medical dimension are discussed in the 1st report, and problems in social dimension are in the 2nd report. In the process of making diagnostic criteria of metabolic syndrome in Japan, a committee was organized by eight Japanese societies of internal medicine such as Japan Atherosclerosis Society and Japan Society for the Study of Obesity. The committee held several meetings in 2005, but it continued only for one year and therefore it did not appear that enough discussions were conducted to make reasonable consensus. After these meetings, several issues that indicated problems of the Japanese criteria of metabolic syndrome were published by members of this committee. The summary of concerns regarding the metabolic syndrome is as follows. 1) It was not clarified that the diagnostic criteria of the metabolic syndrome is more valuable than that of the sum of its parts ; obesity, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, and hyperglycemia in order to prevent cardiovascular disease in clinical medicine. 2) There is no statistical evidence in the scale of waist measurement in Japanese diagnostic criteria. 3) When those criteria are used in national health services, economic benefit and loss must be evaluated precisely. Is it really possible to prevent cardiovascular disease and reduce the mortality from cardiovascular disease? Is it possible to reduce governmental medical expenditure? In this study, the medical dimension of social risks about the discourse of metabolic syndrome is discussed. There remain a lot of problems that must be resolved in order to achieve the well-being of Japanese citizens.

    DOI CiNii

  • メタボリックシンドローム言説の社会的危険性[第2報]:批判的医療人類学による社会反応の分析


    心身医学   52 ( 10 ) 927 - 936  2012.10

  • 原発事故避難者の心理・社会的健康:埼玉県における調査から

    辻内琢也, 山口摩弥, 増田和高, 永友春華, 山下奏, 南雲四季子, 粟野早貴, 伊藤康文, 鈴木勝己, 加瀬裕子, 熊野宏昭, 猪股正

    Depression Frontier   10 ( 2 ) 21 - 31  2012.10

  • 原発避難者への長期的支援を考える:福島県双葉町教育委員会アンケート分析結果および被災者の行動記録より

    辻内琢也, 増田和高, 永友春華, 千田瑛子, 山下奏, 山口摩弥, 南雲四季子, 粟野早貴, 伊藤康文, 中上綾子, 鈴木勝己, 佐藤純俊, 井戸川克隆

    人間科学研究   25 ( 2 ) 273 - 284  2012.09


  • 「病い」と「障害」の狭間から:電磁波過敏症の医療人類学的研究

    伊藤康文, 鈴木勝己, 辻内琢也

    人間科学研究   25 ( 2 ) 205 - 220  2012.09


  • EEG source imaging during two Qigong meditations.

    Pascal L. Faber, Dietrich Lehmann, Shisei Tei, Takuya Tsujiuchi, Hiroaki Kumano, Roberto D. Pascual-Marqui, Kieko Kochi

    Cogn. Process.   13 ( 3 ) 255 - 265  2012



  • ナラティブ・アプローチの危うさ

    辻内琢也, 中上綾子, 鈴木勝己

    緩和ケア   21 ( 3 ) 266 - 271  2011.05


  • 『代替医療のトリック』を受け入れられないこれだけの理由;シャム鍼、RCT、プラセボ、EBM、病の概念からの考察

    辻内琢也, 津嘉山洋, 川喜多健司, 小川卓良

    医道の日本   808 ( 1 ) 23 - 39  2011.01


  • Meditators and non-meditators: EEG source imaging during resting.

    Shisei Tei, Pascal L Faber, Dietrich Lehmann, Takuya Tsujiuchi, Hiroaki Kumano, Roberto D Pascual-Marqui, Lorena R R Gianotti, Kieko Kochi

    Brain topography   22 ( 3 ) 158 - 65  2009.11  [International journal]

     View Summary

    Many meditation exercises aim at increased awareness of ongoing experiences through sustained attention and at detachment, i.e., non-engaging observation of these ongoing experiences by the intent not to analyze, judge or expect anything. Long-term meditation practice is believed to generalize the ability of increased awareness and greater detachment into everyday life. We hypothesized that neuroplasticity effects of meditation (correlates of increased awareness and detachment) would be detectable in a no-task resting state. EEG recorded during resting was compared between Qigong meditators and controls. Using LORETA (low resolution electromagnetic tomography) to compute the intracerebral source locations, differences in brain activations between groups were found in the inhibitory delta EEG frequency band. In the meditators, appraisal systems were inhibited, while brain areas involved in the detection and integration of internal and external sensory information showed increased activation. This suggests that neuroplasticity effects of long-term meditation practice, subjectively described as increased awareness and greater detachment, are carried over into non-meditating states.

    DOI PubMed


  • 医療人類学から見た補完代替医療の世界;ナラティブ・ベイスト・メディスンへの期待

    辻内琢也, 中上綾子, 谷口礼

    病院   68 ( 11 ) 919 - 923  2009.11


  • Meditators and non-meditators: EEG source imaging during resting.

    Shisei Tei, Pascal L Faber, Dietrich Lehmann, Takuya Tsujiuchi, Hiroaki Kumano, Roberto D Pascual-Marqui, Lorena R R Gianotti, Kieko Kochi

    Brain topography   22 ( 3 ) 158 - 65  2009.11  [Refereed]  [International journal]

     View Summary

    Many meditation exercises aim at increased awareness of ongoing experiences through sustained attention and at detachment, i.e., non-engaging observation of these ongoing experiences by the intent not to analyze, judge or expect anything. Long-term meditation practice is believed to generalize the ability of increased awareness and greater detachment into everyday life. We hypothesized that neuroplasticity effects of meditation (correlates of increased awareness and detachment) would be detectable in a no-task resting state. EEG recorded during resting was compared between Qigong meditators and controls. Using LORETA (low resolution electromagnetic tomography) to compute the intracerebral source locations, differences in brain activations between groups were found in the inhibitory delta EEG frequency band. In the meditators, appraisal systems were inhibited, while brain areas involved in the detection and integration of internal and external sensory information showed increased activation. This suggests that neuroplasticity effects of long-term meditation practice, subjectively described as increased awareness and greater detachment, are carried over into non-meditating states.

    DOI PubMed


  • [Functional somatic syndromes from the view of cultural anthropology].

    Ayako Nakagami, Takuya Tsujiuchi

    Nihon rinsho. Japanese journal of clinical medicine   67 ( 9 ) 1683 - 8  2009.09  [Domestic journal]

     View Summary

    The functional somatic syndromes have acquired major socio-cultural and political dimensions. Socio-cultural factors clearly affect symptoms, suffering, and disability perception and reporting. And knowledge of explanatory models of bodily distress for patients from different cultural backgrounds is useful in the establishment of a stable doctor -patient relationship. FSS may be an operational category to bridge between medical explanatory model and patient's model. According to medical anthropology, sickness has two faces; illness and disease. "Disease" is the problem from the practitioner's perspective, and "illness" is the human experience of symptoms and suffering. In this paper, the anthropological research on chronic fatigue syndrome as "not real" illness experience was described.

    PubMed CiNii

  • 不同&#20859;生功法&#23545;2型糖尿病患者生存&#36136;量及糖代&#35874;的影&#21709;

    容瑞, 王芳, 倪青, 石井康智, 辻内琢也, 越川房子, 岸太一, 木晶夫

    Beijing Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine   2009 ( 1 ) 9 - 12  2009

  • 不同养生功法对2型糖尿病患者生存质量及糖代谢的影响

    林颖娜, 汪卫东, 张容瑞, 王芳, 洪兰, 赵阳, 倪青, 石井康智, 辻内琢也, 越川房子, 岸太一, 春木丰, 铃木晶夫

    北京中医药 Beijing Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine   2009 ( 1 ) 9 - 12  2009

  • 即興音楽療法


    地球人(ビイング・ネット・プレス社)   10   26 - 31  2007.06

  • 物語りに基づく医療(Narrative-Based Medicine)の発展可能性に向けた医療人類学の取り組み:証言に基づく医療の事例紹介

    鈴木勝己, 辻内琢也, 辻内優子, 熊野宏昭, 久保木富房

    心身医学   47 ( 3 ) 185 - 191  2007.03

     View Summary

    Objectives: The purpose of this report is to show a key concept of Narrative-Based Medicine (NBM) through qualitative analysis of interactions between the patient, a doctor and a third person. We will now need to consider a plasticity of illness narratives more closely to understand this interactive relationship. Subjects and method: Illness narratives were collected from 20 outpatients at a clinic in Tokyo. From March 2000 to August 2000, we conducted non-structured interviews intensively to examine illness narratives. The subjects of this study were 5 patients who were placed in the 3rd stage of the Four-stage model (Table 1). This study adopted the qualitative research method from an anthropological point of view because it was necessary to mention the influence of researchers upon their subjects. Results: It has been recognized by our research that there is a process to refine illness narrative (Fig. 1). In the 3rd stage of the Four-stage model, patients become an expert of illness experience while medical doctors remain as a specialist of disease. Furthermore, we examined a key concept in NBM. We found that there are 3 aspects of witness in the 3rd stage (Fig. 2); (I) illness narratives of witness, (II) medical doctor as a witness person for their illness narratives, (III) researcher or family member as a second witness person for doctor-patient relationship. Conclusion: We found that each interaction among 3 aspects could be considered indispensable in order to conduct NBM effectively. It is sure that to witness a patient's daily life is one of the most important elements in NBM. Therefore, we named the interaction among 3 aspects Witness-Based Medicine.

    DOI CiNii

  • Trial of Multiple Approaches for the Healing Heart &#8211; Abridge to Future Medicine by Spiritual Healing

    Oku T, Wesa K, Tsujiuchi T

    J. Intl. Soc. Life Info. Sci   25 ( 1 ) 164 - 167  2007

  • 心身医学研究における医療人類学の貢献

    辻内琢也, 鈴木勝己, 辻内優子, 鄭志誠, 熊野宏昭, 久保木富房

    心身医学   46 ( 9 ) 799 - 808  2006.09

  • 心身医療における”証言に基づく医療”;文化人類学による質的研究(第2報)

    鈴木勝己, 辻内琢也, 辻内優子, 熊野宏昭, 久保木富房

    心身医学   45 ( 12 ) 907 - 914  2005.12

     View Summary

    Objectives : We argue for a key concept in "Narrative-Based Medicine" through detailed analysis of interactions in illness narratives. The purpose of this research is to illustrate that practical knowledge based on a patient's lived experience of illness has significant meanings and functions for medical treatments that advocate a holistic medical care. Subjects and method : Subjects of this research are 5 patients placed in the 3^<rd> stage of Four-stage model (1^<st> report). This research adopted the qualitative research method from an anthropological point of view, because it was necessary to mention the influence of a researcher upon subjects. An anthropological research for narrative analysis can deal with interactions among patients, a doctor and a researcher as academic agenda. Results : We examined illness narratives for clarification of a key concept in "Narrative-Based Medicine". It was clarified that illness narratives as "witness" were proving the truth of their illness experience. We found there are 3 aspects on dynamics of witness (Fig. 1); (1) illness narratives as witness of subjects in the 3^<rd> stage, (2) a medical doctor as a witness person for their illness narratives, (3) a researcher or a family member as a second witness person. We found that each interaction among these 3 aspects could be considered indispensable conditions in order to conduct medical treatments based on the dynamics of witness. Significance of illness narratives as witness lies in that subjects will be able to live together with chronic illness through interactions among these 3 aspects. Conclusion : In analysis of illness narratives in this research, it was clarified that the dynamics of witness in the above mentioned 3 aspects could generate medical phenomenon that encouraged patients to live together with chronic illness. We regarded the dynamics of witness as one of the key concepts of "Narrative-Based Medicine". Hence we named this medical phenomenon "Witness-Based Medicine".

    DOI CiNii

  • 精神的外傷を引き起こす死別の社会文化的背景への一考察;説明モデルとしてのオマーンのZonbification

    Samir Al-Adawi, 鄭志誠, 辻内琢也, 葉山玲子, 吉内一浩, 熊野宏昭, 久保木富房

    心身医学   45 ( 12 ) 933 - 941  2005.12

  • 消化器心身医療における医療人類学の貢献

    鈴木勝己, 辻内琢也

    Modern Physician(新興医学出版社)、「消化器心身医学:エビデンスとナラティブからのアプローチ!」斎藤清二編   25 ( 12 ) 1507 - 1511  2005.12


  • 補完代替医療は近代医療の問題性を克服できるか;ポストモダンの中のモダン


    現代のエスプリ(クリニカル・ガバナンス特集)、城山英明・小長谷有紀・佐藤達哉編、至文堂   458 ( 458 ) 63 - 71  2005.09


  • Estimation of Neurophysiogical Bases of Meditation Using Loreta

    Shisei Tei, Takuya Tsujiuchi, Hiroaki Kumano, I.Shibata, G.Ohyama, A.Akabayashi

    Brain Topography &#8211; Journal of Functional Neurophysiology   18 ( Fall ) 9  2005.09

  • 情報サービス業従事者における過重労働が心理・行動・身体面に及ぼす影響

    中尾睦宏, 苅田香苗, 綿谷まりこ, 矢野栄二, 森田美保子, 辻内琢也

    日本心療内科学会誌   9 ( 3 ) 31 - 35  2005.08


  • 心身医療における病いの語り;文化人類学による質的研究(第1報)

    鈴木勝己, 辻内琢也, 辻内優子, 熊野宏昭, 久保木富房

    心身医学   45 ( 6 ) 449 - 457  2005.06

     View Summary

    Objectives:This research attempts to examine illness narrative as health resource in psychosomatic medical treatment. In clinical process, illness narratives in which explanatory models are implicated show considerable plasticity reflecting doctor-patient relationships. We argue for relevance of Narrative-Based Medicine, through detailed analysis of this plasticity in illness narratives. Subjects and Method:Illness narratives were collected from 20 outpatients at a clinic in Tokyo. From March 2000 to August 2000, we conducted non-structured interview in order to examine illness narratives qualitatively from an anthropological point of view. Results:We found that these illness narratives should be considered as health resources for every patient to cope with various stress-factors in their daily life. We hypothesized four-stage model of clinical process according to the observation on transition of doctor-patient relationship and changing contents of a patient's illness narratives. At the beginning of illness symptom, all patients suffer deeply from not being able to express their mind-body discrepancy verbally. At the first stage, they visit medical facility to seek an orthodox explanatory model of medical science. In the second stage, they begin to ask personal explanatory model of the doctor in charge. Finally, they become able to narrate their illness experience fluently, since they have developed a definition of their health conditions while maintaining mind-body discrepancy in certain degree. In the third stage, patients become an expert of "illness experience", while medical doctors remain as a specialist of "disease". Conclusion:It is clear that to continue narrating illness experience has important meaning and function for a patient's health care. In the third stage, some patients become enable to narrate their feelings and sensations particular to their bodily experience. At the same time, medical doctor respects their knowledge of bodily experience and shows proper attitude as audience in their illness narrative.

    DOI CiNii

  • 医療文化人類学からみたうつと自殺の背景について


    ACCESS No.113   20 ( 2 ) 26 - 28  2005.04

  • 民族セクター医療を利用する患者の社会文化的背景:医療人類学的視点による質的研究

    辻内琢也, 鈴木勝己, 辻内優子, 熊野宏昭, 久保木富房

    心身医学   45 ( 1 ) 54 - 62  2005.01

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    Medical anthropology is one of the branches of social and cultural anthropology, and it investigates the relationship between socio-cultural system and health and/or illness. The objective of this study is to clarify socio-cultural background of the clients in folk sector medicine in Japan, using qualitative research by medical anthropology method. Explanatory model which Kleinman A. defines as 'the notions about an episode of sickness and its treatment that are employed by all those engaged in the clinical process' was extracted and analyzed from each clients' illness story. The subjects are the clients of one folk sector healer who practice Oriental medicine, Buddhist medicine and Splritualism method. Semi-structured interview and free writing questionnaire were carried out. Characteristic state of diseases easy to use folk sector medicine was evaluated ; the mortal diseases such as cancer for which orthodox medicine has no effective treatments, and the chronic diseases that cannot be controlled completely by orthodox medicine, such as chronic pain and allergic diseases. Characteristic pattern of illness behavior to use folk sector mediclne was also evaluated. The first (75%) : those who use both folk and professional sector medicine. The second (25%) : those who use only folk sector medicine after finding professional sector medicine unsatisfactory. Diverse ideas that regarding life and death were identified by the clients who consult even the same healer. In the illness story, it was founded that each client subjectively selected suitable sector of medicine from the wide range of pluralistic health care systems based on their own sense of values and life stories. By this study, the importance of narrative based medicine (NBM) was indicated.

    DOI CiNii

  • ケアとオルタナティブ・メディスン(第6回:ケアをめぐる交話)

    辻内琢也, 広井良典

    看護学雑誌   68 ( 6 ) 590 - 595  2004.06


  • 気功法


    からだの科学   236   48 - 53  2004.03

  • 時代の処方箋としての「呪」


    Mind-Body Science、人体科学会   14 ( 14 ) 13 - 15  2004.03


  • 健康おたくVSホリスティックな患者


    「地球人」、帯津良一編、ビイング・ネット・プレス社   2号   8 - 11  2004.02

  • シックハウス症候群;心身医学の見地から

    辻内優子, 斎藤麻里子, 熊野宏昭, 辻内琢也, 久保木富房

    アレルギー・免疫   10 ( 12 ) 36 - 42  2003.12

  • スピリチュアリティを語る姿勢


    「地球人」、帯津良一編、ビイング・ネット・プレス社   1号   38 - 41  2003.11

  • 私と音楽療法:ピアノによる即興演奏


    日本心療内科学会誌   7 ( 3 ) 187 - 191  2003.03

  • 大学病院心療内科の心身医療におけるEBM

    熊野宏昭, 菊池裕絵, 宮坂菜穂子, 吉内一浩, 辻内琢也, 佐々木直, 久保木富房

    日本心療内科学会誌   7 ( 3 ) 149 - 155  2003

  • 化学物質過敏症における心身医学的検討

    辻内優子, 熊野宏昭, 吉内一浩, 辻内琢也, 中尾睦広, 久保木富房

    心身医学   42 ( 3 ) 205 - 216  2002.03

     View Summary

    The multiple chemical sensitivities (MCS), a concept advocated by Cullen (1987), refers to a syndrome induced after low-dose but continuous exposure or high-dose and one-time exposure to various chemicals. The concept of MCS is not yet generally accepted and there is much debate even on the name of the syndrome. The objective of this study is to clarify the relationship between stress-related factors and MCS from psychosomatic perspectives. Subjects : We surveyed 18 patients with MCS (male; n=7,female; n=11,) and 35 controls (male;n=7,female; n=28) to investigate the effects of stress-related factors on MCS. The patients were diagnosed as having MCS in the Clinical Environmental Center of the Kitasato Institute Hospital. We recruited controls through an advertisement on a family magazine, who are healthy persons aged 20-70 without medication, and not diagnosed as having sick-building syndrome in spite of having moved to a new house or a reformed house during the past three years. Fulfilling these requirements, the controls were considered not suffering from MCS under continuous exposure to low-dose chemicals. Measurements : All subjects underwent the life health questionnaire (LHQ) which evaluates life events, daily hassles, social support, stress coping, smoking and drinking habit, physical, mental and behavioral stress responses. They were also examined for the following tests : The Cornell Medical Index-health questionnaire (CMI) for physical and psychiatric subjective symptoms, the Profile of Mood States (POMS), the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire-Revised (EPQ-R), the Twenty-Item Toronto Alexithymia Scale-Revised (TAS-20R), the Somatosensory Amplitude Scale (SSAS) and the Tri-Axial Coping Scale (TAC-24). They were also examined for the heart rate variability as the function of autonomic nervous system. In order to diagnose psychiatric comobidity, one psychosomatic doctor interviewed all of them by using the Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview and the items of somatoform disorders extracted from the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV. Results : The scores of life events during the past one year and the present stress scores of patients were significantly higher than those of controls. However, there was no Significant difference recognized in specific personality trend or stress-coping style. A remarkable difference was noted in the volume of smoking and alcohol drinking in the past One month. No patients had smoked at all and few patients had drunk alcohol. After occurrence of MCS, the patients felt various physical and psychological symptoms. The rate of psychiatric comobidity of patients was 83%, while 11% of controls. The details of psychiatric diagnoses on the patients were Somatoform Disorders (67%), Mood Disorders (61%), Anxiety Disorders (50%) and so on. As for the heart rate variability as the function of autonomic nervous system, there was no difference between patients and controls. Conclusion : Psychological stress may promote the occurrence of MCS, but there was no distinctive psychological or behavioral profile of patients except that they smoked or dranked less. And MCS patients had many psychiatric comobidities.

    DOI CiNii

  • The Effect of Qi-gong Relaxation Exercise on the Control of Type2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Randomized Controlled Trial(2型糖尿病コントロールにおける気功リラクセーション運動の効果:無作為化臨床介入試験)

    Takuya Tsujiuchi, Hiroaki Kumano, Kazuhiro Yoshiuchi

    Diabetes Care   25 ( 1 ) 241 - 242  2002.02

    DOI CiNii


  • The effect of Qi-gong relaxation exercise on the control of type 2 diabetes mellitus: a randomized controlled trial.

    Takuya Tsujiuchi, Hiroaki Kumano, Kazuhiro Yoshiuchi, DeGuang He, Yuko Tsujiuchi, Tomifusa Kuboki, Hiroyuki Suematsu, Koichi Hirao

    Diabetes care   25 ( 1 ) 241 - 2  2002.01  [International journal]


  • 心療内科領域における「気功」の可能性


    心療内科,「特集:東洋医学と心療内科」   5 ( 6 ) 387 - 393  2001.11

  • チベット医学と心療内科

    辻内琢也, 大塚晃志郎

    オルタナティブ・メディスン   14 ( 4 ) 56 - 60  2000

  • 文化人類学と心身医学

    辻内琢也, 河野友信

    心身医学   39 ( 8 ) 585 - 593  1999.08

    DOI CiNii

  • チベット医学とストレス


    至文堂、現代のエスプリ別冊・現代のストレス・シリーズⅣ(ストレス研究と臨床の軌跡と展望)     225 - 233  1999

  • 特発性大腿骨頭壊死を合併した神経性食欲不振症の1例

    森村優子, 山中学, 鶴ケ野しのぶ, 辻内琢也, 吉内一浩, 佐々木直, 野村忍, 久保木富房

    心療内科   1 ( 1 ) 76 - 80  1997

  • 第2章 緊急事態の中での医療と福祉;4.メンタル・ケアをめぐってⅡ、阪神大震災・医療ボランティア活動報告、本田徹編


    SHARE=国際保健市民の会発行     35 - 37  1996.03

  • 阪神淡路大震災におけるストレスと漢方治療


    日本東洋心身医学研究   11 ( 1/2 ) 63 - 71  1996

  • 阪神淡路大震災における心身医学的諸問題(Ⅰ);PTSDの諸症状と心理的ストレス反応を中心として

    坂野雄二, 嶋田洋徳, 辻内琢也, 伊藤克人, 赤林朗, 吉内一浩, 野村忍, 久保木富房, 末松弘行

    心身医学   36 ( 8 ) 649 - 656  1996

     View Summary

    The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effects of the Great Hanshin Earthquake in January 1995 on the onset of symptoms of the Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and psychological stress responses systematically. Three to four months after the quake, one hundred twenty eight earthquake victims (males : n-62,Age : Mean : =34.89±12.51,Min.=18,Max.=73; females : n=66,Age : Mean=29.56±11.42,Min.= 19,Max.= 62) were requested to complete a questionnaire, which consists of items from DSM-IV diagnostic criteria for PTSD and Psychological Stress Response Scale (PSRS-18). The rate of. prevalence of PTSD was 12.90% for males, 9.09% for females, and 10.94% for total subjects, suggesting that the prevalence rate of PTSD is almost same as one described in DSM-IV. Victims showed symptoms included DSM-IV criteria category B (persistent reexperience of traumatic events) most frequently (92.97%), followed by category D symptoms (persistent increased arousal : 54.69%), category F symptoms (distress or impairment of social and occupational functioning : 28-91%), and category C symptoms (persistent avoidance of trigger and numbing of responsiveness : 25.00%). Among category B symptoms, 82.03% of victims showed intense psychological distress at exposure to triggers, 69.53% of them showed recurrent and intrusive recollections of the traumatic event and acting or feeling as if the traumatic event were recurring, whereas only 15.63% of victims showed psychological reactivity on exposure to triggers. Among category C symptoms, efforts to avoid activities., places, or people that arouse recollections of the trauma was found in 69.53% of victims and sense of foreshortened future was found in 37.50% of victims. As there were no differences in the occurrence of category D symptoms, 35% to 50% of victims showed each symptom. Regarding to the results of PSRS-18,comparison of PSRS-18 scores between victims and the normative data revealed that victims showed significantly higher scores in all subscales : Depressive-anxious mood, Irritability and anger, and Helplessness. No significant gender difference was found. Further analysis of PSRS-18 scores revealed that victims with PTSD symptoms showed significantly more psychological stress responses than victims without PTSD symptoms in all subscales. These results were discussed with reference to past research data on PTSD caused by quake disaster. The importance of social support system to reduce psychological stress responses and some implications for the intervention of PTSD were discussed.

    DOI CiNii

  • 阪神淡路大震災における心身医学的諸問題(Ⅱ);身体的ストレス反応を中心に(本論文にて、96年度日本心身医学会「石川記念賞」を受賞)

    辻内琢也, 吉内一浩, 嶋田洋徳, 伊藤克人, 赤林朗, 熊野宏昭, 野村忍, 久保木富房, 坂野雄二, 末松弘行

    心身医学   36 ( 8 ) 657 - 665  1996

     View Summary

    This study systematically evaluated the psychosomatic reactions, especially physical symptoms of the victims living in the temporary shelters after the Great Hanshin Earthquake in January 1995. There are not so many studies which describe the somatic symptoms of victims in detail and reveal the results of blood pressure measurement after a natural disaster. As there has been no research which excludes the confounding factors in order to evaluate the effects of damages, it is a distinctive feature of this study that the multiple logistic regression analysis was performed in it. Physical and mental conditions of eighty victims (mean age=47.2±19.3; males : n=27,females : n= 53) were examined one month after the quake. Subjects were also requested to administer a checklist of psychosomatic symptoms which consisted of DSM-IV diagnostic criteria for ASD and PTSD. Blood pressure of about two hundred victims was measured both two and five weeks after the quake. Subjects of two weeks after the quake were 191 victims (mean age=58.4±13.1; males : n=68,females : n=123), and five weeks after the quake were 217 victims (mean age=60.1±12.1; males : n=77,females : n=140). Victims showed significantly more physical symptoms of insomnia, easy fatigue, anorexia, headache, palpitation, chest pain than non-victims as a control group. It was also found that three factors of victims, i.e. morbidity of chronic disease, death of close relatives, and complete destruction of houses had influence upon prevalence of psychosomatic symptoms. More symptoms of common cold, anorexia, easy fatigue, depressive feeling were found in victims with chronic diseases. Victims whose close relatives were killed by the quake showed significantly more symptoms of easy fatigue and less symptoms of common cold and anorexia. Victims whose houses were completely destroyed showed more symptoms of insomnia and depressive feeling. Forty-one to forty-six percent of victims who had not suffered from hypertension before the quake showed hypertensive status. Therefore, neurological, cardiovascular, and general symptoms were the most common reactions after exposure to the stressors due to disaster. Furthermore, these symptoms were affected by the severity of the damages in the disaster. These results suggest that somatic symptoms are important components of the reaction after a natural disaster. They also suggest the importance of proper care from both physical and mental perspectives, i.e. psychosomatic or holistic perspective.

    DOI CiNii

  • 桂枝加芍薬湯とアローゼンの併用が有効であった過敏性腸症候群の1例


    漢方診療   14 ( 2 ) 5  1995

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Books and Other Publications

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  • Care for People using HIV Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP): Ethnographic Qualitative Research in Sexual Health Clinics

    Mayumi Shudo, Katsumi Suzuki, Takuya Tsujiuchi

    26th East Asia Forum of Nursing Scholars Secretariat 

    Presentation date: 2023.03

  • 福島原発事故首都圏被害者に持続する甚大な精神的被害―人間科学的実証研究から

    辻内琢也, 金智慧, 岩垣穂大, 増田和高, 平田修三, 日高友郎, 扇原淳, 小島隆矢, 桂川泰典, 熊野宏昭


    Presentation date: 2021.11

    Event date:
  • Long time psychological distress affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake after four years

    Yoko Tsuchiya, Takuya Tsujiuchi, Takahiro Iwagaki, Atsushi Ogiwara

    14th European Public Health Conference 2021 Virtual Event (Online) 

    Presentation date: 2021.11

    Event date:
  • Women’s vulnerability affected by tsunami of the Great East Japan Earthquake after Four Years - Focusing on psychological aspect of women

    Yoko Tsuchiya, Takuya Tsujiuchi

    2021 American Pubic Health Association Annual Meeting & Expo. (Online) 

    Presentation date: 2021.10

    Event date:
  • Survivor's Guilt Among People Affected By Tsunami of the Great East Japan Earthquake after Four Years

    Yoko Tsuchiya, Takuya Tsujiuchi, Takahiro Iwagaki, Ryuhei Mochida, Noriko Ishikawa, Taisuke Katsuragawa, Kazutaka Masuda, Tsutomu Taga, Takaya Kojima, Atsushi Ogihara, Koichi Negayama, Hiroaki Kumano

    IV ISA Forum of Sociology, International Society of Sociology, Porto Alegre, Brazil 

    Presentation date: 2021.02

    Event date:
  • Difficulties in Life affected by Job Lost after the Great East Japan Earthquake

    Yoko Tsuchiya, Takuya Tsujiuchi, Takahiro Iwagaki, Atsushi Ogiwara

    12th European Public Health Conference, (EUPHA) Marseille, France 

    Presentation date: 2019.11

    Event date:
  • 復興と生活者の声~震災経験の意味を考究することは被災者支援にどのようにつながるか?~

    増田和高, 辻内琢也, 金智慧  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2019.11

  • 壮絶な原発事故体験を聞き取ることの意義:現場の質感を記述する新たな試み

    辻内琢也, 金智慧, 増田和高  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2019.09

    Event date:
  • Difficulties in Life: Four Years after the Great East Japan Earthquake - Focusing on a keyword of “suicide” by quality analysis

    Yoko Tsuchiya, Takuya Tsujiuchi, Takahiro Iwagaki, Ryuhei Mochida, Noriko Ishikawa, Taisuke Katsuragawa, Kazutaka Masuda

    The Inaugural Congress of East Asian Sociological Association (EAST) 

    Presentation date: 2019.05

    Event date:
  • Difficulties in Life: Four Years after the Great East Japan Earthquake

    Yoko Tsuchiya, Takuya Tsujiuchi, Takahiro Iwagaki, Ryuhei Mochida, Noriko Ishikawa, Taisuke Katsuragawa, Kazutaka Masuda, Tsutomu Taga, Takaya Kojima, Atsushi Ogihara, Koichi Negayama, Hiroaki Kumano

    European Public Health Conference, Ljubljana 

    Presentation date: 2018.11

  • Difficulties in Life: Four Years after the Great East Japan Earthquake, Focusing on Elderly Population 65 Years and Older

    Yoko Tsuchiya, Takuya Tsujiuchi, Takahiro Iwagaki, Ryuhei Mochida, Noriko Ishikawa, Taisuke Katsuragawa, Kazutaka Masuda, Tsutomu Taga, Takaya Kojima, Atsushi Ogihara, Koichi Negayama, Hiroaki Kumano

    第77回日本公衆衛生学会総会(English Session示説発表). 

    Presentation date: 2018.10

  • 老いの医療人類学からみたフィールド医学の意義〔シンポジウム2:心身医学とフィールド医学-生態学的視点から健康長寿を探る〕

    辻内琢也  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2018.06

  • Factors Associated with Mothers not Vaccinating their Children against Mumps in Japan

    Yoko Tsuchiya, Takuya Tsujiuchi

    4th Annual Global Health Conference, Kaohsiung, Taiwan 

    Presentation date: 2016.11

    Event date:
  • 原発事故広域避難者へのガジュマル的支援の構築<第2報>;医療・心理・福祉・法律のゆるやかなネットワーク

    辻内琢也, 増田和高


    Presentation date: 2015.09

  • 原発事故被害者にみられる高い外傷後ストレス症状;トラウマとソーシャル・バイオレンス

    辻内琢也, 増田和高, 岩垣穂大, 赤野大和, 福田千加子, 山口摩弥, 扇原淳, 熊野宏昭


    Presentation date: 2015.06

  • 原発事故広域避難者へのガジュマル的支援の構築;医療・心理・福祉・法律のゆるやかなネットワーク

    辻内琢也, 増田和高

    日本社会福祉学会第62回秋季大会  (東京) 

    Presentation date: 2014.11

  • 原発事故被災者の外傷後ストレス症状:社会的ケアの必要性



    Presentation date: 2014.06

  • The first huge domestic and development refugees in Japan: social suffering out of Fukushima

    Takuya Tsujiuchi, Yasushi Kikuchi, Marisa Tsuchida

    International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences 2014,Chiba JAPAN 

    Presentation date: 2014.05

  • 「電磁波過敏症」の総合人間科学的解明[第1報]:病いの語りから「回復のプロセス」を探る



    Presentation date: 2012.06

  • 原発避難者の“喪失と再生”の語りから学ぶ

    辻内琢也, 永友春華, 伊藤康文, 中上綾子, 菊地真実, 鈴木勝己, 熊野宏昭


    Presentation date: 2012.05

  • 医療人類学はいかに臨床に貢献できるか?:糖尿病臨床を事例に

    辻内琢也, 杉本正毅, 濱雄亮, 浮ヶ谷幸代, 鈴木勝己


    Presentation date: 2012.01

  • Narrative Based Medicine as a Cultural Relativism in Medical Professionals and Patients Relationships

    Takuya Tsujiuchi  [Invited]

    TheⅡWorkshop on Medical Anthropology (Rielo Institute for Integral Development &amp; Institute of Medical Anthropology Waseda University),Rome ITALY 

    Presentation date: 2011.10

  • メタボリックシンドローム言説の危険性;肥満介入への医療人類学的提言

    辻内琢也  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2011.06

  • 線維筋痛症に対峙する医師達の苦悩:医療人類学の観点から

    辻内琢也, 中上綾子, 鈴木勝己, 辻内優子, 村上正人


    Presentation date: 2010.11

  • 慢性疼痛の医療人類学

    辻内琢也, 中上綾子  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2010.11

  • スピリチュアリティの医療化問題:補完代替医療領域の医療人類学調査から

    辻内琢也, 谷口礼, 中上綾子, 前田未加子, 佐野文哉, 古関光浩, 辻内優子, 鈴木勝己


    Presentation date: 2010.06

  • メタボリックシンドローム言説の抱える問題性:批判的医療人類学の知見から学ぶ



    Presentation date: 2009.06

  • スピリチュアリティへの医療職の関わり



    Presentation date: 2006.02

  • Medical Anthropology Contributes to Psychosomatic Research

    Takuya Tsujiuchi

    18th World Congress on Psychosomatic Medicine in Kobe 

    Presentation date: 2005.08

  • 補完代替医療をめぐる<つながり>:病いの経験を通じたつながりの再構築



    Presentation date: 2005.05

  • 日常生活の中の物語:alternative optionsの視点から

    湧井幸子, 荒川歩, 辻内琢也, 村上幸史, 伊藤哲司, 溝口元


    Presentation date: 2005.03

  • ボトムアップ人間関係論の構築

    辻内琢也  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2004.09

  • 日本の補完代替医療の現状に関する質的研究;ポストモダン医療におけるモダン

    辻内琢也, 鈴木勝己, 辻内優子, 熊野宏昭, 久保木富房


    Presentation date: 2004.06

  • 民俗セクター医療を利用する患者の社会文化的背景



    Presentation date: 2003.05

  • 私と音楽療法—ピアノによる即興演奏



    Presentation date: 2003.01

  • 民俗セクター医療に関する心身医学的・医療人類学的研究



    Presentation date: 2002.05

  • 心療内科患者における説明モデル(explanatory model)の構築:医療人類学的考察



    Presentation date: 2001.05

  • The Effect of Qi-gong Exercise on the Control of Diabetes Mellitus

    Takuya Tsujiuchi, He D.G, Hiroaki Kumano, Koichi Yoshiuchi, Yuko Morimura, Tomifusa Kuboki, Kinoshita T, Koichi Hirao

    The 10th International Congress of Oriental Medicine,Tokyo Japan 

    Presentation date: 1999.05

  • 糖尿病患者に対する気功教室の効果(第2報):患者の身体・心理特性とHbA1cの変化


    Presentation date: 1999.05

  • 糖尿病患者に対する気功指導の効果に関する研究<第3報>



    Presentation date: 1998.06

  • Psychosomatic Problem After The Great Hanshin Earthquake In January 1995

    Takuya Tsujiuchi, Kazuhiro Yoshiuchi, Hiroaki Kumano, Yuko Morimura, Shinobu Tsurugano, Gaku Yamanaka, Katsuto Ito, Akira Akabayashi, Sakai T, Shinobu Nomura, Hironori Shimada, Yujiro Sakano, Tomifusa Kuboki, Hiroyuki Suematsu

    14th World Congress on Psychosomatic Medicine,Cairns Australia 

    Presentation date: 1997.09

  • 糖尿病患者に対する気功指導の効果に関する研究;<第1報>身体的指標の客観的評価

    賀徳廣, 辻内琢也, 吉内一浩, 森村優子, 山中学, 西川将巳, 鶴ケ野しのぶ, 堀江はるみ, 大林正博, 熊野宏昭, 佐々木直, 野村忍, 末松弘行, 久保木富房, 神里昌子, 平尾紘一


    Presentation date: 1997.05

  • 糖尿病患者に対する気功指導の効果に関する研究;<第2報>心理的指標の客観的評価



    Presentation date: 1997.05

  • 阪神淡路大震災におけるストレスと漢方による治療経験



    Presentation date: 1996.11

  • 橋出血・橋梗塞後に観察されたパニック発作2例の検討



    Presentation date: 1996.06

  • 阪神大震災におけるストレスと漢方治療


    Presentation date: 1996.02

  • 体重減少期に分裂病様症状を呈した神経性食欲不振症の1例

    辻内琢也, 大林正博, 田辺文夫, 西川将巳, 野村忍, 久保木富房, 末松弘行


    Presentation date: 1995.11

  • 体重減少期に分裂病様症状を呈した神経性食欲不振症の一例



    Presentation date: 1995.11

  • 災害と行動障害;震災後のストレス性障害と阪神大震災における心身医学的問題

    坂野雄二, 辻内琢也  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 1995.06

  • Felty症候群の1例



    Presentation date: 1993.02

  • 経時的にG-CSFを測定した慢性好中球性白血病の1例

    辻内琢也, 林達之, 野中泰延


    Presentation date: 1992.11

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Research Projects

  • 原発事故被災者の移住・帰還・避難継続における新たな居住福祉に関する人間科学的研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    辻内 琢也, 扇原 淳, 桂川 泰典, 小島 隆矢, 金 智慧, 平田 修三, 多賀 努, 増田 和高, 岩垣 穂大, 日高 友郎, 明戸 隆浩, 根ケ山 光一

     View Summary

    (3)研究成果物としての書籍を出版。辻内琢也/トム・ギル(編著)『福島原発事故被災者 苦難と希望の人類学―分断と対立を乗り越えるために』(明石書店,2022)。ネット書評「じんぶん堂」10月26日に掲載。島薗進(東京大学名誉教授・上智大学グリーフケア研究所)「原発災害が生み出した分断の深みと、それを越えていく歩みを描く」
    (4)出版記念国際シンポジウム:復興の人間科学2022『Anthropology of Tribulation and Hope from FUKUSHIMA』を開催した。米国コルゲート大学教養部客員准教授アレキサンドル・スクリャール氏を招聘した。

  • Interdisciplinary Efforts to Build the Comprehensive Housing Welfare Remedy Framework for Radiation and Other Accumulative Disaster Damage in the 21st Century

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • Compensation Scheme for East Japan Earthquake Radiation and Tsunami Victims' Living Welfare and their Community-Building Challenges: Interdisciplinary Discussions

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Yoshida Kunihiko

     View Summary

    With regard to the TEPCO radiation disaster, the issue of ‘voluntary evacuees’ and economic loss problems have been considered and publicized. We have also examined the related cases with attorneys at the workshops of Japan Environmental Council and have realized that there has been some disparity between our achievement and the actual case decisions. Relatedly, first, the radiation damage due to the atomic bomb testing in the Pacific Ocean and its remedies have been surveyed as a comparative study. Second, the joint epidemiological study has started in Minamata Disease cases, focusing on the causation issues, and continues to its sequel research, starting from the empirical studies. Third, the recent cases regarding the abandoned chemical gas bombings in China have been analyzed with some fieldwork in Qiqihar.
    The interdisciplinary analysis of the psychological trauma due to the broken communities in the disaster area is still weak and it might be the agenda of the sequel project.

  • Establishment of Social Care model of Fukushima Nuclear Disaster Preventing Disaster Relative Death and Suicide

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



     View Summary

    This study analyses the socio-psychological impacts on victims of the Fukushima nuclear disaster and establishes the social care model. As the result of the Great East Japan Earthquake on 11 March 2011, the meltdown of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant occurred with the subsequent distribution of radioactive substances. We performed large scale quantitative questionnaire survey every year after the disaster, also performed interview and fieldwork study. A high level of stress, including signs of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) was found and it related to the psycho-socio and economic distresses. These collective sufferings are argued to be the result of ‘structural violence’. This violence destroyed the living environment and was exacerbated by government policies of return and compensation. Finally, the importance of collaboration between several professionality such as medical doctor, clinical psychologist, social worker, lawyer, and judicial scrivener was evaluated.

  • Interdisciplinary Study on Social-Welfare and Education Problems of Long-term Evacuee Children Caused by Nuclear Power Accident in Fukushima

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    TODA NORIKI, Egawa Kazuya, Tsukui Susumu, Deguchi Tosikazu, Watanabe Tomohiro

     View Summary

    Outputs of the Research Projects are many presentations in academic onferences, and publications as follows:Books 1.Toda, Noriki (ed.), Drifted Evacuees after the Nuclear Meltdown Accident in Fukushima: Problems and Necessity of Social Supports extracted from Field Survey, Tokyo: Akashi-shuppan, 2016, pp.202 (in Japanese).2.Toda, Noriki (ed.), Evacuees Left Behind after the Nuclear Meltdown Accident in Fukushima: Problems and Necessity of Supports in their Life. Tokyo: Akashi- shuppan, 2018, pp.248 (in Japanese).Research Article 3.Toda, Noriki (ed.), What we can learn from the experiences of thirty years after the Nuclear Meltdown Accident in Chernobyl: Based on Interview Research to Victims in Ukraine, March 2016, pp.145 (in Japanese).4.Toda, Noriki (ed.), Rethinking evacuees from the Nuclear Meltdown Accident in Fukushima based on the interviews to victims in the Nuclear Meltdown Accident in Chernoby and Hanshin-Awaji Big Earthquake, March 2017, pp.102 (in Japanese)

  • Property of scientific incertitude and decision-making

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



     View Summary

    Uncertainty always exists in its degree in the knowledge of science and technology. Also, the issue which scientific knowledge is needed for decision-making cannot be determined by scientific knowledge itself, as decision-making must be related to value-judgment. We have discussed these properties of the knowledge of science and technology, namely, scientific incertitude, and found several conditions to be considered for better decision-making. We have edited a book about scientific incertitude with our members, and will be published in the fiscal year, 2017

  • Mental Health Impact of the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster: Construction of Psycho-Socio-Economic Care Model for Suicide Prevention

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Tsujiuchi Takuya, MASUDA Kazudaka

     View Summary

    The author performed the multi-method studies for the evacuees by Fukushima nuclear disaster; anthropological field work study, semi-structural interview study, and large-scale questionnaire survey. By the five large-scale questionnaire survey jointed with private support group “Shinsai-Shien-Network Saitama (SSN)” and “Nihon-Housou-Kyokai (NHK)”, we determined a high-risk presence of probable Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in evacuated residents. By the multiple logistic regression analysis, the serious consequences of the nuclear disaster, especially many of the socio-economic factors, were linked to psychological distress and suffering. It can be determined that “structural violence” has had a major impact afflicting victims’ lives. The mental health problems are not individual or personal in origin, but rather, they should be understood as a context of social responsibility to the disaster. Psycho-socio-economic care is important to prevent suicide of evacuees

  • 国際医食文化研究所(代表:蔵持不三也)[早稲田大学総合研究機構・プロジェクト研究所]

    Project Year :


  • ライフステージに応じた健康増進に関する健康・生命医科学的研究(代表:鈴木秀次)[早稲田大学人間総合研究センター・研究プロジェクト]

    Project Year :


  • 健康行動変容プログラムの開発およびそのデリバリーチャンネルに関する総合的研究(代表:竹中晃二)[早稲田大学人間総合科学研究センター・プロジェクト研究]

    Project Year :


  • 健康日本21所沢市計画

    Project Year :


  • 東洋医学の人間科学(代表:石井康智)[早稲田大学人間総合研究センター・プロジェクト研究(井深大基金)]

    Project Year :


  • 健康の維持増進に関わる医科学的研究(代表:小室輝昌)[早稲田大学人間総合研究センター・研究プロジェクト]

    Project Year :


  • ボトムアップ人間関係論の構築(代表:立命館大学人間科学研究所,サトウタツヤ)[日本学術振興会・人文社会科学新興のためのプロジェクト研究]

    Project Year :


  • 補完代替医療における"癒し"メカニズムの身体・心理・社会・文化的解明

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    "癒し"のメカニズムには、自然科学的手法によって実証可能な一面が確かに存在する一方、それのみでは表現しきれない多面性があることが明らかにされた。(1)癒しのエビデンスevidence的理解:頭痛を持つ者10名を対象に、4分間の前安静-5分間の呼吸法(数息法)-4分間の後安静状態の脳波を測定した。解析の結果、前安静に比較しSpectral Powerのalphal, delta, theta帯域が呼吸法実践中に優位に低下し、delta, theta帯域が後安静において優位に低下した。さらに呼吸法実践中のOmega Dimensional Complexity(脳波の複雑性指標)が優位に上昇し、呼吸法の実践が脳状態を正常化させる可能性が示唆された。本研究は13th congress of the International Headache Society 2007にて発表予定(東京大学医学系研究科:鄭志誠・熊野宏昭との共同研究)(2)癒しのナラティヴnarrative的理解:ナラティヴ(物語り/語り)論は、我々の"現実=リアリティ"捉える強力な認識論的・方法論的枠組みである。補完代替医療を受ける病者へのinterview調査・group focused interviewから、"癒し"という客観的現実が物語りという形式によって組織化・秩序化され、意味づけられていることが明らかにされた。(3)海外における補完代替医療調査:インドにおけるインド伝承医療(Ayurveda Kendra Hospital)、およびチベット伝承医療(Chagpori Tibetan Medical Institute, Manjushree Tibetan Culture Center)の調査を行った。調査結果は順次発表してゆく予定

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  • 東日本大震災被災者におけるメンタルヘルスと社会経済文化的要因との関連

    伊藤 和哉, 赤根 歩, 岩垣 穂大, 金 智慧, 増田 和高, 平田 修三, 日高 友郎, 桂川 泰典, 小島 隆矢, 熊野 宏昭, 扇原 淳, 辻内 琢也

    社会医学研究   (特別号2021)   55 - 55  2021.11

    Authorship:Corresponding author

  • Long time psychological distress affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake after four years

    Y Tsuchiya, T Tsujiuchi, T Iwagami, A Ogiwara, Y Tanaka

    European Journal of Public Health   31 ( Supplement_3 ) iii569 - iii570  2021.10

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    On March 11th, 2011, the Great East Japan Earthquake hit the Tohoku area, and more than 15,000 people lost their lives by the tsunami and earthquake. People who survived natural disasters, terrors, or serious diseases reported long-time psychological distress such as PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome) or depression. This study aims to elaborate on factors associated with PTSD post the Great East Japan Earthquake after four years.


    Quantitative and qualitative analysis from a questionnaire survey conducted after four years of the earthquake in 2015. The questionnaires included participants' attributes, IES-R scale to evaluate PTSD, loss of their families by tsunami and earthquake, their own tsunami experience, many relocations after the earthquake, lost job after the earthquake. The open-ended question asked them to write about their challenges in their lives and others.


    We received 3465 responses. Among those who responded, the IES-R scale was significantly larger in women (n = 1397) (aOR=1.55, p = 0.001) than men (n = 1966). Higher in those with more their own tsunami experience (aOR=1.35, p = 0.014), in those with lost loved ones (aOR=2.1, p &amp;lt; 0.01), and in those with more economic difficulties (aOR=1.6, p &amp;lt; 0.001). In addition, those with less social connectedness (aOR=1.34, p = 0.017) and forced to live separately with family members after the earthquake(aOR=1.36, p = 0.014) were significantly higher in the scale. From a quality analysis, we observed much psychological distress from participants.

    Discussion and Conclusions

    In this study, more than half in the PTSD risk group reported that they had never cared for mental pain after the earth quake. We overlook PTSD frequently. However, long-range monitoring and care are necessary for those affected by a significant disaster.

    Key messages

    PTSD after disasters have been overlooked frequently. A long-range monitoring and care are necessary after a significant disaster.


  • 福島原子力発電所事故の県外避難者におけるメンタルヘルスと生活における課題

    岩垣 穂大, 辻内 琢也, 扇原 淳

    日本公衆衛生学会総会抄録集   第77回   503 - 503  2018.10

  • 在宅緩和ケアにおける鍼灸治療の導入をめぐる他職種の意識

    高梨 知揚, 辻内 琢也

    Palliative Care Research   12 ( Suppl. ) S412 - S412  2017.06

  • 福島原発事故により避難指示の指定を受けた被災者の心的外傷後ストレス症状

    小牧 久見子, 持田 隆平, 岩垣 穂大, 石川 則子, 赤野 大和, 福田 千加子, 桂川 泰典, 増田 和高, 多賀 努, 小島 隆矢, 扇原 淳, 根ヶ山 光一, 熊野 宏昭, 辻内 琢也

    心身医学   57 ( 6 ) 684 - 684  2017.06

    Authorship:Corresponding author

  • 東日本大震災が生み出した自主的避難者における心的外傷後ストレス症状

    小牧 久見子, 持田 隆平, 岩垣 穂大, 石川 則子, 赤野 大和, 福田 千加子, 桂川 泰典, 増田 和高, 多賀 努, 小島 隆矢, 扇原 淳, 根ヶ山 光一, 熊野 宏昭, 辻内 琢也

    日本心療内科学会誌   20 ( (別冊) ) 109 - 109  2016.12

    Authorship:Corresponding author

  • 居住地喪失と将来展望にみる東日本大震災避難者の場所との情緒的な結びつき

    持田 隆平, 石川 則子, 赤野 大和, 増田 和高, 根ヶ山 光一, 辻内 琢也, 小島 隆矢, 扇原 淳, 桂川 泰典, 岩垣 穂大, 小牧 久見子, 福田 千加子

    人文地理学会大会 研究発表要旨     162 - 163  2016.11

  • 在宅緩和ケアにおける鍼灸治療の意味(第2報) 鍼灸治療による「生活リズムの変化」を語った患者

    高梨 知揚, 辻内 琢也

    Palliative Care Research   11 ( Suppl. ) S507 - S507  2016.06

  • 〔大災害ストレスの心身医学〕 大災害時におけるソーシャル・キャピタルと精神的健康ー福島原子力災害の調査・支援実績から

    岩垣 穂大, 辻内 琢也, 扇原 淳

    心身医学   56 ( 6 ) 590 - 590  2016.06

  • 東日本大震災4年目の宮城県被災者の外傷後ストレス症状に影響をあたえる身体・心理・社会的要因

    高橋 光咲, 辻内 琢也, 岩垣 穂大, 増田 和高, 扇原 淳, 熊野 宏昭

    心身医学   56 ( 6 ) 676 - 676  2016.06

    Authorship:Corresponding author

  • 東日本大震災4年目の岩手県被災者の外傷後ストレス症状に影響をあたえる身体・心理・社会的要因

    川崎 拓真, 小牧 久見子, 岩垣 穂大, 赤野 大和, 高橋 光咲, 福田 千加子, 増田 和高, 扇原 淳, 熊野 宏昭, 辻内 琢也

    心身医学   56 ( 6 ) 677 - 677  2016.06

    Authorship:Corresponding author

  • 原子力発電所事故4年後の被災者の放射線・放射能のイメージとストレス度との関連

    小牧 久見子, 岩垣 穂大, 赤野 大和, 川崎 拓真, 高橋 光咲, 福田 千加子, 増田 和高, 扇原 淳, 熊野 宏昭, 辻内 琢也

    心身医学   56 ( 6 ) 677 - 677  2016.06

    Authorship:Corresponding author

  • 在宅緩和ケアにおける鍼灸治療の意味 患者の語りからの考察

    高梨 知揚, 辻内 琢也

    全日本鍼灸学会学術大会抄録集   65回   281 - 281  2016.05

  • 福島原子力発電所事故による母子避難者のストレス 家族関係とソーシャルキャピタルに着目して

    岩垣 穂大, 小牧 久見子, 赤野 大和, 福田 千加子, 持田 隆平, 石川 則子, 桂川 泰典, 増田 和高, 多賀 努, 小島 隆矢, 根ヶ山 光一, 熊野 宏昭, 扇原 淳, 辻内 琢也

    日本心療内科学会誌   19 ( (別冊) ) 94 - 94  2015.11

    Authorship:Corresponding author

  • 福島原子力発電所事故による自主的避難者のストレス 現居住地の放射線に対する安心感に着目して

    小牧 久見子, 岩垣 穂大, 持田 隆平, 赤野 大和, 福田 千加子, 石川 則子, 桂川 泰典, 増田 和高, 多賀 努, 小島 隆矢, 熊野 宏昭, 扇原 淳, 根ヶ山 光一, 辻内 琢也

    日本心療内科学会誌   19 ( (別冊) ) 93 - 93  2015.11

    Authorship:Corresponding author

  • 化学物質過敏症患者と喘息患者の微量化学物質や電磁場曝露による過敏反応

    北條 祥子, 釣木澤 尚美, 水城 まさみ, 坂部 貢, 宮田 幹夫, 小倉 英郎, 大友 守, 押方 智也子, 須藤 京子, 山口 拓洋, 辻内 琢也, 熊野 宏昭

    Journal of Environmental Dermatology and Cutaneous Allergology   9 ( 5 ) 475 - 475  2015.11

  • 原発事故による被災者の放射線・放射能のイメージとストレスの関連

    小牧 久見子, 辻内 琢也, 岩垣 穂大, 増田 和高, 扇原 淳

    日本公衆衛生学会総会抄録集   第   475 - 475  2015.10

  • 東日本大震災における仮設住宅居住者のPTSDとソーシャル・キャピタルとの関連

    岩垣 穂大, 辻内 琢也, 小牧 久見子, 増田 和高, 扇原 淳

    日本公衆衛生学会総会抄録集   第74回   473 - 473  2015.10

  • 在宅緩和ケアにおける鍼灸治療の意味 鍼灸治療を「楽しみ」と語った患者

    高梨 知揚, 辻内 琢也

    日本緩和医療学会学術大会プログラム・抄録集   20回   414 - 414  2015.06

  • 鍼灸師との連携に対する在宅療養支援診療所医師の意識 在宅緩和ケアにおける連携を中心に

    高梨 知揚, 西村 桂一, 辻内 琢也

    全日本鍼灸学会学術大会抄録集   64回   252 - 252  2015.05

  • 日本における電磁過敏症(EHS)患者の実態調査の開始

    北條 祥子, 秋山 一男, 水城 まさみ, 小倉 英郎, 宮田 幹夫, 石川 哲, 坂部 貢, 釣木澤 尚実, 押方 智也子, 長谷川 眞紀, 大友 守, 今井 奈妙, 土器屋 美貴子, 乳井 美和子, 角田 和彦, 木俣 肇, 加藤 貴彦, 五十嵐 公英, 井上 博之, 青木 真一, 高塚 俊治, 近藤 加代子, 吉富 邦明, 水越 厚史, 辻内 琢也, 宮田 英威, 熊野 宏昭

    臨床環境医学   23 ( 2 ) 130 - 130  2014.12

  • アレルギー疾患、シックハウス症候群、化学物質過敏症、電磁過敏症の相互関係 QEESI問診票を用いた症状、化学物質不耐性、日常生活障害の比較

    北條 祥子, 秋山 一男, 水城 まさみ, 宮田 幹夫, 石川 哲, 坂部 貢, 相澤 好治, 小倉 英郎, 山中 隆夫, 角田 和彦, 吉野 博, 釣木澤 尚実, 長谷川 眞紀, 大友 守, 押方 智也子, 水越 厚史, 今井 奈妙, 加藤 貴彦, 木俣 肇, 辻内 琢也, 熊野 宏昭

    臨床環境医学   23 ( 2 ) 131 - 131  2014.12

  • 日本における電磁過敏症(EHS)患者の実態調査の開始

    北條 祥子, 秋山 一男, 水城 まさみ, 小倉 英郎, 宮田 幹夫, 石川 哲, 坂部 貢, 釣木澤 尚実, 押方 智也子, 長谷川 眞紀, 大友 守, 今井 奈妙, 土器屋 美貴子, 乳井 美和子, 角田 和彦, 木俣 肇, 加藤 貴彦, 五十嵐 公英, 井上 博之, 青木 真一, 高塚 俊治, 近藤 加代子, 吉富 邦明, 水越 厚史, 辻内 琢也, 宮田 英威, 熊野 宏昭

    日本臨床環境医学会総会プログラム・抄録集   23回   77 - 77  2014.05

  • アレルギー疾患、シックハウス症候群、化学物質過敏症、電磁過敏症の相互関係 QEESI問診票を用いた症状、化学物質不耐性、日常生活障害の比較

    北條 祥子, 秋山 一男, 水城 まさみ, 宮田 幹夫, 石川 哲, 坂部 貢, 相澤 好治, 小倉 英郎, 山中 隆夫, 角田 和彦, 吉野 博, 釣木澤 尚実, 長谷川 眞紀, 大友 守, 押方 智也子, 水越 厚史, 今井 奈妙, 加藤 貴彦, 木俣 肇, 辻内 琢也, 熊野 宏昭

    日本臨床環境医学会総会プログラム・抄録集   23回   78 - 78  2014.05

  • 日本語訳版EHS問診票の作成とそれを用いた調査(その2) 医師により診断されたEHS患者を対象とした調査

    北條 祥子, 土器屋 美貴子, 宮田 幹夫, 水城 まさみ, 石川 哲, 熊野 宏昭, 辻内 琢也, 辻内 優子, 中村 陽一, 本堂 毅, 乳井 美和子, 坂部 貢

    臨床環境医学   21 ( 2 ) 219 - 219  2012.12

  • 日本語訳版EHS問診票の作成とそれを用いた調査(その1) 予備調査・日本語訳版EHS問診票の信頼性の検討

    北條 祥子, 土器屋 美貴子, 宮田 幹夫, 坂部 貢, 水城 まさみ, 石川 哲, 辻内 琢也, 本堂 毅, 乳井 美和子, 熊野 宏昭

    臨床環境医学   21 ( 2 ) 218 - 219  2012.12

  • 原発避難者の"喪失と再生"の語りから学ぶ

    辻内 琢也, 永友 春華, 伊藤 康文, 中上 綾子, 菊地 真実, 鈴木 勝己, 熊野 宏昭

    心身医学   52 ( 6 ) 534 - 534  2012.06

  • 日本語訳版EHS問診票の作成とそれを用いた調査(その1) 予備調査・日本語訳版EHS問診票の信頼性の検討

    北條 祥子, 土器屋 美貴子, 宮田 幹夫, 坂部 貢, 水城 まさみ, 石川 哲, 辻内 琢也, 本堂 毅, 乳井 美和子, 熊野 宏昭

    日本臨床環境医学会総会プログラム・抄録集   21回   24 - 24  2012.05

  • 日本語訳版EHS問診票の作成とそれを用いた調査(その2) 医師により診断されたEHS患者を対象とした調査

    北條 祥子, 土器屋 美貴子, 宮田 幹夫, 水城 まさみ, 石川 哲, 熊野 宏昭, 辻内 琢也, 辻内 優子, 中村 陽一, 本堂 毅, 乳井 美和子, 坂部 貢

    日本臨床環境医学会総会プログラム・抄録集   21回   np25 - np25  2012.05

  • ライフステージに応じた健康増進に関する健康・生命科学的研究

    鈴木 秀次, 木村 一郎, 小室 輝昌, 今泉 和彦, 山内 兄人, 永島 計, 竹中 晃二, 辻内 琢也, 鈴木 克彦

    人間科学研究   23 ( 1 ) 152 - 153  2010.03


  • ライフステージに応じた健康増進に関する健康・生命医科学的研究

    鈴木 秀次, 木村 一郎, 小室 輝昌, 今泉 和彦, 山内 兄人, 竹中 晃二, 永島 計, 辻内 琢也, 鈴木 克彦

    人間科学研究   22 ( 0 ) 136 - 136  2009.03


  • EEG Frequency-band LORETA Distinguishes Meditation from Resting in Qigong Meditators

    S. Tei, P. L. Faber, D. Lehmann, T. Tsujiuchi, R. D. Pascual-Marqui, H. Kumano

    NEUROPSYCHOBIOLOGY   59 ( 2 ) 65 - 66  2009

    Research paper, summary (international conference)  

  • Headache patients' EEG changed by breath counting exercise

    Y. Eto, P. Faber, Lorena Gianotti, K. Kochi, H. Kumano, D. Lehmann, S. Tei, T. Tsujiuchi, R. Yamamoto

    CEPHALALGIA   27 ( 6 ) 722 - 722  2007.06

    Research paper, summary (international conference)  

  • Experience influences the EEG theta localizations in QiGong meditation

    Shisei Tei, Pascal L. Faber, Dietrich Lehmann, Takuya Tsujiuchi, Hi roaki Kumano, Kieko Kochi


    Research paper, summary (international conference)  

  • Magnitude and location of EEG spectral power in experienced QiGong meditators during resting and three meditations.

    Shisei Tei, Pascal L. Faber, Dietrich Lehmann, Ikuho Shibata, Gen Ohyama, Takuya Tsujiuchi, Hiroaki Kumano, Akira Akabayashi, Kieko Kochi, Lorena R. R. Gianotti

    JOURNAL OF PSYCHOSOMATIC RESEARCH   61 ( 3 ) 420 - 420  2006.09

    Research paper, summary (international conference)  

  • 心身医療におけるエビデンス・ベイスト・アプローチとナラティブ・アプローチ 理論・実践・研究 NBMの発展可能性に向けた医療人類学の取り組み "証言に基づく医療"の事例紹介から

    鈴木 勝己, 辻内 琢也, 辻内 優子, 熊野 宏昭, 久保木 富房

    心身医学   46 ( 6 ) 476 - 476  2006.06

  • The impact of stress-related factors on multiple chemical sensitivities

    Y Tsujiuchi, H Kumano, K Yoshiuchi, T Tsujiuchi, M Saitoh, M Nakao, T Kuboki, T Okano

    JOURNAL OF PSYCHOSOMATIC RESEARCH   55 ( 2 ) 166 - 166  2003.08

    Research paper, summary (international conference)  

  • PII-5 化学物質過敏症における心身医学的評価(アレルギー疾患と心身医学)

    辻内 優子, 熊野 宏昭, 吉内 一浩, 辻内 琢也, 中尾 睦宏, 久保木 富房

    心身医学   41   40 - 40  2001

    DOI CiNii

  • IG-11 心療内科患者における説明モデル(explanatory model)の構築 : 医療人類学的考察(治療技法III)

    辻内 琢也, 鈴木 勝己, 武井 秀夫, 辻内 優子, 河野 友信, 熊野 宏昭, 久保木 富房

    心身医学   41   105 - 105  2001

    DOI CiNii

  • 1.ストレス多血症を合併した心気神経症の1例(第81回 日本心身医学会関東地方会 演題抄録)

    鶴ケ野 しのぶ, 辻内 琢也, 野村 忍, 久保木 富房, 安尾 和裕, 内丸 薫, 山下 直秀, 藤田 敏郎

    心身医学   38 ( 7 ) 553  1998

    DOI CiNii

  • IIH-23 糖尿病患者に対する気功指導の効果に関する研究<第3報>(治療III)

    辻内 琢也, 賀 徳広, 吉内 一浩, 森村 優子, 山中 学, 鶴ケ野 しのぶ, 堀江 はるみ, 大林 正博, 熊野 宏昭, 佐々木 直, 野村 忍, 末松 弘行, 久保木 富房, 神里 昌子, 平尾 紘一

    心身医学   38   172 - 172  1998

    DOI CiNii

  • 9.20年間ほぼ無治療で経過した神経性食欲不振症の1例(第78回日本心身医学会関東地方会演題抄録)

    森村 優子, 山中 学, 鶴ケ野 しのぶ, 辻内 琢也, 吉内 一浩, 佐々木 直, 野村 忍, 久保木 富房

    心身医学   37 ( 6 ) 455  1997

    DOI CiNii

  • C-11-21 糖尿病患者に対する気功指導の効果に関する研究 : <第1報>心理的指標の客観的評価(内分泌, 代謝)

    賀 徳広, 辻内 琢也, 吉内 一浩, 森村 優子, 山中 学, 西川 将巳, 鶴ケ野 しのぶ, 堀江 はるみ, 大林 正博, 熊野 宏昭, 佐々木 直, 野村 忍, 末松 弘行, 久保木 富房, 神里 昌子, 平尾 紘一

    心身医学   37   158 - 158  1997

    DOI CiNii

  • C-11-22 糖尿病患者に対する気功指導の効果に関する研究 : <第2報>身体的指標の客観的評価(内分泌, 代謝)

    辻内 琢也, 賀 徳広, 吉内 一浩, 森村 優子, 山中 学, 西川 将巳, 鶴ケ野 しのぶ, 堀江 はるみ, 大林 正博, 熊野 宏昭, 佐々木 直, 野村 忍, 末松 弘行, 久保木 富房, 神里 昌子, 平尾 紘一

    心身医学   37   159 - 159  1997

    DOI CiNii

  • II B-1 立毛筋を収縮させた気功状態の脳波および自律神経系の検討(精神生理・精神薬理)

    賀 徳廣, 辻内 琢也, 熊野 宏昭, 吉内 一浩, 野村 忍, 久保木 富房, 末松 弘行

    心身医学   36   145 - 145  1996

    DOI CiNii

  • II E-13 橋出血・橋梗塞後に観察されたパニック発作2例の検討(神経・筋)

    辻内 琢也, 久保木 富房, 山中 学, 西川 将巳, 吉内 一浩, 熊野 宏昭, 野村 忍, 藤本 彰, 桑木 絅一, 中村 豊, 杉本 耕一, 末松 弘行

    心身医学   36   190 - 190  1996

    DOI CiNii

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Overseas Activities

  • 原発避難者の社会的苦悩(Social Suffering)の解決を目指す人間科学的研究


    アメリカ   ハーバード大学

    アメリカ   マサチューセッツ総合病院


  • Affiliated organization   Global Education Center

  • Faculty of Human Sciences   Graduate School of Human Sciences

Research Institute

  • 2022

    Waseda Center for a Carbon Neutral Society   Concurrent Researcher

  • 2019

    Waseda Institute of Medical Anthropology on Disaster Reconstruction   Director of Research Institute

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 災害支援の人類学 ―原発事故避難者の“苦悩と再生”のエスノグラフィー―


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    本研究は、申請者が東日本大震災以降3年間継続して行ってきた、原発事故により故郷を失いつつある人々に対する支援と同時に、その活動を人類学的フィールドワークとして位置づけていく実践的研究の成果を、エスノグラフィー=民族誌としてまとめようとしたものである。彼らが“苦悩(suffering)”の体験を超えて新しいコミュニティを再生していく動的な過程に寄り添い、それをエスノグラフィーとして克明に記録し、ひいては災害難民をめぐる諸問題を明らかにした上で、その解決方法を提示することを目的とした。研究手法としては、被災者の置かれている社会状況のみならず「語り(ナラティブ)」を通して内面的な状況にまで迫るという点、行政・支援団体・自助団体・弁護団体それぞれとの関わりを通して原発避難という現象を多面的に捉えようとする点が、これまでにない挑戦的な手法と言える。理論的には、「災害難民研究、支援の人類学、苦悩の人類学」という、人類学における3領域を射程にいれた研究である点に特色がある。 埼玉県に避難してきた福島県住民への支援と調査研究は、次の4つの立場の人々との協同関係の上で成立している。[A.行政との関わり]福島県双葉町役場・富岡町・白河市・川内村への支援、埼玉震災対策連絡協議会への参加、[B.民間支援団体・自助団体との関わり]震災支援ネットワーク埼玉(SSN)・杉戸元気会・一歩会活動への参加、個別の避難者への交流、[C.弁護士団体との関わり]埼玉弁護士会・東京三弁護士会・大阪弁護士会の原発賠償請求活動の参与観察、[D.海外研究機関との連携]1年間、米国ハーバード大学難民トラウマ研究所(Harvard Program in Refugee Trauma: HPRT)のリサーチ・フェローとしての研究である。研究成果の一部は、辻内琢也(編著)『ガジュマル的支援のすすめ:一人ひとりのこころに寄り添う』(早稲田大学出版部,2013)として執筆。現在は、引き続きこれらの多面的調査研究の成果をまとめている段階である。

  • 代替医療/スピリチュアリティに関する研究


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    「スピリチュアリティを語る姿勢」              1990年代半ばから、医療や心理臨床の分野において「スピリチュアリティ」という用語の使用が急激に増加してきている。近代医療が抱えてきた様々な問題点を克服する医療の新たな形態として、まさにポストモダン医療を支える中核概念としてスピリチュアリティが注目されてきているのである。 確かに、「生の意味・価値・目的」といった広い意味でのスピリチュアリティが尊重される医療のあり方は望ましいものと考えられる。演者自身も、内科医・心療内科医として終末期医療・補完代替医療等に携わってきた臨床経験から、その重要性を痛感してきた。しかしながら、医師=医療を提供する側という立場を離れ、医療人類学的な視点からスピリチュアリティをめぐるフィールドワークをはじめたところ、このスピリチュアリティという言葉の使われ方、利用のされ方に内包されている大きな問題点が立ち現れてきたのである。いったい誰が誰のために何のためにこの言葉を使うのか? あるいは使いたいのか? そして、スピリチュアリティとはそもそも誰のものなのか?  現代の社会の背景には、医療の知識や技術が人々の日常生活に浸透してゆき、知らず知らずのうちに日常生活が医療の支配・影響・監督下に入ってゆく医療化(medicalization)と呼ばれる仕組みが存在している。生老病死といった人間の一生における様々な苦の経験を、医療の問題に帰してしまう大きな力が存在している。また、様々なケアが行なわれる医療者-患者関係において、医療者は依然として強い力・権力性を保持している。「こころのケア」という一見良さそうな言葉によって「こころの管理」が行なわれようとしている社会の心理学化現象を考えると、今後「スピリチュアル・ケア」という名のもとで「スピリチュアリティの管理」が知らず知らずのうちに行なわれてゆく危険性があるのではないだろうか。 構造として権威を保持せざるを得ない医療者が、スピリチュアリティを語る時に求められる姿勢として、物語りと対話に基づく医療、すなわちナラティブ・ベイスト・メディスンにおけるナラティブ・アプローチに注目したい。限りなく権力性を排し水平化させた医療者-患者関係=医療の場という前提があってこそ、スピリチュアリティが真に生かされてくるのではないだろうか。