Updated on 2025/03/13


ARIMURA, Toshihide
Faculty of Political Science and Economics, School of Political Science and Economics
Job title
Ph.D in Economics ( ミネソタ大学 )
Ph.D in Economics ( University of Minnesota )

Education Background

  • 1994.09

    University of Minnesota   Economics, Graduate School   Economics  

  • 1992.04

    Unversity of Tsukuba   Graduate School, Division of Environmental Science   Environmental Sceience  

  • 1987.04

    University of Tokyo   Faculty of Liberal Arts   History of Sceience  

Committee Memberships

  • 2019.04

    東京都  環境審議会 委員

  • 2018.03

    東京都  「削減義務実施に向けた専門的事項等検討会」委員

  • 2018.07

    環境省  中央環境審議会(国内排出量取引制度・カーボンプライシングの活用に関する審議)臨時委員

  • 2014.06

    自動車リサイクル促進センター  評議員

  • 2014.06

    自動車リサイクル促進センター  評議員

  • 2015.08

    Ministry of education  学術調査官

  • 2015.08

    文部科学省  学術調査官

  • 2016.08

    環境省  「ヒートポンプを活用した低炭素型農業推進事業審査委員会」委員

  • 2016.08

    環境省  「ヒートポンプを活用した低炭素型農業推進事業審査委員会」委員

  • 2016.05

    海外環境協力センター(環境省)  「カーボン・オフセット制度登録認証委員会」登録認証委員

  • 2016.05

    海外環境協力センター(環境省)  「カーボン・オフセット制度登録認証委員会」登録認証委員

  • 2016.05

    経済産業省  「陸上輸送機器の実使用時燃費改善事業検討会」委員

  • 2016.05

    経済産業省  「陸上輸送機器の実使用時燃費改善事業検討会」委員

  • 2013.04

    Society of Environmental Science  Director

  • 2013.04

    環境科学会  理事

  • 2015.07

    環境省  「小規模火力発電等の環境保全に関する検討会」委員

  • 2015.07

    環境省  「小規模火力発電等の環境保全に関する検討会」委員

  • 2015.07

    環境省  「省エネ型自然冷媒機器普及促進等事業検証・評価委員会」委員

  • 2015.07

    環境省  「省エネ型自然冷媒機器普及促進等事業検証・評価委員会」委員

  • 2015.07

    Ministry of the Environment  「CO2削減ポテンシャル診断事業に係る検証・評価委員会」委員

  • 2015.07

    環境省  「CO2削減ポテンシャル診断事業に係る検証・評価委員会」委員

  • 2015.07

    環境省  「事業化計画策定・FS調査等事業によるCO2削減効果検証・評価委員会」委員

  • 2015.07

    環境省  「事業化計画策定・FS調査等事業によるCO2削減効果検証・評価委員会」委員

  • 2014.05

    Ministry of the Environment  「カーボン・オフセット制度登録認証委員会」登録認証委員

  • 2014.05

    環境省  「カーボン・オフセット制度登録認証委員会」登録認証委員

  • 2014.05

    Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry  「省エネ型陸上輸送実証事業検討会」委員

  • 2014.05

    経済産業省  「省エネ型陸上輸送実証事業検討会」委員

  • 2015.07

    経済産業省・環境省  「二国間クレジット制度の国内運用のための規程類検討会」委員

  • 2015.07

    経済産業省・環境省  「二国間クレジット制度の国内運用のための規程類検討会」委員

  • 2015.02

    経済産業省  「JCMに基づくクレジット取引に関する研究会」委員

  • 2015.02

    経済産業省  「JCMに基づくクレジット取引に関する研究会」委員

  • 2014.05

    佐倉市  「佐倉市大学等の誘致に関する懇話会」委員

  • 2014.05

    佐倉市  「佐倉市大学等の誘致に関する懇話会」委員

  • 2010.05

    Japan Sewage Works Agency  「総合評価制度等検討委員会」委員

  • 2010.05

    日本下水道事業団  「総合評価制度等検討委員会」委員

  • 2014.01

    Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry  「環境と経済研究会」委員

  • 2014.01

    経済産業省  「環境と経済研究会」委員

  • 2012.02

    Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport  「自動車運送事業者によるCO2削減努力の評価手法、付加価値創出手法の開発に関する検討会」委員

  • 2012.02

    国土交通省  「自動車運送事業者によるCO2削減努力の評価手法、付加価値創出手法の開発に関する検討会」委員

  • 2010.04

    Ministry of the Environment  「中央環境審議会」専門委員

  • 2010.04

    環境省  「中央環境審議会」専門委員

  • 2006.04

    Society for Environmental Economics and Policy Studies  Director

  • 2006.04

    環境経済・政策学会  理事

  • 2010.04

    行政刷新会議  「規制・制度改革に関する分科会」ワーキンググループ構成員

  • 2010.04

    行政刷新会議  「規制・制度改革に関する分科会」ワーキンググループ構成員

▼display all

Professional Memberships


    Japanese Economic Association


    Sustainable Management Forum of Japan


    Society for Environmental Science, Japan


    Association of Environmental and Resource Economics


    Society for Environmental Economics and Policy Studies

Research Areas

  • Environmental impact assessment / Economic policy

Research Interests

  • Emissions Trading Schemes

  • Carbon Pricing

  • Environmental Economics, Energy, Climate Change,Trade and the Environment, PM2.5, Emission Trading, Voluntary Corporate Action


  • SEEPS Commentary Award

    2021.09   The Society for Environmental Economics and Policy Studies   Carbon Pricing in Japan

  • 環境科学会・論文賞

    2020.09   Society of Environmental Science   炭素税・FIT賦課金による産業・家計への影響-産業連関分析による定量的評価-

    Winner: Rei Kameoka, Toshi.H. Arimura

  • 環境科学会・学術賞

    2020.09   Society of Environmental Science   環境政策提言に資する環境経済学手法による実証研究

  • SEEPS Outstanding Publication Award

    2018.09   Society for Environmental Economics and Policy Studies  

  • SEEPS Young Achievement Award

    2012.09   Society for Environmental Economics and Policy Studies  

  • 環境経営学会・学術貢献賞

    2012.05   環境経営学会  

▼display all



  • A computable general equilibrium analysis of the EU CBAM for the Japanese economy

    Shiro Takeda, Toshi H. Arimura

    Japan and the World Economy   70   101242 - 101242  2024.06



  • Impact of the Feed-in-Tariff Exemption on Energy Consumption in Japanese Industrial Plants

    Aline Mortha, Naonari Yajima, Toshi H. Arimura

    Japan and the World Economy     101241 - 101241  2024.03



  • Green Public Purchasing by Japanese Municipalities—The Effectiveness and Limitations of Green Purchasing Policies—

    MIYAMOTO Takuro, YAJIMA Naonari, ARIMURA Toshi H.

    ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE   36 ( 5 ) 160 - 172  2023.09

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    This paper analyzes the effects and limitations of green purchasing policy (GPP) developed by municipalities, using data from a survey conducted by the Ministry of the Environment. A cross tabulation of GPP and barriers to green purchasing suggests that the GPP mitigates problems caused by lack of staffing and manuals. In addition, the regression analysis reveals that not only declaring the promotion of green purchasing in the environmental policies of a municipality but also formulating its GPP increases the probability that employees will realize the direct effects of green purchasing. However, the estimation results do not suggest that the GPP increases the probability of measuring those effects. From this, we infer that the GPP is not effective in addressing one of the major barriers to promoting green procurement, the difficulty in understanding the effectiveness of green procurement.


  • Analysis of Factors Promoting the Umbrella Sharing Service: Evidence From a Choice Experiment

    KAWAMOTO Mana, YAJIMA Naonari, ARIMURA Toshi H.

    ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE   36 ( 3 ) 109 - 121  2023.05

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    Plastic pollution has been of attention around the world. Among plastic products, plastic umbrellas are difficult to recycle, and consequently, cause harm to marine life. To reduce the consumption of plastic umbrellas, a sharing economy is a promising solution. In Japan, the first umbrella-sharing service started in 2018. This service allows consumers to rent umbrellas and return them to any rental spots for reasonable costs. However, the diffusion of umbrella-sharing service is limited.

    In this study, we conduct a choice experiment through an online survey to examine what elements promote umbrella-sharing service usage. We investigate whether respondents would choose the service, purchase an umbrella, or go home wet when faced with sudden rain. We also investigate the impact of information provision; we randomly provide the information on environmental issues and umbrella-sharing service in advance of the experiment. We collect data from 201 respondents and conduct regression analyses.

    Our main finding is that if a respondent knew about an umbrella-sharing service before the experiment, they are 7% more likely to use the service. Moreover, if a respondent receives information on both environmental issues and umbrella-sharing service, they are 6% more likely to use the service. Finally, their willingness to pay for the service is estimated at around 471 yen.


  • Green Policymaking in Japanese Municipalities: An Empirical Study on External and Internal Contextual Factors

    Dries Couckuyt, Toshi H. Arimura, Takuro Miyamoto, Naonari Yajima

    Sustainability   15 ( 9 ) 7449 - 7449  2023.04

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    This article examines the establishment and publication of green plans and green public procurement (GPP) policies in Japanese municipalities. The purpose of the study was to investigate these green policymaking initiatives from a contingency theory perspective. The first research question examined contextual factors for green policymaking. The second research question focused on barriers and enablers. For RQ1, through hypothesis testing and a regression analysis (n = 1663), we found that green policymaking differs by organization location, organization size, and organizational green capabilities. More specifically, we identified prefectures where municipalities score relatively higher as well as lower. Second, we found that larger (vs. smaller) municipalities undertake more (vs. less) green policymaking initiatives. Third, we observed that organizations with more (vs. less) green capabilities develop more (vs. less) green initiatives. For RQ2, through a descriptive and cluster analysis, we identified dominant barriers and enablers to establishing a GPP policy. The dominant barriers include a lack of information, lack of staff, and cost concerns, whereas manuals and example forms are important enablers. These findings are highly relevant to understanding and supporting green policymaking in Japanese municipalities.



  • Consumers’ preferences for energy-efficient air conditioners in a developing country: a discrete choice experiment using eco labels

    Miwa Nakai, Majah-Leah V. Ravago, Yoichi Miyaoka, Kiyoshi Saito, Toshi. H. Arimura

    Energy Efficiency   16 ( 3 )  2023.02



  • Subjective risk belief function in the field: Evidence from cooking fuel choices and health in India

    Hide-Fumi Yokoo, Toshi H. Arimura, Mriduchhanda Chattopadhyay, Hajime Katayama

    Journal of Development Economics   161   103000 - 103000  2022.11



  • Promoting energy efficiency in Japanese manufacturing industry through energy audits: Role of information provision, disclosure, target setting, inspection, reward, and organizational structure

    Naonari Yajima, Toshi H. Arimura

    Energy Economics   114   106253 - 106253  2022.10



  • Causal effects of the Tokyo emissions trading scheme on energy consumption and economic performance

    Tatsuya Abe, Toshi H. Arimura

    Energy Policy   168   113151 - 113151  2022.09



  • Success and failure of the voluntary action plan: Disaggregated sector decomposition analysis of energy-related CO2 emissions in Japan

    Guanyu Lu, Makoto Sugino, Toshi H. Arimura, Tetsuya Horie

    Energy Policy   163   112850 - 112850  2022.04



  • Do ESG reporting guidelines and verifications enhance firms' information disclosure?

    Nicole Darnall, Hyunjung Ji, Kazuyuki Iwata, Toshi H. Arimura

    Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management   29 ( 5 ) 1214 - 1230  2022

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    Environment, social, and governance (ESG) reporting guidelines are institutional rules that can enhance the credibility of firms' publicly disclosed information related to ESG. Reporting is often voluntary and global ESG reporting guidelines typically rely on process-focused third party verification. However, in developing its reporting guidelines, the Japanese government gave firms the unusual option of pursuing either process- or content-focused verification. This paper draws on the unique Japanese setting to examine whether firms that use ESG reporting guidelines increase their quantity of disclosed sustainability information. Furthermore, it assesses whether, given the option, (1) firms tend to pursue process- or content-focused verification, and (2) which type of verification leads to greater information disclosure. We show that firms that follow ESG guidelines disclose 39% more sustainability information compared to firms that publish sustainability reports but do not follow ESG reporting guidelines. Content-focused verification leads to greater information disclosure than process-focused verification in that firms publish 23% more text in their sustainability reports. Moreover, given the option, firms prefer to use content- over process-focused verification. However, most global ESG reporting guidelines endorse process-focused verification and this verification is less effective than content-focused verification at encouraging firms' information disclosure. Our findings raise a timely and relevant question about the movement by global ESG standard developers to promote process- rather than content-focused verification. They also suggest that firms that wish to create sustainability distinction by way of ESG reporting may benefit by advocating for more robust forms of verification.



  • Seemingly Unrelated Interventions: Environmental Management Systems in the Workplace and Energy Saving Practices at Home

    Toshi H. Arimura, Kazuyuki Iwata, Hajime Katayama, Mari Sakudo

    Environmental and Resource Economics   80 ( 4 ) 761 - 794  2021.12

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    <title>Abstract</title>To reduce their environmental impacts, a growing number of organizations worldwide have implemented environmental management systems (EMSs). In these organizations, energy conservation activities become usual behaviors for employees; thus, we hypothesize that employees continue such energy saving behaviors at home. This hypothesis is supported by data from surveys of individuals in Japan. Specifically, we find that the probability of engaging in energy saving practices at home is higher and that expenditures on electricity use are lower for individuals who work in organizations that implement EMSs than for individuals who do not work in organizations with EMSs. Our results suggest that beyond the original purpose of helping organizations reduce their environmental impacts, EMSs work as an intervention to promote household energy saving.



  • Subjective Probabilistic Expectations, Household Air Pollution, and Health: Evidence from Cooking Fuel Use Patterns in West Bengal, India

    Mriduchhanda Chattopadhyay, Toshi H. Arimura, Hajime Katayama, Mari Sakudo, Hide-Fumi Yokoo

    Resource and Energy Economics   66   101262 - 101262  2021.08



  • The Long-Term Impact of Wind Power Generation on a Local Community: Economics Analysis of Subjective Well-Being Data in Chōshi City

    Yushi Kunugi, Toshi H. Arimura, Miwa Nakai

    Energies   14 ( 13 ) 3984 - 3984  2021.07

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    In this study, we analyzed the external effects of wind turbines, which are often considered detrimental to the promotion of wind power generation. Understanding these externalities is essential to reaching a consensus with residents who live near the site of a planned wind turbine. Our research objective was to determine the relationship between wind turbines and people’s well-being in areas where they have been installed for a long time. We hypothesized that wind turbines would have a negative impact on people’s well-being. We conducted a survey by postal mail in Chōshi City, Chiba Prefecture, Japan, to examine the external effects of wind turbines, adopting a subjective well-being index to measure respondents’ well-being. Regression analysis suggests that having a view of wind power turbines has a positive effect on the subjective well-being of local residents. Moreover, the results indicate that such well-being increases with increasing distance from the turbines. Except for scenic elements, we found that wind turbines are not always considered desirable by residents. Therefore, it is important to further clarify the external influence of wind turbines and other facilities in local communities.



  • Revisiting the determinants of individual sustainable investment—The case of Japan

    Gunnar Gutsche, Miwa Nakai, Toshi H. Arimura

    Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance   30   100497 - 100497  2021.06  [Refereed]



  • A computable general equilibrium analysis of environmental tax reform in Japan with a forward-looking dynamic model

    Shiro Takeda, Toshi H. Arimura

    Sustainability Science    2021.01

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    <title>Abstract</title>The Japanese government plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 80% by 2050. However, it is not yet clear which policy measures the government will adopt to achieve this goal. In this regard, environmental tax reform, which is the combination of carbon regulation and the reduction of existing distortionary taxes, has attracted much attention. This paper examines the effects of an environmental tax reform in Japan. Using a dynamic computable general equilibrium (CGE) model, we analyze the quantitative impacts of an environmental tax reform and clarify which types of environmental tax reform are the most desirable. In the simulation, we introduce a carbon tax and consider the following four scenarios for the use of the carbon tax revenue: (1) a lump-sum rebate to the household, (2) a cut in income taxes, (3) a cut in corporate taxes and (4) a cut in consumption taxes. The first scenario is a pure carbon tax, and the other three scenarios are types of environmental tax reform. Our CGE simulation shows that (1) environmental tax reform tends to generate more desirable impacts than the pure carbon tax and that (2) the strong double dividend is obtained in some cases. In particular, we show that a cut in corporate taxes leads to the most desirable policy in terms of GDP and national income.



  • Concluding remarks and future directions

    Toshi H. Arimura, Shigeru Matsumoto

    Economics, Law, and Institutions in Asia Pacific     257 - 265  2021

  • The rebound effect in air conditioner usage: an empirical analysis of Japanese individuals’ behaviors

    Minoru Morita, Kazuyuki Iwata, Toshi H. Arimura

    Environmental Economics and Policy Studies   24 ( 1 ) 99 - 117  2021

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    Many studies have empirically examined to what extent energy efficiency improvement causes rebound effects for various products. Energy efficiency improvement potentially induces behavioral changes resulting in a rebound effect. However, a limited number of studies have addressed what kind of behavioral changes the energy efficiency improvement of appliances can cause. For example, the energy efficiency improvement of air conditioners can induce a change in the room temperature setting. This paper examines whether the energy efficiency improvement of air conditioners impedes energy-saving behaviors. Specifically, using a Japanese household survey, we examined the energy-saving behaviors related to air conditioner usage: (1) setting the room temperature at 28 °C or higher in summer, (2) reducing unnecessary power consumption, and (3) cleaning the filters. We found that energy efficiency improvements reduce the probability of the behavior of setting air conditioner temperatures at 28 °C or more by approximately 25–45% during summer, while they have no impacts on the reduction of unnecessary air conditioner usage or filter cleaning. This finding implies that energy efficiency improvements may counteract the energy-saving behaviors of the temperature setting, resulting in a rebound effect. Thus, we clarified a mechanism of the rebound effect in the case of air conditioners.



  • How much household electricity consumption is actually saved by replacement with Light-Emitting Diodes (LEDs)?

    Hiroki Onuma, Shigeru Matsumoto, Toshi H. Arimura

    Economic Analysis and Policy   68   224 - 238  2020.12



  • Advancement of Green Public Purchasing by Category: Do Municipality Green Purchasing Policies Have Any Role in Japan?

    Takuro Miyamoto, Naonari Yajima, Takahiro Tsukahara, Toshi H. Arimura

    Sustainability   12 ( 21 ) 8979 - 8979  2020.10

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    The aim of this paper is to identify (1) the categories in which it is easier or more difficult for local municipalities to implement green purchasing and (2) the role and extent of green purchasing policy (GPP) in promoting green purchasing. To characterize the green purchasing potential of different categories, we examine the green purchasing rate, or the ratio of green products/services to total products/services purchased, of 21 categories of items. We employ data from a unique survey conducted by the Japanese Ministry of the Environment, which provides data on green procurement in municipalities. We observe that air conditioners suffer from low green purchasing rates, whereas most municipalities purchase green products in the paper products and stationery categories. We also examine the relationship between green purchasing rates and GPPs to identify the role and extent of GPPs. Our regression analyses reveal that the presence of a GPP is associated with higher implementation and measurement rates of green purchasing. This pattern is particularly evident for the categories in which many municipalities without GPPs purchase green products but, in most cases, do not measure their green purchasing rate.



  • Double Dividend of the Carbon Tax in Japan: Can We Increase Public Support for Carbon Pricing?

    Kenji Asakawa, Kouichi Kimoto, Shiro Takeda, Toshi H. Arimura

    Carbon Pricing in Japan edited by Toshi H. Arimura and Shigeru Matstumoto     235 - 255  2020.09

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    Carbon pricing is difficult to introduce in many countries because it is not easy to obtain public support for carbon pricing due to the burden associated with it. One way to overcome this difficulty is to rely on the double dividend of a carbon tax. If a government uses revenue from a carbon tax to reduce existing distorting taxes, such as corporate taxes or labor taxes, a carbon tax can improve economic efficiency while reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. This chapter examines the net burden of a carbon tax with revenue recycling (RR) for two types of stakeholders: firms and households. Using dynamiccomputable general equilibrium (CGE) modeling, we examine the carbon prices needed to achieve the emission targets set for 2030 and 2050. Then, we simulate two types of RR: corporate tax reduction and a reduction in social security payments. We compare the benefit of the tax reduction to the increase in the burden from the carbon tax in scenarios for 2030/2050. In the scenario of corporate tax reduction, by selecting firms from the land transportation sector and power sector, we examine how profit changes due to the carbon tax. We find that the tax burden for a firm in the land transportation sector can be eased greatly with the corporate tax reduction. In the scenario of the social security payment reduction, we find that some households are better off under carbon pricing despite expenditure increases due to the carbon tax. Thus, we show that RR can increase support for the carbon tax.



  • Energy Consumption in Transition: Evidence from Facility-Level Data.

    Naonari Yajima, Toshi H. Arimura, Taisuke Sadayuki

    Carbon Pricing in Japan edited by Toshi H. Arimura and Shigeru Matstumoto     129 - 150  2020.09

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    © 2021, The Author(s). This chapter estimated the impact of the Tokyo emissions trading scheme (ETS) and Saitama ETS on energy consumption in the manufacturing sector using a facility-level panel data set compiled from the Current Survey of Energy Consumption, a nationwide survey on energy consumption conducted by the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy in Japan. To our knowledge, no study has used this rich data set to perform sophisticated econometric analyses. We found that the Tokyo ETS reduced electricity consumption by 16%. On the other hand, we did not find evidences of switching from dirty fossil fuel to cleaner fuel associated with the introduction of the Tokyo ETS. The impact of the Saitama ETS on energy consumption was not statistically confirmed based on our samples. Additional studies are needed to identify the different impacts of the ETSs between Tokyo and Saitama. We also found that Japan has been experiencing long-term decreasing trends in the number of manufacturing facilities and the volume of fossil fuel consumption, which may reduce Japanese CO2 emissions in the long run.



  • An Empirical Study of the Tokyo EmissionsTrading Scheme: An Ex Post Analysis of Emissions from University Buildings.

    Tatsuya Abe, Toshi H. Arimura

    Carbon Pricing in Japan edited by Toshi H. Arimura and Shigeru Matstumoto     97 - 116  2020.09

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    The Tokyo Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) is the first cap -and-trade program of CO2 emissions in Asia, and it is unique in regulating commercial and service sectors. We examine the impacts of the Tokyo ETS on CO2 emissions and energy consumption by universities in the first phase. Focusing on universities allows us to estimate the effects of the Tokyo ETS separately from the economic stagnation Japan experienced after the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011 because universities are less likely to be affected by economic fluctuations compared to other sectors. In addition to the ETS, other factors may have achieved CO2 emissions reductions in Tokyo in this phase due to the influence of the earthquake. To deal with the shortage of electricity supply after the Fukushima disaster, several measures were undertaken, such as rolling blackouts and power-saving orders, particularly in the Tokyo Electricity Power Company’s jurisdiction. To capture the characteristics for each university at the campus level and their experience with being regulation targets of the policies mentioned above, we conducted a mail survey for universities in Japan and obtained panel data that contain information about both regulated and unregulated universities over 5 years (2009–2013). The difference-in-differences approach reveals that the Tokyo ETS caused regulated universities to reduce their CO2 emissions and energy consumption by approximately 3–5% relative to unregulated universities in the first phase. In addition, we find that the quantitative regulations, such as rolling blackouts and power-saving orders, also had an impact on the universities’ behavior.



  • Climate Policy in Commercial Sector: A Survey on Commercial Building in Japan.

    Hiroki. Onuma, Toshi H. Arimura

    Carbon Pricing in Japan edited by Toshi H. Arimura and Shigeru Matstumoto     23 - 43  2020.09

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    In Japan, the government has set a target for a reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 26% from 2013 levels by 2030. The commercial sector has the highest reduction target—39.8%—among all Japanese sectors. This chapter first presents the current GHG situation in Japan and Japanese climate policy in the commercial sector. Second, we introduce a nationwide survey that we conducted on the implementation of energy efficiency measures (EEMs) in office buildings with large-scale emissions in Japan. The survey results show that energy-saving technology adoption is more advanced in Tokyo than in other prefectures and that there is more space for the adoption of energy-efficient technologies nationwide. To accelerate EEM adoption to achieve the 2030 target, regulatory agencies must improve the way they promote energy audits and subsidies and provide information on energy savings.



  • The externality of vacant houses: The case of Toshima municipality, Tokyo, Japan.

    Taisuke Sadayuki, Yuki Kanayama, Toshi H. Arimura

    Review of Regional Studies   50 ( 2 ) 1 - 22  2020.06  [Refereed]

  • Energy-Related Environmental Policy and its Impacts on Energy Use in Asia

    Toshi H. Arimura, Makoto Sugino

    JCER Working Paper AEPR series   2020-1-3   1 - 33  2020.03

  • The Effectiveness of Vehicle Emission Control Policies: Evidence from Japanese Experience

    Kazuyuki Iwata, Toshi. H. Arimura, Tetsuya Shimane

    Sophia Economic Review   65 ( 1・2号合併号 ) 35 - 54  2020.03  [Refereed]

  • The impact of the Tokyo emissions trading scheme on office buildings: what factor contributed to the emission reduction?

    Toshi H.Arimura, Tatsuya Abe

    Environmental Economics and Policy Studies   published online   1 - 17  2020.03  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

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    <title>Abstract</title>Tokyo ETS is the first emissions trading scheme to control GHG emissions from office buildings. Although the Tokyo government claimed that Tokyo ETS had been successful, some argued that the emission reduction under Tokyo ETS was actually the result of electricity price increases triggered by the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011. Using a facility-level data set for Japanese office buildings, we conducted an econometric analysis to examine the impact of Tokyo ETS. We found that half of the emission reduction is a result of the ETS, while the rest of the reduction is due to the electricity price increase. Another unique feature of Tokyo ETS is that an accurate permit price is not publicly available due to its design. Using our estimated model, we found that the price is approximately $50 per ton of CO2 in the early phase.



  • Political Economy of Voluntary Approaches: Alesson from Environmental Policies in Japan

    Toshi.H.Arimura, Shinji Kaneko, Shunsuke Managi, Takayoshi Shinkuma, Masashi Yamamoto, YuichiroYoshida

    Economic Analysis and Policy   64   41 - 53  2019.12  [Refereed]



  • Subjective Probabilistic Expectations, Indoor Air Pollution, and Health: Evidence from cooking fuel use patterns in India

    Mriduchhanda Chattopadhyay, Toshi H. Arimura, Hajime Katayama, Mari Sakudo, Hide-Fumi Yokoo

    Discussion Paper Series, Research Institute for Environmental Economics and Management, Waseda University   1910 - 34  2019.09

  • Effectiveness of Multiple-Policy Instruments: Evidence from the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Policy in Japan

    Naonari Yajima, Toshi H. Arimura

    WINPEC Working Paper Series, Waseda University   E1916   1 - 33  2019.09

  • 1章 次世代自動車の普及と道路整備財源」「2章 東京都における無電中化事業の経済評価:税金と寄付金の比較分析


    日本交通政策研究会日交研究シリーズ   A-756   1 - 30  2019.08

  • The Impact of Carbon Tax and Feed-in Tariff on the Industry and Household Expenditure ̶An Input-output Analysis̶

    Rei Kameoka, Toshi.H.Arimura

    Environmental Science   32 ( 4 ) 103 - 112  2019.07  [Refereed]

  • Overview of Carbon Pricing Instruments in the World: Challenges and Opportunities for Japan

    有村俊秀, 阿部達也

    環境情報科学   48 ( 1 ) 35 - 42  2019.03  [Refereed]

  • Information leverage: The adoption of clean cooking fuel in Bhutan

    Ngawang Dendupa, Toshi H. Arimura

    Energy Policy   125   181 - 195  2019.02  [Refereed]

  • Cost-efficient strategy for reducing PM 2.5 levels in the Tokyo metropolitan area: An integrated approach with air quality and economic models (vol 13, e0207623, 2018)

    Kunugi, Yushi, Arimura, Toshi H., Iwata, Kazuyuki, Komatsu, Eiji, Hirayama, Yoshie

    PLOS ONE   14 ( 1 )  2019.01  [Refereed]



  • Labor Market Distortions and Welfare‑Decreasing International Emissions Trading

    Shiro Takeda, Toshi. H. Arimura, Makoto Sugino

    Environmental and Resource Economics   published online   1 - 23  2019.01  [Refereed]

  • 仮想評価法を用いた観光地における無電柱化事業の研究 ―世界遺産である富岡製糸場を事例として―

    功刀祐之, 有村俊秀, 大床太郎

    WINPEC Working Paper Series, Waseda University   J1803   1 - 6  2018.11

  • Cost-efficient strategy for reducing PM 2.5 levels in the Tokyo metropolitan area: An integrated approach with air quality and economic models

    Kunugi, Yushi, Arimura, Toshi H., Iwata, Kazuyuki, Komatsu, Eiji, Hirayama, Yoshie

    PLOS ONE   13 ( 11 ) 1 - 18  2018.11  [Refereed]

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    To attain cleaner air, it is important that authorities make informed decisions when selecting a strategy. Concentrations of particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter of less than or equal to 2.5 mu m (PM 2.5) are high in the Tokyo metropolitan area, even though concentrations of particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter of less than or equal to 10 mu m (PM10) have dropped dramatically since the implementation of the NOx-PM Act. Currently, monitored concentration levels continue to exceed the designated ambient air quality standard set by the Japanese Ministry of the Environment. To our knowledge, no study has investigated a cost-efficient strategy for reducing PM 2.5 concentration levels in the Tokyo metropolitan area. This is the first study to examine a proper control strategy for Japan by developing an integrated model that includes both aerosol and economic models. The simulation results show that prefectures in the Tokyo metropolitan area cannot achieve the standards by relying on their own efforts to reduce PM 2.5. That is, prefectural governments in the Tokyo metropolitan areas need to cooperate with prefectures outside of the area to improve their PM 2.5 concentration levels. Thus, we simulated policies under the assumption that emissions from other sources are reduced to levels such that the PM 2.5 concentration declines by approximately 18 mu g/m(3). We first simulated an efficient policy, i. e., the implementation of a pollution tax. We found that the total abatement cost to meet the air quality standard using the cost-efficient strategy is approximately 142.7 billion yen.



  • Double Dividend of Carbon Tax: To solve environmental and economic issues together

    Toshi.H. Arimura, Shiro Takeda, Hiroki Onuma

    Review of Environmental Economics and Policy Studies   11 ( 2 ) 73 - 78  2018.09  [Refereed]

  • How much household electricity consumption is actually saved by replacement with Light-Emitting Diodes (LEDs)?

    Hiroki Onuma, Shigeru Matsumoto, Toshi H. Arimura

    Discussion Paper Series, Research Institute for Environmental Economics and Management, Waseda University   1803   1 - 38  2018.08

  • 持続可能な地域経済発展のための社会基盤の研究:観光産業と社会基盤整備の関係について


    日交研シリーズ, 日本交通政策研究会   A-716   1 - 56  2018.05

  • Seemingly Unrelated Interventions: Environmental Management Systems in the Workplace and Energy Conservation Behaviors at Home

    Toshi.H.Arimura, Kazuyuki Iwata, Hajime Katayama, Mari Sakudo

    Discussion Paper Series, Faculty of Political Science and Economics, Waseda University   1802   1 - 41  2018.05

  • Environmental Regulation, Innovation and Business Performance ̶An Empirical Study of the Porter Hypothesis Using Japanese Facility-level Data̶

    Shulei Chen, Yushi Kunugi, Toshi H. Arimura

    Environmental Information Science   31 ( 3 ) 136 - 147  2018.05  [Refereed]

  • International Cooperation on Climate Policy from the Japanese Perspective

    Shiro Takeda, Toshi. H. Arimura

    International Cooperation in East Asia to Address Climate Change     23 - 26  2018.02

  • Information Leverage: The Adoption of Clean Cooking Fuel in Bhutan

    Ngawang Dendup, Toshi H. Arimura

    Discussion Paper Series, Faculty of Political Science and Economics, Waseda University   1801   1 - 22  2018.02

  • The Potential of Carbon Market Linkage between Japan and China


    Asia Society Policy Institute (ASPI) report     103 - 113  2018

  • 第2章 企業の自主的な環境取り組みの実証分析

    Toshi H. Arimura, Hajime Katayama

    環境経済学のフロンティア(有村俊秀・片山東・松本茂編著)     19 - 44  2017.09

  • Review of Economic Analyses on Carbon Pricing: Ex-Ante and Ex-Post Assessments

    有村 俊秀

    Journal of Japan Society of Energy and Resources   38 ( 5 ) 261 - 267  2017.09


  • Cost-efficient strategy for reducing particulate matter 2.5 in the Tokyo Metropolitan area:An integrated approach with aerosol and economic models

    Yushi Kunugi, Toshi H. Arimura, Kazuyuki Iwata, Eiji Komatsu, Yoshie Hirayama

    WINPEC Working Paper Series No.E1709    2017.07

  • EEPS special issue on “Enhancing renewable energy and energy efficiency: Japanese and US policies with implications for Asia”

    Toshi H. Arimura, Nori Tarui

    Environmental Economics and Policy Studies   19 ( 3 ) 451 - 457  2017.07



  • Multiplier impacts and emission reduction effects of Joint Crediting Mechanism: analysis with a Japanese and international disaggregated input–output table

    Makoto Sugino, Minoru Morita, Kazuyuki Iwata, Toshi. H. Arimura

    Environmental Economics and Policy Studies   19 ( 3 ) 635 - 657  2017.07  [Refereed]

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    The reduction of emissions from developing countries is essential in tackling climate change. The Clean Development Mechanism is effective in reducing greenhouse emissions but criticized by various parties. In response, the Japanese government has proposed the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM). Using the 2010 Japanese domestic and the 2005 Asian international input–output tables, we disaggregate the automobile industry and other electrical devices and parts industry to capture hybrid vehicles and solar panels. Moreover, we add the wind turbine industry and the geothermal turbine industry in our analysis. In evaluating the JCM, we find that the multiplier impacts of hybrid vehicles, wind turbines and air conditioners are high, whereas boilers and solar panels produce smaller effects. In contrast, the results for the employment effects show that the coke dry quenching plants and lighting equipment create more jobs. We also estimate the emission reduction from the JCM. Taking into account the lifetime of each product/technology and country-specific emission coefficients, we find that lighting equipment’s emission reductions are the greatest, whereas washing machines’ reductions are the least. Thus, it is important to choose the technologies/items suitable for the JCM by balancing their economic and reduction effects. The government must assess various technologies/items before determining the eligibility of each technology/item.



  • Technology transfer and cost structure of clean development mechanism projects: an empirical study of Indian cases

    Nils Simon, Toshi H. Arimura, Minoru Morita, Akihisa Kuriyama, Kazuhisa Koakutsu

    Environmental Economics and Policy Studies   19 ( 3 ) 609 - 633  2017.07  [Refereed]

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    This research empirically estimates abatement costs under the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) in India, using project-level data for 830 projects that had been registered as of April 2014. Emphasis lies on assessing the impact of international technology transfer on abatement costs and on testing whether CDM projects in India have experienced a “low-hanging fruits” problem or have benefitted from learning effects. The results suggest that projects that include technology transfer have higher abatement costs. However, this does not appear to be universally applicable when assessing technology transfer by project type. Second, no conclusive evidence is found to support a “low-hanging fruits” problem, both empirically and based on the finding that most Indian projects are conducted unilaterally. On the contrary, some project types showed that abatement costs decrease as more projects are implemented. Finally, results suggest increasing returns to scale as well as economies of time in terms of project duration.



  • Same concerns, same responses? A Bayesian quantile regression analysis of the determinants for supporting nuclear power generation in Japan

    Yukiko Omata, Hajime Katayama, Toshi. H. Arimura

    Environmental Economics and Policy Studies   19 ( 3 ) 581 - 608  2017.07  [Refereed]

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    Using the Internet survey data from 6500 individuals, this study examines the determinants for supporting the restart of nuclear power plants operation in Japan. The variable of interest is the level of support that is measured as a categorical and ordered variable, for which ordered logit or probit is commonly estimated. This study departs from the literature using Bayesian ordinal quantile regression (Rahman 2015, Bayesian Anal. doi:10.1214/15-BA939) to address whether covariates have differential effects at various conditional quantiles of the latent response variable. This approach allows us to explore, for example, whether three otherwise identical individuals, the first with an average unobserved preference for the restart, the second with a low unobserved preference, and the third with a high unobserved preference, respond similarly or differently to a change in a covariate. The results show that for most of the covariates examined, including concerns about meltdowns and concerns about global warming, the effects differ across conditional quantiles of the latent response variable. In other words, the covariate effects depend crucially on individuals’ unobserved preferences for the restart (conditional on observables). The results also show that there are considerable gender differences in response to changes in covariates.



  • Subjective Well-being and Natural Capital in Japan ̶An Empirical Analysis Using Micro Data̶

    Yushi Kunugi, Toshi. H. Arimura, Toru Nakashizuka, Michio Oguro

    環境科学会誌   30 ( 2 ) 96 - 106  2017.03  [Refereed]

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    <p>In evaluating the value of the natural environment, subjective well-being index has gained attention. Using the subjective well-being index, we examined the value of natural capital in Japan. Specifically, we classified capital into four types: natural capital, physical capital, human capital and social capital. We constructed a micro data set on subjective well-being and other individual attributes by an internet survey from all over Japan. We matched natural capital and physical capital data at municipality level to the individual micro data. Regression analysis revealed that natural capital such as open water or plantation areas have a positive effect on the subjective well-being of local residents who are living near these areas. In order to improve the subjective well-being of the local residents, governments should adopt policies to preserve open water areas or plantations that provide the eco-system service for the use of the public.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • Cooking Fuel Choices - Analysis of Socio-economic and Demographic Factors in Rural India-

    Mriduchhanda Chattopadhyay, Toshi.H. Arimura, Hajime Katayama, Mari Sakudo, Hide-Fumi Yokoo

    環境科学会誌   30 ( 2 ) 131 - 140  2017.03  [Refereed]

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    <p>Indoor air pollution from the combustion of traditional cooking fuels causes millions of annual premature deaths in the developing world. This study examines the socio-economic and demographic factors that affect household choices of cooking fuels used in India. Survey data collected from 68 households in the rural areas of West Bengal were analyzed. The results of the regression analyses show that the location of the kitchen and the availability of free fuel affect the choice of clean cooking fuels. Furthermore, household income, age and education level of the household head are positively associated with clean fuel choices, while household size and distance to the nearest market are negatively associated with clean fuel choices.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • An Econometric Analysis of Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Program by Provincial Governments ̶A Quantitative Analysis of the Manufacturing Sector̶

    Naonari Yajima, Toshi.H. Arimura

    Environmental Science   30 ( 2 ) 121 - 130  2017.03  [Refereed]

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    <p>Recently, Japanese local governments have promoted climate policies. Notably, numerous provincial governments have adopted "Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emission Reduction Program (ERP)". ERP requires facilities with a certain amount of GHG emission or more to make a plan to reduce GHG emission. Moreover, ERP mandates such facilities to report their GHG emissions annually. ERP, however, lacks of penalty for facilities failing to reduce GHG emissions. Thus, some criticize ERP due to the lack of the enforcement mechanism. This study empirically examines whether the introduction of ERP reduces GHG emission. Specifically, we collected GHG emission from 1990 to 2013 at provincial level together with the timing of ERP adoption for each provincial government. We conducted a panel data analysis and found that GHG emission per worker was reduced from 8 to 10 percent in the manufacturing sector. The estimation results hinted that ERP is effective in reducing GHG emissions in the manufacturing sector.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • Do Social Norms Matter to Energy-Saving Behavior? Endogenous Social and Correlated Effects

    Toshi H. Arimura, Hajime Katayama, Mari Sakudo

    Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists   3 ( 3 ) 525 - 553  2016.07  [Refereed]



  • 電力部門での温室効果ガス排出削減の現状と課題-市場メカニズムの可能性-


    環境経済・政策研究   9 ( 9 ) 71 - 75  2016.03  [Refereed]

  • Voluntary agreements to encourage proactive firm action against climate change: an empirical study of industry associations' voluntary action plans in Japan

    Masayo Wakabayashi, Toshi H. Arimura

    JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION   112 ( 4 ) 2885 - 2895  2016.01  [Refereed]

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    From 1997 to 2012, 114 Japanese industry associations implemented voluntary action plans, which are not enforced by laws or regulations, to reduce carbon emissions. This paper investigates whether the establishment of these voluntary action plans by industry associations contributed to the adoption of a carbon emissions target at the firm level within the associations. Using a survey of approximately 1000 firms in Japan, this paper finds that small and medium-sized firms in sectors with voluntary action plans were 2-4 times more likely to establish their own carbon emissions targets than were firms belonging to industry associations without voluntary action plans. In contrast, the paper finds that voluntary action plans did not affect the establishment of emissions targets among firms with more than 3000 employees. This result is consistent with the survey responses, which found that periodic follow-ups under a voluntary action plan helped small firms to obtain important pieces of information and that industry associations played an important role in this process. In general, small firms have relatively large potential for energy saving, but the lack of information prevents its realization. The results, confirm the importance of voluntary action plans in removing the information barriers of relatively small firms and encouraging them to implement carbon emissions targets. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



  • The effect of ISO 14001 on environmental performance: Resolving equivocal findings

    Toshi H. Arimura, Nicole Darnall, Rama Ganguli, Hajime Katayama

    JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT   166 ( 15 ) 556 - 566  2016.01  [Refereed]



  • A policy evaluation of the eco-point program: The program's impact on CO&lt;inf&gt;2&lt;/inf&gt; reductions and the replacement of home appliances

    Minoru Morita, Toshi H. Arimura

    Environmental Subsidies to Consumers: How did they Work in the Japanese Market?     91 - 110  2015.06  [Refereed]



  • Do households misperceive the benefits of energy-saving actions? Evidence from a Japanese household survey

    Kazuyuki Iwata, Hajime Katayama, Toshi H. Arimura

    ENERGY FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT   25   27 - 33  2015.04  [Refereed]

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    Using a household survey conducted in a suburb of Tokyo, we examine whether individuals properly perceive the benefits of energy-saving actions. A bivariate regression shows that, on average, individuals overestimate the benefits. The tendency to overestimate is robust to controlling for individual and home characteristics. Our results are contrary to those of Attari et al. (2011), who found that individuals in the U.S. tended to underestimate the benefits of energy-saving activities. The difference in our results suggests that the provision of information about the benefits of energy saving may be an effective policy to address global warming issues in one country but not necessarily in all countries. We also find that the magnitude of overestimation is greatest among young single males, whereas the benefits perceived by older married females are the smallest. This result suggests that the provision of tailored information (i.e., highly personalized and specific information) can be an effective intervention even in Japan. (C) 2014 International Energy Initiative. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.



  • 国内排出量取引の国際リンク及び関連経済分析の動向と展望


    環境経済・政策研究   Vol.8 ( 1 ) 50 - 60  2015.03

  • Same concerns, same responses? A Bayesian quantile regression analysis of the determinants for supporting nuclear power generation in Japan

    Yukiko Omata, Hajime Katayama, Toshi. H. Arimura

    WINPEC Working Paper Series   No.E1517  2015  [Refereed]

  • Multiplier Impacts and Emission Reduction Effects of Joint Crediting Mechanism: Analysis with a Japanese and International Disaggregated Input-Output Table

    Makoto Sugino, Minoru Morita, Kazuyuki Iwata, Toshi. H. Arimura

    TCER Working Paper Series   A-0160  2015  [Refereed]

  • Mitigation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions : Role of Economic Instruments

    Toshi H. Arimura, Makoto Sugino

    Environmental Information Science   Vol.44 ( 1 ) 36 - 41  2015


  • Do households under- or over-estimate benefits from energy saving behaviors?: Evidence from the Japanese household survey

    Arimura, T, H.(Co-Authors, Iwata, K, Katayama, H

    Energy for Sustainable Development   Vol.25   27 - 33  2015

  • Is there any difference between SMEs and large enterprises in the incentive of ISO14001 certification and the effect of certification?

    Hakaru Iguchi, Wu Xiao Yun, Toshi H. Arimura

    Environmental Information Science   27 ( 6 ) 347 - 353  2014.11

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    Recently, it is pointed out that environmental practices of SME are not carried out compared to large enterprises. This difference results from the fact that SMEs are exempt from environmental regulations. Thus it is necessary for SMEs to deal with environmental problem voluntary. In this study, we focus on ISO14001, which is a type of voluntary environmental practices recognized around the globe. We analyze if there are different incentives for acquiring ISO14001 certification and compare the improvements in environmental performance, between SME and large enterprises.<BR>We find that the main region of sales does not affect ISO14001 certification for large enterprises, although SMEs main region of sales affect ISO 14001 certification. In addition, SMEs have lower incentives to adopt ISO14001 certification than large enterprises. However, there is no difference in environmental performance between SMEs and large enterprises. The results also implied that support from the local governments for adopting ISO14001 is an effective measure that facilitates SMEs' voluntary environmental practices, which improves their environmental performance.

    DOI CiNii

  • ISO14001 認証取得のインセンティブとその有効性-大企業と中小企業の比較分析-

    有村俊秀, 著者, 井口衡, 呉暁芸

    環境科学会誌   Vol. 27 ( 6 ) 345 - 351  2014

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    Recently, it is pointed out that environmental practices of SME are not carried out compared to large enterprises. This difference results from the fact that SMEs are exempt from environmental regulations. Thus it is necessary for SMEs to deal with environmental problem voluntary. In this study, we focus on ISO14001, which is a type of voluntary environmental practices recognized around the globe. We analyze if there are different incentives for acquiring ISO14001 certification and compare the improvements in environmental performance, between SME and large enterprises.<BR>We find that the main region of sales does not affect ISO14001 certification for large enterprises, although SMEs main region of sales affect ISO 14001 certification. In addition, SMEs have lower incentives to adopt ISO14001 certification than large enterprises. However, there is no difference in environmental performance between SMEs and large enterprises. The results also implied that support from the local governments for adopting ISO14001 is an effective measure that facilitates SMEs' voluntary environmental practices, which improves their environmental performance.

    DOI CiNii

  • The role of local government in the voluntary approach to environmental policy: A case study of policy mix and multilevel governance aimed at sustainable development in Japan

    Toshi. H. Arimura (Co-author, Yoshika Yamamoto

    Governing Low-Carbon Development and the Economy, Edited by Hidenori Niizawa and Toru Morotomi     132 - 146  2014

  • Adoption of ISO9001 through Supply Chain in Vietnam: Impacts of FDI and Product-related Environmental Regulation

    Toshi. H. Arimura, Co-Authors, Hakaru Iguchi, Etsuyo michida

    IDE Discussion Paper   No. 497  2014

  • Output-based allocation of emissions permits for mitigating the leakage and competitiveness issues for the Japanese economy

    Shiro Takeda, Toshi H. Arimura, Hanae Tamechika, Carolyn Fischer, Alan K. Fox

    Environmental Economics and Policy Studies   16 ( 1 ) 89 - 110  2014.01

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    The adoption of domestic emissions trading schemes (ETS) can impose a heavy burden on energy-intensive industries. Particularly, energy-intensive industries competing with foreign competitors could lose their international edge. Although the abatement of CO2 emissions in industrialized countries entails the reduction of their energy-intensive production, a corresponding increase in the production of energy-intensive goods in countries without CO2 regulations may lead to carbon "leakage." This paper examines the effects of various allocation methods of emissions permits in the Japanese ETS on the economy and CO2 emissions using a multiregional and multisector computable general equilibrium model. Specifically, we apply the Fischer and Fox (Land Econ 83(4):575-599, 2007) model to the Japanese economy to address carbon leakage and competitiveness issues. We compare auction schemes, grandfathering schemes, and output-based allocation (OBA) schemes. We further extend the model by examining a combination of auctions and OBA. Though the auction scheme is found to be the best in terms of macroeconomic impacts, the leakage rate is high and the harm to energy-intensive sectors can be significant. OBA causes less leakage and damage to energy-intensive sectors, but the macroeconomic impact is undesirable. Considering all three effects-leakage, competitiveness, and macroeconomics-we find that combinations of auctions and OBA are desirable. © 2013 Springer Japan.



  • The effects of alternative carbon mitigation policies on Japanese industries

    Makoto Sugino, Toshi H. Arimura, Richard D. Morgenstern

    ENERGY POLICY   62   1254 - 1267  2013.11  [Refereed]

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    To address the climate change issue, developed nations have considered introducing carbon pricing mechanisms in the form of a carbon tax or an emissions trading scheme (ETS). Despite the small number of programmes actually in operation, these mechanisms remain under active discussion in a number of countries, including Japan. Using an input-output model of the Japanese economy, this article analyses the effects of carbon pricing on Japan's industrial sector. We also examine the impact of a rebate programme of the type proposed for energy-intensive trade-exposed (EITE) industries in U.S. legislation, the Waxman-Markey Bill (H.R. 2454), and in the European Union's ETS. We find that a carbon pricing scheme would impose a disproportionate burden on a limited number of sectors - namely, pig iron, crude steel (converters), cement and other EITE industries. Out of 401 industries, 23 would be eligible for rebates according to the Waxman-Markey-type programme, whereas 122 industries would be eligible for rebates according to the E.U.-type programme, if adopted in Japan. Overall, despite the differences in coverage, we find that the Waxman-Markey and E.U. rebate programmes have roughly similar impacts in reducing the average burden on EITE industries. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



  • A new insight into environmental innovation: Does the maturity of environmental management systems matter?

    Emiko Inoue, Toshi H. Arimura, Makiko Nakano

    ECOLOGICAL ECONOMICS   94   156 - 163  2013.10  [Refereed]

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    Technological innovation has recently become more essential than ever. To examine the factors that might induce environmental technological innovation, we focus on ISO 14001, a voluntary approach to environmental management, and scrutinise how the proficiency or maturity level of ISO 14001 in facilities influences environment-related research and development (R&D) expenditures that promote environmental technological innovation. We measure the maturity level based on the length of time since a given facility adopted ISO 14001. Using Japanese facility-level data from "Environmental Policy Tools and Firm-Level Management and Practices: An International Survey" (OECD Survey), we estimate two Tobit models by addressing an endogeneity issue in ISO 14001. The estimation results provide empirical evidence that as the ISO 14001 is improved in facilities, those facilities are likely to spend more on environmental R&D. The facility age and market concentration also positively affect environmental R&D. These findings suggest that the maturity level of ISO 14001 is an important factor influencing the investment in environmental R&D. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.



  • エネルギー問題に経済学ができること


    経済セミナー   ( 669 ) 23 - 29  2012.12

  • 排出量取引、カーボンオフセット、二国間メカニズム


    地球温暖化とグリーン経済(山本良一、高岡美佳編著)    2012.12

  • 1000円高速割引の費用便益分析

    有村俊秀, 共著者, 浅田義久, 藤原徹, 功刀祐之

    「集積の経済を考慮した取り、交通分析」日交研シリーズ(日本交通政策研究会)   A-558   1 - 27  2012.12

  • 研究室紹介

    Toshi H. Arimura

    日本の環境研究室百選     88 - 89  2012.10

  • 温暖化対策における国境調整措置の動学的応用一般均衡分析

    有村俊秀, 共著者, 武田史郎, 木晋

    ESRI Discussion Paper Series   291   1 - 49  2012.10

  • 研究室紹介

    日本の環境研究室百選     88 - 89  2012.10

  • 製品環境規制が与えるサプライチェーンへの影響-日本・タイ・ベトナムの調査より-

    有村俊秀, 共著者, 井口衡, 道田悦代

    アジ研 ワールド・トレンド   18 ( 204 ) 38 - 45  2012.09


  • 排出量取引の制度設計による炭素リーケージ対策:排出枠配分方法の違いによる経済影響の比較

    武田史郎, 有村俊秀, 爲近英恵

    有村俊秀・蓬田守弘・川瀬剛志(編)(2012)『地球温暖化対策と国際貿易: 排出量取引と国境調整措置をめぐる経済学・法学的分析』、東京大学出版会、第3章     63 - 86  2012.05

  • 日本の国境調整措置政策・炭素リーケージ防止と国際競争力保持への効果

    武田史郎, 堀江哲也, 有村俊秀

    有村俊秀・蓬田守弘・川瀬剛志(編)(2012)『地球温暖化対策と国際貿易: 排出量取引と国境調整措置をめぐる経済学・法学的分析』、東京大学出版会、第4章     87 - 108  2012.05

  • 排出量取引


    環境経済学(細田衛士編著)     155 - 174  2012.05

  • 企業の自主的取り組みと環境経営

    有村俊秀, 共著者, 岩田和之, 馬奈木俊介

    環境経済学(細田衛士編著)     175 - 199  2012.05

  • 環境政策


    現代アメリカ経済論(地主敏樹・村山裕三・加藤一誠編著)     290 - 309  2012.04

  • 排出量取引の国際リンク及びCDMの経済分析

    武田史郎, 杉野誠, 有村俊秀, 山崎雅人

    有村俊秀・武田史郎(編著)(2012)『排出量取引と省エネルギーの経済分析』、日本評論社、第3章     41 - 62  2012.03

  • The Impact of a Carbon Tax on the Industry and Household -An Input-output Analysis-

    Makoto Sugino, Toshi. H. Arimura, Minoru Morita

    Environmental Science   25 ( 2 ) 126 - 133  2012.03



    Climate Change Economics   3 ( 1 ) 1250003 - 1250003  2012.02

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    Using a multi-region and multi-sector computable general equilibrium model, this paper evaluates the border adjustment policies of carbon regulations in Japan. We consider five types of border adjustments and examine their effects on the welfare, carbon leakage, and competitiveness of the Japanese energy-intensive trade-exposed (EITE) sectors.

    Our analysis shows that no single border adjustment policy is superior to the other policies in terms of simultaneously solving three primary issues: Welfare degradation, carbon leakage, and a loss of competitiveness in the EITE sectors. In addition, we show that export border adjustments are effective at restoring the competitiveness of Japanese exporters and reducing leakage. Our analysis also reveals that border adjustment in Japan significantly affects carbon leakage to China and the competitiveness of the iron and steel sectors. Finally, we show that border adjustments with and without consideration of indirect emissions have similar impacts, which indicates that the information regarding direct emissions is sufficient for implementing border adjustment in Japan.



  • A Dynamic Computable General Equilibrium Analysis of Border Adjustments for Climate Change Policy

    Shiro Takeda, Susumu Suzuki, Toshi.H.Arimura

    Economic Analysis   186  2012

  • Cost-Effectiveness of Electricity Energy Efficiency Programs

    Toshi H. Arimura, Shanjun Li, Richard G. Newell, Karen Palmer

    ENERGY JOURNAL   33 ( 2 ) 63 - 99  2012  [Refereed]

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    We analyze the cost-effectiveness of electric utility ratepayer funded programs to promote demand-side management (DSM) and energy efficiency (EE) investments. We specify a model that relates electricity demand to previous EE DSM spending, energy prices, income, weather, and other demand factors. In contrast to previous studies, we allow EE DSM spending to have a potential long-term demand effect and explicitly address possible endogeneity in spending. We find that current period EE DSM expenditures reduce electricity demand and that this effect persists for a number of years. Our findings suggest that ratepayer funded DSM expenditures between 1992 and 2006 produced a central estimate of 0.9 percent savings in electricity consumption over that time period and a 1.8 percent savings over all years. These energy savings came at an expected average cost to utilities of roughly 5 cents per kWh saved when future savings are discounted at a 5 percent rate.



  • The Impact on Japanese Industry of Alternative Carbon Mitigation Policies

    Toshi H. Arimura(Co-Authors, Makoto Sugino, Richard Morgenstein

    RFF Discussion Paper   12-17   1 - 34  2012

  • 米国:エネルギー技術政策と気候変動政策

    有村俊秀, 者, 堀江

    気候変動と国際協調-京都議定書と多国間協調の行方-(亀山康子・高村ゆかり編著)     210 - 235  2011.11

  • The effects of voluntary action plans on energy-saving investment: An empirical study of the Japanese manufacturing sector

    Makoto Sugino, Toshi H. Arimura

    Environmental Economics and Policy Studies   13 ( 3 ) 237 - 257  2011.09

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    This paper examines whether voluntary actions can lead to manufacturing sector investment that reduces environmental impact. Our approach relies on unique firm-level panel data. First, we investigate the effects of the Keidanren's (Japanese Business Federation) voluntary action plans (VAP) on investment in energy efficiency and environmental preservation. We also consider the type of VAP used by a firm, whether absolute or relative targets. We conclude that firms with absolute targets are more likely to invest in energy-efficiency processes than those with relative targets. Our simulation confirms that the use of absolute targets can increase investment in energy efficiency by 7%. Hence, we confirmed that voluntary action plans with absolute targets are effective in increasing investment related to energy efficiency. Second, we examine whether VAP promotes investment in low-emission processes at the expense of productive investment. We conclude that VAP promotes investment in energy efficiency and protecting the environment by reducing productive investment. Finally, our results did not verify the existence of a liquidity constraint for emission reduction investment for large firms. © 2011 Springer.



  • ISOと環境管理


    OECC会誌     10 - 12  2011.08

  • Promotion of Carbon Capture and Strage Technology Using Carbon

    Toshi H. Arimura, Co-Authors, Seiji Maeda, Jun Wada, Kuniko Urashim

    Science &amp; Technology Trends   ( 40 ) 44 - 57  2011.07


  • Economic impacts of linking domestic emission trading schemes: a computable general equilibrium approach

    Toshi.H.Arimura, Makoto Sugino, Shiro Takeda

    Environmental research quarterly   161 ( 161 ) 95 - 102  2011.05


  • Is ISO 14001 a gateway to more advanced voluntary action? The case of green supply chain management

    Toshi H. Arimura, Nicole Darnall, Hajime Katayama

    JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT   61 ( 2 ) 170 - 182  2011.03  [Refereed]

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    Using Japanese facility-level data, we estimate the effects of ISO 14001 certification on the promotion of more advanced practices, namely green supply chain management (GSCM). Our results show that ISO 14001 promotes GSCM practices. Facilities with environmental management systems (EMS) certified to ISO 14001 are 40% more likely to assess their suppliers&apos; environmental performance and 50% more likely to require that their suppliers undertake specific environmental practices. Further, government programs that encourage voluntary EMS adoption indirectly promote GSCM practices. These programs increase the probabilities that facilities will assess their suppliers&apos; environmental performance and require suppliers to undertake specific environmental practices by 7% and 8%, respectively. Combined, these findings suggest that there may be significant but previously unnoticed spillover effects of ISO 14001 and government promotion of voluntary action. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.



  • 排出量取引を利用した二酸化炭素回収・貯留技術の促進について

    有村俊秀, 共著者, 前田征児, 和田潤, 浦島邦子

    科学技術動向   No.120 ( 120 ) 20 - 32  2011.03


  • Evaluating Japanese Carbon Mitigation Policies : The Role of Economic Models


    Journal of Japan Society of Energy and Resources   32 ( 2 ) 9 - 13  2011.03

  • Identifying Energy Intensive Trade Exposed Industries: Comparison of EU-ETS and Waxman-Markey Criteria Using Japanese Manufacturing Data

    Makoto Sugino, Toshi.H.Arimura

    Sophia Economic Review   56 ( 第1・2号合併号 ) 11 - 25  2011.03


  • Carbon Policies, Competitiveness, and Emissions Leakage: An International Perspective

    Carolyn Fischer, Eric Moore, Richard Morgenstern, Toshi.H.Arimura

    Sophia Economic Review   第56巻 ( 第1・2号合併号 ) 43 - 56  2011.03


  • 国際競争力・炭素リーケージに配慮した国内排出量取引の制度設計

    有村俊秀, 武田史郎

    Business & Economic Review   65-80 ( 7 ) 65 - 80  2011


  • 国内排出量取引の国際リンクによる経済的影響に関する研究:応用一般均衡分析によるアプローチ

    有村俊秀, 共著者, 武田史郎, 野誠

    環境研究   161号 ( 161 ) 95 - 102  2011


  • Case Study on Adoption of Environmental Management System and Environmental Management Practices in Japan

    Toshihide Arimura(Coauthor, Akira Hibiki

    International Journal for Sustainable Innovations   Vol.1 ( No.1 ) 8 - 15  2011

  • Measures to Protect the Environment and Conserve Energy Taken by the United States and Japan: Review of Quantitative Analysis

    Toshi H. Arimura(Co-Author, Kazuyuki Iwat

    Far Eastern Studies   9   65 - 87  2010.03

    DOI CiNii

  • 日本国内の国内温暖化政策


    経済セミナー   ( 652 ) 22 - 26  2010


  • 日・米の新エネルギー政策について


    JOYO ARC   142 ( 483 ) 16 - 20  2010


  • Carbon Policies, Competetiveness, and Emissions Leakage: An International Perspective

    Toshi H. Arimura, Co-Authors, Carolyn Fischer, Eric Moore, Richard Morgenster


  • An empirical study on determinants of ISO14001 certification and its effect on reduction in toluene emissions in Japan

    Kazuyuki Iwata, Toshi.H.Arimura, Akira Hibiki

    The journal of Japan Economic Research   ( 62 ) 16 - 38  2010


  • 環境政策手段の選択と技術革新


    環境政策のポリシーミックス(諸富徹編著)     145 - 160  2009.10

  • Economic analysis of Japanese air pollution regulation: An optimal retirement problem under the vehicle type regulation in the NOx-particulate matter law

    Kazuyuki Iwata, Toshi H. Arimura

    TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART D-TRANSPORT AND ENVIRONMENT   14 ( 3 ) 157 - 167  2009.05  [Refereed]

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    This paper examines the vehicle type regulation that was introduced under the Automobile Nitrogen Oxides-Particulate Matter Law to mitigate air pollution in Japanese metropolitan areas. The vehicle type regulation effectively sets the timing for vehicle retirement by initial registration year and type. However, there was no consideration of cost or efficiency in choosing the timing of retirement. We solve an optimal problem to maximize the social net benefit under the current framework of the vehicle type regulation. The analysis finds that the net benefit can more than double if the optimal retirement timing is chosen. Further, we find that even a simple alteration of the retirement timing can increase the social net benefit by 13%. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



  • 自動車排気ガス対策の事後的政策評価

    有村俊秀, 者, 岩田

    環境を考慮した交通政策とその評価手法の開発(日交研シリーズ、日本交通政策研究会)   A-467   1 - 18  2009.05

  • 米国のキャップ&トレード:ケリー・ボクサー法案概要とその行方


    エネルギーと環境   ( 2066 ) 6 - 8  2009


  • 米国: 州・地域、連邦レベルでの取り組み


    やさしく読み解く経済: 環境2 制度をどう考えるか(環境経済研究会編)     21 - 42  2009

  • 地球温暖化問題と技術革新:政府と市場の役割


    地球温暖化と経済発展:持続可能な成長を考える(宇沢弘文、細田裕子編著)     273 - 294  2009

  • 自動車排気ガス対策の事後的政策評価

    有村俊秀, 者, 岩田

    自動車交通研究2009 環境と政策(日本交通政策研究会)     14 - 15  2009

  • オバマ政権のクリーン・エネルギーと温暖化対策を見る(上)


    エネルギーと環境   ( 2042 ) 6 - 6  2009


  • オバマ政権のクリーン・エネルギーと温暖化対策を見る(下)


    エネルギーと環境   ( 2044 ) 8 - 9  2009

  • オバマのグリーン・ニューディール政策 大胆な戦略的産業育成業


    時事通信オンデマンドブックレット-変わるアメリカがわかる-解剖 オバマ政権2009   ( 42 ) 94 - 96  2009

  • 米国の地球温暖化対策: 修正リーバーマン・ウォーナー法案に見るその方向性


    環境新聞(2008年6月18日付、17面)    2008.06

  • RIAによる政策効率向上の可能性:自動車NOX・PM法における車種規制の経済分析

    有村俊秀, 者, 岩田

    自動車関連環境施策の事後的評価と今後の対策に関する研究(日交研シリーズ、日本交通政策研究会)   A-446   19 - 40  2008.06

  • Is a voluntary approach an effective environmental policy instrument? A case for environmental management systems

    Toshi H. Arimura, Akira Hibiki, Hajime Katayama

    JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT   55 ( 3 ) 281 - 295  2008.05  [Refereed]

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    Using Japanese facility-level data from an OECD survey, we estimate the effects of implementation of ISO14001 and publication of environmental reports on the facilities' environmental performance. While most previous studies focused on an index of emissions toxicity, this study examines three areas of impacts, none of which have been explored in the literature: natural resource use, solid waste generation, and wastewater effluent. The study is also unique in that the effectiveness of ISO14001 is considered in relation to environmental regulations. Our findings are summarized as follows. First, both ISO14001 and report publication help reduce all three impacts; the former appears more effective in all areas except wastewater. Second, environmental regulations do not weaken the effect of ISO14001. Third, assistance programs offered by local governments-a voluntary approach-promote facilities' adoption of ISO14001. These findings suggest that governments can use command-and-control and voluntary approaches concurrently. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.



  • Economic Analysis on Motor-Vehicle Type Regulation: Policy Evaluation of NOx PM Law

    Toshi. H. Arimura, Kazuyuki Iwata

    Environmental Science   21 ( 2 ) 103 - 114  2008.03

  • 米国で進む地球温暖化政策: 排出量取引の国内制度設計を占う(中)


    エネルギーと環境   ( 1995 ) 5 - 6  2008

  • 米国で進む地球温暖化政策: 排出量取引の国内制度設計を占う(上)


    エネルギーと環境   ( 1994 ) 8 - 9  2008

  • 米国で進む地球温暖化政策: 排出量取引の国内制度設計を占う(下)


    エネルギーと環境   ( 1996 ) 5 - 6  2008


  • 各国で導入進む排出量取引の制度設計: 米国における論点について


    京都便り   ( 389 ) 5 - 8  2008

  • Pressured to Disclose? Understanding Corporate Voluntary Environmentak Disclosure and Verification

    Toshi H. Arimura, Co-Authors, N. Darnall, K. Iwat

    Multi-leval Environmental Governance for Sustainable Development Discussion Paper   ( 08-03 ) 1 - 29  2008

  • The Impact of Environmental Regulation on Technological Innovation : An assessment of the Porter hypothesis with firm level environmental R & D data

    Toshi.H.Arimura, Makoto Sugino

    The Journal of Science Policy and Research Management   23 ( 3 ) 201 - 211  2008

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    This paper investigates the impacts of environmental regulations on technological innovation using a unique data set of Japanese firm-level environmental R & D expenditure. First, from descriptive statistics, we find that environmental R & D increased from 1991 to 2001. The two sources of the expansion are confirmed: 1) more firms investing in environmental R & D and 2) increase in the average environmental R & D expenditure per firm. Second, we empirically test the "weak version" of the Porter Hypothesis, defined by Jaffe and Palmer (1997). We find that environmental regulation, measured by environmental conservation investment, increases the probability of investing in general R & D and environmental R & D. In contrast, the expenditures of R & D and environmental R & D, standardized by sales, are not found to be affected by environmental regulations. The stringent environmental regulation, however, increases the ratio of environmental R & D to general R & D expenditures. Thus, we find a supporting evidence of the "weak version" of the Porter Hypothesis.

    DOI CiNii

  • C02 emission reduction under the law concerning the rational use of energy: an empirical study of energy management in the Japanese hotel industry

    Toshi.H.Arimura, Kazuyuki Iwata

    Review of Environmental Economics and Policy Studies   1 ( 1 ) 79 - 89  2008


  • 温暖化対策に熱心な民主支持州


    時事ニュースサイト 「Janet」 内 「週刊e-World」 2007年10月10日号    2007.10

  • 省エネルギー法によるエネルギー管理の徹底(旅館・ホテル)の評価


    H18年度地球温暖化問題対策調査「温暖化対策に関する政策評価調査」報告書     2 - 31  2007.03

  • An Empirical Study of Environmental R&amp;D: What Encourages Facilities to be Environmetally-Innovative?

    Toshi H. Arimura, Co-Authors, Akira Hibiki, Nick Johnstone

    Environmental Policy and Corporate Behaviour (Edited by Nick Johnstone, Edward Elgar Publishing)     142 - 173  2007


  • The effects of "energy management" to fight global warming: comparative study with US Energy Star Program

    Toshi. H. Arimura, Kazuyuki Iwata

    The Study of Accounting   ( 21 ) 65 - 84  2007

  • Incentives of facilities for environmental management and the impact of their stakeholders: from the results of OECD survey

    Akira Hibiki, Toshi. H. Arimura

    Planning and public management   30 ( 2 ) 61 - 68  2007


  • US Climate Policy Developments

    Toshi H.Arimura, CO-Authors, D. Burtraw, A. Krupnick, K. Parmer

    Resources for the Future Discussion Paper     7 - 45  2007

  • Does Stringent Environmental Regulation Stimulate Environment Related Technological Innovation?

    Toshi H. Arimura, Co-Author, Makoto Sugino

    Sophia Economic Review   152 ( 1-2 ) 1 - 14  2007

  • 大都市における環境規制の流れとポスト京都への動きについて


    総務省 http://www.soumu.go.jp/hyouka/kekatou_f.htm 費用対効果性の試算と該当箇所の執筆    2006.03

  • 欧州における環境規制の流れとポスト京都への動きについて


    外務省・排出量取引研究会報告書    2006.03

  • Emprical analysis of the environmental innovation on environmental impacts and productivity

    Toshi H. Arimura, Co-Authors, Susumu Imai, Makoto Sugino, Akira Hibiki

    Meeting of Collaboration Projects 2005 (Economic Social Research Institute Cabinet Office, Goverment of Japan)    2006.03

  • 省エネ法の効果分析ならびに高性能工業炉に関する諸政策の効果分析

    有村俊秀, 共著者, 岩田和之, 野啓

    H17年度経済産業省委託調査「H17年度国際エネルギー使用合理化基盤整備事業(地球温暖化対策の費用対効果に関する政策評価調査)報告書     54 - 76  2006

  • 環境政策論のフロンティア


    環境経済・政策研究の動向と展望(環境経済・政策学会年報)   11 ( 11 ) 41 - 54  2006


  • Empirical analysis of the impact that environmental policy has on technological innovation

    Toshi H. Arimura, Co-Authors, Susumu Imai, Makoto Sugino, Akira Hibiki

    the Meeting of Collaboration Projects 2004 (Economic Social Research Institute Cabinet Office, Goverment of Japan)    2005.03

  • Does ROR Matter in the U.S.SO2 Allowance Market?


    Journal of economics & business administration   191 ( 1 ) 17 - 29  2005.01


  • わが国における未充足求人の実証分析-「雇用動向調査」個票を用いて-

    有村俊秀, 者, 太田

    内閣府経済社会総合研究所 Discussion Paper   ( 108 ) 1 - 35  2004.06

  • Environmental Policy Tools and Firm-Level Management in Japan

    Toshi H. Arimura, Co-Author, Akira Hibiki

    OECD Web. http://www.oecd.org/document/37/0,3343,en_2649_34333_2388581_1_1_1_1,00.html     1 - 56  2004

  • 自動車燃料税改革と環境負荷低減の効果: 離散選択モデルの車種選択への応用


    環境税制に関する研究(道経研シリーズ)   ( A-103 ) 36 - 59  2003.08

  • An empirical study of the SO2 allowance market: Effects of PUC regulations

    TH Arimura

    JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT   44 ( 2 ) 271 - 289  2002.09  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    This paper investigates electric utility behavior under the SO2 allowance market in Phase I. The probit model shows that cost recovery rules promoted high sulfur coal usage for utilities located in states with coal mines. A simulation shows that protecting these local coal industry increased high sulfur coal usage by 50%. Another finding is that the uncertainty of PUC regulations pushed utilities from the allowance market toward fuel switching/blending. Since the second effect was stronger than the first, the overall PUC regulations contributed to an unexpectedly low allowance price at the beginning of Phase I. (C) 2002 Eisevier Science (USA).



  • 排出量取引の課題


    週刊エコノミスト   80 ( 45 )  2002

  • 労働政策の評価-「構造推定アプローチ」と「実験的アプローチ」-

    有村俊秀, 共著者, 今井晋, 山東

    日本労働研究雑誌   43 ( 497 ) 14 - 21  2001


  • A Review of Studies on the U.S.SO2 Allowance Market : What Is Left Study?


    Sophia Economic Review   47 ( 1-2 ) 87 - 95  2001

  • 累積債務問題が環境保全を困難にする


    地球環境キーワード: 環境経済学で読み解く(植田和弘監修)     118 - 119  1994

  • 国土の多極分散化によって地球への負担が減らせる

    有村俊秀, 者

    地球環境50の仮説(西岡秀三編著)     92 - 95  1994

  • 経済の構造変化による二酸化炭素排出削減に関する研究(産業連関分析による日本及びマレーシアの研究)


    筑波大学大学院環境科学研究科修士論文    1994

  • 都市構造及び都市配置と地球温暖化: 都市計画論再考

    有村俊秀, 共著者, 松岡譲, 森田恒幸

    環境研究   86 ( 86 ) 51 - 65  1992


  • Japanese Environmental Policy

    Toshi. H. Arimura

    The Routledge Handbook of Environmental Economics in Asia. Edited by Shunsuke Managi     516 - 531

▼display all

Books and Other Publications

  • Carbon Pricing in Japan

    Toshi H. Arimura, Shigeru.Matstumo ed( Part: Joint editor)

    Springer  2020.09

  • 環境経済学のフロンティア

    有村俊秀, 片山東, 松本茂編著( Part: Edit)

    日本評論社  2017.09 ISBN: 9784535558571

  • An Evaluation of Japanese Environmental Regulations –Quantitative Approaches from Environmental Economics-

    Toshi. H. Arimura, Co-Author, Kazuyuki Iwat

    Springer  2015.06 ISBN: 9789401799461

  • 温暖化対策の新しい排出削減メカニズム :二国間クレジット制度を中心とした経済分析と展望


    日本評論社  2015.03

  • 地球温暖化対策と国際貿易-排出量取引と国境調整措置をめぐる経済学・法学的分析-

    有村俊秀, 蓬田守弘, 川瀬剛志

    東京大学出版会  2012.05 ISBN: 9784130461078

  • 排出量取引と省エネルギーの経済分析-日本企業と家計の現状-

    有村俊秀, 武田史郎

    日本評論社  2012.03 ISBN: 9784535557130

  • 環境規制の政策評価-環境経済学の定量的アプローチ-

    有村俊秀, 岩田和之

    上智大学出版  2011.09 ISBN: 9784324092361

  • 入門 環境経済学

    日引聡, 有村俊秀

    中央公論新社  2002.07 ISBN: 4121016483

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  • カーボンプライシングを巡る内外の動向と日本での可能性

    有村俊秀  [Invited]

    地球環境技術推進懇談会 2019年度第3回講演会  地球環境技術推進懇談会

    Presentation date: 2020.02

  • 早稲田大学・環境経済経営研究所の国際共同研究について

    有村俊秀  [Invited]

    環境研究総合推進費セミナー「環境研究の国際展開推進に向けて」  ERCA

    Presentation date: 2019.12

  • 日本における環境税制改革と家計への還元


    環境経済・政策学会2019年大会  環境経済・政策学会

    Presentation date: 2019.09

  • 企画セッション「カーボンプライシングの制度オプションの検討:二重の配当の可能性」


    環境経済・政策学会2019年大会  環境経済・政策学会

    Presentation date: 2019.09

  • カーボンプライシングの事後評価と長期的目標実現のための制度オプションの検討

    有村俊秀  [Invited]

    ERCA主催「環境研究総合推進費令和元年度研究成果報告会」  ERCA

    Presentation date: 2019.09

  • The Impact of Tokyo Emission Trading Scheme on Commercial Buildings: What factor contributed the emission reduction?

    Toshi. H. Arimura

    The 8th Congress of EAAERE  EAAERE

    Presentation date: 2019.08

  • Subjective Probabilistic Expectations, Indoor Air Pollution and Health: Evidence from Cooking Fuel Use Pattern in India.

    Toshi. H. Arimura

    The 24th Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economist (EAERE)  EAERE

    Presentation date: 2019.07

  • An Economic Evaluation of Tokyo Emission Trading Scheme.

    Toshi. H. Arimura

    The 3rd Annual Innovate4Climate Conference 

    Presentation date: 2019.06

  • Climate Policy Discussion in Japan and Emission Trading Schemes in North East Asia

    Toshi. H. Arimura

    19th Expert Working Group Meeting on Energy and Environment  (Hawaii) 

    Presentation date: 2019.04

  • Monetary and Moral Incentives of Behavioral Interventions: Field Experimental Evidence from Hotel Guest Energy Efficiency Programs

    Toshi. H. Arimura

    WEAI 15th International Conference  WEAI

    Presentation date: 2019.03

  • カーボンプライシングの重要性と地方自治体のグリーン調達

    有村俊秀  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2018.12

  • Principled Populism: The Road from Disruption to Cooperation

    Toshi. H. Arimura  [Invited]

    43rd Annual Conference of the Federation of ASEAN Economic Associations  (Philippine)  FAEA

    Presentation date: 2018.11

  • Seemingly Unrelated Interventions: Environmental Management Systems in the Workplace and Energy Conservation Behaviors at Home.

    Toshi. H. Arimura

    43rd Annual Conference of the Federation of ASEAN Economic Associations  (Manila)  FAEA

    Presentation date: 2018.11

  • 日中韓三カ国のカーボンプライシングについて

    有村俊秀  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2018.10

  • けいはんなプラザホテルでの産学官共同の省エネ社会実証-地球にやさしいスマートホテルをめざして

    有村俊秀  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2018.10

  • Carbon Pricing in Japan: Experiences of Tokyo ETS and the future prospects.

    Toshi. H. Arimura  [Invited]

    The 5th Asian Energy Modeling Workshop 

    Presentation date: 2018.09

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Research Projects

  • Municipalities' green purchasing policy; Effects of promoting green purchasing, and the relationship to the effectiveness of green purchasing

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • Impacts of Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanisms on Global Emissions and Domestic Mitigation Policies

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • 日本の公共調達の研究:グリーン調達から循環経済のための調達へ

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :



  • 日本の公共調達の研究:グリーン調達から循環経済のための調達へ

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :



  • 事前の防災対策と事後の救済・復興事業に関する時間整合性条件の検証

    Project Year :


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    2018年度までにSeshimo・Yamazaki(2018)に示されたように、被災者の事後的救済によって生じる時間非整合的行動の出現に関する政策的含意が整理された。ここから、政府が最低限の救済しか行わないというコミットや、効率的な保険制度の重要性が示唆された。2019年度においては、これに行動経済学的な検討を加えて、上記のような政策が実施された場合に人々は予想されたような危険回避的な行動を自らとるのかを検討した。これまでの先行研究から、人々の時間割引率が驚くほど高いことが明らかになっている。またプロスペクト理論から、人々は利得方向には危険回避的に行動するものの、損失方向には危険愛好的に行動することが明らかにされている。これらのことから、仮に時間非整合性問題を解決するために、最低限の被災時救済に関する政府のコミットが行われても、効率的な保険制度が設計されたとしても、それらの政策は意図した効果を上げられない可能性が示唆される。このため、合理的な個人を前提とする上記のような政策を行うだけでなく、ナッジと呼ばれるような人々の行動の非合理性を前提としながら、危険回避行動にそっと誘導するような政策の検討が必要であろう。例えば、ハザードマップなどにより事前に災害に対して脆弱であることが、ある程度わかっている地域においては、様々な災害に対する保険加入をデフォルトとするような仕組みが考えられる。以上のような研究実績の一部は研究代表者と分担者(山崎)との著作として2020年度に公刊される予定である。今年度までに、合理的な個人を前提とした場合の時間非整合的行動の発生とそれを回避するための政策的含意、及び必ずしも合理的でない人間を前提とした場合の政策的な含意を一定程度整理をすることができている。また、もう一つのテーマである事前対策と事後対策に関して、Healy and Malhorta(2009)に基づき、選挙制度が及ぼす影響の実証分析のための作業もほぼ順調に進められている。さらに、このテーマに関しては、Alesina and Tabellni(2007)などから、政治的プロセスと官僚プロセスのどちらに災害政策の企画立案に関する権限配分を行った方が効率的かという示唆も得られている。以上のように、当初予定されていた理論的整理、実証分析の作業が概ね予定どおりに進められていることと、新しい方向に沿った研究の端緒が開かれているため、「概ね順調に進展している」と評価することができよう。研究を構成する二つのユニットのうち、2020年度における時間非整合性検証ユニットの方針をまず説明する。Seshimo and Yamazaki(2018)で示された合理的個人の行動を記述するモデルによる予想と、行動経済学的知見の予想は必ずしも一致したものではない。つまり前者においては政府のコミットメントがあり、効率的な保険制度があれば時間非整合的な行動は起こりにくくなるはずである。一方行動経済学の予測はそのような環境下においても危険回避的な行動は起こりにくい。そのような異なる二つの予測を実証分析によって確認する作業に取り掛かりたい。また、「政治(選挙)と災害」ユニットでは、Healy and Malhorta(2009)と同趣旨の実証分析を引き続き進める。さらに、Alenina and Tabellni(2007)の示唆する問題意識に基づく研究を進めるため、国際的な災害政策の制度比較を通じて、どのような権限配分が望ましいのかという研究も進めていきたい

  • カーボンプライシングの事後評価と長期的目標実現のための制度オプションの検討

    環境省  環境研究総合推進費

    Project Year :


  • An Empirical Study of Indoor Air Pollution in Developing Economies: Microeconometric Studies

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Arimura Toshihide, Ngawang Dendup, Mriduchhanda Chattopadhyay

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    To deal with indoor air pollution (IAP) in developing economies, we investigate factors influencing clean fuel choice using data sets from Bhutan and India. For Bhutan, we use a rural subsample of nationally representative data from the 2012 Bhutan Living Standard Survey (BLSS). We estimate a bivariate probit model to control for the potentially endogenous information variable. The results indicate that households that have access to information are approximately 39% more likely to adopt clean cooking fuel.For Indian Data set, we examine the influence of individuals’ subjective probabilistic expectations about health risks related to IAP on their cooking fuel usage patterns. We also explore how these patterns, in turn, affect their health status. Collecting the information on expectations from 557 rural Indian households, we find that subjective probabilistic expectations of becoming sick from dirty fuel usage have some influence on dirty fuel usage

  • Economic Analysis of Non-Price Factor in Energy Saving Behavior: Structural Estimation and Experimental Approach

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Arimura Toshi

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    We examined non-price factors influencing individual energy saving behaviors. We investigated several themes through a structural estimation approach and a field experimental approach. Through the analysis of individual energy saving behaviors at home, we found that social norm plays an important role in their energy saving behaviors. We also found that a structural estimation approach is effective in estimating the size of impacts influenced by social norm. In the field experimental approach, we conducted experiments toward hotel guests. It is suggested that appealing to altruism by donating the amount of energy savings by hotel guests is effective. We also found that monetary incentive also works in energy savings

  • Preventive Investment and Relief Spending for Natural Disasters

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



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    We consider the locational decisions of residents in a small, open linear city at risk for natural disasters and analyzes the relationship between public investment in disaster prevention and compensation by the government. Remarkably, the ex post optimal compensation policy, a type of fully covered compensation, causes time-inconsistency problems. That is, such ex post policy makes the residential area more vulnerable to natural disasters in ex ante. As a result, the ex post compensation policy requires excess preventive investment, unless it is financed from outside the community. External financing does not improve this problem rather may exacerbate these problems. Basing on this theoretical findings, we argue socially optimal disaster policy to resolve these problems

  • 気候変動対策の進捗評価を目的とした指標開発に関する研究((4)炭素市場・炭素税の主要国動向調査および評価に関する研究)

    環境省  環境研究総合推進費

    Project Year :


  • 省エネ行動における非価格要因の経済分析:構造アプローチと実験アプローチの融合

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(B))

    Project Year :


  • 都市を大震災から守るための事前的対策と事後的対策についての時間整合性に関する研究

    科学研究費助成事業(日本大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(A))

    Project Year :


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  • 地域コミュニティのWellbeingに配慮した再生可能エネルギー促進策の経済分析:下関市安岡沖洋上風力発電開発の事例

    公益財団法人旭硝子財団  人文・社会科学系研究奨励寄付金

    Project Year :


  • 日米のエネルギー・ミックス政策の経済影響-再生可能エネルギーと省エネに着目した持続可能な政策提言とアジアへの還元-

    国際交流基金日米センター  助成金

    Project Year :


  • An Empirical Analysis of Energy Conservation Behaviors in Households

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    ARIMURA Toshihide, KATAYAMA Hajime, IWATA Kazuyuki

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    We examined energy conservation behaviors in Japanese households to promote the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions. First, using a household survey conducted in a suburb of Tokyo, we examined whether individuals properly perceive the benefits of energy-saving actions. We found that, on average, Japanese individuals overestimate the benefits. Further, we found that the higher perceived benefit of energy saving actions does not necessarily lead to the real actions. We also examined the effectiveness of environmental subsidy, known as eco-point. We found that emission reduction due to the eco-point program was not as great as previously reported by the government agencies. Further, we confirmed the rebound effect from the purchase of energy efficient appliances by the program. Finally, we examined the diffusion of energy saving actions in Japanese households after the Great East Japan Earthquake. The survey indicates that there is a large emission reduction potential form household

  • 新たな市場メカニズムの国際比較及び二国間クレジット制度の排出削減効果等の分析

    環境省  環境経済の政策研究

    Project Year :


  • 大気環境改善のための費用対効果分析を活用した排出コントロール戦略に関する調査研究

    独立行政法人環境再生保全機構  環境改善調査研究委託費

    Project Year :


  • 家計における様々な省エネルギー促進政策の経済学的検討:震災影響を考慮した実証分析

    科学研究費助成事業(上智大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(C))

    Project Year :


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  • A Study on Adjustment Mechanisms for Resolving the Conflicts of Interests over Common Property.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    YAMAZAKI Fukuju, ASADA Yushihisa, SESHIMO Hiroyuki, UEYAMA Takahiro, ARIMURA Toshihide, YOMOGIDA Morihiro, KAWASE Tsuyoshi, AOKI Ken, KAWANISHI Satoshi, YAMANAKA Hiroshi, NAKAGAWA Masayuki

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    Conflicts of interests, such as conflicts between landscape conservation and urban development, between global warming prevention and economic growth, and over intellectual property, have become major social issues in Japan. In all of these issues, conflicts occur when people utilize common resources or public goods and lack of means to balance their interests makes it difficult to solve the problems. In this research, we study on adjustment mechanisms for resolving the conflicts of interests over common property

  • A Study on Adjustment Mechanisms for Resolving the Conflicts of Interests over Common Property.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    YAMAZAKI Fukuju, ASADA Yushihisa, SESHIMO Hiroyuki, UEYAMA Takahiro, ARIMURA Toshihide, YOMOGIDA Morihiro, KAWASE Tsuyoshi, AOKI Ken, KAWANISHI Satoshi, YAMANAKA Hiroshi, NAKAGAWA Masayuki

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    Conflicts of interests, such as conflicts between landscape conservation and urban development, between global warming prevention and economic growth, and over intellectual property, have become major social issues in Japan. In all of these issues, conflicts occur when people utilize common resources or public goods and lack of means to balance their interests makes it difficult to solve the problems. In this research, we study on adjustment mechanisms for resolving the conflicts of interests over common property.

  • Environmental Policy Mixing

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    MOROTOMI Toru, ARIMURA Toshihide, HAMAMOTO Mitsutsugu, FUJITA Kaori, PARK Seung-joon, ITO Yasushi, KAWAKATSU Takeshi, IKKATAI Seiji, LEE Tae-yeoun, WATANABE Rie, LEE Soo-cheol, SASAO Toshiaki

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    As a result of this research we could draw useful knowledge and insights regarding the following five research fields:(1) economically optimal or second-best policy mixes of climate change policy instruments based on emissions trading system or environmental taxes,(2) economic impacts of emissions trading,(3) policy effects of environmental policy instruments on innovation,(4) policy effects of local environmental taxes and their policy mixes with other environmental policy instruments,(5) cost sharing principles for environmental protection, as summarized in the following section

  • Environmental Policy Mixing

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    MOROTOMI Toru, ARIMURA Toshihide, HAMAMOTO Mitsutsugu, FUJITA Kaori, PARK Seung-joon, ITO Yasushi, KAWAKATSU Takeshi, IKKATAI Seiji, LEE Tae-yeoun, WATANABE Rie, LEE Soo-cheol, SASAO Toshiaki

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    As a result of this research we could draw useful knowledge and insights regarding the following five research fields:(1) economically optimal or second-best policy mixes of climate change policy instruments based on emissions trading system or environmental taxes,(2) economic impacts of emissions trading,(3) policy effects of environmental policy instruments on innovation,(4) policy effects of local environmental taxes and their policy mixes with other environmental policy instruments,(5) cost sharing principles for environmental protection, as summarized in the following section

  • 排出量取引の費用効果性に関する理論的実証的研究:二酸化硫黄排出量取引の事後的評価

    科学研究費助成事業(上智大学)  科学研究費助成事業(若手研究(B))

    Project Year :


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  • 排出量取引の費用効果性に関する理論的実証的研究:二酸化硫黄排出量取引の事後的評価

    科学研究費助成事業(上智大学)  科学研究費助成事業(若手研究(B))

    Project Year :


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  • 大規模オフィスビルのCO2削減対策・技術普及に関する全国調査 調査報告書

    尾沼広基, 有村俊秀


    Rapid communication, short report, research note, etc. (bulletin of university, research institution)  

  • 自動車の燃費改善によるリバウンド効果の推定


    環境科学会年会プログラム講演要旨集   2015   91  2015.09


  • 二国間クレジット制度による経済効果・削減効果に関する分析


    環境科学会年会プログラム講演要旨集   2015   111  2015.09


  • 二国間クレジット制度による経済・削減効果の分析


    環境科学会年会プログラム講演要旨集   2014   79  2014.09


  • PM2.5の排出抑制(削減量)の最適化に関する研究


    環境科学会年会プログラム講演要旨集   2014   80  2014.09


  • 固定発生源由来PM2.5 1次生成粒子ならびに前駆物質排出の削減ポテンシャルおよび費用の推計


    大気環境学会年会講演要旨集   55th   234  2014.08


  • PM2.5対策の費用対効果分析を用いた排出削減の合理化に関する研究


    大気環境学会年会講演要旨集   55th   235  2014.08


  • PM2.5対策のための排出コントロール戦略に関する研究とその課題


    大気環境学会年会講演要旨集   55th   236  2014.08


  • 二国間オフセット・クレジット制度の経済効果と削減効果


    環境科学会年会プログラム講演要旨集   2013   23  2013.09


  • PM2.5に関する費用対効果分析モデルと削減量の最適化


    環境科学会年会プログラム講演要旨集   2013   30  2013.09


  • PM2.5固定発生源由来1次生成粒子削減ポテンシャルおよび費用の推計


    大気環境学会年会講演要旨集   54th   403  2013.08


  • PM2.5対策のための排出コントロール戦略に関する研究


    大気環境学会年会講演要旨集   54th   402  2013.08



    Arimura Toshihide/Miyamoto Takuro/Katayama Hajime/Iguchi Hakaru

      57 ( 1 ) 31 - 54  2012.03


  • 自動車排ガス抑制政策の定量的評価

    岩田和之, 有村俊秀

    環境科学会年会プログラム   2011   230 - 231  2011


  • 情報的手段がもたらす家計の省エネ行動への影響分析

    岩田和之, 片山東, 有村俊秀, 森田稔

    環境科学会年会プログラム   2011   234 - 235  2011


  • Developments in Corporate Environmental Disclosure : Building a Database of Environmental Reports and CSR Reports

    Iwata Kazuyuki, Arimura Toshihide, Takenouchi Hideyuki

    Sophia economic review   53 ( 1 ) 31 - 44  2008.03


  • 直接規制アプローチによる大気汚染抑制政策の政策評価:日本の大都市圏における自動車NOx・PM法を事例に

    有村俊秀, 岩田和之

    環境科学会年会一般講演・シンポジウム・プログラム   2006   12 - 13  2006


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  • Affiliated organization   Global Education Center

  • Faculty of Political Science and Economics   Graduate School of Political Science

  • Faculty of Political Science and Economics   Graduate School of Economics

  • Faculty of Science and Engineering   Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering

  • Faculty of Science and Engineering   Graduate School of Environment and Energy Engineering

Research Institute

  • 2023

    Waseda Center for a Carbon Neutral Society   Concurrent Researcher

  • 2022

    Waseda Institute for Advanced Study   Concurrent Researcher

  • 2021

    Research Institute for Environmental Economics and Management   Director of Research Institute

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 脱炭素のためのカーボンプライシングの活用に関する研究

    2023   Aline Mortha, 呂 カンウ

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     脱炭素のためのカーボンプライシングについては、大きく二つの研究を行った。第一は、日本の自治体の排出量取引について実証分析を行った。埼玉県の制度の分析では、同制度がR&amp;D支出を増加させたことが示された。東京および埼玉県の制度について、経済影響を分析した結果、大きな負の影響がないことが示された。排出量取引によって、経済へ負の影響をもたらさずに温室効果ガスを削減することが示された。 第2に、欧州が進める国境炭素調整について研究を行った。この問題については二つのアプローチをとった。まず、応用一般均衡分析を用いたCBAM研究では、日本経済への影響分析を行った。その結果、日本経済への負の影響は限定的であることが示唆された。次に、グラビティモデルの分析結果では、CGE分析同様、EUのCBAMの日本への影響は限定的なこと、むしろ、相対的には日本経済にプラスになりうる可能性も示された。一方、中低所得の国には、CBAMの影響がそれなりにあることが分かった。また、EU域内ではエネルギー集約産業の生産が保護され、一定の目的が達成されることも示された。一方、エネルギー集約産業の効率の悪い国では、EUへの輸出が減少し、かつ、全体として貿易が減少することも示された。結果として、海運輸送が減少することから、EUのCBAMにより二酸化炭素の排出が減少することが示された。

  • 東京都及び埼玉県排出量取引制度の実証分析


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     これまでに続き、東京都及び埼玉県の排出量取引制度について、実証分析を行った。特に、今年度は東京・埼玉の排出量取引制度について、温室効果ガスの算定報告制度を活用しながら、削減効果の持続可能性およびリーケージについて研究を行った。その結果、東京、埼玉県の両制度が、第二フェーズになっても排出削減効果があることが分かった。また、両制度がもたらす炭素リーケージについて分析をおこなったところ、企業内では、負の炭素リーケージが起こっていることが分かった。つまり、東京埼玉で排出削減を実施する場合は、当該企業は他地域の事業者でも排出削減を行っていることが示された。原因としては、排出量取引がきっかけに、企業内のエネルギー効率ギャップが解消された可能性が考えられる。この成果はEnergy Economicsという国際学術雑誌に共著論文として公刊された。 また、日本での脱炭素のためのカーボンプライシングの導入の可能性の方向性について、とりまとめた。そこで 欧米及び日本を対象とした事後検証を中心に排出量取引に関して明らかになったことをレビューし, 産業界の懸念に対して, 学術的な回答を示した. 特に, 多くの事後検証から, 排出枠の価格が低下しても, 制度が安定しており, 将来的に削減目標が厳しくなることが分かっている場合, 排出量取引は削減効果を発揮することが示唆された. さらに, 炭素リーケージ・国際競争力問題については, 排出枠のアップデート方式の配分方法などの対応方法についての経済分析を用いた効果を紹介した. 最後に, 脱炭素社会に向けた第一歩として, 自治体による排出量取引制度の全国展開を提案した。この成果を環境科学会誌に公刊した。 さらに、炭素税も含めて、脱炭素社会に向けたカーボンプライシングの役割を、脱炭素の技術の普及の観点から、議論を行った。多くの工学者にも参加してもらい、その成果を、共編著「カーボンプライシングの現状と展望—排出量取引の事後検証と日本における可能性について—」(有村俊秀・杉野誠・鷲津明由編著)の書籍として公刊した。

  • 排出量取引の効果の持続可能性

    2021   矢島, 阿部達也

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    まず、昨年度に続いて、日本の自治体における排出量取引制度(東京都)について,その効果に関して実証研究を行なった。Abe and Arimura(2020)は,大学でも,2010年以降の削減の約半分は排出量取引の効果であることが示された。Yajima et al.(2020)は,石油等消費動態統計調査の分析からは製造業において電力消費が10%以上減少したことを示した。また、日本経済における炭素税の二重の配当についても動学応用一般均衡分析モデルを用いて検証した。排出削減を費用と考える新古典派の経済モデルでも、炭素税収を法人税減税や消費税減税に用いることにより、排出削減と経済成長の両立が可能であること(二重の配当)が示唆された(Takeda & Arimura,2021)さらに、日中韓のカーボンプライシングについても特集号を公刊した(Arimura et al.2021)。

  • カーボンプライシングの政策評価

    2020   阿部達也, 矢島猶雅

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    日本の自治体における制度(東京都\)について,その効果に関して実証研究を行なった。Arimura and Abe(2021)&nbsp;は,オフィスビルにおける第一計画期間(2010年~2014年)の削減効果を差分の差分の方法で分析した。差分の差分法は、排出量取引の対象となるオフィスビルと、対象となっていない他地域のオフィスビルを比較し、制度導入後の排出量の削減量を政策効果として特定する方法である。その結果,2009年比で考えると,電力価格上昇によって5.2%削減され,排出量取引で,CO2排出量を6.90%程度削減したことが示された。 また、家計部部門については、地球温暖化対策税による価格上昇と、固定価格買取制度による電力価格上昇の効果を検証した。分析の結果,以下の三点が明らかになった。第一に, 産業への影響(価格上昇率)は温対税の方がFIT賦課金よりも大きい一方で,家計への影響(家計費上昇率)はFIT賦課金の方が温対税よりも大きい。第二に,温対税・FIT賦課金による家計費上昇率は,低所得世帯・寒冷地世帯・電気料金単価の低い地域の世帯で高いだけでなく, 高齢者世帯でも高い。第三に,産業への軽減措置は, 価格上昇率・家計費上昇率に緩和効果がある一方で,軽減対象以外の産業の価格上昇率や, 家計費上昇率の逆進性には緩和効果がない。

  • カーボンプライシングの事後評価と長期的目標実現のための制度オプションの検討

    2019   尾沼広基, 阿部達也, 矢島猶雅

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     まず、カーボンプライシングの事後評価として、東京都の排出量取引の効果を分析し、オフィスビルと大学で、排出量取引により排出削減が実現していることが示された。製造事業所についても電力消費が削減されたことが示された。 次に、長期的目標実現のための政策として、炭素税の「二重の配当政策」について応用一般均衡分析モデルによる分析を行った。その結果、炭素税収を法人税減税や社会保険料負担軽減に用いると、排出削減と経済成長の両立が可能であることが示された。 また、炭素税の税収の使途についてについてアンケートを行った。その結果、「再エネ技術・省エネ技術の開発・普及」を支持する人が最も多いことが示された。

  • 省エネ行動における非価格要因の経済分析:構造アプローチと実験アプローチの融合

    2019   片山東, Ngwang Dendup, 矢島猶雅

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  • カーボンプライシングの事後評価と長期的目標実現のための制度オプションの検討


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  • 省エネ行動における非価格要因の経済分析:構造アプローチと実験アプローチの融合

    2017   片山東

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    個人の省エネ行動促進における非価格要因の研究を下記のテーマごとに分析した。 まず、企業での省エネ取組が家計の省エネ行動に与える影響については、計量分析を進め、国際学会でも発表した。 省エネの阻害要因として、リバウンドを取り上げた。特に、エコポイント制度のリバウンド効果の計量分析を行った。 スマートメーターがもたらす省エネ効果については、ホテルの顧客を対象に、社会実験を行った。その結果、省エネメッセージと組み合わせることにより、宿泊客が節電に協力してもらえる可能性が示唆された。 また、家庭に対する省エネ情報提供の効果の検証では、情報提供実験の被験者の参加募集を行い、フィールド実験を実施した。

  • 省エネ行動における非価格要因の経済分析:構造アプローチと実験アプローチの融合

    2016   片山東

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  • 地域住民に配慮した再生可能エネルギー促進策の経済分析:地熱・洋上風力発電の事例

    2015   森田稔, 功刀祐之

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  • 企業の研究開発活動に関する実証研究:サプライチェーンを通じた環境規制の影響


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     グリーン・イノベーションが、日本経済の成長戦略のキーワードの1つになっている。これを効率的に促進するためには、企業の研究開発活動がどのように行われているのかを明らかにしなければならない。 企業の研究開発は様々な分野に渡るが、グリーン・イノベーションの観点から、環境関連の研究開発(環境R&D)に関心が寄せられている。そしてその契機の一つとして、環境規制の役割が注目されている。特に、ポーター仮説に関する検証がこれまで行われてきた。この仮説によると、環境規制は、企業がそれまで気づかなかった新たなイノベーションに結びつき、結果的に国際競争力を獲得する。例えば、浜本(1998)は、1970年代、1980年代の環境規制の強化が、同時期の日本経済の競争力強化につながっているという実証結果をえている。一方で、Arimura & Sugino (2007)は、1990年代の日本経済については、同様の結果が成立しないことを示している。国際的にもJaffe & Palmer(1997)以降、環境規制が研究開発や競争力へ与える影響については、その見解が分かれている。 このようにポーター仮説について異なる実証結果が存在する背景には、既往研究におけるある仮定の影響があると考えられる。その仮定とは、環境規制を受ける主体が研究開発を行うというものである。しかし、実際には、環境規制を受ける主体と、その環境規制に対応するために研究開発を実施する主体が異なる可能性が考えられる。例えば、自動車メーカーが燃費に関するトップランナー規制を受けたとき、その部品のサプライヤーである鉄鋼業界が、薄型ボディ用の鉄鋼製品の研究開発を行うような場合である。このような場合において、環境規制とイノベーションの関係をより明確に捉えるためには、サプライチェーンに着目し、環境規制を受ける主体とイノベーションを行う主体とを区別する必要がある。しかし、こういった規制対象と環境R&D実施主体の乖離について取り上げた包括的な研究は、これまで行われてきておらず、その実態は明らかになってこなかった。 また近年、サプライチェーンを通じた環境規制の影響が注目されている(Arimura, Darnall & Katayama, 2011)。サプライチェーンに着目すると、イノベーションに関してもう1つの見方ができる。近年、ステークホルダーが企業の環境取り組み、ひいては、イノベーションに影響を与える可能性が指摘されている。特に、企業がサプライチェーンのどの位置に属するかという点が重要となる可能性がある。例えば、消費者の環境意識の高まりにより、環境に優しい製品を好むようになったのではないかという指摘がある。つまり、消費者向けの最終製品を製造する企業は、消費者から大きな影響を受け、環境R&Dに積極的に取り組む可能性もあるのである。また一方で、中間製品を製造する企業の方が、顧客企業からの具体的な環境取り組み要求を受け、より積極的に環境R&Dに取り組むかもしれない。 さらに、サプライチェーンに関しては、欧州の製品環境規制の一つであるREACH規制にも関心が集まっている。従来の環境規制では、大気汚染の規制のように、製造過程に力点が置かれてきた。しかし、REACH規制は、製造過程ではなく、製品に関する化学物質規制である。温室効果ガス(Green House Gasses: GHG)についても、製造過程からの排出削減より、製品の使用段階での排出削減を重視する考え方もある。こういった点をふまえると、環境R&Dについても、それが製造過程を対象としたものなのか、製品自体を対象としたものなのかによって、その実態が大きく異なることが予想される。本研究では、以上の点をふまえ、環境関連の研究開発の実施状況を明らかにした。具体的には、2010年に、国内の上場企業を対象として行った調査の分析を行った。分析から、多くの日本企業が環境R&Dに従事していることが明らかになった。特に、温暖化に関する取り組みが盛んであること、次いで化学物質関連の研究開発も盛んであることが示された。これに対して、廃棄物削減への研究開発は2010年時点では、低い傾向にある。また、2004年の調査と比較すると、環境R&D実施企業の割合が6年間で10%近く上昇したことが明らかになった。環境R&Dの社会的な重要性が高まっていることが伺える。 企業が製造過程よりも、製品に関する研究開発に力をいれていることも明らかになった。これは環境規制が製造過程から製品規制に移行しつつあることの表れであると考えられる。これまで環境経済学・経営学は、製造過程の規制を分析することが多かったように思う。今後、製品規制の理論分析、実証分析が求められていくだろう。 また、サプライチェーンを通じた環境取り組み要求を受けている企業においては、要求する企業が、国内企業か国外企業かに関わらず、環境関連の研究開発予算をもつ傾向が高いことが示唆された。つまり、環境規制を受けている主体と、環境R&D実施主体が乖離していることを実証的に示す結果となっている。 以上の結果は、グリーン・イノベーションの促進において、サプライチェーンが重要な役割を果たすことを示している。ポーター仮説の検証においても、サプライチェーンの視点を取り入れた分析が求められているといえるだろう。 本研究ではイノベーションの源泉である研究開発に焦点を当てた。しかし、研究開発はイノベーションのインプットである。今後は、環境R&Dがもたらしたアウトプットである特許、あるいは生産性上昇などについての研究が必要であろう。参考文献Arimura, T. H. and Darnall, N. and Katayama, H., 2011, “Is ISO 14001 a Gateway to More Advanced Voluntary Action? A Case for Green Supply Chain Management,” Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 61, pp.170-182 Arimura, T. H. and Sugino, M., 2007, “Does stringent environmental regulation stimulate environment related technological innovation?” Sophia Economic Review 52(1-2), pp.1-14,Jaffe, A. and Palmer, K., 1997, “Environmental regulation and innovation: a panel data study,” Review of Economics and Statistics, 79, pp. 610-619.浜本光紹,1998,「環境規制と産業の生産性」『経済論叢』, 第162 巻,第3 号,pp. 51-62.

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