Updated on 2025/03/12


IWATA, Hiroyasu
Faculty of Science and Engineering, School of Creative Science and Engineering
Job title
Dr. Engineering ( Waseda University )
Homepage URL

Research Experience

  • 2023.04

    早稲田大学 フロンティア機械工学研究所   所長

  • 2015.03

    早稲田大学 グローバルロボットアカデミア研究所   所長

  • 2014.04

    早稲田大学 理工学術院   教授

  • 2018.10

    早稲田大学 フロンティア機械工学研究所   副所長

  • 2018.04

    東京大学 先端科学技術研究センター   特任研究員

  • 2016.04

    東京大学大学院 医学系研究科   非常勤講師

  • 2012.04

    早稲田大学 理工学術院   准教授

  • 2010.02

    エジプト・日本科学技術大学(E-JUST)   特任准教授

  • 2007.10

    早稲田大学 高等研究所   准教授

  • 2006.04

    早稲田大学 先端科学・健康医療融合研究機構生命医療工学研究所   准教授

  • 2005.04

    早稲田大学 先端科学・健康医療融合研究機構生命医療工学研究所   講師

  • 2004.04

    早稲田大学大学院 理工学研究科   講師

  • 2001.04

    早稲田大学 理工学部機械工学科   助手

  • 2000.04

    1日 早稲田医療専門学校 非常勤講師 (義肢装具学科) (2003年 3月31日退官),

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Education Background


    Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Waseda University   Graduate School, Division of Science and Engineering   Intelligent Machine, System Integration, Medical Robotics, Rehabilitation Engineering  

Committee Memberships

  • 2023.12

    日本コンピュータ外科学会  評議員

  • 2018.03

    日本ロボット学会  理事

  • 2016.07

    横断型基幹科学技術研究団体連合  委員

  • 2016.04

    計測自動制御学会  代議員

  • 2016.04

    日本バイオフィードバック学会  理事

  • 2015.04

    日本ロボット学会  評議員

  • 2014.04

    計測自動制御学会 医工融合システム部会  幹事

  • 2014.04

    医工連携コーディネータ協議会  コーディネータ

  • 2014.04

    バイオメカニズム学会  幹事

  • 2014.04

    日本コンピュータ外科学会  評議員

  • 2014.04

    日本機械学会  代議員

  • 2011.04


  • 2011.03


  • 2011.03

    ,IEEE-RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2011),Associate Editor

  • 2011.03


  • 2011.02

    ,IEEE-ASME Int. Conf. on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM2011),Associate Editor

  • 2011.02

    ,IEEE-RSJ Int. Conf. on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids2011),Publication Chair

  • 2010.12


  • 2010.12

    ,SICE SI2010,実行委員・PC委員・OSオーガナイザ・座長,OS:実学としての医工融合研究と医工ものづくりシステム

  • 2010.11


  • 2010.11


  • 2010.10

    ,IEEE IROS2010),Session Chair

  • 2010.09


  • 2010.08

    -11年10月,IEEE IRoA-11, Program Committee

  • 2010.07


  • 2010.06

    -11年8月,SICE2011,Finance Co-Chairs

  • 2009.04


  • 2009.03


  • 2007.11


  • 2009

    バイオメカニズム学会  幹事

  • 2009

    Society Of Biomechnisms Japan  Secretary

  • 2008.12

    ,SICE SI部門講演会SI2008,座長

  • 2008.12

    ,IEEE Workshop on Advanced Robotics and Its Social Impacts (ARSO09),Conference Secretary

  • 2008.09

    ,日本機械学会 福祉工学シンポジウム2008,認知・運動機能の計測・支援,オーガナイザ・座長

  • 2008.09


  • 2008.08

    ,IEEE ICRA2009,E-media Chair,Session Chair

  • 2008.08


  • 2008.04


  • 2008.03


  • 2008.03

    ,IEEE-RSJ IROS2008,Technical Program Committee

  • 2007.10


  • 2007.08

    ,IEEE Int. Symp. on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (ROMAN’07),プログラム委員

  • 2007.04


  • 2007.03


  • 2007


  • 2006.05


  • 2006.04

    ~,医工融合システム部会幹事,計測自動制御学会 システムインテグレーション部門

  • 2005.12

    ,日本ロボット学会ロボット工学セミナー第33回「未来医療を切り拓くRT ~基礎から臨床最前線~」,オーガナイザ,総合司会

  • 2005.09


  • 2004.04


  • 2004.04


  • 2004.12


  • 2004.10

    ,IEEE/RSJ IROS’04,座長

  • 2004.10

    ,早稲田大学21世紀COEプログラム(超高齢社会における人とロボット技術の共生)第2回国際シンポジウム「New Lifestyle Created by Intelligent Machines」,総合司会

  • 2004.09


  • 2003.11



    認知神経リハビリテーション学会  会員


    日本機械学会  会員


    日本ロボット学会  会員


    日本コンピュータ外科学会  会員


    計測自動制御学会  会員


    日本救急医学会  会員


    IEEE  会員




    The Japan Society of Neuro-Congnitive Rehabilitation  Member


    The Japan Society for Mechanical Engineers  Member


    The Robotics Society of Japan  Member


    Japan Society of Computer Aided Surgery  Member


    The Society of Instrument and Control Engineeres  Member


    Japanese Association for Acute Medicine  Member


    IEEE  Member

▼display all

Professional Memberships


    The Japan Society of Neuro-Congnitive Rehabilitation


    Society Of Biomechnisms Japan


    The Japan Society for Mechanical Engineers


    The Robotics Society of Japan


    Japan Society of Computer Aided Surgery


    The Society of Instrument and Control Engineeres


    Japanese Association for Acute Medicine



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Research Areas

  • Mechanics and mechatronics / Robotics and intelligent system

Research Interests

  • Intelligent Machine/ Human Symbiotic Humanoid Robot/ Anthropomorphic Robotic Hand/ Human-Safe Manipulator/ Artificial Tactile Perception/ Human Coordinated Machine System/ Tele-operated Medical Robotics / Rehabilitation Assisting Machine System


  • 論文賞,日本ロボット学会,亀崎允啓,岩田浩康,菅野重樹


  • 優秀講演賞,計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会SI2017,高田竜太,大西哲平,河田俊,相原伸平,岩田浩康,”スパイクレシーブにおけるスポーツビジョン向上を目的とした没入型 3D-VR 訓練システムの開発 -目と手の協応動作における効果検証-”


  • 優秀講演賞,計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会SI2017,竹内里奈,宮西将生,津村遼介,内藤雄貴,岩田浩康,“超音波検査支援ロボットを用いた自動妊婦健診サービスの研究-”


  • 優秀講演賞,計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会SI2017,隼田大輝, 岩瀬英治, 藤枝俊宣, 岩田浩康, “高分子超薄膜 RFID が生体表面密着時に受ける影響の分析と対策”


  • 最優秀賞,システムコントロールフェア2017実行委員会 大学・高専テクニカルアカデミー研究発表コンテスト,日本電機工業会・日本電気制御機器工業会,早稲田大学 岩田浩康研究室


  • Best Paper Award,The 5th IIEEJ Int. Workshop on Image Electronics and Visual Computing (IEVC2017), 2017,G.ISHIKAWA, R.XU, J.OHYA and H.IWATA


  • 優秀講演賞,計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会SI2016,堀川俊太郎,安田和弘,岩田浩康


  • 論文賞,計測自動制御学会,M.KAMEZAKI, H.IWATA and S.SUGANO


  • 部門貢献表彰,日本機械学会 ロボティクス・メカトロニクス部門,岩田浩康


  • SI2009 Excellent Presentation Award (for two oral presentations), SICE System Integration Division


  • Certificate of Merit for Best Presentation, Information, Intelligence and Precision Equipment Division, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers


  • SI2008 Excellent Presentation Award (for two oral presentations), SICE System Integration Division


  • The Young Scientists' Prize, The Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology


  • Best Paper Award, The 11th Symposium on Construction Robotics in Japan


  • System Control Fair 2007 Executive Committee Award,JEMA


  • Best Presentation Award,JSME


  • Distinguished Achievement Award,ASMeW,Waseda University


  • Best Session Paper Award,SICE SI2004


  • Outstanding Research Award,SICE SI2003


  • Young Investigation Excellence Awards, RSJ


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  • Development of a VR acoustic system and visualization and evaluation of localization ability of blind soccer players to multiple static sound sources

    Ayumu TSUJI, Shimpei AIHARA, Jing-Chen HONG, Chaohan LIU, Hiroyasu IWATA

    Transactions of the JSME (in Japanese)    2025


  • Immersive VR System for Evaluating the Severity of Object-Centered Neglect Based on Environmental Complexity

    Akira Koshino, Kazuhiro Yasuda, Saki Takazawa, Shuntaro Kawaguchi, Hiroyasu Iwata

    2024 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration, SII 2024     172 - 177  2024

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    Unilateral spatial neglect occurs as a sequela of stroke. In particular, object-centered neglect (OCN) neglects one-half of an object bordering the object's midline. Although the conventional method of assessing OCN has been introduced, there is no technology for assessing OCN in three dimensions. Furthermore, it is not clear whether neglect is affected by the complexity of the surrounding environment. Therefore, this study aims to assess the severity of OCN spatially based on the complexity of the environment. The use of an immersive virtual reality space made it possible to adjust the three-dimensional assessment and complexity of the environment and assess the severity of symptoms at different locations.



  • Analysis of the Importance of Gender Balanced Data Sets for Human Motion Operated Robots

    Lena Guinot, Hiroyasu Iwata

    2024 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration, SII 2024     1470 - 1475  2024

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    This research investigates the intricacies of women's perceptions and experiences when interacting with a robot trained on imbalanced user motion data, harnessed from wearable Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) sensors. Utilizing motion data as the primary communication conduit between user and robot, the study provides a multifaceted exploration into human-robot collaboration dynamics. A cross-gender comparison reveals disparities in performance outcomes, highlighting a discernible difference between male and female users. Furthermore, our study delves deep into the stages of trust building, its subsequent violation, and the repair process, offering insights into how these phases distinctly influence women's experiences. A pivotal aspect of our research culminates in unveiling the impacts of awareness. When informed of the robot's biased nature, many women participants exhibited unexpected responses in attributing the subpar performance. These findings illuminate the subtle, yet profound, implications of gender biases in robotic training data sets and underscore the imperative need for balanced and transparent Artificial Intelligence (AI) and robotic systems.



  • Enhancing Human Augmentation: Analysis of Behavior Change in Highly Efficient Three-Hand Body After Motor Skill Training

    Po Han Chen, Nonoka Nishida, Yukiko Iwasaki, Hiroyasu Iwata

    Mechanisms and Machine Science   154   1 - 12  2024

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    This paper investigates the behavior changes observed in individuals utilizing a highly efficient three-hand body in VR with 3rd Hand equipped on left shoulder after motor skill training. The study focuses on spatial awareness and cooperative action and explores the implications for future research and augmentation body design. Participants underwent a six-round training program involving tasks to enhance their proficiency with the three-hand body. Pre- and post-training evaluations were conducted in two conditions: spatial awareness (C1) and cooperative action (C2). Results revealed distinct hand preferences and usage ranges. In C1, participants showed biases towards their respective hand positions, with improved decision-making between the left and third hands post-training. In C2, the third hand usage shifted towards the right side, indicating a preference for a partnership with the right hand and improved cooperative action between the hands. These findings provide insights into behavior changes and performance enhancements. Further research is needed to explore the impact of training on the natural body and potential sense of loss experienced by individuals. This study contributes to our understanding of human body perception and the optimization of motor skill training systems for augmentation bodies.



  • Presence in Multi-Presence: Analysis of multitasking ability according to high or low presence based on working memory

    Ayumu Tsuji, Yukiko Iwasaki, Kouta Suzuki, Nonoka Nishida, Hiroyasu Iwata

    2024 10th International Conference on Mechatronics and Robotics Engineering, ICMRE 2024     304 - 310  2024

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    We propose multi-presence system for simulating multiple locations using multiple extended bodies. Generally, in the single presence, single-task state in which single extended body is operated, the higher the presence, the higher the performance. However, it has not been clarified if presence is effective for multitasking in multi-presence system. Thus, we examined the effect of presence from the perspective of working memory, which is cognitive characteristic required during multitasking. Specifically, we developed multi-presence system with four robots in virtual space under high- and low-presence conditions and performed multitasking tasks according to the working memory. The results showed that the multitasking performance was higher when sense of presence was high. Thus, we propose that an increase in sense of presence when designing multi-presence system can improve the efficiency of multitasking.



  • Analysis of implicit robot control methods for joint task execution

    Lena Guinot, Kozo Ando, Shota Takahashi, Hiroyasu Iwata

    ROBOMECH Journal   10 ( 1 )  2023.12

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    Body language is an essential component of communication. The amount of unspoken information it transmits during interpersonal interactions is an invaluable complement to simple speech and makes the process smoother and more sustainable. On the contrary, existing approaches to human–machine collaboration and communication are not as intuitive. This is an issue that needs to be addressed if we aim to continue using artificial intelligence and machines to increase our cognitive or even physical capabilities. In this study, we analyse the potential of an intuitive communication method between biological and artificial agents, based on machines understanding and learning the subtle unspoken and involuntary cues found in human motion during the interaction process. Our work was divided into two stages: the first, analysing whether a machine using these implicit cues would produce the same positive effect as when they are manifested in interpersonal communication; the second, evaluating whether a machine could identify the cues manifested in human motion and learn (through the use of Long-Short Term Memory Networks) to associate them with the appropriate command intended from its user. Promising results were gathered, showing an improved work performance and reduced cognitive load on the user side when relying on the proposed method, hinting to the potential of more intuitive, human to human inspired, communication methods in human–machine interaction.



  • 餅つきVRを題材とした協調作業系における阿吽の呼吸の研究 合いの手による予備動作の効果検証

    神島 海音, 安藤 孝三, 岩崎 悠希子, 加藤 史洋, 岩田 浩康

    バイオフィードバック研究   50 ( 2 ) 110 - 110  2023.10

  • 筋電制御システムと力触覚フィードバックシステムによる身体幅感覚への影響の検証 拡張肢への身体性誘発によるながら作業の支援

    西田 野々香, 岩崎 悠希子, 加藤 史洋, Gowrishankar Ganesh, 岩田 浩康

    バイオフィードバック研究   50 ( 2 ) 110 - 110  2023.10

  • Automated Image Acquisition of Parasternal Long-Axis View With Robotic Echocardiography

    Yuuki Shida, Souto Kumagai, Ryosuke Tsumura, Hiroyasu Iwata

    IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters   8 ( 8 ) 5228 - 5235  2023.08

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    This study proposes a method for finding a parasternal long-axis view in echocardiography autonomously with a robotic ultrasound (US) system. In obtaining this view, it is necessary to avoid the ribs and lungs because they reduce the clarity of US image. Meanwhile, the anatomical position and size of the heart, lungs, and ribs differ between individuals, which makes it difficult to find the optimal position of the US probe. Our proposed system is comprised of the following three processes. First, an exhaustive scan of the chest wall region is performed. The position of the probe that allows the mitral valve to be centrally positioned is estimated based on this scan. Second, the probe is rotated once in the yaw direction while being fixed in that position. The yaw angle is estimated at a point parallel to the left ventricular longitudinal axis in the acquired images. Finally, the pitch angle of the probe is estimated so that the probe avoids the connection between the mitral valve and the papillary muscle and chordae. To validate the proposed method, we performed human trials with five healthy subjects and measured the detection rate of observation points used to evaluate the image quality of parasternal long-axis view. The result showed that the median detection rate of the observation points was 63.3 ± 5.3%, which implies that the proposed method is valid.



  • Unilateral spatial neglect affected by right-sided stimuli in a three-dimensional virtual environment: A preliminary proof-of-concept study.

    Kazuhiro Yasuda, Saki Takazawa, Daisuke Muroi, Yuko Fujimoto, Mizuki Hirano, Akira Koshino, Hiroyasu Iwata

    Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual International Conference   2023   1 - 4  2023.07  [International journal]

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    UNLABELLED: Unilateral spatial neglect (USN) is defined as the inability to attend and see on one side, which seriously interferes with daily life. Clinically, patients with left USN commonly demonstrate a striking immediate capture of attention from ipsilesional, right-sided items as soon as a visual scene unfolds (i.e., magnetic attraction [MA]). Therefore, this preliminary study utilized a three-dimensional (3D) virtual environment to evaluate the effects of eliminating stimuli in the rightward space and directing attention to the left on neglect symptoms. METHODS: Seven patients with USN participated in this study, and two types of visual stimuli were created: the numbers and objects in the 3D virtual environment. To eliminate the visual stimuli on the right side, a moving slit was introduced in the virtual environment. During the experiment, patients were required to orally identify each object and number both in moving and nonmoving slit conditions. RESULTS: A statistical comparison of scores with and without the moving slit in the 3D virtual space indicated significant changes in the object stimuli condition; however, no statistically significant difference was observed in the number stimuli condition. CONCLUSIONS: Masking the right side within the 3D virtual space increased the number of objects that can be recognized on the left side by patients with USN. The results may allow interventions in a virtual reality environment that closely resembles the patient's real-life space.Clinical Relevance-Magnetic attraction is a symptom seen in patients in clinical practice, but there is no method of rehabilitation. The proposed moving slit method is expected to be effective because it enables attention guidance in a three-dimensional space.

    DOI PubMed


  • Diagnostic posture control system for seated-style echocardiography robot.

    Yuuki Shida, Masami Sugawara, Ryosuke Tsumura, Haruaki Chiba, Tokuhisa Uejima, Hiroyasu Iwata

    International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery   18 ( 5 ) 887 - 897  2023.05



  • Suppression of Clothing-Induced Acoustic Attenuation in Robotic Auscultation

    Ryosuke Tsumura, Akihiro Umezawa, Yuko Morishima, Hiroyasu Iwata, Kiyoshi Yoshinaka

    Sensors   23 ( 4 ) 2260 - 2260  2023.02



  • Development of a VR Training System for improvement of multitasking ability-Effective attentional resource expansion through graded cognitive burden-

    Suzuki Kouta, Iwasaki Yukiko, Sugimoto Maki, Nishida Nonoka, Teo Theophilus, Fukuoka Masaaki, Kato Fumihiro, IWATA Hiroyasu

    The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec)   2023   2A1-I04  2023

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    When the robot arm is manipulated simultaneously with the natural body, it becomes multitasking, which places a significant burden on human cognitive abilities. We hypothesize that training that applies moderate attentional load in stages will expand the amount of effective attentional resource and improve multitasking ability. Therefore, we constructed two VR environments: a training stage to expand attentional resource by applying graded attentional load, and a test stage to evaluate the amount of attentional resource. We conducted several sets of training and evaluated the effective attentional resource in the test stage before and after the training, and compared the evaluations. The results suggested that training with graded attentional load can expand the effective attentional resources.


  • Research on Attention Management in Multi-presence- Verification of performance improvement effect by residual attention to extended body groups group according to subjective and bird's-eye view -

    Tsuji Ayumu, IWASAKI Yukiko, NISHIDA Nonoka, KATO Fumihiro, IWATA Hiroyasu

    The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec)   2023   1P1-D11  2023

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    In recent years, research on augmented bodies that extend the capabilities of the human body has attracted much attention. Multi-presence, the topic of this paper, is one of the extended body studies, and is a system in which multiple extended bodies are operated by a single person. Until now, the role of presence in the parallel and multiple manipulation of extended bodies has not been clarified. From the validation test, subjective images with a high sense of presence were more likely to sustain residual attention associated with attention switching than overhead images with a low sense of presence, and task performance was improved. Thus, the results suggest the usefulness of increasing the sense of presence for each task when designing multi-presence.


  • Study on Robotic Palpation Hand- Interviews with dermatologists regarding palpation and classification of palpation movements -

    TAKEDA Hayato, KATO Fumihito, KAMISHIMA Kaito, IWATA Hiroyasu

    The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec)   2023   2P1-C11  2023

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    Palpation is a noninvasive and quick medical procedure that can be used to estimate disease by directly touching the affected area. Palpation is a skill passed down from master to apprentice through experience, and quantification of palpation and its reproduction by an autonomous robot have not been realized. In this study, to define palpation movements, we interviewed dermatologists who frequently perform palpation in their medical practice, and measured / analyzed the posture and finger pressure during palpation. As a result, the palpation movements of physicians was classified into five types ( "rubbing," "pushing," "pinching," "rocking," and "kneading") based on differences in the trajectory of the fingertips and the affected area condition. Thus the requirement specifications to develop robot hand was achieved.


  • Development of a Seated Echocardiography Robot - Lung volume and body posture conditions that enable clear mitral valve echocardiographic images

    Tomoshige Hashimoto, Yuuki Shida, Souto Kumagai, Hiroyasu Iwata

    2023 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration, SII 2023    2023

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    In this study., as a first step to establish a method to control the body posture by a robot to avoid the influence of the lungs., we quantitatively elucidated the relationship between the lung volume required to produce clear mitral valve echocardiographic images and body posture. Due to the air in the lungs., it has been difficult to obtain clear ultrasound images when using the echocardiography robot. To solve this problem, we focused on the fact that during manual examinations, physicians and technologists respond to the effects of the lungs by exhaling and changing body posture. The experimental findings showed that the lung volume monotonically increased as the roll angle was increased from 0° to 10°, 20°, and 30°, and that clear mitral valve ultrasound images could be obtained even when some air remained in the lungs. The relationship between the lung volume threshold and respiratory state was also examined. When the roll angle was 20° or greater, the lung volume threshold exceeded the resting expiratory level in all subjects, suggesting that clear mitral valve ultrasound images can be obtained by respiratory control within the range of resting respiration without forcing out breaths.



  • Detachable Body: Validating the Positional Relationship between Head and Arm

    Vitvasin Vimolmongkolporn, Yukiko Iwasaki, Fumihiro Kato, Hiroyasu Iwata

    2023 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration, SII 2023    2023

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    The detachable body is the extended concept of the Supernumerary Robotic limbs (SRL), which can detach and attach from the user's body to the environment. This concept enables collaboration and multi-presence. However, in the previous research, the discussion of the positional relationship between modular body components is still unclear regarding the user's work efficiency. Therefore, the experiments were conducted to observe the effect of detached arm position on the work efficiency for effective work using modular bodies like detachable bodies. The first experiment compares work efficiency(time to finish task and distance error) when the positional relationship between the robotics head and arm is kept the same during attached/detached. Secondly, the comparison of the position variations during detached was also investigated. As a result, the time to finish the task in the detached case is significantly higher than in the attached case, suggesting the advantage of the attached case. Also, the tendency indicates that work efficiency dropped in positions over 39 cm horizontally. The overall suggest revamping the system through depth recognition, motor training, and input scaling. Also, the result of the position's variations can be considered as a design parameter to design hardware that improves the usability of the modular body system.



  • Analysis of the Effect of the Operator's Spatial Cognition on Their Planning Skills in Unmanned Construction

    Shutaro Motohashi, Ziwei Qiao, Takumi Moteki, Hiroyasu Iwata

    2023 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration, SII 2023    2023

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    Unmanned construction is a technology for operating construction machinery remotely to ensure safety of workers, for example for disaster site restoration. However, one of the most challenging problems with this technology is that the lack of visual information reduces its work efficiency to less than half that of manned construction. To ensure efficient work, it is necessary for the operators to properly plan the order of operations. While previous studies have analyzed planning skills in manned operations, only few studies have investigated planning skills in teleoperation. For planning skills in teleoperation, the additional element of human spatial cognition must be considered. Spatial cognition is the ability to grasp the work site three-dimensionally and accurately. This study aims to analyze the effect of the operator's spatial cognition on their planning skills in teleoperation. We measured the operator's spatial cognition and their planning skills on a simulator that reproduced the teleoperation of construction machineries. The results suggest that planning skills in teleoperation depend on the operator's spatial cognition. Furthermore, we proposed a support method for operators with low spatial cognition. To confirm the usefulness of the proposed method, an experiment was performed on a simulator that reproduced the teleoperation of construction machineries. The result indicates that the planning performance of the operator with low spatial cognition improved to the same level as that of the operator with high spatial cognition. Thus, the proposed method is expected to facilitate recognition of 3D space and to improve work efficiency of teleoperation for operators with low spatial cognition.



  • Development of a Supine Pseudo-Walking Rehabilitation Robot Capable of Multimodal Sensory Feedbacks during Limb Manipulation

    Shutaro Toriya, Takuma Ogawa, Kiichi Nishimura, Xinyi Yang, Kazuhiro Yasuda, Hiroyasu Iwata

    2023 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration, SII 2023    2023

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    In the acute phase of stroke, it is important to promote functional recovery of the central nervous system by issuing motor intentions and performing repetitive movements. To facilitate early walking practice in the acute phase, we have developed what we term a 'supine pseudo-walking rehabilitation robot' that can perform walking training in the supine position. This robot is capable of multimodal feedbacks consisting of somatosensory feedback by following a walking trajectory, plantar vibration feedback that gives the sensation of load transfer during walking, and visual feedback in a virtual reality (VR) space. The somatosensory feedback is created by moving the patient's lower limbs in such a way as to reproduce the walking trajectory of a healthy subject, by means of a link mechanism. The feedback for plantar vibration, which gives the sensation of load transfer during walking, was generated by vibration motors which vibrate under first the heel and then the toe in accordance with the walking phase. We built a prototype of the supine pseudo-walking rehabilitation robot, and then evaluated whether it could produce the sensation of natural walking using these feedbacks by the experiments on healthy subjects, and found that it was possible to obtain the sensation of natural walking with the supine pseudo-walking robot alone. The results also suggest that the use of visual feedback and load-shifting sensory feedback can improve the sense of natural walking. In addition, when we evaluated how changes in muscular effort either appeared or did not appear when mismatch errors in different types of multimodal feedbacks were presented, a significant increase in EMG potentials was observed in two of the seven conditions. This suggests that it is possible to influence patient motor effort changes by manipulation of the multimodal feedback.



  • Balancing Real-world Interaction and VR Immersion with AI Vision Robotic Arm

    Xiaoran Yang, Yang Zhan, Yukiko Iwasaki, Miaohui Shi, Shijie Tang, Hiroyasu Iwata

    2023 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation, ICMA 2023     2051 - 2057  2023

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    With the widespread adoption of Virtual Reality (VR) technology, VR devices can be more realistic and make the tasks they perform feel real to the user. It is this sense of realism that makes more and more people are using VR headsets. While using VR devices, the need to interact with the real world will also exist. For example, when people are using a VR headset to study and work, they have a physiological need (thirst, hunger, etc.), and need to interact with reality. But the closed nature of the VR headset causes this interaction to be very disruptive to the immersion of the user's current task. To address this issue, we propose an interaction method that combines an AI vision algorithm and a robotic arm to preserve immersion during task performance in VR. This method addresses the challenge of interacting with the real world while using closed VR devices. Our experiments show that our method outperforms see-through and mapping methods, allowing users to quickly re-immerse themselves after interruptions and reducing interruptions during real-world task performance. Future research will focus on improving this method without sensitization and expanding the range of real-world operations that can be performed.



  • Neurorehabilitation Method for Preventing the Collapse of Internal Model: Verification of Unconscious Motor Change Caused by Implicit Error Involved in Multimodal Sensory FBs(Feedbacks)

    Shutaro Toriya, Xinyi Yang, Kiichi Nishimura, Kazuhiro Yasuda, Hiroyasu Iwata

    Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS    2023

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    It remains challenging for patients with stroke to regain the proper gait they had before stroke onset. In this study, one of the significant reasons for the problem is assumed to be the collapse of patients' internal model. Therefore, this study aimed to propose a method for lower-limb rehabilitation in the acute phase to prevent the collapse of the internal model and simultaneously promote voluntariness.To verify the effect of the proposed method and determine the optimal FB conditions, a supine pseudo-walking system has been developed providing multimodal sensory FBs, including somatosensory FB (walking on the walking robot), load transfer FB (plantar vibration provided by the robot), and visual FB (walking scene shown in virtual reality).First, the implicit error range of each sensory FB that was unable to recognize was investigated according to Weber's law. Subsequently, 12 participants were asked to perform 12 steps of walking exercise in the system to evaluate the unconscious motor-changing effect due to different/multimodal FBs. Errors were presented at the 7th step in either three FBs in the ratio determined or their combinations (two or three types of FBs simultaneously changing).Second, to examine whether the effect can last and influence the motion after the training, a pre-post comparison test was performed with the training in the middle, wherein implicit errors were presented in the three kinds of FBs.The results show that presenting implicit error can cause motor change, and multiple types of FBs may have a better effect. The statistical data of 12 participants of the pre-post comparison test show that the average integrated electromyogram in the post-test appears significantly larger than that in the pre-test. The result indicates that the motor-changing effect of the proposed method has a subsequent influence on motion and shows the possibility of the future application of the proposed method to the rehabilitation field.

    DOI PubMed


  • Numerical Analysis of Sagging Based on Rheological Properties of a Paint Film and Proposal for a Novel Index to Evaluate the Amount of Sag

    Yoshinobu Takahashi, Genichiro Tanaka, Fangshou Chang, Fumihiro Kato, Hiroyasu Iwata

    IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering    2023

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    In the present study, we used computational fluid dynamics to analyze the sag caused by spray painting, considering the change in paint shape due to flow. We focused on the paint adhering to the target surface because this behavior has not been previously examined. The particle method was adopted for the calculation because it enabled a stable analysis of the paint droplets and the complex uneven surface of the paint film. A high-speed camera and image analysis were used to capture the spray painting and identify the parameter values. Using the developed model, we analyzed the change in the film thickness distribution for painting on a flat plate in the vertical direction. It was confirmed that the numerical and experimental data correlated for two conditions of the target distance. In addition, we proposed a new index, Degree of Sagging (DSG), to evaluate the amount of sag based on the physical properties of the paint rheology and the geometry of the target. In the painting tests on flat plates with different angles, a strong positive correlation of 0.95 was observed between the sum of the calculated DSG values and the measured paint flow distance due to sag. In the painting tests on L-shaped surfaces, the predicted sag appearance by DSG agreed with the measured results at 14 of the 15 measurement points under all conditions. Overall, a computational model was developed for field implementation that could predict painting thickness distribution and sag occurrence. <italic>Note to Practitioners</italic>&#x2014;The present work is motivated by the problem that teaching painting robots in a painting site is particularly time consuming. To address this problem, off-line programming methods have been proposed to computationally predict paint quality and film thickness and determine the painting route. Conventional approaches have approximated the paint deposition model with a function, which determines the paint thickness distribution, or simulated this model with high accuracy by considering electrostatic forces and wind velocity fields using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling methods. However, two major problems exist in the field implementation of these studies: The first problem is the inability to predict defects, including sagging, that may occur after painting. In the conventional approach, the behavior of the paint after it adheres to the target is outside the scope of the calculation. The second problem is the high computational resource cost of CFD simulation, which renders its application to robotic painting challenging. In painting sites, the painting thickness must be accurately predicted and routed in a short period of time. In this paper, we present a method for analyzing film thickness distributions by considering time series changes of flow and propose a function-based model for predicting sagging based on the simulation results. The model for sag prediction was shown to be computationally inexpensive enough to be implemented in the field. The results of several painting experiments with a real robot confirmed the validity of the predictions made by this method. Our method could be implemented in the near future as a prediction system for off-line evaluation of painting routes, which could significantly reduce teaching cost. Since the target in this paper was a flat plate, it is necessary to conduct evaluation tests using various target shapes and painting conditions. Also, integration with the painting route optimization method has not yet been achieved, which is a topic that will be addressed in the future.



  • Angle-specific Paint Deposition Modeling for an L-shaped Plane with the Variable Posture of a Painting Gun

    Genichiro Tanaka, Fangshou Chang, Yoshinobu Takahashi, Fumihiro Kato, Hiroyasu Iwata

    2023 11th International Conference on Control, Mechatronics and Automation, ICCMA 2023     467 - 472  2023

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    This study developed a paint deposition model that considers the position and direction of the painting gun was developed. Therefore, we focused on changes in paint deposition due to changes in the painting angle, which had not been focused on before. The calculation method employed adds an angle-specific paint deposition model derived by multiple regression analysis to the conventional paint deposition model. To confirm the validity of the angle-specific paint deposition model, a painting test on an L-shaped surface was conducted, and the measured and predicted values were compared. The L-shaped surface is a typical shape that the film thickness distribution changes with angle. As a result, it was confirmed that the predicted values agreed well with the measured values in the L-shaped surface painting test, indicating the validity of this study.



  • Proposal of an Instantaneous Cognitive Map Acquisition Method for Visual Information Presentation Considering Work States and Cognitive States in Unmanned Construction

    Hiroyasu Iwata, Shutaro Motohashi, Takumi Moteki, Ryuya Sato, Yuichi Mizukoshi

    2023 11th International Conference on Control, Mechatronics and Automation, ICCMA 2023     103 - 108  2023

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    Unmanned construction is a technology developed for disaster site restoration involving the remote operation of construction machinery, ensuring the safety of workers. However, currently available technology is only about 50% of the work efficiency of manned operation, thus a major goal is to approach the work efficiency furnished by manned operation in unmanned operation. To ensure efficient construction, environmental information must be obtained, and the order of operations must be properly planned before the start of construction. In addition, because visual information is an essential element of teleoperation, appropriate visual information should be presented to the workers, based on work states. However, it is not clear what images would be most useful or at what time. To clarify these issues, understanding what information is most important during operation, what information is most typically lost, and at what time is vital. Therefore, in this study, we propose a method to analyze the operator's cognitive map during operation, in an effort to extract the information most strongly considered by the operator and information that is most likely forgotten.



  • Engineering Analysis of One-sided State Transitions for the Derivation of Dual-Task Conditions

    Ayumu Tsuji, Joi Oh, Yukiko Iwasaki, Fumihiro Kato, Hiroyasu Iwata

    Conference Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics     3085 - 3090  2023

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    The purpose of this study is to determine the intervention method among individuals by analyzing and categorizing how the performance on a dual task decreases when the required attentional load increases through a validation test. The validation test consisted of a dual task with two different tasks. As a result of the validation test, we hypothesized that there exists a one-sided state in which response delays occur in the low-priority task during the transition from the dual-task state, where the task is performed stably, to the saturation state, where all tasks are disrupted. Therefore, considering the one-sided state, we classified participants' attention distribution state into four states during the dual-task and analyzed the transition of the collapse model for individual. As a result, we were able to identify the one-sided state, classify the collapse models of the dual-task into three patterns, and propose appropriate timing of intervention methods for each pattern.



  • Promoting Jizai with Robots that Are Currently Helpful—You Will Not Understand Unless You Jump In

    Hiroyasu Iwata

    Theory of JIZAI Body: Towards Mastery Over the Extended Self     69 - 85  2023.01

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    In order for us to know if a research field that we know nothing about will suit us and if it will be worthwhile for us to devote ourselves to, the only thing we can do is to jump in and experience it. With this mindset, I have been able to pursue research in trans-disciplinary studies that are not restricted to existing boundaries and conduct pioneering research that applied my own specialty of robotics to medicine leading to a fusion of the two. I have studied humanoid robots at first. What especially interested me was the haptic sense, and I started research of sensory in Biomedical Engineering area. My basic stance in applying robots to the medical field is that humans should do most of the work with support from machines kept to a minimum. Even in Jizai research, the basic principle that humans are the masters and robots are the subjects does not change. The Jizai research examples that we are working on are the “Third Arm” and “detachable body” as a development of the Third Arm. In our laboratory, we are also promoting turning technology into businesses. It is important for researchers to envision technology that will bring innovation to specific purposes. Two concepts that I am emphasizing recently are design thinking and vision-oriented thinking. One other thing that I work on as one who is affiliated with a university is the development of researchers. I believe it is important for us to have two or more axes in both research and in our daily lives. In research, in addition to your research theme as part of a project, you should have your own research theme. One of the keys to concurrently succeeding at multiple jobs is to cooperate with your colleagues.

  • Study on the Perception of Implicit Indication When Collaborating with an Artificial Agent: Example with the Japanese Rice Cake "Mochi" Making

    Lena Guinot, Kozo Ando, Hiroyasu Iwata

    HAI 2022 - Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Human-Agent Interaction     140 - 147  2022.12

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    Body language is an essential component of communication. The amount of unspoken information it transmits during interpersonal interactions is an invaluable complement to simple speech and makes the process smoother and more sustainable. On the contrary, existing approaches to human-robot collaboration and communication are not as intuitive, especially when it comes to robots transmitting information to their users. This is an issue that needs to be addressed if we aim to continue using artificial intelligence and machines to increase our capabilities, or as collaboration partners. The purpose of this study was to analyze the concept of a machine communicating with its user in a manner that closely relates to how humans communicate during collaborative work, using the Japanese rice cake making process as an example. First, the elements necessary to achieve the synchrony of individuals participating in the rice cake making process were clarified. Then, the same elements were reproduced in a simulated environment and applied to a rice cake making situation, this time requiring a collaboration between an individual and a robot. In this seccond step, the robot was made to mimick some key inter-personnal implicit communication elements discovered during the first stage of the study. Results showed an improvement in performance, along with a better capacity to predict and adapt motion according to the other party's, suggesting that the system was capable of assisting in realizing a certain level of understanding between biological and artificial agents for collaborative work without any form of explicit communication.



  • Embodiment modifies attention allotment for the benefit of dual task performance

    Yukiko Iwasaki, Benjamin Navarro, Hiroyasu Iwata, Gowrishankar Ganesh

    Communications Biology   5 ( 1 )  2022.12

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    Many everyday tasks, like walking down a street, require us to dual task to also avoid collisions of our swinging arms with other pedestrians. The collision avoidance is possible with ease because humans attend to all our (embodied) limbs. But how does the level of embodiment affect attention distribution, and consequently task performance in dual tasks? Here we examined this question with a dual task that required participants to perform a cued button-press (main task) with their right hand, while reacting to possible collisions by a moving object with a left ‘robot’ hand (secondary task). We observed that participants consistently improve main task performance when they perceived the robot hand to be embodied, compared to when they don’t. The secondary task performance could be maintained in both cases. Our results suggest that embodiment of a limb modifies attention allotment for the benefit of dual motor task performance using limbs.

    DOI PubMed


  • The influence of a vibrotactile biofeedback system on postural dynamics during single-leg standing in healthy older adults

    Kentaro Kodama, Kazuhiro Yasuda, Tomoki Akatsuka, Nikita A. Kuznetsov, Hiroyasu Iwata

    Neuroscience Letters   786  2022.08

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    The effectiveness of sensory substitution technology, such as haptic-based vibrotactile biofeedback (VBF), has been verified for balance training and rehabilitation. However, whether VBF training changes postural dynamics in older people remains unknown. This study investigated the influence of VBF training on postural dynamics during single-leg standing in older adults, using detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA). Twenty older adults participated in this study. Measurement of postural sway comprised three phases: first measurement session as a baseline test, postural training (day 1), and second measurement session (day 2). The BF group received BF training during the balance training session, while the control group practiced single-leg stance without BF. The center of pressure (CoP) trajectory was recorded in the first measurement session (pre) and second measurement session (post) at 50 Hz. DFA revealed the presence of two linear scaling regions in the CoP, indicating the presence of fast- and slow-scale fluctuations. For the BF group, slow-scale postural dynamics revealed more anti-persistent behavior after training in the anterior-posterior direction. However, the control group showed a change toward more random dynamics after training. These different influences suggest that the BF system might improve error correction strategies during single-leg standing for older adults, while single-leg standing training without the BF system might cause the loss of controllability in single-leg standing. Further, the results of the DFA are discussed in the context of balance training using VBF.

    DOI PubMed


  • A Pneumatic Artificial Muscle and Spring Combination System that Assists Ankle Rocker and Transforms Energy into Push-Off Support: A Feasibility Study in Heathy Participants

    Jing-Chen Hong, Jiahui Gao, Kazuhiro Yasuda, Hiroki Ohashi, Hiroyasu Iwata

    2022 International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR)    2022.07


  • Design of a Discrete Element Method Parameter Identification System for the Efficient Excavation of Mining Shovels Based on Excavation Resistance Analysis

    Hiroyasu Iwata, Siyuan Yu, Saiya Mizushima, Shinji Yamamura

    International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research   11 ( 5 ) 304 - 310  2022.05

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    Recently, fluctuations in the cost of labor and prices of natural resources have increased the difficulty of the business environment for mine development. Therefore, it is necessary to improve excavation efficiency using hydraulic excavators. Getting the actual excavation resistance for efficient excavation is challenging. To obtain lower resistance in excavation, we aimed to design a Discrete Element Method (DEM) parameter identification system that can calculate excavation resistance. To validate two calculation models in this system, we used a robot arm, different excavation objects, and a DEM software to compare the resistance between the actual excavation and the simulation. We selected the calculation model more approximate to the actual excavation resistance. Thus, our experiments could prove data similarities between simulation and actual excavation. However, a part of excavation resistance is still not approximated in simulation. Therefore, we conducted experiments using steel balls to identify the relationship between the physical properties of excavation objects and the calculated resistance. We obtained conclusions on making calculated resistance more approximate to actual excavation resistance by adjusting the properties



  • Analysis and Observation of Behavioral Factors Contributing to Improvement of Embodiment to a Supernumerary Limb

    Nonoka Nishida, Yukiko Iwasaki, Theophilus Teo, Masaaki Fukuoka, Maki Sugimoto, Po-han Chen, Fumihiro Kato, Michiteru Kitazaki, Hiroyasu Iwata

    Proc. of Augmented Humans     116 - 120  2022.03  [Refereed]



  • Optimal Assistance Timing to Induce Voluntary Dorsiflexion Movements: A Preliminary Study in Healthy Participants

    Jing-Chen Hong, Kazuhiro Yasuda, Hiroki Ohashi, Hiroyasu Iwata

    Applied Sciences    2022.02  [Refereed]



  • High-Dorsiflexion Assistive System for Passive Swing Phase Dorsiflexion Training and Preventing Compensatory Movements

    Jing-Chen Hong, Hiroki Ohashi, Hiroyasu Iwata

    Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics   34 ( 1 ) 121 - 130  2022.02  [Refereed]

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    <jats:p>Over the last few years, numerous robotic ankle-foot orthoses have been developed to help stroke patients optimize gait rehabilitation. In this paper, we present a study on the effects of assistance on dorsiflexion-restricted gait. Our high-dorsiflexion assistive system aims to provide full assistance to realize passive training of dorsiflexion during the swing phase and prevent compensatory movements. This system, which includes a McKibben-type artificial muscle and an air source, is lightweight and provides a high-dorsiflexion torque. The device could help boost overground gait rehabilitation in stroke patients. With this system, we conducted an experiment on five healthy participants whose dorsiflexion movements were restricted, and the extent of their compensatory movements differed. The results of the processed surface electromyography data differed significantly when dorsiflexion movement was assisted by our system. The spatial parameters also showed significantly improved compensatory movement inclination with sufficient assistance. These results indicate the potential of our system to assist in passive training of ankle dorsiflexion movements and to prevent incorrect gait in patients with low dorsiflexion abilities.</jats:p>



  • EEG based analysis of lower limb exercise for neurorehabilitation according to the linkage between motor execution and visual feedback in immersive VR: A feasibility study with healthy adults

    Xinyi Yang, Jing-Chen Hong, Kazuhiro Yasuda, Yumie Ono, Hiroyasu Iwata

    2022 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration (SII)    2022.01


  • Study on Attention Distribution for Supernumerary Limbs in Dual task-Evaluation about Perception Verification Accuracy of Proprioceptive Sensation for Supernumerary Limbs Using Vibration Feedback-

    KAMISHIMA Kaito, IWASAKI Yukiko, NISHIDA Nonoka, KATO Fumihiro, IWATA Hiroyasu

    The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec)   2022   1A1-N11  2022

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    Haptic Feedback Belt is the device which notice the supernumerary arm’s posture which is put on the arm’s user as vibration feedback. In this paper, we examine whether participants can perceive the supernumerary arm’s posture which leaves them with Haptic Feedback Belt on Dual task. Experiment was conducted to compare perception accuracy when they accomplished the recognizing task of supernumerary arm’s posture on Single task situation and Dual task situation. On Single task situation, they accomplished only the recognizing task. Then, on Dual task situation, they accomplished the recognizing task with pouring water into beakers with their own body. The results suggested that they can perceive the posture on Dual task situation as exactly as on Single task situation.


  • Analysis and Evaluation of Paint Film Thickness Variation due to Solvent Volatilization Based on Drying Rate Curves

    TAKAHASHI Yoshinobu, CHANG Fangshou, KATO Fumihiro, IWATA Hiroyasu

    The Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan   2022   J121-05  2022

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    During the drying process of paints, the solvent contained in the paint volatilizes and the film thickness decreases. Since this property is highly dependent on the drying temperature and can affect the quality of the paint, appropriate temperature conditions and film thickness control are required. In this study, a model based on mass transfer theory was developed to calculate the paint film thickness at an arbitrary elapsed time. As a validation test, wet film thickness was measured by a non-contact film thickness gauge and compared with the analytical results. As a result, accurate paint film thickness prediction was achieved by setting appropriate parameters for different drying conditions.


  • Development of a vibrotactile cueing device that implicitly increases walking speed during gait training in stroke patients: an observational case series study

    Jiayi Ling, Kazuhiro Yasuda, Yuki Hayashi, Saeko Imamura, Hiroyasu Iwata

    Journal of Medical Engineering and Technology   46 ( 1 ) 25 - 31  2022

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    One of the main sequelae of stroke is difficulty walking, which is characterised by decreased walking speed and asymmetrical walking patterns. Physical therapists often rely on explicit motor learning strategies, i.e., providing mainly verbal instructions for how movements should be performed. However, the voluntary movement induced by explicit instruction may lead to associated unintended muscle contractions or higher cognitive demand, which could be detrimental. We introduce a vibrotactile cueing device that implicitly improves walking speed. The stroke patient walks while alternating vibrational cues are given to the left and right sides of their waist. At each specified step, cueing frequency increases in the cueing group without the patient’s awareness. The four patients in the cueing group did not notice the increase in walking speed during training; however, we observed an improvement in walking speed and cadence in patients using the proposed cueing system, which was maintained during the posttest phase. Additionally, patients using the cueing system were able to suppress excessive compensatory movements during training compared with patients who did not use the system. This case series study indicates that the proposed system for gait rehabilitation of stroke patients can enable an increase in walking speed without excessive effort.

    DOI PubMed


  • Comparison of Operating Method of Extra Limbs in Dual Tasks: Point and Path Instruction

    Yukiko Iwasaki, Shota Takahashi, Hiroyasu Iwata

    2022 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration, SII 2022     171 - 176  2022

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    This paper discusses methods to manipulate an extra limb at the same time as the user's body parts. Two types of extra limb manipulation methods exist: path instruction, which involves continuous input such the master-slave method, and point instruction, which only involves commands of the coordinates of the required transit points. Intuitively, point instruction is considered to be easier to use for simultaneous operations because the attention time per instruction is shorter. In contrast, from a cognitive science perspective, depending on the amount of attention switching involved during the tasks and the attention level required for each task, it may be easier to perform dual tasks with path instruction than with point instruction. Therefore, we conducted a user study to compare the feasibility of using point instruction and path instruction in tasks that require considerable attention switching and tasks that do not as well as tasks that require a high level of attention for execution and tasks that do not. The results showed that point instruction improved work efficiency in all task conditions, but path instruction improved work efficiency only when the task was easy to perform. These results suggest the superiority of point instruction and also indicates that the need for intermittent attention allocation, such as the time and frequency of each session, should be further discussed.



  • Design and development of 6 DoFs detachable robotic head utilizing differential gear mechanism to imitate human head-waist motion

    Vitvasin Vimolmongkolporn, Fumihiro Kato, Takumi Handa, Yukiko Iwasaki, Hiroyasu Iwata

    2022 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration, SII 2022     467 - 472  2022

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    This paper proposed a design of a detachable robotic head that can imitate human motion in a remote environment. Firstly, the biomechanics of the human body parts related to human vision are studied: neck and waist. After that, the design parameters are extracted from the neck and waist as the design requirement. Then, the mechanical design of the detachable robotic head is split into three parts: neck, waist, and detachable mechanism. The gear differential mechanism is used further to develop the motion range of the proposed design. Consequently, a prototype is made from a 3d-printed part to test the functionality of the design. The evaluations are separated into three sections. First, the range of motion shows that the proposed design can guarantee the human motion range and provide more motion range in the remote environment. Secondly, the frequency response shows that the detachable head can handle the natural headshaking motion of the human at 1.5 Hz in horizontal and 2 Hz vertical head shaking. However, both do not reach the vigorous voluntary headshaking. Also, the maximum latency between the user and the robot is 25 ms, which is low enough for human perception. Last, the angular error between the user and the robot is tested in trackability. As a result, the error is less than 1.6 degrees, and this means the proposed design can imitate human head motion without feeling dislocated.



  • Operation State Identification Method for Unmanned Construction: Extended Search and Registration System of Novel Operation State Based on LSTM and DDTW

    Ziwei Qiao, Yuichi Mizukoshi, Takumi Moteki, Hiroyasu Iwata

    2022 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration, SII 2022     13 - 18  2022

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    Unmanned construction technology is being developed to aid in disaster recovery by remotely operating construction machinery, thereby reducing the possibility of secondary disasters. However, the work efficiency of unmanned operation is only about half that of the normal operation. Thus, various support methods based on operation states have been developed to improve the work efficiency. It is important to automatically determine the operation state of the construction machinery to apply these support methods. In this paper, we propose an extended operation state identification model that can identify various operation states. The proposed model consists of two parts: operation state classification system using the classification model of Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), and novel state search and registration system using the regression model of LSTM. Simulation of unmanned construction was conducted to verify the potential of the proposed model.



  • Development of Self-Destructive Urine Detection Film Using Water-soluble Resin

    Yoshiyuki Isozaki, Akihiro Umezawa, Hiroyasu Iwata

    Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS   2022-July   861 - 864  2022

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    The increasingly aging population in Japan, has given rise to a shortage of caregiver availability. By the year 2025, it is projected that there will be a need for 380,000 caregivers. One of Caregivers' compulsory tasks consists in checking diapers every 2 hours both during the day and at night. It becomes even more burdensome when they must also do this around or after midnight, depriving them of quality sleep. The use of excretion detector devices may provide a solution to this problem. However, there are sanitary limitations to the recovery and reuse of such devices. Additionally, there is obvious discomfort that comes with attaching a large device to a diaper. To address this challenge, the disposability, and ultra-thinness of the device presented in this study are paramount. We developed and evaluated disposable film-based urine detector devices for caregivers use.

    DOI PubMed


  • A Proposal for a New Index to Quantify the Ratio of Near and Far Spatial Neglect Using Immersive Virtual Reality Technology: A Technical Report

    Tomoki Akatsuka, Kazuhiro Yasuda, Rikushi Sabu, Shuntaro Kawaguchi, Hiroyasu Iwata

    Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS   2022-July   4151 - 4154  2022

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    Unilateral spatial neglect (USN) is defined as impaired attention to sensory stimuli on one side, which can exist for near and far spaces combined or independently. Thus, quantifying both near- and far-space neglect is crucial. This study aims to propose an index to quantify the near/far spatial neglect ratio to describe the USN symptoms' characteristics in each patient using immersive virtual reality (VR) technology. An object-detecting task was performed for five USN patients in a three-dimensional VR space. The examiner recorded the positional data of the objects that were recognized by the USN patient using coordinate data. The near/far ratio (NFRatio) was calculated using the proposed equation to quantify the difference in neglect severity in near and far spaces of each patient. Among the patients, four tended to have greater far-space neglect, and one tended to have greater near-space neglect. Moreover, the near/far spatial neglect ratio was shown to vary according to height. This is the first study to propose immersive VR to quantify the near and far spatial neglect. However, further study is needed to assess its reliability and validity and describe its clinical usability. Clinical Relevance - In clinical practice USN symptoms cause neglected symptoms in 3D space so the proposed system will be of high clinical significance if 3D assessment is realized

    DOI PubMed


  • Quantification of Unilateral Spatial Neglect Symptoms Based on Identification of Exploratory Ability

    Saki Takazawa, Kazuhiro Yasuda, Rikushi Sabu, Shuntaro Kawaguchi, Hiroyasu Iwata

    IEEE International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics   2022-July  2022

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    Unilateral spatial neglect (USN) is the failure to report, respond, or orient to novel or meaningful stimuli presented on the side opposite a brain lesion. In our previous study, we reported that the ability of patients with USN to perform when the neck was fixed (called cognitive ability) was different from that when the neck was not fixed (called exploratory ability). However, the exploratory ability index has not been clarified, and cognitive and exploratory abilities have not been quantified. Thus, in this study, we identified neck movement as an exploratory ability index for patients with USN. Furthermore, we proposed equations to quantify cognitive and exploratory abilities and suggested that these equations can be used to understand patients' neglect symptoms in more detail. These findings revealed that the two evaluations of cognitive and exploratory abilities are crucial in USN evaluation and are key to individualizing intervention for each patient.

    DOI PubMed


  • Analysis of Paint Film Thickness Distribution Based on Particle Method Considering Time Series Change of Flow

    Yoshinobu Takahashi, Fangshou Chang, Fumihiro Kato, Hiroyasu Iwata

    IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering   2022-August   397 - 404  2022

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    Here, the thickness distribution of a spray-painted film was analyzed by computational fluid dynamics, considering the change in the paint shape due to flow. We focused on the paint adhering to the target because this behavior has not been previously examined. The particle method was adopted for the calculation because it enabled a stable analysis of the paint droplets and the complex uneven surface of the coating film. A high-speed camera and image analysis were used to capture the spray painting and identify the values of the parameters. Using the developed model, we analyzed the change in the film thickness distribution for the scene of painting on a flat plate in the vertical direction. It was confirmed that the numerical and experimental data correlated for two conditions of the target distance.



  • Quantitative Evaluation of Cross in Esports Soccer: Modeling Based on Offense/Defense Positioning

    Shotaro Tanaka, Shimpei Aihara, Shutaro Toriya, Saki Takazawa, Hiroyasu Iwata

    Conference Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics   2022-October   1389 - 1394  2022

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    The term 'esports' is used to refer to game-based competitions considered as sports events. Esports currently involves a qualitative instruction that relies on individual experience and intuition, such as instruction from professional gamers. By contrast, sports observe a shift from qualitative to high-quality instruction using quantitative evaluation indices. Therefore, in esports, evaluation indices must be quantified to improve the training quality. This study focuses on crossing situations in soccer games. Crossing is a play in which a player passes from the side to the goal. It is important in soccer because of its high possibility of leading to a goal. Therefore, the quality of cross training in soccer must be improved to increase the scoring probability by crossing. As a feasibility study, this work aims at a quantitative evaluation of crossing in soccer games. The important factors for a successful cross are the positional relationship and the speed of each player at the time of the cross. A crossing scene is modeled to obtain a cross score based on these factors. First, when the velocity and trajectory of the cross ball are determined, the area is defined in which the offensive and defensive players can touch the ball. This area is calculated, and the value of how close to the center the ball trajectory passes in relation to the area is determined for each player. Using these values, the Cross Score (CS) was obtained by constructing a cross evaluation formula. To confirm the validity of the obtained evaluation values, a system that can obtain the evaluation values using image processing was developed. Then, 264 videos of crossing scenes in a soccer game were obtained, and CS was calculated for each of them. The correlation coefficient between the cross score and the percentage of successful crosses is 0.923, showing a strong correlation and confirming CS validity. As an example of application of the CS, it is possible to judge whether a cross is good or bad by displaying the CS on a heatmap using quantitative values. This enables visual and quantitative feedback using CS, suggesting the possibility of improving the quality of training.



  • Development of a Mixed Reality Rehabilitation System for Real-Life Environment in Stroke Patients with Unilateral Spatial Neglect

    Saki Takazawa, Kazuhiro Yasuda, Rikushi Sabu, Shuntaro Kawaguchi, Hiroyasu Iwata

    Conference Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics   2022-October   3379 - 3383  2022

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    Unilateral spatial neglect (USN) is a higher cognitive dysfunction that can occur after a stroke. It is defined as an impairment in finding, reporting, reacting to, and directing to stimuli presented opposite to the damaged side of the brain. So far, we have developed an immersive virtual reality system that releases the attention biased to the non-neglected side and guides it to the neglected side to improve the symptoms of neglect. However, it improved neglect symptoms evaluated using a paper-and-pencil test on a desk (i.e., Behavioral Inattention Test), and it did not improve neglect in daily life evaluated using a standardized evaluation tool [i.e., Catherine Bergego Scale (CBS)], which is a rating index of neglect in actual daily life. Therefore, establishing a method for improving neglect in daily life is necessary. This study was designed to develop a platform for improving neglect in daily life as an initial investigation of rehabilitation methods for patients with USN. To improve neglect, the following three elements were derived from previous studies that should be included in rehabilitation: object search by moving around, reproduction of the complexity of daily life, and own body movement in the neglected side with visual confirmation. The patient moves around the room and visually explores and touches the objects presented in the mixed reality (MR) space. Using this system, we conducted a validity test on a patient with USN. The results showed that the patient improved from moderate to mild neglect in the CBS. Thus, the applicability of proposed MR system was suggested in terms of improving neglect in patients with USN in daily life environment.



  • Experiment assisting system with local augmented body (EASY-LAB) in dual presence environment

    Ahmed Alsereidi, Yukiko Iwasaki, Joi Oh, Vitvasin Vimolmongkolporn, Fumihiro Kato, Hiroyasu Iwata

    Acta IMEKO   11 ( 3 )  2022

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    This paper introduces a system designed to support conducting experiments of subjects when the situation does not allow experimenter and subject to be in the same place such as the COVID19 pandemic where everyone relied on video conference applications which has its limitation. Due to the difficulty of directing with a video conferencing system using solely video and voice. The system we developed allows an experimenter to actively watch and interact with the subject. Even if you're operating from a distant area, it is still possible to conduct experiments. Another important aspect this study will focus on is the case of when there are several subjects required and the experimenter must be able to guide both subjects equally well. The system proposed uses a 6 DoF robotic arm with a camera and a laser pointer attached to it on the subject side. The experimenter uses a head-mounted display to control it and it moves corresponding to the head movement allowing for easy instruction and intervention to the subject side. Comparison with other similar research is also covered. The study will focus mainly on which viewing method is the easiest for the experimenter to use, and if teaching one subject at the time gives better results than teaching two subjects simultaneously.



  • Novel Transmission Mechanism (Shaft-following Gear Mechanism) Applied to a Puncture Robot for Three Dimensional Punctures

    Takuma Ogawa, Ryohei Saito, Hiroyasu Iwata

    Proceedings - International Symposium on Measurement and Control in Robotics: Robotics and Virtual Tools for a New Era, ISMCR 2022    2022

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    Computed Tomography (CT)-guided intervention requires an expertized skill to physicians and a numerous of robot-assisted needle insertion system has been developed. As a challenging issue developing the CT-guided needle insertion robot system, the inside of a CT gantry is a special environment where there is no room for movement and no metal can be inserted because of causing an artifact on the acquired image. The gantry entry portion of the robot therefore requires miniaturization and non-metallization. The most difficult part of the non-metallization of a robot is the motor element. While many of the robot's structural materials can be made non-metallic thanks to advances in plastic materials, the actuator cannot be made non-metallic. In some cases, the actuator can be attached directly to the moving part, but this limits the angle of motion of the robot to where the actuator is outside the imaging range. In this report, we introduce a unique mechanism that enables the needle manipulation with a miniaturized configuration inside the CT gantry. The mechanism satisfies the requirements of power transmission between axes whose relative positions are indeterminate, miniaturization to prevent interference with robot motion, and non-metallization. This mechanism combines a single-node link and gears to transmit rotational power while passively responding to changes in the positional relationship between axes. The hinge fixation of the basic single-node link is aligned with the axis of rotation of the first gear, and the subsequent gears can be freely arranged to mesh with each other. The minimum configuration is 3 gears, one at the hinge, and two at each end. Theoretically, the number of gears can be increased, but it is desirable to use as few gears as possible because transmission accuracy will decrease due to backlash and other factors. The movement of the mechanism does not necessarily affect the state of the gears at all. If the absolute angle of the linkage changes, the positional relationship between adjacent gears changes while the distance between the axes remains constant. If the positional relationship of the meshing gears changes, the gear will rotate. If rotation is simply transmitted, this angular change does not affect the operation of the machine, but if rotation is transmitted for the purpose of angle determination, the angle input side must be adjusted. This depends on the changing tip position coordinates. Therefore, we developed an algorithm that outputs adjustment parameters upon input of information on the mechanism to be used. The algorithm derives an approximate equation from numerical analyses that limits the error from backlash. We applied this mechanism to our robot with a 25G needle and inserted the needle into the target from various angles. The accuracy was 2.5 mm, which satisfied our requirements.



  • Palpation Robot System - Reproduction Method by Deep Neural Network of Skin Palpation Judgment Focusing on Softness Classification

    Fumihiro Kato, Takeya Adachi, Takumi Handa, Kaito Kamishima, Hiroyasu Iwata

    Proceedings - International Symposium on Measurement and Control in Robotics: Robotics and Virtual Tools for a New Era, ISMCR 2022    2022

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    In recent years, the spread of infectious diseases, such as COVID-19, has increased the need for medical examinations to avoid contact between doctors and patients. Most treatments, especially dermatology, require palpation, and its impact is significant. In this study, we aimed to reproduce the judgment of the softness and surface textures of diseased parts, which is important to dermatologists for determining the condition, using a simple robot device. Five levels of softness and three types of surface textures labeled with 14 types of materials were obtained from interviews with dermatologists. To acquire a haptic response from materials during pushing, 1) a single-rod probe with a haptic sensor using a linear actuator and 2) a dual-rod type configuration to obtain vibration propagation was constructed. Frequency-analyzed images were produced from the obtained waveforms of force and acceleration. A total of 343 images from 13 materials were used for transfer learning and were classified using AlexNet. The classification accuracy of the single-rod probe was 93.0%, and that of the dual-probe configuration was 95.2%. The classification accuracy was improved using the dual probe configuration than the single one; the softness classification accuracy was improved from 93.8% (single-rod) to 95.7% (dual-rod configuration). The surface texture classification accuracy was improved from 91.9% (single-rod) to 92.8% (dual-rod configuration), respectively. Therefore, the proposed method enables the reproduction of the judgment of five-level softness and three types of surface texture judgment by dermatologists.



  • Study on Attention Distribution for Supernumerary Limbs in Dual-task -Effectiveness of Vibration Feedback for Limb Posture

    Kaito Kamishima, Fumihiro Kato, Yukiko Iwasaki, Nonoka Nishida, Hiroyasu Iwata

    Proceedings - International Symposium on Measurement and Control in Robotics: Robotics and Virtual Tools for a New Era, ISMCR 2022    2022

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    When using a supernumerary limb, it is necessary to pay appropriate attention to the supernumerary limb and recognize its state. In this study, we verified whether the posture of a supernumerary limb removed from a human and placed in an environment could be perceived from the tactile feedback in a dual-task. Then, we examined the effect of perceivability on dual-task performance. In the former verification, participants were asked to answer the position of a randomly stopped supernumerary limb while pouring a prescribed volume of water with their natural bodies. The latter was examined with 2 kinds of dual-tasks. Dual-task A required the tasks on the natural body and the supernumerary limb sides to have a common perceptual modality. Dual-task B did not require the tasks on the natural body and supernumerary limb sides to have a common perceptual modality. Thus, supernumerary limb location identification accuracy was as good in dual-task conditions as in single-task conditions. In addition, task performance in dual-task B was improved by the presence of tactile feedback.



  • Optimum Design of a Wire-Driven Redundant Spherical Parallel Manipulator for Foot Drop Rehabilitation System

    Ahmed Gamal, Abdelfatah Mohamed, Hiroyasu Iwata, Samy F.M. Assal

    IECON Proceedings (Industrial Electronics Conference)   2022-October  2022

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    Post stroke patients may suffer from a gait disorder which is called foot drop. They may experience a toedrag, slow walking speed and a high risk of tripping. Although physical therapy exercises can be a remedy to such cases, their high cost and the lack of professional caregivers arise the need for robotic rehabilitation systems. On the other hand, the existing robotic systems for foot-drop rehabilitation are heavy and bulky. Therefore, in this paper, a lightweight foot-drop rehabilitation system based on a wire-driven redundant spherical parallel manipulator (RSPM) is developed. The proposed RSPM can provide 3-DOF movements to exercise the dorsiflexion, plantarflexion, supination, lateral and medial rotations. Kinematic and static analyses are performed for the proposed rob RSPM. In order to guarantee permissible positive tensions for the wires of the RSPM, a new performance index is introduced, called permissible tension index. Optimum design based on optimizing certain performance indices is carried out to obtain the proper dimensions of the movable platform design parameters of the proposed RSPM. A new index called permissible tension index is introduced to guarantee permissible positive tensions for the wires of the RSPM. A weighted sum of the global kinematic dexterity, global minimized transmission and the global permissible tension indices is considered for the objective function of the optimization process. The RSPM performance is evaluated over its range of motion and the reaction forces exerted on the ankle are shown to be tolerable by an injured ankle. Additionally, the Jacobian-based kinematic controller is shown to be capable of tracking the normal gait trajectories with acceptable tracking errors.



  • Robotic Auscultation over Clothes for Eliminating Gender Bias.

    Ryosuke Tsumura, Akihiro Umezawa, Yuko Morishima, Hiroyasu Iwata, Yoshihiko Koseki, Naotaka Nitta, Kiyoshi Yoshinaka

    IROS     6468 - 6475  2022


  • Diagnostic Posture Control System for Seated-Style Echocardiography Robot.

    Yuuki Shida, Masami Sugawara, Ryosuke Tsumura, Haruaki Chiba, Tokuhisa Uejima, Hiroyasu Iwata

    CoRR   abs/2210.13809  2022


  • Development of Needle Guide Unit Considering Buckling Bone-Perforation Control Strategy Based on Computed Tomography-Guided Needle Insertion Robot.

    Yoshinobu Takahashi, Koki Izumi, Ryohei Saito, Iori Ikeda, Ryosuke Tsumura, Hiroyasu Iwata

    EMBC     4391 - 4396  2022



  • Basic Input-Output Gain Tuning System Based on Control Input Histogram Leveling for Human-Operated Machines

    Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano

    IEEE-ASME TRANSACTIONS ON MECHATRONICS   26 ( 6 ) 2857 - 2869  2021.12

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    This article explores a scheme of tuning a basic input-output (I/O) gain (BIOG) depending on usage conditions for improving the work performance of human-operated machines. I/O gain tuning is effective for improving operability and workability, but continual and/or huge changes makes operators confuse the machine dynamics, and then degrade the operability. Thus, the proposed tuning system tunes the BIOG at long terms according to comprehensive characteristics of the work content and operator, collected from a control lever input histogram. The target value is specified by a Gaussian distribution, meaning that all ranges of the spring-type control lever are equally used. This approach was chosen because leveling the control lever histogram independently of the operator and work content provides a consistent operational experience, leading to comfortable operations. In this article, BIOG curves are specified as a polygonal line involving a break and saturation point. These points are adjusted by reciprocal conversion of differential areas between the Gaussian distribution and obtained histogram curves. Experimental results obtained with a robot arm indicated that the developed BIOG tuning system could improve time efficiency by decreasing the differential area and increase the subjective usability as compared to a conventional fixed BIOG system. Moreover, the relationship between the histogram and BIOG curve could reveal features of both the work content and the operator's skill level.



  • Investigation of optimal gait speed for motor learning of walking using the vibro-tactile biofeedback system.

    Jia-Hui Gao, Jia-Yi Ling, Jing-Chen Hong, Kazuhiro Yasuda, Daisuke Muroi, Hiroyasu Iwata

    Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual International Conference   2021   4662 - 4665  2021.11  [International journal]

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    In stroke patients, sensory loss often reduces the sensation of ground contact, which impairs motor learning during rehabilitation. In our previous study, we proposed a vibro-tactile biofeedback system (which we called the perception-empathy biofeedback system) for gait rehabilitation. The results of our 9-week pilot clinical test suggested that patients who had reached the autonomous phase in gait learning had difficulty noticing the external vibratory feedback provided by the biofeedback system, leading to ineffective intervention. We considered the possibility that slower walking speed might return the patient to the association phase and allow patients to improve their gait according to the sensory feedback provided. Thus, in this research, a method based on reducing walking speed to guide patients' attention was derived. A pilot clinical trial shows that there is a statistically significant increase of ankle dorsiflexion in the initial contact phase and increase of ankle plantarflexion in the push-off phase after vibro-tactile biofeedback system intervention with speed reduction, compared to intervention without speed reduction. The results suggest that, by reducing their walking speed during intervention, patients return to the association phase and recognize external vibratory feedback, which may result in better intervention effects.Clinical Relevance-This study provides knowledge about the optimal walking speed when using vibro-tactile biofeedback for motor learning in stroke patients.

    DOI PubMed


  • A situational understanding enhancer based on augmented visual prompts for teleoperation using a multi-monitor system

    Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Junjie Yang, Ryuya Sato, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano




  • 両足協調デバイスにおける没入型VRによる複覚FB付与に関する研究 VR映像と下肢運動の連動性に着目した脳波解析による検討

    楊 馨逸, 安田 和弘, 小野 弓絵, 石山 敦士, 岩田 浩康

    バイオフィードバック研究   48 ( 2 ) 76 - 77  2021.10

  • Special issue on augmenting the human body and being

    Masahiko Inami, Hiroyasu Iwata, Minao Kukita, Yuichi Kurita, Kouta Minamizawa, Masaaki Mochimaru, Takuji Narumi, Junichi Rekimoto, Kenji Suzuki

    Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics   33 ( 5 ) 985 - 986  2021.10



  • A 3D head pointer: a manipulation method that enables the spatial position and posture for supernumerary robotic limbs

    Joi Oh, Fumihiro Kato, Iwasaki Yukiko, Hiroyasu Iwata

    ACTA IMEKO   10 ( 3 ) 81 - 81  2021.09

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    This paper introduces a novel interface ‘3D head pointer’ for the
    operation of a wearable robotic arm in 3D space. The developed system is
    intended to assist its user in the execution of routine tasks while
    operating a robotic arm. Previous studies have demonstrated the difficulty a
    user faces in simultaneously controlling a robotic arm and their own hands.
    The proposed method combines a head-based pointing device and voice
    recognition to manipulate the position and orientation as well as to switch
    between these two modes. In a virtual reality environment, the position
    instructions of the proposed system and its usefulness were evaluated by
    measuring the accuracy of the instructions and the time required using a
    fully immersive head-mounted display (HMD). In addition, the entire system,
    including posture instructions with two switching methods (voice recognition
    and head gestures), was evaluated using an optical transparent HMD. The
    obtained results displayed an accuracy of 1.25 cm and 3.56° with the 20-s
    time span necessary for communicating an instruction. These results
    demonstrate that voice recognition is a more effective switching method than
    head gestures.


  • Experiment Assisting System with Local Augmented Body (EASY-LAB) for Subject Experiments under the COVID-19 Pandemic

    Yukiko Iwasaki, Joi Oh, Takumi Handa, Ahmed A. Sereidi, Vitvasin Vimolmongkolporn, Fumihiro Kato, Hiroyasu Iwata

    Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques Conference Emerging Technologies, SIGGRAPH 2021    2021.08

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    Since it is challenging to perceive space and objects with a video conferencing system, which communicates using only video and audio, there are difficulties in testing subjects in the COVID-19 pandemic. We propose the EASY-LAB system that allows an experimenter to perform observation and physical interaction with the subject even from a remote location actively. The proposed system displays the camera image on a HMD worn by the experimenter, which camera is mounted on a small 6 DOF robot arm end, allowing observation from an easy-to-see perspective. The experimenter can also instruct the subject using another robot arm with a laser pointer. The robot's joint angles are calculated by Inverse Kinematics from the experimenter's head movements, then reflected in the actual robot. Photon Unity Networking component was used for the synchronization process with remote locations. These devices are affordable, effortless to set up, and can be delivered to the subject's home. Finally, the proposed system was evaluated by four subjects, As a preliminary result, the mean pointing error was 1.1 cm, and the operation time was reduced by 60% compared with the conventional video conferencing system. This result indicated the EASY-LAB's capability, at least in tasks that require pointing and observation from various angles. The statistical study with more subjects will be conducted in the follow-up study.



  • Ubiquitous Body: Effect of Spatial Arrangement of Task's View on Managing Multiple Tasks

    Yukiko Iwasaki, Hiroyasu Iwata

    ACM International Conference Proceeding Series     40 - 44  2021.02

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    This research proposes a concept of the "ubiquitous body system", a new concept of using multiple body parts at various places simultaneously. This system enables users to access any number of the bodies at a time, and make physical intervention to any locations regardless of the current location where user's natural body is. However, when the number of ubiquitous bodies becomes larger, it becomes more difficult to see or manage all of those tasks. In this short paper, we focused on the effect of spatial arrangement of the vision information on managing multiple tasks. We developed a vision presenting system in which the environment images of each ubiquitous body are arranged in the same way as the positional relationships of ubiquitous bodies in the real world. The result of a case study regarding usability of this prototype suggested that presenting visual information with same spatial relationships as real would be effective to switch user's attention and manage multiple tasks.



  • A Study on the Construction of a Visual Presentation Method That Can Prevent Cognitive Tunneling in Unmanned Construction

    Takumi Moteki, Ziwei Qiao, Yuichi Mizukoshi, Hiroyasu Iwata

    Proceedings of the International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction   2021-November   598 - 604  2021

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    One of the problems with unmanned construction is the lack of visual information, which reduces work efficiency to less than half of that in onboard operation. Therefore, methods to provide visual information using drones and image processing were studied in the past. However, the addition of information causes the operator to fall into cognitive tunneling in which the attention is focused only on a specific image. In this study, we attempted to develop a method that can prevent cognitive tunneling and shift the operator attention to an appropriate view according to the working state of heavy machinery. Cognitive tunneling is caused by low visual momentum (which represents ease in information integration between views) and high visual saliency (which represents ease in attention). Therefore, because visual momentum can be improved by presenting the same landmark in different camera images, useful landmarks for each work state were included in each image. In addition, because humans tend to pay attention to objects that vibrate in the useful field of view, we presented the image of an external camera in the useful field of view and allowed the image to vibrate when the work state was switched. To investigate the effectiveness of the proposed method, an experiment was conducted on an actual hydraulic excavator. Although the proposed method did not improve the work efficiency of some operators, we believed that the proposed interface could direct the eyes of the operator to an appropriate image according to the work state.

  • Development of EMG Control System and Haptic Feedback Device for Inducing Agency and Ownership on an Additional Limb

    Nonoka NISHIDA, Yukiko IWASAKI, Joi OH, Takumi HANDA, Fumihiro KATO, Ganesh GOWRISHANKAR, Hiroyasu IWATA

    The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec)   2021   2P3 - E03  2021


  • Effects of Assisted Dorsiflexion Timing on Voluntary Efforts and Compensatory Movements: A Feasibility Study in Healthy Participants.

    Jing-Chen Hong, Hao Cheng, Kazuhiro Yasuda, Hiroki Ohashi, Hiroyasu Iwata

    IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering : a publication of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society   29   2222 - 2231  2021  [International journal]

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    In previous research, we found that modulating the assistance timing of dorsiflexion may affect a user's voluntary efforts. This could constitute a focus area based on assistive strategies that could be developed to foster patients' voluntary efforts. In this present study, we conducted an experiment to verify the effects of ankle dorsiflexion assistance under different timings using a high-dorsiflexion assistive system. Nine healthy and young participants wore a dorsiflexion-restrictive device that enabled them to use circumduction or steppage gaits. On the basis of the transition from the stance to the swing phase of the gait, the assistance timings of the high-dorsiflexion assistive system were set to have delays, which ranged from 0 to 300 ms. The index results from eight out of nine participants evaluated compensatory movements and revealed positive strong/moderate correlations with assistance delay times (r = 0.627-0.965, p <.001), whereas the other participants also performed compensatory movement when dorsiflexion assistance timing was late. Meanwhile, the results from tibialis anterior surface electromyography from six out of nine participants showed positive strong/moderate correlations with dorsiflexion assistance delay times (r = 0.598-0.922, p <.001), indicating that tuning the assistance timing did foster these participants' voluntary dorsiflexion movements. This result indicates that there should be a trade-off between ensuring voluntary dorsiflexion movements and preventing incorrect gait patterns at different assistance timings. The findings of this feasibility study indicate the potential of developing an adaptive control method to ensure voluntary efforts during robot-assisted gait rehabilitation based on assistance timing modification. A new assistance mechanism should also be required to stimulate and motivate a patient's voluntary efforts and should reinforce the effects of active gait rehabilitation.

    DOI PubMed


  • Fetal Position Estimation Method Based on the Existence Probability of Fetal Body Parts.

    F. Chang, Y. Naito, Ryosuke Tsumura, Hiroyasu Iwata

    2021 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics(SMC)     2608 - 2613  2021



  • Heart Position Estimation based on Bone Distribution toward Autonomous Robotic Fetal Ultrasonography.

    Yuuki Shida, Ryosuke Tsumura, Takabumi Watanabe, Hiroyasu Iwata

    IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation(ICRA)     11393 - 11399  2021



  • Robot-to-image Registration with Geometric Marker for CT-guided Robotic Needle Insertion.

    Iori Ikeda, Kai Sekine, Ryosuke Tsumura, Hiroyasu Iwata

    IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation(ICRA)     7130 - 7136  2021



  • Robotic Cytology using Extra-Fine Needles : -Proposal of Puncture Control Strategy for Increasing Collection Amount-.

    Ryohei Saito, Iori Ikeda, Koki Izumi, Ryosuke Tsumura, Hiroyasu Iwata

    43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society(EMBC)     1452 - 1456  2021



  • Development of a vibratory cueing system using an implicit method to increase walking speed in patients with stroke: a proof-of-concept study

    Kazuhiro Yasuda, Yuki Hayashi, Anna Tawara, Hiroyasu Iwata

    ROBOMECH Journal   7 ( 1 )  2020.12

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    One of the main sequelae of stroke is dificulty walking, which is characterized by a decreased gait velocity and asymmetrical walking patterns. The purpose of this research was initially focused on developing a vibro-tactile cueing device that recognizes an implicit increase in cadence frequency. Subsequently, a proof-of-concept study with patients who had experienced stroke was conducted to examine the applicability of the system that had been developed. We applied Weber’s law to provide an implicit method for increasing cueing frequency. This law involves the calculation of just-noticeable difference (JND) relative to a previous state. Throughout training with the proposed cueing device, patients marginally increased cadence, and their cadence and gait speeds were significantly increased post-test. Hip circumduction gait (i.e., abnormal gait patterns) did not change significantly throughout training. Notably, patients reported that they were unaware of any changes associated with the vibration stimulus. Our result demonstrates the immediate changes to cadence and gait speed that occurred through training with the proposed implicit cueing device. However, the result of this study is confined to immediate gait changes after training and utilized only a small sample of stroke patients. Thus, the limited volume of data obtained prevents rigorous analysis regarding the applicability of this training method. Nonetheless, these results are promising and provide a starting point from which to base larger studies.



  • Fine needle insertion method for minimising deflection in lower abdomen: In vivo evaluation

    Ryosuke Tsumura, Iulian Iordachita, Hiroyasu Iwata

    International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery   16 ( 6 ) 1 - 12  2020.12

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    Background: Fine needle insertion in the lower abdomen is difficult because of complex deflections and few image feedbacks. We aim to develop an approach for generating a straight insertion path by minimizing the needle deflection robustly based on a preoperative computer tomography (CT) image. Method: This study presents two approaches: an insertion control strategy that performs both vibration and rotation-assisted needle insertions and a preoperative insertion path planning for determining an optimal insertion path based on insertion angles at each tissue boundary. Those proposed approaches were evaluated through an in vivo experiment with a Landrace mini-pig. We compered the following: (1) the deflection with and without the insertion control strategy in different 10 insertion paths and (2) the score calculated by the path planning and the actual deflection in the 10 insertion paths. Results: The result shows that the deflection can be reduced significantly by applying the insertion control strategy in the optimal insertion path calculated by the path planning. Conclusion: The proposed method can decrease fine needle deflections in the lower abdomen, which has the potential for accurate and safety procedures without real-time CT imaging.

    DOI PubMed


  • Evaluation of the Effect of High-Dorsiflexion Assistive Robotic Technology on Voluntary Ankle Movement

    Jing-Chen Hong, Hao Cheng, Yuki Hayashi, Kazuhiro Yasuda, Hiroki Ohashi, Hiroyasu Iwata

    2020 8th IEEE RAS/EMBS International Conference for Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (BioRob)    2020.11


  • Environmental camera placements for skilled operators in unmanned construction

    Ryuya Sato, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Mitsuru Yamada, Takeshi Hashimoto, Shigeki Sugano, Hiroyasu Iwata


     View Summary

    Work efficiency of unmanned construction is 40% lower than that of on-board operation because of lack of visual information. Despite previous researches to acquire external views using drones and image processing, finding out optimum and allowable camera placements on actual construction machinery for chosen scenario and machine has been difficult. This work therefore documents the derivation of optimum and allowable camera placements with skilled subjects and using an actual construction machinery for digging and releasing tasks. The experimental results indicate an optimum pan angle of 90 degrees, allowable pan angles of 60 degrees-90 degrees and allowable tilt angles of > 45 degrees during digging, and allowable pan angles of 45 degrees-135 degrees, an optimum tilt angle of 90 degrees, and al-lowable tilt angles of 60 degrees-90 degrees during releasing. These results can be referred to the camera placements for unmanned construction sites to improve work efficiency. We will derive the camera placements for other scenarios.



  • A new hand rehabilitation system based on the cable-driven mechanism and dielectric elastomer actuator

    Heba Amin, Samy F.M. Assal, Hiroyasu Iwata

    Mechanical Sciences   11 ( 2 ) 357 - 369  2020.10

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    The increasing number of patients with hand disabilities after strokes or peripheral nerve injuries necessitates the continuous development of rehabilitation system devices to accelerate muscle recovery and to help patients regain the motor functions of their hands. This paper introduces the design of a hand rehabilitation system for patients who have a solitary impairment of their hand extension. The system was designed to be portable, simple, and cheap. Using a system based on a cable-driven mechanism instead of traditional rigid links reduces the degrees of freedom of the finger to one. The dielectric elastomer actuator was designed and fabricated as a smart actuator for the system, which supports the low cost of the system. A kinematic analysis of the cabledriven mechanism has been done. Parameters of the actuator were optimized to reach the required output. In order to characterize the performance of the actuator, a uniaxial tension test, isotonic test, and isometric test have been implemented.



  • 3D Head Pointer: A manipulation method that enables the spatial localization for a wearable robot arm by head bobbing

    Joy Oh, Kozo Ando, Shuhei Iizuka, Lena Guinot, Fumihiro Kato, Hiroyasu Iwata

    2020 23rd International Symposium on Measurement and Control in Robotics (ISMCR)    2020.10


  • Does visual search by neck motion improve hemispatial neglect?: An experimental study using an immersive virtual reality system

    Rikushi Sabu, Kazuhiro Yasuda, Ryoichi Kato, Shuntaro Kawaguchi, Hiroyasu Iwata

    Conference Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics   2020-October   262 - 267  2020.10

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    Unilateral spatial neglect (USN) is a higher cognitive dysfunction that can occur after a stroke. It is defined as an impairment in finding, reporting, reacting to, and directing stimuli opposite the damaged side of the brain. We have proposed a system to identify neglected regions in USN patients in three dimensions using three-dimensional virtual reality. The objectives of this study are twofold: first, to propose a system for numerically identifying the neglected regions using an object detection task in a virtual space, and second, to compare the neglected regions during object detection when the patient's neck is immobilized ('fixed-neck' condition) versus when the neck can be freely moved to search ('free-neck' condition). We performed the test using an immersive virtual reality system, once with the patient's neck fixed and once with the patient's neck free to move. Comparing the results of the study in two patients, we found that the neglected areas were similar in the fixed-neck condition. However, in the free-neck condition, one patient's neglect improved while the other patient's neglect worsened. These results suggest that exploratory ability affects the symptoms of USN and is crucial for clinical evaluation of USN patients.



  • The development of an immersive three-dimensional virtual reality system for identifying hand-eye coordination in badminton

    Kai Ishibe, Shimpei Aihara, Yuki Hayashi, Hiroyasu Iwata

    Conference Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics   2020-October   1778 - 1784  2020.10

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    Hand-eye coordination (HEC) is an important ability in a variety of sports, as it involves the ability to quickly and accurately control motion using visual information. This ability is extensively involved in badminton smash reception. In existing studies on HEC evaluation, this ability was evaluated according to information collected after the motion had been performed. Accordingly, it is impossible to determine the specific phase of perception or motion that causes problems in HEC. The purpose of this study was to develop a system for identifying the abilities of perception involved in HEC as it relates to badminton smash it is considered as badminton's most effective shot. Two systems were developed to identify HEC perceptual abilities, one focused on perception in a static state (i) and the other focused on perception-to-motion comprehensiveness (ii). Next, two types of tests were conducted, one involving (i) and the other using (ii). The tests were randomly administered for a total of 18 participants in three groups: six people who had previously played badminton, six people who had played ball sports other than badminton, and six people who were inexperienced at ball sports. Participants were healthy adults. The tests aimed to identify factors of perceptual ability by comparing them across systems. The results showed no significant difference between experienced badminton players and others according to the conducted tests, where test (i) was used for measuring the distance between the shuttlecock and gaze. A significant difference between the group of experienced badminton players and the other two groups was, however, observed in the test using (ii). The results suggested the ability to follow the shuttlecock with the eyes to be a perceptual ability related to HEC in badminton smash receptions. The results of this study can help evaluate perceptual ability during smash receptions.



  • Identifying Spring Coefficient for Assisting Hemiplegic Patient’s Heel Rocker Function : A Feasibility Study

    Jing-Chen Hong, Genki Tanaka, Kazuhiro Yasuda, Hiroki Ohashi, Hiroyasu Iwata

    2020 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC)    2020.10  [Refereed]


  • A Haptic-Based Perception-Empathy Biofeedback System with Vibration Transition: Verifying the Attention Amount

    Jiayi Ling, Jing-Chen Hong, Yuki Hayashi, Kazuhiro Yasuda, Yu Kitaji, Hiroaki Harashima, Hiroyasu Iwata

    2020 42nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine &amp; Biology Society (EMBC)    2020.07


  • A Basic Framework of View Systems Allowing Teleoperators to Pre-Acquire Spatial Knowledge from Survey and Route Perspectives

    Ryuya Sato, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Shigeki Sugano, Hiroyasu Iwata

    PRESENCE-VIRTUAL AND AUGMENTED REALITY   27 ( 3 ) 309 - 332  2020.07

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    One of the most important problems in teleoperation of heavy machinery is that the work efficiency of teleoperation is lower than half that of a typical boarding operation. This difference is primarily caused by operators' difficulty in creating mental representations (i.e., cognitive maps) of work sites. Operators have two opportunities to acquire information, namely before work and during work, because the introduction of teleoperation requires about one week. Therefore, we have developed a view system to be used before work to provide environmental information concerning work sites on the basis of human spatial cognition. Cognitive maps can be built by acquiring knowledge from two perspectives-the survey perspective and the route perspective. We display an external view from any viewpoint to acquire knowledge from a survey perspective and a view from an operator's viewpoint, which can be modified by the operator's intention to acquire knowledge from the route perspective. Experimental results using a simulator suggested that a proposed view system could help operators acquire cognitive maps, which may lead to a decrease in task time, the number of stops, and the moving distance and an increase in speed during grasping.


  • Development of a cooperative work method based on autonomous learning of implicit instructions

    Lena Guinot, Yukiko Iwasaki, Shota Takahashi, Hiroyasu Iwata

    ACM International Conference Proceeding Series    2020.05

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    Cooperative work with wearable robotics designed as an “extended body” for the wearer has the potential to improve individual productivity regardless of the context. The final purpose of this research it to design a new communication method between the wearer and a wearable robot arm as they perform daily chores simultaneously. Among previous studies on wearable robot arms, very little quantify the magnitude of the impact of robot operation on attention distribution and psychological burden for the user. The present paper presents an approach based on the idea that the robot arm could understand human intentions by reading implicit instruction cues nested in the natural motion flow of the operator performing a task. The present paper describes an Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) sensor data - deep learning approach that enables the robot arm to learn these cues. The validity of the method was evaluated on three indexes: implicit instruction estimation accuracy, secondary task completion quality, and cognitive burden for the wearer. Results showed considerable improvement on all these proposed axes compared to other explicit operation methods (such as voice instructions), along with better results than similar implicit instruction-based researches.



  • Detachable Body: The Impact of Binocular Disparity and Vibrotactile Feedback in Co-Presence Tasks

    Yukiko Iwasaki, Kozo Ando, Shuhei Iizuka, Michiteru Kitazaki, Hiroyasu Iwata

    IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters   5 ( 2 ) 3477 - 3484  2020.04

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    Detachable Body is a new concept of a robot arm wearable as an extended part of the body. It can be detached from the user's natural body; it can be attached not only to another person but also anywhere in the environment. Humans can eventually perform tasks that involve co-presence, or tasks that are concurrent and performed in two separate places, by utilizing the Detachable Body. In this letter, we design an information presentation interface to concurrently manage both the natural and detached bodies that are located in two separate locations. The interface consists of a vision presentation system that superimposes two environment images with binocular disparity, and a proprioception presentation system that provides somatosensory feedback of the detached arm's position. The usability of the proposed interface was evaluated by measuring work efficiency and subjective evaluation in a task involving co-presence. The results suggest the existence of the effects of the binocular disparity in the vision presentation system and the tactile information provided via feedback.



  • Material modeling and development of soft surgical robots using transient finite element analysis

    Mohamed Elkeran, Mohamed Fanni, Hiroyasu Iwata

    International Journal of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering   20 ( 1 ) 25 - 34  2020.02

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    An increasing research dedication has been devoted recently to soft robotics. Soft robots are best known for their compliance and safety that nominate them substantially for human-centered applications. Robot-assisted surgical operations are expanding worldwide where soft robots find their potential way for this application. Soft robots are fabricated from highly nonlinear soft materials like silicone rubbers that exhibit complex combined hyperelastic, viscoelastic, and hysteresis behaviors. Dynamic modeling of soft robots that incorporate different soft materials with fiber-reinforcement involves many considerations and depends on the underlying design concept. Establishing a certain dynamic model can be valid for a certain design configuration that may not be applicable to another one. This work proposes a transient finite element analysis-based methodology for design and dynamic simulation of fiber-reinforced soft robots for minimally invasive surgery. This methodology is based on cohesive material testing and modeling paradigms and aims to found a generalized theoretical framework for the development and experimentation of soft robots. A multi-camera vision tracking system is proposed for monitoring the 3D soft robot moving trajectory. Experimental validation of the proposed methodology proves its reliability and accuracy for estimating the soft robot dynamic response upon different actuation scenarios. The suggested methodology can be utilized in the future for developing new soft robots, devising, and testing new dynamic models or control algorithms for soft robots.

  • Development and proof of concept of an immersive virtual reality system to evaluate near and far space neglect in individuals after stroke: A brief report

    Kazuhiro Yasuda, Ryoichi Kato, Rikushi Sabu, Shuntaro Kawaguchi, Hiroyasu Iwata

    NeuroRehabilitation   46 ( 4 ) 595 - 601  2020

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    BACKGROUND: Unilateral spatial neglect (USN) is defined as impaired attention to sensory stimuli on one side. The symptoms can exist for near and far spaces combined or independently. Thus, it is important to evaluate both possibilities in a clinical environment. OBJECTIVE: To develop a tractable immersive virtual reality (iVR) system that can evaluate both near and far space neglect along with a proof of concept study to determine whether near and far spatial neglect could be described in an actual patient with USN. METHODS: An object-detecting task was developed in a three-dimensional virtual reality space. The examiner recorded the positional data of objects that were recognized by the patient with USN using coordinate data. RESULTS: The system could be used to detect near and far space neglects in a patient with USN. No side effects such as vertigo were seen during measurement. This patient showed that the angle for recognition was significantly larger for near space than far space, and exhibited a tendency for the angle of recognition to increase with lower height. CONCLUSIONS: Our proof of concept study indicated the possibility of applying an evaluation system that separates far and near space neglect using iVR.

    DOI PubMed


  • Estimation of Fetal Position and Orientation based on Skeletal Distribution with Robotic Ultrasonography

    Yuuki Shida, Ryosuke Tsumura, Takabumi Watanabe, Fuji Kohei, Gen Yamano, Hiroyasu Iwata


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    Since the fetal heart is small and less visible, physicians find it based on the fetal position and orientation assumed with acquired US images. Meanwhile, an artifact due to bones and fetal movement in uterus not only makes the procedure cumbersome but also limits the reliability of diagnosis. Then, this paper proposes the robotic US imaging system allows for the estimation of fetal position and orientation based on the fetal bone distribution which is a key anatomical feature to detect the heart and to avoid the artifact. We obtain intrauterine bone distribution in three dimensions from echo images and estimate the fetal position and abdominal sagittal axis by calculating and analyzing the bone distribution in the entire uterus. The estimation errors in the 3D space were as follows: head position 30.9 +/- 13.9 mm, pelvis position 16.0 +/- 2.7 mm, and rotation angle 6.0 +/- 7.8 degrees. These results suggest that the proposed method is effective as a technique for estimating the approximate fetal position and has a potential to determine the heart position.

  • Development of a Needle Deflection Detection System for a CT Guided Robot.

    Lena Guinot, Ryosuke Tsumura, Shun Inoue, Hiroyasu Iwata

    2020 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration(SII)     34 - 38  2020



  • Development of ultrasonography assistance robot for prenatal care.

    Ryosuke Tsumura, Hiroyasu Iwata

    Medical Imaging 2020: Image-Guided Procedures, Robotic Interventions, and Modeling     113152  2020



  • Intermittent Insertion Control Method with Fine Needle for Adapting Lung Deformation due to Breathing Motion.

    Ryosuke Tsumura, Kaoru Kakima, Hiroyasu Iwata

    IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems(IROS)     3192 - 3199  2020



  • Robotic fetal ultrasonography platform with a passive scan mechanism.

    Ryosuke Tsumura, Hiroyasu Iwata

    International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery   15 ( 8 ) 1323 - 1333  2020



  • A Basic Framework of View Systems Allowing Teleoperators to Pre-Acquire Spatial Knowledge from Survey and Route Perspectives.

    Ryuya Sato, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Shigeki Sugano, Hiroyasu Iwata

    Presence Teleoperators Virtual Environ.   27 ( 3 ) 309 - 332  2020


  • A Low Cognitive Load and Reduced Motion Sickness Inducing Zoom Method Based on Typical Gaze Movement for Master-Slave Teleoperation Systems with HMD.

    Yuichi Mizukoshi, Kenji Hashimoto, Atsuo Takanishi, Hiroyasu Iwata, Ryuya Sato, Takahiro Eto, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Ayaka Matsuzaka, Liu Yang, Akio Namiki, Asaki Imai, Takashi Matsuzawa

    2020 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration(SII)     28 - 33  2020  [Refereed]



  • Cognitive Untunneling Multi-View System for Teleoperators of Heavy Machines Based on Visual Momentum and Saliency

    Ryuya Sato, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Satoshi Niuchi, Shigeki Sugano, Hiroyasu Iwata

    Automation in Construction   110   1 - 9  2019.12  [Refereed]



  • 無人化施工における奥行感の把握が必要な手先作業時における外部カメラの最適・好適配置の実験的導出

    佐藤隆哉, 亀?允啓, 山田充, 橋本毅, 菅野重樹, 岩田浩康

    第19回建設ロボットシンポジウム論文集(SCR2019)     1 - 6  2019.10  [Refereed]

  • Haptic feedback system of the additional hand position for multiple task situations using a wearable robot arm

    Yukiko Iwasaki, Kozo Ando, Hiroyasu Iwata

    2019 IEEE International Conference on Cyborg and Bionic Systems, CBS 2019     247 - 252  2019.09

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    Wearable robot arm systems have been proposed that enable various tasks that humans can not do with their only two natural arms. However, many of these do not have a somatosensory feedback system so that users have to confirm the robot's state by looking every time. This active confirmation can often be a 'switching cost' of task and reduce the multitasking efficiency performed by natural arms and additional robotic arm. In this paper, we focused on the proprioception among the somatosensation, and propose a 'Position haptic belt' which is a new biofeedback system for a wearable robot arm. The system represents the three-dimensional position of a robot hand by the vibrator's placement and vibration frequency. The prototype we developed is able to identify the robot hand position with an accuracy of about 10 cm, and it is used to conduct a case study to evaluate the usability in multiple task situation. The result suggested that the effectiveness of the somatosensory feedback information of robot hand position, even for the wearable robot arm which can be easily confirmed its state on user's own eyes.



  • 無人化施工の掘削・リリース作業における側面カメラの最適および好適配置の実験的導出

    佐藤隆哉, 亀?允啓, 山田充, 橋本毅, 菅野重樹, 岩田浩康

    日本機械学会論文集   85 ( 876 ) 1 - 12  2019.08  [Refereed]


  • Sinter-free stretchable conductive inks composed of polystyrene-block-polybutadiene-block-polystyrene and silver flakes in tetrahydrofuran

    Takenori Nakanishi, Kento Yamagishi, Eiji Iwase, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shinji Takeoka, Toshinori Fujie

    Applied Physics Express   12 ( 7 )  2019.07

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    Development of sinter-free stretchable conductive inks is critically important to expand the range of materials and applications for flexible electronics. However, conventional stretchable conductive inks require high temperature sintering, which may damage the heat-frail substrates. In this study, we developed sinter-free stretchable conductive inks composed of polystyrene-block-polybutadiene-block-polystyrene (SBS) and silver flakes in tetrahydrofuran (THF). The high volatility and polarity of THF induced the densification and alignment of silver flakes in the SBS matrix, where silver flakes with large surface area and high aspect ratio were formed into the multistacked structure, resulting in the increase of conductive pathways in the stretched wiring.



  • Quantitative Evaluation of Bleeding during Blood Vessel Puncture Caused by Fine Needle in Lower Abdomen

    Koki Izumi, Ryosuke Tsumura, Hiroyasu Iwata

    Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS     5862 - 5866  2019.07

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    Inserting a fine needle presents a trade-off problem between safety and accuracy. As one of the serious complications due to tissue damages during needle insertion, severe bleeding often occurs owing to blood vessel puncture. However, there are few researches to evaluate the safety quantitatively regarding bleeding during the fine needle insertion. Therefore, the purpose of this study was the quantitative evaluation of the amount of bleeding due the artery and vein puncture depending on the needle size. We developed a blood circulation system for measuring the amount of bleeding due to blood vessel puncture. Using the system, the amount of bleeding due to different needle sizes was evaluated. The results suggested that the amount of bleeding per unit time increased depending on the needle radius. According to ordinal safety standards, the 22-gauge needle is appropriate for insertion into the lower abdomen.

    DOI PubMed


  • Identification of Spring Coefficient for Heel Rocker Function Support Based on Estimated Dorsiflexion Torque

    Jing-Chen Hong, Yuki Hayashi, Shigeru Suzuki, Yuta Fukushima, Kazuhiro Yasuda, Hiroki Ohashi, Hiroyasu Iwata

    2019 IEEE 16th International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR)    2019.06


  • Region Mining of Fetal Head in Ultrasound Image Based on Weakly Supervised Annotations and Deep Learning

    Yan LI, Rong XU, Artus KROHN-GRIMBERGHE, Jun OHYA, Hiroyasu IWATA

    IIEEJ Transactions on Image Electronics and Visual Computing   7 ( 1 ) 46 - 51  2019.06  [Refereed]

  • Deep Learning Based Uterus Localization and Anatomical Structure Segmentation on Fetal Ultrasound Image

    Yan LI, Rong XU, Artus KROHN-GRIMBERGHE, Jun OHYA, Hiroyasu IWATA

    IIEEJ Transactions on Image Electronics and Visual Computing   7 ( 1 ) 13 - 23  2019.06  [Refereed]

  • Development of a three-fingered jamming gripper for corresponding to the position error and shape difference

    Kohei Amano, Yukiko Iwasaki, Koki Nakabayashi, Hiroyasu Iwata

    RoboSoft 2019 - 2019 IEEE International Conference on Soft Robotics     137 - 142  2019.05

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    In this research, we consider a small-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) end effector aimed at absorbing position error and object shape difference. The end effector that can grasp various shapes with a SDOF simplifies the control method and thus improves versatility for existing robot systems. However, the conventional SDOF end effector cannot perform precise operation as compared with high degrees of freedom, so it becomes weak against shape difference and position error of the object to be held. Therefore, in this research, we focused on 'drawing function' and 'adapting function' which are effective for error absorption and developed an end effector capable of absorbing errors by integrating them into a SDOF. We evaluated the error absorption performance of the developed integrated end effector and examined the mechanism.



  • Design Consideration for Arm Mechanics and Attachment Positions of a Wearable Robot Arm

    Lars Drohne, Koki Nakabayashi, Yukiko Iwasaki, Hiroyasu Iwata

    Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration, SII 2019     645 - 650  2019.04

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    This paper presents an experimental evaluation of a usability of a wearable robot arm in different combinations of arm mechanics and attachment positions. A wearable robot arm has been recently proposed as a new system concept for the assistance of activities of daily living. Wearable robot arms are expected to enhance our physical abilities and perform multiple tasks simultaneously. However, the usability study of a wearable robot arm has not been discussed sufficiently in the concept design phase. In particular, an experimental comparison of arm mechanics and attachment positions has not been verified in the previous work. We therefore conducted a usability evaluation with a hypothetical attached robot arm which performs a representative task of activities of daily living. The time required for the experimental task and score of NASA Task Load index was evaluated. Two design concepts of a wearable robot arm is suggested according to the usability analyses: shoulder attached articulated robot arm and chest attached spherical robot arm.



  • A haptic-based perception-empathy biofeedback device that supplements foot pressure pattern during gait in stroke patients

    Yuki Hayashi, Kazuhiro Yasuda, Yu Kitaji, Hiroaki Harashima, Hiroyasu Iwata

    Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration, SII 2019     124 - 128  2019.04

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    The present study introduces a haptic-based biofeedback device that supplements the foot pressure information of a paretic foot using a wearable vibrotactile biofeedback device attached to the back. This system provides information pertaining to the hemiplegic patient's foot pressure pattern, both to the patient and the physical therapist. To verify the effect of the device, a 3-week pilot clinical trial was conducted on six patients (mean age: 56.8 ±11.4 years). Intervention was performed three times a week. After the intervention training, we observed significant improvement in stride length of the unparalyzed leg (p=0.0277). Moreover, the plantar flexion angle of the paralyzed side showed marginal improvement (p=0.0747). These results suggest that this device has the potential to improve the efficiency of push off function. However, the device did not improve ankle dorsiflexion of the paralyzed side, cadence and the walking speed. We speculate that the device, to some extent, imposed a cognitive burden, which may have interfered with the change in specific joint movements and limited its impact on comprehensive walking ability.



  • Naviarm: Augmenting the learning of motor skills using a backpack-type robotic arm system

    Azumi Maekawa, Shota Takahashi, M. H.D.Yamen Saraiji, Sohei Wakisaka, Hiroyasu Iwata, Masahiko Inami

    ACM International Conference Proceeding Series    2019.03

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    We present a wearable haptic assistance robotic system for augmented motor learning called Naviarm. This system comprises two robotic arms that are mounted on a user's body and are used to transfer one person's motion to another offline. Naviarm pre-records the arm motion trajectories of an expert via the mounted robotic arms and then plays back these recorded trajectories to share the expert's body motion with a beginner. The Naviarm system is an ungrounded system and provides mobility for the user to conduct a variety of motions. In this paper, we focus on the temporal aspect of motor skill and use a mime performance as a case study learning task. We verified the system effectiveness for motor learning using the conducted experiments. The results suggest that the proposed system has benefits for learning sequential skills.



  • 重機の遠隔操作性向上のためのマルチカメラ最適配置に関する研究−第二報 掘削・配置作業におけるパン・チルト角が及ぼす作業効率への影響の実験的検証−

    佐藤隆哉, 亀?允啓, 山田充, 橋本毅, 菅野重樹, 岩田浩康

    第24回ロボティクスシンポジア予稿集     1 - 6  2019.03  [Refereed]

  • Balance training with a vibrotactile biofeedback system affects the dynamical structure of the center of pressure trajectories in chronic stroke patients

    Kentaro Kodama, Kazuhiro Yasuda, Nikita A. Kuznetsov, Yuki Hayashi, Hiroyasu Iwata

    Frontiers in Human Neuroscience   13  2019.02

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    Haptic-based vibrotactile biofeedback (BF) is a promising technique to improve rehabilitation of balance in stroke patients. However, the extent to which BF training changes temporal structure of the center of pressure (CoP) trajectories remains unknown. This study aimed to investigate the effect of vibrotactile BF training on the temporal structure of CoP during quiet stance in chronic stroke patients using detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA). Nine chronic stroke patients (age; 81.56 ± 44 months post-stroke) received a balance training regimen using a vibrotactile BF system twice a week over 4 weeks. A Wii Balance board was used to record five 30 s trials of quiet stance pre- and post-training at 50 Hz. DFA revealed presence of two linear scaling regions in CoP indicating presence of fast- and slow-scale fluctuations. Averaged across all trials, fast-scale fluctuations showed persistent dynamics (α = 1.05 ± 0.08 for ML and α = 0.99 ± 0.17 for AP) and slow-scale fluctuations were anti-persistent (α = 0.35 ± 0.05 for ML and α = 0.32 ± 0.05 for AP). The slow-scale dynamics of ML CoP in stroke patients decreased from pre-training to post-BF training (α = 0.40 ± 0.13 vs. 0.31 ± 0.09). These results suggest that the vibrotactile BF training affects postural control strategy used by chronic stroke patients in the ML direction. Results of the DFA are further discussed in the context of balance training using vibrotactile BF and interpreted from the perspective of intermittent control of upright stance.



  • Detecting a Fetus in Ultrasound Images using Grad CAM and Locating the Fetus in the Uterus

    Genta Ishikawa, Rong Xu, Jun Ohya, Hiroyasu Iwata

    International Conference on Pattern Recognition Application and Methods     181 - 189  2019.02  [Refereed]

  • Development of skin-adhesive battery-less devices by nanosheet and electric NFC

    WASAKI Kairi, MIYABAYASHI Shun, SHINODA Naoki, NAKANISHI Takenori, IWASE Eiji, FUJIE Toshinori, TAKEOKA Shinji, IWATA Hiroyasu

    The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec)   2019   1P2-C06  2019

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    We use ultrathin polymer film called nanosheet to develop wearable battery-less devices which don’t need adhesive to be attached to the skin. Considering NFC (Near Field Communication) is not suitable for the skin-adhesive devices because the capacitance between the skin and the antenna coil reduces the voltage, we adopt electric NFC to transmit data and power to communicate through the human body. We measured the relationship between the IC tag yield rate and the three factors: the area of the electrodes, the distance between the two electrodes, and the thickness of the nanosheet. All of the 6 devices worked and the electric NFC devices are 79% thinner than the conventional NFC devices. Thus, electric NFC enables nanosheet devices to work without batteries.

    DOI CiNii

  • System for the Assistance of Performance Motor Skill Learning with a Wearable Robotic Arm

    MAEKAWA Azumi, TAKAHASHI Shota, Yamen Saraiji MHD, WAKISAKA Sohei, IWATA Hiroyasu, INAMI Masahiko

    The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec)   2019   1P1-I10  2019

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    We present a wearable haptic assistance robotic system for motor learning. This system comprises two robotic arms that are mounted on a user’s body and are used to transfer one person’s motion to another offline. The system pre-records the arm motion trajectories of an expert via the mounted robotic arms and then plays back these recorded trajectories to share the expert’s body motion with a beginner. The system is an ungrounded system and provides mobility for the user to conduct a variety of motions. In this paper, we focus on the temporal aspect of motor skill and use a mime performance as a case study learning task. We verified the system effectiveness for motor learning using the conducted experiments. The results suggest that the proposed system has benefits for learning sequential skills.

    DOI CiNii

  • Development of cueing device to improve cadence without recognizing in stroke patients

    HAYASHI Yuki, TAWARA Anna, YASUDA Kazuhiro, KITAJI Yu, HARASHIMA Hiroaki, IWATA Hiroyasu

    The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec)   2019   2P1-M07  2019

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    It is known that walking dysfunction occurs the stroke patients with hemiplegia and it declines quality of life. Even though cadence of stroke patients is one of the most significant factor of walking ability, it is difficult to improve the cadence of gait without abnormal effortful movement. Thus, we developed the implicit cueing device to improve the cadence in stroke patients. In this paper, we used the weber-ratio to prevent the notice of the change of cadence, and calculated the ratio through experimental study with stroke patients. Further, we conducted the clinical trial in six stroke patients. As a result, our study suggested that proposed device could increase the cadence of stroke patients without notice of the changes.

    DOI CiNii

  • 受動送液機構を用いた皮膚貼付型熱中症検知デバイスの開発

    篠田 直樹, 宮林 駿, 岩瀬 英治, 藤枝 俊宣, 岩田 浩康

    生体医工学   Annual57 ( Abstract ) S164_2 - S164_2  2019

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    DOI CiNii

  • Development of inspection support structure in echocardiography diagnostic robot which can extract features of main diseases in non-binding postures

    FUJII Kohei, TSUMURA Ryosuke, YAMANO Gen, IWATA Hiroyasu

    The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec)   2019   1P1-B07  2019

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    The final purpose of this research is to develop an echocardiography diagnostic robot. In previous research of echocardiography diagnostic robots, it could not secure sufficiently the safety of patients because of binding inspection posture by robots. This paper is aimed at presenting new postures for echocardiography diagnostic robots which are not bounded by robots and can keep the quality of the echo images. In order to find those, the examination was conducted with a doctor’s cooperation. As a result, new postures are suggested. Next in order to evaluate patient’s physical burden, the authors developed an inspection support structure by which patients can retain new postures. At last, the authors evaluated patient’s physical burden by the structure. As a result, new postures for echocardiography diagnostic robots in consideration of the quality of the echo images and patient’s physical bound are suggested.

    DOI CiNii

  • Research on a Third Arm: AR marker based Real-time Coordinate Transformation System with an Eyeglasses Interface

    TAKAHASHI Shota, IWASAKI Yukiko, IWATA Hiroyasu

    The Proceedings of the Bioengineering Conference Annual Meeting of BED/JSME   2019.31   1C21  2019

    DOI CiNii

  • Research on “Third Arm”: voluntarily operative wearable robot arm-Development of Haptic Feedback Belt capable of identifying the hand position and verification of identification accuracy -

    ANDO Kozo, IWASAKI Yukiko, IWATA Hiroyasu

    The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec)   2019   2P2-H03  2019

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    In this research, to reduce Feedback cognitive load, we proposed a method to limit the state information of extended body to only hand position information which is physical point of action with environment, and development and recognition accuracy of Feedback device. As a proposed method, we created a Haptic Feedback Belt that expresses the position of the tip of the robot arm by vibration presentation to the lumbar region. As a verification test, the hand position recognition accuracy of the robot arm was verified with the vibration FB applied. The distance error from the target point was 10.1 [cm] on average for single task and 17.9 [cm] on average when vibration FB was not given, which was a significant difference. The result suggests that the hand position of the robot arm can be grasped by using this device.

    DOI CiNii

  • Design for voluntary and ongoing intergenerational daily interaction-Development of collaboration promotion system through avatar development and its effectiveness verification-

    KUSAKABE Mutsumi, IMAMURA Saeko, IWATA Hiroyasu

    The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec)   2019   1A1-C12  2019

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    In recent years, attention has been gaining attention for interchanges between children and the elderly, but in the present situation it is a problem to stay at single-shot event exchanges. Therefore, we developed a system that collaborates with elderly people and children through nurturing avatars in order to carry out continuous daily exchanges, not only for event exchanges but also for verifying the effect. As a result of using this system, the amount of mutual conversation time increased compared to the exchange that has been done conventionally. Therefore, it was suggested that this system has the effect of promoting exchange.

    DOI CiNii

  • Research on the Detachable Body-Validation of transparency ratio of displays for the co-presence dual task-

    Iizuka Shuhei, IWASAKI Yukiko, IWATA Hiroyasu

    The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec)   2019   2A2-L04  2019

     View Summary

    The purpose of this study was to develop an additional and remotely controllable robotic limb called “Detachable Body” which enable perform two concurrent tasks. In this paper, we studied the video presentation method to enable perform two concurrent tasks in a remote work area using “Detachable Body”. We made it possible by overlapping two images. Therefore, we comparison of preferable transmittance when images were layered. The transmittance was verified in three ways from the viewpoint of attention distribution for work. As a result, it was suggested that the transmission ratio suitable for distribution / movement of attention is 3: 7 or less in one use case.

    DOI CiNii

  • 3D Pose Estimation using RGB Camera for Karate Motions

    AIHARA Shimpei, IWATA Hiroyasu

    The Proceedings of the Symposium on sports and human dynamics   2019   A-35  2019

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    The objective of our research is to develop the pose estimation algorithm for Karate motions using RGB Camera. Kata is the representation of Karate’s self-defense techniques strung together into a performance routine. Kata is judged based on several technical and physical criteria; including speed and strength. For this reason, quality evaluation for Karate motions by technology is difficult. In this research, we created a data set targeting karate movement. We also developed the pose estimation algorithm for Karate motions by deep learning using this data set.

    DOI CiNii

  • Using a vibrotactile biofeedback device to augment foot pressure during walking in healthy older adults: A brief report

    Kazuhiro Yasuda, Yuki Hayashi, Anna Tawara, Hiroyasu Iwata

    Frontiers in Psychology   10 ( MAY )  2019

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    Human movement based on sensory control is significant to motor task performance. Thus, impairments to sensory input significantly limit feedback-type motor control. The present study introduces a vibrotactile biofeedback (BF) system which augments information regarding the user's foot pressure to enhance gait performance. The effects of the proposed system on the gait patterns of healthy older adults and on the cognitive load during gait were evaluated; these factors are essential to clarify feasibility of the device in real-life settings. The primary task of our study was to evaluate gait along with a cognitively demanding activity in 10 healthy older adults. Regarding kinematic and kinetic data in the BF condition, the subjects had significantly increased ankle dorsiflexion during the heel contact phase in the sagittal plane and marginally increased foot pressure at the toe-offand stride length. However, such kinematic and kinetic changes were not attributed to the increased walking speed. In addition, cognitive performance (i.e., the number of correct answers) was significantly decreased in participants during gait measurements in the BF condition. These data suggest that the system had the potential for modifying the kinematic and kinetic patterns during walking but not the more comprehensive walking performance in older adults. Moreover, the device appears to place a cognitive load on older adults. This short report provides crucial primary data that would help in designing successful sensory augmentation devices and further research on a BF system.



  • Derivation of an Optimum and Allowable Range of Pan and Tilt Angles in External Sideway Views for Grasping and Placing Tasks in Unmanned Construction Based on Human Object Recognition

    Ryuya Sato, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Satoshi Niuchi, Shigeki Sugano, Hiroyasu Iwata

    Proceedings of 2019 IEEE/SICE International Conference on System Integration (SII 2019),     776 - 781  2019.01  [Refereed]

  • Experimental Investigation of Optimum and Allowable Range of Side Views for Teleoperated Digging and Release Works by Using Actual Construction Machinery

    Ryuya Sato, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Mitsuru Yamada, Takeshi Hashimoto, Shigeki Sugano, Hiroyasu Iwata

    Proceedings of 2019 IEEE/SICE International Conference on System Integration (SII 2019),     794 - 798  2019.01  [Refereed]

  • An Accurate and Robust Method for Detecting Fetal Heads in Ultrasound Images Based on Integrating a Voting Scheme and an Improved IRHT

    Genta Ishikawa, Rong Xu, Jun Ohya, Hiroyasu Iwata

    IIEEJ Transactions on Electronics and Visual Computing,   6 ( 2 ) 65 - 73  2018.12  [Refereed]

  • ダンプトラックの燃費向上・長寿命化に向けた状態抽出に関する基礎検討

    山下真司, 亀?允啓, 佐藤隆哉, 菅野重樹, 岩田浩康

    第18回建設ロボットシンポジウム論文集(SCR2018)     1 - 6  2018.09  [Refereed]

  • Measurement of conformability and adhesion energy of polymeric ultrathin film to skin model

    Junki Sugano, Toshinori Fujie, Hiroyasu Iwata, Eiji Iwase

    Japanese Journal of Applied Physics   57 ( 6 )  2018.06  [Refereed]

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    We measured the conformability and adhesion energy of a polymeric ultrathin film "nanosheet" with hundreds of nanometer thickness to a skin model with epidermal depressions. To compare the confirmability of the nanosheets with different thicknesses and/or under different attaching conditions, we proposed a measurement method using skin models with the same surface profile and defined the surface strain ϵS as the quantified value of the conformability. Then, we measured the adhesion energy of the nanosheet at each conformability through a vertical tensile test. Experimental results indicate that the adhesion energy does not depend on the liquid used in wetting the nanosheet before attaching to the skin model and increases monotonously as the surface strain ϵS increases.



  • Haptic-based perception-empathy biofeedback system for balance rehabilitation in patients with chronic stroke: Concepts and initial feasibility study

    Kazuhiro Yasuda, Kenta Saichi, Naomi Kaibuki, Hiroaki Harashima, Hiroyasu Iwata

    Gait and Posture   62 ( no.62 ) 484 - 489  2018.05  [Refereed]

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    Background: Most individuals have sensory disturbances post stroke, and these deficits contribute to post-stroke balance impairment. The haptic-based biofeedback (BF) system appears to be one of the promising tools for balance rehabilitation in patients with stroke, and the BF system can increase the objectivity of feedback and encouragement than that provided by a therapist. Research question: Studies in skill science indicated that feedback or encouragement from a coach or trainer enhances motor learning effect. Nevertheless, the optimal BF system (or its concept) which would refine the interpersonal feedback between patients and therapist has not been proposed. Thus, the purpose of this study was to propose a haptic-based perception-empathy BF system which provides information regarding the patient's center-of-foot pressure (CoP) pattern to the patient and the physical therapist to enhance the motor learning effect and validate the feasibility of this balance-training regimen in patients with chronic stroke. Methods: This study used a pre-post design without control group. Nine chronic stroke patients (mean age: 64.4 ± 9.2 years) received a balance-training regimen using this BF system twice a week for 4 weeks. Testing comprised quantitative measures (i.e., CoP) and clinical balance scale (Berg Balance Scale, BBS
    Functional Reach Test, FRT
    and Timed-Up and Go test, TUG). Results and significance: Post training, patients demonstrated marginally reduced postural spatial variability (i.e., 95% confidence elliptical area), and clinical balance performance significantly improved at post-training. Although the changes in FRT and TUG exceeded the minimal detectable change (MDC), changes in BBS did not reach clinical significance (i.e., smaller than MDC). These results may provide initial knowledge (i.e., beneficial effects, utility and its limitation) of the proposed BF system in designing effective motor learning strategies for stroke rehabilitation. More studies are required addressing limitations due to research design and training method for future clinical use.



  • Development of a rhythmic auditory biofeedback system to assist improving the kinetic chain for bat swing performance


    ROBOMECH Journal   vol.5 ( no.12 )  2018.05  [Refereed]

  • 重機の遠隔操作性向上のためのマルチカメラ最適配置に関する研究-第一報 パン・チルト角による作業性への影響の検証-

    仁内智志, 亀﨑允啓, 佐藤隆哉, 菅野重樹, 岩田浩康

    第23回ロボティクスシンポジア予稿集     1 - 6  2018.03  [Refereed]

  • Clinical Effectivenes of a haptic-based perception-empathy biofeedback system for balance rehabilitation in patients with chronic stroke


    10th World Congress for NeuroRehabilitation (WCNR)   accepted  2018.02  [Refereed]

  • Prenatal Care Robot for Ultrasound Diagnosis-Development of Hybrid Dead Weight Compensation Arm for Passive Positioning of Prove Control Unit-

    TSUMURA Ryosuke, Kumakiri Juntaro, Naito Yuki, Iwata Hiroyasu

    The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec)   2018   2A2-A15  2018

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    Recently, burdens of both doctors and pregnant women has been increased due to the decrease of obstetricians. In order to solve those problems, we aimed to develop the prenatal care robot for supporting ultrasound diagnosis. Although we developed the ultrasound prove control unit in the previous study, there are some problems about the support way of the unit in terms of the safety and operability. In this paper, we reported that the dead-weight compensation arm for positioning the prove control unit passively. By combing both counter weight and spring, we realize the dead-weight compensation with operability in clinical situation.

    DOI CiNii

  • Development of Assist System to Expand Voluntary of Paralyzed Foot in Acute Phase

    TAGOOKA Ryo, IWAKI Shoichiro, YASUDA Kazuhiro, IWATA Hiroyasu

    The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec)   2018   2A1-F03  2018

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    Rehabilitation from the acute phase to recover voluntary after stroke onset has attracted attention in recent years. We have developed a rehabilitation device that moves the paralyzed foot in the supine position and triggered by the non-paralyzed foot. In this study, we devised a rehabilitation method to expand the voluntary by changing the assist according to the voluntary of the paralyzed foot, and developed a control system that realizes the method using the existing device. In the evaluation test, a strong correlation was found between IEMG of the paralyzed foot and the assist amount, which .suggested that the proposed method was realized.

    DOI DOI2 CiNii

  • Needle Insertion Path Planning System for Lower Abdominal Insertion Based on CT Images

    Ryutaro Matsumoto, Ryosuke Tsumura, Hiroyasu Iwata


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    For percutaneous needle insertion in the lower abdomen, preoperative insertion path planning with CT imaging is important. Previous studies have shown that needle deflection can be minimized by selecting an insertion path for which the sum of the insertion angles on the tissue boundaries is minimized. To apply the concept of path planning to the clinical setting, a system must be developed to automatically calculate the insertion angle and determine the optimal insertion path on CT images. We herein present a method for multilayered tissue boundary detection in the lower abdomen and insertion angle calculation along the insertion path based on the boundary detection. Because this detection method does not depend on the tissue shape, the boundary points showing a peak brightness change on each insertion path are detected and connected. The experimental results showed an average insertion angle error in the skin, muscle, and bowel of 0.68, 0.99, and 5.3 degrees, respectively.

  • Structure design of electronic nanosheet for shortening skin-adhesive process


    Proc. of the 9th Int, Conf. on Flexible and Printed Electronics (ICFPE2018)   accepted  2018  [Refereed]

  • Preoperative Needle Insertion Path Planning for Minimizing Deflection in Multi-layered Tissues

    R.TSUMURA, J. S.Kim, H.IWATA, I.Iordachita

    2018 IEEE International Conference of Robotics and Automation (ICRA2018)   paper no.TuA@A.1, 2018 ( 3 ) 2129 - 2136  2018  [Refereed]  [International journal]

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    Fine needle deflection is a problem encountered during insertion into a soft tissue. Although an axial rotational insertion is an effective approach for minimizing this problem, needle deflection still depends on the insertion angle with respect to the tissue boundary. Since the human body consists of multi-layered tissues of various shapes and mechanical properties, preoperative planning of an optimal path is a key factor for achieving a successful insertion. In this paper, we propose an optimization-based preoperative path planning model that minimizes needle deflection during multi-layered tissue insertion. This model can determine the optimal path based on the sum of insertion angles with respect to each tissue boundary that the needle passes through. To increase the accuracy of the model, we incorporated the effect of distances from tissue boundaries and the probability that the deflection is acceptable by incorporating weighting factors into the model. To validate the model, we performed experiments involving four scenarios of two- and three-layered tissues. The results showed that the proposed model is capable of determining the optimal insertion path in all scenarios.

    DOI PubMed


  • Experimental Evaluation of Cooperativeness and Collision Safety of a Wearable Robot Arm


    Proc. of 27the Int. Symp. on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN2018)     1026 - 1031  2018  [Refereed]

  • A Face Vector - the point instruction type interface for manipulation of an extended body in dual-task situations


    Proc. of 2018 IEEE Int. Conf. on Cyborg and Bionic Systems (CBS2018)   in press  2018  [Refereed]

  • Design and initial validity study of perception-empathy biofeedback system for gait training in older adults


    Proc. of The 2018 IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC2018)   in press  2018  [Refereed]

  • Development of a Visual Cueing System Using Immersive Virtual Reality for Object-Centered Neglect in Stroke Patients.

    Akinori Hagiwara, Kazuhiro Yasuda, Kenta Saichi, Daisuke Muroi, Shuntarou Kawaguchi, Masahiro Ohira, Tadamitsu Matsuda, Hiroyasu Iwata

    Proc. of the 2018 IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC2018)   in press   1022 - 1025  2018  [Refereed]



  • Development of High-Dorsiflexion Assistive Robotic Technology for Gait Rehabilitation


    Proc. of the 2018 IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC2018)   in press  2018  [Refereed]


  • Differing effects of an immersive virtual reality programme on unilateral spatial neglect on activities of daily living

    Kazuhiro Yasuda, Daisuke Muroi, Mizuki Hirano, Kenta Saichi, Hiroyasu Iwata

    BMJ Case Reports   2018  2018  [Refereed]

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    In clinical practice, therapists often encounter cases of unilateral spatial neglect (USN) observed in far and near space. In this case report, immersive virtual reality (VR) technology was adopted as a therapy tool in a patient with stroke with severe near and far space neglect. Neuropsychological tests in near and far space as well as the Catherine Bergego Scale (CBS), as an index of neglect in daily living, were measured preintervention and postintervention. Improvement of neuropsychological tests, particularly in far space, was clearly demonstrated postintervention. However, CBS score did not change postintervention. This may be because the patient unsuccessfully translated these visual search task skills used in far space to activities of daily living. Our findings suggest the potential use of immersive VR technology in patients with USN and highlight the VR programme's limited ability to fully recover a patient's disability in natural settings.



  • Haptic-based perception-empathy biofeedback enhances postural motor learning during high-cognitive load task in healthy older adults


    Frontiers in Medicine   vol.5 ( no.149 )  2018  [Refereed]



  • Preoperative Needle Insertion Path Planning for Minimizing Deflection in Multilayered Tissues


    IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters   vol.3 ( no. 3 ) 2129 - 2136  2018  [Refereed]  [International journal]

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    Fine needle deflection is a problem encountered during insertion into a soft tissue. Although an axial rotational insertion is an effective approach for minimizing this problem, needle deflection still depends on the insertion angle with respect to the tissue boundary. Since the human body consists of multi-layered tissues of various shapes and mechanical properties, preoperative planning of an optimal path is a key factor for achieving a successful insertion. In this paper, we propose an optimization-based preoperative path planning model that minimizes needle deflection during multi-layered tissue insertion. This model can determine the optimal path based on the sum of insertion angles with respect to each tissue boundary that the needle passes through. To increase the accuracy of the model, we incorporated the effect of distances from tissue boundaries and the probability that the deflection is acceptable by incorporating weighting factors into the model. To validate the model, we performed experiments involving four scenarios of two- and three-layered tissues. The results showed that the proposed model is capable of determining the optimal insertion path in all scenarios.

    DOI PubMed


  • 物体中心無視に対する没入型仮想現実による手がかり刺激呈示システムの使用経験

    萩原晨功, 安田和弘, 大平雅弘, 冨山美咲, 齋地健太, 岩田浩康

    脳科学とリハビリテーション   vol.18   25 - 30  2018  [Refereed]


  • Needle Insertion Control Method for Minimizing Both Deflection and Tissue Damage


    Journal of Medical Robotics Research   online ready   1 - 10  2018  [Refereed]

  • 脳卒中片麻痺歩行に対するばねと人工筋肉を用いた背屈支援装置の開発-踵接地時の膝折れ挙動に対する影響の検証-

    福嶋勇太, 安田和弘, 鈴木慈, 大橋洋輝, 岩田浩康

    ライフサポート学会誌,2018   in press ( 2 ) 58 - 64  2018  [Refereed]

  • 腰椎すべり症による下肢運動麻痺に対する人工筋肉型背屈支援装置の適応

    福嶋勇太, 安田和弘, 鈴木慈, 大橋洋輝, 岩田浩康

    バイオメカニズム学会誌,2018   in press  2018  [Refereed]

  • An Accurate and Robust Fetal Head Detection Algorithm Integrating a Voting Scheme and an Improved IRHT Method


    The Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 2018   in press  2018  [Refereed]

  • Measurement of Conformability and Adhesion Energy of Ultrathin Film to Skin Model


    Proc. of Int. Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conf. (MNC 2017)   paper no. 8P-7-108  2017.11  [Refereed]

  • A pre-offering view system for teleoperators of heavy machines to acquire cognitive maps

    Ryuya Sato, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Satoshi Niuchi, Shigeki Sugano, Hiroyasu Iwata

    SSRR 2017 - 15th IEEE International Symposium on Safety, Security and Rescue Robotics, Conference     61 - 66  2017.10  [Refereed]

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    In teleoperation of heavy machines, work efficiency will be 50% lower than manned operation because operators cannot obtain effective information about work sites due to the limitation of current monitoring systems. Operators would have opportunities to obtain such information before work (about a week required to introduce teleoperation systems) and during work. As a fundamental study to support operator's spatial cognition, we developed views to provide spatial information of work sites before work. Humans have cognitive maps which are created based on knowledge acquired from survey and route perspectives. To make operators acquire the above two knowledge, we provide a bird's-eye view that can be changed by operators to acquire a knowledge from survey perspective, and a view from operator's viewpoint that can be changed by operator's intention to acquire a knowledge from route perspective. To evaluate two pre-offering views, we preformed experiments using a virtual reality simulator. The results indicated that a view to acquire a knowledge from survey perspective could help operators plan totally and one to acquire a knowledge from route perspective could help operators plan locally, and could increase work efficiency.



  • Automatic fetal body and amniotic fluid segmentation from fetal ultrasound images by encoder-decoder network with inner layers

    Yan Li, Rong Xu, Jun Ohya, Hiroyasu Iwata

    Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS     1485 - 1488  2017.09  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    This paper explores the effectiveness of applying a deep learning based method to segment the amniotic fluid and fetal tissues in fetal ultrasound (US) images. The deeply learned model firstly encodes the input image into down scaled feature maps by convolution and pooling structures, then up-scale the feature maps to confidence maps by corresponded un-pooling and convolution layers. Additional convolution layers with 1×1 sized kernels are adopted to enhance the feature representations, which could be used to further improve the discriminative learning of our model. We effectively update the weights of the network by fine-tuning on part of the layers from a pre-trained model. By conducting experiments using clinical data, the feasibility of our proposed approach is compared and discussed. The result proves that this work achieves satisfied results for segmentation of specific anatomical structures from US images.



  • Effect of Living Body on Performance of RF Identifier Antenna Printed on Ultrathin Polymer Film


    International Conference on Flexible and Printed Electronics (ICFPE 2017)   paper no. P083  2017.09  [Refereed]

  • Epidermal pH-sensor capable of operating only with NFC energy harvesting


    International Conference on Flexible and Printed Electronics (ICFPE 2017)   paper no. P082  2017.09  [Refereed]

  • Research on the Third Arm: Proposal of a Face Vector Interface for Voluntary and Intuitive Control of a Wearable Robot Arm


    2017 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS’17)    2017.09  [Refereed]

  • Condition-Based Less-Error Data Selection for Robust and Accurate Mass Measurement in Large-Scale Hydraulic Manipulators

    Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano

    IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT   66 ( 7 ) 1820 - 1830  2017.07  [Refereed]

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    This paper proposes a practical scheme for measuring the mass of an object grasped by the end-effector of a large-scale hydraulic manipulator. Such a measurement system requires high accuracy and robustness considering the nonlinearity and uncertainty in hydraulic pressure-based force measurement during rigorous outdoor work. It is thus difficult to precisely model system behaviors and completely remove error force components (white-box modeling) under such conditions, so our scheme adopts a less-error data selection approach to relatively improving the accuracy and reliability of the measurand (gray-box modeling). It first removes dominant error forces, i.e., gravity and dynamic friction forces, then defines the on-load state by evaluating measurement conditions to omit data in indeterminate conditions, then extracts data during the object-grasp state identified by a grasp motion model and removes high-frequency components by a simple low-pass filter, and finally integrates data from multiple sensors using the posture-based priority and averages all selected data. Evaluation experiments were conducted using an instrumented hydraulic arm. Results indicate that our scheme can precisely measures the mass of the grasped object under various detection conditions with fewer errors.



  • Effects of Vibrotactile-biofeedback Device on Postural Stability Without Visual Information in Healthy Young Adults


    Proc. of the 17th Annual Meeting of the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness (ASSC17)   paper no.P1-79  2017.07  [Refereed]

  • Pre-offering Work-site Views to Acquire Spatial Knowledge from Survey and Route Perspective for Advanced Teleoperation of Construction Machines


    The 34th Int. Symp. on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC’17)   paper no. P05  2017.07  [Refereed]

  • Investigation on Effect of Angular Deviation from Perpendicular Line to Lateral View Camera on Work Efficiency for Teleoperated Construction Machines


    The 34th Int. Symp. on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC’17)   paper no. P06  2017.07  [Refereed]

  • Printed high-frequency RF identification antenna on ultrathin polymer film by simple production process for soft-surface adhesive device

    Hiroki Hayata, Marin Okamoto, Shinji Takeoka, Eiji Iwase, Toshinori Fujie, Hiroyasu Iwata

    JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS   56 ( 5 ) 05EC01(7pages)  2017.05  [Refereed]

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    In this paper, we present a simple method for manufacturing electronic devices using ultrathin polymer films, and develop a high-frequency RF identification. To expand the market for flexible devices, it is important to enhance their adhesiveness and conformability to surfaces, to simplify their fabrication, and to reduce their cost. We developed a method to design an antenna for use on an operable RF identification whose wiring was subjected to commercially available inkjet or simple screen printing, and successfully fabricated the RF identification. By using ultrathin films made of polystyrene-block-polybutadiene-block-polystyrene (SBS) as substrates-less than 750nm-the films could be attached to various surfaces, including soft surfaces, by van der Waals force and without using glue. We succeeded in the simple fabrication of an ultrathin RF identification including a commercial or simple printing process. (C) 2017 The Japan Society of Applied Physics



  • Printed high-frequency RF identification antenna on ultrathin polymer film by simple production process for soft-surface adhesive device

    Hiroki Hayata, Marin Okamoto, Shinji Takeoka, Eiji Iwase, Toshinori Fujie, Hiroyasu Iwata

    JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS   56 ( 5 ) 05EC01  2017.05  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    In this paper, we present a simple method for manufacturing electronic devices using ultrathin polymer films, and develop a high-frequency RF identification. To expand the market for flexible devices, it is important to enhance their adhesiveness and conformability to surfaces, to simplify their fabrication, and to reduce their cost. We developed a method to design an antenna for use on an operable RF identification whose wiring was subjected to commercially available inkjet or simple screen printing, and successfully fabricated the RF identification. By using ultrathin films made of polystyrene-block-polybutadiene-block-polystyrene (SBS) as substrates-less than 750nm-the films could be attached to various surfaces, including soft surfaces, by van der Waals force and without using glue. We succeeded in the simple fabrication of an ultrathin RF identification including a commercial or simple printing process. (C) 2017 The Japan Society of Applied Physics



  • Pregnant Uterine Ultrasound Image Segmentation by Encoding-Decoding Convolutional Neural Network

    Yan Li, Rong Xu, Jun Ohya, Hiroyasu Iwata

    The IIEEJ Image Electronics and Visual Computing Workshop 2017   ( 1C-1 ) 1 - 4  2017.03  [Refereed]

  • Sandwich fixation of electronic elements using free-standing elastomeric nanosheets for low-temperature device processes

    Marin Okamoto, Mizuho Kurotobi, Shinji Takeoka, Junki Sugano, Eiji Iwase, Hiroyasu Iwata, Toshinori Fujie

    JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C   5 ( 6 ) 1321 - 1327  2017.02  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    We fabricated free-standing, flexible and physically adhesive ultrathin elastomeric films (nanosheets) for application as electronic substrates and packaging films. In this work, electronic elements such as a chip resistor and a chip LED were sandwiched between elastomeric nanosheets of less than 1 mu m thickness to obtain electrical conduction in silver lines that were inkjet-printed on the nanosheet. This sandwich-fixation process contributed to the development of an electronic device showing conformable adhesion and operation on the skin surface.



  • The development of the immersive 3D-VR training system for improving sports vision in spike receive

    TAKADA Ryota, ONISHI Teppei, KAWATA Suguru, IWATA Hiroyasu

    The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec)   2017   2A2 - E05  2017

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    <p>Recently, the importance of "Visual ability in sports" called "Sports Vision(SV)" is insisted. On the other hand, there are very few devices that train SV. In the previous study, the ability of Volleyball spike is related to SV(KVA[Kinetic Visual Acuity] and HEC[Hand-Eye Coordination]).In the present study, we developed two systems that train SV by immersive 3D-VR;KVA training system and HEC training system. The former trains KVA by watching 3D-VR images of coming up numger while changing. The latter trains HEC by watching 3D-VR images of Volleyball spike and moving arms and gives the visual BF. Pre-post test found that users of the KVA training system increased their KVA.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • Research on "Third Arm": voluntarily operative wearable robot arm


    The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec)   2017   1P2 - L08  2017

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    <p>The purpose of this study was to develop an additional robotic limb called "Third Arm" with which it is possible to perform two concurrent tasks. In this paper, we propose a control method based on the "Face Vector," which selects a target object using face direction as an interface for Third Arm. There are two requirements (to acquire the Face Vector and to fix the system to the head without interfering with the field of view) of the interface. For the first requirement, it was possible to acquire the Face Vector using an IMU sensor and a distance-measuring laser sensor (100 Hz). For the second requirement, by using eyeglasses, we solved this problem without interfering with the field of view. We verified the accuracy of the interface and found an average target error of 1.83 cm. The results suggest that the distance-measuring laser diffused on the curved surface.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • An Accurate and Robust Fetal Head Detection Algorithm Integrating a Voting Scheme and an Improved IRHT Method


    The 5th IIEEJ Int. Workshop on Image Electronics and Visual Computing (IEVC2017)   paper no.5C-3  2017  [Refereed]

  • Development of Registration Marker for CT-guided Needle Insertion Robot


    Proc. of the 2017 IEEE Int. Conf. on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM 2017)   2017   755 - 760  2017  [Refereed]

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    <p>For accurate insertion by CT-guided robot, we need registration between the coordinate of robot and CT by calculating the section images. In this paper, we intended to develop geometric the marker for registration. The requirements are geometric shapes that the error of 3 DOF (yaw and pitch angles and a craniocaudal distance) between CT image and the maker can be calculated and the material is suitable for CT imaging. Then, marker has four oblique prisms to calculate the error of 3DOG. Oblique prism has advantage on the point of reducing error of angle calculation because of the slope of inverse trigonometric function. From the result of evaluation, accuracy of registration system by geometric marker is satisfactory for insertion to the tumor in lower abdominal region.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • Development of Evaluation Indexes for Human-Centered Design of a Wearable Robot Arm


    Proc. of the 5th Int. Conf. on Human-Agent Interaction (HAI’17)     305 - 310  2017  [Refereed]

  • Estimation of Ankle Dorsiflexion Ankle during Loading Response Phase for Spring Coefficient Identification


    Proc. of the IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Biomimetics 2017   paper id:881-ROBIO-2017-410(6pages)  2017  [Refereed]


  • Insertion Method for Minimizing Fine Needle Deflection in Bowel Insertion Based on Experimental Analysis


    Proc. of the 2017 IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS’17)     187 - 192  2017  [Refereed]

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    Accurate insertion of fine needles is difficult due to needle deflection. Needle deflection in the lower abdomen is particularly complex, as the needle has to pass through various tissues. As the area of the bowel is dominant in lower abdominal insertion, it is important to analyze the deflection during bowel insertion and to control the needle to minimize deflection. Few studies have focused on bowel insertion. We performed a fundamental deflection analysis of needle insertion in the bowel. Moreover, we have proposed an insertion method for minimizing the needle deflection based on our analysis. First, we performed needle insertion at various insertion positions and insertion angles into the hollow-shaped bowel, and determined the trend of the needle deflection during bowel insertion. The results revealed that the needle deflection was increased due to an increase in insertion angle, and therefore insertion angle should be minimized as much as possible. However, during actual bowel needle insertion, there are many situations in which the ideal path cannot be selected due to the arrangement of the bowel loops. We proposed an insertion method that can eliminate the total needle deflections during bowel insertion by controlling the needle tip direction at the breaching of each bowel wall. The results suggest that the needle deflection can be minimized by selecting the insertion path in which the sum of each insertion angle is zero. We verified the results of this insertion method in multiple bowels in in vivo experiments, and showed that it has the potential to be used in clinical practice.

  • Trajectory Planning for Abdominal Fine Needle Insertion Based on Insertion Angles


    IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters   vol.2 ( no.2 ) 1226 - 1231  2017  [Refereed]

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    Fine needles can easily be deflected, making accurate needle insertion into a tumor difficult. In particular, it is difficult to insert the needle into a tumor in the lower abdomen because the needle has to pass through various tissues. Therefore, for lower abdominal needle insertion, we intend to develop a planning method for the optimal insertion path to minimize the deflection based on computed tomography images. In this letter, we analyze the deflection while performing needle insertion with axial rotation under conditions of various insertion angles into individual tissues composing the lower abdomen (pork loin and porcine small bowel) and develop a basic planning procedure to determine the optimal insertion path based on the analysis. From the results, we confirmed that the insertion angle should be minimized as much as possible. We then develop a planning method based on insertion angles into individual tissues the needle needs to pass through. We assumed that it is possible to determine the optimal insertion path by providing a weighting factor to the effect of the insertion angle depending on the depth of insertion, considering that the effect of the insertion angle on deflection in deep places of the body is smaller than the effect around the body surface. To verify the concept of the proposed planning procedure, we perform experiments with a simple model composed of two tissues. From the results, we show that the optimal insertion path can be planned by setting the optimal ratio of individual weighting factors.



  • The effect of a haptic biofeedback system on postural control in patients with stroke: An experimental pilot study

    Kazuhiro Yasuda, Naomi Kaibuki, Hiroaki Harashima, Hiroyasu Iwata

    SOMATOSENSORY AND MOTOR RESEARCH   34 ( 2 ) 65 - 71  2017  [Refereed]

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    Background: Impaired balance in patients with hemiparesis caused by stroke is frequently related to deficits in the central integration of afferent inputs, and traditional rehabilitation reinforces excessive visual reliance by focusing on visual compensation.Objective: The present study investigated whether a balance task involving a haptic biofeedback (BF) system, which provided supplementary vibrotactile sensory cues associated with center-of-foot-pressure displacement, improved postural control in patients with stroke.Methods: Seventeen stroke patients were assigned to two groups: the Vibrotactile BF and Control groups. During the balance task (i.e., standing on a foam mat), participants in the Vibrotactile BF group tried to stabilize their postural sway while wearing the BF system around the pelvic girdle. In the Control group, participants performed an identical postural task without the BF system.Results: Pre- and post-test measurements of postural control using a force plate revealed that the stability of bipedal posture in the Vibrotactile BF group was markedly improved compared with that in the Control group.Conclusions: A balance task involving a vibrotactile BF system improved postural stability in patients with stroke immediately. This confirms the potential of a haptic-based BF system for balance training, both in routine clinical practice and in everyday life.



  • フリースロー初心者のためのBF型セット・フォーム習得支援RTの開発

    河田俊, 安田和弘, 岩田浩康

    日本機械学会論文集   Vol.83 ( No.851 ) 16-00515 - 16-00515  2017  [Refereed]

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    <p>Acquiring one's own form is an important technique for excelling in any competitive sport. Most basketball players spend a significant amount of time in acquiring the ideal form in order to improve their basketball skills. Although basketball is one of the most popular sports in the world, there are only few devices that aid in improving a player's skills. In the research involving the development of a skill-support device for basketball, it is important to learn the ideal form to acquire a physical posture of set-form. Therefore, we developed a device for reforming the set-form using auditory biofeedback. The proposed device measures the shoulder angle of a player in real time (50 Hz) and generates a sound on the basis of the measured angle to inform the ideal posture. If the set-form posture is not ideal, the device uses this sound to inform the player that they must modify their posture. The player then changes their shoulder angle and if the posture becomes ideal, the device mutes the sound. Several seconds after the sound stops, the device indicates the player to shoot. According to our study for testing the efficacy of this device, the BF-training group obtained 20% higher success rate than the control group. Moreover, the BF-training group had a more stable form than the control one.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • Methods of control for minimizing extra-fine needle deflection with a combination of vibration and rotation in the lower abdomen

    Ryosuke Tsumura, Hiroyasu Iwata

    Journal of Biomechanical Science and Engineering   12 ( 3 )  2017  [Refereed]

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    Cancer vaccine therapy is a novel treatment method which uses an extra-fine (0.53 mm in diameter (25 G)) needle to deliver a tumor-specific vaccine directly into a tumor. This method is expected to deliver an effective treatment with few side effects. However, the procedure is very difficult to perform because of needle deflection. We intend to develop a needle insertion robot to combat this deflection and deliver the vaccine successfully. The key features of the robot were developed to minimize needle tip deflection while traversing complex tissues which is composed of various tissues. In this paper, as targeted to lower abdomen, we propose a control method for minimizing needle tip deflection during insertion through vibration and axial rotation. The effectiveness of the proposed method was evaluated in artificial and biomaterial tissues found in the lower abdomen (muscle, bowel, and skin). Results demonstrated that the effectiveness of vibration and rotation was changed depending on the kind of the tissues. The rotation was effective to the thick tissues (muscle and skin) and the vibration was effective to membranous tissues (bowel). Based on the results, our method used vibration and rotation when the needle is inserted into the skin and muscle and only vibration when traversing through soft tissue such as the bowel. In conclusion, the proposed method can minimize needle tip deflection robustly in a lower abdomen phantom.



  • Validation of an immersive virtual reality system for training near and far space neglect in individuals with stroke: a pilot study

    Kazuhiro Yasuda, Daisuke Muroi, Masahiro Ohira, Hiroyasu Iwata

    TOPICS IN STROKE REHABILITATION   24 ( 7 ) 533 - 538  2017  [Refereed]

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    Background: Unilateral spatial neglect (USN) is defined as impaired ability to attend and see on one side, and when present, it interferes seriously with daily life. These symptoms can exist for near and far spaces combined or independently, and it is important to provide effective intervention for near and far space neglect.
    Objective: The purpose of this pilot study was to propose an immersive virtual reality (VR) rehabilitation program using a head-mounted display that is able to train both near and far space neglect, and to validate the immediate effect of the VR program in both near and far space neglect.
    Methods: Ten USN patients underwent the VR program with a pre-post design and no control. In the virtual environment, we developed visual searching and reaching tasks using an immersive VR system. Behavioral inattention test (BIT) scores obtained pre- and immediate post-VR program were compared.
    Results: BIT scores obtained pre-and post-VR program revealed that far space neglect but not near space neglect improved promptly after the VR program. This effect for far space neglect was observed in the cancelation task, but not in the line bisection task.
    Conclusions: Positive effects of the immersive VR program for far space neglect are suggested by the results of the present pilot study. However, further studies with rigorous designs are needed to validate its clinical effectiveness.



  • Development of an Implicit Method for Directing Weight Shifting to the Affected Side in Patients with Stroke: A Proof of Concept Study


    ROBOMECH Journal   vol.4 ( no.26 ) 1 - 7  2017  [Refereed]

  • Mechanical-based Model for Extra-fine Needle Tip Deflection until Breaching of Tissue Surface


    Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering     1 - 10  2017  [Refereed]

  • Construction of a cooperative operation avatar robot system to enhance collective efficacy


    Springer (2017 International Workshop on Human-Friendly Robotics)   paper number 11  2017  [Refereed]


  • 遠隔操作オペレータの環境把握性を高める非映像化情報の可視化と推奨注視映像への誘導

    亀﨑允啓, 佐藤隆哉, 楊俊傑, 岩田浩康, 菅野重樹

    第21回ロボティクスシンポジア予稿集     1 - 6  2016.03  [Refereed]

  • 遠隔操作オペレータの環境把握性を高める非映像化情報の可視化と推奨注視映像への誘導

    亀?允啓, 佐藤隆哉, 楊俊傑, 岩田浩康, 菅野重樹

    第21回ロボティクスシンポジア予稿集     50 - 55  2016.03  [Refereed]

  • 操作入力量ヒストグラムの波形整形に基づく基本入出力ゲインの自動調整システム

    亀?允啓, 岩田浩康, 菅野重樹

    日本ロボット学会誌   Vol. 34 ( No. 1 ) 56 - 64  2016.01  [Refereed]


  • 人工筋肉駆動型背屈支援RTの開発および臨床試験における背屈支援の評価

    保科智啓, 安田和弘, 鈴木慈, 大橋洋輝, 岩田浩康

    ライフサポート学会誌   vol.28 ( no.3 ) 90 - 96  2016  [Refereed]


  • 注意の解放と移動を促すUSN治療支援システムの開発 -注意誘導スリットによる即時的効果の検証-

    竹内貴哉, 安田和弘, 姫野好美, 黒木洋美, 岩田浩康

    ライフサポート学会誌   vol.28 ( no.4 ) 133 - 138  2016  [Refereed]


  • 両側下腿切断者の立位姿勢に対する体性感覚バイオフィードバックによる感覚代行効果

    安田和弘, 堀川峻太郎, 室井大佑, 岩田浩康

    バイオメカニズム学会誌   vol.40 ( no.3 ) 213 - 219  2016  [Refereed]

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    We investigated whether a biofeedback system that provided supplementary vibrotactile sensory cues associated with the center of foot pressure displacement contributes to postural control in a patient with transtibial amputation. Postural stability using a force plate revealed improved stability of the bipedal posture only in the eyes-closed condition, but not in the eyes-open condition, and this effect had a brief carry-over effect. We found that this patient achieved postural control mainly using visual information, and since the vibrotactile biofeedback improved postural stability in the eyes-closed condition, there seems to exist sensory substitution for postural control. This confirms the potential of a haptic-based BF system for balance training, both in routine clinical practice and in everyday life.

    DOI CiNii

  • Experimental Analysis of Needle Tip Deflection Until Breaching Tissue Surface,


    Proceeding of the 38th Annual Int. Conf. of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society   paper no.FrCT16.25  2016  [Refereed]

  • Histological Evaluation of Tissue Damage Caused by Rotational Needle Insertion

    Ryosuke Tsumura, Yusuke Takishita, Yuta Fukushima, Hiroyasu Iwata


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    Needles used in percutaneous insertion must be as thin as possible to minimize invasiveness. However, using extra-thin needles with a diameter less than 25G (0.53 mm diameter) can cause needle deflection. Needle deflection can be minimized by insertion with axial rotation along the needle shaft; this rotation is also useful for steering the insertion direction of the needle tip. However, although high rotation speeds may decrease needle deflection, this may increase tissue damage. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to histologically evaluate tissue damage caused by the rotational needle-insertion method, and to verify the needle-tip deflection caused by tissue damage. In this paper, we evaluated tissue damage and needle deflection caused by needle insertion with no rotation, unidirectional rotation, and bidirectional rotation. The results suggest that percutaneous needle insertion under unidirectional rotation is potentially risky in humans, as this causes wound-up tissue and expansion of the area of the hole created by the needle path. In contrast, needle insertion under bidirectional rotation appeared to minimize deflection, and prevented winding of tissue and expansion of the hole created by the needle path.

  • Development and pilot clinical evaluation of a haptic-based perception-empathy biofeedback device for gait rehabilitation

    Kenta Saichi, Kazuhiro Yasuda, Yu Kitaji, Naomi Kaibuki, Hiroyasu Iwata


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    Recent studies have shown that haptic feedback on the body, either at or away from the desired gait parameter to be changed, can improve gait performance. Here we introduced a haptic-based biofeedback device to supplement the foot pressure information of a paretic foot with a wearable vibrotactile biofeedback device attached to the back. This system provides information regarding a patient's foot pressure pattern to the patient and physical therapist. Therefore, the biofeedback system can share information regarding abnormal gait patterns between patients and therapists. This pilot study showed that the device immediately improved the stride length during walking, but not walking speed. Furthermore, subjective reports indicated that synchronizing foot pressure pattern information between the patient and therapist induced higher patient motivation for gait rehabilitation.

  • Development of Inexpensive Skin Adhesive Electronic Device - RFID Tag Implementation on Ultrathin Polymer Film -


    Int. Conf. on Flexible and Printed Electronics   O5-4  2016  [Refereed]

  • Gaze Pattern Analysis in Multi-Display Systems for Teleoperated Disaster Response Robots

    Ryuya Sato, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Shigeki Sugano, Hiroyasu Iwata

    2016 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SYSTEMS, MAN, AND CYBERNETICS (SMC)   no.2017   3534 - 3539  2016  [Refereed]

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    In unmanned construction, work efficiency is lower than that in manned construction due to lack of visual information. Thus, we previously developed an autonomous camera control system to provide various visual information suited to work states through multiple displays. However, that system increased the cognitive load on operators, and required them to have much experience to choose appropriate views for various situations. Next, we should investigate the degree of effectiveness for each view in a certain state. Thus, in this study, we analyzed gaze patterns to clarify which are the displays that operators often watch in work states, i.e., moving, grasping, transport, and releasing. We then derived which gaze patterns have higher work performance, including time efficiency and safeness. We clustered gaze patterns using Ward's method, which is a criterion applied in hierarchical clustering. To evaluate the objective of this study, we conducted experiments involving debris transport tasks, using a virtual reality simulator. The results indicated that gaze patterns differed in operators and we found that better time efficiency related to specific gaze patterns for each work state.

  • Visual Attention to Appropriate Monitors and Parts Using Augmented Reality for Decreasing Cognitive Load in Unmanned Construction

    Ryuya Sato, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Junjie Yang, Shigeki Sugano, Hiroyasu Iwata

    Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Advanced Mechatronics 2015 (ICAM2015)   1A1-23   45  2015.12  [Refereed]

  • Inducement of Visual Attention Using Augmented Reality for Multi-Display Systems in Advanced Tele-operation

    Junjie Yang, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Ryuya Sato, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano

    Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2015)     5364 - 5369  2015.10  [Refereed]



  • 無人化施工における視覚情報の強化に関する研究−作業状況に応じた環境カメラの自動制御と拡張現実技術を用いた注視支援−

    亀?允啓, 佐藤隆哉, 楊俊傑, 岩田浩康, 菅野重樹

    第15回建設ロボットシンポジウム論文集(SCR2015)   paper no. O-24   8 pages  2015.09  [Refereed]

  • Performance Analysis in Advanced Tele-operation System Based on Introduction of Danger-Avoidance View

    Junjie Yang, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Ryuya Sato, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano

    Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Applications (ICIRA2015)     401 - 412  2015.08  [Refereed]



  • A 3D Sensing Model and Practical Sensor Placement Based on Coverage and Cost Evaluation

    Junjie Yang, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano

    Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on CYBER Technology in Automation, Control, and Intelligent Systems (IEEE-CYBER2015)     1 - 6  2015.06  [Refereed]



  • Visibility Enhancement using Autonomous Multicamera Controls with Situational Role Assignment for Teleoperated Work Machines

    Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Junjie Yang, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano

    Journal of Field Robotics   Vol. 0 ( No. 0 ) 1 - 23  2015.04  [Refereed]

  • An fMRI Pilot Study Evaluating Brain Activation During Different Finger Training Exercises

    Zhenjin Tang, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano


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    The recovery of motor function after stroke is widely considered to result from brain plasticity. However, what kind of training exercise can better provoke brain plastic processes is still unclear. Studying regional brain activation during a specific training exercise may provide value information that can help design more effective therapeutic approaches. In this paper, we monitored brain activation when subjects performed four different finger training exercises: left middle finger passive movement (LMFP), left middle finger active movement (LMFA), middle finger self-motion control movement (MF), and both middle fingers active movement (BMFA). Eight healthy volunteers were involved in this study. The results indicated that the LFMA results in stronger brain activation than the LMFP in the left insular, left inferior frontal cortex, right middle cingulate cortex, left S1, bilateral cerebellum, SMA, and right inferior frontal areas. However, we did not find a significant difference when comparing the the MF and the BMFA conditions.

  • Development and Evaluation of an MRI Compatible Finger Rehabilitation Device for Stroke Patients

    Zhenjin Tang, Shigeki Sugano, Hiroyasu Iwata


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    This paper presents the design, development and magnetic resonance imagining (MRI) compatibility evaluation of a small size, compact and adjustable different finger phalange lengths rehabilitation device. This device employs ultrasonic motor as its actuator and adopts a novel six-link mechanism to drive the finger. The final system enables to provide two joints (the MCP and the PIP) in each finger to do flexion and extension motion with one degree of freedom (DOF). The MRI compatibility of the robot was also evaluated. The results demonstrate that there is neither an effect from the MRI environment on the robot performance, nor significant degradation on MRI images by the introduction of the robot in the MRI scanner. Finally, an fMRI study with subject was carried out, the result shows a stable brain activation was observed when the middle finger of the subject was driven to implement passive rehabilitation motion inside the MRI scanner.

  • A practical operator support scheme and its application to safety-ensured object break using dual-arm machinery

    Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano

    ADVANCED ROBOTICS   28 ( 23 ) 1599 - 1615  2014.12  [Refereed]

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    A practical operator support system for disaster response work using construction machinery is applied to object-break operations using a dual-arm machine. An object-break operation, which separates an object into two different parts by applying massive pulling force, requires skillful force and trajectory controls. Operators typically have trouble visually perceiving the movement of the manipulator because the target object is strongly restrained. As a result, after the object has been separated into two pieces, the operator may continue performing lever operations because of unavoidable perception reaction time and the manipulator may collide with the surrounding environment. A control input cancellation system based on object-break identification is proposed to reduce the time difference between the object break and operation stoppage. A support system for disaster response situations must be safe and efficient and accommodate operators with various skill levels; thus, common physical phenomena related to the object breakage should be exploited. The system cancels control inputs to stop the movement of the manipulator when an object-break flag is detected, which is defined as a situation where the force applied to each joint of a manipulator decreases rapidly when a lever operation and load on the inside of the grapple are detected. Demolition experiments were conducted using a hydraulic dual-arm system. The results indicate that the displacement of the end-point after the object breaks is greatly decreased and the completion time of the task is reduced as well.



  • A Pragmatic Approach to Modeling Object Grasp Motion Using Operation and Pressure Signals for Demolition Machines

    Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano

    SICE Journal of Control, Measurement, and System Integration (JCMSI)   Vol. 7 ( No. 6 ) 356 - 363  2014.11  [Refereed]


  • Time-series primitive static states for detailing work state and flow of human-operated work machine

    Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano

    ADVANCED ROBOTICS   28 ( 20 ) 1357 - 1374  2014.10  [Refereed]

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    This paper proposes a quantification method for a comprehensive work flow in construction work for describing work states in more detail on the basis of analyzing state transitions of primitive static states (PSS), which consist of 16 symbolic work states defined by using on-off state of the lever operations and joint loads for the manipulator and end-effector. On the basis of the state transition rules derived from a transition-condition analysis, practical state transitions (PST), which are common and frequent transitions in arbitrary construction work, are defined. PST can be classified into essential state transition (EST) or nonessential state transitions (NST). EST extracts common phases of work progress and estimates positional relations between a manipulator and an object. NST reveals wasted movements that degrade the efficiency and quality of work. To evaluate comprehensive work flows modeled by combining EST and NST, work-analysis experiments using our instrumented setup were conducted. Results indicate that all the PSS definitely changes on the basis of PST under various work conditions, and work analysis using EST and NST easily reveals work characteristics and untrained tasks related to wasted movements.



  • A Basic Framework of Virtual Reality Simulator for Advancing Disaster Response Work Using Teleoperated Work Machines

    Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Junjie Yang, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano

    Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics (JRM)   Vol. 26 ( No. 4 ) 486 - 495  2014.08  [Refereed]

  • Allocation of Attentional Resources toward a Secondary Cognitive Task Leads to Compromised Ankle Proprioceptive Performance in Healthy Young Adults.

    K. Yasuda, Y. Sato, N. Iimura, H. Iwata

    Rehabilitation research and practice   2014   170304  2014  [Refereed]

    DOI PubMed

  • Analysis of Effective Environmental-Camera Images Using Virtual Environment for Advanced Unmanned Construction

    Junjie Yang, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano


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    Unmanned construction machines are used after disasters. Compared with manned construction, time efficiency is lower because of incomplete visual information, communication delay, and lack of tactile experience. Visual information is the most fundamental items for planning and judgment, however, in current vision systems, even the posture and zoom of cameras are not adjusted. To improve operator's visibility, these parameters must be adjusted in accordance with the work situation. The purpose of this study is thus to analyze effective camera images from some comparison experiments, as a fundamental study of advanced visual support. We first developed a virtual reality simulator to enable experimental conditions to be modified easier. To effectively derive required images, experiments with two different camera positions and systems (fixed cameras and manually controllable cameras) were then conducted. The results indicate that enlarged views to show the manipulator is needed in object grasping and tracking images to show the movement direction of the manipulator is needed in largely end-point movement. The result also confirms that the operational accuracy increases and blind spot rate decreases by using the manual system, com-pared with fixed system.



  • An Adaptive Basic I/O Gain Tuning Method Based on Leveling Control Input Histogram for Human-Machine Systems

    Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano


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    A method to tune a basic input/output gain (BIOG) according to usage conditions for human-machine systems is proposed for improving work performance. Adapting a BIOG is effective in terms of improving operability and work efficiency, but frequent changes using a gain scheduling strategy degrade the operability by confusing the machine dynamics. The proposed tuning system adjusts a BIOG at long intervals on the basis of comprehensive features in operator and work content obtained from the histogram of control lever input. The target value is set to the normal distribution, meaning that all ranges of the control lever are evenly used in a spring-type lever, as leveling the histogram independent of an operator and work content provides the consistent operational feeling, which leads to comfortable operability. To ensure practicality and effectiveness, a BIOG curve is set to a polygonal line involving a break point and a saturation point that are tuned by equivalent transform of area differences between the obtained histogram and normal distribution curves. Two types of experimental task were performed using a hydraulic arm system. Results showed that the proposed BIOG tuning system improves time efficiency by reducing the area difference while increasing the subjective usability compared with a conventional fixed BIOG system.



  • Tactile Object Recognition using Deep Learning and Dropout

    Alexander Schmitz, Yusuke Bansho, Kuniaki Noda, Hiroyasu Iwata, Tetsuya Ogata, Shigeki Sugano

    2014 14th IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids)     1044 - 1050  2014  [Refereed]

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    Recognizing grasped objects with tactile sensors is beneficial in many situations, as other sensor information like vision is not always reliable. In this paper, we aim for multimodal object recognition by power grasping of objects with an unknown orientation and position relation to the hand. Few robots have the necessary tactile sensors to reliably recognize objects: in this study the multifingered hand of TWENDY-ONE is used, which has distributed skin sensors covering most of the hand, 6 axis F/T sensors in each fingertip, and provides information about the joint angles. Moreover, the hand is compliant. When using tactile sensors, it is not clear what kinds of features are useful for object recognition. Recently, deep learning has shown promising results. Nevertheless, deep learning has rarely been used in robotics and to our best knowledge never for tactile sensing, probably because it is difficult to gather many samples with tactile sensors. Our results show a clear improvement when using a denoising autoencoder with dropout compared to traditional neural networks. Nevertheless, a higher number of layers did not prove to be beneficial.



  • An Autonomous Multi-Camera Control System Using Situation-Based Role Assignment for Tele-Operated Work Machines

    Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Junjie Yang, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano


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    A method to autonomously control multiple environmental cameras, which are currently fixed, for providing more adaptive visual information suited to the work situation for advanced unmanned construction is proposed. Situations in which the yaw, pitch, and zoom of cameras should be controlled were analyzed and imaging objects including the machine, manipulator, and end-point and imaging modes including tracking, zoom, posture, and trajectory modes were defined. To control each camera simply and effectively, four practical camera roles combined with the imaging objects and modes were defined as the overview-machine, enlarge-end-point, posture-manipulator, and trajectory-manipulator. A role assignment system was then developed to assign the four camera roles to four out of six cameras suitable for the work situation, e.g., reaching, grasping, transport, and releasing, on the basis of the assignment priority rules, in the real time. Debris removal tasks were performed by using a VR simulator to compare fixed camera, manual control, and autonomous systems. Results showed that the autonomous system was the best of the three at decreasing the number of grasping misses and error contacts and increasing the subjective usability while improving the time efficiency.



  • Robust Object-Mass Measurement Using Condition-Based Less-Error Data Selection for Large-Scale Hydraulic Manipulators

    Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano


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    A practical framework for measuring the mass of an object grasped by the end-effector of a large-scale hydraulic manipulator, such as construction manipulators, is proposed. Such a measurement system requires high accuracy and robustness considering the nonlinearity and uncertainty in hydraulic pressure-based force measurement. It is thus difficult to precisely model the system behaviors and completely remove error force components, so our framework adopts a less-error data selection approach to improving the reliability of the measurand. It first detects the on-load state to extract reliable data for mass measurement, including evaluating measurement conditions to omit sensors in indeterminate conditions and redefining three-valued outputs such as on, off, or not determinate, to improve robustness, then extracts data during the object-grasp state identified by the grasp motion model and removes high-frequency component by a simple low-pass filter, to improve accuracy, and finally integrates date from plural sensors using the posture-based priority and averages all selected data, to improve reliability. Evaluation experiments were conducted using an instrumented hydraulic arm. Results indicate that our framework can precisely measures the mass of the grasped object in various detection conditions with less errors.



  • Development of a Tele-Operation Simulator Based on Virtual Reality Environment for Advanced Unmanned Construction

    Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Gonzalo Aguirre Dominguez, Junjie Yang, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano

    Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration (SII2013)     855 - 860  2013.12  [Refereed]

  • Sensor Prediction and Grasp Stability Evaluation for In-Hand Manipulation

    Kohei KOJIMA, Takashi SATO, Alexander SCHMITZ, Hiroaki ARIE, Hiroyasu IWATA, Shigeki SUGANO

    Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems     2479 - 2484  2013.11  [Refereed]



  • Practical Object-Grasp Estimation without Visual or Tactile Information for Heavy-Duty Work Machines

    Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano

    Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2013)     3210 - 3215  2013.11  [Refereed]



  • An Object Grasp Motion Model using Control Signal and Cylinder Pressure in Demolition Machines for Disaster Response Work

    Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano

    Proceedings of SICE Annual Conference 2013 (SICE2013)     307 - 312  2013.09  [Refereed]

  • 人間共存ロボットTWENDY-ONEによるコンプライアントマニピュレーション

    菅野 重樹, 岩田 浩康, 菅岩 泰亮

    日本ロボット学会誌   Vol. 31 ( No. 4 ) 347 - 352  2013.05  [Refereed]


  • Visualization of Comprehensive Work Tendency Using End-Point Frequency Map for Human-Operated Work Machines

    Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano

    Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA2013)     752 - 757  2013.05  [Refereed]



  • A Finger Exoskeleton for Rehabilitation and Brain Image Study

    Zhenjin Tang, Shigeki Sugano, Hiroyasu Iwata


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    This paper introduces the design, fabrication and evaluation of the second generation prototype of a magnetic resonance compatible finger rehabilitation robot. It can not only be used as a finger rehabilitation training tool after a stroke, but also to study the brain's recovery process during the rehabilitation therapy (ReT). The mechanical design of the current generation has overcome the disadvantage in the previous version[13], which can't provide precise finger trajectories during flexion and extension motion varying with different finger joints torques. In addition, in order to study the brain activation under different training strategies, three control modes have been developed, compared to only one control mode in the last prototype. The current prototype, like the last version, uses an ultrasonic motor as its actuator to enable the patient to do extension and flexion rehabilitation exercises in two degrees of freedom (DOF) for each finger. Finally, experiments have been carried out to evaluate the performances of this device.

  • Design and Evaluation of An One DOF Finger Rehabilitation Device

    Zhenjin Tang, Shigeki Sugano, Hiroyasu Iwata


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    This paper presents our second generation prototype of a magnetic resonance compatible finger rehabilitation robot. It can not only be used as a finger rehabilitation training tool after a stroke, but also to study the brain's recovery process during the rehabilitation therapy (ReT). The finger driving mechanism in current generation is an one degrees of freedom (DOF) driving mechanism, which could overcome the disadvantage that can't provide precise finger trajectories during flexion and extension motion existing in previous version [11]. In addition, this design can also be adjustable to different persons' finger phalanges, as well as the gap between one finger to another can be easily changed. Furthermore, the kinematic analysis of the finger driving mechanism is detailed in this paper; Following, the describes of the control system and a self-motion control mode are presented. Finally, experiments have been carried out to evaluate the performances of this device.

  • Plan for Next Generation of the Robotics Society of Japan

    Committee for Next Generation of the Robotics Society of Japan, HARADA Tatsuya, OTAKE Mihoko, IWATA Hiroyasu, SUGIHARA Tomomichi, YAMASHITA Atsushi, OKADA Kei, TOKURA Seiji, KANAOKA Katsuya, KURITA Yuichi, YAMANOBE Natsuki, NABESHIMA Cota, ANDO Takeshi, NIITSUMA Mihoko, MATSUSHITA Kojiro, KADOTA Kazuo

    Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan   30 ( 10 ) 1030 - 1040  2012.12  [Refereed]

    DOI CiNii

  • A Symbolic Construction Work Flow Based on State Transition Analysis Using Simplified Primitive Static States

    Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano

    Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics   24 ( 6 ) 939 - 948  2012.12  [Refereed]



  • A Pragmatic Load Detecting System Based on Uncertainty Evaluation for Construction Manipulator

    Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano

    SICE Journal of Control, Measurement, and System Integration (JCMSI)   5 ( 6 ) 366 - 373  2012.11  [Refereed]


  • Internal Bleeding Detection Algorithm Based on Determination of Organ Boundary by Low-Brightness Set Analysis

    Keiichiro Ito, Shigeki Sugano, Hiroyasu Iwata

    Proceeding of IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2012)    2012.10



  • Development of a portable and MRI Compatible Hand Exoskeleton for Finger Rehabilitation

    ZhenJin Tang, Shigeki Sugano, Hiroyasu Iwata

    The 30th annual conference of the robotics society of Japan.    2012.09

  • Design of an MRI Compatible Robot for Finger Rehabilitation

    ZhenJin Tang, Shigeki Sugano, Hiroyasu Iwata

    IEEE ICMA2012 (International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation)     611 - 616  2012.08



  • Noninvasive Internal Bleeding Detection Method by Measuring Blood Flow under Ultrasound Cross-Section Image

    Keiichiro Ito, Koichi Tsuruta, Shigeki Sugano, Hiroyasu Iwata

    Proceeding of 34nd Annual International IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Conference (EMBC2012)     3191 - 3194  2012.08

  • Organ Boundary Determination Algorithm for Detecting Internal Bleeding Detection

    Keiichiro Ito, Shigeki Sugano, Hiroyasu Iwata

    Proceeding of 34nd Annual International IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Conference (EMBC2012)     3183 - 3186  2012.08

  • Blood Flow Measurement System Using Ultrasound Doppler

    Keiichiro Ito, Tomofumi Asayama, Shigeki Sugano, Hiroyasu Iwata

    IEEE International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (BioRob2012)     781 - 786  2012.06



  • 腹部血管変位下における非侵襲的血流量計測手法に関する研究

    伊藤慶一郎, 鶴田功一, 朝山智史, 菅野重樹, 中村京太, 岩田浩康

    日本機械学会ロボティクスメカトロニクス講演会’12   1P1-O05  2012.05

  • 操作型作業機械の知能化に関する研究〜第7報:時系列遷移情報の利用による基底作業状態の識別性能向上〜

    亀崎允啓, 岩田浩康, 菅野重樹

      1A2 ( F02 )  2012.05

  • Quantification of comprehensive work flow using time-series primitive static states for human-operated work machine

    M. Kamezaki, H. Iwata, S. Sugano

    Proceedings of 2012 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)     4487 - 4492  2012.05



  • Identification of Dominant Error Force Component in Hydraulic Pressure Reading for External Force Detection in Construction Manipulator

    Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Yosuke Shimada, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano

    Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics   24 ( 6 ) 95 - 104  2012.02  [Refereed]



  • Mechanical Design of a Magnetic Resonance Compatible Device Used for Finger Rehabilitation and Brain Imagine Studying

    ZhenJin Tang, Shigeki Sugano, Hiroyasu Iwata


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    This paper presents the design, fabricate and evaluation of a Magnetic Resonance compatible finger rehabilitation device, which could not only be used as a finger rehabilitation training tool after stroke, but also to study the brain's recovery process during the rehabilitation therapy (ReT).
    The mechanics of this device are designed to be adjustable to different persons' finger phalanges, and also the gap between one finger to another can be easily changed. By using an ultrasonic motor as its actuator, the device has been designed to be portable, with a high torque output. In addition, the mechanical has been developed into two working models (passive and active) in order to overcome the intrinsic shortage of non-back drivability in ultrasonic motor. The result system enables the client to do extension and flexion rehabilitation exercises in two degrees of freedom (DOF) for each finger as well as one DOF motion on the thumb. Finally, experiment has been carried out to evaluate the performance of the device.

  • Solve Inverse Kinematics Through A New Quadratic Minimization Technique

    Wei Wang, Yuki Suga, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano


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    A new technique was developed to solve inverse kinematics based on quadratic minimization. Firstly the inverse kinematic problem was formulated as a quadratic minimization problem through the constitution of a quadratic objective function derived from quaternion based kinematic description, then a new technique is developed to solve the quadratic minimization problem. The iteration procedures of the new technique are organized in two main phases: compute the search direction based on dynamic system synthesis; seek for acceptable step along the search direction. Numerical examples showed that inverse kinematic solutions can be delivered in a robust and time-efficient way, to meet the requirements coming across in the application field of every daily living support.

  • Intuitive Operation of A Wheelchair Mounted Robotic Arm for The Upper Limb Disabled: The Mouth-only Approach

    Wei Wang, Zeming Zhang, Yuki Suga, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano


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    A new interfacing device that enables intuitive operation of a wheelchair mounted robotic arm is proposed. Three kinds of physical signals: jaw movement, breathing strength and head movement are captured using this device, and then be used to drive motion primitives of robotic arm in an intuitive way. This device is designed to operate in a mouth-only manner, thus enables usage for the upper limb disabled. Experiments are also conducted making use of this device and wheelchair mounted robotic arm to complete tasks in activities of daily living.

  • Operational Support for Ensuring Safety Object-Removal Using Dual-Arm Construction Machinery

    Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Yosuke Shimada, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano


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    This paper describes an operational support system to simplify removing objects from a building structure in demolition work using dual-arm construction machinery. An operator cannot recognize the manipulator movement visually when a target object is strongly restrained in an unmovable environment, so the operator continues large lever-operations for a while after the object has been removed. This could lead to a collision against the surrounding environment. An operational support in construction machinery filed requires the compatibility among efficiency, quality, and safety and the commonality among various operator skill levels. The proposed support system thus identifies the moment when an object has been removed and cancels any operational inputs to ensure safety work when generating intensive force applied to a manipulator, focusing only on the common physical phenomena. An object-removal flag is defined as a situation where force applied to the end-point of a manipulator decrease rapidly in which lever operation and hand load are detected. Demolition experiments are conducted using a hydraulic dual arm system. Result indicates that the displacement of end-effector after removal and the number of error contacts are decreased while decreasing time consumption.

  • Magnetic Resonance Compatible Hand Rehabilitation Robot

    ZhenJin Tang, Shigeki Sugano, Hiroyasu Iwata

    International Journal of Mechatronics and Automation    2012

  • A Blood Flow Measurement Robotic System: Ultrasound Visual Servoing Algorithm under Pulsation and Displacement of an Artery

    Keiichiro Ito, Tomofumi Asayama, Shigeki Sugano, Hiroyasu Iwata

    Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics    2012

  • Usability and performance of a wearable tele-echography robot for focused assessment of trauma using sonography

    Keiichiro Ito, Shigeki Sugano, Ryohei Takeuchi, Kyota Nakamura, Hiroyasu Iwata

    Journal of Medical Engineering and Physics    2012



  • ポータブルな体幹装着型遠隔超音波診断システムの世界初の具現化に向けた改良と移動体搬送下における診断試験結果の報告

    伊藤慶一郎, 鶴田功一, 中村京太, 竹内良平, 菅野重樹, 岩田浩康

    消研輯報 65号    2012

  • 内出血患者の救命を支援する迅速簡易超音波検査のための体幹装着型ロボットシステム

    伊藤慶一郎, 菅野重樹, 中村京太, 竹内良平, 岩田浩康

    バイオメカニズム     43 - 53  2012

  • Comprehensive State Transition Analysis Using Simplified Primitive Static States in Construction Machinery

    Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano

    Proceedings of 2011 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO2011)     2908 - 2913  2011.12



  • A Novel, MRI Compatible Hand Exoskeleton for FingerRehabilitation

    Zhen Jin Tang, Shigeki Sugano, Hiroyasu Iwata

    2011 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration    2011.12



  • Measurement Algorithms of Cross-section Area and Blood Speed for Noninvasive Blood Flow Measurement System

    Keiichiro Ito, Tomofumi Asayama, Shigeki Sugano, Hiroyasu Iwata

    Proceeding of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (Robio2011)     263 - 268  2011.12



  • Development of a Load Detecting System with Three-Valued Output for Construction Manipulator

    Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Kosuke Nakamura, Satoshi Hashimoto, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano

    Proceedings of SICE Annual Conference 2011 (SICE2011)     2194 - 2199  2011.09

  • 人間とロボットとの協調移動制御 -移動中の接触による働きかけを実現する全身制御手法

    市川健太郎, 菅岩泰亮, 高橋城志, 長嶺伸治, 前代アト夢, 加納弘之, 野口博史, 岩田浩康, 金道敏樹, 菅野重樹

    第29回日本ロボット学会学術講演会   3H3-2  2011.09

  • 人間とロボットとの協調移動制御 〜接触による働きかけを利用した移動動作計画〜

    市川健太郎, 菅岩泰亮, 野口博史, 長嶺伸治, 前代アト夢, 加納弘之, 岩田浩康, 金道敏樹, 菅野重樹

    第29回日本ロボット学会学術講演会   3H3-1  2011.09

  • 円柱形道具の精密操作のための把持・操り制御

    高橋城志, 菅岩泰亮, 加納弘之, 岩田浩康, 菅野重樹

    第29回日本ロボット学会学術講演会   3E2-7  2011.09

  • 汎化学習による円柱形物体の姿勢を考慮した操り運指軌道制御

    小島康平, 菅岩泰亮, 加納弘之, 有江浩明, 岩田浩康, 菅野重樹

    第29回日本ロボット学会学術講演会   3E2-7  2011.09

  • 建機マニピュレータの手先外力ベクトル計測〜内在誤差範囲推定に基づく相対的計測精度向上〜

    亀允啓, 中村晧祐, 橋本諭, 岩田浩康, 菅野重樹

      1A1-C03  2011.05

  • 早稲田の倫理審査から工学系研究者が学んだこと


    日本ロボット学会誌   vol.29 ( no.3 ) 257 - 258  2011.04

  • OpenVR: A software tool contributes to research of robotics

    Wei Wang, Yuki Suga, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano

    2011 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration, SII 2011     1043 - 1048  2011  [Refereed]

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    This paper gives an overview of OpenVR, a software tool that is able to construct a virtual robot and its working environment from CAD source files. The virtual robot can be played with the same as a real robot by providing corresponding controller and sensor interfaces, thus contribute to the research of robotics in concept visualization, robot design, and algorithm and software development. General purposed algorithms are also given to simplify the effect for the execution of complex manipulation tasks. © 2011 IEEE.



  • Handling and grasp control with additional grasping point for dexterous manipulation of cylindrical tool

    Taisuke Sugaiwa, Kuniyuki Takahashi, Hiroyuki Kano, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano

    2011 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, ROBIO 2011     733 - 738  2011  [Refereed]

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    This study aims to construct a handling and grasp control method by multi-fingered robot hand with soft skin for the precision operation of cylindrical tools. We believe that the key to the improvement of the accuracy of the tool operation is to use an additional grasping point to reduce the tool's posture fluctuation derived from the external force exerted at the tool nib. We focus two factors that cause the tool's posture fluctuation. One is the rotation movement of the tool around the axis between two contacts by finger-tips. The other one is the deflection of the soft skin. We propose the effective allocation of the addition grasping point from the view point of the reduction of the tool's posture fluctuation. Our control architecture is a customized combination of resolved motion rate control and hybrid control which maintains stable grasping and handles the tool along with the desired trajectory of the tool nib. It is validated through the physical tests using the actual multi-fingered robot hand that the accuracy of the tool nib trajectory is improved by proposed control method. © 2011 IEEE.



  • Relative Accuracy Enhancement System Based on Internal Error Range Estimation for External Force Measurement in Construction Manipulator

    Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano


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    This paper proposes a practical framework for measuring the external force applied to a construction manipulator (front load vector) by using a hydraulic sensor. Such a force measurement system requires high accuracy and robustness considering the uncertainty in the construction machinery field, but it inevitably includes measurement errors owing to difficult-to-reduce modeling errors. Our framework thus adopts a relative accuracy improvement strategy without correcting the models for the practicality. It comprises (i) quantifying the internal error range (IER) by using the sum of the maximal measurement errors of static and dynamic friction forces, which change in postural and kinematic conditions, (ii) calculating the error force vector by using IER to select cylinders (sensors) that have less error, and (iii) outputting the front load vector using the cylinders whose error force vector is minimum. Experiments were conducted using an instrumented hydraulic arm. The results indicate that our framework can enhance the relative accuracy of external force measurement independently of various postural and kinematic conditions.



  • Evaluation of a Wearable Tele-Echography Robot System: FASTele in a Vehicle Using a Mobile Network

    Keiichiro Ito, Koichi Tsuruta, Shigeki Sugano, Hiroyasu Iwata


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    This paper shows the focused assessment with sonography for trauma (FAST) performance of a wearable tele-echography robot system we have developed that we call "FASTele". FAST is a first-step way of assessing the injury severity of patients suffering from internal bleeding who may be some time away from hospital treatment. So far, we have only verified our system's effectiveness under constantly wired network conditions. To determine its FAST performance within an emergency vehicle, we extended it to a WiMAX mobile network and performed experiments on it. Experiment results showed that paramedics could attach the system to FAST areas on a patient's body on the basis of the attaching position and procedure. We also assessed echo images to confirm that the system is able to extract the echo images required for FAST under maximum vehicle acceleration.

  • Blood Flow Measurement Algorithms to Detect Bleeding Source Noninvasively

    Keiichiro Ito, Tomofumi Asayama, Shigeki Sugano, Hiroyasu Iwata


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    The purpose of this paper is to propose ultrasound visual servoing algorithms for controlling a robotic system equipped with an ultrasound probe for large pulsation and a displacement towards the out-of-plane of a US image.
    In this study, we aim to develop a robotic system for detecting bleeding source based on the blood flow measured by using a non-invasive modality like an ultrasound (US) imaging device. Some problems related to the measurement error still need to be addressed. As the first step in solving these problems, we focused on the large pulse amplitude and displacement of the artery towards the out-of-plane of a US image, and developed US visual servoing algorithms to control the probe. We conducted preliminary blood flow measurement experiments using an phantom containing artery model and a manipulator equipped with a US probe (BASIS-1). The results present the first experimental validation of the proposed algorithms.

  • Development of 4-DOF Anthropomorphic Tactile Interaction Manipulator with Passive Joint


    Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics   Accepted  2011

  • A practical load detection framework considering uncertainty in hydraulic pressure-based force measurement for construction manipulator

    Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano

    Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation   in press   5869 - 5874  2011

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    This paper proposes a practical framework for detecting (identifying the on-off state of) the external force applied to a construction manipulator (front load) by using a hydraulic sensor. Such a detection system requires high accuracy and robustness considering the uncertainty in pressure-based force measurement. Our framework is thus organized into (i) identifying the dominant error force component (self-weight and driving force) using theoretical and experimental estimation and binarizing the analog external cylinder force, (ii) evaluating detection conditions to address indeterminate conditions such as stroke-end, singular posture, and impulsive or oscillatory force and redefining three-valued outputs such as on, off, or not determinate (ND), and (iii) outputting the front load decision by combining all the cylinder decisions to improve robustness through priority analysis. Experiments were conducted using an instrumented hydraulic arm. Results indicate that our framework adequately detects on, off, and ND outputs of the front load in various detection conditions without misidentification. © 2011 IEEE.



  • 出血源位置推定システムのための体幹適応型RTエコーデバイスBASIS-1の開発〜フリージョイント機構を用いた体幹左右駆動の性能評価〜

    伊藤慶一郎, 鶴田功一, 菅野重樹, 中村京太, 岩田浩康

    第11回SICEシステムインテグレーション部門講演会    2010.12

  • 早期治療戦略立案のための非侵襲的出血源推定手法の提案

    伊藤慶一郎, 鶴田功一, 菅野重樹, 中村京太, 岩田浩康

    第11回SICEシステムインテグレーション部門講演会    2010.12

  • Hydraulic Pressure-Based Dominant Error Force Component Identification for Detecting External Force Applied to Construction Manipulator


    Proc. of Int. Conf. on Advanced Mechatronics 2010 (ICAM2010)     313 - 318  2010.10

  • 人間共存ロボットの主体的判断による知能移動

    菅野重樹, 菅岩泰亮, 岩田浩康, 市川健太郎, 金道敏樹

    第28回日本ロボット学会学術講演会     3J.3 - 7  2010.09

  • 油圧センサを用いた建機マニピュレータの外力手先負荷有無システムの開発

    亀允啓, 橋本諭, 岩田浩康, 菅野重樹

    第12回建設ロボットシンポジウム     323 - 328  2010.09

  • A Framework to Identify Task-Phase and Attentional-Condition for Supporting Complicated Dual-Arm Operations


    Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics   vol.22 ( no.6 ) 447 - 455  2010.08

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    The state identification framework we propose supports complex construction machinery operations using a dual arm. Such support requires compatibility with different types of support and commonality among various operator skill levels. Our framework is organized into (i) real-time task phase identification defined using joint load applied based on environment constraints and (ii) time-series attentional condition identification defined as an internal work-state condition classified by the operational support necessity level and dependent on the vectorial or time-series data selected by the identified task phase. Experiments are conducted using the instrumented hydraulic dual arm system for transport and removal tasks, including complex dual-arm operations. Results show that the number of erroneous contacts, internal force applied, and mental workload decreased without any increase in time, confirming that operational support based on our framework greatly improves individual operator work performance.



  • Development of Attachable Tele-Echography Robot by a Bystander at Injury Scene


    Proc. of 2010 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation (ICMA’10)     1270 - 1275  2010.08

  • Pressure Control on Whole Surface of Human-mimetic Multi-fingered Hand with Tactile Sensing


    Proc. of the SICE Annual Conference 2010     436 - 438  2010.08

  • A Practical Approach to Detecting External Force Applied to Hydraulic Cylinder for Construction Manipulator


    Proc. of the SICE Annual Conference 2010     1255 - 1256  2010.08

  • 人間形ハンド・アームによる道具の微細操作に関する研究 —受動柔軟性を活用した動作計画及び把持・作用力・軌道制御—

    菅岩泰亮, 江崎佳奈子, 鼠家正則, 岩田浩康, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集     2A2 - C23  2010.06

  • 未知重量・摩擦・剛性対象物に対する把持力設定手法 —受動柔軟性を利用した持ち上げ前特性計測の活用—

    菅岩泰亮, 藤井元気, 鹿貫悠多, 加納弘之, 岩田浩康, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集     2A2 - C21  2010.06

  • Development of Wearable Robot for Emergency Tele-Echography Guided Diagnosis

    Keiichiro Ito, Shigeki Sugano, Kyota Nakamura, Ryohei Takeuchi, Hiroyasu Iwata

    日本生体医工学会講演会’10     FC17 - 1  2010.06

  • 遠隔救急治療のための体幹装着型ポータブル超音波診断ロボットFASTele の操作インタフェースに関する検討

    後濱龍太, 伊藤慶一郎, 菅野重樹, 中村京太, 竹内良平, 岩田浩康

    日本機械学会ロボティクスメカトロニクス講演会’10     2A2 - G28  2010.06

  • 救急搬送時における出血源位置抽出のための体幹適応型RT エコーデバイスBASIS-1 の開発

    伊藤慶一郎, 鶴田功一, 後濱龍太, 菅野重樹, 岩田浩康

    日本機械学会ロボティクスメカトロニクス講演会’10     2A2 - G27  2010.06

  • マニピュレータの運動状態に応じた負荷要因同定に基づく油圧シリンダの外力負荷有無検出手法の提案

    亀允啓, 橋本諭, 岩田浩康, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会 ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会'10     1A1 - A30  2010.06

  • A Framework of State Identification for Operational Support based on Task-Phase and Attentional-Condition Identification


    Proc. of IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA’10)     1267 - 1272  2010.05

  • 搬送時における緊張性気胸患者救命のための真空圧力装着型自動穿刺ロボットAIDEDの試作

    後濱龍太, 伊藤慶一郎, 菅野重樹, 中村京太, 竹内良平, 岩田浩康

    第26回日本医工学治療学会     82  2010.04

  • 外傷患者のための体幹装着型超音波診断ロボット:FASTele-1の開発

    伊藤慶一郎, 岩田浩康, 菅野重樹, 中村京太, 竹内良平

    第26回日本医工学治療学会     141  2010.04

  • Development of a Dual Robotic Arm System to Evaluate Intelligent System for Advanced Construction Machinery

    Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Satoshi Hashimoto, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano


     View Summary

    This paper reports a newly developed hydraulic dual robotic arm system to create and evaluate intelligent systems, which support complicated machine operations, for advanced construction machinery. This kind of machine system (test-bed) requires functions to quantify its dynamic characteristics and operational difficulty (influential factors). In particular, construction manipulator nonlinearly changes its dynamics depending on various internal and external factors. To quantify such influential factors, our proposed test-bed is equipped with standard hydromechanical system which includes two manipulators and grapples, and practical sensing system which detects control input, oil pressure, oil temperature, and cylinder stroke data. Using the developed test-bed, fundamental experiments were conducted to clarify hydromechanical system characteristics. Experimental results indicate that the test-bed quantifies its hysteresis, pressure loss, and time delay, and show that variable dynamics complicates intuitive and precise machine operations and external force measurement. This analysis confirms the developed machine system is useful to quantify influential factors for creating intelligent system.

  • Portable and Attachable Tele-Echography Robot system: FASTele

    Keiichiro Ito, Shigeki Sugano, Hiroyasu Iwata


     View Summary

    The purpose of this report is to propose portable and attachable tele-echography robot system: FASTele. Focused assessment with sonography for trauma (FAST) is important for patients who have shock by internal bleeding. However, the patient has little time, and transportation to a hospital may take too long. A system which enables FAST more quickly is required. Therefore, we aim to develop a tele-echography (FAST) robot system that can be used by a paramedic easily for shock patient in ambulance or at injury scene. To develop the system, portability and usability (for paramedic) are significant issues. We developed a tele-echography robot system which has 4-DOF. The robot is attached to each roughly FAST areas of patient body (body-based set up) and remotely fine-tuned position by a specialist in a hospital. The robot can control the posture of probe by curvature rails. The mechanism that maintains passively the contact force between the probe and patient&apos;s body surface by using springs enables the robot small and lightweight. Feasibility experiments of FAST are reported.

  • Motion-planning Method with Active Body-Environment Contact for a Hand-Arm System including Passive Joints

    Taisuke Sugaiwa, Masanori Nezumiya, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano


     View Summary

    Human-symbiotic humanoid robots that can perform tasks dexterously using their hands are needed in our homes, welfare facilities, and other places as the average age of the population increases. To improve the task performance of human-symbiotic humanoid robots, a motion-planning method with active body-environment contact was developed. Taking into account the positive and negative effect of mechanical passive elements implemented in joints, this motion-planning method can enables the hand-arm system to establish the active BE contact at the appropriate body-site and to select the joints that perform the movement for executing the given task. Control algorithms for the tool operation, namely, writing with a pen, were also constructed. The motion-planning method was validated through actual experiments on a prototype human-symbiotic humanoid robot.

  • Wearable Echography Robot for Trauma Patient

    Keiichiro Ito, Shigeki Sugano, Hiroyasu Iwata


     View Summary

    The purpose of this report is to propose a diagnosis and treatment scenario by assistance of bystander and echography robot for trauma patient. Quick treatment is important for patients who have shock by internal bleeding. Therefore, focused assessment with sonography for trauma (FAST), which is a simple and quick diagnostic method, was developed as a first lifesaving step in a hospital. However, a shock patient has little time, and transportation to a hospital may take too long. Therefore, we aim at development of a system which enables FAST at injury scene by assistance of bystander. To develop the system, life-saving flow and a FAST device are significant issues. First, we constructed a diagnosis and treatment scenario. Then, we developed a tele-echography robot system which has 4-DOF that a bystander could attach. This robot is attached to each roughly FAST areas of patient body by a bystander and remotely fine-tuned position by a doctor in a hospital. In this way, a bystander may not do an exact positioning. In addition, the robot has a mechanism to generate contact force between echo probe and patient body surface by two springs. This mechanism not only fit in patient body motion but also reducing the number of controlled axis. To confirm the medical applications of the scenario and the robot, we performed experiments with some examinees and doctors. We confirmed effectiveness of the mechanism and that a bystander could attach the robot to each roughly FAST areas of patient body. We also confirmed that a doctor could do FAST with the robot by remote-controlled on the roughly FAST areas in approximately three minutes. These results show that the robot would enable FAST by assistance of bystander, and the scenario would make FAST faster than the time required transporting the patient to the hospital.

  • A methodology for setting grasping force for picking up an object with unknown weight, friction, and stiffness

    Taisuke Sugaiwa, Genki Fujii, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano

    2010 10th IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots, Humanoids 2010     288 - 293  2010

     View Summary

    A methodology for setting the reference value of a grasping force when a multi-finger robotic hand grasps and lifts up an object without knowing its characteristic weight, coefficient of static friction, and stiffness was devised. The grasping force must be set to avoid dropping or deforming the object. To fulfill this requirement, the methodology measures object characteristics by detecting the moment of deformation or slipping according to the deflection of a mechanical passive element. The reference value of grasping force is set according to an upper limit to avoid crushing and a lower limit for lifting up the object calculated from the object's above-mentioned characteristics. The degree of the accuracy of object characteristic measurements was evaluated through experiments using an actual human-mimetic hand-arm system. Finally we validated that the system can pick up objects with the grasping force set by our methodology. ©2010 IEEE.



  • "円柱形対象物の重量による転がりを利用した握り込み制御"

    菅岩泰亮, 笠井栄良, 岩田浩康, 菅野重樹

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門学術講演会   2O1-7  2009.12

  • "能動的な身体環境接触を利用した手腕協調制御"

    菅岩泰亮, 山口泰正, 岩田浩康, 菅野重樹

    第27回日本ロボット学会学術講演会   3C3-03  2009.12

  • "救急移動体における緊張性気胸の遠隔穿刺治療支援RT の開発"

    岩田浩康, 後濱龍太, 伊藤慶一郎, 菅野重樹, 中村京太, 竹内良平

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門学術講演会SI2009講演論文集   1E4-3  2009.12

  • "遠隔救急超音波診断のための体幹装着型ロボットFASTele-1 の開発"

    伊藤慶一郎, 菅野重樹, 中村京太, 竹内良平, 岩田浩康

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門学術講演会SI2009講演論文集   1E4-2  2009.12

  • "麻痺側足底圧を対側肢体にバイパス呈示するBF型知覚支援RT"

    岩田浩康, 菅野重樹, 駒形亮吉

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門学術講演会SI2009講演論文集   1E3-2  2009.12

  • "麻痺手の自己受容感覚を健側へバイパス呈示する知覚支援RT の手指リハへの応用"

    岩田浩康, 菅野重樹, 圓成寺弘希

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門学術講演会SI2009講演論文集   1E3-3  2009.12

  • "脳卒中片麻痺リハビリにおける両肢角度誤差BFシステムの試作と評価"

    岩田浩康, 有村和隆, 菅野重樹

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門学術講演会SI2009講演論文集   1E3-4  2009.12

  • "把持安定性と引裂耐性を考慮した指先柔軟肉設計"

    岩田浩康, 菅野重樹

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門学術講演会SI2009講演論文集   201-6  2009.12

  • "操作型作業機械の知能化に関する研究〜第5報:簡易化基底作業状態を用いた大局的状態遷移の分析〜"

    亀允啓, 岩田浩康, 菅野重樹

    第10回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会論文集(SI2009)     344 - 345  2009.12

  • 双腕作業機の知能化インタフェースに関する研究 〜環境の複雑性および操作者の多様性に非依存な基底作業状態〜

    亀﨑允啓, 岩田浩康, 菅野重樹

    計測自動制御学会論文集   vol. 45, no. 12 ( 12 ) 646 - 653  2009.12


  • A Motion Control for Dexterous Manipulation with Human Mimetic Hand-Arm System


    Proc. of IEEE-RAS Int. Conf. on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids2009)     653 - 659  2009.12

  • "緊張性気胸の遠隔穿刺治療を支援する前胸部装着型RT"

    岩田浩康, 後濱龍太, 伊藤慶一郎, 菅野重樹, 中村京太, 竹内良平

    第18回日本コンピュータ外科学会大会     236 - 237  2009.11

  • Design of Anthropomorphic Dexterous Hand with Passive Joints and Sensitive Soft Skins


    Pro. of 2009 IEEE/SICE Int. Symp. on System Integration (SI International 2009)     129 - 134  2009.11

  • Hand-Arm Coordinated Manipulation using Active Body-Environment Contact


    Proc. of IEEE-RAS Int. Conf. on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids2009)     653 - 659  2009.11

  • "救急搬送下遠隔FASTを可能とする体幹装着型ポータブルデバイスの開発"

    岩田浩康, 伊藤慶一郎, 菅野重樹, 中村京太, 竹内良平

    日本救急医学会雑誌 第37回日本救急医学会総会号     593  2009.10

  • "身体感覚への注意を促すBF型知覚支援RTの片麻痺リハ応用"

    岩田浩康, 菅野重樹

    計測自動制御学会 第24回生体・生理工学シンポジウム論文集(BPES2009)     97 - 100  2009.09

  • "片麻痺リハビリにおける両肢角度誤差BFリハビリ支援システムの試作と評価"

    岩田浩康, 有村和隆, 圓成寺弘希, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会福祉工学シンポジウム2009講演論文集     205 - 206  2009.09

  • "運動感覚伝達装置を活用した麻痺指伸展リハビリプログラムの開発及び検証"

    岩田浩康, 圓成寺弘希, 有村和隆, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会福祉工学シンポジウム2009講演論文集     207 - 208  2009.09

  • Operator Support System based on Primitive Static States in Intelligent Operated-Work Machines


    Journal of Advanced Robotics   vol.23. no.10   1281 - 1297  2009.08

  • 人間共存ロボットにおける生活支援のためのビジョン技術

    菅野重樹, 菅岩泰亮, 岩田浩康

    日本ロボット学会誌   vol.27 ( no.6 ) 596 - 599  2009.07


  • Work State Identification using Primitive Static States &#8211;Implementation to Demolition Work in Double-Front Work Machines-


    Proc. of 2009 Int. Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC’09)     278 - 287  2009.06

  • 油圧駆動型双腕ロボットアームシステムの開発〜次世代知能化建機の研究・開発用プラットフォーム〜

    亀允啓, 橋本諭, 島田陽介, 中島義統, 岩田浩康, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2009   1A2-D05  2009.05

  • 触覚バイオフィードバックに基づく歩行リハビリ支援システム〜第8報:麻痺側加重余裕のBFに基づく筋活動調整手法の提案〜

    岩田浩康, 駒形亮吉, 圓成寺弘希, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(Robomec09)   1A2-L05  2009.05

  • 触覚バイオフィードバックに基づく歩行リハビリ支援システム〜第9報:誤学習抑制のための両肢角度誤差BFリハビリシステムの試作と評価〜

    岩田浩康, 有村和隆, 駒形亮吉, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(Robomec09)   1A2-K13  2009.05

  • 体性感覚バイオフィードバックに基づく手指リハビリ支援システム〜第2報:短期臨床における痙性抑制効能の検証〜

    岩田浩康, 圓成寺弘希, 駒形亮吉, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(Robomec09)   1A2-K12  2009.05

  • 緊張性気胸患者の搬送時救命治療を支援する胸部装置型自動穿刺治療ロボットAIDEDの開発

    後濱龍太, 伊藤慶一郎, 菅野重樹, 中村京太, 竹内良平, 岩田浩康

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(Robomec09)   2A1-M10  2009.05

  • 遠隔救急超音波診断ロボット:FASTele-1の評価〜通信遅れが及ぼす診断性能への影響〜

    岩田浩康, 伊藤慶一郎, 遠藤嘉将, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(Robomec09)   2A1-M08  2009.05

  • 人間共存ロボットの觝触適応行動〜第26報:作業拘束の段階的解除による人間追従性と作業性の両立手法〜

    岩田浩康, 山下福太郎, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(Robomec09)   2A1-D17  2009.05

  • 全面柔軟被覆を備えた人間形ハンドのための接触頻度・寄与度に基づく触覚センサ設計

    岩田浩康, 鼠家正則, 木村謙大, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(Robomec09)   2A2-A20  2009.05

  • 受動柔軟性を活用したハンド持ち替え制御と安定化手法

    岩田浩康, 塩澤裕樹, 木村謙大, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(Robomec09)   2A2-A21  2009.05

  • "操作型作業機械の知能化に関する研究〜第5報:操作支援に着目した作業特性および操作支援フラグの識別〜"

    亀允啓, 島田陽介, 中島義統, 岩田浩康, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2009論文集(Robomec’09)   1A2-D04  2009.05

  • Design of Primitive Static States for Intelligent Operated-Work Machines


    Proc. of IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA’09)    2009.05

  • Design of Human Symbiotic Robot TWENDY-ONE


    Proc. of IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA’09)     580 - 586  2009.05


  • Operation Skill Analysis using Primitive Static States in Human-Operated Work Machine


    Proc. of The 3rd Int. Conf. on Construction Engineering and Management (ICCEM’09)     230 - 236  2009.05

  • Development of Operator Support System with Primitive Static States for Intelligent Construction Machinery


    Proc. of IEEE Int. Conf. on Mechatronics (ICM’09)   Th1C-1  2009.04

  • なじみを備えた多指ロボットハンドにおける手指姿態・触覚情報の汎化学習に基づく操り動作の安定化

    菊池大輔, 笠井栄良, 金天海, 岩田浩康, 菅野重樹

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会    2009

  • "Hand-Arm Coordinated Manipulation Using Active Body-Environment Contact"

    Taisuke SUGAIWA, Hiroyasu IWATA, Shigeki SUGANO

    SICE Journal of Control, Measurement, and System Integration Robotics and Mechatronics (JCMSI)   Vol.2 ( No.6 ) 348 - 356  2009


  • Dexterous Hand-Arm Coordinated Manipulation using Active Body-Environment Contact

    Taisuke Sugaiwa, Yasumasa Yamaguchi, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano


     View Summary

    Human-symbiotic humanoid robots that can perform tasks dexterously using their hands are needed in our homes, welfare facilities, and other places. To improve their task performance, we propose a motion control scheme aimed at appropriately coordinated hand and arm motions. By observing human manual tasks, we identified active body-environment contact as a kind of human manual skill and devised a motion control scheme based on it. We also analyzed the effectiveness of active body-environment contact in glass-placing and drawer-opening tasks. We validated our motion control scheme through actual tests on a prototype human-symbiotic humanoid robot.

  • 操作型作業機械の知能化に関する研究〜第4報:基底作業状態を用いた操作者支援システムの開発〜

    亀允啓, 岩田浩康, 菅野重樹

    第9回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会     405 - 406  2008.12

  • 双腕建機のための操作者支援システムの開発設計

    岩田浩康, 亀允啓, 菅野重樹

    建設の施工企画   Vol.706   60 - 66  2008.12

  • 人間共存ロボットの觝触適応行動〜第25 報:人間追従下における二次的被害防止のための作業拘束解除手法〜

    岩田浩康, 山下福太郎, 平塚和俊, 菅岩泰亮, 菅野重樹

    第8回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会    2008.12

  • 受動柔軟関節を活用した多指ロボットハンドの柔軟対象物把持手法

    岩田浩康, 堀内大介, 塩沢裕樹, 菅岩泰亮, 菅野重樹

    第8回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会    2008.12

  • 手指手掌全面に柔軟肉を搭載した多指ロボットハンドの触覚センサ設計〜人による対象物把持における接触頻度・寄与度の高い部位の導出〜

    岩田浩康, 鼠家正則, 木村謙大, 菅岩泰亮, 菅野重樹

    第8回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会    2008.12

  • ばねによる受動関節機構を備えた多指ハンドのばね剛性設計論

    藤井元気, 岩本国大, 堀内大介, 岩田浩康, 菅岩泰亮, 菅野重樹

    第8回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会    2008.12

  • Services Using DSRC for Autonomous Base Stations


    Proc. of IEEE-RAS Int. Conf. on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids2008)   WP1-28  2008.12

  • Shock Absorbing Skin Design for Human Symbiotic Robot at the Worst Case Collision


    Proc. of IEEE-RAS Int. Conf. on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids2008)   ( WP1-28 )  2008.12

  • Development of an Operation Skill-Training Simulator for Double-Front Construction Machinery (Training Effect for a House Demolition Work)


    Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics   vol.20, no.4   602 - 609  2008.12

  • 遠隔救命支援のためのポータブル超音波診断ロボットの開発

    岩田 浩康, 遠藤 嘉将, 伊藤 慶一郎, 菅野 重樹, 太田 現一郎, 野一色 泰晴, 中村 京太, 竹内 良平

    日本コンピュータ外科学会誌   10 ( 3 ) 443 - 444  2008.10

  • 能動的環境接触を考慮した柔軟マニピュレータの肘関節設計

    菅岩泰亮, 岩田浩康, 高川元, 菅野重樹

    第26回日本ロボット学会学術講演会    2008.09

  • 操作型作業機械の知能化に関する研究〜第3報:基底作業状態を利用した操作者のスキル解析と操作トレーニングへの応用〜

    亀允啓, 河合雄一郎, 島田陽介, 岩田浩康, 菅野重樹

    第26回日本ロボット学会学術講演会   1N2-06  2008.09

  • 双腕建機における知能化インタフェースに関する研究〜基底作業状態識別に基づく操作者支援システムの開発〜

    亀允啓, 島田陽介, 河合雄一郎, 岩田浩康, 菅野重樹

    第11回建設ロボットシンポジウム     335 - 340  2008.09

  • 双腕建機における操作技能訓練用シミュレータの開発〜訓練効果の検証および操作補助手法の検討〜

    亀允啓, 島田陽介, 河合雄一郎, 岩田浩康, 菅野重樹

    第11回建設ロボットシンポジウム     0.329 - 334  2008.09

  • 人間共存ロボットTWENDY-ONE 〜汎用生活支援ツールとしての可能性と課題〜

    菅野重樹, 岩田浩康, 菅岩泰亮

    福祉介護機器Techno+   9月号  2008.09

  • Development of an Operation Skill-Training Simulator for Double-Front Work Machine &#8211;Training Effect for House Demolition Work-


    Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics   vol.20 ( no.4 ) 602 - 609  2008.09

  • Whole-body Coordinated Control for Task Execution and Human Following


    Proc. of CISM-IFToMM Symp. on the Theory and Practice of Robots and Manipulators (ROMANSY’08)     209 - 216  2008.08

  • Development of an Operation Skill-Training Simulator for Double-Front Work Machine


    Proc. of IEEE/ASME Int. Conf. on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics     170 - 175  2008.07

  • New Visco-Elastic Mechanism Design for Flexible Joint Manipulator


    Proc. of IEEE/ASME Int. Conf. on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics     235 - 240  2008.07

  • 生活支援を目的とした車椅子搭載型ロボットアームの開発〜自重補償機構による軽量・コンパクト性を目指したシリアルリンク型ロボットアーム〜

    岡田欣也, 遠藤ちひろ, 菅佑樹, 岩田浩康, 菅野重樹, 森田寿郎, 千原健司, 藤井勝敏, 稲葉昭夫, 長縄正裕, 鳥井勝彦

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2008   2P1-E04  2008.06

  • 人間共存ロボットTWENDY-ONEのデザイン

    菅野重樹, 岩田浩康, 菅岩泰亮

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2008   2A1-D23  2008.06

  • 小型・軽量な柔軟関節マニピュレータのための粘弾性機構設計

    菅岩泰亮, 岩田浩康, 森裕貴, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2008   2A1-G02  2008.06

  • リスクカーブに基づく衝突安全被覆設計

    菅岩泰亮, 岩田浩康, 中村卓磨, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2008   1A1-D19  2008.06

  • "操作型作業機械の知能化に関する研究〜第2報:環境・操作者に非依存な基底作業状態の提案〜"

    亀允啓, 島田陽介, 河合雄一郎, 岩田浩康, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2008   2P1-B20  2008.06

  • 3710 Development of a Portable Wearable RT for Emergent Tele-Echo Guided Diagnosis

    IWATA Hiroyasu, ENDO Yoshimasa, ITO Keiichiro, SUGANO Shigeki, Ohta Gen-ichiro, NOISSHIKI Yasuharu, NAKAMURA Kyota, TAKEUCHI Ryohei

    The proceedings of the JSME annual meeting   2008   253 - 254  2008

     View Summary

    We newly report a tele-echo guided portable robot, FASTele-1 that assists early echo-diagnosis for wounded patients through long-distance. Especially, the robot will be used for primary diagnosis called FAST [Focused Assessment with Sonography for Trauma] looking for in-body spaces filled with blood caused by shock In addition, it can be attached onto the patients body even by novices without expert knowledge who encounters at the scene. Four degrees of freedom involving pitching, rolling, translational movement and adjustment for sticking to the body surface are given to it, A mechanical spring allowing stable contacts with the patient body surface is adopted to reduce an actuator and a corset enabling easily fitting to various body forms is used as a base part. Evaluation experiments indicating FASTele-1 enables to send Sonography of in-body cavity enough for FAST diagnosis by medical specialists in the separated area confirm the effectiveness of the proposed design method.

    DOI CiNii

  • 3729 Development of Biofeedback Rehabilitation Orthotics for Assisting Cognitive-Motor Learning

    IWATA Hiroyasu, SUGANO Shigeki

    The proceedings of the JSME annual meeting   2008   249 - 250  2008

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    We propose a new locomotion rehabilitation RT device, PARTY (Perception-Assisting Robotics TechnologY) that enables the paralyzed to get a perception-bypass communication path via a non-paralyzed-part body for recognizing foot contact pressures on the paralyzed-side. Clinical tests for four patients indicate the locomotion rehabilitation system allow hemiplegia to improve the adjusting capability of foot pressure transitions on the usage of them.

    DOI CiNii

  • 3639 Design of Human Mimetic Robotic Hands Enabling Large-area Contact on Palm and Fingers

    IWATA Hiroyasu, SUGANO Shigeki

    The proceedings of the JSME annual meeting   2008   209 - 210  2008

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    Installation of passivity on the skin and inside joints of the robotic hand becomes a key-technology to remarkably enhance the stability of handling and manipulation. Based on this idea, in this paper a sophisticated mechanism design of TWENDY-ONE hands with mechanical springs in DIP and MP joints and whole-part covered soft skins is presented.

    DOI CiNii

  • Development of a Patient Body-Wearable 4-DOF Robot for Emergent Tele-Echo Guided Diagnosis

    IWATA Hiroyasu, ITO Keiichiro, ENDO Yoshimasa, SUGANO Shigeki, OHTA Genichiro, NOISHIKI Yasuharu, NAKAMURA Kyota, TAKEUCHI Ryohei

    Journal of Life Support Technology   20   119 - 119  2008

    DOI CiNii

  • 屈曲型広圧排面リトラクタの開発と評価

    岩田浩康, 遠藤嘉将, 菅野重樹

    日本コンピュータ外科学会誌特集号   vol.9, no.3   316 - 317  2007.12  [Refereed]

  • 能動的な身体・環境接触を利用した対象物操作の安定化 〜プレーシング作業における衝撃低減効果の検証〜

    菅岩泰亮, 岩田浩康, 菅野重樹

    第25回日本ロボット学会学術講演会, 習志野    2007.09

  • 1P1-M10 Development of an Operation Skill-Training Simulator for Double-Front Construction Machinery

    KAMEZAKI Mitsuhiro, IWATA Hiroyasu, SUGANO Shigeki

    The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec)   2007   _1P1-M10_1 - _1P1-M10_3  2007

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    We developed a new simulator of operation skill training for Double-Front construction Machinery. As for a past construction machinery simulator, the one developed for a lot of educational for dangerous acknowledgment, and to train the operation skill is few. It was simple digging work by the backhoe, and work of the crane. In this research, Double-Front construction machinery which we make a target increases the number of fronts should be manipulated and demands an advanced operation skill. Moreover, the discretion dismantlement and the disaster relief and restoration are developed as assumption work as for Double-Front construction machinery. It is understood that the meaning of the developed simulator is high from these two points. As a result of the proof experiment, we obtained data with a different in the feature transition of expert and beginner's end-effecter orbits. Because the difference was confirmed, it becomes useful as a training machine for the skill improvement by being analyze this in the future and feeding back to the operator appropriately.

    DOI CiNii

  • ”人間共存ロボットの觝触適応行動 〜第24報:ポテンシャル法による人間追従・作業遂行・環境回避の機能統御〜

    岩田浩康, 菅岩泰亮, 中村卓磨, 九谷俊行, 菅野重樹

    第24回日本ロボット学会学術講演会   3K14  2006.09

  • Development of "Patient Robot"; Training robot based on quantitative analysis of surgical technique

    Young-Kwang Park, Yutaka Mita, Eriko Oki, Hiroyasu Iwata, Atsuo Takanishi, Mitsuo Umezu, Yasuyuki Shiraishi, Hirofumi Takemura


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    To establish an integrated evaluation system for a clinical surgeon and a surgical robot, our group has been proposed a new concept; a "Patient Robot", which is a sort of in vitro mock circulatory system that provides various types of coronary disease as a training machine for cardiac surgeons. The development of "Patient Robot" has been done by a following procedure, 1) Measurements, 2) Modelling, 3) In-vitro Simulation and 4) Evaluation. This paper focused on the rolls of 2) Modelling and 3) Simulation. As the modelling phase, Coronary artery and Graft vessels have been modelled by silicone ruber with an instruction by senior cardiac surgeons' sensitive tactual feeling through their interview. As a result of the interview and tensile test of the silicone vascular models, a favourable range of Young's modulus has been identified, which was &lt; 0.1 N/mm(2) (where epsilon=1.0). As for the Simulation phase, the silicone vascular models have been mounted on Coronary Circulation System, which is named "Scoring System". A waveform of blood flow has been obtained by using the "Scoring System" with the silicone vascular models. The waveform was similar to native coronary arterial blood flow. Also, it has been found that coronary arterial blood flow rate is adjustable by controlling the input of the heart rate to the Scoring System. As a conclusion, it has been expressed that it is possible to create a virtual surgical environment which is Able to be controlled quantitatively.

  • 人間共存ロボットの觝触適応行動 〜第21報:触覚刺激の時間遷移に応じた觝触状態推移出力システムの提案〜

    岩田浩康, 菊池大輔, 小林徹也, 菅野重樹

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門学術講演会SI2005講演論文集   2N1-4  2005.12

  • 触覚インタラクション4自由度マニピュレータの開発

    岩田浩康, 蒋 梁中, 菅野重樹

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門学術講演会SI2005講演論文集   1G3-5  2005.12

  • Human-Robot-Contact-State Identification Based on Tactile Recognition


    IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics   vol.52, no.6   1468 - 1477  2005.12

  • Control System and Mechanism Design for Human-Robot Safe Physical Interaction


    TUM presents: Frontier Sciences at The University of Tokyo and Kyoto University - Workshop 4 on Humanoid Robots: Locomotion and Cognition, Tokyo (Japan)    2005.10

  • 操作力多面体に基づく力方向操作性と安定性を考慮した力作業姿勢制御

    梶尾祐介, 岩田浩康, 徳舛佳洋, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集   2A1-S-047  2005.06

  • 人間共存ロボットの觝触適応行動 〜第20報:環境との接触を回避しつつ人間追従性と作業性の両立が可能な全身運動制御〜

    中村卓磨, 岩田浩康, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集   2A1-N-060  2005.06

  • 人間共存ロボットの觝触適応行動 〜第19報:受け手の状態を考慮した觝触動作生成モデルの提案〜

    岩田浩康, 小林徹也, 小橋征爾, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集   2A1-N-056  2005.06

  • Design of anthropomorphic 4-DOF tactile interaction manipulator with passive joints

    H Iwata, S Kobashi, T Aono, S Sugano


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    In this paper, we describe the design method of an anthropomorphic 4-DOF tactile interaction manipulator with mechanically passive joints giving robots to accomplish high performance force-following and tactile-based contact state recognition despite physical interference and contact with humans occurring at links and at joints. The shape and appearance of this manipulator was based on statistical data on the Japanese male physique to allow for human-like contact interaction recognition. Joint are passively compliant, consisting of a mechanical leaf spring and rotary damper giving the manipulator high passivity. Cylindrical or spherical surfaces of the body including the elbow and wrist are overlaid with distributed tactile sensors acquiring accurate contact information. Evaluation experiments indicate that the manipulator provides high performance of force-following and tactile stimulation measurement, during physical interference and contact with humans and confirmed its effectiveness in improving human/robot symbiosis.

  • 触覚に基づく人間・ロボット触れあい状況識別

    岩田浩康, 蒋 梁中, 菅野重樹

    計測自動制御学会第5回システムインテグレーション部門学術講演会   2D4-5  2004.12

  • Human Robot Interference Adapting Control Coordinating Human Following and Task Execution


    Proc. of IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS’04)     2879 - 2885  2004.10

  • 人間共存ロボットの觝触適応行動〜第18報:受動柔軟関節と全面に触覚機能を備えた肘・手首の開発〜

    岩田浩康, 小橋征爾, 青野達人, 小林徹也, 菅野重樹

    第22回日本ロボット学会学術講演会   3E21  2004.09

  • 人間共存ロボットの觝触適応行動〜第17報:受け手の觝触特徴量推定に基づく能動的觝触認知〜

    岩田浩康, 亀村隆史, 小林徹也, 菅野重樹

    第22回日本ロボット学会学術講演会   3E22  2004.09

  • 人間共存ロボットの觝触適応行動〜第16報:能動的觝触認知のための触覚・運動情報の統合化処理〜

    岩田浩康, 亀村隆史, 小林徹也, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会   2P2-H-39  2004.06

  • 人間共存ロボットの觝触適応行動〜第15報:触覚インタラクションアーム肘・手首関節の設計〜

    岩田浩康, 小橋征爾, 青野達人, 高野恭一, 小林徹也, 亀村隆史, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会   2P2-H-38  2004.06

  • 人間共存ロボットのための接触制御システム

    岩田浩康, 蒋 梁中, 菅野重樹

    第4回SICEシステムインテグレーション部門講演会   paper no.1F2-6  2003.12

  • A System Design for Tactile Recognition of Human-Robot Contact State


    Proc. of IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS’03)     7 - 12  2003.10

  • 人間共存ロボットの觝触適応行動〜第14報:関節可動部における触覚インタフェース〜

    岩田浩康, 亀村隆史, 小林徹也, 菅野重樹

    第21回日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集   paper no.3H35  2003.09

  • 人間共存ロボットの觝触適応行動〜第13報:觝触認知性能に応じた触覚センサ仕様の導出〜

    岩田浩康, 小林徹也, 亀村隆史, 菅野重樹

    第21回日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集   paper no.3H34  2003.09

  • Compliance Control of Mobile Manipulators


    Workshop on "New Developments in Mobile Robot Manipulation" IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation    2003.09

  • Quantification of Human-Robot Physical Contact States based on Tactile Sensing


    Proc. of IEEE/ASME Int. Conf. on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM’03)     610 - 615  2003.07

  • 人間共存ロボットの觝触適応行動〜第12報:触覚機能を備えた肘関節の試作〜

    岩田浩康, 亀村隆史, 菅野重樹

    日本機会学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会(Robomec'03)   1p1-3F-C5  2003.05

  • 作業性と人間追従性を両立する動作制御手法

    岩田浩康, 星野勇人, 森田寿郎, 菅野重樹

    日本ロボット学会誌   vol.21,no.1   118 - 125  2003.01

  • 人間共存ロボットの觝触適応行動〜第11報:觝触認知構築手段の提案〜

    岩田浩康, 冨田邦嗣, 亀村隆史, 菅野重樹

    第20回日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集   3D33  2002.09

  • 人間共存ロボットのための全身触覚インタフェース

    岩田浩康, 星野勇人, 森田寿郎, 菅野重樹

    日本ロボット学会誌   vol.20,no.5   543 - 549  2002.07

  • 人間共存ロボットの觝触適応行動〜第10報:触覚情報分析に基づく觝触状態識別システムの設計〜

    岩田浩康, 冨田邦嗣, 亀村隆史, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会ロボティクスメカトロニクス講演会講演論文集   2A1-K11  2002.06

  • Whole-body Covering Tactile Interface for Human Robot Coordination


    Proc. of IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA’02)   vol.3   3818 - 3824  2002.05

  • Humanoid robots in Waseda University - Hadaly-2 and WABIAN

    S Hashimoto, S Narita, H Kasahara, K Shirai, T Kobayashi, A Takanishi, S Sugano, J Yamaguchi, H Sawada, H Takanobu, K Shibuya, T Morita, T Kurata, N Onoe, K Ouchi, T Noguchi, Y Niwa, S Nagayama, H Tabayashi, Matsui, I, M Obata, H Matsuzaki, A Murasugi, T Kobayashi, S Haruyama, T Okada, Y Hidaki, Y Taguchi, K Hoashi, E Morikawa, Y Iwano, D Araki, J Suzuki, M Yokoyama, Dawa, I, D Nishino, S Inoue, T Hirano, E Soga, S Gen, T Yanada, K Kato, S Sakamoto, Y Ishii, S Matsuo, Y Yamamoto, K Sato, T Hagiwara, T Ueda, N Honda, K Hashimoto, T Hanamoto, S Kayaba, T Kojima, H Iwata, H Kubodera, R Matsuki, T Nakajima, K Nitto, D Yamamoto, Y Kamizaki, S Nagaike, Y Kunitake, S Morita

    AUTONOMOUS ROBOTS   12 ( 1 ) 25 - 38  2002.01

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    This paper describes two humanoid robots developed in the Humanoid Robotics Institute, Waseda University. Hadaly-2 is intended to realize information interaction with humans by integrating environmental recognition with vision, conversation capability (voice recognition, voice synthesis), and gesture behaviors. It also possesses physical interaction functions for direct contact with humans and behaviors that are gentle and safe for humans. WABIAN is a robot with a complete human configuration that is capable of walking on two legs and carrying things as with humans. Furthermore, it has functions for information interactions suite for uses at home.

  • Human symbiotic humanoid robot with whole-body compliance

    H Iwata, T Morita, S Sugano


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    In this paper, we propose a design method of human-symbiotic humanoid robots with whole-body compliance composed of mechanical and controlled compliance, for securing a wide range of dynamic responsiveness to various types of physical interference with humans. First, a design idea of mechanical compliance for realizing quick reduction of impulsive force is described, incorporating softly deformable materials attached on the body surface and passively compliant joints equipped with a mechanical spring inside. Next, we propose a cover sensor that detects accurate external force vectors on the entire body surface, in order to generate whole-body compliant motions based on the tactile and force information detected. Finally, evaluation experiments of physical interference between humans and an actual anthropomorphic robot are presented to verify the effectiveness of the respective compliance. The results confirm that two measures for securing whole-body compliance faculty realize both quick and slow responsiveness to physical interference with humans and that the proposed method is useful for enhancement of human-robot coordination.

  • 把持安定性向上のための指先と関節の柔軟構造設計

    森田寿郎, 林隆志, 須崎春樹, 岩田浩康, 蒋梁中, 菅野重樹

    第19回日本ロボット学会学術講演会講演論文集     411 - 412  2001.09

  • 人間共存ロボットの觝触適応行動〜第9報:触認知の人間模倣〜

    岩田浩康, 冨田邦嗣, 平塚和俊, 森田寿郎, 菅野重樹

    第19回日本ロボット学会学術講演会講演論文集     655 - 656  2001.09

  • 人間共存ロボットの觝触適応行動〜第8報:作業性と人間追従性を両立する動作移行システム〜

    岩田浩康, 冨田邦嗣, 三浦岳大, 森田寿郎, 菅野重樹

    第19回日本ロボット学会学術講演会講演論文集     1265 - 1266  2001.09

  • 格構造の解析に基づく環境モデリングと作業プランニング手法

    森田寿郎, 辻勝長, 足立義仁, 岩田浩康, 菅野重樹

    第19回日本ロボット学会学術講演会講演論文集     283 - 284  2001.09

  • 人間共存ロボットの觝触適応行動〜第7報:作業拘束に応じた移行動作生成システム〜

    岩田浩康, 森田寿郎, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集   paper no.2A1-N8  2001.06

  • Force detectable surface covers for humanoid robots

    H Iwata, H Hoshino, T Morita, S Sugano


     View Summary

    In this paper, we herein describe force detectable surface covers for humanoid robots to realize naturally physical interaction with humans. The covers can detect various tactile and force information, such as accurate external force vector and contact positions, from a widely range of the robot body surface. First a basic surface cover structure composed of a force-torque sensor and several touch sensors is proposed. Next, we present a design method to implement such a cover structure onto dual arms of an actual humanoid robot. Finally, from basic experiments for verifying the characteristics of the proposed force-detectable surface cover systems, it was confirmed that high measurement accuracy of a contact position and force vector is accomplished. In addition, from an application experiment, where some humans actually occur physical interference with an actual humanoid robot overlaid with the covers, it was confirmed that the capability of the covers' sensing even several contacts on several parts of robots' body is effective for realizing high level human-robot symbiosis.

  • Development of a Whole-Sensitive Robot Arm Cover


    Proc. of IEEE Int. Conf. on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV’00)   ( paper no.376 )  2000.12

  • 人間共存ロボットの觝触適応行動(第5報:全身柔軟機能を有するロボットと人間の物理インタラクション)

    岩田浩康, 冨田邦嗣, 森田寿郎, 蒋 梁中, 菅野重樹

    第18回日本ロボット学界学術講演会予稿集   Vol.1   593 - 594  2000.09

  • 人間共存ロボットの觝触適応行動(第6報:作業性と安全性を両立可能な抵触適応動作制御)

    岩田浩康, 星野勇人, 森田寿郎, 蒋 梁中, 菅野重樹

    第18回日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集   Vol.1   461 - 462  2000.09

  • Design Strategies of Human Symbiotic Robot WENDY


    Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics   vol.12, no.3   224 - 230  2000.09

  • Human Robot Physical Interaction Utilizing Force Detectable Tactile Covers


    Proc. of IEEE-RAS Int. Conf. on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids2000)   ( paper no.87 )  2000.09

  • 人間共存ロボットの觝触適応行動(第4報:双腕・体幹を用いた觝触追従動作生成法)

    岩田浩康, 森田寿郎, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会 2000講演論文集   2P2-79-103  2000.05

  • Human Symbiotic Robot Design based on Division and Unification of Functional Requirements


    Proc. of IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA’00)   vol.2   2229 - 2234  2000.04

  • 人間共存ロボットの觝触適応行動〜第3報:双腕・体幹適応のための双腕觝触検出機構〜

    岩田浩康, 星野勇人, 森田寿郎, 菅野重樹

    第5回ロボティクスシンポジア予稿集     254 - 259  2000.03

  • 人間との接触検出・安全制御のための人間形ロボット双腕カバー

    岩田浩康, 星野勇人, 森田寿郎, 菅野重樹

    2000年度精密工学会春季大会学術講演会講演論文集     496  2000.03

  • 力触覚ベーストビヘイビア-表皮センサの開発-

    岩田浩康, 森田寿郎, 菅野重樹

    第1回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門学術講演会論文集     219 - 220  2000

  • Human-humanoid physical interaction realizing force following and task fulfillment

    H Iwata, H Hoshino, T Morita, S Sugano


     View Summary

    In this paper. Ire herein describe the control methods used for a humanoid's compliant behavior following human force and motions while fulfilling given tasks under various constraint conditions during physical Interference (PIF) with a human. PIF is a form of physical interaction viewed from the robots point of view.
    in cases of PIF occurrence, PIF Adapting Behaviors for attenuating physical influences caused by PIF on both a human body and a robots' task are required First a base control method for compliantly following PIF by coordinating multiple joints of the arms and trunk is presented By utilizing this method PIF force produced on several areas of the robot's entire body is efficiently reduced Next, the control methods for fulfilling git en tasks, as well as following PIF at the same time, are proposed rn these methods, the idea is incorporated that if the utilization of redundancy is needed for task fulfillment or constraint conditions and attributes of the given task are changed, the role of each joint needs to change as well. Adapting to the diversity of task attributes and also the necessity of utilizing redundancy, the proposed control methods enable the robots to realize both force following and task fulfillment at the same time. Finally from the evaluation of the experiments, it vas confirmed that the proposed methods realize a humanoid's capability of compliantly adapting to human motions while fulfilling tasks by efficiently utilizing redundancy.

  • Total Design of Body Mechanism for Realizing Human-Robot Symbiosis


    Proc. of Int. Symp. on Humanoid Robots (HURO’99)     181 - 186  1999.10

  • A Physical Interference Adapting Hardware System Using MIA Arm and Surface Covers


    Proc. of IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS’99)   vol.2   1216 - 1221  1999.10

  • Robot Arm Surface Covers for Physical Interference Adapting Motion


    Proc. of IEEE/ASME Int. Conf. on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM’99)     671 - 676  1999.09

  • A Mechanism Design and Control Strategy of Human Symbiotic Robot


    Proc. of IEEE Int. Conf. on Recent Advances in Mechatronics (ICRAM'99)     94 - 99  1999.05

  • 人間型ロボットハンドの義手への応用可能性

    森田寿郎, 児嶋環, 岩田浩康, 蒋梁中, 菅野重樹

    第20回バイオメカニズム学会学術講演会   CD-ROM(1C21)  1999

  • 人間共存ロボットの觝触適応行動〜第2報:動作・感覚情報に基づく觝触状況判別〜

    岩田浩康, 星野勇人, 森田寿郎, 蒋梁中, 菅野重樹

    第17回日本ロボット学会学術講演会   Vol.3   1177 - 1178  1999

  • 人間共存ロボットの觝触適応行動〜第1報:腕部表皮カバーと基本的觝触適応動作〜

    岩田浩康, 森田寿郎, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会’99   CD-ROM,2P1-78-105  1999

  • 人間-ロボット協調作業時の衝突発生状況の分析-事故鑑定工学と動作分析の導入-

    森田寿郎, 岩田浩康, 菅野重樹

    第17回日本ロボット学会学術講演会   Vol.2   725 - 726  1999

  • 指先柔軟性・関節連動性を備えたロボットハンドの開発

    菅野重樹, 森田寿郎, 児嶋環, 岩田浩康, 蒋梁中

    第17回日本ロボット学会学術講演会   Vol.3   939 - 940  1999

  • Development of human symbiotic robot: WENDY

    T Morita, H Iwata, S Sugano


     View Summary

    An objective of this study is to find out design requirements for developing human symbiotic robots, which share working space with human, and have the ability of carrying out physical, informational, and psychological interaction. This paper mainly describes design strategies of the human symbiotic robots, through the development of a test model of the robots, WENDY (Waseda ENgineering Designed sYmbiont).
    In order to develop WENDY, mobility and dexterity of a humanoid robot Hadaly-2, which was developed in 1997, are improved on. The performances of WENDY are evaluated by experiments of object transport and egg breaking, which requires high revel integration of whole body system.

  • Design of Humanoid Surface Sensor for Tactile Interference with Human


    Proc. of IEEE 7th Int. Workshop on Robot and Human Communication (Roman’98)   vol.2   549 - 554  1998.09

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Books and Other Publications

  • VRリハビリテーション : 特性と臨床応用—デジタル化する理学療法

    安田 和弘, 加藤 史洋, 佐武 陸史, 岩田 浩康

    東京 : 医学書院  2021.11

  • 鉱山ショベルの掘削効率化に関する研究 : 掘削抵抗解析に基づく個別要素法パラメータ同定システムの設計

    水嶋 済也, 山村 真司, 佐藤 隆哉, 水越 勇一, 加藤 史洋, 亀﨑 允啓, 岩田 浩康

    日本工業出版  2021.06

  • バーチャル空間を用いた半側空間無視治療支援システムにおける可動スリットの効果検証

    藤本 侑子, 室井 大佑, 小森 瑞樹, 安田 和弘, 佐武 陸史, 岩田 浩康

    (一社)日本高次脳機能障害学会  2021.03

  • 自在化身体論 : 超感覚・超身体・変身・分身・合体が織りなす人類の未来

    稲見, 昌彦, 北崎, 充晃, 宮脇, 陽一, Gowrishankar, Ganesh, 岩田, 浩康, 杉本, 麻樹, 笠原, 俊一, 瓜生, 大輔

    エヌ・ティー・エス  2021.02 ISBN: 9784860436858

  • “[岩田研究室]岩田浩康教授”, 一目で分かる!科研費で選ぶ研究力が高い大学


    株式会社アネスタ  2016.07

  • “遠隔操作での妊婦検査を可能にするロボット”, 『AI IoT ロボット』特集, AERA


    朝日新聞出版  2016.07

  • “まひした足の感覚を背中で感じるロボット技術を活用した歩行リハビリを実現”, (特集) 早稲田の研究最前線!~研究者の挑戦~,早稲田学報2016年8月号


    早稲田大学校友会  2016.07

  • ROBOCON Magazine, no.64


    オーム社  2009.06

  • 建設の施工企画 (No.706)

    岩田浩康, 亀崎允啓, 菅野重樹

    日本建設機械化協会  2008.12

  • 福祉介護機器Techno+

    菅野重樹, 岩田浩康, 菅岩泰亮

    日本工業出版  2008.09

▼display all


  • Miruoto : Sports event atmosphere visual rendering through real-time image and sound processing system.

    Guillaume Gourmelen, Shutaro Toriya, Eiko Miya, Naohisa Shioura, Hiroyasu Iwata

    SIGGRAPH Emerging Technologies 

    Presentation date: 2024

    Event date:
  • Development of a System Integrating Immersive VR and Vibrotactile Feedback to Reduce Visual Dependence in Postural Control: A Feasibility Study in Young Healthy Participants

    Jing-Chen Hong, Kazuhiro Yasuda, Qiutung Xu, Hiroyasu Iwata

    2023 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO)  IEEE

    Presentation date: 2023.12

    Event date:
  • 呼吸性変動を有する腹部への高精度連続穿刺手法の構築 呼吸性変動による誤差発生モデルの設計と評価

    大井 啓奨, 齋藤 遼平, 小川 拓真, 岩田 浩康

    日本コンピュータ外科学会誌  (一社)日本コンピュータ外科学会

    Presentation date: 2023.11

    Event date:
  • 呼吸性変動を有する腹部への高精度連続穿刺手法の構築 周期内誤差を最小化する刺入タイミングの導出

    浜野 竜輔, 齋藤 遼平, 小川 拓真, 大井 啓奨, 岩田 浩康

    日本コンピュータ外科学会誌  (一社)日本コンピュータ外科学会

    Presentation date: 2023.11

    Event date:
  • Overview of JST Inami JIZAI Body Project:Construction of JIZAI Body and JIZAI Technology

    Presentation date: 2023.05

    Event date:
  • 没入型VRによるリハビリテーション支援 : 特性と臨床応用—Immersive VR-based Rehabilitation Support System : Characteristics and Clinical Applications—特集 臨床応用を目指した医療福祉ロボットシステムの開発

    安田 和弘, 岩田 浩康

    日本ロボット学会誌 = Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan / 日本ロボット学会 編  東京 : 日本ロボット学会 ; 1983-

    Presentation date: 2023.05

    Event date:
  • Operation State Identification Method that Allows Extended Search and Registration of Novel Operation State for Unmanned Construction

    本橋周太郎, 水越勇一, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2023

    Event date:
  • Neuro Rehabilitation Method Preventing the Collapse of Internal Model-Verification of unconscious motor change caused by implicit error involved in multimodal sensory FBs-

    鶴田千紘, YANG Xinyi, 鳥谷周太朗, 西村喜一, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2023

    Event date:
  • 半側空間無視患者に対する単純/複雑な提示刺激に対する時空間的な反応分析-没入型VRを用いた3次元的検証-

    越野晶, 安田和弘, 高澤彩紀, 川口俊太朗, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2023

    Event date:
  • 仰臥位連続歩行における随意性の維持を可能とする感覚FBの経時的調整手法の構築

    鶴田千紘, 鳥谷周太朗, 西村喜一, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2023

    Event date:
  • Construction of High-Precision Continuous Puncture Method to Abdomen with Respiratory Variation-Design and Evaluation of Error Generation Model Due to Respiratory Variation-

    大井啓奨, 齋藤遼平, 小川拓真, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2023

    Event date:
  • Construction of High-Precision Continuous Puncture Method to Abdomen with Respiratory Variation-Derivation of Insertion Timing that Minimizes Intra-Cycle Errors-

    浜野竜輔, 齋藤遼平, 小川拓真, 大井啓奨, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2023

    Event date:
  • 着座式心エコー検査ロボットの開発-適性姿勢へ誘導可能な座面支持機構-

    森田真由, 志田優樹, 塩谷哲規, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2023

    Event date:
  • 着座式心エコー検査ロボットの開発-プローブ押付力と画像鮮明性の関係の評価-

    橋本知篤, 志田優樹, 熊谷颯杜, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2023

    Event date:
  • 医師の5種触察を再現する触診ハンドに関する研究-2指つまみ揺動を可能とする回内外・並進関節機構の設計-

    竹田隼, 加藤史洋, 神島海音, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2023

    Event date:
  • 心エコー検査ロボットのビジュアルサーボ技術-傍胸骨左縁を起点とした心尖部の探索手法-

    熊谷颯杜, 志田優樹, 橋本知篤, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2023

    Event date:
  • 着座式心エコー検査ロボットの開発-身体側屈負荷定量システムの開発-

    志田優樹, 塩谷哲規, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2023

    Event date:
  • Development of a VR Training System for improvement of multitasking ability-Effective attentional resource expansion through graded cognitive burden-

    Suzuki Kouta, Iwasaki Yukiko, Sugimoto Maki, Nishida Nonoka, Teo Theophilus, Fukuoka Masaaki, Kato Fumihiro, IWATA Hiroyasu

    The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec)  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers

    Presentation date: 2023

    Event date:

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    When the robot arm is manipulated simultaneously with the natural body, it becomes multitasking, which places a significant burden on human cognitive abilities. We hypothesize that training that applies moderate attentional load in stages will expand the amount of effective attentional resource and improve multitasking ability. Therefore, we constructed two VR environments: a training stage to expand attentional resource by applying graded attentional load, and a test stage to evaluate the amount of attentional resource. We conducted several sets of training and evaluated the effective attentional resource in the test stage before and after the training, and compared the evaluations. The results suggested that training with graded attentional load can expand the effective attentional resources.

  • Proposal of a method for evaluating the severity of Object centered neglect according to environmental complexity.

    KOSHINO Akira, YASUDA Kazuhiro, TAKAZAWA Saki, KAWAGUCHI Shuntaro, IWATA Hiroyasu

    The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec)  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers

    Presentation date: 2023

    Event date:

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    Unilateral spatial neglect (USN) occurs as a sequela of stroke. Especially, Object centered neglect (OCN) ignores the half side of the object bordering the midline of the object. Conventional assessment methods are considered to be cognitively burdensome to patients due to the large number of attention-obstructing objects. Therefore, we aimed to evaluate the severity of OCN spatially according to the environmental complexity. Symptoms of OCN are characterized by ignoring the missing range of the missing sphere. Using this feature, we developed a system that can present a missing sphere in a VR-Space and evaluate symptoms by location according to whether or not the missing sphere is recognized. Furthermore, this system can adjust the environmental complexity and evaluate the severity of symptoms at each location. Using this system, we tested one patient with USN by changing the environmental complexity. The results suggest that OCN becomes more severe with increasing environmental complexity.

  • Automated Auscultation Robot System toward Eliminating Gender-Bias-Suppression Method of Acoustic Attenuation due to Clothing-

    Tsumura Ryosuke, Umezawa Akihiro, Morishima Yuko, Iwata Hiroyasu, Yoshinaka Kiyoshi

    The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec)  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers

    Presentation date: 2023

    Event date:

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    For patients who are often embarrassed and uncomfortable for exposing and touching their breasts to physicians of different gender during auscultation, we are developing a robotic system performing auscultation over clothing. As the technical issue, the sound obtained through the clothing is often attenuated. This study aims to investigate the clothing-induced acoustic attenuation and develop a suppression method of it. Our hypothesis is that the attenuation is improved by compressing clothing and shorten the sound propagation distance. Then, the amplitude spectrum of heart sound is obtained over several clothes of different thicknesses and materials in a phantom study and human trial at varying contact forces with a developed passive-actuated end-effector. Our results demonstrated the feasibility of the attenuation suppression method by applying an optimum contact force, which varied on the clothing condition, in the phantom experiments and human trials.

  • Research on Attention Management in Multi-presence- Verification of performance improvement effect by residual attention to extended body groups group according to subjective and bird's-eye view -

    Tsuji Ayumu, IWASAKI Yukiko, NISHIDA Nonoka, KATO Fumihiro, IWATA Hiroyasu

    The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec)  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers

    Presentation date: 2023

    Event date:

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    In recent years, research on augmented bodies that extend the capabilities of the human body has attracted much attention. Multi-presence, the topic of this paper, is one of the extended body studies, and is a system in which multiple extended bodies are operated by a single person. Until now, the role of presence in the parallel and multiple manipulation of extended bodies has not been clarified. From the validation test, subjective images with a high sense of presence were more likely to sustain residual attention associated with attention switching than overhead images with a low sense of presence, and task performance was improved. Thus, the results suggest the usefulness of increasing the sense of presence for each task when designing multi-presence.

  • Analysis of badminton/receiving skills using a real-time three-dimensional center-of-gravity measurement system without spatial constraints-Verification of the effect of reaction steps on receive-response behavior -

    ZHAO Jianbo, AIHARA Shinpei, TANAKA Shotaro, IWATA Hiroyasu

    The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec)  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers

    Presentation date: 2023

    Event date:

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    In badminton, the effectiveness of the reaction step (RS), which accompanies three-dimensional movement of the center of gravity, has been reported to improve receiving skills. RS is a technique to acquire the elastic force of the leg muscles and tendons by jumping lightly to quickly move the center of gravity. However, at present, the evaluation is limited to the laboratory environment, so a system that can measure the center of gravity during play is required. The purpose of this research is to develop the above system and to verify the effect of RS on the receiving motion.

  • Study on Robotic Palpation Hand- Interviews with dermatologists regarding palpation and classification of palpation movements -

    TAKEDA Hayato, KATO Fumihito, KAMISHIMA Kaito, IWATA Hiroyasu

    The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec)  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers

    Presentation date: 2023

    Event date:

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    Palpation is a noninvasive and quick medical procedure that can be used to estimate disease by directly touching the affected area. Palpation is a skill passed down from master to apprentice through experience, and quantification of palpation and its reproduction by an autonomous robot have not been realized. In this study, to define palpation movements, we interviewed dermatologists who frequently perform palpation in their medical practice, and measured / analyzed the posture and finger pressure during palpation. As a result, the palpation movements of physicians was classified into five types ( "rubbing," "pushing," "pinching," "rocking," and "kneading") based on differences in the trajectory of the fingertips and the affected area condition. Thus the requirement specifications to develop robot hand was achieved.

  • English Title: Proposal of Curved Penetration Trajectory for Reducing Excavation Energy Consumption and Derivation of Tiptoe Advance Direction

    JOGO Satoshi, MOTOHASHI Shutaro, YO Sigen, IWATA Hiroyasu

    The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec)  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers

    Presentation date: 2023

    Event date:

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    Fuel consumption reduction is required at drilling sites in order to realize a decarbonized society. In this study, we focused on the penetration area, where energy consumption is particularly high, and derived a suitable trajectory using curvilinear penetration. As a result, it was suggested that it is possible to secure the target excavation volume and reduce energy consumption at the same time by adopting a toe entry direction that does not cause soil crushing. A possible application of this research is to integrate it with an automatic excavation system. By introducing a suitable trajectory into an automated excavation system, it is possible to simultaneously reduce both the cost and energy consumption of excavation by automating excavation.

  • Extra-fine Needle Deflection Modeling Considering Needle Stiffness and Tissue Resistance for Needle Tip Direction Control in Re-Insertion

    OI Keisuke, OGAWA Takuma, IWATA Hiroyasu

    The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec)  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers

    Presentation date: 2023

    Event date:

     View Summary

    It is important to aim for minimally invasive and highly efficient procedures with insertion robots. In this paper, we modeled the manual technique in order to introduce the puncture error correction method used in the manual procedure to the robot. In modeling, we considered that the state of the needle in the tissue is determined by the rotational motion of the needle and the mechanical interaction between the needle and the tissue. The tissue resistance was assumed to be an equivariant distributed load. To validate the model, we compared the shape of the needle bent in a PVC phantom with that of the model. The results showed that the error was less than 3 mm in all trials, which is within the acceptable range. This suggests the usefulness of the model presented in this study.

  • 脳卒中患者の感覚補完を意図した体性感覚型バイオフィードバックシステムの開発—バイオフィードバック再考

    安田 和弘, 岩田 浩康

    バイオメカニズム学会誌 = Journal of the Society of Biomechanisms Japan / バイオメカニズム学会 編  東京 : バイオメカニズム学会

    Presentation date: 2023

    Event date:
  • Proposal for 3-Arm Motor Skill Training Considering Spatial Awareness and Cooperative Action Involving 3rd Hand.

    Po-Han Chen, Nonoka Nishida, Yukiko Iwasaki, Hiroyasu Iwata

    ICAT-EGVE 2022 - Posters and Demos, International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence and Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments  Eurographics Association

    Presentation date: 2022

    Event date:
  • 没入型3D-VRを用いたスパイクレシーブ技能訓練システムの開発-KVAとHand-Eye Coordinationの向上効果の検証-

    田中翔太郎, 相原伸平, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2022

    Event date:
  • 餅つきVRを題材とした協調作業系における阿吽の呼吸の研究-合いの手による予備動作の効果検証-

    神島海音, 安藤孝三, 岩崎悠希子, 加藤史洋, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2022

    Event date:
  • 急性期リハにおける下肢随意運動の誘発・拡張を目指したマスタスレーブ式両足協調運動デバイスの開発

    鳥谷周太朗, 西村喜一, 岩木将一郎, 安田和弘, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2022

    Event date:
  • 触覚バイオフィードバックシステムが高齢者の片脚立ち課題における姿勢ダイナミクスに及ぼす影響

    児玉謙太郎, 安田和弘, 赤塚智輝, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2022

    Event date:
  • 片麻痺患者における不可知なケイデンス向上が可能な非明示的リズム誘引デバイスの開発と臨床評価

    ラウ シュンケットデイビッド, 洪境晨, 安田和弘, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2022

    Event date:
  • 没入型VRを活用したUSNリハビリ支援システムの開発および検証

    赤塚智輝, 安田和弘, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2022

    Event date:
  • USN個別化治療に向けた3次元無視領域同定システムの開発

    高澤彩紀, 安田和弘, 川口俊太朗, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2022

    Event date:
  • 没入型3D-VRを用いた視覚誘導に基づくPusher Syndromeの姿勢操作手法の構築

    XU Qiutong, 洪境晨, 安田和弘, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2022

    Event date:
  • バットスイングにおける全身協調を促す運動連鎖に関する研究-力学的分析に基づく両脚の足圧遷移適正化手法の構築-

    岩田浩康, 劉超涵, 大西哲平, 相原伸平, 田中翔太郎


    Presentation date: 2022

    Event date:
  • 急性期リハビリにおける麻痺足随意性拡張を目指したアシストシステムの開発

    西村喜一, 鳥谷周太朗, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2022

    Event date:
  • 筋電制御システムと力触覚フィードバックシステムによる身体幅感覚への影響の検証-拡張肢への身体性誘発によるながら作業の支援-

    西田野々香, 岩崎悠希子, 加藤史洋, GOWRISHANKAR Ganesh, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2022

    Event date:
  • 自動車運転免許再獲得を目指して注意機能の改善を図った一症例~没入型VRによる三次元空間での視覚探索課題の効果~

    星野優真, 小林剛, 谷川絵里子, 安田和弘, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2022

    Event date:
  • Implicit modification in visual biofeedback of foot pressure to reduce the extent of gait speed decline during walking training

    LAU ChoonKiat David, 洪境晨, 安田和弘, 大橋洋輝, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2022

    Event date:
  • Verification of intervention effect by attention guidance system according to the subject’s unilateral spatial neglect by immersive virtual reality

    川口俊太朗, 赤塚智輝, 安田和弘, 岩田浩康, 中村美保


    Presentation date: 2022

    Event date:
  • Estimation of Push-off Torque for Individuals with stroke and Proposal of Spring Coefficient Identification Method

    洪境晨, 安田和弘, 大橋洋輝, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2022

    Event date:
  • Development of a Receiving Skill Training System for Badminton-Skill Analysis Based on Shot Attributes, Course, and Shot Combination-

    田中翔太郎, 相原伸平, 鳥谷周太朗, 高澤彩紀, 石部開, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2022

    Event date:
  • Proposal for a voluntary facilitation training method using a supine pseudo-walking rehabilitation robot with multimodal FB

    鳥谷周太朗, 小川拓真, 西村喜一, 楊馨逸, 安田和弘, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2022

    Event date:
  • リンク機構を用いて健常者の歩行軌道を再現した仰臥位疑似歩行ロボットの開発

    鳥谷周太朗, 小川拓真, 西村喜一, 楊馨逸, 安田和弘, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2022

    Event date:
  • 着座式心エコー検査ロボットの開発-鮮明な僧帽弁エコー画像を描出可能な肺気量・体姿勢条件の解明-

    橋本知篤, 志田優樹, 熊谷颯杜, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2022

    Event date:
  • 心エコー検査ロボットのビジュアルサーボ技術-傍胸骨左縁左室長軸断面に垂直な断面群における短軸断面の探索手法-

    寺尾円花, 志田優樹, 熊谷颯杜, 大野心輝, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2022

    Event date:
  • 心エコー検査ロボットのビジュアルサーボ技術-僧帽弁を基点とした傍胸骨左縁左室長軸断面の探索手法-

    熊谷颯杜, 藤井航平, 志田優樹, 橋本知篤, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2022

    Event date:
  • 着座式心エコー検査ロボットの開発-身体負荷を軽減可能な着座姿勢制御機構-

    志田優樹, 菅原真実, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2022

    Event date:
  • Implicit scheme implemented to the spectral calculations for nonlinear hyperbolic evolution equations

    岩田順敬, 武井浩康


    Presentation date: 2022

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  • Jizai Safari: VR Space for Immersive Experience in New Body

    鈴木康太, 岩崎悠希子, 杉本麻樹, TEO Theophilus, 福岡正彬, 西田野々香, 加藤史洋, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2022

    Event date:
  • A Proposal for a New Index to Quantify the Ratio of Near and Far Spatial Neglect Based on 3D Neglect Assessment Using Immersive Virtual Reality Technology

    高澤彩紀, 安田和弘, 佐武陸史, 川口俊太朗, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2022

    Event date:
  • 拡張身体の身体化に関する研究-第二報:身体性誘発による要求注意量の低減とパフォーマンス向上効果の検証-

    西田野々香, 岩崎悠希子, 加藤史洋, GANESH Gowrishankar, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2022

    Event date:
  • Development of an Immersive VR Coating Training Simulator Based on a Dynamic Coating Thickness Distribution Model

    城後賢, 高橋慶伸, 加藤史洋, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2022

    Event date:
  • Robotic Puncture Control Method for Interface Refraction Using an Extra-Fine Needle

    小川拓真, 池田伊織, 高橋慶伸, 齋藤遼平, 津村遼介, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2022

    Event date:
  • Proposal for a Visual/Haptic/Temperature Sensor that Enables Simultaneous Visual and Palpatory Inspection

    LIU Zihao, 加藤史洋, 神島海音, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2022

    Event date:
  • Quantification of Operator’s Spatial Cognition and Their Planning Skills in Unmanned Construction

    本橋周太郎, QIAO Zwei, 茂木匠, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2022

    Event date:
  • Study on Attention Distribution for Supernumerary Limbs in Dual task-Evaluation about Perception Verification Accuracy of Proprioceptive Sensation for Supernumerary Limbs Using Vibration Feedback-

    KAMISHIMA Kaito, IWASAKI Yukiko, NISHIDA Nonoka, KATO Fumihiro, IWATA Hiroyasu

    The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec)  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers

    Presentation date: 2022

    Event date:

     View Summary

    Haptic Feedback Belt is the device which notice the supernumerary arm’s posture which is put on the arm’s user as vibration feedback. In this paper, we examine whether participants can perceive the supernumerary arm’s posture which leaves them with Haptic Feedback Belt on Dual task. Experiment was conducted to compare perception accuracy when they accomplished the recognizing task of supernumerary arm’s posture on Single task situation and Dual task situation. On Single task situation, they accomplished only the recognizing task. Then, on Dual task situation, they accomplished the recognizing task with pouring water into beakers with their own body. The results suggested that they can perceive the posture on Dual task situation as exactly as on Single task situation.

  • Analysis and Evaluation of Paint Film Thickness Variation due to Solvent Volatilization Based on Drying Rate Curves

    TAKAHASHI Yoshinobu, CHANG Fangshou, KATO Fumihiro, IWATA Hiroyasu

    The Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers

    Presentation date: 2022

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    During the drying process of paints, the solvent contained in the paint volatilizes and the film thickness decreases. Since this property is highly dependent on the drying temperature and can affect the quality of the paint, appropriate temperature conditions and film thickness control are required. In this study, a model based on mass transfer theory was developed to calculate the paint film thickness at an arbitrary elapsed time. As a validation test, wet film thickness was measured by a non-contact film thickness gauge and compared with the analytical results. As a result, accurate paint film thickness prediction was achieved by setting appropriate parameters for different drying conditions.

  • Research on Intelligent Drone Positioning for Unmanned Construction-Analysis of the Effects of Difference in Methods of Moving a Viewpoint on Spatial Cognition-

    MOTOHASHI Shutarou, QIAO Ziwei, MOTEKI Takumi, IWATA Hiroyasu

    The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec)  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers

    Presentation date: 2022

    Event date:

     View Summary

    In unmanned construction, accurate spatial cognition by the operator is difficult. In order to solve this problem, we focused on the operator's spatial recognition and moving a viewpoint of drone camera. Since the motion parallax, which is one of depth cues obtained from images, is reproduced by active viewpoint movement, we used head movement to move the viewpoint. We have set Manual Method for operating the viewpoint position and Semi-Automatic Method for operating only the direction and timing of the viewpoint movement as the operation method for moving the viewpoint. Therefore, we analyzed the effects of difference in methods of moving a viewpoint on the operator's spatial cognition, using tasks that do not depend on the operation skills of construction machine.

  • Invention of a New Transmission Mechanism “Shaft-following Gear Mechanism”-Application to a puncture robot for 3D puncture-

    OGAWA Takuma, SAITO Ryohei, IWATA Hiroyasu

    The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec)  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers

    Presentation date: 2022

    Event date:

     View Summary

    It is desirable to use a 25G needle in puncture surgery. However, it is very difficult and robotic interventions have been attempted. The current robot has an angle limitation for puncture with a 25G needle. This is because special control is needed to suppress the deflection of the 25G needle, which is prone to bending, and the actuator needed for the control must not be in the CT imaging range. In this paper, we have developed a new transmission mechanism necessary for the robot to perform puncture without angular constraint with a 25G needle. In addition, we developed a puncture robot with this mechanism and verified its performance.

  • Proposal of AAN-assisted control method using bilateral foot coordination devices to agnostically improve lower limb extrusion and traction force

    NISHIMURA Kiichi, YANG Xinyi, IWATA Hiroyasu

    The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec)  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers

    Presentation date: 2022

    Event date:

     View Summary

    The voluntary motor skills of stroke patients are significantly reduced due to the sequelae. Even in the gait training stage, there are many cases in which voluntary gait is not sufficient, leading to abnormal gait. Therefore, it is thought that voluntary extension rehabilitation after voluntary onset is lacking. However, no engineering support method has been proposed for the entire lower extremity in the acute stage, with a device to improve voluntariness. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to develop an assist system that agnostically improves the extrusion and traction force of the lower limbs using our bipedal coordination device.

  • 探索能力の同定に基づく半側空間無視症状の定量化

    佐武 陸史, 安田 和弘, 川口 俊太朗, 岩田 浩康

    生活生命支援医療福祉工学系学会連合大会講演要旨集  (一社)ライフサポート学会

    Presentation date: 2021.09

    Event date:
  • 拡張身体の姿勢推定のための振動子を用いた疑似固有感覚フィードバックシステムの効果

    岩崎悠希子, 安藤孝三, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2021

    Event date:
  • 脳卒中片麻痺を対象とした知覚支援RTによる立位バランス改善効果の検証

    佐武陸史, 安田和弘, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2021

    Event date:
  • 両足協調デバイスにおける没入型VRによる視覚FB付与に関する研究-VR映像と下肢運動の連動性に着目した脳波解析による検討-

    楊馨逸, 安田和弘, 小野弓絵, 石山敦士, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2021

    Event date:
  • 没入型3DVRを用いた半側空間無視におけるADL改善システムの開発-日常生活環境を反映した可動スリット介入による無視改善効果の検証-

    佐武陸史, 安田和弘, 川口俊太朗, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2021

    Event date:
  • 無人化施工における任意視点からの連続映像を提供可能な巨人視点インターフェースの開発

    喬子維, 茂木匠, 水越勇一, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2021

    Event date:
  • Application and evaluation of a vibrotactile BF system for stroke patients using nonlinear analyses

    児玉謙太郎, 安田和弘, 林勇希, LING Jiayi, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2021

    Event date:
  • System Design for High Efficiency of Intervention Based on 3D Unilateral Spatial Neglect Assessment

    赤塚智輝, 安田和弘, 佐武陸史, 川口俊太朗, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2021

    Event date:
  • The influence of changing body position on unilaral spatial neglect in immersive virtual reality

    川口俊太朗, 安田和弘, 江見翔太, 佐武陸史, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2021

    Event date:
  • Deep learning method for karate motion identification using inertial sensor data

    相原伸平, 相原伸平, 石部開, 佐武陸史, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2021

    Event date:
  • Effect of Support Timing of High-dorsiflexion Support RT on Gait: Analysis of Electromyography and Compensatory Movements in Normal Subjects

    HONG Jing-Chen, 安田和弘, 大橋洋輝, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2021

    Event date:
  • Safety and Efficacy Evaluation of Water-Sensitive Urine Detection UHF Tags

    磯崎祥之, 梅澤明弘, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2021

    Event date:
  • Analysis of Paint Film Thickness Distribution Based on Particle Method Considering Time Series Change of Flow

    高橋慶伸, CHANG Fang Shou, 加藤史洋, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2021

    Event date:
  • 遠隔触診システムの研究(第1報)~遠隔診療の調査と医師ヒアリングまとめ~

    神島海音, 加藤史洋, 加藤史洋, 半田匠, 岩田浩康, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2021

    Event date:
  • Development of a Quidditch Game Environment in VR

    田中翔太郎, 石部開, 佐武陸史, 相原伸平, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2021

    Event date:
  • 拡張身体の身体化に関する研究-第一報:装着型ロボットアームの能動制御と手先方向提示による身体幅感覚への影響-

    西田野々香, 岩崎悠希子, 加藤史洋, GANESH Gowrishankar, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2021

    Event date:
  • Remote instruction system with local augmented body for distant subject experiments

    岩崎悠希子, OH Joi, 半田匠, ALSEREIDI Ahmed, VIMOLMONGKOLPORN Vitvasin, 加藤文博, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2021

    Event date:
  • Strategies for puncturing multilayered tissues with ultrafine needles based on pathway determinants

    池田伊織, 齋藤遼平, 津村遼介, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2021

    Event date:
  • Development of a water-sensitive HF tag for urine detection

    SUN Lu, 梅澤明弘, 磯崎祥之, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2021

    Event date:
  • Evaluation of paint deposition models for robotic painting operation

    CHANG Fangshou, 高橋慶伸, 加藤史洋, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2021

    Event date:
  • Classification of causes of USN neglect based on 3D neglect assessment considering visual exploration

    佐武陸史, 安田和弘, 川口俊太朗, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2021

    Event date:
  • A Dorsiflexion Assistance Timing Identification Method Aiming to Facilitate Voluntary Effort and Suppress Compensatory Movement: A Verification on Healthy Participants’ Stroke Simulated Gait

    HONG Jing-Chen, CHENG Hao, 安田和弘, 大橋洋輝, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2021

    Event date:
  • A Proposal for a Highly Efficient Receiving Practice Method in Volleyball Using VR Environment: Estimation of Low-Return Rate Spike Course by Deep Learning Based on Receiver Pose

    高澤彩紀, 相原伸平, 石部開, 佐武陸史, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2021

    Event date:
  • Evaluation of Puncture Accuracy of a Puncture-Assist Robot Using a Pig Organism

    齋藤遼平, 関根海, 池田伊織, 高橋慶伸, 津村遼介, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2021

    Event date:
  • Development of Monopod-supported Wearable Robot Arm: Third Arm

    OKAZAKI Yasunao, KOMATSU Mayumi, IWATA Hiroyasu, ANDO Takeshi

    The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec)  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers

    Presentation date: 2021

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    The construction work of the ceiling panel is a heavy labor of screwing with an electric screwdriver while supporting the large and heavy ceiling panel by one person. In recent years, with the declining birthrate and aging population, there is an increasing need for assisting devices that enable elderly people and women to perform ceiling panel construction work. However, it is difficult to introduce large machines especially at construction sites such as detached houses, and floors are often not maintained at construction sites, so small-scale and easy-to-move assist devices are desirable. In this report, we have developed a monopod-supported wearable third-arm robot arm that assists ceiling panel construction work at a construction site. The developed robot realizes screwing on the ceiling panel by force control, and also implements swing correction control that detects the swing of a person by the IMU and corrects the deviation of the hand.

  • Research on “Third Arm“: voluntarily operative wearable robot arm-Head Bobbing-type depth indication IF for spatial localization in extended body-

    OH Joy, 岩崎悠希子, 安藤孝三, 飯塚修平, GUINOT Lena, 半田匠, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2020

    Event date:
  • Development of destructive urine detector film using water-soluble resin

    梅澤明弘, 篠田直樹, 和崎海里, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2020

    Event date:
  • 没入型3D-VRを用いた視覚誘導に基づく姿勢制御操作手法に関する研究 体性感覚・前庭覚の入力減弱が重心偏倚量に与える影響の検証

    佐武陸史, 安田和弘, 平井大智, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2020

    Event date:
  • 両脚協調デバイスにおける没入型VRによる視覚FB付与に関する研究-VR映像と下肢運動の連動性に着目した脳波解析による検討-

    YANG Xinyi, HONG Jing-Chen, 安田和弘, 小野弓絵, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2020

    Event date:
  • 転倒予防を目的とした高齢者用知覚支援システム実用化モデルの開発

    今村紗英子, 安田和弘, LING Jiayi, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2020

    Event date:
  • 知覚支援RTを用いた歩行運動学習戦略-補完情報による注意偏在の定量化分析-

    LING Jiayi, 林勇希, 安田和弘, 今村紗英子, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2020

    Event date:
  • Video-based 3D Pose Estimation Method for Karate Motions

    相原伸平, 相原伸平, QU Bingzheng, 石部開, 佐武陸史, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2020

    Event date:
  • Proposal of a performance evaluation test method for destructive urine detector

    梅澤明弘, 和崎海里, 磯崎祥之, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2020

    Event date:
  • Development of Design Method for Batteryless eNFC Devices Using Ultra-thin Polymer Films

    和崎海里, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2020

    Event date:
  • Bone perforation control strategy by CT-guided needle insertion robot-Development of needle guide unit considered buckling-

    泉恒輝, 津村遼介, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2020

    Event date:
  • Verification of the Effects of High-Dorsiflexion Assistive Robotic Technology on Gait with Delayed Support Timing

    CHENG Hao, HONG Jing-Chen, 大橋洋輝, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2020

    Event date:
  • A Motor Learning Strategy for Gait Rehabilitation with a Haptic-Based Perception-Empathy Biofeedback System-Development of an Intervention Criterion Setting Method Based on Uneven Attentional Distribution with Supplementary Information-

    LING Jiayi, 林勇希, 安田和弘, 今村紗英子, 北地雄, 原島宏明, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2020

    Event date:
  • Verification of the requirements for establishing symbiotic collaboration between robots and individuals-Focus on VR rice cake making-

    安藤孝三, 岩崎悠希子, 加藤史洋, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2020

    Event date:
  • Development of Practical Model of Perception Assistive Device for the Elderly to Prevent Falls

    今村紗英子, 安田和弘, LING Jiayi, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2020

    Event date:
  • Miniaturization of markers in registration with geometric markers

    池田伊織, 津村遼介, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2020

    Event date:
  • Needle Insertion Control Method using fine Needle for Lung Puncture-Intermittent Puncture Control Method in Resting Expiratory level-

    関根海, 柿間薫, 津村遼介, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2020

    Event date:
  • Development of a deadband-based two-axis moment cancellation mechanism for the extended body

    HANDA Takumi, IWASAKI Yukiko, ANDO Kozo, IIZUKA Shuhei, GUINOT Lena, OH Joy, IWATA Hiroyasu

    The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec)  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers

    Presentation date: 2020

    Event date:

     View Summary

    The present paper focuses on the physical burden for the user caused by the moment of inertia of a wearable robot arm while. To address this issue, a two-axis moment compensation mechanism based on the use of a counterweight and the assumption of a deadband was designed. This deadband was defined as the range (0 to X [Nm]) within which posture shifts related to the moment generated by the motion of the robot arm in a certain direction could be compensated by the mechanism without the wearer noticing it. After experimental verification of the existence and range of such a deadband in the Roll direction, the boundary values of allowable moment were established, and a one degree of freedom counterweight system was designed to compensate center of gravity displacement in the Pitch direction. As a result, user posture shifts due to center of gravity misalignment were suppressed.

  • Development of severity identification system that considering target objects and environmental factors in patients with USN

    SABU Rikushi, HAGIWARA Akinori, YASUDA Kazuhiro, KAWAGUCHI Shuntaro, IWATA Hiroyasu

    The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec)  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers

    Presentation date: 2020

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     View Summary

    Unilateral spatial neglect (USN) is a symptom of neglecting the left (or right) side and it causes problems in activity of daily living (ADL). In the previous study, we have developed VR systems to improve USN symptoms and succeeded in improving symptoms in some cases. However, the VR systems did not induce positive effect on neglect symptom in ADL. Thus, we considered that there are factors that influence neglect in ADL, and developed a system to identify the severity of neglect considering the several crucial factors. We conducted the clinical trial using the proposed novel VR system in two patients with USN. As a result, our study suggested that adding the influencing factors induced the change of the severity of neglect symptom and these changes were differed from patient to patient.

  • The Proposal of Spiral Ascending Scanning Method for Pregnant Woman Ultrasound Support Robot, Built through the Analyzation of Mechanism of Contact Point of It

    Shida Yuuki, Tsumura Ryosuke, Watanabe Takabumi, Fujii Kohei, Iwata Hiroyasu

    Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan  The Robotics Society of Japan

    Presentation date: 2020

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    The shortage of obstetricians and gynecologist is a serious problem in developed countries. To improve the workflow, we have been developing a robotic platform for supporting the fetal echo sonography, ``Tenang'', which allows for the ultrasound scan following the abdominal surface of pregnant women passively. Meanwhile, the acquired image quality was not constant due to the uncertain contact force between the probe and abdomen. In this paper, we aim to investigate the cause of the decreased image quality through a dynamic model analysis and experiment with a PVC phantom, and to propose the scan method which allows for the stable image acquisition. Thorough the investigation, the relative angle between the probe and body surface caused the contact force and acquired image quality. We hypothesized that the contact force and acquired image quality can be stable by maintaining the relative angle is constantly positive. Then, we proposed a spiral ascending scan that the probe constantly rises on the abdomen spirally. The proposed scan method is verified with an abdominal phantom in the second trimester. The results showed that the variation of the contact force under the spiral ascending scan path was reduced and the image quality was maintained.

  • Development of the evaluation algorithms for karate skills using IMU sensors

    AIHARA Shimpei, ISHIBE Kai, SABU Rikushi, IWATA Hiroyasu

    Transactions of the JSME (in Japanese)  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers

    Presentation date: 2020

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    Our research aimed to develop algorithms to evaluate the quality of karate motions. Kata is the representation of karate’s self-defense techniques strung together into a performance routine. Kata is judged based on several technical and physical criteria including speed, strength, focus, breathing, balance, and rhythm. For this reason, evaluation of karate motions is challenging. In this research, we created a novel dataset of referee scores and inertial sensor data of karate movements. The subjects were 22 members (15 males, seven females, age 20 ±1.3 years) of Waseda University’s Karate club who competed at the international and regional level. Inertial sensors were attached to five body parts (forearms, lower legs, and waist) and the subjects performed fundamental movements in karate (reverse punch, upper level block, and front kick) as the target actions. Subjects performed 30 trials for each action. The quality of each action was scored by an official referee as the ground truth. Also, the quality of each action was scored by subject's self-assessment as the comparison. The resulting data was distributed into the learning dataset and the evaluation dataset. Next, we developed a classifier that evaluates the quality of each action in the learning dataset in three stages. First, the importance of each feature was judged using ensemble learning. The classifier then evaluated the karate motions using handcrafted features of high importance. Finally, the classifier constructed strong classifiers by combining weak classifiers. As a result, our evaluation method was applied to the test dataset. The matching rate of the estimated value and the ground truth was 0.830 ± 0.067 (Mean ± SD). Also, the accuracy of self-assessment was 0.504 ± 0.039. Also, there was significant difference at the 1%.

  • Research on Intelligent Drone Positioning for Teleoperated Heavy-Duty Machines-Analysis of Landmark Recognition Characteristics According to Work Status-

    MOTEKI Takumi, SATO Ryuya, MIZUKOSHI Yuichi, IWATA Hiroyasu

    The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec)  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers

    Presentation date: 2020

    Event date:

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    In unmanned construction, the landmark that the drone shoots is ambiguous. In order to determine this, it is necessary to grasp the cognitive space during the work of the operator. Therefore, we investigated and analyzed the landmark recognition characteristics during the work, using the fusion method of SAGAT (Situation awareness global assessment technique) and direct drawing method.

  • CT-guided Needle Insertion Robot System “IRIS”:- Feasibility study of total system-

    SEKINE Kai, TSUMURA Ryosuke, IKEDA Iori, IWATA Hiroyasu

    The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec)  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers

    Presentation date: 2020

    Event date:

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    In recent years, HITV therapy, which cures cancer by improving the immunity of patients, has attracted attention. In this therapy, high puncture skills are required for physicians because dendritic cells are injected directly into the tumor using a fine needle. In order to solve this problem, we developed a CT-guided needle insertion robot “IRIS” that provides accurate puncture of a fine needle. In this study, we evaluated the puncture accuracy using an abdominal Biopsy phantom as a feasibility study of the total system. As a result, the puncture accuracy was less than the required accuracy ± 3 mm, suggesting the usefulness of IRIS for practical use.

  • The development of the immersive 3D-VR system for identifying HEC perception in badminton

    ISHIBE Kai, AIHARA Shinpei, HAYASHI Yuki, IWATA Hiroyasu

    The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec)  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers

    Presentation date: 2020

    Event date:

     View Summary

    Hand-Eye-Coordination (HEC) is one of the most important abilities in sports. It is the ability to quickly and accurately output to movement from visual information. And it is deeply involved in badminton smash receive. Therefore, it is an indispensable ability for badminton players, and it is necessary to evaluate HEC appropriately. However, in previous studies on HEC evaluation, HEC is evaluated from final result. As a result, information processing is a black box. So, it is difficult to determine which phase of perception or movement has a problem in HEC. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to identify the factors of perception phase in badminton smash receive.

  • Highly Accurate Registration under CT Guide Using Geometric Vectors

    IKEDA Iori, TSUMURA Ryosuke, IWATA Hiroyasu

    The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec)  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers

    Presentation date: 2020

    Event date:

     View Summary

    For a CT-guided robotic needle insertion, the registration to transfer coordinates between the robots and CT image is required for accurate insertion. Our previous work proposed a geometric marker allows for the direct registration between the CT and robot, and showed the proof-of-concept. This paper presents a registration algorithm for calculating the error of 6 DOF by one CT scan to be translated from the concept to a clinical application. To calculate the posture of the marker, we obtained the geometric shape of the marker from changes between a plurality of images and converted into coordinate axes of marker. From the result of evaluation, the error was 1.8 mm and 0.35 deg. The accuracy of proposed algorithm is satisfied for the lower abdominal insertion.

  • 鉱山ショベルの掘削効率化に関する研究(第一報)-掘削抵抗解析に基づく個別要素法パラメータ同定システムの設計-

    水嶋済也, 山村真司, 佐藤隆哉, 水越勇一, 加藤史洋, 亀崎允啓, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2020

    Event date:
  • 管腔臓器穿刺における時系列軸反力に基づく不確定性たわみ検知手法

    松本 隆太郎, 津村 遼介, 井上 峻, 岩田 浩康

    日本コンピュータ外科学会誌  (一社)日本コンピュータ外科学会

    Presentation date: 2019.11

    Event date:
  • 直感的な随意操作が可能な【第三の腕】に関する研究 第十一報:内封される粉体に応じた把持特性および把持力の検証

    天野浩平, 岩崎悠希子, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2019

    Event date:
  • 直感的な随意操作が可能なDetachable Bodyに関する研究 第三報:共在的視認を実現する視界提示手法の比較検討

    飯塚修平, 岩崎悠希子, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2019

    Event date:
  • 直感的な随意操作が可能なDetachable Bodyに関する研究-第二報:共在的作業を実現するシステムデザイン-

    岩崎悠希子, 安藤孝三, 飯塚修平, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2019

    Event date:
  • 片麻痺患者の下肢随意性促進と内部モデル保持の両立を目指した視覚的不可知誤差提示手法の構築

    田郷岡凌, 岩木将一郎, 安田和弘, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2019

    Event date:
  • 子供の新奇性・親近性を誘引するアバターロボットを用いた世代間交流手法の提案

    日下部睦, 関戸郁文, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2019

    Event date:
  • 後付け可能なおむつ用使い捨て排泄物検知デバイスの開発

    梅澤明弘, 篠田直樹, 和崎海里, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2019

    Event date:
  • 下腹部を対象としたCTガイド下穿刺制御戦略-複合組織における境界破断検出手法の構築-

    松本隆太郎, 津村遼介, 澤田将太, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2019

    Event date:
  • 子宮内超音波画像における部位存在確度の空間的連続変化に基づく胎児位置推定手法の構築

    山野元, 渡辺貴文, 津村遼介, 内藤雄貴, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2019

    Event date:
  • 下腹部を対象とした極細針によるCTガイド下穿刺プランニング

    津村遼介, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2019

    Event date:
  • 腹部を対象とした極細針によるCTガイド下穿刺支援ロボットIRISの開発

    岩田浩康, 津村遼介, 柿間薫


    Presentation date: 2019

    Event date:
  • 下腹部穿刺における針径に応じた血液流出量の定量的評価

    泉恒輝, 津村遼介, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2019

    Event date:
  • 直感的随意操作が可能な【第三の腕】に関する研究-第十三報:アーム動作によらず身体接触位置が停留可能な装着機構の検討-

    天野浩平, 岩崎悠希子, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2019

    Event date:
  • 精神性発汗の影響分析に基づく皮膚密着型ストレス検知デバイスの開発

    篠田直樹, 岩瀬英治, 藤枝俊宣, 藤枝俊宣, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2019

    Event date:
  • 高背屈支援RTにおける足部牽引時の背屈動作への影響検証

    CHENG Hao, HONG Jing-Chen, 林勇希, 安田和弘, 大橋洋輝, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2019

    Event date:
  • Clinical evaluation of an implicit rhythmic device that improves walking cadence in stroke patients

    林勇希, 安田和弘, 北地雄, 原島宏明, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2019

    Event date:
  • An evaluation system based on exploratory performance analysis in three-dimensional virtual space in stroke patients with unilateral spatial neglect

    佐武陸史, 安田和弘, 加藤遼一, 川口俊太郎, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2019

    Event date:
  • 作業傾向に基づく支援提供のための適応的作業状態分類~目的特徴量の変動幅を最大化する特徴量空間の抽出~

    亀崎允啓, 板野峻也, 峰田健司, 森島洋忠, 岩田浩康, 菅野重樹


    Presentation date: 2019

    Event date:
  • 重機の遠隔操作性向上のためのマルチカメラ最適配置に関する研究-第三報 搭乗操作熟練者における掘削・配置作業でのパン・チルト角が及ぼす作業効率への影響の実験的検証-

    佐藤隆哉, 亀崎允啓, 山田充, 橋本毅, 菅野重樹, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2019

    Event date:
  • 二重課題を用いた無人化施工におけるCognitive Tunnelingを低減可能な視覚提示手法における認知負荷改善検証

    佐藤隆哉, 亀崎允啓, 仁内智志, 菅野重樹, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2019

    Event date:
  • 操作型作業機械の知能化に関する研究~第13報:重回帰分析を用いた作業分析に基づく操作支援~

    板野峻也, 亀崎允啓, 森島洋忠, 岩田浩康, 菅野重樹


    Presentation date: 2019

    Event date:
  • 主観評価を取り入れた基本入出力ゲイン調整に関する研究~使いやすさと作業効率性の関連性分析~

    松繁怜, 亀崎允啓, 小坂拓未, 岩田浩康, 菅野重樹


    Presentation date: 2019

    Event date:
  • 操作型作業機械の知能化に関する研究~第12報:重回帰分析を用いた作業効率に係る要因解析~

    亀崎允啓, 板野峻也, 森島洋忠, 岩田浩康, 菅野重樹


    Presentation date: 2019

    Event date:
  • 重機の遠隔操作における作業状態の変化に適応可能な拡張現実技術を用いた低認知負荷リマインド手法の構築

    佐藤隆哉, 亀崎允啓, 山下雄輝, 菅野重樹, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2019

    Event date:
  • 災害対応人型ロボット遠隔マニピュレーション作業における操作者の疲労軽減および精度向上可能なスケール・ゲイン調整手法の実機適応性検証

    佐藤隆哉, 亀崎允啓, 江藤孝紘, 水越勇一, 劉楊, 並木明夫, 今井朝輝, 松澤貴司, 橋本健二, 高西淳夫, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2019

    Event date:
  • HMDを用いた脚ロボット遠隔操作時における酔いの低減が可能な注視の典型動作を用いた低認知負荷ズーム手法の効果検証

    水越勇一, 佐藤隆哉, 江藤孝紘, 亀崎允啓, 松坂彩香, 並木明夫, 今井朝輝, 松澤貴司, 橋本健二, 高西淳夫, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2019

    Event date:
  • 片麻痺患者のリハビリテーション

    岩田浩康  [Invited]

    東京大学医学系研究科健康科学・看護学専攻 老年看護学特論/創傷看護学特論  (東京大学本郷キャンパス) 

    Presentation date: 2018.11

  • 救急医工学

    岩田浩康  [Invited]

    東京大学医学系研究科健康科学・看護学専攻 老年看護学特論/創傷看護学特論  (東京大学本郷キャンパス) 

    Presentation date: 2018.11

  • たわみ確率モデルを用いた穿刺パスプランニングの構築

    津村 遼介, Iordachita Iulian, 岩田 浩康

    日本コンピュータ外科学会誌  (一社)日本コンピュータ外科学会

    Presentation date: 2018.10

    Event date:
  • CTガイド下穿刺ロボットにおける刺入方向の輝度値分布に基づいた複層境界・交差角検出手法の構築

    松本 隆太郎, 津村 遼介, 岩田 浩康

    日本コンピュータ外科学会誌  (一社)日本コンピュータ外科学会

    Presentation date: 2018.10

    Event date:
  • 心エコー診断ロボットのビジュアルサーボ技術 基本断面描出のための4D拍動解析に基づく弁位置推定手法の構築

    山野 元, 渡辺 貴文, 津村 遼介, 内藤 雄貴, 岩田 浩康

    日本コンピュータ外科学会誌  (一社)日本コンピュータ外科学会

    Presentation date: 2018.10

    Event date:
  • Ideal Robots for the Elderly

    H.IWATA  [Invited]

    Panelist with two other ones, Prof.Cecilia Laschi (Italy Scuola Superior Sant’Anna) and Prof. Massimilliano Zecca (UK Loughborough University), EU-JAPAN Conference on Smart Society and beyond for Super Aging Era,  (Belgian Royal Academy Brussels, Belgium) 

    Presentation date: 2018.10

  • 身体感覚から見たリハビリテーションとスポーツ技能ーメカトロ技術からのアプローチー

    岩田浩康  [Invited]

    早稲田心理学会教育講座  (早稲田大学 文学部キャンパス) 

    Presentation date: 2018.10

  • 人体組織に安全かつしなやかに適応可能な次世代診断・治療ロボット

    岩田浩康  [Invited]

    特別講演,第86回日本医科大学医学会総会  (日本医科大学) 

    Presentation date: 2018.09

  • ライフ・サポート・ロボティクスの社会実装に向けて

    岩田浩康  [Invited]

    早稲田大学グローバルロボットアカデミア研究所―マテリアル合同ワークショップ  (早稲田大学グリーン・コンピューティング・システム研究開発センター(40号館)) 

    Presentation date: 2018.09

  • 直感的な随意操作が可能な【第三の腕】に関する研究―第7報:搭載動作機能の照合に要する認知的負荷分析

    岩﨑悠希子, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2018.09

  • 直感的な随意操作が可能な【第三の腕】に関する研究-第6報:低認知負荷制御を実現するモダリティの検証-

    高橋翔太, 岩﨑悠希子, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2018.09

  • ロボットレクリエーションを用いた高齢者のコミュニケーションを促進する認知症予防システムの提案

    関戸郁文, 坂本凌佑, 大西哲平, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2018.09

  • 下肢運動支援デバイスとVRによる一人称歩行映像を併用した急性期リハにおける仰臥位訓練システムの開発

    岩木将一郎, 田郷岡凌, 安田和弘, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2018.09

  • 妊婦超音波検査支援ロボットの開発―接触安全性を考慮したプローブ走査機構の官能評価―

    津村遼介, 内藤雄貴, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2018.09

  • 子宮内連続超音波画像の確率的部位同定に基づく胎児長軸推定手法の構築

    内藤雄貴, 津村遼介, 竹内里奈, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2018.09

  • 触覚バイオフィードバックに基づく歩行リハビリ支援システムー第15報:片麻痺を対象としたパイロットスタディー

    林勇希, 安田和弘, 北地雄, 原島宏明, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2018.09

  • 没入型仮想現実による半側空間無視評価システムの構築

    加藤遼一, 萩原晨功, 安田和弘, 川口俊太郎, 大平雅弘, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2018.09

  • 医学と工学の共同事業―遠隔エコー診断支援ロボットの開発研究―

    岩田浩康  [Invited]

    模擬講義, さくらサイエンスプラン,日本・アジア科学技術青少年交流事業,日本科学技術振興機構(JST)  (早稲田大学 TWIns) 

    Presentation date: 2018.08

  • 皮膚電飾技術のエンタメ応用

    岩田浩康  [Invited]

    早稲田大学グローバルロボットアカデミア研究所―NTT Communications合同ワークショップ  (早稲田大学グリーン・コンピューティング・システム研究開発センター(40号館)) 

    Presentation date: 2018.08

  • Life Supportive Robotics

    岩田浩康  [Invited]

    模擬講義, 中国中欧商学院訪日団プログラム  (早稲田大学グリーン・コンピューティング・システム研究開発センター(40号館)) 

    Presentation date: 2018.08

  • 皮膚貼付型エレクトロニクス

    岩田浩康  [Invited]

    早稲田大学グローバルロボットアカデミア研究所―JTB合同ワークショップ  (早稲田大学グリーン・コンピューティング・システム研究開発センター(40号館)) 

    Presentation date: 2018.08

  • 救急医工学―遠隔エコー診断支援ロボットの開発研究―

    岩田浩康  [Invited]

    先端ロボティクスと医療,早稲田大学・奈良県立医科大学連携講座  (早稲田大学 TWIns) 

    Presentation date: 2018.08

  • 心身覚醒RT

    岩田浩康  [Invited]

    早稲田大学グローバルロボットアカデミア研究所―日経BP合同ワークショップ  (早稲田大学グリーン・コンピューティング・システム研究開発センター(40号館)) 

    Presentation date: 2018.07

  • Human Assistive Robot Technology towards Human Augmentation

    H.IWATA  [Invited]

    Keynote Lecutre, Eurohaptics2018 conference  (Pisa, Italy) 

    Presentation date: 2018.06

  • 妊婦超音波検査支援ロボットの開発 ―プローブ走査機構の受動的な位置調整が可能なハイブリッド型高重量補償アームの提案―

    津村遼介, 熊切淳太郎, 内藤雄貴, 岩田浩康

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2018 (Robomec’18) 

    Presentation date: 2018.06

  • 心エコー診断ロボットのビジュアルサーボ技術

    山野元, 渡辺貴文, 津村遼介, 岩田浩康

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2018 (Robomec’18) 

    Presentation date: 2018.06

  • 急性期リハビリにおける麻痺足随意性拡張を目指したアシストシステムの開発

    田郷岡凌, 岩木将一郎, 安田和弘, 岩田浩康

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2018 (Robomec’18) 

    Presentation date: 2018.06

  • 随意操作が可能な【第三の腕】に関する研究 ―第五報:取得方向に依存せず非拘束物体を把持可能なグリッパの開発―

    天野浩平, 高橋翔太, 中林幸輝, 岩﨑悠希子, 岩田浩康

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2018 (Robomec’18) 

    Presentation date: 2018.06

  • 皮膚貼付工程短縮化のための電子化ナノシート構造設計

    篠田直樹, 宮林駿, 隼田大輝, 岩瀬英治, 藤枝俊宣, 武岡真司, 岩田浩康

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2018 (Robomec’18) 

    Presentation date: 2018.06

  • マスタ・スレーブシステムにおける提示映像スケーリングの有効性検証

    江藤孝紘, 亀﨑允啓, 佐藤隆哉, 岩田浩康

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2018 (Robomec’18) 

    Presentation date: 2018.06

  • 災害対応作業の複雑・連続・時限性を考慮したマスタ・スレーブシステムのスケール・ゲイン調整手法の開発

    亀﨑允啓, 江藤孝紘, 佐藤隆哉, 岩田浩康

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2018 (Robomec’18) 

    Presentation date: 2018.06

  • 遠隔診断・治療を支援する先端ロボット技術

    岩田浩康  [Invited]

    シンポジウム:呼吸器内視鏡における新技術,第41回呼吸器内視鏡学会学術集会  (京王プラザホテル) 

    Presentation date: 2018.05

  • 高分子超薄膜を用いた皮膚貼付型RFIDタグの開発

    岩田浩康  [Invited]

    2017年度三菱マテリアル研究助成報告会  (早稲田大学西早稲田キャンパス62号館大会議室) 

    Presentation date: 2018.05

  • ライフ・サポート・ロボティクス

    岩田浩康  [Invited]

    模擬講義, 日本ロボット工業会  (早稲田大学グリーン・コンピューティング・システム研究開発センター(40号館)) 

    Presentation date: 2018.05

  • 知覚支援RTの効果機序分析に基づく歩行能力質的評価手法の構築

    齋地健太, 安田和弘, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2018.03

  • 重機の遠隔操作性向上のためのマルチカメラ最適配置に関する研究-第一報 パン・チルト角による作業性への影響の検証-

    仁内智志, 亀﨑允啓, 佐藤隆哉, 菅野重樹, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2018.03

  • 【N1グランプリ-N=1研究の意義】脳卒中患者を対象としたリハ機器開発におけるN=1研究の意義

    岩田 浩康

    バイオメカニズム学会誌  バイオメカニズム学会

    Presentation date: 2018.02

    Event date:

     View Summary


  • ライフ・サポート・ロボティクスの新展開

    岩田浩康  [Invited]

    文部科学省私立大学研究ブランディング事業「医理工社連携による社会のデザイン」シンポジウム  (早稲田大学西早稲田キャンパス63号館会議室) 

    Presentation date: 2018.02

  • Clinical Effectivenes of a haptic-based perception-empathy biofeedback system for balance rehabilitation in patients with chronic stroke


    10th World Congress for NeuroRehabilitation (WCNR) 

    Presentation date: 2018.02

  • Tactile Bio-feedback based Locomotion Rehabilitation Assisting System-15th report: Pilot study in stroke patients with hemiplegia

    林勇希, 安田和弘, 北地雄, 原島宏明, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2018

    Event date:
  • Development of a supine walking training system in an acute phase using a lower limb assist device and VR

    岩木将一郎, 田郷岡凌, 安田和弘, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2018

    Event date:
  • Development of Ultrasound Diagnosis Robot for Pregnant-Sensory Evaluation of Prove Control Unit in Consideration of Safe Contact-

    内藤雄貴, 津村遼介, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2018

    Event date:
  • Analysis of cognitive load required to collate available system functions with required task functions

    岩崎悠希子, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2018

    Event date:
  • 機械学習を用いた空手動作の質的評価が可能なデジタルジャッジの開発

    相原伸平, 相原伸平, 林綾子, 高田竜太, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2018

    Event date:
  • 没入型3D-VRを用いたレセプション技能訓練システムの開発-基本的運動構造に基づいた動作適正化手法の提案-

    高田竜太, 相原伸平, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2018

    Event date:
  • 穿刺支援ロボットにおける針たわみ検知手法構築-腸管表面における滑り検知-

    井上峻, 津村遼介, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2018

    Event date:
  • 触覚バイオフィードバックに基づく歩行リハビリ支援システム-第16報:知覚共感ウェアを用いた中期的介入による比較研究-

    林勇希, 安田和弘, 北地雄, 原島宏明, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2018

    Event date:
  • 歩行における随意的調整・自動運動の両立を目的とした急性期リハにおける仰外位歩行訓練システムの開発

    岩木将一郎, 田郷岡凌, 安田和弘, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2018

    Event date:
  • 直感的な随意操作が可能な【第三の腕】に関する研究 第9報:身体的作業負荷の軽減のための重心補償機構の設計評価

    中林幸輝, 岩崎悠希子, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2018

    Event date:
  • Pusher syndromeの垂直認知を再較正するための没入型VRリハビリシステムの構築

    平井大智, 安田和弘, 林勇希, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2018

    Event date:
  • 心エコー診断ロボットのビジュアルサーボ技術-基本断面描出のための4D拍動解析に基づく主要領域の同定-

    山野元, 渡辺貴文, 津村遼介, 内藤雄貴, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2018

    Event date:
  • 直感的な随意操作が可能な【第三の腕】に関する研究-第五報:取得方向に依存せず非拘束物体を把持可能なグリッパの開発-

    天野浩平, 高橋翔太, 中林幸輝, 岩崎悠希子, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2018

    Event date:
  • 重機遠隔操作者の視線を作業状態に応じた映像に誘導可能な映像提示手法の構築

    佐藤隆哉, 亀崎允啓, 仁内智志, 菅野重樹, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2018

    Event date:
  • 高分子超薄膜RFIDが生体表面密着時に受ける影響の分析と対策

    隼田大輝, 岩瀬英治, 藤枝俊宣, 岩田浩康

    第18回計測自動制御学会 システムインテグレーション部門講演会(SI2017) 

    Presentation date: 2017.12

  • 遠隔操作導入前の映像提示システムによる直接描画法を用いた操作者の認知地図への影響分析

    佐藤隆哉, 亀﨑允啓, 仁内智志, 菅野重樹, 岩田浩康

    第18回計測自動制御学会 システムインテグレーション部門講演会(SI2017) 

    Presentation date: 2017.12

  • 多層組織における穿刺パスプランニングの構築

    津村遼介, Iulian Iordachita, Kim Jin Seob, 岩田浩康

    第18回計測自動制御学会 システムインテグレーション部門講演会(SI2017) 

    Presentation date: 2017.12

  • たわみと組織損傷の低減を両立する穿刺制御手法の構築

    瀧下雄介, 津村遼介, 岩田浩康

    第18回計測自動制御学会 システムインテグレーション部門講演会(SI2017) 

    Presentation date: 2017.12

  • 下腹部を対象とした CT ガイド下穿刺制御戦略

    澤田将太, 津村遼介, 岩田浩康

    第18回計測自動制御学会 システムインテグレーション部門講演会(SI2017) 

    Presentation date: 2017.12

  • 超音波検査支援ロボットを用いた自動妊婦健診サービスの研究~プローブ走査範囲自動決定手法の提案~

    竹内里奈, 宮西将生, 津村遼介, 内藤雄貴, 岩田浩康

    第18回計測自動制御学会 システムインテグレーション部門講演会(SI2017) 

    Presentation date: 2017.12

  • スパイクレシーブにおけるスポーツビジョン向上を目的とした没入型3D-VR訓練システムの開発

    高田竜太, 大西哲平, 河田俊, 相原伸平, 岩田浩康

    第18回計測自動制御学会 システムインテグレーション部門講演会(SI2017) 

    Presentation date: 2017.12

  • 認知症患者の記憶能力向上を目的とした低強度運動と手指運動を促進するレクリエーションロボットの開発

    関戸郁文, 坂本凌佑, 大西哲平, 岩田浩康

    第18回計測自動制御学会 システムインテグレーション部門講演会(SI2017) 

    Presentation date: 2017.12

  • 触覚バイオフィードバックに基づく歩行リハビリ支援システム -第14報:知覚共感ウェアによる中期介入効果検証-

    齋地健太, 安田和弘, 北地雄, 原島宏明, 岩田浩康

    第18回計測自動制御学会 システムインテグレーション部門講演会(SI2017) 

    Presentation date: 2017.12

  • 近位・遠位空間無視を統合的に治療可能な没入型VRシステムにおける中期介入効果の事例検討

    平野瑞樹, 室井大佑, 安田和弘, 齋地健太, 萩原晨功, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2017.12

  • 片麻痺患者のリハビリテーション

    岩田浩康  [Invited]

    東京大学医学系研究科健康科学・看護学専攻 老年看護学特論/創傷看護学特論  (東京大学本郷キャンパス) 

    Presentation date: 2017.11

  • 救急医工学

    岩田浩康  [Invited]

    東京大学医学系研究科健康科学・看護学専攻 老年看護学特論/創傷看護学特論  (東京大学本郷キャンパス) 

    Presentation date: 2017.11

  • 生体への高適応性を追求する早稲田流医療ロボティクス

    岩田浩康  [Invited]

    東京医科歯科大学/早稲田大学第2回連携ワークショップ  (東京医科歯科大学M&Dタワー26階会議室) 

    Presentation date: 2017.11

  • Human Assistive Robot Technology

    H.IWATA  [Invited]

    Waseda Univ. and Imperial College London Joint Mini-Workshop 2017  (Imperial College London) 

    Presentation date: 2017.11

  • バットスイング時の運動連鎖における体幹動作を支援する振動型BFデバイスの開発

    大西哲平, 相原伸平, 安田和弘, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2017.11

  • 片麻痺歩行リハビリにおける運動支援及び感覚支援を両立する運動・知覚統合支援装置の開発

    齋地健太, 鈴木慈, 安田和弘, 福嶋勇太, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2017.11

  • Construction of a cooperative operation avatar robot system to enhance collective efficacy


    The 10th International Workshop on Human-Friendly Robotics 2017 

    Presentation date: 2017.11

  • Measurement of Conformability and Adhesion Energy of Ultrathin Film to Skin Model


    International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC 2017) 

    Presentation date: 2017.11

  • 組織損傷とたわみの低減を両立する穿刺制御手法の構築

    津村遼介, 瀧下雄介, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2017.10

  • Development of 3D-VR type cueing sytem for stroke patients with object-centered neglect.

    萩原晨功, 安田和弘, 室井大佑, 大平雅弘, 齋地健太, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2017.09

    Event date:
  • Development of the VR-based movable slit system for street-crossing training in stroke patients with unilateral spatial neglect

    齋地健太, 安田和弘, 岩本晃, 室井大佑, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2017.09

    Event date:
  • 触覚バイオフィードバックに基づく歩行リハビリ支援システム-第13報:歩行訓練と加重移動訓練を実施可能な統合的知覚支援システムの提案-

    齋地健太, 安田 和弘, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2017.09

  • 急性期片麻痺患者の下肢リハビリにおける随意機能の誘発を目的としたマスタスレーブ式両足協調デバイスの開発

    岩木将一朗, 齋地健太, 安田和弘, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2017.09

  • 半側空間無視の注意誘導を促す3D-VR型可動スリットの動的環境への適応

    齋地健太, 安田和弘, 岩本晃, 室井大佑, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2017.09

  • 半側空間無視の物体中心無視に対する3D-VR型cueingシステムの開発

    萩原晨功, 安田和弘, 室井大佑, 大平雅弘, 齋地健太, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2017.09

  • 没入型VRによる下肢運動錯覚がミラーニューロンシステムに与える影響

    平井大智, 福嶋勇太, 安田和弘, 大橋洋輝, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2017.09

  • Effect of Living Body on Performance of RF Identifier Antenna Printed on Ultrathin Polymer Film


    International Conference on Flexible and Printed Electronics (ICFPE 2017) 

    Presentation date: 2017.09

  • Epidermal pH-sensor capable of operating only with NFC energy harvesting


    International Conference on Flexible and Printed Electronics (ICFPE 2017) 

    Presentation date: 2017.09

  • Research on the Third Arm: Proposal of a Face Vector Interface for Voluntary and Intuitive Control of a Wearable Robot Arm


    2017 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS’17) 

    Presentation date: 2017.09

  • 側面カメラ映像における撮影対象との垂直度が遠隔操作者の奥行き感把握に与える影響の調査

    仁内智志, 亀﨑允啓, 佐藤隆哉, 菅野重樹, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2017.08

  • ヒトの認知構造に基づいた事前の環境把握映像提示による災害対応遠隔重機作業の効率化に関する研究

    佐藤隆哉, 亀﨑允啓, 仁内智志, 菅野重樹, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2017.08

  • Pre-offering Work-site Views to Acquire Spatial Knowledge from Survey and Route Perspective for Advanced Teleoperation of Construction Machines


    The 34th Int. Symp. on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC’17) 

    Presentation date: 2017.07

  • Investigation on Effect of Angular Deviation from Perpendicular Line to Lateral View Camera on Work Efficiency for Teleoperated Construction Machines


    The 34th Int. Symp. on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC’17) 

    Presentation date: 2017.07

  • 随意操作が可能な【第三の腕】に関する研究 ~第二報:デュアルタスク状態における顔面ベクトルを用いた目標物支持性の検証~

    岩﨑悠希子, 岩田浩康

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2017 (Robomech'17) 

    Presentation date: 2017.05

  • スパイクレシーブにおけるスポーツビジョン向上を目的とした没入型3D-VR訓練システムの開発

    高田竜太, 大西哲平, 河田俊, 岩田浩康

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2017 (Robomech'17) 

    Presentation date: 2017.05

  • 随意操作が可能な【第三の腕】に関する研究 ―第四報:目標物指示のための顔面ベクトル取得アイグラスの開発―

    高橋翔太, 岩﨑悠希子, 中林幸輝, 岩田浩康

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2017 (Robomech'17) 

    Presentation date: 2017.05

  • 随意操作が可能な【第三の腕】に関する研究 ―第三報:作業性と低侵襲性を両立した装着型ロボットアームの設計手法―

    中林幸輝, 岩﨑悠希子, 高橋翔太, 岩田浩康

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2017 (Robomech'17) 

    Presentation date: 2017.05

  • NFC給電のみで動作可能なpH計測デバイスの提案

    宮林駿, 隼田大輝, 岩瀬英治, 藤枝俊宣, 武岡真司, 大橋啓之, 佐藤慎, 黒岩繁樹, 門間聰之, 逢坂哲彌, 多和田雅師, 戸川望, 片岡孝介, 朝日透, 岩田浩康

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2017 (Robomech'17) 

    Presentation date: 2017.05

  • 脚ロボットにおける連続的な移動・手先動作遷移に対応可能な遠隔操作インタフェースの開発

    江藤孝紘, 佐藤隆哉, 仁内智志, 中村早紀, 亀﨑允啓, 岩田浩康

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2017 (Robomech'17) 

    Presentation date: 2017.05

  • 災害対応重機の遠隔操作における操作者視点映像の事前提供による環境把握性効果の検証

    佐藤隆哉, 亀﨑允啓, 仁内智志, 菅野重樹, 岩田浩康

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2017 (Robomech'17) 

    Presentation date: 2017.05

  • 妊婦超音波検査支援ロボットの開発~体表面へのプローブの垂直接触性と接触安全性を両立する受動機構の提案~

    内藤雄貴, 津村遼介, 宮西将生, 竹内里奈, 岩田浩康

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2017 (Robomech'17) 

    Presentation date: 2017.05

  • CTガイド下穿刺支援ロボットのためのレジストレーションシステム -四方斜立角柱構造を有したマーカーのデザイン-

    井上峻, 津村遼介, 岩田浩康

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2017 (Robomech'17) 

    Presentation date: 2017.05

  • 高分子ナノシートの湿潤・乾燥による凹凸形状への追従性の評価

    関口雄斗大, 藤枝俊宣, 岩田浩康, 岩瀬英治

    日本機械学会 関東学生会 第56回学生員卒業研究発表講演会 

    Presentation date: 2017.03

  • Proposal of pH-sensor device capable of operating only with NFC energy harvesting

    MIYABAYASHI Shun, HAYATA Hiroki, IWASE Eiji, FUJIE Toshinori, TAKEOKA Shinji, OHASHI Keishi, SATO Shin, KUROIWA Shigeki, MOMMA Toshiyuki, OSAKA Tetsuya, TAWADA Masashi, TOGAWA Nozomu, KATAOKA Kosuke, ASAHI Toru, IWATA Hiroyasu

    The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec)  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers

    Presentation date: 2017

    Event date:

     View Summary

    Skin-attachable devices are essential to the realization of personalized skin health through continuously monitoring individual's skin surface pH. This paper describes an approach to measure the skin surface pH no matter when or where, just holding a NFC enable phone over the pH-sensor device capable of operating only with NFC energy harvesting. Since NFC can generate the power and batteries are replaced, the proposed device becomes smaller, lighter and thinner. Therefore, it could be attached on the skin by using the ultrathin polymer film called nanosheet. Moreover, the low-power circuit is proposed which implements the constant current circuit and the function of wireless communication.

  • 身体の気づきを高める知覚支援RTと臨床効果

    岩田浩康  [Invited]

    第3回再生医療とリハビリテーション研究会  (東京工業大学大岡山キャンパス) 

    Presentation date: 2016.12

  • 非明示的加重誘導手法の案出および荷重移動課題への適用 -荷重移動課題におけるウェーバー比の導出および検証実験-

    安田和弘, 堀川峻太郎, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2016.12

  • 組織表面穿刺における極細針のたわみ推定モデル

    津村遼介, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2016.12

  • 極細針を用いた腸管穿刺におけるたわみの実験分析

    下島海, 津村遼介, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2016.12

  • 高背屈支援RTのための荷重応答期における背屈モーメント決定因子の分析と検討

    鈴木慈, 福嶋勇太, 安田和弘, 大橋洋輝, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2016.12

  • セットフォーム習得支援RTがフリースロー技能に与える影響の検証

    河田俊, 安田和弘, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2016.12

  • ウォード法を用いた複数映像提供型遠隔操作における視線パターンのクラスタリング

    佐藤隆哉, 亀崎允啓, 菅野重樹, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2016.12

  • 操作型作業機械の知能化に関する研究~第11報:操作量ヒストグラムを用いた操作者の技能分析~

    亀崎允啓, 佐藤淳平, 小坂拓未, 岩田浩康, 菅野重樹


    Presentation date: 2016.12

  • 妊婦超音波健診における胎児の三次元画像データベース生成手法の提案

    竹内里奈, 津村遼介, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2016.12

  • 片麻痺荷重訓練における不安低減及び運動学習のための非明示的加重誘導手法 ~前後加重を非明示的に実現するウェーバー比の導出実験~

    堀川峻太郎, 安田和弘, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2016.12

  • 世界初のロボットをどう生み出すか?

    岩田浩康  [Invited]

    模擬講義, 前橋高等学校  (早稲田大学西早稲田キャンパス) 

    Presentation date: 2016.11

  • ロボット技術による人間支援

    岩田浩康  [Invited]

    高齢社会デザイン研究会, 情報処理学会(IPSJ)  (東京大学本郷キャンパス) 

    Presentation date: 2016.11

  • ヒトの技能や心身機能を拡張する人間支援RT

    岩田浩康  [Invited]

    EWE三月会  (日比谷市政会館) 

    Presentation date: 2016.11

  • バットスイングにおける運動連鎖を支援する音声リズムBFデバイスの開発-上半身に着目したデバイス有効性の検証-

    大西哲平, 河田俊, 安田和弘, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2016.11

  • パーキンソン病の歩行異常に対する牽引力錯覚を用いた矛盾性運動誘発デバイスの開発

    保科智啓, 福嶋勇太, 森崎寿文, 安田和弘, 大橋洋輝, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2016.11

  • 片麻痺患者のリハビリテーション

    岩田浩康  [Invited]

    東京大学医学系研究科健康科学・看護学専攻 老年看護学特論/創傷看護学特論,  (東京大学本郷キャンパス) 

    Presentation date: 2016.10

  • 救急医工学

    岩田浩康  [Invited]

    東京大学医学系研究科健康科学・看護学専攻 老年看護学特論/創傷看護学特論  (東京大学本郷キャンパス) 

    Presentation date: 2016.10

  • 最先端研究:リハビリ支援ロボット ~知覚の支援から運動の誘発まで~

    岩田浩康  [Invited]

    早稲田大学オープンカレッジ 「最新!早稲田のロボット学」  (早稲田大学エクステンションセンター早稲田校) 

    Presentation date: 2016.09

  • 最先端研究:医療支援ロボット ~妊婦検診/次世代がん治療の支援~

    岩田浩康  [Invited]

    早稲田大学オープンカレッジ 「最新!早稲田のロボット学」  (早稲田大学エクステンションセンター早稲田校) 

    Presentation date: 2016.09

  • 新展開:第3の腕,スポーツ支援RT,ナノシートを用いたウェアラブルデバイス

    岩田浩康  [Invited]

    早稲田大学オープンカレッジ 「最新!早稲田のロボット学」  (早稲田大学エクステンションセンター早稲田校) 

    Presentation date: 2016.09

  • 背屈・外反動作を独立に支援可能な内反尖足患者のための下腿フィッティング型足関節支援RTの開発

    田中元基, 福嶋勇太, 安田和弘, 保科智啓, 鈴木慈, 大橋洋輝, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2016.09

  • 半側空間無視の近位・遠位空間無視を統合的に治療可能な没入型VR治療システムの開発

    安田和弘, 室井大祐, 大平雅弘, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2016.09

  • 触覚バイオフィードバックに基づく歩行リハビリ支援システム -第12報:足接地パターンの背部への振動付与に対する歩行適応過程の検証-

    齋地健太, 安田和弘, 北地雄, 貝吹奈緒美, 原島宏明, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2016.09

  • 脳神経系の活性化とリハビリ支援ロボット

    岩田浩康  [Invited]

    早稲田大学オープンカレッジ 「最新!早稲田のロボット学」  (早稲田大学エクステンションセンター早稲田校) 

    Presentation date: 2016.08

  • がん免疫細胞療法を支援する腫瘍内穿刺ロボットの開発研究

    岩田浩康  [Invited]

    早稲田大学・がん研究会研究交流会  (がん研究会有明病院レセプションルーム) 

    Presentation date: 2016.07

  • 高分子超薄膜を用いた皮膚接着型生体計測デバイスの技術開発と応用

    岩田浩康  [Invited]

    次世代ISFET研究会  (早稲田大学120号館1階会議室) 

    Presentation date: 2016.07

  • 急性期脳卒中患者の半側空間無視に対して「視覚注意誘導刺激(スリットスクリーン法)」の治療検討

    黒木 洋美, 竹内貴哉, 安田 和弘, 姫野好美, 帖佐悦男, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2016.06

  • 高分子超薄膜上配線と電子素子の直接接合による電気的接続の評価, Evaluation of Electrical Connection by Direct Bonding an Electronic Component

    菅野純貴, 藤枝俊宣, 武岡真司, 岩田浩康, 岩瀬英治


    Presentation date: 2016.06

  • 高分子超薄膜に廉価に実装可能なRFIDの設計

    隼田大輝, 岩瀬英治, 藤枝俊宣, 武岡真司, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2016.06

  • 妊婦エコー画像取得のための二走行画像の統合処理手法の開発

    竹内里奈, 津村遼介, 石川牧子, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2016.06

  • 回転・振動を付与した穿刺による組織損傷の組織学的分析

    瀧下 雄介, 津村 遼介, 福嶋 勇太, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2016.06

  • バットスイングにおける運動連鎖を支援する音声リズムBFデバイスの開発

    岩﨑悠希子, 渡邊貴文, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2016.06

  • 歩行時の背屈・外反動作を独立に支援可能な下腿フィッティング型足関節支援RTの開発

    田中元基, 福嶋勇太, 安田和弘, 保科智啓, 鈴木慈, 大橋洋輝, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2016.06

  • 触覚バイオフィードバックに基づく歩行リハビリ支援システム-第11報:知覚共感ウェアによる片麻痺者への歩行介入-

    齋地健太, 安田和弘, 北地雄, 貝吹奈緒美, 原島宏明, 岩田浩康


    Presentation date: 2016.06

  • バネラー, 産学官協働に向けた課題に関するパネルディスカッション

    岩田浩康  [Invited]

    早稲田が目指すイノベーションエコシステム~連携を超えた産学“官”協働の姿~, 早稲田大学教務部/文部科学省科学技術・学術政策局  (早稲田大学西早稲田キャンパス62号館大会議室) 

    Presentation date: 2016.04

  • 人の技能と心身機能を拡張する人間支援ロボットテクノロジー

    岩田浩康  [Invited]

    早稲田が目指すイノベーションエコシステム~連携を超えた産学“官”協働の姿~, 早稲田大学/文部科学省ジョイントシンポジウム  (早稲田大学西早稲田キャンパス62号館大会議室) 

    Presentation date: 2016.04

  • 高分子超薄膜を用いた皮膚接着型生体計測デバイスの基盤技術の構築 ~日常生活・スポーツ使用時に違和感のないRFID搭載ナノシートの開発~

    岩田浩康  [Invited]

    早稲田大学AAA研究所2015年度成果報告会  (早稲田大学西早稲田キャンパス63号館会議室) 

    Presentation date: 2016.03

  • 人工皮膚モデルを用いた高分子ナノ薄膜の貼付性評価

    鈴木智, 藤枝俊宣, 武岡真司, 岩田浩康, 岩瀬英治


    Presentation date: 2016.03

  • 人の技能や心身機能を拡張する人間支援ロボットテクノロジーの新展開

    岩田浩康  [Invited]

    スマート社会を拓くグリーン・コンピューティングー産学連携による社会実装に向けてー,早稲田大学グリーン・コンピューティング・システム研究機構  (早稲田大学グリーン・コンピューティング・システム研究開発センター(40号館)) 

    Presentation date: 2016.02

  • 移動体下における体幹装着型遠隔操作エコーデバイス:FASTele-1のFAST診断性能の検証

    第50回日本生体医工学会大会(JSMBE 2011) 

    Presentation date: 2011.05

  • 認知神経リハを支援する知覚支援RT

    第50回日本生体医工学会大会(JSMBE 2011) 

    Presentation date: 2011.05

  • 救急救命のための遠隔エコー診断・治療支援RTの開発

    第50回日本生体医工学会大会(JSMBE 2011) 

    Presentation date: 2011.05

  • 血流量測定のための変動血管対応型ビジュアルサーボシステムの開発


    Presentation date: 2011.05

  • オートグラスピングが可能な車椅子搭載型ロボットハンドの開発


    Presentation date: 2011.05

  • 建機マニピュレータの手先外力ベクトル計測〜内在誤差範囲推定に基づく相対的計測精度向上〜


    Presentation date: 2011.05

  • 体性感覚バイオフィードバックに基づくリハビリ支援システム 〜第3報:健側の能動探索による対側位置覚同定手法〜


    Presentation date: 2011.05

  • 体性感覚バイオフィードバックに基づくリハビリ支援システム 〜第4報:誤差覚知RTによる学習再誘引時の脳賦活評価〜


    Presentation date: 2011.05

  • 救急医工学の創成に向けて

    第50回日本生体医工学会大会(JSMBE 2011) 

    Presentation date: 2011.04

  • 家事・介助を支援する人間共存ロボットのデザイン


    Presentation date: 2010.12

  • 人間とロボットとの協調移動制御 〜優先関係と働きかけの導入〜


    Presentation date: 2010.12

  • 油圧情報に基づく負荷計測の不確かさを考慮した建機マニピュレータの荷重有無検出


    Presentation date: 2010.12

  • 出血源位置推定システムのための体幹適応型RTエコーデバイスBASIS-1の開発〜フリージョイント機構を用いた体幹左右駆動の性能評価〜


    Presentation date: 2010.12

  • 早期治療戦略立案のための非侵襲的出血源推定手法の提案


    Presentation date: 2010.12

  • 緊張性気胸の遠隔穿刺治療を支援する前胸部装着型RT 〜第2報:車両の走行振動下における穿刺可能性に関する検討〜


    Presentation date: 2010.11

  • 片麻痺リハにおける誤学習抑制のための誤差覚知RTの効能検証


    Presentation date: 2010.11

  • 人間共存ロボットの主体的判断による知能移動


    Presentation date: 2010.09

  • 油圧センサ情報を用いた建機マニピュレータの外力負荷有無検出システムの開発


    Presentation date: 2010.09

  • BF型知覚支援RTを用いた認知神経リハ 〜第1報:麻痺側足底圧の対側肢体へのバイパス呈示とその効能検証〜


    Presentation date: 2010.07

  • BF型知覚支援RTを用いた認知神経リハ 〜第2報:BFによる麻痺側加重時の不安解消手法〜


    Presentation date: 2010.07

  • 耳鳴に対する統合治療の有用性に関する研究 〜第1報:認知行動療法とBF療法による心的介入〜


    Presentation date: 2010.07

  • 人間形ハンド・アームによる道具の微細操作に関する研究 —受動柔軟性を活用した動作計画及び把持・作用力・軌道制御—


    Presentation date: 2010.06

  • 未知重量・摩擦・剛性対象物に対する把持力設定手法 —受動柔軟性を利用した持ち上げ前特性計測の活用—


    Presentation date: 2010.06

  • バイオフィードバックを用いた自己受容感覚リハビリ支援システム〜第1報:異種運動速度を取り入れた知覚・運動モデル再構築手法〜


    Presentation date: 2010.06

  • バイオフィードバックを用いた自己受容感覚リハビリ支援システム〜第2報:体勢感覚回復訓練における視覚依存回避手法の提案〜


    Presentation date: 2010.06

  • マニピュレータの運動状態に応じた負荷要因同定に基づく油圧シリンダの外力負荷有無検出手法の提案


    Presentation date: 2010.06

  • 救急搬送時における出血源位置抽出のための体幹適応型RTエコーデバイスBASIS-1の開発


    Presentation date: 2010.06

  • 遠隔救急治療のための体幹装着型ポータブル超音波診断ロボットFASTele の操作インタフェースに関する検討


    Presentation date: 2010.06

  • Development of Wearable Robot for Emergency Tele-Echography Guided Diagnosis


    Presentation date: 2010.06

  • 搬送時における緊張性気胸患者救命のための真空圧力装着型自動穿刺ロボットAIDEDの試作


    Presentation date: 2010.04

  • 外傷患者のための体幹装着型超音波診断ロボット:FASTele-1の開発


    Presentation date: 2010.04

  • 円柱形対象物の重量による転がりを利用した握り込み制御


    Presentation date: 2009.12

  • 操作型作業機械の知能化に関する研究〜第5報:簡易化基底作業状態を用いた大局的状態遷移の分析〜


    Presentation date: 2009.12

  • 救急移動体における緊張性気胸の遠隔穿刺治療支援RT の開発


    Presentation date: 2009.12

  • 遠隔救急超音波診断のための体幹装着型ロボットFASTele-1の開発


    Presentation date: 2009.12

  • 麻痺側足底圧を対側肢体にバイパス呈示するBF型知覚支援RT


    Presentation date: 2009.12

  • 麻痺手の自己受容感覚を健側へバイパス呈示する知覚支援RT の手指リハへの応用


    Presentation date: 2009.12

  • 脳卒中片麻痺リハビリにおける両肢角度誤差BFシステムの試作と評価


    Presentation date: 2009.12

  • 把持安定性と引裂耐性を考慮した指先柔軟肉設計


    Presentation date: 2009.12

  • 救急搬送下遠隔FASTを可能とする体幹装着型ポータブルデバイスの開発


    Presentation date: 2009.10

  • 緊張性気胸の遠隔穿刺治療を支援する前胸部装着型RT


    Presentation date: 2009.10

  • 能動的な身体環境接触を利用した手指協調制御


    Presentation date: 2009.09

  • なじみを備えた多指ロボットハンドにおける手指姿態・触覚情報の汎化学習に基づく操り動作の安定化


    Presentation date: 2009.09

  • 片麻痺リハビリにおける両肢角度誤差BFリハビリ支援システムの試作と評価

    日本機械学会 福祉工学シンポジウム2009 

    Presentation date: 2009.09

  • 運動感覚伝達装置を活用した麻痺指伸展リハビリプログラムの開発及び検証

    日本機械学会 福祉工学シンポジウム2009 

    Presentation date: 2009.09

  • 身体感覚への注意を促すBF型知覚支援RTの片麻痺リハ応用

    計測自動制御学会 第24回生体・生理工学シンポジウム 

    Presentation date: 2009.08

  • 触覚バイオフィードバックに基づく歩行リハビリ支援システム〜第8報:麻痺側加重余裕のBFに基づく筋活動調整手法の提案〜


    Presentation date: 2009.05

  • 触覚バイオフィードバックに基づく歩行リハビリ支援システム〜第9報:誤学習抑制のための運動イメージ・知覚誤差BFシステムの試作と評価〜


    Presentation date: 2009.05

  • 体性感覚バイオフィードバックに基づく手指リハビリ支援システム〜第2報:運動感覚BFシステムによる麻痺指可動限界向上の検証〜


    Presentation date: 2009.05

  • 操作型作業機械の知能化に関する研究 〜第5 報:操作支援に着目した作業特性および操作支援フラグの識別〜


    Presentation date: 2009.05

  • 油圧駆動型双腕ロボットアームシステムの開発〜次世代知能化建機の研究・開発用プラットフォーム〜


    Presentation date: 2009.05

  • 緊張性気胸患者救命のための自動穿刺治療ロボットAIDEDの開発


    Presentation date: 2009.05

  • 遠隔救急超音波診断ロボット:FASTele-1の評価〜通信遅れが及ぼす診断性能への影響〜


    Presentation date: 2009.05

  • 人間共存ロボットの觝触適応行動〜第26報:作業拘束の段階的解除による人間追従性と作業性の両立手法〜


    Presentation date: 2009.05

  • 全面柔軟被覆を備えた人間形ハンドのための接触頻度・寄与度に基づく触覚センサ設計


    Presentation date: 2009.05

  • 受動柔軟性を活用したハンド持ち替え制御と安定化手法


    Presentation date: 2009.05

  • 倣い作業における触覚センサ情報の統合による手腕協調制御手法


    Presentation date: 2008.12

  • 電動車いす搭載用コンパクトロボットアームの改良設計 〜紙や小物を容易に拾えるシンプルなロボットハンドの設計および性能検証〜


    Presentation date: 2008.12

  • 操作型作業機械の知能化に関する研究 〜第4報:基底作業状態識別に基づく操作者支援システムの開発


    Presentation date: 2008.12

  • 人間共存ロボットの觝触適応行動 〜第25報:人間追従下における二次的被害防止のための作業拘束解除手法〜


    Presentation date: 2008.12

  • 広範な把持形態でのなじみ効果発現を考慮した関節ばね弾性設計手法


    Presentation date: 2008.12

  • 手指手掌全面に柔軟肉を搭載した多指ロボットハンドの触覚センサ設計 〜人による対象物把持における接触頻度・寄与度の高い部位の導出〜


    Presentation date: 2008.12

  • 受動柔軟関節を活用した多指ロボットハンドの柔軟対象物把持手法


    Presentation date: 2008.12

  • 被介助者の主体性を引き出す移動型介助ロボットシステムの開発


    Presentation date: 2008.12

  • TWENDY-ONEハンドのヒューマンミメティックデザイン


    Presentation date: 2008.12

  • TWENDY-ONEにおけるシステムインテグレーション


    Presentation date: 2008.12

  • 遠隔救命支援のためのポータブル超音波診断ロボットの開発


    Presentation date: 2008.11

  • 生体安全性と易圧排性を両立する術野確保リトラクタの圧排面設計


    Presentation date: 2008.11

  • ヒトの手指手掌に備わる受動柔軟性と隆起構造に着目したヒューマン・ミメティック・ロボットハンドの設計


    Presentation date: 2008.10

  • 触覚バイオフィードバックにより片麻痺患者の認知運動治療を支援する知覚支援RTの開発と臨床評価


    Presentation date: 2008.10

  • 双腕建機における操作技能訓練用シミュレータの開発 〜訓練効果の検証および操作補助手法の検討〜


    Presentation date: 2008.09

  • 双腕建機における知能化インタフェース 〜基底作業状態識別に基づく操作者支援システムの開発〜


    Presentation date: 2008.09

  • 操作型作業機械の知能化に関する研究 〜第3 報:基底作業状態を用いた操作者のスキル解析と操作トレーニングへの応用〜


    Presentation date: 2008.09

  • 人間共存ロボットTWENDY-ONEの開発


    Presentation date: 2008.09

  • 受動柔軟性を利用した安定把持・操り制御手法の提案 〜把持位置と大きさが未知な円形断面物体の把持と操り〜


    Presentation date: 2008.09

  • 受動柔軟性を備えたTWENDY-ONEハンドの基本制御手法 〜把持形態間移行による多彩な把持・操りの実現〜


    Presentation date: 2008.09

  • 能動的環境接触を考慮した柔軟マニピュレータの肘関節設計


    Presentation date: 2008.09

  • 遠隔救急エコー診断のための体幹装着型4自由度ロボット:FASTele-1の開発


    Presentation date: 2008.09

  • 片麻痺患者のための知覚支援RTの開発と光脳機能イメージングによる効能評価


    Presentation date: 2008.09

  • 脳梁交連線維と両側性支配に着目したBypass刺激呈示部位の検討


    Presentation date: 2008.09

  • 麻痺手の運動感覚を非麻痺手で感知させる手指リハビリ支援装置


    Presentation date: 2008.09

  • 手指手掌全体で面接触を可能とするヒューマンミメティックハンドの構造設計


    Presentation date: 2008.08

  • ポータブル型遠隔エコー診断支援ロボットの開発


    Presentation date: 2008.08

  • 片麻痺患者の認知運動治療を促進するバイオフィードバック型知覚支援RTの開発


    Presentation date: 2008.08

  • 小型・軽量な柔軟関節マニピュレータのための新粘弾性機構の設計


    Presentation date: 2008.06

  • リスクカーブに基づく衝突安全被覆設計手法の提案


    Presentation date: 2008.06

  • 人間共存ロボットTWENDY-ONEのデザイン


    Presentation date: 2008.06

  • 操作型作業機械の知能化に関する研究 〜第2報:環境・操作者の多様性に非依存な基底作業状態の提案〜


    Presentation date: 2008.06

  • 高設栽培いちごの夜間自動収穫システムの提案 〜果柄把持型収穫マニピュレータおよびユニット交換型果実搬送ロボットの開発〜


    Presentation date: 2008.06

  • 生活支援を目的とした車椅子搭載型ロボットアームの開発〜自重補償機構による軽量・コンパクト性の実現を目指したシリアルリンク型ロボットアーム〜


    Presentation date: 2008.06

  • 遠隔救急治療のための体幹装着型ポータブル超音波診断ロボットFASTele-1の開発


    Presentation date: 2008.06

  • 体性感覚バイオフィードバックに基づく手指リハビリ支援システム〜第1報:麻痺指の姿態・運動状態を非麻痺指で体感可能な自立リハビリ支援装置の試作〜


    Presentation date: 2008.06

  • 触覚バイオフィードバックに基づく歩行リハビリ支援システム〜第7報:近赤外分光を用いた脳機能計測(fNIRS)による麻痺側への注意力向上効果の検証〜


    Presentation date: 2008.06

  • 触覚バイオフィードバックに基づく歩行リハビリ支援システム〜第6報:脳賦活促進のための脳梁交連性を考慮した足底圧呈示Unitの設計〜


    Presentation date: 2008.06

  • 全方向移動台車を用いた安全走行制御システムの開発


    Presentation date: 2008.06

  • 手指手掌に受動柔軟性を備えた高巧緻多指ハンドの構造設計


    Presentation date: 2008.06

  • TWENDY-ONEハンドの触覚センサ設計とセンサフュージョン


    Presentation date: 2008.06

▼display all

Research Projects

  • Perception-motor reconstruction with perception assistive robot technologies and validation of bain facilitation

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Iwata Hiroyasu, YASUDA Kazuhiro

     View Summary

    At the stage of the acual clinical trial of rehabilitation robot devices and trainig protcol developed so far, it has been difficult to adapt to hemiplegic patients sufferring from serious motor paralysis. In order to resolve this problem, this research has established a methodology to facilitate motor learning with perception assistive robot technologies in conjuntion with motor assistive robotic device. This outcome shall become a fundamental theory for next generation of neuro-rehabilitation with robot technologies based on brain scientific evidence applicable to actual clinical trials, then which will expect to giving high impacts to the aged society

  • 誤差覚知RTによる知覚と運動の再組織化と脳賦活化効果の検証

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(B))

    Project Year :


  • 認知神経リハを支援する誤差覚知RTによる誤学習抑制と脳神経学的効能検証

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(若手研究(A))

    Project Year :


  • 認知神経リハを支援する誤差覚知RTによる誤学習抑制と脳神経学的効能検証

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(若手研究(A))

    Project Year :


  • Neurological Assessment of Biofeedback Efficacy of PARTY that Enhances Perception of Paralytic-side Foot Contact States

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    IWATA Hiroyasu

     View Summary

    We propose a new locomotion rehabilitation RT device, PARTY(Perception Assisting Robotics TechnologY) that enables the paralyzed to get a perception-bypassed communication root via a non-paralyzed-part body for recognizing foot contact pressures of the paralyzed-side. This study indicates an optimal body part used for the bypassing from the viewpoint of neuron communication theory, especially focusing on the bilateral innervations and the commissural fiber where communications between both brain sides are reinforced. In addition, a remarkable rehabilitation outcome through validation with Functional Near-infrared Spectroscopy demonstrating reinforced attentiveness to the paralytic-side body was achieved thanks to a leg-PARTY.

  • Neurological Assessment of Biofeedback Efficacy of PARTY that Enhances Perception of Paralytic-side Foot Contact States

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    IWATA Hiroyasu

     View Summary

    We propose a new locomotion rehabilitation RT device, PARTY(Perception Assisting Robotics TechnologY) that enables the paralyzed to get a perception-bypassed communication root via a non-paralyzed-part body for recognizing foot contact pressures of the paralyzed-side. This study indicates an optimal body part used for the bypassing from the viewpoint of neuron communication theory, especially focusing on the bilateral innervations and the commissural fiber where communications between both brain sides are reinforced. In addition, a remarkable rehabilitation outcome through validation with Functional Near-infrared Spectroscopy demonstrating reinforced attentiveness to the paralytic-side body was achieved thanks to a leg-PARTY.

  • Research on the Following Motion Control Method for Human Symbiotic Robots

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    SUGANO Shigeki

     View Summary

    We constructed the robot system to follow the human contact with low contact force, which was a combination of passive mechanisms (collision safety skin and passive joint), quantification module of contact state and whole-body motion control.

  • Research on Attendant Assistive Robotics Technology

    Project Year :


  • Neurosurgeon' Arm Supporting Robot for Microneurosurgery

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    HONGO Kazuhiro, GOTO Tetsuya, FUJIE Masakatsu, OKAMOTO Jun, YAKO Takehiro, TANAKA Yuichiro, IWATA Hiroyasu

  • Development of Wearable Robot for Emergency Tele-Echo Guided Diagnosis

    Project Year :


  • Research on Intelligence for Operated-Construction Machinery

    Project Year :


  • Development of Robot Arm-mounted Wheel Chair

    Project Year :


  • Perception-Assisting Rehabilitation Technology for Hemipaletic Patients

    Project Year :


  • Impact Safety Design and Control Method for Human Symbiotic Robots

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    SUGANO Shigeki, IWATA Hiroyasu, MORITA Toshio

     View Summary

    Novel design strategies and behavior control criterions for ensuring impact safety of human symbiotic robots are obtained with improvement of both components and system integration technologies. Validity of this project is substantiated from several experimental tasks that requires impact safety and cooperation ability with human. Three main results are summarized as follows.
    Design and Control Strategy :
    An enormous amount of parameters for design and control of human symbiotic robots are systematized from an aspect of impact safety and human-cooperate ability. In order to obtain this strategy, a safety technology map that diagrams collision situations, standardized environment conditions, and behaviors of robots and humans is devised and utilized.
    Behavior Control Criterion :
    A behavior control criterion that consists of safety measures in three levels, such as the actuator level, joint level, and whole body level are constructed. This criterion generates several physical interactive behaviors of human symbiotic robots based on the situation models and information from sensors. This internal model is a kind of finite state machine, and each transition path represents safety and human-cooperative behaviors of robots that are adapted to interactive situations.
    System integration and Evaluation :
    A double safety measure by design and control, and a haptic cover sensor are designed and integrated into the WENDY system. The system consists of eighty actuators and one hundred sensors, and decide its behavior by using the developed haptic cover sensors. For evaluation of the project, experiments are widely conducted from basic motions to practical and difficult tasks. From these experiments, it is confirmed that the integrated system can carry out human-cooperative tasks while ensuring impact safety.

  • Research on Technology for Human Symbiotic Robots

    Project Year :


  • 人間共存ロボットのための人工触覚認知に関する基礎的研究

     View Summary


▼display all


  • Immersive VR-based Rehabilitation Support System: Characteristics and Clinical Applications

    安田和弘, 安田和弘, 岩田浩康

    日本ロボット学会誌   41 ( 4 )  2023


  • 極細針を用いたロボットによる界面屈折穿刺制御手法の設計と評価

    小川 拓真, 池田 伊織, 高橋 慶伸, 齋藤 遼平, 津村 遼介, 岩田 浩康

    日本コンピュータ外科学会誌   24 ( 2 ) 107 - 108  2022.06

  • 没入型バーチャルリアリティを用いたUSN評価システムとBIT・CBSとの関連性の検討

    廣瀬久美子, 安田和弘, 川口俊太朗, 岩田浩康

    Japanese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine   59 ( Autumn )  2022


  • 鉱山ショベルの掘削効率化に関する研究=掘削抵抗解析に基づく個別要素法パラメータ同定システムの設計=

    水嶋済也, 山村真司, 佐藤隆哉, 水越勇一, 加藤史洋, 亀崎允啓, 岩田浩康

    建設機械   57 ( 6 )  2021


  • 妊婦超音波検査ロボットの開発 骨分布を用いた胎児位置及び矢状軸推定

    志田 優樹, 渡辺 貴文, 津村 遼介, 山野 元, 藤井 航平, 岩田 浩康

    超音波医学   47 ( Suppl. ) S549 - S549  2020.11

  • Immersive Virtual Reality System for Congnitive Rehabilitation in Patients with Unilateral Spatial Neglect

    YASUDA Kazuhiro, IWATA Hiroyasu

    Journal of The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers   59 ( 1 ) 33 - 36  2020.01

    DOI CiNii

  • Engineering-Based Approaches in Clinical Sites for Elderly and Disabled Persons

    IWATA Hiroyasu

    Journal of The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers   59 ( 1 ) 4 - 6  2020.01

    DOI CiNii

  • Development of Ultrasonography Robot for Prenatal Care-Estimation of Fetal Position and Sagittal Axis with Skeletal Distribution-

    志田優樹, 渡辺貴文, 津村遼介, 山野元, 藤井航平, 岩田浩康

    超音波医学 Supplement   47  2020


  • 深層学習とGrad_CAMを用いた超音波画像中の胎児部位検出と深度推定に関する研究

    石川彦太, 徐栄, 大谷淳, 岩田浩康

    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告   118 ( 412(MI2018 59-115)(Web) )  2019


  • Development of the 3D Evaluation System for Unilateral Spatial Neglect Using Immersive Virtual Reality-An Explorative Study to Detect the Area of Neglect in Near and Far Space-

    加藤遼一, 安田和弘, 萩原晨功, 川口俊太朗, 岩田浩康

    ライフサポート   31 ( 2 )  2019


  • 先端ロボティクスの新展開-人間支援から身体拡張まで-

    岩田浩康, 岩田浩康, 岩田浩康

    日本抗加齢医学会総会プログラム・抄録集   19th  2019


  • 妊婦超音波検査ロボットにおける画像鮮明性を維持可能な螺旋上昇走査手法の提案

    志田優樹, 津村遼介, 渡辺貴文, 山野元, 原口岳, 岩田浩康

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM)   37th  2019


  • 直感的な随意操作が可能な【第三の腕】に関する研究-第12報:デュアルタスク環境下で使用可能な動作教示システムの検討-

    王卓毅, 岩崎悠希子, 安藤孝三, 飯塚修平, 岩田浩康

    バイオメカニズム学術講演会予稿集   40th  2019


  • 没入型3D-VRを用いた視覚誘導に基づく姿勢操作手法に関する研究 視空間における静的・動的情報が姿勢に及ぼす影響検証

    林勇希, 安田和弘, 平井大智, 岩田浩康

    バイオメカニズム学術講演会予稿集   40th  2019


  • ロボット穿刺における安全性の定量的評価に関する研究-穿刺条件による血液流出量の実験的分析-

    泉恒輝, 津村遼介, 岩田浩康

    日本コンピュータ外科学会誌   21 ( 4 (Web) )  2019


  • Development of CT guide assisted robot IRIS using ultrafine needle

    岩田浩康, 津村遼介, 柿間薫

    日本コンピュータ外科学会誌   21 ( 4 (Web) )  2019


  • 妊婦超音波検査ロボットにおける接触部機序分析からの画像鮮明性を維持可能な螺旋上昇走査手法の提案

    志田優樹, 渡辺貴文, 津村遼介, 山野元, 原口岳, 岩田浩康

    日本コンピュータ外科学会誌   21 ( 4 (Web) )  2019


  • ニューラルネットワークを用いた空手動作解析システムの開発

    QU Bingzheng, 相原伸平, 相原伸平, 岩田浩康

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM)   20th  2019


  • 触覚バイオフィードバックに基づく歩行リハビリ支援システム-第17報:知覚共感ウェアを用いた振動遷移における認知負荷の検証-

    林勇希, 安田和弘, 北地雄, 原島宏明, 岩田浩康

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM)   20th  2019


  • 片麻痺患者の滑らかな下肢動作獲得を目的としたFF情報提示手法の構築

    田郷岡凌, YANG Xinyi, 岩木将一郎, 安田和弘, 岩田浩康

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM)   20th  2019


  • 脳卒中片麻痺クローリングゲイトリハビリにおける転倒危険タイミング提示手法の提案

    CHOU U, HONG Jing-Chen, CHENG Hao, 岩田浩康

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM)   20th  2019


  • 身体中心無視・物体中心無視を呈した一症例に対して没入型Virtual Realityを使用した中期介入の効果

    江見翔太, 川口俊太朗, 川口俊太朗, 小林剛, 高澤久美子, 安田和弘, 加藤遼一, 萩原晨功, 岩田浩康

    Japanese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine   56 ( Supplement )  2019


  • 重度半側空間無視に対する没入型仮想現実空間を用いた評価システムの使用経験-紙面評価困難な事例における応用可能性の検討-

    高澤久美子, 川口俊太朗, 安田和弘, 岩田浩康

    日本作業療法学会抄録集(CD-ROM)   53rd  2019


  • 没入型仮想現実を用いた視覚探索課題を注意障害に対して導入した事例-3次元空間内におけるTarget-Distractor比調整による改善効果-

    小林剛, 川口俊太朗, 安田和弘, 岩田浩康

    日本作業療法学会抄録集(CD-ROM)   53rd  2019


  • 呼吸器内視鏡における新技術 遠隔診断・治療を支援する先端ロボット技術

    岩田 浩康

    気管支学   40 ( Suppl. ) S163 - S163  2018.05

  • 右中大脳動脈領域の脳梗塞により半側空間無視が遷延化した事例に対する没入型VRを用いた介入

    平野 瑞樹, 室井 大佑, 安田 和弘, 齋地 健太, 萩原 晨功, 岩田 浩康

    The Japanese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine   55 ( 特別号 ) 3 - 4  2018.05

  • 近位・遠位空間無視を統合的に治療可能な没入型VRシステムにおける中期介入効果の事例検討

    平野 瑞樹, 室井 大佑, 安田 和弘, 齋地 健太, 萩原 晨功, 岩田 浩康

    高次脳機能研究   38 ( 1 ) 25 - 25  2018.03

  • Proposal of dementia prevention system promoting communication between elderly people using robot recreation

    関戸郁文, 坂本凌佑, 大西哲平, 岩田浩康

    LIFE講演概要集(CD-ROM)   2018 (Web)  2018


  • Research on a Third Arm: Evaluation of modality to implement low cognitive load control

    高橋翔太, 岩崎悠希子, 岩田浩康

    LIFE講演概要集(CD-ROM)   2018 (Web)  2018


  • 皮膚貼付工程短縮化のための電子化ナノシート構造設計

    篠田直樹, 隼田大輝, 宮林駿, 岩瀬英治, 藤枝俊宜, 藤枝俊宜, 武岡真司, 岩田浩康

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2018  2018


  • 非焼成印刷可能なエラストマー/金属粒子複合伸縮導電インクの開発

    中西孟徳, 山岸健人, 武岡真司, 武岡真司, 岩瀬英治, 岩田浩康, 藤枝俊宣, 藤枝俊宣

    応用物理学会春季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM)   65th  2018


  • マスタ・スレーブシステムにおける提示映像スケーリングの有効性検証

    江藤孝紘, 亀崎允啓, 佐藤隆哉, 岩田浩康

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2018  2018


  • 災害対応作業の複雑・連続・時限性を考慮したマスタ・スレーブシステムのスケール・ゲイン調整手法の開発

    亀崎允啓, 江藤孝紘, 佐藤隆哉, 岩田浩康

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2018  2018


  • 脳出血により物体中心無視を認めた症例に対する没入型仮想現実を用いた手がかり刺激呈示システムの適用

    大平雅弘, 萩原晨功, 安田和弘, 冨山美咲, 齋地健太, 岩田浩康

    日本高次脳機能障害学会学術総会プログラム・講演抄録   42nd  2018


  • Development of evaluation system using immersive virtual reality in stroke with unilateral spatial neglect

    加藤遼一, 萩原晨功, 安田和弘, 川口俊太郎, 大平雅弘, 岩田浩康

    LIFE講演概要集(CD-ROM)   2018 (Web)  2018


  • 高背屈支援RTを用いた片麻痺歩行における重症度と杖の有無に応じた膝関節への影響検証

    福嶋 勇太, 安田 和弘, 大橋 洋輝, 岩田 浩康

    バイオメカニズム学術講演会予稿集   38回   157 - 158  2017.11

     View Summary


  • 近位・遠位空間無視を統合的に治療可能な没入型VRシステムにおける中期介入効果の事例検討

    平野瑞樹, 室井大佑, 安田和弘, 齋地健太, 萩原晨功, 岩田浩康

    日本高次脳機能障害学会学術総会プログラム・講演抄録   41st   139  2017.10


  • 没入型VRによる下肢運動錯覚がミラーニューロンシステムに与える影響

    平井 大智, 福嶋 勇太, 安田 和弘, 大橋 洋輝, 岩田 浩康

    生活生命支援医療福祉工学系学会連合大会講演要旨集   2017   149 - 150  2017.09

  • 側面カメラ映像における撮影対象との垂直度が遠隔操作者の奥行き感把握に与える影響の調査

    仁内智志, 亀崎允啓, 佐藤隆哉, 菅野重樹, 岩田浩康

    建設ロボットシンポジウム論文集(CD-ROM)   17th   ROMBUNNO.P2‐1  2017.08


  • ヒトの認知構造に基づいた事前の環境把握映像提示による災害対応遠隔重機作業の効率化に関する研究

    佐藤隆哉, 亀崎允啓, 仁内智志, 菅野重樹, 岩田浩康

    建設ロボットシンポジウム論文集(CD-ROM)   17th   ROMBUNNO.O3‐2  2017.08


  • 仮想現実を利用した半側空間無視の統合的治療システム

    安田 和弘, 齋地 健太, 萩原 晨功, 室井 大佑, 大平 雅弘, 岩田 浩康

    理学療法科学   32 ( 特別号2 ) 7 - 8  2017.04

  • Proposal of pH-sensor device capable of operating only with NFC energy harvesting

    MIYABAYASHI Shun, HAYATA Hiroki, IWASE Eiji, FUJIE Toshinori, TAKEOKA Shinji, OHASHI Keishi, SATO Shin, KUROIWA Shigeki, MOMMA Toshiyuki, OSAKA Tetsuya, TAWADA Masashi, TOGAWA Nozomu, KATAOKA Kosuke, ASAHI Toru, IWATA Hiroyasu

    The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec)   2017   1A1-L10  2017

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    Skin-attachable devices are essential to the realization of personalized skin health through continuously monitoring individual's skin surface pH. This paper describes an approach to measure the skin surface pH no matter when or where, just holding a NFC enable phone over the pH-sensor device capable of operating only with NFC energy harvesting. Since NFC can generate the power and batteries are replaced, the proposed device becomes smaller, lighter and thinner. Therefore, it could be attached on the skin by using the ultrathin polymer film called nanosheet. Moreover, the low-power circuit is proposed which implements the constant current circuit and the function of wireless communication.

    DOI CiNii

  • 遠隔操作導入前の映像提示システムによる直接描画法を用いた操作者の認知地図への影響分析

    佐藤隆哉, 亀崎允啓, 仁内智志, 菅野重樹, 岩田浩康

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM)   18th  2017


  • 災害対応重機の遠隔操作における操作者視点映像の事前提供による環境把握性効果の検証

    佐藤隆哉, 亀崎允啓, 仁内智志, 菅野重樹, 岩田浩康

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2017  2017


  • 機械操作者のプランニング技能の定量化に関する研究~操作手順と操作意識に着目した特徴量の抽出~

    亀崎允啓, 佐藤淳平, 三矢隆史, 岩田浩康, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2017  2017


  • 脚ロボットにおける連続的な移動・手先動作遷移に対応可能な遠隔操作インタフェースの開発

    江藤孝紘, 佐藤隆哉, 仁内智志, 中村早紀, 亀崎允啓, 岩田浩康

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2017  2017


  • 3次元仮想空間内における右方空間のブラックアウトによる半側空間無視に対する注意誘導効果:身体近傍・身体外空間および課題特異的効果に基づいたシステムデザイン

    安田 和弘, 室井 大佑, 大平 雅弘, 岩田 浩康

    理学療法学Supplement   2016 ( 0 )  2017

     View Summary

    &lt;p&gt;【はじめに】&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;半側空間無視(USN)は,大脳半球病巣と反対側の刺激を発見・報告すること,反応すること,向くことの障害である。また,右半球における脳血管障害患者の約4割がUSNを併発し,後遺症のリハビリテーションが困難となる。我々は,USN患者における非無視側からの注意の「解放」と無視側への注意の「移動」を同時に支援するUSN治療支援システムを開発してきた。本システムの特徴は,可動スリットと呼称する視覚誘導映像により,非無視側の視覚刺激を徐々にブラックアウトしていき,見える領域を無視側へ拡大させていくことで注意を無視側に誘導するシステムである。本研究の目的は,3次元仮想空間内で可動スリットを構築し,近位(身体近傍空間)・遠位(身体外空間)および異なる課題における無視症状に与える影響を検証することである。&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;【方法】&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;回復期病棟に入院する左USNを呈する脳卒中患者10名(75.2±11.6歳)を本研究の対象とした。機器は,ヘッドマウントディスプレイ(Oculus Rift Development Kit 2, Oculus VR, Inc.),および手指モーションキャプチャ(Leap Motion, Leap Motion, Inc.)から構成される。仮想空間内の近位無視治療では,机の上の手指モーションキャプチャによる参加者の手の移動範囲内に3つのオブジェクトを設置した。参加者が自身の手を動かすことでVRの手を移動させることができ,VRの手が設置したオブジェクトに接触するように教示した。遠位無視治療では,部屋の奥の壁面に7つの視覚刺激を設置した。視覚刺激は,時間経過とともに順に左方へと点滅していき,点滅する刺激を回答させた。遠位・近位VR環境で注意を左方へ誘導するために,移動するスリットを付加し,患者が見える空間を徐々に左方へ誘導した。介入前後に近位,遠位空間におけるBITの4項目(線分抹消,線分二等分,星印抹消,文字抹消)を測定し,前後の点数をウィルコクソンの符号順位検定により比較した。有意水準は5%未満に設定した。&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;【結果】&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;介入前のベースラインでは近位・遠位空間におけるBITに有意差は認めなかった。遠位空間ではBIT合計(p=0.002),線分抹消(p=0.002),星印抹消(p=0.002),文字抹消(p=0.004)において前後間に有意差を認め,無視症状が改善した。一方,線分二等分線課題においては有意差を認めなかった。近位空間においては,全ての測定項目において前後間に有意差を認めなかった。&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;【結論】&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;本研究では3次元仮想空間内で右方空間をブラックアウトする注意誘導システムに基づき,遠位・近位空間無視の治療介入を実施した。結果として,遠位空間無視に改善を認めたが,近位空間および両空間の線分二等分線課題においては有効性を認めず,没入型仮想空間内での治療は,空間や課題特性により異なる影響が示された。臨床的には,環境設定が困難である遠位空間に対する介入として有望であるが,同時に近位空間における介入手法・システム設計が課題となった。&lt;/p&gt;


  • パーキンソン病の歩行異常に対する牽引力錯覚を用いた矛盾性運動誘発デバイスの開発

    保科 智啓, 福嶋 勇太, 森崎 寿文, 安田 和弘, 大橋 洋輝, 岩田 浩康

    バイオメカニズム学術講演会予稿集   37回   85 - 88  2016.11

     View Summary


  • 背屈・外反動作を独立に支援可能な内反尖足患者のための下腿フィッティング型足関節支援RTの開発

    田中 元基, 福嶋 勇太, 安田 和弘, 保科 智啓, 鈴木 慈, 大橋 洋輝, 岩田 浩康

    生活生命支援医療福祉工学系学会連合大会講演要旨集   2016   489 - 491  2016.09

  • 半側空間無視の近位・遠位空間無視を統合的に治療可能な没入型VR治療システムの開発

    安田和弘, 室井大佑, 大平雅弘, 岩田浩康

    LIFE講演概要集(CD-ROM)   2016   373 - 375  2016.09


  • 没入型HMDによる視覚誘導性自己運動知覚の生起と姿勢応答解析-高臨場感・ポータビリティに優れた知覚体験システムの構築-

    安田和弘, 岩田浩康

    日本基礎理学療法学雑誌   19 ( 1 )  2016


  • 操作型作業機械の知能化に関する研究~第11報:操作量ヒストグラムを用いた操作者の技能分析~

    亀崎允啓, 佐藤淳平, 小坂拓未, 岩田浩康, 菅野重樹

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM)   17th  2016


  • ウォード法を用いた複数映像提供型遠隔操作における視線パターンのクラスタリング

    佐藤隆哉, 亀崎允啓, 菅野重樹, 岩田浩康

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM)   17th  2016


  • 手先位置頻度マップを用いた作業傾向の分析と操作技能の推定

    亀崎允啓, 峰田健司, 橋本諭, 岩田浩康, 菅野重樹

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2016  2016


  • H-012 Study of Ultrasound Image Segmentation Based on SuperVoxel for Extracting Fetal Tissues

    Wang Yuanchen, Tatematsu Naotomo, Ohya Jun, Xu Rong, Ishikawa Makiko, Iwata Hiroyasu

      14 ( 3 ) 149 - 150  2015.08


  • 1P2-M01 Study on gait training of hemiplegia patients using a vibratory biofeedback device providing center of foot pressure displacement : Implicit method that leads weight shifting to the affected side by utilizing just noticeable difference of sense of weight

    HORIKAWA Shuntaro, YASUDA Kazuhiro, KAIBUKI Naomi, KITAJI Yu, HARASHIMA Hiroaki, IWATA Hiroyasu

      2015   "1P2 - M01(1)"-"1P2-M01(3)"  2015.05

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    Hemiplegia patients have difficulty in weight shifting to the affected side because of fear of falling down. The purpose of this study was to invent an implicit method that leads weight shifting to the affected side without being noticed by the patient to decline the fear of falling by using vibratory biofeedback providing center of foot pressure displacement. Just noticeable difference of sense of weight was used to increase the amount of weight shifting without being noticed. An experiment was carried out with 12 healthy people to derive just noticeable difference of sense of weight. A clinical study was carried out with 5 hemiplegia patients and the result was that the stance phase of the affected leg while walking increased after training only in the moderate paralytics. The result suggested the implicit method could make hemiplegia patients endure on the affected leg while walking.


  • 2P1-P04 Research on Advanced Unmanned Construction Systems : Development of a Selective Visual Attention and Situational Awareness Support System Using Augmented Reality

    KAMEZAKI Mitsuhiro, SATO Ryuya, YANG Junjie, IWATA Hiroyasu, SUGANO Shigeki

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2015   "2P1 - P04(1)"-"2P1-P04(4)"  2015.05

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    An autonomous environmental camera control system we previously developed can provide operators with various and variable visual information suited to the work situation for unmanned construction. However, cognitive load of operators may increase, so we propose a selective visual attention and situational awareness support system using augmented reality (AR) to enhance the ability of visual attention. The components include (i) monitor frame, (ii) obscuration, (iii) distance arrow, and (iv) end-point vertical arrow, with variable color and flashing effect to facilitate understanding the situation. Moreover, the system adaptively draws visual attention by changing types and parameters of AR components according to situations. Debris removal tasks were conducted using a VR simulator to compare without and with AR support. Results showed that the AR support reduced the frequent changes of point of gaze and provided the sense of depth and attention to potential collisions.


  • 2P1-P05 Feature Analysis Using Input and Output Information in a Basic I/O Gain Tuning System

    KAMEZAKI Mitsuhiro, KOZAKA Takumi, IWATA Hiroyasu, SUGANO Shigeki

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2015   "2P1 - P05(1)"-"2P1-P05(4)"  2015.05

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    A basic input/output gain (BIOG) tuning system for a human-operated machine was previously proposed. It adjusts a BIOG at long intervals to conform the histogram of control input, representing global features in operator and work content, to a normal distribution curve, meaning that all ranges of control lever are evenly used. Experimental results showed that the system improved time efficiency and the subjective usability. As the next step, we analyze features of work and operator on the basis of input-output information in the BIOG tuning system. We first analyze relationship among I/O information, workability, and operability, and then analyze time-series variation of I/O information. The results indicate that some axes largely affected both workability and operability. We also found from the results that the form of BIOG map in each axis reveals the feature of operator and work content such as the movement direction of end-point where precise operations require, and also reveals improvements on the BIOG tuning system.


  • JCMA報告 平成24年度 研究開発助成 成果報告(その2)無人化施工の効率・安全性を高める映像の注視・解釈支援に関する調査研究

    亀﨑 允啓, 岩田 浩康, 菅野 重樹

    建設機械施工 = Journal of JCMA : 一般社団法人日本建設機械施工協会誌   67 ( 3 ) 64 - 73  2015.03


  • JCMA報告 無人化施工における環境カメラのための半自動制御システムの基礎研究

    亀﨑 允啓, 岩田 浩康, 菅野 重樹

    建設機械施工 = Journal of JCMA : 一般社団法人日本建設機械施工協会誌   67 ( 2 ) 92 - 100  2015.02


  • 識別性能の粒度を高める操作・運動・負荷情報を用いた拡張基底作業状態の提案

    亀崎允啓, 三矢隆史, 森島洋忠, 峰田健司, 岩田浩康, 菅野重樹

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM)   16th  2015


  • 複数画面を使った遠隔操作における注視映像と作業パフォーマンスの関連性分析

    亀崎允啓, 佐藤隆哉, YANG Junjie, 岩田浩康, 菅野重樹

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM)   16th  2015


  • 拡張現実感を利用した複数の視線誘導手法による遠隔操作者の認知負荷軽減に関する研究

    佐藤隆哉, 亀崎允啓, YANG Junjie, 菅野重樹, 岩田浩康

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM)   16th  2015


  • 被覆率とコスト評価に基づく3次元異方性センサ群の実用的配置手法の提案

    亀崎允啓, 楊俊傑, 岩田浩康, 菅野重樹

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM)   33rd  2015


  • 3P2-G02 Development of visual-induced USN treatment support system to promote attentional disengagement and movement(Rehabilitation Robotics and Mechatronics)

    TAKEUCHI Takaya, YASUDA Kazuhiro, SATO Yuki, ATOHAMA Ryuta, KUROKI Hiromi, IWATA Hiroyasu

      2014   "3P2 - G02(1)"-"3P2-G02(2)"  2014.05

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    We propose USN(Unilateral Spatial Neglect) treatment support system to promote attentional disengagement and movement based on Movable Slit : this technique is black out gradually stimuli of non-neglected side and expands gradually visible region to neglected side. We devised two systems as presenting method of the Movable Slit technique: Head-mounted system and Non-mounted system. Clinical testing using Head-mounted system for one patient show that Movable Slit allows patient to recognize the image of neglected side. The results suggest that patients using this system perhaps can recognize the stimulus of neglected side.


  • 3P2-C03 Artificial muscle driven type dorsiflexion support RT that combines the rocker function and high dorsiflexion(Rehabilitation Robotics and Mechatronics)

    HOSHINA Tomohiro, YASUDA Kazuhiro, OHASHI Hiroki, IWATA Hiroyasu

      2014   "3P2 - C03(1)"-"3P2-C03(2)"  2014.05

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    There is symptom of foot drop that caused by peripheral neuropathy or hemiplegia. This symptom is that ankle state is plantar flexion in swing phase of walking. As a result, accidents such as overturning or stumbling occur. Ankle foot orthosis is used at present for this. However, ankle foot orthosis conventional used in the foot drop patients leads to a bad gait because insufficient dorsiflexion assistance is not made in the swing phase. In addition, orthosis in consideration for the locker function are not many. Therefore, we developed a dorsiflexion support RT to perform dorsiflexion assistance in accordance with the foot sole sensor consideration for rocker function in this study.


  • 1P1-K02 Research on Advanced Unmanned Construction System : Orientation and Angle of View Adjustment Based on Camera Role Assignment for Environmental Cameras(Robotics and Mechatronics in Construction and Demolition)

    KAMEZAKI Mitsuhiro, YANG Junjie, IWATA Hiroyasu, SUGANO Shigeki

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2014   "1P1 - K02(1)"-"1P1-K02(4)"  2014.05

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    A method to autonomously control multiple environmental cameras for providing more adaptive visual information suited to the work situation for advanced unmanned construction is proposed. Situations in which the yaw, pitch, and zoom of cameras should be controlled were analyzed and imaging objects and imaging modes were defined. To control each camera simply and effectively, four practical camera roles combined with the imaging objects and modes were defined. A role assignment system was then developed to assign the four camera roles to four out of six cameras suitable for the work situation, on the basis of the assignment priority rules. Debris removal tasks were performed by using a VR simulator to compare fixed, manual control, and autonomous systems. Results showed that the autonomous system was the best of the three at decreasing the number of grasping misses and increasing the subjective usability while improving the time efficiency.


  • 操作量ヒストグラムを用いたBIOG自動調整手法~操作頻度の平準化による操作感の統一~

    亀崎允啓, 小坂拓未, 谷川雄介, 岩田浩康, 菅野重樹

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM)   32nd  2014


  • 2A1-R09 Human-Robot Collaborative Control in Mobile Environment : A Simulation Study of the Adaptive Contact-based Trajectory Control for Prioritizing the Robot(Wheeled Robot / Tracked Vehicle (1))

    Moondeep Chandra Shrestha, Kentaro ICHIKAWA, Katsuya IKAMI, Shoichi HAYAKAWA, Shigeki SUGANO, Hiroyasu IWATA

      2013   "2A1 - R09(1)"-"2A1-R09(4)"  2013.05

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    Conventional researches on human-robot collaborative motion, almost in its entirety, always emphasize on safety and therefore prioritize humans. However, in a congested area this approach will result in a highly inefficient robot motion. This paper proposes a method wherein, we utilize contact and shoulder turning behavior to induce a desired trajectory on a passing human. Through the use of contact and shoulder turning we try to prioritize the robot. We analyze the effectiveness of our proposed system through simulations. The results of the simulations show that the above method can be realized to produce a safe and highly efficient motion.


  • 1A2-D05 Tactile Bio-feedback based Locomotion Rehabilitation Assisting System : 10^<th> report: Proposal of Perception-Empathy Wearable Device(Rehabilitation Robotics and Mechatronics (2))

    IWATA Hiroyasu, IIMURA Naoyuki, SATO Yuki, YASUDA Kazuhiro, SUGANO Shigeki

      2013   "1A2 - D05(1)"-"1A2-D05(2)"  2013.05

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    This paper proposes a new perception empathy wearable device. Therapist and patient wear the same biofeedback device to share paralyzed-side foot contact of the patient on the back. It allows the therapist to detect abnormal contact state by patient at the early stage, then leading to enable patient to gradually acquire the training way with appropriate body motion. Preliminary testing confirms that the proposed design allows a therapist to attach the perception-empathy wearable device to a hemiparetic patient within 90 sec, which indicates clinical acceptability.


  • 1A1-Q10 Research on Intelligent Operated-Work Machines : Accuracy Improvement of Grasp-Estimation Using Force and Movement Vectors(Robotics and Mechatronics in Construction and Demolition)

    KAMEZAKI Mitsuhiro, ISHII Takahiro, IWATA Hiroyasu, SUGANO Shigeki

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2013   "1A1 - Q10(1)"-"1A1-Q10(4)"  2013.05

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    In this paper, a method to accurately estimate whether a grapple grasps an object or not for construction machinery is proposed on the basis of extending the requisite condition for grasp, considering robustness and practicality. Accurate grasp estimation requires confirmation that the hand and arm loads continue to be observed during arbitrary manipulator movements. Enhancement conditions are thus defined by using force and movement at the end-point, including (i) vertical downward force, (ii) longer direction movement, and (iii) horizontal direction reciprocating movement. In transport experiments conducted by using an instrumented hydraulic arm, results indicated that the ratio of error estimation decreases as formed conditions increase, and confirmed that the proposed method estimates grasp/non-grasp accurately and robustly.


  • Comparison of Installability and Robustness in Wearable Tele-echography Device with Body Attachment Mechanisms

    ASAYAMA Tomofumi, ITO Keiichiro, TSURUTA Koichi, SUGANO Shigeki, NAKAMURA Kyota, IWATA Hiroyasu

      49 ( 1 ) 86 - 92  2013.01


  • 負荷変化率を用いた操作入力の無効化による双腕引き剥がし作業の安全性向上

    亀崎允啓, 島田洋介, 岩田浩康, 菅野重樹

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM)   31st  2013


  • 1P1-J04 Grasp Form Planning for Robot Hand with Passivity : Finger Posture Design Considering Displacement Balance of Joint-springs(Robot Hand Mechanism and Grasping Strategy (3))

    FUJIKURA Rie, SUGAIWA Taisuke, ESAKI Kanako, KOJIMA Kohei, IWATA Hiroyasu, SUGANO Shigeki

      2012   "1P1 - J04(1)"-"1P1-J04(4)"  2012.05

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    We propose a planning of grasp form for a robot hand with passivity. The purpose is to realize more stable grasping and changing forms. We design two indices: "displacement balance of joint-springs" and "finger-tip compliance." First grasp form candidates are calculated by grasping force and size of object. Then these indices extract the moderate grasp form from these candidates. The former index is to avoid both over-displacement and non-displacement. Because of these displacements, fingers can't absorb model errors. The latter one is to avoid fluctuations of grasping force. We also report grasping and drawing experiment to check the effects this method. The results show that this method realizes more stable grasping and drawing.


  • 1A2-T10 Development of a Biofeedback Gymnastics System for Self-Determinable Exercise(Cooperation between Human and Machine(2))

    ATOHAMA Ryuta, SUGANO Shigeki, IWATA Hiroyasu

      2012   "1A2 - T10(1)"-"1A2-T10(2)"  2012.05

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    This paper is about a system which supports continuation of daily physical exercise. According to the motivation theory, an intrinsic motivation is a key to acquire the physical exercise habit. An intrinsic motivation develops in self-determinable situations, so we developed a gymnastics system, which allows its participants to determine how they move and exercise. The system should satisfy conditions below: (i) Guides its participants to rhythmic and big-motioned exercise using four major muscles, (ii) Allows its participants to determine how they exercise, and (iii) Maintains exercise intensity from 55 to 65 %HRmax. We newly defined abstracted-quantity, which represents expansion of exercise, and invent the biofeedback exercise program to achieve the conditions above. Evaluations indicated the efficiency of developed system.


  • 1A2-U10 Standing-up Motion Support by Robot Technology : Teaching Motion Considering Personal Adaptation Based on Changes of Motion Resistance(Cooperation between Human and Machine(2))

    SHIMIZU Toshimasa, BANSHO Yusuke, IWATA Hiroyasu, SUGANO Shigeki

      2012   "1A2 - U10(1)"-"1A2-U10(4)"  2012.05

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    With advance of a low birthrate aged society in recent years, the shortage of care workers poses a big problem. The care support by RT is expected as the solution. Since standing-up motion is fundamental capability required for everyday life, support of the standing-up motion by RT is indispensable. The important thing in the case of standing-up motion support is not offering superfluous support in consideration of the physical strength in which a care worker remains, so that independence may not be spoiled. In this paper, the method of teaching the suitable standing-up motion in consideration of the care worker's physical strength and independence was proposed to elderly people or a disabled person.


  • 1A2-M07 Tactile Biofeedback System for Locomotion Rehabilitation : Influence of the area and intensity on the understandability of the multi-point tactile stimulation(Rehabilitation Robotics and Mechatronics(2))

    IWATA Hiroyasu, IIMURA Naoyuki, IIDA Shotaro, SATO Yoshihiko, SUGANO Shigeki

      2012   "1A2 - M07(1)"-"1A2-M07(2)"  2012.05

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    We propose new rehabilitation RT devices, PARTY (Perception-Assisting Robotics Technolog Y) that enable the paralyzed to get a perception-bypass communication path via a non-paralyzed-part skin. To evaluate the mental workload of tactile BF-based rehabilitations we proposed, we should reveal the tendency for allocation of attentional resource for spatial and temporal cognition of stimulations. In this paper, we describe the psychophysical validation for spatial cognitive characteristics of tactile stimulations on the back, and propose the policy to apply the findings to tuning of tactile BF device.


  • 1A2-M06 Somatic Sensation-Biofeedback System for Rehabilitation of Hemiplegia : Comparison of RT-Assisted Motor Learning Performance in Supervised and Reinforcement Learning(Rehabilitation Robotics and Mechatronics(2))

    IWATA Hiroyasu, IIDA Shotaro, IIMURA Naoyuki, SUGAWARA Shimon, SUGANO Shigeki

      2012   "1A2 - M06(1)"-"1A2-M06(2)"  2012.05

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    We have been proposing new rehabilitation-assisting RT devices for post-stroke patients. They were useful for rehabilitation but there was a problem that not paying enough attention to the biofeedback during training may lead to the unsuccessful training. Thus we examined the effect of attention on RT-assisted rehabilitation by comparing the effect of motor learning on upper limb using the rehabilitation-assisting RT devices in paying and not paying attention conditions. The conclusion is that not paying enough attention to the training and biofeedback from the device will block the rehabilitation and the phenomenon was more obvious for reinforcement learning.


  • 2A1-V06 Development of a 6-Dof Oral Interface for a wheelchair mounted robotic arm : A usage of jaw's movement and respiratory pressure(Welfare Robotics and Mechatronics(2))

    ZHANG Zheming, WANG Wei, IWATA Hiroyasu, SUGANO Shigeki

      2012   "2A1 - V06(1)"-"2A1-V06(3)"  2012.05

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    In this research, we are currently developing a 6-Dof oral Interface in order to help quadriplegic patients operate a wheelchair mounted robotic arm independently. We are focusing on building a device capable of measuring the amount of jaw's movement and respiratory pressure and changing it into electronic signals by using joysticks and air-pressure sensors. We come up with a control method which is adapted to the robot arm's 6-Dof tool coordinate system and can be used to operate the wheelchair mounted robotic arm without using hands or legs. The device can be installed instantly by connecting it to the computers with a single USB cable. The device is in a small size of 220×200×90[mm] and weighs 680[g] for compact purpose.


  • 操作型作業機械の知能化に関する研究~第8報:手先位置頻度マップを用いた大局的作業傾向の可視化~

    亀崎允啓, 橋本諭, 岩田浩康, 菅野重樹

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM)   30th  2012


  • Development of Visual Servo System for Blood Flow Measurement Tracking Vessel Movement with Breathing


      13 ( 3 ) 320 - 321  2011.11


  • 2P1-F01 Development of Robot Hand Mounted on Wheel Chair with an Auto-Grasping System(Welfare Robotics and Mechatronics(1))

    Matsuo Yuki, Wang Wei, Suga Yuki, Iwata Hiroyasu, Sugano Shigeki

      2011   "2P1 - F01(1)"-"2P1-F01(4)"  2011.05

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    In this research, we are currently developing a robotic arm which is mounted on a wheel chair to help disabled people in daily life. But it is difficult for these people to manipulate it by using a joystick. So we aim to make an automatic manipulator, and this year, we developed a robot hand which can grasp objects automatically. This time we tried 3 tasks. They are to grasp a PET bottle, a straw and a handle. To realize these tasks, this robot hand has 30[N] grip force produced with four-bar linkage system, and carries a supersonic sensor, infrared proximity sensors and pressure sensors. Finally we succeeded to create a map of environment, and to carry out them.


  • 2P1-C03 Development of Visual Servo System Tracking Moving Vessel for Blood Flow Measurement(Medical Robotics and Mechatronics)

    ITO Keiichiro, ASAYAMA Tomofumi, TSURUTA Koichi, SUGANO Shigeki, IWATA Hiroyasu

      2011   "2P1 - C03(1)"-"2P1-C03(2)"  2011.05

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    We report a visual servo system which can search the position of a bleeding source by blood flow measurement. Conventional method of blood flow measurement using by ultrasound can't measure blood velocity under large vessel displacement. We developed a new visual servo system which contains two kinds of controls: a cyclic follow-up control and a control which decides the follow-up control start timing and position using by diameter comparison. As a result of experiments of following up a vessel and measuring blood velocity, proposed method appropriately worked and the possibility that we can measure blood flow under large vessel displacement using by ultrasound was suggested.


  • 2P2-E04 Somatic Sensation-Biofeedback System for Rehabilitation of Hemiplegia : Evaluation of Brain activity during re-motor-learning by motor-error perceiving RT(Rehabilitation Robotics and Mechatronics)

    IWATA Hiroyasu, Arimura Kazutaka, Iimura Naoyuki, SUGANO Shigeki

      2011   "2P2 - E04(1)"-"2P2-E04(2)"  2011.05

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    We proposed a new biofeedback system for rehabilitation of hemiplegia, which restrain patients from learning incorrect movements by perceiving the difference between non-paralyzed-side and paralyzed-side. In this paper, we verified the changes of brain activity using fMRI during the re-motor-learning by proposed system.


  • 2P2-D10 Somatic Sensation-Biofeedback System for Rehabilitation of Hemiplegia : Active Search by Non-Paralyzed-Side to Identify the Sense of Position(Rehabilitation Robotics and Mechatronics)

    IWATA Hiroyasu, IIMURA Naoyuki, ARIMURA Kazutaka, SUGANO Shigeki

      2011   "2P2 - D10(1)"-"2P2-D10(2)"  2011.05

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    We propose new rehabilitation RT devices, PARTY (Perception-Assisting Robotics TechnologY) that enable the paralyzed to get a perception-bypass communication path via a non-paralyzed-part body. Previously, to identify the sense of position and recognize joint angle, our device synchronizes non-paralyzed-side with the action of paralyzed-side. However, tests on ankle joint for six normal subjects indicate active search is more effective than passive synchronization to improve the adjusting capability of joint angle. Then, we applied this new method for patient, and saw hemiplegia able to adjust paralyzed-side to target-angle with accuracy of normal subject.


  • Development of 4-DOF Anthropomorphic Tactile Interaction Manipulator with Passive Joint


    Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics   Accepted  2011

  • How Should Engineering Researcher Regard Research Ethics Review?

    IWATA Hiroyasu

    JRSJ   29 ( 3 ) 259 - 260  2011

    DOI CiNii

  • Development of 4-DOF Anthropomorphic Tactile Interaction Manipulator with Passive Joint


    Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics   Accepted  2011

  • A Practical Load Detection Framework Considering Uncertainty in Hydraulic Pressure-Based Force Measurement for Construction Manipulator

    Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano

    2011 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION (ICRA)   in press   288 - 293  2011  [Refereed]

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    This paper proposes a practical framework for detecting (identifying the on-off state of) the external force applied to a construction manipulator (front load) by using a hydraulic sensor. Such a detection system requires high accuracy and robustness considering the uncertainty in pressure-based force measurement. Our framework is thus organized into (i) identifying the dominant error force component (self-weight and driving force) using theoretical and experimental estimation and binarizing the analog external cylinder force, (ii) evaluating detection conditions to address indeterminate conditions such as stroke-end, singular posture, and impulsive or oscillatory force and redefining three-valued outputs such as on, off, or not determinate (ND), and (iii) outputting the front load decision by combining all the cylinder decisions to improve robustness through priority analysis. Experiments were conducted using an instrumented hydraulic arm. Results indicate that our framework adequately detects on, off, and ND outputs of the front load in various detection conditions without misidentification.

  • On-Chest Attachable Emergency Care RT Enabling Tele-operated Thoracentesis : 2^<nd> report : Thoracentesis Performability Against Oscillation Disturbance in Transit

    ATOHAMA Ryuta, ITO Keiichiro, SUGANO Shigeki, NAKAMURA Kyota, TAKEUCHI Ryohei, IWATA Hiroyasu

      12 ( 3 ) 218 - 219  2010.11


  • Hydraulic Pressure-Based Dominant Error Force Component Identification for Detecting External Force Applied to Construction Manipulator


    Proc. of Int. Conf. on Advanced Mechatronics 2010 (ICAM2010)   2010   313 - 318  2010.10

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    The purpose of this paper is to develop a fundamental external force detection framework for construction manipulator. Such industrial application demands practicality that satisfies detection requirements such as accuracy and robustness while ensuring (i) low cost, (ii) wide applicability, and (iii) simple detection algorithm. To satisfy (i) and (ii), our framework adopts hydraulic sensors as force sensor. Hydraulic sensor essentially detects error force components that generate depending on joint kinetic state and differ in identification- difficulty due to nonlinear and uncertain hydromechanical system. To satisfy (ii) and (iii), theoretical, experimental, and conditional identification methods without complex modeling are applied in static, uniform motion, and accelerated motion states for identifying self-weight, driving, inertial forces defined as dominant error components. Experiments were conducted using our instrumented hydraulic arm system. Result of no-load task indicates that our framework lowers a threshold to determine the on-off state of external force application, independent of joint kinetic states. Result of on-load task confirms that our framework robustly identifies off states in which external force is not applied to hydraulic cylinder.

    DOI CiNii

  • A Framework to Identify Task-Phase and Attentional-Condition for Supporting Complicated Dual-Arm Operations


    Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics   vol.22 ( no.6 ) 447 - 455  2010.08  [Refereed]


  • A Practical Approach to Detecting External Force Applied to Hydraulic Cylinder for Construction Manipulator


    Proc. of the SICE Annual Conference 2010     1255 - 1256  2010.08  [Refereed]

  • A Framework to Identify Task-Phase and Attentional-Condition for Supporting Complicated Dual-Arm Operations


    Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics   vol.22 ( no.6 ) 447 - 455  2010.08


  • Pressure Control on Whole Surface of Human-mimetic Multi-fingered Hand with Tactile Sensing


    Proc. of the SICE Annual Conference 2010     436 - 438  2010.08

  • A Practical Approach to Detecting External Force Applied to Hydraulic Cylinder for Construction Manipulator


    Proc. of the SICE Annual Conference 2010     1255 - 1256  2010.08

  • 1P1-F06 Biofeedback Rehabilitation System for Proprioceptive Sensation : Sensorimotor model reconstruction methods incorporating different velocity

    IWATA Hiroyasu, SUGAWARA Shimon, ARIMURA Kazutaka, SUGANO Shigeki

      2010   "1P1 - F06(1)"-"1P1-F06(2)"  2010

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    From the standpoint of motor learning theory, to study the movement of a human somatosensory feedback and inverse model must be proper. This is the healthy subjects were trained from left to right tilt angle of the trunk in a sitting position. However, conduct the training by changing the angle of tilt in the right purpose, and angle for the target to be examined whether somatosensory and inverse model is rebuilt. This proposed training methods including, comparing the three different ways and investigate how effective the training. Consequently suggested that the proposed training method is most effective.


  • 1P1-F05 Biofeedback Rehabilitation System for Proprioceptive Sensation : Avoidance of visual dependency at dynamic balance training

    IWATA Hiroyasu, Arimura Kazutaka, ENJYOJI Koki, Sugawara Shimon, SUGANO Shigeki

      2010   "1P1 - F05(1)"-"1P1-F05(2)"  2010

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    We proposed a Perception Assisting Robot TechnologY system (PARTY), which suggests significant effect on walking ability. However, the rehab effect did not last so long after taking off the PARTY. We found that this was because most of the patients often use their visual feedback instead of proprioceptive feedback which they trained from the PARTY. Relying too much on visual feedback may accidentally make false steps or releasing objects which may cause some serious accidents. Therefore, this paper describes how to avoid the visual-feedback-dependency and increasing the natural usage of proprioceptive feedback.


  • 1A1-D14 Development Of Light-Weight Robot Arm Mounted On Wheel Chair With Stoarage Mechanism

    NISHI Yuki, Wang Wei, SUGA Yuki, IWATA Yasuhiro, SUGANO Shigeki, Morita TOSHIO, CHIHARA Kenji, INABA Akio, NAKANISHI Yoshio, TORII Katsuhiko, NAGANAWA Masahiro

      2010   "1A1 - D14(1)"-"1A1-D14(2)"  2010

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    In this research, we are currently developing a robotic arm which is mounted on a wheel chair to help some disabled people in daily living. The robotic arm should be safe and compact, so we installed a weight-compensating mechanism into the robotic arm to reduce its actuators' weight. And we can put away the robotic arm in storage area on the wheelchair. In this paper, newly developed robotic arm is shown. It is 7 D.O.F. Robotic arm with the weight-compensating mechanism and a simple gripper hand. It is 1070 [mm] long, and it weighs 5.05 [kg]. We confirmed 2.0 [kg] maximum load and the same height as the armrest with storage position.


  • Development of attachable tele-echography robot by a bystander at injury scene

    Keiichiro Ito, Shigeki Sugano, Hiroyasu Iwata

    2010 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation, ICMA 2010     1270 - 1275  2010  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    This paper reports a wearable tele-echography robot that a bystander could attach to a patient at injury scene. Quick diagnosis and treatment are important for patients who have shock by internal bleeding. Therefore, focused assessment with sonography for trauma (FAST), which is a simple and quick diagnostic method, was developed as a first lifesaving step in a hospital. However, a shock patient has little time, and transportation to a hospital may take too long. Therefore, a system which enables FAST at injury scene by assistance of bystander is important. First, we constructed a medical treatment scenario from the victim's discovery to FAST and treatment at the injury scene. Then, we developed a remote-controlled FAST robot that a bystander could attach to a patient. This robot is attached to each roughly FAST areas of patient body by a bystander and remotely fine-tuned position by a doctor in a hospital. In this way, a bystander may not do an exact positioning. In addition, the robot has two springs to generate contact force between echo probe and patient body surface. This mechanism not only fit in patient body motion but also downsizing based on reducing the number of controlled axis. To confirm the effectiveness of the robot, we performed experiments with some examinees and doctors. We confirmed effectiveness of the mechanism and that a bystander could attach the robot to each roughly FAST areas of patient body. We also confirmed that a doctor could do FAST with the robot by remote-controlled on the roughly FAST areas in approximately three minutes. These results show that the robot would enable FAST at injury scene by assistance of bystander, and FAST would be faster than the time required transporting the patient to the hospital with the robot. This is effective in improving the survival rate for traumatic shock patients. © 2010 IEEE.


  • Portable and Attachable Tele-Echography Robot system: FASTele

    Keiichiro Ito, Shigeki Sugano, Hiroyasu Iwata


     View Summary

    The purpose of this report is to propose portable and attachable tele-echography robot system: FASTele. Focused assessment with sonography for trauma (FAST) is important for patients who have shock by internal bleeding. However, the patient has little time, and transportation to a hospital may take too long. A system which enables FAST more quickly is required. Therefore, we aim to develop a tele-echography (FAST) robot system that can be used by a paramedic easily for shock patient in ambulance or at injury scene. To develop the system, portability and usability (for paramedic) are significant issues. We developed a tele-echography robot system which has 4-DOF. The robot is attached to each roughly FAST areas of patient body (body-based set up) and remotely fine-tuned position by a specialist in a hospital. The robot can control the posture of probe by curvature rails. The mechanism that maintains passively the contact force between the probe and patient&apos;s body surface by using springs enables the robot small and lightweight. Feasibility experiments of FAST are reported.


  • A methodology for setting grasping force for picking up an object with unknown weight, friction, and stiffness

    Taisuke Sugaiwa, Genki Fujii, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano

    2010 10th IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots, Humanoids 2010     288 - 293  2010  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    A methodology for setting the reference value of a grasping force when a multi-finger robotic hand grasps and lifts up an object without knowing its characteristic weight, coefficient of static friction, and stiffness was devised. The grasping force must be set to avoid dropping or deforming the object. To fulfill this requirement, the methodology measures object characteristics by detecting the moment of deformation or slipping according to the deflection of a mechanical passive element. The reference value of grasping force is set according to an upper limit to avoid crushing and a lower limit for lifting up the object calculated from the object's above-mentioned characteristics. The degree of the accuracy of object characteristic measurements was evaluated through experiments using an actual human-mimetic hand-arm system. Finally we validated that the system can pick up objects with the grasping force set by our methodology. ©2010 IEEE.


  • A Framework of State Identification for Operational Support based on Task-Phase and Attentional-Condition Identification

    Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano


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    This paper proposes a state identification framework to support the complicated dual-arm operations in construction work. The operational support in construction machinery filed requires the compatibility with different types of support and the commonality among various operator skill levels. The proposed framework is therefore organized into two functions: real-time task phase identification and time-series attentional condition identification. The task phase is defined by utilizing the joint load applied according to the environment constraint condition. The attentional condition is defined as one of the internal work-state condition classified by the necessity level of operational support, and is dependent on the vectorial or time-series date selected by the identified task phase. Experiments are conducted using the hydraulic dual arm system to perform transporting and removing tasks. Results show that the number of error contacts, internal force applied, and mental workload is decreased without time-consumption increase. The result confirmed that the proposed framework greatly contribute to improving each operator's work performance.


  • Development of a Dual Robotic Arm System to Evaluate Intelligent System for Advanced Construction Machinery

    Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Satoshi Hashimoto, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano


     View Summary

    This paper reports a newly developed hydraulic dual robotic arm system to create and evaluate intelligent systems, which support complicated machine operations, for advanced construction machinery. This kind of machine system (test-bed) requires functions to quantify its dynamic characteristics and operational difficulty (influential factors). In particular, construction manipulator nonlinearly changes its dynamics depending on various internal and external factors. To quantify such influential factors, our proposed test-bed is equipped with standard hydromechanical system which includes two manipulators and grapples, and practical sensing system which detects control input, oil pressure, oil temperature, and cylinder stroke data. Using the developed test-bed, fundamental experiments were conducted to clarify hydromechanical system characteristics. Experimental results indicate that the test-bed quantifies its hysteresis, pressure loss, and time delay, and show that variable dynamics complicates intuitive and precise machine operations and external force measurement. This analysis confirms the developed machine system is useful to quantify influential factors for creating intelligent system.


  • Development of attachable tele-echography robot by a bystander at injury scene

    Keiichiro Ito, Shigeki Sugano, Hiroyasu Iwata

    2010 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation, ICMA 2010     1270 - 1275  2010

     View Summary

    This paper reports a wearable tele-echography robot that a bystander could attach to a patient at injury scene. Quick diagnosis and treatment are important for patients who have shock by internal bleeding. Therefore, focused assessment with sonography for trauma (FAST), which is a simple and quick diagnostic method, was developed as a first lifesaving step in a hospital. However, a shock patient has little time, and transportation to a hospital may take too long. Therefore, a system which enables FAST at injury scene by assistance of bystander is important. First, we constructed a medical treatment scenario from the victim's discovery to FAST and treatment at the injury scene. Then, we developed a remote-controlled FAST robot that a bystander could attach to a patient. This robot is attached to each roughly FAST areas of patient body by a bystander and remotely fine-tuned position by a doctor in a hospital. In this way, a bystander may not do an exact positioning. In addition, the robot has two springs to generate contact force between echo probe and patient body surface. This mechanism not only fit in patient body motion but also downsizing based on reducing the number of controlled axis. To confirm the effectiveness of the robot, we performed experiments with some examinees and doctors. We confirmed effectiveness of the mechanism and that a bystander could attach the robot to each roughly FAST areas of patient body. We also confirmed that a doctor could do FAST with the robot by remote-controlled on the roughly FAST areas in approximately three minutes. These results show that the robot would enable FAST at injury scene by assistance of bystander, and FAST would be faster than the time required transporting the patient to the hospital with the robot. This is effective in improving the survival rate for traumatic shock patients. © 2010 IEEE.


  • Portable and attachable tele-echography robot system: FASTele

    Keiichiro Ito, Shigeki Sugano, Hiroyasu Iwata

    2010 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBC'10     487 - 490  2010

     View Summary

    The purpose of this report is to propose portable and attachable tele-echography robot system: FASTele. Focused assessment with sonography for trauma (FAST) is important for patients who have shock by internal bleeding. However, the patient has little time, and transportation to a hospital may take too long. A system which enables FAST more quickly is required. Therefore, we aim to develop a tele-echography (FAST) robot system that can be used by a paramedic easily for shock patient in ambulance or at injury scene. To develop the system, portability and usability (for paramedic) are significant issues. We developed a tele-echography robot system which has 4-DOF. The robot is attached to each roughly FAST areas of patient body (body-based set up) and remotely fine-tuned position by a specialist in a hospital. The robot can control the posture of probe by curvature rails. The mechanism that maintains passively the contact force between the probe and patient's body surface by using springs enables the robot small and lightweight. Feasibility experiments of FAST are reported. © 2010 IEEE.

    DOI PubMed

  • Motion-planning Method with Active Body-Environment Contact for a Hand-Arm System including Passive Joints

    Taisuke Sugaiwa, Masanori Nezumiya, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano

    IEEE/RSJ 2010 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT ROBOTS AND SYSTEMS (IROS 2010)   paper no. TuBT2.5   69 - 74  2010  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Human-symbiotic humanoid robots that can perform tasks dexterously using their hands are needed in our homes, welfare facilities, and other places as the average age of the population increases. To improve the task performance of human-symbiotic humanoid robots, a motion-planning method with active body-environment contact was developed. Taking into account the positive and negative effect of mechanical passive elements implemented in joints, this motion-planning method can enables the hand-arm system to establish the active BE contact at the appropriate body-site and to select the joints that perform the movement for executing the given task. Control algorithms for the tool operation, namely, writing with a pen, were also constructed. The motion-planning method was validated through actual experiments on a prototype human-symbiotic humanoid robot.


  • Wearable Echography Robot for Trauma Patient

    Keiichiro Ito, Shigeki Sugano, Hiroyasu Iwata


     View Summary

    The purpose of this report is to propose a diagnosis and treatment scenario by assistance of bystander and echography robot for trauma patient. Quick treatment is important for patients who have shock by internal bleeding. Therefore, focused assessment with sonography for trauma (FAST), which is a simple and quick diagnostic method, was developed as a first lifesaving step in a hospital. However, a shock patient has little time, and transportation to a hospital may take too long. Therefore, we aim at development of a system which enables FAST at injury scene by assistance of bystander. To develop the system, life-saving flow and a FAST device are significant issues. First, we constructed a diagnosis and treatment scenario. Then, we developed a tele-echography robot system which has 4-DOF that a bystander could attach. This robot is attached to each roughly FAST areas of patient body by a bystander and remotely fine-tuned position by a doctor in a hospital. In this way, a bystander may not do an exact positioning. In addition, the robot has a mechanism to generate contact force between echo probe and patient body surface by two springs. This mechanism not only fit in patient body motion but also reducing the number of controlled axis. To confirm the medical applications of the scenario and the robot, we performed experiments with some examinees and doctors. We confirmed effectiveness of the mechanism and that a bystander could attach the robot to each roughly FAST areas of patient body. We also confirmed that a doctor could do FAST with the robot by remote-controlled on the roughly FAST areas in approximately three minutes. These results show that the robot would enable FAST by assistance of bystander, and the scenario would make FAST faster than the time required transporting the patient to the hospital.


  • A methodology for setting grasping force for picking up an object with unknown weight, friction, and stiffness

    Taisuke Sugaiwa, Genki Fujii, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano

    2010 10th IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots, Humanoids 2010     288 - 293  2010

     View Summary

    A methodology for setting the reference value of a grasping force when a multi-finger robotic hand grasps and lifts up an object without knowing its characteristic weight, coefficient of static friction, and stiffness was devised. The grasping force must be set to avoid dropping or deforming the object. To fulfill this requirement, the methodology measures object characteristics by detecting the moment of deformation or slipping according to the deflection of a mechanical passive element. The reference value of grasping force is set according to an upper limit to avoid crushing and a lower limit for lifting up the object calculated from the object's above-mentioned characteristics. The degree of the accuracy of object characteristic measurements was evaluated through experiments using an actual human-mimetic hand-arm system. Finally we validated that the system can pick up objects with the grasping force set by our methodology. ©2010 IEEE.


  • 双腕作業機の知能化インタフェースに関する研究 〜環境の複雑性および操作者の多様性に非依存な基底作業状態〜

    亀﨑允啓, 岩田浩康, 菅野重樹

    計測自動制御学会論文集   vol. 45, no. 12 ( 12 ) 646 - 653  2009.12  [Refereed]

    DOI CiNii

  • Hand-Arm Coordinated Manipulation using Active Body-Environment Contact


    Proc. of IEEE-RAS Int. Conf. on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids2009)     653 - 659  2009.11

  • Work State Identification using Primitive Static States &#8211;Implementation to Demolition Work in Double-Front Work Machines-


    Proc. of 2009 Int. Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC’09)     278 - 287  2009.06

  • Operation Skill Analysis using Primitive Static States in Human-Operated Work Machine


    Proc. of The 3rd Int. Conf. on Construction Engineering and Management (ICCEM’09)     230 - 236  2009.05

  • Primitive static states for intelligent operated-work machines

    Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano

    Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation     1334 - 1339  2009

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    Advanced operated-work machines, which have been designed for complicated tasks and which have complicated operating systems, requires intelligent systems that can provide the quantitative work analysis needed to determine effective work procedures and that can provide operational and cognitive support for operators. Construction work environments are extremely complicated, however, and this makes state identification, which is a key technology for an intelligent system, difficult. We therefore defined primitive static states (PSS) that are determined using on-off information for the lever inputs and manipulator loads for each part of the grapple and front and that are completely independent of the various environmental conditions and variation in operator skill level that can cause an incorrect work state identification. To confirm the usefulness of PSS, we performed experiments with a demolition task by using our virtual reality simulator. We confirmed that PSS could robustly and accurately identify the work states and that untrained skills could be easily inferred from the results of PSS-based work analysis. We also confirmed in skill-training experiments that advice information based on PSS-based skill analysis greatly improved operator's work performance. We thus confirmed that PSS can adequately identify work states and are useful for work analysis and skill improvement. © 2009 IEEE.


  • Operator Support System Based on Primitive Static States in Intelligent Operated Work Machines

    Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano

    ADVANCED ROBOTICS   23 ( 10 ) 1281 - 1297  2009  [Refereed]

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    Intelligent functions that can autonomously identify the current work states and also provide informational or operational support to their operators are inevitably required for double-front construction machinery (DFCM), which has been developed for complicated tasks. In this study, which focuses on DFCM, we address the need for a new conceptual design of an operator support system. In particular, a state identification method strongly requires high reliability and robustness to address the complexity of the construction work environment and the variety of the operator's skill level. We, therefore, define primitive static states (PSS) that are determined using on-off information for the]ever inputs and manipulator loads for each part of the grapple and front. We develop an intelligent system that provides a reduction of operational gain to make precise work easier and an indication of an enlarged image of the end-effector from a different viewpoint to assist depth perception based on PSS identification, and evaluate it using our newly developed simulator. Our experimental results show that the operator support system improves the work performance, including decreasing the operational time for completing a task, reducing the mental workload on the operators and the number of error operations. (C) Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden and The Robotics Society of Japan, 2009

    DOI CiNii

  • Design of anthropomorphic dexterous hand with passive joints and sensitive soft skins

    Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano

    2009 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration: SI International 2008 - The 2nd Symposium on System Integration     129 - 134  2009

     View Summary

    Installation of passive elements on the skin (whole-part covered soft skin) and inside joints of the robotic hand becomes a key-technology to remarkably enhance the stability of object handling and manipulation and adaptability to external forces. Based on this idea, in this paper a sophisticated mechanism design of TWENDY-ONE hands with mechanical springs in DIP and MP joints and whole-part covered soft skins is presented. In addition, we present a design method of tactile sensors for highly dexterous robotic hand, whish are necessary for recognition of volume and softness of objects grasped as well as improvement of handling and manipulation more stably. Evaluation experiments focusing on kitchen supports using TWENDY-ONE hands indicate that this new robot has high dexterity due to the hand and will be extremely useful to enhance the quality of life for the elderly in the near future where human and robot co-exist. ©2009 IEEE.


  • A motion control for dexterous manipulation with human mimetic hand-arm system

    Taisuke Sugaiwa, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano

    9th IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots, HUMANOIDS09     653 - 659  2009

     View Summary

    Human-symbiotic humanoid robots that can perform tasks dexterously using their hands are needed in our homes, welfare facilities, and other places. To improve their task performance, we propose a motion control scheme aimed at appropriately coordinated hand and arm motions. By observing human manual tasks, we identified active body-environment contact as a kind of human manual skill and devised a motion control scheme based on it. We also analyzed the effectiveness of active body-environment contact in glass-placing and drawer-opening tasks. We validated our motion control scheme through actual tests on a prototype human-symbiotic humanoid robot. ©2009 IEEE.


  • Development of Operator Support System with Primitive Static States for Intelligent Construction Machinery

    Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano

    2009 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MECHATRONICS, VOLS 1 AND 2   Th1C-1   345 - 350  2009  [Refereed]

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    Double-front construction machinery (DFCM), which has been developed for adaptation to complicated work, demands higher operational skills to control double fronts with more multiple joints. To handle DFCM skillfully for performing more complicated works, intelligent functions that can autonomously distinguish between diverse states and also provide informational and operational supports to their operators are inevitably required. In particular, a state identification method strongly requires high reliability, and robustness due to the complexity of the construction work environment and the variety of the operator's skill level. However, most of the current construction machinery has unique functions that only reproduce the movements that are originated by the operator. In this study, which focuses on DFCM, we addressed the need for a new conceptual design of an operator support system (OSS) and evaluated it using our newly developed simulator. Our experimental results showed that the OSS improves the work performance, including decreasing the operational time for completing a task, reducing the mental workload on the operators, and the number of error operations.


  • Primitive Static States for Intelligent Operated-Work Machines

    Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano


     View Summary

    Advanced operated-work machines, which have been designed for complicated tasks and which have complicated operating systems, requires intelligent systems that can provide the quantitative work analysis needed to determine effective work procedures and that can provide operational and cognitive support for operators. Construction work environments are extremely complicated, however, and this makes state identification, which is a key technology for an intelligent system, difficult. We therefore defined primitive static states (PSS) that are determined using on-off information for the lever inputs and manipulator loads for each part of the grapple and front and that are completely independent of the various environmental conditions and variation in operator skill level that can cause an incorrect work state identification. To confirm the usefulness of PSS, we performed experiments with a demolition task by using our virtual reality simulator. We confirmed that PSS could robustly and accurately identify the work states and that untrained skills could be easily inferred from the results of PSS-based work analysis. We also confirmed in skill-training experiments that advice information based on PSS-based skill analysis greatly improved operator's work performance. We thus confirmed that PSS can adequately identify work states and are useful for work analysis and skill improvement.


  • Design of Human Symbiotic Robot TWENDY-ONE

    Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano


     View Summary

    In this paper, we propose a sophisticated design of human symbiotic robots that provide physical supports to the elderly such as attendant care with high-power and kitchen supports with dexterity while securing contact safety even if physical contact occurs with them. First of all, we made clear functional requirements for such a new generation robot, amounting to fifteen items to consolidate five significant functions such as "safety", "friendliness", "dexterity", "high-power" and "mobility". In addition, we set task scenes in daily life where support by robot is useful for old women living alone, in order to deduce specifications for the robot. Based on them, we successfully developed a new generation of human symbiotic robot, TWENDY-ONE that has a head, trunk, dual arms with a compact passive mechanism, anthropomorphic dual hands with mechanical softness in joints and skins and an omni-wheeled vehicle. Evaluation experiments focusing on attendant care and kitchen supports using TWENDY-ONE indicate that this new robot will be extremely useful to enhance quality of life for the elderly in the near future where human and robot co-exist.


  • Operator support system based on primitive static states in intelligent operated work machines

    Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano

    Advanced Robotics   23 ( 10 ) 1281 - 1297  2009

     View Summary

    Intelligent functions that can autonomously identify the current work states and also provide informational or operational support to their operators are inevitably required for double-front construction machinery (DFCM), which has been developed for complicated tasks. In this study, which focuses on DFCM, we address the need for a new conceptual design of an operator support system. In particular, a state identification method strongly requires high reliability and robustness to address the complexity of the construction work environment and the variety of the operator's skill level. We, therefore, define primitive static states (PSS) that are determined using on–off information for the lever inputs and manipulator loads for each part of the grapple and front. We develop an intelligent system that provides a reduction of operational gain to make precise work easier and an indication of an enlarged image of the end-effector from a different viewpoint to assist depth perception based on PSS identification, and evaluate it using our newly developed simulator. Our experimental results show that the operator support system improves the work performance, including decreasing the operational time for completing a task, reducing the mental workload on the operators and the number of error operations. © 2009 Taylor &amp
    Francis Group, LLC.

    DOI CiNii

  • Dexterous Hand-Arm Coordinated Manipulation using Active Body-Environment Contact

    Taisuke Sugaiwa, Yasumasa Yamaguchi, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano

    2009 IEEE-RSJ INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT ROBOTS AND SYSTEMS   paper no. WelT6.2   4168 - +  2009  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Human-symbiotic humanoid robots that can perform tasks dexterously using their hands are needed in our homes, welfare facilities, and other places. To improve their task performance, we propose a motion control scheme aimed at appropriately coordinated hand and arm motions. By observing human manual tasks, we identified active body-environment contact as a kind of human manual skill and devised a motion control scheme based on it. We also analyzed the effectiveness of active body-environment contact in glass-placing and drawer-opening tasks. We validated our motion control scheme through actual tests on a prototype human-symbiotic humanoid robot.


  • Design of anthropomorphic dexterous hand with passive joints and sensitive soft skins

    Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano

    2009 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration: SI International 2008 - The 2nd Symposium on System Integration     129 - 134  2009  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Installation of passive elements on the skin (whole-part covered soft skin) and inside joints of the robotic hand becomes a key-technology to remarkably enhance the stability of object handling and manipulation and adaptability to external forces. Based on this idea, in this paper a sophisticated mechanism design of TWENDY-ONE hands with mechanical springs in DIP and MP joints and whole-part covered soft skins is presented. In addition, we present a design method of tactile sensors for highly dexterous robotic hand, whish are necessary for recognition of volume and softness of objects grasped as well as improvement of handling and manipulation more stably. Evaluation experiments focusing on kitchen supports using TWENDY-ONE hands indicate that this new robot has high dexterity due to the hand and will be extremely useful to enhance the quality of life for the elderly in the near future where human and robot co-exist. ©2009 IEEE.


  • A motion control for dexterous manipulation with human mimetic hand-arm system

    Taisuke Sugaiwa, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano

    9th IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots, HUMANOIDS09     653 - 659  2009  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Human-symbiotic humanoid robots that can perform tasks dexterously using their hands are needed in our homes, welfare facilities, and other places. To improve their task performance, we propose a motion control scheme aimed at appropriately coordinated hand and arm motions. By observing human manual tasks, we identified active body-environment contact as a kind of human manual skill and devised a motion control scheme based on it. We also analyzed the effectiveness of active body-environment contact in glass-placing and drawer-opening tasks. We validated our motion control scheme through actual tests on a prototype human-symbiotic humanoid robot. ©2009 IEEE.


  • Development of an Operation Skill-Training Simulator for Double-Front Construction Machinery (Training Effect for a House Demolition Work)


    Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics   vol.20, no.4   602 - 609  2008.12  [Refereed]


  • Development of an Operation Skill-Training Simulator for Double-Front Construction Machinery (Training Effect for a House Demolition Work)


    Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics   vol.20, no.4 ( 4 ) 602 - 609  2008.12


  • 1C2-1 Development of a Perception Assisting RT for Hemiplegia and Validation using fNIRS

    IWATA Hiroyasu, AIKO Fumitaka, KOMAGATA Ryokichi, SUGANO Shigeki

    The JSME Symposium on Welfare Engineering   2008   41 - 42  2008.09

     View Summary

    We propose a new locomotion rehabilitation RT device, PARTY (Perception-Assisting Robotics Technology) that enables the paralyzed to get a perception-bypass communication root via a non-paralyzed-part body for recognizing foot contact pressures of the paralyzed-side. This paper reports a remarkable rehabilitation outcome through validation with Functional Near-infrared Spectroscopy demonstrating reinforced attentiveness to the paralytic-side body was achieved thanks to a PARTY for locomotion rehabilitation.


  • 1C2-2 Optimal Design of Non-paralyzed Part for Bypassing Perception Considering Corpus Callosum Commissure are Bilateral Innervation to Enable Facilitation of Plasticity

    IWATA Hiroyasu, KOMAGATA Ryokichi, NISHINO Junki, SUGANO Shigeki

    The JSME Symposium on Welfare Engineering   2008   43 - 45  2008.09

     View Summary

    We propose a new locomotion rehabilitation RT device, PARTY (Perception Assisting Robotics TechnologY) that enables the paralyzed to get a perception-bypassed communication root via a non-paralyzed-part body for recognizing foot contact pressures of the paralyzed-side. This paper indicates an optimal body part used for the bypassing from the viewpoint of neuron communication theory, especially focusing on the bilateral innervations and the commissural fiber where communications between both brain sides are reinforced.


  • 1C2-3 Finger Perception-Assisting Device that Provides Signal Communication Bypass-route Between Both Fingers

    IWATA Hiroyasu, ENJOJI Koki, KOMAGATA Ryokichi, SUGANO Shigeki

    The JSME Symposium on Welfare Engineering   2008   46 - 47  2008.09

     View Summary

    We propose a new rehabilitation RT device, PARTY (Perception Assisting Robotics TechnologY) that creates a new bypass-route for perception signal communication between both fingers to enable the paralyzed to feel somatic sensation of a paralyzed finger through a non-paralyzed finger using biofeedback technology. A somatic sensation-biofeedback system enabling patient to feel MP joint angle of a paralyzed finger through the non-paralyzed finger is herein designed.


  • 人間共存ロボット「TWENDY-ONE」 (特集 ヒューマンサポートロボット--福祉介護とロボットの融合(2))

    菅野 重樹, 岩田 浩康, 菅岩 泰亮

    福祉介護機器technoプラス   1 ( 9 ) 17 - 22  2008.09


  • Development of an Operation Skill-Training Simulator for Double-Front Work Machine &#8211;Training Effect for House Demolition Work-


    Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics   vol.20 ( no.4 ) 602 - 609  2008.09

  • Whole-body Coordinated Control for Task Execution and Human Following


    Proc. of CISM-IFToMM Symp. on the Theory and Practice of Robots and Manipulators (ROMANSY’08)     209 - 216  2008.08

  • 1P1-D14 Somatic Sensation-Biofeedback System for Paralyzed-Finger Rehabilitation : Development of a Self-Rehabilitation Assisting Device Simultaneously Cross-displaying Somatic Sensation of Fingers

    IWATA Hiroyasu, ENJYOJI Koki, AIKO Fumitaka, KOMAGATA Ryokichi, SUGANO Shigeki

      2008   "1P1 - D14(1)"-"1P1-D14(2)"  2008.06

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    We propose a new rehabilitation RT device, PARTY(Perception Assisting Robotics TechnologY) that creates a new bypass-route for perception signal communication between both fingers to enable the paralyzed to feel somatic sensation of a paralyzed finger through a non-paralyzed finger using biofeedback technology. A somatic sensation-biofeedback system enabling patient to feel MP joint angle of a paralyzed finger through the non-paralyzed finger is herein designed.


  • 1P1-D15 Tactile-Biofeedback System for Locomotion Rehabilitation : Design of Somatic Sensation On-Time-Cross-displaying RT Interface Considering Corpus Callosum to Enable Facilitation of Plasticity

    IWATA Hiroyasu, NISHINO Junki, KOMAGATA Ryokichi, SUGANO Shigeki

      2008   "1P1 - D15(1)"-"1P1-D15(2)"  2008.06

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    We propose a new locomotion rehabilitation RT device, PARTY (Perception Assisting Robotics TechnologY) that enables the paralyzed to get a perception-bypassed communication path via a non-paralyzed-part body for recognizing foot contact pressures on the paralyzed-side. This paper indicates an optimal body part used for the bypass from the viewpoint of neuron communication theory, especially focusing on the bilateral nerve control and the commissural fiber where communications between both brain sides are reinforced.


  • 1P1-D16 Tactile-Biofeedback System for Locomotion Rehabilitation : Validation of Reinforcement of Attentiveness to the Paralytic-side body using Functional Near-infrared Spectroscopy

    IWATA Hiroyasu, AIKO Fumitaka, KOMAGATA Ryokichi, SUGANO Shigeki

      2008   "1P1 - D16(1)"-"1P1-D16(2)"  2008.06

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    We propose a new locomotion rehabilitation RT device, PARTY (Perception-Assisting Robotics TechnologY) that enables the paralyzed to get a perception-bypass communication path via a non-paralyzed-part body for recognizing foot contact pressures on the paralyzed-side. This paper reports a remarkable rehabilitation outcome through validation with Functional Near-infrared Spectroscopy demonstrating reinforced attentiveness to the paralytic-side body was achieved thanks to a leg-PARTY.


  • 2A1-C22 Development of a Patient Body-Wearable Robot for Emergent Tele-Echo Guided Diagonosis

    IWATA Hiroyasu, ENDO Yoshimasa, ITO Keiichiro, SUGANO Shigeki, Ohta Gen-ichiro, NOISSHIKI Yasuharu, NAKAMURA Kyota, TAKEUCHI Ryohei

      2008   "2A1 - C22(1)"-"2A1-C22(2)"  2008.06

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    We newly report a tele-echo guided portable robot, FASTele-1 that assists early echo-diagnosis for wounded patients through long-distance. Especially, the robot will be used for primary diagnosis called FAST [Focused Assessment with Sonography for Trauma] looking for in-body spaces filled with blood caused by shock In addition, it can be attached onto the patient's body even by novices without expert knowledge who encounters at the scene. Four degrees of freedom involving pitching, rolling, translational movement and adjustment for sticking to the body surface are given to it. A mechanical spring allowing stable contacts with the patient body surface is adopted to reduce an actuator and a corset enabling easily fitting to various body forms is used as a base part. Evaluation experiments indicating FASTele-1 enables to send Sonography of in-body cavity enough for FAST diagnosis by medical specialists in the separated area confirm the effectiveness of the proposed design method.


  • 1A1-A02 Design of Tactile and Force Sensors Equipped on the Entire Surface of Anthropomorphic Hands of TWENDY-ONE

    IWATA Hiroyasu, HAYASHI Takashi, SHIOZAWA Yuki, KIMURA Kenta, SUGANO Shigeki

      2008   "1A1 - A02(1)"-"1A1-A02(2)"  2008.06

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    In this paper, we present a design method of tactile sensors for highly dexterous robotic hands. They are necessary for recognition of volume and softness of a grasped object as well as improvement of handling and manipulation. We also reports experiments demonstrating object recognition based on somatic sensation information detected with them and applications to robust control.


  • 2P2-D24 Development of a Safely Maneuvering Control System using Omni-directional Vehicle

    IWATA Hiroyasu, KAJIO Yusuke, SUGANO Shigeki

      2008   "2P2 - D24(1)"-"2P2-D24(2)"  2008.06

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    This study handles a safely maneuvouring control system developed for human symbiotic robots with an omni-wheeled vehicle. In this paper, we propose a flexible control method for getting over a difference in level, according to conditions of limitation to maneuvour caused by the structure and motion performance of the vehicle by itself.


  • 2P1-B20 Research on Intelligent Operated-Work Machines : Design of Primitive Static States in Total Independence of Varieties of Environmental Condition and Operator's Skill Level

    KAMEZAKI Mitsuhiro, SHIMADA Yosuke, KAWAI Yuichiro, IWATA Hiroyasu, SUGANO Shigeki

    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集   2008   "2P1 - B20(1)"-"2P1-B20(4)"  2008.06

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    In complicated work machines represented by Double-Front Construction Machinery, an intelligent system to which can provide operational and cognitive supports for an operator is essential. In construction work, a) work objects change consistently, b) environment is complicated, and c) operation methods are different by operators. We understand that there are so many unknown parameters that state identification technique to cover all is very difficult. Therefore, we think that the state unit in total independence of varieties of environmental condition and operator&#039;s skill level condition is important. We designed the state unit - PSS (Primitive Static States) with ON / OFF information of lever input and manipulator load divided into &quot;end-effecter&quot; and &quot;except end-effecter&quot;. PSS classified working states in 256 (double front) ways every sampling period. As a result of having experimented with between different operators and between different environments with PSS, we confirmed that PSS have properties &quot;in total independence of varieties of environmental condition and operator&#039;s skill&quot;.


  • 1A1-A01 Mechanism Design of Human Mimetic Robotic Hands with Passivity in Skins and Joints

    IWATA Hiroyasu, HAYASHI Takashi, SHIOZAWA Yuki, KIMURA Kenta, ISHI Satoshi, SAKAGAMI Keisuke, OHTA Tomomichi, IWAMOTO Kunihiro, SUGANO Shigeki

        "1A1 - A01(1)"-"1A1-A01(2)"  2008

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    Installation of passivity on the skin and inside joints of the robotic hand becomes a key-technology to remarkably enhance the stability of handling and manipulation. Based on this idea, in this paper a sophisticated mechanism design of TWENDY-ONE hands with mechanical springs in DIP and MP joints and whole-part covered soft skins is presented.


  • Development of an Operation Skill-Training Simulator for Double-Front Work Machine

    Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano


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    This paper reports a newly developed simulator for operation skill training in Double-Front Construction Machinery (DFCM) that allows novices to virtually experience tough operations repeatedly using DFCM under various conditions, including dangerous congestion. First, we selected several situations targeted where the DFCM needs to be used to provide a high level of operation skills: sorted dismantling for recycling and reusing resources, rescue and recovery work in disaster areas, and building construction. In addition, we developed an operation skill-training simulator that enables novice operators to repeatedly train with the high level of operation skills needed to easily and safely handle the DFCM in even more complicated works. This simulator system has two joysticks (set in front of a monitor) to dependently control the two fronts of the animated DFCM on the monitor. Several modes involving basic construction tasks are provided and the effects of improvement in operability achieved by the training simulator can be verified. Evaluation experiments indicated that repeated training using the simulator successfully decreased the operation time to complete a task and enhanced positioning accuracy in cooperative transportation with the two fronts. The results confirm the effectiveness of the developed simulator.


  • New Visco-Elastic Mechanism Design for Flexible Joint Manipulator

    Taisuke Sugaiwa, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano


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    We describe a space-efficient visco-elastic mechanism design for a small lightweight flexible joint of a human-symbiotic robot arm. Human-symbiotic robots that can provide daily life support will be required in houses, offices, facilities, and other places. Since they will often make physical contact with humans, their arms should have mechanical flexible joints to absorb the contact force and follow the human's motion. Our design has two coaxial rotary elements: a torsion bar made from GUMMETAL and a rotary disk damper with the output hole at its center. These two elements are combined in parallel and coaxially, making our design highly space-efficient. This paper presents the specifications of the shear elastic characteristics of GUMMETAL measured in experiments using 1DOF (degree-of-freedom) test equipment. The results confirm that its shear elastic modulus is linear and has a small elastic hysteresis loop and our mechanism can provide the advantage for the robot servo control. Compared with the conventional design, our design can make a smaller lighter flexible joint.


  • Shock Absorbing Skin Design for Human-Symbiotic Robot at the Worst Case Collision

    Taisuke Sugaiwa, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano

    2008 8TH IEEE-RAS INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HUMANOID ROBOTS (HUMANOIDS 2008)   ( WP1-28 ) 496 - +  2008  [Refereed]

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    In this paper, we proposed a soft skin design method of human symbiotic robots which achieves collision safety in all collision situations. At the same time, soft skin design has to be optimized for the collision safety and the workability. Therefore we evaluate effectiveness of soft skin at each position on arm in longer-direction, and optimize its thickness along collision position. Firstly we discuss parameters for describing the collision between human and human-symbiotic robots, and identify the worst case collision including the out-of-control condition of the robots. Next we conducted actual collision experiments duplicating the worst case collision and apply the proposed method to soft skin covering of human-symbiotic robot "TWENDY-ONE". In consequence, TWENDY-ONE acquires both of collision safety and the workability.


  • 屈曲型広圧排面リトラクタの開発と評価

    岩田浩康, 遠藤嘉将, 菅野重樹

    日本コンピュータ外科学会誌特集号   vol.9, no.3   316 - 317  2007.12

  • MG221 Tactile-Biofeedback System for Locomotion Rehabilitation : Experimental Evaluation in terms of Balancing Ability and Foot Contact State Identifiability

    IWATA Hiroyasu, AIKO Fumitaka, KOMAGATA Ryokichi, SUGANO Shigeki

    The JSME Symposium on Welfare Engineering   2007   170 - 171  2007.09

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    We have proposed a new locomotion rehabilitation system for strokes based on tactile-biofeedback that provides foot contact pressures on the paralytic side onto their non paralytic body. The system is composed of two tactile interfaces: one of which enables to detect foot contact pressures on the paralytic side during locomotion and the other provides pushing contact senses onto a non paralytic surface, based on contact pressures detected on the paralytic foot Clinical testing for stroke patients indicates this system allows the paralytics to enhance correctness rate of foot contact state identification and to improve the adjusting capability of weight balance at a balancing training with the interfaces after a short training on its usage. The result confirms that our proposed locomotion rehabilitation system has a high potential to enable paralytics to regain the sense of earthing on the paralytic foot and to promote motor recovery after stroke.


  • 2A2-F12 Tactile-Biofeedback System for Locomotion Rehabilitation : Development of Rehabilitation Program for Locomotion Training with Support Devices

    IWATA Hiroyasu, KOMAGATA Ryokichi, AIKO Fumitaka, SUGANO Shigeki

      2007   "2A2 - F12(1)"-"2A2-F12(2)"  2007.05

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    We have constructed a locomotion rehabilitation system based on tactile-biofeedback for stroke patients that provides foot contact pressures on the paralytic side onto the body of their non-paralytic one. We newly propose a design method of walking rehabilitation program that enables hemiplegia to gradually learn how to change foot pressure patterns using the biofeedback system while walking. The proposed program is planned diversely based on combinations of three principles in walking: (a) COP moving (Center Of foot contact Pressures) from heel to toe; (b) COG switched over between two legs (Center Of Gravity); (c) Switching between earthing and contact-free. A program menu for the sitting phase is applied at the first stage of the walking training, following training programs that make patients take a standing posture with legs side by side and with a leg behind another. Clinical tests for four patients indicate the locomotion rehabilitation system and proposed program allow hemiplegia to improve the adjusting capability of foot pressure transitions on the usage of them.


  • 2A2-F11 Tactile-Biofeedback System for Locomotion Rehabilitation : Design of Foot-Contact-Symmetrically-Tangibilized-Interface Usable at All Training Phases

    IWATA Hiroyasu, KOMAGATA Ryokichi, AIKO Fumitaka, SUGANO Shigeki

      2007   "2A2 - F11(1)"-"2A2-F11(2)"  2007.05

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    We newly propose a locomotion rehabilitation system for stroke patients based on tactile-biofeedback that provides foot contact pressures on the paralytic side onto the body of their non-paralytic side. The earlier system composed of foot pressure detecting interface and providing one has two problems: One is moving cycle which takes too long to use it in walking practice. The other is limitation of provided region. It can be only put on forearm. To resolve these issues, we replace tactile stimulation-providing actuator with proportion control solenoids to improve moving cycle. In addition, a new design method using panel structure (composed of Common part and Custom one) is adopted, to put on to every region. Using the new interface, we carried out psychology physics experiments to investigate region order. The result indicates the order of identifiability is back→Hipper arm→shoulder→waist, which will be useful for clinical tests to stroke patients.


  • 2A1-G12 Form Design of Organ-Retracting Surface Incorporating Contact Safety with Abdominal Cavity

    ENDO Yoshimasa, IWATA Hiroyasu, NOMA Yoshihiro, SUGANO Shigeki

      2007   "2A1 - G12(1)"-"2A1-G12(2)"  2007.05

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    We newly developed a flexable retractor with large contact areas and roundish corners that allows stably and safely manipulating organs in the narrow abdominal cavity. The retractor has been revised in terms of contact safety form and human finger-sized retracting surface design. Compared to earlier ones, it has a smaller retracting surface to retract targeted organs stably while avoiding unexpected physical injury to surrounding ones during laparoscopic surgery. The retracting surface enables to spread from a φ 12[mm] thin bar to 8^*6[cm^2] plane corresponding to areas of four fingers laid close which are used when surgeons make retraction of small intestine in open surgery. In addition, the head of retracting surface is formed to make all projections 120[deg] and have roundish corners to disperse and reduce risks to injure organs. In vivo experiments indicating the retractor enables to easily move away small intestine to identify a targeted rectum without causing any injury and bleeding confirm the effectiveness of the proposed design method.


  • 2A1-G11 Development of Surgical Dissection Training Device in Laparoscopic Surgery

    IWATA Hiroyasu, NOMA Yoshihiro, ENDO Yoshimasa, SUGANO Shigeki, UMEZU Mitsuo, TANAKA Jun-ichi

      2007   "2A1 - G11(1)"-"2A1-G11(2)"  2007.05

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    We propose a surgical dissection training device that allows residents to repeatedly practice through self-trainings surgical skills needed for exposures and dissections in laparoscopic surgery. The device (100^*100^*8[mm]) is composed of three elements: 1) a pair of silicone membranes to sandwich other elements at the top and bottom which imitate peritoneums; 2) nonwoven membrane(s) placed between the silicone membranes, imitating adipose tissues which can decrease visibility; 3) silicone tube(s) covered with cotton fabrics having a loose weave, to imitate vessel(s) surrounded over with adipose tissues. The mechanical properties are decided to become in accordance with those of actual porcine intestines measured through tensile and peel tests in terms of toughness, elasticity and peeling strength. In addition, a surgical dissection training system was developed, with which residents practice surgical maneuvers, viewing operation fields on a computer monitor connected with a CCD camera. In vitro experiments indicating novices could perform a dissection task after a short training faster than when without any training confirm usefulness of the proposed dissection training system.


  • 1E2-05 Tactile-Biofeedback System for Locomotion Rehabilitation : Rehabilitation Training Program for Sitting and Standing Positions Using Tactile-Biofeedback System

    IWATA Hiroyasu, KOBASHI Seiji, SAKURAI Daichi, KAI Satoshi, SUGANO Shigeki

    The JSME Symposium on Welfare Engineering   2006   101 - 103  2006.09

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    We newly propose a locomotion rehabilitation system for stroke patients based on tactile-biofeedback that provides foot contact pressures on the paralytic side onto the body of their non-paralytic side. The proposed system is composed of two tactile interfaces: one of which enables to detect foot contact pressures on the paralytic side during locomotion and the other provides pushing contact senses onto a non-paralytic body surface, based on the contact pressures detected on the paralytic foot. Clinical testing for three stroke patients indicates this system allows the paralytics to improve the adjusting capability of weight and balance at a balancing training with the interfaces after a short training on its usage. The result confirms that our proposed locomotion rehabilitation system has a high potential to enable paralytics to regain the sense of earthing on the paralytic foot and to promote motor recovery after stroke.


  • 2E1-02 Hand-Guiding Movement for Decreasing Knee Joint Torques of the Elderly in Standing-up Motion Support : Towards Facilitating Self-Care Support with Mobile Manipulator

    IWATA Hiroyasu, KAMEZAKI Mitsuhiro, AIKO Fumitaka, KANEKO Makoto, SUGANO Shigeki

    The JSME Symposium on Welfare Engineering   2006   168 - 170  2006.09

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    We propose a method for designing the hand-guiding movement that enables to lessen knee joint torques of the elderly in standing-up motion support. The movement was derived based on the geometric analysis of transitional postures during a standing-up motion for an assisted person expressed with four link models comprising of a shoulder, waist, knee and feet. The postures satisfying the derived movement in which the center of gravity goes in a place near the toe in the foot contact area allows the elderly to reduce knee joint torques during the standing-up motion even if the burden grows most. Simulations and experiments using an actual robot for evaluation indicating the derived trajectory successfully lessens knee joint torques of the elderly confirm the validity of the proposed method.


  • 2P1-D12 Physical Interference and Contact (PIFACT) Adapting Behaviors in Human Symbiotic Robots : Consolidation of Task Performable Human Following Control with Obstacle Collision Avoidance based on Laplacian Potential Field

    IWATA Hiroyasu, KUTANI Toshiyuki, SUGAIWA Taisuke, SUGANO Shigeki

      2006   "2P1 - D12(1)"-"2P1-D12(2)"  2006

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    We have proposed the whole-body coordination control method to allow human symbiotic robots to concurrently accomplish significant functions such as human following, task execution and obstacle collision avoidance despite physical interference and contact with humans. However, we faced on a significant problem that is this method prevents avoiding deadlocking caused by counterbalanced forces of repulsion and attraction for the functions. In this paper, then, we propose a new whole-body coordination control method using the Laplacian Potential Field that enables task performable human following consolidated with obstacle collision avoidance while avoiding deadlocking states. Evaluation experiments confirmed the proposed method is useful for multiple-jointed robots to consolidate the three functions without deadlocking in the real world.


  • 2P2-A15 Tactile-Biofeedback System for Locomotion Rehabilitation : Design of Tactile Interfaces for Detecting and Displaying Foot Pressures

    IWATA Hiroyasu, KOBASHI Seiji, SAKURAI Daichi, KAI Satoshi, SUGANO Shigeki

      2006   "2P2 - A15(1)"-"2P2-A15(2)"  2006

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    We newly propose a locomotion rehabilitation system for stroke patients based on tactile-biofeedback that provides foot contact pressures on the paralytic side onto the body of their non-paralytic side. The proposed system is composed of two tactile interfaces: one of which enables to detect foot contact pressures on the paralytic side during locomotion and the other provides pushing contact senses onto a non-paralytic body surface, based on the contact pressures detected on the paralytic foot. Clinical testing for three stroke patients indicates this system allows the paralytics to improve the adjusting capability of weight and balance at a balancing training with the interfaces after a short training on its usage. The result confirms that our proposed locomotion rehabilitation system has a high potential to enable paralytics to regain the sense of earthing on the paralytic foot and to promote motor recovery after stroke.


  • 2P1-D13 Physical Interference and Contact (PIFACT) Adapting Behaviors in Human Symbiotic Robots : Continuous Human-Robot-Contact Identification based on Transitional Contact Feature Data

    IWATA Hiroyasu, KIKUCHI Daisuke, KOBAYASHI Tetsuya, SUGANO Shigeki

      2006   "2P1 - D13(1)"-"2P1-D13(2)"  2006

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    In this paper, we propose a design method for constructing a continuous human-robot contact identification system based on transitional contact feature data. In the learning phase, our proposed system acquires a relationship, using a neural network called MCP, between verbalized contact states and contact features of tactile stimulation that allows distinguishing contact states such as 'stroke' and 'push', etc. In the cognition phase (where new contacts occur), transitional identification probabilities among contact states are provided every sampling time after matching in real time transitional contact feature data stored in the MCP in advance with those newly extracted in a constant duration traced back from any time. Experiments indicating that contact identifications were continuously gained every sampling time (0.02[s]) even if a contact is continuing or contact states discretely change such as from 'stroking' to 'pushing' confirm the effectiveness of the proposed method.


  • 2P1-D14 Hand Movement Guidance Lessening Knee Joint Torques of the Elderly in Standing-up Motion Support

    IWATA Hiroyasu, AIKO Fumitaka, KANEKO Makoto, SUGANO Shigeki

      2006   "2P1 - D14(1)"-"2P1-D14(2)"  2006

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    We propose a method for designing the hand-guiding movement that enables to lessen knee joint torques of the elderly in standing-up motion support. The movement was derived based on the geometric analysis of transitional postures during a standing-up motion for an assisted person expressed with four link models comprising of a shoulder, waist, knee and feet. The postures satisfying the derived movement in which the center of gravity goes in a place near the toe in the foot contact area allows the elderly to reduce knee joint torques during the standing-up motion even if the burden grows most. Simulations and experiments using an actual robot for evaluation indicating the derived trajectory successfully lessens knee joint torques of the elderly confirm the validity of the proposed method.


  • 2A1-A21 Design of a Flexing Retractor for Manipulating Small Intestines with Large Contact Areas in Laparoscopic Surgery

    IWATA Hiroyasu, ENDO Yoshimasa, NOMA Yoshihiro, SUGANO Shigeki

      2006   "2A1 - A21(1)"-"2A1-A21(2)"  2006

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    We successfully developed a new flexing retractor that allows stably manipulating small intestines with large contact areas in laparoscopic surgeries. The retractor in thin bar easily going into the coelom from the outside through a trocar with diameter of 12[mm] allows to spread to a palm-sized plane with contact areas of 150^*70[mm] in the abdominal cavity. In addition, it can be flexed to 60[deg] maximum whichever spread or unspread, helping surgeons intuitively move intestines in the desired direction. In vivo experiments indicating that the retractor is superior to a flexing retractor with a small-area contact and an unflexible retractor with large-area contact in terms of both time required to move away and number of failures to retract small intestines confirm the effectiveness of the developed retractor.


  • Development of "Patient Robot"; Training robot based on quantitative analysis of surgical technique

    Young-Kwang Park, Yutaka Mita, Eriko Oki, Hiroyasu Iwata, Atsuo Takanishi, Mitsuo Umezu, Yasuyuki Shiraishi, Hirofumi Takemura


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    To establish an integrated evaluation system for a clinical surgeon and a surgical robot, our group has been proposed a new concept; a "Patient Robot", which is a sort of in vitro mock circulatory system that provides various types of coronary disease as a training machine for cardiac surgeons. The development of "Patient Robot" has been done by a following procedure, 1) Measurements, 2) Modelling, 3) In-vitro Simulation and 4) Evaluation. This paper focused on the rolls of 2) Modelling and 3) Simulation. As the modelling phase, Coronary artery and Graft vessels have been modelled by silicone ruber with an instruction by senior cardiac surgeons' sensitive tactual feeling through their interview. As a result of the interview and tensile test of the silicone vascular models, a favourable range of Young's modulus has been identified, which was &lt; 0.1 N/mm(2) (where epsilon=1.0). As for the Simulation phase, the silicone vascular models have been mounted on Coronary Circulation System, which is named "Scoring System". A waveform of blood flow has been obtained by using the "Scoring System" with the silicone vascular models. The waveform was similar to native coronary arterial blood flow. Also, it has been found that coronary arterial blood flow rate is adjustable by controlling the input of the heart rate to the Scoring System. As a conclusion, it has been expressed that it is possible to create a virtual surgical environment which is Able to be controlled quantitatively.


  • Human-robot-contact-state identification based on tactile recognition

    H Iwata, S Sugano

    IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS   52 ( 6 ) 1468 - 1477  2005.12  [Refereed]

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    In this paper, we propose a method for designing an identification system for human-robot contact states based on tactile recognition. The following ideas are incorporated: experimentation for human-robot contact, verbalization of contact states, extraction of characteristic parameters from acquired tactile information, quantification of the recipient's tactile recognition incorporating its redundancy (identification confusability among contact states), evaluation of the identification confusability with a new criterion, and identification of contact states based on the received tactile stimulation.
    The proposed method allows a robot to quantify tactile recognition of a human (recipient) touched by other people (touch initiator), in which the verbal response by the recipient is matched with tactile stimulation acquired during physical contact utilizing a tactile interface. In addition, the method enables a robot that comes into contact with a human to identify contact states nearly similar to that of the recipient, based on the features of the received tactile stimulation. At this point, the reproduction of the identification confusability of the recipient's tactile recognition is also accomplished by using a neural network called modified counterpropagation (MCP). Once a tactile stimulation is induced on the robot body, the probability of corresponding contact states is calculated and outputted by the system, based on the degree of similarity of the characteristics between the newly received and previously stored tactile stimulation. Experimental results indicate that the constructed system allows a successful quantification, of the recipient's contact-state recognition incorporating the identification confusability and the accomplishment of a high level of accuracy in contact-state identification. These results confirm that the proposed method ' is useful for identifying human-robot contact states based on tactile recognition.

    DOI CiNii

  • Design of anthropomorphic 4-DOF tactile interaction manipulator with passive joints

    H Iwata, S Kobashi, T Aono, S Sugano


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    In this paper, we describe the design method of an anthropomorphic 4-DOF tactile interaction manipulator with mechanically passive joints giving robots to accomplish high performance force-following and tactile-based contact state recognition despite physical interference and contact with humans occurring at links and at joints. The shape and appearance of this manipulator was based on statistical data on the Japanese male physique to allow for human-like contact interaction recognition. Joint are passively compliant, consisting of a mechanical leaf spring and rotary damper giving the manipulator high passivity. Cylindrical or spherical surfaces of the body including the elbow and wrist are overlaid with distributed tactile sensors acquiring accurate contact information. Evaluation experiments indicate that the manipulator provides high performance of force-following and tactile stimulation measurement, during physical interference and contact with humans and confirmed its effectiveness in improving human/robot symbiosis.


  • Human Robot Interference Adapting Control Coordinating Human Following and Task Execution


    Proc. of IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS’04)     2879 - 2885  2004.10

  • Human Robot Interference Adapting Control Coordinating Human Following and Task Execution


    Proc. of IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS’04)     2879 - 2885  2004.10


  • 作業性と人間追従性を両立する動作制御手法

    岩田浩康, 星野勇人, 森田寿郎, 菅野重樹

    日本ロボット学会誌   vol.21,no.1 ( 1 ) 118 - 125  2003.01  [Refereed]

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    This paper proposes a flexible adapting system for human symbiotic robots that stably performs given tasks as preplanned even if physical contacts and interferences with humans occur during movement. In order to accomplish tasks stably while compliantly adapting to human motion keeping contacts, task constraints state transition and four types of motion phases (Preset motion, Human following motion, Task continuing motion, Posture recovering motion) which are switched according to contact situations are incorporated in this system. As a result of evaluation experiments, it was confirmed that the proposed system is effective for human-robot coordination to realize both high task performance and adaptability to humans.

    DOI CiNii

  • Quantification of human-robot physical contact states based on tactile sensing

    H Iwata, K Tomita, S Sugano


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    In this paper, we propose a method for quantfying human-robot physical contact states based on tactile sensory data as a first step to realize real-tune contact state identification systems Artificial tactile cognition for robots constructed by this metW which performance, is herein nears, copies human's tactile cognition per presented First, we have made robots learn the relationship between characteristics of tactile stimuli sensed and expressions to the stimuli verbalized by a human (receiver) when he/she is touched by other people As a result of learning by a neural network called MCP (Modified Counter Propagation), Self ftanxing Maps that contain the quantitative relationship are formed Next, in order to quantify the performance of receiver's tactile cognition, confusion matrix that numerically explains confision probability among contact states is proposed Connection weights in the neural network are applied to calculate it matrix enables robots that come into contact with a human to recognize and infer the aspect of contact states almost the saw as the receiver represents, based on only tactile sensing Finally, from experiments, we confirmed that the proposed method is useful for quantifying human-robot contact states.


  • A system design for tactile recognition of human-robot contact state

    H Iwata, S Sugano


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    In this paper, we propose a method for designing an identification system of human-robot contact states based on tactile recognition. First, a method of quantifying tactile cognition of a human (receiver) touched by other people (toucher) using a neural network called MCP (Modified CounterPropagation) is presented, which matches the verbal response by the receiver with tactile stimulation detected during physical interference and contact utilizing tactile interface. It is incorporated that the probablitity of corresponding contact state is determined, based on the degree of similarity of the characteristics between new input data and reference data patterns stored in advance. Referring to the SOM (Self-Organizing Maps) formed through learning, which contains the relationship between contact states and tactile stimulation detected, a robot that comes into contact with a human can recognize and infer contact states from tactile stimulation like the receiver. Next, in order to accomplish high-performance of contact state identification by improving the learning performance, an evaluation criterion to quantify the discriminatability of contact states is proposed. Finally, the experimental results confirm that the proposed method is useful for identifying contact states, based on only tactile sensing, as represented by the receiver.

  • 人間共存ロボットのための全身触覚インタフェース

    岩田浩康, 星野勇人, 森田寿郎, 菅野重樹

    日本ロボット学会誌   vol.20,no.5 ( 5 ) 543 - 549  2002.07  [Refereed]

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    In this paper, we propose a whole-body haptic interface for human symbiotic robots. First, tactile and force information are specified to accurately detect physical interferences with humans, on the entire surface of human symbiotic robots. Next, a design method of whole-body surface cover sensors which enables robots to detect accurate force vectors applied on various surfaces of the body is described. The basic structure of the cover sensor utilizes a force-torque sensor and is surrounded with several touch sensors. The cover structure was implemented on a humanoid robot, WENDY. Finally, experiments were carried out to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method as human-robot haptic interface. The results show high capabilities of locus tracking on the surface and arm motion-processing based on the detected tactile and force information, and indicate that the proposed design method for realizing whole-body haptic interface is capable of enhancing human-robot symbiosis.

    DOI CiNii

  • Humanoid robots in Waseda University - Hadaly-2 and WABIAN

    S Hashimoto, S Narita, H Kasahara, K Shirai, T Kobayashi, A Takanishi, S Sugano, J Yamaguchi, H Sawada, H Takanobu, K Shibuya, T Morita, T Kurata, N Onoe, K Ouchi, T Noguchi, Y Niwa, S Nagayama, H Tabayashi, Matsui, I, M Obata, H Matsuzaki, A Murasugi, T Kobayashi, S Haruyama, T Okada, Y Hidaki, Y Taguchi, K Hoashi, E Morikawa, Y Iwano, D Araki, J Suzuki, M Yokoyama, Dawa, I, D Nishino, S Inoue, T Hirano, E Soga, S Gen, T Yanada, K Kato, S Sakamoto, Y Ishii, S Matsuo, Y Yamamoto, K Sato, T Hagiwara, T Ueda, N Honda, K Hashimoto, T Hanamoto, S Kayaba, T Kojima, H Iwata, H Kubodera, R Matsuki, T Nakajima, K Nitto, D Yamamoto, Y Kamizaki, S Nagaike, Y Kunitake, S Morita

    AUTONOMOUS ROBOTS   12 ( 1 ) 25 - 38  2002.01  [Refereed]

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    This paper describes two humanoid robots developed in the Humanoid Robotics Institute, Waseda University. Hadaly-2 is intended to realize information interaction with humans by integrating environmental recognition with vision, conversation capability (voice recognition, voice synthesis), and gesture behaviors. It also possesses physical interaction functions for direct contact with humans and behaviors that are gentle and safe for humans. WABIAN is a robot with a complete human configuration that is capable of walking on two legs and carrying things as with humans. Furthermore, it has functions for information interactions suite for uses at home.


  • Whole-body covering tactile interface for human robot coordination

    H Iwata, S Sugano


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    In this paper, we propose a design method of whole-body tactile interface for elevating human-robot coordination. The proposed surface cover sensor as the tactile interface enables robots to detect accurate 3-D force vector applied on various parts of the body during physical interaction with humans.
    First, after analysis of a variety of contact situations between humans and robots, tactile and force information needed are specified, and the specifications are decided based on knowledge of human engineering. Next, a design method of a cover sensor that can detect accurate force vector and contact position is described. The cover sensor utilizes a force-torque sensor and is surrounded with several touch sensors. The mechanism was implemented on a humanoid robot, WENDY. Finally, evaluation experiments of locus tracking on the surface and force-following to humans were carried out. The experimental results demonstrate the high capabilities of the proposed cover sensor as human-robot interface, and indicate that the proposed design method of whole-body tactile interface is capable of enhancing human-robot coordination.

  • Human symbiotic humanoid robot with whole-body compliance

    H Iwata, T Morita, S Sugano

    ROMANSY 14 - THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ROBOTS AND MANIPULATORS   ( 438 ) 537 - 547  2002  [Refereed]

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    In this paper, we propose a design method of human-symbiotic humanoid robots with whole-body compliance composed of mechanical and controlled compliance, for securing a wide range of dynamic responsiveness to various types of physical interference with humans. First, a design idea of mechanical compliance for realizing quick reduction of impulsive force is described, incorporating softly deformable materials attached on the body surface and passively compliant joints equipped with a mechanical spring inside. Next, we propose a cover sensor that detects accurate external force vectors on the entire body surface, in order to generate whole-body compliant motions based on the tactile and force information detected. Finally, evaluation experiments of physical interference between humans and an actual anthropomorphic robot are presented to verify the effectiveness of the respective compliance. The results confirm that two measures for securing whole-body compliance faculty realize both quick and slow responsiveness to physical interference with humans and that the proposed method is useful for enhancement of human-robot coordination.

  • Force detectable surface covers for humanoid robots

    H Iwata, H Hoshino, T Morita, S Sugano


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    In this paper, we herein describe force detectable surface covers for humanoid robots to realize naturally physical interaction with humans. The covers can detect various tactile and force information, such as accurate external force vector and contact positions, from a widely range of the robot body surface. First a basic surface cover structure composed of a force-torque sensor and several touch sensors is proposed. Next, we present a design method to implement such a cover structure onto dual arms of an actual humanoid robot. Finally, from basic experiments for verifying the characteristics of the proposed force-detectable surface cover systems, it was confirmed that high measurement accuracy of a contact position and force vector is accomplished. In addition, from an application experiment, where some humans actually occur physical interference with an actual humanoid robot overlaid with the covers, it was confirmed that the capability of the covers' sensing even several contacts on several parts of robots' body is effective for realizing high level human-robot symbiosis.

  • Development of a Whole-Sensitive Robot Arm Cover


    Proc. of IEEE Int. Conf. on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV’00)   ( paper no.376 )  2000.12

  • Design Strategies of Human Symbiotic Robot WENDY


    Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics   vol.12, no.3   224 - 230  2000.09

  • Human Robot Physical Interaction Utilizing Force Detectable Tactile Covers


    Proc. of IEEE-RAS Int. Conf. on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids2000)   ( paper no.87 )  2000.09

  • Design Strategies of Human Symbiotic Robot WENDY


    Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics   vol.12, no.3 ( 3 ) 224 - 230  2000.09  [Refereed]


  • Human Robot Physical Interaction Utilizing Force Detectable Tactile Covers


    Proc. of IEEE-RAS Int. Conf. on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids2000)   87 ( paper no.87 )  2000.09


  • Human Symbiotic Robot Design based on Division and Unification of Functional Requirements


    Proc. of IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA’00)   vol.2   2229 - 2234  2000.04

  • Human Symbiotic Robot Design based on Division and Unification of Functional Requirements


    Proc. of IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA’00)   vol.2   2229 - 2234  2000.04


  • Human-humanoid physical interaction realizing force following and task fulfillment

    H Iwata, H Hoshino, T Morita, S Sugano


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    In this paper. Ire herein describe the control methods used for a humanoid's compliant behavior following human force and motions while fulfilling given tasks under various constraint conditions during physical Interference (PIF) with a human. PIF is a form of physical interaction viewed from the robots point of view.
    in cases of PIF occurrence, PIF Adapting Behaviors for attenuating physical influences caused by PIF on both a human body and a robots' task are required First a base control method for compliantly following PIF by coordinating multiple joints of the arms and trunk is presented By utilizing this method PIF force produced on several areas of the robot's entire body is efficiently reduced Next, the control methods for fulfilling git en tasks, as well as following PIF at the same time, are proposed rn these methods, the idea is incorporated that if the utilization of redundancy is needed for task fulfillment or constraint conditions and attributes of the given task are changed, the role of each joint needs to change as well. Adapting to the diversity of task attributes and also the necessity of utilizing redundancy, the proposed control methods enable the robots to realize both force following and task fulfillment at the same time. Finally from the evaluation of the experiments, it vas confirmed that the proposed methods realize a humanoid's capability of compliantly adapting to human motions while fulfilling tasks by efficiently utilizing redundancy.

  • Total Design of Body Mechanism for Realizing Human-Robot Symbiosis


    Proc. of Int. Symp. on Humanoid Robots (HURO’99)     181 - 186  1999.10  [Refereed]

  • Total Design of Body Mechanism for Realizing Human-Robot Symbiosis


    Proc. of Int. Symp. on Humanoid Robots (HURO’99)     181 - 186  1999.10

  • A Physical Interference Adapting Hardware System Using MIA Arm and Surface Covers


    Proc. of IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS’99)   vol.2   1216 - 1221  1999.10

  • Robot Arm Surface Covers for Physical Interference Adapting Motion


    Proc. of IEEE/ASME Int. Conf. on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM’99)     671 - 676  1999.09


  • Robot Arm Surface Covers for Physical Interference Adapting Motion


    Proc. of IEEE/ASME Int. Conf. on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM’99)     671 - 676  1999.09

  • A Mechanism Design and Control Strategy of Human Symbiotic Robot


    Proc. of IEEE Int. Conf. on Recent Advances in Mechatronics (ICRAM'99)     94 - 99  1999.05

  • A Mechanism Design and Control Strategy of Human Symbiotic Robot


    Proc. of IEEE Int. Conf. on Recent Advances in Mechatronics (ICRAM'99)     94 - 99  1999.05  [Refereed]

  • Development of human symbiotic robot: WENDY

    T Morita, H Iwata, S Sugano


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    An objective of this study is to find out design requirements for developing human symbiotic robots, which share working space with human, and have the ability of carrying out physical, informational, and psychological interaction. This paper mainly describes design strategies of the human symbiotic robots, through the development of a test model of the robots, WENDY (Waseda ENgineering Designed sYmbiont).
    In order to develop WENDY, mobility and dexterity of a humanoid robot Hadaly-2, which was developed in 1997, are improved on. The performances of WENDY are evaluated by experiments of object transport and egg breaking, which requires high revel integration of whole body system.

  • Design of Humanoid Surface Sensor for Tactile Interference with Human


    Proc. of IEEE 7th Int. Workshop on Robot and Human Communication (Roman’98)   vol.2   549 - 554  1998.09  [Refereed]


  • Design of Humanoid Surface Sensor for Tactile Interference with Human


    Proc. of IEEE 7th Int. Workshop on Robot and Human Communication (Roman’98)   vol.2   549 - 554  1998.09

  • 人間 ロボット觝触適応制御のための表皮カバーの設計


    第16回日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集     961 - 962  1998


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Industrial Property Rights

  • バッテリレス電子デバイス及び伝送システム

    岩田 浩康, 和﨑 海里


  • 視覚認知機能評価システム

    岩田 浩康, 加藤 遼一, 安田 和宏


  • 超音波画像解析装置及び超音波画像解析方法

    岩田 浩康


  • 超音波プローブ移動装置及びその動作制御プログラム

    岩田 浩康, 志田 優樹, 山野 元


  • 超音波プローブ移動装置

    岩田 浩康, 内藤 雄貴, 津村 遼介


  • 動体反応確認システム

    岩田 浩康, 髙田 竜太, 大西 哲平, 相原 伸平


  • 注意再獲得支援システム、訓練用画像生成装置及びそのプログラム


    岩田 浩康


  • 運動支援システム及び運動支援プログラム


    岩田 浩康


  • 運動継続支援システム、運動誘引情報生成装置及びプログラム


    岩田 浩康, 後濱 龍太


  • 移動体


    菅野 重樹, 岩田 浩康, 菅岩 泰亮, 前代 アト夢, 野口 博史, 藤井 雄太


  • 移動体


    菅野 重樹, 菅岩 泰亮, 岩田 浩康


  • ロボット装置


    菅野 重樹, 岩本 国大, 菅岩 泰亮, 岩田 浩康


  • ケーブル配線構造

    菅野 重樹, 岩田 浩康


  • 把持装置

    菅野 重樹, 岩田 浩康, 木村 謙大


  • ロボットハンド

    菅野 重樹, 岩田 浩康


  • ロボットハンド

    菅野 重樹, 岩田 浩康


  • ロボットハンド


    菅野 重樹, 岩田 浩康


  • ロボットハンド


    菅野 重樹, 岩田 浩康


  • ケーブルの配線構造


    菅野 重樹, 岩田 浩康, 山口 泰正, 植村 洋平


  • ロボット関節のワイヤハーネス配線構造


    菅野 重樹, 岩田 浩康


  • ロボットアーム


    菅野 重樹, 岩田 浩康


  • ロボットの関節部分におけるケーブルの配線構造


    菅野 重樹, 岩田 浩康, 岩本 国大


  • ロボット用マニピュレータ


    菅野 重樹, 岩田 浩康


  • 冠動脈バイパス手術用の訓練評価システム

    梅津 光生, 朴 栄光, 白石 泰之, 岩田 浩康


  • 歩行リハビリ支援装置


    岩田 浩康, 林 隆志


  • 医療用リトラクタ及び棒状具

    岩田 浩康, 遠藤 嘉将, 林 隆志


  • 把持装置


    林 隆志, 岩田 浩康, 石井 聡


  • ロボットアーム駆動装置

    林 隆志, 岩田 浩康


  • 全方向移動車


    林 隆志, 岩田 浩康


  • 物体把持装置

    林 隆志, 塩澤 裕樹, 岩田 浩康


  • ロボットハンド


    林 隆志, 塩澤 裕樹, 岩田 浩康


  • 人工皮膚


    林 隆志, 小宮 猛, 岩田 浩康


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  • 2008年7月,サマ...

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    2007年1月,第3回ASMeW公開シンポジウム,講演,早稲田大学 先端科学・健康医療融合研究機構
    2006年12月,「関東・関西10私大 産学連携フォーラム」,ブース出展,「医療用リトラクタ及び棒状具」に係る特許技術,関東・関西10私大
    2005年7月,第4回ASP(ASMeW Science Program),講師,安全で巧みな人間支援ロボット,早稲田大学 先端科学・健康医療融合研究機構



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Social Activities

  • 日刊工業新聞社のロボナブル(Web版)



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  • 国際画像機器展2010特集



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  • JSTサイエンスニュース(インターネット動画ニュース),科学技術政策ニュースコーナー「ライフイノベーション・介護ロボットの可能性」



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  • 神奈川新聞21面



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    岩田のプロデュースで遠隔エコー診断支援RTを出展した早稲田ブースの紹介,「将来の進路 熱心に相談 横浜で進学フェスタ」

  • TBS系全国ネットCBC発 「カラダのキモチ」

    TBS系全国ネットCBC発 「カラダのキモチ」 


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  • 朝日新聞



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  • NHK教育テレビ 「テストの花道」

    NHK教育テレビ 「テストの花道」 


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  • オーム社 ロボコンマガジン(4月号) コラム

    オーム社 ロボコンマガジン(4月号) コラム 


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  • 日経産業新聞 (12面(先端技術・医療))

    日経産業新聞 (12面(先端技術・医療)) 


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  • 読売新聞Online



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    (子ども時代から研究を志した大学生の回想,TWENDY-ONE開発を通じたシステムインテグレーション工学の確立に向けた取り組み,次世代リハビリテーションを変革する知覚支援RTの思想と臨床応用の現状について紹介 (http://www.yomiuri.co.jp/adv/wol/research/kyoso_091110.htm))

  • CNN.com



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    家事や介助が行っているTWENDY-ONEの様子と巧みなハンドでストローを操るシーンが放映,「Edge of Discovery」(サイエンステクノロジーの開発や研究をとりあげるニュースレポート(http://edition.cnn.com/video/#/video/tech/2009/11/18/eod.lah.robo.nurse.cnn)

  • 日経産業新聞 (12面(先端技術・医療))

    日経産業新聞 (12面(先端技術・医療)) 


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    遠隔FASTを可能とする診断支援RT開発研究の紹介,「早大が装置開発 遠隔操作で超音波診断,救急車内の利用想定」

  • フジテレビ 目覚ましテレビ 『ココ調』コーナー

    フジテレビ 目覚ましテレビ 『ココ調』コーナー 


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  • フジテレビ,驚きハイテク最前線!人間を超えたロボット,ザ・ベストハウス123 春の3時間スペシャル

    フジテレビ,驚きハイテク最前線!人間を超えたロボット,ザ・ベストハウス123 春の3時間スペシャル 


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    ベスト3を見に行こう 芸能人プレゼンバトル”,最先端ロボットのNo.2として紹介されたTWENDY-ONEの説明

  • NHK総合,首都圏放送センター,こんにちは いっと6けん

    NHK総合,首都圏放送センター,こんにちは いっと6けん 


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  • NHK-BS1,BSディベート



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  • Faculty of Science and Engineering   Graduate School of Creative Science and Engineering

  • Affiliated organization   Global Education Center

Research Institute

  • 2022

    Waseda Research Institute for Science and Engineering   Concurrent Researcher

  • 2022

    Waseda Center for a Carbon Neutral Society   Concurrent Researcher

  • 2021

    Global Robot Academia Laboratory   Director of Research Institute

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 認知神経リハを支援する誤差覚知RTによる誤学習抑制と臨床応用


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