Updated on 2024/07/22


KOHNO, Masaru
Faculty of Political Science and Economics, School of Political Science and Economics
Job title
M.A.(国際関係論) ( イェール大学 )
Ph.D.(政治学) ( スタンフォード大学 )

Research Experience

  • 2003.04

    Waseda University   Faculty of Political Science and Economics   Professor

  • 2013.04

    日本学術振興会   学術システム研究センター主任研究員

  • 2007.04

    The Open University of Japan   Guest Professor

  • 2002.04

    Waseda University   School of Political Science and Economics

  • 1998.04

    Aoyama Gakuin University   School of International Politics, Economics and Business   Associate Professor

  • 2001.04

    Waseda University   School of Commerce

  • 1998.04

    Sophia University   Faculty of Law

  • 1994.07

    ブリティッシュコロンビア大学   Department of Political Science   助教授

  • 1996.09

    Stanford University   Hoover Instituition   National Fellow

  • 1994.01

    University of British Columbia   Department of Political Science   Lecture

  • 1992.07

    University of British Columbia   Institute of Asian Research   Research and Program Officer

  • 1992.01

    University of British Columbia   Faculty of Law   Visiting Scholar

▼display all

Education Background

  • 1994

    Stanford University   Ph.D. Political Science  

  • 1987

    Yale University   M.A. International Relations  

  • 1985

    Sophia University   Bachelor of Laws   Department of International Legal Studies  

Committee Memberships

  • 2022.01

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費委員会委員

  • 2018.04

    日本学術振興会  国際事業委員会委員

  • 2015.04

    日本学生支援機構(JASSO)  海外留学支援制度実施委員会委員

  • 2010.10

    日本学生支援機構(JASSO)  海外留学支援制度審査委員会委員

  • 2013.04

    日本学術振興会 学術システム研究センター  主任研究員

  • 2008.04

    日本選挙学会  理事

  • 2012.04

    国立国会図書館  客員調査員

  • 2010.04

    日本選挙学会  学会賞選考委員会委員長

  • 2010.04

    法務省  司法試験委員

  • 2003.04

    日本選挙学会  企画委員会委員長

  • 2000.04

    人事院  国家公務員初任研修(国際関係論ゼミナール担当)

  • 1999.04

    日本政治学会  企画委員会委員

▼display all

Professional Memberships


    American Political Science Association







Research Areas

  • Politics

Research Interests

  • Japanese politics, electoral studies, international relations

Media Coverage

  • 新政権の課題(上)

    Newspaper, magazine

    Author: Myself  



  • 国政選挙での投票を義務化すべきか


    Author: Myself  

    読売新聞オンラインWaseda OnLine  


  • 軽減税率、民主主義に副作用 ネットでの調査実験から

    Newspaper, magazine



  • (問う 最長政権:3)後継育てず、罪深い遺産

    Newspaper, magazine



  • 選挙での「なりすまし・二重投票」問題を考える


    読売新聞オンライン   Waseda YomiuriOn-line  


  • なぜ多数派は少数派を尊重するべきなのか

    Newspaper, magazine



  • 参院選で問われるもの(上)与党への絶対評価尺度に

    Newspaper, magazine


  • 総選挙で問われるもの 大義不在 野党にも責任

    Newspaper, magazine


  • 感情悪化しても冷静な態度:「領土問題」後の外交・安保意識

    Newspaper, magazine

    朝日新聞 「文化」  


  • 立憲主義の放棄と同じ

    Newspaper, magazine



  • TPP参加への環境整備?:国家的合意、多数派尊重で

    Newspaper, magazine


  • 連続世論調査から見る竹島・尖閣問題


    読売新聞オンライン   Waseda YomiuriOn-line  


  • 解散・総選挙 占う

    Newspaper, magazine



  • ジャーナリズムと政治、ジャーナリズムという政治

    Promotional material

    早稲田大学政治学研究科ジャーナリズムスクール   早稲田大学政治学研究科ジャーナリズムスクール/Jオピニオン  


  • TPP巡る政治対立の構図:外交姿勢の違い 鋭く写す

    Newspaper, magazine


  • (対談)政治と経済をつなぐもの

    Newspaper, magazine

    日本評論社   『経済セミナー』 No. 661/pp. 9-23  


  • Don't Think Twice about Japanese Politics. It's All Right.


    AJISS-Commentary   AJISS-Commentary/No.103  


  • 政権安定シナリオ描けず

    Newspaper, magazine


  • 政治とカネ、そして民主主義


    読売新聞オンライン   Waseda YomiuriOn-line  


  • "政治主導"の意味をただせ

    Newspaper, magazine


  • 政・官の関係 さらに議論を

    Newspaper, magazine


  • 民主主義の成熟へ努力を

    Newspaper, magazine


  • なだれ現象が行動を左右する

    Newspaper, magazine


  • (対談)政治学はどこまで現実政治にかかわるべきか

    Newspaper, magazine

    Asahi Shimbun-sha   『論座』10月号  


  • 政治経済学の新潮流(上)既存の領域超え深化進む

    Newspaper, magazine


  • 21世紀を読む 憲法と民主主義について

    Newspaper, magazine



  • 市町村合併 政治的問題も

    Newspaper, magazine


  • 社会科学は 科学 か?

    Promotional material

    日本学術協力財団   『学術の動向』'03 年 8 月号  


  • Mr. Hashimoto, Reconsider Your Plan

    Newspaper, magazine

    The Asian Wall Street Journal  


  • カナダに学ぶ5つの知恵

    Newspaper, magazine


  • 問われる民主主義のシステム

    Newspaper, magazine


  • 小選挙区制度の導入 二大政党制に直結せず

    Newspaper, magazine


▼display all



  • A matter of trust: Public support for country ownership over aid

    Kentaro Hirose, Gabriella R. Montinola, Matthew S. Winters, Masaru Kohno

    The Review of International Organizations    2024.03  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author

     View Summary


    International donors emphasize greater recipient-country ownership in the delivery of foreign assistance because it ostensibly promotes the efficient use of resources and strengthens recipient-country administrative capacity. The preferences of citizens in developing countries, however, are not well understood on this matter. Do they prefer that their own governments control foreign aid resources, or are there conditions under which they instead prefer that donors maintain control over how aid is implemented? We explore these questions through parallel survey experiments in Myanmar, Nepal, and Indonesia. Our experimental vignettes include two informational treatments: one about who implements aid (i.e., the donor or the recipient government) and the other about the trustworthiness of the foreign donor. The trust-in-donor treatment, on average, increases levels of support for aid in all three countries. In contrast, we observe heterogenous average treatment effects regarding aid control: control of aid by the donor rather than the government reduces levels of support in Indonesia and Myanmar, whereas it increases support levels in Nepal. We show how the cross-country variation in ATEs originates in consistent individual-level variation in reactions to aid control that is more shaped by respondents’ trust in their own government than their trust in the donor.



  • Foreign pressure and public opinion in target states

    Masaru Kohno, Gabriella R. Montinola, Matthew S. Winters

    World Development   169   106305 - 106305  2023.09  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author



  • Will Politicians’ Use of Social Networking Services Change Elections?

    Masaru Kohno, Takumi Washio

    Discuss Japan    2023.06  [Invited]  [International coauthorship]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Do Politicians' Usage of SNS Change the Nature of Elections?

    Masaru Kohno, Takumi Washio

        210 - 217  2023.04

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

  • Politicians Prefer Sports?: An Inquiry into "Hobbies" of LDP Candidates and Electoral Results

    Masaru Kohno, Sosuke Kanno


    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

  • Politics of COVID-19 vaccination in Japan: how governing incumbents’ representation affected regional rollout variation

    M. Kikuchi, S. Ishihara, M. Kohno

    BMC Public Health   23 ( 1 ) 1 - 10  2023.03  [Refereed]

     View Summary



    Despite initial delay, Japan’s COVID-19 vaccination accelerated remarkably from May to September 2021 under the leadership of Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga. His “campaign” for vaccination, however, did not yield uniform results nationwide.


    To highlight political determinants for the regional variation, we employ ordinary least squares regression analyses to investigate how the share/presence of incumbent politicians belonging to the governing parties, the Liberal Democratic Party and Komei Party, influenced the varying progress of rollouts across prefectures as well as across cities/towns/villages. The data on the vaccination rate for all 47 prefectures was obtained from Government Chief Information Officer (CIO)’s Portal, Japan (GCPJ) approximately one month prior to the anticipated general election, the national election for the more important House of Representatives of Japan’s bicameral parliament (Diet). The data for lower administrative units, though its availability was limited to only three prefectures, was obtained from the respective governments of Kagawa and Ehime and from a local newspaper in Gifu.


    The findings reveal that at both prefectural and sub-prefectural administrative levels, the share/presence of the governing parties’ representation in the national parliament had a positive and statistically significant effect on the region’s vaccination progress, after controlling for the local proliferation of COVID-19 and demographic characteristics.


    Our findings contribute insights into the understudied area of the contemporary COVID-19 health environment, namely how the political dynamics of democracy affect the pattern of vaccine dissemination in Japan.

    Trial registration

    : Not applicable.



  • A survey inquiry into behavioral foundations of hate speech regulations: evidence from Japan

    Kentaro Hirose, Hae Kim, Masaru Kohno

    Japanese Journal of Political Science   24 ( 1 ) 101 - 117  2023.03  [Refereed]

     View Summary


    This paper highlights the concept of dignity as the cornerstone that justifies hate speech regulations in democratic societies. In political theory and constitutional law, the primacy of dignity as the moral and legislative justification for regulating hate speech has already been addressed by dignitarianism, especially in the course of debate with free speech advocates. We aim to augment this important claim in the normative literature with empirical data. Specifically, based on our survey conducted in Japan, where its first national anti-hate speech law had only recently been enacted and ordinary citizens were thus less predisposed of the debate, we show that citizens' concerns about the dignity of a targeted victim lead them to support regulations. Our analysis further clarifies the possible mechanisms of the dignitarian rationale, revealing not only the people's public-centered expectation regarding the societal consequences of hate speech, which dignitarians emphasized, but also the importance of more individual-based judgments regarding morality and justice, in shaping their regulatory attitudes.


  • An Inquiry of Cabinet Approval Ratings of Eight Major Mass Media

    Norihiro Mimura, Masaru Kohno

      129   21 - 29  2022.03


  • How Should We Think About Cabinet Approval Rating?

    Masaru Kohno, Norihiro Mimura

      ( 10月号 ) 3 - 9  2021.10

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

  • A Study on the Electoral Strategies of Governing Party: How Are Prime Ministers' Visits to Candidates During the Electoral Campaigns Are Decided?

    Masaru Kohno, Hikari Nogami, Masanori Kikuchi

    Gekkan Senkyo   ( 5月号 ) 3 - 10  2021.05

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

  • Tax Reform and Demands for Accountability in the Philippines

    Gabriella R. Montinola, Matthew S. Winters, Masaru Kohno, Ronal, D. Holmes

    Journal of Southeast Asian Economies   38 ( 1 ) 1 - 23  2021.04  [Refereed]

  • Lost Accountability of Political Leaders: Analysis based on the Data of Press Conferences by Prefectural Governors during Corona Pandemic

    Masaru Kohno

        142 - 149  2021.04  [Invited]

    Authorship:Lead author, Last author, Corresponding author

  • Political Leaders' Accountability under COVID-19: When and How Often Have Governors Had Press Conferences?

    Masaru Kohno, Taichi Uchimura


    Authorship:Corresponding author

  • Why Does the Abe Government's Approval Rating Always Recover? (In Takeo Hoshi and Phillip Lypscy eds., The Political Economy of the Abe Government and Abenomics Reforms)

    Masaru Kohno

        68 - 86  2021  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Cambridge University Press

  • Coincident and Destiny of "Dominant" Politics

    Masaru Kohno

    Chuo Koron   134 ( 11 ) 58 - 67  2020.10  [Invited]

  • Examining the Rise of Prime Minister Suga through Political Career-Path

    Masaru Kohno

    Ronza    2020.09

    Authorship:Lead author, Last author, Corresponding author

  • Delegation and Leadership in Politics: On Abe Government's Response against Corona Virus Crisis

    Masaru Kohno

        66 - 73  2020.07  [Invited]

    Authorship:Lead author, Last author, Corresponding author

  • Natural Disaster and Politicians' Accountability: The Effect of Great East Japan Earthquake on the Governor's Election in Miyagi Prefecture

    Masaru Kohno, Makoto Kunioka, Masanori Kikuchi

      ( 6月号 ) 1 - 6  2020.05

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

  • How Much Benefits Do Politicians Get by Dressing Younger in Campaign Posters (Than Real Age)

    Masaru Kohno, Miri Sakurai

    Ronza    2020.04

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

  • Donor Competition and Public Support for Foreign Aid Sanctions

    Masaru Kohno, Gabriella R. Montinola, Matthew S. Winters, Gento Kato

    Political Research Quarterly   74 ( 1 ) 106591291989783 - 106591291989783  2020.02  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

     View Summary

    Previous research suggests that ideology, material interests, and moral values drive citizens’ preferences over foreign aid policy. Little attention has been paid to how perceptions of the international environment affect these preferences. We examine the extent to which citizens in a traditional donor country consider donor competition when deciding whether to impose aid sanctions on governments engaged in human rights violations. Employing an information experiment conducted among Japanese adults, we find that the prospect of another donor ready to act as a substitute aid-provider reduces support for the use of aid sanctions. This effect runs most strongly through a pathway privileging security concerns, and the effect is larger among respondents who have preexisting concerns about the other donor. These results highlight the way in which public desires for foreign aid to bring about material returns can hinder a government’s ability to use aid to promote good governance ends.



  • Consumption Tax Increase and Accountability

    Masaru Kohno

    Chuo Koron   134 ( 2 ) 166 - 174  2020.01  [Invited]

  • Competition and Representation: Synchronization of Two Democratic Processes

    Masaru Kohno, Kiichiro Arai

    Japanese Journal of Electoral Studies   35 ( 2 ) 5 - 18  2019.12  [Invited]


  • ヘイトスピーチ規制への賛否はどう決まるのか

    河野勝, 西澤由隆

    中央公論   133 ( 4 ) 166 - 180  2019.04  [Invited]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Why Does the Support for Abe Government Revive?

    Masaru Kohno

    Chuo Koron   131 ( 11 ) 84 - 97  2017.11  [Invited]


  • 虚の拡散にどう対処するか


    中央公論   131 ( 7 ) 68 - 75  2017.07  [Invited]


  • The Legacy of the Security Laws for Future Generations : On the Abe Government

    Masaru Kohno

    Asuteion   86 ( 86 ) 137 - 153  2017.05


  • Experimental Studies in Political Science

    Masaru Kohno

    Waseda SeijiKeizai-gaku Zasshi   391   7 - 16  2016.09  [Invited]

  • A Survey Experiment on Majority Formation (In Yoichi Hizen ed. Experimental Political Science)

    Go Murakami, Kiichiro Arai, Masaru Kohno

    Keiso-shobo    2016

  • Compassion and Pity as Motivation for Assisting Others

    Masaru Kohno, Norihiro Mimura

    Seiji-gaku Nempo   2015 ( 1 ) 61 - 89  2015  [Invited]


  • East Asia and international relations theory

    Masaru Kohno

    INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS OF THE ASIA-PACIFIC   14 ( 1 ) 179 - 190  2014.01



  • "Political Theory" and Political Science: For the Methodology of Normative Analysis (In Akira Inoue and Tetsuki Tamura eds. What Is Political Theory?

    Masaru Kohno

    Fuko-sha    2014

  • 調査の設計とサンプリング (日野愛郎・田中愛治編『世論調査の新地平:CASI方式世論調査』所収)

    日野愛郎, 西澤由隆, 河野勝

    勁草書房    2013

  • 事実の取捨選択と規範理論:ロールズ正義論における〈国内/国外〉区分の理想化問題 (河野勝編『新しい政治経済学の胎動』所収)

    上原賢司, 河野勝

    勁草書房    2013

  • 世代間の衡平性再考 (河野勝編『新しい政治経済学の胎動』所収)

    釜賀浩平, 河野勝, 小島崇志

    勁草書房    2013

  • 再び、政治経済学とは何か (河野勝編『新しい政治経済学の胎動』所収)


    勁草書房    2013

  • どこに外交の現実主義的根拠を求めるか


    中央公論   128 ( 6 ) 76 - 83  2013  [Invited]


  • How did the Japanese Public React to Kim Jong Il's Death?

    Kichiro Arai, Masaru Kohno, Shin Toyoda

    INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS OF THE ASIA-PACIFIC   13 ( 1 ) 125 - 153  2013.01  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    We present a comprehensive evidence on how the Japanese reacted to the sudden death of North Korea's Kim Jong Il in December 2011, which was an event of enormous significance for Japan's national security. Based on our original, partially panel-structured, multi-wave monthly surveys conducted from December 2011 to March 2012, we analyze how the Japanese learned about his death, how they formed evaluations about its implication, and how their perceptions changed over time. Our findings illustrate that Japan's general public reacted in a remarkably calm and balanced way to the evolving situation, pointing to a basic sense of realism that underlies their attitudinal orientation toward North Korea. This sense, we argue, derives from the confidence widely held in Japan that, while North Korea remains one of the crucial sources of external threats, its overall ability to influence the regional and international dynamics is limited and its threat thus containable within current framework of national security.



  • Study of Democratization at Historical Crossroads(In Keiichi Kubo and Masaru Kohno eds. Comparative Politics of Democratization and Elections

    Keiichi Kubo, Masaru Kohno

    Keiso-shobo    2013

  • 竹島・尖閣―政府の対応を国民はどう評価しているか

    飯田敬輔, 河野勝, 境家史郎

    中央公論   127 ( 16 ) 138 - 145  2012  [Invited]


  • 政策提言の方法論 (河野勝・小西秀樹・荒木一法・清水和巳・友利厚夫 『《当事者》としていかに危機に向き合うか』所収)


    早稲田大学ブックレット    2012

  • 復興を支援することは、なぜ正しいのかー哲学・思想の先駆者に学ぶ (鈴村興太郎・須賀晃一・河野勝・金慧『復興をめぐる〈正〉と〈善〉』所収)


    早稲田大学ブックレット    2012

  • 原発稼働とふりかざされる「民意」


    中央公論   127 ( 11 ) 46 - 53  2012


  • Rethinking Japan’s Democracy: Origins of "Hybrid Institutions" and Their Political Consequences

    Masaru Kohno

    Contemporary Japan   24 ( 1 ) 95 - 112  2012  [Refereed]

  • 実験で比較する経済と政治--「勝ち馬に乗る」合理性をめぐって (特集 《再考》政治・経済)

    荒井 紀一郎, 村上 剛, 河野 勝

    経済セミナー   661 ( 661 ) 55 - 61  2011.08


  • 変容する日本の総選挙:政党システム、候補者、そして有権者(田中愛治・河野勝ほか『2009年、なぜ政権交代だったのか』所収)


    勁草書房    2009

  • 選挙結果からみた民主党圧勝、自民党大敗の構図 (田中愛治・河野勝ほか『2009年、なぜ政権交代だったのか』所収)


    勁草書房    2009

  • 政治と制度—メカニズム制度論を超えて


    経済セミナー   645 ( 647 ) 31 - 37  2009  [Invited]


  • 政策・政治システムと「専門知」(久米郁男編『専門知と政治』所収)


    早稲田大学出版部    2009

  • Japan and the World: An Analysis of Japan’s Place in World Affairs (In Masaru Kohno and Frances Rosenbluth, eds. Japan and the World: Japan's Contemporary Geopolitical Challenges)

    Masaru Kohno, Frances Rosenbluth

    Yale University Council of East Asian Studies    2009  [Refereed]

  • 危機管理としての憲法:われわれは『マディソンモデル』を超えられるか(若田部昌澄・PHP総合研究所「国家のリスク・マネージメント研究会」編『日本の危機管理力』所収)


    PHP研究所    2009

  • 制度、合理性、期待:新しい政治経済学のための原理的考察 (河野勝編『期待、制度、グローバル社会』所収)


    東洋経済新報社    2009

  • On this special edition: a new public opinion survey, Waseda style

    河野勝, 田中 愛治

    The Waseda journal of political science and economics   ( 370 ) 34 - 38  2008.01


  • Japanese Attitudes and Values toward Democracy (In Yun-han Chu, et.al eds., How East Asians View Democracy)

    Ken'ichi Ikeda, Masaru Kohno

    Columbia University Press    2008  [Refereed]

  • 「立憲主義のゲーム理論的分析」( 川岸令和編 『立憲主義の政治経済学』所収)

    河野勝, 広瀬健太郎

    東洋経済新報社    2008

  • 世論調査:民主主義の主役たちの素顔に迫る(清水和巳・河野勝編『入門政治経済学方法論』所収)

    三村憲弘, 河野勝

    東洋経済新報社    2008

  • 政治経済学方法論のために(清水和巳・河野勝編 『入門政治経済学方法論』所収)

    清水和巳, 河野勝

    東洋経済新報社    2008

  • Domestic Foundations of Japan’s International Contribution (In Thomas Berger, Mike Mochizuki and Jitsuo Tsuchiyama eds., Japan in International Politics: The Foreign Policies of an Adaptive State)

    Masaru Kohno

    Lynne Rienner    2007  [Refereed]

  • 実験アプローチの台頭は何を物語るか( 河野勝・西條辰義編 『社会科学の実験アプローチ』所収)


    勁草書房    2007

  • ガヴァナンス概念再考( 河野勝編 『制度からガヴァナンスへ―社会科学における知の交差』所収)


    東京大学出版会    2006

  • 政治経済学とはなにか (河野勝・清野一治編 『制度と秩序の政治経済学』所収)


    東洋経済新報社    2006

  • Why Constitution?

    Masaru Kohno

    Chuo Koron   120   162 - 175  2005.05

  • Looking Doubtfully at Pensions Across the Generation Gap

    Aiji Tanaka, Masaru Kohno

    Japan Echo   31 ( 5 ) 13 - 17  2004.10  [Invited]

  • 世論調査からみた世代間ギャップ 政治不信世代は年金制度も信じていない

    田中愛治, 河野勝

    中央公論   119 ( 7 ) 138 - 147  2004.07


  • What is Political Economy?

    Masaru Kohno

    The Waseda journal of political science and economics   ( 356 ) 27 - 39  2004.07


  • 比較政治学 の動向(下)


    国際問題   530   55 - 70  2004  [Invited]

  • 比較政治学の動向(上)


    国際問題   528   79 - 100  2004  [Invited]

  • Japan's Economic Miracle, Small Government, and the Politics of Tax Cuts (In Lawrence T. Woods (ed.) Understanding Japan: Essays Inspired by Frank Langdon)

    Masaru Kohno

    Centre of International Relations, University of British Columbia    2004

  • The Politics of the Meiji Restoration: Rational Choice and Beyond

    Masaru Kohno

    The Waseda journal of political science and economics   355 ( 355 ) 116 - 130  2004


  • リアリズム・リベラリズム論争(河野勝・竹中治堅編『アクセス国際政治経済論』所収)


    日本経済評論社    2003

  • 国際政治経済論とは(河野勝・竹中治堅編『アクセス国際政治経済論』所収)

    河野勝, 竹中治堅

    日本経済評論社    2003

  • 日本政治の分析視角(平野浩・河野勝編『アクセス日本政治論』所収))


    日本経済評論社    2003

  • A Changing Ministry of International Trade and Industry (In Jennifer Amyx and Peter Drysdale (eds.) Japanese Governance: Beyond Japan Inc.)

    Masaru Kohno

    Routledge    2003  [Refereed]

  • 選挙制度改革の効果—1996年および2000年衆院選のデータから—

    Kohno Masaru

    青山国際政経論集   57   61 - 89  2002.08


  • 日米国民の意識に関する比較分析 (日米政治意識の研究)


    青山学院大学総合研究所法学研究センター研究叢書   6   1 - 52  2002.03

  • 国際貢献としての環境外交 : グリーン・エイド・プランの国内政策過程 (日本の国際貢献としての「環境外交」の現状と可能性)

    河野 勝

    青山学院大学総合研究所国際政治経済研究センター研究叢書   ( 9 ) 25 - 42  2002.03

  • 新しい比較政治学への序奏(河野勝・岩崎正洋編『アクセス比較政治学』所収)


    日本経済評論社    2002

  • 比較政治学の方法論:なぜ、何を、どのように比較するか(河野勝・岩崎正洋編『アクセス比較政治学』所収)


    日本経済評論社    2002

  • Executive Turnovers in 2002

    Masaru Kohno, Jun Mizutani

    Japanese Journal of Political Science   3 ( 2 ) 275 - 279  2002

  • Voter Turnout in Tokyo Assembly Elections--Institutions, Competition, and Democracy

    Masaru Kohno

    The Journal of the Tokyo Institute for Municipal Research   92 ( 10 ) 67 - 85  2001.10


  • Reversing from "Second Image Reversed" to "Second Image" Again?

    Masaru Kohno

    Kokusai Seiji   128   12 - 29  2001.10  [Invited]

  • Why Didn't the Japanese Socialists Moderate Their Policies Much Earlier to Become a Viable Alternative to the Liberal Democratic Party? (In Bernard Grofman (ed.), Political Science as Puzzle Solving)

    Masaru Kohno

    University of Michigan Press    2001  [Refereed]

  • On the Meiji Restoration: Japan's Search for Sovereignty?

    Masaru Kohno

    International Relations of the Asia-Pacific   1 ( 2 ) 265 - 283  2001  [Refereed]

  • Executive Turnovers in 2001

    Masaru Kohno, Midori Kobayashi

    Japanese Journal of Political Science   2 ( 2 ) 252 - 256  2001

  • Japan's Multimember SNTV System and Strategic Voting: A Rejoinder

    Patrick Fournier, Masaru Kohno

    Japanese Journal of Political Science   2 ( 2 ) 241 - 242  2001

  • 国内政治からの分析:日本の温室効果ガス削減の事例(渡辺昭夫・土山實男『グローバル・ガヴァナンス: 政府なき秩序の模索』所収)


    東京大学出版会    2001

  • Democracy without Competition?: Rethinking Schumpeter's Theory of Democracy

    Masaru Kohno

    The Aoyama journal of international politics,economics and business.   50   73 - 97  2000.06


  • Methodology Over World's Progress In Satoshi Amako, Takashi Oshimura and Masaru Kohno (eds.) Access to International Relations

    Masaru Kohno

    Nihon Keizai Hyoron-sha    2000

  • Recent Changes in MITI and Japan-U.S. Relations

    Masaru Kohno

    The Aoyama journal of international politics, economics and business.   51   97 - 115  2000


  • Executive Turnovers in 2000

    Masaru Kohno, Atsuko Suga

    Japanese Journal of Political Science   1 ( 2 ) 329 - 331  2000

  • Japan's Multimember SNTV System and Strategic Voting: The 'M + 1 Rule' and Beyond.

    Patrick Fournier, Masaru Kohno

    Japanese Journal of Political Science   1 ( 2 ) 275 - 293  2000  [Invited]

     View Summary

    Since the early 1990s, Steven Reed and Gary Cox have changed our understanding of Japan's multimember SNTV electoral system by high-lighting its institutional effects similar to what is known as Duverger's law in the Anglo-American context. Both Reed and Cox presented evidence to show that Japan's M-member districts tended to produce competition among M+1 candidates, thus claiming that a generalization of Duverger's law, called "M+1 rule" exists and applies to the Japanese case. This paper reevaluates Reed's and Cox's claims. We offer some additional evidence to demonstrate that the findings of these two studies are reconcilable, both pointing to the basic pattern of Japanese voters' strategic behavior under the above electoral system. We, however, also address an issue left unexplored in these previous studies, namely the role of political parties. Under Japan's multiparty system, party labels matter in elections: while Japanese voters are generally willing to abandon the candidates without affiliation with the established parties, the partisan effects produce constraints for voters' strategic coordination for both informational and ideological reasons.

    DOI CiNii

  • Japan's Multimember SNTV System and Strategic Voting:The "M+1 Rule" and Beyond

    KOHNO Masaru, FOURNIER Patrick

    jjes, Japanese Journal of Electoral Studies   15   42 - 55  2000  [Invited]

     View Summary

    Since the early 1990s, Steven Reed and Gary Cox have changed our understanding of Japan's multimember SNTV electoral system by high-lighting its institutional effects similar to what is known as Duverger's law in the Anglo-American context. Both Reed and Cox presented evidence to show that Japan's M-member districts tended to produce competition among M+1 candidates, thus claiming that a generalization of Duverger's law, called "M+1 rule" exists and applies to the Japanese case. This paper reevaluates Reed's and Cox's claims. We offer some additional evidence to demonstrate that the findings of these two studies are reconcilable, both pointing to the basic pattern of Japanese voters' strategic behavior under the above electoral system. We, however, also address an issue left unexplored in these previous studies, namely the role of political parties. Under Japan's multiparty system, party labels matter in elections: while Japanese voters are generally willing to abandon the candidates without affiliation with the established parties, the partisan effects produce constraints for voters' strategic coordination for both informational and ideological reasons.

    DOI CiNii

  • The Parallel Electoral System in Japan : A Theoretical and Empirical Exploration into Strategic Ticket-Splitting under It

    Masaru Kohno

    The Aoyama journal of international politics,economics and business.   48   43 - 62  1999.09


  • Thinking about Voter Turnout: The Case of Tokyo Assembly Elections

    Masaru Kohno

    The Aoyama journal of international politics,,economics and business.   45   39 - 63  1999


  • シュンペーターの民主主義理論


    政治学年報   50   181 - 203  1999  [Refereed]

  • The Electoral Reform and Its Aftermath:Making sense of Japanese Politics

    Masaru Kohno

    The Aoyama journal of international politics,economics and business.   44   93 - 104  1998.10


  • Voter turnout and strategic ticket-splitting under Japan's new electoral rules

    M Kohno

    ASIAN SURVEY   37 ( 5 ) 429 - 440  1997.05  [Refereed]

  • Electoral origins of Japanese socialists' stagnation

    M Kohno

    COMPARATIVE POLITICAL STUDIES   30 ( 1 ) 55 - 77  1997.02  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Why did the Japan Socialist Party (JSP) cling to its original leftist policies for so long? Traditionally, the JSP's failure to become a credible alternative to the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) has been explained in terms of either the legacy of its disastrous coalition experience in the early postwar years, the party's organizational reliance on unionized labor, or its nervousness about the reactionary element in the LDP. None of these existing explanations is convincing, given that the adherence to its leftist policies had self-defeating electoral consequences for the JSP. This article explores an alternative explanation and provides empirical evidence which illustrates the link between the JSP's misfortune and the Japanese electoral system existing from 1947 to 1994.

  • Foreign Policy In Kuniko Inoguchi (ed.) Political Science Recommended

    Masaru Kohno

    筑摩書房    1996

  • Ideas and Foreign Policy: The Case of American Techno-Nationalism in U.S.-Japan Relations. In David Rapkin and William Avery (eds.), National Competitiveness in a Global Economy

    Masaru Kohno

    Lynne Rienner    1995  [Refereed]

  • Political Change in 1993: An Alternative Interpretation

    Masaru Kohno

      17   30 - 51  1995  [Refereed]



    BRITISH JOURNAL OF POLITICAL SCIENCE   24   148 - 158  1994.01  [Refereed]

  • Changes in Japan's Postwar Party Politics and Rational Choice

    Masaru Kohno

    Seiji-gaku Nempo   1994   195 - 210  1994  [Refereed]

  • 片山内閣成立過程再考-連立政権理論の可能性と限界


    レヴァイアサン   臨時創刊号   165 - 177  1994  [Refereed]



    WORLD POLITICS   44 ( 3 ) 369 - 397  1992.04  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Over the last two decades there have been numerous changes in the organization of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) in Japan. The pattern of factionalization has changed significantly in terms of the number of competing major factions, the average size of their membership, and their internal structure. Moreover, a new set of institutionalized norms, such as the seniority and interfactional balancing principles, has emerged to govern organizational processes within the LDP. The conventional approach in the literature on Japanese politics, which focuses on factors unique or distinctive to Japanese history, culture, and social behavior, cannot adequately explain these recent changes in the LDP. This paper proposes an alternative, rational-choice explanation based on the standard microanalytic assumptions. More specifically, it argues that the pattern of the LDP's factionalization is primarily determined by the electoral incentives of two sets of rational actors, LDP politicians and LDP supporters, operating under institutional constraints, such as electoral laws and political funding regulations. It also argues that the organizational norms originate in the promotion incentives of the LDP politicians whose strategies are influenced by the uncertainty in the dynamics of the interfactional political process.

  • LDP- An Analysis from Organizational Theories

    Masaru Kohno

    レヴァイアサン   9   32 - 54  1991  [Refereed]

  • Discussion Paper: Prospects for the Study of Japanese Parliamentalism

    Masaru Kohno

    Terry McGee et al eds, Canadian Perspectives on Modern Japan (University of British Columbia)     50 - 54  1991  [Invited]



    COMPARATIVE POLITICS   22 ( 2 ) 151 - 166  1990.01  [Refereed]

  • 日本における選挙経済循環:総選挙と政府の財政政策

    西澤由隆, 河野勝

    レヴァイアサン   6   152 - 171  1990  [Refereed]



    ASIAN SURVEY   29 ( 5 ) 457 - 479  1989.05  [Refereed]

▼display all

Books and Other Publications

  • International Regimes

    Stephen D. Krasner( Part: Translator/Editor)


  • Is Science of Politics Possible?

    Masaru Kohno( Part: Sole author)

    Chuo Koron Shin-sha  2018 ISBN: 9784120050695

     View Summary

    Not Refreed

  • Electoral Survey Methodology:Insight from Japan on using computer assisted personal interviews

    Masaru Kohno, Yoshitaka Nishizawa(e( Part: Joint editor)

    London:Routledge  2016 ISBN: 9780415859370

     View Summary


  • Evolving New Political Economy

    Masaru Kohno( Part: Edit)

    Keiso-shobo  2013.07 ISBN: 9784326302208

     View Summary

    Not Refereed

  • Comparative Politics of Democratization and Elections

    Keiichi Kubo, Masaru Kohno( Part: Joint editor)

    Keiso-shobo  2013 ISBN: 9784326302161

     View Summary

    Not Refereed

  • "Justice" and "Good" in Policy of Reconstruction

    Kotaro Suzumura, Koichi Suga, Masaru Kohno, Kim Hae( Part: Joint author)

    Waseda University Press  2012 ISBN: 9784657113078

     View Summary

    Not Refereed

  • How to Confront Crises as the Concerned Party

    Masaru Kohno et( Part: Joint author)

    Waseda University Press  2012 ISBN: 9784657123077

     View Summary

    Not Refereed

  • Politics of Contemporary Japan

    Ikuo Kume, Masaru Kohno( Part: Joint author)

    Foundation for the Promotion of the Open University of Japan  2011 ISBN: 9784595312731

     View Summary

    Not Refereed

  • (New Edition) Access to Japanese Politics

    Hiroshi Hirano, Masaru Kohno( Part: Joint editor)

    Nihon Keizai Hyoron-sha  2011 ISBN: 9784818821811

     View Summary

    Not Refereed

  • Theory of International Politics

    Waltz Kenneth Neal, 河野勝, 岡垣 知子共( Part: Joint translator)

    Keiso-shobo  2010 ISBN: 9784326301607

  • Why Government Change in 2009?

    Aiji Tanaka, Masaru Kohno( Part: Joint author)

    Keiso-shobo  2009 ISBN: 9784326301829

     View Summary

    Not Refereed

  • Expectation, Institution, and Global Society

    Masaru Kohno( Part: Edit)

    Keiso-shobo  2009 ISBN: 9784326301812

     View Summary

    Not Refereed

  • Japan and the World: Japan's Contemporary Geopolitical Challenges.

    Masaru Kohno, Frances Rosenbluth, eds( Part: Joint editor)

    New Haven: Yale University Council on East Asian Studies  2009

     View Summary


  • Introduction to Political Economy Methodology

    Kazumi Shimizu, Masaru Kohno( Part: Joint editor)

    Toyo Keizai Shimpo-sha  2008 ISBN: 9784492211724

     View Summary

    Not Refereed

  • Strategy of Conflict

    Thomas Schelling, 広瀬健太郎, 山口総一郎訳, 河野勝監訳( Part: Joint translator)

    Keiso-shobo  2008 ISBN: 9784326301614

  • Experimental Approach in Social Science

    Masaru Kohno, Tatsuyoshi Saijo( Part: Joint editor)

    Keiso-shobo  2007 ISBN: 9784326502929

     View Summary

    Not Refereed

  • (new edition) Politics of Contemporary Japan

    Ikuo Kume, Aiji Tanaka, Masaru Kohno( Part: Joint author)

    Foundation for the Promotion of the Open University of Japan  2007 ISBN: 9784595307324

     View Summary

    Not Refereed

  • From Institutions to Governance

    Masaru Kohno( Part: Edit)

    University of Tokyo Press  2006 ISBN: 9784130362252

     View Summary

    Not Refereed

  • Political Economy of Institutions and Order

    Masaru Kohno, Kazuharu Kiyono( Part: Joint editor)

    Toyo Keizai Shimpo-sha  2006 ISBN: 9784492211588

     View Summary

    Not Refereed

  • The Politics of Oligarchy: Institutional Choice in Imperial Japan

    Mark Ramseyer, Frances M. Rosenbluth, 青木一益, 永山博之, 斉藤淳訳, 河野勝監訳( Part: Joint translator)

    Keiso-shobo  2006 ISBN: 9784326301621

  • Access to Security Studies

    Yoshinobu Yamamoto, Masaru Kohno( Part: Joint editor)

    Nihon Keizai Hyoron-sha  2005 ISBN: 4818817201

     View Summary

    Not Refereed

  • Access to Japanese Politics

    Hiroshi Hirano, Masaru Kohno( Part: Joint editor)

    Nihon Keizai Hyoron-sha  2003 ISBN: 9784818815421

     View Summary

    Not Refereed

  • Access to International Political Economy

    Masaru Kohno, Harukata Takenaka( Part: Joint editor)

    日本経済評論社  2003 ISBN: 4818815039

     View Summary

    Not Refereed

  • Institutions

    Masaru Kohno( Part: Sole author)

    University of Tokyo Press  2002 ISBN: 9784130341424

     View Summary

    Not Refereed

  • Access to Comparative Politics

    Masaru Kohno, Masahiro Iwasaki( Part: Joint editor)

    Nihon Keizai Hyoron-sha  2002 ISBN: 4818814075

     View Summary

    Not Refereed

  • Politics and Economy under 1955 System

    Ichiro Miyake, Yoshitaka Nishizawa, Masaru Kohno( Part: Joint author)

    Bokutaku-sha  2001 ISBN: 4833223023

     View Summary

    Not refereed

  • Access to International Relations

    Satoshi Amako, Takashi Oshimura, Masaru Kohno( Part: Joint editor)

    Nihon Keizai Hyoron-sha  2000 ISBN: 4818812064

     View Summary

    Not refereed

  • Japan's Postwar Party Politics

    Masaru Kohno( Part: Sole author)

    Princeton University Press  1997 ISBN: 9780691015965

     View Summary


▼display all


  • Public Concern for Reallocating Aid in the Presence of Alternative Donors


    American Political Science Association 

    Presentation date: 2023.09

    Event date:
  • Political Accountability in Contemporary Japan

    Masaru Kohno

    Presentation date: 2023.02

  • A Matter of Trust: Public Support for Country Ownership over Aid

    Gabriella Montinola, Kentaro Hirose, Matthew S. Winters, Masaru Kohno

    American Political Science Association 

    Presentation date: 2022.09

  • Political Accountability under COVID-19

    Masaru Kohno

    Presentation date: 2022.04

  • 現代世論調査の現状と課題 ー大手報道機関8社の比較分析を通してー

    三村憲弘, 河野勝

    日本世論調査協会 研究大会 

    Presentation date: 2021.11

  • Round Table: On the debate about whether to reject "Isms" in international relations

    Masaru Kohno

    Presentation date: 2021.09

  • Foreign Pressure and Public Opinion in Target States

    Masaru Kohno, Gabriella Montinola, Matthew Winters

    Virtual Workshop on Foreign Aid Withdrawals and Suspensions 

    Presentation date: 2021.05

  • Shinzo Abe's Legacy on Asian Geopolitics

    Masaru Kohno  [Invited]

    UCL (University College London) Asiatic Affairs 

    Presentation date: 2021.02

  • Political Science as Dilemma

    Masaru Kohno  [Invited]

    UTokyo x Waseda Political Science Colloquium First Meeting 

    Presentation date: 2020.12

  • Foreign Pressure and Public Opinion in Target States

    Masaru Kohno, Gabriella Montinola, Matthew Winters

    International Political Economy Society (IPES) 2020 Conference 

    Presentation date: 2020.11

  • Foreign Pressure and Public Opinion in Target States

    Masaru Kohno, Gabriella Montinola, Matthew Winters

    American Political Science Association 

    Presentation date: 2020.09

  • An Experimental Study on Public Support for Hate Speech Regulations

    Kentaro Hirose, Hae Kim, Masaru Kohno

    American Political Science Association 

    Presentation date: 2020.09

  • A Perspective on Democratic Quality in Japan: Competition, Efficacy, and Accountability

    Masaru Kohno  [Invited]

    Keynote Speech at Israeli Association of Japanese Studies (Jerusalem) 

    Presentation date: 2019.12

  • Indignity or Offense?: A Survey-Experimental Inquiry into Behavioral Foundations of Hate Speech Regulations

    Masaru Kohno, Kim Hae, Kentaro Hirose

    Japan Political Science Association 

    Presentation date: 2019.10

  • Freedom in American Popular Music:A Text Analysis of Top-ranking Song Lyrics from the 1960s to the 2000s

    Masaru Kohno, Masanori Kikkuchi, Shinji Tsukada

    POLTEXT 2019: The 3rd International Interdisciplinary Symposium on the Quantitative Analysis of Textual Data (Tokyo) 

    Presentation date: 2019.09

  • Bringing in the International Environment: Donor Competition and Public Support for Foreign Aid Sanctions in Japan

    Gabriella Montinola, Mattew Winters, Masaru Kohno, Gento Kato  [Invited]

    Conference on Public Opinion and Foreign Aid at the University of Geneva 

    Presentation date: 2019.02

  • Bringing In the International Environment: Donor Competition/Coordination and Public Support for Foreign Aid Sanctions

    Masaru Kohno, Gabriella Montinola, Matthew Winters

    American Political Science Association meeting (Boston) 

    Presentation date: 2018.09

  • Public Support for War Power

    Michael Tomz, Masaru Kohno

    American Political Science Association meeting (San Francisco)  (San Francisco) 

    Presentation date: 2017.09

  • ソーシャルネットワークと情報リタラシー“Old Wine in New Bottles”?

    河野勝  [Invited]

    公益財団法人文字・活字文化推進機構, 日本経済新聞

    Presentation date: 2017.09

  • A Dialogue between Social-Psychology and Political Science on Political Attitudes and Norms

    Masaru Kohno  [Invited]

    Japanese Society of Social Psychology 

    Presentation date: 2016.09

  • Experimental Studies and Japanese Politics

    Masaru Kohno  [Invited]

    Lunch Time Seminar at Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center, Stanford University 

    Presentation date: 2016.05

  • To Constrain or Not To Constrain?:Attitudes about Executive Authority to Wage War

    Masaru Kohno, Michael Tomz

    American Political Science Association meeting (San Francisco)  (San Francisco) 

    Presentation date: 2015.09

  • Compassion and Pity as Motivation for Assisting Others: An Inquiry into Moral Intuition through Survey Experiments

    Masaru Kohno, Norihiro Mimura

    Kobe Sakura Meeting 2015 (5th International Conference for Collaborative Research in International Relations and Comparative Politics) 

    Presentation date: 2015.04

  • 経験分析と規範分析の架橋:政治学との比較から

    河野勝  [Invited]

    一橋大学経済研究所 規範経済学研究センター設立シンポジウム 「規範経済学の課題と方法」 

    Presentation date: 2015.01

  • Methodology for Normative Analyses

    Masaru Kohno

    Japan Political Science Association 

    Presentation date: 2014.10

  • An Empirical Analysis of Audience Cost in Japan

    Masaru Kohno

    Japan Association of International Relations  (Japan) 

    Presentation date: 2013.10

  • Talking Points

    Masaru Kohno  [Invited]

    Asan Plenam (Seoul Korea) 

    Presentation date: 2013.05

  • Again, What is Political Economy?

    Masaru Kohno

    Japan Association of Political Economy 

    Presentation date: 2013.03

  • Japanese Politics after 3.11: Trends and Challenges

    Masaru Kohno  [Invited]

    Workshop at Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto 

    Presentation date: 2012.11

  • Japanese Politics after 3.11: Trends and Challenges

    Masaru Kohno  [Invited]

    Workshop at Center for Japanese Studies, University of Hawai 

    Presentation date: 2012.08

  • Audience Cost in Japan?

    Masaru Kohno

    International Political Science Association World Congress (Madrid, Spain)  (Madrid, Spain) 

    Presentation date: 2012.07

  • Jump on the Bandwagon, If It Has a Momentum: A Momentum Effect in Voting Behavior

    Go Murakami, Kiichiro Arai, Masaru Kohno

    Midwest Political Science Association 

    Presentation date: 2012.04

  • A Lecture on Japan's Party Politics

    Masaru Kohno  [Invited]

    Lecture on Government and Politics of Asia at University of Waterloo (Canada)  East Asian Studies, Renison University College, University of Waterloo

    Presentation date: 2012.03

  • コケ脅しをした政治リーダーは罰せられるのか

    河野勝  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2011.12

  • Introducing the First Comprehensive Survey on Japanese Attitudes toward Foreign Policy and National Security

    Masaru Kohno  [Invited]

    Workshop on Institutional Diversity and Change: Comparing Asia and Europe (Berlin, Germany)  Free University of Berlin

    Presentation date: 2011.12

  • 実験で比較する経済と政治

    河野勝, 荒井紀一郎, 村上剛  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2011.07

  • Don’t Think Twice about Japanese Politics, Its All Right

    Masaru Kohno  [Invited]

    Public Lecture at Japan Foundation, Toronto  Japan Foundation, Toronto

    Presentation date: 2011.03

  • East Asia and International Relations Theory: Current Debate and Beyond

    Masaru Kohno  [Invited]

    Workshop at Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto 

    Presentation date: 2011.03

  • Don’t Think Twice About Japanese Politics: It’s All Right

    Masaru Kohno  [Invited]

    Keynote Speech at Japan Studies Association of Canada (Vancouver, Canada) 

    Presentation date: 2010.09

  • Rethinking Japan’s Democracy: Are Institutional Hybrids Virtues or Vices?

    Masaru Kohno  [Invited]

    Workshop on the Quality of Democracy in the Asia-Pacific  Asia Institute and the Center for Governance and Public Policy, Griffith University (Australia)

    Presentation date: 2010.04

  • 2009年衆議院選挙と日本政治の展望

    河野勝  [Invited]

    韓国外交安保研究院・日本国際問題研究所主催、日韓協議 (ソウル) 

    Presentation date: 2009.10

  • Experimenting Landslide: An Analysis of Preference, Knowledge and Decisions to Bandwagon with a Winning Majority

    Masaru Kohno, ith, Kiichiro Arai

    Hoover Collective Seminar Series, Hoover Institution, Stanford University 

    Presentation date: 2008.11

  • The Making of Making CASI Possible in Japan

    Masaru Kohno(with, Koichi Kuriyama, Yuko Morimoto, Aiji Tanaka, Motoki Watabe

    American Political Science Association meeting (Boston)  (Boston) 

    Presentation date: 2008.08

  • At the Nexus of Competition and Representation: Exploring Interaction between Elites’ Outside Lobbying and Voters’ Sense of Efficacy in Japan

    Kiichiro Arai, Masaru Kohno  [Invited]

    Workshop on Modeling Power Relationships in Japanese Democracy, University of British Columbia (Vancouver, Canada) 

    Presentation date: 2007.08

  • Trends in Japanese Politics on the Eve of the Upper House El

    Masaru Kohno  [Invited]

    Seminar at Centre for Japanese Research, University of British Columbia (Vancouver, Canada) 

    Presentation date: 2007.07

  • 制度の進化と政治発展

    河野勝  [Invited]

    人間行動進化学研究会第 7 回研究発表会(京都大学) 

    Presentation date: 2005.12

  • 年金問題と世論



    Presentation date: 2004.09

  • SNTV and Its Political Consequences: Mechanical Effect, Strategic Candidate Nomination, and the Origins of Japan’s One-Party Dominance

    Yusaku Horiuchi, Masaru Kohno

    American Political Science Association meeting (Chicago) 

    Presentation date: 2004.09

  • Influence of Social Capital on Political Participation in Asian Cultural Context

    Ken'ichi Ikeda, Yasuo Yamada, Masaru Kohno  [Invited]

    Conference on "How East Asians View Democracy: The Region in Global Perspective," Taipei (Taiwan) 

    Presentation date: 2003.12

  • Politics of Japan in the 1990s: Reforms, Changes, and Continuities

    Masaru Kohno  [Invited]

    A Symposium on Social and Political Change in the New Millennium: Japan and Canada in Comparative Perspective, Institute of Asian Research, University of British Columbia, Vancouver (Canada) 

    Presentation date: 2002.11

  • Electoral Reforms in Japan

    Masaru Kohno  [Invited]

    Lecture at Department of Political Science, Vancouver (Canada 

    Presentation date: 2002.11

  • The Politics of the Meiji Restoration: Rational Choice and Beyond

    Masaru Kohno

    American Political Science Association meeting (Boston) 

    Presentation date: 2002.09

  • On the Meiji Restoration

    Masaru Kohno  [Invited]

    Lecture at Department of Political Science and Institute of Asian Research, Vancouver (Canada) 

    Presentation date: 2002.07

  • Political Financing in Japan: Regulations, Reality and Prospect for Future Reform

    Masaru Kohno  [Invited]

    Conference on "Political Finance and Democracy in East Asia: The Use and Abuse of Money in Campaign and Elections" (Seoul, Korea)  (Seoul, Korea)  National Endowment for Democracy, Sejong Institute

    Presentation date: 2001.06

  • Japan’s Political Financing and Its Political Consequences

    Masaru Kohno  [Invited]

    The Asia Foundation and Yoensei University’s Joint Workshop on Campaign Financing and Money Politics in Japan, Korea and the United States,Seoul (Korea) 

    Presentation date: 2001.02

  • Model of "Electoral Institutions" after Political Reform

    Masaru Kohno  [Invited]

    Japan Political Science Association 

    Presentation date: 2000.10

  • Contemporary Japanese Politics

    Masaru Kohno  [Invited]

    Lecture at Department of Political Science and East Asian Studies Center, Indiana University 

    Presentation date: 2000.03

  • Democracy without Competition

    Masaru Kohno

    American Political Science Association meeting (Atlanta) 

    Presentation date: 1999.09

  • The Changing Role of MITI and Its Implications for U.S.-Japan Relations

    Masaru Kohno  [Invited]

    Symposium on Japanese Business and Economic System: History and Prospects for the 21st Century, Institute of Asian Research, University of British Columbia, Vancouver (Canada) 

    Presentation date: 1999.02

  • Divided Government in Japan

    Masaru Kohno  [Invited]

    Lecture at U.S.-Japan Program, Harvard University 

    Presentation date: 1999.02

  • The Parallel Electoral System in Japan : A Theoretical and Empirical Exploration into Strategic Ticket-Splitting under It

    Masaru Kohno  [Invited]

    Japan Political Science Association 

    Presentation date: 1998.10

  • The Mysterious Case of the Vanishing Conservative Hegemony under High Economic Growth in Japan

    Masaru Kohno, Patrick Fournier

    American Political Science Association meeting (Boston) 

    Presentation date: 1998.09

  • Thinking about Voter Turnout

    Masaru Kohno  [Invited]

    Japanese Association of Electoral Studies 

    Presentation date: 1998.05

  • A Retrospective on the Economic Change and the Conservative Hegemony in Japan

    Masaru Kohno  [Invited]

    Lecture at Hoover Institution, Stanford University 

    Presentation date: 1997.04

  • Limits of Neoliberal Institutionalism

    Masaru Kohno

    Joint Convention of International Studies Association and Japan Association of International Relations (Makuhari, Japan) 

    Presentation date: 1996.09

  • Japan's Economic Miracle, Small-Government, and the Politics of Tax-cuts

    Masaru Kohno

    American Political Science Association meeting (San Francisco) 

    Presentation date: 1996.08

  • Between Anarchy and Institution

    Masaru Kohno

    Western Political Science Association meeting(San Francisco 

    Presentation date: 1996.03

  • Why Did Japanese Socialists Abandon Their Unarmed Neutrality Policy?

    Masaru Kohno

    American Political Science Association meeting (Chicago) 

    Presentation date: 1995.09

  • The State of Japanese Political Studies: Rational Choice and Its Critics

    Masaru Kohno  [Invited]

    Lecture at International House of Japan, Tokyo 

    Presentation date: 1995.05

  • Economic Effects of the End of the Cold War and Regional Stability in Northeast Asia

    Masaru Kohno  [Invited]

    Workshop organized by Japan Institute of International Affairs and Asia Society, Tokyo 

    Presentation date: 1995.05

  • Do Japanese Voter Vote Strategically?

    Masaru Kohno

    British Columbia Political Studies Association, Vancouver (Canada) 

    Presentation date: 1995.03

  • On Japanese Constitution

    Masaru Kohno  [Invited]

    Lecture at School of Law, University of British Columbia, Vancouver (Canada) 

    Presentation date: 1992.03

  • Rational Foundations for the Organization of the Liberal Democratic Partyh in Japan

    Masaru Kohn

    Public Choice Society (New Orleans) 

    Presentation date: 1992.03

  • Evolution of Norms: The Case of U.S. Techno-Nationalism in U.S.-Japan Relations in the 1980s

    Masaru Kohno

    International Studies Association, Vancouver (Canada) 

    Presentation date: 1991.03

  • Contemporary Japan--And Its Relations with the United States

    Masaru Kohno  [Invited]

    Lecture at California State University, Sacramento 

    Presentation date: 1990.03

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Research Projects

  • Tax-Reform and Accountability: Critical Review of Fiscal Contract Theory

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


    Masaru Kohno, Arata Yamazaki

  • A Study on the Mental Foundation and Evolving Legal Norm regarding Hate Speech in Japan

    Project Year :


  • Concept Analysis of Freedom Using Popular Songs as Text

    Project Year :


  • A Political-Economic Study of Externality Effects of Aid and Redistribution Policies

    Project Year :


  • A Study of Japanese Preference Formation in Foreign Policy

    Project Year :


  • A Study on Political Institutions

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    HIZEN Yoichi, FUNAKI Yukihiko, KOHNO Masaru, TANIGUCHI Naoko, SAKAIYA Shiro, ARAI Kiichiro, KAMIJO Yoshio, IDE Hiroko

     View Summary

    We had a contribution to the development of experimental research in political science in order to establish experimental social sciences, which is the main theme of our scientific research on priority area. We tackled a research question “how can democracies work well?” through laboratory, fMRI and survey experiments. We also published papers and books and held sessions on the effectiveness of experimental methods in political science.

  • 理論と歴史の対話からみた東アジア安全保障と日本の課題

    サントリー文化財団  人文科学・社会科学に関する研究助成

    Project Year :



  • Globalization and Domestic Politics : A Comprehensive Analysis based on Survey Research on Citizens and Policy Actors

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KUME Ikuo, KOJO Yoshiko, NISHIZAWA Yoshitaka, KOHNO Masaru, TATEBAYASHI Masahiko, SOGA Kengo, KAGE Rieko, FUJIMURA Naofumi, ARAI Kiichiro, KUNO Arata, NAOI Megumi

     View Summary

    This research tries to explore how domestic political reactions are fostered to the increasing economic and financial globalization focusing on general public and the political and economic actors, and finds several factors influencing their attitudes toward globalization.

  • Political Change and Decision Making Mechanism of the Japanese : Integration of Psychological Economic Experiment and Public Opinion Survey

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    TANAKA Aiji, KOHNO Masaru, SHIMIZU Kazumi, YAMADA Masahiro, WATABE Motoki, KUME Ikuo, NISHIZAWA Yoshitaka, HASEGAWA Mariko, FUNAKI Yukihiko, SHINADA Yutaka, KURIYAMA Kohichi, FUKUMOTO Kentaro, IMAI Ryosuke, HINO Airo, IIDA Takeshi

  • Empirical Study of Changing Policy Networks

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KUME Ikuo, KONO Masaru, MURAMATSU Michio, NONAKA Naoto, SHINADA Yutaka, TATEBAYASHI Masahiko

     View Summary

    Analyzing the three waves of survey data conducted over three decades with politicians, bureaucrats, and interest group leaders, we have published a book edited by Ikuo Kume and Michio Muramatsu, who has been in charge of these surveys,. This book tried to make sensed the structural change in Japanese politics over three decades. Having achieved this task, we moved on to the next step, that is causal inquiries of this transformation. In due course, we combined our survey data analysis with mass survey data analysis and social-economic data analysis as well as detailed case studies. In order to integrate these various analyses conducted by the project members, we had an interim international workshop in Kobe(March 2006). Then we organized an international conference Modeling Power Relationships in Japanese Democracy with the Center for Study of Democratic Institutions at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, inviting political scientists studying Japanese politics comparatively, Professors T.J.Pempel, Ellis Krauss, Megumi Naoi and others. The members of this project presented their papers and had intensive discussion with various participants.
    Our general findings are 1) Japanese policy making process, which used to be fairly fragmented and decentralized, has become substantially centralized at the top leader level, and 2) this change is consistent with changes in the state-societal relations being analyzed by the mass survey analysis and the interest group studies. We are now preparing to submit these analyses to the international journals.

  • 現代ガヴァナンスの学際的研究

    サントリー文化財団  人文科学・社会科学に関する研究助成

    Project Year :



  • Institutional Incongruity and Its Political Consequences in Japan

    Social Science and Humanity Research Council (Canada)  SSHRC

    Project Year :


    Masaru Kohno

  • Japan's Postwar Party Politics

    サントリー文化財団  海外出版助成金

    Project Year :



▼display all


  • 【巻頭言】終わりは始まりにすぎない、という話


    JAIR Newsletter   ( 170 ) 1 - 1  2022.02


  • 【書評】Cheesman, N. and Klaas, B., How to Rig an Election (Yale University Press, 2018)


    選挙研究   35 ( 1 ) 132  2019  [Invited]

    Book review, literature introduction, etc.  

  • 対談 政治と経済をつなぐもの 河野勝×須田美矢子 (特集 《再考》政治・経済)

    河野 勝, 須田 美矢子

    経済セミナー   ( 661 ) 10 - 23  2011.08


  • 【翻訳】スティーヴン・ホームズ「憲法は考える?」川岸令和編『立憲主義の政治経済学』所収(原題:Can Constitution Think?)


    勁草書房    2008

  • 【翻訳】バリー・ワインゲスト「政治経済学:その軌跡と展望」河野勝・清野一治編『制度と秩序の政治経済学』所収(原題:Political-Economy – Where We Have Been, Where We Are, Where We Are Going)


    東洋経済新報社    2006

  • 【翻訳】ケネス・シュルツ「民主主義、学習、および紛争の解決」河野勝・清野一治編『制度と秩序の政治経済学』所収(原題:Democracy, Learning, and Conflict Resolution)

    宇田川大輔, 河野勝

    東洋経済新報社    2006

  • 【翻訳】クリスティーナ・デーヴィス「国際制度とイシュー・リンケージ」河野勝・清野一治編『制度と秩序の政治経済学』所収(原題: International Institutions and Issue Linkages)

    都丸善央, 河野勝

    東洋経済新報社    2006

  • 【翻訳】アヴァナー・グライフ「歴史比較制度分析のフロンティア」河野勝編『制度からガヴァナンスへ―社会科学における知の交差』所収 (原題:On Recent Developments in Comparative and Historical Institutional Analysis)


    東京大学出版会    2006

  • 【書評】ゲームツリーでなく、ゲーム理論という森をみるために--曽我謙悟著『ゲームとしての官僚制』東京大学出版会


    レヴァイアサン   38 ( 38 ) 158 - 162  2006  [Invited]

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)  


  • 【翻訳】J. マーク・ラムザイヤー「司法」平野浩・河野勝編『アクセス日本政治論』所収(原題:Judiciary)

    平野浩, 河野勝

    日本経済評論社    2003

  • 【翻訳】ジェフリー・ギャレット「グローバル市場と国家の政治」河野勝・竹中治堅編『アクセス国際政治経済論』所収(原題:Global Markets and National Politics: Collision Course or Virtuous Circle?)

    河野勝, 森屋朋子

    日本経済評論社    2003

  • 【翻訳】スティーヴン・クラズナー「グローバリゼーション論批判: 主権概念の再検討」渡辺昭夫・土山實男編『グローバルガバナンス: 政府なき秩序の模索』所収 (原題:Globalization and Its Discontents))


    東京大学出版会    2001

  • Book Reviews

    Kono Masaru

    Sociological theory and methods   30-16 ( 2 ) 269 - 271  2001  [Invited]

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)  


  • 【書評】 鈴木基史著『国際関係』'(東京大学出版会)

    河野 勝

    国際政治   ( 126 ) 218 - 221  2001  [Invited]

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)  


  • 【翻訳】J. M. ラムゼイヤー、E.C. ラスムセン「日本における司法の独立を検証する」(原題:Judicial Independence in a Civil Law Regime: The Evidence from Japan)


    レヴァイアサン   22   116 - 149  1998

  • 【Book Review】 Peter Katzenstein, Cultural Norms and National Security (Itaca: Cornell University Press, 1996)

    Masaru Kohno

    Canadian Journal of Political Science     403 - 404  1997  [Invited]

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)  

  • 【Book Review】 Steven Reed, Making Common Sense of Japan (Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1993)

    Masaru Kohno

    Pacific Affairs   vol. 67   123 - 124  1994  [Invited]

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)  

  • 【Book Review】 Scott Flanagan et al, The Japanese Voter (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1991)

    Pacific Affairs   66   113 - 114  1993  [Invited]

    Book review, literature introduction, etc.  

  • 【翻訳】ジョン・フェアジョン「合理性と解釈: 初期スチュワート朝英国における議会選挙をめぐって」(原題:Rationality and Interpretation: Parliamentary Elections in Early Stuart England)


    レヴァイアサン   9   154 - 185  1991

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Social Activities

  • 【顔加工】選挙ポスターいじるのアリ?政治家は例外?お断り表記は必要?アプリ修正の境界線は?デジタル時代の顔面論

    ABEMA TV  ABEMA Prime 


  • 増える無投票 忍び寄る危機

    産経新聞  産経新聞 


  • Why many Japanese are protesting a state funeral for assassinated ex-PM Shinzo Abe

    CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation)  World News 


  • コロナ禍の2年半 手探りの初期対応で物議も【県都の問いかけ 大西市政2期目の点検】



  • (テーマ特集:参院選2022)写真を「盛る」時代、では選挙ポスターは?その効果は? 調べてみた

    朝日新聞  朝日新聞デジタル 


  • (耕論)投票義務化、どうですか

    朝日新聞  朝日新聞デジタル 


  • 参院選の結果を踏まえた日本政治の現状(仮題)

    NHK  クローズアップ現代 


  • サイバー空間に残り続ける部落差別の“芽”、「地名総鑑」は回収→「地名リスト」に削除命令→動画…もぐらたたき状態

    47 NEWS  47 NEWS 


  • 北海道の鈴木知事インタビュー/ 鈴木道政、真価問われる1年に



  • インターネットで偏見拡散

    共同通信社  佐賀新聞、長崎新聞、京都新聞ほか 


  • 決別 金権政治



  • Challenges Facing the New Government: Thorough Explanations Needed for Prioritizing Specific Issues

    Japan Foreign Policy Forum  Discuss Japan No. 62 


  • (巻頭言)民主主義でない国々の選挙について

    公益財団法人 明るい選挙推進協会  Voters, No. 59 


  • オンライン投票の実現可能性と功罪:「ゼロリスク」は難しい

    朝日新聞出版  AERA (20.11.23, No.54) 


  • Japan’s New Prime Minister Continues a Troubling Trend



  • 自粛対応、飲食店選びの判断材料に---「企業の社会的責任」消費者が意識

    日経リサーチ  日経リサーチレポート 


  • Japón contra sí mismo

    CTXT ediciò cat  CTXT ediciò cat 


  • コロナ危機と政治家のリーダーシップ調査---東京、大阪など3知事に高評価

    日経リサーチ  日経リサーチレポート 


  • 【衝撃事件の核心】1回の選挙で2度投票…露呈した公選法の穴

    産経新聞  産経新聞 


  • その記事 ウソ? ホント?「中央公論」7月号 偽ニュースめぐる寄稿



  • Abe pledges Japan constitution rewrite after election win

    AFP  AFP 


  • Abe re-elected in low-turnout Japan polls



  • 選挙後、景気は良くなる?



  • Will rising tensions in Asia push Japan toward a full-fledged military?

    The Christian Science Monitor 


  • Conservatism in Japan

    The Bonston Glove 


  • The Japanese Unstable Political Arena


  • Analysis - Nationalist strains echo on Japan campaign trail



  • 「同日選」でどうなる脱原発

    東京新聞 「こちら特報部」 


  • 路上からの直接民主主義

    朝日新聞 「文化」 


  • Japan's Nuclear Debate Weighs Safety, Economics

    NPR Morning Edition 


  • 低支持率の原因は政治の「勘違い」



  • One year after Japan tsunami: Roads repaired, but lives still disrupted

    The Christian Science Monitor  The Christian Science Monitor 


  • How Japan, US may break 18-year deadlock over Okinawa base

    The Christian Science Monitor  The Christian Science Monitor 


  • (巻頭エッセイ)秩序をめぐる探求

    日本貿易振興機構  『アジ研ワールド・トレンド』7月号/第190号 


  • スタンフォード大学フーバー研究所図書館

    青山学院大学図書館報  『青山学院大学図書館報 AGULI』46 号 


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  • Faculty of Political Science and Economics   Graduate School of Political Science

  • Faculty of Political Science and Economics   Graduate School of Economics

  • Affiliated organization   Global Education Center

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 税制改革とアカウンタビリティ:サーベイ実験を用いた実証研究

    2019   鈴木淳平

     View Summary


  • ポピュラー音楽をテクストとした自由の概念分析


     View Summary

    代表者(河野)は、2016年度の科研費の挑戦的萌芽研究に「ポピュラー音楽をテクストとした自由の概念分析」というテーマで新規申請したが、不採択となったので、次年度の科研費申請に向けての助走資金として本助成を受けることとなった。17年度に再びさらに計画を洗練して同じテーマで申請することを目指し、研究体制を強化するとともに、量的テクスト分析に関して専門家からヒアリングを受け、本研究に適切なデータ分析の手法を検討した。さらに、新たに研究協力者として参加していただくことになった二人の米国研究者と討議を重ね、自由という概念が歌詞にたち現れる文脈がa)人間関係 b)政治や社会事象c)仕事 d)宗教や哲学的信念 e)世界におけるアメリカの例外性誇示、の5つに類別できるという仮説を得た。

  • 援助を受ける人々の態度と行動:サーベイ実験による「支援の呪い」の国際比較研究


     View Summary


  • 高度成長期の自民党政治を再考する


     View Summary

    日本における優越政党として長く政権についてきた自由民主党は、1955年に結党されてから1970年代前半まで、衆議院選挙における公認候補者数をへらし、その結果得票率をも低下させた。従来、この現象は、日本において近代化、都市化、農村から都市への人口移動が進展する過程で、保守勢力の地盤が切り崩された結果起こったものであると考えられてきた。しかし、本研究においては、自民党の議席率が決して50%を下回らなかったことを重視して、単記非移譲投票・中選挙区制という特殊な選挙制度のもとでは候補者数の絞込みが、自民党にとっては議席の過半数を確保する合理的な戦略であったことをあきらかにした。具体的には、compositional data analysisとシミュレーションを行って、他の条件が一定であれば自民党は候補者数を減らすほど議席率を増やすことができたことをしめした。さらに、本研究では、都市化や産業別就業人口などが自民党の候補者の数を決定する上で影響がなかったことも併せてあきらかにした。後者の実証にあたっては、国勢調査にもとづいた各種のデータを、衆議院の選挙区ごとに集計しなおして、新たなデータセットを作成した。これまでの選挙研究においては、このような経済社会変数を選挙区レベルに落としたデータセットがなく、さまざまな実証研究を進める上で大きな障害になっていた。そこで、2004年12月までには、このデータは一般に公開し、日本の選挙・投票行動研究者たちの共有財産として活用される体勢を整える。