Research Experience
Assistant Professor, Institute of Social Sciences, University of Tsukuba
Details of a Researcher
Updated on 2025/03/12
Assistant Professor, Institute of Social Sciences, University of Tsukuba
University of Tokyo Others
University of Cambridge Others
University of Tokyo Graduate School, Division of Law and Politics
University of Tokyo Faculty of Liberal Arts
World Law Association
Japanese Association of Private International Law
Association of International Economic Law
Société franÇaise de droit international
American Society of International Law
Japanese Association of International Law
Judge Shigeru Oda: A Judge with Academic and Diplomatic Experiences
Indian Journal of International Law 15 2018 [Refereed] [Invited]
国際問題 659 ( 12 ) 24 2017 [Invited]
Towards a Comprehensive Convention on Marine Biological Diversity in Areas beyond National Jurisdiction
Maritime Institute of Malasia, Issue Paper ( 1 ) 17 2016 [Refereed] [Invited]
自由と正義 2013年12月号 ( 34 ) 44 2013 [Invited]
Standing of a State in the Contentious Proceedings of the International Court of Justice: Judicial Procedure on the Basis of the Consent of the Parties and the Development of International Legal Rules to Protect the Common Interests of the International Community as a Whole
Mariko Kawano
Japanese Yearbook of International Law 55 208 - 236 2013
International Courts and Tribunals and the Development of the Rules and Methods Concerning Maritime Delimitation
国際法外交雑誌 3 ( 1 ) 27 2013
Standing of a State in the Contentious Proceedings of the International Court of Justice: Judicial Procedure on the Basis of the Consent of the Parties and the Development of International Legal Rules to Protect the Common Interests of the International C
Japanese Yearbook of International Law 55 ( 55 ) 208 - 236 2012 [Refereed] [Invited]
早稲田大学社会安全保障研究紀要 3 155 - 179 2011
国際法外交雑誌 108 ( 4 ) 105 - 119 2010
ジュリスト臨時増刊『平成19年度重要判例解説』 1354 311 - 312 2008
国際法外交雑誌 105 ( 4 ) 213 - 243 2007
海洋政策研究所主催国際会議「地球未来への企画”海を護る”」 2004.11
『別冊ジュリスト:国際私法判例百選』 ( 172 ) 160 - 161 2004
『法学教室』 ( 282 ) 165 2004
『法学教室』 ( 281 ) 165 2004
『別冊ジュリスト:国際私法判例百選』 172 ( 172 ) 160 - 161 2004
"L'affaire du thon a nageoire bleue et les chevauchements de juridictions internationales,"
Annuaire FranÇais du droit international 49 516 - 543 2003
『国際法外交雑誌』 100 ( 2 ) 67 - 89 2003
国際会議『地球未来への企画”海を護る”』 海洋政策研究所主催 2003
『法学教室』 ( 280 ) 131 2003
『法学教室』 ( 279 ) 147 2003
『法学教室』 ( 278 ) 137 2003
『法学教室』 ( 277 ) 119 2003
『法学教室』 ( 276 ) 109 2003
『法学教室』 ( 275 ) 133 2003
『法学教室』 ( 274 ) 161 2003
『法学教室』 ( 273 ) 133 2003
『法学教室』 ( 272 ) 133 2003
『法学教室』 ( 271 ) 143 2003
国際法外交雑誌 102 ( 2 ) 67 - 89 2003
L'affaire du thon a nageoire bleue et les chevauchements de juridictions internationales
Mariko Kawano
Annuaires francais du droit international 49 2003
Constitution, International Treaties and Contracts
National Report for the 16th Conference of the International Academy of Comporative law 2002
Recent Problems of the International Court of Justice
United Nations No. 27, 23-38 ( 27 ) 23 - 38 2002
Constitution, International Treaties and Contracts
National Report for the 16th Conference of the International Academy of Comporative law 2002
季刊『国連』 ( 27 ) 23 - 38 2002
Arbitral Award in the Southern Bluefin Tuna Case : The Experience of the Conflict of Procedures for One Dispute
Journal of International Law and Diplomacy 100 ( 3 ) 110 - 144 2001
Dispute Settlement System of the ICSID : Amco Asia Cop. v. the Goverment of Indonesia
Jurist(Special Edition) ( 156 ) 170 - 171 2001
Arbitral Award in the "Southern Bluefin Tuna Case"
Jurist ( 1197 ) 59 - 66 2001
みなみまぐろ事件仲裁判決の意義 : 複数の紛争解決手続の競合に伴う問題点
国際法外交雑誌 100 ( 3 ) 110 - 144 2001
別冊ジュリスト ( 156 ) 170 - 171 2001
ジュリスト ( 1197 ) 59 - 66 2001
Recent Issues of International Tribunals : The Problems of the Application on the basis of Dispute Settlement Clauses in Treaties
Hogaku Kyoshitsu ( 238 ) 38 - 41 2000
Gab(]E87E9[)(]J1131[)kovo-Nagymaros Project : Its Significance in International Law
Yearbook of World Law ( 19 ) 98 - 126 2000
国際裁判の動向 : 条約の紛争解決条項に基づく紛争付託の問題点
法学教室 ( 238 ) 38 - 41 2000
Control of the Arbitral Awards in the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Dispute
Journal of International Law and Diplomacy 97 ( 1 ) 32 - 74 1998 [Refereed]
Bibliography on the ICSID
555 - 573 1998
Costs for the Srebmission in the ICSID
455 - 458 1998
Amco Asia v. Republic of Indonesia
177 - 202 1998
List of the Casls before the ICSID
57 - 65 1998
Iuestionaire to the ICSID and Comments
43 - 53 1998
List of the Contracting stalts of Washingtor Conrentior
363 - 369 1998
Vacurm salt Products
297 - 305 1998
System and Practice of the International Centre for settlement of Investment Dispute
Journal of the Japanese Institute of International Business Law 26 ( 6 ) 601 - 621 1998
投資紛争解決国際センターにおける仲裁判断のコントロール : 仲裁制度における裁判所の権限と当事者の意思の妥当範囲についての一考察
国際法外交雑誌 97 ( 1 ) 32 - 74 1998
ICSID文献リスト 555 - 573 1998
ICSIDへの紛争付託にかかる費用 455 - 458 1998
アムコ・エイジア対インドネシア共和国政府 177 - 202 1998
ICSIDに付記された事件リスト 57 - 65 1998
ICSIDへのクェスチョネアと解説 43 - 53 1998
1994年9月30日現在のICSID締約国一覧 363 - 369 1998
ヴァキューム・ソルト・プロダクツ社対ガーナ共和国政府 297 - 305 1998
Legal Rules for Confiscation in Starett case.
Tsukuba Review of Law and Political Science ( 19 ) 145 - 171 1996
Legul Rules of Expropriation in lnternational Law in ┣DBStarett(/)-┫DB Case
Tsukuba Review of Political and Social Science ( 19 ) 1996
筑波法政 ( 19 ) 1996
Recent Developoments of the Legal Rules of Compensation in the Cases of Nationalization and Expropicatcon
Jurist ( 1079 ) 126 - 131 1995 [Invited]
ジュリスト ( 1079 ) 126 - 131 1995
State contracts and International Law
( 110 ) 3 - 6 1994
International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes.
Tsukuba Review of Law and Political Science. ( 18 ) 325 - 353 1994
日本エネルギー法研究所日報 ( 110 ) 3 - 6 1994
筑波法政 ( 18 ) 325 - 353 1994
Legal Remedies in International Law
Tsukuba Review of Law and Political Science ( 16 ) 63 - 150 1993
筑波法政 ( 16 ) 63 - 150 1993
学界展望〈国際法〉Oscar Schacher,International Law in Theory and Practice(Dordrecht,Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,1991,xi T431pp.)
国家学界雑誌 105 ( 11 and 12 ) 136 - 139 1992
Delimitation of the continental shelf around Japan
Clifford chance, London (U. K. ) 1989
State contracts and international arbitrations
5 1986
国際関係論研究 5 1986
Atlantic triton Co. v. Repubic of Guinea
235 - 243
Liberian Eastern Timber Co(LETCO)v. the Government of the Republic of Liberia
223 - 234
アトランティック・トリトン社対ギニア共和国 235 - 243
リベリア東材木会社(LETCO)対リベリア共和国政府 223 - 234
岩澤雄司他( Part: Joint author)
有斐閣 2019.05
Compulsory Jurisdiction under the Law of the Sea Convention: Its Achievements and Limits
J. Crawfor
Brill 2017
商事法務 2017
International Law on Principles of Self-Restraint and Non Use of Force in Disputes: Best Practices in Naval Operations and Maritime Law Enforcement from the Experience of Japan
Republic of the Philippines
Philippines 2015
柳井俊二, 村瀬信也編
信山社 2015
信山社 2015
Decisions of the International Court of Justice on Disputes Concerning Internal Law
Brill 2015
三省堂 2014
"Legal Problems of Fighting Piracy: The Japandese Perspective", Germany and Japan: A Legal Dialogue between Two Economies
H. Baum
Carl Heymanns Verlag 2012.10
村瀬信也, 鶴岡公二編
信山社 2011.04
中谷和弘, 植木俊哉, 河野真理子, 森田章夫, 山本良
有斐閣 2011.02
有斐閣 2010
"Administration of Justice by the Court and the Parties", Multiculturalism and International Law, Festschrift for E. McWhinney
S.-H. Yee
Brill/Nijhoff 2009
信山社 2009
日本エネルギー法研究所 2008
信山社 2008
東信堂 2008
Judge Shigeru Oda and the Path to Judicial Wisdom
E. McWhinney, M. Kawano
Brill 2006
Judge Shigeru Oda and the Path to Judicial Wisdom
W. McWhinney, Mariko Kawano
Brill 2006
有斐閣 2006
栗林忠男, 杉原高嶺編
有信堂高文社 2006
信山社 2006
『国際裁判の判例研究』(日本国際問題研究所 2005
"Constitutuion, International Treaties and Contracts, Japan's Report," in G.A.Bermann(Ed.),
Party Autonomy:Constitutional and International Law Limits in Comparative Perspective 2005
三省堂「国際関係法辞典」 2005
『国際関係法辞典』(三省堂) 2005
"Constitution, International Treaties and Contracts, Japan's Report", in Party Autonomy: Constitutional and International Law Limits in Comparative Perspective
G. A. Ber
Juris 2005
日本国際問題研究所 2005
有斐閣 2004.03
『筒井若水先生古稀記念:講義国際法』(有斐閣) 2004
三省堂「コンサイス法律学小辞典」 2003
佐藤幸治他編集代表『コンサイス法律学小辞典』(三省堂) 2003
The Optional Clause and the Administration of Justice by the Court
N. Ando etal. (Eds), Liber Amicorum Judge Shigeru Oda(Kluwer Law International) 2002
大沼保昭編著『資料で読み解く国際法』第2版(上)(東信堂) 2002
The Optional Clause and the Administration of Justice by the Court
N. Ando etal. (Eds), Liber Amicorum Judge Shigeru Oda(Kluwer Law International) 2002
Dispute Settlement in International Environment Law and the Possibilities of Injunction
Japan and International Law in 100 years : Vol. 6 Developement and Environment 2001
Internationalization of Human Rights
Basic Introduction to the Constitution 2001
Constitution and Treaties
Basic Introduction to the Constitution 2001
『日本と国際法の100年,第6巻:開発と環境』(三省堂) 2001
やさしい憲法入門 2001
やさしい憲法入門 2001
やさしい憲法入門 2001
やさしい憲法入門 2001
やさしい憲法入門 2001
Outline of the ICSID
International Centre for Setelement of Investment Dipute 1998
Comments on the Energy Charter Treaty
Considerations on the Energy Charter Treaty 1998
投資紛争解決・国際センター(ICSID)-その概要と制度 日本エネルギー法研究所刊 1998
エネルギー憲章に関する考察,外務省 1998
Breach of a Treaty and its Continuty ; gabchicovo Nagymaros Project Case
Dispute Ecttlement in International Law 1997
小田滋先生古稀祝賀・紛争解決の国際法,三省堂 1997
『やさしい憲法のはなし』 1997
『やさしい憲法のはなし』 1997
『やさしい憲法のはなし』 1997
Legal Consequences of the Breach of Multilateral treaties
M. Iwあsaki(Ed), Varieties of Regional Integration 1995
L'avèe; nement (en droit de la mer) du princyipe; e de pré; caution, avec application spé; cifiques aux domaines de la conservation des ressources halieutiques
Recent Developments in the International Law Commission of the United Nations
Recent Developments in the Sixth Committee of the United Nations
Assistant of the Arbitrator in the Southern Bluefin Tuna Case
Reports on the 51st Session of the International Law Commission of the United Nations
udicial Function of the International Court of Justice in the Fisheries Jurisdiction Case (Spain/Canada)
Energy Charter Treaty and Japan.
Control of the Arbitral Awards in the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Dispute
Control of the Aarbitral Awards in the lnternational Center for Stettlement of Investment Disputes
R. Dolzer and M. Stevens, ┣DBSilateral lnvestment tuaties(/)-┫DB(1995), 330pp.
Protection of International Investments and International Law
Claim of Finnisa Shipowners.
┣DBZafiro(/)-┫DB case
Prevention of International Disputes ; from the viewpoint of State Responsibility
Legal Conseqonces of the Breach of treaties
Injuries and Legal Remedies in Inta-State Ceaims
Damages and State Responsibility in lnternational Law
Abdelhamid El Quali, Effets jiridiques de la sentence internationale ; contribution an l'exducution des normes internationales(Paris, 1984)
Edward Mcwiny, United Nations law Making : Cultural and ldeological Relaition and International Law Meking for an Era of Transtion(New york, London and Paris, 1984)
Protection and Preservation of the Marine Environment in International Law
Mariko Kawano [Invited]
Yokohama Maritime Forum 2019: Sustainability, Diversity, Harmonization of Port and Maritime Industries (Yokohama) Yokohama-Kawasaki International Port Company
Presentation date: 2019.10
Regionalism in International Economic Relations: In the Light of Japan's Treaties
Mariko Kawano [Invited]
Symposium on International Economic Relations (Beijing) University of International Business and Economics
Presentation date: 2019.09
The Sea as a Border or as a Bridge?: An Asia Perspective
Universita Degli Studi di Napoli “L’Orientale,” Dipartimento di Scienze Umane e Sociali
Presentation date: 2018.09
Implementation of the Rules of UNCLOS through Universal and Regional Organization
Seventh Colloquium of the International Association of the Law of the Sea, “Global Challenges and the Law of the Sea
Presentation date: 2018.09
Maritime Disputes and the Rule of Law in Asia
Executive M.B.L.-HSG University of St. Gallen, Course XXII, Module 9: Law and Business in Japan
Presentation date: 2018.08
Gray Zone Issues in International Law
Operational Law Office, JMSDF Command and Staff College and Stockton Center for International Law, U.S. Naval War College
Presentation date: 2018.03
Presentation date: 2018.02
Use of Force at Sea as Law Enforcement Measures
Colloquium on the Law of the Sea: New Governance in the Modern Law of the Sea
Presentation date: 2018.02
Presentation date: 2018.02
鴨川市・早稲田大学交流事業 講演会
Presentation date: 2018.01
Presentation date: 2017.11
Presentation date: 2017.09
Settlement and Management of International Maritime Disputes
Workshop on “Navigating Towards the Free and Open Seas of Asia: The Role of Maritime Law in Maintaining Good Order at Sea
Presentation date: 2017.09
The Rule of Law at Sea and Japan’s Ocean Policy
Institute for Peace Policies and UPF-Japan
Presentation date: 2017.07
South Sea Arbitration and the Dispute in the South China Sea
NIDS International Symposium on Security Affairs 2017, Maintaining Maritime Order in the Asia-Pacific
Presentation date: 2017.07
Self-Determination and International Adjudication,” The 25th ORIS seminar
Self-Determination Processes within the EU: The Catalan Case
Presentation date: 2017.07
Significance and Problems Related to the Compulsory Dispute Settlement Mechanism Established by UNCLOS
International Law of Territorial Disputes: Current Issues, the British Institute of International and Comparative Law
Presentation date: 2017.03
The Settlement and Management of International Maritime Disputes in Asia
Dickson Poon School of Law at Kings College, London
Presentation date: 2017.03
Japan and International Adjudication in the Law of the Sea
3rd International Symposium on the Law of the Sea, 20 Years of Development of the Law of the Sea and Emerging Challenges
Presentation date: 2017.02
Maritime Diplomacy and International Law
National Seminar on Maritime Diplomacy, Hosted by Center of Political Studies-Indonesian Institute of Sciences
Presentation date: 2017.01
Presentation date: 2016.12
Presentation date: 2016.12
Presentation date: 2016.12
Presentation date: 2016.11
Jurisdiction and Admissibility of Claims under the Compulsory Dispute Settlement System under UNCLOS
International Maritime Order – Contributions of Japan and Mexico
Presentation date: 2016.09
Maritime Disputes in Asia and International Adjudication
Instituto Matías Romero for Diplomatic Studies (Diplomatic Academy of Mexico’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
Presentation date: 2016.09
Compulsory Arbitral Proceedings in Accordance with the UNCLOS and the Final Settlement of the Dispute between the Parties
Upholding the Law of the Sea Convention and the Post-Arbitration Philippine Challenge
Presentation date: 2016.07
Presentation date: 2016.06
Presentation date: 2016.05
Presentation date: 2016.04
東大・三菱総研 国際海洋秩序と海洋安全確保ワークショップ「海洋ガバナンス・海洋セキュリティを巡る動向と 展望
Presentation date: 2015.11
International Law in a Changing World: The Impact of Rising Powers, Panel #5: Maritime and Territorial Disputes in a Rising Asia
International Law in a Changing World: The Impact of Rising Powers, Panel #5: Maritime and Territorial Disputes in a Rising Asia
Presentation date: 2015.10
Education for Future Generations,” World Maritime Day Symposium: Shipping’s future needs people: Is global maritime education and training on course?
World Maritime Day, International Maritime Organization
Presentation date: 2015.09
Towards a Comprehensive Convention on Marine Biological Diversity in Areas beyond National Jurisdiction
UMT-AALCO Legal Expert Meeting on the Law of the Sea –Marine Biodiversity within and beyond National Jurisdiction: Legal Issues and Challenges
Presentation date: 2015.08
Interpreting and Implementing UNCLOS’s Articles 74 (3) and 83 (3)
Expanded ASEAN Maritime Forum Workshop on Law and Best Practices for Maritime Boundary Delimitations
Presentation date: 2015.08
Clarification and Refinement of the Rules and Methods for Maritime Delimitation through the Precedents of International Courts and Tribunals
EU-Vietnam Strategic Dialogue Facility (SDF)
Presentation date: 2015.06
International Law on Principles of Self-Restraint and Non-Use of Force in Disputes: Best Practices in Naval Operations and Maritime Law Enforcement from the Experience of Japan
Seminar-Workshop on the Implementation of the 2002 ASEAN-China Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea (DOC-SCS)
Presentation date: 2015.05
Compulsory Dispute Settlement Procedures under UNCLOS: Their Achievements and New Agendas
The Rule of Law in the Seas of Asia: Navigational Chart for Peace and Stability
Presentation date: 2015.02
Compulsory Dispute Settlement Procedures and Their Contribution to the Maritime Peace and Security
The Future of Security in the Asia-Pacific: Emerging Challenges, Promoting Conflict Management and Enhancing Cooperation in Maritime Areas
Presentation date: 2014.08
Presentation date: 2014.07
“Jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice Based on a Compromissory Clause,
2013 Taipei Conference on International and Comparative Law
Presentation date: 2013.12
The Role of the International Court of Justice for Enhancement of the Rule of Law; Judgment of the International Court of Justice and Municipal Legal System
ICJ in the Service of Peace and Justice, Conference on the Occasion of the Centenary of the Peace Palace
Presentation date: 2013.09
Individual Rights at Stake in State Enforcement and Control at Sea: Japanese Experience
International Conference on Jurisdiction and Control (Rome)
Presentation date: 2013.06
State Responsibility
United Nations Regional Course on International Law, Asia-Pacific
Presentation date: 2012.11
State Jurisdiction
United Nations Regional Course on International Law, Asia-Pacific
Presentation date: 2012.11
Introduction to International Law
United Nations Regional Course on International Law, Asia-Pacific
Presentation date: 2012.11
Presentation date: 2012.10
Disputes Concerning Maritime Delimitation and the International Judicial Procedures
The East China Sea and the Law of the Sea: Defusing Tensions and Enhancing Cooperation
Presentation date: 2012.08
Attempts to Establish a Multilateral Framework for the Common Principles to Shipping Policy: Significance of International Cooperation and Harmonization and Its Impacts on the Municipal System
APEC Training Course on Maritime Policy
Presentation date: 2011.12
Some Salient Features of the Contemporary International Disputes in the Precedents of the Internationl Court of Justice
United Nations Audio Vidual Library
Presentation date: 2011.10
International Court of Justice and Disputes Involving the Interests of Third Parties to the Proceedings or the Common Interests of the International Community as a Whole or of the Community Established by a Convention
United Nations Audio Visual Library
Presentation date: 2011.10
Legal Problems of Fighting Piracy: Japanese Perspective
Symposium Commemorating 150 Years of Diplomatic Exchange between Japan and Germany
Presentation date: 2011.10
The International Court of Justice and the Protection of teh Common Interests of teh International Community as a Whole
International Workshop on the Law and Practice of International Courts
Presentation date: 2010.09
The Role of Judicial Procedures in the Process of the Pacific Settlement of Internatioal Disputes
Hague Academy of International Law
Presentation date: 2009.08
Recent Development of Japanese Marine Policy
Sino-Japanese Workshop on the Development in the Law of the Sea, Practice and Prospects
Presentation date: 2008.11
Presentation date: 2008.04
Presentation date: 2007.10
Presentation date: 2005.08
Presentation date: 2005.08
L'avenement (en droit de la mer) du principe de precaution, avec application specifiue aux domaines de la conservation des ressoursces halieutiques
Colloque international: La Convention des Nations Unies sur le Droit de la Mer
Presentation date: 2002.10
Presentation date: 1996.10
Part XV of the LOSC and the 'Package Deal": How Comprehensive Is the Compulsory Dispute SEttlement Mechanism of the LOSC?
Mariko Kawano [Invited]
International Workshop: The LOSC 25 Years after Its Entry into Force: Between Comprehensiveness and Exceptionalism (Hamburg) Univesity of Hamburg and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan
Project Year :
Effectiveness of International Judicial Procedures in the Current Internatioanl Community: Coexistence and Conflicts of Plural International Judicial Procedures and the Compulsory Jurisdiction
Project Year :
Comprehensive reserch on the regime of the UNCLOS
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
Role of the Judgments of the International Court of Justice in the Process towards the Final Settlement of International Disputes
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
Kawano Mariko
Current Nature and Evolution of the Law of the Sea: From Historical and Theoritical Perspectives
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
UEKI Toshiya, ASADA Masahiko, OYAMA Kae, KAGAMI Yasuhiko, KATO Nobuyuki, KAWANO Mariko, KOGA Mamoru, KOTERA Akira, SAKAI Hironobu, SAKAMOTO Shigeki, SAKOTA Akira, SUGIHARA Takane, TAKAMURA Yukari, TAKEUCHI Mari, TANAKA Norio, TSURUTA Jun, TOMIOKA Masashi, FUKAMACHI Kiminobu, YAKUSHIJI Kimio, YOSHII Atsushi
Dynamic analysis of the modern legal system of the sea and its theoretical restructuring
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
YOSHII Atsushi, UEKI Toshiya, KOTERA Akira, SAKAI Hironobu, ASADA Masahiko, SAKAMOTO Shigeki, FUKAMACHI Kiminobu, KATO Nobuyiki, AOKI Takashi, AKASHI Kinji, MORIKAWA Toshitaka, KAWANO Mariko, TOMIOKA Masashi, YAKUSHIJI Kimio, TANAKA Norio, SUGIHARA Takane, KOGA MAMORU
Fundamental Studies on the Judgment and Reasoning of the International Court of Justice as Viewed from its Judgment Formation Process
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
OKUWAKI Naoya, ODA Shigeru, MURASE Shinya, UEKI Toshiya, KAWANO Mariko, SAKAI Hironobu
Research of comprehensive systematization of law of the sea with the legal historical analysis
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
KURIBAYASHI Tadao, SUGIHARA Takane, AOKI Takashi, KATO Nobuyuki, KAWANO Mariko, KOTERA Akira
Study on the New Roles of International Law in Dealing with International Conflicts and Claims
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
Comparative Study of National Identification
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
International Disputes Concerning the Law of the Sea and Asia
Graduate School of Law
2025 fall semester
Pacific Settlement of International Disputes (MA Seminar)
Graduate School of Asia-Pacific Studies
2025 fall term@winter term
Pacific Settlement of International Disputes (MA Seminar)
Graduate School of Asia-Pacific Studies
2025 spring term@summer term
Pacific Settlement of International Disputes (E)
Graduate School of Asia-Pacific Studies
2025 fall term
Introduction to Social Science for a Carbon Neutral Society (International Relations)
Global Education Center
2025 summer quarter
Affiliated organization Global Education Center
Faculty of Commerce School of Commerce
Faculty of Political Science and Economics School of Political Science and Economics
Faculty of Law Graduate School of Law
Faculty of International Research and Education Graduate School of Asia Pacific Studies
Faculty of Law Waseda Law School
Faculty of Social Sciences School of Social Sciences
Waseda Center for a Carbon Neutral Society Concurrent Researcher
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