Updated on 2025/03/12

Faculty of Letters, Arts and Sciences, School of Culture, Media and Society
Job title
社会学修士 ( 東京大学 )

Professional Memberships







Research Areas

  • Sociology

Research Interests

  • 集合的アイデンティティ

  • アイデンティティ

  • 文化

  • 組織

  • 集団

  • 学説史

  • 社会学理論

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  • 宗教のゆくえ


    友枝敏雄・樋口耕一・平野孝典(編)『いまを生きるための社会学』     132 - 147  2021.01

  • 他文化との対峙・多文化へのまなざし――文化の政治化と政治の文化化をめぐって――


    社会学年誌   ( 61 ) 67 - 85  2020.03

  • システム信頼のゆくえ


    現代日本における「信頼社会」再構築のための総合的研究(編)『それでも、「信頼」の可能性を問う』文化書房博文社     41 - 64  2018.11

  • Lost and Gained in Translation: The Role of the ‘American Model’ in the Institution-Building of a Japanese University Press

    Ikuya Sato, Manabu Haga, Mamoru Yamada

    Cultural Sociology   9 ( 3 ) 347 - 363  2015.09  [Refereed]

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    This paper presents a case study of the early history of the University of Tokyo Press (UTP), which was founded in 1951 as the first university press affiliated with a national university in Japan. We concentrate on how the American model of university publishing was used in inventive and creative ways, not only to build up and manage the UTP but also to create and solidify the emerging institution of university press publishing in Japan. Drawing upon the ideas of Scandinavian institutionalist school of organizational analysis, we contend that a certain ‘translation’ of an existing organizational model often constitutes an integral part of institutional entrepreneurship. We also argue that the process of institutional translation is inseparably related to the UTP members’ search for workable missions and organizational identity within financial and institutional constraints. The UTP case suggests that to be a successful institutional entrepreneur, one has to be an effective rhetor as well.



  • 若者的コミュニケーションの現在――高校生の友人関係志向に見る――

    小藪明生, 山田真茂留

    友枝敏雄(編)『リスク社会を生きる若者たち――高校生の意識調査から――』大阪大学出版会     57 - 76  2015.04

  • 現代宗教とその集合的様相

    永井美紀子, 山田真茂留

    社会学年誌   ( 56 ) 61 - 75  2015.03  [Refereed]

  • Religious Collectivity in Individualist Societies::A Contextual Approach to Religious Phenomena in the United States of America

    Nagai Mikiko, Yamada Mamoru

    The Annual Review of Sociology   2014 ( 27 ) 134 - 145  2014.10  [Refereed]

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    The purpose of this paper is to explore the current religious situation in the United States of America within its social context. In American society, modern individualism has become the dominant philosophy. On the other hand, there is a strong religious tradition in the U.S.A. in which Protestant sects predominate. The strong influence that many religious groups and organizations still have will be the focus of this paper in which we will be examining a variety of cases.


  • グローバル文化としての現代文化


    井上俊(編)『全訂新版 現代文化を学ぶ人のために』世界思想社     66 - 80  2014.08

  • モダニティの理想と現実――グローバル時代のコミュニティとアイデンティティ――


    宮島喬・舩橋晴俊・友枝敏雄・遠藤薫(編)『グローバリゼーションと社会学――モダニティ・グローバリティ・社会的公正――』ミネルヴァ書房     205 - 224  2013.07

  • Realities of Cultural Omnivores:The Diminishing Gap between High Culture and Popular Culture

    KOYABU Akio, YAMADA Mamoru

    JSR   63 ( 4 ) 536 - 551  2013.03  [Refereed]

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    Many studies on popular culture have been conducted in recent years. However, there are few solid studies that treat popular culture as embedded in a broader institutional context. The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between popular culture and high culture.Popular culture tends to lose its popularity and counterpower as the process of institutionalization and diversification accelerates. As a result, popular culture sometimes resembles high culture. On the other hand, high culture itself has come to pervade society to the extent that people regard it as popular. Today, it is hard to discern popular culture from high culture.The diminishing gap between high culture and popular culture results in people becoming omnivores of a wide range of cultural goods. This paper explores the realities of cultural preference by employing data obtained from a survey conducted by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications. In addition, this paper sheds light on the relationship between high culture and popular culture by examining a large collection of Minnesota Orchestra Archives at the University of Minnesota. The current and future steps in the study of popular culture is suggested in the research.


  • 日本企業の組織アイデンティティとコミュニケーション――中身志向の企業コミュニケーション構築のために――


    アド・スタディーズ   ( 43 ) 16 - 20  2013.02

  • 組織アイデンティティの変貌と持続


    早稲田大学大学院文学研究科紀要   ( 55,第1分冊 ) 17 - 28  2010.03

  • 組織アイデンティティの変容過程――学術書出版・有斐閣のケース――

    山田真茂留, 佐藤郁哉, 芳賀学

    社会学年誌   ( 51 ) 29 - 68  2010.03

  • 学術出版社の組織アイデンティティ


    社会学年誌   ( 51 ) 9 - 28  2010.03

  • 学術出版のフィールドワーク――出版社における刊行意思決定プロセスに関する比較事例研究――

    佐藤郁哉, 山田真茂留

    社会学年誌   ( 51 ) 1 - 8  2010.03

  • 社会集団と組織


    社会福祉士養成講座編集委員会(編)〈新・社会福祉士養成講座3〉『社会理論と社会システム』中央法規     146 - 157  2009.03

  • 交換と権力——P.M.ブラウ『交換と権力』——


    井上俊・伊藤公雄(編)『自己・他者・関係』〔社会学ベーシックス1〕世界思想社     189 - 198  2008.10

  • Portfolio and Cultural Responsibility: Product Mix as a Survival Strategy of Scholarly Publishers.

    Sato, Ikuya, Manabu Haga, Mamoru Yamada, Hidehiko Tomiyama

    一橋大学日本企業研究センター(編)『日本企業研究のフロンティア』   ( 3 ) 3 - 20  2007.03

  • 組織社会学


    宇都宮京子(編)『よくわかる社会学』ミネルヴァ書房     178 - 181  2006.10

  • 戦後日本における社会学の〈知〉の変遷 ——社会学テキストを素材にして——

    友枝敏雄, 山田真茂留

    社会学評論   56 ( 3 ) 567 - 584  2005.12

  • テキストづくりの論理と力学——編集者の証言——

    園田茂人, 山田真茂留, 米村千代

    社会学評論   56 ( 3 ) 650 - 663  2005.12

  • サブカルチャーの対抗的自律性・再考——差異化との戯れの彼方に——


    早稲田大学大学院文学研究科紀要   第50輯・第1分冊   97 - 110  2005.02

  • 日本らしさのゆくえ——価値観調査をもとに——


    紀要社会学科(中央大学文学部)   ( 14(通巻203) ) 45 - 57  2004.03

  • ポスト官僚制論の構図


    社会学年誌(早稲田社会学会)   ( 45 ) 183 - 199  2004.03

  • 日本的価値の現在——危機に瀕する信頼図式——


    ロバート・キサラ(編)『価値体系の国際比較(アジア価値観調査)』2001〜2003年度科学研究費・基盤研究(B)(2)による助成研究報告書     39 - 72  2004.03

  • 構築主義的組織観の彼方に——社会学的組織研究の革新——


    組織科学   36 ( 3 ) 46 - 58  2003.03


  • Japanese Values Re-examined: Exploring Traditional and Modern Values in Contemporary Japan


    応用社会学研究(立教大学社会学部)   44   15 - 21  2002.03

    DOI CiNii

  • 若者文化の析出と融解——文化志向の終焉と関係嗜好の高揚——


    宮島喬(編)『講座社会学7 文化』東京大学出版会     21 - 56  2000.03

  • 国際コミュニケーションとしての学術出版と電子メディアによる情報発信の可能性——『孤立言語による情報の大量生産』を超えて——(佐藤郁哉・芳賀学との3名共著/1998年度国際コミュニケーション基金による助成研究報告書)

    芳賀学, 佐藤郁哉, 山田真茂留


  • 〈日本らしさ〉の再構成——アジアの日本人駐在員の言説を通して——


    園田茂人・山田真茂留『アジアの日系企業における日本人駐在員の意識と行動——回顧的データによる「現地化」プロセスへの社会学的アプローチ——』1998年度文部省科学研究費・基盤研究(C)による助成研究報告書     2 - 16  1998.11

  • では、どうすればよいのか——日中共同事業への指針——

    園田茂人, 山田真茂留

    園田茂人(編)『証言・日中合弁』大修館書店     161 - 202  1998.06

  • 組織の〈パフォーマンス〉——組織アイデンティティ論の新展開——


    広報研究(日本広報学会)   ( 2 ) 28 - 39  1998.04  [Refereed]

  • 個別主義の現代的位相——普遍主義的ニヒリズムの彼方に——


    田中宏(編)『社会学の視線——探究の諸相——』八千代出版     61 - 90  1998.02

  • 洗脳社会の謎


    苅谷剛彦(編)『比較社会・入門』有斐閣     33 - 56  1997.04

  • 価値統合モデルを超えて——組織統合の社会学的メカニズム——


    組織科学   29 ( 4 ) 20 - 29  1996.06


  • 組織をめぐる文化と制度


    年報社会学論集(関東社会学会)   ( 8 ) 47 - 58  1995.06

  • 企業文化論における組織と個人——文化的囲い込みから自律的連帯へ——


    梅澤正・上野征洋(編)『企業文化論を学ぶ人のために』世界思想社     33 - 48  1995.05

  • 職場への一体感の総点検


    IBMワークライフ研究会〔座長:今田高俊〕『ワークライフの転換』日本アイ・ビー・エム     96 - 106  1994.11

  • 日中合弁企業における制度の軋轢と変容


    園田茂人・山田真茂留『日中合弁企業で働く日本人管理職の意識と行動』労働問題リサーチセンター&日本証券奨学財団による助成研究報告書     28 - 38  1993.11

  • 組織人としての校長


    森隆夫(監)『校長の心理学』ぎょうせい     31 - 52  1993.10

  • 制度現象へのアプローチ


    森隆夫(監)『校長の心理学』ぎょうせい     201 - 222  1993.10

  • 組織アイデンティティの現代的変容


    組織科学   27 ( 1 ) 15 - 25  1993.07

  • 経営者の信仰——聖と俗のはざまで——


    島薗進(編)『救いと徳——新宗教信仰者の生活と思想——』弘文堂     187 - 216  1992.06

  • 会員の意識と行動——質問紙調査に見る——

    永井美紀子, 芳賀学, 山田真茂留

    島薗進(編)『救いと徳——新宗教信仰者の生活と思想——』弘文堂     253 - 290  1992.06

  • 異なる組織——企業の比較社会学——


    島田裕巳(編)『異文化とコミュニケーション』日本評論社     105 - 147  1991.12

  • 信仰形態と経済倫理——修養団捧誠会の事例——


    経済社会学会年報   13   184 - 194  1991.09

  • 組織文化の変化と組織アイデンティティの維持


    ソシオロゴス   ( 15 ) 70 - 84  1991.07  [Refereed]

  • 組織アイデンティティ——帰属意識はどう変わってきているか——


    吉田民人(編)『社会学の理論でとく現代のしくみ』新曜社     135 - 150  1991.05

  • 組織文化の社会学的意味


    ソシオロゴス   ( 14 ) 72 - 86  1990.07  [Refereed]

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Books and Other Publications

  • 災禍の時代の社会学――コロナ・パンデミックと民主主義――

    遠藤薫, 山田真茂留, 有田伸, 筒井淳也( Part: Joint editor)

    東京大学出版会  2023.06

  • グラフィック 経営組織論

    中野勉編著, 加藤俊彦, 関口倫紀, 山田真茂留, 若林直樹著( Part: Joint author)

    新世社  2021.03

  • (ジョナサン・ターナーの書籍の翻訳)社会学の理論原理――マクロ・ダイナミクス

    正岡寛司, 山田真茂留, 畑山要介( Part: Joint translator)

    学文社  2020.12

  • 社会学で描く現代社会のスケッチ

    友枝敏雄, 平野孝典, 山田真茂留( Part: Joint editor)

    みらい  2019.08

  • グローバル現代社会論

    山田真茂留( Part: Edit)

    文眞堂  2018.10

  • 集団と組織の社会学――集合的アイデンティティのダイナミクス――


    世界思想社  2017.06

  • 社会学の力――最重要概念・命題集――

    友枝敏雄, 浜日出夫, 山田真茂留( Part: Joint editor)

    有斐閣  2017.06

  • 21世紀社会とは何か――「現代社会学」入門――

    船津衛, 山田真茂留, 浅川達人( Part: Joint editor)

    恒星社厚生閣  2014.04

  • 本を生みだす力――学術出版の組織アイデンティティ――

    佐藤郁哉, 芳賀学, 山田真茂留( Part: Joint author)

    新曜社  2011.02

  • 非日常性の社会学


    学文社  2010.09

  • 〈普通〉という希望


    青弓社  2009.07

  • Do!ソシオロジー——現代日本を社会学で診る——

    友枝敏雄, 山田真茂( Part: Joint editor)

    有斐閣  2007.04

  • 信頼社会のゆくえ——価値観調査に見る日本人の自画像——

    ロバート・キサラ, 永井美紀子, 山田真茂留( Part: Joint editor)

    ハーベスト社  2007.02

  • 21世紀の社会学

    船津衛, 山田真茂留, 浅川達人( Part: Joint editor)

    放送大学教育振興会  2005.03

  • 制度と文化 組織を動かす見えない力

    佐藤郁哉, 山田真茂留( Part: Joint author)

    日本経済新聞社  2004.09

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Research Projects

  • The Consciousness of Japanese Youth and the Design of Future Society in the Risk Society:The Third Survey of High School Students Based on Questionnaire

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Tomoeda Toshio, Higuchi Koichi, Yamada Mamoru, Sakaguchi Yusuke, Fujihara Sho, Kimura Yoshimi

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    We conducted high school students survey based on questionnaire every 6 years since 2001. In 2013 the third survey was carried out in three prefectures; Fukuoka(7 schools), Osaka(9 schools) and Tokyo(10 schools).We collected the data of 6092 students. Features of the third high school students survey can be reduced to following two points. Firstly, by carrying out survey in Tokyo as well as Fukuoka and Osaka, we tried to bring the collected data to be representative of the Japanese society . Secondly, in light of the Great East Japan Earthquake, we analyzed the consicousness of high school students about the role of science and technology in society.The results of data analysis are as follows, (1) strengthening of conformity to the norm, (2)progress of the conservatism in political attitude, (3) The approval rating for nuclear power generation of science course students is higher than that of the other course students. These are interesting and suggestive findings of our survey

  • Institutional Analysis of Scholarly Communication

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    HAGA Manabu, SATO Ikuya, YAMADA Mamoru, TOMIYAMA Hidehiko

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    We have been engaged in a comparative case study of a number of scholarly publishers in Japan in order to examine the inter-institutional relationships between the academic world and the publishing world. The following are four major findings of our research1. Inherent Dilemma of Scholarly Publishers.We found that two sets of contradictions are built into the activities of scholarly publishers i.e., culture vs. commerce, craft vs. bureaucracy.2. Internal Contradiction amonu Organizational Identities.The above contradictions can be meaningfully conceptualized as contradictions among four types of organizational identities cultural institution, business, craft, bureaucracy.3. Organizational Identities and Institutional Logics.The multiplicity of organizational identities is closely related to the multiplicity of organizational fields or social worlds to which a scholarly publisher belongs.4.Multiple Organizational Identities and Decision-making Process.There exists a close relationship between the decision-making__process as to "which books to publish" and relative weights among the four types of organizational identities.A scholarly publisher is a gatekeeper or a "boundary spanner" that provides bridges among the multiple organizational fields, including worlds of academicians, of readers, and of business firms. While a publisher often suffers from cross pressures of different institutional logics characteristic of the social worlds, it also sometimes serves as an institutional entrepreneur who contributes to the reconfiguration of the scholarly communication

  • Comparative Research on Values-The Asian Values Study

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KISALA Robert, YAMADA Mamoru, MUNCADA Felipe, FUJIMOTO Tetsushi, NAGAI Mikiko

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    More and more attention is being given to understanding distinctively "Asian values" While politics, economics, and the social sciences appeal to these values on a regular basis, there is as yet no full-scale study of the subject comparable to what one finds in Europe for the past twenty years. To meet the need, the Nanzan Institute for Religion and Culture set out in 1996 to explore the possibility of collaborating with the team of scholars overseeing the European Values Study to produce a similarly-structured survey for use in Japan and other Asian countries. The European Values Study is a comprehensive survey covering over 400 items, designed to test for values in the domains of religion, work, family, and politics. In dose consultation with the European Values System Study Group, a decision was made to adapt about two-thirds of the questionnaire used in the European survey, and to add other questions specifically designed to test for what are commonly considered Asian values. The resulting instrument was used to conduct a survey in Japan in June 2001, with a random sample of 1000 nationwide, weighted for age and sex. The researchers spent much of the following year analyzing the results of the survey and working on writing reports on the results. An International Conference of Values Research was held at Nanzan University from January 30 to February 2,2004. In addition to a representative of the European Values Study Group, two researchers who have been involved in the World Values Study, and a researcher planning an African Values Study, along with researchers from the Philippines, South Korea, and Taiwan attended the conference. The conference was successful in strengthening our ties with other values research groups, and well as preparing to conduct our Asian Values Study in other countries in Asia

  • Cross-border Businessmen in East Asia: Comparative Research on the Formation of Image their Image on Visiting Countries

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    SONODA Shigeto, YAMADA Mamoru, MIYANO Masaru

     View Summary

    In this year, or final year of the three-year-project, we conducted questionnaire survey of local managers working in Japanese companies in Korea and Taiwan to compare the results, using the same questionnaire we used last year in mainland China. At the same time, some investigators analyzed the data we got last year so that our comparative study would be more fruitful and suggestive.All the investigators, including foreign collaborative researchers, got together in 5th to 7th of January, 2003, to talk about each paper.As a result of our analysis, we could get interesting findings below, (l) Chinese local employees evaluate foreign (namely Japanese, Korean, and Taiwanese) expatriates based on their emotional judgment which is formed by their way of communication with them. (2) Even though Korean are said to have "anti-Japanese" feeling compared with Taiwanese, our research on local managers in Japanese companies in Korea and Taiwan revealed that there is no clear difference between Korean's image on Japanese and those of Taiwanese partly because they have same type of communication with the Japanese expatriates which have been formed for a long time of their service in Japanese companies. (3) "Power game" (which language they choose in communicating, which side has initiative in management, and so on) is a crucial factor in characterizing each cross-border businessman's behavior and attitude.Moreover, those interesting facts like (l) culturally intimate China and Taiwan also cannot be free from perception gap, (2) Korean businessmen's trust toward Chinese partner is lower than Japanese partner, and (3) Chinese local employee's evaluation toward Japanese expatriates is lower than Korean and Taiwanese expatriates were revealed.Our research team will rewrite each paper based on the discussion at the meeting in January and publish a book on cross-border businessmen in East Asia within a year



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Overseas Activities

  • 社会的アイデンティティの現代的位相


    アメリカ   ミネソタ大学


  • Faculty of Letters, Arts and Sciences   Graduate School of Letters, Arts and Sciences