Education Background
Keio Gijuku University Graduate School Graduate School, Division of Sociology Sociology
keio Gijuku University Faculty of Literature Sociology, Psychology, Education
Details of a Researcher
Updated on 2025/03/13
Keio Gijuku University Graduate School Graduate School, Division of Sociology Sociology
keio Gijuku University Faculty of Literature Sociology, Psychology, Education
Die Georg Simmel Gesellschaft in Japan
The Society for Phenomenology and the Human Sciences
The Society for Sociological Theory in Japan
Waseda Sociological Society
Society for Phenomenology and the Human Sciences
The Kantoh Sociological Society
Japan Sociological Society
Social Theory, Interactionism, Social Problems Studies
Creating Duality:From Certeau's Theory of Everyday Practice to Goffman's Study on Co-Presence
Bulletin of the Graduate School of Letters, Arts, and Sciences of Waseda University ( 68 ) 109 - 123 2023.03
Authorship:Lead author
On a Sedimentation of Experience and Meanings
Kusayanagi, Chihaya
Mita Journal of Sociology ( 27 ) 26 - 31 2022.07
Authorship:Lead author
Copresence as an Essential Site for the Transmission of Embodied Knowledge: From a Case of the Practice of Japanese Utai of Noh Theater
Kusayanagi, Chihaya
The Anthem Companion to Alfred Schutz 53 - 70 2022
福音と世界 2020 ( 10 ) 30 - 35 2020.10
そだちの科学 ( 34 ) 98 - 100 2020.04
Kusayanagi, Chihaya
157 - 177 2019.03
三田社会学 ( 24 ) 182 - 185 2019
Kusayanagi, Chihaya
3 - 24 2018.11
生き物を食べる --- フード・アクティビズムの可能性
『福音と世界』 2018 ( 9 ) 30 - 35 2018
The Body and Social Order: A View from a Discourse on “Listening to the Voice of Body”
Bulletin of the Graduate Division of Letters, Arts and Sciences of Waseda University 63 153 - 170 2018
22 15 - 23 2017.03
Preface to the Special Articles: The Scope of Sociological Theory: Reconsidering Empirical Sociology
Kusayanagi Chihaya
The Journal of Studies in Contemporary Sociological Theory ( 9 ) 1 - 2 2015.03
『知の構造変動に関する理論的・実証的研究』 111 - 137 2010.03
社会問題と相互行為 --- 「曖昧な生きづらさ」とクレイム申し立ての社会学
前納弘武, 大鐘武, 草柳千早, 池田緑
『社会情報学研究 大妻女子大学紀要---社会情報系---』 16 ( 16 ) 67 - 82 2007
前納弘武, 草柳千早, 細谷夏実
『大妻女子大学紀要 ---社会情報系---社会情報学研究』 11 163 - 172 2002.12
『情況』2000年8月号別冊、『現代社会学の最前線3、実践-空間の社会学---他者・時間・関係の基層から』 93 - 109 2000.08
『三色旗』 26 - 30 2000.01
『文化と社会』CULTURE & SOCIETY: International Journal of Human Sciences 1 ( 1 ) 197 - 209 1999.10
『恋愛学がわかる。』 51 22 - 25 1997.07
前納弘武, 草柳千早, 藤田晃, 細谷夏実, 若林佳史
『社会情報学研究』 3 223 - 244 1995.03
『女子教育もんだい』 58 16 - 22 1994.10
Masataka Katagiri (ed.), Meaning and Everyday World : The Sociology of Symbolic Interactionism
Kusayanagi Chihaya
Japanese sociological review 41 ( 2 ) 182* - 184 1990.09
『社会学評論』 38 ( 3 ) 306 - 320 1987.12
『世界思想』 33 45 - 48
栗原亘, 関水徹平, 大黒屋貴稔( Part: Contributor)
2019.03 ISBN: 9784762028861
早稲田大学文学学術院総合人文科学研究センター研究部門, 現代日本における, 信頼社会, 再構築のための総合的研究, 編( Part: Contributor)
2018.11 ISBN: 9784830113116
日本社会学会, 理論応用事典刊行委員会( Part: Other)
2017.07 ISBN: 9784621300749
『日常の最前線としての身体 --- 社会を変える相互作用』
( Part: Sole author)
2015.11 ISBN: 9784790716709
山岸健, 浜日出夫, 草柳千早( Part: Joint editor)
三和書籍 2013.04 ISBN: 9784862511508
草柳千早( Part: Sole author)
平凡社 2011.10 ISBN: 9784582856101
小谷敏, 土井隆義, 芳賀学, 浅野智彦編( Part: Contributor)
日本図書センター 2011.05 ISBN: 9784284502023
井上俊, 伊藤公雄編( Part: Contributor)
世界思想社 2008.10 ISBN: 9784790713623
『社会学の饗宴Ⅰ 風景の意味 理性と感性』
責任編集, 山岸健, 編集 草柳千早, 澤井敦, 鄭暎惠( Part: Joint editor)
三和書籍 2007.02 ISBN: 9784862510105
井上俊, 船津衛編( Part: Contributor)
有斐閣 2005.12
草柳千早( Part: Sole author)
世界思想社 2004.08 ISBN: 4790710637
若林直樹, 白尾隆太郎編著( Part: Contributor)
武蔵野美術大学出版局 2003.04
伊藤勇, 徳川直人編著( Part: Contributor)
北樹出版 2002.10
好井裕明, 桜井厚編( Part: Contributor)
せりか書房 2000.05
山田富秋, 好井裕明編( Part: Contributor)
せりか書房 1998.02
那須壽編( Part: Contributor)
有斐閣 1997.12
鈴木智之, 澤井敦編( Part: Contributor)
八千代出版 1997.06
磯部卓三, 片桐雅隆編著( Part: Contributor)
世界思想社 1996.10
船津衛, 宝月誠編著( Part: Contributor)
恒星社厚生閣 1995.09
島崎征介編著( Part: Contributor)
弘文堂 1995.02
山岸健編著( Part: Contributor)
小林出版 1992.05
山岸健, 船津衛編著( Part: Contributor)
北樹出版 1992.04
安川一編著( Part: Contributor)
世界思想社 1991.06
『日常生活の舞台と光景 [社会学]の視点』
山岸健編著( Part: Contributor)
聖文社 1990.04
山岸健, 江原由美子編著( Part: Contributor)
三和書房 1985.04
The Body and Social Order According to the View of “Listening to the Voice of Body”
4th Conference of The International Alfred Schutz Circle for Phenomenology and Interpretive Sociology (University of Konstanz) The International Alfred Schutz Circle for Phenomenology and Interpretive Sociology
Presentation date: 2018.05
The Construction of a View of the Body and its Implications for Lifestyle Today
Kusayanagi, Chihaya
International Alfred Schutz Circle for Phenomenology and Interpretive Social Science 3rd Conference (Tokyo) International Alfred Schutz Circle for Phenomenology and Interpretive Social Science
Presentation date: 2016.05
"Individuality" As a Moral Expression in Japan
XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology
Presentation date: 2014.07
From Claims-making Activity to Tactics of Everyday Practice: An Alternative Approach to Body Maintenance in Japan
The Annual Conference of The Society for Phenomenology and the Human Sciences
Presentation date: 2013.10
On Frances Chaput Waksler's 'The New Orleans Sniper': Constituting the Other 2011 in Japan
The annual Conference of The Society for Phenomenology and the Human Sciences
Presentation date: 2011.10
Interaction and the Presentation of Body: the Politics of Line-Drawing from Goffman's Theory of Co-Presence
The annual Conference of The Society for Phenomenology and the Human Sciences
Presentation date: 2010.11
Interaction and the Presentation of Body
Presentation date: 2009.12
"The Interaction Order and the Claims-making Body: A View from Goffman’s Interaction Theory”
The Annual Conference of the Society for Phenomenology and the Human Sciences
Presentation date: 2007.11
Presentation date: 2005.12
Presentation date: 2005.06
Presentation date: 2000.12
Presentation date: 2000.07
関東社会学会第46回大会テーマ部会3 「質的調査法--言説分析の方法と実践」
Presentation date: 1998.06
Presentation date: 1995.09
Presentation date: 1993.10
Presentation date: 1992.06
Presentation date: 1991.11
Presentation date: 1990.11
Presentation date: 1989.11
Presentation date: 1988.10
Presentation date: 1988.06
Presentation date: 1987.10
Presentation date: 1986.07
Presentation date: 1984.06
A Theoretical and Historical Research on the Developmental Process of the Knowledge of and the Knowledge Network of Phenomenological Sociology
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
Study on the Tactics of Practice of Everyday life: The Applicability of Michel de Certeau's Theory of "Making Do" to Sociology
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Project Year :
Project Year :
A Qualitative Study on Views of the Body and its Management in Contemporary Japan
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
Theoretical and empirical research on structural changes in knowledge
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
NASU Hisashi, KUSAYANAGI Chihaya, TSUCHIYA Junji, ENOMOTO Tamaki, KAWANO Ken'ichi, IIDA Suguru, KIMURA Masato, OONUKI Satoka, SEKIMIZU Teooei, OOGUROYA Takatoshi
知の構造変動に関する理論的・実証的研究 研究分担者
Project Year :
声の道場Ⅲ 172 - 191 2019.10
報告書 ・『女性の...
Sociology Seminar (Graduation Thesis) spring (KUSAYANAGI, Chihaya)
School of Humanities and Social Sciences
2025 spring semester
Sociology Seminar (Graduation Thesis) fall (KUSAYANAGI, Chihaya)
School of Humanities and Social Sciences
2025 fall semester
Studies in Sociology 12 (Contemporary Society 2)
School of Humanities and Social Sciences
2025 fall semester
Studies in Sociology 11 (Contemporary Society 1)
School of Humanities and Social Sciences
2025 spring semester
Studies in Sociology 12 (Contemporary Society 2)
School of Culture, Media and Society
2025 fall semester
Studies in Sociology 11 (Contemporary Society 1)
School of Culture, Media and Society
2025 spring semester
Logic and Ethics in Problematic Experiences (CHS Advanced Seminar)
School of Culture, Media and Society
2025 fall semester
イギリス University of London SOAS
クレイム申し立てからライフスタイルへ 社会を問いなおす日常的実践の質的研究
イギリス ロンドン大学
Faculty of Letters, Arts and Sciences Graduate School of Letters, Arts and Sciences
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