Updated on 2025/03/14


Faculty of Letters, Arts and Sciences, School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Job title

Research Projects

  • Some studies of Japanese letters from pre-modern to early times of modern

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    ikezawa ichiro

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    The contents of this study have associations twice a month of the study of old Japanese letters in the time of pre-modern and modern. Main purpose of these associations has intended to understand of many old letters written by famous poets and scholars in the pre-modern and modern Japan, teaching how to grasp of old letters quickly written in Chinese characters to the students containing Chinese and American. The main collection of letters of this study is preserved in the Tokyo National Museum in Ueno. The book of letters is called “The Treasures of Old Letters”. The attendants of this study have totally understood of this book from the top to the bottom for twice for recent three years. We have published some books and essays for the result of this study for three years . We made also some notes of the names of the scholars, poets, politicians and teachers appeared in this and other books of old letters.

  • General Researches on the Civilian Poet Group in Southern Song Dynasty

    Project Year :


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    This study is the first approach to investigate these poems from a view point of 'the modernization of Chinese traditional poems'.Our researches in the past three years have focused on describing the details of the subjects and disclosing some specific matters of interest. For this purpose,We not only advanced our studies individually but also discussed the issues with researchers in an international symposium every year and exchanged opinions.In this year, 2014, We are going to publish the results of our investigation in a special issue of 'Asia Yugaku' by Bensei Shuppan and disclose the significance of this research to common readers.

  • A Comparative Study of the Relationship between Literature and Pictures in China, Korea, and Japan

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    HAYASHI Masahiko, IKEZAWA Ichirou, WATARI Kouichi, HIGO Ryuukai, TOKUDA Takeshi, HINATA Kazumasa

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    From point of view of iconology Prof. Hayashi, Hikita, Higo, and Associate Prof.Watari tudied Buddhist narrative literature. Similarly Prof. Tokuda and Lecturer Ikezawa studied Confucian narrative literature, and analyzed the literary paintings (Chinese style landscape paintings)
    Prof. Hayashi and Associate Prof. Watari visited Dazu, Chongging in China, and surveyed several famous stone caves as Bao ding shan, Bei shan, etc.. They both attended a lecture by Mr. Guo Xiang Ying of the curator of the Dazu Caved Stone Museum. That led Prof.Hayashi to write a paper on Goshushoshirir (a five-cornered Buddhist picture in a circle showing the zther five worlds). Prof. Hinata investigated the development of Nigabyakudo (one of the patterns of Jodoism paintings) and compared the Shamanism of Japan with that of Korea as he exchanging views on Jodoism among Korean scholars and Chinise scholars. He investigated how the narrative of Tenningosui (the five symptoms of aging for heavenly beeings) influenced on The Tale of Genji.
    Associate Prof. Watari pointed it out that Sainokawara (the Children's Limbo) shows the paticular thought of the other world among the Japanese people, and he
    Prof. Tokuda considered Nijyushiko (twenty-four stories of filial duty) from the point of view of the comparative literature and analyzed that from both Japanese and Chinese angles. He also studied those illustrations.
    Lecturer Ikezawa visited Yang zhou in China, where those literary painters who were called Yang zhou Ba quai used to live, and he collected materials of the literary paintings for study. He studied Chinese poetry, the literary paintings and the spirit of the literary artists, and he brought the tripartite relation among them into sharp relief.

  • 新井白石・古賀精里・山梨稲川の作品を中心とする日本近世漢詩文の研究

    科学研究費助成事業(明治大学)  科学研究費助成事業(奨励研究(A))

    Project Year :


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  • 新井白石・古賀精里・山梨稲川の作品を中心とする日本近世漢詩文の研究

    科学研究費助成事業(明治大学)  科学研究費助成事業(奨励研究(A))

    Project Year :


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  • A Comparative Study of the Relationship between Literature and Pictures in China, Korea, and Japan

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    HAYASHI Masahiko, IKEZAWA Ichirou, WATARI Kouichi, HIGO Ryuukai, TOKUDA Takeshi, HINATA Kazumasa

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    From point of view of iconology Prof. Hayashi, Hikita, Higo, and Associate Prof.Watari tudied Buddhist narrative literature. Similarly Prof. Tokuda and Lecturer Ikezawa studied Confucian narrative literature, and analyzed the literary paintings (Chinese style landscape paintings)
    Prof. Hayashi and Associate Prof. Watari visited Dazu, Chongging in China, and surveyed several famous stone caves as Bao ding shan, Bei shan, etc.. They both attended a lecture by Mr. Guo Xiang Ying of the curator of the Dazu Caved Stone Museum. That led Prof.Hayashi to write a paper on Goshushoshirir (a five-cornered Buddhist picture in a circle showing the zther five worlds). Prof. Hinata investigated the development of Nigabyakudo (one of the patterns of Jodoism paintings) and compared the Shamanism of Japan with that of Korea as he exchanging views on Jodoism among Korean scholars and Chinise scholars. He investigated how the narrative of Tenningosui (the five symptoms of aging for heavenly beeings) influenced on The Tale of Genji.
    Associate Prof. Watari pointed it out that Sainokawara (the Children's Limbo) shows the paticular thought of the other world among the Japanese people, and he
    Prof. Tokuda considered Nijyushiko (twenty-four stories of filial duty) from the point of view of the comparative literature and analyzed that from both Japanese and Chinese angles. He also studied those illustrations.
    Lecturer Ikezawa visited Yang zhou in China, where those literary painters who were called Yang zhou Ba quai used to live, and he collected materials of the literary paintings for study. He studied Chinese poetry, the literary paintings and the spirit of the literary artists, and he brought the tripartite relation among them into sharp relief.

  • 日本近世後期儒学者の漢詩の研究

    科学研究費助成事業(明治大学)  科学研究費助成事業(奨励研究(A))

    Project Year :


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  • 日本近世後期儒学者の漢詩の研究

    科学研究費助成事業(明治大学)  科学研究費助成事業(奨励研究(A))

    Project Year :


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Internal Special Research Projects

  • 近世から近代にかけての日本の書簡文の研究

    2017   岩田秀行 

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     本研究の成果の一端は、学術雑誌『斯文』第131号(2017年9月)に掲載された単著論文「木下周南の選んだ大沼枕山の漢詩」、学術雑誌『日本文学ジャーナル』第4号(2017年11月)に掲載された単著論文「漢詩を読む楽しみ」、学術雑誌『早稲田大学中央図書館紀要』第65号(2018年3月)に掲載された単著論文「早稲田大学中央図書館蔵『芝蘭堂新元會圖』上層貼紙「磐水府君絶筆」について 附載 同図題画記、題画詩釈文訓読」に反映されている。

  • 近世より明治期にかけて日本漢詩文の研究


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     本年度、特定課題研究助成費を受けて、わたしは次のような研究を進め、論文の体裁で成果を発表した。 まず、近代日本漢詩文に関しては、引き続き矢野龍渓が漢文で書き綴った碑文についての調査と報告を行った。龍渓の碑文は、都営谷中霊園内に現存する江木高遠の遺髪碑と都立青山霊園に存在する井上良一の墓碑銘との存在が知られるが、本年度は後者の研究を行った。井上は最初期の邦人東大法学部教授で、外国人招聘教授の後を受けて就任し、将来を大いに嘱望されたが、若くして没したゆえに、後世に名を遺すまでの成果を挙げられなかった人物である。また矢野龍渓や江木高遠らとともに、福沢諭吉門下として、頭角を現し、自由民権運動の前史をなす各所で行われたの講演会、演説会の中心人物のひとりであったが、墓碑銘においては、江木がその天才的な弁論の才を多々えら手いるのに比して、若年時から米国に留学していたがゆえに、日本語は訥弁であったと伝えられている。成果は、『江戸風雅』第四号に論文として発表した。 また近世から近代への過渡期の漢詩文の研究として、広瀬林外と広瀬青村との墓碑銘を都営多摩霊園に訪査した。林外も青村も広瀬淡窓、旭荘という近世漢詩人中の巨星の実子養子であり、当時の評価としては父にひけをとらぬもののあったものの、歴史の波に埋没してしまった漢詩人であった。調査の結果、青村は最終的には私塾の塾頭として終わったことに挫折感を味わっていたということが碑文の内容から明らかになり、林外については福沢らの提唱する新知識摂取にも意欲的であったことが浮き彫りになった。また墓所の実地踏査により、林外の実父旭荘の早世した賢夫人である松子の墓石が小石川伝通院から移されて、多磨霊園の広瀬家墓所に林外の墓石に寄り添うようにして現存していたことが明らかになった。成果は『江戸風雅』第3号に論文として発表した。 さらにまた長年研究を続けている近世漢詩文研究の対象として、大田南畝の紀行文・日記に着目し、本年度は『調布日記』の中でどのように漢詩文が機能しているかを調査した。その結果、南畝の紀行文・日記の中の漢詩文は、ただに衒学的に引用されているわけではなく、行文において種々に有機的に関連し、文章に味わい深い奥行きと詩情を添えていることを明らかにした。成果については、論文の形で、『国語と国文学』(2011年5月号)および、『国文学研究』(第百六十三集)に発表した。