Updated on 2025/03/12


Faculty of Law, Waseda Law School
Job title

Research Experience

  • 2004

    : Specially Appointed Professor, University of Tokyo, 21st Century Center of Excellence Program on Soft Law;

  • 2005

    : Professor of Law, Waseda University, Law School

  • 2004

    : Visiting Professor of Law, Waseda University, Law School, teaching Private International Law, International Civil Procedure and International Trade Law (until 2005);

  • 2004

    : Special Counsel, Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Law Office

  • 2004

    : Special Counsel, Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Law Office

  • 1996

    : Professor of Law, University of Tokyo, Faculty of Law, teaching International Civil Procedure and International Trade Law

  • 1991

    : Associate Professor of Law, University of Tokyo, Faculty of Law, teaching International Civil Procedure and International Trade Law

  • 1984

    : Associate Professor of Law, University of Tokyo, College of Arts and Sciences

  • 1988

    (): Visiting Scholar, Columbia University, School of Law

  • 1987

    (): Visiting Scholar, University of Michigan, Law School

  • 1983

    : Research Assistant, Meiji University, Faculty of Law

  • 1982

    (-1984): Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Headquarters of Law of the Sea

  • 1978

    : Research Assistant, University of Tokyo, Faculty of Law

  • 1978

    : B.A., University of Tokyo, Faculty of Law

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Education Background


    University of Tokyo   Faculty of Laws  

Professional Memberships


    International Nuclear Law Association


    The Institute of International Law








    Private International Law Association of Japan


    International Law Association, Japan Branch

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Research Areas

  • International law

Research Interests

  • Private International Law, International Disputes Resolution, International Trade Law



  • 国際裁判管轄に関する新規定の解釈適用---裁判例の検討

    判例秘書ジャーナル:文献番号HJ100019、判例秘書ウェブサイト(http://www.hanreihisho.com/hhi/)    2018.03

  • 福島第一原子力発電所事故による損害の賠償に対応するための法制度の構築とその運用

    早稲田大学法務研究論論叢   ( 3 ) 45 - 92  2018

  • 渉外戸籍

    月報司法書士(日本司法書士連合会月報)   ( 2016年8月号 ) 22 - 28  2016

  • 仲裁合意

    谷口安平ほか編『国際商事仲裁の法と実務』(丸善雄松堂)     81 - 128  2016

  • 国際裁判管轄合意の有効性---東京地裁平成28年2月15日中間判決をめぐって

    NBL   ( 1077 ) 25 - 34  2016

  • 国際結婚に関する3つの問題: 国際私法学と民法学との対話のために

    論究ジュリスト   ( 2 ) 108 - 116  2012

  • 国境を越える原子力損害についての国際私法上の問題

    早稲田法学   87 ( 3 ) 131 - 158  2012

  • New Japanese Rules on International Jurisdiction: General Observation

    Japanese Yearbook of International Law   54   260 - 278  2011  [Refereed]

  • 知的財産権

    櫻田嘉章・道垣内正人編『注釈国際私法第1巻』     628 - 648  2011

  • 法の適用に関する通則法2条(法律の施行期日)

    櫻田嘉章・道垣内正人編『注釈国際私法第1巻』     69 - 76  2011

  • ハーグ国際私法会議の役割と日本の対応

    国際問題2011年12月号40-49頁[2011]   ( 2011年12月号 ) 40 - 49  2011

  • Forthcoming Rules on International Jurisdiction

    国際私法年報   ( 12 ) 212 - 224  2011  [Refereed]

  • 日本の新しい国際裁判管轄立法について

    国際私法年報   ( 12 ) 186 - 211  2011  [Refereed]

  • 国境を越えるエンタテインメントと法

    道垣内正人・森下哲朗編著『エンタテインメント法への招待』(ミネルヴァ書房)     213 - 236  2011

  • スポーツ仲裁・調停

    『スポーツ法への招待』道垣内正人・早川吉尚編著(ミネルヴァ書房)     61 - 77  2011

  • 国境を越える環境損害に対する民事責任

    西井正弘=臼杵知史編著『テキスト国際環境法』     138 - 152  2011

  • 国際ビジネスと法

    ジュリスト   ( 1414 ) 120 - 125  2011

  • インターネットを通じた著作権侵害についての国際裁判管轄及び準拠法:仮説例による論点整理

    著作権研究   ( 37 ) 99 - 108  2010

  • 特許権をめぐる国際私法上の問題

    知財管理60巻6号881-895頁[2010]   60 ( 6 ) 881 - 895  2010

  • 外国裁判所によるクラス・アクション判決(和解)の日本での効力---Google Booksをめぐる問題を例として(パネルディスカッション) (下)

    NBL   ( 926 ) 84 - 95  2010

  • 外国裁判所によるクラス・アクション判決(和解)の日本での効力---Google Booksをめぐる問題を例として(パネルディスカッション) (上)

    NBL   ( 925 ) 20 - 27  2010

  • 外国等に対する我が国の民事裁判権

    ジュリスト   ( 1387 ) 58 - 67  2009

  • 国際倒産-そのポイントと条文にない2つの問題

    須網隆夫・道垣内正人編著『ビジネス法務大系 IV: 国際ビジネスと法』(日本評論社)     245 - 271  2009

  • 渉外離婚

    注釈民法(22)親族(2) (島津一郎・阿部徹編)     418 - 431  2008

  • Historical Development and Fundamental Principles of Japanese Private International Law” in JUERGEN BASEDOW/ HARALD BAUM/ YUKO NISHITANI eds., JAPANESE AND EUROPEAN PRIVATE INTERNATIONAL LAW IN COMPARATIVE PERSPECTIVE, pp.27-60 [2008,

        27 - 60  2008

  • 特許法35条と外国特許

    高林龍編『知的財産法制の再構築』(早稲田大学21世紀COE叢書:企業社会の変容と法創造7)     326 - 360  2008

  • スポーツ仲裁をめぐる若干の論点

    仲裁とADR   3 ( 3 ) 79 - 88  2008


  • 国際契約におけるボイラープレート条項をめぐる若干の留意点—準拠法条項・裁判管轄条項・仲裁条項— (1)-(7・完)

    NBL   ( 870-876 )  2007.12

  • New Private International Law of Japan: An Overview, [2007]

    Masato Dogauchi

    Japanese Annual of International Law   No.50   3 - 14  2007.03

  • 日本スポーツ仲裁機構の活動

    自由と正義   58 ( 2 ) 28 - 38  2007.02


  • ADR法に基づく認証とコンプライアンス

    NBL   ( 861 ) 4 - 5  2007

  • ハーグ管轄合意に関する条約(2005年)の作成過程における日本の関心事項について

    同志社法学   58(315号) ( 3 ) 243  2006.07

  • 専属的管轄合意と知的財産訴訟-ハーグ管轄合意条約に関連して-

    季刊 企業と法創造   ( 7 ) 42 - 46  2006.06

  • 日本スポーツ仲裁機構3年間の総括と若干の論点についての考察

    「スポーツ仲裁のさらなる発展に向けて」上智大学法科大学院「仲裁・ADR・交渉の研究と実践」プログラム報告書     1 - 73  2006.03

  • 国際私法の新たな課題と展望

    上智法学論集   49 ( 3・4 ) 17 - 30  2006.03

  • 法適用通則法の成立と国際私法の新展開

    法学教室   ( 314 ) 6 - 11  2006


  • The Activities of the Japanese Sports Arbitration Agency

    International Sports Law Journal   2005 ( 2005/01/02 ) 3 - 7  2005

  • Four-Step Analysis of Private International Law

    Recueil des cours,   315   9 - 140  2005

  • 我が国のハーグ国際私法会議への加盟に関する史料7号140-183頁[2006]


    国際私法年報   ( 7 ) 140 - 183  2005

  • 2005年のハーグ「管轄合意に関する条約」184-224頁[2006]

    国際私法年報7号   ( 7 ) 184 - 224  2005

  • 国際仲裁における仲裁地の意味と機能

    JCAジャーナル   2004年 ( 12月 ) 62 - 66  2004.12

  • 国際私法入門(第5版)(澤木敬郎教授と共著)

    有斐閣    2004.04

  • Cases and Material 国際私法・国際民事手続法

    有斐閣    2004

  • インターネット国際取引と国際私法

    法とコンピュータ   ( 22 )  2004

  • ハーグ国際私法会議『専属的合意管轄に関する条約案』---2005年の外交会議に向けて

    国際商事法務   32 ( 9 ) 1164 - 1175  2004

  • 国際私法判例百選


    有斐閣    2004

  • 新仲裁法のもとでの国際商事仲裁

    日本国際経済法学会年報   ( 31 ) 119 - 136  2004

  • 早川眞一郎教授他と共著


    法例の見直しに関する諸問題(3)---能力、法人、相続等の準拠法について---   別冊NBL ( 88 )  2004

  • 法例の見直しに関する諸問題(2)---不法行為・物権等の準拠法について---


    別冊NBL   ( 85 )  2004

  • 法例の見直しに関する諸問題(4)---代理、信託、親族関係等の準拠法について---


    別冊NBL   ( 88 )  2004

  • ハーグ国際私法会議の『裁判所の選択合意に関する条約作業部会草案』(下)

    NBL   ( 773 ) 57 - 64  2003

  • ハーグ国際私法会議の『裁判所の選択合意に関する条約作業部会草案』(上)

    NBL   ( 772 ) 8 - 17  2003

  • 法例の見直しに関する諸問題(1)---契約・債権譲渡等の準拠法について---


    別冊NBL   ( 80 )  2003

  • 国境を越えた知的財産権の保護をめぐる諸問題

    ジュリスト   ( 1337 ) 52 - 58  2002

  • 国境を越えた知的財産権の保護をめぐる諸問題

    ジュリスト   ( 1227 ) 52 - 58  2002

  • 国際民事訴訟法(財産法関係)


    青林書院    2002

  • Private International Law on Intellectual Property: A Civil Law Oberview

    http://www.wipo.int/pil-forum/en/ (WIPO website)    2001

  • The Hague Draft Convention on Jurisdiction and Foreign Judgements in Civil and Matters from a Japanese Perspective

    Japanese Yearbook of Private International Law (国際私法年報)   ( 3 ) 80 - 118  2001

  • Jurisdiction over Foreign Patent Infringement from a Japanese Perspective in Consideration of the Hague Draft Convention on Jurisdiction and Foreign Judgement in Civil and Commercial Matters as of June 2002

    Japanese Annual of International Law   ( 44 ) 35 - 59  2001

  • The Hague Draft Convention on Jurisdiction and Foreign Judgements in Civil and Matters from a Japanese Perspective

    国際私法年報   ( 3 ) 80 - 118  2001

  • ハーグ裁判管轄外国判決条約案の修正作業-外交会議の延期と打開策の模索

    ジュリスト   ( 1194 ) 72 - 81  2001

  • 国際倒産における債権者平等

    金融・商事判例   ( 1112 ) 115 - 120  2001

  • 裁判管轄等に関する条約採択をめぐる現況-2001年6月の第1回外交会議の結果-(上)

    ジュリスト   ( 1211 ) 80 - 91  2001

  • 著作権に関する国際私法的処理における単位法律関係と連結点

    知財管理   51 ( 3 ) 433 - 445  2001

  • 米国の著作権法に関するパネル報告(下)


    国際商事法務   29 ( 4 ) 414 - 425  2001

  • 米国の著作権法に関するパネル報告(上)


    国際商事法務   29 ( 3 ) 277 - 282  2001

  • Respect for the Act of Foreign State: The Validity of Foreign Patents

    ILPF(Internet Law & Policy Forum)     11 - 12  2000

  • 「民事及び商事に関する裁判管轄権及び外国判決に関する条約基準草案」について

    ジュリスト   ( 1172 ) 82 - 96  2000

  • 「民事及び商事に関する裁判管轄権及び外国判決に関する条約準備草案」を採択した1999年10月のヘーグ国際私法会議特別委員会の概要(1)-(7・完)

    国際商事法務28巻2号170-177頁、3号307-311頁、4号466-471頁、5号604-608頁、6号735-739頁、7号860-864頁、8号988-993頁   28 ( 2005/02/08 )  2000

  • 担保附社債信託法の国際的適用範囲

    ジュリスト   ( 1175 ) 50 - 55  2000

  • インターネットを通じた不法行為・著作権侵害の準拠法

    日本国際経済法学会年報   ( 8 ) 159 - 177  1999

  • 国際法辞典

    有斐閣    1998

  • 国際的な子の奪取の民事面に関する条約の実施に関する法律試案及び解説

    国際商事法務   119 ( 2 ) 302 - 322  1998

  • サイバースペースと国際私法-準拠法及び国際裁判管轄問題

    ジュリスト   ( 1117 ) 60 - 66  1997

  • 国際私法入門(第4版)

    有斐閣    1996

  • Draft Articles on the Law Applicable to Contractual and Non-contractual Obligations (1) and (2)

    co-author with, Professor, Kiyoshi Aoki

    The Japanese Annual of International Law, No.30, pp.185-126(1995); No.31, pp.57-79(1996)    1995

  • 日本における国際民事手続法上の諸問題

    仲裁   ( 275 ) 35 - 50  1995

  • 契約・不法行為等の準拠法に関する法律試案(1)


    民商法雑誌   112 ( 2 ) 276 - 304  1995

  • 契約・不法行為等の準拠法に関する法律試案(2・完)


    民商法雑誌   112 ( 3 ) 483 - 507  1995

  • Rules for Declining to Exercise Jurisdiction in Civil and Commercial Matters in Japan

    Japanese Committee of the International Academy of Comparative Law, Japanese Reports for the ⅩⅥ th International Congress of Comparative Law     111 - 126  1994

  • Concurrent Litigations in Japan and the United States

    Japanese Annual of International Law, No.37     72 - 94  1994

  • 外国判決の承認執行要件に関する立法論-特に民訴法200条2号の要件について-

    民事訴訟雑誌   ( 40 ) 202 - 212  1994

  • 「相続の準拠法に関する法律試案」の公表


    国際法外交雑誌   92 ( 4・5 ) 595 - 632  1993


  • 外国判決の承認執行についてのハーグ条約と日本での立法論

    国際法外交雑誌   92 ( 4・5 ) 108 - 146  1993

  • 国境を越える原子力損害に関する賠償責任

    ジュリスト   ( 1015 ) 157 - 163  1993

  • 国際民事訴訟法の立法化

    ジュリスト   ( 1028 ) 163 - 169  1993

  • 日韓国際私法シンポジウムの成果

    ジュリスト   ( 1025 ) 111 - 114  1993

  • Globalization of Japan in th eField of Dispute Settlement (1)and(2)

    Quartlerly of the Japan Commercial Arbitration Association   127 and 128   1  1992

  • 国際私法立法の課題と展望

    ジュリスト   ( 1000 ) 366 - 373  1992

  • 訴訟・仲裁を通じてみた日本の国際化

    国際商事法務   20 ( 4 ) 355 - 362  1992

  • 遅延利息をめぐる国際私法上の問題ー特にその利率を「手続」と性質決定する英国国際私法についてー

    上智法学論集   35 ( 2 ) 1 - 16  1992

  • 立法論としての国際裁判管轄

    国際法外交雑誌   91 ( 2 ) 1 - 29  1992

  • Transfrontier Nuclear Civil Liability Without International Conventions

    AIDN-INLA, Nuclear Inter Jura '91     205 - 214  1991

  • Transfrontier Nuclear Civil Liability Without International Conventions

    AIDN-INLA, Nuclear Inter Jura '91     205 - 214  1991

  • ヨーロッパ評議会の国際破産条約(1990年)-翻訳と解説(下)


    NBL   ( 485 ) 52 - 57  1991

  • ヨーロッパ評議会の国際破産条約(1990年)-翻訳と解説(上)


    NBL   ( 484 ) 13 - 19  1991

  • 親権者指定・変更の裁判管轄と準拠法

    判例タイムズ   ( 689 ) 471 - 474  1991

  • 日米構造問題協議の法的位置づけ

    月刊商事法務   1258/,25-31  1991

  • 日米構造問題協議の法的位置付け

    商事法務   ( 1258 ) 25 - 31  1991

  • 免責裁判の渉外的効力

    ジュリスト   ( 987 ) 77 - 80  1991

  • アメリカ国際私法における信託の準拠法〔1990〕所収

    池原 季雄編

    国際信託の実務と法理論(有斐閣)     47 - 67  1990

  • International Trade in Services from the Japanese Viewpoint

    Gergia Journal of International and Comparative Law, Vol.19, No,2, pp. 425-440    1989

  • International Trade in Services from the Japanese Perspective

    Georgia Journal of International and Comparative Law   19 ( 2 ) 425 - 440  1989

  • International Trade in Services from the Japanese Perspective

    Georgia Journal of International and Comparative Law   19 ( 2 ) 425 - 440  1989  [Refereed]

  • 信託の準拠法及び承認に関するハーグ条約について

    信託法研究   ( 12 ) 65 - 96  1988

  • Conflict of Laws on Admiralty and Shipping Laws in Japan

    co-author with, Professors SUeo Ikehara, Akira Takakuwa

    The Japanese Annual of International Law   ( 30 ) 1 - 17  1987

  • 経済の国際化と「外国」的なものの日本における法規制ー日本法における「日本」と「外国」との区別ー

    ジュリスト   ( 875 ) 238 - 244  1987

  • Note concernant la nouvells loi Japonaise sur la nationalite

    Revue critique de droit international prive   75   579 - 588  1986

  • Note concernant la nouvells loi Japonaise sur la nationalite

    Revue critique de droit international prive   75   579 - 588  1986

  • わが国における海事国際私法の現況

    池原季雄教授, 高桑昭教授と共著

    海法会誌   ( 30 ) 3 - 60  1986

  • 離婚事件の国際的栽判管轄権-その新たなルール化をめざして-

    法律のひろば   39 ( 11 ) 13 - 24  1986

  • 国際的訴訟競合(5・完)

    法学協会雑誌   100 ( 4 ) 37 - 127  1983.04

  • 国際的訴訟競合(4)

    法学協会雑誌   99 ( 11 ) 34 - 122  1982.11

  • 国際的訴訟競合(3)

    法学協会雑誌   99 ( 10 ) 1 - 52  1982.10

  • 国際的訴訟競合(2)

    法学協会雑誌   99 ( 9 ) 66 - 121  1982.09

  • 国際的訴訟競合(1)

    法学協会雑誌   99 ( 8 ) 1 - 59  1982.08

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Books and Other Publications

  • Introduction to Private International Law, 7th ed.


  • 国際契約実務のための予防法学:準拠法・裁判管轄・仲裁条項

    商事法務  2012

  • 注釈国際私法第2巻

    櫻田嘉章, 道垣内正人

    有斐閣  2011

  • 注釈国際私法第1巻

    櫻田嘉章, 道垣内正人

    有斐閣  2011

  • エンタテインメント法への招待

    道垣内正人, 森下哲朗

    ミネルヴァ書房  2011

  • スポーツ法への招待

    道垣内正人, 早川吉尚

    ミネルヴァ書房  2011

  • ハーグ国際裁判管轄条約

    商事法務)  2009

  • ビジネス法務大系 IV: 国際ビジネスと法

    道垣内正人, 須網隆夫

    日本評論社  2009

  • 国際私法とソフトロー---総論的検討『国際社会とソフトロー』(小寺彰氏と共同編著)所収

    有斐閣  2008.09 ISBN: 9784641010048

  • 特許法35条と外国特許

    高林龍編『知的財産法制の再構築』(早稲田大学21世紀COE叢書:企業社会の変容と法創造7)326-360頁  2008.03

  • Historical Development and Fundamental Principles of Japanese Private International Law


    Mohr Siebeck  2008

  • ロースクール国際私法・国際民事手続法(第2版)


    有斐閣  2007.04

  • 仲裁と訴訟係属との関係

    小島武司=高桑昭編『注釈と論点・仲裁法』(青林書院)所収  2007.02

  • 仲裁判断の基準(国際関係)

    小島武司=高桑昭編『注釈と論点・仲裁法』(青林書院)所収  2007.02

  • 仲裁判断と判決の抵触及び仲裁判断相互の抵触

    小島武司=高桑昭編『注釈と論点・仲裁法』(青林書院)所収  2007.02

  • 自分で考えるちょっと違った法学入門(第3版)

    有斐閣  2007.02

  • 渉外戸籍法リステイトメント


    日本加除出版  2007

  • Explanatory Report on the Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements

    Trevor Hartley教授と共著

    ハーグ国際私法会議  2007

  • ポイント国際私法 総論(第2版)



  • ハーグ管轄合意に関する条約(2005年)

    新堂幸司・山本和彦編『民事手続法と商事法務』(商事法務)所収  2006.12

  • 国際私法入門(第6版)


    有斐閣  2006.10

  • ロースクール国際私法・国際民事手続法


    有斐閣  2005.04

  • 専属的合意管轄に関するハーグ条約案(2004年)について

    国際取引紛争における当事者自治の進展(法律文化社)(斎藤彰編)  2005

  • 国際私法入門(第5版)


    有斐閣  2004

  • 海事国際私法

    海法大系(商事法務)(落合誠一教授・江頭憲治郎教授編)  2003

  • Judicial Jurisdiction in the Era of E-commerce

    in Professors T. Kono, C. Paulus and H. Rajak eds., Selected Legal Issues of E-commerce (Kluwer Law International)  2002

  • Judicial Jurisdiction in the Era of E-commerce

    in Professors T. Kono, C. Paulus and H. Rajak eds., Selected Legal Issues of E-commerce (Kluwer Law International)  2002

  • 環境損害に対する民事責任-とくに、国際私法上の問題

    国際環境法(有信堂)所収  2001

  • 国際商事仲裁-国家法秩序との関係

    日本と国際法の100年・第9巻・紛争の解決(三省堂)  2001

  • Law Applicable to Torts and Copyright Infringement Through the Internet

    Professors J. Basedow and T. Kono eds., Legal Aspects of Globalization : Conflict of Laws, Internet, Capital Markets and Insolvency in a Global Economy(Kluwer Law International)  2000

  • ポイント国際私法・各論

    有斐閣  2000

  • ポイント国際私法・総編

    有斐閣  1999

  • 自分で考えるちょっと違った法学入門(新版)

    有斐閣  1998

  • 企業の国際的活動と法-会社法の国際的事案への適用-

    現代の法7(企業と法)(岩波書店)  1998

  • 企業の国際的活動と法-会社法の国際的事案への適用-

    現代の法(企業と法)(岩波書店) 第7巻 所収  1998

  • 主要な外国の仲裁判断の日本における執行

    現代仲裁法の論点(有斐閣)  1998

  • 日本の仲裁判断の主要な外国における執行

    現代仲裁法の論点(有斐閣)  1998

  • 法からみる国際関係


    放送大学教育振興会  1998

  • The Structual Impedimenhts Initiatives: A Model for Dealing with Intertnaitonal Economic Frictions

    Professors M.Young and Y.Iwasawa eds., Trilateral Perspectives on International Legal Issues: Relevance of Domestic law and Policy (Transnational Publishers, Inc.)  1996

  • The Structual Impedimenhts Initiatives: A model for Dealing with Intertnaitonal Economic Frictions

    Trilateral Perspectives on International Legal Issues: Relevance of Domestic law and Policy (Transnational Publishers, Inc.)(M.Young/Y.Iwasawa eds.)  1996

  • Japan(Declining Jurisdiction in Japanese Private International Law)

    Declining Jurisdiction in Private International Law (Clarendon Press) (J. Fawcett ed.)  1995

  • Japan(Declining Jurisdiction in Japanese Private International Law)

    J. Fawcwtt ed., Declining Jurisdiction in Private International Law (Clarendon Press)  1995

  • WTO紛争処理における手続法的問題

    企業行動と法(松下満雄先生還暦記念)(商事法務研究会)  1995

  • 国際化の中の高齢社会-国際的な相続と信託との関係-

    高齢社会と信託(有斐閣)  1995

  • 国際化の中の高齢社会-国際的な相続と信託との関係-

    高齢社会と信託(有斐閣)(新井誠教授編)  1995

  • Parallele Verfahren in Japan und den USA

    A. HECDRICH / T. KONO eds. , Herausforderungen des Internationalen Zivilverfahrensrechts (J.C.B.Mohr)  1994

  • The Internationalisation of Dispute Resolution in Japan


  • 管轄/移送・訴訟競合/訴状送達と対抗訴訟

    日米知的財産訴訟(弘文堂)(小林秀之教授編)pp.27-33、33-38、130-152  1994

  • アメリカの懲罰的損害賠償判決の日本における執行

    民事手続法学の革新(上)(有斐閣)  1991

  • 国際取引紛争の解決

    国際取引法(青林書院)(高桑昭・江頭憲治郎編)  1991

  • 国際的栽判管轄権

    注釈民事訴訟法第1巻(有斐閣)  1991

  • アメリカにおける信託の準拠法

    国際信託の実務と法理論(有斐閣)  1990

  • 相互依存・国際化と法規制ー法の域外適用と外人法

    相互依存時代の国際摩擦(東京大学出版会)  1988

  • 法適用関係理論における域外適用の位置づけ-法適用関係理論序説-

    国際取引と法(名古屋大学出版会)  1988

  • 渉外仮差押・仮処分

    国際民事訴訟法の理論(有斐閣)  1987

  • Introduction to Private International Law, 8th ed.

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  • Issues on International Civil Procedure in Japan

    Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Private International Law  Korean Private International Law Association

    Presentation date: 1994.05

  • The Concurrent Litigations in Japan and the United States

    International Symposium on International Civil Procedure: Janao, Germany and Switzerland, Kyushu Univ., Japan 

    Presentation date: 1993.10

  • 外国判決承認執行についてのハーグ条約と日本での立法論


    Presentation date: 1993.10

  • 外国判決の承認執行要件に関する立法論」


    Presentation date: 1993.05

  • GATTにおける紛争処理制度


    Presentation date: 1992.11

  • The Amendment of the Vienna Convention: Its Procedural Aspect

    Symposium on Nuclear Accidents --- Liabilities and Guarantees, Finland 

    Presentation date: 1992.09

  • The Globalization of Japanese Corporations: Problems of Dispute Settlement Involving Japanese Companies

    Presentation date: 1991.11

  • 立法論としての国際的裁判管轄ルール


    Presentation date: 1991.10

  • Transfrontier Nuclear Civil Liability Without International Conventions

    Interntional Nulcear Law Association, Bath, U.K. 

    Presentation date: 1991.09

  • 外国における証拠収集


    Presentation date: 1990.05

  • International Trade in Services from the Japanese Viewpoint

    Conference: Prospects for Multilateral Agreement on Services and Intellectual Property in the GATT Multilateral Trade Negotiations(Georgia Univ.) 

    Presentation date: 1989.04

  • 信託の準拠法及び承認に関するハーグ条約について


    Presentation date: 1987.05

  • 法適用関係理論における域外適用の位置づけー法適用関係理論序説―


    Presentation date: 1986.10

  • 国際的訴訟競合


    Presentation date: 1981.10

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Research Projects

  • 「国際商事ADRに関するグローバル原則」の探求

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    高杉 直, 馮 茜, アラスモレノ ナンシーエウニセ, 垣内 秀介, 長田 真里, 山口 敦子, 野村 美明, 後 友香, 中野 俊一郎, 芳賀 雅顯, 西谷 祐子, ELBALTI BELIGH, 山田 文, 多田 望, 黄 ジンテイ, 竹下 啓介, 北坂 尚洋, 小池 未来, 越智 幹仁, 道垣内 正人, 齋藤 彰, 金 春, 嶋 拓哉, 早川 吉尚, 小野木 尚

  • 核管理と原子力発電の存廃との関係に関する法的基盤の研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    岡松 暁子, 森田 章夫, 道垣内 正人, 青木 節子

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    岡松は、原子力の平和利用にかかる諸問題を抽出・整理するため、まずは、放射性廃棄物の処理を巡る問題を、特に福島第一原子力発電所の事故後のALPS処理水に焦点を当てて研究を行った。道垣内は、核兵器保有国である英国における原子力発電事業について概観するとともに、原子力発電の将来を支える原子力損害賠償法制について研究を行った。これまで、いくつかの裁判例が蓄積されており、過去に放出された放射性物質が風で飛来した場合に責任を認めた判決があるところ、新法では責任を否定しており、福島事故後の日本にとっても参考となると考えられる。宇宙空間における核兵器問題については、宇宙での核兵器の使用は禁止されているが、地球接近天体(NEO)の軌道を変更させ、または当該天体自体を破壊して地球を守るためには核兵器の利用が最も有効である場合も想定される。地球を防御するために行う核兵器利用を含めた「力」の行使は一般に武力行使の要件を欠くが、物理的な「力」の行使にはどのような国際法上の制約がかかるのかという点、また、一般的な軍備管理の中で宇宙抑止を核抑止理論から切り離すことの可能性を、青木が検討した。森田は、立法管轄権のいわゆる「域外適用」問題につき、(1)国家管轄権の作用分類に関して2分類論と3分類論には、それぞれを支持する国家の動向が背後にあり、容易には解消できない対立が存在する。(2)立法管轄権のいわゆる「域外適用」問題は、従来、大きな混乱と対立があったが、これに関して、「ある法(lex lata)」と「あるべき法(lex ferenda)」、「共存の国際法」と「協力の国際法」をそれぞれ区別し、その交錯に着目することが有益と考えられる、との見解を公表した。

  • Analysis of Process towards Amicable Settlement in the Proceedings of Arbitration or Mediation on International Business Disputes

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • 萌芽期における日本の国際私法ー穂積文書の検討を中心として

    Project Year :


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  • アジア国際私法原則の拡充・改善・実施

    Project Year :


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    本研究は、①アジア地域における国際私法の共通原則である「アジア国際私法原則(APPIL: Asian Principles of Private International Law))」の「拡充」および「改善」に向けた研究、並びに、②アジア国際私法原則の「実施」に向けた研究を行うことを主目的とする。同時に、 この研究過程において必要 とされる「場」としての③「アジア国際私法研究者ネットワーク」および「アジア国際私法フォーラム」を整備・ 拡充すること、そしてこの場を利用して、④アジア諸国の国際私法に関する詳細な比較研究を行うことも、本研究の補充的な目的である。平成31(令和元・2019)年度は、まず、既に原案の作成が済んでいるアジア国際私法原則の「改善」のための検討作業を行った。特に懸案であった「国際裁判管轄」の部分についての準備作業が終わり、これと関連する「外国判決の承認・執行」の部分とあわせて、次年度において原則の内容についての検討作業を行う予定である。つぎに、アジア国際私法原則の「実施」に関して、国際シンポジウム等を開催し、特にADRにおける利用可能性についての検討を行った。なお、本年度の最終の時期において予定していた国際共同研究集会等については、新型コロナ禍のため、完全な形式での実施ができなかったが、オンライン等の作業に切り替えることによって最低限必要な範囲での補充的な検討作業を行った。アジア国際私法原則の「改善」および「実施」に関する作業については、一定の進展が見られる。これに対して、アジア国際私法原則の「拡充」に関する作業については、新型コロナ禍の影響もあり、当初の計画と比べると若干の遅れがみられる。来年度は、特にアジア国際私法原則の「拡充」に焦点を当てて、作業を進めることとしたい。当初の計画では、国際研究集会等を研究活動の中核の一つとしていたが、現在の新型コロナ禍のために、対面での国際研究集会等の実施は極めて難しい状況である。そのため、オンライン等を活用して、国際共同研究を進めることとする

  • International transfer of Nuclear Technology and Equipment

    Project Year :


  • 原子力技術・機器の国際的移転問題

    Project Year :


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  • International transfer of Nuclear Technology and Equipment

    Project Year :


  • Study of Asian Principles of Private International Law

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Takasugi Naoshi, Suk Kwang Hyun, Tsai Hua-Kai, Chen Weizuo, Anselmo Reyes, Elizabeth Aguiling-Pangalangan, Tien Vinh Nguyen, Kanaphon Chanhom, Yeo Tiong Min, Yu Un Oppusunggu

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    The purpose of this research project is to draft the "Asian Principles of Private International Law: APPIL (2017)." The APPIL 2017 contains common principles, concerning [1] general rules of choice of law, [2] choice of law rules for contracts and torts, [3] international jurisdiction rules as well as recognition and enforcement rules for civil and commercial matters, and [4] arbitration rules, which accepted by Asian region.The area of family and succession law will be treated in the future research projects

  • State Interference of Sovereign Interests into International Litigation and Arbitration among Private Parties

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    DOGAUCHI Masato

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    The issues subject to exclusive jurisdiction are determined in accordance with criterion whether or not interference to them by foreign states should be rejected in terms state vs. state context, whereas the issues subject to non-arbitrability are determined in accordance with criterion whether or not they are left to disposal by people in terms of state vs. people context. The former issues, therefore, should be what are deeply involved with the dignity of state, lost of which would impair sovereignty itself; the latter issues should be what people may not be settled by amicable composition.Proceedings which have as their object rights in rem in immovable property in Japan, which are not listed in Article 3-5 of Code of Civil Procedure, should be subject to exclusive jurisdiction of Japanese courts

  • Towards a Resolution System of International Civil and Commercial Disputes in East Asia

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    NAKANO Shunichiro, DOGAUCHI Masato, NOMURA Yoshiaki, TAKASUGI Naoshi, SAKURADA Yoshiaki, KIM Moonsuk, NAGATA Mari

     View Summary

    For the speedy and effective resolution of international civil and commercial disputes in East Asian countries, it is necessary to secure harmonized legal treatments by setting up model rules on international civil procedure, in which liberalized enforcement of foreign judgments and regulation of double litigation on the basis of prognosis of recognition must be included. Furthermore, international judicial assistance between the states with no diplomatic relations like Japan and Taiwan must be carried out in practice by way of non-diplomatic institutions like Taiwanese East Asia Relations Commission and Japanese Interchange Association

  • Research on the Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements and its Legislative History

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    DOGAUCHI Masato

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    The legislative history of the Convention on Choice of Court Agreements, which was adopted in 2005 by the Hague Conference on Private International Law, was analyzed in order to make clear differences and similarities of countries in respect of judicial jurisdiction and recognition/enforcement of foreign judgments. Comparison between choice of court agreements and arbitration agreements was also made in order to have crucial points. The outcomes were utilized in the discussion on the new Japanese rules of judicial jurisdiction in the Legislative Counsel Meetings at the Ministry of Justice of Japan

  • Study on the Mutual Adjustment and Cooperation of Private Law System in the Eastern Asia

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    SAKURADA Yoshiaki

  • Law and Policy on Bioethics and Biotechnology

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    HIGUCHI Norio, ITO Makoto, SAEKI Hitoshi, NAKAYAMA Nobuhiro, GAMOU Shinobu, MORI Shigeo

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    Our project group aimed at researching on the meaning of expertise in the fields of bioethics, biotechnology and law. By so doing, we hope to produce new experts in these fields in the future.We have done a number of symposiums and workshops among lawyers, physicians, psychologists, ethicists, bureaucrats, and others both internationally and domestically. Our focus has been upon the current trend toward legalization of medical issues and bioethical issues. We have picked up a variety of issues such as terminal care, assisted reproduction, patients' autonomy, health information privacy, and patient safety to discuss between lawyers and other experts in non-law fields. At one time we set up a workshop at Melbourne University Law School, where Australian, American and Japanese experts got together to discuss medical research on human subjects. This series of interdisciplinary discussion made it clear that other non-law experts are dissatisfied with legal approach and thinking about the medical ethics issues. On the other hand, many of them make excessive expectations from law and lawyers who could hopefully give them a clear rule to easily apply. In sum, lawyers are doing too much in one way and too little in the other from their point of view. There is a clear gap between what the law could do and what the law actually does.It means that we need a new academic field to fill the gap. To establish a new discipline, our efforts revealed, we should take into consideration the following three. First, non-lawyers mistakenly think that the core of law is criminal law. Second, for them, law is always a tool for sanctions. The law is to be avoided if possible. It is true that one of the major functions of law is to give sanctions and penalties, but lawyers could think more broadly of law. Law could be a tool for supporting medical ethics and respecting the medical profession in their daily practices. Third, although communication between lawyers and non-lawyers has been difficult, still it is found out to be feasible. The large part of communication gap was due to the lack of it, not to its impossibility. To establish a new medico-legal discipline, the efforts to make a network like ours will be useful and indispensable.In the biotechnology area, the series of discussion revealed likewise the insufficiency of law and legal approach, and also the importance of academic ethics in patent application field

  • Study on current trends in shipping industry and their influences upon maritime law

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    OCHIAI Seiichi, EGASHIRA Kenjiro, IWAHARA Shinsaku, YAMASHITA Tomonobu, FUJITA Tomotaka, UCHIDA Takashi

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    In this project it is intended that current problems of maritime law are researched in terms of transformation of shipping industry where the globalization is deeply progressed through wide spread of flag of convenience and strong competition in global market. Maritime law relates to a lot of aspects of shipping activities, for example, contracts of carriage of goods by sea, marine accident including environmental pollution, finance for shipbuilding and international trade, marine insurance and so on. Analysis of influences of changes of structures of shipping industry and practices upon such aspects is indispensable to modernization of maritime law. This study group analyzed changes of practices in each aspect and their economic backgrounds. Based upon such analysis members of the group tried to propose not only national but also international legislative solutions. Particularly they are strongly expected to contribute to the modernization of Japanese Commercial Code in a few years by the research results of this projects

  • Proposing New Rules for International Commercial Law in the Age of Globalization

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    HAYAKAWA Shinichiro, NOMURA Yoshiaki, DOGAUCHI Masato, SANO Hiroshi, KONO Toshiyuki, KOZUKA Soichiro

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    First this research clarified theoretical and practical problems of the applicable law that should be applied to international commercial relations with a focus on the following private international law and commercial law topics : (a)Corporate Law, (b)Security Settlement, (c)Finance and Security Interest, (d)Sales and Consumer Transactions. Second this research defined the desirable figure of international commercial law in the global society.(a)Corporate Law ; Sano supports the law of the place of incorporation doctrine, while postulating for the discontinuance of a general pseudo-foreign corporation provision. Kozuka criticizes the recent affirmative theories of simplifying the cross-border exchange of stock and international mergers, while advocating for the accumulative application of the law of incorporation and law of the host state for the latter. Through field research, Kono clarified practical problems of distributive application of the law of incorporation and law of the host state.(b)Security Settlement ; From the viewpoint of cyberspace transactions, Dogauchi evaluates the Law Applicable to Certain Rights in Respect of Securities held with an Intermediary as, rules of the applicable law of an account agreement between the account holder and the intermediary.(c)Finance and Security Interest ; Hayakawa asserts that there is a limit to conflict of law rule of lex situs, and that an adjustment of the substantive law is necessary. Kozuka, analyzing the UNIDROIT Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment, states that a consistent system design, spanning from the creation of interests to the enforcement of interests on insolvency, is advisable in the promotion of asset based finance. In regards to international transfer of receivables, Nomura advocates that the effect of transfer as to the third parties other than the debtor should be determined by the law of the transferor. Dogauchi identifies the demerits of the law of the forum or lex fori for security interest in vessels, and reevaluates the role of law of the flag.(d)Sales and Consumer Transactions ; Nomura evaluates that the approach of perceiving contractual obligations as a strict liability is a suitable way of thinking in ensuring foreseeablility and security of transactions that accompany the globalization and the conversion to electronic form of transactions. Nomura then suggests that the internationalization, standardization, and incorporation of consumer law into commercial law and general law is making progress

  • Research on the legal framework for the judicial assistance in the fields of the civil law between Japan and Korea

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    WATANABE Satoshi, DOGAUCHI Masato, NOMURA Yoshiaki, SAKURADA Yoshiaki, CHAEN Shigeki, NAKANO Shun-ichirou

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    1. Revised Korean Code of conflict of laws contains the general provision on the jurisdiction which is remarkably influenced by the U.S. principle of minimum contacts and reasonableness. But, as clarified in the discussion on Hague Draft Convention, the provisions of the jurisdiction in the international instruments should be constructed with the clear criteria. 2. Cooperation for the service of documents was the urgent and important problem at the beginning of this research project, but after the start of this project, as Korea has joined the Hague Service Convention, the main problems, concerning with the service of documents have resolved. 3. Promoting the cooperation for taking evidence abroad is mostly beneficial and expect worth for the two countries, especially the legal assistance for the. request of investigation which is known only in our two civil procedure law systems.4. As for the cooperation for the recognition and enforcement of judgments, no difficult burden exists between two countries with the court judgments. Simplification of the enforcement proceeding and widening the objects of recognition to the provisional orders and the mediation are expected. 5. Development of the international arbitration system for the disputes on the intellectual property rights is most expected, as the international disputes resolution instruments which could be free from the territorialism of these rights

  • International Family Law and Family Registration of Japan

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    DOGAUCHI Masato, OKANO Yuko, SANO Hiroshi, AOKI Kiyoshi, NISHITANI Yuko, ODA Yukiko

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    We made a research on the international family law matters dealt with in the Family Registration System in Japan from the viewpoint of private international law theory. Our main objective has been to present a total view of the international family law matters through in-depth analysis of practices of the Family Registration Office. Our on-going research process has been published on the website (http://www.j.u-tokyo.ac.jp/dogauchi/shougaikoseki/) in order to make it possible for the outside researchers to criticize our draft papers.The final product of our research is the Restatement of the International Family Registration Law. This consists of three parts : Present Practice Proposed Rule, in necessary; and Explanation. This method has been adopted by the American Law Institute in analyzing the practice and proposing new directions.This method makes it possible to send our analysis and conclusions clearly to the relevant governmental agencies and academic societies. The Restatement consists of ten chapters: (1) General Rules; (2) Birth; (3) Adaptation; (4) Adoption; (5) Marriage; (6) Divorce; (7) Parental Authority; (8) Death; (9) Surname; (10) Natinality

  • Research for establishing a legal framework for law, transactions, and enterprises in the era of the globalization - from the view point of private law, private international law, financial law and insolvency law

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KONO Toshiyuki, DOGAUCHI Masato, HAYAKAWA Shinichiro, IWAMURA Mitsuru, NOMURA Yoshiaki, KANDA Hideki

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    This research project aimed at analysis of legal problems under the influence of the globalization. After many discussions we decided to focus on legal issues, which are being and will be caused by the development of the E-commerce. Since the E-commerce is in a sense an extreme way, in which the globalization has emerged, since the border does not have meaning any more. We discussed about financial law, insolvency law, contract law and tort law. We invited also some foreign colleagues to our meetings. The fruits of our final meeting will be published in coming summer as a book, Kono/Paulus/Rajak (ed.), Legal Problems of E-Commerce. I myself published two articles on the Internet auction and legal issues from the viewpoint of civil and commercial laws.

  • Corporation Law in Transnational Aspects

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    EGASHIRA Kenjiro, YAMASHITA Tomonobu, IWAHARA Shinsaku, KASHIWAGI Noboru, MASUI Yoshihiro, DOGAUCHI Masato

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    The purpose of this project is a comprehensive research of all the issues concerning the application of the Japanese Corporation Law to transnational affairs.The issues must be examined in two parts. The first is a choice-of-law problem : which country's law is to be applied to the affairs concerning corporation law ? The second is a constructive problem of substantive law : for example, whether the term "corporation" in the Japanese Corporation Law includes a "foreign corporation", if Japanese law is to be applied? Concerning the first problem, in addition to choice-of-law view points, examinations must be made from public-law view points (for example, extra-territorial application of public law) in some circumstances.Important legislative issues of the Japanese Corporation Law concerning foreign corporations include : (1) ambiguity of the provision dealing with quasi-foreign corporations, (2) defects of the provisions concerning foreign corporations (for example, insufficient disclosure of their financial statements), (3) ambiguity of treatment of foreign corporations in bondholders' meetings, mergers etc., (4) requirement of recognized legal entities.Most of the Corporation Law issues brought about by Japanese corporations' transnational activities can be solved adequately by the existing Corporation Law

  • International Business Transactions and Choice of Law Rules in Japanese Private International Law

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    MATSUOKA Hiroshi, NOMURA Yoshiaki, YOKOYAMA Jun, SAKURADA Yoshiaki, KANZAKI Tadashi, DOGAUCHI Masato

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    The Horei, the basic statute of Japanese Private International Law was enacted in 1898. No revision has occurred in the field of International Business transactions, especially in the choice of law rules applicable to Contract, Torts and Property for more than one hundred years since its enactment.
    Our research project tries to propose a new set of rules of choice of law in this field in order to adapt the provisions of the Horei to the needs of globalization of Japanese economic and social life in recent years. Five professors of the research project were nominated as the reporters of the symposium 'Problems and Perspectives of the Law of International Business Transactions' sponsored by the Private International Law Association of Japan held at Hokkaido University on June 18-20 in 1999. In the syposium, the points at issue of the present provisions of the Horei were widely analysed, and the directions of revising them were suggested by the reporters.
    The reports of the symposium were published in 2 Japanese Year Book of Private International Law 1 (2000). It includes the following articles, Sakurada, The Law Applicable to International Contracts ; Yokoyama, The Exception to Lex Loci Delicti in Japanese Private International Law ; Nomura, International Finance and Conflict of Laws ; Kanzaki, Applicability of the General Choice-of- Law Rules to Maritime Affairs. The report of Professor Dogauchi was published in Jurist No.1175 (2000).

  • Comlfict of laws and international civil procedure problems of e-commerce

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    MOTONAGA Kazuhiko, NAKANISHI Ysaushi, MORITA Hiroshi, DOGAUCHI Masato, YOKOMIZO Dai, HYAKAWA Yoshihisa

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    In cyberspace, where there is little meaning in what is located where, it is difficult to localize transactions, which means traditional methods of conflict of laws are obsolete. It would be better for uniform rules applicable to transactions in cyberspace to be created, but it is highly unlikely such rules to be formed. We can employ party autonomy, which has nothing to do with spacial factors of the transaction, but it has its own problem. Although it is suitable to make high predictability, it is not free from abuses by the party who has more power in negotiation, as precedings argue. To accomplish these two ends simultaneously and harmoniously, it is one way to determine the applicable law according to the factors expressed in the transaction, not to the actual one. On the other hand, civil procedures which are formed to resolve conflicts arising out of international trades are national-based for now. That means we must first determine where we should start the procedure-the problem of jurisdiction. But they consider spacial factors of the conflict, such as party's residense, stipulated place of performance, etc, when deciding wheather there is jurisdiction or not. So it may lead to unexpected situation for parties because they pay little attention to such spacial factors in cyberspace transaction, as said above. Generally, it is said we should accomplish fair and prompt resolution as well as equity in parties in international civil procedure, but predictability is equally significant in this context. We will be benefited from cyberspace-based conflict resolution system, if it is duly constructed. Part of such system is realized for the conflict about domain name.

  • Basic Study of Insolvency Law Reform

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    TAKAHASHI Hiroshi, ITOH Makoto, KASHIWAGI Noboru, AOYAMA Yoshimitu, DOUGAUCHI Masato

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    We propose that Insolvency Law Reform should be designed from these 6 viewpoints.(1) Rehabilitation type should be preferred.(2) Unified Code is better.(3) Substantive law should be changed in the Insolvency Law.(4) Real parties, not the courts, should hold the power.(5) Specialists on Insolvency Law should be brought up.(6) Model law of International Insolvency made by UNCOTRAL should be adoptted

  • Research on International Convention on Jurisdiction and Recognition/Enforcement of Foreign Judgments

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    SANO Hiroshi, KONO Toshiyuki, DOGAUCHI Masato, NOMURA Yoshiaki

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    Japanese law in international jurisdiction and Recognition/Enforcement of Foreign Judgment not clear. As rules on international jurisdiction have been formulated by court judgments, it is considered necessary to have an international convention having as accurate set of rules on international jurisdiction.The Hague Conference on Private International Law is now making such convention. It made "Preliminary Draft Convention on Jurisdiction and Foreign Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters" in October 1999. Based upon our basic research on rules in this field in several countries, we analyzed the articles of this Preliminary Draft Convention from the viewpoint of the Japanese law.Our conclusion is as follows : As a whole, this Preliminary Draft Convention has many important provisions which are to clarify critical points in dealing with international cases in Japanese courts. However, there are some problems for Japan in the present draft. For example, whereas, this convention covers nuclear liability cases, no special rules for it can be found. In the case of nuclear accident, the courts of the country where the operator situates has to have exclusive jurisdiction in order to secure harmonized protection of victims. Accordingly, such rules should be inserted in the convention. On the other hand, in order to have this convention be ratified by as many countries as possible, we will have to abandon our present practices in some aspects. For example, this draft convention admits jurisdiction on "regular commercial activity" of the dependent in the territory of the court. This provision is inserted by the proposal of the United States. We consider that Japan can accept such provision in consideration of Japanese court practices

  • Studies on Network Transaction.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KITAJIMA Yukiko, MATSUMOTO Tsuneo, DOGAUTI Masato, NAWA Kotaro, NOMURA Toyohiro, KASAI Yasunori

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    The research from 1997 to 1998 can be summarised as follows.
    First of all, we carried out the research on electronic money and electronic fund transfer (=EFT) both in foreign countries such as Britain, France and U.S.and in Japan at the Bank of Japan and Mori Sogo Law Office, Based on the interview and discussion with practicing lawyers and bankers specialized in this field we point out that it is very difficult to choose the best method of payment (e.g. electronic money, credit card, debit card. cash) in the coming internet society at the moment.
    Second, as regards electronic commerce, some legal issues such as privacy and consumer protection are analyzed through comparative studies between EU (OECD) and Japan. We argue that Japanese response to those issues are very slow and we have a lot of things to learn from the experience and suggestions of EU.
    Third, we carried out several experimental researches on security and identification system by running our own system with floppy disk among our research group with the assistance of Hitachi Information Network ltd.
    In addition to the report submitted to the Ministry of Education, We have a plan to publish two books in due course. The first is the one Internet Transaction (provisional title, die publisher, Shojihomu-kenkyukai, Tokyo) which collects essays of some distinguished British scholars such as Richard Susskind as well as our research group. The second is the translation of Richard Susskind, The Future of Law (paperback 1998 OUP) which is the first comprehensive book on internet and legal practice.

  • A Study on Transactions in Cyber Space and their Legal Problems

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    UCHIDA Takashi, DOGAUCHI Masato, KANDA Hideki, YAMAGUCHI Atsushi

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    In 1997, we focused on legal problems, which arise from electronic consumer transactions. Firstly, we explored legal environments, which would remove legal obstacles and promote electronic commerce. Secondly, we analyzed legal problems about electronic money and electronic negotiable instruments. Thirdly, we studied the problems on private international law. Fourthly we studied criminal regulations of illegal contents, and criminal responsibility of Internet service providers.
    In 1998, we focused on electronic commerce between business entities, especially legal framework of promoting EDI.In particularly we studied legal problems about electronic authentication or electronic signatures. We also analyzed electronic payment system in electronic commerce. In addition, legal problems concerning criminal regulations on illegal access to electronic data were thoroughly explored.
    As the results of above stated research, we came to the conclusion that some legislative measures are necessary in the fields of electronic contract law, electronic authentication, and private international law, but new legal regulations are not indispensable with respect to criminal law and electronic payment. Finally, we made our own legislative proposals in the name of our research group.

  • Research on International Insolvency Law

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    DOGAUCHI Masato, KANZAKI Tadashi

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    In international insolvency, substantive laws and procedural law, domestic and foreign, are concerned. Existing studies are dealing with this subject from very special viewpoint that insolvency is so unique situation that normal rules would be easily overcome. Considering the foreseeability of the actors in real society, however, such sudden change should be avoided. Consistency with the normal rules on private international law seems to be important. From such standpoint, this project analyzed basic problems.

  • Research on New Legislation of Private International Law and International Civil Procedure

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    DOGAUCHI Masato, NAKANO Shunichiro, SAITO Akira, KONO Toshiyuki, KUNITOMO Akihiko, AOKI Kiyoshi, NEMOTO Yoichi, DEGUCHI Koji, SANO Hiroshi, OKUDA Yasuhiro, NOMURA Yoshiaki

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    considering that the present rules of private international law in Japan cannot deal with modern and complex transnational legal problem properly, this Study group investigated the new rules, especially on contractual and nono-contractual obligations which are very important in international trade. Our conclusions are as follows : With regard to the contractual obligations, the scope of party automony should be calarified ; In the absence of choice of law by the parties, "characteristic performance test" should be adopted in the definite forms : Mandatory rules of the country which has the most significant interest in the protection of weaker parties shold be applied in certain types of contracts ; Torts should be divided into some categories and governing law should be selected in each category ; Law applicable to agencey, assignment of claims, set-off, Actio Oblique and Actio Pauliana should be spelled out.

  • The Reform on Teaching of International Law in the Age of Globalization

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    In this study, with the objective of analyzing the current situation and gaining a future perspective of the educational environment of international legal studies including public and private laws and politics, a survey was made of the overseas situation as well as the graduate and undergraduate educational environment in Japan. In addition, by asking for the cooperation of the Japan Federation of Bar Associations, the possibility of coordination between theory and practice of international law was also considered. A symposium was held in the final year on the basis of these analyses and it was found that the influence of the reform of the judicial system in Japan is not limited to the law school but extends to institutions for training researchers. It was also pointed out that the globalization of university education is having an impact on the trends of foreign students from various Asian regions and that teaching of international law is also at an important crossroads

  • Trade, Law and Enterprises in the Era of Globalization - seeking for the new order in the 21st Century from the viewpoint of civil law, private international law, law of finance, and insolvency law

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    This research was a joint research project with Prof. Basedow and Dr. Baum at Max-Planck Institute for Foreign and International Private Law. The aim was the analysis of legal issues in the era of the globalization. As the core fields, we had conflict of laws, international financial law and international insolvency law. We could already publish a book, Basedow/Kono, Legal Aspects of Globalization (Kluwer Law International). In addition to the management of this research, I published three papers on international insolvency law. One is to analyze the UNCITRAL Model Law for cross-border Insolvency from the viewpoint of private international law. The second article is on the draft conventions (also the UNCITRAL-Model law) on the international insolvency (in Europe) and the new Japanese insolvency related laws. The third paper is on various issues on private international law

  • 国際私法理論からの国際金融スキームの分析

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  • Research project to establish a law model to harmonize the globalization and multi-cultural society-seeking the legal order in 21st century from the view point of international protection of intangible cultural heritage, intellectual property, international civil jurisdiction, private international law and law and economics

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    This research was originally, based on the basic theme "Globalization and Law" as the group leader's main interest since 10 years, focusing on cultural diversity, especially, on one hand, traditional knowledge and its protection through intellectual property, on the other hand international litigation as a tool. Inevitably private international law and international civil procedure should be objectives of analysis. For this analysis, the group decided to apply the methodology developed by Law and Economic theories. We found various interesting issues to be analyzed. Especially urgent is the analysis of economic analysis of private international law, since we found out that this topic is very underdeveloped and already published research results are concentrated on US-conflict of laws. Many of these are not applicable to Japanese private international law, which has completely different root and structure. We therefore decided to concentrate our efforts on this issue to shape up the instrument of analysis. Together with Max-Planck Institute for Foreign and International Private Law, we conduced a joint research and published a monography as the first publication in the world on the continental private international law and its economic analysis

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  • Faculty of Law   Graduate School of Law

  • Faculty of Law   School of Law

Internal Special Research Projects

  • グローバル・ビジネス紛争の予防と解決


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  • ハイブリッド型国際商事紛争解決条項の研究


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    I made a presentation on “Hague Choice ofCourt Agreement Convention and a Recent Japanese Court Case” at the HCCH AsiaPacific Week in Seoul on 6 July 2017. “HCCH” means The Hague Conference(La Conférence de La Haye) on Private International Law. As Iused to be a member of the Japanese delegation to the conference to adopt the Conventionand at the same time played a role of an official reporter of the Convention, Iwas invited to the meeting to discuss the practical application of theConvention which was put into force in 2015. Japan has not yet ratified it, butit seems necessary for Japan to be a Contracting Party in pursuit of globallegal stability. Discussion on its application would be of value for Japan inits future consideration of ratification.The topic of my presentation was one ofthe exceptions to the obligation of chosen court, which was provided for in Article6, c). It provides that “A court of a Contracting State other than that of thechosen court shall suspend or dismiss proceedings to which an exclusive choiceof court agreement applies unless – … c) giving effect to the agreement wouldlead to a manifest injustice or would be manifestly contrary to the publicpolicy of the State of the court seised;…” Among others, I discussed that achoice of court agreement in order to evade an application of overridingmandatory rules of the forum state should not be valid. One of the typical overridingmandatory rules is a rule to regulate abuse of economic power by a strongerparty in a business dealing. Such rules in country A is not necessarily samewith those in country B, a stronger company in country A might try to excludedispute settlement in country B in order to evade an overriding mandatory rule protectingweaker party in country B. In accordance with the above Convention, a court of countryB may sustain jurisdiction on the ground that such choice of court agreement isagainst its public policy and therefore it is invalid. Since overriding mandatoryrules are of fatal significance for every country, the exception seems to be anecessary evil in the real world. Such application would be indispensable forthe Convention to become a real international legal infrastructure.

  • ハイブリッド型国際商事紛争解決条項の研究


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     絶対的強行法規は、国際私法により指定される準拠法をオーバーライドして適用されるべきものである。わが国の絶対的強行法規の適用範囲に入るにも拘わらず、外国裁判所を専属的に指定する管轄合意があるからといって、日本での訴えを却下するとすれば、その趣旨は没却されてしまう。したがって、そのような結果をもたらす管轄合意の効力は認めるべきではない。 他方、話合い・調停に続き、外国裁判所を専属管轄裁判所とする管轄合意を定めるハイブリッド型紛争解決条項について、これが両当事者間の全ての紛争に適用される旨の定めがあるからといって、民訴法3条の7第2項により当該専属管轄合意を無効とするのは形式的に過ぎ、不適切である。

  • ハイブリッド型国際商事紛争解決条項の研究


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     絶対的強行法規は、国際私法により指定される準拠法をオーバーライドして適用されるべきものである。わが国の絶対的強行法規の適用範囲に入るにも拘わらず、外国裁判所を専属的に指定する管轄合意があるからといって、日本での訴えを却下するとすれば、その趣旨は没却されてしまう。したがって、そのような結果をもたらす管轄合意の効力は認めるべきではない。 他方、話合い・調停に続き、外国裁判所を専属管轄裁判所とする管轄合意を定めるハイブリッド型紛争解決条項について、これが両当事者間の全ての紛争に適用される旨の定めがあるからといって、民訴法3条の7第2項により当該専属管轄合意を無効とするのは形式的に過ぎ、不適切である。

  • 国際裁判管轄の合意に関する研究


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     ハーグ国際私法会議において1992年のアメリカ提案を受けて議論が始まり、1996年から正式議題として審議されてきた民商事事件の国際裁判管轄と外国判決の承認・執行のためのグローバル条約は、当初は広い適用範囲を有する条約を目指していたが、アメリカと大陸法諸国との裁判管轄ルールをめぐる溝は埋まらず、適用範囲を専属的管轄合意に絞って、2005年6月に開催される外交会議において審議・採択される予定である。 筆者は、この条約交渉に日本政府代表として、また、途中からは2名の公式レポーターの一人として関与してきたことを基礎に、この条約が日本の国際民事手続法に与える影響、問題点についての研究を行った。この条約は、専属的管轄合意についてだけのものである点で期待はずれであるとの評価が予想される。しかし、それでも、アメリカ、ヨーロッパ諸国そして日本等を含むその他の国々が批准することになれば、同じく当事者の合意が前提となる仲裁において、仲裁合意の効力を認め、仲裁判断の承認・執行を定めているニューヨーク条約 が重要な役割を果たしているように、管轄合意について、その効力を認め、それを管轄原因とする判決の承認・執行を定めるグローバルな条約ができることの意義は大きいとの評価もできると思われる。 条約の基本構造は、専属的管轄合意を各国が原則として同じ基準により有効と認めることにより、それに基づいて提訴された国は裁判を行い、それに反して提訴された国は訴えを却下し、すべての締約国は前者の国の判決の効力を認める、というものである。しかし、各国で公序違反とされる場合は留保されているほか、理論上は同じ基準であっても異なる適用結果となり得ることは排除できないので、訴訟が競合したり、判決が抵触したりするリスクがあり、それへの対処が必要となるが、これについてのアメリカと大陸法諸国の対立は大きいこと、知的財産権の有効性に係る裁判について、特許等の登録を要する権利については登録国の専属管轄とすべきか否か、その場合、どの範囲の訴訟について専属管轄とするか、という論点をめぐっても対立があり、これらの解決なくしては安定的な運用をすることができる条約体制とはならないことを明らかにした。