Updated on 2025/03/13


OHTOSHI, Tetsuya
Faculty of Letters, Arts and Sciences, School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Job title

Research Experience

  • 2024.09

    Research Institute for Letters, Arts and Sciences, Waseda University   Director

  • 2014.04

    Waseda University   Faculty of Letters, Arts and Sciences

  • 2006

    The University of Tokyo   Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology

  • 1996

    Former Institution / Organization Kyushu University Graduate School of Humanities Department of History and Geography

  • 1999

    JSPS Cairo Research Station   Director

  • 1994

    Yamagata University

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Committee Memberships

  • 2022.06

    日本イスラム協会  代表理事(理事長)

  • 2021.01

    Egyptian Society of Historical Studies  Council Member

  • 2020.06

    史学会  評議員

  • 2019.04

    日本中東学会  会長

  • 2008

    地域研究学会連絡協議会  事務局長

Professional Memberships

  • 1996










Research Areas

  • Cultural anthropology and folklore / History of Asia and Africa

Research Interests

  • 中東歴史人類学

  • Middle Eastern Historical Anthropology


  • 日本オリエント学会奨励賞




Books and Other Publications

  • 「アラブの春」のアクチュアリティ : エジプト一月二十五日革命を中心にみるグローバリゼーション下の日常的抵抗

    大稔, 哲也( Part: Edit)

    山川出版社  2024.07 ISBN: 9784634672628

  • エジプト死者の街と聖墓参詣―ムスリムと非ムスリムのエジプト社会史

    大稔 哲也( Part: Sole author)


  • 死者の追悼と文明の岐路 : 二〇一一年のエジプトと日本

    大稔, 哲也, 島薗, 進, 東京大学大学院人文社会系研究科グローバルCOEプログラム「死生学の展開と組織化」( Part: Joint editor)

    三元社  2012.03 ISBN: 9784883033089

  • Le développement du soufisme en Égypte à l'époque mamelouke

    OHTOSHI Tetsuya( Part: Contributor, Taṣawwuf as Reflected in the Ziyāra Books and Cairo Cemeteries)

    Institut français d'archéologie orientale, Cairo  2006

  • Muslims and Copts as Reflected in the ┣DBZiy(]E87BC[)ra(/)-┫DB Books and ┣DBQar(]E87BC[)fas(/)-┫DB

    Islam in the Middle Eastern Studies : Muslims and Minorities  2003

  • イスラーム世界の参詣-聖者とスーフィズムを視野に入れつつ-

    岩波講座世界歴史10 イスラーム世界の発展7-16世紀  1999

  • 中世エジプト・イスラム社会の参詣・聖墓・聖遺物

    地中海世界史4 巡礼と民衆信仰  1999

  • 死者の街と「エジプト」意識-ムスリム社会の聖墓参詣-

    地域の世界史7-信仰の世界史-  1994

  • The City of the Dead and the Conception of"Egypt" : The Visits to the Holy Tombs in the Muslim Society

    The World of Beliefs  1994

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  • 「アラブの春」と1月25日革命の研究

    大稔 哲也  Other 


  • ムスリムと非ムスリムの共存に関する研究

    大稔 哲也 


  • カイロの庶民地区におけるインフォーマル・セクターの研究


  • カイロの庶民街における人類学的調査


  • エジプトにおける聖墓参詣・聖者崇敬に関する研究


  • Fieldwork on the Visit to the Tombs and the Cult of the Saints in Egypt.


  • Anthropological Survey on the Popular District of Cairo


  • Research on the Informal Sectors in the Popular District of Cairo


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Research Projects

  • アジア東西の農耕文化圏における先史時代ブタ飼育の比較

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    板橋 悠, 丸山 真史, 菊地 大樹, 大稔 哲也, 新井 才二, 覚張 隆史

     View Summary


  • アジア東西の農耕文化圏における先史時代ブタ飼育の比較

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    板橋 悠, 大稔 哲也, 丸山 真史, 菊地 大樹, 新井 才二, 覚張 隆史

  • イスラーム期の西アジアにおける墓地と都市

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    大稔 哲也

     View Summary

    また、イスラーム王朝期の西アジア史研究における代表的国際学会である国際マムルーク学会(The Sixth Conference of the School of Mamluk Studies, 2019年6月15日~17日)を大会責任者として主催するとともに冒頭で講演し、各国の研究者たちと真摯な意見交換を行った。それに付随して、エジプトの都市史や墓地について造詣の深いE・アブー=ガーズィー教授(カイロ大学、元エジプト文化大臣)、F・ボダン教授(リエージュ大学)、A・ガシノヴァ教授(バクー国立大学)らを招聘し、関連するレクチャーが行われた。なお企画の一部は、コロナ禍の影響で次年度へ延期された。

  • Comprehensive and interdisciplinary research for the Shikoku Pilgrimage ; the research with the local documents and on a cross-national perspective

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    TERAUCHI Hiroshi, TAKAHASHI Hiroomi, SUGAYA Nariko, YOSHIDA Masahiro, KATO Yoshihumi, KAGURAOKA Yoko, AOKI Makoto, NAKAGAWA Mirai, UCHIDA Kusuo, YAMAKAWA Hiroshi, IMAMURA Kenji, INOUE Jun, UENO Susumu, MATSUOKA Akiko, MIYOSHI Masako, MIKURIYA Yoshimichi, OKAMOTO Keisuke

     View Summary

    We searched the old historical documents at Temple no. 51, Ishiteji and Temple no. 52, Taizanji.We organized many undiscovered data and published a report.We clarified many new facts. For example,the original legend of Emon Saburo is not based on the faith in Kobo Daishi, but on the faith of Kumano at Temple no. 51, Ishiteji.We did a comparative study of the Shikoku Pilgrimage with other pilgrimages of Japan and overseas countries.We clarified new fact that the Shikoku Pilgrimage was not concerned with a religious community and power,but the Shikoku Pilgrimage was constructed by commoners.

  • Studies on the diversities and multiplicities of Christian Societies in Medieval and Early Modern Times

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Jinno Takashi

     View Summary

    Our project aimed to clarify the different aspects of the development of Medieval and Early Modern christianity as it spread out not only in Europe, but also to the other parts of the World under the influence of the process of christianization’. The previous researches had emphasized the orthodoxy of the christianity and its uncompromised attitudes, such as the establishment of Europe as a ‘persecuting society’, confrontation with the pagans , missionary activities, conversion by force, religious war.But recent studies shed a new light on the pluralism of christian culture as well as the co-existence of different religions and churches in medieval and Early Modern Times. Our project has been performed according to such new trends and has held many workshops not only in Japan bout also in Italy. We could present new images about the history of Medieval and Early Modern christianity in our papers which we have produced as results of many discussions between researchers.

  • A Socio-historical Study of the Arab Spring -Focusing Primarily on the Egyptian Revolution of January 25, 2011-

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



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    Our research group explored at length the conditions, characteristics, backdrop, and historical significance of the Arab Spring, with emphasis on the Egyptian Revolution of January 25, 2011. To implement multifaceted comparative analyses on this subject, we referred to past Egyptian revolutions, as well as to historical incidents that happened in other regions of the world, such as the Middle East outside Egypt, South America, and France, by employing an interdisciplinary approach, which utilized the disciplines of History, Anthropology, and Sociology. We also strengthened scholarly ties with researchers in the Middle East and organized a series of research meetings, which were attended mostly by young Japanese scholars. These meetings enabled us to create a new, wider academic research network, and also to prepare the collective publication of a book on this subject.

  • Reconstruction of African History in Relation to the Global History

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Takezawa Shoichiro, Matsuda Motoji, Takeuchi Shin'ichi, Takamiya Izumi, Ikeya Kazunobu, Miyaji Mieko, Tominaga Chizuko

     View Summary

    This research project aims at reconstructing the African History that is relatively underdeveloped in Japan. In order to realize this, the project organized many study meetings with Japanese and overseas scholars who are specialized in other subjects than African History.The basic plan of the project is to attach more importance to the changes and developments of material culture than to the political vicissitudes of the continent. It procures primary historical materials through the visit of the archives or the archeological excavations. It could unearth big buildings totally made of stone which can be the trace of a royal palace of the 10th century. It could also demonstrate intense manufacturing activities before the arrival of Islam in the continent.
    As the project has succeeded in finding new date on the past events in Africa and a new method to write societies without the state, we are now preparing a series of books on the African History.

  • A Research on Socio-Economic Network in Mediterranean Islands andCritical Survey on Area Studies.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    OTSUKI Yasuhiro, KATO Hiroshi, BANNAI Tokuaki, NAKAJIMA Yumi, SAITO Hiromi, TATEISHI Hirotaka, NAGASAWA Eiji, OHTSOSHI Tetsuya, MISAWA Nobuo, KAMENAGA Yoko, HORII Yutaka, TAKENAKA Katsuyuki, MATSUKI Eizo, MIURA Toru, KURIHARA Hisako, USUKI Akira, KATSUTA Yumi, KUROKI Hidemitsu, HORIUCHI Masaki, IWASAKI Erina, AOYAMA Hiroyuki, IIDA Miki

     View Summary

    We investigated the roles and implications of Socio-Economic Networks between Mediterranean islands. The results of our research were as follows: firstly, data collected concerning to habitants’ daily lives, secondly, analysis of their attitudes toward the outer world of their own island, thirdly, careful survey on the implications of historical and contemporary investigations on so-called “Mediterranean World”.

  • Shikoku-Henro and Pilgrimages of the World in their Historical and International Comparative Perspectives

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    UCHIDA Kusuo, TAKEKAWA Ikuo, TERAUCHI Hiroshi, YAMAKKAWA Hiroshi, KATO Yosifumi, KAWAOKA Tutomu, KATO Kuniyasu, KOJIMA Hiromi, KAWAI Masumi, SEKI Tetuyuki, HIROSUE Masasi, INADA Michihiko, NOZAKI Kenya, IJICHI Noriko, MATSUBARA Hironobu, NISHI Kousei, TAMURA Kenji, KAGURAOKA Youko, KUROKI Mikio, SUGAYA Naruko, WAKAE Kenzou, FUJITA Katsuhisa, TAKAHASHI Hiroomi, YOSHIDA Masahiro, KINOSHITA Takashi, YAZAWA Tomoyuki, OKAMURA Shigeru, ISHIKAWA Shigeo

     View Summary

    From 2007 to 2009, we held symposiums and workshops on "Shikoku-Henro and the Pilgrimages of the World". We had 31 presentations in three years, all of which were published in the proceedings of our project. We researched Shikoku-Henro, Kumano-Sankei, and Saigoku-Junrei in Japan, and 10 pilgrimages in other parts of the world, which cover the Christian world-eastern parts of the ancient Mediterranean, medieval Europe, medieval and early modern Spain, and medieval and modern England-, ancient Greece, and Asia-medieval China, contemporary Korea, medieval Mongol, medieval Egypt, and medieval Java. According to our comparative study, the common feature of the Japanese pilgrimages and the Christian pilgrimages is that medieval and early modern people wished for both their spiritual salvation in the other world and benefits in this world.

  • Anthropological Research on the Formation Process of Historical Civilization of West Africa

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    SAKAI Shinzo, TAKEZAWA Shoichiro, NAKAYA Hideo, OTOSHI Tetsuya

     View Summary

    This Project was organized for clarification of the formation process of historical civilization in West Africa, especially in eastern part of the Boucle du Historical researches on formation of civilization and states in West Africa were until now largely centered on western part of the region, as Timbuktu or as Kumbi Saleh. On the other hand research in the eastern part of the region was very limited. The aim of our project is to complement of this lack of study. We focused our research on the ancient city of Gao and its surrounding region.
    We made a multi-disciplinary team of Japanese anthropologists, historian and paleontologist, and Malian archeologists. TAKEZAWA and NAKAYA executed archeological excavation of the site called Mosque of Kanku Musa in Gao city in collaboration with Malian archeologists. They found a large stone construction with many glass beads and fragments of-imported glass or ceramic pots. It suggests that the site was a part of Royal Palace, which must be much older than the time of King Kanku Musa (14th century). SAKAI and OTOSHI executed historical research on the tomb stones with arabic inscriptions in Gao-Sane, which formed very possibly a twin city with ancient Gao, and also in its surrounding region.
    Archeological excavation of Royal Palace of Gao is not yet completed. We must wait the termination of the excavation to make conclusion of our project concerning the formation process of historical civilization in West Africa.

  • Pilgrimage and Popular Religion in the Pan-Mediterranean World

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    SEKI Tetsuyuki, TOYOTA Koji, TADA Satoshi, MIURA Kiyoharu, OOTOSHI Tetsuya, HASEBE Fumihiko

     View Summary

    During the term of this project, We opened totally sixteen study meetings at Sophia University/Tokyo, in which the total number of twenty-six investigators and ten invited guest reporters presented their reports.
    The investigators conducted severally their field inquiries, whose regions extended almost through all the area of Europe and North Africa, namely England, France, Spain, Italia, Morocco, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Israel, Lebanon, Syria, Turkey, Greece, and Russia.
    Also, having given further comparative study to Sikoku-Junrei, the head investigator SEKI and OOTOSHI who took part in the international symposium of "Sikoku-Junrei and the Pilgrimages of the World" in Ehime University/Matsuyama at 5-6 November, 2005, extended their knowledge.
    As a result, we reached the following some summarized aspects :
    (1) The great three Religions (Christianity, Islam and Judaism) in the Pan-Mediterranean World characterized by Monotheism, find in Pilgrimage phenomenon something congenial to themselves, but they have been remarkably different in the doctrines and system of religious organizations.
    (2) The Pilgrimage was regarded as the act of religious piety, but always involves the elements of popular religion, so had to be controlled by the authority. It is the healing from disease that was the main motive of the masses of people who have been put spurs to pilgrimage.
    (3) The three monotheistic religions have recognized common sacred places and same saints, because Judaism was the origin of Christianity and Muslim.
    (4) In order to grasp the Pan-Mediterranean World, it is essential that not only the opinions of religious authorities but also pilgrimage as expression of the popular religion must be noticed.
    (5) It is very important that the investigator have a personal experience of field survey and actual pilgrimage.

  • Comparative religious study of mission and conversion : Modernity, Religion and Colonialism

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    SEKI Kazutoshi, TAKEZAWA Shoichiro, SEKINE Yasumasa, HAYASHI Makoto, SAKAI Shinzo, OHTOSHI Tetsuya

     View Summary

    This research on "propagation" and "conversion" was a tentative project to turn the crisis of representation into an academic chance, in order to re-examine the logic of spontaneous extension of each religious tradition and to study the historical situations as a result. The main purposes were as follows:1) to re-construct a more suitable conception of "religion" on the basis of a new typology (orthodoxy & orthopraxy) instead of an old ethno-centric one (monotheism & polytheism), 2) to re-cover a wider range of research topics for religions study, with the dynamism of modernity contextualized on politico-econo-cultural factors such as nationalism, colonialism and orientalism.
    It was through the re-examination of various historical cases that our research meetings held four times as the last project year gave birth to the following ideas:
    On propagation and conversion
    a)various patterns of missionary process concerning the native customs and languages,
    b)world-historical constellation of non-missionary type religions,
    c)various patterns of conversions to modernities.
    On typology of relirions
    a)Christianity as an ideal type of religion (equivalence of practice & belief)
    b)limits of comparative method for Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism and Shintoism (orthodoxy & orthopraxy)
    c)Japanese model for religion and so-called animism
    These ideas will provide us with valuable leads to solve the outsider/insider problem based on the insoluble border image of each religion

  • A Historical Study on the Cairo Cemeteries of the City of the Dead Using A Database

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    OHTOSHI Tetsuya

     View Summary

    First, after scrutinizing various studies and historical materials relating to the Egyptian City of the Dead, we copied some of them in the form of microfilm, especially those materials from the Egyptian National Library. Next, the databasing of buried individuals in the vast Egyptian City of the Dead was carried out. Data from descriptions of Ziyara Books (guidebooks for people visiting cemeteries). were databased in information sheets. The items recorded for each buried person included: name (including nisba, agnomen and nickname), sex, dates of birth and death, general information concerning his/her family, family lineage, physical features, occupation, places inhabited, intellectual background (lineage of the Hadith, law school, theological school, teachers and disciples, education, writings, sufism, tariqa, etc.), karama (miracle/virtue) stories of the dead, and information concerning the tomb (location, shape, material, history, customs, and the content of prayers). In spite of the difficulties involved, we were able to decipher the content of Ziyara texts, and determine the total number of persons whose burials were documented there in. We accumulate a considerable amount of data, and although the database is not complete, the foundation for future research has been laid. Third, from this material, we extracted the information exclusive to sufism, and analyzed as a case study. Through this, we elucidated the development of sufism and reilgious institutions in the Medieval Egyptian society. Fourth, tombs and their visiting circuit were field-surveyed. During this fieldwork, we gathered information from the current residents. In addition, through mapping the topography of cemeteries and analyzing the process of its transformation over the centuries, treatises were composed which present correlations between historical materials and the spatial composition of the cemeteries.

  • 中東イスラム世界における聖者崇敬に関する歴史学的研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    大稔 哲也

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  • Minority Groups' Network in the Mediterranean Coastal Cities.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    TAKEUCHI Kei-ichi, OHTSUKI Yasuhiro, KUROKI Hidemitsu, OHTOSHI Tetuya, FUJISAWA Fusatoshi, USUKI Akira, HORIUCHI Masaki, TATEISHI Hirotaka, SUZUKI Tadashi, NAGASAWA Eiji, KATO Hiroshi, SAITO Hiromi

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    This research group has focussed in the past two years on problems pertaining to interregional networks of minority groups in the Mediterranean coastal cities, both from a contemporary perspective and the historical viewpoint. In the former case, problems must be considered in the framework of the so-called nation state. Members of the group are specialists in various parts of the Mediterranean world with long time of research experience in the areas concerned. We have especially emphasized the analyzes of residential and occupational situations of the minority groups and the formation of various kinds of minority group organizations. We chose the following groups as research samples : Copts and Jews in Egypt ; Greek orthodoxy minority and Jews in Turkey, Turcs in the western Trace ; Jews, Arabs and Albanians in Italy ; Jews in Morocco ; Jews of different origins in Israel. We have held many interviews with sample informants, and collected source materials necessary to conduct the research. We also, when possible, tried to investigate official statistics. We hold regular monthly research meetings at Hitotsubashi University, in order to exchange opinions and integrate the results of the research of the members into the research scheme of the research group. Regarding the publication of our two year achievements, we are now preparing the publication of our collected papers written in European languages, which will constitute the fifteenth volume of the series of the publications of this research group. Each paper will constitute reports of case studies as well as presentations of comparative viewpoints.

  • Studies on the Informal Sectors in Egypt

  • Historical Studies on the Cult of the Saints

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  • エジプト『参詣の書』と死者の街から見たタサウウフ

    史淵   141   29 - 81  2004

  • 参詣書と死者の街から見たコプトとムスリム

    史淵   138   1 - 32  2001

  • City of the Dead in Egypt from the Tewlfth to the Fifteenth Century : Phases ofIts Development and Social Function.

    The Toyo Gakho (The Journal of the Japanese Reseach Department of the Toyo Bunko)   75 ( 3 ) 4,161-202  1994

  • エジプト死者の街における聖墓参詣-12〜15世紀の参詣慣行と参詣者の意識-

    史学雑誌   102 ( 10 ) 1 - 49  1993

  • Visits to the Holy Tombs in the Egyptian City of the Dead.

    SHIGAKU = ZASSHI   102 ( 10 ) 1 - 49  1993

  • ザンギー朝の統治と行政官-モスル・アターベク王朝の場合-

    大稔 哲也

    東洋学報   69 ( 3 ) 4,31-82 - 268  1988


  • The Governance and Administrative Officials of the Zangids : A Case Study of the At(]E87C7[)bek in Mosul.

    The Toyo Gakuho   69 ( 3 ) 4,31-82  1988

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  • Affiliated organization   Global Education Center