Updated on 2024/10/24


Faculty of International Research and Education, School of International Liberal Studies
Job title
Ph.D. ( ハーバード大学 )
Ph.D. ( Harvard University(USA) )
人文科学修士(Master of Arts) ( ハーバード大学 )
AM ( Havard University )
M.Sc. ( The University of Tokyo )
B.Sc. ( The University of Tokyo )

Professional Memberships



Research Areas

  • Physical anthropology   人類進化

Research Interests

  • Evolution, Biology, Anthropology



  • Commentary: Human Evolution and Constructive Approaches to Language Evolution

    UCHIDA Akiko

    Journal of The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers   53 ( 9 ) 865 - 866  2016

    DOI CiNii

  • リンカーンとダーウィン-それぞれの「平等」

    東京明新会会報    2013.05

  • 17th International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences

    Kanazawa Eisaku, Uchida Akiko, Kondo Osamu

    Bulletin of the Anthropological Society   121 ( 2 ) 113 - 116  2013

    DOI CiNii

  • 言語の進化=生き方の進化という観点から

        133 - 160  2012.03

  • (巻頭言)人間による人間の科学


    日本生命倫理学会ニューズレター   44   1  2010.04

  • 進化人類学の現在ー特集にあたって


    生物の科学「遺伝」   vol. 64 ( no.2 ) 10 - 11  2010.03

  • 人間の理解と進化人類学


    生物の科学「遺伝」   vol. 64 ( no.2 ) 13 - 17  2010.03

  • 不都合な言語ーその起源と進化 (招待論文)


    認知神経科学   12 ( 1 ) 9 - 15  2010


  • 進化のふしぎ


    兵庫県高齢者放送大学 テキスト   7   5  2009.11

  • 科学リテラシーと人間の科学


    早稲田大学科学技術ジャーナリスト養成プログラム編「科学技術は社会とどう共生するか」(所収)     78 - 89  2009.04

  • ダーウィンと現代人類学


    生物の科学「遺伝」   62 ( 5 ) 35 - 40  2008.09

  • ワークショップ 進化学の将来を論じる


    生物の科学 遺伝   別冊 ( 20 ) 198 - 208  2007.01

  • Age related variation of salivary testosterone values in healthy Japanese males

    Akiko Uchida, Richard G. Bribiescas, Peter T. Ellison, Masao Kanamori, Juko Ando, Nobuyoshi Hirose, Yutaka Ono

    AGING MALE   9 ( 4 ) 207 - 213  2006.12  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Objective. We examined age associated variation in salivary testosterone values among Japanese males as well as anthropometric measurements.
    Methods. Salivary samples were collected in pretreated sodium azide treated tubes. The first series: 15-79-year-old males (n = 99); two morning and two evening samples were collected at home for two days. The second series: 90-year-old males (n=29); one morning sample was collected. Testosterone values were determined using an iodine 125-based radioimmunoassay kit modified for saliva.
    Results. Results show 1) a significant decrease in salivary testosterone values from 20s to 40s and older, 2) no significant decline after 40 through 90 years old, 3) no significant age-related differences in the degree of intraindividual diurnal fluctuation across age groups of 40-70s, and 4) higher BMI is associated with the lower salivary testosterone among 40-70s.
    Conclusions. These results suggest that neither a constant decrease of salivary testosterone values or markedly reduced intraindividual fluctations are universal aspects of aging. Older males may maintain relatively high testosterone levels compared to younger men and a relatively `robust' neuroendocrinological system.



  • 現代人の働き方ー脳の空腹を満たすために働く動物

    新鐘   73   80  2006.10

  • 老いとは何か? (生物学的視点から)


    乳房文化研究会 2005年度講演録     62 - 70  2006.06

  • 自然との共生


    日本食糧新聞    2005.12

  • All we need is,,, 有能で魅力的な人間ーハラスメント=セクハラ、女性=被害者を超えて


    科学   74 ( 9 ) 1130 - 1131  2004

  • Before and After 言語


    科学   74 ( 7 ) 864  2004

  • 言語:思考の道具か、コミュニケーションの道具か?

    入来篤志, 岡ノ谷和夫, 長谷川寿一, 池内正幸, 内田亮子, 川島隆太, 藤田和生

    科学   74 ( 7 ) 825 - 849  2004


  • 親になること&子育ての生物学


    学術の動向   9 ( 7 ) 30 - 34  2004

    DOI CiNii

  • ヒトの進化


    生態学事典 巖佐庸・松本忠夫・菊池喜八郎編集 共立出版     481 - 482  2003.03

  • (書評)エドワード・O・ウィルソン著「知の挑戦ー科学的知性と文化的知性の統合」


    生物の科学「遺伝」   57 ( 5 ) 105  2003

  • Salivary Testosterone levels in healthy 90-year-old Japanese males: implications for endocrine senescence


    The 16th Biennial Conference of the International Society of Human Ethology Proceeding   Proceeding ( 40 )  2002

  • Population variation in age-related decline of salivary testosterone and its relationship to body composition

    B Campbell, P Ellison, S Lipson, M O'Rourke, R Bribiescas, A Uchida, G Jasienska

    AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY   106   117 - 118  2000  [Refereed]

  • ヒトの遺伝的多様性と人種分類


    生物の科学 遺伝   54 ( 10 ) 40 - 43  2000

  • 心を育てた古環境


    生物の科学「遺伝」   別冊 ( 11 ) 130 - 140  1999

  • Design of the mandibular molar in the extant great apes and Miocene fossil hominoids

    A Uchida

    ANTHROPOLOGICAL SCIENCE   106   119 - 126  1998  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    The relative size of the cusps of the first mandibular molars of extant great apes and the Miocene hominoids, Proconsul and Sivapithecus were compared. As previously shown, molar morphology can differ between populations of the same species. Although the differences in crown size and shape are not as great as expected, each extant great ape species has a different overall design of the cusp base, probably reflecting its evolutionary history. The relative sizes of the cusps in Proconsul and Sivapithecus are different from those of any extant great apes.

  • 人類学と人間の進化的理解


    生物科学   50 ( 4 ) 205 - 215  1998

  • Variation in tooth morphology of Gorilla gorilla

    A Uchida

    JOURNAL OF HUMAN EVOLUTION   34 ( 1 ) 55 - 70  1998.01  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Gorilla gorilla exemplifies a species that shows considerable variation in habitat, behaviour, genetic structure and morphology. This study examines variation of dental morphology in gorillas. Despite the marked size dimorphism, there are no significant shape differences between the sexes within subspecies. Differences in dental morphology, including tooth cusp proportions between the western G. g. gorilla and the eastern G. g. beringei are considerable. Although more similar to G. g. beringei than to the western G. g. gorilla, G. g. graueri also shows distinct morphological features. This indicates that the morphology of G. g. graueri is not merely intermediate, and genetic isolation between the two eastern subspecies could have had a substantial influence. Such extensive variation in dental morphology in Gorilla gorilla can be considered to be the result of an interesting combination of factors, including local dietary adaptations. (C) 1998 Academic Press Limited.

  • Variation in tooth morphology of Pongo pygmaeus

    A Uchida

    JOURNAL OF HUMAN EVOLUTION   34 ( 1 ) 71 - 79  1998.01  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    This study examines the postcanine morphology of Pongo pygmaeus, identifying sexual, populational, and subspecific differences, with particular focus on the cusp area proportions. Little differences between the sexes were found in molar shapes, and cusp area proportions can be considered population specific. Inter-population differences are significant between the two Bornean populations, with the Kapuas River as a biogeographic barrier, and are as great as inter-subspecies (Borneo-Sumatra) differences. (C) 1998 Academic Press Limited.

  • 現生および中新世大型ヒト上科の変異と進化研究の現状(総説)


    Anthropological Science   104 ( 5 ) 365 - 384  1997

  • Dental variation of Proconsul from the Tinderet Region, Kenya

    A Uchida

    JOURNAL OF HUMAN EVOLUTION   31 ( 6 ) 489 - 497  1996.12  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    The morphology of mandibular molars of the two Proconsul species, Proconsul major and Proconsul africanus, from the Tinderet region, Kenya was analyzed. While the molar size variability within the Tinderet P. major was slightly greater than those of local African ape subspecies, the shape variability was comparable. Because the two Proconsul species show some differences in cusp areal proportions, P. major is not just a larger P. africanus in molar morphology. Napak specimens are generally similar to the Tinderet P. major. (C) 1996 Academic Press Limited

  • What we don't know about great ape variation

    A Uchida

    TRENDS IN ECOLOGY & EVOLUTION   11 ( 4 ) 163 - 168  1996.04  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    The patterning of intraspecific variation among the great apes is proving more complex than has been recognized previously. The great ape species, as currently defined, may include markedly different subspecies, alternatively, the majority of intraspecific variation may be observed at the populational level within a single subspecies. Recent studies have raised a number of questions about great ape evolutionary biology. How many species of living great apes exist? What was the original dietary adaptation of gorillas? How should we define male orang-utan adulthood?

  • Reevaluation of definition of "adulthood" in Pongo pygmaeus

    Uchida, Akiko

    Proceedings 第15回国際霊長類学会    1996

  • Reevaluation of definition of "adulthood" in Pongo pygmaeus

    Uchida, Akiko

    Proceedings 第15回国際霊長類学会    1996

  • Intra-species variation in tooth cusp areas of great apes- Implications for fossil hominoid taxonomy

    Uchida, Akiko

    Am. J. Phys. Anthropology (Suppl.) 第63回アメリカ自然人類学会   18   199  1994

  • Intra-species variation in tooth cusp areas of great apes- Implications for fossil hominoid taxonomy

    Uchida, Akiko

    Am. J. Phys. Anthropology (Suppl.) 第63回アメリカ自然人類学会   18   199  1994

  • Intra-species variation in dental morphology of the Great Apes - Comparative Study

    Uchida, Akiko

    Am. J. Phys. Anthropology (Suppl.) 第62回アメリカ自然人類学会   16   198  1993

  • Intra-species variation in dental morphology of the Great Apes - Comparative Study

    Uchida, Akiko

    Am. J. Phys. Anthropology (Suppl.) 第62回アメリカ自然人類学会   16   198  1993

  • Intra-species variation and sexual dimorphism in Gorilla gorilla

    Uchida, Akiko

    J. Phys. Anthropology (suppl) 第61回アメリカ自然人類学会   14   164 - 165  1992

  • Intra-species variation and sexual dimorphism in Gorilla gorilla

    Uchida, Akiko

    J. Phys. Anthropology (suppl) 第61回アメリカ自然人類学会   14   164 - 165  1992

  • Taxonomy of Sivapithecus from the Chinji Formation, Siwaliks Sequence:morphology of the mandibular third molars

    Uchida, Akiko

    Primatology Today (Ehara, A. et al eds, Elsevier) 第13回国際霊長類学会     521 - 524  1991



    PRIMATOLOGY TODAY     521 - 524  1991  [Refereed]

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Books and Other Publications

  • 進化でわかる人間行動の事典

    小田亮;橋彌 和秀;大坪 庸介;平石界(編)( Part: Contributor, 食べる p.163-167)

    朝倉書店  2021.05

  • 進化と暴走 : ダーウィン「種の起源」を読み直す

    内田亮子( Part: Sole author)

    現代書館  2020.01 ISBN: 9784768410189

  • 宇宙には、だれかいますか? : 科学者18人にお尋ねします。

    縣秀彦, 佐藤勝彦(編)( Part: Other, 対談 知的生命は旅を続けるのか. 縣, 秀彦;佐藤, 勝彦;内田, 亮子 (p.118-136))

    河出書房新社  2017.02 ISBN: 9784309253619

  • 生命をつなげる進化のふしぎー生物人類学への招待

    単著, 内田亮子

    筑摩書房  2008.10

  • 人類はどのように進化したか-生物人類学の現在

    単著, 内田亮子

    勁草書房  2007.01

  • 「心の科学 -人類学的視点から-」


    西川泰雄・波多野誼余夫編集『心の科学』放送大学教育振興会 所収  2004

  • 「人間行動の進化的理解 -社会性のwhyとhow-」


    高橋久一郎編集 『岩波応用倫理学講義7問い』 岩波書店 所収  2004

  • 人類はどのように歩んできたのか


    長谷川真理子編著『ヒト, この不思議な生き物はどこから来たのか』 ウェッジ選書 所収  2002

  • 種内変異からみた大型類人猿の進化


    松沢哲朗・長谷川寿一編『心の進化ー人間性の起源をもとめて』 岩波書店 所収  2000

  • 人類の進化と多様性の理解


    チャールズ・ダーウィン著 長谷川眞理子訳 『人間の起源と性淘汰』 文一総合出版 所収  1998

  • Craniodental Variation Among the Great Apes (Peabody Museum Monographs)

    単著)Uchida, A

    Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard University  1996

  • 人はなぜ殺すか : 狩猟仮説と動物観の文明史

    Cartmill, Matt, 内田, 亮子( Part: Sole translator)

    新曜社  1995.12 ISBN: 4788505371

▼display all


  • 「私たち vs. 彼ら」の進化人類学

    内田亮子  [Invited]

    桐光学園 大学訪問授業 

    Presentation date: 2022.06

  • Human Evolution and Language

    Akiko Uchida  [Invited]

    Presentation date: 2018.12

  • Human Evolution and Runaway


    Presentation date: 2018.10

  • Human Evolution and Runaway

    Akiko Uchida  [Invited]

    Presentation date: 2018.09

  • The Trouble with Symbol: Symbolic Behavior and Human Evolution

    Akiko Uchida, Terrence W. Deacon

    Behavior 2017  (Estoril) 

    Presentation date: 2017.08

  • Evolution of the Human Mind and Body

    Akiko Uchida  [Invited]

    Presentation date: 2017.06

  • Human Evolution and Runaway

    Akiko Uchida  [Invited]

    Presentation date: 2016.01

  • 暴走するヒト〜からだ・心・言葉の進化を考える

    内田亮子  [Invited]

    崇城大学 教養講座  (崇城大学)  崇城大学

    Presentation date: 2015.06

  • 言語の起源・進化と併合創発の研究


    第7回 日本人間行動進化学会 (神戸大学 鶴甲第1キャンパス) 

    Presentation date: 2014.11

  • Human mind and body from an evolutionary perspective


    Presentation date: 2014.10

  • Evolution, Anthropology and Language - challenges to the human sciences

    Akiko Uchida  [Invited]

    Commemorative Symposium for the 29th International Prize for Biology-Influences and Impact of Evolutionary Biology 

    Presentation date: 2013.11

  • ステロイドホルモンと社会行動および認知機能ーヒトと霊長類研究から (特別講演)

    内田亮子  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2013.11

  • Modern Humanity—Running away from the Red Queen

    Uchida, Akiko

    The 17th World Congress of the International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences  (Manchester, UK) 

    Presentation date: 2013.08

  • 進化の時空間で『人間性』について考える

    内田亮子  [Invited]

    京都府/京都大学こころの未来研究センター共同企画 こころの広場11 

    Presentation date: 2012.08

  • ヒト=暴走した動物

    内田亮子  [Invited]

    ルネッサンス・ジェネレーション2010 「ヒトはXXに還元できるか」 

    Presentation date: 2010.11

  • テストステロン研究と人類学

    内田亮子  [Invited]

    第10回日本Men's Health医学会 ランチョンセミナー 

    Presentation date: 2010.11

  • 進化のふしぎ

    内田亮子  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2009.11

  • 人間の由来ー再考2009


    第63回日本人類学会大会 (シンポジウム 人間の由来ー再考2009) 

    Presentation date: 2009.10

  • 不都合な言語ーその起源と進化

    内田亮子  [Invited]

    第14回認知神経科学学術集会 (シンポジウム:言語と進化) 

    Presentation date: 2009.07

  • Evolution of the brain and human way of life


    Evolution of Human Brain 

    Presentation date: 2008.11

  • Variation of Salivary Testosterone in Healthy Japanese Males

    Uchida, Akiko

    New Applications in Aging Resarch (San Diego) 

    Presentation date: 2008.01

  • Science Literacy and Human Sciences


    Presentation date: 2008.01

  • Environment and human evolution


    Presentation date: 2007.12

  • (John Wickham Lecture) Evolution of the human mind -beyond bones and stones

    Uchida, Akiko  [Invited]

    The 19th International Conference of Society of Medical Innovation and Technology 

    Presentation date: 2007.11

  • 「心」の進化と遺産ー600万年間の過去の証拠から

    内田亮子  [Invited]

    日本心理学会第67回大会 公開シンポジウム「心の進化学と考古学」 

    Presentation date: 2003.09

  • 脳の性分化と行動ー環境との関係

    内田亮子  [Invited]

    第26回医学会総会 シンポジウム 

    Presentation date: 2003.04

  • Salivary Testosterone levels in healthy 90-year-old Japanese males: implications for endocrine senescence

    Uchida, Akiko

    The 16th Biennial Conference of the International Society of Human Ethology 

    Presentation date: 2002.08

  • Reevaluation of definition of "adulthood" in Pongo pygmaeus


    Presentation date: 1994.08

  • 顎と歯はどこまで食性を語れるか

    内田亮子  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 1991.01

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Research Projects

  • Variation and ageing pattern of free steroid hormone levels among Japanese

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    UCHIDA Akiko

     View Summary

    Salivary testosterone levels were analyzed for 15-90 year-old-Japanese in order to understand the variability and ageing patterns. Findings are as follows :1) The variation in salivary free testosterone levels (T) among Japanese for the both sexes is significant.2) The aging pattern in T among Japanese males is different from those of hunter-gatherers in showing a significant decrease from 20s to 40s. But it is also different from those of western industrialized countries in not showing any significant decrease after 40 years old.3) Decrease in diurnal fluctuation which has been know to be common among old men in the western countries was not significant among Japanese males. There are many 60-70 year-old males who show significant diurnal T-fluctuation. Probably they maintain healthy neuro-endocrinological systems.4) There is no clear association found between mental rotation scores and free testosterone levels for both sexes, except that males with extremely low testosterone levels scored high.5) There is a positive association between Mini-Mental-State and free T in 90-year-old males

  • Behavioral genetic study on higher order mental functions by twin method.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    ANDO Juko, UCHIDA Ryoko, HASEGEWA Tohikazu, ONO Yutaka, KANBA Shigenobu

     View Summary

    The main results on research implementation / management are as follows.(1) Expansion of a twins registry : Complete-address investigation of the twins of an area was conducted from the basic resident register focusing on mainly Kanagawa and Chiba Prefecture, the address list (registry) was expanded, and 9000 sets of data was obtained. Thereby the base for big twins research which covers the main areas of Tokyo and the adjoining prefecture was improved.(2) Expansion and maintenance of a twin sample : it appealed for the participation to investigation based on the above-mentioned registry, about 500 sets of adolescence twins' new sample was newly obtained, and the number of twins subjects exceeded 800 sets. Moreover, data was collected also from the parents of the twins concerning a rearing and a societal attitude also from the parents who cooperated until now. Thereby, the research on the structure of the heredity about the transfer in a family of a rearing attitude or a societal attitude and environment was attained.(3) Addition of data and collect ion : From the old sample, the new data of event related potential (ERP), working memory, response time, and an individualized intelligence test (WAIS) were obtained. Moreover, from the new sample, the data about the zygosity diagnosis and the various personalities in question paper, eating behavior, etc. came to hand reliable model search of hereditability and the structure of heredity and environment. Model fitting by structural equation modeling was performed for these analyses.(4) Development of a brain-wave analysis program, an improvement of brain-waves measurement environment : development of the special brain-waves analysis program which suited the present measurement situation installed the shield room for exact brain-waves measurement. Although this was because it was obliged to move the place of a laboratory which performs brain-waves measurement for convenience' sake [unexpected], it will contribute to an improvement of experiment conditions as a result

  • Variation of salivary steroid hormone values in Japanese

    Project Year :


  • Development and morphological variation in Pongo pygmaeus

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    UCHIDA Akiko

     View Summary

    This research focused on the developmental patterns of crania, dentition, and postcrania among wild Pongo pygameus. Skeletal parts investigated in this study were as follows : tooth eruption and wear progress, cranial sutures, proximal and distal joints of long bones, clavicle, pelvis. As size variables, size of dentition, cranial, and long bones were also measured. Analysis of developmental stages of teeth and several skeletal joints revealed the several distinct aspects of orangutan development. Those are listed below.1. Development, maturing and aging of teeth, crania, postcrania occur more or less independently, especially in males. Therefore, the definition of adult should be done carefully. 2. Basal cranial suture (spheno-occipital synchondorosis) closes only after the completion of eruption of permanent dentition, and sometimes, molars show heavy wear by then. 3. The last postcranial parts to finish development are distal ends of forelimbs. The line of distal end of ulna and radius happens after the closure of basal cranial suture. Development, maturing and aging of crania and postcranial are supposed to be controlled by endocrinological factors which are in turn related probably with social behavior. In order to have better understanding of these interactions, it is necessary to carry out longitudinal study on captive orangutans in which morphological, endocrinological and behavioral variables should be studied at the same time. In addition, in order to approach the evolutionary, and adaptive significance of such developmental patterns of orangutans, a study of wild orangutans in which association between morphology and reproductive success is necessary

  • Eco-ethology of West-African Chimpanzees and Other Primates

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    SUGIYAMA Yukimaru, MASAWE Edeus, KOMAN Jeremy, YOKOTA Naoto, MATSUZAWA Tetsuro

     View Summary

    1. During this study period, we found the following three new examples of tool use among wild chimpanzees at the main study area of Bossou, Guinea : l) Algae-scooping ; Chimpanzees use sticks approximately 50 cm long to scoop and ingest algae (pond scum) floating in ponds. Ghimpanzees select thin, light grasses or stems of ferns as sticks, and they remove hampering side-branches before utilizing them. Holding them in one hand, they extend the processed sticks as far as possible from the edge of ponds to scoop algae. 2) Leaf-cushion ; Chimpanzees arrange several large leaves on the ground and sit on them when the ground is moist in order to avoid getting wet. 3) Termite-fishing ; Chimpanzees insert thin stems of grasses into holes of termite mounds after breaking open the surface of the latter. Termites bite the intruding stems, and are thus lifted out of the mounds and subsequently eaten by chimpanzees retracting the stems. Termite, -fishing is widespread among chimpanzees in Gombe, East Africa, but it has rarely been seen in West Africa. Our observations of Algae-scooping and Leaf-cushion constitute the first ever reports of these newly-found tools among wild chimpanzees. These discoveries lead to a claim that chimpanzees at Bossou have the largest repertoire of tools among all wild communities studied. There have so far been a total of 27 tools observed among wild chimpanzees, 18 of which can be seen at Bossou. We are now conducting an analysis of ecological factors to explain why chimpanzees at Bossou use such a large number of tools.2. We measured the study site and made a survey map for the basis of research. We also investigated the flora of Bossou, the availability of main fruits, and their seasonal changes. This data was used to analyze the correlation between seasonal changes in fruit availability and the frequency of tool use. The latter analysis is now beginning to indicate that chimpanzees frequently use tools during fruit scarcity to gain access to foods that could not be acquired otherwise.3. We observed parturition in a l0.5-year-old female. This fact along with accumulated data on population dynamics demonstrate that in wild chimpanzees at Bossou, the age of primiparity is lower and the inter-birth interval shorter than previously reported from East Africa

  • 現生大型類人猿の種内変異分析と種間比較によるヒト上科歯形態進化の検討

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    現生大型類人猿4種(Pongo pygmaeus,Gorilla gorilla,Pan troglodytes,Pan paniscus)の下顎大臼歯の形態について、種内変異の程度とそのパターンを分析した後、種独特の形態が存在するのかを検討した。また、現生種グループと、中新世化石ヒト上科属するインド・パキスタン出土Sivapithecusと、ケニア出土Proconsulとの比較分析を行った。形態情報としては、下顎第1大臼歯咬頭面の写真を画像解析して計測した咬頭面積およびそのプロポーションを使用した。現生種4種の種内変異の程度はさまざまで、Pongo pygmaeusでは,集団間変異が亜種間変異に相当する。使用したサンプルに観察された種内変異では、Gorilla gorillaが一番変異が著しく、Pan paniscusの変異が小さい。しかしながら、4種それぞれが、種独特の形態を示すことが明らかになった。即ち、サイズが大きく異なる雌雄で形態が類似し、また、亜種間の変異が大きい種も他種と比べて、一定の形態パターンを示す。これは、多変量解析(主成分分析、分散分析)の結果から明らかである。また、歯の部位によって、種内変異が大きい部分と種間変異が大きい部分が、異なることがわかった。この違いには、歯の発生・形成の時期と関係が影響している可能性がある。更に、現生種全体が、化石種グループとは異なる形態を示す。特に、その違いは近心部と遠心部の咬頭のプロポーションの差に顕著である。現生種は化石種にくらべ、いずれも、近心の咬頭の割合が大きい。この結果から、咬頭面の形態パターンが系統的関係をある程度反映することが示唆された

  • 総合人類学教育のためのマルチメディア教材開発

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  • Public Lecture (Dr. Jane Goodall, DBE) - Organizer

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    Dr. Jane Goodall, DBE Public Lecture - Organizer- 2007/11/13 (Sponser: SILS, JGI-J ,WAVOC)

  • Dr. Jane Goodall, DBE Public Lecture - Organizer- 2007/11/13 (Sponser: SILS, JGI-J ,WAVOC)




Social Activities

  • 放送大学


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    2004年度 講義:心の科学ー人類学的視点から(波田野誼余夫氏と共に出演)

Overseas Activities

  • 進化人類学―科学と社会の関係性の変遷


    アメリカ   ハーバード大学

  • 言語創発の生物学的基盤


    アメリカ合衆国   ハーバード大学

    アメリカ合衆国   カリフォルニア大学バークレー校

  • ライフヒストリーにみる人類進化


    アメリカ   Harvard University


  • Faculty of Political Science and Economics   Graduate School of Political Science

  • Affiliated organization   Global Education Center

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 言語の起源・進化・多様性への人類学的アプローチ


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    研究課題「言語の起源・進化・多様性への人類学的アプローチ」について国内および海外の共同研究者(言語学、霊長類学、考古学、文化人類学、社会進化学、認知神経科学の専門家)と研究体制および研究構想を検討し、科研費申請の準備を次の3項目について行った。a. 共同研究者の各専門分野での言語進化の考え方および仮説検討の方法ついて意見交換、b.理論言語学および生物言語学の近年の学術書と論文を精査し人類進化学との整合性を考察、c. 人類および現生大型類人猿の道具製作・使用における言語を可能とする認知機能との関係性をメタ分析するためにデータ収集。

  • 言語の起源・進化・多様性の生物学的基盤


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    本特定課題の代表はH26年度新学術領域研究応募「進化言語学の確立と推進:人間言語の起源・進化の共生的理解にむけて」(領域代表 藤田耕司 京大)の生物学分野の計画研究代表で、H27年度応募「共生に基づく進化言語学の創成と革新的発展」(同領域代表)の計画研究「言語の起源・進化・多様性への人類学的アプローチ」の代表である。本課題への助成により、領域代表者、新たに参加する研究分担者そして海外共同研究者との打合せおよび研究内容調整を有効に実施できた。その結果、H27年度応募は改良・強化した領域・計画研究体制とで望み、昨年度同様ヒアリング対象となり、より実効性および発展性の高い研究計画調書を作成できた。