Updated on 2025/03/13


Faculty of Science and Engineering, School of Creative Science and Engineering
Job title
D.E. ( Waseda University )

Research Experience

  • 2004.04

    Waseda University   Faculty of Science and Engineering

  • 1996

    Kanazawa Institute of Technology

  • 1992

    金沢工業工学 助教授

  • 1988

    professor, Waseda University

  • 1985

    assistant professor, associate professor, professor., Kanazawa Institute of Technology

Education Background


    Waseda University   Faculty of Science and Engineering   Department of Industrial Engineering and Management  

Committee Memberships


    国土交通省  運輸審議会 安全確保部会

Professional Memberships




    Human Interface Society


    Japan Society for Safety Engeering


    Japan Industrial Management Association


    Japan Ergonomics Society

Research Areas

  • Others   人間生活工学 / Others   安全人間工学 / Others   経営システム工学

Research Interests

  • Ergonomics, Human Life Engineering, Human Interface, Usability Engineering,Human Factors, Safety and Risk management System


  • 功労賞

    2021   一般社団法人日本人間工学会  

  • 第36回 北川学術賞

    2020   特定非営利活動法人 安全工学会  



  • Theory and Methodologies of Human Factors

    Komatsubara Akinori

    SYSTEMS, CONTROL AND INFORMATION   61 ( (6) ) 207 - 212  2017

    DOI CiNii

  • Safety-ⅠとSafety-Ⅱ:安全におけるヒューマンファクターズの理論構造と方法論


    安全工学   56 ( (4) ) 230 - 237  2017

  • Proposing of description method of FRAM analysis

    NODA Hiroyuki, KOMATSUBARA Akinori

    Human Factors in Japan   20 ( 2 ) 83 - 87  2016

    DOI CiNii

  • Proposal of traffic KYT with using What-if analysis


    Human Factors in Japan   20 ( 2 ) 79 - 82  2016

    DOI CiNii

  • Operational Assistance for Elderly People Using a Rhythm System

    Hiroko Akatsu, Akinori Komatsubara


     View Summary

    Information Technology machines as MFPs (Multiple Function Printers) and ATMs (Automatic Teller Machines) with complicated functions require better user assistance, particularly for elderly people. It is necessary to reduce psychological loads such as a sense of insecurity or impatience in operation, as well as the cognitive load.
    This study focuses on enhanced operational rhythm to reduce psychological load on the elderly when using MFPs, which require the user to navigate between quite a few settings. Evaluation was carried out by observing elderly subjects and middle-aged subjects using MFP interfaces whilst hearing an audio rhythm at a Tempo of 40, 60 and 120 bpm (beats per minute).
    The number of operational errors and overall time taken to complete the task were recorded, along with subjective evaluation via interviews with the subjects. The results showed that elderly subjects tended to operate in accordance with the operational rhythm. On the other hand, middle-aged subjects tended to operate at their own rhythm.



  • Clarification of Expert Medical Staff Behaviors and Their Internalized Knowledges Necessary for Dealing with the Situational Changes during Hemodialysis Treatment

    Yoshitaka MAEDA, Satoshi SUZUKI, Akinori KOMATSUBARA

    Journal of Japan Industrial Management Association   66 ( 2 ) 130 - 138  2015.07  [Refereed]


  • Clarification of Training Items for Novice Staff Related to Their Judgments during Hemodialysis Treatment:— Based on Visualizing Expert Medical Staff Judgments —

    MAEDA Yoshitaka, SUZUKI Satoshi, KOMATSUBARA Akinori

    J. Jpn . Ind. Manage. Assoc.   65 ( 4 ) 302 - 310  2015.01  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Medical safety is one of the most important and basic concerns of medical services. For instance, in clinical hemodialysis, medical staff are expected to notice problems or abnormalities when the patient is undergoing medical treatment, such as falling blood pressure, and to deal with any abnormality appropriately. Experienced medical staff are able to promptly notice an abnormality and take appropriate countermeasures quickly, and they can provide safe service. Such actions are, however, based on specific knowledge obtained through their long-time experiences, and such knowledge seems sometimes like being held in a black-box as know-how. This becomes one of the educational problems of novice staff during hemodialysis treatment.  Therefore, for the sake of educating novice staff, this study focused on the process of taking judgments which are difficult for novices and clarifying the points for which novices should be trained. By clarifying the reason why these judgments are difficult for novices, this study also revealed the training items for novice staff as related to their judgments during hemodialysis treatment. These training items show the insufficient skills of novices. Experts of hemodialysis treatment, who work in a certain university hospital, evaluated these items to be useful for education. This approach diminishes the skill gap between experts and novices. Therefore, we believe it is applicable in a variety of service sites with educational problems similar to those in the case of hemodialysis treatment.

    DOI CiNii

  • Special Issues No.1 : The Current State and Future of Ergonomics in Each Research Field (14):-Ergonomics that Protects and Fosters Children

    KOMATSUBARA Akinori, KOSHIYAMA Takehiko, EGAWA Ken'ichi, HATAKENAKA Nobuko

    The Japanese Journal of Ergonomics   51 ( 4 ) 217 - 224  2015

    DOI CiNii

  • レジリエンスエンジニアリングの動向 組織安全とレジリエンス


    日本原子力学会誌   56(5) ( 5 ) 323 - 327  2014


  • 大学の安全マネジメントの展開と課題


    環境と安全   5 ( 3 ) 177 - 182  2014

  • 人間生活工学の方法と技術

    三菱電機技報、(招待論文)   89 ( 9 ) 10 - 16  2014

  • 1B2-3 Study of training items for novice staffs related to judgments of malfunctions at hemodialysis

    MAEDA Yoshitaka, SUZUKI Satoshi, KOMATSUBARA Akinori

    JES Ergonomics   49   S114 - S115  2013

    DOI CiNii

  • レジリエンス・エンジニアリングの概念とその展開


    ヒューマンインタフェース学会誌   14(2)   83 - 88  2012

  • 人間生活工学における生活観察と質的研究


    人間生活工学   12(2) ( 2 ) 31 - 36  2011


  • 多数の規格のある医薬品の取り違い抑止のための人間工学検討


    PHARM TECH JAPAN   25(4)  2009

  • 製品安全のための使用状況の予見方法を巡って


    人間生活工学   10(1) ( 1 ) 36 - 40  2009


  • Encouraging People to do Resilience


    Proceedings of the Third Resilience Engineering Symposium 2008    2008

  • 規則違反のメカニズムとその人間工学的対応に関して

    安全工学   47(4)  2008

  • Human Defense-in-depth is Dependent on Culture


    Proceedings of the Second Resilience Engineering Symposium     165 - 172  2006


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Books and Other Publications

  • 人にやさしいモノづくりの技術 人間生活工学の考え方と方法

    小松原明哲( Part: Sole author)

    丸善出版  2022

  • Advancing Resilinet Performance

    Komatsubara Akinori( Part: Joint author, Chapter; Development of Resilience Engineering on Worksites)

    Springer  2021

  • 医療安全対策概論-人間工学の視点からの医療安全、日本医師会医療安全推進者養成講座第一講

    小松原明哲( Part: Sole author)

    日本医師会  2021

  • 医療安全と医事法【医事法講座第11巻】 甲斐克典編

    小松原明哲( Part: Joint author)

    信山社  2021

  • エンジニアのための人間工学(改定第6版)


    日本出版サービス  2021

  • 実践レジリエンスエンジニアリング -社会・技術システムおよび重安全システム への実装の手引き-

    E.Hollnagel他著, 北村正晴, 小松原明哲監訳

    日科技連出版社  2014

  • エンジニアのための人間工学 第5版

    横溝克己, 小松原明哲

    日本出版サービス  2013.03

  • 社会技術システムの安全分析 FRAMガイドブック

    E.Hollnagel著, 小松原明哲監訳

    海文堂  2013

  • 現場安全の技術—ノンテクニカルスキル・ガイドブック

    R.Flin 他著, 小松原明哲, 十亀洋, 中西美和訳

    海文堂  2012

  • マネジメント人間工学

    小松原明哲, 辛島光彦

    朝倉書店  2008

  • Remaining Sensitive to the Possibility of Failure

    ed. by E.Hollnagel, C.P.Nemeth, S.Dekker

    Ashgate  2008

  • ユーザビリティハンドブック


    共立出版  2007

  • ヒューマンファクターと事故防止・”当たり前”の重なりが事故を起こす

    E.Hollnagel 著, 小松原明哲監訳

    海文堂  2006

  • ワークショップ「人間生活工学」第1,2,3巻

    社, 人間生活工学研究センター編

    丸善  2005.05

  • 人間工学の百科事典

    丸善  2005.03

  • 家の中の認知科学

    野島久雄, 原田悦子編

    新曜社  2004

  • 人間工学ハンドブック

    朝倉書店  2003

  • 人間計測ハンドブック

    朝倉書店  2003

  • ヒューマンエラー


    丸善  2003

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Research Projects

  • 超音波ガイド下侵襲的処置時の術者負担軽減を目指した安全な超音波画像の提示法の開発

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    川上 裕理, 後藤 隆久, 中村 京太, 佐藤 仁, 小松原 明哲, 安部 猛

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  • Design for Driving Automation and Legal Systems Conforming to Characteristic Features and Limitations of Cognition and/or Decision Making of Human Drivers

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



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    Under the recognition that human and machine have own limitations, this project developed theories and methodologies for design of driving automation and legal systems. Some products of the project include: (1) dual control theoretic mechanism for vehicle safety assurance and the driver state estimation while driving with SAE second level of driving automation (LoDA 2), (2) authority sharing mechanism for smooth transfer of authority from the automation to the driver in LoDA 3, (3) probability theoretic proof that the list for LoDA in SAE J3016 is incomplete, (4) theory of criminal liability for accidents that occur while coping with situations in response to the system-initiated request to intervene, and (5) reflection of advanced technology to legislation and provision of associated feedback to engineers.

  • Inquiring the way of deduction of risk relating alarm in operating rooms and development of new monitoring system

    Project Year :


  • Construction of bases to develop non-technical skills for medical doctors

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Souma Takahiro, OHBA haruka

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    We have tried to build e-learning system, which would be suitable for even latest simulating environments, to make medical doctors to be able to learn non-technical skills easily and effectively. The system could not only gather data about learning outcomes of learners, but also manage them. And it had a function of making feedback of results of learns’ learning outcome to themselves effectively. And we evaluate effectiveness of this system in terms of its feedback functioning and feasibility of this system

  • A study for developing the program of teamwork building to improve safety in aged care settings

    Project Year :


  • Development of practical methods and applications of resilience engineering in patient safety and quality improvement

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Nakajima Kazue, MASUDA Shinichi, TAKIZAWA Makiko, NAKAGAWA Satoshi

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    Resilient systems are able to perform as needed in changing environments with a variety of perturbations and constraints. Resilience engineering as a new approach to patient safety is to understand mechanisms of systems’ resilience (flexible, autonomous, and efficient) and implement resilience in health care systems.Our study found that proactive safety management in practice based on resilience engineering requires following strategies: reconciliation of work-as-imagined and work-as-done on safety procedures to dampen variability; understanding of interactions within a system or among systems and designing systems for total optimization; identification and use of simple rules governing interactions in autonomous distributed systems to resolved emerged complex problems; and dynamic captures of everyday clinical work with quantitative data

  • The development of evaluation system of Non-Technical Skills for Surgeons in Japanese health care settings

    Project Year :


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    The purpose of this study was to development a systematic scheme to evaluate non-technical skills for surgeons on the Japanese contexts. As to develop evaluation scheme, we gathered information about medical accidents, specifically death cases, in Japanese health care settings and analyze it. As a result, more than half of cases have been identified to be caused by lack of non-technical skills. And we set up the evaluation scheme of non-technical skills for surgeons and gathered data of them using this scheme. We found that an item of leadership was low score comparing other items. And we also pointed out that, scores of surgeons being evaluated was higher than that of not being evaluated

  • Resilience Design of Humans, Technology, and Law for Systems Safety under Unanticipated Risk Environments

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



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    This study aims to develop multi-layered resilient systems for safety control of transportation under unanticipated events, as well as a new legal theory for analyzing negligence that can reflect human characteristics of situation recognition and decision making with insufficient information under time stress. Three research units (viz., the human factors research unit, the engineering design research unit, and the authority and responsibility research unit) are defined to develop (1) evaluation and training methods for resilience of an individual as well as an organization, (2) design guidelines for resilience of engineering systems, (3) a dual control theoretic system that tries to perform the maximum possible safety control while allowing human intervention whenever the human is ready to do so, and (4) a new legal theory that clarifies authority and responsibility among humans and machines under risk environment

  • Development of game-based learning materials for patient safety education for health care students

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    NAKAJIMA Kazue, NAKAJIMA Shin, HAGA Shigeru, KOMATSUBARA Akitomo, NAKAMURA Kyota, SUZUKI Keiichiro, FUKUI Kozo, FURUICHI Masakazu, TAKAHASHI Ryoko, OKUMURA Meinoshin, UEJIMA Etsuko, YAMADA Kenji, TAKAHASHI Keiko, TSURIWA Mikihiro, TANAKA Hiroaki, WADA Yuta, UEMA Aoi, SHIMAI Yoshie, HATTORI Takako, DAN Hiroko, MARUMI Chiyo, IKEJIRI Tomo

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    The study aimed to develop educational materials for game-based learning for healthcare students on patient safety, specifically about team performance and error prevention. We developed a time schedule and a set of educational contents for a 180 minute-class. Marshmallow Challenge, a known team exercise, was introduced in the class with a debriefing sheet focusing on non-technical skills that we developed, followed by a lecture, group discussion about an adverse event, and a lecturer's feed back to student responses. When such edcuation was provided to medical and nursing students of three universities, they seemed to achieve the goal of learning. We also developed a serious game to experience medication errors due to look-alike or sound-alike names. In the trial of the game conducted by 16 clinicians and researchers, failure patterns or improving processes n verifying medication during the game were similar to ones in the actual practice. They also felt the game entertaining

  • 想定外リスク環境下でのシステム安全のための人と技術と法のレジリエンスデザイン

    科学研究費助成事業(筑波大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(A))

    Project Year :


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  • Resilience Design of Humans, Technology, and Law for Systems Safety under Unanticipated Risk Environments

    Project Year :


     View Summary

    This study aims to develop multi-layered resilient systems for safety control of transportation under unanticipated events, as well as a new legal theory for analyzing negligence that can reflect human characteristics of situation recognition and decision making with insufficient information under time stress. Three research units (viz., the human factors research unit, the engineering design research unit, and the authority and responsibility research unit) are defined to develop (1) evaluation and training methods for resilience of an individual as well as an organization, (2) design guidelines for resilience of engineering systems, (3) a dual control theoretic system that tries to perform the maximum possible safety control while allowing human intervention whenever the human is ready to do so, and (4) a new legal theory that clarifies authority and responsibility among humans and machines under risk environment

  • Investigation of the cognitive model for prediction and controlling the occurrence of Human Error

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



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    Human error is the source ofa reason of industrial accidents. Human error tends to be covered by worker's attention. However, this means that work apparatus or a work system are hard to use. Work systems must be improved. For that purpose, it is necessary to clarify the occurrence conditions of human error, and an error prevention methods must be developed. In this research, the cognitive models which clarify the relation between conditions and human error were discussed. Based on the models, development of the system design guideline for error prevention was aimed. Cognitive models were collected. Moreover, the accident examples in nuclear power plants etc. were collected broadly. The cause of the human errors was considered using the models. Consequently, It was shown that recognized type human error, especially inner description type slip error, increases as a worker becomes skillful. The experiments were conducted to investigate the relation between a skillful process and cognitive change. Consequently, since knowledge will be accumulated inner if a worker becomes skillful, a worker can do prediction action. However, the worker tend to omit judgment and miss the change of situation, and that theworker conducts a careless type error. Interviews in industrial work shops were held to investigate the description styles and contents of the "system design guideline for error prevention" which should be useful for the actual industrial workshops, and based on the investigation, the design guideline was developed in this study

  • Cognitive Ergonomic Study for TV Communication Systems through Eye Movement Analysis

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



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    Communication analysis was conducted to investigate human interfaces conditions of TV communication systems from the view points of cognitive ergonomice.The following results were obtained through the experiments.a) Such human interface conditions as screen size and eye contact feasibility affects conversation characteristics.b) Subjects do not gaze at the TV screens which display the conversation partners, however, they glance the screens when emotional conversations were communicated.Based on the serults, I can conclude that TV screen which display the conversation partners are required to ensure the emotional communication. However the screen conditions as human interfaces must be taken into consideration because they affects communication or conversation charactersitics

  • ヒューマンインタフェースのユーザビリティ、そして情報環境における自然な行為支援のための情報インタフェイスシステム

    Project Year :


  • 製品の人間・生活適合性 評価・設計方法論の開発

    Project Year :


  • レジリエンス・エンジニアリング ヒューマンファクターに起因する事故の未然防止のためのリスクマネジメント

    Project Year :


  • 安全・安心な社会構築を目指す産業災害リスクマネジメント科学の創出と展開

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  • Cognitive task analysis for interface designs to assist medical engineers in hemodialysis machine troubleshooting

    Yoshitaka Maeda, Satoshi Suzuki, Akinori Komatsubara

    Engineering Psychology and Cognitive Ergonomics: Cognition and Design   10276   101 - 114  2017  [Refereed]  [International journal]

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (international conference proceedings)  

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    With the aim of designing an interface that supports troubleshooting of a dialysis machine, a medical-engineer (ME) cognitive task analysis was conducted in this study, with the error messages currently provided by a hemodialysis machine also being analyzed and evaluated. First, we developed the “error-message mechanism diagram” for the given problem, indicating the relationship between the error message and the notifying conditions of this message (corresponding to the candidate for the cause of the problem). Next, we developed the “cognitive task flow diagram,” which shows the cause candidates generated by the ME until the source of the problem was detected. This diagram also clarifies the manner in which the ME verifies the cause candidates and the information or knowledge employed by the ME. Then, for the given problem, we compared the cognitive task flow diagram of an ME who successfully detected the problem cause and corresponding error-message mechanism diagram to evaluate the efficacy of the error messages currently provided by the device.


Industrial Property Rights

  • 機器操作支援装置及び機器操作支援方法

    小松原 明哲



  • The detail...

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    The details of the researches are shown at the Website below. http://www.f.waseda.jp/komatsubara.ak/index.html

  • The details of the researches are shown at the Website below. http://www.f.waseda.jp/komatsubara.ak/index.html



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  • Faculty of Science and Engineering   Graduate School of Creative Science and Engineering

Research Institute

  • 2022

    Waseda Research Institute for Science and Engineering   Concurrent Researcher

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 子どもの行動刺激要素の心理学的解明による製品安全設計方法論の開発研究


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     特定課題研究(2004B-855:便益性を維持した上で安全性を設計し得る製品設計プロセスの開発研究)に引き続くもので、発達年代別の子どもの行動特性と事故との関係を、東京都内の保育所(3箇所)の調査を踏まえて明らかとし、さらに子どもの生活事故を防止するための製品設計の方法論を構築することを目指した。 保育所での子どもの遊戯実態の観察、及び、事故やいわゆる“いたずら”実態に関するアンケート調査を実施したところ、子どもの事故のパターンとして次の3形態が明らかとなった。【誘発的事故】子どもの興味を刺激する要素が生活環境(製品)に埋め込まれ、しかも、それがハザードと直結しているために生じる事故。例えば、小さなおもちゃを、ビデオデッキのテープ挿入口に入れるようないたずら(事故)であり、この場合には“小さなもの”“空隙”が刺激となり、“入れる”という行為が誘発されて、結果としていたずらを招いている。【突発的事故】転倒、衝突、高所からの踏み外しなどであり、子どもにハザード認知が不足している、あるいは認知が出来ていても回避のための運動能力が不足しているために生じる事故。【巻き込まれ事故】例えば、ベビーカが傾いた拍子に子どもが投げ出されることや、他の子どもが投げたおもちゃにあたり怪我をするなどのもらい事故。 本研究ではこれら事故パターンの中でも、特に誘発的事故に注目し、その具体例を収集した。 ここで誘発的事故については、誘発要素を生活の中から完全に排除したのでは、臨界期が刺激されず、その結果、行動活動量も制限され、子どもの健全な発達は望めなくなる懸念があることから、生活環境設計(製品設計)においては、リスクが許容される程度にまで減じることを方針とした設計や改善がなされることが望ましい。そこで本研究では、調査結果に基づき、子どもの行動刺激要素の製品内包性をチェックするためのチェックリストを作成し、さらにハザードを緩和することを方針とした、製品のリスクアセスメント手法を構築した。(なお、本研究では、保育所調査などにおいて津田塾大学国際関係学科外山紀子助教授のご指導を得た。ここに記し謝意を表します)。

  • 便益性を維持した上で安全性を設計し得る製品設計プロセスの開発研究


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